- Oct 2024
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors have tried to dissect the functions of Proteasome activator 28γ (PA28γ) which is known to activate proteasomal function in an ATP-independent manner. Although there are multiple works that have highlighted the role of this protein in tumours, this study specifically tried to develop a correlation with Complement C1q binding protein (C1QBp) that is associated with immune response and energy homeostasis.
The observations of the authors hint that beyond PA28y's association with the proteasome, it might also stabilize certain proteins such as C1QBP which influences energy metabolism.
The strength of the work also becomes its main drawback. That is, how PA28y stabilizes C1QBP or how C1QBP elicits its pro-tumourigenic role under PA28y OE.<br /> In most of the experiments, the authors have been dependent on the parallel changes in the expression of both the proteins to justify their stabilizing interaction. However, this approach is indirect at best and does not confirm the direct stabilizing effect of this interaction. IP experiments do not indicate direct interaction and have some quality issues. The upregulation of C1QBP might be indirect at best. It is quite possible that PA28y might be degrading some secondary protein/complex that is responsible for C1QBP expression. Since the core idea of the work is PA28y direct interaction with C1QBP stabilizing it, the same should be demonstrated in a more convincing manner.
In all of the assays, C1QBP has been detected as doublet. However, the expression pattern of the two bands varies depending on the experiment. In some cases, the upper band is intensely stained and in some the lower bands. Do C1QBP isoforms exist and are they differentially regulated depending on experiment conditions/tissue types?
Problems with the background of the work: Line 76. This statement is far-fetched. There are presently a number of works of literature that have dealt with the metabolic programming of OSCC including identification of specific metabolites. Moreover, beyond the estimation of OCR, the authors have not conducted any experiments related to metabolism. In the Introduction, the significance of this study and how it will extend our understanding of OSCC needs to be elaborated.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors tried to determine how PA28g functions in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells. They hypothesized it may act through metabolic reprogramming in the mitochondria.
They found that the genes of PA28g and C1QBP are in an overlapping interaction network after an analysis of a genome database. They also found that the two proteins interact in coimmunoprecipitation and pull-down assays using the lysate from OSCC cells with or without expression of the exogenous genes. They used truncated C1QBP proteins to map the interaction site to the N-terminal 167 residues of C1QBP protein. They observed the levels of the two proteins are positively correlated in the cells. They provided evidence for the colocalization of the two proteins in the mitochondria, the effect on mitochondrial form and function in vitro and in vivo OSCC models, and the correlation of the protein expression with the prognosis of cancer patients.
Many data sets are shown in figures that cannot be understood without more descriptions, either in the text or the legend, e.g., Figure 1A. Similarly, many abbreviations are not defined.
Some of the pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation data do not support the conclusion about the PA28g-C1QBP interaction. For example, in Appendix Figure 1B the Flag-C1QBP was detected in the Myc beads pull-down when the protein was expressed in the 293T cells without the Myc-PA28g, suggesting that the pull-down was not due to the interaction of the C1QBP and PA28g proteins. In Appendix Figure 1C, assume the SFB stands for a biotin tag, then the SFB-PA28g should be detected in the cells expressing this protein after pull-down by streptavidin; however, it was not. The Western blot data in Figure 1E and many other figures must be quantified before any conclusions about the levels of proteins can be drawn.
The immunoprecipitation method is flawed as it is described. The antigen (PA28g or C1QBP) should bind to the respective antibody that in turn should binds to Protein G beads. The resulting immunocomplex should end up in the pellet fraction after centrifugation and be analyzed further by Western blot for coprecipitates. However, the method in the Appendix states that the supernatant was used for the Western blot.
To conclude that PA28g stabilizes C1QBP through their physical interaction in the cells, one must show whether a protease inhibitor can substitute PA28q and prevent C1QBP degradation, and also show whether a mutation that disrupts the PA28g-C1QBP interaction can reduce the stability of C1QBP. In Figure 1F, all cells expressed Myc-PA28g. Therefore, the conclusion that PA28g prevented C1QBP degradation cannot be reached. Instead, since more Myc-PA28g was detected in the cells expressing Flag-C1QBP compared to the cells not expressing this protein, a conclusion would be that the C1QBP stabilized the PA28g. Figure 1G is a quantification of Western blot data that should be shown.
The binding site for PA28g in C1QBP was mapped to the N-terminal 167 residues using truncated proteins. One caveat would be that some truncated proteins did not fold correctly in the absence of the sequence that was removed. Thus, the C-terminal region of the C1QBP with residues 168-283 may still bind to the PA29g in the context of full-length protein. In Figure 1I, more Flag-C1QBP 1-167 was pulled down by Myc-PA28g than the full-length protein or the Flag-C1QBP 1-213. Why?
The interaction site in PA28g for C1QBP was not mapped, which prevents further analysis of the interaction. Also, if the interaction domain can be determined, structural modeling of the complex would be feasible using AlphaFold2 or other programs. Then, it is possible to test point mutations that may disrupt the interaction and if so, the functional effect
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eLife Assessment
This useful study by Gao et al identifies Hspa2 as a heterogeneous transcript in the early embryo and proposes a plausible mechanism showing interactions with Carm1. The authors propose that variability in HSPA2 levels among blastomeres at the 4-cell stage skews their relative contribution to the embryonic lineage. Given only 4 other heterogeneous transcripts/non-coding RNA have been proposed to act similarly at or before the 4-cell stage, this would be a key addition to our understanding of how the first cell fate decision is made. Whilst this is a solid study, in order to support its conclusions image analyses and quantifications would need to be better described, and the overexpression studies should be validated.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors investigate the role of HSPA2 during mouse preimplantation development. Knocking down HSPA2 in zygotes, the authors describe lower chances of developing into blastocysts, which show a reduced number of inner cell mass cells. They find that HSPA2 mRNA and protein levels show some heterogeneity among blastomeres at the 4-cell stage and propose that HSPA2 could contribute to skewing their relative contribution to embryonic lineages. To test this, the authors try to reduce HSPA2 expression in one of the 2-cell stage blastomere and propose that it biases their contribution to towards extra-embryonic lineages. To explain this, the authors propose that HSPA2 would interact with CARM1, which controls chromatin accessibility around genes regulating differentiation into embryonic lineage.
(1) The study offers simple and straightforward experiments with large sample sizes.
(2) Unlike most studies in the field, this research often relies on both mRNA and protein levels to analyse gene expression and differentiation.
(1) Image and statistical analyses are not well described.
(2) The functionality of the overexpression construct is not validated.
(3) Tracking of KD cells in embryos injected at the 2-cell stage with GFP is unclear.
(4) A key rationale of the study relies on measuring small differences in the levels of mRNA and proteins using semi-quantitative methods to compare blastomeres. As such, it is not possible to know whether those subtle differences are biologically meaningful. For example, the lowest HSPA2 level of the embryo with the highest level is much higher than the top cell from the embryo with the lowest level. What does this level mean then? Does this mean that some blastomeres grafted from strong embryos would systematically outcompete all other blastomeres from weaker embryos? That would be very surprising. I think the authors should be more careful and consider the lack of quantitative power of their approach before reaching firm conclusions. Although to be fair, the authors only follow a long trend of studies with the same intrinsic flaw of this approach.
(5) Some of the analyses on immunostaining do not take into account that this technique only allows for semi-quantitative measurements and comparisons.<br /> a) Some of the microscopy images are shown with an incorrect look-up table.<br /> b) Some of the schematics are incorrect and misleading.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Gao et al. use RNA-seq to identify Hspa2 as one of the earliest transcripts heterogeneously distributed between blastomeres. Functional studies are performed using siRNA knockdown showing Hspa2 may bias cells toward the ICM lineage via interaction with the known methyltransferase CARM1.
This study tackles an important question regarding the origins of the first cell fate decision in the preimplantation embryo. It provides novelty in its identification of Hspa2 as a heterogeneous transcript in the early embryo and proposes a plausible mechanism showing interactions with Carm1. Multiple approaches are used to validate their functional studies (FISH, WB, development rates, proteomics). Given only 4 other transcripts/RNA have been identified at or before the 4-cell stage (LincGET, CARM1, PRDM14, HMGA1), this would be an important addition to our understanding of how TE vs ICM fate is established.
The RNA-seq results leading the authors to focus on Hspa2 are not included in the manuscript. This dataset would serve as an important resource but is neither included nor discussed. Nor is it mentioned whether Hspa2 was identified in prior RNA-seq embryos studies (for example Deng Science 2014).
In addition, the functional studies are centered on Hspa2 knockdown at the zygote (1-cell) stage, which would largely target maternal transcript. Given the proposed mechanism relies on Hspa2 heterogeneity post-ZGA (late 2-cell stage), the knockdown studies don't necessarily test this and thus don't provide direct support to the authors' conclusions. The relevance of the study would be improved if the authors could show that zygotic knockdown leads to symmetric Hspa2 levels at the late 2-cell and/or 4-cell stage. It may be possible that zygotic knockdown leads to lower global Hspa2 levels, but that asymmetry is still generated at the 4-cell stage.
Furthermore, the authors show that Hspa2 knockdown at the 1-cell stage lowers total Carm1 levels at the 4-cell stage. However, it is unclear how total abundance within the embryo alters lineage specification within blastomeres. The authors go on to propose a plausible mechanism involving Hspa2 and Carm1 interaction, but do not discuss how expression levels may be involved.
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eLife Assessment
This important study investigates the function of a critical regulator of human early cardiac development. The convincing examination of GATA6 function is thorough and well-executed. The study will be of interest to scientists working on how the human heart acquires its identity.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This is a comprehensive study that clearly and deeply investigates the function of GATA6 in human early cardiac development.
This study combines hESC engineering, differentiation, detailed gene expression, genome occupancy, and pathway modulation to elucidate the role of GATA6 in early cardiac differentiation. The work is carefully executed and the results support the conclusions. The use of publicly available data is well integrated throughout the manuscript. The RIME experiments are excellent.
Much has been known about GATA6 in mesendoderm development, and this is acknowledged by the authors.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This manuscript by Bisson et al describes the role of GATA6 to regulate cardiac progenitor cell (CPC) specification and cardiomyocyte (CM) generation using human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The authors found that GATA6 loss-of-function hESC exhibits early defects in mesendoderm and lateral mesoderm patterning stages. Using RNA-seq and CUT&RUN assays the genes of the Wnt and BMP programs were found to be affected by the loss of GATA6 expression. Modulating Wnt and BMP during early cardiac differentiation can partially rescue CPC and CM defects in GATA6 hetero- and homozygous mutant hESCs.
The studies performed were rigorous and the rationale for the experimental design was logical. The results obtained were clear and supported the conclusions that the authors made regarding the role of GATA6 on Wnt and BMP pathway gene expression.
Given the wealth of studies that have been performed in this research area previously, the amount of new information provided in this study is relatively modest. Nevertheless, the results and quite clear and should make a strong contribution to the field.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, Bison et al. analyzed the role of the GATA6 transcription factor in patterning the early mesoderm and generating cardiomyocytes, using human embryonic stem cell differentiation assays and patient-derived hiPSCs with heart defects associated with mutations in the GATA6 gene. They identified a novel role for GATA6 in regulating genes involved in the WNT and BMP pathways -findings not previously noted in earlier analyses of GATA6 mutant hiPSCs during early cardiac mesoderm specification (Sharma et al., 2020). Modulation of the WNT and BMP pathways may partially rescue early cardiac mesoderm defects in GATA6 mutant hESCs. These results provide significant insights into how GATA6 loss-of-function and heterozygous mutations contribute to heart defects.
I have the following comments:
(1) Throughout the manuscript, Bison et al. alternate between different protocols to generate cardiomyocytes, which creates some confusion (e.g., Figure 1 vs. Supplemental Figure 2A). The authors should provide a clear justification for using alternative protocols.
(2) The authors should characterise the mesodermal identity and cardiomyocyte subtypes generated with the activin/BMP-induction protocol thoroughly and clarify whether defects in the expression of BMP and WNT-related gene affect the formation of specific cardiomyocyte subtypes in a chamber-specific manner. This analysis is important, as Sharma et al. suggested a role for GATA6 in orchestrating outflow tract formation, and Bison et al. similarly identified decreased expression of NRP1, a gene involved in outflow tract septation, in their GATA6 mutant cells.
(3) The authors developed an iPSC line derived from a congenital heart disease (CHD) patient with an atrial septal defect and observed that these cells generate cTnnT+ cells less efficiently. However, it remains unclear whether atrial cardiomyocytes (or those localised specifically at the septum) are being generated using the activin/BMP-induction protocol and the patient-derived iPSC line.
(4) The authors should also justify the necessity of using the patient-derived line to further analyse GATA6 function.
(5) Figure 3 suggests an enrichment of paraxial mesoderm genes in the context of GATA6 loss-of-function, which is intriguing given the well-established role of GATA6 in specifying cardiac versus pharyngeal mesoderm lineages in model organisms. Could the authors expand their analysis beyond GO term enrichment to explore which alternative fates GATA6 mutant cells may acquire? Additionally, how does the potential enrichment of paraxial mesoderm, rather than pharyngeal mesoderm, relate to the initial mesodermal induction from their differentiation protocol? Could the authors also rule out the possibility of increased neuronal cell fates?
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eLife Assessment
This study presents useful quantitative insights into the prevalence of functionally clustered synaptic inputs on neuronal dendrites. The simple analytical calculations and computer simulations provide solid support for the main arguments. With improvements to the presentation and more realistic simulations (e.g. including the interaction between calcium and electric signals) the findings can lead to a more detailed understanding of how dendrites contribute to the computation of neuronal networks.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the current manuscript, the authors use theoretical and analytical tools to examine the possibility of neural projections to engage ensembles of synaptic clusters in active dendrites. The analysis is divided into multiple models that differ in the connectivity parameters, speed of interactions, and identity of the signal (electric vs. second messenger). They first show that random connectivity almost ensures the representation of presynaptic ensembles. As expected, this convergence is much more likely for small group sizes and slow processes, such as calcium dynamics. Conversely, fast signals (spikes and postsynaptic potentials) and large groups are much less likely to recruit spatially clustered inputs. Dendritic nonlinearity in the postsynaptic cells was found to play a highly important role in distinguishing these clustered activation patterns, both when activated simultaneously and in sequence. The authors tackled the difficult issue of noise, showing a beneficiary effect when noise 'happens' to fill in gaps in a sequential pattern but degraded performance at higher background activity levels. Last, the authors simulated selectivity to chemical and electrical signals. While they find that longer sequences are less perturbed by noise, in more realistic activation conditions, the signals are not well resolved in the soma.
While I think the premise of the manuscript is worth exploring, I have a number of reservations regarding the results.
(1) In the analysis, the authors made a simplifying assumption that the chemical and electrical processes are independent. However, this is not the case; excitatory inputs to spines often trigger depolarization combined with pronounced calcium influx; this mixed signaling could have dramatic implications on the analysis, particularly if the dendrites are nonlinear (see below)
(2) Sequence detection in active dendrites is often simplified to investigating activation in a part of or the entirety of individual branches. However, the authors did not do that for most of their analysis. Instead, they treat the entire dendritic tree as one long branch and count how many inputs form clusters. I fail to see why simplification is required and suspect it can lead to wrong results. For example, two inputs that are mapped to different dendrites in the 'original' morphology but then happen to fall next to each other when the branches are staggered to form the long dendrites would be counted as neighbors.
(3) The simulations were poorly executed. Figures 5 and 6 show examples but no summary statistics. The authors emphasize the importance of nonlinear dendritic interactions, but they do not include them in their analysis of the ectopic signals! I find it to be wholly expected that the effects of dendritic ensembles are not pronounced when the dendrites are linear.
To provide a comprehensive analysis of dendritic integration, the authors could simulate more realistic synaptic conductances and voltage-gated channels. They would find much more complicated interactions between inputs on a single site, a sliding temporal and spatial window of nonlinear integration that depends on dendritic morphology, active and passive parameters, and synaptic properties. At different activation levels, the rules of synaptic integration shift to cooperativity between different dendrites and cellular compartments, further complicated by nonlinear interactions between somatic spikes and dendritic events.
While it is tempting to extend back-of-the-napkin calculations of how many inputs can recruit nonlinear integration in active dendrites, the biological implementation is very different from this hypothetical. It is important to consider these questions, but I am not convinced that this manuscript adequately addressed the questions it set out to probe, nor does it provide information that was unknown beforehand.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
If synaptic input is functionally clustered on dendrites, nonlinear integration could increase the computational power of neural networks. But this requires the right synapses to be located in the right places. This paper aims to address the question of whether such synaptic arrangements could arise by chance (i.e. without special rules for axon guidance or structural plasticity), and could therefore be exploited even in randomly connected networks. This is important, particularly for the dendrites and biological computation communities, where there is a pressing need to integrate decades of work at the single-neuron level with contemporary ideas about network function.
Using an abstract model where ensembles of neurons project randomly to a postsynaptic population, back-of-envelope calculations are presented that predict the probability of finding clustered synapses and spatiotemporal sequences. Using data-constrained parameters, the authors conclude that clustering and sequences are indeed likely to occur by chance (for large enough ensembles), but require strong dendritic nonlinearities and low background noise to be useful.
(1) The back-of-envelope reasoning presented can provide fast and valuable intuition. The authors have also made the effort to connect the model parameters with measured values. Even an approximate understanding of cluster probability can direct theory and experiments towards promising directions, or away from lost causes.
(2) I found the general approach to be refreshingly transparent and objective. Assumptions are stated clearly about the model and statistics of different circuits. Along with some positive results, many of the computed cluster probabilities are vanishingly small, and noise is found to be quite detrimental in several cases. This is important to know, and I was happy to see the authors take a balanced look at conditions that help/hinder clustering, rather than to just focus on a particular regime that works.
(3) This paper is also a timely reminder that synaptic clusters and sequences can exist on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The authors present results pertaining to the standard `electrical' regime (~50-100 µm, <50 ms), as well as two modes of chemical signaling (~10 µm, 100-1000 ms). The senior author is indeed an authority on the latter, and the simulations in Figure 5, extending those from Bhalla (2017), are unique in this area. In my view, the role of chemical signaling in neural computation is understudied theoretically, but research will be increasingly important as experimental technologies continue to develop.
(1) The paper is mostly let down by the presentation. In the current form, some patience is needed to grasp the main questions and results, and it is hard to keep track of the many abbreviations and definitions. A paper like this can be impactful, but the writing needs to be crisp, and the logic of the derivation accessible to non-experts. See, for instance, Stepanyants, Hof & Chklovskii (2002) for a relevant example.
It would be good to see a restructure that communicates the main points clearly and concisely, perhaps leaving other observations to an optional appendix. For the interested but time-pressed reader, I recommend starting with the last paragraph of the introduction, working through the main derivation on page 7, and writing out the full expression with key parameters exposed. Next, look at Table 1 and Figure 2J to see where different circuits and mechanisms fit in this scheme. Beyond this, the sequence derivation on page 15 and biophysical simulations in Figures 5 and 6 are also highlights.
(2) I wonder if the authors are being overly conservative at times. The result highlighted in the abstract is that 10/100000 postsynaptic neurons are expected to exhibit synaptic clustering. This seems like a very small number, especially if circuits are to rely on such a mechanism. However, this figure assumes the convergence of 3-5 distinct ensembles. Convergence of inputs from just 2 ensembles would be much more prevalent, but still advantageous computationally. There has been excitement in the field about experiments showing the clustering of synapses encoding even a single feature.
(3) The analysis supporting the claim that strong nonlinearities are needed for cluster/sequence detection is unconvincing. In the analysis, different synapse distributions on a single long dendrite are convolved with a sigmoid function and then the sum is taken to reflect the somatic response. In reality, dendritic nonlinearities influence the soma in a complex and dynamic manner. It may be that the abstract approach the authors use captures some of this, but it needs to be validated with simulations to be trusted (in line with previous work, e.g. Poirazi, Brannon & Mel, (2003)).
(4) It is unclear whether some of the conclusions would hold in the presence of learning. In the signal-to-noise analysis, all synaptic strengths are assumed equal. But if synapses involved in salient clusters or sequences were potentiated, presumably detection would become easier? Similarly, if presynaptic tuning and/or timing were reorganized through learning, the conditions for synaptic arrangements to be useful could be relaxed. Answering these questions is beyond the scope of the study, but there is a caveat there nonetheless.
- Sep 2024
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eLife Assessment
This manuscript reports fundamental discoveries on how necrotic cells contribute to organ regeneration through apoptotic signaling. These findings would be of broad interest to those who study wound repair and tissue regeneration. The strength of the evidence is solid, but would be stronger with additional quantifications and controls.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In previous work, the authors described necrosis-induced apoptosis (NiA) as a consequence of induced necrosis. Specifically, experimentally induced necrosis in the distal pouch of larval wing imaginal discs triggers NiA in the lateral pouch. In this manuscript, the authors confirmed this observation and found that while necrosis can kill all areas of the disc, NiA is limited to the pouch and to some extent to the notum, but is excluded from the hinge region. Interestingly and unexpectedly, signaling by the Jak/Stat and Wg pathways inhibits NiA. Further characterization of NiA by the authors reveals that NiA also triggers regenerative proliferation which can last up to 64 hours following necrosis induction. This regenerative response to necrosis is significantly stronger compared to discs ablated by apoptosis. Furthermore, the regenerative proliferation induced by necrosis is dependent on the apoptotic pathway because RNAi targeting the RHG genes is sufficient to block proliferation. However, NiA does not promote proliferation through the previously described apoptosis-induced proliferation (AiP) pathway, although cells at the wound edge undergo AiP. Further examination of the caspase levels in NiA cells allowed the authors to group these cells into two clusters: some cells (NiA) undergo apoptosis and are removed, while others referred to as Necrosis-induced Caspase Positive (NiCP) cells survive despite caspase activity. It is the NiCP cells that repair cellular damage including DNA damage and that promote regenerative proliferation. Caspase sensors demonstrate that both groups of cells have initiator caspase activity, while only the NiA cells contain effector caspase activity. Under certain conditions, the authors were also able to visualize effector caspase activity in NiCP cells, but the level was low, likely below the threshold for apoptosis. Finally, the authors found that loss of the initiator caspase Dronc blocks regenerative proliferation, while inhibiting effector caspases by expression of p35 does not, suggesting that Dronc can induce regenerative proliferation following necrosis in a non-apoptotic manner. This last finding is very interesting as it implies that Dronc can induce proliferation in at least two ways in addition to its requirement in AiP.
This is a very interesting manuscript. The authors demonstrate that epithelial tissue that contains a significant number of necrotic cells is able to regenerate. This regenerative response is dependent on the apoptotic pathway which is induced at a distance from the necrotic cells. Although regenerative proliferation following necrosis requires the initiator caspase Dronc, Dronc does not induce a classical AiP response for this type of regenerative response. In future work, it will be very interesting to dissect this regenerative response pathway genetically.
Weaknesses:<br /> No weaknesses were identified.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Summary / Strengths:
In this manuscript, Klemm et al., build on past published findings (Klemm et al., 2021) to characterize caspase activation in distal cells following necrotic tissue damage within the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Previously in Klemm et al., 2021, the authors describe necrosis-induced-apoptosis (NiA) following the development of a genetic system to study necrosis that is caused by the expression of a constitutive active GluR1 (Glutamate/Ca2+ channel), and they discovered that the appearance of NiA cells were important for promoting regeneration.
In this manuscript, the authors aim to investigate how tissues regenerate following necrotic cell death. They find that:<br /> (1) the cells of the wing pouch are more likely to have non-autonomous caspase activation than other regions within the wing imaginal disc (hinge and notum),<br /> (2) two signaling pathways that are known to be upregulated during regeneration, Wnt (wingless) and JAK/Stat signaling, act to prevent additional NiA in pouch cells, and may explain the region specificity,<br /> (3) the presence of NiA cells promotes regenerative proliferation in late stages of regeneration,<br /> (4) not all caspase-positive cells are cleared from the epithelium (these cells are then referred to as Necrosis-induced Caspase Positive (NiCP) cells), these NiCP cells continue to live and promote proliferation in adjacent cells,<br /> (5) the caspase Dronc is important for creating NiA/NiCP cells and for these cells to promote proliferation. Animals heterozygous for a Dronc null allele show a decrease in regeneration following necrotic tissue damage.
The study has the potential to be broadly interesting due to the insights into how tissues differentially respond to necrosis as compared to apoptosis to promote regeneration.
However, here are some of my current concerns for the manuscript in its current version:
(1) The presence of cells with activated caspase that don't die (NiCP cells) is an interesting biological phenomenon but is not described until Figure 5. How does the existence of NiCP cells impact the earlier findings presented? Is late proliferation due to NiA, NiCP, or both? Does Wg and JAK/STAT signaling act to prevent the formation of both NiA and NiCP cells or only NiA cells? Moreover, the authors are able to specifically manipulate the wound edge (WE) and lateral pouch cells (LP), but don't show how these manipulations within these distinct populations impact regeneration. The authors provide evidence that driving UAS-mir(RHG) throughout the pouch, in the LP or the WE all decrease the amount of NiA/NiCP in Figure 3G-O, but no data on final regenerative outcomes for these manipulations is presented (such as those presented for Dronc-/+ in Fig 7M). The manuscript would be greatly enhanced by quantification of more of the findings, especially in describing if the specific manipulations that impacted NiA /NiCP cells disrupt end-point regeneration phenotypes.
(2) How fast does apoptosis take within the wing disc epithelium? How many of the caspase(+) cells are present for the whole 48 hours of regeneration? Are new cells also induced to activate caspase during this time window? The author presented a number of interesting experiments characterizing the NiCP cells. For the caspase sensor GC3Ai experiments in Figure 5, is there a way to differentiate between cells that have maintained fluorescent CG3Ai from cells that have newly activated caspase? What is the timeline for when NiA and NiCP are specified? In addition, what fraction of NiCP cells contribute to the regenerated epithelium? Additional information about the temporal dynamics of NiA and NiCP specification/commitment would be greatly appreciated.
(3) The notum also does not express developmental JAK/STAT, yet little NiA was observed within the notum. Do the authors have any additional insights into the differential response between the pouch and notum? What makes the pouch unique? Are NiA/NiCP cells created within other imaginal discs and other tissues? Are they similarly important for regenerative responses in other contexts?
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The manuscript "Regeneration following tissue necrosis is mediated by non-apoptotic caspase activity" by Klemm et al. is an exploration of what happens to a group of cells that experience caspase activation after necrosis occurs some distance away from the cells of interest. These experiments have been conducted in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, which has been used extensively to study the response of a developing epithelium to damage and stress. The authors revise and refine their earlier discovery of apoptosis initiated by necrosis, here showing that many of those presumed apoptotic cells do not complete apoptosis. Thus, the most interesting aspect of the paper is the characterization of a group of cells that experience mild caspase activation in response to an unknown signal, followed by some effector caspase activation and DNA damage, but that then recover from the DNA damage, avoid apoptosis, and proliferate instead. Many questions remain unanswered, including the signal that stimulates the mild caspase activation, and the mechanism through which this activation stimulates enhanced proliferation.
The authors should consider answering additional questions, clarifying some points, and making some minor corrections:
Major concerns affecting the interpretation of experimental results:
Expression of STAT92E RNAi had no apparent effect on the ability of hinge cells to undergo NiA, leading the authors to conclude that other protective signals must exist. However, the authors have not shown that this STAT92E RNAi is capable of eliminating JAK/STAT signaling in the hinge under these experimental conditions. Using a reporter for JAK/STAT signaling, such as the STAT-GFP, as a readout would confirm the reduction or elimination of signaling. This confirmation would be necessary to support the negative result as presented.
Similarly, the authors should confirm that the Zfh2 RNAi is reducing or eliminating Zfh2 levels in the hinge under these experimental conditions, before concluding that Zfh2 does not play a role in stopping hinge cells from undergoing NiA.
EdU incorporation was quantified by measuring the fluorescence intensity of the pouch and normalizing it to the fluorescence intensity of the whole disc. However, the images show that EdU fluorescence intensity of other regions of the disc, especially the notum, varied substantially when comparing the different genetic backgrounds (for example, note the substantially reduced EdU in the notum of Figure 3 B' and B'). Indeed, it has been shown that tissue damage can lead to suppression of proliferation in the notum and elsewhere in the disc, unless the signaling that induces the suppression is altered. Therefore, the normalization may be skewing the results because the notum EdU is not consistent across samples, possibly because the damage-induced suppression of proliferation in the notum is different across the different genetic backgrounds.
The authors expressed p35 to attempt to generate "undead cells". They take an absence of mitogen secretion or increased proliferation as evidence that undead cells were not generated. However, there could be undead cells that do not stimulate proliferation non-autonomously, which could be detected by the persistence of caspase activity in cells that do not complete apoptosis. Indeed, expressing p35 and observing sustained effector caspase activation could help answer the later question of what percentage of this cell population would otherwise complete apoptosis (NiA, rescued by p35) vs reverse course and proliferate (NiCP, unaffected by p35).
It is unclear if the authors' model is that the NiCP cells lead to autonomous or non-autonomous cell proliferation, or both. Could the lineage-tracing experiments and/or the experiments marking mitosis relative to caspase activity answer this question?
Many of the conclusions rely on single images. Quantification of many samples should be included wherever possible.
Why does the reduction of Dronc appear to affect regenerative growth in females but not males?
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In previous work, the authors described necrosis-induced apoptosis (NiA) as a consequence of induced necrosis. Specifically, experimentally induced necrosis in the distal pouch of larval wing imaginal discs triggers NiA in the lateral pouch. In this manuscript, the authors confirmed this observation and found that while necrosis can kill all areas of the disc, NiA is limited to the pouch and to some extent to the notum, but is excluded from the hinge region. Interestingly and unexpectedly, signaling by the Jak/Stat and Wg pathways inhibits NiA. Further characterization of NiA by the authors reveals that NiA also triggers regenerative proliferation which can last up to 64 hours following necrosis induction. This regenerative response to necrosis is significantly stronger compared to discs ablated by apoptosis. Furthermore, the regenerative proliferation induced by necrosis is dependent on the apoptotic pathway because RNAi targeting the RHG genes is sufficient to block proliferation. However, NiA does not promote proliferation through the previously described apoptosis-induced proliferation (AiP) pathway, although cells at the wound edge undergo AiP. Further examination of the caspase levels in NiA cells allowed the authors to group these cells into two clusters: some cells (NiA) undergo apoptosis and are removed, while others referred to as Necrosis-induced Caspase Positive (NiCP) cells survive despite caspase activity. It is the NiCP cells that repair cellular damage including DNA damage and that promote regenerative proliferation. Caspase sensors demonstrate that both groups of cells have initiator caspase activity, while only the NiA cells contain effector caspase activity. Under certain conditions, the authors were also able to visualize effector caspase activity in NiCP cells, but the level was low, likely below the threshold for apoptosis. Finally, the authors found that loss of the initiator caspase Dronc blocks regenerative proliferation, while inhibiting effector caspases by expression of p35 does not, suggesting that Dronc can induce regenerative proliferation following necrosis in a non- apoptotic manner. This last finding is very interesting as it implies that Dronc can induce proliferation in at least two ways in addition to its requirement in AiP.
This is a very interesting manuscript. The authors demonstrate that epithelial tissue that contains a significant number of necrotic cells is able to regenerate. This regenerative response is dependent on the apoptotic pathway which is induced at a distance from the necrotic cells. Although regenerative proliferation following necrosis requires the initiator caspase Dronc, Dronc does not induce a classical AiP response for this type of regenerative response. In future work, it will be very interesting to dissect this regenerative response pathway genetically.
No weaknesses were identified.
We thank the reviewer for their positive evaluation and kind words.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary / Strengths:
In this manuscript, Klemm et al., build on past published findings (Klemm et al., 2021) to characterize caspase activation in distal cells following necrotic tissue damage within the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Previously in Klemm et al., 2021, the authors describe necrosis-induced-apoptosis (NiA) following the development of a genetic system to study necrosis that is caused by the expression of a constitutive active GluR1 (Glutamate/Ca2+ channel), and they discovered that the appearance of NiA cells were important for promoting regeneration.
In this manuscript, the authors aim to investigate how tissues regenerate following necrotic cell death. They find that the cells of the wing pouch are more likely to have non-autonomous caspase activation than other regions within the wing imaginal disc (hinge and notum),two signaling pathways that are known to be upregulated during regeneration, Wnt (wingless) and JAK/Stat signaling, act to prevent additional NiA in pouch cells, and may explain the region specificity, the presence of NiA cells promotes regenerative proliferation in late stages of regeneration, not all caspase-positive cells are cleared from the epithelium (these cells are then referred to as Necrosis-induced Caspase Positive (NiCP) cells), these NiCP cells continue to live and promote proliferation in adjacent cells, the caspase Dronc is important for creating NiA/NiCP cells and for these cells to promote proliferation. Animals heterozygous for a Dronc null allele show a decrease in regeneration following necrotic tissue damage.
The study has the potential to be broadly interesting due to the insights into how tissues differentially respond to necrosis as compared to apoptosis to promote regeneration.
However, here are some of my current concerns for the manuscript in its current version:
The presence of cells with activated caspase that don't die (NiCP cells) is an interesting biological phenomenon but is not described until Figure 5. How does the existence of NiCP cells impact the earlier findings presented? Is late proliferation due to NiA, NiCP, or both? Does Wg and JAK/STAT signaling act to prevent the formation of both NiA and NiCP cells or only NiA cells? Moreover, the authors are able to specifically manipulate the wound edge (WE) and lateral pouch cells (LP), but don't show how these manipulations within these distinct populations impact regeneration. The authors provide evidence that driving UAS-mir(RHG) throughout the pouch, in the LP or the WE all decrease the amount of NiA/NiCP in Figure 3G-O, but no data on final regenerative outcomes for these manipulations is presented (such as those presented for Dronc-/+ in Fig 7M). The manuscript would be greatly enhanced by quantification of more of the findings, especially in describing if the specific manipulations that impacted NiA /NiCP cells disrupt end-point regeneration phenotypes.
We thank the reviewer for their assessment and helpful suggestions to improve the manuscript. Regarding the presence of NiA and NiCP cells, and the proportion of each within a regenerating wing disc, unfortunately we are currently limited in our ability to distinguish each type of cell using available tools. This applies to both visualizing these cells via anti-cDcp-1 staining or the activity of GC3Ai, DBS-GFP and CasExpress, and detecting their function via their influence on proliferation. As such, although the identification of NiCP does not change any of the conclusions prior to Figure 5 in which NiCP are described, we are currently unable to comment on the contribution of NiA versus NiCP to late proliferation, or whether they are differently affected by Wg and JAK/STAT signaling. This issue is touched on in the discussion, but we will expand upon our commentary to better highlight these issues.
With respect to the reviewer’s suggestion to include evidence on whether blocking NiA/NiCP influences final regenerative outcomes, these data were published in our first paper on this work (Klemm et al., 2021, PMID: 34740246), which we will gladly reiterate in this work.
Finally, we agree that further quantification of our findings will strengthen the work, which is also suggested by Reviewer 3, and plan to add it where possible in a revised manuscript.
How fast does apoptosis take within the wing disc epithelium? How many of the caspase(+) cells are present for the whole 48 hours of regeneration? Are new cells also induced to activate caspase during this time window? The author presented a number of interesting experiments characterizing the NiCP cells. For the caspase sensor GC3Ai experiments in Figure 5, is there a way to differentiate between cells that have maintained fluorescent CG3Ai from cells that have newly activated caspase? What is the timeline for when NiA and NiCP are specified? In addition, what fraction of NiCP cells contribute to the regenerated epithelium? Additional information about the temporal dynamics of NiA and NiCP specification/commitment would be greatly appreciated.
Regarding the timing of apoptosis, Schott et al., 2017 (PMID:28870988) demonstrated that apoptotic GC3Ai-labeled cells in imaginal discs are extruded within 1 hr of labeling, the kinetics of which agree with previously published work on the temporal dynamics of apoptotic cell extrusion by Monier et al., 2015 (PMID:25607361). This is much faster than the continued labeling that we observe up to 64 hr post necrosis. We will include this information alongside a quantification of the percent of the wing pouch with GC3Ai-positive cells over time to better address whether the GC3Ai signal is maintained over time or if newly activated caspases account for the signal in late regenerating discs. We plan to include PH3 staining to distinguish between cells that have activated GC3Ai and are proliferating versus new caspase activity. Additionally, we plan to include new experimental evidence to evaluate the timing of GC3Ai-labelled apoptotic cell loss in our system.
The question of when NiA/NiCP are specified is difficult to address due to the issue of not being able to easily distinguish between these cell types. We previously attempted to answer this particular question, and also to determine what fraction of these cells contribute to the regenerated epithelium, using caspase-based lineage tracing with CasExpress. However, as shown in the paper, we are unable to label NiA/NiCP with CasExpress, either due to the lack of caspase activity level or subcellular localization. We are currently attempting to combine other caspase reporters with lineage tracing tools and examine late-stage wing discs to address these questions.
The notum also does not express developmental JAK/STAT, yet little NiA was observed within the notum. Do the authors have any additional insights into the differential response between the pouch and notum? What makes the pouch unique? Are NiA/NiCP cells created within other imaginal discs and other tissues? Are they similarly important for regenerative responses in other contexts?
As noted by Martin et al., 2017 (PMID:28935711), Martin & Morata, 2018 (PMID:29938762), and our own observations in Harris et al., 2016 (PMID:26840050), the notum does not respond to damage in a way that leads to regeneration, while the pouch does. As NiA/NiCP are a pro-regenerative response, we speculate that this intrinsic difference in regenerative capacity that is potentially caused by a different proliferative and genetic response to injury may account for the disparity in NiA/NiCP occurrence in the pouch vs the notum. A difference in the presence of the (currently unidentified) DAMPs or PRRs in notum vs pouch cells may also be responsible. Alternatively, since the hinge tissue is also refractory to NiA/NiCP due to the presence of genetic factors such as Wg and JAK/STAT, there may be an analogous pathway present in notum cells that acts to protect against the induction of pro-apoptotic factors. Indeed, caspase 3 activation does not seem to occur upon ablation of the notum (Bergantinos et al. 2010, PMID:20215351). We plan to add these points to the discussion.
Regarding the existence of NiA/NiCP in other contexts, we have additional data stemming from our clonal patch experiments (Figure S1) that demonstrates this phenomenon occurs in other imaginal discs, which we plan to include in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The manuscript "Regeneration following tissue necrosis is mediated by non- apoptotic caspase activity" by Klemm et al. is an exploration of what happens to a group of cells that experience caspase activation after necrosis occurs some distance away from the cells of interest. These experiments have been conducted in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, which has been used extensively to study the response of a developing epithelium to damage and stress. The authors revise and refine their earlier discovery of apoptosis initiated by necrosis, here showing that many of those presumed apoptotic cells do not complete apoptosis. Thus, the most interesting aspect of the paper is the characterization of a group of cells that experience mild caspase activation in response to an unknown signal, followed by some effector caspase activation and DNA damage, but that then recover from the DNA damage, avoid apoptosis, and proliferate instead. Many questions remain unanswered, including the signal that stimulates the mild caspase activation, and the mechanism through which this activation stimulates enhanced proliferation.
The authors should consider answering additional questions, clarifying some points, and making some minor corrections:
Major concerns affecting the interpretation of experimental results:
Expression of STAT92E RNAi had no apparent effect on the ability of hinge cells to undergo NiA, leading the authors to conclude that other protective signals must exist. However, the authors have not shown that this STAT92E RNAi is capable of eliminating JAK/STAT signaling in the hinge under these experimental conditions. Using a reporter for JAK/STAT signaling, such as the STAT-GFP, as a readout would confirm the reduction or elimination of signaling. This confirmation would be necessary to support the negative result as presented.
We thank the reviewer for their assessment and helpful suggestions to improve the manuscript. Although the knockdown of Stat92E using this RNAi line has been shown to produce phenotypes associated with loss of JAK/STAT signaling in previous papers (Monahan and Starz-Gaiano, 2014, 2016 PMID:26277564, 26993259), we agree it would be useful to demonstrate this in our hands and therefore plan to include these data.
Similarly, the authors should confirm that the Zfh2 RNAi is reducing or eliminating Zfh2 levels in the hinge under these experimental conditions, before concluding that Zfh2 does not play a role in stopping hinge cells from undergoing NiA.
We attempted to demonstrate the loss of Zfh2 using this RNAi line, but as noted by the reviewer the antibody staining appears mostly unchanged. A reduction in Zfh2 protein levels by this RNAi has previously been demonstrated in cells of the gut (Rojas Villa et al., 2019, PMID: 31841513), suggesting that the persistent Zfh2 staining we see could be due to perdurance of the Zfh2 protein, high levels of expression or high sensitivity of the Zfh2 antibody (or a combination of these factors). We plan to repeat the experiment using a longer knockdown duration prior to ablation to show a change in Zfh2, and/or test alternative RNAi lines. In the absence of these data, we will alter our conclusions to state that Zfh2 cannot be ruled out as playing a role in preventing NiA/NiCP formation in the hinge.
EdU incorporation was quantified by measuring the fluorescence intensity of the pouch and normalizing it to the fluorescence intensity of the whole disc. However, the images show that EdU fluorescence intensity of other regions of the disc, especially the notum, varied substantially when comparing the different genetic backgrounds (for example, note the substantially reduced EdU in the notum of Figure 3 B' and B'). Indeed, it has been shown that tissue damage can lead to suppression of proliferation in the notum and elsewhere in the disc, unless the signaling that induces the suppression is altered. Therefore, the normalization may be skewing the results because the notum EdU is not consistent across samples, possibly because the damage-induced suppression of proliferation in the notum is different across the different genetic backgrounds.
We agree with the reviewer that the use of EdU cannot distinguish between an increase in proliferation in the pouch versus a decrease in proliferation of the notum (or a combination of the two), since EdU incorporation by its nature is a relative rather than absolute measure of proliferation. However, we believe that the important finding is that a localized change in proliferation is observed late in necrosis, which is dependent on NiA/NiCP since blocking the formation of these cells prevents this change. While it is possible that this observed change is caused by a reduction in proliferation of the notum, with little or even no alteration in the pouch, this would imply that NiA/NiCP act to non-autonomously limit the proliferation of cells far from where they appear in the pouch, rather than causing localized proliferation in the immediately surrounding tissue that is representative of a blastema. Although we cannot rule this possibility out, our use of a different marker for proliferation in this work (fluorescent E2F) and a more objective proliferation marker, PH3, (Klemm et al., 2021, PMID: 34740246) agree with our observations made using EdU and suggest the formation of a localized blastema in the pouch. To attempt to address this issue, due to the variability of EdU staining between samples, we aim to quantify changes in EdU that are normalized to undamaged discs stained and mounted in the same sample, thus allowing a more objective background level of proliferation to be used for comparison.
The authors expressed p35 to attempt to generate "undead cells". They take an absence of mitogen secretion or increased proliferation as evidence that undead cells were not generated. However, there could be undead cells that do not stimulate proliferation non-autonomously, which could be detected by the persistence of caspase activity in cells that do not complete apoptosis. Indeed, expressing p35 and observing sustained effector caspase activation could help answer the later question of what percentage of this cell population would otherwise complete apoptosis (NiA, rescued by p35) vs reverse course and proliferate (NiCP, unaffected by p35).
While it is very possible that expression of P35 in NiA/NiCP could induce a previously uncharacterized type of undead cell that persists but does not secrete known AiP-related factors, the way in which P35 blocks activity of effector caspases (Drice and Dcp-1) precludes our ability to reliably detect and assay NiA/NiCP over time: P35 inactivates caspases by binding to their catalytic site, which causes cDcp-1 labeling to become weak and diffuse (Klemm et al 2021, PMID: 34740246), likely because the detectable epitope is in the catalytic site (Florentin & Arama, 2012. PMID: 22351928). Similarly, the GC3Ai reporter acts as a substrate for caspases and must be cleaved for fluorescence to occur (Zhang et al., 2013 PMID: 23857461). Thus, co-expressing P35 with GC3Ai actually reduces the number of NiA/NiCP cells labeled by GC3Ai and weakens cDcp-1 staining, preventing us from assaying their persistence or association with proliferative markers.
It is unclear if the authors' model is that the NiCP cells lead to autonomous or non-autonomous cell proliferation, or both. Could the lineage-tracing experiments and/or the experiments marking mitosis relative to caspase activity answer this question?
While we see GC3Ai-labeled NiA/NiCP in the same area of the pouch with high levels of proliferation (PH3), we observe a mixture of GC3Ai cells that overlapped the PH3 cells and GC3Ai cells that were adjacent to PH3(+) cells. Thus, we are unable to conclusively say whether proliferation is induced autonomously or non-autonomously. We have attempted to answer this question with lineage tracing, however NiA/NiCP are not labeled by the CasExpress tool, and we were unable to define a relationship between NiA/NiCP and proliferation through lineage tracing. However, we add further explanation of our findings to better clarify the proposed model of NiA/NiCP-induced proliferation.
Many of the conclusions rely on single images. Quantification of many samples should be included wherever possible.
As suggested by Reviewers 2 and 3 we plan to strengthen our findings by adding quantification of phenotypes where possible, in particular in Figure 2 as mentioned in the “Recommendations for the authors”.
Why does the reduction of Dronc appear to affect regenerative growth in females but not males?
We note that the effect on regenerative growth does appear to be present in males, but that the effect is not significant. We suspect that the lower n for this experiment is the cause, and are addressing this by repeating the experiment to increase the n.
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eLife Assessment
This important study develops a high throughput version of expansion microscopy that can be performed in 96-well plates. The engineered technology is convincing and compatible with standard microplates and automated microscopes and thus will be of broad interest. The application to hiPCS-derived cardiomyocytes treated with doxorubicin provides a solid proof-of-concept demonstrating the potential for high-throughput analysis.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Day et al. present a high-throughput version of expansion microscopy to increase the throughput of this well-established super-resolution imaging technique. Through technical innovations in liquid handling with custom-fabricated tools and modifications to how the expandable hydrogels are polymerized, the authors show robust ~4-fold expansion of cultured cells in 96-well plates. They go on to show that HiExM can be used for applications such as drug screens by testing the effect of doxorubicin on human cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, the effects of this drug on changing DNA organization were only detectable by ExM, demonstrating the utility of HiExM for such studies.
Overall, this is a very well-written manuscript presenting an important technical advance that overcomes a major limitation of ExM - throughput. As a method, HiExM appears extremely useful and the data generally support the conclusions.
Hi-ExM overcomes a major limitation of ExM by increasing the throughput and reducing the need for manual handling of gels. The authors do an excellent job of explaining each variation introduced to HiExM to make this work and thoroughly characterize the impressive expansion isotropy. The dox experiments are generally well-controlled and the comparison to an alternative stressor (H2O2) significantly strengthens the conclusions.
(1) It is still unclear to me whether or not cells that do not expand remain in the well given the response to point 1. The authors say the cells are digested and washed away but then say that there is a remaining signal from the unexpanded DNA in some cases. I believe this is still a concern that potential users of the protocol should be aware of.
(2) Regarding the response to point 9, I think this information should be included in the manuscript, possibly in the methods. It is important for others to have a sense of how long imaging may take if they were to adopt this method.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In the present work, the authors present an engineering solution to sample preparation in 96-well plates for high-throughput super resolution microscopy via Expansion Microscopy. This is not a trivial problem, as the well cannot be filled with the gel, which would prohibit expansion of the gel. They thus engineered a device that can spot a small droplet of hydrogel solution and keep it in place as it polymerises. It occupies only a small portion space at the center of each well, the gel can expand into all directions and imaging and staining can proceed by liquid handling robots and an automated microscope.
In contrast to Reference 8, the authors system is compatible with standard 96 well imaging plates for high-throughput automated microscopy and automated liquid handling for most parts of the protocol. They thus provide a clear path towards high throughput exM and high throughout super resolution microscopy, which is a timely and important goal.
Addition upon revision:
The authors addressed this reviewer's suggestions.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Day et al. introduced high-throughput expansion microscopy (HiExM), a method facilitating the simultaneous adaptation of expansion microscopy for cells cultured in a 96-well plate format. The distinctive features of this method include: 1) the use of a specialized device for delivering a minimal amount (~230 nL) of gel solution to each well of a conventional 96-well plate, and 2) the application of the photochemical initiator, Irgacure 2959, to successfully form and expand toroidal gel within each well.
Addition upon revision:
Overall, the authors have adequately addressed most of the concerns raised. There are a few minor issues that require attention.
Minor comments:
Figure S10: There appears to be a discrepancy in the panel labeling. The current labels are E-H, but it is unclear whether panels A-D exist. Also, this reviewer thought that panels G and H would benefit from statistical testing to strengthen the conclusions. As a general rule for scientific graph presentation, the y-axis of all graphs should start at zero unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, Day et al. present a high-throughput version of expansion microscopy to increase the throughput of this well-established super-resolution imaging technique. Through technical innovations in liquid handling with custom-fabricated tools and modifications to how the expandable hydrogels are polymerized, the authors show robust ~4-fold expansion of cultured cells in 96-well plates. They go on to show that HiExM can be used for applications such as drug screens by testing the effect of doxorubicin on human cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, the effects of this drug on changing DNA organization were only detectable by ExM, demonstrating the utility of HiExM for such studies.
Overall, this is a very well-written manuscript presenting an important technical advance that overcomes a major limitation of ExM - throughput. As a method, HiExM appears extremely useful, and the data generally support the conclusions.
Hi-ExM overcomes a major limitation of ExM by increasing the throughput and reducing the need for manual handling of gels. The authors do an excellent job of explaining each variation introduced to HiExM to make this work and thoroughly characterize the impressive expansion isotropy. The dox experiments are generally well-controlled and the comparison to an alternative stressor (H2O2) significantly strengthens the conclusions.
(1) Based on the exceedingly small volume of solution used to form the hydrogel in the well, there may be many unexpanded cells in the well and possibly underneath the expanded hydrogel at the end of this. How would this affect the image acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of HiExM data?
The hydrogel footprint covers approximately 5% of the surface within an individual well and only cells within this area are embedded in the polymerized hydrogel for subsequent processing steps. Cells that are outside of this footprint are not incorporated into the gel because these cells are digested by Proteinase K and washed away by the excess water exchange in the gel swelling step. Note that different cell types may require higher or lower concentrations of Proteinase K to adequately digest cells for expansion while maintaining fluorescence signal. Given the compatibility of HiExM with 96-well plates, this titration can be performed rapidly in a single experiment. Although cells outside of the hydrogel footprint are removed prior to imaging, we do occasionally observe Hoechst signal that appears to be underneath the gels. We believe this signal is likely from excess DNA from digested cells that was not fully washed out in the gel swelling step. This signal is both spatially and morphologically distinct from the nuclear signal of intact cells and it does not affect image acquisition, analysis, or data interpretation.
(2) It is unclear why the expansion factor is so variable between plates (e.g., Figure 2H). This should be discussed in more detail.
The variability in expansion factor across plates can likely be attributed to the small volume of gel solution (~250 nL) required for expansion within 96 well plates. Small variations in gel volume could impact gel polymerization compared to standard ExM gels. For example, gels in HiExM are more sensitive to evaporation because of the ~1000x reduced volume compared to standard expansion gel preparations, resulting in an increased air-liquid-interface. Evaporation in HiExM gels would increase monomer and cross linker concentrations, leading to variation in expansion factor across plates. We note that expansion factor is robust within well plates and that variance is slightly increased between plates. These considerations are discussed in the revised manuscript.
(3) The authors claim that CF dyes are more resistant to bleaching than other dyes. However, in Figure. S3, it appears that half of the CF dyes tested still show bleaching, and no data is shown supporting the claim that Alexa dyes bleach. It would be helpful to include data supporting the claim that Alexa dyes bleach more than CF dyes and the claim that CF dyes in general are resistant to bleaching should be modified to more accurately reflect the data shown.
We did not show data using Alexa dyes because these fluorophores are highly sensitive to photobleaching using Irgacure and thus we could not obtain images. In contrast, some CF dyes are more robust to bleaching in HiExM including CF488A, CF568, and CF633 dyes. We have recently adapted our protocol to PhotoExM chemistry which is compatible with a wider range of fluorophores as described by Günay et al. (2023) and as shown in Fig. S16.
(4) Related to the above point, it appears that Figure S11 may be missing the figure legend. This makes it hard to understand how HiExM can use other photo-inducible polymerization methods and dyes other than CF dyes.
We revised the legend for revised Fig. S11 (now Fig. S16) as follows: Example of a cell expanded in HiExM using Photo-ExM gel chemistry. Photo-ExM does not require an anoxic environment for gel deposition and polymerization, improving ease of use of HiExM. Mitochondria were stained with an Alexa 647 conjugated secondary antibody, demonstrating that HiExM is compatible with additional fluorophores when combined with Photo-ExM.
(5) The use of automated high-content imaging is impressive. However, it is unclear to me how the increased search space across the extended planar area and focal depths in expanded samples is overcome. It would be helpful to explain this automated imaging strategy in more detail.
We imaged plates on the Opera Phenix using the PreciScan Acquisition Software in Harmony. In brief, each well is imaged at 5x magnification in the Hoechst channel to capture the full well at low resolution. Hoechst is used for this step given its signal brightness, ubiquity across established staining protocols, and spectral independence from most fluorophores commonly conjugated to secondary antibodies. Using this information, the microscope detects regions of interest (nuclei) based on criteria including size, brightness, circularity, etc. Finally, the positional information for each region is stored, and the microscope automatically images those regions at 63x magnification. The working distance for the objective used in this study is 600 µm which is sufficient to capture the entirety of expanded cells in the Z direction. This strategy minimizes offtarget imaging and allows robust image acquisition even in cultures with lower seeding density. A detailed description of the automated imaging strategy is included in the methods section of the revised manuscript.
(6) The general method of imaging pre- and post-expansion is not entirely clear to me. For example, on page 5 the authors state that pre-expansion imaging was done at the center of each gel. Is pre-expansion imaging done after the initial gel polymerization? If so, this would assume that the gelation itself has no effect on cell size and shape if these gelled but not yet expanded cells are used as the reference for calculating expansion factor and isotropy.
Pre-expansion imaging is performed after staining is complete, but prior to the application of AcX, which is the first step of the HiExM protocol. Following staining and imaging, plates can be sealed with parafilm and stored at 4˚C for up to a week prior to starting the expansion protocol. We typically image 61 fields of view at the center of the well plate (where the gel will be deposited) to obtain sufficient pre-expansion images as shown in Figure 2b (left). After preexpansion imaging, we perform the HiExM protocol followed by image acquisition. We then tile all the images, as shown in Figure 2b, and compare tiled images from the same well pre- and post-expansion to manually identify the same cells. Comparisons of the pre- and postexpansion images of the same cell are used to calculate expansion factor and isotropy measurements as described. A detailed description of this process is included in the revised manuscript.
(7) In the dox experiments, are only 4 expanded nuclei analyzed? It is unclear in the Figure 3 legend what the replicates are because for the unexpanded cells, it says the number of nuclei but for expanded it only says n=4. If only 4 nuclei are analyzed, this does not play to the strengths of HiExM by having high throughput.
We performed the doxorubicin titration assay across four different well plates (n=4). For each condition, the total number of expanded nuclei measured was 118, 111, 110, 113, and 77 for DMSO, 1nM, 10nM, 100nM, and 1µM, respectively. For SEM calculations, we included the number of independent experiments to avoid underestimating error. We revised the Fig. 3 legend to include these experimental details.
(8) I am not sure if the analysis of dox-treated cells is accurate for the overall phenotype because only a single slice at the midplane is analyzed. It would be helpful to show, at least in one or two example cases, that this trend of changing edge intensity occurs across the whole 3D nucleus.
For this analysis, the result is heavily dependent on the angle at which the edge of the nucleus intersects the image plane in the orthogonal view. For this reason, we opted to only use the optimal image plane for each nucleus. We repeated our analysis on an image using multiple optical sections to demonstrate this point. These new data are included as Fig. S11 of the revised manuscript.
(9) It would be helpful to provide an actual benchmark of imaging speed or throughput to support the claims on page 8 that HiExM can be combined with autonomous imaging to capture thousands of cells a day. What is the highest throughput you have achieved so far?
The parameters that dictate imaging speed in HiExM include exposure time, z-stack height, and number of fluorophore channels. Depending on the signal intensity for a given channel, exposure times vary from 200ms to 1000ms. For z-stack height, we found that imaging 65 sections with 1µm spacing allowed for robust identification of each region of interest in the 5x pre-scan. As an example, collecting images for a full well plate (e.g., 20 images per well with 4 channels) requires approximately 24 hours of autonomous image acquisition using the Opera Phenix. Depending on cell size, this process yields imaging data for 1200 cells (1 cell per field of view) to 6000 cells (5 cells per field of view). Different autonomous imagers as well as improving staining techniques that increase signal:noise can be expected to significantly decrease the exposure time as it will reduce the number of z-stacks needed for each region.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In the present work, the authors present an engineering solution to sample preparation in 96well plates for high-throughput super-resolution microscopy via Expansion Microscopy. This is not a trivial problem, as the well cannot be filled with the gel, which would prohibit the expansion of the gel. A device was engineered that can spot a small droplet of hydrogel solution and keep it in place as it polymerizes. It occupies only a small portion of space at the center of each well, the gel can expand into all directions, and imaging and staining can proceed by liquid handling robots and an automated microscope.
In contrast to Reference 8, the authors' system is compatible with standard 96 well imaging plates for high-throughput automated microscopy and automated liquid handling for most parts of the protocol. They thus provide a clear path towards high-throughput ExM and highthroughput super-resolution microscopy, which is a timely and important goal.
The assay they chose to demonstrate what high-throughput ExM could be useful for, is not very convincing. But for this reviewer that is not important.
We believe the data provide an example of the utility of HiExM that would benefit experiments that require many samples (e.g., conditions, replicates, timepoints, etc.) by enabling easier sample processing and autonomous acquisition of thousands of nanoscale images in parallel. The ability to generate large data sets also enables quantitative analysis of images with appropriate statistical power. The intention of this work is to provide a proof-of-concept example of the robustness, accessibility, and experimental design flexibility of HiExM.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Day et al. introduced high-throughput expansion microscopy (HiExM), a method facilitating the simultaneous adaptation of expansion microscopy for cells cultured in a 96-well plate format. The distinctive features of this method include 1) the use of a specialized device for delivering a minimal amount (~230 nL) of gel solution to each well of a conventional 96-well plate, and 2) the application of the photochemical initiator, Irgacure 2959, to successfully form and expand the toroidal gel within each well.
This configuration eliminates the need for transferring gels to other dishes or wells, thereby enhancing the throughput and reproducibility of parallel expansion microscopy. This methodological uniqueness indicates the applicability of HiExM in detecting subtle cellular changes on a large scale.
To demonstrate the potential utility of HiExM in cell phenotyping, drug studies, and toxicology investigations, the authors treated hiPS-derived cardiomyocytes with a low dose of doxycycline (dox) and quantitatively assessed changes in nuclear morphology. However, this reviewer is not fully convinced of the validity of this specific application. Furthermore, some data about the effect of expansion require reconsideration.
The application we chose was intended as a methods proof-of-concept that could enable future deep biological investigations using HiExM. We believe the data provide an example of the utility of HiExM for collecting thousands of nanoscale images that would benefit experiments that require many samples (e.g., conditions, replicates, timepoints, etc.). The ability to generate large data sets also enables quantitative analysis of images with appropriate statistical power. The intention of this experiment was to provide a proof-of-concept example of the robustness, accessibility, and experimental design flexibility of HiExM.
The variability in expansion factor across plates can likely be attributed to the small volume (~250 nL) deposited by the device posts. Small variations in gel volume could impact gel polymerization compared to standard ExM gels. For example, HiExM gels are more sensitive to evaporation due to an increased air-liquid-interface because they are ~1000x smaller than standard expansion gel preparations. Evaporation in HiExM gels likely increases monomer and cross linker concentrations, leading to variation in expansion factor across plates. We note that expansion factor is robust within well plates and that the expansion factor can be more variable between plates, likely due to differences in gel volumes and evaporation. Future iterations of the platform are expected to control for these environmental conditions. These differences are discussed in the revised manuscript.
Recommendations for the authors:.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Please include a scale bar in Figure 3a.
A scale bar has been added to Figure 3a.
(2) Please show the data related to nuclear volume after dox treatment.
We have added a supplementary figure (Fig. S10) showing nuclear volume and sphericity for post-expansion nuclei as well as nuclear area and circularity for pre-expansion nuclei.
(3) I think it would be extremely helpful for the method as a whole if analysis code and files for device fabrication were made publicly available rather than upon request.
The analysis code has been included in the supplementary files as CM_Hoechst_Analysis_for publication.ipynb. Device design files are also available at the supplementary files link as hiExM_device.SLDPRT (96-well plate device) and MultiExM_24_July28_2022.SLDPRT (24-well plate device).
(4) Some details are missing from the methods, such as the concentration of AcX used for HiExM, the concentration of antibodies, etc. Related, how long does the photopolymerization take? Just the 60 seconds that the UVA light is on?
Additional protocol details are included in the methods section of the revised manuscript. The photopolymerization does only take 60 seconds.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The first three references are chosen a little strangely here. I suggest citing STED, SIM, and PALM/STORM from the original manuscripts here. Also, EM is technically not a super-resolution technique as it is within the resolution of electron beams. This reviewer would stay with light microscopy methods when discussing "super-resolution".
We removed the reference to EM and added citations to the original publications for SIM, STED, and STORM.
(2) The sentence after citation 4 is a little off in its meaning.
We have edited the sentence to improve clarity.
(3) It is highly useful and great that the authors include the observations on the effect of photopolymerization with Irgacure 2959 on dyes.
(4) In the discussion, the authors could mention new high NA silicone oil objectives that may further optimise the resolution in their scheme.
We added a sentence in the discussion to reflect this important point.
(5) The files for the manufacture of the HiExM devices must be in the supplementary data rather than available on request.
The Solidworks designs for the 96 and 24 well plate devices are included in the supplementary files as hiExM_device.SLDPRT and MultiExM_24_July28_2022.SLDPRT, respectively.
(6) It would be useful if the authors could discuss their thoughts on the high throughput processing of expansion factors in the data analysis routine.
We added details to the methods section describing how images are processed and analyzed.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) In the experiments depicted in Figure 3, the authors attempted cellular phenotyping using hiPCS-derived cardiomyocytes treated with doxorubicin (dox). They addressed that the relative intensity of Hoechst at the nuclear periphery increased solely in post-expansion images, although this trend is not clearly evidenced in the provided data (e.g., DMSO control vs. 1 nM dox, Figure 3b). Moreover, this observed phenomenon lacks clear biological significance and may not be suitable as a demonstration for proof-of-concept (POC) acquisition. It is crucial to delineate the biological processes linked with the specific enhancement of DNA binding dye signals in the nuclear periphery and how to rule out the possibility of heterogeneous redistribution of nuclear components rather than enhancing resolution. For instance, if this change can be associated with a biological process such as DNA damage, quantitative detection of the accumulated proteins related to DNA repair, or the specific histone marks, may be more suitable and less susceptible to heterogeneous expansion factors. Additionally, the authors noted the absence of significant changes in nuclear volume, yet the corresponding data was not presented. Moreover, the application insufficiently demonstrated the HiExM's scalable feature employing various well plates. If only acquiring images of dozens of nuclei (Figure 3 legend, p15), a single well per condition would suffice. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate why this application necessitates a 96-well format for demonstration purposes. The potential experimental design should also incorporate the requirement for well-to-well replication and the acquisition of features at the individual well level, rather than at the single-cell level. Also, related to Figure S10, whether outer gradient slope, but not inner gradient slope, is linked to apoptosis (Page 8, Line 2-4) remains unclear in the H2O2-treated cells.
We believe the data provide an example of the utility of HiExM that would benefit experiments that require many samples (e.g., conditions, replicates, timepoints, etc.) by enabling easier sample processing and autonomous acquisition of thousands of nanoscale images in parallel. The ability to generate large data sets also enables quantitative analysis of images with appropriate statistical power. The intention of this work is to provide a proof-of-concept example of the robustness, accessibility, and experimental design flexibility of the HiExM method. As discussed in the manuscript, dox treatment is associated with DNA damage, cellular stress, and apoptosis, and commonly observed at high dox concentrations (>200 nM) in in vitro studies using conventional microscopy. Our data suggest that cardiomyocytes exhibit sensitivity to lower concentrations of dox than previously anticipated. Although direct evidence specifically linking dox to increased DNA condensation at the nuclear periphery is limited, the known proapoptotic effects of dox strongly suggest that our observations correlate with these changes. We have now included the data analysis on nuclear morphology in revised Fig. S10. We agree that deeper biological interpretation of the observed changes in Hoechst signal upon dox treatment (or other cellular stressors such as H2O2) using HiExM and whether these changes are correlated with DNA damage or other cellular alterations remains an exciting future direction to develop a more sensitive platform for assessing drug responses.
For expanded samples, we performed the doxorubicin titration assay across four different well plates (n=4). For each condition, the total number of nuclei measured was 118, 111, 110, 113, and 77 for DMSO, 1nM, 10nM, 100nM, and 1µM, respectively. We apologize for the confusion with respect to the number of replicates and cells analyzed. For SEM calculations, we used the number of independent experiments to avoid underestimating error.
(2) In Figure 2b, do the orange arrows indicate the same cell with a unique shape in both the pre- and post-expansion images? Additionally, in Figure 3b, why do the pre- and post-expansion nuclei exhibit such different global shapes? Considering that the gel may freely rotate within the well during expansion, it raises doubts about whether one can identify cells with consistent shapes in both the pre- and post-expansion images. Furthermore, this reviewer observed a similar issue regarding reproducibility among different well plates, as shown in Figure 2h. The panel illustrates that different plates yielded distinct populations of gel sizes. The expansion factors provided in the figure legend (page 13) ranged from 3.5x to 5.1x across gels, indicating a relatively large variation in expansion size. What is the reason behind these variations, and how can they be minimized? These variations could become critical when considering large-scale screening across multiple plates.
The orange arrow is intended to indicate the same cell with a unique shape in both the pre- and post-expansion images, albeit at a different orientation given that the gel is not fixed within the well. We agree that improved methods to identify the same cells pre- and post-expansion could facilitate error measurements. We have referenced recent methods that could be combined with HiExM to automate and improve error and distortion detection to the discussion of the revised manuscript.
Fig. 2 illustrates the ability of HiExM to achieve reproducible gel formation with minimal error within gels, wells, and across plates, measurements consistent with proExM. While uniform within gels, the expansion factor is somewhat variable between gels and plates. We attribute these differences primarily to the small size of the gels, making them vulnerable to the effects of evaporation between experiments. We note this variability should be taken into consideration for studies where absolute length measurements between plates are important for biological interpretation. Future iterations of the platform that allow precise delivery of gel volumes and that minimizes environmental exposure are expected to improve the expansion factor reproducibility across plates to further enable the use of HiExM as a tool for high-throughput nanoscale imaging.
(1) Considering the signal loss due to photobleaching and fluorophore dilution during expansion, protein imaging may occasionally lack the sensitivity required to detect subtle morphological changes in cellular machinery. This potential limitation should be addressed or discussed in the text.
A sentence reflecting this point has been added to the manuscript.
(2) On page 15, the figure legend for panel d states, "Heatmaps of nuclei in b showing..." However, it appears that the panel referred to in this sentence corresponds to panel c.
The typo has been fixed.
(3) The type of glass 96-well plate utilized in this study should be specified, as the quality of the product could impact the expansion results.
The supplier and product number of the well plate used in our study has been added to the methods section.
(4) In Figure S3, the raw pixel values of CF305 dye are exceptionally low. Is there a specific reason for the very low signals observed when using this dye?
CF® 350 (305 was a typo) does not excite well at 405 nm, which is the excitation wavelength for the channel we used.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In their manuscript, Gan and colleagues identified a functional critical residue, Tyr404, which when mutated to W or A results in GOF and LOF of TRPML1 activity, respectively. In addition, the authors provide a high-resolution structure of TRPML1 with PI(4,5)P2 inhibitor. This high-resolution structure also revealed a bound phospholipid likely sphingomyelin at the agonist/antagonist site, providing a plausible explanation for sphingomyelin inhibition of TRPML1.
This is an interesting study, revealing valuable additional information on TRPML1 gating mechanisms including effects on endogenous phospholipids on channel activity. The provided data are convincing. Some major open questions remain. The work will be of interest to a wide audience including industry researchers occupied with TRPML1 exploration as a drug target.
We appreciate reviewer #1’s positive comments and the specific points raised by this reviewer are addressed in our response to Recommendations For The Authors
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The transient receptor potential mucolipin 1 (TRPML1) functions as a lysosomal organelle ion channel whose variants are associated with lysosomal storage disorder mucolipidosis type IV. Understanding sites that allosterically control the TRPML1 channel function may provide new molecular moieties to target with prototypic drugs.
Gan et al provide the first high-resolution cryo-EM structures of the TRPML1 channel (Y404W) in the open state without any activating ligands. This new structure demonstrates how a mutation at a site some distance away from the pore can influence the channel's conducting state. However, the authors do not provide a structural analysis of the Y404W pore which would validate their open-state claims. Nonetheless, Gan et al provide compelling electrophysiology evidence which supports the proposed Y404W gain of function effect. The authors propose an allosteric mechanism with the following molecular details- the Y404 to W sidechain substitution provides extra van der Waals contacts within the pocket surrounded by helices of the VSD-like domain and causes S4 bending which in turn opens to the pore through the S4-S5 linker. Conversely, the author functionally demonstrates that an alanine mutation at this site causes a loss of function. Although the authors do not provide a structure of the Y404A mutation, they propose that the alanine substitution disrupts the sidechain packing and likely destabilizes the open conformation. TRPM1 channels are regulated by PIP2 species, which is related to their cell function. In the membrane of lysosomes, PI(3,5)P2 activates the channel, whereas PI(4,5)P2 found in the plasma membrane has inhibitory effects. To understand its lipid regulation, the authors solved a cryo-EM structure of TRPM1 bound to PI(4,5)P2 in its presumed closed state. Again, while the provided functional evidence suggests that PI(4,5)P2 occupancy inhibits TRPML1 current, the authors do not provide analysis of the pore which would support their closed state assertion. Within this same structure, the authors observe a density that may be attributed to sphingomyelin (or possibly phosphocholine). Using electrophysiology of WT and the Y404W channels, the authors report sphingomyelins antagonist effect on TRPML1 currents under low luminal (external) pH. Taken together, the results described in Gan et al provide compelling evidence for a gating (open, closed) mechanism of the TRPML1 pore which can be allosterically regulated by altered packing and lipid interactions within the VSDL.
We appreciate reviewer #2’s positive comments and constructive suggestions. We functionally demonstrated that the Y404A mutant is more stable in the closed state. We did not pursue the structure of this mutant as we expect its structure will be the same as the apo closed TRPML1. To verify the open conformation of the Y404W mutant and the closed conformation of PI(4,5)P2 –bound TRPML1, we analyzed the pore radii of our structures in the revision as suggested by the reviewer and compared them with open and closed pores from previously determined TRPML1. Some specific points raised by this reviewer are addressed in our response to Recommendations For The Authors
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Mutations in TRPML1 cause Mucolipidosis type IV. One patient mutation reported earlier (Chen et al., 2014 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25119295/) to be a LOF mutation is R403C. This mutation resides just next to the here-identified Y404 position which can be converted in either LOF or GOF. Another patient mutation, F408del (also reported previously: (Chen et al., 2014 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25119295/)) results in a mild activity reduction, in particular of the PI(3,5)P2 effect. Can the authors please discuss their findings in the context of the reported literature on these patient mutations and provide explanations as to why this part of the TRPML1 protein seemingly is such a hotspot for mutations affecting channel activity and how they explain this based on their structural evidence? What characteristics would be required for a small molecule agonist of TRPML1 in order to elicit larger activation in these patient LOF mutations if possible?
We thank the reviewer for highlighting these mutations identified in human patients. R403 appears to play two key roles. Firstly, its side chain participates in stabilizing Y404 in the open state. Secondly, as demonstrated in our previous study on TRPML1 (PMID: 35131932), the R403 side chain points towards the PI(3,5)P2 binding pocket, where it forms a critical salt bridge with the C3 phosphate group in the open state. Therefore, R403C mutation likely abolishes PI(3,5)P2 activation and also destabilizes the open state, resulting in the loss of function of the channel. We have expanded our discussion on this mutation in the revision. F408 is positioned at the junction between S4 and the S4-S5 linker. Its deletion mutation could change the stability or the folding of the protein. It is difficult to speculate the exact cause of the F408Δ LOF based on the TRPML1 structure. We don’t feel the effect of this mutation is relevant to the findings of this study.
(2) The authors used ML-SA1 only as a basis for their claims. Could they possibly provide some key data also on alternative small molecule agonists such as SF-51 and/or MK6-83?
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. The TRPML1 agonists such as ML-SA1 (derived from SF-51) and MK6-83 have been well characterized in previous studies. In our study of sphingomyelin effect on TRPML1 activity, we used SF-51 to activate the channel (Figure 4b). The goal of our study is to demonstrate that agonist and antagonist can still allosterically regulate the LOF Y404A and GOF Y404W mutant channels, respectively, and their competition with sphingomyelin. We chose ML-SA1 in our experiment simply because it has been a commonly used TRPML1 agonist and its binding has been structurally defined, allowing us to compare various TRPML1 structures with different ligands. We don’t feel the use of other agonists would add extra information to our findings.
(3) Sphingomyelin effects on TRPML1 have been confirmed by other groups as well (see e.g. Prat Castro et al., 2022 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36139381/ Fig.3. Interestingly TPC2 seems unaffected by sphingomyelin albeit it is also activated by PI(3,5)P2. Can the authors provide possibly some modeling and/or cryoEM data on TPC2 with sphingomyelin to potentially explain why TPC2 is seemingly unaffected by sphingomyelin?
We appreciate the reviewer for providing additional evidence of sphingomyelin's effects on TRPML1 and have included the reference in revision. The binding site and activation mechanism of PI(3,5)P2 are different between TPC2 and TRPML1. It is beyond the scope of this study and also too speculative to model sphingomyelin binding (if any) in TPC2 to explain its lack of effect on TPC2 activity.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The findings from Gan et al provide structural insights into the allosteric regulation of TRPML1 channel gating. The authors have provided compelling and hard-won cryo-EM structural evidence of the channel regulation by PI4,5P2 and at sites that pack the gating pore of the VSDL (S4). However, as noted in the public review, the analysis of the cryo-EM structures that would support claims of open and closed channel states is woefully lacking. Additional information related to the functional results is required to evaluate the activation and inhibition kinetic effect of lipids and pharmacological agents used to support their allosteric mechanism of TRPML1 gating.
Major concerns:
(a) At the very least, the pore domains of the new channels (PDB 9CBZ and 9CC2) should be analyzed using the HOLE (or other) programs to estimate the distances along the ion-conducting pathway - are the structures wide enough to support the passage of hydrated or partially hydrated cations? Additional figure panels should provide this comparative analysis.
We thank the reviewer for this valuable suggestion. We have added a figure (Figure Supplement 3b) of pore domain radius analysis using the HOLE program in the revision and have also included the radius comparison with previous determined open and closed TRPML1 structures.
(b) At the very least, all current traces (Figures 1C, 1D, 1E, 4B, 4C) should be accompanied by time course plots of current amplitudes. It is impossible to evaluate the authors' claims of lipid and drug effects on TRPML1 channels without this information.
The corresponding time course plots of current amplitudes have now been included in the revision as Figure Supplement 1 and 7.
(c) Regarding the gain of function Y404W mutation structure, the authors' allosteric mechanistic hypothesis centers on side chain packing details within the VSD-like domain S4 (which in turn opens the pore through the S4-S5 linker). However, the local resolution within the structures at this site is not described. To assess the veracity of these claims, at the very least, authors should provide electron density maps of this region, either in Figure 2 or in Figure Supplement 4.
We have included the electron density map and local resolution information surrounding the W404 residue from the Y404W GOF mutant structure in the revision as Figure Supplement 3c.
Minor concerns:
(d) Additional evidence related to the identity of the pore domain-associated lipid density (PC or sphingomyelin), and its channel regulation would improve the manuscript. The authors examine sphingomyelin, but what is the functional impact of PC on TRPML1 currents? While this is suggested, it is at the authors' discretion whether or not to carry out this analysis.
We thank the reviewer for raising this question. Adding extra PC has no effect on TRPML1 activity. This is expected since PC is the major lipid component of the membrane.
(e) The manuscript is well written. However, a few errors were noted while reviewing this draft.
i. Line 138, (Figure F&G).
ii. Line 66, "signaling transduction".
These errors have now been corrected.
eLife Assessment
Transient receptor potential mucolipin 1 (TRPML1) functions as a lysosomal ion channel whose variants are associated with lysosomal storage disorder mucolipidosis type IV. This important report describes local and global structural changes driven by binding of regulatory phospholipids and by mutations that allosterically cause gain or loss of channel function. Most of the claims related to the allosteric regulation of TRPML1 are convincingly supported by two new cryo-EM structures which are evaluated within the context of previously reported TRPML1 structures, and a proposed allosteric gating mechanism is partially supported by functional electrophysiology results.
Joint Public Review:
TRPML1 functions as a lysosomal ion channel whose variants are associated with lysosomal storage disorder mucolipidosis type IV. Understanding the structure and function of sites involved in the allosteric control TRPML1 may provide new molecular moieties to target with prototypic drugs.
Gan et al provide the first high resolution cryo-EM structure of a mutant (Y404W) TRPML1 channel in the open state without any activating ligands. This new structure demonstrates how a mutation at a site some distance away from the pore can influence channel gating. The authors provide compelling electrophysiology evidence which supports the proposed Y404W gain of function effect.
The authors propose an allosteric mechanism whereby the engineered W404 sidechain provides extra van der Waals contacts within a pocket surrounded by helices of the voltage sensor-like domain (VSLD) and causes S4 bending which in turn opens the pore through the S4-S5 linker. Conversely, the authors functionally demonstrate that an alanine mutation at this site causes a loss of function. Although the authors do not provide a structure of the Y404A mutant, they propose that the alanine substitution disrupts the sidechain packing and likely destabilizes the open conformation.
TRPML1 channels are regulated by PIP2 species in the cell. In the lysosomal membrane, PI(3,5)P2 activates the channel, whereas in the plasma membrane PI(4,5)P2 inhibits it. Towards understanding its lipid regulation, the authors solve a cryo-EM structure of TRPML1 bound to PI(4,5)P2 in the closed state and provide functional evidence that PI(4,5)P2 occupancy inhibits TRPML1 currents.
Within this same structure, the authors observe a density which may be attributed to sphingomyelin (or possibly phosphocholine). Using electrophysiology on WT and Y404W channels, the authors report an antagonist effect of sphingomyelin on TRPML1 currents.
Taken together, the study provides convincing evidence for a gating (opening/closing) mechanism of the TRPML1 pore which can be allosterically regulated by altered side-chain packing and by lipid interactions within the VSLD.
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eLife Assessment
This valuable study describes an apparatus, workflow, and proof-of-concept data for a system to study social cooperation in marmosets, an increasingly popular primate model for neuroscience. The apparatus and methodology have clear and convincing advantages over conventional methods based on manual approaches. However, claims of faster social learning or of finer-grained behavioural analysis in this setup will require further corroboration.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript by Meissner and colleagues described a novel take on a classic social cognition paradigm developed for marmosets. The classic pull task is a powerful paradigm that has been used for many years across numerous species, but its analog approach has several key limitations. As such, it has not been feasible to adopt the task for neuroscience experiments. Here the authors capture the spirit of the classic task but provide several fundamental innovations that modernize the paradigm - technically and conceptually. By developing the paradigm for marmosets, the authors leverage the many advantages of this primate model for studies of social brain functions and their particular amenability to freely-moving naturalistic approaches.
The current manuscript describes one of the most exciting paradigms in primate social cognition to be developed in many years. By allowing for freely-moving marmosets to engage in high numbers of trials, while precisely quantifying their visual behavior (e.g. gaze) and recording neural activity this paradigm has the potential to usher in a new wave of research on the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying primate social cognition and decision-making. This paradigm is an elegant illustration of how naturalistic questions can be adapted to more rigorous experimental paradigms. Overall, I thought the manuscript was well written and provided sufficient details for others to adopt this paradigm.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This important work by Meisner et al., developed an automated apparatus (MarmoAPP) to collect a wide array of behavioral data (lever pulling, gaze direction, vocalizations) in marmoset monkeys, with the goal of modernizing collection of behavioral data to coincide with the investigation of neurological mechanisms governing behavioral decision making in an important primate neuroscience model. The authors show a variety of "proof-of-principle" concepts that this apparatus can collect a wide range of behavioral data, with higher behavioral resolution than traditional methods. For example, the authors highlight that typical behavioral experiments on primate cooperation provide around 10 trials per session, while using their approach the authors were able to collect over 100 trials per 20-minute session with the MarmoAAP.
Overall the authors argue that this approach has a few notable advantages:
(1) It enhances behavioral output which is important for measuring small or nuanced effects/changes in behavior;
(2) Allows for more advanced analyses given the higher number of trials per session;
(3) Significantly reduces the human labor of manually coding behavioral outcomes and experimenter interventions such as reloading apparatuses for food or position;
(4) Allows for more flexibility and experimental rigor in measuring behavior and neural activity simultaneously.
The paper is well-written and the MarmoAPP appears to be highly successful at integrating behavioral data across many important contexts (cooperation, gaze, vocalizations), with the ability to measure significantly many more behavioral contexts (many of which the authors make suggestions for).
The authors provide substantive information about the design of the apparatus, how the apparatus can be obtained via a long list of information Apparatus parts and information, and provide data outcomes from a wide number of behavioral and neurological outcomes. The significance of the findings is important for the field of social neuroscience and the strength of evidence is solid in terms of the ability of the apparatus to perform as described, at least in marmoset monkeys. The advantage of collecting neural and freely-behaving behavioral data concurrently is a significant advantage.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors set out to devise a system for the neural and behavioral study of socially cooperative behaviors in nonhuman primates (common marmosets). They describe instrumentation to allow for a "cooperative pulling" paradigm, the training process, and how both behavioral and neural data can be collected and analyzed. This is a valuable approach to an important topic, as the marmoset stands as a great platform to study primate social cognition. Given that the goals of such a methods paper are to (a) describe the approach and instrumentation, (b) show the feasibility of use, and (c) quantitatively compare to related approaches, the work is easily able to meet those criteria. My specific feedback on both strengths and weaknesses is therefore relatively limited in scope and depth.
The device is well-described, and the authors should be commended for their efforts in both designing this system but also in "writing it up" so that others can benefit from their R&D.
The device appears to generate more repetitions of key behavior than other approaches used in prior work (with other species).
The device allows for quantitative control and adjustment to control behaviour.
The approach also supports the integration of markerless behavioral analysis as well as neurophysiological data.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript by Meissner and colleagues described a novel take on a classic social cognition paradigm developed for marmosets. The classic pull task is a powerful paradigm that has been used for many years across numerous species, but its analog approach has several key limitations. As such, it has not been feasible to adopt the task for neuroscience experiments. Here the authors capture the spirit of the classic task but provide several fundamental innovations that modernize the paradigm - technically and conceptually. By developing the paradigm for marmosets, the authors leverage the many advantages of this primate model for studies of social brain functions and their particular amenability to freely-moving naturalistic approaches.
The current manuscript describes one of the most exciting paradigms in primate social cognition to be developed in many years. By allowing for freely-moving marmosets to engage in high numbers of trials, while precisely quantifying their visual behavior (e.g. gaze) and recording neural activity this paradigm has the potential to usher in a new wave of research on the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying primate social cognition and decision-making. This paradigm is an elegant illustration of how naturalistic questions can be adapted to more rigorous experimental paradigms. Overall, I thought the manuscript was well written and provided sufficient details for others to adopt this paradigm. I did have a handful of questions and requests about topics and information that could help to further accelerate its adoption across the field.
LN 107 - Otters have also been successful at the classic pull task (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10071-017-1126-2)
We have added this reference to the manuscript.
LN 151 - Can you provide a more precise quantification of timing accuracy than the 'sub-second level'. This helps determine synchronization with other devices.
We have included more precise timing details, noting that data is stored at the millisecond level.
Using this paradigm, the marmosets achieved more trials than in the conventional task (146 vs 10). While this is impressive, given that only ~50 are successful Mutual Cooperation trials it does present some challenges for potential neurophysiology experiments and particular cognitive questions. The marmosets are only performing the task for 20 minutes, presumably because they become sated and are no longer motivated. This seems a limitation of the task and is something worth discussing in the manuscript. Did the authors try other food rewards, reduce the amount of reward, food/water restrict the animals for more than the stated 1-3 hours? How might this paradigm be incorporated into in-cage approaches that have been successful in marmosets? Any details on this would help guide others seeking to extend the number of trials performed each day.
We have added a discussion addressing the use of liquid rewards, minimal food and water restriction, and the potential for further optimization to increase task engagement and trial numbers. This is now reflected in the revised manuscript.
Can you provide more details on the DLC/Anipose procedure? How were the cameras synchronized? What percentage of trials needed to be annotated before the model could be generalized? Did each monkey require its own model, or was a single one applied to all animals?
We have added more detailed information on the DLC and Anipose tracking which can be found in the Multi-animal 3D tracking section under Materials & Methods.
Will the schematics and more instructions on building this system be made publicly available? A number of the components listed in Table 1 are custom-designed. Although it is stated that CAD files will be made available upon request, sharing a link to these files in an accessible folder would significantly add to the potential impact of this paradigm by making it easier for others to adopt.
We have made the SolidWorks CAD files publicly available. They can now be found in the Github repository alongside the apparatus and task code.
In the Discussion, it would be helpful to have some discussion of how this paradigm might be used more broadly. The classic pulling paradigm typically allows one to ask a specific question about social cognition, but this task has the potential to be more widely applied to other social decision-making questions. For example, how might this task be adopted to ask some of the game-theory-type approaches common in this literature? Given the authors' expertise in this area, this discussion could serve to provide a roadmap for the broader field to adopt.
Although this paradigm was developed specifically for marmosets, it seems to me that it could readily be adopted in other species with some modifications. Could the authors speak to this and their thoughts on what may need to be changed to be used in other species? This is particularly important because one of the advantages of the classic paradigm is that it has been used in so many species, providing the opportunity to compare how different species approach the same challenge. For example, though both chimps and bonobos are successful, their differences are notably illuminating about the nuances of their respective social cognitive faculties.
We have expanded the discussion for the broader applications of this apparatus both for other decision-making research questions as well as its adaptability for use in other species.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This important work by Meisner et al., developed an automated apparatus (MarmoAPP) to collect a wide array of behavioral data (lever pulling, gaze direction, vocalizations) in marmoset monkeys, with the goal of modernizing collection of behavioral data to coincide with the investigation of neurological mechanisms governing behavioral decision making in an important primate neuroscience model. The authors show a variety of "proof-of-principle" concepts that this apparatus can collect a wide range of behavioral data, with higher behavioral resolution than traditional methods. For example, the authors highlight that typical behavioral experiments on primate cooperation provide around 10 trials per session, while using their approach the authors were able to collect over 100 trials per 20-minute session with the MarmoAAP.
Overall the authors argue that this approach has a few notable advantages:<br /> (1) it enhances behavioral output which is important for measuring small or nuanced effects/changes in behavior;<br /> (2) allows for more advanced analyses given the higher number of trials per session;<br /> (3) significantly reduces the human labor of manually coding behavioral outcomes and experimenter interventions such as reloading apparatuses for food or position;<br /> (4) allows for more flexibility and experimental rigor in measuring behavior and neural activity simultaneously.
The paper is well-written and the MarmoAPP appears to be highly successful at integrating behavioral data across many important contexts (cooperation, gaze, vocalizations), with the ability to measure significantly many more behavioral contexts (many of which the authors make suggestions for).
The authors provide substantive information about the design of the apparatus, how the apparatus can be obtained via a long list of information Apparatus parts and information, and provide data outcomes from a wide number of behavioral and neurological outcomes. The significance of the findings is important for the field of social neuroscience and the strength of evidence is solid in terms of the ability of the apparatus to perform as described, at least in marmoset monkeys. The advantage of collecting neural and freely-behaving behavioral data concurrently is a significant advantage.
While this paper has many significant strengths, there are a few notable weaknesses in that many of the advantages are not explicitly demonstrated within the evidence presented in the paper. There are data reported (as shown in Figures 2 and 3), but in many cases, it is unclear if the data is referenced in other published work, as the data analysis is not described and/or self-contained within the manuscript, which it should be for readers to understand the nature of the data shown in Figures 2 and 3.
(1) There is no data in the paper or reference demonstrating training performance in the marmosets. For example, how many sessions are required to reach a pre-determined criterion of acceptable demonstration of task competence? The authors reference reliably performing the self-reward task, but this was not objectively stated in terms of what level of reliability was used. Moreover, in the Mutual Cooperation paradigm, while there is data reported on performance between self-reward vs mutual cooperation tasks, it is unclear how the authors measured individual understanding of mutual cooperation in this paradigm (cooperation performance in the mutual cooperation paradigm in the presence or absence of a partner; and how, if at all, this performance varied across social context). What positive or negative control is used to discern gained advantages between deliberate cooperation vs two individuals succeeding at self-reward simultaneously?
Thank you for your comment. This Tools & Resources paper is focused solely on the development of the apparatus and methods. Future publications will provide more details on training performance, learning behaviors, and include appropriate controls to distinguish deliberate cooperation from simultaneous success in self-reward tasks.
(2) One of the notable strengths of this approach argued by the authors is the improved ability to utilize trials for data analysis, but this is not presented or supported in the manuscript. For example, the paper would be improved by explicitly showing a significant improvement in the analytical outcome associated with a comparison of cooperation performance in the context of ~150 trials using MarmoAAP vs 10-12 trials using conventional behavioral approaches beyond the general principle of sample size. The authors highlight the dissection of intricacies of behavioral dynamics, but more could be demonstrated to specifically show these intricacies compared to conventional approaches. Given the cost and expertise required to build and operate the MarmoAAP, it is critical to provide an important advantage gained on this front. The addition of data analysis and explicit description(s) of other analytical advantages would likely strengthen this paper and the advantages of MarmoAAP over other behavioral techniques.
Thank you for the suggestion. While this manuscript focuses on the apparatus and methods, the increase in trial numbers itself provides clear advantages, including greater statistical power and more robust analyses of behavioral dynamics. Future publications will offer more in-depth analyses comparing the performance and cooperation behavior observed with MarmoAAP, further demonstrating these analytical benefits.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors set out to devise a system for the neural and behavioral study of socially cooperative behaviors in nonhuman primates (common marmosets). They describe instrumentation to allow for a "cooperative pulling" paradigm, the training process, and how both behavioral and neural data can be collected and analyzed. This is a valuable approach to an important topic, as the marmoset stands as a great platform to study primate social cognition. Given that the goals of such a methods paper are to (a) describe the approach and instrumentation, (b) show the feasibility of use, and (c) quantitatively compare to related approaches, the work is easily able to meet those criteria. My specific feedback on both strengths and weaknesses is therefore relatively limited in scope and depth.
