5 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Indigenous science has long been rejected without consideration,overlooked, or exploited without recognition by powerful Westerninterests. Bio-piracy sees Indigenous Knowledge of plants stolen andpatented for use in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industrieswith little or no recognition or recompense. Indigenous starknowledge has been ignored, even when that knowledge clearlyexisted long before the ‘discoveries’ of Western science.

      Indigenous knowledge has been broadly ignored, rejected, and even exploited without any recognition by Western colonizers. Examples of appropriation include knowledge of plants patented for use in food, medicine, and cosmetics.

  2. Dec 2021
    1. Best Powder Foundation Blip technology makeup helps you to damage your skin from light emitted by devices. Products ranging from skin care and personal care such as eyeliner makeup wipes, foundation ,lipstick and much more.

      For more details: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4l3wqib6ob8zcyj/Best_powder_foundation.pptx/file

  3. May 2021
    1. He had never before seen or imagined a woman of the Party with cosmetics on her face. The improvement in her appearance was startling. With just a few dabs of colour in the right places she had become not only very much prettier, but, above all, far more feminine. Her short hair and boyish overalls merely added to the effect. As he took her in his arms a wave of synthetic violets flooded his nostrils. He remembered the half-darkness of a basement kitchen, and a woman's cavernous mouth. It was the very same scent that she had used; but at the moment it did not seem to matter. 'Scent too!' he said. 'Yes, dear, scent too. And do you know what I'm going to do next? I'm going to get hold of a real woman's frock from somewhere and wear it instead of these bloody trousers. I'll wear silk stockings and high-heeled shoes! In this room I'm going to be a woman, not a Party comrade.'

      defining what it is to be a woman? problematic, but interesting.

  4. Mar 2017
    1. Also showing Lamy's inllucncc is Astcll'!. view that one needs little stylistic ornament because people arc naturally attracted to truth if they can sec it clearly.

      You shouldn't need to wear too much makeup/use too much rhetoric, you are naturally beautiful/telling the truth.

      Would I be wrong in assuming that she expects the reader to use rhetoric strictly for noble purposes?

  5. Feb 2017