- Aug 2019
piratesvszombies.org piratesvszombies.org
not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” — Buddha
Because the more aware we are of our vulnerability to the zombie virus, the better able we are to resist it.
Self-Awareness; self-reflection
- Jul 2019
commonlit.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com commonlit.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
A Legendary Impact
The central idea is JAckie robinsons legacy. or how jackie robinson created a legacy
n later seasons, more African-Americans joined other teamsin the Major Leagues, as Robinson continued to exce
his presence in major leagues allowed for other african americans to be accepted in baseball.
Major Success
This section details the peak of Robinson's career. his major successes.
but the situation foreshadowed only more of the same prejudice he’d face later in life
If the situation foreshadowed the other prejudices he would face later on, what does that imply about his career? / What does is the "situation" that's being foreshadowed? The acquittance from an all white-jury or being arrested for fighting racism?
The situation that foreshadowed could both be the fact it was a white jury that helped him i.e the importance of ally's in order to combat racial discrimination and how he's going to face many other prejudices and violences against him
Robinson faced discrimination from a fewof his own team members, who threatened to sit out of games if he was allowed to play
Information in how facing constant descrimination even from your teammates takes guts.
A Negro Player with Guts
This is not the central idea, but it can help find the central idea.
What does it mean to have "Guts"- that he was brave. Why is he brave? what does his bravery look like?
The racism from other teams only united theDodgers, however, and the team grew more accepting of him.
This may answer a part of the previous question of the "all-white jury aquittance."... Maybe?
Could he be “a Negro player withenough gutsnotto fight back?”
This information challenges his previous "occupation" of racial activism
t he was frustrated by all the disorganization thatplagued6the Negro Leagues
This reference to his frustation, implies his desire for change in Baseball... i guess.
Fortunately, one month later, an all-white jury acquitted5him,
Word meaning "aquitted" From this sentence what can be inferred about the word "aquitted"
- "Fortunately" tells us that what the all-white Jury wasn't a bad thing.
military career was marred3by racial problems.
"Information" Fighting racism
other run-ins with the police earned him a reputation of being verycombative against racial oppression.
"Information" with fighting racism
wasarrested after disputing the police’s detention of one of his black friends.
Even early in his life, Robinson confronted racism head on.
Example of the central idea in the beginning of the passage
Fighting Racism
The central Idea is going to evolve around Jackie's fight against racism.
Ironically, he viewed baseball as hisweakest sport.
From this sentence, what can we infer the rest of the article is going to be about/ What does this infer about the rest of Jackie Robinson's career?
Early Athletic Success
Jackie's Early athletic success is the central idea; his accomplishments in his youth.
He transferred to UCLA to complete his degree, where he became the first athlete toletter2in all four of those sports.
Key details to his early success. "Information"
- Feb 2019
via4.hypothes.is via4.hypothes.isSula1
speaks to the black woman experience. opposite of the strongblack woman trope/ portrayal. When black women are being written by an Other they have a history of portraying BW as strong, unrelenting, dominant, masculine, aggressive, loud, sexually confident etc. but this one sentence is devoid of any of those characteristics. Helene is the opposite. "An eagerness to please and an apology for living" is describes how instinctively submissive and subservient she is, at least in the presence of authority. however in this particular instance, I would also argue she's experiencing a form of PTSD,
uniteyouthdublin.files.wordpress.com uniteyouthdublin.files.wordpress.com
he used the wood from the oak tree to build, oak tree became street lamps, as he became an "enlightened" figurehead to the people. He towered and cast light
“Ahnaw,honey.Ahlaksit.It’smo’nicerthansettin’rounddesequartersallday.Clerkin’indatstorewuzhard,butheah,weain’tgotnothin’ tuh do but do our work and come home and love.”
