263 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. It is rare for academic ideas to reach the Amy Adams stage without drawing scholarly fire. Since 2023, three articles have appeared in scientific journals, with 45 authors in all, arguing that the claims made on behalf of the wood-wide web have far outstripped the evidence.

      definitely a trend of popular theories aligned with woke narratives being beat back

  2. Jan 2024
    1. “The last thing in the world I’d want to write about is this place,” Vivian said at the door. “I can’t imagine anything more boring.”

      This idea that the CIA is so boring. Parking. Anodyne questions. Typical corporate America shit.

    1. Well, we did make money because we had advertisers that had advertising banners across a lot of the user pages because they were very specific

      monetizing without user surveillance

  3. Aug 2023
    1. Of the hundreds of pages of Esmaeilion’s writing I have read, one image has stuck with me. In his memoir, It Snows In This House, he describes taking the school bus as a six-year-old in Kermanshah. Every winter morning, he waited in the dark by a slim mulberry tree on a little patch of land used neither by pedestrians nor by cars, staring ahead, looking for a pair of headlights. The metaphor offered by this image encapsulates his position: Esmaeilion standing in the strange landscape of Iranian politics, at a corner traversed by no one else. He stands looking into the dark, not just with his two eyes, but through two bullet holes in his heart, waiting for the lights that will put an end to his wait.

      beautiful writing

  4. Jul 2023
    1. When counting dollars, a single customer may be retained or churned but they may also be retained as a customer by spending more or less in the second period relative to the first. As such, we separate out expansion and contraction into the growth accounting.

      So contraction = decrease in marginal revenue from paying user

    1. Aviv Ovadya of Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center fears we are headed into “a catastrophic failure of the marketplace of ideas” with “no one believing anything or everyone believing lies.” He calls this “the infopocalypse.”
    1. Kalshi’s cozy relationship with the United States’ top derivatives regulator raises concerns about how regulatory agencies view their responsibilities, after Dodd–Frank, to manage risk and regulate private markets. These concerns are all the more relevant in the wake of recent regional banking crises and widespread fraud in the crypto markets. But there is nothing extraordinary about the CFTC’s attitude. With bank closures and wire fraud dominating the headlines, who wouldn’t want to hedge? Every crisis has its response. “The world is increasingly volatile,” Kalshi’s website recently read. “Protect yourself and your business against all the unforeseen effects of real-world events.” It would be irresponsible not to.

      so what exactly is the issue? is it that there's no inherent value behind the instruments? is it that the people who could actually use these contracts to hedge are not likely to use them? is it psychological, i.e. this desire to gain control over an unpredictable environment?

    2. “MORALLY REPUGNANT and grotesque,” “wasteful and absurd”—Senators Ron Wyden and Byron L. Dorgan did not mince words. They urged their colleagues on the senate floor to reject the Pentagon’s proposed futures market on terror attacks. That was 2003. The Pentagon had suggested allowing traders to place bets on the likelihood of a bomb detonating outside a market in Kabul, for example, or a bioterror attack occurring in Tel Aviv.


  5. Jun 2023
    1. As a result, tōjisha-kenkyū is now in the early stages of being implemented by corporations, universities and hospitals as a means of identifying problems and fostering diversity within workplaces.

      interesting, a less political form of DEI

    1. “So heartbreaking. We need to take better care of our women, athletes, mothers. So many systems let her down,” wrote elite runner Molly Huddle on Instagram. “Not even Olympic champions can feel safe giving birth in this country. We gotta do better.”

      reads like a story of someone who committed suicide, not died during childbirth. very sad.

    1. Explore both land and sea on this chain of islands, rocks, and pinnacles on the Washington coast. Take an early ferry from Anacortes to Orcas for a full day. Start by hiking a 6.7-mile loop to the top of Mount Constitution (the island’s highest point). Refuel on artisan, wood-fired pizzas at Hogstone, then head to West Beach for a two-hour guided sea kayak tour with Outer Island Excursions.

      this sounds cool #trips

    1. The great majority of Saudis still didn’t know who Swedish House Mafia was, but there were relatively privileged teenagers on hand whose lives would probably never be the same again, and who—perhaps without consciously realizing it—had just felt the exhilaration of seeing their world begin and end in the same flash of light.

      "begin and end in the same flash of light"

    2. he idea is to fund a massive economic and social transition while oil is still in high demand, and then build an entirely new economy in time for the 40% of the population that’s now under 25-years-old to actually have something meaningful and productive to do with their lives.

      "to actually have something meaningful and productive to do with their lives"

    1. . Even with them, the world will never be fully under our control. Nor should we wish that it was, because that would be a world without serendipity or joy. Fortunately, we may not need more Promethean control; rather, we need more free time and an ethos fit for the purpose.

      time to explore complexity versus effort to impose simplicity

    2. Most would agree that flourishing in time consists of free, active, thoughtful engagement with the world in accordance with one’s nature.

      for me this is writing.

