26,925 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript utilizes a Drosophila explant system and modeling to provide important insights into the mechanism of microtubule aster positioning. Although the intellectual framework of aster positioning has been worked out by the same authors in their previous work, this study provides additional solid evidence to solidify their model.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper addresses the mechanisms positioning microtubule asters in Drosophila explants. Taking advantage of a genetic mutant, blocking the cell cycle in early embryos, the authors generate embryos with centrosomes detached from nuclei and then study the positioning mechanisms of such asters in explants. They conclude that asters interact via pushing forces. While this is an artificial system, understanding the mechanics of asters positioning, in particular, whether forces are pushing or pulling is an important one.

      Strengths:<br /> The major strength of this paper is the series of laser cutting experiments supporting that asters position via pushing forces acting both on the boundary (see below for a relevant comment) and between asters. The combination of imaging, data analysis and mathematical modeling is also powerful.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This paper has overlap in the conclusions with a previous paper from the same authors, so its impact is reduced. In Figure 2, the tracking of fluid flows is hard to see and better quantifications/analyses would lead to stronger conclusions. In Figure 4, it is not clear that the acceleration is significant and no statistical test is provided or described, as far as I can tell.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The aster, consisting of microtubules, plays important roles in spindle positioning and the determination of the cleavage site in animals. The mechanics of aster movement and positioning have been extensively studied in several cell types. However, there is no unified biophysical model, as different mechanisms appear to predominate in different model systems. In the present manuscript, the authors studied aster positioning mechanics in the Drosophila syncytial embryo, in which short-ranged aster repulsion generates a separation force. Taking advantage of the ex vivo system developed by the group and the fly gnu mutant, in which the nuclear number can be minimized, the authors performed time-lapse observations of single asters and multiple asters in the explant. The observed aster dynamics were interpreted by building a mathematical model dealing with forces. They found that aster dissociation from the boundary depends on the microtubule pushing force. Additionally, laser ablation targeting two separating asters showed that aster-aster separation is also mediated by the microtubule pushing force. Furthermore, they built a simulation model based on the experimental results, which reproduced aster movement in the explant under various conditions. Notably, the actual aster dynamics were best reproduced in the model by including a short-ranged inhibitory term when asters are close to the boundary or each other.

      Strengths:<br /> This study reveals a unique aster positioning mechanics in the syncytial embryo explant, which leads to an understanding of the mechanism underlying the positioning of multiple asters associated with nuclei in the embryo. The use of explants enabled accurate measurement of aster motility and, therefore, the construction of a quantitative model. This is a notable achievement.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main conclusion that aster repulsion predominates in this system has already been drawn by the same authors in their recent study (de-Carvalho et al., Development, 2022). Therefore, the conceptual advance in the current study is marginal. The molecular mechanisms underlying aster repulsion remain unexplored since the authors were unable to identify specific factor(s) responsible for aster repulsion in the explant.

      Specific suggestions on the original manuscript:<br /> Microtubules should be visualized more clearly (either in live or fixed samples). This is particularly important in Figure 4E and Video 4 (laser ablation experiment to create asymmetric asters).

      Comments on the revised manuscript:<br /> Despite my suggestion, the authors did not provide evidence confirming the actual ablation of microtubules in the specified target region. The authors argue, "Given our controls and previous experience, we are confident we are ablating the microtubules." Then, at the very least, the authors should describe (in Materials and Methods) the "controls" they employed and provide a citation to the previous study where proper ablation was validated using the same laser settings. Otherwise, readers might not be convinced of the authors' claim.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important report studies the recovery of genome-reduced bacterial cells in laboratory evolution experiments to understand how they regain their fitness. Through the analysis of gene expression and a series of tests, the authors discover distinct molecular changes in the evolved bacterial strains and propose that various mechanisms are employed to offset the effects of a reduced genome. While the findings have intriguing implications for understanding genome evolution, it is crucial to note that the evidence supporting these claims is incomplete due to insufficient experimental tests and statistical analysis.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors explored how the reduced growth fitness, resulting from genome reduction, can be compensated through evolution. They conducted an evolution experiment with a strain of Escherichia coli that carried a reduced genome, over approximately 1,000 generations. The authors carried out sequencing and found no clear genetic signatures of evolution across replicate populations. They carry out transcriptomics and a series of analyses that lead them to conclude that there are divergent mechanisms at play in individual evolutionary lineages. The authors used gene network reconstruction to identify three gene modules functionally differentiated, correlating with changes in growth fitness, genome mutation, and gene expression, respectively, due to evolutionary changes in the reduced genome.

      I think that this study addresses an interesting question. Many microbial evolution experiments evolve by loss of function mutations, but presumably, a cell that has already lost so much of its genome needs to find other mechanisms to adapt. Experiments like this have the potential to study "constructive" rather than "destructive" evolution.

      At the top of the results, the authors should say what species they're working with and give some background about the nature of the reduced genome. It is important to know what the changes were and especially how much of the genome was deleted. Some insights into the genes that were deleted would also be useful context for understanding the evolution experiment. This could be included in the introduction or results.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript describes an adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) study with a previously constructed genome-reduced E. coli. The growth performance of the end-point lineages evolved in M63 medium was comparable to the full-length wild-type level at lower cell densities. Subsequent mutation profiling and RNA-Seq analysis revealed many changes in the genome and transcriptomes of the evolved lineages. The authors did a great deal of analyzing the patterns of evolutionary changes between independent lineages, such as the chromosomal periodicity of transcriptomes, pathway enrichment analysis, weight gene co-expression analysis, and so on. They observed a striking diversity in the molecular characteristics amongst the evolved lineages, which, as they suggest, reflect divergent evolutionary strategies adopted by the genome-reduced organism.

      As for the overall quality of the manuscript, I am rather torn. The manuscript leans towards elaborating observed findings, rather than explaining their biological significance. For this reason, readers are left with more questions than answers. For example, fitness assay on reconstituted (single and combinatorial) mutants was not performed, nor was any supporting evidence on the proposed contributions of each mutant provided. This leaves the nature of mutations - be they beneficial, neutral, or deleterious, the presence of epistatic interactions, and the magnitude of fitness contribution, largely elusive. Also, it is difficult to tell whether the RNA-Seq analysis in this study managed to draw biologically meaningful conclusions or instill insight into the nature of genome-reduced bacteria. The analysis primarily highlighted the differences in transcriptome profiles among each lineage based on metrics such as 'DEG counts' and the 'GO enrichment'. However, I could not see any specific implications regarding the biology of the evolved minimal genome drawn. In their concluding remark, 'Multiple evolutionary paths for the reduced genome to improve growth fitness were likely all roads leading to Rome,' the authors observed the first half of the sentence, but the distinctive characteristics of 'all roads' or 'evolutionary paths', which I think should have been the key aspect in this investigation, remains elusive.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Studying evolutionary trajectories provides important insight into the genetic architecture of adaptation and provides a potential contribution to evaluating the predictability (or unpredictability) of biological processes involving adaptation. While many papers in the field address adaptation to environmental challenges, the number of studies on how genomic contexts, such as large-scale variation, can impact evolutionary outcomes adaptation is relatively low. This research experimentally evolved a genome-reduced strain for ~1000 generations with 9 replicates and dissected their evolutionary changes. Using the fitness assay of OD measurement, the authors claimed that there is a general trend of increasing growth rate and decreasing carrying capacity, despite a positive correlation among all replicates. The authors also performed genomic and transcriptomic research at the end of experimental evolution, claiming the dissimilarity in the evolution at the molecular level.

      Strengths:<br /> The experimental evolution approach with a high number of replicates provides a good way to reveal the generality/diversity of the evolutionary routes.

      The assay of fitness, genome, and transcriptome all together allows a more thorough understanding of the evolutionary scenarios and genetic mechanisms.

      Weaknesses:<br /> My major concern is the current form of statistical analysis leads to the conclusion that the dissimilarity is not very strong. Adding some more statistical analysis should substantially improve the strength of the manuscript. As mentioned in the Discussion, I understand that there are more available methods to test for generality in experimental evolution but less for diversity. When it is improper to use a canonical statistical test, a test with some simulation and resampling can be useful. For example, I particularly appreciate the analysis done in Figure 2B. An analysis like that should be done more throughout the entire manuscript.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important work by Hann et al. advances our understanding of the role of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein in coordinating pathogenesis of the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The authors addressed many concerns raised by the reviewers, providing convincing evidence in terms of skeletal analyses not being able to satisfactorily elucidate SMN regulation of bone development.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Hann et. al examines the role of survival motor neuron protein (SMN) in lateral plate mesoderm-derived cells using the Prrx1Cre to elucidate how changing cell-specific SMN levels coordinate aspects of the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) pathology. SMN has generally been studied in neuronal cells, and this is one of the first insights into non-neuronal cells that may contribute to SMA disease. The authors generated 3 mouse lines: a Prrx1;Smnf/f conditional null mouse, as well as, single and double copy Prrx1;Smnf/f;SMN2 mice carrying either one or two copies of a human SMN2 transgene. First, the bone development and growth of all three were assessed; the conditional null Smn mutation was lethal shortly after birth, while the SMN2 2-copy mutant did not exhibit bone growth phenotypes. Meanwhile, single-copy SMN2 mutant mice showed reduced size and shorter limbs with shorter proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocyte zones. The authors suggested that this was cell autonomous by assessing the expression of extrinsic factors known to modulate proliferation/differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes. After assessing bone phenotypes, the authors transitioned to the assessments of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) phenotypes, since there are documented neuromuscular impairments in SMA and the Prrx1Cre transgene is expressed in muscle-associated fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs). Neonatal NMJ development was unchanged in mutant mice with two copies of SMN2 , but adult single-copy SMN2 mutant mice had abnormal NMJ morphology, altered presynaptic neurotransmission, and problematic nerve terminal structure. Finally, the authors sought to assess the ability to rescue NMJ phenotypes via FAP cell transplantation and showed wild-type FAPs were able to reduce pre/postsynaptic fragmentation and neurofilament varicosities.


      The conditional genetic approaches are novel and interestingly demonstrate the potential for chondrocyte and fibro-adipogenic progenitor-specific contributions to the SMA pathology.

      The characterizations of the neuromuscular and NMJ phenotypes are relatively strong.

      The data strongly suggest a non-neuronal contribution to SMA, which indicates a need for further mechanistic (cellular and molecular) studies to better understand SMA.


      The skeletal analyses are not rigorous and likely do not get to the core of how SMN regulates bone development.

      The overall work is descriptive and lacks convincing mechanisms.

      Additional experimentation is likely needed to fully justify the conclusions.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Sang-Hyeon et al. laid out a compelling rationale to explore the role of the SMN protein in mesenchymal cells, to determine whether SMN deficiency there could be a pathologic mechanism of SMA. They crossed Smnf7/f7 mice with Prrx1Cre mice to produce SmnΔMPC mice where exon 7 was specifically deleted and thus SMN protein was eliminated in limb mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs). To demonstrate gene dosage-dependence of phenotypes, SmnΔMPC mice were crossed with transgenic mice expressing human SMN2 to produce SmnΔMPC mice with different copies of SMN2 (0, 1, or 2). The paper provides genetic evidence that SMN in mesenchymal cells regulates the development of bones and neuromuscular junctions. Genetic data were convincing and revealed novel functions of SMN.


      Overall, the paper provided genetic evidence that SMN deficiency in mesenchymal cells caused abnormalities in bones and NMJs, revealing novel functions of SMN and leading to future experiments. As far as genetics is concerned, the data were convincing (except for the rescue experiment, see below); the conclusions are important.


      The paper seemed to be descriptive in nature and could be improved with more experiments to investigate underlying mechanisms. In addition, some data appeared to be contradicting or difficult to explain. The rescue data were not convincing.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      SMN expression in non-neuronal cells, particularly in limb mesenchymal progenitors is essential for the proper growth of chondrocytes and the formation of adult NMJ junctions.


      The authors show copy numbers of smndelta7 in MPC influence NMJ structure.


      Functional recovery by FAP transplantation is not complete. Mesenchymal progenitors are heterogeneous, and how heterogeneity influences this study is not clear. Part of the main findings to show the importance of SMN expression in non-neuronal cells is partly published by the same group (Kim et al., JCI Insight 2022). In the study, the authors used Dpp4(+) cells. The difference between the current study and the previous study is not so clear.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      People can perform a wide variety of different tasks, and a long-standing question in cognitive neuroscience is how the properties of different tasks are represented in the brain. The authors develop an interesting task that mixes two different sources of difficulty, and find that the brain appears to represent this mixture on a continuum, in the prefrontal areas involved in resolving task difficulty. While these results are interesting and in several ways compelling, they overlap with previous findings and rely on novel statistical analyses that may require further validation.

      Strengths<br /> 1. The authors present an interesting and novel task for combining the contributions of stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflict. While this mixture has been measured in the multi-source interference task (MSIT), this task provides a more graded mixture between these two sources of difficulty.

      2. The authors do a good job triangulating regions that encoding conflict similarity, looking for the conjunction across several different measures of conflict encoding. These conflict measures use several best-practice approaches towards estimating representational similarity.

      3. The authors quantify several salient alternative hypothesis, and systematically distinguish their core results from these alternatives.

      4. The question that the authors tackle is important to cognitive control, and they make a solid contribution.

      Concerns<br /> 1. The framing of 'infinite possible types of conflict' feels like a strawman. While they might be true across stimuli (which may motivate a feature-based account of control), the authors explore the interpolation between two stimuli. Instead, this work provides confirmatory evidence that task difficulty is represented parametrically (e.g., consistent with literatures like n-back, multiple object tracking, and random dot motion). This parametric encoding is standard in feature-based attention, and it's not clear what the cognitive map framing is contributing.

      2. The representations within DLPFC appear to treat 100% Stoop and (to a lesser extent) 100% Simon differently than mixed trials. Within mixed trials, the RDM within this region don't strongly match the predictions of the conflict similarity model. It appears that there may be a more complex relationship encoded in this region.

      3. To orthogonalized their variables, the authors need to employ a complex linear mixed effects analysis, with a potential influence of implementation details (e.g., high-level interactions and inflated degrees of freedom).

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> This study examines the construct of "cognitive spaces" as they relate to neural coding schemes present in response conflict tasks. The authors use a novel experimental design in which different types of response conflict (spatial Stroop, Simon) are parametrically manipulated. These conflict types are hypothesized to be encoded jointly, within an abstract "cognitive space", in which distances between task conditions depend only on the similarity of conflict types (i.e., where conditions with similar relative proportions of spatial-Stroop versus Simon conflicts are represented with similar activity patterns). Authors contrast such a representational scheme for conflict with several other conceptually distinct schemes, including a domain-general, domain-specific, and two task-specific schemes. The authors conduct a behavioral and fMRI study to test whether prefrontal cortex activity is correlated to one of these coding schemes. Replicating the authors' prior work, this study demonstrates that sequential behavioral adjustments (the congruency sequence effect) are modulated as a function of the similarity between conflict types. In fMRI data, univariate analyses identified activation in left prefrontal and dorsomedial frontal cortex that was modulated by the amount of Stroop or Simon conflict present, and representational similarity analyses that identified coding of conflict similarity, as predicted under the cognitive space model, in right lateral prefrontal cortex.


      This study addresses an important question regarding how conflict or difficulty might be encoded in the brain within a computationally efficient representational format. Relative to the other models reported in the paper, the evidence in support of the cognitive space model is solid. The ideas postulated by the authors are interesting and valuable ones, worthy of follow-up work that provides additional necessary scrutiny of the cognitive-space account.


      Future, within-subject experiments will be necessary to disentangle the cognitive space model from confounded task variables. A between-subjects manipulation of stimulus orientation/location renders the results difficult to interpret, as the source and spatial scale of the conflict encoding on cortex may differ from more rigorous (and more typical) within-subject manipulations.

      Results are also difficult to interpret because Stroop and Simon conflict are confounded with each other. For interpretability, these two sources of conflict need to be manipulated orthogonally, so that each source of conflict (as well as their interaction) could be separately estimated and compared in terms of neural encoding. For example, it is therefore not clear whether the RSA results are due to encoding of only one type of conflict (Stroop or Simon), to a combination of both, and/or to interactive effects.

      Finally, the motivation for the use of the term "cognitive space" to describe results is unclear. Evidence for the mere presence of a graded/parametric neural encoding (i.e., the reported conflict RSA effects) would not seem to be sufficient. Indeed, it is discussed in the manuscript that cognitive spaces/maps allow for flexibility through inference and generalization. Future work should therefore focus on linking neural conflict encoding to inference and generalization more directly.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      [...] Genes expressed in the same direction in lowland individuals facing hypoxia (the plastic state) as what is found in the colonised state are defined as adaptative, while genes with the opposite expression pattern were labelled as maladaptive, using the assumption that the colonised state must represent the result of natural selection. Furthermore, genes could be classified as representing reversion plasticity when the expression pattern differed between the plasticity and colonised states and as reinforcement when they were in the same direction (for example more expressed in the plastic state and the colonised state than in the ancestral state). They found that more genes had a plastic expression pattern that was labelled as maladaptive than adaptive. Therefore, some of the genes have an expression pattern in accordance with what would be predicted based on the plasticity-first hypothesis, while others do not.

      Thank you for a precise summary of our work. We appreciate the very encouraging comments recognizing the value of our work. We have addressed concerns from the reviewer in greater detail below.

      Q1. As pointed out by the authors themselves, the fact that temperature was not included as a variable, which would make the experimental design much more complex, misses the opportunity to more accurately reflect the environmental conditions that the colonizer individuals face at high altitude. Also pointed out by the authors, the acclimation experiment in hypoxia lasted 4 weeks. It is possible that longer term effects would be identifiable in gene expression in the lowland individuals facing hypoxia on a longer time scale. Furthermore, a sample size of 3 or 4 individuals per group depending on the tissue for wild individuals may miss some of the natural variation present in these populations. Stating that they have a n=7 for the plastic stage and n= 14 for the ancestral and colonized stages refers to the total number of tissue samples and not the number of individuals, according to supplementary table 1.

      We shared the same concerns as the reviewer. This is partly because it is quite challenging to bring wild birds into captivity to conduct the hypoxia acclimation experiments. We had to work hard to perform acclimation experiments by taking lowland sparrows in a hypoxic condition for a month. We indeed have recognized the similar set of limitations as the review pointed out and have discussed the limitations in the study, i.e., considering hypoxic condition alone, short time acclimation period, etc. Regarding sample sizes, we have collected cardiac muscle from nine individuals (three individuals for each stage) and flight muscle from 12 individuals (four individuals for each stage). We have clarified this in Supplementary Table 1.

      Q2. Finally, I could not find a statement indicating that the lowland individuals placed in hypoxia (plastic stage) were from the same population as the lowland individuals for which transcriptomic data was already available, used as the "ancestral state" group (which themselves seem to come from 3 populations Qinghuangdao, Beijing, and Tianjin, according to supplementary table 2) nor if they were sampled in the same time of year (pre reproduction, during breeding, after, or if they were juveniles, proportion of males or females, etc). These two aspects could affect both gene expression (through neutral or adaptive genetic variation among lowland populations that can affect gene expression, or environmental effects other than hypoxia that differ in these populations' environments or because of their sexes or age). This could potentially also affect the FST analysis done by the authors, which they use to claim that strong selective pressure acted on the expression level of some of the genes in the colonised group.

      The reviewer asked how individual tree sparrows used in the transcriptomic analyses were collected. The individuals used for the hypoxia acclimation experiment and represented the ancestral lowland population were collected from the same locality (Beijing) and at the same season (i.e., pre-breeding) of the year. They are all adults and weight approximately 18g. We have clarified this in the Supplementary Table S1 and Methods. We did not distinguish males from females (both sexes look similar) under the assumption that both sexes respond similarly to hypoxia acclimation in their cardiac and flight muscle gene expression.

      The Supplementary Table 2 lists the individuals that were used for sequence analyses. These individuals were only used for sequence comparisons but not for the transcriptomic analyses. The population genetic structure analyzed in a previously published study showed that there is no clear genetic divergence within the lowland population (i.e., individuals collected from Beijing, Tianjing and Qinhuangdao) or the highland population (i.e., Gangcha and Qinghai Lake). In addition, there was no clear genetic divergence between the highland and lowland populations (Qu et al. 2020).

      Author response image 1.

      Figure 1. Population genetic structure of the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus). The genetic structure generated using FRAPPE. The colors in each column represent the contribution from each subcluster (Qu et al. 2020). Yellow, highland population; blue, lowland population.

      Q4. Impact of the work There has been work showing that populations adapted to high altitude environments show changes in their hypoxia response that differs from the short-term acclimation response of lowland population of the same species. For example, in humans, see Erzurum et al. 2007 and Peng et al. 2017, where they show that the hypoxia response cascade, which starts with the gene HIF (Hypoxia-Inducible Factor) and includes the EPO gene, which codes for erythropoietin, which in turns activates the production of red blood cell, is LESS activated in high altitude individuals compared to the activation level in lowland individuals (which gives it its name). The present work adds to this body of knowledge showing that the short-term response to hypoxia and the long term one can affect different pathways and that acclimation/plasticity does not always predict what physiological traits will evolve in populations that colonize these environments over many generations and additional selection pressure (UV exposure, temperature, nutrient availability). Altogether, this work provides new information on the evolution of reaction norms of genes associated with the physiological response to one of the main environmental variables that affects almost all animals, oxygen availability. It also provides an interesting model system to study this type of question further in a natural population of homeotherms.

      Erzurum, S. C., S. Ghosh, A. J. Janocha, W. Xu, S. Bauer, N. S. Bryan, J. Tejero et al. "Higher blood flow and circulating NO products offset high-altitude hypoxia among Tibetans." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, no. 45 (2007): 17593-17598. Peng, Y., C. Cui, Y. He, Ouzhuluobu, H. Zhang, D. Yang, Q. Zhang, Bianbazhuoma, L. Yang, Y. He, et al. 2017. Down-regulation of EPAS1 transcription and genetic adaptation of Tibetans to high-altitude hypoxia. Molecular biology and evolution 34:818-830.

      Thank you for highlighting the potential novelty of our work in light of the big field. We found it very interesting to discuss our results (from a bird species) together with similar findings from humans. In the revised version of manuscript, we have discussed short-term acclimation response and long-term adaptive evolution to a high-elevation environment, as well as how our work provides understanding of the relative roles of short-term plasticity and long-term adaptation. We appreciate the two important work pointed out by the reviewer and we have also cited them in the revised version of manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is a well-written paper using gene expression in tree sparrow as model traits to distinguish between genetic effects that either reinforce or reverse initial plastic response to environmental changes. Tree sparrow tissues (cardiac and flight muscle) collected in lowland populations subject to hypoxia treatment were profiled for gene expression and compared with previously collected data in 1) highland birds; 2) lowland birds under normal condition to test for differences in directions of changes between initial plastic response and subsequent colonized response. The question is an important and interesting one but I have several major concerns on experimental design and interpretations.

      Thank you for a precise summary of our work and constructive comments to improve this study. We have addressed your concerns in greater detail below.

      Q1. The datasets consist of two sources of data. The hypoxia treated birds collected from the current study and highland and lowland birds in their respective native environment from a previous study. This creates a complete confounding between the hypoxia treatment and experimental batches that it is impossible to draw any conclusions. The sample size is relatively small. Basically correlation among tens of thousands of genes was computed based on merely 12 or 9 samples.

      We appreciate the critical comments from the reviewer. The reviewer raised the concerns about the batch effect from birds collected from the previous study and this study. There is an important detail we didn’t describe in the previous version. All tissues from hypoxia acclimated birds and highland and lowland birds have been collected at the same time (i.e., Qu et al. 2020). RNA library construction and sequencing of these samples were also conducted at the same time, although only the transcriptomic data of lowland and highland tree sparrows were included in Qu et al. (2020). The data from acclimated birds have not been published before.

      In the revised version of manuscript, we also compared log-transformed transcript per million (TPM) across all genes and determined the most conserved genes (i.e., coefficient of variance ≤  0.3 and average TPM ≥ 1 for each sample) for the flight and cardiac muscles, respectively (Hao et al. 2023). We compared the median expression levels of these conserved genes and found no difference among the lowland, hypoxia-exposed lowland, and highland tree sparrows (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P<0.05). As these results suggested little batch effect on the transcriptomic data, we used TPM values to calculate gene expression level and intensity. This methodological detail has been further clarified in the Methods and we also provided a new supplementary Figure (Figure S5) to show the comparative results.

      Author response image 2.

      The median expression levels of the conserved genes (i.e., coefficient of variance ≤ 0.3 and average TPM ≥ 1 for each sample) did not differ among the lowland, hypoxia-exposed lowland, and highland tree sparrows (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P<0.05).

      The reviewer also raised the issue of sample size. We certainly would have liked to have more individuals in the study, but this was not possible due to the logistical problem of keeping wild bird in a common garden experiment for a long time. We have acknowledged this in the manuscript. In order to mitigate this we have tested the hypothesis of plasticity following by genetic change using two different tissues (cardiac and flight muscles) and two different datasets (co-expressed gene-set and muscle-associated gene-set). As all these analyses show similar results, they indicate that the main conclusion drawn from this study is robust.

      Q2. Genes are classified into two classes (reversion and reinforcement) based on arbitrarily chosen thresholds. More "reversion" genes are found and this was taken as evidence reversal is more prominent. However, a trivial explanation is that genes must be expressed within a certain range and those plastic changes simply have more space to reverse direction rather than having any biological reason to do so.

      Thank you for the critical comments. There are two questions raised we should like to address them separately. The first concern centered on the issue of arbitrarily chosen thresholds. In our manuscript, we used a range of thresholds, i.e., 50%, 100%, 150% and 200% of change in the gene expression levels of the ancestral lowland tree sparrow to detect genes with reinforcement and reversion plasticity. By this design we wanted to explore the magnitudes of gene expression plasticity (i.e., Ho & Zhang 2018), and whether strength of selection (i.e., genetic variation) changes with the magnitude of gene expression plasticity (i.e., Campbell-Staton et al. 2021).

      As the reviewer pointed out, we have now realized that this threshold selection is arbitrarily. We have thus implemented two other categorization schemes to test the robustness of the observation of unequal proportions of genes with reinforcement and reversion plasticity. Specifically, we used a parametric bootstrap procedure as described in Ho & Zhang (2019), which aimed to identify genes resulting from genuine differences rather than random sampling errors. Bootstrap results suggested that genes exhibiting reversing plasticity significantly outnumber those exhibiting reinforcing plasticity, suggesting that our inference of an excess of genes with reversion plasticity is robust to random sampling errors. We have added these analyses to the revised version of manuscript, and provided results in the Figure 2d and Figure 3d.

      Author response image 3.

      Figure 2a (left) and Figure 2b (right). Frequencies of genes with reinforcement and reversion plasticity (>50%) and their subsets that acquire strong support in the parametric bootstrap analyses (≥ 950/1000).

      In addition, we adapted a bin scheme (i.e., 20%, 40% and 60% bin settings along the spectrum of the reinforcement/reversion plasticity). These analyses based on different categorization schemes revealed similar results, and suggested that our inference of an excess of genes with reversion plasticity is robust. We have provided these results in the Supplementary Figure S2 and S4.

      Author response image 4.

      (A) and Figure S4 (B). Frequencies of genes with reinforcement and reversion plasticity in the flight and cardiac muscle. (A) For genes identified by WGCNA, all comparisons show that there are more genes showing reversion plasticity than those showing reinforcement plasticity for both the flight and cardiac msucles. (B) For genes that associated with muscle phentoypes, all comparisons show that there are more genes showing reversion plasticity than those showing reinforcement plasticity for the flight muscle, while more than 50% of comparisons support an excess of genes with reversion plasticity for the cardiac muscle. Two-tailed binomial test, NS, non-significant; , P < 0.05; , P < 0.01; **, P < 0.001.

      The second issue that the reviewer raised is that the plastic changes simply have more space to reverse direction rather than having any biological reason to do so. While a causal reason why there are more genes with expression levels being reversed than those with expression levels being reinforced at the late stages is still contentious, increasingly many studies show that genes expression plasticity at the early stage may be functionally maladapted to novel environment that the species have recently colonized (i.e., lizard, Campbell-Staton et al. 2021; Escherichia coli, yeast, guppies, chickens and babblers, Ho and Zhang 2018; Ho et al. 2020; Kuo et al. 2023). Our comparisons based on the two genesets that are associated with muscle phenotypes corroborated with these previous studies and showed that initial gene expression plasticity may be nonadaptive to the novel environments (i.e., Ghalambor et al. 2015; Ho & Zhang 2018; Ho et al. 2020; Kuo et al. 2023; Campbell-Staton et al. 2021).

      Q3. The correlation between plastic change and evolved divergence is an artifact due to the definitions of adaptive versus maladaptive changes. For example, the definition of adaptive changes requires that plastic change and evolved divergence are in the same direction (Figure 3a), so the positive correlation was a result of this selection (Figure 3d).

      The reviewer raised an issue that the correlation between plastic change and evolved divergence is an artifact because of the definition of adaptive versus maladaptive changes, for example, Figure 3d. We agree with the reviewer that the correlation analysis is circular because the definition of adaptive and maladaptive plasticity depends on the direction of plastic change matched or opposed that of the colonized tree sparrows. We have thus removed previous Figure 3d-e and related texts from the revised version of manuscript. Meanwhile, we have changed Figure 3a to further clarify the schematic framework.

    1. Author Response:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Despite numerous studies on quinidine therapies for epilepsies associated with GOF mutant variants of Slack, there is no consensus on its utility due to contradictory results. In this study Yuan et al. investigated the role of different sodium selective ion channels on the sensitization of Slack to quinidine block. The study employed electrophysiological approaches, FRET studies, genetically modified proteins and biochemistry to demonstrate that Nav1.6 N- and C-tail interacts with Slack's C-terminus and significantly increases Slack sensitivity to quinidine blockade in vitro and in vivo. This finding inspired the authors to investigate whether they could rescue Slack GOF mutant variants by simply disrupting the interaction between Slack and Nav1.6. They find that the isolated C-terminus of Slack can reduce the current amplitude of Slack GOF mutant variants co-expressed with Nav1.6 in HEK cells and prevent Slack induced seizures in mouse models of epilepsy. This study adds to the growing list of channels that are modulated by protein-protein interactions, and is of great value for future therapeutic strategies.

      I have a few comments with regard to how Nav1.6 sensitize Slack to block by quinidine.

      (1) It is not clear to me if the Slack induced current amplitude varies depending on the specific Nav subtype. To this end, it would be valuable to test if Slack open probability is affected by the presence of specific Nav subtypes. Nav induced differences in Slack current amplitude and open probability could explain why individual Nav subtypes show varied ability to sensitize Slack to quinidine blockade.

      We appreciate the reviewer for raising this point. In order to address whether the whole-cell current amplitudes of Slack varies depending on the specific NaV subtype, we examined Slack current amplitudes upon co-expression of Slack with specific NaV subtypes in HEK293 cells. The results have shown that there are no significant differences in Slack current amplitudes upon co-expression of Slack with different NaV channel subtypes (Author response image 1), suggesting whole-cell Slack current amplitudes cannot explain the varied ability of NaV subtypes to sensitize Slack to quinidine blockade. To investigate the effect of different NaV channel subtypes on Slack open probability, we will perform the single-channel recordings in the future studies.

      Author response image 1.

      The amplitudes of Slack currents upon co-expression of Slack with specific NaV subtypes in HEK293 cells. ns, p > 0.05, one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test.

      (2) It has previously been shown that INaP (persistent sodium current) is important for inducing Slack currents. Here the authors show that INaT (transient sodium current) of Nav1.6 is necessary for the sensitization of Slack to quinidine block whereas INaP surprisingly has no effect. The authors then show that the N-tail together with C-tail of Nav1.6 can induce same effect on Slack as full-length Nav1.6 in presence of high intracellular concentrations of sodium. However, it is not clear to me how the isolated N- and C-tail of Nav1.6 can induce sensitization of Slack to quinidine by interacting with C-terminus of Slack, while sensitization also is dependant on INaT. The authors speculate on different slack open conformation, but one could speculate if there is a missing link, such as an un-identified additional interacting protein that causes the coupling.

      We fully agree the importance of investigating the detailed mechanism underlying the sensitization of Slack to quinidine blockade mediated by the N- and C-termini of NaV1.6. Regarding the possibility of additional interacting proteins (“missing link”) that mediate the coupling between Slack and NaV1.6, our GST-pull down assays involving Slack and the N- and C-termini of NaV1.6 (Fig. S7) suggest a direct interaction between Slack and NaV1.6 channels. This finding leads us to consider the possibility of additional interacting proteins might be excluded. In order to further address these questions, we plan to employ structural biological methods, such as cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is a very interesting paper about the coupling of Slack and Nav1.6 and the insight this brings to the effects of quinidine to treat some epilepsy syndromes.

      Slack is a sodium-activated potassium channel that is important to hyperpolarization of neurons after an action potential. Slack is encoded by KNCT1 which has mutations in some epilepsy syndromes. These types of epilepsy are treated with quinidine but this is an atypical antiseizure drug, not used for other types of epilepsy. For sufficient sodium to activate Slack, Slack needs to be close to a channel that allows robust sodium entry, like Na channels or AMPA receptors. but more mechanistic information is not available. Of particular interest to the authors is what allows quinidine to be effective in reducing Slack.

      In the manuscript, the authors show that Nav, not AMPA receptors are responsible for Slack activation, at least in cultured neurons (HeK293, primary cortical neurons). Most of the paper focuses on the evidence that Nav1.6 promotes Slack sensitivity to quinidine.

      (1) The paper is very well written although there are reservations about the use of non-neuronal cells or cultured primary neurons rather than a more intact system.

      We appreciate the reviewer's positive evaluation of our work. We acknowledge that utilizing a more intact system would provide valuable insights into the inhibitory effect of quinidine on Slack-NaV1.6. However, there are certain challenges associated with studying Slack currents in their entirety.

      First, in our experiments, isolating Slack currents from Na+-activated K+ currents in an intact system is challenging as selective inhibitors for Slick are currently unavailable. To address this, we propose using Slick gene knockout mice to specifically measure Slack currents under physiological conditions in the future investigations. Second, we have observed that the interaction between Slack and NaV1.6 primarily occurs at the axon initial segment of neurons. This poses a difficulty when using brain slices for measurements, as employing the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique to assess Slack at the axon initial segment may introduce systemic errors.

      We believe that testing the pharmacological effects of quinidine on Slack-NaV1.6 in primary neurons remains the optimal approach. Although non-neuronal cells or cultured primary neurons may not fully replicate the complexity of an intact system, they still provide valuable insights into the interactions between Slack and NaV1.6, and the effects of quinidine.

      (2) I also have questions about the figures.

      We will make the necessary modifications and clarifications based on the reviewer's comments:

      (3) Finally, riluzole is not a selective drug, so the limitations of this drug should be discussed.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. We will discuss the limitations of riluzole in our revised version of the manuscript.

      (4) On a minor point, the authors use the term in vivo but there are no in vivo experiments.

