1,019 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2014
  2. Apr 2014
    1. facilitate the global conversation on every scholarly work

      How will facilitating the global conversation "strengthen the Internet for free expression and innovation"?

    2. which leads into our key step in creating a more collaborative and open scientific community.

      By "key step" here do you mean "goal"? This might be more clearly written as something like "which enables our goal of creating a more collaborative and open scientific community"?

    3. Users can choose to keep their highlights and annotations private, or to share them with the world, which leads into our key step in creating a more collaborative and open scientific community.

      Expand on this more to explain how sharing highlights and annotations is key to more collaboration and openness. What do you imagine PeerLibrary will make possible for the scientific community that they cannot do now?

    4. A framework built for collaborative real-time annotations on articles.

      By "framework" do you mean an API and associated libraries?

  3. Jan 2014
    1. Data represent important products of the scientific enterprise that are, in many cases, of equivalent or greater value than the publications that are originally derived from the research process. For example, addressing many of the grand challenge scientific questions increasingly requires collaborative research and the reuse , integration, and synthesis of data.

      Who else might care about this other than Grand Challenge Question researchers?

    1. Questioning and examination are the tools of reflection: Hear an idea, ponder it, question it, modify it, explore its limitations. When the idea is presented by a person, the audience can interrupt, ask questions, probe to get at the underlying assumptions. But the author doesn’t come along with a book, so how could the book be questioned if it couldn’t answer back? This is what bothered Socrates.

      This is what bothered socrates.

    1. Qualitative statements describe in a yes/no manner for example, which tissues a gene is expressed in or if two groups of cells move relative to one another. This basic information is insufficient, though, to address many fundamental questions in developmental biology.
    1. Information exchange requires (and can contribute to) mutual understanding; e.g., empathy.

      What is the essence of empathy? Is it mutual understanding? What else is there?

    1. Instead of cheerleading, people in my profession should think of themselves as businesspeople. What’s good for the company? How do we communicate that to employees? How can we help every worker understand what we mean by high performance?
  4. Oct 2013
    1. Nor will the preceptor be under the obligation merely to teach these things, but frequently to ask questions upon them and try the judgment of his pupils

      Questions, a sign of deeper understanding and investment

  5. Sep 2013

      What does this exchange tell us about John, Abigail, and Mercy? About expectation for the day?

      How revolutionary was the exchange? How typical was this kind of relationship? How much impact might it have had

    1. Very good, Callicles; but will he answer our questions? for I want to hear from him what is the nature of his art, and what it is which he professes and teaches

      Socrates wants ask Gorgias questions about rhetoric.

  6. Aug 2013
    1. I want to know how this stigma developed. Why can we look at a person with a broken arm or chicken pox and wince when we do, but then carry on with our lives when, on the flipside, someone mentions that they have a psychological disorder of some sort causes us to look at them with big eyes and then scoot away?
    1. Is Alexander arguing that African American women are defined more by their race than by their gender, whereas white women are defined more by their gender than their race?

      Why does Alexander suggest this? How might this approach affect the history of Women?

    2. When Castañeda talks about how women of color are ignored, I wonder if there's a detriment of calling all women that aren't white women of color. Wouldn't that lead to lumping them all together, making stereotypes about them, and ignoring the vast diversity in that group? Just like the experiences of white women can be different from those of women of color, can't the same be said for Hispanic women, Asian women, and black women since they also all have different experiences.


    3. What I do not understand is what she means by women of color writers looking to "third world liberation movements" for some aspect of history to write on.

      So, what is Castaneda referring to here?

    4. As a women and gender studies major and a Hispanic woman, I find myself realizing more and more that most of my classes only assign one class to talk about women of color. I wish to understand more why we still ignore women of color when talking in the context of women's history and how we would fix this problem.

      Why is this and how might we fix it?

    5. I wonder how this idea that ‘wages define real work’ applies to today’s society in regards to pay inequality among different races and genders.

      Can we think of examples from today of the impact of this distinction?