- Jul 2021
edwardsnowden.substack.com edwardsnowden.substack.com
- May 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Someone had taken control of my iPad, blasting through Apple’s security restrictions and acquiring the power to rewrite anything that the operating system could touch. I dropped the tablet on the seat next to me as if it were contagious. I had an impulse to toss it out the window. I must have been mumbling exclamations out loud, because the driver asked me what was wrong. I ignored him and mashed the power button. Watching my iPad turn against me was remarkably unsettling. This sleek little slab of glass and aluminum featured a microphone, cameras on the front and back, and a whole array of internal sensors. An exemplary spy device.
- Nov 2019
Abseits vom Kapital, welches aus solcher Überwachung geschlagen wird, erscheint mir die Überwachung an sich als ebenso interessant. Beispielsweise die staatliche Überwachung Aller aus Gründen der "inneren Sicherheit". Diese wir am Beispiel der Folgen von 9/11 und der Snowden-Affäre von eben diesem in der 1368. Folge des Podcasts "The Joe Rogan Experience" im Detail aufgeschlüsselt.
Abseits vom Kapital, was aus solcher Überwachung geschlagen wird, erscheint mir die Überwachung an sich als ebenso interessant. Beispielsweise die staatliche Überwachung Aller aus Gründen der "inneren Sicherheit". Diese wird am Beispiel der Folgen von 9/11 und der Snowden-Affäre von eben diesem in der 1368. Folge des Podcasts The Joe Rogan Experience im Detail aufgeschlüsselt.
- Oct 2019
www.thedailybeast.com www.thedailybeast.com
Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower, claims that Sophie Schmidt, the daughter of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, successfully campaigned for The Guardian to scrub her name from one of their bombshell data-abuse stories.
- Sep 2019
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) Civil Action No. ) EDWARD SNOWDEN ) exact address unknown,) ) COMPLAINT Defendant, )
US v. Edward Snowden Complaint
Hosted on Bitcon, tx 1526def70508762cb293eb4100b440a9207a29c9126b4c9dd83ce495741d4ea7
TX: https://whatsonchain.com/tx/1526def70508762cb293eb4100b440a9207a29c9126b4c9dd83ce495741d4ea7
- Jun 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The World Says No to Surveillance
I think it's interesting that this op-ed came out on the same day as another one "saying no" to a different, but related kind of surveillance: Facebook's monitoring of user activity for commercial purposes.
Here's a leaked Prism slide explaining their interest in how "typical users" behave on the Internet:
- Jan 2015
libreas.tumblr.com libreas.tumblr.com
zum Thema siehe auch: From the Snowden Files to the Snowden Commons: The Library as a Civic Hub / LIBREAS 26
- Sep 2013
thedeadcanary.wordpress.com thedeadcanary.wordpress.com
glenn greenwald’s piece yesterday in the guardian
This was back in May, before the first of the Snowden revelations. Here's the article I reference. My how things have changed. There's a spreadsheet someone put together of what we've learned so far.