- Aug 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
On a worldwide scale, illiteracy disproportionately impacts women.
This is sad to think about, especially in this day and age, but many third world countries have low literacy rates and because of lack of access to education, women in these countries have little to no opportunity to learn how to speak, write, and read correctly.
- Jul 2019
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
I think this is extremely important to learn. students to learn to know what they can and can not trust on the internet. Some materials out there are just not credible or even correct.
- Apr 2019
extendboundariesofliteracy.pbworks.com extendboundariesofliteracy.pbworks.com
fic writing can be
this could be a tool that would encourage studetns to write in the classrooom
allows to edit images
always changing and devlopeing new ideas
- Mar 2019
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
with a wider audience by posting on
can branch beyond the classroom and have their voices go father on the internet
generate their own questions
generating their own questions will allow students to go deeper and be more precise with their time spet on the internet
strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizin
internet reciprocal teaching
Deliberately teaching online reading and research skills is one way to keep students from foundering on their way to the future.
students need to master the skills of using the internet and it will help the later on in life
- Feb 2019
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Allows the student to feel confident in their learning
Allows learning to become more meaningful
describes what connected learning is
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
Examining and understanding the consequences of sharing data online
need to undersatnd the problems that can go along with over sharing content online and how sometimes it may end up in the wrong hands and become unsafe
nowing how to read, write, and participate in the digital world has become the 4th basic foundational skill
why we need to learn how to navigate the internet in school
we need to provide people with open access to the skills and know-how needed to use the web to improve their lives, careers, and organizations.
Young people need to be taught the proper skills involved in navigating the internet because it will be more beneficial in the long run for those students
Being audience and culturally aware, resolving conflict appropriately, using technology tools effectively, and taking responsibility for personal and group productivity.
Students are taught to show respect in the classroom and they should also be taught to show others respect while they are online. It is very important ta students know to be careful of what they put online and that it is appropriate.
Managing and maintaining the privacy and security of your digital identity through behaviors and digital tool settings
Important for students to understand what they put online is public. Students should be taught how to properly manage their privacy
Understanding the basic structure of the web
Students should be taught at a young age the correct way to browse the web and the basic idea
hey can evaluate web content, and identify what is useful and trustworthy.
Useful tool that all students should learn to make sure they are finding good content to back their writing up
he web as an open and public resource
the web is public so need to be aware of what you post online
important to make sure reach all audiences
- Jan 2019
www.aeseducation.com www.aeseducation.com
With that in mind, the ISTE has established seven key standards for students to follow. ISTE student standards are: Empowered learner Digital citizen Knowledge constructor Innovative designer Computational thinker Creative communicator Global collaborator
Seven key standards are very interesting
ISTE student standards are: Empowered learner Digital citizen Knowledge constructor Innovative designer Computational thinker Creative communicator Global collaborator
- Nov 2017
media.carnegie.org media.carnegie.orgLayout 11
This report identifies 11 elements of current writing instruction found to be effective for helping adolescent students learnto write well and to use writing as a tool for learning.
The 11 elements of effective adolescent writing instruction are writing strategies, summarization, collaborative writing, specific product goals, word processing, sentence combining, prewriting, inquiry activities, Process Writing Approach, study of models, and writing for content learning.
- Sep 2017
languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
1. Acknowledge the student's first language or dialect as a valid form of communication. 2. Learn about the student's home language or dialect. 3. Acknowledge the student's need to develop receptive knowledge of Standard English before using English expressively. 4. Provide many opportunities for students to engage in conversation/discussion. 5. Allow students to respond in their home language first, and then to focus on translating their responses into English. 6. Provide second language learners with cues, letting them know when to anticipate being called on or when their turn will be. 7. Provide content·area books that have clear illustrations ol the main concepts presented in the text. 8. Provide opportunities for students to work together with other ESL students and with English·fluent students. 9. Use songs, nursery rhymes, and finger plays to emphasize the sound-symbol system and phonemic awareness. 10. Provide opportunities to learn through hands-on, exploratory, experiential activities
These are list of the steps teachers should take in helping their students build on their first language competencies. A lot of these principles involve the teacher demonstrating respect and awareness for the student's first language and adapting their teaching so that it adjusts to the student's native language background.
Programs with an emphasis on rote, pattern drills, and grammatical lessons have had less success than programs emphasizing cultural awareness and oral communication. One of the key factors in FLES programs is the opportunity for students to use the target language in communicative settings at school and in their community environment. This contributes to fluency;
This seems plausible, because after all, when students are presented with material in a way that allows them to make connections to it or understand its meaning they have a more profound appreciation for it. Also, when they have opportunities to demonstrate those speaking and listening skills they have a better chance of acquiring fluency.
