- Dec 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
produce some false accusations
may become
will become
- Aug 2020
blog.lostartpress.com blog.lostartpress.com
bugs built this city on rot and mold
- Jun 2020
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Second Life
Second Life is still being taught as an emerging technology, at least in some master's programs in library and info science. :(
Via Wikipedia:
In critical theory and deconstruction, phallogocentrism is a neologism coined by Jacques Derrida to refer to the privileging of the masculine (phallus) in the construction of meaning. The word is a portmanteau of the older terms phallocentrism (focusing on the masculine point of view) and logocentrism (focusing on language in assigning meaning to the world).
- May 2020
www.dukechronicle.com www.dukechronicle.com
As COVID-19 was forcing me to reinvent so many facets of my teaching and my life, I was glad of this one thing I did not have to rethink on the fly, did not have to leave up to emergency thinking. I already had a grading system meant to maximize student engagement while minimizing stress. Perhaps more importantly, partly because I had been contract grading all along, I could relate to students in a time of mutual need without that sense, so palpably present when I used to put As, Bs, and Cs on individual assignments, that my role as a gatekeeper or judge was always there in the background—a hat I couldn’t remove.
Traditional grading, in which the gatekeeper judges the worth of student work, makes supportive, trusting relationships so much more difficult.
- Feb 2020
www.jessestommel.com www.jessestommel.com
This is a perfect example of how pedagogical decisions can be baked into administrative structures at an institution. This is, in my view, a direct threat to academic freedom.
Not to mention baked into our tools
- Sep 2019
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
As opposed to growth? Is it fair to expect every student to rise to the same level?
By relying less on lectures and more on activities that you can assess
Yes, rely less on lecture, but goodness gracious do we have to assess every. little. thing?
Ask yourself: Is my grading scheme allowing students to grow?
Or, "Are my assessment methods based on evidence, or tradition?" There's little evidence to support grading as an effective practice to support learning. https://www.alfiekohn.org/article/case-grades/
You can downplay high-stakes work by: (1) allowing students to drop one or two of their worst scores on exams, assignments, or quizzes; (2) letting students replace an earlier score with a cumulative final grade; and (3) replacing some of the weight of high-stakes work with smaller, more frequent assessments.
Or de-emphasize grading altogether. https://www.jessestommel.com/how-to-ungrade/
When assignments are optional, compliance will vary and you risk exacerbating differences in study skills, background knowledge, and the like.
I can't help but wonder if the emphasis on "content retention" and "compliance" that seems to be core to the authors' concept of learning doesn't make some bad assumptions: that learning is something that an instructor does to a student, and not something that students have agency over. This seems to me to be in extreme conflict with what might be even more inclusive practice: far less emphasis on the grade, more individual attention and greater emphasis on personal growth, less teacher control and more student agency. This is basic Freire stuff. Students aren't vessels to be filled.
Reach out to those who didn’t do so well and express your willingness to help them. Check in with students who have missed a class or two.
It's worth noting that none of this is easy or efficient. If it was, we'd all do it. One must make a concerted effort to ensure students feel like they belong and that they're supported so that they can learn best. If that's not part of an instructor's job, then what exactly is the instructor's job?
They're used to death, but for good reason. There are few things better than a good TPS for getting students warmed up for discussion. One can even allow the TPS to inform the entire lesson: if the TPS results in a class-generated set of questions or learning objectives, teach from that, or plan to teach from it in the next class session.
minimize inequities
minimize inequities = reduce harm; clear similarities to Hippocratic oath. See also Kaufman & Schipper (2018) Teaching With Compassion, p. xxiii
Traditional teaching methods do not serve all students well.
Emphasis on all. Frequently defensiveness kicks in when traditional teaching is called into question, because it does work, but just for some.
- Aug 2019
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
trust was a vital part of creating the circumstances under which learning could happen
students as antagonists, always trying to get one over on their instructors
This is default for most, and an explanation for antagonistic pedagogy and ed-tech (plagiarism detection, "reading compliance," proctored exams, etc.)