      We thanks the reviewer for raising this point. In our experiments, although we did not conduct experiments directly in living organisms, our results demonstrated the co-immunoprecipitation of NaV1.6 with Slack in homogenates from mouse cortical and hippocampal tissues (Fig. 3C). This result may support that the interaction between Slack and NaV1.6 occurs in vivo.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Yuan et al., set out to examine the role of functional and structural interaction between Slack and NaVs on the Slack sensitivity to quinidine. Through pharmacological and genetic means they identify NaV1.6 as the privileged NaV isoform in sensitizing Slack to quinidine. Through biochemical assays, they then determine that the C-terminus of Slack physically interacts with the N- and C-termini of NaV1.6. Using the information gleaned from the in vitro experiments the authors then show that virally-mediated transduction of Slack's C-terminus lessens the extent of SlackG269S-induced seizures. These data uncover a previously unrecognized interaction between a sodium and a potassium channel, which contributes to the latter's sensitivity to quinidine.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of functional and structural studies in vivo as well as physically interaction need to be clarified and extended.

      (1) Immunolabeling of the hippocampus CA1 suggests sodium channels as well as Slack colocalization with AnkG (Fig 3A). Proximity ligation assay for NaV1.6 and Slack or a super-resolution microscopy approach would be needed to increase confidence in the presented colocalization results. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation studies on the membrane fraction would bolster the functional relevance of NaV1.6-Slac interaction on the cell surface.

      We thank the reviewer for good suggestions. We acknowledge that employing proximity ligation assay and high-resolution techniques would significantly enhance our understanding of the localization of the Slack-NaV1.6 coupling.

      At present, the technical capabilities available in our laboratory and institution do not support high-resolution testing. However, we are enthusiastic about exploring potential collaborations to address these questions in the future. Furthermore, we fully recognize the importance of conducting co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) assays from membrane fractions. While we have already completed Co-IP assays for total protein and quantified the FRET efficiency values between Slack and NaV1.6 in the membrane region, the Co-IP assays on membrane fractions will be conducted in our future investigations.

      (2) Although hippocampal slices from Scn8a+/- were used for studies in Fig. S8, it is not clear whether Scn8a-/- or Scn8a+/- tissue was used in other studies (Fig 1J & 1K). It will be important to clarify whether genetic manipulation of NaV1.6 expression (Fig. 1K) has an impact on sodium-activated potassium current, level of surface Slack expression, or that of NaV1.6 near Slack.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. In Fig. 1G,J,K, primary cortical neurons from homozygous NaV1.6 knockout (Scn8a-/-) mice were used. We will clarify this information in the revised manuscript. In terms of the effects of genetic manipulation of NaV1.6 expression on IKNa and surface Slack expression, we compared the amplitudes of IKNa measured from homozygous NaV1.6 knockout (NaV1.6-KO) neurons and wild-type (WT) neurons. The results showed that homozygous knockout of NaV1.6 does not alter the amplitudes of IKNa (Author response image 2). The level of surface Slack expression will be tested further.

      Author response image 2.

      The amplitudes of IKNa in WT and NaV1.6-KO neurons (data from manuscript Fig. 1K). ns, p > 0.05, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test.

      (3) Did the epilepsy-related Slack mutations have an impact on NaV1.6-mediated sodium current?

      We thank the reviewer’s question. We examined the amplitudes of NaV1.6 sodium current upon expression alone or co-expression of NaV1.6 with epilepsy-related Slack mutations (K629N, R950Q, K985N). The results showed that the tested epilepsy-related Slack mutations do not alter the amplitudes of NaV1.6 sodium current (Author response image 3).

      Author response image 3.

      The amplitudes of NaV1.6 sodium currents upon co-expression of NaV1.6 with epilepsy-related Slack mutant variants (SlackK629N, SlackR950Q, and SlackK985N). ns, p>0.05, one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test.

      4) Showing the impact of quinidine on persistent sodium current in neurons and on NaV1.6-expressing cells would further increase confidence in the role of persistent sodium current on sensitivity of Slack to quinidine.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s question. Previous studies have shown that quinidine can inhibit persistent sodium currents at low concentrations1. In our experiments, blocking persistent sodium currents by application of riluzole in the bath solution showed no significant effects on the sensitivity of Slack to quinidine blockade upon co-expression of Slack with NaV1.6 (Fig. 2F,H). This result suggested that persistent sodium currents were not involved in the sensitization of Slack to quinidine blockade.

      1. Ju YK, Saint DA, Gage PW. Effects of lignocaine and quinidine on the persistent sodium current in rat ventricular myocytes. Br J Pharmacol. Oct 1992; 107(2):311-6. doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.1992.tb12743.x
    1. Author Response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Chan et al. tried identifying the binding sites or pockets for the KCNQ1-KCNE1 activator mefenamic acid. Because the KCNQ1-KCNE1 channel is responsible for cardiac repolarization, genetic impairment of either the KCNQ1 or KCNE1 gene can cause cardiac arrhythmia. Therefore, the development of activators without side effects is highly demanded. Because the binding of mefenamic acid requires both KCNQ1 and KCNE1 subunits, the authors performed drug docking simulation by using KCNQ1-KCNE3 structural model (because this is the only available KCNQ1-KCNE structure) with substitution of the extracellular five amino acids (R53-Y58) into D39-A44 of KCNE1. That could be a limitation of the work because the binding mode of KCNE1 might differ from that of KCNE3. Still, they successfully identified some critical amino acid residues, including W323 of KCNQ1 and K41 and A44 of KCNE1. They subsequently tested these identified amino acid residues by analyzing the point mutants and confirmed that they attenuated the effects of the activator. They also examined another activator, yet structurally different DIDS, and reported that DIDS and mefenamic acid share the binding pocket, and they concluded that the extracellular region composed of S1, S6, and KCNE1 is a generic binding pocket for the IKS activators.

      The data are solid and well support their conclusions, although there are a few concerns regarding the choice of mutants for analysis and data presentation.

      Other comments:

      1. One of the limitations of this work is that they used psKCNE1 (mostly KCNE3), not real KCNE1, as written above. It is also noted that KCNQ1-KCNE3 is in the open state. Unbinding may be facilitated in the closed state, although evaluating that in the current work is difficult.

      We agree that it is difficult to evaluate the role of unbinding from our model. Our data showing that longer interpulse intervals have a normalizing effect on the GV curve (Figure 3-figure supplement 2) could be interpreted to suggest that unbinding occurs in the closed state. Alternatively, the slowing of deactivation caused by S1-S6 interactions and facilitated by the activators may effectively be exceeded at the longer interpulse intervals.

      1. According to Figure 2-figure supplement 2, some amino acid residues (S298 and A300) of the turret might be involved in the binding of mefenamic acid. On the other hand, Q147 showing a comparable delta G value to S298 and A300 was picked for mutant analysis. What are the criteria for the following electrophysiological study?

      EP experiments interrogated selected residues with significant contributions to mefenamic acid and DIDs coordination as revealed by the MM/GBSA and MM/PBSA methods. A300 was identified as potentially important. We did attempt A300C but were never able to get adequate expression for analysis.

      1. It is an interesting speculation that K41C and W323A stabilize the extracellular region of KCNE1 and might increase the binding efficacy of mefenamic acid. Is it also the case for DIDS? K41 may not be critical for DIDS, however.

      Yes, we found K41 was not critical to the binding/action of DIDS compared to MEF. In electrophysiological experiments with the K41C mutation, DIDS induced a leftward GV shift (~ -25 mV) whereas the normalized response was statistically non-significant. In MD simulation studies, we observed detachment of DIDS from K41C-Iks only in 3 runs out of 8 simulations. This is in contrast to Mef, where the drug left the binding site of K41C-Iks complex in all simulations.

      1. Same to #2, why was the pore turret (S298-A300) not examined in Figure 7?

      Again, we attempted A300C but could not get high enough expression.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      1. The computational aspect of the work is rather under-sampled - Figure 2 and Figure 4. The lack of quantitative analysis on the molecular dynamic simulation studies is striking, as only a video of a single representative replica is being shown per mutant/drug. Given that the simulations shown in the video are extremely short; some video only lasts up to 80 ns. Could the author provide longer simulations in each simulation condition (at least to 500 ns or until a stable binding pose is obtained in case the ligand does not leave the binding site), at least with three replicates per each condition? If not able to extend the length of the simulations due to resources issue, then further quantitative analysis should be conducted to prove that all simulations are converged and are sufficient. Please see the rest of the quantitative analysis in other comments.

      We provide more quantitative analysis for the existing MD simulations and ran five additional simulations with 500 ns duration by embedding the channel in a POPC lipid membrane. For the new MD simulations, we used a different force field in order to minimize ambiguity related to force fields as well. Analysis of these data has led to new data and supplemental figures regarding RMSD of ligands during the simulations (Figure 4-figure supplement 1 and Figure 6-figure supplement 3), clustering of MD trajectories based on Mef conformation (Figure 2-figure supplement 3 and Figure 6 -figure supplement 2), H-bond formation over the simulations (Figure 2-figure supplement 4 and Figure 6-figure supplement 1). We have edited the manuscript to include this new information where appropriate.

      1. Given that the protein is a tetramer, at least 12 datasets could have been curated to improve the statistic. It was also unclear how frequently the frames from the simulations were taken in order to calculate the PBSA/GBSA.

      By using one ligand for each ps-IKs channel complex we tried to keep the molecular system and corresponding analysis as simple as was possible. Our initial results have shown that 4D docking and subsequent MD simulations with only one ligand bound to ps-IKs was complicated enough. Our attempts to dock 4 ligands simultaneously and analyze the properties of such a system were ineffective due to difficulties in: i) obtaining stable complexes during conformational sampling and 4D docking procedures, since the ligand interaction covers a region including three protein chains with dynamic properties, ii) possible changes of receptor conformation properties at three other subunits when one ligand is already occupying its site, iii) marked diversity of the binding poses of the ligand as cluster analysis of ligand-channels complex shows (Figure 2-figure supplement 3).

      We have added a line in the methods to clarify the use of only one ligand per channel complex in simulations.

      In order to calculate MMPBSA/MMGBSA we used a frame every 0.3 ns throughout the 300 ns simulation (1000 frames/simulation) or during the time the ligand remained bound. We have clarified this in the Methods.

      1. The lack of labels on several structures is rather unhelpful (Figure 2B, 2C, 4B). The lack of clarity of the interaction map in Figures 2D and 6A.

      We updated figures considering the reviewer's comments and added labels. For 2D interaction maps, we provided additional information in figure legends to improve clarity.

      1. The RMSF analysis is rather unclear and unlabelled thoroughly. In fact, I still don't quite understand why n = 3, given that the protein is a tetramer. If only one out of four were docked and studied, this rationale needs to be explained and accounted for in the manuscript.

      The rationale of conducting MD simulations with one ligand bound to IKs is explained in response to point 2 of the reviewer’s comments.

      RMSF analysis in Figure 4C-E was calculated using the chain to which Mef was docked but after Mef had left the binding site. Details were added to the methods.

      1. For the condition that the ligands suppose to leave the site (K42C for Mef and Y46A for DIDS), can you please provide simulations at a sufficient length of time to show that ligand left the site over three replicates? Given that the protein is a tetramer, I would be expecting three replicates of data to have four data points from each subunit. I would be expecting distance calculation or RMSD of the ligand position in the binding site to be calculated either as a time series or as a distribution plot to show the difference between each mutant in the ligand stability within the binding pocket. I would expect all the videos to be translatable to certain quantitative measures.

      We have shown in the manuscript that the MEF molecule detaches from the K41C/IKs channel complex in all three simulations (at 25 ns, 70 ns and 20 ns, Table. 4). Similarly, the ligand left the site in all five new 500 ns duration simulations. We did not provide simualtions for Y46A, but Y46C left the binding site in 4 of 5 500 ns simulations and changed binding pose in the other.

      Difficulties encountered upon extending the docking and MD simulations for 4 receptor sites of the channel complex is discussed in our response to point # 2 of the reviewer.

      1. Given that K41 (Mef) and Y46 are very important in the coordination, could you calculate the frequency at which such residues form hydrogen bonds with the drug in the binding site? Can you also calculate the occupancy or the frequency of contact that the residues are making to the ligand (close 4-angstrom proximity etc.) and show whether those agree with the ligand interaction map obtained from ICM pro in Figure 2D?

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to analyze the H-bond contribution to ligand dynamics in the binding site. In the plots shown in Figure 2-figure supplement 4 and Figure 6-figure supplement 1, we now provide detailed information about the dynamics of the H-bond formation between the ligand and the channel-complex throughout simulations. In addition, we have quantified this and have added these numbers to a table (Table 2) and in the text of the results.

      1. Given that the author claims that both molecules share the same binding site and the mode of ligand binding seems to be very dynamic, I would expect the authors to show the distribution of the position of ligand, or space, or volume occupied by the ligand throughout multiple repeats of simulations, over sufficient sampling time that both ligand samples the same conformational space in the binding pocket. This will prove the point in the discussion - Line 463-464. "We can imagine a dynamic complex... bind/unbind from Its at a high frequency".

      To support our statement regarding a dynamic complex we analyzed longer MD simulations and clustered trajectories, from this an average conformation from each cluster was extracted and provided as supplementary information which shows the different binding modes for Mef (Figure 2-figure supplement 3). DIDS was more stable in MD simulations and though there were also several clusters, they were similar enough that when using the same cut-off distance as for mefenamic acid, they could be grouped into one cluster. (Note the scale differences on dendrogram between Figure 2-figure supplement 3 and Figure 6-figure supplement 2).

      1. I would expect the authors to explain the significance and the importance of the PBSA/GBSA analysis as they are not reporting the same energy in several cases, especially K41 in Figure 2 - figure supplement 2. It was also questionable that Y46, which seems to have high binding energy, show no difference in the EPhys works in figure 3. These need to be commented on.

      Several studies indicate that G values calculated using MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods may vary. Some studies report marked differences and the reasons for such a discrepancy is thoroughly discussed in a review by Genheden and Ryde (PMID: 25835573). Therefore, we used both methods to be sure that key residues contributing to ligand binding identified with one method appear in the list of residues for which the calculations are done with the other method.

      Y46C which showed only a slightly less favorable binding energy and did not unbind during 300 ns simulations, unbound, or changed pose in 4 out of 5 of the longer simulations in the presence of a lipid membrane (Figure 4-figure supplement 1). The discrepancy between electrophysiological and MD data is commented in the manuscript (pages 12-13).

      1. Can the author prove that the PBSA/GBSA analysis yielded the same average free energy throughout the MD simulation? This should be the case when the simulations are converged. The author may takes the snapshots from the first ten ns, conduct the analysis and take the average, then 50, then 100, then 250 and 500 ns. The author then hopefully expects that as the simulations get longer, the system has reached equilibrium, and the free energy obtained per residue corresponds to the ensemble average.

      As we mention in the manuscript, MEF- channel interactions are quite dynamic and vary even from simulation to simulation. The frequent change of the binding pose of the ligands observed during simulations (represented in Figure 2 - figure supplement 3 as clusters) is a clear reflection of such a dynamic process. Therefore, we do not expect the same average energy throughout the simulation but we do expect that G values stands above the background for key residues, which was generally the case (Figure 2 - figure supplement 2 and Figure 6.)

      1. The phrase "Lowest interaction free energy for residues in ps-KCNE1 and selected KCNQ1 domains are shown as enlarged panels (n=3 for each point)" needs further explanation. Is this from different frames? I would rather see this PBSA and GBSA calculated on every frame of the simulations, maybe at the one ns increment across 500 ns simulations, in 4 binding sites, in 3 replicas, and these are being plotted as the distribution instead of plotting the smallest number. Can you show each data point corresponding to n = 3?

      The MMPBSA/MMGBSA was calculated for 1000 frames across 3x300 ns simulations with 0.3 ns sampling interval, together 3000 frames, shown in Figure 2-figure supplement 2 and includes error bars to show the differences across runs. We have updated the legend for greater clarity.

      1. I cannot wrap my head around what you are trying to show in Figure 2B. This could be genuinely improved with better labelling. Can you explain whether this predicted binding pose for Mef in the figure is taken from the docking or from the last frame of the simulation? Given that the binding mode seems to be quite dynamic, a single snapshot might not be very helpful. I suggest a figure describing different modes of binding. Figure 2B should be combined with figure 2C as both are not very informative.

      We have updated Figure 2B with better labelling and added a new figure showing the different modes of binding (Figure 2-figure supplement 3).

      1. Similar to the comment above, but for Figure 4B. I do not understand the argument. If the author is trying to say that the pocket is closed after Mef is removed - then can you show, using MD simulation, that the pocket is openable in an apo to the state where Mef can bind? I am aware that the open pocket is generated through batches of structures through conformational sampling - but as the region is supposed to be disordered, can you show that there is a possibility of the allosteric or cryptic pocket being opened in the simulations? If not, can you show that the structure with the open pocket, when the ligand is removed, is capable of collapsing down to the structure similar to the cryo-EM structure? If none of the above work, the author might consider using PocketMiner tools to find an allosteric pocket (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36699-3) and see a possibility that the pocket exists.

      Please see the attached screenshot which depicts the binding pocket from the longest run we performed (1250 ns) before drug detachment (grey superimposed structures) and after (red superimposed structures). Mefenamic acid is represented as licorice and colored green. Snapshots for superimposition were collected every 10 ns. As can be seen in the figure, when the drug leaves the binding site (after 500 ns, structures colored red), the N-terminal residue of psKCNE1, W323, and other residues that form the pocket shift toward the binding site, overlapping with where Mefenamic acid once resided. The surface structure in Figure 4B shows this collapse.

      Author response image 1.

      In the manuscript, we propose that drug binding occurs by the mechanism that could be best described by induced fit models, which state that the formation of the firm complexes (channel-Mef complex) is a result of multiple-states conformational adjustments of the bimolecular interaction. These interactions do not necessarily need to have large interfaces at the initial phase. This seems to be the case in Mef with IKS interactions, since we could not identify a pocket of appropriate size either using PocketMiner software suggested by the reviewer or with PocketFinder tool of ICM-pro software.

      1. Figure 4C - again, can you show the RMSF analysis of all four subunits leading to 12 data points? If it is too messy to plot, can you plot a mean with a standard deviation? I would say that a 1-1.5 angstroms increase in the RMSF is not a "markedly increased", as stated on line 280. I would also encourage the authors to label whether the RMSF is calculated from the backbone, side-chain or C-alpha atoms and, ideally, compare them to see where the dynamical properties are coming from.

      Please see the answer to comment #4. We agree that the changes are not so dramatic and modified the text accordingly. RMSD was calculated for backbone atom to compare residues with different side chains, a note of this is now in the methods and statistical significance of ps-IKs vs K41C, W323A and Y46C is indicated in Figures 4C-4E.

      1. In the discussion - Lines 464-467. "Slowed deactivation of the S1/KCNE1/Pore domain/drug complex... By stabilising the activated complex. MD simulation suggests the latter is most likely the case." Can you point out explicitly where this has been proven? If the drug really stabilised the activated complex, can you show which intermolecular interaction within E1/S1/Pore has the drug broken and re-form to strengthen the complex formation? The authors have not disproven the point on steric hindrance either. Can this be disproved by further quantitative analysis of existing unbiased equilibrium simulations?

      The stabilization of S1/KCNE1/Pore by drugs does not necessarily have to involve a creation of new contacts between protein parts or breakage of interfaces between them. The stabilization of activated complexes by drugs may occur when the drug simultaneously binds to both moveable parts of the channel, such as voltage sensor(s) or upper KCNE1 region, and static region(s) of the channel, such as the pore domain. We have changed the corresponding text for better clarity.

      1. Figure 4D - Can you show this RMSF analysis for all mutants you conducted in this study, such as Y46C? Can you explain the difference in F dynamics in the KCNE3 for both Figure 4C and 4D?

      We now show the RMSF for K41C, W323A and Y46C in Figure 4C-E. We speculate that K41 (magenta) and W323 (yellow), given their location at the lipid interface (see Author response image 1), may be important stabilizing residues for the KCNE N-terminus, whereas Y46 (green) which is further down the TMD has less of an impact.

      Author response image 2.

      1. Line 477: the author suggested that K41 and Mef may stabilise the protein-protein interface at the external region of the channel complex. Can you prove that through the change in protein-protein interaction, contact is made over time on the existing MD trajectories, whether they are broken or formed? The interface from which residues help to form and stabilise the contact? If this is just a hypothesis for future study, then this has to be stated clearly.

      It is known that crosslinking of several residues of external E1 with the external pore residues dramatically stabilizes voltage-sensors of KCNQ1/KCNE1 complex in the up-state conformation. This prevents movable protein regions in the voltage-sensors returning to their initial positions upon depolarization, locking the channel in an open state. We suggest that MEF may restrain the backward movement of voltage-sensors in a similar way that stabilizes open conformation of the channel. The stabilization of the voltage sensor domain through MEF occurs due to contacts of the drug with both static (pore domain) and dynamic protein parts (voltage-sensors and external KCNE1 regions). We have changed the corresponding part of the text.

      1. The author stated on lines 305-307 that "DIDS is stabilised by its hydrophobic and vdW contacts with KCNQ1 and KCNE1 subunits as well as by two hydrogen bonds formed between the drug and ps-KCNE1 residue L42 and KCNQ1 residue Q147" Can you show, using H-bond analysis that these two hydrogen bonds really exist stably in the simulations? Can you show, using minimum distance analysis, that L42 are in the vdW radii stably and are making close contact throughout the simulations?

      We performed a detailed H-bond analysis (Figure 6-supplement figure 1) which shows that DIDS forms multiple H-bond over the simulations, though only some of them (GLU43, TYR46, ILE47, SER298, TYR299, TRP323 ) are stable. Thus, the H-bonds that we observed in DIDS-docking experiments were unstable in MD simulations. As in the case of the IKs-MEF complex, the prevailing H-bonds exhibit marked quantitative variability from simulation to simulation. We have added a table detailing the most frequent H-bonds during MD simulations (Table 2).

      1. Discussion - In line 417, the author stated that the "S1 appears to pull away from the pore" and supplemented the claim with the movie. This is insufficient. The author should demonstrate distance calculation between the S1 helix and the pore, in WT and mutants, with and without the drug. This could be shown as a time series or distribution of centre-of-mass distance over time.

      We tried to analyze the distance changes between the upper S1 and the pore domain but failed to see a strong correlation We have removed this statement from the discussion.

      1. Given that all the work were done in the open state channel with PIP2 bound (PDB entry: 6v01), could the author demonstrate, either using docking, or simulations, or alignment, or space-filling models - that the ligand, both DIDS and Mef, would not be able to fit in the binding site of a closed state channel (PDB entry: 6v00). This would help illustrate the point denoted Lines 464-467. "Slowed deactivation of the S1/KCNE1/Pore domain/drug complex... By stabilising the activated complex. MD simulation suggests the latter is most likely the case."

      As of now, a structure representing the closed state of the channel does not exist. 6V00 is the closed inactivated state of the channel pore with voltage-sensors in the activated conformation. In order to create simulation conditions that reliably describe the electrophysiological experiments, at least a good model for closed channels with resting state voltage sensors is necessary.

      1. The author stated that the binding pose changed in one run (lines 317 to 318). Can you comment on those changes? If the pose has changed - what has it changed to? Can you run longer simulations to see if it can reverse back to the initial confirmation? Or will it leave the site completely?

      Longer simulations and trajectory clustering revealed several binding modes, where one pose dominated in approximately 50% of all simulations in Figure 2-figure supplement 3 encircled with a blue frame.

      1. Binding free energy of -32 kcal/mol = -134 kJ/mol. If you try to do dG = -RTlnKd, your lnKd is -52. Your Kd is e^-52, which means it will never unbind if it exists. I am aware that this is the caveat with the methodologies. But maybe these should be highlighted throughout the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. G values, and corresponding Kd values, calculated from simulation of Mef-ps-IKs complex do not reflect the apparent Kd values determined in electrophysiological experiments, nor do they reflect Kd values of drug binding that could be determined in biochemical essays. Important measures are the changes observed in simulations of mutant channel complexes relative to wild type. We now briefly mention this issue in the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) It would be nice to have labels of amino acid residues in Figure 2B.

      We updated Figure 2B and added some residue labels.

      2) Fig. 3A and 7A. In what order the current traces are presented? I don't see the rule.

      We have now arranged the current traces in a more orderly manner, listing them first by ascending KCNE1 residue numbers and then by ascending KCNQ1 residue numbers. Now consistent with Fig 3 and 7 (normalized response and delta V1/2).

      3) Line 312 "A44 and Y46 were more so." A44 may be more critical, but I can't see Y46 is more, according to Figure 2-figure supplement2 and Figure 6.

      Indeed, comparison of the energy decomposition data indicates approximately the same ∆G values for Y46. We have revised this in the text correspondingly.

      4) Line 267 "Mefenamic acid..." I would like to see the movie.

      We no longer have access to this original movie

      5) In supplemental movies 5-7, the side chains of some critical amino acid residues (W323, K41) would be better presented as in movies 1-4.

      We have retained the original presentations of these movies as the original files are no longer available.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      General comments:

      1) To determine the effect of mefenamic acid and DIDS on channel closing kinetics, a protocol in which they step from an activating test pulse to a repolarizing tail pulse to -40 mV for 1 s is used. If I understand it right, the drug response is assessed as the difference in instantaneous tail current amplitude and the amplitude after 1 s (row 599-603). The drug response of each mutant is then normalized to the response of the WT channel. However, for several mutants there is barely any sign of current decay during this relatively brief pulse (1 s) at this specific voltage. To determine drug effects more reliably on channel closing kinetics/the extent of channel closing, I wonder if these protocols could be refined? For instance, to cover a larger set of voltages and consider longer timescales?

      To clarify, the drug response of each mutant is not normalized to the response of the WT channel. In fact, our analysis is not meant to compare mutant and WT tail current decay but rather how isochronal tail current decay is changed in response to drug treatment in each channel construct. As acknowledged by the reviewer, the peak to end difference currents were calculated by subtracting the minimum amplitude of the deactivating current from the peak amplitude of the deactivating current. But the difference current in mefenamic acid or DIDS was normalized to the maximum control (in the absence of drug) difference current and subtracted from 1.0 to obtain the normalized response. Thus, the difference in tail current decay in the absence and in the presence of drug is measured within the same time scale and allow a direct comparison between before and after drug treatment. As shown in Fig 3D and 7C, a large drug response such as the one measured in WT channels is reflected by a value close to 1. A smaller drug response is indicated by low values. We recognize that some mutations resulted in an intrinsic inhibition of tail current decay in the absence of drug, which potentially lead to underestimating the normalized response value. Our goal was not to study in detail the effects of the drug on channel closing kinetics, but only to determine the impact of the mutation on drug binding by using tail current decay as a readout. Consequently, we believe that the duration of the deactivating tail current used in this experiment was sufficient to detect drug-induced tail current decay inhibition.

      2) The effect of mefenamic acid seems to be highly dependent on the pulse-to-pulse interval in the experiments. For instance, for WT in Figure 3 - Figure supplement 1, a 15 s pulse-to-pulse interval provides a -100 mV shift in V1/2 induced by mefenamic acid, whereas there is no shift induced when using a 30 s pulse-to-pulse interval. Can the authors explain why they generally consider a 15 s pulse-to-pulse interval more suitable (physiologically relevant?) in their experiments to assess drug effects?

      In our previous experiments, we have determined that a 15 s inter-pulse interval is generally adequate for the WT IKs channels to fully deactivate before the onset of the next pulse. Consistent with our previous work (Wang et al. 2019), we observed that in wild-type EQ channels, there is no current summation from one pulse to the next one (see Fig 1A, bottom panel). This is important as the IKs channel complex is known to be frequency dependent i.e. current amplitude increases as the inter-pulse interval gets shorter. Such current summation results in a leftward shift of the conductance-voltage (GV) relationship. This is also important with regards to drug effects. As indicated by the reviewer, mefenamic acid effects are prominent with a 15 sec inter-pulse interval but less so with a 30 sec inter-pulse interval when enough time is given for channels to more completely deactivate. Full effects of mefenamic acid would have therefore been concealed with a 30sec inter-pulse interval.

      Moreover, our patch-clamp recordings aim to explore the distinct responses of mutant channels to mefenamic acid and DIDS in comparison to the wild-type channel. It is important to note that the inter-pulse interval's physiological relevance is not necessarily crucial in this context.

      3) Related to comment 1 and 2, there is a large diversity in the intrinsic properties of tested mutants. For instance, V1/2 ranges from 4 to 70 mV. Also, there is large variability in the slope of the G-V curves. Whether channel closing kinetics, or the impact of pulse-to-pulse interval, vary among mutants is not clear. Could the authors please discuss whether the intrinsic properties of mutants may affect their ability to respond to mefenamic acid and DIDS? Also, please provide representative current families and G-V curves for all assessed mutants in supplementary figures.

      The intrinsic properties of some mutants vary from the WT channels and influence their responsiveness to mefenamic acid and DIDS. The impact of the mutations on the IKs channel complex are reflected by changes in V1/2 (Table 1, 4) and tail current decay (Figs. 3, 7). But, it is the examination of the drug effects on these intrinsic properties (i.e. GV curve and tail current decay) that constitutes the primary endpoint of our study. We consider that the degree by which mef and DIDS modify these intrinsic properties reflects their ability to bind or not to the mutated channel. In our analysis, we compared each mutant's response to mefenamic acid and DIDS with its respective control. Consequently, the intrinsic properties of the mutant channels have already been considered in our evaluation. As requested, we have provided representative current families and G-V curves for all assessed mutants in Figure 3-figure supplement 1 and Figure 7-figure supplement 1.

      4) The A44C and Y148C mutants give strikingly different currents in the examples shown in Figure 3 and Figure 7. What is the reason for this? In the examples in figure 7, it almost looks like KCNE1 is absent. Although linked constructs are used, is there any indication that KCNE1 is not co-assembled properly with KCNQ1 in those examples?

      The size of the current is critical to determining its shape, as during the test pulse there is some endogenous current mixed in which impacts shape. A44C and Y148C currents shown in Figure 7 are smaller with a larger contribution of the endogenous current, mostly at the foot of the current trace. In our experience there is little endogenous current in the tail current at -40 mV and for this reason we focus our measurements there.

      Although constructs with tethered KCNQ1 and KCNE1 were used, we cannot rule out the possibility that Q1 and E1 interaction was altered by some of the mutations. Several KCNE1 and KCNQ1 residues have been identified as points of contact between the two subunits. For instance, the KCNE1 loop (position 36-47) has been shown to interact with the KCNQ1 S1-S2 linker (position 140-148) (Wang et al, 2011). Thus, it is conceivable that mutation of one or several of those residues may alter KCNQ1/KCNE1 interaction and modify the activation/deactivation kinetics of the IKs channel complex.

      5) I had a hard time following the details of the simulation approaches used. If not already stated (I could not find it), please provide: i) details on whether the whole channel protein was considered for 4D docking or a docking box was specified, ii) information on how simulations with mutant ps-IKs were prepared (for instance with the K41C mutant), especially whether the in silico mutated channel was allowed to relax before evaluation (and for how long). Also, please make sure that information on simulation time and number of repeats are provided in the Methods section.

      For 4D docking, only residues within 0.8 nm of psKCNE1 residues D39-A44 were selected. Complexes with mutated residues were relaxed using the same protocol as the WT channel, (equilibration with gradually releasing restraints with a final equilibration for 10 ns where only the backbone was constrained with 50 kcal/mol/nm2). We have updated the methods accordingly.

      Specific comments:

      In figure legends, please provide information on whether data represents mean +/- SD or SEM. Also, please provide information on which statistical test was used in each figure.

      We revised the figure legend to add the nature of the statistical test used.

      G-V curves are normalized between 0 and 1. However, for many mutants the G-V relationship does not reach saturation at depolarized voltages. Does this affect the estimated V1/2? I could not really tell as I was not sure how V1/2 was determined for different mutants (could the explanation on row 595-598 be clarified)?

      The primary focus here is in the shift between the control response and drug response for each mutant, rather than the absolute V1/2 values. The isochronal G-V curves that are generated for each construct (WT and mutant) utilize an identical voltage protocol. This approach ensures a uniform comparison among all mutants. By observing the shifts in these curves, we can gain insight into the response of mutant channels to the drug. This information ultimately helps elucidate the inherent properties of the mutant channels and contributes to our understanding of the drug's binding mechanism to the channel.

      As requested by the reviewer, we also clarified the way V1/2 was generated: When the G-V curve did not reach zero, the V1/2 value was directly read from the plot at the voltage point where the curve crossed the 0.5 value on the y coordinate.

      A general comment is that the Discussion is fairly long and some sections are quite redundant to the Results section. The authors could consider focusing the text in the Discussion.

      We changed the discussion correspondingly wherever it was appropriate.

      I found it a bit hard to follow the authors interpretation on whether their drug molecules remain bound throughout the experiments, or whether there is fast binding/unbinding. Please clarify if possible.

      In the 300 ns MD simulations mefenamic acid and DIDS remained stably bound to WT-ps-IKS, binding of drugs to mutant complexes are described in the Table 3 and Table 5. In longer simulations with the channel embedded in a lipid environment, mefenamic acid unbinds in two out of five runs for WT-ps-IKs (Figure 4 – figure supplement 1), and DIDS shows a few events where it briefly unbinds (Figure 6 -figure supplement 3). Based on electrophysiological data we speculate that drugs might bind and unbind to WT-ps-IKs during the gating process. We do not see bind-unbinding in MD simulations, since the model we used in simulations reflects only open conformation of the channel-complex with an activated-state voltage-sensor, whereas a resting-state voltage sensor condition was not considered.

      The authors have previously shown that channels with no, one or two KCNE1 subunits are not, or only to a small extent, affected by mefenamic acid (Wang et al., 2020). Could the details of the binding site and proposed mechanisms of action provide clues as to why all binding sites need to be occupied to give prominent drug effects?

      In the manuscript, we propose that the binding of drugs induces conformational changes in the pocket region that stabilize S1/KCNE1/Pore complex. In the tetrameric channel with 4:4 alpha to beta stoichiometry the drugs are likely to occupy all four sites with complete stabilization of S1/KCNE1/Pore. When one or more KCNE1 subunits is absent, as in case of EQQ, or EQQQQ constructs, drugs will bind to the site(s) where KCNE1 is available. This will lead to stabilization of the only certain part of the S1/KCNE1/Pore complex. We believe that the corresponding effect of the drug, in this case will be partially effective.

      There is a bit of jumping in the order of when some figures are introduced (e.g. row 178 and 239). The authors could consider changing the order to make the figures easier to follow.

      We have changed the corresponding section appropriately to improve the reading flow.

      Row 237: "Data not shown", please show data.

      The G-V curve of the KCNE1 Y46C mutant displays a complex, double Boltzmann relationship which does not allow for the calculation of a meaningful V1/2 nor would it allow for an accurate determination of drug effects. Consequently, we have excluded it from the manuscript.

      In the Discussion, the author use the term "KCNE1/3". Does this correspond to the previous mention of "ps-KCNE1"?

      Yes, this refers to ps-KCNE1. We have changed it correspondingly.

      Row 576: When was HMR 1556 used?

      While HMR 1556 was used in preliminary experiments to confirm that the recorded current was indeed IKs, it does not provide substantial value to the data presented in our study or our experiments. As a result, we have excluded HMR 1556 experiments from the final results and have revised the Methods section accordingly.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) Figures 2D and 6A are very unclear. Can the authors provide labels as text rather than coloured circles, whether the residue is on Q1 or E1? There is also a distance label in the figure in the small font with the faintest shade of grey, which I believe is supposed to be hydrogen bonds. Can this be improved for clarity?

      We feel that additional labels on the ligand diagrams to be more confusing, instead, we updated the description in the legend and added labels to Figure 2B and Figure 6B to improve the clarity of residue positions. In addition, we have added 2 new figures with more detailed information about H-bonds (Figure 2-figure supplement 4, Figure 6- figure supplement 1).