Language acquisition refers to unconscious learning of language in 11aturalistic sol· lings with a focus on meaning: in contrast. Janguagc learning refers to conscious rule learning in formal instructional sctlings with an emphasis on tho form of languago
It sounds as though language acquisition is an effect or consequence that one experiences through unconscious learning. Language learning, however, seems to be the deliberate study and comprehension of language in terms of it form. If language acquisition is an unconscious form of learning how is it specifically applied to meaning and not other aspects of language?
"' 76 + Chnptur :1 FIGURE 3.1 Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition
It's impressive that so many specific factors influence a child's second language acquisition. The three major factors include: Learner characteristics, social setting, and linguistic input.
For example, a child mighl use the vocabulary or syntac-tic structure of one language when attempting to communicate in the olher language. Other researchers have questioned the existence of language interference, citing evi-dence that bilingual children appear to be able to distinguish between lwo language systems early on (De Houwer, 1990; Goodz, 1994; Lanza, 1992; Meisel, 1994). Instances in which chjldren appear to be mixing the two languages (also known as code mixing, or language mixing) may simply reflect their parents' use of two languages.
I think these forms of communicative error could be really difficult for a teacher to correct. If a student's native language is one that is unfamiliar to the teacher, I think it will be an adversity for the teacher in terms of their ability to redirect the student and explain their confusion. If they don't understand the foreign language, how can they identify that the student is code mixing or experiencing language interference?
The three types of learning strategies that involve specific language competencies related to academic English register are: 1. Cognitive strategies. These strategies involve using language to interact with written and hands-on materials, using a range of cognitive processes, such as summarizing, deduction/induction, transfer, and inference. 2. Metacognitive strategies. These strategies involve using language to plan, monitor, and evaluate one's own learning. 3. Social-affective strategies. These strategies involve using language to interact with olhers (peers or teachers) in the learning process, such as asking questions for clarification or working collaboratively (Chamot & O'Malley, 1995).
The three types of learning strategies that involve specific language competencies related to academic English register include: Cognitive strategies, Metacognitive strategies, and Social-affective strategies. These strategies describe the different ways in which language may be used to serve the individual in specific settings or for specific needs.
Encouraging children to become linguistically flexible is critical for teachers in the development and implementation of curricula that will provide children with opti-mal learning opportunities. It is also important for teachers and parents to acknowl-edge the importance for children to develop the linguistic flexibility to be able to comprehend and use not only the dialect used at home and in their immediate com-munities but to also understand the form of English used in other social settings (Delpit, 1995). These children develop bidinlectism, or the ability to use two dialects (Cloud et al., 2000; Ogbu, 1999). Children may develop the ability to use multiple dialects as they interact at home, in the larger community, and informally with peers. Children who are more linguistically flexible and can use more than one dialect will be able lo communicate effectively in a wide variety of settings and interactions.
It is considerably useful to develop linguistic flexibility and possess the ability to speak in multiple dialects, while adjusting to fit to one's current community and situation. Students that are able to do so will be well served in their future endeavors.
Language diversity. This is the variation and number of nouns and modifiers used by the parents. 2. Feedback tone. This is the positive feedback given to children's participation in an interaction. 3. Symbolic emphasis. This is the emphasis placed on focusing on names and associated relations of the concepts and the recall of those symbols. 4. Guidance style. This is parental interaction that uses asking rather than demanding in eliciting specific behavior from the child. 5. Responsiveness. This is parental responsiveness to requests or questions initiated by children.
According to Hart and Risley (1995), there are five qualities of parent's language interactions with their children that influence language development. The five qualities include: Language diversity, feedback tone, symbolic emphasis, guidance style, and responsiveness. These categories have proven to be influential in the economy and education system.
Somo language differences represent diverse dialects, or specialized variations of a language. Cultural and social difforences and geographic locality influence the development of a dialecl.
