- Sep 2024
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Author response:
(1) Rationale of the study and key finding
We respectively disagree with Reviewer #1’s comments on ‘the fundamental weakness of this paper … about regional identity ...’. We believe that they misunderstood the rationale and key message of the paper.
The rationale of the study stems from the increasing recognition of the importance of generating ‘regional-specific’ astrocytes from iPSCs for disease modelling, due to astrocyte heterogeneity and their region-specific involvement in disease pathology. Regional astrocytes are typically differentiated from neural progenitors (NPCs) that are ‘patterned’ to the desired fate during iPSC neural induction. While the efficiency is not 100%, it is nevertheless assumed that the initial lineage composition (%) of patterned NPCs is preserved during the course of astrocyte differentiation and hence that the derived astrocytes represent the intended regional fate.
We questioned this approach using genetic lineage tracing with ventral midbrain-patterned neural progenitors as an example. By monitoring astrocytic induction of purified BFP+ NPCs and unsorted ventral midbrain-patterned NPC (referred to as BFP- in the paper, line 154 submitted PDF), we demonstrate that despite BFP+ NPCs being the vast majority (>90% LMX1A+ and FOXA2+) at the onset of astrocytic induction, their derivatives were lost in the final astrocyte product unless BFP+ NPCs were purified prior to astrocytic induction and differentiation.
Our findings demonstrate that iPSC-derived astrocytes may not faithfully represent the antecedent neural progenitor pool in terms of lineage, and that the regionality of PSC-derived astrocytes should not be assumed based on the (dominant) NPC identity. We believe that this finding is important for iPSC disease modelling research, especially where disease pathophysiology concerns astrocytes of specific brain regions.
Reviewer #1 raised several interesting questions concerning floor plate marker expression during astrocytic induction and astrocyte differentiation in normal development. These are important outstanding questions in developmental neurobiology, but they are outside the scope of this in vitro study. Indeed, the approach taken by published PSC-astrocyte studies - such as assigning regional identity of PSC-derived astrocytes based on the starting NPC fate or validating PSC-astrocyte using regional markers defined in the developing embryo - is partly due to our limited knowledge about the developing and mature astrocytes in different brain regions. This knowledge gap consequently restricts a thorough characterisation of the regional identity of PSC-astrocytes in such cases.
(2) LMX1A expression in the brain and LMX1A-BFP lineage tracer line
We thank Reviewer #1 for highlighting the wider expression of LMX1A. We are fully aware of this consideration and hence the thorough examination of PSC-derived ventral midbrain-patterned NPCs by immunostaining and single cell RNA-sequencing in this and a previous study (PMID: 38132179). All LMX1A+ cells produced in our protocol exhibit ventral midbrain progenitor gene expression profiles when compared to dataset obtained from human fetal ventral midbrain.
Some of the comments give us the impression that there might be some confusion regarding the lineage tracing system used in this study. The LMX1A-Cre/AAVS1-BFP line is not a classic reporter line that mark LMX1A-expressing cells in real time. Instead, it was designed as a tracer line that expresses BFP in the derivatives of LMX1A+ cells as well as cells expressing LMX1A at the time of analysis.
(3) Is regional identity fixed?
We feel that Reviewer #1 misunderstood the paper in their comments ‘The authors are making an assumption that regional identity is fixed when they begin their astrocyte differentiation protocol - not necessarily true…’. We in fact pointed out in the paper that expression of LMX1A and FOXA2, a signature of midbrain floor plate progenitors, is lost in our BFP+ astrocytes. In this paper, ‘regional identity’ was loosely used to also refer to lineage identity and genetic traits, not just gene expression. We will consider alternative wording during revision to avoid potential confusion.
(4) Splice disruption in the COL3A1 gene and potential effect on astrocyte differentiation of Kolf2 iPSCs
We thank Reviewer #2 for highlighting the variations in KOLF2C1 hiPSCs and the study by Bradley et al. (2019) on differential COL3A1 expression in some ventral astrocytes. We noted that the progenitors produced by Bradley et al. were NKX2.1+ ventral forebrain cells, rather than the LMX1A+ ventral midbrain progenitors investigated in our study. Our scRNAseq data show that all three populations of astrocytes exhibit low levels of COL3A1 expression. While we will continue to examine astrocyte COL3A1 expression in publicly available gene expression datasets, we feel that a selective impairment in astrocyte differentiation of BFP+ cells is unlikely.
(5) Additional data analysis and validation of potential new markers
We will carefully consider the reviewers’ suggestions on further analysis of our single-cell RNA sequencing dada during revision. Regarding eLife’s assessment of validating differential gene expression in different brain regions, it is worth noting that both BFP+ and BFP- cells mapped to the published midbrain scRNAseq data set (La Manno et al, Cell 2016, PMID: 27716510), supporting their midbrain fate. We agree in principle that all single-cell RNA sequencing findings should be validated by immunostaining. It would be beneficial to experimentally verify that our candidate BFP+ differentially expressed genes indeed mark astrocytes derived from LMX1A+ NPCs in vivo, as opposed to other midbrain NPCs. However, this verification cannot be realistically performed in a human setting, but only in an analogous mouse tracer line.
The current eLife assessment nicely summarised part of our findings, in a sense secondary output of this work. We would appreciate a revised eLife assessment that include the message that iPSC-derived astrocytes, in terms of genetic lineage, can deviate greatly from the starting progenitor pool. We would be very happy to provide further information or clarification if it would be helpful. We are committed to doing our best as authors to enhance reader experience and support the continued success of eLife.
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eLife assessment
In this valuable study, García-Vázquez et al. provide solid evidence suggesting that G2 and S phases expressed protein 1 (GTSE1), is a previously unappreciated non-pocket substrate of cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinases. To this end, this study holds a promise to significantly contribute to an improved understanding of the mechanisms underpinning cell cycle progression. Notwithstanding these clear strengths of the article, it was thought that the study may benefit from establishing the precise role of cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinase-dependent GTSE1 phosphorylation in the context of cell cycle progression, obtaining more direct evidence that cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinase phosphorylate indicated sites on GTSE1 (e.g., S454) and mapping a degron in GTSE1 whose function may be blocked by cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinase-dependent phosphorylation.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
García-Vázquez et al. identify GTSE1 as a novel target of the cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinases. The authors show that GTSE1 is phosphorylated at four distinct serine residues and that this phosphorylation stabilizes GTSE1 protein levels to promote proliferation.
The authors support their findings with several previously published results, including databases. In addition, the authors perform a wide range of experiments to support their findings.
I feel that important controls and considerations in the context of the cell cycle are missing. Cyclin D1 overexpression, Palbociclib treatment and apparently also AMBRA1 depletion can lead to major changes in cell cycle distribution, which could strongly influence many of the observed effects on the cell cycle protein GTSE1. It is therefore important that the authors assess such changes and normalize their results accordingly.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The manuscript by García-Vázquez et al identifies the G2 and S phases expressed protein 1(GTSE1) as a substrate of the CycD-CDK4/6 complex. CycD-CDK4/6 is a key regulator of the G1/S cell cycle restriction point, which commits cells to enter a new cell cycle. This kinase is also an important therapeutic cancer target by approved drugs including Palbocyclib. Identification of substrates of CycD-CDK4/6 can therefore provide insights into cell cycle regulation and the mechanism of action of cancer therapeutics. A previous study identified GTSE1 as a target of CycB-Cdk1 but this appears to be the first study to address the phosphorylation of the protein by Cdk4/6.
The authors identified GTSE1 by mining an existing proteomic dataset that is elevated in AMBRA1 knockout cells. The AMBRA1 complex normally targets D cyclins for degradation. From this list, they then identified proteins that contain a CDK4/6 consensus phosphorylation site and were responsive to treatment with Palbocyclib.
The authors show CycD-CDK4/6 overexpression induces a shift in GTSE1 on phostag gels that can be reversed by Palbocyclib. In vitro kinase assays also showed phosphorylation by CDK4. The phosphorylation sites were then identified by mutagenizing the predicted sites and phostag got to see which eliminated the shift.
The authors go on to show that phosphorylation of GTSE1 affects the steady state level of the protein. Moreover, they show that expression and phosphorylation of GTSE1 confer a growth advantage on tumor cells and correlate with poor prognosis in patients.
The biochemical and mutagenesis evidence presented convincingly show that the GTSE1 protein is indeed a target of the CycD-CDK4 kinase. The follow-up experiments begin to show that the phosphorylation state of the protein affects function and has an impact on patient outcomes.
It is not clear at which stage in the cell cycle GTSE1 is being phosphorylated and how this is affecting the cell cycle. Considering that the protein is also phosphorylated during mitosis by CycB-Cdk1, it is unclear which phosphorylation events may be regulating the protein.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This paper identifies GTSE1 as a potential substrate of cyclin D1-CDK4/6 and shows that GTSE1 correlates with cancer prognosis, probably through an effect on cell proliferation. The main problem is that the phosphorylation analysis relies on the over-expression of cyclin D1. It is unclear if the endogenous cyclin D1 is responsible for any phosphorylation of GTSE1 in vivo, and what, if anything, this moderate amount of GTSE1 phosphorylation does to drive proliferation.
There are few bonafide cyclin D1-Cdk4/6 substrates identified to be important in vivo so GTSE1 represents a potentially important finding for the field. Currently, the only cyclin D1 substrates involved in proliferation are the Rb family proteins.
The main weakness is that it is unclear if the endogenous cyclin D1 is responsible for phosphorylating GTSE1 in the G1 phase. For example, in Figure 2G there doesn't seem to be a higher band in the phos-tag gel in the early time points for the parental cells. This experiment could be redone with the addition of palbociclib to the parental to see if there is a reduction in GTSE1 phosphorylation and an increase in the amount in the G1 phase as predicted by the authors' model.
The experiments involving palbociclib do not disentangle cell cycle effects. Adding Cdk4 inhibitors will progressively arrest more and more cells in the G1 phase and so there will be a reduction not just in Cdk4 activity but also in Cdk2 and Cdk1 activity. More experiments, like the serum starvation/release in Figure 2G, with synchronized populations of cells would be needed to disentangle the cell cycle effects of palbociclib treatment.
It is unclear if GTSE1 drives the G1/S transition. Presumably, this is part of the authors' model and should be tested.
The proliferation assays need to be more quantitative. Figure 4B should be plotted on a log scale so that the slope can be used to infer the proliferation rate of an exponentially increasing population of cells. Figure 4c should be done with more replicates and error analysis since the effects shown in the lower right-hand panel are modest.
Author response:
Reviewer #1:
García-Vázquez et al. identify GTSE1 as a novel target of the cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinases. The authors show that GTSE1 is phosphorylated at four distinct serine residues and that this phosphorylation stabilizes GTSE1 protein levels to promote proliferation.
The authors support their Kindings with several previously published results, including databases. In addition, the authors perform a wide range of experiments to support their Kindings.
I feel that important controls and considerations in the context of the cell cycle are missing. Cyclin D1 overexpression, Palbociclib treatment and apparently also AMBRA1 depletion can lead to major changes in cell cycle distribution, which could strongly inKluence many of the observed effects on the cell cycle protein GTSE1. It is therefore important that the authors assess such changes and normalize their results accordingly.
We have approached the question of GTSE1 phosphorylation to account for potential cell cycle effects from multiple angles:
(i) We conducted in vitro experiments with puriIied, recombinant proteins and shown that GTSE1 is phosphorylated by cyclin D1-CDK4 in a cell-free system (Figure 2A-C). This experiment provides direct evidence of GTSE1 phosphorylation by cyclin D1-CDK4 without the inIluence of any other cell cycle effectors.
(ii) We present data using synchronized AMBRA1 KO cells (Figure 2G and Supplementary Figure 3B). As shown previously (Simoneschi et al., Nature 2021, PMC8875297), AMBRA1 KO cells progress faster in the cell cycle but they are still synchronized as shown, for example by the mitotic phosphorylation of Histone H3. Under these conditions we observed that while phosphorylation of GTSE1 in parental cells peaks at the G2/M transition, AMBRA1 KO cells exhibited sustained phosphorylation of GTSE1 across all cell cycle phases. This is evident when using Phos-tag gels as in the current top panel of Figure 2G. We now re-run one the biological triplicates of the synchronized cells using higher concentration of Zn+2-Phos-tag reagent and lower voltage to allow better separation. Under these conditions, GTSE1 phosphorylation is more apparent. In the new version of the paper, we will either show both blots or substitute the old panel with the new one. This experiment provides evidence that high levels of cyclin D1 in AMBRA1 KO cells affect GTSE1 independently of the speciIic points in the cell cycle.
(iii) The relative short half-life of GTSE1 (<4 hours) makes its levels sensitive to acute treatments such as Palbococlib or AMBRA1 depletion. The effects of these treatments on GTSE1 levels are measurable within a time frame too short to affect cell cycle progression in a meaningful way. For example, we used cells with fusion of endogenous AMBRA1 to a mini-Auxin Inducible Degron (mAID) at the N-terminus. This system allows for rapid and inducible degradation of AMBRA1 upon addition of auxin, thereby minimizing compensatory cellular rewiring. Again, we observed an increase in GTSE1 levels upon acute ablation of AMBRA1 (i.e., in 8 hours) (Figure 3B), when no signiIicant effects on cell cycle distribution are observed (please see Simoneschi et al., Nature 2021, PMC8875297 and Rona et al., Mol. Cell 2024, PMC10997477).
All together, these lines of evidence support our conclusion that GTSE1 is a target of cyclin D1-CDK4, independent of cell cycle effects. In conclusion, as stated in the Discussion section, GTSE1 has been established as a substrate of mitotic cyclins, but we observed that overexpression of cyclin D1-CDK4 induce GTSE1 phosphorylation at any point of the cell cycle. Thus, we propose that GTSE1 is phosphorylated by CDK4 and CDK6 particularly in pathological states, such as cancers displaying overexpression of D-type cyclins beyond the G1 phase. In turn, GTSE1 phosphorylation induces its stabilization, leading to increased levels that, as expected based on the existing literature, contribute to enhanced cell proliferation. So, the cyclin D1-CDK4/6 kinase-dependent phosphorylation of GTSE1 induces its stabilization independently of the cell cycle.
Reviewer #2:
The manuscript by García-Vázquez et al identifies the G2 and S phases expressed protein
1(GTSE1) as a substrate of the CycD-CDK4/6 complex. CycD-CDK4/6 is a key regulator of the G1/S cell cycle restriction point, which commits cells to enter a new cell cycle. This kinase is also an important therapeutic cancer target by approved drugs including Palbocyclib. Identification of substrates of CycD-CDK4/6 can therefore provide insights into cell cycle regulation and the mechanism of action of cancer therapeutics. A previous study identified GTSE1 as a target of CycB-Cdk1 but this appears to be the first study to address the phosphorylation of the protein by Cdk4/6.
The authors identified GTSE1 by mining an existing proteomic dataset that is elevated in AMBRA1 knockout cells. The AMBRA1 complex normally targets D cyclins for degradation. From this list, they then identified proteins that contain a CDK4/6 consensus phosphorylation site and were responsive to treatment with Palbocyclib.
The authors show CycD-CDK4/6 overexpression induces a shift in GTSE1 on phostag gels that can be reversed by Palbocyclib. In vitro kinase assays also showed phosphorylation by CDK4. The phosphorylation sites were then identified by mutagenizing the predicted sites and phostag got to see which eliminated the shift.
The authors go on to show that phosphorylation of GTSE1 affects the steady state level of the protein. Moreover, they show that expression and phosphorylation of GTSE1 confer a growth advantage on tumor cells and correlate with poor prognosis in patients.
The biochemical and mutagenesis evidence presented convincingly show that the GTSE1 protein is indeed a target of the CycD-CDK4 kinase. The follow-up experiments begin to show that the phosphorylation state of the protein affects function and has an impact on patient outcomes.
It is not clear at which stage in the cell cycle GTSE1 is being phosphorylated and how this is affecting the cell cycle. Considering that the protein is also phosphorylated during mitosis by CycB-Cdk1, it is unclear which phosphorylation events may be regulating the protein.
In cells that do not overexpress cyclin D1, GTSE1 is phosphorylated at the G2/M transition, consistent with the known cyclin B1-CDK1-mediated phosphorylation of this protein. However, AMBRA1 KO cells exhibited high levels of cyclin D1 throughout the cell cycle and sustained phosphorylation of GTSE1 across all cell cycle points (Figure 2G and Supplementary Figure 3B). Please see also answer to Reviewer #1. Moreover, we show that, compared to the amino acids phosphorylated by cyclin D1-CDK4, cyclin B1-CDK1 phosphorylates GTSE1 on either additional residues or different sites (Figure 2H). Finally, we show that expression of a phospho-mimicking GTSE1 mutant leads to accelerated growth and an increase in the cell proliferative index (Figure 4C). However, we have not evaluated how phosphorylation affects the cell cycle distribution. We will perform FACS analyses and include them in the new version.
Reviewer #3:
This paper identifies GTSE1 as a potential substrate of cyclin D1-CDK4/6 and shows that GTSE1 correlates with cancer prognosis, probably through an effect on cell proliferation. The main problem is that the phosphorylation analysis relies on the over-expression of cyclin D1. It is unclear if the endogenous cyclin D1 is responsible for any phosphorylation of GTSE1 in vivo, and what, if anything, this moderate amount of GTSE1 phosphorylation does to drive proliferation.
There are few bonafide cyclin D1-Cdk4/6 substrates identified to be important in vivo so GTSE1 represents a potentially important finding for the field. Currently, the only cyclin D1 substrates involved in proliferation are the Rb family proteins.
The main weakness is that it is unclear if the endogenous cyclin D1 is responsible for phosphorylating GTSE1 in the G1 phase. For example, in Figure 2G there doesn't seem to be a higher band in the phos-tag gel in the early time points for the parental cells. This experiment could be redone with the addition of palbociclib to the parental to see if there is a reduction in GTSE1 phosphorylation and an increase in the amount in the G1 phase as predicted by the authors' model. The experiments involving palbociclib do not disentangle cell cycle effects. Adding Cdk4 inhibitors will progressively arrest more and more cells in the G1 phase and so there will be a reduction not just in Cdk4 activity but also in Cdk2 and Cdk1 activity. More experiments, like the serum starvation/release in Figure 2G, with synchronized populations of cells would be needed to disentangle the cell cycle effects of palbociclib treatment.
In normal cells, GTSE1 is phosphorylated at the G2/M transition in a cyclin B1-CDK1dependent manner. During G1, when the levels of cyclin D1 peak, GTSE1 is not phosphorylated. This could be due to a higher affinity between GTSE1 and mitotic cyclins as compared to G1 cyclins or to a higher concentration of mitotic cyclins compared to G1 cyclins. We show that higher levels of cyclin D1 induce GTSE1 phosphorylation during interphase, but we do not rely only on the overexpression of exogenous cyclin D1. In fact, we observe similar effect when we deplete endogenous AMBRA1, resulting in the stabilization of endogenous cyclin D1. As mentioned in the Discussion section, we propose that GTSE1 is phosphorylated by CDK4 and CDK6 particularly in pathological states, such as cancers displaying overexpression of D-type cyclins (i.e., the overexpression appears to overcome the lower afIinity of the cyclin D1-GTSE1 complex). In sum, our study suggests that overexpression of cyclin D1, which is often observed in cancers cells beyond the G1 phase, induces phosphorylation of GTSE1 at all points in the cell cycle displaying high levels of cyclin D1. Please see also response to Reviewer #1. Concerning the experiments involving palbociclib, we limited confounding effects on the cell cycle by treating cells with palbociclib for only 4-6 hours. Under these conditions, there is simply not enough time for the cells to arrest in G1.
It is unclear if GTSE1 drives the G1/S transition. Presumably, this is part of the authors' model and should be tested.
We are not claiming that GTSE1 drives the G1/S transition. GTSE1 is known to promote cell proliferation, but how it performs this task is not well understood. Our experiments indicate that, when overexpressed, cyclin D1 promotes GTSE1 phosphorylation and its consequent stabilization. In agreement with the literature, we show that higher levels of GTSE1 promote cell proliferation. To measure cell cycle distribution upon expressing various forms of GTSE1, we will now perform FACS analyses and include them in the new version.
The proliferation assays need to be more quantitative. Figure 4B should be plotted on a log scale so that the slope can be used to infer the proliferation rate of an exponentially increasing population of cells. Figure 4c should be done with more replicates and error analysis since the effects shown in the lower right-hand panel are modest.
In Figure 4B, we plotted data in a linear scale as done in the past (Donato et al. Nature Cell Biol. 2017, PMC5376241) to better represent the changes in total cell number overtime. The experiments in Figure 4C were performed in triplicate. Error analysis was not included for simplicity, given the complexity of the data. We will include the other two sets of experiments in the revised version. While the effects shown in the lower right-hand panel of Figure 4C are modest, they demonstrate the same trend as those observed in the AMBRA KO cells (Figure 4C and Simoneschi et al., Nature 2021, PMC8875297). It's important to note that this effect is achieved through the stable expression of a single phosphomimicking protein, whereas AMBRA KO cells exhibit changes in numerous cell cycle regulators.
We appreciate the constructive comments and suggestions made by the reviewers, and we believe that the resulting additions and changes will improve the clarity and message of our study.
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Author response:
We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and recommendations for improvement. In this provisional response we aim to address a few of the major concerns and briefly outline a plan for revision. We plan to submit a more detailed response along with the revised manuscript.
The reviewers have suggested additional analyses to strengthen the manuscript. As noted, the primary focus of this paper is on single units, to act as a starting point in the characterization of orofacial sensorimotor cortical activity in relation to tongue direction. Research on the cortical mechanisms that underlie sensorimotor control of tongue movements has lagged research on limb movements. Thus, the goal of our paper was to first characterize the individual neuron’s 3D directional tuning properties to provide a basis for future in-depth analysis of population dynamics. However, as multiple reviewers have pointed out the strengths of further investigating population activity, we will aim to address this through additional analysis and discussion. Our starting point for this will be to try other decoding algorithms and dimensionality reduction techniques.
Reviewers 1 and 2 suggested we compare a subset of trials from the nerve block dataset that has similar kinematics to the control to eliminate the confounding effect of differing kinematics between the two conditions. We did this for feeding, by sampling an equal number of trials with similar kinematics for both control and nerve block despite the different overall distribution. We will be sure to make this clearer within the text. We will also implement this for drinking by subsampling trials from each category with similar kinematics to see if this can account for the difference in neural activity.
We understand that while using a small number of datasets is typical in non-human primate neuroscience, the inclusion of additional data would greatly reinforce our findings. We are working to process data from other sessions and have completed a few since this submission, which we will run through the analysis and consider adding a comparison into the manuscript.
Reviewer 3 has raised a valid point that the different movement of the jaw may be a confounding factor in our study of tongue movements. We reported in our recent paper (see Supplementary Fig. 4 in Laurence-Chasen et al., 2023) that “Through iterative sampling of sub-regions of the test trials, we found that correlation of tongue kinematic variables with mandibular motion does not account for decoding accuracy. Even at times where tongue motion was completely un-correlated with the jaw, decoding accuracy could be quite high.” We expect that this also will be true for the analysis of single-unit activity.
To address the concern on the robustness of our analytical methods, we plan to show the variability of neural firing rates across trials using the Fano factor and use a bootstrap test for the directional tuning analysis.
As recommended, we will expand the introduction/discussion to further contextualize the results of this paper within the existing literature and attempt to clarify some of the sections that reviewers have identified.
“Have the authors confirmed or characterized the strength of their inactivation or block, I was unable to find any electrophysiological evidence characterizing the perturbation.”
The strength of the nerve block is characterized by a decrease in baseline firing rate of SIo neurons. We can include a figure showing this as supplementary material in the revised version.
“Can the authors explain (or at least speculate) why there was such a large difference in behavioral effect due to nerve block between the two monkeys (Figure 7)?”
We acknowledge this as a variable inherent to this type of experimentation. Previous studies have found large kinematic variation in the effect of oral nerve block as well as in the following compensatory strategies between subjects. Every animal’s biology and how they respond to perturbation will be different, which is something we are unable to prevent. Indeed, our subjects exhibited different feeding behavior even in the absence of nerve block perturbation (see Figure 2 in Laurence-Chasen et al., 2022). This is why each individual serves as its own control.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In their paper, Hosack and Arce-McShane investigate how the 3D movement direction of the tongue is represented in the orofacial part of the sensory-motor cortex and how this representation changes with the loss of oral sensation. They examine the firing patterns of neurons in the orofacial parts of the primary motor cortex (MIo) and somatosensory cortex (SIo) in non-human primates (NHPs) during drinking and feeding tasks. While recording neural activity, they also tracked the kinematics of tongue movement using biplanar video-radiography of markers implanted in the tongue. Their findings indicate that most units in both MIo and SIo are directionally tuned during the drinking task. However, during the feeding task, directional turning was more frequent in MIo units and less prominent in SIo units. Additionally, in some recording sessions, they blocked sensory feedback using bilateral nerve block injections, which resulted in fewer directionally tuned units and changes in the overall distribution of the preferred direction of the units.
The most significant strength of this paper lies in its unique combination of experimental tools. The author utilized a video-radiography method to capture 3D kinematics of the tongue movement during two behavioral tasks while simultaneously recording activity from two brain areas. Moreover, they employed a nerve-blocking procedure to halt sensory feedback. This specific dataset and experimental setup hold great potential for future research on the understudied orofacial segment of the sensory-motor area.
Aside from the last part of the result section, the majority of the analyses in this paper are focused on single units. I understand the need to characterize the number of single units that directly code for external variables like movement direction, especially for less-studied areas like the orofacial part of the sensory-motor cortex. However, as a field, our decade-long experience in the arm region of sensory-motor cortices suggests that many of the idiosyncratic behaviors of single units can be better understood when the neural activity is studied at the level of the state space of the population. By doing so, for the arm region, we were able to explain why units have "mixed selectivity" for external variables, why the tuning of units changes in the planning and execution phase of the movement, why activity in the planning phase does not lead to undesired muscle activity, etc. See (Gallego et al. 2017; Vyas et al. 2020; Churchland and Shenoy 2024) for a review. Therefore, I believe investigating the dynamics of the population activity in orofacial regions can similarly help the reader go beyond the peculiarities of single units and in a broader view, inform us if the same principles found in the arm region can be generalized to other segments of sensory-motor cortex.
Further, for the nerve-blocking experiments, the authors demonstrate that the lack of sensory feedback severely alters how the movement is executed at the level of behavior and neural activity. However, I had a hard time interpreting these results since any change in neural activity after blocking the orofacial nerves could be due to either the lack of the sensory signal or, as the authors suggest, due to the NHPs executing a different movement to compensate for the lack of sensory information or the combination of both of these factors. Hence, it would be helpful to know if the authors have any hint in the data that can tease apart these factors. For example, analyzing a subset of nerve-blocked trials that have similar kinematics to the control.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This manuscript by Hosack and Arce-McShane examines the directional tuning of neurons in macaque primary motor (MIo) and somatosensory (SIo) cortex. The neural basis of tongue control is far less studied than, for example, forelimb movements, partly because the tongue's kinematics and kinetics are difficult to measure. A major technical advantage of this study is using biplanar video-radiography, processed with modern motion tracking analysis software, to track the movement of the tongue inside the oral cavity. Compared to prior work, the behaviors are more naturalistic behaviors (feeding and licking water from one of three spouts), although the animals were still head-fixed.
The study's main findings are that:
• A majority of neurons in MIo and a (somewhat smaller) percentage of SIo modulated their firing rates during tongue movements, with different modulations depending on the direction of movement (i.e., exhibited directional tuning). Examining the statistics of tuning across neurons, there was anisotropy (e.g., more neurons preferring anterior movement) and a lateral bias in which tongue direction neurons preferred that was consistent with the innervation patterns of tongue control muscles (although with some inconsistency between monkeys).
• Consistent with this encoding, tongue position could be decoded with moderate accuracy even from small ensembles of ~28 neurons.
• There were differences observed in the proportion and extent of directional tuning between the feeding and licking behaviors, with stronger tuning overall during licking. This potentially suggests behavioral context-dependent encoding.
• The authors then went one step further and used a bilateral nerve block to the sensory inputs (trigeminal nerve) from the tongue. This impaired the precision of tongue movements and resulted in an apparent reduction and change in neural tuning in Mio and SIo.
The data are difficult to obtain and appear to have been rigorously measured, and provide a valuable contribution to this under-explored subfield of sensorimotor neuroscience. The analyses adopt well-established methods, especially from the arm motor control literature, and represent a natural starting point for characterizing tongue 3D direction tuning.
There are alternative explanations for some of the interpretations, but those interpretations are described in a way that clearly distinguishes results from interpretations, and readers can make their own assessments. Some of these limitations are described in more detail below.
One weakness of the current study is that there is substantial variability in results between monkeys, and that only one session of data per monkey/condition is analyzed (8 sessions total). This raises the concern that the results could be idiosyncratic. The Methods mention that other datasets were collected, but not analyzed because the imaging pre-processing is very labor-intensive. While I recognize that time is precious, I do think in this case the manuscript would be substantially strengthened by showing that the results are similar on other sessions.
This study focuses on describing directional tuning using the preferred direction (PD) / cosine tuning model popularized by Georgopoulous and colleagues for understanding neural control of arm reaching in the 1980s. This is a reasonable starting point and a decent first-order description of neural tuning. However, the arm motor control field has moved far past that viewpoint, and in some ways, an over-fixation on static representational encoding models and PDs held that field back for many years. The manuscript benefits from drawing the readers' attention (perhaps in their Discussion) that PDs are a very simple starting point for characterizing how cortical activity relates to kinematics, but that there is likely much richer population-level dynamical structure and that a more mechanistic, control-focused analytical framework may be fruitful. A good review of this evolution in the arm field can be found in Vyas S, Golub MD, Sussillo D, Shenoy K. 2020. Computation Through Neural Population Dynamics. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 43(1):249-75
Can the authors explain (or at least speculate) why there was such a large difference in behavioral effect due to nerve block between the two monkeys (Figure 7)?
Do the analyses showing a decrease in tuning after nerve block take into account the changes (and sometimes reduction in variability) of the kinematics between these conditions? In other words, if you subsampled trials to have similar distributions of kinematics between Control and Block conditions, does the effect hold true? The extreme scenario to illustrate my concern is that if Block conditions resulted in all identical movements (which of course they don't), the tuning analysis would find no tuned neurons. The lack of change in decoding accuracy is another yellow flag that there may be a methodological explanation for the decreased tuning result.
The manuscript states that "Our results suggest that the somatosensory cortex may be less involved than the motor areas during feeding, possibly because it is a more ingrained and stereotyped behavior as opposed to tongue protrusion or drinking tasks". Could an alternative explanation be more statistical/technical in nature: that during feeding, there will be more variability in exactly what somatosensation afferent signals are being received from trial to trial (because slight differences in kinematics can have large differences in exactly where the tongue is and the where/when/how of what parts of it are touching other parts of the oral cavity)? This variability could "smear out" the apparent tuning using these types of trial-averaged analyses. Given how important proprioception and somatosensation are for not biting the tongue or choking, the speculation that somatosensory cortical activity is suppressed during feedback is very counter-intuitive to this reviewer.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, the authors aim to uncover how 3D tongue direction is represented in the Motor (M1o) and Somatosensory (S1o) cortex. In non-human primates implanted with chronic electrode arrays, they use X-ray-based imaging to track the kinematics of the tongue and jaw as the animal is either chewing food or licking from a spout. They then correlate the tongue kinematics with the recorded neural activity. Using linear regressions, they characterize the tuning properties and distributions of the recorded population during feeding and licking. Then, they recharacterize the tuning properties after bilateral lidocaine injections in the two sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve. They report that their nerve block causes a reorganization of the tuning properties. Overall, this paper concludes that M1o and S1o both contain representations of the tongue direction, but their numbers, their tuning properties, and susceptibility to perturbed sensory input are different.
The major strengths of this paper are in the state-of-the-art experimental methods employed to collect the electrophysiological and kinematic data.
However, this paper has a number of weaknesses in the analysis of this data.
It is unclear how reliable the neural responses are to the stimuli. The trial-by-trial variability of the neural firing rates is not reported. Thus, it is unclear if the methods used for establishing that a neuron is modulated and tuned to a direction are susceptible to spurious correlations. The authors do not use shuffling or bootstrapping tests to determine the robustness of their fits or determining the 'preferred direction' of the neurons. This weakness colors the rest of the paper.
The authors compare the tuning properties during feeding to those during licking but only focus on the tongue-tip. However, the two behaviors are different also in their engagement of the jaw muscles. Thus many of the differences observed between the two 'tasks' might have very little to do with an alternation in the properties of the neural code - and more to do with the differences in the movements involved. Many of the neurons are likely correlated with both Jaw movements and tongue movements - this complicates the interpretations and raises the possibility that the differences in tuning properties across tasks are trivial.
The population analyses for decoding are rudimentary and provide very coarse estimates (left, center, or right), it is also unclear what the major takeaways from the population decoding analyses are. The reduced classification accuracy could very well be a consequence of linear models being unable to account for the complexity of feeding movements, while the licking movements are 'simpler' and thus are better accounted for.
The nature of the nerve block and what sensory pathways are being affected is unclear - the trigeminal nerve contains many different sensory afferents - is there a characterization of how effectively the nerve impulses are being blocked? Have the authors confirmed or characterized the strength of their inactivation or block, I was unable to find any electrophysiological evidence characterizing the perturbation.
Overall, while this paper provides a descriptive account of the observed neural correlations and their alteration by perturbation, a synthesis of the observed changes and some insight into neural processing of tongue kinematics would strengthen this paper.
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Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
(1) All the figure legends need to expand significantly, so it is clear what is being presented. All experiments showing data quantification need the numbers of independent biological replicates to be added, plus an indication of what the P-values are associated with the asterisks (and the tests used).
Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We will significantly expand the figure legends to provide a clear and detailed description of the data presented in each figure. Additionally, we will include dot plots in the bar graphs to illustrate the number of independent biological replicates for each experiment. Furthermore, we will specify the statistical tests used for each analysis and include the corresponding P-values associated with the asterisks in the figure legends.
(2) All the Related to point 1, the description of the data in the text needs to expand significantly, so the figure panels are interpretable. Examples are given below but this is not an exhaustive list.
We appreciate your feedback on the clarity of the data description in the text. In response to your suggestion, we will significantly expand the descriptions throughout the manuscript to ensure that each figure panel is fully interpretable. The revised text will provide a more detailed and comprehensive explanation of the data presented.
(3) All the The addition of "super-enhancer-driven" to the title is a distraction. This is the starting point but the finding is portrayed by the last part of the title. Moreover, it is not clear why this is a super enhancer rather than just a typical enhancer as only one seems to be relevant and functional. I suggest avoiding this term after initial characterisations.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. In this study, the key molecule ZFP36L1 was identified as a target gene through the characterization of the super-enhancer ZFP36L1-SE. The enrichment of H3K27ac at this site meets the threshold defined by the ROSE algorithm, and transcription of ZFP36L1 is regulated by BRD4, making it susceptible to inhibition by the super-enhancer inhibitor JQ1. Although we were unable to directly observe the effects of knocking out the ZFP36L1-SE via Cas9 due to experimental constraints, we believe that the indirect evidence we have gathered is sufficient to demonstrate the super-enhancer's driving role. This approach is consistent with the conventions of previous studies on super-enhancers.
(4) The descriptions of Figures 1B, C, and D are very poor. How for example do you go from nearly 2000 SE peaks to a couple of hundred target genes? What are the other 90% doing? What is the definition of a target gene? This whole start section needs a complete overhaul to make it understandable and this is important as is what leads us to ZFP36L1 in the first place.
We appreciate your feedback and apologize for the confusion caused by the initial descriptions. As described in the manuscript, the function of SE peaks depends on their location. Figure 1C shows the distribution of these peaks, where "Over 50% of these peaks were located in the non-coding regions such as exons and introns, and their predicted target genes were transcribed to produce non-coding RNAs; the peaks distributed in transcription start and termination sites activated the promoters and directly drove the transcription of protein-coding genes". Our research focuses on protein-coding genes, and we apologize for any misunderstanding due to the inadequate description. We will provide additional clarification to make this distinction clear.
(5) It is impossible to work out what Figures 1F, H, and I are from the accompanying text. The same applies to supplementary Figure S1D. Figure 1G is not described in the results.
Thank you for pointing out these issues. We will make the necessary revisions to provide additional explanations for Figures 1F, H, I, G, and supplementary Figure S1D.
(6) What is Figure 2A? There is no axis label or description.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will add the missing axis labels and provide a detailed description for Figure 2A to ensure clarity and accurate interpretation.
(7) Why is CD274 discussed in the text from Figure 2E but none of the other genes? The rationale needs expanding.
CD274 (also known as PD-L1) is a key focus of our subsequent research. The other immune checkpoints are not expressed on tumor cells but rather on immune cells. We will provide additional explanation in the text to clarify this distinction.
(8) Figure 2G needs zooming in more over the putative SE region and the two enhancers labelling. This looks very strange at the moment and does not show typical peak shapes for histone acetylation at enhancers.
We appreciate your feedback. Our intention with Figure 2G was to present the position of ZFP36L1-SE at a macro level rather than focusing on specific details. This broader view is meant to provide context for the SE region in relation to the surrounding genomic landscape.
(9) The use of JQ1 does not prove something is a super enhancer, just that it is BRD4 regulated and might be a typical enhancer.
Thank you for your comment. The role of JQ1 as a super-enhancer inhibitor has been widely reported and recognized in the literature. Its use in experimental studies targeting super-enhancers is a well-established practice. We acknowledge that while JQ1 inhibition indicates BRD4 regulation, it is consistent with the identification of super-enhancers as well.
(10) An explanation of how the motifs were identified in E1 is needed. Enrichment over what? Were they purposefully looking for multiple motifs per enhancer? Otherwise what it all comes down to later in the figure is a single motif, and how can that be "enriched"?
Thank you for your feedback. We used the MEME-ChIP online tool for motif identification, which is a widely recognized method in transcription factor research. MEME-ChIP applies established algorithms to identify known motifs within DNA sequences. For detailed information on the tool's working principles and algorithms, please refer to the reference provided and the URL included in the Materials and Methods section of our manuscript. MEME-ChIP: https://meme-suite.org/meme/tools/meme.
(11) A major missing experiment is to deplete rather than over-express SPI1 for the various assays in Figure 4.
We apologize for this oversight and acknowledge that the depletion of SPI1, in addition to over-expression, would have provided a more comprehensive analysis. Due to experimental constraints, we are unable to include this depletion experiment in the current study. We appreciate your understanding and will consider this suggestion for future research.
(12) The authors start jumping around cell lines, sometimes with little justification. Why is MGC803 used in Figure 4I rather than MKN45? This might be due to more endogenous SPI1. However, this does not make sense in Figure 5M, where ZFP36L is overexpressed in this line rather than MKN45. If SPI1 is already high in MGC803, then the prediction is that ZFP36L1 should already be high. Is this the case?
Thank you for your feedback. We want to clarify that we are not arbitrarily jumping between cell lines. Each experiment was validated in two different cell lines. We aimed to present representative results within the constraints of the manuscript, but if more detailed results from additional cell lines are needed, we can provide them upon request. Regarding your concern, results from the MKN45 cell line are consistent with those observed in MGC803, and these findings are not influenced by SPI1 or ZFP36L1 expression levels.
(13) In Figure 5, HDAC3 should also be depleted to show opposite effects to over-expression (as the latter could be artefactual). Also, direct involvement should be proven by ChIP.
We appreciate your feedback. We acknowledge that depleting HDAC3, in addition to overexpressing it, would provide a more comprehensive analysis. Unfortunately, due to experimental constraints, we are unable to include this depletion experiment in the current study. We recognize these limitations and appreciate your understanding. We will consider these aspects for future research. Additionally, we would like to clarify that HDAC3 is a histone deacetylase and not a transcription factor, so it does not directly bind to DNA and therefore is not suitable for ChIP analysis.
(14) Figure 5G and H are not discussed in the text.
Thank you for pointing this out. We will include a discussion of Figures 5G and H in the revised manuscript. The additional details should provide the necessary context and interpretation for these figures.
(15) Figure 6C needs explaining. Why are three patients selected here? Are these supposed to be illustrative of the whole cohort? What sub-type of GC are these?
Thank you for your comment. The three patients with infiltrative GC shown in Figure 6C were selected as representative images based on prior reviewer suggestions.
(16) Figure 6E onwards, they switch to MFC cell line. They provide a rationale but the key regulatory axis should be sown to also be operational in these cells to use this as a model system.
Thank you for your comment. We would like to clarify that we used the MC38 cell line, which is a colon cancer cell line, rather than MFC. Our focus was on demonstrating the role of ZFP36L1 in vivo, rather than specifically discussing the regulatory axis in this context. We chose MC38 cells instead of MFC cells due to practical considerations. Specifically, MFC cells were shown in our experiments to be unable to form tumors in wild-type mice, despite previous reports suggesting their tumorigenicity. We will provide a rationale for this choice in the manuscript. We acknowledge that validating the entire regulatory axis in the MC38 cell line would enhance the study's depth. However, due to experimental constraints, we are unable to complete this additional validation. We appreciate your understanding and will consider this aspect for future research.
Reviewer #2( Public Review):
(17) The difference in H3K27ac over the ZFP36L1 locus and SE between the expanding and infiltrative GC is marginal (Figure 2G). Although the authors establish that ZFP36L1 is upregulated in GC, particularly in the infiltrative subtype, no direct proof is provided that the identified SE is the source of this observation. CRISPR-Cas9 should be employed to delete the identified SE to prove that it is causatively linked to the expression of ZFP36L1.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. In this study, the key molecule ZFP36L1 was identified as a target gene through the characterization of the super-enhancer ZFP36L1-SE. The enrichment of H3K27ac at this site meets the threshold defined by the ROSE algorithm, and transcription of ZFP36L1 is regulated by BRD4, making it susceptible to inhibition by the super-enhancer inhibitor JQ1. Although we were unable to directly observe the effects of knocking out the ZFP36L1-SE via Cas9 due to experimental constraints, we believe that the indirect evidence we have gathered is sufficient to demonstrate the super-enhancer's driving role. This approach is consistent with the conventions of previous studies on super-enhancers.
(18) In Figure 3C the impact of shZFP36L1 on PD-L1 expression is marginal and it is observed in the context of IFNg stimulation. Moreover, in XGC-1 cell line the shZFP36L1 failed to knock down protein expression thus the small decrease in PD-L1 level is likely independent of ZFP36L1. The same is the case in Figure 3D where forced expression of ZFP36L1 does not upregulate the expression of PDL1 and even in the context of IFNg stimulation the effect is marginal.
Thank you for your detailed observations. In our study, the regulatory effect of ZFP36L1 on PD-L1 was validated at the mRNA level, protein level, and through flow cytometry, with each experiment being repeated multiple times. The results of the Western blot were quantitatively assessed using densitometry rather than relying solely on visual inspection. It is important to note that interferon-gamma (IFNγ) stimulation significantly enhances PD-L1 expression, which under the same exposure conditions, may make the baseline expression of PD-L1 appear unchanged. This could explain the marginal effect observed under IFNγ stimulation.
(19) In Figure 4, it is unclear why ELF1 and E2F1 that bind ZFP36L1-SE do not upregulate its expression and only SPI1 does. In Figure 4D the impact of SPI overexpression on ZFP36L1 in MKN45 cells is marginal. Likewise, the forced expression of SPI did not upregulate PD-L1 which contradicts the model. Only in the context of IFNg PD-L1 is expressed suggesting that whatever role, if any, ZFP36L1-SPI1 axis plays is secondary.
Thank you for your insightful comments. First, ELF1, E2F1, and SPI1 were predicted transcription factors, and experimental validation is crucial. Our results specifically demonstrate that only SPI1 binds to ZFP36L1-SE, while ELF1 and E2F1 do not, confirming the specificity of SPI1. Second, Second, as mentioned in point (18), experimental results, such as those from western blot, should not be evaluated by eye alone. Our findings are quantitatively assessed, and the regulatory relationships have been confirmed through repeated experiments. This finding is supported by multiple experimental validations, including mRNA, protein, and flow cytometry analyses. Furthermore, using IFNγ to study the regulation of PD-L1 is a common and widely accepted approach in this field. Many studies adopt this model, and it should not be concluded that the axis is secondary simply because PD-L1 expression is observed primarily under IFNγ stimulation. Similarly, other popular research areas, such as ferroptosis and autophagy, also use specific inducers, but this does not diminish the significance of the pathways being studied.
(20) The data presented in Figure 6 are not convincing. First, there is no difference in the tumor growth (Figure 6E). IHC in Figure 6I for CD8a is misleading. Can the authors provide insets to point CD8a cells? This figure also needs quantification and review from a pathologist.
Regarding this observation, we will provide an explanation in the discussion section: "Several studies have proposed that reducing PD-L1 expression enhances the tumor-killing effect of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vitro and reduces primary tumor foci in vivo. Conversely, findings from this study suggest that PD-L1 expression is associated with immune evasion in metastatic foci." We are unsure why those studies concluded that PD-L1 expression levels would impact the size of the primary tumor. We are more inclined to support the perspective of John et al.Klement JD, Redd PS, Lu C, et al. Tumor PD-L1 engages myeloid PD-1 to suppress type I interferon to impair cytotoxic T lymphocyte recruitment. Cancer Cell. 2023;41(3):620-636.e9. doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2023.02.005
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(21) Supplementary Figure 1 lacks a legend.
We will add the legend for Supplementary Figure 1.
(22) Figure 1E, data from "expanding" GC samples is not discussed.
We will add a discussion of the "expanding" GC samples in the manuscript.
(23) How are "high" and "low" defined in Figure 2A, right?
Thank you for your question. In Figure 2A, the "high" and "low" categories on the x-axis are derived from the Friends analysis. This analysis is designed to compare the similarity between different genes or gene sets based on semantic similarity metrics from Gene Ontology (GO). The x-axis represents the semantic similarity score, which reflects how closely related the functions of the genes or gene sets are. This helps in identifying the most significant genes or those related to specific pathways or cell types of interest.
Yu G, Li F, Qin Y, Bo X, Wu Y, Wang S. GOSemSim: an R package for measuring semantic similarity among GO terms and gene products. Bioinformatics. 2010;26(7):976-978. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq064
(24) Font sizes in multiple figures need to increase. For example, Figure 2C (but many other places).
The font sizes in the figures, including Figure 2C, will be increased as requested.
(25) Figure 4K assays TE activity, not SE as stated in the text.
SEs are composed of multiple TEs. ZFP36L1-E1 is a core element of the ZFP36L1-SE. Due to the excessive length of the ZFP36L1-SE sequence, it was not feasible to insert the entire SE into a dual-luciferase reporter plasmid. It is a common practice to validate such experiments by inserting the typical enhancer elements instead.
(26) In Figure 6I, why is CD8 shown? What is the reason for choosing this?
CD8α is primarily used to assess immune evasion by tumor cells against T-cell cytotoxicity. CD8α is typically negatively correlated with PD-L1 expression and serves as an indicator of T-cell infiltration.
(27) The discussion should be more focussed. The majority of this is general stuff about either super enhancers or PD-L1 regulation. This should be curtailed and more pertinent things retained.
We will revise the discussion to be more focused. The content will be streamlined to emphasize the most pertinent points related to our study.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(28) In Figure 1H various immune cell populations differ between the two types of GC. Unclear what is the biological significance in the context of ZFP36L1.
The results in Figure 1H provide insight into the SE-driven immune escape signatures of infiltrative gastric cancer (GC). These findings help to contextualize the role of ZFP36L1 in modulating the tumor microenvironment, particularly in relation to immune cell infiltration and immune evasion mechanisms.
(29) A bivalent profile for H3K27ac is also observed in expanding gastric cancer (Figure 1B), not only in infiltrating GC as the authors claim.
We did not intend to imply that bivalent H3K27ac enrichment is exclusive to infiltrating gastric cancer. In fact, super-enhancers were identified in both expanding and infiltrative GC. Our point was to highlight that the bivalent enrichment profile is more pronounced in infiltrative GC.
(30) There is a typo in line 81.
The typo in line 81 will be corrected. Thank you for pointing it out.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The individual roles of both cosolvents and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) in desiccation have been well established, but few studies have tried to elucidate how these two factors may contribute synergistically. The authors quantify the synergy for the model and true IDPs involved with desiccation and find that only the true IDPs have strong desiccation tolerance and synergy with cosolvents. Using these as model systems, they quantify the local (secondary structure vis-a-vi CD spectroscopy) and global dimensions (vis-a-vi the Rg of SAXS experiments) and find no obvious changes with the co-solvents. Instead, they focus on the gelation of one of the IDPs and, using theory and experiments, suggest that the co-solvents may enable desiccation tolerance, an interesting hypothesis to guide future in vivo desiccation studies. A few minor points that remain unclear to this reviewer are noted.
This paper is quite extensive and has significant strengths worth highlighting. Notably, the number and type of methods employed to study IDPs are quite unusual, employing CD spectroscopy, SAXS measurements, and DSC. The use of the TFE is an exciting integration of the physical chemistry of cosolvents into the desiccation field is a nice approach and a clever way of addressing the gap of the lack of conformational changes depending on the cosolvents. Furthermore, I think this is a major point and strength of the paper; the underlying synergy of cosolvents and IDPs may lie in the thermodynamics of the dehydration process.
Figure S6A is very useful. I encourage readers who are confused about the DSC analysis, interpretation, and calculation to refer to it.
Overall, the paper is sound and employs strong experimental design and analysis. However, I wish to point out a few minor weaknesses.
Perhaps the largest, in terms of reader comprehension, focuses on the transition between the model peptides and real IDPs in Figures 1 and 2. Notably, little is discussed with respect to the structure of the IDPs and what is known. Notably, I was confused to find out when looking at Table 1 that many of the IDPs are predicted to be largely unordered, which seemed to contrast with some of the CD spectroscopy data. I wonder if the disorder plots are misleading for readers. Can the authors comment more on this confusion? What are these IDPs structurally?
We apologize for the confusion caused here and thank the reviewer for this astute observation. Our CD spectroscopy data suggests all LEA proteins are almost entirely disordered under aqueous conditions, with a single major minimum at 200 nm, although most have a small inflection around 220 nm, indicating a small proportion of helicity (Fig. 3A). The notable exception here is CAHS D, which – in line with our work and the work of many others – possesses a substantial degree of transient helicity in the linker region (residues 100-200), giving rise to a more pronounced minimum at 220 nm. These conclusions are consistent with our SAXS data (Fig. 4), which predict a radius of gyration far larger than a globular folded protein of the same number of residues should have (15-20 Å). The structural predictions (both Metapredict and AlphaFold2), however, imply several of the proteins to be ordered; AvLEA1C and HeLEA68614 are both predicted to have large folded regions based on metapredict disorder scores. We believe this is an erroneous prediction driven by these regions' propensity to acquire helicity in the context of desiccation (Fig 3B) and/or when interacting with clients. As such, our computational analysis is at odds with the experimental data because these proteins are all poised to undergo a coil-to-helix transition, an effect our parallel work has proposed is important for their function (see Biswas et al. Prot. Sci. 2024). The ability of AlphaFold2 to predict bound-state or transient helices has been previously documented (Alderson et al PNAS 2023)
To address this discrepancy, the caption for Table 1 reads: “We note that the reason many of these profiles contain large folded regions is because the amphipathic LEA and CAHS proteins are predicted to form helices, which metapredict infers and incorrectly highlights these regions as ‘folded’ when really they are disordered in isolation”. We have also added additional context and information to the caption for Fig. S9 “We note that the structural predictions from AlphaFold2 contain largely ordered structures. We believe this is due to the propensity of these proteins to form helices in the context of drying or when interacting with a client. This has been shown in cases where an IDR contains residual helicity or is folded upon binding [70].”
Related to the above thoughts, the alpha fold structures for the LEA proteins are predicted (unconfidently) as being alpha-helical in contrast to the CD data. Does this complicate the TFE studies and eliminate the correlation for the LEA proteins?
AlphaFold2 predicted helicity in disordered regions is commonly observed, and thought to indicate a possible “bound” helical state (Alderson et al. PNAS 2023). As shown by the CD data, in aqueous conditions no secondary structure exists. It is only in the desiccated state - the path to which requires proteins to reach excessively high concentrations - that this secondary structure appears. Underlying our TFE model is that the AlphaFold2 predicted secondary structure is indicative of the state the proteins are in at high abundance, which occurs as cells ramp up protectant expression and as water is removed from the system. Under these assumptions, the CD data is in agreement with the AlphaFold2 predictions, and our analysis holds. This is explained in the methods under “Transfer Free Energy (TFE) Calculations” - but we have now also added an additional sentence to this effect in the main text: “Using a similar AlphaFold2-based approach for LEA proteins and for BSA, we can make correlations between the Gtr of the disorder-to-order transition and synergy (Fig. S8F-K). Interestingly, AlphaFold2 predictions of our LEA proteins were broadly helical, which is in contrast to our experimental characterization of these proteins in aqueous solutions. However, this is not unusual for AlphaFold2 predictions and could possibly represent a “bound” conformation for the proteins [70].”
Additionally, the notation that the LEA and BSA proteins do not correlate is unclear to this reviewer, aren't many of the correlations significant, having both a large R^2 and significant p-value?
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. While BSA and some LEA proteins have values that correlate with synergy, there’s more to consider in assessing the relevance of these correlations. For example, we cannot claim that the value is physiologically relevant without observing an actual structural change in the protein. Furthermore, several of these proteins (BSA and AvLEA1C) were found to be not significantly synergistic in the LDH assay, and any correlation should, therefore, also be considered non-significant. We have added a sentence to the results to clarify this: “For a subset of these proteins, we see a statistically significant correlation between G and synergy. However, this data is purely computational. For CAHS D, we saw our predictions recapitulated in changes in the protein structure, and for the LEA proteins we do not. Thus, we conclude that cosolutes do not induce synergy in our LEA proteins through a change in folding.”
The calculation of synergy seems too simplistic or even problematic to me. While I am not familiar with the standards in the desiccation field, I think the approach as presented may be problematic due to the potential for higher initial values of protection to have lower synergies (two 50%s for example, could not yield higher than 100%).
We acknowledge the reviewer’s concern about our synergy calculation. We would like to highlight the use of sub-optimal protective concentrations in our synergy assays similar to studies previously reported in the desiccation field (Nguyen et al. 2022; Kim et al. 2018).
As the reviewer pointed out, we agree that there is a theoretical 100% threshold in our experiments which if we hit, we cannot distinguish between individual additive vs synergistic effects. To avoid the situation of reaching the near maximal protection levels (~100%), we intentionally select a sub-optimal concentration of the protectants that are below the maximum efficacy level for individual protectants to use in our assays. This limits the potential for initial higher values of the protectants so that their combined effect is not maximized, and there is always the potential for synergy. We would also like to point out that we never actually hit that 100% threshold in any of our synergy experiments, which warrants that any observed increase in protection is attributed to a true synergistic effect between the protectants.
Instead, I would think one would need to really think of it as an apparent equilibrium constant between functional and non-functional LDH (Kapp = [Func]/[Not Func] and frac = Kapp/(1+Kapp) or Kapp = frac/(1-frac) ) Then after getting the apparent equilibrium constants for the IDP and cosolvent (KappIDP and KappCS), the expected additive effect would be frac = (KappIDP+KappCS)/(1+KappIDP+KappCS).
Consequently, the extent of synergy could be instead calculated as KappBOTH-KappIDP-KappCS. Maybe this reviewer is misunderstanding. It is recommended that the authors clarify why the synergy calculation in the manuscript is reasonable.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. In the desiccation field, the synergy calculations that we used is the standard method that people use, so that’s what we present in our main manuscript. However, we have now quantified synergy through two new approaches: one, as suggested by the reviewer, using the equilibrium constant (Kapp) as a metric, and the other using the Bliss Independent model, which is a common approach for calculating synergy in drug combination studies. We see minimal differences in terms of the synergy scores using these different methods. We have included the results for these additional methods in supplemental figure S3.
Related to the above, the authors should discuss the utility of using molar concentration instead of volume fraction or mass concentration. Notably, when trehalose is used in concentration, the volume fraction of trehalose is much smaller compared to the IDPs used in Figure 2 or some in Figure 1. Would switching to a different weighted unit impact the results of the study, or is it robust to such (potentially) arbitrary units?
We thank the reviewer for this comment. Indeed, in studies of cosolute effect, concentration units can alter the conclusions of the study (Auton and Bolen 2004). In our case, the relevant figures where we use a concentration scale (1B and 2B) are not germane to the main conclusions: The only use of these PD50 values is to determine a sub-optimal concentration at which ~30% of the LDH is protected. While it is true that the number for the concentration of e.g., trehalose will be dramatically different if we were to use mass fraction units, the rest of the work and all our conclusions would be exactly the same.
Additionally, our use of a molar ratio when discussing synergy is a direct result of the way we think about such synergy: Since the concentration of both protein and cosolute can change by orders of magnitude during drying, it is the copy numbers of both proteins and cosolute that are conserved in this process, and it is this unit that we think is important to the protective effect (rather than the partial molar volume, for example, which would be changing as the system dries).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The paper aims to investigate the synergies between desiccation chaperones and small molecule cosolutes, and describe its mechanistic basis. The paper reports that IDP chaperones have stronger synergies with the cosolutes they coexist with, and in one case suggests that this is related to oligomerization propensity of the IDP.
The study uses a lot of orthogonal methods and the experiments are technically well done. They are addressing a new question that has not really been addressed previously.
The conclusions are based on a few examples and only partial correlations. While the data support mechanistic conclusions about the individual proteins studied, it is not clear that the conclusions can be generalized to the extent proposed by the authors due to small effect sizes, small numbers of proteins, and only partial correlations.
Thank you for bringing this up. We agree that we should not generalize our results to other systems based on the evidence we have for the proteins used in our study. We have altered our discussion to highlight that this may apply to other IDPs, and that future experiments must be done to support this: “Additionally, we want to point out that our results cannot necessarily be generalized to all desiccation-related IDPs. More experiments will be needed to assess the relevance of cosolute effects to functional synergy and IDP folding in the context of desiccation and beyond. This remains an important future direction for the field.”
The authors pose relevant questions and try to answer them through a systematic series of experiments that are all technically well-conducted. The data points are generally interpreted appropriately in isolation, however, I am a little concerned about a tendency to over-generalize their findings. Many of the experiments give negative or non-conclusive results (not a problem in itself), which means that the overall storyline is often based on single examples.
We agree with the reviewer’s point. As mentioned earlier, we have modified our manuscript to reflect that our findings are based on the six proteins that we studied, and we can only speculate about other desiccation-related IDPs based on our results.
For example, the central conclusion that IDPs interact synergistically with their endogenous co-solute (Figure 2E) is largely driven by one outlier from Arabidopsis. The rest are relatively close to the diagonal, and one could equally well suggest that the cosolutes affect the IDPs equally (which is also the conclusion in 1F).
We appreciate the reviewer’s concern regarding our conclusion in Figures 2E and 1F. We would like to highlight that our conclusions that IDPs interact synergistically with their endogenous cosolute are based on statistical analysis. Our data shows that full-length proteins that were synergistic with both cosolutes are always significantly more synergistic with the endogenous cosolute (Fig. 2E, Fig. S2C-E). For example, the nematode protein is synergistic with both trehalose and sucrose, but is significantly more synergistic with trehalose, the endogenous nematode cosolute, than with sucrose (Fig S2D).
This is not the case in 1F. In Fig. 1F, it is to note that not only are the points close to the diagonal, but most points are close to zero along both axes indicating no synergy. In fact, many points have negative synergy (antagonistic effect).
We do recognize that our conclusions are based on the study of a specific set of six IDPs, and we do not want to overreach in our conclusions. To acknowledge this, we have now added text to emphasize that our conclusion is based on the six proteins that we tested, and we speculate it might apply to other systems: “Our data shows that these six IDPs synergize best with their endogenous cosolute to promote desiccation tolerance and we speculate that this may apply to other desiccation-related IDPs”.
Similarly, the mechanistic explanations tend to be based on single examples. This is somewhat unavoidable as biophysical studies cannot be done on thousands of proteins, but the text should be toned down to reflect the strength of the conclusions.
We acknowledge the reviewer’s concern. We have modified our manuscript accordingly to reflect that the mechanistic insights we gained are for the six proteins we tested empirically. These changes can be found throughout the manuscript. None of our experiments rule out the possibility that other LEA proteins or CAHS proteins may show different structural transitions, or that other IDPs may take on structural changes in response to the cosolutes.
The central hypothesis revolves around the interplay between cosolutes and IDP chaperones comparing chaperones from species with different complements of cosolutes. In Table 1, it is mentioned that Arabidopsis uses both trehalose and sucrose as a cosolute, yet experiments are only done with either of these cosolutes and Arabidopsis is counted in the sucrose column. While it makes sense to compare them separately from a biophysical point of view, the ability to test the co-evolution of these systems is somewhat diminished by this. At least it should be discussed clearly.
We appreciate the reviewer’s comment. As is mentioned in Table 1, Arabidopsis uses both trehalose and sucrose as cosolute. As such, we would predict that the Arabidopsis proteins would respond positively to both cosolutes. We would like to point out that Arabidopsis is counted in both trehalose and sucrose columns.
We would also like to emphasize that multiple osmolytes exist in all organisms as a desiccation response and a simple IDP-cosolute system is far from a true recapitulation of a desiccating system. We have touched on this in the discussion and explicitly addressed the presence of both cosolutes in Arabidopsis and the need for further experiments to test for synergistic interactions using both or multiple mediators to illustrate synergy in multiple cosolute systems: “It is important to note that desiccation-tolerant organisms employ multiple cosolutes to counteract the effects of desiccation. The use of a single cosolute-IDP system in our in vitro experiments does not accurately mirror the diverse cosolute changes in desiccating systems. For instance, Arabidopsis seeds enrich both trehalose and sucrose, among other cosolutes. This demands the necessity of future experiments that incorporate both or multiple cosolutes and assess their synergistic effects, thus elucidating the intricate synergy in multi-cosolute systems.”
It would be helpful if the authors could spell out the theoretical basis of how they quantify synergy. I understand what they are doing - and maybe there are no better ways to do it - but it seems like an approach with limitations. The authors identify one in that the calculation only works far from 100%, but to me, it seems there would be an equally strict requirement to be significantly above 0%. This would suggest that it is used wrongly in Figure 6H, where there is no effect of betaine (at least as far as the color scheme allows one to distinguish the different bars). In this case, the authors cannot really conclude synergy or not, it could be a straight non-synergistic inhibition by betaine.
We appreciate the reviewer’s concern about the theoretical basis of how we quantify synergy. We do acknowledge the limitation of our LDH protection/synergy assay only produces interpretable data when our protectant/mixture yields protection levels within the range 0 and below 100%. Betaine was not protective in any of the concentrations we tested in this study. In line with the reviewer’s comment, we also acknowledge that within our experimental procedures, the inhibitory effects of betaine cannot be accurately captured, considering that LDH activity is ~0% without protectants. However, in our positive control in which LDH is co-incubated with betaine or betaine and CAHS D overnight in the hydrated state, we do not see a loss of enzymatic function of LDH nullifying a direct inhibition by betaine. We have added this text in our manuscript: “Glycine betaine on its own is not protective to LDH during drying nor does it inhibit LDH activity (Fig. S8E)”.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The conclusion in lines 195-196 seems overstated as the length dependence could be strongly changed in non-tested concentrations or those that are not possible experimentally. Notably, the IDPs in Figure 2 are around 200AA and only transition in the ranges tested for these peptides. Some other conclusions around this point seem a little overstated.
We acknowledge the reviewer’s concern about the potential variability of the length dependence of the motifs at concentrations beyond those tested. However, we would like to highlight that higher concentrations of the tandem repeats (At22 and At44) inactivated LDH during the incubation period, as was seen with the 11-mer motifs. This meant we could not evaluate protection by these motifs at concentrations beyond those plotted in Fig. 1A. This behavior was not observed for the full-length proteins. Regardless, we have toned down the conclusion in lines 195-196 to only reflect our results for the 2X and 4X repeats of At11 which now reads “We synthesized 2X (At22) and 4X (At44) tandem repeats of the A. thaliana 11-mer LEA_4 motif (At11). At22 and At44 show minimal potency in preserving in vitro LDH function during drying (Fig. 1A, Fig. S1A).”
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Figure 3: The focus on the ratio 222/210 seems inappropriate. That would indeed be useful for telling apart e.g. an alpha-to-beta transition, or formation of coiled coils. However, for a helix-to-coil equilibrium, which is likely to dominate here, it will not be especially sensitive as demonstrated e.g. by BSA in the dry state.
We thank the reviewer for this comment. The use of ratios to measure structural transition is primarily to eliminate the effects of concentrations on the graph. It is clear from Fig. 3A and Fig. 3B that a structural transition occurs between the aqueous and the desiccated state. This is also very clear from the 222/210 ratio that we use (Fig. 3C), for every construct other than BSA - which indeed does not seem to undergo a dramatic structural change in the desiccated state. We have clarified this now in the description of the results: “Using this metric, all LEAs and CAHS D display a clear increase in helical propensity upon being desiccated (Fig. 3C). On the other hand, the helical propensity of BSA remains very similar to its hydrated state, indicating that no dramatic structural change took place (Fig. 3C).
Minor comments:
Figure 1F is not mentioned in the text.
We have included Fig. 1F in the text.
Some technical details missing for SAXS experiments.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We’ve added additional technical details to the main text, and directed readers to the methods for more information.
It is well known that BSA is in a monomer-dimer equilibrium and this is normally taken into account in data analysis as this is often a calibration sample.
We’ve calculated for BSA, and correlated the resulting data with synergy. This can be found in figure S7M and figure S8I.
Line 247: "BSA, which comes from cows, which of course have no capacity for anhydrobiosis" - This seems like a rather strong statement without a reference. Did the authors consider reanimating beef jerky by soaking it in water? ;-)
This is a great idea, and we hope to assign this project to our next rotation student.
Minor suggestions for figures (that are generally very well done):
Figure 1-4: Consider using the color scheme to indicate what the endogenous cosolutes are. Even though this info is in table one, it would still improve readability.
We have added the colored organismal icons for all figures in which the plain black ones were previously used, including supplementals.
Figure 4: consider adding some white space between the two concentration series of solutes to avoid being read as a single concentration series.
We have updated this figure to clearly separate each sample by osmolyte.
Figure 6H: Consider changing the colors for Betaine and CAHS D, so they are easier to distinguish. They are hard to tell apart on a printout.
We have adjusted the colors for betaine and CAHS D.
eLife assessment
This important study investigates the sensitivity to endogenous cosolvents of three families of intrinsically disordered proteins involved with desiccation. The findings, drawn from well-designed experiments and calculations, suggest a functional synergy between sensitivity to small molecule solutes and convergent desiccation protection strategy. The evidence is found to be convincing, and the authors provide appropriate caveats since the study's conclusions are based on a small number of proteins. This work will be of interest to biochemists and biophysicists interested in the conformation-function relationship of intrinsically disordered proteins.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The individual roles of both cosolvents and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) in desiccation have been well established, but few studies have tried to elucidate how these two factors may contribute synergistically. The authors quantify the synergy for the model and true IDPs involved with desiccation and find that only the true IDPs have strong desiccation tolerance and synergy with cosolvents. Using these as model systems, they quantify the local (secondary structure vis-a-vi CD spectroscopy) and global dimensions (vis-a-vi the Rg of SAXS experiments) and find no obvious changes with the co-solvents. Instead, they focus on the gelation of one of the IDPs and, using theory and experiments, suggest that the co-solvents may enable desiccation tolerance, an interesting hypothesis to guide future in vivo desiccation studies. A few minor points that remained unclear to this reviewer and that were noted previously have been reasonably addressed in this revision.
This paper is quite extensive and has significant strengths worth highlighting. Notably, the number and type of methods employed to study IDPs are quite unusual, employing CD spectroscopy, SAXS measurements, and DSC. The use of the TFE is an exciting integration of the physical chemistry of cosolvents into the desiccation field is a nice approach and a clever way of addressing the gap of the lack of conformational changes depending on the cosolvents. Furthermore, I think this is a major point and strength of the paper; the underlying synergy of cosolvents and IDPs may lie in the thermodynamics of the dehydration process.
Figure S6A is very useful. I encourage readers who are confused about the DSC analysis, interpretation, and calculation to refer to it.
All minor weaknesses were addressed in this revision.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The paper aims to investigate the synergies between desiccation chaperones and small molecule cosolutes, and describe its mechanistic basis. The paper reports that IDP chaperones have stronger synergies with the cosolutes they coexist with, and in one case suggests that this is related to oligomerization propensity of the IDP.
The authors have done a good job improving the paper. The study uses a lot of orthogonal methods and the experiments are technically well done. They are addressing a new question that has not really been addressed previously.
The conclusions are still based on a few examples and only partial correlations. However, this is now acknowledged by the authors and the conclusions are presented with appropriate caveats.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This study presents a valuable optimization algorithm to identify polymer models that best fit population-averaged chromosome contact data that will be of interest to physicists and biologists working on chromatin organization. The conclusions are supported by solid evidence.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors of this study aim to use an optimization algorithm approach, based on the established NelderMead method, to infer polymer models that best match input bulk Hi-C contact data. The procedure infers the best parameters of a generic polymer model that combines loop-extrusion (LE) dynamics and compartmentalization of chromatin types driven by weak biochemical affinities. Using this and DNA FISH, the authors investigate the chromatin structure of the MYC locus in leukemia cells, showing that loop extrusion alone cannot explain local pathogenic chromatin rearrangements. Finally, they study the locus single-cell heterogeneity and time dynamics.
- The optimization method provides a fast computational tool that speeds up the parameter search of complex chromatin polymer models and is a good technical advancement.
- The method is not restricted to short genomic regions, as in principle it can be applied genome-wide to any input Hi-C dataset, and could be potentially useful for testing predictions on chromatin structure.
(1) The optimization is based on the iterative comparison of simulated and Hi-C contact matrices using the Spearman correlation. However, the inferred set of the best-fit simulation parameters could sensitively depend on such a specific metric choice, questioning the robustness of the output polymer models. How do results change by using different correlation coefficients?
This is an important question. We have tested several metrics in the process of building the fitting procedure. We now showcase side-by-side comparisons of the fitting results obtained using these different metrics in supplementary figure 2.
(2) The best-fit contact threshold of 420nm seems a quite large value, considering that contact probabilities of pairs of loci at the mega-base scale are defined within 150nm (see, e.g., (Bintu et al. 2018) and (Takei et al. 2021)).
This is a good point. Unfortunately, there is no established standard distance cutoff to map distances to Hi-C contact frequency data. Indeed, previous publications have used anywhere between 120 nm to 500 nm (see e.g. (Cardozo Gizzi et al. 2019), (Cattoni et al. 2017) , (Mateo et al. 2019), (Hafner et al. 2022), (Murphy and Boettiger 2022), (Takei et al. 2021), (Fudenberg and Imakaev 2017) , (Wang et al. 2016), (Su et al. 2020), (Chen et al. 2022), (Finn et al. 2019)).
We have included a supplementary table in the revised preprint (supplementary table 3) listing these values to demonstrate the lack of consensus. This large variation could reflect different chromatin compaction levels across distinct model systems, and different spatial resolutions in DNA FISH experiments performed by different labs. The variance in the threshold choice is also likely partially explained by Hi-C experimental details, e.g. the enzyme used for digestion, which biases the effective length scale of interactions detected (Akgol Oksuz et al. 2021). Among commonly used restriction enzymes, HindIII has a relatively low cutting frequency which results in a lower sensitivity to short-range interactions; on the other hand, MboI has a higher cutting frequency which results in a higher sensitivity to short-range interactions (Akgol Oksuz et al. 2021). Because the Hi-C data we used for the Myc locus in (Kloetgen et al. 2020) was generated using HindIII, we chose a distance cutoff close to the larger end of published values (420 nm).
(3) In their model, the authors consider the presence of LE anchor sites at Hi-C TAD boundaries. Do they correspond to real, experimentally found CTCF sites located at genomic positions, or they are just assumed? A track of CTCF peaks of the considered chromatin loci would be needed.
We apologize this was not clear. The LE anchor sites in the simulation model were chosen because they correspond to experimental CTCF sites and ChIP-seq peaks located at the corresponding genomic positions. Representative CTCF ChIP-seq tracks from (Kloetgen et al. 2020) have been added to figure 2A in the revised preprint version to emphasize this point.
(4) In the model, each TAD is assigned a specific energy affinity value. Do the different domain types (i.e., different colors) have a mutually attractive energy? If so, what is its value and how is it determined? The simulated contact maps (e.g., Figure 2C) seem to allow attractions between different blocks, yet this is unclear.
Sorry this was not explicit. The attraction energy between a pair of monomers in the simulation is determined using the geometric mean of the affinities of the two monomers. This applies to both monomers within the same domain and in different domains. This detail has been clarified in the Methods section: “To optimize the simulation duration to streamline the parameter search (Supp. Fig. 1 B), we computed the autocorrelation function of the TAD2-TAD4 inter-TAD distance using the initial guess simulation parameters of the MYC locus in CUTLL. The simulation was saved every 5 simulation blocks.”
(5) To substantiate the claim that the simulations can predict heterogeneity across single cells, the authors should perform additional analyses. For instance, they could plot the histograms (models vs. experiments) of the TAD2-TAD4 distance distributions and check whether the models can recapitulate the FISH-observed variance or standard deviation. They could also add other testable predictions, e.g., on gyration radius distributions, kurtosis, all-against-all comparison of single-molecule distance matrices, etc,.
We agree that heterogeneity prediction is a key advantage of the simulations. We do note that the histograms (models vs. experiments) of the TAD2-TAD4 distance distributions measured by FISH were plotted in Fig. 3C as empirical cumulative probability distributions (as is standard in the field), side by side with the simulation predictions. Simulations indeed recapitulate the variance observed by FISH. We also had emphasized this important point in the main text: “Importantly, not just the average distances, but the shape of the distance distribution across individual cells closely matches the predictions of the simulations in both cell types, further confirming that the simulations can predict heterogeneity across cells.”
(6) The authors state that loop extrusion is crucial for enhancer function only at large distances. How does that reconcile, e.g., with Mach et al. Nature Gen. (2022) where LE is found to constrain the dynamics of genomically close (150kb) chromatin loci?
This is an interesting question. In (Mach et al. 2022), the authors tracked the physical distance between two fluorescent labels positioned next to either anchor of a ~150 kb engineered topological domain using live-cell imaging. They found that abrogation of the loop anchors by ablation of the CTCF binding motifs, or knock-down of the cohesin subunit Rad21 resulted in increased physical distance between the loci. HMM Modeling of the distance over time traces suggests that the increased distance resulted from rarer and shorter contacts between the anchors. While this might seem at odds with the results of Fig. 4L, we note a key difference between the loci. While (Mach et al. 2022) observed the dynamics of the distance separating two CTCF loop anchors, in our model only the MYC promoter is proximal to a loop anchor, while the position of the second locus is varied, but remains far from the other anchor. The deletion of the CTCF sites at both anchors in (Mach et al. 2022) indeed results in a lowered sensitivity of the physical distance to Rad21 knock-down, reminiscent of the results of Fig. 4L in our work. This result demonstrates that loop extrusion disruption disproportionately impacts distances between loci close to loop anchors, consistent with Hi-C results (Rao et al. 2017; Nora et al. 2017). We therefore believe that the models in our work and (Mach et al. 2022) are not at odds, but simply reflect that loop extrusion perturbations impact distances between loop anchors the most. Enhancer-Promoter loops are generally distinct from CTCF-mediated loops (Hsieh et al. 2020, 2022). While (Mach et al. 2022) represents a landmark study in our understanding of the dynamics of genomic folding by loop extrusion, we therefore believe that the locus we chose here - which matches the endogenous MYC architecture - may more accurately represent Enhancer-Promoter dynamics than a synthetic CTCF loop. To better articulate the similarities between model predictions and differences between the two loci, we have simulated a synthetic locus matching that of (Mach et al. 2022) in the revised preprint. Our simulation recapitulates the results obtained by Mach et al, including the sensitivity of contact frequency and duration to in silico cohesin knock-down (supplementary figure 6). We have updated the Results section accordingly: “The dependence of contact dynamics on loop extrusion in our simulations of MYC differs from that previously observed for two TAD boundaries (45). To check whether the different results are the product of different simulation models, we simulated contact dynamics across two TAD boundaries matching the locus of (45). Our simulations recapitulate the distance distribution and loop extrusion dependence previously observed (Supp. Fig. 6), establishing that the differences between the two systems are biological. While loop extrusion controls both the frequency and duration of contacts at TAD boundaries, it exerts a more nuanced effect on the frequency of contacts in loci pairs like the MYC locus that might better reflect typical enhancer-promoter pairs.”
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors Fu et al., developed polymer models that combine loop extrusion with attractive interactions to best describe Hi-C population average data. They analyzed Hi-C data of the MYC locus as an example and developed an optimization strategy to extract the parameters that best fit this average Hi-C data.
The model has an intuitive nature and the authors masterfully fitted the model to predict relevant biology/Hi-C methodology parameters. This includes loop extrusion parameters, the need for self-interaction with specific energies, and the time and distance parameters expected for Hi-C capture.
(1) We are no longer in the age in which the community only has access to population average Hi-C. Why was only the population average Hi-C used in this study?
Can single-cell data: i.e. single-cell Hi-C/Dip-C data or chromatin tracing data (i.e. see Tan et al Science 2018 - for Dip-C, Bintu et al Science 2018, Su et al Cell 2020 for chromatin tracing, etc.) or even 2 color DNA FISH data (used here only as validation) better constrain these models? At the very least the simulations themselves could be used to answer this essential question.
I am expecting that the single-cell variance and overall distributions of distances between loci might better constrain the models, and the authors should at least comment on it.
We agree that it is possible to recapitulate single-cell Hi-C or chromatin tracing data with simulations, and that these data modalities have a superior potential to constrain polymer models because they provide an ensemble of single allele structures rather than population-averaged contact frequencies. However, these data remain out of reach for most labs compared to Hi-C. Our goal with this work was to provide an approachable method that anyone interested could deploy on their locus of choice, and reasoned that Hi-C currently remains the data modality available to most. We envision this strategy will help reach labs beyond the small number of groups expert in single cell chromatin architecture, and thus hopefully broaden the impact of polymer simulations in the chromatin organization field.
Nevertheless, we do agree that the comparison of single-cell chromatin architectures to simulations is a fertile ground for future studies, and have modified the preprint accordingly (Discussion):
“Future work extending this framework to single cell readouts out chromatin architecture (e.g. single-cell Hi-C or chromatin tracing) holds promise to further constrain chromatin models.”
(2) The authors claimed "Our parameter optimization can be adapted to build biophysical models of any locus of interest. Despite the model's simplicity, the best-fit simulations are sufficient to predict the contribution of loop extrusion and domain interactions, as well as single-cell variability from Hi-C data. Modeling dynamics enables testing mechanistic relationships between chromatin dynamics and transcription regulation. As more experimental results emerge to define simulation parameters, updates to the model should further increase its power." The focus on the Myc locus in this study is too narrow for this claim. I am expecting at least one more locus for testing the generality of this model.
We note that we used two distinct loci in the initial version of our study, the MYC locus in leukemia vs T cells (Figs. 2-3) and a representative locus in experiments comparing WT CTCF with a mutant that leads to loss of a subset of CTCF binding sites (Fig. 1L). To further demonstrate generality, we have added to the revised preprint a demonstration of the simulation fitting to other loci acquired in different cell types (supplementary figure 3).
Recommendations for the authors:.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The Methods part of the imaging analysis lacks some quantitative details that could be useful for the readers: what is the frequency of double detections? How "small" is the 3D region around the centroid? How many cells with no spots or more than four spots are excluded?
We have clarified these important analysis parameters in the revised version of the preprint (Methods), including supplementary Table 2, listing the statistics of excluded cells:
“We then cropped out a small 3D region (20x20x10 pixels) around each approximate centroid, and subtracted the surrounding background intensity.”
“Cells with no spots or more than four spots were excluded from the cell cycle analysis (statistics in Supp. Table 2).”
(2) How is the autocorrelation function of chromatin structures computed?
We computed the autocorrelation function of the TAD2-TAD4 inter-TAD distance using the initial guess simulation parameters (Eattr, boundary permeabilities) of the MYC locus in CUTLL. All other simulation parameters are the same as other simulations in the preprint. The structure of the locus was saved every 5 simulation blocks. These structures were used to compute the TAD2-TAD4 inter-TAD distance as a function of time, which was used to calculate the autocorrelation function. This has been clarified in the revised version of the preprint (Methods):
“To optimize the simulation duration to streamline the parameter search (Supp. Fig. 1 B), we computed the autocorrelation function of the TAD2-TAD4 inter-TAD distance using the initial guess simulation parameters of the MYC locus in CUTLL. The simulation was saved every 5 simulation blocks.”
(3) How is the monomer length (35nm) chosen to best compare FISH data?
Because monomer length is difficult to derive from first principles, the standard in the field is to convert the size of a simulated monomer into a physical distance using a reference measurement in the system of choice. Similar to the Hi-C distance threshold, values for monomer size vary throughout the literature, e.g. 53 nm per 3 kbp monomer (Giorgetti et al. 2014), 50 nm per 2.5 kbp monomer (Nuebler et al. 2018), or from 36 to 60 nm per 3 kbp monomer, depending on the cell line or model details (Conte et al. 2022; Conte et al. 2020).
Here we used the mean of the median TAD2-TAD4 distances in T Cells and CUTLL as our length reference, and converted simulation distances into nm by matching this value. We obtained 35 nm per 2.5 kbp monomer, a value well within the range of the literature values (see above).
Using this simple conversion, the simulated distance distributions recapitulate two independent metrics accessible by DNA FISH: the shift in median distances between T cell and CUTLL, and the width of each distribution. This agreement indicates that simulations recapitulate both the differences between the two cell types, and the single cell heterogeneity within each cell type.
(4) The main text does not make clear the "known" biophysical parameters that establish the model ground truth.
In the initial validation of the fitting procedure, by “known biophysical parameters”, we meant that we generated simulated Hi-C maps in which we set the left/right permeabilities at each boundary, and Eattr values within each TAD to known values. We then assessed how well the fitting could recover these known ground truth values by trying to match the simulated representative Hi-C map. The specific values chosen are plotted for each set of simulations in Fig.1 F, H, J. The main text has been made more explicit in the revised preprint version (Results):
“We first validated the optimization method using ground truth maps built from simulation runs with known values of StallL, StallR, Eattr for each boundary/domainbiophysical parameters.”
(5) What are the correlation coefficients between experimental and model contact maps in Figure 1L?
We apologize for the oversight. The missing coefficient values have been added in the revised version of the manuscript (Results):
“As expected, the simulation predicted a significant drop of 0.13 in boundary permeability in CTCFmut compared to WT (Fig. 1 L; Spearman Correlation: 0.85±0.02 for CTCFmut, 0.82±0.01 for WT).”
(6) Figure 2A, B: Contact matrices look oversaturated. Next, why do model contact maps have negative values?
We apologize this was not clear. Figure 2 A,B plotted the log value of the contact matrices, thus the negative values. This has been made explicit in the revised version of the preprint (Fig. 2 Legend).
(7) For model reproducibility, the authors could report the coordinates of the Hi-C TAD boundaries employed for the model.
We have included in the revised version of the preprint an explicit mention of all genomic coordinates of the loci simulated in the Methods section:
“The model used to fit into MYC Hi-C data consists of 1920 monomers representing chr8:126,720,000131,680,000, with the TAD boundaries located at monomer 456 (chr8: 127,840,000 - 127,880,001), monomer
808 (chr8: 128,720,000 - 128,760,001), monomer 1178 (chr8: 130,160,000 - 130,200,001) and monomer 1592 (chr8: 130,680,000 - 130,720,001).”
(8) What is the shaded area in Figure 3C?
The shaded area in Figure 3C is the standard deviation calculated from three independent DNA FISH or simulation replicates for each bin of the histogram. This detail has been clarified in the revised preprint (Figure 3 legend).
(9) In the Discussion, I suggest changing as follows: "the time- and distance-gated model proposed here recapitulates several observations" -> "the time- and distance-gated model proposed here could recapitulate several observations", as they are speculations.
The sentence has been changed accordingly in the revised preprint (Discussion). Thank you for the suggestion.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Suggest analyzing the ability of single-cell data to better constrain dynamical models.
While we agree that modeling single-cell distributions is a worthwhile endeavor to be explored in future work, we believe that the tool presented here serves a slightly different purpose: enabling labs that only have access to the most widespread technique at present to perform simulations to interrogate the forces that shape the organization of an arbitrary locus in their model of choice. Analyzing single-cell data is in principle very powerful, but would by necessity be limited to the small number of systems where these cutting-edge techniques have been deployed.
Suggest selecting another locus other than MYC to demonstrate generality.
We note that we used two distinct loci in the study, the MYC locus in leukemia vs. T cells (Figs. 2-3) and a representative locus in experiments comparing WT CTCF with a mutant that leads to loss of a subset of CTCF binding sites (Fig. 1L). To further demonstrate generality, we have added to the revised preprint a demonstration of the simulation fitting to other loci acquired in different cell types (supplementary figure 3).
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors of this study use an optimization algorithm approach, based on the established Nelder-Mead method, to infer polymer models that best match input bulk Hi-C contact data. The procedure infers the best parameters of a generic polymer model that combines loop-extrusion (LE) dynamics and compartmentalisation of chromatin types driven by weak biochemical affinities. Using this and DNA FISH, the authors investigate the chromatin structure of the MYC locus in leukaemia cells, showing that loop extrusion alone cannot explain local pathogenic chromatin rearrangements. Finally, they study the locus single-cell heterogeneity and time dynamics.
In the revised manuscript the authors have adequately addressed my questions and comments. The exception concerns point #5 of my original review:
(5) Besides cumulative probability distributions, I asked the authors to show the TAD2-TAD4 (model vs. exp) distances in Fig. 3c as relative frequency histograms. This allows readers to more accurately evaluate whether model and experimental distributions have same shape and variance.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study by Wang et al. identifies a new type of deacetylase, CobQ, in Aeromonas hydrophila. Notably, the identification of this deacetylase reveals a lack of homology with eukaryotic counterparts, thus underscoring its unique evolutionary trajectory within the bacterial domain.
The manuscript convincingly illustrates CobQ's deacetylase activity through robust in vitro experiments, establishing its distinctiveness from known prokaryotic deacetylases. Additionally, the authors elucidate CobQ's potential cooperation with other deacetylases in vivo to regulate bacterial cellular processes. Furthermore, the study highlights CobQ's significance in the regulation of acetylation within prokaryotic cells.
While the manuscript is generally well-structured, some clarification and some minor corrections are needed.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In recent years, lots of researchers have tried to explore the existence of new acetyltransferase and deacetylase by using specific antibody enrichment technologies and high-resolution mass spectrometry. This study adds to this effort. The authors studied a novel Zn2+- and NAD+-independent KDAC protein, AhCobQ, in Aeromonas hydrophila. They studied the biological function of AhCobQ by using a biochemistry method and used MS identification technology to confirm it. The results extend our understanding of the regulatory mechanism of bacterial lysine acetylation modifications. However, I find their conclusion to be a little speculative, and unfortunately, it also doesn't totally support the conclusion that the authors provided. In addition, regarding the figure arrangement, lots of the supplementary figures are not mentioned, and tables are not all placed in context.
Major concerns:
- In the opinion of this reviewer, is a little arbitrary to come to the title "Aeromonas hydrophila CobQ is a new type of NAD+- and Zn2+-independent protein lysine deacetylase in prokaryotes." This should be modified to delete the "in the prokaryotes", unless the authors get new or more evidence in the other prokaryotes for the existence of the AhCobQ.
Thanks for your suggestions. " in the prokaryotes " has been deleted in the revised manuscript.
- I was confused about the arrangement of the supplementary results. There are no citations for Figures S9-S19.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. We have made revisions and highlighted in the undated manuscript.
- No data are included for Tables S1-S6.;
Dear reviewer, sorry to confuse you. We have included the Supplementary Tables in the undated manuscript.
- The load control is not all integrated. All of the load controls with whole PAGE gel or whole membrane western blot results should be provided. Without these whole results, it is not convincing to come to the conclusion that the authors have.
Dear reviewer, thanks for your suggestion. We have meticulously incorporated the complete PVDF membranes from our Western blot experiments into Supplementary Material 1. Furthermore, we have included the Coomassie Blue R-350 staining outcomes of these PVDF membranes, post-Western blot detection, as a loading control in accordance with the protocol outlined in the reference by Charlotte et al. (Journal of Proteome Research, 2011, 10:1416–1419).
- The materials & methods section should be thoroughly reviewed. It is unclear to me what exactly the authors are describing in the method. All the experimental designs and protocols should be described in detail, including growth conditions, assay conditions, purification conditions, etc.
Dear reviewer, thanks for your valuable comments. We have carefully reviewed the entire manuscript and made revisions, highlighted in red.
- Relevant information should be included about the experiments performed in the figure legends, such as experimental conditions, replicates, etc. Often it is not clear what was done based on the figure legend description.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. We have made revisions and highlighted in red.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This study reports on a novel NAD+ and Zn2+-independent protein lysine deacetylase (KDAC) in Aeromonas hydrophila, termed AhCobQ (AHA_1389). This protein is annotated as a CobQ/CobB/MinD/ParA family protein and does not show similarity with known NAD+-dependent or Zn2+-dependent KDACs. The authors show that AhCobQ has NAD+ and Zn2+-independent deacetylase activity with acetylated BSA by western blot and MS analyses. They also provide evidence that the 195-245 aa region of AhCobQ is responsible for the deacetylase activity, which is conserved in some marine prokaryotes and has no similarity with eukaryotic proteins. They identified target proteins of AhCobQ deacetylase by proteomic analysis and verified the deacetylase activity using site-specific acetyllysine-incorporated target proteins. Finally, they show that AhCobQ activates isocitrate dehydrogenase by deacetylation at K388.
The finding of a new type of KDAC has a valuable impact on the field of protein acetylation. The characters (NAD+ and Zn2+-independent deacetylase activity in an unknown domain) shown in this study are very unexpected.
(1) As the characters of AhCobQ are very unexpected, to convince readers, MSMS data would be needed to exactly detect deacetylation at the target site in deacetylase activity assays. The authors show the MSMS data in assays with acetylated BSA, but other assays only rely on western blot.
(2) They prepared site-specific Kac proteins and used them in deacetylase activity assays. The incorporation of acetyllysine at the target site needs to be confirmed by MSMS and shown as supplementary data.
(3) The authors imply that the 195-245 aa region of AhCobQ may represent a new domain responsible for deacetylase activity. The feature of the region would be of interest but is not sufficiently described in Figure 5. The amino acid sequence alignments with representative proteins with conserved residues would be informative. It would be also informative if the modeled structure predicted by AlphaFold is shown and the structural similarity with known deacetylases is discussed.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The protein molecules of AhCobB and AhCobQ are greater than 45 kDa. But the gene sequences don't seem to match. Please explain.
We are sorry to confuse you. The vector used for the purification of CobB and CobQ in the manuscript is pET-32a, which carries the TrxA fusion protein and is approximately 20kDa in size. Therefore, the final molecular weight of recombinant AhCobB and AhCobQ is 48.3(28.3+ ~20kDa) and 49.8 (29.8+ ~20kDa), respectively.
(2) Figure 7: The gels look very smeary. Please explain.
Dear esteemed reviewer, in our study, we have meticulously crafted recombinant site-specific Kac proteins utilizing an innovative two-plasmid system, grounded on the seminal work published in Nature Chemical Biology (2017, 13(12): 1253-1260), which introduced the genetic encoding of Nᵋ-acetyllysine into recombinant proteins. However, we have encountered a prevalent challenge—the occurrence of protein truncation due to premature translation termination at the reassigned codon. This phenomenon not only diminishes protein yields, as highlighted in ChemBioChem (2017, 18(20): 1973-1983), but also plagues many recombinant proteins with a troublesome backdrop in Western Blot (WB) outcomes.
Despite our rigorous approach, involving at least two independent repetitions for WB analysis of site-specific Kac proteins, yielding consistent results, we acknowledge that the overall quality of these WB assays remains suboptimal. This variability is inherently tied to the intrinsic properties of the target proteins themselves. Illustratively, the WB outcomes for proteins such as ENO and ICD exhibit notable differences in quality across biological replicates, emphasizing the complexity and nuances involved in this process.
Thus, while our methodology remains robust and reproducible, we are mindful of the limitations imposed by the nature of the proteins under investigation and strive to continually refine our approaches to mitigate these challenges.
(3) To ensure that the phenotype shown in Figure 1 is not due to polar effects, results of supplementing complementary strains should be provided.
Thank you for your suggestion. We have constructed a complement strain and tested the bacterial migration ability. As shown in the Figure S1, the complement strain does not affect the physiological phenotype mentioned above.
(4) The caption to Figure 8 includes * and *** to indicate significance levels, but only *** appears in the picture.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been modified and highlighted in red.
(5) Has the mechanistic role of lysine 388 in ICD been characterized?
Thank you for your invaluable professional insights. Indeed, the acetylation sites of ICD have been established to exert a significant influence on its enzymatic activity. Sumana Venkat et al., in their seminal work published in the Journal of Molecular Biology (2018, 430(13): 1901-1911), convincingly demonstrated that the acetylation of specific lysine residues—K100, K230, K55, and K350—in ICD proteins from E. coli serves as a negative regulatory mechanism for enzyme activity. Intriguingly, the functional implications of the Kac modification on K387 (corresponding to the K388 site in ICD from A. hydrophila ATCC 7966, as featured in this manuscript) remain an uncharted territory.
Our experimental endeavors have illuminated that the K388 site of ICD in A. hydrophila holds the potential to modulate enzymatic activity and is under the regulatory influence of AhCobQ.
(6) The format of the references is not uniform enough, for example, some journal names are abbreviated, and some are not, please check and correct.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been modified and highlighted in red.
(7) Page 23, line 13, gene not expressed in italics, please correct.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been modified and highlighted in red.
(8) Figure S8 does not appear to match the gene size.
We are sorry to confuse you. The vector used for the purification of recombinant protein in the manuscript is pET-32a, which carries the TrxA fusion protein and is approximately 20kDa in size. Therefore, the final molecular weight of recombinant protein is 25.5(5.5+ ~20kDa).
(9) The format of the two figures in Figure S10 is not uniform.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been modified and highlighted in red.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Minor concerns:
L147, L177 - Please arrange the results as they are shown in the content sequentially. For example, rename Figure S2 with Figure S1.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been modified and highlighted in red.
L174 Figure 2D - There is no big change in the acetylation between the wild type and ahcobQ mutant from Figure 2D, but the ahcobB mutant is.
I am extremely grateful for your insightful comment. As clearly depicted in the right panel of Figure 2D, the overall Kac protein levels in both the ahcobQ and ahcobB knockout strains exhibit a marked elevation compared to the wild-type strain, despite equivalent loading of total cellular proteins (the left panel of Figure 2D). Notably, this increase is particularly pronounced among proteins with a molecular weight below 35 kDa. We wholeheartedly concur with your perspective that the deletion of ahcobB leads to a more substantial enhancement in Kac protein levels, suggesting CobB may play a pivotal role in regulating a broader spectrum of acetylated proteins or Kac sites. This hypothesis is further strengthened by subsequent mass spectrometry analyses, which lend additional credence to our shared understanding.
L174-187, L795 - Please show the whole membrane (or PAGE gel) of the loading control of CobB, and CobQ, except for the Kac-BSA.
Dear esteemed reviewer, we have thoroughly revised our submission to include the full western blot (WB) membrane for all figures and supplementary figures within the updated Supplementary Material 1. Additionally, we would like to clarify a few crucial points to ensure transparency and accuracy.
Firstly, in Figure 2D, we present WB results solely pertaining to whole-cell samples from cobB or cobQ mutant strains. Consequently, these findings do not directly correlate with recombinant CobB or CobQ proteins.
Secondly, the objective of Figure 2 is to validate the lysine deacetylase activity of AhCobQ protein through a qualitative, rather than quantitative, experimental approach. Hence, the crucial loading control lies in the amount of Kac-BSA, rather than CobB or CobQ. Prior to conducting the in vitro deacetylase assay, we ensured equal protein concentrations of purified CobB or CobQ using BCA assay, adhering to the protocol's specified deacetylase-to-Kac-BSA loading ratio of 1:5. However, this ratio renders the deacetylase (CobB or CobQ) undetectable on Coomassie Blue R-350-stained blots or WB membranes (as detailed in the whole WB membrane in Supplementary Material 1).
To reinforce our observations, we reiterated the analysis of protein samples by subjecting them once again to SDS-PAGE, maintaining the same loading quantity as utilized in the preceding western blotting experiment shown in Figure 2E. As Author response image 1 clearly illustrates, the CobB/CobQ bands are indeed discernible, albeit they exhibit significantly fainter intensities when compared to the Kac-BSA bands. Notably, upon reviewing the full strained PVDF membrane presented in Supplementary Material 1, we find that the CobB/CobQ bands are not readily visible. This observation can be attributed to the potential loss of proteins during the transfer process from SDS-PAGE to the PVDF membrane.
Author response image 1.
The SDS-PAGE gel displayed the loading amounts of Kac-BSA and CobB/CobQ.
Furthermore, recognizing the potential for confusion given the similar molecular weights of CobB (257aa) and CobQ (264aa, excluding fusion tags), we conducted a comparative analysis of deacetylase activity between His-tagged and GST-fused recombinant CobQ proteins. Encouragingly, both variants exhibited deacetylase activity (as presented in Figure S5 of the revised manuscript), thereby excluding any influence from nonspecific proteins that might have contaminated the purification process.
We hope these clarifications and additions to our submission address your concerns and enhance the overall quality of our work. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.
- Could you provide the raw data of these anti-acetylation western blot results?
Thank you very much for your suggestion. The raw results have been uploaded in the supplementary materials.
- According to the loading control, the protein quantity of BSA is very big, however, why is the acetylation of Kac-BSA relatively low? Is it consistent between the western blot and loading control?
Thank you very much for your suggestion, first of all, all the western blot and loading control in the manuscript are the same membrane, and the specific method is described in "Western blot". Therefore, there is no possibility that the western blot and loading control do not correspond. Secondly, not every site of BSA has acetylation modifications, and the amount of modifications at each site is also different, so there will be a large amount of protein but a small amount of acetylation.
Figure 2C - Could the Dot blot experiment be described in detail in the Methods part?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added and highlighted in red.
Figure 2C&2D - Please provide the anti-acetylation antibody information.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added and highlighted in red.
Figure 2E - It is confusing why the acetylation of Kac-BSA is higher than adding NAD+ with CobB? But only CobB can deacetylate the Kac-BSA without NAD+?
We are sorry to confuse you. The information in the figure is incorrect. For somehow, we provided the uncorrected version, and we have revised it in the undated manuscript.
Figure 2F - The control of this experiment should include the NAM, CobB, and NAM+CobB. Similar to 2E, it also should include NAD, CobB, and NAD+CobB, respectively. Same with 2H.
We are sorry to confuse you. The intent of Figure 2F is to further confirm that AhCobQ is different from AhCobQ and can remove the acetylation modification of BSA without relying on NAD+, so NAD+ was added to this group of experiments. We have revised the manuscript to add details about the experiments.
L178 Figure S1C - One question about the protein AhAcuC. From the PCR results, it is larger than ahcobB and ahcobQ, however, why is the protein AhAcuC smaller than them?
We are sorry to confuse you. The images in the original manuscript may have had some errors in protein size due to different PAGE gels. We have re-run the gels and replaced them in the manuscript in the Supplementary Figure S3 in revised manuscript.
- All the proteins are expressed and purified from E.coli BL21(DE3). How did you avoid the pollution of the deacetylase from the E.coli? There is no control over it in your experiment. Without this control, it is not easy to come to the conclusion that the deacetylation is from the AhCobQ but not from the pollution from the protein purification.
In response to your inquiry, we have conducted a meticulous comparative analysis of the deacetylase activity exhibited by both His-tagged and GST-fused recombinant AhCobQ proteins. Reassuringly, our findings reveal that both variants possess robust deacetylase activity, as clearly demonstrated in Figure S5 of the revised manuscript. Furthermore, to ensure the rigor of our experiments, we employed GST protein purified from E.coli strains as a negative control in Figure S8. The Western blot (WB) results conclusively demonstrate that GST protein alone lacks deacetylase activity, thereby reinforcing the authenticity of our findings and effectively mitigating any concerns regarding potential interference from nonspecific proteins during the purification process.
L190 - Could you provide the raw data for Table S1?
Thank you very much for your suggestion. The raw MS data were deposited in the public ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD038735 or IPX0005366000(iProx database). We also uploaded the analysis results in Table S1 and Supplementary material 2.
- I am not an expert on MS. I have one question about the MS results. Why there is no peak for the CobB or CobQ as they add to the reaction system?
Thank you for your insightful question. To clarify, the Kac peptides identified from Kac-BSA, as presented in Table S1, were meticulously selected for the purpose of enhancing their display and facilitating interpretation. The comprehensive raw mass spectrometry (MS) data, along with detailed analytical outcomes, have been diligently deposited within the ProteomeXchange Consortium, specifically through the PRIDE partner repository, under the dataset identifier PXD038735 or alternatively accessible via the iProx database under IPX0005366000. The analysis results also included in the Table S1 and Supplementary material 2.
Furthermore, it is crucial to note that in this study, we utilized Bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the foundational database for our MS searches. Consequently, the absence of CobB or CobQ proteins in our MS results stems from the inherent focus on BSA and the specific experimental design, which did not encompass the detection of these particular proteins.
We appreciate your attention to these details and hope this clarification addresses your query.
L189-L206 - Based on the results here, the function of CobB and CobQ overlaps on the same STDKac peptides.
Dear esteemed reviewer, our mass spectrometry (MS) analysis has revealed an intriguing finding: CobB and CobQ indeed function on the same STDKac peptide, suggesting a potential collaboration among distinct deacetylases in regulating protein function. This observation is further corroborated by our subsequent quantitative Kac proteomics results, which were obtained from three deacetylase mutants. These results underscore the possibility that CobB, CobQ, and AcuC possess both unique and overlapping protein substrates, reinforcing our hypothesis that multiple deacetylases work in concert to modulate protein activity.
- Do you assay the Km and Kcat about the CobQ by using Kac-BAS as the substrate by comparing with AhCobB?
Dear reviewer, thanks for your professional suggestion. In accordance with your guidance, we diligently attempted to analyze the Km or Kcat values of CobQ during its incubation with the substrate Kac-BSA using LC-MS/MS, repeating the process twice. However, to our disappointment, our current experimental platform has been unable to detect any discernible metabolites. We suspect that this may stem from operational proficiency challenges, as even our positive control experiment involving CobB incubation has failed to yield satisfactory results.
Given our uncertainty regarding the root cause of these issues, coupled with the suggestion from experts that the LC column might be a contributing factor except for skill, we have decided against repeating the experiments at this juncture. Nonetheless, we would like to assure you that we have rigorously validated the deacetylase activity of CobQ proteins through mass spectrometry, as detailed in our manuscript.
Furthermore, I am delighted to share that our preliminary findings have sparked interest among other research teams. In fact, one such group, upon reading our preprint, has independently tested the activity of CobQ and uncovered an additional intriguing function. We are actively exploring the possibility of collaborating with this team to delve deeper into the research and, hopefully, in the future, conduct a more refined analysis of the Km and Kcat of CobQ.
L214- Same question with Figures 2E-2H. Could you provide the whole page gel about the loading control? I want to know the quantity of the AhCobQ in this experiment except for the Kac-BSA. To tell the truth, the quantity of BSA is too much in the deacetylation reaction system to be able to tell its deacetylation activity in vitro.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. The raw data has been uploaded in the supplementary materials and the clarification is similar with above mentioned.
L217 - There might be a wrong citation of Figure S2 here.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
L244-250, Figure 6A - Are there 47, not 46 Kac proteins?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
- Are there nineteen, not nine increased Kac peptides common between the ΔahcobQ and ΔahacuC strains?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
- Are there ten, not six increased Kac peptides common between the ΔahcobQ and ΔahcobB strains?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
- Are there 69, not 65 increased Kac peptides common between the ΔahcobB and ΔahacuC strains?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
- Where is the raw data for Table S2?
Thank you very much for your suggestion. The raw data has been uploaded in the supplementary materials.
Figure 6B - Are there 52, not 51 Kac peptides?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
L272 - Why do you choose these 11 target proteins? There is no description of this background in the context.
We have opted to prioritize these proteins for subsequent validation, as their Kac levels exhibit a notable upregulation in the ΔahcobQ strain, potentially indicating their role as protein substrates for AhCobQ. We will incorporate this clarification into the revised manuscript to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.
L277 - Figure S6 - Please show the whole PAGE gel about the loading control.
Dear esteemed reviewer, we sincerely apologize for any confusion our previous presentation may have caused. We would like to clarify that the bottom panel of Figure S6 depicts a Coomassie Blue R-350 stained whole PVDF membrane, rather than a PAGE gel, as may have been mistakenly inferred. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding, we have included the entire stained PVDF membranes in Supplementary Material 1.
As we have previously elaborated, the recombinant His-tagged or GST-fused AhCobQ proteins were not as discernible on the PVDF membrane due to a relatively lower loading amount compared to that of Kac-BSA.
-There might be a wrong citation in Figure S6. As you mentioned in the context, you expressed and purified 11 proteins and then tested their acetylation background.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
L280 - Figure S7 -The label of the Figure should be modified for the ATP.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been modified.
- How did you do the experiment for 0h of ATP? There is no description of it in the Methods.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added.
- Please show the whole PAGE gel about the loading control.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. The whole PAGE gel has been uploaded in the supplementary materials.
L282 - Figure 7 - Please show the whole PAGE gel about the loading control.
Dear esteemed reviewer, we sincerely apologize for any confusion our previous presentation may have caused. We would like to clarify that the bottom panel of Figure S6 depicts a Coomassie Blue R-350 stained whole PVDF membrane, rather than a PAGE gel, as may have been mistakenly inferred. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding, we have included the entire stained PVDF membranes in Supplementary Material 1.
- Please adjust the font size of "A" and "B".
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been adjusted.
Figure 7A - The anti-acetylation Western blot here does not look good. All the western blots here should be re-done.
Dear reviewer, the recombinant site-specific Kac proteins were constructed by two-plasmid system based on genetically encoding Nᵋ-acetyllysine in recombinant proteins in this study (Nature chemical biology, 2017, 13(12): 1253-1260). However, a common problem experienced is protein truncation arising from translation termination at the reassigned codon, lowering protein yields (ChemBioChem, 2017, 18(20): 1973-1983), and leading to a dirty background of WB results in many recombinant proteins. Although we did perform at least two times independent repeats for site-specific Kac protein WB and got similar results, the WB quality of site-specific Kac proteins are general poor and that depend on the properties of target proteins. For example, the WB results of ENO and ICD can display considerable qualities in different biological repeats.
- Why did you choose the PAGE gel but not the anti-His Western blot as the loading control?
Thank you very much for your suggestion. Labeling antibodies is a very effective loading control. However, in order to ensure the accuracy of the data, both the experimental data and loading control in this manuscript are required to be reflected on the same membrane. If His tags are used, the membrane will be washed repeatedly for secondary color development. Based on the fact that acetylation modification is already difficult for color development, this will greatly affect the quality of the results presented. Meanwhile, while ensuring consistent protein levels, we believe that changes in acetylation modifications can also explain the issue. Therefore, you choose the PAGE gel but not the anti-His Western blot as the loading control.
L278 - Where are the results of the site-specific lysine acetylation of the target protein by using two-plasmid-based system of genetically encoded Nε-acetyllysine. Usually, there will be a shift when it is full acetylated by compared with the wild-type protein.
Sorry for the confusion caused. As the size of the acetyl group is only about 40.6Da, which is thousands of times smaller than the size of the protein, the changes in size of the protein before and after modification cannot be seen with the naked eye.
L287 - Where is Figure 7C?
We are sorry to confuse you. It has been corrected.
- Here the citation might be Figure 7A but not Figure 7B.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
L290 - It is difficult to read here, please rearrange this Figure S8. There is no useful label.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
- The citation of Figure S8 is wrong.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
- For Figure S8, please add the label on the figure. And add anti-GST western blot as well. Because the GST is about 26KD, why are the purified recombinant truncated proteins (GST-fusion) so small?
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. The truncated fragment used for recombinant purification in Figure S8 is very small, and when converted to protein, it is approximately between 1-5kDa. Therefore, the resulting protein is also very small.
- Why there are two Figure S8 in the supplemental materials?
We are sorry to confuse you. It has been corrected.
L293 - Where is Figure 7D?
We are sorry to confuse you. It has been corrected.
L297-313 - Please provide the MS result of the ICDK388?
Author response image 2.
The mass spectrum of Kac modification on ICD protein at K388 site.
Dear reviewer, we are pleased to present the mass spectrum data pertaining to the Kac modification at the K388 site of the ICD protein in Δ_ahcobQ_ strain in Figure2 in this responding letter. It is important to clarify that, while we have not directly validated the Kac status of site-specific lysine acetylation at the recombinant ICD K388 site through mass spectrometry (MS) in this particular study, we have strong reasons to believe in its specificity.
Firstly, our confidence stems from the well-established and rigorously validated two-plasmid system methodology for site-directed acetylation modification. This approach has been successfully employed in modifying diverse and specific sites across various proteins, as evidenced by the pioneering work of David et al. in Nature Chemical Biology (2017, 13(12), 1253-1260).
Secondly, we have taken meticulous measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our findings. This includes double-checking our PCR primers and DNA sequencing for the genetic code expansion technology employed. Furthermore, we have included control experiments utilizing proteins that were not subjected to site-directed acetylation (ICD), as detailed in Figure 8A in revised manuscript, thereby providing an additional layer of validation and reinforcing the robustness of our results.
We believe that these two lines of evidence, combined with our rigorous experimental design and execution, provide a solid foundation for our conclusion regarding the specific acetylation of the K388 site in ICD.
- Please provide the whole PAGE gel of loading control. Or other anti-His results?
Dear esteemed reviewer, we sincerely apologize for any confusion our previous presentation may have caused. We would like to clarify that the bottom panel of Figure S6 depicts a Coomassie Blue R-350 stained whole PVDF membrane, rather than a PAGE gel, as may have been mistakenly inferred. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding, we have included the entire stained PVDF membranes in Supplementary Material 1.
- Do you have site-specific antibody of ICDK388? It should be better to identify the ICDK388 with site-specific anti-acetylation antibody.
Thank you for your insightful suggestion. We fully concur that a site-specific antibody targeting ICDK388 would be an optimal tool to elucidate the impact of CobQ on the acetylation status (Kac) of this protein. Unfortunately, we are currently without such an antibody due to the intricate and time-consuming process of its production, which also requires rigorous validation to ensure specificity. Furthermore, the cost associated with its development is considerable.
To address this limitation, in the present manuscript, we have innovatively employed a two-plasmid system for site-directed acetylation modification of ICDK388. This method, which has been extensively validated and utilized in modifying diverse specific sites (David et al., Nature Chemical Biology, 2017, 13(12), 1253-1260), allowed us to precisely manipulate the acetylation status of our target protein. Additionally, we incorporated control experiments using proteins that were not subjected to site-directed acetylation, as depicted in Figure 8A in revised manuscript, thereby reinforcing the robustness and reliability of our findings.
- Please give some background information about K388 site of ICD in the context.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added.
L484 - Could you provide the reference for this assay method "Protein deacetylation assay in vitro"?
Thank you for your suggestion. The work published in science 327, 1004 (2010) and Nat. Protoc.5, 1583-1595.
L490 - There is no detailed information about the growh condition for the quantitative acetylome analysis. Without these information, the proportion of the Kac peptides doesn't make any sense.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added.
L531 - Insert one line before the paragraph of Western blot.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been inserted.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Tables S1 and S2 are missing. I could not fully understand the manuscript without them.
We are sorry to confuse you.The data has been uploaded in the supplementary materials.
Line 130. The gene IDs of AhCobB and AhAcuC should be presented.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been presented.
Line 285. What is different between ArcA and ArcA-2? Please clarify.
Thank you for your suggestion. ArcA is aerobic respiration control protein ArcA, gene name AHA_3026 (https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/A0KMM9/entry). ArcA-2 is arginine deiminase, which gene name is AHA_4093 (https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/A0KQG6/entry). Therefore, they are different proteins according to Uniport annotation.
Line 303. 8further, a bug?
We are sorry to confuse you. It has been corrected.
Line 412-416. The related papers on ICD acetylation in E. coli should be cited.
We are sorry to confuse you. It has been added.
Line 478. Not in vivo but in vitro?
Sorry to confuse you. It should be in vitro. We have revised in the updated manuscript.
Figure 3C and 3D. The image resolution is bad. The figures should be improved so that readers to know easily that Kac is exactly incorporated at the target site.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
Figure 4B. The amino acid residues of the whole AhCobB should be 1-264 aa.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been corrected.
Figure 8. It would be better to use the same colors between panels C and D. It should be shown the significance between ICD-Kac388 and ICD-Kac388+AhCobB to support the authors' conclusion that AhCobQ activates ICD by deacetylation at K388.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been adjusted.
eLife assessment
In this valuable study, the authors studied a novel Zn2+- and NAD+-independent KDAC protein, AhCobQ, in Aeromonas hydrophila, which lacks homology with eukaryotic counterparts, thus underscoring its unique evolutionary trajectory within the bacterial domain. They attempt to demonstrate deacetylase activity, however, assays to detect this are still incomplete and require further refinement. The work will be of interest to microbiologists studying metabolism and post-translational modifications.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study by Wang et al. identifies a new type of deacetylase, CobQ, in Aeromonas hydrophila. Notably, the identification of this deacetylase reveals a lack of homology with eukaryotic counterparts, thus underscoring its unique evolutionary trajectory within the bacterial domain.
The manuscript convincingly illustrates CobQ's deacetylase activity through robust in vitro experiments, establishing its distinctiveness from known prokaryotic deacetylases. Additionally, the authors elucidate CobQ's potential cooperation with other deacetylases in vivo to regulate bacterial cellular processes. Furthermore, the study highlights CobQ's significance in the regulation of acetylation within prokaryotic cells.
The problem I raised has been well resolved. I have no further questions.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In recent years, lots of researchers tried to explore the existence of new acetyltransferase and deacetylase by using specific antibody enrichment technologies and high resolution mass spectrometry. Here is an example for this effort. Yuqian Wang et al. studied a novel Zn2+- and NAD+-independent KDAC protein, AhCobQ, in Aeromonas hydrophila. They studied the biological function of AhCobQ by using biochemistry method and MS identification technology to confirm it. These results extended our understanding of the regulatory mechanism of bacterial lysine acetylation modifications. However, I find this conclusion is a little speculative, and unfortunately, it also doesn't totally support the conclusion as the authors provided.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This study reports on a novel NAD+ and Zn2+-independent protein lysine deacetylase (KDAC) in Aeromonas hydrophila, termed as AhCobQ (AHA_1389). This protein is annotated as a CobQ/CobB/MinD/ParA family protein and does not show similarity with known NAD+-dependent or Zn2+-dependent KDACs. The authors showed that AhCobQ has NAD+ and Zn2+-independent deacetylase activity with acetylated BSA by western blot and MS analyses. They also provided evidence that the 195-245 aa region of AhCobQ is responsible for the deacetylase activity, which is conserved in some marine prokaryotes and has no similarity with eukaryotic proteins. They identified target proteins of AhCobQ deacetylase by proteomic analysis and verified the deacetylase activity using site-specific Kac proteins. Finally, they showed that AhCobQ activates isocitrate dehydrogenase by deacetylation at K388.
The finding of a new type of KDAC has a valuable impact on the field of protein acetylation. The characters (NAD+ and Zn2+-independent deacetylase activity in an unknown domain) shown in this study are very unexpected.
(1) The characters (NAD+ and Zn2+-independent deacetylase activity in an unknown domain) shown in this study are very unexpected. To convince readers, MSMS data must be necessary to accurately detect (de)acetylation at the target site in the deacetylase activity assay. The authors showed the MSMS data in assays with acetylated BSA, but other assays only rely on western blot.
(2) They prepared site-specific Kac proteins and used them in deacetylase activity assays. Incorporation of acetyllysine at the target site should be confirmed by MSMS and shown as supplementary data.
(3) The authors imply that the 195-245 aa region of AhCobQ may represent a new domain responsible for deacetylase activity. The feature of the region would be of interest but is not sufficiently described in Figure 5. The amino acid sequence alignments with representative proteins with conserved residues would be informative. It would be also informative if the modeled structure predicted by AlphaFold is shown and the structural similarity with known deacetylases is discussed.
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eLife assessment
This valuable study has characterized the unique expression of Schlemm's canal endothelial cells (SECs) using FACS-sorted specific cell bulk RNA-Seq and scRNA-/snRNA-Seq of mouse SECs. The compelling study identified novel biomarkers for SECs and molecular markers for two inner wall SEC states and outwall SECs in mouse eyes. Significant gene networks and pathways were elucidated for their potential contribution to glaucoma pathogenesis, providing targets for further research in relation to glaucoma.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):<br /> <br /> Summary:
Balasubramanian et al. characterized the cell types comprising mouse Schlemm's canal (SC) using bulk and single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). The results identify expression patterns the delineate the SC inner and outer wall cells and two inner wall 'states'. Further analysis demonstrates expression patterns of glaucoma associated genes and receptor ligand pairs between SEC's and neighboring trabecular meshwork.