Both Logan killicks and Joe starks wanted her to work too. but Logan pampered her for a year and then makes her help with the farm work. She now feels used and unloved. The love is like a dead tree. which is fitting for the name of Logan Killicks
Jody Starks: Jis namesake "Starks" is significicant becaust of how big he thinks he is compared to others. There's a stark contrast between him and others in his mind, because of that, he habors a domineering personality. He needs to feel like the "big man" and encompany all types of power. thats why he became the postmaster, mayor, etc. "Have his way all his life, trample and madh down and then die rather then let him hear about it" ... Irrisisteble maleness" He's all about building, bullying and politics. Janie fits Jody's belief of what the mayors wife should look like and neglects her so she won't grow into something other than the vision he has for her. He towers over her, and like a tree, his shadow prevents her from catching sun and growing for herself. He wants her to work in the store and stay in positions suitable for a mayors wife. that's all Jody wants Janie to be. always budding but never to blossom.
Tea cake encourages her to work- but not for him, or in a certain way,- he just wants her to work with him.
"seed of fear
- Apr 2018
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Their need to maintain the sentimental order mightindicate effects of factors such as culture, religion, immigrant,and visible minority status within a Eurocentric society
she tried to maintain sentimental order in her life and each one of them materialized before her. one of (white )culture, religion, immigrant, minority status.
he women in Schreiber’s study recovered fully fromdepression only after they realized that they did not need tobe totally capable, always “strong,” while the Black West-Indian Canadian women in this study continued to experiencedepression periodically, at the same time, managing it by beingstrong
SO the women who realized that they didn't need to be strong were able to fully recover from depression
the women who manage the depression by being strong still experienced this periodically- maybe even more so.
Sarah was trying to manage by being strong- so strong that she didn't need her father "quote from landlady" but in her attempt to be strong she was losing her mind, will to live, and hair
From hooks’perspective, this assumption results in many Black womensuffering periods of suicidal depression that are not noticedor treated.
This is exactly what happened to sarah. she's wearing a mask of strength or at least sanity in order to hide that she's suicidal. they see that's going crazy anf is acting weird but no one is trating her.
According to hooks, the “assumption that [we]are somehow an earthy mother goddess who has built-incapacities to deal with all manner of hardship withoutbreaking down, physically or mentally” (p. 70)
IMPORTANT. everyone in the play is said to be wearing a mask. this mask is the symbolism of her hiding from her suffering and mental illness.
*must read hooks'
Her words reveal the conflict between allegiance to hercultural background and her adopted culture.
conflict between both of her cultures. her cultural background is one of patrice lumbaba who was killed. meaning her only identity were two european royaltyis and a horribly alteres portrayal, embodiment of Jesus
Trying new approaches is a strategy in which some womenbegan to understand and interact within their worlds insomewhat different ways, taking advantage of new optionsthat became apparent.
I argue that the entire play is in this stage, the last stage. her way of trying new apporaches is making up different realities and people who each see this situation as something much different and far more dramatic/tramautic
Getting on with it had much todo with the women accepting some of life’s realities.
something that sarah doesnt do. instead of accepting she continues to fabricate these different realities in order to almost worsen her actual trauma.
FindingGod’s strength within was the emotional and spiritualfoundation and the necessary antecedent of “regaining mycomposure.”
this is good and all but I dont think she found strength in God. it might've been the opposite. closer reading needed
Sarah's relationship with God has been completely skewed. Her mother urged herfather to be "jesus" a savior to the black race. he was supposed to heal the misery of the black man, but instead he ended up wanting to escape his blackness.
Her foundation of christ is just as broken as her foundation in her father. by her line "I always belived my father to be God" it means that she used to have faith in him. used to have faith in him as a black man like her mother did. but when he went off and married a white woman she lost her ability to have faith in anything.
to her, her father marrying a white woman would be like jesus endorsing the anti-christ. it is absolutely blasphemous in chrisitan belief and would challenge the entire lifestyle and existance of a christians religious identity.
Theoretically, positive thinkingworks because the individual alters the personal meaning ofan event so the new meaning is less threatening (Beck, 1967).Indeed, some of the women emphasized their personaldecision making:I’m not going to sit down and feel sorry for myself and get boggeddown and start thinking about those [depressing] things. Soon [as]it comes into my thought—I, I change it, I replace it with somethingpositive, something good. You know what I mean? I can choose.Now I can choose to be sad or I can choose to be happy. It’s noteasy, but it’s something that, um, can be achieved by continuedpracticing.
