- Oct 2020
sinews.siam.org sinews.siam.org
This is in stark contrast to the way that babies learn. They can recognize new objects after only seeing them a few times, and do so with very little effort and minimal external interaction. If ML’s greatest goal is to understand how humans learn, one must emulate the speed at which they do so. This direction of research is exemplified by a variety of techniques that may or may not fit into an existing paradigm; LeCun classified these tasks under the umbrella of “self-supervised learning.”
Now "self-supervised" is hardly what babies do, when you see the importance of interactions in learning (see e.g. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2020.01.006 )
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lelonkiewicz, J. R., Gambi, C., Weller, L., & Pfister, R. (2020, April 15). Lelonkiewicz_et_al_2020_Adaptation_and_Anticipation. https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000717
- Jan 2019
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Second, I believe that the concept of entrainment could open new doors for understanding post-impact behavior, or the transition from post-impact to pre-impact (or everyday) behavi
Neal argues that the temporal concept of entrainment (two things synchronizng their pace) can help to differentiate another long-standing critique of disaster research -- the different disaster phase impacts on individuals and sub-groups over time. This gets at his concern (see also Brenda Phillips' work) for feminist, post-colonial and critical theory perspectives on the study of disaster and social change.
Here, Neal posits that returning to pre-impact social rhythms could be a better measure of social change catalyzed by a disaster.
"Rather than using economic, demographic, familial or other measures of social change, entrainment could be a key measure in understanding social change and disaster."
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
An emphasis on the cyclic temporality of organizational life also underpins the work on entrainment, developed in the natural sciences and gaining currency in organization studies. Defined as "the adjustment of the pace or cycle of one activity to match or synchronize with that of another" (Ancona and Chong 1996, p. 251 ), entrainment has been used to account for a variety of organizational phenomena displaying coordinated or synchronized temporal cycles (Ancona and Chong 1996, Clark 1990, Gersick 1994, McGrath 1990).
Entrainment definition.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
the idea of entrainment presented in Chapter 6—the adjustment of the pace or cycle of an activity to match or synchronize with that of another activity (Ancona and Chong 1996, p. 253)—does suggest a reason why faster could be better, but it also suggests that faster could be worse.
Entrainment definition.
"This, as the entrainment phenomenon and examples illustrate, supports the contingency view of speed, that the appropriate speed varies by activity and context." (p. 190)