So important to recognize as future teachers, each class room we will be in will be different. Some are filled with diversity and its important to realize that one's cultural or social differences may have an impact on their learning styles.
languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
In the first stage of cognitive development, the sensorimotor stage, children are prelinguislic. According lo Piaget. children's undorslanding of the environ-ment comes only through their immediate direct (sensory) exporiencos and their motor (movement) activities. An important precursor to Iha onset of language is tho development of object permanence. Object permanence involves an awareness that an object continues lo exist even when it is out of sight. Further, when tho object ronppenrs, it is tho same object and has the same properties as before. IL is through sensorimotor experiences in infancy that children develop the cognitive ability to understand object permanence. According to Piaget, language appears when chil-dren's cognitive growth reaches a point whore thoy use and manipulate symbols (Piaget, 1962, in Paciorek & Munro. 1999). After object permanence is acquir~d. chil-dren begin to use symbols such as words lo refer to objects and actions (Santrock, 2001; Sinclair-deZwart, 1969).
I think the concept of object permanence is a very interesting topic in the language development of children. Children are able to understand object permanence when their motor skills are further developed, because they able to physically see that the object is the same even if it disappears from sight. I think it is interesting that once a child grasps the concept, they are able to start using symbols, like words to advert to objects and actions. If a child is delayed with object permanence, does this mean the child's language skills will most likely be delayed?
- Aug 2017
es.wikibooks.org es.wikibooks.org
Realmente promueve la construcción de conocimiento porque obliga a activar el pensamiento individual, a buscar formas de investigar sea en forma independiente o en grupo, y promueve valores en forma semiconsciente como la cooperación, la responsabilidad, la comunicación, el trabajo en equipo, la autoevaluación individual y de los compañeros (ITESM,2001).
Working and collaborating will promote faster language acquisition
- Jul 2017
newlearningonline.com newlearningonline.com
Modalities of Meaning
The different modes are extremely important in language learning.
In a pedagogy of Multiliteracies, all forms of representation, including language, should be regarded as dynamic processes of transformation rather than processes of reproduction.
Diversity is pivotal in today’s lifeworlds, and much more profoundly and pervasively so than the straightforward demographic groupings which underwrote an earlier identity politics of gender, ethnicity, race and disability—forms of politics which first unsettled the hoped-for homogeneity of mass society and the nation-state.
technology has made the connections to a better understanding about different cultures.
how do we create a literacy pedagogy which promotes a culture of flexibility, creativity, innovation and initiative?
we still looking the answer
The underlying lesson of the basics was about the social order and its sources of authority, a lesson which was appropriate for a society which expected its workers to be passively disciplined.
preparing our students for jobs that may not yet exist.
School was a universe of straightforwardly right and wrong answers, of authoritative texts and authoritarian teachers.
moving away from the red pen and the bad grades, we recognized that our job as teachers is not to pass or fail our students, our job is to teach them to create and obtain information from themselves, to guide them in the right direction for them to learn.
Business leaders also tell us that knowledge is now a key factor of production, a fundamental basis of competitiveness—at the personal, enterprise and national levels. And as knowledge is the result of learning, education is more important than ever.
With the ability to obtain information as easy as a we-search, the real goal the "knowledge" we need to obtain is to how interpret the information and create a opinion.
we spoke of the need to conceive meaning-making as a form of design or active and dynamic transformation of the social world, and its contemporary forms increasingly multimodal, in which the linguistic, the visual, the audio, the gestural and the spatial modes of meaning were increasingly integrated in everyday media and cultural practices. These constituted the second of the ‘multis’—the inherent multimodality of contemporary forms of representation. As a consequence, the traditional emphasis on alphabetical literacy (letter sounds in words in sentences in texts in literatures) would need to be supplemented in a pedagogy of Multiliteracies by learning how to read and write multimodal texts which integrated the other modes with language.
When teaching languages, the importance of changing the pedagogy to integrate multiliteracies.
A pedagogy of Multiliteracies would need to address this as a fundamental aspect of contemporary teaching and learning.
As thecnology evolves pedagogy needs to keep up with the rapid changes. Our students do not learn the same way they did 10 years ago, when most of the new teacher attended schools.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ips.gu.se%2FdigitalAssets%2F1360%2F1360556_writing-in-multimodal-texts.pdf This article discussed the idea of imagines being more powerful than text, specially digital text.
www.knowledgepresentation.org www.knowledgepresentation.org
Design is a prospective enterprise
thinking about my website and the choice of images, this article makes me realize that images are sometime more communicative than words.
Yet only that for which there is a word can be brought into communication: no word, no communication about it. In image, if there is something that we wish to depict, we can depict whatever we want. We don’t ask: ”Is there an appropriate image we can use?” Contrary to common sense assumptions about language, words are vague.
images, specially mental imagines are very powerful, but the physical image of something can carry many meanings depending on the audience.