**see where she might've been altering the events of her life into something positive. if anything she kept altering her life and background into worse and worse versions. or it could just all be slightly different versions of the same tragedy.
therefore doing half of the step, in which she alters the meaning, but has the same negetative trauma. if not worse
n fact, some women preferred a Whitetherapist, feeling that would ensure that their private sufferingwould remain private in their closely-knit West Indiancommunity, and would provide an “outside” perspective
This preferance for white women therapists in this exact respect can actually be harmdul. because a white woman is not truly what she needs to talk to. also sarah has been looking for solace in a white people, she doesn't need an outside perspective, what she needs is someone who actually understands her.
this reaching for white people is what caused her confusion in the first place. Her desire for whiteness while being black- or rather her refusal to ackowledge the power/strength/beauty of her blackness is what kills her.
At once she states that she bludgeoned her father with a black mask/head. this is a metaphor that she was so hurt that her father chose the white life that she'd rather have him die as a black beast than to see him live as black man married to a white woman. so she killed him in an ugly portrayal of blackness- to justify her desire to be affiliated with white people. She doesn't want to claim her father or ackowledge her hypocrisy.
In fact, we can read her boyfriend as her therapist. he's white, jewish, and seems to find amusement in her lies, hatred, and body. this amusement of problems is because he's so far detached from the situation he can't provide any empathy and understanding to her actions and much less read into her obvious cries for help.
read more into the need for black ppl to see black therapists*
when socializing with friends, the womenavoided discussing their problems
when talking to raymond sarah started the conversation with her problems. he was p much the only person she talked to. "quote from book"***
religious contemplation provideda diversion that allowed them to direct thoughts in morepositive directions.
for sarah her religious contemplation led to negetaive directions. she kept inserting her own troubles into the other characters causing this repition of confusion and deeper depression.
thought blockingrecommended by cognitive therapists (Beck, 1967) as amethod that can be effective in controlling depressivethoughts
the opposite affect occured. instead of thought blocking she thought sped the fuck up
The women spoke about how they diverted themselves asa way of managing their depression by engaging in distractingactivities.
the ducchess was defintely the one engaged in distracting activities. Both her and the wueen dwelled on her depression but her way of distraction caused her to dwell on it even more.
Pinpointing it allows the woman to take action and moveto another sub-process: diverting myself.
The queen- or rather the duchess- pinpoints it. but it's not really diverted
“Certain things in life you haveto accept, you know, that you have to live with—thatyou can’t do anything about it.” Thinking that life is astruggle for all women they knew reinforced the needfor private suffering
what things did the queen go through in her life that could've been tramautic. The queen is the first one (maybe) to talk about her mother and the struggle of being her own gender. She curses her father immediately because of what he's done to her mother.
Our first introduction of her is her dwelling on the struggle that she (sarah) goes through as a woman. mourns her beautful mother and dehumanizes her father.
When comparing themselves to women ofthe dominant culture, they thought the sentimental order(Glaser & Strauss, 1971) or cultural right way of doing thingswas to be stronger
because sarah couldn't be stronger this made her hair fall out. not necesarily the cause but its a factor. her lack of blackness devoids her of her "strength". "the cultural way of doing things was to be stronger" Sarah didn't have that mindset to be stronger. furthermore, neither did the queen. She is the dominant culture and she seem's to be one of the dominant "selves" in sarah.
Sarah's loss of crown is because she was dwelling on her life as a caucasion
- Mar 2018
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Under such expectations, it was sometimes difficult for a strong woman torally the support of family for a divorce or to critically examine the physi-cal, economic, and emotional costs of “keeping your head above water...regardless of what your husband or boyfriend is putting you through” (36,widowed mother). A commitment to the discourse of strength and its atten-dant construction of a good Black woman thus could mask over realities ofinfidelity, marital disappointment, and being “treated... like dirt
The marriage between the mother and father crumpled and the mother slowly lost her mind and her hair.