While mouse SC has been profiled in previous scRNA-seq studies (van Zyl et al 2020, Thomson et al 2021), these data provide higher resolution of SC cell types, particularly endothelial cell (SEC) populations. SC is an important regulator of anterior chamber outflow and has important consequences for glaucoma.
Comments on the latest version:
The authors have addressed my primary concerns with the first version of the manuscript. This study represents a valuable resource in the molecular characterization of mouse Schlemm's canal cell types.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This revised article has characterized the mouse Schlemm's canal expression profile using a comprehensive approach based on sorted SEC, LEC, and BEC total RNA-Seq, scRNA-Seq, and snRNA-Seq to enrich the selection of SECs. The revised study has successfully profiled genome-wide gene expression using sorted SECs, demonstrating that SECs have a closer similarity to LECs than BECs. The combined scRNA- and snRNA-Seq data with deep coverage of gene expression led to the successful identification of many novel biomarkers for inner wall SECs, outer wall SECs, collector channel ECs, and pericytes. In addition, the study also identified two novel states of inner wall SECs separated by new markers. The study provides significant novel information about the biology and expression profile of SECs in the inner and outer walls. It is of great significance to have this novel, convincing, and comprehensive study led by leading researchers published in this journal. The revision has improved the clarity and significance of the study with more details.
This is a comprehensive study using various data to support the expression characterization of mouse SECs. First, the study profiled genome-wide expression using sorted SECs, LECs, and BECs from the same tissue/organ to identify the similarities and differences among the three types of cells. Second, snRNA-Seq was applied to enrich the number of SECs from mouse ocular tissues significantly. Increased sampling of SECs and other cells led to more comprehensive coverage and characterization of cells, including pericytes. Third, the combined scRNA- and snRNA-Seq data analyses increase the power to further characterize the subtle differences within SECs, leading to identifying the expression markers of Inner and Outer wall SECs, collector channel ECs, and distal region cells. Fourth, the identified unique markers were validated for RNA and protein expression in mouse ocular tissues. Fifth, the study explored how the IOP- and glaucoma-associated genes are expressed in the ScRNA- and snRNA-Seq data, providing potential connections of these GWAS genes with IOP and glaucoma. Sixth, the initial pathway and network analyses generated exciting hypotheses that could be tested in other independent studies.
The authors have addressed most of the previous comments by adding more details about the protocol and additional discussions. Several comments requiring additional experimental data have been addressed as future directions, such as protein validation, RNA expression validation in human samples, and GWAS-identified IOP genes.
Comments on the latest version:
The authors have addressed previous comments responsively. The authors have suggested several experiments to be completed in the future since these could be time-consuming with human samples. The revised article is with better clarity and clearer significance. No additional comments.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Balasubramanian et al. characterized the cell types comprising mouse Schlemm's canal (SC) using bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). The results identify expression patterns that delineate the SC inner and outer wall cells and two inner wall 'states'. Further analysis demonstrates expression patterns of glaucoma-associated genes and receptor-ligand pairs between SEC's and neighboring trabecular meshwork.
While mouse SC has been profiled in previous scRNA-seq studies (van Zyl et al 2020, Thomson et al 2021), these data provide higher resolution of SC cell types, particularly endothelial cell (SEC) populations. SC is an important regulator of anterior chamber outflow and has important consequences for glaucoma.
We thank the reviewers for their thorough reading of our manuscript and their insightful comments.
(1) Since SC has previously been characterized in mouse, human, and other species by scRNA-seq in other studies, this study would benefit from more direct comparisons to published datasets. For example, Table 4 could be expanded to list the SC cell numbers profiled in each study. Expression patterns highlighted in this study could be independently verified by plotting in publicly available mouse SC datasets. Further, a comparison to human expression patterns would assess whether type-specific expression patterns are conserved. Alternatively, an integrated analysis could be performed. Indeed, the authors mention that an integrated analysis was attempted but the data is not shown. It is unclear if this was because of a lack of agreement between datasets or other reasons.
Table 4 now includes an expanded list of SC cell numbers in each study. We profiled the expression of Npnt, Selp, and Ccl21a in the Thomson et al., 2021 dataset and have included the concurring results in Figure S5. We were unable to do a similar profile using the Van Zyl., 2020 dataset due to small SC numbers. As previously mentioned, differences such as read depth, strain of animals used (including pigmented vs albino), method of cell isolation (including drug exposure), and number of cells profiled raise a significant impediment to integration with previously published datasets. A comparison to human atlas is a focus of future work.
(2) Figure 1 presents bulk RNA seq results comparing SEC, BEC, and LEC expression patterns. These populations were isolated using cell surface markers and enrichment by FACS. Since each EC population is derived from the same sample, the accuracy of this data hinges on the purity of enrichment. However, a reference is not given for this method and it is not clear how purity was validated. The authors later note that marker Emcn, which was used to identify BECs, is also expressed in SECs and LECs at lower levels. It should be demonstrated that these populations are clearly separated by flow cytometry.
We have added the following clarifying text to the methods section: Forward and side scatter gates were first used to eliminate events with low scatter which include debris, cell fragments and pyknotic cells. Then propidium iodide positive dead cells were gated out. Further gating on the viable cells was applied such that distinct population of cells were isolated a) SECs: GFP+Lvye1-, b) LECs: GFP+ Lyve1+, c) GFP- BECs: Endomucin+.
We show here a representative of the flow sort showing the clear distinction in SEC and LEC cell isolation.
Author response image 1.
Flow sorted SEC and LEC. We obtained two distinct populations; 1. SEC cells (GPF+LYVE1--blue) 2. LEC (GPF+LYVE1+- red). Note eFluor 660 emission was collected using the Alexa647 (A647) setting of the flow cytometer. Additionally, SEC marker expression from bulk RNA-seq aligns with signature gene expression from SECs in single cell RNA-seq (Figure S3).
(3) Bulk RNA-seq analysis infers similarity from the number of DEGs between samples, however, this is not a robust indicator. A correlation analysis should be run to verify conclusions.
We have provided a heatmap with hierarchical clustering based on Euclidean distance of the EC subtypes (Figure 1B) analyzed by bulk RNA seq in addition to number of DE genes between subtypes.
(4) Figures 2-4 present three different datasets targeting the same tissue: 1) C57bl/6j scRNA-seq, 2) C57bl/6j snRNA-seq, 3) 129/sj scRNA-seq. Integrated analysis comparing datasets #1 to #2 and #3 is also presented. Integration methods are not described beyond 'normalization for cell numbers'. It is unclear if additional alignment methods were used. Integration across each of these datasets needs careful consideration, especially since different filtering methods were used (e.g. <20% mito in scRNA-seq and <5% in snRNA-seq). Improper integration could affect the ability to cluster or exaggerate differences between cell/types and states. It would be useful to demonstrate the contribution of different samples and datasets to each cell type/state to verify that these are not driven by batch effects, mouse strain, or collection platform.
We agree that integration should be performed with careful consideration to confounding factors. We demonstrate the contribution of different samples and datasets to show how our datasets integrated well (we had added panels to Figure 3C and 4C) and that cell types/states contribution was uniformly distributed across methods (C57BL/6J single cell and single nuc) and backgrounds (C57BL/6J and 129/Sj) were not a result of integration.
(5) IW1 and IW2 are not well separated, and it is unclear if these represent truly different cell states. Figure 5b shows the staining of CCL21A and describes expression in the 'posterior portion' but in the image there are no DAPI+ nuclei in the anterior portion, suggesting the sampling in this section is different from Figure 5a. This would be improved by co-staining NPNT and CCL21A to demonstrate specificity.
Since both our antibodies are derived from the same species (goat), a co-labeling wasn’t possible. To be prudent, we used adjacent sections, flat-mounts, and RNAscope and provided further evidence of the anterior/posterior “bias” in supplemental figures.
(6) The substructures observed within clusters in sc/snRNA-seq data suggest that overall profiling may still not be comprehensive. This should be noted in the discussion.
We agree and have added this note in the discussion: “With greater sampling and deeper transcriptomic depth, it is likely that additional SEC cell states/types will be identified.”
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This article has characterized the mouse Schlemm's canal expression profile using a comprehensive approach based on sorted SEC, LEC, and BEC total RNA-Seq, scRNA-Seq, and snRNA-Seq to enrich the selection of SECs. The study has successfully profiled genome-wide gene expression using sorted SECs, demonstrating that SECs have a closer similarity to LECs than BECs. The combined scRNA- and snRNA-Seq data with deep coverage of gene expression led to the successful identification of many novel biomarkers for inner wall SECs, outer wall SECs, collector channel ECs, and pericytes. In addition, the study also identified two novel states of inner wall SECs separated by new markers. The study provides significant novel information about the biology and expression profile of SECs in the inner and outer walls. It is of great significance to have this novel, convincing, and comprehensive study led by leading researchers published in this journal.
This is a comprehensive study using various data to support the expression characterization of mouse SECs. First, the study profiled genome-wide expression using sorted SECs, LECs, and BECs from the same tissue/organ to identify the similarities and differences among the three types of cells. Second, snRNA-Seq was applied to enrich the number of SECs from mouse ocular tissues significantly. Increased sampling of SECs and other cells led to more comprehensive coverage and characterization of cells, including pericytes. Third, the combined scRNA- and snRNA-Seq data analyses increase the power to further characterize the subtle differences within SECs, leading to identifying the expression markers of Inner and Outer wall SECs, collector channel ECs, and distal region cells. Fourth, the identified unique markers were validated for RNA and protein expression in mouse ocular tissues. Fifth, the study explored how the IOP- and glaucoma-associated genes are expressed in the ScRNA- and snRNA-Seq data, providing potential connections of these GWAS genes with IOP and glaucoma. Sixth, the initial pathway and network analyses generated exciting hypotheses that could be tested in other independent studies.
We thank the reviewer for their comments on the strengths of this study.
A few minor weaknesses have been noted. First, since snRNA-Seq and scRNA-Seq generated different coverage of expressed genes in the cells, how did the combined analyses balance the un-equal sequencing coverage and missing data points in the snRNA-Seq data? Second, the RNA/protein validation of selected SEC molecular markers was done using mouse anterior segment tissues. It would be more helpful to examine whether these molecular markers for SECs could work well in human SECs. Third, the effort to characterize the GWAS-identified IOP- and glaucoma-associated genes is exciting but with limited new information. Additional work could be performed to prioritize these genes.
Integration of sc-Seq and sn-Seq data: We have addressed a similar integration question from reviewer 1 and have now included a plot showing the distribution of cells upon integration. Integration methods are not perfect and generally result in some loss of data especially when datasets of un-equal sequencing coverage are integrated. However, we did not observe any obvious differences between the original (un-integrated) and integrated datasets. We also noted that cell types/states contribution was similarly distributed across methods (C57BL/6J single cell and single nuc) and backgrounds (C57BL/6J and 129/Sj) and clustering were not a result of batch-effects.
We agree about the human relevance of SEC markers, and this will be a focus of future work.
Another focus of our future work is to understand how GWAS identified IOP and glaucoma genes change in disease states.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Figure 5- DAPI should be listed in the legend.
(2) Figure 5- It would be helpful to label IW1 and IW2 regions in the UMAPs.
We have incorporated the suggestions in Figure 5 and legend.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The study has validated RNA/protein expression of the selected biomarkers for IW/OW SECs in mouse eyes. It would be more helpful to confirm that these newly identified molecular biomarkers for SECs could apply to human eyes. This could be examined through available human scRNA-/snRNA-Seq data or targeted RNA and protein staining experiments. The additional validation in human SECs would make the current discovery more convincing.
We agree with the importance of validation in human samples, and is the scope of future work.
(2) The combination of scRNA-Seq and snRNA-Seq from three batches of experiments increased the statistical power to identify subtypes of SECs. It would be helpful to include more details on how the qc, missing data, and normalization across different batches were dealt with.
We have incorporated more details in the methods section of the paper.
(3) The authors explored the underlying molecular connection between the newly identified IOP/glaucoma-associated genes using the newly generated SEC-targeted scRNA/snRNA-Seq data. Many of these associated genes were present in the same SEC cells. It would be interesting to see how many of these genes' expression levels are correlated with each other via a network. These potential correlation networks across SECs could lead to identifying novel upstream regulators or network hubs, which could target many IOP-associated genes for future studies.
We agree with the importance of a correlation network analysis, but this is a focus of future work, especially in normal and disease states.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This important study introduces and evaluates the efficacy of a novel form of non-invasive brain stimulation in humans: kilohertz transcranial magnetic perturbation (kTMP). The evidence provided for the ability of kTMP to increase cortical excitability with minimal sensation is compelling, with two separate replication experiments. Although exploratory in nature, this work represents new avenues for non-invasive brain stimulation research that has potential long-term appeal for both clinical and research applications. This paper will be of significant interest to neuroscientists interested in brain stimulation.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper reports the first results on the effects of a novel waveform for weak transcranial magnetic stimulation, which is refered to as "perturbation" (kTMP). The waveform is sinusoidal at kHz frequency with subthreshold intensities of 2V/m, instead of the suprathreshold pulses used in conventional TMS (~100V/m). The effect reported here concerns motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited on the hand with single-pulse TMS. These MEPs are considered a marker of "corotico-spinal excitability". The manuscripts report that kTMP at 3.5kHz enhances MEPs with a medium effect size, with independent replication of this finding on 3 separate cohorts of subjects (N=16, 15, 16). This result is important for the field of non-invasive brain stimulation. The evidence in support of this claim is compelling. Despite the replications, this remains an exploratory study that will require replication with adequately powered planned comparisons.
• This is a novel modality for non-invasive brain stimulation.<br /> • Knowing the history in this field, this is likely to lead to a large number of follow-up studies in basic and clinical research.<br /> • The modality causes practically no sensation, which makes it perfectly suitable for control conditions. Indeed, the study itself used a persuasive double-blinding procedure.<br /> • The replication of the main result in two subsequent experiments is very compelling.<br /> • The effect size of Cohen's d=0.5 is very promising.<br /> • It is nice the E-fields were measured on a phantom, in addition to modeling.
• Statistical analysis combining Experiments 1, 2, 3 after inspecting the data is inappropriate.<br /> • Post-hoc definition of outliers that were removed is unfortunate.<br /> • While sensation has been documented, blinding was not directly assessed.<br /> • Despite the replications, this remains an exploratory study as it lacks power analysis and planned comparisons.
Other comments from an earlier review were adequately addressed.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
kTMP is a novel method of stimulating the brain using electromagnetic fields. It has potential benefits over existing technology because it is a safe and easy technology. It explores a range of brain frequencies that has not been explored in depth before (2-5kHz) and thus offers new opportunities.
This work relied on standard methods and was carefully and conservatively performed.
There were few weaknesses. The sham condition was prepared as well as could be done, but sham is always challenging in a treatment with sound and sensation, and with knowledgeable operators. New technology, also, is very exciting to subjects and it is difficult to achieve a natural experiment. These difficulties are related to the technology, however, and not to the execution of these experiments..
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Response to Public Comments
(1) BioRxiv version history.
Reviewer 1 correctly noted that we have posted different versions of the paper on bioRxiv and that there were significant changes between the initial version and the one posted as part of the eLife preprint process. Here we provide a summary of that history.
We initially posted a bioRxiv preprint in November, 2021 (Version I) that included the results of two experiments. In Experiment 1, we compared conditions in which the stimulation frequency was at 2 kHz, 3.5 kHz, or 5.0 kHz. In Experiment 2, we replicated the 3.5 kHz condition of Experiment 1 and included two amplitude-modulated (AM) conditions, with a 3.5 kHz carrier signal modulated at 20 Hz or 140 Hz. Relative to the sham stimulation, non-modulated kTMP at 2 kHz and 3.5 kHz resulted in an increase in cortical excitability in Experiment 1. This effect was replicated in Experiment 2.
In the original posting, we reported that there was an additional boost in excitability in the 20 Hz AM condition above that of the non-modulated condition. However, in re-examining the results, we recognized that the 20 Hz AM condition included an outlier that was pulling the group mean higher. We should have caught this outlier in the initial submission given that the resultant percent change for this individual is 3 standard deviations above the mean. Given the skew in the distribution, we also performed a log transform on the MEPs (which improves the normality and homoscedasticity of MEP distributions) and repeated the analysis. However, even here the participant’s results remained well outside the distribution. As such, we removed this participant and repeated all analyses. In this new analysis, there was no longer a significant difference between the 20 Hz AM and non-modulated conditions in Experiment 2. Indeed, all three true stimulation conditions (non-modulated, AM 20 Hz, AM 140 Hz) produced a similar boost in cortical excitability compared to sham. Thus, the results of Experiment 2 are consistent with those of Experiment 1, showing, in three new conditions, the efficacy of kHz stimulation on cortical excitability. But the results fail to provide evidence of an additional boost from amplitude modulation.
We posted a second bioRxiv preprint in May, 2023 (Version 2) with the corrected results for Experiment 2, along with changes throughout the manuscript given the new analyses.
Given the null results for the AM conditions, we decided to run a third experiment prior to submitting the work for publication. Here we used an alternative form of amplitude modulation (see Kasten et. al., NeuroImage 2018). In brief, we again observed a boost in cortical excitability in from non-modulated kTMP at 3.5 kHz, but no additional effect of amplitude modulation. This work is included in the third bioRrxiv preprint (Version 3), the paper that was submitted and reviewed at eLife.
(2) Statistical analysis.
Reviewer 1 raised a concern with the statistical analyses performed on aggregate data across experiments. We recognize that this is atypical and was certainly not part of an a priori plan. Here we describe our goal with the analyses and the thought process that led us to combine the data across the experiments.
Our overarching aim is to examine the effect of corticospinal excitability of different kTMP waveforms (carrier frequency and amplitude modulated frequency) matched at the same estimated cortical E-field (2 V/m). Our core comparison was of the active conditions relative to a sham condition (E-field = 0.01 V/m). We included the non-modulated 3.5 kHz condition in Experiments 2 and 3 to provide a baseline from which we could assess whether amplitude modulation produced a measurable difference from that observed with non-modulated stimulation. Thus, this non-modulated condition as well as the sham condition was repeated in all three experiments. This provided an opportunity to examine the effect of kTMP with a relatively large sample, as well as assess how well the effects replicate, and resulted in the strategy we have taken in reporting the results.
As a first step, we present the data from the 3.5 kHz non-modulated and sham conditions (including the individual participant data) for all three experiments in 4. We used a linear mixed effect model to examine if there was an effect of Experiment (Exps 1, 2, 3) and observed no significant difference within each condition. Given this, we opted to pool the data for the sham and 3.5 kHz non-modulated conditions across the three experiments. Once data were pooled, we examined the effect of the carrier frequency and amplitude modulated frequency of the kTMP waveform.
(3) Carry-over effects
As suggested by Reviewer 1, we will examine in the revision if there is a carry-over effect across sessions (for the most part, 2-day intervals between sessions). For this, we will compare MEP amplitude in baseline blocks (pre-kTMP) across the four experimental sessions.
Reviewer 1 also commented that mixing the single- and paired-pulse protocols might have impacted the results. While our a priori focus was on the single-pulse results, we wanted to include multiple probes given the novelty of our stimulation method. Mixing single- and different paired-pulse protocols has been relatively common in the non-invasive brain stimulation literature (e.g., Nitsche 2005, Huang et al, 2005, López-Alonso 2014, Batsikadze et al 2013) and we are unaware of any reports suggested that mixed designs (single and paired) distort the picture compared to pure designs (single only).
(4) Sensation and Blinding
Reviewer 2 bought up concerns about the sham condition and blinding of kTMP stimulation. We do think that kTMP is nearly ideal for blinding. The amplifier does emit an audible tone (at least for individuals with normal hearing) when set to an intensity to produce a 2 V/m E-field. For this reason, the participants and the experimenter wore ear plugs. Moreover, we played a 3.5 kHz tone in all conditions, including the sham condition, which effectively masked the amplifier sound. We measured the participant’s subjective rating of annoyance, pain, and muscle twitches after each kTMP session (active and sham). Using a linear mixed effect model, we found no difference between active and sham for each of these ratings suggesting that sensation was similar for active and sham (Fig 8). This matches our experience that kHz stimulation in the range used here has no perceptible sensation induced by the coil. To blind the experimenters (and participants) we used a coding system in which the experimenter typed in a number that had been randomly paired to a stimulation condition that varied across participants in a manner unknown to the experimenter.
Reviewer 1 asked why we did not explicitly ask participants if they thought they were in an active or sham condition. This would certainly be a useful question. However, we did not want to alert them of the presence of a sham condition, preferring to simply describe the study as one testing a new method of non-invasive brain stimulation. Thus, we opted to focus on their subjective ratings of annoyance, pain, and finger twitches after kTMP stimulation for each experimental session.
Response to Recommendations for the Authors
Reviewer #1:
Reviewer # 1 in the public review noted the possibility of carry-over effects and suggested that we compare the amplitude of the MEPS in the pre blocks across the four sessions.
Although we did not anticipate carry-over effects lasting 2 or more days, we have now conducted an analysis in which we use a linear mixed effect model with a fixed factor of Session and a random factor of Participant. The results show that there is not an effect of session [χ2(3) = 4.51, p \= 0.211].
Author response table 1.
Detailed comments and some suggestions to maybe improve the writing and figures:
BioRxiv Version 1: "We replicated this effect in Experiment 2 and found that amplitude-modulation at 20 Hz produced an additional boost in cortical excitability. "
BioRxiv Version 2, 3 and current manuscript: "Although amplitude-modulated kTMP increased MEP amplitude compared to sham, no enhancement was found compared to non-modulated kTMP."
I am a little concerned about this history because the conclusions seem to have changed. It looks like the new data has a larger number of subjects, which could explain the divergence. Although it is generally not good practice to analyze the data at interim time points, without accounting for alpha spending. It appears that data analysis methods may have also changed, as some of the extreme points in version 1 seem to be no longer in the new manuscript (Figure 4 Sham Experiment 1).
In the public review above we explain in detail the different versions of the bioRxiv preprint and how the results changed from the first version to the current manuscript.
Introduction: <br /> "Second, the E-fields for the two methods exist in orthogonal subspaces" Can you explain what this means?
Thank you for this suggestion, we have updated the paper (pg. 4, line 78-81) by adding two sentences to explain what we mean by orthogonal subspaces and describe the consequences of this with respect to the E-fields resulting from tES and TMS. Specifically, we now comment that even if the E-fields of tES and TMS are similar in focality, they may target different populations of neurons.
"In addition, the kTMP waveform can be amplitude modulated to potentially mimic E-fields at frequencies matching endogenous neural rhythms [15]." That may be so, but reference [15] makes the exact opposite point, namely, that kHz stimulation has little effect on neuronal firing until you get to very strong fields. The paper that makes that claim is by Nir Grossman, but in my view, it is flawed as responses are most likely due to peripheral nerve (axon) stimulation there given the excessive currents used in that study. The reference to Wang and Peterchev [17] is in agreement with that by showing that you need 2 orders of magnitude stronger fields to activate neurons.
The reviewers are correct that that Ref 15 (Esmaeilpour et al, 2021), as well as Wang et al, 2023 use much higher E-fields than we target in our present study. However, our point here is that, while we cannot use our approach to apply E-fields at endogenous frequencies, we can do amplitude modulation of the kHz carrier frequency at these lower frequencies. We cited Esmaeilpour et al., (2021) because they show that high frequency stimulation with amplitude-modulated waveforms resulted in dynamic modulation at the “beating” frequency. Given we are well in subthreshold space in this paper, and well below the E-field levels in Esmaeilpour et al (2021), the open question is whether amplitude modulation at this level will be able to perturb neural activity (e.g., increase power of endogenous oscillations at the targeted frequency).
To address this concern, we modified the sentence (pg.6, lines 120-121) to now read "In addition, the kTMP waveform can be amplitude modulated at frequencies matching endogenous neural rhythms." In this way, we are describing a general property of kTMP (as well as other methods that can use high frequency signals).
I am not aware of any in-vitro study showing the effects of kHz stimulation at 2V/m. The review paper by Neudorfer et al is very good. But if I got it correctly in a quick read it is not clear that there is experimental evidence for subthreshold effects. They do talk about facilitation, but the two experimental papers cited there on the auditory nerve don't quantify field magnitudes. I would really love it if you could point me to a relevant empirical study showing the effects of kHz stimulation at 2 V/m.
Perhaps all this is a moot point as you are interested in lasting (plastic) effects on MEP. For this, you cite one study with 11 subjects showing the effects of kHz tACS on MEPs [20]. I guess that is a start. The reference [21] is only a safety study, so it is probably not a good reference for that. Reference [22] also seems out of place as it is a modeling study. The effects on depression of low-intensity magnetic stimulation in references [23-26] are intriguing.
We agree with the reviewer that Ref 20 (now Ref 18: Chaieb, Antal & Paulus; 2011) is the most relevant one to cite here since it provides empirical evidence for changes in neural excitability from kHz stimulation, and in fact, serves as the model for the current study. We have retained Refs 23-26 (now Ref 19-22: Rohan et al., 2014; Carlezon et al., 2005; Rohan et al., 2004 & Dublin et al., 2019) since they also do show kHz effects on mood and removed Refs 21 (Chaieb et al., 2014) and 22 (Wang et al., 2018) for the reasons cited by the Reviewer.
Figure 1: "The gray dashed function depicts the dependence of scalp stimulation threshold upon frequency [14]." It's hard to tell from that reference what the exact shape is, but the frequency dependence is likely steeper than what is shown here, i.e. 2 mA at 10 Hz can be really quite unpleasant.
We have removed the gray dashed line given that this might be taken to suggest a discrete transition. We now just have a graded transition to reflect that the tolerance of tES is subjective. We start the shading at 2 mA for the lowest frequencies given that there is general agreement that 2 mA is well-tolerated and decrease the shading intensity as frequency increases. The general aim of the figure is not to make strong claims about the threshold of scalp discomfort for tES, but to show that kTMP can target much higher cortical E-fields within the tolerable range.
Methods: <br /> Procedures: <br /> It does not seem like double-blinding has been directly assessed.
We did not assess double blinding by directly assessing whether the participant was in a sham or active condition. We did not want to alert the participants of the presence of a sham condition after the first session of the 4-session study, preferring to simply describe the study as a test of a new method of non-invasive brain stimulation. For this reason, we opted to focus on their subjective ratings of annoyance, pain, and finger twitches after kTMP stimulation for each experimental session. These ratings did not differ between active and sham kTMP, which suggests kTMP has good potential for double blinding.
MEP data analysis: Taking the mean of log power is unusual, but I suppose the reference provided gives a good justification. Does this explain the deviation from the biorxiv v1 results?
We opted to perform a logarithmic transformation of MEP amplitudes to improve the normality and homoscedasticity of the MEP distribution. We cite three papers (Refs 50-52: Peterchev et al., 2013, Nielsen 1996a, & Nielsen 1996b) that have applied a similar approach in handling MEP data. We had not done the transformation in the first bioRxiv but opted to do so in the eLife submission based on further review of the literature. We note that the two analyses produce similar statistical outcomes once we removed the outlier discussed in the Public Review.
"Interactions were tested by comparing a model in which the fixed effects were restricted to be additive against a second model that could have multiplicative and additive effects." Not sure what this means. Why not run a full model with interactions included and read off the stats from that single model for the various factors? Should one not avoid running multiple models as one would have to correct p-values for multiple comparisons for every new test?
We used the lme4 package in R to fit our linear mixed effect models (Ref 54: Bates, Mächler, Bolker & Walker, 2015). In this package they intentionally leave out p-values for individual models or factors because they note there is a lack of convergence in the field about how to calculate parameter estimates in complex situations for linear mixed effect models (e.g., unbalanced designs). They suggest model comparison using the likelihood-ratio test to obtain and report p-values, which is what we report in the current manuscript.
We revised the text in the section Linear Mixed Effects Models to state that likelihood ratio tests were used to obtain p-values to remove any confusion.
Procedures: <br /> kTPM: Nice that fields were measured. Would be nice to see the data that established the empirical constant k.
We have expanded our discussion of how we established k in the Methods section. We first derived k using the equation E0 \= kfcI based on previously published reports of the current (I) and frequency (fc) of the MagVenture Cool-B65 coil (now Refs 29-30: Deng, Lisanby & Peterchev, 2013; Drakaki, Mathiesen, Siebner, Madsen & Thielscher, 2022). We then verified this value using the triangular E-field probe to within 5% error.
Figure 3, spectrum. The placement of the fm label on the left panel is confusing. It suggests that fm was at the edge of the spectrum shown, which would not be the best way to show that there is nothing there - obviously, there isn't, but the figure could be more didactic.
Thanks for pointing this out. We modified the figure, moving the ‘fm’ label to the center of the first panel. This change makes it clear that there is no peak at the amplitude modulated frequency.
"a trio of TMS assays of cortical excitability" Can you clarify what this means?
Sorry for the confusion. The trio of TMS assays refers to the single pulse and two paired-pulse protocols (SICI - ICF). We edited the Procedure section to clarify this (pg 9, line 195-197).
Figure 2A: it would be nice to indicate which TMS blocks were single pulse and which were the two paired-pulse protocols. It is hard to keep track of it all for the three different experiments.
We have now clarified in the text (see above) that all three probes were used in each block for Experiments 1 and 2, and only the single-pulse probe in Experiment 3. We have modified the legend for Figure 2 to also provide this information.
Results: <br /> "Based on these results, we combined the data across the three experiments for these two conditions in subsequent analyses." This strikes me as inappropriate. Should not a single model have been used with a fixed effect of experiment and fixed effect of stimulation condition?
We recognize that pooling data across experiments may be atypical. Indeed, our initial plan was to simply analyze each experiment on its own (completely within-subject analysis). However, after completing the three experiments, we realized that since the sham and non-modulated 3.5 kHz conditions were included in each experiment, we had an opportunity to examine the effect of kTMP in a relatively large N study (for NIBS research). Before pooling the data, we wanted to make sure that the factor of experiment did not impact the results and our analysis showed there was no effect of experiment. Note that we did not include the factor of stimulation condition in this model because we did not want to do multiple comparisons of the same contrast (3.5 kHz compared to sham). By pooling the data before analysis of the stimulation conditions we could then focus on our two key independent variables: 1) kTMP carrier frequency and 2) kTMP amplitude modulated frequency, doing fewer significance tests to minimize multiple comparisons. The linear mixed effect (LME) model allows us to include a random effect of participant. In this way, we account for the fact that some comparisons are within subjects and some comparisons are between subjects.
The reviewer is correct that after pooling the data, we could have continued to include the factor of experiment in the LME models. This factor could still account for variance even though it was not significant in the initial test. Given this, we have now reanalyzed the data including the fixed factor of experiment in all the comparisons that contain data from multiple experiments. This has led us to modify the text in the Methods section under Linear Mixed Effects Models and in the Results section under Repeated kTMP Conditions (3.5 kHz and Sham) across Experiments. In addition, the results of the LME models have been updated throughout the Results section. We note that the pattern of results was unchanged with this modification of our analyses.
"Pairwise comparisons of each active condition to sham showed that an increase was observed following both 2 kHz ..." I suppose this is all for Experiment 1? It is a little confusing to go back and forth between combining experiments and then separate analyses per experiment without some guiding text, aside from being a bit messy from the statistical point of view.
We did not go back to performing separate analyses of the experiments after pooling the data. Once we ran the test to justify pooling the data, subsequent tests were done with the pooled data to evaluate the effects of carrier frequency and amplitude modulation.
Figure 5 is confusing because the horizontal lines with ** on top seem to refer to the same set of sham subjects, but the subjects of Experiments 2 and 3 are different from Experiment 1, so in these pairwise comparisons there is a mix of between-subject and within subject-comparison going on here. Did I get that right?
Yes – that is correct. As noted above we pooled the data after showing that there was no effect of experiment. Thus, the data for the sham and 3.5 kHz non-modulated conditions are from three different experiments. There was some overlap of subjects in Experiments 1 and Experiment 2 (Experiment 3 was all new participants). We used a linear mixed effect model so that we could account for this mixed design. Participant was always included as a random factor, which allows us to account for the fact that some comparisons are within, and some are between. Based on a previous comment, we now include Experiment as a fixed factor (see above) which provides a way to evaluate variance across the different experiments.
"We next compared sham vs. active non-modulated kTMP and found that active kTMP produced a significant increase in corticospinal excitability [χ2(1) = 23.46 p < 0.001" Is this for the 3.5Hz condition?
No, that is for an omnibus comparison of non-modulated kTMP (including 2 kHz, 3.5 kHz and 5 kHz conditions) vs. sham. We have edited the paper to include the three conditions that are included as the active non-modulated kTMP conditions for clarity (pg. 22, line 463). Having observed a significant omnibus result, we continued with paired comparisons: “Pairwise comparisons of each active condition to sham showed that an increase was observed following both 2 kHz [χ2(1) = 6.90, p = 0.009; d = 0.49] and 3.5 kHz kTMP [χ2(1) = 37.75, p < 0.001; d = 0.70; Fig 5: Non-Modulated conditions]. The 5 kHz condition failed to reach significance [χ2(1) = 1.43, p = 0.232; d = 0.21].”
Paired-Pulse Assays: There are a number of results here without pointing to a figure, and at one point there is a reference to Figure 6, which may be in error. It would help to point the reader to some visual corresponding the the stats.
Thank you. This was an error on line 542. It should have read Figure 7. We have added two other pointers to Figure 7 where we discuss the absence of an effect of kTMP on SICI.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
I would recommend a couple of changes to the background.
"Orthogonal subspaces" line 78. This is a fairly formal term that has little relevance here, although the difference between scalar and vector potential-based fields is interesting to think about. If it stays, it should be mathematically supported, but it's easily rewritten to deliver the gist of it.
We have updated the paper by adding text that we hope will clarify what we mean by orthogonal subspaces (pg. 4, line 78-81). We note that we developed the math behind this statement in a previous paper (Ref # 10: Sheltraw et al., 2021). We have changed the location of the citation so that it directly follows these sentences and will provide a pointer to readers interested in the physics and math concerning orthogonal subspaces.
The statement that the scalp e-field for TES is greater than the e-field for TMS for similar cortical fields needs a little more clarification, since historically they have operated orders of magnitude apart, and it is easy to misread and trip over this statement (although it is factually true). Presenting a couple of numbers at cortical and scalp positions would help illustrate the point. That you are not considering applying TES at traditional TMS levels but rather TMS at TES values is what is initially easy to miss.
We appreciate the feedback and have updated this section to provide the reader with a better intuition of this point. We now specify that the scalp to cortical E-field ratio is approximately 18 times larger for tES compared to TMS and cite our previous paper which has much more detail about how this was calculated.
A note that the figures show scalp sensation around 1.0 V/m while the text states 0.5; cortical depths are an important thing for the reader to keep in mind.
This comment, when considered in tandem with one of the comments of Reviewer 1 led us to revise Figure 1. We removed the dashed gray line which might be taken to suggest a strict cutoff in terms of tolerability (which we did not intend). We now use shading that fades away to make the point of continuity. We have extended this down to a cortical E-field of 0.5 V/m to correspond with the text.
This is a nicely done and carefully reported experiment and I look forward to seeing more.
Thank you for your kind note!
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public reviews:
Reviewer #1:
This work by Leclercq and colleagues performed metabolomics on biospecimens collected from 96 patients diagnosed with several types of alcohol use disorders (AUD). The authors discovered strong alterations in circulating glycerophospholipids, bile acids, and some gut microbe-derived metabolites in AUD patients compared to controls. An exciting part of this work is that metabolomics was also performed in frontal cortex of post-mortem brains and cerebrospinal fluid of heavy alcohol users, and some of the same metabolites were seen to be altered in the central nervous system. This is an important study that will form the basis for hypothesis generation around diet-microbe-host interactions in alcohol use disorder. The work is done in a highly rigorous manner, and the rigorously collected human samples are a clear strength of this work. Overall, many new insights may be gained by this work, and it is poised to have a high impact on the field.
(1) The rigorously collected patient-derived samples.
(2) There is high rigor in the metabolomics investigation.
(3) Statistical analyses are well-described and strong.
(4) An evident strength is the careful control of taking blood samples at the same time of the day to avoid alterations in meal- and circadian-related fluctuations in metabolites.
(1) Some validation in animal models of ethanol exposure compared to pair-fed controls would help strengthen causal relationships between metabolites and alterations in the CNS.
(2) The classification of "heavy alcohol users" based on autopsy reports may not be that accurate.
(3) The fact that most people with alcohol use disorder choose to drink over eating food, there needs to be some more discussion around how dietary intake (secondary to heavy drinking) most likely has a significant impact on the metabolome.<br />
We thank this reviewer for his/her encouraging comments and for highlighting the fact that this study is important in the field to generate hypotheses around diet-microbe-host interactions in alcohol use disorder.
Concerning weakness #1: Regarding the validation in animal models of ethanol exposure, we were very careful in our discussion to avoid pretending that the study allowed to test causality of the factors. This was certainly not the objective of the present study. The testing of causality would indeed probably necessitate animal models but these models could only test the effects of one single metabolite at a time and could not at the same time capture the complexity of the changes occurring in AUD patients. The testing of metabolites would be a totally different topic. Hence, we do not feel comfortable in conducting rodent experiments for several reasons. First, AUD is a very complex pathology with physiological and psychological/psychiatric alterations that are obviously difficult to reproduce in animal models. Secondly, as mentioned by the reviewer, AUD pathology spontaneously leads to nutritional deficits, including significant reductions in carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and fiber intakes. We have recently published a paper in which we carefully conducted detailed dietary anamneses and described the changes in food habits in AUD patients (Amadieu et al., 2021). As explained below, some blood metabolites that are significantly correlated with depression, anxiety and craving belong to the xanthine family and are namely theobromine, theophylline, and paraxanthine, which derived from metabolism of coffee, tea or chocolate (which are not part of the normal diet of mice or rats).Therefore, conducting an experiment in animal model of ethanol exposure compared to pair-fed controls will omit the important impact of nutrition in blood metabolomics and consequently won’t mimic the human AUD pathology. In addition, if we take into consideration the European Directive 2010/63/EU (on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes) which aims at Reducing (Refining, Replacing) the number of animals used in experiment, it is extremely difficult to justify, at the ethical point of view, the need to reproduce human results in an animal model that won’t be able to mimic the nutritional, physiological and psychological alterations of alcohol use disorder.
Concerning weakness #2: The classification of subjects to the group who have a history of heavy alcohol use was not solely on autopsy record, but was also based on medical history i.e. diagnosis of alcohol-related diseases: ICD-10 codes F10.X, G31.2, G62.1, G72.1, I42.6, K70.0-K70.4, K70.9, and K86.0, or signs of heavy alcohol use in the clinical or laboratory findings, e.g., increased levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase, mean corpuscular volume, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, as stated in the methods section of the manuscript. In Finland, the medical records from the whole life of the subjects are available. We consider that getting diagnosis of alcohol-related disease is clear sign of history of heavy alcohol use.
Concerning weakness#3: As explained above, we do agree with the reviewer that AUD is not only “drinking alcohol” but is also associated with reduction in food intake that obviously influenced the metabolomics data presented in this current study. We have therefore added some data, which have not been published before, in the results section that refer to key nutrients modified by alcohol intake and we refer to those data and their link with metabolomics in the discussion section:
Results section page 8, Line 153-155. This sentence has been added:
“The changes in metabolites belonging to the xanthine family during alcohol withdrawal could be explained by the changes in dietary intake of coffee, tea and chocolate (see Fig S5).”
Discussion section: Page 11, Line 235-240.
“Interestingly, the caffeine metabolites belonging to the xanthine family such as paraxanthine, theophylline and theobromine that were decreased at baseline in AUD patients compared to controls, increased significantly during alcohol withdrawal to reach the levels of healthy controls. Changes in dietary intake of coffee, tea and chocolate during alcohol withdrawal could explain these results”.
In the conclusion, Page 16, Line 354-356, we clearly stated that: “LC-MS metabolomics plasma analysis allowed for the identification of metabolites that were clearly linked to alcohol consumption, and reflected changes in metabolism, alterations of nutritional status, and gut microbial dysbiosis associated with alcohol intake”
Amadieu C, Leclercq S, Coste V, Thijssen V, Neyrinck AM, Bindels LB, Cani PD, Piessevaux H, Stärkel P, Timary P de, Delzenne NM. 2021. Dietary fiber deficiency as a component of malnutrition associated with psychological alterations in alcohol use disorder. Clinical Nutrition 40:2673–2682. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2021.03.029
Leclercq S, Cani PD, Neyrinck AM, Stärkel P, Jamar F, Mikolajczak M, Delzenne NM, de Timary P. 2012. Role of intestinal permeability and inflammation in the biological and behavioral control of alcohol-dependent subjects. Brain Behav Immun 26:911–918. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2012.04.001
Leclercq S, De Saeger C, Delzenne N, de Timary P, Stärkel P. 2014a. Role of inflammatory pathways, blood mononuclear cells, and gut-derived bacterial products in alcohol dependence. Biol Psychiatry 76:725–733. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.02.003
Leclercq S, Matamoros S, Cani PD, Neyrinck AM, Jamar F, Stärkel P, Windey K, Tremaroli V, Bäckhed F, Verbeke K, de Timary P, Delzenne NM. 2014b. Intestinal permeability, gut-bacterial dysbiosis, and behavioral markers of alcohol-dependence severity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111:E4485–E4493. doi:10.1073/pnas.1415174111
Voutilainen T, Kärkkäinen O. 2019. Changes in the Human Metabolome Associated With Alcohol Use: A Review. Alcohol and Alcoholism 54:225–234. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agz030
Public Reviewer #2:
The authors carried out the current studies with the justification that the biochemical mechanisms that lead to alcohol addiction are incompletely understood. The topic and question addressed here are impactful and indeed deserve further research. To this end, a metabolomics approach toward investigating the metabolic effects of alcohol use disorder and the effect of alcohol withdrawal in AUD subjects is valuable. However, it is primarily descriptive in nature, and these data alone do not meet the stated goal of investigating biochemical mechanisms of alcohol addiction. The current work's most significant limitation is the cross-sectional study design, though inadequate description and citation of the underlying methodological approaches also hampers interest. Most of the data are cross-sectional in the study design, i.e., alcohol use disorder vs controls. However, it is well established that there is a high degree of interpersonal variation with metabolism, and further, there is somewhat high intra-personal variation in metabolism over time. This means that the relatively small cohort of subjects is unlikely to reflect the broader condition of interest (AUD/withdrawal). The authors report a comparison of a later time-point after alcohol withdrawal (T2) vs. the AUD condition. However, without replicative time points from the control subjects it is difficult to assess how much of these changes are due to withdrawal vs the intra-personal variation described above.
We agree with the reviewer. Our goal was not to investigate the biochemical mechanisms of AUD but rather to investigate how metabolomics could contribute to the psychological alterations of AUD. The goals of the study are defined at the end of the introduction (Page 4 – Lines 80-91), as follows:
“The aims of this study are multiple. First, we investigated the impact of severe AUD on the blood metabolome by non-targeted LC-MS metabolomics analysis. Second, we investigated the impact of a short-term alcohol abstinence on the blood metabolome followed by assessing the correlations between the blood metabolome and psychological symptoms developed in AUD patients. Last, we hypothesized that metabolites significantly correlated with depression, anxiety or alcohol craving could potentially have neuroactive properties, and therefore the presence of those neuroactive metabolites was confirmed in the central nervous system using post-mortem analysis of frontal cortex and cerebrospinal fluid of persons with a history of heavy alcohol use. Our data bring new insights on xenobiotics- or microbial-derived neuroactive metabolites, which can represent an interesting strategy to prevent or treat psychiatric disorders such as AUD”.
Due to the fact that the method section describing the study design is located at the end of the manuscript, we have decided to clarify the methodological approach in the first paragraph of the result section in order to show that in fact, we have performed a longitudinal study (which includes the same group of AUD, tested at two time points – at the beginning and at the end of alcohol withdrawal). This is stated as follows:
Results section, Page 6, Line 97-99: “All patients were hospitalized for a 3-week detoxification program, and tested at two timepoints: T1 which represents the first day of alcohol withdrawal, and T2 which represents the last day of the detoxification program”.
We propose to add a figure with a schematic representation of the protocol. We let the editor deciding whether this figure can be added (as supplemental material).
Author response image 1.
Schematic representation of the protocol
We agree with the reviewer that the correlational analysis (between blood metabolites and psychological symptoms) is conducted at one time point (T1) only, which has probably led to the confusion between cross-sectional and longitudinal study. In fact we had a strong motivation to provide correlations at T1, instead of T2. T1, which is at the admission time, is really the moment where we can take into account variability of the psychological scores. Indeed, after 3 weeks of abstinence (T2), the levels of depression, anxiety and alcohol craving decreased significantly ( as shown in other studies from our group (Leclercq et al., 2014b, 2014a, 2012)) and remained pretty low in AUD patients, with a much lower inter-individual variability which makes the correlations less consistent.
We agree with the reviewer that there is a high intra and inter-personal variability in the metabolomics data, that could be due to the differences in previous meals intakes within and between subjects. While AUD subjects have been tested twice (at the beginning and at the end of a 3-week detoxification program), the control subjects have only been tested once. Consequently, we did not take into account the intra-personal variability in the control group. The metabolomics changes observed in AUD patients between T1 and T2 are therefore due to alcohol withdrawal but also to intra-personal variability. This is a limitation of the study that we have now added in the discussion section, Page 16, Lines 354-357 as follows:
“The selection of the control group is always challenging in alcohol research. Here, the healthy subjects were matched for sex, age and BMI but not for smoking status or nutritional intake. Alcohol addiction is a major cause of malnutrition in developed countries and tobacco smoking is more prevalent in alcohol users compared to healthy subjects. These two main confounding factors, although being an integral part of the alcoholic pathology, are known to influence the blood metabolome. Furthermore, another limitation is that the control group was tested only once, while the AUD patients were tested twice (T1 and T2). This means that we do not take into consideration the intra-personal variability of the metabolomics data when interpreting the results of alcohol withdrawal effects”.
The limitation concerning the small sample size is already mentioned in the discussion section, as follows:
“Large studies are usually required in metabolomics to observe small and medium size changes. Here, we included only 96 AUD patients, but they were all well characterized and received standardized therapies (for instance, vitB supplementation) during alcohol withdrawal”.
Overall, there is not enough experimental context to interpret these findings into a biological understanding. For example, while several metabolites are linked with AUD and associated with microbiome or host metabolism based on existing literature, it's unclear from the current study what function these changes have concerning AUD, if any. The authors also argue that alcohol withdrawal shifts the AUD plasma metabolic fingerprint towards healthy controls (line 153). However, this is hard to assess based on the plots provided since the change in the direction of the orange data subset is considers AUD T2 vs T1. In contrast, AUD T2 vs Control would represent the claimed shift. To support these claims, the authors would better support their argument by showing this comparison as well as showing all experimental groups (including control subjects) in their multi-dimensional model (e.g., PCA).
We thank the reviewer for these comments. It is true in this type of discovery-based approach the causality cannot be interpreted nor do we claim so. The aim was to characterize the metabolic alterations in this population, response to withdrawal period and suggest potential candidate metabolites linked to psychological symptoms. Rigorous pre-clinical assays and validation trials in humans are required to prove the causality, if any, of the discussed metabolites.
The original claim on line 153 was poorly constructed and the Figure 2c is meant to visualize the influence of withdrawal on selected metabolites and also show the effect of chronic alcohol intake on the selected metabolites at baseline. The description of the Figure 2c has been modified in result section from line 156 onwards: “Overall, Fig. 2c demonstrates that a number of identified metabolites altered in sAUD patients relative to control are affected by alcohol withdrawal. Apart from 4-pyridoxic acid, cotinine, and heme metabolites bilirubin and biliverdin, the shifts observed in the selected metabolites are generally in the opposite direction as compared to the baseline.”
The authors attempt to extend the significance of their findings by assessing post-mortem brain tissues from AUD subjects; however, the finding that many of the metabolites changed in T2/T1 are also present in AUD brain tissues is interesting; however, not strongly supporting of the authors' claims that these metabolites are markers of AUD (line 173). Concerning the plasma cohort itself, it is unclear how the authors assessed for compliance with alcohol withdrawal or whether the subjects' blood-alcohol levels were independently verified.
We did not claim that the metabolites significantly correlated with the psychological symptoms - and present in central nervous system (frontal cortex or CSF) - are “markers of AUD”. Line 173 did not refer to this idea, and the terms “markers of AUD” do not appear in the whole manuscript.
Regarding the compliance with alcohol cessation, we did not assess the ethanol blood level. The patients are hospitalized for a 3-week detoxification program, they are not allowed to drink alcohol and are under strict control of the nurses and medical staff of the unit. Consuming alcoholic beverage within the hospitalization unit is a reason for exclusion. However, we carefully monitored the liver function during alcohol withdrawal. For the reviewers’ information, we have added here below, the evolution of liver enzymes (ALT, AST, gGT) during the 3-week detoxification program as indirect markers of alcohol abstinence.
Author response image 2.
Data are described as median ± SEM. AST, Aspartate transaminase; ALT, Alanine transaminase; gGT: gamma glutamyltranspeptidase. ** p<0.01 vs T1, *** p<0.001 vs T1
The second area of concern is the need for more description of the analytical methodology, the lack of metabolite identification validation evidence, and related statistical questions. The authors cite reference #59 regarding the general methodology. However, this reference from their group is a tutorial/review/protocol-focused resource paper, and it is needs to be clarified how specific critical steps were actually applied to the current plasma study samples given the range of descriptions provided in the citations. The authors report a variety of interesting metabolites, including their primary fragment intensities, which are appreciated (Supplementary Table 3), but no MS2 matching scores are provided for level 2 or 3 hits. Further, level 1 hits under their definition are validated by an in-house standard, but no supporting data are provided besides this categorization. Finally, a common risk in such descriptive studies is finding spurious associations, especially considering many factors described in the current work. These include AUD, depression, anxiety, craving, withdrawal, etc. The authors describe the use of BH correction for multiple-hypothesis testing. However, this approach only accounts for the many possible metabolite association tests within each comparison (such as metabolites vs depression). It does not account for the multi-variate comparisons to the many behavior/clinical factors described above. The authors should employ one of several common strategies, such as linear mixed effects models, for these types of multi-variate assessments.
The methodological details related to the sample processing, data acquisition, data pre-processing and metabolite identification have been provided in the supplementary materials and described below. Supplementary table 3 has been amended with characteristic MS2 fragments for both positive and negative ionization modes if data was available. Additionally, all annotations against the in-house library additions have been rechecked, identification levels corrected and EICs for all level 1 identifications are provided in the supplementary material.
As described in the statistical analysis methods, BH correction was employed in the group-wise comparisons to shortlist the altered features for identification. Manual curating was then applied for the significant features and annotated metabolites subjected to correlation analysis. In this discovery-based approach the aim was to discover potential candidates linked with psychological symptoms for subsequent work to evaluate causality. Hence, the application of multi-variate analysis assessing biomarker candidates is not in the scope of this study.
“LC-MS analysis. Plasma sample preparation and LC-MS measurement followed the parameters previously detailed in Klåvus et al (57). Samples were randomized and thawed on ice before processing. 100 µl of plasma was added to 400 µl of LC-MS grade acetonitrile, mixed by pipetting four time, followed by centrifugation in 700 g for 5 minutes at 4 °C. A quality control sample was prepared by pooling 10 µl of each sample together. Extraction blanks having only cold acetonitrile and devoid of sample were prepared following the same procedure as sample extracts. LC-MS grade acetonitrile, methanol, water, formic acid and ammonium formate (Riedel-de Haën™, Honeywell, Seelze, Germany) were used to prepare mobile phase eluents in reverse phase (Zorbax Eclipse XDBC18, 2.1 × 100 mm, 1.8 μm, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) and hydrophilic interaction (Acquity UPLC® BEH Amide 1.7 μm, 2.1 × 100 mm, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA) liquid chromatography separation. In reverse phase separation, the samples were analyzed by Vanquish Flex UHPLC system (Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany) coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (Q Exactive Focus, Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany) in both positive and negative polarity mass range from 120 to 1200, target AGC 1e6 and resolution 70,000 in full scan mode. Data dependent MS/MS data was acquired for both modes with target AGC 8e3 and resolution 17,500, precursor isolation window was 1.5 amu, normalized collision energies were set at 20, 30 and 40 eV and dynamic exclusion at 10.0 seconds. In hydrophobic interaction separation, the samples were analyzed by a 1290 LC system coupled to a 6540 UHD accurate mass Q-ToF spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Karlsruhe, Germany) using electrospray ionization (ESI, Jet Stream) in both positive and negative polarity with mass range from 50 to 1600 and scan rate of 1.67 Hz in full scan mode. Source settings were as in the protocol. Data dependent MS/MS data was acquired separately using 10, 20 and 40 eV collision energy in subsequent runs. Scan rate was set at 3.31 Hz, precursor isolation width of 1.3 amu and target counts/spectrum of 20,000, maximum of 4 precursor pre-cycle, precursor exclusion after 2 spectra and release after 15.0 seconds. Detectors were calibrated prior sequence and continuous mass axis calibration was performed throughout runs by monitoring reference ions from infusion solution for operating at high accuracy of < 2 ppm. Quality control samples were injected in the beginning of the analysis to equilibrate the system and after every 12 samples for quality assurance and drift correction in all modes. All data were acquired in centroid mode by either MassHunter Acquisition B.05.01 (Agilent Technologies) or in profile mode by Xcalibur 4.1 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) softwares.
Metabolomics analysis of TSDS frontal cortex and CSF samples using the same 1290 LC system coupled with a 6540 UHD accurate mass Q-ToF spectrometer has been previously accomplished by Karkkainen et al (10).
Peak picking and data processing. Raw instrumental data (*raw and *.d files) were converted to ABF format using Reifycs Abf Converter (https://www.reifycs.com/AbfConverter). MS-DIAL (Version 4.70) was employed for automated peak picking and alignment with the parameters according to Klåvus et al., 2020 (57) separately for each analytical mode. For the 6540 Q-ToF mass data minimum peak height was set at 8,000 and for the Q Exactive Focus mass data minimum peak height was set at 850,000. Commonly, m/z values up to 1600 and all retention times were considered, for aligning the peaks across samples retention time tolerance was 0.2 min and MS1 tolerance 0.015 Da and the “gap filling by compulsion” was selected. Alignment results across all modes and sample types as peak areas were exported into Microsoft Excel sheets to be used for further data pre-processing.
Pre-processing including drift correction and quality assessment was done using the notame package v.0.2.1 R software version 4.0.3 separately for each mode. Features present in less than 80% of the samples within all groups and with detection rate in less than 70% of the QC samples were flagged. All features were subjected to drift correction where the features were log-transformed and a regularized cubic spline regression line was fitted for each feature against the quality control samples. After drift correction, QC samples were removed and missing values in the non-flagged features were imputed using random forest imputation. Finally, the preprocessed data from each analytical mode was merged into a single data matrix.
Molecular feature characteristics (exact mass, retention time and MS/MS spectra) were compared against in-house standard library, publicly available databases such as METLIN, HMDB and LIPIDMAPS and published literature. Annotation of metabolites and the level of identification was based on the recommendations given by the Chemical Analysis Working Group (CAWG) Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI) (59): 1 = identified based on a reference standard, 2 = putatively annotated based on physicochemical properties or similarity with public spectral libraries, 3 = putatively annotated to a chemical class and 4 = unknown.”
Reference 59: Sumner LW, Amberg A, Barrett D, Beale MH, Beger R, Daykin CA, et al. Proposed minimum reporting standards for chemical analysis. Metabolomics. 2007;3:211–221.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1:
(1) There should be more discussion comparing and contrasting the differences between the 2 cohorts (ALCOHOLBIS versus GUT2BRAIN), instead of stressing the similarities.
As indicated in the results section, we have verified that the ALCOHOLBIS cohort and GUT2BRAIN cohort are similar in term of age, gender, smoking habits, drinking habits and severity of psychological symptoms. Those similar features are important to allow the combination of the metabolomics data from the two cohorts, which subsequently allows to have a bigger sample size (n = 96) and more statistical power.
(2) The identification of 97 heavy alcohol users based on hospital codes at autopsy may not be the most rigorous way to define those with AUD. More information is needed on how these 97 were classified as heavy alcohol users.
The classification of subjects to the group who have a history of heavy alcohol use was not based solely on the autopsy records. The classification was also based on medical history, which in Finland is available from the whole life of the subjects, and including diagnoses and laboratory finding. The subjects needed to have a diagnosis of alcohol-related disease, as stated in the methods section of the manuscript. However, since some of the used diagnoses are related to organ damage related to heavy alcohol use, we do not claim that these subjects would all have alcohol dependence. But history of heavy use of alcohol is needed to get organ damage associated with alcohol use. Therefore, we consider that diagnosis of alcohol-related disease is a clear sign of a history of heavy alcohol use.
(3) The fact that the control group mainly died of cardiovascular disease confounds the interpretations around alcohol impact metabolite levels. How much of the metabolomics differences are related to hyperlipidemia or other CVD risk factors in the controls?
There are no healthy controls in post-mortem studies, since all subjects need to die from something to be included to the cohort. The challenge in studying AUD is that they die relatively young. The only other group of individuals who die outside of hospital at the relatively same age as subjects with AUD are those with CVD. Post-mortem autopsies are done in Finland to all who die outside of hospital, and these are the main source of samples for post-mortem sample cohorts. Therefore, there is no other control group to compare AUD subject to in these types of studies.
As for the altered metabolites in the post-mortem sample, the phospholipids observed could be associated with CVD. However, alterations in phospholipids are also commonly associated with alcohol use and AUD (for a review see (Voutilainen and Kärkkäinen, 2019)) and this effect is also seen in the results from the clinical cohorts in this study (Figure 1). Therefore, it cannot be said that these phospholipids finding would be due to selection of the control group.
(4) When examining metabolomics alterations, it is extremely important to understand what people are eating (i.e., providing a substrate). A major confounding issue here is that heavy alcohol users typically choose drinking over eating food. How much of the observed alterations in the plasma metabolome is due to the decreased food intake? Some validation in animal models of ethanol exposure compared to pair-fed controls would help strengthen causal relationships between metabolites and alterations in the circulation and CNS.
Regarding the validation in animal models of ethanol exposure, we were very careful in our discussion to avoid pretending that the study allowed to test causality of the factors. This was certainly not the objective of the present study. The testing of causality would indeed probably necessitate animal models but these models could only test the effects of one single metabolite at a time and could not at the same time capture the complexity of the changes occurring in AUD patients. The testing of metabolites would be a totally different topic. Hence, we do not feel comfortable in conducting rodent experiments for several reasons. First, AUD is a very complex pathology with physiological and psychological/psychiatric alterations that are obviously difficult to reproduce in animal models. Secondly, as mentioned by the reviewer, AUD pathology spontaneously leads to nutritional deficits, including significant reductions in carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and fiber intakes. We have recently published a paper in which we carefully conducted detailed dietary anamneses and described the changes in food habits in AUD patients (Amadieu et al., 2021). As explained below, some blood metabolites that are significantly correlated with depression, anxiety and craving belong to the xanthine family and are namely theobromine, theophylline, and paraxanthine, which derived from metabolism of coffee, tea or chocolate (which are not part of the normal diet of mice or rats).Therefore, conducting an experiment in animal model of ethanol exposure compared to pair-fed controls will omit the important impact of nutrition in blood metabolomics and consequently won’t mimic the human AUD pathology. In addition, if we take into consideration the European Directive 2010/63/EU (on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes) which aims at Reducing (Refining, Replacing) the number of animals used in experiment, it is extremely difficult to justify, at the ethical point of view, the need to reproduce human results in an animal model that won’t be able to mimic the nutritional, physiological and psychological alterations of alcohol use disorder.
As explained above, we do agree with the reviewer that AUD is not only “drinking alcohol” but is also associated with reduction in food intake that obviously influenced the metabolomics data presented in this current study. We have therefore added some data, which have not been published in the previous version of the manuscript, in the results section that refer to key nutrients modified by alcohol intake and we refer to those data and their link with metabolomics in the discussion section:
Results section page 8, Line 153-155. This sentence has been added:
“The changes in metabolites belonging to the xanthine family during alcohol withdrawal could be explained by the changes in dietary intake of coffee, tea and chocolate (see Fig S5).”
Discussion section: Page 11, Line 234-238.
“Interestingly, the caffeine metabolites belonging to the xanthine family such as paraxanthine, theophylline and theobromine that were decreased at baseline in AUD patients compared to controls, increased significantly during alcohol withdrawal to reach the levels of healthy controls. Changes in dietary intake of coffee, tea and chocolate during alcohol withdrawal could explain these results”.
In the conclusion, Page 16, Line 360-32, we clearly stated that: “LC-MS metabolomics plasma analysis allowed for the identification of metabolites that were clearly linked to alcohol consumption, and reflected changes in metabolism, alterations of nutritional status, and gut microbial dysbiosis associated with alcohol intake”
Amadieu C, Leclercq S, Coste V, Thijssen V, Neyrinck AM, Bindels LB, Cani PD, Piessevaux H, Stärkel P, Timary P de, Delzenne NM. 2021. Dietary fiber deficiency as a component of malnutrition associated with psychological alterations in alcohol use disorder. Clinical Nutrition 40:2673–2682. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2021.03.029
Leclercq S, Cani PD, Neyrinck AM, Stärkel P, Jamar F, Mikolajczak M, Delzenne NM, de Timary P. 2012. Role of intestinal permeability and inflammation in the biological and behavioral control of alcohol-dependent subjects. Brain Behav Immun 26:911–918. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2012.04.001
Leclercq S, De Saeger C, Delzenne N, de Timary P, Stärkel P. 2014a. Role of inflammatory pathways, blood mononuclear cells, and gut-derived bacterial products in alcohol dependence. Biol Psychiatry 76:725–733. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.02.003
Leclercq S, Matamoros S, Cani PD, Neyrinck AM, Jamar F, Stärkel P, Windey K, Tremaroli V, Bäckhed F, Verbeke K, de Timary P, Delzenne NM. 2014b. Intestinal permeability, gut-bacterial dysbiosis, and behavioral markers of alcohol-dependence severity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111:E4485–E4493. doi:10.1073/pnas.1415174111
Voutilainen T, Kärkkäinen O. 2019. Changes in the Human Metabolome Associated With Alcohol Use: A Review. Alcohol and Alcoholism 54:225–234. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agz030
Reviewer #2:
(1) More methodological information about the laboratory processing of samples, instrumentation, and data analysis needs to be provided. Reference 59 needs to be more specific and include important methodological details for this project. Please provide an actual methods section for the mass-spectrometry-based metabolomics.
The reviewer is correct that the methods should be described in detail but due to word limits, the description was moved to a supplementary file. Methodological details are provided in the answer to the final comment in the public reviews section and we kindly refer to that for the methodological details. Reference 57 (Klåvus et al) is a method paper and covers the whole untargeted metabolomics pipeline that is used in our work.
(2) The VIP figures, e.g., Figure 1b and Figure 2b are not very informative and would be better represented in a supplementary table
VIP scores for all annotated metabolites are provided in the supplementary table 3 along with peak data and other values derived from statistical tests. Furthermore, we have removed the VIP value in figures 1 and 2 and we have replaced them by an updated Volcano plot to represent also the VIP values in addition to the q and Cohen’s d values.
(3) The findings on odd-chain lyso-lipids are interesting, and while these have been reported biologically, odd-chain lipids are uncommon and should be validated with authentic standards as available (please provide an XIC of the level 1 peak and standard if possible, e.g., LPC 17:0) or at least a supplementary figure on manual inspection of the negative mode MS2 spectrum showing the putative fatty acid chain fragment. The current assignments are based on positive mode lipid class fragments and accurate mass.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and it is correct that the negative MS2 spectrum is essential for lipid identification. Although the current assignments show only positive fragments for many lipids, the fatty acid chain, if reported, has been confirmed from negative mode MS2 spectrum. The supplementary table 3 with peak information has been augmented with fragment information from both negative and positive ionizations if available. Also, reference and experimental MS2 spectra have been provided as separate supplemental file for level 1 identifications, including the odd-chain lyso-lipids LPC 15:0 and 17:0.
(4) Please provide some supplementary information (MS1/MS2 if available) on the untargeted features of interest (up and down-regulated) from Figure 1C, especially the 5 encircled features. If any manual annotation of these features was attempted, please include a brief description in the results/discussion.
All statistically significant features with MS2 data have been subjected to manual annotation and database searches using at least METLIN, HMDB and LipidMaps. Additionally, if the manual inspection failed to provide any identification, in silico fragmentation software MS-FINDER was used to calculate candidate molecular formula. The features were labeled as unknown if all efforts were unsuccessful. The peak characteristics of the key unknowns in Figure 1b have also been included in the supplemental table.
A note of the manual inspection has been included in the result section line 129: “The top-ranked metabolites in Fig. 1b remained unknown regardless of manual curation.”
Reviewer #3:
I think this is an interesting paper with a very solid methodology and an abundance of results. I am not an expert on metabolomics, and I have some very interesting hours here, trying (but sometimes failing) to grasp this paper's content. This paper also needs to be closely read by a reviewer who knows the metabolomics field and can give feedback on the meaning of the results. I have focused purely on the AUD clinical side as this is where I may contribute. My main concern is conceptualizing the aims and what authors want to investigate. As far as I understand, this is a study of the relationship between alcohol use and the metabolome, and in this respect, I think there are some issues.
Just take the abstract that talks about (in the first sentence) alcohol use disorder ("AUD") - a term that generally sometimes refers to harmful use of alcohol and alcohol addiction and sometimes to all F10-diagnosis (and thus an inaccurate term), then the following sentence talks about what leads to alcohol addiction (not dependence) - and this in a mechanistic direction and in the last part of the second sentence talks about metabolomics being able to decipher metabolic events related to AUD. So, even in the first two sentences, it is confusing - is this about correlates, mechanisms, prevention, or treatment? The inaccuracy of terms continues in sentence 4. We have "chronic alcohol abuse" (?) and "severe alcohol use disorder (AUD)" (abbreviated for the second time). Later, only "alcohol abuse" is used and the abstract ends with something about these findings being interesting in "the management of [...] AUD". All this illustrates that there is a large mixture of concepts - what aspect of alcohol use or abuse are you looking at? Moreover, of intention: is it to find correlates, explanations, or targets for interventions? Without clarity in this respect, one can get lost in what all these interesting measures mean - how we should interpret them. This comment is made only for the abstract. However, but it is equally valid and important for the introduction and discussion parts of the ms, where additional terms and formulations are introduced: "heavy alcohol use" (lines 86-7) and "prevent or treat psychiatric disorders such as AUD" (lines 90-1). This is then reflected in the discussion where the authors claim that what they have found is related to "chronic alcohol abuse" (line 188), "heavy alcohol drinkers" (line 191), and "AUD patients" (lines 199 and 202 and further on).
We thank the reviewer for this useful comment and we apologize for the confusion. We agree that it is important to use the correct terms and definitions. All patients included in this study were diagnosed as severe AUD (for more information on the diagnosis, see answer to the comments related to DSM-IV and DSM5). This manuscript is consequently related to severe AUD and other terms like “alcohol abuse, “alcohol addiction” are therefore not appropriate. In the revised version of the manuscript, we have used severe AUD or the abbreviation sAUD. The figure and legends have been changed accordingly.
In the first paragraph of the results section, ALCOHOLBIS and GUT2BRAIN are compared. It says they are similar on many measures, including craving, but different on some measures, again including craving. It is difficult to grasp this even if the authors try to explain (lines 101-2). This sentence also introduces some discussion in the results section by saying something normative about their finding and relating this to other research (references 12, 13, and 14).
We would like to apologize for the confusion related to first paragraph of the results section. We have indeed indicated that, while the ALCOHOLBIS cohort and the GUT2BRAIN cohort are highly similar in term of biological and psychological features, a significant difference does exist in the compulsive component of the craving score. Indeed, the mean score of compulsion is 11 ± 3 in the ALCOHOLBIS cohort and 14 ± 3 in the GUT2BRAIN cohort. In healthy controls, the mean score of compulsion is 1.5 ± 1.5. Despite the statistically significant difference in craving between both cohorts, we do not think that this difference is relevant in our context since both scores (11 and 14) are considered high compared to the control group. In order to simplify the message, we have revised the first paragraph as follows:
“Both groups of patients were similar in terms of age, gender, smoking and drinking habits and presented with high scores of depression, anxiety and alcohol craving at T1 (Table 1). These biological and psychological similarities allow us to combine both cohorts (and consequently increase sample size) and compare them to a group of heathy controls for metabolomics analysis”.
In line 104 the abbreviation PCA is introduced but needs to be explained. Such objections could be made for many of the abbreviations used (sPLS-DA VIP, LPC, CSF, CNS, LPE, etc.), but of course, they may be made more difficult by the unusual way of stacking the different sections.
We thank the reviewer for pointing these out. Most abbreviations are written out in the figure legends or method section but indeed the organization of the different sections makes it less evident. The abbreviations pointed out have been opened in the results section when they are first used.
Furthermore, they say that the severity of AUD was "evaluated by a psychiatrist using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria, fourth edition (DSM-IV) (ALCOHOLBIS cohort) or fifth edition (DSM-5)" (GUT2BRAIN cohort): This makes sense for DSM-5 but needs to be explained more for DSM-IV. They also need to say what levels were included.
We thank the reviewer for this very appropriate remark that deserves some explanations.
While the patients of the GUT2BRAIN cohort were enrolled in 2018-2019 where the DSM5 was applicable, the patients from the ALCOHOLBIS cohort were recruited many years before. The protocol related to the ALCOHOLBIS cohort was written before 2013, and approved by ethical committee, where the DSM-IV was the last version of the DSM used at that moment.
We therefore totally agree with the reviewer that our sentence “the severity of AUD was "evaluated by a psychiatrist using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria, fourth edition (DSM-IV) (ALCOHOLBIS cohort) or fifth edition (DSM-5)" (GUT2BRAIN cohort)” is not correct. Indeed, DSM-IV (before 2013) described two distinct disorders, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, while the DSM-5 integrates the two DSM-IV disorders into a single disorder called alcohol use disorder with mild (2 or 3 symptoms), moderate (4 or 5 symptoms) and severe (6 or more symptoms) sub-classifications.
In this present study, we have enrolled patients that received the diagnosis of alcohol dependence (DSM-IV criteria) or severe alcohol use disorder (DSM5 criteria).
We have changed the paragraph related to this issue into this new one:
“The severity of AUD was evaluated by a psychiatrist using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria, fourth edition (DSM-IV) (Alcoholbis cohort) or fifth edition (DSM-5) (GUT2BRAIN cohort). Patients evaluated with the DSM-IV received the diagnosis of “alcohol dependence”, while the patients evaluated with the DSM-5 received the diagnosis of “severe alcohol use disorder” (6 or more criteria). To simplify, we used the term “sAUD” (for severe alcohol use disorder) that includes both diagnosis (sAUD and alcohol dependence)”.
I am unsure about the shared first co-authorship and the shared last co-authorship request, but I leave this up to the editors and the journal policies. Also, the order of the different parts may be correct (the M+M placed last) but is unusual for many journals. This is also up to the journal to decide.
As mentioned in the guidelines to authors, the method section should be included at the end of the manuscript.
eLife assessment
This study provides valuable insights and allows for hypothesis generation around diet-microbe-host interactions in alcohol use disorder. The strength of the evidence is convincing: the work is done in a rigorous manner in a well-described cohort of patients with AUD before and after withdrawal. There are several weaknesses, including validating the metabolites identified by metabolomics, the cross-sectional study design, the lack of a healthy control group, and the descriptive nature of such clinical cohort studies. Nevertheless, the study provides a wealth of new data that may be the basis for future studies that test causality and elucidate the role of single metabolites in the psychiatric sequela of AUD.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work by Leclercq and colleagues performed metabolomics on biospecimens collected from 96 patients diagnosed with severe alcohol use disorder (AUD). The authors discovery strong alterations in circulating glycerophospholipids, bile acids, and some gut microbe-derived metabolites in AUD patients compared to controls. An exciting part of this work is that metabolomics was also done in post-mortem samples of the frontal cortex and cerebrospinal fluid of heavy alcohol users, and some of the same metabolites were seen to be altered in the central nervous system. This important study will form the basis for hypothesis generation around diet-microbe-host interactions in alcohol use disorder. The work is done in a highly rigorous manner, and the rigorously collected human samples is an evident strength of this work. Overall, this work will provide many new insights, and it is poised to have a high impact on the field.
(1) The rigorously collected patient-derived samples<br /> (2) There is high rigorous in the metabolomics investigation<br /> (3) Statistical analyses are well-described and strong.<br /> (4) The careful control of taking blood samples at the same time to avoid alterations in meal- and circadian-related fluctuations in metabolites is a clear strength.
None remaining
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors carried out the current studies with the justification that the biochemical mechanisms that lead to alcohol addiction are incompletely understood. The topic and question addressed here are impactful and indeed deserve further research. To this end, a metabolomics approach toward investigating the metabolic effects of alcohol use disorder and the effect of alcohol withdrawal in AUD subjects is valuable. However, this work is primarily descriptive in nature, and these data alone do not meet the stated goal of investigating biochemical mechanisms of alcohol addiction. The current work's most significant limitation is the cross-sectional study design, though inadequate description and citation of the underlying methodological approaches also hampers interest.
Most of the data are cross-sectional in study design, i.e., alcohol use disorder vs controls. However, it is well established that there is a high degree of interpersonal variation with metabolism, and further, there is somewhat high intra-personal variation in metabolism over time. This means that the relatively small cohort of subjects is unlikely to just reflect the broader condition of interest (AUD/withdrawal). The authors report a comparison of a later time-point after alcohol withdrawal (T2) vs the AUD condition. Nonetheless, without replicate time points from the control subjects it is difficult to assess how much of these changes are due to withdrawal vs the intra-personal variation described above. Overall, insufficient experimental context exists to interpret these findings into a biological understanding. For example, while several metabolites are linked with AUD and associated with microbiome or host metabolism based on existing literature, it is unclear from the current study what function these changes have concerning AUD, if any. The authors also argue that alcohol withdrawal shifts the AUD plasma metabolic fingerprint towards healthy controls (line 153). However, this is hard to assess based on the provided plots since the direction of change of the orange data subset considers AUD T2 vs. T1. In contrast, AUD T2 vs. Control would represent the claimed shift. To substantiate these claims, the authors would better support their argument by showing this comparison in all experimental groups (including control subjects) in their multi-dimensional model (e.g., PCA). The authors attempt to extend the significance of their findings by assessing post-mortem brain tissues from AUD subjects; however, the finding that many of the metabolites changed in T2/T1 are also found in AUD brain tissues is interesting but does not strongly support the authors' claims that these metabolites are markers of AUD (line 173). Concerning the plasma cohort itself, it is unclear how the authors assessed for compliance with alcohol withdrawal or whether the subjects' blood-alcohol levels were independently verified.
The second area of concern is the lack of description of the analytical methodology, the lack of metabolite identification validation evidence, and related statistical questions. The authors cite reference #59 regarding the general methodology. However, this reference from their group is a tutorial/review/protocol focused resource paper and it needs to be clarified how specific critical steps were actually applied to the current plasma study samples, given the range of descriptions provided in the citations. The authors report a variety of interesting metabolites, including their primary fragment intensities, which is appreciated (Supp Table 3), but no MS2 matching scores are provided for level 2 or 3 hits. Further, level 1 hits under their definition are validated by an in-house standard, but not supporting data are provided other than this categorization. Finally, a common risk in such descriptive studies is finding spurious associations, especially considering the many factors as described in the current work. These include AUD, depression, anxiety, craving, withdrawal, etc. The authors describe the use of BH correction for multiple-hypothesis testing. Still, this approach only accounts for the many possible metabolite association tests within each comparison (such as metabolites vs. depression) and does not account for the multi-variate comparisons to the many behavior/clinical factors described above. The authors should employ one of several common strategies, such as linear mixed effects models for these types of multi-variate assessments.
Revised Review after Resubmission:
I thank the authors for their responses and revisions to the figures and data and their clarifications of their results and study goals. However, based on this updated information, it is now more apparent that the paper falls into the common trap of descriptive studies where insufficient experimental design was considered to test the association in question robustly. Further, follow-up initiatives are lacking to test the findings by other experimental means. Despite the authors' responses, the paper still fails to convert or interpret the metabolomics findings into any new biological understanding or meaningfully testable hypotheses, and the results remain descriptive in nature with significant caveats.
The authors clarify that their study's "goal was not to investigate the biochemical mechanisms of AUD but how metabolomics could contribute to the psychological alterations of AUD." However, the 2nd sentence of the abstract remains as follows: "The biochemical mechanisms that lead to this disorder are not yet fully understood, and in this respect, metabolomics represents a promising approach to decipher metabolic events related to AUD."This leads the reader to conclude that the purpose of the current study is to use metabolomics to address this gap, despite their later clarification. In the revised response, the authors walk back their claims of these goals, yet the manuscript text and data is largely unchanged in the revision. The serious caveats pointed out by several reviewers concerning the study as reported significantly reduces the utility of the described findings for the broader scientific community, and the authors largely downplay these limitations without addressing the underlying issues.
The authors also clarified in their response that the study's key purpose of the study is to assess "correlations between the blood metabolome and psychological symptoms developed in AUD patients." This goal is dubious as the vast majority of metabolites are not psychoactive, and it is implausible that the metabolome would affect mental state or vice versa. More biological frameworks and citations are needed for this paradigm. The soundness of the goal is further questioned by the study's simplistic design and the authors' admission that "In this discovery-based approach, the aim was to discover potential candidates linked with psychological symptoms for subsequent work to evaluate causality." Yet, the authors side-step the point about the risk of finding spurious associations and decline to control this risk using widely-accepted approaches such as multi-variate correction, instead continuing to use only BH correction for multiple hypothesis testing. The reviewers previously pointed out that BH correction only accounts for the many possible metabolite association tests within each comparison (such as metabolites vs depression). However, it does not account for the multi-variate comparisons to the many behavior/clinical factors. This issue is ignored in the response because the study's goal is hypothesis generating. Instead, the authors focused their responses on the issue of causality which was not the central point of the criticism.
Further, the authors employ mainly systemic plasma analyses unlikely to reflect brain biochemistry. The authors deny that the purpose of including the post-mortem brain tissue data was to demonstrate that "metabolites significantly correlated with the psychological symptoms - and present in the central nervous system (frontal cortex or CSF) - are "markers of AUD," yet if this is not the goal, the structure of the experiment, and the value of these data, is unclear. Another reviewer pointed out that it is difficult to control cross-sectional post-mortem tissue due to a lack of suitable controls, and the authors again side-step the question by citing the lack of suitable controls and the impossibility of "healthy controls" in post-mortem samples. This is true, but this lack of technical feasibility and the confounding factor of CVD/lipid metabolism does not justify the weak experimental design in this respect. Therefore, it remains unclear what can be understood from these data, given the limitations.
Finally, the authors acknowledge the limitation in their revision that they did not assess a second-time point in the control cohort of samples which could have been used to tease apart intra-personal variation from AUD-associated changes during alcohol-abstinence. Unfortunately, this is not a small caveat to simply acknowledge in the discussion section; it severely limits the interpretation and utility of the reported data more broadly, and the authors do not address this underlying problem.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors have compared different groups of AUD patients at different levels and have examined metabolomics.
A well-written and comprehensive study.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This important study describes changes in excitability in motor neurons of the peripheral autonomous nervous system during aging. The manuscript provides convincing evidence indicating that sympathetic neurons from aged mice show higher excitability compared to neurons from young mice which was linked to decreased activity of KCNQ2/3 potassium channels. This research has implications for understanding the age-related changes that occur in the peripheral nervous system.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors study age-related changes in the excitability and firing properties of sympathetic neurons, which they ascribe to age-related changes in the expression of KCNQ (Kv7, "M-type") K+ currents in rodent sympathetic neurons, whose regulation by GPCRs has been most thoroughly studied for over 40 years.
The strengths include the rigor of the current-clamp and voltage-clamp experiments and the lovely, crisp presentation of the data, The separation of neurons into tonic, phasic and adapting classes is also interesting, and informative. The ability to successfully isolate and dissociate peripheral ganglia from such older animals is also quite rare and commendable! There is much useful detail here.
Whereas the description of the data are very nice, and useful, the manuscript does not provide much in the way of mechanistic insights. As such, the effect is more of an epi-phenomenon of unclear insight, and the authors cannot ascribe changes in signaling mechanisms, such as that of M1 mAChRs to the phenomena that is supported by data.
Comments on latest version:
I do not have any additional issues to be addressed by the authors.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This research provides compelling and detailed evidence showing that aging influences intrinsic membrane properties of peripheral sympathetic motor neurons, which become hyperexcitable. The authors found that sympathetic motor neurons from old mice exhibit increased firing rates (spontaneous and evoked), more depolarized membrane resting potential, and increased rheobase. Furthermore, the study investigates cellular mechanisms underlying age-associated hyperexcitability and shows solid evidence supporting that a decreased activity of KCNQ2/3 channels during aging is a major contributor to the increased excitability of sympathetic old neurons. The conclusions of this paper are supported by the data.
Detailed and rigorous analysis of electrical responses of peripheral sympathetic motor neurons using electrophysiology (perforated patch and whole-cell recordings). The study identifies a decreased KCNQ2/3 current as a cellular mechanism behind age-induced hyperexcitability in sympathetic motor neurons.
The revised version of the manuscript has addressed all my concerns.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This revised study described changes in membrane excitability and Na+ and K+ current amplitudes of sympathetic motor neurons in culture. The findings indicate that neurons isolated from aged animals show increased membrane excitability manifested as increased firing rates in response to electrical stimulation and changes in related membrane properties including depolarized resting membrane potential, increased rheobase, and spontaneous firing. By contrast, neuron cultures from young mice show little to no spontaneous firing and relatively low firing rates in response to current injection. These changes in excitability correlate with reductions in the magnitude of KCNQ currents in neurons cultured from aged mice compared to neurons from cultured from young mice. The authors conclude that aging promotes hyperexcitability of sympathetic motor neurons through changes in KCNQ channels.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Recommendations for the authors:
Please make corrections as suggested by reviewer 1 to improve the manuscript. Specifically, reviewer 1 suggests making changes to p values in Figure 5, and the importance of citing original scholarly works related to effects of increase in excitability of sympathetic neurons by M1 receptors, and the terminology for M currents and KCNQ currents. These changes will improve the manuscript and are strongly recommended.
The section dealing with Aging Reduces KCNQ currents seems to contain a lot of extraneous information especially in the last part of the long paragraph and this section should be rewritten for improved clarity and - the implications or lack thereof - of the correlation of KCNQ with AP firing rates. The apparent lack of correlation between KCNQ current and KCNQ2 protein needs to be better explained. This is a central part of the study and this result undercuts the premise of the paper. Additionally, the poor specificity of Linordipine for KCNQ should be pointed out in the limitations.
Finally, the editor notes that the author response should not contain ambiguities in what was addressed in the revision. In the original summary of consolidated revisions that were requested, one clearly and separately stated point (point 4) was that experiments in slice cultures should be strongly considered to extend the significance of the work to an intact brain preparation. The author response letter seems to imply that this was done, but this is not the case. The author response seems to have combined this point with another separate point (point 3) about using KCNQ drugs, and imply that all concerns were addressed. Authors should be clear about what revisions were in fact addressed.
Summary of recommendations from the three reviewers:
Please make corrections as suggested by reviewer 1 to improve the manuscript.
Specifically, reviewer 1 suggests making changes to p values in Figure 5,
As a team, we have decided to keep p values. Here is our rationale:
Our lab favors reporting p-values for all statistical comparisons to help readers identify what we consider statistically significant. We color-coded the p-values, with red for p-value < 0.05 and black for p-value > 0.05. As a reader, seeing a p-value=0.7 allows me to know that the authors performed an analysis comparing these conditions and found the mean not to be different. Not presenting the p-value makes me wonder whether the authors even analyzed those groups. We value the ability to analyze the data by seeing all p-values than not being distracted by non-significant p-values.
and the importance of citing original scholarly works related to effects of increase in excitability of sympathetic neurons by M1 receptors, and the terminology for M currents and KCNQ currents. These changes will improve the manuscript and are strongly recommended.
We cited original papers on that area and changed the terminology for M current. I kept KCNQ when referring to the channel protein or abundance.
The section dealing with Aging Reduces KCNQ currents seems to contain a lot of extraneous information especially in the last part of the long paragraph and this section should be rewritten for improved clarity… and - the implications or lack thereof - of the correlation of KCNQ with AP firing rates.
I separated the long paragraph in two. I also removed extraneous information in that section. It now reads:
Previous work by our group and others demonstrated that cholinergic stimulation leads to a decrease in M current and increases the excitability of sympathetic motor neurons at young ages.67-71 The molecular determinants of the M current are channels formed by KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 in these neurons.70, 76, 77 Thus, Figure 6A shows a voltage response (measured in current-clamp mode) and a consecutive M current recording (measured in voltage-clamp mode) in the same neuron upon stimulation of cholinergic type 1 muscarinic receptors. It illustrates the temporal correlation between the decrease of M current with the increase in excitability and firing of APs. This strong dependence led us to hypothesize that aging decreases M current, leading to a depolarized RMP and hyperexcitability (Figure 6B). For these experiments, we measured the RMP and evoked activity using perforated patch, followed by the amplitude of M current using a whole-cell voltage clamp in the same cell. We also measured the membrane capacitance as a proxy for cell size. Interestingly, M current density was smaller by 29% in middle age (7.5 ± 0.7 pA/pF) and by 55% in old (4.8 ± 0.7 pA/pF) compared to young (10.6 ± 1.5 pA/pF) neurons (Figure 6C-D). The average capacitance was similar in young (30.8 ± 2.2 pF), middle-aged (27.4 ± 1.2 pF), and old (28.8 ± 2.3 pF) neurons (Figure 6E), suggesting that aging is not associated with changes in cell size of sympathetic motor neurons, and supporting the hypothesis that aging alters the levels of M current. Next, we tested the effect on the abundance of the channels mediating M current. Contrary to our expectation, we observed that KCNQ2 protein levels were 1.5 ± 0.1 -fold higher in old compared to young neurons (Figure 6F-G). Unfortunately, we did not find an antibody to detect consistently KCNQ3 channels. We concluded that the decrease in M current is not caused by a decrease in the abundance of KCNQ2 protein.
B. and - the implications or lack thereof - of the correlation of KCNQ with AP firing rates.
I am not sure to understand the request in the section on the correlation of KCNQ with AP firing rate. I divided the long paragraph.
The apparent lack of correlation between KCNQ current and KCNQ2 protein needs to be better explained. This is a central part of the study and this result undercuts the premise of the paper.
Indeed, total KCNQ2 protein abundance increases while M current decreases. We do not claim in our work that changes in excitability are caused by a reduction in the expression or density of KCNQ2 channels. On the contrary, our current working hypothesis is that the reduction in M current is caused by changes in traffic, degradation, posttranslational modifications, or cofactors for KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 channels. I have modified the description in the results section and discussion to clarify this concept. We also note that the discussion section contains a paragraph discussing this discrepancy.
Additionally, the poor specificity of Linordipine for KCNQ should be pointed out in the limitations.
Thank you for the suggestion. I have added the following sentences to the Limitations section. It reads: “We want to point out that linopirdine has been reported to affect other ionic currents besides M current (Neacsu and Babes, 2010; Lamas et al., 1997). Despite this limitation, the application of linopirdine to young sympathetic motor neurons led to depolarization and firing of action potentials.”
Finally, the editor notes that the author response should not contain ambiguities in what was addressed in the revision. In the original summary of consolidated revisions that were requested, one clearly and separately stated point (point 4) was that experiments in slice cultures should be strongly considered to extend the significance of the work to an intact brain preparation. The author response letter seems to imply that this was done, but this is not the case. The author response seems to have combined this point with another separate point (point 3) about using KCNQ drugs, and imply that all concerns were addressed. Authors should be clear about what revisions were in fact addressed.
We apologize for this omission. After reviewing this comment, I realized I did not respond to the Major points in the section of the Recommendations for the authors from Reviewer 3. We missed that entire section. Our previous responses addressed the Public review of Reviewer 3. When doing so, we did not separate the sentences, omitting the request to perform the experiment in slices.
The proposed experiments will require an upward microscope coupled to an electrophysiology rig; unfortunately, we do not have the equipment to do these experiments. We agree that our findings need to be tested in intact preparations to understand how the hyperactivity of sympathetic motor neurons affects systemic responses and the function of controlling organ function. This is a crucial step to move the field forward. Our laboratory is trying to find the appropriate experimental design to address this problem. We believe we must go beyond redoing these experiments in slices.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The significance values greater than p < 0.05 do not add anything and distract focus from the results that are meaningful. Fig. 5 is a good example. What does p = 0.7 mean? Or p = 0.6? Does this help the reader with useful information?
We thank Reviewer 1 for raising this question. We have attempted different versions of how we report p values, as we want to make sure to address rigor and transparency in reporting data.
Our lab favors reporting p-values for all statistical comparisons to help readers identify what we consider statistically significant. We color-coded the p-values, with red for p-value < 0.05 and black for p-value > 0.05. As a reader, seeing a p-value=0.7 allows me to know that the authors performed an analysis comparing these conditions and found the mean not to be different. Not presenting the p-value makes me wonder whether the authors even analyzed those groups. We value the ability to analyze the data by seeing all p-values than not being distracted by non-significant p-values.
(2) Fig. 1 is not informative and should be removed.
Although we agree with the reviewer that this figure is not informative, it was created to guide the reader in identifying the problem addressed in our manuscript in the physiological context. Our colleagues who read the first drafts of the manuscript recommended this, so we prefer to keep the figure.
(3) The emphasis on a particular muscarinic agonist favored by many ion channel physiologists, oxotremorine, is not meaningful (lines 192, 198). The important point is stimulation of muscarinic AChRs, which physiologically are stimulated by acetylcholine. The particular muscarinic agonist used is unimportant. Unless mandated by eLife, "cholinergic type 1 muscarinic receptors" are usually referred to as M1 mAChRs, or even better is "Gq-coupled M1 mAChRs." I don't think that Kruse and Whitten, 2021 were the first to demonstrate the increase in excitability of sympathetic neurons from stimulation of M1 mAChRs. Please try and cite in a more scholarly fashion.
A) We have modified lines 192 and 198, removing the mention of oxotremorine.
B) We have modified the nomenclature used to refer to cholinergic type 1 muscarinic receptors.
C) We cited references on the role of M current on sympathetic motor neuron excitability.
(4) The authors may want to use the term "M current" (after defining it) as the current produced by KCNQ2&3-containing channels in sympathetic neurons, and reserve "KCNQ" or "Kv7" currents as those made by cloned KCNQ/Kv7 channels in heterologous systems. A reason for this is to exclude currents KCNQ1-containing channels, which most definitely do not contribute to the "KCNQ" current in these cells. I am not mandating this, but rather suggesting it to conform with the literature.
Thank you for the suggestion. I have modified the text to use the term M current. I maintained the use of KCNQ only when referring to KCNQ channel, such as in the section describing the abundance of KCNQ2.
(5) The section in the text on "Aging reduces KCNQ current" is confusing. Can the authors describe their results and their interpretation more directly?
(6) Please explain the meaning of the increase in KCNQ2 abundance with age in Fig. 6G. How is this increase in KCNQ2 expression consistent with an increase in excitability? The explanation of "The decrease in KCNQ current and the increase in the abundance of KCNQ2 protein suggest a potential compensatory mechanism that occurs during aging, which we are actively investigating in an independent study." is rather odd, considering that the entire thesis of this paper is that changes in excitability and firing properties are underlied by changes in KCNQ2/3 channel expression/density. Suddenly, is this not the case?? What about KCNQ3? It would be very enlightening if the authors would just quantify the ratio of KCNQ2:KCNQ3 subunits in M-type channels in young and old mice using simple TEA dose/response curves (see Shapiro et al., JNS, 2000; Selyanko et al., J. Physiol., Hadley et al., Br. J. Pharm., 2001 and a great many more). It is also surprising that the authors did not assess or probe for differences in mAChR-induced suppression of M current between SCG neurons of young and old mice. This would seem to be a fundamental experiment in this line of inquiry.
We have divided this paragraph in sections.
A. Please explain the meaning of the increase in KCNQ2 abundance with age in Fig. 6G. How is this increase in KCNQ2 expression consistent with an increase in excitability? The explanation of "The decrease in KCNQ current and the increase in the abundance of KCNQ2 protein suggest a potential compensatory mechanism that occurs during aging, which we are actively investigating in an independent study." is rather odd, considering that the entire thesis of this paper is that changes in excitability and firing properties are underlied by changes in KCNQ2/3 channel expression/density. Suddenly, is this not the case??
Our interpretation is that the decrease in M current is not caused by a decrease in the abundance of KCNQ (2) channels. We do not claim that changes in excitability are caused by a reduction in the expression or density of KCNQ2 channels. On the contrary, our working hypothesis is that the reduction in M current is caused by changes in traffic, degradation, posttranslational modifications, or cofactors for KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 channels. We have modified the description in the results section to clarify this concept. “We concluded that the decrease in M current is not caused by a decrease in the abundance of KCNQ2 protein.”
B. What about KCNQ3?
Unfortunately, we did not find an antibody to detect KCNQ3 channels. I have added a sentence to state this.
C. KCNQ2: KCNQ3 subunits in M-type channels in young and old mice using simple TEA dose/response curves.
Our laboratory is working to deeply understand the mechanism behind the changes in M current and its regulation by mAChRs in young and old ages. However, it is part of different research to attend to the complexity of the question. We think pharmacology experiments are insufficient to understand the question's complexity as we described in the next answer.
D. It is also surprising that the authors did not assess or probe for differences in mAChR-induced suppression of M current between SCG neurons of young and old mice. This would seem to be a fundamental experiment in this line of inquiry.
As mentioned, our laboratory is working to understand the mechanism behind M current and its regulation in young and old ages deeply. Our preliminary data show that M currents recorded in old neurons show two behaviors with the activation of mAChR: 1) they do not respond (blue line), or 2) they show a smaller and slower current inhibition than young neurons (red line). This data shows the complexity of the mechanism behind the M current in old neurons where changes in basal levels of PIP2, phospholipids metabolism, KCNQ2/3 changes in traffic/degradation, and M current pharmacology need to be addressed together for a proper interpretation. Showing only one part of this set of experiments in this article may lead to misinterpretation of results.
Author response image 1.
(7) Why do the authors use linopirdine instead of XE-991? Both are dirty drugs hardly specific to KCNQ channels at 25 uM concentrations, but linopirdine less so. The Methods section lists the source of XE991 used in the study, not linopirdine. Is there an error?
A. Why do the authors use linopirdine instead of XE-991?
We use linopiridine with the experimental goal of observing the recovery phase during the washout. The main difference between the effects of XE991 and linopiridine on Kv7.2/3 is associated with the recovery phase. Currents under XE991 treatment recover 30% after 10 min compared to 93.4% with linopiridine in expression systems at -30 mV (Greene DL et al., 2017, J Pharmacol Exp Ther). After validation of KCNQ2/3 inhibition by linopirdine (IC50 value of 2.4 µM), we found linopirdine the most appropriate drug for our experiments.
Unfortunately, we were not able to observe a recovery in our experiments. The limited recovery after washout may be associated with the membrane potential of our conditions (-60 to -50 mV).
B. Both are dirty drugs hardly specific to KCNQ channels at 25 uM concentrations, but linopirdine less so.
We understand the concern of the reviewer. The specificity of XE-991 and linopiridine is not absolute. Linopiridine has been reported to activate TRPV1 channels (EC50 =115 µM, Neacsu and Babes, 2010, J Pharmacol Sci) or nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and GABA-induced Cl- currents (EC50 =7.6 µM and 8.1 µM respectively; Lamas et al, 1997, Eur J Neurosci).
To clarify this limitation in the article, we have added the following sentence in the section Limitations and Conclusions. “We want to point out that linopirdine has been reported to affect other ionic currents besides M current (Neacsu and Babes, 2010; Lamas et al., 1997). Despite this limitation, the application of linopirdine to young sympathetic motor neurons led to depolarization and firing of action potentials.”
C. The Methods section lists the source of XE991 used in the study, not linopirdine. Is there an error?
Thank you for pointing out this. We have added information for both retigabine and linopirdine in the Methods section; both were missing.
(8) Can the authors use a more scientific explanation of RTG action than "activating KCNQ channels?" For instance, RTG induces both a negative-shift in the voltage-dependance of activation and a voltage-independent increase in the open probability, both of which differing in detail between KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 subunits. The authors are free to use these exact words. Thus, the degree of "activation" is very dependent upon voltage at any voltages negative to the saturating voltages for channel activation.
We have modified the text to reflect your suggestion. Thank you.
(9) Methods: did the authors really use "poly-l-lysine-coated coverslips?" Almost all investigators use poly-D-lysine as a coating for mammalian tissue-culture cells and more substantial coatings such as poly-D-lysine + laminin or rat-tail collagen for peripheral neurons, to allow firm attachment to the coverslip.
That is correct. We used poly-L-lysine-coated coverslips. Sympathetic motor neurons do not adhere to poly-D-Lysine.
(10) As a suggestion, sampling M-type/KCNQ/Kv7 current at 2 kHz is not advised, as this is far faster than the gating kinetics of the channels. Were the signals filtered?
Signals were not filtered. Currents were sampled at 2KHz. Our conditions are not far from what is reported by others. Some sample at 10KHz and even 50 KHz. Others do not report the sample frequency.
Reviewer #2:
None, the revised version of the manuscript has addressed all my concerns.
We are very appreciative and glad that our responses satisfied your previous concerns.
Reviewer #3:
The main weakness is that this study is a descriptive tabulation of changes in the electrophysiology of neurons in culture, and the effects shown are correlative rather than establishing causality.
In the previous revision, Reviewer 3 wrote: “It is difficult to know from the data presented whether the changes in KCNQ channels are in fact directly responsible for the observed changes in membrane excitability.” And suggested the “use of blockers and activators to provide greater relevance.”
Attending this recommendation, we performed experiments in Fig. 8. Young neurons exposed to linopirdine depolarize membrane potential and promote action potential firing. In contrast, the old neurons treated with retigabine repolarize membrane potential and stop firing action potentials. This new set of experiments suggests age-related electrophysiological changes in old neurons are associated with changes in M current. The main finding of our article.
If Reviewer 3 refers to establishing causality between aging and a reduction in M current, I would like to emphasize that our laboratory is working toward a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of how M current is affected by aging; however, it will be part of a different article. One of our attempts was to reverse aging with rapamycin, but the previous recommendation was to remove those experiments.
… but the specifics of the effects and relevance to intact preparations are unclear.
Additional experiments in slice cultures would provide greater significance on the potential relevance of the findings for intact preparations.
I apologize for missing this point in the previous revision. The proposed experiments will require an upward microscope coupled to an electrophysiology rig. Unfortunately, I do not
have the equipment to do these experiments.
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eLife assessment
This study presents useful findings for how sevoflurane anesthesia modulates the activity of corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and how manipulation of such PVHCRH neurons influences anesthesia and post-anesthesia responses. The technical approaches are solid and the data presented is largely clear. Whether PVHCRH neurons are critical for the mechanisms of sevoflurane anesthesia is a direction for the future.
Joint Public Review:
This study describes a group of CRH-releasing neurons, located in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which, in mice, affects both the state of sevoflurane anesthesia and a grooming behavior observed after it. PVHCRH neurons showed elevated calcium activity during the post-anesthesia period. Optogenetic activation of these PVHCRH neurons during sevoflurane anesthesia shifts the EEG from burst-suppression to a seemingly activated state (an apparent arousal effect), although without a behavioral correlate. Chemogenetic activation of the PVHCRH neurons delays sevoflurane-induced loss of righting reflex (another apparent arousal effect). On the other hand, chemogenetic inhibition of PVHCRH neurons delays recovery of righting reflex and decreases sevoflurane-induced stress (an apparent decrease in the arousal effect). The authors conclude that PVHCRH neurons "integrate" sevoflurane-induced anesthesia and stress. The authors also claim that their findings show that sevoflurane itself produces a post-anesthesia stress response that is independent of any surgical trauma, such as an incision. In its revised form, the article does not achieve its intended goal and will not have impact on the clinical practice of anesthesiology nor on anesthesiology research.
The manuscript uses targeted manipulation of the PVHCRH neurons with state-of-the-art methods and is technically sound. Also, the number of experiments is substantial.
The most significant weaknesses remain: a) overinterpretation of the significance of their findings b) the failure to use another anesthetic as a control, c) a failure to compellingly link their post-sevoflurane measures in mice to anything measured in humans, and d) limitations in the novelty of the findings. These weaknesses are related to the primary concerns described below:
Concerns about the primary conclusion that PVHCRH neurons integrate the anesthetic effects and post-anesthesia stress response of sevoflurane GA:
It is important to compare the effects of sevoflurane with at least one other inhaled ether anesthetic as one step towards elevating the impact of this paper to the level required for a journal such as eLife. Isoflurane, desflurane, and enflurane are ether anesthetics that are very similar to each other, as well as being similar to sevoflurane. For example, one study cited by the authors (Marana et al. 2013) concludes that there is weak evidence for differences in stress-related hormones between sevoflurane and desflurane, with lower levels of cortisol and ACTH observed during the desflurane intraoperative period. It is important to determine whether desflurane activates PVHCRH neurons in the post-anesthesia period, and whether this is accompanied by excess grooming in the mice because this will distinguish whether the effects of sevoflurane generalize to other inhaled anesthestics, or, alternatively, relate to unique idiosyncratic properties of this gas that may not be a part of its anesthetic properties.
Concerns about the clinical relevance of the experiments:
In anesthesiology practice, perioperative stress observed in patients is more commonly related to the trauma of the surgical intervention, with inadequate levels of antinociception or unconsciousness intraoperatively and/or poor post-operative pain control. The authors seem to be suggesting that the sevoflurane itself is causing stress because their mice receive sevoflurane but no invasive procedures, but there is no evidence of sevoflurane inducing stress in human patients. It is important to know whether sevoflurane effectively produces behavioral stress in the recovery room in patients that could be related to the putative stress response (excess grooming) observed in mice. For example, in surgeries or procedures which required only a brief period of unconsciousness that could be achieved by administering sevoflurane alone (comparable to the 30 min administered to the mice), is there clinical evidence of post-operative stress? It is also important to describe a rationale for using a 30 min sevoflurane exposure. What proportion of human surgeries using sevoflurane use exposure times that are comparable to this?
It is the experience of one of the reviewers that human patients who receive sevoflurane as the primary anesthetic do not wake up more stressed than if they had had one of the other GABAergic anesthetics. If there were signs of stress upon emergence (increased heart rate, blood pressure, thrashing movements) from general anesthesia, this would be treated immediately. The most likely cause of post-operative stress behaviors in humans is probably inadequate anti-nociception during the procedure, which translates into inadequate post-op analgesia and likely delirium. It is the case that children receiving sevoflurane do have a higher likelihood of post-operative delirium. Perhaps the authors' studies address a mechanism for delirium associated with sevoflurane, but this is barely mentioned. Delirium seems likely to be the closest clinical phenomenon to what was studied. As noted by the Besnier et al (2017) article cited by the authors, surgery can elevate postoperative glucocorticoid stress hormones, but it generally correlates with the intensity of the surgical procedure. Besnier et al also note the elevation of glucocorticoids is generally considered to be adaptive. Thus, reducing glucocorticoids during surgery with sevoflurane may hamper recovery, especially as it relates to tissue damage, which was not measured or considered here. This paper only considers glucocorticoid release as a negative factor, which causes "immunosuppression", "proteolysis", and "delays postoperative recovery and...leads to increased morbidity".
It is also the case that there are explicit published findings showing that mild and moderate surgical procedures in children receiving sevoflurane (which might be the closest human proxy to the brief 30 minute sevoflurane exposure used here) do not have elevated cortisol (Taylor et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2013). This again raises the question of whether the enhanced grooming or elevated corticosterone observed in the mice here has any relevance to humans.
Concerns about the novelty of the findings:
The key finding here is that CRH neurons mediate measures of arousal, and arousal modulates sevoflurane anesthesia induction and recovery. However, CRH is associated with arousal in numerous studies. In fact, the authors' own work, published in eLife in 2021, showed that stimulating the hypothalamic CRH cells lead to arousal and their inhibition promoted hypersomnia. In both papers the authors use fos expression in CRH cells during a specific event to implicate the cells, then manipulate them and measure EEG responses. In the previous work, the cells were active during wakefulness; here- they were active in the awake state the follows anesthesia (Figure 1). Thus, the findings in the current work are incremental and not particularly impactful. Claims like "Here, a core hypothalamic ensemble, corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, is discovered" are overstated. PVHCRH cell populations were discovered in the 1980s. Suggesting that it is novel to identify that hypothalamic CRH cells regulate post-anesthesia stress is unfounded as well: this PVH population has been shown over four decades to regulate a plethora of different responses to stress. Anesthesia stress is no different. Their role in arousal is not being discovered in this paper. Even their role in grooming is not discovered in this paper.
The activation of CRH cells in PVH has already been shown to result in grooming by Jaideep Bains (a paper cited by the authors). Thus, the involvement of these cells in this behavior is not surprising. The authors perform elaborate manipulations of CRH cells and numerous analyses of grooming and related behaviors. For example, they compare grooming and paw licking after anesthesia with those after other stressors such as forced swim, spraying mice with water, physical attack and restraint. The authors have identified a behavioral phenomenon in a rodent model that does not have a clear correlation with a behavior state observed in humans during the use of sevoflurane as part of an anesthetic regimen. The grooming behaviors are not a model of the emergence delirium or the cognitive dysfunction observed commonly in patients receiving sevoflurane for general anesthesia. Emergence delirium is commonly seen in children after sevoflurane is used as part of general anesthesia and cognitive dysfunction is commonly observed in adults-particularly the elderly -- following general anesthesia.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Public reviews
This study describes a group of CRH-releasing neurons, located in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which, in mice, affects both the state of sevoflurane anesthesia and a grooming behavior observed after it. PVHCRH neurons showed elevated calcium activity during the post-anesthesia period. Optogenetic activation of these PVHCRH neurons during sevoflurane anesthesia shifts the EEG from burst-suppression to a seemingly activated state (an apparent arousal effect), although without a behavioral correlate. Chemogenetic activation of the PVHCRH neurons delays sevoflurane-induced loss of righting reflex (another apparent arousal effect). On the other hand, chemogenetic inhibition of PVHCRH neurons delays recovery of righting reflex and decreases sevoflurane-induced stress (an apparent decrease in the arousal effect). The authors conclude that PVHCRH neurons "integrate" sevoflurane-induced anesthesia and stress. The authors also claim that their findings show that sevoflurane itself produces a post-anesthesia stress response that is independent of any surgical trauma, such as an incision. In its revised form, the article does not achieve its intended goal and will not have impact on the clinical practice of anesthesiology nor on anesthesiology research.
Thanks for the reviews. Please see our responses to the following comments.
The most significant weaknesses remain:
a) overinterpretation of the significance of their findings
b) the failure to use another anesthetic as a control,
c) a failure to compellingly link their post-sevoflurane measures in mice to anything measured in humans, and
d) limitations in the novelty of the findings. These weaknesses are related to the primary concerns described below:
Concerns about the primary conclusion that PVHCRH neurons integrate the anesthetic effects and post-anesthesia stress response of sevoflurane GA
(1) After revision, their remain multiple places where it is claimed that PVHCRH neurons mediate the anesthetic effects of sevoflurane (impact statement: we explain "how sevoflurane-induced general anesthesia works..."; introduction: "the neuronal mechanisms that mediate the anesthetic effects...of sevoflurane GA remain poorly understood" and "PVHCRH neurons may act as a crucial node integrating the anesthetic effect and stress response of sevoflurane").The manuscript simply does not support these statements. The authors show that a short duration exposure to sevoflurane inhibits PVHCRH neurons, but this is followed by hyperexcitability of these neurons for a short period after anesthesia is terminated. They show that the induction and recovery from sevoflurane anesthesia can be modulated by PVHCRH neuronal activity, most likely through changes in brain state (measured by EEG). They also show that PVHCRH neuronal activity modulates corticosterone levels and grooming behavior observed post-anesthesia (which the authors argue are two stress responses).These two things (effects during anesthesia and effects post-anesthesia)may be mechanistically unrelated to each other. None of these observations relate to the primary mechanism of action for sevoflurane. All claims relating to "anesthetic effects" should be removed. Even the term "integration" seems wrong-it implies the PVH is combining information about the anesthetic effect and post-anesthesia stress responses.
As requested, we have removed all claims related to ‘anesthetic effects’ or ‘integration’. Please see the revised manuscript.
(2) lt is important to compare the effects of sevoflurane with at least one other inhaled ether anesthetic as one step towards elevating the impact of this paper to the level required for a journal such as eLife. Isoflurane, desflurane, and enflurane are ether anesthetics that are very similar to each other, as well as being similar to sevoflurane. For example, one study cited by the authors (Marana et al.2013) concludes that there is weak evidence for differences in stress-related hormones between sevoflurane and desflurane, with lower levels of cortisol and ACTH observed during the desflurane intraoperative period. It is important to determine whether desflurane activates PVHCRH neurons in the post-anesthesia period, and whether this is accompanied by excess grooming in the mice, because this will distinguish whether the effects of sevoflurane generalize to other inhaled anesthestics, or, alternatively, relate to unique idiosyncratic properties of this gas that may not be a part of its anesthetic properties.
Thanks for your insightful comments and suggestions. Regarding your request for additional experiments, we acknowledge the value they could add to our study. However, investigating whether the effects of sevoflurane generalize to other inhaled anesthetics is beyond the scope of our current study. There is evidence indicating the prevalence of anesthetic stress caused by inhaled ether anesthetics1,2. The post-anesthesia stress-related behaviors caused by sevoflurane administration are reminiscent of delirium observed clinically. Notably, studies have shown that the use of desflurane for maintenance of anesthesia did not significantly affect the incidence or duration of delirium compared to sevoflurane administration3. This suggests that our observations likely represent a generalized response to inhaled ether anesthetic rather than being specific to sevoflurane.
Concerns about the clinical relevance of the experiments
In anesthesiology practice, perioperative stress observed in patients is more commonly related to the trauma of the surgical intervention, with inadequate levels of antinociception or unconsciousness intraoperatively and/or poor post-operative pain control. The authors seem to be suggesting that the sevoflurane itself is causing stress because their mice receive sevoflurane but no invasive procedures, but there is no evidence of sevoflurane inducing stress in human patients. It is important to know whether sevoflurane effectively produces behavioral stress in the recovery room in patients that could be related to the putative stress response (excess grooming) observed in mice. For example, in surgeries or procedures which required only a brief period of unconsciousness that could be achieved by administering sevoflurane alone (comparable to the 30 min administered to the mice), is there clinical evidence of post-operative stress? It is also important to describe a rationale for using a 30 min sevoflurane exposure. What proportion of human surgeries using sevoflurane use exposure times that are comparable to this?
It is also the case that there are explicit published findings showing that mild and moderate surgical procedures in children receiving sevoflurane (which might be the closest human proxy to the brief 30 minutes sevoflurane exposure used here) do not have elevated cortisol (Taylor et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2013). This again raises the question of whether the enhanced grooming or elevated corticosterone observed in the mice here has any relevance to humans.
Thanks for the comments. Most ear, nose, and throat surgeries in children involve a short period of anesthesia with sevoflurane alone4-6, which is similar to the 30-minute exposure in our mouse study. In clinical settings, emergence delirium and agitation are common in young children undergoing sevoflurane anesthesia7, often accompanied by troublesome excitation phenomena during induction and awakening8. These clinical observations align with the post-operative stress response (e.g., excessive grooming) we identified in our study.
It is the experience of one of the reviewers that human patients who receive sevoflurane as the primary anesthetic do not wake up more stressed than if they had had one of the other GABAergic anesthetics. If there were signs of stress upon emergence (increased heart rate, blood pressure, thrashing movements) from general anesthesia, this would be treated immediately. The most likely cause of post-operative stress behaviors in humans is probably inadequate anti-nociception during the procedure, which translates into inadequate post-op analgesia and likely delirium. It is the case that children receiving sevoflurane do have a higher likelihood of post-operative delirium. Perhaps the authors' studies address a mechanism for delirium associated with sevoflurane, but this is barely mentioned. Delirium seems likely to be the closest clinical phenomenon to what was studied. As noted by the Besnier et al (2017) article cited by the authors, surgery can elevate postoperative glucocorticoidstress hormones, but it generally correlates with the intensity of the surgical procedure. Besnier et al also note the elevation of glucocorticoids is generally considered to be adaptive. Thus, reducing glucocorticoids during surgery with sevoflurane may hamper recovery, especially as it relates to tissue damage, which was not measured or considered here. This paper only considers glucocorticoid release as a negative factor, which causes "immunosuppression", "proteolysis", and "delays postoperative recovery and leads to increased morbidity".
Thanks for the comments. We agree that the post-anesthetic stress behaviors mentioned in our manuscript are similar to the clinical phenomenon of delirium, which were defined in Cheng Li’s study as ‘sevoflurane-induced post-operative delirium’9. Therefore, we conducted additional behavioral tests for cognitive function, including the Y-maze and novel object recognition test, in mice administrated 30-minute sevoflurane anesthesia. The results demonstrate that chemogenetic inhibition of PVHCRH neurons ameliorated the short-term memory impairment in mice exposed to 30-minute sevoflurane GA (Figure 7-figure supplement 9), suggesting PVHCRH neurons may involve in modulating sevoflurane-induced postoperative delirium.
Concerns about the novelty of the findings:
The key finding here is that CRH neurons mediate measures of arousal, and arousal modulates sevoflurane anesthesia induction and recovery. However, CRH is associated with arousal in numerous studies. In fact, the authors' own work, published in eLife in 2021, showed that stimulating the hypothalamic CRH cells lead to arousal and their inhibition promoted hypersomnia. In both papers the authors use fos expression in CRH cells during a specific event to implicate the cells, then manipulate them and measure EEG responses. In the previous work, the cells were active during wakefulness; here- they were active in the awake state the follows anesthesia (Figure1). Thus, the findings in the current work are incremental and not particularly impactful. Claims like "Here, a core hypothalamic ensemble, corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, is discovered" are overstated. PVHCRH cell populations were discovered in the 1980s. Suggesting that it is novel to identify that hypothalamic CRH cells regulate post-anesthesia stress is unfounded as well: this PVH population has been shown over four decades to regulate a plethora of different responses to stress. Anesthesia stress is no different. Their role in arousal is not being discovered in this paper. Even their role in grooming is not discovered in this paper.
Thanks for the comments. As requested, we have revised our manuscript by removing overstated sentences. Please see the revised manuscript. In terms of novelty, our study reveals that PVHCRH neurons are implicated not only in the induction and emergence of sevoflurane general anesthesia but also in sevoflurane-induced post-operative delirium. This finding represents a novel contribution to the field, as it has not been previously reported by other studies.
The activation of CRH cells in PVH has already been shown to result in grooming by Jaideep Bains (a paper cited by the authors). Thus, the involvement of these cells in this behavior is not surprising. The authors perform elaborate manipulations of CRH cells and numerous analyses of grooming and related behaviors. For example, they compare grooming and paw licking after anesthesia with those after other stressors such as forced swim, spraying mice with water, physical attack and restraint. The authors have identified a behavioral phenomenon in a rodent model that does not have a clear correlation with a behavior state observed in humans during the use of sevoflurane as part of an anesthetic regimen. The grooming behaviors are not a model of the emergence delirium or the cognitive dysfunction observed commonly in patients receiving sevoflurane for general anesthesia. Emergence delirium is commonly seen in children after sevoflurane is used as part of general anesthesia and cognitive dysfunction is commonly observed in adults-particularly the elderly-- following general anesthesia. No features of delirium or cognitive dysfunction are measured here.
As requested, behavioral tests for cognitive function have been conducted and displayed in Figure 7-figure supplement 9.
Other concerns:
In Figure 2, cFos was measured in the PVH at different points before, during and after sevoflurane. The greatest cFos expression was seen in Post 2, the latest time point after anesthesia. However, this may simply reflect the fact that there is a delay between activity levels and expression of cFos (as noted by the authors, 2-3 hours). Thus, sacrificing mice 30 minutes after the onset of sevoflurane application would be expected to drive minimal cFos expression, and the cFos observed at 30 minutes would not accurately reflect the activity levels during the sevoflurane. Also, the authors state that the hyperactivity, as measured by cFos, lasted "approximately 1 hours before returning to baseline", but there is no data to support this return to baseline.
Thanks for the comments. We apologize that the protocol we used for c-fos staining may not accurately reflect the activity levels, so we have removed Figure 2F. The sentence ‘lasted approximately 1 hours before returning to baseline’ refers to the calcium signal but not c-fos level.
In Figure 7, the number of animals appears to change from panel to panel even though they are supposed to show animals from the same groups. For example, cort was measured in only 3 saline-treated O2 animals (Fig 7E), but cFos and CRH were assessed in 4 (Fig C,D). Similarly, grooming time and time spent in open arms was measured in 6 saline-treated O2 controls (Fig 7F, H) but central distance was measured in 8(Fig 7G). There are other group number discrepancies in this figure--the number of data points in the plots do not match what is reported in the legend for numerous groups. Similarly, Figure 4 has a mismatch between the Ns reported in the legend and the number of points plotted per bar. For example, there were 10 animals in the hM3Di group; all are shown for the LORR and time to emergence plots, but only8 were used for time to induction. The legends reported N=7 for the mCherry group, yet 9 are shown for the time to emergence panel. No reason for exclusions is cited. These figures (and their statistics) should be corrected.
