- Oct 2018
www.cornish.edu www.cornish.edu
Berlin State Opera Ballet
- Jul 2018
www.weareteachers.com www.weareteachers.com
Inkle- Great story telling website for kids:) kids can publish, write, and create their own book online
www.stma.k12.mn.us www.stma.k12.mn.us
GREAT resource for closing activity ideas!:)
psolarz.weebly.com psolarz.weebly.com
Good source to use on closing digestive system unit- explains energy well
health.utah.gov health.utah.govuntitled1
In Chile, the Rosas et al. study (2003) evaluated the effects of introducingeducational video games into the classroom and found indications ofpositive effects on learning, motivation and classroom dynamics.
Good publication to look at research studies proving OCC and video game creations and educational tools were beneficial to classrooms
iearn.org iearn.org
"Learn with the world, not just about it" Good resource for teachers to connect students across the world, writing, etc.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
When young people help to create content for the Internet -- when they experience being active participants, contributing to what there is online -- they are more likely to see the Internet as a resource that they understand and use effectively. By contrast, when people, especially the young and underrepresented, do not have a chance to experience the Internet as something they have a part in shaping, they miss out on being more closely connected to a wealth of resources, information, interaction, and opportunities for growth that can help them to cross over the digital divide.
Great point- when students are guided in creating online content, they become more comfortable with using technology to propel them forward in their learning
extendboundariesofliteracy.pbworks.com extendboundariesofliteracy.pbworks.com
hese include remixing clips from movies to create “faux” trailers for hypothetical movies; setting remixed movie trailers to remixed music of choice that is synchronized to the visual action; recording a series of anime cartoons and then video-editing them in synchrony with a popular music track; mixing “found” images with original images in order to express a theme or idea (with or without text added); and mixing images, animations and texts to create cartoons or satirical posters (including political cartoons and animations), to name just a few type
Good ideas for the classroom on ways of remixing
Good point- everything we know is essentially a remix...this essentially helps create cultures..
docs.google.com docs.google.com
"Our frame is a social semiotic theory, and we ask, ' What exactly is the relation between the semiotic designs of multi modal learning resources..."
- Looking at the way texts have changed through the centuries
newsela.com newsela.com
Welcome to the Newsela Instructional Content Platform. We solve the problem of reading engagement holistically for students, teachers, and principals. See our results See our results Fresh, adaptive reads for every subject. ELA Science Elementary Math SocialStudies Our Content Partners World-class students (yours)deserve world-class instructional content. History Bio National Geographic The Washington Post The Guardian ProCon.org Encyclopædia Britannica Scientific American Associated Press The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History PBS Newshour Smithsonian Perfect for elementary, too. With content and activities created specifically for students in grades 2-6, Newsela fits seamlessly into your elementary literacy routine. Learn more Assessments FTW. Every great love affair with reading begins with engagement, and Assessments are the ultimate in engagement. Know if students did the reading, if they’ve understood it, and much more. (All from the comfort of your mobile device.) Quizzes. Annotations. Writing Prompts. Teach vocabulary in context with Power Words. Forget word lists and memorization—the best way to learn new words is for students to encounter them in context while they read. Available on hundreds of articles. 5 Power Words with student-friendly definitions are embedded in hundreds of articles. Students can practice Power Words by completing 10 practice activities after reading. Words and points are collected on each student’s Word Wall. 123 Is your district missing something? Not anymore. We designed the Newsela Instructional Content Platform to fit perfectly into how your district already works. Integrate with Google Classroom, Canvas, Clever and more. Learn about PRO Learn about PRO It’s time to solvereading engagement. Join our community of 1,300,000 educators and counting. Join Learn about PRO Close Teachers Administrators Newsela About Newsela Pro Company Careers Content Partners Help Learning & Support Follow Us Press Blog Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram © 2018 Newsela | info@newsela.com | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
Newsela- Articles customizable to any reading level:) Keep as a future resource
www.noodle.com www.noodle.com
Great source- also look at Newsela.
