- Oct 2020
www.liebertpub.com www.liebertpub.com
The study found that physically inactive adolescent students were more likely to present with problematic smartphone use than those who were physically active, and girls were more likely to exhibit problematic smartphone use than boys.
Çalışma, fiziksel olarak aktif olmayan ergen öğrencilerin, fiziksel olarak aktif olanlara göre sorunlu akıllı telefon kullanma olasılığının daha yüksek olduğunu ve kızların sorunlu akıllı telefon kullanma olasılığının erkeklerden daha fazla olduğunu buldu.
- Jul 2020
colab.plymouthcreate.net colab.plymouthcreate.net
This model is the most flexible and open-ended of the four; your goal as an instructor is not to design a full-fledged semester of material, activities, and assessments. Rather, your goal is to work with your class to design and become a learning community, working collaboratively and individually towards your determined learning goals. For this to work you should have: a set of possible/preferred learning objectives for your classa library of course materials, preferably with as much as possible in digital formata suggested list of digital tools and technologies that you’re comfortable from with a list of possible assignment/project/assessment ideas that are related to your learning objectivesa willingness to experiment and invite your students into the teaching & learning process. At the onset of class you will need to facilitate a conversation among you and your students about how the class will unfold. This can be done in small groups f2f, via an online communication tool, or in a hybrid mix of both. As a community you should plan on addressing the following: what are our objectives as a learning community? what kind of work could we engage in to meet these objectives? what physical/virtual spaces would we like to work in? how/when do we want to meet in these spaces?how do we want to measure (assess) if an objective has been met?what rules and policies should govern our work? how will we work virtually and respect everyone’s boundaries and personal situations? how will we work f2f and respect public health recommendations and personal situations? You will probably need to spend at least the first 1-2 weeks answering these questions together and then designing a plan for your course. Make sure you and your students talk through various complications: what if the university’s policies about meeting f2f change? what if classes are forced to move entirely virtual/remote? what someone (students or professor!) gets sick?
This is the one for me!!!!
Apologies for highlighting whole swaths of paragraphs but it can't be helped sometimes lol.
Finally, these are NOT meant to be comprehensive. Instead, imagine these models along a continuum of opportunity. Your challenge is to determine where your courses could fit between and among the proposals.
I'm wondering how much or how little faculty will need to change their curriculum/delivery depending on the various inevitable changes that we can't exactly predict will happen this school year. For those faculty member purposefully switching online, what changes have they made already, and what changes will become necessary in the near future?
- Jan 2019
www.pdx.edu www.pdx.edu
Portland State makes it easy for students to manage their campus experience wherever they are, whenever they want. With the myPSU mobile app, it’s easy for students to find their way to class, check grades and pay a tuition bill.
notes here...
- Aug 2018
tableau.services.pdx.edu tableau.services.pdx.edu
psu student profile
- Apr 2018
liftingbridges.weebly.com liftingbridges.weebly.comMy Site1
Community-base Learning
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Designing a User-friendly Online Course
Portland State University
- Mar 2018
urbanuniversity.wordpress.com urbanuniversity.wordpress.com
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Plymouth State University needed to change.
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
give the university’s admissions and marketing people something distinctive they could use to sell the university to prospective students and their parents. But there’s certainly an element of faith to all of this.
learninginnovation.duke.edu learninginnovation.duke.edu
Join Us for the Opening Up Education Event Series
albertaoer.com albertaoer.com
Alberta OER - Resources (archive)
OER toolkits
- Nov 2017
postsecondary.gatesfoundation.org postsecondary.gatesfoundation.org
Portland State University
guides.library.pdx.edu guides.library.pdx.edu
Copyright Guide
library.pdx.edu library.pdx.edu
Call for Proposals: PSU Library Seeks Faculty to Author Open Textbooks
- Oct 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
- Sep 2017
www.asumag.com www.asumag.com
experience the clusters model of learning outside the traditional classroom.
- Jun 2017
www.thecriticalthinkinginitiative.org www.thecriticalthinkinginitiative.org
Critical Thinking
- May 2017
www.laconiadailysun.com www.laconiadailysun.com
"Integrated clusters allow us to provide the type of education, beginning at the freshman level, that integrates the learning process in such a way as to create opportunities to interact with our communities," said Donald L. Birx, PSU president. "Using open laboratories, we can work across disciplines and with community members to solve problems and challenges that give students insights into how education is relevant to the needs of the world."
www.unionleader.com www.unionleader.com
“I think there’s a lot of orientation toward workforce development,”
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Farewell to Departments
- Apr 2017
www.pdx.edu www.pdx.edu
Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey
- Sep 2016
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
they could not refrain nor restrain themselves from talking to her on what they well knew she would fain be silent.
They know she wont talk about it but they continue to presser her and "torment" her. Why could't they leave it alone, why did they feel the need force her to confirm what they already know? Were they feeling entitled to knowledge that didn't belong to them?
- Jul 2016
cleblanc.blogs.plymouth.edu cleblanc.blogs.plymouth.edu
strategic clusters
- Mar 2016
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Last semester, students from Plymouth State University in New Hampshire were asked to annotate Sigmund Freud's work as a group, and they responded much like they would on a Facebook wall. "You could see the students rolling their eyes. They were saying things like, 'Oh my God, this guy! What is his deal with women and his mother?'" Dean says. "Some of it was joking around, and some of it was high engagement with the text. That's something you would only normally see inside a really well-managed class discussion in a brick and mortar classroom."
www.theclockonline.com www.theclockonline.com
SOAR program,
- Jan 2016
www.theclockonline.com www.theclockonline.com
Holiday Harmonies
- Oct 2015
www.plymouth.edu www.plymouth.edu
PSU Logo
- Sep 2015
www.plymouth.edu www.plymouth.edu
is there any intellectually sound reason for examining arbitrarily anthologized particles of many separate tradi- tions in connection with each other
This seems like the central question for me, and also a really direct challenge to our syllabus...