8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. The crack trade was a fast-paced business that required a 24/7 operation to make big money.
    2. The crack business model was different from powder cocaine sales, with customers needing constant access to dealers to buy small quantities of crack to get high for short periods.
  2. Jul 2023
    1. tautology is a word we don't use very often.  It doesn't come up in relationship to ecological   processes as often, I think, as it should.
      • for: tautology
      • definition
        • ecology of thinking is adverse to adverse to ecology
        • tautology is adverse to new information comes in
          • Leonard Cohen
            • there's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in
  3. Mar 2023
    1. Historical geometric growth revealed by this data suggests an average growth rate of 7.9% per year, which we extrapolate to 2050.

      Quinn Slobodian's Crack-Up Capitalism may be a new form of disaster capitalism that will emerge as the polycrisis continues - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2Fr8k0r3dZsog%2F&group=world - as the growth of elites attest, we can count on capitalism to capitalize on disaster.

    1. crack up capitalism that is a form of economic activity 00:04:47 propagated by people whose profit model and their kind of a normative vision of change and the social future relies on an idea of an accelerating process of social dissolution and an accelerating process of political 00:05:00 fragmentation this is a form of this is sort of a profit model and a kind of a political vision that sees an acceleration in the near future and the medium-term future 00:05:14 of processes of political crack-up
      • Definition
        • Crack-Up Capitalism is defined as
          • a form of economic activity
          • propagated by people
            • whose profit model and
            • their kind of a normative vision of
              • change and
              • the social future
            • relies on an idea
            • of an accelerating process of
              • social dissolution and
              • an accelerating process of political fragmentation
                • in the near future and
                • the medium-term future
  4. Nov 2018
  5. Jan 2017
    1. See Crack Modes Slide for examples and modes of cracking.

      Shear cracks are NOT faults, the rotate into mode 1 orientation ("Wing cracks")