blog.whooosreading.org blog.whooosreading.org
Websites for Teaching Reading and Literacy (save for later)
ed.sc.gov ed.sc.gov
3.NI.2.2Recognizeparticular websites as sources of research
Another computer science standard for ORC lesson
2.Collaborate around computing.a.Select appropriate technological tools that can be used to collaborate on a project.b.Collaborate productively with individuals of varying perspectives, skills, and backgrounds.c.Set and implement equitable expectations and workloads when working in teams.d.Integrate constructive feedback while working in teams
Computer Science Standard 2 b, c, d
3.DL.1.3Format a presentation using presentation software toinsert an image/video,change background colors, andchange text color
technology standard for lesson plan:)
vimeo.com vimeo.com
Magic School Bus Reference Video:)
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
ORC Lesson Plan- good tool/questions for evaluating info Look on slide 32
Bill Nye The Science Guy- Digestion video for intro to lesson!:) us 5:52- 10:30
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Cool example of a digestive system dance:)
www.orca.uconn.edu www.orca.uconn.edu
TICA Checklist: Used for Project Based Learning (Check list for stages one, two, and three)
teachnewliteracies.wordpress.com teachnewliteracies.wordpress.com
In the IRT model the gradual release of responsibility is accomplished through three phases of online research and comprehension instruction which aims “to increase academic engagement, encourage active reading, and promote students as experts in online research and comprehension”
Internet Reciprocal Teaching- Great article on discussing 3 stages- also great chart to explain it!
www.bie.org www.bie.org
Tiny House Project
Great video to demonstrate PBL
www.bie.org www.bie.org
Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by developing a public product or presentation for a real audience.
Good source to further look into PBL
www.bie.org www.bie.org
PBL is entrenched in the concept of the elements being “ongoing.” Building a PBL culture in the classroom isn’t just about doing a project every quarter. It’s about using the Design Elements as often as possible. It’s about offering Choice in different assignments, rubrics, deadlines, or partnerships on an everyday basis. It’s about training students to ask great questions not just when creating a Need to Know list, but when using Google, when asking for feedback, or to even develop their own peer-to-peer assessments. The need to teach literacy is also ongoing.
great descriptor of PBL
accountability.madison.k12.wi.us accountability.madison.k12.wi.us
A Teacher’s Resource For A Comprehensive Assessment System
Contains a chart of strategies/types of assessment at the bottom of the document
thekindergartensmorgasboard.com thekindergartensmorgasboard.com
Great example of a teacher website: lesson plans, blog, etc Keep for future references and use
www.generationgenius.com www.generationgenius.com
A good resource to keep in mind for future lessons:) Found this website using a custom google search engine
www.agedweb.org www.agedweb.org
Using information technology has become an important skill for students and employees. As a teacher wishing to use the Internet your options are typically to either provide students with specific links or have them “Google” to find information on the Internet. Using Google can yield interesting and unexpected results. Creating a list of specific links is time consuming and does not teach the students how to search the web.
This is a good point- typically teachers either give students a list of links or let them use google free reign. Creating a custom google search engine for the class may help
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
Students collaboratively (with the instructor) identify an area of interest and co-construct a driving question to guide inquiry. Students engage in online collaborative inquiry as they search and sift through online texts using digital tools to address their focus of inquiry. Students critically evaluate online information by considering the credibility (truthfulness) and validity (usefulness) of the information obtained. Students synthesize what they have learned during their online inquiry by actively curating and synthesizing information across multiple, multimodal sources. Student engage in online content construction by synthesizing what they have learned and selecting the best digital text or tool before sharing this answer.
5 phases of internet inquiry: useful list
Internet Inquiry Projects are student interest driven, and are more authentic as a learning activity than traditional WebQuests
Internet Inquiry Projects
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
We uploaded a pre-publication draft of the column to allow for review, remix, and commentary.
Great article! It's interesting to see how schools (in Randall Johnson's scenario) gradually changed their minds about the aspect of sharing teaching content online
newliteracies.uconn.edu newliteracies.uconn.edu
Teach Source EvaluationSkillsIf you want to teach source evaluation skills, have small groups conduct research to answer a three-part problem such as this:1.How high is Mt. Fuji in feet?2.Find a different answer to this same question.3.Which answer do you trust and why do you trust it?
Teach source evaluation skills- I like this idea!
print out enough copies of the first page of search results for each student. Dis-tribute these. Then see if students can locate the best link on the search results page for each question that you ask such as, “Which link will take you to a site developed by an Egyptologist?”
Good example ACTIVITY to help students develop digital literacy
Make it a policy to always teach a new technology, with new literacies, to your weakest reader(s) first
Great point! Bringing the weaker readers (in digital literacy) is a good starting point in classrooms
Since the words Internet or online never appear in the reading standards of the United States and since we are only beginning to develop our knowledge of online reading, we run the risk of interpreting nearly all of the stan-dards in reading with a lens to our past, implementing them only within traditional print contexts. Such an outcome will limit instruction, deny-ing important learning opportunities to our students.
