8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. . If online courses continue to be part of the long-termstrategic plan for academic institutions, we need to consider howto teach students the skills they will need to become self-regulatedlearners. The ultimate goal is to create learning environments inwhich students are effective learners

      teaching self regulation

    2. Teaching students to be self-directed learners is an on-going goal for many educators (Fink, 2013). However, until morestudents have these skills, online educators might consider struc-turing courses in ways that teach these skills in addition to coursecontent

      Teaching students responsibility is an issue in both face-to-face and online learning. Just because you are sitting in a classroom doesn't mean you are engaged.

  2. Aug 2022
    1. To be clear, I don’t see John’s progress as a reflection of my teaching. He discovered how to use speech-to-text tools to help him write. He showed up and worked hard every day in our virtual classroom. He took initiative and persevered— all skills I didn’t teach him.

      Useful reminder, connected to our goals and roles, as learning pros. Some of us celebrate when people empower themselves through learning. Yet, some people have issues with the fact that there hasn't been an intervention.

      My little quip:

      People learn despite teachers.

  3. Sep 2019
    1. When assignments are optional, compliance will vary and you risk exacerbating differences in study skills, background knowledge, and the like.

      I can't help but wonder if the emphasis on "content retention" and "compliance" that seems to be core to the authors' concept of learning doesn't make some bad assumptions: that learning is something that an instructor does to a student, and not something that students have agency over. This seems to me to be in extreme conflict with what might be even more inclusive practice: far less emphasis on the grade, more individual attention and greater emphasis on personal growth, less teacher control and more student agency. This is basic Freire stuff. Students aren't vessels to be filled.

  4. Jul 2017
  5. Nov 2016
  6. Apr 2016
  7. Feb 2016
    1. This is a program of lessons that gives kids the freedom of action to take their own Sonic Pi project in any direction they want to, moving away from the sort of lesson where everybody works on the same piece of software, and giving students the agency to develop their work in an individual way, while almost accidentally becoming familiar with an important set of fundamentals.