5 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Sep 2023
    1. Even though I commented earlier i have to side with Chris. A ZK is best suited for argumentative and essay like work, not creative one like poetry.Maybe this is something that we need to discuss as a community as hole: it’s seems that a lot of people try to fit their needs to a system that (in my opinion) it’s neither intended or works for those kinds of projects.

      reply to Efficient_Eart_8773 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16ad43u/comment/jzaas4l/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      Though depending on your needs and desires, you can really do both to effectuate the outcomes you'd like to have. The secret is knowing which affordances, structures, and methods suit your desired outcomes. (Of course if you're going to dump your box out and do massive rearrangements or take large portions out and want to refile them for other needs, then you're going to have to give them numbers and do that re-filing work.)

      I've seen snippets of saved language in Thoreau's journal (commonplace) which were re-used in other parts of his journal which ultimately ended up in a published work. As he didn't seem to have a significant index, one can only guess that he used occasional browsing or random happenstance delving into it to have moved it from one place to another.

      As ever, what do you need and what will best get you there?

      Link to:<br /> What Got You Here Won't Get You There

  3. Jul 2016
    1. Think of all the hard work and the sweat you put in to the things that your proudest of.

      Always feels good to say, "I worked out today!"

    2. So Self-Acceptance is the first key, Accept your past, and the person who you are now, and start working towards your future.
    3. Basically it makes you go from walking in a mild pace towards your goals to sprinting at them full speed with a rocket pack strapped to your back!