6 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. The cities are administeredby mayors and councilmen drawn from his movement. The govern-ments of the states and the state parliaments are in the hands ofparty members
  2. Jan 2024
    1. someone from outside 00:11:06 the discipline within which they um provide some new paradigmatic understanding uh is looking at the old problems with fresh eyes

      for - outsider advantage - fresh eyes - outsider advantage - autodidactic - Whitehead - philosophy - paradigm shift

      • He would teach at harvard from 1924 until 1937
      • This is when most of his major philosophical books were written
      • He reports in 1924 in the fall when he began teaching his first philosophy course to these students at harvard that
        • it was also his first philosophy course
      • Of course he'd been studying philosophy but he'd never had formal education in it
      • So as is often the case with major paradigm changes
        • someone from outside the discipline within which they provide some new paradigmatic understanding
        • is looking at the old problems with fresh eyes
        • They don't have the disciplinary training that would tend to leave one stuck in the existing concepts and categories
      • Whitehead is coming into philosophy with fresh eyes
  3. Nov 2021
  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2020
    1. Only three interview subjects talked to me about their own erotic investment in the fandom, but I suspect that many others were more interested in having fun at FWA than in talk- ing to me about their sex lives. Although my official escort soon left me to proceed on my own, a few people approached me between interviews to make sure I was not up to anything objectionable. The most interesting of these was a graduate student in performance studies whom I met only in full fursuit and who checked my credentials with his major professor, an old friend of mine. I hope that this young scholar and amazing fur-suit dancer - he won the contest - will write about the fandom

      There's a pervading distrust of reporters/outsiders at furry conventions. For a group that had their convention gassed (Midwest FurFest 2014), and regularly puts up with death threats of the internet and in real life, I wouldn't consider their scaredy-cat (forgive the pun) behavior all that surprising

  6. Jul 2016
    1. My entry into these specific communities came through a naturally occurring chain of events. In each case, I knew an old-time resident in the community, and my relationship with that individual opened the community to me. I had grown up in a rural Piedmont area in a neighboring state, so the customs of both communities were very familiar to me

      Wow- she was studying a region that she knew- and a topic that was near and dear to her heart. She truly had insider status, but was at once an outside-researcher. I'm curious to see how she balances this throughout the tenure of this project.