Thanks for the comments. We have rechecked and corrected our figures and illustrations in the revised manuscript.
Recommendations for the authors:
In Figure 6, the BSR pre-stim data points for panels F and H look exactly identical, even though these data are from two different sets of mice. It seems likely that one of these panels is not depicting the correct pre-stim data points. Please check this.
Thanks for the comments. We have corrected this mistake.
General anesthesia is a combination of behavioral and physiological states induced and maintained primarily by pharmacologic agents. The authors do not provide a definition of general anesthesia.
Thanks for the advice. We have added the definition of general anesthesia in the introduction part.
The first sentence of the abstract closely resembles the first sentence of the abstract of Brown,Purdon and Van Dort,Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011,34:601-28 yet, there is no citation.
Thanks for the comments. We have revised the first sentence.
ln the Discussion, the authors cite the research on circuitry that is relevant for emergence from general anesthesia. Conspicuously missing from this section of the paper is the large body of work by Solt and colleagues which has demonstrated that dopamine agonists (such as methylphenidate), electrical stimulation of the ventral tegmental area and optogenetic stimulation of the D1 neurons in the ventral tegmental area can hasten emergence from general anesthesia. Also omitted is the work of Kelzand colleagues and a discussion of neural inertia.
Thanks for the suggestions. We have added these citations as requested.
As regards the weaknesses of p-values for reporting the results of scientific studies, l offer the following reference to the authors. Ronald L. Wasserstein & Nicole A.Lazar (2016)The ASA Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose, The American Statistician,70:2,129- 133, DOl:10.1080/00031305.2016.1154108
Thanks for the suggestions. We have revised the manuscript as requested.
The methods for the CRF antibody are unclear. It was previously suggested that the antibody be validated (for example, show an absence of immunostaining with CRF knockdown) because the concentration of antiserum (1:800) is quite high, suggesting either the antibody is not potent or (more concerning) not specific. The methods also indicated that colchicine was infused ICV prior to perfusion for staining of cFos and CRF, but no surgical methods are described that would enable ICV infusion, and it is not clear why colchicine was used. Please clarify.
The anti-CRF antibody is validated by other studies11,12. F For CRF immunostaining, animals' brains were pre-treated with intraventricular injections of colchicine (20 μg in 500 nL saline) 24 hours before perfusion to inhibit fast axonal transport13,14. Additional details regarding these methods have been included in the Method section of the revised manuscript.
Editor's note:
Full statistical reporting including exact p-values alongside summary statistics (test statistic and df) and 95% confidence intervals is lacking.
Thanks for the suggestions. We have added full statistical reporting in the revised manuscript as requested.
(1) Marana, E. et al. Desflurane versus sevoflurane: a comparison on stress response. Minerva Anestesiol 79, 7-14 (2013).
(2) Yang, L., Chen, Z. & Xiang, D. Effects of intravenous anesthesia with sevoflurane combined with propofol on intraoperative hemodynamics, postoperative stress disorder and cognitive function in elderly patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery. Pak J Med Sci 38, 1938-1944, doi:10.12669/pjms.38.7.5763 (2022).
(3) Driscoll, J. N. et al. Comparing incidence of emergence delirium between sevoflurane and desflurane in children following routine otolaryngology procedures. Minerva Anestesiol 83, 383-391, doi:10.23736/s0375-9393.16.11362-8 (2017).
(4) Galinkin, J. L. et al. Use of intranasal fentanyl in children undergoing myringotomy and tube placement during halothane and sevoflurane anesthesia. Anesthesiology 93, 1378-1383, doi:10.1097/00000542-200012000-00006 (2000).
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(6) Messieha, Z. Prevention of sevoflurane delirium and agitation with propofol. Anesth Prog 60, 67-71, doi:10.2344/0003-3006-60.3.67 (2013).
(7) Shi, M. et al. Dexmedetomidine for the prevention of emergence delirium and postoperative behavioral changes in pediatric patients with sevoflurane anesthesia: a double-blind, randomized trial. Drug Des Devel Ther 13, 897-905, doi:10.2147/dddt.S196075 (2019).
(8) Veyckemans, F. Excitation and delirium during sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatric patients. Minerva Anestesiol 68, 402-405 (2002).
(9) Xu, Y., Gao, G., Sun, X., Liu, Q. & Li, C. ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 Is Critical for Regulating Sevoflurane-Induced Microglial Inflammatory Responses and Caspase-3 Activation. Front Cell Neurosci 15, 770666, doi:10.3389/fncel.2021.770666 (2021).
(10) Friedman, E. B. et al. A conserved behavioral state barrier impedes transitions between anesthetic-induced unconsciousness and wakefulness: evidence for neural inertia. PLoS One 5, e11903, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011903 (2010).
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(12) Yeo, S. H., Kyle, V., Blouet, C., Jones, S. & Colledge, W. H. Mapping neuronal inputs to Kiss1 neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the mouse. PLoS One 14, e0213927, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0213927 (2019).
(13) de Goeij, D. C. et al. Repeated stress-induced activation of corticotropin-releasing factor neurons enhances vasopressin stores and colocalization with corticotropin-releasing factor in the median eminence of rats. Neuroendocrinology 53, 150-159, doi:10.1159/000125712 (1991).
(14) Yuan, Y. et al. Reward Inhibits Paraventricular CRH Neurons to Relieve Stress. Curr Biol 29, 1243-1251.e1244, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.048 (2019).
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eLife assessment
This valuable study explores a new strategy of lysin-derived antimicrobial peptide-primed screening to find peptidoglycan hydrolases from bacterial proteomes. Using this strategy, the authors identified five peptidoglycan hydrolases from Acinetobacter baumannii, which they tested on various Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens for antimicrobial activity. The revised manuscript addressed most of the prior concerns, and the data presented are solid and will be of interest to microbiologists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Li Zhang et al. characterized two new Gram-negative endolysins identified through an AMP-targeted search in bacterial proteomes. These endolysins exhibit broad lytic activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and retain significant antimicrobial activity even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures (100{degree sign}C for 1 hour). This stability is attributed to a temperature-reversible transition from a dimer to a monomer. The authors suggest several potential applications, such as complementing heat sterilization processes or being used in animal feed premixes that undergo high-temperature pelleting, which I agree with.
The claims are well-supported by relevant and complementary assays, as well as extensive bioinformatic analyses.
My last comments are minor and nearly all aim to improve the use of English language in the manuscript. However, a section describing the statistical analysis is still lacking. I believe that the presented manuscript can benefit from language editing, but I leave this decision with the editor.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The study explores a new strategy of lysin-derived antimicrobial peptide-primed screening to find peptidoglycan hydrolases from bacterial proteomes. Using this strategy authors identified five peptidoglycan hydrolases from A. baumannii. They further tested their antimicrobial activities on various Gram positive and Gram-negative pathogens.
Overall, the study is good and adds new members to the peptidoglycan hydrolases family. The authors also show that these lysins have bactericidal activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The crystal structure data is good, reveals different thermostablility to the peptidoglycan hydrolases. Structural data also reveals that PhAb10 and PHAb11 form thermostable dimer and data is corroborated by generating variant protein defective in supporting intermolecular bond pairs. The mice bacterial infection shows promise for the use of these hydrolases as antimicrobial agents.
While the authors have employed various mechanisms to justify their findings, some aspects are still unclear. Only CFU has been used to test bactericidal activity. This should also be corroborated by live/dead assay. Moreover, SEM or TEM analysis would reveal the effect of these peptidoglycan hydrolases on Gram-negative /Gram-positive cell envelopes. The authors claim that these hydrolases are similar to T4 lysozyme, but they have not correlated their findings with already published findings on T4 lysozyme. T4 lysozyme has C-terminal amphipathic helix with antimicrobial properties. Moreover, heat, denatured lysozyme also shows enhanced bactericidal activity due to the formation of hydrophobic dimeric forms, which are inserted in the membrane. Authors also observe that heat denatured PHAb10 and PHAb11 have bactericidal activity but no enzymatic activity. These findings should be corroborated by studying the effect of these holoenzymes/ truncated peptides on bacterial cell membranes. Also, a quantitative peptidoglycan cleavage assay should be performed in addition to halo assay. Including these details would make the work more comprehensive.
Revised version: The authors have addressed most of the questions in the revised version of the paper.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Li Zhang et al. characterized two new Gram-negative endolysins identified through an AMPtargeted search in bacterial proteomes. These endolysins exhibit broad lytic activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and retain significant antimicrobial activity even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures (100{degree sign}C for 1 hour). This stability is attributed to a temperature-reversible transition from a dimer to a monomer. The authors suggest several potential applications, such as complementing heat sterilization processes or being used in animal feed premixes that undergo high-temperature pelleting, which I agree with.
We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable comments and suggestions.
The claims are well-supported by relevant and complementary assays, as well as extensive bioinformatic analyses.
We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable comments and suggestions.
There are numerous statements in the introduction and discussion sections that I currently do not agree with and consider need to be addressed. Therefore, I recommend major revisions.
Based on your valuable comments and suggestions, we have revised relevant introduction and discussion sections (pages 3-4, lines 82-101; page 21, lines 480-483).
Major comments:
Introduction and Discussion:
The introduction and the discussion are currently too general and not focused. Furthermore, there are some key concepts that are missing and are important for the reader to have an overview of the current state-of-the-art regarding endolysins that target gram-negatives. Specifically, the concepts of 'Artilysins', 'Innolysins', and 'Lysocins' are not introduced. Besides this, the authors do not mention other high-throughput mining or engineering strategies for endolysins, such as e.g. the VersaTile platform, which was initially developed by Hans Gerstmans et al. for one of the targeted pathogens in this manuscript (i.e., Acinetobacter baumannii). Recent works by Niels Vander Elst et al. have demonstrated that this VersaTile platform can be used to high-throughput screen and hit-to-lead select endolysins in the magnitude tens of thousands. Lastly, Roberto Vázquez et al. have recently demonstrated with bio-informatic analyses that approximately 30% of Gram-negative endolysin entries have AMP-like regions (hydrophobic short sequences), and that these entries are interesting candidates for further wet lab testing due to their outer membrane penetrating capacities. Therefore, I fully disagree with the statement being made in the introduction that endolysin strategies to target Gram-negatives are 'in its infancy' and I urge the authors to provide a new introduction that properly gives an overview of the Gram-negative endolysin field.
We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestions. A new paragraph has been added to the revised manuscript to reflect the concepts and strategies for lysin engineering and discovery against Gram-negative bacteria (pages 3-4, lines 82-101).
It should be mentioned that the halo assay is a qualitative assay for activity testing. I personally do not like that the size of the halos is used to discriminate in endolysin activity. In this reviewer's opinion, the size of the halo is highly dependent on (i) the molecular size of the endolysin as smaller proteins can diffuse further in the agar, and (ii) the affinity of the CBD subdomain of the endolysin for the bacterial peptidoglycan. It should also be said that in the halo assay, there is a long contact time between the endolysin and the bacteria that are statically embedded in the agar, which can result in false positive results. How did the authors mitigate this?
We quite agree with the reviewer that the halo assay is only a qualitative method for activity testing and may be perturbed by multiple parameters (DOI:
10.3390/antibiotics9090621). In our study, the halo assay was used only as a preliminary method to rapidly distinguish the activities of multiple candidates, and then the candidates with high antibacterial activities were further characterized through a series of in vitro and in vivo assays in this work.
Testing should have been done at equimolar concentrations. If the authors decided to e.g. test 50 µg/mL for each protein, how was this then compensated for differences in molecular weight? For example, if PHAb10 and PHAb11 have smaller molecular sizes than PHAb7, 8, and 9, there is more protein present in 50 µg/mL for the first two compared to the others, and this would explain the higher decrease in bacterial killing (and possibly the larger halos).
We thank the reviewer for his valuable suggestions and concerns. We agree with the reviewer that when we need to know exactly how much times more active an enzyme is than the another, we should directly compare the performance of the two enzymes at equimolar concentrations. In our previous work, we followed this rule to distinguish novel chimeric lysins from their parental lysins or their variants (DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00311-20; DOI: 10.1128/AAC.01610-19; DOI: 10.1128/AAC.02043-18). In the present work, our initial goal of testing was to reflect the robustness and efficiency of screening strategy initiated by lysinderived antimicrobial peptides. With this in mind, we therefore did not spend more effort to compare the activities of these candidates in detail but continued to clarify their host range and thermo-tolerance mechanisms, and then continued to examine their performance in infection models. Nonetheless, in future work, we will definitely follow your suggestions when it is necessary to quantify the differences between these candidates.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The study explores a new strategy of lysin-derived antimicrobial peptide-primed screening to find peptidoglycan hydrolases from bacterial proteomes. Using this strategy authors identified five peptidoglycan hydrolases from A. baumannii. They further tested their antimicrobial activities on various Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens.
We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable comments.
Overall, the study is good and adds new members to the peptidoglycan hydrolases family. The authors also show that these lysins have bactericidal activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The crystal structure data is good, and reveals different thermostablility to the peptidoglycan hydrolases. Structural data also reveals that PhAb10 and PHAb11 form thermostable dimers and data is corroborated by generating variant protein defective in supporting intermolecular bond pairs. The mice bacterial infection shows promise for the use of these hydrolases as antimicrobial agents.
We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable comments and suggestions.
While the authors have employed various mechanisms to justify their findings, some aspects are still unclear. Only CFU has been used to test bactericidal activity. This should also be corroborated by live/dead assay. Moreover, SEM or TEM analysis would reveal the effect of these peptidoglycan hydrolases on Gram-negative /Gram-positive cell envelopes. The authors claim that these hydrolases are similar to T4 lysozyme, but they have not correlated their findings with already published findings on T4 lysozyme. T4 lysozyme has a C-terminal amphipathic helix with antimicrobial properties. Moreover, heat, denatured lysozyme also shows enhanced bactericidal activity due to the formation of hydrophobic dimeric forms, which are inserted in the membrane. Authors also observe that heat-denatured PHAb10 and PHAb11 have bactericidal activity but no enzymatic activity. These findings should be corroborated by studying the effect of these holoenzymes/ truncated peptides on bacterial cell membranes. Also, a quantitative peptidoglycan cleavage assay should be performed in addition to the halo assay. Including these details would make the work more comprehensive.
We thank the reviewer for his valuable suggestions and concerns. We agree with the reviewer that employing more methods and techniques such as SEM, TEM, live/dead imaging, and GC-MS will provide a deeper understanding of how these peptidoglycan hydrolases interact with the bacterial envelopes and peptidoglycan bones, which will definitely make our study more comprehensive. The principal idea of this study is, however, to test the robustness and effectiveness of the screening strategy triggered by lysin-derived antimicrobial peptide in discovering new peptidoglycan hydrolases. Therefore, we did not put more efforts in charactering the interactions of these peptidoglycan hydrolases with the bacterial envelopes/membranes in multiple assays; instead, we continued to elucidate their host range and thermo-tolerance mechanisms and then continued to examine their performance in infection models.
We are also very grateful to the reviewers for their suggestions to correlate our results to published findings on lysozymes. Based on these suggestions, we have included an extensive discussion in the Discussion section of the revised manuscript (page 22, lines 502-514).
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Abstract and title.
In my opinion, the current title does not fully cover the work that is presented in the manuscript.
According to your valuable comment, we have revised the title to “Dimer-monomer transition defines a hyper-thermostable peptidoglycan hydrolase mined from bacterial proteome by lysin-derived antimicrobial peptide-primed screening”.
Please remove the word 'novel' from the title, as well as elsewhere in the manuscript. As it is true that PHAb10 and PHAb11 are new, they are not novel. There are many reports that have been published on endolysins with activity against Gram-negatives, and sometimes even also Gram-positives.
We have changed the description of PHAb10 and PHAb11 to avoid using the word “novel”, but alternatively, using “new” or “active” in the title and throughout the text in the revised manuscript.
Additional information for the Introduction section in the Public Review:
DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00285-16
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68983-3
DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00342-19
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz1136
DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.14339
DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00321-21 G-
We appreciate the reviewer for these selected references and have cited almost all of them in a new paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript (pages 3-4, lines 82-101).
Minor Comments:
Line 30. For a lay person it is not clear what is meant by 'unique mechanism of action.'
These has been replaced by “direct peptidoglycan degradation activity” in the revised manuscript (page 2, lines 30-31).
Line 60 & 62. Please merge these sentences into one as they have the same meaning.
We have deleted one of the sentences based on your suggestion.
Line 67. Replace 'also' with 'simultaneously'.
Revised as suggested (page 3, line 66).
Line 74. 'Modern clinical practice' should specifically refer to infectious diseases in humans.
Revised as suggested (page 3, line 73).
Line 76 to 105. There is too much information that is not focused. This section should be rewritten so that it is in line with the focus of the presented work. I would remove this section and replace it with a new section as proposed in my major comments.
Based on your suggestion, we deleted this section and prepared a new paragraph in the revised manuscript (pages 3-4, lines 82-101).
Line 113. I strongly disagree with the wording 'in its infancy'. Please see my major comment.
We have rewritten the paragraph as “However, compared with the current progress in the clinical translation of lysins against Gram-positive bacteria, the discovery of lysins against Gram-negative bacteria that meet the needs described in the WHO priority pathogen list is still urgently needed.” according to your valuable comments in the revised manuscript (page 4, lines 98-101).
Line 116. Remove 'on'.
Revised as suggested (page 4, line 104).
Additional information for the Results section in the Public Review:
DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics9090621
We thank the reviewer for this valuable reference, which has been cited in the Results section and Methods sections of the revised manuscript (page 7, line 159; page 25, line 605).
Minor comments:
Line 135. Replace 'would' with 'could'.
Revised as suggested (page 5, line 124).
Line 150. Why was this naming decided to go from 11 -> 7, whereas in Figure 1a the clades go from I to V? This way of naming is not clear to me.
Thank you for the reviewer's question. There are two numbering systems here: 1-11 is the numbering of peptidoglycan hydrolases mined from different bacterial proteomes by lysin-derived peptide primer screening strategy, and the characterization of candidates mined from the proteome of A. baumannii are 7 to 11 (characterization candidates numbered 1 to 6 are from other bacterial proteomes). Whereas the cladistic analysis of all potential candidates in the A. baumannii proteome is regularly labelled by clade I to V.
Line 250. Replace 'casts doubt' with 'questions'.
Revised as suggested (page 10, line 244).
Line 252 to 257. I would encourage the authors to mention if there is any homology in between the peptides on the one hand, and in between the lysozyme catalytic domains on the other hand.
This information has been added to the revised manuscript (page 10, lines 249-251).
Line 266. The following sentence should be reworded: 'However, rare lytic activity was observed in P11-NP, suggesting that a potential role for it in functions other than bactericidal
In the revised manuscript (page 11, lines 261-262), the sentence has been revised as “However, rare lytic activity was observed in P11-NP, suggesting that its function remains to be established”.
Line 276. Replace 'asked' with 'questioned'.
Revised as suggested (page 11, line 270).
From 302 onwards. Why was it chosen to solve the crystal structure of PHAb8, and not PHAb7 and 9? This should be briefly mentioned.
Initially we tried to decipher the structures of all five enzymes, but we finally obtained the crystal structures of only three enzymes, PHAb8, PHAb10, and PHAb11 by Xray crystallography. This reason has been added in the revised manuscript (page 13, lines 300301).
Line 437. Replace 'the burn wound model' with 'a burn wound model'.
Revised as suggested (page 19, line 433).
Line 445. Replace 'the mouse abscess model' with 'a mouse abscess model'.
Revised as suggested (page 19, line 441).
Line 449 to 451. Given that the mice received 5 doses of minocycline and no difference was observed with the group that received tris buffer, was it tested if the Acinetobacter baumannii 3437 isolates became resistant against minocycline during the experiment?
We appreciate the Reviewer for his valuable concern. In our study, we did not explore in detail the reasons why minocycline was ineffective. But we strongly agree with the reviewer that drug resistance may be one of the reasons.
Minor comments.
Line 479. Delete this sentence: 'Policy makers, scientists, enterprisers, and investigators have worked together for decades to exploit the 'trojan horse' globally, but new options for treating antimicrobial resistance in the clinic remain to be seen'.
Revised as suggested.
Line 483. Reformulate as follows: 'unique mechanism of action, potent bactericidal activity, low risks of drug resistance, and ongoing clinical trials targeting Gram-positive bacteria.' To my knowledge, all these clinical trials target S. aureus, but I might be wrong.
Revised as suggested (page 21, lines 476-478).
Line 486. 'However, for Gram-negative bacteria, the effects of phage-derived lysins were often hampered by their outer membranes, which requires more strategies to overcome this barrier.' After this sentence, the concepts of Artilysins, Innolysins, and Lysocins should be mentioned, in addition to the introduction. These are important engineering strategies and the reader should be informed that your strategy is thus not the only existent one.
Revised as suggested (page 21, lines 480-482).
Line 491. Please, again refer to the work of Roberto Vázquez et al., who has done very similar work to your work presented. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00321-21
We have cited this interesting work in the Introduction section and Discussion section of the revised manuscript (page 4, line 106; page 21, lines 482-483).
Line 499. Reformulate: 'Gram-positive bacteria are primarily killed through the action of the antimicrobial peptides only'.
According to your suggestion, it was changed to “while Gram-positive bacteria are killed mainly through the action of the intrinsic antimicrobial peptides” in the revised manuscript (pages 21-22, lines 497-498).
Line 500. Delete this sentence, as this is already mentioned in the results and too detailed:
'Interestingly, we noted a difference in the killing of Gram-positive bacteria by PHAb10 and PHAb11, which may be due to the fact that P11-CP had one more basic amino acid than P10CP, so it had stronger bactericidal activity.'
Revised as suggested.
Line 503. This statement doesn't make sense because you cannot directly compare ug/mL between endolysins, you must compare equimolar concentrations. Furthermore, testing conditions between studies were different, thus making this claim unjustified.
These statements have been deleted in the revised manuscript.
Line 524. Please delete:' To our knowledge, this is the first time that an enzyme had been found to adapt to ambient temperature by altering its dimerization state.'
Revised as suggested.
Figure 1a. Please choose a different name for 'dry job' and 'wet job'.
Following your suggestion, they have been specified as “In silico analysis” and “Experimental verification” in the revised Figure 1a.
Figure 6. I suggest moving Figure 6e to the supplementary materials and reorganizing Figure 6 with only panels a to d.
Revised as suggested.
Materials and Methods, References, and Supplementary Materials. No comments.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Most figure labelings are very small and difficult to read.
All figures in the revised manuscript have been replaced with high-resolution figures, which hopefully will make these labels easier to follow.
The authors should include a data availability statement in the manuscript.
Revised as suggested (page 28, lines 704-706).
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eLife assessment
This study presents useful findings on the efficacy and mechanism of linalool protection against Saprolegnia parasitica oomycetes in the grass carp model. The evidence is incomplete since the claims are partially justified, thus there is a need for more experimental data and more rigorous statistical data analysis . Revisions according to the recommendations will improve the work, making it of interest to scientists within the fields of aquaculture, ichthyology, microbiology, and drug discovery.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The work seeks to investigate the efficacy of linalool as a natural alternative for combating Saprolegnia parasitica infections, which would provide great benefit to aquaculture. This paper shows the effect of linalool in vitro using a variety of techniques including changes in S. parasitica membrane integrity following linalool exposure and alterations in cell metabolism and ribosome function. Additionally, this work goes on to show that prophylactic and concurrent treatment of linalool at the time of S. parasitica infection can improve survival and tissue damage in vivo in their grass carp infection model. The conclusions of the paper are partially supported by the data, cleaning up, clarifying, and elaborating on some aspects of this work is necessary.
(1) Adding microscopy of the untreated group to compare Figure 2A with would further strengthen the findings here.
(2) Quantification of immune infiltration and histological scoring of kidney, liver, and spleen in the various treatment groups would increase the impact of Figure 4.
(3) The data in Figure 6 I is not sufficiently convincing as being significant.
(4) Comparisons of the global transcriptomic analysis of the untreated group to the PC, LP, and LT groups would strengthen the author's claims about the immunological and transcriptomic changes caused by linalool and provide a true baseline.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, the authors aimed to delineate the antimicrobial activity of linalool and tried to investigate the mode of action of linalool against S. parasitica infection. One of the main focuses of this work was to identify the in vitro and in vivo mechanisms associated with the protective role of linalool against S. parasitica infection.
(1) The authors have used a variety of techniques to prove their hypothesis.
(2) An adequate number of replicates were used in their studies.
(3) Their findings showed a protective role of linalool against oomycetes and makes it an attractive future antibiotic in the aquaculture industry.
There are several weaknesses in this manuscript.
(1) The authors have taken for granted that the readers already know the experiments/assays used in the manuscript. There was not enough explanation for the figures as well as figure legends.
(2) The authors missed adding the serial numbers to the references.
(3) The introduction section does not provide adequate rationale for their work, rather it is focused more on the assays done.
(4) Full forms are missing in many places (both in the text and figure legends), also the resolution of the figures is not good. In some figures, the font size is too small.
(5) There is much mislabeling of the figure panels in the main text. A detailed explanation of why and how they did the experiments and how the results were interpreted is missing.
(6) There is not enough experimental data to support their hypothesis on the mechanism of action of linalool. Most of the data comes from pathway analysis, and experimental validation is missing.
Overall, the conclusions drawn by the authors are partially justified by the data. Importantly, this paper has discovered the novelty of the compound linalool as a potent antimicrobial agent and might open up future possibilities to use this compound in the aquaculture industry.
Author response:
Reviewer #1:
(1) Adding microscopy of the untreated group to compare Figure 2A with would further strengthen the findings here.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will carefully revise this part. Actually, we used a time-lapse method to capture images at 0 minute before any drugs were added. We will change '0 min' to 'untreated,' which will further strengthen our findings.
(2) Quantification of immune infiltration and histological scoring of kidney, liver, and spleen in the various treatment groups would increase the impact of Figure 4.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. To further strengthen Figure 4, we will use quantification of immune infiltration and histological scoring of the kidney, liver, and spleen in different groups. Additionally, we will use ImageJ software for molecular immunohistochemistry and determine the ratio of normal to abnormal cells, providing more comprehensive insights into the effects of the treatments.
(3) The data in Figure 6 I is not sufficiently convincing as being significant.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. Previous researches have shown that antibiotics and other drugs can cause alterations in gut microbiota. Therefore, we plan to study the effects of linalool on gut microbiota. The results of this part were mostly built on gut microbiota sequencing and correlation analysis, we have tried several times to isolate vital microbes from the gut, but this is a very challenging work and the results were not good. Thus, in this study, we just predicted the effects of linalool on gut microbiota. In the future, we will continue to delve into interesting aspects of how linalool affects gut microbiota.
(4) Comparisons of the global transcriptomic analysis of the untreated group to the PC, LP, and LT groups would strengthen the author's claims about the immunological and transcriptomic changes caused by linalool and provide a true baseline.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will compare the global transcriptomic analysis of the untreated group with the PC, LP, and LT groups to strengthen the claims about the immunological and transcriptomic changes induced by linalool, thereby providing a true baseline.
Reviewer #2:
(1) The authors have taken for granted that the readers already know the experiments/assays used in the manuscript. There was not enough explanation for the figures as well as figure legends.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will provide more detailed explanations of the experiments and assays used in the manuscript, as well as enhance the descriptions in the figure legends, to ensure that readers have a clear understanding of the figures and context.
(2) The authors missed adding the serial numbers to the references.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will add serial numbers to the references to ensure proper citation and improve the clarity of our manuscript.
(3) The introduction section does not provide adequate rationale for their work, rather it is focused more on the assays done.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will add a section to the introduction that provides a rationale for our work, specifically focusing on the impact of plant extract on immunoregulation.
(4) Full forms are missing in many places (both in the text and figure legends), also the resolution of the figures is not good. In some figures, the font size is too small.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will ensure that all abbreviations are expanded where necessary, both in the text and figure legends. Additionally, we will improve the resolution of the figures and increase the font size where needed to enhance clarity.
(5) There is much mislabeling of the figure panels in the main text. A detailed explanation of why and how they did the experiments and how the results were interpreted is missing.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We will improve the labeling of the figure panels, provide detailed explanations of the experimental methods, including their rationale and interpretation, and clarify the connections between the methods.
(6) There is not enough experimental data to support their hypothesis on the mechanism of action of linalool. Most of the data comes from pathway analysis, and experimental validation is missing.
Thank you for your comments on our manuscript. We have tried our best to link transcriptomic data, pathway analysis, experimental validation. We carried out many experiments to substantiate the changes inferred from the transcriptomic data as SEM, TEM, CLSM, molecular docking, RT-qPCR, histopathological examinations. The detailed information is listed as follows. (1) As shown in Figure 2, we combined the transcriptomic data related to membrane and organelle with SEM, TEM, and CLSM images. After deep analysis of these data and observation together, we illustrated that cell membrane may be a potential target for linalool. (2) As shown in Figure 3, we carried out molecular docking to explore the specific binding protein of linalool with ribosome which were screen out as potential target of linalool by transcriptomic data. (3) As shown in Figure 5, transcriptomic data illustrated that linalool enhanced the host complement and coagulation system. To substantiate these changes, we carried out RT-qPCR to detect those important immune-related gene expressions, and found that RT-qPCR analysis results were consistent with the expression trend of transcriptome analysis genes. (4) As shown in Figure 4 and 5, transcriptomics data revealed that linalool promoted wound healing tissue repair, and phagocytosis (Figure. 5E). To ensure these, we carried out histopathological examinations, and found that linalool alleviated tissue damage caused by S. parasitica infection on the dorsal surface of grass carp and enhancing the healing capacity (Figure. 4G). But we know the antimicrobial mechanism of linalool need further investigation, we will conduct more experiments to explore the antimicrobial mechanism of action of linalool in the future.
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eLife assessment
This study presents a useful finding on the interplay of CCL5 and miR-324-5p during ischemic stroke injury. Despite its importance, the evidence supporting the claims of the authors is incomplete. In particular, the lack of methodological information, inappropriate statistical testing, a flawed culture system, and the temporal mismatch in the expression of CCL5 and miR-324-5p following stroke have hindered further evaluation of the claims. The work will be of interest to neuroscientists working on brain injury such as stroke.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Here, the authors attempt to show that CCL5 is increased after stroke, possibly due to decreased miR-324, and that this is a modifiable system to decrease stroke damage. By bidirectionally manipulating CCL5 levels through direct injection of CCL5; a CCL5 blocking antibody; miR324; miR324 antagomir; or CCR5-blocking Maraviroc, they broadly show improvement with lower CCL5 levels. This includes infarct size, behavioral analysis, and immunohistochemical analysis of astrocytes, microglia, and neurons. They further try to mechanistically tie miR324 and CCL5 in astrocytes specifically to stroke-induced changes using a neuronal/astrocytic coculture system. They argue that decreasing CCL5 leads to increased ERK and CREB phosphorylation as a potential neuroprotective mechanism. CCL5 is one potential ligand for CCR5, and recent work identified CCR5 as a targetable mechanism by clinically-approved drug Maraviroc to enhance stroke recovery. Particularly given the high level of interest in CCR5 in stroke recovery, the focus on CCL5 - one of CCR5's potential ligands - and its miR regulation is an exciting expansion of this area of stroke biology.
The authors' findings that decreasing CCL5 acutely after stroke shows behavioral improvement appear robust. This broadly replicates work from other groups, although the finding that miR324 manipulation can phenocopy direct CCL5 manipulation is novel and intriguing. However, many of their other claims are difficult to evaluate based on a combination of missing methodological information, inappropriate statistical testing, and a flawed culture system.
Broadly speaking, the manuscript takes a zoomed-out view of what is fundamentally highly localized biology.
(1) miRNA-based regulation, by definition, has to include miR and mRNA in the same cell type; as the authors note, CCL5 is expressed in many cells. It is therefore impossible to propose any interaction on the basis of the tissue-level changes described; any evidence of in vivo cell-type specificity would dramatically improve the claims.
(2) The authors treat an extensive area of ipsilesional cortex uniformly as "IP". Astrocytic and microglial responses to localized injuries such as stroke are highly location-dependent and undoubtedly change dramatically within this area. The presented data cannot be interpreted without confirmation that these were taken at identical distances from the injury, and what that distance was. These do not appear to be adjacent to the injury, where the responses would presumably be the most informative. Similarly, it is difficult to interpret the neuronal Sholl and spine data without more information on where within the large IP region these neurons were found.
The authors attempt to narrow in on cell-type specificity via culture. However, astrocytes are notoriously prone to a dramatic change in culture and require careful methods (immunopanning; see eg doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.07.022) to maintain much resemblance to their in vivo counterpart. It is difficult to conclude much about the role of astrocytes in the CCL5 pathway based on the use of this shaking-based culture system, particularly in the absence of cell-type specific validation in vivo.
There is missing methodological information, including infarct size measurements, TUNEL staining, and statistical testing. The TTC figures look very odd, like a collection of overlapping stars have been placed on the images rather than the natural relatively smooth infarct edges one would expect. It is unclear if the infarct volume measurements accounted for edema, as is standard; there is no description of the protocol used for quantification. It is also unclear if the infarct volume measurement comparisons were also done with t-tests vs ANOVA, as the statistical test used is not listed in the figure legends. In numerous cases where statistical testing is listed, repeated t-tests between subgroups are used vs the more appropriate ANOVA (assuming normality; nonparametric testing as appropriate), making it difficult to have confidence in the results.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors presented evidence from various in vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrating the mutual interaction between CCL5 and astrocytic miR-342-5p in the ipsilateral core of cerebral ischemia. However, miR-342-5p was downregulated only late after MCAO (D3-7). Additionally, this downregulation was observed not only in the ipsilateral core but also in the ipsilateral penumbra and contralateral sides. Therefore, it is not convincing that the upregulation of CCL5 in the ipsilateral core at later time points (D3 and D7) is attributable to the decreased expression of miR-342-5p. In particular, infarct injury was already evident within a short time period (say 24 h) following MCAO.
(1) The temporal and spatial expression patterns of miR-324-5p do not match those of CCL-5, especially at D1 and D3 (see Figure 1C, 1D). Despite the inverse relationship between miR-324-5p and CCL-5 expression at D7 after MCAO, what was the purpose of administering miR-324-5p agomir (or antagomir) at D1 post-MCAO? If the connection cannot be clearly established, the conclusion reached at the end will be difficult to accept.
(2) Would administering miR-342-5p or anti-CCL5 at later time points (e.g., after D3) reduce infarct size or improve functional recovery? If this is not the case, the effect of CCL5 on neuronal cell damage (infarct size formation) must occur within a very short time after MCAO. Additionally, if the increased CCL5 expression is due to the downregulation of miR-342-5p, its impact would likely be less significant.
(3) While the study offers valuable insights into the roles of CCL5 and its connection with the regulation of miR-342-5p (though this connection is somewhat weak), it is recommended that the authors explore potential translational applications of these findings.
Overall, given the experimental designs and results, it is difficult to support the conclusions drawn in the manuscript.
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eLife assessment
This study provides an important insight into the mechanisms of cooperation between Hsp70 and its cochaperones during reactivation of aggregated proteins. Based on convincing evidence, the authors demonstrate that the co-chaperone Hsp110 boosts disaggregation activity by enhancing Hsp70 recruitment to protein aggregates. This work is of broad interest to biochemists and cell biologists working in the protein homeostasis field.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript by Sztangierska et al explores how the Hsp70 chaperone together with its JDP-NEF cofactors and Hsp104 disentangle aggregated proteins. Specifically, the study provides mechanistic findings that explain what role the NEF class Hsp110 has in protein disaggregation. The results explain several previous observations related to Hsp110 in protein disaggregation. Importantly, the study provides compelling evidence that Hsp110 acts early in the disaggregation process.
(1) This is a very well performed study with multiple in vitro experiments that provide convincing support for the claims.
(2) An important finding is that the study places Hsp110 function early in the disaggregation process.
(3) The study has an important value in that it picks up on a number of observations in the field that have not been explored or directly tested by experiment. The presented results settle questions and controversy regarding Hsp110 function in disaggregation.
(1) While the key finding of this manuscript is that it places Hsp110 early in the disaggregation process, the other findings are advancing the field less.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Sztangierska et al. have investigated the impact of the nucleotide exchange (NEF) factor Hsp110 on the Hsp70-dependent dissolution of amorphous aggregates in the presence of representative members of two classes of J-domain protein.<br /> The authors find that the nucleotide exchange factor of the Hsp110 family, sse1, stimulates the disaggregation activity of yeast Hsp70, ssa1, in particular in the presence of the J-domain protein sis1. Linking chaperone-substrate interactions as determined by biolayer interferometry (BLI) to activity assays, they show that sse1 facilitates the loading of more ssa1 onto the aggregate substrate and propose that this is due to active remodelling of the protein aggregate which exposes more chaperone binding sites and thus facilitates reactivation. This study highlights two important facets of Hsp70 biology: different Hsp70 functions rely on the functional cooperation of specific co-chaperone combinations and the stoichiometry of the different players of the Hsp70 system is an important parameter in tuning Hsp70 chaperone activity.
The manuscript presents a systematic analysis of the functional cooperation of sse1 with a class B J-domain protein sis1 in the disaggregation of two different model aggregate substrates, allowing the authors to draw more general conclusions about Hsp70 disaggregation activity.
The authors can pinpoint the role of sse1 to the initial remodeling of aggregates, rather than the later stages of refolding, highlighting the functional specificity of Hsp70 co-chaperones.
They demonstrate the competitive nature of binding to ssa1 between sse1 and sis1 which can explain the poisoning of Hsp70 chaperone activities observed at high NEF concentrations.
While structural requirements have been identified that allow sse1, in cooperation with sis1, to facilitates the loading of Hsp70 on the amorphous aggregate substrate, how this is achieved on a mechanistic level remains an open question.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors studied the function of Hsp110 co-chaperones (e.g. yeast Sse1) in Hsp70-dependent protein disaggregation reactions. The study builds on former work by the authors (Wyszkowski et al., 2021, PNAS), analyzing the binding of Hsp70 and J-domain protein (JDP) cochaperones to protein aggregates using bio-layer interferometry (BLI). It was shown before by other groups that Hsp110 enhances Hsp70 disaggregation activity. The mechanism of Hsp110-stimulated disaggregation activity, however, remained poorly defined. Here, the authors show that yeast Hsp110 increases Hsp70 recruitment to the surface of protein aggregates. The effect is largely dependent on J-domain protein (JDP) identity and particularly pronounced for class B JDPs (e.g. yeast Sis1), which are also more effective in disaggregation reactions. The authors also confirm former results, showing inhibition by increased Hsp110 levels and provide novel evidence that the inhibitory effect is caused by competition between Hsp110 and JDPs for Hsp70 binding.
The work represents a very thoroughly executed study, which provides novel insights into the mechanism of Hsp70-mediated protein disaggregation. Key findings established for yeast chaperones are also documented for human counterparts. The observation that Hsp110 might displace JDPs from Hsp70 during the disaggregation reaction is very appealing. It will now become important to validate this initial finding and dissect how it propels the disaggregation reaction.
How exactly the interplay between JDPs and Hsp110 orchestrates protein disaggregation remains largely speculative and further analysis is required for a deeper mechanistic understanding.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
- The title may not reflect the key finding of the paper. It is well established in the field that the disaggregation process is sensitive to perturbations of the levels of the disaggregating factors.
We have changed the title to better reflect the major finding of the work, the importance of the NEF during the initiation of disaggregation. The new title is: Early Steps of Protein Disaggregation by Hsp70 Chaperone and Class B J-Domain Proteins are Shaped by Hsp110.
- Abstract:
Please note that the phrases "stimulation is much limited with class A JDPs", "limited destabilization of the chaperone complex improves disaggregation", and "tuned proportion between the co-chaperones" are hard to understand. Only after having read the manuscript are the meanings of these phrases accessible.
The phrases in the abstract were changed (page 1, lines 10-14).
- The subheading "Sse1 improves aggregate modification by Hsp70" on p. 7 is unclear. What is measured is a decrease in aggregate size dependent on Hsp70-JDP as well as Sse1.
The subheading was changed to include more precise information, into “Sse1 leads to Hsp70-depenent reduction of aggregate size”.
- The subheading "Biphasic effects of Sse1 on the Hsp70 disaggregation activity" does not describe the finding clearly; "Biphasic effects" is a term that is hard to understand.
To avoid phrases that can be understood in many ways, we have changed the subheading into “Hormetic effects of Sse1 in Hsp70 disaggregation activity”
- p.5, last line. Hsp110 typo The typos have been corrected.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The article emphasises multiple times the importance of stoichiometry between the (co-)chaperones. Most figures would benefit from an indication of the used stoichiometry (or all absolute concentrations) to support the points made about the stoichiometry, especially the figures showing titrations of Sse1, Sse1-2, and Sis1 (Fig. 3D, 3E, 4A-C, S2B, S5F, S6A-E).
The information of protein concentrations has been included in all figure captions.
(2) The manuscript includes a summary model. While this model is a plausible hypothesis of the mechanism of disaggregation by Hsp70, in particular when viewed with previous data (Wyszkowski et al., 2021), it focuses rather heavily on the potential remodeling of clients by Hsp70, which is not the primary focus of the data presented in this manuscript. More emphasis could be put on the JDP class/ functional specificity observed.
The model has been changed according to the Reviewer’s comments to better reflect the findings presented in the manuscript (Figure 5).
(3) The methods section is very brief. I recommend including additional details about reaction conditions (temperature, buffer compositions, protein concentrations) even when previously reported elsewhere to improve the readability of the manuscript. Details regarding the DLS experiments performed are missing.
More detailed information on the experimental conditions has been added to the Methods section, as well as to figure legends.
(4) Many experiments incorporate BLI to assess the effect of NEFs on the binding of the Hsp70 and JDP to aggregates. Although appropriate controls are included (no ATP, Hsp70, and JDP only), a control with only Hsp70 and the NEF would be useful to determine to which extent the NEF itself alters the thickness of the (Hsp70-bound) aggregate biolayer.
The suggested controls were added (Figure 1—figure supplement 1 G) and discussed in the manuscript (page 5, lines 23-24).
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
- The refolding assay makes use of Luciferase denatured in 5 M GdnHCl. These conditions lead to a spontaneous refolding yield of 20% (Figure 3C), which is very high and limits conclusions on the effect of Hsp110 but also JDPs on the refolding process. Typically this assay uses 6 M GdnHCl for Luciferase denaturation and under these conditions, spontaneous refolding of Luciferase is hardly observed (e.g. Laufen et al. PNAS 1999). The authors are therefore asked to repeat key experiments using altered (6M) GdnHCl concentrations.
We based our experiments assessing luciferase refolding on the publication by Imamoglu et al. (2020), in which the authors, using 5 M GdnHCl for luciferase denaturation, demonstrated that spontaneous and chaperone-assisted luciferase refolding strongly depends on luciferase concentration. In this work, a similar degree of luciferase refolding was reported for the same final luciferase concentration (100 nM) as we used in our experiments (Figure 1—figure supplement 1D). As an additional control, we compared the effects of 5 M and 6 M of GdnHCl during denaturation on luciferase refolding under the same conditions (100 nM, 25 °C, 2 h) and we observed no significant differences (Author response image 1).
Author response image 1.
Chaperone-assisted folding of luciferase after denaturation at 5 M or 6 M GdnHCl. Luciferase was denatured in 5 M or 6 M GdnHCl according to the protocol in the Materials and Methods section. Luminescence was monitored alone or after incubation with Luminescence was monitored alone or after incubation with Ssa1-Sis1 or Ssa1-Ydj1. Chaperones were used at 1 µM concentration. Luciferase activity was measured after 2 hours and normalized to the activity of the native protein. Error bars indicate SD from three repeats.
- Figure 1B: The authors are asked to provide binding curves for Ssa1/Sse1 (no Sis1) and Sis1/Sse1 (no Ssa1) as controls. Particularly the latter combination is required as direct cooperation between Hsp110 and JDPs has been suggested in the literature (Mattoo et al., JBC 2013).
We performed the suggested BLI experiment, and the results are presented in the new Figure 1—figure supplement 1 G (page 5, lines 23-24).
- Figure 1B (and other figure parts showing BLI data): it is unclear how often the BLI experiments have been performed. This should be stated in the figure legend. Can the authors add SDs to the respective curves?
We added detailed information about the number of replicates to the figure legends. SD bars were added to the BLI results shown in Figures1-4, apart from the results of titrations, for which, for the sake of clarity, the three replicates are represented in the plots on the right (Figure 3D). In the case of less than 3 repeats of the results presented in the Supplementary Figures, the remaining repeats are added to the provided Source Data file, information about which has been added to the captions of the respective figures.
- The observation that Hsp110 can interrupt Hsp70 interaction with JDPs is intriguing. Do the authors envision JDP displacement from the aggregate? If so this could be shown in BLI experiments by monitoring the release of fluorescently labeled Sis1 (similar to labeled Ssa1, Fig. S3C). Or will the released JDP immediately rebind to another binding site on the aggregate? The authors should at least discuss the diverse scenarios as they are relevant to the mechanism of protein disaggregation.
The proposed experiment is challenging due to the transient nature of Sis1 binding to aggregate and high background observed with the method using the fluorescently labelled proteins. The aspect of chaperone’s re-binding after their release by Hsp110 proposed by the reviewer has been introduced into the Discussion section (pages 12/13, lines 25-4). We speculate that Hsp110 might release an Hsp70 molecule as well as a JDP molecule that had been bound to the aggregate through Hsp70 (Figure 5).
- Figure 2B: Ssa1/Sis1/Sse1 strongly decreases the size of Luciferase-GFP aggregates. Yet this activity only allows for limited refolding of aggregated Luciferase and the reaction stays largely dependent on Hsp104. How do the authors envision the role of the hexameric disaggregase in this process? Does it act exclusively on small-sized aggregates after Hsp110-dependent fragmentation?
A question of the Hsp104 activity with the Hsp70-processed aggregates is indeed intriguing and we agree that it should have been discussed more thoroughly. We added to the manuscript the results of the reactivation of luciferase-GFP with and without Hsp104 to emphasize the role of Hsp104 in the active protein recovery (Figure 2—figure supplement 1A) (page 7, lines 24-27). We propose that aggregate fragmentation by Hsp70-JDPB-Hsp110 increases the effective aggregate surface, at which Hsp104 might become engaged. We do not think that Hsp104 acts only on small aggregates, it might be just more effective, when the number of exposed polypeptides is larger. In the cell, where Hsp104 binds to aggregates of various sizes, protein aggregates apparently also need to undergo such Hsp110-boosted pre-processing by Hsp70, based on the finding that Sse1 is not necessary for Hsp104 recruitment to aggregates, but it is required for Hsp104-dependent disaggregation (Kaimal et al., 2017). We have added a comment on this problem to the Discussion section (pages 11/12, lines 33-4) .
- Page 9: The authors state that the Sse1-2 variant is nearly as effective as Sse1 Wt in stimulating substrate dissociation and refer to published work (Polier et al., 2008). It is unclear how the variant should have Wtlike activity in triggering substrate release although its activity in catalyzing nucleotide exchange is reduced to 5% (both activities are coupled). The observation that high Sse1-2 concentrations do not inhibit protein disaggregation does not necessarily exclude the possibility that high Sse1 WT concentration inhibit the reaction by overstimulating substrate release. The latter possibility should be considered by the authors and added to the discussion section.
We agree with the Reviewer that the description of the Sse1-2 variant was misleading, as it was lacking the key information, that according to the published data (Polier et al., 2008), it was 10 times higher the concentration of the Sse1-2 variant than Sse1 WT that had a similar nucleotide-exchange activity to the wild type. We have changed the text (page 9, lines 16-22, page 13, lines 26-28) to avoid confusion as well as the model in the Figure 5, to underline the importance of substrate release as the cause of the Hsp110-dependent inhibition.
- While similar effects are observed for human class A and class B JDP co-chaperones, they are clearly less pronounced. A mechanistic explanation for the difference between yeast and human chaperones is currently missing and the authors are asked to elaborate on this aspect.
There are indeed clear differences between the human and yeasts systems, especially regarding the dependence on the NEF. Hsc70 has been reported to have a lower rate of ADP release (Dragovic et al., 2006) and thus might rely more on Hsp110 than its yeast ortholog. For the same reason, the strong Hsc70 stimulation by Hsp105 is also observed with class A JDP. We have added a comment on these effects in the Discussion section (page 12, lines 17-21).
Minor points
- Figure S1C (right): the disaggregation rate (%GFP/h) is somewhat misleading/confusing as a value of more than 150%/h is determined in the presence of the complete disaggregation system while only approx. 60% GFP is indeed refolded by the system (Figure S1C, left). Showing the rate as %GFP/min seems more rational.
We changed the units according to the Reviewer’s comment (Figure 1—figure supplement 1A, C).
- Figure S5B: Only a single data point is shown for Ssa1/Sis1/Sse1.
We changed the figure to include datapoints from all three repeats (Figure 3—figure supplement 1 B).
- There are several typos throughout the manuscript. A more careful proofreading is recommended
We have corrected the typos.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The experiments differ somewhat in regard to the aggregated protein used. For example, in Figure 1A, FFL is used with only limited reactivation (10% reactivated at the last timepoint and the curve is flattening), while in Figure 2B FFL-EGFP is used to monitor microscopically what appears to be complete disaggregation. Does FFL-EGFP behave the same as FFL in assays such as the one in Figure 1A or are there major differences that may impact how the data should be interpreted?
We added the results of Luc-GFP reactivation (Figure 2—figure supplement 1 B) (discussed on page 7, lines 24-27 of the manuscipt) which agree with the results obtain with Luciferase as a substrate (Figure 1—figure supplement 1 B). They clearly show that the Ssa1-Sis1-Sse1-dependent decrease in aggregate size is not associated with the recovery of active protein.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Experimental data concerning the class A JDPs should be interpreted with caution. These experiments show very small reactivation activities for luciferase in the range of 0-1% without the addition of Hsp104 and 0-15% with the addition of Hsp104. Moreover, since the assay is based on the recovery of luciferase activity, it conflates two chaperone activities, namely disaggregation and refolding. It is possible that the small degree of reactivation observed for the class A JDP reflects a minor subpopulation of the aggregated species that is particularly easy to disaggregate/refold and may thus not be representative of bulk behaviour.
The disaggregation by the Hsp70 system can be enhanced by the addition of small heat shock proteins at the step of substrate aggregation (Rampelt et al., 2012). However, sHsps compete with Hsp70 for binding to the aggregate (Żwirowski et al., 2017) and for that reason we decided not to include sHsps in the experiments presented in the manuscript, as it would introduce another level of complexity. However, as a control, we performed the disaggregation assay with Hsp70 with Ydj1 using luciferase aggregates formed in the presence or absence of sHsp (Author response image 2). In 1 h, the Hsp70 system without Hsp104 yielded 5% of recovered luciferase activity and the system with Hsp104, 23% compared to the native. The impact of Sse1 on Ssa1-Ydj1 and Ssa1-Ydj1-Hsp104 was similar as for luciferase aggregates formed without sHsps (Figure 1A, Figure 1—figure supplement 1 B). Furthermore, according to the Reviewer’s comment, we have changed the Figure 5 to underscore the more prominent role of class A JDPs in the final protein folding than in disaggregation.
Author response image 2.
Disaggregaton of heat-aggregated luciferase – impact of sHsps. Luciferase (2 μM) was denatured with (blue) or without (red) Hsp26 (20 μM) at 45 ̊C for 15 min in the buffer A (Materials and Methods). Upon 100-fold dilution with the buffer A, supplemented wih 5 mM ATP, 2 mM DTT, 1.2 μM creatine kinase, 20 mM creatine phosphate, chaperones indicated in the legend were added to the final concentration of 1 μM, except for Sse1, concentration of which was 0.1 μM. Shown is luciferase activity measured after 1 h of incubation at 25 °C, normalized to the activity of native luciferase.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Enhanced recruitment of Hsp70 in the presence of Hsp110 was shown for amyloid fibrils before (Beton et al., EMBO J 2022) and should be acknowledged.
We have added the suggested citation with a respective comment (page 11, lines 20-21).
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eLife assessment
This fundamental study demonstrates a novel method for imaging glutamate receptors in situ via cryo-ET. The use of cutting-edge methods is well-described and is compelling. This paper is broadly relevant to biophysicists and neuroscientists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Matsui et al. present an experimental pipeline for visualizing molecular machinery of synapses in the brain, which includes numerous techniques, starting with generating labeled antibodies and recombinant mice, continuing with HPF and FIB milling and finishing with tilt series collection and 3D image processing. This pipeline represents a breakthrough in preparation of brain tissue for high resolution imaging and can be used in future tomographic research to reconstruct molecular details of synaptic complexes as well as pre- and post-synaptic assemblies. This methodology can also be adapted for a broader range of tissue preparations and signifies the next step towards better structural understanding of how molecular machineries operate in natural conditions.
The manuscript is very well written, contains a detailed description of methodology, provides nice illustrations and will be an outstanding guide for future research.
None noted.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors present a method that allows for the identification and localization of molecular machinery at chemical synapses in unstained, unfixed native brain tissue slices. They believe that this approach will provide a 3D structural basis for understanding different mechanisms of synaptic transmission, plasticity, and development. To achieve this, the group used genetically engineered mouse lines and generated thin brain slices that underwent high-pressure freezing (HPF) and focused ion beam (FIB) milling. Utilizing cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) and integrating it with cryo-fluorescence microscopy, they achieved micrometer resolution in identifying the glutamatergic synapses along with nanometer resolution to locate AMPA receptors GluA2-subunits using Fab-AuNP conjugates. The findings are summarized with detailed examples of successfully prepared substrates for cryo-ET, specific morphological identification and localization, and the detailed structural organization of excitatory synapses, including synaptic vesicle clusters close to the postsynaptic density and in the cleft.
The study advances previous work that used cultured neurons or synaptosomes. Combining cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) with fluorescence-guided targeting and labeling with Fab-AuNP conjugates enabled the study of synapses and molecular structures in their native environment without chemical fixation or staining. This preserves their near-native state, offering high specificity and resolution. The methods developed are mostly generalizable, allowing adaptation for identifying and localizing other key molecules at glutamatergic synapses and potentially useful for studying a variety of synapses and cellular structures beyond the scope of this research.
The preparation and imaging techniques are complex and require highly specialized equipment and expertise, potentially limiting their accessibility and widespread adoption.
Additionally, the methods might need further modifications/tweaks to study other types of synapses or molecular structures effectively.
The reliance on genetically engineered mouse lines and monoclonal, high-affinity antibodies/Fab fragments to specifically label receptors/proteins would limit the wider employment of these methods.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Matsui et al. present an experimental pipeline for visualizing the molecular machinery of synapses in the brain, which includes numerous techniques, starting with generating labeled antibodies and recombinant mice, continuing with HPF and FIB milling, and finishing with tilt series collection and 3D image processing. This pipeline represents a breakthrough in the preparation of brain tissue for high-resolution imaging and can be used in future tomographic research to reconstruct molecular details of synaptic complexes as well as pre- and post-synaptic assemblies. This methodology can also be adapted for a broader range of tissue preparations and signifies the next step towards a better structural understanding of how molecular machineries operate in natural conditions.
The manuscript is very well written, contains a detailed description of methodology, provides nice illustrations, and will be an outstanding guide for future research.
None noted.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors present a method that allows for the identification and localization of molecular machinery at chemical synapses in unstained, unfixed native brain tissue slices. They believe that this approach will provide a 3D structural basis for understanding different mechanisms of synaptic transmission, plasticity, and development. To achieve this, the group used genetically engineered mouse lines and generated thin brain slices that underwent high-pressure freezing (HPF) and focused ion beam (FIB) milling. Utilizing cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) and integrating it with cryo-fluorescence microscopy, they achieved micrometer resolution in identifying the glutamatergic synapses along with nanometer resolution to locate AMPA receptors GluA2-subunits using Fab-AuNP conjugates. The findings are summarized with detailed examples of successfully prepared substrates for cryo-ET, specific morphological identification and localization, and the detailed structural organization of excitatory synapses, including synaptic vesicle clusters close to the postsynaptic density and in the cleft.
The study advances previous work that used cultured neurons or synaptosomes. Combining cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) with fluorescence-guided targeting and labeling with Fab-AuNP conjugates enabled the study of synapses and molecular structures in their native environment without chemical fixation or staining. This preserves their near-native state, offering high specificity and resolution. The methods developed are generalizable, allowing adaptation for identifying and localizing other key molecules at glutamatergic synapses and potentially useful for studying a variety of synapses and cellular structures beyond the scope of this research.
The preparation and imaging techniques are complex and require highly specialized equipment and expertise, potentially limiting their accessibility and widespread adoption.
Additionally, the methods might need further modifications/tweaks to study other types of synapses or molecular structures effectively.
The reliance on genetically engineered mouse lines may again impact the generalizability of the findings.
Similarly, the requirement of monoclonal, high-affinity antibodies/Fab fragments to specifically label receptors/proteins would limit the wider employment of these methods.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Matsui et al. present an experimental pipeline for visualizing the molecular machinery of synapsis in the brain, which includes numerous techniques, starting with generating labeled antibodies and recombinant mice, continuing with HPF and FIB milling, and finishing with tilt series collection and 3D image processing. This pipeline represents a breakthrough in the preparation of brain tissue for high-resolution imaging and can be used in future tomographic research to reconstruct molecular details of synaptic complexes as well as pre- and post-synaptic assemblies. This methodology can also be adapted for a broader range of tissue preparations and signifies the next step towards a better structural understanding of how molecular machineries operate in natural conditions.
The manuscript is very well written, contains a detailed description of methodology, provides nice illustrations, and will be an outstanding guide for future research. I only have a few suggestions to further improve this excellent manuscript.
The labeling experiment in Supplementary Figure 3 may have a limitation in the accessibility of certain "narrow" regions to 15F1Fabs (both JF646 and AuNP labeled). Would that be more correct to refer to the labeling of accessible GluA2-containing AMPARs rather than the majority of these receptors in the tissue (lines 180-183)?
The text has been modified to reference “accessible GluA2-containing AMPARs”
Minor comments:
(1) Lines 38-39. "natively derived" appears to be unnecessary here and can be deleted.
(2) Line 153. Please specify the 20% dextran cryoprotectant.
(3) Lines 155-157. Please label the stratum radiatum and stratum lacunosum-moleculare in Figure 3B.
(4) Figures 1C, 2B, 5B, 5D-E. Missing units for Y-axes.
(5) Supplemental Figure 1. Please add band annotation.
(6) Supplemental Figure 3. Scale bars are missing.
(7) Supplemental Video 1 does not play.
The video file has been corrected.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
My congratulations to the authors for undertaking this challenging work.
Major concerns that need to be addressed:
It's unclear if the anti-GluA2 15F1 Fab-AuNP conjugate would affect the receptor clustering and localization on the synaptic membranes. It binds at the distal end, which is likely to impact its interactions with other synaptic proteins, which may affect the synaptic organization and function.
Concern addressed in the ‘Discussion’ section.
The hippocampal slices were treated with the anti-GluA2 15F1 Fab-148 AuNP conjugate for 1 hour at room temperature. It might be helpful to discuss the potential affects of Fab-AuNp on synaptic function. It has been demonstrated previously that introducing binders of the receptors ectodomains can affect synaptic function.
Concern also addressed in the ‘Discussion’ section.
Kunimichi Suzuki et al. Science369,eabb4853(2020).DOI:10.1126/science.abb4853 https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230192810A1/en
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eLife assessment
This revised study presents valuable evidence that a combination of endothelial cells, astrocytes, and neuroblastoma cells of human origin can integrate to form an in vitro brain blood barrier, that recapitulates key aspects of its natural counterpart, especially at short times. Convincingly, the mechanism by which neuroblastoma-secreted GDNF increases Claudin-5 and VE-cadherin is described. To substantiate the role of GDNF in vivo, authors demonstrated that knock-down of this neurotrophic factor, increased the permeability of the brain blood barrier in mice. This in vitro system can be used to study the permeability of the human brain blood barrier to different drugs.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper by Yang et al. established an in vitro triple co-culture BBB model and demonstrated its advantages compared with the mono or double co-culture BBB model. Further, the authors used their established in vitro BBB model and combined it with other methodologies to investigate the specific signaling mechanisms that co-culture with astrocytes but also neurons enhancing the integrity of endothelial cells.
The results persuasively demonstrated that the established triple co-culture BBB model well mimicked several important characteristics of BBB compared with the mono-culture BBB model, including better barrier function and in vivo/in vitro correlation. The use of human-derived immortalized cells made the model construction process faster and more efficient and had a better in vivo correlation without the complications of species differences. This model is expected to be a useful high-throughput evaluation tool for CNS drug development.
Moreover, the authors used a variety of experiments to prove that the triple co-culture model also reflected the interactions between NVU cells, including promoting endothelial cell proliferation and the formation of intercellular junctions. Interestingly, the authors found that neurons also released GDNF to promote barrier properties of brain endothelial cells, as most current research has focused on the promoting effect of astrocytes-derived GDNF on BBB. Meanwhile, the author also validated the functions of GDNF for BBB integrity in vivo by silencing GDNF in mouse brains. Overall, the experiments and data presented support the claim that neurons, alongside astrocytes, contribute to the promoting effects of the barrier function of endothelial cells through GDNF secretion.
While the authors explained that the use of human-derived immortalized cells has been justified as more reproducible and efficient in constructing the model, the TEER value of the triple co-culture model remains lower than that of the physiological statement. Future research may need to explore additional methods to further enhance the barrier function of the model.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Yang and colleagues developed a new in vitro blood-brain barrier model that is relatively simple yet outperforms previous models. By incorporating a neuroblastoma cell line, they demonstrated increased electrical resistance and decreased permeability to small molecules
The authors initially elucidated the soluble mediator responsible for enhancing endothelial functionality, namely GDNF. Subsequently, they elucidated the mechanisms by which GDNF upregulates the expression of VE-cadherin and Claudin-5. They further validated these findings in vivo, and demonstrated predictive value for molecular permeability as well. The study is meticulously conducted and easily comprehensible. The conclusions are firmly supported by the data, and the objectives are successfully achieved. This research is poised to advance future investigations in BBB permeability, leakage, dysfunction, disease modeling, and drug delivery, particularly in high-throughput experiments. I anticipate an enthusiastic reception from the community interested in this area. While other studies have produced similar results with tri-cultures (PMID: 25630899), this study notably enhances electrical resistance compared to previous attempts.
The power of this system lies in its simplicity, which is enough to study BBB permeability. However, it also lacks some other important cell-cell interactions such as those involving pericytes. Nonetheless, this is still a valuable tool for high throughput screening.
As with many other similar systems, it has lower TEER values compared to the in vivo counterpart, this is an issue that researchers in the field will have to address in future studies
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the authors established an in vitro triple co-culture BBB model and demonstrated its advantages compared with the mono or double co-culture BBB model. Further, the authors used their established in vitro BBB model and combined it with other methodologies to investigate the specific mechanism that co-culture with astrocytes but also neurons enhanced the integrity of endothelial cells.
The results persuasively showed the established triple co-culture BBB model well mimicked several important characteristics of BBB compared with the mono-culture BBB model, including better barrier function and in vivo/in vitro correlation. The human-derived immortalized cells used made the model construction process faster and more efficient, and have a better in vivo correlation without species differences. This model is expected to be a useful high-throughput evaluation tool in the development of CNS drugs.
Based on the previous experimental results, detailed studies investigated how co-culture with neurons and astrocytes promoted claudin-5 and VE-cadherin in endothelial cells, and the specific signaling mechanisms were also studied. Interestingly, the authors found that neurons also released GDNF to promote barrier properties of brain endothelial cells, as most current research has focused on the promoting effect of astrocytes-derived GDNF on BBB. Meanwhile, the author also validated the functions of GDNF for BBB integrity in vivo by silencing GDNF in mouse brains. Overall, the experiments and data presented support their claim that, in addition to astrocytes, neurons also have a promoting effect on the barrier function of endothelial cells through GDNF secretion.
Although the authors demonstrated a highly usable for predicting the BBB permeability, recorded TEER measurements are still far from the human BBB in vivo reported measurements of TEER, and expression of transporters was not promoted by co-culture, which may lead to the model being unsuitable for studying drug transport mediated by transporters on BBB.
Thank the reviewer very much for the opportunity to improve our manuscript. The immortalized human cell lines, hCMEC/D3 cell, have poor barrier properties and differences in the expression of some transporters and metabolic enzymes as well as TEER compared to human physiological BBB. However, the use of human primary BMECs may be restricted by the acquisition of materials and ethical approval. Isolation and purification of human primary BMECs are time-consuming and laborious. Moreover, culture conditions can alter transcriptional activity (PMID: 37076016). All limit the establishment of BBB models based on primary human BMECs for high-throughput screening. Thus, hCMEC/D3 is still widely used to study characteristics of drug transport across BBB and the effects of certain diseases on BBB (PMID: 37076016; 38711118; 31163193) as it is easy to culture and can express a large number of transporters and metabolic enzymes in its physiological state. Therefore, hCMEC/D3 cells were selected to develop our in vitro BBB model.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Point 1: The authors claim that GDNF is mainly released by human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells in the in vitro BBB model, but there are still some differences between the characteristics of cell lines and neurons. The authors should discuss or provide evidence about the distribution and source of GDNF in the brain to support this conclusion.
We greatly appreciate your helpful suggestions. According to your advice, we have revised the “Discussion” in the revised manuscript as follows:
In “Discussion”:
“GDNF is mainly expressed in astrocytes and neurons (Lonka-Nevalaita et al., 2010; Pochon et al., 1997). In adult animals, GDNF is mainly secreted by striatal neurons rather than astrocytes and microglial cells (Hidalgo-Figueroa et al., 2012). The present study also shows that GDNF mRNA levels in SH-SY5Y cells were significantly higher than that in U251 cells. GDNF was also detected in conditioned medium from SH-SY5Y cells. All these results demonstrate that neurons may secrete GDNF”.
Point 2: The authors found that co-culture induced the proliferation of endothelial cells (Figure 1H). I suggest the authors discuss whether the proliferation of endothelial cells would affect their permeability.
Thanks for your suggestion. According to your advice, we have investigated the effect of cell proliferation on the leakage of the cell layer and included the results in Figure 1—figure supplement 1. The present study showed that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) increased cell proliferation of hCMEC/D3 cells but little affected the expression of both claudin-5 and VE-cadherin (in Figure 2F). The hCMEC/D3 cells were incubated with different doses of bFGF and permeabilities of fluorescein (NaF) and FITC-Dextran 3–5 kDa across hCMEC/D3 cell monolayer were measured. The results showed that incubation with bFGF increased cell proliferation and reduced permeabilities of fluorescein and FITC-Dextran across hCMEC/D3 cell monolayer. However, the permeability reduction was less than that by double co-culture with U251 cells or triple co-culture. These results inferred that contribution of cell proliferation to the barrier function of hCMEC/D3 cells was minor. We have made the modifications in “Results” of our manuscript as follows:
In “Result”:
“Furthermore, hCMEC/D3 cells were incubated with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), which promotes cell proliferation without affecting both claudin-5 and VE-cadherin expression (Figure 2F). The results showed that incubation with bFGF increased cell proliferation and reduced permeabilities of fluorescein and FITC-Dex across hCMEC/D3 cell monolayer. However, the permeability reduction was less than that by double co-culture with U251 cells or triple co-culture. These results inferred that contribution of cell proliferation to the barrier function of hCMEC/D3 was minor (Figure 1—figure supplement 1)”.
Point 3: The authors claimed that GDNF induced the expression of claudin-5 and VE-cadherin separately. However, Andrea Taddei et al. reported that VE-cadherin itself also regulates claudin-5 through the inhibitory activity of FoxO1 (Andrea Taddei et al., 2008). The authors did not consider whether the upregulation of claudin-5 is associated with the increase of VE-cadherin.
Thank you for your suggestion. We also investigated whether VE-cadherin affected claudin-5 expression in hCMEC/D3 cells transfected with VE-cadherin siRNA. It was not consistent with the report by Taddei et al. that silencing VE-cadherin only slightly decreased the mRNA level of claudin-5 without significant difference. Furthermore, basal and GDNF-induced claudin-5 protein levels were unaltered by silencing VE-cadherin. The discrepancies may come from characteristics of the tested cells. Endothelial cells derived from murine embryonic stem cells with homozygous null mutation were used in Taddei’s study, while we transfected immortalized brain microvascular endothelial cells with siRNA. Several reports have demonstrated different mechanisms regulating expression of claudin-5 and VE-cadherin. In retinal endothelial cells, hyperglycemia remarkably reduced claudin-5 expression (but not VE-cadherin) (PMID: 24594192). However, in hCMEC/D3 cells, hypoglycemia significantly decreased claudin-5 (not VE-cadherin) expression but hyperglycemia increased VE-cadherin expression (not claudin 5) (PMID: 24708805). Therefore, the roles of VE-cadherin in regulation of claudin-5 in BBB should be further investigated.
Following your valuable suggestion, we have modified the “Results”, “Discussion” and “Figure 4—figure supplement 1” in the revised manuscript as follows:
In “Result”:
“It was reported that VE-cadherin also upregulates claudin-5 via inhibiting FOXO1 activities (Taddei et al, 2008). Effect of VE-cadherin on claudin-5 was studied in hCMEC/D3 cells silencing VE-cadherin. It was not consistent with the report by Taddei et al. that silencing VE-cadherin only slightly decreased the mRNA level of claudin-5 without significant difference. Furthermore, basal and GDNF-induced claudin-5 protein levels were unaltered by silencing VE-cadherin (Figure 4—figure supplement 1). Thus, the roles of VE-cadherin in regulation of claudin-5 in BBB should be further investigated.”
In “Discussion”:
“Claudin-5 expression is also regulated by VE-cadherin (Taddei et al., 2008). Differing from the previous reports, silencing VE-cadherin with siRNA only slightly affected basal and GDNF-induced claudin-5 expression. The discrepancies may come from different characteristics of the tested cells. Several reports have supported the above deduction. In retinal endothelial cells, hyperglycemia remarkably reduced claudin-5 expression (but not VE-cadherin) (Saker et al., 2014). However, in hCMEC/D3 cells, hypoglycemia significantly decreased claudin-5 expression but hyperglycemia increased VE-cadherin expression (Sajja et al., 2014)”.
“Figure 4—figure supplement 1: The contribution of VE-Cadherin on the GDNF-induced claudin-5 expression. Effects of the VE-Cadherin siRNA (siVE-Cad) on mRNA expression of VE-cadherin (A) and claudin-5 (B). Effects of siVE-Cad and GDNF on claudin-5 and VE-cadherin protein expression (C). NC: negative control plasmids. The above data are shown as the mean ± SEM. Four biological replicates per group. Two technical replicates for A and B, and one technical replicate for C. Statistical significance was determined using unpaired Student’s t-test or one-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher’s LSD test.”
Point 4: The annotation of significance with the p-values in the figures might not be visually concise and clear. It is recommended to provide the p-values in the legends or raw data.
Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We have revised our figures in our revised manuscript. The specific p-values and statistical methods were summarized in the source data files of each figure.
Point 5: The authors need to note the material of the Transwell membrane used to increase the reproducibility of experiments, because different materials may cause differences in permeability and TEER (DianeM. Wuest et al., 2013).
We greatly appreciate your valuable suggestions. According to your advice, we have provided the information on the material of the Transwell membrane in the “Materials and Methods” in the revised manuscript as follows:
In “Materials and Methods”:
“U251 cells were seeded at 2 × 104 cells/cm2 on the bottom of Transwell inserts (PET, 0.4 µm pore size, SPL Life Sciences, Pocheon, Korea) coated with rat-tail collagen (Corning Inc., Corning, NY, USA)”.
Point 6: It is not necessary to abbreviate "in vitro/in vivo correlation" in the legend of Figure 7 as it was not mentioned again in the following text.
Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We have deleted the abbreviation of "Figure 7" of the revised manuscript.
In “Figure 7”
“Figure 7. In vitro/in vivo correlation assay of BBB permeability."
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Yang and colleagues developed a new in vitro blood-brain barrier model that is relatively simple yet outperforms previous models. By incorporating a neuroblastoma cell line, they demonstrated increased electrical resistance and decreased permeability to small molecules.
The authors initially elucidated the soluble mediator responsible for enhancing endothelial functionality, namely GDNF. Subsequently, they elucidated the mechanisms by which GDNF upregulates the expression of VE-cadherin and Claudin-5. They further validated these findings in vivo, and demonstrated predictive value for molecular permeability as well. The study is meticulously conducted and easily comprehensible. The conclusions are firmly supported by the data, and the objectives are successfully achieved. This research is poised to advance future investigations in BBB permeability, leakage, dysfunction, disease modeling, and drug delivery, particularly in high-throughput experiments. I anticipate an enthusiastic reception from the community interested in this area. While other studies have produced similar results with tri-cultures (PMID: 25630899), this study notably enhances electrical resistance compared to previous attempts.
(A) Considerable effort has been directed towards developing in vitro models that more closely resemble their in vivo counterparts, utilizing stem cell-derived NVU cells. Although these examples are currently rudimentary, they offer better BBB mimicry than Yang's study.
Thank you very much for your valuable comments. Indeed, hCMEC/D3 cells, have poor barrier properties and low TEER compared to human physiological BBB. The human pluripotent stem cells BBB models (hPSC-BBB models) make it possible to provide a robust and scalable cell source for BBB modeling, although many challenges remain, particularly concerning reproducibility and recreation of multifaceted phenotypes in vitro with increasing complexity. Moreover, the hPSC-derived BBB models are highly dependent upon the heterogeneous incorporation of hPSC-derived BMEC origins, cells derived from different protocols are not well validated and standardized in the BBB models. Thus, the hPSC-BBB models are still being developed and their clinic applications are still at an early stage (PMID: 34815809; 35755780). The hCMEC/D3 cell line is still widely used to study characteristics of drug transport across BBB and the effects of certain diseases on BBB (PMID: 37076016; 38711118; 31163193) as it is easy to culture and can express a large number of transporters and metabolic enzymes in its physiological state. Therefore, hCMEC/D3 cells were selected to develop our in vitro BBB model.
(B) Additionally, some instances might benefit from more robust statistical tests; nonetheless, I do not think this would significantly alter the experimental conclusions.
Thank you for your valuable suggestions on the statistical methods used in our study, which made us realize our lack of rigor in selecting statistical methods. We have made modifications to statistical methods, and all statistical results showed the manuscript have been updated accordingly.
(C) Similar experiments with tri-cultures yielding analogous results have been reported by other authors (PMID: 25630899). TEER values are a bit higher than the aforementioned experiments; however, this study has values at least one order of magnitude lower than physiological levels.
Thank your advice. We also noticed that TEER values in the present study were different from previous reports, which may come from types of BEMCs, astrocytes, and neurons.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Point 1: If you've already decided to enhance the model by incorporating additional cell types, why not include pericytes as well? As mentioned in the public review, other studies have explored tri-culture models; adding pericytes or other cell types could provide valuable insights.
We greatly appreciate your helpful suggestions. As you mentioned, the barrier function of our model still needs further improvement, which is also a limitation of our current model. In our future research, we will aim to optimize our model by incorporating other NVU cells. Beyond drug screening, we also hope that our in vitro BBB model can serve as a versatile tool to investigate underlying factors associated with neuropathological disorders. According to your advice, we have modified “Discussion” in the revised manuscript as follows:
In “Discussion”:
“However, the study also has some limitations. In addition to neurons and astrocytes, other cells such as microglia, pericytes, and vascular smooth muscle cells, especially pericytes, may also affect BBB function. How pericytes affect BBB function and interaction among neurons, astrocytes, and pericytes needs further investigation.”
Point 2: The decline in TEER after 6 days is concerning. Have you extended your experiments beyond day 7? If so, what were the outcomes? Did the system degrade, leading to decreased resistance, or did cell death occur?
We greatly appreciate your helpful recommendation. We also observed that the TEER of our culture system began to decline on day 7. To ensure the reliability of our experiments, our experiments were conducted on day 6 of co-cultivation and did not extend beyond day 7. We speculate that the reason for the decrease in TEER values may be due to excessive cell contact, which could inhibit cell proliferation and long-term cultivation may lead to cell aging. Similar results showing a decrease in TEER of i_n vitro_ BBB models after prolonged culture have been reported in other studies (PMID: 31079318; 8470770). To eliminate misunderstandings, we have made the following modifications to our manuscript:
In “Result”:
“TEER values were measured during the co-culture (Figure 1B). TEER values of the four in vitro BBB models gradually increased until day 6. On day 7, the TEER values showed a decreasing trend. Thus, six-day co-culture period was used for subsequent experiments”.
In “In vitro BBB permeability study” of “Materials and Methods”:
“On day 7, the TEER values of BBB models showed a decreasing trend. Therefore, the subsequent experiments were all completed on day 6”.
Point 3: It is standard practice for figures to be referenced in the order they appear in the manuscript. However, Figures 1A and 1B are not mentioned until the end of the methods section. Adding a brief sentence at the beginning of the main body referencing these figures would improve the clarity of the experimental approach.
Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We had made modifications to Figure 1, and the details of the cell model establishment process had been included in Figure 9 which is mentioned in the “Materials and Methods” section.
Point 4: To strengthen the evidence supporting the proliferative effect of GDNF, consider incorporating additional measures beyond cell count alone. While an increase in cell count could be attributed to reduced cell death (given GDNF's pro-survival properties), proliferation effects have also been shown (PMID: 28878618). I suggest demonstrating proliferation with markers or cell cycle analysis would provide more robust evidence.
Thank you for your helpful suggestion. We used EdU incorporation and CCK-8 assays to further detect the proliferation of hCMEC/D3 cells, and corresponding results were added in the revised Figure 1H and Figure 1I. The description of results is shown as follows:
In “Results”:
“Co-culture with SH-SY5Y, U251, and U251 + SH-SY5Y cells also enhanced the proliferation of hCMEC/D3 cells. Moreover, the promoting effect of SH-SY5Y cells was stronger than that of U251 cells (Figure 1G-1I).”
Point 5: Could you specify the use of technical replicates in your experiments? How many?
Thank you for your helpful suggestion, and we apologize for the issue you pointed out. We have now specified the technical replicates of experiments in the legends of the revised manuscript. In general, the technical replicate number of ELISA and qPCR is two, and that of the rest experiments is one. And we have also made the following modifications to our manuscript:
In “Statistical analyses” of “Materials and Methods”:
“All results are presented as mean ± SEM. The average of technical replicates generated a single independent value that contributes to the n value used for comparative statistical analysis”.
Point 6: Given the sample size of 4 in most experiments, it may be insufficient for passing a normality test. Therefore, it's advisable to employ non-parametric tests such as the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by appropriate post-hoc tests.
Thank you for your valuable and useful suggestion. We apologize for our initial oversight regarding statistics. Based on your suggestion, we have thoroughly reviewed and revised the statistical methods and statistical results in the manuscript. Referring to the ‘Statistics Guide’ of GraphPad (H. J. Motulsky, "The power of nonparametric tests", GraphPad Statistics Guide. Accessed 20 June 2024. https://www.graphpad.com/guides/prism/latest/statistics/stat_the_power_of_nonparametric_tes.htm), the Kruskal-Wallis test is more robust when the data does not follow a normal distribution or homogeneity of variance. However, due to its reliance on ranks, it may have lower sensitivity in detecting small differences. If the total sample size is tiny, the Kruskal-Wallis test will always give a P value greater than 0.05 no matter how much the groups differ. To address this, we first used the Shapiro-Wilk test to assume whether the samples come from Gaussian distributions. For samples meeting this criterion, parametric tests were employed. For samples that do not follow the Gaussian distribution, as per your advice, we utilized the non-parametric tests. We have modified the “Statistical analyses” in the revised manuscript as follows:
In “Statistical analyses” of “Materials and Methods”:
“The data were assessed for Gaussian distributions using Shapiro-Wilk test. Brown-Forsythe test was employed to evaluate the homogeneity of variance between groups. For comparisons between two groups, statistical significance was determined by unpaired 2-tailed t-test. The acquired data with significant variation were tested using unpaired t-test with Welch's correction, and non-Gaussian distributed data were tested using Mann-Whitney test. For multiple group comparisons, one-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD test was used to determine statistical significance. The acquired data with significant variation were tested using Welch's ANOVA test, and non-Gaussian distributed data were tested using Kruskal-Wallis test. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The simple linear regression analysis was used to examine the presence of a linear relationship between two variables. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism software version 8.0.2 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA, USA)”.
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eLife assessment
The present study provides valuable evidence on the neurochemical mechanisms underlying working memory in obesity. The authors' approach considering specific working memory operations (maintenance, updating) and putative dopaminergic genes is solid, though the inclusion of a more direct measure of dopamine signaling would have strengthened the work.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Herzog and colleagues investigated the interactions between working memory (WM) task condition (updating, maintenance) and BMI (body-mass-index), while considering selected dopaminergic genes (COMT, Taq1A, C957T, DARPP-32). Emerging evidence suggest that there might be a specific negative association with BMI in the updating but not maintenance condition, with potential bearings to reversal reward learning in obesity. The inclusion of multiple dopaminergic genes is a strength in the present study, considering the complexity of the interactions between tonic and phasic dopamine across the brain that may distinctly associate with the component processes of WM. Here, the finding was that BMI was negatively associated with WM performance regardless of the condition (updating, maintenance), but in models including moderation by either Taq1A or DARPP-32 (but not by COMT and C957T) an interaction by task condition was observed. Furthermore, a two-way interaction effect between BMI and genotype was observed exclusively in the updating condition. These findings are in line with the accounts by which striatal dopamine as reflected by Taq1A and DARPP-32 play an important role in working memory updating, while cortical dopamine as reflected by COMT is mainly associated with maintenance. The authors conclude that the genetic moderation reflects a compound effect of having high BMI and an advantageous allele in Taq1A or DARPP-32 to working memory updating specifically.
These data increment the accumulating evidence that the dopamine system plays an important role in obesity. The result that Taq1A and DARPP-32 moderated the interaction between WM condition and BMI required intricate post hoc analysis to understand the bearings to updating. The authors found that Taq1A or DARPP-32 genotype moderated the negative association between BMI and WM exclusively in update condition (significant two-way interaction effect), suggesting that the BMI-WM associations in other conditions were similar across genotypes. Importantly, visual inspection of the relationship between WM and BMI (Fig 4 & 5) suggests more prevalent positive effects of the putatively advantageous Taq1A-A1 and DARPP-32-AA genotypes to the overall negative relationship between WM and BMI in updating, but not in the other conditions. Given that an overall negative relationship was statistically supported across all conditions (model 1), a plausible interpretation would be that updating condition stands out in terms of a positive moderation by putative advantageous genotypes, rather than compound negative consequences of BMI and genotype in updating. Statistical testing stratified by Taq1A genotype confirmed that the interaction with task condition was driven by the carriers of the advantageous genotype, whereas stratification by DARPP-32 genotype revealed a significant task-condition interaction in both A/A- and G-carriers. Taken together, the present results highlight inter-subject variability in the associations between obesity, dopamine, and working memory, which can sometimes be captured using blood-based dopamine markers. This finding indicates that not all individuals with obesity show the same patterns of dopamine-related alterations and underscores the necessity to address inter-individual variability in future research and treatment efforts.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors investigated if obesity is associated with elevated working memory deficits. Prior theorizing would suggest that individuals with a higher BMI would be worse at working memory updating, potentially due to impaired dopaminergic signaling in the striatum. However, the authors find that higher BMI was associated with worse working memory performance, irrespective of having to ignore or update new information. To further explore the putative dopaminergic mechanisms, participants are stratified according to genetic polymorphisms in COMT, Taq1A, DARPP and C957T and the ratio of the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, all implicated in dopamine-signaling. They find that carrying specific alleles of Taq1A and DARPP, but not of COMT and C957T, mitigated the otherwise negative relationship between BMI and working memory for updating, but not for maintenance.
The authors put forward several possible mechanistic explanations of these observations, including imbalances in the striatal go/no-go dopamine pathways. However, only future, more direct measures of dopamine signaling can provide a confirmation of these hypotheses.
Differentiating between working memory maintenance (ignoring) and updating is a powerful way to get a deeper insight into specific working memory deficits in individuals with obesity. This way of assessing working memory could potentially be applied to various populations at risk for cognitive or working memory deficits.
By pooling data from three studies, the authors reached a relatively large sample of 320 participants, which enables the assessment of more subtle effects on working memory, including the differentiation between updating and ignoring.
Working memory gating has long implicated striatal dopamine signaling. This paper shows that a specific combination of a high BMI and specific dopamine-related genotypes can selectively moderate working memory updating. More insight into how these risk factors interact can ultimately lead to more tailor-made treatments.
The introduction mentions that specific alleles can alter dopamine signaling in various ways. However, the authors are less clear on how they expect these alterations to subsequently affect working memory updating and maintenance in the current study. While I understand that the complexity of these mechanisms might make it challenging to form specific predictions, it would be helpful if the authors acknowledged this uncertainty and clarified that their analyses are exploratory in nature, and they will therefore refrain from any directional hypotheses regarding the genotypes.
The majority of participants seems to fall within the normal BMI-range, whereas the interaction between BMI and genetic variations or amino acid ratio particularly surfaces at higher BMI. As genetic variations are usually associated with small effect sizes, the effective sample size, although large for a behavioral analysis only, might have been too small to detect meaningful effects of particular alleles of COMT and C957T.
The relationships between genetic variations, BMI and specific disturbances in dopamine signaling are complex, as compensating mechanisms might be at play to mitigate any detrimental effects. Future studies that apply more direct measures or manipulations of dopaminergic processes could therefore aid in mechanistically explaining the results.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In particular, theoretical analysis of the extant evidence and formulation of the hypothesis remains elusive in terms of the potential mechanisms of updating/maintaining balance in obesity
We thank the reviewer for their feedback regarding the theoretical analysis and hypothesis formulation in our manuscript. We have attempted to build our hypothesis based on established correlations between dopamine levels and working memory capabilities, as seen in various populations affected by dopaminerelated changes (e.g. Parkinson’s disease (Fallon et al. 2017), older individuals (Podell et al., 2012), or more generally, in individuals with lower dopamine synthesis capacity (Colzato et al., 2013)). Our hypothesis — that individuals with higher BMI might show impaired updating — is an extrapolation from observed patterns in these conditions. We recognize that the evidence connecting obesity to similar neuropsychological profiles may seem preliminary. We have tried to elaborate more clearly on how we reached our hypotheses in the revised version of the introduction.
“Based on the above considerations these inconsistencies may be due to prior studies not clearly differentiating between distractor-resistant maintenance and updating in the context of working memory. This distinction may be crucial, however, as indirect evidence hints at potential specific alteration in these two sub-processes in obesity. For instance, obesity has been associated with aberrant dopamine transmission, with there being an abundance of literature linking obesity to changes in D2 receptor availability in the striatum (see e.g. Horstmann et al., 2015). However, results are not consensual, with studies reporting decreased, increased, or unchanged D2 receptor availability in obesity (Ribeiro et al., 2023; Janssen & Horstmann, 2022; see Darcey et al. (2023) for a potential explanation). Additionally, there are reports of differences in dopamine transporter (DAT) availability in both obese humans (Chen et al., 2008; but also see Pak et al., 2023) and rodents (Narayanaswami et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2021; Hamamah et al., 2023). The observed changes in dopamine are often interpreted as being due to chronic dopaminergic overstimulation resulting from overeating (Volkow & Wise, 2005; Volkow et al., 2008) and altered reward sensitivity as a consequence thereof (Blum et al., 1996). Considering that working memory gating is highly dependent on dopamine signaling, such changes could theoretically alter the balance between maintenance and updating processes in obesity. Next to this, obesity has frequently been associated with functional and structural changes in WM gating-related brain areas, implying another pathway through which working memory gating might get affected. At the level of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), studies have reported reduced gray matter volume and compromised white matter microstructure in individuals with obesity (Debette et al., 2014; Kullmann et al., 2016; Morys et al., 2024; Lv et al., 2024), and functional changes become evident with frequent reports of decreased activity in the dorsolateral PFC during tasks requiring cognitive control (e.g., Morys et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2017). Notably, Han et al. (2022) observed significantly lower spontaneous dlPFC activity during rest, potentially indicating reduced baseline dlPFC activity in obesity. On the level of the striatum, gray matter volume seems to correlate positively with measures of obesity (Horstmann et al., 2011), and individuals with obesity show greater activation of the dorsal striatum in response to high-calorie food stimuli compared to normal-weight individuals, indicating a stronger dopamine-dependent reward response to food cues (Stice et al., 2008; Small et al., 2003). Additionally, changes in connectivity between and within the striatum and PFC in obesity, both structurally (Li et al., 2023) and functionally (Verdejo-Román et al., 2017a, 2017b; Contreras-Rodríguez et al., 2017) have been reported. Although these studies mostly investigate brain function in relation to food and reward processing, changes in these areas may also impair the ability to adequately engage in working memory gating processes, as activity in affective (reward) and cognitive fronto-striatal loops immensely overlap (Janssen et al., 2019). On the behavioral level, individuals with obesity consistently demonstrate impairments in food-specific (Janssen et al., 2017) but also non-food specific goal-directed behavioral control (Janssen et al., 2020) and reinforcement learning (Weydmann et al., 2023). It seems that difficulties with integrating negative feedback may be central to these alterations (Mathar et al., 2017; Kastner et al., 2017), which could explain a potential insensitivity to the negative consequences associated with (over) eating. Crucially, in humans, a substantial contribution to (reward) learning is mediated by working memory processes (Moustafa et al., 2008; Collins & Frank, 2012, 2018; Collins et al., 2014, 2017; Westbrook et al., 2024). The observed difficulties in reward learning in obesity may hence partly be rooted in a failure to update working memory with new reward information, suggesting cognitive issues that extend beyond mere difficulties in valuation processes. However, empirical support for this interpretation is currently lacking. A more nuanced understanding of the effects of obesity on working memory is crucial, however, as it could lead to more targeted intervention options.”
The result that Taq1A and DARPP-32 moderated the interaction between WM condition and BMI requires intricate post hoc analysis to understand the bearings to update. The authors found that Taq1A or DARPP32 genotype moderated the negative association between BMI and WM exclusively in the update condition (significant two-way interaction effect), suggesting that the BMI-WM associations in other conditions were similar across genotypes. Importantly, visual inspection of the relationship between WM and BMI (Fig 4 & 5) suggests more prevalent positive effects of the putatively advantageous Taq1A-A1 and DARPP-32-AA genotypes to the overall negative relationship between WM and BMI in updating, but not in the other conditions. Given that an overall negative relationship was statistically supported across all conditions (model 1), a plausible interpretation would be that the updating condition stands out in terms of a positive moderation by putative advantageous genotypes, rather than compound negative consequences of BMI and genotype in updating. Critically, this interpretation stands in stark contrast with the interpretation put forth by the authors suggesting a specifically negative association between BMI and WM updating.
We are grateful for the reviewers’ thorough review and insightful comments. We appreciate the attention to detail and the opportunity to improve our manuscript. We agree that further examination of the relationship between Taq1A, DARPP-32, and BMI, particularly in the update condition, is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of our results. In response to your feedback, we have conducted additional post hoc analyses, which indeed revealed the effects anticipated by the reviewer. Accordingly, we have revisited our discussion and conclusions to ensure that they accurately reflect the complexities of our findings, particularly regarding the positive moderation by putative advantageous genotypes in the update condition. Once again, we appreciate your thoughtful review and are grateful for the opportunity to strengthen the manuscript based on your feedback.
In the results section we added:
“Further post hoc examination of the effects on updating revealed that, the association between BMI and performance was significant for A1-carriers (95%CIs: -0.488 to -0.190), with 33.9% lower probability to score correctly per unit change in BMI, but non-significant for non-A1-carriers (95%CIs: -0.153 to 0.129; 1.22% lower probability). Interestingly, compared to all other conditions, in the update condition, the negative association between BMI and task performance was weakest for non-A1-carriers (estimate = -0.012, SE = 0.072, but strongest for A1-carriers (estimate = -0.339, SE = 0.076; see Figure 3 and Table S6), emphasizing that genotype impacts this condition the most. To further check if this difference in slope was statistically significant across conditions, we stratified the sample into Taq1A subgroups (A1+ vs. A1-) and assessed whether BMI affected task performance differently across conditions separately for each subgroup. This analysis revealed no significant difference in the relationship between BMI and task performance across conditions among A1+ individuals (pBMI*condition = 0.219). However, within the A1- subgroup, a significant interaction effect between BMI and condition emerged (pBMI*condition = 0.049). Collectively, these findings suggest that the absence of the A1-allele is linked to improved task performance, particularly in the context of updating, where it seems to mitigate the otherwise negative effects of BMI.”
“Once more, further examination of the observed DARPP-32, BMI, and condition interaction showed that, in the update condition, the negative association between BMI and task performance was weakest and nonsignificant for A/A (estimate = -0.044, SE = 0.066; 95%CIs: -0.174 to 0.086), but strongest and significant for G-carrying individuals (estimate = -0.324, SE = 0.079; 95%CIs: -0.478 to – 0.170). See Table S7 and Figure 5. Splitting the sample in to DARPP subgroups (A/A vs. G-carrier) revealed that in both subgroups, there was significant interaction effect of BMI and condition on task performance (pA/A = 0.034, pG-carrier = 0.003). In the case of DARPP, it hence appears that carrying the disadvantageous G-allele could exacerbate the negative effects of BMI, while the more advantageous allele (A/A) might mitigate them - once again particularly in the context of updating.”
Following from this, we added the following text snippets to the discussion:
“Noteworthy, our data revealed that differences in updating appeared to be driven by the non-risk allele groups. Despite increasing BMI, performance remained stable.”
“However, as BMI increases, the possession of a greater D2 receptor density seems to become advantageous, as evidenced by the lack of a negative correlation between BMI and updating performance in non-A carriers. We speculate that this phenomenon could potentially be attributed to the compensating effects of this genotype. While individuals with fewer D2 receptors (A1+) may have quicker saturation of receptors regardless of dopamine levels, in those with more D2 receptors (A1-) saturation may be slower. This could contribute to a more finely tuned balance between "go" and "no-go" signaling, despite potential alterations in dopamine tone in obesity (Horstmann et al., 2015; but also see Darcey et al., 2023 or Janssen & Horstmann, 2022). Clearly, the current data cannot provide empirical evidence for these speculations, and further discrete research is needed to establish firm conclusions.
Regarding DARPP, we found that carrying the G-allele significantly exacerbated the negative effects of BMI, while the more advantageous allele (A/A) mitigated them, once again particularly in the context of updating.”
“Collectively, our observations hint at the potential of advantageous genotypes to moderate the adverse impacts of high BMI on cognitive functions.”
In conclusion, in its current form the title of the present work is ambivalent in terms of 1) the use of the term "impaired" in the context of cognitively normal individuals, 2) a BMI group difference specifically in the updating condition, and 3) the dopaminergic mechanisms based on observational data
Given the results of the additional post hoc analyses, we agree with the reviewer and have refined the title of our work to be less misleading. The title now reads:
“Working Memory Gating in Obesity is Moderated by Striatal Dopaminergic Gene Variants”
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the Authors):
Beyond the issues raised in the public review, I recommend the authors adjust the use of pathologizing terminology in the context of a clinically healthy population. In particular, terms like "dopaminergic abnormalities" and "working memory deficits/impairment" seem pathologizing in a healthy, non-morbidly obese cohort. To that end, despite a negative continuous association between BMI and WM, there are high and low-performing individuals in all BMI segments, and group differences (high vs low BMI; not reported) do not seem as dramatic as between healthy controls and say Parkinson's disease patients. Furthermore, owing to the observational design of the present study the authors should pay attention to the use of terms suggesting causal relationships, such as "influence" in the context of statistical associations. Also, sentences like "Our study is the first to show such selective effects" seem problematic not only in terms of claims of primacy, but also in terms of the selectivity of the effects (associations). See the public review for an alternative interpretation of selectivity to updating conditions.
Of minor importance are the occasional spelling errors, that should be carefully checked by the authors. Also, I would like the authors to double-check the model configurations reported in the main text and the supplementary material. According to the supplement model 1 contains task condition by subject as a random effect (random slope model), whereas the main text states that this model configuration didn't converge and therefore only subject-specific intercepts are included. Hence, there seems to be discordance between the model descriptions in the main text and supplement. To that end, it would seem appropriate to briefly motivate the use of LME and the random effect for subject (within-subject correlation between conditions). Also, the origin of the odds ratios (OR) reported in the results section is not explicitly defined in the methods or results.
We appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful recommendations and have taken several steps to address the concerns raised:
(1) We have revised our manuscript to ensure that the language is less pathologizing and avoids suggesting causal relationships where only associations are indicated.
For example:
In the abstract, we replaced “abnormalities” with “alterations”:
“Dopaminergic alterations have emerged as a potential mediator. However, current models suggest these alterations should only shift the balance in working memory tasks, not produce overall deficits”
In the introduction we replaced “impairments” with “alterations”:
“This distinction may be crucial, however, as indirect evidence hints at potential specific alteration in these two sub-processes in obesity.
Generally, we took care to replace terms like 'dopaminergic abnormalities' and 'working memory deficits/impairments' with more neutral descriptors suitable for a clinically healthy population in the whole manuscript.
(2) We have modified primacy statements to be more nuanced. In the discussion, for example, we now say “This finding is compelling as it demonstrates a rarely observed selective effect.” Instead of “This finding is compelling as we are the first to show such selective effects.”
(3) We have conducted an additional thorough review of our manuscript to correct any spelling errors.
(4) Upon reevaluation, we corrected the inconsistencies with respect to the random structure of model 1. We therefore have revised the supplementary material to now accurately reflect that the model did not converge when including condition as a random factor, and thus, only subject-specific intercepts are included.
(5) We have expanded our methods section to better explain the use of linear mixed effects models (LMEs) and the inclusion of random effects for subjects to account for within-subject correlation between conditions. We added the following text:
“Given the within-subject design of our study, we used generalized linear mixed models (GLM) […]” and
“The random structure of the model was thus reduced to include the factor ‘subject’ only, thereby accounting for the repeated measures taken from each subject.”
(6) We have clearly defined the derivation of the odds ratios reported in our results in the methods section of our manuscript. We added the following text to the methods section:
“Reported odds ratios (OR) are retrieved from exponentiating the log-odds coefficients called with the summary() function.”
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The majority of participants seem to fall within the normal BMI range, whereas the interaction between BMI and genetic variations or amino acid ratio particularly surfaces at higher BMI. As genetic variations are usually associated with small effect sizes, the effective sample size, although large for a behavioral analysis only, might have been too small to detect meaningful effects of risk alleles of COMT and C957T.
We thank the reviewer for the valuable feedback. We concur that the effective sample size may have posed a limitation in detecting meaningful effects of COMT and C957T, particularly given the skewness of our data towards participants within the normal BMI range. In response to the reviewer’s comments, we have refined the relevant paragraph in the limitations section of our manuscript, emphasizing the importance of recruiting a more balanced sample, including individuals with higher BMI, in future studies.
“Furthermore, an additional limitation is that our data is slightly skewed towards participants within the normal BMI range. The effective sample size to detect meaningful genotype effects (e.g. for COMT or C957T) might thus have been too small, particularly at higher BMI levels. Future studies may address this limitation by recruiting a more balanced sample, including more individuals with higher BMI.”
The relationships between genetic variations, BMI, and specific disturbances in dopamine signaling are complex, as compensating mechanisms might be at play to mitigate any detrimental effects. The results would therefore benefit from more direct measures or manipulations of dopaminergic processes.
We thank the reviewer for this valuable input. We acknowledge the potential benefits of employing a more direct measure, or ideally, a dopaminergic manipulation, to establish a clearer causal link between dopamine processes and working memory gating in the context of obesity. In response to the reviewers' constructive feedback, we have addressed this limitation in the discussion section of our manuscript, emphasizing the need for further research in this area:
“Additionally, the correlational nature of our findings highlights the need for more direct experimental manipulations of dopaminergic processes in obesity. Previous studies have established a causal link between dopamine and WM gating through drug manipulations (Fallon et al., 2017, 2019). Applying a similar approach to an obese sample could help establish a clearer causal link between dopamine activity and WM gating in the context of obesity.”
The introduction could benefit from a more elaborate description of the predicted effects: into which direction (better or worse updating) would the authors predict each effect to go and why? This is clearly explained for COMT, but not for e.g. DARPP-32.
We thank the reviewer for their valuable feedback. We appreciate the suggestion to provide a more detailed description of the predicted effects for each genetic marker in the introduction. We would like to note, however, that the analyses involving markers such as DARPP-32 were inherently exploratory in nature. Consequently, we intentionally refrained from formulating directed hypotheses, as our primary aim was to observe and report any emergent patterns.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the Authors):
To what extent are the polymorphisms or amino acid ratios associated with BMI? For example, when including C957T polymorphism in the analysis, the detrimental effect of BMI on working memory is no longer statistically significant. Could this be due to a relatively strong relationship between C957T polymorphism and BMI? Could the authors provide figures showing how BMI relates to the genetic polymorphisms and amino acid ratio?
We appreciate the reviewer's insightful comment and have thoroughly investigated the potential relationship between the polymorphism and BMI. Our analysis did not reveal any direct association between C957T and BMI. We have included this analysis in our manuscript. The reviewer’s comment strengthened the comprehensiveness of our study.
“Because the main effect of BMI dissipated when including C957T in the model, we ran an additional exploratory analysis to check whether this polymorphism directly related to BMI. Linear regression, predicting BMI by genotype, showed no association between the two (p = 0.2432), indicating that BMI effect is probably not masked by the presence of the C957T polymorphism. See Table S8.”
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This valuable manuscript reports alterations in autophagy present in dopaminergic neurons differentiated from iPSCs of patients with WDR45 mutations. The authors identified compounds that improved the defects present in mutant cells by generating isogenic iPSC without the mutation and performing an automated drug screening. The methodological approaches are solid, but the claims still need to be completed; showing the effects of the identified compounds on iron-related alterations is crucial. The effects of these drugs in vivo would be a great addition to the study.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the current study, Papandreou et al. developed an iPSC-based midbrain dopaminergic neuronal cell model of Beta-Propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (BPAN), which is caused by mutations in the WDR45 gene and is known to impair autophagy. They also noted defective autophagy and abnormal BPAN-related gene expression signatures. Further, they performed a drug screening and identified five cardiac glycosides. Treatment with these drugs effectively in improved autophagy defects and restored gene expression. Seeing the autophagy defects and impaired expression of BPAN-related genes adds strength to this study. Importantly, this work shows the value of iPSC-based modeling in studying disease and finding therapeutic strategies for genetic disorders, including BPAN.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the authors aim to demonstrate that cardiac glycosides restore autophagy flux in an iPSC-derived mDA neuronal model of WDR45 deficiency. They established a patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neuronal model and performed a medium-throughput drug screen using high-content imaging-based IF analysis. Several compounds were identified that ameliorate disease-specific phenotypes in vitro.
This manuscript engaged in an important topic and yielded some interesting data.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment
This valuable manuscript reports alterations in autophagy present in dopaminergic neurons differentiated from iPSCs in patients with WDR45 mutations. The authors identified compounds that improved the defects present in mutant cells by generating isogenic iPSC without the mutation and performing an automated drug screening. The methodological approaches are solid, but the claims still need to be completed: showing the effects of the identified compounds on iron-related alterations is crucial. The effects of these drugs in vivo would be a great addition to the study.
Thank you for this assessment. We agree that further hit validation would be a great addition to the study. At present, we provide this through RNAseq data but not at the protein level. Further validation using in vivo models would also be warranted but is beyond the scope of the current work.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the current study, Papandreou et al. developed an iPSC-based midbrain dopaminergic neuronal cell model of Beta-Propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (BPAN), which is caused by mutations in the WDR45 gene and is known to impair autophagy. They also noted defective autophagy and abnormal BPAN-related gene expression signatures. Further, they performed a drug screening and identified five cardiac glycosides. Treatment with these drugs effectively in improved autophagy defects and restored gene expression.
Seeing the autophagy defects and impaired expression of BPAN-related genes adds strength to this study. Importantly, this work shows the value of iPSC-based modeling in studying disease and finding therapeutic strategies for genetic disorders, including BPAN.
It is unclear whether these cells show iron metabolism defects and whether treatment with these drugs can ameliorate the iron metabolism phenotypes.
We are pleased to ascertain that the reviewer feels the work is an important step in the field for BPAN. We also absolutely agree that secondary hit validation assays showing cardiac glycoside efficacy in restoring patient-related in vitro phenotypes would be very valuable.
We set up assays to investigate iron metabolism phenotypes, including western blotting for Ferritin Heavy Chain 1, Transferrin and Ferroportin 1 (SLC40A1) at day 65 of differentiation, but found no significant difference when comparing patient lines to controls (data not shown).
We also performed cell viability studies using the Alamar Blue assay on Day 11 ventral midbrain progenitors after 24 hour exposure to a) glucose starvation, b) media with no antioxidants (L-ascorbic acid and B-27 supplement), c) oxidative stressors MPP+ 1mM and FeCl3 100 uM (MPP+ and FeCl3 as suggested by Seibler et al (Brain 2018 PMID: 30169597). We found no difference in cell viability between patients, age-matched controls and CRISPR lines (data not shown). Additionally, we examined lysosomal function in BPAN Day 11 progenitors (2 age-matched controls, 3 patient lines, 2 isogenic controls); again, using the autophagy flux treatments mentioned above) via LAMP1 high content imaging immunofluorescence. We have seen no difference in LAMP1 puncta production between patient lines and controls and, therefore, have not included this data in our revision.
Overall, we agree with the reviewer that more validation of the compound hits’ ability to restore robust BPAN-related in vitro and in vivo phenotypes (including studies of iron metabolism/ homeostasis) will be needed in the future – this could be undertaken in more mature 2D culture systems, 3D organoid models and disease-relevant animal models.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the authors aim to demonstrate that cardiac glycosides restore autophagy flux in an iPSC-derived mDA neuronal model of WDR45 deficiency. They established a patientderived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neuronal model and performed a medium-throughput drug screen using high-content imaging-based IF analysis. Several compounds were identified to ameliorate disease-specific phenotypes in vitro.
This manuscript engaged in an important topic and yielded some interesting data.
This manuscript failed to provide solid evidence to support the conclusion.
We are pleased that the reviewer assesses the work as conceptually important and interesting. We also agree that more work to understand the pathophysiology underpinning BPAN, and the mechanisms through which cardiac glycosides help restore affected intracellular pathways are warranted. More validation of the compound hits’ ability to restore broader disease-specific in vitro and in vivo phenotypes is also needed in future studies.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Overall, this is a nicely executed study. Here are my suggestions:
(1) Showing the iron phenotypes in these cells and testing if treatment with these drugs rescues iron-related phenotypes will add significant value to this work.
We absolutely agree that secondary hit validation assays showing glycoside efficacy in restoring disease-related in vitro phenotypes is warranted. The main issue here is identifying how WDR45 deficiency leads to cellular dysfunction or dyshomeostasis and early death. Unfortunately, the mechanism by which this happens is not yet delineated, and more relevant future work is needed.
In our lab, we set up such assays. Regarding iron metabolism-related phenotypes, we performed western blotting for Ferritin Heavy Chain 1, Transferrin and Ferroportin 1 (SLC40A1) but found no significant difference when comparing patient lines to controls (data not shown). We also performed cell viability studies using the Alamar Blue assay on Day 11 ventral midbrain progenitors after 24 hour exposure to a) glucose starvation, b) media with no antioxidants (L-ascorbic acid and B-27 supplement), c) oxidative stressors MPP+ 1mM and FeCl3 100 uM (MPP+ and FeCl3, as suggested by the Seibler et al paper, Brain 2018 PMID: 30169597). We found no difference in cell viability between patients, age-matched controls and CRISPR lines (data not shown). Additionally, we examined lysosomal function in BPAN Day 11 progenitors (2 age-matched controls, 3 patient lines, 2 isogenic controls; again, using the autophagy flux treatments mentioned above) via LAMP1 high content imaging immunofluorescence. We have seen no difference in LAMP1 puncta production between patient lines and controls and, therefore, have not included this data in our revision.
(2) Assessing the effects of these drugs in an in vivo model will strengthen this study.
This is a valid point, and we agree that further validation using in vivo models such as the reported BPAN mouse models, would be warranted in the future.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
While this manuscript engaged in an important topic and yielded exciting data, there are still some concerns for the authors to address.
(1) The biggest concern is that the characterization of autophagic flux solely with LC3 is not convincing enough. Although ATG2A and ATG2B are required for phagophore formation during autophagy, their interaction with WDR45 seems dispensable for phagophore formation for a mild autophagy defect observed in WDR45 knockout cell models and mouse models. All wdr45/- mice are born normally and survive the postnatal starvation period, unlike mice lacking essential ATG proteins, like ATG5, ATG7, and VMP1. The functional relevance of WDR45 and autophagy remains to be fully established. Overall, this manuscript failed to provide solid evidence to support the conclusion.
This is a valid point. We have looked at autophagy flux in fibroblasts and Day 11 ventral midbrain stage. For fibroblasts, 1 control line and three patient lines were used; for Day 11 progenitors, 2 control lines, 2 patient lines and one isogenic control were used. Cells from different lines were cultured on the same 96-well plates, at the same plating density, and treated concurrently to minimise fluctuations in flux due to unaccounted factors, e.g., confluence, incubator temperature etc. Treatments consisted of a) DMSO (basal condition), b) Bafilomycin A1 (flux inhibition via autophagosome/ lysosome fusion blockage), c) Torin A1 (mTOR inhibitor, flux inducer) and d) combination of Bafilomycin A1 and Torin 1, for a total of 3 hours. In all these conditions, LC3 puncta production in BPAN lines was reduced when compared to controls. We believe that these results indicate defective autophagy flux in BPAN in different cell types.
Moreover, we have demonstrated defects in autophagy-related gene (ATG) expression through RNA sequencing, that is restored after CRISPR/Cas9-mediated correction of the disease-causing mutation in a patient derived line, but also after treatments with torin 1 and digoxin. These results suggest a dysregulated ATG network in WDR45 deficiency.
(2) WDR45 is linked to BPAN. Do the authors detect any iron accumulation in DA progenitors or mDA neurons?
Regarding iron metabolism-related phenotypes, we performed western blotting for Ferritin Heavy Chain 1, Transferrin and Ferroportin 1 (SLC40A1) but found no significant difference when comparing patient lines to controls (data not shown). We agree that more studies into the links between WDR45 deficiency, iron metabolism and neurodegeneration are needed.
(3) It is necessary to detect LC3 protein levels by western blot to distinguish LC3I and LC3II and gain a more accurate understanding for the process of LC3 - marked autophagosome.
Thank you for this valid point.
Due to the very dynamic nature of autophagy, and many factors influencing flux , we have not been able to meaningfully examine autophagy-related markers in an iPSC-derived system that is also inherently prone to variability. Therefore, LC3 and p62 values exhibited high variability, and hence we are unable to adequately interpret them (data not shown). Instead, in this manuscript we have focused on high-content assays with cells cultured and treated simultaneously at Day 11 of differentiation, which have shown autophagy flux defects.
We have looked at autophagy flux in fibroblasts and at Day 11 ventral midbrain stage. For fibroblasts, 1 control line and three patient lines were used; for Day 11 progenitors, 2 control lines, 2 patient lines and one isogenic control were used. Cells from different lines were cultured on the same 96-well plates, at the same plating density, and treated concurrently to minimise fluctuations in flux due to unaccounted factors, e.g., confluence, incubator temperature etc. Treatments consisted of a) DMSO (basal condition), b) Bafilomycin A1 (flux inhibition via autophagosome/ lysosome fusion blockage), c) Torin A1 (mTOR inhibitor, flux inducer) and d) combination of Bafilomycin A1 and Torin 1, for a total of 3 hours. In all these conditions, LC3 puncta production in BPAN lines was reduced when compared to controls. We believe that these results indicate defective autophagy flux in BPAN in different cell types.
(4) Some methodological details need to be included - detailed descriptions of various quantifications for IF staining should be provided. For example, it is unclear how "% cells+ ve for marker combination" (Fig.1B) was quantified, and there are many unconventional units such as "% cells+ ve for marker combination "; please check and correct them.
Thank you for pointing this out. We have changed the legends in Figure 1B and Supplementary Figure 2C to ‘percentage of cells positive for marker combination’. Moreover, in our Methods section (Immunocytochemistry sub-section), we have updated the text as follows, to give more clarification on the process of marker quantification (Page 25, Paragraph 2): ‘For quantification, 4 random fields were imaged from each independent experiment. Subsequently, 1200 to 1800 randomly selected nuclei were quantified using ImageJ (National Institutes of Health). Manual counting for nuclear (DAPI) staining and co-staining with the marker of interest was performed, and percentages of cells expressing combinations of markers were calculated as needed.’
(5) In Figure 3 and Figure 4, the quantifications for IF images were inconsistent with the shown IF image, for example, the representative IF image for detection of LC3 with Tor1 treatment.
Due to space restrictions, we have not included representative images from all patient lines, and every treatment condition depicted in the graphs. In Figure 3 (describing the set-up of the LC3 screening assay), only one control line and one patient line is shown in basal (DMSO-treated) conditions. In Supplementary Figure 4D, only one patient line and the corresponding isogenic control line are depicted after Torin 1 treatments.
Quantification of the LC3 puncta in this assay (20 fields per well, each condition in a technical duplicate, n=8 biological replicates) was automated, using ImageJ and R Studio, with subsequent statistical significance calculation on GraphPad Prism. Hence, the immunofluorescence figures depict a reduction in LC3 puncta per nuclei numbers in patient-derived lines versus controls, but not the exact difference after automated image analysis. We have detailed this in the Methods section (High content imaging-based immunofluorescence subsection) of our manuscript (Page 26, Paragraph 2): ‘For all high content imaging-based experiments, the PerkinElmer Opera Phenix microscope was used for imaging. 20 fields were imaged per well, at 40 x magnification, Numerical Aperture 1.1, Binning 1. Image analysis was performed using ImageJ and R Studio.60 For the drug screen, puncta values were normalised according to positive and negative controls from each plate and Z-scores for each compound screened were generated. Statistical significances were calculated on GraphPad Prism V.
8.1.2. software (GraphPad Software, Inc.; https://www.graphpad.com/scientific-software/prism/).’
(6) In Figure 4C, LC3 should be co-stain with the DA progenitor maker to indicate that the intercellular LC3 level within the projectors.
Thank you for raising this point. The images from Figure 4C were obtained during the medium throughput drug screen, where the FOXA2 co-stain was not used. The FOXA2 stain was only used during the initial set-up of the LC3 screening assay, to confirm that the Day 11 cells had ventral midbrain identities. Indeed, most of the Day 11 cells used in the high content imaging-related experiments were FOXA2-positive, as shown in Figure 3 and Supplementary Figure 4.
(7) Examining P62, one of the most important indicators for autophagic flux, should be parallel with LC3 detection. In Figure 5A, P62 accumulation seems not significant in patient 02 Day 11 ventral midbrain projectors; how about that in Day 65?
The reviewer is raising a valid point. We have not examined p62 and LC3 staining in parallel in high content imaging-based experiments but agree that this would be good to examine in future studies.
Some other minor points
(8) It needs to give a more detailed description of the tested compounds you mentioned in the text.
Thank you for this point. We have elaborated on the contents of the Prestwick library used for the screening, as below (Page 9, Paragraph 3): ‘We then utilised this high-content imaging LC3 assay to identify novel compounds of potential therapeutic interest for BPAN by screening the Prestwick Chemical Library containing 1,280 compounds, of which more than 95% FDA/ EMA approved.’
In the Methods Section, Page 25, Paragraph 5, we also detail the library as follows: ‘For drug screening, the Prestwick Chemical Library (1,280 compounds, 95% FDA/ EMA approved, 10 mM in DMSO, https://www.prestwickchemical.com/screening-libraries/prestwick-chemical-library/) was used; cells were treated with compounds for 24 hours at 10 μM final concentration.’
(9) Please pay attention to the abbreviation; many gene names only have abbreviations without full names when they first appear in the context.
Thank you for this point. We have corrected this in various places throughout the manuscript and especially in the introduction section.
(10) Almost all figures have the problem of insufficient image resolution, or the font of the indicated words needs to be bigger to be distinguished clearly, like in Fig.1B, 1C, 1E.
Thank you for this point, we have ensured that all figures have adequate image resolution as specified by the journal requirements.
(11) The sample size or biological repeated times should be given in figure legends.
Thank you for this point. We have now indicated numbers of biological replicates where appropriate.
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eLife assessment
The aim of this valuable study is to identify novel genes involved in sleep regulation and memory consolidation. It combines transcriptomic approaches following memory induction with measurements of sleep and memory to discover molecular pathways underlying these interlinked behaviors. The authors explore transcriptional changes in specific mushroom body neurons and suggest roles for two genes involved in RNA processing, Polr1F and Regnase-1, in the regulation of sleep and memory. Although this work exploits convincing and validated methodology, the strength of the evidence is incomplete to support the main claim that these two genes establish a definitive link between sleep and memory consolidation.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Prior work by the Sehgal group has shown that a small group of neurons in the fly brain (anterior posterior (ap) α'β' mushroom body neurons (MBNs)) promote sleep and sleep-dependent appetitive memory specifically under fed conditions (Chouhan et al., (2021) Nature). Here, Li, Chouhan et al. combine cell-specific transcriptomics with measurements of sleep and memory to identify molecular processes underlying this phenomenon. They define transcriptional changes in ap α'β' MBNs and suggest a role for two genes downregulated following memory induction (Polr1F and Regnase-1) in regulating sleep and memory.