      2) Figure 2B - all side chains need labelling in different binding modes. The green ligand on blue protein is very difficult to see. Suddenly, the ligand turns light blue in panel 2C. Can this be consistent throughout the manuscript?

      Figure 2B is updated according to this comment.

      3) Figure 2 - figure supplement 2, and figure 6B. Can the author show the residue number on the x-axis instead of just the one-letter abbreviation? This requires the reader to count and is not helpful when we try to figure out where the residue is at a glance. I would suggest a structure label adjacent to the plot to show whether they are located with respect to the drug molecule.

      Since the numbers for residues on either end of the cluster are indicated at the bottom of each boxed section, we feel that adding residue numbers would just further clutter the figure.

      4) Figure 2 - figure supplement 2, and Figure 6B. Can you explain what is being shown in the error bar? I assume standard deviation?

      Error bars on Figure 2-figure supplement 2 represent SEM. We added corresponding text in the figure legend.

      5) Figure 2 - figure supplement 2, and figure 6B. Can you explain how many frames are being accounted for in this PBSA calculation?

      For Figure 2- figure supplement 2 and Figure 6B a frame was made every 0.3 ns over 3x300 ns simulation, 1000 frames for each simulation, 3000 frames overall.

      6) Figure 3D/E and 7C/D, it would be helpful to show which mutant show agreeable results with the simulations, PBSA/GBSA and contact analyses as suggested above.

      The inconsistencies and discrepancies between the results of MD simulations and electrophysiological experiments are discussed throughout the manuscript.

      7) Figure legend, figure 3E - I assume that there is a type that is different mutants with respect to those without the drug. Otherwise, how could WT, with respect to WT, has -105 mV dV1/2?

      The reviewer is correct in that the bars indicate the difference in V1/2 between control and drug treatment. Thus, the difference in V1/2 (∆V1/2) between the V1/2 calculated for WT control and the V1/2 for mefenamic acid is indeed -105 mV. We have now revised Figure 3E's legend to accurately reflect this and ensure a clear understanding of the data presented.

      8) Figure 3 - figure supplement 1B is very messy, and I could not extract the key point from it. Can this be plotted on a separate trace? At least 1 WT trace and one mutant trace, 1 with WT+drug and one mut+drug as four separate plots for clarity?

      The key message of this figure is to illustrate the similarities of EQ WT + Mef and EQ L142C data. Thus, after thorough consideration, we have concluded that maintaining the current figure, which displays the progressive G-V curve shift in EQ WT and L142C in a superimposed manner, best illustrates the gradual shift in the G-V curves. This presentation allows for a clearer and more immediate comparison of the curve shifts, which may be more challenging to discern if the G-V curves were separated into individual figures. We believe that the existing format effectively communicates the relevant information in a comprehensive and accessible manner.

      9) Figure 4B - the label Voltage is blended into the orange helix. Can the label be placed more neatly?

      We altered the labels for this figure and added that information in the figure description.

      10) Can you show the numerical label of the residue, at least only to the KCNE1 portion in Figures 4C and 4D?

      We updated these figures and added residue numbering for clarity.

      11) Can you hide all non-polar hydrogen atoms in figure 8 and colour each subunit so that it agrees with the rest of the manuscripts? Can you adjust the position of the side chain so that it is interpretable? Can you summarise this as a cartoon? For example, Q147 and Y148 are in grey and are very far hidden away. So as S298. Can you colour-code your label? The methionine (I assume M45) next to T327 is shown as the stick and is unlabelled. Maybe set the orthoscopic view, increase the lighting and rotate the figures in a more interpretable fashion?

      We agree that Fig.8 is rather small as originally presented. We have tried to emphasize those residues we feel most critical to the study and inevitably that leads to de-emphasis of other, less important residues. As long as the figure is reproduced at sufficient size we feel that it has sufficient clarity for the purposes of the Discussion.

      12) Line 538-539. Can you provide more detail on how the extracellular residues of KCNE3 are substituted? Did you use Modeller, SwissModel, or AlphaFold to substitute this region of the KCNEs?

      We used ICM-pro to substitute extracellular residues of KCNE3 and create mutant variants of the Iks channel. This information is provided in the methods section now.

      13) Line 551: The PIP2 density was solved using cryo-EM, not X-ray crystallography.

      We corrected this.

      14) Line 555: The system was equilibrated for ten ns. In which ensemble? Was there any restraint applied during the equilibration run? If yes, at what force constant?

      The system was equilibrated in NVT and NPT ensembles with restraints. These details are added to methods. In the new simulations, we did equilibrations gradually releasing spatial from the backbone, sidechains, lipids, and ligands. A final 30 ns equilibration in the NPT ensemble was performed with restraint only for backbone atoms with a force constant of 50 kJ/mol/nm2. Methods were edited accordingly.

      15) Line 557: Kelvin is a unit without a degree.


      16) Line 559: PME is an electrostatic algorithm, not a method.


      17) Line 566: Collecting 1000 snapshots at which intervals. Given your run are not equal in length, how can you ensure that these are representative snapshots?

      Please see comment #5.

      18) Table 3 - Why SD for computational data and SEM for experimental data?

      There was no particular reason for using SD in some graphs. We used appropriate statistical tests to compare the groups where the difference was not obvious.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Review:

      1. Evidence for a disulfide bridge contained in membrane-associated FGF2 dimers

      This aspect was brought up in detail by both Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #3. It has been addressed in the revised manuscript by (i) new experimental and computational analyses, (ii) a more detailed discussion of previous work from our lab in which experiments were done the reviewers were asking for and (iii) a more general discussion of known examples of disulfide formation in protein complexes with a particular focus on membrane surfaces facing the cytoplasm, the inner plasma membrane leaflet being a prominent example. Please find our detailed comments in our direct response to Reviewers #1 and #3, see below.

      1. Affinity towards PI(4,5)P2 comparing FGF2 dimers versus monomers

      This is an aspect that has been raised by Reviewer 3 along with additional comments on the interaction of FGF2 with PI(4,5)P2. Please find our detailed response below. With regard to PI(4,5)P2 affinity aspects of FGF2 dimers versus FGF2 monomers, we think that the increased avidity of FGF2 dimers with two high affinity binding pockets for PI(4,5)P2 are a good explanation for the different values of free energies of binding that were calculated from the atomistic molecular dynamics simulations shown in Fig. 9. This phenomenon is well known for many biomolecular interactions and is also consistent with the cryoEM data contained in our manuscript, showing a FGF2 dimer with two PI(4,5)P2 binding sites facing the membrane surface.

      1. C95-C95 FGF2 dimers as signaling units

      We have put forward this hypothesis since in structural studies analyzing the FGF ternary signaling complex consisting of FGF2, FGF receptor and heparin, FGF2 mutants were used that lack C95. Nevertheless, two FGF2 molecules are contained in FGF signaling complexes. In addition to the papers on the structure of the FGF signaling complex, we have cited work that showed that C95-C95 crosslinked FGF2 dimers are efficient FGF signaling modules (Decker et al, 2016; Nawrocka et al, 2020). Therefore, being based on an assembly/disassembly mechanism with the transient formation of poreforming FGF2 oligomers, we think it is an interesting idea that the FGF2 secretion pathway produces C95-C95 disulfide-linked FGF2 dimers at the outer plasma membrane leaflet that can engage in FGF2 ternary signaling complexes. While this is a possibility we put forward to stimulate the field, it of course remains a hypothesis which has been clearly indicated as such in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1:

      1. Evidence for disulfide-bridged FGF2 dimers and higher oligomers on non-reducing versus reducing SDS gels

      The experiment suggested by Reviewer #1 is an important one that has been published by our group in previous work. In these studies, we found FGF2 oligomers analyzed on non-reducing SDS gels to be sensitive to DTT, turning the vast majority of oligomeric FGF2 species into monomers [(Müller et al, 2015); Fig. 3, compare panel D with panel H]. This phenomenon could be observed most clearly after short periods of incubations (0.5 hours) of FGF2 with PI(4,5)P2-containing liposomes. These findings constituted the original evidence for PI(4,5)P2-induced FGF2 oligomerization to depend on the formation of intermolecular disulfide bridges.

      In the current manuscript, we established the structural principles underlying this process and identified C95 to be the only cysteine residue involved in disulfide formation. Based on biochemical cross-linking experiments in cells, cryo-electron tomography, predictions from AlphaFold-2 Multimer and molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrated a strong FGF2 dimerization interface in which C95 residues are brought into close proximity when FGF2 is bound to membranes in a PI(4,5)P2-dependent manner. These findings provide the structural basis by which disulfide bridges can be formed from the thiols contained in the side chains of two C95 residues directly facing each other in the dimerization interface. In the revised manuscript, we included additional data that further strengthen this analysis. In the experiments shown in the new Fig. 10, we combined chemical cross-linking with mass spectrometry, further validating the reported FGF2 dimerization interface. In addition, illustrated in the new Fig. 8, we employed a new computational analysis combining 360 individual atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, each spanning 0.5 microseconds, with advanced machine learning techniques. This new data set corroborates our findings, demonstrating that the C95-C95 interface self-assembles independently of C95-C95 disulfide formation, based on electrostatic interactions. Intriguingly, it is consistent with our experimental findings based on cross-linking mass spectrometry (new Fig. 10) where cross-linked peptides could also be observed with the C77/95A variant form of FGF2, suggesting a protein-protein interface whose formation does not depend on disulfide formation. Therefore, we propose that disulfide formation occurs in a subsequent step, representing the committed step of FGF2 membrane translocation with the formation of disulfide-bridged FGF2 dimers being the building blocks for pore-forming FGF2 oligomers.

      As a more general remark on the mechanistic principles of disulfide formation in different cellular environments, we would like to emphasize that it is a common misconception that the reducing environment of the cytoplasm generally makes the formation of disulfide bridges unlikely or even impossible. From a biochemical point of view, the formation of disulfide bridges is not limited by a reducing cellular environment but is rather controlled by kinetic parameters when two thiols are brought into proximity. Indeed, it has become well established that disulfide bridges can also be formed in compartments other than the lumen of the ER/Golgi system, including the cytoplasm. For example, viruses maturing in the cytoplasm can form stable structural disulfide bonds in their coat proteins (Locker & Griffiths, 1999; Hakim & Fass, 2010). Moreover, many cytosolic proteins, including phosphatases, kinases and transcriptions factors, are now recognized to be regulated by thiol oxidation and disulfide bond formation, formed as a post-transcriptional modification (Lennicke & Cocheme, 2021). In numerous cases with direct relevance for our studies on FGF2, disulfide bond formation and other forms of thiol oxidation occur in association with membrane surfaces. In fact, many of these processes are linked to the inner plasma membrane leaflet (Nordzieke & Medrano-Fernandez, 2018). Growth factors, hormones and antigen receptors are observed to activate transmembrane NADPH oxidases generating O2·-/H2O2 (Brown & Griendling, 2009). For example, the local and transient oxidative inactivation of membrane-associated phosphatases (e.g., PTEN) serves to enhance receptor associated kinase signaling (Netto & Machado, 2022). It is therefore conceivable that similar processes introduce disulfide bridges into FGF2 while assembling into oligomers at the inner plasma membrane leaflet. In the revised version of our manuscript, we have discussed the above-mentioned aspects in more detail, with the known role of NADPH oxidases in disulfide formation at the inner plasma membrane leaflet being highlighted.

      Reviewer #2:

      1. Potential effects of a C95A substitution on protein folding and comparison with a C95S substitution with regard to phenotypes observed in FGF2 secretion

      A valid point that we indeed addressed at the beginning of this project. Most importantly, we tested whether both FGF2 C95A and FGF2 C95S are characterized by severe phenotypes in FGF2 secretion efficiency. As shown in the revised Fig. 1, cysteine substitutions by serine showed very similar FGF2 secretion phenotypes compared to cysteine to alanine substitutions (Fig. 1C and 1D). In addition, in the pilot phase of this project, we also compared recombinant forms of FGF2 C95A and FGF2 C95S in various in vitro assays. For example, we tested the full set of FGF2 variants in membrane integrity assays as the ones contained in Fig. 4. As shown in Author response image 1, FGF2 variant forms carrying a serine in position 95 behaved in a very similar manner as compared to FGF2 C95A variant forms. Relative to FGF2 wild-type, membrane pore formation was strongly reduced for both types of C95 substitutions. By contrast, both FGF2 C77S and C77A did show activities that were similar to FGF2 wild-type.

      Author response image 1.

      From these experiments, we conclude that changes in protein structure are not the basis for the phenotypes we report on the C95A substitution in FGF2.

      1. Effects of a C77A substitution on FGF2 membrane recruitment in cells

      The effect of a C77A substitution in FGF2 recruitment to the inner plasma membrane leaflet is indeed a moderate one. This is likely to be the case because C77 is only one residue of a more complex surface that contacts the α1 subunit of the Na,K-ATPase. Stronger effects can be observed when K54 and K60 are changed, residues that are positioned in close proximity to C77 (Legrand et al, 2020). Nevertheless, as shown in the revised Fig. 1, we consistently observed a reduction in membrane recruitment when comparing FGF2 C77A with FGF2 wild-type. When analyzing the raw data without GFP background subtraction, a significant reduction of FGF2 C77A was observed compared to FGF2 wild-type (Fig. 1A and 1B). We therefore conclude that C77 does not only play a role in FGF2/α1 interactions in biochemical assays using purified components (Fig. 7) but also impairs FGF2/α1 interactions in a cellular context (Fig. 1A and 1B).

      1. Identity of the protein band in Fig. 3 labeled with an empty diamond

      This is a misunderstanding as we did not assign this band to a FGF2-GFP dimer. When we produced the corresponding cell lines, we used constructs that link FGF2 with GFP via a ‘self-cleaving’ P2A sequence. During translation, even though arranged on one mRNA, this causes the production of FGF2 and GFP as separate proteins in stoichiometric amounts, the latter being used to monitor transfection efficiency. However, a small fraction is always expressed as a complete FGF2-P2A-GFP fusion protein (a monomer). This band can be detected with the FGF2 antibodies used and was labeled in Fig. 3 by an empty diamond.

      1. Labeling of subpanels in Fig. 5A

      We have revised Fig. 5 according to the suggestion of Reviewer #2.

      1. FGF2 membrane binding efficiencies shown in Fig. 5C

      It is true that FGF2 variant forms defective in PI(4,5)P2-dependent oligomerization (C95A and C77/95A) bind to membranes with somewhat reduced efficiencies. This is also evident form the intensity profiles shown in Fig. 5A and was observed in biochemical in vitro experiments as well. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon would be the increased avidity when FGF2 oligomerizes, stabilizing membrane interactions (see also Fig. 9B).

      1. Residual activities of FGF2 C95A and C77/95A in membrane pore formation?

      We do not assign the phenomenon in Fig. 5 Reviewer #2 is referring to as controlled activities of FGF2 C95A and C77/95A in membrane pore formation. Rather, GUVs containing PI(4,5)P2 are relatively labile structures with a certain level of integrity issues upon protein binding and extended incubation times being conceivable. It is basically a technical limitation of this assay with GUVs incubated with proteins for 2 hours. Even after substitution of PI(4,5)P2 with a Ni-NTA membrane lipid, background levels of loss of membrane integrity can be observed (Fig. 6). Therefore, as compared to FGF2 C95A and C77/95A, the critical point here is that FGF2 wt and FGF2 C77A do display significantly higher levels of a loss of membrane integrity in PI(4,5)P2-containing GUVs, a phenomenon that we interpret as controlled membrane pore formation. By contrast, all variant forms of FGF2 show only background levels for loss of membrane integrity in GUVs containing the Ni-NTA lipid.

      1. Why does PI(4,5)P2 induce FGF2 dimerization?

      This has been studied extensively in previous work (Steringer et al, 2017). As also discussed in the current manuscript, the interaction of FGF2 with membranes through its high affinity PI(4,5)P2 binding pocket orients FGF2 molecules on a 2D surface that increase the likelihood of the formation of the C95containing FGF2 dimerization interface. Moreover, in the presence of cholesterol at levels typical for plasma membranes, PI(4,5)P2 clusters containing up to 4 PI(4,5)P2 molecules (Lolicato et al, 2022), a process that may further facilitate FGF2 dimerization.

      1. Is it possible to pinpoint the number of FGF2 subunits in oligomers observed in cryo-electron tomography?

      We indeed took advantage of the Halo tags that appear as dark globular structures in cryo-electron tomography. For most FGF2 oligomers with FGF2 subunits on both sides of the membrane, we could observe 4 to 6 Halo tags which is consistent with the functional subunit number that has been analyzed for membrane pore formation (Steringer et al., 2017; Sachl et al, 2020; Singh et al, 2023). However, since the number of higher FGF2 oligomers we observed in cryo-electron tomography was relatively small and the nature of these oligomers appears to be highly dynamic, caution should be taken to avoid overinterpretation of the available data.

      Reviewer #3:

      1. Conclusive demonstration of disulfide-linked FGF2 dimers

      A similar point was raised by Reviewer #1, so that we would like to refer to our response on page 2, see above.

      1. Identity of FGF2-P2A-GFP observed in Fig. 3

      Again, a similar point has been made, in this case by Reviewer #2 (Point 3). The observed band is not a FGF2-P2A-GFP dimer but rather the complete FGF2-P2A-GFP fusion protein (a monomer) that corresponds to a small population produced during mRNA translation where the P2A sequence did not cause the production of FGF2 and GFP as separate proteins in stoichiometric amounts.

      1. Quantification of GFP signals in Fig. 6

      Fig. 6 has been revised according to the suggestion of Reviewer #3. A comprehensive comparison of PI(4,5)P2 and the Ni-NTA membrane lipid in FGF2 membrane translocation assays is also contained in previous work that introduced the GUV-based FGF2 membrane translocation assay (Steringer et al., 2017).

      1. Experimental evidence for various aspects of FGF2 interactions with PI(4,5)P2

      Most of the points raised by Reviewer #3 have been addressed in previous work. For example, FGF2 has been demonstrated to dimerize only on membrane surfaces containing PI(4,5)P2 (Müller et al., 2015). In solution, FGF2 remained a monomer even after hours of incubation as analyzed by native gel electrophoresis and reducing vs. non-reducing SDS gels (see Fig. 3 in Müller et al, 2015). In the same paper, the first evidence for a potential role of C95 in FGF2 oligomerization has been reported, however, at the time, our studies were limited to FGF2 C77/95A. In the current manuscript, the in vitro experiments shown in Figs. 2 to 6 establish the unique role of C95 in PI(4,5)P2-dependent FGF2 oligomerization. As discussed above, FGF2 oligomers have been shown to contain disulfide bridges based on analyses on non-reducing gels in the absence and presence of DTT (Müller et al., 2015).


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper from Hsu and co-workers describes a new automated method for analyzing the cell wall peptidoglycan composition of bacteria using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) combined with newly developed analysis software. The work has great potential for determining the composition of bacterial cell walls from diverse bacteria in high-throughput, allowing new connections between cell wall structure and other important biological functions like cell morphology or host-microbe interactions to be discovered. In general, I find the paper to be well written and the methodology described to be useful for the field. However, there are areas where the details of the workflow could be clarified. I also think the claims connecting cell wall structure and stiffness of the cell surface are relatively weak. The text for this topic would benefit from a more thorough discussion of the weak points of the argument and a toning down of the conclusions drawn to make them more realistic.

      Thank you for your thorough and insightful review of our manuscript. We greatly appreciate your positive and constructive feedbacks on our methodology. We have carefully reviewed your comments and have responded to each point as follows:

      Specific points:

      1) It was unclear to me from reading the paper whether or not prior knowledge of the peptidoglycan structure of an organism is required to build the "DBuilder" database for muropeptides. Based on the text as written, I was left wondering whether bacterial samples of unknown cell wall composition could be analyzed with the methods described, or whether some preliminary characterization of the composition is needed before the high-throughput analysis can be performed. The paper would be significantly improved if this point were explicitly addressed in the main text. We apologize for not making it clearer. The prior knowledge of the peptidoglycan structure of an organism is indeed required to build the “DBuilder” database to accurately identify muropeptides; otherwise, the false discovery rate might increase. While peptidoglycan structures of certain organisms might not have been extensively studied, users still remain the flexibility to adapt the muropeptide compositions based on their study, referencing closely related species for database construction. We have addressed this aspect in the main text to ensure a clearer understanding.

      “(Section HAMA platform: a High-throughput Automated Muropeptide Analysis for Identification of PGN Fragments) …(i) DBuilder... Based on their known (or putative) PGN structures, all possible combinations of GlcNAc, MurNAc and peptide were input into DBuilder to generate a comprehensive database that contains monomeric, dimeric, and trimeric muropeptides (Figure 1b)."

      2) The potential connection between the structure of different cell walls from bifidobacteria and cell stiffness is pretty weak. The cells analyzed are from different strains such that there are many possible reasons for the change in physical measurements made by AFM. I think this point needs to be explicitly addressed in the main text. Given the many possible explanations for the observed measurement differences (lines 445-448, for example), the authors could remove this portion of the paper entirely. Conclusions relating cell wall composition to stiffness would be best drawn from a single strain of bacteria genetically modified to have an altered content of 3-3 crosslinks.

      We understand your concern regarding the weak connection between cell wall structure and cell stiffness. We will make a clear and explicit statement in the main text to acknowledge that the cells analyzed are derived from different strains, introducing the possibility of various factors influencing the observed changes in physical measurements as determined by AFM. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate your suggestion to consider genetically modified strains to investigate the role of cross-bridge length in determining cell envelope stiffness. In this regard, we are in the process of developing a CRISPR/Cas genome editing toolbox for Bifidobacterium longum, and we plan on this avenue of investigation for future work.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors introduce "HAMA", a new automated pipeline for architectural analysis of the bacterial cell wall. Using MS/MS fragmentation and a computational pipeline, they validate the approach using well-characterized model organisms and then apply the platform to elucidate the PG architecture of several members of the human gut microbiota. They discover differences in the length of peptide crossbridges between two species of the genus Bifidobacterium and then show that these species also differ in cell envelope stiffness, resulting in the conclusion that crossbridge length determines stiffness.

      We appreciate your thoughtful review of our manuscript and your recognition of the potential significance of our work in elucidating the poorly characterized peptidoglycan (PGN) architecture of the human gut microbiota.

      The pipeline is solid and revealing the poorly characterized PG architecture of the human gut microbiota is worthwhile and significant. However, it is unclear if or how their pipeline is superior to other existing techniques - PG architecture analysis is routinely done by many other labs; the only difference here seems to be that the authors chose gut microbes to interrogate.

      We apologize if this could have been clearer. The HAMA platform stands apart from other pipelines by utilizing automatic analysis of LC-MS/MS data to identify muropeptides. In contrast, most of the routine PGN architecture analyses often use LC-UV/Vis or LC-MS platform, where only the automatic analyzing PGFinder software is supported. To our best knowledge, a comparable pipeline on automatically analyzing LC-MS/MS data was reported by Bern et al., which they used commercial Byonic software with an in-house FASTA database and specific glycan modifications. They achieved accurate and sensitive identification on monomer muropeptides, but struggled with cross-linked muropeptides due to the limitations of the Byonic software. We believe that our pipeline introducing the automatic and comprehensive analysis on muropeptide identification (particularly for Gram-positive bacterial peptidoglycans) would be a valuable addition to the field. To enhance clarity, we have adjusted the context as follows:

      (Introduction) … Although they both demonstrated great success in identifying muropeptide monomers, the accurate identification of muropeptide multimers and other various bacterial PGN structures still remains unresolved. This is because deciphering the compositions requires MS/MS fragmentation, but it is still challenging to automatically annotate MS/MS spectra from these complex muropeptide structures."

      I do not agree with their conclusions about the correlation between crossbridge length and cell envelope stiffness. These experiments are done on two different species of bacteria and their experimental setup therefore does not allow them to isolate crossbridge length as the only differential property that can influence stiffness. These two species likely also differ in other ways that could modulate stiffness, e.g. turgor pressure, overall PG architecture (not just crossbridge length), membrane properties, teichoic acid composition etc.

      Regarding the conclusions drawn about the correlation between cross-bridge length and cell envelope stiffness, we understand your point and appreciate your feedback. We revisit this section of our manuscript and tone down the conclusions drawn from this aspect of the study. We also recognize the importance of considering other potential factors that could influence stiffness, as you mentioned above. In light of this, we mentioned the need for further investigations, potentially involving genetically modified strains, in the main text to isolate and accurately determine the impact of bridge length on cell envelope stiffness.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor points:

      1) One thing to consider would be testing the robustness of the analysis pipeline with one the well-characterized bacteria studied, but genetically modifying them to change the cell wall composition in predictable ways. Does the analysis pipeline detect the expected changes?

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion and would like to provide a clear response. Regarding to testing the pipeline with genetically modified strains, our lab previously worked on genetically modified S. maltophilia (KJΔmrdA).1 Inactivation of mrdA turned out the increasing level of N-acetylglucosaminyl-1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamyl-meso-diamnopimelic acid-D-alanine (GlcNAc-anhMurNAc tetrapeptide) in muropeptide profiles, which is the critical activator ligands for mutant strain ΔmrdA-mediated β-lactamase expression. In this case, our platform could provide rapid PGN analysis for verifying the expected change of muropeptide profiles (see Author response image 1). Besides, if the predictable changes involve genetically modifications on interpeptide bridges within the PGN structure, for example, the femA/B genes of S. aureus, which are encoded for the synthesis of interpeptide bridges,2 our current HAMA pipeline is capable of detecting these anticipated changes. However, if the genetically modifications involve the introduce of novel components to PGN structures, then it would need to create a dedicated database specific to the genetically modified strain.

      Author response image 1.

      2) Line 368: products catalyzed > products formed

      The sentence has been revised.

      “(Section Inferring PGN Cross-linking Types Based on Identified PGN Fragments) …Based on the muropeptide compositional analysis mentioned above, we found high abundances of M3/M3b monomer and D34 dimer in the PGNs of E. faecalis, E. faecium, L. acidophilus, B. breve, B. longum, and A. muciniphila, which may be the PGN products formed by Ldts.”

      3) Lines 400-402: Is it possible the effect is related to porosity, not "hardness".

      Thank you for the suggestion. The possibility of the slower hydrolysis rate of purified PGN in B. breve being related to porosity is indeed noteworthy. While this could be a potential factor, we would like to acknowledge the limited existing literature that directly addresses the relation between PGN architecture and porosity. It is plausible that current methods available for assessing cell wall porosity may have certain limitations, contributing to the scarcity of relevant studies. In light of this, we would like to propose a speculative explanation for the observed effect. It is plausible that the tighter PGN architecture resulting from shorter interpeptide bridges in B. breve could contribute to its harder texture. This speculation is grounded in the concept that a more compact PGN structure might lead to increased stiffness, aligning with our observations of higher cell stiffness in B. breve.

      4) Lines 403-408: See point #2 above.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have explicitly addressed this point in the main text:

      “(Section Exploring the Bridge Length-dependent Cell Envelope Stiffness in B. longum and B. breve) … Taken all together, we speculate that a tight peptidoglycan network woven by shorter interpeptide bridges or 3-3 cross-linkages could give bacteria stiffer cell walls. However, it is important to note that cell stiffness is a mechanical property that also depends on PGN thickness, overall architecture, and turgor pressure. These parameters may vary among different bacterial strains. Hence, carefully controlled, genetically engineered strains with similar characteristics will be needed to dissect the role of cross-bridge length in cell envelope stiffness.”

      5) Lines 428-429: It is not clear to me how mapping the cell wall architecture provides structural information about the synthetic system. It is also not clear how antibiotic resistance can be inferred. More detail is needed here to flesh out these points.

      Thank you for the suggestion. To provide further clarity on these important aspects, the context in the manuscript has been revised.

      “(Discussion) …Importantly, our HAMA platform provides a powerful tool for mapping peptidoglycan architecture, giving structural information on the PGN biosynthesis system. This involves the ability to infer possible PGN cross-linkages based on the type of PGN fragments obtained from hydrolysis. For instance, the identification of 3-3 cross-linkage formed by L,D-transpeptidases (Ldts) is of particular significance. Unlike 4-3 cross-linkages, the 3-3 cross-linkage is resistant to inhibition by β-Lactam antibiotics, a class of antibiotics that commonly targets bacterial cell wall synthesis through interference with 4-3 cross-linkages. Therefore, by elucidating the specific cross-linkage types within the peptidoglycan architecture, our approach offers insights into antibiotic resistance mechanisms.”

      6) Line 478: "maneuvers are proposed for" > "work is needed to generate". Also, delete "innovative". Also "in silico" > "in silico-based".

      The sentence has been revised.

      “(Discussion) …To achieve a more comprehensive identification of muropeptides, future work is needed to generate an expanded database, in silico-based fragmentation patterns, and improved MS/MS spectra acquisition.”

      7) Line 485: "Its" > "It has potential"

      The sentence has been revised.

      “(Discussion) …It has potential applications in identifying activation ligands for antimicrobial resistance studies, characterizing key motifs recognized by pattern recognition receptors for host-microbiota immuno-interaction research, and mapping peptidoglycan in cell wall architecture studies.”

      8) Figure 1 legend: Define Gb and Pb.

      Gb and Pb are the abbreviations of glycosidic bonds and peptide bonds. We have revised the Figure legend 1 as follow:

      “(Figure legend 1) …(b) DBuilder constructs a muropeptide database containing monomers, dimers, and trimers with two types of linkage: glycosidic bonds (Gb) and peptide bonds (Pb).”

      9) Figure 2: It is hard to see what is going on in panel a and c with all the labels. Consider removing them and showing a zoomed inset with labels in addition to ab unlabeled full chromatogram.

      We apologize for not making this clearer. The panel a and c in Figure 2 were directly generated by the Analyzer as a software screenshot of the peak annotations on chromatogram. Our intention was to present a comprehensive PGN mapping (approximately 70% of the peak area was assigned to muropeptide signals) using this platform. We understand the label density might affect clarity, so we have added the output tables of the whole muropeptide identifications as source data (Table 1–Source Data 1&2). Additionally, we have uploaded the Analyzer output files (see Additional Files), which can be better visualized in the Viewer program, and it also allows users zoom in for detailed labeling information.

      10) Figure 3: It is worth pointing out what features of the MS/MS fingerprints are helping to discriminate between species.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have revised Figure 3 and the legend as follow:

      “(Figure legend 3) …The sequence of each isomer was determined using in silico MS/MS fragmentation matching, with the identified sequence having the highest matching score. The key MS/MS fragments that discriminate between two isomers are labeled in bold brown.”

      Author response image 2.

      11) Figure 4 and 5 legend: Can you condense the long descriptions of the abbreviations - or at least only refer to them once?

      Certainly, to enhance clarity and conciseness in the figure legends, we have revised Figure legend 5 as follow:

      “(Figure legend 5) …(b) Heatmap displaying …. Symbols: M, monomer; D, dimer; T, trimer (numbers indicate amino acids in stem peptides). Description of symbol abbreviations as in Figure legend 4, with the addition of "Glycan-T" representing trimers linked by glycosidic bonds.”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Please read the manuscript carefully for spelling errors.

      We appreciate your careful review of our manuscript. We have thoroughly rechecked the entire manuscript for spelling errors and have made the necessary corrections to ensure the accuracy and quality of the text.

      1. Line 46 - "multilayered" is likely only true for Gram-positive bacteria.

      We thank reviewer #2 for bringing up this concern. Indeed, Gram-negative bacteria mostly possess single layer of peptidoglycan, but could be up to three layers in some part of the cell surface.3, 4 In order to reduce the confusion, we have rewritten the context as follow: “(Introduction) …PGN is a net-like polymeric structure composed of various muropeptide molecules, with their glycans linearly conjugated and short peptide chains cross-linked through transpeptidation.”

      1. Methods section: It seems like pellets from a 10 mL bacterial culture were ultimately suspended in 1.5 L (750 mL water + 750 mL tris) - why such a large volume? And how were PG fragments subsequently washed (centrifugation? There is no information on this in the Methods).

      We apologize for the mislabeling on the units. The accurate volume should be “1.5 mL (750 µL water + 750 µL tris)”. We have updated the correct volume in the Methods section (lines 99-100). For the washing process of purified PGN, we added 1 mL water, centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 5 minutes, and removed supernatant. This information has added to the Methods section (lines 95-98).

      1. Line 183 - why were 6 modifications chose as the cutoff? Please make rationale more clear.

      We thank reviewer #2 for the comments. We set the maximum modification number of 6 in the assumption of one modification on each sugar of a trimeric muropeptide. A lower cutoff could effectively limit the identification of muropeptides with unlikely numbers of modifications, whereas a higher cutoff could allow for having multiple modifications on a muropeptide. In our hand, muropeptide modifications of E. coli are mostly N-deacetyl-MurNAc and anhydro-MurNAc, and modifications of gut microbes used here are mostly N-deacetyl-GlcNAc, anhydro-MurNAc, O-acetyl-MurNAc, loss of GlcNAc, and amidated iso-Glu. While we recommend starting data analysis with the cutoff of 6 modifications, users are free to adjust this based on their studies.

      1. Line 339 - define donor vs. acceptor here (can be added in parentheses after explaining the relevant chemical reactions further above in the text)

      Thank you for the suggestion. To provide greater clarity regarding the roles of the donor and acceptor substrates in the transpeptidation process, we have revised the content in the manuscript as follows:

      “(Section Inferring PGN Cross-linking Types Based on Identified PGN Fragments) …In general, there are two types of PGN cross-linkage…. Transpeptidation involves two stem peptides which function as acyl donor and acceptor substrates, respectively. As the enzyme names imply, the donor substrates that Ddts and Ldts bind to are terminated as D,D-stereocenters and L,D-stereocenters, which structurally means pentapeptides and tetrapeptides. During D,D-transpeptidation, Ddts recognize D-Ala4-D-Ala5 of the donor stem (pentapeptide) and remove the terminal D-Ala5 residue, forming an intermediate. The intermediate then cross-links the NH2 group in the third position of the neighboring acceptor stem, forming a 4-3 cross-link.”

      1. Line 366 following - can you calculate % crosslinks based on these numbers? What does "high abundance" of 3,3 crosslinks mean in this context? Is this the majority of PG?

      Thank you for your questions. Calculating the percentage of crosslinks based on the muropeptide compositional numbers is a valid consideration. However, it's important to note that the muropeptides we analyzed were hydrolyzed by mutanolysin, and as such, deriving an accurate % crosslink value from these data might not provide a true representation of the crosslinking percentage within the PGN network. For a more precise determination of % crosslinks, methods such as solid-phase NMR on purified peptidoglycan would be required. Our research provides insights into the characterization of PGN fragments and allows us to infer potential PGN cross-linkage types and the enzymes involved based on the dominant muropeptide fragments. Regarding the phrase "high abundance" in the context, it indicates that the M3b/M4b monomer and D34 dimer muropeptides represent a significant portion of the hydrolysis products. These muropeptides are major constituents within the PGN fragments obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis.

      1. Line 375 - I am not sure PG is a meaningful diffusion barrier for drugs and signaling molecules, give that even larger proteins can apparently diffuse through the pores.