This is such a great point! Teachers may look at standards with a lens from the past, instead of looking at the same standards with a lens to the future.
- "The words internet or online never appear in the reading standards of the United States"
Interestingly, the word Internet is never used in the CCSS reading stan-dards (Leu et al., 2011), despite the fact that the writing standards specify the use of “digital sources,” “technology,” and the “Internet” repeatedly (CCSS, 2010, p.41). Because of this, many will ignore instruction in online reading, thinking that the CCSS only references traditional, offline read-ing comprehension. Many may also fail to integrate reading and writing instruction, an important part of any literacy program.
There is a lot wrong with the Common Core standards, so I'm glad this article pointed this out. That is a perspective in the standards I had never thought of before and this gave me a new lens to look at it with
Thus, when we speak of New Literacies in an online age we mean that literacy is not just “new” today; it becomes “new” every day of our lives.
Good point- "updates" really do require new skills and knowledge to be able to work. This statement really explains the urgency of being able to re-work and learn ever-changing technologies.
I can demonstrate a relationship between music and another subject in my schoo
music standard to integrate into digestive system lesson (the class creates a song plus sings it for the digestive system)
I can collaborate with others to composeor arrange a musical work for a specific purpose.
Music standard " I can collaborate with others to compose or arrange a musical work for a specific purpose"
ed.sc.gov ed.sc.gov
d.develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details;
3rd grade writing standard 2-D
www.natgeokids.com www.natgeokids.com
It takes around 24 hours for your dinner to wind its way through the nine-metre-long digestive tract. On its trip, it’s mixed with acids and digestive juices, and squeezed and squelched until all the nutrients that the body needs are absorbed.
Good site option for students to do research on
kidshealth.org kidshealth.org
Your digestive (say: dye-JES-tiv) system started working even before you took the first bite of your pizza. And the digestive system will be busy at work on your chewed-up lunch for the next few hours — or sometimes days, depending upon what you've eaten. This process, called digestion,
A good website option to give students for online collaborative inquiry (when having students research, list this website)
interactivehuman.blogspot.com interactivehuman.blogspot.com
Digestion interactive game for kids
Game Link for Lesson Plan activity on ipads or computer. Students pick the food they want and the game takes them through an interactive tutorial
www.getbodysmart.com www.getbodysmart.com
Free Anatomy and Physiology and Human Body Websites for Kids:
Good source/page to find other links from for digestive system
aplusala.org aplusala.org
Spider Web Discussion is an adaptation of the Socratic seminar in that it puts students squarely in the center of the learning process, with the teacher as a silent observer and recorder of what s/he sees students saying and doing during the discussion. Her method is used when the teacher wants students to collaboratively discuss and make meaning of a particular learning concept
Spider web discussions for collaborative learning
www.inaturalist.org www.inaturalist.org
Record your observations 2 Share with fellow naturalists 3 Discuss your findings
inaturalist website- really cool place to upload nature pics and correspond in discussions with others about identifying the plant or animal species
www.projectnoah.org www.projectnoah.org
Project Noah was created to provide people of all ages with a simple, easy-to-use way to share their experiences with wildlife. By encouraging your students to share their observations and contribute to Project Noah missions, you not only help students to reconnect with nature, you provide them with real opportunities to make a difference.
Looks like a great project to get involved in! Very collaborative (both in the classroom and in online), plus integrate technology while having students explore nature
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
SAMR Elementary Examples
Great video for explaining SAMR model in elementary classrooms
naturalstart.org naturalstart.org
We decided to use photography as a centerpiece of the new program. Photography emerged as the medium of choice because it:
using photography in nature (a form of technology) to enhance learning science curriculum
sophia.stkate.edu sophia.stkate.edu
Having students use self and peer evaluation sheets proved to be beneficial. When they were able to stop and reflect on the work they and their peers did, they were able to identify what was going well and what could be improved. I
A teacher does a study on collaborative learning and reports her findings: assign specific jobs, determine gender balance of group, self and peer evaluation tools
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
Collaboration had the same results via technology as in person, increased learning opportunities.
Wow! I did not know this! I would think that in person collaboration produced greater results, but this is not the case. Great point of how collaboration online can be just as effective!
Rather than spending a lot of time designing an artificial scenario, use inspiration from everyday problems. Real world problems can be used to facilitate project-based learning and often have the right scope for collaborative learning.
Use real-world problems, not "artificial scenarios" for collaborative learning
Decomposing a difficult task into parts to saves time. You can then assign different roles.
