3 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. Take these two statements:“I see what you're saying, but in my experience, the other way has worked best.”“In my experience, the other way has worked best, but I see what you're saying.”The first one negates “I see what you’re saying.”The second one negates “In my experience, the other way has worked best.”When you use “but”, it’s important to understand which part you are negating.

      always end positively.

  2. Feb 2023
    1. Human infants need to acquire complex social skills, including language, empathy, morality and theory of mind, the researchers said. Successful development of these skills depends on information from adults: “Rather than requiring hard-wired, innate knowledge of social abilities, evolution has outsourced the necessary information to parents,”
      • rather than hard-wiring innate knowledge of complex social skills, nature outsources = complex social skills - like:
        • language
        • empathy
        • morality
        • theory of mind
      • to parents
  3. Aug 2020