17 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. O Direito de Ler em Voz Alta

      Na minha opinião, ler em voz alta é muito importante, porque podemos “saborear” as palavras de uma forma diferente do que se estivéssemos a ler “para dentro”.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. The question of how testing is currently being done, does not state a clear hypothesis, butis set to look at the collected data without being certain what that data will conceal.According to Saaranen-Kauppinen and Puusniekka (2009, 6-7) the lack of a clearhypothesis and data-driven research are factors to categorize this research as qualitative.Typical methods for gathering information in qualitative research are observations andinterviews, or at present the use of existing material and documents as well (Saaranen-Kauppinen & Puusniekka 2009, 47). An observative approach could yield deep insights inthe existing testing practices in an organization, but would restrict the data collection toone or two development processes due to the small scope of this research. Due to thelack of existing material of the organizations in question I chose to conduct interviewsinstead, as I expect to gather a good understanding of existing testing processes indifferent types of relevant organizations.

      LER NOVAMENTE: Explicação de pq usar e( o que é pesquisa qualitativa), para responde a 3 sub-questão

  3. Aug 2023
    1. As employers continue to face hurdles in identifying and hiring qualified talent, the potential for skill- and competency-based digital credentials is likely to grow

      This "WHY" for industry is well stated. Employers are highly motivated.

  4. Jun 2023
    1. Makes the case for why trusted skills assertions can be the future of better connecting talented humans with opportunities they deserve

      SHRM research

  5. Apr 2023
    1. For nearly half of the lower-wage employment analyzed, we identify at least one higher-paying occupation requiring similar skills in the same metro area. We also find that transitions to similar higher-paying occupations would represent an average annual increase in wages of nearly $15,000, or 49 percent.

      Recognition can change the world. Signals need to be valid and trustworthy, but we're so close to making a huge difference in the world through recognition of things that are already there, just hidden in plain sight.

    1. Interoperable LERs support learners’mobility by functioning in local, regional,state, national, and global talentmarketplaces


    2. Interoperability: The ability of systems to worktogether, exchange, and make use of informationfrom other systems. In education, interoperability isthe ability of a system to exchange education andworkforce information with and use information fromother systems without special effort on the part of theuser. This means all individuals, including learners andemployers, have appropriate access to educationand workforce information, allowing them to makeinformed decisions in the workplace

      Interoperability is rooted in access and equity

  6. Mar 2023
    1. “Our relationship with Community College of Aurora exemplifies the best in finding workforce solutions. Together we dug into the details to develop curriculum and training experiences that prepare students to meet the requirements for specific job responsibilities in behavioral health.”

      co-design with the employers who will consume credentials

    2. only about a third of the need for mental health professionals in Colorado is currently met, driving demand for additional qualified behavioral health workers. By offering microcredential pathways in patient navigation, peer support specialist, behavioral health associate, and behavioral health+, these new credentials are designed to address Colorado’s mental health workforce shortage by preparing people for these roles in less than one year

      Market need + Short prep time for learners = meeting needs of job seekers and employers.

    3. whether built as credit-bearing or non-credit pathways, microcredentials are by no means a substitute for the intensiveness or comprehensiveness of traditional higher education pathways.

      Yes! It's a false dichotomy to pit MCs vs traditional credentials. They are different and can be complimentary.

  7. Dec 2022
  8. Nov 2022
    1. They also need to communicate their potential, i.e., what they are able to learn, as well as toreceive guidance on how to realize their potential

      Fascinating idea of systems not only serving to inform learners/earners about where they can go and how to get there, but to also be a reliable signal about their potential to advisors, councilors, social workers, navigators, parents, recruiters and others

    2. employers see potential value in using digital credentials for a number of differentreasons. These include using digital credentials to better match candidates to jobs by analyzingtheir skills, broadening the talent funnel by data-mining credential databases, ensuring theauthenticity of credentials, and using credentials to manage the talent pathways in theirorganizations

      reminder that stakeholders are not monolithic and neither is any given stakeholder's incentive structure. Yes, keep it simple when mapping out stakeholder ecosystem. And, include multiple incentives when relevant.

  9. Nov 2019