417 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
    1. UNLearn courses is like a garden. It needs constant attendance. So it’s a large amount of work to do it, and once it’s done, it doesn't require that much work to tweak it and fiddle with it, but it needs constant work.

      OK but so should your F2F course. You should also constantly be maintaining and refining those resources. I think that this is another opportunity for the researcher to highlight how many academics just don't see all of the time and effort that F2F requires, simply because it's what they do. They "see" the additional work of online but they ignore all the work that's supposed to be going into F2F as well.

    2. Confidence implies competence

      Not at all. These two things might be associated but they are by no means necessarily associated. In fact, there is good evidence that the least competent can sometimes be the most confident. See the Dunning-Kruger effect.

    3. Therefore, it could be argued that belief regarding the usefulness of technologies could lead to change and ultimately the actual use of digital technologies in teaching and learning.

      This goes both ways. A teacher who believes that their job is to control access to specialised information, and to control assessment may use technology to close down learning opportunities (e.g. by banning the use of Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.) and even insisting on the installation of surveillance (proctoring) software on students' personal computers.

      Again, you can argue that technology in itself doesn't make the difference.

    4. Some teachers might believe that their traditional way of transmitting knowledge to students is still the best (Owens, 2012). These pedagogical beliefs can determine whether teachers will implement technologies or not (Judson, 2006; Owens, 2012).

      This seems to continue the assumption that "using technology" = good and "not using technology" = bad. But I really want to see the candidate articulate the understanding that good teaching with technology can be great, but that bad teaching with technology can be awful. Technology can amplify what is there but it doesn't inherently improve something that is bad.

      It would also be interesting, based on the candidate's writing, to hear some reflexivity on their own beliefs, and how these beliefs about the inherent goodness of technology has influenced the direction of the thesis.

    5. It is clear from Bandura’s theory that individuals have the capacity to make their own choices and that several factors influence these choices

      Is there a conflict here with the notion of free will (i.e. that we don't have any)? See Dennet, Harris, Coyne for alternative positions to the notion that we have any agency i.e. that in any situation we could have done something other.

    6. Self-efficacy is defined by Bandura as people’s “judgment of their capabilities to organise and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances. It is concerned not with the skills one has but with judgments of what one can do with whatever skills one possesses” (Bandura, 1986:391). In other words, self-efficacy refers to the belief in one’s own ability to perform a task or behaviour (Bandura, 1997), influencing how we think, what we believe and how we conduct ourselves.
    7. n order to determine behavioural intention in a new innovation, Venkatesh and Davis (2000) refer to two key belief constructs to examine: perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU), which are the predictors of users’ attitudes towards using digital technologies. Consequently, attitude depicts the intention to use digital technologies, which affects actual use.

      What we believe influences how we behave.

      "...when a tool is both useful and easy to use, actual system use is more likely"

    8. TAM is based on Fishbein and Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action (TRA), which offers a theoretical perspective that explains human conduct and the significance of one’s beliefs in order to anticipate behaviour (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1975).
    9. This section will focus on the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis et al., 1989) and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1985). The commonality in these theories (TAM, TPB and SCT) will then be discussed. These three perspectives provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the individual’s reactions in the integration of digital technologies in teaching and learning. While TAM and TPB focus exclusively on teachers’ beliefs about digital technologies, SCT focuses on the teachers’ behaviour.
    10. Bandura (1986:18) suggests that these three factors, namely the person, the behaviour and the environment are “all inseparably entwined to create learning in an individual”
    11. heories such as the theory of reasoned action (TRA) (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) were drawn on, which initiated one of the most well-known theories in technology adoption, namely the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989), which will be discussed later in this chapter. In the early 1990s, researchers started using social cognitive theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1986) when they realised the importance and relevance of self-efficacy in the adoption of digital technologies
    12. influences their need to self-direct their learning and discover information

      Categorising entire cohorts of students based on their date of birth.

      There is evidence that the simplistic categorisation of entire cohorts of students based on their date of birth is problematic. It also often fails to distinguish between those who feel comfortable using relatively simple tools in the context of social media (sharing, liking, etc.) and the more complex and nuanced use of digital tools to engage in professional learning, especially when that learning includes collaboration.

    1. If you look at the same graph with distance 2, the layer of additionally visible nodes show how my new Notion might be connected to things like online identity, using the environment to store memory and layered access to information. This triggers additional thoughts during the writing process.

      Lovely. This is such a great insight that I can already see is going to help me a lot.

    2. Usually while writing a Notion, I show the graph of how it connects to other Notions/Notes alongside it. I set the graph to show not only the 1st level links, as that only shows the links already apparent from the text I have in front of me. I set it to show 3 steps out at the start, and reduce to two steps when there are more links.

      This is a great idea that hasn't occurred to me before. When looking for non-obvious relationships between concepts (something that I think forms part of creativity), it makes sense to have the graph view open alongside the note you're working on.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.

      Alright, I think I may now have things set to use an IFTTT applet to take my Hypothes.is feed and dump it into a file on OneDrive.

      The tiny amount of clean up to the resultant file isn't bad. In fact, a bit of it is actually good as it can count as a version of spaced repetition towards better recall of my notes.

      The one thing I'll potentially miss is the tags, which Hypothes.is doesn't include in their feeds (tucked into the body would be fine), but I suppose I could add them as internal wiki links directly if I wanted.

      I suspect that other storage services that work with IFTTT should work as well.

      Details in a blogpost soon...

      Testing cross-linking:

      See Also:

      • [[Obsidian]]
      • [[Hypothes.is]]
      • [[note taking]]
      • [[zettlekasten]]
      • [[commonplace books]]
      • [[productivity]]

      hat tip to Hypothesis, for such a generally wonderful user interface for making annotating, highlighting, bookmarking, and replying to web pages so easy!

    1. Long comment threads on blog posts are a mixed blessing. It is great to have stirred up such great community discussion. But anything beyond, say, 20 comments is beginning to get beyond what anyone is willing to actually read. What likely happens is people read the article, read the first few comments, then start just scanning them (at increasingly swift rates) until they hit the bottom, then read the last one or two. At least, that’s what I do.

      Doing a quick test of Hypothes.is notes to Obsidian.via a storage source.

      Also checking the difference between html as a source and markdown as a source.

    1. So today, as a somewhat limited experiment, I played around with my Hypothes.is atom feed (https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?user=chrisaldrich, because you know you want to subscribe to this) and piped it into IFTTT. Each post creates a new document in a OneDrive file which I can convert to a markdown .md file that can be picked up by my Obsidian client.

      Trying to see if this work for me when linking with google drive. Unsure how to convert to markdown.