      Thank you for raising this point. Peptidoglycan indeed possesses relatively wide pores that allow for the diffusion of larger molecules, including proteins.5 Research has provided a rough estimate of the porosity of the PGN meshwork, suggesting that it allows for the diffusion of proteins with a maximum molecular mass of around 50 kDa.6 Considering this, we acknowledge that PGN may not serve as a significant diffusion barrier for drugs and signaling molecules. The porosity of the PGN scaffold, which is defined by the degree of cross-linking, plays a role in influencing the transport of molecules to the cell membrane. Thus, while PGN may not serve as a strict diffusion barrier, its structural characteristics still impact bacterial cell mechanics and interactions. We have revised the manuscript to reflect this understanding:

      “(Section Exploring the Bridge Length-dependent Cell Envelope Stiffness in B. longum and B. breve) …The porosity of the PGN scaffold, defined by the degree of cross-linking, influences the transport of larger molecules such as proteins. Therefore, modifications to PGN structure are anticipated to significantly affect bacterial cell mechanics and interactions.”

      1. Line 400 - what does "slower hydrolysis rate" refer to, is this chemical hydrolysis or enzymatic (autolysins?). also, I am not sure hydrolysis rate of either modality allows for solid conclusions about how hard (line 402) the PG is.

      Thank you for your comments. The hydrolysis rate here refers to the enzymatic hydrolysis, specifically the mutanolysin cleaving the β-N-acetylmuramyl-(1,4)-N-acetylglucosamine linkage. Indeed, there is no direct correlation between the hydrolysis rate and the hardness of PGN architecture, although the structure rigidity is a key determinant in protein digestion.7 Considering the enzymatic hydrolysis rate depending on the accessibility of the substrate to the enzyme, we proposed that the tighter PGN architecture could also lead to a slower hydrolysis rate. This speculation aligns with our observations of higher cell stiffness or more compact PGN structure of B. breve and its slower hydrolysis rate. We understand this is indirect proof, so the revised sentence now reads:

      “(Section Exploring the Bridge Length-dependent Cell Envelope Stiffness in B. longum and B. breve) …Furthermore, B. breve also showed a slower enzymatic hydrolysis rate in purified PGNs, implying that the cell wall structure of B. breve is characterized by a compact PGN architecture.”

      1. Line 424 - I am not convinced this pipeline can detect PG architectures that other pipelines cannot; likely, the difference between previous analyses and theirs is due to different growth conditions (3,3 crosslink formation is often modulated by environmental factors/growth stage). In the next sentence, it sounds like mutanolysin treatment is a novelty in PG analysis (which it is not).

      We apologize if this could have been clearer and we have revised the paragraph to describe our study more accurately. We agree that different growth conditions could influence PGN architecture and other pipelines could manually identify the PGN architectures or automatically identify them if they are not too complex. Our original intention was to highlight the ability of the HAMA program to automatically identify unreported PGN structure. Here are the revised sentences:

      “(Discussion) …We speculate that this finding may be influenced by the comprehensive mass spectrometric approaches we employed or by variations in growth conditions. Moreover, we utilized the well-established enzymatic method involving mutanolysin to cleave the β-N-acetylmuramyl-(1,4)-N-acetylglucosamine linkage, which preserves the original peptide linkage in intact PGN subunits.”

      1. Line 440- 442: As outlined in more detail above: I don't think you can conclude something about the relationship between bridge length and envelope stiffness based on these data. Thank you for your valuable feedback. We agree that our data may not definitively support the direct conclusion about the relationship between bridge length and envelope stiffness in Bifidobacterium species. Instead, we will rephrase this section to accurately present the observed correlations without overgeneralizing:

      “(Discussion) … Notably, our study suggested a potential correlation between the cell stiffness and the compactness of bacterial cell walls in Bifidobacterium species (Figure 5). B. longum, which predominantly harbors tetrapeptide bridges (Ser-Ala-Thr-Ala), exhibits a trend towards lower stiffness, whereas B. breve, characterized by PGN cross-linked with monopeptide bridges (Gly), demonstrates a trend towards higher stiffness. These findings suggested that it may be correlated between the increased rigidity and the more compact PGN architecture built by shorter cross-linked bridges.”

      References: 1. Huang, Y.-W.; Wang, Y.; Lin, Y.; Lin, C.; Lin, Y.-T.; Hsu, C.-C.; Yang, T.-C., Impacts of Penicillin Binding Protein 2 Inactivation on β-Lactamase Expression and Muropeptide Profile in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. mSystems 2017, 2 (4), 00077-00017.

      1. Jarick, M.; Bertsche, U.; Stahl, M.; Schultz, D.; Methling, K.; Lalk, M.; Stigloher, C.; Steger, M.; Schlosser, A.; Ohlsen, K., The serine/threonine kinase Stk and the phosphatase Stp regulate cell wall synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus. Sci. Rep. 2018, 8 (1), 13693.

      2. Labischinski, H.; Goodell, E. W.; Goodell, A.; Hochberg, M. L., Direct proof of a "more-than-single-layered" peptidoglycan architecture of Escherichia coli W7: a neutron small-angle scattering study. J. Bacteriol. 1991, 173 (2), 751-756.

      3. Rohde, M., The Gram-Positive Bacterial Cell Wall. Microbiol. Spectr. 2019, 7 (3), gpp3-0044-2018.

      4. Vollmer, W.; Höltje, J. V., The architecture of the murein (peptidoglycan) in gram-negative bacteria: vertical scaffold or horizontal layer(s)? J. Bacteriol. 2004, 186 (18), 5978-5987.

      5. Vollmer, W.; Blanot, D.; De Pedro, M. A., Peptidoglycan structure and architecture. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 2008, 32 (2), 149-167.

      6. Li, Q.; Zhao, D.; Liu, H.; Zhang, M.; Jiang, S.; Xu, X.; Zhou, G.; Li, C., "Rigid" structure is a key determinant for the low digestibility of myoglobin. Food Chem.: X 2020, 7, 100094.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to the Referee Comments We would like to express our appreciation to the editor and the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and constructive suggestions on the manuscript. We agree with most of the comments and have carefully revised the manuscript accordingly. The revisions are highlighted in red font in the revised manuscript. Below are point-by-point responses to the referee’s comments.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Microglia are increasingly recognized as playing an important role in shaping the synaptic circuit and regulating neural dynamics in response to changes in their surrounding environment and in brain states. While numerous studies have suggested that microglia contribute to sleep regulation and are modulated by sleep, there has been little direct evidence that the morphological dynamics of microglia are modulated by the sleep/wake cycle. In this work, Gu et al. applied a recently developed miniature two-photon microscope in conjunction with EEG and EMG recording to monitor microglia surveillance in freely-moving mice over extended period of time. They found that microglia surveillance depends on the brain state in the sleep/wake cycle (wake, non-REM, or REM sleep). Furthermore, they subjected the mouse to acute sleep deprivation, and found that microglia gradually assume an active state in response. Finally, they showed that the state-dependent morphological changes depend on norepinephrine (NE), as chemically ablating noradrenergic inputs from locus coeruleus abolished such changes; this is in agreement with previous publications. The authors also showed that the effect of NE is partially mediated by β2-adrenergic receptors, as shown with β2-adrenergic receptor knock-out mice. Overall, this study is a technical tour de force, and its data add valuable direct evidence to the ongoing investigations of microglial morphological dynamics and its relationship with sleep. However, there are a number of details that need to be clarified, and some conclusions need to be corroborated by more control experiments or more rigorous statistical analysis. Specifically:

      1. The number of branch points per microglia shown here (e.g., Fig. 2g) is much lower than the values of branch points in the literature, e.g., Liu T et al., Neurobiol. Stress 15: 100342, 2021 (mouse dmPFC, IHC); Liu YU et al., Nat. Neurosci. 22: 1771-81, 2019 (mouse S1, in vivo 2P imaging). The authors need to discuss the possible source of such discrepancy.

      Thank you for raising this important point. Two reasons may account for this difference. Firstly, the difference in the definition of branch points in the software. Liu YU et al. used the Sholl analysis of image J software to analyze the number of branch points of microglia. Sholl analysis defines the number of branch points as the number of crossings between branches and concentric circles of increasing radii. We reconstructed microglia morphology using Imaris, a software that defines branching points based on the number of bifurcation points. The number of bifurcations calculated represents the number of microglia branch points. Secondly, this and previous studies found that more branching points present in the state of anesthesia. The morphological characteristics of microglia in head-fixed mice under anesthesia was reported by Liu T et al. and the microglia reconstruction results presented by the authors are indeed more complex than ours. In short, this is an aspect that we have been paying attention to, and the main reasons for this difference may lie in the definition of branch points, analysis methods and related choice of thresholds. True differences in brain states and the heterogeneity of microglia in different brain regions may also contribute to the apparent discrepancy.

      1. Microglia process end-point speed (Fig. 2h, o): here the authors show that the speed is highest in the wake state and lowest in NREM, which agrees with the measurement on microglia motility during wakefulness vs NREM in a recent publication (Hristovska I et al., Nat. Commun. 13: 6273, 2022). However, Hristovska et al. also reported lower microglia complexity in NREM vs wake state, which seems to be the opposite of the finding in this paper. The authors need to discuss the possible source of such differences.

      This is also an important point. Hristovska et al. reported the morphodynamic characteristics of microglia during wakefulness and NREM sleep. It is worth noting that the sleep state of the mice in their experiments was unnatural due to the head fixation and body limitations, the duration of NREM sleep (sleep stability) being quite different from the NREM sleep analyzed under natural sleep. The limitations of this approach are also discussed by Hristovska et al. “Even though sleep episodes were, as anticipated, shorter than those observed in freely moving animals, changes in neuronal activity characteristic of NREM sleep were monitored by EEG recordings, and changes in morphodynamics were observed during single episodes. Several episodes of REM sleep were detected, but they were too short and rare to be analyzed reliably.” The unnatural sleep state would lead to an increase in the microarousal state, and ultimately a change in the structure of the sleep state, which may be the main reason for the difference in microglia behavior from our natural sleep. We have discussed this in the revised manuscript. Please see line 292298.

      1. Fig. 3: the authors used single-plane images to analyze the morphological changes over 3 or 6 hours of SD, which raises the concern that the processes imaged at the baseline may drift out of focus, leading to the dramatic reduction in process lengths, surveillance area, and number of branch points. In fact, a previous study (Bellesi M et al., J. Neurosci. 37(21): 5263-73, 2017) shows that after 8 h SD, the number of microglia process endpoints per cell and the summed process length per cell do not change significantly (although there is a trend to decline). The authors may confirm their findings by either 3D imaging in vivo, or 3D imaging in fixed tissue.

      Three lines of evidence indicate that microglia morphology changes in Fig 3 are due to SD, rather than variations in the focal plane. First, our single-plane images were quite stable over 3 or 6 hours of SD, though occasional reversible drifts might happen due to sudden motions. Second, per your suggestion, further experiments and analysis of 3D imaging were performed to monitor microglia dynamics during sleep deprivation. The new result is shown in revised Fig. S3 C-D: the length of microglia branches and the number of branching points were significantly reduced after SD, in agreement with the results of single-plane imaging. Furthermore, we detected no significant difference in microglia branching characteristics during 6h sleep deprivation in 2AR KO mice (Fig.S4), and this indirectly affirmed that singleplane imaging is stable enough for detecting true changes in branching during SD.

      1. Fig. 4b: the EEG and EMG signals look significantly different from the example given in Fig. 2a. In particular, the EMG signal appears completely flat except for the first segment of wake state; the EEG power spectrum for REM appears dark; and the wake state corresponds to stronger low frequency components (below ~ 4 Hz) compared to NREM, which is the opposite of Fig. 2a. This raises the concern whether the classification of sleep stage is correct here.

      Thank you for insightful comments. We carefully examined the behavioral video of Figure 4b, there were occasionally microarousal events indicated by slow head rotation during NREM sleep, while the companion EMG signals were completely flat, which is atypical during sleep wake cycle. The microarousal events were not excluded from sleep, which makes this set of data unrepresentative and contrary to Fig.4b. In our revised manuscript, we replaced it with more representative data that can clearly and consistently distinguish between different brain states in mice on EMG and EEG. Please see revised Fig.2a, page 34; revised Fig.4b, page 37.

      1. Fig. 4 NE dynamics. • How long is a single continuous imaging session for NE? • When monitoring microglia surveillance, the authors were able to identify wake or NREM states longer than 15 min, and REM states longer than 5 min. Here the authors selected wake/NREM states longer than 1 min and REM states longer than 30 s. What makes such a big difference in the time duration selected for analysis? • Also, the definition of F0 is a bit unclear. Is the same F0 used throughout the entire imaging session, or is it defined with a moving window?

      A single continuous session of NE imaging usually took about 1 hour. Subsequent analysis was performed on imaging data from each recording that included wake, NREM sleep, and REM sleep. Because of the different time scales of microglia morphological dynamic (relatively slow) and NE signals (fast), we used different time windows in the previous analysis in the previous version of the manuscript.

      Per your suggestion, we have now set the same time window selection criteria for both microglia morphological and NE dynamic analysis: for wake and NREM sleep durations longer than 1 minute, and REM sleep durations longer than 30 seconds. We updated the Methods and all statistics in related figures, please see line 151-154, 481-485, 490-492; Fig. 2e-g and 2l-n, page 34. F0 definition is now explained in the Methods section. Please see line 521-522.

      1. Fig. 5b: how does the microglia morphology in LC axon ablation mice compare with wild type mice under the wake state? The text mentioned "more contracted" morphology but didn't give any quantification. Also, the morphology of microglia in the wake state (Fig. 5b) appears very different from that shown in Fig. S3C1 (baseline). What is the reason?

      The morphology of microglia is indeed heterogeneous and variable, affected by factors including brain state, brain region, microenvironmental changes, along with animal-to-animal difference. We didn’t perform the microglia morphology comparison between the LC axon ablation mice and wild type mice and, in view of this, we removed the description of “more contracted morphology” from the main text. It should also be noted that, as we primarily focused on changes of a microglia in different states over time by selfcomparison, we minimized possible effects of heterogeneity in microglia morphology on our conclusions.

      1. The relationship between NE level and microglia dynamics. Fig. 4C shows that the extracellular NE level is the highest in the wake state and the lowest in REM. Previous studies (Liu YU et al., Nat. Neurosci. 22(11):1771-1781, 2019; Stowell RD et al., Nat. Neurosci. 22(11): 1782-1792, 2019) suggest that high NE tone corresponds to reduced microglia complexity and surveillance. Hence, it would be expected that microglia process length, branch point number, and area/volume are higher in REM than in NREM. However, Fig. 2l-n show the opposite. How should we understand this ?

      Your point is well-taken. On the one hand, our data clearly showed that NE is critically involved in the brain state-dependent microglia dynamic surveillance, with evidence from the ablation of the LC-NE projection and from the β2AR knockout animal model.

      On the other hand, we also understand that NE is not the sole determinant, so the relationship between the NE level and the complexity and surveillance may not be unique.

      In this regard, other potential modulators also present dynamic during sleepwake cycle and may partake in the regulation of microglia dynamic surveillance. previous studies (Liu YU et al., 2019; Stowell RD et al., 2019) have shown that microglia can be jointly affected by surrounding neuronal activity and NE level during wake. It has been reported that LC firing stops (Aston-Jones et al., 1981; Rasmussen et al., 1986), while inhibitory neurons, such as PV neurons and VIP neurons, become relatively active during REM sleep (Brécier et al., 2022). ATP level in basal forebrain is shown to be higher in REM than NREM (Peng et al., 2023). In addition, our own preliminary result (Author response image 1) also showed a higher adenosine level in REM than NREM in somatosensory cortex. Last but not the least, we found that β2AR knockout failed to abolish microglial responses to sleep state switch and SD stress altogether.

      In brief, microglia are highly sensitive to varied changes in the surrounding environment, and many a modulator may participate in the microglia dynamic during sleep state. This may underlie the microglia complexity difference between REM and NREM. Future investigations are warranted to delineate the signal-integrative role of microglia in physiology and under stress. We have discussed the pertinent points in the revised manuscript. Please see line 343-354.

      Author response image 1.

      Extracellular adenosine levels in somatosensory cortex in different brain states. AAV2/9-hSyn-GRABAdo1.0 (Peng W. et al., Science. 2020) was injected into the somatosensory cortex (A/P, -1 mm; M/L, +2 mm; D/V, -0.3 mm). Data from the same recording are connected by lines. n = 9 from 3 mice.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes an approach to monitor microglial structural dynamics and correlate it to ongoing changes in brain state during sleep-wake cycles. The main novelty here is the use of miniaturized 2p microscopy, which allows tracking microglia surveillance over long periods of hours, while the mice are allowed to freely behave. Accordingly, this experimental setup would permit to explore long-lasting changes in microglia in a more naturalistic environment, which were previously not possible to identify otherwise. The findings could provide key advances to the research of microglia during natural sleep and wakefulness, as opposed to anesthesia. The main findings of the paper are that microglia increase their process motility and surveillance during REM and NREM sleep as compared to the awake state. The authors further show that sleep deprivation induces opposite changes in microglia dynamics- limiting their surveillance and size. The authors then demonstrate potential causal role for norepinephrine secretion from the locus coeruleus (LC) which is driven by beta 2 adrenergic receptors (b2AR) on microglia. However, there are several methodological and experimental concerns which should be addressed.

      The major comments are summarized below:

      1. The main technological advantage of the 2p miniaturized microscope is the ability to track single cells over sleep cycles. A main question that is unclear from the analysis and the way the data is presented is: are the structural changes in microglia reversible? Meaning, could the authors provide evidence that the same cell can dynamically change in sleep state and then return to similar size in wakefulness? The same question arises again with the data which is presented for anesthesia, is this change reversible?

      As revealed by long-term free behavioral mTPM imaging, the brain-statedependent morphological changes in microglia were reproducible and reversible. Author response image 2 shows that microglia displayed reversible dynamic changes during multiple rounds of sleep-wake transition. Author response image 3 shows that microglia dynamics induced by anesthesia also exhibited reversibility.

      Author response image 2.

      Long-term tracking of microglia process area in different brain states. Data analysis used 8 cells. Data total of 31 time points were selected from in vivo imaging data and were used to characterize the morphological changes of microglia over a continuous 7-hour period.

      Author response image 3.

      Reversible changes of microglial process length, area, number of branch points under anesthesia. Wake group: 30 minute-accommodation to new environment; Isoflurane group: 1.5% in air applied at a flow rate of 0.4 L/min for 30 minutes; Recovery group: 30 minutes after recovery from anesthesia. n = 9 cells from 3 mice for each group.

      1. The binary comparison between brain states is misleading, shouldn't the changes in structural dynamics compared to the baseline of the state onset? The authors method describes analysis of the last 5 minutes in each sleep/wake state. However, these transitions are directional- for instance, REM usually follows NREM, so the description of a decrease in length during REM sleep could be inaccurate.

      As you know, the time scale of microglia morphological dynamic is relatively slow, so we analyzed the microglia morphological dynamic of the last part (30s in the revised manuscript) of each state instead of the state onset, allowing time for stabilization of the microglia response to inter-state transition.

      Further, we compared microglia dynamic between two NREM groups transiting to different subsequent states: group1 (NREM to REM) vs group2 (NREM to Wake). This precaution was to exclude the directional effect of state transitions. Our results showed that there was no difference in microglial length, area, number of branching points between the two NREM groups (Author response image 4), indicating that the last 30s of each NREM was not affected by its following state and that it’s reasonable to perform binary comparison.

      Author response image 4.

      Microglial morphological length, area change, and number of branch points of the last 30s of NREM sleep followed by REM or Wake. n = 9 cells from 3 mice for each group.

      1. Sleep deprivation- again, it is unclear whether these structural changes are reversible. This point is straightforward to address using this methodology by measuring sleep following SD. In addition, the authors chose a method to induce sleep deprivation that is rather harsh. It is unclear if the effect shown is the result of stress or perhaps an excess of motor activity.

      We adopted the method of forced exercise as it has been commonly used for sleep deprivation (Pandi-Perumal et al., 2007; Nollet M et al., 2020), though it does have the potential limitation of excess of motor activity.

      In light of your comments and suggestion, we presented new data demonstrating that sleep duration of the mice, mostly NREM sleep, increased compensatively (ZT9-10) after the 6-hour sleep deprivation (ZT2-8) (revised Fig. S3B). This result shows that sleep deprivation indeed increase sleep pressure in the mice. As the sleep pressure was eased during recovery sleep, morphological changes of microglia were reversed over a timescale of several hours (revised Fig. S3 E-J).

      1. The authors perform measurements of norepinephrine with a recently developed GRAB sensor. These experiments are performed to causally link microglia surveillance during sleep to norepinephrine secretion. They perform 2p imaging and collect data points which are single neurons, and it is unclear why the normalization and analysis is performed for bulk fluorescence similar to data obtained with photometry.

      We did not perform single-neuron analysis for two reasons. First, our experimental conditions, e.g., the expression of the NE indicator and the control of imaging laser intensity, did not yield sufficient signal-to-noise to clearly discriminate individual neurons with two-photon imaging. Second, NE signal may play a modulatory role, and fluorescence changes appeared to be global, rather than local or cell-specific. Therefore, we analyzed fluorescence changes in different brain states over the whole field-of-view in Fig. 4, rather than at the subregional or single-cell level.

      1. The experiments involving b2AR KO mice are difficult to interpret and do not provide substantial mechanistic insight. Since b2AR are expressed throughout numerous cell types in the brain and in the periphery, it is entirely not clear whether the effects on microglia dynamics are direct. The conclusion and the statement regarding the expression of b2AR in microglia is not supported by the references the authors present, which simply demonstrate the existence and function of b2AR in microglia. In addition, these mice show significant changes in sleep pattern and increased REM sleep. This could account for reasons for the changes in microglia structure rather than the interpretation that these are direct effects.

      To summarize, the main conclusions of the paper require further support with analysis of existing data and experimental validation.

      Previous studies have revealed that norepinephrine (NE) has a modulating effect on microglial dynamics through β2AR pathway (Stowell RD et al., 2019; Liu YU et al., 2019). Stowell et al. and Liu et al. use in vivo two-photon imaging to demonstrate that microglia dynamics differ between awake and anesthetized mice and to highlight the roles of NE and β2AR in these states (Gyoneva S et al., 2013; Stowell RD et al., 2019; Liu YU et al., 2019). To evaluate the direct effect of β2AR on microglial dynamics, Stowell et al. administered the β2AR agonist clenbuterol to anesthetized mice and found that this decreased the motility, arbor complexity, and process coverage of microglia in the parenchyma (Stowell RD et al., 2019). Inhibition of β2AR by antagonist ICI-118,551 in awake mice recapitulated the effects of anesthesia by enhancing microglial arborization and surveillance (Stowell RD et al., 2019). In addition, it has been shown microglia expressed higher numbers of β2ARs than any other cells in the brain (Zhang et al., 2014).

      To this end, our current work provided new evidence to support the involvement of the LC-NE-β2AR axis in modulating microglia dynamics both during natural sleep-wake cycle and under SD stress. While we were aware the limitation of using pan-tissue β2AR knockout model that precluded us from pinpointing role of microglial β2AR, it is safe to state that β2-adrenergic receptor signaling plays a significant role in the sleep-state dependent microglia dynamic surveillance, based on the present and previous data.

      We have discussed this in the revised manuscript. Please see line 324-354. As you suggested, we added references to support the statement regarding the expression of β2AR in microglia (please see line 333).

      Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which, if any, revisions, to undertake

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Some technical details need to be clarified. Also, please double-check for typos.

      1. In vivo imaging preparation: how long is the recovery time between window/EEG implantation surgery and imaging/recording?

      Imaging data were collected one month after the surgery. We have added descriptions to the methods section of the revised manuscript. Please see line 419.

      1. Statistical analysis: the authors used t-test or ANOVA without first checking whether the data pass the normality test. If the data does not follow a normal distribution, nonparametric tests would be more appropriate.

      Per your suggestion, we performed the test of statistical significance using parametric (ANOVA) if past the normality test, or the non-parametric (Friedman) tests for non-normal data. Please see line 533-535.

      1. Fig. 1b needs a minor change. In the figure, the EMG electrodes appear to be connected to the brain as well.

      We have corrected this oversight. Thank you.

      1. Fig. 1c: it would be helpful to give examples of raw EEG and EMG traces for REM and NREM separately.

      Raw traces are now shown as suggested. Please see Fig. 1c, page 32.

      1. Fig. 1h: is each data point one microglia or one end-point?

      In Fig. 1h, each data represents the average speed of all branches of one microglia, not one end-point.

      1. Sleep deprivation starts at 9 am. What time corresponds to Zeitgeber Time 0 (ZT0, the beginning of the light phase)?

      We now clarified that 9 am corresponds to Zeitgeber time 2. Please see line 196.

      1. Line 61: the authors referred to Ramon y Cajal's original suggestion that microglia dynamics are coupled to the sleep-wake cycle. However, the cited paper only indicates that Cajal suggested a role of astrocytes in the sleep-wake cycle, not microglia. In addition, there is a typo in the line: there should be a space between "Ramon" and "y" in Cajal's name.

      We have updated the statement and reference literature to point out the microglia’s involvement in the sleep-wake cycle. The typo was corrected. Please see line 64-65.

      1. Fig. S3B: As each group has only 3 mice, it is unclear how t-test can yield p < 0.01 or even 0.001.

      We checked the original data again and it was correct. This small p-values may be due to the small intra-group difference of control group.

      1. Line 251-253, "Figure 4h-n" should be "Figure 5h-n"?

      We have revised it. Please see line 265-266.

      1. Fig. 5h: the receptor should be "adrenergic receptor", not "adrenal receptor".

      We changed the term to “adrenergic receptor”. Please see Fig 5h.

      1. Fig. 5g, n: the number of data points is apparently less than the sample size given in the figure legend. Perhaps some data points have exactly the same value so they overlap? The authors may consider plotting identical values with a slight shift so that the number of data points shown matches the actual sample size, to avoid confusion.

      Yes, we have added small jitters so different data points can be seen to avoid confusion. Please see Fig. 5n.

      1. There are some typos (e.g., Line 217, "he" should be "the") and some incomplete references (e.g., [13], [22], [34], [35] lack volume and page number, [15] and [39] lack publisher information). Some references have inconsistent formats (e.g., "Journal of Neuroscience" is sometimes abbreviated and sometimes not). Please correct these.

      We have corrected these oversights. Please see references, page 27.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major issues:

      1. Re-analyze the data in a manner that allows to follow and compare the same cells over different state transitions. This is necessary to evaluate the reversibility of microglia structure. In addition, consider analysis of the change from the beginning to the end of each state.

      As shown in response figure 2, microglia dynamics were reversible during multiple rounds of sleep-wake transition.

      1. It would be nice to see the raw data obtained over time, at least for Figure 1, before offline correction of movement to evaluate the imaging quality and level of drift during imaging.

      We agree to your good suggestion. Please see the supporting material video.

      1. It would be helpful to add an analysis of the percent time spent in each state for the 10 hour recordings.

      Advice has been adopted. Please see revised Fig. S4C.

      1. In Figure 2 the results are from 15 cells from several animals. How much do the results vary between mice? It will be helpful to show if this varies between different mice by labeling cells from each mouse differently.

      In Author response image 5, in which we have labeled the distribution of data points from seven mice, there was mixed distribution of data from different animals at each brain state, but no clear animal-to-animal difference.

      Author response image 5.

      Quantitative analysis of microglial length based on multi-plane microglial imaging. n = 17 cells from 7 mice for each group. In right panel, each color codes data from the same animal.

      1. SD- please add some quantification for sleep and EEG to show that the manipulation really caused sleep deprivation. To address the confound of forced movement and stress, it might be helpful to add quantification of movement compared to an undisturbed wakefulness.

      We have added related data (revised Fig. S3B), as suggested. Please see line 196-197.

      1. The DSP4 application should be also performed with NE measurements to verify the specific of the NE signal measured as well as the DSP4 toxin.

      Following your suggestion, we have added DSP4 data in revised Fig. S4B.

      1. Some suggested refined experiments for the b2AR KO are: a-A conditional b2AR KO in microglia, as cited in the work. b- Local application of a b2 blocker during SD. c- Imaging of NE dynamics in the b2 animals. If NE dynamics during natural sleep cycle are perturbed, then this suggests upstream mechanisms rather than direct microglia effects as suggested by the authors.

      We agree that the current study cannot pinpoint a direct effect of microglia harbored β2AR. We have discussed this limitation in the revised manuscript.

      Please see line 324-354.


      1. Typo on page 4 (microcopy instead of microscopy).

      It was corrected. Please see line 87.

      1. Typo page 11- 'and he largest changes in NE' - supposed to be 'the'.

      We have corrected these mistakes. Please see line 228.

      1. Fig. 4- there are several units missing in the figure in panel b: the top is Hz, but what does the color bar indicate exactly? 2 what? both for theta/delta and for NE. We have modified this figure and legend for clarity. Please see Fig. 4, page 37.

      2. Bottom of page 12- referring to figure 4 but talking about figure 5.

      The typo was corrected. Please see line 265-266.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The Hedgehog (HH) protein family is important for embryonic development and adult tissue maintenance. Deregulation or even temporal imbalances in the activity of one of the main players in the HH field, sonic hedgehog (SHH), can lead to a variety of human diseases, ranging from congenital brain disorders to diverse forms of cancers. SHH activates the GLI family of transcription factors, yet the mechanisms underlying GLI activation remain poorly understood. Modification and activation of one of the main SHH signalling mediators, GLI2, depends on its localization to the tip of the primary cilium. In a previous study the lab had provided evidence that SHH activates GLI2 by stimulating its phosphorylation on conserved sites through Unc-51-like kinase 3 (ULK3) and another ULK family member, STK36 (Han et al., 2019). Recently, another ULK family member, ULK4, was identified as a modulator of the SHH pathway (Mecklenburg et al. 2021). However, the underlying mechanisms by which ULK4 enhances SHH signalling remained unknown. To address this question, the authors employed complex biochemistry-based approaches and localization studies in cell culture to examine the mode of ULK4 activity in the primary cilium in response to SHH. The study by Zhou et al. demonstrates that ULK4, in conjunction with STK36, promotes GLI2 phosphorylation and thereby SHH pathway activation. Further experiments were conducted to investigate how ULK4 interacts with SHH pathway components in the primary cilium. The authors show that ULK4 interacts with a complex formed between STK36 and GLI2 and hypothesize that ULK4 functions as a scaffold to facilitate STK36 and GLI2 interaction and thereby GLI2 phosphorylation by STK36. Furthermore, the authors provide evidence that ULK4 and STK36 co-localize with GLI2 at the ciliary tip of NIH 3T3 cells, and that ULK4 and STK36 depend on each other for their ciliary tip accumulation. Overall, the described ULK4-mediated mechanism of SHH pathway modulation is based on detailed and rigorous Co-IP experiments and kinase assays as well as confocal imaging localization studies. The authors used various mutated and wild-type constructs of STK36 and ULK4 to decipher the mechanisms underlying GLI2 phosphorylation at the tip of the primary cilium. These novel results on SHH pathway activation add valuable insight into the complexity of SHH pathway regulation. The data also provide possible new strategies for interfering with SHH signalling which has implications in drug development (e.g., cancer drugs).

      However, it will be necessary to explore additional model systems, besides NIH3T3, HEK293 and MEF cell cultures, to conclude on the universality of the mechanisms described in this study. Ultimately, it needs to be addressed whether ULK4 modulates SHH pathway activity in vivo. Is there evidence that genetic ablation of ULK4 in animal models leads to less efficient SHH pathway induction? It also remains to be resolved how ULK3 and ULK4 act in distinct or common manners to promote SHH signalling. Another remaining question is, whether cell type- and tissue-specific features exist, that play a role in ULK3- versus ULK4-dependent SHH pathway modulation. In particular for the studies on ciliary tip localization of factors, relevant for SHH pathway transduction, a higher temporal resolution will be needed in the future as well as a deeper insight into tissue/ cell type-specific mechanisms. These caveats, mentioned here, don't have to be addressed in new experiments for the revision of this manuscript but could be discussed.

      We agree with the reviewer that it would be important to investigate in the future the in vivo function Ulk4 in Shh signaling, the relationship between Ulk3 and Ulk4/Stk36, and possible cell type/tissue specificity of these two kinase systems. This will need the generation of single and double knockout mice and examine Hh related phenotypes in different tissues and developmental stages. The precise mechanism by which Ulk4 and Stk36 are translocated to the ciliary tip is also an important and unsolved issue. We include several paragraphs in the “discussion” section to address these outstanding questions for future study.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors provide solid molecular and cellular evidence that ULK4 and STK36 not only interact, but that STK36 is targeted (transported?) to the cilium by ULK4. Their data helps generate a model for ULK4 acting as a scaffold for both STK36 and its substrate, Gli2, which appear to co-localise through mutual binding to ULK4. This makes sense, given the proposed role of most pseuodkinases as non-catalytic signaling hubs. There is also an important mechanistic analysis performed, in which ULK4 phosphorylation in an acidic consensus by STK36 is demonstrated using IP'd STK36 or an inactive 'AA' mutant, which suggests this phosphorylation is direct.

      The major strength of the study is the well-executed combination of logical approaches taken, including expression of various deletion and mutation constructs and the careful (but not always quantified in immunoblot) effects of depleting and adding back various components in the context of both STK36 and ULK3, which broadens the potential impact of the work. The biochemical analysis of ULK4 phosphorylation appears to be solid, and the mutational study at a particular pair of phosphorylation sites upstream of an acidic residue (notably T2023) is further strong evidence of a functional interaction between ULK4/STK36. The possibility that ULK4 requires ATP binding for these mechanisms is not approached, though would provide significant insight: for example it would be useful to ask if Lys39 in ULK4 is involved in any of these processes, because this residue is likely important for shaping the ULK4 substrate-binding site as a consequence of ATP binding; this was originally shown in PMID 24107129 and discussed more recently in PMID: 33147475 in the context of the large amount of ULK4 proteomics data released.

      The reviewer raised an interesting question of whether ATP binding to the pseudokinase domain of Ulk4 might be required for its function, i.e., by regulating the interaction with its binding partner. In a recent study (Preuss et al. 2020;PMID: 33147475), the critical Lys39 for ATP binding was converted to Arg (KR mutation); however, unlike in most kinases the KR mutation affect ATP binding, the K39R mutation in the Ulk4 pseudokinase did not affect ATP binding although it slightly increased ADP binding (PMID: 33147475). Another mutation made by Preuss et al(PMID: 33147475), N239L, affected protein stability, making it impossible to determine whether this mutation affect ATP binding. Therefore, in the absence of clear approach to perturb ATP binding without affecting the overall structure of Ulk4, it would be challenging to address whether ATP binding regulates the ability of Ulk4 to bind its substrates. Nevertheless, we discuss the possibility that ATP binding might regulate Ulk4/Stk36 interaction and Shh signaling.

      The discussion is excellent, and raises numerous important future work in terms of potential transportation mechanisms of this complex. It also explains why the ULK4 pseudokinase domain is linked to an extended C-terminal region. Does AF2 predict any structural motifs in this region that might support binding to Gli2?

      The extended C-terminal domain of Ulk4 contains Arm/HEAT repeats (protein-protein interacting domain), which are predicted by AF2 to form alpha helixes.

      A weakness in the study, which is most evident in Figure 1, where Ulk4 siRNA is performed in the NIH3T3 model (and effects on Shh targets and Gli2 phosphorylation assessed), is that we do not know if ULK4 protein is originally present in these cells in order to actually be depleted. Also, we are not informed if the ULK4 siRNA has an effect on the 'rescue' by HA-ULK4; perhaps the HA-ULK4 plasmid is RNAi resistant, or if not, this explains why phosphorylation of Gli2 never reaches zero? Given the important findings of this study, it would be useful for the authors to comment on this, and perhaps discuss if they have tried to evaluate endogenous levels of ULK4 (and Stk36) in these cells using antibody-based approaches, ideally in the presence and absence of Shh. The authors note early on the large number of binding partners identified for ULK4, and siRNA may unwittingly deplete some other proteins that could also be involved in ULK4 transport/stability in their cellular model.

