- Mar 2025
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The generation effect is a phenomenon whereby information is better remembered if it is generated from one's own mind rather than simply read.
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
According to Huberman, there is a positive causal relationship between caffeine and reduced reaction time, increasing both speed and accuracy of recall. Thus useful to take in a certain amount of caffeine 30-60 minutes before an important exam or test.
- Sep 2022
Local file Local file
After looking at various studies fromthe 1960s until the early 1980s, Barry S. Stein et al. summarises:“The results of several recent studies support the hypothesis that
retention is facilitated by acquisition conditions that prompt people to elaborate information in a way that increases the distinctiveness of their memory representations.” (Stein et al. 1984, 522)
Want to read this paper.
Isn't this a major portion of what many mnemotechniques attempt to do? "increase distinctiveness of memory representations"? And didn't he just wholly dismiss the entirety of mnemotechniques as "tricks" a few paragraphs back? (see: https://hypothes.is/a/dwktfDiuEe2sxaePuVIECg)
How can one build or design this into a pedagogical system? How is this potentially related to Andy Matuschak's mnemonic medium research?