Dwelling on pains and fears was seen as weakening a woman and makingher less than capable of surviving the battle that her life was supposed tobe.
Sarah's mother was the opposite. she constantly dwelled on her pains and voiced them to her daughter. if not literally passing on the same painand eventual demise
The strength discourse focuses on a Black woman’s outward behav-ior, ignoring her actual emotional or physical condition.
the entire play is centered around her emotional and physical condition. hardly mentioning her outward behavior frfr
hypertension, heart disease, stomach ills,respiratory difficulties, and depressive episodes, often referred to as ner-vous breakdowns
does this :internalization" process also contribute to the depressive episodes?
In order to maintain their image of a strong black woman, black women mask those behaviors which may make them seem weak. aka "internalizing" them.
this now makes more sinse as to why her initial breakdown is in her apartment in the first place. she only becomes other parts of herselves when she's alone.
the strength discourse gathers its authority not from empirical inves-tigation but from contrasting Black women to normatively feminine, white,middle-class women.
This can fit with her hair being symbolized as her strength. because her hair is quite literally an exact opposite of her other very white-passing demeaner. She states thats the one prominent thing of her african american heritage. When she loses that, she loses her strength to go on.
the content (metaphors, recurring images, narratives) and the format ofspeech (disavowals, changes in volume, and contradictions) to identifyhow individual speakers mark their proximity to and distance from cul-tural discourses.
Can these distinctions be found in a close reading of Sarah's other selves? what is there proximity to and distance from cultural discoruses
Must read "The listening Guide"
being strong encourages Black women to adopt an extensive andpotentially self-negating caretaking role to others.
Though it's not really shown if sarah has a care taking role/ personality, two of her four "selves" have lived selfless lives that resulted in their execution/ crucification.
both JEsus and Lumbaba.
It is to explore thesocial processes that often depict Black women as liberated from tradi-tional white norms of femininity while such women continue to experi-ence poverty, violence, and illness at rates that exceed those of theirso-called fragile white sisters.
Sarah clearly states how much she yearns to be like her white counterparts. that could be a peak of her wisdom on who has it easier in te first place.
she already experiences the poverty, violence and (mental) illness that her blackness has had to offer her. and she doesn't want to be liberated from white feminity she wants to indulge in it. the same way that her father is indulging in the spoils of a white woman and a white lifestyle.
strength is a nat-ural quality of Black women and a litmus test for their womanhood,
Another reason why hair is a good symbolism for strength: both kinky curly hair and strength are "natural qualities" to being a black woman.
As said, when she begins to lack that she doesn't feel as though she deserves to even live.
The silencing paradigm maintains that depression is a psychosocialprocess in which women “mourn” a self that has become “submerged,excluded, or weakened” under relationships that they are socialized to viewas central to their social acceptance and critical to their personal well-being
Is Sarah going though this silencing in relation to her father?
scholarworks.gsu.edu scholarworks.gsu.edu
Theybrokedownthe“strength”into fourcategories: dwellingon theirdepression in which thewomen felt theirdepression wascontrollingthem; divertingthemselves from their depression is when thewomen would distract themselves so theywould not constantlythink about theirdepression; regainingcomposureconsisted ofregainingcontrol oftheirlives and returningto amorepositivemood (spiritualityis involved in this faction); and tryingnew approaches, which is when thewomen would beginopeningupabout theirdepression.
This break down of strength coincides perfetly with her four individual selves. must reread to accurately place each character to category but so far;
dwelling on the depression would be the queen; distracting themselves would be the duchess, regaining composure would be jesus (especially because spirituality) and the last "trying new approaches" would be Lumbaba.
the kicker is though she's going through all of these stages and concepts of strength as management tool for depression, each stage leads her down a worse path than before-- gotta discover a reason why-- mention where she starts losing her hais/ notices the loss of her hair
Change: Both the queen and duchess were dwelling on depression. her physical self talking Raymond would be her distracting herself.
