- Feb 2023
cubox.pro cubox.pro
奥利维伦斯俱乐部有鲜明的日资背景,自去年起其经营权已由小野寺集团控制,而小野寺集团恰恰是横滨FC的母公司。 用更加通俗的话讲,三浦是被租借到了横滨FC的卫星俱乐部。
- Sep 2022
Kang v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2022 FC 1296 (CanLII), <https://canlii.ca/t/jrzb8>
H&C with past misrepresentation must consider context of past misrepresentation
- Apr 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The creation of L.H.O.O.Q. profoundly transformed the perception of La Joconde (what the French call the painting, in contrast with the Americans and Germans, who call it the Mona Lisa).
While Americans and Germans call Leonardo da Vinci's painting the Mona Lisa, the French refer to it as La Joconde.
What do the French call the Mona Lisa? :: La Joconde
The earliest medieval florilegium is probably the Liber scintillarum composed by Defensor of Ligugé at the end of the seventh century, which arranged extracts under topical chapters in descending order of the authority of their sources—Gospels first, then St. Paul and other apostles, other books of the Bible, and the doctors of the church.103
Liber scintillarum (The Book of Sparks) composed by Defensor of Ligugé from the end of the seventh century may be one of the earliest medieval florilegium. Its excerpts are arranged under topical chapters in descending order of the authority of their sources beginning with the Gospels, St. Paul, the other apostles, other books of the Bible, and finally the doctors of the church.
Cross reference: 103. Rouse and Rouse (1982), 167.
What manuscript composed by Defensor of Ligugé from the end of the seventh century may be one of the earliest medieval florilegium? :: Liber scintillarum
The seventh century florilegium Liber scintillarum was composed by whom? :: Defensor of Ligugé
the biblical concordances that indexed every word in the Holy Scriptures (the first one completed ca. 1247);
The first biblical concordance was completed in 1247.
When was the first biblical concordance completed? :: 1247 (anorak)
super-memory.com super-memory.com
Who created SuperMemo? ::: Piotr Wozniak
- Mar 2022
As the Earth rotates from west to east, celestial objectsappear to move from east to west, a term Western astronomers calldiurnal motion.
What is the term for the appearance of motion from east to west of celestial objects? :: diurnal motion
The path of the Sun is called the ecliptic in Western astronomysince it is along this path that eclipses occur.
What is the path of the sun called? :: the ecliptic
Eclipses occur on the path of which heavenly body? :: the sun