The device is well-described, and the authors should be commended for their efforts in both designing this system but also in "writing it up" so that others can benefit from their R&D.
The device appears to generate more repetitions of key behavior than other approaches used in prior work (with other species).
The device allows for quantitative control and adjustment to control behavior.
The approach also supports the integration of markerless behavioral analysis as well as neurophysiological data.
A few ambiguities in the descriptions are flagged below in the "Recommendations for authors".
The system is well-suited to marmosets, but it is less clear whether it could be generalized for use in other species (in which similar behaviors have been studied with far less elegant approaches). If the system could impact work in other species, the scope of impact would be significantly increased, and would also allow for more direct cross-species comparisons. Regardless, the future work that this system will allow in the marmoset will itself be novel, unique, and likely to support major insights into primate social cognition.
Thank you for this feedback. We have expanded the discussion to include how the apparatus could be adapted for use in other species, highlighting the potential modifications required, such as adjusting the size and strength of the servo motor and components. These changes would enable broader applications and facilitate cross-species comparisons.
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eLife Assessment
This study introduces a useful extension to a recently proposed model of neural assembly activity. The extension was to add recurrent connections to the hidden units of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine. The authors show solid evidence that the new model outperforms their earlier model on both a simulated dataset and on whole-brain neural activity from zebrafish.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Understanding large-scale neural activity remains a formidable challenge in neuroscience. While several methods have been proposed to discover the assemblies from such large-scale recordings, most of previous studies do not explicit modeling the temporal dynamics. This study is an attempt to uncover the temporal dynamics of assemblies using a tool that have been establish in other domains.
The authors previously introduced the compositional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (cRBM) to identify neuron assemblies in zebrafish brain activity. Building upon this, they now employ the Recurrent Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RTRBM) to elucidate the temporal dynamics within these assemblies. By introducing recurrent connections between hidden units, RTRBM could retrieve neural assemblies and their temporal dynamics from simulated and zebrafish brain data.
The RTRBM has been previously used in other domains. Training the model has been already established. This study is an application of such model to neuroscience. Overall, the paper is well-structured and the methodology is robust, the analysis is solid to support the authors claim.
The overall degree of advance is very limited. The performance improvement by RTRBM compared to their cRBM is marginal, and insights into assembly dynamics are limited.
(1) The biological insights from this method are constrained. Though the aim is to unravel neural ensemble dynamics, the paper lacks in-depth discussion on how this method enhances our understanding of zebrafish neural dynamics. For example, the dynamics of assemblies can be analyzed using various tools such as dimensionality reduction methods once we have identified them using cRBM. What information can we gain by knowing the effective recurrent connection between them? It would be more convincing to show this in real data.
(2) Including predicted and measured neural activity traces could aid readers in evaluating model efficacy. The current version only contains comparison of the statistics, such as mean and covariance.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this work, the authors propose an extension to some of the last author's previous work, where a compositional restricted Boltzmann machine was considered as a generative model of neuron-assembly interaction. They augment this model by recurrent connections between the Boltzmann machine's hidden units, which allow them to explicitly account for temporal dynamics of the assembly activity. Since their model formulation does not allow the training towards a compositional phase (as in the previous model), they employ a transfer learning approach according to which they initialise their model with a weight matrix that was pre-trained using the earlier model so as to essentially start the actually training in a compositional phase. Finally, they test this model on synthetic and actual data of whole-brain light-sheet-microscopy recordings of spontaneous activity from the brain of larval zebrafish.
This work introduces a new model for neural assembly activity. Importantly, being able to capture temporal assembly dynamics is an interesting feature that goes beyond many existing models. While this work clearly focuses on the method (or the model) itself, it opens up an avenue for experimental research where it will be interesting to see if one can obtain any biologically meaningful insights considering these temporal dynamics when one is able to, for instance, relate them to development or behaviour.
For most of the work, the authors present their RTRBM model as an improvement over the earlier cRBM model. Yet, when considering synthetic data, they actually seem to compare with a "standard" RBM model. This seems odd considering the overall narrative and that when considering whole-brain zebrafish data, the comparisons were made between RTRBM and cRBM models. For that, the RTRBM model was initialised with the cRBM weight matrix to overcome the fact that RTRBM alone does not seem to converge to a compositional phase, so to cite the latter as reason does not really make sense.
Furthermore, whether the clusters shown in Figure 3E can indeed be described as "spatially localized" is debatable. Especially in view of clusters 3 and 4, this seems a stretch. If receptive fields are described as "spatially localized", arguably, one would expect that they are contained in some small (compared to the overall size of the brain) or specific anatomical brain region. However, this is clearly not the case here.
In addition, the performance comparison for the temporal dynamics of the hidden units actually suggests that the RTRBM (significantly) underperforms where the text says (Line 235f) it outperforms the cRBM model.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Understanding large-scale neural activity remains a formidable challenge in neuroscience. While several methods have been proposed to discover the assemblies from such large-scale recordings, most previous studies do not explicitly model the temporal dynamics. This study is an attempt to uncover the temporal dynamics of assemblies using a tool that has been established in other domains.
The authors previously introduced the compositional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (cRBM) to identify neuron assemblies in zebrafish brain activity. Building upon this, they now employ the Recurrent Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RTRBM) to elucidate the temporal dynamics within these assemblies. By introducing recurrent connections between hidden units, RTRBM could retrieve neural assemblies and their temporal dynamics from simulated and zebrafish brain data.
The RTRBM has been previously used in other domains. Training in the model has been already established. This study is an application of such a model to neuroscience. Overall, the paper is well-structured and the methodology is robust, the analysis is solid to support the authors' claim.
The overall degree of advance is very limited. The performance improvement by RTRBM compared to their cRBM is marginal, and insights into assembly dynamics are limited.
(1) The biological insights from this method are constrained. Though the aim is to unravel neural ensemble dynamics, the paper lacks in-depth discussion on how this method enhances our understanding of zebrafish neural dynamics. For example, the dynamics of assemblies can be analyzed using various tools such as dimensionality reduction methods once we have identified them using cRBM. What information can we gain by knowing the effective recurrent connection between them? It would be more convincing to show this in real data.
See below in the recommendations section.
(2) Despite the increased complexity of RTRBM over cRBM, performance improvement is minimal. Accuracy enhancements, less than 1% in synthetic and zebrafish data, are underwhelming (Figure 2G and Figure 4B). Predictive performance evaluation on real neural activity would enhance model assessment. Including predicted and measured neural activity traces could aid readers in evaluating model efficacy.
See below in the recommendations section.
(1) The biological insights from this method are constrained. Though the aim is to unravel neural ensemble dynamics, the paper lacks in-depth discussion on how this method enhances our understanding of zebrafish neural dynamics. For example, the dynamics of assemblies can be analyzed using various tools such as dimensionality reduction methods once we have identified them using cRBM. What information can we gain by knowing the effective recurrent connection between them? It would be more convincing to show this in real data.
We agree with the reviewer that our analysis does not explore the data far enough to reach the level of new biological insights. For practical reasons unrelated to the science, we cannot further explore the data in this direction at this point, however, funding permitting, we will pick up this question at a later stage. The only change we have made to the corresponding figure at the current stage was to adapt the thresholds, which better emphasizes the locality of the resulting clusters.
(2) Despite the increased complexity of RTRBM over cRBM, performance improvement is minimal. Accuracy enhancements, less than 1% in synthetic and zebrafish data, are underwhelming (Figure 2G and Figure 4B). Predictive performance evaluation on real neural activity would enhance model assessment. Including predicted and measured neural activity traces could aid readers in evaluating model efficacy.
We thank the reviewer kindly for the comments on the performance comparison between the two models. We would like to highlight that the small range of accuracy values for the predictive performance is due to both the sparsity and stochasticity of the simulated data, and is not reflective of the actual percentage in performance improvement. To this end, we have opted to use a rescaled metric that we call the normalised Mean Squared Error (nMSE), where the MSE is equal to 1 minus the accuracy, as the visible units take on binary values. This metric is also more in line with the normalised Log-Likelihood (nLLH) metric used in the cRBM paper in terms of interpretability. The figure shows that the RTRBM can significantly predict the state of the visible units in subsequent time-steps, whereas the cRBM captures the correct time-independent statistics but has no predictive power over time.
We also thank the reviewer for pointing out that there is no predictive performance evaluation on the neural data. This has been chosen to be omitted for two reasons. First, it is clear from Fig. 2 that the (c)RBM has no temporal dependencies, meaning that the predictive performance is determined mostly by the average activity of the visible units. If this corresponds well with the actual mean activity per neuron, the nMSE will be around 0. This correspondence is already evaluated in the first panel of 3F. Second, as this is real data, we can not make an estimate of a lower bound on the MSE that is due to neural noise. Because of this, the scale of the predictive performance score will be arbitrary, making it difficult to quantitatively assess the difference in performance between both models.
(3) The interpretation of the hidden real variable $r_t$ lacks clarity. Initially interpreted as the expectation of $\mathbf{h}_t$, its interpretation in Eq (8) appears different. Clarification on this link is warranted.
We thank the reviewer kindly for the suggested clarification. However, we think the link between both values should already be sufficiently clear from the text in lines 469-470:
“Importantly, instead of using binary hidden unit states 𝐡[𝑡−1], sampled from the expected real valued hidden states 𝐫[𝑡−1], the RTRBM propagates these real-valued hidden unit states directly.”
In other words, both indeed are the same, one could sample a binary-valued 𝐡[𝑡-1] from the real-valued 𝐫[𝑡-1] through e.g. a Bernoulli distribution, where 𝐫[𝑡-1] would thus indeed act as an expectation over 𝐡[𝑡−1]. However, the RTRBM formulation keeps the real-valued 𝐫[𝑡-1] to propagate the hidden-unit states to the next time-step. The motivation for this choice is further discussed in the original RTRBM paper (Sutskever et al. 2008).
(4) In Figure 3 panel F, the discrepancy in x-axis scales between upper and lower panels requires clarification. Explanation regarding the difference and interpretation guidelines would enhance understanding.
Thank you for pointing out the discrepancy in x-axis scales between the upper and lower panels of Figure 3F. The reason why these scales are different is that the activation functions in the two models differ in their range, and showing them on the same scale would not do justice to this difference. But we agree that this could be unclear for readers. Therefore we added an additional clarification for this discrepancy in line 215:
“While a direct comparison of the hidden unit activations between the cRBM and the RTRBM is hindered by the inherent discrepancy in their activation functions (unbounded and bounded, respectively), the analysis of time-shifted moments reveals a stronger correlation for the RTRBM hidden units ($r_s = 0.92$, $p<\epsilon$) compared to the cRBM ($r_s = 0.88$, $p<\epsilon$)”
(5) Assessing model performance at various down-sampling rates in zebrafish data analysis would provide insights into model robustness.
We agree that we would have liked to assess this point in real data, to verify that this holds as well in the case of the zebrafish whole-brain data. The main reason why we did not choose to do this in this case is that we would only be able to further downsample the data. Current whole brain data sets are collected at a few Hz (here 4 Hz, only 2 Hz in other datasets), which we consider to be likely slower than the actual interaction speed in neural systems, which is on the order of milliseconds between neurons, and on the order of ~100 ms (~10 Hz) between assemblies. Therefore reducing the rate further, we expect to only see a reduction in quality, which we considered less interesting than finding an optimum. Higher rates of imaging in light-sheet imaging are only achievable currently by imaging only single planes (which defies the goal of whole brain recordings), but may be possible in the future when the limiting factors (focal plane stepping and imaging) are addressed. For completeness, we have now performed the downstepping for the experimental data, which showed the expected decrease in performance. The results have been integrated into Figure 4.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this work, the authors propose an extension to some of the last author's previous work, where a compositional restricted Boltzmann machine was considered as a generative model of neuron-assembly interaction. They augment this model by recurrent connections between the Boltzmann machine's hidden units, which allow them to explicitly account for temporal dynamics of the assembly activity. Since their model formulation does not allow the training towards a compositional phase (as in the previous model), they employ a transfer learning approach according to which they initialise their model with a weight matrix that was pre-trained using the earlier model so as to essentially start the actually training in a compositional phase. Finally, they test this model on synthetic and actual data of whole-brain light-sheet-microscopy recordings of spontaneous activity from the brain of larval zebrafish.
This work introduces a new model for neural assembly activity. Importantly, being able to capture temporal assembly dynamics is an interesting feature that goes beyond many existing models. While this work clearly focuses on the method (or the model) itself, it opens up an avenue for experimental research where it will be interesting to see if one can obtain any biologically meaningful insights considering these temporal dynamics when one is able to, for instance, relate them to development or behaviour.
For most of the work, the authors present their RTRBM model as an improvement over the earlier cRBM model. Yet, when considering synthetic data, they actually seem to compare with a "standard" RBM model. This seems odd considering the overall narrative, and it is not clear why they chose to do that. Also, in that case, was the RTRBM model initialised with the cRBM weight matrix?
Thank you for raising the important point regarding the RTRBM comparison in the synthetic data section. Initially, we aimed to compare the performance of the cRBM with the cRTRBM. However, we encountered significant challenges in getting the RTRBM to reach the compositional phase. To ensure a fair and robust comparison, we opted to compare the RBM with the RTRBM.
A few claims made throughout the work are slightly too enthusiastic and not really supported by the data shown. For instance, when the authors refer to the clusters shown in Figure 3D as "spatially localized", this seems like a stretch, specifically in view of clusters 1, 3, and 4.
Thanks for pointing out this inaccuracy. When going back to the data/analyses to address the question about locality, we stumbled upon a minor bug in the implementation of the proportional thresholding, causing the threshold to be too low and therefore too many neurons to be considered.
Fixing this bug reduces the number of neurons, thereby better showing the local structure of the clusters. Furthermore, if one would lower the threshold within the hierarchical clustering, smaller, and more localized, clusters would appear. We deliberately chose to keep this threshold high to not overwhelm the reader with the number of identified clusters. We hope the reviewer agrees with these changes and that the spatial structure in the clusters presented are indeed rather localized.
Moreover, when they describe the predictive performance of their model as "close to optimal" when the down-sampling factor coincided with the interaction time scale, it seems a bit exaggerated given that it was more or less as close to the upper bound as it was to the lower bound.
We thank the reviewer for catching this error. Indeed, the best performing model does not lay very close to the estimated performance of an optimal model. The text has been updated to reflect this.
When discussing the data statistics, the authors quote correlation values in the main text. However, these do not match the correlation values in the figure to which they seem to belong. Now, it seems that in the main text, they consider the Pearson correlation, whereas in the corresponding figure, it is the Spearman correlation. This is very confusing, and it is not really clear as to why the authors chose to do so.
Thank you for identifying the discrepancy between the correlation values mentioned in the text and those presented in the figure. We updated the manuscript to match the correlation coefficient values in the figure with the correct values denoted in the text.
Finally, when discussing the fact that the RTRBM model outperforms the cRBM model, the authors state it does so for different moments and in different numbers of cases (fish). It would be very interesting to know whether these are the same fish or always different fish.
Thank you for pointing this out. Keeping track of the same fish across the different metrics makes sense. We updated the figure to include a color code for each individual fish. As it turns out each time the same fish are significantly better performing.
Figure 1: While the schematic in A and D only shows 11 visible units ("neurons"), the weight matrices and the activity rasters in B and C and E and F suggest that there should be, in fact, 12 visible units. While not essential, I think it would be nice if these numbers would match up.
Thank you for pointing out the inconsistency in the number of visible units depicted in Figure 1. We agree that this could have been confusing for readers. The figure has been updated accordingly. As you suggested, the schematic representation now accurately reflects the presence of 12 visible units in both the RBM and RTRBM models.
Figure 3: Panel G is not referenced in the main text. Yet, I believe it should be somewhere in lines 225ff.
Thank you for mentioning this. We added in line 233 a reference to figure 3 panel G to refer to the performance of the cRBM and RTRBM on the different fish.
Line 637ff: The authors consider moments <v\_i h\_μ> and <v\_i h\_j>, and from the context, it seems they are not the same. However, it is not clear as to why because, judging from the notation, they should be the same.
The second-order statistic <v\_i h\_j> on line 639 was indeed already mentioned and denoted as <v\_i h\_μ> on line 638. It has now been removed accordingly in the updated manuscript.
I found the usage of U^ and U throughout the manuscript a bit confusing. As far as I understand, U^ is a learned representation of U. However, maybe the authors could make the distinction clearer.
We understand the usage of Û and U throughout the text may be confusing for the reader. However, we would like to notify the reviewer that the distinction between these two variables is explained in line 142: “in addition to providing a close estimate (̂Û) to the true assembly connectivity matrix U”. However, for added clarification to the reader, we added additional mentions of the estimated nature of Û throughout the text in the updated manuscript.
Equation 3: It would be great if the authors could provide some more explanation of how they arrived at the identities.
These identities have previously been widely described in literature. For this reason, we decided not to include their derivation in our manuscript. However, for completeness, we kindly refer to:
Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016). Chapter 20: Deep generative models [In Deep Learning]. MIT Press. https://www.deeplearningbook.org/contents/generative_models.html
- L. 196: "connectiivty" -> "connectivity"
- L. 197: Does it mean to say "very strong stronger"?
- L. 339: The reference to Dunn et al. (2016) should appear in parentheses.
- L. 504f: The colon should probably be followed by a full sentence.
- Eq. 2: In the first line, the potential V still appears, which should probably be changed to show the concrete form (-b * h) as in the second line.
- L. 351: Is there maybe a comma missing after "cRBM"?
- L. 271: Instead of "correlation", shouldn't it rather be "similarity"? - L. 218: "Figure 3D" -> "Figure 3F"
We thank the reviewer for pointing out these typos, which have all (except one) been fixed in the text. We do emphasize the potential V to show that there are alternative hidden unit potentials that can be chosen. For instance, the cRBM utilizes dReLu hidden unit potentials.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
With ever-growing datasets, it becomes more challenging to extract useful information from such a large amount of data. For that, developing better dimensionality reduction/clustering methods can be very important to make sense of analyzed data. This is especially true for neuroscience where new experimental advances allow the recording of an unprecedented number of neurons. Here the authors make a step to help with neuronal analyses by proposing a new method to identify groups of neurons with similar activity dynamics. I did not notice any obvious problems with data analyses here, however, the presented manuscript has a few weaknesses:
(1) Because this manuscript is written as an extension of previous work by the same authors (van der Plas et al., eLife, 2023), thus to fully understand this paper it is required to read first the previous paper, as authors often refer to their previous work for details. Similarly, to understand the functional significance of identified here neuronal assemblies, it is needed to go to look at the previous paper.
We agree that the present Research Advance has been written in a way that builds on our previous publication. It was our impression that this was the intention of the Research Advance format, as spelled out in its announcement "eLife has introduced an innovative new type of article – the Research Advance – that invites the authors of any eLife paper to present significant additions to their original research". In the previous formatting guidelines from eLife this was more evident with a strong limitation on the number of figures and words, however, also for the present, more liberal guidelines, place an emphasis on the relation to the previous article. We have nonetheless tried in several places to fill in details that might simplify the reading experience.
(2) The problem of discovering clusters in data with temporal dynamics is not unique to neuroscience. Therefore, the authors should also discuss other previously proposed methods and how they compare to the presented here RTRBM method. Similarly, there are other methods using neural networks for discovering clusters (assemblies) (e.g. t-SNE: van der Maaten & Hinton 2008, Hippocluster: Chalmers et al. 2023, etc), which should be discussed to give better background information for the readers.
The clustering methods suggested by the reviewer do not include modeling any time dependence, which is the crucial advance presented here by the introduction of the RTRBM, in extending the (c)RBM. In our previous publication on the cRBM (an der Plas et al., eLife, 2023), this comparison was part of the discussion, although it focussed on a different set of methods. While clustering methods like t-SNE, UMAP and others certainly have their value in scientific analysis, we think it might be misleading the reader to think that they achieve the same task as an RTRBM, which adds the crucial dimension of temporal dependence.
(3) The above point to better describe other methods is especially important because the performance of the presented here method is not that much better than previous work. For example, RTRBM outperforms the cRBM only on ~4 out of 8 fish datasets. Moreover, as the authors nicely described in the Limitations section this method currently can only work on a single time scale and clusters have to be estimated first with the previous cRBM method. Thus, having an overview of other methods which could be used for similar analyses would be helpful.
We think that the perception that the RTRBM performs only slightly better is based on a misinterpretation of the performance measure, which we have tried to address (see comments above) in this rebuttal and the manuscript. In addition we would like to emphasize that the structural estimation (which is still modified by the RTRBM, only seeded by the cRBMs output), as shown in the simulated data, makes improved structural estimates, which is important, even in cases where the performance is comparable (which can be the case if the RBM absorbs temporal dependencies of assemblies into modified structure of assemblies). We have clarified this now in the discussion.
(1) Line 181: it is not explained how a reconstruction error is defined.
Dear reviewer, thanks for pointing this out. A definition of the (mean square) reconstruction error is added in this line.
(2) How was the number of hidden neurons chosen and how does it affect performance?
Thank you for pointing this out. Due to the fact that we use transfer learning, the number of hidden units used for the RTRBM is given by the number of hidden units used for training the cRBM. In further research, when the RTRBM operates in the compositional phase, we can exploit a grid search over a set of hyper parameters to determine the optimal set of hidden units and other parameters.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Reviewing Editor (Recommendations For The Authors):
The revised manuscripts and rebuttal sufficiently answered all the questions raised by three Reviewers. Overall, the manuscript is well written and the results are clear based on a straightforward experiment in a pursuit of comparing dimeric PTH analog to 1-34 PTH analog, which has established clinical efficacy. The study's results are valuable as it utilized large animal models, specifically examined the local bone integration effects, and demonstrated the comparable therapeutic efficacy of the new PTH analog to 1-34 PTH. However, the data did not convincingly show how the dimeric PTH analog overcomes the limitations of 1-34 PTH. I suggest that the discussion should focus more on the differences between the two analogs.
We sincerely appreciate your thorough review and valuable feedback. We have carefully considered your comments and would like to address them as follows:
“Regarding the results on the effect of dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) in the OVX mouse model (Noh et al., 2024), bone formation markers were increased in the dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) group compared to the rhPTH (1-34) group. Additionally, bone resorption markers were decreased in the rhPTH (1-34) group compared to the control group. However, no significant differences were observed in the dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) group. This suggests that the mechanism of action of the dimeric peptide differs from that of the wildtype peptide. Furthermore, based on unpublished data comparing mRNA expression in bone and kidney tissues between the dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) and rhPTH (1-34) treated groups, we strongly believe that dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) exhibits distinct biological activity from rhPTH (1-34). These differences may arise from variations in PTH receptor binding, involvement of different G protein subtypes, or downstream intracellular signaling pathways.
The distinct effects of dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) and rhPTH (1-34) on osteoblasts and osteoclasts could indicate that while remodeling-based osteogenesis has a limited clinical use period, the dimeric form might promote sustained bone formation and increased bone density over a longer duration. Given that patients with this mutation, who have been exposed to the mutant dimer throughout their lives, exhibit high bone density, this suggests significant potential for dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) as a novel therapeutic option alongside wildtype PTH.” (Discussion section 2nd paragraph)
A few minor points I 'd like to point out. This line number is based on a Word file.
Line 146-148 - However, both were insufficient compared to the control group and did not illustrate any bone filling. The measured bone-implant contact ratio was 18.32 {plus minus} 16.19% for the control group, 48.13 {plus minus} 29.81% for the group, and 39.53 {plus minus} 26.17% (P < 0.05).
- Does it mean that bone generation of both treatment group is inferior to the control group? please specify which groups the values are belong to and between which groups P-value compare.
Thank you very much for your suggestion to improve the manuscript. We have recognized the previous omission and have revised the sentence clearly as follows.
"The measured bone–implant contact ratio was 18.32 ± 16.19% for the control group, 48.13 ± 29.81% for the rhPTH(1-34) group, and 39.53 ± 26.17% for the dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) group, illustrating the significant improvement in osseointegration. (P < 0.05 for the control group compared to both PTH groups; however, the difference between the PTH groups was not significant.)"
Line 157 - incompleteness over the same period. The rhPTH(1-34) group exhibited a mature trabecularcfghnc
- Please correct misspellings.
As the reviewer mentioned, I have corrected "trabecularcfghnc" to "trabecular." Thank you.
Line 165-168 and Figure 4 M-N - Both the rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) groups showed a significantly higher number of TRAP+ cells at both bone defects, with and without a xenograft, compared to the control group (Figure 4M,N). (P < 0.05) In addition, the number of TRAP+ cells in the dimeric R25CPTH(1-34)group was significantly higher than in the vehicle, yet lower than in the rhPTH(1-34) group (Figure 4M,N).)
- I believe the heading of figure 4M-N should be changed to with or without xenograft. And maybe you want to explain the significant difference of TRAP positive cells between two groups (with vs. without xenograft). Minor point: was - were
We totally agree with reviewer’s comment. We changed figure 4. Also, based on the revised figure, the figure legends for figure 4 were also revised as follows. “The number of TRAP-positive cells in the mandible with and without xenograft in the rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34)-treated beagle groups.” Following the reviewer's comments, the be verb in the sentences in the results section was changed from ‘was’ to ‘were’. “The capability of rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) in bone remodeling were evaluated by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) immunohistochemical staining.”
Line 182-186 - This study investigated the therapeutic effects of rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) on bone regeneration and osseointegration in a large animal model with postmenopausal osteoporosis. rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) have shown significant clinical efficacy, and although there have been a few studies investigating their effects on bone regeneration in rodents (Garcia et al., 2013), the authors in this study aimed to investigate the effects using a large animal model that more accurately mimics osteoporotic humans (Cortet, 2011).
- Please split the sentences for better clarity. In last sentence, I'm unsure what Cortet 2011 citation here is for. The statement should be written in the first person not the third person.
We appreciate your attention to detail, which has helped improve the clarity and accuracy of this manuscript. As per the reviewer's suggestion, I have reordered and changed the references to fit the content and revised the sentences to the first person.
“rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) have shown significant clinical efficacy. Although there have been a few studies investigating their effects on bone regeneration in rodents (Garcia et al., 2013), we aimed to investigate these effects using a large animal model. We chose this model because it more accurately mimics osteoporotic humans (Jee and Yao, 2001).”
Line 196-197 - Furthermore, by demonstrating that dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) exhibits a distinct pharmacological profile different from rhPTH(1-34) but still provides a clear anabolic effect in the localized jaw region, the authors have shown that it may possess different potential therapeutic indications from rhPTH(1-34).
- This study does not include any pharmacological data. (Please cite reference). Again, I would suggest writing it in the first person. It sounds like you are reviewing someone else's work
Thank you for your insightful comments. We acknowledge that our study did not include pharmacological data. We have changed the sentence to clarify that the pharmacological profile information is derived from previous studies. A suitable citation was included to substantiate this assertion. As suggested, we have revised the statement in the first person to more accurately represent our own research and discoveries.
“Furthermore, we have shown that dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) has a distinct anabolic effect in the localized mandible region, which is comparable to that of rhPTH(1-34). Our findings indicate that dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) may have distinct potential therapeutic indications, as demonstrated by prior pharmacological studies (Bae et al., 2016), which demonstrated that it possesses a distinct pharmacological profile from rhPTH(1-34).”
Line 201 - One of the potential clinical advantages of dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) is its partial agonistic effect in pharmacodynamics.
- it needs reference
Thank you for your insightful advice. As reviewer’s suggestion, we have included references as follows.
“Additionally, the potency of cAMP production in cells was lower for dimeric R25CPTH compared to monomeric R25CPTH, consistent with its lower PTH1R-binding affinity (Noh et al., 2024).”
Line 206-207 - Also, the effects of dimer were prominent, as we mentioned better bone formation than the control group
- But not compared with monomeric 1-34 PTH
We have revised the statement to more accurately reflect our findings.
“Also, the impact of dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) was notable, as we observed a noticeable improvement in bone formation when compared to the control group. However, these effects were not as strong as those of rhPTH(1-34). Both PTH analogs demonstrated enhanced anabolic effects around the titanium implants, promoting bone regeneration and remodeling.”
Line 224 - The authors have attributed this phenomenon to the unique anatomical characteristics observed in the jawbone.
- I would suggest writing it in the first person
We totally understood the reviewer’s comment. We have corrected the sentences as follows.
“The anabolic effects of both PTH analogs in this specific region may have been enhanced by the unique anatomical characteristics of the mandible, which we attribute to these improvements.”
Line 236 - The authors have attributed this phenomenon to the unique anatomical characteristics observed in the jawbone.
- This is outdated as the label of two year limit of Forteo use was lifted by FDA in 2021
Thank you for your valuable comments regarding the FDA’s decision to lift the two-year limit on Forteo (teriparatide) use in 2021. We have revised sentences to reflect this recent information in FDA guidelines as follows.
“Despite the FDA's decision to remove the two-year treatment limit in 2021, which opens possibilities for broader clinical applications, there are still numerous challenges that need to be addressed. There are ongoing concerns about the potential long-term effects of extended use, including accelerated bone remodeling, possible hypercalcemic conditions, and heightened bone resorption”
Line 380-382 - bone volume (TV; mm3), trabecular number (Tb.N; 1/mm), trabecular thickness (Tb. Th; um), trabecular separation (Tb.sp; µm).
- minor points- please superscript mm3, and change u -> µ
We appreciate reviewer’s detailed comments. We have corrected the part about unit display in figure legend.
Line 405-406 - following treatment with dimeric dimeric R25CPTH(1-34)
- please remove redundancy.
We removed dimeric duplication in the figure legend for figure 5 as follows.
“Figure 5. Measurement of biochemical Marker Dynamics in serum. The serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, P1NP, and CTX across three time points (T0, T1, T2) following treatment with dimeric R25CPTH(1-34), rhPTH(1-34) and control.”
Line 409-410 - CTX levels, associated with bone resorption, show no significant differences between groups.
- there is a missing figure identification. please specify relevant figure - I guess (E)
We appreciate the reviewer's insightful comment regarding the missing figure identification in the sentence about CTX levels. After reviewing Figure 5, we have specified the relevant figure panel as follows:
“Figure 5. (A) The study timeline. (B-C) Calcium and phosphorus levels show an upward trend in response to both PTH treatments compared to control, indicating enhanced bone mineralization. (D) P1NP levels, indicative of bone formation, remain relatively stable across time and treatments. (E) CTX levels, associated with bone resorption, show no significant differences between groups.”
eLife Assessment
Using a large animal model, this study demonstrated valuable findings that R25CPTH(1-34), based on a mutation associated with isolated familial hypoparathyroidism, generated an anabolic osteointegration effect comparable to that of native PTH1-34. The translational aspect of this human-to-animal work, aimed at animal-to-human translation for therapeutic purposes, should be highlighted. The study design is simple and straightforward, and the methods used are solid. The authors have addressed all the questions in their revision.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study provides valuable insights into the therapeutic effects of two parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogs on bone regeneration and osseointegration. The research is methodologically sound, employing a robust animal model and a comprehensive array of analytical techniques, including micro-CT, histological/histomorphometric analyses, and serum biochemical analysis.
The use of a large animal model, which closely mimics postmenopausal osteoporosis in humans, enhances the study's relevance to clinical applications. The study is well-structured, with clear objectives, detailed methods, and a logical flow from introduction to conclusion. The findings are significant, demonstrating the potential of rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) in enhancing bone regeneration, particularly in the context of osteoporosis.
There are no major weaknesses.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This article explores the regenerative effects of recombinant PTH analogues on osteogenesis.
Although PTH has known to induce the activity of osteoclasts, accelerating bone resorption, paradoxically its intermittent use has become a common treat for osteoporosis. Previous studies successfully demonstrated this phenomenon in vivo, but most of them used rodent animal models, inevitably having a limitation. In this article, the authors tried to address this, using a beagle model, and assessed the osseointegrative effect of recombinant PTH analogues. As a result, the authors clearly observed the regenerative effects of PTH analogues, and compared the efficacy, using histologic, biochemical, and radiologic measurement for surgical-endocrinal combined large animal models. The data seem to be solid, and has potential clinical implications.
All the issues that I raised have been resolved in the revision process.
Overall, this paper is well-written and has clarity and consistency for a broader readership.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The work submitted by Dr. Jeong-Oh Shin and co-workers aims to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of rhPTH(1-34) and R25CPTH(1-34) on bone regeneration and osseointegration of titanium implants using a postmenopausal osteoporosis animal model.
In my opinion the findings presented are not strongly supported by the provided data since the methods utilized do not allow to significantly support the primary claims.
Strengths include certain good technologies utilized to perform histological sections (i.e. the EXAKT system).
Certain weaknesses continue to significantly lower the enthusiasm for this work. Most important: the limited number of samples/group. In fact, as presented, the work has an n=4 for each treatment group. This limited number of samples/group significantly impairs the statistical power of the study. In addition, the implants were surgically inserted following a "conventional implant surgery", implying that no precise/guided insertion was utilized. This weakness is, in my opinion, particularly significant since the amount of bone osteointegration may greatly depend on the bucco-lingual positioning of each implant at the time of the surgical insertion (which should, therefore, be precisely standardized across all animals and for all surgical procedures).
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eLife Assessment
This valuable study is a detailed investigation of how chromatin structure influences replication origin function in yeast ribosomal DNA, with a focus on the role of the histone deacetylase Sir2 and the chromatin remodeler Fun30. Convincing evidence shows that Sir2 does not affect origin licensing but rather affects local transcription and nucleosome positioning which correlates with increased origin firing. Overall, the evidence is solid and the model plausible. However, the methods employed do not rigorously establish a key aspect of the mechanism where initiation precisely occurs or rigorously exclude alternative models and the effect of Sir2 on transcription is not re-examined in the fun30 context.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper presents a mechanistic study of rDNA origin regulation in yeast by SIR2. Each of the ~180 tandemly repeated rDNA gene copies contains a potential replication origin. Early-efficient initiation of these origins is suppressed by Sir2, reducing competition with origins distributed throughout the genome for rate-limiting initiation factors. Previous studies by these authors showed that SIR2 deletion advances replication timing of rDNA origins by a complex mechanism of transcriptional de-repression of a local PolII promoter causing licensed origin proteins (MCMcomplexes) to re-localize (slide along the DNA) to a different (and altered) chromatin environment. In this study, they identify a chromatin remodeler, FUN30, that suppresses the sir2∆ effect, and remarkably, results in a contraction of the rDNA to about one-quarter it's normal length/number of repeats, implicating replication defects of the rDNA. Through examination of replication timing, MCM occupancy and nucleosome occupancy on the chromatin in sir2, fun30, and double mutants, they propose a model where nucleosome position relative to the licensed origin (MCM complexes) intrinsically determines origin timing/efficiency. While their interpretations of the data are largely reasonable and can be interpreted to support their model, a key weakness is the connection between Mcm ChEC signal disappearance and origin firing. While the cyclical chromatin association-dissociation of MCM proteins with potential origin sequences may be generally interpreted as licensing followed by firing, dissociation may also result from passive replication and as shown here, displacement by transcription and/or chromatin remodeling. Moreover, linking its disappearance from chromatin in the ChEC method with such precise resolution needs to be validated against an independent method to determine the initiation site(s). Differences in rDNA copy number and relative transcription levels also are not directly accounted for, obscuring a clearer interpretation of the results. Nevertheless, this paper makes a valuable advance with the finding of Fun30 involvement, which substantially reduces rDNA repeat number in sir2∆ background. The model they develop is compelling and I am inclined to agree, but I think the evidence on this specific point is purely correlative and a better method is needed to address the initiation site question. The authors deserve credit for their efforts to elucidate our obscure understanding of the intricacies of chromatin regulation. At a minimum, I suggest their conclusions on these points of concern should be softened and caveats discussed. Statistical analysis is lacking for some claims.
Strengths are the identification of FUN30 as suppressor, examination of specific mutants of FUN30 to distinguish likely functional involvement. Use of multiple methods to analyze replication and protein occupancies on chromatin. Development of a coherent model.
Weaknesses are failure to address copy number as a variable; insufficient validation of ChEC method relationship to exact initiation locus; lack of statistical analysis in some cases.
Review of revised version and response letter:
In the response, the authors make some improvements by better quantifying 2D gels, adding some missing statistical analyses, analyzing the effect of fun30 on rDNA replication in strains with reduced rDNA copy number, and using ChIP-seq of MCMs to support the ChEC-seq data. However, these additions do not address the main issue that is at the heart of their model: where initiation precisely occurs and whether the location is altered in the mutant(s). Thus, mechanistic insight is limited.
Under the section "Addressing Alternative Explanations", the authors claim that processes like transcription and passive replication cannot affect the displaced complex specifically. Why? They are not on same DNA (as mentioned in the Fig 1 legend).
The model in Fig 7 implies that initiation sites are different in WT versus the mutants and this determines their timing/efficiency. But they also suggest that the same site might be used with different efficiencies in this response. I agree that both are possibilities and are not resolved.
Supporting their model requires better resolution to determine the actual replication initiation site. While this may be challenging, it should be feasible with methods to map nascent strands like DNAscent, or Okazaki fragment mapping.
The 2D gel analysis of strains with reduced rDNA copy numbers adequately addresses the copy number variable with regard to the replication effect.
Overall, the paper is improved by providing additional data and improved analysis. The paper nicely characterizes the effect of Fun30. The model is reasonable but remains lacking in precise details of mechanism.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors follow up on their previous work showing that in the absence of the Sir2 deacetylase the MCM replicative helicase at the rDNA spacer region is repositioned to a region of low nucleosome occupancy. Here they show that the repositioned displaced MCMs have increased firing propensity relative to non-displaced MCMs. In addition, they show that activation of the repositioned MCMs and low nucleosome occupancy in the adjacent region depend on the chromatin remodeling activity of Fun30.
The paper provides new information on the role of a conserved chromatin remodeling protein in regulation of origin firing and in addition provides evidence that not all loaded MCMs fire and that origin firing is regulated at a step downstream of MCM loading.
The relationship between the authors results and prior work on the role of Sir2 (and Fob1) in regulation of rDNA recombination and copy number maintenance is not explored, making it difficult to place the results in a broader context. Sir2 has previously been shown to be recruited by Fob1, which is also required for DSB formation and recombination-mediated changes in rDNA copy number. Are the changes that the authors observe specifically in fun30 sir2 cells related to this pathway? Is Fob1 required for the reduced rDNA copy number in fun30 sir2 double mutant cells?
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Heterochromatin is characterized by low transcription activity and late replication timing, both dependent on the NAD-dependent protein deacetylase Sir2, the founding member of the sirtuins. This manuscript addresses the mechanism by which Sir2 delays replication timing at the rDNA in budding yeast. Previous work from the same laboratory (Foss et al. PLoS Genetics 15, e1008138) showed that Sir2 represses transcription-dependent displacement of the Mcm helicase in the rDNA. In this manuscript, the authors show convincingly that the repositioned Mcms fire earlier and that this early firing partly depends on the ATPase activity of the nucleosome remodeler Fun30. Using read-depth analysis of sorted G1/S cells, fun30 was the only chromatin remodeler mutant that somewhat delayed replication timing in sir2 mutants, while nhp10, chd1, isw1, htl1, swr1, isw2, and irc5 had no effect. The conclusion was corroborated with orthogonal assays including two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and analysis of EdU incorporation at early origins. Using an insightful analysis with an Mcm-MNase fusion (Mcm-ChEC), the authors show that the repositioned Mcms in sir2 mutants fire earlier than the Mcm at the normal position in wild type. This early firing at the repositioned Mcms is partially suppressed by Fun30. In addition, the authors show Fun30 affects nucleosome occupancy at the sites of the repositioned Mcm, providing a plausible mechanism for the effect of Fun30 on Mcm firing at that position. However, the results from the MNAse-seq and ChEC-seq assays are not fully congruent for the fun30 single mutant. Overall, the results support the conclusions providing a much better mechanistic understanding how Sir2 affects replication timing at rDNA,
(1) The data clearly show that the repositioned Mcm helicase fires earlier than the Mcm in the wild type position.<br /> (2) The study identifies a specific role for Fun30 in replication timing and an effect on nucleosome occupancy around the newly positioned Mcm helicase in sir2 cells.
(1) It is unclear which strains were used in each experiment.<br /> (2) The relevance of the fun30 phospho-site mutant (S20AS28A) is unclear.<br /> (3) For some experiments (Figs. 3, 4, 6) it is unclear whether the data are reproducible and the differences significant. Information about the number of independent experiments and quantitation is lacking. This affects the interpretation, as fun30 seems to affect the +3 nucleosome much more than let on in the description.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife Assessment
This study is a detailed investigation of how chromatin structure influences replication origin function in yeast ribosomal DNA, with focus on the role of the histone deacetylase Sir2 and the chromatin remodeler Fun30. Convincing evidence shows that Sir2 does not affect origin licensing but rather affects local transcription and nucleosome positioning which correlates with increased origin firing. However, the evidence remains incomplete as the methods employed do not rigorously establish a key aspect of the mechanism, fully address some alternative models, or sufficiently relate to prior results. Overall, this is a valuable advance for the field that could be improved to establish a more robust paradigm.
We have added extensive new results to the manuscript that, we believe, address all three criticisms above, namely that the methods employed do not (1) rigorously establish a key aspect of the mechanism; (2) fully address some alternative models; or (3) sufficiently relate to prior results.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This paper presents a mechanistic study of rDNA origin regulation in yeast by SIR2. Each of the ~180 tandemly repeated rDNA gene copies contains a potential replication origin. Earlyefficient initiation of these origins is suppressed by Sir2, reducing competition with origins distributed throughout the genome for rate-limiting initiation factors. Previous studies by these authors showed that SIR2 deletion advances replication timing of rDNA origins by a complex mechanism of transcriptional de-repression of a local PolII promoter causing licensed origin proteins (MCMcomplexes) to re-localize (slide along the DNA) to a different (and altered) chromatin environment. In this study, they identify a chromatin remodeler, FUN30, that suppresses the sir2∆ effect, and remarkably, results in a contraction of the rDNA to about onequarter it's normal length/number of repeats, implicating replication defects of the rDNA. Through examination of replication timing, MCM occupancy and nucleosome occupancy on the chromatin in sir2, fun30, and double mutants, they propose a model where nucleosome position relative to the licensed origin (MCM complexes) intrinsically determines origin timing/efficiency. While their interpretations of the data are largely reasonable and can be interpreted to support their model, a key weakness is the connection between Mcm ChEC signal disappearance and origin firing.
Criticism: The reviewer expressed concern about the connection between Mcm ChEC signal disappearance and origin firing.
To further support our claim that the disappearance of the MCM signal in our ChEC datasets reflects origin firing, we now present additional data using the well-established method of MCM Chromatin IP (ChIP).
(1) New Supporting Evidence: ChIP at genome-wide origins. In Figure 5 figure supplement 2, we demonstrate that the Mcm2 ChIP signal in cells released into hydroxyurea (HU) is significantly reduced at early origins compared to late origins, which mirrors the pattern observed with the MCM2 ChEC signal. This reduction in the ChIP signal at early origins supports the interpretation that the MCM signal disappearance is associated with origin firing.
(2) New supporting based evidence: ChIP at rDNA Origins. Our ChIP analysis also shows that the disappearance of the MCM signal at rDNA origins in sir2Δ cells released into HU is accompanied by signal accumulation at the replication fork barrier (RFB), indicative of stalled replication forks at this location (Figure 5 figure supplement 3). This pattern is consistent with the initiation of replication at these origins and fork stalling at the RFB.
(3) New supporting evidence: 2D gels with quantification. Furthermore, additional 2D gel electrophoresis results provide ample independent evidence of rDNA origin firing in HU in sir2Δ mutants and suppression of origin firing in sir2 fun30 cells. These new data include 1) quantification of 2D gels in Figure 4D and 2) new 2D gels presented in Figure 4C as described below in greater detail. Collectively, these results demonstrate that rDNA origins fire prematurely in HU in sir2 cells and that firing is suppressed by FUN30 deletion. These additional data reinforce our model and support the association between MCM signal disappearance and replication initiation.
While the cyclical chromatin association-dissociation of MCM proteins with potential origin sequences may be generally interpreted as licensing followed by firing, dissociation may also result from passive replication and as shown here, displacement by transcription and/or chromatin remodeling.
The reviewer raised a concern that the cyclical chromatin association-dissociation of MCM proteins could be interpreted as licensing followed by firing, but might also result from passive replication or displacement by transcription and chromatin remodeling.
Addressing Alternative Explanations:
(1) Selective Disappearance of MCM Complexes: While transcription and passive replication can indeed cause the MCM-ChEC signal to disappear, these processes cannot selectively cause the disappearance of the displaced MCM complex without also affecting the non-displaced MCM complex. Specifically, RNA polymerase transcribing C-pro would first need to dislodge the normally positioned MCM complex before reaching the displaced complex, which is not observed in our data.
(2) Role of FUN30 Deletion: FUN30 deletion results in increased C-pro transcription and reduced disappearance of the displaced MCM complex. This observation supports our model, as transcription alone would not selectively affect the displaced MCM complex while leaving the normally positioned MCM complex unaffected.
(3) Licensing Restrictions: It is crucial to note that continuous replenishment of displaced MCMs with newly loaded MCMs is not possible in our experimental conditions, as the cells are in S phase and licensing is restricted to G1. This temporal restriction further supports our interpretation that the disappearance of the MCM signal reflects origin firing rather than alternative processes.
In summary, while alternative explanations such as transcription and passive replication could potentially account for MCM signal disappearance, our data indicate that these processes cannot selectively affect the displaced MCM complex without impacting the non-displaced complex. The selective disappearance observed in our experiments, along with the effects of FUN30 deletion and the temporal constraints on MCM loading, strongly support our interpretation that the disappearance of the MCM signal reflects origin firing.
Moreover, linking its disappearance from chromatin in the ChEC method with such precise resolution needs to be validated against an independent method to determine the initiation site(s). Differences in rDNA copy number and relative transcription levels also are not directly accounted for, obscuring a clearer interpretation of the results.
The reviewer raised concerns about the need to validate the disappearance of MCM from chromatin observed using the ChEC method against an independent method to determine initiation sites. Additionally, they pointed out that differences in rDNA copy number and relative transcription levels are not directly accounted for, which may obscure the interpretation of the results.
(1) Reduced rDNA Copy Number promotes Early Replication: Copy number reduction of the magnitude caused by deletion of both SIR2 and FUN30 is not expected to suppress early rDNA replication in sir2, but rather to exacerbate it. Specifically, deletion of SIR2 and FUN30 causes the rDNA to shrink to approximately 35 copies. Kwan et al., 2023 (PMID: 36842087) have shown that a reduction in rDNA copy number to 35 copies results in a dramatic acceleration of rDNA replication in a SIR2+ strain. Therefore, the effect of rDNA size on replication timing reinforces our conclusion that deletion of FUN30 suppresses rDNA replication.
(2) New 2D Gels in sir2 and sir2 fun30 strains with equal number of rDNA repeats: To directly address the concern regarding differences in the number of rDNA repeats, we have included new 2D gel analyses in the revised manuscript. By using a fob1
background, we were able to equalize the repeat number between the sir2 and sir2 fun30 strains (Figure 4E). The 2D gels conclusively show that the suppression of rDNA origin firing upon FUN30 deletion is independent of both rDNA size and FOB1.
Nevertheless, this paper makes a valuable advance with the finding of Fun30 involvement, which substantially reduces rDNA repeat number in sir2∆ background. The model they develop is compelling and I am inclined to agree, but I think the evidence on this specific point is purely correlative and a better method is needed to address the initiation site question. The authors deserve credit for their efforts to elucidate our obscure understanding of the intricacies of chromatin regulation. At a minimum, I suggest their conclusions on these points of concern should be softened and caveats discussed. Statistical analysis is lacking for some claims.
Strengths are the identification of FUN30 as suppressor, examination of specific mutants of FUN30 to distinguish likely functional involvement. Use of multiple methods to analyze replication and protein occupancies on chromatin. Development of a coherent model.
Weaknesses are failure to address copy number as a variable; insufficient validation of ChEC method relationship to exact initiation locus; lack of statistical analysis in some cases.
With regard to "insufficient validation of ChEC method relationship to exact initiation locus": The two potential initiation sites that one would monitor (non-displaced and displaced) are separated by less than 150 base pairs, and other techniques simply do not have the resolution necessary to distinguish such differences. Indeed, our new ChIP results presented in Figure 5 figure supplement 3 clearly demonstrate that while the resolution of ChIP is adequate to detect the reduction of MCM signal at the replication initiation site and its relocation to the RFB ( ~2 kb away), it lacks the resolution required to differentiate closely spaced MCM complexes.
Furthermore, as we suggest in the manuscript, our results are consistent with a model in which it is only the displaced MCM complex that is activated, whether in sir2 or WT. If no genotypedependent difference in initiation sites is even expected, it would be hard to interpret even the most precise replication-based assays.
We appreciate the reviewer pointing out that some statistical analyses were lacking: we have added statistical analysis for 2D gels (Figures 4D and 4E), EdU incorporation experiments in Figure 4F and disappearance of MCM ChEC and ChIP signal upon release of cells into HU (Figure 5 supplement 1 and Supplement 2).
Additional background and discussion for public review:
This paper broadly addresses the mechanism(s) that regulate replication origin firing in different chromatin contexts. The rDNA origin is present in each of ~180 tandem repeats of the rDNA sequence, representing a high potential origin density per length of DNA (9.1kb repeat unit). However, the average origin efficiency of rDNA origins is relatively low (~20% in wild-type cells), which reduces the replication load on the overall genome by reducing competition with origins throughout the genome for limiting replication initiation factors. Deletion of histone deacetylase SIR2, which silences PolII transcription within the rDNA, results in increased early activation or the rDNA origins (and reduced rate of overall genome replication). Previous work by the authors showed that MCM complexes loaded onto the rDNA origins (origin licensing) were laterally displaced (sliding) along the rDNA, away from a well-positioned nucleosome on one side. The authors' major hypothesis throughout this work is that the new MCM location(s) are intrinsically more efficient configurations for origin firing. The authors identify a chromatin remodeling enzyme, FUN30, whose deletion appears to suppress the earlier activation of rDNA origins in sir2∆ cells. Indeed, it appears that the reduction of rDNA origin activity in sir2∆ fun30∆ cells is severe enough to results in a substantial reduction in the rDNA array repeat length (number of repeats); the reduced rDNA length presumably facilitates it's more stable replication and maintenance.
Analysis of replication by 2D gels is marginally convincing, using 2D gels for this purpose is very challenging and tricky to quantify.
We address this criticism by carefuly quantifying 2 D gel results using single rARS signal for normalizing bubble arc as discussed below.
The more quantitative analysis by EdU incorporation is more convincing of the suppression of the earlier replication caused by SIR2 deletion.
We have also added quantification of EdU results to strengthen our arguments.
To address the mechanism of suppression, they analyze MCM positioning using ChEC, which in G1 cells shows partial displacement of MCM from normal position A to positions B and C in sir2∆ cells and similar but more complete displacement away from A to positions B and C in sir2fun30 cells. During S-phase in the presence of hydroxyurea, which slows replication progression considerably (and blocks later origin firing) MCM signals redistribute, which is interpreted to represent origin firing and bidirectional movement of MCMs (only one direction is shown), some of which accumulate near the replication fork barrier, consistent with their interpretation. They observe that MCMs displaced (in G1) to sites B or C in sir2∆ cells, disappear more rapidly during S-phase, whereas the similar dynamic is not observed in sir2∆fun30∆. This is the main basis for their conclusion that the B and C sites are more permissive than A. While this may be the simplest interpretation, there are limitations with this assay that undermine a rigorous conclusion (additional points below). The main problem is that we know the MCM complexes are mobile so disappearance may reflect displacement by other means including transcription which is high is the sir2∆ background. Indeed, the double mutant has greater level of transcription per repeat unit which might explain more displaced from A in G1. Thus, displacement might not always represent origin firing. Because the sir2 background profoundly changes transcription, and the double mutant has a much smaller array length associated with higher transcription, how can we rule out greater accessibility at site A, for example in sir2∆, leading to more firing, which is suppressed in sir2 fun30 due to greater MCM displacement away from A?
I think the critical missing data to solidly support their conclusions is a definitive determination of the site(s) of initiation using a more direct method, such as strand specific sequencing of EdU or nascent strand analysis. More direct comparisons of the strains with lower copy number to rule out this facet. As discussed in detail below, copy number reduction is known to suppress at least part of the sir2∆ effect so this looms over the interpretations. I think they are probably correct in their overall model based on the simplest interpretation of the data but I think it remains to be rigorously established. I think they should soften their conclusions in this respect.
Please see discussion below about these issues.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the authors follow up on their previous work showing that in the absence of the Sir2 deacetylase the MCM replicative helicase at the rDNA spacer region is repositioned to a region of low nucleosome occupancy. Here they show that the repositioned displaced MCMs have increased firing propensity relative to non-displaced MCMs. In addition, they show that activation of the repositioned MCMs and low nucleosome occupancy in the adjacent region depend on the chromatin remodeling activity of Fun30.
The paper provides new information on the role of a conserved chromatin remodeling protein in the regulation of origin firing and in addition provides evidence that not all loaded MCMs fire and that origin firing is regulated at a step downstream of MCM loading.
The relationship between the author's results and prior work on the role of Sir2 (and Fob1) in regulation of rDNA recombination and copy number maintenance is not explored, making it difficult to place the results in a broader context. Sir2 has previously been shown to be recruited by Fob1, which is also required for DSB formation and recombination-mediated changes in rDNA copy number. Are the changes that the authors observe specifically in fun30 sir2 cells related to this pathway? Is Fob1 required for the reduced rDNA copy number in fun30 sir2 double mutant cells?
We have conducted additional studies in the fob1 background to address how FOB1 and the replication fork barrier (RFB) influence the kinetics of rDNA size reduction upon FUN30 deletion (Figure 2 - figure supplement 2), rDNA replication timing (Figure 2 - figure supplement 3), and rDNA origin firing using 2D gels (Figure 4C).
Strains lacking SIR2 exhibit unstable rDNA size, and FOB1 deletion stabilizes rDNA size in a sir2 background (and otherwise). Similarly, we found that FOB1 deletion influences the kinetics of rDNA size reduction in sir2 fun30 cells. Specifically, we were able to generate a fob1 sir2 fun30 strain with more than 150 copies. Nonetheless, and consistent with our model, this strain still exhibited delayed rDNA replication timing (Figure 2 - figure supplement 3), and its rDNA still shrank upon continuous culture (Figure 2 figure supplement 2). These results demonstrate that, although FOB1 affects the kinetics of rDNA size reduction in sir2 fun30 strains, the reduced rDNA array size or delayed replication timing upon FUN30 deletion size does not depend on FOB1.
The use of the fob1 background allowed us to compare the activation of rDNA origins in sir2 and sir2 fun30 strains with equally short rDNA sizes. 2D gels demonstrate robust and reproducible suppression of rDNA origin activity upon deletion of FUN30 in sir2 fob1 strains with 35 rDNA copies (Figure 4C). These results indicate that the main effect we are interested in—FUN30-induced reduction in origin firing—is independent of both FOB1 and rDNA size.
Our additional studies conclusively show that the FUN30-induced reduction in rDNA origin firing is independent of both FOB1 and rDNA size. These findings provide important insights into the mechanisms regulating rDNA copy number maintenance, placing our results within the broader context of existing knowledge on Sir2 and Fob1 functions.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Heterochromatin is characterized by low transcription activity and late replication timing, both dependent on the NAD-dependent protein deacetylase Sir2, the founding member of the sirtuins. This manuscript addresses the mechanism by which Sir2 delays replication timing at the rDNA in budding yeast. Previous work from the same laboratory (Foss et al. PLoS Genetics 15, e1008138) showed that Sir2 represses transcription-dependent displacement of the Mcm helicase in the rDNA. In this manuscript, the authors show convincingly that the repositioned Mcms fire earlier and that this early firing partly depends on the ATPase activity of the nucleosome remodeler Fun30. Using read-depth analysis of sorted G1/S cells, fun30 was the only chromatin remodeler mutant that somewhat delayed replication timing in sir2 mutants, while nhp10, chd1, isw1, htl1, swr1, isw2, and irc3 had not effect. The conclusion was corroborated with orthogonal assays including two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and analysis of EdU incorporation at early origins. Using an insightful analysis with an Mcm-MNase fusion (Mcm-ChEC), the authors show that the repositioned Mcms in sir2 mutants fire earlier than the Mcm at the normal position in wild type. This early firing at the repositioned Mcms is partially suppressed by Fun30. In addition, the authors show Fun30 affects nucleosome occupancy at the sites of the repositioned Mcm, providing a plausible mechanism for the effect of Fun30 on Mcm firing at that position. However, the results from the MNAse-seq and ChEC-seq assays are not fully congruent for the fun30 single mutant. Overall, the results support the conclusions providing a much better mechanistic understanding how Sir2 affects replication timing at rDNA,
The observation that the MNase-seq plot in fun30 mutant shows a large signal at the +3 nucleosome and somewhat smaller at position +2, while the ChEC-seq plot exhibits negligible signals, is indeed an important point of consideration. This discrepancy arises because most of the MCM in fun30 mutant remains at its original site where it abuts +1 nucleosome. As a result, the MCM-MNase fusion protein fails to reach and “light up” the +3 nucleosome, which is, nonetheless, well-visualized with exogenous MNase. The paucity of displaced MCMs, which is responsible for cutting +2 nucleosome, explains the discrepancy in the +2 nucleosome signal between exogenous MNase and CheC datasets in the fun30 mutant.
Despite this apparent discrepancy, the overall results support our conclusions and provide a much better mechanistic understanding of how Sir2 affects replication timing at rDNA. The MNaseseq data reflect nucleosome positioning and chromatin structure, while the ChEC-seq data specifically highlights the locations where MCM is bound and active.
(1) The data clearly show that the repositioned Mcm helicase fires earlier than the Mcm in the wild type position.
(2) The study identifies a specific role for Fun30 in replication timing and an effect on nucleosome occupancy around the newly positioned Mcm helicase in sir2 cells.
(1) It is unclear which strains were used in each experiment.
(2) The relevance of the fun30 phospho-site mutant (S20AS28A) is unclear.
We appreciate the reviewer pointing out places in which our manuscript omitted key pieces of information (items 1 and 3), we have included the strain numbers in our revision. With regard to point 2, we had written:
Fun30 is also known to play a role in the DNA damage response; specifically, phosphorylation of Fun30 on S20 and S28 by CDK1 targets Fun30 to sites of DNA damage, where it promotes DNA resection (Chen et al. 2016; Bantele et al. 2017). To determine whether the replication phenotype that we observed might be a consequence of Fun30's role in the DNA damage response, we tested non-phosphorylatable mutants for the ability to suppress early replication of the rDNA in sir2; these mutations had no effect on the replication phenotype (Figure 2B), arguing against a primary role for Fun30 in DNA damage repair that somehow manifests itself in replication.
(3) For some experiments (Figs. 3, 4, 6) it is unclear whether the data are reproducible and the differences significant. Information about the number of independent experiments and quantitation is lacking. This affects the interpretation, as fun30 seems to affect the +3 nucleosome much more than let on in the description.
We have provided replicas and quantitation for the results in these figures.
(Replica ChEC Southern blot with quantification (Figure 3 figure supplement 1), quantification and replicas for 2D gels in Figure 4 and replicas for nucleosome occupancy (Figure 6 supplement 1).
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Fig. 3-Examination of MCM occupancy at the rDNA ARS region using a variation of ChEC.
Presumably these are these G1-arrested cells but does not seem to be stated. Please confirm.
The 2D gels results are not very convincing of their conclusions. We are asked to compare bubble to fork arcs at 30 minutes, but this is not feasible. It is the author's job to quantify the data from multiple replicates, but none is given. After much careful examination, comparing the relative intensities of ascending bubble and Y-arcs, I think I can accept that 4A shows highest early efficiency for sir2 over WT and fun30, which are similar to each other, and lowest for sir2 fun30, at 60 and 90 min.
In the revision we provide a careful quantification of the 2D gels in Figure 4. For assessing rDNA origin activity, we normalized the bubble arc during the HU time course to a single rARS signal, that appears as large 24.4kb Nhe1I fragment originating from the rightmost rDNA repeat (see Figures 4A and 4B). The description of the quantification in the text is provided below.
“Prior to separation on 2D gels, DNA was digested with NheI, which releases a 4.7 kb rARScontaining linear DNA fragment at the internal rDNA repeats (1N) and a much larger, 24.5 kb single-rARS-containing fragment originating from the rightmost repeat. In 2D gels, active origins generate replication bubble arc signals, whereas passive replication of an origin appears as a y-arc. Having a signal emanating from a single ARS-containing fragment simplifies the comparison of rDNA origin activity in strains with different numbers of rDNA repeats, such as in sir2 vs sir2 fun30 mutants. Origin activity is expressed as a ratio of the bubble to the single-ARS signal, effectively measuring the number of active rDNA origins per cell at a given time point.
As seen previously (Foss et al. 2019), deletion of SIR2 increased the number of activated rDNA origins, while deletion of FUN30 suppressed this effect. When analyzed in aggregate at 20, 30, 60 and 90 minutes following release into HU, the average number of activated rDNA origin activity in sir2 mutant was increased 6.3-fold compared to those in WT (5.0±2.3 in sir2 vs 0.8±0.4 in wt, p<0.05 by 2 tailed t-test), and the increased number was reduced upon FUN30 deletion (1.3±0.7 in sir2 fun30, p<0.05 by 2 tailed t-test vs sir2, NS for comparison to WT).”
However, for part 4B, they state (p. 11) that deletion of FUN30 in a SIR2 background had no perceptible effect (on ARS305) but I think the data appear otherwise: the FUN30 cells show more Y-arc than WT.
We now provide the assessment of ARS305 activity in HU cells as a ratio of bubble-arc to 1N signal. The reviewer is right that FUN30 has a more robust bubble arc signal compared to WT.
However, after normalization to 1N this difference did not appear significant (3.7 vs 5.1). Overall the analysis of activity or ARS305 origins demonstrates a reciprocity with the activity of rDNA origins in each of the four genotypes. Furthermore, this observation is confirmed in our EdU-based analysis of 111 genomic origins, with statistical analysis showing a very high level of significance (see below).
Ultimately, analysis of unsynchronized cells would give unambiguous results about origin efficiency. In this regard I note that analysis of rDNA origin firing by 2D gels with HU versus asynchronous gives different results in WT versus sir2∆, with no difference in unsynchronized cells (He et al. 2022). It would be interesting to test the strains here unsynchronized, though copy number size would still be a variable to address.
Origin activity in log cultures is typically assessed by comparing replication initiation within an origin, presenting as a bubble arc, to passively replicated DNA (Y-arc). However, such an analysis at tandemly arrayed origins, such as rDNA, is not feasible, as both active and passive replication are the result of activation of the same origins. This explains the lack of difference between WT and sir2 cells previously reported (He et al. 2022), which we have also observed. Differences in activation of rDNA origins in WT vs sir2 cells is clearly reflected in HU experiments, as was the case in the earlier report (He et al. 2022).
To address the issue of differences in copy number between sir2 and sir2 fun30 cells we have now done experiments in a fob1 background where we can equalize the copy number among the two genotypes. These 2D gels are presented in Figure 4C. We address this issue in the revised manuscript as follows:
“The overall impact of FUN30 deletion on rDNA origin activity in a sir2 background is expected to be a composite of two opposing effects: a suppression of rDNA origin activation and increased rDNA origin activation due to reduced rDNA size (Kwan et al. 2023). To evaluate the effect FUN30 on rDNA origin activation independently of rDNA size, we generated an isogenic set of strains in a fob1 background, all of which contain 35 copies of the rDNA repeat. (Deletion of FOB1 is necessary to stabilize rDNA copy number.) Comparing rDNA origin activity in sir2 versus sir2 fun30 genotypes, we observed a robust and reproducible reduction in rDNA origin activity upon FUN30 deletion. This finding confirms that the FUN30 suppresses rDNA origin firing in sir2 background independently of both rDNA size and FOB1 status.”
-EdU analysis is more convincing regarding relative effects on genome versus rDNA, however, again, the effect of reduced rDNA array size in the sir2 fun30 cells may also be the proximal cause of the reduced effect on genome (early origins) replication rather than a direct effect on origin efficiency. No statistic provided to support that fun30 suppresses sir2 for rDNA activity.
This comment raises three distinct, but related, issues:
First, the reviewer is asking whether the reduced rDNA size, of the magnitude we observed in sir2 fun30 cells, could by itself be responsible for increased origin activity elsewhere in the genome, just because there is less rDNA that needs to be replicated. As noted earlier (Kwan et al. 2023), Kwan et al. examined the effect of rDNA size reduction and observed: 1) marked increased in rDNA origin activity and 2) reciprocal reduction in origin activity elsewhere in the genome. This counterintuitive finding suggests that a smaller rDNA size exerts more competition for limited replication resources compared to a larger rDNA size. In light of this, our findings with FUN30 deletion become even more compelling. The suppression of rDNA firing upon FUN30 deletion is so significant that it overrides the expected effects of rDNA size reduction.
Second, the reviewer points out our lack of statistical analysis to support our contention that fun30 suppresses sir2 with regard to rDNA origin activity. We have now addressed this issue as well, by quantifying 2D gel signals, as described above in the text that begins with "Prior to separation on 2D gels, DNA was digested with NheI ...".
Third, we have now provided a statistical analysis to support our conclusion that EdU-based analysis of activity of 111 early origins shows suppression upon deletion of SIR2 that is largely reversed by additional deletion of FUN30.
"Deletion of FUN30 in a sir2 background partially restored EdU incorporation at early origins, concomitant with reduced EdU incorporation at rDNA origins. In particular, the median value of log10 of read depths at 111 early origins, as the data are shown in Figure 4F, dropped from 6.5 for wild type to 6.2 for sir2 but then returned almost to wild type levels (6.4) in sir2 fun30. The p value obtained by Student's t test, comparing the drop in 111 origins from wild type to sir2 with that from wild type to sir2 fun30 was highly significant (<< 10-16) In contrast, FUN30 deletion in the WT background did not reduce EdU incorporation at genomic origins (median 6.6). These findings highlight that FUN30 deletion-induced suppression of rDNA origins in sir2 is accompanied by the activation of genomic origins."
Use loss of Mcm-ChEC signal as proxy for origin firing. Reasonably convincing that decrease correlates with origin firing on a one-to-one basis (Fig. 5B), though no statistic given.
We provide the statistical analysis in Figure 5-figure supplement 1.
However, there is no demonstration of ability to observe this correlation with fine resolution as needed for the claims here. It seems equally possible that sir2 deletion causes more firing by repositioning MCMs to a better location or that the prior location, which still contains substantial MCM, becomes more permissive. The MCM signal appears to be mobile, so perhaps the role of FUN30 is to prevent to mobility of MCM away from the original site in WT cells; note that significantly less Mcm signal is at the original position in sir2 fun30. No accumulation of MCM occurs near the RFB in WT (and fun30) cells. I understand that origin firing is lower in WT but raises concerns about sensitivity and dynamic range of this assay and that MCM positions may reflect transcription versus replication.
Please see the section above labeled "Addressing Alternative Explanations".
Is Fig 6A Y-axis correctly labeled? I understand this figure to represent MNase-seq reads; is there any Mcm2-ChEC-seq in part A?
We have corrected the labeling. 6A represent MNase-seq reads. Thank you for pointing this out.
I understand part B to represent nucleosome-sized fragments released by Mcm2-ChEC interpreted to be nucleosomes. But could they be large fragments potentially containing adjacent MCM-double hexamers?
Our representation of ChEC-seq data in Figure 1 supplement 1, where we can see the entire spectrum of fragment sizes, demonstrates two distinct populations of fragments: nucleosome size and MCM-size fragments.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Suggestions for the authors to consider:
(1) The authors make a good case for the importance of replication balance between rDNA and euchromatin in ensuring that the genome is replicated in a timely fashion. This seems to be clearly regulated by Sir2. However, Sir2 also affects rDNA copy number and suppresses unequal cross over events, which are stimulates by Fob1. Does Fun30 suppress Fob1-dependent recombination events in sir2D cells?
It is unclear why FUN30 only affects rDNA repeat copy number in sir2 cells. Why doesn't Fun30 reduce copy number in wild-type cells?
Deletion of SIR2 causes rightward repositioning of MCMs to a position where they are more prone to fire, as shown by our HU ChEC datasets in which we show that the repositioned MCMs are more prone to activation than the non-repositioned ones. FUN30 deletion suppresses activation of these, activation-prone repositioned MCMs, as shown by HU ChEC. This suppression of rDNA origin activation in sir2 cells causes rDNA to shrink. In fun30 single mutants, due to the paucity of non-repositioned MCMs, we do not observe significant suppression of rDNA origin firing, and consequently, there is no reduction in rDNA size in fun30 cells.
(2) The authors use Mcm-MNase to map the location of the MCM helicase. Can these results be confirmed using the more standard and direct ChIP assay to examine changes in MCM localization
We carried out suggested MCM ChIP experiments and present these results in Figure 5 supplement 2 and supplement 3. These ChIP data demonstrate that:
(1) MCM signal disappears preferentially at early origins compared to late origins, as seen in our ChEC results.
(2) The disappearance of ChEC signal at rDNA origins in sir2 mutant is accompanied by the signal accumulation at the RFB, consistent with fork stalling at the RFB mirroring the results we obtained by ChEC. While these results indicate that that ChIP has adequate resolution to detect MCM repositioning at 2 kb, scale, its resolution was insufficient for fine scale discrimination of repositioned and non-repositioned MCMs.
In this regard, the specific role of Fun30 in regulation of MCM firing at rDNA is interesting.
Does Fun30 localize to the ARS region of rDNA? How is Fun30 specifically recruited to rDNA?
We carried out ChIP for Fun30 and observed, similarly to previous reports (Durand-Dubief et al. 2012), a wide distribution of Fun30 throughout the genome and at rDNA. We have elected not to include these results in the current manuscript.
(3) The 2D gels in Figure 4 are difficult to interpret. The bubble to arc ratios in fun30D seem different from both wild-type and sir2D. It may be helpful to the reader to quantify the bubble to arc ratios. fun30D also seems to be affecting ARS305 by itself.
We provide quantification of 2 D gels in Figure 4.
(4) Figure 5.
(4.1) For examining origin firing based on the disappearance of the Mcm-MNase reads, is HU arrest necessary? HU may be causing indirect effects due to replication fork stalling. In principle, the authors should be able to perform this analysis without HU, since their cells are released from synchronized arrest in G1 (and at least for the first cell cycle should proceed synchronously on to S phase). In addition, validation of Mcm-ChEC results using ChIP for one of the subunits of the MCM complex would increase confidence in the results.
The HU arrest allows us to examine early events in DNA replication at much finer spatial and temporal resolution than it would be possible without it.
We have now used Mcm2 ChIP to confirm that the signal disappears at the MCM loading site in HU in sir2 cells as discussed above (Figure 5 figure supplement 3). However, the resolution is inadequate to discriminate non-repositioned vs repositioned MCMs.
(4.2) The non-displaced Mcm-ChEC signal in sir2D seems like it's decreasing more than in wildtype cells. Explain. It would be helpful to quantify these results by integrating the area under each peek (or based on read numbers). It looks like one of the displaced Mcm signals (the one more distal from the non-displaced) is changing at a similar rate to the non-displaced.
Integrating the area under each Mcm-ChEC peak or using read numbers is superfluous for the following reasons: (1) The rectangular appearance of the peaks in Figure 5 clearly reflects signal intensity, making additional numerical integration redundant. (2) The visual differences between wild-type and sir2D cells are distinct and sufficient for drawing conclusions without further quantification. (3) Keeping the analysis straightforward avoids unnecessary complexity and maintains clarity.
(4.3) Can the authors explain why fun30D seems to be suppressing only one of the 2 displaced Mcms from firing?
We speculate that the local environment is more conductive for firing one of two displaced MCMs, but we do not understand why.
(5) Figure 6. Why would the deletion of SIR2, a silencing factor, results in increased nucleosome occupancy at rDNA?
If we understand correctly, the reviewer is referring to a small increase in +2 and +3 signal in sir2 compared to the WT. In WT G1 cells, there is a single MCM between +1 and +3 nucleosome. This space cannot accommodate a +2 nucleosome in G1 cells because MCM is loaded at that position in most cells (in G2 cells however, this space is occupied by a nucleosome (Foss et al., 2019). MCM repositioning in sir2 mutant would displace MCM from this location making it possible for this space to be now occupied by a nucleosome.
The changes in nuc density seem modest. Also, nucleosome density is similarly increased in sir2D and fun30D cells, but sir2 has a dramatic effect on origin firing but fun30D does not. Explain.
We believe that the FUN30 status makes most of the difference for firing of displaced MCMs.
Since there are few displaced MCMs in SIR2 cells, there is not large impact on origin firing. Furthermore, the rDNA already fires late in WT cells, so our ability to detect further delay upon FUN30 deletion could be more difficult.
(6) Discussion. At rDNA Sir2 may simply act by deacetylating nucleosomes and decreasing their mobility. This is unrelated to compaction which is usually only invoked regarding the activities of the full SIR complex (Sir2/3/4) at telomeres and the mating type locus. The arguments regarding polymerase size, compaction etc may not be relevant to the main point since although the budding yeast Sir2 participates in heterochromatin formation at the mating type loci and telomeres, at rDNA it may act locally near its recruitment site at the RFB.
This is a valid point. We have added this sentence in the discussion to highlight the differences between silencing at rDNA and those at the silent mating loci and telomeres that SIR-complex dependent.
“Steric arguments such as these are even less compelling when made for rDNA than for the silent mating type loci and telomeres, because chromatin compaction has been studied mostly in the context of the complete Sir complex (Sir1-4). In contrast, Sir1, 3, and 4 are not present at the rDNA.”
It would be interesting to see if deletion of any histone acetyltranferases acts in a similar way to Fun30 to reduce rDNA copy number in sir2D cells.
Thank you for this suggestion.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The design of Figure 3 could be improved. A scheme could help understand the assay without flipping back to Figure 1. The numbers below the gel bands need definition.
We have included the scheme describing the restriction and MCM-MNase cut sites and the location of the probe for the Southern blot.
(2) The design of Figure 4 could be improved by adding a scheme to help interpret the 2d gel picture. The figure also lacks quantitation. Are the results reproducible and the differences significant?
We have added the scheme, quantification and statistics in Figure 4.
(3) Please list in each figure legend the exact strains from Table S1 which were used.
We have included the strain numbers in the Figure legend.
Durand-Dubief M, Will WR, Petrini E, Theodorou D, Harris RR, Crawford MR, Paszkiewicz K, Krueger F, Correra RM, Vetter AT et al. 2012. SWI/SNF-like chromatin remodeling factor Fun30 supports point centromere function in S. cerevisiae. PLoS Genet 8: e1002974.
Foss EJ, Gatbonton-Schwager T, Thiesen AH, Taylor E, Soriano R, Lao U, MacAlpine DM, Bedalov A. 2019. Sir2 suppresses transcription-mediated displacement of Mcm2-7 replicative helicases at the ribosomal DNA repeats. PLoS Genet 15: e1008138.
He Y, Petrie MV, Zhang H, Peace JM, Aparicio OM. 2022. Rpd3 regulates single-copy origins independently of the rDNA array by opposing Fkh1-mediated origin stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119: e2212134119.
Kwan EX, Alvino GM, Lynch KL, Levan PF, Amemiya HM, Wang XS, Johnson SA, Sanchez JC, Miller MA, Croy M et al. 2023. Ribosomal DNA replication time coordinates completion of genome replication and anaphase in yeast. Cell Rep 42: 112161.
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eLife Assessment
This important study shows that soluble uric acid is an endogenous inhibitor of CD38, a regulator of inflammatory responses. The convincing evidence draws both on biochemical analyses and in vivo models. This work provides insights into NAD+ metabolism, with significant implications for inflammation and potential roles in metabolic diseases and aging.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript describes soluble Uric Acid (sUA) as an endogenous inhibitor of CD38, affecting CD38 activity and NAD+ levels both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, the inhibition constants calculated supports the claim that sUA inhibits CD38 under physiological conditions. These findings are of extreme importance to understand the regulation of an enzyme that has been shown to be the main NAD+/NMN-degrading enzyme in mammals, which impacts several metabolic processes and has major implications to understanding aging diseases. The manuscript is well written, the figures are self explanatory, and in the experiments presented, the data is very solid. The authors discuss the main limitations of the study, especially in regard to the in vivo results. As a whole, I believe that this is a very interesting manuscript that will be appreciated by the scientific community and that opens a lot of new questions in the field of metabolism and aging.
During the revision process, the authors have performed new experiments to respond to relevant questions raised by the reviewers. In other cases, they have made changes in the text to improve the manuscript.
I believe that this manuscript in its current form is a mature and relevant set of findings that deserve attention and future developments.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This is an interesting work where Wen et al. aimed to shed light on the mechanisms driving the protective role of soluble uric acid (sUA) toward avoiding excessive inflammation. They present biochemical data to support that sUA inhibits the enzymatic activity of CD38 (Figures 1 and 2). In a mouse model of acute response to sUA and using mice deficient in CD38, they find evidence that sUA increases the plasma levels of nicotinamide nucleotides (NAD+ and NMN) (Figure 3) and that sUA reduces the plasma levels of inflammasome-driven cytokines IL-1b and IL-18 in response to endotoxin, both dependent on CD38 (Figure 4). Their work is an important advance in the understanding of the physiological role of sUA, with mechanistic insight that can have important clinical implications.
The authors present evidence from different approaches to support that sUA inhibits CD38, impacts NAD+ levels, and regulates inflammatory responses through CD38.
The authors investigate macrophages as the cells affected by sUA in promoting immunoregulation, proposing that sUA's inhibition of CD38 and the resulting increase in NAD+ promotes inflammasome inhibition through a previously established mechanism of NLRP3 regulation by NAD+-dependent sirtuins. However, they were unable to validate their in vivo findings using murine bone marrow-derived macrophages, a standard model for assessing inflammasome activation, due to the low uptake of sUA in these cells. Pharmacological blockage in THP-1 cells provides mechanistic evidence that sUA inhibits NLRP3-mediated secretion of IL-1β through CD38, but genetic evidence and direct assessment of the activation of inflammasome components would be necessary to fully validate the model.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In the present manuscript, the authors propose that soluble Uric acid (sUA) is an enzymatic inhibitor of the NADase CD38 and that it controls levels of NAD modulating inflammatory response. Although interesting the studies are at this stage preliminary and validation is needed.
The study characterizes the potential relevance of sUA in NAD metabolism.
Comment on revised version:
The authors have responded the majority of my criticism.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript describes soluble Uric Acid (sUA) as an endogenous inhibitor of CD38, affecting CD38 activity and NAD+ levels both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, the inhibition constants calculated support the claim that sUA inhibits CD38 under physiological conditions. These findings are of extreme importance to understanding the regulation of an enzyme that has been shown to be the main NAD+/NMN-degrading enzyme in mammals, which impacts several metabolic processes and has major implications for understanding aging diseases. The manuscript is well written, the figures are self-explanatory, and in the experiments presented, the data is very solid. The authors discuss the main limitations of the study, especially in regard to the in vivo results. As a whole, I believe that this is a very interesting manuscript that will be appreciated by the scientific community and that opens a lot of new questions in the field of metabolism and aging. I found some issues that I believe constitute a weakness in the manuscript, and although they do not require new experiments, they may be considered by the authors for discussion in the final version of the manuscript.
We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful comments and favorable review of our work.
The authors acknowledge the existence of several previous papers involving pharmacological inhibition of CD38 and their impact on several models of metabolism and aging. However, they only cite reviews. Given the focus of the manuscript, I believe that the seminal original papers should be cited.
Yes, we agreed with the reviewer. Two representative papers regarding the pioneering findings [Ref 1, 2] of pharmacological inhibition of CD38 were cited in the discussion of current manuscript.
(1) Tarragó, M. G., et al. (2018). A Potent and Specific CD38 Inhibitor Ameliorates Age-Related Metabolic Dysfunction by Reversing Tissue NAD+ Decline. Cell Metab 27(5): 1081-1095.e1010.
(2) Escande, C., et al. (2013). Flavonoid apigenin is an inhibitor of the NAD+ ase CD38: implications for cellular NAD+ metabolism, protein acetylation, and treatment of metabolic syndrome. Diabetes 62(4): 1084-1093.
Related to the previous comment, the authors show that they have identified the functional group on sUA that inhibits CD38, 1,3-dihydroimidazol-2-one. How does this group relate with previous structures that were shown to inhibit CD38 and do not have this chemical structure? Is sUA inhibiting CD38 in a different site? A crystallographic structure of CD38-78c is available in PDB that could be used to study or model these interactions.
Currently, there are several kinds of CD38 inhibitors, including NAD+/NMN analogs, flavonoids, 4-quinolines, etc. [Ref 1], but they do not have 1,3-dihydroimidazol-2-one or similar groups. We also noticed that sUA and its analogs have no remarkable structural similarity with these inhibitors. We have ever tried to identify the binding sites of sUA on CD38 by NMR. Since our NMR method required a large sample size, we had to prepare recombinant human CD38 using a cell-free protein synthesis system. However, the obtained CD38 protein showed a lower Vmax than commercial recombinant CD38 expressed in HEK293 cells, raising a concern of spatial conformation deference in the synthesized CD38. Thus, we were unable to get convinced data to confirm if sUA has different binding sites. Given the difference in structural feature and inhibition type, we did not use the PDB data regarding 78c-CD38 interaction for analysis in this study.
(1) Chini, E. N., et al. (2018). The Pharmacology of CD38/NADase: An Emerging Target in Cancer and Diseases of Aging. Trends Pharmacol Sci 39(4): 424-436.
Although the mouse model used to manipulate sUA levels is not ideal, the authors discuss its limitations, and importantly, they have CD38 KO mice as control. However, all the experiments were performed in very young mice, where CD38 expression is low in most tissues (10.1016/j.cmet.2016.05.006). This point should be mentioned in the discussion and maybe put in the context of variations of sUA levels during aging.
We appreciate the reviewer’s kind suggestions. Yes, CD38 expression in young mice is relatively low and we used young mice in this study; thus, aged mice would be promising to furthest evaluate the interaction between CD38 and sUA. Regarding the changes in sUA levels during aging, previous reports indicate that sUA levels seem to increase with age in mice and humans [Ref 1, 2]. We speculate that this increase is a physiologically compensatory response to aging in organisms. Accordingly, we added more details in the discussion (second paragraph).
(1) Iwama, M., et al. (2012). Uric acid levels in tissues and plasma of mice during aging. Biol Pharm Bull 35(8): 1367-1370.
(2) Kuzuya, M., et al. (2002). Effect of aging on serum uric acid levels: longitudinal changes in a large Japanese population group. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 57(10): M660-664.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This is an interesting work where Wen et al. aimed to shed light on the mechanisms driving the protective role of soluble uric acid (sUA) toward avoiding excessive inflammation. They present biochemical data to support that sUA inhibits the enzymatic activity of CD38 (Figures 1 and 2). In a mouse model of acute response to sUA and using mice deficient in CD38, they find evidence that sUA increases the plasma levels of nicotinamide nucleotides (NAD+ and NMN) (Figure 3) and that sUA reduces the plasma levels of inflammasome-driven cytokines IL-1b and IL-18 in response to endotoxin, both dependent on CD38 (Figure 4). Their work is an important advance in the understanding of the physiological role of sUA, with mechanistic insight that can have important clinical implications.
The authors present evidence from different approaches to support that sUA inhibits CD38, impacts NAD+ levels, and regulates inflammatory responses through CD38.
We deeply thank the reviewer for the thoughtful comments and appreciation of our findings.
The authors investigate macrophages as the cells impacted by sUA to promote immunoregulation, proposing that inflammasome inhibition occurs through NAD+ accumulation and sirtuin activity due to sUA inhibition of CD38. Unfortunately, the study still lacks data to support this model, as they could not replicate their in vivo findings using murine bone marrow-derived macrophages, a standard model to assess inflammasome activation. Without an alternative approach, the study lacks data to establish in vitro that sUA inhibition of CD38 reduces inflammasome activation in macrophages - consequently, they cannot determine yet if both NAD+ accumulation and sirtuin activity in macrophages is a mechanism leading to sUA role in vivo.
We deeply thank the reviewer for pointing out this weakness in our work. In fact, we tried to prepare stable CD38 KD/KO THP-1 cells in the middle of 2021; however, we faced some technical problems due to the limitations of instruments. Thus, we used CD38 KO mice to prepare CD38 KO BMDMs, as shown in the first version of manuscript, we failed to replicate the results in BMDMs because of the low uptake of sUA. To address the reviewer’s concern regarding the lack of an in vitro link between CD38 and sUA immunosuppression, we used 78c, a highly specific and potent inhibitor of CD38, to block CD38 in primed THP-1 cells. Then we evaluated the effect of sUA pre-incubation on MSU crystal-induced IL-1β release in primed THP-1 cells (vehicle and CD38 blockade). The added results in Figure 4-figure supplement 2B and 2C indicated that CD38 blockade largely impaired the immunosuppressive effect of sUA without reducing sUA uptake. In addition, we found that sUA at physiological levels boosted NAD+ levels in THP-1 cells (Figure 3-figure supplement 1B) without affecting the activities of other key enzymes involved in NAD+ synthesis and degradation, including NAMPT and PARP (Figure 3-figure supplement 2). All these results supported that CD38 is a key mediator for sUA at physiological levels to regulate inflammasome activation in vitro.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In the present manuscript, the authors propose that soluble Uric acid (sUA) is an enzymatic inhibitor of the NADase CD38 and that it controls levels of NAD modulating inflammatory response. Although interesting the studies are at this stage preliminary and validation is needed.
The study characterizes the potential relevance of sUA in NAD metabolism.
We greatly appreciate the reviewer for the thoughtful comments and valuable suggestions.
(1) A full characterization of the effect of sUA in other NAD-consuming and synthesizing enzymes is needed to validate the statement that the mechanism of regulation of NAD by sUA is mediated by CD38, The CD38 KO may not serve as the ideal control since it may saturate NAD levels already. Analysis of multiple tissues is needed.
Yes, it is necessary to confirm if sUA affects other NAD+-consuming and synthesizing enzymes. To address the concern and to provide additional validation, we tested the direct effects of sUA and other purine derivates on the activities of another two key enzymes involved in the metabolic network of NAD+, including PARP (NAD+-consuming enzyme) and NAMPT (NAD+-synthesizing enzyme). The added results in Figure 3-figure supplement 2 showed that sUA has no effect on PARP and NAMPT activity, suggesting that CD38 is a main target for sUA in regulating NAD+ availability. In addition, we also confirmed both PARP and NAMPT were not affected by purine metabolism under physiological conditions. Although hypoxanthine and xanthine, at 500 μM (supraphysiological levels), slightly inhibited PARP activity, it has no physiological significance due to their low physiological concentrations (generally below 20 μM). Further evaluation of these inhibitory effects under pathological conditions would be of interest but were beyond the focus of this study.
Given that tissue sUA uptake is saturated under physiological conditions (tissue sUA did not increase in our models, Figure 3-figure supplement 5A and 5B), CD38 and other potential targets in tissues may be not affected by sUA in our models. We used CD38 KO mice to confirm if sUA interacts with other targets to regulate NAD+ degradation and inflammatory responses. A previous study [Ref 1] revealed that inhibition of other enzymes involved in NAD+ metabolism, such as PARP, resulted in a significant increase of NAD+ availability in CD38 KO mice, which indicates that CD38 KO mice can be used to exclude the potential interaction between sUA and other targets. In fact, we did not observe significant effects of sUA in CD38 KO mice. More importantly, we added the additional validation regarding PARP and NAMPT activity according to the reviewer’s kind suggestion, which further confirmed that CD38 is the main target for sUA in our models.
(1) Tarragó, M. G., et al. (2018). A Potent and Specific CD38 Inhibitor Ameliorates Age-Related Metabolic Dysfunction by Reversing Tissue NAD+ Decline. Cell Metab 27(5): 1081-1095.e1010.
(2) The physiological role of sUA as an endogenous inhibitor of CD38 needs stronger validation (sUA deficient model?).
We thank the reviewer’s insightful suggestions. Yes, sUA depletion model is ideal for further validation, as we discussed in the limitations of this study. Given that introduction of exogenous recombinant uricase (immunometabolism may be affected) to deplete sUA is not ideal for the evaluation under physiological conditions, uricase-transgenic mice would be a promising model. However, now we have no uricase-transgenic mice, and we are unable to prepare CD38 KO/uricase-transgenic mice for additional validation within a reasonable time. In the first version of manuscript, therefore, we used an sUA-release model in sUA-supplementation mice as a further validation in Figure 3E.
(3) Flux studies would also be necessary to make the conclusion stronger.
Answer: We highly appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion regarding metabolic flux analysis. Yes, flux analysis using specifically designed isotope-labeled NAD+ is an ideal validation in mice, as it can track any sUA-induced changes in NAD+ metabolism. However, we are unable to synthesize or obtain suitable isotope-labeled substrates for in vivo validation due to the technical limitations and financial burdens.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The manuscript is very solid and very well-presented and discussed. In my opinion, the only weakness in the writing is that the message about finding an endogenous regulator of CD38 activity and NAD levels gets blurred by the temptation of jumping into the potential of developing new pharmacological CD38 inhibitors based on sUA structure. My recommendation would be to focus on delivering a clear message about sUA as a physiological inhibitor of CD38, and the possible implications for understanding the onset and evolution of metabolic diseases and aging. Maybe leave the potential of developing novel sUA-based CD38 inhibitors for a final comment. I understand this last point is very attractive, but there are very potent pharmacological CD38 inhibitors already available with promising results.
We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s valuable suggestions. Yes, there are some promising CD38 inhibitors with nanomolar Ki such as 78c. To clearly focus on sUA as a physiological inhibitor of CD38, we simplified the description in the manuscript and just keep the discussion of functional group. Since the data regarding the development of CD38 inhibitors in our manuscript remain limited, we did not put it in a separate part. We believe the simplified information is still sufficient for medicinal chemists who are interested in the development of CD38 inhibitors.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Major comments:
(1) The authors present several pieces of data to explain why there is no impact of sUA in inflammasome-mediated cytokine secretion, which is convincing and supports that BMDM will not be a model of choice to establish macrophages as the target of sUA. However, their data with THP-1 cells is compelling and could be further explored using shRNA, or CRISPR approaches to deplete CD38, thus establishing a mechanistic link in vitro.
We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful comments. We added more results as mentioned before (please see our response to public review).
(2) There is a severe lack of linearity in how the figures are presented in the main text, making it difficult to read through the manuscript. The figures should be presented in the order they appear in the panels.
We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. We improved the figure assembly according to eLife guidelines.
Minor comments:
(1) The authors do not appropriately address the finding that CD38 impacts the secretion of IL-1b in BMDM (Figure S6B) and in vivo (Figure 4), possibly independently of sUA.
