20 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
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- Dec 2023
Glossary of some important musical terms
- texture
- dynamics
- rhythm-class
- diatony
- modes-octatonic
- melodic-inclination
- heterophony
- texture-voluminousness
- harmony
- tonal-gravity
- diatonic-modes
- melodic-intonation
- mesotony
- monody
- motif
- modes-heptatonic
- articulation
- pitch-class
- modes-diatonic
- melody
- double-note
- dissonance-melodic
- texture-part-vs-voice
- mode-khasmatonal
- dissonance
- modal-harmony
- rhythm
- tonality
- AOEs
- modes-pentatonic
- source:nikolsky-glossary
- tonicity
- modes-hexatonic
- multitony
- phrase-cadence
- modes
- hypermode
- mode-timbral
- consonance-melodic
- dissonance-harmonic
- phrasing
- modality
- modes-tritonic
- mode-rhythmic
- texture-polyphony
- meter
- phrase-climax
- interval-class
- instrumentation
- tempo
- consonance
- modes-tetratonic
- form
- mode-hemiolic
- phrase
- mode-ekmelic
- modes-monotonic
- monophony
- tone-class
- register
- Sep 2023
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The Chord-Scale Theory and Jazz Harmomny Netles & Graf 1997 (not searchable)
blues progressions - p 101
- modes
- reharmonisation-diatonic
- minor-key-harmony
- cliches
- sequential-V
- voicing
- chord-symbols-voicing-specific
- chord-voicing
- nonfunctional-harmony
- harmony
- substitute-V
- blues-harmony
- chord-scale-theory
- sequential-substitute-V
- polychords
- blues
- phd-blues-harmony-progressions
- source:nettles-graf
- modal-harmony
- Jun 2023
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In the 20th and 21st centuries, composers sometimes used the diatonic collection, but without making anyattempt to make a specific pitch sound like the the pitch center. Such examples are not tonal, nor are theymodal; instead, they are considered pandiatonic. Igor Stravinsky often wrote pandiatonic passages; manycan be heard throughout the opening of his ballet Petrushka
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The modal approach de-emphasized the tonic-dominant axis of Bebop, leadingto a more pan-diatonic approach to harmony
Modal Jazz
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In modal jazz theory, there are 14 modes: seven diatonic and seven chromatic. Modes inmodal jazz typically function as independent scalar formations that are devoid of traditionaltonal relationships. For instance, a complete section of a tune might feature only a singlemodal scale (e.g. John Coltrane’s “Impressions” or McCoy Tyner’s “Passion Dance”).5In tonal jazz, however, modes exhibit similar functional behaviors comparable to thoseof four-, five-, or larger-part structures. In Chapter 8, diatonic and chromatic modes willbe combined and their tonal functional associations shown
www.thejazzpianosite.com www.thejazzpianosite.com
Modal Jazz Improvisation & Harmony
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In the third chapter, ‘Modes of experience: modal jazz and the authority of experience in Ishmael’s Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo, Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Song of Solomon’, I examine different emphases in notions of ethnic identity that takes place in the middle of the twentieth century.
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What is Modal Jazz?
What is Modal Jazz? Waters, K. 2000
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Modal Harmony
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Modal Jazz Composition and Harmony
Modal Jazz Composition and Harmony Vol. 2 Miller, R 1996
List of All Usable Modes
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relatively undemanding by comparison with those based on chord progressions. Because it is free of frequent harmonic interruption it can more easily create an unhurried and meditative feeling. Many performances are based on a two-chord sequence or a drone. The absence of frequent chord changes alone is sometimes regarded as defining modal jazz
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Modal improvisation
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Harmony 2—Harmonic Situations: Tonality . . . . . . 987Harmony 3—Harmonic Situations: Blues, Modality, Non-functionality
The 4 harmonic 'situations' or systems
- May 2023
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