Explanations: The queen and duchess kept talking about her father and the knocking on the door. the knock symbolizes the fathers presence- like it's something that she's repressed but is aware of the repression the distraction of raymond would be obvious, she came to talk to him but it seems as all h ewas interested in was her father which made her spiral worse her attempt to regain composure in her spirituality as Jesus didn't work because (re-read to understand) Her different approach with Lumbaba is in fact different because she finally gets in touch with her blackness, yet her black personality is still just as turmoiled and fucked up.
With Black women, we’retold weneed to bestrong,weneed to takeon theworries oftheworld...So when webreak down, orit comes out that wehaveamental illnessIthink alot oftimes we feel likewefailed [at beingstrong], likewe’renotas strong as we should be, orwemight feel guilt...IknowI’vef
Sarah literally does take on the worries of the world. that's why her other personalites are from different periods, nationalities, trauma etc.
HEr denouncement of being black could be her just being done with having to carry this black struggle. she want's to live white, have white friends, have white worries, and never have to deal with the bullshit again.
but when her hair comes out, it's a sign of both how much stress she's had over her illness and her "failure" at being strong. Her hair could be a symbolism of her stregth of black woman, and as it sheds so does her will to live.
Black women haveto possess strength to carrythem throughrough times. Even though theimagemaybeused forself-empowerment, it should stillbequestioned because it is often used as awayto chastiseBlack womenwho openlysufferfrommental illness
agreed. Sarah seem's to be openly going through a hard time and it seems as though even her own support system, herself, isn't working.
actually it could be read that Sarah actually is a strong black woman. She's been struggling so hard to take care of herself that it eventually leads to her downfall.
never opening up about her inner turmoil, or at least never conveying it properly to others or seeking medical help is what caused her to hang herself.
..she’s compassionate, she’s caring,and she’s understanding, she’s willingto help...but mostlyshe’s takingcareofherself becausehonestly,as aBlack woman,Ifeel likeno oneelsewill takecareofmeifIdon’t...Unlessyoureallycareabout meand loveme,Idon’t trustyou
this description in particular doesn't relate to sarah at all.
“Social distance”isaconcept that refers to one’s placein societycompared to someoneelse’s placein society.
there is a great social distance between her, her father, and her mother. like a greeeeeaaaaat one
Whileothergroups benefit from the sufferingexperienced byBlack Americans, oneisleft wonderinghow this traumatichistoryof subjugation impacts Black Americanscontemporarily.
Are there any instances in the play where the landlady and raymond (the two white characters) benefit from her suffering? or maybe its the wueen and the duchess who benifit the most from black trauma.
What does this say about her psyche? that two of her identities are actively degrading, opressing, torturing her other halfs?
thetropeofthe“strongBlack woman,”
The play is mostly focused on Sarah and her multiple identities, but a close reading of the text could reveal her distrust for medical institutions and a possible hint at experimentation.
So far, she doesn't satisy the characteristic trope of a strong black woman. Rather she really is just a tragic Mulatto. based on the ending, it's possible that even her self proclamation as a tragic mulatto is false.
- Dec 2017
Afro-Cuban religions emerged through ritual postures and gestures based pragmatically on navigating the layered fields of racially embodied violence and repression
afro cuban religions- santaria emerged based of bodily schemas of those feelings of being racially oppressed.
so santeria as it pertains to making lucumi, or black bodies, or mulatto bodies, is the embodiment of those feelings through reenacting the same bodily movements of the oppressive time.
priests walk with copresences, talking to them and placing them on each other’s bodies even as they are understood to manifest through spiritual possessions and trance.