- May 2019
www.alfiekohn.org www.alfiekohn.org
constructive yet still controversial would be fair game for one of these punchy handouts
Ungrading; open textbooks; ditching the LMS; student-led discussions; student-designed LOs, collaborative syllabus
We shouldn’t persist with a given practice just because it seemed appealing at one time or has come to feel comfortable to us. (Even progressive approaches can harden into traditions.)
This is so important to remember. The LMS was at one time a controversial idea and only used by early adopters; now it's standard practice, but it's become a barrier to many progressive approaches, and is certainly something we shouldn't be using uncritically. More thoughts on this here, from Sean Michael Morris: "Critical Digital Pedagogy and Design"
The sheets would be made available free of charge, uncopyrighted, and accompanied by an invitation to distribute them promiscuously.
And they're also a great idea for an open pedagogy project in education
Either way, having to keep explaining the rationale for student-centered teaching takes time and energy. It also takes a certain skill set that even some brilliant teachers may lack, with the result that they struggle to offer a satisfactory response even to questions they have heard many times.
I hear this. And if you screw up the pitch, it makes you appear careless and unprofessional, even if the student-centered methods are well-considered, research-based, and are bearing fruit.
And sometimes they’re challenged by people on a mission to root out everything nontraditional.
especially faculty peers
open-minded parents
Or faculty, or administrators
- Apr 2019
isabellalib100insights.blogspot.com isabellalib100insights.blogspot.com
I found solace in how many other readers and twitter users were quick to call the headline out
Ratio that headline into oblivion!
To describe the “stranger,” words such as “home-invader,” “sex offender,” “trespasser,” or “intruder” without pants and growling in a child’s room, would have painted a more accurate picture. Furthermore, words like “hero,” “home-owner,” law abiding family man” or “good guy with a gun” would have better described this man protecting his daughter, in his own home.
Such good points. Media literacy is such a complicated issue, with so many entities bearing so much responsibility. The media churn machine, in which stories are packaged and repackaged, spun and re-spun, shared and re-shared, is just so volatile. We expect headlines to be more objective, but something as small as a biased headline can have tremendous ripple effects.
However, his pointers assume citizens are doing the bare minimum in reading the articles they cite.
Oh gosh, reading beyond the headline. Yes, this is truly an advanced skill for many folks. :)
kristinthoughts.home.blog kristinthoughts.home.blog
(Women in Stem=Steminism!)
I had not previously considered it, but in walking through the halls I feel there are more male professors that female.
I think it depends on the department, but in general, there are more male faculty--at least at Wake. Here are the most recent numbers: https://prod.wp.cdn.aws.wfu.edu/sites/202/2018/10/2017_2018_p35.pdf
One comment stood out to me and pushed my buttons a little more. To paraphrase, the comment went something along the same lines as “when will we have an article that discusses the challenges women face without tearing down men?”
(infinite screaming)
isabellalib100insights.blogspot.com isabellalib100insights.blogspot.com
they refrained from including the specifics of race
Yeah and when they do I'm sure it'll go really well...
isabellalib100insights.blogspot.com isabellalib100insights.blogspot.com
I find it hard to believe that while many Americans and American institutions suggest it is economically sustainable, so many other countries can provide freely to its citizens something we have denoted a privilege, rather than a right. The crux of the problem seems to lie less with whether free access to the best information is economically feasible, but whether we can truly change stratified system which inherently chooses who is and is not worthy of including.
Wow, this is such a valuable insight. Within our system, profit is a primary motivator, but the sustaining factor isn't profit, it's inequality. Thinking that says "I paid for it, so why should you get it for free?"
samlib100.blogspot.com samlib100.blogspot.com
This bothers me in many ways because it is another example of the rich becoming richer. With the access gap for information, people less fortunate do not have the ability to learn from near as many sources as students like us get to. That being said, because so much money is spent on these resources, I wish I was better taught to take advantage of them. There is so much that remains untouched just because many of us students don't even know how to go about accessing the information.