    3. Leisure today exists for work, which means that it is not actually leisure at all.

      "These are things I have to do so I don't become depressed"

    4. For decades, most people have organized their lives around the forty-hour, five-day week. What if it were fifteen hours a week? What if it were zero? What comes next is open to negotiation and experimentation, but the process would necessarily require what Nietzsche called a revaluation of values. The idea of work for the sake of work would become an insult to human intelligence and dignity. Lives dedicated to the insatiable pursuit of money or other zero-sum goods would come to be recognized as pathological. The culture of commercialism presumably would be curtailed, or replaced with new norms and institutions emphasizing fulfilling experiences over luxuries and stuff. The very idea of “unemployment” would cease to exist. Greater investments (of both time and money) in liberal arts educations and institutions would come to be seen as not only desirable but necessary for equipping people to lead fruitful lives.

      we have this right now, it's just confused.

  6. May 2023
    1. I’m not quite sure how it will happen, or if I’ll live to participate in it, but I suspect we’re entering a world beyond language where we’ll begin to realize just how deeply blinding language has been for the human consciousness and psyche.

      I will put this on the perceptualveilution mood board

  7. Jan 2023
    1. They build, own, and manage their own facilities. They hire veterans. They had some ideas for how to encourage local ecotourism: A solar-powered visitors’ center. Sponsorship for more and bigger OHV races. A new RV park. Job training. Support for local community organizations

      I mean...this is conscious capitalism no?

    1. This captiousness is not my favorite aspect of myself. I know that I’m actually wrong about all this stuff, that gun people call guns guns and point them all over the place, but I can be pedantic, even about things I have no interest in. If it helps, I also bristle at anyone referring to a vinyl record as “a vinyl.”

      this guy is autistic lol

    1. I thought that if we just redistributed resources, then we could solve every problem. I now know that’s not true. There’s a funny moment when you realize that as an activist: The off-ramp out of extreme poverty is, ugh, commerce, it’s entrepreneurial capitalism. I spend a lot of time in countries all over Africa, and they’re like, ‘Eh, we wouldn’t mind a little more globalization actually’.

      I had an eerily similar experience

  8. Sep 2022
    1. Coordination involves incentivizing people to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do

      This is key, the issue isn't motivating people to just follow their passions or whatever

    2. The mindset that “research funding” is all that research enabling organizations do is wrong.

      For instance, maybe Gitcoin should offer more incubation style support versus small sums.

    1. Our plan is to bring the best of old-school blogging to a modern news feed experience and to have our editors and senior reporters constantly updating the site with the best of tech and science news from around the entire internet. If that means linking out to Wired or Bloomberg or some other news source, that’s great — we’re happy to send people to excellent work elsewhere, and we trust that our feed will be useful enough to have you come back later. If that means we just need to embed the viral TikTok or wacky CEO tweet and move on, so be it — we can do that

      Chainverse can play a role in personalization/recommendations for feed first platforms. Perhaps we can create our own feed.

    1. Staying disciplined. Despite its success, USV has kept its funds small. Its latest early-stage vehicle is $275 million, a modest sum for a franchise of its stature. This discipline has helped USV maximize returns.

      quite small considering the investment universe

  9. Aug 2022
    1. but simply because the vow had itself changed who the vower was.

      you are your commitments

    2. Forms of modern life may differ in quite a few respects – but what unites them all is precisely their fragility, temporariness, vulnerability and inclination to constant change. To “be modern” means to modernize – compulsively, obsessively; not so much just “to be,” let alone to keep its identity intact, but forever “becoming,” avoiding completion, staying underdefined.

      modernity is a process, it's constantly becoming

    1. But as Echo Chambers grow in size, it becomes a greater challenge to hold them together by shared ideas—so usually, the binding beliefs are honed down and simplified to the common denominator ideas that the whole community can get behind. So while Idea Labs get even smarter and more nuanced as they grow, growing Echo Chambers become even dumber and more sure of themselves.

      Key for growth

    2. Tribal language is the Primitive Mind’s way of signaling to each other: “Let’s fucking do this. Let’s band together and go to war.”

      EchoChambergood bull

    3. First, it comes from a core distinction between how the two cultures view ideas. Idea Labs see people and their ideas as separate entities—people are meant to be respected, ideas are not

      Identify areas that are not echo chambers

    4. about

      To find valueslack for lkeytepirs and sentiment

    5. shared understanding that they’re all ultimately on the same truth-seeking team.


    6. The thing going on here is that Idea Labs are micro-divided, and macro-united. On a micro scale, Idea Labs and the people within them disagree often—that’s the intellectual diversity component.


