- Aug 2019
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With regards to people, Health 4.0 is perhaps offering a disruptive solution to the current system. Health 4.0 looks to re-align healthcare stakeholders to make the patient more central to the system. Regarding technology, three areas are most relevant to Health 4.0; m-health, the internet of medical things (IoMT) and big data. m-health offers greater interconnectivity and a stronger relationship between patients and healthcare professionals and patients and their own understanding of their health. IoMT broadly defines the new ways information on health can be collected and healthcare procedures can be conducted. Devices such as embedded sensors and phenomena such as augmented reality are becoming significantly more integrated into healthcare services. Big data is also fundamental to these technological changes in healthcare with faster and more accurate diagnoses being enabled by greater access and availability of data. The third“pillar of Health 4.0”, design, refers to the ways in which these new systems are being designed. These design approaches are also new to healthcare, with cutting-edge solutions requiring cutting-edge design approaches. Approaches such as user-centred design and the use of design thinking and human factor principles are now vital to the development of Health 4.0 technologies.
Sob o olhar dos três pilares
The potentialimpact will allow interconnectivity between healthcare stakeholders, technicians and designers
Impacto da tecnologia na Saúde = interconectividade entre os atores
“patient sovereignty” will now become an important debate. In particular, the ownership of data in healthcare, while already an important topic of discussion, will become an even more complex argument.
Discussão sobre os dados em/na/da saúde
The question is therefore whether current stakeholders have the capacity, in an already high-pressure environment, to adapt quickly enough to limit the damage of this monumental change to the healthcare system.
Levando em conta o contexto de pressão para garantir qualidade do atendimento, os atores são capazes de uma mudança/adaptação rápida que diminua o risco de efeitos negativos nessa mudança para a Saúde 4.0?
design thinking facilitates the intersection of understanding patients through human-centered design techniques to enhance patients’engagemen
Papel e importância do desing thinking na Saúde 4.0 = facilitar o entendimento na intersecção entre paciente e o HCD para promover engajamento
that they are often technology-driven without the involvement of the end user
O desafio é envolver o usuário. Usar o design centrado no usuário (human centered design.
starts with understanding and influencing the experience of patients for the best possible outcome.
Papel inicial do design é entender a experiência do paciente.
m-health offers predominantly interconnectivity between patients and healthcare professionals while IoT devices offer the ability to collect information and perform procedures with increasingly minimal invasion. Finally, big data gives healthcare professionals an opportunity to spot trends and patterns for both individual patients and groups of patients, improving the speed of diagnosis and disease prevention. In the next section the third and final pillar of Health 4.0; design, is discussed
Como as tecnologias interagem na Saúde 4.0
Digital technologies on the mobile platform (known as m-health) is therefore already providing patients with enhanced care due to increased connectivity to care providers across the world
Como o m-health ajuda
n healthcare, this link is more specifically described as the link“between wearables, sensors and smart pharmaceuticals to manage diseases”
IoT na Saúde 4.0
“the major stakeholders in the healthcare system are patients, physicians, employers, insurance companies, pharmaceutical firms and government.
Os atores principais: pacientes, médicos, profissionais de saúde, planos de saúde, indústria farmacêutica e governo.
By analogy with Industry 4.0,which covers the empowerment of change from manufacturer to service provider in order to increase personalisation for client
Analogia com a Indústria 4.0 - personalização do cliente = personalização do atendimento ao paciente.
Health 4.0; improved service and improved interconnectivity will be explored with respect to the three“pillars” of Health 4.0; people, technology and design
Melhorar a interconectividade em perder o foco nos três pilares da Saúde 4.0
the development of Health 4.0technology is, firstly, central to meeting patientneedsand improving the service patients receive
Health 4.0 é centrada no paciente e nas suas necessidades.
emerging trend is design interaction
Prioriza a interconectividade - necessita do design de interação. Melhorar a relação entre pessoas, produtos, lugares e serviços.
“a strategic concept for the health domain derived from the Industry 4.0 concept.”
O que é Health 4.0
three“pillars” of Health 4.0; people, technology and design.
Os 3 pilares da Saúde 4.0: pessoas, tecnologia e design
- experience
- stakeholder
- bigdata
- mHealth
- IoT
- design thinking
- health4.0
- ux
- paciente centered
- design
- technology