6 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
  2. May 2021
    1. Sidewiki does another interesting thing - it matches comments to the same words elsewhere on the web. For example, my comment on Douglas Adams excellent 1999 piece also shows up in SideWiki on JP Rangiswami's blog where he quotes Douglas Adams too.This hints at a greater possibility for SideWiki - to weave the web together by better by showing commentary across the web from all places that quote and cite each other, correlating by textual quotation and adding annotated links to the commentary from people we trust most.
  3. Aug 2019
    1. A sidebar annotating the web, like SideWiki should have been.

      Social bookmarking, tagging, annotating and note sharing of the web in public or private groups, or just for yourself.

      source and other projects at https://github.com/hypothesis - opensource (but alas, not copyleft)