So interesting to hear this perspective, but you're right! If we have it, we should use it, but what if you don't even know how to use it?
Being "bothered" by learning something new is a profound thing, isn't it? Troublesome learning--learning that you can't unlearn, and that colors all learning that follows--is so valuable.
carsonbuckthal.blogspot.com carsonbuckthal.blogspot.com
While I believe access should be free to everyone, I do believe that researchers and writers should be compensated for their work, just not to the multimillion dollar extent which most schools are paying.
Remember that authors aren't exactly compensated for their work by the publishers except in the (usually very small) royalties they get through book sales. It's quite rare for an academic to make large sums of money off of their publications--in most instances, their compensation comes in the form of a faculty salary.
crawfordtannerlib100.blogspot.com crawfordtannerlib100.blogspot.com
I think it is a matter of publication journals using research as a way to make money rather than a way to promote knowledge.
A case of misplaced priorities.
I have always had access to research articles when I have needed them, and I have never thought about how the production of information can be altered based on where that information is coming from. This is such an important part of learning that I am very surprised that I have never thought or have never been encouraged to think about these things before. I can not imagine what I would do without access to research journals, as I am a biology major. Furthermore, what even is knowledge if it can't be accessed and shared with everyone.
Furthermore, what even is knowledge if it can't be accessed and shared with everyone.
What is it, indeed!? It's scientific knowledge, not state secrets, for cryin' out loud.
This week I have also enjoyed making connections from previous readings, specifically the one about the grading system, with this weeks readings. I feel as though information privilege and how students strive for certain grades are very much correlated. I wonder if eliminating grades would help with the issue of information privilege in the fact that students may actually continue to explore their research topics after the completion of a class.
I really, really love this connection! I think you might be right that if we design our courses and our learning around meaningful, authentic projects, we open ourselves up to greater exploration and risk-taking, especially when grades aren't part of the equation.
kristinthoughts.home.blog kristinthoughts.home.blog
When thinking of this in terms of government research, it seems completely ludicrous for the public to have to pay to read these works when their tax dollars paid for it in the first place. The purpose of publishing research is for scientists to share their discoveries with the world and with the convenience of digital copies, this should be easier than ever. Yet, there is still another obstacle in the way.
Yet, there is still another obstacle in the way.
Yes. Yes. Always obstacles, and usually artificial obstacles. So frustrating.
- Mar 2019
medium.com medium.com
We plan to accomplish our goal of increasing resources for students hoping to go to graduate school through creating a pamphlet of some sort. The pamphlet would include why we are doing the project in the first place, how we think the current resources are being used, and give ideas on how to elevate and add resources for students wanting to go to graduate school. Finally, we intend to show this pamphlet to the OPCD and potentially department heads of all subjects in order to raise awareness of what needs to be done, as well as to make more known the resources that are available to students.
This sounds like a great plan! As I said on Carson's post, we'll need to make sure your pamphlet or pitch is based on sound research about what kinds of support for graduate students produces the best outcomes. I love that you've identified a project that's relevant to you now and will benefit students that come after you!
carsonbuckthal.blogspot.com carsonbuckthal.blogspot.com
We are hoping to start this discussion by creating a powerpoint or pamphlet that directly states solutions to this problem. Creating a presentation or a pamphlet will directly show the OPCD and administration what changes need to be made to help develop programs for students wanting to seek higher education.
How are you hoping to deliver this? Are you intending to actually get some time with OPCD leadership and make a pitch? That'd be amazing. At any rate, we'll need to make sure that your argument is based on solid evidence. We'll talk more about what you'll need in our consultation. Great job!
lack of resources/guidance for those wishing to attend a graduate program after Wake Forest
Great problem to address, and definitely relevant to your current situation! Love it.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
The more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that what I am passionate about is helping studentsto understand and utilize the various levers of social change available to them as well as the essential role ofcitizen activism in a democracy.
What are some of the "levers" we can pull here on campus and in our community?