The transcriptional analyses in this manuscript are impressive. The authors have now included additional experiments that define acute and developmental roles for Polr1F and Regnase-1 respectively in regulating sleep. They have also provided additional data to strengthen their conclusion that Polr1F knockdown in α'β' mushroom body neurons enhances sleep.
The resubmitted work represents a convincing investigation of two novel sleep-regulatory proteins that may also play important roles in memory formation.
The authors have comprehensively addressed my comments, which I very much appreciate. I congratulate them on this excellent work.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Previous work (Chouhan et al., 2022) from the Sehgal group investigated the relationship between sleep and long-term memory formation by dissecting the role of mushroom body intrinsic neurons, extrinsic neurons, and output neurons during sleep-dependent and sleep-independent memory consolidation. In this manuscript, Li et al., profiled transcriptome in the anterior-posterior (ap) α'/β' neurons and identified genes that are differentially expressed after training in fed condition, which supports sleep-dependent memory formation. By knocking down candidate genes systematically, the authors identified Polr1F and Regnase-1 as two important hits that play potential roles in sleep and memory formation. What is the function of sleep and how to create a memory are two long-standing questions in science. The present study used a new approach to identify novel components that may link sleep and memory consolidation in a specific type of neuron. Importantly, these components implicated that RNA processing may play a role in these processes.
While I am enthusiastic about the innovative approach employed to identify RNA processing genes involved in sleep regulation and memory consolidation, I feel that the data presented in the manuscript is insufficient to support the claim that these two genes establish a definitive link between sleep and memory consolidation. First, the developmental role of Regnase-1 in reducing sleep remains unclear because knocking down Regnase-1 using the GeneSwitch system produced neither acute nor chronic sleep loss phenotype. In the revised manuscript, the author used the Gal80ts to restrict the knockdown of Regnase-1 in adult animals and concluded that Regnase-1 RNAi appears to affect sleep through development. Conducting overexpression experiments of Regnase-1 would lend some credibility to the phenotypes, however, this is not pursued in the revised manuscript. Second, while constitutive Regnase-1 knockdown produced robust phenotypes for both sleep-dependent and sleep-independent memory, it also led to a severe short-term memory phenotype. This raises the possibility that flies with constitutive Regnase-1 knockdown are poor learners, thereby having little memory to consolidate. The defect in learning could be simply caused by chronic sleep loss before training. Thus, this set of results does not substantiate a strong link between sleep and long-term memory consolidation. Lastly, the discussion on the sequential function of training, sleep, and RNA processing on memory consolidation appears speculative based on the present data.
Reviewer #4 (Public review):
Li and Chouhan et al. follow up on a previous publication describing the role of anterior-posterior (ap) and medial (m) ɑ′/β′ Kenyon cells in mediating sleep-dependent and sleep-independent memory consolidation, respectively, based on feeding state in Drosophila melanogaster. The authors sequenced bulk RNA of ap ɑ′/β′ Kenyon cells 1h after flies were either trained-fed, trained-starved or untrained-fed and find a small number of genes (59) differentially expressed (3 upregulated, 56 downregulated) between trained-fed and trained-starved conditions. Many of these genes encode proteins involved in the regulation of gene expression. The authors then screened these differentially expressed genes for sleep phenotypes by expressing RNAi hairpins constitutively in ap ɑ′/β′ Kenyon cells and measuring sleep patterns. Two hits were selected for further analysis: Polr1F, which promoted sleep, and Regnase-1, which reduced sleep. The pan-neuronal expression of Polr1F and Regnase-1 RNAi constructs was then temporally restricted to adult flies using the GeneSwitch system. Polr1F sleep phenotypes were still observed, while Regnase-1 sleep phenotypes were not, indicating developmental defects. Appetitive memory was then assessed in flies with constitutive knockdown of Polr1F and Regnase-1 in ap ɑ′/β′ Kenyon cells. Polr1F knockdown did not affect sleep-dependent or sleep-independent memory, while Regnase-1 knockdown disrupted sleep-dependent memory, sleep-independent memory, as well as learning. Polr1F knockdown increased pre-ribosomal RNA transcripts in the brain, as measured by qPCR, in line with its predicted role as part of the RNA polymerase I complex. A puromycin incorporation assay to fluorescently label newly synthesized proteins also indicated higher levels of bulk translation upon Polr1F knockdown. Regnase-1 knockdown did not lead to observable changes in measurements of bulk translation.
The proposed involvement of RNA processing genes in regulating sleep and memory processes is interesting, and relatively unexplored. The methods are satisfactory.
The main weakness of the paper is in the overinterpretation of their results, particularly relating to the proposed link between sleep and memory consolidation, as stated in the title. Constitutive Polr1F knockdown in ap ɑ′/β′ Kenyon cells had no effect on appetitive long-term memory, while constitutive Regnase-1 knockdown affected both learning and memory. Since the effects of constitutive Regnase-1 knockdown on sleep could be attributed to developmental defects, it is quite plausible that these same developmental defects are what drive the observed learning and memory phenotypes. In this case, an alternative explanation of the authors' findings is that constitutive Regnase-1 knockdown disrupts the entire functioning of ap ɑ′/β′ Kenyon cells, and as a consequence behaviors involving these neurons (i.e. learning, memory and sleep) are disrupted. It will be important to provide further evidence of the function of RNA processing genes in memory in order to substantiate the memory link proposed by the authors.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Below, I will list the points that should be addressed by the authors:
(1) Line 139: The authors conclude that the lack of a phenotype induced by knockdown of Polr1F is due to reduced baseline sleep because of the leakiness of the Genswitch system. However, it is not clear why the argument of the SybGS being leaky should not apply to all experiments done with this tool. The authors should comment on that aspect. Furthermore, this claim is testable since it should be detectable against genetic controls. An alternative explanation to the proposed scenario is that the Polr1F sleep phenotype observed in the constitutive knockdown experiment is based on developmental defects. The authors should provide additional evidence to explain the discrepancy.
We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful feedback. We assume the reviewer is referring to Regnase-1 RNAi (and not Polr1F) as Regnase-1 RNAi flies exhibit reduced sleep before dusk, potentially hindering further detection of sleep reduction. The leaky sleep reduction was based upon comparison with genetic controls in that experiment. Nevertheless, to discern whether our observations stem from developmental effects, we conducted adult-specific knockdowns of both Polr1F and Regnase-1 using the TARGET system. We generated the R35B12-Gal4:TubGal80ts line and crossed it with the UAS-Polr1FRNAi and UAS-Regnase-1RNAi lines. We confirmed that Polr1F RNAi promotes sleep when knocked down in adults (Figure 3 - supplemental figure 1). Conversely, Regnase-1 showed no effect on sleep in the adult stage, which is consistent with our nSyb-GS experiments, and suggests, as noted by the reviewer, that the Regnase-1 RNAi sleep effect is likely developmental (Figure 3 – supplemental figure 3).
(2) Line 170: Regnase1 knockdown affects all memory types, including short-term and long-term memory. The authors conclude that these genes are involved in consolidation. However, besides consolidation, it has been shown that α′β′ KCs are involved in short-term appetitive memory retrieval. Thus, an equally possible explanation is that the knockdown impairs the neuronal function per se, which would lead to a defect in all behaviors related to α′β′ KCs, rather than a specific role for consolidation. The authors have to provide additional evidence to substantiate their claim.
The exact role of Regnase-1 in the α′β′ KCs remains unclear. We acknowledge the reviewer’s concern and have amended our conclusion to include this potential explanation suggested by the reviewer.
(3) Line 87-88: For the protocol used, it was reported that GFPnls cannot be used for FACS sorting. The authors might want to comment/clarify that aspect. https://star-protocols.cell.com/protocols/1669.
For our RNA-seq experiments, we conducted single cell isolation by FACS sorting cells, instead of nuclei, labeled with GFP.nls. The protocol mentioned that GFP.nls is not effective for single nuclear RNA-seq as it is not specific for nuclei, but for our cell sorting purposes that did not matter.
(4) Line 131: The authors should report the concentration of RU486.
Sorry, this is now in methods.
(5) Line 155: Is that really 42 hours? This might be a typo. If not, it would be good to justify the prolonged re-starvation period.
Flies fed after training form sleep-dependent memories but did not show robust long-term memory after 30 h of restarvation. As starvation is a requisite for appetitive memory retrieval (Krashes and Waddell 2008), the low memory scores after 30 h could be due to inadequate starvation. Therefore, we starved flies for 42h, which is similar to the sleep-independent memory paradigm in which flies are starved for 18 h before training and then tested 24 h after training; this protocol resulted in robust long-term memory performance. These flies were fine and able to make choices in a T-maze after 42 h starvation.
(6) I will be listing mistakes/unclear points in the figures. However, all figures should be checked very carefully for clarity.
Thanks for these valuable comments. We have gone over the figures carefully and fixed any issues we found.
(7) Figure 1C: It is not entirely clear to me how this heatmap was created and what the values mean.
The 59 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were selected based on DESeq2 described in the methods. For the heatmap, Transcripts per million (TPM) of these 59 DEGs were log-transformed and then scaled row-wise and plotted with IDEP v0.95 (http://bioinformatics.sdstate.edu/idep95/).
(8) Figures 2A and 2B: The units might be missing. For Supplementary Figure 2, it is not clear what the different groups are without looking at the main figure.
(9) Figure 3: The panel arrangement is confusing. Furthermore, the "B)" is cut. The same issue is present in the Supplementary Figure.
Sorry! We rearranged the panels, and fixed the issue in both figures.
(10) Figure 5B: It is not clear what the scale bar means.
Now indicated
(11) Line 119: The citation "Marygold et al n.d."?
(12) Line 620: I'm not sure that the rate and localization of nascent peptide synthesis are measured.
Great point. We used the puromycin assay to estimate significant changes in translation. However, we did not measure the absolute translational rate or the localization of newly synthesized proteins. We rephrased this in the updated manuscript.
(13) Line 627, the authors should give the NA of the objective, further the authors should double-check the information they provide on the resolution.
Fixed, it was 20X.
(14) Line 629 "Fuji" is unclear, it might refer to the Fiji software, and in that case, it should be listed in the used software. Further, the authors have to check on the information they provide on the intensity, e.g. is that GFP fluorescence?
Yes, it was Fiji and GFP. The manuscript has been updated accordingly.
(15) Line 634, It is stated that two concentrations of CX-5461 are used, however, as far as I can see only data for the 0.2 mM.
We apologize for the confusion. Data are indeed only shown for 0.2 mM. We also tested 0.4 mM and 0.6 mM under fed conditions once and 0.1 mM under starved conditions twice. Since all effects were not significant, we only presented the complete 0.2 mM results in the supplementary figure.
(16) Line 352 "Marygold et al nd" is probably a glitch in the citation?
It’s a citation tool issue and has been fixed.
(17) The authors use apostrophe rather than a prime in describing the α "prime" β "prime" KCs
We have corrected this.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The authors have generated an interesting study that promises to advance the understanding of how context-dependent changes in sleep and memory are executed at the molecular level. The manuscript is well-written and the statistical analyses appear robust. Major and minor comments are detailed below.
Overall, I would suggest that the authors try to obtain additional evidence that Pol1rF modulates sleep and test the effect of acute adult-stage knockdown of Polr1F and Regnase-1 specifically in ap α'β' MBNs rather than pan-neuronally.
Major comments
(1) In Figures 2 and 3 and associated supplemental figures, the authors first test for a role for Polr1F and Regnase-1 specifically in ap α'β' MBNs (Fig. 2), then test for an acute role for these proteins via pan-neuronal drug inducible expression (Fig. 3). Because the former manipulation is cell-specific and the latter is pan-neuronal, it is hard for the reader to draw conclusions pertaining to ap α'β' MBNs from the second dataset. Perhaps Regnase-1 indeed acutely regulates sleep in ap α'β' MBNs, but that effect is masked by counteracting roles in other neurons? Conversely, it remains possible that Polr1F and Regnase-1 act during development in ap α'β' MBNs to modulate sleep. Indeed, since silencing the output of ap α'β' MBNs using temperature-sensitive shibire does not alter baseline sleep (Chouhan et al., (2021) Nature), the notion that Regnase-1 could act acutely in ap α'β' MBNs to reduce baseline sleep is somewhat surprising.
The authors could address this by using a method such as TARGET (temperature-sensitive GAL80) to acutely reduce Polr1F and Regnase-1 expression specifically in ap α'β' MBNs and test how this impacts sleep.
Thanks for the very helpful suggestions. We have done the suggested experiments and discuss them above in response to Reviewer 1. They are included in the manuscript as Figure 3 – supplemental figure 1 and figure 3 – supplemental figure 3.
(2) Figure 4 presents data examining whether Polr1F and Regnase-1 knockdown suppresses training-induced increases in sleep. For the untrained flies, based on the data in Fig. 2C, E I expected that Polr1F knockdown flies would exhibit more sleep than their respective controls (Fig. 4E), but this was not the case. These data suggest that more evidence may be warranted to strengthen the link between Polr1F (and potentially Regnase-1) knockdown and sleep. Could the authors use independent RNAi constructs or cell-specific CRISPR (all available from current stock centres) to validate their current results? Related to this, it would be useful to know whether the authors outcrossed any of their transgenic reagents into a defined genetic background.
The untrained flies in figure 4E are not equivalent to flies tested for Polr1F effects on sleep in figure 2C. In Figure 4E, flies were starved for 18 h and then exposed to sucrose without an odor at ZT6. Following sucrose exposure, flies were moved to sucrose locomotor tubes, and sleep was assessed only in the ZT8-12 interval. Sleep was not significantly different between untrained R35B12>Polr1FRNAi and Polr1FRNAi/+ flies, and while it was higher in R35B12>Polr1FRNAi than in R35B12/+ untrained flies, the data overall indicate that Polr1F downregulation has no impact on sleep under these conditions and at this time. Similarly, in fully satiated settings (Figure 2C), we found no difference in sleep during the ZT8-12 period between R35B12>Polr1FRNAi flies and genetic controls. We did not outcross our transgenic lines but have now tested another available Polr1F RNAi (VDRC: v103392) (Figure 3 – supplemental figure 1). As shown in the figure, adult-specific knockdown of Polr1F by this RNAi line promoted sleep, as did the initial RNAi line.
(3) Could the authors provide additional evidence that Polr1F knockdown in ap α'β' MBNs does not enhance sleep by reducing movement? A separate assay such as climbing would be beneficial. Alternatively, examining peak activity levels at dawn/dusk from the 12L: 12D DAM data.
We checked the peak activity per minute per day for adult specific knockdown of PorlF1 and Regnase-1 (data shown in Figure 3 – supplemental figure 4). The results show that Polr1F knockdown in ap α'β' MBNs does not enhance sleep by reducing movement.
(4) In terms of validating their proposed model, over-expressing of Polr1F during appetitive training might be predicted to suppress training-induced sleep increases and potentially long-term memory. Do the authors have any evidence for this?
We were unable to find any Pol1rF overexpression line. However, we obtained the Regnase-1 over-expression line from Dr. Ryuya Fukunaga’s lab and found that Regnase-1 OE does not affect sleep (Figure 4 – supplemental figure 1).
Minor comments
(1) Abstract: can the authors please define 'ap' as anterior posterior?
(2) Figure 2 Supplemental 1: can the authors please denote the genotypes each color refers to in?
(3) In Figure 3 Supplemental 1, the authors state that acute Regnase-1 knockdown did not reduce sleep, but sleep during the night period does appear to be reduced (panel A). Was this quantified?
We quantified this, and it was not significant.
(4) Discussion, line 234: the heading of this section is 'Polr1F regulates ribosome RNA synthesis and memory' but the data presented in Figure 4 suggests that Polr1F does not affect memory. Can the authors clarify this?
We made an adjustment to the title and acknowledge that at the present time we cannot say Polr1F affects memory.
(5) Methods, Key Resource Table: can the authors please identify which fly lines were used for Polr1F and Regnase-1 knockdown experiments?
Fixed. Fly line BDSC64553 was used for Polr1F RNAi except in Figure 3 – supplemental figure 1 and 4, where VDRC 103392 was used. VDRC 27330 was used for Regnase-1 knockdown experiments.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Figure 1B: This plot is currently labelled as PCA of DEGs, which I believe is inaccurate, as such a plot is a quality control that examines the overall clustering of samples by using all read counts (not just the DEGs). In addition, the color key value of this Figure 1B is not provided.
Thank you for the insightful suggestion. The reviewer’s comment here that typically PCA plots are used for overall clustering of RNA-seq samples is indeed valid. We've acknowledged that our samples, due to their high similarity in cell populations and mild treatments, do not exhibit clear separation when we use all genes. However, we show a PathwayPCA plot of all DEGs. We aim to highlight that RNA processing pathways enriched among the DEGs account for much of the separation of the groups.
(2) A reviewer token is not provided to examine the sequencing data set.
The RNA-seq data has been submitted to the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) with NCBI BioProject accession number PRJNA1132369. The reviewer token is https://dataview.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/object/PRJNA1132369?reviewer=cvqkddp8rjuebsjefk0f19556r.
(3) In the discussion, the author pointed out that many of the 59 DEGs have implicated functions in RNA processing. To strengthen the statement, it would be beneficial to conduct the Gene Ontology analysis to test whether the DEGs are enriched for RNA processing-related GO terms.
We have included the GO analysis results in Figure1 and another GO analysis of all DEGs in Figure 1 – supplemental figure 1.
(4) Figure 4E presents an intriguing finding because it shows that the untrained R35B12>Polr1FRNAi flies exhibit reduced sleep (instead of increased sleep) when compared to untrained Polr1/+ control flies.
Please see above response to reviewer #2 question2.
(5) For the memory assay method, the identity of odor A and odor B is not provided.
We used 4-methylcyclohexanol and 3-octanol; this information has been added into the methods section.
(6) Female flies were used for the sleep assay. However, it is not clear whether only female flies were used for the memory assay.
Mixed sexes are used for memory assays because a huge number of files is needed for these experiments. We added this information in the methods.
(7) It is important to provide olfactory acuity data on control and experimental animals to rule out that the learning/memory phenotype is caused by defects in sensing the odor used for training and testing.
Since Polr1F RNAi flies perform well, odor acuity is not an issue. Regnase1RNAi affects both short-term and long-term memories, but this seems to be a developmental issue, so we did not do the odor acuity experiments here.
(8) Line 20: "ap alpha'/beta'" neurons should be spelled as "anterior posterior (ap) alpha'/beta' neurons", as this is the first time that this anatomical name appears in this manuscript.
(9) Figure 2C and 2D labelling: R35B12>control; UAS control should be changed to R35B12/+ control; UAS-RNAi/+ control.
(10) Line 155: it is unclear why the flies were re-starved for 42hr before testing. Is this a different protocol from the 30hr re-starvation that was used by Chouhan et al., 2021?
We have explained the rationale above. The starvation period was increased to get better memory scores.
(11) Line 160: it is stated that knocking down Polr1F did not affect memory, which is consistent with Polr1f levels typically decreasing during memory consolidation. Is there a reference demonstrating that Polr1f levels typically decrease during memory consolidation?
It’s from our RNA-seq dataset from Figure1C. The level of Polr1F decreased in fed trained flies compared with other control flies.
(12) Genotype labeling in Figure 4F is inconsistent with the rest of the manuscript.
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eLife assessment
Through anchored phylogenomic analyses, this important study offers fresh insights into the evolutionary history of the plant diet and geographic distribution of Belidae weevil beetles. Employing robust methodological approaches, the authors propose that certain belid lineages have maintained a continuous association with Araucaria hosts since the Mesozoic era. Although the biogeographical analysis is somewhat limited by uncertainties in vicariance explanations, this convincing study enhances our understanding of Belidae's evolutionary dynamics and provides new perspectives on ancient community ecology.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This is a very nice study of Belidae weevils using anchored phylogenomics that presents a new backbone for the family and explores, despite a limited taxon sampling, several evolutionary aspects of the group. I find that the methodology is appropriate, and all analytical steps are well presented. The paper is well written and presents interesting aspects of Belidae systematics and evolution. The major weakness of the study being the very limited taxon sampling that has deep implications for the discussion of ancestral estimations.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors used a combination of anchored hybrid enrichment and Sanger sequencing to construct a phylogenomic data set for the weevil family Belidae. Using evidence from fossils and previous studies they are able to estimate a phylogenetic tree with a range of dates for each node - a timetree. They use this to reconstruct the history of the belids' geographic distributions and associations with their hostplants. They infer that the belids' association with conifers pre-dates the rise of the angiosperms. They offer an interpretation of belid history in terms of the breakup of Gondwanaland, but acknowledge that they cannot rule out alternative interpretations that invoke dispersal.
The strength of any molecular-phylogenetic study hinges on four things: the extent of the sampling of taxa; the extent of the sampling of loci (DNA sequences) per genome; the quality of the analysis; and - most subjectively - the importance and interest of the evolutionary questions the study allows the authors to address. The first two of these, sampling of taxa and loci, impose a tradeoff: with finite resources, do you add more taxa or more loci? The authors follow a reasonable compromise here, obtaining a solid anchored-enrichment phylogenomic data set (423 genes, >97 kpb) for 33 taxa, but also doing additional analyses that included 13 additional taxa from which only Sanger sequencing data from 4 genes was available. The taxon sampling was pretty solid, including all 7 tribes and a majority of genera in the group. The analyses also seemed to be solid - exemplary, even, given the data available.
This leaves the subjective question of how interesting the results are. The very scale of the task that faces systematists in general, and beetle systematists in particular, presents a daunting challenge to the reader's attention: there are so many taxa, and even a sophisticated reader may never have heard of any of them. Thus it's often the case that such studies are ignored by virtually everyone outside a tiny cadre of fellow specialists. The authors of the present study make an unusually strong case for the broader interest and importance of their investigation and of its focal taxon, the belid weevils.
The belids are of special interest because - in a world churning with change and upheaval, geologically and evolutionarily - relatively little seems to have been going on with them, at least with some of them, for the last hundred million years or so. The authors make a good case that the Araucaria-feeding belid lineages found in present-day Australasia and South America have been feeding on Araucaria continuously since the days when it was a dominant tree taxon nearly worldwide, before it was largely replaced by angiosperms. Thus these lineages plausibly offer a modern glimpse of an ancient ecological community.
Comments on current version:
The MS was already in pretty good shape last time around, and the authors have made most of the minor revisions and copy-edits suggested by the reviewers. There may be a few remaining points of disagreement with the reviewers, but these seem to be minor matters of opinion and nothing that ought to delay publication.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This is a very nice study of Belidae weevils using anchored phylogenomics that presents a new backbone for the family and explores, despite a limited taxon sampling, several evolutionary aspects of the group. The phylogeny is useful to understand the relationships between major lineages in this group and preliminary estimation of ancestral traits reveals interesting patterns linked to host-plant diet and geographic range evolution. I find that the methodology is appropriate, and all analytical steps are well presented. The paper is well-written and presents interesting aspects of Belidae systematics and evolution. The major weakness of the study is the very limited taxon sampling which has deep implications for the discussion of ancestral estimations.
Thank you for these comments.
The taxon sampling only appears limited if counting the number of species. However, 70 % of belid species diversity belongs to just two genera. Moreover, patterns of host plant and host organ usage and distribution are highly conserved within genera and even tribes. Therefore, generic-level sampling is a reasonable measure of completeness. Although 60 % of the generic diversity was sampled in our study, we acknowledge that our discussion of ancestral estimations would be stronger if at least one genus of
Afrocorynina and the South American genus of Pachyurini could be included.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors used a combination of anchored hybrid enrichment and Sanger sequencing to construct a phylogenomic data set for the weevil family Belidae. Using evidence from fossils and previous studies they can estimate a phylogenetic tree with a range of dates for each node - a time tree. They use this to reconstruct the history of the belids' geographic distributions and associations with their host plants. They infer that the belids' association with conifers pre-dates the rise of the angiosperms. They offer an interpretation of belid history in terms of the breakup of Gondwanaland but acknowledge that they cannot rule out alternative interpretations that invoke dispersal.
The strength of any molecular-phylogenetic study hinges on four things: the extent of the sampling of taxa; the extent of the sampling of loci (DNA sequences) per genome; the quality of the analysis; and - most subjectively - the importance and interest of the evolutionary questions the study allows the authors to address. The first two of these, sampling of taxa and loci, impose a tradeoff: with finite resources, do you add more taxa or more loci? The authors follow a reasonable compromise here, obtaining a solid anchored-enrichment phylogenomic data set (423 genes, >97 kpb) for 33 taxa, but also doing additional analyses that included 13 additional taxa from which only Sanger sequencing data from 4 genes was available. The taxon sampling was pretty solid, including all 7 tribes and a majority of genera in the group. The analyses also seemed to be solid - exemplary, even, given the data available.
This leaves the subjective question of how interesting the results are. The very scale of the task that faces systematists in general, and beetle systematists in particular, presents a daunting challenge to the reader's attention: there are so many taxa, and even a sophisticated reader may never have heard of any of them. Thus it's often the case that such studies are ignored by virtually everyone outside a tiny cadre of fellow specialists. The authors of the present study make an unusually strong case for the broader interest and importance of their investigation and its focal taxon, the belid weevils.
The belids are of special interest because - in a world churning with change and upheaval, geologically and evolutionarily - relatively little seems to have been going on with them, at least with some of them, for the last hundred million years or so. The authors make a good case that the Araucaria-feeding belid lineages found in present-day Australasia and South America have been feeding on Araucaria continuously since the days when it was a dominant tree taxon nearly worldwide before it was largely replaced by angiosperms. Thus these lineages plausibly offer a modern glimpse of an ancient ecological community.
I didn't find the biogeographical analysis particularly compelling. The promise of vicariance biogeography for understanding Gondwanan taxa seems to have peaked about 3 or 4 decades ago, and since then almost every classic case has been falsified by improved phylogenetic and fossil evidence. I was hopeful, early in my reading of this article, that it would be a counterexample, showing that yes, vicariance really does explain the history of *something*. But the authors don't make a particularly strong claim for their preferred minimum-dispersal scenario; also they don't deal with the fact that the range of Araucaria was vastly greater in the past and included places like North America. Were there belids in what is now Arizona's petrified forest? It seems likely. Ignoring all of that is methodologically reasonable but doesn't yield anything particularly persuasive.
Thank you for these comments.
The criticism that the biogeographical analysis is “not very compelling” is true to a degree, but it is only a small part of the discussion and, as stated by the reviewer, cannot be made more “persuasive”, in part because of limitations in taxon sampling but also because of uncertainties of host associations (e.g. with ferns). We tried to draw persuasive conclusions while not being too speculative at the same time. Elaborating on our short section here would only make it much more speculative — and dispersal scenarios more so than vicariance ones (at least in Belinae).
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
I have a few comments relative to this last point of a more general nature:
- I think it would be informative in Figure 1 to present family names for the outgroups.
Family names for outgroups have been added to Figure 1.
- There is a summary of matrix composition in the results but I think a table would be better listing all necessary information for each dataset (number of taxa, number of taxa with only Sanger data, parsimony informative sites, GC content, missing data, etc...).
We added Table S4 with detailed information about the matrices.
- Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't find how fossil calibrations were implemented in BEAST (which prior distribution was chosen and with which parameters).
We used uniform priors, this has been added to the Methods section.
- I am worried that the taxon sampling (ca. 10% of the family) is too low to conduct meaningful ancestral estimations, without mentioning the moderately supported relationships among genera and large time credibility intervals. This should be better acknowledged in the paper and perhaps should weigh more into the discussion.
Belidae in general are a rare group of weevils, and it has been a huge effort and a global collaboration to sample all tribes and over 60 % of the generic diversity in the present study. A high degree of conservation of host plant associations, host plant organ usage and distribution are observed within genera and even tribes. Therefore, we feel strongly that the resulting ancestral states are meaningful.
Moreover, 70 % of the belid species diversity belongs to only two genera, Rhinotia and Proterhinus. Our species sampling is about 36 % if we disregard the 255 species of these two genera.
However, we acknowledge that our results could be improved by sampling more genera of Afrocorynina and Pachyurini. However, these taxa are very hard to collect. We have acknowledged the limitation of our taxon sampling, branching supports and timetree credibility intervals in the discussion to minimize speculative in conclusions.
- It might be nice to have a more detailed discussion of flanking regions. In my experience and from the literature there seems to be increasing concern about the use of these regions in phylogenomic inferences for multiple solid reasons especially the more you go back in time (complex homology assessment, overall gappyness, difficulty to partition the data, etc...)
We tested the impact of flanking regions on the results of our analyses and showed this data did not having a detrimental impact. We added more details about this to the results section of the paper, including information about the cutoffs we used to trim the flanking regions.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Line 42, change "recent temporal origins" to "recent origins".
Modified in the text.
Line 97-98, "phylogenetic hypotheses have been proposed for all genera" This is ambiguous. The syntax makes it sound like these were separate hypotheses for each genus - the relationships of the species within them, maybe. However, the context implies that the hypotheses relate to the relationships between the genera. Clarify. "A phylogenetic hypothesis is available for generic relationships in each subfamily. . . " or something.
Modified in the text.
Line 162, ". . . all three subtribes (Agnesiotinidi, Belini. . . " Something's wrong here. Change "subtribes" to "tribes"?
Modified in the text.
Line 219, the comma after "unequivocally" needs to be a semicolon.
Modified in the text.
Line 327 and elsewhere, the abbreviation "AHE" is used but never spelled out; spell out what it stands for at first use. Or why not spell it out every single time? You hardly ever use it and scientists' habit of using lots of obscure abbreviations is a bad one that's worth resisting, especially now that it no longer requires extra ink and paper to spell things out.
Modified in the text.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1:
(MN1) The segregants should be referred to as F2 segregants as they are derived from an F1 cross.
We thank the reviewer for pointing out this important oversight. We indeed analyzed segregants of an F1 cross and have corrected this in the text.
(MN2) The connections to eQTLs in other organisms should be addressed in the introduction and conclusion. For example, in humans, there has been little evidence for trans eQTLs in contrast to what has been found in yeast.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and improved our introduction and conclusion with such connections.
(M3) The authors state that an advantage of scRNAseq over bulk is that it captures rare cell populations (line 79), but this advantage is not exploited in this study.
While we did not explicitly demonstrate the effect of using scRNA-seq on capturing variation in rare cell populations, the referenced literature (21, 40) provides evidence that pooled scRNA-seq captures important expression heterogeneity (which implicitly contains potentially rare expression states). In our study, this is leveraged on F2 segregants to assess expression variation within the same lineage (genotype). This impacts the partitioning of expression variance from genotype.
Thus, we mentioned this point to further support the choice of using scRNA-seq for this analysis and showed that even a few single cells enable the reconstruction of the genome and expression profile of rare cell types.
(MN4) The authors use ~5% of the lineages from the original study. There is no rationale for why this is an appropriate sample size. Is there an argument for using more cells in eQTL mapping or conversely could the authors ask if fewer cells would provide similar conclusions by downsampling?
Although scRNA-seq is highly scalable, it has limitations in terms of throughput. Indeed, a single library with 10x Genomics generates data in the order of 10^4 wellcovered cells. With these limitations, our choice of ~5% of the lineages of the original study stems from the need to recover the same lineage multiple times within these 10^4 cells (in our study, each lineage is recovered on average 4 times).
While it is possible to run multiple libraries and sequencing lanes, budget limitations prevent us from running more libraries, especially since we expect power to scale with the square-root of the number of lineages (there is diminishing returns).
(MN5) I do not agree that the use of UMIs overcomes the challenges of low sequencing depth. UMIs mitigate the possible technical artifacts due to massive PCR amplification.
We thank the reviewer for this comment and will clarify this in the manuscript. Indeed, we intended to refer to the breadth of coverage (instead of the depth), which would usually manifest with massive PCR amplification of few transcripts.
(MN6) There is an inadequate reference to prior work on scRNAseq in yeast that established the methods used by the authors and eQTL mapping in human cells using scRNAseq.
We thank the reviewer for this and have added more context on scRNA-seq methods benchmark in yeast (drop-seq etc) and sc-eQTL in human. Additionally, we have cited Jariani et al. (2020) in eLife where similar techniques were employed for scRNA-seq in yeast.
(MN7) The use of empty quotes in Figure 4A is confusing and an alternative presentation method should be used.
We will remove these empty quotes characters and replace them with a more meaningful representation like “none”.
(MN8) The authors speculate about the use of predicted fitness instead of observed fitness, but this is something they could explicitly address in their current study.
We thank the reviewer for this comment but have decided not to perform a whole new bulk-segregant analysis experiment (X-QTL) to identify QTL that way. However, we do agree that we could in principle use the QTL that were identified in our previous study (Nguyen Ba et al, 2022). Despite this, we do not see the need for this because the predicted fitness is the overlap between genotype and phenotype (within the variance partitioning framework, it is the ‘narrow-sense heritability’ if one ignores epistasis). Thus, the use of predicted fitness when partitioning for expression variation would be constrained to that overlap (as opposed to the real observed fitness). This means that within the variance partitioning framework, the overlap of genotype, expression, and fitness is fully recapitulated by using predicted fitness instead (given that this predicted fitness is accurate to the narrow-sense heritability). In our previous study, we found that the QTL essentially predict all of the narrow-sense heritability. We believe it is therefore evident that the use of predicted fitness would be sufficient if and only if the expression variation independent of genotype is not associated with observed fitness.
We note that our study cannot generalize whether the overlap between genotype and expression fully captures fitness variation explained by expression. Indeed, we believe this is not generalizable to many other contexts (for example, in development). Thus, at present, the use of predicted fitness remains a speculation.
(MJ1) There is insufficient information provided about the nature of data. At a minimum, the following information should be provided to enable assessment of the study: What is the total library size, how many genes are identified per cell, how many UMIs are found per cell, what is the doublet rate, and how are doublets identified (e.g. on the basis of heterozygous calls at polymorphic loci?), how many times is each genotype observed, and how many polymorphic sites are identified per cell that are the basis of genotype inferences?
We understand that these metrics are relevant to the reader to have an idea of the power of our approach and integrate them in the manuscript in Table 1.
(MJ2) The prior study analyzed 18 different conditions, whereas this study only assays expression in a single condition. However, the power of the authors' approach is that its efficiency enables testing eQTLs in multiple conditions. The study would be greatly strengthened through analysis of at least one more condition, and ideally several more conditions. The previous fitness study would be a useful guide for choosing additional conditions as identifying those conditions that result in the greatest contrasts in fitness QTL would be best suited to testing the generalizations that can be drawn from the study.
We agree that a major strength of our approach is that it rapidly allows eQTL mapping in several conditions. While the experiments presented here are likely less expensive than the classical eQTL mapping experiments, the cost of 10x genomics and sequencing is still an important consideration. The pleiotropy analysis of the prior study was substantially difficult to interpret and put in context, and thus we decided to focus on a proof of concept and leave room for a more thorough analysis of multiple environments for a future study. We acknowledge that this is a main weakness of our manuscript.
(MJ3) Alternatively, the authors could demonstrate the power of their approach by applying it to a cross between two other yeast strains. As the cross between BY and RM has been exhaustively studied, applying this approach to a different cross would increase the likelihood of making novel biological discoveries.
We thank the reviewers for this suggestion, and it is indeed something that our lab is considering. Currently, one of our main point of the manuscript still relies on growth measurements of segregants (the fitness), which we cannot obtain from segregants and scRNA-seq alone.
Unfortunately, in this experimental design, it is difficult to obtain the fitness of cells and the genotype simultaneously because the barcode of the segregant is not expressed and not frequently read during genotyping. Thus, we still need to perform a whole QTL panel for a new cross without substantial re-engineering.
That being said, we are working on this but feel that including a new panel in this study is beyond the scope of our manuscript.
(MJ4) Figure 1 is misleading as A presents the original study from 2022 without important details such as how genotypes were identified. It is unclear what the barcode is in this study and how it is used in the analysis. Is the barcode for each lineage transcribed so that it is identified in the scRNA-seq data? Or, does the barcode in B refer to the cell index barcode? A clearer presentation and explanation of terms are needed to understand the method.
Because F2 segregant lineage barcodes are not expressed, the barcode indicated in Figure 1B refers to cell barcodes from 10x Genomics. Our present study does not make use of the lineage barcode. We clarified this in the figure clarifying that panel A refers to the original study from 2022 and explicitly mentioning ‘cell barcodes’.
(MJ5) The rationale for the analysis reported in Figure 2B is unclear. The fitness data are from the previous study and the goal is to estimate the heritability using the genotyping data from the scRNA-Seq data. What is the explanation for why the data don't agree for only one condition, i.e. 37C? And, what are we to understand from the overall result?
The rationale of Figure 2A/B is to show that cell lineage genotyping with scRNA-seq yields consistent results with previous genotype-phenotype analyses of the same cross. While Figure 2A shows that the single-cell imputed genotypes resemble the reference panel (sequenced in the Nguyen Ba 2022 study), Figure 2B shows that the variance partitioning to associate genotype to phenotype can be performed using the single-cell genotypes themselves (bypassing the reference panel). We believe this is an interesting result given that the reads obtained by scRNA-seq are constrained to a subset of SNP. However, we note that if the imputed single-cell genotypes were perfectly matching with the reference panel, it would not be surprising that one could do genotype-phenotype mapping from the single-cell genotypes.
In Figure 2B, we tested whether the similarity of the single-cell imputed genotypes to the reference panel was enough to estimate heritabilities (another summary statistic).
In the remaining paragraphs of that result section, we further discuss that the single-cell lineage genotypes can be used for QTL mapping as well, recapitulating many of the QTL identified in the reference panel (provided that one controls for power). This result did not make it as a main Figure but is included in Figure S4.
That being said, we decided to update the figure by comparing the estimates in subsamples of batch1 scRNA-seq to subsamples of batch 1 reference panel and subsamples of the full reference panel. Subsamples were performed to control for power in the variance partitioning. We also noticed that the fitness of several F2 segregants is missing for the phenotypes 33C, 35C and 37C in the original study so we decided to exclude these environments.
(MJ6) Figure 3 presents an analysis of variance partitioning as a Venn diagram. This summarized result is very hard to understand in the absence of any examples of what the underlying raw data look like. For example, what does trait variation look like if only genotype explains the variance or if only gene expression explains the variance? The presented highly summarized data is not intuitive and its presentation is poor - the result that is currently provided would be easier to read in a table format, but the reader needs more information to be able to interpret and understand the result.
The Venn diagram is largely adopted in the context of variance partitioning (see Cohen, Jacob, and Patricia Cohen. 1975. Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences.) but we realize that it has not been used often for displaying heritability estimates. To this end, we have added explanatory labels for the biological meaning of the areas or components of the diagram in the Figure and in the text.
(MJ7) I am concerned about the conclusions that can be drawn about expression heritability. The authors claim that expression heritability is correlated with expression levels. It seems likely that this reflects differing statistical power. How can this possibility be excluded?
We thank the reviewer for highlighting this. We now explicitly acknowledge this potential confounding factor in the manuscript.
(MJ8) Conversely, the authors claim that the genes with the lowest heritability are genes involved in the cell cycle. However, uniquely in scRNA-seq, cell cycle regulated genes appear to have the highest variance in the data as they are only expressed in a subset of cells. Without incorporating this fact one would erroneously conclude that the variation is not heritable. To test the heritability of cell cycle regulation genes the authors should partition the cells into each cell cycle stage based on expression.
The reviewer is right to say that the low heritability of cell cycle control genes could be explained by the fact that these genes are only expressed in a subset of the dataset. Indeed, a high transcriptomic variance does not necessarily imply a low expression heritability: the cell cycle could be the residual of the expression heritability model, i.e. it explains expression variance with low association to genetic mutation.
That being said, our result is consistent with results obtained from yeast bulk RNA-seq (Albert et al. 2018), in which cell cycle is averaged out.
In our study, we also average out the cell-cycle as we use the consensus expression and the consensus genome to estimate the heritability.
(MJ9) I do not understand Figure S5 and how eQTL sites are assigned to these specific classes given that the authors say that causative variation cannot be resolved because of linkage disequilibrium.
The rationale for Figure S5 is to show that the QTL model obtained from single-cell data is consistent with the reference panel QTL mapping experiment. Although there is uncertainty around the exact position of the QTL, we relied on the loci with the highest likelihood and showed that the datasets have consistent features. This is enabled by the fact that the QTL identified using the scRNA-seq genotypes are the ones with largest effect size in the reference panel, and are thus more likely to be mapped accurately.
(MJ10) The paragraph starting at line 305 is very confusing. In particular, the authors state that they identify a hotspot of regulation at the mating type locus. It is not obvious why this would be the case. Moreover, they claim that they find evidence for both MATa and MATalpha gene expression. Information is not provided about how segregants were isolated, but assuming that the authors did not dissect 25,000 tetrads to obtain 100,000 segregants I would infer that random spore using SGA was used. In that case, all cells should be MATa. The authors should clarify and explain this observation.
Although most of the cells have the MATa mating type (as selected by random spore using SGA), it is well known and discussed in Nguyen Ba et al. paper that there are few lineages with other mating types or diploids (they are leakers in the selection process).
Indeed, we verified that we can detect a small number of MATalpha cells or diploids within this pool.
(MJ11) Ultimately, it is not clear what new biological findings the authors have made. There are no novel findings with respect to causative variation underlying eQTLs and I would encourage the authors to make clearer statements in their abstract, introduction, and conclusion about the key discoveries. E.g. What are the "new associations between phenotypic and transcriptomic variations" mentioned in the abstract?
This paper focuses more on the proof of concept that scRNA-seq can help integrate expression data in GPM analysis to reveal broad scale associations between fitness and expression. Indeed, novel findings include new hotspots of expression regulation in the RM/BY genetic background, we find that trans-regulation of expression has more impact than cis-regulation on fitness and evaluate the strength of the association between the genome, the transcriptome and fitness (in one environment). Additionally, the analysis reveals biological questions that cannot be answered even by increasing the experimental scale of eQTL mapping experiments. For example, we find that most of the missing heritability is not explained by expression. These key points will be clarified in the abstract, introduction and conclusion as suggested by the editors.
Reviewer #2:
(MJ1) Most of the figures center on methods development and validation for the authors' single-cell RNA-seq in the yeast cross […] One potential novelty of the study is the methods per se: that is, showing that scRNA-seq works for concomitant genotyping and gene expression profiling in the natural variation context. The authors' rigor and effort notwithstanding: in my view, this can be described as modest in terms of principles. That is, the authors did a good job putting the scRNA-seq idea into practice, but their success is perhaps not surprising or highly relevant for work outside of yeast (as the discussion says).
Although the scope of the method is limited, we think that it can apply to any largescale dataset in which transcription variance and genetic diversity are not small. This can help reduce the lack of associations between trait heritability and expression regulation, which is frequent as these two parameters are often not measured within the same dataset.
We can, however, think of some other settings where a similar experiment may be interesting. This includes, for example, pooling cells from different human individuals (with enough genetic diversity) and applying the same scRNA-seq method to back-identify the individuals and matching them to a particular phenotype. We believe our proof of concept is therefore an important contribution as these other experiments might have broad implications.
(MJ2) The more substantive claim by the authors for the impact of the study is that they make new observations about the role of expression in phenotype (lines 333-335). The major display item of the manuscript on this theme is Figure 4A, reporting which loci that control growth phenotype (from an earlier paper) also control expression. This is solid but I regret to say that the results strike me as modest.
This paper focuses more on the proof of concept that scRNA-seq can help integrate expression data in GPM analysis to reveal broad scale associations between fitness and expression. Indeed, novel findings include new hotspots of expression regulation in the RM/BY genetic background, we find that trans-regulation of expression has more impact than cis-regulation on fitness and evaluate the strength of the association between the genome, the transcriptome and fitness (in one environment). Additionally, the analysis reveals biological questions that cannot be answered even by increasing the experimental scale of eQTL mapping experiments. For example, we find that most of the missing heritability is not explained by expression. These key points will be clarified in the abstract, introduction and conclusion as suggested by the editors.
(MJ3) The discussion makes some perhaps fairly big claims that the work has helped "bridge understanding of how genetic variation influences transcriptomic variation" and ultimately cellular phenotype. But with the data as they stand, the authors have missed an opportunity to crystallize exactly how a given variant affects expression (perhaps in waves of regulators affecting targets that affect more regulators) and then phenotype, except for the speculations in the text on lines 305-319. The field started down this road years ago with Bayesian causality inference methods applied to eQTL and phenotype mapping (via e.g. the work of Eric Schadt). The authors could now try Mendelian randomization-type fine-grained detailed models for more firepower toward the same end, and/or experimental tests of the genotype-to-expression-to-phenotype relationship. I would see these directions, motivated by fundamental questions that are relevant to the field at large, as leading to a major advance for this very crowded field. As it stands, I felt their absence in this manuscript especially if the authors are selling principles about linking expression and phenotype as their take-home.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and agree that the analysis of the genotypeto-expression-to-phenotype relationship would benefit from a more fine-grain model. While we are interested in exploring this, we decided to limit the scope of this manuscript to the proof of concept that scRNA-seq can help gain insights about the genotypephenotype map at a broader scale.
(MN1) I also wonder whether the co-mapping of expression and growth traits in Figure 4A would have been possible with e.g. the bulk RNA-seq from Albert et al., 2018, and I recommend that the authors repeat the Figure 4A-type analyses with the latter to justify their statement that their massive scRNA data set would actually be necessary for them to bear fruit (lines 386-388).
By repeating our eQTL hotspot analysis with Albert et al. (2018) data, we observed a non-significant association between eQTL hotspot and QTL (χ2 p = 0.50). That being said, there are some differences in the Albert et al. Experiment that preclude us from conclusively saying whether the bulk RNA-seq experiments by Alberts would not bear fruit. Indeed, that experiment is only 4 times smaller in scale and so we would not expect dramatic differences. To highlight power differences, the Albert et al. Paper identified about 6 eQTL per gene, while our study identified about 21 which is consistent with the power differences.
This highlights that this scRNA-seq experiment is scalable, so the technique may be useful for further studies. In addition, this pooled scRNA-seq strategy enables analysis of the association of transcription with phenotype.
(MN2) I also read the discussion of the manuscript as bringing to the fore some of the challenges a reader has in judging the current state of the results to be of actionable impact. The discussion, and the manuscript, will be improved if the authors can put the work in context, posing concrete questions from the field and stating how they are addressed here and what's left to do.
We agree with the reviewer and have summarized our answers to some of the questions in the field in the discussion section.
All that being said, we acknowledge the limitations of our study.
eLife assessment
This useful study describes expression profiling by scRNA-seq of thousands of cells of recombinant yeast genotypes from a system that models natural genetic variation. The rigorous new method presented here shows promise for improving the efficiency of genotype-to-phenotype mapping in yeast, providing convincing evidence for its efficacy. This revised manuscript focuses on overcoming technical challenges with this approach and identifies several new biological insights that build upon the field of genotype-to-phenotype mapping, a central question of interest to geneticists and evolutionary biologists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In the revision of their paper, N'Guessan et al have improved the report of their study of expression QTL (eQTL) mapping in yeast using single cells. The authors make use of advances in single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) in yeast to increase the efficiency with which this type of analysis can be undertaken. Building on prior research led by the senior author that entailed genotyping and fitness profiling of almost 100,000 cells derived from a cross between two yeast strains (BY and RM) they performed scRNAseq on a subset of ~5% (n = 4,489) individual cells. To address the sparsity of genotype data in the expression profiling they used a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to infer genotypes and then identify the most likely known lineage genotype from the original dataset. To address the relationship between variance in fitness and gene expression the authors partition the variance to investigate the sources of variation. They then perform eQTL mapping and study the relationship between eQTL and fitness QTL identified in the earlier study.
This paper seeks to address the question of how quantitative trait variation and expression variation are related. scRNAseq represents an appealing approach to eQTL mapping as it is possible to simultaneously genotype individual cells and measure expression in the same cell. As eQTL mapping requires large sample sizes to identify statistical relationships, the use of scRNAseq is likely to dramatically increase the statistical power of such studies. However, there are several technical challenges associated with scRNAseq and the authors' study is focused on addressing those challenges. Most of the points raised by my review of the initial version have been addressed. However, one point remains and one additional point should be considered.
(1) Given that the authors overcame many technical and analytical challenges in the course of this research, the study would be greatly strengthened through analysis of at least one, and ideally several, more conditions which would expand the conclusions that could be drawn from the study and demonstrate the power of using scRNAseq to efficiently quantify expression in different environments.
(2) In this version the authors have introduced the use of data imputation using a published algorithm, DISCERN. This has greatly increased the variation explained by their model as presented in figure 3. However, it is possible that the explained variance is now an overestimation as a result of using the imputed expression data. I think that it would be appropriate to present figure 3 using the sparse data presented in the initial version of the paper and the newly presented imputed data so that the reader can draw their own conclusions about the interpretation.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors now say the main take-home for their work is (1) they have established methods for linkage mapping with scRNA-seq and that these (2) "can help gain insights about the genotype-phenotype map at a broader scale." My opinion in this revision is much the same as it was in the first round: I agree that they have met the first goal, and the second theme has been so well explored by other literature that I'm not convinced the authors' results meet the bar for novelty and impact. To my mind, success for this manuscript would be to support the claim that the scRNA-seq approach helps "reveal hidden components of the yeast genotype-to-phenotype map." I'm not sure the authors have achieved this. I agree that the new Figure 3 is a nice addition-a result that apparently hasn't been reported elsewhere (30% of growth trait variation can't be explained by expression). The caveats are that this is a negative result that needs to be interpreted with caution; and that it would be useful for the authors to clarify whether the ability to do this calculation is a product of the scRNA-seq method per se or whether they could have used any bulk eQTL study for it. Beside this, I regret to say that I still find that the results in the revision recapitulate what the bulk eQTL literature has already found, especially for the authors' focal yeast cross: heritability, expression hotspots, the role of cis and trans-acting variation, etc.
Likewise, when in the first round of review I recommended that the authors repeat their analyses on previous bulk RNA-seq data from Albert et al., my point was to lead the authors to a means to provide rigorous, compelling justification for the scRNA-seq approach. The response to reviewers and the text (starting on line 413) says the comparison in its current form doesn't serve this purpose because Albert et al. studied fewer segregants. Wouldn't down-sampling the current data set allow a fair comparison? Again, to my mind what the current manuscript needs is concrete evidence that the scRNA-seq method per se affords truly better insights relative to what has come before.
I also recommend that the authors take care to improve the main text for readability and professionalism. It would benefit from further structural revision throughout (especially in the figure captions) to allow high-impact conclusions to be highlighted and low-impact material to be eliminated. Figure 4 and the results text sections from line 319 onward could be edited for concision or perhaps moved to supplementary if they obscure the authors' case for the scRNA-seq approach. The text could also benefit from copy editing (e.g. three clauses starting with "while" in the paragraph starting on line 456; "od ratio" on line 415). I appreciate the authors' work on the discussion, including posing big picture questions for the field (lines 426-429), but I don't see how they have anything to do with the current scRNA-seq method.
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eLife assessment
This study investigated the involvement of programmed cell death (PCD) in Arabidopsis thaliana root cap cells and its effect on microbial colonization. The authors have reported the importance of timely corpse clearance in the root cap and a root cap-specific transcription factor in controlling microbial colonization by beneficial fungi. By demonstrating the connection between transcriptional control of PCD and microbial colonization, this study provides fundamental insights into how relationships are established and regulated at the root-microbiome interface. The strength of the evidence presented is convincing, providing a foundation for further research concerning the spatial and temporal dynamics of microbiome recruitment along the root axis.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The study investigated how root cap cell corpse removal affects the ability of microbes to colonize Arabidopsis thaliana plants. The findings demonstrate how programmed cell death and its control in root cap cells affect the establishment of symbiotic relationships between plants and fungi. Key details on molecular mechanisms and transcription factors involved are also given. The study suggests reevaluating microbiome assembly from the root tip, thus challenging traditional ideas about this process. While the work presents a key foundation, more research along the root axis is recommended to gain a better understanding of the spatial and temporal aspects of microbiome recruitment.
Comments on revised version:
The authors have positively addressed all the critical points I raised in the previous review.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors identify the root cap as an important key region for establishing microbial symbioses with roots. By highlighting for the first time the crucial importance of tight regulation of a specific form of programmed cell death of root cap cells and the clearance of their cell corpses, they start unraveling the molecular mechanisms and its regulation at the root cap (e.g. by identifying an important transcription factor) for the establishment of symbioses with fungi (and potentially also bacterial microbiomes).
It is often believed that the recruitment of plant microbiomes occurs from bulk soil to rhizosphere to endosphere. These authors demonstrate that we have to re-think microbiome assembly as a process starting and regulated at the root tip and proceeding along the root axis.
Comments on revised version:
The authors have addressed all critical points in their revision.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The study investigated how root cap cell corpse removal affects the ability of microbes to colonize Arabidopsis thaliana plants. The findings demonstrate how programmed cell death and its control in root cap cells affect the establishment of symbiotic relationships between plants and fungi. Key details on molecular mechanisms and transcription factors involved are also given. The study suggests reevaluating microbiome assembly from the root tip, thus challenging traditional ideas about this process. While the work presents a key foundation, more research along the root axis is recommended to gain a better understanding of the spatial and temporal aspects of microbiome recruitment.
We thank Reviewer #1 for their positive evaluation and critical feedback.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors identify the root cap as an important key region for establishing microbial symbioses with roots. By highlighting for the first time the crucial importance of tight regulation of a specific form of programmed cell death of root cap cells and the clearance of their cell corpses, they start unraveling the molecular mechanisms and its regulation at the root cap (e.g. by identifying an important transcription factor) for the establishment of symbioses with fungi (and potentially also bacterial microbiomes).<br /> Strengths:
It is often believed that the recruitment of plant microbiomes occurs from bulk soil to rhizosphere to endosphere. These authors demonstrate that we have to re-think microbiome assembly as a process starting and regulated at the root tip and proceeding along the root axis.
The study is a first crucial starting point to investigate the spatial recruitment of beneficial microorganisms along the root axis of plants. It identifies e.g. an important transcription factor for programmed cell death, but more detailed investigations along the root axis are now needed to better understand - spatially and temporally - the orchestration of microbiome recruitment.
We appreciate Reviewers #2 insightful comments and agree that further investigations are needed to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between the spatial and temporal recruitment of the microbiome and developmental cell death in future studies.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
- Given that the smb-3 altered PCD phenotype has already been reported in several publications, the aim of using Evans blue staining to highlight LRC cell corpses along the root surface of smb-3 is not clear. Maybe S1 would be more informative as main figure.
As an indicator of membrane integrity loss and cell death, Evans blue staining was used to characterize all dPCD mutants described in this study and their interactions with S. indica. To avoid redundancies with other publications, we restructured Figure 1, incorporating panel S1A to provide an introductory overview of the smb-3 phenotype. The former Figure 1B is now located in Figure S1.
- It is not clear how the analysis of protein aggregates fits into the rationale, why analyze these formations? What role should they have in the process of PCD or interaction with microbes?
The manuscript has been modified the following way to clarify the analysis of protein aggregates in the dPCD mutants: “The transcription factor SMB promotes the expression of various dPCD executor genes, including proteases that break down and clear cellular debris and protein aggregates following cell death induction. In the LRCs of smb-3 mutants, the absence of induction of these proteases potentially explains the accumulation of protein aggregates in uncleared dead LRC cells.”.
- Is the accumulation of misfolded and aggregated proteins also present during physiological PCD of LRC cells in the WT?
The biochemical mechanisms underlying PCD can vary depending on the affected cell types and tissues. Within the root tip of Arabidopsis, two different modes of PCD have been described, differentiating between columella root cap cells and LRC cells. For clarification the manuscript has been adjusted the following way:” Under physiological conditions in WT roots, we previously observed protein aggregate accumulation in sloughed columella cell packages, but not during dPCD of distal LRC clearance (Llamas et al., 2021). This aligns with the findings that dPCD of the columella is affected by the loss of autophagy, while dPCD of the LRC is not (Feng et al., 2022).”.
- I suggest being more careful when using the term "root cap" instead of "LRC" to reduce ambiguity (i.e. lines 56; 137), maybe you need to double-check the text.
We agree with the reviewer that a clear distinction between “root cap” and “LRC” is very important. We have adjusted the manuscript to avoid any misunderstandings.
- A technical question regarding qPCR sample preparation: doesn't washing the smb-3 roots cause a loss of LRC stretched cells and would it therefore lead to an alteration of the results?
The mechanical washing of roots is essential to ensure a clear distinction between intraradical fungal growth and accommodation around roots. While we cannot exclude the possibility that mechanical washing removes LRC cells, intraradical quantification of fungal biomass aims to measure S. indica growth in the epidermal and cortical cell layers, underneath the uncleared LRC cells. Thus, we complemented this assay with extraradical colonization assays to quantify external fungal biomass with intact LRC cells.
- It is not clear if S. indica promotes PCD in wt and/or in smb-3, could you comment on it?
It remains an open question whether and to what extent S. indica promotes PCD, although there are strong indications that this fungus activates different cell death pathways at various developmental stages, including dAdo mediated cell death. We posit that certain microbes have evolved to regulate and manipulate different dPCD processes to enhance colonization, implicating a complex crosstalk between various PCD pathways. We have adjusted the manuscript to underscore this perspective the following way:” Transcriptomic analysis of both established and predicted key dPCD marker genes revealed diverse patterns of upregulation and downregulation during S. indica colonization. These findings provide a valuable foundation for future studies investigating the dynamics of dPCD processes during beneficial symbiotic interactions and the potential manipulation of these processes by symbiotic partners.”.
- How analysis of BFN1 expression in whole root confirms its downregulation at the onset of cell death in S. indica-colonized plants. Moreover, is the transcriptional regulation of BFN1 important for PCD, or is the BFN1 protein level correlated with the establishment of cell death?
BFN1 gene expression in Arabidopsis shows a transient decrease around 6–8 days after S. indica inoculation, coinciding with the proposed onset of S. indica-induced cell death. While we can only speculate on a potential correlation between BFN1 downregulation and the onset of S. indica-induced cell death, we have described other pathways through which S. indica induces cell death. For example, it produces small metabolites such as dAdo through the synergistic activity of two secreted fungal effector proteins (Dunken et al., 2023). This suggests that S. indica recruits different pathways to induce cell death, which may vary depending on the host plant and interact with each other as shown for many other immunity related cell death pathways which share some components.
Regarding the second part of the question, BFN1 expression correlates positively with cells primed for dPCD (Olvera-Carrillo et al., 2015). BFN1 protein accumulates in the ER lumen and is released into the cytoplasm upon cell death induction to exert its DNase functions (Fendrych et al., 2014). If accumulation of BFN1 is cause or consequence of cell death remains to be validated.
- Line 190: there is a typo "in the nucleus", this is superfluous given that the reporter is nuclear.
The manuscript has been adjusted accordingly; see line L208. However, we consider the distinction important as we aim to emphasize the difference between the nuclear localization of the fluorescent signal in "healthy" cells and the dispersed fluorescent signal spreading in the cytoplasm of cells priming or undergoing dPCD.
- Line 255: there is a typo, stem cells can not differentiate.
The manuscript has been adjusted.
- During root hair development some epidermal cells undergo PCD to allow the emergence of root hairs. Furthermore, during plant defense against pathogens, epidermal cells undergo cell death to prevent further colonization. Have these cell death events been reported to occur under physiological conditions during development?
Plant defence responses in roots and the hypersensitive response (HR) still remain largely unexplored. The HR is a defence mechanism that consists of a localized and rapid cell death at the site of pathogen invasion. It is triggered by pathogenic effector proteins, usually recognized by intracellular immune receptors (NLRs), and accompanied by other features such as ROS signalling, Ca2+ bursts and cell wall modifications (Balint-Kurti, 2019). Notably, HR has been widely described in leaves, but no strong evidence has been shown for the occurrence of HR in plant roots (Hermanns et al., 2003, Radwan et al., 2005). Additionally, previous studies have not shown any transcriptional parallels between common dPCD marker genes and HR PCD in Arabidopsis (Olvera-Carrillo et al., 2015; Salguero-Linares et al., 2022).
While S. indica is a beneficial root endophyte that does not induce classical hypersensitive response (HR) in host plants, the impact of dPCD on S. indica colonization should not be overlooked. S. indica promotes root hair formation in its hosts (Saleem et al., 2022), and in Arabidopsis, root hair cells naturally undergo cell death 2–3 weeks after emergence (Tan et al., 2016). This aspect could be particularly relevant for understanding the dynamics of S. indica colonization.
- Showing the analysis of pBFN1 in smb-3 would help in validating the idea that the downregulation of BFN1 by S. indica is regulated independently of SMB.
SMB is known to be a root cap specific transcription factor (Willemsen et al., 2008; Fendrych et al., 2014). The pBFN1:tdTOMATO reporter line shows that BFN1 expression occurs in many different tissues undergoing dPCD, above and below ground, where SMB is not expressed or present. Therefore, we can postulate that the downregulation of BFN1 by S. indica in the differentiation zone is regulated independently of SMB.
- A question of great interest still remains open: is it the microbe that induces the regulation of BFN1 causing a delay in cell clearance and favoring the infection or is it the plant that reduces BFN1 to favor the interaction with the microbe? In other words, is the mechanism a response to stress or a consolidation of the interaction with the host?
We agree with this reviewer that this question remains open. Whether active interference by fungal effector proteins, fungal-derived signaling molecules, or a systemic response of Arabidopsis roots underlies BFN1 downregulation during S. indica colonization remains to be investigated. Yet, it is noteworthy that the downregulation of BFN1 in Arabidopsis is not specific to S. indica but also occurs during interactions with other beneficial microbes such as S. vermifera and two bacterial synthetic communities. This suggests that it could be a broader plant response to microbial presence. However, at this stage, we can only speculate on these possibilities. We therefore changed some of the statements in the paper to moderate our conclusions: e.g. “Expression of plant nuclease BFN1, which is associated with senescence, is modulated to facilitate root accommodation of beneficial microbes” to leave open who exactly is controlling BFN1, the plant or the microbes.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
This is a straightforward study, well executed and well written. I have only a few specific comments, and some concern the statistics which is a bit more serious and where I would like to get answers first. Looking at the figures, I am sure that the authors can easily clarify the issues in the manuscript.
We appreciate the positive feedback and included clarifications in the statistical section in the material and methods.
- The statistics are not detailed in Material and Methods, but are only briefly indicated in the headings of the figures. Include a statistics section in Material and Methods.
We added an extra paragraph with statistical analysis in the Material and Method section for clarifications, which reads as follows:” All statistical analyses, except for the transcriptomic analysis, were performed using Prism8. Individual figures state the applied statistical methods, as well as p and F values. p-values and corresponding asterisks are defined as following, p<0.05 *, p<0.01**, p<0.001***.”.
- Figure 1/ Figure S3, etc: First of all, a **** with p< 0.00001 does not exist! Significance in statistics just means that we assume that there is a difference with some kind of probability that has been defined as p<0.05 *, p<0.01**, p<0.001***, and NOT more! Even if p<0.000001, it is still p<0.001***. Stating the meaning of asterisks in a separate Statistics section in Materials and Methods would also avoid repetitive explanations (e.g. Figure 4, L68: 'Asterisk indicates significantly different...').
We agree and have updated the manuscript accordingly. See comment above.
- Also, it is advisable to reduce the digits of the p-values to a meaningful length (e.g. Figure 2 L 36: (*P<0.0466) should be (F[1, ?] = ?; p<0.047). The * is not necessary in the text, as p<0.05 is already given. We do not obtain more information by a more exact p-value, because all we need to know is that p<0.05.
We adjusted the p-values accordingly throughout the manuscript.
- It is NOT sufficient to communicate just the p-value of a statistical analysis. What is always needed is the F-value (student test and ANOVA) with both nominator and denominator degrees of freedom (e.g. F[2, 10] =) AND the p-value.
We included F-values throughout the manuscript in all main and supplemental figures to provide more clarity for the readers.
- The reason becomes clear in Fig. 2D where the authors state that they used 3 biological replicates, each with 40 plants. I assume the statistics was wrongly based on calculating with 120 plants (F[1,120] =) as technical replicates instead of correctly the biological replicates (3 means of 40 technical replicates each, (F[1,3] =))?? If F-value and df had been given, errors like this would be immediately visible - for any reviewer/reader, but also to the authors.<br /> \=>Please re-analyze the statistics correctly.
To assess S. indica-induced growth promotion, we measured and compared the root length of Arabidopsis plants under S. indica colonization or mock conditions at three different time points. Each genotype and treatment combination involved measuring 50 plants, with each plant serving as an independent biological replicate inoculated with the same S. indica spore solution. For comprehensive statistical analysis, we conducted the experiment a total of 3 times, using fresh fungal inoculum each time, originally referred to as "three biological replicates." We maintain that including all plant measurements is essential for a thorough statistical analysis of our growth promotion experiment. However, in order to avoid confusion, we have updated the figure legend to clarify the experimental set-up as following: “(D) Root length measurements of WT plants and smb-3 mutant plants, during S. indica colonization (seed inoculated) or mock treatment. 50 plants for each genotype and treatment combination were observed and individually measured over a time period of two weeks. WT roots show S. indica-induced growth promotion, while growth promotion of smb-3 mutants was delayed and only observed at later stages of colonization. This experiment was repeater 2 more independent times, each time with fresh fungal material. Statistical analysis was performed via one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test (F [11, 1785] = 1149; p < 0.001). For visual representation of statistical relevance each time point was additionally evaluated via one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test at 8dpi (F [3, 593] = 69.24; p < 0.001), 10dpi (F [3, 596] = 47.59; p < 0.001) and 14dpi (F [3, 596] = 154.3; p < 0.001).”
- Figure 2, L 18; Figure 5, L 95, Figure S5 L53, etc: I am worried about executing a statistical test 'before normalization' - what does it mean?? WHY was a normalization necessary, WHAT EXACTLY was normalized and do we see normalized plots that do NOT correspond to the data on which the statistics was based? At least this implies 'before normalization'! Please explain, and/or re-analyze the statistics correctly.
We agree that the phrasing “before normalization” may lead to confusion, as the normalization of data to the mean of the control group does not alter the statistical analysis. Normalization was performed to achieve a clearer visual representation. Additionally, Evans blue staining is quantified by measuring the mean grey value, which does not correspond to a specific unit. Normalizing the data allows for the representation of relative staining intensities. The manuscript has been adjusted accordingly throughout.
- Statistics in Figure 1: L8/9: 'in reference to B' is unclear, I guess the mean of the control was used as a reference? This would also explain the variation in relative staining intensity (Figure 1C). if normalization was carried out (see above) all control (WT) values should be exactly 1, but they are not. I guess it was normalized to the mean of the control?
“In reference to X” or “corresponding to X” typically means that Figure X shows an example image from the dataset on which the statistical quantification is based. We have updated the manuscript throughout the main and supplemental figure legends to use “refers to image shown in X” to avoid confusion.
Figure S4, L 42: '(corresponding to A)', see comment above.
See comment above.
Figure 5B, L 87: '(in reference to A)'; L93: (in reference to C), etc. - see above. Unclear how A was used as a reference. Was it the mean of A? BUT again only 3 biological replicates! So it has to be the mean of 3 reps that was used as control! OR can we at least say that the 10 measured roots were independent of each other (crucial (!) precondition for executing student's test or ANOVA? Then you would have at least 10 replicates (mean of 4 pictures taken per root for each).
Quantification of Evans blue staining intensity involved taking 4 pictures along the main root axis of each plant. We re-evaluated the statistical analysis correctly with the averaged datapoints for each plant root. We adjusted main figures (Fig.1C and 5B) and supplementary figures (Fig. S1C and S4B) and changed the material and methods section of the manuscript as following: “4 pictures were taken along the main root axis of each plant and averaged together, for an overview of cell death in the differentiation zone.”.
- Statistics in Figure 4, L 69: what means 'adjusted p-value'? Which analysis?
The material and method section of the manuscript has been adjusted as following for clarification: “Differential gene expression analysis was performed using the R package DESeq2 (Love et al., 2014). Genes with an FDR adjusted p-value < 0.05 were considered as differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The adjusted p-value refers to the transformation of the p-value obtained with the Wald test after considering multiple testing. To visualize gene expression, genes expression levels were normalized as Transcript Per kilobase million (TPM).”.
- Statistics in Figure 5, L102-105: see above! Were the statistics correctly calculated with 7 reps, or wrongly with 30? # I guess each time point was normalized to the mean of WT? By the way, it is not clear if repeated measurements were done on the same plants. If repeated measurements were done on the SAME plants, then these data are statistically not independent anymore (time-series analysis), and e.g. MANOVA must be used and significant (!) before proceeding to ANOVA and Tukey.
The statistics for quantifying intraradical colonization of Arabidopsis roots were calculated with 7 replicates. For each replicate, 30 plants were pooled to obtain sufficient material for RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis. Plants from the same genotype were harvested separately for each time point, ensuring that the time points are statistically independent from one another.
Statistics Fig. S1, L 11-12: see above, '5 plants were imaged for each mock and ..., evaluating 4 pictures ...' That means you have means of 4 pictures for 5 biological replicates - the figure shows 20 replicates. However, the statistics must be based on 5 reps! You may indicate the 4 pictures per root by different colours. Change throughout all figures and calculate the statistics correctly (show this by indicating the correct df in your statistics as discussed above).
We have conducted a re-evaluation of the statistical analysis of Evans blue staining for all figures presented throughout the manuscript. See comment above.
Statistics Fig. S3, L 31: 'Relative quantification of ...' see above, relative to what? Explain this also clearly in Statistics in Materials and Methods.
Relative quantification refers to normalizing data to the mean of the corresponding control group. Figure legends have been revised to clarify this point.
Statistics Fig. S5, L 57/58: 'Genes are clustered using spearmen correlation as distance measure'. If I understand it correctly, Spearman correlation is NOT a distance measure. You used Spearman correlation to cluster gene expression. Now it would be interesting to know WHICH clustering method was used, e.g. a hierarchical or non-hierarchical clustering method? and which one, e.g. single linkage, complete linkage? The outcome depends very much on the clustering method. Therefore, this information is important.
To perform gene clustering, we set the option “clustering_distance_rows = "spearman" “ of the Heatmap function included in the ComplexHeatmap package. The function first computes the distance matrix using the formula 1 - cor(x, y, method) with Spearman as correlation method. It then performs hierarchical clustering using the complete linkage method by default.
# Arabidopsis is a genus name and by convention, this has to be written throughout the MS in italics - even if the authors define Arabidopsis thaliana (in italics) = Arabidopsis (without).
# typos
L 24: smb-3 mutants (must be explained)
L 83 insert: ...two well-characterized SMB loss-of-function ...
While smb-3 is a SMB loss-of-function mutant bfn1-1 is a BFN1 loss-of-function mutant, independent of SMB.
L 93: The switch between the biotrophic..
L 119: distal border
L 125: aggregates in the smb-3 mutant
L 132: between the meristematic
L 177/178: was observed at 6 dpi in Arabidopsis colonized by S. indica.
L 250: colonization stages by S. indica.
L 288: and root cell death (RCD)
L 289: and towards...
L 296: dPCD protects the
L 304: This raises the
L 351: to remove loose
All the above-mentioned typos have been addressed in the manuscript.
Materials and Methods
L 327: give composition and supplier of MYP medium
L 344 name supplier of MS medium
L 338 name supplier of PNM medium
L 353: replace 'Following,..' with 'Subsequently, ..'
L 360: replace 'on plate' with 'on the agar plate' - change throughout the Materials and methods!
L 360: name supplier of Alexa Fluor 488
L 363: name supplier of (MS) square plate
L 377: insert comma: After cleaning, the roots...
L 394: explain the acronym and name supplier of PBS
L 399: explain the acronym and name supplier of TBST
All the above-mentioned comments in the material and methods have been addressed in the manuscript.
Figure 2G) x-axis, change order: Hoechst/Proteostat
Figure 3, L53: propidium iodide: name supplier
Figure 4, L68: Asterisks
L 60: explain LRC
L 67, L69, L70: explain the acronym TPM and how expression values were measured in Materials and Methods, the brief explanation in the figure is unclear and not sufficient
All the above-mentioned comments in the figure legends have been addressed.
Figure S5, L50: explain 'SynComs'
L 51: corrects 30 plans => 30 plants
L 56: vaules => values
L 57: use capital letter: Spearman correlation
All the above-mentioned comments in the supplemental figure legends have been addressed.
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eLife assessment
This important manuscript presents several structures of the Kv1.2 voltage-gated potassium channel, based on state-of-the-art cryoEM techniques and algorithms. The authors present solid evidence for structures of an inactivating mutant of Kv1.2, DTX-bound Kv1.2 and of Kv1.2 in potassium-free solution (with presumably sodium ions bound within the selectivity filter). These structures advance our knowledge of the molecular basis of the slow inactivation process of potassium channels.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This manuscript describes valuable findings on the expression pattern of orexin receptors in the midbrain and how manipulating this system influences several behaviors, such as context-induced locomotor activity and exploration. The overall strength of evidence - which includes anatomical, viral manipulation studies, and brain imaging - is solid and broadly supports claims in the paper, however, there are several areas in which the conclusions are only partially supported by the statistical evidence. These results have implications for understanding the neural underpinnings of reward and will be of interest to neuroscientists and cognitive scientists with an interest in the neurobiology of reward.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the role of orexin receptors in dopamine transmission is studied. It extends previous findings suggesting an interplay of these two systems in regulating behaviour by first characterising the expression of orexin receptors in the midbrain and then disrupting orexin transmission in dopaminergic neurons by deleting its predominant receptor, OX1R (Ox1R fl/fl, Dat-Cre tg/wt mice). Electrophysiological and calcium imaging data suggest that orexin A acutely and directly stimulates SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons, but does not seem to induce c-Fos expression. Behavioural effects of depleting OX1R from dopaminergic neurons includes enhanced novelty-induced locomotion and exploration, relative to littermate controls (Ox1R fl/fl, Dat-Cre wt/wt). However, no difference between groups is observed in tests that measure reward processing, anxiety, and energy homeostasis. To test whether depletion of OX1R alters overall orexin-triggered activation across the brain, PET imaging is used in OX1R∆DAT knockout and control mice. This analysis reveals that several regions show a higher neuronal activation after orexin injection in OX1R∆DAT mice, but the authors focus their follow up study on the dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi). Dopaminergic inputs and expression of dopamine receptors type-1 and -2 (DRD1 & DRD2) is assessed and compared to control demonstrating moderate decrease of DRD1 and DRD2 expression in BNST of OX1R∆DAT mice and unaltered expression of DRD2, with absence of DRD1 expression in LPGi of both groups. Overall, this study is valuable for the information it provides on orexin receptor expression and function on behaviour and for the new tools it generated for the specific study of this receptor in dopaminergic circuits.
The use of a transgenic line that lacks OX1R in dopamine-transporter expressing neurons is a strong approach to dissect the direct role of orexin in modulating dopamine signalling in the brain. The battery of behavioural assays to study this line provides a valuable source of information for researchers interested in the role of orexin in animal physiology.
This study falls short in providing evidence for an anatomical substrate of the altered behaviour observed in mice lacking orexin receptor subtype 1 in dopaminergic neurons. How orexin transmission in dopaminergic neurons regulates the expression of postsynaptic dopamine receptors (as observed in BNST of OX1R∆DAT mice) is an intriguing question poorly discussed. Whether disruption of orexin activity alters dopamine release in target areas is an important point not addressed.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This manuscript examines expression of orexin receptors in midbrain - with a focus on dopamine neurons - and uses several fairly sophisticated manipulation techniques to explore the role of this peptide neurotransmitter in reward-related behaviors. Specifically, in situ hybridization is used to show that dopamine neurons predominantly express orexin receptor 1 subtype and then go on to delete this receptor in dopamine transporter-expressing using a transgenic strategy. Ex vivo calcium imaging of midbrain neurons is used to show that, in the absence of this receptor, orexin is no longer able to excite dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra.
The authors proceed to use this same model to study the effect of orexin receptor 1 deletion on a series of behavioral tests, namely, novelty-induced locomotion and exploration, anxiety-related behavior, preference for sweet solutions, cocaine-induced conditioned place preference, and energy metabolism. Of these, the most consistent effects are seen in the tests of novelty-induced locomotion and exploration in which the mice with orexin 1 receptor deletion are observed to show greater levels of exploration, relative to wild-type, when placed in a novel environment, an effect that is augmented after icv administration of orexin.
In the final part of the paper, the authors use PET imaging to compare brain-wide activity patterns in the mutant mice compared to wildtype. They find differences in several areas both under control conditions (i.e., after injection of saline) as well as after injection of orexin. They focus in on changes in dorsal bed nucleus of stria terminalis (dBNST) and the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi) and perform analysis of the dopaminergic projections to these areas. They provide anatomical evidence that these regions are innervated by dopamine fibers from midbrain, are activated by orexin in control, but not mutant mice, and that dopamine receptors are present. Thus, they argue these anatomical data support the hypothesis that behavioral effects of orexin receptor 1 deletion in dopamine neurons are due to changes in dopamine signaling in these areas.
Understanding how orexin interacts with the dopamine system is an important question and this paper contains several novel findings along these lines. Specifically:
(1) Distribution of orexin receptor subtypes in VTA and SN is explored thoroughly.<br /> (2) Use of the genetic model that knocks out a specific orexin receptor subtype from dopamine-transporter-expressing neurons is a useful model and helps to narrow down the behavioral significance of this interaction.<br /> (3) PET studies showing how central administration of orexin evokes dopamine release across the brain is intriguing, especially that two key areas are pursued - BNST and LPGi - where the dopamine projection is not as well described/understood.
The role of the orexin-dopamine interaction is not explored in enough detail. The manuscript presents several related findings, but the combination of anatomy and manipulation studies do not quite tell a cogent story. Ideally, one would like to see the authors focus on a specific behavioral parameter and show that one of their final target areas (dBNST or LPGi) was responsible or at least correlated with this behavioral readout.
In many places in the Results, insufficient explanation and statistical reporting is provided. Throughout the Results - especially in the section on behavior although not restricted to this part - statements are made without statistical tests presented to back up the claims, e.g., "Compared to controls, Ox1RΔDAT 143 mice did not show significant changes in spontaneous locomotor activity in home cages" (L143) and "In a hole-board test, female Ox1RΔDAT mice showed increased nose pokes into the holes in early (1st and 2nd) sessions compared to control mice" (L151). In other places, ANOVAs are mentioned but full results including main effects and interactions are not described in detail, e.g., in F3-S3, only a single p-value is presented and it is difficult to know if this is the interaction term or a post hoc test (L205). These and all other statements need statistics included in the text as support. Addition of these statistical details was also requested by the editor.
In the presentation of reward processing this is particularly important as no statistical tests are shown to demonstrate that controls show a cocaine-induced preference or a sucrose preference. Here, one option would be to perform one-sample t-tests showing that the data were different to zero (no preference). As it is, the claim that "Both of the control and Ox1RΔDAT groups showed a preference for cocaine injection" is not yet statistically supported.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the role of orexin receptors in dopamine neurons is studied. Considering the importance of both orexin and dopamine signalling in the brain, with critical roles in arousal and drug seeking, this study is important to understand the anatomical and functional interaction between these two neuromodulators. This work suggests that such interaction is direct and occurs at the level of SN and VTA, via the expression of OX1R-type orexin receptors by dopaminergic neurons.
The use of a transgenic line that lacks OX1R in dopamine-transporter-expressing neurons is a strong approach to dissecting the direct role of orexin in modulating dopamine signalling in the brain. The battery of behavioural assays to study this line provides a valuable source of information for researchers interested in the role of orexin-A in animal physiology.
We thank the reviewer for summarizing the importance and significance of our study.
The choice of methods to demonstrate the role of orexin in the activation of dopamine neurons is not justified and the quantification methods are not described with enough detail. The representation of results can be dramatically improved and the data can be statistically analysed with more appropriate methods.
We have further improved our description of the methods in the revised reviewed preprint, and here in the response letter, we respond point-by-point to ‘Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors)’ below.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This manuscript examines the expression of orexin receptors in the midbrain - with a focus on dopamine neurons - and uses several fairly sophisticated manipulation techniques to explore the role of this peptide neurotransmitter in reward-related behaviors. Specifically, in situ hybridization is used to show that dopamine neurons predominantly express the orexin receptor 1 subtype and then go on to delete this receptor in dopamine neurons using a transgenic strategy. Ex vivo calcium imaging of midbrain neurons is used to show that in the absence of this receptor orexin is no longer able to excite dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra.
The authors proceed to use this same model to study the effect of orexin receptor 1 deletion on a series of behavioral tests, namely, novelty-induced locomotion and exploration, anxiety-related behavior, preference for sweet solutions, cocaine-induced conditioned place preference, and energy metabolism. Of these, the most consistent effects are seen in the tests of novelty-induced locomotion and exploration in which the mice with orexin 1 receptor deletion are observed to show greater levels of exploration, relative to wild-type, when placed in a novel environment, an effect that is augmented after icv administration of orexin.
In the final part of the paper, the authors use PET imaging to compare brain-wide activity patterns in the mutant mice compared to wildtype. They find differences in several areas both under control conditions (i.e., after injection of saline) as well as after injection of orexin. They focus on changes in the dorsal bed nucleus of stria terminalis (dBNST) and the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi) and perform analysis of the dopaminergic projections to these areas. They provide anatomical evidence that these regions are innervated by dopamine fibers from the midbrain, are activated by orexin in control, but not mutant mice, and that dopamine receptors are present. Thus, they argue these anatomical data support the hypothesis that behavioral effects of orexin receptor 1 deletion in dopamine neurons are due to changes in dopamine signaling in these areas.
Understanding how orexin interacts with the dopamine system is an important question and this paper contains several novel findings along these lines. Specifically:
(1) The distribution of orexin receptor subtypes in VTA and SN is explored thoroughly.
(2) Use of the genetic model that knocks out a specific orexin receptor subtype from only dopamine neurons is a useful model and helps to narrow down the behavioral significance of this interaction.
(3) PET studies showing how central administration of orexin evokes dopamine release across the brain is intriguing, especially since two key areas are pursued - BNST and LPGi - where the dopamine projection is not as well described/understood.
We thank the reviewer for the careful summary and highlighting the novelty of our study.
The role of the orexin-dopamine interaction is not explored in enough detail. The manuscript presents several related findings, but the combination of anatomy and manipulation studies does not quite tell a cogent story. Ideally, one would like to see the authors focus on a specific behavioral parameter and show that one of their final target areas (dBNST or LPGi) was responsible or at least correlated with this behavioral readout. In addition, some more discussion on what the results tell us about orexin signaling to dopamine neurons under normal physiological conditions would be very useful. For example, what is the relevance of the orexin-dopamine interaction blunting noveltyinduced locomotion under wildtype conditions?
We agree that focusing on some orexin-dopamine targeting areas, such as dBNST or LPGi, is important to further reveal the anatomy-behavior links and underlying mechanisms. While we are very interested in further investigations, in the present manuscript we mainly aim to give an overview of the behavioral roles of orexin-dopamine interaction and to propose some promising downstream pathways in a relatively broad and systematical way.
We have explained the physiological meanings of our results in more detail in the discussion in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 282-293, 318-332, ). Novelty-induced behavioral response should be at proper levels under normal physiological conditions. The orexin-dopamine interaction blunting novelty-induced locomotion could be important to keep attention on the main task without being distracted too much by other random stimuli in the environment. When this balance is disrupted, behavioral deficit may happen, such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
In some places in the Results, insufficient explanation and reporting is provided. For example, when reporting the behavioral effects of the Ox1 deletion in two bottle preference, it is stated that "[mutant] mice showed significant changes..." without stating the direction in which preference was affected.
For the reward-related behaviors described in this study, we did not find significant changes between [mutant] and control mice. We agree that it will be helpful for readers by describing the behavioral tests in more details. In the revised reviewed preprint, we have described in more detail in the results and Materials and Methods section how the control and [mutant] mice behave to the reward (lines 162-165, 171-181, 526-528).
The cocaine CPP results are difficult to interpret because it is unclear whether any of the control mice developed a CPP preference. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude that the knockout animals were unaffected by drug reward learning. Similarly, the sucrose/sucralose preference scores are also difficult to interpret because no test of preference vs. water is performed (although the data appear to show that there is a preference at least at higher concentrations, it has not been tested).
We described the CPP analysis in the Materials and Methods section (lines 523-528 ) as below: ‘The percentage of time spent in the reward-paired compartment was calculated: 100 x time spent in the compartment / (total time - time spent in the middle area). The CPP score was then analyzed using the calculated percentage of time: 100 x (time on the test day – time on pre-test days)/ time on pre-test days. The pre-test and test days were before and after the conditioning, respectively. Thus, the CPP score above zero indicates that the CPP preference has developed.’ In Figure 2—figure supplement 4 C and F, it was shown that most control and knockout mice had a CPP score above zero. The control and knockout groups both developed a preference and there was no significant difference between the groups.
For the sucrose/sucralose preference tests, in Figure 2—figure supplement 4 A and D, we present values as the percentages of sucrose/sucralose consumption in total daily drinking amount (sucrose/sucralose solution + water). Thus, percentages above 50% indicates mice prefer sucrose/sucralose to water. As shown in the figure, male mice only showed weak preference of 0.5% sucrose, compared to water, and under all other tested conditions, the mice showed strong preference of the sweet solution. There was no significant difference between control and knockout mice.
We have described this in more details in the Results and Materials and Methods section in the revised reviewed preprint.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Figure 1, A-I. It is difficult to depict the anatomical subdivision of VTA in Figure 1, panels A and B. It is recommended to add a panel showing a schematic illustration of the SNc and subregions of VTA: PN, PIF, PBP, IF (providing more detail than in Figure 1, panel J). It is also recommended to show lower magnification images (as in Figure 1 - supplement 1), including both hemispheres, and to delineate the outline of the different subregions using curved lines, based on reference atlases (similar to Figure 1, panel I, please include distance from bregma). It would be helpful to indicate in Figure 1 that panel A is a control mouse and panel B is a Ox1RΔDAT mouse and include C-F letters to show corresponding insets. Anatomically, the paraintrafasicular nucleus (PIF) is positioned between the paranigral nucleus (PN) and the parabrachial pigmented nucleus (PBP). The authors have depicted the PIF ventral to the PN in Figure 1 panels A, B, and I. These panels and the quantification of Ox1R/2R positive cells within the different subdivisions need to be corrected accordingly. The image analysis method used to quantify RNAscope fluorescent images is not described in sufficient detail. Please expand this section.
According to the reviewer’s suggestions, we have refined Figure 1 in the revised reviewed preprint. We are now showing the schematic illustration of the SN and subregions of VTA in panel I, with blue squares to label the regions shown in panels A and B, and the distance from bregma is included. The outlines to delineate SN and the subregions of VTA are adjusted from straight to curved lines based on reference atlases. As suggested, we have also indicated panel A is a control and panel B is a Ox1RΔDAT mouse and included C-F letters to show corresponding insets. We apologize for the mistake about labeling PIF and PN positions in Figure A. We have corrected the labeling of their positions and double checked the quantification accordingly. This does not change our discussion or conclusion since both PIF and PN are the medial part of VTA, where both Ox1R and Ox2R are observed. The description of the image analysis in Matierials and Methods section has been improved (lines 378-385). We decided not to show lower magnification images than in Figure 1—supplement 1 to include both hemispheres, in the interests of clarity and reader-friendliness.
(2) Figure 1, J-L. The claim that orexin activates dopaminergic SN and VTA neurons is weakly supported by the data provided. Calcium imaging of SN dopaminergic neurons in control mice suggests a discrete effect of 100 nM orexin-A application compared to baseline. Application of 300 nM shows a slightly bigger effect, but none of these results are statistically analysed.
We are surprised by this comment and thank the reviewer for pointing out our apparent lack of clarity in the previous version (lines 96-106 and legend of Figure 1K, L). In more detail, we explain the data analysis in the new version (lines 119-133, 451-465) and the legend of Figure 1K, L and Figure 1-figure supplement 3).
The main goal of this part of the project was to functionally validate the Ox1R knockout in dopaminergic (DAT-expressing) neurons. This was a prerequisite for the behavioral and PET imaging experiments. We used GCaMP-mediated Ca2+ imaging in acute brain slices to reach this goal. This analysis was performed on the dopaminergic SN neurons, which we used as an "indicator population" because a large number of these neurons express Ox1R, but only a few express Ox2R.
The analysis consisted of two parts:
a) For each neuron, we tested whether it responded to orexin A. At the single cell level, a neuron was considered orexin A-responsive if the change in fluorescence induced by orexin A was three times larger than the standard deviation (3 σ criterion) of the baseline fluorescence, corresponding to a Zscore of 3. We found that 56% of the neurons tested responded to orexin A, while 44% of the neurons did not respond to orexin A (Figure 1L, top). These data agree with the number of Ox1R-expressing neurons (Figure 1J).
b) We also determined the orexin A-induced GCaMP fluorescence for each neuron, expressed as a percentage of GCaMP fluorescence induced upon application of high K+ saline. Accordingly, the "population response" of all analyzed neurons was expressed as the mean ± SEM of these responses. The significance of this mean response was tested for each group (control and Ox1R KO) using a onesample t-test. We found a marked and highly significant (p < 0.0001, n = 71) response of control neurons to 100 nM orexin A, while the Ox1R KO neurons did not respond (p = 0.5, n = 86). Note that, as described in a), 44% of the neurons contributing to the mean do not respond to orexin. Thus, the orexin responses of most responders are significantly higher than the mean. This is also evident in the example recordings in Figure 1K and Figure1—figure supplement 3. The orexin A-induced change in fluorescence was increased by increasing the orexin A concentration to 300 nM.
Note: As mentioned above, the orexin A response was expressed for each neuron individually as a percentage of its high K+saline-induced GCaMP fluorescence. This value is a solid reference point, reflecting the GCaMP fluorescence at maximal voltage-activated Ca2+ influx. Obviously, the Ca2+ concentration at this point is extremely high and not typically reached under physiological conditions. Therefore, as shown in Figure1—figure supplement 3 for completeness, the physiologically relevant responses may appear relatively minor at first glance when presented together in one figure (compare Figure1—figure supplement 3 A and B).
The authors should provide more evidence of the orexin-induced activation of dopaminergic neurons in the SN to support this claim and investigate whether a similar activation is observed in VTA neurons.
Following the reviewer's suggestion, we confirmed orexin A-induced activation of dopaminergic neurons in the mouse SN by using perforated patch clamp recordings (Figure1—figure supplement 2).
This finding is consistent with previous extracellular in vivo recordings in rats (Liu et al., 2018).
The activation of dopaminergic neurons in the mouse VTA by orexin A has been shown repeatedly in earlier studies (e.g., Baimel et al., 2017; Korotkova et al., 2003; Tung et al., 2016).
In addition, Figure 3-Figure Supplement 2 shows that injection of orexin does not induce c-Fos expression in SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons of control and Ox1RΔDAT mice, which further weakens the claim made by the authors.
Figure 3—Figure Supplement 2 in the original submission is now Figure 3—Figure Supplement 3 in the revised reviewed preprint. It shows low c-Fos expression in SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons, and orexin-induced c-Fos expression was observed in Th-negative cells in SN and VTA.
Technically relatively straightforward, Fos analysis is widely (and successfully) used in studies to reveal neuronal activation. However, this approach has limitations, e.g., regarding sensitivity and temporal resolution. Electrophysiological or optical imaging techniques can circumvent these shortcomings. The electrophysiological and Ca2+ imaging studies presented here, along with previous electrophysiological studies by others, clearly show that orexin A acutely and directly stimulates SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons.
In vivo, the injection of orexin A induced a pronounced c-Fos activity in non-dopaminergic cells of the VTA and SN but not in dopaminergic neurons. This result shows that the detection of c-Fos has worked in principle. Whether the absent c-Fos staining in dopaminergic neurons is due to lack of sensitivity, whether other IEGs would have worked better here, or whether there are other, e.g., cell type-specific reasons for the absence of staining, cannot be determined from the current data.
(3) Figure 2, I-L. The fact that ICV injection of both saline and orexin causes a sustained increase of locomotion (around 20 minutes in males, and over 30 minutes in females) is problematic and could mask the effects of orexin, particularly in females. It is unclear what panels J and L are showing. To be appropriately analysed, the authors should plot the pre- and post-injection AUC data for all groups and analyse it as a two-way mixed ANOVA, with the within-subjects factor "pre/post injection activity" and between-subjects factor "group". The authors can only warrant a statistically meaningful hyperlocomotor effect in Ox1RΔDAT mice if a significant interaction is found.
Though mice were habituated to the injection, it still makes sense to see the injection-induced increase in locomotion to some extent. We described in the figure legend that the AUC was calculated for the period after orexin injection, which meant 5 – 90 min in Figure 2 I, K. We have clearly observed significant differences between genotypes and between saline and orexin application, which means the genotype and orexin impact is strong enough to pop up despite of the injection effect.
As the reviewer’s suggests, we have now plotted the pre- and post-injection AUC data for all groups and analyzed it as a two-way mixed ANOVA, with the within-subjects factor "pre/post injection activity" and between-subjects factor "group". To match the pre- and post-injection duration, we are now comparing AUC for around 60 min before and after the injection. A significant interaction is found here. Panels I-L are renewed, and the differences induced by Ox1R knockout and orexin confirmed the results shown in the initially submitted manuscript.
(4) Figure 3. The literature has robustly shown that one of the main projection areas of VTA and SN dopaminergic neurons is the striatum, in particular its ventral part. It is surprising to see that this region is not affected by the lack of OX1R or by the injection of orexin. How can the authors explain that identified regions with significantly different activity include neighbouring brain structures with heterogenous composition? See for example, in panel A, section bregma 0.62mm, a significant region is seen expanding across the cortex, corpus callosum, and striatum. While the data from PET studies is potentially interesting, it may not be adequate to provide enough resolution to allow examination of the anatomical distribution of orexin-mediated neuronal activation.
While the striatum is a major projection area of dopaminergic neurons in VTA and SN, the projection and function of Ox1R-positive dopaminergic neurons is not clear. We have improved the description of dopamine function diversity in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 46-58), and it was reported before that the projection-defined dopaminergic populations in the VTA exhibited different responses to orexin A (Baimel et al., 2017). Moreover, the striatum activity is modulated by the indirect effect via other brain regions affected by Ox1R-positive dopaminergic neurons. It is unknown how the striatum activity should change after Ox1R deletion in dopaminergic neurons. We could not rule out the possibility that the striatum is indeed modulated by the Ox1R-positive dopaminergic neurons, though there was only a trend of genotype difference (Ox1RΔDAT vs. ctrl) in the ventral striatum in the section bregma 1.42 mm in Figure 3A. The ICV injection of orexin is potentially acting on Ox1R and Ox2R in the whole brain, so projections from other brain regions to the striatum also affect striatum activity and could have masked the effect of Ox1R-positive dopaminergic neurons.
The spatial resolution of the PET data is in the order of ~1 mm^3. As we also explained in the Materials and Methods section, the size of a voxel in the original PET data is 0.4mm x 0.4mm x 0.8 mm. All calculations were performed on this grid. The higher-resolved images shown in Figure 3 are for presentation purposes only inspired by a request of the reviewer who asked us to show this in the Jais et al. 2016 manuscript. To make this clearer we now added the p-map images with the original voxel size to the supplement (Figure 3—figure supplement 1). For the interest in specific brain areas, more precise identification of anatomical sub-regions requires using methods with higher spatial resolution such as staining of brain slices for c-Fos-positive cells as we do in Figure 4.
PET is a powerful tool to identify global regions of activation/inhibition. In the manuscript, we have described in the results and discussion section that the activity in brain regions with related functions were changed. In panel A, Ox1RΔDAT showed activity increase in MPA, Pir and endopiriform claustrum, which are important for olfactory sensation; spinal trigeminal nucleus, sp5, and IRt, which regulates mastication and sensation of the oral cavity and the surface of the face; SubCV and Gi, which regulates sleeping and motion-related arousal and motivation. In panel B, changes in HDB, MCPO, Pir, DEn, S1, V2L and V1 are related to sensation, and changes in BNST, LPGi and M2 are important for emotion, exploration, and action selection.
(5) Figure 4. As in Figure 1, the authors should consider including a schematic illustration of the brain areas that are being analysed using a reference atlas. It is also recommended to provide more details describing the quantification of the images. Without such information, the data is not convincing, in particular, the claim that Ox1R depletion causes a decrease in DRD1 in BNST is unclear. Additional unbiased quantitative approaches could be used to strengthen this point.
We have added Figure 4—figure supplement 1 as a schematic illustration of the brain areas that were being analyzed using a reference atlas. More details describing the unbiased quantification of the images have been added to Materials and Methods. We have added Figure 4—figure supplement 3, to show DRD1, DRD2 and the merged signal separately.
(6) The discussion starts by stating that the main findings of this study are based on RNAscope and optophysiological experiments, however, the latter are not presented anywhere in the manuscript. This sentence (line 192) should be revised. The authors state in line 193 that OX1R is the only orexin receptor in the SN, but they show in Figure 1 that in the SN, 3% of neurons express OX2R and 2% co-express both receptors.
We thank the reviewer for the input. We have rephrased the beginning of the discussion to clarify the objectives (lines 238 - 246). In doing so, we changed "optophysiological experiments" and "single orexin receptor" (lines 192 and 193 in the original manuscript) to " Ca2+ imaging experiments" and "main subtype of orexin receptors ", respectively. In this context, it should be noted that Ca2+ imaging is considered an optophysiological method - optophysiology generally refers to techniques that combine optical methods with physiological measurements.
The results of LPGi and BNST dopamine receptors in control and Ox1RΔDAT mice are poorly discussed. The authors should justify why these two regions were selected for further validation and how these may be related to the behavioural effects found in Ox1RΔDAT regarding exposure to a novel context.
Ox1RΔDAT mice exhibited increased novelty- and orexin-induced locomotion compared to control mice. After orexin injection, PET imaging shows that the neural activity of BNST and LPGi was lower or higher than in control mice, respectively. We selected BNST and LPGi for further validation because we think their key functional roles in regulating emotion, exploratory behaviors and locomotor speed are related to novelty-induced locomotion. We confirmed changes in neural activity change by c-Fos staining and investigated the expression patterns of dopamine receptors in BNST and LPGi. Our findings suggested that Ox1R deletion in dopaminergic neurons results in the disinhibition of neural activity in LPGi via dopaminergic pathways and the decrease of dopamine-mediated neural activity in BNST. Emotion perception affects the decision of how to respond to the novelty. It is possible that novelty activates the orexin system and Ox1R signaling in dopaminergic neurons promotes emotion perception and inhibits exploration. Of course, further careful investigation is necessary to test this hypothesis in the future experiments. We have improved the rational description and discussion in the
‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’ section in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 210-213, 259-270, 293-308).
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
A major recommendation - if possible - would be to directly show that one or both of the two target areas - dBNST and LPGi - are associated with the behavioral effects caused by the deletion of the orexin receptor 1 in dopamine neurons.
We completely agree that it would be very valuable to directly show dBNST and LPGi are associated with the behavioral effects caused by the deletion of Ox1R in dopaminergic neurons. While we are very interested in carefully investigating specific orexin-dopamine targeting areas and related neural circuits in the future, in the present manuscript, we mainly aim to give an overview of the behavioral roles of orexin-dopamine interaction and propose some promising downstream pathways.
The authors should state if data are corrected for multiple comparisons, e.g., in the PET study of different regions.
We have included information about the post-hoc tests for all 2-way ANOVA analyses in the submitted manuscript. For the PET study, the p-values in the p-maps were not corrected for multiple comparison, Figure 3—figure supplement 2 shows the raw data of each mouse and the analysis method (t-test). In the revised reviewed preprint, we include the information on the analysis method in the figure legends of Figure 3.
We consider that saline and orexin injections mimic the resting and active state of mice, respectively, and would like to study genotype effect under each condition. Doing 2-way ANOVA takes in count the difference between orexin and saline injection, which could mask the genotype effect under a certain condition. Therefore, we decided to perform t-tests for each condition in Figure 3. While we provide readers with full information in Figure 3—figure supplement 2 with the raw data of each individual mouse, below we present the p-maps after multiple comparisons (Sidak’s post hoc test). After multiple comparisons, we could see changes in similar brain regions as in Figure 3, though significant values are reduced by the correction for multiple comparisons, and under orexin-injection condition, we fail to see significantly higher activity around the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi), nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band (HDB) and magnocellular preoptic nucleus (MCPO) in Ox1RΔDAT mice. In order to more precisely identify the anatomical locations, we performed additional experiments to confirm the changes revealed by PET. For example, LPGi is a relatively small region confirmed and identified more precisely by c-Fos immunostaining (Figure 4A, C).
Author response image 1.
PET imaging studies comparing Ox1RΔDAT and control mice, with post-hoc t-test to correct for multiple comparisons. 3D maps of p-values in PET imaging studies comparing Ox1RΔDAT and control mice, after intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of (A) saline (NS) and (B) orexin A. Control-NS, n = 8; control-orexin, n = 6; Ox1RΔDAT, n = 8. M2, secondary motor cortex; MPA, medial preoptic area; Pir, piriform cortex; IEn, intermediate endopiriform claustrum; DEn, dorsal endopiriform claustrum; VEn, ventral endopiriform claustrum; LSS, lateral stripe of the striatum; BNST, the dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; S1Sh, primary somatosensory cortex, shoulder region; S1HL, primary somatosensory cortex, hindlimb region; S1BF, primary somatosensory cortex, barrel field; S1Tr, primary somatosensory cortex, trunk region; V1, primary visual cortex; V2L, secondary visual cortex, lateral area; SubCV, subcoeruleus nucleus, ventral part; Gi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; IRt, intermediate reticular nucleus; sp5, spinal trigeminal tract.
Provide a rationale for following up on BNST and LPGi and not any of the regions identified in the PET study.
We thank the reviewer for the careful reading and important input. Ox1RΔDAT mice exhibited increased novelty- and orexin-induced locomotion compared to control mice. After orexin injection, PET imaging shows that the neural activity of BNST and LPGi was lower or higher than control mice, respectively.
We selected BNST and LPGi for further validation because we think their key functional roles in regulating emotion, exploratory behaviors and locomotor speed are related to novelty-induced locomotion. We confirmed the neural activity change by c-Fos staining and investigated the expression patterns of dopamine receptors in BNST and LPGi. Our findings suggested that Ox1R deletion in dopaminergic neurons results in the disinhibition of neural activity in LPGi via dopaminergic pathways and the decrease of dopamine-mediated neural activity in BNST. Emotion perception affects the decision how to respond to the novelty. It is possible that novelty activates the orexin system and Ox1R signaling in dopaminergic neurons promotes emotion perception and inhibits exploration. Of course, further investigation is necessary to test this hypothesis in future. We have improved the rational description and discussion in the ‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’ section in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 210-213, 259-270, 293-308).
Heatmap in Fig. 1K should not have smoothing across the y-axis, individual cells should be discrete.
We thank the reviewer for bringing this issue to our attention. The data had not been intentionally smoothed (neither across the x-axis nor the y-axis), but it was probably a formatting issue. We have corrected this and separated individual cell traces with lines (Figure 1K, Figure 1—figure supplement 3).
Dopamine cells are well known to lack Fos expression in most cases. Did the authors consider using another IEG to show neural activation, e.g., pERK?
We did not use another IEG. The electrophysiological and Ca2+ imaging studies presented here, along with previous electrophysiological studies by others, clearly show that orexin A acutely and directly stimulates SN and VTA dopaminergic neurons. Please see also the response to a related comment of Reviewer 1.
Consider adding a lower magnification section to anatomical figures to aid the reader in orienting and identifying the location.
We have added the schematic illustration of SN, VTA, BNST and LPGi in Figure 1I and Figure 4— figure supplement 1. We hope this helps the reader in orienting and identifying the location.
Data availability should be stated.
There are no restrictions on data availability. We have added this section to the revised reviewed preprint.
Line 50. Some more references both historical and recent could be given to support this statement about the function of dopamine.
We have improved the description and references to support the statement about dopamine function (lines 46-58). We have cited recent studies and some reviews in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 4658).
The PET data (Fig. 3) might be easier to visualize and interpret if a white background was used. In addition, is there a more refined way of presenting the data in Fig 3, S1?
It is common to present imaging data such as PET and MRI on a black background. We also have already applied this color scheme in multiple publications and would therefore prefer to stick to this color scheme.
While Figure 3 is the concise way to present PET data, we aim to show the original individual results of mice in Figure 3—figure supplement 2 and to demonstrate how we performed the statistical analysis. Therefore, we take an example voxel of the respective brain area, perform the t-test, and present the data as bars with individual dots.
Line 97. State what type of Ca imaging here, e.g., "we performed Ca imaging in ex vivo slices of VTA and SN".
As the reviewer suggested, we have specified the type of Ca2+ imaging (line 112).
Line 165. State which groups this post-mortem analysis was performed on and if any differences were to be found (not expected to find differences in this anatomical tracing experiment but good to report this as both groups were used).
Postmortem analysis of c-Fos staining revealed low c-Fos expression in dopaminergic neurons in the VTA and SN of Ox1RΔDAT and control mice after ICV injection of saline or orexin A (1 nmol). No obvious changes were observed among the groups. We have improved the description in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 202-208).
Line 192. What do you mean by optophysiological here? The Ca imaging (which is a fairly small, confirmatory element of the manuscript).
We have changed ‘optophysiological experiments’ (line 192 in initial submitted manuscript) to ‘calcium imaging experiments’ and rephrased the beginning of the discussion to clarify the objectives (lines 238246).
The protein level in the diet is substantially higher than in most rodent diets (34% here vs 14-20% in most commercial rodent chows). Please comment on this.
This diet is for rat and mouse maintenance, purchased from ssniff Spezialdiäten GmbH (product V1554).
The percentage of calories supplied by protein is affected by the calculation methods. The company calculated with pig equation before and the value was 34% in the old instruction data sheet. They have updated the value to 23% in the new data sheet with calculations by Atwater factors. We thank the reviewer for reminding us and have updated the values in the revised reviewed preprint (lines 314-316).
Editor's note:
Should you choose to revise your manuscript, please include full statistical reporting including exact p-values wherever possible alongside the summary statistics (test statistic and df) and 95% confidence intervals. These should be reported for all key questions and not only when the p-value is less than 0.05.
We have provided the source data and the statistical reporting for each Figure with the revision
Baimel, C., Lau, B. K., Qiao, M., & Borgland, S. L. (2017). Projection-target-defined effects of orexin and dynorphin on VTA dopamine neurons. Cell Rep, 18(6), 1346-1355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2017.01.030
Korotkova, T. M., Eriksson, K. S., Haas, H. L., & Brown, R. E. (2002). Selective excitation of GABAergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the rat by orexin/hypocretin in vitro. Regul Pept, 104(1-3), 83-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0167-0115(01)00323-8
Korotkova, T. M., Sergeeva, O. A., Eriksson, K. S., Haas, H. L., & Brown, R. E. (2003). Excitation of ventral tegmental area dopaminergic and nondopaminergic neurons by orexins/hypocretins. J Neurosci, 23(1), 7-11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12514194
Liu, C., Xue, Y., Liu, M. F., Wang, Y., Liu, Z. R., Diao, H. L., & Chen, L. (2018). Orexins increase the firing activity of nigral dopaminergic neurons and participate in motor control in rats. J Neurochem, 147(3), 380-394. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnc.14568
Tung, L. W., Lu, G. L., Lee, Y. H., Yu, L., Lee, H. J., Leishman, E., Bradshaw, H., Hwang, L. L., Hung, M. S., Mackie, K., Zimmer, A., & Chiou, L. C. (2016). Orexins contribute to restraint stress-induced cocaine relapse by endocannabinoid-mediated disinhibition of dopaminergic neurons. Nat Commun, 7, 12199. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms12199
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Author response:
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors investigated the anatomical features of the synaptic boutons in layer 1 of the human temporal neocortex. They examined the size of each synapse, the macular or perforated appearance, the size of the synaptic active zone, the number and volume of the mitochondria, and the number of synaptic and dense core vesicles, also differentiating between the readily releasable, the recycling, and the resting pool of synaptic vesicles. The coverage of the synapse by astrocytic processes was also assessed, and all the above parameters were compared to other layers of the human temporal neocortex. The authors conclude that the subcellular morphology of the layer 1 synapses are suitable for the functions of the neocortical layer, i.e. the synaptic integration within the cortical column. The low glial coverage of the synapses might allow increased glutamate spillover from the synapses, enhancing synaptic crosstalk within this cortical layer.
The strengths of this paper are the abundant and very precious data about the fine structure of the human neocortical layer 1. Quantitative electron microscopy data (especially that derived from the human brain) are very valuable since this is a highly time- and energy-consuming work. The techniques used to obtain the data, as well as the analyses and the statistics performed by the authors are all solid, strengthen this manuscript, and mainly support the conclusions drawn in the discussion.
We would like to thank reviewer#1 for his very positive comments on our manuscript stating that such data about the fine structure of the human neocortex are are highly relevant.
There are several weaknesses in this work. First, the authors should check and review extensively for improvements to the use of English. Second, several additional analyses performed on the existing data could substantially elevate the value of the data presented. Much more information could be gained from the existing data about the functions of the investigated layer, of the cortical column, and about the information processing of the human neocortex. Third, several methodological concerns weaken the conclusions drawn from the results.
We would like to thank the reviewer for his critical and thus helpful comments on our manuscript. We took the first comment of the reviewer concerning the English and have thus improved our manuscript by rephrasing and shortening sentences. Secondly, according to the reviewer several additional analyses should be performed on the existing data, which could substantially elevate the value of the data presented. We will implement some of the suggestions in the improved version of the manuscript where appropriate. We will address a more detailed answer to the reviewer’s queries in her/his suggestions to the authors (see below). However, the reviewer states himself: “The techniques used to obtain the data, as well as the analyses and the statistics performed by the authors are all solid, strengthen this manuscript, and mainly support the conclusions drawn in the discussion”.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The study of Rollenhagen et al. examines the ultrastructural features of Layer 1 of the human temporal cortex. The tissue was derived from drug-resistant epileptic patients undergoing surgery, and was selected as far as possible from the epilepsy focus, and as such considered to be non-epileptic. The analyses included 4 patients with different ages, sex, medication, and onset of epilepsy. The manuscript is a follow-on study with 3 previous publications from the same authors on different layers of the temporal cortex:
Layer 4 - Yakoubi et al 2019 eLife
Layer 5 - Yakoubi et al 2019 Cerebral Cortex
Layer 6 - Schmuhl-Giesen et al 2022 Cerebral Cortex.
They find, that the L1 synaptic boutons mainly have a single active zone, a very large pool of synaptic vesicles, and are mostly devoid of astrocytic coverage.
The manuscript is well-written and easy to read. The Results section gives a detailed set of figures showing many morphological parameters of synaptic boutons and glial elements. The authors provide comparative data of all the layers examined by them so far in the Discussion. Given that anatomical data in the human brain are still very limited, the current manuscript has substantial relevance. The work appears to be generally well done, the EM and EM tomography images are of very good quality. The analysis is clear and precise.
We would like to thank the reviewer for his very positive evaluation of our paper and the comments that such data have a substantial relevance, in particular in the human neocortex. In contrast to reviewer#1, this reviewer’s opinion is that the manuscript is well written and easy to read.
One of the main findings of this paper is that "low degree of astrocytic coverage of L1 SBs suggests that glutamate spillover and as a consequence synaptic cross-talk may occur at the majority of synaptic complexes in L1". However, the authors only quantified the volume ratio of astrocytes in all 6 layers, which is not necessarily the same as the glial coverage of synapses. In order to strengthen this statement, the authors could provide 3D data (that they have from the aligned serial sections) detailing the percentage of synapses that have glial processes in close proximity to the synaptic cleft, that would prevent spillover.
We agree with the reviewer that we only quantified the volume ratio of the astrocytic coverage but not necessarily the percentage of synapses that may or not contribute to the formation of the ‘tripartite’ synapse. As suggested, we will re-analyze our material with respect to the percentage of coverage for individual synaptic boutons in each layer and will implement the results in the improved version of the manuscript. However, since this is a completely new analysis that is time-consuming we would like to ask the reviewer for additional time to perform this task.
A specific statement is missing on whether only glutamatergic boutons were analyzed in this MS, or GABAergic boutons were also included. There is a statement, that they can be distinguished from glutamatergic ones, but it would be useful to state it clearly in the Abstract, Results, and Methods section what sort of boutons were analyzed. Also, what is the percentage of those boutons from the total bouton population in L1?
We would like to thank the reviewer for this comment. Although our title clearly states, we focused on quantitative 3D-models of excitatory synaptic boutons, we will point out that more clearly in the Methods and Result chapters. Our data support recent findings by others (see for example Cano-Astorga et al. 2023, 2024; Shapson-Coe et al. 2024) that have evaluated the ratio between excitatory vs. inhibitory synaptic boutons in the temporal lobe neocortex, the same area as in our study, which was between 10-15% inhibitory terminals but with a significant layer and region specific difference. We will include the excitatory vs. inhibitory ratio and the corresponding citations in the Results section.
Synaptic vesicle diameter (that has been established to be ~40nm independent of species) can properly be measured with EM tomography only, as it provides the possibility to find the largest diameter of every given vesicle. Measuring it in 50 nm thick sections results in underestimation (just like here the values are ~25 nm) as the measured diameter will be smaller than the true diameter if the vesicle is not cut in the middle, (which is the least probable scenario). The authors have the EM tomography data set for measuring the vesicle diameter properly.
We partially disagree with the reviewer on this point. Using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, we measured the distance from the outer-to-outer membrane only on those synaptic vesicles that were round in shape with a clear ring-like structure to avoid double counts and discarded all those that were only partially cut according to criteria developed by Abercrombie (1946) and Boissonnat (1988). We assumed that within a 55±5 nm thick ultrathin section (silver to gray interference contrast) all clear-ring-like vesicles were distributed in this section assuming a vesicle diameter between 25 to 40nm. For large DCVs, double-counts were excluded by careful examination of adjacent images and were only counted in the image where they appeared largest.
In addition, we have measured synaptic vesicles using TEM tomography and came to similar results. We will address this in Material and Methods that both methods were used.
It is a bit misleading to call vesicle populations at certain arbitrary distances from the presynaptic active zone as readily releasable pool, recycling pool, and resting pool, as these are functional categories, and cannot directly be translated to vesicles at certain distances. Indeed, it is debated whether the morphologically docked vesicles are the ones, that are readily releasable, as further molecular steps, such as proper priming are also a prerequisite for release.
We thank the reviewer for this comment. However, nobody before us tried to define a morphological correlate for the three functionally defined pools of synaptic vesicles since synaptic vesicles normally are distributed over the entire nerve terminal. As already mentioned above, after long and thorough discussions with Profs. Bill Betz, Chuck Stevens, Thomas Schikorski and other experts in this field we tried to define the readily releasable (RRP), recycling (RP) and resting pools by measuring the distance of each synaptic vesicle to the presynaptic density (PreAZ). Using distance as a criterion, we defined the RRP including all vesicles that were located within a distance (perimeter) of 10 to 20 nm from the PreAZ that is less than an average vesicle diameter (between 25 to 40 nm). The RP was defined as vesicles within a distance of 60-200 nm away, still quite close but also rapidly available on demand and the remaining ones beyond 200 nm were suggested to belong to the resting pool. This concept was developed for our first publication (Sätzler et al. 2002) and this approximation since then is very much acknowledged by scientist working in the field of synaptic neuroscience and computational neuroscientist. We were asked by several labs worldwide whether they can use our data of the perimeter analysis for modeling. We agree that our definition of the three pools can be seen as arbitrary but we never claimed that our approach is the truth but nothing as the truth. Concerning the debate whether only docked vesicles or also those very close the PreAZ should constitute the RRP we have a paper in preparation using our perimeter analysis, EM tomography and simulations trying to clarify this debate. Our preliminary results suggest that the size of the RRP should be reconsidered.
Tissue shrinkage due to aldehyde fixation is a well-documented phenomenon that needs compensation when dealing with density values. The authors cite Korogod et al 2015 - which actually draws attention to the problem comparing aldehyde fixed and non-fixed tissue, still the data is non-compensated in the manuscript. Since all the previous publications from this lab are based on aldehyde fixed non-compensated data, and for this sake, this dataset should be kept as it is for comparative purposes, it would be important to provide a scaling factor applicable to be able to compare these data to other publications.
We thank the reviewer for his suggestion. However, for several reasons we did not correct for shrinkage caused by aldehyde fixation. There are papers by Eyre et al. (2007) and the mentioned paper by Korogod et al. 2015 that have demonstrated that cryo-fixation reveals larger numbers of docked synaptic vesicles, a smaller glial volume, and a less intimate glial coverage of synapses and blood vessels compared to chemical fixation. Other structural subelements such as active zone size and shape and the total number of synaptic vesicles remained unaffected. In two further publications Zhao et al. (2012a, b) investigating hippocampal mossy fiber boutons using cryo-fixation and substitutions came to similar results with respect to bouton and active zone size and number and diameter of synaptic vesicles compared to aldehyde-fixation as described by Rollenhagen et al. 2007 for the same nerve terminal. This was one of the reasons not correcting for shrinkage. In addition, all cited papers state that chemical fixation in general provides a much better ultrastructural preservation of tissue samples when compared with cryo-fixation and substitution where optimal preservation is only regional within a block of tissue and therefore less suitable for large-scale ultrastructural analyses as we performed.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Rollenhagen et al. offer a detailed description of layer 1 of the human neocortex. They use electron microscopy to assess the morphological parameters of presynaptic terminals, active zones, vesicle density/distribution, mitochondrial morphology, and astrocytic coverage. The data is collected from tissue from four patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. As the epileptic focus was localized in all patients to the hippocampus, the tissue examined in this manuscript is considered non-epileptic (access) tissue.
