- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Humanity in general is to develop tools to identify detect and communicate with all kinds of intelligences and very unconventional embodiments that we are not good at
for - proposal - future conversations - Earth Species Project & Michael Levin could be a good future conversation!
- Apr 2024
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Butno matter how the form may vary, the fact that an organism hasconscious experience at all means, basically, that there is somethingit is like to be that organism
for - earth species project - ESP - Earth Species Project - Aza Raskin - Ernest Becker - Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning
comment - what is it like to be that other organism? - Earth Species Project is trying to shed some light on that using machine learning processes to decode the communication signals of non-human species - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=earth++species+project - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FH9SvPs1cCds%2F&group=world
- In Ernest Becker's book, The Birth and Death of Meaning, Becker provides a summary of the ego from a Freudian perspective that is salient to Nagel's work - The ego creates time and humans, occupying a symbolosphere are timebound creatures that create the sense of time to order sensations and perceptions - The ego becomes the central reference point for the construct of time - If the anthropocene is a problem - and we wish to migrate towards an ecological civilization in which there is greater respect for other species, - a symbiocene - this means we need to empathize with other species - If our species is timebound but the majority of other species are not, - then we must bridge that large gap by somehow experiencing what it's like to be an X ( where X can be a bat or many other species)
reference - interesting adjacencies emerging from reading a review of Ernest Becker's book: The Birth and Death of Meaning - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.themortalatheist.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker&group=world
- Thomas Nagel
- Aza Raskin
- Ernest Becker
- Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning
- adjacency - Thomas Nagel - Ernest Becker - Edmond Husserl - Epoche - timebind - timelessness - enlightenment - Epoche - symbiocene - anthropocene - Rescue our future
- ESP - Earth Species Project
- earth species project
- What is it like to be that organism?
- Epoche
- Aug 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I do want to point out one more really significant implication here which is how it affects our experience of time
- for: the lack project, sense of lack, the reality project, sense of self, sense of self and lack, poverty mentality, sense of time, living in the future, living in the present, human DOing, human BEing
- key insight
- we construct different types of experiences of time, depending on the degree of sense of lack we experience
- it means the difference between
- living in the present
- living in the future
- paraphrase
- it's the nature of lack projects insofar as we become preoccupied with them
- that they tend to be future oriented naturally
- I mean the whole idea of a lack project or a reality project is right here right now is not good enough
- because I feel this sense of inadequacy this sense of lack
- but in the future when I have what I think I need
- when I'm rich enough or
- when I'm famous enough or
- my body is perfect enough or whatever
- when I have all this then everything will be okay
- and what of course that does is that future orientation traps Us in linear time in a way that tends to devalue the way we experience the world and ourselves in the world right here and now
- it treats the now as a means to some better ends
- Now isn't good enough
- but when I have what I think I need everything is going to be just great
- So many of the spiritual Traditions taught
- especially the mystics and the Zen Masters
- they end up talking about what is sometimes called
- the Eternal now
- or the Eternal present - a different way of experiencing the now
- As long as the present is a means to some better end
- this future when I'm gonna be okay
- then the present is experienced as
- a series of Nows that fall away
- as we reach for that future
- but if we're not actually needing to get somewhere that's better in the future
- it's possible to experience the here and now
- as lacking nothing and myself in the here and now
- as lacking nothing
- it's possible to experience the present as something that doesn't arise and doesn't fall away
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
By takingthat small extra step of putting a note into a folder (or tagging it*) fora specific project, such as a psychology paper you’re writing or apresentation you’re preparing, you’ll encounter that idea right at themoment it’s most relevant. Not a moment before, and not a momentafter.
But what about the unimagined future projects that may be our most important. Zettelkasten methods cover for this better perhaps?
- Jul 2021
miriamposner.com miriamposner.com
What it is
Perhaps one day, when I am prepared to share my experiences with domestic violence and substance use disorder within my family, I will create such a resource
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
With some frameworks, you may find your needs at odds with the enterprise-level goals of a megacorp owner, and you may both benefit and sometimes suffer from their web-scale engineering. Svelte’s future does not depend on the continued delivery of business value to one company, and its direction is shaped in public by volunteers.
- future of project depending on continued delivery of business value to one company
- business interests/needs overriding interests/needs of users
- conflict of interest
- at odds with
- open-source projects: allowing community (who are not on core team) to influence/affect/steer the direction of the project
- organic
- balance of power
- more interested in their own interests
- May 2020
www.ukcdr.org.uk www.ukcdr.org.uk
UKCDR - COVID-19 Research Project Tracker