741 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
  2. Aug 2018
    1. his former name

      I've read in some places that Satan's former name was Lucifer (Bearer of Light), and in other texts that Lucifer was NOT Satan's former name but has sometimes been confused with Satan. So what then was Satan's former name?

  3. Mar 2018
  4. Feb 2018
    1. Κηΐας
    2. Ἱέρων
    3. Μοῦσά
    4. Φέρη[τος
    5. Ἀπόλλων
    6. Μαλέᾳ
    7. Μουσᾶν
    8. Διὸς
    9. Λοξί]ᾳ
    10. Ἱέρων
    11. Ἑλλάδ᾽
    12. Πυθώ
    13. Ἀπόλλων
    14. Δαλογενὴς
    15. Περσᾶ[ν
    16. Ζεὺς
    17. Πακτωλός
    18. Ἀλυάττα
    19. Λατοίδας
    20. Ἀπόλλων
    21. Κροῖσον
    22. Σάρδιες
    23. Ζηνὸς
    24. Λυδίας
    25. Δελφοὶ
    26. Κασταλίας ῥεέθροις
    27. Φοίβου
    28. Ἑλλάνων
    29. Ζηνὸς
    30. Δ]εινομένεος
    31. Ἀλφεόν
    32. Ἀγ]λαΐᾳ
    33. Νίκᾳ
    34. Ἱέρωνος
    35. Κλειοῖ
    36. κούραν
    37. Δάματρα
    38. Συρακοσίῳ
    39. Ἱέρωνι
  5. Jan 2018
  6. Dec 2017
  7. Feb 2017
    1. she adopted his middle initial as well as his surname

      The middle initial seems unusual. A half-step more liberal than "Mrs. Husband's Name," but not as far as just taking the last name. It seems like an unusually specific level of semiotic change with marriage.

      There's a similar trend with Douglass, who had to define his own last name, a move that involves constructing his own semiotic identity. It certainly seems like something that would go double for a Womanist perspective, due to misogynist and racist pressure against them having a stable name-identity.

  8. Oct 2016
  9. remikalir.com remikalir.com
    1. (Holden, 2016a; Kalir, forthcoming)

      Might be a good time to ask about the name change. Hope it’s not too indiscreet.

  10. Sep 2016
  11. Aug 2016
    1. @stho002 Originally Paraphylax volutithorax Broun 1880 (name no. 646) http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/10177254, as you point out. If you check Exohadrus http://iphylo.org/~rpage/nz/index.php?mode=genus&q=Exohadrus and go to description http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/10180401 you see "No. 646 is the representative species, now Exohadrus volutithorax."

      I've not been able to find "Syrphetodes volutithorax" online other than in sources based on http://bug.tamu.edu/research/collection/hallan/test/Arthropoda/Insects/Coleoptera/Family/Ulodidae.txt

  12. Jul 2016
    1. Fuck You, I'm Stealing Home: A baseball themed band that toured the coast playing primarily basements and selling matchbooks with our name on them. The oddity of the theme alone helped move some serious units.
    2. Aftermath: My first band when I was 12, named after the fourth Rolling Stones' (our biggest and practically only influence) album (Aftermath), and also because we rehearsed after math (well, school).
    3. New York City Rhythm: Just straight up ripped off the title of a Barry Manilow song. At this point I was starting to become proud of the fact that I had no shame in admitting I liked what some might refer to as the more shameful side of AM Gold. 
  13. Jun 2016
  14. Oct 2015
    1. 15. Your Name Determines What You Buy And Do, And You Need To Know

      This claim is very credible and there is extensive literature on the subject. In particular, there is an article written by Frederik Anseel and Wouter Duyck which validates the claim made in the *Cracked* article in respect to the Name-Letter Effect and how it influences where one might choose to work as well as career of choice.
       Anseel and Duyck obtained information from the Belgian Social Security Administration containing the names of 1/3 of all the employees working in the private sector in Belgium, with their aim being to determine if the employees' choice of employment could be statistically proven to be linked to the N.L.E. Anseel and Duyck confirmed the N.L.E was a factor, and the numbers support that these people were more likely to choose employment with companies with matching initials, with rarer initials have a greater likelihood(Anseel & Duyck, 2008). Overall, the authors discovered that the same-letter matches were 11.84% higher that projected at the start of the study(Anseel & Duyck, 2008).

      There is also an article published in Current Directions in Psychological Science which speaks to the Implicit Egotism claim. In the article Implicit Egotism, Pelham, Carvallo, & Jones state that implicit egotism is a tendency to live in places and associate with people who resemble the self (2005). The authors cite the work previously done by men such as Jozef Nuttin, credited with the origination of the N.L.E. theory, and take it a step further. They found that people were found to live states in the U.S. that most resembled their names (e.g. Louise and Louisiana or Virginia and Virginia). Pelham et al., found this out by examining the Social Security Death Index. It was discovered that when these people registered for Social Security as adults, the results supported that people more often inhabited states that were similar to their own names. In addition to that, the authors of Implicit Egotism also found evidence that people are also more inclined to associate and be attracted to people with whom shared initials are found. These findings back up the statements made in the Cracked article concerning implicit egotism and it’s influence on judgments that dictate our associations in society.

      Here’s the link to the article Name-Letter Effect article: http://web.b.ebscohost.com.libprox1.slcc.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=11&sid=e5b7258a-ee9a-4178-bd5a-86226cffed35%40sessionmgr111&hid=128&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=35068858&db=aph

      Here's the link to the Implicit Egotism study: http://web.b.ebscohost.com.libprox1.slcc.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=13&sid=e5b7258a-ee9a-4178-bd5a-86226cffed35%40sessionmgr111&hid=128
  15. Sep 2015
    1. And for an instant I saw myself from their vantage point across the room—Jo Ann—and a small bubble of self-esteem percolated up from my depths.

      This is the first time she actually says her name in the story.

    1. Nais


    2. Hirundinidae),


    3. (Aves:


    4. Tachycineta


    5. Apodidae)


    6. (Aves:


    7. Collocalia linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    8. Hirundinidae)


    9. (Aves:


    10. Aves)


    11. (Apodes,


    12. Kina


    13. Enicurus leschenaulti

      Enicurus leschenaulti

    14. Collocalia


    15. (Brachypteraciidae)


    16. Aerodramus


    17. Anatini).


    18. (Aves)


    19. Ramphocelus


    20. Australasia


    1. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    2. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    3. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    4. C. esculenta

      Collocalia esculenta

    5. C. esculenta

      Collocalia esculenta

    6. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    7. C. esculenta

      Collocalia esculenta

    8. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    9. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    10. C. esculenta

      Collocalia esculenta

    11. C. esculenta

      Collocalia esculenta

    12. C. linchi

      Collocalia linchi

    13. Collocalia linchi^

      Collocalia linchi

    14. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    15. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    16. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    17. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    18. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    19. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    20. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    21. Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

      Collocalia esculenta cyanoptila

    22. Collocalia esculenta nitens^

      Collocalia esculenta nitens

    23. Collocalia esculenta becki^

      Collocalia esculenta becki

    24. Collocalia esculenta marginata

      Collocalia esculenta marginata

    25. Collocalia esculenta marginata

      Collocalia esculenta marginata

    26. Collocalia esculenta bagobo

      Collocalia esculenta bagobo

    27. Collocalia esculenta bagobo

      Collocalia esculenta bagobo

    28. Collocalia troglodytes^

      Collocalia troglodytes

    29. Aerodramus maximus

      Aerodramus maximus

    30. Aerodramus