      Due to the lack of reliable Ulk4 and Stk36 antibodies, we were unable to confirm knockdown efficiency by western blot analysis. Therefore, we relied on the measure Ulk4 and STk36 mRNA expression by RT-qPCR to estimate the knockdown efficiency (Fig 1- figure supplement 1). We used mouse Ulk4 shRNA to carry out the knockdown experiments in NIH3T3 and MEF cells while the human version of Ulk4 (hUlk4) was used for the rescue experiments (Fig 1- figure supplement 2; Fig. 8). We have confirmed that the mUlk4 shRNA targeting sequence is not conserved in hUlk4; therefore, the hULK4 construct is RNAi resistant. The rescue experiments strongly argue that the effect of Ulk4 RNAi on Shh signaling is due to loss of endogenous Ulk4. This argument is further strengthened by the observations that mutations that affected Ulk4 and Stk36 ciliary tip localization also affected Shh signaling such as Gli2 phosphorylation and Ptch1/Gli expression (Fig. 8).

      The sequence of ULK4 siRNAs is not included in the materials and methods as far as I can see.

      We have added the mouse Ulk4 RNAi target sequence in the revised version.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Zhou et al. demonstrate that the pseudokinase ULK4 has an important role in Hedgehog signaling by scaffolding the active kinase Stk36 and the transcription factor Gli2, enabling Gli2 to be phosphorylated and activated.

      Through nice biochemistry experiments, they show convincingly that the N-terminal pseudokinase domain of ULK4 binds Stk36 and the C-terminal Heat repeats bind Gli2.

      Lastly, they show that upon Sonic Hedgehog signaling, ULK4 localizes to the cilia and is needed to localize Stk36 and Gli2 for proper activation.

      This manuscript is very solid and methodically shows the role of ULK4 and STK36 throughout the whole paper, with well controlled experiments. The phosphomimetic and incapable mutations are very convincing as well. I think this manuscript is strong and stands as is, and there is no need for additional experiments.

      Overall, the strengths are the rigor of the methods, and the convincing case they bring for the formation of the ULK4-Gli2-Stk36 complex. There are no weaknesses noted. I think a little additional context for what is being observed in the immunofluorescence might benefit readers who are not familiar with these cell types and structures.

      We thank this reviewer for the positive comments.

      Recommendations For the Authors

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This elegant study has been thoroughly and thoughtfully designed and the dataset is solid. The biochemistry results are overall very convincing. Some data lack quantification and there needs to be more information on data analyses and statistics. The following suggestions and comments aim at strengthening the manuscript.

      1. Please provide quantification normalized to input for IP experiments (Figures 1 E - F; Figure 8 C). More information on data analyses and statistics should be provided and included as information in the figure legends.

      Thanks for the suggestions, we have done the quantification and statistics analyses for Figures 1E-G and Figure8 C as requested.

      1. Did the authors investigate whether overexpressing hULK4 in the control NIH3T3 cells leads to an increase in pS230/232 (related to Figure 1E)? This would nicely support the notion of a promoting effect of ULK4 on GLI2 phosphorylation.

      We did not. We speculated that overexpressing hULK4 may not significantly promote GLI2 phosphorylation because Ulk4 is a pseudokinase and endogenous Stk36 (the kinase partner of Ulk4) is limited.

      1. The CO-IP experiments to show GLI2 activation were performed in NIH3T3 cells, whereas HEK293 cells were used for the experiments shown in Figure 2. Is there a specific reason for switching between cell lines also for experiments shown in Figures 3 C- I? Did the authors repeat some of the key experiments in both cell lines?

      In mammalian cells, Shh-induced activation of GLI2 depends on primary cilia (Han et al., 2019). NIH3T3 cells form the primary cilia but HEK293T cells do not. Therefore, we used NIH3T3 cells to examine the processes that are regulated by the Shh treatment assay (e.g., the Shh-induced phosphorylation of GLI2 and STK36). The HEK293 cells were used to map binding domain between ULK4 and STK36/GLI2/SUFU due to the high transfection efficiency.

      1. In Figure 2 D-E the authors nicely showed that hUlk4N-HA interacted with CFP-Stk36 but not with Myc-Gli2/Fg-Sufu whereas hUlk4C-HA formed a complex with Myc-Gli2/Fg-Sufu but not with CFP-Stk36. In Figure 4E the authors showed in their Co-IP experiments that Fg-Stk36 and Myc-Gli2 form a complex independent of SHH treatment. Did the authors see some pull down of Stk36, still in complex with Gli2, using hUlk4C IP and pull down of Gli2, still in complex with Stk36, using hUlk4N IP?

      We did not test that. As we have shown in Figures 4A and 4E, knockdown of endogenous ULK4 nearly abolished the interaction between Myc-GLi2 and Fg-Stk36, suggesting that Ulk4 is the major scaffold to bring Skt36 and Gli2 together, and that there is little if any direct interaction between GLi2 and Stk36.

      1. Another method to verify hULK4-Stk36-Gli2 complex formation (Figure 4) would be helpful. For example, proximity ligation assays, tripartite split GFP assays, or colocalization based on expansion STED immunofluorescence microscopy could be performed to temporally and spatially resolve localization of Ulk4, Stk36 and Gli2 upon SHH stimulation in the primary cilium

      Thanks for the suggestions. We think that our current study using biochemical and cell biology approaches have provide sufficient evidence that Ulk4, Stk36 and Gli2 form complexes. We will keep in mind of those more sophisticated methods in our future endeavors.

      1. Please provide more representative images of Ulk4, Stk36 and Gli2 localization in NIH3T3 cells or lower magnification overview images showing more than one cell (Figure 5).

      We have provided more representative images in Figure 5- figure supplement 1A-F of the revised manuscript.

      1. Confirmation of the results shown in Figure 5 in a second cell line would strengthen the data.

      We have confirmed the results in MEFs (see Figure 5- figure supplement 1G-J)

      1. Did the authors add immunofluorescence for tubulin as a ciliary base marker to ensure correct assignment of ciliary tip versus ciliary base localization for quantification experiments (Figures 5 - 8)?

      It has been well documented that GLi2 is accumulated at the ciliary tip in respond to Shh treatment; therefore, we used Gli2 as a marker for ciliary tip where both Ulk4 and Stk36 were also accumulated. γ tubulin staining could be another marker to assign the ciliary tip vs base; however, the antibody combination we have did not allow us to simultaneously stain γ tubulin and acetylated tubulin (Ac-Tub).

      1. SMO localization as a further readout of SHH pathway activation might be considered to be added for some of the key results (e.g., Figure 6). Is SMO trafficking affected after depletion or overexpression of ULK4?

      Due to the lack of a workable antibody to detect endogenous Smo in our hands, we did not determine whether the trafficking of SMO is affected after depletion or overexpression of ULK4. However, we noticed that a recent study reported that the SHH-induced ciliary SMO accumulation was impaired in Ulk4 siRNA treated cells (Mecklenburg et al. 2021). We include this information and its implication in the discussion section

      1. Do the authors see ULK4 only at the ciliary tip after SHH stimulation or is there also a dynamic time-dependent localization along the ciliary shaft? The image in Figure 6E (dKO + Stk36 WT) seems to show ULK4 also in the shaft.

      Unlike Smo that is evenly distributed alone the axoneme of primary cilia, ULK4 is mainly accumulated at ciliary tips upon Shh stimulation. Ulk4 is also located at low levels outside the cilia and sometimes in the ciliary shaft during its transit to the ciliary tip (e.g., see Figure 5- figure supplement 1F1-2; J1-2).

      1. Is the immunofluorescence signal for Ulk4 significantly reduced after shRNA treatment to deplete Ulk4 (Figure 6A)?

      We constructed a cell line that stably expressed ULK4 shRNA. The knockdown efficiency was determined by measuring Ulk4 mRNA expression (Fig 1_figure supplement 1). Because we were unable to obtain a reliable ULK4 antibody for immunostaining, we did not examine by whether ULK4 signal was depleted by Ulk4 shRNA.

      1. The labelled ciliary tip resembles in some cases images seen for ciliary abscission. The authors could use membrane/ciliary membrane markers to ensure "intraciliary" localization of the investigated factors.

      Thanks for the suggestion. We will try that in our future experiments.

      1. How many replicates were used in the three independent quantitative RT-PCR experiments (Figure 1 A-D)?

      We used 3 replicates in each independent quantitative RT-PCR assay.

      1. Please provide p values or statement on no significance for the comparison between Ulk3 single and Ulk3/Ulk4 double knockdown (Figure 1C) and between Stk36 single and Stk36/Ulk4 double knockdown (Figure 1D; Fig1_Figure Supplement 2).

      Thanks for the suggestion, we have added the p value or “ns” as asked.

      1. Figure legends in general are a bit short could have some more detailed information.

      Thank you for the suggestion, we have revised the Figure legends as asked.

      1. What do the asterisks present in Figure 4 C-D?

      Thanks for the suggestion. The asterisks in Figure 4C-D indicated the full length STK36 and truncated form STK36N and STK36C fragments. We that included this information in the figure legend.

      1. The authors state that a previous study described ULK4 as a genetic modifier for holoprosencephaly and that this raised the possibility that ULK4 may participate in HH signal transduction. Primary ciliary localization of ULK4 in mouse neuronal tissue and SHH pathway modulation by ULK4 in cell culture have been shown by Mecklenburg et al. 2021 before. Maybe the authors could rephrase their introduction and discussion accordingly.

      Thanks for the suggestion, we have changed the introduction and discussion accordingly.

      1. Overexpression studies in heterologous systems using tagged proteins can potentially have an influence on their subcellular localization and function. Please discuss this caveat.

      We have mentioned this caveat in the “discussion” section of the revised manuscript. However, we have tried to express the transgene at low levels using the lentiviral vector containing a weak promoter to ensure that the exogenously expressed proteins are still regulated by Hh signaling. We have also confirmed that the tagged Ulk4 and Stk36 can rescue the loss of endogenous genes.

      1. More details in the Methods section should be provided on the SHH induction in NIH3T3 cells, HEK293 cells and MEFs.

      We have revised the methods section on Shh induction.

      1. ULK4 is known to have at least three isoforms that exhibit varying abundance across developmental stages in mice and humans (Lang et al., 2014) (DOI:10.1242/jcs.137604). Can the authors speculate on potential common and distinct functions of the different ULK4 isoforms on SHH pathway modulation based on their present results?

      It is interesting that Ulk4 has multiple isoforms in both mouse and human. Several short isoforms in both mouse and human lack the pseudokinase domain while one short isoform in mouse lacks the C-terminal region essential for Ulk4 ciliary tip localization. We speculate that the C-terminally deleted isoform may not have a function in the Shh pathway based on our results shown in Fig. 7 and 8 but might still have functions in other cellular processes.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The paper is well written, and clear throughout, with excellent (up-to-date) citations to the field.

      We thank reviewer #2 for the positive comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      My only quibble is that the immunofluorescence images are a little confusing, especially to people outside of the field. Please include an image of the whole field and improve the captions. Is that a single cell for each cilia? Why are there so few cilia? The DAPI makes it seem like What are we looking at? Are those multiple nuclei in Figure 6? They seem a little small if that's the 5 uM scale bar

      We provide uncropped images of Figure 5E to show the entire cells (below). We have added some context to improve the captions. Most of the mammalian cells such as MEF and NIH3T3 cells contain a single primary cilium; however, mutilated cells do exist. The DAPI staining indicated the nuclei. The cells shown in Figure 6 have single nucleus (the scale should be 2 µM). Due to the unevenness of DAPI signals in the nuclei, only the strong signals (puncta) were shown for individual nuclei.

      Author response image 1.

      One small typo: GLL2 instead of GLI2 on line 363

      Thanks, we have corrected this spelling mistake.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We sincerely thank and express our appreciation to each of the reviewers for their thorough critique of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The analysis of whole study comes from only 4 cells from L2/3 of ferret visual cortex; however, it is well known that there is a high level of functional heterogeneity within the cortical neurons. Do those four neurons have similar or different response properties? If the four neurons are functionally different, the weak or no correlation may result from heterogenous distribution pattern of mitochondria associated with heterogenous functionality.

      This is an important consideration and often a limitation of CLEM studies. While cortical neurons do exhibit a high degree of functional heterogeneity (similar to spine activity), the 4 cells examined all had selective (OSI > 0.4) somatic responses to oriented gratings, although they differed in their exact orientation preference. Due to experimental limitations of recording from a large population of dendritic spines, we did not characterize other response properties for which their sensitivity might differ. We did not consider orientation preference a metric of study, but instead characterized the difference in preference from the somatic output, allowing comparisons across spines. In addition, our measurements were limited to proximal, basal dendrites rather than any location in the dendritic tree. Nonetheless, we attempted to address this concern by examining spines with functionally heterogenous visual responses within single cells, as reported in our manuscript: mitochondrial volume within a 1 µm radius was correlated with difference in orientation preference relative to the soma across all 4 cells, the mean r = 0.49 +/- 0.22 s.d.), suggesting that cell-to-cell variability has a minimal impact on our main conclusions.

      Even with our limited measurements, there is a large amount of functional heterogeneity in dendritic spine responses (Extended Data Figure 2, Scholl et al. 2021), far greater than the small differences in somatic responses of these 4 cells (Figure 3, Scholl et al. 2021). Moreover, the individual dendrites from these 4 cells exhibited substantial heterogeneity in the distribution of mitochondria. We cannot rule out whether heterogeneity at various scales may obscure certain relationships or result in the weak correlations we observed. We also note that future advancements in volume electron microscopy should allow for greater sample sizes that can better address the role of functional (and structural) heterogeneity. We have added text in the Discussion section about the potential structure-function relationships that might be obscured or revealed by neuron heterogeneity.

      1. The authors argued that "mitochondria are not necessarily positioned to support the energy needs of strong spines." However, the overall energy needs of a spine depend not only on the synaptic strength but also on the frequency of synaptic activity. Is there a correlation between the mitochondria volume around a spine and the overall activity of the spine? This data needs to be analyzed to confirm the distribution of mitochondria is independent of local energy needs.

      The reviewer is correct, but our experimental paradigm was not optimally designed to measure the ‘frequency’ of synaptic activity in vivo. This could have been accomplished with flashed gratings or, perhaps, presenting drifting gratings at different temporal frequencies. For spines tuned to higher temporal frequencies in V1, we may expect greater energy needs, although as the reviewer suggests, energy needs will depend on synapse (and bouton) size. Because we are not able to directly measure activity frequency as carefully or beautifully as can be done ex vivo or in nerve fibers, we do not feel confident in attempting such analysis in this study. Instead, based on previous studies, we assumed that larger synapses might be able to transmit higher frequencies, and thus have higher energy demands. We believe future in vivo studies will more directly measure synaptic frequency for comparison with mitochondria.

      We have added text in the Discussion about this caveat and potential future experiments.

      1. In the results section, the authors briefly mentioned that "We also considered other spine response properties related to tuning preference; specifically, orientation selectivity and response amplitude at the preferred orientation. For either metric, we observed no relationship to mitochondria within 1 μm radius (selectivity: 1 μm: r = -0.081, p = 0.269, n = 60; max response amplitude: 1 μm: r = -0.179, p = 0.078, n = 64) but did see a weak, significant relationship to both at a 5 μm radius (selectivity: r = 0.175, p = 0.027, n = 121; max response amplitude: r =-0.166, p = 0.030, n = 129)." Here only statistic results were given while the data were not presented in the figure illustration. Based on the methods and Figure 3B, it seems that the preferred orientations were calculated based on the vector summation. How did the authors calculate the "response amplitude at the preferred orientation"? This needs to be clarified. In addition, given the huge variety of orientation selectivity, using the response amplitude at the preferred orientation may not be the best parameter to correlate with the mitochondria volume which is indicative of energy needs. It might be necessary to include the baseline activity without visual stimulation and the average response for visual stimuli of different orientations in the analysis.

      We apologize for this oversight, as the details are present in our previous study (Scholl et al., 2021). Response amplitude and preferred orientation were calculated from a Gaussian curve fitting procedure with specific parameters describing those exact values (see Scholl et al. 2021 or Scholl et al. 2013). Only spines with selective responses (vector strength index > 0.1) and passing our SNR criterion were used for these analyses. We have now added this information to the Methods section and referred to it in the Results. With respect to the reviewer’s other concern, we also examined the average response amplitude (across all visual stimuli). There we found no relationship between the volume of mitochondria within 1 or 5 microns of a spine, however, because spines differ greatly in their selectivity (range = 0 – 0.8) the average response may not be an appropriate metric to compare across spines.

      1. A continuation from the former point, do the spines with similar preferred orientation to the somatic Ca signal have similar Ca signal strength, orientation selectivity index and other characteristics to the spines with different preferred orientation? As shown in the examples (Figure 3B), the spine on the right with different orientation preference compared with its soma has considerably larger response in non-preferred orientation compared to the spine on the left. Thus, the overall activity of the spine on the right may be higher than the spine which has similar preferred orientation to the soma. The authors showed that a positive correlation between difference in orientation preference and mitochondria volume (Figure 3C). Could this be simply due to higher spine activity for non-preferred orientation or spontaneous activity? Thus, the mitochondria might be positioned to support spines with higher overall activity rather than diverse response property.

      The reviewer brings up an interesting consideration. We examined the response properties of spines co-tuned (∆θpref < 22.5 deg) and differentially-tuned (∆θpref > 67.5 deg) to the soma. The orientation selectivity was not different between the two groups (p = 0.12, Wilcoxon ranksum test), although there was a small trend towards co-tuned inputs being more selective. We found that calcium response amplitudes for the preferred stimulus were also not different (p = 0.58, Wilcoxon ranksum test). These analyses are now included as a sentence in the Results.

      We agree with the reviewer that higher spontaneous activity in non-preferred spines may help explain the mitochondrial relationship we observe. However, our current dataset does not have sufficiently long recordings to measure spontaneous synaptic activity. Further, when considering a non-anesthetized preparation, spontaneous activity is highly dependent on brain state and an animal’s self-driven brain activity, which all must be experimentally controlled or measured to accurately address this.

      1. In addition, the information about the orientation selectivity of the soma is also missing. Do the four cells shown here all have similar level of orientation selectivity? Or some have relative weak orientation selectivity in the soma?

      Yes, all 4 cells have a similar OSI (range = 0.4 – 0.57, mean = 0.46 +/ 0.08 s.d.). This has been added to the Results section.

      1. This study focused on only a fraction of spines that are (1) responsive (2) osi > 0.1. However, in theory energy consumption is also related to non-responsive spines and spines with weak orientation tuning. What is the percentage of tuned and untuned spines? What's the correlation of mitochondria volume and spine activity level for untuned spines? I also recommend including the non-responsive spines into the analysis. For example, for each mitochondrion calculate the averaged overall activity of spines within certain distance from the mitochondrion, including the non-responsive spines. I would predict there may be more active spines and higher overall spine activity of dentritic segments near a mitochondrion than segments far from a mitochondrion.

      A majority of spines were tuned for orientation (~91%), although we specifically chose to only analyze data from spines with verifiable, independent calcium events. All analyses except those involving measurements of orientation preference use all dendritic spines (i.e. tuned and untuned). We have clarified this in the Results.

      These other ‘silent’ (i.e. without resolvable visual activity) spines may significantly contribute to energy demands of a dendrite too, as our methods (GCaMP6s expression) likely only capture synaptic events driving Ca+2 influx through NMDA receptors or VGCCs. We expect that glutamate imaging (e.g. iGlusnfr) may open the door to additional analyses to fully characterize functional relationship between spines and mitochondria.

      1. The correlation coefficient for mitochondria volume and difference in orientation preference is relatively low (r=0.3150). With such weak correlation, the explanatory power of this data is limited.

      We agree that while the correlation is significant, it is not particularly strong. To better represent the noise surrounding this measurement, we performed a bootstrap correlation analysis, sampling with replacement (1 micron: mean r = 0.31 +/- 0.11 s.e., 5 micron: mean r = 0.02 +/- 0.10 s.e.). We now include this in the Results.

      1. Why do the numbers of spines in different figures vary? For example, n=60 for 1micron in Figure 3, 54 in Figure 3c, 31 in Figure 4b, 51 in Figure 4e and so on.

      We apologize for the lack of clarity. Each analysis presented different requirements of the data. For example, orientation preference was computed only for selective (OSI > 1) spines (Fig. 3c), but this requirement did not apply to comparisons with selectivity or response amplitude (Fig. 3d). Similarly, as stated in the Results and Methods, measurements of local heterogeneity require a minimum number of neighboring spines (n > 2), limiting the number of usable spines for analysis (Fig. 4). We have clarified this in the text.

      1. In Figure 6a, the sample sizes of mito+ spines and mito- spines are extremely unbalanced, which affects the stat power of the analysis. I recommend performing a randomization test.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We ran permutation tests to compare the similarity in mean values between equally sampled values from each distribution. These tests supported our original analysis and conclusions. We have added these tests to the Results.

      1. Ca signals are approximations of electrical signals. How well are spinal calcium signals correlated to synaptic strength and local depolarization? This should be put into discussion.

      There is unlikely a simple, direct relationship between spine calcium signal and synaptic strength or membrane depolarization, and this has never been addressed in vivo. Koester and Johnston (2005) performed paired recordings in slice and showed that single presynaptic action potentials producing successful transmission generate widely different calcium amplitudes (Fig. 3). Another study from Sobczyk, Scheuss, and Svoboda (2005) used two-photon glutamate uncaging on single spines and showed that micro-EPSC’s evoked are uncorrelated with the spine calcium signal amplitude. We have added a note about this in the discussion.

      1. In Figure 4i, the negative correlation may depend on the 4 data points on the right side. How influential are those data points?

      Spearman’s correlation coefficient analysis is robust to outliers and it is highly unlikely these datapoints are critical with our sample size (n > 100 spines).

      1. Raw data of Ca responses were missing.

      Some data has been published with the parent publication (Scholl et al., 2021). As spine imaging data is difficult to obtain and highly unique, we prefer to provide raw data directly upon reasonable request of the corresponding author.

      1. What is the temporal frequency of the drifting grating? Was it fixed or the speed of the grating was fixed?

      This was fixed to 4 Hz and this is now included in the Methods.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Most of the measurements were based on the distance from the base of the spine neck, and "only on spines with measurable mitochondrial volume at each radius" were analyzed. To better understand the causality, it may also be interesting to have an analysis based on the distance from mitochondria. Would the result be different if the measurements are not 1µm / 5µm from spine but 1µm / 5µm from mitochondria? (e.g. total spine volume in 1µm / 5µm from mitochondria).

      In fact, our first iteration of this study focused on exactly this metric: measuring the distance to nearest mitochondria. However, after lengthy discussions between the authors, we ultimately decided this metric was inferior to a volumetric one. Our decision was based on several factors: (1) distance to mitochondrion is ill defined (e.g. distance to the a mitochondrion center or nearest membrane edge?), (2) the total amount of mitochondrial volume within a dendritic shaft should allow the greatest amount of energetic support (e.g. more cristae for ATP production, greater capacity for calcium buffering), and (3) we would not account for the geometry of individual mitochondria or their placement near a spine (e.g. when 2 different mitochondria are next to the same spine) We have added further clarification of our reasoning to the Results.

      Nonetheless, we present the reviewer some of our original analyses correlating distance to mitochondria (from the base of the spine and including the spine neck length):

      Author response image 1.

      Here, we examined the relationship to spine head volume, spine-soma orientation preference difference, and the local orientation preference heterogeneity. No relationship showed any significant correlation. Again, this may not be surprising given the drawbacks of measuring ‘distance to mitochondria’.

      1. Is there a selection criterion for the spine for the analysis? Are filopodia spines excluded in the analysis?

      Spines were analyzed regardless of structural classification; however, they were only analyzed if they had a synaptic density with synaptic vesicle accumulation. In our dataset (including those visualized in vivo and reconstructed from the EM volume) we observed no filopodia.

      1. The result states that "56.8% of spines had no mitochondria volume within 1 μm and 12.1% of spines had none within 5 μm.". In other words, around 43% of spines had mitochondria within 1 μm. It would be interesting to show whether there is a correlation between mitochondria size and spine density.

      We agree that this is an interesting measurement. It has been reported that mitochondrial unit length along the dendrite co-varies with linear synapse density in the neocortical distal dendrites of mice (Turner et al., 2022). This was specifically true in distal portions of dendrites more than 60 µm from the soma, because mitochondria volume increases as a function of distance roughly up to this point, then remains relatively constant beyond this distance.

      To investigate this possibility, we calculated the local spine density around an individual spine and compared to the mitochondria volume within 1 or 5 µm. We found no evidence of a correlation between local spine density and the volume of mitochondria (1 µm: Spearman r = -0.07447, p = 0.2859; 5 µm: r = -0.04447, p = 0.3141). However, the majority of our measurements are more proximal than 60 µm (our median distance of all spines = 49.4 µm, max = 114 µm) and this may be one reason why observe no correlation.

      1. In Figure 3B, the drifting grating directions are examined from 0 to 315 degrees in the experiment. However, in Figure 3C and 3D, the spine-soma difference of orientation preference was limited to 0 to 90 degree in the graph. Is the graph trimmed, or is there a cause that limits the spine-soma difference of orientation preference to 90?

      Ferret visual cortical neurons are highly sensitive to grating direction and the responses are fit by a double Gaussian curve which estimates the ‘orientation preference’ (0-180 deg). We then calculated the absolute difference in orientation preference and wrapped that value in circular space so the maximum difference possible is 90 deg (e.g. 135 deg -> 45 deg).

      1. In Figure 4D-F, how is the temporal correlation of calcium activity determined? Is it based on stimulated activity or basal activity? A brief explanation may be helpful to the readers. Also, scale bars could be added to Fig 4D.

      Temporal correlation is computed as the signal correlation between 2 spines over the entire imaging session at that field of view. Specifically, we measured the Pearson correlation between each spine’s ∆F/F trace. To measure the local spatiotemporal correlation, we computed correlations between all neighboring spines within 5 microns and took the average of those values. We have clarified this in the Results section.

      1. Figure 3C and Figure 4D displayed a significant correlation in 1µm range and such correlation drastically diminished once the criterion changed to 5µm range. It would be interesting to include the criterion of intermediate ranges. It would be interesting to see if there is a trend or tendency or if there is a "cut-off" limit.

      We agree with the reviewer that the drastic change in the correlations between 1 and 5 µm range was surprising to see. While these volumetric measurements are time consuming, we returned to our data and measured an intermediate point of 3 µm. Investigating relationships reported in our study, we found no significant trends for spine-soma similarity (Spearman’s r = -0.011, p = 0.54) or local heterogeneity (Spearman’s r = 0.11, p = 0.23). This suggests that a potential ‘critical distance’ might be less than 3 µm; however, far more additional measurements and analyses would be needed to attempt to identify exactly what this distance is.

      1. In Figure 5, it is shown that spines having mitochondrion in the head or neck are larger. However, only 10 spines are found with mitochondria inside. In the current dataset, are mitochondria abundantly found in large spines? Further analysis or justification would be informative to address this.

      In our dataset, mitochondria were found in ~5% of all spines. Spines with mitochondria have a median volume of approximately 0.6 µm3, roughly twice as large as than those without mitochondria, as the reviewer suggests. In the entire population of spines without mitochondria, a volume of 0.6 µm3 represents roughly the 82nd percentile. In other words, of the total population of 157 spines without mitochondria, only 29 had equal or greater volume than the median spine with a mitochondrion. We believe this trend is clearly shown in Figure 5A and is supported by our analysis, including new permutation tests suggested by Reviewer 1.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The authors state that their unsupervised method "quickly and accurately identified mitochondria," but the methods section only says that segmentations were proofread. Was every segmentation examined and judged to be accurate, or was only a subset of the 324 mitochondria checked?

      After deep learning-based extraction, each mitochondrion segmentation was manually proofread. For each dendrite segment, this was ~10-20 mitochondria, so it did not take long to manually inspect and edit each mitochondrion segmentation.

      1. The EM image of the mitochondrion in the spine head in Figure 2C is low resolution and does not apply to the bulk of the data. Images more representative of the analyzed data should be added to supplement the cartoons.

      Our primary rationale for including this specific image was to show that the mitochondria located within spines are small, round, and to include a view of the synapse as well as the mitochondrion. We now include enlarge and additional EM images to Figure 1C.

      1. The majority of spines did not have any mitochondria within a 1 micron radius and were excluded from the correlation analyses, so most of the conclusions are based on a minority of spines. It would be interesting to see comparisons between spines with and without nearby mitochondria. Correlations between the absolute distance to any mitochondrion, synapse size, and mismatch to soma orientation would be especially interesting.

      The reviewer brings up a good point. It is true that many spines were excluded from our analysis based on the fact that they did not have nearby mitochondria within 1 or 5 µm (56.8% of spines had no mitochondria volume within 1 μm and 12.1% of spines had none within 5 μm). We compared the distributions of synapse size, mismatch to soma, and orientation selectivity of two groups of spines – those with at least some mitochondria within 1 µm (n = 65) versus spines without any mitochondria within 5 µm (n = 19).

      We found no difference in the distributions between spine volume (1 µm: median = 0.29 µm3, IQR = 0.41 µm3; no mitochondria within 5 µm: median = 0.40 µm3, IQR = 0.37 µm3; p = 0.67) or PSD area (1 µm: median = 0.26 µm2, IQR = 0.33 µm2; no mitochondria within 5 µm: median = 0.31 µm2, IQR = 0.36 µm2; p = 0.49). For functional measures, we also saw no difference in orientation selectivity (1 µm: median = 0.29, IQR = 0.28; no mitochondria within 5 µm: median = 0.28, IQR = 0.15; p = 0.74) or mismatch to soma orientation (1 µm: median = 0.54 deg, IQR = 0.86 deg; no mitochondria within 5 µm: median = 0.46 deg, IQR = 0.47 deg; p = 0.75). We now include analyses in the Results.

      We also looked at the absolute distances to mitochondria and did not find any significant relationships to spine head volume, spine-soma orientation preference difference, or the local orientation preference heterogeneity (see our response to reviewer #2 for more information).

      1. In Figure 1A the mitochondria appear to be taking up a substantial fraction of the dendritic shaft diameter, even for distal dendrites. It would be useful to know the absolute diameter of the dendrites and mitochondria, given that this is not rodent data and there is no reference for either in the ferret.

      We agree with the reviewer’s point, although we would like to remind the reviewer that these are basal dendrites of layer 2/3 cells. Basal dendrites tend to be thinner than apical branches. Interestingly, in some cases, the dendrite even swells to accommodate a mitochondrion. We did not incorporate this measurement in our study because it is not trivial; dendrite diameter is variable and dendrites are not perfect cylinders. Although we did not make precise measurements across our dendrites, the diameter is comparable to what has been seen in mouse cortex (Turner et al., 2022), roughly 500-1000 nm, but as small as 100 nm at some pinch points. In terms of mitochondria, many were roughly spherical or oblong, therefore the maximum diameters we report are roughly similar to, if not a bit larger than, those of the cross-sectional diameter.

      1. As a rule, PSD area is correlated with spine volume, which makes the observation that spines with mitochondria have larger volume but not PSD area surprising. With n=10 it is difficult to draw conclusions, but it would be interesting to know the PSD area-to-volume ratio of other spines of the same volume and synapse size.

      We were also somewhat surprised to see this, but exactly as the reviewer mentioned, we believe it to be a limitation of the sample size. The difference in volume was large enough to be detected despite a small sample size. We saw a trend towards larger synapses when spines have mitochondria (the median was approximately 60% larger), and we would expect with a larger comparison that PSD area would be significantly greater in spines with mitochondria.

      We calculated the PSD area-to-spine head volume ratio for spines with or without mitochondria. Spines with mitochondria had a significantly lower ratio compared to those without (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.0056, mito - = 0.78, n = 10; mito + = 0.53, n = 157). As the reviewer mentions, it is somewhat difficult to draw a conclusion from this, but it appears that the PSD does not scale with the increased spine head size.

      Author response image 2.

      The only way to definitively address this is to increase the sample size, which is becoming easier to achieve with the progression of volume EM imaging and analysis techniques in recent times. We look forward to addressing this in the future.

      1. Nothing is made of the significant fact that these data come from the visual system of a carnivore, not a mouse. Consideration of differences in visual physiology between rodents and carnivores would be worthwhile to put the function of these dendrites in context.

      We thank the reviewer for this consideration and have added text to the Discussion.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Manassaro et al. present an extensive three-session study in which they aimed to change defensive responses (skin conductance; SCR) to an aversively conditioned stimulus by targeting medial prefrontal cortex (their words) using repetitive TMS prior to retrieval. They report that stimulating mPFC using TMS abolishes SCR responses to the conditioned stimulus, and that this effect is specific for the stimulated region and the specific CS-US association, given that SCR responses to a different modality US are not changed.

      I like how the authors have clearly attempted to control for several potential confounds by including multiple stimulation sites, measured SCR responses to several unconditioned stimuli, and applied the experiment in multiple contexts. However, several conceptual and practical issues remain that I think limit the value of potential conclusions drawn from this work.

      The first issue that I have with this study concerns the relationship between the TMS manipulation and the theoretical background the authors present in their rationale. In the introduction the authors sketch that what they call 'mPFC' is involved in regulation of threat responses. They make a convincing case, however, almost all of the evidence they present concerns the ventromedial part of the prefrontal cortex (refs 18-25). The authors then mention that no one has ever studied the effects of 'mPFC'-TMS on threat memories. That is not surprising given that stimulating vmPFC with TMS is very difficult, if not impossible. Simulation of the electrical field that develops as a consequence from the authors manipulation (using the same TMS coil and positioning the authors use) shows that vmPFC (or mPFC for that matter) is not stimulated. The authors then continue in the methods section stating that the region they aimed for was BA10. This region they presumably do stimulate, however, that does not follow logically from their argument. BA10 is anatomically, cytoarchitectonically and functionally a wholly different area than vmPFC and I wonder if their rationale would hold given that they stimulate BA10.

      We would like to thank the Reviewer for highlighting this very important point. The Reviewer is right in stating that the Brodmann area 10 (BA 10) is anatomically, cytoarchitectonically, and functionally distinct from the ventromedial PFC. As we reported in the Methods section, the coil placement over the frontopolar midline electrode (Fpz) according to the international 10‒20 EEG coordinate system directly focused the stimulation over the medial portion of the BA 10. In the literature, the aPFC is also known as the “frontopolar cortex” or the “rostral frontal cortex” and encompasses the most anterior portion of the prefrontal cortex, which corresponds to the BA 10. In line with this observation, we have corrected “medial prefrontal cortex” (mPFC) with “medial anterior prefrontal cortex” (aPFC) throughout the manuscript. We also have corrected the theoretical background and the rationale in the Introduction section by mentioning several studies that: i) Reported the involvement of the aPFC in emotional down-regulation (Volman et al., 2013; Koch et al., 2018; Bramson et al., 2020). ii) Traced anatomical connections between the medial/lateral aPFC and the amygdala (Peng et al., 2018; Folloni et al., 2019; Bramson et al., 2020). iii) Detected functional connections between the aPFC and the vmPFC during fear down-regulation (Klumpers et al., 2010). iv) Found hypoactivation, reduced connectivity, and altered thickness of aPFC in PTSD patients (Lanius et al., 2005; Morey et al., 2008; Sadeh et al., 2015; Sadeh et al., 2016). v) Revealed that strong activation of the aPFC may promote a higher resilience against PTSD onset (Kaldewaij et al., 2021) and that enhanced aPFC activity and potentiated aPFC-vmPFC connectivity is detectable after effective therapy in PTSD patients (Fonzo et al., 2017). Furthermore, we discussed our results in light of this evidence in the Discussion section. We really thank the Reviewer for this key implementation of our study.