The quality of the electron microscopic images is very high, and the data is analyzed carefully. Data from human tissue is always precious and the authors here provide a detailed analysis using adequate approaches, and the data is clearly presented.
We are very thankful to the reviewer upon his very positive comments about our data analysis and presentation.
The study provides only morphological details, these can be useful in the future when combined with functional assessments or computational approaches. The authors emphasize the importance of their findings on astrocytic coverage and suggest important implications for glutamate spillover. However, the percentage of synapses that form tripartite synapses has not been quantified, the authors' functional claims are based solely on volumetric fraction measurements.
We thank the reviewer for his critical comments on our findings concerning the layer-specific astrocytic coverage as also suggested by reviewer#2. As already stated above we will analyze the astrocytic coverage and the layer-specific percentage of astrocytic contribution to the ‘tripartite’ synapse in more detail. We are, however, a bit puzzled about the comment that structural anatomists usually receive that our study only provides morphological details. Our thorough analysis of structural and synaptic parameters of synaptic boutons underlie and might even predict the function of synaptic boutons in a given microcircuit or network and will thus very much improve our understanding and knowledge about the functional properties of these structures, in particular in the human brain where such studies are still quite rare. The main goal of our studies in the human neocortex was the quantitative morphology of synaptic boutons and thus the synaptic organization of the cortical column, layer by layer which to our knowledge is the first such detailed study undertaken in the human brain. Our efforts have set a golden standard in the analysis of synaptic boutons embedded in different microcircuits und is meanwhile internationally very well accepted.
The distinction between excitatory and inhibitory synapses is not clear, they should be analyzed separately.
As already stated above in response to reviewer#1 our study focused on excitatory synaptic boutons since they represent the majority of synapses. However, in the improved version of our manuscript in the Material and Method section we included a paragraph with structural criteria to distinguish excitatory from inhibitory terminals (see also our comment to reviewer#1 concerning this point) including appropriate citations.
The text connects functional and morphological characteristics in a very direct way. For example, connecting plasticity to any measurement the authors present would be rather difficult without any additional functional experiments. References to various vesicle pools based on the location of the vesicles are also more complex than suggested in the manuscript. The text should better reflect the limitations of the conclusions that can be drawn from the authors' data.
We thank the reviewer for this comment. However, it has been shown by meanwhile numerous publications that the shape and size of the active zone together with the pool of synaptic vesicles and the astrocytic coverage critically determines synaptic transmission and synaptic strength, but can also contribute to the modulation of synaptic plasticity (see also citations within the text). It has been shown that synaptic boutons can switch upon certain stimulation conditions to different modes of release (uni- vs. multiquantal, uni- vs multivesicular release) and from asynchronous to synchronous release leading also to the modulation of synaptic short- and long-term plasticity. To the second comment: When we started with our first paper about the Calyx of Held – principal neuron synapse in the MNTB (Sätzler et al. 2002) we tried to define a morphological correlate for the three functionally defined pools. As already mentioned above in our reply to the other two reviewers, this is rather difficult since synaptic vesicles are normally distributed over the entire nerve terminal. After long and thorough discussions with Bill Betz, Chuck Stevens and other leading scientist in the field of synaptic neuroscience, we together with Bert Sakmann tried to define a morphological correlate for the functionally defined pools using a perimeter analysis. We defined the readily releasable pool as vesicles 10 to 20 nm away from the presynaptic active zone, the recycling pool as those in 60-200 nm distance and the remaining as those belonging to the resting pool. However, it has been shown by capacitance measurements (see for example Hallermann et al 2003), FM1-43 investigations (see for example Henkel et al. 1996) and high-resolution electron microscopy (see for example Schikorski and Stevens 2001; Schikorski 2014) that our estimate of the RRP nearly perfectly matches with the functionally defined pools at hippocampal and cortical synapses (Silver et al. 2003). In addition, in one of our own papers (Rollenhagen et al. 2018) we also estimated the RP functionally from trains of EPSPs using an exponential fit analysis and came to similar results upon its size using the perimeter analysis.
Of course, as stated by the reviewer the scenario could be more complex, using other criteria but we never claimed that our morphologically defined pools are the truth but nothing as the truth but we believe it offers a quite good approximation.
eLife assessment
This is a useful study depicting the ultrastructural features of layer 1 of the human temporal cortex, the authors assess various synaptic parameters, astrocytic volumetric ratio, and mitochondrial morphology. The data were collected using a solid methodology, however, the analysis of the functional vesicle pools is incomplete, and reliance solely on electron microscopy limits the scope of the work to structural observation. The work will be of interest to neuroscientists and computational researchers investigating cortical and network function.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors investigated the anatomical features of the synaptic boutons in layer 1 of the human temporal neocortex. They examined the size of each synapse, the macular or perforated appearance, the size of the synaptic active zone, the number and volume of the mitochondria, and the number of synaptic and dense core vesicles, also differentiating between the readily releasable, the recycling, and the resting pool of synaptic vesicles. The coverage of the synapse by astrocytic processes was also assessed, and all the above parameters were compared to other layers of the human temporal neocortex. The authors conclude that the subcellular morphology of the layer 1 synapses are suitable for the functions of the neocortical layer, i.e. the synaptic integration within the cortical column. The low glial coverage of the synapses might allow increased glutamate spillover from the synapses, enhancing synpatic crosstalk within this cortical layer.
The strengths of this paper are the abundant and very precious data about the fine structure of the human neocortical layer 1. Quantitative electron microscopy data (especially that derived from the human brain) are very valuable since this is a highly time- and energy-consuming work. The techniques used to obtain the data, as well as the analyses and the statistics performed by the authors are all solid, strengthen this manuscript, and mainly support the conclusions drawn in the discussion.
There are several weaknesses in this work. First, the authors should check and review extensively for improvements to the use of English. Second, several additional analyses performed on the existing data could substantially elevate the value of the data presented. Much more information could be gained from the existing data about the functions of the investigated layer, of the cortical column, and about the information processing of the human neocortex. Third, several methodological concerns weaken the conclusions drawn from the results.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The study of Rollenhagen et al. examines the ultrastructural features of Layer 1 of the human temporal cortex. The tissue was derived from drug-resistant epileptic patients undergoing surgery, and was selected as far as possible from the epilepsy focus, and as such considered to be non-epileptic. The analyses included 4 patients with different ages, sex, medication, and onset of epilepsy. The manuscript is a follow-on study with 3 previous publications from the same authors on different layers of the temporal cortex:
Layer 4 - Yakoubi et al 2019 eLife<br /> Layer 5 - Yakoubi et al 2019 Cerebral Cortex<br /> Layer 6 - Schmuhl-Giesen et al 2022 Cerebral Cortex.
They find, that the L1 synaptic boutons mainly have a single active zone, a very large pool of synaptic vesicles, and are mostly devoid of astrocytic coverage.
The manuscript is well-written and easy to read. The Results section gives a detailed set of figures showing many morphological parameters of synaptic boutons and glial elements. The authors provide comparative data of all the layers examined by them so far in the Discussion. Given that anatomical data in the human brain are still very limited, the current manuscript has substantial relevance.
The work appears to be generally well done, the EM and EM tomography images are of very good quality. The analysis is clear and precise.
One of the main findings of this paper is that "low degree of astrocytic coverage of L1 SBs suggests that glutamate spillover and as a consequence synaptic cross-talk may occur at the majority of synaptic complexes in L1". However, the authors only quantified the volume ratio of astrocytes in all 6 layers, which is not necessarily the same as the glial coverage of synapses. In order to strengthen this statement, the authors could provide 3D data (that they have from the aligned serial sections) detailing the percentage of synapses that have glial processes in close proximity to the synaptic cleft, that would prevent spillover.
A specific statement is missing on whether only glutamatergic boutons were analysed in this MS, or GABAergic boutons were also included. There is a statement, that they can be distinguished from glutamatergic ones, but it would be useful to state it clearly in the Abstract, Results, and Methods section what sort of boutons were analysed. Also, what is the percentage of those boutons from the total bouton population in L1?
Synaptic vesicle diameter (that has been established to be ~40nm independent of species) can properly be measured with EM tomography only, as it provides the possibility to find the largest diameter of every given vesicle. Measuring it in 50 nm thick sections results in underestimation (just like here the values are ~25 nm) as the measured diameter will be smaller than the true diameter if the vesicle is not cut in the middle, (which is the least probable scenario). The authors have the EM tomography data set for measuring the vesicle diameter properly.
It is a bit misleading to call vesicle populations at certain arbitrary distances from the presynaptic active zone as readily releasable pool, recycling pool, and resting pool, as these are functional categories, and cannot directly be translated to vesicles at certain distances. Indeed, it is debated whether the morphologically docked vesicles are the ones, that are readily releasable, as further molecular steps, such as proper priming are also a prerequisite for release.
Tissue shrinkage due to aldehyde fixation is a well-documented phenomenon that needs compensation when dealing with density values. The authors cite Korogod et al 2015 - which actually draws attention to the problem comparing aldehyde fixed and non-fixed tissue, still the data is non-compensated in the manuscript. Since all the previous publications from this lab are based on aldehyde fixed non-compensated data, and for this sake, this dataset should be kept as it is for comparative purposes, it would be important to provide a scaling factor applicable to be able to compare these data to other publications.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Rollenhagen et al. offer a detailed description of layer 1 of the human neocortex. They use electron microscopy to assess the morphological parameters of presynaptic terminals, active zones, vesicle density/distribution, mitochondrial morphology, and astrocytic coverage. The data is collected from tissue from four patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. As the epileptic focus was localized in all patients to the hippocampus, the tissue examined in this manuscript is considered non-epileptic (access) tissue.
The quality of the electron microscopic images is very high, and the data is analyzed carefully. Data from human tissue is always precious and the authors here provide a detailed analysis using adequate approaches, and the data is clearly presented.
The study provides only morphological details, these can be useful in the future when combined with functional assessments or computational approaches. The authors emphasize the importance of their findings on astrocytic coverage and suggest important implications for glutamate spillover. However, the percentage of synapses that form tripartite synapses has not been quantified, the authors' functional claims are based solely on volumetric fraction measurements.
The distinction between excitatory and inhibitory synapses is not clear, they should be analyzed separately.
The text connects functional and morphological characteristics in a very direct way. For example, connecting plasticity to any measurement the authors present would be rather difficult without any additional functional experiments. References to various vesicle pools based on the location of the vesicles are also more complex than suggested in the manuscript. The text should better reflect the limitations of the conclusions that can be drawn from the authors' data.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This important work advances our understanding of navigation and path integration in mammals by using a clever behavioral paradigm. The paper provides compelling evidence that mice are able to create and use a cognitive map to find "short cuts" in an environment, using only the location of rewards relative to the point of entry to the environment and path integration, and need not rely on visual landmarks.
The authors have designed a novel experimental apparatus called the 'Hidden Food Maze (HFM)' and a beautiful suite of behavioral experiments using this apparatus to investigate the interplay between allothetic and idiothetic cues in navigation. The results presented provide a clear demonstration of the central claim of the paper, namely that mice only need a fixed start location and path integration to develop a cognitive map. The experiments and analyses conducted to test the main claim of the paper -- that the animals have formed a cognitive map -- are conclusive. While I think the results are quite interesting and sound, one issue that needs to be addressed is the framing how landmarks are used (or not), as discussed below, although I believe this will be a straight forward issue for the authors to address.
The 90 degree rotationally symmetric design and use of 4 distal landmarks and 4 quadrants with their corresponding rotationally equivalent locations (REL) lends itself to teasing apart the influence of path integration and landmark-based navigation in a clever way. The authors use a really complete set of experiments and associated controls to show that mice can use a start location and path integration to develop a cognitive map and generate shortcut routes to new locations.
There were no major weaknesses identified that were not addressed during revisions.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
How is it that animals find learned food locations in their daily life? Do they use landmarks to home in on these learned locations or do they learn a path based on self-motion (turn left, take ten steps forward, turn right, etc.). This study carefully examines this question in a well designed behavioral apparatus. A key finding is that to support the observed behavior in the hidden food arena, mice appear to not use the distal cues that are present in the environment for performing this task. Removal of such cues did not change the learning rate, for example. In a clever analysis of whether the resulting cognitive map based on self-motion cues could allow a mouse to take a shortcut, it was found that indeed they are. The work nicely shows the evolution of the rodent's learning of the task, and the role of active sensing in the targeted reduction of uncertainty of food location proximal to its expected location.
A convincing demonstration that mice can synthesize a cognitive map for the finding of a static reward using body frame-based cues. Showing that uncertainty of final target location is resolved by an active sensing process of probing holes proximal to the expected location. Showing that changing the position of entry into the arena rotates the anticipated location of the reward in a manner consistent with failure to use distal cues.
The task is low stakes, and thus the failure to use distal cues at most costs the animal a delay in finding the food; this delay is likely unimportant to the animal, and the pre-training procedure is likely to make it clear to the animal's that distal cues are unreliable even if desirable to use. Thus, it is unclear whether this result would generalize to a situation where the animal may be under some time pressure, urgency due to food (or water) restriction, or due to predatory threat, or situations where distal cues are reliable. In such cases, the use of distal cues to make locating the reward robust to changing start locations may be more likely to be observed.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
We would like to thank the reviewers and editors for their careful assessment and review of our article. The many detailed comments, questions and suggestions were very helpful in improving our analyses and presentation of data. In particular, our Discussion benefited enormously from the comments.
Below we respond in detail to every point raised.
We especially note that Reviewer #3’s small query on “trial where learning is defined to have occurred, we were not given the quantitative criterion operationalizing "learning" - please provide” led to deeper analyses and insights and a lengthy response.
This analysis prompted the addition of a sentence (red) to the Abstract.
“Animals navigate by learning the spatial layout of their environment. We investigated spatial learning of mice in an open maze where food was hidden in one of a hundred holes. Mice leaving from a stable entrance learned to efficiently navigate to the food without the need for landmarks. We developed a quantitative framework to reveal how the mice estimate the food location based on analyses of trajectories and active hole checks. After learning, the computed “target estimation vector” (TEV) closely approximated the mice’s route and its hole check distribution. The TEV required learning both the direction and distance of the start to food vector, and our data suggests that different learning dynamics underlie these estimates. We propose that the TEV can be precisely connected to the properties of hippocampal place cells. Finally, we provide the first demonstration that, after learning the location of two food sites, the mice took a shortcut between the sites, demonstrating that they had generated a cognitive map. ”
Note: we added, at the end of the manuscript, the legends for the Shortcut video (Video 1) and the main text figure legends; these are with a larger font and so easier to read.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This important work advances our understanding of navigation and path integration in mammals by using a clever behavioral paradigm. The paper provides compelling evidence that mice are able to create and use a cognitive map to find "short cuts" in an environment, using only the location of rewards relative to the point of entry to the environment and path integration, and need not rely on visual landmarks.
Thank you.
The authors have designed a novel experimental apparatus called the 'Hidden Food Maze (HFM)' and a beautiful suite of behavioral experiments using this apparatus to investigate the interplay between allothetic and idiothetic cues in navigation. The results presented provide a clear demonstration of the central claim of the paper, namely that mice only need a fixed start location and path integration to develop a cognitive map. The experiments and analyses conducted to test the main claim of the paper -- that the animals have formed a cognitive map -- are conclusive. While I think the results are quite interesting and sound, one issue that needs to be addressed is the framing of how landmarks are used (or not), as discussed below, although I believe this will be a straightforward issue for the authors to address.
We have now added detailed discussion on this important point. See below.
The 90-degree rotationally symmetric design and use of 4 distal landmarks and 4 quadrants with their corresponding rotationally equivalent locations (REL) lends itself to teasing apart the influence of path integration and landmark-based navigation in a clever way. The authors use a really complete set of experiments and associated controls to show that mice can use a start location and path integration to develop a cognitive map and generate shortcut routes to new locations.
I have two comments. The second comment is perhaps major and would require rephrasing multiple sentences/paragraphs throughout the paper.
(1) The data clearly indicate that in the hidden food maze (HFM) task mice did not use external visual "cue cards" to navigate, as this is clearly shown in the errors mice make when they start trials from a different start location when trained in the static entrance condition. The absence of visual landmark-guided behavior is indeed surprising, given the previous literature showing the use of distal landmarks to navigate and neural correlates of visual landmarks in hippocampal formation. While the authors briefly mention that the mice might not be using distal landmarks because of their pretraining procedure - I think it is worth highlighting this point (about the importance of landmark stability and citing relevant papers) and elaborating on it in greater detail. It is very likely that mice do not use the distal visual landmarks in this task because the pretraining of animals leads to them not identifying them as stable landmarks. For example, if they thought that each time they were introduced to the arena, it was "through the same door", then the landmarks would appear to be in arbitrary locations compared to the last time. In the same way, we as humans wouldn't use clouds or the location of people or other animate objects as trusted navigational beacons. In addition, the animals are introduced to the environment without any extra-maze landmarks that could help them resolve this ambiguity. Previous work (and what we see in our dome experiments) has shown that in environments with 'unreliable' landmarks, place cells are not controlled by landmarks - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390898000537, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7891125/. This makes it likely that the absence of these distal visual landmarks when the animal first entered the maze ensured that the animal does not 'trust' these visual features as landmarks.
Thank you. We have added many references and discussion exactly on this point including both direct behavioral experiments as well as discussion on the effects of landmark (in)stability of place cell encoding of “place”. See Page 18 third paragraph.
“An alternate factor might be the lack of reliability of distal spatial cues in predicting the food location. The mice, during pretraining trials, learned to find multiple food locations without landmarks. In the random trials, the continuous change of relative landmark location may lead the mice to not identifying them as “stable landmarks”. This view is supported by behavioral experiments that showed the importance of landmark stability for spatial learning (32-34) and that place cells are not controlled by “unreliable landmarks” (35-38). Control experiments without landmarks (Fig. S6A,B) or in the dark (Fig. S6C-F) confirmed that the mice did not need landmarks for spatial learning of the food location.”
(2) I don't agree with the statement that 'Exogenous cues are not required for learning the food location'. There are many cues that the animal is likely using to help reduce errors in path integration. For example, the start location of the rat could act as a landmark/exogenous cue in the sense of partially correcting path integration errors. The maze has four identical entrances (90-degree rotationally symmetric). Despite this, it is entirely plausible that the animal can correct path integration errors by identifying the correct start entrance for a given trial, and indeed the distance/bearing to the others would also help triangulate one's location. Further, the overall arena geometry could help reduce PI error. For example, with a food source learned to be "near the middle" of the arena, the animal would surely not estimate the position to be near the far wall (and an interesting follow-on experiment would be to have two different-sized, but otherwise nearly identical arenas). As the rat travels away from the start location, small path integration errors are bound to accumulate, these errors could be at least partially corrected based on entrance and distal wall locations. If this process of periodically checking the location of the entrance to correct path integration errors is done every few seconds, path integration would be aided 'exogenously' to build a cognitive map. While the original claim of the paper still stands, i.e. mice can learn the location of a hidden food size when their starting point in the environment remains constant across trials. I would advise rewording portions of the paper, including the discussion throughout the paper that states claims such as "Exogenous cues are not required for learning the food location" to account for the possibility that the start and the overall arena geometry could be used as helpful exogenous cues to correct for path integration errors.
We agree with the referee that our claim was ill-phrased. Surely the behavior of the mouse must be constrained by the arena size to some extent. To minimize potential geometric cues from the arena, we carefully analyzed many preliminary experiments (each with a unique batch of 4 mice) having the target positioned at different locations. We added a paragraph to the section “Further controls” where we explain our choice for the target position. Page 12 last paragraph; Page 13 “Arena geometry” paragraph.
Also, following the suggestion from the reviewer, we probed whether the hole checks accumulated near the center of the arena for the random entrance mice, as a potential sign that some spatial learning is going on. In fact, neither the density of hole checks, nor the distance of the hole checks to the center of the arena change with learning: panel A below shows the probability density of finding a hole check at a given distance from the center of the arena; both trial 1 and trial 14 have very similar profiles. Panel B shows the density of hole checks near (<20cm) and far (>20cm) from the arena’s center.
Author response image 1.
It also doesn’t show any significant differences between trials 1 and 14.
So even though there’s some trend (in panel A, the peak goes from 60cm to a double peak, one at 30cm away from the center, and the other still at 60cm), the distance from the center is still way too large compared to the mouse’s body size and to the average inter-hole distance (<10cm). These panels are now in the Supplementary Figure S8B.
Finally, we enhanced the wording in our claim. We now have a new section entitled: “What cues are required for learning the food location?”. There, we systematically cover all possible cues and how they might be affected by their stability under the perturbation of maze floor rotation.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This manuscript reports interesting findings about the navigational behavior of mice. The authors have dissected this behavior in various components using a sophisticated behavioral maze and statistical analysis of the data.
The results are solid and they support the main conclusions, which will be of considerable value to many scientists.
Thank you.
Figure 1: In some trials the mice seem to be doing thigmotaxis, walking along the perimeter of the maze. This is perhaps due to the fear of the open arena. But, these paths along the perimeter would significantly influence all metrics of navigation, e.g. the distance or time to reward.
Perhaps analysis can be done that treats such behavior separately and the factors it out from the paths that are away from the perimeter.
In Page 4, we added a small section entitled: “Pretraining trials”. Our reference was suggested by Reviewer #3 (noted as “Golani” with first author “Fonio”). Our preliminary experiments used naïve mice and they typically took greater than 2 days before they ventured into the arena center and found the single filled hole. This added unacceptable delays and the Pretraining trials greatly diminished the extensive thigmotaxis (not quantified). The “near the walls” trajectories did continue in the first learning trial (Fig. 2A, 3A) but then diminished in subsequent trials. We found no evidence that thigmotaxis (trajectories adjacent to the wall) were a separate category of trajectory.
Figure 1c: the color axis seems unusual. Red colors indicate less frequently visited regions (less than 25%) and white corresponds to more frequently visited places (>25%)? Why use such a binary measure instead of a graded map as commonly done?
Thank you; you are completely correct. We have completely changed the color coding.
Some figures use linear scale and others use logarithmic scale. Is there a scientific justification? For example, average latency is on a log scale and average speed is on a linear scale, but both quantify the same behavior. The y-axis in panel 1-I is much wider than the data. Is there a reason for this? Or can the authors zoom into the y-axis so that the reader can discern any pattern?
We use logarithmic scale with the purpose of displaying variables that have a wide range of variation (mainly, distance, latency, and number of hole checks, since it linearly and positively correlates with both distance and latency – see new Fig. S4B,C). For example, Latency goes from hundreds of seconds (trial 1) to just a few seconds (trial 14). Similarly, the total distance goes from hundreds of centimeters (trial 1, sometimes more than 1000cm, see answer about the 10-fold variation of distance below) to just the start-target distance (which is ~100cm). These variables vary over a few orders of magnitude. We display speed in a linear axis because it does not increase for more than one order of magnitude.
Moreover, fitting the wide-ranged data (distance, latency, nchecks) yields smaller error in logscale [i.e., fitting log(y) vs. trial, instead of y vs. trial]. In these cases, the log-scale also helps visualizing how well the data was fitted by the curve. Thus, presenting wide-ranged data in linear scale could be misleading regarding goodness of fit.
We now zoomed into the Y axis scale in Panels I of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. We kept it in log-scale, but linear Y scale produces Author response image 2 for Figs. 3I and 2I, respectively.
Author response image 2.
Thus, we believe that the loglog-scale in these panels won’t compromise the interpretation of the phenomenon. In fact, the loglog of the static case suggests that the probability of hole checking distance increases according to a power law as the mouse approaches the target (however, we did not check this thoroughly, so we did not include this point in the discussion). Power law behavior is observed in other animals (e.g, ants: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009621) and is sometimes associated with a stochastic process with memory.
1F shows no significant reduction in distance to reward. Does that mean there is no improvement with experience and all the improvement in the latency is due to increasing running speed with experience?
Correct and in the section “Random Entrance experiments” under “Results” (Page 5) we explicitly note this point.
“We hypothesize that the mice did not significantly reduce their distance travelled (Fig. 2A,B,F) because they had not learned the food location - the decrease in latency (Fig. 2D) was due to its increased running speed and familiarity with non-spatial task parameters.”
Figure 3: The distance traveled was reduced by nearly 10-fold and speed increased by by about 3fold. So, the time to reach the reward should decrease by only 3 fold (t=d/v) but that too reduced by 10fold. How does one reconcile the 3fold difference between the expected and observed values?
The traveled distance is obtained by linearly interpolating the sampled trajectory points. In other words, the software samples a discrete set of positions, for each recorded instant 𝑡. The total distance is
where is the Euclidean distance between two consecutively sampled points. However, the same result (within a fraction of cm error) can be obtained by integrating the sampled speed over time 𝑣! using the Simpson method
Since Latency varies by 10-fold, it is just expected that, given 𝑑 = 𝑣𝑡, the total distance will also vary by 10-fold (since 𝑣 is constant in each time interval Δ𝑡; replacing 𝑣! in the integral yields the discrete sum above).
The correctness of our kinetic measurements can be simply verified by multiplying the data from the Latency panel with the data from the Velocity panel. If this results in the Distance plot, then there is no discrepancy.
In Author response image 3, we show the actual measured distance, 𝑑_total_, for both conditions (random and static entrance), calculated with the discrete sum above (black filled circles).
Author response image 3.
We compare this with two quantities: (a) average speed multiplied by average latency (red squares); and (b) average of the product of speed by latency (blue inverted triangles). The averages are taken over mice. Notice that if the multiplication is taken before the average (as it should be done), then the product 〈𝑣𝑡〉45*( is indistinguishable from the total distance obtained by linear interpolation. Even taking the averages prior to the multiplication (which is physically incorrect, since speed and latency and properties of each individual mouse), yields almost exactly the same result (well within 1 standard deviation).
The only thing to keep in mind here is that the Distance panel in the paper presents the normalized distance according to the target distance to the starting point. This is necessary because in the random entrance experiments, each mouse can go to 1 of 4 possible targets (each of which has a different distance to the starting point).
Figure 4: The reader is confused about the use of a binary color scheme here for the checking behavior: gray for a large amount of checking, and pink for small. But, there is a large ellipse that is gray and there are smaller circles that are also gray, but these two gray areas mean very different things as far as the reader can tell. Is that so? Why not show the entire graded colormap of checking probability instead of such a seemingly arbitrary binary depiction?
Thank you. Our coloring scheme was indeed poorly thought out and we have changed it. Hopefully the reviewer now finds it easier to interpret. The frequency of hole checks is now encoded into only filled circles of varying sizes and shades of pink. Small empty circles represent the arena holes (empty because they have no food); The large transparent gray ellipse is the variance of the unrestricted spatial distribution of hole checks.
Figure 4C: What would explain the large amount of checking behavior at the perimeter? Does that occur predominantly during thigmotaxis?
Yes. As mentioned above, thigmotaxis still occurs in the first trial of training. The point to note is that the hole checking shown in Fig. 4C is over all the mice so that, per mice, it does not appear so overwhelming.
Was there a correlation between the amount of time spent by the animals in a part of the maze and the amount of reward checking? Previous studies have shown that the two behaviors are often positively correlated, e.g. reference 20 in the manuscript. How does this fit with the path integration hypothesis?
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Indeed, the time spent searching & the hole checking behavior are correlated. We added a new panel C to Fig. S4 showing a raw correlation plot between Latency and number of checks.
Also, in the last paragraph of the “Revealing the mouse estimate of target position from behavior” section under “Results”), we now added a sentence relating the findings in Fig. 4H and 4K (spatial distribution of hole checks, and density of checks near the target, respectively) to note that these findings are in agreement with Fig 3C (time spent searching in each quadrant).
“The mean position of hole checks near (20cm) the target is interpreted as the mouse estimated target (Fig. 4C,D,G,H; green + sign=mean position; green ellipses = covariance of spatial hole check distribution restricted to 20cm near the target). This finding together with the displacement and spatial hole check maps (Figs. 4F and 4H, respectively) corroborates the heatmap of time spent in the target quadrant (Fig. 3C), suggesting a positive correlation between hole checks and time searching (see also Fig. S4C).”
"Scratches and odor trails were eliminated by washing and rotating the maze floor between trials." Can one eliminate scratches by just washing the maze floor? Rotation of the maze floor between trials can make these cues unreliable or variable but will not eliminate them. Ditto for odor cues.
The upper arena floor is rotated between trials so that any scratches will not be stable cues. We clarified this in the Discussion about potential cues.
See “What cues are required for learning the food location?”
"Possible odor gradient cues were eliminated by experiments where such gradients were prevented with vacuum fans (Fig. S6E)" What tests were done to ensure that these were *eliminated* versus just diminished?
"Probe trials of fully trained mice resulted in trajectories and initial hole checking identical to that of regular trials thereby demonstrating that local odor cues are not essential for spatial learning." As far as the reader can tell, probe trials only eliminated the food odor cues but did not eliminate all other odors. If so, this conclusion can be modified accordingly.
We were most worried about odor cues guiding the mice and as now described at great length, we tried to mitigate this problem in many ways. As the reviewer notes, it is not possible to have absolute certainty that there are no odor cues remaining. The most difficult odor to eliminate was the potential odor gradient emanating from the mouse’s home cage. However, the 2 vacuum fans per cage were very powerful in first evacuating the cage air (150x in 5 minutes) and then drawing air from the arena, through the cage and out its top for the duration of each trial. We believe that we did at least vastly reduce any odor cues and perhaps completely eliminated them.
The interpretation of direction selectivity is a bit tricky. At different places in this manuscript, this is interpreted as a path integration signal that encodes goal location, including the Consync cells. However, studies show that (e.g. Acharya et al. 2016) direction selectivity in virtual reality is comparable to that during natural mazes, despite large differences in vestibular cues and spatial selectivity. How would one reconcile these observations with path integration interpretation?
Thank you. We had not been serious enough in considering the VR studies and their implications for optic flow as a cue for spatial learning. We now have a section (Optic flow cues) in the Discussion that acknowledges the potential role of such cues in spatial learning in our maze.
However, spatial learning in our maze can also occur in the dark. The next small section (Vestibular and proprioceptive cues) addresses this point. We cannot be certain about the precise cues used by the mouse to effectively learn to locate food in our maze, but it will take further behavioral and electrophysiological studies to go deeper into these questions.
An extended discussion is found in the sections entitled “What cues are required for learning the food location” and “A fixed start location and self-motion cues are required for spatial learning”. We may have missed some references or ideas regarding VR maze learning with optic flow signals – the Acharya et al reference was an excellent starting point, and we would be grateful for additional pointers that would improve our discussion of this point.
The manuscript would be improved if the speculations about place cells, grid cells, BTSP, etc. were pared down. I could easily imagine the outcome of these speculations to go the other way and some claims are not supported by data. "We note that the cited experiments were done with virtual movement constrained to 1D and in the presence of landmarks. It remains to be shown whether similar results are obtained in our unconstrained 2D maze and with only self-motion cues available." There are many studies that have measured the evolution of place cells in non- virtual mazes, look up papers from the 1990s. Reference 43 reports such results in a 2D virtual maze.
We understand the reviewer’s concerns with the length of the manuscript. However, both the first and third reviewer did find this extensive section useful. We did not add the many papers on the evolution of place fields in real world mazes simply to prevent even greater expansion of the discussion, but relied on the very thorough review of Knierim and Hamilton instead.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
How is it that animals find learned food locations in their daily life? Do they use landmarks to home in on these learned locations or do they learn a path based on self-motion (turn left, take ten steps forward, turn right, etc.). This study carefully examines this question in a well-designed behavioral apparatus. A key finding is that to support the observed behavior in the hidden food arena, mice appear to not use the distal cues that are present in the environment for performing this task. Removal of such cues did not change the learning rate, for example. In a clever analysis of whether the resulting cognitive map based on self-motion cues could allow a mouse to take a shortcut, it was found that indeed they are. The work nicely shows the evolution of the rodent's learning of the task, and the role of active sensing in the targeted reduction of uncertainty of food location proximal to its expected location.
A convincing demonstration that mice can synthesize a cognitive map for the finding of a static reward using body frame-based cues. This shows that the uncertainty of the final target location is resolved by an active sensing process of probing holes proximal to the expected location. Showing that changing the position of entry into the arena rotates the anticipated location of the reward in a manner consistent with failure to use distal cues.
Thank you.
The task is low stakes, and thus the failure to use distal cues at most costs the animal a delay in finding the food; this delay is likely unimportant to the animal. Thus, it is unclear whether this result would generalize to a situation where the animal may be under some time pressure, urgency due to food (or water) restriction, or due to predatory threat. In such cases, the use of distal cues to make locating the reward robust to changing start locations may be more likely to be observed.
We have added “Combining trajectory direction and hole check locations yields a Target Estimation Vector” a section summarizing our main hypotheses and this section includes noting exactly this point + including the reference to the excellent MacIver paper on “robot aggression”.
The main point here follows the Knierim and Hamilton review and assumes that learning “heading direction” and “distance from start to food” require different cues and extraction mechanisms. “Here we follow a review by Knierim and Hamilton (12) suggesting independent mechanisms for extraction of target direction versus target distance information. Averaging across trajectories gave a mean displacement direction, an estimate of the average heading direction as the mouse ran from start to food. The heading direction must be continuously updated as the mice runs towards the food, given that the mean displacement direction remains straight despite the variation across individual trajectories. Heading direction might be extracted from optic flow and/or vestibular system and be encoded by head direction cells. However, the distance from home to food is not encoded by head direction signals.”
“We hypothesize that path integration over trajectories is used to estimate the distance from start to food. The stimuli used for integration might include proprioception or acceleration (vestibular) signals as neither depends on visual input. Our conclusion is in accord with a literature survey that concluded that the distance of a target from a start location was based on path integration and separate from the coding of target heading direction (12). Our “in the dark” experiments reveal the minimal stimuli required for spatial learning – an anchoring starting point and directional information based on vestibular and perhaps proprioceptive signals. This view is in accord with recent studies using VR (47, 48). Under more naturalistic conditions, animals have many additional cues available that can be used for flexible control of navigation under time or predation pressure (51).”.
Furthermore, we added panel G do Fig S4, where we show the evolution of the heading angle along the trajectory, plotted as a function of the trials. We see that the mouse only steer towards the target in the last segment of the trajectory, consistent with having the head direction being continuously updated along the path to the food.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewing Editor (Recommendations For The Authors):
All three reviewers agreed during the consultation that the context in which distal cues are described in the manuscript would benefit significantly from refinement. The distal cues may be made completely useless from an ethological perspective e.g. if they are seen as "moving" relative to the entrance point (i.e. if the animal were to think it were entering the same location), then the cues would appear as unstable in the random entrance. As such, they may be so unlike natural experiences as to be potentially confusing to the animal. Moreover, as reported in some of the reviews, the animals may be using the entrances and boundaries as cues to help refine path integration. The results are still very interesting, but more refinement in the text on the interpretation of cues would greatly improve the manuscript. Thus, we recommend that you revise your manuscript to address the reviews.
Thank you. We agree with this recommendation of the reviewers have greatly expanded our discussion on cue stability as already indicated above.
Should you choose to revise your manuscript, pleasse ensure the manuscript include full statistical reporting including exact p-values wherever possible alongside the summary statistics (test statistic and df) and 95% confidence intervals. These should be reported for all key questions and not only when the p-value is less than 0.05.
Lastly, I want to personally apologize for the long delay in editing this manuscript. All three reviews were unfortunately quite delayed, including my own review. I want to thank you for submitting your work to eLife and hope that we can be more efficient in editing your work in the future.
It was a long review process, but we also appreciate that our article was dense and difficult to read. We tried to be comprehensive in our controls and analyses and we appreciate the considerable effort it must have taken to carefully review our paper.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
I quite enjoyed this paper and have some suggestions for further improvement.
First, while I appreciate that the format of the journal has Methods at the end, there are some key details that need to be moved forward in the study for proper appreciation of the results. These include:
(1) Location and size of distal cues.
(2) Use of floor washing between mice.
(3) Use of food across the subfloor to provide some masking of the location of the food reward.
(4) A scale bar on one of the early figures showing the apparatus would be beneficial.
Done for Figure 1 where we also provide arena diameter and area.
(5) Motivational state of the mouse with respect to the food reward (in this case, not food restricted, correct?).
Although we are told the trial where learning is defined to have occurred, we were not given the quantitative criterion operationalizing "learning" - please provide (unless I missed it!).
Thank you. This question turned out to be of importance and led to more detailed analyses and related Discussion. We therefore answer in depth.
We now realize that learning the distance to food versus learning the direction to food must be analyzed separately.
On Page 5 second paragraph we provide a definition of “learning distance to food”.
“Fitting the function dtotal \= B*exp(-Trial/K) reveals the characteristic timescale of learning, K, in trial units (Fig. 2F). We obtained K= 26±24 giving a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.92. The mean, K=26, is therefore very uncertain and far greater than the actual number of trials. Thus, we hypothesize that the mice did not significantly reduce their distance travelled (Fig. 2A,B,F) because they had not learned the food location – the decrease in latency (Fig. 2D) was due to its increased running speed and familiarity with non-spatial task parameters. ”
On Page 7 second paragraph the same analysis gives:
“Now the fitting of the function dtotal\=B exp(-Trial/K) yielded K\=5.6±0.5 with a CV = 0.08; the mean is therefore a reliable estimate of total distance travelled. We interpret this to indicate that it takes a minimum number of K= 6 trials for learning the distance to the target (see also Fig. S4D,E,F,G).
Learning is still not complete because it takes 14 trials before the trajectories become near optimal.”
Learning of distance to food is evident by Trial 6 but is not complete.
On Page 9 third paragraph we give a very precise answer to time taken to learn the direction from start to food. This was already very clear from Fig. 4I but we had missed the significance of this result.
“We compared the deviation between the TEV and the true target vector (that points from start directly to the food hole; Fig. 4I). While the random entrance mice had a persistent deviation between TEV and target of more than 70o, the static entrance mice were able to learn the direction of the target almost perfectly by trial 6 (TEV-target deviation in first trial mean±SD = 57.27o ± 41.61o; last trial mean±SD = 5.16o ± 0.20o; P=0.0166). A minimum of 6 trials is sufficient for learning both the direction and distance to food (Fig. 4I) (Fig. 3F) (see Discussion). The kinetics of learning direction to food are clearly different from learning distance to food since the direction to food remains stable after Trial 6 while the distance to food continues to approach the optimal value.”
Learning the direction from start to food is completely learned by Trial 6.
These analyses led to an addition to the Discussion on Page 20 (following the Heading).
“Here we follow a review by Knierim and Hamilton (12) that hypothesized independent mechanisms for extraction of target direction versus target distance information. Our data strongly supports their hypothesis. Target direction is nearly perfectly estimated at trial 6 (Fig. 4I and Results). The deviation of the TEV from the start to food vector is rapidly reduced to its minimal value (5.16o) and with minimal variability (SD=0.20o). Learning the distance from start to food is also evident at trial 6 but only reaches an asymptotic near optimal value at trial 14 (Fig. 3F). The learning dynamics are therefore very different for target direction versus target distance. As noted below, the food direction is likely estimated from the activity of head direction cells. The neural mechanisms by which distance from start to food is estimated are not known (but see (49)).”
We believe that this small addition summarizes the complicated answer to the reviewer’s question and is helpful in better connecting the Knierim and Hamilton paper to our data. However, if the reviewers and editors feel that we have gone too far or that this discussion is not clear, we can remove or alter the extra sentences as per any comments.
Reference #49 is to a review paper on spatial learning in weakly electric fish in the dark (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2021.07.002). The review summarizes data on a neural “time stamp” mechanism for estimating distance from start to food. In this review article, we explicitly hypothesized that rodents might utilize such a time stamp mechanism for finding food. We did not include this in the discussion because it was too distracting and would likely confuse readers but put in the reference in case some readers did want to access the “time stamp” hypothesis for spatial learning in the dark.
Second, the discussion was thoughtful and rich. I particularly enjoyed the segment describing the likely computations of the hippocampus. There are a few thoughts I have for the authors to think about that might be useful to potentially add to the discussion:
"The remaining one, mouse 34, went from B to the start location and then, to A."
This out-and-back pattern has been seen in the literature, such as multiple papers by Golani (here's one: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.0812513106). Would the authors speculate, given their suggested algorithm, what the significance of out and back may be? Is there something about the cell's encoding of direction and distance that requires a return to the start location, and would this be different if representation is based on self-motion versus based on distal cues in an allocentric representation?
We do discuss this for pretraining trials but have no idea what this mouse is doing in this case.
In a low-stakes task environment, for an animal that has a low acuity visual system, where the penalty for not using distal cues is at most some additional (likely enriching in itself to these mice who live a fairly unenriched life in small cages) search/learning/exploration time, perhaps it is not so surprising that body-frame cues are used. Considering the ethology of the animal, if it had multiple exits of an underground burrow, it might need to use distal cues to avoid confusion. The scenario you provide to the animal is essentially a deceptive one where it has no way of telling it is coming out to the arena from a different burrow hole, modulo some small landmarks on an otherwise uniform cylinder of space. This might be asking too much of an animal where the space it would enter normally would not be a uniform cylinder.
What happens with a higher-stakes case? This is clearly a different study, but you may find some recent work with a mobile predatory robot of interest (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211124723016820). Visual cues are crucial in the avoidance of threats in this case. Re-routing, as shown by multiple videos of that study, is after a brief pause, and seemingly takes into account the likely future position of the threat.
Done. A fascinating paper that illustrates the unexpected “high level” behavior a rodent is capable of when placed in more naturalistic situations. I think our “two food location” experiments are along the same direction – unexpected rich behavior when the mouse are challenged.
Connected to the low-stakes vs high-stakes point, it might be nice for the paper to discuss situations in which cognitive-map-based spatial problem solutions make sense versus not.
Here is an example of such a discussion, around page 496:
Right a very relevant discussion by MacIver. However, when I tried to write it in it took nearly half a page of dense writing to connect to the themes of our article. I figured that the already long discussion will try the patience of most readers and so decided to not include this extra discussion.
Minor points/ queries
Why the increase in sample density at about the 1/4 radius of arena distance? Static, trial 14, Figure 3I, shown also maybe Figure 4 H.
We were also puzzled when this occurred but have no explanation. And there are, in our figures, many other examples of the mice hole checking near their exit site. See next answer.
Why was the hole proximal to start so often probed in 7B?
We were also puzzled when this occurred but have no explanation.
Check Video 1 to exactly see this behavior. The mouse exits its home and immediately checks a nearby hole. It proceeds to Site B (empty) and then Site A (empty) with many hole checks along the way. After leaving Site A, the mouse proceeds to the wall located far from an entrance and does another hole check. The near the wall holes that are checked are in no way remarkable: a) they have never contained food; b) they are rotated between trials, and we wash the floor carefully, so they do not “smell” any particular hole; c) the food on the lower level floor is in no way “clumped” under that hole, etc.
We have discussed this phenomenon quite a lot and LM was able to come up with only one hypothesis for this behavior. In analogy to the electric fish work (responses of diencephalic neurons to “leaving or encountering a landmark”), the “near the entrance” hole check might be an active sensing probe to “time stamp” the exit from home while finding food would “time stamp” the end of a successful trajectory. Path integration between time stamps would then provide the estimate for time/distance from start to food – exactly our hypothesis for weakly electric fish spatial learning in the dark. This hypothesis is exceedingly speculative and so we do not want to include it.
Normally I would cite a line number. Since I do not see line numbers, I will leave it to you to do a search:
"A than the expected by chance" -> "than expected"
Done. I apologize for the lack of line numbers. I have, so far, been unable to get Word to confine line numbers to selected text and not run over onto the Figure Legends. I have put in page numbers and hope this helps.
RW, VR, MWM, etc - please expand the acronym on first use.
It might be interesting to see differences in demand/reliance on active sensing in the individuals who learn the task less well than the animals who learn the task well. If the point is to expunge uncertainty, then does the need for such expunging increase with the poverty of internal representation resolution / fewer decimal places on the internal TEV calculation?
We do have variation in the mice learning time but the numbers are not sufficient for this interesting extension. This is just one of many follow up studies we hope to carry out.
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eLife assessment
This study describes the formation of a penetration ring in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae during host cell invasion. The work provides useful insights into how the penetration ring facilitates the transition of penetration pegs into invasive hyphae, which leads to a better understanding of plant-pathogen interactions. However, the evidence supporting the function of this novel infection structure remains incomplete and further work is needed to help clarify the exact role of the penetration ring in the infection process.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study focuses on characterizing a previously identified gene, encoding the secreted protein Ppe1, that may play a role in rice infection by the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Magnaporthe oryzae is a hemibiotrophic fungus that infects living host cells before causing disease. Infection begins with the development of a specialized infection cell, the appressorium, on the host leaf surface. The appressorium generates enormous internal turgor that acts on a thin penetration peg at the appressorial base, forcing it through the leaf cuticle. Once through this barrier, the peg elaborates into bulbous invasive hyphae that colonizes the first infected cell before moving to neighboring cells via plasmodesmata. During this initial biotrophic growth stage, invasive hyphae invaginate the host plasma membrane, which surrounds growing hyphae as the extra-invasive hyphae membrane (EIHM). To avoid detection, the fungus secretes apoplastic effectors into the EIHM matrix via the conventional ER-Golgi secretion pathway. The fungus also forms a plant-derived structure called the biotrophic interfacial complex (BIC) that receives cytoplasmic effectors through an unconventional secretion route before they are delivered into the host cell. Together, these secreted effector proteins act to evade or suppress host innate immune responses. Here the authors contribute to our understanding of M. oryzae infection biology by showing how Ppe1, which localizes to both the appressorial penetration peg and to the appressorial-like transpressoria associated with invasive hyphal movements into adjacent cells, maximizes host cell penetration and disease development and is thus a novel contributor to rice blast disease.
A major goal of M. oryzae research is to understand how the fungus causes disease, either by determining the physiological underpinnings of the fungal infection cycle or by identifying effectors and their host targets. Such new knowledge may point the way to novel mitigation strategies. Here, the authors make an interesting discovery that bridges both fungal physiology and effector biology research by showing how a secreted protein Ppe1, initially considered an effector with potential host targets, associates with its own penetration peg (and transpressoria) to facilitate host invasion. In a previous study, the authors had identified a small family of small secreted proteins that may function as effectors. Here they suggest Ppe1 (and, later in the manuscript, Ppe2/3/5) localizes outside the penetration peg when appressoria develops on surfaces that permit penetration, but not on artificial hard surfaces that prevent peg penetration. Deleting the PPE1 gene reduced (although did not abolish) penetration, and a fraction of those that penetrated developed invasive hyphae that were reduced in growth compared to WT. Using fluorescent markers, the authors show that Ppe1 forms a ring underneath appressoria, likely where the peg emerges, which remained after invasive hyphae had developed. The ring structure is smaller than the width of the appressorium and also lies within the septin ring known to form during peg development. This so-called penetration ring also formed at the transpressorial penetration point as invasive hyphae moved to adjacent cells. This structure is novel, and required for optimum penetration during infection. Furthermore, Ppe1, which carries a functional signal peptide, may form on the periphery of the peg, together suggesting it is secreted and associated with the peg to facilitate penetration. Staining with aniline blue also suggests Ppe1 is outside the peg. Together, the strength of the work lies in identifying a novel appressorial penetration ring structure required for full virulence.
The main weakness of the paper is that, although Ppe1 is associated with the peg and optimizes penetration, the function of Ppe1 is not known. The work starts off considering Ppe1 a secreted effector, then a facilitator of penetration by associating with the peg, but what role it plays here is only often speculated about. For example, the authors consider at various times that it may have a structural role, a signaling role orchestrating invasive hyphae development, or a tethering role between the peg and the invaginated host plasma membrane (called throughout the host cytoplasmic membrane, a novel term that is not explained). However, more effort should be expended to determine which of these alternative roles is the most likely. Otherwise, as it stands, the paper describes an interesting phenomenon (the appressorial ring) but provides no understanding of its function.
The inability to nail down the function of Ppe1 likely stems from two underlying assumptions with weak support. Firstly, the authors assume that Ppe1 is secreted and associated with the peg to form a penetration ring between the plant cell wall and cytoplasm membrane. However, the authors do not demonstrate it is secreted (for instance by blocking Ppe1 secretion and its association with the peg using brefeldin A). Also, they do not sufficiently show that Ppe1 localizes on the periphery of the peg. This is because confocal microscopy is not powerful enough to see the peg. The association they are seeing (for example in Figure 4) shows localization to the bottom of the appressorium and around the primary hyphae, but the peg cannot be seen. Here, the authors will need to use SEM, perhaps in conjunction with gold labeling of Ppe1, to show it is associating with the peg and, indeed, is external to the peg (rather than internal, as a structural role in peg rigidity might predict). It would also be interesting to repeat the microscopy in Figure 4C but at much earlier time points, just as the peg is penetrating but before invasive hyphae have developed - Where is Ppe1 then? Finally, the authors speculate, but do not show, that Ppe1 anchors penetration pegs on the plant cytoplasm membrane. Doing so may require FM4-64 staining, as used in Figure 2 of Kankanala et al, 2007 (DOI: 10.1105/tpc.106.046300), to show connections between Ppe1 and host membranes. Note that the authors also do not show that the penetration ring is a platform for effector delivery, as speculated in the Discussion.
Secondly, the authors assume Ppe1 is required for host infection due to its association with the peg. However, its role in infection is minor. The majority of appressoria produced by the mutant strain penetrate host cells and elaborate invasive hyphae, and lesion sizes are only marginally reduced compared to WT (in fact, the lesion density of the 70-15 WT strain itself seems reduced compared to what would be expected from this strain). The authors did not analyze the lesions for spores to confirm that the mutant strains were non-pathogenic (non-pathogenic mutants sometimes form small pinprick-like lesions that do not sporulate). Thus, the pathogenicity phenotype of the knockout mutant is weak, which could contribute to the inability to accurately define the molecular and cellular function of Ppe1.
In summary, it is important that the role of Ppe1 in infection be determined.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The article focuses on the study of Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungal pathogen responsible for rice blast disease, which poses a significant threat to global food security. The research delves into the infection mechanisms of the pathogen, particularly the role of penetration pegs and the formation of a penetration ring in the invasion process. The study highlights the persistent localization of Ppe1 and its homologs to the penetration ring, suggesting its function as a structural feature that facilitates the transition of penetration pegs into invasive hyphae. The article provides a thorough examination of the infection process of M. oryzae, from the attachment of conidia to the development of appressoria and the formation of invasive hyphae. The discovery of the penetration ring as a structural element that aids in the invasion process is a significant contribution to the understanding of plant-pathogen interactions. The experimental methods are well-documented, allowing for reproducibility and validation of the results.
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eLife assessment
This valuable work discusses the phylogenetic conservation of the hippocampal region and primary sensory cortical regions in mammalian species. The authors propose that species-specific differences in behavior and mnemonic functions may be due to differences in cortico-hippocampal connectivity patterns. However, the manuscript, in its present form, is speculative, and the strength of evidence for this proposition is incomplete.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper itself has a reasonable aim, to compare the inputs to the hippocampus from cortical regions across mammals. But for some reason, the conclusions that are reached are very limited. We know for example that the main laboratory rodents investigated, rats and mice, are nocturnal, live in underground tunnels, and have a very wide field of view with no fovea. In contrast, primates have a highly developed cortical system for vision and a fovea, and so have very different capabilities to rodents, as they have an ability to identify people or objects at a distance, and to remember where they have been seen. Despite this major difference in the visual cortical processing in these different mammals, somehow important points are missed in this paper about how the cortical processing is organised in these different mammals, and how this is reflected in the anatomy.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript emphasizes a phylogenetic conservation of the hippocampal region and primary sensory cortical regions in mammalian species. The authors then propose that the evident species-specific differences in behavior and memory-related functions may be due to differences in type and amount of cortico-hippocampal connectivity.
The authors are well-established researchers with a long history of excellent results and publications. The question (co-influence of cortical and hippocampal connections) is potentially interesting.
The treatment is very broad and macro scale, ignoring the likelihood that hippocampal-cortical connectivity and behavioral outcomes result from multiple differences at a more micro-scale. The designated "mammalian" sample is also broad. Thus, it can appear incomplete as a sample, and incompletely discussed.
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eLife assessment
This research investigates the precision of numerosity perception in two different tasks and concludes that human performance aligns with an efficient coding model optimized for current environmental statistics and task goals. The findings may have important implications for our understanding of numerosity perception as well as the ongoing debate on different efficient coding models. However, the evidence presented in the paper to support the conclusion is still incomplete and could be strengthened by further modeling analysis or experimental data that can address potential confounds.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The "number sense" refers to an imprecise and noisy representation of number. Many researchers propose that the number sense confers a fixed (exogenous) subjective representation of number that adheres to scalar variability, whereby the variance of the representation of number is linear in the number.
This manuscript investigates whether the representation of number is fixed, as usually assumed in the literature, or whether it is endogenous. The two dimensions on which the authors investigate this endogeneity are the subject's prior beliefs about stimuli values and the task objective. Using two experimental tasks, the authors collect data that are shown to violate scalar variability and are instead consistent with a model of optimal encoding and decoding, where the encoding phase depends endogenously on prior and task objectives. I believe the paper asks a critically important question. The literature in cognitive science, psychology, and increasingly in economics, has provided growing empirical evidence of decision-making consistent with efficient coding. However, the precise model mechanics can differ substantially across studies. This point was made forcefully in a paper by Ma and Woodford (2020, Behavioral & Brain Sciences), who argue that different researchers make different assumptions about the objective function and resource constraints across efficient coding models, leading to a proliferation of different models with ad-hoc assumptions. Thus, the possibility that optimal coding depends endogenously on the prior and the objective of the task, opens the door to a more parsimonious framework in which assumptions of the model can be constrained by environmental features. Along these lines, one of the authors' conclusions is that the degree of variability in subjective responses increases sublinearly in the width of the prior. And importantly, the degree of this sublinearity differs across the two tasks, in a manner that is consistent with a unified efficient coding model.
(1) Modeling and implementation of estimation task
The biggest concern I have with the paper is about the experimental implementation and theoretical account of the estimation task. The salient features of the experimental data (Figure 1C) are that the standard deviations of subjects' estimated quantities are hump-shaped in the true stimulus x and that the standard deviation, conditional on the true stimulus x, is increasing in prior width. The authors attribute these features to a Bayesian encoding and decoding model in which the internal representation of the quantity is noisy, and the degree of noise depends on the prior - as in models of efficient coding (Wei and Stocker 2015 Nature Neuro; Bhui and Gershman 2018 Psych Review; Hahn and Wei 2024 Nature Neuro).
The concern I have is about the final "step" in the model, where the authors assume there is an additional layer of motor noise in selecting the response. The authors posit that the subject's selection of the response is drawn from a Gaussian with a mean set to the optimally decoded estimate x*(r), and variance set to a free parameter sigma_0^2. However, the authors also assume that the Gaussian distribution is "truncated to the prior range." This truncation is a nontrivial assumption, and I believe that on its own, it can explain many features of the data.
To see this, assume that there is no noise in the internal representation of x, there is only motor noise. This corresponds to a special case of the authors' model in which υ is set to 0. The model then reduces to a simple account in which responses are drawn from a Gaussian distribution centered at the true value of x, but with asymmetric noise due to the truncation. I simulated such a model with sigma_0=7. The resulting standard deviations of responses for each value of x (based on 1000 draws for each value of x), across the three different priors, reproduce the salient patterns of the standard deviation in Figure 1C: i) within each condition, the standard deviation is hump-shaped and peaks at x=60 and ii) conditional on x, standard deviation increases in prior width. The takeaway is that this simple model with only truncated motor noise - and without any noisy or efficient coding of internal representations - provides an alternative channel through which the prior affects behavior.
Of course, this does not imply that subjects' coding is not described by the efficient encoding and decoding model posited by the authors. However, it does suggest an important alternative mechanism for the authors' theoretical results in the estimation task. Moreover, some of the quantitative conclusions about the differences in behavior with the discrimination task would be greatly affected by the assumption of truncated motor noise.
Turning to the experiment, a basic question is whether such a truncation was actually implemented in the design. That is, was the range of the slider bar set to the range of the prior? (The methods section states that the size on the screen of the slider was proportional to the prior width, but it was unclear whether the bounds of the slider bar changed with the prior). If the slider bar range did depend on the prior, then it becomes difficult to interpret the data. If not, then perhaps one can perform analyses to understand how much the motor noise is responsible for the dependence of the standard deviation on both x and the prior width. Indeed, the authors emphasize that their model is best fit at α=0.48, which would seem to imply that the best fitting value of υ is strictly positive. However, it would be important to clarify whether the estimation procedure allowed for υ=0, or whether this noise parameter was constrained to be positive (i.e., clarify whether the estimation assumed noisy and efficient coding of internal representations).
(2) Differences across tasks
A main takeaway from the paper is that optimal coding depends on the expected reward function in each task. This is the explanation for why the degree of sublinearity between standard deviation and prior width changes across the estimation and discrimination task. But besides the two different reward functions, there are also other differences across the two tasks. For example, the estimation task involves a single array of dots, whereas the discrimination task involves a pair of sequences of Arabic numerals. Related to the discussion above, in the estimation task the response scale is continuous whereas in the discrimination task, responses are binary. Is it possible that these other differences in the task could contribute to the observed different degrees of sublinearity? It is likely beyond the scope of the paper to incorporate these differences into the model, but such differences across the two tasks should be discussed as potential drivers of differences in observed behavior.
If it becomes too difficult to interpret the data from the estimation task due to the slider bar varying with the prior range, then which of the paper's conclusions would still follow when restricting the analysis to the discrimination task?
(3) Placement literature
One closely related experiment to the discrimination task in the current paper can be found in Frydman and Jin (2022 Quarterly Journal of Economics). Those authors also experimentally vary the width of a uniform prior in a discrimination task using Arabic numerals, in order to test principles of efficient coding. Consistent with the current findings, Frydman and Jin find that subjects exhibit greater precision when making judgments about numbers drawn from a narrower distribution. However, what the current manuscript does is it goes beyond Frydman and Jin by modeling and experimentally varying task objectives to understand and test the effects on optimal coding. This contribution should be highlighted and contrasted against the earlier experimental work of Frydman and Jin to better articulate the novelty of the current manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This paper provides an ingenious experimental test of an efficient coding objective based on optimization as a task success. The key idea is that different tasks (estimation vs discrimination) will, under the proposed model, lead to a different scaling between the encoding precision and the width of the prior distribution. Empirical evidence in two tasks involving number perception supports this idea.
- The paper provides an elegant test of a prediction made by a certain class of efficient coding models previously investigated theoretically by the authors.
The results in experiments and modeling suggest that competing efficient coding models, optimizing mutual information alone, may be incomplete by missing the role of the task.
- The claims would be more strongly validated if data were present at more than two widths in the discrimination experiment.
- A very strong prediction of the model -- which determines encoding entirely from prior and task -- is that Fisher Information is uniform throughout the range, strongly at odds with the traditional assumption of imprecision increasing with the numerosity (Weber/Fechner law). This prediction should be checked against the data collected. It may not be trivial to determine this in the Estimation experiment, but should be feasible in the Discrimination experiment in the Wide condition: Is there really no difference in discriminability at numbers close to 10 vs numbers close to 90? Figure 2 collapses over those, so it's not evident whether such a difference holds or not. I'd have loved to look into this in reviewing, but the authors have not yet made their data publicly available - I strongly encourage them to do so.
Importantly, the inverse u-shaped pattern in Figure 1 is itself compatible with a Weber's-law-based encoding, as shown by simulation in Figure 5d in Hahn&Wei [1]. This suggests a potential competing variant account, in apparent qualitative agreement with the findings reported: the encoding is compatible with Fisher's law, and only a single scalar, the magnitude of sensory noise, is optimized for the task for the loss function (3). As this account would be substantially more in line with traditional accounts of numerosity perception - while still exhibiting task-dependence of encoding as proposed by the authors - it would be worth investigating if it can be ruled out based on the data gathered for this paper.
[1] Hahn & Wei, A unifying theory explains seemingly contradictory biases in perceptual estimation, Nature Neuroscience 2024
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This work demonstrates that people's imprecision in numeric perception varies with the stimulus context and task goal. By measuring imprecision across different widths of uniform prior distributions in estimation and discrimination tasks, the authors find that imprecision changes sublinearly with prior width, challenging previous range normalization models. They further show that these changes align with the efficient encoding model, where decision-makers balance expected rewards and encoding costs optimally.
The experimental design is straightforward, controlling the mean of the number distribution while varying the prior width. By assessing estimation errors and discrimination accuracy, the authors effectively highlight how imprecision adjusts across conditions.
The model's predictions align well with the data, with the exponential terms (1/2 and 3/4) of imprecision changes matching the empirical results impressively.
Some details in the model section are unclear. Specifically, I'm puzzled by the Wiener process assumption where r∣x∼N(m(x)T,s^2T). Does this imply that both the representation of number x and the noise are nearly zero at the beginning, increasing as observation time progresses? This seems counterintuitive, and a clearer explanation would be helpful.
The authors explore range normalization models with Gaussian representation, but another common approach is the logarithmic representation (Barretto-García et al., 2023; Khaw et al., 2021). Could the logarithmic representation similarly lead to sublinearity in noise and distribution width?
Additionally, Heng et al. (2020) found that subjects did not alter their encoding strategy across different task goals, which seems inconsistent with the fully adaptive representation proposed here. I didn't find the analysis of participants' temporal dynamics of adaptation. The behavioral results in the manuscript seem to imply that the subjects adopted different coding schemes in a very short period of time. Yet in previous studies of adaptation, experimental results seem to be more supportive of a partial adaptive behavior (Bujold et al., 2021; Heng et al., 2020), which might balance experimental and real-world prior distributions. Analyzing temporal dynamics might provide more insight. Noting that the authors informed subjects about the shape of the prior distribution before the experiment, do the results in this manuscript suggest a top-down rapid modulation of number representation?
Barretto-García, M., De Hollander, G., Grueschow, M., Polanía, R., Woodford, M., & Ruff, C. C. (2023). Individual risk attitudes arise from noise in neurocognitive magnitude representations. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(9), 1551-1567. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01643-4
Bujold, P. M., Ferrari-Toniolo, S., & Schultz, W. (2021). Adaptation of utility functions to reward distribution in rhesus monkeys. Cognition, 214, 104764. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104764
Heng, J. A., Woodford, M., & Polania, R. (2020). Efficient sampling and noisy decisions. eLife, 9, e54962. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.54962
Khaw, M. W., Li, Z., & Woodford, M. (2021). Cognitive Imprecision and Small-Stakes Risk Aversion. The Review of Economic Studies, 88(4), 1979-2013. https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdaa044
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eLife assessment
This important study reports that slow fluctuations of serotonin release during wakefulness and non-REM sleep correspond to periods of either increased arousal or enhanced offline information processing. The evidence supporting the claim is convincing, and the methodology used in the study will benefit many in the field. The work will be of interest to neuroscientists working on sleep, memory, and neuromodulation.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this work, the authors recorded the dynamics of the 5-HT with fiber photometry from CA1 in one hemisphere and LFP from CA1 in the other hemisphere. They observed an ultra-slow oscillation in the 5-HT signal during both wakefulness and NREM sleep. The authors have studied different phases of the ultra-slow oscillation to examine the potential difference in the occurrence of some behavioral state-related physiological phenomena (hippocampal ripples, EMG, and inter-area coherence).
The relation between the falling/rising phase of the ultra-slow oscillation and the ripples is sufficiently shown. There are some minor concerns about the observed relations that should be addressed with some further analysis.
Systematic observations have started to establish a strong relation between the dynamics of neural activity across the brain and measures of behavioral arousal. Such relations span a wide range of temporal scales that are heavily inter-related. Ultra-slow time scales are specifically understudied due to technical limitations and neuromodulatory systems are the strongest mechanistic candidates for controlling/modulating the neural dynamics at these time scales. The hypothesis of the relation between a specific time scale and one certain neuromodulator (5-HT in this manuscript) could have a significant impact on the understanding of the hierarchy in the temporal scales of neural activity.
One major caveat of the study is that different neuromodulators are strongly correlated across all time scales and related to this, the authors need to discuss this point further and provide more evidence from the literature (if any) that suggests similar ultra-slow oscillations are weaker or lack from similar signals recorded for other neuromodulators such as Ach and NA.
A major question that has been left out from the study and discussion is how the same level of serotonin before and after the peak could be differentially related to the opposite observed phenomenon. What are the possible parallel mechanisms for distinguishing between the rising and falling phases? Any neurophysiological evidence for sensing the direction of change in serotonin concentration (or any other neuromodulator), and is there any physiological functionality for such mechanisms?
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In their study, Cooper et al. investigated the spontaneous fluctuations in extracellular 5-HT release in the CA1 region of the hippocampus using GRAB5-HT3.0. Their findings revealed the presence of ultra-low frequency (less than 0.05 Hz) oscillations in 5-HT levels during both NREM sleep and wakefulness. The phase of these 5-HT oscillations was found to be related to the timing of hippocampal ripples, microarousals, electromyogram (EMG) activity, and hippocampal-cortical coherence. In particular, ripples were observed to occur with greater frequency during the descending phase of 5-HT oscillations, and stronger ripples were noted to occur in proximity to the 5-HT peak during NREM. Microarousal and EMG peaks occurred with greater frequency during the ascending phase of 5-HT oscillations. Additionally, the strongest coherence between the hippocampus and cortex was observed during the ascending phase of 5-HT oscillations. These patterns were observed in both NREM sleep and the awake state, with a greater prevalence in NREM. The authors posit that 5-HT oscillations may temporally segregate internal processing (e.g., memory consolidation) and responsiveness to external stimuli in the brain.
The findings of this research are novel and intriguing. Slow brain oscillations lasting tens of seconds have been suggested to exist, but to my knowledge they have never been analyzed in such a clear way. Furthermore, although it is likely that ultra-slow neuromodulator oscillations exist, this is the first report of such oscillations, and the greatest strength of this study is that it has clarified this phenomenon both statistically and phenomenologically.
As with any paper, this one has some limitations. While there is no particular need to pursue them, I will describe ten of them below, including future directions:
(1) Contralateral recordings: 5-HT levels and electrophysiological recordings were obtained from opposite hemispheres due to technical limitations. Ipsilateral simultaneous recordings may show more direct relationships.
(2) Sample size: The number of mice used in the experiments is relatively small (n=6). Validation with a larger sample size would be desirable.
(3) Lack of causality: The observed associations show correlations, not direct causal relationships, between 5-HT oscillations and neural activity patterns.
(4) Limited behavioral states: The study focuses primarily on sleep and quiet wakefulness. Investigation of 5-HT oscillations during a wider range of behavioral states (e.g., exploratory behavior, learning tasks) may provide a more complete understanding.
(5) Generalizability to other brain regions: The study focuses on the CA1 region of the hippocampus. It's unclear whether similar 5-HT oscillation patterns exist in other brain regions.
(6) Long-term effects not assessed: Long-term effects of ultra-low 5-HT oscillations (e.g., on memory consolidation or learning) were not assessed.
(7) Possible species differences: It's uncertain whether the findings in mice apply to other mammals, including humans.
(8) Technical limitations: The temporal resolution and sensitivity of the GRAB5-HT3.0 sensor may not capture faster 5-HT dynamics.
(9) Interactions with other neuromodulators: The study does not explore interactions with other neuromodulators (e.g., norepinephrine, acetylcholine) or their potential ultraslow oscillations.
(10) Limited exploration of functional significance: While the study suggests a potential role for 5-HT oscillations in memory consolidation and arousal, direct tests of these functional implications are not included.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The activity of serotonin (5-HT) releasing neurons as well as 5-HT levels in brain structures targeted by serotonergic axons are known to fluctuate substantially across the animal's sleep/wake cycle, with high 5-HT levels during wakefulness (WAKE), intermediate levels during non-REM sleep (NREM) and very low levels during REM sleep. Recent studies have shown that during NREM, the activity of 5-HT neurons in raphe nuclei oscillates at very low frequencies (0.01 - 0.05 Hz) and this ultraslow oscillation is negatively coupled to broadband EEG power. However, how exactly this 5-HT oscillation affects neural activity in downstream structures is unclear.
The present study addresses this gap by replicating the observation of the ultraslow oscillation in the 5-HT system, and further observing that hippocampal sharp wave-ripples (SWRs), biomarkers of offline memory processing, occur preferentially in barrages on the falling phase of the 5-HT oscillation during both wakefulness and NREM sleep. In contrast, the raising phase of the 5-HT oscillation is associated with microarousals during NREM and increased muscular activity during WAKE. Finally, the raising 5-HT phase was also found to be associated with increased synchrony between the hippocampus and neocortex. Overall, the study constitutes a valuable contribution to the field by reporting a close association between raising 5-HT and arousal, as well as between falling 5-HT and offline memory processes.
The study makes compelling use of the state-of-the-art methodology to address its aims: the genetically encoded 5-HT sensor used in the study is ideal for capturing the ultraslow 5-HT dynamics and the novel detection method for SWRs outperforms current state-of-the-art algorithms and will be useful to many scientists in the field. Explicit validation of both of these methods is a particular strength of this study.
The analytical methods used in the article are appropriate and are convincingly applied, the use of a general linear mixed model for statistical analysis is a particularly welcome choice as it guards against pseudoreplication while preserving statistical power.
Overall, the manuscript makes a strong case for distinct sub-states across WAKE and NREM, associated with different phases of the 5-HT oscillation.
All of the evidence presented in the study is correlational. While the study mostly avoids claims of causality, it would still benefit from establishing whether the 5-HT oscillation has a direct role in the modulation of SWR rate via e.g. optogenetic activation/inactivation of 5-HT axons. As it stands, the possibility that 5-HT levels and SWRs are modulated by the same upstream mechanism cannot be excluded.
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eLife assessment
This valuable study aims to understand the function of ProSAP-interacting protein 1 (Prosapip1) in the brain. Using a conditional Prosapip1 KO mouse (floxed prosapip1 crossed with Syn1-Cre line), the authors performed analysis including protein biochemistry, synaptic physiology, and behavioral learning. Solid evidence from this study supports a role of Prosapip 1 in synaptic protein composition, synaptic NMDA responses, LTP, and spatial memory. Addressing some of the technical and methodological weaknesses may further improve the significance of the study.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In the manuscript by Hoisington et al., the authors utilized a novel conditional neuronal prosap2-interacting protein 1 (Prosapip1) knockout mouse to delineate the effects of both neuronal and dorsal hippocampal (dHP)-specific knockout of Prosapip1 impacts biochemical and electrophysiological neuroadaptations within the dHP that may mediate behaviors associated with this brain region.
(1) Methodological Strengths
a. The generation and use of a conditional neuronal knockout of Prosapip1 is a strength. These mice will be useful for anyone interested in studying or comparing and contrasting the effects of loss of Prosapip1 in different brain regions or in non-neuronal tissues.
b. The use of biochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral approaches are a strength. By providing data across multiple domains, a picture begins to emerge about the mechanistic role for Prosapip1. While questions still remain, the use of the 3 domains is a strength.
c. The use of both global, constitutive neuronal loss of Prosapip1 and postnatal dHP-specific knockout of Prosapip1 help support and validate the behavioral conclusions.
(2) Strengths of the results
a. It is interesting that loss of Prosapip1 leads to specific alterations in the expression of GluN2B and PSD95 but not GluA1 or GluN2A in a post-homogenization fraction that the author's term a "synaptic" fraction. Therefore, these results suggest protein-specific modulation of glutamatergic receptors within a "synaptic" fraction.
b. The electrophysiological data demonstrate an NMDAR-dependent alteration in measures of hippocampal synaptic plasticity, including long-term potentiation (LTP) and NMDAR input/output. These data correspond with the biochemical data demonstrating a biochemical effect on GluN2B localization. Therefore, the conclusion that loss of Prosapip1 influences NMDAR function is well supported.
c. The behavioral data suggest deficits in memory in particular novel object recognition and spatial memory, in the Prosapip1 knockout mice. These data are strongly bolstered by both the pan-neuronal knockout and the dHP Cre transduction.
(1) Methodological Weaknesses
a. The synapsin-Cre mice may more broadly express Cre-recombinase than just in neuronal tissues. Specifically, according to Jackson Laboratories, there is a concern with these mice expressing Cre-recombinase germline. As the human protein atlas suggests that Prosapip1 protein is expressed extraneuronally, validation of neuron or at least brain-specific knockout would be helpful in interpreting the data. Having said that, the data demonstrating that the brain region-specific knockout has similar behavioral impacts helps alleviate this concern somewhat; however, there are no biochemical or electrophysiological readouts from these animals, and therefore an alternative mechanism in this adult knockout cannot be excluded.
b. The use of the word synaptic and the crude fractionation make some of the data difficult to interpret/contextualize. It is unclear how a single centrifugation that eliminates the staining of a nuclear protein can be considered a "synaptic" fraction. This is highlighted by the presence of GAPDH in this fraction which is a cytosolically-enriched protein. While GAPDH may be associated with some membranes it is not a synaptic protein. There is no quantification of GAPDH against total protein to validate that it is not enriched in this fraction over control. Moreover, it should not be used as a loading control in the synaptic fraction. There are multiple different ways to enrich membranes, extrasynaptic fractions, and PSDs and a better discussion on the caveats of the biochemical fractionation is a minimum to help contextualize the changes in PSD95 and GluN2B.
c. Also, the word synaptosomal on page 7 is not correct. One issue is this is more than synaptosomes and another issue is synaptosomes are exclusively presynaptic terminals. The correct term to use is synaptoneurosome, which includes both pre and postsynaptic components. Moreover, as stated above, this may contain these components but is most likely not a pure or even enriched fraction.
d. The age at which the mice underwent injection of the Cre virus was not mentioned.
(2) Weaknesses of results
a. There were no measures of GluN1 or GluA2 in the biochemical assays. As GluN1 is the obligate subunit, how it is impacted by the loss of Prosapip1 may help contextualize the fact that GluN2B, but not GluN2A, is altered. Moreover, as GluA2 has different calcium permeance, alterations in it may be informative.
b. While there was no difference in GluA1 expression in the "synaptic" fraction, it does not mean that AMPAR function is not impacted by the loss of Prosapip1. This is particularly important as Prosapip1 may interact with kinases or phosphatases or their targeting proteins. Therefore, measuring AMPAR function electrophysiologically or synaptic protein phosphorylation would be informative.
c. There is a lack of mechanistic data on what specifically and how GluN2B and PSD95 expression is altered. This is due to some of the challenges with interpreting the biochemical fractionation and a lack of results regarding changes in protein posttranslational modifications.
d. The loss of social novelty measures in both the global and dHP-specific Prosapip1 knockout mice were not very robust. As they were consistently lost in both approaches and as there were other consistent memory deficits, this does not impact the conclusions, but may be important to temper discussion to match these smaller deficits within this domain.
e. Alterations in presynaptic paired-pulse ratio measures are intriguing and may point to a role for Prosapip1 in synapse development, as discussed in the manuscript. It would be interesting to delineate if these PPR changes also occur in the adult knockout to help detail the specific Prosapip1-induced neuroadaptations that link to the alterations in novelty-induced behaviors.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors provide valuable findings characterizing a Prosapip1 conditional knockout mouse and the effects of knockout on hippocampal excitatory transmission, NMDAR transmission, and several learning behaviors. Furthermore, the authors selectively and conditionally knockout Prosapip1 in the dorsal hippocampus and show that it is required for the same spatial learning and memory assessed in the conditional knockout mice. The study uncovers how Prosapip1 is involved PSD organization and is a functional and critical player in dorsal Hippocampal LTP via its interaction with GluN2B subunits.
The study is well-controlled and detailed, and the data in the paper match the conclusions.
Some statistical information is lacking.
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eLife assessment
This study presents a fundamental finding to the field interested in recurrent processing and its neuromodulatory underpinnings, finding unexpectedly that memantine (blocking NMDA-receptors) enhances the decoding of features thought to rely on NMDA-receptors. The evidence is solid and would be improved by further persuading the readership of the likely functional underpinnings of this direction of result and why there was no behavioural effect. These findings will be of interest to a wide community of researchers studying consciousness, sensory processing, attention, and neurotransmitters.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors investigate the function and neural circuitry of reentrant signals in the visual cortex. Recurrent signaling is thought to be necessary to common types of perceptual experience that are defined by long-range relationships or prior expectations. Contour illusions - where perceptual objects are implied by stimuli characteristics - are a good example of this. The perception of these illusions is thought to emerge as recurrent signals from higher cortical areas feedback onto the early visual cortex, to tell the early visual cortex that it should be seeing object contours where none are actually present.
The authors test the involvement of reentrant cortical activity in this kind of perception using a drug challenge. Reentrance in the visual cortex is thought to rely on NMDAR-mediated glutamate signalling. The authors accordingly employ an NMDA antagonist to stop this mechanism, looking for the effect of this manipulation on visually evoked activity recorded in EEG.
The motivating hypothesis for the paper is that NMDA antagonism should stop recurrent activity and that this should degrade perceptual activity supporting the perception of a contour illusion, but not other types of visual experience. Results in fact show the opposite. Rather than degrading cortical activity evoked by the illusion, memantine makes it more likely that machine learning classification of EEG will correctly infer the presence of the illusion.
On the face of it, this is confusing, and the paper currently does not entirely resolve this confusion. But there are relatively easy ways to improve this. The authors would be well served by entertaining more possible outcomes in the introduction - there's good reason to expect a positive effect of memantine on perceptual brain activity, and I provide details on this below. The authors also need to further emphasize that the directional expectations that motivated E1 were, of course, adapted after the results from this experiment emerged. The authors presumably at least entertained the notion that E2 would reproduce E1 - meaning that E2 was motivated by a priori expectations that were ultimately met by the data.
I broadly find the paper interesting, graceful, and creative. The hypotheses are clear and compelling, the techniques for both manipulation of brain state and observation of that impact are cutting edge and well suited, and the paper draws clear and convincing conclusions that are made necessary by the results. The work sits at the very interesting crux of systems neuroscience, neuroimaging, and pharmacology. I believe the paper can be improved in revision, but my suggestions are largely concerning presentation and nuance of interpretation.
(1) I miss some treatment of the lack of behavioural correlate. What does it mean that metamine benefits EEG classification accuracy without improving performance? One possibility here is that there is an improvement in response latency, rather than perceptual sensitivity. Is there any hint of that in the RT results? In some sort of combined measure of RT and accuracy?
(2) An explanation is missing, about why memantine impacts the decoding of illusion but not collinearity. At a systems level, how would this work? How would NMDAR antagonism selectively impact long-range connectivity, but not lateral connectivity? Is this supported by our understanding of laminar connectivity and neurochemistry in the visual cortex?
(3) The motivating idea for the paper is that the NMDAR antagonist might disrupt the modulation of the AMPA-mediated glu signal. This is in line with the motivating logic for Self et al., 2012, where NMDAR and AMPAR efficacy in macacque V1 was manipulated via microinfusion. But this logic seems to conflict with a broader understanding of NMDA antagonism. NMDA antagonism appears to generally have the net effect of increasing glu (and ACh) in the cortex through a selective effect on inhibitory GABA-ergic cells (eg. Olney, Newcomer, & Farber, 1999). Memantine, in particular, has a specific impact on extrasynaptic NMDARs (that is in contrast to ketamine; Milnerwood et al, 2010, Neuron), and this type of receptor is prominent in GABA cells (eg. Yao et al., 2022, JoN). The effect of NMDA antagonists on GABAergic cells generally appears to be much stronger than the effect on glutamergic cells (at least in the hippocampus; eg. Grunze et al., 1996).
This all means that it's reasonable to expect that memantine might have a benefit to visually evoked activity. This idea is raised in the GD of the paper, based on a separate literature from that I mentioned above. But all of this could be better spelled out earlier in the paper, so that the result observed in the paper can be interpreted by the reader in this broader context.
To my mind, the challenging task is for the authors to explain why memantine causes an increase in EEG decoding, where microinfusion of an NMDA antagonist into V1 reduced the neural signal Self et al., 2012. This might be as simple as the change in drug... memantine's specific efficacy on extrasynaptic NMDA receptors might not be shared with whatever NMDA antagonist was used in Self et al. 2012. Ketamine and memantine are already known to differ in this way.
(4) The paper's proposal is that the effect of memantine is mediated by an impact on the efficacy of reentrant signaling in visual cortex. But perhaps the best-known impact of NMDAR manipulation is on LTP, in the hippocampus particularly but also broadly. Perception and identification of the kanisza illusion may be sensitive to learning (eg. Maertens & Pollmann, 2005; Gellatly, 1982; Rubin, Nakayama, Shapley, 1997); what argues against an account of the results from an effect on perceptual learning? Generally, the paper proposes a very specific mechanism through which the drug influences perception. This is motivated by results from Self et al 2012 where an NMDA antagonist was infused into V1. But oral memantine will, of course, have a whole-brain effect, and some of these effects are well characterized and - on the surface - appear as potential sources of change in illusion perception. The paper needs some treatment of the known ancillary effects of diffuse NMDAR antagonism to convince the reader that the account provided is better than the other possibilities.
(5) The cross-decoding approach to data analysis concerns me a little. The approach adopted here is to train models on a localizer task, in this case, a task where participants matched a kanisza figure to a target template (E1) or discriminated one of the three relevant stimuli features (E2). The resulting model was subsequently employed to classify the stimuli seen during separate tasks - an AB task in E1, and a feature discrimination task in E2. This scheme makes the localizer task very important. If models built from this task have any bias, this will taint classifier accuracy in the analysis of experimental data. My concern is that the emergence of the kanisza illusion in the localizer task was probably quite salient, respective to changes in stimuli rotation or collinearity. If the model was better at detecting the illusion to begin with, the data pattern - where drug manipulation impacts classification in this condition but not other conditions - may simply reflect model insensitivity to non-illusion features.
I am also vaguely worried by manipulations implemented in the main task that do not emerge in the localizer - the use of RSVP in E1 and manipulation of the base rate and staircasing in E2. This all starts to introduce the possibility that localizer and experimental data just don't correspond, that this generates low classification accuracy in the experimental results and ineffective classification in some conditions (ie. when stimuli are masked; would collinearity decoding in the unmasked condition potentially differ if classification accuracy were not at a floor? See Figure 3c upper, Figure 5c lower).
What is the motivation for the use of localizer validation at all? The same hypotheses can be tested using within-experiment cross-validation, rather than validation from a model built on localizer data. The argument may be that this kind of modelling will necessarily employ a smaller dataset, but, while true, this effect can be minimized at the expense of computational cost - many-fold cross-validation will mean that the vast majority of data contributes to model building in each instance.
It would be compelling if results were to reproduce when classification was validated in this kind of way. This kind of analysis would fit very well into the supplementary material.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this paper, the authors investigate the role of NMDA-receptors in recurrent processing. In doing so, the authors present data from two studies, where they attempt to decode different stimulus features, namely contrast, collinearity, and illusory contours. The latter of which the authors claim relies uniquely on recurrent processing. Therefore, to test whether NMDA receptors are particularly involved in recurrent processing they administer a NMDA-antagonist to see whether the decoding of illusory contours is specifically perturbed, and leaves the decoding of other features intact. They further aim to disentangle the role of NMDA-receptors by manipulating visibility and task relevance of the decoded features
In the first experiment, the authors decode two targets, the first was always presented clearly, the second's visibility was manipulated by presenting it after a short lag rather than a long lag (inducing attentional blink), as well as masking the target on half the trials. First, they find for target 1 clear evidence for the NMDA-receptor increasing (rather than decreasing) decoding performance of illusory contours. They move on to analyse target 2 to explore the manipulations of lag and masking. Here they find that masking reduced decoding of all three stimulus features, but only the lag reduced decoding of illusory contours. Importantly, the NMDA-antagonist improved decoding only in the unmasked, long lag condition, in the cluster analyses. However, the interaction with the lag condition was not significant, and the effect on decoding was primarily present in the later decoding time window, and not significant when exploring the peak of the decoding time window.
The second experiment was highly similar, but got rid of the lag manipulation, and replaced it with a manipulation of task relevance. Notably, masking did not abolish the decoding of illusory contours completely, in contrast to the first experiment. More importantly, they find that the NMDA-receptor now clearly increases decoding of illusory contours, particularly when the illusory contours are not masked. No effect of task relevance is found.
Taken together the authors state that evidence is found for NMDA-receptors role in recurrent processing.
This is an interesting study using state-of-the-art methods in combination with drug manipulation to study recurrent processing. Their analysis methods are state-of-the-art, and the question that they are trying to address is topical and interesting to a wide research audience, encompassing both researchers interested in visual perception and consciousness, as well as those interested in perturbed vision as found in psychiatric disorders.
The experimental design is somewhat complicated, which can make it difficult to match the authors' claims to the actual evidence that is provided. I have some reservations about the paper which are born out of a few issues.<br /> (1) The title, abstract, and introduction hide their counterintuitive finding of increased decoding, presumably as it was unexpected.<br /> (2) Their analysis choices are sometimes unclear, making it difficult to assess whether the analyses are sensible.<br /> (3) The appropriate tests for the interactions that the authors claim they found are often lacking.
To start off, I think the reader is being a bit tricked when reading the paper. Perhaps my priors are too strong, but I assumed, just like the authors, that NMDA-receptors would disrupt recurrent processing, in line with previous work. However, due to the continuous use of the ambiguous word 'affected' rather than the more clear increased or perturbed recurrent processing, the reader is left guessing what is actually found. That's until they read the results and discussion finding that decoding is actually improved. This seems like a really big deal, and I strongly urge the authors to reword their title, abstract, and introduction to make clear they hypothesized a disruption in decoding in the illusion condition, but found the opposite, namely an increase in decoding. I want to encourage the authors that this is still a fascinating finding.
Apologies if I have missed it, but it is not clear to me whether participants were given the drug or placebo during the localiser task. If they are given the drug this makes me question the logic of their analysis approach. How can one study the presence of a process, if their very means of detecting that process (the localiser) was disrupted in the first place? If participants were not given a drug during the localiser task, please make that clear. I'll proceed with the rest of my comments assuming the latter is the case. But if the former, please note that I am not sure how to interpret their findings in this paper.
The main purpose of the paper is to study recurrent processing. The extent to which this study achieves this aim is completely dependent to what extent we can interpret decoding of illusory contours as uniquely capturing recurrent processing. While I am sure illusory contours rely on recurrent processing, it does not follow that decoding of illusory contours capture recurrent processing alone. Indeed, if the drug selectively manipulates recurrent processing, it's not obvious to me why the authors find the interaction with masking in experiment 2. Recurrent processing seems to still be happening in the masked condition, but is not affected by the NMDA-receptor here, so where does that leave us in interpreting the role of NMDA-receptors in recurrent processing? If the authors can not strengthen the claim that the effects are completely driven by affecting recurrent processing, I suggest that the paper will shift its focus to making claims about the encoding of illusory contours, rather than making primary claims about recurrent processing.
An additional claim is being made with regards to the effects of the drug manipulation. The authors state that this effect is only present when the stimulus is 1) consciously accessed, and 2) attended. The evidence for claim 1 is not supported by experiment 1, as the masking manipulation did not interact in the cluster-analyses, and the analyses focussing on the peak of the timing window do not show a significant effect either. There is evidence for this claim coming from experiment 2 as masking interacts with the drug condition. Evidence for the second claim (about task relevance) is not presented, as there is no interaction with the task condition. A classical error seems to be made here, where interactions are not properly tested. Instead, the presence of a significant effect in one condition but not the other is taken as sufficient evidence for an interaction, which is not appropriate. I therefore urge the authors to dampen the claim about the importance of attending to the decoded features. Alternatively, I suggest the authors run their interactions of interest on the time-courses and conduct the appropriate cluster-based analyses.
How were the length of the peak-timing windows established in Figure 1E? My understanding is that this forms the training-time window for the further decoding analyses, so it is important to justify why they have different lengths, and how they are determined. The same goes for the peak AUC time windows for the interaction analyses. A number of claims in the paper rely on the interactions found in these post-hoc analyses, so the 223- to 323 time window needs justification.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, Stein and colleagues use a clever masking/attentional blink paradigm using Kanisza stimuli, coupled with EEG decoding and the NMDA antagonist memantine, to isolate putative neural markers of feedforward, lateral, and feedback processing.
In two elegant experiments, they show that memantine selective influences EEG decoding of only illusory Kanisza surfaces (but not contour continuation or raw contrast), only when unmasked, only when attention is available (not when "blinked"), and only when task-relevant.
This neatly implicates NMDA receptors in the feedback mechanisms that are believed to be involved in inferring illusory Kanisza surfaces, and builds a difficult bridge between the large body of human perceptual experiments and pharmacological and neurophysiological work in animals.
Three key strengths of the paper are<br /> (1) The elegant and thorough experimental design, which includes internal replication of some key findings.<br /> (2) The clear pattern of results across the full set of experiments.<br /> (3) The clear writing and presentation of results.
The paper effectively reports a 4-way interaction, with memantine only influencing decoding of surfaces (1) that are unmasked (2), with attention available (3) and task-relevant (4). Nevertheless, the results are very clear, with a clear separation between null effects on other conditions and quite a strong (and thus highly selective) effect on this one intersection of conditions. This makes the pattern of findings very convincing.
Overall this is an impressive and important paper. However, to my mind, there are two minor weaknesses.
First, despite its clear pattern of neural effects, there is no corresponding perceptual effect. Although the manipulation fits neatly within the conceptual framework, and there are many reasons for not finding such an effect (floor and ceiling effects, narrow perceptual tasks, etc), this does leave open the possibility that the observation is entirely epiphenomenal, and that the mechanisms being recorded here are not actually causally involved in perception per se.
Second, although it is clear that there is an effect on decoding in this particular condition, what that means is not entirely clear - particularly since performance improves, rather than decreases. It should be noted here that improvements in decoding performance do not necessarily need to map onto functional improvements, and we should all be careful to remain agnostic about what is driving classifier performance. Here too, the effect of memantine on decoding might be epiphenomenal - unrelated to the information carried in the neural population, but somehow changing the balance of how that is electrically aggregated on the surface of the skull. *Something* is changing, but that might be a neurochemical or electrical side-effect unrelated to actual processing (particularly since no corresponding behavioural impact is observed.)
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This study explores the role of protein synthesis in spinal cord neurons in the regulation of chronic pain. Using innovative techniques, this valuable study outlines cell-type specific gene changes that occur in the spinal cord in the early and late phases of nerve injury. The presented evidence and methods used are, however, incomplete: there are several major technical and analysis issues that need to be addressed, and in addition, deeper gene expression analysis and additional controls would have strengthened the conclusions. This work will be of broad interest to biologists studying pathological plasticity in circuits.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study investigated the role of transcriptional and translational controls of gene expression in dorsal root ganglia and lumbar spinal cord in neuropathic pain in mice. Using ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq) and translating ribosome affinity purification (TRAP), they show changes in transcriptomic and translational gene expression at the peripheral and central levels rapidly after nerve injury. While translational changes in gene expression remained elevated for more than two months in both DRGs and the spinal cord, transcriptomic regulation was absent in the spinal cord long after the onset of neuropathy. Disrupting mRNA translation in dorsal horn neurons using antisense oligonucleotides reduced mechanical withdrawal threshold and facial expression of pain. Using fluorescent noncanonical amino acid tagging (FUNCAT), the authors further show that de novo protein expression primarily occurs in inhibitory neurons in the superficial dorsal horn after nerve injury. Accordingly, a selective increase in translational control of gene expression in spinal inhibitory neurons, or a subset of mainly inhibitory neurons expressing parvalbumin (PV), using transgenic mice, led to a decrease in the excitability of PV neurons and mechanical allodynia. In contrast, decreasing the translational control of spinal PV neurons prevented the alteration of the electrophysiological properties of the PV cells induced by nerve injury.
This is a well-written article that uncovers a previously unappreciated role of gene expression control in PV neurons, which seems to play an important part in the loss of inhibitory control of spinal circuits typically seen after peripheral nerve injury. The conclusions are generally well supported by the data.
The study would benefit from further clarifications in the methods section and a deeper analysis of gene expression changes in mRNA expression and ribosomal footprint observed after nerve injury.
Antisense oligonucleotides used to reduce translation by disrupting eIF4E expression were administered i.c.v. It is unknown if the authors controlled for locomotor deficits, which might add confounds in the interpretation of behavioral results. A more local route should have been preferable to avoid targeting brain regions, which could potentially affect behavior.
Only female mice were used for Ribo-Seq, TRAP, FUNCAT, and electrophysiology, but both sexes were used for behavior experiments.
The conditional KO of 4E-BP1 using transgenic animals should be total in the targeted cells. However, only a partial reduction is reported in Figure S2 in GAD2, PV, Vglut2, or Tac1 cells. Again, proper methods for quantification of fluorescence in these experiments are lacking.
The elegant knockdown of eIF4E using AAV-mediated shRNAmir shows a recovery of the electrophysiological intrinsic properties of PV neurons after injury. It is unclear if such manipulation would be sufficient to reverse mechanical allodynia in vivo.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
I reviewed the manuscript titled "Translational Control in the Spinal Cord Regulates Gene Expression and Pain Hypersensitivity in the Chronic Phase of Neuropathic Pain." This manuscript compares transcription and translation in the spinal cord during the acute and chronic phases of neuropathic pain induced by surgical nerve injury. The authors chose to focus their investigation on translation in the chronic phase due to its greater impact on gene expression in the spinal cord compared to transcription.
(1) The study is significant because the molecular mechanisms underlying chronic pain remain elusive. The role of translational regulation in the spinal cord has not been investigated in neuroplasticity and chronic pain mouse models. The manuscript is innovative and technically robust. The authors employed several cutting-edge techniques such as Rio-seq, TRAP-seq, slice electrophysiology, and viral approaches. Despite the technical complexity, the manuscript is well-written. The authors demonstrated that inhibition of eIF4E alleviates pain hypersensitivity, that de novo protein synthesis is more pronounced in inhibitory interneurons, and that manipulating mTOR-eIF4E pathways alters mechanical sensitivity and neuroplasticity.
(2) Strengths: innovation (conceptual and technical levels), data support the conclusions.
Confusion about the sex of the animals. It is unclear whether eIF4E ASO affects translation and which cells. It is not determined that modulating translation in PV+ neurons impacts neuropathic pain behaviors.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This study provides evidence for translational changes in inhibitory spinal dorsal horn neurons following chronic nerve injury. Gene expression changes have been widely studied in the context of pain induction and provided key insights into the adaptation of the nervous system in the early phases of chronic pain. Whereas this is interesting biologically, most patients will arrive in the clinic beyond the acute phase of their injury, thus limiting the translational relevance of these studies. Recent studies have extended this work to highlight the difference between acute and chronic pain states, potentially explaining the cascading factors leading to chronic pain, and hopefully how to prevent this in vulnerable populations. The present study suggests that translational changes within spinal inhibitory populations could underlie long-term chronic pain, leading to decreased inhibition and heightened pain thresholds.
The approaches used and the broad outcomes of the manuscript are interesting and could be an exciting development in the field. The authors are using approaches more common in molecular biology and extending these into neuroscientific research, getting into the detail of how pathology could impact gene expression differentially across the course of an injury. This could open up new areas of research to selectively target not only defined populations but additionally help alleviate pain symptoms once an injury has already reached the maintenance phase. There is an opportunity to delve into what must be a very large data set and learn more about what genes are differentially translated and how this could affect circuit function.
Whereas the authors approach a key question in pain chronicity, the manuscript falls a little short of providing any conclusive data.
The manuscript was in some areas very difficult to follow. Terminology was not always consistent or clear, and the flow of the manuscript could use some attention to highlight key areas. Whereas the overall message is clear in the summary, this would not necessarily be the case when reading the manuscript alone.
The study claims to show that translational control mechanisms in the spinal cord play a role in mediating neuropathic pain hypersensitivity, but the studies presented do not fully support this statement. The authors instead provide some correlation between translation and behavioural reflex excitability (namely vfh and Hargreaves).
It is difficult to fully interpret the work, as there are a number of inconsistencies, namely the range of timings pre- and post-injury, lack of controls for manipulations, the use of shmiRNA versus lineage deletions, and lack of detailed somatosensory testing. It is not completely clear how this work could be translatable as is, without a deeper understanding of how translational control affects circuit function and whether all of this is necessarily bad for the system, or whether this is a positive homeostatic adaptation to the hyperexcitability of the circuit following injury.
A large portion of the work is focussed on showing an inhibitory-selective change in translation following chronic nerve injury. The evidence for this is however lacking. Statistics to show that translational effects are restricted to inhibitory subpopulations are inadequate. The author's choice of transgenic lines is not clear and seems to rely on availability rather than hypothesis.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the article by Dearlove et al., the authors present evidence in strong support of nucleotide ubiquitylation by DTX3L, suggesting it is a promiscuous E3 ligase with capacity to ubiquitylate ADP ribose and nucleotides. The authors include data to identify the likely site of attachment and the requirements for nucleotide modification.
While this discovery potentially reveals a whole new mechanism by which nucleotide function can be regulated in cells, there are some weaknesses that should be considered. Is there any evidence of nucleotide ubiquitylation occurring cells? It seems possible, but evidence in support of this would strengthen the manuscript. The NMR data could also be strengthened as the binding interface is not reported or mapped onto the structure/model, this seems of considerable interest given that highly related proteins do have the same activity.
The paper is for the most part well well-written and is potentially highly significant
Comments on revised version:
The revised manuscript has addressed many of the concerns raised and clarified a number of points. As a result the manuscript is improved.
The primary concern that remains is the absence of biological function for Ub-ssDNA/RNA and the inability to detect it in cells. Despite this the manuscript will be of interest to those in the ubiquitin field and will likely provoke further studies and the development of tools to better assess the cellular relevance. As a result this manuscript is important.
We agree with the reviewer’s assessment.
Minor issue:
Figure 1A - the authors have now included the constructs used but it would be more informative if the authors lined up the various constructs under the relevant domains in the full-length protein.
Figure 1 will be fixed in the Version of Record.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Dearlove et al. entitled "DTX3L ubiquitin ligase ubiquitinates single-stranded nucleic acids" reports a novel activity of a DELTEX E3 ligase family member, DTX3L, which can conjugate ubiquitin to the 3' hydroxyl of single-stranded oligonucleotides via an ester linkage. The findings that unmodified oligonucleotides can act as substrates for direct ubiquitylation and the identification of DTX3 as the enzyme capable of performing such oligonucleotide modification are novel, intriguing, and impactful because they represent a significant expansion of our view of the ubiquitin biology. The authors perform a detailed and diligent biochemical characterization of this novel activity, and key claims made in the article are well supported by experimental data. However, the studies leave room for some healthy skepticism about the physiological significance of the unique activity of DTX3 and DTX3L described by the authors because DTX3/DTX3L can also robustly attach ubiquitin to the ADP ribose moiety of NAD or ADP-ribosylated substrates. The study could be strengthened by a more direct and quantitative comparison between ubiquitylation of unmodified oligonucleotides by DTX3/DTX3L with the ubiquitylation of ADP-ribose, the activity that DTX3 and DTX3L share with the other members of the DELTEX family.
Comment on revised version:
In my opinion, reviewers' comments are constructively addressed by the authors in the revised manuscript, which further strengthens the revised submission and makes it an important contribution to the field. Specifically, the authors perform a direct quantitative comparison of two distinct ubiquitylation substrates, unmodified oligonucleotides and fluorescently labeled NADH and report that kcat/Km is 5-fold higher for unmodified oligos compared to NADH. This observation suggests that ubiquitylation of unmodified oligos is not a minor artifactual side reaction in vitro and that unmodified oligonucleotides may very well turn out to be the physiological substrates of the enzyme. However, the true identity of the physiological substrates and the functionally relevant modification site(s) remain to be established in further studies.
We agree with the reviewer’s assessment.
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the article by Dearlove et al., the authors present evidence in strong support of nucleotide ubiquitylation by DTX3L, suggesting it is a promiscuous E3 ligase with capacity to ubiquitylate ADP ribose and nucleotides. The authors include data to identify the likely site of attachment and the requirements for nucleotide modification.
While this discovery potentially reveals a whole new mechanism by which nucleotide function can be regulated in cells, there are some weaknesses that should be considered. Is there any evidence of nucleotide ubiquitylation occurring cells? It seems possible, but evidence in support of this would strengthen the manuscript. The NMR data could also be strengthened as the binding interface is not reported or mapped onto the structure/model, this seems of considerable interest given that highly related proteins do have the same activity.
The paper is for the most part well well-written and is potentially highly significant, but it could be strengthened as follows:
(1) The authors start out by showing DTX3L binding to nucleotides and ubiquitylation of ssRNA/DNA. While ubiquitylation is subsequently dissected and ascribed to the RD domains, the binding data is not followed up. Does the RD protein alone bind to the nucleotides? Further analysis of nucleotide binding is also relevant to the Discussion where the role of the KH domains is considered, but the binding properties of these alone have not been analysed.
We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have tested DTX3L RD for ssDNA binding using NMR (see Figure 4A and Figure S2), which showed that DTX3L RD binds ssDNA. We have now tested the DTX3L KH domains for RNA/ssDNA binding using an FP experiment. However, the FP experiment did not show significant changes upon titrating RNA/ssDNA, suggesting that the KH domains alone are not sufficient to bind RNA/ssDNA. We have opted to put this data in the response-to-review as future investigation will be required to examine whether other regions of DTX3L cooperate with RD to bind RNA/ssDNA. We have revised the Discussion on the KH domains. We now state that “Our findings show the DTX3L DTC domain binds nucleic acids but whether the KHL domains contribute to nucleic acid binding requires further investigation.”
Author response image 1.
Fold change of fluorescence polarisation of 6-FAM-labelled ssDNA D4 upon titrating with DTX3L variants. DTX3L KH domain fragments were expressed with a N-terminal His-MBP tag to increase the molecular weight to enhance the signal.
(2) With regard to the E3 ligase activity, can the authors account for the apparent decreased ubiquitylation activity of the 232-C protein in Figure 1/S1 compared to FL and RD?
We found that the 232-C protein batch used in the assay was not pure and have subsequently re-purified the protein. We have repeated the ubiquitination of ssDNA and RNA (Fig. 1H and 1I) and 232-C exhibited similar activity as WT. Furthermore, we performed autoubiquitination (Fig. S1G) and E2~Ub discharge assay (Fig. S1H) to compare the activity. 232-C was slower in autoubiquitination (Fig. S1G), but showed similar activity in the E2~Ub discharge assay as WT. These findings suggest that the RING domain in 232-C is functional and 232-C likely lacks ubiquitination site(s) present in 1-231 region necessary for autoubiquitination.
(3) Was it possible to positively identify the link between Ub and ssDNA/RNA using mass spectrometry? This would overcome issues associated with labels blocking binding rather than modification.
We have tried to use mass spectrometry to detect the linkage between Ub and ssDNA/RNA, but was unable to do so. We suspect that the oxyester linkage might be labile, posing a challenge for mass spectrometry techniques. Similarly, a recent preprint from Ahel lab, which utilises LC-MS, detects the Ub-NMP product rather than the linkage (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.19.590267v1.full.pdf).
(4) Furthermore, can a targeted MS approach be used to show that nucleotides are ubiquitylated in cells?
This will require future development and improvement of the MS approach, specifically the isolation of labile oxyester-linked products from cells and the optimisation of the MS detection method.
(5) Do the authors have the assignments (even partial?) for DTX3L RD? In Figure 4 it would be helpful to identify the peaks that correspond to the residues at the proposed binding site. Also do the shifts map to a defined surface or do they suggest an extended site, particularly for the ssDNA.
We only collected HSQC spectra which was insufficient for assignments. We have performed a competition experiment using ADPr and labelled ssDNA, showing that ADPr competes against the ubiquitination of ssDNA (Figure 4D). We have also provided an additional experiment showing that ssDNA with a blocked 3’-OH can compete against ubiquitination of ADPr (Figure 4E). These data, together with our NMR analysis, further strengthen the evidence that ssDNA and ADPr compete the same binding pocket in DTX3L RD. Understanding how DTX3L RD binds ssDNA/RNA is an ongoing research in the lab.
(6) Does sequence analysis help explain the specificity of activity for the family of proteins?
We have performed sequence alignment and structure comparison of DTX proteins using both RING and DTC domains (Fig. S3). These analyses showed that DTX3 and DTX3L RING domains lack a N-terminal helix and two loop insertions compared to DTX1, DTX2 and DTX4. These additions make DTX1, DTX2 and DTX4 RING domain larger than DTX3L and DTX3. It is not clear how these would influence the orientation of the recruited E2~Ub. Comparison of the DTC domain showed that DTX1, DTX2 and DTX4 contain an Ala-Arg motif, which causes a bulge at one end of DTC pocket. In the absence of Ala-Arg motif, DTC pockets of DTX3 and DTX3L contain an extended groove which might accommodate one or more of the nucleotides 5' to the targeted terminal nucleotide. It seems that both features of RING and DTC domains might attribute to the specificity of DTX3L and DTX3. We have included these comparisons in the discussion and suggested that future structural characterization is necessary to unveil the specificity.
(7) While including a summary mechanism (Figure 5I) is helpful, the schematic included does not necessarily make it easier for the reader to appreciate the key findings of the manuscript or to account for the specificity of activity observed. While this figure could be modified, it might also be helpful to highlight the range of substrates that DTX3L can modify - nucleotide, ADPr, ADPr on nucleotides etc.
We have modified this Figure to include the range of substrates.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Dearlove et al. entitled "DTX3L ubiquitin ligase ubiquitinates single-stranded nucleic acids" reports a novel activity of a DELTEX E3 ligase family member, DTX3L, which can conjugate ubiquitin to the 3' hydroxyl of single-stranded oligonucleotides via an ester linkage. The findings that unmodified oligonucleotides can act as substrates for direct ubiquitylation and the identification of DTX3 as the enzyme capable of performing such oligonucleotide modification are novel, intriguing, and impactful because they represent a significant expansion of our view of the ubiquitin biology. The authors perform a detailed and diligent biochemical characterization of this novel activity, and key claims made in the article are well supported by experimental data. However, the studies leave room for some healthy skepticism about the physiological significance of the unique activity of DTX3 and DTX3L described by the authors because DTX3/DTX3L can also robustly attach ubiquitin to the ADP ribose moiety of NAD or ADP-ribosylated substrates. The study could be strengthened by a more direct and quantitative comparison between ubiquitylation of unmodified oligonucleotides by DTX3/DTX3L with the ubiquitylation of ADP-ribose, the activity that DTX3 and DTX3L share with the other members of the DELTEX family.
The manuscript reports a novel and exciting observation that ubiquitin can be directly attached to the 3' hydroxyl of unmodified, single-stranded oligonucleotides by DTX3L. The study builds on the extensive expertise and the impactful previous studies by the Huang laboratory of the DELTEX family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. The authors perform a detailed and diligent biochemical characterization of this novel activity, and all claims made in the article are well supported by experimental data. The manuscript is clearly written and easy to read, which further elevates the overall quality of submitted work. The findings are impactful and will help illuminate multiple avenues for future follow-up investigations that may help establish how this novel biochemical activity observed in vitro may contribute to the biological function of DTX3L. The authors demonstrate that the activity is unique to the DTX3/DTX3L members of the DELTEX family and show that the enzyme requires at least two single-stranded nucleotides at the 3' end of the oligonucleotide substrate and that the adenine nucleotide is preferred in the 3' position. Most notably, the authors describe a chimeric construct containing RING domain of DTX3L fused to the DTC domain DTX2, which displays robust NAD ubiquitylation, but lacks the ability to ubiquitylate unmodified oligonucleotides. This construct will be invaluable in the future cell-based studies of DTX3L biology that may help establish the physiological relevance of 3' ubiquitylation of nucleic acids.
The main weakness of the study is in the lack of direct evidence that the ubiquitylation of unmodified oligonucleotides reported by the authors plays any role in the biological function of DTX3L. The study leaves plenty of room for natural skepticism regarding the physiological relevance of the reported activity, because, akin to other DELTEX family members, DTX3 and DTX3L can also catalyze attachment of ubiquitin to NAD, ADP ribose and ADP-ribosylated substrates. Unfortunately, the study does not offer any quantitative comparison of the two distinct activities of the enzyme, which leaves plenty of room for doubt. One is left wondering, whether ubiquitylation of unmodified oligonucleotides is just a minor and artifactual side activity owing to the high concentration of the oligonucleotide substrates and E2~Ub conjugates present in the in-vitro conditions and the somewhat lower specificity of the DTX3 and DTX3L DTC domains (compared to DTX2 and other DELTEX family members) for ADP ribose over other adenine-containing substrates such as unmodified oligonucleotides, ADP/ATP/dADP/dATP, etc. The intriguing coincidence that DTX3L, which is the only DTX protein capable of ubiquitylating unmodified oligonucleotides, is also the only family member that contains nucleic acid interacting domains in the N-terminus, is suggestive but not compelling. A recently published DTX3L study by a competing laboratory (PMID: 38000390), which is not cited in the manuscript, suggests that ADP-ribose-modified nucleic acids could be the physiologically relevant substrates of DTX3L. That competing hypothesis appears more convincing than ubiquitylation of unmodified oligonucleotides because experiments in that study demonstrate that ubiquitylation of ADP-ribosylated oligos is quite robust in comparison to ubiquitylation of unmodified oligos, which is undetectable. It is possible that the unmodified oligonucleotides in the competing study did not have adenine in the 3' position, which may explain the apparent discrepancy between the two studies. In summary, a quantitative comparison of ubiquitylation of ADP ribose vs. unmodified oligonucleotides could strengthen the study.
We thank the reviewer for the constructive feedback. We agree that evidence for the biological function is lacking. While we have tried to detect Ub-ssDNA/RNA from cells, we found that isolating and detecting labile oxyester-linked Ub-ssDNA/RNA products remain challenging due to (1) low levels of Ub-ssDNA/RNA products, (2) the presence of DUBs and nucleases that rapidly remove the products during the experiments, and (3) our lack of a suitable MS approach to detect the product. For these reasons, we feel that discovering the biological function will require future effort and expertise and is beyond the scope of our current manuscript.
In the manuscript (PMID: 38000390), the authors used PARP10 to catalyse ADP-ribosylation onto 5’-phosphorylated ssDNA/RNA. They used the following sequences which lacks 3’-adenosine, which could explain the lack of ubiquitination.
We have performed the experiment using this sequence to verify this (see Author response image 2 below). We have cited this manuscript but for some reasons, Pubmed has updated its published date from mid 2023 to Jan 2024. We have updated the Endnote in the revised manuscript.
Author response image 2.
Fluorescently detected SDS-PAGE gel of in vitro ubiquitination catalysed by DTX3L-RD in the presence ubiquitination components and 6-FAM-labelled ssDNA D4 or D31.
We agree that it is crucial to compare ubiquitination of oligonucleotides and ADPr by DTX3L to find its preferred substrate. We have challenged oligonucleotide ubiquitination by adding excess ADPr and found that ADPr efficiently competes with oligonucleotide (Figure 4D). We have also performed an experiment showing that ssDNA with a blocked 3’-OH can compete against ubiquitination of ADPr (Figure 4E). These data support that ADPr and ssDNA compete for the same binding site on DTX3L.
We also performed kinetic analysis of ubiquitination of fluorescently labelled ssDNA (D4) and NAD+ by DTX3L-RD (Fig. 4F and Fig. S2D–G) to assess substrate preferences. Here, we used fluorescent-labelled NAD+ (F-NAD+) in place of ADPr as labelled NAD+ is commercially available. With the known concentration of fluorescently labelled ssDNA and NAD+ as the standard, we could estimate the rate of ubiquitinated product formation across different substrate concentrations. We have included this finding in the main text “DTX3L-RD displayed _k_cat value of 0.0358 ± 0.0034 min-1 and a _K_m value of 6.56 ± 1.80 mM for Ub-D4 formation, whereas the Michaelis-Menten curve did not reach saturation for Ub-F-NAD+ formation (Fig. 4F and fig. S2, D-G). Comparison of the estimated catalytic efficiency (_k_cat/_K_m = 5457 M-1 min-1 for D4 and estimated _k_cat/_K_m = 1190 M-1 min-1 for F-NAD+; Fig. 4F) suggested that DTX3L-RD exhibited 4.5-fold higher catalytic efficiency for D4 than F-NAD+. This difference primarily results from a better _K_m value for D4 compared to F-NAD+. Although DTX3L-RD showed weak _K_m for F-NAD+, it displays a higher rate for converting F-NAD+ to Ub-F-NAD+ at higher substrate concentration (Fig. 4F). Thus, substrate concentration will play a role in determining the preference.”
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Writing/technical points:
(1) The introduction is relatively complex and the last paragraph, which reviews the discoveries on the paper, is long. It may be helpful to highlight the significance and frame the experiments as what they have addressed, rather than detailing each set of experiments completed.
We have modified the last paragraph in the introduction to highlight the major discovery of our work.
(2) Line 24, Abstract. 'Its N-terminal region' is not obvious
We have changed “Its N-terminal region” to “the N-terminal region of DTX3L”.
(3) Line 44 - split sentence to emphasize E3 ligase point?
We have modified the sentence as suggested.
(4) Figures 1B and 1C could be larger - currently they are not very helpful. Also atoms (ADPr?) are shown, but not indicated in the legend or labelled on the panel.
We have enlarged Figures 1B and 1C and indicated RNA on the structure.
(5) The structure of the D2 domain of DTX3L has recently been reported (Vela-Rodriguez et al). It might be helpful to comment on this manuscript.
We have now commented on D2 domain in the results section and in the discussion.
(6) It would be helpful to indicate the DTX3L constructs used in Figure 1a.
We have included all DTX3L constructs used in Figure 1a.
(7) Interpretation of Figure 4A is difficult, the authors may wish to consider other ways to visualize the data.
We have now removed the black arrow in Figure 4A as it was confusing. Instead, we drew a black box on the cross-peak where the close-up views are shown in Figures 4B and 4C.
(8) Figure 4A. Please indicate which binding partner is highlighted by red/black arrows.
We have removed black arrow. The red arrows indicate cross-peaks which undergo chemical shift perturbation when DTX3L-RD was titrated with ssDNA or ADPr, highlighting their binding sites on DTX3L-RD overlap.
(9) Line 284 - please indicate the bulge in Figure S3.
We have indicated the bulge on Figure S3.
(10) Aspects of the discussion are speculative, given that evidence of Ub conjugated to nucleotides in cells is yet to be obtained and the functional consequences of modification are uncertain.
We understand that the discussion on the potential roles of ubiquitination of ssNAs is speculative. We have now modified it to: “Based on the known functions of the DTX3L/PARP9 complex and the findings of this study, we propose several hypotheses for future research”, so that readers will understand that these are speculative.
(11) Line 295 onwards - this paragraph discusses the role of the KH domains in nucleotide binding, but it is not clear that the authors have directly demonstrated that the KH domains bind nucleotides as all constructs used in the binding experiments in Figure 1/S1 include the RING-DTC domains.
We found that KH domains alone did not bind ssDNA or RNA. We have modified line 295. This section now reads “Typically, KH domains contain a GXXG motif within the loop between the first and second α helix (22). However, analysis of the sequence of the KHL domains in DTX3L shows these domains lack this motif. Multiple studies have shown that mutation in this motif abolishes binding to nucleic acids (23-26). Our findings show the DTX3L DTC domain binds nucleic acids but whether the KHL domains contribute to nucleic acid binding requires further investigation. Additionally, the structure of the first KHL domain was recently reported and shown to form a tetrameric assembly (20). Our analysis with DTX3L 232-C, which lacks the first KHL domain and RRM, indicate that it can still bind ssDNA and ssRNA. Despite this, a more detailed analysis will be required to determine whether oligomerization plays a role in nucleic acid binding and ubiquitination.”
eLife assessment
This important study reports the discovery of a novel nucleotide ubiquitylation activity by the DTX3L E3 ligase. Solid evidence is presented for ubiquitin attachment to single-stranded oligonucleotides. This very interesting biochemical finding can be used as a starting point for studies to establish relevance in a physiological setting.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the article by Dearlove et al., the authors present evidence in strong support of nucleotide ubiquitylation by DTX3L, suggesting it is a promiscuous E3 ligase with capacity to ubiquitylate ADP ribose and nucleotides. The authors include data to identify the likely site of attachment and the requirements for nucleotide modification.
While this discovery potentially reveals a whole new mechanism by which nucleotide function can be regulated in cells, there are some weaknesses that should be considered. Is there any evidence of nucleotide ubiquitylation occurring cells? It seems possible, but evidence in support of this would strengthen the manuscript. The NMR data could also be strengthened as the binding interface is not reported or mapped onto the structure/model, this seems of considerable interest given that highly related proteins do have the same activity.
The paper is for the most part well well-written and is potentially highly significant
Comments on revised version:
The revised manuscript has addressed many of the concerns raised and clarified a number of points. As a result the manuscript is improved.
The primary concern that remains is the absence of biological function for Ub-ssDNA/RNA and the inability to detect it in cells. Despite this the manuscript will be of interest to those in the ubiquitin field and will likely provoke further studies and the development of tools to better assess the cellular relevance. As a result this manuscript is important.