Yes, the regulatory effect of CD38 on cytokine release seems independent of sUA. In fact, we used CD38 KO BMDMs to validate the role of CD38 in the inflammasome activation. We showed that sUA levels are comparable between WT and KO mice, suggesting that CD38 KO does not affect the baselines and boosted levels of sUA in our models. In this situation, we were able to evaluate the immunosuppressive effects of sUA at the same physiological levels in WT and CD38 KO mice, thus providing evidence to support that sUA at physiological levels limits excessive inflammation via CD38.
(2) Figure 3F: the legend on the x-axis lacks the indication of which groups were treated with recombinant hCD38.
We appreciate the reviewer’s comments. We improved Figure 3 by adding more information.
(3) While the results on panels 3 and 4 provide robust evidence that sUA is anti-inflammatory through CD38, the title of the figures extrapolates their findings (i.e., no data shows CD38-sUA, either in vitro or in vivo).
We appreciate the reviewer’s kind suggestion. We provided data to support the direct interaction between CD38 and sUA in Figure 3F; we admitted that we did not show the data regarding the direct interaction in mice in Figure 4. To help readers easily track the results, however, we used a conclusion-like title.
(4) The introduction could briefly mention NMN and CD38 activity as an ecto-enzyme to facilitate the understanding of their findings by a general audience, especially the dosing of NMN and their data on BMDM.
We added more description regarding CD38 and NMN in the introduction part. Once again, we deeply thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestions.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) A full characterization of the effect of sUA in other NAD-consuming and synthesizing enzymes is needed to validate the statement that the mechanism of regulation of NAD by sUA is mediated by CD38, The CD38 KO may not serve as the ideal control since it may saturate NAD levels already. Analysis of multiple tissues is needed.
We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s valuable suggestions. We added more results to validate CD38 as the main target of sUA in our models. Please see our response to public review.
(2) The physiological role of sUA as an endogenous inhibitor of CD38 needs stronger validation (sUA deficient model?).
We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s valuable suggestions. Please see our response to public review.
(3) Flux studies would also be necessary to make the conclusion stronger.
We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s valuable suggestions. Please see our response to public review.
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eLife Assessment
This paper, on the role of calcium and integrin-binding protein 2 and 3 in the hair-cell in the mechano-electrical transduction (MET) apparatus, is a mix of confirmatory studies with new and potentially important data. Some parts, such as zebrafish studies, the modelling and simulations, are regarded as necessary and convincing. Other parts of the paper do not have the same novelty. Both Liang et al. (2021) and Wang et al. (2023) had previously demonstrated a role for CIB2/CIB3 in auditory and vestibular cells in mice. Moreover, there are also data in Riazuddin et al. (2012) paper that demonstrates the importance of CIB2 in zebrafish and Drosophila. Breaking the manuscript up to focus on specific aspects of the problem might alleviate the limitations of this multi-faceted study.
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eLife Assessment
This valuable study reports an extensive analysis of the way a humoral immune response to parasitoid wasp is expressed and regulated, building on previous work from the authors on an anti-parasitoid effector lectin. The solid evidence uses two complementary approaches to show which innate immune pathways are involved in the regulation of the anti-parasitoid response. The evidence would be stronger if some analytical and related concerns can be addressed. The work will be of relevance to the community of investigators studying insect immune cells as well as researchers interested in host defense against parasitism.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The signaling pathways regulating the immune response to bacteria and fungi have been well characterized in Drosophila. Using the recently identified anti-parasitoid effector Lectin24A as a read-out, this article describes the signaling pathways regulating the humoral response against parasites.
This study reveals a role of JAK-STAT, Toll, and GATA in the fat body in the regulation of Lectin24A. They also observe an enrichment of binding sites for NF-kB, STAT, and GATA factors upstream of ORFs of genes induced upon encapsulation. Based on this observation, they generalize their findings on the involvement of JAK-STAT, Toll, and Gata in the humoral response to encapsulation. Although roles for the Toll and JAK-STAT pathways in capsule formation have previously been identified, the merit of this article is in analyzing the roles of these pathways in the humoral response using a new gene readout that will be a precious tool in the community.
The data are mostly convincing, but not always analyzed with sufficient detail; their conclusions should be reinforced by monitoring Lectin24A gene expression by RT-qPCR, by adding additional time points and by using alternative genetic tools. Using read-outs of the Toll and Imd pathways as comparisons is also important. Thus, this paper is interesting and important in advancing our understanding of Drosophila immunity but not yet enough solid to reach definitive conclusions on the proposed claims.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In a previous study, the investigators had identified through genetic analysis of lines derived from natural populations that lectin-24A was an important gene required for protection against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardii, albeit only in a specific genetic context depending on an unidentified locus on the third chromosome (Arunkumar, et al., PNAS, 2023). They had documented that the gene is induced upon wasp infection and that the corresponding Lectin-24A binds to the wasp egg prior to hemocyte, mediating a faster encapsulating cellular response. They had identified a polymorphism in susceptible lines that correlated with a 21 nt deficiency in the lectin-24A promoter that removed a proximal NF-kappaB binding site. Here, they follow up this work by first performing a transgenic dissection of this promoter, including the mutations of putative transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) of the JAK-STAT, the Toll pathway, and the GATA family transcription factors. Secondly, they directly affect the expression of genes of the JAK-STAT pathway, of the DIF or Dorsal NF-kappaB transcription factors (and also Relish), and of pannier, the one induced gene of five GATA family members. Of note, the lectin is preferentially expressed in the posterior part of the fat body.
The combination of the analysis of the expression of the lectin-24A gene in cis through mutations in putative TFBS for three families of transcription factors and the analysis in trans of either the genetic pathway (JAK-STAT) or the STAT/DIF/Dorsal/Pannier transcription factors provides a fine-grained description of the regulation of the expression of a humoral effector gene that is induced by parasitoid wasp infestation. Thus, this work goes much beyond the bioinformatics analysis by using a rather thorough experimental approach. The finding of an induction of lectin-24A in the posterior rather than the anterior fat body is interesting yet puzzling. Is it known whether this species of parasitoid wasps deposits its eggs preferentially in the posterior part of the larva?
There are some discrepancies between the "cis" and "trans" approaches as regards their effects on basal or induced expression of lectin-24A:
JAK-STAT:<br /> Figure 4D shows that mutating three of six predicted STAT TFBS in the 314 bp promoter leads to a reduction of both basal and induced lectin-24A expression levels, with the gene still being inducible. In contrast, knocking down or out the Drosophila JAK and STAT genes abolished the inducibility of the lectin-24A reporter down or close to basal levels. Conversely, the overactivation of the JAK-STAT pathway led to basal levels that increased to those of induced ones.
Toll pathway:<br /> Figure 4D shows that mutating the proximal Dif-Dorsal TFBS reduces both basal and induced levels of the reporter gene to a common level that is below that of the wild-type basal activity. These data suggest that NF-kappaB signaling is required for both basal and induced expression of Lectin-24A. Affecting either Dif or dorsal gene expression led to opposite changes essentially in the basal expression level of the lectin-24A reporter. Conversely, dorsal overexpression in the fat body and other tissues (hemocytes) led to an enhanced basal expression of the lectin gene.
GATA:<br /> The mutation of the single GATA TFBS in the promoter led to a reduced expression phenotype very similar to that of JAK-STAT TFBS mutations. In contrast, ubiquitous somatic KO mutations of pannier did not affect the basal or induced lectin-24A expression levels. The overactivation of pannier using an allele that cannot be negatively regulated leads to a higher induction of Lectin-24A gene expression, strikingly with basal expression going up to induced levels.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this very thorough manuscript, the authors provide further evidence that the lectin-24A gene in Drosophila melanogaster is directly involved in the anti-parasitoid wasp humoral immune reaction.
In this study in particular they use a fluorescent reporter and promoter-bashing to determine how this gene is regulated. They find that JAK/STAT, Pannier, and NF-κB signaling are integral to the regulation of lectin-24A and to the humoral anti-parasitoid immune response. These claims are well supported by the experimental design, results, and analysis.
A bit of clarity is needed regarding Figure 4a as well as on the rationale for the lengths of the promoter intervals used.
eLife Assessment
This manuscript introduces a new low-cost and accessible method for assembling combinatorially complete microbial consortia using basic laboratory equipment, which is a valuable contribution to the field of microbial ecology and biotechnology. The evidence presented is convincing, demonstrating the method's effectiveness through empirical testing on both synthetic colorants and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work develops a simple, rapid, low-cost methodology for assembling combinatorially complete microbial consortia using basic laboratory equipment. The motivation behind this work is to make the study of microbial community interactions more accessible to laboratories that lack specialized equipment such as robotic liquid handlers or microfluidic devices. The method was tested on a library of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness. It provided a means to explore the complex functional interactions within microbial communities and identify optimal consortia for specific functions, such as biomass production.
The primary strength of this manuscript lies in its accessibility and practicality. The method proposed by the authors allows any laboratory with standard equipment, such as multichannel pipettes and 96-well plates, to readily construct all possible combinations of microbial consortia from a given set of species. This greatly enhances access to full factorial designs, which were previously limited to labs with advanced technology.
Another strength of the manuscript is the measurement and analysis of the biomass of all possible combinations of 8 strains of P. aeruginosa. This analysis provides a concrete example of how the authors' new methodology can be used to identify the best-performing communities and map pairwise and higher-order functional interactions.
Notably, the authors do exceptionally well in providing a thorough description of the methodology, including detailed protocols and an R script for customizing the method to different experimental needs. This enhances the reproducibility and adaptability of the methodology, making it a valuable resource for researchers wishing to adopt this methodology.
While the methodology is robust and well-presented, there are some limitations that should be acknowledged more thoroughly. First, the method's scalability is an important factor. The authors indicate that it should be effective for up to 10-12 species, but there is no discussion of what sets this scale: time, amount of labor, consumables, the likelihood of error, sample volume, etc. Second, this methodology is tailored to construct communities where the abundance of each strain is identical in each combination. Therefore, combinations with a different number of strains also differ in the total initial amount of microbial cells. Second, variations in the initial proportions of the same set of strains cannot be readily explored. Third, the manuscript only discusses how to construct the combinations, and not how to assay them afterward (e.g. for community function, interspecific interactions, etc'). While details on how to achieve these goals are clearly outside the scope of this work, the use of biomass as an example function may obfuscate this caveat, which should be stated more explicitly.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
A simple and effective method for combinatorial assembly of microbes in synthetic communities of <12 species.
Overall this manuscript is a useful contribution. The efficiency of the method and clarity of the presentation is a strength. It is well-written and easy to follow. The figures are great, the pedagogical narrative is crisp. I can imagine the method being used in lots of other contexts too.
The authors could better clarify what HOIs mean. They could address challenges with assaying community function. However, neither of these "weaknesses" affects the primary goal of the paper which is methodological.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors developed a useful methodology for generating all combinations of multiple reagents using standard lab equipment. This methodology has clear uses for studying microbial ecology as they demonstrated. The methodology will likely be useful for other types of experiments that require exhaustive testing of all possible combinations of a given set of reagents (e.g., drug-drug antagonism and synergy).
The authors provided a useful R script that generates a detailed experimental protocol for building the desired combination from any number of reagents. The produced document is useful and has clear instructions. The output of the computer script will be strengthened if graphical output is also provided (similar to the one provided in Figure 1C).
The authors show that the error rate of the method doesn't go up with the number of combinations using dyes (Figure 2).
The authors demonstrate the value of their methodology for studying interactions within microbial consortia by assembling all possible combinations of eight strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The value of their methodology for this application is well-founded. However, it is also unclear why specific experimental choices were made for this application. It is unclear why authors continue to show the absorbance measurements of strain assemblies over the entire wavelength spectrum and not just for ABS 600 nm (Figures 3 and 4). It is also unclear why the authors provided information on the "sum of the three spectra" as this reference line is meaningless and not a reasonable null model for estimating how well specific strain combinations will grow together.
Figure 5 illustrates the various analysis types that can be performed on the data collected from growing combinations of eight Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. It is a very informative figure since it provides a "roadmap" on the various ways in which the dataset produced can be explored. The information in Figures 5 and S6 will likely be very useful for a wide audience.
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eLife Assessment
This study provides important new insight into chemosensation by showing that odors activate taste sensory neurons in Drosophila to promote feeding behaviors. Using a convincing methodology, combining behavior analysis, electrophysiology, and calcium imaging, Kazama and colleagues have deepened our understanding of how this phenomenon modulates the feeding behavior, although in some cases additional controls would strengthen the conclusions. Here, the authors articulate a clear instance of a novel neural and behavioral mechanism for gustatory receptors in an olfactory response making this work relevant to researchers studying chemosensation, sensory biology, and insect behavior.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Odor- and taste-sensing are mediated by two different systems, the olfactory and gustatory systems, and have different behavioral roles. In this study, Wei et al. challenge this dichotomy by showing that odors can activate gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) in Drosophila to promote feeding responses, including the proboscis extension response (PER) that was previously thought to be driven only by taste. While previous studies suggested that odors can promote PER to appetitive tastants, Wei et al. go further to show that odors alone cause PER, this effect is mediated through sweet-sensing GRNs, and sugar receptors are required. The study also shows that odor detection by bitter-sensing GRNs suppresses PER. The authors' conclusions are supported by behavioral assays, calcium imaging, electrophysiological recordings, and genetic manipulations. The observation that both attractive and aversive odors promote PER leaves an open question as to why this effect is adaptive. Overall, the study sheds new light on chemosensation and multimodal integration by showing that odor and taste detection converge at the level of sensory neurons, a finding that is interesting and surprising while also being supported by another recent study (Dweck & Carlson, Sci Advances 2023).
(1) The main finding that odors alone can promote PER by activating sweet-sensing GRNs is interesting and novel.
(2) The study uses video tracking of the proboscis to quantify PER rather than manual scoring, which is typically used in the field. The tracking method is less subjective and provides a higher-resolution readout of the behavior.
(3) The study uses calcium imaging and electrophysiology to show that odors activate GRNs. These represent complementary techniques that measure activity at different parts of the GRN (axons versus dendrites, respectively) and strengthen the evidence for this conclusion.
(4) Genetic manipulations show that odor-evoked PER is primarily driven by sugar GRNs and sugar receptors rather than olfactory neurons. This is a major finding that distinguishes this work from previous studies of odor effects on PER and feeding (e.g., Reisenman & Scott, 2019; Shiraiwa, 2008) that assumed or demonstrated that odors were acting through olfactory neurons.
1) The authors may want to discuss why PER to odors alone has not been previously reported, especially as they argue that this is a broad effect evoked by many different odors. Previous studies testing the effect of odors on PER only observed odor enhancement of PER to sugar (Oh et al., 2021; Reisenman & Scott, 2019; Shiraiwa, 2008) and some of these studies explicitly show no effect of odor alone or odor with low sugar concentration; regardless, the authors likely would have noticed if PER to odor alone had occurred. Readers of this paper may also be aware of unpublished studies failing to observe an effect of PER on odor alone (including studies performed by this reviewer and unrelated work by other colleagues in the field), which of course the authors are not expected to directly address but may further motivate the authors to provide possible explanations.
(2) Many of the odor effects on behavior or neuronal responses were only observed at very high concentrations. Most effects seemed to require concentrations of at least 10-2 (0.01 v/v), which is at the high end of the concentration range used in olfactory studies (e.g., Hallem et al., 2004), and most experiments in the paper used a far higher concentration of 0.5 v/v. It is unclear whether these are concentrations that would be naturally encountered by flies.
(3) The calcium imaging data showing that sugar GRNs respond to a broad set of odors contrasts with results from Dweck & Carlson (Sci Adv, 2023) who recorded sugar neurons with electrophysiology and observed responses to organic acids, but not other odors. This discrepancy is not discussed.
(4) Related to point #1, it would be useful to see a quantification of the percent of flies or trials showing PER for the key experiments in the paper, as this is the standard metric used in most studies and would help readers compare PER in this study to other studies. This is especially important for cases where the authors are claiming that odor-evoked PER is modulated in the same way as previously shown for sugar (e.g., the effect of starvation in Figure S4).
(5) Given the novelty of the finding that odors activate sugar GRNs, it would be useful to show more examples of GCaMP traces (or overlaid traces for all flies/trials) in Figure 3. Only one example trace is shown, and the boxplots do not give us a sense of the reliability or time course of the response. A related issue is that the GRNs appear to be persistently activated long after the odor is removed, which does not occur with tastes. Why should that occur? Does the time course of GRN activation align with the time course of PER, and do different odors show differences in the latency of GRN activation that correspond with differences in the latency of PER (Figure S1A)?
(6) Several controls are missing, and in some cases, experimental and control groups are not directly compared. In general, Gal4/UAS experiments should include comparisons to both the Gal4/+ and UAS/+ controls, at least in cases where control responses vary substantially, which appears to be the case for this study. These controls are often missing, e.g. the Gal4/+ controls are not shown in Figure 2C-G and the UAS/+ controls are not shown in Figure 2J-L (also, the legend for the latter panels should be revised to clarify what the "control" flies are). For the experiments in Figure S5, the data are not directly compared to any control group. For several other experiments, the control and experimental groups are plotted in separate graphs (e.g., Figure 2C-G), and they would be easier to visually compare if they were together. In addition, for each experiment, the authors should denote which comparisons are statistically significant rather than just reporting an overall p-value in the legend (e.g., Figure 2H-L).
(7) Additional controls would be useful in supporting the conclusions. For the Kir experiments, how do we know that Kir is effective, especially in cases where odor-evoked PER was not impaired (e.g., Orco/Kir)? The authors could perform controls testing odor aversion, for example. For the Gr5a mutant, few details are provided on the nature of the control line used and whether it is in the same genetic background as the mutant. Regardless, it would be important to verify that the Gr5a mutant retains a normal sense of smell and shows normal levels of PER to stimuli other than sugar, ruling out more general deficits. Finally, as the method of using DeepLabCut tracking to quantify PER was newly developed, it is important to show the accuracy and specificity of detecting PER events compared to manual scoring.
(8) The authors' explanation of why both attractive and aversive odors promote PER (lines 249-259) did not seem convincing. The explanation discusses the different roles of smell and taste but does not address the core question of why it would be adaptive for an aversive odor, which flies naturally avoid, to promote feeding behavior.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
A gustatory receptor and neuron enhances an olfactory behavioral response, proboscis extension.
This manuscript clearly establishes a novel mechanism by which a gustatory receptor and neuron evokes an olfactory-driven behavioral response. The study expands recent observations by Dweck and Carlson (2023) that suggest new and remarkable properties among GRNs in Drosophila. Here, the authors articulate a clear instance of a novel neural and behavioral mechanism for gustatory receptors in an olfactory response.
The systematic and logical use of genetic manipulation, imaging and physiology, and behavioral analysis makes a clear case that gustatory neurons are bona fide olfactory neurons with respect to proboscis extension behavior.
No weaknesses were identified by this reviewer.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Using flies, Kazama et al. combined behavioral analysis, electrophysiological recordings, and calcium imaging experiments to elucidate how odors activate gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) and elicit a proboscis extension response, which is interpreted as a feeding response.
The authors used DeepLabCut v2.0 to estimate the extension of the proboscis, which represents an unbiased and more precise method for describing this behavior compared to manual scoring.
They demonstrated that the probability of eliciting a proboscis extension increases with higher odor concentrations. The most robust response occurs at a 0.5 v/v concentration, which, despite being diluted in the air stream, remains a relatively high concentration. Although the probability of response is not particularly high it is higher than control stimuli. Notably, flies respond with a proboscis extension to both odors that are considered positive and those regarded as negative.
The authors used various transgenic lines to show that the response is mediated by GRNs. Specifically, inhibiting Gr5a reduces the response, while inhibiting Gr66a increases it in fed flies. Additionally, they find that odors induce a strong positive response in both types of GRNs, which is abolished when the labella of the proboscis are covered. This response was also confirmed through electrophysiological tip recordings.
Finally, the authors demonstrated that the response increases when two stimuli of different modalities, such as sucrose and odors, are presented together, suggesting clear multimodal integration.
The integration of various techniques, that collectively support the robustness of the results.
The assessment of electrophysiological recordings in intact animals, preserving natural physiological conditions.
The behavioral response is observed in only a small proportion of animals.
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eLife Assessment
This work by Hill and colleagues offers valuable insights into the development of learning abilities involved in action control from toddlerhood to adulthood. Data across 4 experiments provide solid evidence that in a task involving noisy but continuous action, the ability to learn reward probability develops gradually and may be limited by spatial processing and probabilistic reward reasoning. Questions remain about whether the task truly measures motor learning or more generic cognitive capacities, and whether a proposed model of reinforcement-based motor learning adequately captures the data.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Here the authors address how reinforcement-based sensorimotor adaptation changes throughout development. To address this question, they collected many participants in ages that ranged from small children (3 years old) to adulthood (18+ years old). The authors used four experiments to manipulate whether binary and positive reinforcement was provided probabilistically (e.g., 30 or 50%) versus deterministically (e.g.,100%), and continuous (infinite possible locations) versus discrete (binned possible locations) when the probability of reinforcement varied along the span of a large redundant target. The authors found that both movement variability and the extent of adaptation changed with age.
The major strength of the paper is the number of participants collected (n = 385). The authors also answer their primary question, that reinforcement-based sensorimotor adaptation changes throughout development, which was shown by utilizing established experimental designs and computational modelling.
Potential concerns involve inconsistent findings with secondary analyses, current assumptions that impact both interpretation and computational modelling, and a lack of clearly stated hypotheses.
(1) Multiple regression and Mediation Analyses.
The challenge with these secondary analyses is that:<br /> (a) The results are inconsistent between Experiments 1 and 2, and the analysis was not performed for Experiments 3 and 4,<br /> (b) The authors used a two-stage procedure of using multiple regression to determine what variables to use for the mediation analysis, and<br /> (c) The authors already have a trial-by-trial model that is arguably more insightful.
Given this, some suggested changes are to:<br /> (a) Perform the mediation analysis with all the possible variables (i.e., not informed by multiple regression) to see if the results are consistent.<br /> (b) Move the regression/mediation analysis to Supplementary, since it is slightly distracting given current inconsistencies and that the trial-by-trial model is arguably more insightful.
(2) Variability for different phases and model assumptions:
A nice feature of the experimental design is the use of success and failure clamps. These clamped phases, along with baseline, are useful because they can provide insights into the partitioning of motor and exploratory noise. Based on the assumptions of the model, the success clamp would only reflect variability due to motor noise (excludes variability due to exploratory noise and any variability due to updates in reach aim). Thus, it is reasonable to expect that the success clamps would have lower variability than the failure clamps (which it obviously does in Figure 6), and presumably baseline (which provides success and failure feedback, thus would contain motor noise and likely some exploratory noise).
However, in Figure 6, one visually observes greater variability during the success clamp (where it is assumed variability only comes from motor noise) compared to baseline (where variability would come from:<br /> (a) Motor noise.<br /> (b) Likely some exploratory noise since there were some failures.<br /> (c) Updates in reach aim.
Given the comment above, can the authors please:<br /> (a) Statistically compare movement variability between the baseline, success clamp, and failure clamp phases.<br /> (b) The authors have examined how their model predicts variability during success clamps and failure clamps, but can they also please show predictions for baseline (similar to that of Cashaback et al., 2019; Supplementary B, which alternatively used a no feedback baseline)?<br /> (c) Can the authors show whether participants updated their aim towards their last successful reach during the success clamp? This would be a particularly insightful analysis of model assumptions.<br /> (d) Different sources of movement variability have been proposed in the literature, as have different related models. One possibility is that the nervous system has knowledge of 'planned (noise)' movement variability that is always present, irrespective of success (van Beers, R. J. (2009). Motor learning is optimally tuned to the properties of motor noise. Neuron, 63(3), 406-417). The authors have used slightly different variations of their model in the past. Roth et al (2023) directly compared several different plausible models with various combinations of motor, planned, and exploratory noise (Roth A, 2023, "Reinforcement-based processes actively regulate motor exploration along redundant solution manifolds." Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20231475: see Supplemental). Their best-fit model seems similar to the one the authors propose here, but the current paper has the added benefit of the success and failure clamps to tease the different potential models apart. In light of the results of a), b), and c), the authors are encouraged to provide a paragraph on how their model relates to the various sources of movement variability and other models proposed in the literature.<br /> (e) line 155. Why would the success clamp be composed of both motor and exploratory noise? Please clarify in the text
(3) Hypotheses:
The introduction did not have any hypotheses of development and reinforcement, despite the discussion above setting up potential hypotheses. Did the authors have any hypotheses related to why they might expect age to change motor noise, exploratory noise, and learning rates? If so, what would the experimental behaviour look like to confirm these hypotheses? Currently, the manuscript reads more as an exploratory study, which is certainly fine if true, it should just be explicitly stated in the introduction. Note: on line 144, this is a prediction, not a hypothesis. Line 225: this idea could be sharpened. I believe the authors are speaking to the idea of having more explicit knowledge of action-target pairings changing behaviour.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Hill and colleagues use a novel reinforcement-based motor learning task ("RML"), asking how aspects of RML change over the course of development from toddler years through adolescence. Multiple versions of the RML task were used in different samples, which varied on two dimensions: whether the reward probability of a given hand movement direction was deterministic or probabilistic, and whether the solution space had continuous reach targets or discrete reach targets. Using analyses of both raw behavioral data and model fits, the authors report four main results: First, developmental improvements reflected 3 clear changes, including increases in exploration, an increase in the RL learning rate, and a reduction of intrinsic motor noise. Second, changes to the task that made it discrete and/or deterministic both rescued performance in the youngest age groups, suggesting that observed deficits could be linked to continuous/probabilistic learning settings. Overall, the results shed light on how RML changes throughout human development, and the modeling characterizes the specific learning deficits seen in the youngest ages.
(1) This impressive work addresses an understudied subfield of motor control/psychology - the developmental trajectory of motor learning. It is thus timely and will interest many researchers.
(2) The task, analysis, and modeling methods are very strong. The empirical findings are rather clear and compelling, and the analysis approaches are convincing. Thus, at the empirical level, this study has very few weaknesses.
(3) The large sample sizes and in-lab replications further reflect the laudable rigor of the study.
(4) The main and supplemental figures are clear and concise.
(1) Framing.<br /> One weakness of the current paper is the framing, namely w/r/t what can be considered "cognitive" versus "non-cognitive" ("procedural?") here. In the Intro, for example, it is stated that there are specific features of RML tasks that deviate from cognitive tasks. This is of course true in terms of having a continuous choice space and motor noise, but spatially correlated reward functions are not a unique feature of motor learning (see e.g. Giron et al., 2023, NHB). Given the result here that simplifying the spatial memory demands of the task greatly improved learning for the youngest cohort, it is hard to say whether the task is truly getting at a motor learning process or more generic cognitive capacities for spatial learning, working memory, and hypothesis testing. This is not a logical problem with the design, as spatial reasoning and working memory are intrinsically tied to motor learning. However, I think the framing of the study could be revised to focus in on what the authors truly think is motor about the task versus more general psychological mechanisms. Indeed, it may be the case that deficits in motor learning in young children are mostly about cognitive factors, which is still an interesting result!
(2) Links to other scholarship.<br /> If I'm not mistaken a common observation in studies of the development of reinforcement learning is a decrease in exploration over-development (e.g., Nussenbaum and Hartley, 2019; Giron et al., 2023; Schulz et al., 2019); this contrasts with the current results which instead show an increase. It would be nice to see a more direct discussion of previous findings showing decreases in exploration over development, and why the current study deviates from that. It could also be useful for the authors to bring in concepts of different types of exploration (e.g. "directed" vs "random"), in their interpretations and potentially in their modeling.
(3) Modeling.<br /> First, I may have missed something, but it is unclear to me if the model is actually accounting for the gradient of rewards (e.g., if I get a probabilistic reward moving at 45˚, but then don't get one at 40˚, I should be more likely to try 50˚ next then 35˚). I couldn't tell from the current equations if this was the case, or if exploration was essentially "unsigned," nor if the multiple-trials-back regression analysis would truly capture signed behavior. If the model is sensitive to the gradient, it would be nice if this was more clear in the Methods. If not, it would be interesting to have a model that does "function approximation" of the task space, and see if that improves the fit or explains developmental changes. Second, I am curious if the current modeling approach could incorporate a kind of "action hysteresis" (aka perseveration), such that regardless of previous outcomes, the same action is biased to be repeated (or, based on parameter settings, avoided).
(4) Psychological mechanisms.<br /> There is a line of work that shows that when children and adults perform RL tasks they use a combination of working memory and trial-by-trial incremental learning processes (e.g., Master et al., 2020; Collins and Frank 2012). Thus, the observed increase in the learning rate over development could in theory reflect improvements in instrumental learning, working memory, or both. Could it be that older participants are better at remembering their recent movements in short-term memory (Hadjiosif et al., 2023; Hillman et al., 2024)?
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The study investigates reinforcement learning across the lifespan with a large sample of participants recruited for an online game. It finds that children gradually develop their abilities to learn reward probability, possibly hindered by their immature spatial processing and probabilistic reasoning abilities. Motor noise, reinforcement learning rate, and exploration after a failure all contribute to children's subpar performance.
(1) The paradigm is novel because it requires continuous movement to indicate people's choices, as opposed to discrete actions in previous studies.
(2) A large sample of participants were recruited.
(3) The model-based analysis provides further insights into the development of reinforcement learning ability.
(1) The adequacy of model-based analysis is questionable, given the current presentation and some inconsistency in the results.
(2) The task should not be labeled as reinforcement motor learning, as it is not about learning a motor skill or adapting to sensorimotor perturbations. It is a classical reinforcement learning paradigm.
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eLife Assessment
This study presents TopOMetry, an important novel dimensionality reduction method that addresses a signficant challenge in the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data. The authors provide convincing evidence of the method's utility across various tasks, including estimating intrinsic dimensionalities and identifying cell types. The work would benefit from more rigorous validation and a reorganization of the text.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Sidarta-Oliveira et al. present TopOMetry, a novel dimensionality reduction method based on the eigendecomposition of approximated Laplace-Beltrami Operator. Shortly, TopOMetry is an iterative version of the existing spectral methods (e.g., Laplacian Eigenmap or Diffusion map). It approximates the Laplacian operators twice, once in a "phenotypic space" and then once again in the eigenbases space. By doing this the approximated operator will contain more information of the manifold, which allows for more robust and accurate downstream analyses.
(1) The approach was rigorously tested based on synthetic and real single-cell RNA-seq datasets.
(2) The package is well-made and easily scalable to millions of cells.
(3) The comprehensive documentation helps the end-users to run desired analyses.
(1) The method is an extension of the current state-of-art methods, not a fundamentally new one.
(2) Considering the target readers, the paper contains a lot of jargon.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This work introduces a novel framework to systematically learn the latent dimensions of single-cell data, grounded in the theory of the Riemannian manifold. The authors demonstrate how this framework can be applied to various important tasks, such as estimating intrinsic dimensionalities, annotating cell types, etc. They did a great job of tackling an important but not yet established problem in the field and approaching it with a theoretically sound and novel approach. I think after a more rigorous and comprehensive validation, this work could be impactful.
(1) Dimensionality reduction is a routine step in analyzing many high-dimensional data, such as molecular data. While the downstream analysis results depend heavily on this step, existing methods rely on strong assumptions and are sometimes heuristic. The authors present a novel, theoretically grounded approach to address this important problem.
(2) The authors demonstrated its usability in downstream analysis in a comprehensive manner. In particular, they show evidence suggesting novel T-cell subpopulations.
(3) I commend the authors for releasing and maintaining their software well with comprehensive documentation. This significantly increases the usability and accessibility of the method.
(1) To encourage the single-cell community to adopt this method, the authors should more clearly demonstrate its advantages over existing methods. There are many single cell analysis algorithms that are proposed in each task and some of them are widely used by biologists. However, the comparison in this work is somewhat limited. For example, Even methods mentioned in the relevant work paragraph (2nd paragraph) on page 2 are not all compared, or the reason why they are not included is not discussed. Also, I am curious how PC dimensions are determined. The choice of 300 PCs on page 11 seems arbitrary. Furthermore, the usefulness of dimension-reduced data also depends a lot on the preceding processing steps, such as highly variable gene selection. I understand it is hard to control all those factors, but I think there is room for improvement.
(2) The paper lacks experiments that validate the results. It would be beneficial to see additional evaluation settings with better-established ground truths to more strongly demonstrate the method's effectiveness.
(3) The effect of various parameters, such as those involved in k-nearest neighbors (KNN) or choosing the appropriate Laplacian operator, is not comprehensively explored. How can we ensure the analysis is not overly sensitive to these parameters?
(4) Batch effects are prevalent in single-cell data. The paper does not adequately address how the proposed method handles this issue.
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eLife Assessment
This important study provides convincing evidence that emotional information in biological motion can induce different patterns of pupil responses, which could serve as a behavioral marker of an autistic trait. These results broaden our understanding of how emotional biological motion can automatically trigger physiological changes and reveal the potential of using emotional-modulated pupil response to facilitate the diagnosis of social cognitive disorders. The work will be of broad interest to cognitive neuroscience, psychology, affective neuroscience, and vision science.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Tian et al. investigated the effects of emotional signals in biological motion on pupil responses. In this study, subjects were presented with point-light biological motion stimuli with happy, neutral, and sad emotions. Their pupil responses were recorded with an eye tracker. Throughout the study, emotion type (i.e., happy/sad/neutral) and BM stimulus type (intact/inverted/non-BM/local) were systematically manipulated. For intact BM stimuli, happy BM induced a larger pupil diameter than neutral BM, and neutral BM also induced a larger pupil diameter than sad BM. Importantly, the diameter difference between happy and sad BM correlated with the autistic trait of individuals. These effects disappeared for the inverted BM and non-BM stimuli. Interestingly, both happy and sad emotions show superiority in pupil diameter.
(1) The experimental conditions and results are very easy to understand.<br /> (2) The writing and data presentation are clear.<br /> (3) The methods are sound. I have no problems with the experimental design and results.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Through a serial of four experiments, Yuan, Wang and Jiang examined pupil size responses to emotion signals in point-light motion stimuli. Experiment 1 examined upright happy, sad and neutral point-light biological motion (BM) walkers. The happy BM induced a significantly larger pupil response than the neutral, whereas the sad BM evoked a significantly smaller pupil size than the neutral BM. Experiment 2 examined inverted BM walkers. Experiment 3 examined BM stimuli with acceleration removed. No significant effects of emotion were found in neither Experiment 2 nor Experiment 3. Experiment 4 examined scrambled BM stimuli, in which local motion features were preserved while the global configuration was disrupted. Interestingly, the scrambled happy and sad BM led to significant greater pupil size than the scrambled neutral BM at a relatively early time, while no significant difference between the scrambled happy and sad BM was found. Thus, the authors argue that these results suggest multi-level processing of emotions in life motion signals.
The experiments were carefully designed and well-executed, with point-light stimuli that eliminate many potential confounding effects of low-level visual features such as luminance, contrast, and spatial frequency.
Overall, I think this is a well-written paper with solid experimental results that support the claim of the authors, i.e., the human visual system may process emotional information in biological motion at multiple levels. Given the key role of emotion processing in normal social cognition, the results will be of interest not only to basic scientists who study visual perception, but also to clinical researchers who work with patients of social cognitive disorders. In addition, this paper suggests that examining pupil size responses could be a very useful methodological tool to study brain mechanisms underlying emotion processing.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Summary:<br /> The overarching goal of the authors was to understand whether emotional information conveyed through point-light biological motion can trigger automatic physiological responses, as reflected in pupil size.
Strengths:<br /> This manuscript has several noticeable strengths: it addresses an intriguing research question that fills that gap in existing literature, presents a clear and accurate presentation of the current literature, and conducts a series of experiments and control experiments with adequete sample size. Yet, it also entails several noticeable limitations - especially in the study design and statistical analyses.
Assessment of the revision:
The authors have done a thorough job revising the manuscript, effectively addressing all of my previous concerns.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment:
This study presents an important finding on the implicit and automatic emotion perception from biological motion (BM). The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although inclusion of a larger number of samples and more evidence for the discrepancy between Intact and local emotional BMs would have strengthened the study. The work will be of broad interest to perceptual and cognitive neuroscience.
We express our sincere gratitude for the positive and constructive evaluation of our manuscript. We have now included more participants and conducted a replication experiment to strengthen our results.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Tian et al. investigated the effects of emotional signals in biological motion on pupil responses. In this study, subjects were presented with point-light biological motion stimuli with happy, neutral, and sad emotions. Their pupil responses were recorded with an eye tracker. Throughout the study, emotion type (i.e., happy/sad/neutral) and BM stimulus type (intact/inverted/non-BM/local) were systematically manipulated. For intact BM stimuli, happy BM induced a larger pupil diameter than neutral BM, and neutral BM also induced a larger pupil diameter than sad BM. Importantly, the diameter difference between happy and sad BM correlated with the autistic trait of individuals. These effects disappeared for the inverted BM and non-BM stimuli. Interestingly, both happy and sad emotions show superiority in pupil diameter.
(1) The experimental conditions and results are very easy to understand.
(2) The writing and data presentation are clear.
(3) The methods are sound. I have no problems with the experimental design and results.
(1) My main concern is the interpretation of the intact and local condition results. The processing advantage of happy emotion is not surprising given a number of existing studies. However, the only difference here seems to be the smaller (or larger) pupil diameter for sad compared to neutral in the intact (or local, respectively) condition. The current form only reports this effect but lacks in-depth discussions and explanations as to why this is the case.
Thanks for pointing this out, our apology for not making this point clear. It has long been documented that pupil size reflects the degree of cognitive effort and attention input (Joshi & Gold, 2019; van der Wel & van Steenbergen, 2018), and indexes the noradrenalin activity in emotion processing structures like amygdala (Dal Monte et al., 2015; Harrison et al., 2006; Liddell et al., 2005). Accordingly, we proposed that the smaller pupil response observed under the sad condition as compared to the neutral condition is because the sad biological motion (BM) could be less efficient in attracting visual attention and evoking emotional arousal. In line with this, it has been found that infants looked more at the neutral point-light walker when displayed in pair with the sad walker (Ogren et al., 2019), suggesting that the sad BM is less effective in capturing visual attention than the neutral BM. Besides, neural studies have revealed that, compared with other emotions (anger, happiness, disgust, and fear), the processing of sad emotion failed to evoke heightened activities in any emotionally relevant brain regions including the amygdala, the extrastriate body area (EBA) and the fusiform body area (FBA) (Peelen et al., 2007)(Peelen et al., 2007). The current study echoed with these previous findings by demonstrating a disadvantage for intact sad BM in evoking pupil responses. Notably, different from the intact sad BM, the local sad BM would instead induce stronger pupil responses than the neutral local BM. This distinctive pupil modulation effect observed in intact and local sad BM could be explained as a multi-level emotion processing model of BM. Specifically, even though both the intact and local BM conveyed important life information (Chang & Troje, 2008, 2009; Simion et al., 2008), the latter is deprived of the global form feature. Hence, the processing of emotions in local BM may occur at a more basic and preliminary level, responding to the general affective salient emotion information (happy and sad) without detailed analysis. In fact, similar dissociated emotion processing phenomenon has been observed in another important type of emotional signal with analogous function (i.e., facial expression). For example, happy and fearful faces elicited differential amygdala activations when perceived consciously. However, they elicited comparable amygdala activations when suppressed (Williams et al., 2004). Moreover, it has been proposed that there exist two parallel routes for facial expression processing: a quick but coarse subcortical route that detects affective salient information without detailed analysis, and a fine-grained but slow cortical route that discriminates the exact emotion type. Similarly, the dissociated emotion processing in local and intact BM may function in the same manner, with the former serving as a primary emotion detection mechanism and the latter serving as a detailed emotion discrimination mechanism. Still, future studies adopting more diverse experimental paradigms and neuroimaging techniques were needed to further investigate this issue. We have added these points and more thoroughly discussed the potential mechanism in the revised text (see lines 329-339, 405-415, 418-420).
Chang, D. H. F., & Troje, N. F. (2008). Perception of animacy and direction from local biological motion signals. Journal of Vision, 8(5), 3. https://doi.org/10.1167/8.5.3
Chang, D. H. F., & Troje, N. F. (2009). Characterizing global and local mechanisms in biological motion perception. Journal of Vision, 9(5), 8–8. https://doi.org/10.1167/9.5.8
Dal Monte, O., Costa, V. D., Noble, P. L., Murray, E. A., & Averbeck, B. B. (2015). Amygdala lesions in rhesus macaques decrease attention to threat. Nature Communications, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms10161
Harrison, N. A., Singer, T., Rotshtein, P., Dolan, R. J., & Critchley, H. D. (2006). Pupillary contagion: central mechanisms engaged in sadness processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 1(1), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsl006
Joshi, S., & Gold, J. I. (2019). Pupil size as a window on neural substrates of cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(6), 466–480. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dvsme
Liddell, B. J., Brown, K. J., Kemp, A. H., Barton, M. J., Das, P., Peduto, A., Gordon, E., & Williams, L. M. (2005). A direct brainstem–amygdala–cortical ‘alarm’ system for subliminal signals of fear. NeuroImage, 24(1), 235–243.
Ogren, M., Kaplan, B., Peng, Y., Johnson, K. L., & Johnson, S. P. (2019). Motion or emotion: infants discriminate emotional biological motion based on low-level visual information. Infant Behavior and Development, 57, 101324. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2019.04.006
Peelen, M. V., Atkinson, A. P., Andersson, F., & Vuilleumier, P. (2007). Emotional modulation of body-selective visual areas. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2(4), 274–283. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsm023
Simion, F., Regolin, L., & Bulf, H. (2008). A predisposition for biological motion in the newborn baby. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(2), 809–813. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0707021105
van der Wel, P., & van Steenbergen, H. (2018). Pupil dilation as an index of effort in cognitive control tasks: a review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(6), 2005–2015. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-018-1432-y
Williams, M. A., Morris, A. P., McGlone, F., Abbott, D. F., & Mattingley, J. B. (2004). Amygdala responses to fearful and happy facial expressions under conditions of binocular suppression. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(12), 2898-2904.
(2) I also found no systematic discussion and theoretical contributions regarding the correlation with the autistic traits. If the main point of this paper is to highlight an implicit and objective behavioral marker of the autistic trait, more interpretation and discussion of the links between the results and existing findings in ASD are needed.
We thank the reviewer for this insightful suggestion. The perception of biological motion (BM) has long been considered an important hallmark of social cognition. Abundant studies reported that individuals with social cognitive deficits (e.g., ASD) were impaired in BM perception (Blake et al., 2003; Freitag et al., 2008; Klin et al., 2009; Nackaerts et al., 2012). More recently, it has been pointed out that the extraction of more complex social information (e.g., emotions, intentions) from BM, as compared to basic BM recognitions, could be more effective in detecting ASDs (Federici et al., 2020; Koldewyn et al., 2009; Parron et al., 2008; Todorova et al., 2019). Specifically, a meta-analysis found that the effect size expanded nearly twice when the task required emotion recognition as compared to simple perception/detection (Todorova et al., 2019). However, for the high-functioning ASD individuals, it has been reported that they showed comparable performance with the control group in explicitly labelling BM emotions, while their responses were rather delayed (Mazzoni et al., 2021). This suggested that ASD individuals could adopt compensatory strategies to complete the explicit BM labelling task, while their automatic behavioural responses remained impaired. This highlights the importance of using more objective measures that do not rely on active reports to investigate the intrinsic perception of emotions from BM and its relationship with ASD-related social deficits. The current study thus introduced the pupil size measurement to this field, and we combined it with the passive viewing task to investigate the more automatic aspect of BM emotion processing. More importantly, in addition to diagnostic ASDs, the non-clinical general population also manifested autistic tendencies that followed normal distribution and demonstrated substantial heritability (Hoekstra et al., 2007). Here, we focused on the autistic tendencies in the general population, and our results showed that pupil modulations by BM emotions were indicative of individual autistic traits. Specifically, passively viewing the happy BMs evoked larger pupil responses than the sad BMs, while such emotional modulation diminished with the increase of autistic tendencies. More detailed test-retest examination further illustrated such a correlation was driven by the general diminishment in pupil modulation effects by emotional BM (happy or sad) for individuals with high autistic tendencies. This finding demonstrated that the automatic emotion processing of BM stimuli was impaired in individuals with high autistic tendencies, lending support to previous studies (Hubert et al., 2006; Nackaerts et al., 2012; Parron et al., 2008). This indicated the utility of emotional BM stimuli and pupil measurement in identifying ASD-related tendencies in both clinical and non-clinical populations. We have added these points to the revised text (see lines 347-375).
Blake, R., Turner, L. M., Smoski, M. J., Pozdol, S. L., & Stone, W. L. (2003). Visual recognition of biological motion is impaired in children with autism. Psychological Science, 14(2), 151–157. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9280.01434
Federici, A., Parma, V., Vicovaro, M., Radassao, L., Casartelli, L., & Ronconi, L. (2020). Anomalous perception of biological motion in autism: a conceptual review and meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61252-3
Freitag, C. M., Konrad, C., Häberlen, M., Kleser, C., von Gontard, A., Reith, W., Troje, N. F., & Krick, C. (2008). Perception of biological motion in autism spectrum disorders. Neuropsychologia, 46(5), 1480–1494. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.12.025
Hoekstra, R. A., Bartels, M., Verweij, C. J. H., & Boomsma, D. I. (2007). Heritability of autistic traits in the general population. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 161(4), 372. https://doi.org/10.1001/archpedi.161.4.372
Hubert, B., Wicker, B., Moore, D. G., Monfardini, E., Duverger, H., Fonséca, D. D., & Deruelle, C. (2006). Brief report: recognition of emotional and non-emotional biological motion in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(7), 1386–1392. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-006-0275-y
Klin, A., Lin, D. J., Gorrindo, P., Ramsay, G., & Jones, W. (2009). Two-year-olds with autism orient to non-social contingencies rather than biological motion. Nature, 459(7244), 257–261. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature07868
Koldewyn, K., Whitney, D., & Rivera, S. M. (2009). The psychophysics of visual motion and global form processing in autism. Brain, 133(2), 599–610. https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awp272
Mazzoni, N., Ricciardelli, P., Actis-Grosso, R., & Venuti, P. (2021). Difficulties in recognising dynamic but not static emotional body movements in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(3), 1092–1105. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05015-7
Nackaerts, E., Wagemans, J., Helsen, W., Swinnen, S. P., Wenderoth, N., & Alaerts, K. (2012). Recognizing biological motion and emotions from point-light displays in autism spectrum disorders. PLoS ONE, 7(9), e44473. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0044473
Parron, C., Da Fonseca, D., Santos, A., Moore, D. G., Monfardini, E., & Deruelle, C. (2008). Recognition of biological motion in children with autistic spectrum disorders. Autism, 12(3), 261–274. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361307089520
Todorova, G. K., Hatton, R. E. M., & Pollick, F. E. (2019). Biological motion perception in autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis. Molecular Autism, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13229-019-0299-8
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Through a series of four experiments, Yuan, Wang and Jiang examined pupil size responses to emotion signals in point-light motion stimuli. Experiment 1 examined upright happy, sad and neutral point-light biological motion (BM) walkers. The happy BM induced a significantly larger pupil response than the neutral, whereas the sad BM evoked a significantly smaller pupil size than the neutral BM. Experiment 2 examined inverted BM walkers. Experiment 3 examined BM stimuli with acceleration removed. No significant effects of emotion were found in neither Experiment 2 nor Experiment 3. Experiment 4 examined scrambled BM stimuli, in which local motion features were preserved while the global configuration was disrupted. Interestingly, the scrambled happy and sad BM led to significantly greater pupil size than the scrambled neutral BM at a relatively early time, while no significant difference between the scrambled happy and sad BM was found. Thus, the authors argue that these results suggest multi-level processing of emotions in life motion signals.
The experiments were carefully designed and well-executed, with point-light stimuli that eliminate many potential confounding effects of low-level visual features such as luminance, contrast, and spatial frequency.
Correlation results with limited sample size should be interpreted with extra caution.
Thanks for pointing this out. To strengthen the correlation results, we have conducted a replication experiment (Exp.1b) and added a test-retest examination to further assess the reliability of our measurements. Specifically, a new group of 24 participants (16 females, 8 males) were recruited to perform the identical experiment procedure as in Experiment 1. Then, after at least seven days, they were asked to return to the lab for a retest. The results successfully replicated the previously reported main effect of emotional condition in both the first test (F(2, 46) = 12.0, p < .001, ηp2 = 0.34, Author response image 1A) and the second test (F(2, 46) = 14.8, p < .001, ηp2 = 0.39, Author response image 1B). The happy BM induced a significantly larger pupil response than the neutral BM (First Test: t(23) = 2.60, p = .022, Cohen’s d = 0.53, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.02, 0.14], Holm-corrected, p = .048 after Bonferroni correction, Author response image 1A; Second Test: t(23) = 3.36, p = .005, Cohen’s d = 0.68, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.06, 0.24], Holm-corrected, p = .008 after Bonferroni correction, Author response image 1B). On the contrary, the sad BM induced a significantly smaller pupil response than the neutral BM (First Test: t(23) = -2.77, p = .022, Cohen’s d = 0.57, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.19, -0.03], Holm-corrected, p = .033 after Bonferroni correction; Second Test: t(23) = -3.19, p = .005, Cohen’s d = 0.65, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.24, -0.05], Holm-corrected, p = .012 after Bonferroni correction, Author response image 1B). Besides, the happy BM induced significantly larger pupil response than the sad BM (first test: t(23) = 4.23, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.86, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.10, 0.28], Holm-corrected, p < .001 after Bonferroni correction, Author response image 1A; second test: t(23) = 4.26, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.87, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.15, 0.44], Holm-corrected, p < .001 after Bonferroni correction, Author response image 1B). The results of the cluster-based permutation analysis were also similar (see Supplementary Material for more details).
Author response image 1.
Normalized mean pupil responses in the replication experiment (Experiment 1b) of Experiment 1a and its retest, using the neutral condition as baseline, plotted against happy and sad conditions. (A) In the first test, the group average pupil response to happy intact BM is significantly larger than that to sad and neutral BM, while the pupil response induced by sad BM is significantly smaller than that evoked by neutral BM, replicating the results of Experiment 1a. (B) Moreover, such results were similarly found in the second test.
Notably, we successfully replicated the negative correlation between the happy over sad dilation effect and individual autistic traits in the first test (r(23) = -0.46, p = .023, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.73, -0.07], Author response image 2A). No other significant correlations were found (see Author response image 2B-C). Moreover, in the second test, such a correlation was similarly found and was even stronger (r(23) = -0.61, p = .002, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.81, -0.27], Author response image 2D). We‘ve also performed a test-retest reliability analysis on the happy over sad pupil dilation effect and the AQ score. The results showed robust correlations. See Author response table 1 for more details.
Author response table 1.
Reliability of pupil size and AQ indices.
Importantly, in the second test, we’ve also observed a significant negative correlation between AQ and the happy minus neutral pupil dilation effect (r(23) = -0.44, p = .032, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.72, -0.04], Author response image 2E), and a significant positive correlation between the sad minus neutral pupil size and AQ (r(23) = 0.50, p = .014, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.12, 0.75], Author response image 2F). This indicated that the overall correlation between happy over sad dilation effect and AQ was driven both by the diminished happy dilation effect as well as the sad constriction effect. Overall, our replication experiment consistently found a significant negative correlation between AQ and happy over sad dilation effect both in the test and the retest. Moreover, it revealed that such an effect was contributed by both a negative correlation between AQ and happy-neutral pupil response and a positive correlation between AQ and sad-neutral pupil response, demonstrating a general impairment in BM emotion perception (happy or sad) for individuals with high autistic tendencies. This also indicated the utility of adopting a test-retest pupil examination to more precisely detect individual autistic tendencies. We have added these points in the revised text (see lines 135-173, lines 178-180).
Author response image 2.
Correlation results for pupil modulation effects and AQ scores in the replication experiment (Experiment 1b) of Experiment 1a and its retest. (A) We replicated the negative correlation between the happy over sad pupil dilation effect and AQ in the first test. (B-C) No other significant correlations were found. (D) In the second test, the negative correlation between the happy over sad pupil dilation effect and AQ was similarly observed and even stronger. (E-F) Moreover, the happy vs. neutral pupil dilation effect and the sad vs. neutral pupil constriction effect respectively correlate with AQ in the second test.
It would be helpful to add discussions as a context to compare the current results with pupil size reactions to emotion signals in picture stimuli.
Thanks for this this thoughtful comment. The modulation of emotional information on pupil responses has been mostly investigated using picture stimuli. Bradley et al. (2008) first demonstrated that humans showed larger pupil responses towards emotional images as compared to neutral images, while no difference was observed between the positive and negative images. This was regarded as the result of increased sympathetic activity induced by emotional arousal that is independent of the emotional valence. Similar results have been replicated with different presentation durations, repetition settings, and tasks (Bradley & Lang, 2015; Snowden et al., 2016). However, the emotional stimuli adopted in these studies were mostly complicated scene images that conveyed rather general emotional information. When it comes to the specific emotion cues (e.g., fear, anger, happy, sad) delivered by our conspecifics through biologically salient signals (e.g., faces, gestures, voices), the results became intermixed. Some studies demonstrated that fearful, disgusted, and angry static faces induced larger pupil sizes than the neutral face, while sad and happy faces failed to induce such pupil dilatory effects (Burley et al., 2017). In contrast, other studies observed larger pupil responses for happy faces as compared to sad and fearful faces (Aktar et al., 2018; Burley & Daughters, 2020; Jessen et al., 2016). These conflicting results could be due to the low-level confounds of emotional faces (e.g., eye size) (Carsten et al., 2019; Harrison et al., 2006). Similar to faces, BM also conveyed salient clues concerning the emotional states of our interactive partners. However, they were highly simplified, deprived of various irrelevant visual confounders (e.g., body shape). Here, we reported that the happy BM induced a stronger pupil response than the neutral and sad BM, lending support to the happy dilation effect observed with faces (Burley & Daughters, 2020; Prunty et al., 2021). Moreover, it helps ameliorate the concern regarding the low-level confounding factors by identifying similar pupil modulations in another type of social signal with distinctive perceptual features. We have added these points to the revised text (see lines 301-321).
Aktar, E., Mandell, D. J., de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., Oort, F. J., van Renswoude, D. R., Raijmakers, M. E. J., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Parental negative emotions are related to behavioral and pupillary correlates of infants’ attention to facial expressions of emotion. Infant Behavior and Development, 53, 101–111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2018.07.004
Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J. (2015). Memory, emotion, and pupil diameter: repetition of natural scenes. Psychophysiology, 52(9), 1186–1193. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.12442
Bradley, M. M., Miccoli, L., Escrig, M. A., & Lang, P. J. (2008). The pupil as a measure of emotional arousal and autonomic activation. Psychophysiology, 45(4), 602–607. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8986.2008.00654.x
Burley, D. T., & Daughters, K. (2020). The effect of oxytocin on pupil response to naturalistic dynamic facial expressions. Hormones and Behavior, 125, 104837. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104837
Burley, D. T., Gray, N. S., & Snowden, R. J. (2017). As far as the eye can see: relationship between psychopathic traits and pupil response to affective stimuli. PLOS ONE, 12(1), e0167436. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167436
Carsten, T., Desmet, C., Krebs, R. M., & Brass, M. (2019). Pupillary contagion is independent of the emotional expression of the face. Emotion, 19(8), 1343–1352. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000503
Harrison, N. A., Singer, T., Rotshtein, P., Dolan, R. J., & Critchley, H. D. (2006). Pupillary contagion: central mechanisms engaged in sadness processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 1(1), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsl006
Jessen, S., Altvater-Mackensen, N., & Grossmann, T. (2016). Pupillary responses reveal infants’ discrimination of facial emotions independent of conscious perception. Cognition, 150, 163–169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2016.02.010
Prunty, J. E., Keemink, J. R., & Kelly, D. J. (2021). Infants show pupil dilatory responses to happy and angry facial expressions. Developmental Science, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.11<br /> 11/desc.13182
Snowden, R. J., O’Farrell, K. R., Burley, D., Erichsen, J. T., Newton, N. V., & Gray, N. S. (2016). The pupil’s response to affective pictures: role of image duration, habituation, and viewing mode. Psychophysiology, 53(8), 1217–1223. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.12668
Overall, I think this is a well-written paper with solid experimental results that support the claim of the authors, i.e., the human visual system may process emotional information in biological motion at multiple levels. Given the key role of emotion processing in normal social cognition, the results will be of interest not only to basic scientists who study visual perception, but also to clinical researchers who work with patients of social cognitive disorders. In addition, this paper suggests that examining pupil size responses could be a very useful methodological tool to study brain mechanisms underlying emotion processing.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The overarching goal of the authors was to understand whether emotional information conveyed through point-light biological motion can trigger automatic physiological responses, as reflected in pupil size.
This manuscript has several noticeable strengths: it addresses an intriguing research question that fills that gap in existing literature, presents a clear and accurate presentation of the current literature, and conducts a series of experiments and control experiments with adequate sample size. Yet, it also entails several noticeable limitations - especially in the study design and statistical analyses.
(1) Study design:
(1.1) Dependent variable:
Emotional attention is known to modulate both microsaccades and pupil size. Given the existing pupillometry data that the authors have collected, it would be both possible and valuable to determine whether the rate of microsaccades is also influenced by emotional biological motion.
We thank the reviewer for this advice. Microsaccades functioned as a mechanism to maintain visibility by continuously shifting the retinal image to overcome visual adaptation (Martinez-Conde et al., 2006). Moreover, it was found to be sensitive to attention processes (Baumeler et al., 2020; Engbert & Kliegl, 2003b; Meyberg et al., 2017), and could reflect the activity of superior colliculus (SC) and other related brain areas (Martinez-Conde et al., 2009, 2013). Previous studies have found that, compared with neutral and pleasant images, unpleasant images significantly inhibit early microsaccade rates (Kashihara, 2020; Kashihara et al., 2013). This is regarded as the result of retaining previous crucial information at the sacrifice of updating new visual input. We agree with the reviewer that it would be valuable to investigate whether emotional information conveyed by BM could modulate microsaccades. However, it should be noted that our data collection and experimental design are not optimized for this purpose. This is because we have only recorded the left eye’s data, while abundant methodological studies have doubted the reliability of using only one eye’s data to analyze microsaccades (Fang et al., 2018; Hauperich et al., 2020; Nyström et al., 2017) and suggested that the microsaccades should be defined by spontaneous binocular eye movement (Engbert & Kliegl, 2003a, 2003b). Besides, according to Kashihara et al. (2013), participants showed differential microsaccade rates after the stimuli disappeared so as to maintain the previously observed different emotional information. However, in the current study, we discarded the data after the stimuli disappeared, making it impossible to analyze the microsaccade data after the stimuli disappeared. Despite these disadvantages, we have attempted to analyze the microsaccade rate during the stimuli presentation using only the left eye’s data. Specifically, we applied the algorithm developed by Otero-Millan et al. (2014) (minimum duration =6 ms, maximum amplitude = 1.5 degrees, maximum velocity = 150 degrees/sec) to the left eye’s data from 100 ms before to 4000 ms after stimulus onset. Subsequently, we calculated the microsaccade rates using a moving window of 100 ms (stepped in 1 ms) (Engbert & Kliegl, 2003b; Kashihara et al., 2013). The microsaccade rate displayed a typical curve, with suppression shortly after stimulus appearance (inhibition phase), followed by an increased rate of microsaccade occurrence (rebound phase). The cluster-based permutation analysis was then applied to explore the modulation of BM emotions on microsaccade rates. However, no significant differences among different emotional conditions (happy, sad, neutral) were found for the four experiments.
Author response image 3.
Time-series change in the microsaccade rates to happy, sad, and neutral BM in Experiments 1-4. Solid lines represent microsaccade rates under each emotional condition as a function of time (happy: red; sad: blue; neutral: gray); shaded areas represent the SEM between participants. No significant differences were found after cluster-based permutation correction for the four experiments.
It is important to note that the microsaccade rate analysis was conducted on only the left eye’s data and that the experiment design is not optimized for this analysis, thus, extra caution should be exercised in interpreting the results. Still, we found it very innovative and important to combine the microsaccade index with the pupil size to holistically investigate the processing of emotional information in BM, and future studies are highly needed to adopt more suitable recording techniques and experiment designs to further probe this issue. We have discussed this issue in the revised text (see lines 339-344).
Baumeler, D., Schönhammer, J. G., & Born, S. (2020). Microsaccade dynamics in the attentional repulsion effect. Vision Research, 170, 46–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2020.03.009
Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2003a). Binocular coordination in microsaccades. In The Mind’s Eye (pp. 103–117). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-044451020-4/50007-4
Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2003b). Microsaccades uncover the orientation of covert attention. Vision Research, 43(9), 1035–1045. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0042-6989(03)00084-1
Fang, Y., Gill, C., Poletti, M., & Rucci, M. (2018). Monocular microsaccades: do they really occur? Journal of Vision, 18(3), 18. https://doi.org/10.1167/18.3.18
Hauperich, A.-K., Young, L. K., & Smithson, H. E. (2020). What makes a microsaccade? a review of 70 years research prompts a new detection method. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(6). https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.12.6.13
Kashihara, K. (2020). Microsaccadic modulation evoked by emotional events. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-020-00238-6
Kashihara, K., Okanoya, K., & Kawai, N. (2013). Emotional attention modulates microsaccadic rate and direction. Psychological Research, 78(2), 166–179. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-013-0490-z
Martinez-Conde, S., Macknik, S. L., Troncoso, X. G., & Dyar, T. A. (2006). Microsaccades counteract visual fading during fixation. Neuron, 49(2), 297–305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2005.11.033
Martinez-Conde, S., Macknik, S. L., Troncoso, X. G., & Hubel, D. H. (2009). Microsaccades: a neurophysiological analysis. Trends in Neurosciences, 32(9), 463–475. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tins.2009.05.006
Martinez-Conde, S., Otero-Millan, J., & Macknik, S. L. (2013). The impact of microsaccades on vision: towards a unified theory of saccadic function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14(2), 83–96. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn3405
Meyberg, S., Sinn, P., Engbert, R., & Sommer, W. (2017). Revising the link between microsaccades and the spatial cueing of voluntary attention. Vision Research, 133, 47–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2017.01.001
Nyström, M., Andersson, R., Niehorster, D. C., & Hooge, I. (2017). Searching for monocular microsaccades – a red hering of modern eye trackers? Vision Research, 140, 44–54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2017.07.012
Otero-Millan, J., Castro, J. L. A., Macknik, S. L., & Martinez-Conde, S. (2014). Unsupervised clustering method to detect microsaccades. Journal of Vision, 14(2), 18–18. https://doi.org/10.1167/14.2.18
(1.2) Stimuli:
It appears that the speed of the emotional biological motion stimuli mimics the natural pace of the emotional walker. What is the average velocity of the biological motion stimuli for each condition?
Thanks for pointing out this issue. The neutral and emotional (sad or happy) BM stimuli are equal in walking speed (one step for one second, 1Hz). We have also computed their physical velocity by calculating the Euclidean distance in pixel space of each key point between adjacent frames (Poyo Solanas et al., 2020). The velocity was 5.76 pixels/frame for the happy BM, 4.14 pixels/frame for the neutral BM, and 3.21 pixels/frame for the sad BM. This difference in velocity profile was considered an important signature for conveying emotional information, as the happy walker was characterized by a larger step pace and longer arm swing and the sad walker would instead exhibit a slouching gait with short slow strides and smaller arm movement (Barliya et al., 2012; Chouchourelou et al., 2006; Halovic & Kroos, 2018; Roether et al., 2009). More importantly, our current results could not be explained by the differences in velocities. This is because the inverted emotional BM with identical velocity characteristics failed to induce any modulations on pupil responses. Furthermore, the local sad and happy BM differed the most in velocity feature, while they induced similar modulations on pupil sizes. We have added these points in the revised text (see lines 254-257, 484-491).
Barliya, A., Omlor, L., Giese, M. A., Berthoz, A., & Flash, T. (2012). Expression of emotion in the kinematics of locomotion. Experimental Brain Research, 225(2), 159–176. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-012-3357-4
Chouchourelou, A., Matsuka, T., Harber, K., & Shiffrar, M. (2006). The visual analysis of emotional actions. Social Neuroscience, 1(1), 63–74. https://doi.org/10.1080/17470910600630599
Halovic, S., & Kroos, C. (2018). Not all is noticed: kinematic cues of emotion-specific gait. Human Movement Science, 57, 478–488. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2017.11.008
Poyo Solanas, M., Vaessen, M. J., & de Gelder, B. (2020). The role of computational and subjective features in emotional body expressions. Scientific Reports, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-63125-1
Roether, C. L., Omlor, L., Christensen, A., & Giese, M. A. (2009). Critical features for the perception of emotion from gait. Journal of Vision, 9(6), 15–15. https://doi.org/10.1167/9.6.15
When the authors used inverted biological motion stimuli, they didn't observe any modulation in pupil size. Could there be a difference in microsaccades when comparing inverted emotional biological motion stimuli?
Thanks for this consideration. Both microsaccades and pupil size can provide valuable insights into the underlying neural dynamics of attention and cognitive control (Baumeler et al., 2020; Engbert & Kliegl, 2003; Meyberg et al., 2017). Notably, previous studies have shown that the microsaccades and pupil sizes could be similar and highly correlated in reflecting various cognitive processes, such as multisensory integration, inhibitory control, and cognitive load (Krejtz et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017; Wang & Munoz, 2021). Moreover, the generation of both microsaccades and pupil responses would involve shared neural circuits, including the midbrain structure superior colliculus (SC) and the noradrenergic system (Hafed et al., 2009; Hafed & Krauzlis, 2012; Wang et al., 2012). However, the pupil size could be more sensitive than microsaccade rates in contexts such as affective priming (Krejtz et al., 2020) and decision formation (Strauch et al., 2018). Moreover, abundant former studies have all shown that inversion would significantly disrupt the perception of emotions from BM (Atkinson et al., 2007; Dittrich et al., 1996; Spencer et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2022, 2023). Overall, it is unlikely for the microsaccade rates to show significant differences when comparing inverted emotional biological motion stimuli. Besides, we have attempted to analyze the microsaccade rate in the inverted BM situation, while our results showed no significant differences (see also Point 1.1, Author response image 3). Still, it is needed for future studies to combine the microsaccade index and pupil size to provide a thorough understanding of BM emotion processing. We have discussed this issue in the revised text (see lines 339-344).
Atkinson, A. P., Tunstall, M. L., & Dittrich, W. H. (2007). Evidence for distinct contributions of form and motion information to the recognition of emotions from body gestures. Cognition, 104(1), 59–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2006.05.005
Baumeler, D., Schönhammer, J. G., & Born, S. (2020). Microsaccade dynamics in the attentional repulsion effect. Vision Research, 170, 46–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2020.03.009
Dittrich, W., Troscianko, T., Lea, S., & Morgan, D. (1996). Perception of emotion from dynamic point-light displays represented in dance. Perception, 25(6), 727–738. https://doi.org/10.1068/p250727
Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2003). Microsaccades uncover the orientation of covert attention. Vision Research, 43(9), 1035–1045. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0042-6989(03)00084-1
Hafed, Z. M., Goffart, L., & Krauzlis, R. J. (2009). A neural mechanism for microsaccade generation in the primate superior colliculus. Science, 323(5916), 940–943. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1166112
Hafed, Z. M., & Krauzlis, R. J. (2012). Similarity of superior colliculus involvement in microsaccade and saccade generation. Journal of neurophysiology, 107(7), 1904-1916.
Krejtz, K., Duchowski, A. T., Niedzielska, A., Biele, C., & Krejtz, I. (2018). Eye tracking cognitive load using pupil diameter and microsaccades with fixed gaze. Plos One, 13(9), e0203629. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203629
Krejtz, K., Żurawska, J., Duchowski, A., & Wichary, S. (2020). Pupillary and microsaccadic responses to cognitive effort and emotional arousal during complex decision making. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 13(5). https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.13.5.2
Meyberg, S., Sinn, P., Engbert, R., & Sommer, W. (2017). Revising the link between microsaccades and the spatial cueing of voluntary attention. Vision Research, 133, 47–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2017.01.001
Spencer, J. M. Y., Sekuler, A. B., Bennett, P. J., Giese, M. A., & Pilz, K. S. (2016). Effects of aging on identifying emotions conveyed by point-light walkers. Psychology and Aging, 31(1), 126–138. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0040009
Strauch, C., Greiter, L., & Huckauf, A. (2018). Pupil dilation but not microsaccade rate robustly reveals decision formation. Scientific Reports, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-31551-x
Wang, C.-A., Blohm, G., Huang, J., Boehnke, S. E., & Munoz, D. P. (2017). Multisensory integration in orienting behavior: pupil size, microsaccades, and saccades. Biological Psychology, 129, 36–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.07.024
Wang, C.-A., Boehnke, S. E., White, B. J., & Munoz, D. P. (2012). Microstimulation of the monkey superior colliculus induces pupil dilation without evoking saccades. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(11), 3629–3636. https://doi.org/10.1523/jneurosci.5512-11.2012
Wang, C.-A., & Munoz, D. P. (2021). Differentiating global luminance, arousal and cognitive signals on pupil size and microsaccades. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(10), 7560–7574. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15508
Yuan, T., Ji, H., Wang, L., & Jiang, Y. (2022). Happy is stronger than sad: emotional information modulates social attention. Emotion. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0001145
Yuan, T., Wang, L., & Jiang, Y. (2023). Cross-channel adaptation reveals shared emotion representation from face and biological motion. In Emotion (p. In Press).
(2) Statistical analyses
(2.1) Multiple comparisons:
There are many posthoc comparisons throughout the manuscript. The authors should consider correction for multiple comparisons. Take Experiment 1 for example, it is important to note that the happy over neutral BM effect and the sad over neutral BM effect are no longer significant after Bonferroni correction, which is worth noting.
Thanks for this suggestion. In our original analysis, we applied the Holm post-hoc corrections for multiple comparisons. The Holm correction is a step-down correction method and is more powerful but less conservative than the Bonferroni correction. We have now conducted the stricter Bonferroni post-hoc correction. In Experiment 1, the happy over neutral, and happy over sad BM effect is still significant after the Bonferroni post-hoc correction (happy vs. neutral: p = .036; happy vs. sad: p = .009), and the sad over neutral comparison remains marginally significant after the Bonferroni post-hoc correction (p = .071). Importantly, the test-retest replication experiment also yielded significant results for the comparisons between happy and neutral (First Test: p = .022, Holm-corrected, p = .048, Bonferroni-corrected; Second Test: p = .005, Holm-corrected, p = .008, Bonferroni-corrected), sad and neutral (First Test: p = .022, Holm-corrected, p = .033, Bonferroni-corrected; Second Test: p = .005, Holm-corrected, p = .012, Bonferroni-corrected, Author response image 1B), and happy and sad BM (First test: p < .001, Holm-corrected, p < .001, Bonferroni-corrected; Second test: p < .001, Holm-corrected, p < .001, Bonferroni-corrected). These results provided support for the replicability and consistency of the reported significant contrasts. See also Point 2.3.
In Experiment 4, the significance levels of all comparisons remained the same after Bonferroni post-hoc correction (happy vs. neutral: p = .011; sad vs. neutral: p = .007; happy vs. sad: p = 1.000). We have now added these results in the main text (See lines 119, 122, 124, 143, 145, 148, 150, 153, 155, 248, 251, 254).
(2.2) The authors present the correlation between happy over sad dilation effect and the autistic traits in Experiment 1, but do not report such correlations in Experiments 2-4. Did the authors collect the Autistic Quotient measure in Experiments 2-4? It would be informative if the authors could demonstrate the reproducibility (or lack thereof) of this happy-sad index in Experiments 2-4.
We apologize for not making it clear. We have collected the AQ scores in Experiments 2-4. However, it should be pointed out that the happy over sad pupil dilation effect was only observed in Experiment 1. Moreover, we’ve again identified such happy over sad pupil dilation effect in the replication experiment (Experiment 1b) as well as its correlation with AQ. Instead, no significant correlations between AQ and the happy-sad pupil index were found in Experiments 2-4, see Author response image 4 for more details. We have reported these correlations in the main text (see lines 157-173, 190-194, 212-216, 257-262).
Author response image 4.
Correlations between the happy over sad pupil dilation effect and AQ scores. (A) The happy over sad pupil dilation effect correlated negatively with individual autistic scores. (B-C) Such correlation was similarly observed in the test and retest of the replication experiment. (D-F) No such correlations were found for the inverted, nonbiological, and local BM stimuli.
(2.3) The observed correlation between happy over sad dilation effect and the autistic traits in Experiment 1 seems rather weak. It could be attributed to the poor reliability of the Autistic Quotient measure or the author-constructed happy-sad index. Did the authors examine the test-retest reliability of their tasks or the Autistic Quotient measure?
Thanks for this suggestion. We have now conducted a test-retest replication study to further confirm the observed significant correlations. Specifically, we recruited a new group of 24 participants (16 females, 8 males) to perform the identical procedure as in Experiment 1, and they were asked to return to the lab for a retest after at least seven days. We’ve replicated the significant main effect of emotional conditions in both the first test (F(2, 46) = 12.0, p < .001, ηp2 = 0.34) and the second test (F(2, 46) = 14.8, p < .001, ηp2 = 0.39). Besides, we also replicated the happy minus neutral pupil dilation effect (First Test: t(23) = 2.60, p = .022, Cohen’s d = 0.53, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.02, 0.14], Holm-corrected, p = .048 after Bonferroni correction; Second Test: t(23) = 3.36, p = .005, Cohen’s d = 0.68, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.06, 0.24], Holm-corrected, p = .008 after Bonferroni correction), and the sad minus neutral pupil constriction effect (First Test: t(23) = -2.77, p = .022, Cohen’s d = 0.57, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.19, -0.03], Holm-corrected, p = .033 after Bonferroni correction; Second Test: t(23) = -3.19, p = .005, Cohen’s d = 0.65, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.24, -0.05], Holm-corrected, p = .012 after Bonferroni correction). Additionally, the happy BM still induced a significantly larger pupil response than the sad BM (first test: t(23) = 4.23, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.86, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.10, 0.28], Holm-corrected, p < .001 after Bonferroni correction; second test: t(23) = 4.26, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.87, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.15, 0.44], Holm-corrected, p < .001 after Bonferroni correction).
Notably, we’ve successfully replicated the negative correlation between the happy over sad dilation effect and individual autistic traits (r(23) = -0.46, p = .023, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.73, -0.07]). Such a correlation was similarly found and was even stronger in the retest (r(23) = -0.61, p = .002, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.81, -0.27]). A test-retest reliability analysis was conducted on the happy over sad pupil dilation effect and the AQ score. The results showed robust correlations (r(happy-sad pupil size)= 0.56; r(AQ)= 0.90) and strong test-retest reliabilities (α(happy-sad pupil size)= 0.60; α(AQ)= 0.82). We have added these results to the main text (see lines 135-173). See also Response to Reviewer #2 Response 1 for more details.
(2.4) Relatedly, the happy over sad dilation effect is essentially a subtraction index. Without separately presenting the pipul size correlation with happy and sad BM in supplemental figures, it becomes challenging to understand what's primarily driving the observed correlation.
Thanks for pointing this out. We have now presented the separate correlations between AQ and the pupil response towards happy and sad BM in Experiment 1 (see Author response image 5A), and the test-retest replication experiment of Experiment 1 (see Author response image 5B-C). No significant correlations were found. This is potentially because the raw pupil response is a mixed result of BM perception and emotion perception, while the variations in pupil sizes across emotional conditions could more faithfully reflect individual sensitivities to emotions in BM (Burley et al., 2017; Pomè et al., 2020; Turi et al., 2018).
Author response image 5.
No significant correlations between AQ and pupil response towards happy and sad intact BM were found in Experiment 1a and the test-retest replication experiment (Experiment 1b).
To probe what's primarily driving the observed correlation between happy-sad pupil size and AQ, we instead used the neutral as the baseline and separately correlated AQ with the happy-neutral and the sad-neutral pupil modulation effects. No significant correlation was found in Experiment 1a (Author response image 6A-B) and the first test of the replication experiment (Experiment 1b) (Author response image 6C-D). Importantly, in the second test of the replication experiment, we found a significant negative correlation between AQ and the happy-neutral pupil size (r(23) = -0.44, p = .032, 95% CI for the mean difference = [-0.72, -0.04], Author response image 6E), and a significant positive correlation between AQ and the sad-neutral pupil size (r(23) = 0.50, p = .014, 95% CI for the mean difference = [0.12, 0.75], Author response image 6F). This suggested that the overall correlation between AQ and the happy over sad dilation effect was driven by diminished pupil modulations towards both the happy and sad BM for high AQ individuals, demonstrating a general deficiency in BM emotion perception (happy or sad) among individuals with high autistic tendencies. It further revealed the potential of adopting a test-retest pupil examination to more precisely detect individual autistic tendencies. We have reported these results in the main text (see lines 166-173).
Author response image 6.
Correlation results for pupil modulations and AQ scores. (A-B) In Experiment 1a, no significant correlation was observed between AQ and the happy pupil modulation effect, as well as between AQ and the sad pupil modulation effect. (C-D) Similarly, no significant correlations were found in the first test of the replication experiment (Experiment 1b). (E-F) Importantly, in the second test of Experiment 1b, the happy vs. neutral pupil dilation effect was positively correlated with AQ, and the sad vs. neutral pupil constriction effect was positively correlated with AQ.
Burley, D. T., Gray, N. S., & Snowden, R. J. (2017). As Far as the Eye Can See: Relationship between Psychopathic Traits and Pupil Response to Affective Stimuli. PLOS ONE, 12(1), e0167436. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167436
Pomè, A., Binda, P., Cicchini, G. M., & Burr, D. C. (2020). Pupillometry correlates of visual priming, and their dependency on autistic traits. Journal of vision, 20(3), 3-3.
Turi, M., Burr, D. C., & Binda, P. (2018). Pupillometry reveals perceptual differences that are tightly linked to autistic traits in typical adults. eLife, 7. https://doi.org/10.7554/elife.32399
(2.5) For the sake of transparency, it is important to report all findings, not just the positive results, throughout the paper.
Thanks for this suggestion. We have now reported all the correlations results between AQ and pupil modulation effects (happy-sad, happy-neutral, sad-neutral) in the main text (see lines 130-131, 157-162, 166-170, 190-194, 212-216, 257-262). Given that no significant correlations were observed between AQ and the raw pupil responses across four experiments, we reported their correlations with AQ in the supplementary material. We have stated this point in the main text (see lines 132-134).
(3) Structure
(3.1) The Results section immediately proceeds to the one-way repeated measures ANOVA. This section could be more reader-friendly by including a brief overview of the task procedures and variables, e.g., shifting Fig. 3 to this section.
Thanks for this advice. We have now added a brief overview of the task procedures and variables and we have also shifted the figure position (see lines 101-103).
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) I suggest that the authors first explain the task (i.e., Fig. 3) at the beginning of the results. And it seems more appropriate to show the time course figures (Fig. 2) and before the bar plots (Fig. 1). If I understand correctly, the bar plots reflect the averaged data from the time course plots. Also, please clearly state the time window used to average the data. The results of the correlation analysis can be displayed in the last step.
Thanks for this suggestion. We have now added a concise explanation of the task at the beginning of the results (see lines 101-103). We have also adjusted the figure positions and adjusted the order of our results according to the reviewer’s suggestion. The time window we used to average the data was from the onset of the stimuli until the end of the stimuli presentation. We have now clearly stated these issues in the revised text (see lines 111-112).
(2) According to the above, I think a more reasonable arrangement should be Fig. 3, 2, and 1.
Thanks for this suggestion. We have adjusted the figure positions accordingly.
(3) Please include each subject's data points in the bar plots in Fig. 1.
We have now presented each subject’s individual data point in the bar plot.
(4) Lines 158-160 and 199-202 report interaction effects of the two-way ANOVA. This is good, but the direction of interaction effect should also be reported.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now reported the direction of the interaction effect. The significant interaction observed across Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 was mainly due to the diminishment of emotional modulation in inverted BM. The significant interaction crossing Experiment 1 and Experiment 3 was similarly caused by the lack of emotional modulation in nonbiological stimuli. With regard to the significant interaction across Experiment 1 and Experiment 4, it could be primarily attributed to the vanishment of pupil modulation effect between happy and sad local BM. We have specified these points in the revised text, see lines 198-199, 219-220, 267-269.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Number of experiments:
As stated in the Methods section, this study seems to consist of five experiments (120/24=5) according to the description below. However, the current manuscript only reports findings from four of these experiments. Can the authors clarify on this matter?
"A total of 120 participants (44 males, 76 females) ranging from 18 to 29 years old (M ± SD = 23.1 ± 2.5) were recruited, with 24 in each experiment."
We apologize for not making it clear. This referred to a pure behavior explicit emotion classification experiment (N=24) that served as a prior test to confirm that the local BM stimuli conveyed recognizable emotional information. We have now more carefully stated this issue in the revised text, see lines 456-458.
(2) Emotion processing mechanism of BM
"Mechanism" is a very strong word, suggesting a causal relationship. In the setting of a passive viewing task that lacks any behavioral report, it is possible that the observed changes in pupil size could be epiphenomenal, rather than serving as the underlying mechanism.
Thanks for this suggestion. We have now either changed “mechanism” into “phenomenon” or deleted it. We have also carefully discussed the potential implications for future studies to incorporate variant behavioral, physiological and neural indexes to yield more robust causal evidence to unveil the potential mechanism serving the observed multi-level BM emotion processing phenomenon.
(3) Data sharing
The authors could improve their efforts in promoting data transparency to ensure a comprehensive view of the results. This implies sharing deidentified raw data instead of summary data in an Excel spreadsheet.
Thanks for this suggestion. We have now uploaded the deidentified raw data. (https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.psych.00125).
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eLife Assessment
This important study identifies a short amino acid sequence that, when fused in multimeric form to the amino termini of luminal ER proteins, initiates proteasomal degradation via the Hrd1 ER quality control ubiquitin ligase complex. The authors provide solid evidence that this sequence functions as a "degron" for ER proteins. Future work is required to obtain a more detailed view of the properties of this degron, the mechanisms underlying its recognition by ER-resident and cytoplasmic factors, and the in vivo relevance of the findings.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors use a previously established reporter comprising a slow- and a fast-folding fluorescent protein fused to a randomly-generated library of penta-peptides at its amino-terminus and a signal sequence for import into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). They then determine the stability of these constructs in a high throughput FACS-sorting procedure and identify a set of peptides that route the construct to proteasomal degradation. Increasing the copy number of one of these peptides further decreases the stability of the construct. This polypeptide resembles a "degron" for ER proteins, because it also targets other ER proteins with different topological and folding properties for degradation. It only works when placed at the amino-terminus of a protein and utilizes components of the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase complex, a well-established quality control ubiquitin ligase in the ER membrane. Importantly, the degron also targets ER-proteins in mammalian cells.
The authors convincingly show that fusion of their newly identified degron to the amino terminus of ER-resident proteins with different topology suffices to target them for proteasomal degradation. The data for this are well-founded and contain appropriate controls. While technically sound, the study does only give superficial information on general properties of the degron and its recognition by cellular factors. Further simple experiments would have addressed a number of important points. The authors only provide data about the composition of the identified amino acid sections from the high-throughput approach and the statistical preference for certain amino acids at individual positions. They do not study degron composition experimentally by substituting individual amino acids with other residues and analyzing protein stability. Increasing the numbers of the initially identified degron pentamer increases substrate turnover, but the basis for this remains unclear. Each copy may be actively involved in better recognition, elongation of the degron may facilitate accessibility by recognition factors or multiplying the short amino acid stretch may generate new signatures at the amino-terminus that are more readily recognized by a quality control machinery. Consequently, this study does not allow conclusions to be drawn about general properties of degron composition and/or structure. The degron also functions with cytoplasmic proteins, suggesting that similar characteristics of a polypeptide attract the attention of quality control systems also in other cellular compartments. However, the authors did not pursue this finding further, e.g. by identifying factors for degron recognition in the cytoplasm. It would have been particularly interesting to test whether the degron would initiate degradation when placed at cytoplasmically-exposed amino termini of membrane-bound ER proteins. Information on degron properties is required to better understand principles of substrate recognition by protein quality control pathways and to design constructs for targeting endogenous proteins via proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs).
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Sharninghausen et al use a generic screening platform to search for short (5 amino acid) degrons that function in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of budding yeast. The screen did indeed identify a number of sequences which increased the rate of degradation of their test proteins. Although the effect of the single degron was rather modest the authors could show that by mutimerising the sequence (4x) they obtained degrons that functioned fairly efficiently. Further characterisation indicated that the degrons only functioned when placed at the N-terminus of the target protein and, were dependent on both the proteasome and the segregase Cdc48 (p97) for degradation. The authors also demonstrated that degradation was via the ERAD pathway.
In general, the data presented is supportive of the conclusions drawn and the authors have thus identified a sequence that can be appended onto other ER targeted proteins to mediate their degradation within the lumen of the ER. How useful this will be to the community remains to be seen.
While the observation that such mutimerised sequences can act as degrons is an interesting curiosity, it is not clear that such sequences function in vivo. In fact the DegV1 sequence used throughout the paper is not present in any yeast or fungal proteins and the fact that it has to be located at the N-terminus of the protein to induce degradation is at odds with the idea that proteins to be degraded need to be unfolded. Thus, the role of such sequences in vivo is questionable.
Comments on revised manuscript:
Although the role of such degron sequences remains to be determined in vivo, it is clear that the authors have developed a tool that could be useful to the scientific community. The specific points raised were appropriately addressed by the authors.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
We would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive feedback and overall positive response to our manuscript. Reviewer #1 had no specific recommendations, so below we address Reviewer #2’s comments.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Specific points
(1) In Fig. 1H peptides selected are much more stable than the positive control KHN-FT, but they appear to be less stable than randomly selected 5 amino acid sequences. Are the differences
between the randomly selected sequences and the selected sequences statistically significant.
Thank you for the feedback. Yes, the differences are statistically significant by one-way ANOVA and the Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests, we’ve updated the figure legend to indicate this fact.
(2) In Fig. 1I the FACS profile of 4x looks like that of KHN, but it is very difficult to see in the figure. Looking at the quantitation in Fig. 1J it is impossible to compare KHN with 4x as the KHN is on the baseline. Could this be improved by using a log scale to present the data.
Thank you for pointing this out. We’ve improved the figure so the KHN is easier to see. In addition, we’ve attempted different way to display these results, but settled on scaling the data between 1 and 0 as our comparison points. We’ve updated the main figure to more clearly show this result so the KHN is easier to compare.
(3) In Fig. 2G and Fig. 2F don't really match up. It looks from Fig. 2G like there is still some degradation in the hrd1 deletion strain, but this is not reflected in the quantitation (Fig. 2H).
To our eyes, the degradation in a hrd1null appears to be quite small, which seems to be reflected in the quantification (~20% decrease over 90 minutes). We included the figure in Author response image 1 for quick comparison.
Author response image 1.
(4) Throughout the paper the authors claim that the proteins are degraded by a cytosolic proteasome. I agree that the proteins are degraded via the proteasome, but I don't see any evidence that it is cytosolic.
Thank you for pointing this out. We’ve adjusted the text to reflect the fact that the proteasomal degradation is not necessarily in the cytosol.
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eLife Assessment
Brain inflammation is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis. Using novel spatial transcriptomics methods, the authors provide solid evidence for a gradient of immune genes and inflammatory markers from the meninges toward the adjacent brain parenchyma in a mouse model. This important study advances our understanding of the mechanisms of brain damage in this autoimmune disease.
Reviewer 1 (Public Review):
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating autoimmune disease that causes loss of myelin in neurons of the central nervous system. MS is characterized by the presence of inflammatory immune cells in several brain regions as well as the brain barriers (meninges). This study aims to understand the local immune hallmarks in regions of the brain parenchyma that are adjacent to the leptomeninges in a mouse model of MS. The leptomeninges are known to be a foci of inflammation in MS and perhaps "bleed" inflammatory cells and molecules to adjacent brain parenchyma regions. To do so, they use novel technology called spatial transcriptomics so that the spatial relationships between the two regions remain intact. The study identifies canonical inflammatory genes and gene sets such as complement and B cells enriched in the parenchyma in close proximity to the leptomeninges in the mouse model of MS but not control. The manuscript is very well written and easy to follow. The results will become a useful resource to others working in the field and can be followed by time series experiments where the same technology can be applied to the different stages of the disease.
Reviewer 2 (Public Review):
Accumulating data suggests that the presence of immune cell infiltrates in the meninges of the multiple sclerosis brain contributes to the tissue damage in the underlying cortical grey matter by the release of inflammatory and cytotoxic factors that diffuse into the brain parenchyma. However, little is known about the identity and direct and indirect effects of these mediators at a molecular level. This study addresses the vital link between an adaptive immune response in the CSF space and the molecular mechanisms of tissue damage that drive clinical progression. In this short report the authors use a spatial transcriptomics approach using Visium Gene Expression technology from 10x Genomics, to identify gene expression signatures in the meninges and the underlying brain parenchyma, and their interrelationship, in the PLP-induced EAE model of MS in the SJL mouse. MRI imaging using a high field strength (11.7T) scanner was used to identify areas of meningeal infiltration for further study. They report, as might be expected, the upregulation of genes associated with the complement cascade, immune cell infiltration, antigen presentation, and astrocyte activation. Pathway analysis revealed the presence of TNF, JAK-STAT and NFkB signaling, amongst others, close to sites of meningeal inflammation in the EAE animals, although the spatial resolution is insufficient to indicate whether this is in the meninges, grey matter, or both.
UMAP clustering illuminated a major distinct cluster of upregulated genes in the meninges and smaller clusters associated with the grey matter parenchyma underlying the infiltrates. The meningeal cluster contained genes associated with immune cell functions and interactions, cytokine production, and action. The parenchymal clusters included genes and pathways related to glial activation, but also adaptive/B-cell mediated immunity and antigen presentation. This again suggests a technical inability to resolve fully between the compartments as immune cells do not penetrate the pial surface in this model or in MS. Finally, a trajectory analysis based on distance from the meningeal gene cluster successfully demonstrated descending and ascending gradients of gene expression, in particular a decline in pathway enrichment for immune processes with distance from the meninges.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews
Reviewer 1 (Public Review):
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating autoimmune disease that causes loss of myelin in neurons of the central nervous system. MS is characterized by the presence of inflammatory immune cells in several brain regions as well as the brain barriers (meninges). This study aims to understand the local immune hallmarks in regions of the brain parenchyma that are adjacent to the leptomeninges in a mouse model of MS. The leptomeninges are known to be a foci of inflammation in MS and perhaps "bleed" inflammatory cells and molecules to adjacent brain parenchyma regions. To do so, they use novel technology called spatial transcriptomics so that the spatial relationships between the two regions remain intact. The study identifies canonical inflammatory genes and gene sets such as complement and B cells enriched in the parenchyma in close proximity to the leptomeninges in the mouse model of MS but not control. The manuscript is very well written and easy to follow. The results will become a useful resource to others working in the field and can be followed by time series experiments where the same technology can be applied to the diAerent stages of the disease.
