6 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2023
usa.anarchistlibraries.net usa.anarchistlibraries.net
The lineage of domination from childhood in schools and at home to adulthood in the workplace is clear. Its purpose is to habituate us to hierarchy and psychological enslavement. Our aptitude for autonomy is atrophied and our vitality is suppressed so that we are reconciled with regimentation and can replicate and reproduce it throughout our interpersonal lives, politics, and cultures. That is Why Revolution Needs Therapy.
It's incredible how our work ideology is shaped by a hierarchical way of thinking that you can see in many places of our society.
- Jan 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/antiwork reading list - go through this
thenewinquiry.com thenewinquiry.com
to read
www.occupy.com www.occupy.com
to read
humanparts.medium.com humanparts.medium.com
to read
theanarchistlibrary.org theanarchistlibrary.org
to read