    7. One of the coolest properties of an Idea Lab is its ability to play nicely with other Idea Labs and seamlessly meld together with them into larger Idea Labs. Take the simplest example: two couples.

      Can this dbmensard

    8. This single, multi-mind thinking system is far superior to its individual members at learning new things and separating truth from fiction

      ml to extract core beliefs and justifiators and tensionwithatherclusters?

    9. In a good trust network, the Skepticism character (i.e. the Belief Bouncer) is able to trust the Conviction character, which can spare everyone a bunch of work. When a proven high-rung thinker expresses info with a lot of conviction umph, the listener will lower the skepticism ohms without thinking too hard about it.


    10. In a good trust network, the Skepticism character (i.e. the Belief Bouncer) is able to trust the Conviction character, which can spare everyone a bunch of work. When a proven high-rung thinker expresses info with a lot of conviction umph, the listener will lower the skepticism ohms without thinking too hard about it.


    11. An Idea Lab has a binding process too: the scientific method

      References to data

    12. typical liberal democracy is premised on Enlightenment values like freedom and equal opportunity; an Idea Lab centers around the Enlightenment values of truth and free expression.

      Key Jest measureofnetworkhealth is diversity of influence

    13. control

      Apply networkanalysis to culture and subculture

    14. Cultures use incentive systems too. Instead of physical shocks or jail time as penalties, cultures enforce their values with social and psychological punishments like criticism, ridicule, shame, and ostracism. Instead of Snausages or money, they use rewards like praise, acceptance, approval, respect, and admiration.


    15. Each of those slices plays a role in influencing the thoughts and behavior of the individuals, and in turn, each person plays a small part in influencing the giants they’re a part of.

      How do we. Under start this?

    1. Broadly, OFAC has expanded its ability to sanction crypto actors and has rapidly increased the speed and bore with which it designates wallet addresses, but it has not hit that many wallet addresses overall. The office, while it wields theoretically broad powers, has limited resources. Consequently, each hit bears major significance for the Treasury’s subsequent policy direction. 

      this leaves out some of the most important guidance from treasury lol

  10. Jul 2022
    1. Many other investors are also working to broaden ownership of their companies. Insight Global, a staffing company owned by Harvest Partners and Leonard Green, gave each of its 4,500 employees a pathway to ownership: the quit rate fell from 45 per cent in 2017 to 14 per cent today. Similar results have been seen at SRS, a roofing products distributor owned by Berkshire Partners and Leonard Green. Ownership was broadened, employee engagement improved and the quit rate declined by three quarters.

      it seems like the benefits of employee ownership are the highest when... * engagement is low * you have a high cashflow / profitable business that someone would actually want to buy

    2. Ingersoll Rand shared ownership with all of its 16,000 employees across more than 80 countries. Over time, the company’s quit rate has dropped from 20 per cent to below 3 per cent. Employee engagement scores from internal company data rocketed from the 20th percentile to the 90th percentile
    3. Gallup surveys show that only 20 per cent of the global workforce is constructively engaged at work
    1. Inquisitor: You have sucked at the poisoned breast of Erasmus… But St John says “There are three that bear witness in heaven, the father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.” Anabaptist: I have heard that Erasmus in his Annotationes upon that phrase shows that this text is not in the Greek original


    2. Erasmus learned Greek at the beginning of the 16th century, and from his study in Queens’ College, Cambridge, he spread the word of how important it was to read the Gospels and other foundational texts of Christianity in the language in which they were first written. His battle cry was ad fontes (“back to the sources”)

      i love this

    1. We can go through the list of Forer statements above, and rephrase each one as a useful potential update you can make to your model of the world:

      this is very clever

    1. Assuming a conservative annual growth of digital content creation of 1%, using (3), we estimate that it will take around ∼3150 years to produce the first cumulative 1 kg of digital information mass on the planet and it will take ∼8800 years to convert half of the planet’s mass into digital information mass

      this is insane exponential growth lol

    2. In fact, Wheeler proposed reformulating the whole physics in terms of the information theory. He summarized his ideas in a paper that he delivered at the Santa Fe Institute in 19891313. J. A. Wheeler, “Information, physics, quantum: The search for links,” in Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 1989), pp. 354–368. in which he postulated that the universe emanates from the information inherent within it and he coined the phrase “It from bit.”

      oohh santa fe institute

    3. this volume of digital information will take up more than the size of the planet, leading to what we define as the information catastrophe

      i mean, i guess we could create planet sized data storage centers?

      create things that deterministically reproduce knowledge (like DNA)

    4. assuming the current growth trends in digital content continue, the world will reach a singularity point in terms of the maximum digital information possibly created and the power needs to sustain it, called the information catastrophe

      what will happen once people realize this is an impending crisis?

    5. information catastrophe

      is permanent storage a good idea?