      The second concern I have is that although I think the authors should be praised for including both sham and active control regions, the controls might not be optimally chosen to control for the potential confounds of their condition of interest (mPFC-TMS). Namely, TMS on the forehead can be unpleasant, if not painful, whereas sham-TMS or TMS applied to the back of the head or even over dlPFC is not (or less so at the very least). Given that the SCR results after mPFC TMS show exactly the same temporal pattern as the sham-TMS but with a lower starting point, one could wonder whether a painful stimulation prior to the retrieval might have already caused habituation to painful stimulation observed in SCR in consequent CS presentations. A control region that would have been more obvious to take is the lateral part of BA10, by moving the TMS coil several centimeters to the left or right, circumventing all things potentially called medial but giving similar unpleasant sensations (pain etc).

      We would also like to thank the Reviewer for bringing to light this issue and allowing us to strengthen our results. The Reviewer is right in pointing out that rTMS application over the forehead can be subjectively perceived as unpleasant, relative to other head coordinates or sham stimulation. The question of whether an unpleasant stimulation prior to the retrieval might provoke habituation to discomfort sensations and lead to weaker SCRs in the consequent CS presentations is valid and reasonable. We also thank the Reviewer for advising us to stimulate the lateral part of BA 10 as an active control site. However, given the potential involvement of the lateral BA 10 in the fear network (see previous point) and the potential risks due to the anatomical proximity of lateral BA 10 with the temporal lobe, we reasoned to adopt an alternative approach to investigate whether “a painful stimulation prior to the retrieval might have already caused habituation to painful stimulation observed in SCR in consequent CS presentations”. We repeated the entire experiment in one further group (ctrl discomfort, n = 10) by replacing the rTMS procedure with a 10-min discomfort-inducing procedure over the same site of the forehead (Fpz) to mimic the rTMS-evoked unpleasant sensations in the absence of neural stimulation effects (see the new version of the Methods section). The electrical stimulation intensity was individually calibrated through a staircase procedure (0 = no discomfort; 10 = high discomfort). The shock amplitude was set at the current level corresponding to the mean rating of ‘4’ on the subjective scale because, in the new experiments that we performed targeting the aPFC with rTMS (n = 9), we collected participants’ rTMS-induced discomfort ratings obtaining a mean rating of 3.833 ± 0.589 SEM on the same scale. We found CS-evoked SCR levels not significantly different to those of the sham group during the test session as well as during the follow-up session, suggesting that the discomfort experienced during the rTMS procedure did not contribute to the reduction of electrodermal responses observed in the aPFC group. We reported the results of this experiment in the Results section and Figure 2-figure supplement 2.

      My final concern is that the main analyses are performed on single trials of SCR responses, which is a relatively noise measure to use on single trials. This is also done in relatively small groups (n=21). I would have liked to see both the raw or at least averaged timeseries SCR data plotted, and a rationale explaining how the authors decided on the current sample sizes, if that was based on a power analyses one must have expected quite strong effects.

      Following the Reviewer’s suggestion, we decided to remove the analysis on single trials, and we apologize for not including SCR timeseries. To quantify the amount of effect induced by the rTMS protocol, we have now added within-group comparisons (through 2 × 2 mixed ANOVAs) that show, for each group, the amount of change in CS-evoked SCRs from the conditioning phase to the test phase, as well as from the conditioning phase to the follow-up phase. Furthermore, to directly and simply depict these changes, in addition to dot plots, we have also represented them with line charts (Figs. 2C, 2H, 4C, 4H, 5C, 5H). To estimate the sample size, we had previously performed a power analysis through G*Power and it had resulted in n = 21 per experimental group. However, by correcting data pre-processing procedures (in accordance with Reviewer 1), we obtained data that were not normally distributed. Thus, we reasoned to enlarge our sample width by re-performing a power analysis (with the new suggested statistical analyses) and then repeating the experiments. For the main statistics, i.e. mixed ANOVA (within-between interaction) with two groups and two measurements, with the following input parameters: α equal to 0.05, power (1-β) equal to 0.95, and a hypothesized effect size (f) equal to 0.25, the new estimated sample size resulted in n = 30 per experimental group.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study presents the useful observation that repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is associated with immediate dampening effects of conditioned responses and generalization of these responses to similar cues. Additionally, the effects were still present one week later, in the absence of any stimulation. However, the evidence supporting the claims of the authors is incomplete. The main outcome data (skin conductance response) have been normalized and standardized in suboptimal ways and, most critically, no comparisons are being made with the strength of conditioned responses during acquisition. If the observations hold, when based on within-subject comparisons, the work will be of interest to psychologists and neuroscientists working on interventions into aberrant emotional memories.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Manessero and colleagues argue that the prefrontal cortex (PFC), given its exquisite capability to down-regulate down-stream regions central in driving emotional responses to threat, maybe a promising target to stimulate in order to reduce aberrant fear memory responses. They aim to differ from previous studies that tested the strengthening of extinction learning, by merely focusing on the expression of threat memory without extinction learning. Given that other studies have often focused on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex as promising target to regulate fear responses, they also ran experiments to directly compare effectiveness of targeting the mPFC and dlPFC in reducing fear memory responses. These aims are all focused on what the authors describe as "implicit memory", but they also test the effects of the interventions on "explicit memory" of the presented cues. However, in the introduction, the authors do not explicitly describe what their aim or theoretical rationale to implement these tests was. Likewise, the authors implemented generalisation stimuli (i.e., cues similar to the original CS) in the implicit memory tests, but the aim of these tests is also not explained.

      In order to test their hypotheses, the authors adopt a single-cue fear conditioning paradigm where participants learned to associate an auditory cue with the occurrence of short electrical stimulation across 15 repetitions of the CS-US pairing (80% reinforcement rate). One week later, for the second session, this cue was again presented 4 times, along with 2 types of generalization stimuli, that were each also presented four times. This test session took place in another environment. Conditioned skin conductance responses were measured as index of defensive responding. In the critical condition, during 10 minutes prior to these cue presentations, repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) was applied to specifically target the medial PFC. Another independent group of participants completed a two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) explicit recognition test, to inquire to what extent they could recognize whether a given tone was presented during the conditioning phase (basically a source memory task). Finally, a two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) perceptual discrimination test was presented, to ascertain that participants could discern the different tones presented. The second session was repeated yet another week later, but without any rTMS and in the original conditioning context again, to test whether any potential fear dampening effects were retained.

      The observations are quite straightforward: compared to sham and an active control group, mPFC stimulation prior to fear memory retrieval resulted in an immediate reduction of conditioned responses, a difference that was consistent across all 4 test trials. Also conditioned responses to the generalization cues were reduced upon mPFC stimulation. These effects seemed to be specific for memories, since responding to novel unconditioned cues (loud female scream) were not affected by prior mPFC stimulation. Likewise, measures of explicit memory were unaffected. In separate experiments, stimulation of the mPFC also outperformed stimulation of the dlPFC. This pattern of results was again observed during the tests a week later.

      The authors conclude that, since these outcomes were observed in the absence of extinction training, the rTMS procedure directly modulated the defensive responses activated by the threat memory trace. The fact that defensive responses to novel unconditioned stimuli were not affected are in line with earlier observations that the mPFC seems critical for the expression of conditioned but not innate fear. Given that dlPFC stimulation seemed less effective, the mPFC may be the most suitable candidate for future therapeutic interventions.

      Major strengths:<br /> - Earlier work delving into the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in fear regulation has not only revealed a central role for the mPFC, but also for the dlPFC. An important strength of this study is that the authors therefore also directly compare groups that are targeted in either one of these regions, thereby revealing that even though stimulating the dlPFC results in some fear reduction, the effect is much stronger for mPFC. Another nice consequence of this extra group is that the earlier observations when targeting the mPFC are being replicated.

      - It is important to test novel avenues to achieve enduring fear dampening effects of interventions. An intervention that only exerts immediate but transient effects does not bring much clinical value. So the fact that this study incorporates a follow-up test and then shows that the acute fear dampening effects are retained in the absence of any TMS stimulation certainly is important.

      - It is only natural to show defensive responses to cues that previously have been paired with something aversive, like a shock. For this reason, generalized fear responses to cues that are similar to fear cues but in fact innocuous is considered maladaptive, and at the core of anxiety disorders. A strength of the paper is that the authors have added generalization tests in addition to (adaptive) fear retention, to ascertain that their intervention in fact also targets maladaptive responding.

      Major weaknesses<br /> - There are two major weaknesses in this paper, that can have a potentially detrimental consequence for the robustness of the results and conclusions. First of all, even though comparing the effect of mPFC stimulation with other groups that have been stimulated in other brain regions is important, another comparison - perhaps an even more essential one - is lacking: is there a significant reduction in conditioned fear responses after targeting the mPFC as compared to that group's own fear acquisition (or at least the final phase of acquisition)? Instead, the authors compare fear responses with responses PRIOR to conditioning, which is not meaningful. The same goes for the long-term follow-up: also here, a comparison with fear responding prior to the intervention is lacking. Such a reduction in conditioned fear responding should be larger than any reduction (e.g., due to habituation or forgetting) in fear responding in the (sham) control groups (i.e., an overall interaction between group and fear responding should be present). Whether this is the case is unfortunately unknown, since the fear acquisition data (neither raw, nor pre-processed) are not to be found in the manuscript, and are therefore also not included in any of the analyses. Since there is also no safe control stimulus, the crucial comparison is made entirely between-subjects, and for such a comparison groups of n~20 are quite modest.

      - Second, against commons practice, the authors commence by square root transforming all SCR data to normalize the data (while this should only be done in the final phase or preprocessing, if the variables entered in the statistical tests require so), only to then again normalize these obtained values by dividing by the unconditioned responses of the participants, that then are used to calculate differences scores with preconditioning. In these descriptions it is unclear which unconditioned stimulus it was (the original one, from conditioning?) and whether it was standardised to the highest response or an average of all the responses. Decisions that are taken in these early pre-processing steps can have a gigantic impact on the outcomes and conclusions, so this is not trivial. One may say that this cannot explain the group effects that have been observed, given the fact that all groups have been pre-processed in the same way. However, the mPFC group of interest seems to display relatively high unconditioned responses - standardising with these measures may result in relatively low conditioned responses in this particular group. This shortcoming is therefore closely related to the point made above: given that conditioning data would be standardised in the same vein, a test that included the within-subject comparison between acquisition and post-intervention is absolutely crucial to ascertain that the effects observed are not merely due to coincidences in pre-processing values and pre-existing group differences.

      - In addition to the above-described main analyses, some other potential weaknesses concern the analysis strategy applied to the generalization tests. Several ANOVAS are being run, one to test for the pattern of generalization responses within-subjects (i.e., the CS, NS1 and NS2), and several ones to compare each of these between the three groups. But such analyses are not warranted in the absence of an overall interaction between the within subject factors and group factor. Such overall omnibus tests however are lacking, and the high number of separate anovas risks false positives (i.e., these comparisons should have been made with planned contrasts). The fact that the included factors and levels are not being described, makes it generally hard to gauge what variables exactly have been entered in every analysis.

      Further remarks:<br /> - There is a possibility that a re-analysis of the data using properly preprocessed SCR data along with analyses that include comparisons with the conditioned responses during acquisition reveal a different pattern of results. Therefore, whether the authors truly achieved their aims and whether the results support their conclusions is as of yet undecided.

      - Even if the pattern of results holds, then the claim that the long-term follow-up reductions of fear were achieved in the absence of any extinction cannot be made with confidence: after all, upon mPFC stimulation during the second session, the CS was presented four times, and so were each of the two generalization stimuli. So perhaps extinction was not complete, but almost certainly some extinction has taken place: it is well-known that the strongest extinction-learning typically takes place in the first trials (e.g., due to higher prediction errors). The authors do not give any alternative theoretical explanation for the enduring reduction of fear reduction, which would be interesting to learn their thoughts on.

      - If the results hold and satisfiable reasons are provided as to why the effects remain visible in the follow-up, this study could be a valuable contribution to the field: it may refocus future studies to the mPFC as major target to not only promote acute fear regulation, but perhaps even more importantly form a clinical perspective, a route for enduring fear reductions.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Manassaro et al. present an extensive three-session study in which they aimed to change defensive responses (skin conductance; SCR) to an aversively conditioned stimulus by targeting medial prefrontal cortex (their words) using repetitive TMS prior to retrieval. They report that stimulating mPFC using TMS abolishes SCR responses to the conditioned stimulus, and that this effect is specific for the stimulated region and the specific CS-US association, given that SCR responses to a different modality US are not changed.

      I like how the authors have clearly attempted to control for several potential confounds by including multiple stimulation sites, measured SCR responses to several unconditioned stimuli, and applied the experiment in multiple contexts. However, several conceptual and practical issues remain that I think limit the value of potential conclusions drawn from this work.

      The first issue that I have with this study concerns the relationship between the TMS manipulation and the theoretical background the authors present in their rationale. In the introduction the authors sketch that what they call 'mPFC' is involved in regulation of threat responses. They make a convincing case, however, almost all of the evidence they present concerns the ventromedial part of the prefrontal cortex (refs 18-25). The authors then mention that no one has ever studied the effects of 'mPFC'-TMS on threat memories. That is not surprising given that stimulating vmPFC with TMS is very difficult, if not impossible. Simulation of the electrical field that develops as a consequence from the authors manipulation (using the same TMS coil and positioning the authors use) shows that vmPFC (or mPFC for that matter) is not stimulated. The authors then continue in the methods section stating that the region they aimed for was BA10. This region they presumably do stimulate, however, that does not follow logically from their argument. BA10 is anatomically, cytoarchitectonically and functionally a wholly different area than vmPFC and I wonder if their rationale would hold given that they stimulate BA10.

      The second concern I have is that although I think the authors should be praised for including both sham and active control regions, the controls might not be optimally chosen to control for the potential confounds of their condition of interest (mPFC-TMS). Namely, TMS on the forehead can be unpleasant, if not painful, whereas sham-TMS or TMS applied to the back of the head or even over dlPFC is not (or less so at the very least). Given that the SCR results after mPFC TMS show exactly the same temporal pattern as the sham-TMS but with a lower starting point, one could wonder whether a painful stimulation prior to the retrieval might have already caused habituation to painful stimulation observed in SCR in consequent CS presentations. A control region that would have been more obvious to take is the lateral part of BA10, by moving the TMS coil several centimeters to the left or right, circumventing all things potentially called medial but giving similar unpleasant sensations (pain etc).

      My final concern is that the main analyses are performed on single trials of SCR responses, which is a relatively noise measure to use on single trials. This is also done in relatively small groups (n=21). I would have liked to see both the raw or at least averaged timeseries SCR data plotted, and a rationale explaining how the authors decided on the current sample sizes, if that was based on a power analyses one must have expected quite strong effects.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the Authors implement a delayed feedback control method and use it for the first time in biological neuronal networks. They extend a well-established computational theory and expand it into the biological realm. With this, they obtain novel evidence, never considered before, that showcases the difference between simulated neuronal networks and biological ones. Furthermore, they optimize the DFC method to achieve optimal results in the control of cell excitability in the content of biological neuronal networks, taking advantage of a closed-loop stimulation setup that, by itself, is not trivial to build and operate and that will certainly have a positive impact the fields of cellular and network electrophysiology.

      Regarding the results, it would be very constructive if the Authors could share the code for the quasi-real-time interface with the Multichannel Systems software (current and older hardware versions), as this represents likely a bottleneck preventing more researchers to implement such an experimental paradigm.

      On the data focusing on the effects of the DFC algorithms on neuronal behavior, the evidence is very compelling, although more care should be devoted to the statistical analyses, since some of the applied statistical tests are not appropriate. In a more biological sense, further discussion and clarification of the experimental details would improve this manuscript, making it more accessible and clearer for researchers across disciplines (i.e., ranging from computational to experimental Neuroscience) and increasing the impact of this research.

      In summary, this work represents a necessary bridge between recent advances in computational neuroscience and the biological implementation of neuronal control mechanisms.

      Regarding sharing the control code, our application for closed-loop stimulation using aDFC, DFC and Poisson is now available in GitHub (https://github.com/NCN-Lab/aDFC). This was, in fact, our initial intention following the reviewing process. With this application, the user can run the developed algorithms with the MEA2100-256 System from Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH.

      Same with the data. The dataset with the spike data from all experiments is also now publicly available in Zenodo. The data can be found in https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10138446.

      Regarding the improvements in the statistical analysis, the tests are now performed following Reviewer #1 suggestions. Important to emphasize that this did not change the results/ conclusions of the work.

    2. eLife assessment

      Large populations of neurons are capable of entering pathological synchronous oscillations under a variety of conditions and work over many decades has found ways to disrupt such oscillations using stimulation in both open loop and closed loop configurations. This study adds useful results and methodology to this line of research, by providing solid evidence that delayed feedback control via electrical stimulation can, under certain conditions, terminate network level oscillations in cultured cortical neurons. The study provides analyses and simulation results that shed light on why some networks respond to such feedback control while others do not.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the Authors implement a delayed feedback control method and use it for the first time in biological neuronal networks. They extend a well-established computational theory and expand it into the biological realm. With this, they obtain novel evidence, never considered before, that showcases the difference between simulated neuronal networks and biological ones. Furthermore, they optimize the DFC method to achieve optimal results in the control of cell excitability in the content of biological neuronal networks, taking advantage of a closed-loop stimulation setup that, by itself, is not trivial to build and operate and that will certainly have a positive impact the fields of cellular and network electrophysiology.

      Regarding the results, it would be very constructive if the Authors could share the code for the quasi-real-time interface with the Multichannel Systems software (current and older hardware versions), as this represents likely a bottleneck preventing more researchers to implement such an experimental paradigm.

      On the data focusing on the effects of the DFC algorithms on neuronal behavior, the evidence is very compelling, although more care should be devoted to the statistical analyses, since some of the applied statistical tests are not appropriate. In a more biological sense, further discussion and clarification of the experimental details would improve this manuscript, making it more accessible and clearer for researchers across disciplines (i.e., ranging from computational to experimental Neuroscience) and increasing the impact of this research.

      In summary, this work represents a necessary bridge between recent advances in computational neuroscience and the biological implementation of neuronal control mechanisms.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study applies a new neuromodulation algorithm, adaptive delayed feedback control (aDFC) to in vitro and in silico neuron populations to demonstrate its effectiveness at desynchronizing synchronous neural population activity. The study compares aDFC to other neuromodulation approaches such as non-adaptive DFC and random stimulation and demonstrates that in a subset of controllable networks, aDFC succeeds in reducing overall synchrony in the neural population. Further, when characterizing population firing bouts as asynchronous versus synchronous, aDFC increased the fraction of time that the neural population was in the asynchronous versus synchronous state (albeit in one network). Overall, this study is an impressive combination of computational and experimental work that details a promising new adaptive neuromodulation algorithm that may be relevant for neurological disorders where excessive synchronous brain activity is currently treated with conventional open-loop DBS.

      Strengths: The authors build on existing work that has suggested DFC may be a viable algorithm for desynchronizing hyper-synchronous neural populations. They demonstrate by performing in vivo experiments that, contrary to the suggestions of previous work, DFC exacerbates oscillatory intensity. As a result, they develop a new adaptive DFC (aDFC) that updates the estimate of the population's periodicity, enabling superior desynchronization of the population. Further, aDFC enables more population spiking activity that is not just a response to the stimulation (Fig. S3), potentially making the approach conducive to reducing excessive synchronization while also being permissive to neural encoding.

      Another innovation of this study is developing a framework for detecting which neural populations are controllable vs. uncontrollable, i.e. consistently responsive to stimulation vs. not consistently responsive. The authors find that populations with intermediate levels of synchrony and firing rate are controllable, whereas populations outside this regime are uncontrollable. These findings are substantiated with a neural network model, where a controllable regime is also detected. The controllable subspace in the in vivo networks and in silico networks also appear to roughly correspond (intermediate synchrony and firing rates) though a direct comparison is not made.

      Finally, not only do the authors find that aDFC reduces synchrony, they further identify extended periods of time when the network is in an asynchronous state and find that aDFC can extend the amount of time that the network spends in this state. While these results are compelling, there is only a single network that is able to demonstrate this effect so it is unclear how general a property this is.

      Overall, the study presents a novel closed loop neuromodulation algorithm and presents compelling data demonstrating that the algorithm reduces synchrony in in vitro and in silico neural populations.

      Weaknesses: The authors point out Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, epilepsy, and dystonia as the neurological disorders that suffer from excessive neural synchronization. In two of these disorders the frequency of the neural synchronization is ~15-30 Hz (Parkinson's disease) and ~5-7 Hz (essential tremor). These frequencies are well above the ~1 Hz synchronization frequency observed in the in vitro population. While this study exhibits a nice proof of principle, how readily it would extend to populations that exhibit higher synchronization frequencies is unclear.

      In addition, the study relies on computing population spiking activity of neurons. Current closed-loop neuromodulation devices are outfitted with large electrodes that can sense local field potentials. The impact of this study would have been higher and more readily translatable if the authors could have detected neural population synchronization using local field potential features.

      Finally, since the authors were seeking to develop a closed-loop neuromodulation solution that exhibited an improvement over existing open-loop solutions, it would have strengthened the findings and relevance of this study to have done comparisons between aDFC and high frequency open-loop stimulation (~100-120 Hz). Without this comparison it is difficult to know how aDFC may differ from existing therapeutics.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We want to thank the Editor and Reviewers for their thorough assessment of the manuscript as well as their constructive critiques. We have collated below the public review and recommendations from each Reviewer as well as our responses to them.

      eLife assessment

      This study by Verdikt et al. provided solid evidence demonstrating the potential impacts of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) on early embryonic development using mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and in vitro differentiation. Their results revealed that Δ9-THC enhanced mESCs proliferation and metabolic adaptation, possibly persisting through differentiation to Primordial Germ Cell-Like Cells (PGCLCs), though the evidence supporting this persistence was incomplete. Although the study is important, it was limited by being conducted solely in vitro and lacking parallel human model experiments.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors investigated the metabolic effects of ∆9-THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, on early mouse embryonic cell types. They found that ∆9-THC increases proliferation in female mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and upregulates glycolysis. Additionally, primordial germ cell-like cells (PGCLCs) differentiated from ∆9-THC-exposed cells also show alterations to their metabolism. The study is valuable because it shows that physiologically relevant ∆9-THC concentrations have metabolic effects on cell types from the early embryo, which may cause developmental effects. However, the claim of "metabolic memory" is not justified by the current data, since the effects on PGCLCs could potentially be due to ∆9-THC persisting in the cultured cells over the course of the experiment, even after the growth medium without ∆9-THC was added.

      The study shows that ∆9-THC increases the proliferation rate of mESCs but not mEpiLCs, without substantially affecting cell viability, except at the highest dose of 100 µM which shows toxicity (Figure 1). Treatment of mESCs with rimonabant (a CB1 receptor antagonist) blocks the effect of 100 nM ∆9-THC on cell proliferation, showing that the proliferative effect is mediated by CB1 receptor signaling. Similarly, treatment with 2-deoxyglucose, a glycolysis inhibitor, also blocks this proliferative effect (Figure 4G-H). Therefore, the effect of ∆9-THC depends on both CB1 signaling and glycolysis. This set of experiments strengthens the conclusions of the study by helping to elucidate the mechanism of the effects of ∆9-THC.

      Although several experiments independently showed a metabolic effect of ∆9-THC treatment, this effect was not dose-dependent over the range of concentrations tested (10 nM and above). Given that metabolic effects were observed even at 10 nM ∆9-THC (see for example Figure 1C and 3B), the authors should test lower concentrations to determine the dose-dependence and EC50 of this effect. The authors should also compare their observed EC50 with the binding affinity of ∆9-THC to cellular receptors such as CB1, CB2, and GPR55 (reported by other studies).

      The study also profiles the transcriptome and metabolome of cells exposed to 100 nM ∆9-THC. Although the transcriptomic changes are modest overall, there is upregulation of anabolic genes, consistent with the increased proliferation rate in mESCs. Metabolomic profiling revealed a broad upregulation of metabolites in mESCs treated with 100 nM ∆9-THC.

      Additionally, the study shows that ∆9-THC can influence germ cell specification. mESCs were differentiated to mEpiLCs in the presence or absence of ∆9-THC, and the mEpiLCs were subsequently differentiated to mPGCLCs. mPGCLC induction efficiency was tracked using a BV:SC dual fluorescent reporter. ∆9-THC treated cells had a moderate increase in the double positive mPGCLC population and a decrease in the double negative population. A cell tracking dye showed that mPGCLCs differentiated from ∆9-THC treated cells had undergone more divisions on average. As with the mESCs, these mPGCLCs also had altered gene expression and metabolism, consistent with an increased proliferation rate.

      My main criticism is that the current experimental setup does not distinguish between "metabolic memory" vs. carryover of THC (or its metabolites) causing metabolic effects. The authors assume that their PGCLC induction was performed "in the absence of continuous exposure" but this assumption may not be justified. ∆9-THC might persist in the cells since it is highly hydrophobic. In order to rule out the persistence of ∆9-THC as an explanation of the effects seen in PGCLCs, the authors should measure concentrations of ∆9-THC and THC metabolites over time during the course of their PGCLC induction experiment. This could be done by mass spectrometry. This is particularly important because 10 nM of ∆9-THC was shown to have metabolic effects (Figure 1C, 3B, etc.). Since the EpiLCs were treated with 100 nM, if even 10% of the ∆9-THC remained, this could account for the metabolic effects. If the authors want to prove "metabolic memory", they need to show that the concentration of ∆9-THC is below the minimum dose required for metabolic effects.

      Overall, this study is promising but needs some additional work in order to justify its conclusions. The developmental effects of ∆9-THC exposure are important for society to understand, and the results of this study are significant for public health.

      *Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This has the potential to be a good study, but it's currently missing two key experiments:

      What is the minimum dose of ∆9-THC required to see metabolic effects?

      We would like to thank Reviewer 1 for their insightful comments. We have included exposures to lower doses of ∆9-THC in Supplementary Figure 1. Our data shows that ∆9-THC induces mESCs proliferation from 1nM onwards. However, when ESCs and EpiLCs were exposed to 1nM of ∆9-THC, no significant change in mPGCLCs induction was observed (updated Figure 6B). Of note, in their public review, Reviewer 1 mentioned that “The authors should also compare their observed EC50 with the binding affinity of ∆9-THC to cellular receptors such as CB1, CB2, and GPR55 (reported by other studies).” According to the literature, stimulation of non-cannabinoid receptors and ion channels (including GPR18, GPR55, TRPVs, etc.) occurs at 40nM-10µM of ∆9-THC (Banister et al., 2019). We therefore expect that at the lower nanomolar range tested, CB1 is the main receptor stimulated by ∆9-THC, as we showed for the 100nM dose in our rimonabant experiments (Fig. 2).

      Is the residual THC concentration during the PGCLC induction below this minimum dose? Even if the effects are due to residual ∆9-THC, this would not undermine the overall study. There would simply be a different interpretation of the results.

      This experiment was particularly important to distinguish between a “true” ∆9-THC metabolic memory or residual ∆9-THC leftover during PGCLCs differentiation. Our mass spectrometry quantification revealed that no significant ∆9-THC could be detected in day 5 embryoid bodies compared to treated EpiLCs prior to differentiation (Supplementary Figure 13). These results support the existence of ∆9-THC metabolic memory across differentiation.

      You also do not mention whether you tested your cells for mycoplasma. This is important since mycoplasma contamination is a common problem that can cause artifactual results. Please test your cells and report the results.

      All cells were tested negative for mycoplasma by a PCR test (ATCC® ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 quality standards). This information has been added in the Material and Methods section.

      Minor points:

      1. I don't think it's correct to say that cannabis is the most commonly used psychoactive drug. Alcohol and nicotine are more commonly used. See: https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/alcohol and https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/psychoactive-substance I looked at the UN drugs report [ref 1] and alcohol or nicotine were not included on that list of drugs, so the UN may use a different definition. This doesn't affect the importance or conclusions of this study, but the wording should be changed.

      We agree and are now following the WHO description of cannabis (https://www.who.int/teams/mental-health-and-substance-use/alcohol-drugs-and-addictive-behaviours/drugs-psychoactive/cannabis) by referring to it as the “most widely used illicit drug in the world”. (Line 44).

      1. It would be informative to use your RNA-seq data to examine the expression of receptors for ∆9-THC such as CB1, CB2, and GPR55. CB1 might be the main one, but I am curious to see if others are present.

      We have explored the protein expression of several cannabinoid receptors, including CB2, GPR18, GPR55 and TRPV1 (Bannister et al., 2019). These proteins, except TRPV1, were lowly expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells compared to the positive control (mouse brain extract, see Author response image 1). Furthermore, our experiment with Rimonabant showed that the proliferative effects of ∆9-THC are mediated through CB1.

      Author response image 1.

      Cannabinoid receptors and non-cannabinoid receptors protein expression in mouse embryonic stem cells.

      1. Make sure to report exact p-values. You usually do this, but there are a few places where it says p<0.0001. Also, report whether T-tests assumed equal variance (Student's) or unequal variance (Welch's). [In general, it's better to use unequal variance, unless there is good reason to assume equal variance.]

      Prism, which was used for statistical analyses, only reports p-values to four decimal places. For all p-values that were p<0.0001, the exact decimals were calculated in Excel using the “=T.DIST.2T(t, df)” function, where the Student’s distribution and the number of degrees of freedom computed by Prism were inputted. Homoscedasticity was confirmed for all statistical analyses in Prism.

      1. Figure 2A: An uncropped gel image should be provided as supplementary data. Additionally, show positive and negative controls (from cells known to either express CB1 or not express CB1)

      The uncropped gel image is presented in Author response image 2. The antibody was validated on mouse brain extracts as a positive control as shown in Figure 1.

      Author response image 2.

      Uncropped gel corresponding to Fig. 2A where an anti-CB1 antibody was used.

      1. Figure 6B: Please show a representative gating scheme for flow cytometry (including controls) as supplementary data. Also, was a live/dead stain used? What controls were used for compensation? These details should be reported.

      The gating strategy is presented in Supplementary Figure 11. The Material and Methods section has also been expanded.

      1. As far as I can tell, you only used female mESCs. It would be good to test the effects on male mESCs as well since these have some differences due to differences in X-linked gene expression (female mESCs have two active X chromosomes). I understand that you might not have a male BV:SC reporter line, so it would be acceptable to omit the mPGCLC experiments on male cells.

      We have tested the 10nM-100µM dose range in the male R8 mESCs (Supplementary Figure 3). Similar results as with the female H18 cells were observed. Accordingly, PGCLCs induction was increased when R8 ESCs + EpiLCs were exposed to 100nM of ∆9-THC (Supplementary Figure 12). This is in line with ∆9-THC impact on fundamentally conserved metabolic pathways across species and sex, although it should be noted that one representative model of each sex is not sufficient to exclude sex-specific effects.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the study conducted by Verdikt et al, the authors employed mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) and in vitro differentiation techniques to demonstrate that exposure to cannabis, specifically Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), could potentially influence early embryonic development. Δ9-THC was found to augment the proliferation of naïve mouse ESCs, but not formative Epiblast-like Cells (EpiLCs). This enhanced proliferation relies on binding to the CB1 receptor. Moreover, Δ9-THC exposure was noted to boost glycolytic rates and anabolic capabilities in mESCs. The metabolic adaptations brought on by Δ9-THC exposure persisted during differentiation into Primordial Germ Cell-Like Cells (PGCLCs), even when direct exposure ceased, and correlated with a shift in their transcriptional profile. This study provides the first comprehensive molecular assessment of the effects of Δ9-THC exposure on mouse ESCs and their early derivatives. The manuscript underscores the potential ramifications of cannabis exposure on early embryonic development and pluripotent stem cells. However, it is important to note the limitations of this study: firstly, all experiments were conducted in vitro, and secondly, the study lacks analogous experiments in human models.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. EpiLCs, characterized as formative pluripotent stem cells rather than primed ones, are a transient population during ESC differentiation. The authors should consider using EpiSCs and/or formative-like PSCs (Yu et al., Cell Stem Cell, 2021; Kinoshita et al., Cell Stem Cell, 2021), and amend their references to EpiLCs as "formative".

      Indeed, EpiLCs are a transient pluripotent stem cell population that is “functionally distinct from both naïve ESCs and EpiSCs” and “enriched in formative phase cells related to pre-streak epiblast” (Kinoshita et al., Cell Stem Cell, 2021). Here, we used the differentiation system developed by M. Saitou and colleagues to derive PGCLCs (Hayashi et al, 2011). Since EpiSCs are refractory to PGCLCs induction (Hayashi et al, 2011), we used the germline-competent EpiLCs and took advantage of a well-established differentiation system to derive mouse PGCLCs. Most authors, however, agree that in terms of epigenetic and metabolic profiles, mouse EpiLCs represent a primed pluripotent state. We have added that PGCs arise in vivo “from formative pluripotent cells in the epiblast” on lines 85-86.

      1. Does the administration of Δ9-THC, at concentrations from 10nM to 1uM, alter the cell cycle profiles of ESCs?

      The proliferation of ESCs was associated with changes in the cell cycle, as presented in the new Supplementary Figure 2, which we discuss in lines 118-123.

      1. Could Δ9-THC treatment influence the differentiation dynamics from ESCs to EpiLCs?

      No significant changes were observed in the pluripotency markers associated with ESCs and EpiLCs (Supplementary Figure 9). We have added this information in lines 277-279.

      1. The authors should consider developing knockout models of cannabinoid receptors in ESCs and EpiLCs (or EpiSCs and formative-like PSCs) for control purposes.

      This is an excellent suggestion. Due to time and resource constraints, however, we focused our mechanistic investigation of the role of CB1 on the use of rimonabant which revealed a reversal of Δ9-THC-induced proliferation at 100nM.

      1. Lines 134-136: "Importantly, SR141716 pre-treatment, while not affecting cell viability, led to a reduced cell count compared to the control, indicating a fundamental role for CB1 in promoting proliferation." Regarding Figure 2D, does the Rimonabant "+" in the "mock" group represent treatment with Rimonabant only? If that's the case, there appears to be no difference from the Rimonabant "-" mock. The authors should present results for Rimonabant-only treatment.

      To be able to compare the effects +/- Rimonabant and as stated in the figure legend, each condition was normalized to its own control (mock with, or without Rimonabant). Author response image 3 is the unnormalized data showing the same effects of Δ9-THC and Rimonabant on cell number.

      Author response image 3.

      Unnormalized data corresponding to the Figure 2D.

      1. In Figure 3, both ESCs and EpiLCs show a significant decrease in oxygen consumption and glycolysis at a 10uM concentration. Do these conditions slow cell growth? BrdU incorporation experiments (Figure 1) seem to contradict this. With compromised bioenergetics at this concentration, the authors should discuss why cell growth appears unaffected.

      Indeed, we believe that cell growth is progressively restricted upon increasing doses of ∆9-THC (consider Supplementary Figure 2). In addition, oxygen consumption and glycolysis can be decoupled from cellular proliferation, especially considering the lower time ranges we are working with (44-48h).

      1. Beyond Δ9-THC exposure prior to PGCLCs induction, it would be also interesting to explore the effects of Δ9-THC on PGCLCs during their differentiation.

