- Apr 2017
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Ryu, S., & Lombardi, D. (2015). Coding Classroom Interactions for Collective and Individual Engagement. Educational Psychologist, 50(1), 70–83. http://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2014.1001891 (Note: An attempt to combine SNA with critical discourse analysis.)
I really like this concept and application of SNA with integration of critical discourse analysis (CDA), which is a course I am taking in the fall!! In another class, we read about critical quantitative approach, and I now think what makes it truly critical might be the integration of a mixed method approach, where something like ethnographic case studies or in this case discourse analysis is used in combination with SNA/statistical analyses to give it more robust findings.
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ONA can either be (1) person centric, consisting of a number of questions about each respondent, or (2) question centric to evaluate the relationship for each question
This is a useful way to think about questions and especially when designing surveys in terms of desired objectives.
analyses presented throughout this book
I would be interested in trying this especially because this textbook provides some good step-by-step examples using this package.
relationships are key antecedents and determinants of individual behaviors and attitudes
I just like the phrasing here. antecednets and determinants - strong, but true.
reducing to a number—the complexity of interpersonal relations
yes, but at least they are accounted for in some way. Traditionally, these are either ignored or mentioned as something that will be left out because it is too complex.
networks’ influences on students’ achievement, attitudes toward school, and degree attainment
reciprocal relationships are very interesting and relevant to my research interests.
intuitive feel for the network's topography.
I really like how this chapter is written and how they take us through all the steps. Love the idea that looking at many networks will lead to an "intuitive feel" #snagoals :)
hypothetical example of a questionnaire
I would love to see more of these - in published papers, for example - or just tutorials that take us from raw data to tidy data to analysis/computations in R.
Likert-type scales
I hope to use survey design as a component of my data collection for a future project.
observations, interviews
I hope this will play a big role in my future projects
calculate a few of the indices
I feel like I really appreciate how this step is more involved than I originally expected - mostly in terms of needing the data to be tidied up - organized appropriately before computations.
could ask how an adolescent's level of school attachment influences the likelihood of forming friendship ties
I like this line of thinking -- how the author suggests that we don't have to feel rigid about the questions - have a little more elbow room in exploring our area of interest while still maintaining focus.
I think even with inductive approaches, the theoretical framework lends itself to identifying emerging central themes. Just gives more room to incorporate other frameworks as well...
network exchange theory
So this is a sub theory of network theory that focuses on concepts such as structural holes and brokers?
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we cannot reject that null hypothesis that the number of collaboration ties sent in year 1 does not vary by the level of leaders’ trust.
This is (unfortunately) reminding me that I need to finish my stats exam due later this week and try to come to some conclusions like this after spending probably the next 8 hours staring at awesome output in R... but I digress... yes, this seems like it would be very applicable to my study. :)
Table 9.1
wow. I'm having a Don Quixote moment of imagining that my final class presentation will have a table that looks something like this... phew.
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artifacts, direct observation, laboratory experiments, and documents as data sources, and usually there are no plausible ways of identifying populations and drawing samples
which is sort of amazing to me, because this is exactly what I think a qualitative approach like ethnographic case studies rely on as well!!!
simulations permit inferences and hypothesis testing using network data that are by definition nonindependent observations.
This sounds like the answer to a question - wait, there's the question in the follow up paragraph below: why are simulations necessary...? :)
dependencies between a network's actors. For example, associations among network exposure (e.g., attitudes of one's peers), network indicators (e.g., size, transitivity), and individual attributes are nonindependent
This seems key - especially when I think of how we study covariates in statistics and how predictor variables can be confounding, mediating or moderating...
- Mar 2017
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definition(s) of the neighborhood
Since my groups are small with four to six participants, a one-step neighborhood probably makes most sense, but if I were to look at an egocentric analysis with the moderator as the ego, the larger or complete network would be more applicable?
How ego-centric networks could be applied to your research projects?
Since I am looking at teacher interactions across four groups in two years, I could use ego-centric networks to explore the role of particular actors -- to answer questions related to how particular actors influence interactions based on specific aspects of certain attributes - by looking at the quality/quantity of their initiated interactions for example. Another example is to look at the moderator's role -- each year there was a different but consistent moderator leading all four groups. Categorizing the moderator's interactions based on either quality or quantity could also be very revealing?