- Nov 2017
These somatic epistemologies unite and initiate bodies, activating relations of embodied consciousness. Neither an ending nor a beginning, death is a kinesthetic continuum of shifting sensory elements.
santeria version of the quote
If she fought the Orisha, she said, “it was almost painful,” making her feel like she “would vomit”; otherwise, if she let go, she was filled with “warmth and exhilaration” before she lost consciousness.
just how rowena was in pain bc she fought with ligeia copresence but when she succembed to it everything was better cuz she died
These sensoriums stimulate senses and sensibilities through divinatory and embodied gazes
gaze our girl is all about the gaze
Egun are especially crucial in keeping death, negativities, and other unenlightened spirits away from practitioner’s body worlds
rowena was not a practicioner, he wanted her possessed, inhabited whatever
the bodies of deceased priests were buried in the house compound
he, the priest kept a coffin in his house, his house of sleeping and shit bro
Priests’ spirit souls are diffracted as they journey to obtain constant and always expanding forms of enlightenment (luz) and development (desenvolvimiento), while they are also in “the dark” (la oscuridad) through their encounters with the difficulties and contaminations of life, dangers, and negative spirits and people
this is the role of the husband. the husband is in the dark about his own doings becuase he's addicted to opium. He is a known researcher in the supernatural and he constantly tries to enlighten himself about what exactly Ligeia is- when he does that thats when she dies and he is again left in the dark. He is not supposed to know or witness the true powers of Ligeia/ Lucemi.
this is where the story and the religion is folded in body and spirit. In temporal spatialities.
sense un-certainty lingers in the immediacy and connection of sense experience.
Narratoer seems uncertain in some parts of the story because of his opium addiction. HOwever maybe he just uses his opium addiction as a way to cope with this uncertain feeling. infact, that description he had of him almost knowing about what that look in ligeias eyes are, or whats different about her in general is actually that uncertainty. especially sense it lingers in connestion of sense experience.
we can perhaps imagine sites where embodied racial memory initiates embodied capacities of and for action.
How does the gothic manor incite a racial memory? maybe it's not the husband who is possesed at all, rather its only intended for rowena.
sites where embodied racial memory initiates embodies capacites of and for action- the gothic house that drips with death embodies the husbands memory of Ligeia and thus initiates the embodies capacity of and for action- that is to say he is able to be possesed?
This awareness creates detours that reroute trauma to reach a place where (even if only for a glimmer) blackness is recovered and bodies are made Lucumí through an embodied racial sensitivity.
!!!! YES
o constitute embodied subjecthood in the very nexus of abject power that Fanon decried, which is then felt and sensed diasporically by different religious subjects.
point of santeria is for those not of our race who are priveldged can finally feel and sense our diaspora.
Indeed, Fanon describes the feeling of being blackened as “tensed muscles,” in which the body registers what the mind might not fully comprehend
Is there any evidence that the husbands body reacts in a way that he does not accurately interpret? Is there any evidence of him being "blackened"?
Making bodies Lucumí enabled a religious setting in which proving trust, dedication, and loyalty was a matter of life (arikú) and death (ikú), of “showing face” (cara/courage) and “having heart” (okán/truth).
Lucumí is a complex and puzzling “proto-ethnology,” as described by Palmié (2013); it is a language, an ethnic identification, and an initiate. I
Is ligeia like a lucumi
Embodied traditions of Santería develop active capacities for the impact of copresences on people’s bodies. Indeed, copresences’ capacities of and for action suggest a specific form of racial-ethnic spiritual habitus
does this relate to the quote of that between the will of the body and surpassing death? Maybe so
Other stories claim that they actually completed the ceremony, but that within her first year “she became twisted” (se trastornó), referring to a mental, physical, and spiritual break. Fermina sought help from Ma Monserrate, who corrected Fermina’s somatic transformation and named her “Ocha Bi,” translated as either “Orisha is born” (Mason 1996, 26) or “Orisha alive.”13
this is pretty much exactly what happens in ligeia and rowena.
Fermina was born during a period of slave rebellion which invoked mass torture, racial genocide, and expelling black Ms back to africa- Ligeia comes from an unknown land or history as told by husband- whole time she's "orisha" and the whole thing is aymbolism of the ritual in which rowena transforms into ligeia. "The eyes... of Ligeia!"
OR just like the fermina in other stories, where they had to reverse the ritual
chills, shivers, tingles, premonitions, and possessions of the multiple ancestors, spirits, elements of nature, and ritual items as “felt” (los siento), as bodily presences.
what rowena felt before her possesion- could also explain the constant need for the husband torefer to ligeia as goddess.