Assigning different tasks/jobs to each member of the group
Small groups of 3 or less lack enough diversity and may not allow divergent thinking to occur. Groups that are too large create ‘freeloading’ where not all members participate. A moderate size group of 4-5 is ideal.
goof point about group size for collaborative learning (4-5 students in one group)
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Lev Vygotsky’s seminal work asserted that social interaction is a fundamental aspect of learning. And if he were alive today, he would most likely agree with the saying “two minds are better than one.” He might add, “Better yet, how about three or four?”
Vygotsky- social interaction is fundamental in learning- group work is the perfect way to do this- 2 heads are better than one:)
Recent statistics suggest that the average person spends about 50 minutes per day using Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. Add that to the fact that most people spend over five hours per day on their cell phones, and it's clear that we love our technology. While it's awesome to make an effort to cut down on screen time in the name of health (especially before bed!), why not use the time you spend on your phone to your advantage? That's what members of health and fitness digital accountability groups are doing, and they're seeing amazing results.
This article goes along well with the class reading on "Connected Learning"- using digital accountability and support to reach goals (example: fitness)
www.digitalresponsibility.org www.digitalresponsibility.org
teachers of low income students tended to report more obstacles to using educational technology effectively than their peers in more affluent schools.
increasing the availability and instruction of technology in lower income schools can help bridge this gap
Smart phones have helped bridge the divide, as they provide internet access to populations previously at a digital disadvantage.
There is hope for the future- with technology becoming increasingly advanced and the "new" that becomes old becomes more accessible and available, people are able to learn more. (simply because they have access to the web)
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Integrating technology in your classroom is a great way to connect your students to nature—increasing their likelihood of becoming environmental stewards and making a positive impact on our planet.
Wow! I had no idea there were so many organizations, apps, and programs to combine technology with nature for a classroom setting! This is really encouraging and I would love to use some of these with my future classes!
These websites allow your students to report sightings (of robins, earthworms, frogs, mushrooms, etc.) and share pictures for a variety of projects or missions that help scientists across the world.
int. tech into nature for ages 2nd grade and up
So children need direct exposure to nature. Given their increased access to technology, can we use technology to enhance that direct exposure?
Interesting article- Combining technology with nature in an age that kids desperately need to be outdoors more
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
Teachers in the substitution and augmentation phase can use technology to accomplish traditional tasks, but the real learning gains result from engaging students in learning experiences that could not be accomplished without technology. At the Modification and Redefinition level, the task changes and extends the walls of the classroom.
Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition The most learning occurs at higher levels ( Modification and Redefinition)
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
TPACK, or technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge).
technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge
Social and contextual factors also complicate the relationships between teaching and technology. Social and institutional contexts are often unsupportive of teachers’ efforts to integrate technology use into their work. Teachers often have inadequate (or inappropriate) experience with using digital technologies for teaching and learning. Many teachers earned degrees at a time when educational technology was at a very different stage of development than it is today
Very true- schools need to be supportive of this technological integration. If not, teachers are going to have a hard time integrating
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
What would it mean to consider an educational agenda that includes more flexible, informal, diverse, and interest-driven learning environments? Can we do this in a way that elevates all youth rather than serving the privileged minority?
Good point- using technology and media capabilities to bridge this gap between the poor and wealthy in education
Despite its power to advance learning, many parents, educators, and policymak-ers perceive new media as a distraction from academic learning, civic engagement,
Many parents think this is true- while there are differing opinions on technology use, this is one such example where the stereotype needs to be broken
attributes her success to the writing skills she developed in the role-playing world (see Case Study 1).Clarissa’s out-of-school engagement in creative writing is an example of what we have dubbed connected learning—learning that is socially embedded, interest-driven, and oriented toward educational, economic, or political opportunity.
good example: using "Connected Learning"- role play online to strengthen creative writing
clalliance.org clalliance.org
game-based approach to teaching and learning.
I feel like this would be a great approach for some kids who really love video games- its neat how this school incorporated classroom learning into this
harness these new technologies for learning rather than distraction.
good point- there is a hard gap to fill between elem grades and middle and high school- harness kids interests and use technology to the best advantage
The “connected” in connected learning is about human connection as well as tapping the power of connected technologies. Rather than see technology as a means toward more efficient and automated forms of education, connected learning puts progressive, experiential, and learner-centered approaches at the center of technology-enhanced learning.
goes against standardized testing, teaching one to many, or fixed subjects. Connected learning to enhance human connection and technological as well
richardbruford.com richardbruford.com
Alan poses a question in his TEDx talk that we should ask students: “Do you know how to use Google?” Of greater importance, the same question should be asked of teachers.