The choice of mode has profound effects on meaning, and textbook designers, for instance, need to be aware of such meaning effects of different modes.
information based on facts can vary depending of the author
newliteracies.uconn.edu newliteracies.uconn.edu
The Internet is this generation’s defining technology for literacy and learning within our global community.2.The Internet and related technologies require new literacies to fully access their potential.
Completely agree with this statement!
The new literacies of online research and comprehension frames online reading comprehension as a process of problem-based inquiry involving the skills, strategies, dispositions, and social practices that take place as we use the Internet to conduct research, solve problems, and answer ques-tions.
This is an essential part of PBL, internet research is the essential skill students need to be able to obtain information and analyze their findings.
How can we develop adequate understanding when the very object that we seek to study continuously changes?
This can be seen as a problem or as an advantage, information is always changing, ideas are been created and developed. Students and teachers do not need to wait for books to print materials to be accessible, is right there.. one click away, now how we find and analyze information on the web is the tool our students need to become web literate .
Consider, for example, just a few of these new technologies: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Siri, Foursquare, Drop-box, Skype, Chrome, iMovie, Contribute, or any of many, many mobile “apps” and ebooks
students using this sites need to have web-literacy skills to obtain accurate and relevant information.
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
It is the responsibility of educators in all grades and content areas to modify as needed for learners.
Educators guiding these students should have the necessary skills to effectively modify the route of the inquiry. some may argue that pre-k students are too young for this projects, but with the right guidance even little ones can benefit from it.
www.literacyandtechnology.org www.literacyandtechnology.org
TPACK What knowledge do teachers need in order to facilitate student research? Understanding complex relationships among technology, pedagogy, and content with models like the TPACK framework may facilitate teacher growth in new literacies
TPACK and web-literacy has been proven to help student to deductive evaluate, organize and synthesizing information effectively
www.learnnc.org www.learnnc.org
when students share what they have learned not only about the information they found, but the sources and strategies they used to uncover that information.
higher level of thinking! this skills will help students to become leaders rather to recall information. In the end of the day, everyone can search and find imformation at anytime, but can they find the "right" information?
se a reader’s ability to effectively scan a page, as opposed to reading every word
importan skill when reading a foreign text!
In my classroom, we spend a lot of time talking about how to summarize a text by finding pertinent points and casting them in one’s own words.
As a foreing language teacher, we need ti remind our students that information has to be summarize and analize in order to use it.
when directing students to google searchs, is important to guide our students to "get their web literacy hat on" this means to use their reading strategies to ensure the information is valid, important and related to our search.
pressbooks.pub pressbooks.pub
Wikipedia is broadly misunderstood by faculty and students alike. While Wikipedia must be approached with caution, especially with articles that are covering contentious subjects or evolving events, it is often the best source to get a consensus viewpoint on a subject. Because the Wikipedia community has strict rules about sourcing facts to reliable sources, and because authors must adopt a neutral point of view, articles are often the best available introduction to a subject on the web.
using Wikipedia as a source of information
pressbooks.pub pressbooks.pub
The habit is simple. When you feel strong emotion — happiness, anger, pride, vindication — and that emotion pushes you to share a “fact” with others, STOP. Above all, it’s these things that you must fact-check. Why? Because you’re already likely to check things you know are important to get right, and you’re predisposed to analyze things that put you an intellectual frame of mind. But things that make you angry or overjoyed, well… our record as humans are not good with these things. As an example, we might cite this tweet which recently crossed my Twitter feed: You don’t need to know that much of the background here to see the emotionally charged nature of this. President Trump had insulted Chuck Schumer, a Democratic Senator from New York, saying tears that Schumer shed during a statement about refugees were “fake tears”. This tweet reminds us that that Senator Schumer’s great grandmother died at the hands of the Nazis, which could explain Schumer’s emotional connection to the issue of refugees. Or does it? Do we actually know that Schumer’s great-grandmother died at the hands of the Nazis? And if we are not sure this is true, should we really be retweeting it?
Example of importance of fact-check. How to spy lies based on a truthful story.
pressbooks.pub pressbooks.pub
Check for previous work: Look around to see if someone else has already fact-checked the claim or provided a synthesis of research. Go upstream to the source: Go “upstream” to the source of the claim. Most web content is not original. Get to the original source to understand the trustworthiness of the information. Read laterally: Read laterally.[1] Once you get to the source of a claim, read what other people say about the source (publication, author, etc.). The truth is in the network. Circle back: If you get lost, or hit dead ends, or find yourself going down an increasingly confusing rabbit hole, back up and start over knowing what you know now. You’re likely to take a more informed path with different search terms and better decisions.