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
the power of the spirit must bow to the greater power of a merely physical dr
the power of the enchantment would succumb to his own being. He cannot have known that he was the one who killed rowena for that fact could shock him into breaking his curse. There must always be a "forbidden wisdom/knowledge" when it comes to him. Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is the curse.
e cun- ning of the maniac who must tell his story and must equally not tell it wholly, lest he spoil it by supplying evi- dence of a sort likely to encourage sus- picion that there is something more than opiumism in his madn
he uses the drugs as a means to discredit anything that he might confess of his mythical entrapment- almost like the captain used fainting spells whenever he got too nervous or didn't know what to say when he was held captive.
he was the actual agent of Rowena's death and his perceptions mere hallucina- tions produced by obsessional desire.
somewhere in his mind he doesn't want the blood of an innocent on his hands so he blames- or completely modifies the true events.
passionate desire for life, "but for life,
she's passionate for life, but a different life. she want's someone elses.
- Jul 2017
dup.silverchair-cdn.com dup.silverchair-cdn.com05.pdf2
confronts the legacy of the 1970s black sitcom—rather thansimply joining in’’
this is what Jay Z does. Confronts the legacy of animated blackness, financial freedom(or lack thereof) and the psychology behind ones removal from their blackness
‘plasmaticness,’’ elasticity, and pliancy—are readable as signsof the body’s utter subjection to power, confirming its vulnerabilityto external manipulation and control
direct relation to the pink elephant on parade scene
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Dumbo into accepting his special ability by giving him one of theirfeathers and telling him it is magical.
Kind of like the "Black magic" but not in the way it's twisted. rather, its in the way that black people exude a certain level of confidence that makes everyone jealous, that black feather is more than just a trick to make him fly, it's a symbolism of acceptance in the black community. That acceptance and support is what drives him to fly.
www.ferris.edu www.ferris.edu
This is an interesting and compelling picture of members of a traditionally downtrodden race helping another oppressed individual find a form of heretofore undreamt of freedom.
the fact that Dumbo is an African elephant, experiencing the American life and culture for the first time he's constantly getting weird looks and stares. and being made fun of for being different. Timothy is a "White Savior" so to speak. the pink elephants song were the voices and things that he's heard, and the different types of ways he's being put on display. and his ability to fly came from his attempt to get away from it all. The crows, while orginally joking about his difference, soon came to the understanding they he really was just like them. even though he wasnt "black" he was still an African- American who just didn't know how to survive in America quite yet. So they taught him to fly- to be two times better- and gave him something to believe in because they know how hard it is to believe in yourself. That belief gave him the confidence to face something that he wouldnt have been able to at first, but once that little feather flew away, he spread his ears and flew, exceeding every expectation that was once given to him. --The feather could be a symbol for a "black card" a symbol of belonging, because that's what Dumbo ultimately wants. His mother has been incarcerated for protecting him and all the elephants have rejected him. when he is supposed to be clown, he's only used as joke, never truly fitting in with the clowns because 1. they leave him outside of the tent, 2. doesn't even believe he can be harmed as a living thing could. ("elephants ain't got no feelings. yeah, they're made of rubber.")
Not being able to fit in with the elephants or the clowns, this arises a sort of double consciousness with Dumbo. Despite his inability to speak and childlike innocence, Dumbo understands that he doesn't fit in to anywhere, which is why he can't even be swayed with Timothy's peanuts.
- Apr 2017
www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk
Two is the common gay. He's made his commitments|with other gays, has a job, film clubs, likes to sip tea|with his friends, writes a poem|now and then, only has relations|with other gays, never takes a risk, and never gets|to know a real man
Two is the common gay
Well, the first one|is the dog collar gay
"Moby Dick," Melville, Robert Lewis Stevenson's|"Treasure Island," Proust's,|"Remembrance of Things Past" Kafka's "Metamorphosis," Flaubert's,|"Sentimental Education. "
- Jan 2017
classics.mit.edu classics.mit.edu
the poet or 'maker' should be the maker of plots rather than of verses; since he is a poet because he imitates, and what he imitates are actions.
a poet is just imitator because he imitates that which has been done, or what could be done, or what will be done.
he imitates the limititations of the human mind, body and soul. He is able to create a fully functional creature that doesn't exist unless someone else knows about the creation. in this- a poet, a writer is one level removed from God. but in the world that he creates- a poet is in himself- by definition- a God.
