- Nov 2023
www.okdoomer.io www.okdoomer.io
How is Sentinel Intelligence connected to [[Macroscope als persoonlijke superpower 20230906204634]] and [[Systems convening Wenger Trayner 20220911170358]]
- Oct 2023
www.strategicstructures.com www.strategicstructures.com
reuse of an existing structure for a new function is another thing in common between biological and technological evolution. It is called exaptation
Also in organisational change, and social learning landscapes. The route to it is often narrative work in the #sc sense I intuit. Detecting the opportunities for it is macroscopic in essence I intuit. [[Macroscope 20090702120700]]
- Mar 2019
kids.niehs.nih.gov kids.niehs.nih.gov
(water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane,
Scientists think that the things people do that send greenhouse gases into the air are making our planet warmer.
Sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases
rise in temperature
www.climaterealityproject.org www.climaterealityproject.org
It’s clear that we need to make the switch to clean, reliable sources of renewable energy like solar and wind. Unlike fossil fuels, renewables don’t add greenhouse gases to our atmosphere.
We need to change to renewable energy
Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution.
Where fossil fuels started out
When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.
How we end up making carbon dioxide
- Jul 2018
Identify the major parts of the digestive system(e.g., esophagus, intestine, mouth, stomach
SC State Standard G-3.1.4 One of main lesson topics (digestive system)
D-3.1.1Identify the basic parts of the respiratory system (e.g., lungs, bronchioles, diaphragm)
1 of 2 Main Science/Health Objectives 3rd Grade health standard
ed.sc.gov ed.sc.gov
D3.1-7Demonstrate accurate memorization and replication of brief movement sequences
Movement dance/activity for respiratory and digestive systems. (one dance/mime combination for each body system)
ed.sc.gov ed.sc.gov
VA3-6.1Identify similarities and connections between the visual arts and other subjects in the school curriculum
Standard VA3-6.1
the ways that his or her use of organizational principles and expressive features evoke the ideas he or she intended to convey in a work of visual art
For Unit Plan- connecting health/science lesson to visual arts
- Feb 2018
Should say 3:1 for large-scale text
How to Test
Nothing on alt text being too long or providing long descriptions.
or through other visual (non-color) differentiation (shape, position, size)
Using shape, position, and size still excludes those with visual disabilities
directions provided with TITLE
Should titles ever be used for directions? Don't they override (or are overridden) by labels in some assistive techgnologies?
- Dec 2017
For example, if there are multiple "Submit" buttons on a screen, the Name for each must be unique
This seems questionable. If there are "edit" buttons beside each element in a list of elements, must they all have different names, or can their function be inferred from context? I don't think WCAG requires this.
Check each input form field for an ID and a corresponding LABEL or a descriptive TITLE. Fieldset and Legend may be used for grouping and associating two instructions to one input field.
Does this mean wrapping an edit field with a label is not sufficient? Do such labels need a for attribute pointing to the id of the field?
A web page that has multiple form controls (e.g. buttons) with the same visual label must include unique identifiers that describe their unique purpose.
This seems questionable. If there are "Add" buttons beside each element in a list of elements, must they all have different names, or can their function be inferred from context? I don't think WCAG requires this.
- Feb 2017
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Who was the first chief justice of the United States?