      We agree with the Reviewer. Our aim was to study whether exposure prior to differentiation could have an impact, and if so, what are the mediators of this impact. Full exposure during differentiation is another exposure paradigm that is relevant but would not have allowed us to show the metabolic memory of ∆9-THC exposure. Future work, however, will be dedicated to analyzing the effect of continuous exposure through differentiation.

      1. As PGC differentiation involves global epigenetic changes, it would be interesting to investigate how Δ9-THC treatment at the ESCs/EpiLCs stage may influence PGCLCs' transcriptomes.

      We also agree with the Reviewer. While this paper was not primarily focused on Δ9-THC’s epigenetic effects, we have explored the impact of Δ9-THC on more than 100 epigenetic modifiers in our RNA-seq datasets. These results are shown in Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Figure 10 and discussed in lines 301-316.

      1. Lines 407-408: The authors should exercise caution when suggesting "potentially adverse consequences" based solely on moderate changes in PGCLCs transcriptomes.

      We agree and have modified the sentence as follows: “Our results thus show that exposure to Δ9-THC prior to specification affects embryonic germ cells’ transcriptome and metabolome. This in turn could have adverse consequences on cell-cell adhesion with an impact on PGC normal development in vivo.“

      1. Investigating the possible impacts of Δ9-THC exposure on cultured mouse blastocysts, implantation, post-implantation development, and fertility could yield intriguing findings.

      We thank the Reviewer for this comment. We have amended our discussion to include these points in the last paragraph.

      1. Given that naïve human PSCs and human PGCLCs differentiation protocols have been established, the authors should consider carrying out parallel experiments in human models.

      We have performed Δ9-THC exposures in hESCs (Supplementary Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure 5), showing that Δ9-THC alters the cell number and general metabolism of these cells. We present these results in light of the differences in metabolism between mouse and human embryonic stem cells on lines 135-141 and 185-188. Implications of these results are discussed in lines 474-486.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Verdikt et al. focused on the influence of Δ9-THC, the most abundant phytocannabinoid, on early embryonic processes. The authors chose an in vitro differentiation system as a model and compared the proliferation rate, metabolic status, and transcriptional level in ESCs, exposure to Δ9-THC. They also evaluated the change of metabolism and transcriptome in PGCLCs derived from Δ9-THC-exposed cells. All the methods in this paper do not involve the differentiation of ESCs to lineage-specific cells. So the results cannot demonstrate the impact of Δ9-THC on preimplantation developmental stages. In brief, the authors want to explore the impact of Δ9-THC on preimplantation developmental stages, but they only detected the change in ESCs and PGCLCs derived from ESCs, exposure to Δ9-THC, which showed the molecular characterization of the impact of Δ9-THC exposure on ESCs and PGCLCs.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. To demonstrate the impact of Δ9-THC on preimplantation developmental stages, ESCs are an appropriate system. They have the ability to differentiate three lineage-specific cells. The authors should perform differentiation experiments under Δ9-THC-exposure, and detect the influence of Δ9-THC on the differentiation capacity of ESCs, more than just differentiate to PGCLCs.

      We apologize for the lack of clarity in our introduction. We specifically looked at the developmental trajectory of PGCs because of the sensitivity of these cells to environmental insults and their potential contribution to transgenerational inheritance. We have expanded on these points in our introduction and discussion sections (lines 89-91 and 474-486). Because our data shows the relevance of Δ9-THC-mediated metabolic rewiring in ESCs subsisting across differentiation, we agree that differentiation towards other systems (neuroprogenitors, for instance) would yield interesting data, albeit beyond the scope of the present study.

      1. Epigenetics are important to mammalian development. The authors only detect the change after Δ9-THC-exposure on the transcriptome level. How about methylation landscape changes in the Δ9-THC-exposure ESCs?

      We have explored the impact of Δ9-THC on more than 100 epigenetic modifiers in our RNA-seq datasets. These results are shown in Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Figure 10, discussed in lines 301-316. While indeed the changes in DNA methylation profiles appear relevant in the context of Δ9-THC exposure (because of Tet2 increased expression in EpiLCs), we highlight that other epigenetic marks (histone acetylation, methylation or ubiquitination) might be relevant for future studies.

      1. In the abstract, the authors claimed that "the results represent the first in-depth molecular characterization of the impact of Δ9-THC exposure on preimplantation developmental stages." But they do not show whether the Δ9-THC affects the fetus through the maternal-fetal interface.

      We have addressed the need for increased clarity and have modified the sentence as follows: “These results represent the first in-depth molecular characterization of the impact of Δ9-THC exposure on early stages of the germline development.”

      1. To explore the impact of cannabis on pregnant women, the human ESCs may be a more proper system, due to the different pluripotency between human ESCs and mouse ESCs.

      We have performed Δ9-THC exposures in hESCs (Supplementary Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure 5). These preliminary results show that Δ9-THC exposure negatively impacts the cell number and general metabolism of hESCs. With the existence of differentiation systems for hPGCLCs, future studies will need to assess whether Δ9-THC-mediated metabolic remodelling is also carried through differentiation in human systems. We discuss these points in the last paragraph of our discussion section.

      1. All the experiments are performed in vitro, and the authors should validate their results in vivo, at least a Δ9-THC-exposure pregnant mouse model.

      Our work is the first of its kind to show that exposure to a drug of abuse can alter the normal development of the embryonic germline. We agree with the Reviewer that to demonstrate transgenerational inheritance of the effects reported here, future experiments in an in vivo mouse model should be conducted. The metabolic remodeling observed upon cannabis exposure could also be directly studied in a human context, although these experiments would be beyond the scope of the present study. For instance, changes in glycolysis may be detected in pregnant women using cannabis, or directly measured in follicular fluid in a similar manner as done by Fuchs-Weizman and colleagues (Fuchs-Weizman et al., 2021). We hope that our work can provide the foundation to inform such in vivo studies.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Grove and colleagues analyzes the role of TEAD1 transcription factors in all events regulating PNS myelin formation and maintenance and regeneration. Throughout the manuscript, the authors compare the results obtained to those they previously described in YAP/TAZ double knockout mice. Strengths of the manuscript are combined in vivo analyses by generating mutants constitutively lacking TEAD1 expression in myelinating Schwann cells (P0Cre//TEAD1f/f mice: cKO) and mutants in which TEAD1 expression can be ablated after tamoxifen-mediated recombination is myelinating Schwann cells (PlpCreER//TEAD1f/f mice: iKO). Using this approach the authors were able to assess the role of TEAD1 in all aspects related to PNS myelin: formation as well as maintenance and remyelination after injury. By exploiting these models, they were able to define the role of TEAD1 in regulating Schwann cell proliferation as well as in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Collectively, their data indicate that TEAD 1 has a composite role in PNS myelination being required for developmental myelination, but dispensable for myelin maintenance. Further, they also describe a role for TEAD1 in promoting PNS remyelination after an injury event.

      Despite these strengths, there are some weaknesses that should be addressed by the authors:

      1) The manuscript would benefit from better and more detailed analysis of the role of the other TEAD transcription factors, as they are likely redundant in function to TEAD1. For example, since in cKO mice some fibers can escape the sorting defect and eventually myelinate, albeit at a lower level, could they determine whether TEAD2-4 transcription factors might compensate for TEAD1 absence in this setting?

      We speculate that other TEADs, most likely both TEAD2 and TEAD3, compensate TEAD1 in myelinating some developing axons. We also speculate that TEAD4 counteracts TEAD1, resulting in excessive proliferation of Schwann cells in Tead1 cKO. Unfortunately, because, unlike TEAD1, floxed/congenic alleles and IHC-compatible antibodies are not yet available for TEAD2-4, it is difficult to determine their roles. We attempted to knock down TEAD2-4 by injecting AAV-shRNAs into the sciatic nerves of WT and Tead1 iKO, but this intervention was not successful. Our future studies will determine compensatory and/or opposing roles of other TEADs during development and homeostasis and after nerve injury.

      2) A striking result of the study is the morphological defects observed in the process of axonal sorting and in the Remak fibers formation of TEAD1 cKO mice. To explain the sorting defect, the authors correctly analyze Schwann cell proliferation. However, since axonal sorting is mediated by the interaction between the extracellular matrix and intracellular cytoskeleton rearrangement, they should address also these two aspects. As per the Remak bundles and the poly-axonal myelination they observe, it is difficult to reconcile this "abnormal" myelination with the fact that TEAD1 cKO mice have a very severe myelinating phenotype, which is persistent in adulthood.

      It is noteworthy that we found radial sorting to be delayed, but not blocked, in Tead1 cKO, as we had previously reported for Yap/Taz cDKO mice in our earlier publication (Grove et al., eLIFE 2017). The primary reason that myelin development fails in Schwann cells lacking YAP/TAZ (or TEAD1 in the present report) is because they do not initiate myelination of sorted axons, not because of defective radial sorting. We showed that radial sorting was delayed in Schwann cells lacking YAP/TAZ because of their late S phase entry (Figure 4 in Grove et al., eLIFE 2017). In addition, our earlier report demonstrated that the key laminin receptor, integrin 6, is strongly downregulated but axons are nevertheless sorted out by Schwann cells in Yap/Taz cDKO (Figure 4-figure supplement 2 in Grove et al., eLIFE 2017). Our current view, therefore, is that extracellular matrix may contribute to reducing Schwann cell proliferation (Berti et al., 2011; Pellegatta et al., 2013; Yu, Feltri, Wrabetz, Strickland, & Chen, 2005), which helps to delay radial sorting, but that it is not required for Schwann cells lacking YAP/TAZ (or TEAD1) to sort axons (see the author response #2 in Grove et al., eLIFE 2017). Based on this information, we disagree with the reviewer that it is essential for us to address the role of extracellular matrix in delaying radial sorting in Tead1 cKO.

      Regarding Remak bundles, ‘thinly’ myelinated Remak bundles are only ‘occasionally’ observed in Tead1 cKO mice. Given that some large axons are still myelinated in Tead1 cKO mice, likely due to compensation by other TEADs, we speculate that Remak bundles are occasionally myelinated by other TEADs in Tead1 cKO. We have clarified our description and expanded our discussion of TEAD1 regulation of Remak bundles, including abnormal polyaxonal myelination.

      3) In the analyses of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway, TEAD1 seems to be only partly involved. Again, which is the role of any of the other TEADs?

      Examining cholesterol biosynthesis pathways (SREBP1 and 2) and their target enzymes (SCD1, HMGCR, FDPS, IDI1) in Tead1 cKO and Yap/Taz cDKO, we showed that TEAD1 is required for upregulating FDPS and IDI1. These data suggest that TEAD1 plays a major role in mediating YAP/TAZ-driven cholesterol synthesis by upregulating FDPS and IDI1. It is also important to note that FDPS and IDI1 levels are reduced in TEAD1 cKO as ‘greatly’ as those in Yap/Taz cDKO (Figure 5). We therefore speculate that other TEADs compensate TEAD1 modestly, if at all, in upregulating FDPS and IDI1. We do not rule out the possibility, however, that other TEADs fully compensate TEAD1 in ‘maintaining’ cholesterol synthesis in adult Schwann cells. We will address these important questions in the future when the key resources mentioned above become available to study TEAD2-4.

      4) Why do cKO mice die before P60?

      In accordance with IACUC guidelines, we humanely euthanized Tead1 cKO mice before P60 because, like Yap/Taz cKO mice, they develop severe peripheral neuropathy.

    2. eLife assessment

      This important study demonstrates that the transcription factor TEAD1 is required for the function of Yap/Taz in Schwann cells, with conditional mouse mutants having very similar dysmyelinated phenotypes. Convincing histological evidence is shown for the role of TEAD1 itself, leaving open the function of other TEAD proteins in this system. This study will nevertheless be of great interest to researchers in the field of peripheral nerve development.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Grove and colleagues analyzes the role of TEAD1 transcription factors in all events regulating PNS myelin formation and maintenance and regeneration. Throughout the manuscript, the authors compare the results obtained to those they previously described in YAP/TAZ double knockout mice. Strengths of the manuscript are combined in vivo analyses by generating mutants constitutively lacking TEAD1 expression in myelinating Schwann cells (P0Cre//TEAD1f/f mice: cKO) and mutants in which TEAD1 expression can be ablated after tamoxifen-mediated recombination is myelinating Schwann cells (PlpCreER//TEAD1f/f mice: iKO). Using this approach the authors were able to assess the role of TEAD1 in all aspects related to PNS myelin: formation as well as maintenance and remyelination after injury. By exploiting these models, they were able to define the role of TEAD1 in regulating Schwann cell proliferation as well as in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway.

      Collectively, their data indicate that TEAD 1 has a composite role in PNS myelination being required for developmental myelination, but dispensable for myelin maintenance. Further, they also describe a role for TEAD1 in promoting PNS remyelination after an injury event.

      Despite these strengths, there are some weaknesses that should be addressed by the authors:

      1. The manuscript would benefit from better and more detailed analysis of the role of the other TEAD transcription factors, as they are likely redundant in function to TEAD1. For example, since in cKO mice some fibers can escape the sorting defect and eventually myelinate, albeit at a lower level, could they determine whether TEAD2-4 transcription factors might compensate for TEAD1 absence in this setting?

      2. A striking result of the study is the morphological defects observed in the process of axonal sorting and in the Remak fibers formation of TEAD1 cKO mice. To explain the sorting defect, the authors correctly analyze Schwann cell proliferation. However, since axonal sorting is mediated by the interaction between the extracellular matrix and intracellular cytoskeleton rearrangement they should address also these two aspects. As per the Remak bundles and the poly-axonal myelination they observe, it is difficult to reconcile this "abnormal" myelination with the fact that TEAD 1 cKO mice have a very severe myelinating phenotype, which is persistent in adulthood.

      3. In the analyses of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway, TEAD1 seems to be only partly involved. Again, which is the role of any of the other TEADs?

      4. Why do cKO mice die before P60?

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript addresses the role of TEAD1 in developmental myelination and nerve regeneration after nerve injury and establishes TEAD1 as a key component for YAP/TAZ-related Schwann cell biology. The authors use genetic and biochemical techniques, as well as immunostainings of tissues to address TEAD1's function in myelin biology. While the constitutive knockout of TEAD1 is convincing, the tamoxifen-induced variation requires some validation. Experimental procedures to study the effect of TEAD1 on myelin development and regeneration were properly performed. TEAD1 is believed to be the major driver of the TEAD family in regulating myelination in Schwann cells. However, the delineation of TEAD1 in myelin biology from the other TEAD family members TEAD2, 3, and 4 needs further verification. In particular, the biochemical techniques assessing the potentially competitive binding of TEAD1 versus TEAD2, 3, and 4 to YAP1 and TAZ (WWTR1) require a thorough functional validation. Overall, the identification of TEAD1 as the major driver of myelin in development and regeneration is a very important finding for Schwann cell biology.

    5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The Hippo signalling pathway has been implicated in organ growth through the regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. The main transcriptional effectors of this pathway, the Yap and Taz proteins, associate with members of the TEAD family of transcription factors to drive diverse transcriptional programs of proliferation, growth, and differentiation. It has previously been shown that YAP/TAZ are essentially required in Schwann cells for developmental myelination, homeostasis, and regenerative myelination in the peripheral nervous system. All four members of the TEAD family are expressed in the Schwann cell lineage, raising the possibility that different aspects of YAP/TAZ role in the Schwann cell lineage are underpinned by differential associations with TEAD transcription factors. In this study, Grove and colleagues provide convincing evidence that TEAD1 is the main transcription factor through which YAP/TAZ affects myelination in development and following nerve injury. A careful comparison between Schwann cell-specific and inducible Yap/Taz and TEAD1 knock out animals reveal unique and redundant roles for TEAD1 in myelination by regulating Schwann cell proliferation, Krox20-dependent myelin gene expression, and cholesterol biosynthesis. Interestingly, their study appears to reveal a YAP/TAZ independent role for TEAD1 in non-myelinating Schwann cell ensheathment of low calibre axons and Remak bundle formation. The conclusions of this study are based on rigorous biochemical, immune-histochemical, electron microscopic, and functional analysis of mutant and wild-type nerves at different stages of postnatal development and following crush nerve injury.

      Perhaps the most surprising finding of this study is that TEAD1 can function independently from YAP/TAZ in one branch of the Schwann cell lineage (the authors had reported earlier that non-myelinating Schwann cells do not express YAP/TAZ).<br /> How TEAD1 transcriptional activity is modulated in these Remak Schwann cells is an interesting avenue of future research.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1:

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our manuscript. We have closely examined the issues raised, and below we offer a point-by-point response to each comment. In the revised manuscript below, all the introduced changes are marked with red font.

      1. There may be a general typo concerning micromolar and millimolar…

      Response 1: The reviewer is correct, and during the reformatting of the manuscript, in some portions of the manuscript, the units used to indicate TPEN concentrations, always µM, were switched to mM. We have corrected those mistakes.

      1. In Figure 1C/Lines 150-152, the authors use DTPA and EDTA as extracellular chelators for zinc… Was the amount of zinc in the media measured and determined to be below the amount of chelator used? Additionally, these chelators are not specific for zinc, but can bind other divalent cations including calcium. Even though zinc binds more tightly than calcium to these chelators, by mass action calcium and magnesium ions may outcompete DTPA and EDTA, leaving zinc availability unperturbed. How do the authors take these interactions into account to determine that chelation of extracellular zinc has no effect on intracellular calcium oscillations? The best way to test this is to use zinc responsive fluorescent probes in a sample of the calcium- and magnesium-replete medium and see if the addition of the DTPA or EDTA alters zinc fluorescence in the cuvette.

      Response 2: We tested several conditions to determine the effect of chelators on the zinc concentration of the monitoring media using commercially available Zn2+ probes. The fluorescent zinc probe FluoZin3 added extracellularly shows high fluorescence, consistent with trace amounts of zinc and possibly non-specific bindings of other cations.

      Further, the media tested was replete with the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in TLHEPES. To establish if the non-permeable external chelators we used could bind external Zn2+ despite the high concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+, we followed the reviewer’s suggestion of adding the chelators to the complete media in the presence of FluoZin3. The addition of EDTA caused a protracted, ~5 min, but significant decrease in FluoZin3’s fluorescence, suggesting it is effective at removing external Zn2+ despite the presence of other divalent cations (Author response image 1A). We used a second approach where we added the chelator in the presence of nominal concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ to increase the chelators’ chances to find and chelate Zn2+ (Author response image 1B). Then, we injected mPlcζ mRNA, which initiated persistent but low-frequency oscillations, as expected due to the lack of external Ca2+. Remarkably, upon restoring it, the responses became of high frequency, and upon increasing Mg2+, they acquired the regular pattern, consistent with Mg2+’s inhibition of channels that mediate Ca2+ influx. These results show that the chelation of extracellular zinc does not replicate TPEN’s effect, which suggests that TPEN’s abrupt and inhibiting ability on Ca2+ oscillations is most likely due to the 43 chelation of internal Zn2+.

      Author response image 1.

      Cell-impermeable chelators effectively reduce Zn2+ levels in external media but do prevent initiation or continuation of Ca2+ oscillations. (A) A representative trace of FluoZin3 fluorescence in replete monitoring media (TL-HEPES). The media was supplemented with cell-impermeable FluoZin-3, and after initiation of monitoring, the addition of EDTA (100 μM) occurred at the designated point (triangle). (B) The left black trace represents Ca2+ oscillations initiation by injection of mPlcζ mRNA (0.01 μg/μl). The oscillations were monitored in Ca2+ and Mg2+-free media and in the presence of EDTA (110 μM) to chelate residual divalent cations derived from the water source or reagents used to make the media. The right red trace represents the initiation of oscillations as above, but after a period indicated by the black and green bars, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were sequentially added back.

      Noteworthy, low EDTA concentrations, 10-µM, have been used to enhance in vitro culture conditions of mammalian embryos. In fact, it is the key ingredient to overcome the two-cell block that initially prevented the in vitro development of zygotes srom inbred strains. It is unknown how EDTA mediates this effect, which is detectable in Ca2+ and Mg2+ replete media and is only effective when placed extracellularly, but it has been attributed to its ability to chelate toxic metals introduced as impurities by other media components; one study demonstrated that the Zn2+ present in the oil used to overlay the culture medium micro drops was the target (Erbach et al., Human Reproduction, 1995, 10, 3248-54). We included some of these points in the revised version of the manuscript and added this figure as Supplementary Figure 1.

      1. The reviewer noted that while dKO eggs showed reduced labile zinc levels, the amount of total zinc is not determined. Further, the response to thapsigargin in dKO eggs didn’t phenocopy the profile in eggs treated with TPEN. The reviewer argued that without further experimentation, such as comparing polar body extrusion and egg activation rate between WT and dKO, it seems to be a stretch to state that these eggs are zinc deficient.

      Response 3: We agree that the statement, ‘zinc deficient,’ is an overstatement without determining the total zinc levels and associated phenotypes. Therefore, in the revised version of the manuscript, we referred to dKO-derived eggs and embryos as “low-level labile Zn2+ eggs”. Our follow-up studies show that eggs from dKO females seem to undergo egg activation events, such as the timing and rate of second polar body extrusion and pronuclear formation, with a similar dynamic to WT females. Hence, we estimate that the labile Zn2+ levels in dKO eggs are not as low as those of WT eggs treated with TPEN. Consequently, these intermediate zinc levels may have subtle effects, such as changing the Thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ release through the IP3R1 without causing widespread inhibition of cellular events observed after TPEN. We would argue that this approach is significant because it can distinguish how the different cellular events and proteins and enzymes have distinct affinities or zinc requirements and, in this case, start uncovering the channel(s) present in oocytes and eggs that may contribute to regulating zinc homeostasis.

      1. The reviewer pointed out that since zinc is not redox active, it is unclear how zinc could be modifying cysteine residues of IP3R1.The reviewer suggested the possibility that excess zinc is binding to the cysteines and preventing their oxidation leading to the inhibition of the IP3R1 by blocking the channel, thereby preventing calcium release.

      Response 4: The reviewer correctly points out that the mechanism(s) whereby excess Zn2+ modifies the IP3R1 function is undetermined in our study. Further, our description of ‘modifying’ is ambiguous and could be misinterpreted. Data in the literature, some of which we cite in the manuscript, shows that “oxidation of cysteine residues enhances receptor’s sensitivity to ligands in various cell types”. Zn2+ preferentially binds to reduced cysteine residues, and thus, we agree with the proposed reviewer's suggestion that “excess zinc may occupy reduced cysteine residues, preventing their oxidization required to sensitize the receptor”. As noted by the reviewer, we cannot rule out that it might be directly blocking the IP3R1 channel. We have modified the corresponding paragraphs in the Discussion.

      1. Line 80 and 411, there are three other reports demonstrate the zinc reallocation to the egg shell or ejection as the zinc spark; Zebrafish: Converse et al. in Sci. Reports 10, 15673 (2020); X. lavis: Seeler et al. in Nature Chem. 13, 683-691 (2021), C. elegans: Mendoza et al. in Biology of Reproduction 107(2):406-418 (2022).

      Response 5: Thank you for pointing this out, and we have added these references.

      1. Line 129, when discussing that Zn2+ concentrations are reduced after TPEN as visualized by FluoZin-3, the authors should cite the article in which FluoZin-3 was first reported and this result was demonstrated initially: "Detection and Imaging of Zinc Secretion from Pancreatic β-Cells Using a New Fluorescent Zinc Indicator" by Gee et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc 124, 5, 776-778.

      Response 6: Thank you for pointing this out, and we have added this reference.

      1. In Figure 1E/Table 1 the authors evaluated if TPEN supplementation affects meiosis and pronuclear formation; however, the timing of TPEN treatment is unclear. When was TPEN introduced? Were the eggs left in the same media containing TPEN following fertilization, or were they transferred to different media?

      Response 7: Thank you for pointing this out, and we have noted the time of the addition in the figure and text.

      1. Line 1011 and 1012, ZnTP should be ZnPT.

      Response 8: Thank you for pointing this out, which is now corrected.

      Reviewer #2:

      1. The reviewer raises the question of whether a more complex relationship could exist between the levels of zinc in MII eggs by indicating, “a more active relationship such that zinc efflux associated with each calcium spike could be necessary for terminating the Ca spike by depleting cytoplasmic zinc.” The reviewer also states, “Perhaps, rather than simply a permissive role, the normal Zn fluxes during activation may be acutely changing IP3-R gating sensitivity.”

      Response 1: We agree that the demonstration that TPEN dose-dependently delays and consistently terminates ongoing Ca2+ rises perhaps reflects a more nuanced relationship between cytoplasmic labile zinc concentrations, Ca2+ oscillations, and IP3R1 function. Uncovering the precise nature of this relationship would require additional studies, such as determining the impact of TPEN on IP3 binding to its cognate receptor, regulation of channel gating, and more in-depth functional-structural experiments. However, these studies will demand time and complex experimental design and are beyond the scope of the current work. Nevertheless, they are excellent suggestions for future studies.

      We would argue against the reviewer’s suggestion that “zinc sparks directly contribute to shaping the oscillations.” Zn2+ released during the sparks is not labile, but Zn2+ bound to cortical granules-resident proteins, most of which are inaccessible to the cytosol and hence to IP3R1s and should not perturb its function. We examined (data not shown) that the levels of cytosolic labile Zn2+, as assessed with FluoZin3, remained steady for over three hours of Plcζ mRNA-initiated oscillations. Further, because the Zn2+ sparks cease after the third or fourth Ca2+ rise, it would mean, at the very least, that this mechanism only operates on the first few responses. Thus, while the change of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations triggers the Zn2+ sparks, we argue that the opposite influence is unlikely to hold true.

      1. The reviewer also pointed out that the role of Trpv3 and Trpm7 in Zn2+ homeostasis seems to be minor and that the effects of genetic deletion of those channels are not as clear as those obtained by TPEN. Given that dKO eggs make it to the MII and release more but not less calcium upon thapsigargin than control despite the lowered labile Zn2+ level, the reviewer speculated that the loss of those channels changes calcium gating independent of Zn2+ concentration.

      Response 2: TRPV3, TRPM7, and Cav3.2 are the three channels identified to permeate Ca2+ during oocyte maturation and egg activation in mice. We and other groups have observed that in oocytes and eggs, these channels partly compensate for the absence of each other because the deletion of these channels individually has a limited effect on Ca2+ oscillations and fertility. Thus, in the case of oocytes from Trpv3 and Trpm7 dKO animals, the other plasma membrane channel(s), most likely Cav3.2, is plausibly compensating, and its enhanced function underlies the increased Ca2+ response to Thapsigargin.

      Nevertheless, the slower time to the peak and the lesser steep rise of the Thapsigargin induced rise suggest a negative impact of the dKO environment on IP3R1’s ability to mediate Ca2+ release. Based on the rest of the results in the manuscript, we attribute this change to the lower levels of labile Zn2+ in dKO eggs.

      1. Lastly, the reviewer noted the upregulation of the Fura-2AM following addition of ZnPT. The reviewer indicated that 0.05 uM ZnPT might not increase intracellular Zn2+ to change Fura-2 fluorescence, but it might be sufficient Zn2+ to enter the cell and keep the IP3R1 channels open causing a sustained rise in cytoplasmic calcium and preventing oscillations. Further, if this interpretation holds true, the inhibitory effects of high Zn2+ on IP3R1’s gating shown in figure 7 would be precluded.

      Response 3: We acknowledge that the increased levels of Fura-2 fluorescence following the addition of ZnPT could be due to the increased Zn2+ levels acting on IP3R1, increasing its open probability, and elevating cytosolic Ca2+ levels. We have added this consideration to the discussion. Nevertheless, our evidence suggests that this is unlikely because, as shown in Figure 6 H, I, the ER-Ca2+ levels as assessed by D1ER recordings did not change following the addition of ZnPT, whereas Rhod-2 fluorescence did, suggesting that the two events are seemingly uncoupled. Further, constant leak from the ER and extended high cytosolic Ca2+ would lead to egg activation or cell death, neither of which changes were observed.

      Reviewer #3:

      The reviewer noted that the present study deepened the understanding of the role of zinc in regulating calcium channels and stores at fertilization beyond the previously known Zn2+ requirement in oocyte maturation and the cell cycle progression. We appreciate these comments.

      1. Fig. 1. The reviewer wondered why we selected 10 μM TPEN for most of the experiments in the manuscript. The reviewer noted this concentration only stopped the Ca2+oscillations in just half of the eggs after ICSI.

      Response 1: We used 10-μM TPEN throughout the study because it blocked ~50% of the oscillations of a robust trigger of Ca2+ responses such as ICSI and reduced the frequency in the remaining eggs. This concentration of TPEN abrogates and prevents the responses by milder stimuli, such as Acetylcholine and SrCl2. Importantly, thimerosal and Plcζ mRNA overcome the inhibition by 10μM but not 50-μM TPEN. However, 50μM TPEN inactivates Emi2, a Zn2+-dependent enzyme, causing parthenogenic activation and cell cycle progression, and we wanted to avoid this confounding factor. Therefore, we determined 10-μM is a “threshold” concentration and selected it for the remaining studies. We also reasoned that it would allow the detection of more subtle effects of reducing the levels of labile zinc, causing a milder inhibition of IP3R1 sensitivity and a progressive delay or modification of the responses to other agonists rather than fully abrogating them, which is the case with higher concentrations.

      1. Line131 - no concentration of TPEN stated? Or 'the addition of different concentrations of TPEN"?

      Response 2: We have corrected this. We have now added 50-100 µM concentrations.

      1. Line 146 - instead of TPEN, all TPEN concentrations?

      Response 3: We have added these corrections, as at the concentrations we tested here, 5μM TPEN and above, all caused a reduction in the baseline of Fura-2 fluorescence.

      1. Line 1046 - 'We submit'? Propose?

      Response 4: We have replaced the word submit for propose. Thank you for the suggestion.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors discover that postsynaptic mitochondria in C. elegans govern glutamate receptor trafficking dynamics. The core results are two-fold. For one, they find that loss or inhibition of mcu-1 - the C. elegans mitochondrial calcium uniporter - increases GLR-1 glutamate receptor accumulation at the postsynaptic dendritic sites and enhances its trafficking dynamics. The authors hypothesize that this effect on glutamate receptors may have something to do with mitochondrial ROS production. This is because ROS is a by-product of normal oxidative phosphorylation, downstream of calcium import. Indeed, the generation of artificially high amounts of mitochondrial ROS has the opposite effect of mcu-1 loss: decreased glutamate receptor subunit accumulation. Collectively, the results support the idea that mitochondrial function can control receptor dynamics at synaptic sites. This is interesting because tight control of synaptic function likely combines several mitochondrial functions: energy production, calcium buffering, and (here) ROS signaling.


      • The C. elegans genetic model is a strength because the authors are able to make refined conclusions by classical loss-of-function mutants (e.g., mcu-1) along with an impressive cytological toolkit to examine GLR-1 dynamics.

      • The use of pharmacology as a second means to test those genetic conclusions is a strength.

      • The authors' careful reagent verification of reporters (Ca2+, ROS, etc.) is a strength.

      • The ability to link fundamental mitochondrial processes to GLR-1 exocytosis will expand how the field thinks about mitochondrial synapse function.


      For the most part, the data in the paper support the conclusions, and the authors were careful to try experiments in multiple ways. But please see below:

      • (Main Point) The data are good, but they fall short of mechanism (e.g., Line 322). Figure 6 is accurate as drawn. But calcium and ROS are not abstract signals. They are likely exerting affirmative actions on specific targets. The Discussion does acknowledge this in terms of ROS and it speculates on possible targets.

      We thank the reviewer for their analytical review of our manuscript. We agree that all molecular players involved in the proposed mechanism were not identified by the data presented, so we modified the text to remove overstatements. We also agree that Ca2+ and ROS signaling is not abstract. Rather, there are specific and diverse targets of both Ca2+ and ROS signaling. Follow-up experiments are underway to identify and provide evidence for the necessity of potential ROS/Ca2+ targets in this proposed mechanism. For the current manuscript, we have modified our verbiage in an attempt to not mislead or overstate what our results suggest (e.g., changes/additions to the beginning of the ‘Discussion’, lines 365-377 and 385-388) and updated the illustration of the proposed model to include dashed lines that, as mentioned in the figure legend, indicate indirect action by ROS and Ca2+ (see revised Figure 7).

      The general idea seems to be that mitochondria import calcium through MCU-1 (and interacting factors). As a result, oxidative phosphorylation successfully occurs and mitochondrial ROS is a signaling by-product that signals glutamate receptors not to undergo exocytosis. But there are other interpretations of what might happen in between. In fact, if OXPHOS is disrupted, it is known that this can generate a lot more mitochondrial ROS than the normal by-product levels.

      We do agree that an alternative explanation could be that genetic or pharmacological inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake disrupts oxidative phosphorylation, and as a result, inefficiencies or uncoupling in the electron transport chain would lead to an even greater increase in mitochondrial ROS production. Although oxidative phosphorylation was not directly measured, one of our post hoc analyses of GLR-1 transport suggests ATP levels are comparable between controls, mcu-1 mutants, and with Ru360 treatment: the velocity of GLR-1 transport is unchanged between these experimental groups. The processivity of molecular motors (which dictates transport velocity) is highly sensitive to relative ATP abundance. Thus, if ATP levels were dramatically decreased in mcu-1 mutants or following Ru360 treatment, then one would expect a detectable change in GLR-1 transport velocities, but we observed no change (see revised Figure S2E and related discussion at lines 183-190). Although these results do not directly indicate whether ATP production is altered with loss or inhibition of MCU-1, it does suggest that basal ATP levels remain sufficient to support the metabolic demands of GLR-1 transport.

      This reviewer wonders if excess ROS would cause an extreme response. Or alternatively, if scavenging ROS via pharmacological scavengers or SOD expression would reverse the effects.

      These are good points, and we have previously published experiments that address each of them. First, we have seen that globally increasing ROS with various concentrations of H2O2 within the physiological range (<100 nM) decreased GLR-1 transport to a similar extent (PMID: 32847966) indicating that there is not a dose-dependent decrease in GLR-1 transport. We have also assessed GLR-1 transport after treatment with concentrations of H2O2 well above the physiological range (e.g., 500 nM), but these high concentrations obliterated all GLR-1 transport. Contrary to what one may expect, we showed that decreasing ROS via pharmacological or genetic means (probably below physiological range) decreased GLR-1 transport (PMID: 35622512) via a Ca2+ independent mechanism. In other words, ROS scavenging did not have the opposite effect on GLR-1 transport, but we have not combined ROS scavenging with optical induction of ROS production (e.g., via KillerRed) nor have we assessed the potential influence of ROS scavenging on synaptic recruitment. Although we agree that these are important follow-up experiments, they will require a more sensitive ROS indicator because current genetically encoded in vivo ROS sensors cannot detect decreases in ROS levels below the physiological range (< 10 nM) (PMID: 31586057).

      Small Points

      • 33.3 mHz - just making sure, do the authors mean once every 30 seconds? That would be more straightforward.

      Yes, we do mean a 1-second pulse of light every 30 seconds. We have clarified this in the manuscript text (line 115).

      • Figure 2 is confusing. The text says that the mcu-1 mutants have a GLR-1::GFP FRAP rate that is comparable to controls (Lines 165-167). But Figure 2E suggests that it is markedly less, which is the opposite result of the slight increase in rate resulting from Ru360 treatment. And is the explanation why the GLR-1::GFP results differ from the SEP::GLR-1 results a difference between total GFP vs. surface GFP?