Video: Alan November TEDx talk "Do you know how to use google?" We need web literacy for teachers as well
www.learningforjustice.org www.learningforjustice.org
The Teaching Tolerance Digital Literacy Framework offers seven key areas in which students need support developing digital and civic literacy skills. The numbered items represent the overarching knowledge and skills that make up the framework. The bullets represent more granular examples of student behaviors to help educators evaluate mastery.
Digital Literacy Framework of Points
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
s It an Essential Question?A question is ‘essential’ if it . . .• Has no simple ‘right answer’ that can be looked up;• Is meant to be investigated, argued, looked at from different points of view;• Raises other important questions, and if the question itself can be fruitfully questioned;• Naturally arises in everyday life, and/or in ‘doing’ the subject;• Constantly and appropriately recurs; it can be asked and re- asked over time, and as a result of further learning.
Good point- guiding questions of lessons using Ubd need to involve higher order thinking skills
thecornerstoneforteachers.com thecornerstoneforteachers.com
There’s a great saying that is so true here – just because you know something doesn’t mean you understand it. I know that the sky is blue, but that doesn’t mean I can explain to you the science behind why. Students may be able to correctly answer 8 x 6 on a math test, but that doesn’t mean that they can also show you what 8 x 6 represents with a box of manipulatives or in a real life situation.
Great examples of how to use backward design- explaining the reasoning behind it
brightthemag.com brightthemag.com
When English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee laid the foundation for the web in the late 80s, he created a system akin to Lego blocks. Pieces could easily be taken apart and put back together again. This tactile nature is the essence of the web, and it dovetails with hands-on learning. As teachers adopt web literacy into their curriculum, it’s best for students to actively practice what they intend to perfect, like coding chops, web page building and more.
Hands on approach in classroom to web literacy
Identify the major parts of the digestive system(e.g., esophagus, intestine, mouth, stomach
SC State Standard G-3.1.4 One of main lesson topics (digestive system)
D-3.1.1Identify the basic parts of the respiratory system (e.g., lungs, bronchioles, diaphragm)
1 of 2 Main Science/Health Objectives 3rd Grade health standard
ed.sc.gov ed.sc.gov
D3.1-7Demonstrate accurate memorization and replication of brief movement sequences
Movement dance/activity for respiratory and digestive systems. (one dance/mime combination for each body system)
ed.sc.gov ed.sc.gov
VA3-6.1Identify similarities and connections between the visual arts and other subjects in the school curriculum
Standard VA3-6.1
the ways that his or her use of organizational principles and expressive features evoke the ideas he or she intended to convey in a work of visual art
For Unit Plan- connecting health/science lesson to visual arts
Use his or her own ideas in creatingworks of visual art
Grade 3- Standard VA3-1.1 Drawing and object representations for digestive and respiratory systems activity
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Given that there typically is more content than can reasonably be addressed, we are obliged to make choices. A useful framework for establishing curricular priorities may be depicted using the three nested rings shown in Figure 1.2
This is useful to recognize. The 3 ring model is useful in sifting through what it most important in setting the learning outcomes.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Understanding cannot simply be told; the learner has to actively construct meaning (or misconceptions and forget-fulness will ensue)
Teachers must teach for understanding and this can only by done through giving students a chance to analyze and relate/transfer the information in a way that they understand.
three-stage design process (Desired Results, Evidence, and Learning Plan). This process helps avoid the common problems of treating the textbook as the curriculum rather than a resource, and activity-oriented teaching in which no clear priorities and purposes are apparent.
This is a great point. Good teachers use the textbook as a resource and not an exact recipe- they check for student understanding and have flexibility to scope the lesson towards student needs.
Definitely read more of her work
In video: Laura Hilliger quote: "Bridging the gap between education and technology"
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
means talking about audience—whom they are addressing and who are people who might accidentally come across their blogs or tweets.
Recognizing audience is key to remember
Digital skills focus on what and how. Digital literacy focuses on why, when, who, and for whom.
Digital skills involve knowing how to execute tasks on the computer. Digital Literacy involves searching and analyzing deeper into content in order to apply appropriate criteria.
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
21C Skills emerge as skills critical to success in today’s world. They enable individuals to become teachers, advocates, and community leaders to leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource.
Learning to navigate/use the web is essential to professionals today who aim to succeed in the job market.