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“agent” in relations across groups
I think this also applies in financial sectors, right? good explanantion linking centrality and structural holes; I also like the breakdown in the bottom paragraph with five specific roles shown in fig. 7.7
constraint, extends the egocentric network density measure to include more information about the structural pattern of relations among ego's alters.
density + pattern of relations among alters = constraints
eigenvector centrality (Bonacich, 1972), entropy (Tutzauer, 2007), power (Bonacich, 1987), Katz centrality (1953), and random-walk centrality
wow. entropy sounds awesome. I want to be able to use this in my analysis just because it sounds so cool and I think it was one of the few concepts that really made sense when I was introduced to entropy in physics and chemistry!
able 7.2 Types of Questions Used to Elicit Egocentric Network Data.
This is useful. Sometimes I wish different studies would just show us the surveys they used so I can get a clear idea of types of questions and what is visualized.
(1) the topography of an ego's network and (2) the composition of that network, including the attributes of the alters to whom ego is connected.
focus of questions that try to examine individual entities across different networks and/or patterns of interaction within groups.
an individual's (ego) connections with others (alters) provides access to some instrumental (e.g., advice) or expressive (e.g., support) resource that may, in turn, be beneficia
ego's social capital in the hood
- Feb 2017
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“keep things together.”
so is this directly correlated to structural cohesiveness?
connected subgraph in which [Page 114]there is a path between all pairs of nodes
component definition; the graphic from Bodong's video clip is helpful in getting a (mental) picture of this definition.
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See http://kateto.net/network-visualization↩
This is incredible! Thank you for sharing this link.
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Which structural properties of the complete network might be of interest to you?
- Would it be right to say that a decentralized network would mean that more actors have a say in the evaluation process?
- Could a measure like high transitivity indicate more equitable practices in evaluation?
- Would high reciprocity mean that there was healthier communication (not just directed "at" the new teachers, but feedback loops and supportive avenues of communication)?
- And finally, what would high density scores indicate -- that resources are more accessible and basically better connections overall - so a more well-connected network, with fewer actors in isolated or peripheral positions?
before the participants got to know each other
If they were asked at a later point to similarly identify three friends, if reciprocity increases, would that leave more structural holes?
cohesive network with minimal clustering.
So if we have a large (size) cohesive network with minimal clustering, does it follow logically that there will be high transitivity and high reciprocity and low centralization?
relations are focused on one or a small set of actors
centralization: power in the hands of a few
“Small worlds” are those that paradoxically have a low average path length but high clustering.
small world phenomenon
“group together” into pockets of dense connectivity
clustering: tendency towards shared interactions based on homophily
large diameter and small average path length suggests a structure in which there are parts of the network that some network actors may be unable to access.
ah - this might answer my previous question: so cohesiveness in a large network might not mean the same thing as cohesiveness in a small network. Very interesting.
hierarchy, equality, and exclusivity
examples of forms of relationships (16 dif kinds according to Holland&Linehardt, 1979)
teacher networks with high reciprocity would be positively associated with teachers’ perceptions of their schools’ innovative climate and trust
But who would be excluded? Or is it possible to imagine a network with high reciprocity, where there is high inclusion as well?
reciprocity is reported as the proportion of reciprocated ties in the network. Therefore, values closer to 1.0 indicate higher reciprocity
reciprocity: appears in many studies and seems highly relevant in educational fields
conceptual level, it influences the structure of relations
size: affects structure of relations, reflects network's boundary, and measure of number of nodes in network
Table 5.1 T
Is this an acceptable format for an excel/csv file in R - or is it better to convert to weighted format, which is I think how LesMis data was presented?
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K-core, discussed in more detail in the next chapter, is a subset of actors that has ties with at least K other actors
useful in "empirically locating network boundaries" but not used widely
positional approach generates a set of actors that occupy a similar position in some social structure. Each actor, however, need not be directly connected to every other actor
positional different from relational because there could be structural holes
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not managing relationships is managing them. The only choice is how to manage networks of relationships. To be an effective networker, we can’t directly pursue the benefits of networks, or focus on what we can get from our networks. In practice, using social capital means putting our networks into action and service for others. The great paradox is that by contributing to others, you are helped in return, often far in excess of what anyone would expect
so applicable to how the best types of parenting work... and with very similar paradox(es)?!!
mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, Web sites, and other information/knowledge processing entities
I like this definition of SNA