Although I generally do notpromoteWikipedia
Boo to disparaging Wikipedia
www.seanmichaelmorris.com www.seanmichaelmorris.com
learning management system
Learning management systems, if you're unfamiliar with that term, are systems like Sakai, Blackboard, or Canvas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_management_system
www.alfiekohn.org www.alfiekohn.org
Suddenly all the joy was taken away.
Students in my #LIB100 class at Wake Forest University will be annotating and discussing this article. I hope our discussion of grades allows them all to find more joy in learning. :)
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Furthermore, the functions are familiar to our digital-native learners and don’t pose a steep learning curve to nontraditional students.
While I agree with many of the points here, the tired "Digital Native" fallacy is not helpful and even dangerous. There remains a tremendous gap between perceived digital skills and actual digital skills. Teach your students digital literacy! https://web.archive.org/web/20190305013406/http://ecdl.org/policy-publications/digital-native-fallacy
Local file Local file
private university as those at community
test annotation
- Feb 2019
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
We propose a different motivation structure for OER adoption. Our plan is to give some of the estimated yearly savings from OER use to the department, our teaching and learning center, and our library (5 percent/2.5 percent/2.5 percent, respectively). As an example, if a biology course enrolls 1,000 students per year, and the typical text savings would be $100 per student, adoption might save students $100,000 per year. Providing even 5 percent of the projected savings from OER adoption directly to the department as flexible money would be highly motivating to many departments; the teaching center and library are incentivized to support adoption and access. Although the savings from such a plan would accrue to the students, the retention of even one or two additional students due to better textbook usage by the students would, from an institutional perspective, pay for such an initiative. And, particularly for public universities, controlling cost, increasing access and enhancing success align with our mission.
An amazing incentive that drives kickback to departments, not individuals.
www.alfiekohn.org www.alfiekohn.org
In fact, negative reactions to this proposal (“It’s unrealistic!”) point up how grades function as a mechanism for controlling students rather than as a necessary or constructive way to report information about their performance.
Grades as cudgel; being willing to confront the power differential and work toward more democratic practices can only improve the student-teacher relationship and create space for more authentic learning
how their performance compares to others’
Comparison is the thief of joy. No wonder why the classroom is so often a joyless place.
grades (whether or not accompanied by comments) promote a fear of failure even in high-achieving students (Pulfrey et al., 2011)
And add to this the cumulative effect of stressors of all kinds on learning; that the measure of that learning is a stressor in itself is inexcusable.
- Oct 2018
criticaldigitalpedagogy.pressbooks.com criticaldigitalpedagogy.pressbooks.com
Institutions shouldn’t outsource online learning to Coursera, Pearson, or the like, as a substitute for developing internal expertise in and discussion about online learning. What we need is to gather together experts in digital pedagogy willing to turn their attention toward solving the problem of online learning, toward innovating new methodologies, and toward rebuilding what we value most about education in digital space.
Online learning programs fail because they’ve been told, and they believe, they must operate within the same paradigm of learning and teaching that on-ground programs obey. This is a falsehood, a misconception, and at times a deception. More and different types of learning and teaching are available in the digital environment. We must convince ourselves that we don’t yet understand digital education so we may open the doors more broadly to play and creativity. At the expense of regimentation and bureaucracy.
We're imposing the limitations of the f2f classroom on the online classroom. We're disregarding the affordances of online, thinking there must be equivalence in experience, not just in quality. We replicate when we should reimagine.
- Sep 2018
www.jessestommel.com www.jessestommel.com
If I'm going to give the responsibility of grading over to students, I have to let go of my attachment to the accuracy of that process. Instead, I give feedback, and the need for objectivity or accuracy gives way to a dialogue—one that is necessarily emergent and subjective.