Some ideas for checking Facts in the web
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Another component of getting students ready for the future is making sure they are using tech as they might in the real world.
YES! this is so important! I didnt even know how to use power point when I went to college.
www.fno.org www.fno.org
probe the deepest issues confronting us
Essential Questions for PBL are the key of the creativity spark in every student.
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
The key to successful technology integration is the efficient use of digital tools tools that are appropriate for the task.
not all technologies are appropiate for all tasks!
Teachers in the substitution and augmentation phase can use technology to accomplish traditional tasks, but the real learning gains result from engaging students in learning experiences that could not be accomplished without technology. At the Modification and Redefinition level, the task changes and extends the walls of the classroom.
The idea of teaching foreing languages without the use of teachnology is imposible for me, and to any other educatior that base their lesson in current information to spark the student's interest.
As many districts jump on board with 1:1 implementation, Apple’s use of the SAMR model as a framework for tech integration presents a consistent, clear and powerful message that is spreading!
This reminded me of the struggle as a school administrator to "roll-out" the 1:1 program without giving teachers the PD necesary to develop a teaching plan with such great tool.
www.educatorstechnology.com www.educatorstechnology.com
One way to do this is by introducing teachers to the different analytical frameworks they can use to assess, select, and use technology in their instruction. These are basically conceptual models that provide a number of guidelines for teachers to reflect on when trying to implement technology in class.
How much technology is too much?
SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) is a four-level conceptual framework developed by Dr Ruben Puentedura (2006) to help teachers make effective use of technology in their instruction
What is SAMR? After reading about this model, I concluded that SMAR is a process to help teacher evaluate technology and integrated into lessons to facilitate student learning.
eds.b.ebscohost.com.nuncio.cofc.edu eds.b.ebscohost.com.nuncio.cofc.edu
Bell, S. (2010). Project-based learning for the 21st century: skills for the future. The Clearing House, (2). 39.
This excellent reserach paper discuss the importance of PBL as a "Learning responsibility, independence, and discipline" for every student.
www2.gsu.edu www2.gsu.edu
Collaboration is the social process that supports learners' development of capabilities in which they learn to do without assistance things that they could initially do only with assistance. If learning really is a social process, then collaboration is required. The assistance that learners require may be provided by experts such as teachers and by peers, who collectively have expertise distributed among them.
Student collaboration is the key of learning.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
TPACK framework seeks to extend this tradition of research and scholarship by bringing technology integration into the kinds of knowledge that teachers need to consider when teaching. The TPACK framework seeks to assist the development of better techniques for discovering and describing how technology-related professional knowledge is implemented and instantiated in practice.
Having the skills to incorporate the right amount of technology will determine success.
A teacher with deep pedagogical knowledge understands how students construct knowledge and acquire skills and how they develop habits of mind and positive dispositions toward learning
Important fact about educators with deep pedagogical knowledge.
Email does not afford synchronous communication in the way that a phone call, a face-to-face conversation, or instant messaging does. Nor does email afford the conveyance of subtleties of tone, intent, or mood possible with face-to-face communication.
extremely important when "negocioation of meaning" is at play
clalliance.org clalliance.org
The “connected” in connected learning is about human connection as well as tapping the power of connected technologies.
I found this very true for languages learners, specially foreign languages. The purpose of language is comunication, for a foreign language classroom, conections to real people gives meaning to the class and those connections would not be possible without the use of technology.
Interests foster the drive to gain knowledge and expertise. Research has repeatedly shown that when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher-order learning outcomes. Connected learning views interests and passions that are developed in a social context as essential elements.
The importance of wanted to learn something, learning with a real life purpose instead of passing a test.
laspreposiciones.com laspreposiciones.com
Unit 2. Por and Para Prepositions All Students of Spanish discover quickly that the prepositions por and para are a force with which to be reckoned. At first, we discover that the both mean "for"; however, under colser inspection, we find out that each has several other meanings; some are shared by both, and others are unique to each one.
Important information about por/ para
spanishphonetics.com spanishphonetics.com
Difference between Spanish and English
dmlcentral.net dmlcentral.net
By tweeting, blogging, reading blogs, social bookmarking and annotating, and even simply lurking on digital platforms with their peers, students can become members of our classroom communities and not simply play the role of student.
technology and the role of the student in the classroom
Language, to me, is a mystery because I haven’t studied it but, I know there’s loads of literature out there, and we know in general that kids learn language differently from adults and that people can learn a language by immersion rather than by any direct instruction in grammar or anything. It’s interesting that the term literacies is used with reference to language acquisition, and we use it in digital literacies. One common aspect of literacies which also came up in earlier conversations with Sally, was my belief that digital literacies could only be (really) learned socially, as with language.