Comments on revised version:
I agree that the authors successfully addressed most of my comments/critiques. However, the fact that the control mice were not injected with CFA and pertussis toxin is somewhat concerning, because it will be hard to interpret the cause of the transcriptomic readouts described in this study. Some of the described eAects might be due to CFA or pertussis (which was used in the EAE but not the "naive" group), and not necessarily to the relapsing-remitting EAE immune features recapitulated in this mouse model. Moreover, this caveat associated with the "naive" control group is not being clearly stated throughout the manuscript and might go unnoticed to readers.
The authors should clearly state, in the methods section (in the section "Induction of SJL EAE"), that the naive control group was not injected with CFA or pertussis toxin.
Additionally, this potential confounder, of not using a control group injected with the same CFA and pertussis toxin regimen of the EAE group, should be mentioned in paragraph two of the discussion alongside the other limitations of the study already highlighted by the authors (or in another section of the discussion).
We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point. Our choice of healthy/naïve, rather than CFA only, controls was intentional, given our desire to sensitively measure genes changing during neuroinflammation. Ultimately, however, we believe the choice of control group had little effect on our conclusions. We would like to note that SJL-EAE does not require pertussis toxin, so the only difference between naïve and CFA only groups is a single injection of CFA 11 weeks prior to experiment endpoint. We have performed additional IHC imaging of naïve and CFA only groups, finding no difference in glial reactivity by MFI measurement of GFAP, IBA1, or CD68 (updated Supplementary Figure 1C–E).
We have also added sections to the Results and Discussion section to clearly address this point. In the Results: “Since naïve animals were used as controls, we confirmed that CFA alone does not produce lasting glial reactivity or LMI formation. Groups of animals were given CFA only or left naïve. Neither group developed neurologic signs, and after 11 weeks the brains were processed for IHC analysis. There was no evidence of LMI development, and no difference in glial reactivity as measured by GFAP, IBA1, or CD68 intensity (Supplemental Figure 1C–E).” In the Discussion: “Another important consideration in these experiments is our choice of naïve, rather than CFA only, controls. While often used as the control in EAE studies focused on mechanisms of autoimmunity, CFA only can independently induce systemic inflammation. Since this study seeks to describe transcriptomic changes in neuroinflammation more broadly, we chose to use a healthy comparison group to maximize our ability to find genes enriched in neuroinflammation. Ultimately, however, the choice of naïve or CFA only controls is unlikely to have affected our conclusions. SJL-EAE, unlike the more common C57Bl6-EAE, does not require pertussis toxin during the induction. The only difference between naïve and CFA only controls is the subcutaneous CFA delivered at time of immunization (11 weeks prior to experiment endpoint). Indeed, when we compared CFA only and healthy animals at 11 weeks there was no difference in glial reactivity by GFAP, IBA1, or CD68 MFI. There was also no evidence of neurologic symptoms or LMI development in CFA only controls.”
Reviewer 2 (Public Review):
Accumulating data suggests that the presence of immune cell infiltrates in the meninges of the multiple sclerosis brain contributes to the tissue damage in the underlying cortical grey matter by the release of inflammatory and cytotoxic factors that diAuse into the brain parenchyma. However, little is known about the identity and direct and indirect eAects of these mediators at a molecular level. This study addresses the vital link between an adaptive immune response in the CSF space and the molecular mechanisms of tissue damage that drive clinical progression. In this short report the authors use a spatial transcriptomics approach using Visium Gene Expression technology from 10x Genomics, to identify gene expression signatures in the meninges and the underlying brain parenchyma, and their interrelationship, in the PLP-induced EAE model of MS in the SJL mouse. MRI imaging using a high field strength (11.7T) scanner was used to identify areas of meningeal infiltration for further study. They report, as might be expected, the upregulation of genes associated with the complement cascade, immune cell infiltration, antigen presentation, and astrocyte activation. Pathway analysis revealed the presence of TNF, JAK-STAT and NFkB signaling, amongst others, close to sites of meningeal inflammation in the EAE animals, although the spatial resolution is insuAicient to indicate whether this is in the meninges, grey matter, or both.
UMAP clustering illuminated a major distinct cluster of upregulated genes in the meninges and smaller clusters associated with the grey matter parenchyma underlying the infiltrates. The meningeal cluster contained genes associated with immune cell functions and interactions, cytokine production, and action. The parenchymal clusters included genes and pathways related to glial activation, but also adaptive/B-cell mediated immunity and antigen presentation. This again suggests a technical inability to resolve fully between the compartments as immune cells do not penetrate the pial surface in this model or in MS. Finally, a trajectory analysis based on distance from the meningeal gene cluster successfully demonstrated descending and ascending gradients of gene expression, in particular a decline in pathway enrichment for immune processes with distance from the meninges.
Comments on revised version:
The authors have addressed all of my comments regarding the lack of spatial resolution between the grey matter and the overlying meninges and also concerning the diAiculties in extrapolating from this mouse model to MS itself.
I am however very concerned about the lack of the correct control group. Immunization of rodents with complete freunds adjuvant and pertussis alone gives rise to widespread microglial activation, some immune cell infiltration and also structural changes to axons, particularly at nodes of Ranvier (https://doi.org/10.1097/NEN.0b013e3181f3a5b1). This will inevitably make it diAicult to interpret the transcriptomics results, depending on whether these changes are reversible or not and the time frame of the reversal. In the C57Bl6 EAE models adjuvant induced microglial activation becomes chronic, whereas the axonal changes do reverse by 10 weeks. Whether this is the same in SJL EAE model is not clear.
We thank the reviewer for bringing up this concern regarding control group, which we discussed above in point 1.1. To specifically address reviewer 2’s point regarding microglial activation, we performed IHC analysis comparing naïve and CFA only groups of SJL animals. We found no substantial diAerence in astrocyte or microglial activation in these animals after 11 weeks, as measured by GFAP, IBA1, and CD68. This new data appears in updated Supplementary Figure 1C–D.
Recommendations for the authors:
Both reviewers agree that the revised version has improved and some of their major concerns were adequately addressed. However, both reviewers also agree that critical experimental controls are missing, including the FCA and pertussis toxin injected mice which likely show some degree of inflammation in their brain and are needed to compare your experimental MS group and interpret the transcriptomics data.
We appreciate both reviewers’ important comments on the control group used in this study. In this revised manuscript we have described our rationale for choosing naïve controls, rather than CFA only, and believe they are the most appropriate comparison group. Additionally, we believe that both CFA only and naïve will have similar degrees of baseline neuroinflammation at the 11- week time point. We apologize for not clarifying before, but pertussis toxin is not used in the SJL-EAE, and therefore the “CFA only” control is much milder in SJL-EAE compared to C57Bl6-EAE. Given that many signs of inflammation resolve by 10 weeks in CFA only with pertussis controls (https://academic.oup.com/jnen/article/69/10/1017/2917071; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10902151/),) CFA only without pertussis controls are unlikely to have any substantial remaining neuroinflammation at 11 weeks. To test this, we performed an additional experiment directly comparing naïve and CFA only without pertussis.
These groups showed similar degrees of glial reactivity.
Given the costs of repeating a spatial transcriptomic experiment and inevitable batch effects should we add a group at this point, we have chosen to not as a CFA only control condition to our transcriptomics analysis. However, we believe our added text clarifying the rationale behind control choice and added immunofluorescence data gives readers the appropriate context to accurately interpret our results.
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eLife Assessment
Genetic analysis of complex traits in Drosophila provides a resource for exploring the relationship between genetic and phenotypic variation. The web tool DGRPool presented in this paper makes data and results from the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel accessible that will enable downstream analyses of genetic association. The findings of this paper are considered to be important, with practical implications beyond a single subfield, supported by convincing evidence using appropriate and validated methodology in line with current state of the art.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This is a technically sound paper focused on a useful resource around the DRGP phenotypes which the authors have curated, pooled, and provided a user-friendly website. This is aimed to be a crowd-sourced resource for this in the future. The authors should make sure they coordinate as well as possible with the NC datasets and community and broader fly community.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In the present study, Gardeux et al provide a web-based tool for curated association mapping results from DRP studies. The tool lets users view association results for phenotypes and compare mean phenotype ~ phenotype correlations between studies. In the manuscript, the authors provide several example utilities associated with this new resource, including pan-study summary statistics for sex, traits, and loci. They highlight cross-trait correlations by comparing studies focused on longevity with phenotypes such as oxphos and activity. Strengths: -Considerable efforts were dedicated toward curating the many DRG studies provided. -Available tools to query large DRP studies are sparse and so new tools present appeal Weaknesses: The creation of a tool to query these studies for a more detailed understanding of physiologic outcomes seems underdeveloped. These could be improved by enabling usages such as more comprehensive queries of meta-analyses, molecular information to investigate given genes or pathways, and links to other information such as in mouse rat or human associations.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
We would like to thank the reviewers for their positive and constructive comments on the manuscript.
We committed in our original rebuttal letter to implement the following revisions to both DGRPool and the corresponding manuscript to address the reviewers’ comments:
(1) We agree with reviewer #1 that normalizing the data could potentially improve the GWAS results. Thus, for computing the GWAS results, we are now using these two additional options in PLINK2: “--quantile-normalize --variance-standardize”. We assessed the impact of these options on the overall results, which revealed only minor improvements of the results, globally being a bit more stringent. In this direction, we also now filter the top results with a nominal p-value of 0.001 instead of 0.01, also because it provided better results for the new gene set enrichment step.
(2) We added a KRUSKAL test next to the ANOVA test for assessing the links between the phenotypes and the 6 known covariates, as well as a Shapiro-Wilk test of normality.
(3) We agree with both reviewers that gene expression information is of interest. As mentioned before, adding gene expression data to the portal would have required extensive work, beyond the current scope of this paper, which primarily focuses on phenotypes and genotype-phenotype associations. Nonetheless, we included more gene-level outlinks to Flybase. Additionally, we now link variants and genes to Flybase's online genome browser, JBrowse. By following the reviewers' suggestions, we aim to guide DGRPool users to potentially informative genes.
(4) Consistent with the latter point, and in agreement with reviewer #2, we acknowledge that additional tools could enhance DGRPool's functionality and facilitate meta- analyses for users. Therefore, we developed a gene-centric tool that now allows users to query the database based on gene names. Moreover, we integrated ortholog databases into the GWAS results. This feature will enable users to extend Drosophila gene associations to other species if necessary.
(5) We amended the manuscript to describe all the new tools and features that were developed and implemented. In short, the new features include a new gene-centric page with diverse links (Phenotypes, Genome Browser JBrowse, Orthologs …), a variant-centric page (variant details, and PheWAS), an API for programmatic access to the database, and other statistical outputs and filtering options.
We will detail these advances in the point-by-point response below and in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This is a technically sound paper focused on a useful resource around the DRGP phenotypes which the authors have curated, pooled, and provided a user-friendly website. This is aimed to be a crowd-sourced resource for this in the future.
The authors should make sure they coordinate as well as possible with the NC datasets and community and broader fly community. It looks reasonable to me but I am not from that community.
We thank the reviewer for the positive comments. We will leverage our connections to the fly and DGRP communities to make the resource as valuable as possible. DGRPool in fact already reflects the input of many potential users and was also inspired by key tools on the DGRP2 website. Furthermore, it also rationalizes why we are bridging our results with other resources, such as linking out to Flybase, which is the main resource for the Drosophila community at large.
I have only one major concern which in a more traditional review setting I would be flagging to the editor to insist the authors did on resubmission. I also have some scene setting and coordination suggestions and some minor textual / analysis considerations.
The major concern is that the authors do not comment on the distribution of the phenotypes; it is assumed it is a continuous metric and well-behaved - broad gaussian. This is likely to be more true of means and medians per line than individual measurements, but not guaranteed, and there could easily be categorical data in the future. The application of ANOVA tests (of the "covariates") is for example fragile for this.
The simplest recommendation is in the interface to ensure there is an inverse normalisation (rank and then project on a gaussian) function, and also to comment on this for the existing phenotypes in the analysis (presumably the authors are happy). An alternative is to offer a kruskal test (almost the same thing) on covariates, but note PLINK will also work most robustly on a normalised dataset.
We thank the reviewer for raising this interesting point. Indeed, we did not comment on the distribution of individual phenotypes due to the underlying variability from one phenotype to another, as suggested by the reviewer. Some distributions appear normal, while others are clearly not normally distributed. This information is 'visible' to users by clicking on any phenotype; DGRPool automatically displays its global distribution if the values are continuous/quantitative. Now, we also provide a Shapiro-Wilk test to assess the normality of the distribution.
We acknowledge the reviewer's concerns regarding the use of ANOVA tests. However, we want to point out that the ANOVA test is solely conducted to assess whether any of the well- established inversions or symbiont infection status (that, for simplification, we call “covariates” or “known covariates”) are associated with the phenotype of interest. This is merely informational, to help the user understand if their phenotype of interest is associated with a known covariate. But all of these known covariates are put in the model in any case, so PLINK2 will automatically correct for them, whatever is the output of the ANOVA test.
Still, we amended the manuscript to better explain this, and we added a Kruskal-Wallis test (in addition to the ANOVA test) in the results, so the users can have a better overview of potentially associated known covariates. We added this text on p. 10 of the revised manuscript:
“The tool further runs a gene set enrichment analysis of the results filtered at p<0.001 to enrich the associated genes to gene ontology terms, and Flybase phenotypes. We also provide an ANOVA and a Kruskal-Wallis test between the phenotype and the six known covariates to uncover potential confounder effects (prior correction), which is displayed as a “warning” table to inform the user about potential associations of the phenotype and any of the six known covariates. It is important to note that these ANOVA and Kruskal tests are conducted for informational purposes only, to assess potential associations between well-established inversions or symbiont infection status and the phenotype of interest. However, all known covariates are included in the model regardless, and PLINK2 will automatically correct for them, irrespective of the results from the ANOVA or Kruskal tests. “
We also acknowledge in the manuscript (Methods section) that the Kruskal-Wallis test is used for a single factor (independent variables) at a time. This is unlike the ANOVA test that we initially performed, which was handling multiple factors simultaneously (given that it was performed in a multifactorial design). For a more direct comparison with our ANOVA model, we ran separate Kruskal-Wallis tests for each factor, but then we acknowledged its potential limitations compared to our multifactorial ANOVA, since each of these tests treats the factor in question as the only source of variation, not considering other factors. But since the test is not intended for interactions or combined effects of these factors, we deem it to be sufficient.
Nevertheless, we concur with the reviewer that normalizing the data could potentially enhance GWAS results. Consequently, we have rerun the GWAS analyses using the PLINK2 --quantile- normalize and --variance-standardize options. We have updated all results on the website and also updated the plots in the manuscript, accordingly.
Minor points:
On the introduction, I think the authors would find the extensive set of human GWAS/PheWAS resources useful; widespread examples include the GWAS Catalog, Open Targets PheWAS, MR-base, and the FinnGen portal. The GWAS Catalog also has summary statistics submission guidelines, and I think where possible meta-data harmonisation should be similar (not a big thing). Of course, DRGP has a very different structure (line and individuals) and of course, raw data can be freely shown, so this is not a one-to-one mapping.
Thank you for the suggestion. We cited these resources in the Introduction.
“This aligns with the harmonization effort undertaken by other human GWAS/PheWAS resources, such as the GWAS Catalog, Open Targets PheWAS, MR-base, and the FinnGen portal, which provide extensive examples of effective data use and accessibility. Although the structure of DGRPool differs from these human databases, we acknowledge the importance of similar meta-data harmonization guidelines. Inspired by the GWAS Catalog's summary statistics submission guidelines, we propose submission guidelines for DGRP phenotyping data in this paper. “
For some authors coming from a human genetics background, they will be interpreting correlations of phenotypes more in the genetic variant space (eg LD score regression), rather than a more straightforward correlation between DRGP lines of different individuals. I would encourage explaining this difference somewhere.
We understand that this is a potential issue and we made the distinction clearer in the manuscript to avoid any confusion. We added this text on p.7, at the beginning of the correlation results section:
“Of note, by “phenotype correlations”, we mean direct phenotype-phenotype correlations, i.e. a straightforward Spearman’s correlation of two phenotypes between common DRGP lines, and we repeated this process for each pair of phenotypes. “
This leads to an interesting point that the inbred nature of the DRGP allows for both traditional genetic approaches and leveraging the inbred replication; there is something about looking at phenotype correlations through both these lenses, but this is for another paper I suspect that this harmonised pool of data can help.
We agree with the reviewer and hope that more meta-analyses will be made possible by leveraging the harmonized data that are made available through DGRPool.
I was surprised the authors did not crunch the number of transcript/gene expression phenotypes and have them in. Is this because this was better done in other datasets? Or too big and annoying on normalisation? I'd explain the rationale to leave these out.
This is a very good point and is in fact something that we initially wanted to do. However, to render the analysis fair and robust, it would require processing all datasets in the same way. This implies cataloging all existing datasets and processing them through the same pipeline. In addition, it would require adding a “cell type” or “tissue” layer, because gene expression data from whole flies is obviously not directly comparable to gene expression data from specific tissues or even specific conditions. This would be key information as phenotypes are often tissue-dependent. Consequently, and as implied by the reviewer, we deemed this too big of a challenge beyond the scope of the current paper. Nevertheless, we plan to continue investigating this avenue in a potential follow-up paper.
We still added a gene-centric tool to be able to query the GWAS results by gene. We also added orthologs and Flybase gene-phenotype information, both in this new gene-centric tool and also in all GWAS results.
I think 25% FDR is dangerously close to "random chance of being wrong". I'd just redo this section at a higher FDR, even if it makes the results less 'exciting'. This is not the point of the paper anyway.
We agree with the reviewer that this threshold implies a higher risk of false positive results. However, this is not an uncommonly used threshold (Li et al., PLoS biology, 2008; Bevers et al., Nature Metabolism, 2019; Hwangbo et al, Elife, 2023), and one that seems robust enough in our analysis since similar phenotypes are significant in different studies at different FDR thresholds.
Nevertheless, we revisited these results with a stronger threshold of 5% FDR in the main Figure 3C. Most of the conclusions were maintained, except for the relation between longevity and “food intake”, as well as “sleep duration”. We modified the manuscript accordingly, notably removing these points from the abstract, and tuning down the results section. We kept the 25% FDR results as supplemental information.
I didn't buy the extreme line piece as being informative. Something has to be on the top and bottom of the ranks; the phenotypes are an opportunity for collection and probably have known (as you show) and cryptic correlations. I think you don't need this section at all for the paper and worry it gives an idea of "super normals" or "true wild types" which ... I just don't think is helpful.
We appreciate the reviewer’s feedback on the section regarding extreme DGRP lines and understand the concern about potential implications of “super normals” or “true wild types.” This section aimed to explore whether specific DGRP lines consistently rank in the extremes of phenotypic measures, particularly those tied to viability-related traits. Our hypothesis was that if particular lines consistently appear at the top or bottom, this might suggest some inherent bias or inbreeding-related weakness that could influence genetic association studies.
However, as per the analyses presented, we did not discover support for this phenomenon. Importantly, the observed mild correlation in extremeness across sexes, while not profound, further suggested that this phenomenon is not a consistent population-wide feature.
Nevertheless, we consider that this message is still important to convey. In response to the reviewer's feedback, we have provided a clearer conclusion of this paper section by adding the following paragraph:
“In conclusion, this analysis showed that while certain lines exhibit lower longevity or outlier behavior for specific traits, we found no evidence of a general pattern of extremeness across all traits. Therefore, the data do not support the idea of 'super normals' or any other inherently biased lines that could significantly affect genetic studies. “
I'd say "well-established inversion genotypes and symbiot levels" rather than generic covariates. Covariates could mean anything. You have specific "covariates" which might actually be the causal thing.
We thank the author for the suggestion. We agree and modified the manuscript accordingly.
I wouldn't use the adjective tedious about curation. It's a bit of a value judgement and probably places the role of curation in the wrong way. Time-consuming due to lack of standards and best practice?
We thank the author for the suggestion. We agree and modified the manuscript accordingly, replacing the occurrences by “thorough” and “rigorous” which correspond better to the initial intended meaning.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In the present study, Gardeux et al provide a web-based tool for curated association mapping results from DRP studies. The tool lets users view association results for phenotypes and compare mean phenotype ~ phenotype correlations between studies. In the manuscript, the authors provide several example utilities associated with this new resource, including pan-study summary statistics for sex, traits, and loci. They highlight cross-trait correlations by comparing studies focused on longevity with phenotypes such as oxphos and activity.
-Considerable efforts were dedicated toward curating the many DRG studies provided.
-Available tools to query large DRP studies are sparse and so new tools present appeal
The creation of a tool to query these studies for a more detailed understanding of physiologic outcomes seems underdeveloped. These could be improved by enabling usages such as more comprehensive queries of meta-analyses, molecular information to investigate given genes or pathways, and links to other information such as in mouse rat or human associations.
We appreciate the reviewer's kind comments.
Regarding the tools, we concur with the reviewer that incorporating additional tools could enhance DGRPool and facilitate users in conducting meta-analyses. Therefore, we developed two new tools: a gene-centric tool that enables users to query the database based on gene names, and a variant-centric tool mostly for studying the impact of specific genomic loci on phenotypes. Additionally, in all GWAS results, we added links to ortholog databases, thereby allowing users to extend fly gene associations to other species, if required.
Furthermore, we added links to the Flybase database, for variants, phenotypes, and genes that are already present in Flybase. We also link out to a 'genome browser-like' view (Flybase’s JBrowse tool) of the GWAS results centered around the affected variants/genes.
Finally, we now also perform a gene-set enrichment analysis for each GWAS result, both in the Flybase gene-phenotype database and the Gene Ontology (GO) database.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The authors discuss how current available DRG databases are basically data-dump sites and there is a need for integrative queries. Clearly, they spent (and are spending) considerable efforts into curating associations from available studies so the current resource seems to contain several areas of missed opportunities. The most clear addition would be to integrate gene-level queries. For example which genes underlie associations to given traits, what other traits map to a specific gene, or multiple genes which map to traits. This absence of integration is somewhat surprising given the lab's previous analyses of eQTL data in DRPs (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003055 ) and readily available additional data (ex. 10.1101/gr.257592.119 ,flybase) simple intersections between these at the locus level would provide much deeper molecular support for searching this database.
The point raised by the reviewer concerning eQTL / transcriptomic data is in fact similar to the one raised by reviewer #1. We strongly agree with both reviewers that incorporating eQTL results in the tool would be very valuable, and this is in fact something that we initially wanted to do. However, to render the analysis fair and robust, it would require re-processing multiple public datasets in the same way. This would imply cataloging all existing datasets and processing them through the same pipeline. In addition, it would require adding a “cell type” or “tissue” layer, because gene expression data from whole flies is obviously not directly comparable to gene expression data from specific tissues or even specific conditions. This would be key information as phenotypes are often tissue-dependent. Consequently, we deemed implementing all these layers too big of a challenge beyond the scope of the current paper, but we plan to continue investigating this avenue in a potential follow-up paper.
As mentioned before, we still integrated gene-level queries in a new tool, querying genes in the context of GWAS results. We acknowledge that this is not directly related to gene expression, and thus not implicating eQTL datasets (at least for now), but we think that it is for now a good alternative, reinforcing the interpretation of the GWAS results.
Since this point was raised by both reviewers, we added a discussion about this in the manuscript.
“We recognize certain limitations of the current web tool, particularly the lack of eQTL or gene expression data integration. Properly integrating DGRP GWAS results with gene expression data in a fair and robust manner would require uniform processing of multiple public datasets, necessitating the cataloging and standardization of all available datasets through a consistent pipeline. Moreover, incorporating a “cell type” or “tissue” layer would be essential, as gene expression data from whole flies is not directly comparable to data from specific tissues or even specific conditions. Since phenotypes are often tissue-dependent, this information is vital. However, implementing these layers presented too big of a challenge and was beyond the scope of this paper. “
(2) Another area that would help to improve is to provide either a subset or the ability to perform a meta-analysis of the studies proposed to see where phenotype intersections occur, as opposed to examining their correlation structure. For any given trait the PLINK data or association results seem already generated so running together and making them available seems fairly straightforward. This can be done in several ways to highlight the utility (for example w/wo specific covariates from Huang et al., 2014 and/or comparing associations that occur similarly or differently between sexes).
We are not 100% sure what the reviewer refers to when mentioning “phenotype intersection”, but we interpreted it as a “PheWAS capability”. Currently, in DGRPool, for every variant, there is a PheWAS option, which scans all phenotypes across all studies to see if several phenotypes are impacted by this same variant.
We tried to make this tool more visible, both in the GWAS section of the website, but also in the “Check your phenotype” tool, when users are uploading their own data to perform a GWAS. We have also created a “Variants” page, accessible from the top menu, where users can view particular variants and explore the list of phenotypes they are significantly associated with.
From both result pages, users can download the data table as .tsv files.
(3) As pointed out by the authors, an advantage of DRGs is the ease of testing on homozygous backgrounds. For each phenotype queried (or groups of related phenotypes would be of interest too), I imagine that subsetting strains by the response would help to prioritize lines used for follow-up studies. For example, resistant or sensitive lines to a given trait. This is already done in Fig 4C and 4E but should be an available analysis for all traits.
For all quantitative phenotypes, we show the global distribution by sex, followed by the sorted distribution by DGRP line. Since the data can be directly downloaded from the corresponding plots, resistant and sensitive lines can then be readily identified for all phenotypes.
(4) To researchers beyond the DRP community, one feature to consider would be seeing which other associations are conserved across species. While doing this at the phenotype level might be tricky to rename, assigning gene-level associations would make this streamlined. For example, a user could query longevity, subset by candidate gene associations then examine outputs for what is associated with orthologue genes in humans (ex. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/docs/file-downloads) or other reference panels such as mice and rats.
In all GWAS results, and in the gene-centric tool, we have added links to ortholog databases. In short, when clicking on a variant, users can see which gene is potentially impacted by this variant (gene-level variant annotation). When clicking on these genes, the user can then open the corresponding, detailed gene page.
To address the reviewer’s comment, in the gene page, we have added two orthologous databases (Flybase and OrthoDB), which enables cross-species association analyses.
(5) Related to enabling a meta-data analysis, it would be helpful to let users download all PLINK or DGRP tables in one query. This would help others to query all data simultaneously.
We would like to kindly point out that all phenotyping data can already be downloaded from the front page, which includes the phenotypes, the DGRP lines and the studies’ data and metadata. However, we did not provide the global GWAS results through a single file, because the data is too large. Instead, we provide each GWAS dataset via a unique file, available per phenotype, on the corresponding GWAS result page of this phenotype. This file is filtered for p<0.001, and contains GWAS results (PLINK beta, p and FDR) as well as gene and regulatory annotations.
(6) Following analysis of association data an interesting feature would be to enable users to subset strains for putative LOF variants at a given significant locus. This is commonly done for mouse strains (ex. via MGI).
The GWAS result table available for each phenotype can be filtered for any variant of interest. We added the capability to filter by variant impact; LOF variants being usually referred to as HIGH impact variants.
(7) Viewing the locus underlying annotation can also provide helpful information. For example, several nice fly track views are shown in 10.1534/g3.115.018929, which would help users to interpret molecular mechanisms.
We now link the GWAS results out to Flybase’s JBrowse genome browser.
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eLife Assessment
This important study shows that a splice variant of the kainate receptor Glu1-1a that inserts 15 amino acids in the extracellular N-terminal region substantially changes the channel's desensitization properties, the sensitivity to glutamate and kainate, and the effects of modulatory Neto proteins. In the revised paper the authors have clarified several points raised by reviewers but the structural portion of the study has not been improved and consequently, more data are needed to determine the molecular mechanism by which the insert changes the functional profile of the channel. Even so, these solid findings advance our understanding of splice variants among glutamate receptors and will be of interest to neuro- and cell-biologists and biophysicists in the field.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Kainate receptors play various important roles in synaptic transmission. The receptors can be divided into low affinity kainate receptors (GluK1-3) and high affinity kainate receptos (GluK4-5). The receptors can assemble as homomers (GluK1-3) or low-high affinity heteromers (GluK4-5). The functional diversity is further increased by RNA splicing. Previous studies have investigated C-terminal splice variants of GluK1, but GluK1 N-terminal (exon 9) insertions have not been previously characterized. In this study Dhingra et al investigate the functional implications of a GluK1 splice variant that inserts a 15 amino acid segment into the extracellular N-terminal region of the protein using whole-cell and excised outside-out electrophysiology.
The authors convincingly show that the insertion profoundly impacts the function of GluK1-1a - the channels that have the insertion are slower to desensitize. The data also shows that the insertion changes the modulatory effects of Neto proteins, resulting in altered rates of desensitization and recovery from desensitization. To determine the mechanism by which the insertion exerts these functional effects, the authors perform pull-down assays of Neto proteins, and extensive mutagenesis on the insert.<br /> The electrophysiological part of the study is very rigorous and meticulous.
The biggest weakness of the manuscript is the structural work. Due to issues with preferred orientation (a common problem in cryo-EM), the 3D reconstructions are at a low resolution (in the 5-8 Å range) and cannot offer much mechanistic insight into the effects of the insertion. The authors have opted to keep this data unchanged in the revised manuscript.
Despite this, the study is a valuable contribution to the field because it characterizes a GluK1 variant that has not been studied before and highlights the functional diversity that exists within the kainate receptor family.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
We are grateful to all three reviewers and editors for their critical comments and suggestions.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The authors responded satisfactorily to all my comments and suggestions.
We thank the reviewer for his time and feedback.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Comments for authors:
The authors have addressed most of the reviewer's concerns. Although no additional data were included to strengthen the manuscript, they have clarified some relevant points, and the manuscript has been updated accordingly. In my view, the current manuscript is well-written and mostly straightforward.
We thank the reviewer for his time and suggestions. Addressing them have improved the quality of our manuscript.
After a second revision, I just have a few minor comments (mostly editorial) that should be easy to address.
(1) Page 16: "The dominant presence of the GRIK1-1 gene was also reported in retinal Off bipolar cells..." Please include reference(s).
We have now cited the following reference:
Lindstrom, S.H., Ryan, D.G., Shi, J., DeVries, S.H., 2014. Kainate receptor subunit diversity underlying response diversity in retinal Off bipolar cells. J. Physiol. 592, 1457–1477. https://doi.org/10.1113/jphysiol.2013.265033
(2) Page 18: "Based on our functional assays, the splice seems to affect the interaction between the receptor and auxiliary proteins". Please remove or tone down this statement; the current data do not support this claim.
We have revised the sentence as following: “Based on our functional assays, the splice may possibly affect the interaction between the receptor and auxiliary proteins.”
(3) Page 24: "cultures ... at 0.5 µg/mL were transfected". In the current context, it is not clear what you mean with 0.5 µg/mL. Please check and correct.
Thanks for pointing out this error. We have corrected it.
(4) Page 30. He et al. reference is repeated.
Thanks. We have fixed it now.
(5) Figure 3, Panel C: Please incorporate the EC50 value for the red trace into the figure; it appears to be a different data set and, consequently, a different fitting compared with Figure 2C.
The GluK1-1a data set (red trace) is identical to that in Figure 2c, though it may appear different due to the scale of the X and Y axis. As suggested, we have now included the EC50 value for this data set in Figure 3, panel C.
(6) Figure legend 4: Please check two minor issues here:
(a) "Bar graphs... with or without Neto1 protein..." This statement is apparently wrong; Figure 4 does not show the effect of Neto1.
(b) "The wild type GluK1 splice variant data is the same as from Figure 1.." I think the authors mean Figure 2A instead of Fig. 1. Please check.
Thanks for pointing out the error. We have fixed the same in the revised manuscript.
(7) Please check and correct spelling/wording issues in the text. Here are some examples:
(a) Page 9 " Figure 3G - I, Table2.." (There is no Panel I).
(b) Page 16 "... and is involved in various pathophysiology..."
We have revised the sentence as “… and is involved in various pathophysiological conditions”
(c) Page 19 "The constructs used for this study were HEK293 WT mammalian cells were seeded on..."
Fixed. Thanks.
(d) Page 23 "The immunoblots were probed..." Please check the whole paragraph and correct the issues.
Fixed. Thanks.
(e) Page 27 "initially, 1,97,908 particles were picked". Check the value; the same issue occurs in Fig.6 table supplement 1.
Thanks. We have now modified the sentence to clarify that for GluK1-1aEM ND-SYM, initially, 1,97,908 particles were picked and subjected to multiple rounds of clean-up using 2D and 3D classification. Finally, 24,531 particles were used for the final 3D reconstruction and refinement.
(f) Legend Figure 2: Remove "(F)" from the legend.
Thanks. Fixed.
(g) Legend Figure 2-Sup.1: Check/correct spelling issues.
Thanks. Fixed.
(h) Figure 5-figure supplement 1: There is a mistake in panel B: "GFP" label is shown for Gluk1 and Neto2, but the authors mention that the pull-down was done with Anti-His antibodies. Please correct.
Thanks. The pull-down experiments were done with anti-His for both the blots presented in panels A and B as mentioned in both the figures (right side panels of both A and B). However, for the GluK1 and Neto2 pull downs (panel B), the blots were probed with anti-GFP antibody which would detect both the receptor (as the receptor has both GFP-His8) and Neto2-GFP at their respective sizes. This has been indicated in the figure panel B.
(8) Related to the point-by-point document:
Major concern 2: Interpreting the effect of mutants on the regulation by Neto proteins requires knowing how the mutant is affecting the channel properties without Neto. In my view, if the data showing the K368/375/379/382H376-E mutant without Neto is missing (in this case due to low current amplitude), then, the pink bars in Fig. 5 should be removed from the figure.
We thank the reviewer for raising this interesting point and agree that it would be valuable to characterize the channel properties of all the mutants individually. However, as mentioned earlier, the functions of some mutant receptors are only rescued, or reliable, measurable currents are detected, when they are co-expressed with Neto proteins. We still believe that comparing wild-type and mutant receptors co-expressed with Neto proteins provides important insights, and therefore, we would like to retain the K368/375/379/382H376-E mutant data in the figure.
Major concern 4: Figure 6-figure Supplement 8 is not mentioned in the manuscript. It would help to include a proper description in the Results section similar to the answer included in the point-by-point document.
Figure6-figure Supplement 8 has already been cited on page 15. We have also cited Figure6-figure Supplement 9 on the same page and have added following sentences in the text:
“A superimposition of GluK1-1aEM (detergent-solubilized or reconstituted in nanodiscs) and GluK1-2a (PDB:7LVT) showed an overall conservation of the structures in the desensitized state. No significant movements were observed at both the ATD and LBD layers of GluK1-1a with respect to GluK1-2a (Figure 6; Figure 6-figure supplement 9).”
Major concern 5: The ramp/recovery protocol was not included properly in the manuscript; please include the time of the ramp pulse and the time used for the recovery period.
Elaborated ramp and recovery protocols are included in the methods section. The time used for the recovery period was variable and was tuned as per the recovery kinetics. All the figures were representative traces are shown include the scale bar showing the time period of agonist application.
Minor concern 1: The proposed change was not included in the manuscript; check page 7.
Thanks for highlighting this error. We have now changed it in the revised manuscript.
Minor concern 10: The manuscript was not corrected as indicated. Please check.
Thanks. We have now modified the sentence as following: “…..a reduction was observed for K375/379/382H376-E receptors (1.17 ± 0.28 P=0.3733) compared to wild-type although differences do not reach statistical significance”
Minor concern 14: The figure was not corrected as indicated. Please check.
Thanks for highlighting this error. We have now changed it in the revised manuscript.
Minor concern 19: I suggest including this briefly in the Discussion section.
Thanks for the suggestion. We have included the following sentence in the discussion:
“The differences in observations could be due to variations in experimental conditions, such as the constructs and recording conditions used.”
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Given that all mutants tested showed the same degree of activation by PEG400, it seemed possible that PEG400 might be an allosteric activator of WNK1/3 through direct binding interactions. Perhaps PEG400 eliminates CWN1/2 waters by inducing conformational changes so that water loss is an effect not a cause of activation. To address this it would be helpful to comment on whether new electron densities appeared in the X-ray structure of WNK1/SA/PEG400 that might reflect PEG400 interactions with chains A or B.
We re-evaluated the WNK1/SA/PEG400 electron density looking for non-protein densities larger than water. No new densities were found. However, we do observe a PEG400-destabilizing effect using differential scanning fluorimetry, and have included this data into Figure 2. We conclude that the effects on the water structure and destabilization are due to demands on solvent.
We have included in the second paragraph of the introduction references to primary literature that advance similar arguments to explain osmolyte induced effects on activity.
Specifically, Colombo MF, Rau DC, Parsegian VA (1992) Protein solvation in allosteric regulation: a water effect on hemoglobin. Science 256: 655-659 and LiCata VJ, Allewell NM (1997) Functionally linked hydration changes in Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase and its catalytic subunit. Biochemistry 36: 10161—10167.
It would also be helpful to discuss any experiments that might have been done in previous work to examine the direct binding of glycerol and other osmolytes to WNKs.
We did not observe PEG400 in WNK1/SA/PEG400 despite effects on the space group and subunit packing. On the other hand, glycerol was observed in WNK1/SA, which was cryoprotected in glycerol (PDB file 6CN9). We have highlighted these differences in the second section of the results. A thorough analysis on the effects of various osmolytes on WNK structure, stability, and activity is a potential future direction.
The study would benefit from a deeper discussion about how to reconcile the different effects of mutations. For example, wouldn't most or all of the mutations be expected to disrupt the water network, and relieve the proposed autoinhibition? This seemed especially true for some of the residues, like Y420(Y346), D353(D279), and K310(K236), which based on Fig 3 appeared to interact with waters that were removed by PEG400.
The manuscript has been updated with new data and better discussion of this point. Given the inconsistencies on the effects of mutation in static light scattering (SLS), we addressed the possibility that the reducing agent was not constant across experiments. In a repeated study, including reducing agent (1 mM TCEP), we obtained results on mutant mass more similar to wild-type than in the original experiment. An exception was that two of the mutants were much more monomeric than wild-type. It follows that the network CWN1 stabilizes the inactive dimer. The reduced activity of some of the mutants probably reflects the position of CWN1 and the AL-CL Cluster in the active site, such that mutants can affect substrate binding or catalysis. This is now better discussed both in the data and discussion sections.
Mutants have a tendency to have complex effects on activity and structure. It was satisfying to find any activating mutants. We point out that we have been careful to present all of our data including mutants that are not easily explained by our models.
Alternatively, perhaps the waters in CWN2 are more important for maintaining the autoinhibited structure. This possibility would be useful to discuss, and perhaps comment on what may be known about the energetic contributions of bound water towards stabilizing dimers.
This research focused on the most salient unique feature of WNK1- CWN1. We also identified CWN2. Mutational analysis of CWN2 can’t be done without disrupting the dimer interface, greatly complicating data interpretation.
It would also be useful to comment on why aggregation of E319Q/A (E314) shouldn't inhibit kinase activity instead of activating it.
On recollection of the SLS data in the presence of reducing agent, we saw reduced aggregation. WNK3/D279N and WNK3/E314Q were more monomeric, especially at the higher protein concentration used. WNK3/E314Q is one of the more active mutants.
The X-ray work was done entirely with WNK1 while the mutational work was done entirely with WNK3. Therefore, a simple explanation for the disconnect between structure and mutations might be that WNK1 and WNK3 differ enough that predictions from the structure of one are not applicable to mutations of the other. It would be helpful to describe past work comparing the structure and regulation of WNK1 and WNK3 that support the assumption of their interchangeability.
We have responded directly to this concern. We introduced our most interesting amino acid replacement WNK3/E314A into WNK1, making WNK1/E388A. Similar trends in chloride inhibition and mutational activation were observed in WNK1 as in WNK3. This supports the assumption of interchangeability of WNK1 and WNK3 we invoked for practical reasons. As expected, the overall activity of WNK1 is lower than WNK3. Overall, the lower activity limited data collection. However, the lower activity did allow us to fit the chloride inhibition data to a kinetic model for WNK1. Panels on WNK1 activity, mutation, and chloride inhibition were added to Figure 5 and to Supplemental data (Table S6).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The most interesting result presented here is that P1 crystals of WNK1 convert to P21 in the presence of PEG400 and still diffract (rather than being destroyed as the crystal contacts change, as one would expect). All of the assays for activity and osmolyte sensing are carried out well.
Thank you. We have emphasized this point in the Results section with the word “remarkably”
The rationale for using WNK3 for the mutagenesis study is that it is more sensitive to osmotic pressure than WNK1. I think that WNK1 would have been a better platform because of the direct correlation to the structural work leading to the hypothesis being tested. All of the crystallographic work is WNK1; it is not logical to jump to WNK3 without other practical considerations.
This point is addressed in the last comment to Reviewer 1. We added autophosphorylation assay data on our most interesting mutant (WNK3/E314A) in WNK1 (WNK1/E388A). Conversely, we have crystallographic data on uWNK3 (on uWNK3/E314A collected to 3.3Å). These new data justify the assumption of interchangeability of results obtained for uWNK1 and uWNK3.
Osmolyte sensing was tested by measuring ATP consumption as a function of PEG400 (Figure 6). Data for the subset of mutants analyzed by this assay showed increasing activity. It is not clear why the same collection of mutant proteins analyzed in the experiments of Figure 5 was not also measured for osmolyte sensing in Figure 6.
These data are now more complete, having been now collected for all of the WNK3 mutants (now Figure 7).
The last set of data presented uses light scattering to test whether the WNK3 mutant proteins exhibit quaternary structural changes consistent with the monomer/dimer hypothesis. If they did, one would expect a higher degree of monomer for those that are activated by mutation, and a lower amount of monomer (like wt) for those that are not. Instead, one of the mutant proteins that showed the most chloride inhibition (Y346F) had a quaternary structure similar to the wt protein, and others have similar monomer/dimer mixtures but distinct chloride inhibition profiles (K307A and M301A). I don't see how the light scattering data contribute to this story other than to refute the hypothesis by showing a lack of correlation between quaternary structure, water binding, and activity. This is another reason why the disconnect between WNK1 and WNK3 could be a problem. All of the detailed structural work with WNK1 must be assumed with WNK3; perhaps the light scattering data are contradicting this assumption?
As noted above, on recollection of the SLS data in the presence of reducing agent, we saw reduced aggregation and more consistency with our model. Thus, we now feel it is a useful contribution to the manuscript. The table in Supplemental data has been updated.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Fig 3D in the PDF manuscript seemed distorted - waters were cut off. Also Fig 2D would benefit from showing the whole molecule, instead of cutting off the top and bottom of the kinase domain.<br /> We suspect this is a data transfer problem, since we don’t see these truncations.
Both Figure 2 and 3 have been changed, addressing these concerns and adding new differential scanning fluorimetry data as discussed in reply to Reviewer 1. Figure 2 was simplified by eliminating Figures 2A-2C, and replacing them with a new Figure 2B, the superposition of WNK1/SA/PEG400 (PDB 9D3F), WNK1/SA (PDB 6CN9).
In Figure 3, we added a panel highlighting the volume change around CWN1 in presence of PEG400 (Figure 3C). Hopefully, inappropriate cropping has been eliminated.
Line 162: Y314F should be Y346F.
This has been corrected. Thank you.
Lines 211-213 - these two sentences do not seem to logically go together: "Two hyper-active mutants were discovered, WNK3/E314A, and WNK3/E314Q. These mutants are straightforward to interpret based on our model: the mutated residues support and stabilize inactive dimeric WNK."
An extensive rewrite has been conducted to address the difference in activity between the higher activity mutants versus less active mutants, now discussed in two paragraphs, and two Figures, Figure 5 and 6. The SLS data, recollected with more reducing agent, has given more consistent results (Supplemental), making the discussion more straightforward (discussed above).
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors)
I think WNK1 would be a better platform for mutagenesis than WNK3. Or minimally the authors should better justify the switch to WNK3 from WNK1. Analyze the same set of mutants in Figure 5 into Figure 6.
Again, we have added assay data on uWNK1/E388A, and structural data on uWNK3/E314A.
I would analyze the same set of mutants in Figures 5 and 6.
We have analyzed all of the WNK3 mutants in the ADP-Glo assays (Figure 7).
Will the P21 crystal form grow independently in PEG400?
Attempts to crystallize WNK1/SA or WNK3/SA or other constructs in PEG400 have been unsuccessful.
I would also add some context about the role of water in allosteric mechanisms. I know there is a long history in hemoglobin in which specific waters have been associated with the T and R states such as that by Marcio Colombo. There is a relatively recent article in J. Phys Chem. that would provide good context. Leitner et al., J. Chem. Phys. 152, 240901 (2020)
Thank you. Good call.
eLife Assessment
This study presents an important investigation of water coordination in a specific kinase family with a focus on the regulation of osmosensing protein kinases. X-ray crystallographic approaches combined with functional assays are used to address the hypothesis that bound water participates in the osmosensing mechanism as an allosteric kinase inhibitor. The evidence for changes in kinase conformation and space group of the crystal as a function of added low molecular weight polyethylene glycol is solid. The work will be of considerable interest to the kinase field as well as colleagues studying allosteric regulation of protein function.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript addresses the regulation of the osmosensing protein kinases, WNK1 and WNK3. Prior work by the authors has shown that these enzymes are activated by PEG400 or ethylene glycol and inhibited by chloride ion, and that activation is associated with a conformational transition from dimer to monomer. In X-ray structures of the WNK1/SA inactive dimer, a water-mediated hydrogen bond network was observed between the catalytic loop (CL) and the activation loop (AL), named CWN1. This led to the proposal that bound water may be part of the osmosensing mechanism.
The current study carries this work further, by applying PEG400 to Xtals of dimeric WNK1/SA. This results in a change in kinase conformation and space group, along with 4-9 fewer waters in CWN1 and the complete disappearance of another water cluster (CWN2) located at the dimer interface. Six conserved residues lining the CWN1 pocket in WNK3 are mutated to determine effects on activity and inhibition by chloride ion (measured by AL autophosphorylation) and monomer-dimer interconversion (light scattering).
The results show that two mutants (E314Q/A in WNK3) at a site central to the water cluster result in increased kinase activity (autophosphorylation), and increased SLS, interpreted as aggregation. Three sites (D279A, Y346F, M301A) inhibit kinase activity with varying effects on oligomerization - Y346A and M301A retain monomer-dimer ratios similar to WT while D279N promotes aggregation. K236A and K307A show activity and monomer:dimer ratios similar to WT. Selected mutants (E314Q, D279N, Y346F) and WT appear to retain osmosensitivity with comparable activation by PEG400.
The study concludes that osmolytes may activate the kinase by removing waters from the CWN1 and CWN2 clusters, suggesting that waters might be considered allosteric ligands that promote the inactive structure of WNKs. The differing effects of mutations may be ascribed to disruption of the water networks as well as inhibitory perturbations at the active site.
Comments on latest version:
The revised manuscript incorporated new experiments that satisfactorily addressed my concerns.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This work tests the hypothesis that water coordination in WNK kinases is linked to allosteric control of activity. It is proposed that dimeric WNK is inactive and bound to some conserved water molecules, and that monomerization/activation involves departure of these waters. New data here include a crystal structure of monomeric WNK1 which shows missing waters compared to the dimeric structure, in support of the hypothesis. Mutant proteins of a different isozyme (WNK3) designed to disrupt water coordination were produced, and activity and quaternary structure were measured.
Comments on latest version:
The authors have largely addressed my concerns by making sure collection of mutants analyzed for autophosphorylation in Figure 6 are consistent with the measurement of osmotic sensitivity in Figure 7. The other changes in response to reviews have made a stronger manuscript in my opinion.
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eLife Assessment
This fundamental study uses a creative experimental system to directly test Ohno's hypothesis, which describes how and why new genes might evolve by duplication of existing ones. In agreement with existing criticism of Ohno's original idea, the authors present compelling evidence that having two gene copies does not speed up the evolution of a new function as posited by Ohno, but instead leads to the rapid inactivation of one of the copies through the accumulation of mostly deleterious mutations. These findings will be of broad interest to evolutionary biologists and geneticists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors construct a pair of E. coli populations that differ by a single gene duplication in a selectable fluorescent protein. They then evolve the two populations under differing selective regimes to assess whether the end result of the selective process is a "better" phenotype when starting with duplicated copies. Importantly, their starting duplicated population is structured to avoid the duplication-amplification process often seen in bacterial artificial evolution experiments. They find that while duplication increases robustness and speed of adaptation, it does not result in more highly adapted final states, in contrast to Ohno's hypothesis.
Comments on revised version:
The authors have addressed my prior concerns, and I have no further comments on the manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Drawing from tools of synthetic biology, Mihajlovic et al. use a cleverly designed experimental system to dissect Ohno's hypothesis, which describes the evolution of functional novelty on the gene-level through the process of duplication & divergence.<br /> Ohno's original idea posits that the redundancy gained from having two copies of the same gene allows one of them to freely evolve a new function. To directly test this, the authors make use of a fluorescent protein with two emission maxima, which allows to apply different selection regimes (e.g. selection for green AND blue, or, for green NOT blue). To achieve this feat without being distracted by more complex evolutionary dynamics caused by the frequent recombination between duplicates, the authors employ a well-controlled synthetic system to prevent recombination: Duplicates are placed on a plasmid as indirect repeats in a recombination-deficient strain of E.coli. The authors implement their directed evolution approach through in vitro mutagenesis and selection using fluorescent-activated cell sorting. Their in-depth analysis of evolved mutants in single-copy versus double-copy genotypes provides clear evidence for Ohno's postulate that redundant copies experience relaxed purifying selection. In contrast to Ohno's original postulate, however, the authors go on to show that this does not in fact lead to more rapid phenotypic evolution, but rather, the rapid inactivation of one of the copies.
This paper contributes with great experimental detail to an area where the literature predominantly leans on genomics data. Through the use of a carefully-designed, well-controlled synthetic system the authors are able to directly determine the phenotype & genotype of all individuals in their evolving populations and compare differences between genotypes with a single or double copy of coGFP. With it they find clear evidence for what critics of Ohno's original model have termed "Ohno's dilemma", the rapid non-functionalization by predominantly deleterious mutations.
Including an expressed but non-functional coGFP in (phenotypically) single copy genotypes provides an especially thoughtful control that allows determining a baseline dN/dS ratio in the absence of selection. All in all the study is an exciting example of how the clever use of synthetic biology can lead to new insights.
In the revised version of the paper, the authors now discuss one potential weakness of their study, which is tied to its biggest strength (as often in experimental biology there is a trade-off between 'resolution' and 'realism').<br /> The experimental set-up leaves out an important component of the evolutionary process in order to disentangle dosage effects from other effects that carrying two copies might have on their evolution. Specifically, by employing a recombination-deficient strain and constructing their duplicates as inverted repeats their experimental design completely abolishes recombination between the two copies. This was pointed out in my first review to be problematic for two reasons:
(i) In nature, new duplicates do not arise as inverted, but rather as direct (tandem) repeats and - as the authors correctly point out - these are very unstable, due to the fact that repeated DNA is prone to recA-dependent homologous recombination (which arise orders of magnitude more frequently than point mutations).
(ii) This instability often leads to further amplification of the duplicates under dosage selection both in the lab and in the wild (e.g. Andersson & Hughes, Annu. Rev. Genet. 2009), and would presumably also be an outcome under the current experimental set-up if it was not prevented from happening?
In their revised version, the authors now address this point and with much clarity explain why their experimental system is so powerful to study the fate of a gene duplicate, not despite lacking recombination, but *because* it lacks recombination.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment
This fundamental study uses a creative experimental system to directly test Ohno's hypothesis, which describes how and why new genes might evolve by duplication of existing ones. In agreement with existing criticism of Ohno's original idea, the authors present compelling evidence that having two gene copies does not speed up the evolution of a new function as posited by Ohno, but instead leads to the rapid inactivation of one of the copies through the accumulation of mostly deleterious mutations. These findings will be of broad interest to evolutionary biologists and geneticists.
We thank the editors and the reviewers for their positive feedback concerning our experimental system and for the constructive feedback on how to further improve the manuscript. We have now addressed the reviewer’s comments in a revised version.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors construct a pair of E. coli populations that differ by a single gene duplication in a selectable fluorescent protein. They then evolve the two populations under differing selective regimes to assess whether the end result of the selective process is a "better" phenotype when starting with duplicated copies. Importantly, their starting duplicated population is structured to avoid the duplication- amplification process often seen in bacterial artificial evolution experiments. They find that while duplication increases robustness and speed of adaptation, it does not result in more highly adapted final states, in contrast to Ohno's hypothesis.
Major comments:
This is an excellent study with a very elegant experimental setup that allows a precise examination of the role of duplication in functional evolution, exclusive of other potential mechanisms. My main concern is to clarify some of the arguments relating to Ohno's hypothesis.
I think my main confusion on first reading the manuscript was in the precise definition of Ohno's hypothesis. I think this confusion was mine and not the authors, but it is likely common and could be addressed.
Most evolutionary biologists think of gene duplication as making neofunctionalization "easier" by providing functional redundancy and a larger mutational target, such that the evolutionary process of neofunctionalization is faster (as the authors observed). In this framework, the final evolved state might not differ when selection is applied to duplicated copies or a single-copy gene. Ohno's hypothesis, by contrast, argues that there generally exist adaptive conflicts between the ancestral function and the "desired" novel function, such that strong selection on a single-copy gene cannot produce the evolutionary optima that selection on two copies would. This idea is hinted at in the quotation from Ohno in paragraph 2 of the introduction. However, the sentences that follow I don't think reinforce this concept well enough and lead to some confusion.
With that definition in mind, I agree with the authors' conclusion that these data do not support Ohno's hypothesis. My quibble would be that what is actually shown here is that adaptive conflict in function is not universal: there are cases where a single gene can be optimized for multiple functions just as well as duplicated copies. I do not think the authors have, however, refuted the possibility that such adaptive conflicts are nonetheless a significant barrier to evolutionary innovation in the absence of gene duplication generally. Perhaps just a sentence or two to this effect might be appropriate.
We fully agree with the reviewer that trade-offs might play an important role in the evolution of single copy and of duplicated genes, depending on the gene and on the selection regime. And while trade-offs are not likely to play a big role in the selection regime we discuss in detail in the main text (evolution towards more green), they probably are important for at least one our selection regimes. In fact, we so state in the following passage of the discussion. In addition, we have now added a sentence that acknowledges the importance of trade-offs for evolution in the absence of gene duplication:
“A single gene encoding such a protein suffers from an adaptive conflict between the two activities. Gene duplication may provide an escape from this adaptive conflict, because each duplicate may specialize on one activity14, 15. For coGFP, a trade-off likely exists for fluorescence in these two colors, because improvement of green fluorescence entails a loss of blue fluorescence during evolution (Figure S8 and Figure S16). We therefore expected that during selection for both green and blue fluorescence, one cogfp copy in double-copy populations would “specialize” on green fluorescence whereas the other copy would specialize on blue fluorescence. However, when we analyzed individual population members with two active gene copies we could not find any such specialization (Figure S21). Moreover, the identified key mutations at positions 147 and 162 have a very low frequency (<1%) in these populations (Figure S15). Future experiments with different selection strategies might reveal the reasons for this observation and the conditions under which such a specialization can occur.“
I also think the authors need to clarify their approach to normalizing fluorescence between the two populations to control for the higher relative protein expression of the population with a duplicated gene. Since each population was independently selected with the highest fluorescing 60% (or less) of the cells selected, I think this normalization is appropriate. Of course, if the two populations were to compete against each other, this dosage advantage of the duplicates would itself be a selective benefit. Even as it is, the dosage advantage should be a source of purifying selection on the duplication, and perhaps this should be noted.
The reviewer is correct. To be able to follow the evolutionary trajectories of the different constructs, the populations were treated separately. The gates were adjusted for each library separately to select for the top 60, 1 or 0.01% of cells and the gates for the double-copy populations were set to slightly higher fluorescence, reflected in the higher fluorescence of these populations in Figure 3A. Indeed, if individuals in these populations were to compete against each other, the double-copy populations would have a benefit due to the dosage advantage. However, as we already pointed out in the manuscript, we did not see any additional advantage beyond the increased gene dosage provided by the second copy (Figure 3B). To discuss this issue in more detail, we have now added the following text to the discussion:
“It is worth noting that we evolved each of our single- and double-copy populations separately and in parallel to follow their individual evolutionary trajectories. In a natural population, individuals with one or two copies might occur in the same population and compete against each other. In this situation any dosage advantage of a duplicate gene would itself entail selective benefit. Our approach allowed us to find out if gene duplication facilitates phenotypic evolution beyond any such gene dosage effect. At least for the specific genes, selection pressures, and mutation rates we used, the data suggest that it does not.”
Finally, I am slightly curious about the nature of the adaptations that are evolving. The authors primarily discuss a few amino-acid changing mutations that seem to fix early in the experiment. Looking at Figure 3, it however, appears that the populations are still evolving late in the experiment, and so presumably other changes are occurring later on. Do the authors believe that perhaps expression changes to increase protein levels are driving these later changes?
Figure S15 shows that some mutations are indeed still increasing in frequency during late evolutionary rounds, in particular S2L, V141L and V205L. We have measured the emission spectra of these mutants (Figure S16), and these mutations increase fluorescence both in green and blue. It is therefore likely that these mutations, similar to L98M, increase protein expression, solubility, or thermal stability, as suggested by the reviewer. We now clarify this matter in a new passage of the results:
“Like L98M, the additional mutations S2I, V141I and V25L also occurred in all selection regimes, but they reached lower frequencies than L98M during the 5 generations of the experiment. We hypothesized that mutations observed in all selection regimes do not derive their benefit from increasing the intensity of any one fluorescent color. Instead, they may increase protein expression, solubility, or thermal stability.”
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Drawing from tools of synthetic biology, Mihajlovic et al. use a cleverly designed experimental system to dissect Ohno's hypothesis, which describes the evolution of functional novelty on the gene-level through the process of duplication & divergence.
Ohno's original idea posits that the redundancy gained from having two copies of the same gene allows one of them to freely evolve a new function. To directly test this, the authors make use of a fluorescent protein with two emission maxima, which allows them to apply different selection regimes (e.g. selection for green AND blue, or, for green NOT blue). To achieve this feat without being distracted by more complex evolutionary dynamics caused by the frequent recombination between duplicates, the authors employ a well-controlled synthetic system to prevent recombination: Duplicates are placed on a plasmid as indirect repeats in a recombination-deficient strain of E.coli. The authors implement their directed evolution approach through in vitro mutagenesis and selection using fluorescent-activated cell sorting. Their in-depth analysis of evolved mutants in single-copy versus double-copy genotypes provides clear evidence for Ohno's postulate that redundant copies experience relaxed purifying selection. In contrast to Ohno's original postulate, however, the authors go on to show that this does not in fact lead to more rapid phenotypic evolution, but rather, the rapid inactivation of one of the copies.
This paper contributes with great experimental detail to an area where the literature predominantly leans on genomics data. Through the use of a carefully designed, well-controlled synthetic system the authors are able to directly determine the phenotype & genotype of all individuals in their evolving populations and compare differences between genotypes with a single or double copy of coGFP. With it they find clear evidence for what critics of Ohno's original model have termed "Ohno's dilemma", the rapid non- functionalization by predominantly deleterious mutations.
Including an expressed but non-functional coGFP in (phenotypically) single copy genotypes provides an especially thoughtful control that allows determining a baseline dN/dS ratio in the absence of selection. All in all the study is an exciting example of how the clever use of synthetic biology can lead to new insights.
The major weakness of the study is tied to its biggest strength (as often in experimental biology there is a trade-off between 'resolution' and 'realism').
The paper ignores an important component of the evolutionary process in favour of an in-depth characterization of how two vs one copy evolve. Specifically, by employing a recombination-deficient strain and constructing their duplicates as inverted repeats their experimental design completely abolishes recombination between the two copies.
This is problematic for two reasons:
i) In nature, new duplicates do not arise as inverted, but rather as direct (tandem) repeats and - as the authors correctly point out - these are very unstable, due to the fact that repeated DNA is prone to recA- dependent homologous recombination (which arise orders of magnitude more frequently than point mutations).
ii) This instability often leads to further amplification of the duplicates under dosage selection both in the lab and in the wild (e.g. Andersson & Hughes, Annu. Rev. Genet. 2009), and would presumably also be an outcome under the current experimental set-up if it was not prevented from happening?
So in sum, recombination between duplicate genes is not merely a nuisance in experiments, but occurring at extremely high frequencies in nature (such that the authors needed to devise a clever engineering solution to abolish it), and is often observed in evolving populations, be it in the laboratory or the wild.
The manuscript sells controlling of copy number as a strength. And clearly, without it, the same insights could not be gained. However, if the basis for the very process of what Ohno's model describes is prevented from happening for the process to be studied, then, for reasons of clarity and context this needs pointing out, especially, to readers less familiar with the principles of molecular evolution.
Connected to this, there are several places in the introduction and the discussion where I feel that the existing literature, in particular models put forward since Ohno that invoke dosage selection (such as IAD) end up being slightly misrepresented.
My point is best exemplified in line 1 of Discussion: "To test Ohno's hypothesis and to distinguish its predictions from those of competing hypotheses, it is necessary to maintain a constant and stable copy number of duplicated genes during experimental evolution."
We understand the reviewer’s position and fully agree that we needed to clarify better what our experiments aimed to achieve. To this end, we rewrote the beginning of the discussion to read:
“Our aim was to study whether gene duplication can affect mutational robustness and phenotypic evolution beyond any effect of increased gene dosage provided by multiple gene copies. To this end, we needed to maintain a constant and stable copy number of duplicated genes during experimental evolution.”
I think this statement is simply not true and might be misleading. To take the exaggerated position of a devil's advocate, the goal of evolutionary biology should be to find out how evolution actually proceeds in nature most of the time, rather than creating laboratory systems that manage to recapitulate influential ideas.
On this point, we respectfully disagree. To ask questions like ours, laboratory experiments that are highly controlled albeit possibly “unnatural” can be essential. And we would argue that our experiments do not merely aim to “recapitulate” an influential idea but to validate it and potentially refute it, as we did for our study system. Validating theory is an essential aspect of experimental science. Textbooks in biology and beyond are rife with examples.
While fixing copy number may be a necessary step to understand how one copy evolves if a second one is present, it seems that if Ohno's hypothesis only works out in recA-deficient bacterial strains and on engineered inverted repeats, that Ohno might have missed one crucial aspect of how paralogs evolve. The mentioned competing hypotheses have been put forward to (a) address Ohno's dilemma (which the present study beautifully demonstrates exists under their experimental conditions) and (b) to reflect a commonly observed evolutionary process in bacteria (dosage gain in response to selection, e.g. a classic way of gaining antibiotic resistance). Fixing the copy number allowed the authors to show which predictions of Ohno's model hold up and which don't (under these specific conditions). But they do so without even preventing the processes described by alternative models from happening, so the experimental system is hardly appropriate to distinguish between Ohno & alternatives. Therefore, I think it could be made clearer that the experimental system is great to look at certain aspects Ohno's hypothesis in detail, but it can only inform us about a universe without recombination.
(1) Citing the works by ref 8, 26, 27 to merely state that "in some copies were gained and some were lost (ref 6, ref 25)" makes it seem as if fixing at 2 copies is some sort of sensible average. Yet ref 6 (Dhar et al.) specifically states that dosage is the most important response. Moreover, in this study gene copies are lost, but plasmid copies are gained instead. In Holloway et al. 2007 (ref 25), the 2 copies resided on different plasmids, so entirely different underlying molecular genetics might be at work (high cost of plasmid maintenance, and competitive binding on both proteins onto the respective (off)-target, where either way selection favored a single copy, so a different situation altogether). In both cited studies, fixing the copy would have prohibited learning something about the process of duplication & divergence.
Hence this statement seems to distract the readers from the main message, which seems that preventing recombination experimentally allows to follow the divergence of each copy and studying a response that does not involve dosage-increase.
(2) "These studies highlighted the importance of gene duplication in providing fast adaptation under changing environmental conditions but they focused on the importance of gene dosage." I think this constructs a false dichotomy. Instead, these studies pointed out that dosage (and with it, selection for dosage) is an important part of the equation that might have been missed by Ohno.
Your points are well taken. To clarify the insights from previous experiments and the aims of our experiments we rewrote this passage in question as follows.
“These studies underline the importance of gene duplication in providing fast adaptation under changing environmental conditions. In some studies one copy was lost6, 25, while in others, additional copies were gained8, 26, 27. Together these studies highlight that gene dosage and selection for dosage can play an important role during the evolution of duplicated genes6, 8, 25-28.
These studies also raise the question whether gene duplication can provide an advantage beyond its effects on gene dosage. To find out it is necessary to study the evolution of gene duplicates while keeping the copy number of the duplicated gene exactly at two. This is challenging because gene duplication causes recombinational instability and high variability in copy number. No previous experimental studies were designed to control copy number. Here, we present an experimental system that allowed us to keep the copy number fixed at one or two genes, and to follow the evolution of each gene copy in the absence of any dosage increase.”
(3) "Such models are also easier to test experimentally, because they do not require precise control of gene copy number. The necessary tests can even benefit from massive gene amplifications8. Although Ohno's hypothesis is more difficult to test experimentally (...)" - again, I feel the wording is slightly misleading. The point is not that IAD is easier to test and Ohno's model is harder to test in laboratory experiments, rather, experiments (and some more limited observations of naturally evolving populations) seem to suggest that in reality evolution proceeds (more often?) according to IAD rather than Ohno's neofunctionalization hypothesis. However, as the authors point out, it will be exciting to see their clever experimental system used to test other genes and conditions to get a more comprehensive understanding of what gene- and selection- parameter values would overcome Ohno's dilemma.
We agree and in response rewrote the paragraph in question to read:
“The challenge that a duplicated gene copy must remain free of frequent deleterious mutations long enough to acquire beneficial mutations that provide a new selectable phenotype is known as Ohno’s dilemma13. Our experiments confirm that this challenge is highly relevant for post-duplication evolution. Other models such as the innovation-amplification-divergence (IAD) model8, 13 postulate that this dilemma can be resolved through an increase in gene dosage that allows latent pre-duplication phenotypes to come under the influence of selection. To distinguish between the effects of gene dosage and other benefits of gene duplication, we prevented recombination and gene amplification to prevent copy number increases beyond two copies. We are aware that our experimental design does not reflect how evolution may occur in the wild. However, this design allowed us to study evolutionary forces separately that are otherwise difficult to disentangle. “
Finally, we also made two changes in the abstract (highlighted in red) to take your feedback into account.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The paper is very well written, with a lot of emphasis put on explaining every step and every finding. It was a joy to read.
Full stop missing in line 5 of abstract.
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eLife Assessment
In this valuable study, the authors investigate how inflammatory priming and exposure to irradiated Mycobacterium tuberculosis or the bacterial endotoxin LPS impact the metabolism of primary human airway macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages. The work shows that metabolic plasticity is greater in monocyte-derived macrophages than alveolar macrophages, with solid experimental methods and overall evidence. The findings are relevant to the field of immunometabolism.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this manuscript the authors explore the contribution of metabolism to the response of two subpopulations of macrophages to bacterial pathogens commonly encountered in the human lung, as well as the influence of priming signals typically produced at a site of inflammation. The two subpopulations are resident airway macrophages (AM) isolated via bronchoalveolar lavage and monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) isolated from human blood and differentiated using human serum. The two cell types were primed using IFNγ and Il-4, which are produced at sites of inflammation as part of initiation and resolution of inflammation respectively, followed by stimulation with either heat-killed tuberculosis (Mtb) or LPS to simulate interaction with a bacterial pathogen that is either gram-negative in the case of Mtb or gram-positive in the case of LPS. The authors use human cells for this work, which makes use of widely reported and thoroughly described priming signals, as well as model antigens. This makes the observations on the functional response of these two subpopulations relevant to human health and disease to a greater extent that the mouse models typically used to interrogate these interactions. To examine the relationship between metabolism and functional response, the authors measure rates of oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis under baseline conditions, primed using IFNγ or IL-4, and primed and stimulated with Mtb or LPS.
Overall, this study reveals how inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine priming contributes to the metabolic reprogramming of AM and MDM populations. Their conclusions regarding the relationship between cytokine secretion and inflammatory molecule expression in response to bacterial stimuli are supported by the data. The involvement of metabolism in innate immune cell function is relevant when devising treatment strategies that target the innate immune response during infection. The data presented in this paper further our understanding of that relationship and advance the field of innate immune cell biology.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):
Comments to the authors:
R1. The authors show a similar reduction in ECAR as a measure of glycolytic inhibition upon treating H37Rv-infected unprimed MDMs with 5 mM 2-DG at 1 h and 24 h. However, the data pertaining to the extent of glycolytic inhibition upon 2-DG treatment in IFN-γ or IL-4 primed AMs or MDMs is not included.
We acknowledge that we have not checked the ECAR of every dataset herein treated with 2DG. However, we have provided evidence that 2DG reduced ECAR in the control datasets, and moreover, 2DG is functionally affecting the cells (e.g. the presence of 2DG altered cytokine production in both AM and MDM, even in the presence of IFN-γ or IL-4).
R2. The authors have replotted the same data as percent change and fold difference with different normalizing samples. While they have corrected one of the highlighted discrepancies in the data plotting of Fig. 1A and 1C, similar discrepancies are still evident in many other instances. Based on my understanding of the data and normalization methodology stated by the authors in response to comment (#5) by reviewer 1, the authors are plotting fold changes across all samples with respect to unstimulated and unprimed macrophages, whereas percent changes are plotted for stimulated (LPS or dead H37Rv) samples with respect to baseline measurements for each unstimulated sample under differently primed macrophages. I believe the slope of lines connecting unstimulated and LPS stimulates/H37Rv infected upon percent increase or decrease (from the baseline of unstimulated samples) will still maintain their trend in fold changes (relative to unstimulated and unprimed macrophages) irrespective of changes in absolute values. For instance, in Fig. 1F, there are at least 3 samples that show an increase in fold change in OCR upon H37Rv infection in IFN-γ primed MDMs. However, Fig. 1H, plotted from the same data, shows a decrease in OCR across all IFN-γ primed MDMs upon H37Rv infection. The authors have also highlighted that this decrease in OCR upon H37Rv infection in IFN- γ primed MDMs is highly significant (P < 0.01). The same data is again plotted as a bar plot in Fig. 1J as fold change relative to unstimulated and unprimed macrophages (mislabeled as percent change to unstimulated), showing no difference upon H37Rv infection of IFN-γ primed MDMs.
We have amended the axis in Figure 1 and Supplemental Figure 1 to more accurately describe the two different forms of analysis. We have fixed the errors outlined. We have also amended the methods in the text to clarify the two analyses carried out on the metabolic data. Lines 113-122 as follows:
“Fold change in ECAR and OCR was calculated compared to unstimulated unprimed controls at 150 minutes, where unstimulated unprimed macrophages were set to 1. This allows for analysis of the effects of both priming and subsequent stimulation for and accounts for the variation in the raw ECAR and OCR reading between runs thereby making each donor its own control.
Percent change in ECAR and OCR was also calculated to equalise groups to the same point prior to stimulation. Each condition was compared to its own respective primed or unprimed baseline at 30 minutes and this was set to 100%, prior to stimulation, this was carried to examine the capacity of cells to increase metabolic parameters in response to stimulation. Post stimulation percent change data was then extracted and analysed at 150 minutes. This controls for the priming effect and enables the analysis of metabolic capacity in each dataset.”
For figure 1J, the data is replotted from fold change datasets (not percentage change where the decrease in OCR is significant). The axis label has been revised for accuracy.
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eLife Assessment
This study investigates the role of Caspar (Casp), an orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1, in regulating the number of primordial germ cells that form during Drosophila embryogenesis. The findings are important in that they reveal an additional pathway that contributes to germ cell specification and maintenance. The evidence supporting the conclusions is solid, as the authors identify Casp and its binding partner Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94) as factors that influence germ cell numbers.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors were seeking to define the roles of the Drosophila caspar gene in embryonic development and primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. They demonstrate that PGC number, and the distribution of the germ cell determinant Oskar, change as a result of changes in caspar expression; reduction of caspar reduces PGC number and the domain of Oskar protein expression, while overexpression of caspar does the reverse. They also observe defects in syncytial nuclear divisions in embryos produced from caspar mutant mothers. Previous work from the same group demonstrated that Caspar protein interacts with two partners, TER94 and Vap33. In this paper, they show that maternal knockdown of TER94 results in embryonic lethality and some overlap of phenotypes with reduction of caspar, supporting the idea may work together in their developmental roles. The authors propose models for how Caspar might carry out its developmental functions. The most specific of these is that Caspar and its partners might regulate oskar mRNA stability by recruiting ubiquitin to the translational regulator Smaug.
The work identifies a new factor that is involved in PGC specification and points toward an additional pathway that may be involved in establishing and maintaining an appropriate distribution of Oskar at the posterior pole of the embryo. It also ties together earlier observations about the presence of TER94 in the pole plasm that have not heretofore been linked to a function.
(1) A PiggyBac insertion allele casp[c04227] is used throughout the paper and referred to as a loss-of-function allele (casp[lof]). While the authors avoid the terms 'null' or 'amorph' and on one occasion refer to the allele as a 'strong hypomorph', nevertheless terming it a 'loss-of-function' allele is misleading. This is because the phenotype of the allele when homozygous is different from the phenotype produced when heterozygous over a deficiency.
(2) The peptide counts in the mass spectrometry experiment aimed at finding protein partners for Casp are extremely low, except for Casp itself and TER94. Peptide counts of 1-2 seem to me to be of questionable significance.
(3) The pole bud phenotypes from TER94 knockdown and casp mutant shown in Fig 5 appear to be quite different. These differences are unexplained and seem inconsistent with the model proposed that the two proteins work in a common pathway. Whole embryos should also be shown, as the TER94 KD phenotype could result from a more general dysmorphism.
(4) Fig 6 is not quantitative, lacking even a second control staining to check for intensity variation artifacts. Therefore it shows that the distribution of Oskar protein changes in the various genotypes, but not convincingly that the level of Oskar changes as the paper claims.
(5) The error bars are huge in the graphs in Fig 7H, I, and J, and in fact these changes are not statistically significant. Therefore the conclusion that 'Reduction in Casp activity specifically affects Smaug degradation during the MZT' is not supported by the data in this figure.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This study investigated the role of the Caspar (Casp) gene, a Drosophila homolog of human Fas-associated factor-1. It revealed that maternal loss of Casp led to centrosomal and cytoskeletal abnormalities during nuclear cycles in Drosophila early embryogenesis, resulting in defective gastrulation. Moreover, Casp regulates PGC numbers, likely by regulating the levels of Smaug and then Oskar. They demonstrate that Casp protein levels are linearly correlated to the PGC number. The partner protein TER94, an ER protein, shows similar but slightly distinct phenotypes. Based on the deletion mutant analysis, TER94 seems functionally relevant for the observed Casp phenotype. Additionally, it is likely involved in regulating protein degradation during PGC specification.
This paper uncovers a new function of the Casper (Casp) gene, previously known for its role in immune response regulation and NF-kB signaling inhibition. This new function includes nuclear division and PGC formation in early fly embryos. The findings provide crucial insights into how this pathway contributes to the proper establishment of both somatic cells and the germline, particularly in the context of early embryogenesis. This research is therefore of significant interest to cell and developmental biologists.
Future Research:
While this study has made significant strides in understanding the role of the Casp gene in early embryogenesis, the functional relationships among molecules shown here (Casp, TER94, Osk) and other genes previously known to regulate these processes remain unclear. This underscores the need for future studies to delve deeper into these relationships and their implications.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Das et al. discovered a maternal role for Caspar (Casp), the Drosophila orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1 (FAF1), in embryonic development and germ cell formation. They find that Casp interacts with Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94). Loss of Casp or TER94 leads to partial embryonic lethality, correlated with aberrant centrosome behavior and cytoskeletal abnormalities. This suggests that Casp, along with TER94, promotes embryonic development through a still unidentified mechanism. They also find that Casp regulates germ cell number by controlling a key determinant of germ cell formation, Oskar, through its negative regulator, Smaug.
Overall, the experiments are well-conducted, and the conclusions of this paper are mostly well-supported by data.
Some additional controls could be included, and the language could be clarified for accuracy.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
This study investigates the role of Caspar (Casp), an orthologue of human Fas- associated factor-1, in regulating the number of primordial germ cells that form during Drosophila embryogenesis. The findings are important in that they reveal an additional pathway involved in germ cell specification and maintenance. The evidence supporting the conclusions is solid, as the authors identify Casp and its binding partner Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94) as factors that influence germ cell numbers. Minor changes to the title, text, and experimental design are recommended.
We thank the Editors and Reviewers for their overall positive and thoughtful feedback. Based on these comments, we have revised our manuscript. The changes in the manuscript have been highlighted in ‘blue’ font for easy visualisation.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors were seeking to define the roles of the Drosophila caspar gene in embryonic development and primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. They demonstrate that PGC number, and the distribution of the germ cell determinant Oskar, change as a result of changes in caspar expression; reduction of caspar reduces PGC number and the domain of Oskar protein expression, while overexpression of caspar does the reverse. They also observe defects in syncytial nuclear divisions in embryos produced from caspar mutant mothers. Previous work from the same group demonstrated that Caspar protein interacts with two partners, TER94 and Vap33. In this paper, they show that maternal knockdown of TER94 results in embryonic lethality and some overlap of phenotypes with reduction of caspar, supporting the idea may work together in their developmental roles. The authors propose models for how Caspar might carry out its developmental functions. The most specific of these is that Caspar and its partners might regulate oskar mRNA stability by recruiting ubiquitin to the translational regulator Smaug.
The work identifies a new factor that is involved in PGC specification and points toward an additional pathway that may be involved in establishing and maintaining an appropriate distribution of Oskar at the posterior pole of the embryo. It also ties together earlier observations about the presence of TER94 in the pole plasm that have not heretofore been linked to a function.
(1) A PiggyBac insertion allele casp[c04227] is used throughout the paper and referred to as a loss-of-function allele (casp[lof]). However, this allele does not appear to act strictly as a loss-of-function. Figure 1E shows that some residual Casp protein is present in early embryos produced by casp[lof]/Df females, and this protein is presumably functional as the PiggyBac insertion does not affect the coding region. Also, Figures 1B and 1C show that the phenotypes of casp[lof] homozygotes and casp[lof]/Df are not the same; surprisingly, the homozygous phenotypes are more severe. These observations are unexplained and inconsistent with the insertion being simply a loss-of-function allele. Might there be a second-site mutation in casp[c04227]?
The term loss-of-function (lof) is used rather than null or amorph. casplof is a strong hypomorph, with residual (and functional) protein estimated in the range 5-10% when compared to the wild type. The caspc04227 was procured from BDSC, and based on the decrease in lethality of the casplof/casp(Df) compared to casplof, we assume that second site hits in the casplof line are the reason for the enhanced lethality. For this very reason, we have used casplof/ casp(Df) for all subsequent experiments. We also conducted rescue experiments wherever possible to confirm the specificity with caspWT and various deletion variants of casp.
(2) TER94 knockdown phenotypes have been previously published (Zhang et al 2018 PMID 30012668), and their effects on embryonic viability and syncytial mitotic divisions were described there. This paper is inappropriately not cited, and the data in Figure 4 should be presented in the context of what has been published before.
We apologize for the oversight. Indeed, Zhang et al. (2018) highlighted TER94 as one of the loci uncovered in their screen and some of the relevant phenotypes are described there. We have referred to their findings at the appropriate junctures as suggested (pg 11, pg13, pg 15).
(3) The peptide counts in the mass spectrometry experiment aimed at finding protein partners for Casp are extremely low, except for Casp itself and TER94. Peptide counts of 1-2 seem to me to be of questionable significance.
Peptide counts are indeed low, but the fact that they are enriched at all, in comparison to controls, considering that we are using whole embryo lysates rather than isolated PGC lysates, suggests interaction with Casp could be biologically/ functionally meaningful. The data is restricted to the supplementary material and is not analyzed in isolation; we have combined data from multiple mass spectrometry experiments by other researchers to link Casp to pole plasm components.
(4) The pole bud phenotypes from TER94 knockdown and casp mutant shown in Fig 5 appear to be quite different. These differences are unexplained and seem inconsistent with the model proposed that the two proteins work in a common pathway. Whole embryos should also be shown, as the TER94 KD phenotype could result from a more general dysmorphism.
We agree that TER94 KD is a stronger phenotype, with TER94 having essential cell division and patterning roles. In fact, the TER94 RNAi embryos, unlike casplof, stall in terms of their developmental program before Stage 4. This has been noted in the earlier study (Zhang et al., 2018). As a result, we focused on pole bud stage embryos that were rare - but present in the collections. We report that PGC from very early TER94 RNAi embryos have fewer pole buds.
The rationale behind the presumption that these two proteins may work in a common pathway is clear-cut. We have validated the physical interaction using protein lysates from two developmental time points. Satisfyingly, an affinity purification using antibodies against TER94 or Casp invariably enriches the other protein as the primary interacting partner. Our model integrates data from mammalian and fly systems to support the idea that there must be an overlap between TER94/Casp function, with these two proteins working together to engineer the degradation of ubiquitinated Smaug. Future experiments are necessary to confirm and extend this claim.
(5) Figure 6 is not quantitative, lacking even a second control staining to check for intensity variation artifacts. Therefore, it shows that the distribution of Oskar protein changes in the various genotypes, but not convincingly that the level of Oskar changes as the paper claims.
We appreciate that oskar RNA localization is also somewhat altered due to change in casp levels. We have acknowledged the variability in the various phenotypes, and as such, it is unsurprising that it has also reflected in the Oskar levels. However, it is evident that a statistically significant number of mutant embryos show a decrease in Oskar levels.
(6) The error bars are huge in the graphs in Figure 7H, I, and J, leading me to question whether these changes are statistically significant. Calculations of statistical significance are missing from these graphs and need to be added.
The data in the Western blots represents the whole embryo, as the lysates used are from embryos 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 hrs. We have averaged and plotted data from 5 Western blots. The changes are not statistically significant. Even without the statistical significance, the data for Fig. 7I led us to examine Smaug in the pole cells, rather than in the whole embryo. The pole cell data (Fig8-D3) is striking and led to the conclusion – that Smaug protein perdures in the pole cells during the stages of syncytial/cellular blastoderm.
(7) There are many instances of fuzzy and confusing language when describing casp phenotypes. For example, on lines 211-212, it is stated that 'casp[lof] adults are only partially homozygous viable as ~70% embryos laid by the homozygous mutant females failed to hatch into larvae'. Isn't this more accurately described as 'casp[c04227] is a maternal-effect lethal allele with incomplete penetrance'? Another example is on line 1165, what exactly is a 'semi-vital function'?
We thank the reviewer for reading the manuscript in detail. We have tried to pay attention to reduce the ambiguity and fixed the text accordingly (pg 7, line 214; pg 33, line 1169, word semi-vital is deleted).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This study investigated the role of the Caspar (Casp) gene, a Drosophila homolog of human Fas-associated factor-1. It revealed that maternal loss of Casp led to centrosomal and cytoskeletal abnormalities during nuclear cycles in Drosophila early embryogenesis, resulting in defective gastrulation. Moreover, Casp regulates PGC numbers, likely by regulating the levels of Smaug and then Oskar. They demonstrate that Casp protein levels are linearly correlated to the PGC number. The partner protein TER94, an ER protein, shows similar but slightly distinct phenotypes. Based on the deletion mutant analysis, TER94 seems functionally relevant for the observed Casp phenotype. Additionally, it is likely involved in regulating protein degradation during PGC specification.
The paper reveals an unexpected function of the maternally produced Casp gene, previously implicated in immune response regulation and NF-kB signaling inhibition, in nuclear division and PGC formation in early fly embryos. Experiments are properly conducted and strongly support the conclusion. The rescue experiment using deletion mutant form is particularly informative as it suggests the requirement of each domain function.
Functional relationships among molecules shown here (and other genes known to regulate these processes) are still unclear.
We completely agree with this assessment. In our view this is an interesting albeit initial report. We also appreciate that understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of these results will be critical. We have ensured that our present claims are backed up by data, however, are fully sensitive to the fact that newer observations will refine or even alter these claims. We are continuing to work on the problem and will hopefully make further inroads in mechanism in the coming years.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Das et al. discovered a maternal role for Caspar (Casp), the Drosophila orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1 (FAF1), in embryonic development and germ cell formation. They find that Casp interacts with Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94). Loss of Casp or TER94 leads to partial embryonic lethality, correlated with aberrant centrosome behavior and cytoskeletal abnormalities. This suggests that Casp, along with TER94, promotes embryonic development through a still unidentified mechanism. They also find that Casp regulates germ cell number by controlling a key determinant of germ cell formation, Oskar, through its negative regulator, Smaug.
Overall, the experiments are well-conducted, and the conclusions of this paper are mostly well-supported by data.
Some additional controls could be included, and the language could be clarified for accuracy.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The paper is inconsistent in using standard Drosophila nomenclature. Often the name of the mammalian counterpart is used instead. This needs to be cleaned up as it is very confusing to the reader.
The names of the mammalian counterpart are explicitly used, when we intended, to underscore the parallels between mammalian vs Drosophila function, specifically in the context of the major players in this study, TER94 vs VCP; Caspar vs FAF1. Since we do not have direct biochemical data indicating that TER94/Casp degrades Smaug, we use published mammalian literature to draw parallels. At no point have we swapped terminology casually.
(2) The Discussion is far too long and in my view extends too far beyond the experimental data in the paper. As a start for editing, its first two paragraphs (lines 1138-1164) include mostly general statements and could be greatly reduced or eliminated.
Our aim was to emphasize the repurposing of factors between early development and later/adult stages for different functional contexts. Our laboratory (Ratnaparkhi) works on Casp in terms of its roles in NF-kappa B signalling. We serendipitously stumbled on the embryonic lethality while characterizing the casplof allele, which, later, led us to examine the function of Casp during embryonic germ cell development.
(3) The Introduction is weak in its description of the developmental function of Toll and Dorsal. This could be summarized in a sentence or two.
As suggested, a few sentences that highlight the developmental function of Toll/Dorsal signalling have been added to the text (pg 3, line 90-92).
(4) Even if correctly cited, it is not appropriate to simply reproduce an image from a public database, as was done in Figure S1C. This should be removed.
Figure S1C has been deleted.
(5) The Materials and Methods section should be moved to after the Discussion so it does not interrupt the flow of the Results.
The Section has been moved as suggested.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
For general readers, more detailed information about the PGC specification will be helpful in the Introduction or Results section.
PGC specification is introduced in the text as the story transits from global embryonic effects of casp knockdown to specific effects on PGCs. A few additional sentences have been added to bolster the text (pg 11, first paragraph).
The Methods section talks about live imaging, but I could not find the experiments in the figures. Are the data available for asynchronous nuclear divisions in the live imaging?
The live imaging relates to DIC movies that are part of Suppl. Fig 2A. The movies are embedded in an MS PowerPoint slide, which has been uploaded as a PowerPoint (and not a PDF).
To ensure that the mutant changes the Osk translation rate, showing the Osk RNA level may be helpful.
oskar RNA localization is quite distinct as compared to Oskar and Vasa protein. It has been shown that oskar RNA is localized to the founder granules and is, in fact, excluded from the germ granules that contain Vasa, Oskar and nos RNA etc. Gavis lab recently reported (Eichler et al., 2020) that ectopic localization of osk RNA in the germ granules is toxic to pole cells. Thus, it will be of interest to analyze whether and how oskar RNA is localized in casp embryos.
More discussion about the difference between Casp and ter94 phenotypes and potential reasons would be informative.
TER94 appears to be an essential maternal gene. Hypomorphic knockdown of TER94 using RNAi is sufficient to induce early embryonic lethality. In fact, Zhang et. al., 2018 et al., using stronger/earlier maternal drivers highlighted the lethality and somatic cell division defects caused due to the severe loss of TER94. The UBX domain is present in multiple proteins, in addition to Casp. TER94 possible plays a vital role in protein degradation of critical cell cycle proteins, such as cyclins that need to be degraded for efficient genomic duplications in the 10’ nuclear division cycles that predominate the first few hours of embryogenesis.
N=3 (Fig1 legend) and N =15 (Fig2). What are those numbers?
N=3 indicated the number of repeats of the western blot. This reference has been deleted. N=15, represents the number of embryos imaged for data in panels G and H.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Major Suggestion:
(1) Oskar (Osk) mRNA Localization: Does Osk mRNA localization change upon overexpression or LOF of Casp? Since TER94 has been implicated in Osk mRNA localization (Ruden et al., 2000), this would be a good control to include.
As mentioned earlier, in the response to editors, data presented in our manuscript indicates that Caspar is unique in its ability to regulate both Oskar levels and centrosome dynamics. As the reviewer pointed out, we are in the process of analysing the possible localization defects in oskar mRNA in the embryos. Since the preliminary data are promising, we are pursuing this carefully to better understand the involvement of Caspar. We are focusing on the ability of Caspar to regulate early nuclear divisions prior to pole cell formation. It is possible that in casp mutant embryos the nuclei/centrosomes that enter the pole plasm are already defective and thus can influence release of the pole plasm components. This needs to be examined carefully, and we are conducting these experiments.
(2) Western Blot for Osk Protein: It would also be beneficial to perform a western blot for Osk protein to demonstrate that it is indeed increased upon Casp overexpression.
This is a good suggestion. However, Oskar antibodies are not readily available, and we have a very limited supply which have been used for embryo staining experiments. We considered these more useful as in addition to the absolute levels, staining experiment can reveal localization pattern. It was thus possible to correlate Oskar function with the pole cell counts in respective genetic backgrounds.
(3) Title Clarification: The title states, "Caspar determines primordial germ cell identity in Drosophila melanogaster." The current experiments do not show that Casp determines germ cell identity. It would be more accurate to conclude that Casp regulates germ cell numbers.
Please refer to the introductory paragraphs where we explain our views in this regard. We have modified our title to “Caspar specifies primordial germ cell count and identity in Drosophila melanogaster."
Minor Suggestions:
(1) Line 69: Delete the use of "recent" for papers published in 2001 and 2007. These papers are around 20 years old.
The word has been deleted.
(2) Paragraph from Line 110: Consider splitting this paragraph into two for better readability and clarity.
Paragraph has been split into two; this has improved readability.
(3) Line 266: Check and correct the formatting issues in this line.
Edited, based on suggestion. A line break was added after the title.
(4) Line 328: Adding references to earlier studies here will be useful for providing context and supporting information.
References that introduce Centrosomes and their roles as organizing centres have been added in line 336.
(5) Line 564: It is best to avoid using the word "master." Please consider using other terms such as "key" or "principal."
Edited, based on suggestion.
(6) Citations: The authors should also cite Cinalli et al., 2013 for the Gcl reference to ensure comprehensive citation of relevant literature.
Thank you for the suggestion. The reference has been added on pages 16 and 29.
