- Sep 2023
mywiki.wooledge.org mywiki.wooledge.org
Also, always prefix globs with "/" or "./"; otherwise, if there's a file with "-" as the first character, the expansions might be misinterpreted as options.
- Jul 2023
www.progresstrap.org www.progresstrap.org
The common definition of a progress trap is derived from the book’s cover text: “..it is the condition in which we find ourselves when science, technology and industry create more problems than they can solve. Often inadvertently.”
- for: progress trap
- definition
- quote
- progress trap
- A progress trap is the condition in which we find ourselves when science, technology and industry create more problems than they can solve. Often inadvertently.
- progress trap
- author
- Dan O'Leary
- source
canadiancor.com canadiancor.com
Since humanity is a small product of nature, he can by definition not control nature. To believe that he can is a delusion.
- for: progress trap
- quote
- Since humanity is a small product of nature, he can by definition not control nature. To believe that he can is a delusion.
- Author
- Dan O'Leary
Escaping The Progress Trap
for: progress trap, progress traps
- Escaping The Progress Trap
- Author
- Gordon Kubanek
- Source
- Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
- https://canadiancor.com/escaping-the-progress-trap/
- Description
- Gordon Kubanek shares his review of Dan O'Leary's book, "Escaping the Progress Trap"
- Jul 2022
ernestbecker.org ernestbecker.org
What are the main distractions that keep us from making ourselves morally better? Socrates lists the obvious: material prosperity (i.e., money and possessions and clothes); status and reputation (looking good in the eyes of others); bodily pleasures; and all the emotions that keep us bound to these things. Naturally, Socrates observes, we love these things when we are children. But to cling to them as the highest priorities once we become morally conscious adults is sad–in fact, this is what is a truly shameful way of life. So Socrates chastises the Athenians at his trial: “Are you not ashamed that you give your attention to acquiring as much money as possible, and similarly with reputation and honour, and give no attention or thought to truth and understanding and the perfection of your soul?” (Apology, 29d-e). In order to morally improve one’s soul, according to Socrates, it is necessary to purify it from such distractions. In the dialogue Phaedo, he tells his friends: “The body fills us with loves and desires and fears and all sorts of fancies and a great deal of nonsense, with the result that we literally never get an opportunity to think at all about anything (Phaedo, 66c).” It is simply impossible to steadily deepen one’s understanding of how to become a better person without a sustained effort to break free from these distractions. And this effort, says Socrates, is the true struggle, the true agon, of human existence. People think the real problem in life is to escape harm and death. “But I suggest,” Socrates says at his trial, “that the difficulty is not so much to escape death; the real difficulty is to escape from doing wrong (Apology, 39a).”
A koan to meditate on: “that the difficulty is not so much to escape death; the real difficulty is to escape from doing wrong (Apology, 39a).”
"In order to morally improve one’s soul, according to Socrates, it is necessary to purify it from such distractions. In the dialogue Phaedo, he tells his friends: “The body fills us with loves and desires and fears and all sorts of fancies and a great deal of nonsense, with the result that we literally never get an opportunity to think at all about anything (Phaedo, 66c).” It is simply impossible to steadily deepen one’s understanding of how to become a better person without a sustained effort to break free from these distractions. And this effort, says Socrates, is the true struggle, the true agon, of human existence."
Ronald Wright: Can We Still Dodge the Progress Trap? Author of 2004’s ‘A Short History of Progress’ issues a progress report.
Title: Ronald Wright: Can We Still Dodge the Progress Trap? Author of 2004’s ‘A Short History of Progress’ issues a progress report.
Ronald Wright is the author of the 2004 "A Short History of Progress" and popularized the term "Progress Trap" in the Martin Scroses 2011 documentary based on Wright's book, called "Surviving Progress". Earlier Reesarcher's such as Dan O'Leary investigated this idea in earlier works such as "Escaping the Progress Trap http://www.progresstrap.org/content/escaping-progress-trap-book
- Nov 2021
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
To match against an ID or selectors that do not follow standard CSS syntax (by using a colon or space inappropriately, for example), you must escape the character with a backslash ("\"). As the backslash is also an escape character in JavaScript, if you are entering a literal string, you must escape it twice (once for the JavaScript string, and another time for querySelector()):
- Jun 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
As far as "Is there really no way to escape the < here?" there is a way... but you're not going to like it: %r<(?#{'<'}!foo)> == %r((?<!foo))
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The quirky looking printf is necessary to correctly expand the script's arguments in $@ while protecting possibly quoted parts of the command (see example below).
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
One does not have to escape ] outside of the character class.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
If you needed a literal { character in your markup, you could always do {'{'}. (This is how it's done in React.) Or you could do {, which is pleasingly easy to remember. Does there need to be some method of escaping beyond that?
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
By default all content inside template strings is escaped. This is great for strings, but not ideal if you want to insert HTML that's been returned from another function (for example: a markdown renderer). Use nanohtml/raw for to interpolate HTML directly.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Escaping is a subset of encoding: You only encode certain characters by prefixing a special character instead of transferring (typically all or many) characters to another representation.
www.onwebsecurity.com www.onwebsecurity.com
Escaping is a subset of encoding, where not all characters need to be encoded. Only some characters are encoded (by using an escape character).
what's the difference between escaping and encoding
Before MDX, some of the benefits of writing Markdown were lost when integrating with JSX. Implementations were often template string-based which required lots of escaping and cumbersome syntax.
- Jul 2020
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
- May 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
because it's in YAML
but this means you can't use any ' in the actual script line
or you have to use different delimiters if you do
bottom line is it makes it harder to write/include your script than simply creating a separate shell script file.
- Apr 2020
makandracards.com makandracards.com
What we actually want to do is to escape content if it is unsafe, but leave it unescaped if it is safe. To achieve this we can simply use SafeBuffer's concatenation behavior:
Our helper still returns a safe string, but correctly escapes content if it is unsafe. Note how much more flexible our group helper has become because it now works as expected with both safe and unsafe arguments. We can now leave it up to the caller whether to mark input as safe or not, and we no longer need to make any assumptions about the safeness of content.
A common mistake is to see those escaped angle brackets, and "improve" the helper by making everything html_safe:
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
You don't "sanitize your output" you encode it for proper context within the application it is being presented. You encode the output for HTML, HTML Attribute, URL, JavaScript
wpvip.com wpvip.com
1- Validation: you “validate”, ie deem valid or invalid, data at input time. For instance if asked for a zipcode user enters “zzz43”, that’s invalid. At this point, you can reject or… sanitize. 2- sanitization: you make data “sane” before storing it. For instance if you want a zipcode, you can remove any character that’s not [0-9] 3- escaping: at output time, you ensure data printed will never corrupt display and/or be used in an evil way (escaping HTML etc…)
- Sep 2019
github.com github.com
A utility function to safely escape JSON for embedding in a <script> tag function safeStringify(obj)