Cognitive skills vs Physical skills when learning languages
www.education.leeds.ac.uk www.education.leeds.ac.uk
Grammar instruction in the foreign language classroom
nflrc.hawaii.edu nflrc.hawaii.edu
1. From PBL to PBLL
This site is important for language teachers to understand the diffrence of PBL to PBLL.
wlclassroom.com wlclassroom.com
It is also a chance for students to use their language skills while researching and presenting the final product. Here are some Project Based Learning tips and suggestion to keep in mind to help ensure a high quality process and product: A concrete timeline that helps students learn how to benchmark and manage projects. An engaging presentation of the project that grabs student interest. Academic rigor and alignment with standards with a focus on content and skill mastery. An essential question that is based on the appropriate skill and age level of students. A product that demonstrates knowledge and skill in which students show evidence that they have mastered the standards and objectives of the project. Applied learning so that students think and do something new with their knowledge or skills. An authentic audience that helps to keep the process and product focused on authenticity. High-quality products or performance at the end of the project that demonstrates the results through applied knowledge and skills div.wpmrec2x{max-width:610px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;}
PBLL essential tips and suggestions
www.teachingquality.org www.teachingquality.org
Once my class wound down their questions, I said, “Fantastic! So now I know what I need to teach you over the next few weeks. We’ve got a lot of knowledge we need to get, we’ve got some skills we need to learn, and we’ve got some work that we need to do. Tomorrow, we’ll map out time over the next several weeks how we’ll get the knowledge and learn the skills we’ll need to be awesome when you present. In about thirty minutes, my students went from panic to plan; from fear to feeling like, “We’ve got this!” It works so much better than starting with the beginning.
a way to present a project to students with the end in mind! genius...
When I introduce a new project to my class, I start with the end. I tell them what I expect that they will be able to do at the end of the project.
Backward Design for projects
novemberlearning.com novemberlearning.com
Even a first-grade student can begin to understand the organization of information on the Web
This is very true. it blew my mind when my nephew could understand the internet at 6 years old.
www.tecweb.org www.tecweb.org
Visual-Spatial - think in terms of physical space, as do architects and sailors. Very aware of their environments. They like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps, daydream. They can be taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery. Tools include models, graphics, charts, photographs, drawings, 3-D modeling, video, videoconferencing, television, multimedia, texts with pictures/charts/graphs. Bodily-kinesthetic - use the body effectively, like a dancer or a surgeon. Keen sense of body awareness. They like movement, making things, touching. They communicate well through body language and be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning, acting out, role playing. Tools include equipment and real objects. Musical - show sensitivity to rhythm and sound. They love music, but they are also sensitive to sounds in their environments. They may study better with music in the background. They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically, tapping out time. Tools include musical instruments, music, radio, stereo, CD-ROM, multimedia. Interpersonal - understanding, interacting with others. These students learn through interaction. They have many friends, empathy for others, street smarts. They can be taught through group activities, seminars, dialogues. Tools include the telephone, audio conferencing, time and attention from the instructor, video conferencing, writing, computer conferencing, E-mail. Intrapersonal - understanding one's own interests, goals. These learners tend to shy away from others. They're in tune with their inner feelings; they have wisdom, intuition and motivation, as well as a strong will, confidence and opinions. They can be taught through independent study and introspection. Tools include books, creative materials, diaries, privacy and time. They are the most independent of the learners. Linguistic - using words effectively. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and often think in words. They like reading, playing word games, making up poetry or stories. They can be taught by encouraging them to say and see words, read books together. Tools include computers, games, multimedia, books, tape recorders, and lecture. Logical -Mathematical - reasoning, calculating. Think conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore patterns and relationships. They like to experiment, solve puzzles, ask cosmic questions. They can be taught through logic games, investigations, mysteries. They need to learn and form concepts before they can deal with details.
Multiple intelligences
www.pblinthetl.com www.pblinthetl.com
How do you respond to a medical emergency if the people around you speak only Spanish?
Project with Real world connections in the TL!
How can we present highlights of a country's history in a 10-minute skit for a language competition?
Excelent idea for a PBL using a foreign Language
www.bie.org www.bie.org
Essential Project Design Elements Checklist
Great Checklist for PBL
info.cern.ch info.cern.ch
The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com