Minor issue:<br /> Figure 1A - the authors have now included the constructs used but it would be more informative if the authors lined up the various constructs under the relevant domains in the full-length protein.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Dearlove et al. entitled "DTX3L ubiquitin ligase ubiquitinates single-stranded nucleic acids" reports a novel activity of a DELTEX E3 ligase family member, DTX3L, which can conjugate ubiquitin to the 3' hydroxyl of single-stranded oligonucleotides via an ester linkage. The findings that unmodified oligonucleotides can act as substrates for direct ubiquitylation and the identification of DTX3 as the enzyme capable of performing such oligonucleotide modification are novel, intriguing, and impactful because they represent a significant expansion of our view of the ubiquitin biology. The authors perform a detailed and diligent biochemical characterization of this novel activity, and key claims made in the article are well supported by experimental data. However, the studies leave room for some healthy skepticism about the physiological significance of the unique activity of DTX3 and DTX3L described by the authors because DTX3/DTX3L can also robustly attach ubiquitin to the ADP ribose moiety of NAD or ADP-ribosylated substrates. The study could be strengthened by a more direct and quantitative comparison between ubiquitylation of unmodified oligonucleotides by DTX3/DTX3L with the ubiquitylation of ADP-ribose, the activity that DTX3 and DTX3L share with the other members of the DELTEX family.
Comment on revised version:
In my opinion, reviewers' comments are constructively addressed by the authors in the revised manuscript, which further strengthens the revised submission and makes it an important contribution to the field. Specifically, the authors perform a direct quantitative comparison of two distinct ubiquitylation substrates, unmodified oligonucleotides and fluorescently labeled NADH and report that kcat/Km is 5-fold higher for unmodified oligos compared to NADH. This observation suggests that ubiquitylation of unmodified oligos is not a minor artifactual side reaction in vitro and that unmodified oligonucleotides may very well turn out to be the physiological substrates of the enzyme. However, the true identity of the physiological substrates and the functionally relevant modification site(s) remain to be established in further studies.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This important study investigates the molecular mechanisms underpinning how the tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein, TIPE, regulates aerobic glycolysis to promote tumor growth in melanoma. Solid data using multiple independent approaches provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underpinning aerobic glycolysis, also known as the Warburg Effect, in melanoma cells. However, further investigation of a potential oncogenic effect of TIPE in melanoma patients is warranted and more advanced metabolomic and bioenergetic assays could be employed. The work will be of interest to biomedical researchers working in cancer and metabolism.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Tian et al. describes how TIPE regulates melanoma progression, stemness, and glycolysis. The authors link high TIPE expression to increased melanoma cell proliferation and tumor growth. TIPE causes dimerization of PKM2, as well as translocation of PKM2 to the nucleus, thereby activating HIF-1alpha. TIPE promotes the phosphorylation of S37 on PKM2 in an ERK-dependent manner. TIPE is shown to increase stem-like phenotype markers. The expression of TIPE is positively correlated with the levels of PKM2 Ser37 phosphorylation in murine and clinical tissue samples. Taken together, the authors demonstrate how TIPE impacts melanoma progression, stemness, and glycolysis through dimeric PKM2 and HIF-1alpha crosstalk.
The authors manipulated TIPE expression using both shRNA and overexpression approaches throughout the manuscript. Using these models, they provide strong evidence of the involvement of TIPE in mediating PKM2 Ser37 phosphorylation and dimerization. The authors also used mutants of PKM2 at S37A to block its interaction with TIPE and HIF-1alpha. In addition, an ERK inhibitor (U0126) was used to block the phosphorylation of Ser37 on PKM2. The authors show how dimerization of PKM2 by TIPE causes nuclear import of PKM2 and activation of HIF-1alpha and target genes. Pyridoxine was used to induce PKM2 dimer formation, while TEPP-46 was used to suppress PKM2 dimer formation. TIPE maintains stem cell phenotypes by increasing expression of stem-like markers. Furthermore, the relationship between TIPE and Ser37 PKM2 was demonstrated in murine and clinical tissue samples.
The evaluation of how TIPE causes metabolic reprogramming can be better assessed using isotope tracing experiments and improved bioenergetic analysis.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this article, Tian et al present a convincing analysis of the molecular mechanisms underpinning TIPE-mediated regulation of glycolysis and tumor growth in melanoma. The authors begin by confirming TIPE expression in melanoma cell lines and identify "high" and "low" expressing models for functional analysis. They show that TIPE depletion slows tumour growth in vivo, and using both knockdown and over expression approaches, show that this is associated with changes in glycolysis in vitro. Compelling data using multiple independent approaches is presented to support an interaction between TIPE and the glycolysis regulator PKM2, and over-expression of TIPE promoted nuclear translocation of PKM2 dimers. Mechanistically, the authors also demonstrate that PKM2 is required for TIPE-mediated activation of HIF1a transcriptional activity, as assessed using an HRE-promoter reporter assay, and that TIPE-mediated PKM2 dimerization is p-ERK dependent. Finally, the dependence of TIPE activity on PKM2 dimerization was demonstrated on tumor growth in vivo and in regulation of glycolysis in vitro, and ectopic expression of HIF1a could rescue inhibition of PKM2 dimerization in TIPE overexpressing cells and reduced induction of general cancer stem cell markers, showing a clear role for HIF1a in this pathway.
The detailed mechanistic analysis of TIPE mediated regulation of PKM2 to control aerobic glycolysis and tumor growth is a major strength of the study and provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms that underpin the Warburg effect in melanoma cells. The main conclusions of this paper are well supported by data, however further investigation of a potential oncogenic effect of TIPE in melanoma patients is warranted to support the tumor promoting role of TIPE identified in the experimental models. Analysis of patient samples showed a significant increase in TIPE protein levels in primary melanoma compared to benign skin tumours, and a further increase upon metastatic progression. Moreover, TIPE levels correlate with proliferation (Ki67) and hypoxia gene sets in the TCGA melanoma patient dataset. However, the authors note in the discussion that high TIPE expression associates with better survival outcomes in the TCGA melanoma patients and these data should be included in this paper. Further investigation of how TIPE-mediated regulation of glycolysis contributes to melanoma progression is warranted to confirm the authors claims of a potential oncogenic function. Regardless, the new insights into the molecular mechanisms underpinning TIPE-mediated aerobic glycolysis in melanoma are convincing and will likely generate interest in the cancer metabolism field.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Tian et al. describe how TIPE regulates melanoma progression, stemness, and glycolysis. The authors link high TIPE expression to increased melanoma cell proliferation and tumor growth. TIPE causes dimerization of PKM2, as well as translocation of PKM2 to the nucleus, thereby activating HIF-1alpha. TIPE promotes the phosphorylation of S37 on PKM2 in an ERK-dependent manner. TIPE is shown to increase stem-like phenotype markers. The expression of TIPE is positively correlated with the levels of PKM2 Ser37 phosphorylation in murine and clinical tissue samples. Taken together, the authors demonstrate how TIPE impacts melanoma progression, stemness, and glycolysis through dimeric PKM2 and HIF-1alpha crosstalk.
The authors manipulated TIPE expression using both shRNA and overexpression approaches throughout the manuscript. Using these models, they provide strong evidence of the involvement of TIPE in mediating PKM2 Ser37 phosphorylation and dimerization. The authors also used mutants of PKM2 at S37A to block its interaction with TIPE and HIF-1alpha. In addition, an ERK inhibitor (U0126) was used to block the phosphorylation of Ser37 on PKM2. The authors show how dimerization of PKM2 by TIPE causes nuclear import of PKM2 and activation of HIF-1alpha and target genes. Pyridoxine was used to induce PKM2 dimer formation, while TEPP-46 was used to suppress PKM2 dimer formation. TIPE maintains stem cell phenotypes by increasing the expression of stem-like markers. Furthermore, the relationship between TIPE and Ser37 PKM2 was demonstrated in murine and clinical tissue samples.
The evaluation of how TIPE causes metabolic reprogramming can be better assessed using isotope tracing experiments and improved bioenergetic analysis.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Unfortunately, we cannot complete the isotope tracing experiments due to the lack of instruments, nor with the help of the company after consulting several companies. We are very sorry for this imperfect experiment, and we have discussed this disadvantage in our manuscripts. Moreover, due to our negligence, there was only three metabolites were presented in the previous manuscripts. However, we have performed the routine untargeted metabolomics to demonstrate how TIPE causes metabolic reprogramming. We have added the detailed results as a new figure named as Figure S3, in which, the glycolysis pathway particularly pyruvate and lactic acid is decreased after TIPE interference.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this article, Tian et al present a convincing analysis of the molecular mechanisms underpinning TIPE-mediated regulation of glycolysis and tumor growth in melanoma. The authors begin by confirming TIPE expression in melanoma cell lines and identify "high" and "low" expressing models for functional analysis. They show that TIPE depletion slows tumour growth in vivo, and using both knockdown and over-expression approaches, show that this is associated with changes in glycolysis in vitro. Compelling data using multiple independent approaches is presented to support an interaction between TIPE and the glycolysis regulator PKM2, and the over-expression of TIPE-promoted nuclear translocation of PKM2 dimers. Mechanistically, the authors also demonstrate that PKM2 is required for TIPE-mediated activation of HIF1a transcriptional activity, as assessed using an HRE-promoter reporter assay, and that TIPE-mediated PKM2 dimerization is p-ERK dependent. Finally, the dependence of TIPE activity on PKM2 dimerization was demonstrated on tumor growth in vivo and in the regulation of glycolysis in vitro, and ectopic expression of HIF1a could rescue the inhibition of PKM2 dimerization in TIPE overexpressing cells and reduced induction of general cancer stem cell markers, showing a clear role for HIF1a in this pathway. The main conclusions of this paper are well supported by data, but some aspects of the experiments need clarification and some data panels are difficult to read and interpret as currently presented.
The detailed mechanistic analysis of TIPE-mediated regulation of PKM2 to control aerobic glycolysis and tumor growth is a major strength of the study and provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms that underpin the Warburg effect in cancer cells. However, despite these strengths, some weaknesses were noted, which if addressed will further strengthen the study.
(1) The analysis of patient samples should be expanded to more directly measure the relationship between TIPE levels and melanoma patient outcome and progression (primary vs metastasis), to build on the association between TIPE levels and proliferation (Ki67) and hypoxia gene sets that are currently shown.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have added the relationship between TIPE levels and progression (non-lymph node metastasis vs lymph node metastasis). In addition, we added the association between TIPE and Ki67 or LDH levels as your advised, as shown in Figure 7.
However, the relationship between TIPE levels and melanoma patient outcome is not presented in this article. One reason is that the tissue microarray lack of the survival data. Interestingly, the TCGA dataset showed that the higher TIPE expression has a favorable prognosis for melanoma. We are also very curious about this. Our following study indicated that TIPE might serve as a positive regulator of PD-L1. Therefore, the higher expression of TIPE presents more sensitive tendency to immunotherapy, resulting in a favorable prognosis in melanoma. The detailed mechanisms will be discussed in our following article, and we hope that it might as a continuous research topic for TIPE in melanoma.
We just only disclose a little information that TIPE has a similar survival and immune signature to PD-L1 and PD-1 in melanoma as following:
Author response image 1.
(2) The duration of the in vivo experiments was not clearly defined in the figures, however, it was clear from the tumor volume measurements that they ended well before standard ethical endpoints in some of the experiments. A rationale for this should be provided because longer-duration experiments might significantly change the interpretation of the data. For example, does TIPE depletion transiently reduce or lead to sustained reductions in tumor growth?
Thanks for your suggestions. Actually, we have performed a pre-experiment before the formal experiments, and all the time points were referred to this. Furthermore, we have added the detailed time points into the figure legends as you suggested.
(3) The analysis of general cancer stem cell markers is solid and interesting, however inclusion of neural crest stem cell markers that are more relevant to melanoma biology would greatly strengthen this aspect of the study.
Thanks for your advices. We have selected two neural crest stem cell markers including Nestin and Sox10 to test their expression after overexpression of TIPE in G361 cells or interference of TIPE in A375 cells.
(4) The authors should take care that all data panels are clearly readable in the figures to facilitate appropriate interpretation by the reader.
Thanks for your suggestions. We have amended the data panels according to you advises to ensure it is clear and professionally presented.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Major points
(1) In Figure 1D, glucose, pyruvate, and lactate were measured at a steady state. However, metabolites at steady state do not accurately depict changes in pathway activity. An isotope tracing experiment (i.e., using labelled 13C glucose) can be used to study glucose catabolism into pyruvate, as well as tracing into lactate or into the TCA cycle following changes in TIPE expression. In addition, although the authors point towards changes in metabolic reprogramming, only three metabolites were measured. The use of isotope tracing to monitor metabolites from more than one pathway would be suggested to support the claim that metabolism is being reprogrammed due to TIPE.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Unfortunately, we cannot complete the isotope tracing experiments due to the lack of instruments, nor with the help of the company after consulting several companies. We are very sorry for this imperfect experiment, and we have discussed this disadvantage in our manuscripts. Moreover, due to our negligence, there was only three metabolites were presented in the previous manuscripts. However, we have performed the routine untargeted metabolomics to demonstrate how TIPE causes metabolic reprogramming. We have added the detailed results as a new figure named as Figure S3, in which, the glycolysis pathway particularly pyruvate and lactic acid is decreased after TIPE interference.
(2) In Figure 1H, extracellular acidification was used to determine glycolytic activity. However, bicarbonate secretion can also greatly affect pH, and should be considered (PMID 25449966). Although total ATP content was measured, the contribution of ATP from glycolysis can be also determined (see PMID 28270511) to provide a more accurate representation of glycolytic ATP production.
Thanks for your suggestions again. As described at the above, we will improve our measurement methods in the future, and we have discussed our weakness in the manuscripts.
(3) On page 5, lines 108-111, the authors show that "This process represents an important regulator of the TIPE family switching between oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic glycolysis, paving the way for cancer-specific metabolism in response to low-oxygen challenge." However, there is no data on oxidative phosphorylation. What is the effect of TIPE on oxygen consumption?
Thanks for your careful and professional advices. We have conducted a thorough review of the manuscript for language accuracy and corrected this term to eliminate confusion and ensure the text is clear and professionally presented.
Minor points
(1) On page 3, line 68, it is unclear what is increasing lactate levels, as lactate can be transported inside of cells.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have corrected this misdescription to improve the overall quality and readability of the manuscript.
(2) In Figure 1B, RNA sequencing was performed on TIPE overexpressing G361 cells. The "ribosome" pathway has the highest count and lowest p-value. However, there is no mention of this in the text.
Thanks for your suggestions, we selected aerobic glycolysis as our major story comprehensively according to the transcriptomics, metabolomics and the Co-IP/MS results. Anyway, the "ribosome" pathway as you pointed might is our next research topic in the future.
(3) It would be helpful to include the cell line in Figure S1B-C as well as in the figure legend.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have added the cell line into Figure S1B-C as well as in the figure legend.
(4) Concerning supplementary figures, it would be helpful to include the panel numbers when referring to them in the main text (see line 120 or 122 as an example).
Thanks for your suggestions, we have added the panel numbers when referring to them in the main text.
(5) The sentence on lines 127-131 is very confusing.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have corrected the improper descriptions as you mentioned.
(6) In Figure S3, qPCR is misspelled in the figure legend. Also, it would be helpful to include what is meant by "relative expression" on the y-axis of Figure S3A.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have corrected the errors as you pointed. Due to the y-axis represents the expression both of TIPE and HIF-1α, the present description might be more suitable.
(7) There is an extra space on line 196.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have corrected as you pointed.
(8) In Figure 7E LDH staining was performed. Which isoform of LDH was detected?
Actually, we stained total LDH in Figure 7E.
(9) On line 931, Warburg is misspelled.
Thanks for your suggestion, we have corrected all mentioned typos, including " Warburg " in lines 931.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Major comments:
- Supplementary Figure 2G. Unit of time measurement for tumor growth panel needs to be defined. If this refers to days, 5 days is a relatively short period to assess tumor growth differences in vivo, and indeed, 1000-1200mm3 is a standard ethical end-point for these types of models, and this experiment was concluded well before reaching these tumor sizes. Can the authors explain why they ended this experiment at this timepoint?
Thanks for your suggestions. As you suggested, we have added the detailed time points into the figure legends. Actually, we have performed a pre-experiment before the formal experiments, and all the time points were referred to this.
- Supplementary Figure 2j - Correlation analysis between TIPE expression and overall survival outcome in melanoma patients is more relevant to support the experimental observations described in the paper than the correlation with Ki67. This analysis should also be provided. In addition, is there any difference in TIPE expression between primary and metastatic melanoma patients which would then more directly link TIPE with melanoma progression in patients?
The relationship between TIPE levels and melanoma patient outcome is not presented in this article. One reason is that the tissue microarray lack of the survival data. Interestingly, the TCGA dataset showed that the higher TIPE expression has a favorable prognosis for melanoma. We are also very curious about this. Our following study indicated that TIPE might serve as a positive regulator for PD-L1. Therefore, the higher expression of TIPE presents more sensitive tendency to immunotherapy, resulting in a favorable prognosis in melanoma. The detailed mechanisms will be discussed in our following article, and we hope that it might as a continuous research topic for TIPE in melanoma.
Furthermore, we have added the relationship between TIPE levels and progression (non-lymph node metastasis vs lymph node metastasis), and Ki67 in Figure 7.
- Figure 2 - The A2 domain protein represents a substantial reduction in the size of PKM2, which would likely have other structural effects that could affect interactions with TIPE. This should be discussed by the authors because, in this reviewer's opinion, the data presented do not shed light on the specific TIPE domain requirements for the interaction with PKM2.
Thanks for your suggestions. We have discussed this phenomenon in our manuscripts.
- Figure 4: The authors show that PKM2 recruitment to the promoters of GLUT1 and LDHA is induced by TIPE expression. Is HIF1a recruitment also induced by TIPE? This is a key gap in the detailed molecular analysis provided by the authors.
Thanks for your suggestions. This phenomenon you mentioned is very interesting, however, the expression of GLUT1 and LDHA was completely decreased when we overexpression of TIPE and PKM2 (S37A) compared to overexpression of TIPE and wild PKM2. Therefore, we believe that the higher expression of GLUT1 and LDHA was primarily promoted by TIPE-induced PKM2 recruitment.
- Figure 6: The authors present nice data for general pluripotency/stem cell markers however given melanocytes arise from the neural crest, and neural crest markers are expressed during melanoma initiation and response to therapies, analysis of neural crest stem cell markers would be appropriate to include in this analysis. For example, Sox10, Pax3, NGFR, and AQP2 have all been identified as neural crest stem cell markers expressed in both melanoma patients and experimental models.
Thanks for your advices. We have selected two neural crest stem cell markers including Nestin and Sox10 to test their expression after overexpression of TIPE in G361 cells or interference of TIPE in A375 cells.
Minor comments:
- All Figure and Supplementary Figure legends should indicate how many replicate experiments the data represents, and all error bars should be defined (StDev vs SEM).
We have added as you suggested.
- Supplementary Figure S1C - can the authors confirm the densitometry values on the western, as the band looks to be considerably larger than 1.6 fold higher compared to the control?
We redone the densitometry measurement by ImageJ. However, the result still the same.
- FACs panels in Supplementary Figure 2C-D are unreadable and should be enlarged.
- Supplementary Figure S2i - quantification of Ki67 images appears warranted.
- Supplementary Figure S2j - The text in the figure panel is too small and needs to be increased so the data can be interpreted accurately. Also, the authors should confirm the data is specifically from melanoma patients in the figure legend.
We have improved the quality of the figures and revised their descriptions for greater clarity and coherence, ensuring that they effectively highlight the key results of our study.
- Figure 1A - text on the heat map cannot be read. Gene-level information can be removed, and sample labels should be made larger. In panel D, no statistical analysis is shown for the metabolomics analysis. These should be added, or the authors should modify the text when referring to these data.
We have improved the quality of the figures and revised their descriptions for greater clarity and coherence, ensuring that they effectively highlight the key results of our study.
- Line 127: RNAseq data does not indicate a change in metabolites; text should be changed to say "TIPE dramatically promoted expression of genes...".
We have corrected as you suggested.
- Supplementary Figure S3c - Labels and correlation values are not readable.
- Figure 2A - The text and details in the figure are difficult to read.
- Figure S4 D-H - text in figure panels too small to read.
Thank you for above three questions, we have carefully reviewed the entire document to ensure all figures are clear and correctly cited, preventing any confusion and maintaining the integrity of our research findings.
- Figure 3 - the legend restates the major observations and interpretations of the figure, however does not contain enough information about what the data represents or how it was generated. The interpretation of the data should be made in the main text. For example, in panel 3. F-G the number of individual cells quantified for the analysis should be stated. In addition, given the data are generated from two completely independent cell lines, it would be more appropriate to have separate graphs for the A375 cells and G361 cells. The signal levels in the respective controls at baseline are very different, and plotted together without clear labels, making the reader question the validity of the data when this just reflects different basal signals in different cell models.
We have separated the graphs for the A375 cells and G361 cells.
- Figure 4 B-C - IgG controls are missing in Co-IP experiments.
We have added the IgG controls as you suggested.
- Figure 5F - The unit of measure of time should be indicated on the axes; is this days?
We measured the tumor volumes for 7 times every 5 days. We have added the detailed description in the materials and methods section.
- Line 348: error in text, mammosphere which should presumably be tumorsphere if from melanoma cells.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have corrected this term to "tumorsphere" and conducted a thorough language and grammar review of the manuscript to ensure its professional presentation.
- Methods: more experimental details for the transcriptomic, mass spec, and metabolomics studies should be provided. There are insufficient details if readers wish to repeat these experiments.
Thanks for your suggestions, we have corrected as you advised.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
In this study, Ferling and colleagues provide convincing evidence demonstrating that myeloid cells exert distinct, cargo-dependent responses during and after phagocytosis. These important findings establish previously unrecognized insights into the function(s) of myeloid cells in immunosurveillance and are thus likely to be broadly impactful across the spectrum of biomedical disciplines including immunology and cell biology. Notwithstanding these clear strengths of the article, some minor issues were noted pertinent to the relative opaqueness of the mechanisms underpinning context-specific RhoA activation.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript uses PS-coated and IgG-opsonized targets to model the engulfment of apoptotic cells and pathogens. It demonstrates that differential activation of the respiratory burst accounts for variations in cell morphology, adhesion, and migration following phagocytosis of different particles. Specifically, reactive oxygen species produced by phagosomes containing IgG-opsonized targets activate Rho GTPases. This activation triggers Formin- and ERM-dependent compaction of the cortical actin network, leading to rounded cell morphology, reduced membrane ruffling, disassembly of podosomes, and decreased migration. Some of these findings are validated in cells exposed to pathogens or soluble MAMPs.
The manuscript presents well-executed and controlled experiments. It proposes an intriguing model to explain the distinct behaviors of myeloid cells when confronted with different phagocytic cargoes and offers fresh insights into immune surveillance.
Certain aspects of the proposed model require further experimental evidence. The significance of the cellular behavioral differences in response to various phagocytic cargoes warrants further exploration within physiological contexts.
Specific comments:
How do reactive oxygen species lead to an increase in Rho activation while simultaneously reducing Rac activity? The underlying molecular mechanisms remain unresolved, although potential regulatory pathways are discussed.
Given that the number of phagocytosed particles affects cell behavior (SF1), it is important to ensure that an equivalent number of particles are phagocytosed when comparing cells treated with PS-beads and IgG-beads (Figure 1a). How was this experimentally controlled, and how many particles are phagocytosed under each condition?
Why were experiments conducted in BMDM, Raw264.7, and PMN cells under different conditions? For Raw264.7 and PMN cells, cell behavior was only compared between those treated with IgG-RBC and untreated cells. What occurs to these cells when they are exposed to PS-beads as opposed to IgG-beads?
How long does it take for cells treated with IgG-beads to recover and regain their mobility and surveillance activity? Does this recovery occur following a reduction in reactive oxygen species production?
A contractile actin cortex usually requires the activity of both Formin and myosin II. It is a bit surprising that inhibitors of ROCK and myosin II, when added to Raw cells engulfing IgG-RBC, did not affect podosome disassembly. Is the cytoskeletal rearrangement observed in Figure 2 also independent of myosin II activity?
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The manuscript by Ferling et al. describes how phagocytosis of IgG but not PS-opsonized targets induces the cells to round up and disassemble their podosomes. The mechanism downstream of the FcR is then dissected. The authors show that RhoA-mediated actin polymerization is involved, as well as actin nucleators of the Formin family, but not ROCK or Myosin II. ERM proteins and ROS production play a role in podosome loss and RhoA activation. Similar observations were made after cells were put in contact with Candida albicans or with soluble LPS.
The manuscript is of very good scientific standards, based on solid cell biology and biochemistry approaches, both in a murine macrophage cell line and in murine primary macrophages. It reaches the criteria for a significant advance in the field.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer 1:
Lines 43 to 46 cannot be referred to as methodology:
"to investigate a) determinants of attribution; b) patterns of investigated events, including species and breed affected, history of previous abortion and recent stressful events, and the seasonality of cases; c) determinants of reporting, investigation and attribution; (d) cases in which zoonotic pathogens were detection".
The above should be deleted from the methodology.
The text is in the abstract and describes, in brief, analyses that we performed and the rationale for these analyses, which we consider relevant for understanding the approach. As such, we think the text should remain.
Italicize et al. in the citations
This has been done.
Reviewer 2:
Data Presentation: While the analysis is comprehensive, the presentation of data could be enhanced with the use of more visual aids such as tables, graphs, or charts to illustrate key findings.
While further visualisation of findings would be possible, we consider the key results are captured effectively in the existing figures and tables. Open access to the data also allows for further analyses that might be of interest to readers.
Discussion Section: The paper could benefit from a more in-depth discussion of the implications of the findings for disease control strategies and policy formulation in Tanzania.
We thank the reviewer for this important comment. In most of the paragraphs of the Discussion we discuss the implications of the findings with specific reference, where relevant, to disease control in Tanzania. For example, in the paragraph regarding human capacity building, we discuss how LFOs might be incentivised to report health events and how this could improve the reach and sensitivity of future surveillance platforms. Similarly, these issues are discussed in other paragraphs of the Discussion.
Future Directions: Including recommendations for future research or areas for further investigation would add depth to the paper.
This suggestion has been acted upon and we have added text in the conclusion to describe recommendations for future research.
Reviewer 3:
The thoughts of the authors on the topic and its significance are implied, and the methodological approach needs further clarity. The number of wards in the study area, statistical selection of wards, type of questionnaire ie open or close-ended. Statistical analyses of outcomes were not clearly elucidated in the manuscript.
The number of wards and how they were selected (from randomly selected wards included in earlier cross-sectional exposure studies (Bodenham et al. 2021)) is described in the Abortion Surveillance Platform section of the Methods. We have added description of the questionnaire to indicate that it was a mixture of open and closed questions. We have reviewed the statistical analyses and consider that they have been fully and appropriately described and so have not changed this.
Fifteen wards were mentioned in the text but 13 used what were the exclusion criteria.
As described, the study focussed on fifteen wards however two wards did not report any cases. As such, investigations only took place in thirteen of the fifteen wards and this has been described in the text.
Observations were from pastoral, agropastoral, and smallholder agroecological farmers. No sample numbers or questionnaires were attributed to the above farming systems to correlate findings with management systems.
As described, the 15 wards comprised five wards that were expected to be predominantly pastoral, three were expected to be predominantly agropastoral and seven expected to predominantly smallholder, and these categories were assigned by the research team following discussion with local experts (typically the district level veterinary officer) (Bodenham et al. 2021). As such, we consider this to be described sufficiently.
The impacts of the research investigation output are not clearly visible as to warrant intervention methods.
The aim of this paper was to provide insights on the feasibility and value of establishing a livestock abortion surveillance platform. The aetiological data that could be used to inform specific disease control measures or interventions was the focus of a previous paper (Thomas et al. 2022) as described in the text.
What were the identified pathogens from laboratory investigation, particularly with the use of culture and PCR not even mentioning the zoonotic pathogens encountered if any?
An earlier published paper describing the aetiology of the cases was mentioned (Thomas et al. 2022). This paper fully describes the identified pathogens and the methods used for identification and attribution. Additionally, in the Sample Analysis section we describe the pathogens that were tested and the methods used. In the section Exposure to Zoonotic Pathogens we specifically list Brucella spp. C. burnetiid, T. gondii and RVFV and so we consider that we have sufficiently described the pathogens tested for, the methods and the zoonotic pathogens detected.
The public health importance of any of the abortifacient agents was not highlighted.
The Introduction provides background information on the public health importance of abortifacient agents and we dedicate a whole section (Exposure to Zoonotic Pathogens) to the public health implications of the number of cases in which zoonotic pathogens were detected. Additionally, we discuss the implications of this in the Discussion.
Comments in manuscript itself:
Line 230: Why are you estimating. The study was supposed to be based on real time abortion events or at least abortion events within 72 hours
We were estimating the sensitivity of the platform by dividing the number of investigated abortion cases by the number of abortions for the livestock population in each of the study wards that would have been expected over the study period. Because the denominator in this calculation was an expected number, and not a measured count, we can only estimate.
236: In areas where there was no reported abortion event why will you estimate. This action will lead to false conclusion of abortion event in area that did have an event.
We think there has been some misunderstanding of what this section of text was describing. We were not attributing a case to an area where there was none. Rather, as mentioned above, the aim of this particular analysis was to estimate the sensitivity of the platform. To achieve this, we needed to estimate what the expected number of abortion cases in each ward would have been.
279: Give a brief description of R
A citation and some explanatory text have been added.
348: Table 1: Your table did not show cases where estimate values were used
We think this comment has resulted from the confusion described above regarding estimated cases. Table 1 has summary data for the actual cases that were reported in the study and does not have the data for the estimated number of abortions that were expected to have occurred in each ward. As described in line 247, this data is given in Supplementary Materials 3.
404: Not clear, please rephase
This sentence has been re-drafted to improve clarity
467: Why are you numbering the findings of your investigation in your discussion? You have not told us about the previous abortion event in your study area prior to this study and why you embarked on this study in this regions. The current abortion event situation in your country based on other researchers work is missing and how your findings is important as it related to similar investigation elsewhere.
We number the key findings for clarity and to make each finding distinct and so prefer to retain it.
The study area was chosen because it was the site of an earlier cross-sectional exposure study within which the wards were randomly selected. As a result, thirteen of the fifteen wards targeted in the reported study were randomly selected. Two additional wards were selected purposively because of strong existing relationships with the livestock-keeping community. This was explained in the Methods in Lines 161 – 164.
Regarding livestock abortion in Tanzania, as explained in the Introduction (lines 112-114), there is little data on abortion in livestock in Tanzania and elsewhere. Nonetheless, in the Discussion, we do describe the results with respect to other abortion studies carried out in
Ethiopia, Nigeria and India (lines 592-598). Moreover, as described in the Introduction (line 90-94), the implementation of syndromic or event-based surveillance in livestock is rare and to the authors’ knowledge has mostly been implemented in Europe, North America or Australasia with only a single pilot project identified in Africa.
494: Why will you use an estimate for abortion event that were not reported
As described above, this comment reflects a misunderstanding of what was being described. As written in line 494, an attempt was made to gauge the sensitivity of the surveillance platform by estimating the percentage of expected abortions that the investigated cases represented. That is, to estimate the percentage of abortions that the surveillance platform managed to detect, we divided the number of investigated abortions by the expected number of abortions (in each ward). The method for this estimation was described in lines 228-238.
511: Why was farming pattern excluded. Livestock rearing condition is equally critical for this type of investigation example an animal reared intensive system farming method will definitely experience different stress than livestock on nomadic free range system
We agree with the reviewer that livestock rearing system might be expected to impact both the aetiology and incidence of livestock abortion. However, because the number of wards was small and the distribution across system not equal, any association between investigated cases and and livestock rearing system could not be assessed. We have made this clearer with additional text in the same paragraph of the Discussion.
529: Nothing was mentioned about educating the farmers or livestock owners to assist in some instances on possible sample collection during this abortion events and
sending these samples as quickly as possible to the central laboratory in suitable condition for investigation and result of the finding communicated back to the farmers
Because abortions can be caused by zoonotic pathogens, we did not involve livestock keepers in the collection of samples. Rather, sample collection was carried out by the research team and livestock field officers who had received appropriate training. In addition, results were reported back to the livestock keepers within 10 days of the investigation and, where pathogens were detected, more specific advice provided as to management strategies that could minimise further transmission to livestock and people. This is all described in the Methods (lines 181-199).
540: The livestock owner can be taught how to collect vaginal swab and send samples under suitable condition to the laboratory and the findings reported back to them.
Please see above response.
549: Please summerise.
Line 549-581 succinctly describes the attribution of cases to specific pathogens. The text given is required for comprehension and any further summarisation could impact understanding. Consequently, we have left the text as it is.
584: Please summerise.
Line 584-626 describes the patterns of livestock abortion in Tanzania. The text given is required to fully discuss the findings and any further reduction in text could impact understanding. Consequently, we have left the text as it is.
eLife assessment
This important study reports the use of a surveillance approach in identifying emerging diseases, monitoring disease trends, and informing evidence-based interventions in the control and prevention of livestock abortions, as it relates to their public health implications. The data support the convincing finding that abortion incidence is higher during the dry season, and occurs more in cross-bred and exotic livestock breeds. Aetiological and epidemiological data can be generated through established protocols for sample collection and laboratory diagnosis. These findings are of potential interest to the fields of veterinary medicine, public health, and epidemiology.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The paper examined livestock abortion, as it is an important disease syndrome that affects productivity and livestock economies. If livestock abortion remains unexamined it poses risks to public health.
Several pathogens are associated with livestock abortions but across Africa however the livestock disease surveillance data rarely include information from abortion events, little is known about the aetiology and impacts of livestock abortions, and data are not available to inform prioritisation of disease interventions. Therefore the current study seeks to examine the issue in detail and proposes some solutions.
The study took place in 15 wards in northern Tanzania spanning pastoral, agropastoral and smallholder agro-ecological systems. The key objective is to investigate the causes and impacts of livestock abortion.
The data collection system was set up such that farmers reported abortion cases to the field officers of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries livestock<br /> The reports were made to the investigation teams. The team only included abortion of those that the livestock field officers could attend to within 72 hours of the event occurring.
Also a field investigation was carried out to collect diagnostic samples from aborted materials. In addition aborting dams and questionnaires were administer to collect data on herd/flock management. Laboratory diagnostic tests were carried out for a range of abortigenic pathogens
Over the period of the study 215 abortion events in cattle (n=71), sheep (n=44) and goats (n=100) were investigated. In all 49 investigated cases varied widely across wards, with three .The Aetiological attribution, achieved for 19.5% of cases through PCR-based diagnostics, was significantly affected by delays in field investigation.
The result also revealed that vaginal swabs from aborting dams provided a practical and sensitive source of diagnostic material for pathogen detection.
Livestock abortion surveillance can generate valuable information on causes of zoonotic disease outbreaks, and livestock reproductive losses and can identify important pathogens that are not easily captured through other forms of livestock disease surveillance. The study demonstrated the feasibility of establishing an effective reporting and investigation system that could be implemented across a range of settings, including remote rural areas,
The paper combines both science and socio economic methodology to achieve the aim of the study.
The methodology was well presented and the sequence was great. The authors explain where and how the data was collected. Figure 2 was used to describe the study area which was excellently done. The section on Investigation of cases was well written. The sample analysis was also well written. The authors devoted a section to summarizing the investigated cases and description of the livestock 221-study population. The logic model has been well presented
All the weaknesses identified have been resolved by the the authors
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the importance of livestock abortion surveillance in Tanzania. The authors aim to highlight the significance of this surveillance system in identifying disease priorities and guiding interventions to mitigate the impact of livestock abortions on both animal and human health.
The paper begins by discussing the context of livestock farming in Tanzania and the significant economic and social impact of livestock abortions. The authors then present a detailed overview of the livestock abortion surveillance system in Tanzania, including its objectives, methods, and data collection process. They analyze the data collected from this surveillance system over a specific period to identify the major causes of livestock abortions and assess their public health implications.
Overall, this paper provides valuable insights into the importance of livestock abortion surveillance as a tool for disease prioritization and intervention planning in Tanzania. The authors effectively demonstrate the utility of this surveillance system in identifying emerging diseases, monitoring disease trends, and informing evidence-based interventions to control and prevent livestock abortions.
(1) Clear Objective: The paper clearly articulates its objective of highlighting the value of livestock abortion surveillance in Tanzania.
(2) Comprehensive Analysis: The authors provide a thorough analysis of the surveillance system, including its methodology, data collection process, and findings as seen in the supplementary files.
(3) Practical Implications: The paper discusses the practical implications of the surveillance system for disease control and public health interventions in Tanzania.
(4) Well-Structured: The paper is well-organized, with clear sections and subheadings that facilitate understanding and navigation.
All suggestions made for improvement of the manuscript have been appropriately effected.
Final Recommendation:
Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the literature on livestock abortion surveillance and its implications for disease control in Tanzania.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors delved into an important aspect of abortifacient diseases of livestock in Tanzania. The thoughts of the authors on the topic and its significance have been clarified. The number of wards in the study area, statistical selection of wards, type of questionnaire ie open or close ended. and statistical analyses of outcomes have been clearly elucidated in the manuscript. The exclusion criteria for two wards out of the fifteen wards mentioned in the text are clearly stated. Observations were from pastoral, agro-pastoral and small holder agro ecological farmers. Sample numbers or questionnaires attributed to the above farming systems correlate findings with management systems. The impacts of the research investigation output are clearly visible as to warrant intervention methods. The identified pathogens from laboratory investigation, particularly with the use of culture and PCR, as well as the zoonotic pathogens encountered are stated in the manuscript and the supplementary files.
In conclusion, based on the intent of the authors and content of this research, and the weight of the research topic, the seeming weaknesses in the critical data analysis observed have been clarified, to demonstrate cause, effect and impact.
The authors have carried out the necessary corrections.
The findings do imply that identification of some of the abortifacient of livestock in Tanzania will necessitate important interventions in the control of the diseases in the study area
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Deletion of the hrp2 and hrp3 loci in P. falciparum poses an immediate public health threat. This manuscript provides a more complete understanding of the dynamic nature with which these deletions are generated. By delving into the likely mechanisms behind their generation, the authors also provide interesting insight into general Plasmodium biology that can inform our broader understanding of the parasite's genomic evolution.
The sub-telomeric regions of P. falciparum (where hrp2 and hrp3 are located) are notoriously difficult to study with short-read sequence data. The authors take an appropriate, targeted approach toward studying the loci of interest, which includes read-depth analysis and local haplotype reconstruction. They additionally use both long-read and short-read data to validate their major findings. There is an extensive set of supplementary plots, which helps clarify several aspects of the data.
In this first version, there are a few factors that hinder a full assessment of the robustness and replicability of the results.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Reviewer comment: First, a number of the analyses lack basic details in the methods; for instance, one must visit the authors' personal website to find some of the tools used.
We have extensively updated the methods to clarify which tools were used and how they were run. All code and results for the analyses have been deposited in Zenodo at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12167687.
Reviewer comment: Second, there are several tricky methodological points that are not fully documented. Read depths are treated (and plotted) discretely as 0/1/2 without any discussion of how thresholds were used and determined.
We have added to the methods section the full details on how read depth was handled, including rounding to the closest 1 normalized coverage for visualizations. To ensure analysis of only highly confident deleted strains, normalized coverage of 0.1 or more was round to 1 instead of 0. Samples were considered for potential genomic deletion if they had zero coverage after rounding from chromosome 8 1,375,557 to 1,387,982 for pfhrp2, chromosome 13 from 2,841,776 to 2,844,785 for pfhrp3, and from chromosome 11 1,991,347 to 2,003,328. These numbers were chosen after visual inspection of samples with any zero coverage within the genomic region of pfhrp2/3.
Reviewer comment: For read mapping to standard vs hybrid chromosomes, there is no documentation on how assignments were made if partially ambiguous or how final sample calls were determined when some reads were discordant. There is no mention of how missing data were handled. Without this, it is difficult to know when conclusions were based on analyses that were more quantitative (for instance, using pre-determined read thresholds) or more subjective (with patterns being extracted visually).
We have updated several parts of the methods section to explicitly state what thresholds and analysis pipelines to use, making our documentation clearer. For mapping to the hybrid vs standard chromosomes for the long reads, spanning reads across the duplicated region were required to extend 50bp upstream and downstream of the region. These regions are significantly different between chromosomes 11 and 13, so requiring spanning reads to map to these regions prevented multi-mapping reads. Reads that started within the duplicated region were allowed to map to both the hybrid and standard chromosomes for visualization in Figure 4. Importantly, for both HB3 and SD01, no reads spanned from the duplicated region into chromosome 13, showing a complete lack of reads that contained the portion of chromosome 13 that came after the duplicated region. None of the other isolates had any spanning reads across the hybrid chromosomes. Details on deletion calls were based on initial visualization of pfhrp2/3 and then on read thresholds (see above response for details).
Reviewer comment: Third, while a new method is employed for local haplotype reconstruction (PathWeaver), the manuscript does not include details on this approach or benchmarking data with which to evaluate its performance and understand any potential artifacts.
We have added an analysis based on biallelic SNPs to compare to the PathWeaver results, which produced similar results to help validate the PathWeaver results. PathWeaver manuscript is in preparation.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This work investigates the mechanisms, patterns, and geographical distribution of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions in Plasmodium falciparum. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) detect P. falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) and its paralog PfHRP3 located in subtelomeric regions. However, laboratory and field isolates with deletions of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 that can escape diagnosis by RDTs are spreading in some regions of Africa. They find that pfhrp2 deletions are less common and likely occur through chromosomal breakage with subsequent telomeric healing. Pfhrp3 deletions are more common and show three distinct patterns: loss of chromosome 13 from pfhrp3 to the telomere with evidence of telomere healing at breakpoint (Asia; Pattern 13-); duplication of a chromosome 5 segment containing pfhrp1 on chromosome 13 through non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) (Asia; Pattern 13-5++); and the most common pattern, duplication of a chromosome 11 segment on chromosome 13 through NAHR (Americas/Africa; Pattern 13-11++). The loss of these genes impacts the sensitivity of RDTs, and knowing these patterns and geographic distribution makes it possible to make better decisions for malaria control.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The study provides a detailed analysis of the chromosomal rearrangements related to the deletions of histidine-rich protein 2 (pfhrp2) and pfhrp3 genes in P. falciparum that have clinical significance since malaria rapid diagnostic tests detect these parasite proteins. A large number of publicly available short sequence reads for the whole genome of the parasite were analyzed, and data on coverage and discordant mapping allowed the authors to identify deletions, duplications, and chromosomal rearrangements related to pfhrp3 deletions. Long-read sequences showed support for the presence of a normal chromosome 11 and a hybrid 13-11 chromosome lacking pfhrp3 in some of the pfhrp3-deleted parasites. The findings support that these translocations have repeatedly occurred in natural populations. The authors discuss the implications of these findings and how they do or do not support previous hypotheses on the emergence of these deletions and the possible selective pressures involved.
The genomic regions where these genes are located are challenging to study since they are highly repetitive and paralogous and the use of long-read sequencing allowed to span the duplicated regions, giving support to the identification of the hybrid 13-11 chromosome.
All publicly available whole-genome sequences of the malaria parasite from around the world were analysed which allowed an overview of the worldwide variability, even though this analysis is biased by the availability of sequences, as the authors recognize.
Despite the reduced sample size, the detailed analysis of haplotypes and identification of the location of breakpoints gives support to a single origin event for the 13-5++ parasites.
The analysis of haplotype variation across the duplicated chromosome-11 segment identified breakpoints at varied locations that support multiple translocation events in natural populations. The authors suggest these translocations may be occurring at high frequency in meiosis in natural populations but are strongly selected against in most circumstances, which remains to be tested.
Reviewer comment: Relying on sequence data publicly available, that were collected based on diagnostic test positivity and that are limited by sequencing availability, limits the interpretation of the occurrence and relative frequency of the deletions.
However, we have uncovered more mechanisms than previously detected for hrp2 (involving MDR1) in SEA and South American parasites are likely detected by microscopy as RDTs were never introduced due to the presence of the deletions.
Reviewer comment: In the discussion, caution is needed when identifying the least common and most common mechanisms and their geographical associations. The identification of only one type of deletion pattern for Pfhrp2 may be related to these biases.
We added a section in the Discussion on the limitations of our study, which states the following, “Limitations of this study include the use of publicly available sequencing data that were collected often based on positive rapid diagnostic tests, which limits our interpretation of the occurrence and relative frequency of these deletions. This could introduce regional biases due to different diagnostic methods as well as limit the full range of deletion mechanisms, particularly pfhrp2.”
Reviewer comment: The specific objectives of the study are not stated clearly, and it is sometimes difficult to know which findings are new to this study. Is it the first study analyzing all the worldwide available sequences? Is it the first one to do long-read sequencing to span the entire duplicated region?
In the Introduction, we added, “The objectives of this study were to determine the pfhrp3 deletion patterns along with their geographical associations and sequence and assemble the chromosomes containing the deletions using long-read sequencing.”
We also added in the Discussion, “To the best of our knowledge, no prior studies have performed long-read sequencing to definitively span and assemble the entire segmental duplication involved in the deletions.”
Reviewer comment: Another aspect that should be explained in the introduction is that there was previous information about the association of the deletions to patterns found in chromosomes 5 and 11. In the short-read sequences results, it is not clear if these chromosomes were analysed because of the associations found in this study (and no associations were found to putative duplications or deletions in other chromosomes), or if they were specifically included in the analysis because of the previous information (and the other chromosomes were not analysed).
The former is correct. Chromosomes 5 and 11 were analyzed due to the associations found in this study, not from prior information. We have added the following sentence in the Results: “As a result of our short-read analysis demonstrating these three patterns and discordant reads between the chromosomes involved, chromosomes 5, 11, and 13 were further examined. No other chromosomes had associated discordant reads or changes in read coverage. ”
Reviewer comment: An interesting statement in the discussion is that existing pfhrp3 deletions in a low-transmission environment may provide a genetic background on which less frequent pfhrp2 deletion events can occur. Does it mean that the occurrence of pfhrp3 deletions would favor the pfhrp2 deletion events? How, and is there any evidence for that?
We should have stated more explicitly that selection would better be able to act on the now doubly deleted parasite versus a parasite with HRP3 still intact and weakly detectable by RDTs.Since fully RDT-negative parasites require a two-hit mechanism, where both pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 need to be deleted, and since there appear to be more mechanisms and drivers for pfhrp3 deletions, this would create a population of parasites with one hit already and would only require the additional hit of pfhrp2 deletion to occur to become RDT negative. So the point in the discussion being made is not that the pfhrp3 deletion would favor pfhrp2 deletion but rather that there is a population circulating with one hit already, which would make it more likely that the less frequent pfhrp2 deletion would result in a dual deleted parasite and therefore an RDT-negative parasite. The discussion has been modified to the following to try to make this point more clear. “In the setting of RDT use in a low-transmission environment, a pfhrp2 deletion occurring in the context of an existing pfhrp3 deletion may be more strongly selected for compared to pfhrp2 deletion occurring alone still detectable by RDTs.”
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Reviewer comment: In the text, clonal propagation is the proposed hypothesis for the presence of near-identical copies of the chromosome 11 duplicated region. Even among the parasites showing variation between chromosomes, Figure 5 shows 3 haplotype groups with multiple sample members, which is also suggestive that these are highly related parasites. In addition to confirming COI status, it would be straightforward to calculate the genome-wide relatedness between/among parasites belonging to the same haplotype group. The assumption is that they are clones or highly related. A different finding would require more thought into potential genomic artifacts driving the pattern.
Thank you for this helpful suggestion. We confirmed the COI of each sample using THE REAL McCOIL. Six samples were not monoclonal, and we removed these samples from the downstream analysis to remove any contribution of polyclonal samples to the downstream haplotype analysis. Then, by using hmmIBD on whole-genome biallelic SNPs, we determined the whole-genome relatedness between the parasites. The haplotype groups do appear clonal though there appear to be several clonal groups within the larger groups of clusters 01 (n=28) and 03 (n=12) which combined with the variation seen within the 15.2kb region on chromosome 11/13, there appears to be different events that then lead to the same duplicated chromosome 11.
Reviewer comment: By way of validating the PathWeaver results, it could be useful to use another comparator method on the samples that are COI=1 or 2.
We have added an analysis based on biallelic SNPs to compare to the PathWeaver results, which produced similar results to help validate the PathWeaver results. We continued to use PathWeaver (Hathaway, in preparation), which is better able to detect variation relative to standard GATK4 analyses due to the refined local alignments from assembled haplotypes.
Questions regarding Methods:
Reviewer comment: Were any metrics of genome quality factored into sample selection?
Yes, samples were removed if there was less than <5x median whole genome coverage. Additionally, several subsets of sWGA samples were removed based on visual inspection. These details have been added to the methods section.
Reviewer comment: How were polyclonal samples treated to ensure they did not produce analysis artifacts?
The read-depth analysis required zero coverage across the regions of pfhrp2/pfhrp3, which made it so that most of the samples analyzed were monoclonal (or polyclonal infections of only deleted strains). We have now used THE REAL McCOIL on whole genome SNPs to determine COIs. Six samples were identified as polyclonal, and we removed them for the analysis and updated the manuscript. Their removal did not significantly impact the results or conclusions.
Reviewer comment: How was local realignment of short-read data performed? Was this step informed by the conserved, non-paralogous genomic regions, or were these only used for downstream variant analysis?
No local realignment of short-read data was performed. The analysis was either read depth or de novo assembly from reads from specific regions. Regarding the de novo assembly, variant calls were replaced by complete local haplotypes, and a region was typed based on the haplotype called for the region.
Reviewer comment: For read-depth estimation, what cutoffs were used to classify windows as deletion, WT, or duplication? How much variability was present in the data? The plot legends imply a continuous scale, but in reality, only 3 discrete colors are used (0, 1, 2), so these must represent the data after rounding.
These have been added to the manuscript. See response to Reviewer #1 questions #2 and #3 above
Reviewer comment: Similarly, what thresholds were used for mapping the long-reads? In Fig S21, it appears there is a high proportion of discordant reads.
Long reads were mapped using minimap2 with default settings. For Figure 21, since it is from the mappings to 3D7 chromosome 11 and hybrid 3D7 13-11 chromosome, the genome from the duplicated region from the blue bar underneath is identical, so reads are expected to map to both since the genome regions are identical. The significance of this figure and Figure 4 is the number of long reads that span the whole chr11/13 duplicated region connection the 3D7 chromosome 11 and the hybrid proving that there are reads that start with chromosome 13 sequence and end with chromosome 11 sequence and the lack of reads that span from chromosome 13 into the 3D7 chromosome 13.
Reviewer comment: The section on the mdr1 breakpoints is too vague.
We have updated the methods section to be more explicit about how these breakpoints were determined.
Reviewer comment: I assume that the "Homologous Genomic Structure" section of the Methods is the number analysis that was alluded to in the Results? As with other sections, this needs more information on exact methods and tools
We have now updated the methods section to include exactly how the nucmer commands were run.
Smaller comments:
Reviewer comment: Introduction sub-header: "Precise *pfhrp2* and..."
We have corrected the sub-header.
Reviewer comment: Results (p.5) cite Table S4 instead of S3
We have corrected this to Table S3.
Reviewer comment: Results (p.5) "We identified 27 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion, 172 with pfhrp3 deletion, and 21 with both pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions." This sentence makes it sound like they are 3 mutually exclusive categories. I'd suggest a rewording like "We identified 27 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion and 172 with pfhrp3 deletion. Of these, 21 contained both deletions."
We have re-worded this sentence to the following: “We identified 26 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion and 168 with pfhrp3 deletion. Twenty field samples contained both deletions; 11 were found in Ethiopia, 6 in Peru, and 3 in Brazil, and all had the 13-11++ pfhrp3 deletion pattern.”
Reviewer comment: The annotations used for the deletions differ between the text and the figures. It would be easier for the reader to harmonize the two if these matched.
The figures have been updated to reflect the annotations of the text.
Reviewer comment: Figure numbering does not match the order they are first referenced in the text
The figure numbers have been updated to match the order in which they are first referenced.
Reviewer comment: Results (p. 8) there is no Table S4
This has been changed to Table S3.
Reviewer comment: Results (p.8) mention a genome-wide number analysis, but I couldn't find these results. The referenced figure is for the duplicated region only.
We have updated to point to the correct location of the nucmer results by adding a supplemental table with the results and updated to point to the correct figure.
Reviewer comment: Discussion typo: "Here, we used publicly available short-read and long-read *short-read sequencing data* from..."
This was not a typo, as we used publicly available PacBio long-read data and then generated new Nanopore long-read data. However, we did clarify this in the sentence.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Reviewer comment: "(...) suggesting the genes have important infections in normal infections and their loss is selected against". The word "infections" is in place of "role", etc.
We have changed the word accordingly.
Reviewer comment: In the section "Pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions in the global P. falciparum genomic dataset" it is mentioned the number of parasites with each deletion and where it is more common. "We identified 27 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion, 172 with pfhrp3 deletion, and 21 with both pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions." and "Across all regions, pfhrp3 deletions were more common than pfhrp2 deletions; specifically, pfhrp3 deletions and pfhrp2 deletions were present in Africa in 43 and 12, Asia in 53 and 4, and South America in 76 and 11 parasites." It is not clear where the 21 parasites with both pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions are located.
We have specified the following in the Results section: “We identified 26 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion and 168 with pfhrp3 deletion. Twenty field samples contained both deletions; 11 were found in Ethiopia, 6 in Peru, and 3 in Brazil, and all had the 13-11++ pfhrp3 deletion pattern”
Reviewer comment: "It should be noted that these numbers are not accurate measures of prevalence given that most WGS specimens have been collected based on RDT positivity." This, combined with the fact that subtelomeric regions are difficult to sequence and assembly, means these numbers are underestimated. I believe it should be more stressed in the text.
We have added the following sentence, “Furthermore, subtelomeric regions are difficult to sequence and assemble, meaning these numbers may be significantly underestimated.”
Reviewer comment: In the section "Pattern 13-11++ breakpoint occurs in a segmental duplication of ribosomal genes on chromosomes 11 and 13", Figures 2a and 2b should be mentioned in the text instead of just Figure 2.
We have specified Figures 2a and 2b in the text now.
Figures and Tables:
Reviewer comment: Figure 2: I believe the color scale for percentage of identity is unnecessary given that the goal is to show that the paralogs are highly similar, and not that there is a significant difference between 0.99 and 0.998.
Updated the color scale to represent the number of variants between segments rather than percent identity which ranges between 55-133 so that it represents something more discreet than 0.99 and 0.998.
Reviewer comment: Adjust Figure 2b and the size of supplementary figure legends.Supplementary Figure 5-15: the legends are hard to read.
All legends have been adjusted to be much more readable.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Some minor suggestions:
Reviewer comment: The order of the figures should follow the flow of the text, for example, Figure 5 appears in the text between Figure 1 and Figure 2.
We have reordered the figures according to the order in which they appear in the text.
Reviewer comment: Page 3 - "deleted parasites" - better to use: pfhrp2/3-deleted parasites.
We have edited this accordingly.
Reviewer comment: Define the acronyms the first time they are used, e.g. SEA.
We have defined the acronyms accordingly.
Reviewer comment: In the figures where pfmdr1 appears, indicate the correspondence to the full name of the gene that appears in the legend (multidrug resistance protein 1).
Legends updated.
Reviewer comment: Page 5 - Table S4 is missing.
We apologize for our typo. There is no Table S4. We meant to refer to Table S3, which has been updated accordingly.
Reviewer comment: Page 5 - "We identified 27 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion, 172 with pfhrp3 deletion, and 21 with both pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions" - is it "and 21..." OR "from which, 21..."?
We have reworded the sentence to the following: “We identified 26 parasites with pfhrp2 deletion and 168 with pfhrp3 deletion. Twenty field samples contained both deletions; 11 were found in Ethiopia, 6 in Peru, and 3 in Brazil, and all had the 13-11++ pfhrp3 deletion pattern.”
Reviewer comment: Page 5 - "most WGS specimens have been collected based on RDT positivity." - explain better which tests are done - to detect pfhrp2, pfhrp3 or both?
Co-occurrence is not detected?
We used all publicly available WGS data that spanned over 30 studies, and the exact details of what RDTs were used are not readily available to fully answer this question. Though the exact details of RDTs are not known, this does not affect the deletion patterns found in the genomic data but does limit the ability to comment on how this affects prevalence. We have updated the manuscript to the following to be more explicit that we don’t have the full details: “It should be noted that these numbers are not accurate measures of prevalence, given that the publicly available WGS specimens utilized in this analysis come from locations and time periods that commonly used RDT positivity for collection”
Reviewer comment: Supplementary Figure 1 - Legend for "Pattern" - what is the white?
The “Pattern” refers to pfhrp3 deletion pattern with “white” being no pfhrp3 deletion. The annotation title has been changed to “pfhrp3- Pattern” to make this more clear and added to the text of the legend the following:”Of the 6 parasites without HRP3 deletion (marked as white in pfhrp3- Pattern column for having no pfhrp3 deletion),...”
Reviewer comment: Supplementary Figure 8 - explain the haplotype rank. How was it obtained?
The haplotype rank is based on the prevalence of the haplotype. To clarify this better the following has been added to the caption “Each column contains the haplotypes for that genomic region colored by the haplotype prevalence rank (more prevalent have a lower rank number, with most prevalent having rank 1) at that window/column. Colors are by frequency rank of the haplotypes (most prevalent haplotypes have rank 1 and colored red, 2nd most prevalent haplotypes are rank 2 and colored orange, and so forth. Shared colors between columns do not mean they are the same haplotype. If the column is black, there is no variation at that genomic window.”
Reviewer comment: Figure 1 - Pattern in legend appears 11++13- but in text it is always referenced as 13-11++
Figure legend has been updated to reflect the annotation within the text
Reviewer comment: Page 6 - pattern 13- is which one(s) in Figure 1?
This refers to the 13- with TARE1 sequence detected, the text has been updated to “(pattern 13-TARE1)” and the legend of Figure 1 has been updated so these statements match more closely.
Reviewer comment: Page 7 - states "The 21 parasites with pattern 13-" and refers to Supplementary Figure 3 which presents "50 parasites with deletion pattern 13-". I believe this is pattern 13- unassociated with other rearrangements but it should be made clear in the text and legend of the supplementary figure.
Thank you, you are correct. The manuscript has been updated in two locations for better clarity. The text has been updated to be “The 20 parasites with pattern 13-TARE1 without associated other chromosome rearrangements had deletions of the core genome averaging 19kb (range: 11-31kb). Of these 13-TARE1 deletions, 19 out of 20 had detectable TARE1 (pattern 13-TARE) adjacent to the breakpoint, consistent with telomere healing.” The Supplemental Figure 3 legend has been updated to “for the 48 parasites with pfhrp3 deletions not associated with pattern 13-11++”
Reviewer comment: Supplementary figure 25 - "regions containing the pfhrp genes (lighter blue bars below chromosomes 11 and 13)" - the light blue bars are shown below chromosome 8 and 13; what is the difference between yellow and pink bars (telomere associates repetitive elements in the truncated legend)?
The yellow bars are associated with the telomere-associated repetitive element 3 and the pink bars are telomere-associated repetitive element 1. To add clarity the legend has been updated to be “The yellow (TARE3) and pink (TARE1) bars on the bottom of the chromosomes represent the telomere-associated repetitive elements found at the end of chromosomes.”
Reviewer comment: It would be helpful to have a positioning scale in the figures.
Most plots have y-axis and x-axis with the genomic positioning labeled which can serve as a positioning scale so we opted not to add more to the figures to keep them less crowded. Other plots have regions plotted in genomic order but are all relatively positioned which prevents the usage of a positioning scale, we tried to clarify this by adding more details to the captions of these figures.
Reviewer comment: Legend of Figure 6 - The last paragraph seems to be out of place
We have deleted the last sentence in the legend of Figure 6 accordingly.
eLife assessment
This work provides important insight into the mechanisms of hrp2 and particularly hrp3 deletion generation. The generation of additional long-read data alongside a new analysis of 19,000 public short-read sequenced genomes makes this the most detailed investigation currently available on this topic, which has high public health importance and also basic biological interest. The revised version of the manuscript provides convincing evidence for the proposed mechanisms.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Deletion of the hrp2 and hrp3 loci in P. falciparum poses an immediate public health threat. This manuscript provides a more complete understanding of the dynamic nature with which these deletions are generated. By delving into the likely mechanisms behind their generation, the authors also provide interesting insight into general Plasmodium biology that can inform our broader understanding of the parasite's genomic evolution.
The sub-telomeric regions of P. falciparum (where hrp2 and hrp3 are located) are notoriously difficult to study with short-read sequence data. The authors take an appropriate, targeted approach toward studying the loci of interest, which includes read-depth analysis and local haplotype reconstruction. They additionally use both long-read and short-read data to validate their major findings. There is an extensive set of supplementary plots, which helps clarify several aspects of the data.
The revised version of this manuscript has helpfully expanded the details regarding methodology, however, publication of the tool PathWeaver (which is used for local haplotype reconstruction) remains in preparation.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This work investigates the mechanisms, patterns and geographical distribution of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 deletions in Plasmodium falciparum. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) detect P. falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) and its paralog PfHRP3 located in subtelomeric regions. However, laboratory and field isolates with deletions of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 that can escape diagnosis by RDTs are spreading in some regions of Africa. They find that pfhrp2 deletions are less common and likely occurs through chromosomal breakage with subsequent telomeric healing. Pfhrp3 deletions are more common and show three distinct patterns: loss of chromosome 13 from pfhrp3 to the telomere with evidence of telomere healing at breakpoint (Asia; Pattern 13-); duplication of a chromosome 5 segment containing pfhrp1 on chromosome 13 through non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) (Asia; Pattern 13-5++); and the most common pattern, duplication of a chromosome 11 segment on chromosome 13 through NAHR (Americas/Africa; Pattern 13-11++). The loss of these genes impact the sensitivity od RDTs, and knowing these patterns and geographic distribution makes it possible to make better decisions for malaria control.
Comments on latest version:
The authors answered all my questions.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The study provides a detailed analysis of the chromosomal rearrangements related to the deletions of histidine-rich protein 2 (pfhrp2) and pfhrp3 genes in P. falciparum that have clinical significance since malaria rapid diagnostic tests detect these parasite proteins. A large number of publicly available short sequence reads for whole-genome of the parasite were analyzed and data on coverage and on discordant mapping allowed to identify deletions, duplications and chromosomal rearrangements related to pfhrp3 deletions. Long-read sequences showed support for the presence of a normal chromosome 11 and a hybrid 13-11 chromosome lacking pfhrp3 in some of the pfhrp3-deleted parasites. The findings support that these translocations have repeatedly occurred in natural populations. The authors discuss the implications of these findings and how they support or not previous hypothesis on the emergence of these deletions and the possible selective pressures involved.
The genomic regions where these genes are located are challenging to study since they are highly repetitive and paralogous and the use of long read sequencing allowed to span the duplicated regions, giving support to the identification of the hybrid 13-11 chromosome.
All publicly available whole-genome sequences of the malaria parasite from around the world were analysed which allowed an overview of the worldwide variability, even though this analysis is biased by the availability of sequences, as the authors recognize.
Despite the reduced sample size, the detailed analysis of haplotypes and identification of location of breakpoints gives support to a single origin event for the 13-5++ parasites.
The analysis of haplotype variation across the duplicated chromosome-11 segment identified breakpoints at varied locations that support multiple translocation events in natural populations. The authors suggest these translocations may be occurring at high frequency in meiosis in natural populations but strongly selected against in most circumstances, which remains to be tested.
In this new version, the authors have addressed the points raised previously and adequately discuss the limitations of the study.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This important work by Malita et al. describes a mechanism by which an intestinal infection causes an increase in daytime sleep through signaling from the gut to the blood-brain barrier. Their findings suggest that cytokines upd3 and upd2 produced by the intestine following infection act on the glia of the blood-brain barrier to regulate sleep by modulating Allatostatin A signaling. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid. Further verification of certain critical tools, and addressing a few discrepancies from data previously published, would improve this work.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment
This study presents a valuable dataset regarding chromatin remodeling by the BAF complex in the context of meiotic sex chromosome inactivation. Solid data generally support the conclusions, although the partial deletion of the BAF complex in the germline could be considered limiting. This work will be of interest to researchers working on chromatin and reproductive biology.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Magnuson and colleagues investigate the meiotic functions of ARID1A, a putative DNA binding subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler BAF. The authors develop a germ cell specific conditional knockout (cKO) mouse model using Stra8-cre and observe that ARID1A-deficient cells fail to progress beyond pachytene, although due to inefficiency of the Stra8-cre system the mice retain ARID1A-expressing cells that yield sperm and allow fertility. Because ARID1A was found to accumulate at the XY body late in Prophase I, the authors suspected a potential role in meiotic silencing and by RNAseq observe significant misexpression of sex-linked genes that typically are silenced at pachytene. They go on to show that ARID1A is required for exclusion of RNA PolII from the sex body and for limiting promoter accessibility at sex-linked genes, consistent with a meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) defect in cKO mice. The authors proceed to investigate the impacts of ARID1A on H3.3 deposition genome-wide. H3.3 is known be regulated by ARID1A and is linked to silencing, and here the authors find that upon loss of ARID1A, overall H3.3 enrichment at the sex body as measured by IF failed to occur, but H3.3 was enriched specifically at transcriptional start sites of sex-linked genes that are normally regulated by ARID1A. The results suggest that ARID1A normally prevents H3.3 accumulation at target promoters on sex chromosomes and based on additional data, restricts H3.3 to intergenic sites. Finally, the authors present data implicating ARID1A and H3.3 occupancy in DSB repair, finding that ARID1A cKO leads to a reduction in focus formation by DMC1, a key repair protein. Overall the paper provides new insights into the process of MSCI from the perspective of chromatin composition and structure and raises interesting new questions about the interplay between chromatin structure, meiotic silencing and DNA repair.
In general the data are convincing. The conditional KO mouse model has some inherent limitations due to incomplete recombination and the existence of 'escaper' cells that express ARID1A and progress through meiosis normally. This reviewer feels that the authors have addressed this point thoroughly and have demonstrated clear and specific phenotypes using the best available animal model. The data demonstrate that the mutant cells fail to progress past pachytene, although it is unclear whether this specifically reflects pachytene arrest, as accumulation in other stages of Prophase is also suggested by the data in Table 1.
The revised manuscript more appropriately describes the relationship between ARID1A and DNA damage response (DDR) signaling. The authors don't see defects in a few DDR markers in ARID1A CKO cells (including a low resolution assessment of ATR), suggesting that ARID1A may not be required for meiotic DDR signaling. However, as previously noted the data do not rule out the possibility that ARID1A is downstream of DDR signaling, and the authors note the possibility of a role for DDR signaling upstream of ARID1A.
A final comment relates to the impacts of ARID1A loss on DMC1 focus formation and the interesting observation of reduced sex chromosome association by DMC1. The authors additionally assess the related recombinase RAD51 and suggest that it is unaffected by ARID1A loss. However, only a single image of RAD51 staining in the cKO is provided (Fig. S11) and there are no associated quantitative data provided. The data are suggestive and conclusions about the impacts of ARID1A loss on RAD51 must be considered as preliminary until more rigorously assessed.
Comments on latest version:
The authors have effectively addressed the minor issues raised in the most recent round of non-public reviews. This reviewer has no additional recommendations.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Reviewer 1:
I understand that the only spermatids observed in cKO testes are coming from cells that escaped the Cre system. However, I do think that the authors could provide sperm counts data also showing decreased sperm counts in the mutant, to make their claim stronger. This is a very common fertility assessment.
All round spermatids isolated from Arid1acKO testes appeared only to express the normal transcript associated with the floxed allele (Fig. S4A).
[New Data - Lines 154-159] Our evaluation of the first round of spermatid development based on DNA content (1C, 2C, and 4C), revealed a significantly reduced abundance of round spermatids (1C) in mutant testes compared to wild-type testes. This finding, obtained through flow cytometry, supports the observed meiotic block at the pachytene stage (new Fig. S5A-B).
Reviewer 3:
Lines 154-5: Currently read 'inefficient Stra8-cre inefficiency'. Should read 'inefficient Stra8-cre activity.' I see that this was noted in the first round of review but the original wording has persisted.
The nucleolin antibody used should be listed in Supplementary table 3.
'inefficient Stra8-cre inefficiency' now reads “inefficient Stra8-Cre activity” [Line 158]
Nucleolin antibody is now listed in Supplementary Table 3
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife assessment:
This theoretical study makes a useful contribution to our understanding of a subtype of type 2 diabetes – ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus (KPD) – with a potential impact on our broader understanding of diabetes and glucose regulation. The article presents an ordinary differential equation-based model for KPD that incorporates a number of distinct timescales – fast, slow, as well as intermediate, incorporating a key hypothesis of reversible beta cell deactivation. The presented evidence is solid and shows that observed clinical disease trajectories may be explained by a simple mathematical model in a particular parameter regime.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The goal of this work is to understand the clinical observation of a subgroup of diabetics who experience extremely high levels of blood glucose levels after a period of high carbohydrate intake. These symptoms are similar to the onset of Type 1 diabetes but, crucially, have been observed to be fully reversible in some cases.
The authors interpret these observations by analyzing a simple yet insightful mathematical model in which β-cells temporarily stop producing insulin when exposed to high levels of glucose. For a specific model realization of such dynamics (and for specific parameter values) they show that such dynamics lead to two distinct stable states. One is the relatively normal/healthy state in which β-cells respond appropriately to glucose by releasing insulin. In contrast, when enough β-cells "refuse" to produce insulin in a high-glucose environment, there is not enough insulin to reduce glucose levels, and the high-glucose state remains locked in because the high-glucose levels keep β-cells in their inactive state. The presented mathematical analysis shows that in their model the high-glucose state can be entered through an episode of high glucose levels and that subsequently the low-glucose state can be re-entered through prolonged insulin intake.
The strength of this work is twofold. First, the intellectual sharpness of translating clinical observations of ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes (KPD) into the need for β-cell responses on intermediate timescales. Second, the analysis of a specific model clearly establishes that the clinical observations can be reproduced with a model in which β-cells dynamics reversibly enter a non-insulin-producing state in a glucose-dependent fashion.
The likely impact of this work is a shift in attention in the field from a focus on the short and long-term dynamics in glucose regulation and diabetes progression to the intermediate timescales of β-cell dynamics. I expect this to lead to much interest in probing the assumptions behind the model to establish what exactly the process is by which patients enter a 'KPD state'. Furthermore, I expect this work to trigger much research on how KPD relates to "regular" type 2 diabetes and to lead to experimental efforts to find/characterize previously overlooked β-cell phenotypes.
In summary, the authors claim that observed clinical dynamics and possible remission of KPD can be explained through introducing a temporarily inactive β-cell state into a "standard model" of diabetes. The evidence for this claim comes from analyzing a mathematical model and clearly presented. Importantly, the authors point out that this does not mean their model is correct. Other hypotheses are that:
- Instead of switching to an inactive state, individual β-cells could adjust how they respond to high glucose levels. If this response function changes reversibly on intermediate timescales the clinical observations could be explained without a reversible inactive state.
- Kidney function is indirectly impaired through chronic high glucose levels. The apparent rapid glucose increase might then not highlight a new type of β-cell phenotype but would reflect rapid changes in kidney function.
- In principle, the remission could be due to a direct response of β-cells to insulin and not mediated through the lowering of glucose levels.
Crucially, the hypothesized reversibly inactive state of β-cells remains to be directly observed. One of the key contributions of this theoretical work is directing experimental focus towards looking for reversible β-cell phenotypes.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Ridout et al. present an intriguing extension of beta cell mass-focused models for diabetes. Their model incorporates reversible glucose-dependent inactivation of beta cell mass, which can trigger sudden-onset hyperglycemia due to bistability in beta cell mass dynamics. Notably, this hyperglycemia can be reversed with insulin treatment. The model is simple, elegant, and thought-provoking.
Concerning the grounding in experimental phenomenology, it would be beneficial to identify specific experiments to strengthen the model. In particular, what evidence supports reversible beta cell inactivation? This could potentially be tested in mice, for instance, by using an inducible beta cell reporter, treating the animals with high glucose levels, and then measuring the phenotype of the marked cells. Such experiments, if they exist, would make the motivation for the model more compelling. For quantitative experiments, the authors should be more specific about the features of beta cell dysfunction in KPD. Does the dysfunction manifest in fasting glucose, glycemic responses, or both? Is there a "pre-KPD" condition? What is known about the disease's timescale?
The authors should also consider whether their model could apply to other conditions besides KPD. For example, the phenomenology seems similar to the "honeymoon" phase of T1D. Making a strong case for the model in this scenario would be fascinating.
Author response:
Response to Public Comment of Reviewer 1: We thank the Reviewer for the positive assessment of the manuscript. We also are grateful to the Reviewer for pointing out that providing alternatives to our model is a strength, and not a weakness, potentially stimulating future experiments that could falsify our model.
Response to Public Comment of Reviewer 2: We thank the Reviewer for the positive assessment of the manuscript.
In our manuscript, we already provide some references to evidence supporting reversible β-cell inactivation in a high-glucose environment. In the revision, we will expand this discussion, emphasize it, and add additional references that we have discovered recently.
In the revision, we will additionally expand our discussion of what is and is not known about the features of β-cell dysfunction in KPD, the relevant timescales, and so on. We will expand on how little is known about the possible pre-KPD state: individuals with KPD usually show up in a hospital with a new onset of diabetes, and often have had little access to medical care prior to this presentation. Thus, prior medical records are often unavailable. We hope this theoretical work will help justify appropriate future studies of the clinical history of KPD patients.
In the revision of the manuscript, we plan to briefly discuss how our model might, indeed, account for the honeymoon phase of type 1 diabetes, as well as for some phenomenology of gestational diabetes, and progression of type 2 diabetes in youth. In other words, the model developed for explaining KPD is potentially much broader, explaining many other phenomena. However, we prefer to leave the detailed modeling of these conditions, and comparisons to alternate hypotheses of their pathogenesis, to a future publication.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
eLife assessment
This valuable study advances our understanding of the histopathological features of type 1 diabetes, in particular in regard to the composition and spatial organization of pancreas infiltrating immune cells. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincingly grounded in an application of both state-of-the-art high-dimensional in situ immunostaining technology as well as a tailored image analysis strategy. The work will be of broad interest to type 1 diabetes researchers as it contributes to a better understanding of the disease's etiopathology.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Barlow and coauthors utilized the high-parameter imaging platform of CODEX to characterize the cellular composition of immune cells in situ from tissues obtained from organ donors with type 1 diabetes, subjects presented with autoantibodies who are at elevated risk, or non-diabetic organ donor controls. The panels used in this important study were based on prior publications using this technology, as well as a priori and domain-specific knowledge of the field by the investigators. Thus, there was some bias in the markers selected for analysis. The authors acknowledge that these types of experiments may be complemented moving forward with the inclusion of unbiased tissue analysis platforms that are emerging that can conduct a more comprehensive analysis of pathological signatures employing emerging technologies for both high-parameter protein imaging and spatial transcriptomics.
In terms of major findings, the authors provide important confirmatory observations regarding a number of autoimmune-associated signatures reported previously. The high parameter staining now increases the resolution for linking these features with specific cellular subsets using machine learning algorithms. These signatures include a robust signature indicative of IFN-driven responses that would be expected to induce a cytotoxic T-cell-mediated immune response within the pancreas. Notable findings include the upregulation of indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 in the islet microvasculature. Furthermore, the authors provide key insights as to the cell:cell interactions within organ donors, again supporting a previously reported interaction between presumably autoreactive T and B cells.
These studies also highlight a number of molecular pathways that will require additional validation studies to more completely understand whether they are potentially causal for pathology, or rather, epiphenomenon associated with increased innate inflammation within the pancreas of T1D subjects. Given the limitations noted above, the study does present a rich and integrated dataset for analysis of enriched immune markers that can be segmented and annotated within distinct cellular networks. This enabled the authors to analyze distinct cellular subsets and phenotypes in situ, including within islets that peri-islet infiltration and/or intra-islet insulitis.
Despite the many technical challenges and unique organ donor cohort utilized, the data are still limited in terms of subject numbers - a challenge in a disease characterized by extensive heterogeneity in terms of age of onset and clinical and histopathological presentation. Therefore, these studies cannot adequately account for all of the potential covariates that may drive variability and alterations in the histopathologies observed (such as age of onset, background genetics, and organ donor conditions). In this study, the manuscript and figures could be improved in terms of clarifying how variable the observed signatures were across each individual donor, with the clear notion that non-diabetic donors will present with some similar challenges and variability.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors aimed to characterize the cellular phenotype and spatial relationship of cell types infiltrating the islets of Langerhans in human T1D using CODEX, a multiplexed examination of cellular markers
Major strengths of this study are the use of pancreas tissue from well-characterized tissue donors, and the use of CODEX, a state-of-the-art detection technique of extensive characterization and spatial characterization of cell types and cellular interactions. The authors have achieved their aims with the identification of the heterogeneity of the CD8+ T cell populations in insulitis, the identification of a vasculature phenotype and other markers that may mark insulitis-prone islets, and the characterization of tertiary lymphoid structures in the acinar tissue of the pancreas. These findings are very likely to have a positive impact on our understanding (conceptual advance) of the cellular factors involved in T1D pathogenesis which the field requires to make progress in therapeutics.
A major limitation of the study is the cohort size, which the authors directly state. However, this study provides avenues of inquiry for researchers to gain further understanding of the pathological process in human T1D.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors applied an innovative approach (CO-Detection by indEXing - CODEX) together with sophisticated computational analyses to image pancreas tissues from rare organ donors with type 1 diabetes. They aimed to assess key features of inflammation in both islet and extra-islet tissue areas; they reported that the extra-islet space of lobules with extensive islet infiltration differs from the extra-islet space of less infiltrated areas within the same tissue section. The study also identifies four sub-states of inflamed islets characterized by the activation profiles of CD8+T cells enriched in islets relative to the surrounding tissue. Lymphoid structures are identified in the pancreas tissue away from islets, and these were enriched in CD45RA+ T cells - a population also enriched in one of the inflamed islet sub-states. Together, these data help define the coordination between islets and the extra-islet pancreas in the pathogenesis of human T1D.
The analysis of tissue from well-characterized organ donors, provided by the Network for the Pancreatic Organ Donor with Diabetes, adds strength to the validity of the findings.
By using their innovative imaging/computation approaches, key known features of islet autoimmunity were confirmed, providing validation of the methodology.
The detection of IDO+ vasculature in inflamed islets - but not in normal islets or islets that have lost insulin-expression links this expression to the islet inflammation, and it is a novel observation. IDO expression in the vasculature may be induced by inflammation and may be lost as disease progresses, and it may provide a potential therapeutic avenue.
The high-dimensional spatial phenotyping of CD8+T cells in T1D islets confirmed that most T cells were antigen-experienced. Some additional subsets were noted: a small population of T cells expressing CD45RA and CD69, possibly naive or TEMRA cells, and cells expressing Lag-3, Granzyme-B, and ICOS.
While much attention has been devoted to the study of the insulitis lesion in T1D, our current knowledge is quite limited; the description of four sub-clusters characterized by the activation profile of the islet-infiltrating CD8+T cells is novel. Their presence in all T1D donors indicates that the disease process is asynchronous and is not at the same stage across all islets. Although this concept is not novel, this appears to be the most advanced characterization of insulitis stages.
When examining together both the exocrine and islet areas, which is rarely done, authors report that pancreatic lobules affected by insulitis are characterized by distinct tissue markers. Their data support the concept that disease progression may require crosstalk between cells in the islet and extra-islet compartments. Lobules enriched in β-cell-depleted islets were also enriched in nerves, vasculature, and Granzyme-B+/CD3- cells, which may be natural killer cells.
Lastly, authors report that immature tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) exist both near and away from islets, where CD45RA+ CD8+T cells aggregate, and also observed an inflamed islet-subcluster characterized by an abundance of CD45RA+/CD8+ T cells. These TLS may represent a point of entry for T cells and this study further supports their role in islet autoimmunity.
As the authors themselves acknowledge, the major limitation is that the number of donors examined is limited as those satisfying study criteria are rare. Thus, it is not possible to examine disease heterogeneity and the impact of age at diagnosis. Of 8 T1D donors examined, 4 would be considered newly diagnosed (less than 3 months from onset) and 4 had longer disease durations (2, 2, 5, and 6 years). It was unclear if disease duration impacted the results in this small cohort. In the introduction, the authors discuss that most of the pancreata from nPOD donors with T1D lack insulitis. This is correct, yet it is a function of time from diagnosis. Donors with shorter duration will be more likely to have insulitis. A related point is that the proportion of islets with insulitis is low even near diagnosis, Finally, only one donor was examined that while not diagnosed with T1D, was likely in the preclinical disease stage and had autoantibodies and insulitis. This is a critically important disease stage where the methodology developed by the investigators could be applied in future efforts.
While this was not the focus of this investigation, it appears that the approach was very much immune-focused and there could be value in examining islet cells in greater depth using the methodology the authors developed.
Additional comments:
Overall, the authors were able to study pancreas tissues from T1D donors and perform sophisticated imaging and computational analysis that reproduce and importantly extend our understanding of inflammation in T1D. Despite the limitations associated with the small sample size, the results appear robust, and the claims well-supported.
The study expands the conceptual framework of inflammation and islet autoimmunity, especially by the definition of different clusters (stages) of insulitis and by the characterization of immune cells in and outside the islets.
Author response:
We’d like to thank the reviewers for their fair, thoughtful, and critical review of our manuscript.
We acknowledge that the small number of specimens limits the impact of our findings. While we are unable to expand the study, we are optimistic that more cases with insulitis will be made available for research and spatial technologies will become more cost-effective over time. We hope that the design and analyses in our study are useful to future efforts and that our findings can be validated and revised.
We intend to revise the manuscript to address all other points raised by reviewers. These include a) adding HLA genotype information for each patient, b) analyzing how key immune signatures relate to the clinical variables, diabetes duration and age of onset, and c) measuring the relationship between IDO+ islets and HLA-ABC expression. We will also revise the text and figures for clarity in specific places and discuss important considerations including stem cell memory T cells and the potential impact of prolonged stays in the ICU.
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eLife assessment
In the revised version of this important study, the authors present a convincing pipeline for insect genome regulatory annotation across 33 insect genomes spanning 5 orders. Despite technical limitations in the field owing to the lack of comprehensive knowledge of enhancer content in any system, the authors employ several independent downstream analyses to support the validity of their enhancer predictions for a subset of these genomes. Taken together, the revised results suggest that this prediction pipeline may have uses in identifying functional enhancers across large phylogenetic distances. Reviewers note caveats that an experimental validation is not yet available in the field to validate a large class of newly identified enhancers across such evolutionary distances, and other pipelines might be of use to compare. This work will be of interest to the computational genomics, evolutionary biology, and gene regulation fields.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors provide an genome annotation resource of 33 insects using a motif-blind prediction methods for tissue-specific cis-regulatory modules. This is a welcome addition that may facilitate further research in new laboratory systems, and the approach seem to be relatively accurate, although it should be combined with other sources of evidence to be practical.
The paper clearly presents the resource, including the testing of candidate enhancers identified from various insects in Drosophila. This cross-species analysis, and the inherent suggestion that training datasets generated in flies can predict a cis-regulatory activity in distant insects, is interesting. While I can not be sure this approach will prevail in the future, for example with approaches that leverage the prediction of TF binding motifs, the SCRMShaw tool is certainly useful and worth of consideration for the large community of genome scientists working on insects.
Weaknesses from the previous version were appropriately corrected in this revision, as the authors improved data availability including with genome annotation resources.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this ambitious paper, the authors develop an unparalleled community resource of insect genome regulatory annotations spanning five insect orders. They employ their previously-developed SCRMshaw method for computational cross-species enhancer prediction, drawing on available training datasets of validated enhancer sequence and expression from Drosophila melanogaster, which had been previously shown to perform well across select holometabolous insects (representing 160-345MY divergence). In this work they expand regulatory sequence annotation to 33 insect genomes spanning Holometabola and Hemiptera, which is even more distantly related to the fly model. They perform multiple downstream analyses of sets of predicted enhancers to assess the true-positive rate of predictions; the independent comparisons of real predictions with simulated predictions and with chromatin accessibility data, as well as the functional validation through reporter gene analysis strengthen their conclusions that their annotation pipeline achieves a high true-positive rate and can be used across long divergence times to computationally annotate regulatory genome regions, an ability that has been largely inaccessible for non-model insects and now is possible across the many newly-sequenced insect scaffold-level genomes.
This work fills a large gap in current methods and resources for predicting regulatory regions of the genome, a task that has long lagged behind that of coding region prediction and analysis.
Despite technical constraints in working outside of well-developed model insect systems, the authors creatively draw on existing resources to scaffold a pipeline and independently assess likelihood of prediction validity.
The established database will be a welcome community resource in its current state, and even more so as the authors continue to expand their annotations to more insect genomes as they indicate. Their available analysis pipeline itself will be useful to the community as well for research groups that may want to undertake their own regulatory genome annotation.
The work here is limited by the field-wide lack of an independently validated set of tissue specific enhancers that could be used to directly benchmark this pipeline. The prediction of true positive enhancer identification rates and in vivo reporter gene assays offer some insight into the rates of successful prediction, but the output of SCRMshaw regulatory annotation should be regarded as another prediction-generating tool.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper clearly presents the resource, including the testing of candidate enhancers identified from various insects in Drosophila. This cross-species analysis, and the inherent suggestion that training datasets generated in flies can predict a cis-regulatory activity in distant insects, is interesting. While I can not be sure this approach will prevail in the future, for example with approaches that leverage the prediction of TF binding motifs, the SCRMShaw tool is certainly useful and worth consideration for the large community of genome scientists working on insects.
We thank the reviewer for the positive comments, and would just like to point out that we agree: while we cannot of course know if other methods will overtake SCRMshaw for enhancer prediction—we assume they will, at some point (although motif-based approaches have not fared as well in the past)—for now, SCRMshaw provides strong performance and is a useful part of the current toolkit.
While the authors made the effort to provide access to the SCRMShaw annotations via the RedFly database, the usefulness of this resource is somewhat limited at the moment. First, it is possible to generate tables of annotated elements with coordinates, but it would be more useful to allow downloads of the 33 genome annotations in GFF (or equivalent) format, with SCRMshaw predictions appearing as a new feature. Also, I should note that unlike most species some annotations seem to have issues in the current RedFly implementation. For example, Vcar and Jcoen turn empty.
We have addressed these weaknesses in several ways:
(1) We have created GFF versions of the SCRMshaw predictions and provide them standalone and also merged into the available annotation GFFs for each of the 33 species
(2) We have made these GFF files, and also the original SCRMshaw output files, available for download in a Dryad repository linked to the publication (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.3j9kd51t0).
(3) We have added the inadvertently omitted species to the REDfly/SCRMshaw database.
We agree that the database functions are still somewhat limited, but note that database development is ongoing and we expect functionality to increase over time. In the meantime, the Dryad repository ensures that all results reported in this paper are directly available.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
… Upon identification of predicted enhancer regions, the authors perform post-processing step filtering and identify the most likely predicted enhancer candidates based on the proximity of an orthologous target gene. …
We respectfully point out a small misunderstanding here on the part of the reviewer. We stress that putative target gene assignments and identities have no impact at all on our prediction of regulatory sequences, i.e., they are not “based on the proximity of an orthologous target gene.” Predictions are solely based on sequence-dependent SCRMshaw scores, with no regard to the nature or identities of nearby annotated features. Putative target genes are mapped to Drosophila orthologs purely as a convenience to aid in interpreting and prioritizing the predicted regulatory elements. We have added language on page 8 (lines 189ff) to make this more clear in the text.
This work provides predicted enhancer annotations across many insect species, with reporter gene analysis being conducted on selected regions to test the predictions. However, the code for the SCRMshaw analysis pipeline used in this work is not made available, making reproducibility of this work difficult. Additionally, while the authors claim the predicted enhancers are available within the REDfly database, the predicted enhancer coordinates are currently not downloadable as Supplementary Material or from a linked resource.
We have placed all the code for this paper into a GitHub repository “Asma_etal_2024_eLife” (https://github.com/HalfonLab/Asma_etal_2024_eLife) to address this concern. As described in our response to Reviewer 1, above, all results are now available in multiple formats in a linked Dryad repository in addition to the REDfly/SCRMshaw database.
The authors do not validate or benchmark the application of SCRMshaw against other published methods, nor do they seek to apply SCRMshaw under a variety of conditions to confirm the robustness of the returned predicted enhancers across species. Since SCRMshaw relies on an established k-mer enrichment of the training loci, its performance is presumably highly sensitive to the selection of training regions as well as the statistical power of the given k-mer counts. The authors do not justify their selection of training regions by which they perform predictions.
Our objective in this study was not to provide proof-of-principle for the SCRMshaw method, as we have established the efficacy of the approach at this point in several previous publications. Rather, the objective here was to make use of SCRMshaw to provide an annotation resource for insect regulatory genomics. Note that the training regions we used here are the same as those we have used in earlier work. Naturally, we performed various assessments to establish that the method was working here, but we make no claims in this work about SCRMshaw’s relative efficiency compared to other methods. Some of our prior publications include assessments of the sort the reviewer references, which suggest that SCRMshaw is at least comparable to other enhancer discovery approaches. We note that benchmarking of such methods is in fact extremely complicated due to the fact that there are no established true positive/true negative data sets against which to benchmark (we have explored this in Asma et al. 2019 BMC Bioinformatics).
While there is an attempt made to report and validate the annotated predicted enhancers using previously published data and tools, the validation lacks the depth to conclude with confidence that the predicted set of regions across each species is of high quality. In vivo, reporter assays were conducted to anecdotally confirm the validity of a few selected regions experimentally, but even these results are difficult to interpret. There is no large-scale attempt to assess the conservation of enhancer function across all annotated species.
We respectfully disagree that there is insufficient validation. We bring several different lines of evidence to bear suggesting that our results fall into the accuracy range—roughly 75%—established both here and in previous work. We are also clear about the fact that these are predictions only and need to be viewed as such (e.g. line 638). Although “large-scale” in vivo validation assays would certainly be both interesting and worthwhile, the necessary resources for such an assessment places it beyond our present capability.
Lastly, it is suggested that predicted regions are derived from the shared presence of sequence features such as transcription factor binding motifs, detected through k-mer enrichment via SCRMshaw. This assumption has not been examined, although there are public motif discovery tools that would be appropriate to discover whether SCRMshaw is assigning predicted regions based on previously understood motif grammar, or due to other sequence patterns captured by k-mer count distributions. Understanding the sequence-derived nature of what drives predictions is within the scope of this work and would boost confidence in the predicted enhancers, even if it is limited to a few training examples for the sake of clarity of interpretation.
Again, we respectfully disagree that “this assumption has not been examined.” Although we did not undertake this analysis here, we have in the past, where we have shown that known TFBS motifs can be recovered from sets of SCRMshaw predictions (e.g., Kazemian et al. 2014 Genome Biology and Evolution). We return to this point when we address the Comments to Authors, below.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The rates of predicted true positive enhancer identification vary widely across the genomes included here based on the simulations and comparison to datasets of accessible chromatin in a manner that doesn't map neatly onto phylogenetic distance. At this point, it is unclear why these patterns may arise, although this may become more clear as regulatory annotation is undertaken for more genomes.
We agree that we do not see clear patterns with respect to phylogenetic distance in our results. However, we note that this initial data set is still fairly small, and not carefully phylogenetically distributed. We are hoping that, as the reviewer suggests, some of these questions become more clear as we add more genomes to our analysis. Fortunately, the list of available genomes with chromosome-level assembly is growing rapidly, and as we move ahead we should have much greater ability to choose informative species.
Functional assessment of predicted enhancers was performed through reporter gene assays primarily in Drosophila melanogaster imaginal discs, a system amenable to transgenics. Unfortunately, this mode of canonical imaginal disc development is only representative of a subset of all holometabolous insects; therefore, it is difficult to interpret reporter gene expression in a fly imaginal disc as evidence of a true positive enhancer that would be active in its native species whose adult appendages develop differently through the larval stage (for example, Coleopteran and Lepidopteran legs). However, the reporter gene assays from other tissues do offer strong evidence of true positive enhancer detection, and constraints on transgenic experiments in other systems mean that this approach is the best available.
Please see an extensive discussion of this point in our response to Reviewer 3, below.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Major Concerns:
(1) While the GitHub source code for SCRMshaw is provided, the authors do not provide a repository of manuscriptspecific code and scripts for readers. This is a barrier to reproducibility and the code used to perform the analysis should be made available. Additionally, links to available scripts do not work, see Line 690. Post-processing scripts point to a general lab folder, but again, no specific analysis or code is sourced for the work in this specific manuscript (e.g. Line 637).
As noted above, we have corrected this oversight and established a specific GitHub repository for this manuscript “Asma_etal_2024_eLife” (https://github.com/HalfonLab/Asma_etal_2024_eLife).
(2) On lines 479-488, there is a discussion about the annotations being provided on REDfly, though no link is provided.
We have included a link in the text at this point (now line 515).
Additionally, for transparency, it would be valuable to provide in Supplementary Table 1 the genomic coordinates of the original training sets in addition to their identity.
These coordinates have been added to Supplementary Table 1 as suggested.
Also, it is suggested to provide genomic coordinates of the predicted enhancers for each training set across all species, perhaps with a column denoting a linked ID of one genomic coordinate in a species to another species (i.e. if there is a linked region found from D. melanogaster to J. coenia, labeling this column in both coordinate sets as blastoderm.mapping1_region1). Providing these annotations directly in the work enhances the transparency of the results.
We are unsure exactly what the reviewer means here by “a linked region.” It is critical to understanding our approach to recognize that the genome sequences have diverged to the point where there is no alignment of non-coding regions possible. Thus there is no way to directly “link” coordinates of a predicted enhancer from one species to those of a predicted enhancer in another species. The coordinates for each prediction are available on a per-species basis either through the database or in the files now available in the linked Dryad repository; these can be filtered for results from a specific training set. The database will allow users to select all results for a given orthologous locus, from any subset of species. More complex searches will continue to become available as we improve functionality of the database, an ongoing project in collaboration with the REDfly team.
(3) Figure 2B: It is unclear what this figure shows. Are the No Fly Orthologs false positives, Orthology pipeline issues, or interesting biology?
We have clarified this in the Figure 2 legend. “No Mapped Fly Orthologs” indicates that our orthology mapping pipeline did not identify clear D. melanogaster orthologs. For any given gene, this could reflect either a true lack of a respective ortholog, or failure of our procedure to accurately identify an existing ortholog.
(4) SCRMshaw appears to be a versatile tool, previously published in a variety of works. However, in this manuscript, there is little discussion of the sensitivity of SCRMshaw to different initial parameters, how the selection of training loci can impact outcomes, or how SCRMshaw k-mer discovery methods compare to other similar tools.
- This paper would be strengthened by addressing this weakness. Some specific suggestions below:
In order to strengthen confidence that SCRMshaw is a reliable predictor of enhancer regions in other species, it is suggested that you benchmark against other k-mer-derived methods to assign enhancers, such as GSK-SVM developed by the Beer Lab in 2016 (https://www.beerlab.org/gkmsvm/, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.06.561128v1).
We have established the effectiveness of SCRMshaw as an enhancer discovery method in previous work, and the main goal of this study was to make use of the established method to annotate numerous insect genomes as a community resource. Our claim here is that SCRMshaw works well for this purpose; we do not attempt a strong claim about whether other approaches may work equally well or marginally better (although we do not believe this is the case, based on prior work). Benchmarking enhancer discovery is challenging, as we point out in Asma et al. 2019 (BMC Bioinformatics), and, while important, best left for a dedicated comprehensive study. A major problem is that there are no independent objective “truth” sets for enhancers from the various species we interrogate here. Thus, while we could also run, e.g., GSK-SVM, what criteria would we use to establish which method had better accuracy for a given species? Note that the work from Beer’s lab took advantage of the ability to match human-mouse orthologous (or syntenic) regions and available open-chromatin data to assess whether conserved enhancers were discovered, but this is not possible given the degree of divergence, limited synteny, and relative lack of additional data for the insect genomes we are annotating.
- In Table S1, we see that 7-146 regions are used as training sets, which is a huge variety. Does an increase in training set size provide a greater "rate of return" for predicted regions? Is the opposite true? Addressing this question would allow readers to understand if they wish to use SCRMshaw, a reasonable scope for their own training region selections.
- Within a training set, does subsampling provide the same outcomes in terms of prediction rates? There is no exploration of how "brittle" the training sets are, and whether the generalized k-mer count distributions that are established in a training set are consistent across randomly selected subgroups. Performing this analysis would raise confidence in the method applied and the resulting annotations.
These are interesting and important questions, but again we feel they are beyond the scope of this particular study, which is focused primarily on using SCRMshaw and not on optimizing various search parameters. That said, this is of course something we have investigated, although as with other aspects of enhancer discovery, the absence of a true gold standard enhancer set makes evaluation difficult. We have not found a clear correlation between training set size and performance beyond the very general finding that performance appears to be best when training set size is moderate, e.g. 20-40 initial enhancers. We suspect that larger training sets often contain too many members that don’t fit the core regulatory model and thus add noise, whereas sets that are too small may not contain enough signal for best performance (although small sets can still be useful, especially if used in an iterative cycle; see Weinstein et al. 2023 PLoS Genetics). However, establishing this rigorously is highly challenging given the limitations with assessing true and false positive rates at scale.
(5) In Figure 2C, when plotting hexMCD, IMM, pacRC, and then the merged set, it is unclear whether the scorespecific bar allows coordinate redundancy, though this is implied. What might be more useful is a revision of this plot where the hexMCD/IMM/pac-RC-specific loci are plotted, with the merged set alongside as is currently reported. This would give the reader a clearer understanding of the variability between these scoring methods and why this variability occurs.
We have added the breakdowns between IMM, hexMCD, and pacRC in Supplementary Table S2, and made more complete reference to this in the text (lines 682ff). Both the database and the data files in the Dryad repository allow exploration of the overlap between the different methods and contain both separate and merged (for overlap and redundancy) results.
Additionally, there is no information in the Methods section of these three SCRMshaw scores and what they represent, even colloquially. While SCRMshaw has been applied in several papers previously, it would help with scientific clarity to describe in a sentence or two what each score is meant to represent and why one is different from another.
We had chosen to err on the side of brevity given prior publication of the SCRMshaw methodology, but we recognize now that we went too far in that direction. We have added more complete descriptions of the methods in both the Results (lines 164-167) and the Methods (lines 667-681) sections.
(6) When describing results in Figure 2, an important question arises: "Is there an anti-correlation between the number of predicted regions and evolutionary distance?" This would be an expected result that could complement Figure 4's point that shared orthology across 16 species is rarer than across 10 species. Visualizing and adding this to Figure 2 or Figure 4 would be a powerful statement that would boost confidence in the returned predicted enhancers and/or orthologous regions.
This is an important question and one in which we are very interested. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient data at this time to address this proper statistical rigor. As we remarked above in response to Reviewer 3, “We agree that we do not see clear patterns with respect to phylogenetic distance in our results. However, we note that this initial data set is still fairly small, and not carefully phylogenetically distributed. We are hoping that, as the reviewer suggests, some of these questions become more clear as we add more genomes to our analysis. Fortunately, the list of available genomes with chromosome-level assembly is growing rapidly, and as we move ahead we should have much greater ability to choose informative species.”
(7) In Figure 3, the authors seek to convey that SCRMshaw predicts enhancer regions that are mapped nearby one another, across different loci widths, and that this occurrence of nearby predicted regions occurs more than a randomly selected control. This is presumably meant to validate that SCRMshaw is not providing predictions with low specificity, but rather to highlight the possibility that SCRMshaw is identifying groups of shadow enhancers. However, these plots are extremely difficult to decipher and do not strongly support the claims due to the low resolution and difficult interpretability of the boxplot interquartile distributions.
Additionally, as the majority of predicted regions are around ~750bp, how does that address loci groups of <1000bp? This suggests that predicted regions are overlapping, and therefore cannot be meaningfully interpreted as shadow enhancers. This plot should either be moved to the supplements or reworked to more effectively convey the point that "SCRMshaw is detecting predicted regions that are proximal to one another and that this proximity is not due to chance".
- A suggestion to rework this plot is to change this instead to a bar plot, where the y-axis instead represents "number of predictions with at least 2 predicted regions proximal to one another" divided by "total number of predictions", separating bar color by simulated/observed values. The x-axis grouping can remain the same. Because this plot is a broad generalization of the statement you're trying to make above, knowing whether a few loci have 2 versus 4 proximal predicted enhancers doesn't enhance your point.
We agree with the reviewer that these are not the clearest plots, and thank them for the suggestions regarding revision. We tried many variations on visualizing these complex data, including those suggested by the reviewer, and have concluded that despite their weaknesses, these plots are still the best visualization. The main problem is that the observed data cluster heavily around zero, so that the box plots are very squat and mainly only the outlier large values are observed. The key point, however, is that the expected values almost never give values much greater than one, so that the observed outlier points are the only points seen in the upper ranges of the y-axis. This is true across the three species, across the bins of locus sizes, and across training sets (averaged into the box plots). The reviewer is correct as well about the bins where locus size is < 1000. However, inspection of the data shows that this is not a large concern, as very few data points lie in this range and we never see multiple predicted enhancers there. Thus we believe while not the prettiest of graphs, Figure 3 does effectively support the claims made in the text. In keeping with our view that it is preferable to have data in the main paper whenever possible, we choose to keep the figure in place rather than move it to the Supplement.
- Label the species for the reader's understanding of each subplot on the plot.
We apologize for this oversight and have now labeled each plot with its relevant species.
(8) SCRMshaw operates on k-mer count distributions compared to a genomic background across different species, allowing it to assign predicted regions without prior knowledge of an organism's cis-regulatory sequences. This is powerful and boosts the versatility of the method. However, understanding the cis-regulatory origins of the kinds of kmers that are driving the detection of orthologous regions across species is crucial and absolutely within the scope of the paper, particularly for the justification of the provided annotations. Is SCRMshaw making use of enriched motifs within the training region set to assign regions in other species? One would presume so, but it is necessary to show this. There are many motif discovery tools that are readily available and require little up-front knowledge and little to no use of a CLI, such as MEMESuite (https://meme-suite.org/meme/tools/meme). It is highly recommended that, even for a few training pairs that are well understood (e.g. mesoderm.mapping1, dorsal_ectoderm.mapping1), assess the motif enrichment within the original sequence set, then see whether motif enrichments are reflected in the predicted enhancers. As evolutionary distance increases between D. melanogaster and the species of interest, is the assignment of enriched motifs more sparse? Is there a loss of a key motif? These are the kinds of questions that will allow readers to understand how these annotations are assigned as well as boost confidence in their usage.
This is a very important point and a subject of significant interest to us. We have demonstrated in earlier work (e.g., Kazemian et al. 2014 Genome Biol. Evol.) that SCRMshaw-predicted enhancers do contain expected TFBS motifs, across multiple species—and that even an overall arrangement of sites is sometimes conserved. Thus we have previously answered, in part, the reviewer’s question.
What we also learned from our previous work is that filtering out relevant motifs from the noise inherent in motif-finding is both arduous and challenging. As the reviewer is no doubt aware, while using motif discovery tools is simple, interpreting the output is much less so. In response to the reviewer’s comments, we revisited this issue with data from a small sample of training sets. We can discover motifs; we can see that the motif profiles are different between different training sets; and we can observe the presence of expected motifs based on the activity profile of the enhancers (e.g., Single-minded binding sites in our mesectoderm/midline training and result data). However, to do this cleanly and with appropriate statistical rigor is beyond what we feel would be practical for this paper. We hope to return to this important question in the future when we have a larger and phylogenetically more evenly-distributed set of species, and the time and resources to address it appropriately.
(9) Figures 5-7 need to have better descriptions.
We have added to the figure 6 and 7 legends in response to this comment; please note as well that there is substantial detail provided in the text. If there are specific aspects of the figures that are not clear or which lack sufficient description, we are happy to make additional changes.
Minor Concerns
(1) In Figure 1A, it is implied that "k-mer count distributions" are actually only "5-mer count distributions". However, in the published documentation of SCRMshaw, it is suggested that k-mers between 1-6 bp are involved in establishing sequence distributions. Please add a justification for the selection of these criteria. It would be helpful to understand the implications of using up to a 3-mer versus a 12-mer when assessing k-mer counts using SCRMshaw.
We have clarified in the Figure 1 legend that this is just an example, and the k-mers of different sizes are used in the IMM method; we have also increased the description of the basic method in the Methods section. To be clear, the hexMCD sub-method is 6-mer based (5th-order Markov chain), as is pacRC, while the IMM method considers Markov chains of orders 0-5.
(2) Control the y-axis to remove white space from Figure 2D.
We have amended the figure as suggested.
Additionally, expand in the manuscript on expected results from SCRMshaw. Given training regions of 750 bp, is the expectation that you return predicted enhancers of the same length? This is not explicitly stated, only a description of outliers.
The scoring is not dependent on the length of the training sequences, and there is no direct expectation of predicted enhancer length. Scores are calculated on 10-bp intervals, and a peak-calling algorithm is used to determine the endpoints of each prediction based on where the scores drop below a cutoff value. Thus there is no explicit minimum prediction length beyond the smallest possible length of 10-bp. That said, the initial scoring takes place over a 500-bp sequence window (for reasons of computational efficiency), which does influence scores away from the smaller end of the possible range. We correct for this in part by reducing scores below a certain threshold to zero, to prevent multiple low-scoring regions from combining to give a low but positive score over a long interval. Indeed, we found that in the original version of SCRMshawHD (Asma et al. 2019), multiple low-scoring but above-threshold intervals would get concatenated together in broad peaks, leading to an unrealistically large average prediction length. In the version used here, described in Supplementary Figure S6, low-scoring windows are now first reset to zero and a new threshold is calculated before overlapping scores are summed. This helps to prevent the broad peak problem, and we find that it results in a median prediction length ~750 bp, more in line with expected enhancer sizes.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Line 161: Given that the SCRMshaw HD method is the basis for the pipeline, the methodology deserves at least an "in brief" recapitulation in this manuscript.
As we remark in our response to Reviewer 2, above, “We had chosen to err on the side of brevity given prior publication of the SCRMshaw methodology, but we recognize now that we went too far in that direction. We have added more complete descriptions of the methods in both the Results (lines 164-167) and the Methods (lines 667-681) sections.”
Line 219: Throughout the reporting of the results, there appeared to be a bit of inconsistency/potential typos regarding whether threshold or exact P values were reported. In lines 219, 222, 265, 696, and 811, the reported values seem to clearly be thresholds (< a standard cutoff), while in lines 291,293, 297,300, values appear to be exact but are reported as thresholds (<).
This is not an error but rather reflects two different types of analysis. The predictions per locus (originally lines 219, 222 etc) are evaluated using an empirical P-value based on 1000 permutations. As such, they are thresholded at 1/1000. The overlap with open chromatin regions, on the other hand, are based on a z-score with the P-values taken from a standard conversion of z-scores to P-values.
Page 13/Table 2: At face value, it seems surprising that the overlap between Dmel SCRMshaw predictions with open chromatin is so much smaller than the overlap between predictions and open chromatin in other species, both in raw % (Tcas, D plexippus, H. himera) and fold enrichment (Tcas), given that the training sets for SCRMshaw are all derived from Dmel data. The discussion here does not touch on this aspect of the results, and the interpretation of this approach, in general, would be strengthened if the authors could comment on potential reasons why this pattern may be arising here, or at least acknowledge that this is an open question.
There are many variables at play here, as the data are from different species, from different tissues, and from different methods. Thus we think it is difficult to read too much into the precise results from these comparisons—the main take-home is really just that there is a significant amount of overlap. In acknowledgment of this, we have slightly modified the text in this section so that it now notes (line 302ff): “These comparisons are imperfect, as the tissues used to obtain the chromatin data do not precisely correspond to the training sequences used for SCRMshaw, and the data were obtained using a variety of methods.”
Line 318-329: The inferences from the reporter gene assay deserve a more nuanced treatment than they are given here. The important nuance that was not addressed by the discussion here is that the imaginal disc mode of development in Drosophila is not broadly representative of the development of larval/adult epithelial tissues across Holometabola; thus, inference of a true positive validation becomes complicated in cases where predicted enhancers from a species were tested and shown to drive expression in a fly imaginal disc that the native species have no direct disc counterpart to. For example, in line 388 a Tcas enhancer is reported to drive expression in the eye-antennal disc, and in lines 404 and 423 additional Tcas enhancers were reported to drive expression in the leg discs; however, Tribolium larvae do not possess antennal discs or leg discs set aside during embryogenesis in the sense that flies do - instead the homologous epithelial tissues form larval antennae and larval legs external to the body wall that are actively used at this life stage and are starkly different in morphology than an internally invaginated epithelial disc, that will directly give rise to adult tissues in subsequent molts. Is the interpretation of an expression pattern driven in a fly disc as a true positive really as straightforward as it was presented here, when in the native species the expression pattern driven by the enhancer in question would be in the context of an extremely different tissue morphology? That said, I understand and am deeply sympathetic to the constraints on the authors in performing transgenic experiments outside of the model fly; but these divergent modes of development across Holometabola deserve a mention and nuance in the interpretation here.
This is indeed a very important point, and we greatly appreciate Reviewer 3 pointing out this caveat when interpreting the outcomes of our cross-species reporter assay. Reviewer 3 is correct that the imaginal disc mode of adult tissue (i.e. imaginal) development found in Diptera does not represent the imaginal development across Holometabola.
In fact, imaginal development is quite diverse among Holometabola. For instance, larval leg and antennal cells appear to directly develop into the adult legs and antennae in Coleoptera (i.e. primordial imaginal cells function as larval appendage cells), while some cells within the larval legs and antennae are set aside during larval development specifically for adult appendages in Lepidopteran species (i.e. imaginal cells exist within the larval appendages but do not contribute to the formation of larval appendages). In contrast, an almost entire set of cells that develop into adult epithelia are set aside as imaginal discs during embryogenesis in Diptera. Furthermore, the imaginal disc mode of development appears to have evolved independently in
Hymenoptera. Therefore, determining how imaginal primordial tissues correspond to each other among Holometabola has been a challenging task and a topic of high interest within the evo-devo and entomology communities.
Nevertheless, despite these differences in mode of imaginal development, decades of evo-devo studies suggest that the gene regulatory networks (GRNs) operating in imaginal primordial tissues appear to be fairly well conserved among holometabolan species (for example, see Tomoyasu et al. 2009 regarding wing development and Angelini et al. 2012 regarding leg development between flies and beetles). These outcomes imply that a significant portion of the transcriptional landscape might be conserved across different modes of imaginal development. Therefore, an enhancer functioning in the Tribolium larval leg tissue (which also functions as adult leg primordium) could be active even in the leg imaginal disc of Drosophila, if the trans factors essential for the activation of the enhancer are conserved between the two imaginal tissues.
That being said, we fully expect there to be both false negative and false positive results in our cross-species reporter assay. We are optimistic about the biological relevance of the positive outcomes of our crossspecies reporter assay, especially when the enhancer activity recapitulates the expression of the corresponding gene in Drosophila (for example, Am_ex Fig6B and Tc_hth Fig7B). Nonetheless, the biological relevance of these enhancer activities needs to be further verified in the native species through reporter assays, enhancer knock-outs, or similar experiments.
In recognition of the Reviewer’s important point, we added the following caveat in our Discussion (lines 549553): “Furthermore, the unique imaginal disc mode of adult epithelial development in D. melanogaster might have prevented some enhancers of other species from working properly in D. melanogaster imaginal discs, likely producing additional false negative results. Evaluating enhancer activities in the native species will allow us to address the degree of false negatives produced by the cross-species setting.” We moreover mention this caveat in the Results section when we first introduce the reporter assays (line 342).
Line 580: This is the first time that the weakness of the closest-gene pairing approach is mentioned. This deserves mention earlier in the manuscript, as unfortunately, this is one of the major bottlenecks to this and any other approaches to investigating enhancer function. Could the authors address this earlier, perhaps pages 7-8, and provide citations for current understanding in the field of how often closest-gene pairing approaches correctly match enhancers to target genes?
We have added text as suggested on p.7-8 acknowledging the shortcomings of the closest-gene approach. We also clarify at the end of that section (lines 173-181) that target gene assignments, while useful for interpretation, have no bearing on the enhancer predictions themselves (which are generated prior to the target gene assignment steps).
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eLife assessment
This manuscript compiles existing algorithms into an open-source software package that enables real-time (and offline) motor unit decomposition from muscle activity collected via grids of surface electrodes and indwelling electrode arrays. The package is valuable given that many motor neuroscience labs are using such algorithms and that there exists a host of potential applications for such data. Validation of the software package is compelling, suggesting that it can be successfully applied across a range of muscles and tasks.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Many labs world-wide now use the blind source deconvolution technique to identify the firing patterns of multiple motor units simultaneously in human subjects. This technique has had a truly transformative effective on our understanding of the structure of motor output in both normal subjects and, increasingly, in persons with neurological disorders. The key advance presented here is that the software provides real time identification of these firing patterns.
The main strengths are the clarity of the presentation and the great potential that real-time decoding will provide. Figures are especially effective and statistical analyses are excellent.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Rossato and colleagues present a method for real-time decoding of EMG into putative single motor units. Their manuscript details a variety of decision points in their code and data collection pipeline that lead to a final result of recording on the order of ~10 putative motor units per muscle in human males. Overall the manuscript is highly restricted in its potential utility but may be of interest to aficionados. For those outside the field of human or nonhuman primate EMG, these methods will be of limited interest.
Comment on revised version
The revised manuscript has thoroughly and responsively addressed the concerns and suggestions raised in the first review. I think the method will be of use to the field and fits well within the purview of eLife's publications on methods development.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment
This manuscript compiles existing algorithms into an open-source software package that enables realtime motor unit decomposition from muscle activity collected via grids of surface electrodes and indwelling electrode arrays. The software package is valuable given that many motor neuroscience labs are using such algorithms and that there exist a host of potential real-time applications for such data. Validation of the software package is generally solid but incomplete in some important areas: the primary data is narrow in scope and only from male participants, and there is a lack of ground truth tests on synthetic data. The impact of the software package could be strengthened by making it less tied to specific electrode hardware and by expanding it to easily permit offline analysis.
We thank the reviewers and editors for their comments and suggestions after reading the initial version of our manuscript. In this second iteration, we have performed a validation of the algorithm using synthetic EMG signals. We have also added experimental data collected in female participants. Finally, the new version of I-Spin is compatible with the Open Ephys GUI that can interface with devices such as the Open Ephys and Intan acquisition boards. Another version has been developed for interfacing with the devices provided by the TMSi company (https://info.tmsi.com/blog/ispin-saga-real-timemotor-unit-decomposition-tool). We believe that such changes will make I-Spin more accessible for a broad range of experimental setups and research teams. Please find below the specific answers to the reviewers’ comments.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Many labs worldwide now use the blind source deconvolution technique to identify the firing patterns of multiple motor units simultaneously in human subjects. This technique has had a truly transformative effect on our understanding of the structure of motor output in both normal subjects and, increasingly, in persons with neurological disorders. The key advance presented here is that the software provides real-time identification of these firing patterns. The main strengths are the clarity of the presentation and the great potential that real-time decoding will provide. Figures are especially effective and statistical analyses are excellent.
We thank the reviewer for this positive appreciation of our work.
The main limitation of the work is that only male subjects were included in the validation of the software. The reason given - that yield of number of motor units identified is generally larger in males than females - is reasonable in the sense that this is the first systematic test of this real-time approach. At a minimum, however, the authors should clearly commit to future work with female subjects and emphasize the importance of considering sex differences.
As emphasised by the reviewer, the number of identified motor units is typically higher in males than females when using surface EMG (Taylor et al., 2022), which is the current main limitation of the implementation of offline EMG decomposition technique in a broad and representative sample of research participants. These differences between biological sex are less present when using intramuscular EMG, as the signals are less affected by the filtering effect of the volume conductor separating the motor units from the recording electrodes. Besides the different yields expected between males and females, we do not expect differences in terms of the accuracy of the motor unit identification algorithm, which is the main outcome of this paper.
Nevertheless, we acknowledge the importance to understand the reasons for this difference, and the imperative to refine algorithms and/or surface electrode design to mitigate this major limitation with surface EMG.
To support this point, the discussion has been updated (P20; L480):
‘An important consideration regarding the implementation of offline or real-time surface EMG decomposition is the difference between individuals, with an overall lower yield in number of identified motor units in females (here: 9 ± 12) than in males (here: 30 ± 13). Typically, the number of identified motor units from surface EMG is twice as low in females than males (32, 49, 50). The cause for this difference remains unclear. It may be related to variations in properties of the tissues separating the motor units from the recording electrodes, or to differences in the morphological and physiological properties of muscle fibres, as well as to the innervation ratios of motor units. These sex-related differences have so far only been supported by data extracted from animal experiments (51). However, the recent developments of simulation frameworks capable of generating highly realistic EMG signals for anthropometrically diverse populations may help understanding the impact of sex-related differences in humans (52). Specifically, these simulations can account for diverse anatomical (e.g. muscle volume and architecture, thickness of subcutaneous tissues) and physiological characteristics (e.g. innervation ratio, number of motor units, fibre cross sectional area, fibre conduction velocity, contribution of rate coding vs. spatial recruitment). Generating such dataset could help identifying the primary factors affecting EMG decomposition performance, ultimately enabling the refinement of algorithms and/or surface electrode design.’