(7) Overall Length: The paper is quite long. If it can be shortened, it will be easier to read. Consider condensing sections where possible without losing essential information.
The paper is indeed longer than average, but the choice of eLife as the home for this study was, in part, determined by the platform's flexibility regarding length/ word count. It seemed worthwhile to elaborate the text in places to accentuate the novelty of the findings.
These additions and adjustments would help to further substantiate the claims and improve the clarity of the paper.
We hope that the claims made in our manuscript are substantiated by the data that are presented. Wherever possible, we have tried to modify the text suitably to improve clarity.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript studies nutrient intake rates for stationary and motile microorganisms to assess the effectiveness of swim vs. stay strategies. This work provides valuable insights on how the different strategies perform in the context of a simplified mathematical model that couples hydrodynamics to nutrient advection and diffusion. The swim and stay strategies are shown to yield similar nutrient flux under a range of conditions.
Strengths of the work include (i) the model prediction in Fig. 3 of nutrient flux applied to a range of microorganisms including an entire clade that are known to use different feeding strategies and (ii) a study of the interaction between cilia and absorption coverage showing the robustness of their predictions provided these regions have sufficient overlap.
We thank the referee for their thorough review of our manuscript and for their constructive feedback.
Weaknesses: To improve the work, the authors should further expand their discussion of the following points:
(1) The authors comment that a number of species alternate between sessile and motile behavior. It would be helpful to discuss what is known about what causes switching between these modes and whether this provides insights regarding the advantages of the different behaviors.
The transition between sessile and motile states is often influenced by external environmental conditions, such as prey availability and predator presence, which determine the most advantageous state at any given time. For instance, members of the genus Stentor are known to detach from their colonies and exhibit solitary swimming behavior in response to low prey abundance (Tartar, 2013) or when avoiding predators (Dexter et al. 2019). Similarly, the transition in Vorticella is influenced by chemical cues, such as pH (Baufer et al., 1999) or algae concentration (Langlois, 1975).
Dexter, J. P., Prabakaran, S., & Gunawardena, J. (2019). A complex hierarchy of avoidance behaviors in a single-cell eukaryote. Current biology, 29(24), 4323-4329.
Tartar, V. (2013). The biology of stentor: International series of monographs on pure and applied biology: Zoology. Elsevier.
BAUFER, P. J. D., Amin, A. A., Pak, S. C., & BUHSE JR, H. E. (1999). A method for the synchronous induction of large numbers of telotrochs in Vorticella convallaria by monocalcium phosphate at low pH. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 46(1), 12-16.
LANGLOIS, G. A. (1975). Effect of algal exudates on substratum selection by motile telotrochs of the marine peritrich ciliate Vorticella marina. The Journal of Protozoology, 22(1), 115-123.
(2) An encounter zone of R=1.1a appears be used throughout the manuscript, but I could not find a biological justification for this particular value. This results appear to be quite sensitive to this choice, as shown in Supplement Fig. 3(B). In the Discussion, it is mentioned that using a much larger exclusion zone leads to significantly different nutrient flux, and it is implied that such a large exclusion zone is not biologically plausible, but this was not explained sufficiently.
Thank you for pointing this out. We chose the value of the encounter zone based on a rough calculation of cilia length relative to body length. Cilia are typically of the order of 10 microns in length, and the cell body of a ciliate is typically of the order of 100-1000 microns.
For example, in the work of Jiang, H., & Buskey, E. J., 2024, I&II, the nutrient encounter is reported at the leading edge of the ciliary band in Strombidium and Amphorides. Here, cilia appear to be about 20% of the body length and the particles are absorbed quite close to the cell surface. A similar encounter near the cell surface is reported in Gilmour, 1978 and Thomazo et al., 2020.
In the theoretical model of Andersen and Kiørboe (2020), a much larger encounter zone, extending 10 times the body length (that is, an encounter zone that is 1000% larger than the body length). This is obviously not biologically justifiable.
We edited the manuscript to better justify our choices and provide supporting references.
Andersen, A., & Kiørboe, T. (2020). The effect of tethering on the clearance rate of suspension-feeding plankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(48), 30101-30103.
Jiang, H., & Buskey, E. J. (2024). Relating ciliary propulsion morphology and flow to particle acquisition in marine planktonic ciliates II: the oligotrich ciliate Strombidium capitatum. Journal of Plankton Research, fbae011.
Jiang, H., & Buskey, E. J. (2024). Relating ciliary propulsion morphology and flow to particle acquisition in marine planktonic ciliates I: the tintinnid ciliate Amphorides quadrilineata. Journal of Plankton Research, fbae012.
Gilmour, T. H. J. (1978). Ciliation and function of the food-collecting and waste-rejecting organs of lophophorates. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 56(10), 2142-2155.
Thomazo, J. B., Le Révérend, B., Pontani, L. L., Prevost, A. M., & Wandersman, E. (2021). A bending fluctuation-based mechanism for particle detection by ciliated structures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(31), e2020402118.
(3) In schematic of the in Fig. 2(B) it was unclear if the encounter zone in the envelope model is defined analogously to the Stokeslet model or if a different formulation is used.
Yes, we defined the encounter zone the same in both models. In fact, we used two metrics for evaluating nutrient uptake: one considers only the fluid flow rate through an encounter zone, another considers the mass transport within the fluid and absorption at the entire ciliary surface. For the first metric, the clearance rate Q, evaluated by calculating the flow rate past an annular disk, it is consistent applied to all models, depicted in Figure 2(B). The second metric, the nutrient uptake rate, which we define as the dimensionless integration of mass flux over the entire spherical surface, is also consistently applied to all models to evaluate Sh number. Both metrics are evaluated on the Stokeslet and envelope models.
We edited the main text to further clarify these two metrics in the revision.
(4) The force balance argument should be clarified. Equation (3) of the supplement gives the force-velocity relation in the motile case. Since equation (4), which the authors state is the net force in the sessile case, seems to involve the same expression, would it not follow from U=0 in the sessile case that one would simply obtain quiescent flow with Fcilia = 0?
The force balance equations for the model organism differ between the motile and sessile modes. In the submitted version, SI Eq.(3) and SI Eq.(4) are derived from different force balance equations, where the velocity U does not appear in the sessile Stokeslet model.
Author response image 1.
For the Stokeslet model, the force generated by the flagella acting on the fluid is modeled as a point force
Motile Stokeslet model:
The force balance on the sphere is given by:
Where is the thrust force generated by the flagella in the direction of swimming, is the drag force due to a moving sphere in fluid with speed U, and K is the hydrodynamic force acting on the sphere by the flow generated by the point force F. For a given strength of the Stokeslet, , the swimming speed U can be calculated by the force balance.
Sessile Stokeslet model:
The force balance on the sphere is given by:
Where , T= -F, and K are defined as above. Similarly, for a given point force F, the required force provided by a stalk to fix the sphere can be calculated by the force balance.
Therefore, SI Eq.(3) and (4), are not directly applicable across both the Stokeslet and envelope models. While the expressions appear similar due to the presence of the forces F and K, separate calculations are needed depending on the force model.
We edited the SI document and SI Figure 3 to clarify this.
Andersen, A., & Kiørboe, T. (2020). The effect of tethering on the clearance rate of suspension-feeding plankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(48), 30101-30103.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors have collected a significant amount of data from the literature on the flow regimes associated with microorganisms whose propulsion is achieved through the action of cilia or flagella, with particular interest in the competition between sessile and motile lifestyles. They then use several distinct hydrodynamic models for the cilia-driven flows to quantify the nutrient uptake and clearance rate, reported as a function of the Peclet number. Among the interesting conclusions the authors draw concerns the question of whether, for certain ciliates, there is a clear difference in nutrient uptake rates in the sessile versus motile forms. The authors show that this is not the case, thereby suggesting that the evolutionary pressure associated with such a difference is not present. The analysis also includes numerical calculations of the uptake rate for spherical swimmers in the regime of large Peclet numbers, where the authors note an enhancement due to advection-generated thinning of the solutal boundary layer around the organism.
In addressing the whole range of organism sizes and Peclet numbers the authors have achieved an important broad perspective on the problem of nutrient uptake of ciliates, with implications for understanding evolutionary driving forces toward particular lifestyles (e.g. sessile versus motile).
We thank the referee for their thorough review of our manuscript and for their feedback regarding the inclusion of more relevant references.
The authors appear to be unaware of rather similar calculations that were done some years ago in the context of Volvox, in which the issue of the boundary layer size and nutrient uptake enhancement were clearly recognized [M.B. Short, et al., Flows Driven by Flagella of Multicellular Organisms Enhance Long-Range Molecular Transport, PNAS 103, 8315-8319 (2006)]. This reference also introduced the model of a fixed shear stress at the surface of the sphere as a representation of the action of the cilia, which may be more realistic than the squirmer-type boundary condition, although the two lead to similar large-Pe scalings.
We apologize for having missed to include this reference in the submitted version of the manuscript. We read this work thoroughly, it is indeed highly relevant to the present study.
The findings reported in Figure 4, that the uptake rate is robust to variations in cilia coverage and absorption fraction, are similar in spirit to an observation made recently in the context of the somatic cell neighbourhood areas in Vovox [Day, et al., eLife 11, e72707 (2022)]. There, it was found that while there is a broad distribution of those areas, and hence of the coarse-grained tangential flagellar force acting on the fluid, the propulsion speed is rather insensitive to those variations.
Thank you for pointing us to the work of Day, et al., eLife 11, e72707 (2022). We did not know about this study and have not read it before. The work is broadly relevant to our study, and we added a reference to this work in the discussion.
eLife Assessment
This important paper addresses the role of fluid flows in nutrient uptake by microorganisms propelled by the action of cilia or flagella. Using a range of mathematical models for the flows created by such appendages, the authors provide convincing evidence that the two strategies of swimming and sessile motion can be competitive. These results will have significant implications for our understanding of the evolution of multicellularity in its various forms.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript studies nutrient intake rates for stationary and motile microorganisms to assess the effectiveness of swim vs. stay strategies. This work provides valuable insights on how the different strategies perform in the context of a simplified mathematical model that couples hydrodynamics to nutrient advection and diffusion. The swim and stay strategies are shown to yield similar nutrient flux under a range of conditions.
Strengths of the work include (i) the model prediction in Fig. 3 of nutrient flux applied to a range of microorganisms including an entire clade that are known to use different feeding strategies and (ii) a study of the interaction between cilia and absorption coverage showing the robustness of their predictions provided these regions have sufficient overlap.
In the revision, the authors have adequately addressed the weaknesses I raised in the first round of review.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors have collected a significant amount of data from the literature on the flow regimes associated with microorganisms whose propulsion is achieved through the action of cilia or flagella, with particular interest in the competition between sessile and motile lifestyles. They then use several distinct hydrodynamic models for the cilia-driven flows to quantify the nutrient uptake and clearance rate, reported as a function of the Peclet number. Among the interesting conclusions the authors draw concerns the question of whether, for certain ciliates, there is a clear difference in nutrient uptake rates in the sessile versus motile forms. The authors show that this is not the case, thereby suggesting that the evolutionary pressure associated with such a difference is not present. The analysis also includes numerical calculations of the uptake rate for spherical swimmers in the regime of large Peclet numbers, where the authors note an enhancement due to advection-generated thinning of the solutal boundary layer around the organism.
In addressing the whole range of organism sizes and Peclet numbers the authors have achieved an important broad perspective on the problem of nutrient uptake of ciliates, with implications for understanding evolutionary driving forces toward particular lifestyles (e.g. sessile versus motile).
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer 1 (Public Review):
Summary: Wilmes and colleagues present a computational model of a cortical circuit for predictive processing which tackles the issue of how to learn predictions when different levels of uncertainty are present for the predicted sensory stimulus. When a predicted sensory outcome is highly variable, deviations from the average expected stimulus should evoke prediction errors that have less impact on updating the prediction of the mean stimulus. In the presented model, layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons represent either positive or negative prediction errors, SST neurons mediate the subtractive comparison between prediction and sensory input, and PV neurons represent the expected variance of sensory outcomes. PVs therefore can control the learning rate by divisively inhibiting prediction error neurons such that they are activated less, and exert less influence on updating predictions, under conditions of high uncertainty.
Strengths: The presented model is a very nice solution to altering the learning rate in a modality and context-specific way according to expected uncertainty and, importantly, the model makes clear, experimentally testable predictions for interneuron and pyramidal neuron activity. This is therefore an important piece of modelling work for those working on cortical and/or predictive processing and learning. The model is largely well-grounded in what we know of the cortical circuit.
Weaknesses: Currently, the model has not been challenged with experimental data, presumably because data from an ad- equate paradigm is not yet available. I therefore only have minor comments regarding the biological plausibility of the model:
Beyond the fact that some papers show SSTs mediate subtractive inhibition and PVs mediate divisive inhibition, the selection of interneuron types for the different roles could be argued further, given existing knowledge of their properties. For instance, is a high PV baseline firing rate, or broad sensory tuning that is often interpreted as a ’pooling’ of pyramidal inputs, compatible with or predicted by the model?
Thank you for this nice suggestion. We added a section to the discussion expanding on this: “The model predicts that the divisive interneuron type, which we here suggest to be the PVs, receive a representation of the stimulus as an input. PVs could be pooling the inputs from stimulus-responsive layer 2/3 neurons to estimate uncertainty. The more the stimulus varies, the larger the variability of the pyramidal neuron responses and, hence, the variability of the PV activity. The broader sensory tuning of PVs (Cottam et al. 2013) is in line with the model insofar as uncertainty modulation could be more general than the specific feature, which is more likely for low-level features processed in primary sensory cortices. PVs were shown to connect more to pyramidal cells with similar feature-tuning (Znamenskyiy et al. 2024); this would be in line with the model, as uncertainty modulation should be feature-related. In our model, some SSTs deliver the prediction to the positive prediction error neurons. SSTs are already known to be involved in spatial prediction, as they underlie the effect of surround suppression (Adesnik et al. 2012), in which SSTs suppress the local activity dependent on a predictive surround.”
On a related note, SSTs are thought to primarily target the apical dendrite, while PVs mediate perisomatic inhibition, so the different roles of the interneurons in the model make sense, particularly for negative PE neurons, where a top-down excitatory predicted mean is first subtractively compared with the sensory input, s, prior to division by the variance. However, sensory input is typically thought of as arising ’bottom-up’, via layer 4, so the model may match the circuit anatomy less in the case of positive PE neurons, where the diagram shows ’s’ arising in a top-down manner. Do the authors have a justification for this choice?
We agree that ‘s’ is a bottom-up input and should have been more clear about that we do not consider ‘s’ to be a top-down input like the prediction. We hence adjusted the figure correspondingly and added a few clarifying sentences to the manuscript. The reviewer, however, raises an important point, which is not talked about enough. Namely, that if the bottom-up input ‘s’ comes from L4, how can it be compared in a subtractive manner with the top-down prediction arriving in the superficial layers? In Attinger et al. it was shown that the visual stimulus had subtractive effects on SST neurons. The axonal fibers delivering the stimulus information are hence likely to arrive in the vicinity of the apical dendrites, where SSTs target pyramidal cells. Hence, those axons delivering stimulus information could also target the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells. As the reviewer probably had in mind, L4 input tends to arrive in the somatic layer. However, there are also stimulus-responsive cells in layer 2/3, such that the stimulus information does not need to come directly from L4, it could be relayed via those stimulus-responsive layer 2/3 cells. It has been shown that L2/3→L3 axons are mostly located in the upper basal dendrites and the apical oblique dendrites, above the input from L4 (Petreanu et al. The subcellular organization of neocortical excitatory connections). Hence, stimulus information could arrive on the apical dendrites, and be subtractively modulated by SSTs. We would also like to note that the model does not take into account the precise dendritic location of the inputs. The model only assumes that the difference between stimulus and prediction is calculated before the divisive modulation by the variance.
In cortical circuits, assuming a 2:8 ratio of inhibitory to excitatory neurons, there are at least 10 pyramidal neurons to each SST and PV neuron. Pyramidal neurons are also typically much more selective about the type of sensory stimuli they respond to compared to these interneuron classes (e.g., Kerlin et al., 2012, Neuron). A nice feature of the proposed model is that the same interneurons can provide predictions of the mean and variance of the stimulus in a predictor-dependent manner. However, in a scenario where you have two types of sensory stimulus to predict (e.g., two different whiskers stimulated), with pyramidal neurons selective for prediction errors in one or the other, what does the model predict? Would you need specific SST and PV circuits for each type of predicted stimulus?
If we understand correctly, this would be a scenario in which the same context (e.g., sound) is predicting two types of sensory stimulus. In that case, one may need specific SST and PV circuits for the different error neurons selective for prediction errors in these stimuli, depending on how different the predictions are for the two stimuli as we elaborate in the following. The reviewer is raising an important point here and that is why we added a section to the discussion elaborating on it.
We think that there is a reason why interneurons are less selective than pyramidal cells and that this is also a feature in prediction error circuits. Similarly-tuned cells are more connected to each other, because they tend to be activated together as the stimuli they encode tend to be present in the environment together. Also, error neurons selective to nearby whiskers are more likely to receive similar stimulus information, and hence similar predictions. Hence, because nearby whiskers are more likely to be deflected similarly, a circuit structure may have developed during development such that neurons selective for prediction errors of nearby whiskers, may receive inputs from the same inhibitory interneurons. In that case, the same SST and PV cells could innervate those different neurons. If, however, the sensory stimuli to be predicted are very different, such that their representations are likely to be located far away from each other, then it also makes sense that the predictions for those stimuli are more diverse, and hence the error neurons selective to these are unlikely to be innervated by the same interneurons.
We added a shorter version of this to the discussion: “The lower selectivity of interneurons in comparison to pyramidal cells could be a feature in prediction error circuits. Error neurons selective to similar stimuli are more likely to receive similar stimulus information, and hence similar predictions. Therefore, a circuit structure may have developed such that prediction error neurons with similar selectivity may receive inputs from the same inhibitory interneurons.”
Reviewer 2 (Public Review):
Summary: This computational modeling study addresses the observation that variable observations are interpreted differently depending on how much uncertainty an agent expects from its environment. That is, the same mismatch between a stimulus and an expected stimulus would be less significant, and specifically would represent a smaller prediction error, in an environment with a high degree of variability than in one where observations have historically been similar to each other. The authors show that if two different classes of inhibitory interneurons, the PV and SST cells, (1) encode different aspects of a stimulus distribution and (2) act in different (divisive vs. subtractive) ways, and if (3) synaptic weights evolve in a way that causes the impact of certain inputs to balance the firing rates of the targets of those inputs, then pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 of canonical cortical circuits can indeed encode uncertainty-modulated prediction errors. To achieve this result, SST neurons learn to represent the mean of a stimulus distribution and PV neurons its variance.
The impact of uncertainty on prediction errors is an understudied topic, and this study provides an intriguing and elegant new framework for how this impact could be achieved and what effects it could produce. The ideas here differ from past proposals about how neuronal firing represents uncertainty. The developed theory is accompanied by several predictions for future experimental testing, including the existence of different forms of coding by different subclasses of PV interneurons, which target different sets of SST interneurons (as well as pyramidal cells). The authors are able to point to some experimental observations that are at least consistent with their computational results. The simulations shown demonstrate that if we accept its assumptions, then the authors’ theory works very well: SSTs learn to represent the mean of a stimulus distribution, PVs learn to estimate its variance, firing rates of other model neurons scale as they should, and the level of un- certainty automatically tunes the learning rate, so that variable observations are less impactful in a high uncertainty setting.
Strengths: The ideas in this work are novel and elegant, and they are instantiated in a progression of simulations that demonstrate the behavior of the circuit. The framework used by the authors is biologically plausible and matches some known biological data. The results attained, as well as the assumptions that go into the theory, provide several predictions for future experimental testing.
Weaknesses: Overall, I found this manuscript to be frustrating to read and to try to understand in detail, especially the Results section from the UPE/Figure 4 part to the end and parts of the Methods section. I don’t think the main ideas are so complicated, and it should be possible to provide a much clearer presentation.
For me, one source of confusion is the comparison across Figure 1EF, Figure 2A, Figure 3A, Figure 4AB, and Figure 5A. All of these are meant to be schematics of the same circuit (although with an extra neuron in Figure 5), yet other than Figures 1EF and 4AB, no two are the same! There should be a clear, consistent schematic used, with identical labeling of input sources, neuron types, etc. across all of these panels.
We changed all figures to make them more consistent and pointed out that we consider subparts of the circuit.
The flow of the Results section overall is clear until the “Calculation of the UPE in Layer 2/3 error neurons” and Figure 4, where I find that things become significantly more confusing. The mention of NMDA and calcium spikes comes out of the blue, and it’s not clear to me how this fits into the authors’ theory. Moreover: Why would this property of pyramidal cells cause the PV firing rate to increase as stated? The authors refer to one set of weights (from SSTs to UPE) needing to match two targets (weights from s to UPE and weights from mean representation to UPE); how can one set of weights match two targets? Why do the authors mention “out-of-distribution detection’ here when that property is not explored later in the paper? (see also below for other comments on Figure 4)
We agree that the introduction of NMDA and calcium spikes was too short and understand that it was confusing. We therefore modified and expanded the section. To answer the two specific questions: First, Why would this property of pyramidal cells cause the PV firing rate to increase as stated? This property of pyramidal cells does not cause the PV firing rate to increase. When for example in positive error neurons, the mean input increases, then the PVs receive higher stimulus input on average, which is not compensated by the inhibitory prediction (which is still at the old mean), such that the PV firing rate increases. Due to the nonlinear integration in PVs, the firing rate can increase a lot and inhibit the error neurons strongly. If the error neurons integrate the difference nonlinearly, they compensate for the increased inhibition by PVs. In Figure 5, we show that a circuit in which error neurons exhibit a dendritic nonlinearity matches an idealised circuit in which the PVs perfectly represent the variance. We modified the text to clarify this.
Second, how can one set of weights match two targets? In our model, one set of weights does not need to match two targets. We apologise that this was written in such a confusing way. In positive error neurons, the inhibitory weights from the SSTs need to match the excitatory weights from the stimulus, and in negative error neurons, the inhibitory weights from the SSTs need to match the excitatory weights from the prediction. The weights in positive and negative circuits do not need to be the same. So, on a particular error neuron, the inhibition needs to match the excitation to maintain EI balance. Given experimental evidence for EI balance and heterosynaptic plasticity, we think that this constraint is biologically achievable. The inhibitory and excitatory synapses that need to match are targeting the same postsynaptic neuron and could hence have access to their postsynaptic effect. We modified the text to be more clear. Finally, we omitted the mentioning of out-of-distribution detection, see our reply below.
Coming back to one of the points in the previous paragraph: How realistic is this exact matching of weights, as well as the weight matching that the theory requires in terms of the weights from the SSTs to the PVs and the weights from the stimuli to the PVs? This point should receive significant elaboration in the discussion, with biological evidence provided. I would not advocate for the authors’ uncertainty prediction theory, despite its elegant aspects, without some evidence that this weight matching occurs in the brain. Also, the authors point out on page 3 that unlike their theory, “...SSTs can also have divisive effects, and PVs can have subtractive effects, dependent on circuit and postsynaptic properties”. This should be revisited in the Discussion, and the authors should explain why these effects are not problematic for their theory. In a similar vein, this work assumes the existence of two different populations of SST neurons with distinct UPE (pyramidal) targets. The Discussion doesn’t say much about any evidence for this assumption, which should be more thoroughly discussed and justified.
These are very important points, we agree that the biological plausibility of the model’s predictions should be discussed and hence expanded the discussion with three new paragraphs:
To enable the comparison between predictions and sensory information via subtractive inhibition, we pointed out that the weights of those inputs on the postsynaptic neuron need to match. This essentially means that there needs to be a balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Such an EI balance has been observed experimentally (Tan and Wehr, 2009). And it has previously been suggested that error responses are the result of breaking this EI balance (Hertäg und Sprekeler, 2020, Barry and Gerstner, 2024). Heterosynaptic plasticity is a possible mechanism to achieve EI balance (Field et al. 2020). For example, spike pairing in pre- and postsynaptic neurons induces long-term potentiation at co-activated excitatory and inhibitory synapses with the degree of inhibitory potentiation depending on the evoked excitation (D’amour and Froemke, 2015), which can normalise EI balance (Field et al. 2020).
In the model we propose, SSTs should be subtractive and PVs divisive. However, SSTs can also be divisive, and PVs subtractive dependent on circuit and postsynaptic properties (Seybold et al. 2015, Lee et al. 2012, Dorsett et al. 2021). This does not necessarily contradict our model, as circuits in which SSTs are divisive and PVs subtractive could implement a different function, as not all pyramidal cells are error neurons. Hence, our model suggests that error neurons which can calculate UPEs should have similar physiological properties to the layer 2/3 cells observed in the study by Wilson et al. 2012.
Our model further posits the existence of two distinct subtypes of SSTs in positive and negative error circuits. Indeed, there are many different subtypes of SSTs. SST is expressed by a large population of interneurons, which can be further subdivided. There is e.g. a type called SST44, which was shown to specifically respond when the animal corrects a movement (Green et al. 2023). Our proposal is hence aligned with the observation of functionally specialised subtypes of SSTs.
Finally, I think this is a paper that would have been clearer if the equations had been interspersed within the results. Within the given format, I think the authors should include many more references to the Methods section, with specific equation numbers, where they are relevant throughout the Results section. The lack of clarity is certainly made worse by the current state of the Methods section, where there is far too much repetition and poor ordering of material throughout.
We implemented the reviewer’s detailed and helpful suggestions on how to improve the ordering and other aspects of the methods section and now either intersperse the equations within the results or refer to the relevant equation number from the Methods section within the Results section.
Reviewer 3 (Public Review):
Summary: The authors proposed a normative principle for how the brain’s internal estimate of an observed sensory variable should be updated during each individual observation. In particular, they propose that the update size should be inversely proportional to the variance of the variable. They then proposed a microcircuit model of how such an update can be implemented, in particularly incorporating two types of interneurons and their subtractive and divisive inhibition onto pyramidal neurons. One type should represent the estimated mean while another represents the estimated variance. The authors used simulations to show that the model works as expected.
Strengths: The paper addresses two important issues: how uncertainty is represented and used in the brain, and the role of inhibitory neurons in neural computation. The proposed circuit and learning rules are simple enough to be plausible. They also work well for the designated purposes. The paper is also well-written and easy to follow.
Weaknesses: I have concerns with two aspects of this work.
(1) The optimality analysis leading to Eq (1) appears simplistic. The learning setting the authors describe (estimating the mean of a stationary Gaussian variable from a stream of observations) is a very basic problem in online learning/streaming algorithm literature. In this setting, the real “optimal” estimate is simply the arithmetic average of all samples seen so far. This can be implemented in an online manner with µˆt = µˆt−1 +(st −µˆt−1)/t. This is optimal in the sense that the estimator is always the maximum likelihood estimator given the samples seen up to time t. On the other hand, doing gradient descent only converges towards the MLE estimator after a large number of updates. Another critique is that while Eq (1) assumes an estimator of the mean (mˆu), it assumes that the variance is already known. However, in the actual model, the variance also needs to be estimated, and a more sophisticated analysis thus needs to take into account the uncertainty of the variance estimate and so on. Finally, the idea that the update should be inverse to the variance is connected to the well-established idea in neuroscience that more evidence should be integrated over when uncertainty is high. For example, in models of two-alternative forced choices it is known to be optimal to have a longer reaction time when the evidence is noisier.
We agree with the reviewer that the simple example we gave was not ideal, as it could have been solved much more elegantly without gradient descent. And the reviewer correctly pointed out that our solution was not even optimal. We now present a better example in Figure 7, where the mean of the Gaussian variable is not stationary. Indeed, we did not intend to assume that the Gaussian variable is stationary, as we had in mind that the environment can change and hence also the Gaussian variable. If the mean is constant over time, it is indeed optimal to use the arithmetic mean. However, if the mean changes after many samples, then the maximum likelihood estimator model would be very slow to adapt to the new mean, because t is large and each new stimulus only has a small impact on the estimate. If the mean changes, uncertainty modulation may be useful: if the variance was small before, and the mean changes, then the resulting big error will influence the change in the estimate much more, such that we can more quickly learn the new mean. A combination of the two mechanisms would probably be ideal. We use gradient descent here, because not all optimisation problems the brain needs to solve are that simple. The problem with converging only after a large number of updates is a general problem of the algorithm. Here, we propose how the brain could estimate uncertainty to achieve the uncertainty-modulation observed in inference and learning tasks observed in behavioural studies. To give a more complex example, we present in a new Figure 8 how a hierarchy of UPE circuits can be used for uncertainty-based integration of prior and sensory information, similar to Bayes-optimal integration.
Yes, indeed, there is well-known behavioural evidence, we would like to thank the reviewer for pointing out this connection to two-alternative forced choice tasks. We now cite this work. Our contribution is not on the already established computational or algorithmic level, but the proposal of a neural implementation of how uncertainty could modulate learning. The variance indeed needs to be estimated for optimal mean updating. That means that in the beginning, there will be non-optimal updating until the variance is learned. However, once the variance is learned, mean-updating can use the learned variance. There may be few variance contexts but many means to be learned, such that variance contexts can be reused. In any case, this is a problem on the algorithmic level, and not so much on the implementational level we are concerned with.
(2) While the incorporation of different inhibitory cell types into the model is appreciated, it appears to me that the computation performed by the circuit is not novel. Essentially the model implements a running average of the mean and a running average of the variance, and gates updates to the mean with the inverse variance estimate. I am not sure about how much new insight the proposed model adds to our understanding of cortical microcircuits.
We here suggest an implementation for how uncertainty could modulate learning via influencing prediction error com- putation. Our model can explain how humans could estimate uncertainty and weight prior versus sensory information accordingly. The focus of our work was not to design a better algorithm for mean and variance estimation, but rather to investigate how specialised prediction error circuits in the brain can implement these operations to provide new experimental hypotheses and predictions.
Reviewer 1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Clarity and conciseness are a strength of this manuscript, but a more comprehensive explanation could improve the reader’s understanding in some instances. This includes the NMDA-based nonlinearity of pyramidal neuron activation - I am a little unclear exactly what problem this solves and how (alongside the significance of 5D and E).
We agree that the introduction of the NMDA-based nonlinearity was too short and understand that it was confusing. We therefore modified and expanded the section, where we introduce the dendritic nonlinearity of the error neurons.
Page 5: I think there is a ’positive’ and ’negative’ missing from the following sentence: ’the weights from the SSTs to the UPE neurons need to match the weights from the stimulus s to the UPE neuron and from the mean representation to the UPE neuron, respectively.’
Thanks for pointing that out! We changed the sentence to be more clear to the following: “To ensure a comparison between the stimulus and the prediction, the inhibition from the SSTs needs to match the excitation it is compared to in the UPE neurons: In the positive PE circuit, the weights from the SSTs representing the prediction to the UPE neurons need to match the weights from the stimulus s to the UPE neurons. In the negative PE circuit, the weights from SSTs representing the stimulus to the negative UPE neurons need to match the weights from the mean representation to the UPE neurons, respectively.”
Reviewer 2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Related to the first point above: I don’t feel that the authors adequately explained what the “s” and “a” information (e.g., in Figures 2A, 3A) represent, where they are coming from, what neurons they impact and in what way (and I believe Fig. 3A is missing one “a” label). I think they should elaborate more fully on these key, foundational details for their theory. To me, the idea of starting from the PV, SST, and pyramidal circuit, and then suddenly introducing the extra R neuron in Figure 5, just adds confusion. If the R neuron is meant to be the source, in practice, of certain inputs to some of the other cell types, then I think that should be included in the circuit from the start. Perhaps a good idea would be to start with two schematics, one in the form of Figure 5A (but with additional labeling for PV, SST) and one like Figure 1EF (but with auditory inputs as well), with a clear indication that the latter is meant to represent a preliminary, reduced form of the former that will be used in some initial tests of the performance of the PV, SST, UPE part of the circuit. Related to the Methods, I also can give a list of some specific complaints (in latex):
(1) φ, φP V are used in equations (10), (11), so they should be defined there, not many equations later.
Thank you, we changed that.
(2) β, 1 − β appear without justification or explanation in (11). That is finally defined and derived several pages later.
Thank you, we now define it right at the beginning.
(3) Equations (10)-(12) should be immediately followed by information about plasticity, rather than deferring that.
That’s a great idea. We changed it. Now the synaptic dynamics are explained together with the firing rate dynamics.
(4) After the rate equations (10)-(12) and weight change equations (23)-(25) are presented, the same equations are simply repeated in the “Explanation of the synaptic dynamics” subsection.
We agree that this was suboptimal. We moved the explanation of the synaptic dynamics up and removed the repetition.
(5) In the circuit model (13)-(19), it’s not clear why rR shows up in the SST+ and PV− equations vs. rs in PV+ and SST−. Moreover, rs is not even defined! Also, I don’t see why wP V +,R shows up in the equation for rP V − .
We added more explanation to the Methods section as to why the neurons receive these inputs and renamed rs to s, which is defined. The “+” in wP V +,R was a typo. Thank you for spotting that.
(6) The authors should only number those equations that they will reference by number. Even more importantly, there are many numbers such as (20), (26), (32), (39) that are just floating there without referring to an equation at all.
Thank you for spotting that. We corrected this.
(7) The authors fail to specify what is ra in Figure 8. Moreover, it seems strange to me that wP V,a approaches σ rather than wP V,ara approaching σ, since φP V is a function of wP V,ara.
You are right, wP V,ara should approach σ, but since ra is either 1 or 0 to indicate the presence of absence of the cue, and only wP V,a is plastic and changing„ wP V,a approaches σ.
(8) I don’t understand the rationale for the authors to introduce equation. (30) when they already had plasticity equations earlier. What is the relation of (30), (31) to (24)?
It is the same equation. In 30 we introduce simpler symbols for a better overview of the equations. 31 is equal to 30, with rP V replaced by it’s steady state.
(9) η is omitted from (33) - it won’t affect the final result but should be there.
We fixed this.
I have many additional specific comments and suggestions, some related to errors that really should have been caught before manuscript submission. I will present these based on the order in which they arise in the manuscript.
(1) In the abstract, the mention of layer 2/3 comes out of nowhere. Why this layer specifically? Is this meant to be an abstract/general cortical circuit model or to relate to a specific brain area? (Also watch for several minor grammatical issues in the abstract and later.)
Thank you for pointing this out. We now mention that the observed error neurons can be found in layer 2/3 of diverse brain areas. It is meant to be a general cortical circuit model independent of brain area.
(2) In par. 2 of the introduction, I find sentences 3-4 to be confusing and vague. Please rewrite what is meant more directly and clearly.
We tried to improve those sentences.
(3) Results subtitle 1: “suggests” → “suggest”
Thank you.
(4) Be careful to use math font whenever variables, such as a and N, are referenced (e.g., use of a instead of a bottom pg. 2).
We agree and checked the entire manuscript.
(5) Ref. to Fig. 1B bottom pg. 2 should be Fig. 1CD. The panel order in the figure should then be changed to match how it is referenced.
We fixed it and matched the ordering of the text with the ordering of the figure.
(6) Fig. 2C and 3E captions mention std but this is not shown in the figures - should be added.
It is there, it is just very small.
(7) Please clarify the relation of Figure 2C to 2F, and Figure 3F to 3H.
We colour-coded the points in 2F that correspond to the bars in 2C. We did the same for 3F and 3H.
(8) Figures 3E,3F appear to be identical except for the y-axis label and inclusion of std in 3F. Either more explanation is needed of how these relate or one should be cut.
The difference is that 3E shows the activity of PVs based on only the sound cue in the absence of a whisker stimulus. And 3F shows the activity of PVs based on both the sound cue and whisker stimuli. We state this more clearly now.
(9) Bottom of pg. 4: clarify that a quadratic φP V is a model assumption, not derived from results in the figure.
We added that we assume this.
(10) When k is referenced in the caption of Figure 4, the reader has no idea what it is. More substantially, most panels of Figure 4 are not referenced in the paper. I don’t understand what point the authors are trying to make here with much of this figure. Indeed, since the claim is that the uncertainy prediction should be based on division by σ2, why aren’t the numerical values for UPE rates much larger, since σ gets so small? The authors also fail to give enough details about the simulations done to obtain these plots; presumably these are after some sort of (unspecified) convergence, and in response to some sort of (unspecified) stimulus? Coming back to k, I don’t understand why k > 2 is used in addition to k = 2. The text mentions – even italicizes – “out-of-distribution dectection’, but this is never mentioned elsewhere in the paper and seems to be outside the true scope of the work (and not demonstrated in Figure 4). Sticking with k = 2 would also allow authors to simply use (·)k below (10), rather than the awkward positive part function that they have used now.
We now introduce the equation for the error neurons in Eq. 3 within the text, such that k is introduced before the caption. It also explains why the numerical values do not become much larger. Divisive inhibition, unlike mathematical division, cannot lead to multiplication in neurons. To ensure this, we add 1 to the denominator.
We show the error neuron responses to stimuli deviating from the learned mean after learning the mean and variance. The deviation is indicated either on the x-axis or in the legend depending on the plot. We now more explicitly state that these plots are obtained after learning the mean and the variance.
We removed the mentioning of the “out-of-distribution detection” as a detailed treatment would indeed be outside of the scope.
(11) Page 5, please clarify what is meant by “weights from the sound...”. You have introduced mathematical notation - use it so that you can be precise.
We added the mathematical notation, thank you!
(12) Figure 5D: legend has 5 entries but the figure panel only plots 4 quantities.
The SST firing rate was below the R firing rate. We hence omitted the SST firing rate and its legend.
(13) Figure 5: I don’t understand what point is being made about NMDA spikes. The text for Figure 5 refers to NMDA spikes in Figure 4, but nothing was said about NMDA spikes in the text for Figure 4 nor shown in Figure 4 itself.
We were referring to the nonlinearity in the activation function of UPEs in Figure 4. We changed the text to clarify this point.
(14) Figure 6: It is too difficult to distinguish the black and purple curves even on a large monitor. Also, the authors fail to define what they mean by “MM” and also do not define the quantities Y+ and Y− that they show. Another confusing aspect is that the model has PV+ and PV− neurons, so why doesn’t the figure?
Thank you for the comment. We changed the colour for better visibility, replaced the Upsilons with UPE (we changed the notation at some point and forgot to change it in the figure), and defined MM, which is the mismatch stimulus that causes error activity. We did not distinguish between PV+ and PV− in the plot as their activity is the same on average. We plotted the activity of the PV+. We now mention that we show the activity of PV+ as the representative.
(15) Also Figure 6: The authors do not make it clear in the text whether these are simulation results or cartoons. If the latter, please replace this with actual simulation results.
They are actual simulation results. We clarified this in the text.
(16) This work assumes the existence of two different populations of SST neurons with distinct UPE (pyramidal) targets. The Discussion doesn’t say much about any evidence for this assumption, which should be more thoroughly discussed and justified.
We now discuss this in more detail in the discussion as mentioned in our response to the public review.
(17) Par. 2 of the discussion refers to “Bayesian” and “Bayes-optimal” several times. Nothing was said earlier in the paper about a Bayesian framework for these results and it’s not clear what the authors mean by referring to Bayes here. This paragraph needs editing so that it clearly relates to the material of the results section and its implications.
We added an additional results section (the last section with Figure 8) on integrating prior and sensory information based on their uncertainties, which is also the case for Bayes-optimal integration, and show that our model can reproduce the central tendency effect, which is a hallmark of Bayes-optimal behaviour.
Reviewer 3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
See public review. I think the gradient-descent type of update the authors do in Equation (1) could be more useful in a more complicated learning scenario where the MLE has no closed form and has to be computed with gradient-based algorithms.
We responded in detail to your points in our point-by-point response to the public review.
eLife Assessment
This important study introduces a new cortical circuit model for predictive processing. Simulations effectively illustrate that, with appropriate synaptic plasticity, a canonical layer 2/3 cortical circuit - comprising two classes of interneurons providing subtractive and divisive inhibition - can generate uncertainty-modulated prediction errors by pyramidal neurons. The model is compelling; although it relies on many assumptions and has not yet been compared directly to data, the model does align with empirical observations and yields a range of testable predictions. The study is expected to be of great interest to those involved in cortical and predictive processing research.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This computational modeling study addresses the observation that variable observations are interpreted differently depending on how much uncertainty an agent expects from its environment. That is, the same mismatch between a stimulus and an expected stimulus would be less significant, and specifically would represent a smaller prediction error, in an environment with a high degree of variability than in one where observations have historically been similar to each other. The authors show that if two different classes of inhibitory interneurons, the PV and SST cells, (1) encode different aspects of a stimulus distribution and (2) act in different (divisive vs. subtractive) ways, and if (3) synaptic weights evolve in a way that causes the impact of certain inputs to balance the firing rates of the targets of those inputs, then pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 of canonical cortical circuits can indeed encode uncertainty-modulated prediction errors. To achieve this result, SST neurons learn to represent the mean of a stimulus distribution and PV neurons its variance.
The impact of uncertainty on prediction errors in an understudied topic, and this study provides an intriguing and elegant new framework for how this impact could be achieved and what effects it could produce. The ideas here differ from past proposals about how neuronal firing represents uncertainty. The developed theory is accompanied by several predictions for future experimental testing, including the existence of different forms of coding by different subclasses of PV interneurons, which target different sets of SST interneurons (as well as pyramidal cells). The authors are able to point to some experimental observations that are at least consistent with their computational results. The simulations shown demonstrate that if we accept its assumptions, then the authors' theory works very well: SSTs learn to represent the mean of a stimulus distribution, PVs learn to estimate its variance, firing rates of other model neurons scale as they should, and the level of uncertainty automatically tunes the learning rate, so that variable observations are less impactful in a high uncertainty setting.
The ideas in this work are novel and elegant, and they are instantiated in a progression of simulations that demonstrate the behavior of the circuit. The framework used by the authors is biologically plausible and matches some known biological data. The results attained, as well as the assumptions that go into the theory, provide several predictions for future experimental testing. The authors have taken into account earlier review comments to revise their paper in ways that enhance its clarity.
One weakness could be that the proposed theory does rely on a fairly large number of assumptions. However, there is at least some biological support for these. Importantly, the authors do lay out and discuss their key assumptions in the Discussion section, so readers can assess their validity and implications for themselves.
Reviewer #4 (Public review):
Wilmes and colleagues develop a model for the computation of uncertainty modulated prediction errors based on an experimentally inspired cortical circuit model for predictive processing. Predictive processing is a promising theory of cortical function. An essential aspect of the model is the idea of precision weighting of prediction errors. There is ample experimental evidence for prediction error responses in cortex. However, a central prediction of the theory is that these prediction error responses are regulated by the uncertainty of the input. Testing this idea experimentally has been difficult due to a lack of concrete models. This work provides one such model and makes experimentally testable predictions.
The model proposed is novel and well-implemented. It has sufficient biological accuracy to make useful and testable predictions.
One key idea the model hinges on is that stimulus uncertainty is encoded in the firing rate of parvalbumin positive interneurons. This assumption, however, is rather speculative and there is no direct evidence for this.
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eLife Assessment
Treatment of pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is challenging because of intrinsic and acquired antibiotic resistance to most antibiotic drug classes. Therefore, by using donor B cells in subjects with cystic fibrosis who undergo intermittent or chronic airway PA infections, the authors tried to isolate BCRs against PA virulence factors and examine their biological activities. The data are solid and isolated protective antibodies could be useful for protection against PA.
Joint Public Review:
This study presents a strategy to efficiently isolate PcrV-specific BCRs from human donors with cystic fibrosis who have/had Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection. Isolation of mAbs that provide protection against PA may be a key to developing a new strategy to treat PA infection as the PA has intrinsic and acquired resistance to most antibiotic drug classes. Hale et al. developed fluorescently labeled antigen-hook and isolated mAbs with anti-PA activity. Overall, the authors' conclusion is supported by solid data analysis presented in the paper. Four of five recombinantly expressed PcrV-specific mAbs exhibited anti-PA activity in a murine pneumonia challenge model as potent as the V2L2MD mAb (equivalent to gremubamab). However, therapeutic potency for these isolated mAbs is uncertain as the gremubamab has failed in Phase 2 trials. Clarification of this point would greatly benefit this paper.
(1) High efficiency of isolating antigen-specific BCRs using an antigenic hook.
(2) The authors' conclusion is supported by data.
Although the authors state that the goal of this study was to generate novel protective mAbs for therapeutic use (P12; Para. 2), it is unclear whether PcrV-specific mAbs isolated in this study have therapeutic potential better than the gremubamab, which has failed in Phase 2 trials. Four of five PcrV-specific mAbs isolated in this study reduced bacterial burdens in mice as potent as, but not superior to, gremubamab-equivalent mAb. Clarification of this concern by revising the text or providing experimental results that show better potential than gremubamab would greatly benefit this paper.
Author response:
Joint Public Review:
This study presents a strategy to efficiently isolate PcrV-specific BCRs from human donors with cystic fibrosis who have/had Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection. Isolation of mAbs that provide protection against PA may be a key to developing a new strategy to treat PA infection as the PA has intrinsic and acquired resistance to most antibiotic drug classes. Hale et al. developed fluorescently labeled antigen-hook and isolated mAbs with anti-PA activity. Overall, the authors' conclusion is supported by solid data analysis presented in the paper. Four of five recombinantly expressed PcrV-specific mAbs exhibited anti-PA activity in a murine pneumonia challenge model as potent as the V2L2MD mAb (equivalent to gremubamab). However, therapeutic potency for these isolated mAbs is uncertain as the gremubamab has failed in Phase 2 trials. Clarification of this point would greatly benefit this paper.
(1) High efficiency of isolating antigen-specific BCRs using an antigenic hook.
(2) The authors' conclusion is supported by data.
Although the authors state that the goal of this study was to generate novel protective mAbs for therapeutic use (P12; Para. 2), it is unclear whether PcrV-specific mAbs isolated in this study have therapeutic potential better than the gremubamab, which has failed in Phase 2 trials. Four of five PcrV-specific mAbs isolated in this study reduced bacterial burdens in mice as potent as, but not superior to, gremubamab-equivalent mAb. Clarification of this concern by revising the text or providing experimental results that show better potential than gremubamab would greatly benefit this paper.
The authors thank the reviewer for their thoughtful positive assessment. As noted by the reviewer, the studies described here, which were performed in mice, show that our MBC-derived mAbs are as effective as V2L2MD, a mAb that is one component of the gremubamab bi-specific. However, key theoretical strengths of MBC-derived mAbs (reduced immunogenicity, full participation in effector functions) are not easily tested in mice. We have clarified and expanded our discussion of these points in our revised manuscript, particularly in the Discussion paragraph 4.
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eLife Assessment
This valuable study addresses one way in which animals identify predator-associated cues and respond in a manner that reflects the imminence of the potential threat. The report shows that, in mice, fresh saliva from a natural predator (cat) elicits a greater defensive response compared to old cat saliva and implicates the vomeronasal organ and ventromedial hypothalamus as part of a circuit that underlies this process. The evidence supporting the main conclusions is solid. This study will be of interest to those interested in aversive behavior, its processes, and mechanisms.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Animals in natural environments need to identify predator-associated cues and respond with the appropriate behavioral response to survive. In rodents, some chemical cues produced by predators (e.g., cat saliva) are detected by chemosensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ (VNO). The VNO transmits predator-associated information to the accessory olfactory bulb, which in turn projects to the medial amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, two regions implicated in the initiation of antipredator defensive behaviors. A downstream area to these two regions is the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), which has been shown to control both active (i.e., flight) and passive (i.e, freezing) antipredator defensive responses via distinct efferent projections to the anterior hypothalamic nucleus or the periaqueductal gray, respectively. However, whether differences in predator-associated sensory information initially processed in the VNO and further conveyed to the VMH can trigger different types of behavioral responses remained unexplored. To address this question, here the authors investigated the behavioral responses of mice exposed to either fresh or old cat saliva, and further compared the underlying neural circuits that are activated by cat saliva with different freshness.
The scientific question of the study is valid, the experiments were well-performed, and the statistical analyses are appropriate. However, there are some concerns that may directly affect the main interpretation of the results.
In this revised version of the manuscript, the authors have made important modifications in the text, inserted new experiments and performed additional data analyses, as recommended. These modifications have significantly improved the quality of the manuscript and addressed all the major concerns detected during the prior submission.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Nguyen et al. showed that cat saliva can robustly induce freezing behavior in mice. This effect is mediated through accessory olfactory system as it requires physical contact and is abolished in Trp2 KO mice. The authors further showed that V2R-A4 cluster is responsive to cat saliva. Lastly, they demonstrated c-Fos induction in AOB and VMHdm/c by the cat saliva. The c-Fos level in the VMHdm/c is correlated with freezing response.
The study opens an interesting direction. It reveals the potential neural circuit for detecting cat saliva and driving defense behavior in mice. The behavior results and the critical role of accessory olfactory system in detecting cat saliva are clear and convincing.
The findings are relatively preliminary. The identities of the receptor and the ligand in the cat saliva that induces the behavior remain unclear. The identity of VMH cells that are activated by the cat saliva remains unclear. There is a lack of targeted functional manipulation to demonstrate the role of V2R-A4 or VMH cells in the behavioral response to the cat saliva.
Here are some specific comments:
(1) This result suggests that V2R-A4 may be the dominant VR for mice to detect cat saliva. Future studies should determine the identity of the receptor and the ligand in the cat saliva. Additionally, the functional importance of V2R-A4 remains unclear. It is important to knockout the receptor and test changes in cat saliva-induced freezing.
(2) AOB does not project to VMH directly. Other known important nodes for the predator defense circuit includes MeApv, BNST, PMd, AHN and PAG. It will be helpful to provide c-Fos data in those regions (especially MEA and BNST as they are between AOB and VMH) to provide a complete picture regarding how the brain process cat saliva to induce the behavior change.
(3) It is interesting that activation level difference in the VNO by old and fresh cat saliva does not transfer to AOB. It could be informative to examine correlation between VNO and AOB p6/c-Fos cell number and AOB and VMH c-Fos cell number across animals to understand whether the activation level across those regions are related. If they are not correlated, it could be helpful to add a discussion regarding potential reasons, e.g. neuromodulatory inputs to the AOB.
(4) Please indicate n in all figure plots and specify what individual dots means. In Figure 4h, there are 7 dots in old saliva group, presumably indicating 7 animals. In Figure 6b, there appear to be more than 7 dots for old cat saliva group. Are there more than 7 animals? If so, why are they not included in Figure 4h? If not, what does each dot mean? Note that each dot should represent independent sample. One animal should not contribute more than one dot.
(5) The identification of a cluster of VMHdm cells uniquely activated by fresh cat saliva urine is interesting. It will be important to identify the molecular handle of the cells to facilitate further investigation. This could be achieved using either activity dependent RNAseq or double in situ of saliva-induced c-Fos and candidate genes (candidate gene may be identified based on the known gene expression pattern).
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Nguyen et al show data indicating that the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) are part of a circuit that elicits defensive responses induced by predator odors. They also suggest that using fresh or old predator saliva may be a method to change the perceived imminence of predation. The authors also identify a family of VNO receptors that are activated by cat saliva. Next, the authors show how different components of this defensive circuit are activated by saliva, as measured by fos expression. The work also shows that different VMH populations are activated by fresh and old saliva, demonstrating that these stimuli create qualitatively different neural activity profiles. However, the exact components that differ between fresh and old saliva remain unknown and may be identified in future studies.
(1) Predator saliva is a stimulus of high ethological relevance<br /> (2) The authors performed a careful quantification of fos induction across the anterior-posterior axis<br /> (3) Authors show that different VMH populations are activated by fresh and old saliva
(1) There is a lack of standard circuit dissection methods, such as characterizing the behavioral effects of increasing and decreasing neural activity of relevant cell bodies and axonal projections
(2) Some of the findings are disconnected from the story. For example, the authors show V2R-A4-expressing cells are activated by predator odors, but the causal role of these cells in generating defensive actions is not shown
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews
We greatly appreciate all the reviewers’ constructive comments on our previously revised manuscript. In the current revision, we added several experimental data for answering the reviewers’ comments. Below we describe our point-by-point responses to their comments:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Unaddressed and additional concerns (re-submission)
In this revised version of the manuscript, the authors have made important modifications in the text, inserted new references, and incorporated additional quantifications of cFos immunolabeling in three brain regions, as recommended by the reviewers. While these modifications have significantly improved the quality of the manuscript, other critical concerns raised during the initial submission of the
manuscript (Major concerns 1, 2, and 4; some of them also raised by the other reviewers) were not properly addressed by the authors. On several occasions, the authors recognize the importance of clarifying the points for the correct interpretation of the results but opt for leaving the open questions to be addressed during future studies. Therefore, the authors might consider adding a new section at the end of the manuscript to include all the caveats and future directions.
In the current revision, in order to answer the reviewer #1’s original concerns 1, 2, and 4, we added several experimental data.
Original major concerns 1) and 2): Regarding whether mice are detecting qualitative or quantitative differences between fresh and old cat saliva.
To address these concerns, as shown in new Figure 1I and J, we measured volumes of saliva contained in in individual swabs and total protein concentrations at the time of behavior tests: Fresh (15 minutes after collection) and Old (4 hours after collection). The saliva volumes at the time of behavioral testing were indistinguishable between fresh and old samples (Figure 1I). In addition, the concentrations of total proteins in both fresh and old saliva were also indiscernible (Figure 1J). Furthermore, we also examined the difference of the amount of Fel d 4 protein, one of the most abundant proteins in cat saliva, between fresh and old saliva by conducting western blotting analyses. As shown in new Supplemental Figure 2, the amount of Fel d 4 was nearly equivalent between fresh and old saliva. Indeed, our analyses using recombinant Fel d 4 protein showed that Fel d 4 does not induce freezing behavior (Supplemental Figure 5). Based on these findings, we believe that the difference between fresh and old cat saliva lies in specific components rather than the total or major saliva content. One possible explanation for this difference is the time-dependent reduction of specific freezing-inducing components in old saliva.
To investigate such a possibility, we also examined mouse behavior directed toward swabs containing diluted fresh cat saliva. Indeed, exposure to diluted fresh saliva resulted in a shorter duration of freezing behavior. Fresh saliva diluted to 70% induced freezing behavior for a duration equivalent to that of undiluted fresh saliva, while freezing behavior in response to 50% and 30% fresh saliva was significantly reduced to the same duration as that observed with old saliva (Figure 1K). The duration of direct interaction with swabs containing 70% and 50–30% fresh saliva also exhibited a similar trend to that observed with fresh and old saliva swabs, respectively (Figure 1L).
These new results provide compelling evidence that the differential freezing response of mice to fresh versus old cat saliva is not attributed to quantitative differences, such as total volume, total protein concentration, or the amount of major proteins like Fel d 4. However, when fresh saliva was diluted, we observed a corresponding reduction in freezing behavior, suggesting that specific components within the saliva—those responsible for inducing freezing—may decrease over time.
Our findings indicate that while the overall content of saliva remains consistent over time, specific freezing-inducing components seem to degrade or reduce at a different rate than other components, which alters the composition of saliva over time. The speed of reduction of these freezing-inducing components appears to be different from more stable proteins such as Fel d 4. As a result, the composition of saliva changes over time, leading to a qualitative difference between fresh and old saliva that mice can detect. This ability to discern such subtle chemical changes likely reflects an adaptive sensory mechanism, allowing mice to respond to predator cues to induce optimal defensive behavior in a certain context. Identifying the specific freezing-inducing components through traditional purification processes, such as high-performance liquid chromatography followed by behavioral examination (Haga-Yamanaka et al., 2014; Kimoto et al., 2005), is crucial for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying the observed behavior. Our research team is actively working to isolate these molecules, and we hope to report our findings in future studies.
(4) The interpretation that fresh and old saliva activates different subpopulations of neurons in the VMH based on the observation that cFos positively correlates with freezing responses only with the fresh saliva lacks empirical evidence. To address this question, the authors should use two neuronal activity markers to track the response of the same population of VHM cells within the same animals during exposure to fresh vs. old saliva.
To address this issue, as shown in the new Figure 7, we performed a double exposure experiment using Fos2A-iCreERT2; Ai9 (TRAP2) mice (Allen et al., 2017; DeNardo et al., 2019). In this experiment, mice were exposed to the first stimulus under the treatment of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT). One week after the initial exposure, the same mice were subjected to a second stimulus exposure for one hour. Through this paradigm, neurons activated by the first stimulus were visualized by tdTomato, while ones activated by the second stimulus were detected as cFos-IR (Figure 7A). Quantification of tdTomato and cFos-IR double-positive cells among tdTomato-labeled cells revealed that 43% (mean per animal: 61 / 143) of cells activated by fresh saliva during the first exposure were also activated by fresh saliva during the second exposure, whereas only 16% (17 / 106) of cells activated by old saliva during the first exposure were activated by fresh saliva during the second exposure (p = 7.5e-6, Chi-squared test). The difference in the fraction of overlapping cells between fresh and old saliva exposures was found significant when we compared the two groups of animals (Figure 7D, p = 0.0035, permutation test). Additionally, quantification of tdTomato and cFos-IR double-positive cells among cFos-IR cells indicated that over 27% (61 / 226) of cells activated by fresh saliva during the second exposure were previously activated by fresh saliva, whereas only 15% (17 / 112) of cells activated by fresh saliva during the second exposure were previously activated by old saliva (p = 0.015, Chi-squared test). The difference in the fraction of overlapping cells between fresh and old saliva exposures was also significant in this analysis (Figure 7E,p = 0.0060, permutation test). Together, these results demonstrate that fresh and old cat saliva activate largely different populations of neurons within the VMH. These new results were described on page 11 line 18 – page 12 line 8.
In addition to these unaddressed concerns, some new issues have emerged in the new version of the manuscript. For example, the following paragraph introduced in the discussion section is not supported by the experimental findings.
"We assume that such differential activations of the mitral cells between fresh and old saliva result in the differential activation of targeting neural substrates, possibly MeApv, which results in differential activation of VMH neurons (Figure 7)."
Although the authors did not observe statistical differences in cFos expression in the pvMeA among groups, they claim that the differences in cFos expression in the VMH between fresh vs. old saliva are mediated by differential activation of upstream neurons in the MeApv. The lack of statistical differences may be caused by the reduced number of subjects in each group, as recognized in the text by the
We appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful comment. We agree that the paragraph in the comment, which presented a working hypothesis regarding differential activations of mitral cells and the MeApv between fresh and old saliva exposures, was speculative and not fully supported by our experimental findings. To address this, we have removed the assumptions related to the differential responses of mitral cells and the MeApv from the discussion and have updated the figure accordingly (now presented as new Figure 8).
Moreover, the authors propose that in addition to fel d 4, multiple molecules present in the cat saliva can be inducing distinct defensive responses in the animals, but they do not provide any reference to support their claim.
We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point. Our claim regarding the presence of other molecules in cat saliva inducing freezing defensive responses is based on our observation, as shown in the new Supplemental Figure 5, that recombinant Fel d 4 protein alone does not induce freezing behavior. This suggests the existence of other unidentified components in cat saliva that may contribute to freezing behavior. As we agree that identifying these specific freezing-inducing components is important for a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms, our research team is actively working to isolate these molecules, and we hope to report our findings in future studies.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The findings are relatively preliminary. The identities of the receptor and the ligand in the cat saliva that induces the behavior remain unclear. The identity of VMH cells that are activated by the cat saliva remains unclear. There is a lack of targeted functional manipulation to demonstrate the role of V2R-A4 or VMH cells in the behavioral response to the cat saliva.
We thank the reviewer’s important insight on the need for further investigation into the molecular and neural mechanisms underlying the behavioral response to cat saliva. We recognize the importance of conducting studies involving V2R-A4 receptor knockouts and targeted functional manipulations within the VMH using neural circuit perturbation approaches.
However, the V2R-A4 subfamily consists of 25 Vmn2r genes, most of which are closely grouped together, forming a V2R-A4 gene cluster within a 2.5-megabase chromosomal region. As we described in our recent review article (Rocha et al., 2024), the Vmn2r genes within the V2R-A4 subfamily display a high degree of homology, with nucleotide and amino acid identities among the several Vmn2rs surpassing 97-99%, suggesting possible redundancy among these receptor genes. This is in stark contrast to the diversity typically observed within other V2R subfamilies. Consequently, knockout strategies targeting a single receptor gene, which have been successful for other vomeronasal receptors, may not be effective for V2R-A4 receptor genes. The most appropriate strategy for examining the necessity of V2R-A4 receptors would be knocking out the entire V2R-A4 gene cluster, spanning a 2.5-megabase chromosomal region. Due to the technical challenges involved, addressing this issue is not feasible in the foreseeable future. Moreover, in our current study, we aimed to establish the foundational relationship between predator cues in cat saliva and defensive behaviors. We view our findings as an important first step that sets the stage for these more targeted and mechanistic studies involving the neural circuit perturbation experiments, such as optogenetics and Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs), in the next step.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
(1) It is unclear if fresh and old saliva indeed alter the perceived imminence of predation, as claimed by the authors. Prior work indicates that lower imminence induces anxiety-related actions, such as re- organization of meal patterns and avoidance of open spaces, while slightly higher imminence produces freezing. Here, the authors show that fresh and old predator saliva only provoke different amounts of freezing, rather than changing the topography of defensive behaviors, as explained above. Another prediction of predatory imminence theory would be that lower imminence induced by old saliva should produce stronger cortical activation, while fresh saliva would activate amygdala, if these stimuli indeed correspond to significantly different levels of predation imminence.
We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful comments regarding the perceived imminence of predation and the behavioral responses to fresh and old saliva. Our study specifically focused on comparing the defensive behaviors of mice in response to 15-minute-old and 4-hour-old cat saliva, particularly within the context of freezing behavior in their home cages. We chose these specific time points to capture the potential variation in behavioral intensity rather than the full spectrum of defensive behaviors. While a more comprehensive analysis—including varying time points, different types of defensive behaviors, and broader neural activation patterns (e.g., cortical versus amygdala activation)—might provide further insights into predation imminence theory, these aspects were beyond the scope of our current study. Future research could certainly address these points by examining behavioral and neural responses across additional saliva aging intervals and in varied behavioral contexts. Such studies would complement and extend the findings presented here, further elucidating the relationship between predator cue characteristics and defensive behaviors.
(2) It is known that predator odors activate and require AOB, VNO and VMH, thus replications of these findings are not novel, decreasing the impact of this work.
As the reviewer mentioned, the activation of the AOB, VNO, and VMH by predator odors has been established in prior studies. However, our study provides new insights by demonstrating that defensive freezing behavior in response to predator odors is mediated through the vomeronasal organ (VNO) sensory circuit, which has not been previously shown. The novelty of our work lies in two key findings: 1) the introduction of a new behavioral paradigm that assesses freezing responses to predator cues based on the freshness of chemosensory signals in cat saliva, and 2) the demonstration that the vomeronasal sensory circuit mediates defensive freezing behavior in response to cat saliva.
Additionally, our results show that cat saliva of different freshness levels differentially activates VNO sensory neurons that express the same subfamily of sensory receptors. This differential activation subsequently modulates the downstream neural circuits, leading to varied freezing behavioral outcomes. We believe these findings provide a novel conceptual advance over previous studies by elucidating a more detailed mechanism of how predator-derived cues influence defensive behaviors through the accessory olfactory system.
(3) There is a lack of standard circuit dissection methods, such as characterizing the behavioral effects of increasing and decreasing neural activity of relevant cell bodies and axonal projections, significantly decreasing the mechanistic insights generated by this work
We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment. Investigating the behavioral effects of manipulating specific cell types and axonal projections, as well as characterizing circuit connectivity, is essential for a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying neural circuits. These approaches, such as modulating neural activity in defined cell populations and dissecting circuit pathways, using optogenetics, DREADD, etc., would provide deeper mechanistic insights. In our current study, however, we aimed to establish the foundational relationship between predator cues in cat saliva and defensive behaviors. We view our findings as an important first step that sets the stage for these more targeted and mechanistic studies in the future.
(4) The correlation shown in Figure 5c may be spurious. It appears that the correlation is primarily driven by a single point (the green square point near the bottom left corner). All correlations should be calculated using Spearman correlation, which is non-parametric and less likely to show a large correlation due to a small number of outliers. Regardless of the correlation method used, there are too few points in Figure 5c to establish a reliable correlation. Please add more points to 5c.
We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion regarding the correlation analysis in Figure 5E. We assessed the normality of our data using both the Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, which confirmed that the dataset is parametric, justifying the use of a parametric correlation method in this context. However, we acknowledge the concern about the limited number of data points and the influence of potential outliers on the observed correlation. Increasing the sample size might provide a more robust assessment of correlation patterns and reduce the potential impact of any single data point. While this would be an important direction for future research, such as with larger sample sizes, it is beyond the scope of the current study.
(5) Please cite recent relevant papers showing VMH activity induced by predators, such as https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33115925/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36788059/
We thank the reviewer’s suggestion to cite these important papers. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33115925/ (Esteban Masferrer et al., 2020) and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36788059/ (Tobias et al., 2023) are now cited at page 16 line 10 in Discussion under “Differential activation of VMH neurons potentially underlying distinct intensities of freezing behavior.”
(6) Add complete statistical information in the figure legends of all figures, which should include n, name of test used and exact p values.
We included statistical analysis results in figure legends; for Figure 6B, we provided statistical analysis results in Supplemental Table 1.
(7) Some of the findings are disconnected from the story. For example, the authors show V2R-A4- expressing cells are activated by predator odors. Are these cells more likely to be connected to the rest of the predatory defense circuit than other VNO cells?
Yes, our hypothesis posits that V2R-A4-expressing VNO sensory neurons serve as receptor neurons for predator cues present in cat saliva. Additionally, we assume that these specific sensory neurons have stronger anatomical connections with the defensive circuit compared to VNO sensory neurons expressing other receptor subfamilies. In our modified Discussion section, we discussed this point under “V2R-A4 subfamily as the receptor for predator cues in cat saliva.”
(8) Please paste all figure legends directly below their corresponding figure to make the manuscript easier to read
We have added figure legends directly below their corresponding figures.
(9) Were there other behavioral differences induced by fresh compared to old saliva? Do they provoke differences in stretch-attend risk evaluation postures, number of approaches, average distance to odor stimulus, velocity of movements towards and away the odor stimulus, etc?
We appreciate the reviewer's valuable comments. We have now incorporated an analysis of stretch-sniff risk assessment behavior, presented in new Figure 1F (graph) and Supplemental Figure 1B (raster plot). Mice exhibited stretch-sniff risk assessment behavior, which remained consistent across control, fresh saliva, and old saliva swabs. Additionally, we have also included a raster plot for direct investigation, previously noted as ‘interaction’ in the original manuscript (Supplemental Figure 1C). Mice exposed to a swab containing either fresh or old saliva significantly avoided directly investigating the swab. In contrast, mice exposed to a clean control swab spent a significant amount of time directly investigating the swab, engaging in behaviors such as sniffing and chewing (Figure 1G). A comparison of temporal behavioral patterns revealed a slightly higher frequency of direct investigation behavior toward old saliva compared to fresh saliva at the beginning of the exposure period (Supplemental Figure 1C).
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The authors have partially addressed several important points raised in the prior review, increasing the strength of the manuscript. However, 2 key questions already raised previously, were not addressed:
(1) Is old saliva qualitatively different from new saliva, or is it the same as a smaller amount of new saliva? As Reviewer 1 wrote: "An important point that the authors should clarify in this study is whether mice are detecting qualitative or quantitative differences between fresh and old cat saliva."
Since one of the author's main points is that fresh and old saliva elicit different perceived threat imminences, it is crucial to show that these two stimuli are somehow qualitatively different.
One way to investigate this could be to show that animals perform different behaviors when exposed to smaller among of new saliva vs old saliva, or that the cfos activation patterns are different in these two conditions.
The answers to these concerns are provided in the Public review Comment from Reviewer #1.
(2) The other key question is if different VMH populations are activated by new vs old saliva.
The answer to this concern is provided in the Public Review comment from Reviewer #1.
Lastly, although the new analysis and text changes improved the manuscript, many issues raised were addressed with some variation of 'future studies will be done', or 'we concur with the Reviewer'. However, the extra experiments required to answer these questions were not done. For this reason, even though the authors have numerous exciting pieces of data, overall the work is still incomplete. I highlight below some examples in which the authors agree with the Reviewer, but do not answer the question with the new work that would be required, or propose to do the work in future studies.
In this revised manuscript, we have conducted several additional experiments to address key concerns raised by the reviewers that are directly relevant to our claims. Specifically, we have examined: 1) whether qualitative or quantitative differences between fresh and old cat saliva are detected by mice to modulate behavior (NEW Figure 1I, J, K, and L, and NEW Supplemental Figure 2); 2) the involvement of Fel d 4 in freezing behavior (NEW Supplemental Figure 5); and 3) whether different VMH populations are activated by fresh versus old saliva (NEW Figure 7). However, some concerns raised by the reviewers fall outside the scope of the current manuscript. These include: 1) identifying the specific components that induce freezing, 2) examining the necessity of V2R-A4 receptors, 3) conducting neural circuit perturbations, and 4) performing a comprehensive analysis—including varying time points, different types of defensive behaviors, and broader neural activation patterns (e.g., cortical versus amygdala activation)—of the mouse’s defensive response to different levels of predator threat imminence. As these aspects are beyond the focus of our current manuscript, we have noted in the Public Review comments.
Allen WE, DeNardo LA, Chen MZ, Liu CD, Loh KM, Fenno LE, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Luo L. 2017. Thirst-associated preoptic neurons encode an aversive motivational drive. Science 357:1149– 1155.
DeNardo LA, Liu CD, Allen WE, Adams EL, Friedmann D, Fu L, Guenthner CJ, Tessier-Lavigne M, Luo L. 2019. Temporal evolution of cortical ensembles promoting remote memory retrieval. Nat Neurosci 22:460–469.
Haga-Yamanaka S, Ma L, He J, Qiu Q, Lavis LD, Looger LL, Yu CR. 2014. Integrated action of pheromone signals in promoting courtship behavior in male mice. Elife 3:e03025.
Kimoto H, Haga S, Sato K, Touhara K. 2005. Sex-specific peptides from exocrine glands stimulate mouse vomeronasal sensory neurons. Nature 437:898–901.
Rocha A, Nguyen QAT, Haga-Yamanaka S. 2024. Type 2 vomeronasal receptor-A4 subfamily: Potential predator sensors in mice. Genesis 62:e23597.
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eLife Assessment
This important work shows how a simple geophysical setting of gas flow over a narrow channel of water can create a physical environment that leads to the isothermal replication of nucleic acids. The work presents convincing evidence for an isothermal polymerase chain reaction in careful experiments involving evaporation and convective flows, complimented with fluid dynamics simulations. This work will be of interest to scientists working on the origin of life and more broadly, on nucleic acids and diagnostic applications.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript from Schwintek and coworkers describes a system in which gas flow across a small channel (10^-4-10^-3 m scale) enables the accumulation of reactants and convective flow. The authors go on to show that this can be used to perform PCR as a model of prebiotic replication.
The manuscript nicely extends the authors' prior work in thermophoresis and convection to gas flows. The demonstration of nucleic acid replication is an exciting one, and an enzyme-catalyzed proof-of-concept is a great first step towards a novel geochemical scenario for prebiotic replication reactions and other prebiotic chemistry.
The manuscript nicely combines theory and experiment, which generally agree well with one another, and it convincingly shows that accumulation can be achieved with gas flows and that it can also be utilized in the same system for what one hopes is a precursor to a model prebiotic reaction. This continues efforts from Braun and Mast over the last 10-15 years extending a phenomenon that was appreciated by physicists and perhaps underappreciated in prebiotic chemistry to increasingly chemically relevant systems and, here, a pilot experiment with a simple biochemical system as a prebiotic model.
I think this is exciting work and will be of broad interest to the prebiotic chemistry community.
The manuscript states: "The micro scale gas-water evaporation interface consisted of a 1.5 mm wide and 250 µm thick channel that carried an upward pure water flow of 4 nl/s ≈ 10 µm/s perpendicular to an air flow of about 250 ml/min ≈ 10 m/s." This was a bit confusing on first read because Figure 2 appears to show a larger channel - based on the scale bar, it appears to be about 2 mm across on the short axis and 5 mm across on the long axis. From reading the methods, one understands the thickness is associated with the Teflon, but the 1.5 mm dimension is still a bit confusing (and what is the dimension in the long axis?) It is a little hard to tell which portion (perhaps all?) of the image is the channel. This is because discontinuities are present on the left and right sides of the experimental panels (consistent with the image showing material beyond the channel), but not the simulated panels. Based on the authors' description of the apparatus (sapphire/CNC machined Teflon/sapphire) it sounds like the geometry is well-known to them. Clarifying what is going on here (and perhaps supplying the source images for the machined Teflon) would be helpful.
The data shown in Figure 2d nicely shows nonrandom residuals (for experimental values vs. simulated) that are most pronounced at t~12 m and t~40-60m. It seems like this is (1) because some symmetry-breaking occurs that isn't accounted for by the model, and perhaps (2) because of the fact that these data are n=1. I think discussing what's going on with (1) would greatly improve the paper, and performing additional replicates to address (2) would be very informative and enhance the paper. Perhaps the negative and positive residuals would change sign in some, but not all, additional replicates?
The authors will most likely be familiar with the work of Victor Ugaz and colleagues, in which they demonstrated Rayleigh-Bénard-driven PCR in convection cells (10.1126/science.298.5594.793, 10.1002/anie.200700306). Not including some discussion of this work is an unfortunate oversight, and addressing it would significantly improve the manuscript and provide some valuable context to readers. Something of particular interest would be their observation that wide circular cells gave chaotic temperature profiles relative to narrow ones and that these improved PCR amplification (10.1002/anie.201004217). I think contextualizing the results shown here in light of this paper would be helpful. Again, it appears n=1 is shown for Figure 4a-c - the source of the title claim of the paper - and showing some replicates and perhaps discussing them in the context of prior work would enhance the manuscript.
I think some caution is warranted in interpreting the PCR results because a primer-dimer would be of essentially the same length as the product. It appears as though the experiment has worked as described, but it's very difficult to be certain of this given this limitation. Doing the PCR with a significantly longer amplicon would be ideal, or alternately discussing this possible limitation would be helpful to the readers in managing expectations.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Schwintek et al. investigated whether a geological setting of a rock pore with water inflow on one end and gas passing over the opening of the pore on the other end could create a non-equilibrium system that sustains nucleic acid reactions under mild conditions. The evaporation of water as the gas passes over it concentrates the solutes at the boundary of evaporation, while the gas flux induces momentum transfer that creates currents in the water that push the concentrated molecules back into the bulk solution. This leads to the creation of steady-state regions of differential salt and macromolecule concentrations that can be used to manipulate nucleic acids. First, the authors showed that fluorescent bead behavior in this system closely matched their fluid dynamic simulations. With that validation in hand, the authors next showed that fluorescently labeled DNA behaved according to their theory as well. Using these insights, the authors performed a FRET experiment that clearly demonstrated the hybridization of two DNA strands as they passed through the high Mg++ concentration zone, and, conversely, the dissociation of the strands as they passed through the low Mg++ concentration zone. This isothermal hybridization and dissociation of DNA strands allowed the authors to perform an isothermal DNA amplification using a DNA polymerase enzyme. Crucially, the isothermal DNA amplification required the presence of the gas flux and could not be recapitulated using a system that was at equilibrium. These experiments advance our understanding of the geological settings that could support nucleic acid reactions that were key to the origin of life.
The presented data compellingly supports the conclusions made by the authors. To increase the relevance of the work for the origin of life field, the following experiments are suggested:
(1) While the central premise of this work is that RNA degradation presents a risk for strand separation strategies relying on elevated temperatures, all of the work is performed using DNA as the nucleic acid model. I understand the convenience of using DNA, especially in the latter replication experiment, but I think that at least the FRET experiments could be performed using RNA instead of DNA.
(2) Additionally, showing that RNA does not degrade under the conditions employed by the authors (I am particularly worried about the high Mg++ zones created by the flux) would further strengthen the already very strong and compelling work.
(3) Finally, I am curious whether the authors have considered designing a simulation or experiment that uses the imidazole- or 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate-activated ribonucleotides. For instance, a fully paired RNA duplex and a fluorescently-labeled primer could be incubated in the presence of activated ribonucleotides +/- flux and subsequently analyzed by gel electrophoresis to determine how much primer extension has occurred. The reason for this suggestion is that, due to the slow kinetics of chemical primer extension, the reannealing of the fully complementary strands as they pass through the high Mg++ zone, which is required for primer extension, may outcompete the primer extension reaction. In the case of the DNA polymerase, the enzymatic catalysis likely outcompetes the reannealing, but this may not recapitulate the uncatalyzed chemical reaction.
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript from Schwintek and coworkers describes a system in which gas flow across a small channel (10^-4-10^-3 m scale) enables the accumulation of reactants and convective flow. The authors go on to show that this can be used to perform PCR as a model of prebiotic replication.
The manuscript nicely extends the authors' prior work in thermophoresis and convection to gas flows. The demonstration of nucleic acid replication is an exciting one, and an enzyme-catalyzed proof-of-concept is a great first step towards a novel geochemical scenario for prebiotic replication reactions and other prebiotic chemistry.
The manuscript nicely combines theory and experiment, which generally agree well with one another, and it convincingly shows that accumulation can be achieved with gas flows and that it can also be utilized in the same system for what one hopes is a precursor to a model prebiotic reaction. This continues efforts from Braun and Mast over the last 10-15 years extending a phenomenon that was appreciated by physicists and perhaps underappreciated in prebiotic chemistry to increasingly chemically relevant systems and, here, a pilot experiment with a simple biochemical system as a prebiotic model.
I think this is exciting work and will be of broad interest to the prebiotic chemistry community.
The manuscript states: "The micro scale gas-water evaporation interface consisted of a 1.5 mm wide and 250 µm thick channel that carried an upward pure water flow of 4 nl/s ≈ 10 µm/s perpendicular to an air flow of about 250 ml/min ≈ 10 m/s." This was a bit confusing on first read because Figure 2 appears to show a larger channel - based on the scale bar, it appears to be about 2 mm across on the short axis and 5 mm across on the long axis. From reading the methods, one understands the thickness is associated with the Teflon, but the 1.5 mm dimension is still a bit confusing (and what is the dimension in the long axis?) It is a little hard to tell which portion (perhaps all?) of the image is the channel. This is because discontinuities are present on the left and right sides of the experimental panels (consistent with the image showing material beyond the channel), but not the simulated panels. Based on the authors' description of the apparatus (sapphire/CNC machined Teflon/sapphire) it sounds like the geometry is well-known to them. Clarifying what is going on here (and perhaps supplying the source images for the machined Teflon) would be helpful.
We understand. We will update the figures to better show dimensions of the experimental chamber. We will also add a more complete Figure in the supplementary information. Part of the complexity of the chamber however stems from the fact that the same chamber design has also been used to create defined temperature gradients which are not necessary and thus the chamber is much more complex than necessary.
The data shown in Figure 2d nicely shows nonrandom residuals (for experimental values vs. simulated) that are most pronounced at t~12 m and t~40-60m. It seems like this is (1) because some symmetry-breaking occurs that isn't accounted for by the model, and perhaps (2) because of the fact that these data are n=1. I think discussing what's going on with (1) would greatly improve the paper, and performing additional replicates to address (2) would be very informative and enhance the paper. Perhaps the negative and positive residuals would change sign in some, but not all, additional replicates?
To address this, we will show two more replicates of the experiment and include them in Figure 2.
We are seeing two effects when we compare fluorescence measurements of the experiments.
Firstly, degassing of water causes the formation of air-bubbles, which are then transported upwards to the interface, disrupting fluorescence measurements. This, however, mostly occurs in experiments with elevated temperatures for PCR reactions, such as displayed in Figure 4.
Secondly, due to the high surface tension of water, the interface is quite flexible. As the inflow and evaporation work to balance each other, the shape of the interface adjusts, leading to alterations in the circular flow fields below.
Thus the conditions, while overall being in steady state, show some fluctuations. The strong dependence on interface shape is also seen in the simulation. However, modeling a dynamic interface shape is not so easy to accomplish, so we had to stick to one geometry setting. Again here, the added movies of two more experiments should clarify this issue.
The authors will most likely be familiar with the work of Victor Ugaz and colleagues, in which they demonstrated Rayleigh-Bénard-driven PCR in convection cells (10.1126/science.298.5594.793, 10.1002/anie.200700306). Not including some discussion of this work is an unfortunate oversight, and addressing it would significantly improve the manuscript and provide some valuable context to readers. Something of particular interest would be their observation that wide circular cells gave chaotic temperature profiles relative to narrow ones and that these improved PCR amplification (10.1002/anie.201004217). I think contextualizing the results shown here in light of this paper would be helpful.
Thanks for pointing this out and reminding us. We apologize. We agree that the chaotic trajectories within Rayleigh-Bénard convection cells lead to temperature oscillations similar to the salt variations in our gas-flux system. Although the convection-driven PCR in Rayleigh-Bénard is not isothermal like our system, it provides a useful point of comparison and context for understanding environments that can support full replication cycles. We will add a section comparing approaches and giving some comparison into the history of convective PCR and how these relate to the new isothermal implementation.
Again, it appears n=1 is shown for Figure 4a-c - the source of the title claim of the paper - and showing some replicates and perhaps discussing them in the context of prior work would enhance the manuscript.
We appreciate the reviewer for bringing this to our attention. We will now include the two additional repeats for the data shown in Figure 4c, while the repeats of the PAGE measurements are already displayed in Supplementary Fig. IX.2. Initially, we chose not to show the repeats in Figure 4c due to the dynamic and variable nature of the system. These variations are primarily caused by differences at the water-air interface, attributed to the high surface tension of water. Additionally, the stochastic formation of air bubbles in the inflow—despite our best efforts to avoid them—led to fluctuations in the fluorescence measurements across experiments. These bubbles cause a significant drop in fluorescence in a region of interest (ROI) until the area is refilled with the sample.
Unlike our RNA-focused experiments, PCR requires high temperatures and degassing a PCR master mix effectively is challenging in this context. While we believe our chamber design is sufficiently gas-tight to prevent air from diffusing in, the high surface-to-volume ratio in microfluidics makes degassing highly effective, particularly at elevated temperatures. We anticipate that switching to RNA experiments at lower temperatures will mitigate this issue, which is also relevant in a prebiotic context.
The reviewer’s comments are valid and prompt us to fully display these aspects of the system. We will now include these repeats in Figure 4c to give readers a deeper understanding of the experiment's dynamics. Additionally, we will provide videos of all three repeats, allowing readers to better grasp the nature of the fluctuations in SYBR Green fluorescence depicted in Figure 4c.
I think some caution is warranted in interpreting the PCR results because a primer-dimer would be of essentially the same length as the product. It appears as though the experiment has worked as described, but it's very difficult to be certain of this given this limitation. Doing the PCR with a significantly longer amplicon would be ideal, or alternately discussing this possible limitation would be helpful to the readers in managing expectations.
This is a good point and should be discussed more in the manuscript. Our gel electrophoresis is capable of distinguishing between replicate and primer dimers. We know this since we were optimizing the primers and template sequences to minimize primer dimers, making it distinguishable from the desired 61mer product. That said, all of the experiments performed without a template strand added did not show any band in the vicinity of the product band after 4h of reaction, in contrast to the experiments with template, presenting a strong argument against the presence of primer dimers.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Schwintek et al. investigated whether a geological setting of a rock pore with water inflow on one end and gas passing over the opening of the pore on the other end could create a non-equilibrium system that sustains nucleic acid reactions under mild conditions. The evaporation of water as the gas passes over it concentrates the solutes at the boundary of evaporation, while the gas flux induces momentum transfer that creates currents in the water that push the concentrated molecules back into the bulk solution. This leads to the creation of steady-state regions of differential salt and macromolecule concentrations that can be used to manipulate nucleic acids. First, the authors showed that fluorescent bead behavior in this system closely matched their fluid dynamic simulations. With that validation in hand, the authors next showed that fluorescently labeled DNA behaved according to their theory as well. Using these insights, the authors performed a FRET experiment that clearly demonstrated the hybridization of two DNA strands as they passed through the high Mg++ concentration zone, and, conversely, the dissociation of the strands as they passed through the low Mg++ concentration zone. This isothermal hybridization and dissociation of DNA strands allowed the authors to perform an isothermal DNA amplification using a DNA polymerase enzyme. Crucially, the isothermal DNA amplification required the presence of the gas flux and could not be recapitulated using a system that was at equilibrium. These experiments advance our understanding of the geological settings that could support nucleic acid reactions that were key to the origin of life.
The presented data compellingly supports the conclusions made by the authors. To increase the relevance of the work for the origin of life field, the following experiments are suggested:
(1) While the central premise of this work is that RNA degradation presents a risk for strand separation strategies relying on elevated temperatures, all of the work is performed using DNA as the nucleic acid model. I understand the convenience of using DNA, especially in the latter replication experiment, but I think that at least the FRET experiments could be performed using RNA instead of DNA.
We understand the request only partially. The modification brought about by the two dye molecules in the FRET probe to be able to probe salt concentrations by melting is of course much larger than the change of the backbone from RNA to DNA. This was the reason why we rather used the much more stable DNA construct which is also manufactured at a lower cost and in much higher purity also with the modifications. But we think the melting temperature characteristics of RNA and DNA in this range is enough known that we can use DNA instead of RNA for probing the salt concentration in our flow cycling.
Only at extreme conditions of pH and salt, RNA degradation through transesterification, especially under alkaline conditions is at least several orders of magnitude faster than spontaneous degradative mechanisms acting upon DNA [Li, Y., & Breaker, R. R. (1999). Kinetics of RNA degradation by specific base catalysis of transesterification involving the 2 ‘-hydroxyl group. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121(23), 5364-5372.]. The work presented in this article is however focussed on hybridization dynamics of nucleic acids. Here, RNA and DNA share similar properties regarding the formation of double strands and their respective melting temperatures. While RNA has been shown to form more stable duplex structures exhibiting higher melting temperatures compared to DNA [Dimitrov, R. A., & Zuker, M. (2004). Prediction of hybridization and melting for double-stranded nucleic acids. Biophysical Journal, 87(1), 215-226.], the general impact of changes in salt, temperature and pH [Mariani, A., Bonfio, C., Johnson, C. M., & Sutherland, J. D. (2018). pH-Driven RNA strand separation under prebiotically plausible conditions. Biochemistry, 57(45), 6382-6386.] on respective melting temperatures follows the same trend for both nucleic acid types. Also the diffusive properties of RNA and DNA are very similar [Baaske, P., Weinert, F. M., Duhr, S., Lemke, K. H., Russell, M. J., & Braun, D. (2007). Extreme accumulation of nucleotides in simulated hydrothermal pore systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(22), 9346-9351.].
Since this work is a proof of principle for the discussed environment being able to host nucleic acid replication, we aimed to avoid second order effects such as degradation by hydrolysis by using DNA as a proxy polymer. This enabled us to focus on the physical effects of the environment on local salt and nucleic acid concentration. The experiments performed with FRET are used to visualize local salt concentration changes and their impact on the melting temperature of dissolved nucleic acids. While performing these experiments with RNA would without doubt cover a broader application within the field of origin of life, we aimed at a step-by-step / proof of principle approach, especially since the environmental phenomena studied here have not been previously investigated in the OOL context. Incorporating RNA-related complexity into this system should however be addressed in future studies. This will likely require modifications to the experimental boundary conditions, such as adjusting pH, temperature, and salt concentration, to account for the greater duplex stability of RNA. For instance, lowering the pH would reduce the RNA melting temperature [Ianeselli, A., Atienza, M., Kudella, P. W., Gerland, U., Mast, C. B., & Braun, D. (2022). Water cycles in a Hadean CO2 atmosphere drive the evolution of long DNA. Nature Physics, 18(5), 579-585.].
(2) Additionally, showing that RNA does not degrade under the conditions employed by the authors (I am particularly worried about the high Mg++ zones created by the flux) would further strengthen the already very strong and compelling work.
Based on literature values for hydrolysis rates of RNA [Li, Y., & Breaker, R. R. (1999). Kinetics of RNA degradation by specific base catalysis of transesterification involving the 2 ‘-hydroxyl group. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121(23), 5364-5372.], we estimate RNA to have a halflife of multiple months under the deployed conditions in the FRET experiment (High concentration zones contain <1mM of Mg2+). Additionally, dsRNA is multiple orders of magnitude more stable than ssRNA with regards to degradation through hydrolysis [Zhang, K., Hodge, J., Chatterjee, A., Moon, T. S., & Parker, K. M. (2021). Duplex structure of double-stranded RNA provides stability against hydrolysis relative to single-stranded RNA. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(12), 8045-8053.], improving RNA stability especially in zones of high FRET signal. Furthermore, at the neutral pH deployed in this work, RNA does not readily degrade. In previous work from our lab [Salditt, A., Karr, L., Salibi, E., Le Vay, K., Braun, D., & Mutschler, H. (2023). Ribozyme-mediated RNA synthesis and replication in a model Hadean microenvironment. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1495.], we showed that the lifetime of RNA under conditions reaching 40mM Mg2+ at the air-water interface at 45°C was sufficient to support ribozymatically mediated ligation reactions in experiments lasting multiple hours.
With that in mind, gaining insight into the median Mg2+ concentration across multiple averaged nucleic acid trajectories in our system (see Fig. 3c&d) and numerically convoluting this with hydrolysis dynamics from literature would be highly valuable. We anticipate that longer residence times in trajectories distant from the interface will improve RNA stability compared to a system with uniformly high Mg2+ concentrations.
(3) Finally, I am curious whether the authors have considered designing a simulation or experiment that uses the imidazole- or 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate-activated ribonucleotides. For instance, a fully paired RNA duplex and a fluorescently-labeled primer could be incubated in the presence of activated ribonucleotides +/- flux and subsequently analyzed by gel electrophoresis to determine how much primer extension has occurred. The reason for this suggestion is that, due to the slow kinetics of chemical primer extension, the reannealing of the fully complementary strands as they pass through the high Mg++ zone, which is required for primer extension, may outcompete the primer extension reaction. In the case of the DNA polymerase, the enzymatic catalysis likely outcompetes the reannealing, but this may not recapitulate the uncatalyzed chemical reaction.
This is certainly on our to-do list. Our current focus is on templated ligation rather than templated polymerization and we are working hard to implement RNA-only enzyme-free ligation chain reaction, based on more optimized parameters for the templated ligation from 2’3’-cyclic phosphate activation that was just published [High-Fidelity RNA Copying via 2′,3′-Cyclic Phosphate Ligation, Adriana C. Serrão, Sreekar Wunnava, Avinash V. Dass, Lennard Ufer, Philipp Schwintek, Christof B. Mast, and Dieter Braun, JACS doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c10813 (2024)]. But we first would try this at an air-water interface which was shown to work with RNA in a temperature gradient [Ribozyme-mediated RNA synthesis and replication in a model Hadean microenvironment, Annalena Salditt, Leonie Karr, Elia Salibi, Kristian Le Vay, Dieter Braun & Hannes Mutschler, Nature Communications doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37206-4 (2023)] before making the jump to the isothermal setting we describe here. So we can understand the question, but it was good practice also in the past to first get to know the setting with PCR, then jump to RNA.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):
(1) Could the authors comment on the likelihood of the geological environments where the water inflow velocity equals the evaporation velocity?
