- Jun 2023
www.thejazzpianosite.com www.thejazzpianosite.com
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled1
How Tensions Affect Chord Scales
- Jan 2021
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
This brings me to the fourth pattern of oscillating tension: Shadow values.The pattern goes something like this: We have two values that (without proper planning) tend to be in tension with each other. One of them, we acknowledge, as right and good and ok. One of them we repress, because we think it's bad or weak or evil.Safety vs. AdventureIndependence vs. Love Revenge vs. Acceptance All common examples of value tensions, where one of the values is often in shadow (which one depends on the person).So we end up optimizing for the value we acknowledge. We see adventure as "good", so we optimize for it, hiding from ourselves the fact we care about safety. And man, do we get a lot of adventure. Our adventure meter goes up to 11.But all the while, there's that little safety voice, the one we try ignore. Telling us that there's something we value that we're ignoring. And the more we ignore it, the louder it gets.And meanwhile, because we've gotten so much of it, our adventure voice is getting quieter. It's already up to 11, not a worry right now. Until suddenly, things shift. And where we were going on many adventures, now we just want to stay home, safe. Oscillating tension.
Shadow Values
Shadow Values are a pattern of Oscillating Tension.
When we have two values, one which we make explicit and acknowledge, one which we don't, we might optimize for the one we made explicit.
This results in our behavior pursuing the maximization of that value, all the while ignoring the implicit one (the shadow value).
Because this value is getting trampled on, the voice that corresponds to it will start to speak up. The more it gets ignored, the more it speaks up.
At the same time, the voice corresponding to the value that is getting maximized, becomes quiet. It's satisfied where it is.
We find ourselves in a place where all we want to do is tend to the value that is not being met.
- Apr 2020
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Libérer, délivrer… et surveiller ? Les tensions vécues par le manager dans les organisations entre nouveau et ancien monde
Le titre de l'article nous indique le point de vue de l'autrice : le management actuel au travail induit des tensions pour le manager
- Apr 2019
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
Trauma victims cannot recover until they become familiar with and befriend the sensations in their bodies. Being frightened means that you live in a body that is always on guard. Angry people live in angry bodies. The bodies of child-abuse victims are tense and defensive until they find a way to relax and feel safe. In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past.
- Jan 2016
www.readability.com www.readability.com
With most journals, if I submit a paper that is rejected, that information is private and I can re-submit elsewhere. In open review, with a negative review one can publicly lose face as well as lose the possibility of re-submitting the paper. Won’t this be a significant disincentive to submit? This is precisely what we are trying to change. Currently, scientists can submit a paper numerous times, receive numerous negative reviews and ultimately publish their paper somewhere else after having “passed” peer review. If scientists prefer this system then science is in a dangerous place. By choosing this model, we as scientists are basically saying we prefer nice neat stories that no one will criticize. This is silly though because science, more often than not, is not neat and perfect. The Winnower believes that transparency in publishing is of the utmost importance. Going from a closed anonymous system to an open system will be hard for many scientists but I believe that it is the right thing to do if we care about the truth.