Finally, we have completed new experiments including males and females in this new iteration (P.12; L.295):
‘Application of motor unit filters in experimental data
We then asked eight participants (4 males and 4 females) to perform trapezoidal isometric contractions with plateaus of force set at 10% and 20% MVC during which surface EMG signals were recorded from the TA with 256 electrodes separated by 4 mm. The aim of this experiment was to confirm the results of the simulation; specifically, to test the accuracy of the online decomposition when the level of force was below, equal to, or above the level of force produced during the baseline contraction used to estimate the motor unit filters (Figure 4). We assessed the accuracy of the motor unit spike trains identified in real time using their manually edited version as reference. 144 motor units were identified at both 10 and 20% MVC. When the test signals were recorded at the same level of force as the baseline contraction, we obtained rates of agreement of 95.6 ± 6.8% (10% MVC) and 93.9 ± 5.9% (20% MVC). The sensitivity reached 95.9 ± 6.7% (10% MVC) and 94.4 ± 5.6% (20% MVC), and the precision reached 99.6 ± 1.3% (10% MVC) and 99.4 ± 1.9% (20% MVC).
When the filters identified at 20% MVC were applied on signals recorded at a lower level of force (10% MVC), the rates of agreement decreased to 87.9 ± 16.2%. The sensitivity also decreased to 88.0 ± 16.2%, but the precision remained high (99.4 ± 4.3). Thus, the decrease in accuracy was mostly caused by missed discharge times rather than the false identification of artifacts or spikes from other motor units. When the filters identified at 10% MVC were applied to signals recorded at a higher level of force, the rates of agreement decreased to 83.3 ± 13.5%. The sensitivity decreased to 90.7 ± 8.1%, and the precision also decreased to 90.9 ± 12.6%. This result confirms what was observed with synthetic EMG, that is motor units recruited between 10 and 20% MVC can substantially disrupt the accuracy of the decomposition in real-time, as highlighted in Figure 4 (lower panel). Importantly, this situation does not happen for all the motor units, as suggested by the distribution of the values in Figure 4.’
A second weakness is that the Introduction does a poor job of establishing the potential importance of the real-time approach.
The introduction has been modified to highlight the importance of identifying the spiking activity of motor units in real time. Specifically, the first paragraph has been rewritten to read (P3; L67):
‘The activity of motor neuron – in the form of spike trains – represents the neural code of movement to muscles. Decoding this firing activity in real-time during various behaviours can thus substantially enhance our understanding of movement control (2-5). Real-time decoding is also essential for interfacing with external devices (6) or virtual limbs (7) when activity is present at the periphery of the nervous system. For example, individuals with a spinal cord injury can control a virtual hand with the residual firing activity of the motor units in their forearm (7). Furthermore, sampling the activity of motor units receiving a substantial portion of independent synaptic inputs may pave the way for movement augmentation – specifically, extending a person’s movement repertoire through the increase of controllable degrees of freedom (8). In this way, Formento et al. (3) showed that individuals can intuitively learn to independently control motor units within the same muscle using visual cues. Having access to open-source tools that perform the real-time decoding of motor units would allow an increasing number of researchers to improve and expand the range of these applications’
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Rossato et al present I-spin live, a software package to perform real-time blind-source separation-based sorting of motor unit activity. The core contribution of this manuscript is the development and validation of a software package to perform motor unit sorting, apply the resulting motor unit filters in real-time during muscle contractions, and provide real-time visual feedback of the motor unit activity. I have a few concerns with the work as presented:
I found it challenging to specifically understand the technical contributions of this manuscript. The authors do not appear to be claiming anything novel algorithmically (with respect to spike sorting) or methodologically (with respect to manual editing of spikes before the use of the algorithms in real-time). My takeaway is that the key contributions are C1) development of an open-source implementation of the Negro algorithm, C2) validating it for real-time application (evaluating its sorting efficacy, and closed-loop performance, etc), and developing a software package to run in closed-loop with visual feedback. I will comment on each of these items separately below. It would be great if the authors could more explicitly lay out the key contributions of this manuscript in the text.
The main objective of this work was to provide an open-source implementation of the real-time identification of motor units together with a user interface that allow researchers to easily process the data and display the firing activity of motor unit in the form of several visual feedback. We have explicitly laid out these key contributions in the introduction: “Having access to open-source tools that perform the real-time decoding of motor units would allow an increasing number of researchers to improve and expand the range of these applications.’
Related to the above, much of the validation of the algorithms in this manuscript has a "trust me" feel. The authors note that the Negro et al. algorithm has already been validated, so very few details or presentations of primary data showing the algorithm's performance are shown. Similarly, the efficacy of the decomposition approach is evaluated using manual editing of the sorting output as a reference, which is a subjective process, and users would greatly benefit from explicit guidance. There are very few details of manual editing shown in this manuscript (I believe the authors reference the Hug et al. 2021 paper for these details), and little discussion of the core challenges and variability of that process, even though it seems to be a critical step in the proposed workflow. So this is very hard to evaluate and would be challenging for readers to replicate.
To address the reviewer’s comment, we added a validation step using synthetic EMG data (P.10; L.235).
‘Validation of the algorithm
We first validated the accuracy of the algorithm using synthetic EMG signals generated with an anatomical model entailing a cylindrical muscle volume with parallel fibres [see Farina et al. (29), Konstantin et al. (36) for a full description of the model)]. In this model, subcutaneous and skin layers separate the muscle from a grid of 65 surface electrodes (5 columns, 13 rows), while an intramuscular array of electrodes is directly inserted in the muscle under the grid with an angle of 30 degrees. 150 motor units were distributed within the cross section of the muscle. Recruitment thresholds, firing rate/excitatory drive relations, and twitch parameters were assigned to each motor unit using the same procedure as Fuglevand et al. (37). During each simulation, a proportional-integral-derivative controller adjusted the level of excitatory drive to minimise the error between a predefined target of force and the force generated by the active motor units.
Figure 3A displays the raster plots of the active motor units during simulated trapezoidal isometric contractions with plateaus of force set at 10%, 20%, and 30% MVC. A sinusoidal isometric contraction ranging between 15 and 25% MVC at a frequency of 0.5 Hz was also simulated. We identified on average 10 ± 1 and 12 ± 2 motor units with surface and intramuscular arrays, respectively (Figure 3A). During the offline decomposition, the rate of agreement between the identified discharge times and the ground truth, that is, the simulated discharge times, reached 100.0 ± 0.0% for intramuscular EMG signals and 99.2 ± 1.8% for surface EMG signals (Figure 3B). The offline estimation of motor unit filters was therefore highly accurate, independently of the level of force or the pattern of the isometric contraction.
Motor unit filters estimated during a baseline contraction at 20% MVC were then applied in real-time on signals simulated during a contraction with a different pattern (sinusoidal; Figure 3C). The rates of agreement between the online decomposition and the ground truth reached 96.3 ± 4.6% and 98.4 ± 2.3% for surface and intramuscular EMG signals, respectively. Finally, we tested whether the accuracy of the online decomposition changed when the level of force decreased or increased by 10% MVC when compared to the calibration performed at 20% MVC (Figure 3D). The rate of agreement remained high when applying the motor unit filters on signals recorded at 10% MVC: 99.8 ± 0.2% (surface EMG) and 99.5 ± 0.3% (intramuscular EMG). It is worth noting that only 3 out of 10 motor units identified from surface EMG at 20% MVC were active at 10% MVC, while 8 out of 12 motor units identified from intramuscular EMG were active at 10 % MVC. This shows how the decomposition of EMG signals tends to identify the last recruited motor units, which often innervate a larger number of fibres than the early recruited motor units (38). On the contrary, the application of motor unit filters on signals simulated at 30% MVC led to a decrease in the rate of agreement, with values of 88.6 ± 14.0% (surface EMG) and
80.3 ± 19.2% (intramuscular EMG). This decrease in accuracy did not impact all the motor units, with 5 motor units keeping a rate of agreement above 95% in both signals. For the other motor units, we observed a decrease in precision, which estimates the ratio of true discharge times over the total number of identified discharge times. This was caused by the recruitment of two motor units sharing a similar space within the muscle, which resulted in a merge in the same pulse train (Figure 3D).’
In addition, we added a new paragraph in the Method section to describe the manual editing process (P.26; L.658).
‘There is a consensus among experts that automatic decomposition should be followed by visual inspection and manual editing (55). Manual editing involves the following steps: i) removing spikes that result in erroneous firing rates (outliers), ii) adding discharge times thar are clearly distinguishable from the noise, iii) recalculating the separation vector, iv) reapplying the separation vector on the EMG signals (either a selected window or the entire signal), and v) repeating this procedure until no outliers are present and all clearly distinguishable spikes have been selected. Importantly, the manual editing of potentially missed or falsely identified discharge times should not be accepted before the application of the updated motor unit separation vector, thereby generating a new pulse train. Manual edits should be accepted only if the silhouette value improves following this operation or remains well above the preestablished threshold. A more extensive description of the manual editing of motor unit pulse trains can be found in (32). Even though some of the aforementioned steps involve subjective decision-making, evidence suggests that manual editing after EMG decomposition with blind source separation approaches remains highly reliable across operators (33). Specifically, the median rates of agreement calculated for 126 motor units over eight operators with various experience in manual editing was 99.6%. All raw and processed data have been made available on a public data repository so that they can be used for training new operators (10.6084/m9.figshare.13695937).’
I found the User Guide in the Github package to be easy to follow. Importantly, it seems heavily tied to the specific hardware (Quattrocento). I understand it may be difficult to make the full software package work with different hardware, but it seems important to at least make an offline analysis of recorded data possible for this package to be useful more broadly.
The software was updated to perform real-time decomposition with signals recorded from the Quattrocento and the Open Ephys GUI, which is compatible with Intan and Open Ephys acquisition boards. I-Spin has also been adapted by TMSi to perform real-time decomposition with their devices (https://info.tmsi.com/blog/ispin-saga-real-time-motor-unit-decomposition-tool).
Moreover, the manual editing panel of the software can now import any files from these devices and allow users to reformat data in mat files to perform offline analyses.
While this may be a powerful platform, it is also very possible that without more details and careful guidance for users on potential pitfalls, many non-experts in sorting could use this as a platform for somewhat sloppy science.
We fully agree with the reviewer that real-time EMG decomposition - with a different approach here than spike sorting - may yield unreliable results if not applied properly. As outlined in the introduction of our initial manuscript, assessing the accuracy and limitations of real-time decomposition was a primary motivation for this study. Specifically, we compared accuracy between contraction intensities, muscles, and electrode types (see Results section).
We also demonstrated that manual editing of the decomposition outputs should be done after the training phase to improve the motor unit filters, thereby improving the accuracy of real-time decomposition. We also outlined the importance to never blindly accept the result of the decomposition without visual inspection and manual editing. (P8; L214)
‘These results show how manual editing can improve the accuracy of spike detection from the motor unit pulse trains. Moreover, a SIL value around 0.9 can be used as a threshold to automatically remove the motor unit pulse trains with a poor quality a priori. Thus, these two steps were performed in the all the subsequent analyses. Importantly, it is worth noting that the motor unit pulse train must always be visually inspected after the session to check for errors of the automatic identification of discharge times.’
We have also included more detailed information about the manual editing process (see above).
The authors mention that data is included with the Github software package. I could not find any included data, or instructions on how to run the software offline on example data.
This link to the data on figshare was added in the GitHub.
Given the centrality of the real-time visual feedback to their system, the authors should show some examples of the actual display etc. so readers can understand what the system in action actually looks like (I believe there is no presentation of the actual system in the manuscript, just in the User Guide). Similarly, it would be helpful to have a schematic figure outlining the full workflow that a user goes through when using this system.
A figure of the workflow is present in the user manual. Additionally, we now display traces of visual feedback in figure 5 and we added videos of the software during each of the visual feedback in supplemental materials.
The authors note all data was collected with male subjects because more motor units can be decomposed from male subjects relative to females. But what is the long-term outlook for the field if studies avoid female subjects because their motor units may be harder to decompose? This should at least be discussed - it is an important challenge for the field to solve, and it is unacceptable if new methods just avoid this problem and are only tested on male subjects.
This point was rightly raised by each of the three reviewers. To solve this, we added data collected on four females, and discussed future developments to make the decomposition of surface EMG equally performant for everyone (P.20; L.480).
‘An important consideration regarding the implementation of offline or real-time surface EMG decomposition is the difference between individuals, with an overall lower yield in number of identified motor units in females (here: 9 ± 12) than in males (here: 30 ± 13). Typically, the number of identified motor units from surface EMG is twice as low in females than males (32, 49, 50). The cause for this difference remains unclear. It may be related to variations in properties of the tissues separating the motor units from the recording electrodes, or to differences in the morphological and physiological properties of muscle fibres, as well as to the innervation ratios of motor units. These sex-related differences have so far only been supported by data extracted from animal experiments (51). However, the recent developments of simulation frameworks capable of generating highly realistic EMG signals for anthropometrically diverse populations may help understanding the impact of sex-related differences in humans (52). Specifically, these simulations can account for diverse anatomical (e.g. muscle volume and architecture, thickness of subcutaneous tissues) and physiological characteristics (e.g. innervation ratio, number of motor units, fibre cross sectional area, fibre conduction velocity, contribution of rate coding vs. spatial recruitment). Generating such dataset could help identifying the primary factors affecting EMG decomposition performance, ultimately enabling the refinement of algorithms and/or surface electrode design.’
Specific comments on the core contributions of this paper:
C1. Development of an open-source implementation of the Negro algorithm
This seems an important contribution and useful for the community. There are very few figures showing any primary data, the efficacy of sorting, raw traces showing the waveforms that are identified, cluster shapes, etc. I realize the high-level algorithm has been outlined elsewhere, but the implementation in this package, and its efficacy, is a core component of the system and the claims being made in this paper. Much more presentation of data is needed to evaluate this.
It is worth noting that the approach used here is based on blind source separation, which is different than spike-sorting algorithms as it relies on the statistical properties of the spike trains (their sparseness) rather than the profiles of the action potentials. In short, we optimise separation vectors that are applied onto the whitened signal to generate a sparse motor unit pulse train. The discharge times are then directly estimated from the high peaks of this pulse train (Section 1 of the results; overview of the approach).
We are thus displaying motor unit pulse trains in three figures with the automatically detected discharge times, with cases of successful separation in figure 1 and merged motor units in the same pulse train in figures 3 and 4.
We also validated the algorithm with synthetic EMG to provide objective data on the accuracy of the algorithm. These results are shown in the section ‘Validation of the algorithm’ and displayed in figure 3.
Similarly, more information on the offline manual editing process (e.g. showing before/after examples with primary data) would be important to gain confidence in the method. The current paper shows application to both surface EMG and intramuscular EMG, but I could not find IM EMG examples in the Hug paper (apologies if I missed them). Surface and IM data are very, very different, so one would imagine the considerations when working with them should also be different.
In response to another comment from the reviewer, we have included more detailed information about the manual editing process (see above). As stated above, the decomposition approach used in our software differs from a spike sorting approach. Therefore, even though intramuscular and surface EMG signals are different, the decomposition and manual editing process is the same.
All descriptions of math/algorithms are presented in text, without any actual math, variable definitions, etc. This presentation makes it difficult to understand what is done. I would strongly recommend writing out equations and defining variables where possible.
More details on how the level of sparseness is controlled during optimization would be helpful.
And how this sparseness penalty is weighed against other optimization costs.
A mathematical description of the model has been added in the methods (P25; L620)
‘Mathematical modelling of the recorded spike trains.
The spike train of a motor neuron recorded over time 𝑡 ∈ [0, 𝑇] can be described as the result of a convolution between a delta function (d) representing the firing times (j), and finite impulse responses (h) representing action potentials of duration L: . In practice, the nature of h and the duration L depend on the type of recordings. For electrophysiological measurements, h characterises the local electrical field generated by the spike and conducted through the surrounding tissues.
As the recorded volume of tissue comprises many active neurons, each recording can be considered as a convolutive mixture of multiple sources, and the previous equation can be expressed in the form of a matrix to also consider all the electrodes of an array: given , where is a matrix of m electrophysiological signals, is a matrix of n motor neurons’ spike trains, and 𝐻(𝑙) is a m by n matrix containing the lth sample of action potentials from n neurons and m signals. In this situation, we can reformulate the model as an instantaneous mixture of an extended set of sources, that is, the motor neurons’ spike trains and their delayed versions. This allows us to simply write the previous equation as a multiplication of matrices, in which each source is delayed L times, L being the duration of the impulse response h. This model can be inverted for neural decoding with source-separation approaches.’
The rest of the decomposition approach was rewritten to make it clearer for the reader:
‘The monopolar EMG signals collected during the baseline contractions were extended with an extension factor of 1000/m (21), where m is the number of channels free of any noise or artifact. The signals were then demeaned and whitened. A contrast function was iteratively applied to estimate a separation vector that maximised the level of sparseness of the motor unit pulse train (Figure 1B). This loop stopped when the variation of the separation vector between two successive iterations reaches a predefined lower bound. After the application of a peak detection algorithm, the motor unit pulse train contained high peaks (i.e., the spikes from the identified motor unit) and low peaks from other motor units and noise. High peaks were separated from low peaks and noise using K-mean classification with two classes (Figure 1B). The peaks from the class with the highest centroid were considered as spikes of the identified motor unit. A second algorithm refined the estimation of the discharge times by iteratively recalculating the separation vector and repeating the steps with peak detection and K-mean classification until the coefficient of variation of the inter-spike intervals was minimised. The accuracy of each estimated spike train was assessed by computing the silhouette (SIL) value between the two classes of peaks identified with K-mean classification (24). When the SIL exceeded a predetermined threshold, the motor unit filter was saved for the real-time decomposition, together with the centroids of the ‘spikes’ and ‘noise’ classes (Figure 2A).’
Overall the paper is not very rigorous about the accuracy of motor unit identification. For example, the authors note that SIL of 0.9 is generally used for offline evaluation (why is this acceptable?), but it was lowered to 0.8 for particular muscles in this study. But overall, it is unclear how sorting accuracy/inaccuracy affects performance in the target applications of this work.
In the section mentioned by the reviewer, we aimed to show how this metric can help to automatically select motor units that are likely to have a higher accuracy of spike detections as the peaks of their pulse train are easily separable from the noise.
We reformulated the conclusion of this section to make it clearer (P8; L214):
‘These results show how manual editing can improve the accuracy of spike detection from the motor unit pulse trains. Moreover, a SIL value around 0.9 can be used as a threshold to automatically remove the motor unit pulse trains with a poor quality a priori. Thus, these two steps were performed in the all the subsequent analyses. Importantly, it is worth noting that the motor unit pulse train must always be visually inspected after the session to check for errors of the automatic identification of discharge times.’
C2. For real-time experiments, variability/jitter is important to characterize. Fig. 4 seems to be presenting mean computational times, etc, but no presentation of variability is shown. It would be helpful to depict data distributions somehow, rather than just mean values.
The variability in computational time was added to this section (P.28; L.730):
‘The standard deviation of computational times across windows reached 5.4 ± 4.0 ms (raster plot), 4.0 ± 3.2 ms (smoothed firing rate), and 2.8 ± 2.5 ms (quadrant)’
The computational time minimally varied between the successive windows, except when the labels of the x-axis were updated in real-time with scrolling feedback. It was overall always well below the duration of the window.
Author response image 1.
Computational time for each iteration of the algorithm in one participant. The top panels display the continuous computation time through the recording, while the bottom panels display the distribution of computational times. The dash line represents the duration of a window of EMG signals.
There is some description about the difference between units identified during baseline contractions, and how they might be misidentified during online contractions ("Accuracy of the real-time identification..."). This should be described in more detail.
We added an additional section in the results to clarify the concept of motor unit filters, and the reapplication of motor unit filters on signals in real-time. We highlighted how each motor unit must have a unique spatio-temporal signature to be accurately identified by our algorithms, in opposition to merged motor units sharing the same spatio-temporal features. This section shows how motor units accurately identified during baseline contractions can be misidentified during online contractions (P12; L295).
‘Application of motor unit filters in experimental data
We then asked eight participants (4 males and 4 females) to perform trapezoidal isometric contractions with plateaus of force set at 10% and 20% MVC during which surface EMG signals were recorded from the TA with 256 electrodes separated by 4 mm. The aim of this experiment was to confirm the results of the simulation; specifically, to test the accuracy of the online decomposition when the level of force was below, equal to, or above the level of force produced during the baseline contraction used to estimate the motor unit filters (Figure 4). We assessed the accuracy of the motor unit spike trains identified in real time using their manually edited version as reference. 144 motor units were identified at both 10 and 20% MVC. When the test signals were recorded at the same level of force as the baseline contraction, we obtained rates of agreement of 95.6 ± 6.8% (10% MVC) and 93.9 ± 5.9% (20% MVC). The sensitivity reached 95.9 ± 6.7% (10% MVC) and 94.4 ± 5.6% (20% MVC), and the precision reached 99.6 ± 1.3% (10% MVC) and 99.4 ± 1.9% (20% MVC).
When the filters identified at 20% MVC were applied on signals recorded at a lower level of force (10% MVC), the rates of agreement decreased to 87.9 ± 16.2%. The sensitivity also decreased to 88.0 ± 16.2%, but the precision remained high (99.4 ± 4.3). Thus, the decrease in accuracy was mostly caused by missed discharge times rather than the false identification of artifacts or spikes from other motor units.
When the filters identified at 10% MVC were applied to signals recorded at a higher level of force, the rates of agreement decreased to 83.3 ± 13.5%. The sensitivity decreased to 90.7 ± 8.1%, and the precision also decreased to 90.9 ± 12.6%. This result confirms what was observed with synthetic EMG, that is motor units recruited between 10 and 20% MVC can substantially disrupt the accuracy of the decomposition in real-time, as highlighted in Figure 4 (lower panel). Importantly, this situation does not happen for all the motor units, as suggested by the distribution of the values in Figure 4.’
Fig. 6: Given that a key challenge in sorting should be that collisions occur during large contractions, much more primary data should be presented/visualized to show how the accuracy of sorting changes during larger contractions in online experiments.
As indicated above, the decomposition approach implemented in our software is not based on spikesorting, so it does not require to separate overlapping profiles of action potentials (see Methods).
Fig.7: In presenting the accuracy of biofeedback, it is very hard to gain any intuition for performance by just looking at RMSE values. Showing the online decoded and edited trajectories would help readers understand the magnitude of errors.
We updated the figure to display examples of visual feedback before and after manual editing.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, Rossato and colleagues present a method for real-time decoding of EMG into putative single motor units. Their manuscript details a variety of decision points in their code and data collection pipeline that led to a final result of recording on the order of ~10 putative motor units per muscle in human males. Overall, the manuscript is highly restricted in its potential utility but may be of interest to aficionados. For those outside the field of human or nonhuman primate EMG, these methods will be of limited interest.
We thank the reviewer for his/her throughout evaluation of our manuscript. We recognise that this tool/resource will immediately benefit groups working with humans or nonhuman primate models. However, the recent development of intramuscular thin films with various designs adapted to rodents and smaller animals could expand the range of future users (Chung et al., 2023, Elife). Nonetheless, decoding motor units in humans could be useful for many fields, e.g. in the domains of movement restoration and augmentation. The following paragraph has been added in the introduction section to highlight the importance of real-time decoding of motor unit activity (P3; L67):
‘The activity of motor neuron – in the form of spike trains – represents the neural code of movement to muscles. Decoding this firing activity in real-time during various behaviours can thus substantially enhance our understanding of movement control (2-5). Real-time decoding is also essential for interfacing with external devices (6) or virtual limbs (7) when activity is present at the periphery of the nervous system. For example, individuals with a spinal cord injury can control a virtual hand with the residual firing activity of the motor units in their forearm (7). Furthermore, sampling the activity of motor units receiving a substantial portion of independent synaptic inputs may pave the way for movement augmentation – specifically, extending a person’s movement repertoire through the increase of controllable degrees of freedom (8). In this way, Formento et al. (3) showed that individuals can intuitively learn to independently control motor units within the same muscle using visual cues. Having access to open-source tools that perform the real-time decoding of motor units would allow an increasing number of researchers to improve and expand the range of these applications.’
(1) Artificial data should be used with this method to provide ground truth performance evaluations. Without it, the study assumptions are unchallenged and could be seriously flawed.
A new section on the validation of the algorithm has been added. We verified the accuracy of the algorithm by comparing the series of identified discharge times with the ground truth, i.e., the simulated discharge times. (P10; L235)
‘Validation of the algorithm
We first validated the accuracy of the algorithm using synthetic EMG signals generated with an anatomical model entailing a cylindrical muscle volume with parallel fibres [see Farina et al. (29), Konstantin et al. (36) for a full description of the model)]. In this model, subcutaneous and skin layers separate the muscle from a grid of 65 surface electrodes (5 columns, 13 rows), while an intramuscular array of electrodes is directly inserted in the muscle under the grid with an angle of 30 degrees. 150 motor units were distributed within the cross section of the muscle. Recruitment thresholds, firing rate/excitatory drive relations, and twitch parameters were assigned to each motor unit using the same procedure as Fuglevand et al. (37). During each simulation, a proportional-integral-derivative controller adjusted the level of excitatory drive to minimise the error between a predefined target of force and the force generated by the active motor units.
Figure 3A displays the raster plots of the active motor units during simulated trapezoidal isometric contractions with plateaus of force set at 10%, 20%, and 30% MVC. A sinusoidal isometric contraction ranging between 15 and 25% MVC at a frequency of 0.5 Hz was also simulated. We identified on average 10 ± 1 and 12 ± 2 motor units with surface and intramuscular arrays, respectively (Figure 3A). During the offline decomposition, the rate of agreement between the identified discharge times and the ground truth, that is, the simulated discharge times, reached 100.0 ± 0.0% for intramuscular EMG signals and 99.2 ± 1.8% for surface EMG signals (Figure 3B). The offline estimation of motor unit filters was therefore highly accurate, independently of the level of force or the pattern of the isometric contraction.
Motor unit filters estimated during a baseline contraction at 20% MVC were then applied in real-time on signals simulated during a contraction with a different pattern (sinusoidal; Figure 3C). The rates of agreement between the online decomposition and the ground truth reached 96.3 ± 4.6% and 98.4 ± 2.3% for surface and intramuscular EMG signals, respectively. Finally, we tested whether the accuracy of the online decomposition changed when the level of force decreased or increased by 10% MVC when compared to the calibration performed at 20% MVC (Figure 3D). The rate of agreement remained high when applying the motor unit filters on signals recorded at 10% MVC: 99.8 ± 0.2% (surface EMG) and 99.5 ± 0.3% (intramuscular EMG). It is worth noting that only 3 out of 10 motor units identified from surface EMG at 20% MVC were active at 10% MVC, while 8 out of 12 motor units identified from intramuscular EMG were active at 10 % MVC. This shows how the decomposition of EMG signals tends to identify the last recruited motor units, which often innervate a larger number of fibres than the early recruited motor units (38). On the contrary, the application of motor unit filters on signals simulated at 30% MVC led to a decrease in the rate of agreement, with values of 88.6 ± 14.0% (surface EMG) and 80.3 ± 19.2% (intramuscular EMG). This decrease in accuracy did not impact all the motor units, with 5 motor units keeping a rate of agreement above 95% in both signals. For the other motor units, we observed a decrease in precision, which estimates the ratio of true discharge times over the total number of identified discharge times. This was caused by the recruitment of two motor units sharing a similar space within the muscle, which resulted in a merge in the same pulse train (Figure 3D).’
(2) From the point of view of a motor control neuroscientist studying movement in animals other than humans or non-human primates, the title was misleadingly hopeful. The use case presented in this study requires human participants to perform isometric contractions, facilitating spatially redundant recordings across the muscle for the algorithm to work. It is unclear whether these methods will be of utility to use cases under more physiological conditions (ie. dynamic movement).
We modified the title to read: “I-Spin live: An open-source software based on blind-source separation for real-time decoding of motor unit activity in humans”.
(3) The text states that "EMG signals recorded with an array of electrodes can be considered and instantaneous mixture of the original motor unit spike trains and their delayed versions." While this may be a true statement, it is not a complete statement, since motor units at distal sites may be shared, not shared, or novel. It was not clear to me whether the diversity of these scenarios would affect the performance of the software or introduce artifacts. In other words, if at site 1 you can pick up the bulk signal of units 1,2,3,4; at site two you pick up the signals of units 2,3,4,5 and site three you pick up the signal of units 3,4,5,6, what does the algorithm assume is happening and what does it report and why?
This section has been rewritten to clarify this point. The EMG signal represents indeed the sum of the active motor units within the recorded muscle volume. Put in other words, it is possible that deep motor units or motor units with innervated fibres far away from the grid were not in this recorded muscle volume, and thus non-identifiable. Another necessary condition to ensure the identifiability of the motor unit is its unique spatio-temporal signature within the signal. It means that two motor units close to each other within the muscle volume will be merged by the model. This point was clarified in the results during the validation and the application of filters on experimental data.
(P5; L115)
‘An EMG signal represents the sum of trains of action potentials from all the active motor units within the recorded muscle volume (Figure 1A). During stationary conditions, e.g., isometric contractions, the train of motor unit action potentials can be modelled as the convolution of series of discrete delta functions, representing the discharge times, and motor unit action potentials that have a consistent shape across time. When EMG signals are recorded with an array of electrodes, the shape of the recorded potential of each motor unit differs across electrodes. This is due to 1) the varying conduction velocity of action potentials among the muscle fibres, and 2) the location/depth of the muscle fibres that belong to each motor unit relatively to the electrodes, which impact the low pass filtering effect of the tissue on the recorded potential. Increasing the number and density of recording electrodes increases the likelihood that each motor unit will have a unique motor unit action potential profile (shape), i.e., a temporal and spatial profile that differs from all the other active motor unit within the recorded volume (16, 29). The uniqueness of motor unit action potential profiles is necessary for the blind source separation to accurately estimate the motor unit discharge times. Conversely, the spike trains of two motor units with similar action potential profiles will be merged by the model.
Our software uses a fast independent component analysis (fastICA) to retrieve motor unit spike trains from the EMG signals. For this, it iteratively optimises a separation vector (i.e., the motor unit filter) for each motor unit [Figure 1B; (24-26)]. (24-26)]. The projection of the EMG signals on this separation vector generates a sparse motor unit pulse train, with most of its samples close to zero and a smaller number of samples significantly greater than zero (Figure 1B). The discharge times are estimated from this motor unit pulse train using a peak detection function and a k-mean classification with two classes to separate the high peaks (spikes) from the low peaks (noise and other motor units). During the decomposition in real-time, short segments of EMG signals are projected on the saved separation vectors, and the peaks are classified as discharge times if they are closer to the centroid of the class ‘spikes’ than to the centroid of the class ‘noise’ (Figure 1C). The algorithm used to identify motor units discharge activity is based on that proposed by Negro et al. (24) and Barsakcioglu et al. (26).’
(4) I could not fully appreciate the performance gap solved by the current methods. What was not achievable before that is now achievable? The 125 ms speed of deconvolution? What was achievable before? Intro text around ln 85 states that 'most of the current implementations of this approach rely on offline processing, which restricts its ability to be used..." but no reference is provided here about what the non 'most' of can achieve.
(8) The authors might try to add text to be more circumspect about the contributions of this method. I would recommend emphasizing the conceptual advances over the specifics of the performance of the algorithm since processor speed and implementation of the ideas in a faster environment (Matlab can be slow) will change those outcomes in a trivial way. Yet, much of the results section is very focused on these metrics.
The main contribution of this work submitted to the section ‘Tools and Resource’ of Elife is to provide a user interface that enables researchers to decompose EMG signals recorded with multichannel systems into motor unit activities, to perform this process in real-time, and to translate it into visual feedback. The user interface is fully open source and does not require coding experience. If necessary, the users can inspect the commented code and even modify it for their own experimental setup. The toolbox is now compatible with various acquisition boards, which can expand its use to novel surface and intramuscular arrays of electrodes.
(5) Relatedly, it would have been nice to see a proof of concept using real-time feedback for some kind of biofeedback signal. If that is the objective here, why not show us this? I found the actual readout metrics of performance rather esoteric. They may be of interest to very close experts so I will defer to them for input.
We agree with the reviewer. Videos were added to the supplemental materials to show the different forms of feedback, together with a case scenario where the participant try to separate the activity of two motor units from the same muscle.
(6) I was disappointed to see that only male participants are used because of some vague statement that 'it is widely known in the field' that more motor units can be resolved in males, without thorough referencing. It seems that the objective of the algorithm is the speed of analysis, not the number of units, which makes the elimination of female participants not justified.
The reviewer is right and that was corrected in the new version of the manuscript. We first performed additional experiments in both males and females focused on the accuracy of the approach, and further discussed the differences in yield between men and women in the discussion together with research perspectives to solve this issue.
Results (P12; L296):
‘We then asked eight participants (4 males and 4 females) to perform trapezoidal isometric contractions with plateaus of force set at 10% and 20% MVC during which surface EMG signals were recorded from the TA with 256 electrodes separated by 4 mm. The aim of this experiment was to confirm the results of the simulation; specifically, to test the accuracy of the online decomposition when the level of force was below, equal to, or above the level of force produced during the baseline contraction used to estimate the motor unit filters (Figure 4). We assessed the accuracy of the motor unit spike trains identified in real time using their manually edited version as reference. 144 motor units were identified at both 10 and 20% MVC. When the test signals were recorded at the same level of force as the baseline contraction, we obtained rates of agreement of 95.6 ± 6.8% (10% MVC) and 93.9 ± 5.9% (20% MVC). The sensitivity reached 95.9 ± 6.7% (10% MVC) and 94.4 ± 5.6% (20% MVC), and the precision reached 99.6 ± 1.3% (10% MVC) and 99.4 ± 1.9% (20% MVC).
When the filters identified at 20% MVC were applied on signals recorded at a lower level of force (10% MVC), the rates of agreement decreased to 87.9 ± 16.2%. The sensitivity also decreased to 88.0 ± 16.2%, but the precision remained high (99.4 ± 4.3). Thus, the decrease in accuracy was mostly caused by missed discharge times rather than the false identification of artifacts or spikes from other motor units. When the filters identified at 10% MVC were applied to signals recorded at a higher level of force, the rates of agreement decreased to 83.3 ± 13.5%. The sensitivity decreased to 90.7 ± 8.1%, and the precision also decreased to 90.9 ± 12.6%. This result confirms what was observed with synthetic EMG, that is motor units recruited between 10 and 20% MVC can substantially disrupt the accuracy of the decomposition in real-time, as highlighted in Figure 4 (lower panel). Importantly, this situation does not happen for all the motor units, as suggested by the distribution of the values in Figure 4.’
Discussion (P20; L480):
“An important consideration regarding the implementation of offline or real-time surface EMG decomposition is the difference between individuals, with an overall lower yield in number of identified motor units in females (here: 9 ± 12) than in males (here: 30 ± 13). Typically, the number of identified motor units from surface EMG is twice as low in females than males (32, 49, 50). The cause for this difference remains unclear. It may be related to variations in properties of the tissues separating the motor units from the recording electrodes, or to differences in the morphological and physiological properties of muscle fibres, as well as to the innervation ratios of motor units. These sex-related differences have so far only been supported by data extracted from animal experiments (51). However, the recent developments of simulation frameworks capable of generating highly realistic EMG signals for anthropometrically diverse populations may help understanding the impact of sex-related differences in humans (52). Specifically, these simulations can account for diverse anatomical (e.g. muscle volume and architecture, thickness of subcutaneous tissues) and physiological characteristics (e.g. innervation ratio, number of motor units, fibre cross sectional area, fibre conduction velocity, contribution of rate coding vs. spatial recruitment). Generating such dataset could help identifying the primary factors affecting EMG decomposition performance, ultimately enabling the refinement of algorithms and/or surface electrode design.”
(7) Human curation is often used in spike sorting, but the description of criteria used in this step or how the human curation choices are documented is missing.
To address the reviewer’s comment, we added a new paragraph in the Method section to describe the manual editing process: (P26; L657)
“There is a consensus among experts that automatic decomposition should be followed by visual inspection and manual editing (55). Manual editing involves the following steps: i) removing spikes that result in erroneous firing rates (outliers), ii) adding discharge times thar are clearly distinguishable from the noise, iii) recalculating the separation vector, iv) reapplying the separation vector on the EMG signals (either a selected window or the entire signal), and v) repeating this procedure until no outliers are present and all clearly distinguishable spikes have been selected. Importantly, the manual editing of potentially missed or falsely identified discharge times should not be accepted before the application of the updated motor unit separation vector, thereby generating a new pulse train. Manual edits should be accepted only if the silhouette value improves following this operation or remains well above the preestablished threshold. A more extensive description of the manual editing of motor unit pulse trains can be found in (32). Even though some of the aforementioned steps involve subjective decision-making, evidence suggests that manual editing after EMG decomposition with blind source separation approaches remains highly reliable across operators (33). Specifically, the median rates of agreement calculated for 126 motor units over eight operators with various experience in manual editing was 99.6%. All raw and processed data have been made available on a public data repository so that they can be used for training new operators (10.6084/m9.figshare.13695937).”
Ln 115, "inversing" is not a word. "inverse" is not a verb
Changed as suggested
Ln 186, typo, bioadhesive
Changed as suggested
MVC should be defined on first use. It is currently defined on 3rd use or so.
The term rate is used in a variety of places without units. Eg line 465 but not limited to that
Changed as suggested
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Two minor comments: Para 125: it is not clear what is meant by "spatial distribution" of recording electrodes.
‘Density’ was used instead of ‘spatial distribution’ to now read:
‘Increasing the number and density of recording electrodes increases the likelihood that each motor unit will have a unique motor unit action potential profile (shape), i.e., a temporal and spatial profile that differs from all the other active motor unit within the recorded volume (16, 29).’
Para 545: perhaps a bit more explanation about why low spatial overlap is better would be appropriate.
We added a section in the results showing how motor units with similar spatial signatures are merged by our model, leading to a lower precision. We therefore changed this sentence to now read:
‘Therefore, the likelihood of having spatially overlapping motor unit action potentials - and thus merged motor units - is lower, which explains why the rate of agreement of motor units identified from intramuscular arrays of electrodes is much higher than grids of surface electrodes (12, 13).’
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The authors mention that data is included with the Github software package. I could not find any included data, or instructions on how to run the software offline on example data. (Apologies if I missed this - it would be helpful to make it more prominent)
The link to the data on figshare was added in the GitHub, as well as data samples to run the algorithm offline and test manual editing.
Minor comments:
Not sure what is meant by "boundary capabilities of online decomposition"
This was removed to only discuss the accuracy of online decomposition.
CoV for ISIs is not formally defined or justified.
This was added to the caption of figure 2:
‘The CoV of ISI estimates the regularity of spiking for each motor unit, an expected behaviour during isometric contractions at consistent levels of force.’
Fig. 4: slope units should be ms/motor unit, perhaps?
Changed as suggested.
In some places, the manuscript uses "edition" to describe the editing process. I am not familiar with this usage, "editing" may be more common.
Editing is now used through the entire manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
I would recommend that the authors revise their manuscript to conform to eLife formatting guidelines, including moving the methods to the end of the manuscript. This change may entail substantial editing since many ideas are presented in order from the beginning of the methods. While this suggestion may seem superficial, the success of the new publishing model might benefit from general uniformity in manuscript style.
We changed and edited the draft to follow the classic format of Elife papers.
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eLife assessment
This study describes a useful antibody-free method to map both G-quadruplexes and R-loops in vertebrate cells independently of the BG4 and S9.6 antibodies. It also reveals that the helicase Dhx9 can affect the self-renewal and differentiation capacities of mESCs, perhaps by regulating co-localized G4s and R-loops. The datasets provided might constitute a good starting point for future functional studies, and although the strength of the evidence that DHX9 interferes with the ability of mESCs to differentiate by regulating directly the stability of either G4s or R-loops has been improved compared to a previous version, it is still incomplete.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study describes a useful antibody-free method to map G-quadruplexes in vertebrate cells. The analysis of the data is solid but it remains primarily descriptive and does not substantially add to existing publications (such as PMID:34792172 for example). Nevertheless, the datasets generated here might constitute a good starting point for more functional studies.
Comments on revised version:
It is disappointing to see that the authors decided to brush aside most of the comments made by the three referees, even though these comments were largely consistent with each other. As a result, the revised manuscript is not substantially changed or improved. Legitimate concerns regarding the specificity of the Cut&Tag signals were not addressed and therefore remain. The sensitivity of the HBD-seq signals to a combination of RNase A and RNase H does not demonstrate that HBD-seq specifically reports the presence of RNA:DNA hybrids. The new Figure 9 comparing HepG4-seq to existing datasets does not unequivocally demonstrate the superiority of the Hemin-based strategy to map G4s.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Liu et al. explore the interplay between G-quadruplexes (G4s) and R-loops. The authors developed novel techniques, HepG4-seq and HBD-seq, to capture and map these nucleic acid structures genome-wide in human HEK293 cells and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). They identified dynamic, cell-type-specific distributions of co-localized G4s and R-loops, which predominantly localize at active promoters and enhancers of transcriptionally active genes. Furthermore, they assessed the role of helicase Dhx9 in regulating these structures and their impact on gene expression and cellular functions.
The manuscript provides a detailed catalogue of the genome-wide distribution of G4s and R-loops. However, the conceptual advance and the physiological relevance of the findings are not obvious. Overall, the impact of the work on the field is limited to the utility of the presented methods and datasets.
Strengths:<br /> (1) The development and optimization of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq offer novel methods to map native G4s and R-loops.<br /> (2) The study provides extensive data on the distribution of G4s and R-loops, highlighting their co-localization in human and mouse cells.<br /> (3) The study consolidates the role of Dhx9 in modulating these structures and explores its impact on mESC self-renewal and differentiation.
Comments on revised version:
In this revised manuscript, Liu et al. address most of the previous concerns raised by this reviewer. Namely, the comparison between the novel methods and existing ones is an important addition.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors developed and optimized the methods for detecting G4s and R-loops independent of BG4 and S9.6 antibody, and mapped genomic native G4s and R-loops by HepG4-seq and HBD-seq, revealing that co-localized G4s and R-loops participate in regulating transcription and affecting the self-renewal and differentiation capabilities of mESCs.
By utilizing the peroxidase activity of G4-hemin complex and combining proximity labeling technology, the authors developed HepG4-seq (high throughput sequencing of hemin-induced proximal labelled G4s) , which can detect the dynamics of G4s in vivo. Meanwhile, the "GST-His6-2xHBD"-mediated CUT&Tag protocol (Wang et al., 2021) was optimized by replacing fusion protein and tag, the optimized HBD-seq avoids the generation of GST fusion protein aggregates and can reflect the genome-wide distribution of R-loops in vivo.
The authors employed HepG4-seq and HBD-seq to establish comprehensive maps of native co-localized G4s and R-loops in human HEK293 cells and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). The data indicate that co-localized G4s and R-loops are dynamically altered in a cell type-dependent manner and are largely localized at active promoters and enhancers of transcriptional active genes.
Combined with Dhx9 ChIP-seq and co-localized G4s and R-loops data in wild-type and dhx9KO mESCs, the authors found that the helicase Dhx9, a major regulator of co-localized G4s and R-loops, affects the self-renewal and differentiation capacities of mESCs.
In conclusion, the authors provide an approach to study the interplay between G4s and R-loops, shedding light on the important roles of co-localized G4s and R-loops in development and disease by regulating the transcription of related genes.
As we know, there are at least two structure data of S9.6 antibody very recently, and the questions about the specificity of the S9.6 antibody on RNA:DNA hybrids should be finished. The authors referred (Hartono et al., 2018; Konig et al., 2017; Phillips et al., 2013) need to be updated, and the author's bias against S9.6 antibodies needs also to be changed. In contrast to S9.6 CUT&Tag and other inactive ribonucleotide H1-based methods including MapR (inactive ribonucleotide H1-mediated CUT&Run) (Yan et al., 2019)and GST-2xHBD CUT&Tag (Wang et al., 2021), HBD-seq did not perform satisfactorily and its binding specificity was questionable.
Although HepG4-seq is an effective G4s detection technique, and the authors have also verified its reliability to some extent, given the strong link between ROS homeostasis and G4s formation, hemin's affinity for different types of G4s and their differences in peroxidase activities, whether HepG4-seq reflects the dynamics of G4s in vivo more accurately than existing detection techniques still needs to be more carefully corroborated.
The authors focus on the interaction of non-B DNA structures G4s and R-loops and their roles in development and disease by regulating the transcription of related genes. Compared to the complex regulatory network of G4s and R-loops, the authors provide limited mechanistic insight into the major regulator of co-localized G4s and R-loops, helicase Dhx9. However, the authors propose that "A degron system-mediated simultaneous and/or stepwise degradation system of multiple regulators will help us elucidate the interplaying effects between G4s and R-loops." is attractive. The main innovations of this article are the proposal of new antibody-independent methods for detecting G4s and the optimization of the GST-2xHBD CUT&Tag (Wang et al., 2021) method for detecting R-loops. Unfortunately, however, the reliability and accuracy of these methods are still debatable, and the reference value of the G4s and R-loops datasets based on these methods is relatively limited.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment
This useful study describes an antibody-free method to map G-quadruplexes (G4s) in vertebrate cells. While the method might have potential, the current analysis is primarily descriptive and does not add substantial new insights beyond existing data (e.g., PMID:34792172). While the datasets provided might constitute a good starting point for future functional studies, additional data and analyses would be needed to fully support the major conclusions and, at the same time, clarify the advantage of this method over other methods. Specifically, the strength of the evidence for DHX9 interfering with the ability of mESCs to differentiate by regulating directly the stability of either G4s or R-loops is still incomplete.
We thank the editors for their helpful comments.
Given that antibody-based methods have been reported to leave open the possibility of recognizing partially folded G4s and promoting their folding, we have employed the peroxidase activity of the G4-hemin complex to develop a new method for capturing endogenous G4s that significantly reduces the risk of capturing partially folded G4s. We have included a new Fig. 9 and a new section “Comparisons of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq with previous methods” to carefully compare our methods to other methods.
In the Fig. 7, we applied the Dhx9 CUT&Tag assay to identify the G4s and R-loops directly bound by Dhx9 and further characterized the differential Dhx9-bound G4s and R-loops in the absence of Dhx9. Dhx9 is a versatile helicase capable of directly resolving R-loops and G4s or promoting R-loop formation (PMID: 21561811, 30341290, 29742442, 32541651, 35905379, 34316718). Furthermore, we showed that depletion of Dhx9 significantly altered the levels of G4s or R-loops around the TSS or gene bodies of several key regulators of mESC and embryonic development, such as Nanog, Lin28a, Bmp4, Wnt8a, Gata2, and Lef1, and also their RNA levels (Fig.7 I). The above evidence is sufficient to support the transcriptional regulation of mESCs cell fate by directly modulating the G4s or R-loops within the key regulators of mESCs.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Non-B DNA structures such as G4s and R-loops have the potential to impact genome stability, gene transcription, and cell differentiation. This study investigates the distribution of G4s and R-loops in human and mouse cells using some interesting technical modifications of existing Tn5-based approaches. This work confirms that the helicase DHX9 could regulate the formation and/or stability of both structures in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). It also provides evidence that the lack of DHX9 in mESCs interferes with their ability to differentiate.
HepG4-seq, the new antibody-free strategy to map G4s based on the ability of Hemin to act as a peroxidase when complexed to G4s, is interesting. This study also provides more evidence that the distribution pattern of G4s and R-loops might vary substantially from one cell type to another.
We appreciate your valuable points.
This study is essentially descriptive and does not provide conclusive evidence that lack of DHX9 does interfere with the ability of mESCs to differentiate by regulating directly the stability of either G4 or R-loops. In the end, it does not substantially improve our understanding of DHX9's mode of action.
In this study, we aimed to report new methods for capturing endogenous G4s and R-loops in living cells. Dhx9 has been reported to directly unwind R-loops and G4s or promote R-loop formation (PMID: 21561811, 30341290, 29742442, 32541651, 35905379, 34316718). To understand the direct Dhx9-bound G4s and R-loops, we performed the Dhx9 CUT&Tag assay and analyzed the co-localization of Dhx9-binding sites and G4s or R-loops. We found that 47,857 co-localized G4s and R-loops are directly bound by Dhx9 in the wild-type mESCs and 4,060 of them display significantly differential signals in absence of Dhx9, suggesting that redundant regulators exist as well. We showed that depletion of Dhx9 significantly altered the RNA levels of several key regulators of mESC and embryonic development, such as Nanog, Lin28a, Bmp4, Wnt8a, Gata2, and Lef1, which coincides with the significantly differential levels of G4s or R-loops around the TSS or gene bodies of these genes (Fig.7). The comprehensive molecular mechanism of Dhx9 action is indeed not the focus of this study. We will work on it in the future studies. Thank you for the comments.
There is no in-depth comparison of the newly generated data with existing datasets and no rigorous control was presented to test the specificity of the hemin-G4 interaction (a lot of the hemin-dependent signal seems to occur in the cytoplasm, which is unexpected).
The specificity of hemin-G4-induced peroxidase activity and self-biotinylation has been well demonstrated in previous studies (PMID: 19618960, 22106035, 28973477, 32329781). In the Fig.1A, we compared the hemin-G4-induced biotinylation levels in different conditions. Cells treated with hemin and Bio-An exhibited a robust fluorescence signal, while the absence of either hemin or Bio-An almost completely abolished the biotinylation signals, suggesting a specific and active biotinylation activity. To identify the specific signals, we have included the non-label control and used this control to call confident HepG4 peaks in all HepG4-seq assays.
The hemin-RNA G4 complex has also been reported to have mimic peroxidase activity and trigger similar self-biotinylation signals as DNA G4s (PMID: 32329781, 31257395, 27422869). Therefore, it is not surprising to observe hemin-dependent signals in the cytoplasm generated by cytoplasmic RNA G4s.
In the revised version, we have included a new Fig. 9 and a new section “Comparisons of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq with previous methods” to carefully compare our methods to other methods.
The authors talk about co-occurrence between G4 and R-loops but their data does not actually demonstrate co-occurrence in time. If the same loci could form alternatively either R-loops or G4 and if DHX9 was somehow involved in determining the balance between G4s and R-loops, the authors would probably obtain the same distribution pattern. To manipulate R-loop levels in vivo and test how this affects HEPG4-seq signals would have been helpful.
Single-molecule fluorescence studies have shown the existence of a positive feedback mechanism of G4 and R-loop formation during transcription (PMID: 32810236, 32636376), suggesting that G4s and Rloops could co-localize at the same molecule. Dhx9 is a versatile helicase capable of directly resolving R-loops and G4s or promoting R-loop formation (PMID: 21561811, 30341290, 29742442, 32541651, 35905379, 34316718). Although depletion of Dhx9 resulted in 6,171 Dhx9-bound co-localized G4s and R-loops with significantly altered levels of G4s or R-loops, only 276 of them (~4.5%) harbored altered G4s and R-loops, suggesting that the interacting G4s and R-loops are rare in living cells. Nowadays, the genome-wide co-occurrence of two factors are mainly obtained by bioinformatically intersection analysis. We agreed that F We will carefully discuss this point in the revised version. At the same time, we will make efforts to develop a new method to map the co-localized G4 and R-loop in the same molecule in the future study.
This study relies exclusively on Tn5-based mapping strategies. This is a problem as global changes in DNA accessibility might strongly skew the results. It is unclear at this stage whether the lack of DHX9, BLM, or WRN has an impact on DNA accessibility, which might underlie the differences that were observed. Moreover, Tn5 cleaves DNA at a nearby accessible site, which might be at an unknown distance away from the site of interest. The spatial accuracy of Tn5-based methods is therefore debatable, which is a problem when trying to demonstrate spatial co-occurrence. Alternative mapping methods would have been helpful.
In this study, we used the recombinant streptavidin monomer and anti-GP41 nanobody fusion protein (mSA-scFv) to specifically recognize hemin-G4-induced biotinylated G4 and then recruit the recombinant GP41-tagged Tn5 protein to these G4s sites. Similarly, the recombinant V5-tagged N-terminal hybrid-binding domain (HBD) of RNase H1 specifically recognizes R-loops and recruit the recombinant protein G-Tn5 (pG-Tn5) with the help of anti-V5 antibody. Therefore, the spatial distance of Tn5 to the target sites is well controlled and very short, and also the recruitment of Tn5 is specifically determined by the existence of G4s in HepG4-seq and R-loops in HBD-seq. In addition, RNase treatment markedly abolished the HBD-seq signals and the non-labeled controls exhibit obviously reduction of HepG4-seq signals, demonstrating that HBD-seq and HepG4-seq were not contamination from tagmentation of asccessible DNA.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this study, Liu et al. explore the interplay between G-quadruplexes (G4s) and R-loops. The authors developed novel techniques, HepG4-seq and HBD-seq, to capture and map these nucleic acid structures genome-wide in human HEK293 cells and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). They identified dynamic, cell-type-specific distributions of co-localized G4s and R-loops, which predominantly localize at active promoters and enhancers of transcriptionally active genes. Furthermore, they assessed the role of helicase Dhx9 in regulating these structures and their impact on gene expression and cellular functions.
The manuscript provides a detailed catalogue of the genome-wide distribution of G4s and R-loops. However, the conceptual advance and the physiological relevance of the findings are not obvious. Overall, the impact of the work on the field is limited to the utility of the presented methods and datasets.
(1) The development and optimization of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq offer novel methods to map native G4s and R-loops.
(2) The study provides extensive data on the distribution of G4s and R-loops, highlighting their co-localization in human and mouse cells.
(3) The study consolidates the role of Dhx9 in modulating these structures and explores its impact on mESC self-renewal and differentiation.
We appreciate your valuable points.
(1) The specificity of the biotinylation process and potential off-target effects are not addressed. The authors should provide more data to validate the specificity of the G4-hemin.
The specificity of hemin-G4-induced peroxidase activity and self-biotinylation has been well demonstrated in previous studies (PMID: 19618960, 22106035, 28973477, 32329781). In the Fig.1A, we compared the hemin-G4-induced biotinylation levels in different conditions. Cells treated with hemin and Bio-An exhibited a robust fluorescence signal, while the absence of either hemin or Bio-An almost completely abolished the biotinylation signals, suggesting a specific and active biotinylation activity.
(2) Other methods exploring a catalytic dead RNAseH or the HBD to pull down R-loops have been described before. The superior quality of the presented methods in comparison to existing ones is not established. A clear comparison with other methods (BG4 CUT&Tag-seq, DRIP-seq, R-CHIP, etc) should be provided.
Thank you for the suggestions. We have included a new Fig. 9 and a new section “Comparisons of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq with previous methods” to carefully compare our methods to other methods.
(3) Although the study demonstrates Dhx9's role in regulating co-localized G4s and R-loops, additional functional experiments (e.g., rescue experiments) are needed to confirm these findings.
Dhx9 has been demonstrate as a versatile helicase capable of directly resolving R-loops and G4s or promoting R-loop formation in previous studies (PMID: 21561811, 30341290, 29742442, 32541651, 35905379, 34316718). We believe that the current new dataset and previous studies are enough to support the capability of Dhx9 in regulating co-localized G4s and R-loops.
(4) The manuscript would benefit from a more detailed discussion of the broader implications of co-localized G4s and R-loops.
Thank you for the suggestions. We have included the discussion in the revised version.
(5) The manuscript lacks appropriate statistical analyses to support the major conclusions.
We apologized for this point. Whereas we have applied careful statistical analyses in this study, lacking of some statistical details make people hard to understand some conclusions. We have carefully added details of all statistical analysis.
(6) The discussion could be expanded to address potential limitations and alternative explanations for the results.
Thank you for the suggestions. We have included the discussion about this point in the revised version.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors developed and optimized the methods for detecting G4s and R-loops independent of BG4 and S9.6 antibody, and mapped genomic native G4s and R-loops by HepG4-seq and HBD-seq, revealing that co-localized G4s and R-loops participate in regulating transcription and affecting the self-renewal and differentiation capabilities of mESCs.
By utilizing the peroxidase activity of G4-hemin complex and combining proximity labeling technology, the authors developed HepG4-seq (high throughput sequencing of hemin-induced proximal labelled G4s), which can detect the dynamics of G4s in vivo. Meanwhile, the "GST-His6-2xHBD"-mediated CUT&Tag protocol (Wang et al., 2021) was optimized by replacing fusion protein and tag, the optimized HBD-seq avoids the generation of GST fusion protein aggregates and can reflect the genome-wide distribution of R-loops in vivo.
The authors employed HepG4-seq and HBD-seq to establish comprehensive maps of native co-localized G4s and R-loops in human HEK293 cells and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). The data indicate that co-localized G4s and R-loops are dynamically altered in a cell type-dependent manner and are largely localized at active promoters and enhancers of transcriptionally active genes.
Combined with Dhx9 ChIP-seq and co-localized G4s and R-loops data in wild-type and dhx9KO mESCs, the authors confirm that the helicase Dhx9 is a direct and major regulator that regulates the formation and resolution of co-localized G4s and R-loops.
Depletion of Dhx9 impaired the self-renewal and differentiation capacities of mESCs by altering the transcription of co-localized G4s and R-loops-associated genes.
In conclusion, the authors provide an approach to studying the interplay between G4s and R-loops, shedding light on the important roles of co-localized G4s and R-loops in development and disease by regulating the transcription of related genes.
We appreciate your valuable points.
As we know, there are at least two structure data of S9.6 antibody very recently, and the questions about the specificity of the S9.6 antibody on RNA:DNA hybrids should be finished. The authors referred to (Hartono et al., 2018; Konig et al., 2017; Phillips et al., 2013) need to be updated, and the authors' bias against S9.6 antibodies needs also to be changed. However, as the authors had questioned the specificity of the S9.6 antibody, they should compare it in parallel with the data they have and the data generated by the widely used S9.6 antibody.
Thank you for the updating information about the structure data of S9.6 antibody. We politely disagree the specificity of the S9.6 antibody on RNA:DNA hybrids. The structural studies of S9.6 (PMID: 35347133, 35550870) used only one RNA:DNA hybrid to show the superior specificity of S9.6 on RNA:DNA hybrid than dsRNA and dsDNA. However, Fabian K. et al has reported that the binding affinities of S9.6 on RNA:DNA hybrid exhibits obvious sequence-dependent bias from null to nanomolar range (PMID: 28594954). We have included the comparison between S9.6-derived data and our HBD-seq data in the Fig.9 and the section “Comparisons of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq with previous methods”.
Although HepG4-seq is an effective G4s detection technique, and the authors have also verified its reliability to some extent, given the strong link between ROS homeostasis and G4s formation, and hemin's affinity for different types of G4s, whether HepG4-seq reflects the dynamics of G4s in vivo more accurately than existing detection techniques still needs to be more carefully corroborated.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. In the in vitro hemin-G4 induced self-biotinylation assay, parallel G4s exhibit higher peroxidase activities than anti-parallel G4s. Thus, the dynamics of G4 conformation could affect the HepG4-seq signals (PMID: 32329781). In the future, people may need to combine HepG4-seq and BG4s-eq to carefully explain the endogenous G4s. We have discussed this point in the revised version.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Figures 1A&1G. Although no merge images were provided, it seems that the biotin signals are strongly enriched outside the nucleus. This suggests that hemin is not specific for G4s in DNA. Does it mean that Hemin can also recognise G4 on RNAs? How do the authors understand the cytoplasmic signal?
Hemin indeed could interact with RNA G4 to obtain the peroxidase activity like DNA G4-hemin complex (PMID: 27422869, 32329781, 31257395). The cytoplasmic signals in Figure 1A&1G were derived from RNA G4.
Figure 1A: The fact that there is no Alexa647 signal without hemin or Bio-An does not actually demonstrate that the signals are specific. These controls do not actually test for the specificity of the G4-Hemin interaction.
The specificity of hemin-G4-induced peroxidase activity and self-biotinylation has been well demonstrated in previous studies (PMID: 19618960, 22106035, 28973477, 32329781). In this study, we performed the IF to confirm this phenomena.
Figure 1C: It looks like the HepG4-seq signals are simply an amplification of the noise given by the Tn5 (the non-label ctrl has the same pattern, albeit weaker). It is unclear why this happens but it might happen if somehow hemin increased the probability that the Tn5 is close to chromatin in an unspecific manner (it would cut G-rich, nucleosome-poor, accessible sites in an unspecific manner). To discard this possibility, it would be interesting to investigate directly which loci are biotinylated. For this, the authors could extract and sonicate the genomic DNA and use streptavidin to enrich for biotinylated fragments. Strand-specific DNA sequencing could then be used to map the biotinylated loci.
In the cell culture medium, there were a certain amount of hemin from serum and a low dosage of biotin from the basal medium DMEM, which could not be avoid. Thus, these contaminated hemin and biotin would generate the background signals observed in the Non-label control samples. The biotinylated sites were specifically recognized by the recombinant Streptavidin monomer which further recruits Tn5 to the biotinylated sites with the help of Moon-tag. Different from the signals in the HEK293 samples, a much more robust HepG4-seq signals were observed in the mESC samples and the signals were also abolished in the non-label control samples. Thus, the relatively small signal-to-noise ratio in the HEK293 samples suggest the week abundance of endogenous G4s in the HEK293 cells. Thus, we politely disagree that hemin increased the non-specific recruitment of Th5. In addition, the CUT&Tag technology has been wildly demonstrated to have a much lower background, high signal-to-noise ratio and high sensitivity. Thus, we also politely disagree to replace the CUT&Tag with the traditional DNA library preparation method.
Figure 1H: No spike-in was added and the data are not quantitative. The number of replicates is unclear. 70000 extra peaks (10x) after inhibition of BLM or WRN seems enormous. These extra peaks should be better characterised: do they contain G4 motifs? Are they transcribed? etc...; again what kind of controls should be used here, in case the inhibition of BLP and WRN has a global impact on chromatin accessibility?
To quantitatively compare different samples, we have normalized all samples according their de-duplicated uniquely mapping reads numbers. Given that the inhibitors were dissolved in the DMSO, we used the DMSO as the control. Since the Tn5 were specifically recruited the biotinylated G4 sites through the recombinant Streptavidin monomer protein and the moon tag system, the chromatin accessibility will not affect the Tn5, which were normally observed in the ATAT-seq.
As suggested, we have analyzed the enriched motifs of the extra peaks induced by BLM or WRN inhibition and showed that the top enriched motifs are also G-rich in the supplementary Fig.1E. In addition, we analyzed the RNA-seq levels of genes-associated with these extra peaks. As shown in the figure below, the majority of these genes are actively transcribed.
Author response image 1.
Figure 2: The mutated version of HBD should have been used as a control. As shown clearly in PMID: 37819055, the HBD domain does interact in an unspecific manner with chromatin at low levels. As above, this might be enough to increase the local concentration of the Tn5 close to chromatin in the Cut&Tag approach and to cleave accessible sites close to TSS in an unspecific manner.
As shown in Fig.2B and Fig.4A, we have included the RNase treatment as the control and showed that the HBD-seq-identified R-loops signals are dramatically attenuated (Fig.2B) or almost completely abolished after the RNase treatment (Fig.4A). These data demonstrate the specificity of HBD-seq.
Figure 2: What fraction of the HEPG4-seq signal is sensitive to RNase treatment? The authors used a combination of RNase A and RNase H but previous data have shown that the RNase A treatment is sufficient to remove the HBD-seq signal (which means that it is not actually possible on this sole basis to claim or disclaim that the signals do correspond to genuine R-loops). Do the authors have evidence that the RNase H treatment alone does impact their HBD-seq or HEPG4-seq signals?
As shown in Fig.2B and Fig.4A, the HBD-seq-identified R-loops signals are all dramatically attenuated (Fig.2B) or almost completely abolished after the RNase treatment (Fig.4A). The specificity of HBD on recognizing R-loops has been carefully demonstrated in the previous study (PMID: 33597247). In this study, we used the same two copies of HBD (2xHBD) and replaced the GST tag to EGFP-V5 to reduce the possibility of variable high molecular-weight aggregates caused by GST tag. In addition, RNase H treatment has been shown to fail to completely abolish the CUT&Tag signals since a subset of DNA-RNA hybrids with high GC skew are partially resistant to RNase H (PMID: 32544226, 33597247). In consideration of the high GC skew of co-localized G4s and R-loops, we combined the RNase A and RNase H. We currently did not have the RNaseH alone samples.
Figure 3A: "RNA-seq analysis revealed that the RNA levels of co-localized G4s and R-loops-associated genes are significantly higher": the differences are not very convincing.
In the Figure 3A, we have performed the Mann-Whitney test to examine the significance in the revised manuscript. RNA levels of co-localized G4s and R-loops-associated genes are indeed significantly higher than all genes, G4s or R-loops- associated genes with the Mann-Whitney test p < 2.2E-16.
Figure 3B: the patterns for "G4" and "co-localised G4 and R-loop" are extremely similar, suggesting that nearly all G4s mapped here could also form R-loops. If this is the case, most of the HEPG4-seq signals should be sensitive to exogenous RNase H treatment or to the in vivo over-expression of RNase H1. This should be tested (see above).
The percentage of co-localized G4 and R-loop in G4 peaks is 80.3% ( 5,459 out of 6,799) in HEK293 cells and 72.0% (68,482 out of 95,128) in mESC cells, respectively. The co-localization does not mean that G4 and R-loop interact with each other. We have showed that only small proportion of co-localized G4s and R-loops displayed differential G4s and R-loops at the same time in the dhx9KO mESCs (Fig. 6D, Supplementary Fig. 3B), suggesting that the majority of co-localized G4s and R-loops do not interact with each other. Thus, we thought that it is not necessary to perform the RNase H test.
Figure 3C: there is no correlation between the FC of G4 and the FC of RNA; this is not really consistent with the idea that the stabilisation of G4 is the driver rather than a consequence of the transcriptional changes.
Given that the treatment of WRN or BLM inhibition induced a large mount of G4 accumulation (Fig.1H-I), we examined the transcription effect on genes associated with these accumulated G4s in Fig.3C. We indeed observed the effect of G4 accumulation on transcription of G4-associated genes. Given that G4 stabilization triggers the transcriptional changes, it does not mean that the transcriptional changes should be highly correlated with the increase levels of G4s. To our knowledge, we have not observed this type of connections in the previous studies.
l279: the overlap with H3K4me1 is really not convincing.
For all G4 peaks, the signals of H3K4me1 indeed exhibit a high background around the center of G4 peaks but we still could observe a clear peak in the center.
Figure 5C: it should be clearly indicated here that the authors compare Cut&Tag and ChIP data. The origin of the ChIP-seq data is also unclear and should be indicated.
Thank you for the suggestions. We have clarified this point.
For the ChIP data, we have described the origin of ChIP-seq data in the “Data availability” section as below: “The ChIP-seq data of histone markers and RNAP are openly available in GNomEx database (accession number 44R) (Wamstad et al., 2012).”
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Figure 1A. An experimental condition lacking H2O2 (-H2O2) should be included.
We have added this control in Fig.1A
(2) Does RNAse H affect G4 profiles?
We have not tested the effect of RNase H on G4 forming. However, we have showed that only small proportion of co-localized G4s and R-loops displayed differential G4s and R-loops at the same time in the dhx9KO mESCs (Fig. 6D, Supplementary Fig. 3B), suggesting that the majority of co-localized G4s and R-loops do not interact with each other. Thus, we thought that it is not necessary to perform the RNase H test on G4. In addition, to treat cells wit RNase H, we have to permeabilize cells first to let RNase H enter the nuclei. If so, we will lose the pictures of endogenous G4s.
(3) Figure 2G. R-loops are detected upstream of the KPNB1 gene. What is this region? Is it transcribed?
We are so sorry to make a mistake when we prepared this figure. We have change it to the correct one in Fig. 2G. The R-loop is around the TSS of KPNB1. We also showed the RNA-seq data in this region in Author response image 2 below. This region is indeed transcribed.
Author response image 2.
(4) Did BLM and WRN inhibition specifically affect the expression of genes containing colocalized G4s and R-loops? Was the effect seen in other genes as well? Appropriate statistical analyses are needed.
In the Fig.3, we have shown that the accumulation of co-localized G4 and R-loops induced by the inhibition of BLM or WRN significantly caused the changes of genes (480 in BLM inhibition, 566 in WRN inhibition) containing these structures most of which are localized at the promoter-TSS regions. We indeed detected the effect in other genes as well. There were 918 and 1020 genes with significantly changes (padjust <0.05 & FC >=2 or FC <=0.5) in BLM and WRN inhibition, respectively.
(5) The claim that "The co-localized G4s and R-loops-mediated transcriptional regulation in HEK293 cells" (title of Figure 3) is not supported by the presented data. A causality link is not established in this study, which only reports correlations between G4s/R-loops and transcription regulation.
We politely disagree with this point. BLM and WRN are the best characterized DNA G4-resolving helicase ((Fry and Loeb, 1999; Mendoza et al., 2016; Mohaghegh et al., 2001). Here, we used the selective small molecules to specifically inhibit their ATPase activity and observed dramatical induction of G4 accumulation. Notably, the accumulated G4s that trigger the transcriptional changes are mainly located at the promoter-TSS region. If the transcriptional changes trigger the G4 accumulations, we should not observe such a biased distribution and more accumulated G4s should be detected in the gene body.
(6) The effect of Dhx9 KO on colocalized G4s/R-loops and transcription is not clear. The suggestion that Dhx9 could regulate transcription by modulating G4s, R-loops, and co-localized G4s and R-loops is not supported by the presented data. Additional experiments and statistical analyses are needed to conclude the role of Dhx9 on colocalized G4s/Rloops and transcription.
Dhx9 has been extensively studied and reported to directly unwind R-loops and G4s or promote R-loop formation (PMID: 21561811, 30341290, 29742442, 32541651, 35905379, 34316718). Thus, it is not necessary to repeat these assays again. To understand the direct Dhx9-bound G4s and R-loops, we performed the Dhx9 CUT&Tag assay and analyzed the co-localization of Dhx9-binding sites and G4s or R-loops. 47,857 co-localized G4s and R-loops are directly bound by Dhx9 in the wild-type mESCs and 4,060 of them display significantly differential signals in absence of Dhx9, suggesting that redundant regulators exist as well. These data have clearly shown the roles of Dhx9 directly modulating the stabilities of G4s and R-loops. Furthermore, we showed that loss of Dhx9 caused 816 Dhx9 directly bound colocalized G4 and R-loop associated genes significantly differentially expressed, supporting the transcriptional regulation of Dhx9. We performed the differential analysis following the standard pipeline: DESeq2 for RNA-seq and DiffBind for HepG4-seq and HBD-seq. The statistical details have been described in the figure legends.
(7) The conclusion that Dhx9 regulates the self-renewal and differentiation capacities of mESCs is vague. Additional experiments are needed to elucidate the exact contribution of Dhx9.
In this study, we aimed to report new methods for capturing endogenous G4s and R-loops in living cells. In this study, we have shown that depletion of Dhx9 significantly attenuated the proliferation of the mESCs and also influenced the capacity of mESCs differentiation into three germline lineages during the EB assay. In addition, we showed that depletion of Dhx9 significantly reduced the protein levels of mESCs pluripotent markers Nanog and Lin28a. The comprehensive molecular mechanism of Dhx9 action is indeed not the focus of this study. We will work on it in the future studies. Thank you for the comments.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The study on the involvement of native co-localized G4s and R-loops in transcriptional regulation further enriches the readers' understanding of genomic regulatory networks, and the functional dissection of Dhx9 also lays a good foundation for the study of the dynamic regulatory mechanisms of co-localized G4s and R-loops. Unfortunately, however, the authors lack a strong basis for questioning the widely used BG4 and S9.6 antibodies, and the co-localized G4s and R-loops sequencing data obtained by the developed and optimized method also lack parallel comparison with existing sequencing technologies, which cannot indicate that HepG4-seq and HBD-seq are more reliable and superior than BG4 and S9.6 antibody-based sequencing technologies. There are also some minor errors in the manuscript that need to be corrected.
Thank you for the constructive comments. We have added a new section (Comparisons of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq with previous methods) and a new figure 9 to parallelly compare our methods to other widely-used methods.
(1) This work mainly focuses on co-localized G4s and R-loops, but in the introduction section, the interplay between G4s and R-loops is only briefly mentioned. It is suggested that the importance of the interplay of G4s and R-loops for gene regulation should be further expanded to help readers better understand the significance of studying co-localized G4s and R-loops.
Thank you for the comments. The current studies about the interplay between G4s and R-loops are limited. We have summarized all we could find in the literatures.
(2) The authors mentioned that "a steady state equilibrium is generally set at low levels in living cells under physiological conditions (Miglietta et al., 2020) and thus the addition of high-affinity antibodies may pull the equilibrium towards folded states", in my understanding this is one of the important reasons why the authors optimized the G4s and R-loops detection assays, I wonder if there is a reliable basis for this statement. If there is, I suggest that the authors can supplement it in the manuscript.
The main reason we develop the new method is to develop an antibody-free method to label the endogenous G4s in living cells. We ever tried to capture endogenous G4s using the tet-on controlled BG4. Unfortunately, we found that even a short time induction of BG4 in living cells was toxic. The traditional antibody-based methos rely on permeabilizing cells first to let the antibodies enter the nuclei. In this case, it is easy to lost the physiological pictures of endogenous G4s. We will add more discussion about this point. For R-loops, we just further optimized the GST-2xHBD-mediated method to avoid the problem of GST-tag. GST-fusion proteins are prone to form variable high molecular-weight aggregates and these aggregates often undermine the reliability of the fusion proteins.
(3) Some questions about HepG4-seq:
Is there a difference in hemin affinity for intramolecular G quadruplexes, interstrand G quadruplexes, and their different topologies? If so, does this bias affect the accuracy of sequencing results based on G4-hemin complexes?
Thank you for pointing out this issue. In the in vitro hemin-G4 induced self-biotinylation assay, parallel G4s exhibit higher peroxidase activities than anti-parallel G4s (PMID: 32329781). Thus, the dynamics of G4 conformation possibly affect the HepG4-seq signals. In the future, people may need to combine HepG4-seq and BG4s-eq to carefully explain the endogenous G4s. We have discussed this point in the revised version.
HepG4-seq is based on proximity labeling and peroxidase activity of the G4-hemin complex. The authors tested and confirmed that the addition of hemin and Bio-An in the experiment had no significant influences on sequencing results, but the effect of exogenous H2O2 treatment may also need to be taken into account since ROS can mediate the formation of G4s.
For HepG4-seq protocol, we only treat cells with H2O2 for one minute. Thus, we thought that the side effect of H2O2 treatment should be limited in such a short time.
(4) As we know, there have been at least two structure data of the S9.6 antibody very recently, and the questions about the specificity of the S9.6 antibody on RNA:DNA hybrids should be finished. The authors referred to (Hartono et al., 2018; Konig et al., 2017; Phillips et al., 2013) need to be updated, and the author's bias against S9.6 antibodies needs also to be changed. However, as the authors had questioned the specificity of the S9.6 antibody, they should compare in parallel with the data they have and the data generated by the widely used S9.6 antibody.
Thank you for the updating information about the structure data of S9.6 antibody. We politely disagree the specificity of the S9.6 antibody on RNA:DNA hybrids. The structural studies of S9.6 (PMID: 35347133, 35550870) used only one RNA:DNA hybrid to show the superior specificity of S9.6 on RNA:DNA hybrid than dsRNA and dsDNA. However, Fabian K. et al has reported that the binding affinities of S9.6 on RNA:DNA hybrid exhibits obvious sequence-dependent bias from null to nanomolar range (PMID: 28594954). We have included the comparison between S9.6-derived data and our HBD-seq data in the Fig.9 and the section “Comparisons of HepG4-seq and HBD-seq with previous methods”.
(5) It is hoped that the results of immunofluorescence experiments can be statistically analyzed.
We have performed the statistical analysis and included the data in the new figure.
(6) Some minor errors:
Line 168, "G4-froming" should be "G4-forming";
Figure 5E, the color of the "Repressed" average signal at the top of the HepG4-seq heatmap should be blue;
Figure 7C, the abbreviation "Gloop" should be indicated in the text or in the figure caption.
Thank you for pointing out these issues. We are sorry for these mistakes. We have corrected them in the revised version.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
In this useful study, a solid machine learning approach based on a broad set of systems to predict the R2 relaxation rates of residues in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is described. The ability to predict the patterns of R2 will be helpful to guide experimental studies of IDPs. A potential weakness is that the predicted R2 values may include both fast and slow motions, thus the predictions provide only limited new physical insights into the nature of the relevant protein dynamics.
Fast motions are less sequence-dependent (e.g., as shown by R1). Hence the sequence-dependent part of R2 singles out slow motion.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Solution state 15N backbone NMR relaxation from proteins reports on the reorientational properties of the N-H bonds distributed throughout the peptide chain. This information is crucial to understanding the motions of intrinsically disordered proteins and as such has focussed the attention of many researchers over the last 20-30 years, both experimentally, analytically and using numerical simulation.
This manuscript proposes an empirical approach to the prediction of transverse 15N relaxation rates, using a simple formula that is parameterised against a set of 45 proteins. Relaxation rates measured under a wide range of experimental conditions are combined to optimize residuespecific parameters such that they reproduce the overall shape of the relaxation profile. The purely empirical study essentially ignores NMR relaxation theory, which is unfortunate, because it is likely that more insight could have been derived if theoretical aspects had been considered at any level of detail.
NMR relaxation theory is very valuable in particular regarding motions on different timescales. However, it has very little to say about the sequence dependence of slow motions, which is the focus of our work.
Despite some novel aspects, in particular the diversity of the relaxation data sets, the residuespecific parameters do not provide much new insight beyond earlier work that has also noted that sidechain bulkiness correlated with the profile of R2 in disordered proteins.
The novel insight from our work is that R2 can mostly be predicted based on the local sequence.
Nevertheless, the manuscript provides an interesting statistical analysis of a diverse set of deposited transverse relaxation rates that could be useful to the community.
Thank you!
Crucially, and somewhat in contradiction to the authors stated aims in the introduction, I do not feel that the article delivers real insight into the nature of IDP dynamics. Related to this, I have difficulty understanding how an approximate prediction of the overall trend of expected transverse relaxation rates will be of further use to scientists working on IDPs. We already know where the secondary structural elements are (from 13C chemical shifts which are essential for backbone assignment) and the necessary 'scaling' of the profile to match experimental data actually contains a lot of the information that researchers seek.
Again, the novel insight is that slow motions that dictate the sequence dependence of R2 can mostly be predicted based on the local sequence. The scaling factor may contain useful information but does not tell us anything about the sequence dependence of IDP dynamics.
This reviewer brings up a lot of valuable points, clearly from an NMR spectroscopist’s perspective. The emphasis of our paper is somewhat different from that perspective. For example, we were interested in whether tertiary contacts make significant contributions to R2, as sometimes claimed. Our results show that, in general, they do not; instead local contacts dominate the sequence dependence of R2.
(1) The introduction is confusing, mixing different contributions to R2 as if they emanated from the same physics, which is not necessarily true. 15N transverse relaxation is said to report on 'slower' dynamics from 10s of nanoseconds up to 1 microsecond. Semi-classical Redfield theory shows that transverse relaxation is sensitive to both adiabatic and non-adiabatic terms, due to spin state transitions induced by stochastic motions, and dephasing of coherence due to local field changes, again induced by stochastic motions. These are faster than the relaxation limit dictated by the angular correlation function. Beyond this, exchange effects can also contribute to measured R2. The extent and timescale limit of this contribution depends on the particular pulse sequence used to measure the relaxation. The differences in the pulse sequences used could be presented, and the implications of these differences for the accuracy of the predictive algorithm discussed.
Indeed pulse sequences affect the measured R2 values. We make the modest assumption that such experimental idiosyncrasy would not corrupt the sequence dependence of IDP dynamics. As for exchange effects, our expectation is that the current SeqDYN may not do well for R2s where slow exchange plays a dominant role in generating sequence dependence, as tertiary contacts would be prominent in those cases; we now present one such case (new Fig. S5).
(2) Previous authors have noted the correlation between observed transverse relaxation rates and amino acid sidechain bulkiness. Apart from repeating this observation and optimizing an apparently bulkiness-related parameter on the basis of R2 profiles, I am not clear what more we learn, or what can be derived from such an analysis. If one can possibly identify a motif of secondary structure because raised R2 values in a helix, for example, are missed from the prediction, surely the authors would know about the helix anyway, because they will have assigned the 13C backbone resonances, from which helical propensity can be readily calculated.
We think that a sequence-based method that is demonstrated to predict well R2 values from expensive NMR experiments is significant. That pi-pi and cation-pi interactions are prominent features of local contacts and may seed tertiary contacts and mediate inter-chain contacts that drive phase separation is a valuable insight.
(3) Transverse relaxation rates in IDPs are often measured to a precision of 0.1s-1 or less. This level of precision is achieved because the line-shapes of the resonances are very narrow and high resolution and sensitivity are commonly measurable. The predictions of relaxation rates, even when applying uniform scaling to optimize best-agreement, is often different to experimental measurement by 10 or 20 times the measured accuracy. There are no experimental errors in the figures. These are essential and should be shown for ease of comparison between experiment and prediction.
Again, our focus is not the precision of the absolute R2 values, but rather the sequence dependence of R2.
(4) The impact of structured elements on the dynamic properties of IDPs tethered to them is very well studied in the literature. Slower motions are also increased when, for example the unfolded domain binds a partner, because of the increased slow correlation time. The ad hoc 'helical boosting' proposed by the authors seems to have the opposite effect. When the helical rates are higher, the other rates are significantly reduced. I guess that this is simply a scaling problem. This highlights the limitation of scaling the rates in the secondary structural element by the same value as the rest of the protein, because the timescales of the motion are very different in these regions. In fact the scaling applied by the authors contains very important information. It is also not correct to compare the RMSD of the proposed method with MD, when MD has not applied a 'scaling'. This scaling contains all the information about relative importance of different components to the motion and their timescales, and here it is simply applied and not further analysed.
Actually, applying the boost factor achieves the effect of a different scaling factor for the secondary structure element than for the rest of the protein.
Regarding comparing RMSEs of SeqDYN and MD, it is true that SeqDYN applies a scaling factor whereas MD does not. However, even if we apply scaling to MD results it will not change the basic conclusion that “SeqDYN is very competitive against MD in predicting _R_2, but without the significant computational cost.”
(5) Generally, the uniform scaling of all values by the same number is serious oversimplification. Motions are happening on all timescales they are giving rise to different transverse relaxation. It is not possible to describe IDP relaxation in terms of one single motion. Detailed studies over more than 30 years, have demonstrated that more than one component to the autocorrelation function is essential in order to account for motions on different timescales in denatured, partially disordered or intrinsically unfolded states. If one could 'scale' everything by the same number, this would imply that only one timescale of motion were important and that all others could be neglected, and this at every site in the protein. This is not expected to be the case, and in fact in the examples shown by the authors it is also never the case. There are always regions where the predicted rates are very different from experiment (with respect to experimental error), presumably because local dynamics are occurring on different timescales to the majority of the molecule. These observations contain useful information, and the observation that a single scaling works quite well probably tells us that one component of the motion is dominant, but not universally. This could be discussed.
The reviewer appears to equate a single scaling factor with a single type of motion -- this is not correct. A single scaling factor just means that we factor out effects (e.g., temperature or magnetic field) that are uniform across the IDP sequence.
(6) With respect to the accuracy of the prediction, discussion about molecular detail such as pi-pi interactions and phase separation propensity is possibly a little speculative.
It is speculative; we now add more support to this speculation (p. 18 and new Fig. S6).
(7) The authors often declare that the prediction reproduces the experimental data. The comparisons with experimental data need to be presented in terms of the chi2 per residue, using the experimentally measured precision which as mentioned, is often very high.
Again, our interest is the sequence dependence of R2, not the absolute R2 value and its measurement precision.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Qin, Sanbo and Zhou, Huan-Xiang created a model, SeqDYN, to predict nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin relaxation spectra of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), based primarily on amino acid sequence. To fit NMR data, SeqDYN uses 21 parameters, 20 that correspond to each amino acid, and a sequence correlation length for interactions. The model demonstrates that local sequence features impact the dynamics of the IDP, as SeqDYN performs better than a one residue predictor, despite having similar numbers of parameters. SeqDYN is trained using 45 IDP sequences and is retrained using both leave-one-out cross validation and five-fold cross validation, ensuring the model's robustness. While SeqDYN can provide reasonably accurate predictions in many cases, the authors note that improvements can be made by incorporating secondary structure predictions, especially for alpha-helices that exceed the correlation length of the model. The authors apply SeqDYN to study nine IDPs and a denatured ordered protein, demonstrating its predictive power. The model can be easily accessed via the website mentioned in the text.
While the conclusions of the paper are primarily supported by the data, there are some points that could be extended or clarified.
(1) The authors state that the model includes 21 parameters. However, they exclude a free parameter that acts as a scaling factor and is necessary to fit the experimental data (lambda). As a result, SeqDYN does not predict the spectrum from the sequence de-novo, but requires a one parameter fitting. The authors mention that this factor is necessary due to non-sequence dependent factors such as the temperature and magnetic field strength used in the experiment.
Given these considerations, would it be possible to predict what this scaling factor should be based on such factors?
There are still too few data to make such a prediction.
(2) The authors mention that the Lorentzian functional form fits the data better than a Gaussian functional form, but do not present these results.
We tested the different functional forms at the early stage of the method development. The improvement of the Lorentzian over the Gaussian was slight and we simply decided on the Lorentzian and did not go back and do a systematic analysis.
(3) The authors mention that they conducted five-fold cross validation to determine if differences between amino acid parameters are statistically significant. While two pairs are mentioned in the text, there are 190 possible pairs, and it would be informative to more rigorously examine the differences between all such pairs.
We now present t-test results for other pairs in new Fig. S3.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Qin and Zhou presents an approach to predict dynamical properties of an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) from sequence alone. In particular, the authors train a simple (but useful) machine learning model to predict (rescaled) NMR R2 values from sequence. Although these R2 rates only probe some aspects of IDR dynamics and the method does not provide insight into the molecular aspects of processes that lead to perturbed dynamics, the method can be useful to guide experiments.
A strength of the work is that the authors train their model on an observable that directly relates to protein dynamics. They also analyse a relatively broad set of proteins which means that one can see actual variation in accuracy across the proteins.
A weakness of the work is that it is not always clear what the measured R2 rates mean. In some cases, these may include both fast and slow motions (intrinsic R2 rates and exchange contributions). This in turn means that it is actually not clear what the authors are predicting. The work would also be strengthened by making the code available (in addition to the webservice), and by making it easier to compare the accuracy on the training and testing data.
Our method predicts the sequence dependence of R2, which is dominated by slower dynamics.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Should make sure to define abbreviations such as NMR and SeqDYN.
We now spell out NMR at first use. SeqDYN is the name of our method and is not an abbreviation.
(2) The authors do not mention how the curves in Figure 2A are calculated.
As we stated in the figure caption, these curves are drawn to guide the eye.
(3) May be interesting to explore how the model parameters (q) correlate with different measures of hydrophobicity (especially those derived for IDPs like Urry). This may point to a relationship between amino acid interactions and amino acid dynamics
We now present the correlation between q and a stickiness parameter refined by Tesei et al. (new ref 45) and used for predicting phase separation equilibrium (new Fig. S6).
(4) The authors demonstrate that secondary structure cannot be fully accounted for by their model. They make a correction for extended alpha-helices, but the strength of this correction seems to only be based on one sequence. Would a more rigorous secondary structure correction further improve the model and perhaps allow its transferability to ordered proteins?
We have five 4 test cases (Figs. 4E, F and 5H, I). However, we doubt that the SeqDYN method will be transferable to ordered proteins.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Changes that could strengthen the manuscript substantially.
(1) The authors do not really define what they mean by dynamics, but given that they train and benchmark on R2 measurements, the directly probe whatever goes into the measured R2. Using a direct measurement is a strength since it makes it clear what they are predicting. It also, however, makes it difficult to interpret. This is made clear in the text when the authors, for example write "𝑅2 is the one most affected by slower dynamics (10s of ns to 1 μs and beyond)." First, with the "and beyond" it could literally mean anything. Second, the "normal" R2 rate is limited up to motions up to the (local) "tumbling/reorganization" time (which is much faster), so any slow motions that go into R2 would be what one would normally call "exchange". The authors should thus make it clearer what exactly it is they are probing. In the end, this also depends on the origin of the experimental data, and whether the "R2" measurements are exchange-free or not. This may be a mixture, which hampers interpretations and which may also explain some of the rescaling that needs to be done.
We now remove “and beyond”, and also raise the possibility that R2 measurements based on 15N relaxation may have relatively small exchange contributions (p. 17).
(2) Related to the above, the authors might consider comparing their predictions to the relaxation experiments from Kriwacki and colleagues on a fragment of p27. In that work, the authors used dispersion experiments to probe the dynamics on different timescales. The authors would here be able to compare both to the intrinsic R2 rates (when slow motions are pulsed away) as well as the effective R2 rates (which would be the most common measurement). This would help shed light on (at least in one case) which type of R2 the prediction model captures. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.7b01380
We now report this comparison in new Fig. S5 and discuss its implications (p. 17-18).
(3) In some cases, disagreement between prediction and experiments is suggested to be due to differences in temperature, and hence is used as an argument for the rescaling done. Here, the authors use a factor of 2.0 to explain a difference between 278K and 298K, and a factor of 2.4 to explain the difference between 288K and 298K. It would be surprising if the temperature effect from 288K->298K is larger than from 278K->298K. Does this not suggest that the differences come as much from other sources?
Note that the scaling factors 2.0 and 2.4 were obtained on two different IDPs. It is most likely that different IDPs have different scaling factors for temperature change. As a simple model, the tumbling time for a spherical particle scales with viscosity and the particle volume; correspondingly the scaling factor for temperature change should be greater for a larger particle than for a smaller particle.
(4) The authors find (as have others before) aromatic residues to be common at/near R2 peaks. They suggest this to be indicative for Pi-Pi interactions. Could this not be other types of interactions since these residues are also "just" more hydrophobic? Also, can the authors rule out that the increased R2 rates near aromatic residues is not due to increased dynamics, but simply due to increased Rex-terms due to greater fluctuations in the chemical shifts near these residues (due to the large ring current effects).
We noted both pi-pi and cation-pi as possible interactions that raise R2. There can be other interactions involving aromatic residues, but it’s unlikely to be only hydrophobic as Arg is also in the high-q end. For the same reason, a ring-current based explanation would be inadequate.
(5) The authors write: "We found that, by filtering PsiPred (http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/psipred) (35) helix propensity scores (𝑝,-.) with a very high cutoff of 0.99, the surviving helix predictions usually correspond well with residues identified by NMR as having high helix propensities." It would be good to show the evidence for this in the paper, and quantify this statement.
The cases of most interest are the ones with long predicted helices, of which there are only 3 in the training set. For Sev-NT and CBP-ID4, we already summarize the NMR data for helix identification in the first paragraph of Results; the third case is KRS-NT, which we elaborate in p. 14.
(6) When analysing the nine test proteins, it would be very useful for the reader to get a number for the average accuracy on the nine proteins and a corresponding number for the training proteins. The numbers are maybe there, but hard to find/compare. This would be important so that one can understand how well the model works on the training vs testing data.
We now present the mean RMSE comparison in p. 14.
(7) The authors write: "The 𝑞 parameters, while introduced here to characterize the propensities of amino acids to participate in local interactions, appear to correlate with the tendencies of amino acids to drive liquid-liquid phase separation." It would be good to show this data and quantify this.
We now list supporting data in p. 18 and present new Fig. S6 for further support.
(8) It is great that the authors have made a webservice available for easy access to the work. They should in my opinion also make the training code and data available, as well as the final trained model. Here it would also be useful to show the results from the use of a Gaussian that was also tested, and also state whether this model was discarded before or after examining the testing data.
We have listed the IDP characteristics and sequences in Tables S1 and S2. We’re unsure whether we can disseminate the experimental R2 data without the permission of the original authors. As for the Gaussian function, as stated above, it was abandoned at an early state, before examining the testing data.
Changes that would also be useful
(1) The authors should make it clearer what they predict and what they don't. They mention transient helix formation and various contacts, but there isn't a one-to-one relationship between these structural features and R2 rates. Hence, they should make it clearer that they don't predict secondary structure and that an increased R2 rate may be indicative of many different structural/dynamical features on many different time scales.
We clearly state that we apply a helix boost after the regular SeqDYN prediction.
(2) The authors write "Instead, dynamics has emerged as a crucial link between sequence and function for IDPs" and cite their own work (reference 1) as reference for this statement. As far as I can see, that work does not study function of IDPs. Maybe the authors could cite additional work showing that the dynamics (time scales) affects function of IDPs beyond "just" structure? Otherwise, the functional consequences are not clear. Maybe the authors mean that R2 rates are indicative of (residual) structure, but that is not quite the same. Also, even in that case, there are likely more appropriate references.
Ref. 1 summarized a number of scenarios where dynamics is related to function.
(3) The authors might want to look at some of the older literature on interpreting NMR relaxation rates and consider whether some of it is worth citing.
Fitting/understanding R2 profiles https://doi.org/10.1021/bi020381o https://doi.org/10.1007/s10858-006-9026-9
MD simulations and comparisons to R2 rates without ad hoc reweighting (in addition to the papers from the authors themselves). https://doi.org/10.1021/ja710366c https://doi.org/10.1021/ja209931w
The R2 data for the two unfolded proteins are very helpful! We now present the comparison of these data to SeqDYN prediction in Fig. 6C, D. The MD papers are superseded by more recent studies (e.g., refs. 1 and 14).
There are more like these.
(4) In the analysis of unfolded lysozyme, I assume that the authors are treating the methylated cysteines (which are used in the experiments) simply as cysteine. If that is the case, the authors should ideally mention this specifically.
Treatment of methylated cysteines is now stated in the Fig. 6 caption.
(5) The authors write "Pro has an excessively low ms𝑅2 [with data from only two IDPs (32, 33)], but that is due to the absence of an amide proton." It would be useful with an explanation why lacking a proton gives rise to low 15N R2 rates.
That assertion originated from ref. 32.
(6) When applying the model, the authors predict msR2 and then compare to experimental R2 by rescaling with a factor gamma. It would be good to make it clearer whether this parameter is always fitted to the experiments in all the comparisons. It would be useful to list the fitted gamma values for all the proteins (e.g. in Table S1).
We already give a summary of the scaling factors (“For 39 of the 45 IDPs, Υ values fall in the range of 0.8 to 2.0 s–1”, p. 10).
(7) p. 14 "nineth" -> "ninth"
eLife assessment
In this useful study, a solid machine learning approach based on a broad set of systems to predict the R2 relaxation rates of residues in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is described. The ability to predict the patterns of R2 will be helpful to guide experimental studies of IDPs. A potential weakness is that the predicted R2 values may include both fast and slow motions, thus the predictions provide only limited new physical insights into the nature of the underlying protein dynamics, such as the most relevant timescale.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Qin, Sanbo and Zhou, Huan-Xiang created a model, SeqDYN, to predict nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin relaxation spectra of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), based primarily on amino acid sequence. To fit NMR data, SeqDYN uses 21 parameters, 20 that correspond to each amino acid, and a sequence correlation length for interactions. The model demonstrates that local sequence features impact the dynamics of the IDP, as SeqDYN performs better than a one residue predictor, despite having similar numbers of parameters. SeqDYN is trained using 45 IDP sequences and is retrained using both leave-one-out cross validation and five-fold cross validation, ensuring the model's robustness. While SeqDYN can provide reasonably accurate predictions in many cases, the authors note that improvements can be made by incorporating secondary structure predictions, especially for alpha-helices that exceed the correlation length of the model. The authors apply SeqDYN to study nine IDPs and a denatured ordered protein, demonstrating its predictive power. The model can be easily accessed via the website mentioned in the text.
The authors have adequately addressed the majority of my previous concerns. However, I still wonder if an attempt to fit the individual protein fitting parameter based on temperature and magnetic field strength would be possible. The authors would have 45 data points on which to fit such a parameter, which would only depend on two variables.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The revised manuscript adds some new relevant analyses. It still, however, is unclear which timescales of motions the method refers to and there is confusion about whether the model can predict "slower motions". While the authors answer some of my points, others are left unanswered. That is of course the authors' prerogative, and readers will in any case be able to read the reviewer comments. I am not sure it is productive to add further comments at this point.
Below are my comments from the first round of review:
The manuscript by Qin and Zhou presents an approach to predict dynamical properties of an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) from sequence alone. In particular, the authors train a simple (but useful) machine learning model to predict (rescaled) NMR R2 values from sequence. Although these R2 rates only probe some aspects of IDR dynamics and the method does not provide insight into the molecular aspects of processes that lead to perturbed dynamics, the method can be useful to guide experiments.
A strength of the work is that the authors train their model on an observable that directly relates to protein dynamics. They also analyse a relatively broad set of proteins which means that one can see actual variation in accuracy across the proteins.
A weakness of the work is that it is not always clear what the measured R2 rates mean. In some cases, these may include both fast and slow motions (intrinsic R2 rates and exchange contributions). This in turn means that it is actually not clear what the authors are predicting. The work would also be strengthened by making the code available (in addition to the webservice), and by making it easier to compare the accuracy on the training and testing data.
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eLife assessment
The manuscript proposes an alternative method by SDS-PAGE calibration of Halo-Myo10 signals to quantify myosin molecules in filopodia and discusses different scenarios regarding myosin 10 working models to explain intracellular diffusion and targeting to filopodia. Overall, the paper is elegantly written and the methodology is valuable in its descriptive potential as these are key numbers to know to ultimately decipher the cellular mechanism of Myo10 action as well as understand the molecular composition of a Myo10-generated filopodium. The evidence for the conclusions is compelling, but there are limitations to this study which should be kept in mind when applying this method to other systems.
Joint Public Review:
The paper sought to determine the number of myosin 10 molecules per cell and localized to filopodia, where they are known to be involved in formation, transport within, and dynamics of these important actin-based protrusions. The authors used a novel method to determine the number of molecules per cell. First, they expressed HALO tagged Myo10 in U20S cells and generated cell lysates of a certain number of cells and detected Myo10 after SDS-PAGE, with fluorescence and a stained free method. They used a purified HALO tagged standard protein to generate a standard curve which allowed for determining Myo10 concentration in cell lysates and thus an estimate of the number of Myo10 molecules per cell. They also examined the fluorescence intensity in fixed cell images to determine the average fluorescence intensity per Myo10 molecule, which allowed the number of Myo10 molecules per region of the cell to be determined. They found a relatively small fraction of Myo10 (6%) localizes to filopodia. There are hundreds of Myo10 in each filopodia, which suggests some filopodia have more Myo10 than actin binding sites. Thus, there may be crowding of Myo10 at the tips, which could impact transport, the morphology at the tips, and dynamics of the protrusions themselves. Overall, the study forms the basis for a novel technique to estimate the number of molecules per cell and their localization to actin-based structures. The implications are broad also for being able to understand the role of myosins in actin protrusions, which is important for cancer metastasis and wound healing.
Comments on latest version (from the Reviewing Editor):
One of the main critiques that still remains is that the results were derived from experiments with overexpressed Myo10 and therefore are hard to extrapolate to physiological conditions. Measurement were also only performed in a single cell line. The authors counter this critique with the argument that their results provide insight into a system in which Myo10 is a limiting factor for controlling filopodia formation. They demonstrate that U20S cells do not express detectable levels of Myo10 and thus introducing Myo10 expression demonstrates how triggering Myo10 expression impacts filopodia. An example is given of how melanoma cells often heavily upregulate Myo10.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript proposes an alternative method by SDS-PAGE calibration of Halo-Myo10 signals to quantify myosin molecules at specific subcellular locations, in this specific case filopodia, in epifluorescence datasets compared to the more laborious and troublesome single molecule approaches. Based on these preliminary estimates, the authors developed further their analysis and discussed different scenarios regarding myosin 10 working models to explain intracellular diffusion and targeting to filopodia.
I confirm my previous assessment. Overall, the paper is elegantly written and the data analysis is appropriately presented. Moreover, the novel experimental approach offers advantages to labs with limited access to high-end microscopy setups (super-resolution and/or EM in particular), and the authors proved its applicability to both fixed and live samples.
Myself and the other two reviewers pointed to the same weakness, the use of protein overexpression in U2OS. The authors claim that Myosin10 is not expressed by U2OS, based on Western blot analysis. Does this completely rule out the possibility that what they observed (the polarity of filopodia and the bulge accumulation of Myo10) could be an artefact of overexpression? I am afraid this still remains the main weakness of the paper, despite being properly acknowledged in the Limitations.
Respectfully, our observations do not capture an “artefact” of overexpression but rather the “response” to overexpression. Our goal in this project was to overexpress Myo10 in a situation where it is the limiting reagent for generating filopodia. As Reviewer 3 notes below, overexpression shows that filopodial tips “can accommodate a surprisingly (shockingly) large number of motors.” This is exactly the point. Reviewer 2 considered our handling of this issue to be a strength of the paper. As far as whether bulges occur in endogenous Myo10 systems, please see our comments to Reviewer 3.
I consider all the remaining issues I expressed during the first revision solved.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The paper sought to determine the number of myosin 10 molecules per cell and localized to filopodia, where they are known to be involved in formation, transport within, and dynamics of these important actin-based protrusions. The authors used a novel method to determine the number of molecules per cell. First, they expressed HALO tagged Myo10 in U20S cells and generated cell lysates of a certain number of cells and detected Myo10 after SDS-PAGE, with fluorescence and a stained free method. They used a purified HALO tagged standard protein to generate a standard curve which allowed for determining Myo10 concentration in cell lysates and thus an estimate of the number of Myo10 molecules per cell. They also examined the fluorescence intensity in fixed cell images to determine the average fluorescence intensity per Myo10 molecule, which allowed the number of Myo10 molecules per region of the cell to be determined. They found a relatively small fraction of Myo10 (6%) localizes to filopodia. There are hundreds of Myo10 in each filopodia, which suggests some filopodia have more Myo10 than actin binding sites. Thus, there may be crowding of Myo10 at the tips, which could impact transport, the morphology at the tips, and dynamics of the protrusions themselves. Overall, the study forms the basis for a novel technique to estimate the number of molecules per cell and their localization to actin-based structures. The implications are broad also for being able to understand the role of myosins in actin protrusions, which is important for cancer metastasis and wound healing.
The paper addresses an important fundamental biological question about how many molecular motors are localized to a specific cellular compartment and how that may relate to other aspects of the compartment such as the actin cytoskeleton and the membrane. The paper demonstrates a method of estimating the number of myosin molecules per cell using the fluorescently labeled HALO tag and SDS-PAGE analysis. There are several important conclusions from this work in that it estimates the number of Myo10 molecules localized to different regions of the filopodia and the minimum number required for filopodia formation. The authors also establish a correlation between number of Myo10 molecules filopodia localized and the number of filopodia in the cell. There is only a small % of Myo10 that tip localized relative to the total amount in the cell, suggesting Myo10 have to be activated to enter the filopodia compartment. The localization of Myo10 is log-normal, which suggests a clustering of Myo10 is a feature of this motor.
One of the main critiques of the manuscript was that the results were derived from experiments with overexpressed Myo10 and therefore are hard to extrapolate to physiological conditions. The authors counter this critique with the argument that their results provide insight into a system in which Myo10 is a limiting factor for controlling filopodia formation. They demonstrate that U20S cells do not express detectable levels of Myo10 (supplementary Figure 1E) and thus introducing Myo10 expression demonstrates how triggering Myo10 expression impacts filopodia. An example is given how melanoma cells often heavily upregulate Myo10.
In addition, the revised manuscript addresses the concerns about the method to quantitate the number of Myo10 molecules per cell and therefore puncta in the cell. The authors have now made a good faith effort to correct for incomplete labeling of the HALO tag (Figure 2A-C, supplementary Figure 2D-E). The authors also address the concerns about variability in transfection efficiency (Figure 1D-E).
A very interesting addition to the revised manuscript was the quantitation of the number of Myo10 molecules present during an initiation event when a newly formed filopodia just starts to elongate from the plasma membrane. They conclude that 100s of Myo10 molecules are present during an initiation event. They also examined other live cell imaging events in which growth occurs from a stable filopodia tip and correlated with elongation rates.
The authors acknowledge that a limitation of the study is that all of the experiments were performed with overexpressed Myo10. They address this limitation in the discussion but also provide important comparisons for how their work relates to physiological conditions, such as melanoma cells that only express large amounts of Myo10 when they are metastatic. Also, the speculation about how fascin can outcompete Myo10 should include a mechanism for how the physiological levels of fascin can complete with the overabundance of Myo10 (page 10, lines 401-408).
We have expanded the discussion about fascin competing with high concentrations of Myo10 in filopodial tips on pg. 15. The key feature is that fascin binding in a bundle is essentially irreversible, so it wins if any space opens up and it manages to bind before the next Myo10 arrives.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The work represents progress in quantifying the number of Myo10 molecules present in the filopodia tip. It reveals that cells overexpressing fluorescently labeled Myo10 that the tip can accommodate a wide range of Myo10 motors, up to hundreds of molecules per tip.
The revised, expanded manuscript addresses all of this reviewer's original comments. The new data, analysis and writing strengthen the paper. Given the importance of filopodia in many cellular/developmental processes and the pivotal, as yet not fully understood role of Myo10 in their formation and extension, this work provides a new look at the nature of the filopodial tip and its ability to accommodate a large number of Myo10 motor proteins through interactions with the actin core and surrounding membrane.
Specific comments -
(1) One of the comments on the original work was that the analysis here is done using cells ectopically expressing HaloTag-Myo10. The author's response is that cells express a range of Myo10 levels and some metastatic cancer cells, such as breast cancer, have significantly increased levels of Myo10 compared to non-transformed cell lines. It is not really clear how much excess Myo10 is present in those cells compared to what is seen here for ectopic expression in U2OS cells, making a direct correspondence difficult.
We agree, a direct correspondence is difficult, and is further complicated by other variables (e.g., expression levels of Myo10 activators, cargoes, fascin, or other filopodial components) that may differ among cell lines. Properly sorting this out will require additional work in a few key cellular systems.
However, there are two points to keep in mind that somewhat mitigate this concern. First, because ectopic expression of Myo10 causes an ~30x increase in the number of filopodia, the activated Myo10 population is divided over that larger filopodial population. Second, the log-normal distribution of Myo10 across filopodia has a long tail, which means that some cells with low levels of Myo10 will concentrate that Myo10 in a few filopodia.
In response to comments about the bulbous nature of many filopodia tips the authors point out that similar-looking tips are seen when cells are immunostained for Myo10, citing Berg & Cheney (2002). In looking at those images as well as images from papers examining Myo10 immunostaining in metastatic cancer cells (Arjonen et al, 2014, JCI; Summerbell et al, 2020, Sci Adv) the majority of the filopodia tips appear almost uniformly dot-like or circular. There is not too much evidence of the elongated, bulbous filopodial tips seen here.
Yes, the tips in Berg and Cheney are circular, but their size varies considerably (just as a balloon is roughly circular, its size varies with the amount of air it contains). Non-bulbous filopodial tips have a theoretical radius of ~100 nm, which is below the diffraction limit. However, many of the filopodial tips are larger than the diffraction limit in Berg and Cheney, Fig. 1a. We cropped and zoomed in the images to show each fully visible filopodial tip
We attempted to perform a similar analysis of the images in Arjonen and Summerbell. Unfortunately, their images are too small to do so.
However, in reconsidering the approach and results, it is the case that the finding here do establish the plasticity of filopodia tips that can accommodate a surprisingly (shockingly) large number of motors. The authors discuss that their results show that targeting molecules to the filopodia tip is a relatively permissive process (lines 262 - 274). That could be an important property that cells might be able to use to their advantage in certain contexts.
(2) The method for arriving at the intensity of an individual filopodium puncta (starting on line 532 and provided in the Response), and how this is corrected for transfection efficiency and the cell-to-cell variation in expression level is still not clear to this reviewer. The first part of the description makes sense - the authors obtain total molecules/cell based on the estimation on SDS-PAGE using the signal from bound Halo ligand. It then seems that the total fluorescence intensity of each expressing cell analyzed is measured, then summed to get the average intensity/cell. The 'total pool' is then arrived at by multiplying the number of molecules/cell (from SDS-PAGE) by the total number of cells analyzed. After that, then: 'to get the number of molecules within a Myo10 filopodium, the filopodium intensity was divided by the bioreplicate signal intensity and multiplied by 'total pool.' ' The meaning of this may seem simple or straightforward to the authors, but it's a bit confusing to understand what the 'bioreplicate signal intensity' is and then why it would be multiplied by the 'total pool'. This part is rather puzzling at first read.
We agree, such information is critical. We have now revised this description with more precise terms and have included a formula on pg. 20.
Since the approach described here leads the authors to their numerical estimates every effort should be made to have it be readily understood by all readers. A flow chart or diagram might be helpful.
We have added a diagram of the calculations to the supplemental material (Figure 1—figure supplement 3). We hope that both changes will make it easier for others to follow our work.
(3) The distribution of Myo10 punctae around the cell are analyzed (Fig 2E, F) and the authors state that they detect 'periodic stretches of higher Myo10 density along the plasma membrane' (line 123) and also that there is correlation and anti-correlation of molecules and punctae at opposite ends of the cells.
In the first case, it is hard to know what the authors really mean by the phrase 'periodic stretches'. It's not easy to see a periodicity in the distribution of the punctae in the many cells shown in Supp Fig 3. Also, the correlation/anti-correlation is not so easily seen in the quantification shown in Fig 2F. Can the authors provide some support or clarification for what they are stating?
The periodic pattern that we refer to is most apparent in the middle panels of Fig. 2E, F. These panels show the density of Myo10 puncta. These puncta numbers closely correspond to filopodia counts, with the caveat that some filopodia might have multiple puncta. This periodic density might not be as apparent in the raw data shown in Supp. Fig. 3. We have therefore rewritten this paragraph to clarify our observations (pg. 6).
(4) The authors are no doubt aware that a paper from the Tyska lab that employs a completely different method of counting molecules arrives at a much lower number of Myo10 molecules at the filopodial tip than is reported here was just posted (Fitz & Tyska, 2024, bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2024.05.14.593924).
While it is not absolutely necessary for the authors to provide a detailed discussion of this new work given the timing, they may wish to consider adding a note briefly addressing it.
We are aware of this manuscript and that it uses a different approach for calibrating the fluorescence signal in microscopy. However, we are not comfortable commenting on that manuscript at this time, given that it has not yet been peer reviewed with the chance for author revisions.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The manuscript the authors are now presenting does not comply with the formatting limits of a Short report, but it is instead presented as a full article type. I believe the authors could shorten the Discussion, and meet the criteria for a more appropriate Short Report format.
For instance, I continue to believe that the study of truncation variants could sustain the claim that membrane binding represents the driving force that leads to Myo10 accumulation. I understand the authors want to address these mechanisms in a follow-up story, for this reason, I encourage them to shorten the discussion, which seems unnecessarily long for a technique-based manuscript.
In the first round of review, Reviewer 3 asked us to expand the discussion. Given that, we are happy with where we have landed on the length of the discussion.
Figure 2, could include some images to facilitate the readers on the different messages of the two rose plots E and F, by picking one of the examples from the supplementary Figure 3
We have now added a supplemental figure showing an example cell (Fig. 2 figure supplement 2). But please note that the averaging of ~150 cells (Fig. 2E, F) should be more reliable to show these overall trends.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Also, the speculation about how fascin can outcompete Myo10 should include a mechanism for how the physiological levels of fascin can complete with the overabundance of Myo10 (page 10, lines 401-408).
As noted above, we have now clarified this point.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
line 495 - what is GOC?
We have now defined this oxygen scavenger system in the main text.
lines 603/604 - it is stated that 'velocity analysis does not only account for Myo10 punctum that moved away from the starting point of the trajectory.' It's not clear what this really means.
The sentence now reads: "For Figure 4 parts G-H, note that velocity analysis includes a few Myo10 puncta that switch direction within a single trajectory (e.g., a retracting punctum that then elongates)."
References #4 and #14 are the same.
Thank you for catching that; it has now been corrected.
Fig 1C - the plot for signal intensity versus fmol of protein has numbers for the standard and then live and fixed cells. While the R2 value is quite good, it seems a bit odd that the three (?) data points for live cells are all quite small relative to the fixed cells and all bunched together at the left side of the plot.
As mentioned in the main text, the time post-transfection has a noticeable effect on the level of Myo10 expression. The three fixed-cell bioreplicates had higher Myo10 expression because they were analyzed 48 hours post-transfection compared to the three live-cell bioreplicates (24 hours). Therefore, the fixed cell data points are larger in value because they represent more molecules, and the live cell data points are on the left side of the plot because they represent fewer molecules.
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eLife assessment
This manuscript reveals an important mechanism of KCNQ1/IKs channel gating and PUFA modulation of this mechanism. This mechanism is supported by convincing single channel recordings, macroscopic current recordings and mutational analyses. These findings are of importance to the ion channel field and possibly future therapeutic applications.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study comes to an interesting conclusion: a polyunsaturated fatty acid, Lin-Glycine, increases the conductance of KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels by stabilizing a state of the selectivity filter that allows K+ conduction. The stabilization of a conducting state is well supported by single channel analysis, which shows that normally infrequent opening bursts occur more often in the presence of the PUFA. The linkage to PUFA action through the selectivity filter is supported by disruption of PUFA effects by mutation of residues which change conformation in two KCNQ1 structures from the literature. A definitive functional experiment is conducted by single channel recordings with selectivity filter domain mutation Y315F which ablates the Lin-Glycine effect on Gmax. The computational exploration of two selectivity filter structures proposed to interact distinctly with Lin-Glycine is informative. Both mutation results and simulations converge on the proposed selectivity filter mechanism, although other possibilities for Lin-Glycine binding and action might be possible. Overall, the major claim of the abstract is well-supported: "... that the selectivity filter in KCNQ1 is normally unstable ... and that the PUFA-induced increase in Gmax is caused by a stabilization of the selectivity filter in an open-conductive state."
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Golluscio et al. address one of the mechanisms of IKs (KCNQ1/KCNE1) channel upregulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFAs are known to upregulate KCNQ1 and KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels through two mechanisms: one shifts the voltage dependence in a negative direction, and the other increases the maximum conductance (Gmax). While the first mechanism is known to affect the voltage sensor equilibrium through a charge effect, the second mechanism is less understood. Using single-channel recordings and mutagenesis at putative PUFA binding sites, they successfully demonstrate that the selectivity filter is stabilized in a conducting state by PUFA binding, and that this is the mechanism by which PUFAs increase Gmax. Their single-channel recordings are straightforward and clearly show that the selectivity filter tends to become conductive upon PUFA binding. Since PUFAs are potential therapeutic reagents for cardiac arrhythmias such as long QT syndrome, their findings are beneficial for future research and applications of these compounds.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This manuscript reveals an important mechanism of KCNQ1/IKs channel gating such that the open state of the pore is unstable and undergoes intermittent closed and open conformations. PUFA enhances the maximum open probability of IKs by binding to a crevice adjacent to the pore and stabilize the open conformation. This mechanism is supported by convincing single channel recordings that show empty and open channel traces and the ratio of such traces is affected by PUFA. In addition, mutations of the pore residues alter PUFA effects, convincingly supporting that PUFA alters the interactions among these pore residues.
The data are of high quality and the description is clear.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The additional data included in this revision nicely strengthens the major claim.
I apologize that my comment about K+ concentration in the prior review was unclear. The cryoEM structure of KCNQ1 with S4 in the resting state was obtained with lowered K+ relative to the active state. Throughout the results and discussion it seems implied that the change in voltage sensor state is somehow causative of the change in selectivity filter state while the paper that identified the structures attributes the change in selectivity filter state not to voltage sensors, but to the change in [K+] between the 2 structures. Unless there is a flaw in my understanding of the conditions in which the selectivity filter structures used in modeling were generated, it seems misleading to ignore the change in [K+] when referring to the activated vs resting or up vs down structures. My understanding is that the closed conformation adopted in the resting/low [K+] is similar to that observed in low [K+] previously and is more commonly associated with [K+]-dependent inactivation, not resulting from voltage sensor deactivation as implied here. The original article presenting the low [K+] structure also suggests this. When discussing conformational changes in the selectivity filter, I strongly suggest referring to these structures as activated/high [K+] vs resting/low [K+] or something similar, as the [K+] concentration is a salient variable.
There seems to be some major confusion here and we will try to explain how we think. Note that in the Mandela and MacKinnon paper, there is no significant difference in the amino acid positions in the selectivity filter between low and high K+ when S4 is in the activated position (See Mandala and Mackinnon, PNAS Suppl. Fig S5 C and D). There are only fewer K+ in the selectivity filter in low K+. So, the structure with the distorted selectivity filter is not due to low K+ by itself. Note that there is no real difference between macroscopic currents recorded in low and high K+ solutions (except what is expected from changes in driving force) for KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels (Larsen et al., Bioph J 2011), suggesting that low K+ do not promote the non-conductive state (Figure 1). We now include a section in the Discussion about high/low K+ in the structures and the absence of effects of K+ on the function of KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels.
Author response image 1.
Macroscopic KCNQ1/KCNE1 currents recorded in different K+ conditions. Note that there is no difference between current recorded in low K+ (2 mM) conditions and high (96 mM) K+ conditions (n=3 oocytes). Currents were normalized in respect to high K+.