This is an important point to mention in the manuscript, thank you for pointing that out. To produce a defined experiment, we were pushing the water out with a syringe pump, but regulated in a way that the evaporation was matching our flow rate. We imagine that a real system will self-regulate the inflow of the water column on the one hand side by a more complex geometry of the gas flow, matching the evaporation with the reflow of water automatically. The interface would either recede or move closer to the gas flux, depending on whether the inflow exceeds or falls short of the evaporation rate. As the interface moves closer, evaporation speeds up, while moving away slows it down. This dynamic process stabilizes the system, with surface tension ultimately fixing the interface in place.
We have seen a bit of this dynamic already in the experiments, could however so far not yet find a good geometry within our 2-dimensional constant thickness geometry to make it work for a longer time. Very likely having a 3-dimensional reservoir of water with less frictional forces would be able to do this, but this would require a full redesign of a multi-thickness microfluidics. The more we think about it, the more we envisage to make the next implementation of the experiment with a real porous volcanic rock inside a humidity chamber that simulates a full 6h prebiotic day. But then we would lose the whole reproducibility of the experiment, but likely gain a way that recondensation of water by dew in a cold morning is refilling the water reservoirs in the rocks again. Sorry that I am regressing towards experiments in the future.
(2) Could the authors speculate on using gases other than ambient air to provide the flux and possibly even chemical energy? For example, using carbonyl sulfide or vaporized methyl isocyanide could drive amino acid and nucleotide activation, respectively, at the gas-water interface.
This is an interesting prospect for future work with this system. We thought also about introducing ammonia for pH control and possible reactions. We were amazed in the past that having CO2 instead of air had a profound impact on the replication and the strand separation [Water cycles in a Hadean CO2 atmosphere drive the evolution of long DNA, Alan Ianeselli, Miguel Atienza, Patrick Kudella, Ulrich Gerland, Christof Mast & Dieter Braun, Nature Physics doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01516-z (2022)]. So going more in this direction absolutely makes sense and as it acts mostly on the length-selectively accumulated molecules at the interface, only the selected molecules will be affected, which adds to the selection pressure of early evolutionary scenarios.
Of course, in the manuscript, we use ambient air as a proxy for any gas, focusing primarily on the energy introduced through momentum transfer and evaporation. We speculate that soluble gasses could establish chemical gradients, such as pH or redox potential, from the bulk solution to the interface, similar to the Mg2+ accumulation shown in Figure 3c. The nature of these gradients would depend on each gas's solubility and diffusivity. We have already observed such effects in thermal gradients [Keil, L. M., Möller, F. M., Kieß, M., Kudella, P. W., & Mast, C. B. (2017). Proton gradients and pH oscillations emerge from heat flow at the microscale. Nature communications, 8(1), 1897.] and finding similar behavior in an isothermal environment would be a significant discovery.
(3) Line 162: Instead of "risk," I suggest using "rate".
Oh well - thanks for pointing this out! Will be changed.
(4) Using FRET of a DNA duplex as an indicator of salt concentration is a decent proxy, but a more direct measurement of salt concentration would provide further merit to the explicit statement that it is the salt concentration that is changing in the system and not another hidden parameter.
Directly observing salt concentration using microscopy is a difficult task. While there are dyes that change their fluorescence depending on the local Na+ or Mg2+ concentration, they are not operating differentially, i.e. by making a ratio between two color channels. Only then we are not running into artifacts from the dye molecules being accumulated by the non-equilibrium settings. We were able to do this for pH in the past, but did not find comparable optical salt sensors. This is the reason we ended up with a FRET pair, with the advantage that we actually probe the strand separation that we are interested in anyhow. Using such a dye in future work would however without a doubt enhance the understanding of not only this system, but also our thermal gradient environments.
(5) Figure 3a: Could the authors add information on "Dried DNA" to the caption? I am assuming this is the DNA that dried off on the sides of the vessel but cannot be sure.
Thanks to the reviewer for pointing this out. This is correct and we will describe this better in the revised manuscript.
(6) Figure 4b and c: How reproducible is this data? Have the authors performed this reaction multiple independent times? If so, this data should be added to the manuscript.
The data from the gel electrophoresis was performed in triplicates and is shown in full in supplementary information. The data in c is hard to reproduce, as the interface is not static and thus ROI measurements are difficult to perform as an average of repeats. Including the data from the independent repeats will however give the reader insight into some of the experimental difficulties, such as air bubbles, which form from degassing as the liquid heats up, that travel upwards to the interface, disrupting the ongoing fluorescence measurements.
(7) Line 256: "shielding from harmful UV" statement only applies to RNA oligomers as UV light may actually be beneficial for earlier steps during ribonucleoside synthesis. I suggest rephrasing to "shielding nucleic acid oligomers from UV damage.".
Will be adjusted as mentioned.
(8) The final paragraph in the Results and Discussion section would flow better if placed in the Conclusion section.
This is a good point and we will merge results and discussion closer together.
(9) Line 262, "...of early Life" is slightly overstating the conclusions of the study. I suggest rephrasing to "...of nucleic acids that could have supported early life."
This is a fair comment. We thank the reviewer for his detailed analysis of the manuscript!
(10) In references, some of the journal names are in sentence case while others are in title case (see references 23 and 26 for example).
Thanks - this will be fixed.
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eLife assessment
This important study demonstrates a mechanism underlying the sex-dependent regulation of the susceptibility to gut colonization by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The evidence supporting the conclusion is solid, but additional experiments would strengthen the findings. The work will interest biologists who are working on intestinal infection and immunity.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Lejeune et al. demonstrated sex-dependent differences in the susceptibility to MRSA infection. The authors demonstrated the role of the microbiota and sex hormones as potential determinants of susceptibility. Moreover, the authors showed that Th17 cells and neutrophils contribute to sex hormone-dependent protection in female mice.
The role of microbiota was examined in various models (gnotobiotic, co-housing, microbiota transplantation). The identification of responsible immune cells was achieved using several genetic knockouts and cell-specific depletion models. The involvement of sex hormones was clarified using ovariectomy and the FCG model.
The mechanisms by which specific microbiota confer female-specific protection remain unclear.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The current study by Lejeune et al. investigates factors that allow for persistent MRSA infection in the GI tract. They developed an intriguing model of intestinal MRSA infection that does not use the traditional antibiotic approach, thereby allowing for a more natural infection that includes the normal intestinal microbiota. This model is more akin to what might be expected to be observed in a healthy human host. They find that biological sex plays a clear role in bacterial persistence during infection but only in mice bred at an NYU Facility and not those acquired from Jackson Labs. This clearly indicates a role for the intestinal microbiome in affecting female bacterial persistence but not male persistence which was unaffected by the origin of the mice and thus the microbiome. Through a series of clever microbiome-specific transfer experiments, they determine that the NYU-specific microbiome plays a role in this sexual dimorphism but is not solely responsible. Additional experiments indicate that Th17 cells, estrogen, and neutrophils also participate in the resistance to persistent infection. Notably, they assess the role of sex chromosomes (X/Y) using the established four core genotype model and find that these chromosomes appear to play little role in bacterial persistence.
Overall, the paper nicely adds to the growing body of literature investigating how biological sex impacts the immune system and the burden of infectious disease. The conclusions are mostly supported by the data although there are some aspects of the data that could be better addressed and clarified.
(1) There is something of a disconnect between the initial microbiome data and the later data that analyzes sex hormones and chromosomes. While there are clearly differences in microbial species across the two sites (NYU and JAX) how these bacterial species might directly interact with immune cells to induce female-specific responses is left unexplored. At the very least it would help to try and link these two distinct pieces of data to try and inform the reader how the microbiome is regulating the sex-specific response. Indeed, the reader is left with no clear exploration of the microbiota's role in the persistence of the infection and thus is left wanting.
(2) While the authors make a reasonable case that Th17 T cells are important for controlling infection (using RORgt knockout mice that cannot produce Th17 cells), it is not clear how these cells even arise during infection since the authors make most of the observations 2 days post-infection which is longer before a normal adaptive immune response would be expected to arise. The authors acknowledge this, but their explanation is incomplete. The increase in Th17 cells they observe is predicated on mitogenic stimulation, so they are not specific (at least in this study) for MRSA. It would be helpful to see a specific restimulation of these cells with MRSA antigens to determine if there are pre-existing, cross-reactive Th17 cells specific for MRSA and microbiota species which could then link these two as mentioned above.
(3) The ovariectomy experiment demonstrates a role for ovarian hormones; however, it lacks a control of adding back ovarian hormones (or at least estrogen) so it is not entirely obvious what is causing the persistence in this experiment. This is especially important considering the experiments demonstrating no role for sex chromosomes thus demonstrating that hormonal effects are highly important. Here it leaves the reader without a conclusive outcome as to the exact hormonal mechanism.
(4) The discussion is underdeveloped and is mostly a rehash of the results. It would greatly enhance the manuscript if the authors would more carefully place the results in the context of the current state of the field including a more enhanced discussion of the role of estrogen, microbiome, and T cells and how the field might predict these all interact and how they might be interacting in the current study as well.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Using a mouse model of Staphylococcus aureus gut colonization, Lejeune et al. demonstrate that the microbiome, immune system, and sex are important contributing factors for whether this important human pathogen persists in the gut. The work begins by describing differential gut clearance of S. aureus in female B6 mice bred at NYU compared to those from Jackson Laboratories (JAX). NYU female mice cleared S. aureus from the gut but NYU male mice and mice of both sexes from JAX exhibited persistent gut colonization. Further experimentation demonstrated that differences between staphylococcal gut clearance in NYU and JAX female mice were attributed to the microbiome. However, NYU male and female mice harbor similar microbiomes, supporting the conclusion that the microbiome cannot account for the observed sex-dependent clearance of S. aureus gut colonization. To identify factors responsible for female clearance of S. aureus, the authors performed RNAseq on intestinal epithelial cells and cells enriched within the lamina propria. This analysis revealed sex-dependent transcriptional responses in both tissues. Genes associated with immune cell function and migration were distinctly expressed between the sexes. To determine which immune cell types contribute to S. aureus clearance Lejeune et al employed genetic and antibody-mediated immune cell depletion. This experiment demonstrated that CD4+ IL17+ cells and neutrophils promote the elimination of S. aureus from the gut. Subsequent experiments, including the use of the 'four core genotype model' were conducted to discern between the roles of sex chromosomes and sex hormones. This work demonstrated that sex-chromosome-linked genes are not responsible for clearance, increasing the likelihood that hormones play a dominant role in controlling S. aureus gut colonization.
A strength of the work is the rigorous experimental design. Appropriate controls were executed and, in most cases, multiple approaches were conducted to strengthen the authors' conclusions. The conclusions are supported by the data.
The following suggestions are offered to improve an already strong piece of scholarship.
The correlation between female sex hormones and the elimination of S. aureus from the gut could be further validated by quantifying sex hormones produced in the four core genotype mice in response to colonization. Additionally, and this may not be feasible, but according to the proposed model administering female sex hormones to male mice should decrease colonization. Finally, knowing whether the quantity of IL-17a CD4+ cells change in the OVX mice has the potential to discern whether abundance/migration of the cells or their activation is promoted by female sex hormones.
In the Discussion, the authors highlight previous work establishing a link between immune cells and sex hormone receptors, but whether the estrogen (and progesterone) receptor is differentially expressed in response to S. aureus colonization could be assessed in the RNAseq dataset. Differential expression of known X and Y chromosome-linked genes were discussed but specific sex hormones or sex hormone receptors, like the estrogen receptor, were not. This potential result could be highlighted.
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Lejeune et al. demonstrated sex-dependent differences in the susceptibility to MRSA infection. The authors demonstrated the role of the microbiota and sex hormones as potential determinants of susceptibility. Moreover, the authors showed that Th17 cells and neutrophils contribute to sex hormone-dependent protection in female mice.
The role of microbiota was examined in various models (gnotobiotic, co-housing, microbiota transplantation). The identification of responsible immune cells was achieved using several genetic knockouts and cell-specific depletion models. The involvement of sex hormones was clarified using ovariectomy and the FCG model.
The mechanisms by which specific microbiota confer female-specific protection remain unclear.
We thank the reviewer for highlighting the strength of the manuscript including the models and techniques we employ. We agree that the relationship between the microbiota and sex-dependent protection is less developed compared with other aspects of the study. In preparation of a revised manuscript, we intend on performing a more thorough comparison of male vs. female microbiota, along with quantification of sex hormones and downstream Th17 function (neutrophil recruitment and activation).
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Overall, the paper nicely adds to the growing body of literature investigating how biological sex impacts the immune system and the burden of infectious disease. The conclusions are mostly supported by the data although there are some aspects of the data that could be better addressed and clarified.
We thank the reviewer for appreciating our contribution. We intend on performing experiments to fill-in gaps and text revisions to increase clarity and acknowledge limitations.
(1) There is something of a disconnect between the initial microbiome data and the later data that analyzes sex hormones and chromosomes. While there are clearly differences in microbial species across the two sites (NYU and JAX) how these bacterial species might directly interact with immune cells to induce female-specific responses is left unexplored. At the very least it would help to try and link these two distinct pieces of data to try and inform the reader how the microbiome is regulating the sex-specific response. Indeed, the reader is left with no clear exploration of the microbiota's role in the persistence of the infection and thus is left wanting.
We agree. This comment is similar to Reviewer #1’s feedback. As mentioned above, we anticipate clarifying the association between sex differences and the microbiota. We will attempt to investigate specific bacteria, although some aspects of microbiota characterization may be outside the timeframe of the revision.
(2) While the authors make a reasonable case that Th17 T cells are important for controlling infection (using RORgt knockout mice that cannot produce Th17 cells), it is not clear how these cells even arise during infection since the authors make most of the observations 2 days post-infection which is longer before a normal adaptive immune response would be expected to arise. The authors acknowledge this, but their explanation is incomplete. The increase in Th17 cells they observe is predicated on mitogenic stimulation, so they are not specific (at least in this study) for MRSA. It would be helpful to see a specific restimulation of these cells with MRSA antigens to determine if there are pre-existing, cross-reactive Th17 cells specific for MRSA and microbiota species which could then link these two as mentioned above.
We acknowledge that this is a major limitation of our study. Although an experiment demonstrating pre-existing, cross-reactive T cells would help support our conclusion, aspects of MRSA biology may make the results of this experiment difficult to interpret. We have consulted with an expert on MRSA virulence factors, co-lead author Dr. Victor Torres, about the feasibility of this experiment. MRSA possess superantigens, such as Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, which bind directly to specific Vβ regions of T-cell receptors (TCR) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II on antigen-presenting cells, resulting in hyperactivation of T lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages. Additionally, other MRSA virulence factors, such as α-hemolysin and LukED, can induce cell death of lymphocytes. MRSA’s enterotoxins are heat stable, so heat-inactivation of the bacterium may not help in this matter. For these reasons, restimulation of lymphocytes with MRSA antigens may be difficult to interpret. We humbly suggest that addressing this aspect of the mechanism is outside the scope of this manuscript.
A study by Shao et al. provides an example of a host commensal species inducing Th17 cells with cross-reactivity against MRSA. Upon intestinal colonization, the intestinal fungus Candida albicans influences T cell polarization towards a Th17 phenotype in the spleen and peripheral lymph nodes which provided protection to the host against systemic candidemia. Interestingly, this induction of protective Th17 cells, increased IL-17 and responsiveness in circulating Ly6G+ neutrophils also protected mice from intravenous infection with MRSA, indicating that T cell activation and polarization by intestinal C. albicans leads to non-specific protective responses against extracellular pathogens.
Shao TY, Ang WXG, Jiang TT, Huang FS, Andersen H, Kinder JM, Pham G, Burg AR, Ruff B, Gonzalez T, Khurana Hershey GK, Haslam DB, Way SS. Commensal Candida albicans Positively Calibrates Systemic Th17 Immunological Responses. Cell Host & Microbe. 2019 Mar 13;25(3):404-417.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2019.02.004. PMID: 30870622; PMCID: PMC6419754.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
A strength of the work is the rigorous experimental design. Appropriate controls were executed and, in most cases, multiple approaches were conducted to strengthen the authors' conclusions. The conclusions are supported by the data.
The following suggestions are offered to improve an already strong piece of scholarship.
The correlation between female sex hormones and the elimination of S. aureus from the gut could be further validated by quantifying sex hormones produced in the four core genotype mice in response to colonization. Additionally, and this may not be feasible, but according to the proposed model administering female sex hormones to male mice should decrease colonization. Finally, knowing whether the quantity of IL-17a CD4+ cells change in the OVX mice has the potential to discern whether abundance/migration of the cells or their activation is promoted by female sex hormones.
In the Discussion, the authors highlight previous work establishing a link between immune cells and sex hormone receptors, but whether the estrogen (and progesterone) receptor is differentially expressed in response to S. aureus colonization could be assessed in the RNAseq dataset. Differential expression of known X and Y chromosome-linked genes were discussed but specific sex hormones or sex hormone receptors, like the estrogen receptor, were not. This potential result could be highlighted.
We appreciate the comment on the scholarship and thank the Reviewer for the insightful suggestions to improve this manuscript. We intend on measuring hormone levels and performing the recommended (or similar) experiments based on availability of reagents and mice during the revision period. We also apologize for not including references that address some of the Reviewer’s questions. Other research groups have compared the levels of hormones between XX and XY males and females in the four core genotypes model and have found similar levels of circulating testosterone in adult XX and XY males. No difference was found in circulating estradiol levels in XX vs XY- females when tested at 4-6 or 7-9 months of age.
Karen M. Palaszynski, Deborah L. Smith, Shana Kamrava, Paul S. Burgoyne, Arthur P. Arnold, Rhonda R. Voskuhl, A Yin-Yang Effect between Sex Chromosome Complement and Sex Hormones on the Immune Response. Endocrinology, Volume 146, Issue 8, 1 August 2005, Pages 3280–3285, https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2005-0284
Sasidhar MV, Itoh N, Gold SM, Lawson GW, Voskuhl RR. The XX sex chromosome complement in mice is associated with increased spontaneous lupus compared with XY. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Aug;71(8):1418-22. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2011-201246. Epub 2012 May 12. PMID: 22580585; PMCID: PMC4452281.
Examination of the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors in our cecal-colonic lamina propria RNA-seq dataset is an excellent idea. We will add these analyses to the revised manuscript. We are planning additional experiments to better understand the contributions of hormones or their receptors and anticipate including such data in either a response letter or revised manuscript.
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eLife assessment
This valuable manuscript investigated the role of glutamate signaling in the dorsomedial striatum of rats in a treadmill-based task and reported that it differs in goal-trackers compared to sign-trackers in a way that corresponds to differences in behaviour. The evidence supporting these claims is solid but could be further strengthened by adding more analyses and more detailed descriptions of current analyses. These findings will primarily be of interest to behavioural neuroscientists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors measured glutamate transients in the DMS of rats as they performed an action selection task. They identified diverse patterns of behavior and glutamate dynamics depending on the pre-existing behavioral phenotype of the rat (sign tracker or goal tracker). Using pathway-specific DREADDs, they showed that these behavioral phenotypes and their corresponding glutamate transients were differentially dependent on input from the prelimbic cortex to the DMS.
Overall there are some very interesting results that make an important contribution to the field. Notably, the results seem to point to differential recruitment of the PL-DMS pathway in goal-tracking vs sign-tracking behaviors.
There is a lot of missing information and data that should be reported/presented to allow a complete understanding of the findings and what was done. The writing of the manuscript was mostly quite clear, however, there are some specific leaps in logic that require more elaboration, and the focus at the start and end on cholinergic neurons and Parkinson's disease are, at the moment, confusing and require more justification.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors aimed to determine whether goal-directed and cue-driven attentional strategies (goal- and sign-tracking phenotypes) were associated with variation in cued motor responses and dorsomedial striatal (DMS) glutamate transmission. They used a treadmill task in which cues indicated whether rats should turn or stop to receive a reward. They collected and analyzed several behavioral measures related to task performance with a focus on turns (performance, latency, duration) for which there are more measures than for stops. First, they established that goal-trackers perform better than sign-trackers in post-criterion turn performance (cued turns completed) and turn initiation. They used glutamate sensors to measure glutamate transmission in DMS. They performed analyses on glutamate traces that suggest phasic glutamate DMS dynamics to cues were primarily associated with successful turn performance and were more characteristic of goal-trackers (ie. rats with "goal-directed" attentional strategy). Smaller and more frequent DMS glutamate peaks were associated with other task events, cued misses (missed turns), cued stops, and reward delivery and were more characteristic of sign-trackers (i.e. rats with "cue-driven" attentional strategies). Consistent with the reported glutamate findings, chemogenetic inhibition of prelimbic-DMS glutamate transmission had an effect on goal-trackers' turn performance without affecting sign-trackers' performance in the treadmill task.
The power of the sign- and goal-tracking model to account for neurobiological and behavioral variability is critically important to the field's understanding of the heterogeneity of the brain in health and disease. The approach and methodology are sound in their contribution to this important effort.
The authors establish behavioral differences, measure a neurobiological correlate of relevance, and then manipulate that correlate in a broader circuitry and show a causal role in behavior that is consistent with neurobiological measurements and phenotypic differences.
Sophisticated analyses provide a compelling description of the authors' observations.
It is challenging to assess what is considered the "n" in each analysis (trial, session, rat, trace (averaged across a session or single trial)). Representative glutamate traces (n = 5 traces (out of hundreds of recorded traces)) are used to illustrate a central finding, while more conventional trial-averaged population activity traces are not presented or analyzed. The latter would provide much-needed support for the reported findings and conclusions. Digging deeper into the methods, results, and figure legends, provides some answers to the reader, but much can be done to clarify what each data point represents and, in particular, how each rat contributes to a reported finding (ie. single trial-averaged trace per session for multiple sessions, or dozens of single traces across multiple sessions).
Representative traces should in theory be consistent with population averages within phenotype, and if not, discussion of such inconsistencies would enrich the conclusions drawn from the study. In particular, population traces of the phasic cue response in GT may resemble the representative peak examples, while smaller irregular peaks of ST may be missed in a population average (averaged prolonged elevation) and could serve as a rationale for more sophisticated analyses of peak probability presented subsequently.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Avila and colleagues investigate the role of glutamate signaling in the dorsomedial striatum in a treadmill-based task where rats learn to turn or stop their walking based on learning cue-associations that allow them to acquire rewards. Phenotypic variation in Pavlovian conditioned sign and goal-tracking behavior was examined, where behavioral differences in stopping and turning were observed. Glutamate signals in the DMS were recorded during the treadmill task and were related to features of cue-controlled movement, with a stronger relationship seen for goal trackers. Finally, chemogenic inhibition of prelimbic neurons projecting to the DMS (the predicted source of those glutamate signals), preferentially affected cued movement in goal trackers. The authors couch these experiments in the context of cognitive control-attentional mechanisms, movement disorders, and individual differences in cue reactivity.
Overall these studies are interesting and are of general relevance to a number of research questions in neurology and psychiatry. The assessment of the intersection of individual differences in cue-related learning strategies with movement-related questions - in this case, cued turning behavior - is an interesting and understudied question. The link between this work and growing notions of corticostriatal control of action selection makes it timely.
The clarity of the manuscript could be improved in several places, including in the graphical visualization of data. It is sometimes difficult to interpret the glutamate results, as presented, in the context of specific behavior, for example.
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Overall there are some very interesting results that make an important contribution to the field. Notably, the results seem to point to differential recruitment of the PL-DMS pathway in goal-tracking vs sign-tracking behaviors.
Thank you.
There is a lot of missing information and data that should be reported/presented to allow a complete understanding of the findings and what was done. The writing of the manuscript was mostly quite clear, however, there are some specific leaps in logic that require more elaboration, and the focus at the start and end on cholinergic neurons and Parkinson's disease are, at the moment, confusing and require more justification.
In the revised paper, we provide additional information in support of results and clarify procedures and findings. Furthermore, we expand the discussion of the proposed interpretational framework that suggests that the contrasts between the cortical-striatal processing of movement cues in sign- versus goal trackers are related to previously established, parallel contrasts in the cortical cholinergic detection of attention-demanding cues.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The power of the sign- and goal-tracking model to account for neurobiological and behavioral variability is critically important to the field's understanding of the heterogeneity of the brain in health and disease. The approach and methodology are sound in their contribution to this important effort.
The authors establish behavioral differences, measure a neurobiological correlate of relevance, and then manipulate that correlate in a broader circuitry and show a causal role in behavior that is consistent with neurobiological measurements and phenotypic differences.
Sophisticated analyses provide a compelling description of the authors' observations.
Thank you.
It is challenging to assess what is considered the "n" in each analysis (trial, session, rat, trace (averaged across a session or single trial)). Representative glutamate traces (n = 5 traces (out of hundreds of recorded traces)) are used to illustrate a central finding, while more conventional trial-averaged population activity traces are not presented or analyzed. The latter would provide much-needed support for the reported findings and conclusions. Digging deeper into the methods, results, and figure legends, provides some answers to the reader, but much can be done to clarify what each data point represents and, in particular, how each rat contributes to a reported finding (ie. single trial-averaged trace per session for multiple sessions, or dozens of single traces across multiple sessions).
Representative traces should in theory be consistent with population averages within phenotype, and if not, discussion of such inconsistencies would enrich the conclusions drawn from the study. In particular, population traces of the phasic cue response in GT may resemble the representative peak examples, while smaller irregular peaks of ST may be missed in a population average (averaged prolonged elevation) and could serve as a rationale for more sophisticated analyses of peak probability presented subsequently.
Figures 5c-f depict individual data from all rats and trials. For all major analyses, the revised manuscript consolidates information about the number of rats per phenotype and sex, and the number of trials contributed by individual rats, in the result section.
As detailed in the section on statistical methods, and as mentioned by the reviewer under Strengths, we used advanced statistical methods to assure that data from individual animals contribute equally to the overall result, and to minimize the possibility that an inordinate number of trials obtained from just one or a couple of rats biased the overall analysis.
As the reviewer correctly pointed out, we have chosen not to show trial- or subject-averaged traces to illustrate glutamate release dynamics across trials. The present analyses focus on peak glutamate concentrations, the number of peaks, and the timing of peaks relative to a task cue or a behavioral event. Within a response bin, such as the 2-s period following turn cues, glutamate peaks – as defined in Methods - occur at variable times relative to cue onset. Averaging traces over a population of rats or trials would “wash-out” the phenotype- and task event-dependent patterns of glutamate peaks, yielding, for example, a single, nearly 2-s long plateau for cue-locked glutamate recordings from STs (Figure 5b). Thus, subject- or trial-averaged traces would not illustrate the major findings described in this paper and would rather be uninformative. As already mentioned, individual data from all subjects and trials are shown in Figs 5c-f.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Overall these studies are interesting and are of general relevance to a number of research questions in neurology and psychiatry. The assessment of the intersection of individual differences in cue-related learning strategies with movement-related questions - in this case, cued turning behavior - is an interesting and understudied question. The link between this work and growing notions of corticostriatal control of action selection makes it timely.
Thank you.
The clarity of the manuscript could be improved in several places, including in the graphical visualization of data. It is sometimes difficult to interpret the glutamate results, as presented, in the context of specific behavior, for example.
We appreciate the reviewer’s concerns about the complexity of some of the graphics, particularly the results from the arguably innovative analysis illustrated in Figure 6. Figure 6 illustrates that the likelihood of a cued turn can be predicted based on single and combined glutamate peak characteristics. The revised legend for this figure provides additional information and examples to ease the readers’ access to this figure.
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eLife assessment
This important study reports the formation of a new organelle, called giant unilocular vacuole (GUVac), in mammary epithelial cells through a macropinocytosis-like process. The evidence supporting conclusions is convincing, using state-of-the-art cell biology techniques. This work will be of interest to cell biologists and contribute to the understanding of cell survival mechanisms against anoikis.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors found that the loss of cell-ECM adhesion leads to the formation of giant monocular vacuoles in mammary epithelial cells. This process takes place in a macropinocytosis-like process and involves PI3 kinase. They further identified dynamin and septin as essential machinery for this process. Interestingly, this process is reversible and appears to protect cells from cell death.
Strengths: The data are clean and convincing to support the conclusions. The analysis is comprehensive, using multiple approaches such as SIM and TEM. The discussion on lactation is plausible and interesting.
Weaknesses: As the first paper describing this phenomenon, it is adequate. However, the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms is not as exciting as it does not describe anything new. It is hoped that novel mechanisms will be elucidated in the future. Especially the molecules involved in the reversing process could be quite interesting.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The manuscript describes an interesting observation and provides initial steps towards understanding the underlying molecular mechanism.
The manuscript describes that the majority of non-tumorigenic mammary gland epithelial cells (MCF-10A) in suspension initiate entosis. A smaller fraction of cells form a single giant unilocular vacuole (hereafter referred to as a GUVac). GUVac appeared to be empty and did not contain invading (entotic) cells. The formation of GUVac could be promoted by disrupting actin polymerisation with LatB and CytoD. The formation of GUVacs correlated with resistance to anoikis. GUVac formation was detected in several other epithelial cells from secretory tissues.
The authors then use electron microscopy and super-resolution imaging to describe the biogenesis of GUVac. They find that GUVac formation is initiated by a micropinocytosis-like phenomenon (that is independent of actin polymerisation). This process leads to the formation of large plasma membrane invaginations, that pinch off from the PM to form larger vesicles that fuse with each other into GUVacs.
Inhibition of actin polymerisation in suspended MCF-10a leads to the recruitment of Septin 6 to the PM via its amphipathic helix. Treatment with FCF (a septin polymerisation inhibitor) blocked GUVac biogenesis, as did pharmacological inhibition of dynamin-mediated membrane fission. The fusion of these vesicles in GUVacs required (perhaps not surprisingly) PI3P.
The authors have made an interesting and potentially important observation. They describe the formation of an endo-lysosomal organelle (a giant unilocular vacuole - GUVac) in suspended epithelial cells and correlate the formation of GUVacs with resistance to aniokis.
Comments on revised version:
Additional experiments, including a better characterization of GUVac biogenesis, as well as knockdown and knock out of class II PI3Kα (PI3K-C2α) or class III PI3K (VPS34), have improved the manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Loss of cell attachment to extracellular matrix (ECM) triggers aniokis (a type of programmed cell death), and resistance to aniokis plays a role in cancer development. However, mechanisms underlying anoikis resistance, and the precise role of F-actin, are not fully known.
Here authors describe the formation of a new organelle, giant unilocular vacuole (GUVac), in cells whose F-actin is disrupted during loss of matrix attachment. GUVac formation (diameter >500 nm) resulted from a previously unrecognised macropinocytosis-like process, characterized by inwardly curved micron-sized plasma membrane invaginations, dependent on F-actin depolymerization, septin recruitment and PI(3)P. Finally, the authors show GUVac formation after loss of matrix attachment promotes resistance to anoikis.
From these results, authors conclude that GUVac formation promotes cell survival in environments where F-actin is disrupted and conditions of cell stress.
The manuscript is clear and well-written, figures are all presented at a very high level.
A variety of cutting edge cell biology techniques (eg time-lapse imaging, EM, super-resolution microscopy) are used to study the role of cytoskeleton in GUVac formation, discovering (i) a macropinocytosis-like process dependent on F-actin depolymerisation, SEPT6 recruitment and PI(3)P contributes to GUVac formation, and (ii) GUVac formation is associated with resistance to cell death.
Experimental work was advanced in response to reviewers' comments, improving the manuscript message and mechanistic advance.
The manuscript is highly reliant on the use of drugs, or combinations of drugs, for long periods of time (6hr, 18hr). However, in the revised manuscript, authors test conclusions drawn from experiments involving drugs using other canonical cell biology approaches.
The molecular characterisation of GUVacs has been advanced, although not fully resolved.
The authors show (mostly using pharmacological inhibition) that F-actin is key for GUVac formation. The precise role of F-actin / GUVac formation in anoikis resistance will be the focus of future work.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors found that the loss of cell-ECM adhesion leads to the formation of giant monocular vacuoles in mammary epithelial cells. This process takes place in a macropinocytosis-like process and involves PI3 kinase. They further identified dynamin and septin as essential machinery for this process. Interestingly, this process is reversible and appears to protect cells from cell death.
The data are clean and convincing to support the conclusions. The analysis is comprehensive, using multiple approaches such as SIM and TEM. The discussion on lactation is plausible and interesting.
We thank the reviewer for the summary of our study and the positive comment.
As the first paper describing this phenomenon, it is adequate. However, the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms is not as exciting as it does not describe anything new. It is hoped that novel mechanisms will be elucidated in the future. In particular, the molecules involved in the reversing process could be quite interesting.
We agree with the reviewer’s comments and believe that investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in reversing GUVac formation, as illustrated in Figure 5J, would be valuable for future research.
Additionally, the relationship to conventional endocytic compartments, such as early and late endosomes, is not analyzed.
We thank the reviewer for the valuable comment. To determine whether GUVac displays markers of other endomembrane systems, we analyzed several markers, including EEA1, Rab5, LC3B, LAMP1, and Transferrin receptor (TfR). At early time points (1 h), we observed several large vesicles that had taken up 70kDa Dextran and exhibited EEA1 or Rab5, markers of early endosomes. By 6 hours, some of these large vesicles showed lysotracker positivity, indicating a transition from early to late endosomal fate, similar to the maturation process of conventional macropinocytic vesicles (see new Figure 1-figure supplement 2A). However, once the vesicles fused, grew, and became GUVac, these markers did not consistently correspond with the GUVac membrane but were instead unevenly distributed around it (new Figure 1-figure supplement 2B, C). This made it difficult to determine whether they were localized to separate organelles or part of the GUVac membrane. Interestingly, we found that the Transferrin receptor (TfR), which also marks a general membrane population involved in the endocytic pathway (such as PM invagination), was evenly distributed within the GUVac membrane (new Figure 1-figure supplement 2B, D). Therefore, GUVac appears to possess heterogeneous characteristics of the endocytic membrane, mainly with the TfR marker (likely due to PM invagination) and some partial endomembrane system markers. However, further analysis would be required to confirm this.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript "Formation of a giant unilocular vacuole via macropinocytosis-like process confers anoikis resistance" describes an interesting observation and provides initial steps towards understanding the underlying molecular mechanism.
The manuscript describes that the majority of non-tumorigenic mammary gland epithelial cells (MCF-10A) in suspension initiate entosis. A smaller fraction of cells forms a single giant unilocular vacuole (hereafter referred to as a GUVac). GUVac appeared to be empty and did not contain invading (entotic) cells. The formation of GUVac could be promoted by disrupting actin polymerisation with LatB and CytoD. The formation of GUVacs correlated with resistance to anoikis. GUVac formation was detected in several other epithelial cells from secretory tissues.
The authors then use electron microscopy and super-resolution imaging to describe the biogenesis of GUVac. They find that GUVac formation is initiated by a micropinocytosis-like phenomenon (that is independent of actin polymerisation). This process leads to the formation of large plasma membrane invaginations, that pinch off from the PM to form larger vesicles that fuse with each other into GUVacs.
Inhibition of actin polymerisation in suspended MCF-10a leads to the recruitment of Septin 6 to the PM via its amphipathic helix. Treatment with FCF (a septin polymerisation inhibitor) blocked GUVac biogenesis, as did pharmacological inhibition of dynamin-mediated membrane fission. The fusion of these vesicles in GUVacs required (perhaps not surprisingly) PI3P.
The authors have made an interesting and potentially important observation. They describe the formation of an endo-lysosomal organelle (a giant unilocular vacuole - GUVac) in suspended epithelial cells and correlate the formation of GUVacs with resistance to aniokis.
We thank the reviewer for the summary of our study and the positive comment.
My major concern is the experimental strategy that is used throughout the paper to induce and study the formation GUVac. Almost every experiment is conducted in suspended cells that were treated with actin depolymerising drugs (e.g. LatB) and thus almost all key conclusions are based on the results of these experiments. I only have a few suggestions that would improve these experiments or change their outcome and interpretation. Yet, I believe it is essential to identify the endogenous pathway leading to the actin depolymerisation that drives the formation of GUVacs in detached epithelial cells (or alternatively to figure out how it is suppressed in most detached cells). A first step in that direction would be to investigate the polymerization status of actin in MCF-10a cells that 'spontaneously' form GUVacs and to test if these cells also become resistant to anoikis.
We thank the reviewer for the valuable comments and fully acknowledge the limitations of our approach. Many detached cells likely tend to contact each other for cell aggregations to suppress GUVac formation. However, it is unclear whether cells that spontaneously form GUVac in suspension have a weakened F-actin structure, which would be valuable to investigate in future studies.
Also, it would be great (and I believe reasonably easy) to better characterise molecular markers of GUVacs (LAMP's, Rab's, Cathepsins, etc....) to discriminate them from other endosomal organelles
In response to a similar comment from Reviewer 1, we analyzed markers of other endocytic compartments, including EEA1, Rab5, Transferrin receptor (TfR), LC3B, and LAMP1. At early time points (1 h), we observed several large vesicles that had taken up 70kDa Dextran and exhibited EEA1 or Rab5, markers of early endosomes. By 6 hours, some of these large vesicles showed lysotracker positivity, indicating a transition from early to late endosomal fate, similar to the maturation process of conventional macropinocytic vesicles (see new Figure 1-figure supplement 2A). However, once the vesicles fused, grew, and became GUVac, these markers did not consistently correspond with the GUVac membrane but were instead unevenly distributed around it (new Figure 1-figure supplement 2B, C). This made it difficult to determine whether they were localized to separate organelles or part of the GUVac membrane. Interestingly, we found that the Transferrin receptor (TfR), which also marks a general membrane population involved in the endocytic pathway (such as PM invagination), was evenly distributed within the GUVac membrane (new Figure 1-figure supplement 2B, D). Therefore, GUVac appears to possess heterogeneous characteristics of the endocytic membrane, mainly with the TfR marker (likely due to PM invagination) and some partial endomembrane system markers. However, further analysis would be required to confirm this.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Loss of cell attachment to extracellular matrix (ECM) triggers aniokis (a type of programmed cell death), and resistance to aniokis plays a role in cancer development. However, mechanisms underlying anoikis resistance, and the precise role of F-actin, are not fully known.
Here the authors describe the formation of a new organelle, giant unilocular vacuole (GUVac), in cells whose F-actin is disrupted during loss of matrix attachment. GUVac formation (diameter >500 nm) resulted from a previously unrecognised macropinocytosis-like process, characterized by inwardly curved micron-sized plasma membrane invaginations, dependent on F-actin depolymerization, septin recruitment, and PI(3)P. Finally, the authors show GUVac formation after loss of matrix attachment promotes resistance to anoikis.
From these results, the authors conclude that GUVac formation promotes cell survival in environments where F-actin is disrupted and conditions of cell stress.
The manuscript is clear and well-written, figures are all presented at a very high level.
A variety of cutting-edge cell biology techniques (eg time-lapse imaging, EM, super-resolution microscopy) are used to study the role of the cytoskeleton in GUVac formation. It is discovered that: (i) a macropinocytosis-like process dependent on F-actin depolymerisation, SEPT6 recruitment, and PI(3)P contributes to GUVac formation, and (ii) GUVac formation is associated with resistance to cell death.
We thank the reviewer for the concise summary of our study and positive comments.
The manuscript is highly reliant on the use of drugs, or combinations of drugs, for long periods of time (6hr, 18hr..). Wherever possible the authors should test conclusions drawn from experiments involving drugs also using other canonical cell biology approaches (eg siRNA, Crispr). Although suggestive as a first approach, it is not reliable to draw conclusions from experiments where only drug combinations are being advanced (eg LatB + FCF).
We thank the reviewer for the comment and suggestion. As suggested, we employed siRNAs targeting Septin2 and Septin9 in cells treated with LatB as an alternative to the drug combination approach. This genetic approach, combined with chemical treatment, led to a consistent reduction in GUVac formation, similar to the results observed with LatB+FCF treatment (see new Figure 3D-WB and graph).
F-actin is well known to play a wide variety of roles in cell death and other canonical cell death pathways (PMID: 26292640). The authors show using pharmacological inhibition that F-actin is key for GUVac formation. However, especially when testing for physiological relevance, how can these other roles for F-actin be ruled out?
In Figure 5, we investigate the physiological relevance of GUVac, highlighting its role in suppressing apoptosis and enhancing anoikis resistance. As the reviewer correctly noted, F-actin inhibition is known to reduce apoptotic signaling (PMID: 16072039). However, we observed that anoikis resistance is lost when GUVac is suppressed through knockout of either PI3KC2alpha or VPS34 in cells with F-actin disrupted by LatB (Figure 5I). This suggests that GUVac plays a role in suppressing apoptosis independently of F-actin depolymerization-induced apoptosis resistance.
To test the role of septins in GUVac formation only recruitment studies and no direct functional work is performed. A drug forchlofeneuron (FCF) is used, but this is well known to have off-target effects (PMID: 27473917).
We thank the reviewer for the valuable comments. To eliminate potential off-target effects of FCF, as described above, we employed siRNA targeting Septin 2 and Septin 9 and observed similar results (see new Figure 3D).
Cells that possess GUVac are resistant to aniokis, but how are these cells resistant? This report is focused on mechanisms underlying GUVac formation and does not directly test for mechanisms underlying aniokis resistance.
We fully agree with the reviewer’s comments and recognize the importance of uncovering the mechanism behind GUVac-mediated anoikis resistance for future research. It will likely be essential to investigate how prosurvival signaling pathways are activated, like the PI3K-AKT signaling (as shown in Figure 5-Supplement 1) or the YAP/TAZ pathway.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Figure 4 Supplemental 1. What are the faint bands in clones 23, 26, and 29? Are they cross-reacting bands? Or Vps34?
We apologize if the data in our original manuscript were misleading. To clarify the specificity of the VPS34 antibody in the Western blot analysis of VPS34 KO clones, we compared these samples with those from siRNA-mediated VPS34-depleted cells (see new Figure 4-Supplement 1E, which replaces the original Figure). Consistent with the known size of VPS34 at approximately 100 kDa, we observed a clear disappearance of the VPS34 band at around 100 kDa in the sgVPS34 clones, which was comparable to the size observed in siRNA-treated cells.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Figure 2B: Only 4 cells were counted. Please comment.
At the outset of this study, we faced technical difficulties in preparing TEM samples, which limited the number of samples included in Figure 2B. However, subsequent experiments that combined TEM with super-resolution microscopy, as shown in Figure 4D-F, produced similar data on plasma membrane invagination, as depicted in Figure 2B, which is the initial step in the formation of GUVac.
Figure 2C: do cells shrink after treatment with EIPA or LatB? Please comment.
We apologize if the data presented in our original manuscript were misleading. Control cells treated with DMSO display multiple cell-in-cell structures (known as 'entosis'), which typically results in a larger overall cell size compared to EIPA or LatB-treated non-entotic single cells. This might have created the impression that cells shrink relative to the control under EIPA or LatB treatment. We hope this explanation has answered the reviewer’s question.
Figure 3A: The changes in the localization of mCherry-Spetin6 appear to be very dramatic. Are these results properly reflected by the quantification in Figure 3B? Is indeed the entire mCherry-Spetin6 pool recruited to the plasma membrane? Wouldn't that imply that all other septin6-regulated processes are blocked?
Again, we apologize if the data presented in our original manuscript caused any confusion. In Figure 3B, we quantified only the number of filament-like Septin6 structures predominantly observed in LatB-treated cells, rather than measuring changes in the relative fluorescence intensity of Septin6 between the plasma membrane and the cytosol. Although we could not estimate the proportion of total Septin6 recruited to the plasma membrane from the cytosol based solely on Figure 3A-B, conducting plasma membrane fractionation experiments with endogenous Septin6, followed by Western blot analysis, would be valuable for addressing this issue in future studies.
Figure 3D: Please also provide data for the 6h time-point (as in all other experiments).
We apologize for omitting the 6-hour time point, which may have caused confusion. The new Figure 3E (previously Figure 3D) shows that recruitment of wild-type Septin6, but not the amphipathic helix (AH) deletion mutant, occurs at a 6-hour time point.
Figure 3E: Molecular weight for western blot is missing.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and have revised the figure accordingly.
Line 188 - Title of subchapter could include dynamin.
We appreciate the reviewer’s helpful suggestion and have updated the revised manuscript to reflect this. The phrase "Recruitment of Septin to the Fluctuating Plasma Membrane Drives Macropinocytosis-like Process" has been revised to "Septin and Dynamin Drive Macropinocytosis-like Process".
Line 450 - please describe how the genotyping of MCF10a gene-engineered cells was performed.
We confirmed the knockout of MCF10A cell lines by Western blot analysis using specific antibodies against VPS34 and PI3KC2α, rather than through genotyping.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The manuscript is highly reliant on the use of drugs, or combinations of drugs, for long periods of time (6hr, 18hr..). Wherever possible authors should test conclusions drawn from experiments involving drugs also using other canonical cell biology approaches (eg siRNA, Crispr). Although suggestive as a first approach, it is not reliable to draw conclusions from experiments where only drug combinations are being advanced (eg LatB + FCF).
We thank the reviewer for the comment. As suggested, we employed siRNAs targeting Septin2 and Septin9 in cells treated with LatB as an alternative to the drug combination approach. This genetic approach, combined with chemical treatment, led to a consistent reduction in GUVac formation, similar to the results observed with LatB+FCF treatment (see new Figure 3D-WB and graph).
(2) SEPT6 is recruited at an inwardly curved plasma membrane. Can the authors better describe what type of structure is being recruited/quantified (filaments, collar-like structures, etc)?
We apologize if the data presented was unclear. As outlined in the Methods section in the original manuscript, we detected puncta-like Septin6 structures using the Find Maxima tool in ImageJ, which could include both filamentous and collar-like structures that were less apparent in the DMSO control. We have added additional explanations in the revised manuscript in the legend of Figure 3B to clarify the recruitment of Septin6.
Previous work has shown that octameric septin complexes are linking actin to the plasma membrane (PMID: 36562751). Tests for the recruitment/function of other key septins such as SEPT7 and SEPT9 to support conclusions.
As previously mentioned, to further explore the role of other septin family members in GUVac formation, we tested the roles of Septin9 and Septin2 using siRNAs and found that they are essential for this process (see new Figure 3D). Unfortunately, we were unable to assess the localization of Septin2 and Septin9 due to the lack of suitable antibodies for detecting endogenous proteins by immunofluorescence.
(3) SEPT6 recruitment is impaired when cells are treated with FCF. FCF is well known to have off-target effects (PMID: 25217460, PMID: 27473917). siRNA for SEPT2, SEPT7 and/or SEPT9 can be used to test phenotypes obtained using FCF.
We thank the reviewer for the comment. As also mentioned above, to eliminate potential off-target effects of FCF, we used siRNA to target Septin2 and Septin9, and obtained similar results (see new Figure 3D).
(4) SEPT6 is recruited to the fluctuating cell membrane via the amphipathic helix (AH) domain (Figure 3D). Are these only representative images? It is not clear what readers should be looking at - can the authors provide arrows to highlight what is the difference +/- AH? Can something be quantified?
We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and have added arrows from the inset of the merge pannel Figure 3E, along with line profile analysis, to emphasize the failure of the AH deletion mutant of Septin6 to recruit to the plasma membrane.
Throughout Figure 3, why use LatB treatment at different times?
We apologize if this was not clearly addressed in our original manuscript. Throughout the study, we primarily used an 18-hour LatB treatment to evaluate GUVac formation, as this longer period allows for gradual vesicle fusion. In contrast, we utilized 6-hour treatments to demonstrate that Septin6 recruitment and subsequent plasma membrane invagination occur at earlier time points, as evidenced by the data in Figure 2G (super-resolution live imaging) and Figure 4D (electron microscopy analysis). This clarification has been incorporated into the revised manuscript.
(5) F-actin is well known to play a wide variety of roles in cell death and other canonical cell death pathways (PMID: 26292640). The authors show using pharmacological inhibition that F-actin is key for GUVac formation. However, especially when testing for physiological relevance, how can these other roles for F-actin be ruled out?
In Figure 5, we investigate the physiological relevance of GUVac, highlighting its role in suppressing apoptosis and enhancing anoikis resistance. As the reviewer correctly noted, F-actin inhibition is known to reduce apoptotic signaling (PMID: 16072039). However, when GUVac is suppressed through knockout of either PI3KC2alpha or VPS34 in cells with F-actin disrupted by LatB, anoikis resistance is lost (see Figure 5H, I). This suggests that GUVac plays a role in suppressing apoptosis independently of F-actin depolymerization-induced apoptosis resistance.
(6) Cells that possess GUVac are resistant to aniokis, but how are these cells resistant? This report is focused on mechanisms underlying GUVac formation and does not directly test for mechanisms underlying aniokis resistance.
We fully agree with the reviewer’s comments and recognize the importance of uncovering the mechanism behind GUVac-mediated anoikis resistance for future research. It will likely be essential to investigate how prosurvival signaling pathways are activated, like the PI3K-AKT signaling (as shown in Figure 5-Supplement 1) or the YAP/TAZ pathway.
(7) In the Discussion, there is a lot of text on involution and speculative relevance of GUVac formation. I would focus the Discussion more on the clear results discovered here.
We thank the reviewer’s feedback and have revised the discussion to reduce its length concerning involution.
(8) Figure 5. GUVac formation promotes cell survival in altered actin and matrix environments. In Figure 5J, it will not be clear to readers outside the field what is being shown here.
We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion and have added two distinct dotted lines around the vacuole and cell area in the revised figure to emphasize the gradual reduction in its size over time.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
SUMO proteins are processed and then conjugated to other proteins via a C-terminal di-glycine motif. In contrast, the N-terminus of some SUMO proteins (SUMO2/3) contains lysine residues that are important for the formation of SUMO chains. Using NMR studies, the N-terminus of SUMO was previously reported to be flexible (Bayer et al., 1998). The authors are investigating the role of the flexible (referred to as intrinsically disordered) N-terminus of several SUMO proteins. They report their findings and modeling data that this intrinsically disordered N-terminus of SUMO1 (and the C. elegans Smo1) regulates the interaction of SUMO with SUMO interacting motifs (SIMs).
Among the strongest experimental data suggesting that the N-terminus plays an inhibitory function are their observations that
(1) SUMO1∆N19 binds more efficiently to SIM-containing Usp25, Tdp2, and RanBp2,<br /> (2) SUMO1∆N19 shows improved sumoylation of Usp25,<br /> (3) changing negatively-charged residues, ED11,12KK in the SUMO1 N-terminus increased the interaction and sumoylation with/of USP25.
The paper is very well-organized, clearly written, and the experimental data are of high quality. There is good evidence that the N-terminus of SUMO1 plays a role in regulating its binding and conjugation to SIM-containing proteins. Therefore, the authors are presenting a new twist in the ever-evolving saga of SUMO, SIMs, and sumoylation.
Much has been learned about SUMO through structure-function analyses and this study is another excellent example. I would like to suggest that the authors take some extra time to place their findings into the context of previous SUMO structure-function analyses. Furthermore, it would be fitting to place their finding of a potential role of N-terminally truncated Smo1 into the context of the many prior findings that have been made with regard to the C. elegans SUMO field. Finally, regarding their data modeling/simulation, there are questions regarding the data comparisons and whether manipulations of the N-terminus also have an effect on the 70/80 region of the core.
We thank the reviewer for insightful and constructive comments to improve our manuscript. We have now placed our findings in the context of previous structure-function analyses at several occasions, details of which can be found in our replies to the detailed comments.
We are also placing the C. elegans data into context of previously published findings on the various functions of SMO-1 in controlling development and maintaining genomic stability (lines 510ff). Finally, we addressed all questions and suggestions regarding comparison of MD simulation and NMR data, and addressed the question whether mutations in the N-terminus affected the 70/80 region. We have now clarified in the manuscript that the sum of MD and NMR data does not allow a clear-cut conclusion on the 70/80 interactions.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This very interesting study originated from a serendipitous observation that the deletion of the disordered N-terminal tail of human SUMO1 enhances its binding to its interaction partners. This suggested that the N terminus of SUMO1 might be an intrinsic competitive inhibitor of SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) binding to SUMO1. Subsequent experiments support this mechanism, showing that in humans it is specific to SUMO1 and does not extend to SUMO2 or SUMO3 (except, perhaps, when the N terminus of SUMO2 becomes phosphorylated, as the authors intriguingly suggest - and partially demonstrate). The auto-inhibition of SUMO1 via its N-terminal tail apparently explains the lower binding of SUMO1 compared to SUMO2 to some SIMs and lower SIM-dependent SUMOylation of some substrates with SUMO1 compared to SUMO2, thus adding an important element to the puzzle of SUMO paralogue preference. In line with this explanation, N-terminally truncated SUMO1 was equally efficient to SUMO2 in the studied cases. The inhibitory role of SUMO1's N terminus appears conserved in other species including S. cerevisiae and C. elegans, both of which contain only one SUMO. The study also elucidates the molecular mechanism by which the disordered N-terminal region of SUMO1 can exert this auto-inhibitory effect. This appears to depend on the transient, very highly dynamic physical interaction between the N terminus and the surroundings of the SIM-binding groove based mostly on electrostatic interactions between acidic residues in the N terminus and basic residues around the groove.
A key strength of this study is the interplay of different techniques, including biochemical experiments, NMR, molecular dynamics simulations, and, at the end, in vivo experiments. The experiments performed with these different techniques inform each other in a productive way and strengthen each others' conclusions. A further strength is the detailed and clear text, which patiently introduces, describes, and discusses the study. Finally, in terms of the message, the study has a clear, mechanistic message of fundamental importance for various aspects of the SUMO field, and also more generally for protein biochemists interested in the functional importance of intrinsically disordered regions.
Some of the authors' conclusions are similar to those from a recent study by Lussier-Price et al. (NAR, 2022), the two studies likely representing independent inquiries into a similar topic. I don't see it as a weakness by itself (on the contrary), but it seems like a lost opportunity not to discuss at more length the congruence between these two studies in the discussion (Lussier-Price is only very briefly cited). Another point that can be raised concerns the wording of conclusions from molecular dynamics. The use of molecular dynamics simulations in this study has been rigorous and fruitful - indeed, it can be a model for such studies. Nonetheless, parameters derived from molecular dynamics simulations, including kon and koff values, could be more clearly described as coming from simulations and not experiments. Lastly, some of the conclusions - such as enhanced binding to SIM-containing proteins upon N-terminal deletion - could be additionally addressed with a biophysical technique (e.g. ITC) that is more quantitative than gel-based pull-down assays - but I don't think it is a must.
Thank you very much for pointing towards the study of Lussier-Price. We now point out congruent findings in more detail in the discussion.
We also thank the reviewer for the advice to present and discuss the MD findings more clearly, and more explicitly specify which parameters were obtained from MD. We have made changes throughout the Results and Discussion sections.
We agree that it would be a nice addition to use ITC measurements as a more quantitative method to assess differences in binding affinities upon deletion of the SUMO N-terminus. We had tried to measure affinities between SUMO and SIM-containing binding partners by ITC but in our hand, this failed. In the study of Lussier-Price et al., the authors were able to measure differences in SIM binding upon deleting the N-terminus but only when they used phosphorylated SIM peptides. Follow-up studies, e.g., on the effect of SUMO’s N-terminal modifications should certainly include more quantitative measurement such as ITCs, however these studies will have to be picked up by others. The main PI Frauke Melchior and most contributing authors moved on to new challenges.
Reviewing Editor (Recommendations For The Authors):
Both reviewers agreed that your manuscript presents novel results and the key findings including the self-inhibitory role of the N-terminal tail of SUMO proteins in their interaction with SIM are overall well supported by the data. The reviewers also provided constructive suggestions. They pointed out that some simulation results are not clear, which could be strengthened by control analysis and by toning down the related descriptions. In addition, Reviewer 2 suggested that the conclusions from the current biochemical and simulation studies could be further reinforced by more quantitative binding measurements. We hope that these points can be addressed in the revision.
We thank both reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments and the appreciative tone. In our replies above and below we address most of the raised concerns.
We strongly recommend the change of the current title. eLife advises that the authors avoid unfamiliar abbreviations or acronyms, or spell out in full or provide a brief explanation for any acronyms in the title.
We changed the title to “The intrinsically disordered N-terminus of SUMO1 is an intramolecular inhibitor of SUMO1 interactions” to avoid acronyms in the title.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Lines 190-262: The authors use NMR experiments and all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. They state that this approach reveals a highly dynamic interaction of the SUMO1 N-terminus with the core and that the SIM binding groove and the 70/80 region are temporarily occupied by the SUMO1 N-terminus (Fig. 3C). After comparing SUMO1, Smt3, SUMO2, and Smo1 by this approach they state that the most striking differences exist for the interaction with the SIM-binding groove, while interactions with the 70/80 region are rather comparable.
The authors then compare the average binding time data of Figure 3C, D, E, F in Figure 3G.
It is not clear which data points are included in the bar graphs of Figure 3G and how the individual data points (there are maybe 8 shown in each bar) correspond to the data shown in 3C, D, E, and F or if they are iterations (n?) of the modeled data. This should be clarified. Also, for comparison, the authors should also graph the average data of the 70/80 region.
We clarified the data shown in Figure 3G as well as 3C-F, and how It relates to each other. Indeed, Figure 3G shows 8 data points for 8 trajectories, and their average. Figure 3C-F are based on the same 8 trajectories, in this case broken down per residue of the protein. The average data of the 70/80 region does not show any significant differences across the proteins, as already pretty well visible from panels 3C-F.
Line 322: More concerning, in Figure 5, the authors model how a ED11,12KK mutations disrupt the interaction between the N-terminus and the SIM-binding groove and state that this mutation leaves interactions with the 70/80 region largely untouched. Again, it is not clear which data points are included in the bar graph 5D and 5G and how many iterations. Furthermore, data of 5B, C (SUMO1) and 5 E, F (smo1) do show clear differences between the WT and mutants affecting both the SIM binding groove and the 70/80 region. The double mutation clearly seems to affect the 70/80 region when comparing 5B, C (SUMO1) and 5 E, F (smo1), but this result is not mentioned. Indeed, the authors state that the double mutants leave the interactions with the 70/80 region largely untouched, but this is not borne out by the data presented.
We improved the clarity of the legend of Figure 5 as suggested. We also thank the reviewer for the comment on the changes in the 70/80 region, to which we point the reader explicitly now in the corresponding Results section. We, however, refrain from drawing conclusions from the MD in this case, as this change is not supported by the NMR measurements (Fig 5a). Charge-charge interactions in the charge-rich double mutants might be overstabilized in the MD simulations, a problem known for the canonical force fields used here, albeit tailoring it for IDPs. We now cite a corresponding reference. Another potential explanation for that the CMPs do not take this change up upon mutation could be a pronounced fuzziness in this region, which however, in turn, is not apparent from the simulations. We would therefore not overinterpret these differences in the 70/80 region. Our key conclusion is the loss of interactions with the SIM-binding groove – and thus of cis-inhibition – by mutations, which is supported by both, MD and NMR.
341: In their N-termini substitution experiments, the authors show that the SUMO1 core that carries the SUMO2 N-terminus (S2N-S1C) binds USP25 more efficiently than wt SUMO1. However, the SUMO1 core that carries the SUMO2 N-terminus is also reduced in its interaction with Usp25. This is concerning as the SUMO2 N-terminus was not predicted to interfere with SIM binding.
We were excited to see that the inhibitory potential could be partially transplanted by swapping the N-termini of SUMO1 and SUMO2 demonstrating that some important determinants are contained within the N-terminal tail of SUMO proteins. However, the observed effects were partial indicating that also other determinants contribute and that we do not yet understand all aspects. Obviously, the SUMO1 and SUMO2 cores are similar (also in the area comprising the SIM binding groove) but not identical, and as the inhibition arises from dynamic interactions of the N-terminus with the SIM binding area, differences in the SUMO cores and in residues flanking SUMO’s N-terminus are likely to influence the inhibitory potential as well.
Blue bars in 3G, 5D, and 6A look surprisingly similar down to the individual data points - does that mean that the same SUMO1 WT data was recycled for these different experiments? This is concerning to me.
The data displayed in the figures listed above are derived from in silico simulations and indeed display the same data set for the case of SUMO1 WT repeatedly, as we also state in the figure legends (we had done so for 5D “(identical to Fig. 3C)”, and now added the same comment to 6A, thanks for pointing this out). We show the SUMO1 WT data again to facilitate comparing the different SUMO variants in MD simulations.
Line 352 and 496: The authors used phosphomimetic mutants to assess the effect of SUMO2 N-term phosphorylation on interaction with Usp25. The data suggest a mild phenotype (6G) which is borne out by the quantization in 6H. In contrast, the effect of an array of modifications for SUMO1 (Figures 6A - C) was solely analyzed by MD simulation. If possible, this data should be confirmed, at least by using a phosphomimetic at the Ser9 position of SUMO1. Alternatively, a caveat explaining the need to confirm these predictions by actual experiments should be added to the text.
Already now we state in “Limitations of the study” that “While our MD simulations and in vitro studies with selected mutants point in this direction, we have not been able to generate quantitatively acetylated and/or phosphorylated SUMO variants to test this hypothesis.”
We agree that the hypothesis needs experimental validation. Phosphomimetic amino acids can be a useful tool in some cases but fail to mimic a phosphor group in other cases. In the past we had tested whether replacing Ser9 by a potentially phospho-mimicking amino acid (Glu) would further diminish binding of SIM-containing proteins compared to already strongly reduced binding to wt SUMO1 but the effect was too mild to yield a significant difference, at least in our assay. Whether this is due to a lack of Glu in mimicking phosphorylation of Ser9, due to limited sensitivity of our pulldown assay combined with the challenge to detect inhibition compared to an already inhibited state, or a failure in our hypothesis we were not able to clarify so far. We therefore now also added a sentence to the paragraph introducing phosphoSer9 MD simulations (now line 367) stating that this hypothesis needs to be tested experimentally.
Line 110: the authors should include references for their summary statement that "A defining feature of SUMO proteins is the intrinsically disordered N-terminus, whose function is only partly understood." Also cite in line 119.
Thank you, we now included some references.
Line 75: Please indicate early on that the N-terminus of some SUMO proteins contains lysines for the formation of SUMO chains. Please list them.
We now list, which of the SUMO proteins used in this study contain lysine residues in their N-termini.
Line 113: Please cite studies that elucidated the sumoylation of lysines in the N-terminus of SUMO2/3 proteins.
Thank you, we now included some references.
Line 153: The authors should include additional references on Smt3 structure function analyses to provide better context. One important detail, for example, is the important finding that Yeast SUMO (Smt3) deletion can be complemented by hsSUMO1 but not hsSUMO2 and hsSUMO3. Additionally, in yeast the entire Smt3 N-terminus can be deleted without detectable effects on growth, underscoring the enigmatic role of the N-terminus (Newman et al., 2017). Caveat also applies to line 266.
Thank you, we now included some additional information and references around line 153 and below.
164: The hypothesis that the SUMO1 N-terminus interferes with SIM binding groove ignores the previous observation that deletion of the SUMO2 N-terminus does not have an effect on binding (in vitro). While this is addressed later, the authors should clarify this e.g. by stating "a unique feature of the SUMO1 N-terminus". >
We now explicitly mention that this feature appears to be unique to SUMO1.
374 and 499: The authors should discuss the caveat that the deletion of the N-terminus of Smt3 does not have a phenotype in yeast in vivo (Newman et al., 2017).
We now discuss that Smt3’s N-terminus can be deleted without detectable phenotype, both in the results as well as in “Limitations of the study”.
Line 367: I feel this is overstated and I do not see any evidence that post translation modifications of the SUMO core plays a role. Therefore, I suggest: Our data and modeling are consistent with an interpretation that the N-termini of human and C. elegans SUMO1 proteins are inhibitory and that other SUMO N-termini may acquire such a function upon posttranslational modification of the N-terminus.
We agree that this is pure speculation and therefore restrict our hypothesis to modifications of the N-terminus.
Line 374 ff: Since Smo-∆N12 increases sumoylation (Fig. 2I), it is likely that the in vivo defect is due to over-sumoylation in C. elegans. The authors should discuss this possibility and quote appropriate literature e.g.: Rytinki et al., Overexpression of SUMO perturbs the growth and development of Caenorhabditis elegans. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2011 Oct;68(19):3219-32. PMID: 21253676.
In our study, we employ in vitro SUMOylation as a means to assess the SIM binding capability in an in-solution assay. For this, we use USP25 as a specific substrate known to depend on a SIM for its SUMOylation. We cannot exclude that some specific substrates depending on this same mechanism for their modification may be upregulated in modification also in the Smo-1∆N12 worms. In vivo however, the majority of SUMO substrates is not subject to SIM-dependent SUMOylation. We now added a control experiment showing that we neither observe significantly increased SUMO levels nor upregulated steady state levels of SUMOylation in these worms (Supplemental figure 8).
The phenotypes shown in the paper by Rytinki et al. do not resemble the smo-1∆N12 mutants. Rather, we observed a specific defect in the meiotic germ cells at the pachytene stage causing increased apoptosis Moreover, we show by western blot analysis that there is no global over-sumoylation occurring in smo-1∆N12 mutants (Fig. s8). Together, our data point to a germline-specific function of the SMO-1 N-terminus in maintaining genome stability (lines 510ff).
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Page2 - "Small Ubiquitin-related modifiers of the SUMO family regulate thousands of proteins in eukaryotic cells" - The authors could consider a more precise statement, e.g. that SUMO modifiers have been detected on thousands of proteins and their regulatory effect on many proteins have been demonstrated.
To be a bit more precise, the sentence now reads: “Ubiquitin-related proteins of the SUMO family are reversibly attached to thousands of proteins”. The summary has a word limit, hence we did not expand further at this place.
Page 4 - "Both events require SUMO-binding motifs (reviewed, e.g. in 7 ." - The end bracket is missing. Also, isn't it too strong a statement that paralogue specificity always requires a SIM? I don't know all the literature sufficiently well, but the authors could double-check if it is correct to say that paralogue-specific SUMOylation always depends on a SIM.
Thank you, we added the missing bracket. We agree that it would not be correct to say that paralogue-specificity always depends on a SIM. One alternative example is Dpp9, which shows a clear preference for SUMO1 without owning a SIM. Instead, Dpp9 harbors an alternative SUMO-binding motif, the E67-interacting loop, with a strong paralogue-preference (Pilla et al., 2012). We never intended to imply that a SIM is required for paralogue preference and we also rather generically wrote “SUMO binding motif” instead of “SIM”. However, in the subsequent paragraph about SUMO binding motifs we only go into details of SIMs as one of three classes of SUMO binding motifs not even mentioning the alternative classes. To make this more obvious, we now list the two other known classes of SUMO binding motifs hoping that it will shed the correct light onto our previous statement about paralogue preference.
Page 4 - In the nice discussion of different types of SIMs, the authors could consider mentioning also the special case of TDP2, which is used later by them as a model binding protein. This could provide an occasion to explain what the unusual "split SIM", mentioned on page 6, but not discussed, is, and what its relation to a normal SIM is. Also, it can perhaps be mentioned that TDP2 contacts SUMO2 not only through the two hydrophobic elements contiguous in space that mimic a SIM but also through a slightly larger interface around these regions on the surface of a folded domain.
Thank you for pointing this out. In the introduction, we extended our section on SUMO binding and now also included TDP2’s “split SIM”.
Page 11-12 - In the section "Interaction between SUMO's disordered N-termini and the SIM binding groove is highly dynamic" (and corresponding figures), it should be stated that the discussed kinetic parameters are derived from molecular dynamics simulations and not experimental measurements. It was not very clear to me. This also applies to this sentence on page 17: "First, we observed a very fast (ns) rate of the binding/unbinding process", which in its current form suggests direct observation rather than simulation.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out, and in fact, Rev #1 made the same comment. We specified now clearly that the rates were calculated from MD simulations, in the Results and Discussion sections (on page 11-12 and 18 (previously 17)).
Page 16 - The authors could briefly mention that this relatively long disordered N-terminal tail is a specific feature of SUMO proteins that distinguishes them from ubiquitin. I guess it is obvious to people from the SUMO field, but I don't think it is explicitly stated anywhere in the text and it could be interesting for readers who are less familiar with SUMO/ubiquitin differences.
Thank you, we added a short half-sentence pointing out this difference.
Page 17 - "The N-terminal region remains fully disordered in the bound state and is thus a classic example of intrinsic disorder irrespective of the binding state." - it could be added to this sentence that this is suggested by molecular dynamics simulations and not directly observed.
We added the information that this finding is based on the MD simulations.
Page 18 - "(e.g., 41,53 or flanking the SIM binding groove24,42" - the end bracket is missing.
Thanks, we added it.
Page 19 - "Our analysis in C. elegans (Fig. 7) suggests that this N-terminal function is particularly important in DNA damage response, a pathway that is strongly dependent on the SUMO system." - this brief description of the in vivo data seems to overgeneralise them a little bit. Perhaps one can describe what was observed with slightly more nuance.
See changes on p.19, lines 510ff.
eLife assessment
This work demonstrates an important regulatory role of the N-terminal disordered tail of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins, which modulate the function of various proteins in eukaryotic cells. The authors present convincing evidence that the N-terminal tail of SUMO inhibits SUMO's interaction with downstream effector proteins and SUMOylation targets, and that this regulatory mechanism depends on the SUMO paralogue or the phosphorylation of the N-terminal tail. This discovery significantly advances the field by providing a possible explanation of how SUMO paralogues select their effectors and SUMOylation targets.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This very interesting study originated from a serendipitous observation that the deletion of the disordered N-terminal tail of human SUMO1 enhances its binding to its interaction partners. This suggested that the N terminus of SUMO1 might be an intrinsic competitive inhibitor of SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) binding to SUMO1. Subsequent experiments support this mechanism, showing that in humans it is specific to SUMO1 and does not extend to SUMO2 or SUMO3 (except, perhaps, when the N terminus of SUMO2 becomes phosphorylated, as the authors intriguingly suggest - and partially demonstrate). The auto-inhibition of SUMO1 via its N-terminal tail apparently explains lower binding of SUMO1 compared to SUMO2 to some SIMs and lower SIM-dependent SUMOylation of some substrates with SUMO1 compared to SUMO2, thus adding an important element to the puzzle of SUMO paralogue preference. In line with this explanation, N-terminally truncated SUMO1 was equally efficient to SUMO2 in the studied cases. The inhibitory role of SUMO1's N terminus appears conserved in other species including S. cerevisiae and C. elegans, both of which contain only one SUMO. The study also elucidates the molecular mechanism by which the disordered N-terminal region of SUMO1 can exert this auto-inhibitory effect. This appears to depend on the transient, very highly dynamic physical interaction between the N terminus and the surroundings of the SIM-binding groove based mostly on electrostatic interactions between acidic residues in the N terminus and basic residues around the groove.
A key strength of this study is the interplay of different techniques, including biochemical experiments, NMR, molecular dynamics simulations, and, at the end, in vivo experiments. The experiments performed with these different techniques inform each other in a productive way and strengthen each others' conclusions. A further strength is the detailed and clear text, which patiently introduces, describes, and discusses the study. Finally, in terms of the message, the study has a clear, mechanistic message of fundamental importance for various aspects of the SUMO field, and also more generally for protein biochemists interested in the functional importance of intrinsically disordered regions. In revision, the authors have further improved the text.
In the future, further experimental validation will be required, particularly with regards to the biological importance of the uncovered mechanism. These limitations are satisfactorily pointed out by the authors themselves in the revised manuscript.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Author response
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
We thank the editors and reviewers for their thoughtful comments on our manuscript. We greatly appreciated the suggestions and recommendations that helped us to improve the study. With adaptations, and inclusion of novel data and analyses, we have addressed all points raised, and hope that by these improvements the study further meets the standards for eLife.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Minor text edits should be made.
(1.1) As a recent study from the Wong lab also showed sebaceous gland regeneration following complete ablation (Veniaminova et al., 2023), this finding should be mentioned in the text, and the abstract ("Most strikingly...") should be toned down.
We thank the reviewer for the positive feedback, and for highlighting this part of the study from the Wong lab. Although we cited this study study in a different context, we had not discussed the sebaceous gland regeneration finding. We have now added this to the discussion section of the manuscript.
(1.2) Introduction: In lines 31-33 discussing the connection of sebaceous glands with skin disorders, the 5 references cited seem to replicate the citations from a similar sentence in Veniaminova et al., 2019. The authors should vary their citations, as there are likely other publications that can be cited here.
Additional references have been added.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The manuscript is well written and the data are well presented in the figures.
We thank the reviewer for the positive feedback.
(2.1) Here are some points that could be taken into consideration to improve the manuscript:
- Row 75 "the primary" regulator could be changed to "a crucial".
We appreciate this suggestion and have made the text edit.
- Row 86 could be added: ...is the dominant ligand of the Notch signalling.
We have made the text edit as suggested.
(2.2) Row 107-109 from the quantification of Figure 1G and Figure 2 it seems that only the aJ2 treatment has an SG phenotype. Why aJ1 doesn't have any effect? (same is true in other figures). If the data on aJ1 are maintained in the manuscript, this should be argued in the discussion section.
The reviewer is correct in noting that the aJ1 treatment does not cause the phenotype, and this is indeed one of the key findings of the study. This is maintained throughout the manuscript. We have also cited references showing that embryonic and adult deletions of Jag1 do not cause any sebaceous gland defects. All these data argue that Jag1 is not the relevant Notch signaling ligand in sebocyte differentiation. We have further clarified this in the manuscript.
(2.3) Related to Figure 3G. As the Lrig1 stem cells can go towards both the sebocyte differentiation, or the sebaceous duct differentiation, it would be interesting to evaluate if the differentiation impairment caused by the antibody treatment affects in a similar manner (or not) the sebaceous duct differentiation. This could be tested through immunofluorescence, selecting markers of sebaceous duct.
We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful question. We are unable to find any unique markers of the sebaceous ducts (that are not expressed in other parts of the sebaceous gland, especially sebocytes) in the literature, thus, any analysis of markers would be confounded by its change of expression due to the loss of sebocytes.
However, we have evaluated the histology using bursting sebocytes releasing sebum as a proxy of a functional sebaceous duct. We have not found any significant differences between treatments using this metric (Fig. S1).
(2.4) As the word "therapeutic" is often underlined in the manuscript, maybe a few sentences on the transnational aspects of the results could be added to the discussion.
We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point. We have added this to the discussion.
(2.5) Figure 3 suggests that Jag2 is produced by basal sebocytes and used by these cells to induce sebocyte differentiation. I'm wondering if in an in vitro cell system (with a mixture of marked Jag2-expressing cells and marked Jag2-negative cells), it would be possible to understand if this mechanism of differentiation is a cell-autonomous mechanism or a mechanism based on cell competition (for instance, it would be possible that the progenitors compete for their niche on the basal layer by pushing neighbouring basal cells to differentiate presenting them Jag2).
We thank the reviewer for the insightful suggestion. The mechanistic underpinning of how Notch signaling induces sebocyte differentiation is still unclear, and we find the reviewer’s suggestion very interesting. However, establishing an in vitro model that captures the aspects mentioned, would require a lot of optimization and validation. To help rapid dissemination of our findings we elected to keep this out of the manuscript, but we will certainly consider it for future studies.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(3.1) The authors focussed on mouse back skin sebaceous glands to analyse the phenotype. Are the effects also reproducible in the sebaceous glands of the mouse ears and tail epidermis? If so, the data should be strengthened by quantifying the phenotype using tail epidermal whole mounts (Braun et al., 2003; Development, PMID: 12954714), ideally by co-staining sebaceous glands for differentiation markers (e.g. FASN, Adipophilin) or lipid deposits (e.g., Oil red O). Also, the authors need to clarify how many sebaceous glands were scored per mouse. If not, please provide a rationale explaining the location restriction.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Indeed, we have only incorporated data from the telogen dorsal skin of the animals. We have now more accurately reflected this in the revised manuscript. Additionally, we have added the number of sebaceous glands quantified in each figure per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Since the stage of hair growth cycle can affect the sebaceous glands, we chose the resting (telogen) phase of the hair cycle to reliably study the sebaceous glands. At 8 weeks of age, hair follicles have uniformly entered the telogen phase. As subsequent re-entry into the anagen phase is asynchronous in the adult skin, the color of the dorsal skin of C57BL/6 mice can be used to determine whether the hair follicles are in the telogen phase or not. These reasons led us to choose this location, allowing us to study only telogen phase hair follicles.
We also point out that previously reported data (Estrach et al., 2006) did not show differences between dorsal and tail skin, so we assume the mechanisms must largely be conserved. However, as the reviewer rightfully points out, we cannot be sure and have, therefore, indicated the dorsal location throughout the manuscript.
(3.2) The micrographs in Figure 2 suggest that expression of both Jagged2 and Notch1 (intercellular domain) is not restricted to the sebaceous glands, as both molecules appear to be detected also in the isthmus and lower hair follicle. Of note, the online tool provided by the Kasper and Linnarsson labs (http://linnarssonlab.org/epidermis/) shows that both molecules are more widely expressed in mouse back skin. Please provide some analysis of the overall expression of these molecules in mouse skin. In line, is the observed effect of using the antagonising antibodies restricted to the sebaceous glands? Please provide additional data on proliferation and differentiation in the interfollicular epidermis, hair follicle cycling, and other skin compartments. For instance, the data published in the cited paper by Lafkas et al. (2005) suggest a thickening of the dermal adipocyte layer upon Jagged2 inhibition using monoclonal therapeutic antibodies.
The reviewer is correct in noting that expression of both Jag2 and Notch1 is not restricted to the sebaceous gland. The Notch signaling pathway is a well-known regulator for epidermal differentiation, and members of the pathway are expressed in various locations of the skin, including the interfollicular epidermis and the hair follicle. The expression and function of Notch signaling in these locations has been reviewed in (Hsu et al., 2014; Nowell and Radtke, 2013; Watt et al., 2008). We have also added zoomed out images showing expression of Jag2 and Notch1 in the skin (Figure S2e,f).
The effect of the antagonizing antibodies is not restricted to sebaceous glands, as we already noted in our discussion section: “While injections of the Notch blocking antibodies are systemic, we only observed a reduction in the number of Notch-active cells in the IFE, but not a complete loss.” The functional impact of the antibodies is likely beyond the sebaceous gland, as the reviewer points out, but understanding the full effect in other compartments, we consider beyond the scope of the current study.
In our previous study (Lafkas et al., 2015), the skin was examined at different animal ages/gender and using different antibody dosing regimens, which is the likely explanation for the differences observed. We have now quantified the width of the adipocyte layer and the IFE and show that there are no significant differences between treatments (Figure S1g-j). This together with the histology suggest that there are no significant differences in the differentiation and proliferation of these compartments.
(3.3) Since Jagged1 is a Wnt/beta-catenin target gene that is essential for (ectopic) hair follicle formation and differentiation (Estrach et al., 2006, Development, PMID: 17035290) and the sebaceous gland is widely considered as an epidermal compartment with absent/low Wnt/beta-catenin pathway activity during normal homeostasis (Lim & Nusse, 2013, Cold Spring Habor Perspectives in Biology, PMID: 23209129), how is the expression of Notch1 and Jagged2 regulated upstream in sebocyte progenitors? It would be important to bring some more mechanistic insights into the upstream regulation of Notch activity. In line with comment 2, how are the compartment-specific effects molecularly regulated if the effects are not restricted to the sebaceous glands?
The reviewer is correct in noting that the Wnt pathway does not seem to be a likely candidate for driving sebocyte differentiation through Notch signaling. Indeed, Wnt inhibition is required for sebocyte differentiation (Merrill et al., 2001; Niemann et al., 2002), and the Jag2 promoter region also does not contain TCF binding sites (Katoh and Katoh, 2006).
We speculate that Myc might regulate Notch signaling in the sebaceous gland. It is expressed in the sebaceous gland basal stem cells and has been reported to positively regulate sebocyte differentiation (Cottle et al., 2013). In addition, studies have shown that Jag2 is a Myc target gene (Fiaschetti et al., 2014; Yustein et al., 2010). However, evaluating which upstream pathway potentially regulates Notch signaling, and resolving the regulatory network of sebocyte differentiation beyond the direct Notch ligands and receptors would require extensive in vivo modeling using KO and transgenic animals, which we consider to be beyond the scope of the current manuscript.
Cottle DL, Kretzschmar K, Schweiger PJ, Quist SR, Gollnick HP, Natsuga K, Aoyagi S, Watt FM. 2013. c-MYC-Induced Sebaceous Gland Differentiation Is Controlled by an Androgen Receptor/p53 Axis. Cell Rep 3:427–441. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2013.01.013
Estrach S, Ambler CA, Celso CLL, Hozumi K, Watt FM. 2006. Jagged 1 is a β-catenin target gene required for ectopic hair follicle formation in adult epidermis. Development 133:4427–4438. doi:10.1242/dev.02644
Fiaschetti G, Schroeder C, Castelletti D, Arcaro A, Westermann F, Baumgartner M, Shalaby T, Grotzer MA. 2014. NOTCH ligands JAG1 and JAG2 as critical pro-survival factors in childhood medulloblastoma. Acta Neuropathol Commun 2:39. doi:10.1186/2051-5960-2-39
Hsu Y-C, Li L, Fuchs E. 2014. Emerging interactions between skin stem cells and their niches. Nat Med 20:847–856. doi:10.1038/nm.3643
Katoh Masuko, Katoh Masaru. 2006. Notch ligand, JAG1, is evolutionarily conserved target of canonical WNT signaling pathway in progenitor cells. Int J Mol Med. doi:10.3892/ijmm.17.4.681
Lafkas D, Shelton A, Chiu C, Boenig G de L, Chen Y, Stawicki SS, Siltanen C, Reichelt M, Zhou M, Wu X, Eastham-Anderson J, Moore H, Roose-Girma M, Chinn Y, Hang JQ, Warming S, Egen J, Lee WP, Austin C, Wu Y, Payandeh J, Lowe JB, Siebel CW. 2015. Therapeutic antibodies reveal Notch control of transdifferentiation in the adult lung. Nature 528:127–131. doi:10.1038/nature15715
Merrill BJ, Gat U, DasGupta R, Fuchs E. 2001. Tcf3 and Lef1 regulate lineage differentiation of multipotent stem cells in skin. Genes Dev 15:1688–1705. doi:10.1101/gad.891401
Niemann C, Owens DM, Hülsken J, Birchmeier W, Watt FM. 2002. Expression of ΔNLef1 in mouse epidermis results in differentiation of hair follicles into squamous epidermal cysts and formation of skin tumours. Development 129:95–109. doi:10.1242/dev.129.1.95
Nowell C, Radtke F. 2013. Cutaneous Notch Signaling in Health and Disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 3:a017772. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a017772
Watt FM, Estrach S, Ambler CA. 2008. Epidermal Notch signalling: differentiation, cancer and adhesion. Curr Opin Cell Biol 20:171–179. doi:10.1016/j.ceb.2008.01.010
Yustein JT, Liu Y-C, Gao P, Jie C, Le A, Vuica-Ross M, Chng WJ, Eberhart CG, Bergsagel PL, Dang CV. 2010. Induction of ectopic Myc target gene JAG2 augments hypoxic growth and tumorigenesis in a human B-cell model. Proc Natl Acad Sci 107:3534–3539. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901230107
eLife assessment
This work aimed at deconstructing how sebaceous gland differentiation is controlled in adult skin. Using monoclonal antibodies designed to inhibit specific Notch ligands or receptors, the authors present convincing evidence that the Jag2/Notch1 signaling axis is a crucial regulator of sebocyte progenitor proliferation and sebocyte differentiation. The valuable findings presented here contribute to the growing evidence that Notch signaling is not only key during the development of the skin and its appendages but also regulates cell fate in adult homeostatic tissues. From a translational perspective, it is intriguing that the effect of Jag2 or Notch1 inhibition, which leads to the accumulation of proliferative stem/progenitor cells in the sebaceous gland and prevents sebocyte differentiation, is reversible.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Abidi and colleagues used Notch pathway neutralizing antibodies to inhibit sebaceous glands in the skin. The authors find that blocking either the Notch1 receptor or the Jag2 ligand caused loss of the glands and increased retention of sebaceous progenitor cells. Moreover, these glands began to reappear 14 days after treatment.
Overall, this study definitively identifies the Notch receptor/ligand combination that maintains these glands in the adult. The manuscript is clearly written and the figures are beautifully made.
In this resubmitted manuscript, the authors have adequately addressed all the previous critiques.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this report Abidi et al. use an antibody against Jag2, a Notch1 ligand, to inhibit its activity in skin. A single dose of this treatment leads to an impairment of sebocyte differentiation and an accumulation of basal sebocytes. Consistently Notch1 activity, measured as cleaved form of the Notch1 intracellular domain, is detected in basal sebocytes together with the expression of Jag2. Interestingly the phenotype caused by the antibody treatment is reversible.
The quality of the histological data with a clear phenotype, together with the quantification represents a solid base for the authors claims.<br /> This work identifies that the ligand Jag2 is the Notch1 ligand required for sebocyte differentiation.<br /> From a therapeutic point of view, it is interesting that the treatment with the anti-Jag2 is reversible.
The authors use a single approach to support their claims.<br /> Future in vitro studies will be needed to understand how Notch signaling induces sebocyte differentiation (i.e. a cell-autonomous mechanism, a mechanism based on cell competition, etc.).
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Abidi et al. investigated the role of Notch signalling for sebaceous gland differentiation and sebocyte progenitor proliferation in adult mouse skin. By injecting antagonising antibodies against different Notch receptors and ligands into mice, the authors identified that the Notch1 receptor and, to a lesser extent, Notch2 receptor, as well as the Notch ligand Jagged2, contribute to the regulation of sebaceous gland differentiation. In situ hybridisation confirmed that treatment with anti-Jagged2 dramatically reduced the number of basal sebocytes staining for the transcriptionally active intracellular domain of Notch1. Loss of Notch activity in sebocyte progenitors robustly inhibited sebaceous gland differentiation. Under these conditions, the number of sebocyte progenitors marked by Lrig1 was not affected, while the number of proliferating basal sebocytes was increased. Upon recovery of Notch activity, sebaceous gland differentiation could likewise be recovered. By suggesting that Notch activity in sebocyte progenitors is required to balance proliferation and differentiation, these data bring valuable new and relevant findings for the skin field on the sebaceous gland homeostasis.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
eLife assessment
In this small study involving patients with a history of myocardial infarction, Fawaz et al. found no significant contribution of clonal hematopoiesis and mosaic loss of the Y chromosome to the incidence of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Although the evidence provided by the study is incomplete due to its small sample size, the findings are valuable for guiding future larger studies that will further investigate this significant and controversial subject.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The preprint by Fawaz et al. presents the findings of a study that aimed to assess the relationship between somatic mutations associated with clonal hematopoiesis (CHIP) and the prevalence of myocardial infarction (MI). The authors conducted targeted DNA sequencing analyses on samples from 149 MI patients and 297 non-MI controls from a separate cohort. Additionally, they investigated the impact of the loss of the Y chromosome (LOY), another somatic mutation frequently observed in clonally expanded blood cells. The results of the study primarily demonstrate no significant associations, as neither CHIP nor LOY were found to be correlated with an increased prevalence of MI. The null findings regarding CHIP are partly in conflict with several larger studies in the literature. However, it must be noted that the authors did find trends to an association between CHIP and a higher incidence of MI during follow-up among those without a history of MI at baseline, which is more consistent with previous research work. The association with incident MI reached statistical significance in men, particularly in those not showing LOY, suggesting potential interactions between different clonally-expanded somatic mutations.
Overall, this is a useful research work on an emerging risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The use of a targeted sequencing approach is a strength, as it offers higher sensitivity than the whole exome sequencing approaches used in many previous studies. Reporting null findings is definitely relevant in an emerging field such as the role of somatic mutations in cardiovascular disease.
The study suffers from important limitations, which cast some doubts onto the authors' conclusions, as detailed below:
(1) The small sample size of the study population is a critical limitation, particularly when reporting null findings that conflict (partly) with positive findings in much larger studies, totaling hundreds of thousands of individuals (e.g. Zekavat et al, Nature CVR 2023, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023; Zhao et al, JAMA Cardio 2024). The authors claim that they have 90% power to detect an effect size of CHIP on MI comparable to that in previous reports (a hazard ratio of 1.7, mainly based on the findings by Jaiswal et al, NEJM 2014,2017). However, this analysis is simply based on the predicted prevalence of CHIP in MI(+) and MI(-) patients, and it does not consider the complex relationship between age CHIP and atherosclerotic disease. More advanced approaches to calculate statistical power may have provided a more accurate estimation. It must also be noted that recent work in much larger populations suggest that the overall effect of CHIP on atherosclerotic CVD is smaller than 1.7, most likely due to the heterogeneity of effects of different mutated genes (e.g. Zekavat et al, Nature CVR 2023, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023; Zhao et al, JAMA Cardio 2024). In addition, several analyses in the current manuscript are conducted separately in MI(+) (n= 149) and MI(-) (N=297) individuals, further limiting statistical power. Power is even lower in the investigation of the effects of LOY and its interaction with CHIP, as only men are included in these analyses. Overall, I believe the study is underpowered from a statistical point of view, so the authors' findings need to be interpreted with caution.
(2) Related to the above, it is widely accepted that the effects of CHIP on CVD are highly heterogeneous, as some mutated genes appear to have a strong impact on atherosclerosis, whereas the effect of others is negligible (e.g. Zekavat et al, Nature CVR 2023, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023, among others). TET2 mutations are frequently considered a "positive control", given the multiple lines of evidence suggesting that these mutations confer a higher risk of atherosclerotic disease. However, no association with MI or related variables was found for TET2 mutations in the current work, which likely reflects the limited statistical power of the study to assess accurately the effects of CHIP mutations on atherosclerotic disease.
(3) One of the most essential features of CHIP is the tight correlation with age. In this study, the effect of age on CHIP (e.g. Supp. Tables S5, S6) is statistically significant, but substantially milder than in previous studies. Given the relatively modest effect size of age on CHIP here, it is not surprising that no association with MI or atherosclerotic disease was found, considering that this association would have a much smaller effect size. It must be considered, however, that the advanced age of the population may have confounded the analysis of these relationships, as acknowledged by the authors.
(4) CHIP represents just one type of clonal hematopoiesis (e.g. see https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2023022222). In this context, it must be noted that the mutated genes included in the definition of "CHIP" here are markedly different than in most previous studies, particularly when considering specifically the studies that demonstrated an association between CHIP and atherosclerotic CVD. For instance, the definition of CHIP in this manuscript includes genes such as ANKRD26, CALR, CCND2, DDX41... that are not prototypical CHIP genes. This is unlikely to have major impact on the main results, as the vast majority of mutations detected are indeed in bona fide CHIP genes, but it needs to be considered when interpreting the authors' findings. Furthermore, the strategy used here for CHIP variant calling and curation is substantially different than that used in previous studies. This is important, because such differences in the definition of CHIP and the curation of variants are at the basis of most conflicting findings in the literature regarding the effects of this condition. The authors estimate that the effect of these discrepancies on the definition of CHIP is limited, but small differences can have substantial impact in a study with limited sample size.
