- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - adjacency - curiosity of the other - polarization - Common Human Denominator - the sacred - TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec - othering - self and other - adjacency - deep curiosity - Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) - awakening to the sacred - a good transition - social tipping points for complex contagion - wide bridges
- Summary / adjacency
- between
- deep curiosity
- Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD)
- social tipping points for complex contagion
- new adjacency relationships
- Scott Shigeoka is a researcher on social divisions.
- He is also queer and embarked on an adventurous, embedded, courageous and personal research project to venture into Trump country
- to apply his academic training and curiosity to see if he could
- find a way to form authentic relationships with people he had always considered 'the other'
- What the one year experiment taught him was that deep and authentic curiosity is a valuable tool for learning the ubiquitous othering now prevalent in our modern world
- Out of this experience, he wrote a best selling book called
- Seek: How curiosity can transform your life and change the world
- to apply his academic training and curiosity to see if he could
- Curiosity is a powerful technique to mitigate othering and is aligned with Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators, which are fundamental qualities all humans share which are.
- important for navigating the rapid transition our species of going through
- whose appreciation remind each of us that we are sacred
- Social TIpping Points of complex contagion requires building wide bridges to diverse groups early on
- Scott's experiement illustrates building wide bridges
- Indyweb information infrastructure is open source and supports diversity as it increases the efficacy of collaboration
- TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
- othering - self and other
- adjacency - deep curiosity - Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) - awakening to the sacred - a good transition - social tipping points for complex contagion - wide bridges
- adjacency - curiosity of the other - polarization - Common Human Denominator - the sacred - from TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
- Sep 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Extremwettereignisse als Folgen.der globalen Erhitzung haben viele Brücken in den USA beschädigt. Jede vierte der 80.000 Stahlbrücken droht bis 2050 einzubrechen. Vor allem aber gefährdet die hitzebedingte Erosion des Bodens die Stabilität der Pfeiler. Neue Standards für klimaresilienten Brückenbau vergrößern den ohnehin enormen Investitionsbedarf fürdie Erneuerung der US-Infrastruktur. Allein in Colorado düfte das Vier- bis Fünffache der vorhandenen Beträge gebraucht werden. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/02/climate/climate-change-bridges.html
- Aug 2023
hat kinds of individuals or teams or communities or systems cognitively are like the early canary in 00:39:47 the coal mine that you think are ready to transform or somebody who like might hear something about a system they're involved in and think actually yeah that sounds like my organization or self might be at this sort of transition 00:39:58 point
- for: early adopters, social tipping points, wide bridges
- question
- paraphrase
- who are the envisioned early adopters?
- there are numerous experiments going on everywhere
- new digital currencies
- new types of democratic systems
- new kinds of economic system proposals
- existing communities may have a few thousand members, but can be exponentially grown to hundreds of millions
- lots of small prototypes being built right now, we find the optimal ones and scale those
- who are the envisioned early adopters?
- Jul 2022
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
Though we do not pursue this point here, it is logical to considerthat poor people will be found to experience a greater psychological pressure to identify with theirpersonware as this reduces the overwhelming cognitive load they are subject to.) The task is then onlyto take care that the personware remains consistent with the social roles available—and to steer clearof anything that reminds one of what has thus been lost
!- insight : poor identify with their personware * it just brings too much pain to know what one is denied
!- for : social tipping points * building wide bridges requires uniting diverse groups * understanding this self denial as a form of survival is important to understand the psychology of the oppressed
- Jul 2020