Note also that, in the previous version of the manuscript, we did not propose that the position of S4 is what determines the state of the selectivity filter. We only reported that the CryoEM structure with S4 resting shows a distorted selectivity filter. It seems like our text confused the reviewer to think that we proposed that S4 determines the state of the selectivity filter, when we did not propose this earlier. We previously did not want to speculate too much about this, but we have now included a section in the Discussion to make our view clear in light of the confusion of the reviewers.
It is clear from our data that the majority of sweeps are empty (which we assume is with S4 up), suggesting that the selectivity filter can be (and is in the majority of sweeps) in the non-conducting state even with S4 up. We think that the selectivity filter switches between a non-conductive and a conductive conformation both with S4 down and with S4 up. The cryoEM structure in low K+ and S4 down just happened to catch the non-conductive state of the selectivity filter. We have now added a section in the Discussion to clarify all this and explain how we think it works.
However, S4 in the active conformation seems to stabilize the conductive conformation of the selectivity filter, because during long pulses the channel seems to stay open once opened (See Suppl Fig S2). So, one possibility is that the selectivity filter goes more readily into the non-conductive state when S4 is down (and maybe, or not, low K+ plays a role) and then when S4 moves up the selectivity filter sometimes recovers into the conductive state and stays there. We now have included a section in the Discussion to present our view. Since this whole discussion was initiated and pushed by the reviewer, we hope that the reviewers will not demand more data to support these ideas. We think that this addition makes sense since other readers might have the same questions and ideas as the reviewer, and we would like to prevent any confusion about this topic.
Figure 1
It remains unclear in the manuscript itself what "control" refers to. Are control patched the same patches that later receive LG?
Yes, the control means the same patch before LG. We now indicate that in legends and text throughout.
Supplementary Figure S1
Unclear if any changes occur after addition of LG in left panel and if the LG data on right is paired in any way to data on left.
Yes, in all cases the left and right panel in all figures are from the same patch. We now indicate that in legends and text throughout.
The letter p is used both to represent open probability open probability from the all-point amplitude histogram and as a p-value statistical probability indicator sometime lower case, sometimes upper case. This was confusing.
We have now exclusively use lower case p for statistical probability and Po for open probability.
"This indicates that mutations of residues in the more intracellular region of the selectivity filter do not affect the Gmax increases and that the interactions that stabilize the channel involve only residues located near the external region part of the selectivity filter. "
Seems too strongly worded, it remains possible that mutations of other residues in the more intracellular region of the selectivity filter could affect the Gmax increases.
We have changed the text to: "Mutations of residues in the more intracellular region of the selectivity filter do not affect the Gmax increases, as if the interactions that stabilize the channel involve residues located near the external region part of the selectivity filter. "
Supplementary Figure S7
Please report Boltzmann fit parameters. What are "normalized" uA?
We removed the uA, which was mistakenly inserted. The lines in the graphs are just lines connecting the dots and not Boltzmann fits, since we don’t have saturating curves in all panels to make unique fits.
"We have previously shown that the effects of PUFAs on IKs channels involve the binding of PUFAs to two independent sites." Was binding to the sites actually shown? Suggest changing to: "We have previously proposed models in which the effects of PUFAs..."
We have now changed this as the Reviewer suggested: " We have previously proposed models in which the effects of PUFAs on IKs channels involve the binding of PUFAs to two independent sites."
Statistics used not always clear. Methods refer to multiple statistical tests but it is not clear which is used when.
We use two different tests and it is now explained in figure legends when either was used.
n values confusing. Sometimes # of sweeps used as n. Sometimes # patches used as n. In one instance "The average current during the single channel sweeps was increased by 2.3 {plus minus} 0.33 times (n = 4 patches, p =0.0006)" ...this sems a low p value for this n=4 sample?
We have now more clearly indicated what n stands for in each case. There was an extra 0 in the p value, so now it is p = 0.006. Thanks for catching that error.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
I still have some comments for the revised manuscript.
(1) (From the previous minor point #6) Since D317E and T309S did not show statistical significance in Figure 5A, the sentences such as "This data shows that Y315 and D317 are necessary for the ability of Lin-Glycine to increase Gmax" or "the effect of Lin-Glycine on Gmax of the KCNQ1/KCNE1 mutant was noticeably reduced compared to the WT channel showing the this residue contributes to the Gmax effect (Figure 5A)." may need to be toned down. Alternatively, I suggest the authors refer to Supplementary Figure S7 to confirm that Y315 and D317 are critical for increasing Gmax.
We have redone the analysis and statistical evaluation in Fig 5. We no use the more appropriate value of the fitted Gmax (which use the whole dose response curve instead of only the 20 mM value) in the statistical evaluation and now Y315F and D317E are statistically different from wt.
(2) Supplementary Fig. S1. All control diary plots include the green arrows to indicate the timing of lin-glycine (LG) application. It is a bit confusing why they are included. Is it to show that LG application did not have an immediate effect? Are the LG-free plots not available?
Not sure what the Reviewer is asking about? In the previous review round the Reviewers asked specifically for this. The arrow shows when LG was applied and the plot on the right shows the effect of LG from the same patch.
(3) The legend to Supplementary Figure S4, "The side chain of residues ... are highlighted as sticks and colored based on the atomic displacement values, from white to blue to red on a scale of 0 to 9 Å." They look mostly blue (or light blue). Which one is colored white? It might be better to use a different color code. It would also be nice to link the color code to the colors of Supplementary Figure S5, which currently uses a single color.
We have removed “from white to blue to red on a scale of 0 to 9 Å” and instead now include a color scale directly in Fig S4 to show how much each atom moved based on the color.
We feel it is not necessary to include color in Fig S5 since the scale of how much each atom moves is shown on the y axis.
(4) Add unit (pA) to the y-axis of Supplementary Figure S2.
pA has been added.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Some issues on how data support conclusions are identified. Further justifications are suggested.
186: “The decrease in first latency is most likely due to an effect of Lin-Glycine on Site I in the VSD and related to the shift in voltage dependence caused by Lin-Glycine." The results in Fig S1B do not seem to support this statement since the mutation Y315F in the pore helix seemed to have eliminated the effect of Lin-Glycine in reducing first latency. The authors may want to show that a mutation that eliminating Site I would eliminate the effect of Lin-Glycine on first latency. On the other hand, it will be also interesting to examine if another pore mutation, such as P320L (Fig 5) also reduce the effect of Lin-Glycine on first latency.
These experiments are very hard and laborious, and we feel these are outside the scope of this paper which focuses on Site II and the mechanism of increasing Gmax. Further studies of the voltage shift and latency will have to be for a future study.
The mutation D317E did not affect the effect of Lin-Glycine on Gmax significantly (Fig 5A, and Fig S7F comparing with Fig S7A), but the authors conclude that D317 is important for Lin-Glycine association. This conclusion needs a better justification.
We have redone the analysis and statistical evaluation in Fig 5. We no use the more appropriate value of the fitted Gmax (which use the whole dose response curve instead of only the 20 mM value) in the statistical evaluation and now D317E is statistically different from wt
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary - This study was designed to investigate changes in gene expression and associated chromatin accessibility patterns in spermatogonia in mice at different postnatal stages from pups to adults. The objective was to describe dynamic changes in these patterns that potentially correlate with functional changes in spermatogonia as a function of development and reproductive maturation. The potential utility of this information is to serve as a reference against which similar data from animals subjected to various disruptive environmental influences can be compared.
Major Strengths and Weaknesses of the Methods and Results - A strength of the study is that it reviews previously published datasets describing gene expression and chromatin accessibility patterns in mouse spermatogonia. A weakness of the study is that it is not clear what new information is provided by the data provided that was not already known from previously published studies (see below). Specific weaknesses include the following:
- Terminology - in the Abstract and first part of the Introduction the authors use the generic term "spermatogonial cells" in a manner that seems to be referring primarily to spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) but initially ignores the well-known heterogeneity among spermatogonia - particularly the fact that only a small proportion of developing spermatogonia become SSCs - and ONLY those SSCs and NOT other developing spermatogonia - support steady-state spermatogenesis by retaining the capacity to either self-renew or contribute to the differentiating spermatogenic lineage throughout the male reproductive lifespan. The authors eventually mention other types of developing male germ cells, but their description of prospermatogonial stages that precede spermatogonial stages is deficient in that M-prospermatogonia - which occur after PGCs but before T1-prospermatogonia - are not mentioned. This description also seems to imply that all T2-prospermatogonia give rise to SSCs which is far from the case. It is the case that prospermatogonia give rise to spermatogonia, but only a very small proportion of undifferentiated spermatogonia form the foundational SSCs and ONLY SSCs possess the capacity to either self-renew or give rise to sequential waves of spermatogenesis.
We thank Reviewer 1 for the comments and clarifications. As suggested in the previous revision, we use the term spermatogonial cells (SPGs) to make it clear that our cell preparations do not exclusively contain SSCs but all SPGs since they derive from a FACS enrichment strategy. This is explained in the manuscript. Further, we conducted deconvolution analyses on the datasets to examine the composition of the enriched SPGs preparations and provide new sequencing information confirming the presence of SSCs and differentiating SPGs.
- Introduction - Statements regarding distinguishing transcriptional signatures in spermatogonia at different postnatal stages appear to refer to ALL subtypes of spermatogonia present at each stage collectively, thereby ignoring the well-known fact that there are distinct spermatogonial subtypes present at each postnatal stage and that some of those occur at certain stages but not at others. This brings into question the usefulness of the authors' discussion of what types of genes are expressed and/or what types of changes in chromatin accessibility are detected in spermatogonia at each stage.
We agree that our data do not provide information about the transcriptional program of each subtype of SPGs. Rather they provide information about the dynamics of transcriptional programs in the transition from postnatal stage to adulthood in an enriched population of SPGs. The datasets are comprehensive and contain mRNA and non-coding RNA (with and without a polyA+ tail), which provides more precise transcriptomic information than classical single cell methods.
- Methodology - The authors based recovery (enrichment) of spermatogonia from male pups on FACS sorting for THY1 and RMV-1. While sorting total testis cells for THY1+ cells does enrich for spermaogonia, this approach is now known to not be highly specific for spermatogonia (somatic cells are also recovered) and definitely not for SSCs. There are more effective means for isolating SSCs from total testis cells that have been validated by transplantation experiments (e.g. use of the Id4/eGFP transgene marker).
We acknowledge the technical limitations of our enrichment strategy and made them clear in our revised manuscript.
The authors then used "deconvolution" of bulk RNA-seq data in an attempt to discern spermatogonial subtype-specific transcriptomes. It is not clear why this is necessary or how it is beneficial given the availability of multiple single-cell RNA-seq datasets already published that accomplish this objective quite nicely - as the authors essentially acknowledge. Beyond this concern, a potential flaw with the deconvolution of bulk RNA-seq data is that this is a derivative approach that requires assumptions/computational manipulations of apparent mRNA abundance estimates that may confound interpretation of the relative abundance of different cellular subtypes within the hetergeneous cell population from which the bulk RNA-seq data is derived. Bottom line, it is not clear that this approach affords any experimental advantage over use of the publicly available scRNA-seq datasets and it is possible that attempts to employ this approach may be flawed yielding misleading data.
The deconvolution analyses were necessary to address the question of the cell composition of our preparations raised by reviewers. These analyses were highly beneficial because they clarify the presence of different SPGs including SSCs in the samples. They are also advantageous because the datasets they are conducted upon have significantly higher sequencing coverage than published single cell datasets. They contain the full transcriptome and not just polyA+ transcripts as 10x datasets thus they provide considerably richer and more comprehensive transcriptomic information. This is very important to correctly interpret the results and to gain additional biological information. For the deconvolution analyses, we used state-of-the-art methods with proper computational controls for calibration. We selected published single-cell RNA-seq datasets of the highest quality. These analyses are extremely useful because they confirm the predominance of SSCs in the postnatal and adult cell samples and a minimal contamination by somatic cells. Our approach also provides a useful workflow that can easily be used by other researchers who cannot afford single-cell RNA-seq and allow them gain more information about the cellular composition of their samples. Finally, the execution of any computational analyses, including analyses of single-cell RNA-seq datasets requires to make assumptions during the development and the use of a method. The assumptions made for deconvolution analyses are not special in this respect and do not introduce more confounds than other methods. What is critical for such analyses is to include proper controls for calibration, which we carefully did and validated using our own previously published datasets for Sertoli cells.
Results & Discussion - In general, much of the information reported in this study is not novel. The authors' discussion of the makeup of various spermatogonial subtypes in the testis at various ages does not really add anything to what has been known for many years on the basis of classic morphological studies. Further, as noted above, the gene expression data provided by the authors on the basis of their deconvolution of bulk RNA-seq data does not add any novel information to what has been shown in recent years by multiple elegant scRNA-seq studies - and, in fact, as also noted above - represents an approach fraught with potential for misleading results. The potential value of the authors' report of "other cell types" not corresponding to major somatic cell types identified in earlier published studies seems quite limited given that they provide no follow-up data that might indicate the nature of these alternative cell types. Beyond this, much of the gene expression and chromatin accessibility data reported by the authors - by their own admission given the references they cite - is largely confirmatory of previously published results. Similarly, results of the authors' analyses of putative factor binding sites within regions of differentially accessible chromatin also appear to confirm previously reported results. Ultimately, it is not at all novel to note that changes in gene expression patterns are accompanied by changes in patterns of chromatin accessibility in either related promoters or enhancers. The discussion of these observations provided by the authors takes on more of a review nature than that of any sort of truly novel results. As a result, it is difficult to discern how the data reported in this manuscript advance the field in any sort of novel or useful way beyond providing a review of previously published studies on these topics.
Likely impact - The likely impact of this work is relatively low because, other than the value it provides as a review of previously published datasets, the new datasets provided are not novel and so do not advance the field in any significant manner.
We acknowledge that much of the reported information is not novel but this is not necessarily a drawback as sequencing datasets on the same tissues or cells produced by different groups using comparable methods are common. This does not diminish the validity and usefulness of the datasets but rather enriches the respective fields as omics methods and data analyses can deliver different findings. Thus, our study cannot be criticized and disqualified because other datasets have been published but instead it should be acknowledged for providing high resolution full transcriptome information from different stages and adult of SCs that other studies do not provide. In this respect, the subjective nature of Reviewer 1’s statements is of concern. For instance, the statement: “…represents an approach fraught with potential for misleading results”. Such declaration suggests that all studies that previously used enrichment strategies are “fraught with potential for misleading results», which disqualifies the work of many colleagues. Further, this wrongly assumes that newer technologies are exempt of “potential for misleading results» which is not the case. Single-cell RNA-seq methods, extensively used to study SPGs, has been questioned for their limitation and potential biases due to low sequencing coverage, issues with transcript detection, low capture efficiency and higher degree of noise than bulk RNA datasets. Thus, caution is needed to interpret single-cell datasets on SPGs and these datasets also have their biases. For our datasets, we made major efforts to address the criticisms raised by the reviewer and reduce any potential misleading information by conducting additional analyses, by providing more details on the methods and enrichment strategy and by being careful with data interpretation. We would be grateful if these efforts could be acknowledged and the improvements on the manuscript and the value of the datasets be evaluated with objectivity.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This revised manuscript attempts to explore the underlying chromatin accessibility landscape of spermatogonia from the developing and adult mouse testis. The key criticism of the first version of this manuscript was that bulk preparations of mixed populations of spermatogonia were used to generate the data that form the basis of the entire manuscript. To address this concern, the authors applied a deconvolution strategy (CIBERSORTx (Newman et al., 2019)) in an attempt to demonstrate that their multi-parameter FACS isolation (from Kubota 2004) of spermatogonia enriched for PLZF+ cells recovered spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). PLZF (ZBTB16) protein is a transcription factor known to mark all or nearly all undifferentiated spermatogonia and some differentiating spermatogonia (KIT+ at the protein level) - see Niedenberger et al., 2015 (PMID: 25737569). The authors' deconvolution using single-cell transcriptomes produced at postnatal day 6 (P6) argue that 99% of the PLZF+ spermatogonia at P8 are SSCs, 85% at P15 and 93% in adults. Quite frankly given the established overlap between PLZF and KIT and known identity of spermatogonia at these developmental stages, this is impossible. Indeed - the authors' own analysis of the reference dataset demonstrates abundant PLZF mRNA in P6 progenitor spermatogonia - what is the authors' explanation for this observation? The same is essentially true in the use of adult references for celltype assignment. The authors found 63-82% of SSCs using this different definition of types (from a different dataset), begging the question of which of these results is true.
For full transparency, we provided information about the deconvolution analyses for all libraries that use cell-type specific matrices generated from PND6 and adult single-cell RNA-seq reference datasets in our previous response (Fig1-3, response to reviewer 1). However, we don’t claim “that 99% of the PLZF+ spermatogonia at P8 are SSCs, 85% at P15 and 93% in adults”. Of these percentages, the ones that correspond to our postnatal libraries are the ones reported in our updated manuscript (Please see FigS2). Importantly, we never claimed that these percentages correspond to “PLZF+ spermatogonia», exclusively. Rather, they were inferred using gene expression-specific signature matrices (Fig1-c response to Reviewer 1 as example). As clearly evident in feature maps in FigS2 of our updated manuscript, the cellular population identified as SSCs using the dataset from Hermann et al., 2018 shows overlap for the expression of Ddx4, Zbtb16 (PLZF), Gfra1 and Id4 but minimal Kit. In agreement with the reviewer’s observation, progenitors also show a signal for Zbtb16 but have a different gene expression signature matrix (see Fig.1c and 2c for an example of gene signature matrices from PND6 and adult samples from the same publication).
Regarding the question of which of these results are true, we observed that deconvolution analyses of our postnatal libraries using two different single-cell postnatal RNA-seq reference datasets consistently suggest a high contribution (>90%) by SSCs (defined using cell-specific expression matrices following identification of cell-types that match the closest ones reported by each study (See FigS2 updated manuscript). The analyses of our adult libraries using published adult datasets from the same group (Hermann et al., 2018; Fig1 response to Reviewer 1 and FigS2 updated manuscript) suggest that the contribution of adult SSCs to the cell population is lower than at postnatal stages, but SSCs still are the most abundant cell stage identified in our libraries (FigS2g). We reported these analyses and acknowledge that in our adult samples, we also likely have differentiating SPGs.
In their rebuttal, the authors also raise a fair point about the precision of differential gene expression among spermatogonial subsets. At the mRNA level, Kit is definitely detectable in undifferentiated spermatogonia, but it is never observed at the protein level until progenitors respond to retinoic acid (see Hermann et al., 2015). I agree with the authors that the mRNAs for "cell type markers" are rarely differentially abundant at absolute levels (0 or 1), but instead, there are a multitude of shades of grey in mRNA abundance that "separate" cell types, particularly in the male germline and among the highly related spermatogonial subtypes of interest (SSCs, progenitor spermatogonia and differentiating spermatogonia). That is, spermatogonial biology should be considered as a continuous variable (not categorical), so examining specific cell populations with defined phenotypes (markers, function) likely oversimplifies the underlying heterogeneity in the male germ lineage. But, here, the authors have ignored this heterogeneity entirely by selecting complex populations and examining them in aggregate. We already know that PLZF protein marks a wide range of spermatogonia, complicating the interpretation of aggregate results emerging from such samples. In their rebuttal, the authors nicely demonstrate the existence of these mixtures using deconvolution estimation. What remains a mystery is why the authors did not choose to perform single-cell multiome (RNA-seq + ATAC-seq) to validate their results and provide high-confidence outcomes. This is an accessible technique and was requested after the initial version, but essentially ignored by the authors.
We agree with the reviewer that the male germ lineage should be considered as a continuous variable and that examining specific cell populations with defined features oversimplifies its heterogeneity. Regarding the use of single-cell multiome (RNA-seq + ATAC-seq), we also agree that this technology can provide additional insight by integrating RNA and chromatin accessibility in the same cells. However, it is an refined method that is expensive, time consuming and requires human resources that are beyond our capacity for this project.
A separate question is whether these data are novel. A prior publication by the Griswold lab (Schleif et al., 2023; PMID: 36983846) already performed ATAC-seq (and prior data exist for RNA-seq) from germ cells isolated from synchronized testes. These existing data are higher resolution than those provided in the current manuscript because they examine germ cells before and after RA-induced differentiation, which the authors do not base on their selection methods. Another prior publication from the Namekawa lab extensively examined the transcriptome and epigenome in adult testes (Maezawa et al., 2000; PMID: 32895557; and several prior papers). The authors should explain how their results extend our knowledge of spermatogonial biology in light of the preceding reports.
Our data do extend previous studies because they provide high-resolution transcriptomic (full transcriptome) and chromatin accessibility profiling in postnatal and adult stages. They now also provide an approach for deconvolution analyses of bulk RNA datasets that can be of use to the community. Novelty in the field of omics is usually not a prime feature and it is common that datasets on the same tissues or cells be published by different groups using comparable methods and analyses.
The authors are also encouraged to improve their use of terminology to describe the samples of interest. The mitotic male germ cells in the testis are called spermatogonia (not spermatogonial cells, because spermatogonia are cells). Spermatogonia arise from Prospermatogonia. Spermatogonia are divisible into two broad groups: undifferentiated spermatogonia (comprised of few spermatogonial stem cells or SSCs and many more progenitor spermatogonia - at roughly 1:10 ratio) and differentiating spermatogonia that have responded to RA. The authors also improperly indicate that SSCs directly produce differentiating spermatogonia - indeed, SSCs produce transit-amplifying progenitor spermatogonia, which subsequently differentiate in response to retinoic acid stimulation. Further, the use of Spermatogonial cells (and SPGs) is imprecise because these terms do not indicate which spermatogonia are in question. Moreover, there have been studies in the literature which have used similar terms inappropriately to refer to SSCs, including in culture. A correct description of the lineage and disambiguation by careful definition and rigorous cell type identification would benefit the reader.
Overall, my concern from the initial version of this manuscript stands - critical methodological flaws prevent interpretation of the results and the data are not novel. Readers should take note that results in essentially all Figures do not reflect the biology of any one type of spermatogonium.
We revised and improved the terminology wherever possible and also considering requests from other reviewers about terminology.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this study, Lazar-Contes and colleagues aimed to determine whether chromatin accessibility changes in the spermatogonial population during different phases postnatal mammalian testis development. Because actions of the spermatogonial population set the foundation for continual and robust spermatogenesis and the gene networks regulating their biology are undefined, the goal of the study has merit. To advance knowledge, the authors used mice as a model and isolated spermatogonia from three different postnatal developmental age points using cell sorting methodology that was based on cell surface markers reported in previous studies and then performed bulk RNA-sequencing and ATAC-sequencing. Overall, the technical aspects of the sequencing analyses and computational/bioinformatics seems sound but there are several concerns with the cell population isolated from testes and lack of acknowledgement for previous studies that have also performed ATAC-sequencing on spermatogonia of mouse and human testes. The limitations, described below, call into question validity of the interpretations and reduce the potential merit of the findings.
I suggest changing the acronym for spermatogonial cells from SC to SPG for two reasons. First, SPG is the commonly used acronym in the field of mammalian spermatogenesis. Second, SC is commonly used for Sertoli Cells.
This was suggested in the previous review by Reviewer 1 and was modified in the revised version of the manuscript.
The authors should provide a rationale for why they used postnatal day 8 and 15 mice. The FACS sorting approach used was based on cell surface proteins that are not germline specific so there was undoubtedly somatic cells in the samples used for both RNA and ATAC sequencing. Thus, it is essential to demonstrate the level of both germ cell and undifferentiated spermatogonial enrichment in the isolated and profiled cell populations. To achieve this, the authors used PLZF as a biomarker of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Although PLZF is indeed expressed by undifferentiated spermatogonia, there have been several studies demonstrating that expression extends into differentiating spermatogonia. In addition, PLZF is not germ cell specific and single cell RNA-seq analyses of testicular tissue has revealed that there are somatic cell populations that express Plzf, at least at the mRNA level. For these reasons, I suggest that the authors assess the isolated cell populations using a germ cell specific biomarker such as DDX4 in combination with PLZF to get a more accurate assessment of the undifferentiated spermatogonial composition. This assessment is essential for interpretation of the RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data that was generated.
A previous study by the Namekawa lab (PMID: 29126117) performed ATAC-seq on a similar cell population (THY1+ FACS sorted) that was isolated from pre-pubertal mouse testes. It was surprising to not see this study referenced to in the current manuscript. In addition, it seems prudent to cross-reference the two ATAC-seq datasets for commonalities and differences. In addition, there are several published studies on scATAC-seq of human spermatogonia that might be of interest to cross-reference with the ATAC-seq data presented in the current study to provide an understanding of translational merit for the findings.
These points have been addressed in our previous response and in the revised manuscript.
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1:
There appears to be a lack of basic knowledge of the process of spermatogenesis. For instance, the statement that "During the first week of postnatal life, a population of SCs continues to proliferate to give rise to undifferentiated Asingle (As), Apaired (Apr) and Aaligned (Aal) cells. The remaining SCs differentiate to form chains of daughter cells that become primary and secondary spermatocytes around postnatal day (PND) 10 to 12." is inaccurate. The Aal cells are the spermatogonial chains, the two are not distinct from one another. In addition, the authors fail to mention spermatogonial stem cells which form the basis for steady-state spermatogenesis. The authors also do not acknowledge the well-known fact that, in the mouse, the first wave of spermatogenesis is distinct from subsequent waves. Finally, the authors do not mention the presence of both undifferentiated spermatogonia (aka - type A) and differentiating spermatogonia (aka - type B). The premise for the study they present appears to be the implication that little is known about the dynamics of chromatin during the development of spermatogonia. However, there are published studies on this topic that have already provided much of the information that is presented in the current manuscript.
Regarding the inaccuracy and incompleteness of some of the statements about spermatogonial cells and spermatogenesis. In the Introduction, we replaced the following statement: "During the first week of postnatal life, a population of SCs continues to proliferate to give rise to undifferentiated Asingle (As), Apaired (Apr) and Aaligned (Aal) cells. The remaining SCs differentiate to form chains of daughter cells that become primary and secondary spermatocytes around postnatal day (PND) 10 to 12." by: “Spermatogonial cells (SPGs) are the initiators and supporting cellular foundation of spermatogenesis in testis in many species, including mammals. In the mammalian testis, the founding germ cells are primordial germ cells (PGCs), which give rise sequentially to different populations of SPGs : primary transitional (T1)-prospermatogonia (ProSG), secondary transitional (T2)-ProSG, and then spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) (McCarrey, 2013; Rabbani et al., 2022; Tan et al., 2020). The ProSG population is exhausted by postnatal day (PND) 5 (Drumond et al., 2011) and by PND6-8, distinct SPGs subtypes can be distinguished on the basis of specific marker proteins and regenerative capacity (Cheng et al., 2020; Ernst et al., 2019; Green et al., 2018; Hermann et al., 2018; Tan et al., 2020).
SSCs represent an undifferentiated population of SPGs that retain regenerative capacity and divide to either self-renew or generate progenitors that initiate spermatogenic differentiation, giving rise to differentiating SPGs (diff-SPGs ). Diff-SPGs form chains of daughter cells that become primary and secondary spermatocytes around PND10 to 12. Spermatocytes then undergo meiosis and give rise to haploid spermatids that develop into spermatozoa. Spermatozoa are then released into the lumen of seminiferous tubules and continue to mature in the epididymis until becoming capable of fertilization by PND42-48 in mice (Kubota and Brinster, 2018; Rooij, 2017).”
Regarding the premise and implications of our findings. We clarified the premise of our finding in the revised manuscript. The following statement was included in the Discussion: "our findings complement existing datasets on spermatogonial cells by providing parallel transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility maps at high resolution from the same cell populations at early postnatal, late postnatal and adult stages collected from single individuals (for adults)".
It is not clear which spermatogonial subtype the authors intended to profile with their analyses. On the one hand, they used PLZF to FACS sort cells. This typically enriches for undifferentiated spermatogonia. On the other hand, they report detection in the sorted population of markers such as c-KIT which is a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia, and that is in the same population in which ID4, a well-known marker of spermatogonial stem cells, was detected. The authors cite multiple previously published studies of gene expression during spermatogenesis, including studies of gene expression in spermatogonia. It is not at all clear what the authors' data adds to the previously available data on this subject.
The authors analyzed cells recovered at PND 8 and 15 and compared those to cells recovered from the adult testis. The PND 8 and 15 cells would be from the initial wave of spermatogenesis whereas those from the adult testis would represent steady-state spermatogenesis. However, as noted above, there appears to be a lack of awareness of the well-established differences between spermatogenesis occurring at each of these stages.
We applied computational deconvolution to our bulk RNA-seq datasets, employing publicly available single-cell RNA-seq datasets, to estimate and identify cellular composition. Trained on high-quality RNA-seq datasets from pure or single-cell populations, deconvolution algorithms create expression matrices reflecting the cellular diversity in reference datasets. These cell-type-specific expression matrices are subsequently used to determine the cellular composition of bulk RNA-seq samples with unknown cellular components (Cobos et al., 2023).
For our analysis, we chose CIBERSORTx (Newman et al., 2019), recognized as the most advanced deconvolution algorithm to date, employing it with three high-quality, publicly available single-cell RNA-seq datasets. First, we assessed the cellular composition of all our RNA-seq libraries, using datasets generated by (Hermann et al., 2018) which characterized the single-cell transcriptomes of testicular cells and various populations of spermatogonial progenitor cells (SPGs) in early postnatal (PND6) and adult stages. This enabled us to not only address potential somatic cell contamination but also to analyse the composition of isolated SPGs using a unified dataset source.
Author response image 1.
Deconvolution analysis of bulk RNA-seq samples using PND6 single-cell RNA seq from Hermann et al, 2018 a. Seurat clusters from PND6 single-cell RNA-seq. b. Feature maps of gene expression for markers of SPGs and somatic cells. c. Gene expression signature matrix from PND6 single-cell RNA-seq datasets. d. Barplot of estimated cellular proportions for all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. e. Dotplot of the average estimated proportion of SSCs in all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study.
By re-analyzing the single-cell RNA-seq datasets, we identified distinct cell-type clusters, marked by specific cellular markers as reported in the original and subsequent studies (Author response image 1a,b and Author response image 2a,b). Then, CIBERSORTx generated gene-expression signature matrices and estimated the cell-type proportions within our 18 bulk RNA-seq libraries. Evaluation of our postnatal libraries (PND8 and 15) against a PND6 signature matrix revealed a predominant derivation from SPGs, with average estimated proportions of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) being 0.99 and 0.85 for PND8 and PND15 samples, respectively (Author response image 1c-e). Notably, the analysis of PND15 libraries also suggested the presence of additional SPGs types, including progenitors and differentiating SPGs (Author response image 1d), albeit at lower frequency.
Similarly, evaluation of our adult RNA-seq libraries, using an adult signature matrix, showed an average SSC proportion of 0.82, indicating a primary derivation from SSC cells. Consistent with the findings from PND15 libraries, our deconvolution analysis also suggests the presence of additional SPG types, including progenitors and differentiating SPGs (Author response image 1d). However, unlike our early and late postnatal stage libraries, the deconvolution analysis of adult libraries indicated the presence of other cell types (labeled "Other"), not corresponding to the major somatic cell types identified by Hermann et al. 2018. The estimated average proportion of these cells was less than 0.05 in two adult libraries and 0.10 in the others. This variance in cellular composition underlines the deconvolution method's effectiveness in dissecting complex cellular compositions in bulk RNA-seq samples.
Author response image 2.
Deconvolution analysis of bulk RNA-seq samples using Adult single-cell RNA seq (Hermann et al, 2018) a. Seurat clusters from Adult single-cell RNA-seq. b. Feature maps of gene expression for markers of SPG and somatic cells. c. Gene expression signature matrix from Adult single-cell RNA-seq datasets. d. Barplot of estimated cellular proportions for all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. e. Dotplot of the average estimated proportion of SSCs in all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study.
To further validate our observations, we re-analyzed two additional testicular single-cell RNA-seq datasets derived from an early postnatal stage (PND7) (Tan et al., 2020) and adult (Green et al., 2018) (Author response image 3a,b and Author response image 4a,b). We identified distinct cell-type clusters, marked by specific cellular markers (Author response image 3a,b and Author response image 4a,b), and proceeded with the deconvolution analysis using CIBERSORTx. Evaluation of our postnatal libraries (PND8 and 15) against the PND7 signature matrix from Tan et al., 2020 confirmed a derivation from germ cells (Author response image 3d,e), in particular from SSCs (Author response image 3g), with average estimated proportions of SSCs being 0.93 and 0.86 for PND8 and PND15 samples, respectively, and the rest estimated to be in origin from differentiating SPGs (Author response image 3g,h). In the case of the adult samples, evaluation against the adult signature matrix from Green et al., 2018 confirmed a predominant derivation from SSCs, with average estimated proportions of SSCs being 0.79, consistent with the 0.82 estimated proportion from Hermann et al., 2018.
Author response image 3.
Deconvolution analysis of bulk RNA-seq samples with additional single-cell datasets. Seurat clusters from PND7 single-cell RNA-seq (Tang 2020). b. Barplot of estimated cellular proportions for all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. c. Dotplot of the average estimated proportion of germ cells in all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. d. Re-clustering of germ cell cluster shown in a. e. Barplot of estimated cellular proportions for all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. f. Dotplot of the average estimated proportion of SSCs in all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. g. Seurat clusters from adult single-cell RNA-seq (Green et al., 2018). h. Barplot of estimated cellular proportions for all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study. i. Dotplot of the average estimated proportion of germ cells in all bulk RNA-seq libraries reported in this study.
To further validate our deconvolution strategy, we interrogated the cellular composition of bulk RNA-seq libraries derived from cellular populations enriched in Sertoli cells, generated by our group using a similar enrichment/sorting strategy (Thumfart et al., 2022). As expected, our results show that all our libraries are mainly composed of Sertoli cells suggesting that the deconvolution strategy employed is accurate in detecting cell-type composition (Author response image 4).
Author response image 4.
Deconvolution analysis of Sertoli bulk RNA-seq samples. Barplots of estimated cellular proportions for bulk RNAseq libraries reported in Thumfart et al., 2022. Expression matrices were derived from the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq datasets used to asses cellular composition of the SPGs bulk libraries.
Author response image 5.
Id4 and Kit are transcribed in SSCs. Seurat clusters from PND6 single-cell RNA-seq (left) and feature maps of gene expression for Id4 (center) and Kit (right). Zoom in into SSCs (red).
Finally, regarding the following observation by the reviewer: "On the other hand, they report detection in the sorted population of markers such as c-KIT which is a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia, and that is in the same population in which ID4, a well-known marker of spermatogonial stem cells, was detected." It was recently shown using single-cell RNA that “nearly all differentiating spermatogonia at P3 (delineated as c-KIT+) are ID4-eGFP” (Law et al., 2019). While this finding does not exclude the fact that we have a mixture of SPGs cells, this finding supports the possibility that SPG cells express both markers of undifferentiated and differentiated cells, particularly in the early stages of postnatal development. Indeed, we observe that some cells labeled as SSC show signals for both Id4 and Kit in single-cell RNA-seq data from Hermann et al., 2018 (Author response image 5).
Therefore, the results from the deconvolution analysis and our immunofluorescence data showing 85-95% PLZF+ cells in our cellular preparations underscore that our bulk RNA-seq libraries are mainly composed of SPGs. The deconvolution analysis also suggests a predominantly cellular composition of SSCs and to a lesser degree of differentiating SPGs. Our adult RNA-seq libraries show a small proportion of somatic cells (<0.10).
In the revised manuscript, we compiled the deconvolution analyses and present them in a condensed version in Supplementary Fig 2.
In general, the authors present observational data of the sort that is generated by RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analyses, and they speculate on the potential significance of several of these observations. However, they provide no definitive data to support any of their speculations. This further illustrates the fact that this study contributes little if any new information beyond that already available from the numerous previously published RNA-seq and ATAC-seq studies of spermatogenesis. In short, the study described in this manuscript does not advance the field.
We acknowledge that RNA-seq and ATAC-seq datasets like ours are observational and that their interpretation can be speculative. Nevertheless, our datasets represent an additional useful resource for the community because they are comprehensive and high resolution, and can be exploited for instance, for studies in environmental epigenetics and epigenetic inheritance examining the immediate and long-term effects of postnatal exposure and their dynamics. The depth of our RNA sequencing allowed detect transcripts with a high dynamic range, which has been limited with classical RNA sequencing analyses of spermatogonial cells and with single-cell analyses (which have comparatively low coverage). Further, our experimental pipeline is affordable (more than single cell sequencing approaches) and in the case of adults, provides data per animal informing on the intrinsic variability in transcriptional and chromatin regulation across males. These points will be discussed in the revised manuscript.
In general, the authors present observational data of the sort that is generated by RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analyses, and they speculate on the potential significance of several of these observations. However, they provide no definitive data to support any of their speculations. This further illustrates the fact that this study contributes little if any new information beyond that already available from the numerous previously published RNA-seq and ATAC-seq studies of spermatogenesis. In short, the study described in this manuscript does not advance the field.
Relevant information for both points was included in the Discussion of the revised manuscript.
The phenomenon of epigenetic priming is discussed, but then it seems that there is some expression of surprise that the data demonstrate what this reviewer would argue are examples of that phenomenon. The authors discuss the "modest correspondence between transcription and chromatin accessibility in SCs." Chromatin accessibility is an example of an epigenetic parameter associated with the primed state. The primed state is not fully equivalent to the actively expressing state. It appears that certain histone modifications along with transcription factors are critical to the transition between the primed and actively expressing states (in either direction). The cell types that were investigated in this study are closely related spermatogenic, and predominantly spermatogonial cell types. It is very likely that the differentially expressed loci will be primed in both the early (PND 8 or 15) and adult stages, even though those genes are differentially expressed at those stages. Thus, it is not surprising that there is not a strict concordance between +/- chromatin accessibility and +/- active or elevated expression.
Relevant information was included in the Discussion of the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #2:
The objective of this study from Lazar-Contes et al. is to examine chromatin accessibility changes in "spermatogonial cells" (SCs) across testis development. Exactly what SCs are, however, remains a mystery. The authors mention in the abstract that SCs are undifferentiated male germ cells and have self-renewal and differentiation activity, which would be true for Spermatogonial STEM Cells (SSCs), a very small subset of total spermatogonia, but then the methods they use to retrieve such cells using antibodies that enrich for undifferentiated spermatogonia encompass both undifferentiated and differentiating spermatogonia. Data in Fig. 1B prove that most (85-95%) are PLZF+, but PLZF is known to be expressed both by undifferentiated and differentiating (KIT+) spermatogonia (Niedenberger et al., 2015; PMID: 25737569). Thus, the bulk RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data arising from these cells constitute the aggregate results comprising the phenotype of a highly heterogeneous mixture of spermatogonia (plus contaminating somatic cells), NOT SSCs. Indeed, Fig. 1C demonstrates this by showing the detection of Kit mRNA (a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia - which the authors claim on line 89 is a marker of SCs!), along with the detection of markers of various somatic cell populations (albeit at lower levels).
The reviewer is correct that our spermatogonial cell populations are mixed and include undifferentiated and differentiated cells, hence the name of spermatogonia (SCs), and probably also contains some somatic cells. We acknowledge that this is a limitation of our isolation approach. To circumvent this limitation, we will conduct in silico deconvolution analysis using publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing datasets to obtain information about markers corresponding to undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonia cells, and somatic cells. These additional analyses will provide information about the cellular composition of the samples and clarify the representation of undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonial cells and other cells.
This admixture problem influences the results - the authors show ATAC-seq accessibility traces for several genes in Fig. 2E (exhibiting differences between P15 and Adult), including Ihh, which is not expressed by spermatogenic cells, and Col6a1, which is expressed by peritubular myoid cells. Thus, the methods in this paper are fundamentally flawed, which precludes drawing any firm conclusions from the data about changes in chromatin accessibility among spermatogonia (SCs?) across postnatal testis development.
The reviewer raises concern about the lack of correspondence between chromatin accessibility and expression observed for some genes, arguing that this precludes drawing firm conclusions. However, a dissociation between chromatin accessibility and gene expression is normal and expected since chromatin accessibility is only a readout of protein deposition and occupancy e.g. by transcription factors, chromatin regulators, or nucleosomes, at specific genomic loci that does not give functional information of whether there is ongoing transcriptional activity or not. A gene that is repressed or poised for expression can still show a clear signal of chromatin accessibility at regulatory elements. The dissociation between chromatin accessibility and transcription has been reported in many different cells and conditions (PMID: 36069349, PMID: 33098772) including in spermatogonial cells (PMID: 28985528) and in gonads in different species (PMID: 36323261). Therefore, the dissociation between accessibility and transcription is not a reason to conclude that our data are flawed.
In addition, there already are numerous scRNA-seq datasets from mouse spermatogenic cells at the same developmental stages in question.
This is true but full transcriptomic profiling like ours on cell populations provides different transcriptional information that is deeper and more comprehensive. Our datasets identified >17,000 genes while scRNA-seq typically identifies a few thousand of genes. Our analyses also identified full-length transcripts, variants, isoforms, and low abundance transcripts. These datasets are therefore a valuable addition to existing scRNAseq.
Moreover, several groups have used bulk ATAC-seq to profile enriched populations of spermatogonia, including from synchronized spermatogenesis which reflects a high degree of purity (see Maezawa et al., 2018 PMID: 29126117 and Schlief et al., 2023 PMID: 36983846 and in cultured spermatogonia - Suen et al., 2022 PMID: 36509798) - so this topic has already begun to be examined. None of these papers was cited, so it appears the authors were unaware of this work.
We apologize for not mentioning these studies in our manuscript, we will do so in the revised version.
The authors' methodological choice is even more surprising given the wealth of single-cell evidence in the literature since 2018 demonstrating the exceptional heterogeneity among spermatogonia at these developmental stages (the authors DID cite some of these papers, so they are aware). Indeed, it is currently possible to perform concurrent scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq (10x Genomics Multiome), which would have made these data quite useful and robust. As it stands, given the lack of novelty and critical methodological flaws, readers should be cautioned that there is little new information to be learned about spermatogenesis from this study, and in fact, the data in Figures 2-5 may lead readers astray because they do not reflect the biology of any one type of male germ cell. Indeed, not only do these data not add to our understanding of spermatogonial development, but they are damaging to the field if their source and identity are properly understood. Here are some specific examples of the problems with these data:
Fig. 2D - Gata4 and Lhcgr are not expressed by germ cells in the testis.
Fig. 3A - WT1 is expressed by Sertoli cells, so the change in accessibility of regions containing a WT1 motif suggests differential contamination with Sertoli cells. Since Wt1 mRNA was differentially high in P15 (Fig. 3B) - this seems to be the most likely explanation for the results. How was this excluded?
Fig. 3D - Since Dmrt1 is expressed by Sertoli cells, the "downregulation" likely represents a reduction in Sertoli cell contamination in the adult, like the point above. Did the authors consider this?
Regarding concerns about contamination by somatic cells (Transcription). In addition to the results of our deconvolution analysis (see response to Reviewer #1), we addressed the specific concern of the paradoxical expression of genes considered markers of somatic cells in the testis. For instance, we plotted the expression values of Ihh, Lhcgr, Gata4, Col16a, Wt1, and Dmrt1 along with the expression values of Ddx4 and Zbtb16. We observe that the expression level of Ddx4 and Zbtb16, genes expressed predominantly in SPGs, is orders of magnitude higher than the one observed for the rest of the genes with the notable exception of Dmrt1 which is also highly expressed (Fig.6). Indeed, our analysis of publicly available single-cell RNA-seq datasets shows that Dmrt1 is robustly expressed in germ cells (Author response image 7), and as also noted by the reviewer, in Sertoli cells in postnatal stages. Notably, we observe a significant stepwise decrease in the expression of Dmrt1 across the postnatal maturation of SPG cells. This is highly unlikely to be a result of major contamination by Sertoli cells of just our postnatal libraries. We based this statement on three observations. First, the deconvolution analysis of all our RNA-seq libraries using four different expression signature matrices from high-quality single-cell RNAseq from testis showed that our libraries are largely derived from SPGs. Second, the evaluation of our adult libraries with the PND6 signature matrix from Green et al., 2018 suggested that the proportion of Sertoli cells in our adult libraries, if any, would be higher than in our postnatal libraries (Author response image 3d, blue bars). This makes it unlikely that the observed decrease in expression of Dmrt1 in adult samples is due to prominent somatic contamination of the postnatal libraries. Third, the step-wise decrease in Dmrt1 expression seems to correlate with progression during postnatal development (Author response image 7) as feature maps of Dmrt1 expression derived from public single-cell RNA-seq experiments show a reduction in expression in adult SPGs in comparison with early postnatal stages (Author response image 7 last two panels). Then, the observed effects are likely the result of developmental gene regulatory processes that operate during the developmental maturation of SPGs.
Author response image 6.
Expression of germ and somatic cell markers in our RNA-seq datasets. Boxplots of log2(CPM) (Top) and CPM (Bottom) values for selected genes from our RNAseq datasets. Each point in boxplots represent the expression value of a biological replicate.
Author response image 7.
Expression of germ and somatic cell markers in publicly available single-cell RNA-seq datasets. Seurat clusters from all analyzed single-cell RNA-seq datasets (first column from left) and feature maps of gene expression for Zbtb16, Dmrt1 and Wt1.
Consistent with the reviewer’s observation, Ihh is not expressed in germ cells and indeed we do not detect signal at this locus nor Lhcgr. Furthermore, while we indeed observe a significant increase in the expression of Wt1 in PND15 samples, its expression level is considerably lower than that of SPG markers. This is even more evident when plotting expression data in a linear scale rather than as a log2 transformation of the expression values. Whether such transcriptional profiles reflect developmentally regulated transcription, stochastic effects on gene expression, or potential somatic contamination is difficult to determine. However, based on our deconvolution data we believe it is unlikely that major contamination could account for our observations.
Notably, while Wt1 is robustly expressed in nearly all Sertoli cells across postnatal development (Author response image 7), it is also detected in other cell types including SPGs -although in fewer cells and with lower expression levels-, consistent with our observations (Author response image 6 and 8). Therefore, the assignment of a gene as a marker of a particular cell type does not imply that such a gene is expressed uniquely in such cell, rather it is expressed in more cells and likely at higher levels.
Author response image 8.
Expression of Wt1 in publicly available single-cell RNA-seq datasets. Feature maps of gene expression for Wt1. In dashed boxes, a zoom-in into germ cells cluster that show expression of Wt1 at some of these cells.
Regarding concerns about contamination by somatic cells (chromatin accessibility). In Figure 2 of our manuscript, we show the chromatin accessibility landscape of different genes, including genes either not expressed in testicular cells (Ihh) and those believed to be expressed exclusively in somatic cells (Lhcgr, Gata4, Col16a1, Wt1). For some of these genes, we reported changes in chromatin accessibility at specific sites between PND15 and adults (e.g. Wt1 and Col16a1). The observation of "traces of chromatin accessibility" at these loci and the reported changes in accessibility raised concerns of potential contamination which "fundamentally flaw" our results, as stated by the reviewer. While we acknowledge that all enrichment methods have a margin of potential contamination, we fundamentally disagree with the reviewer's observations.
The term chromatin accessibility can be misleading. In principle, the term accessibility might suggest the literal lack of protein deposition at a given place in the genome. Rather, chromatin accessibility as evaluated by ATAC- seq (as in this case) must be interpreted as a measure of protein occupancy genome-wide (PMID: 30675018). Depending on the type of fragments analyzed we can obtain information regarding the occupancy of transcription factors (TFs), nucleosomes, and other chromatin-associated proteins that are present at genomic locations at a given time within a population of cells. The detection of chromatin accessibility at a given locus does not necessarily indicate transcription of the gene in a given cell type. A gene can be repressed or poised for expression and still show a clear signal of chromatin accessibility at its regulatory elements or along the gene body. For instance, in agreement with the reviewer's observation, neither Ihh nor Lhcgr is expressed in our datasets (Author response image 6 and Author response image 9), however, they show a distinctive pattern of chromatin accessibility in our datasets and publicly available ATAC-seq data derived from undifferentiated (Id4bright) and differentiating SPGs (Id4-dim) (Cheng et al., 2020) (Author response image 9). A similar argument can be applied regarding other loci such as Wt1 and Col6a1 for which we also observe extremely low levels of transcription. Therefore, the lack of transcription does not exclude that these loci display clear patterns of chromatin accessibility (Author response image 9). Notably, while traces of chromatin accessibility can also be observed in ATAC-seq datasets from embryonic Sertoli cells (Garcia-Moreno et al., 2019) and other somatic stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells; HSCs) (Xiang et al., 2020) (Author response image 9), the pattern of chromatin accessibility markedly differs with that observed in SPG cells. Therefore, the observed changes in chromatin accessibility are unlikely to result from contaminating somatic cells.
To strengthen our observation, we identified regions of chromatin accessibility in SPGs, Sertoli, and HSCs using both our datasets and publicly available ATAC-seq datasets. Overlap analysis revealed at least four groups of ATAC-seq peaks: 1) peaks shared among all analyzed cell types, 2)peaks shared just among SPG cells, 3) peaks specific to Sertoli cells and 4) peaks specific to HSCs (Author response image 10). Peaks shared among all tested cell-types are predominantly located at promoters of genes involved in translation and DNA replication (GO analysis adj p-value<0.05). In contrast, cell-type specific peaks are localized at intergenic and intragenic regions, suggesting localization at enhancer elements (Author response image 10). Indeed, GO analysis of cell-type specific peaks revealed enrichment for genes involved in male meiosis for SPGs, vesicle-mediated transport for Sertoli cells and in immune system process for HSCs, consistent with cell-type specific functions. If contamination by somatic cells, such as Sertoli cells, would be prominent as stated by the reviewer, we would expect to observe prominent ATAC-seq signal from our datasets at peaks specific to Sertoli cells. Notably, we don't observe ATAC-seq signal at peaks specific for Sertoli cells using our ATAC-seq samples. However, we observe robust signals at shared peaks and peaks specific to SPG cells. This observation, strongly argues against the possibility of major contamination by somatic cells.
Author response image 9.
Chromatin accessibility profiles at specific loci differ between SPG cells and other cell types. Genome-browser tracks for Ihh, Wt1, Col16a1 and Zbtb16. For each gene, an extended locus view is presented with RNA-seq data (this study) and normalized ATAC-seq tracks from our study and public sources (SPG Id4; GSE131657; Sertoli; GSM3346484; HSC; ENCFF204JEE). Public ATAC-seq datasets were generated enrichment methods similar to the one employed in our study.
Author response image 10.
Shared and cell-type specific ATAC-seq peaks among SPGs, Sertoli and HSC. Up, Normalized ATACseq signal heatmaps of shared and unique ATAC-seq peaks. PND15 and Adult samples are derived from our study. ATAC-seq signal is plotted +/- 500bp from peak center. Bottom, pie charts of ATAC-seq peaks genomic distribution.
Reviewer #3:
In this study, Lazar-Contes and colleagues aimed to determine whether chromatin accessibility changes in the spermatogonial population during different phases of postnatal mammalian testis development. Because actions of the spermatogonial population set the foundation for continual and robust spermatogenesis and the gene networks regulating their biology are undefined, the goal of the study has merit. To advance knowledge, the authors used mice as a model and isolated spermatogonia from three different postnatal developmental age points using a cell sorting methodology that was based on cell surface markers reported in previous studies and then performed bulk RNA-sequencing and ATAC-sequencing. Overall, the technical aspects of the sequencing analyses and computational/bioinformatics seem sound but there are several concerns with the cell population isolated from testes and lack of acknowledgment for previous studies that have also performed ATACsequencing on spermatogonia of mouse and human testes. The limitations, described below, call into question the validity of the interpretations and reduce the potential merit of the findings. I suggest changing the acronym for spermatogonial cells from SC to SPG for two reasons. First, SPG is the commonly used acronym in the field of mammalian spermatogenesis. Second, SC is commonly used for Sertoli Cells.
We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and will rename SCs into SPG cells in the revised manuscript.
The authors should provide a rationale for why they used postnatal day 8 and 15 mice.
We will provide a rationale for the use of postnatal 8 and 15 stages in the revised manuscript. Briefly, these stages are interesting to study because early to mid postnatal life is a critical window of development for germ cells during which environmental exposure can have strong and persistent effects. The possibility that changes in germ cells can happen during this period and persist until adulthood is an important area of research linked to disciplines like epigenetic toxicology and epigenetic inheritance.
The FACS sorting approach used was based on cell surface proteins that are not germline-specific so there were undoubtedly somatic cells in the samples used for both RNA and ATAC sequencing. Thus, it is essential to demonstrate the level of both germ cell and undifferentiated spermatogonial enrichment in the isolated and profiled cell populations. To achieve this, the authors used PLZF as a biomarker of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Although PLZF is indeed expressed by undifferentiated spermatogonia, there have been several studies demonstrating that expression extends into differentiating spermatogonia. In addition, PLZF is not germ-cell specific and single-cell RNA-seq analyses of testicular tissue have revealed that there are somatic cell populations that express Plzf, at least at the mRNA level. For these reasons, I suggest that the authors assess the isolated cell populations using a germ-cell specific biomarker such as DDX4 in combination with PLZF to get a more accurate assessment of the undifferentiated spermatogonial composition. This assessment is essential for the interpretation of the RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data that was generated.
In agreement with the reviewer’s observation, Zbtb16 (PLZF) is expressed in germ cells but also in somatic cells, in particular in the dataset derived from Green et al., 2018 (Author response image 11). However, when evaluating the expression patterns of Ddx4, we noticed that similar to Zbtb16, it is expressed both in the germ line and in the somatic compartment (Author response image 11). Notably, we observe expression of Ddx4 in SSC but also in progenitors and differentiating SPGs (Author response image 11g). These observations suggest that at least at the transcript level, both genes are transcribed in germ cells and to a lesser degree in somatic cells.
Author response image 11.
Single-cell expression of Ddx4 and Zbtb16. Seurat clusters from all analyzed single-cell RNA-seq datasets (a,c,e,g,i) and feature maps of gene expression for Ddx4 and Zbtb16 (b,d,f,j, h).
Finally, our deconvolution analysis using geneexpression signature matrices for different cellular populations suggest that our RNA-seq and ATAC-seq libraries are largely derived from SPG cells and in particular of SSCs.
Furthermore, while this analysis suggested the presence of somatic cells, their proportion is minimal in comparison with germ cells (Author response images 1-4). This is also supported by ATAC-seq analysis of somatic cells from testis (Author response images 9 and 10).
A previous study by the Namekawa lab (PMID: 29126117) performed ATAC-seq on a similar cell population (THY1+ FACS sorted) that was isolated from pre-pubertal mouse testes. It was surprising to not see this study referenced in the current manuscript. In addition, it seems prudent to cross-reference the two ATAC-seq datasets for commonalities and differences. In addition, there are several published studies on scATACseq of human spermatogonia that might be of interest to cross-reference with the ATAC-seq data presented in the current study to provide an understanding of translational merit for the findings.
We compared our ATAC-seq datasets with the ones from (Maezawa et al., 2017) and those from (Cheng et al., 2020). All these datasets were generated from FACSs sorted cells enriched for undifferentiating and differentiating SPGs. Sequencing files from Cheng et al, 2020 were equally processed as described in out methods section, while our pipeline was adjusted to process files from Maezawa et al., 2018 as they were single-end sequencing files. We generated a reference set of peaks from SPGs and calculated signal scores for all peaks across all samples. Then, calculated the Pearson correlation for all pairwise comparisons and generated a heatmap of correlations (Author response image 12). Two clusters emerge that separate the SPG samples from the pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids reported by Maezawa et al., 2018. As expected SPG samples clustered together based on study of origin. Consistently, our postnatal samples formed one cluster next to but separated from the adult one. Similarly, the id4-bright samples clustered together and next to the id4-sim and the sample applied for the Thy1 and cKit samples. Notably, our samples and the ones from Cheng et al., 2020 have a higher correlation with each other when compared with the ones from Maezawa et al., 2018. Given the fundamental difference in library sequencing (single-end instead of the widely used paired-end for ATAC-seq experiments) we reasoned a comparison with the Maezawa et al., 2018 datasets is not optimal. Therefore, this data in addition to the one presented before (see response to Reviewer 1 and 2) strongly supports a predominantly SPG derivation of all our sequencing libraries.
Author response image 12.
Pearson correlation at the peak level among different ATAC-seq datasets. a) Our ATAC-seq libraries and ATAC-seq libraries from b) Cheng et al., 2020 and c) Maezawa et al., 2020. Thy1-1 and cKit libraries correspond to undifferentiated and differentiating SPGs, respectively. PS, pachytene spermatocytes and RS, round spermatids. Correlation analysis was done using Deeptools.
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eLife assessment
This study presents a valuable finding on the role of cholesterol-binding site on GLP-1 receptors and functionally characterizes the impact of this mutation on receptor behavior in the membrane and downstream signaling. The computational and experimental approaches used in the study to arrive at the conclusions are solid. The clinical ramifications are unclear at this point, but the study is a helpful addition to the scientific community working on receptor biology and drug development.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors demonstrate impairments induced by a high cholesterol diet on GLP-1R dependent glucoregulation in vivo as well as an improvement after reduction in cholesterol synthesis with simvastatin in pancreatic islets. They also map sites of cholesterol high occupancy and residence time on active versus inactive GLP-1Rs using coarse-grained molecular dynamics (cgMD) simulations and screened for key residues selected from these sites and performed detailed analyses of the effects of mutating one of these residues, Val229, to alanine on GLP-1R interactions with cholesterol, plasma membrane behaviour, clustering, trafficking and signalling in pancreatic beta cells and primary islets, and describe an improved insulin secretion profile for the V229A mutant receptor.
These are extensive and very impressive studies indeed. I am impressed with the tireless effort exerted to understand the details of molecular mechanisms involved in the effects of cholesterol for GLP-1 activation of its receptor. In general the study is convincing, the manuscript well written and the data well presented. Some of the changes are small and insignificant which makes one wonder how important the observations are. For instance in figure 2 E (which is difficult to interpret anyway because the data are presented in percent, conveniently hiding the absolute results) does not show a significant result of the cyclodextrin except for insignificant increases in basal secretion. That is not identical to impairment of GLP-1 receptor signaling!
To me the most important experiment of them all is the simvastatin experiment, but the results rest on very few numbers and there is a large variation. Apparently, in a previous study using more extensive reduction in cholesterol the opposite response was detected casting doubt on the significance of the current observation. I agree with the authors that the use of cyclodextrin may have been associated with other changes in plasma membrane structure than cholesterol depletion at the GLP-1 receptor. The entire discussion regarding he importance of cholesterol would benefit tremendously from studies of GLP-1 induced insulin secretion in people with different cholesterol levels before and after treatment with cholesterol-lowering agents. I suspect that such a study would not reveal major differences.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this manuscript the authors provided a proof of concept that they can identify and mutate a cholesterol-binding site of a high-interest class B receptor, the GLP-1R, and functionally characterize the impact of this mutation on receptor behavior in the membrane and downstream signaling with the intent that similar methods can be useful to optimize small molecules that as ligands or allosteric modulators of GLP-1R can improve the therapeutic tools targeting this signaling system.
The majority of results on receptor behavior are elucidated in INS-1 cells expressing the wt or mutant GLP-1R, with one experiment translating the findings to primary mouse beta-cells. I think this paper lays a very strong foundation to characterize this mutation and does a good job discussing how complex cholesterol-receptor interactions can be (ie lower cholesterol binding to V229A GLP-1R, yet increased segregation to lipid rafts). Table 1 and Figure 9 are very beneficial to summarize the findings. The lower interaction with cholesterol and lower membrane diffusion in V229A GLP-1R resembles the reduced diffusion of wt GLP-1R with simv-induced cholesterol reductions, although by presumably decreasing the cholesterol available to interact with wt GLP-1R. This could be interesting to see if lowering cholesterol alters other behaviors of wt GLP-1R that look similar to V229A GLP-1R. I further wonder if the authors expect that increased cholesterol content of islets (with loading of MβCD saturated with cholesterol or high-cholesterol diets) would elevate baseline GLP-1R membrane diffusion, and if a more broad relationship can be drawn between GLP-1R membrane movement and downstream signaling.
I think there are no obvious weaknesses in this manuscript and overall, I believe the authors achieved their aims and have demonstrated the importance of cholesterol interactions on GLP-1R functioning in beta-cells. I think this paper will be of interest to many physiologists who may not be familiar with many of the techniques used in this paper and the authors largely do a good job explaining the goals of using each method in the results section. The intent of some methods, for example the Laurdan probe studies, are better expanded in the discussion. I found it unclear what exactly was being measured to assess 'receptor activity' in Fig 7E and F.
Certainly many follow-up experiments are possible from these initial findings and of primary interest is how this mutation affects insulin homeostasis in vivo under different physiological conditions. One of the biggest pathologies in insulin homeostasis in obesity/t2d is an elevation of baseline insulin release (as modeled in Fig 1E) that renders the fold-change in glucose stimulated insulin levels lower and physiologically less effective. No difference in primary mouse islet baseline insulin secretion was seen here but I wonder if this mutation would ameliorate diet-induced baseline hyperinsulinemia.
I would have liked to see the actual islet cholesterol content after 5wks high-cholesterol diet measured to correlate increased cholesterol load with diminished glucose-stimulated inulin. While not necessary for this paper, a comparison of islet cholesterol content after this cholesterol diet vs the more typical 60% HFD used in obesity research would be beneficial for GLP-1 physiology research broadly to take these findings into consideration with model choice.
Another area to further investigate is does this mutation alter ex4 interaction/affinity/time of binding to GLP-1 or are all of the described findings due to changes in behavior and function of the receptor?
Lastly, I wonder if V229A would have the same impact in a different cell type, especially in neurons? How similar are the cholesterol profiles of beta-cells and neurons? How this mutation (and future developed small molecules) may affect satiation, gut motility, and especially nausea, are of high translational interest. The comparison is drawn in the discussion between this mutation and ex4-phe1 to have biased agonism towards Gs over beta-arrestin signaling. Ex4-phe1 lowered pica behavior (a proxy for nausea) in the authors previously co-authored paper on ex4-phe1 (PMID 29686402) and I think drawing a parallel for this mutation or modification of cholesterol binding to potentially mitigate nausea is worth highlighting.
Author response:
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors demonstrate impairments induced by a high cholesterol diet on GLP-1R dependent glucoregulation in vivo as well as an improvement after reduction in cholesterol synthesis with simvastatin in pancreatic islets. They also map sites of cholesterol high occupancy and residence time on active versus inactive GLP-1Rs using coarse-grained molecular dynamics (cgMD) simulations and screened for key residues selected from these sites and performed detailed analyses of the effects of mutating one of these residues, Val229, to alanine on GLP-1R interactions with cholesterol, plasma membrane behaviour, clustering, trafficking and signalling in pancreatic beta cells and primary islets, and describe an improved insulin secretion profile for the V229A mutant receptor.
These are extensive and very impressive studies indeed. I am impressed with the tireless effort exerted to understand the details of molecular mechanisms involved in the effects of cholesterol for GLP-1 activation of its receptor. In general the study is convincing, the manuscript well written and the data well presented.
Some of the changes are small and insignificant which makes one wonder how important the observations are. For instance in figure 2 E (which is difficult to interpret anyway because the data are presented in percent, conveniently hiding the absolute results) does not show a significant result of the cyclodextrin except for insignificant increases in basal secretion. That is not identical to impairment of GLP-1 receptor signaling!
We assume that the reviewer refers to Fig. 1E, where we show the percentage of insulin secretion in response to 11 mM glucose +/- exendin-4 stimulation in mouse islets pretreated with vehicle or MβCD loaded with 20 mM cholesterol. While we concur with the reviewer that the effect in this case is triggered by increased basal insulin secretion at 11 mM glucose, exendin-4 can no longer compensate for this increase by proportionally amplifying insulin responses in cholesterol-loaded islets, leading to a significantly decreased exendin-4-induced insulin secretion fold increase under these circumstances, as shown in Fig. 1F. We interpret these results as a defect in the GLP-1R capacity to amplify insulin secretion beyond the basal level to the same extent as in vehicle conditions. An alternative explanation is that there is a maximum level of insulin secretion in our cells, and 11 mM glucose + exendin-4 stimulation gets close to that value. With the increasing effect of cholesterol-loaded MβCD on basal secretion at 11 mM glucose, exendin-4 stimulation appears as working less well. A simple experiment to rule out this possibility would be to test insulin secretion following KCl stimulation under these conditions to determine if maximal stimulation has been reached or not. We will perform this control experiment in the revised manuscript to clarify this point. We will also include absolute insulin results as well as percentages of secretion to improve the completeness of the report.
To me the most important experiment of them all is the simvastatin experiment, but the results rest on very few numbers and there is a large variation. Apparently, in a previous study using more extensive reduction in cholesterol the opposite response was detected casting doubt on the significance of the current observation. I agree with the authors that the use of cyclodextrin may have been associated with other changes in plasma membrane structure than cholesterol depletion at the GLP-1 receptor.
We agree with the reviewer that the insulin secretion results in vehicle versus LPDS/simvastatin treated mouse islets (Fig. 1H, I) are relatively variable and we therefore plan to perform further biological repeats of this experiment for the paper revision to consolidate our current findings.
The entire discussion regarding the importance of cholesterol would benefit tremendously from studies of GLP-1 induced insulin secretion in people with different cholesterol levels before and after treatment with cholesterol-lowering agents. I suspect that such a study would not reveal major differences.
We agree with the reviewer that such study would be highly relevant. While this falls outside the scope of the present paper, we encourage other researchers with access to clinical data on GLP-1RA responses in individuals taking cholesterol lowering agents to share their results with the scientific community. We will highlight this point in the paper discussion to emphasise the importance of more research in this area.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this manuscript the authors provided a proof of concept that they can identify and mutate a cholesterol-binding site of a high-interest class B receptor, the GLP-1R, and functionally characterize the impact of this mutation on receptor behavior in the membrane and downstream signaling with the intent that similar methods can be useful to optimize small molecules that as ligands or allosteric modulators of GLP-1R can improve the therapeutic tools targeting this signaling system.
The majority of results on receptor behavior are elucidated in INS-1 cells expressing the wt or mutant GLP-1R, with one experiment translating the findings to primary mouse beta-cells. I think this paper lays a very strong foundation to characterize this mutation and does a good job discussing how complex cholesterol-receptor interactions can be (ie lower cholesterol binding to V229A GLP-1R, yet increased segregation to lipid rafts). Table 1 and Figure 9 are very beneficial to summarize the findings. The lower interaction with cholesterol and lower membrane diffusion in V229A GLP-1R resembles the reduced diffusion of wt GLP-1R with simv-induced cholesterol reductions, although by presumably decreasing the cholesterol available to interact with wt GLP-1R. This could be interesting to see if lowering cholesterol alters other behaviors of wt GLP-1R that look similar to V229A GLP-1R. I further wonder if the authors expect that increased cholesterol content of islets (with loading of MβCD saturated with cholesterol or high-cholesterol diets) would elevate baseline GLP-1R membrane diffusion, and if a more broad relationship can be drawn between GLP-1R membrane movement and downstream signaling.
Membrane diffusion experiments are difficult to perform in intact islets as our method requires cell monolayers for RICS analysis. We do however agree that it would be interesting to perform further RICS analysis in INS-1 832/3 SNAP/FLAG-hGLP-1R cells pretreated with vehicle or MβCD loaded with 20 mM cholesterol, and we will therefore add this experiment to the paper revisions.
I think there are no obvious weaknesses in this manuscript and overall, I believe the authors achieved their aims and have demonstrated the importance of cholesterol interactions on GLP-1R functioning in beta-cells. I think this paper will be of interest to many physiologists who may not be familiar with many of the techniques used in this paper and the authors largely do a good job explaining the goals of using each method in the results section.
The intent of some methods, for example the Laurdan probe studies, are better expanded in the discussion.
To clarify the intent of the Laurdan experiments early in the manuscript, we will add the following text to the methods section in the paper revisions: “Laurdan, 6-dodecanoyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (product D250) was purchased from ThermoFisher. Laurdan (40 μM) was excited using a 405 nm solid state laser and SNAP/FLAG-hGLP-1R labelled with SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 647 with a pulsed (80 MHz) super-continuum white light laser at 647 nm. Laurdan emission was recorded in the ranges of 420–460 nm (IB) and 470–510 nm (IR), and the general polarisation (GP) formula (GP = IB-IR/IB+IR) used to retrieve the relative lateral packing order of lipids at the plasma membrane. Values of GP vary from 1 to −1, where higher numbers reflect lower fluidity or higher lateral lipid order, whereas lower numbers indicate increasing fluidity.”
I found it unclear what exactly was being measured to assess 'receptor activity' in Fig 7E and F.
Figs. 7E and F refer to bystander complementation assays measuring the recruitment of nanobody 37 (Nb37)-SmBiT, which binds to active Gas, to either the plasma membrane (labelled with KRAS CAAX motif-LgBiT), or to endosomes (labelled with Endofin FYVE domain-LgBiT) in response to GLP-1R stimulation with exendin-4. This assay therefore measures GLP-1R activation specifically at each of these two subcellular locations. We will add a schematic of this assay to the methods section in the paper revisions to clarify the aim of these experiments.
Certainly many follow-up experiments are possible from these initial findings and of primary interest is how this mutation affects insulin homeostasis in vivo under different physiological conditions. One of the biggest pathologies in insulin homeostasis in obesity/t2d is an elevation of baseline insulin release (as modeled in Fig 1E) that renders the fold-change in glucose stimulated insulin levels lower and physiologically less effective. No difference in primary mouse islet baseline insulin secretion was seen here but I wonder if this mutation would ameliorate diet-induced baseline hyperinsulinemia.
We concur with the reviewer that it would be interesting to determine the effects of the GLP-1R V229A mutation on insulin secretion responses under diet-induced metabolic stress conditions. While performing in vivo experiments on glucoregulation in mice harbouring the V229A mutation falls outside the scope of the present study, in the paper revisions we will include ex vivo insulin secretion experiments in islets from GLP-1R KO mice transduced with adenoviruses expressing SNAP/FLAG-hGLP-1R WT or V229A and subsequently treated with vehicle versus MβCD loaded with 20 mM cholesterol to replicate the conditions of Fig. 1E.
I would have liked to see the actual islet cholesterol content after 5wks high-cholesterol diet measured to correlate increased cholesterol load with diminished glucose-stimulated inulin. While not necessary for this paper, a comparison of islet cholesterol content after this cholesterol diet vs the more typical 60% HFD used in obesity research would be beneficial for GLP-1 physiology research broadly to take these findings into consideration with model choice.
We will include these data and compare islet cholesterol levels after the high cholesterol diet with those of HFD-fed mouse islets in the paper revisions.
Another area to further investigate is does this mutation alter ex4 interaction/affinity/time of binding to GLP-1 or are all of the described findings due to changes in behavior and function of the receptor?
To answer this question, we will perform exendin-4 binding affinity experiments in INS-1 832/3 SNAP/FLAG-hGLP-1R WT versus V229A cells for the paper revisions.
Lastly, I wonder if V229A would have the same impact in a different cell type, especially in neurons? How similar are the cholesterol profiles of beta-cells and neurons? How this mutation (and future developed small molecules) may affect satiation, gut motility, and especially nausea, are of high translational interest. The comparison is drawn in the discussion between this mutation and ex4-phe1 to have biased agonism towards Gs over beta-arrestin signaling. Ex4-phe1 lowered pica behavior (a proxy for nausea) in the authors previously co-authored paper on ex4-phe1 (PMID 29686402) and I think drawing a parallel for this mutation or modification of cholesterol binding to potentially mitigate nausea is worth highlighting.
While experiments in neurons are outside the scope of the present study, we will add this worthy point to the discussion and hypothesise on possible effects of the V229A mutation on central GLP-1R effects in the revised manuscript.
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eLife assessment
Kewenig et al. present a timely and valuable study that extends prior research investigating the neural basis of abstract and concrete concepts by examining how these concepts are processed in a naturalistic stimulus: during movie watching. The authors provide convincing evidence that the varying strength of the relationship between a word and a particular visual scene is associated with a change in the similarity between the brain regions active for concrete and abstract words. This work makes a contribution that will be of general interest within any field that faces the inherent challenge of quantifying context in a multimodal stimulus.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, the authors investigate a very interesting but often overlooked aspect of abstract vs. concrete processing in language. Specifically, they study if the differences in processing of abstract vs. concrete concepts in the brain is static or dependent on the (visual) context in which the words occur. This study takes a two-step approach to investigate how context might affect the perception of concepts. First, the authors analyze if concrete concepts, expectedly, activate more sensory systems while abstract concepts activate higher-order processing regions. Second, they measure the contextual situatedness vs. displacement of each word with respect to the visual scenes in which it is spoken and then evaluate if this contextual measure correlates with more activation in the sensory vs. higher-order regions respectively.
This study raises a pertinent and understudied question in language neuroscience. It also combines both computational and meta-analytic approaches.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This study tests a plausible and intriguing hypothesis that one cause of the differences in the neural underpinnings of concrete and abstract words is differences in their grounding in the current sensory context. The authors reasoned that, in this case, an abstract word presented with a relevant visual scene would be processed in a more similar way to a concrete word. Typically, abstract and concrete words are tested in isolation. In contrast, this study takes advantage of naturalistic movie stimuli to assess the neural effects of concreteness in both abstract and concrete words (the speech within the film), when the visual context is more or less tied to the word meaning (measured as the similarity between the word co-occurrence-based vector for the spoken word and the average of this vector across all present objects). This novel approach allows a test of the dynamic nature of abstract and concrete word processing, and as such provides a useful perspective accounting for differences in processing these word types.
The measure of contextual situatedness (how related a spoken word is to the average of the visually presented objects in a scene) is an interesting approach allowing parametric variation within naturalistic stimuli, which is a potential strength of the study. Additionally, the authors use an interesting peak and valley method and provide a rationale for this approach. This provided additional temporal information on the processing of spoken concrete and abstract words.
The authors predicted that sensory areas would be more active for concrete words, affective areas for abstract and language areas would be involved in both. The use of reverse inference to interpret areas such as the inferior frontal gyrus post hoc, as sensory, affective or language related deserves some caution. It is also important to remember that the different areas identified for each comparison do not necessarily have the same roles. As the number of clusters may therefore be a misleading way to assess the relationship of these areas with the sensory terms, the relationship between each area and the different sensory terms is provided in the supplemental to allow more nuanced interpretation. The study could benefit from being better situated in the prior literature on context and concrete vs abstract regional differences. Overall, the authors successfully demonstrate the context-dependent nature of abstract and concrete word processing.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The primary aim of this manuscript was to investigate how context, defined from visual object information in multimodal movies, impacts the neural representation of concrete and abstract conceptual knowledge. The authors first conduct a series of analyses to identify context independent regional response to concrete and abstract concepts in order to compare these results with the networks observed in prior research using non-naturalistic paradigms. The authors then conduct analyses to investigate whether regional response to abstract and concrete concepts changes when the concepts are either contextually situated or displaced. A concept is considered displaced if the visual information immediately preceding the word is weakly associated with the word whereas a concept is situated if the association is high. The results suggest that, when ignoring context, abstract and concrete concepts engage different brain regions with overlap in core language areas. When context is accounted for, however, similar brain regions are activated for processing concrete and situated abstract concepts and for processing abstract and displaced concrete concepts. The authors suggest that contextual information dynamically changes the brain regions that support the representation of abstract and concrete conceptual knowledge.
There is significant interest in understanding both the acquisition and neural representation of abstract and concrete concepts, and most of the work in this area has used highly constrained, decontextualized experimental stimuli and paradigms to do so. This manuscript addresses this limitation by using multimodal narratives which allows for an investigation of how context-sensitive the regional response to abstract and concrete concepts is. The authors characterize the regional response in a comprehensive way.
The edits made to the manuscript in response to the reviewer comments have clarified and strengthened the methodological concerns flagged by all reviewers, giving me greater confidence that the authors are capturing what they aimed to and are making appropriate inferences given the results.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
We thank the reviewers and the editorial team for a thoughtful and constructive assessment. We appreciate all comments, and we try our best to respond appropriately to every reviewer’s queries below. It appears to us that one main worry was regarding appropriate modelling of the complex and rich structure of confounding variables in our movie task.
One recent approach fits large feature vectors that include confounding variables along the variable(s) of interest to the activity of each voxel in the brain to disentangle the contributions of each variable to the total recorded brain response. While these encoding models have yielded some interesting results, they have two major drawbacks which makes using them unfeasible for our purposes (as we explain in more detail below): first, by fitting large vectors to individual voxels, they tend to over-estimate effect size; second, they are very ineffective at unveiling group-level effects due to high variability between subjects. Another approach able to deal with at least the second of these worries is “inter-subject-correlation”. In this technique brain responses are recorded from multiple subjects while they are presented with natural stimuli. For each brain area, response time courses from different subjects are correlated to determine whether the responses are similar across subjects. Our “peak and valley” analysis is a special case of this analysis technique, as we explain in the manuscript and below.
For estimating individual-level brain-activation, we opted for an approach that adapts a classical method of analysing brain data – convolution - to naturalistic settings. Amplitude modulated deconvolution extends classical brain analysis tools in several ways to handle naturalistic data:
(1) The method does not assume a fixed hemodynamic response function (HRF). Instead, it estimates the HRF over a specified time window from the data, allowing it to vary in amplitude based on the stimulus. This flexibility is crucial for naturalistic stimuli, where the timing and nature of brain responses can vary widely.
(2) The method only models the modulation of the amplitude of the HRF above its average with respect to the intensity or characteristics of the stimulus.
(3) By allowing variation in the response amplitude, non-linear relationships between the stimulus and brain-response can be captured.
It is true that amplitude modulated deconvolution does not come without its flaws – for example including more than a few nuisance regressors becomes computationally very costly. Getting to grips with naturalistic data (especially with fMRI recordings) continuous to be an active area of research and presents a new and exciting challenge. We hope that we can convince reviewers and editors with this response and the additional analyses and controls performed, that the evidence presented for the visual context dependent recruitment of brain areas for abstract and concrete conceptual processing is not incomplete.
Overview of Additional Analyses and Controls Performed by the Authors:
(1) Individual-Level Peaks and Valleys Analysis (Supplementary Material, Figures S3, S4, and S5)
(2) Test of non-linear correlations of BOLD responses related to features used in the Peak and Valley Analysis (Supplementary Material, Figures S6, S7)
(3) Comparison of Psycholinguistic Variables Surprisal and Semantic Diversity between groups of words analysed (no significant differences found)
(4) Comparison of Visual Variables Optical Flow, Colour Saturation, and Spatial Frequency for 2s Context Window between groups of words analysed (no significant differences found)
These controls are in addition to the five low-level nuisance regressors included in our model, which are luminance, loudness, duration, word frequency, and speaking rate (calculated as the number of phonemes divided by duration) associated with each analysed word.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Peaks and Valleys Analysis:
(1) Doesn't this method assume that the features used to describe each word, like valence or arousal, will be linearly different for the peaks and valleys? What about non-linear interactions between the features and how they might modulate the response?
Within-subject variability in BOLD response delays is typically about 1 second at most (Neumann et al., 2003). As individual words are presented briefly (a few hundred Ms at most) and the BOLD response to these stimuli falls within that window (1s/TR), any nonlinear interactions between word features and a participant’s BOLD response within that window are unlikely to significantly affect the detection of peaks and valleys.
To quantitatively address the concern that non-linear modulations could manifest outside of that window, we include a new analysis in Figure S6, which compares the average BOLD responses of each participant in each cluster and each combination of features, showing that only a very few of all possible comparisons differ significantly from each other (~ 5000 combinations of features were significantly different from each other given an overall number of ~130.000 comparisons between BOLD responses to features, which amounts to 3.85%), suggesting that there are no relevant non-linear interactions between features. For a full list of the most non-linearly interacting features see Figure S7.
(2) Doesn't it also assume that the response to a word is infinitesimal and not spread across time? How does the chosen time window of analysis interact with the HRF? From the main figures and Figures S2-S3 there seem to be differences based on the timelag.
The Peak and Valley (P&V) method does not assume that the response to a word is infinitesimal or confined to an instantaneous moment. The units of analysis (words) fall within one TR, as they are at most hundreds of Ms long – for this reason, we are looking at one TR only. The response of each voxel at that TR will be influenced by the word of interest, as well as all other words that have been uttered within the 1s TR, and the multimodal features of the video stimulus that fall within that timeframe. So, in our P&V, we are not looking for an instantaneous response but rather changes in the BOLD signal that correspond to the presence of linguistic features within the stimuli.
The chosen time window of analysis interacts with the human response function (HRF) in the following way: the HRF unfolds over several seconds, typically peaking around 5-6 seconds after stimulus onset and returning to baseline within 20-30 seconds (Handwerker et al., 2004).
Our P&V is designed to match these dynamics of fMRI data with the timing of word stimuli. We apply different lags (4s, 5s, and 6s) to account for the delayed nature of the HRF, ensuring that we capture the brain's response to the stimuli as it unfolds over time, rather than assuming an immediate or infinitesimal effect. We find that the P&V yields our expected results for a 5s and a 6s lag, but not a 4s lag. This is in line with literature suggesting that the HRF for a given stimulus peaks around 5-6s after stimulus onset (Handwerker et al., 2004). As we are looking at very short stimuli (a few hundred ms) it makes sense that the distribution of features would significantly change with different lags. The fact that we find converging results for both a 5s and 6s lag, suggests that the delay is somewhere between 5s and 6s. There is no way of testing this hypothesis with the resolution of our brain data, however (1 TR).
(3) Were the group-averaged responses used for this analysis?
Yes, the response for each cluster was averaged across participants. We now report a participant-level overview of the Peak and Valley analysis (lagged at 5s) with similar results as the main analysis in the supplementary material see Figures S3, S4, and S5.
(4) Why don't the other terms identified in Figure 5 show any correspondence to the expected categories? What does this mean? Can the authors also situate their results with respect to prior findings as well as visualize how stable these results are at the individual voxel or participant level? It would also be useful to visualize example time courses that demonstrate the peaks and valleys.
The terms identified in figure 5 are sensorimotor and affective features from the combined Lancaster and Brysbaert norms. As for the main P&V analysis, we only recorded a cluster as processing a given feature (or term) when there were significantly more instances of words highly rated in that dimension occurring at peaks rather than valleys in the HRF. For some features/terms, there were never significantly more words highly rated on that dimension occurring at peaks compared to valleys, which is why some terms identified in figure 5 do not show any significant clusters. We have now also clarified this in the figure caption.
We situate the method in previous literature in lines 289 – 296. In essence, it is a variant of the well-known method called “reverse correlation” first detailed in Hasson et al., 2004 (reference from the manuscript) and later adapter to a peak and valley analysis in Skipper et al., 2009 (reference from the manuscript).
We now present a more fine-grained characterisation of each cluster on an individual participant level in the supplementary material. We doubt that it would be useful to present an actual example time-course as it would only represent a fraction of over one hundred thousand analysed time-series. We do already present an exemplary time-course to demonstrate the method in Figure 1.
Estimating contextual situatedness:
(1) Doesn't this limit the analyses to "visual" contexts only? And more so, frequently recognized visual objects?
Yes, it was the point of this analysis to focus on visual context only, and it may be true that conducting the analysis in this way results in limiting it to objects that are frequently recognized by visual convolutional neural networks. However, the state-of-the-art strength of visual CNNs in recognising many different types of objects has been attested in several ways (He et al., 2015). Therefore, it is unlikely that the use of CNNs would bias the analysis towards any specific “frequently recognised” objects.
(2) The measure of situatedness is the cosine similarity of GloVe vectors that depend on word co-occurrence while the vectors themselves represent objects isolated by the visual recognition models. Expectedly, "science" and the label "book" or "animal" and the label "dog" will be close. But can the authors provide examples of context displacement? I wonder if this just picks up on instances where the identified object in the scene is unrelated to the word. How do the authors ensure that it is a displacement of context as opposed to the two words just being unrelated? This also has a consequence on deciding the temporal cutoff for consideration (2 seconds).
The cosine similarity is between the GloVe vectors of the word (that is situated or displaced) and the words referring to the objects identified by the visual recognition model. Therefore, the correlation is between more than just two vectors and both correlated representations depend on co-occurrence. The cosine similarity value reported is not from a comparison between GloVe vectors and vectors that are (visual) representations of objects from the visual recognition model.
A word is displaced if all the identified object-words in the defined context window (2s before word-onset) are unrelated to the word (_see lines 105-110 (pg. 5); lines 371-380 pg. 1516 and Figure 2 caption). Thus, a word is considered to be displaced if _all identified objects (not just two as claimed by the reviewer) in the scene are unrelated to the word. Given a context of 60 frames and an average of 5 identified objects per frame (i.e. an average candidate set of 300 objects that could be related) per word, the bar for “displacement” is set high. We provide some further considerations justifying the context window below in our responses to reviewers 2 and 3.
(3) While the introduction motivated the problem of context situatedness purely linguistically, the actual methods look at the relationship between recognized objects in the visual scene and the words. Can word surprisal or another language-based metric be used in place of the visual labeling? Also, it is not clear how the process identified in (2) above would come up with a high situatedness score for abstract concepts like "truth".
We disagree with the reviewer that the introduction motivated the problem of context situatedness purely linguistically, as we explicitly consider visual context in the abstract as well as the introduction. Examples in text include lines 71-74 and lines 105-115. This is also reflected in the cited studies that use visual context, including Kalenine et al., 2014; Hoffmann et al., 2013; Yee & Thompson-Schill, 2016; Hsu et al., 2011. However, we appreciate the importance of being very clear about this point, so we added various mentions of this fact at the beginning of the introduction to avoid confusion.
We know that prior linguistic context (e.g. measured by surprisal) does affect processing. The point of the analysis was to use a non-language-based metric of visual context to understand how this affects conceptual representation in naturalist settings. Therefore, it is not clear to us why replacing this with a language-based metric such as surprisal would be an adequate substitution. However, the reviewer is correct that we did not control for the influence of prior context. We obtained surprisal values for each of our words but could not find any significant differences between conditions and therefore did not include this factor in the analyses conducted. For considerations of differences in surprisal between each of the analysed sets of words, see the supplementary material.
The method would yield a high score of contextual situatedness for abstract concepts if there were objects in the scene whose GloVe embeddings have a close cosine distance to the GloVe embedding of that abstract word (e.g., “truth” and “book”). We believe this comment from the reviewer is rooted in a misconception of our method. They seem to think we compared GloVe vectors for the spoken word with vectors from a visual recognition model directly (in which case it is true that there would be a concern about how an abstract concept like “truth” could have a high situatedness). Apart from the fact that there would be concerns about the comparability of vectors derived from GloVe and a visual recognition model more generally, this present concern is unwarranted in our case, as we are comparing GloVe embeddings.
(4) It is a bit hard to see the overlapping regions in Figures 6A-C. Would it be possible to show pairs instead of triples? Like "abstract across context" vs. "abstract displaced"? Without that, and given (2) above, the results are not yet clear. Moreover, what happens in the "overlapping" regions of Figure 3?
To make this clearer, we introduced the contrasts (abstract situated vs displaced and concrete situated vs displaced) that were previously in the supplementary materials in the main text (now Figure 6, this was also requested by reviewer 2). We now show the overlap between the abstract situated (from the contrast in Figure 6) with concrete across context and the overlap between concrete displaced (from the contrast in Figure 6) with abstract across context separately in Figure 7.
The overlapping regions of Figure 3 indicate that both concrete and abstract concepts are processed in these regions (though at different time-points). We explain why this is a result of our deconvolution analysis on page 23:
“Finally, there was overlap in activity between modulation of both concreteness and abstractness (Figure 3, yellow). The overlap activity is due to the fact that we performed general linear tests for the abstract/concrete contrast at each of the 20 timepoints in our group analysis. Consequently, overlap means that activation in these regions is modulated by both concrete and abstract word processing but at different time-scales. In particular, we find that activity modulation associated with abstractness is generally processed over a longer time-frame. In the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, this was primarily in the left IFG, AG, and STG, respectively. In the occipital lobe, processing overlapped bilaterally around the calcarine sulcus.”
Miscellaneous comments:
(1) In Figure 3, it is surprising that the "concrete-only" regions dominate the angular gyrus and we see an overrepresentation of this category over "abstract-only". Can the authors place their findings in the context of other studies?
The Angular Gyrus (AG) is hypothesised to be a general semantic hub; therefore it is not surprising that it should be active for general conceptual processing (and there is some overlap activation in posterior regions). We now situate our results in a wider range of previous findings in the results section under “Conceptual Processing Across Context”.
“Consistent with previous studies, we predicted that across naturalistic contexts, concrete and abstract concepts are processed in a separable set of brain regions. To test this, we contrasted concrete and abstract modulators at each time point of the IRF (Figure 3). This showed that concrete produced more modulation than abstract processing in parts of the frontal lobes, including the right posterior inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the precentral sulcus (Figure 3, red). Known for its role in language processing and semantic retrieval, the IFG has been hypothesised to be involved in the processing of action-related words and sentences, supporting both semantic decision tasks and the retrieval of lexical semantic information (Bookheimer, 2002; Hagoort, 2005). The precentral sulcus is similarly linked to the processing of action verbs and motor-related words (Pulvermüller, 2005). In the temporal lobes, greater modulation occurred in the bilateral transverse temporal gyrus and sulcus, planum polare and temporale. These areas, including primary and secondary auditory cortices, are crucial for phonological and auditory processing, with implications for the processing of sound-related words and environmental sounds (Binder et al., 2000). The superior temporal gyrus (STG) and sulcus (STS) also showed greater modulation for concrete words and these are said to be central to auditory processing and the integration of phonological, syntactic, and semantic information, with a particular role in processing meaningful speech and narratives (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). In the parietal and occipital lobes, more concrete modulated activity was found bilaterally in the precuneus, which has been associated with visuospatial imagery, episodic memory retrieval, and self-processing operations and has been said to contribute to the visualisation aspects of concrete concepts (Cavanna & Trimble, 2006). More activation was also found in large swaths of the occipital cortices (running into the inferior temporal lobe), and the ventral visual stream. These regions are integral to visual processing, with the ventral stream (including areas like the fusiform gyrus) particularly involved in object recognition and categorization, linking directly to the visual representation of concrete concepts (Martin, 2007). Finally, subcortically, the dorsal and posterior medial cerebellum were more active bilaterally for concrete modulation. Traditionally associated with motor function, some studies also implicate the cerebellum in cognitive and linguistic processing, including the modulation of language and semantic processing through its connections with cerebral cortical areas (Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009).
Conversely, activation for abstract was greater than concrete words in the following regions (Figure 3, blue): In the frontal lobes, this included right anterior cingulate gyrus, lateral and medial aspects of the superior frontal gyrus. Being involved in cognitive control, decision-making, and emotional processing, these areas may contribute to abstract conceptualization by integrating affective and cognitive components (Shenhav et al., 2013). More left frontal activity was found in both lateral and medial prefrontal cortices, and in the orbital gyrus, regions which are key to social cognition, valuation, and decision-making, all domains rich in abstract concepts (Amodio & Frith, 2006). In the parietal lobes, bilateral activity was greater in the angular gyri (AG) and inferior parietal lobules, including the postcentral gyrus. Central to the default mode network, these regions are implicated in a wide range of complex cognitive functions, including semantic processing, abstract thinking, and integrating sensory information with autobiographical memory (Seghier, 2013). In the temporal lobes, activity was restricted to the STS bilaterally, which plays a critical role in the perception of intentionality and social interactions, essential for understanding abstract social concepts (Frith & Frith, 2003). Subcortically, activity was greater, bilaterally, in the anterior thalamus, nucleus accumbens, and left amygdala for abstract modulation. These areas are involved in motivation, reward processing, and the integration of emotional information with memory, relevant for abstract concepts related to emotions and social relations (Haber & Knutson, 2010, Phelps & LeDoux, 2005).
Finally, there was overlap in activity between modulation of both concreteness and abstractness (Figure 3, yellow). The overlap activity is due to the fact that we performed general linear tests for the abstract/concrete contrast at each of the 20 timepoints in our group analysis. Consequently, overlap means that activation in these regions is modulated by both concrete and abstract word processing but at different time-scales. In particular, we find that activity modulation associated with abstractness is generally processed over a longer time-frame (for a comparison of significant timing differences see figure S9). In the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, this was primarily in the left IFG, AG, and STG, respectively. Left IFG is prominently involved in semantic processing, particularly in tasks requiring semantic selection and retrieval and has been shown to play a critical role in accessing semantic memory and resolving semantic ambiguities, processes that are inherently time-consuming and reflective of the extended processing time for abstract concepts (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997; Wagner et al., 2001; Hofman et al., 2015). The STG, particularly its posterior portion, is critical for the comprehension of complex linguistic structures, including narrative and discourse processing. The processing of abstract concepts often necessitates the integration of contextual cues and inferential processing, tasks that engage the STG and may extend the temporal dynamics of semantic processing (Ferstl et al., 2008; Vandenberghe et al., 2002). In the occipital lobe, processing overlapped bilaterally around the calcarine sulcus, which is associated with primary visual processing (Kanwisher et al., 1997; Kosslyn et al., 2001).”
The finding that concrete concepts activate more brain voxels compared to abstract concepts is generally aligned with existing research, which often reports more extensive brain activation for concrete versus abstract words. This is primarily due to the richer sensory and perceptual associations tied to concrete concepts - see for example Binder et al., 2005 (figure 2 in the paper). Similarly, a recent meta-analysis by Bucur & Pagano (2021) consistently found wider activation networks for the “concrete > abstract” contrast compared to the “abstract > concrete contrast”.
(2) The following line (Pg 21) regarding the necessary differences in time for the two categories was not clear. How does this fall out from the analysis method?
- Both categories overlap **(though necessarily at different time points)** in regions typically associated with word processing -
This is answered in our response above to point (4) in the reviewer’s comments. We now also provide more information on the temporal differences in the supplementary material (Figure S9).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The critical contrasts needed to test the key hypothesis are not presented or not presented in full within the core text. To test whether abstract processing changes when in a situated context, the situated abstract condition would first need to be compared with the displaced abstract condition as in Supplementary Figure 6. Then to test whether this change makes the result closer to the processing of concrete words, this result should be compared to the concrete result. The correlations shown in Figure 6 in the main text are not focused on the differences in activity between the situated and displaced words or comparing the correlation of these two conditions with the other (concrete/abstract) condition. As such they cannot provide conclusive evidence as to whether the context is changing the processing of concrete/abstract words to be closer to the other condition. Additionally, it should be considered whether any effects reflect the current visual processing only or more general sensory processing.
The reviewer identifies the critical contrast as follows:
“The situated abstract condition would first need to be contrasted with the displaced abstract condition. Then, these results should be compared to the concrete result.”
We can confirm that this is indeed what had been done and we believe the reviewer’s confusion stems from a lack of clarity on our behalf. We have now made various clarifications on this point in the manuscript, and we changed the figures to make clear that our results are indeed based on the contrasts identified by this reviewer as the essential ones.
Figure 6 in the main text now reflects the contrast between situated and displaced abstract and concrete conditions (as requested by the reviewer, this was previously Figure S7 from the supplementary material). To compare the results from this contrast to conceptual processing across context, we use cosine similarity, and we mention these results in the text. We furthermore show the overlap between the conditions of interest (abstract situated x concrete across context; concrete displaced x abstract across context) in a new figure (Figure 7) to bring out the spatial distribution of overlap more clearly.
We also discussed the extent to which these effects reflect current visual processing only or more general sensory processing in lines 863 – 875 (pg. 33 and 34).
“In considering the impact of visual context on the neural encoding of concepts generally, it is furthermore essential to recognize that the mechanisms observed may extend beyond visual processing to encompass more general sensory processing mechanisms. The human brain is adept at integrating information across sensory modalities to form coherent conceptual representations, a process that is critical for navigating the multimodal nature of real-world experiences (Barsalou, 2008; Smith & Kosslyn, 2007). While our findings highlight the role of visual context in modulating the neural representation of abstract and concrete words, similar effects may be observed in contexts that engage other sensory modalities. For instance, auditory contexts that provide relevant sound cues for certain concepts could potentially influence their neural representation in a manner akin to the visual contexts examined in this study. Future research could explore how different sensory contexts, individually or in combination, contribute to the dynamic neural encoding of concepts, further elucidating the multimodal foundation of semantic processing.”
Overall, the study would benefit from being situated in the literature more, including a) a more general understanding of the areas involved in semantic processing (including areas proposed to be involved across different sensory modalities and for verbal and nonverbal stimuli), and b) other differences between abstract and concrete words and whether they can explain the current findings, including other psycholinguistic variables which could be included in the model and the concept of semantic diversity (Hoffman et al.,). It would also be useful to consider whether difficulty effects (or processing effort) could explain some of the regional differences between abstract and concrete words (e.g., the language areas may simply require more of the same processing not more linguistic processing due to their greater reliance on word co-occurrence). Similarly, the findings are not considered in relation to prior comparisons of abstract and concrete words at the level of specific brain regions.
We now present an overview of the areas involved in semantic processing (across different sensory modalities for verbal and nonverbal stimuli) when we first present our results (section: “Conceptual Processing Across Context”).
We looked at surprisal as a potential cofound and found no significant differences between any of the set of words analysed. Mean surprisal of concrete words is 22.19, mean surprisal of abstract words is 21.86. Mean surprisal ratings for concrete situated words are 21.98 bits, 22.02 bits for the displaced concrete words, 22.10 for the situated abstract words and 22.25 for the abstract displaced words. We also calculated the semantic diversity of all sets of words and found now significant differences between the sets. The mean values for each condition are: abstract_high (2.02); abstract_low (1.95); concrete_high (1.88); concrete_low (2.19); abstract_original (1.96); concrete_original (1.92). Hence processing effort related to different predictability (surprisal), or greater semantic diversity cannot explain our findings.
We submit that difficulty effects do not explain any aspects of the activation found for conceptual processing, because we included word frequency in our model as a nuisance regressor and found no significant differences associated with surprisal. Previous work shows that surprisal (Hale, 2001) and word frequency (Brysbaert & New, 2009) are good controls for processing difficulty.
Finally, we added considerations of prior findings comparing abstract and concrete words at the level of specific brain regions to the discussion (section: Conceptual Processing Across Context).
The authors use multiple methods to provide a post hoc interpretation of the areas identified as more involved in concrete, abstract, or both (at different times) words. These are designed to reduce the interpretation bias and improve interpretation, yet they may not successfully do so. These methods do give some evidence that sensory areas are more involved in concrete word processing. However, they are still open to interpretation bias as it is not clear whether all the evidence is consistent with the hypotheses or if this is the best interpretation of individual regions' involvement. This is because the hypotheses are provided at the level of 'sensory' and 'language' areas without further clarification and areas and terms found are simply interpreted as fitting these definitions. For instance, the right IFG is interpreted as a motor area, and therefore sensory as predicted, and the term 'autobiographical memory' is argued to be interoceptive. Language is associated with the 'both' cluster, not the abstract cluster, when abstract >concrete is expected to engage language more. The areas identified for both vs. abstract>concrete are distinguished in the Discussion through the description as semantic vs. language areas, but it is not clear how these are different or defined. Auditory areas appear to be included in the sensory prediction at times and not at others. When they are excluded, the rationale for this is not given. Overall, it is not clear whether all these areas and terms are expected and support the hypotheses. It should be possible to specify specific sensory areas where concrete and abstract words are predicted to be different based on a) prior comparisons and/or b) the known locations of sensory areas. Similarly, language or semantic areas could be identified using masks from NeuroSynth or traditional metaanalyses. A language network is presented in Supplementary Figure 7 but not interpreted, and its source is not given.
“The language network” was extracted through neurosynth and projected onto the “overlap” activation map with AFNI. We now specify this in the figure caption.
Alternatively, there could be a greater interpretation of different possible explanations of the regions found with a more comprehensive assessment of the literature. The function of individual regions and the explanation of why many of these areas are interpreted as sensory or language areas are only considered in the Discussion when it could inform whether the hypotheses have been evidenced in the results section.
We added extended considerations of this to the results (as requested by the reviewer) in the section “Conceptual Processing Across Contexts”.
“Consistent with previous studies, we predicted that across naturalistic contexts, concrete and abstract concepts are processed in a separable set of brain regions. To test this, we contrasted concrete and abstract modulators at each time point of the IRF (Figure 3). This showed that concrete produced more modulation than abstract processing in parts of the frontal lobes, including the right posterior inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the precentral sulcus (Figure 3, red). Known for its role in language processing and semantic retrieval, the IFG has been hypothesised to be involved in the processing of action-related words and sentences, supporting both semantic decision tasks and the retrieval of lexical semantic information (Bookheimer, 2002; Hagoort, 2005). The precentral sulcus is similarly linked to the processing of action verbs and motor-related words (Pulvermüller, 2005). In the temporal lobes, greater modulation occurred in the bilateral transverse temporal gyrus and sulcus, planum polare and temporale. These areas, including primary and secondary auditory cortices, are crucial for phonological and auditory processing, with implications for the processing of sound-related words and environmental sounds (Binder et al., 2000). The superior temporal gyrus (STG) and sulcus (STS) also showed greater modulation for concrete words and these are said to be central to auditory processing and the integration of phonological, syntactic, and semantic information, with a particular role in processing meaningful speech and narratives (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). In the parietal and occipital lobes, more concrete modulated activity was found bilaterally in the precuneus, which has been associated with visuospatial imagery, episodic memory retrieval, and self-processing operations and has been said to contribute to the visualisation aspects of concrete concepts (Cavanna & Trimble, 2006). More activation was also found in large swaths of the occipital cortices (running into the inferior temporal lobe), and the ventral visual stream. These regions are integral to visual processing, with the ventral stream (including areas like the fusiform gyrus) particularly involved in object recognition and categorization, linking directly to the visual representation of concrete concepts (Martin, 2007). Finally, subcortically, the dorsal and posterior medial cerebellum were more active bilaterally for concrete modulation. Traditionally associated with motor function, some studies also implicate the cerebellum in cognitive and linguistic processing, including the modulation of language and semantic processing through its connections with cerebral cortical areas (Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009).
Conversely, activation for abstract was greater than concrete words in the following regions (Figure 3, blue): In the frontal lobes, this included right anterior cingulate gyrus, lateral and medial aspects of the superior frontal gyrus. Being involved in cognitive control, decisionmaking, and emotional processing, these areas may contribute to abstract conceptualization by integrating affective and cognitive components (Shenhav et al., 2013). More left frontal activity was found in both lateral and medial prefrontal cortices, and in the orbital gyrus, regions which are key to social cognition, valuation, and decision-making, all domains rich in abstract concepts (Amodio & Frith, 2006). In the parietal lobes, bilateral activity was greater in the angular gyri (AG) and inferior parietal lobules, including the postcentral gyrus. Central to the default mode network, these regions are implicated in a wide range of complex cognitive functions, including semantic processing, abstract thinking, and integrating sensory information with autobiographical memory (Seghier, 2013). In the temporal lobes, activity was restricted to the STS bilaterally, which plays a critical role in the perception of intentionality and social interactions, essential for understanding abstract social concepts (Frith & Frith, 2003). Subcortically, activity was greater, bilaterally, in the anterior thalamus, nucleus accumbens, and left amygdala for abstract modulation. These areas are involved in motivation, reward processing, and the integration of emotional information with memory, relevant for abstract concepts related to emotions and social relations (Haber & Knutson, 2010, Phelps & LeDoux, 2005).
Finally, there was overlap in activity between modulation of both concreteness and abstractness (Figure 3, yellow). The overlap activity is due to the fact that we performed general linear tests for the abstract/concrete contrast at each of the 20 timepoints in our group analysis. Consequently, overlap means that activation in these regions is modulated by both concrete and abstract word processing but at different time-scales. In particular, we find that activity modulation associated with abstractness is generally processed over a longer timeframe (for a comparison of significant timing differences see figure S9). In the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, this was primarily in the left IFG, AG, and STG, respectively. Left IFG is prominently involved in semantic processing, particularly in tasks requiring semantic selection and retrieval and has been shown to play a critical role in accessing semantic memory and resolving semantic ambiguities, processes that are inherently timeconsuming and reflective of the extended processing time for abstract concepts (ThompsonSchill et al., 1997; Wagner et al., 2001; Hofman et al., 2015). The STG, particularly its posterior portion, is critical for the comprehension of complex linguistic structures, including narrative and discourse processing. The processing of abstract concepts often necessitates the integration of contextual cues and inferential processing, tasks that engage the STG and may extend the temporal dynamics of semantic processing (Ferstl et al., 2008; Vandenberghe et al., 2002). In the occipital lobe, processing overlapped bilaterally around the calcarine sulcus, which is associated with primary visual processing (Kanwisher et al., 1997; Kosslyn et al., 2001).”
Additionally, these methods attempt to interpret all the clusters found for each contrast in the same way when they may have different roles (e.g., relate to different senses). This is a particular issue for the peaks and valleys method which assesses whether a significantly larger number of clusters is associated with each sensory term for the abstract, concrete, or both conditions than the other conditions. The number of clusters does not seem to be the right measure to compare. Clusters differ in size so the number of clusters does not represent the area within the brain well. Nor is it clear that many brain regions should respond to each sensory term, and not just one per term (whether that is V1 or the entire occipital lobe, for instance). The number of clusters is therefore somewhat arbitrary. This is further complicated by the assessment across 20 time points and the inclusion of the 'both' categories. It would seem more appropriate to see whether each abstract and concrete cluster could be associated with each different sensory term and then summarise these findings rather than assess the number of abstract or concrete clusters found for each independent sensory term. In general, the rationale for the methods used should be provided (including the peak and valley method instead of other possible options e.g., linear regression).
We included an assessment of whether each abstract and concrete cluster could be associated with each different sensory term and then summarised these findings on a participant level in the supplementary material (Figures S3, S4, and S5).
Rationales for the Amplitude Modulated Deconvolution are now provided on page 10 (specifically the first paragraph under “Deconvolution Analysis” in the Methods section) and for the P&V on pages 13, 14 and 15 (under “Peaks and Valley” (particularly the first paragraph) in the Methods section).
The measure of contextual situatedness (how related a spoken word is to the average of the visually presented objects in a scene) is an interesting approach that allows parametric variation within naturalistic stimuli, which is a potential strength of the study. This measure appears to vary little between objects that are present (e.g., animal or room), and those that are strongly (e.g., monitor) or weakly related (e.g., science). Additional information validating this measure may be useful, as would consideration of the range of values and whether the split between situated (c > 0.6) and displaced words (c < 0.4) is sufficient.
The main validation of our measure of contextual situatedness derives from the high accuracy and reliability of CNNs in object detection and recognition tasks, as demonstrated in numerous benchmarks and real-world applications.
One reason for low variability in our measure of contextual situatedness is the fact that we compared the GloVe vector of each word of interest with an average GloVe vector of all object-words referring to objects present in 56 frames (~300 objects on average). This means that a lot of variability in similarity measures between individual object-words and the word of interest is averaged out. Notwithstanding the resulting low variability of our measure, we thought that this would be the more conservative approach, as even small differences between individual measures (e.g. 0.4 vs 0.6) would constitute a strong difference on average (across the 300 objects per context window). Therefore, this split ensures a sufficient distinction between words that are strongly related to their visual context and those that are not – which in turn allows us to properly investigate the impact of contextual relevance on conceptual processing.
Finally, the study assessed the relation of spoken concrete or abstract words to brain activity at different time points. The visual scene was always assessed using the 2 seconds before the word, while the neural effects of the word were assessed every second after the presentation for 20 seconds. This could be a strength of the study, however almost no temporal information was provided. The clusters shown have different timings, but this information is not presented in any way. Giving more temporal information in the results could help to both validate this approach and show when these areas are involved in abstract or concrete word processing.
We provide more information on the temporal differences of when clusters are involved in processing concrete and abstract concepts in the supplementary material (Figure S9) and refer to this information where relevant in the Methods and Results sections.
Additionally, no rationale was given for this long timeframe which is far greater than the time needed to process the word, and long after the presence of the visual context assessed (and therefore ignores the present visual context).
The 20-second timeframe for our deconvolution analysis is justified by several considerations. Firstly, the hemodynamic response function (HRF) is known to vary both across individuals and within different regions of the brain. To accommodate this variability and capture the full breadth of the HRF, including its rise, peak, and return to baseline, a longer timeframe is often necessary. The 20-second window ensures that we do not prematurely truncate the HRF, which could lead to inaccurate estimations of neural activity related to the processing of words. Secondly and related to this point, unlike model-based approaches that assume a canonical HRF shape, our deconvolution analysis does not impose a predefined form on the HRF, instead reconstructing the HRF from the data itself – for this, a longer time-frame is advantageous to get a better estimation of the true HRF. Finally, and related to this point, the use of the 'Csplin' function in our analysis provides a flexible set of basis functions for deconvolution, allowing for a more fine-grained and precise estimation of the HRF across this extended timeframe. The 'Csplin' function offers more interpolation between time points, which is particularly advantageous for capturing the nuances of the HRF as it unfolds over a longer time-frame.
Although we use a 20-second timeframe for the deconvolution analysis to capture the full HRF, the analysis is still time-locked to the onset of each visual stimulus. This ensures that the initial stages of the HRF are directly tied to the moment the word is presented, thus incorporating the immediate visual context. We furthermore include variables that represent aspects of the visual context at the time of word presentation in our models (e.g luminance) and control for motion (optical flow), colour saturation and spatial frequency of immediate visual context.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The context measure is interesting, but I'm not convinced that it's capturing what the authors intended. In analysing the neural response to a single word, the authors are presuming that they have isolated the window in which that concept is processed and the observed activation corresponds to the neural representation of that word given the prior context. I question to what extent this assumption holds true in a narrative when co-articulation blurs the boundaries between words and when rapid context integration is occurring.
We appreciate the reviewer's critical perspective on the contextual measure employed in our study. We agree that the dynamic and continuous nature of narrative comprehension poses challenges for isolating the neural response to individual words. However, the use of an amplitude modulated deconvolution analysis, particularly with the CSPLIN function, is a methodological choice to specifically address these challenges. Deconvolution allows us to estimate the hemodynamic response function (HRF) without assuming its canonical shape, capturing nuances in the BOLD signal that may reflect the integration of rapid contextual shifts (only beyond the average modulation of the BOLD signal. The CSPLIN function further refines this approach by offering a flexible basis set for modelling the HRF and by providing a detailed temporal resolution that can adapt to the variance in individual responses.
Our choice of a 20-second window is informed by the need to encompass not just the immediate response to a word but also the extended integration of the contextual information. This is consistent with evidence indicating that the brain integrates information over longer timescales when processing language in context (Hasson et al., 2015). The neural representation of a word is not a static snapshot but a dynamic process that evolves with the unfolding narrative.
Further, the authors define context based on the preceding visual information. I'm not sure that this is a strong manipulation of the narrative context, although I agree that it captures some of the local context. It is maybe not surprising that if a word, abstract or concrete, has a strong association with the preceding visual information then activation in the occipital cortex is observed. I also wonder if the effects being captured have less to do with concrete and abstract concepts and more to do with the specific context the displaced condition captures during a multimodal viewing paradigm. If the visual information is less related to the verbal content, the viewer might process those narrative moments differently regardless of whether the subsequent word is concrete or abstract. I think the claims could be tailored to focus less generally on context and more specifically on how visually presented objects, which contribute to the ongoing context of a multimodal narrative, influence the subsequent processing of abstract and concrete concepts.
The context measure, though admittedly a simplification, is designed to capture the local visual context preceding word presentation. By using high-confidence visual recognition models, we ensure that the visual information is reliably extracted and reflects objects that have a strong likelihood of influencing the processing of subsequent words. We acknowledge that this does not capture the full richness of narrative context; however, it provides a quantifiable and consistent measure of the immediate visual environment, which is an important aspect of context in naturalistic language comprehension.
With regards to the effects observed in the occipital cortex, we posit that while some activation might be attributable to the visual features of the narrative, our findings also reflect the influence of these features on conceptual processing. This is especially because our analysis only looks at the modulation of the HRF amplitude beyond the average response (so also beyond the average visual response) when contrasting between conditions of high and low visual-contextual association with important (audio-visual) control variables included in the model.
Lastly, we concur that both concrete and abstract words are processed within a multimodal narrative, which could influence their neural representation. We believe our approach captures a meaningful aspect of this processing, and we have refined our claims to specify the influence of visually presented objects on the processing of abstract and concrete concepts, rather than making broader assertions about multimodal context. We also highlight several other signals (e.g. auditory) that could influence processing.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The approach taken here requires a lot of manual variable selection and seems a bit roundabout. Why not build an encoding model that can predict the BOLD time course of each voxel in a participant from the feature-of-interest like valence etc. and then analyze if (1) certain features better predict activity in a specific region (2) the predicted responses/regression parameters are more positive (peaks) or more negative (valleys) for certain features in a specific brain region (3) maybe even use contextual features use a large language model and then per word (like "truth") analyze where the predicted responses diverge based on the associated context. This seems like a simpler approach than having multiple stages of analysis.
It is not clear to us why an encoding model would be more suitable for answering the question at hand (especially given that we tried to clarify concerns about non-linear relationships between variables). On the contrary, fitting a regression model to each individual voxel has several drawbacks. First, encoding models are prone to over-estimate effect sizes (Naselaris et al., 2011). Second, encoding models are not good at explaining group-level effects due to high variability between individual participants (Turner et al., 2018). We would also like to point out that an encoding model using features of a text-based LLM would not address the visual context question - unless the LLM was multimodal. Multimodal LLMs are a very recent research development in Artificial Intelligence, however, and models like LLaMA (adapter), Google’s Gemini, etc. are not truly multimodal in the sense that would be useful for this study, because they are first trained on text and later injected with visual data. This relates to our concern that the reviewer may have misunderstood that we are interested in purely visual context of words (not linguistic context).
(2) In multiple analyses, a subset of the selected words is sampled to create a balanced set between the abstract and concrete categories. Do the authors show standard deviation across these sets?
For the subset of words used in the context-based analyses, we give mean ratings of concreteness, log frequency and length and conduct a t-test to show that these variables are not significantly different between the sets. We also included the psycholinguistic control variables surprisal and semantic diversity, as well as the visual variables motion (optical flow), colour saturation and spatial frequency.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Figures S3-5 are central to the argument and should be in the main text (potentially combined).
These have been added to the main text
S5 says the top 3 terms are DMN (and not semantic control), but the text suggests the r value is higher for 'semantic control' than 'DMN'?
Fixed this in the text, the caption now reads:
“This was confirmed by using the neurosynth decoder on the unthresholded brain image - top keywords were “Semantic Control” and “DMN”.”
Fig. S7 is very hard to see due to the use of grey on grey. Not used for great effect in the final sentence, but should be used to help interpret areas in the results section (if useful). It has not been specified how the 'language network' has been identified/defined here.
We altered the contrast in the figure to make boundaries more visible and specified how the language network was identified in the figure caption.
In the Results 'This showed that concrete produced more modulation than abstract modulation in the frontal lobes,' should be parts of /some of the frontal lobes as this isn't true overall.
Fixed this in the text.
There are some grammatical errors and lack of clarity in the context comparison section of the results.
Fixed these in the text.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
• The analysis code should be shared on the github page prior to peer review.
The code is now shared under: https://github.com/ViktorKewenig/Naturalistic_Encoding_Concepts
• At several points throughout the methods section, information was referred to that had not yet been described. Reordering the presentation of this information would greatly improve interpretability. A couple of examples of this are provided below.
Deconvolution Analysis: the use of amplitude modulation regression was introduced prior to a discussion of using the TENT function to estimate the shape of the HRF. This was then followed by a discussion of the general benefits of amplitude modulation. Only after these paragraphs are the modulators/model structure described. Moving this information to the beginning of the section would make the analysis clearer from the onset.
Fixed this in the text
Peak and Valley Analysis: the hypotheses regarding the sensory-motor features and experiential features are provided prior to describing how these features were extracted from the data (e.g., using the Lancaster norms).
Fixed this in the text.
• The justification for and description of the IRF approach seems overdone considering the timing differences are not analyzed further or discussed.
We now present a further discussion of timing differences in the supplementary material.
• The need and suitability of the cluster simulation method as implemented were not clear. The resulting maps were thresholded at 9 different p values and then combined, and an arbitrary cluster threshold of 20 voxels was then applied. Why not use the standard approach of selecting the significance threshold and corresponding cluster size threshold from the ClustSim table?
We extracted the original clusters at 9 different p values with the corresponding cluster size from the ClustSim table, then only included clusters that were bigger than 20 voxels.
• Why was the center of mass used instead of the peak voxel?
Peak voxel analysis can be sensitive to noise and may not reliably represent the region's activation pattern, especially in naturalistic imaging data where signal fluctuations are more variable and outliers more frequent. The centre of mass provides a more stable and representative measure of the underlying neural activity. Another reason for using the center of mass is that it better represents the anatomical distribution of the data, especially in large clusters with more than 100 voxels where peak voxels are often located at the periphery.
• Figure 1 seems to reference a different Figure 1 that shows the abstract, concrete, and overlap clusters of activity (currently Figure 3).
Fixed this in the text.
• Table S1 seems to have the "Touch" dimension repeated twice with different statistics reported.
Fixed this in the text, the second mention of the dimension “touch” was wrong.
• It appears from the supplemental files that the Peaks and Valley analysis produces different results at different lag times. This might be expected but it's not clear why the results presented in the main text were chosen over those in the supplemental materials.
The results in the main text were chosen over those in the supplementary material, because the HRF is said to peak at 5s after stimulus onset. We added a specification of this rational to the “2. Peak and Valley Analysis” subsection in the Methods section.
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