(5) A major limitation of the current study is the cross-sectional design of most of the analyses. For instance, it is not surprising that no association is found between CHIP and prevalent atherosclerosis burden by ultrasound imaging, considering that many individuals may have developed atherosclerosis years or decades before the expansion of the mutant clones, limiting the possible effect of CHIP on atherosclerosis burden. Similarly, the analysis of the relationship between CHIP and a history of MI may be confounded by the potential effects of MI on the expansion of mutant clones. In this context, it is noteworthy that the only positive results here are found in the analysis of the relationship between CHIP at baseline and incident MI development over follow-up. A larger sample size in these longitudinal analyses would provide deeper insights into the relationship between CHIP and MI.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript examines the individual and dual effects of CHIP and LOY in MI employing a cohort of ~460 individuals. CHIP is assessed by NGS and LOY is assessed by PCR. The threshold for CHIP is set at 2% (an arbitrary cutoff that is often used) and LOY at 9% (according to the Discussion text - this reviewer may have missed the section that describes why this threshold was employed). The investigation assessed whether LOY could modulate inflammation, atherosclerotic burden, or MI risk associated with CHIP. Neither CHIP nor LOY independently affected hsCRP, atherosclerotic burden, or MI incidence, nor did LOY presence diminish these outcomes in CHIP+ male subjects.
This study represents the first dual analysis of CHIP and LOY on CVD outcomes. The results are largely negative, contradictory to other studies (many with much larger sample sizes). I would attribute the limitation of sample size as a major contributor to the negative data. While the negative data are suspect, the "positive" finding that LOY abolishes the prognostic significance of CHIP on MI is of interest (and consistent with what is understood from mechanistic studies).
Overall, I enjoyed reading the paper, and it is of interest to the research community.
However, I disagree with some of the authors' interpretations of the data.
Generally, many conclusions on CHIP interpretation are based on the comparison of findings from very large datasets that have been evaluated by shallow NGS DNA sequencing. These studies lack sensitivity and accuracy, but this is counterbalanced by their very large sample sizes. Thus, they draw conclusions from the sickest individuals (ICD codes) with the largest clones (explaining the 10% VAF threshold). Here, the study has a well-phenotyped cohort, but as far as this reviewer can tell, the DNA sequencing is "shallow" NGS. Typically, to assess smaller datasets, investigators employ an error-correction method (DNA barcodes, duplex sequencing, etc.) for the sensitivity and accuracy of calling variants. Thus, the current study appears to suffer from this limitation (small sample sizes combined with NGS).
We thank the reviewer for his/her positive and open comment. We acknowledge that we did not use error-corrected sequencing method for our study. However, we do not fully agree with the statement that our NGS sequencing technique is “shallow”.
Considering our entire sequencing panel, we achieve a sequencing depth ≥100X and ≥300X for 100% [99%;100%] and 99% [99%;100%] of the targeted regions respectively. This corresponds to a median depth of 2111X [1578;2574] for all regions sequenced. When considering “CHIP genes”, the median depth is 2694X [1875;3785] for patients from the CHAth study and 3455X [2266;4885] for patients from the 3C study. More specifically, for DNMT3A and TET2 genes, the median depths of sequencing are 2531X [1818;3313] and 3710X [2444;4901] for patients from the CHAth and 3C study respectively. These values are far much higher than the 300X recommended for NGS sequencing by capture technology by the French National Institute of Cancer. Coupling this high depth of sequencing with our bioinformatic pipeline that uses 3 different variant callers, a manual curing for all variants by trained hematobiologists and a bioinformatic tool to estimate the background noise allow us to detect somatic mutation with a VAF of 1% with a high accuracy. Noteworthy, our accuracy in detecting mutations in leukemia-associated genes is tested twice a year as part of our quality control program organized by the French Group of Molecular Biologists in Hematology (GBMHM). We added the information about the depth of sequencing in the Supplementary Methods section.
While the "negative" data from this study are inconclusive, the positive data (i.e. CHIP being prognostic for MI in the absence but not presence of MI) is of interest. Thus, the investigators may want to consider a shorter report that largely focuses on this finding.
We thank the reviewer for his/her interest in this result. We also agree that it would be interesting to focus specifically on demonstrating the impact of mLOY in countering the cardiovascular risk associated with CHIP. We performed additional analysis to demonstrate that this effect was independent of age and cardiovascular risk factors and included this information in the results section.
However, we believe that it is also of interest to show negative results that, although probably due to limitation in sample size, suggest that the cardiovascular risk associated with CHIP is not as strong and clinically pertinent as initially suggested. Of note, if CHIP really increase the risk of Myocardial Infarction in a significant manner, they would be more frequently detected in subjects who suffered from a MI compared to those who did not, which was not observed in our cohort. Moreover, we were able to determine that if CHIP increases the risk of MI, they do it to a much lesser extent (HR = 1.03 for CHIP) -than other established cardiovascular risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia or tobacco use HR = 1.47 and HR = 1.86 respectively in our cohort), which questions the pertinence of considering for CHIP in the management of patients with atherothrombosis. These data have been added in the Results and Discussion sections.
We also believe that our study has the merit to assess directly the impact of CHIP on atheroma burden, which has been performed in only a limited number of studies in the context of coronary artery disease. This could not be possible by analyzing only male subjects in our cohort because it would further decrease the statistical power of our analyses.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The preprint by Fawaz et al. presents the findings of a study that aimed to assess the relationship between somatic mutations associated with clonal hematopoiesis (CHIP) and the prevalence of myocardial infarction (MI). The authors conducted targeted DNA sequencing analyses on samples from 149 MI patients and 297 non-MI controls from a separate cohort. Additionally, they investigated the impact of the loss of the Y chromosome (LOY), another somatic mutation frequently observed in clonally expanded blood cells. The results of the study primarily demonstrate no significant associations, as neither CHIP nor LOY were found to be correlated with an increased prevalence of MI. Of note, the null findings regarding CHIP are in conflict with several larger studies in the literature.
Overall, this is a useful research work on an emerging risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The use of a targeted sequencing approach is a strength, as it offers higher sensitivity than the whole exome sequencing approaches used in many previous studies.
Reporting null findings is definitely relevant in an emerging field such as the role of somatic mutations in cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, the study suffers from severe limitations, which casts doubts on the authors' conclusions, as detailed below:
(1) The small sample size of the study population is a critical limitation, particularly when reporting null findings that conflict (partly) with positive findings in much larger studies, totaling hundreds of thousands of individuals (e.g. Zekavat et al, Nature CVR 2023, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023; Zhao et al, JAMA Cardio 2024). The authors claim that they have 90% power to detect an effect size of CHIP on MI comparable to that in a previous report (Jaiswal et al, NEJM 2017). However, the methodology used to estimate statistical power is not described.
We thank the reviewer for his/her pertinent and constructive comments. We totally agree that our study presents a substantially smaller sample size as compared to the studies of Zekavat et al, Vlasschaert et al or Zhao et al.
The CHAth study was designed as a prospective study (which is not frequent in CHIP reports) to demonstrate that, if CHIP increase the risk of MI, they would be detected more frequently in patients who suffered from a MI compared to those who did not. To achieve this, we defined eligibility criteria to have a rather high prevalence of CHIP and optimize the statistical power of a study based on a limited number of patients. We thus enrolled patients who suffered from a first MI after the age of 75 years. These patients had to be compared with subjects from the Three-City study who had 65 years or more at inclusion and did not present any cardiovascular event before inclusion.
To determine the number of patients necessary to achieve our objective, we considered a CHIP prevalence of 20% in the general population after the age of 75 years, as estimated when we set up our study (Genovese et al, NEJM 2014, Jaiswal et al, NEJM 2014, Jaiswal et al, NEJM 2017). At this time the relative risk of MI associated with CHIP was shown to be 1.7, leading to an expected prevalence of CHIP of 37% in subjects who presented a MI. Based on these hypotheses, the recruitment of 112 patients in the CHAth would have been sufficient to detect a significant higher prevalence of CHIP in MI(+) patients compared to MI(-) subjects with a power of 0.90 at a type I error rate of 5%. These calculations were performed by the Research Methodology Support Unit of the University Hospital of Bordeaux. These data were added in the Supplementary Methods section to expose more clearly the design and objectives of the CHAth study.
Finally, we recruited 149 patients in the CHAth study and compared them to 297 control subjects. Although recruiting more patients than initially needed, we observed a similar prevalence of CHIP between our 2 cohorts, suggesting that the cardiovascular risk associated with CHIP is lower than the 1.7 increased risk claimed in most publications related to CHIP in the cardiovascular field. We have to notice that our study was not designed to demonstrate the impact of CHIP on the occurrence of MI during follow-up, which could explain our negative results due to a limited number of patients as stated by the reviewers. This statement has been added in the Supplementary Methods section. However, performing such analysis allowed us to confirm that the risk of MI associated with CHIP was lower than 1.7 and lower than the one associated with hypercholesterolemia or smoking.
We would like also to notice that the eligibility criteria for both CHAth and the Three-City study can have led to a selection bias, possibly contributing to the contradiction of our results with other studies. As stated before, in the CHAth study, only patients who experience a first MI after the age of 75 were enrolled. In the Three-City study, all subjects had 65 years or more at inclusion. On the contrary, most of the cohorts showing an association between CHIP and cardiovascular events were composed of younger subjects:
- Bioimage : median age 70 years (55-80 years)
- MDC : median age 60 years
- ATVB : subjects with a MI before 45 years
- PROMIS : subjects between 30 and 80 years
- UK Biobank : between 40 and 70 years at inclusion, median age of 58 years in the study of Vlasschaert et al.
- Zhao et al : median age of 53.83 years (45.35-62.39 years).
This last information was added in the Discussion section (lines 452-454).
Furthermore, the work by Jaiswal et al (NEJM 2017) showed a hazard ratio of approx. 2.0, but more recent work in much larger populations suggests that the overall effect of CHIP on atherosclerotic CVD is smaller, most likely due to the heterogeneity of effects of different mutated genes (e.g. Zekavat et al, Nature CVR 2023, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023; Zhao et al, JAMA Cardio 2024).
We thank the reviewer for insisting on the fact that the initial HR of 2.0 observed by Jaiswal et al was shown to be smaller in more recent studies. This corresponds to what we wrote in the introduction (lines 103-109) and discussion (lines 365-370, 465-471).
In addition, several analyses in the current manuscript are conducted separately in MI(+) (n= 149) and MI(-) (N=297) individuals, further limiting statistical power. Power is still lower in the investigation of the effects of LOY and its interaction with CHIP, as only men are included in these analyses. Overall, I believe the study is severely underpowered, which calls into question the validity of the reported null findings.
We agree with the reviewer that the statistical power of our study is lower than the one of other studies, in particular those based on several hundred thousand patients. Whenever possible, we analyzed our data by combining MI(+) and MI(-) subjects. However, for some aspects such as atherosclerosis, we did not have the same parameters available for these 2 groups and had to analyze them separately, leading to a more limited statistical power. We also have to acknowledge that our study was not designed to demonstrate an effect of CHIP on incident MI (as stated before), limiting our statistical power to demonstrate an effect of CHIP +/- mLOY on the incident risk of coronary artery disease.
However, when designing our prospective study (CHAth study), we aimed to address the limitations of a small cohort and obtain rapid, significant results regarding the impact of CHIP. We hypothesized that if CHIP really increases the risk of myocardial infarction (MI), it would be detected more frequently in patients who have experienced a MI compared to those who have not. This study design would demonstrate the importance of CHIP in MI pathophysiology without requiring thousands of patients. However, we did not observe such an association questioning the relevance of detecting CHIP for the management of patients in the field of Cardiology. This was confirmed by the fact that in our cohort, the cardiovascular risk associated with CHIP appears to be low (HR = 1.03 [0.657;1.625] after adjustment on sex, age and cardiovascular risk factors) compared to hypercholesterolemia (HR = 1.474 [0.758;2.866]) or smoking (HR = 1.865 [0.943;3.690]). These data have been added in the Results and Discussion sections.
In addition, we would like to mention that despite the limited number of subjects studied, we do not have only negative results. When studying only men subjects, we were able to show that CHIP accelerate the occurrence of MI, particularly in the absence of mLOY (Figure 2D). This effect was independent of age and cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure). We added this last information in the results section of the manuscript, although we acknowledge that this has to be confirmed in future work.
(2) Related to the above, it is widely accepted that the effects of CHIP on CVD are highly heterogeneous, as some mutated genes appear to have a strong impact on atherosclerosis, whereas the effect of others is negligible (e.g. Zekavat et al, Nature CVR 2023, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023, among others). TET2 mutations are frequently considered a "positive control", given the multiple lines of evidence suggesting that these mutations confer a higher risk of atherosclerotic disease.
However, no association with MI or related variables was found for TET2 mutations in the current work. Reporting the statistical power specifically for assessing the effect of TET2 mutations would enhance the interpretation of these results.
We thank the reviewer for this pertinent remark. It has indeed been shown that depending on the somatic mutation, the impact of CHIP on inflammation, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk is different. The studies cited by the reviewer suggest that DNMT3A mutations have a low impact on atherosclerosis/atherothrombosis while other “non-DNMT3A” mutations, including TET2 mutations, have a greater impact. In particular, Zekavat et al suggested that TP53, PPM1D, ASXL1 and spliceosome mutations have a similar impact on atherosclerosis/atherothrombosis to TET2.
To answer to the reviewer in our cohort, we did not find a clear association between the detection of TET2 mutation with a VAF≥2% and:
- A history of MI at inclusion (p=0.5339)
- Inflammation (p=0.440)
- Atherosclerosis burden :
- In the CHAth study:
- p=0.031 for stenosis≥50%
- p=0.442 fir multitruncular lesions
- p=0.241 for atheroma volume
- in the 3C study :
- p=0.792 for the presence of atheroma
- p=0.3966 for the number of plaques
- p=0.876 for intima-media thickness
- Incidence of MI (p=0.5993)
Similarly we did not find any association between the detection of TET2 mutations with a VAF≥1% and:
- A history of MI at inclusion (p=0.5339)
- Inflammation (p=0.802)
- Atherosclerosis burden :
- In the CHAth study :
- p=0.104 for stenosis≥50%
- p=0.617 fir multitruncular lesions
- p=0.391 for atheroma volume
- in the 3c study:
- p=0.3291 for the presence of atheroma
- p=0.2060 for the number of plaques
- p=0.2300 for intima-media thickness
- Incidence of MI (p=0.195)
However, analyzing the specific effect of TET2 mutations reduces the cohort of CHIP(+) subjects to 61 individuals. In these conditions, considering a prevalence of “TET2-CHIP” of 13.5% (in our cohort) and a hazard ratio of 1.3 (Vlasschaert et al), the statistical power to show an increased risk of MI is only 16%.
(3) One of the most essential features of CHIP is the tight correlation with age. In this study, the effect of age on CHIP (Supplementary Tables S5, S6) seems substantially milder than in previous studies. Given the relatively weak association with age here, it is not surprising that no association with MI or atherosclerotic disease was found, considering that this association would have a much smaller effect size.
We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point. Although the difference of median age between subjects with or without a CHIP is not very important in our cohort, we did observe a significant association of CHIP with age:
- The differences in age were statistically significant both in the CHAth and 3C study (Supplementary Tables S5 and S6)
- We observed a significant association between age and CHIP prevalence (p<0.001 for the total cohort, p=0.0197 for the CHAth study, and p=0.0394 for the 3C cohort after adjustment on sex). This association was already shown in the figure 1. We added the significant association between age and CHIP prevalence in the Results section (line 279).
As stated before, we have to remind the reviewer that we enrolled only subjects of ≥75 years and ≥65 years in the CHAth and 3C studies respectively. This led to a median age in our cohort that was substantially higher than in other cohorts (in particular the UK Biobank and the different cohorts studied by Jaiswal et al). This could have contributed to an apparent milder effect of age on CHIP, even if this association was still observed.
In addition, there are previous reports of sex-related differences in the prevalence of CHIP, is there an association between CHIP and age after adjusting for sex?
The reviewer correctly pointed out that sex has been associated with various aspects of CHIP. While Zekavat et al reported that CHIP carriers were more frequently males, Kar et al (Nature Genetics 2022), and Kamphuis et al (Hemasphere 2023) did not observe a difference in the prevalence of CHIP between males and females, but rather a difference in the mutational spectrum. Male presented more frequently SRSF2, ASXL1, SF3B1, U2AF1, JAK2, TP53 and PPM1D mutations while females had more frequently DNMT3A, CBL and GNB1 mutations.
In our study, the association between CHIP prevalence and age was indeed significant even after adjustment on sex (p<0.001 for the total cohort, p=0.0197 for the CHAth study and p=0.0394 for the 3C).
(4) The mutated genes included in the definition of "CHIP" here are markedly different than those in most previous studies, particularly when considering specifically the studies that demonstrated an association between CHIP and atherosclerotic CVD. For instance, the definition of CHIP in this manuscript includes genes such as ANKRD26, CALR, CCND2, and DDX41... that are not prototypical CHIP genes. This is unlikely to have a major impact on the main results, as the vast majority of mutations detected are indeed in bona fide CHIP genes, but it should be at least acknowledged.
We agree with the reviewer that our gene panel includes genes that are not considered prototypical CHIP genes. This acknowledgment has been added in the Supplementary Methods section. To perform this study, we did not design a specific targeted sequencing panel. We used the one that is used for the diagnosis of myeloid malignancies at the University Hospital of Bordeaux. ANKRD26 and DDX41 are genes that, when mutated, predispose to the development of hematological malignancies. CALR mutations are frequently detected in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms while CCND2 mutation can be detected in acute myeloid leukemia among other diseases. As usually performed in our routine practice, we analyzed all the genes in the panel. However, as stated by the reviewer, most of the mutations we detected involved bona fide CHIP genes.
Furthermore, the strategy used here for the CHIP variant calling and curation seems substantially different than that used in previous studies, which precludes a direct comparison. This is important because such differences in the definition of CHIP and the curation of variants are the basis of most conflicting findings in the literature regarding the effects of this condition. Ideally, the authors should conduct sensitivity analyses restricted to prototypical CHIP genes, using the criteria that have been previously established in the field (e.g. Vlasschaert et al, Blood 2023).
We agree with the reviewer, our strategy for CHIP variant calling and curation was substantially different from what has been used in other studies. We decided to apply the criteria we used in previous studies for the analysis of somatic mutation in myeloid malignancies. Because CHIP are defined by the detection of “somatic mutations in leukemia driver genes”, this appeared to follow the definition of CHIP.
We also acknowledge that this discrepancy with the criteria defined by Vlasschaert et al could contribute to our findings that differ from those of other studies. We thus checked whether the variants detected were in accordance or not with the criteria defined by Vlasschaert et al. Pooling the 2 cohorts, we detected 439 variants, 381 of which were in accordance with the criteria established by Vlasschaert et al, representing a concordance rate of 86.8%. Moreover, the variants “wrongly” retained according to these criteria had an impact on the conclusion on the detection of CHIP in only 15 patients (because these variants were associated with a mutation in a bona fide CHIP gene and/or because its VAF was below 2%). Thus, the impact of CHIP variant calling and curation had only a limited impact on our results. This has been added in the discussion (lines 455-459).
However, we would like to discuss the criteria that have been defined by Vlasschaert et al which are probably too restrictive. For some genes, such as ZRSR2, in addition to frameshift and non-sens mutations that are expected to be associated with a loss of function, only some single nucleotide variations were retained (probably those detected by this group). In our patient 20785, we detected a c.524A>G, p.(Tyr175Cys) mutation that was not reported in the list published by Vlasscheart et al. However, this variant presents a VAF presumptive of a somatic origin (3%), affects the Zn finger domain of the protein and is observed in a male subject. Thus, it presents several criteria to consider it as associated with a loss of function. Similarly, the CBL variant c.1139T>C, p.(Leu380Pro) observed in our patient 21536, although not affecting the residues 381-421 of the protein (the criteria defined by Vlasschaert et al), has been reported in 29 cases of hematological malignancies. It is thus likely to have a significant impact on the behavior of hematopoietic cells. Moreover, in the same patient, a TET2 c.4534G>A, p.(Ala1512Thr) variant was detected. Although not affecting directly the CD1 domain, it has been reported in a case of AML with a VAF suggestive of a somatic origin (Papaemmanuil et al, NEJM 2016). The SH2B3 gene is not considered by Vlasschaert et al as a bona fide CHIP gene, contrary to other genes involved in cell signaling such as JAK2, GNAS, GNB1, CBL. However, inactivating mutations in SH2B3 can be detected in myeloid malignancies and were recently shown to drive the phenotype in some patients with a MPN (Zhang et al, American Journal of Hematology 2024). We could thus expect that this also happens in our patients 22591 and 21998 who harbor mutations of SH2B3 (a SNV in the PH domain and a frameshift mutation respectively).
Regarding BCOR, STAG2, SMC3 and RAD21 genes, although frameshift mutations are the most prevalent, there are several reports on the existence of SNV in the context of hematological malignancies (COSMIC, Blood (2021) 138 (24): 2455–2468, Blood Cancer Journal (2023)13:18 ; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41408-023-00790-1).
We can also add that although Vlasschaert et al did not consider CSF3R and CALR as CHIP-genes, Kessler et al did. Because CHIP are an emerging field, it should be considered that the concepts that define it are expected to evolve, as demonstrated by the recent study of the Jyoti Nangalia’s group (Bernstein et al, Nature Genetics 2024) who showed that 17 additional genes (including SH2B3) should be considered as driver of clonal hematopoiesis.
(5) An important limitation of the current study is the cross-sectional design of most of the analyses. For instance, it is not surprising that no association is found between CHIP and prevalent atherosclerosis burden by ultrasound imaging, considering that many individuals may have developed atherosclerosis years or decades before the expansion of the mutant clones, limiting the possible effect of CHIP on atherosclerosis burden. Similarly, the analysis of the relationship between CHIP and a history of MI may be confounded by the potential effects of MI on the expansion of mutant clones. In this context, it is noteworthy that the only positive results here are found in the analysis of the relationship between CHIP at baseline and incident MI development over follow-up. Increasing the sample size for these longitudinal analyses would provide deeper insights into the relationship between CHIP and MI.
We agree with the reviewer that increasing the sample size for longitudinal analyses would provide deeper insights into the relationship between CHIP and MI. Unfortunately, for the moment, we do not have access to additional samples of the 3C study and are not able to perform these additional analyses.
(6) The description of some analyses lacks detail, but it seems that statistical analyses were exclusively adjusted for age or age and sex. The lack of adjustment for conventional cardiovascular risk factors in statistical analyses may confound results, particularly given the marked differences in several variables observed between groups.
The reviewer is right when saying that we adjusted our analyses on age and/or sex. This was done because as stated before, our results did not show a lot of significant differences. However, we reanalyzed our data, adjusting further the tests for conventional cardiovascular risk factors, and observed similar results. These data have been added in the results section (lines 286-287, 303, 319, 331-332, 341).
(7) The variant allele fraction (VAF) threshold for identifying clinically relevant clonal hematopoiesis is still a subject of debate. The authors state that subjects without any detectable mutation or with mutations with a VAF below 2% were considered non-CHIP carriers. While this approach is frequent in the field, it likely misses many impactful mutations with lower VAFs. Such false negatives could contribute to the null findings reported here. Ideally, the authors should determine the lower detection limit of their sequencing approach (either computationally or through serial dilution experiments) and identify the threshold of VAF that can be detected reliably with their sequencing assay. The association between CHIP and MI should then be evaluated considering all mutations above this VAF threshold, in addition to sensitivity analyses with other thresholds frequent in the literature, such as 1% VAF, 2% VAF, and 10% VAF.
We agree with the reviewer that the VAF threshold for identifying clinically relevant CH is still debated. As stated in the manuscript and by the reviewer, we used the conventional threshold of 2%. Considering that different studies have shown that the cardiovascular risk is increased in a more important manner for CHIP with a high VAF (Jaiswal et al, NEJM 2017, Kessler et al Nature 2022, Vlasschaert et al, Circulation 2023), it is not sure that considering variant with a very low VAF (below 2%) would help us in finding an impact of CHIP on inflammation, atherosclerosis or atherothrombotic risk.
However, as mentioned by the reviewer, variants with a low VAF could have a clinical impact as recently reported by Zhao et al. In France, the use of biological analysis for medical purposes imposes to demonstrate that all its aspects are mastered, including their performances. In that context, we determined that our NGS strategy allowed us to reliably detect mutation with a VAF down to 1% (data not shown). As stated in the discussion, we also analyzed our results considering variants with a VAF of 1% and found similar results (lines 394-395). The sensitivity analyses were already mentioned in the manuscript, as we also searched for an effect of CHIP with a high VAF (≥5%) and found no effect neither. We did not have a sufficient number of subjects carrying variants with a VAF≥10% to perform analysis with this threshold.
(8) The authors should justify the use of 3D vascular ultrasound imaging exclusively in the supra-aortic trunk. I am not familiar with this technique, but it seems to be most typically used to evaluate atherosclerosis burden in superficial vascular beds such as carotids or femorals. I am concerned about the potential impact of tissue depth on the accurate quantification of atherosclerosis burden in the current study (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2016.03.002). It is unclear whether the carotids or femorals were imaged in the study population.
We apologize for the lack of precision in the Methods section. As stated by the reviewer, we evaluated the atherosclerosis burden in superficial vascular beds. We measured atheroma volume at the site of the common carotid (as described by B Lopez-Melgar, in Atheroslerosis, 2016). We did not analyze femoral arteries in this study. The sentence is now corrected in the Methods (lines 176-179).
(9) The specific criteria used to define LOY need to be justified. LOY is stated to be defined based on a "A cut off of 9% of cells with mLOY defined the detection of a mLOY based on the study of 30 men of less than 40 years who had a normal karyotype as assessed by conventional cytogenetic study." As acknowledged by the authors, this definition of LOY is substantially different than that used in recent studies employing the same technique to detect LOY (Mas-Peiro et al, EHJ 2023). In addition, it seems essential to provide more detailed information on the ddPCR assay used to determine LOY, including the operating range and, more importantly, the lower limit of detection (%LOY) of the assay. A dilution series of a control DNA with no LOY would be helpful in this context.
We apologize if the definition of the threshold for detecting mLOY was unclear. To test the performance of our ddPCR technique, we first determined the background noise by testing DNA obtained from total leukocytes in 30 men of ≤40 years who presented a normal karyotype as assessed by conventional cytogenetic technics. In this control population supposed not to carry mLOY, we detected of proportion of cells with mLOY of 2,34+/-1,98 (see Author response image 1, panel A). We thus considered a threshold above 9% as being different from background noise (mean + 3 times the standard deviation).
We then compared the proportion of cells with mLOY measured by ddPCR and conventional karyotype and observed a rather good correlation between the 2 technics (R2\=0.6430, p=0.0053, see Author response image 1, panel B). Finally, we tested the reliability of our ddPCR assay in detecting different levels of mLOY using a dilution series of control DNA (from an equivalent of 2% of cell with mLOY to 98% of cells with mLOY). We observed a very nice correlation between the theoretical and measured proportions of cells with mLOY (R2\=0.9989, p<0.001, see Author response image 1, panel C). Of note, the proportion of mLOY measured for values ≤10% were concordant with theoretical values. However, considering the background noise determined with control DNA, we were unable to confirm that this “signal” was different from the background noise. Therefore, we set a threshold of 9% to define the detection of mLOY by ddPCR. It is also noteworthy that the 10% cell population with mLOY was consistently detected by the ddPCR technique. This has been added in the Methods section (lines 228-235).
Author response image 1.
(10) Our understanding of the relationship between CHIP and CVD is evolving fast, and the manuscript should be considered in the context of recent literature in the field. For instance, the recent work by Zhao et al (JAMA Cardio 2024, doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2023.5095) should be considered, as it used a similar targeted DNA sequencing approach as the one used here, but found a clear association between CHIP and coronary heart disease (in a population of 6181 individuals).
We thank the reviewer for this pertinent reference. We did not include it in the first version of our manuscript because it was not published yet when we submitted our work. We included this reference in the discussion (lines 451, 455, 464). We also included the recent study of Heimlich et al (Circ Gen Pre Med 2024, lines 464-468) who studied the association of CHIP with atherosclerosis burden.
(11) The use of subjective terms like "comprehensive" or "thorough" in the title of the manuscript does not align with the objective nature of scientific reporting.
We removed the terms “comprehensive” and “thorough” from the title and the text.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewing Editor:
The Editors believe that in light of the small study the word Comprehensive has to be removed (including from the title and abstract).
We agree and removed the term comprehensive from the title and the text.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Other comments:
It has long been recognized that hsCRP does not adequately address the inflammation associated with CHIP. For example, see Bick et al Nature 2020; 586:763. Through an assessment of a large dataset, the regulation of multiple inflammatory mediators was associated with CHIP but not with CRP.
We agree that hsCRP is probably not the most sensitive marker for inflammatory state associated with CHIP. However, it is the most commonly used one in medical practise. However, as indicated in the discussion (lines 418-420), we did not observe any association between CHIP and the plasmatic level of different cytokines (IL1ß, IL6, IL18 and TNFα) in patients enrolled in the CHAth study.
Many of the citations lack journal names, volumes, page numbers, etc.
We apologize for this and corrected the citations.
Please provide more details on the methodology (i.e. is CHIP assessed only through NGS with no error correction?). Specify the rationale for why the 9% LOY threshold was employed. Provide this information in the Methods section.
We added more details on the methodology as demanded in the results section (lines 212-214 and 228-235).
Supplementary Table S3 lacks headings. What are the designations for columns 6-8?
We apologize for this and corrected the Table. Columns 6-8 correspond to the VAF, coverage of the variants and depth of sequencing, as for Table S4.
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eLife assessment
This important study describes the discovery of a mechanism by which multiple species of bacteria synthesize and localize polar flagella via a novel protein, FipA, which interacts with FlhF. The authors use appropriate methodological approaches (biochemistry, molecular microbiology, quantitative microscopy, and bacterial genetics) to obtain and present convincing results and interpretations. This work will particularly interest those studying bacterial motility and bacterial cell biologists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Bacteria exhibit species-specific numbers and localization patterns of flagella. How specificity in number and pattern is achieved is poorly understood but often depends on a soluble GTPase called FlhF. Here the authors take an unbiased protein-pulldown approach to identify a protein FipA in V. parahaemolyticus that interacts with FlhF. They show that FipA co-occurs with FlhF in the genomes of bacteria with polarly-localized flagella and study the role of FipA in three different bacteria: V. parahaemolyticus, S. purtefaciens, and P. putida. In each case, they show that FipA contributes to FlhF polar localization, flagellar assembly, flagellar patterning, and motility to different species-specific extents.
The authors perform a comprehensive analysis of FipA, including phenotyping of mutants, protein localization, localization dependence, and domains of FipA necessary for each. Moreover, they perform a time-series analysis indicating that FipA localizes to the cell pole likely prior to, or at least coincident with, flagellar assembly. They also show that the role of FipA appears to differ between organisms in detail but the overarching idea that it is a flagellar assembly/localization factor remains convincing.
For me the comparative analysis in the different organism was on balance, a weakness. By mixing the data for each of the organisms together, I found it difficult to read, and take away key points from the results. In its current form, the individual details seem to crowd out the model.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors identify a novel protein, FipA, which facilitates recruitment of FlhF to the membrane at the cell pole together with the known recruitment factor HupB. This finding is key to understanding the mechanism of polar localization. By comparing the role of FipA in polar flagellum assembly in three different species from Vibrio, Shewanella and Pseudomonas, they discover that, while FipA is required in all three systems, evolution has brought different nuances that open avenues for further discoveries.
The discovery of a novel factor for polar flagellum development. A significant contribution to our understanding of flagellar evolution. The solid nature and flow of the experimental work.
All my concerns have been addressed. I find no weaknesses. A nice, solid piece of work.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors investigate how polar flagellation is achieved in gamma-proteobacteria. By probing for proteins that interact with the known flagellar placement factor FlhF, they uncover a new regulator (FipA) for flagellar assembly and polar positioning in three flagellated gamma-proteobacteria. They convincingly demonstrate that FipA interacts genetically and biochemically with previously known spatial regulators HubP and FlhF. FipA is a membrane protein with a cytoplasmic DUF2802 and it co-localizes to the flagellated pole with HubP and FlhF. The DUF2802 mediates the interaction between FipA and FlhF and this interaction is required for FipA function. FipA localization depends on HubP and FlhF.
The work is throughly executed, relying on bacterial genetics, cell biology and protein interaction studies. The analysis is deep, beginning with the discovery af a new and conserved factor, to the molecular dissection of the protein and probing localisation and interaction determinants. Finally, they show that these determinants are important for function and they perform these studies in parallel in three model systems.
Because some of the phenotypes and localisation dependencies differ somewhat between model systems, the comparison is challenging to the reader because it is sometimes not obvious what these differences mean and why they arise.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment
This important research uses an elegant combination of protein-protein biochemistry, genetics, and microscopy to demonstrate that the novel bacterial protein FipA is required for polar flagella synthesis and binds to FlhF in multiple bacterial species. This manuscript is convincing, providing evidence for the early stages of flagellar synthesis at a cell pole; however, the protein biochemistry is incomplete and would benefit from additional rigorous experiments. This paper could be of significant interest to microbiologists studying bacterial motility, appendages, and cellular biology.
We are very grateful for the very positive and helpful evaluation.
Joint Public Review:
Bacteria exhibit species-specific numbers and localization patterns of flagella. How specificity in number and pattern is achieved in Gamma-proteobacteria needs to be better understood but often depends on a soluble GTPase called FlhF. Here, the authors take an unbiased protein-pulldown approach with FlhF, resulting in identifying the protein FipA in V. parahaemolyticus. They convincingly demonstrate that FipA interacts genetically and biochemically with previously known spatial regulators HubP and FlhF. FipA is a membrane protein with a cytoplasmic DUF2802; it co-localizes to the flagellated pole with HubP and FlhF. The DUF2802 mediates the interaction between FipA and FlhF, and this interaction is required for FipA function. Altogether, the authors show that FipA likely facilitates the recruitment of FlhF to the membrane at the cell pole together with the known recruitment factor HupB. This finding is crucial in understanding the mechanism of polar localization. The authors show that FipA co-occurs with FlhF in the genomes of bacteria with polarly-localized flagella and study the role of FipA in three of these organisms: V. parahaemolyticus, S. purtefaciens, and P. putida. In each case, they show that FipA contributes to FlhF polar localization, flagellar assembly, flagellar patterning, and motility, though the details differ among the species. By comparing the role of FipA in polar flagellum assembly in three different species, they discover that, while FipA is required in all three systems, evolution has brought different nuances that open avenues for further discoveries.
The discovery of a novel factor for polar flagellum development. The solid nature and flow of the experimental work.
The authors perform a comprehensive analysis of FipA, including phenotyping of mutants, protein localization, localization dependence, and domains of FipA necessary for each. Moreover, they perform a time-series analysis indicating that FipA localizes to the cell pole likely before, or at least coincident with, flagellar assembly. They also show that the role of FipA appears to differ between organisms in detail, but the overarching idea that it is a flagellar assembly/localization factor remains convincing.
The work is well-executed, relying on bacterial genetics, cell biology, and protein interaction studies. The analysis is deep, beginning with discovering a new and conserved factor, then the molecular dissection of the protein, and finally, probing localization and interaction determinants. Finally, the authors show that these determinants are important for function; they perform these studies in parallel in three model systems.
The comparative analysis in the different organisms was on balance, a weakness. Mixing the data for the organisms together made the text difficult to read and took away key points from the results. The individual details crowded out the model in its current form. Indeed, because some of the phenotypes and localization dependencies differ between model systems, the comparison is challenging to the reader. The authors could more clearly state what these differences mean, why they arise, and (in the discussion) how they might relate to the organism's lifestyle.
More experiments would be needed to fully analyze the effects of interacting proteins on individual protein stability; this absence slightly detracted from the conclusions.
We have tried our best to improve the manuscript according to the insightful suggestions of the reviewers. Please find our answers to the raised issues below.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
We are very grateful to this reviewer for the very positive evaluation and the great suggestions to improve the manuscript.
I think there is value to the comparative analysis but how to present it in such a way that the key similarities and differences stand out is the challenge. Perhaps a table that compares the three datasets is sufficient. Or tell the story of V. parahaemolyticus first to establish the model, followed by comparative analysis of the other two organisms highlighting differences and relegating similarities to supplemental?
We agree that the our previous presentation of our comparative analysis made it very hard to follow the major findings and the general role(s) of FipA, and we are very grateful for the suggestions on how to improve this. We have decided to change the presentation as the reviewer recommended. We used V. parahaemolyticus as a ‚lead model‘ to describe the role of FipA, and we then compared the major findings to the other two species. We hope that the story is now easier to follow.
This is not something that needs to be addressed in the text but I wanted to bring the protein SwrB to the authors' attention which may further expand FipA relevance. Bacillus subtilis uses FlhFG to somehow pattern flagella in a peritrichous arrangement and there are a number of striking similarities, in my opinion, between FipA and SwrB. The two proteins have very similar domain architecture/topology, both proteins promote flagellar assembly, and the genetic neighborhood/operon organization is uncannily similar. There are other more minor similarities dependent on the organism in this paper.
Phillips, Kearns. 2021. Molecular and cell biological analysis of SwrB in Bacillus subtilis. J Bacteriol 203:e0022721
Phillips, Kearns. 2015. Functional activation of the flagellar type III secretion export apparatus. PLoS Genet 11:e1005443.
We thank this reviewer for pointing out these intriguing similarities. For this study we have decided to exclusively concentrate on polarly flagellated bacteria. FlhF und FlhG are also present in B. subtilis where they play a role in organizing flagellation, but we feel that this would be out of scope for this manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
We would like to thank this reviewer for the very positive evaluation and for pointing out several issues to strengthen the story.
Figure 3A data are problematic since everything is too small to visualize. Since these are functional GFP fusions (or mCherry for 2E data), why are they not presented in color?
Again - why are color figures not used to help the reader in Fig 4A and 5F & 5G to confirm what is asserted?
Again, it is difficult to see the images presented. It is asserted that FipA is recruited to the cell pole after cell division and before flagellum assembly, but one has to take their word for it.
We fully agree that in some case the localization pattern is hard to see on the micrographs presented. We have, therefore, provided enlarged micrographs in the supplemental part which allow to better see the fluorescent foci within the cells. With respect to presentations in color – we found that this did not improve the visibility of localizations and therefore have decided to use the grayscale images.
Here, what is missing are turnover assays. Do FipA, FlhF, and HubP all co-localize as complex or is the absence of one leading to the protein turnover of other partners? I think this needs to be sorted out before final conclusions can be made.
Thanks for pointing out this important point. We have now provided western analysis which demonstrate that FipA and FlhF are produced and stable in the absence of the other partners (see Supplemental Figure 5). Stability of HubP as a general polar marker not only required for flagellation was not determined.
Minor comments:
Line 58: change "around" to "in timing with"
Line 79: what "signal" is transferred from the C-ring to the MS-ring. Are they not fully connected such that rotation is the entire structure - C-ring-MS-ring-Rod-Hook-Filament. Is it not the change in the relationship to the stator complex where the signal is transferred?
Line 85: change "counting" to "control of flagellar numbers per cell"
Line 110: change "is (co-)responsible for recruiting" to "facilitates recruitment of"
Thanks for pointing this out. We have adjusted the wording according to the reviewer’s suggestions.
Given that motility phenotypes vary on individual plates (volumes and dryness vary), why in Figure 2C are the motility assays for fipA and flhF mutants of P. putida done on different plates?
For better visualisation, we have rearranged the spreading halos for the figure. All strain spreading comparisons on soft agar were always conducted on the same plate due to the reasons this reviewer mentioned.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
We thank this reviewer for the very positive evalution and the great suggestions.
One possibility is to describe first all the results relating to FipA in Vibrio and then add the result sections at the end to illustrate the differences between Vibrio and Shewanella, and then Vibrio and Pseudomonas. This may make it easier to follow for the reader.
We agree that the our previous presentation of our comparative analysis made it very hard to follow the major findings and the general role(s) of FipA, and we are very grateful for the suggestions on how to improve this. We have decided to change the presentation as the reviewer recommended. We used V. parahaemolyticus as a ‚lead model‘ to describe the role of FipA, and we then compared the major findings to the other two species. We hope that the story is now easier to follow.
I would have liked to see some TEM analysis of flagella in fipA/hubP double mutants strains and was also wondering if FipA/FlhF/HubP colocalization had been studied in E. coli when all proteins are expressed together, at least with two bearing fluorescent tags.
Thanks for these great suggestions. In this study, we have concentrated on the localization of FlhF by FipA and HubP. HubP has multiple functions in the cell and may also affect flagellar synthesis to some extent in a species-specific fashion. Therefore, any findings would have to be discussed very carefully, so we have decided to leave that out for the time being.
With respect to the FipA/HubP/FlhF production in a heterologous host such as E. coli, this has been partly done (without FipA) in a second parallel story (see reference to Dornes et al (2024) in this manuscript). Rebuilding larger parts of the system in a heterologous host is currently done in an independent study. Therefore, we have decided not to include this already here.
From the Reviewing Editor:
We are grateful for handling the fair reviewing process, for the positive evaluation and the helpful hints.
The microscopy was inconsistent (DIC versus phase) for unclear reasons. Did using different microscopes impact the ability to acquire low-intensity fluorescence signals? Please add a sentence in the Methods section to clarify.
We are sorry for this inconsistency. As the imaging was carried out by different labs (to some part before the projects were joined), the corresponding preferred microscopy settings were used. We have added an explaining sentence to the Methods section.
Also, some subcellular fluorescence localizations were not visible in the selected images (e.g., Figures 3 and 5). The reader had to rely on the authors' statements and analyses. The conclusions could be more robust with fluorescence measurements across the cell body for a subset of cells. The authors could provide this data analysis in the Supplemental; this measurement would more clearly show an accumulation of fluorescence at the cell pole, particularly in low-intensity images.
We fully agree that in some case the localization pattern is hard to see on the micrographs presented. Unfortunately, often the signal is not sufficiently strong to provied proper demographs. We have, therefore, provided enlarged micrographs in the supplemental part, which allow to better see the fluorescent foci within the cells.
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Author response:
We sincerely thank the reviewers for their thoughtful, critical, and constructive comments, which will help us in further exploring the mechanisms by which LDH regulates glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation future studies. The following is our responses to the reviewers' comments.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Zeng et al. have investigated the impact of inhibiting lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) on glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. LDH is the terminal enzyme of aerobic glycolysis or fermentation that converts pyruvate and NADH to lactate and NAD+ and is essential for the fermentation pathway as it recycles NAD+ needed by upstream glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. As the authors point out in the introduction, multiple published reports have shown that inhibition of LDH in cancer cells typically leads to a switch from fermentative ATP production to respiratory ATP production (i.e., glucose uptake and lactate secretion are decreased, and oxygen consumption is increased). The presumed logic of this metabolic rearrangement is that when glycolytic ATP production is inhibited due to LDH inhibition, the cell switches to producing more ATP using respiration. This observation is similar to the well-established Crabtree and Pasteur effects, where cells switch between fermentation and respiration due to the availability of glucose and oxygen. Unexpectedly, the authors observed that inhibition of LDH led to inhibition of respiration and not activation as previously observed. The authors perform rigorous measurements of glycolysis and TCA cycle activity, demonstrating that under their experimental conditions, respiration is indeed inhibited. Given the large body of work reporting the opposite result, it is difficult to reconcile the reasons for the discrepancy. In this reviewer's opinion, a reason for the discrepancy may be that the authors performed their measurements 6 hours after inhibiting LDH. Six hours is a very long time for assessing the direct impact of a perturbation on metabolic pathway activity, which is regulated on a timescale of seconds to minutes. The observed effects are likely the result of a combination of many downstream responses that happen within 6 hours of inhibiting LDH that causes a large decrease in ATP production, inhibition of cell proliferation, and likely a range of stress responses, including gene expression changes.
The regulation of metabolic pathways is incompletely understood, and more research is needed, such as the one conducted here. The authors performed an impressive set of measurements of metabolite levels in response to inhibition of LDH using a combination of rigorous approaches.
Glycolysis, TCA cycle, and respiration are regulated on a timescale of seconds to minutes. The main weakness of this study is the long drug treatment time of 6 hours, which was chosen for all the experiments. In this reviewer's opinion, if the goal was to investigate the direct impact of LDH inhibition on glycolysis and the TCA cycle, most of the experiments should have been performed immediately after or within minutes of LDH inhibition. After 6 hours of inhibiting LDH and ATP production, cells undergo a whole range of responses, and most of the observed effects are likely indirect due to the many downstream effects of LDH and ATP production inhibition, such as decreased cell proliferation, decreased energy demand, activation of stress response pathways, etc.
We appreciate the reviewer’s critical comments. The main argument is whether the inhibition of LDH induces a temporal perturbation in glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and OXPHOS, or if it leads to a shift to a new steady state. We argue that this shift represents a transition between two steady states; specifically, GNE-140 treatment drives metabolism from one steady state to another.
Before conducting the experiment, we performed a time course experiment, measuring glucose consumption and lactate production in cells treated with GNE-140. The results demonstrated a very good linearity, indicating that the glycolytic rate remained constant—thus confirming that glycolysis was at steady state. Given the tight coupling between glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and OXPHOS, we infer that the TCA cycle and OXPHOS were also at steady state. However, this ‘infer’ requires further confirmation.
Multiple published reports have shown that LDH inhibition in cancer cells causes a shift from fermentative ATP production to respiratory ATP production. This notion persists because it is often compared to the well-established Crabtree and Pasteur effects, where cells toggle between fermentation and respiration based on glucose and oxygen availability. However, in the Pasteur or Crabtree effects, the deprivation of oxygen—the terminal electron acceptor—drives the switch, which is fundamentally different from LDH inhibition.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Zeng et al. investigated the role of LDH in determining the metabolic fate of pyruvate in HeLa and 4T1 cells. To do this, three broad perturbations were applied: knockout of two LDH isoforms (LDH-A and LDH-B), titration with a non-competitive LDH inhibitor (GNE-140), and exposure to either normoxic (21% O2) or hypoxic (1% O2) conditions. They show that knockout of either LDH isoform alone, though reducing both protein level and enzyme activity, has virtually no effect on either the incorporation of a stable 13C-label from a 13C6-glucose into any glycolytic or TCA cycle intermediate, nor on the measured intracellular concentrations of any glycolytic intermediate (Figure 2). The only apparent exception to this was the NADH/NAD+ ratio, measured as the ratio of F420/F480 emitted from a fluorescent tag (SoNar).
The addition of a chemical inhibitor, on the other hand, did lead to changes in glycolytic flux, the concentrations of glycolytic intermediates, and in the NADH/NAD+ ratio (Figure 3). Notably, this was most evident in the LDH-B-knockout, in agreement with the increased sensitivity of LDH-A to GNE-140 (Figure 2). In the LDH-B-knockout, increasing concentrations of GNE-140 increased the NADH/NAD+ ratio, reduced glucose uptake, and lactate production, and led to an accumulation of glycolytic intermediates immediately upstream of GAPDH (GA3P, DHAP, and FBP) and a decrease in the product of GAPDH (3PG). They continue to show that this effect is even stronger in cells exposed to hypoxic conditions (Figure 4). They propose that a shift to thermodynamic unfavourability, initiated by an increased NADH/NAD+ ratio inhibiting GAPDH explains the cascade, calculating ΔG values that become progressively more endergonic at increasing inhibitor concentrations.
Then - in two separate experiments - the authors track the incorporation of 13C into the intermediates of the TCA cycle from a 13C6-glucose and a 13C5-glutamine. They use the proportion of labelled intermediates as a proxy for how much pyruvate enters the TCA cycle (Figure 5). They conclude that the inhibition of LDH decreases fermentation, but also the TCA cycle and OXPHOS flux - and hence the flux of pyruvate to all of those pathways. Finally, they characterise the production of ATP from respiratory or fermentative routes, the concentration of a number of cofactors (ATP, ADP, AMP, NAD(P)H, NAD(P)+, and GSH/GSSG), the cell count, and cell viability under four conditions: with and without the highest inhibitor concentration, and at norm- and hypoxia. From this, they conclude that the inhibition of LDH inhibits the glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and OXPHOS simultaneously (Figure 7).
The authors present an impressively detailed set of measurements under a variety of conditions. It is clear that a huge effort was made to characterise the steady-state properties (metabolite concentrations, fluxes) as well as the partitioning of pyruvate between fermentation as opposed to the TCA cycle and OXPHOS.
A couple of intermediary conclusions are well supported, with the hypothesis underlying the next measurement clearly following. For instance, the authors refer to literature reports that LDH activity is highly redundant in cancer cells (lines 108 - 144). They prove this point convincingly in Figure 1, showing that both the A- and B-isoforms of LDH can be knocked out without any noticeable changes in specific glucose consumption or lactate production flux, or, for that matter, in the rate at which any of the pathway intermediates are produced. Pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle and the oxygen consumption rate are also shown to be unaffected.
They checked the specificity of the inhibitor and found good agreement between the inhibitory capacity of GNE-140 on the two isoforms of LDH and the glycolytic flux (lines 229 - 243). The authors also provide a logical interpretation of the first couple of consequences following LDH inhibition: an increased NADH/NAD+ ratio leading to the inhibition of GAPDH, causing upstream accumulations and downstream metabolite decreases (lines 348 - 355).
Despite the inarguable comprehensiveness of the data set, a number of conceptual shortcomings afflict the manuscript. First and foremost, reasoning is often not pursued to a logical conclusion. For instance, the accumulation of intermediates upstream of GAPDH is proffered as an explanation for the decreased flux through glycolysis. However, in Figure 3C it is clear that there is no accumulation of the intermediates upstream of PFK. It is unclear, therefore, how this traffic jam is propagated back to a decrease in glucose uptake. A possible explanation might lie with hexokinase and the decrease in ATP (and constant ADP) demonstrated in Figure 6B, but this link is not made.
We appreciate the reviewer's critical comment. In Figure 3C, there is no accumulation of F6P or G6P, which are upstream of PFK1. This is because the PFK1-catalyzed reaction sets a significant thermodynamic barrier. Even with treatment using 30 μM GNE-140, the ∆GPFK1 (Gibbs free energy of the PFK1-catalyzed reaction) remains -9.455 kJ/mol (Figure 3D), indicating that the reaction is still far from thermodynamic equilibrium, thereby preventing the accumulation of F6P and G6P.
We agree with the reviewer that hexokinase inhibition may play a role, this requires further investigation.
The obvious link between the NADH/NAD+ ratio and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is also never addressed, a mechanism that might explain how the pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle is impaired by the inhibition of LDH (the observation with which they start their discussion, lines 511 - 514).
We agree with the reviewer’s comment. In this study, we did not explore how the inhibition of LDH affects pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle. As this mechanism was not investigated, we have titled the study: "Elucidating the Kinetic and Thermodynamic Insights into the Regulation of Glycolysis by Lactate Dehydrogenase and Its Impact on the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation in Cancer Cells."
It was furthermore puzzling how the ΔG, calculated with intracellular metabolite concentrations (Figures 3 and 4) could be endergonic (positive) for PGAM at all conditions (also normoxic and without inhibitor). This would mean that under the conditions assayed, glycolysis would never flow completely forward. How any lactate or pyruvate is produced from glucose, is then unexplained.
This issue also concerned me during the study. However, given the high reproducibility of the data, we consider it is true, but requires explanation.
The PGAM-catalyzed reaction is tightly linked to both upstream and downstream reactions in the glycolytic pathway. In glycolysis, three key reactions catalyzed by HK2, PFK1, and PK are highly exergonic, providing the driving force for the conversion of glucose to pyruvate. The other reactions, including the one catalyzed by PGAM, operate near thermodynamic equilibrium and primarily serve to equilibrate glycolytic intermediates rather than control the overall direction of glycolysis, as previously described by us (J Biol Chem. 2024 Aug 8;300(9):107648).
The endergonic nature of the PGAM-catalyzed reaction does not prevent it from proceeding in the forward direction. Instead, the directionality of the pathway is dictated by the exergonic reaction of PFK1 upstream, which pushes the flux forward, and by PK downstream, which pulls the flux through the pathway. The combined effects of PFK1 and PK may account for the observed endergonic state of the PGAM reaction.
However, if the PGAM-catalyzed reaction were isolated from the glycolytic pathway, it would tend toward equilibrium and never surpass it, as there would be no driving force to move the reaction forward.
Finally, the interpretation of the label incorporation data is rather unconvincing. The authors observe an increasing labelled fraction of TCA cycle intermediates as a function of increasing inhibitor concentration. Strangely, they conclude that less labelled pyruvate enters the TCA cycle while simultaneously less labelled intermediates exit the TCA cycle pool, leading to increased labelling of this pool. The reasoning that they present for this (decreased m2 fraction as a function of DHE-140 concentration) is by no means a consistent or striking feature of their titration data and comes across as rather unconvincing. Yet they treat this anomaly as resolved in the discussion that follows.
GNE-140 treatment increased the labeling of TCA cycle intermediates by [13C6]glucose but decreased the OXPHOS rate, we consider the conflicting results as an 'anomaly' that warrants further explanation. To address this, we analyzed the labeling pattern of TCA cycle intermediates using both [13C6]glucose and [13C5]glutamine. Tracing the incorporation of glucose- and glutamine-derived carbons into the TCA cycle suggests that LDH inhibition leads to a reduced flux of glucose-derived acetyl-CoA into the TCA cycle, coupled with a decreased flux of glutamine-derived α-KG, and a reduction in the efflux of intermediates from the cycle. These results align with theoretical predictions. Under any condition, the reactions that distribute TCA cycle intermediates to other pathways must be balanced by those that replenish them. In the GNE-140 treatment group, the entry of glutamine-derived carbon into the TCA cycle was reduced, implying that glucose-derived carbon (as acetyl-CoA) entering the TCA cycle must also be reduced, or vice versa.
This step-by-step investigation is detailed under the subheading "The Effect of LDHB KO and GNE-140 on the Contribution of Glucose Carbon to the TCA Cycle and OXPHOS" in the Results section in the manuscript.
In the Discussion, we emphasize that caution should be exercised when interpreting isotope tracing data. In this study, treatment of cells with GNE-140 led to an increase labeling percentage of TCAC intermediates by [13C6]glucose (Figure 5A-E). However, this does not necessarily imply an increase in glucose carbon flux into TCAC; rather, it indicates a reduction in both the flux of glucose carbon into TCAC and the flux of intermediates leaving TCAC. When interpreting the data, multiple factors must be considered, including the carbon-13 labeling pattern of the intermediates (m1, m2, m3, ---) (Figure 5G-K), replenishment of intermediates by glutamine (Figure 5M-V), and mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate (Figure 5W). All these factors should be taken into account to derive a proper interpretation of the data.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Hu et al in their manuscript attempt to interrogate the interplay between glycolysis, TCA activity, and OXPHOS using LDHA/B knockouts as well as LDH-specific inhibitors. Before I discuss the specifics, I have a few issues with the overall manuscript. First of all, based on numerous previous studies it is well established that glycolysis inhibition or forcing pyruvate into the TCA cycle (studies with PDKs inhibitors) leads to upregulation of TCA cycle activity, and OXPHOS, activation of glutaminolysis, etc (in this work authors claim that lowered glycolysis leads to lower levels of TCA activity/OXPHOS). The authors in the current work completely ignore recent studies that suggest that lactate itself is an important signaling metabolite that can modulate metabolism (actual mechanistic insights were recently presented by at least two groups (Thompson, Chouchani labs). In addition, extensive effort was dedicated to understanding the crosstalk between glycolysis/TCA cycle/OXPHOS using metabolic models (Titov, Rabinowitz labs). I have several comments on how experiments were performed. In the Methods section, it is stated that both HeLa and 4T1 cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium with regular serum - but under these conditions, pyruvate is certainly present in the medium - this can easily complicate/invalidate some findings presented in this manuscript. In LDH enzymatic assays as described with cell homogenates controls were not explained or presented (a lot of enzymes in the homogenate can react with NADH!). One of the major issues I have is that glycolytic intermediates were measured in multiple enzyme-coupled assays. Although one might think it is a good approach to have quantitative numbers for each metabolite, the way it was done is that cell homogenates (potentially with still traces of activity of multiple glycolytic enzymes) were incubated with various combinations of the SAME enzymes and substrates they were supposed to measure as a part of the enzyme-based cycling reaction. I would prefer to see a comparison between numbers obtained in enzyme-based assays with GC-MS/LC-MS experiments (using calibration curves for respective metabolites, of course). Correct measurements of these metabolites are crucial especially when thermodynamic parameters for respective reactions are calculated. Concentrations of multiple graphs (Figure 1g etc.) are in "mM", I do not think that this is correct.
While the roles of lactate as a signaling metabolite and metabolic models are important areas of research, our work focuses on different aspects.
It is true that cell homogenates contain many enzymes that use NAD as a hydride acceptor or NADH as a hydride donor. However, in our assay system, the substrates are pyruvate and NADH, meaning only enzymes that catalyze the conversion of pyruvate + NADH to NAD + lactate can utilize NADH. Other enzymes do not interfere with this reaction. Although some enzymes may also catalyze this reaction, their catalytic efficiency is markedly lower than that of LDH, ensuring the validity of this assay.
Similarly, the assays for glycolytic intermediates are validated by the substrate specificity.
We have developed an LC-MS methodology for some glycolytic intermediates, but the accuracy of quantification remains unsatisfactory due to inherent limitations of this methodology.
eLife assessment
This study presents an assessment of the effect of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) inhibition on the activity of glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle. The data were collected and analyzed using solid and validated methodology. This paper makes a useful contribution to the field as it considers a control analysis of LDH flux.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Zeng et al. have investigated the impact of inhibiting lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) on glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. LDH is the terminal enzyme of aerobic glycolysis or fermentation that converts pyruvate and NADH to lactate and NAD+ and is essential for the fermentation pathway as it recycles NAD+ needed by upstream glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. As the authors point out in the introduction, multiple published reports have shown that inhibition of LDH in cancer cells typically leads to a switch from fermentative ATP production to respiratory ATP production (i.e., glucose uptake and lactate secretion are decreased, and oxygen consumption is increased). The presumed logic of this metabolic rearrangement is that when glycolytic ATP production is inhibited due to LDH inhibition, the cell switches to producing more ATP using respiration. This observation is similar to the well-established Crabtree and Pasteur effects, where cells switch between fermentation and respiration due to the availability of glucose and oxygen. Unexpectedly, the authors observed that inhibition of LDH led to inhibition of respiration and not activation as previously observed. The authors perform rigorous measurements of glycolysis and TCA cycle activity, demonstrating that under their experimental conditions, respiration is indeed inhibited. Given the large body of work reporting the opposite result, it is difficult to reconcile the reasons for the discrepancy. In this reviewer's opinion, a reason for the discrepancy may be that the authors performed their measurements 6 hours after inhibiting LDH. Six hours is a very long time for assessing the direct impact of a perturbation on metabolic pathway activity, which is regulated on a timescale of seconds to minutes. The observed effects are likely the result of a combination of many downstream responses that happen within 6 hours of inhibiting LDH that causes a large decrease in ATP production, inhibition of cell proliferation, and likely a range of stress responses, including gene expression changes.
The regulation of metabolic pathways is incompletely understood, and more research is needed, such as the one conducted here. The authors performed an impressive set of measurements of metabolite levels in response to inhibition of LDH using a combination of rigorous approaches.
Glycolysis, TCA cycle, and respiration are regulated on a timescale of seconds to minutes. The main weakness of this study is the long drug treatment time of 6 hours, which was chosen for all the experiments. In this reviewer's opinion, if the goal was to investigate the direct impact of LDH inhibition on glycolysis and the TCA cycle, most of the experiments should have been performed immediately after or within minutes of LDH inhibition. After 6 hours of inhibiting LDH and ATP production, cells undergo a whole range of responses, and most of the observed effects are likely indirect due to the many downstream effects of LDH and ATP production inhibition, such as decreased cell proliferation, decreased energy demand, activation of stress response pathways, etc.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Zeng et al. investigated the role of LDH in determining the metabolic fate of pyruvate in HeLa and 4T1 cells. To do this, three broad perturbations were applied: knockout of two LDH isoforms (LDH-A and LDH-B), titration with a non-competitive LDH inhibitor (GNE-140), and exposure to either normoxic (21% O2) or hypoxic (1% O2) conditions. They show that knockout of either LDH isoform alone, though reducing both protein level and enzyme activity, has virtually no effect on either the incorporation of a stable 13C-label from a 13C6-glucose into any glycolytic or TCA cycle intermediate, nor on the measured intracellular concentrations of any glycolytic intermediate (Figure 2). The only apparent exception to this was the NADH/NAD+ ratio, measured as the ratio of F420/F480 emitted from a fluorescent tag (SoNar).
The addition of a chemical inhibitor, on the other hand, did lead to changes in glycolytic flux, the concentrations of glycolytic intermediates, and in the NADH/NAD+ ratio (Figure 3). Notably, this was most evident in the LDH-B-knockout, in agreement with the increased sensitivity of LDH-A to GNE-140 (Figure 2). In the LDH-B-knockout, increasing concentrations of GNE-140 increased the NADH/NAD+ ratio, reduced glucose uptake, and lactate production, and led to an accumulation of glycolytic intermediates immediately upstream of GAPDH (GA3P, DHAP, and FBP) and a decrease in the product of GAPDH (3PG). They continue to show that this effect is even stronger in cells exposed to hypoxic conditions (Figure 4). They propose that a shift to thermodynamic unfavourability, initiated by an increased NADH/NAD+ ratio inhibiting GAPDH explains the cascade, calculating ΔG values that become progressively more endergonic at increasing inhibitor concentrations.
Then - in two separate experiments - the authors track the incorporation of 13C into the intermediates of the TCA cycle from a 13C6-glucose and a 13C5-glutamine. They use the proportion of labelled intermediates as a proxy for how much pyruvate enters the TCA cycle (Figure 5). They conclude that the inhibition of LDH decreases fermentation, but also the TCA cycle and OXPHOS flux - and hence the flux of pyruvate to all of those pathways. Finally, they characterise the production of ATP from respiratory or fermentative routes, the concentration of a number of cofactors (ATP, ADP, AMP, NAD(P)H, NAD(P)+, and GSH/GSSG), the cell count, and cell viability under four conditions: with and without the highest inhibitor concentration, and at norm- and hypoxia. From this, they conclude that the inhibition of LDH inhibits the glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and OXPHOS simultaneously (Figure 7).
The authors present an impressively detailed set of measurements under a variety of conditions. It is clear that a huge effort was made to characterise the steady-state properties (metabolite concentrations, fluxes) as well as the partitioning of pyruvate between fermentation as opposed to the TCA cycle and OXPHOS.
A couple of intermediary conclusions are well supported, with the hypothesis underlying the next measurement clearly following. For instance, the authors refer to literature reports that LDH activity is highly redundant in cancer cells (lines 108 - 144). They prove this point convincingly in Figure 1, showing that both the A- and B-isoforms of LDH can be knocked out without any noticeable changes in specific glucose consumption or lactate production flux, or, for that matter, in the rate at which any of the pathway intermediates are produced. Pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle and the oxygen consumption rate are also shown to be unaffected.
They checked the specificity of the inhibitor and found good agreement between the inhibitory capacity of GNE-140 on the two isoforms of LDH and the glycolytic flux (lines 229 - 243). The authors also provide a logical interpretation of the first couple of consequences following LDH inhibition: an increased NADH/NAD+ ratio leading to the inhibition of GAPDH, causing upstream accumulations and downstream metabolite decreases (lines 348 - 355).
Despite the inarguable comprehensiveness of the data set, a number of conceptual shortcomings afflict the manuscript. First and foremost, reasoning is often not pursued to a logical conclusion. For instance, the accumulation of intermediates upstream of GAPDH is proffered as an explanation for the decreased flux through glycolysis. However, in Figure 3C it is clear that there is no accumulation of the intermediates upstream of PFK. It is unclear, therefore, how this traffic jam is propagated back to a decrease in glucose uptake. A possible explanation might lie with hexokinase and the decrease in ATP (and constant ADP) demonstrated in Figure 6B, but this link is not made.
The obvious link between the NADH/NAD+ ratio and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is also never addressed, a mechanism that might explain how the pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle is impaired by the inhibition of LDH (the observation with which they start their discussion, lines 511 - 514).
It was furthermore puzzling how the ΔG, calculated with intracellular metabolite concentrations (Figures 3 and 4) could be endergonic (positive) for PGAM at all conditions (also normoxic and without inhibitor). This would mean that under the conditions assayed, glycolysis would never flow completely forward. How any lactate or pyruvate is produced from glucose, is then unexplained.
Finally, the interpretation of the label incorporation data is rather unconvincing. The authors observe an increasing labelled fraction of TCA cycle intermediates as a function of increasing inhibitor concentration. Strangely, they conclude that less labelled pyruvate enters the TCA cycle while simultaneously less labelled intermediates exit the TCA cycle pool, leading to increased labelling of this pool. The reasoning that they present for this (decreased m2 fraction as a function of DHE-140 concentration) is by no means a consistent or striking feature of their titration data and comes across as rather unconvincing. Yet they treat this anomaly as resolved in the discussion that follows.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Hu et al in their manuscript attempt to interrogate the interplay between glycolysis, TCA activity, and OXPHOS using LDHA/B knockouts as well as LDH-specific inhibitors. Before I discuss the specifics, I have a few issues with the overall manuscript. First of all, based on numerous previous studies it is well established that glycolysis inhibition or forcing pyruvate into the TCA cycle (studies with PDKs inhibitors) leads to upregulation of TCA cycle activity, and OXPHOS, activation of glutaminolysis, etc (in this work authors claim that lowered glycolysis leads to lower levels of TCA activity/OXPHOS). The authors in the current work completely ignore recent studies that suggest that lactate itself is an important signaling metabolite that can modulate metabolism (actual mechanistic insights were recently presented by at least two groups (Thompson, Chouchani labs). In addition, extensive effort was dedicated to understanding the crosstalk between glycolysis/TCA cycle/OXPHOS using metabolic models (Titov, Rabinowitz labs). I have several comments on how experiments were performed. In the Methods section, it is stated that both HeLa and 4T1 cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium with regular serum - but under these conditions, pyruvate is certainly present in the medium - this can easily complicate/invalidate some findings presented in this manuscript. In LDH enzymatic assays as described with cell homogenates controls were not explained or presented (a lot of enzymes in the homogenate can react with NADH!). One of the major issues I have is that glycolytic intermediates were measured in multiple enzyme-coupled assays. Although one might think it is a good approach to have quantitative numbers for each metabolite, the way it was done is that cell homogenates (potentially with still traces of activity of multiple glycolytic enzymes) were incubated with various combinations of the SAME enzymes and substrates they were supposed to measure as a part of the enzyme-based cycling reaction. I would prefer to see a comparison between numbers obtained in enzyme-based assays with GC-MS/LC-MS experiments (using calibration curves for respective metabolites, of course). Correct measurements of these metabolites are crucial especially when thermodynamic parameters for respective reactions are calculated. Concentrations of multiple graphs (Figure 1g etc.) are in "mM", I do not think that this is correct.
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eLife assessment
In this valuable work, Lodhiya et al. provide evidence that excessive ATP underlies the killing of the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis by two mechanistically-distinct antibiotics. Clarification of the role(s) of reactive oxygen species and ADP, as well as discrepancies with existing literature, would strengthen the model proposed. The data are generally solid as the authors deploy multiple, orthogonal readouts and methods for manipulating reactive oxygen species and ATP. The work will be of interest to those studying antibiotic mechanisms of action.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Lodhiya et al. demonstrate that antibiotics with distinct mechanisms of action, norfloxacin, and streptomycin, cause similar metabolic dysfunction in the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis. This includes enhanced flux through the TCA cycle and respiration as well as a build-up of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ATP. Genetic and/or pharmacologic depression of ROS or ATP levels protect M. smegmatis from norfloxacin and streptomycin killing. Because ATP depression is protective, but in some cases does not depress ROS, the authors surmise that excessive ATP is the primary mechanism by which norfloxacin and streptomycin kill M. smegmatis. In general, the experiments are carefully executed; alternative hypotheses are discussed and considered; the data are contextualized within the existing literature. Clarification of the effect of 1) ROS depression on ATP levels and 2) ADP vs. ATP on divalent metal chelation would strengthen the paper, as would discussion of points of difference with the existing literature. The authors might also consider removing Figures 9 and 10A-B as they distract from the main point of the paper and appear to be the beginning of a new story rather than the end of the current one. Finally, statistics need some attention.
The authors tackle a problem that is both biologically interesting and medically impactful, namely, the mechanism of antibiotic-induced cell death.
Experiments are carefully executed, for example, numerous dose- and time-dependency studies; multiple, orthogonal readouts for ROS; and several methods for pharmacological and genetic depletion of ATP.
There has been a lot of excitement and controversy in the field, and the authors do a nice job of situating their work in this larger context.
Inherent limitations to some of their approaches are acknowledged and discussed e.g., normalizing ATP levels to viable counts of bacteria.
The authors have shown that treatments that depress ATP do not necessarily repress ROS, and therefore conclude that ATP is the primary cause of norfloxacin and streptomycin lethality for M. smegmatis. Indeed, this is the most impactful claim of the paper. However, GSH and dipyridyl beautifully rescue viability. Do these and other ROS-repressing treatments impact ATP levels? If not, the authors should consider a more nuanced model and revise the title, abstract, and text accordingly.
Does ADP chelate divalent metal ions to the same extent as ATP? If so, it is difficult to understand how conversion of ADP to ATP by ATP synthase would alter metal sequestration without concomitant burst in ADP levels.
Some of the results in the paper diverge from what has been previously reported by some of the referenced literature. These discrepancies should be clarified.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors are trying to test the hypothesis that ATP bursts are the predominant driver of antibiotic lethality of Mycobacteria.
This reviewer has not identified any significant strengths of the paper in its current form.
A major weakness is that M. smegmatis has a doubling time of three hours and the authors are trying to conclude that their data would reflect the physiology of M. tuberculossi which has a doubling time of 24 hours. Moreover, the authors try to compare OD measurements with CFU counts and thus observe great variabilities.
If the authors had evidence to support the conclusion that ATP burst is the predominant driver of antibiotic lethality in mycobacteria then this paper would be highly significant. However, with the way the paper is written, it is impossible to make this conclusion.
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Lodhiya et al. demonstrate that antibiotics with distinct mechanisms of action, norfloxacin, and streptomycin, cause similar metabolic dysfunction in the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis. This includes enhanced flux through the TCA cycle and respiration as well as a build-up of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ATP. Genetic and/or pharmacologic depression of ROS or ATP levels protect M. smegmatis from norfloxacin and streptomycin killing. Because ATP depression is protective, but in some cases does not depress ROS, the authors surmise that excessive ATP is the primary mechanism by which norfloxacin and streptomycin kill M. smegmatis. In general, the experiments are carefully executed; alternative hypotheses are discussed and considered; the data are contextualized within the existing literature. Clarification of the effect of 1) ROS depression on ATP levels and 2) ADP vs. ATP on divalent metal chelation would strengthen the paper, as would discussion of points of difference with the existing literature. The authors might also consider removing Figures 9 and 10A-B as they distract from the main point of the paper and appear to be the beginning of a new story rather than the end of the current one. Finally, statistics need some attention.
The authors tackle a problem that is both biologically interesting and medically impactful, namely, the mechanism of antibiotic-induced cell death.
Experiments are carefully executed, for example, numerous dose- and time-dependency studies; multiple, orthogonal readouts for ROS; and several methods for pharmacological and genetic depletion of ATP.
There has been a lot of excitement and controversy in the field, and the authors do a nice job of situating their work in this larger context.
Inherent limitations to some of their approaches are acknowledged and discussed e.g., normalizing ATP levels to viable counts of bacteria.
We sincerely thanks appreciate the reviewer’s encouraging feedback.
The authors have shown that treatments that depress ATP do not necessarily repress ROS, and therefore conclude that ATP is the primary cause of norfloxacin and streptomycin lethality for M. smegmatis. Indeed, this is the most impactful claim of the paper. However, GSH and dipyridyl beautifully rescue viability. Do these and other ROS-repressing treatments impact ATP levels? If not, the authors should consider a more nuanced model and revise the title, abstract, and text accordingly.
We thank the reviewer for asking this question. In the revised version of the manuscript, we will include data on the impact of the antioxidant GSH on ATP levels.
Does ADP chelate divalent metal ions to the same extent as ATP? If so, it is difficult to understand how conversion of ADP to ATP by ATP synthase would alter metal sequestration without concomitant burst in ADP levels.
We sincerely thank the reviewer for raising this insightful question. Indeed, ADP and AMP can also form complexes with divalent metal ions; however, these complexes tend to be less stable. According to the existing literature, ATP-metal ion complexes exhibit a higher formation constant compared to ADP or AMP complexes. This has been attributed to the polyphosphate chain of ATP, which acts as an active site, forming a highly stable tridentate structure (Khan et al., 1962; Distefano et al., 1953). An antibiotic-induced increase in ATP levels, irrespective of any changes in ADP levels, could still result in the formation of more stable complexes with metal ions, potentially leading to metal ion depletion. Although recent studies indicate that antibiotic treatment stimulates purine biosynthesis (Lobritz MA et al., 2022; Yang JH et al., 2019), thereby imposing energy demands and enhancing ATP production, the possibility of a corresponding increase in total purine nucleotide levels (ADP+ATP) exist (is mentioned in discussion section). However, this hypothesis requires further investigation.
Khan MMT, Martell AE. Metal Chelates of Adenosine Triphosphate. Journal of Physical Chemistry (US). 1962 Jan 1;Vol: 66(1):10–5
Distefano v, Neuman wf. Calcium complexes of adenosinetriphosphate and adenosinediphosphate and their significance in calcification in vitro. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1953 Feb 1;200(2):759–63
Lobritz MA, Andrews IW, Braff D, Porter CBM, Gutierrez A, Furuta Y, et al. Increased energy demand from anabolic-catabolic processes drives β-lactam antibiotic lethality. Cell Chem Biol [Internet]. 2022 Feb 17.
Yang JH, Wright SN, Hamblin M, McCloskey D, Alcantar MA, Schrübbers L, et al. A White-Box Machine Learning Approach for Revealing Antibiotic Mechanisms of Action. Cell [Internet]. 2019 May 30
Some of the results in the paper diverge from what has been previously reported by some of the referenced literature. These discrepancies should be clarified.
We apologize for any confusion, but we are uncertain about the specific discrepancies the reviewer is referring. In the discussion section, we have addressed and analysed our results within the broader context of the existing literature, regardless of whether our findings align with or differ from previous studies.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors are trying to test the hypothesis that ATP bursts are the predominant driver of antibiotic lethality of Mycobacteria.
This reviewer has not identified any significant strengths of the paper in its current form.
A major weakness is that M. smegmatis has a doubling time of three hours and the authors are trying to conclude that their data would reflect the physiology of M. tuberculosis which has a doubling time of 24 hours. Moreover, the authors try to compare OD measurements with CFU counts and thus observe great variabilities.
If the authors had evidence to support the conclusion that ATP burst is the predominant driver of antibiotic lethality in mycobacteria then this paper would be highly significant. However, with the way the paper is written, it is impossible to make this conclusion.
We have identified this new mechanism of antibiotic action in Mycobacterium smegmatis and have also mentioned that whether and how much of this mechanism is true in other organism needs to be tested as argued extensively in the discussion section of the manuscript.
We have always drawn inferences from the CFU counts as the OD600nm is never a reliable method as reported in all of our experiments.
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eLife assessment
This valuable study discusses a hot topic in post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis. The new score for predicting post-ERCP pancreatitis offers an idea about the risk of pancreatitis before the procedure. Although most scores depend on intraprocedural manoeuvres, such as the number of attempts to cannulate the papilla, this is a solid retrospective single-center study in one country. To be validated, this score should be done in many countries and on large numbers of patients, nevertheless, this paper should interest gastrointestinal endoscopists.
Joint Public Review:
This work provides a new general tool for predicting post-ERCP pancreatitis before the procedure depending on pancreatic calcification, female sex, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, a native papilla of Vater, or the use of pancreatic duct procedures. Even though it is difficult for the endoscopist to predict before the procedure which case might have post-ERCP pancreatitis, this new model score can help with the maneuver and when the patient is at high risk of pancreatitis, sometimes can be deadly), so experienced endoscopists can do the procedure from the start. This paper provides a model for stratifying patients before the ERCP procedure into low, moderate, and high risk for pancreatitis. To be validated, this score should be done in many countries and on large numbers of patients. Risk factors can also be identified and added to the score to increase rank.
(1) One of the severe complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure is pancreatitis, so investigators try all the time to find a score that can predict which patients will probably have pancreatitis after the procedure. Most scores depend on the intraprocedural maneuver. Some studies discuss the preprocedural score that can predict pancreatitis before the procure. This study discusses a new preprocedural score for post-ERCP pancreatitis.
(2) Depending on this score that identifies low, moderate, and high-risk patients for post-pancreatitis, so from the start, experienced and well-trained endoscopists can do the procedure or can refer patients to tertiary hospitals or use interventional radiology or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
(3) The number of patients in this study is sufficient to analyze data correctly.
(1) It is a single-country, retrospective study.
(2) Many cases were excluded, so the score cannot be applied to those patients.
(3) Many other studies, e.g., https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00464-021-08491-1, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36344369/, that have been published before discussing the same issue, so what is the new with this score?
(4) The discussion section needs reformulation to express the study's aim and results.
(5) Why did the authors select these items in their scoring system and did not add more variables?
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eLife assessment
This important study combines multiple techniques to investigate how caspase activity regulates non-lethal caspase-dependent processes. Through a combination of various approaches, and the development of new techniques, the authors provide compelling evidence supporting the claim that Fas3G-overexpression promotes non-lethal caspase activation in olfactory receptor neurons.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Muramoto and colleagues have examined a mechanism by which the executioner caspase Drice is activated in a non-lethal context in Drosophila. The authors have comprehensively examined this in the Drosophila olfactory receptor neurons using sophisticated techniques. In particular, they had to engineer a new reporter by which non-lethal caspase activation could be detected. The authors conducted a proximity labeling experiment and identified Fasciclin 3 as a key protein in this context. While the removal of Fascilin 3 did not block non-lethal caspase activation (likely because of redundant mechanisms), its overexpression was sufficient to activate non-lethal caspase activation.
While non-lethal functions of caspases have been reported in several contexts, far less is known about the mechanisms by which caspases are activated in these non-lethal contexts. So, the topic is very timely. The overall detail of this work is impressive and the results for the most part are well-controlled and justified.
The behavioral results shown in Figure 6 need more explanation and clarification (more details below). As currently shown, the results of Figure 6 seem uninterpretable. Also, overall presentation of the Figures and description in legends can be improved.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, the authors investigate the role of caspases in neuronal modulation through non-lethal activation. They analyze proximal proteins of executioner caspases using a variety of techniques, including TurboID and a newly developed monitoring system based on Gal4 manipulation, called MASCaT. They demonstrate that overexpression of Fas3G promotes the non-lethal activation of caspase Dronc in olfactory receptor neurons. In addition, they investigate the regulatory mechanisms of non-lethal function of caspase by performing a comprehensive analysis of proximal proteins of executioner caspase Drice. It is important to point out that the authors use an array of techniques from western blot to behavioral experiments and also that the generated several reagents, from fly lines to antibodies.
This is an interesting work that would appeal to readers of multiple disciplines. As a whole these findings suggest that overexpression of Fas3G enhances a non-lethal caspase activation in ORNs, providing a novel experimental model that will allow for exploration of molecular processes that facilitate caspase activation without leading to cell death.
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eLife assessment
This valuable study combines electrophysiology experiments and modeling to investigate the encoding of dynamic patterns of polarized light by identified neurons of the bumblebee central complex. The scientific question and methodology are compelling. However, the evidence supporting the authors' conclusions is incomplete without more comprehensive statistical analyses.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors of this valuable study use linearly polarized UV light rotating at different angular velocities to stimulate photoreceptors in bumblebees and study the response of TL3 neurons to polarized light. Previous work has typically used a single constant rotation velocity of the polarized light, while the authors of this study explore a range of constant rotational velocities spanning from 30deg/s to 1920deg/s. The authors also use linearly polarized UV light rotating at continuously varying velocities following the angular velocity of the head of a flying bumblebee.
The authors investigate the neuronal responses of TL3 neurons to a variety of rotational velocities. This approach has the potential to reveal the neuronal response to dynamically changing stimuli experienced by the animal as it moves around its environment.
The authors make good use of physiology and modeling to validate their hypotheses and findings. If done right, this line of investigation has the potential to provide a very useful methodology for utilizing more complex stimuli in studies of the visual pathway and central complex than traditionally.
The attempt of the authors to use more naturalistic stimuli than previous studies is very important, but the stimulus they use, i.e. linearly polarized UV light projected on the whole dorsal rim of the animal's eyes, is very different from the circular pattern of UV light polarization coming through the sky. In particular, as a bumblebee turns under the sky, the light projected on each ommatidium of the dorsal rim area will not smoothly change like the rotating linearly polarized light used in the experiments. The authors need to discuss this and other limitations of their study.
The authors should also commend the light intensity confound common in polarized light setups as discussed by Reinhard Wolf et al, J. Comp. Physiol. 1980 and in the thesis of Peter Weir, California Institute of Technology, 2013. It is unclear whether the authors performed measurements to quantify the intensity pattern and if they took measures to compensate and make the polarized light intensity uniform.
The authors show that the neuronal responses of TL3 neurons depend on the recent history of the polarized light stimulus. They use as evidence, the different neuronal firing rates measured when arriving at the same polarization stimulus by following two different preceding stimulus sequences. It would have been worthwhile to investigate to what extent the difference in neuronal response is due to the history alone and to what extent it is due to spike timing stochasticity inherent in the neurons. According to the raster plots in Figure 2F, there is substantial stochasticity in the timing of the action potential firing events.
The authors appear to base their delay calculations and analysis on the response of one single neuron (Figures 2 and 3) even though they have recorded the responses of several TL3 neurons. There is no reason for the authors not to use all neuron recordings in their calculations and analysis.
Another concern is that while the authors make good use of modeling, like any model, the presented models only partially explain the observed phenomena. However, a discussion about the limitations of their model needs to be provided. Actually, observing the discrepancies between the model's output and the intracellular recordings reveals what the model is missing. That is, careful consideration of the discrepancies would have led the authors to try adding some noise in their model, which would partially resolve the differences observed at the lower rotational speeds (see stars deviating from the fitted line in Figure 2A) and to consider that introducing an asymmetry between the post-stimulus inhibition and excitation time constants could result in a model not deviating as much at the higher rotation velocities during counter-clockwise rotation of the polarized light (see stars deviating from the fitted line in Figure 2A).
In the end, the authors use the observation that during saccades, the average activity in their model-with-history increases to claim that when the animal does not turn, it uses less neuronal activity and energy. This is not a convincing line of reasoning. To make a claim about energy efficiency, the authors must instead compare their model with alternatives and show that the neuronal activity of their model during straight flight is indeed lower than those alternative models. Note that such a comparison would be meaningful only if the alternative models compared against capture physiology equally well in all other respects. However, the evident deviations of the presented model from the physiology measurements and the short duration of the test stimulus used would make any such claims difficult to substantiate.
Finally, for most experiments, the models are stimulated with a single short yaw sequence lasting a few seconds to measure responses. Given the dependence of the model on history, using such a small sample, we cannot see how generalizable the observations are. The authors need to show that the same effect is produced using multiple different trajectories.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The compass network is a higher-order circuit in insects that integrates sensory cues, like the angle of polarized light, with self-motion information to estimate the animal's angular position in space. This paper by Rother et al. uses share electrode recordings to measure intracellular voltage activity from individual compass neurons while polarization patterns are presented to the bee. They present patterns that rotate with variable speed or simulate the sensory experience created by a flight trajectory. The authors discover that at low rotational speeds, TL neuron responses diverge from the tuning expected from a systematic synaptic delay, suggesting that recent experience (history) impacts TL responses. A population model of 180 TL neurons is then used to argue that having cells that are impacted by spiking history could be advantageous for estimating heading. The model activity showed an anticipation of polarization angle for rapid turns that followed prolonged straight flights or turns in the opposite direction. The model also had reduced spiking activity during translational straight flight.
One strength of this paper is that it focuses on a question that is underexplored in the field: How does the compass network handle the processing delay caused by multi-synaptic relay from the DRA to the sensory input neurons (TL) to the compass network why the insect is turning rapidly and thus sampling distinct polarization angles in rapid succession? Another strength is the fact that they were able to present neurons with both simulated naturalistic polarization patterns that could occur during flight and synthetic stimuli with a range of rotational velocities. This provides an important data set where these responses can be compared. Another strength is the exploration of how adding a history term to a model of a population of TL neurons can lead to the population coding of polarization angle to vary in how delayed it is from changes to the sensory stimuli. They find that angular coding is more anticipatory (shorter delay) following prolonged periods of fixating a single angle, such as what occurs during translation movement, or following turns in the opposite direction of the current turn.
A challenge for this experimental approach is the relatively low power for data sets in some of the experimental conditions. Low throughput is expected for this experimental approach, as intracellular recordings are a challenging and time-consuming method. A weakness of the manuscript in its current form is that the data from all cells that were able to be recorded is not always presented or quantified. For example, only a single neuron example is used to show the impact of history on preferred polarization and how this tuning varied with rotation velocity. This is also true for the claim that TL3 neurons exhibit post-inhibitory excitation and post-excitatory inhibition. Another concern is regarding the use of the term "spiking-history" as potentially confusing to readers who might assume this process is cell intrinsic. The authors presented data shows evidence of an effect of stimulus history on the responses of the neurons. However as the authors describe in the discussion this current data set does not distinguish between an effect that occurs in the recorded neurons (e.g. an effect of intrinsic excitability) vs adaptation elsewhere in the circuit or DRA photoreceptors. A final challenge for this approach, shared with other studies that measure neural responses from an insect fixed in place, is that it assumes that these TL neurons are purely sensory and that their response properties (or those upstream of them) do not change when the bee performs a motor action or maneuver. This caveat should be considered when interpreting these data, however these data still represent novel information and important progress in exploring this question.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This manuscript reports the temporal history dependence of central complex TL/ring neuron spiking activity to polarized light patterns. Using sharp recording in tethered bumblebees with synthetic and natural visual stimulation, the authors nicely measured activities to rotating polarized UV light, and made the interesting finding that spiking activity depends on not just current stimulus but also recent activity.
(1) History dependence has been reported before in ring neurons in Drosophila (Sun et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2017; Shiozaki et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2017). While there are differences in the nature of the visual stimulation used, the basic phenomenology of temporal history dependence bears some resemblance. Where are the differences in the physiological properties of ring/TL neurons between different insect species in relevance to history dependence? What are the structural similarities and differences in the circuits that may help to explain history dependence? Just to name a few. To gain further insight into this question, the manuscript may benefit from putting the findings here into context.
(2) Figure 3b serves as a critical evidence for history-dependence. However, it is unclear from this data if this is history dependence, or other physiological processes such as OFF response to sensory stimulation, or sensory adaptation. One way to test this is to examine whether such an effect can be detected after a delay period. For example, history dependence in fly ring neurons is mediated by delay period activity present for several seconds. This can be easily tested here as well.
(3) The properties of the history dependence can be better characterized to help understand its nature. What are the statistical characteristics of post-stimulus inhibition to preferred AoP and post-stimulus excitation to anti-preferred AoP? What are the temporal dynamics of such an effect, e.g., how long does it take to return to baseline? Are the differences in these properties recorded across the TL neuron population? Is it possible to categorize these TL neurons based on these properties and morphology? These properties are important to under the physiological basis of such effect. The authors only presented two traces in Figure 3b, beautiful example traces, but without any further population data and statistical analysis.
(4) A major point of the manuscript is energy efficiency via reduction of firing rate. However, the only evidence comes from simulation, and it seems to be a weak effect of 0.5 APs/s.
(5) Another major point of the manuscript is "increases sensitivity for course deviations during straight flight". However, this again is supported by simulation only. To validate these claims, empirical support of behavioral experiments is highly desired. Otherwise, it is recommended to minimize emphasizing such behavioral predictions.
(6) A substantial portion of the text emphasizes the importance of natural stimulation. While natural stimulation is indeed a desirable experimental approach, it is unclear if natural stimulation is exploited to its full in this manuscript. History dependence can be explored with synthetic stimulation.
(7) A phenomenological model was used to account for the history effect, by assuming a linear integration process and a linear history effect. However, such an assumption is not adequately backed up by rigorous statistical analysis of experiment data or at least proper conceptual discussion.
(8) Population responses, as in Figure 4, are based on strong assumptions of neuronal properties without clear experimental support, thus seeming to be quite a stretch.
(9) There are interesting observations in simulation results from Figure 5; it would be nice to experimentally test at least some of these ideas.
(10) "anticipate future head directions" seems to be quite a stretch to me without mechanistic explanations.
(11) The visual stimulation design used can be improved and expanded. The synthetic stimulation used in Figure 1c follows a stereotyped order, according to angular velocities. As the focus of the manuscript is to probe the history effect and to test again the findings made with this stimulation, randomized stimulation should ideally be examined.
(12) State dependence was observed in ring neurons in Drosophila (Sun et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2017) which might be related to ongoing neural activity and history dependence. While I realize that the animal is tethered, I was wondering if there was any signature of neural activity state dependence observed in this study.
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eLife assessment
This study makes an important effort to observe and quantify synaptic integration in a large and active network of cultured neurons, using simultaneous patch-clamp and large-scale extracellular recordings. They developed a method to distinguish excitatory and inhibitory contributions, show compelling evidence that the subthreshold activity of these neurons is dominated by few presynaptic neurons. They provide convincing statistics about connectivity and network dynamics.
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eLife assessment
Using microscopy experiments and theoretical modelling, the authors present convincing evidence of cellular coordination in the gliding filamentous cyanobacterium Fluctiforma draycotensis. The results are important for the understanding of cyanobacterial motility and the underlying molecular and mechanical pathways of cellular coordination.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors use microscopy experiments to track the gliding motion of filaments of the cyanobacteria Fluctiforma draycotensis. They find that filament motion consists of back-and-forth trajectories along a "track", interspersed with reversals of movement direction, with no clear dependence between filament speed and length. It is also observed that longer filaments can buckle and form plectonemes. A computational model is used to rationalize these findings.
Much work in this field focuses on molecular mechanisms of motility; by tracking filament dynamics this work helps to connect molecular mechanisms to environmentally and industrially relevant ecological behavior such as aggregate formation.