One of many ways in which teachers must relinquish control
- Aug 2018
www.seanmichaelmorris.com www.seanmichaelmorris.com
I have written that:
This link is broken. Here's the correct one: https://www.seanmichaelmorris.com/instructional-design-vs-online-pedagogy/
Traditional online pedagogy, following principles laid out by instructional design, generally assumes that all students are duplicates of one another. Despite any stubborn claims to the contrary, instructional design assigns learners to a single seat, a single set of characteristics. This is for efficiency. But it enacts an erasure that, taken to the extreme—say, to the massive—is unconscionable.
Erasure of the individual in service of efficiency
Most practically, critical digital pedagogy looks askance at the tools we use, the tools we are asked to use, the tools that are sold to us. From this lens, we are not only enabled to but we must ask after the promises that digital technology offers. Promises of efficiency, time savings, greater engagement, higher test scores, increased retention, and even deeper relationships with our students through the mediation of algorithms and digital clickers.
Being critical of that which is "sold to us," the "promises that digital tech offers"
For if we don’t allow that what we’re doing with digital teaching and learning now is elementary, still even rudimentary, we fall into the trap of thinking first that it’s always already successful (given that we follow the right rubrics and best practices), and second that we no longer need to learn.
"the right rubrics" encase rudimentary "best" practices in amber. Quality Matters, e.g., pays a bunch of attention to alignment (which is OK) and accessibility (which as great) but none at all to affect or student agency.
What is needed, what has always been needed—since the early days of videotaped lectures to the primordial ooze of the invention of the LMS—is an effective digital pedagogy that lets us span the interface, cross the digital, and find one another where we are.
where we are YES
In her experience—which she describes again and again as solitary, as lonely—she lacks a sense of presence. The presence of other students, but particularly the presence of a guide, a teacher, someone who could be there to help make sense of out of what she was learning.
I'd argue that "manufactured" presence can be equally isolating.
But it would be a mistake to think that what I do is digital, because what I really do is human.
How long until digital teaching is just teaching?
And worse, the LMS convinced us that teaching online was not only possible, it was easy—that digital pedagogy was a mere work of relocation. Take your lectures and your assignments, create a slideshow or a video or a piece of audio, load it all up, and there you have it: online learning.
The "cooking" model of online ed. Gather ingredients, let it cook, serve.
www.seanmichaelmorris.com www.seanmichaelmorris.com
In other words, if our syllabus is full of requirements, rules, expectations, if we outline how we will be grading, how students will be evaluated, the specifics for how students should participate, we cannot expect that our attempts to be more flexible, to be personal, to relate to students will succeed later in the term.
How convicting. We treat the syllabus like a terms of service for our course. No wonder no one reads it.
- Mar 2017
timharford.com timharford.com
When people are seeking the truth, facts help. But when people are selectively reasoning about their political identity, the facts can backfire.
Top of the list of guidelines for arguing on the internet
If you’re addicted to a product, and many scientists tell you it’s deadly, but the tobacco lobby tells you that more research is needed, what would you like to believe?
If you're addicted to a lifestyle, and the climate scientists tell you it's killing the planet, but the fossil fuel lobby tells you that more research is needed, what would you like to believe?
- Feb 2017
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
If a content provider could build a single interface that seamlessly provided for the full discovery, access, reading, and citation experience, that would not only go a long way to combating piracy. It would also provide many of the most widely appreciated functions of the academic library.
While I suppose it's natural to assume that third-party content providers will inevitably fill this gap, why not encourage (implore!) academic libraries to transform into seamless workflow systems that they themselves ought to be? See MIT's recommendation 6: https://future-of-libraries.mit.edu/
- Dec 2016
If you've found this, you're an exceptional person.
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Why am I excited about the New York Times? Because I’m a godless liberal? No, I’m excited because the NY Times pays a price for getting things like this wrong, whereas the Breitbarts of the world suffer no consequences for error. That’s the main difference. The same would be true of the Wall Street Journal, which leans right, or USA Today. which is striaght down the middle. We’re not looking for an ideology match here. We’re looking for someone with incentives to not publish hoaxes.
"We're looking for someone with incentives to not publish hoaxes." This is so obvious, but I've never been able to articulate it.