3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. Contrary to mainstream thinking that this new technology is unregulated, it’s really quite the opposite. These systems apply the strictest of rules under highly deterministic and predictable models that are regulated through mathematics. In the future, industry will be regulated not just by institutions and committees but by algorithms and mathematics. The new technology will gradually out-regulate the regulators and, in many cases, make them obsolete because the new system offers more certainty. Antonopoulos explains that “the opposite of authoritarianism is not chaos, but autonomy.”

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/>1933 年德国包豪斯设计学院被纳粹关闭,大部分师生移民到美国,他们同时也把自己的建筑风格带到了美利坚。尽管人们在严格的几何造型上感受到了冷漠感,但是包豪斯主义致力于美术和工业化社会之间的调和,力图探索艺术与技术的新统一,促使公众思考——「如何成为更完备的人」?而这一点间接影响到了我们现在所熟知的美国式人格。<br/><br/>区块链最终会超越「人治」、达到「算法自治」的状态吗?类似的讨论声在人工智能领域同样不绝于耳。「绝对理性」站到了完备人格的对立面,这种冰冷的特质标志着人类与机器交手后的败退。过去有怀疑论者担心,算法的背后实际上由人操控,但随着「由算法生成」的算法,甚至「爷孙代自承袭」算法的出现,这样的担忧逐渐变得苍白无力——我们有了更大的焦虑:是否会出现 “blockchain-based authoritarianism”?

  2. Dec 2018
    1. 雖然許多公鏈開發項目方自稱為「第三代區塊鏈系統」,但本質上只是「更快的以太坊」,內部也沒有任何落地的應用出現,僅僅是個空轉的伺服器群,這背後的隱憂是,一旦以太坊完成 POS 實作,解決了 TPS 的交易處理性能問題,可滿足一定程度的商用場景,這些新公鏈的開發者與使用者將一哄而散,重新回到市占率最高的以太坊進行開發。

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/>应对此类预判的有效回应:为什么我们只能有一个以太坊?为什么不能同时存在多个「快速的类以太坊」?<br/><br/>看看国产手机厂商们基于 Android OS 定制的 UI 在大中华区的市场表现吧!自从 Google 退华后,相关的流言就未曾间断——比市面上这群竞品更强更好、哪怕是阉割版的 Google 将重返中国市场,扭转格局。但明眼人们心里清楚,这个全球最大市场已今非昔比,后来居上的模仿者们甚至成功改写了游戏规则。<br/><br/>总有东西能够超越人类的朴素共识,它可能是商品拜物教、地缘政治、意识形态、文化鸿沟中的任意一项。百舸争流,成王败寇。

    1. Blockstream announced through a press release that they have added a fifth satellite to their network. Their broadcast can now reach most of the world. Their previous satellite formation allowed them to share their blockchain broadcasts to most of North and South America, Europe and Africa. Company’s fifth satellite allows them to reach the Asia-Pacific region, including China, India, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and Australia.
