4 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2021
assess the impact of the use of modern technologies on the quality of the education process
www.diva-portal.org www.diva-portal.org[Title]1
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Guarantee access to internet and availability of computers, laptops, or tablets:access to the internet at a decent speed and to proper ICT tools are basicprerequisites for any online teaching and learning strategy.
ICT Information and Communication Technology
- Oct 2020
www.hsj.gr www.hsj.gr
An Evaluation of Problem-based Learning Supported by Information and Communication Technology: A Pilot Study
(Under "Viewing Options", select PDF.) In this article, Ernawaty and Sujono (2019) summarize results of a study funded by the Research and Higher Education Directorate of Indonesia. The study aimed to evaluate the cogency of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in problem based learning (PBL) and traditional teaching methods (TTM) based upon learner test scores. The concepts of PBL, TTM, and implications of ICTs are briefly reviewed. Results of the study revealed that PBL with the support of an ICT yielded the highest test scores. (6/10)