For God makes more than characters- he makes stories and plots. God is a historian, a poet, a scientist, a mathemetician, God holds every title and role and position.
for here the poet first constructs the plot on the lines of probability, and then inserts characteristic names
A comedic poet writes his poem from the plot and continues the plot the plausibility of the story- and then gives each character their names and role.
the lampooner (or historian) focuses strictly on the character- well the individual- from birth to death- and tell's their role in the story, rather than the entire story.
classics.mit.edu classics.mit.edu
now rare A self-evident axiom or premise; a pithy expression of a general principle or rule.
A precept; a succinct statement or observation of a rule of conduct or moral teaching.
Faithfulness to one's duties. Loyalty to one's spouse or partner, including abstention from extramarital affairs (except in an open marriage). Accuracy, or exact correspondence to some given quality or fact.
A Greek dramatic poet (525 BC - 456 BC); Aeschylus was the earliest of the three greatest Greek tragedians.
Not noble; plebeian; common. Not honorable; base.
Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in actual life.
a explantion upon imitation
A Greek philosopher who held that all matter was composed of earth, air, fire and water
classics.mit.edu classics.mit.edu
first Allusion- describe homer's influence in the text. -- Homer's works are heavily alluded. as is the Greek Mythology.
Plato's fellows saw Homer and his fellow-poets as a source of moral guidance; the Greeks quoted the Iliad and Odyssey as frequently and with as much fervor as some Christians quote the Bible.
To the rejection of imitative poetry, which certainly ought not to be received; as I see far more clearly now that the parts of the soul have been distinguished.
the overall theme of the philosophical translation.
For the Ancient Greek woman artist see Timarete. In Greek mythology, Thamyris (Greek: Θάμυρις), son of Philammon and the nymph Argiope, was a Thracian singer who was so proud of his skill that he boasted he could outsing the Muses.
A Thracian musician and poet, who failed to retrieve his wife Eurydice from Hades.
One of the three Fates, or Moirae; a daughter of Zeus and Themis; the cutter of the thread of life, depicted as an old woman. Her Roman counterpart is Morta.
Greek god The youngest of the three Fates, a daughter of Zeus and Themis; the spinner of the thread of life. Her Roman equivalent is Nona. astronomy Short for 97 Klotho, a main belt asteroid.
A funeral pile
One of the three Fates (Moirae), daughter of Zeus and Themis; the measurer of each thread of life. Her Roman equivalent is Decima.
on of Laertes and Anticlea and father of Telemachus; a Greek leader during the Trojan War, and responsible for the Trojan horse; king of Ithaca; hero of the Iliad and protagonist of the Odyssey
A galley with three banks of oars, one above the other, used mainly as a warship.
A state or feeling of opposition, hostility, hatred or animosity.
to outwit or outsmart
Arrogantly superior; showing contemptuous indifference; haughty.
a person who recites epic poems, especially one of a group in ancient Greece whose profession it was to recite the Homeric poems from memory.
The state of being calm, stable and composed, especially under stress
Warm praise, especially a formal expression of such praise; a tribute
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Since (white) women have the demographic advantage of numbers, there are of course far more female philosophers in the profession than nonwhite philosophers (though still not proportionate to women's percentage of the population), and they have made far greater progress in developing alternative conceptualizations
Of course, because even though women are supposedly "inferior" to men, White women hold more value than a black man and even more to that of a black woman.
s not seen as a political system at all. It is just taken for granted; it is the background against which other systems, which we are to see as politicat are highlighted
Demonizing the concept of manifest destiny. As englas overthrew the world to make it more england and less anything else, they essentially eradicated not only nearly entire races of people, but also their cultures, languages and history. The presence of white history is glorified because it's the white people telling the history.