The observation that filaments move on tracks is interesting and potentially ecologically significant.
The observation of rotating membrane-bound protein complexes and tubular arrangement of slime around the filament provides important clues to the mechanism of motion.
The observation that long filaments buckle has the potential to shed light on the nature of mechanical forces in the filaments, e.g. through the study of the length dependence of buckling.
The manuscript makes the interesting statement that the distribution of speed vs filament length is uniform, which would constrain the possibilities for mechanical coupling between the filaments. However, Figure 1C does not show a uniform distribution but rather an apparent lack of correlation between speed and filament length, while Figure S3 shows a dependence that is clearly increasing with filament length. Also, although it is claimed that the computational model reproduces the key features of the experiments, no data is shown for the dependence of speed on filament length in the computational model. The statement that is made about the model "all or most cells contribute to propulsive force generation, as seen from a uniform distribution of mean speed across different filament lengths", seems to be contradictory, since if each cell contributes to the force one might expect that speed would increase with filament length.
The computational model misses perhaps the most interesting aspect of the experimental results which is the coupling between rotation, slime generation, and motion. While the dependence of synchronization and reversal efficiency on internal model parameters are explored (Figure 2D), these model parameters cannot be connected with biological reality. The model predictions seem somewhat simplistic: that less coupling leads to more erratic reversal and that the number of reversals matches the expected number (which appears to be simply consistent with a filament moving backwards and forwards on a track at constant speed).
Filament buckling is not analysed in quantitative detail, which seems to be a missed opportunity to connect with the computational model, eg by predicting the length dependence of buckling.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors combined time-lapse microscopy with biophysical modeling to study the mechanisms and timescales of gliding and reversals in filamentous cyanobacterium Fluctiforma draycotensis. They observed the highly coordinated behavior of protein complexes moving in a helical fashion on cells' surfaces and along individual filaments as well as their de-coordination, which induces buckling in long filaments.
The authors provided concrete experimental evidence of cellular coordination and de-coordination of motility between cells along individual filaments. The evidence is comprised of individual trajectories of filaments that glide and reverse on surfaces as well as the helical trajectories of membrane-bound protein complexes that move on individual filaments and are implicated in generating propulsive forces.
The biophysical model is one-dimensional and thus does not capture the buckling observed in long filaments. I expect that the buckling contains useful information since it reflects the competition between bending rigidity, the speed at which cell synchronization occurs, and the strength of the propulsion forces.
Future directions:
The study highlights the need to identify molecular and mechanical signaling pathways of cellular coordination. In analogy to the many works on the mechanisms and functions of multi-ciliary coordination, elucidating coordination in cyanobacteria may reveal a variety of dynamic strategies in different filamentous cyanobacteria.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors present new observations related to the gliding motility of the multicellular filamentous cyanobacteria Fluctiforma draycotensis. The bacteria move forward by rotating their about their long axis, which causes points on the cell surface to move along helical paths. As filaments glide forward they form visible tracks. Filaments preferentially move within the tracks. The authors devise a simple model in which each cell in a filament exerts a force that either pushes forward or backwards. Mechanical interactions between cells cause neighboring cells to align the forces they exert. The model qualitatively reproduces the tendency of filaments to move in a concerted direction and reverse at the end of tracks.
The observations of the helical motion of the filament are compelling.
The biophysical model used to describe cell-cell coordination of locomotion is clear and reasonable. The qualitative consistency between theory and observation suggests that this model captures some essential qualities of the true system.
The authors suggest that molecular studies should be directly coupled to the analysis and modeling of motion. I agree.
There is very little quantitative comparison between theory and experiment. It seems plausible that mechanisms other than mechano-sensing could lead to equations similar to those in the proposed model. As there is no comparison of model parameters to measurements or similar experiments, it is not certain that the mechanisms proposed here are an accurate description of reality. Rather the model appears to be a promising hypothesis.
Author response:
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors use microscopy experiments to track the gliding motion of filaments of the cyanobacteria Fluctiforma draycotensis. They find that filament motion consists of back-and-forth trajectories along a "track", interspersed with reversals of movement direction, with no clear dependence between filament speed and length. It is also observed that longer filaments can buckle and form plectonemes. A computational model is used to rationalize these findings.
We thank the reviewer for this accurate summary of the presented work.
Much work in this field focuses on molecular mechanisms of motility; by tracking filament dynamics this work helps to connect molecular mechanisms to environmentally and industrially relevant ecological behavior such as aggregate formation.
The observation that filaments move on tracks is interesting and potentially ecologically significant.
The observation of rotating membrane-bound protein complexes and tubular arrangement of slime around the filament provides important clues to the mechanism of motion.
The observation that long filaments buckle has the potential to shed light on the nature of mechanical forces in the filaments, e.g. through the study of the length dependence of buckling.
We thank the reviewer for listing these positive aspects of the presented work.
The manuscript makes the interesting statement that the distribution of speed vs filament length is uniform, which would constrain the possibilities for mechanical coupling between the filaments. However, Figure 1C does not show a uniform distribution but rather an apparent lack of correlation between speed and filament length, while Figure S3 shows a dependence that is clearly increasing with filament length. Also, although it is claimed that the computational model reproduces the key features of the experiments, no data is shown for the dependence of speed on filament length in the computational model. The statement that is made about the model "all or most cells contribute to propulsive force generation, as seen from a uniform distribution of mean speed across different filament lengths", seems to be contradictory, since if each cell contributes to the force one might expect that speed would increase with filament length.
We agree that the data shows in general a lack of correlation, rather than strictly being uniform. In the revised manuscript, we intend to collect more data from observations on glass to better understand the relation between filament length and speed.
In considering longer filaments, one also needs to consider the increased drag created by each additional cell - in other words, overall friction will either increase or be constant as filament length increases. Therefore, if only one cell (or few cells) are generating motility forces, then adding more cells in longer filaments would decrease speed.
Since the current data does not show any decrease in speed with increasing filament length, we stand by the argument that the data supports that all (or most) cells in a filament are involved in force generation for motility. We would revise the manuscript to make this point - and our arguments about assuming multiple / most cells in a filament contributing to motility - clear.
The computational model misses perhaps the most interesting aspect of the experimental results which is the coupling between rotation, slime generation, and motion. While the dependence of synchronization and reversal efficiency on internal model parameters are explored (Figure 2D), these model parameters cannot be connected with biological reality. The model predictions seem somewhat simplistic: that less coupling leads to more erratic reversal and that the number of reversals matches the expected number (which appears to be simply consistent with a filament moving backwards and forwards on a track at constant speed).
We agree that the coupling between rotation, slime generation and motion is interesting and important when studying the specific mechanism leading to filament motion. However, we believe it even more fundamental to consider the intercellular coordination that is needed to realise this motion. Individual filaments are a collection of independent cells. This raises the question of how they can coordinate their thrust generation in such a way that the whole filament can both move and reverse direction of motion as a single unit. With the presented model, we want to start addressing precisely this point.
The model allows us to qualitatively understand the relation between coupling strength and reversals (erratic vs. coordinated motion of the filament). It also provides a hint about the possibility of de-coordination, which we then look for and identify in longer filaments.
While the model results seem obvious in hindsight, the analysis of the model allows phrasing the question of cell-to-cell coordination, which has not been brought up previously when considering the inherently multi-cell process of filament motility.
Filament buckling is not analysed in quantitative detail, which seems to be a missed opportunity to connect with the computational model, eg by predicting the length dependence of buckling.
Please note that Figure S10 provides an analysis of filament length and number of buckling instances observed. This suggests that buckling happens only in filaments above a certain length.
We do agree that further analyses of buckling - both experimentally and through modelling would be interesting. This study, however, focussed on cell-to-cell coupling / coordination during filament motility. We have identified the possibility of de-coordination through the use of a simple 1D model of motion, and found evidence of such de-coordination in experiments. Notice that the buckling we report does not depend on the filament hitting an external object. It is a direct result of a filament activity which, in this context, serves as evidence of cellular de-coordination.
Now that we have observed buckling and plectoneme formation, these processes need to be analysed with additional experiments and modelling. The appropriate model for this process needs to be 3D, and should ideally include torques arising from filament rotation. Experimentally, we need to identify means of influencing filament length and motion and see if we can measure buckling frequency and position across different filament lengths. These works are ongoing and will have to be summarised in a separate, future publication.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors combined time-lapse microscopy with biophysical modeling to study the mechanisms and timescales of gliding and reversals in filamentous cyanobacterium Fluctiforma draycotensis. They observed the highly coordinated behavior of protein complexes moving in a helical fashion on cells' surfaces and along individual filaments as well as their de-coordination, which induces buckling in long filaments.
We thank the reviewer for this accurate summary of the presented work.
The authors provided concrete experimental evidence of cellular coordination and de-coordination of motility between cells along individual filaments. The evidence is comprised of individual trajectories of filaments that glide and reverse on surfaces as well as the helical trajectories of membrane-bound protein complexes that move on individual filaments and are implicated in generating propulsive forces.
We thank the reviewer for listing these positive aspects of the presented work.
The biophysical model is one-dimensional and thus does not capture the buckling observed in long filaments. I expect that the buckling contains useful information since it reflects the competition between bending rigidity, the speed at which cell synchronization occurs, and the strength of the propulsion forces.
Cell-to-cell coordination is a more fundamental phenomenon than the buckling and twisting of longer filaments, in that the latter is a consequence of limits of the former. In this sense, we are focussing here on something that we think is the necessary first step to understand filament gliding. The 3D motion of filaments (bending, plectoneme formation) is fascinating and can have important consequences for collective behaviour and macroscopic structure formation. As a consequence of cellular coupling, however, it is beyond the scope of the present paper.
Please also see our response above. We believe that the detailed analysis of buckling and plectoneme formation requires (and merits) dedicated experiments and modelling which go beyond the focus of the current study (on cellular coordination) and will constitute a separate analysis that stands on its own. We are currently working in that direction.
Future directions:
The study highlights the need to identify molecular and mechanical signaling pathways of cellular coordination. In analogy to the many works on the mechanisms and functions of multi-ciliary coordination, elucidating coordination in cyanobacteria may reveal a variety of dynamic strategies in different filamentous cyanobacteria.
We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point again and seeing the value in combining molecular and dynamical approaches.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors present new observations related to the gliding motility of the multicellular filamentous cyanobacteria Fluctiforma draycotensis. The bacteria move forward by rotating their about their long axis, which causes points on the cell surface to move along helical paths. As filaments glide forward they form visible tracks. Filaments preferentially move within the tracks. The authors devise a simple model in which each cell in a filament exerts a force that either pushes forward or backwards. Mechanical interactions between cells cause neighboring cells to align the forces they exert. The model qualitatively reproduces the tendency of filaments to move in a concerted direction and reverse at the end of tracks.
We thank the reviewer for this accurate summary of the presented work.
The observations of the helical motion of the filament are compelling.
The biophysical model used to describe cell-cell coordination of locomotion is clear and reasonable. The qualitative consistency between theory and observation suggests that this model captures some essential qualities of the true system.
The authors suggest that molecular studies should be directly coupled to the analysis and modeling of motion. I agree.
We thank the reviewer for listing these positive aspects of the presented work and highlighting the need for combining molecular and biophysical approaches.
There is very little quantitative comparison between theory and experiment. It seems plausible that mechanisms other than mechano-sensing could lead to equations similar to those in the proposed model. As there is no comparison of model parameters to measurements or similar experiments, it is not certain that the mechanisms proposed here are an accurate description of reality. Rather the model appears to be a promising hypothesis.
We agree with the referee that the model we put forward is one of several possible. We note, however, that the assumption of mechanosensing by each cell - as done in this model - results in capturing both the alignment of cells within a filament (with some flexibility) and reversal dynamics. We have explored an even more minimal 1D model, where the cell’s direction of force generation is treated as an Ising-like spin and coupled between nearest neighbours (without assuming any specific physico-chemical basis). We found that this model was not fully able to capture both phenomena. In that model, we found that alignment required high levels of coupling (which is hard to justify except for mechanical coupling) and reversals were not readily explainable (and required additional assumptions). These points led us to the current, mechanically motivated model.
The parameterisation of the current model would require measuring cellular forces. To this end, a recent study has attempted to measure some of the physical parameters in a different filamentous cyanobacteria [1] and in our revision we will re-evaluate model parameters and dynamics in light of that study. We will also attempt to directly verify the presence of mechano-sensing by obstructing the movement of filaments.
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eLife assessment
The authors present a solid statistical framework for using sibling phenotype data to assess whether there is evidence for de-novo or rare variants causing extreme trait values. Their valuable method is promising and will be of interest to researchers studying complex trait genetics.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This is a clever and well-done paper. The authors sought to craft a method, applicable to biobank-scale data but without necessarily using genotyping or sequencing, to detect the presence of de novo mutations and rare variants that stand out from the polygenic background of a given trait. Their method depends essentially on sibling pairs where one sibling is in an extreme tail of the phenotypic distribution and whether the other sibling's regression to the mean shows a systematic deviation from what is expected under a simple polygenic architecture.
Their method is successful in that it builds on a compelling intuition, rests on a rigorous derivation, and seems to show reasonable statistical power in the UK Biobank. (More biobanks of this size will probably become available in the near future.) It is somewhat unsuccessful in that rejection of the null hypothesis does not necessarily point to the favored hypothesis of de novo or rare variants. The authors discuss the alternative possibility of rare environmental events of large effect.
Comments on current version:
The authors have addressed the concerns of the reviewers. I have no further comments.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife assessment
The authors present valuable findings on how to determine the genetic architecture of extreme phenotype values by using data on sibling pairs. While the authors' derivations of the method are correct, the scenarios considered are incomplete, making it difficult to have confidence in the interpretation of the results as demonstrating the influence of de-novo or Mendelian (rare, penetrant-variant) architectures. The method nevertheless shows promise and will be of interest to researchers studying complex trait genetics.
A.1: We have now expanded our consideration of the scenarios and we have ensured that we do not over-interpret our results as being due to de novo or Mendelian architectures. Instead, we make clear that our statistical tests are powered to identify these architectures but that there are other potential causes of significant results (e.g. measurement error or uncontrolled environmental factors from heavy-tailed distributions), making follow-up validation studies necessary before underlying architectures can be confirmed. We consider this to be typical of observational research, in which significant results may indicate causal effects unless uncontrolled confounding factors explain the observed associations, requiring experimental/trial follow-up for validation. We believe that our tests are useful for providing initial inference, and that in some settings – e.g. prioritising samples for sequencing to identify rare variants – could be useful as an initial screening step to increase the efficacy of a planned analysis or study.
Additionally, we have now developed “SibArc”, an openly available software tool that takes input sibling trait data and estimates conditional sibling heritability across the trait distribution. Then - based on our theoretical framework developed and described in the paper - for each tail of the trait distribution, estimates effect sizes and generates P-values corresponding to our de novo and Mendelian tests, and performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to identify general departures from our null model. Furthermore, SibArc also provides additional functionality for users under preliminary beta form, for example, running an iterative optimisation routine to infer approximate relative degrees of polygenic, de novo, and Mendelian architectures prevailing in each trait tail. We have made this software tool, Quick Start tutorial, and sample data available online at Github and are hosting these on a dedicated website: www.sibarc.net.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This is a clever and well-done paper that should be published. The authors sought to craft a method, applicable to biobank-scale data but without necessarily using genotyping or sequencing, to detect the presence of de novo mutations and rare variants that stand out from the polygenic background of a given trait. Their method depends essentially on sibling pairs where one sibling is in an extreme tail of the phenotypic distribution and whether the other sibling's regression to the mean shows a systematic deviation from what is expected under a simple polygenic architecture.
Their method is successful in that it builds on a compelling intuition, rests on a rigorous derivation, and seems to show reasonable statistical power in the UK Biobank. (More biobanks of this size will probably become available in the near future.) It is somewhat unsuccessful in that rejection of the null hypothesis does not necessarily point to the favored hypothesis of de novo or rare variants. The authors discuss the alternative possibility of rare environmental events of large effect. Maybe attention should be drawn to this in the abstract or the introduction of the paper. Nevertheless, since either of these possibilities is interesting, the method remains valuable.
A.2: We agree with the reviewer that we should have made it clearer that - while our statistical tests are powered to identify de novo and Mendelian architectures – significant findings from our tests could also be explained by rare environmental events of large effect (specifically by uncontrolled environmental factors with heavy-tailed distributions). We have now made this clear throughout the manuscript (see A.1).
Moreover, we agree with the reviewer that whether the cause of deviations from expectations are due to de novo or rare variants, or environmental factors, either possibility is interesting. For example, in either scenario, our results can highlight inaccuracy in PRS prediction of extreme trait values for certain traits, and also provides a relative measure across different traits of large effects impacting on the trait tails, irrespective of whether genetic or environmental. We now place more emphasis on this point throughout the manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Souaiaia et al. attempt to use sibling phenotype data to infer aspects of genetic architecture affecting the extremes of the trait distribution. They do this by considering deviations from the expected joint distribution of siblings' phenotypes under the standard additive genetic model, which forms their null model. They ascribe excess similarity compared to the null as due to rare variants shared between siblings (which they term 'Mendelian') and excess dissimilarity as due to de-novo variants. While this is a nice idea, there can be many explanations for rejection of their null model, which clouds interpretation of Souaiaia et al.'s empirical results.
A.3: We agree with the reviewer that we should have made clearer that there are other explanations for significant results from our tests and we have now fully addressed this point – (see A.1, A.2, A.4, A.5 for more detail). In addition, we now elaborate on exactly what our null hypothesis is: which is not only that the expected joint distribution of siblings’ phenotypes is governed by the standard additive genetic model, but that environmental effects are either controlled for or else their combined effect is approximately Gaussian. Furthermore, by selecting only those traits whose raw trait distribution most closely corresponds to a Gaussian distribution from the UK Biobank, we increase the probability that significant results from our tests are due to rare variants (shared or unshared among siblings).
The authors present their method as detecting aspects of genetic architecture affecting the extremes of the trait distribution. However, I think it would be better to characterize the method as detecting whether siblings are more or less likely to be aggregated in the extremes of the phenotype distribution than would be predicted under a common variant, additive genetic model.
A.4: As discussed above we should have stated more clearly that significant results could be due to non-genetic factors, we have now addressed this.
However, we do not think that it would be appropriate to characterise our tests as merely corresponding to over and under aggregation of siblings in the tails. Firstly, environmental factors should be controlled for as part of our testing, increasing the probability that significant results are due to genetic, and not environmental factors. Secondly, tests for identifying broad over and under aggregation of siblings in the tails should be designed differently and, accordingly, the tests that we have developed here would not be optimal to detect over/under aggregation of siblings in trait tails. Our test for inference of de novo variants, for example, exploits the fact that de novo alleles of large effect result in one sibling being extreme and all others being drawn from the background distribution, so that the mean of other siblings is relatively low – not merely that other siblings are less likely to be found in the tail. For more discussion on this issue in relation to one of reviewer 1’s points, see A.9.
Exactly how the rareness and penetrance of a genetic variant influence the conditional sibling phenotype distribution at the extremes is not made clear. The contrast between de-novo and 'Mendelian' architectures is somewhat odd since these are highly related phenomena: a 'Mendelian' architecture could be due to a de-novo variant of the previous generation. The fact that these two phenomena are surmised to give opposing signatures in the authors' statistical tests seems suboptimal to me: would it not be better to specify a parameter that characterizes the degree or sharing between siblings of rare factors of large effect? This could be related to the mixture components in the bimodal distribution displayed in Fig 1. In fact, won't the extremes of all phenotypes be influenced by all three types of variants (common, rare, de-novo) to greater or lesser degree? By framing the problem as a hypothesis testing problem, I think the authors are obscuring the fact that the extremes of real phenotypes likely reflect a mixture of causes: common, de-novo, and rare variants (and shared and non-shared environmental factors).
A.5: We absolutely recognise that there will typically be a complex and continuous mix of genetic architectures underlying complex traits in their tails, dictated by the 2-dimensional relationship between allele frequency and effect size. We did consider developing a fully Bayesian statistical framework to model this, but soon realised that doing this properly would require a substantial amount of model development, accounting for multiple factors in ways that would require a great deal of further investigation; for example, performing a range of complex simulations to investigate the effects of different selective pressures over time, different patterns of assortative mating, and effect size generating distributions. We are in the process of applying for funding for a multi-year project that will perform exactly these investigations as a step towards developing more sophisticated models of inference. In the meantime, we do believe that the simpler hypothesis-testing framework that we have developed here does have important value. Assuming that environmental factors are accounted for, or that any that are not accounted for have combined Gaussian effects, then our tests will indeed infer enrichments of de novo and ‘Mendelian’ rare alleles of large effect in the tails of complex traits. Results from these tests can also be compared within and across traits to compare the relative degree of such enrichments among traits. For some traits we observe significant results from both tests, and for other traits we observe highly significant results from one of our tests but not the other. Thus, while our tests do not provide a complete picture about the genetic architecture in the tails of complex traits, they do offer some intriguing initial insights into tail architecture, important given the enrichment of disease in trait tails.
To better enable interpretation of the results of this method, a more comprehensive set of simulations is needed. Factors that may influence the conditional distribution of siblings' phenotypes beyond those considered include: non-normal distribution, assortative mating, shared environment, interactions between genetic and shared environmental factors, and genetic interactions.
A.6: As described above (see A.5) we do agree that a more comprehensive set of simulations is exactly what is needed to further extend this work. However, we believe that the tests that we have developed so far, which make some simplifying assumptions that we think would often hold in practice, is a useful start to what is an entirely novel approach to inferring genetic architecture from family trait-only (non-genetic) data. Our work could already be useful for method developers who may wish to extend our approach in ways that we may not think of. It could also be useful for applied scientists focusing on specific traits who will be able to gain initial, inference-level, insights by applying our tests to their data, while the results of applying our tests may even guide study design of rare variant mapping studies.
In summary, I think this is a promising method that is revealing something interesting about extreme values of phenotypes. Determining exactly what is being revealed is going to take a lot more work, however.
A.7: We thank the reviewer for highlighting the promise in our approach and agree that it is revealing something interesting about complex traits. We also agree that it is going to take a lot more work to reveal exactly what that is for different traits, which we plan to work on ourselves and hope that this paper will help other interested scientists to follow-up on and extend as well.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
R.1.1: Why these particular traits (body fat, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, neuroticism, heel bone mineral density, monocyte count, sitting height)?
A.8: Traits were initially selected to cover a variety of traits (anthropometric, metabolic, personality..) and to illustrate different examples of tail architecture. However, in response to a point from reviewer 2 (see A.17), we have now overhauled our quality control of traits to ensure that only traits closely matching Gaussian distributions are included. In total, 18 traits were selected, with detailed results presented in Appendix 4 and results corresponding to 6 of the traits presented in the main text (Figure 6) to show examples of different types of tail architecture.
R.1.2: Why are there separate tests for de novo and Mendelian architectures? It seems that one could use either of the derived tests for both purposes, simply by switching to a two-sided test for each tail. My guess is that the score test of whether alpha is zero would be the more statistically powerful test.
A.9: The score test of whether alpha is zero has limited power to detect Mendelian architectures. This is because under Mendelian effects, half the siblings in a family have trait values reflecting the background distribution, such that the mean of sibling trait values is not so different from the polygenic expectation (i.e. alpha close to 0). The Mendelian score test that we developed is substantially more powerful because it evaluates co-occurrence of siblings in the tails, which is far higher under Mendelian architecture in the tail than compared to polygenic architecture.
However, in order test for general departures from our null model, including those of non-Gaussian environmental factors, we now include results from performing a Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test of difference from the expected distribution, and also provide this test as an option in our ‘SibArc’ software tool.
R.1.3: This method assumes that assortative mating is absent. I worry that sitting height might not be a good trait to analyze, since there is some assortative mating (~0.3) for height (e.g., Yengo et al., 2018). Perhaps this trait should not be included among those that are analyzed in this paper. Then again, it is possible that there is less assortative mating for sitting height than total height (i.e., leg length) (Jensen & Sinha, 1993).
A.10: It is true that our method assumes random mating. We note that while assortative mating increases sibling similarity relative to expectation, if it is stable across the trait distribution it will also bias heritability estimation upward which is likely it’s potential impact in our framework. However, if assortative mating is more prevalent in the tails of the distribution, it can result in excess kurtosis – an impact that can increase false positive Mendelian tests and false negative de novo tests. Given that the trait distribution for Sitting Height has only moderate excess Kurtosis (~0.4, see Fig 9, Appendix 4) and we inferred de novo architecture only for this trait, we feel that including it in the paper is appropriate.
R.1.4: I wonder if it's possible to discuss the impact of non-additive genetic variance on the method. How does this affect the estimation of heritability, which calibrates the expectation for regression to the mean? Can non-additive genetic deviations explain a rejection of the null hypothesis of simple polygenicity?
A.11: Yes, the heritability estimation, which calibrates expectation for regression to the mean, assumes additivity of effects, as do the most popular estimators of heritability from GWAS data in the field: GCTA-GREML, LD Score regression and LDAK. Accordingly, non-additive genetic effects could result in rejection of the null hypothesis. We have highlighted this point in the Discussion. However, we also point out that current evidence suggests that the contribution of non-additive genetic effects to complex trait variation is relatively small (Hivert 2021) and that non-additive genetic effects that have a similar impact across the trait distribution should not be a problem for our approach (only those that have an increasing effect towards the tails would be).
R.1.5: p.5: Maybe a more realistic way to simulate a genetic architecture is to draw the MAF from the distribution [MAF(1 - MAF)]^{-1} and then an effect of the minor allele from some mound-shaped distribution (e.g., mixture of normals). The absolute or squared effect of the minor allele should increases as the MAF decreases, and there have been some papers trying to estimate this relationship (e.g., Zeng et al., 2021). Maybe make the number of causal SNPs 10,000. I don't rate this as an urgent suggestion because my sense is that the method should be robust, making adequate even a fairly minimal simulation confirming its accuracy.
A.11: In separate work, we have performed a comprehensive simulation study using the forward-in-time population genetic simulator SLIM-3 (Haller and Messer, 2019), which generates genetic effects according to Gaussian and Gamma distributions and models different selective pressures on complex traits. We plan to publish this work shortly and also extend the simulations to family data, from which we will be able to test the performance of our methods here under a range of different scenarios of genetic variation generation, including a variety of relationships between allele frequency and effect sizes. We agree with the reviewer that at this point, however, our minimal simulation should be sufficient to confirm our tests’ general robustness and so we will perform further testing once we have extended our more sophisticated simulation study.
R.1.6: p.6: Step D seems to leave out a normalization of G to have unit variance. Also, the last part should say "the square of the correlation between the genetic liability and the trait is equal to the heritability."
A.12: Corrected – we thank the reviewer for spotting this.
R.1.7: Figure 5: The power being adequate if roughly 1 of a 1000 index siblings with an extreme trait value owes their values to de novo mutations makes me think that there should be a discussion of the prior probability. The average person carries about 80 de novo mutations. How many of these are likely to affect, e.g., height? Zeng et al. (2021) gave estimates of mutational targets. Given that a mutation affects height, will its likely effect size be large enough to be detected with the method? Kemper et al. (2012) discussed this point in a perhaps useful way.
A.13: We find the work investigating mutational target sizes and generating effect sizes of different mutations (de novo or rare) to be extremely interesting and critical for understanding the causes of observed genetic variation. However, we think that this work is insufficiently progressed at this point to build on directly here for making more nuanced interpretation of our results. We are, however, exploring the impact of mutational target sizes, effect size distributions and selection effects, on the genetic architecture of complex traits via population genetic simulations (see A.11), and so we hope to be able to provide more in-depth interpretation of our results in the future.
R.1.8: Figure 6: The number in the tables for Mendelian architecture are presumably observed and expected counts. But what about the numbers for de novo architecture? Those don't look like counts. Maybe they are conditional expectations of standardized trait values. Whatever the case may be, the caption should provide an explanation.
A.14: The observed and expected values for the de novo statistical test represent the expected and observed mean standardized trait values for siblings of individuals in the bottom and top 1% of the distribution. We have now made this clear in our updated figure.
R.1.9: p. 16: Element (2,1) in the precision matrix after Equation 15 is missing a negative sign.
A.15: Corrected – we thank the reviewer for spotting this.
R.1.10: p. 20: Shouldn't Equation 20 place an exponent of n on the factor outside of the exponential?
A.16: Corrected – we thank the reviewer for spotting this.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
R.2.1: The first concern that I have is that their statistical tests rely heavily on an assumption of bivariate normal distribution for sibling pair's phenotypes. Real phenotypes do not have such a distribution in general. The authors rely upon an inverse-normal transform when applying their method to real data. While the inverse-normal transform will ensure that the siblings' phenotypes have a marginal normal distribution, such a transform does not ensure that the joint distribution is bivariate normal. The authors should examine their procedure for simulated phenotypes with a non-normal distribution to see if their statistical tests remain properly calibrated. Related to this, I am concerned about applying an inverse normal transform to the neuroticism phenotype that contains only 13 unique values in UKB. How does the transform deal with tied values? Can we sensibly talk about extreme trait values for such a set of observations?
A.17: The reviewer is correct that a bivariate normal distribution for sibling pairs’ trait values does not necessarily hold, and only does so if the assumptions of our null model are met (polygenic effects, Gaussian environmental effects, random mating..). We have now more clearly described the assumptions of our null model, and to increase the matching of our selected traits to those assumptions we have expanded our analyses and now present results on traits that are close to Gaussian. As part of this more strict quality control, only traits with more than 50 unique values are included, meaning that neuroticism is excluded in our final analysis. We also now note that performing an inverse normal transformation on the traits only increases the robustness of the tests to some of our modelling assumptions. In future work we plan to investigate how best to model the conditional sibling distribution under a variety of non-Gaussian environmental effects and different non-random patterns of mating.
R.2.2: The joint sibling phenotype distribution (Equation 4) can be derived by applying the formula for the conditional distribution of a multivariate Gaussian to the standard additive genetic model. The authors' derivation is unnecessarily complex. Furthermore, many of the formulae have been used in Shai Carmi's work on embryo screening, but this work is not cited.
A.18: We now state in the text that the conditional sibling distribution can also be derived from the joint trait distribution of related individuals, which we use in our extension to the 3-sibling scenario, and cite Shai Carmi’s work where this is used. The joint distribution is a more straightforward way to derive the conditional sibling distribution, but our derivation based on considering mid-parents is generalisable to cases where assumptions of random mating, Gaussian population trait distribution and no selection do not hold. We also think that our mid-parent based derivation will be more intuitive to many readers, leading to greater understanding and potential for extension. Therefore, overall we believe that its presentation is worthwhile and we have now elaborated on this in the Methods.
R.2.3: Equation 8: this probability should be conditional on s1
A.19: Corrected – we thank the reviewer for spotting this.
R.2.4: The empirical application to UKB data is lacking methodological details. Also, the number of siblings used is low compared to the number of available sibling pairs. Around 19k sibling pairs are available in the UKB white British subsample, but only 10k were used for height. Why? Also, why are extreme values excluded? Isn't this removing the signal the authors are looking to explain?
A.20: We have now provided more methodological details throughout the Methods section, in particular in relation to the samples used and quality control performed. The removal of individuals with extreme values, in particular, is because unusually low/high trait values are more likely to be due to measurement error (e.g. due to imperfect measuring device, or storage/assaying) than for typical values, and so while this may also result in some loss in power (albeit small due to few individuals having values +/- 8 s.d. trait means) we consider it worth it for the potential reduction in type I error. In performing our newly expanded analysis (described above), and accounting for the reviewer’s point here about sample size, we did find a bug in our pipeline that meant that we did not include as many sibling pairs as available. We thank the reviewer for spotting this, since this contributed to our new analysis being substantially more powerful than the original (including up to ~17k sibling pairs depending on completeness of trait data).
Benjamin C Haller, Phillip W Messer. SLiM 3: Forward Genetic Simulations Beyond the Wright–Fisher Model. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2019. 36(3): 632-637.
SD Whiteman, SM McHale, A Soli. Theoretical Perspectives on Sibling Relationships. J Fam Theory Rev. 2011 Jun 1;3(2):124-139.
Nicholas H Barton, Alison M Etheridge, and Amandine Véber. The infinitesimal model: Definition, derivation, and implications. Theoretical population biology, 118:50–73, 2017.
Valentin Hivert et al. “Estimation of non-additive genetic variance in human complex traits from a large sample of unrelated individuals.” American journal of human genetics vol. 108,5 (2021)
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors demonstrate that it is possible to carry out eQTL experiments for the model eukaryote S. cerevisiae, in "one pot" preparations, by using single-cell sequencing technologies to simultaneously genotype and measure expression. This is a very appealing approach for investigators studying genetic variation in single-celled and other microbial systems, and will likely inspire similar approaches in non-microbial systems where comparable cell mixtures of genetically heterogeneous individuals could be achieved.
While eQTL experiments have been done for nearly two decades (the corresponding author's lab are pioneers in this field), this single-cell approach creates the possibility for new insights about cell biology that would be extremely challenging to infer using bulk sequencing approaches. The major motivating application shown here is to discover cell occupancy QTL, i.e. loci where genetic variation contributes to differences in the relative occupancy of different cell cycle stages. The authors dissect and validate one such cell cycle occupancy QTL, involving the gene GPA1, a G-protein subunit that plays a role in regulating the mating response MAPK pathway. They show that variation at GPA1 is associated with proportional differences in the fraction of cells in the G1 stage of the cell cycle. Furthermore, they show that this bias is associated with differences in mating efficiency.
While the experimental validation of the role of GPA1 variation is well done, the novel cell cycle occupancy QTL aspect of the study is somewhat underexploited. The cell occupancy QTLs that are mentioned all involve loci that the authors have identified in prior studies that involved the same yeast crosses used here. It would be interesting to know what new insights, besides the "usual suspects", the analysis reveals. For example, in Cross B there is another large effect cell occupancy QTL on Chr XI that affects the G1/S stage. What candidate genes and alleles are at this locus? And since cell cycle stages are not biologically independent (a delay in G1, could have a knock-on effect on the frequency of cells with that genotype in G1/S), it would seem important to consider the set of QTLs in concert.
We thank the reviewer for this suggested clarification. We have modified the text to make it clear that cell cycle occupancy is a compositional phenotype. Like the reviewer, we also noticed the distal trans eQTL hotspot on Chr XI in Cross B, but we were not able to identify compelling candidate gene(s) or variant(s) despite extensive effort.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Boocock and colleagues present an approach whereby eQTL analysis can be carried out by scRNA-Seq alone, in a one-pot-shot experiment, due to genotypes being able to be inferred from SNPs identified in RNA-Seq reads. This approach obviates the need to isolate individual spores, genotype them separately by low-coverage sequencing, and then perform RNA-Seq on each spore separately. This is a substantial advance and opens up the possibility to straightforwardly identify eQTLs over many conditions in a cost-efficient manner. Overall, I found the paper to be well-written and well-motivated, and have no issues with either the methodological/analytical approach (though eQTL analysis is not my expertise), or with the manuscript's conclusions.
I do have several questions/comments.
393 segregant experiment:
For the experiment with the 393 previously genotyped segregants, did the authors examine whether averaging the expression by genotype for single cells gave expression profiles similar to the bulk RNA-Seq data generated from those genotypes? Also, is it possible (and maybe not, due to the asynchronous nature of the cell culture) to use the expression data to aid in genotyping for those cells whose genotypes are ambiguous? I presume it might be if one has a sufficient number of cells for each genotype, though, for the subsequent one-pot experiments, this is a moot point.
As mentioned in our preliminary response, while it is possible to expand the analysis along these lines, this is not relevant for the subsequent one-pot experiments. We have made all the data available so that anyone interested can try these analyses.
Figure 1B:
Is UMAP necessary to observe an ellipse/circle - I wouldn't be surprised if a simple PCA would have sufficed, and given the current discussion about whether UMAP is ever appropriate for interpreting scRNA-Seq (or ancestry) data, it seems the PCA would be a preferable approach. I would expect that the periodic elements are contained in 2 of the first 3 principal components. Also, it would be nice if there were a supplementary figure similar to Figure 4 of Macosko et al (PMID 26000488) to indeed show the cell cycle dependent expression.
We have added two new figures (S2 and S3) that represent alternative visualizations of the cell-cycle that are not dependent on UMAP. Figure S2 shows plots of different pairs of principal components, with each cell colored by its assigned cell-cycle stage. We do not observe a periodic pattern in the first 3 principal components as the reviewer expected, but when we explore the first 6 principal components, we see combinations of components that clearly separate the cell cycle clusters. We emphasize that the clusters were generated using the Louvain algorithm and assigned to cell-cycle stages using marker genes, and that UMAP was used only for visualization.
We could not create a figure similar to Macosko et al. because of differences between the cell cycle categories we used and those of Spellman et al (PMID 9843569). We instead created Figure S3 to address the reviewer's comment. This figure uses a heatmap in a style similar to that of Macosko et al. to display cell-cycle-dependent expression of the 22 genes we used as cell cycle markers across each of the five cell cycle stages (M/G1, G1, G1/S, S, G2/M).
We have renumbered the supplementary figures after incorporating these two additional supplementary figures into the manuscript.
Aging, growth rate, and bet-hedging:
The mention of bet-hedging reminded me of Levy et al (PMID 22589700), where they saw that Tsl1 expression changed as cells aged and that this impacted a cell's ability to survive heat stress. This bet-hedging strategy meant that the older, slower-growing cells were more likely to survive, so I wondered a couple of things. It is possible from single-cell data to identify either an aging, or a growth rate signature? A number of papers from David Botstein's group culminated in a paper that showed that they could use a gene expression signature to predict instantaneous growth rate (PMID 19119411) and I wondered if a) this is possible from single-cell data, and b) whether in the slower growing cells, they see markers of aging, whether these two signatures might impact the ability to detect eQTLs, and if they are detected, whether they could in some way be accounted for to improve detection.
As mentioned in our preliminary response, we are not sure how to look for gene expression signatures of aging in yeast scRNA-seq data. We believe that the proposed analyses are beyond the scope of the current paper. As noted above, we have made all the data available so that anyone interested can explore these hypotheses.
AIL vs. F2 segregants:
I'm curious if the authors have given thought to the trade-offs of developing advanced intercross lines for scRNA-Seq eQTL analysis. My impression is that AIL provides better mapping resolution, but at the expense of having to generate the lines. It might be useful to see some discussion on that.
We thank the reviewer for the comments. We believe that a discussion of trade-offs between different approaches for constructing mapping populations, such as AIL and F2 segregants, is beyond the scope of this paper.
10x vs SPLit-Seq
10x is a well established, but fairly expensive approach for scRNA-Seq - I wondered how the cost of the 10x approach compares to the previously used approach of genotyping segregants and performing bulk RNA-Seq, and how those costs would change if one used SPLiT-Seq (see PMID 38282330).
We thank the reviewer for the comments. We believe that a discussion of cost trade-offs between 10x and other approaches is beyond the scope of this paper, especially given the rapidly evolving costs of different technologies.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Throughout the results section the authors point to File S1 for additional information. This file is a tarball with about 20 Excel documents in it, each with several sheets embedded. The authors should provide a detailed README describing how to understand the organizations of the files in File S1 and the many embedded sheets in each file. Statements made in the manuscript about File S1 should explicitly direct the reader to a specific spreadsheet and table to refer to.
We have added an additional README file to the tarball that explains the organization of File S1 and describes the data contained in each sheet. Throughout the text, we now reference specific spreadsheets to assist the reader. In addition, these spreadsheets have been added to a github repository https://github.com/theboocock/finemapping_spreadsheets_single_cell
Neither of the two GitHub repositories referenced under "Code availability" has adequate documentation that would allow a reader to try and reproduce the analyses presented here. The one entitled https://github.com/joshsbloom/single_cell_eQTL has no functional README, while https://github.com/theboocock/yeast_single_cell_post_analysis is somewhat better but still hard to navigate. Basic information on expected inputs, file formats, file organization, output types, and formats, etc. is required to get any of these pipelines to run and should be provided at a minimum.
We thank the reviewer for the comment. In response, we have refactored both GitHub repositories and added extensive documentation to improve usability. We updated the versions of software and packages, this has been reflected in the methods section.
S. cerevisiae strains are preferentially diploid in nature and many genes involved in the mating pathway are differentially regulated in diploids vs haploids. Have the authors explored the fitness effects of the GPA1 82R allele in diploids? What is the dominance relationship between 82W and 82R?
We thank the reviewer for the comment. In diploid yeast, the mating pathway is repressed, and thus we would not expect there to be any fitness consequences due to the presence of different alleles of GPA1.
The diploid expression profiling (page 5 and Table S9) doesn't implicate GPA1; can you the authors comment on this in light of their finding in haploids?
The mating pathway, including GPA1, is repressed in diploids, and hence the expression of GPA1 cannot be studied in these strains (PMID: 3113739). In addition, allele-specific expression differences only identify cis-regulatory effects. We know that the GPA1 variant results in a protein-coding change, which may or may not influence the levels of mRNA in cis, so that even if GPA1 were expressed in diploids, there would be no expectation of an allele-specific difference in expression.
With respect to the candidate CYR1 QTL -- note that strains with compromised Cyr1 function also generally show increased sporulation rates and/or sporulation in rich media conditions (cAMP-PKA signaling represses sporulation). Is this the case in diploids with the CBS2888 allele at CYR1? If the CBS2888 allele is a CYR1 defect one might expect reduced cAMP levels. It is possible to estimate adenylate cyclase levels using a fairly straightforward ELISA assay. This would provide more convincing evidence of the causal mechanism of the alleles identified.
We thank the reviewer for the comment, and we agree that a functional study of the CYR1 alleles would provide more convincing evidence for the causal mechanism of the connection between cell cycle occupancy, cAMP levels, and growth. However, we believe that the proposed experiments are beyond the scope of our current study. The evidence we provide is sufficient to establish that CYR1 is a strong candidate gene for the eQTL hotspot.
Re: CYR1 candidate QTL -- The authors should reference the work of [Patrick Van Dijck] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?sort=date&term=Van+Dijck+P&cauthor_id= 20924200) and [Johan M Thevelein] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?sort=date&term=Thevelein+JM&cauth or_id=20924200) on CYR1 allelic variation, and other papers besides the Matsumoto/ Ishikawa papers, as the effects of cAMP-PKA signaling on stress can be quite variable. cAMP pathway variants, including in CYR1, have popped up in quite a few other yeast QTL mapping and experimental evolution papers. These should be referenced as well.
We thank the reviewer for these references; we have added a comment about the relationship between stress tolerance and CYR1 variation, and cited the relevant references accordingly.
Figure S10 - the subfigure showing the frequency of the GPA 82R compared to 82W suggests a fairly large and deleterious fitness effect of this allele; on the order of 7-8% fewer cells per cell cycle stage than the 82W allele. Can the authors reconcile this with the more modest growth rate effect they report on page 8?
Figure S12C displays the allele frequency of the 82R allele across the cell cycle in the single-cell data from allele-replacement strains. These strains were grown separately and processed using two individual 10x chromium runs. The resulting sequenced library had 11,695 cells with the 82R allele and 14,894 cells with the 82W allele. The 7-8% difference in the number of cells is due to slight differences in the number of captured cells per run, not due to growth differences, because we attempted to pool cells in equal numbers from separate mid-log cultures.
The proportion of cells in G1 increases by ~3% in strains with the 82R allele relative to the baseline proportion of cells in the experiment, which, to the reviewers point, is still larger than the ~1% growth difference we observed. Cell cycle occupancy is a compositional phenotype. As shown in figure S12C, the 82R variant increases the fraction of cells in G1 and slightly decreases the fraction of cells in M/G1. There is no obvious expectation for quantitatively translating a change in cell cycle occupancy to a change in growth rate.
The authors refer to the Lang et al. 2009 paper w/respect to GPA1 variant S469I but that paper seems to have explored a different GPA1 allele, GPA1-G1406T, with respect to growth rates.
We thank the reviewer for their comment. The S469I variant is the same as the G1406T variant, one denoting the amino acid change at position 469 in the protein and the other denoting the corresponding nucleotide change at position 1406 in the DNA coding sequence. We have altered the text to make this clear to the reader.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
I make no recommendations as to additional work for the authors. The manuscript is complete. I suggested some things I would like to see in my review, but it's up to them to decide whether they think any of those would further enhance the manuscript.
However, I do have I have some pedantic formatting notes:
- Microliters are variously presented as uL, ul, and µl - it should be µL
- Similarly, milliliters are presented as ml and ML - it should be mL
- Also, there should be a space between the number and the unit, e.g. 10 µL
- Some gene names in the manuscript are not italicized in all instances, e.g., GPA1
We thank the reviewer for these formatting suggestions, we have made these changes throughout the text.
eLife assessment
This manuscript describes the mapping of natural DNA sequence variants that affect gene expression and its noise, as well as cell cycle timing, using as input single-cell RNA-sequencing of progeny from crosses between wild yeast strains. The method represents an important advance in the study of natural genetic variation. The findings, especially given the follow-up validation of the phenotypic impact of a mapped locus of major effect, provide convincing support for the rigor and utility of the method.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors demonstrate that it is possible to carry out eQTL experiments for the model eukaryote S. cerevisiae, in "one pot" preparations, by using single-cell sequencing technologies to simultaneously genotype and measure expression. This is a very appealing approach for investigators studying genetic variation in single-celled and other microbial systems, and will likely inspire similar approaches in non-microbial systems where comparable cell mixtures of genetically heterogeneous individuals could be achieved.
While eQTL experiments have been done for nearly two decades (the corresponding author's lab are pioneers in this field), this single-cell approach creates the possibility for new insights about cell biology that would be extremely challenging to infer using bulk sequencing approaches. The major motivating application shown here is to discover cell occupancy QTL, i.e. loci where genetic variation contributes to differences in the relative occupancy of different cell cycle stages. The authors dissect and validate one such cell cycle occupancy QTL, involving the gene GPA1, a G-protein subunit that plays a role in regulating the mating response MAPK pathway. They show that variation at GPA1 is associated with proportional differences in the fraction of cells in the G1 stage of the cell cycle. Furthermore, they show that this bias is associated with differences in mating efficiency.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Boocock and colleagues present an approach whereby eQTL analysis can be carried out by scRNA-Seq alone, in a one-pot-shot experiment, due to genotypes being able to be inferred from SNPs identified in RNA-Seq reads. This approach obviates the need to isolate individual spores, genotype them separately by low-coverage sequencing, and then perform RNA-Seq on each spore separately. This is a substantial advance and opens up the possibility to straightforwardly identify eQTLs over many conditions in a cost-efficient manner. Overall, I found the paper to be well-written and well-motivated, and have no issues with either the methodological/analytical approach (though eQTL analysis is not my expertise), or with the manuscript's conclusions.
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eLife assessment
This important study investigates neurobiological mechanisms underlying the maintenance of stable, functionally appropriate rhythmic motor patterns during changing environmental conditions - temperature in this study in the crab Cancer borealis stomatogastric central neural pattern generating circuits producing the rhythmic pyloric motor pattern, which is naturally subjected to temperature perturbations over a substantial range. The authors present compelling evidence that the neuronal hyperpolarization-activated inward current (Ih), known to contribute to rhythm control, plays a vital role in the ability of these circuits to appropriately adjust the frequency of rhythmic neural activity in a smooth monotonic fashion while maintaining the relative timing of different phases of the activity pattern that determines proper functional motor coordination transiently and persistently to temperature perturbations. This study will be of interest to neurobiologists studying rhythmic motor circuits and systems and their physiological adaptations.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This important study investigates the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the stable operation and maintenance of functionally appropriate rhythmic motor patterns during changing environmental conditions - temperature in this study in the crab Cancer borealis stomatogastric neural pattern generating network producing the pyloric motor rhythm, which is naturally subjected to temperature perturbations over a substantial range. This study is relevant to the general problem that some rhythmic motor systems adjust to changing environmental conditions and state changes by increasing the cycle frequency in a smooth monotonic fashion while maintaining the relative timing of different network activity pattern phases that determine proper motor coordination. How this is achieved mechanistically in complex dynamic motor networks is not understood, particularly how the frequency and phase adjustments are achieved as conditions change while avoiding operational instabilities on different time scales. The authors specifically studied the contributions of the hyperpolarization-activated inward current (Ih), which is involved in rhythm control, to the adjustments of frequency and phases in the pyloric rhythmic pattern as the temperature was altered from 11 degrees C to 21 degrees C. They present compelling evidence that this current is a critical biophysical feature in the ability of this system to adjust transiently and persistently to temperature perturbations appropriately. After blocking Ih in the pyloric network with cesium, the network was unable to reliably produce its characteristic rapid and smooth increase in the frequency of the triphasic rhythmic motor pattern in response to increasing temperature or its typical steady-state increase in frequency over this Q10 temperature range.
(1) The authors addressed this problem by technically rigorous experiments in the crab Cancer borealis stomatogastric ganglion (STG) in vitro, which readily allows for neuronal activity recording in a behaviorally and architecturally defined rhythmic neural circuit in conjunction with the application of blockers of Ih and synaptic receptors to disrupt circuit interactions. This approach is an effective way to experimentally investigate how complex rhythmic networks, at least in poikilotherms, mechanistically adjust to environmental perturbations such as temperature.
(2) While previous work demonstrated that Ih increases in pyloric neurons as temperature increases, the authors here establish that this increase is necessary for normal responses of STG neural activity to temperature, which consist of a smooth monotonic increase in the frequency of rhythmic activity with increasing temperature.
(3) The data shows that blocking Ih with cesium causes the frequency to transiently decrease ("jags") when the temperature increases and then increases after the temperature stabilizes at a steady state, revealing a non-monotonic frequency response to temperature perturbations.
(4) The authors dissect some of the underlying neuronal and circuit dynamics, presenting evidence that after blocking Ih, the non-monotonic jags in the frequency response are mediated by intrinsic properties of pacemaker neurons, while in the steady state, Ih determined the overall frequency change (i.e., temperature sensitivity) through network interactions.
(5) The authors' results highlight more complex dynamic responses to increasing temperature for the first time, suggesting a longer timescale process than previously recognized that may result from interactions between multiple channels and/or ion channel kinetics.
(1) The involvement of Ih in achieving the frequency and phase adjustments as conditions change and allowing smooth transitions to avoid operational instabilities in other complex rhythmic motor networks, for example, in homeotherms, is not established, so the present results may have limited general extrapolations.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Using the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), the authors present an interesting study wherein the contribution of the Ih current to temperature-induced changes in the frequency of a rhythmically active neural circuit is evaluated. Ih is a hyperpolarization-activated cation current that depolarizes neurons. Under normal conditions, increasing the temperature of the STNS increases the frequency of the spontaneously active pyloric rhythm. Notably, under normal conditions, as temperature systematically increases, the concomitant increase in pyloric frequency is smooth (i.e., monotonic). By contrast, blocking Ih with extracellular cesium produces temperature-induced pyloric frequency changes that follow a characteristic sawtooth response (i.e., non-monotonic). That is, in cesium, increasing temperature initially results in a transient drop in pyloric frequency that then stabilizes at a higher frequency. Thus, the authors conclude that Ih establishes a mechanism that ensures smooth changes in neural network frequency during environmental disturbances, a feature that likely bestows advantages to the animal's function.
The study describes several surprising and interesting findings. In general, the study's primary observation of the cesium-induced sawtooth response is remarkable. To my knowledge, this type of response has not yet been described in neurobiological systems, and I suspect that the unexpected response will be of interest to many readers.
At first glance, I had some concerns regarding the use of extracellular cesium to understand network phenomena. Yes, extracellular cesium blocks Ih. But extracellular cesium has also been shown to block astrocytic potassium channels, at least in mammalian systems (i.e., K-IR, PMID: 10601465), and such a blockade can elevate extracellular potassium. I was heartened to see that the authors acknowledge the non-specificity of cesium (lines 320-325) and I agree with the authors' contention that "a first approximation most of the effects seen here can likely be attributed to Cs+ block of Ih". Upon reflecting on the potential confound, I was also reassured to see that extracellular cesium alone does not in fact increase pyloric frequency, an effect that might be expected if cesium indirectly raises [K+]outside. If the authors agree, then I suggest including that point in their discussion.
In summary, the authors present a solid investigation of a surprising biological phenomenon. In general, my comments are fairly minor. Thanks for contributing an interesting study.
A major strength of the study is the identification of an ionic conductance that mediates stable, monotonic changes in oscillatory frequency that accompany changes in the environment (i.e., temperature).
A potential experimental concern stems from the use of extracellular cesium to attribute network effects specifically to Ih. Previous work has shown that extracellular cesium also blocks inward-rectifier potassium channels expressed by astrocytes, and that such blockade may also elevate extracellular potassium, an action that generally depolarizes neurons. Notably, the authors address this potential concern in the discussion.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This paper presents a systematic analylsis of the role of the hyperpolarization-activated inward current (the h current) in the response of the pyloric rhythm of the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of the crab. In a detailed set of experiments, they analyze the effect of blocking h current with bath infusion of the h current blocker cesium (perfused as CsCl). They show interesting and reproducible effects that blockade of h current results in a period of frequency decrease after an upward step in temperature, followed by a slow increase in frequency. This contrasts with the normal temperature response that shows an increase in frequency with an increase in temperature without a downward "jag" in the frequency response. This is an important paper for showing the role of h current in stabilizing network dynamics in response to perturbations such as a temperature change.
Strengths of the paper:
The major effects are shown very clearly and convincingly in a range of experiments with combined intracellular recording from neurons during changes in temperature.
The Marder lab has detailed models of the pyloric rhythm. These temperature effects have not yet been modeled and could be the focus of future modeling studies.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Response to Public Reviews:
We thank the reviewers for their kind comments have implemented many of the suggestion their suggestions. Our paper has greatly benefited from their advice. Like Reviewer 1, we acknowledge that while the exact involvement of Ih in allowing smooth transitions is likely not universal across all systems, our demonstration of the ways in which such currents can affect the dynamics of the response of complex rhythmic motor networks provides valuable insight. To address the concerns of Reviewer 2, we included a sentence in the discussion to highlight the fact that cesium neither increased the pyloric frequency nor caused consistent depolarization in intracellular recordings. We also highlighted that these observations suggest both that cesium is not indirectly raising [K+]outside and support the conclusion that the effects of cesium are primarily through blockade of Ih rather than other potassium channels.
Reviewer 3 raised some important points about modeling. While the lab has models that explore the effects of temperature on artificial triphasic rhythms, these models do not account for all the biophysical nuances of the full biological system. We have limited data about the exact nature of temperature-induced parameter changes and the extent to which these changes are mediated by intrinsic effects of temperature on protein structure versus protein interactions/modification by processes such as phosphorylation. With respects to the A current, Tang et al., 2010 reported that the activation and inactivation rates are differentially temperature sensitive but we do not have the data to suggest whether or not the time courses of such sensitivities are different. As such, we focus our discussion on the properties we know are modulated by temperature, i.e. activation rates. Within the discussion we now include the suggestion that future, more comprehensive modeling may be appropriate to further elucidate the ways in which reducing Ih may produce the here reported experimentally observed effects.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Suggested revisions:
A figure showing examples of the voltage-clamp traces for the critical measurements of the extent of Ih block by 5 mM CsCl in PD and LP neurons at the temperature extremes in these preparations is not shown, and the authors should consider including such a figure, perhaps as a supplemental figure.
We have added Supplemental Figure 1 containing voltage-clamp traces demonstrating the extent of Ih block by 5mM CsCl in PD and LP neurons at 11 and 21°C. Due to technical concerns, different preparations were used in the measurements at 11°C and 21°C, but the point that the H-current is reduced is demonstrated in all cases.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for The Authors):
Specific (Minor) Comments:
(1) Line 83: In Cs+ "at 11°C, the pyloric frequency was significantly decreased compared to control conditions (Saline: 1.2± 0.2 Hz; Cs+ 0.9± 0.2 Hz)".
As above, the authors often report that cesium generally reduces pyloric frequency. Figure 5A demonstrates this action quite nicely. However, cesium's effect on pyloric frequency at 11°C seems less robust in Figure 1C. Why the discrepancy?
There is variability in the effects of Cs+ on the pyloric frequency. As noted, the standard deviation in frequency in both conditions is 0.2Hz. As such, there are some cases in which the initial frequency drop in Cs+ compared to control was relatively small. 1C is one such case, but was selected as an example because of its clear reduction in temperature sensitivity.
(2) I don't understand what the arrows/dashed lines are trying to convey in Figure 3C.
The arrows/dashed lines represent the criteria used to define a cycle as “decreasing in frequency” (Temperature Increasing) or “increasing in frequency” (Temperature Stable). We have amended lines 130 and 137 in the text to hopefully clarify this point, as well as the figure legend.
(3) Lines 118/168. The description of cesium's specific action on the depolarizing portion of PD activity is a bit confusing. In my mind, "depolarization phase" refers to the point at which PD is most depolarized. Perhaps restating the phrase to "elongation of the depolarizing trajectory" is less confusing. The authors may also want to consider labeling this trajectory in Figure 2C.
We have changed “depolarization phase” to “depolarizing phase” to highlight that this is the period during which the cell is depolarizing, rather than at its most depolarized. We consider the plateau of the slow wave and spiking (the point at which PD is most depolarized) to be the “bursting phase”. We have labeled these phases in Figure 2C as suggested.
(4) Figure 3C legend: a few words seem to be missing. I suggest "the change in mean frequency was more likely TO decrease IN Cs+ than in saline".
Thank you for catching this typo, it has been corrected.
(5) Line 165: Awkward phrasing. “In one experiment, the decrease in frequency while temperature increased and subsequent increase in frequency after temperature stabilized was particularly apparent in Cs+ PTX”.
How about: “One Cs+ PTX experiment wherein elevating the temperature transiently decreased pyloric frequency is shown in Figure 4F.”
We have amended this sentence to read, “One Cs++PTX experiment in which elevating the temperature produced a particularly pronounced transient decrease in frequency is shown in Figure 4F.”
(6) Line 186: Awkward phrasing. "LP OFF was also significantly advanced in Cs+, although duty cycle (percent of the period a neuron is firing) was preserved".
The use of the word "although" seems a bit strange. If both LP onset and LP offset phase advance by the same amount, then isn't an unchanged duty cycle expected?
“Although” has been changed to “and subsequently”.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Major comments:
(1) I know the Marder lab has detailed models of the pyloric rhythm. I am not saying they have to add modeling to this already extensive and detailed paper, but it would be useful to know how much of these temperature effects have been modeled, for example in the following locations.
(2) Line 259 - "Mathematically..." - Is there a computational model of H current that has shown this decrease in frequency in pyloric neurons? If you are working on one for the future, you could mention this.
There is not currently a model in which the reduction of the H-current results in the non-minimum phase dynamics in the frequency response to temperature seen experimentally. It should be noted that our existing models of pyloric activity responses to temperature are not well suited to investigate such dynamics in their current iterations. Further work is necessary to demonstrate the principles observed experimentally in computational modeling, and we have added a sentence to the paper to reflect this point (Line 268).
(3) Line 318 - "therefore it remains unclear" - I thought they had models of the circuit rhythmicity. Do these models include temperature effects? Can they comment on whether their models of the circuit show an opposite effect to what they see in the experiment? I'm not saying they have to model these new effects as that is probably an entirely different paper, but it would be interesting to know whether current models show a different effect.
We have some models of the pyloric response to temperature, but these models were specifically selected to maintain phase across the range of temperature. When Ih was reduced in these models, a variety of effects on phase and duty cycle were seen. These models were selected to have the same key features of behavior as the pyloric rhythm, but do not capture all the biophysical nuances of the complete system, and therefore should not necessarily be expected to reflect the experimental findings in their current iterations. Furthermore, these models are meant to have temperature as a static, rather than dynamic input, and thus are ill-suited to examine the conditions of our experiments. The models in their current state are not sufficiently relevant to these experimental findings that we they can illuminate the present paper `2.
(4) "If deinactivation is more accelerated or altered by temperature than inactivation...While temperature continued to change, the difference in parameters would continue to grow" - This is described as a difference in temperature sensitivity, but it seems like it is also a function of the time course of the response to change in temperature (i.e. the different components could have the same final effect of temperature but show a different time course of the change).
We know from Tang et al, 2010, that activation and inactivation rates of the A current are differentially temperature sensitive. We have no evidence to suggest that the time course of the response to temperature of various parameters differ. The physical actions of temperature on proteins are likely to be extremely rapid, making a time course difference on the order of tens of seconds less unlikely, though not impossible. Modeling of the biophysics might illuminate the relative plausibility of these different mechanisms of action, but we feel that our current suggested explanation is reasonable based on existing information.
(5) Is it known how temperature is altering these channel kinetics? Is it via an intrinsic rearrangement of the protein structure, or is it a process that involves phosphorylation (that could explain differences in time course?). Some mention of the mechanism of temperature changes would be useful to readers outside this field.
It is not known exactly how temperature alters channel parameters. Invariably some, if not all, of it is due to an intrinsic rearrangement of protein structure, and our current models treat all parameter changes as an instantaneous consequence. However, it is possible that some effects of temperature are due to longer timescale processes such as phosphorylation or cAMP interactions. Current work in the lab is actively exploring these questions, but there is no definitive answer. Given that this paper focuses on the phenomenon and plausible biomolecular explanations based on existing data, we have not altered the paper to include more exhaustive coverage of all the possible avenues by which temperature may alter channel properties.
Specific comments:
Title: misspelling of "Cancer" ?
We are unsure how that extra “w” got into the earliest version of the manuscript and have removed it.
Line 66 "We used 5mM CsCl" - might mention right up front that this was a bath application of the substance.
We have altered this line to read “used bath application of 5mM CsCl”.
Figure 4 - "The only feedback synapse to the pacemaker kernel neurons, LP to PD, and is blocked by picrotoxin" - I think the word "and" should be removed from this phrase in the figure legend.
Figure 4 legend - "Reds denote temperature...yellows denote..." - I think it should be "Red dots denote temperature...yellow dots denote...".
Figure 4B - Why does the change in frequency in cesium look so different in Figure 4B compared to Figure 1C or Figure 3B? In the earlier figures, the increase of frequency is smaller but still present in cesium, whereas, in Figure 4B, cesium seems to completely block the increase in frequency. I'm not sure why this is different, but I guess it's because 3B and 4B are just mean traces from single experiments. Presumably, 4B is showing an experiment in which the cesium was subsequently combined with picrotoxin?
Figures 1C, 3B, and 4B are indeed all from different single experiments. As acknowledged in our concluding paragraph, there was substantial variability in the exact response of the pyloric rhythm to temperature while in cesium. The most consistent effect was that the difference in frequency between cesium and saline at a particular temperature increased, as demonstrated across 21 preparations in Figure 1D. It may be noted in Figure 1E that the Q10 was not infrequently <1, meaning that there was a net decrease in frequency as temperature increased in some experiments such as seen in the example of Figure 4B. The “fold over” (initial increase in steady-state frequency with temperature, then decrease at higher temperatures) has been observed at higher temperatures (typically around 23-30 degrees C) even under control conditions but has not been highlighted in previous publications. The example in 4B was chosen because it demonstrated both the similarity in jags between Cs+ and Cs++PTX and an overall decrease in temperature sensitivity, even though in this instance the steady-state change in frequency with temperature was not monotonic.
Figure 6A - "Phase 0 to 1.0" - The y-axis should provide units of phase. Presumably, these are units of radians so 1.0=2*pi radians (or 360 degrees, but probably best to avoid using degrees of phase due to confusion with degrees of temperature).
Phase, with respect to pyloric rhythm cycles, does not traditionally have units as it is a proportion rather than an angle. As such, we have not changed the figure.
Line 275 - "the pacemaker neuron can increase" - Does this indicate that the main effects of H current are in the follower neurons (i.e. LP and PY versus the driver neuron PD)?
Not necessarily. We posit in the next paragraph that the effect of the H current on the temperature sensitivity could be due to its phase advance of LP, but that phase advance of LP is not particularly expected to increase frequency. We favor the possibility that temperature increases Ih in the pacemaker, which in turn advances the PRC of the rhythm, allowing the frequency increase seen under normal conditions. In Cs+, this advance does not occur, resulting in the lower temperature sensitivity. In Cs++PTX, the lack of inhibition from LP means compensatory advance of the pacemaker PRC by Ih is unnecessary to allow increased frequency.
Line 285 - "either increase frequency have no effect" - Is there a missing "or" in this phrase?
Thank you, we have added the “or”.
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eLife assessment
This important study highlights cell types preserving long-lived proteins and lays a foundation for identifying exceptionally long-lived proteins in the ovary. Convincing evidence describes helpful data about protein turnover and identifies long-lived macromolecules in oocytes and somatic cells during mouse ovarian aging. This work will be of interest to researchers working on aging and reproductive health.
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eLife assessment
This potentially valuable study examines the role of IL17-producing Ly6G PMNs as a reservoir for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to evade host killing activated by BCG immunisation. The authors report that IL17-producing polymorphonuclear neutrophils harbour a significant bacterial load in both wild-type and IFNg-/- mice and that targeting IL17 and Cox2 improved disease outcomes whilst enhancing BCG efficacy. Although the authors suggest that targeting these pathways may improve disease outcomes in humans, the evidence as it stands is incomplete and requires additional experimentation for the study to realise its full impact.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Recruitment of neutrophils to the lungs is known to drive susceptibility to infection with M. tuberculosis. In this study, the authors present data in support of the hypothesis that neutrophil production of the cytokine IL-17 underlies the detrimental effect of neutrophils on disease. They claim that neutrophils harbor a large fraction of Mtb during infection, and are a major source of IL-17. To explore the effects of blocking IL-17 signaling during primary infection, they use IL-17 blocking antibodies, SR221 (an inverse agonist of TH17 differentiation), and celecoxib, which they claim blocks Th17 differentiation, and observe modest improvements in bacterial burdens in both WT and IFN-γ deficient mice using the combination of IL-17 blockade with celecoxib during primary infection. Celecoxib enhances control of infection after BCG vaccination.
The most novel finding in the paper is that treatment with celecoxib significantly enhances control of infection in BCG-vaccinated mice that have been challenged with Mtb. It was already known that NSAID treatments can improve primary infection with Mtb.
The major claim of the manuscript - that neutrophils produce IL-17 that is detrimental to the host - is not strongly supported by the data. Data demonstrating neutrophil production of IL-17 lacks rigor. The experiments examining the effects of inhibitors of IL-17 on the outcome of infection are very difficult to interpret. First, treatment with IL-17 inhibitors alone has no impact on bacterial burdens in the lung, either in WT or IFN-γ KO mice. This suggests that IL-17 does not play a detrimental role during infection. Modest effects are observed using the combination of IL-17 blocking drugs and celecoxib, however, the interpretation of these results mechanistically is complicated. Celecoxib is not a specific inhibitor of Th17. Indeed, it affects levels of PGE2, which is known to have numerous impacts on Mtb infection separate from any effect on IL-17 production, as well as other eicosanoids. Finally, the human data simply demonstrates that neutrophils and IL-17 both are higher in patients who experience relapse after treatment for TB, which is expected and does not support their specific hypothesis. The use of genetic ablation of IL-17 production specifically in neutrophils and/or IL-17R in mice would greatly enhance the rigor of this study. The authors do not address the fact that numerous studies have shown that IL-17 has a protective effect in the mouse model of TB in the context of vaccination. Finally, whether and how many times each animal experiment was repeated is unclear.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Sharma et al. demonstrated that Ly6G+ granulocytes (Gra cells) serve as the primary reservoirs for intracellular Mtb in infected wild-type mice and that excessive infiltration of these cells is associated with severe bacteremia in genetically susceptible IFNγ-/- mice. Notably, neutralizing IL-17 or inhibiting COX2 reversed the excessive infiltration of Ly6G+Gra cells, mitigated the associated pathology, and improved survival in these susceptible mice. Additionally, Ly6G+Gra cells were identified as a major source of IL-17 in both wild-type and IFNγ-/- mice. Inhibition of RORγt or COX2 further reduced the intracellular bacterial burden in Ly6G+Gra cells and improved lung pathology.
Of particular interest, COX2 inhibition in wild-type mice also enhanced the efficacy of the BCG vaccine by targeting the Ly6G+Gra-resident Mtb population.
The experimental results showing improved BCG-mediated protective immunity through targeting IL-17-producing Ly6G+ cells and COX2 are compelling and will likely generate significant interest in the field. Overall, this study presents important findings, suggesting that the IL-17-COX2 axis could be a critical target for designing innovative vaccination strategies for TB.
However, I have the following concerns regarding some of the conclusions drawn from the experiments, which require additional experimental evidence to support and strengthen the overall study.
Major Concerns:
(1) Ly6G+ Granulocytes as a Source of IL-17: The authors assert that Ly6G+ granulocytes are the major source of IL-17 in wild-type and IFN-γ KO mice based on colocalization studies of Ly6G and IL-17. In Figure 3D, they report approximately 500 Ly6G+ cells expressing IL-17 in the Mtb-infected WT lung. Are these low numbers sufficient to drive inflammatory pathology? Additionally, have the authors evaluated these numbers in IFN-γ KO mice?
(2) Role of IL-17-Producing Ly6G Granulocytes in Pathology: The authors suggest that IL-17-producing Ly6G granulocytes drive pathology in WT and IFN-γ KO mice. However, the data presented only demonstrate an association between IL-17+ Ly6G cells and disease pathology. To strengthen their conclusion, the authors should deplete neutrophils in these mice to show that IL-17 expression, and consequently the pathology, is reduced.
(3) IL-17 Secretion by Mtb-Infected Neutrophils: Do Mtb-infected neutrophils secrete IL-17 into the supernatants? This would serve as confirmation of neutrophil-derived IL-17. Additionally, are Ly6G+ cells producing IL-17 and serving as pathogenic agents exclusively in vivo? The authors should provide comments on this.
(4) Characterization of IL-17-Producing Ly6G+ Granulocytes: Are the IL-17-producing Ly6G+ granulocytes a mixed population of neutrophils and eosinophils, or are they exclusively neutrophils? Sorting these cells followed by Giemsa or eosin staining could clarify this.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors examine how distinct cellular environments differentially control Mtb following BCG vaccination. The key findings are that IL17-producing PMNs harbor a significant Mtb load in both wild-type and IFNg-/- mice. Targeting IL17 and Cox2 improved disease and enhanced BCG efficacy over 12 weeks and neutrophils/IL17 are associated with treatment failure in humans. The authors suggest that targeting these pathways, especially in MSMD patients may improve disease outcomes.
The experimental approach is generally sound and consists of low-dose aerosol infections with distinct readouts including cell sorting followed by CFU, histopathology, and RNA sequencing analysis. By combining genetic approaches and chemical/antibody treatments, the authors can probe these pathways effectively.
Understanding how distinct inflammatory pathways contribute to control or worsen Mtb disease is important and thus, the results will be of great interest to the Mtb field.
A major limitation of the current study is overlooking the role of non-hematopoietic cells in the IFNg/IL17/neutrophil response. Chimera studies from Ernst and colleagues (PMCID: PMC2807991) previously described this IDO-dependent pathway following the loss of IFNg through an increased IL17 response. This study is not cited nor discussed even though it may alter the interpretation of several experiments.
Several of the key findings in mice have previously been shown (albeit with less sophisticated experimentation) and human disease and neutrophils are well described - thus the real new finding is how intracellular Mtb in neutrophils are more refractory to BCG-mediated control. However, given there are already high levels of Mtb in PMNs compared to other cell types, and there is a decrease in intracellular Mtb in PMNs following BCG immunization the strength of this finding is a bit limited.
Author response:
eLife assessment
This potentially valuable study examines the role of IL17-producing Ly6G PMNs as a reservoir for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to evade host killing activated by BCG immunisation. The authors report that IL17-producing polymorphonuclear neutrophils harbour a significant bacterial load in both wild-type and IFNg-/- mice and that targeting IL17 and Cox2 improved disease outcomes whilst enhancing BCG efficacy. Although the authors suggest that targeting these pathways may improve disease outcomes in humans, the evidence as it stands is incomplete and requires additional experimentation for the study to realise its full impact.
Thank you for evaluating our manuscript. We understand the concern related to the direct role of Ly6G+Gra-derived IL17 in TB pathogenesis. For the revised manuscript, we will provide additional experimental evidence through direct regulation of IL-17 production in Mtb-infected mice and its impact on improving BCG efficacy.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Recruitment of neutrophils to the lungs is known to drive susceptibility to infection with M. tuberculosis. In this study, the authors present data in support of the hypothesis that neutrophil production of the cytokine IL-17 underlies the detrimental effect of neutrophils on disease. They claim that neutrophils harbor a large fraction of Mtb during infection, and are a major source of IL-17. To explore the effects of blocking IL-17 signaling during primary infection, they use IL-17 blocking antibodies, SR221 (an inverse agonist of TH17 differentiation), and celecoxib, which they claim blocks Th17 differentiation, and observe modest improvements in bacterial burdens in both WT and IFN-γ deficient mice using the combination of IL-17 blockade with celecoxib during primary infection. Celecoxib enhances control of infection after BCG vaccination.
Thank you for the summary.
The most novel finding in the paper is that treatment with celecoxib significantly enhances control of infection in BCG-vaccinated mice that have been challenged with Mtb. It was already known that NSAID treatments can improve primary infection with Mtb.
Thank you.
The major claim of the manuscript - that neutrophils produce IL-17 that is detrimental to the host - is not strongly supported by the data. Data demonstrating neutrophil production of IL17 lacks rigor.
Our response: Neutrophil production of IL-17 is supported by two independent methods/ techniques in the current version:
(1) Through Flow cytometry- a large fraction of Ly6G+CD11b+ cells from the lungs of Mtb-infected mice were also positive for IL-17 (Fig. 3C).
(2) IFA co-staining of Ly6G + cells with IL-17 in the lung sections from Mtb-infected mice (Fig. 3 E_G and Fig. 4H, Fig. 5I).
However, to further strengthen this observation, we plan to analyse sorted Ly6G+Gra from the lungs of infected mice using IL-17 ELISPOT assay. This will unequivocally prove the Ly6+Gra production of IL-17. Several publications support the production of IL-17 by neutrophils (Li et al. 2010; Katayama et al. 2013; Lin et al. 2011). For example, neutrophils have been identified as a source of IL-17 in human psoriatic lesions (Lin et al. 2011), in neuroinflammation induced by traumatic brain injury (Xu et al. 2023) and in several mouse models of infectious and autoimmune inflammation (Ferretti et al. 2003; Hoshino et al. 2008) (Li et al. 2010). However, ours is the first study reporting neutrophil IL-17 production during Mtb pathology.
The experiments examining the effects of inhibitors of IL-17 on the outcome of infection are very difficult to interpret. First, treatment with IL-17 inhibitors alone has no impact on bacterial burdens in the lung, either in WT or IFN-γ KO mice. This suggests that IL-17 does not play a detrimental role during infection. Modest effects are observed using the combination of IL-17 blocking drugs and celecoxib, however, the interpretation of these results mechanistically is complicated. Celecoxib is not a specific inhibitor of Th17. Indeed, it affects levels of PGE2, which is known to have numerous impacts on Mtb infection separate from any effect on IL-17 production, as well as other eicosanoids.
The reviewer correctly says that Celecoxib is not a specific inhibitor of Th17. However, COX-2 inhibition does have an effect on IL-17 levels, and numerous reports support this observation (Paulissen et al. 2013; Napolitani et al. 2009; Lemos et al. 2009). We elaborate on the results below for better clarity.
Firstly, in the WT mice, Celecoxib treatment led to a complete loss of IL-17 production in the lungs of Mtb-infected mice (Fig. 5D). Interestingly, IL-17 production independent of IL-23 is known to require PGE2 (Paulissen et al. 2013; Polese et al. 2021). In the WT or IFNγ KO mice, we rather noted a decline in IL-23 levels post-infection, suggesting a possible role of PGE2 in IL-17 production. However, in the lung homogenates of Mtb-infected IFNγ KO mice, Celecoxib had no effect on IL-17 levels in the lung homogenates. Thus, celecoxib controls IL-17 levels only in the Mtb-infected WT mice. Including celecoxib with anti-IL17 in the IFNγ KO mice controls pathology and extends its survival.
Second, the reviewer’s observation is only partially correct that IL-17 inhibition has a modest effect on the outcome of infection. While IL-17 neutralization and inhibition alone in the IFNγ KO mice and WT mice, respectively, did not bring down the lung CFU burden significantly, in both these cases, there was an improvement in the lung pathology. The reduced pathology coincided with reduced neutrophil recruitment and a reduced Ly6G+Graresident Mtb population in the WT mice. IL-17 neutralization alone improved IFNγ KO mice survival by ~10 days (Fig. 4F-G).
Third, regarding the SR2211 and Celecoxib combination study, we agree with the reviewer that Celecoxib has roles independent of IL-17 regulation. However, in the results presented in this study, there are three key aspects- 1) neutrophil-derived IL-17-dependent neutrophil recruitment, 2) the presence of a large proportion of intracellular Mtb in the neutrophils and 3) dissemination of Mtb to the spleen. Celecoxib treatment alone helps reduce lung Mtb burden in the WT mice. However, SR2211 fails to do so. It is evident that celecoxib is doing more than just inhibiting IL-17 production. The result shows that celecoxib blocks neutrophil recruitment (which could be an IL-17-dependent mechanism) and also controls the intraneutrophil bacterial population. Finally, either SR2211 or celecoxib could block dissemination to the spleen. The role of neutrophils in TB dissemination is only beginning to emerge (Hult et al. 2021). We will revise the description in the results and discussion section for this data to make it easier to understand.
Finally, we have also done experiments with SR2211 in BCG-vaccinated animals, which shows the direct impact of IL-17 inhibition on the BCG vaccine efficacy. We will add this result in the revised version.
Finally, the human data simply demonstrates that neutrophils and IL-17 both are higher in patients who experience relapse after treatment for TB, which is expected and does not support their specific hypothesis.
We disagree with the above statement. Why a higher IL-17 is expected in patients who show relapse, death or failed treatment outcomes? Classically, IL-17 is believed to be protective against TB, and the reviewer also points to that in the comments below. A very limited set of studies support the non-protective/pathological role of IL-17 in tuberculosis (Cruz et al. 2010). High IL-17 and neutrophilia at the baseline in the human subjects (i.e. at the time of recruitment in the study) highlight severe pathology in those subjects, which could have contributed to the failed treatment outcome. This observation in the human cohort strongly supports the overall theme and central observation in this study.
The use of genetic ablation of IL-17 production specifically in neutrophils and/or IL-17R in mice would greatly enhance the rigor of this study.
The reviewer’s point is well-taken. Having a genetic ablation of IL-17 production, specifically in the neutrophils, would be excellent. At present, however, we lack this resource, and therefore, it is not feasible to do this experiment within a defined timeline. Instead, for the revised manuscript, we will present the data with SR2211, a direct inhibitor of RORgt and, therefore, IL-17, in BCG-vaccinated mice.
The authors do not address the fact that numerous studies have shown that IL-17 has a protective effect in the mouse model of TB in the context of vaccination.
Yes, there are a few articles that talk about the protective effect of IL-17 in the mouse model of TB in the context of vaccination (Khader et al. 2007; Desel et al. 2011; Choi et al. 2020). This part was discussed in the original manuscript (in the Introduction section). For the revised manuscript, we will also provide results from the experiment where we blocked IL-17 production by inhibiting RORgt using SR2211 in BCG-vaccinated mice. The results clearly show IL-17 as a negative regulator of BCG-mediated protective immunity. We believe some of the reasons for the observed differences could be 1) in our study, we analysed IL-17 levels in the lung homogenates at late phases of infection, and 2) most published studies rely on ex vivo stimulation of immune cells to measure cytokine production, whereas we actually measured the cytokine levels in the lung homogenates. We will elaborate on these points in the revised version.
Finally, whether and how many times each animal experiment was repeated is unclear.
We will provide the details of the number of experiments in the revised version. Briefly, the BCG vaccination experiment (Figure 1) and BCG vaccination with Celecoxib treatment experiment (Figure 6) were performed twice and thrice, respectively. The IL-17 neutralization experiment (Figure 4) and the SR2211 treatment experiment (Figure 5) were done once. We will add another SR2211 experiment data in the revised version.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Sharma et al. demonstrated that Ly6G+ granulocytes (Gra cells) serve as the primary reservoirs for intracellular Mtb in infected wild-type mice and that excessive infiltration of these cells is associated with severe bacteremia in genetically susceptible IFNγ/- mice. Notably, neutralizing IL-17 or inhibiting COX2 reversed the excessive infiltration of Ly6G+Gra cells, mitigated the associated pathology, and improved survival in these susceptible mice. Additionally, Ly6G+Gra cells were identified as a major source of IL-17 in both wild-type and IFNγ-/- mice. Inhibition of RORγt or COX2 further reduced the intracellular bacterial burden in Ly6G+Gra cells and improved lung pathology.
Of particular interest, COX2 inhibition in wild-type mice also enhanced the efficacy of the BCG vaccine by targeting the Ly6G+Gra-resident Mtb population.
Thank you for the summary.
The experimental results showing improved BCG-mediated protective immunity through targeting IL-17-producing Ly6G+ cells and COX2 are compelling and will likely generate significant interest in the field. Overall, this study presents important findings, suggesting that the IL-17-COX2 axis could be a critical target for designing innovative vaccination strategies for TB.
Thank you for highlighting the overall strengths of the study. Weaknesses:
However, I have the following concerns regarding some of the conclusions drawn from the experiments, which require additional experimental evidence to support and strengthen the overall study.
Major Concerns:
(1) Ly6G+ Granulocytes as a Source of IL-17: The authors assert that Ly6G+ granulocytes are the major source of IL-17 in wild-type and IFN-γ KO mice based on colocalization studies of Ly6G and IL-17. In Figure 3D, they report approximately 500 Ly6G+ cells expressing IL-17 in the Mtb-infected WT lung. Are these low numbers sufficient to drive inflammatory pathology? Additionally, have the authors evaluated these numbers in IFN-γ KO mice?
Thank you for pointing out about the numbers in Fig. 3D. It was our oversight to label the axis as No. of IL17+Ly6G+Gra/lung. For this data, only a part of the lung was used. For the revised manuscript, we will provide the number of these cells at the whole lung level from Mtb-infected WT mice. Unfortunately, we did not evaluate these numbers in IFN-γ KO mice through FACS.
For the assertion that Ly6G+Gra are the major source of IL-17 in TB, we have used two separate strategies- a) IFA and b) FACS.
However, as described above in response to the first reviewer, for the revision, we propose to perform an IL-17 ELISpot assay on the sorted Ly6G+Gra from the lungs of Mtb-infected WT mice.
(2) Role of IL-17-Producing Ly6G Granulocytes in Pathology: The authors suggest that IL17-producing Ly6G granulocytes drive pathology in WT and IFN-γ KO mice. However, the data presented only demonstrate an association between IL-17+ Ly6G cells and disease pathology. To strengthen their conclusion, the authors should deplete neutrophils in these mice to show that IL-17 expression, and consequently the pathology, is reduced.
Thank you for this suggestion. Others have done neutrophil depletion studies in TB, and so far, the outcomes remain inconclusive. In some studies, neutrophil depletion helps the pathogen (Rankin et al. 2022; Pedrosa et al. 2000; Appelberg et al. 1995), and in others, it helps the host (Lovewell et al. 2021; Mishra et al. 2017) ). One reason for this variability is the stage of infection when neutrophil depletion was done. However, another crucial factor is the heterogeneity in the neutrophil population. There are reports that suggest neutrophil subtypes with protective versus pathological trajectories (Nwongbouwoh Muefong et al. 2022; Lyadova 2017; Hellebrekers, Vrisekoop, and Koenderman 2018; Leliefeld et al. 2018). Depleting the entire population using anti-Ly6G could impact this heterogeneity and may impact the inferences drawn. A better approach would be to characterise this heterogeneous population, efforts towards which could be part of a separate study.
For the revised manuscript, we will provide results from the SR2211 experiment in BCG-vaccinated mice and other results to show the role of IL-17-producing Ly6G+Gra in TB pathology.
(3) IL-17 Secretion by Mtb-Infected Neutrophils: Do Mtb-infected neutrophils secrete IL-17 into the supernatants? This would serve as confirmation of neutrophil-derived IL-17. Additionally, are Ly6G+ cells producing IL-17 and serving as pathogenic agents exclusively in vivo? The authors should provide comments on this.
We have not directly measured IL-17 secretion by neutrophils in our experiments. However, Hu et al have reported IL-17 secretion by Mtb-infected neutrophils in vitro (Hu et al. 2017). Whether there are a few neutrophil roles exclusively seen under in vivo condition is an interesting proposition. We do have some observations that suggest in vitro phenotype of Mtb-infected neutrophils is different from in vivo.
(4) Characterization of IL-17-Producing Ly6G+ Granulocytes: Are the IL-17-producing Ly6G+ granulocytes a mixed population of neutrophils and eosinophils, or are they exclusively neutrophils? Sorting these cells followed by Giemsa or eosin staining could clarify this.
This is a very important point. While usually eosinophils do not express Ly6G markers in laboratory mice, under specific contexts, including infections, eosinophils can express Ly6G. Since we have not characterized these potential Ly6G+ sub-populations, that is one of the reasons we refer to the cell types as Ly6G+ granulocytes, which do not exclude Ly6G+ eosinophils. A detailed characterization of these subsets could be taken up as a separate study.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors examine how distinct cellular environments differentially control Mtb following BCG vaccination. The key findings are that IL17-producing PMNs harbor a significant Mtb load in both wild-type and IFNg-/- mice. Targeting IL17 and Cox2 improved disease and enhanced BCG efficacy over 12 weeks and neutrophils/IL17 are associated with treatment failure in humans. The authors suggest that targeting these pathways, especially in MSMD patients may improve disease outcomes.
Thank you.
The experimental approach is generally sound and consists of low-dose aerosol infections with distinct readouts including cell sorting followed by CFU, histopathology, and RNA sequencing analysis. By combining genetic approaches and chemical/antibody treatments, the authors can probe these pathways effectively.
Understanding how distinct inflammatory pathways contribute to control or worsen Mtb disease is important and thus, the results will be of great interest to the Mtb field.
Thank you.
A major limitation of the current study is overlooking the role of non-hematopoietic cells in the IFNg/IL17/neutrophil response. Chimera studies from Ernst and colleagues (PMCID: PMC2807991) previously described this IDO-dependent pathway following the loss of IFNg through an increased IL17 response. This study is not cited nor discussed even though it may alter the interpretation of several experiments.
Thank you for pointing out this earlier study, which we concede we missed discussing. We disagree on the point that results from that study may alter the interpretation of several experiments in our study. On the contrary, the main observation that loss of IFNγ causes severe IL-17 levels is aligned in both studies.
IDO1 is known to alter Th cell differentiation towards Tregs and away from Th17 (Baban et al. 2009). It is absolutely feasible for the non-hematopoietic cells to regulate these events. However, that does not rule out the neutrophil production of IL-17 and the downstream pathological effect shown in this study. We will discuss and cite this study in the revised manuscript.
Several of the key findings in mice have previously been shown (albeit with less sophisticated experimentation) and human disease and neutrophils are well described - thus the real new finding is how intracellular Mtb in neutrophils are more refractory to BCGmediated control. However, given there are already high levels of Mtb in PMNs compared to other cell types, and there is a decrease in intracellular Mtb in PMNs following BCG immunization the strength of this finding is a bit limited.
The reviewer’s interpretation of the BCG-refractory Mtb population in the neutrophil is interesting. The reviewer is right that neutrophils had a higher intracellular Mtb burden, which decreased in the BCG-vaccinated animals. Thus, on that account, the reviewer rightly mentions that BCG is able to control Mtb even in neutrophils. However, BCG almost clears intracellular burden from other cell types analysed, and therefore, the remnant pool of intracellular Mtb in the lungs of BCG-vaccinated animals could be mostly those present in the neutrophils. This is a substantial novel development in the field and attracts focus towards innate immune cells for vaccine efficacy.
Appelberg, R., A. G. Castro, S. Gomes, J. Pedrosa, and M. T. Silva. 1995. 'SuscepBbility of beige mice to Mycobacterium avium: role of neutrophils', Infect Immun, 63: 3381-7.
Baban, B., P. R. Chandler, M. D. Sharma, J. Pihkala, P. A. Koni, D. H. Munn, and A. L. Mellor. 2009. 'IDO activates regulatory T cells and blocks their conversion into Th17-like T cells', J Immunol, 183: 2475-83.
Choi, H. G., K. W. Kwon, S. Choi, Y. W. Back, H. S. Park, S. M. Kang, E. Choi, S. J. Shin, and H. J. Kim. 2020. 'AnBgen-Specific IFN-gamma/IL-17-Co-Producing CD4(+) T-Cells Are the Determinants for ProtecBve Efficacy of Tuberculosis Subunit Vaccine', Vaccines (Basel), 8.
Cruz, A., A. G. Fraga, J. J. Fountain, J. Rangel-Moreno, E. Torrado, M. Saraiva, D. R. Pereira, T. D. Randall, J. Pedrosa, A. M. Cooper, and A. G. Castro. 2010. 'Pathological role of interleukin 17 in mice subjected to repeated BCG vaccination after infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis', J Exp Med, 207: 1609-16.
Desel, C., A. Dorhoi, S. Bandermann, L. Grode, B. Eisele, and S. H. Kaufmann. 2011. 'Recombinant BCG DeltaureC hly+ induces superior protection over parental BCG by simulating a balanced combination of type 1 and type 17 cytokine responses', J Infect Dis, 204: 1573-84.
Ferreg, S., O. Bonneau, G. R. Dubois, C. E. Jones, and A. Trifilieff. 2003. 'IL-17, produced by lymphocytes and neutrophils, is necessary for lipopolysaccharide-induced airway neutrophilia: IL-15 as a possible trigger', J Immunol, 170: 2106-12.
Hellebrekers, P., N. Vrisekoop, and L. Koenderman. 2018. 'Neutrophil phenotypes in health and disease', Eur J Clin Invest, 48 Suppl 2: e12943.
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eLife assessment
This useful study investigates the role of Complement 3a Receptor 1 (C3aR) in the pathogenesis of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD) using mouse models with specific target deletions in various cell types. While the relevance of C3aR in inflammatory contexts has been established, the authors provide helpful but incomplete evidence that C3aR does not contribute significantly to MASLD pathogenesis in their models, a claim that would require additional experiments for support.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this paper Homan et al used mouse models of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease and different specific target deletions in cells to rule out the role of Complement 3a Receptor 1 in the pathogenesis of disease. They provided limited evidence and only descriptive results that despite C3aR being relevant in different contexts of inflammation, however, these tenets did not hold true.
(1) The results are based on readouts showing that C3aR is not involved in the pathogenesis of liver metabolic disease.
(2) The description of the mouse models they used to validate their findings is not clear. Lysm-cre mice - which are claimed to delete C3aR in (?) macrophages are not specific for these cells, and the genetic strategy to delete C3aR in Kupffer cells is not clear.
(3) Taking this into account, it is very challenging to determine the validity of these data, also considering that they are merely descriptive and correlative.