4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
www.connectedtext.com www.connectedtext.com
By the way, Luhmann's system is said to have had 35.000 cards. Jules Verne had 25.000. The sixteenth-century thinker Joachim Jungius is said to have had 150.000, and how many Leibniz had, we do not know, though we do know that he had one of the most ingenious piece of furniture for keeping his copious notes.
Circa late 2011, he's positing Luhmann had 35,000 cards and not 90,000.
Jules Verne used index cards. Joachim Jungius is said to have had 150,000 cards.
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
So entstanden 98 Bände, hergestellt nach einem Zettelkasten-System (Verne hinterließ 25 000 Stichwort-Karten), zum größeren Teil geschrieben in dem Turm zu Amiens, den Verne innen wie ein Schiff ausgestattet hatte.
Google translation:
The result was 98 volumes, produced according to a Zettelkasten system (Verne left 25,000 keyword cards), mostly written in the tower at Amiens, the interior of which Verne had decorated like a ship.
Jules Verne had a zettelkasten which he used to write 98 volumes.
Given that he was French we should cross check his name with "fichier boîte".
- Jun 2022
laverne.edu laverne.edu
Real learning cannot happen in a vacuum. Connecting oneself and one’s new ideas with others across classrooms, across the curricula, and into the community build confidence , deepens experience, and maximizes success.
- Dec 2018
read.amazon.com read.amazon.com
Doubtless the Canadian did not wish to admit the
I can annotate here.