      The confusion is due to an incorrect statement in the results text. We have corrected this error and appreciate the reviewer for bringing it to our attention (lines 173-174).

      • I could not watch Video 2 (not sure if it is the file or just the copy I downloaded).

      We thank the reviewer for bringing this to our attention and we believe we have remedied the issue.

      • It is good that the authors tried both optical stimulation and mechanical stimulation (dropping culture plates to stimulate the worms, Figure 3). Why was the mechanical stimulation set aside for further tests in the paper?

      Mechanical stimulation consisted of dropping culture plates containing 2-3 C. elegans onto a lab bench every 30 seconds for 5 or 10 minutes. This mechanical stimulation paradigm was technically cumbersome and was less effective at inducing changes in mito-roGFP fluorescence that optical stimulation. This is likely due to habituation to the mechanical stimulus which has been well-characterized in C. elegans. The optical stimulation was therefore used as it is a more reliable and repeatable method for stimulating the AVA neuron.

      • Does this process affect all kinds of transport, or is it just the glutamate receptors? Was anything else examined?

      Transport of other proteins has not been examined in the context of mitoROS signaling. Our attempts at visualizing and quantifying the transport, synaptic delivery and exocytosis of other synaptic proteins in vivo has proven to be more technically challenging likely due to relatively lower expression in the C. elegans neurons suitable for transport analysis.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been previously shown to regulate glutamate receptor phosphorylation, long-distance transport, and delivery of glutamate receptors to synapses, however, the source of ROS is unclear. In this study, the authors test if mitochondria act as a signaling hub and produce ROS in response to neuronal activity in order to regulate glutamate receptor trafficking. The authors use a variety of optogenetic tools including the calcium reporter mitoGCaMP and the ROS reporter mito-roGFP to monitor changes in calcium and ROS, respectively, in mitochondria after activating neurons with ChRimson in the genetic model organism C. elegans. Repeated stimulation of interneurons called AVA with ChRimson leads to increased calcium uptake into mitochondria in dendrites and increased mitochondrial ROS production. The mitochondrial calcium uniporter mcu-1 is required for these effects because mcu-1 genetic loss of function or treatment with Ru360, a drug that inhibits mcu-1, inhibits the uptake of calcium into mitochondria and ROS production after neuronal activation. Mcu-1 genetic loss of function is correlated with an increase in exocytosis of glutamate receptors but a decrease in glutamate receptor transport and delivery to dendrites. This study suggests that mitochondria monitor neuronal activity by taking up calcium and downregulating glutamate receptor trafficking via ROS, as a means to negatively regulate excitatory synapse function.


      -The use of multiple optogenetic tools and approaches to monitor mitochondrial calcium, reactive oxygen species, and glutamate receptor trafficking in live organisms.

      -Identifying a novel signaling role for dendritic mitochondria which is to monitor neuronal activity (via calcium uptake into mitochondria) and generate a signal (reactive oxygen species) that regulates glutamate receptors at synapses.


      -Although the use of KillerRed to generate ROS downstream of mcu-1 is a clever approach, the fact that activation of KillerRed results in reduced GLR-1 exocytosis, delivery, and transport raises the concern that KillerRed is generating a high level or ROS that might be toxic to cellular processes. Experiments showing that other cellular processes are not affected by KillerRed activation and testing if reduced ROS production mimics the effects of blocking mcu-1 would strengthen the conclusions in this study.

      We thank the reviewer for their careful analyses of our findings. It is plausible that KillerRed could cause toxic levels of ROS, in fact, it was originally used to instigate oxidative stress-induced apoptosis to achieve cell-specific ablation. These cell ablation protocols required 20+ minutes of KillerRed activation with substantially higher levels of irradiation (e.g., 3.8 mW/mm [PMID: 24209746] vs. our light dosage of 25 µW/mm2). Additionally, our transgenic C. elegans strains expressing KillerRed were designed to have a relatively low KillerRed expression and were screened for low expression based on KillerRed’s fluorescence. Using these strains, we were able to minimally activate KillerRed in the AVA neuron resulting in ROS elevations at mitochondria that were comparable to neuronal activity-induced increases in mitochondrial ROS as measured by mito-roGFP. Specifically, we found that 10 minutes of mechano-stimulation and 5 minutes of ChRimson stimulation increased the fluorescence ratio (Fratio) of mito-roGFP nearly two-fold (Figure 4A-B and 4C-E). A 15-second pulse of light focused on a small region activating mitoKR in the AVA neurite also caused similar two-fold increase in the mito-roGFP Fratio (Figure 4C-E) comparable to what neuronal activity induced. Our 5-minute global KillerRed activation less effectively increased the mito-roGFP Fratio at mitochondria in the AVA neurite compared to neuronal activity (revised Figure 4B and 4H) but was sufficient in decreasing GLR-1 transport (revised Figure 5G-H). So, we decided to do all experiments with 5 minutes of global KillerRed activation since lower activation levels of KillerRed were more likely to achieve non-toxic, signaling levels of ROS. Since we strongly agree that this data is important for tool validation, we have reorganized the manuscript such that these data are now a primary figure (see revised Figure 4 and new results sub-section starting at line 252).

      Additionally, we added supplemental transport velocity data. This data shows that local photoactivation as well as whole-cell activation of KillerRed does not alter transport velocity of GLR-1 vesicles within the neurite (revised Figure S4A and S4B and lines 272-276 and 287-289), which would be the case if ATP, microtubules, or actin dynamics were affected. This supports that our local and whole-cell activation protocol does not cause toxic levels of ROS production.

      Lastly, the reviewer questions whether decreasing ROS alters GLR-1 transport, synaptic delivery and exocytosis in a similar fashion to loss or inhibition of mcu-1, and if so, would further support the proposed mechanism. We have decreased ROS via genetic (catalase overexpression) and pharmacological (using the mitochondria-targeted antioxidant MitoTEMPO) means and seen that diminished ROS levels decrease GLR-1 transport albeit to a lesser degree than that caused by loss/inhibition of mcu-1 (PMID: 35622512). To determine if decreased GLR-1 transport during diminished ROS levels involves mcu-1, we would need to assess GLR-1 transport in mcu-1 mutants while ROS is decreased (e.g., using MitoTEMPO treatment) to see if their combined effect phenocopies the effect of mcu-1(lf) or decreased ROS alone. However, as mentioned previously, we are unable to measure ROS levels below the sensitivity of roGFP but within physiological range so we cannot currently calibrate or validate our methods for scavenging ROS in vivo. This is why we have not yet analyzed synaptic delivery or exocytosis rates of GLR-1 in the context of decreased ROS, but these would be interesting follow-up experiments that may further support our model once more sensitive ROS sensors are available.

      Reviewer #4 (Public Review):

      Using optogenetic stimulation, the authors presented compelling evidence that neuronal activity increases mitochondrial calcium levels, facilitated by the mitochondrial uniporter MCU-1. Through ratiometric measurements, they showed that mitochondrial ROS levels also increase due to neuronal activity via MCU-1. Subsequent FRAP studies were employed to investigate the trafficking of the AMPA receptor, GLR-1. By integrating genetic and pharmacological methodologies, the recovery rate of GLR-1 was assessed. The authors concluded that increased mitochondrial ROS due to neuronal activity reduces the trafficking and exocytosis of AMPA receptors. They proposed that mitochondrial ROS serves as a homeostatic mechanism regulating AMPA receptor trafficking and abundance, thus maintaining synaptic strength. This research is crucial as it provides a direct link between mitochondrial signaling and AMPA receptor trafficking.

      However, there are several significant concerns regarding the methodologies and quantifications employed in this manuscript. The authors utilized GLR-SEP to label surface AMPA receptors and relied on the "FRAP rate" as an indicator of the exocytosis rate. The absence of direct visualization of exocytosis using GLR-SEP, and the lack of direct measurements of exocytosis events, casts doubt on the conclusions about ROS's impact on AMPA receptor exocytosis. Furthermore, the "FRAP rate" determined in this study is a combination of recovery rates (incorporating both endosomal trafficking and diffusion) with the mobile fractions of AMPA receptors, potentially weakened interpretations of the findings. A more comprehensive discussion addressing the conflicting effects of MCU-1 and ROS on GLR-GFP FRAP recovery and dendritic trafficking would enable readers to grasp the intricate roles of mitochondrial calcium and ROS in modulating synaptic receptors.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s attention to detail while reviewing our article. Their major concern about directly visualizing exocytosis events is valid since changes in exocytosis and endocytosis would dictate the amount of SEP::GLR-1 at the synaptic membrane. However, streaming imaging of SEP in vivo is technically difficult showing only few exocytosis events and provides short “snapshots” (1-2 minutes, longer streaming imaging causes photobleaching and photo-toxicity) which must be extrapolated to longer time frames. Our 16-minute SEP::GLR-1 FRAP protocol allows us to capture all plasma membrane recruitment and quantify the relative balance between exo- and endocytosis. It also allows for longer observational periods during which we can detect changes in GLR-1 recruitment to and retention at the synaptic membrane in genetic mutants and with drug treatments. In addition, our photobleaching approach involves photobleaching a ~40-60 µm region proximally and distally to the imaging region which limits the influence of receptor diffusion on the FRAP rate. The reviewer makes a valid point that receptor endocytosis rates would also influence the SEP::GLR-1 FRAP rate. We have now changed the text in the results and discussion to include this information (lines 155-161, and changing “exocytosis” to “synaptic recruitment” throughout the manuscript when discussing SEP::GLR-1 FRAP results [e.g, at lines 169, 208, and 321]).

    2. eLife assessment

      This study examines an interplay between synaptic mitochondria and glutamate receptor exocytosis in C. elegans. Collectively, the solid results support the idea that mitochondrial function influences receptor dynamics at postsynaptic sites. This is important because tight control of synaptic function likely integrates several mitochondrial functions: energy production, calcium buffering, and (here) reactive oxygen species signaling.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors discover that postsynaptic mitochondria in C. elegans govern glutamate receptor trafficking dynamics. The core results are two-fold. For one, they find that loss or inhibition of mcu-1 - the C. elegans mitochondrial calcium uniporter - increases GLR-1 glutamate receptor accumulation at the postsynaptic dendritic sites and enhances its trafficking dynamics. The authors hypothesize that this effect on glutamate receptors may have something to do with mitochondrial ROS production. This is because ROS is a by-product of normal oxidative phosphorylation, downstream of calcium import. Indeed, the generation of artificially high amounts of mitochondrial ROS has the opposite effect of mcu-1 loss: decreased glutamate receptor subunit accumulation. Collectively, the results support the idea that mitochondrial function can control receptor dynamics at synaptic sites. This is interesting because tight control of synaptic function likely combines several mitochondrial functions: energy production, calcium buffering, and (here) ROS signaling.


      • The C. elegans genetic model is a strength because the authors are able to make refined conclusions by classical loss-of-function mutants (e.g., mcu-1) along with an impressive cytological toolkit to examine GLR-1 dynamics.

      • The use of pharmacology as a second means to test those genetic conclusions is a strength.

      • The authors' careful reagent verification of reporters (Ca2+, ROS, etc.) is a strength.

      • The ability to link fundamental mitochondrial processes to GLR-1 exocytosis will expand how the field thinks about mitochondrial synapse function.


      For the most part, the data in the paper support the conclusions, and the authors were careful to try experiments in multiple ways. But please see below:

      • (Main Point) The data are good, but they fall short of mechanism (e.g., Line 322). Figure 6 is accurate as drawn. But calcium and ROS are not abstract signals. They are likely exerting affirmative actions on specific targets. The Discussion does acknowledge this in terms of ROS and it speculates on possible targets.

      The general idea seems to be that mitochondria import calcium through MCU-1 (and interacting factors). As a result, oxidative phosphorylation successfully occurs and mitochondrial ROS is a signaling by-product that signals glutamate receptors not to undergo exocytosis. But there are other interpretations of what might happen in between. In fact, if OXPHOS is disrupted, it is known that this can generate a lot more mitochondrial ROS than the normal by-product levels.

      This reviewer wonders if excess ROS would cause an extreme response. Or alternatively, if scavenging ROS via pharmacological scavengers or SOD expression would reverse the effects.

      Small Points

      • 33.3 mHz - just making sure, do the authors mean once every 30 seconds? That would be more straightforward.

      • Figure 2 is confusing. The text says that the mcu-1 mutants have a GLR-1::GFP FRAP rate that is comparable to controls (Lines 165-167). But Figure 2E suggests that it is markedly less, which is the opposite result of the slight increase in rate resulting from Ru360 treatment. And is the explanation why the GLR-1::GFP results differ from the SEP::GLR-1 results a difference between total GFP vs. surface GFP?

      • I could not watch Video 2 (not sure if it is the file or just the copy I downloaded).

      • It is good that the authors tried both optical stimulation and mechanical stimulation (dropping culture plates to stimulate the worms, Figure 3). Why was the mechanical stimulation set aside for further tests in the paper?

      • Does this process affect all kinds of transport, or is it just the glutamate receptors? Was anything else examined?

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been previously shown to regulate glutamate receptor phosphorylation, long-distance transport, and delivery of glutamate receptors to synapses, however, the source of ROS is unclear. In this study, the authors test if mitochondria act as a signaling hub and produce ROS in response to neuronal activity in order to regulate glutamate receptor trafficking. The authors use a variety of optogenetic tools including the calcium reporter mitoGCaMP and the ROS reporter mito-roGFP to monitor changes in calcium and ROS, respectively, in mitochondria after activating neurons with ChRimson in the genetic model organism C. elegans. Repeated stimulation of interneurons called AVA with ChRimson leads to increased calcium uptake into mitochondria in dendrites and increased mitochondrial ROS production. The mitochondrial calcium uniporter mcu-1 is required for these effects because mcu-1 genetic loss of function or treatment with Ru360, a drug that inhibits mcu-1, inhibits the uptake of calcium into mitochondria and ROS production after neuronal activation. Mcu-1 genetic loss of function is correlated with an increase in exocytosis of glutamate receptors but a decrease in glutamate receptor transport and delivery to dendrites. This study suggests that mitochondria monitor neuronal activity by taking up calcium and downregulating glutamate receptor trafficking via ROS, as a means to negatively regulate excitatory synapse function.

      Strengths<br /> -The use of multiple optogenetic tools and approaches to monitor mitochondrial calcium, reactive oxygen species, and glutamate receptor trafficking in live organisms.<br /> -Identifying a novel signaling role for dendritic mitochondria which is to monitor neuronal activity (via calcium uptake into mitochondria) and generate a signal (reactive oxygen species) that regulates glutamate receptors at synapses.

      Weaknesses<br /> -Although the use of KillerRed to generate ROS downstream of mcu-1 is a clever approach, the fact that activation of KillerRed results in reduced GLR-1 exocytosis, delivery, and transport raises the concern that KillerRed is generating a high level or ROS that might be toxic to cellular processes. Experiments showing that other cellular processes are not affected by KillerRed activation and testing if reduced ROS production mimics the effects of blocking mcu-1 would strengthen the conclusions in this study.

    5. Reviewer #4 (Public Review):

      Using optogenetic stimulation, the authors presented compelling evidence that neuronal activity increases mitochondrial calcium levels, facilitated by the mitochondrial uniporter MCU-1. Through ratiometric measurements, they showed that mitochondrial ROS levels also increase due to neuronal activity via MCU-1. Subsequent FRAP studies were employed to investigate the trafficking of the AMPA receptor, GLR-1. By integrating genetic and pharmacological methodologies, the recovery rate of GLR-1 was assessed. The authors concluded that increased mitochondrial ROS due to neuronal activity reduces the trafficking and exocytosis of AMPA receptors. They proposed that mitochondrial ROS serves as a homeostatic mechanism regulating AMPA receptor trafficking and abundance, thus maintaining synaptic strength. This research is crucial as it provides a direct link between mitochondrial signaling and AMPA receptor trafficking.

      However, there are several significant concerns regarding the methodologies and quantifications employed in this manuscript. The authors utilized GLR-SEP to label surface AMPA receptors and relied on the "FRAP rate" as an indicator of the exocytosis rate. The absence of direct visualization of exocytosis using GLR-SEP, and the lack of direct measurements of exocytosis events, casts doubt on the conclusions about ROS's impact on AMPA receptor exocytosis. Furthermore, the "FRAP rate" determined in this study is a combination of recovery rates (incorporating both endosomal trafficking and diffusion) with the mobile fractions of AMPA receptors, potentially weakened interpretations of the findings. A more comprehensive discussion addressing the conflicting effects of MCU-1 and ROS on GLR-GFP FRAP recovery and dendritic trafficking would enable readers to grasp the intricate roles of mitochondrial calcium and ROS in modulating synaptic receptors.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      necessary clarifications on some of the reviewers' suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      • This is a pilot study with only 24 cases and 24 controls. Because the human microbiota entails individual variability, this work should be confirmed with a higher sample size to achieve enough statistical power.

      Thank you for your suggestion. Unlike the high sparsity of 16s rRNA, the data density of metagenomic data is higher. Based on the experience of previous research, the sample size used this time can basically meet the requirements. However, your suggestion is very valuable, increasing the sample size allows better in-depth analysis. Due to limitations of objective factors, it is difficult for us to continue to increase the sample size in this study.

      • The authors do not report here the use of blank controls. The use of this type of control is important to "subtract" the potential background from plasticware, buffer or reagents from the real signal. Lack of controls may lead to microbiome artefacts in the results. This can be seen in the results presented where the authors report some bacterial contaminants (Agrobacterium tumefaciensis, Aequorivita lutea, Chitinophagaceae, Marinobacter vinifirmus, etc) as part of the most common bacteria found in cervical samples.

      Thank you for your suggestion. Applying blank controls in low biomass areas can effectively avoid contamination caused by the environment or kits. This opinion is consistent with that published by Raphael Eisenhofer et al. in Trends in Microbiology. When designing this study, we considered that this study described a biomass-rich site, and the abundance of dominant species was much higher than that of the possible 'kitome', so we did not set a blank control. On the other hand, our main discussion object in this study is high-abundance species, and the species filtering threshold for some analyzes was raised to 50%. Therefore, we believe that the absence of the blank control has little effect on the conclusions of this study. However, your opinion is spot on. Failure to set up a negative control will affect our future research on rare species. We will add a description in the Limitations section of the Discussion section.

      • Samples used for this study were collected from the cervix. Why not collect samples from the uterine cavity and isthmocele fluid (for cases)? In their previous paper using samples from the same research protocol ((IRB no. 2019ZSLYEC-005S) they used endometrial tissue from the patients, so access to the uterine cavity was guaranteed.

      Thank you for your suggestion. In Author response image 1 we show the approximate location of our cervical swab sampling. There are two main reasons for choosing cervical swabs:

      1) The adsorption of swabs allows us to obtain sufficient nucleic acid for high-depth sequencing, while the isthmocele fluid varies greatly among patients, which will introduce unnecessary batch effects.

      2) Since the female reproductive tract is a continuous whole, our sampling location is close to the lesion in the cervix, which can be effectively studied. On the other hand, the microbial biomass of the endometrium is probably two orders of magnitude lower than that of the cervix, and it is difficult to avoid contamination of the lower genital tract when sampling.

      Based on the above reasons, we selected cervical swabs for our microbial data.

      Author response image 1.

      • Through the use of shotgun genomics, results from all the genomes of the organisms present in the sample are obtained. However, the authors have only used the metagenomic data to infer the taxonomical annotation of fungi and bacteria.

      Thank you for your suggestion. The advantage of metagenomics is that it can obtain all the nucleic acid information of the entire environment. However, in the study of the female reproductive tract, the database of viruses and archaea is still immature, in order to ensure the accuracy of the results, we did not conduct the study. Looking forward to the emergence of a mature database in the future.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • It would be interesting to use another series of functional data coming from the metagenomic analyses (not only taxonomic) to expand and reinforce the results presented.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have dissected the functional data of microbiota in the article.

      • The authors have previously published the 16S rRNA sequencing and transcriptomic analysis of the same set of patients. It would be nice to see the integration of all the datasets produced.

      Thank you for your suggestion. There is no doubt that integrating all the data will have more dimensional results. In our previous study we focused on microbe-host interactions. However, there is an unanswered question: What are the characteristics of the regulatory network within microbiota? Therefore, we answered this question in this study, exploring the complex interaction processes within microbial communities. In addition to direct effects, interactions between microbiota may also occur through special metabolite experiments. Therefore, we introduced the analysis of the untargeted metabolome. However, 16s rRNA can only provide bacterial information, so we did not integrate the data. In addition, the transcriptome provides host information and is not the focus of this study. However, your suggestion is very valuable, and we will integrate all the data in the next study on the exploration of treatment methods.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Weaknesses: Methodological descriptions are minimal.

      Some example:

      *The CON group (line 147) has not been defined. I supposed it is the control group.

      • There are no statistics related to shotgun sequencing. How many reads have been sequenced? How many have been removed from the host? How many are left to study bacteria and fungi? Are these reads proportional among the 48 samples? If not, what method has been used to normalise the data?

      • ggClusterNet has numerous algorithms to better display the modules of the microbiome network. Which one has been used?

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have added details to the method.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I think the author should take into account the points described in the "Weaknesses" section. The lack of detail extends to almost all the analyses that have been included in the manuscript. Although the results are sound, I think it is important to understand what has been analysed and how it has been analysed. It is important that all work is reproducible and this requires vital information.

      For example, what parameters have been used for bowtie2? has a local analysis been used? or end-to-end ? Some parameters like --very-sensitive are important for this kind of analysis. You can also use specific programs like kneaddata.

      The Raw data preprocessing section should be more detailed.

      The same with the "Taxa and functional annotation" section, how have the data been normalised? has any Zero-Inflated Gamma probabilistic model algorithm been taken into account? How were the 0 (no species detected) in the shallow samples treated?

      Which algorithms have been used for LEfSe ? Kluskal-Wallis->(Wilcoxon)->LDA ?

      Which p-value has been used as cut-off ? this p-value has been corrected for multiple testing?

      • Information on ggClusterNet should be included and explained.

      The first section of the results and Table 1 should be in the Materials and Methods.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have added details to the method.

      In the fungi section, it is mentioned that 431 species have been found. They should be included in a supplementary table.

      How many bacteria were found? Please include them also in a supplementary table.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have added the corresponding table.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      1. Smoke or drink conditions, as well as diseases like hypertension and diabetes are important factors that could influence the metabolism of the host, thus the authors should add them in the exclusion criteria in the Methods.

      Thanks to reviewer #3 for professional comments. We have made corresponding additions in the method section. We also followed this standard when recruiting subjects.

      1. The sample size of this study is not large enough to draw a convincing conclusion.

      Thank you for your suggestion. Unlike the high sparsity of 16s rRNA, the data density of metagenomic data is higher. Based on the experience of previous research, the sample size used this time can basically meet the requirements. However, your suggestion is very valuable, increasing the sample size allows better in-depth analysis. Due to limitations of objective factors, it is difficult for us to continue to increase the sample size in this study.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please recruit more samples.

      In addition, there are many formatting and grammatical mistakes in the manuscript.


      1. In Line 24-25 of the "Composition and characteristics of fungal communities", the format of "Goyaglycoside A and Janthitrem E." shouldn't be italic.

      2. In Line 126 of the "Metabolite detection using liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS)", the "10 ul" should be changed to "Ten ul". Beginning with arabic numerals in a sentence should be avoided.

      3. In Line 170 of the "Composition and characteristics of bacterial communities", the "162 differential species" should be "One hundred and sixty-two differential species".

      4. In Line 187 of the "Composition and characteristics of fungal communities", the "42 differential" should be "Forty-two differential".

      Thanks to reviewer #3 for professional comments. We have completely revised the language of the article.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Payne et al. have investigated the neural basis of VOR adaptation with the goal of constraining sites and mechanisms of plasticity supporting cerebellar learning. This has been an area of intense debate for decades; previous competing models have argued extensively about the sites of plasticity and the strength of eye velocity feedback/ efference copy signals to Purkinje cells has been central to the debate. This paper nicely explores the consequences of varying the strength of this feedback and in so doing, provides a potential explanation for why Purkinje cell responses during VOR cancellation could exhibit stronger responses following learning, despite net depression of the strength of their vestibular inputs. In that sense it provides some reconciliation of existing models. The work appears to be well done and the paper is well written. The manuscript could be improved and the significance of the work clarified and enhanced by contextualizing the work more appropriately within the existing literature in this area.

      We thank the reviewer for the nice summary of this work’s contribution to the long-standing debate regarding sites and mechanisms of plasticity underlying cerebellar learning.

      We have revised the manuscript to address several key points raised by the reviewer. We now emphasize that the main evidence for weak feedback arises from interpreting our model in the context of the existing experimental evidence for plasticity rules in the cerebellar cortex, and we have clarified the commonalities and differences from the Miles-Lisberger model. Several missing references are now included. Additionally, we clarify the comparison of our model to data after learning, and explain how altered signaling through the visual pathways drives paradoxical changes in neural activity without requiring plasticity in the visual pathways. We hope that these changes better situate the work to be interpreted appropriately in the context of the existing literature.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Payne et al. use a computational approach to predict the sites and directions of plasticity within the vestibular cerebellum that explain an unresolved controversy regarding the basis of VOR learning. Specifically, the conclusion by Miles and Lisberger (1981) that vestibular inputs onto Purkinje cells (PCs) must potentiate, rather than depress (as in the Marr/Albus/Ito model), following gain-increase learning because when the VOR is cancelled, PC firing increases rather than decreases. Payne et al. provide a novel model solution that recapitulates the results of Miles and Lisberger but, paradoxically, uses plasticity in the cerebellar cortex that weakens PC output rather than strengthens it. However, the model only succeeds when efference copy feedback to the cerebellar cortex is relatively weak thereby allowing a second feedback pathway to drive PC activity during VOR cancellation to counteract the learned change in gain. Because the model is biologically constrained, the findings are well supported. This work will likely benefit the field by providing a number of potentially experimentally testable conclusions. The findings will be of interest to a wider audience if the results can be extrapolated to other cerebellar-dependent learning behaviors rather then just VOR gain-increase learning. Overall, the manuscript is very well written with clearly delineated results and conclusions.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comments that the model is well-constrained and provides a solution to the long-standing debate surrounding sites and directions of plasticity underlying VOR learning.

      The reviewer raises an important question: do our results generalize across the cerebellum? We note first that we are studying the cerebellum to illustrate a core problem in modeling systems throughout the brain, namely, how to disambiguate plasticity in the face of ubiquitous feedback loops, both within the brain and between the brain and the environment. Within the cerebellum, we focused on VOR learning due to the wealth of experimental data available. While the specific effect of feedback strength on plasticity will depend on the details of the relevant cerebellar circuit, our general approach can be applied to other areas, given sufficient data, in order to determine how plasticity is distributed in the face of potential feedback loops. Importantly, error-driven LTD of the parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapse is a fundamental hypothesized mechanism for cerebellar learning which has been generally accepted elsewhere in the cerebellum, but was called into question for VOR learning in the flocculus by the Miles-Lisberger model. Thus, our study of VOR learning has broad implications for reconciling plasticity mechanisms across the cerebellum.

      We also note that, even within the VOR circuit, the direction of plasticity and the relative dependence on plasticity at each site may depend on the timescale of learning. On longer timescales, there is thought to be consolidation of learning from a cerebellar cortical site to a brainstem site. Such consolidation from a faster-learning site to a slower-learning site is known as systems consolidation and has been shown theoretically to mitigate the ‘plasticity-stability dilemma’ of having fast learning without over-writing longer-term learning. Our model is compatible with both error-driven plasticity in the cerebellar cortex and a site of plasticity in the brainstem, with brainstem plasticity potentially mediating consolidation of earlier learned changes in the cerebellar cortex. We have now updated the text significantly to discuss the broader implications of the results and to address the reviewer’s specific comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary: In this study, the authors attempt to determine what is the role (and strength) of feedback in a closed-loop (cerebellar) system.


      1) By combining extensive data fitting of cerebellar experimental observations this study provides deep insights into existing questions and more broadly on the role of feedback and what are the limitations when inferring feedback in (plastic) neural circuits.

      2) Another strength of this study is the gradual build-up of evidence by using models of different complexities to help build the argument that weak feedback is sufficient to explain experimental observations.

      3) The paper is well-written and structured.


      1) In principle feedback can (i) drive dynamics or/and (ii) drive learning directly. Throughout the paper, the authors refer to only the first case (i.e. dynamics). However, the role of feedback in learning is already implicitly assumed by the authors when jointly fitting the model before and after learning. Note that the general conclusion that feedback (in general) is weak may be to the first view (i.e. dynamics), but not the second. Given that a key conclusion of the paper is that no feedback is sufficient to explain the data, this suggests that feedback may instead be used for learning/plasticity.

      We fully agree with the reviewer that our conclusions do not preclude an important role for many other types of feedback, including as an instructive signal for learning. Instead of explicitly considering feedback for learning in our model, we consider static snapshots before and after learning to infer plasticity, while remaining agnostic to the neural algorithm used to achieve such plasticity. A widely held hypothesis is that motor error signals carried by climbing fibers instruct LTD at co-active parallel fiber inputs to Purkinje cells; this is indeed a form of feedback, operating on a slower timescale than “feedback for dynamics.” This “feedback for learning” is not modeled here but is fully consistent with our results, as discussed in a new paragraph of our Discussion (end of Section 3.4.1 “Pathways undergoing plasticity”).

      2) There are some potential limitations of the conclusions drawn due to the model inference methods used. The methods used (fmincon) can easily get stuck in local minima and more importantly they do not provide an overview of the likelihood of parameters given the data. A few studies have now shown that it is important to apply more powerful inference techniques both to infer plasticity (Bykowska et al. Frontiers 2019) and neural dynamics (Gonçalves et al. eLife 2020). As highlighted by Costa et al. Frontiers 2013 using more standard fitting methods can lead to misleading interpretations. Given the large range of experimental data used to constrain the model, this may not be an issue, but it is not explicitly shown.

      The reviewer correctly points out that we used a deterministic model-fitting procedure. To address this concern, we complemented the full dynamic model with a simple analytic model ( Figure 5 ) for which we could fully derive the cost function landscape and analytically show that there is a line of parameters corresponding to a perfect degeneracy in the model. Thus, the challenge in the model we analyze is that there are too many solutions, rather than it being difficult to find a solution. Given this degeneracy, we chose to fix the level of efference copy feedback and then find the (now non-degenerate) solutions, and to then compare these different solutions with regards to their implications for the correlated strengths and changes in strengths of different pathways. We have edited the relevant section of the Discussion for clarity on this topic, and have added references to the additional strategies for model inference mentioned above, in Section 3.3 “Relation to other sloppy models”.

      3) There is some lack of clarity on how the feedback pathways as currently presented should be interpreted in the brain.

      We interpret this comment as referring to the questions of (1) whether our model includes a pathway for learning through feedback, (2) what is the anatomical implementation of the efference copy feedback pathway and visual pathways, and (3) how should the positive weights on the efference copy feedback pathway k PE be interpreted. We address these below.

      (1) Feedback for learning was discussed in point 1 above.

      (2) Anatomical implementation of efference copy pathway: We have edited the Discussion to clarify that there is anatomical evidence for efference copy input to the cerebellum, but that a key aspect of ‘feedback’ is that activity functionally loops back onto itself. Instead, neurons carrying eye movement commands (such as in the vestibular nucleus) could send signals to the cerebellum, without receiving output from the same cerebellar neurons – this would correspond to a ‘spiraling’ pathway that does not form a closed feedback loop (Figure 8). Thus we argue that the existence of the gross anatomical pathways does not necessitate a role for strong, functional, efference copy feedback (Discussion, Section 3.1, lines 481-491).

      Anatomical implementation of visual pathway: The visual feedback pathways considered here are those that would receive visual motion information from the environment. This visual feedback is itself changed by eye movements, thus providing a net overall negative feedback loop that helps to stabilize gaze. This pathway has been proposed to involve cortical regions such as MST (discussed in Materials and Methods, Model Implementation, lines 769-774).

      (3) Interpretation of positive feedback loop: In our model, the efference copy feedback filter, k PE , has positive weight. This corresponds to the positive net sign of the Purkinje cell to brainstem to Purkinje cell feedback loop. Specifically, the Purkinje cell to brainstem pathway is inhibitory (because Purkinje cells are inhibitory), the brainstem to eye velocity command pathway is inhibitory (to achieve counter-rotation of the eyes in response to head turns), and the feedback of this eye velocity command back to Purkinje cells (k PE ) is positive. Thus this loop in our model represents positive feedback. This is now clarified in Materials and Methods, Model Implementation, lines 748.

      4) The functional benefits of having (or not) feedback could be better discussed (related to point 1 above).

      Related to point 1 above, it is certainly the case that feedback is necessary for learning. We do not explicitly model the climbing fiber feedback thought to be involved in learning/plasticity of the parallel fiber pathway.

      We instead focus on the role of efference copy feedback, and how it functionally impacts the required sites and signs of plasticity in the circuit. As shown in the paper, if the efference copy pathway is strong, then this is most consistent with learned changes in eye movements being driven primarily by plasticity in the brainstem pathway (as in the Miles-Lisberger hypothesis), whereas if the efference copy pathway is weak, then this is most consistent with learned changes in eye movements being driven by net depression in the parallel fiber to Purkinje cell pathway (as in the classic Marr-Albus-Ito model and as suggested by most cellular and molecular studies of parallel fiber-Purkinje cell plasticity), in addition to a role of plasticity in the brainstem pathway. We also note that, in the ‘Strong Feedback’ model, the feedback is so strong that the system is on the brink of instability – this has been argued to have the functional benefit of providing ‘inertia’ to eye movements that could help to maintain eye movements during smooth pursuit when a target goes behind an occluder, but it also has the disadvantage of placing the system at a level of positive feedback near the brink of instability. We also note that the visual feedback pathway through the environment, emphasized in this work, serves as a negative feedback loop that reduces deviations between the eye and target velocity. We have extensively re-written the first section of the Discussion (Section 3.1), in order to more clearly lay out the implications of each model for circuit plasticity and feedback.

      5) Some of the key conclusions of the work are not described in the abstract, namely that feedback is weak in the cerebellar system.

      Thank you for raising this point, we have added this key conclusion to the end of the abstract: “Our results address a long-standing debate regarding cerebellum-dependent motor learning, suggesting a reconciliation in which error-driven plasticity of synaptic inputs to Purkinje cells is compatible with seemingly oppositely directed changes in Purkinje cell activity. More broadly, the results demonstrate how learning-related changes in neural activity can appear to contradict the sign of the underlying plasticity when either internal feedback or feedback through the environment is present.”


      The argument is well-built throughout the paper, but there are some potential caveats with the general interpretation (see weaknesses).


      This work has the potential to bring important messages on how best to interpret and infer the role of feedback in neural systems. For the field of the cerebellum, it also proposes solutions to long-standing problems.

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary: In this study, the authors attempt to determine what is the role (and strength) of feedback in a closed-loop (cerebellar) system.


      1. By combining extensive data fitting of cerebellar experimental observations this study provides deep insights into existing questions and more broadly on the role of feedback and what are the limitations when inferring feedback in (plastic) neural circuits.

      2. Another strength of this study is the gradual build-up of evidence by using models of different complexities to help build the argument that weak feedback is sufficient to explain experimental observations.

      3. The paper is well-written and structured.


      1. In principle feedback can (i) drive dynamics or/and (ii) drive learning directly. Throughout the paper, the authors refer to only the first case (i.e. dynamics). However, the role of feedback in learning is already implicitly assumed by the authors when jointly fitting the model before and after learning. Note that the general conclusion that feedback (in general) is weak may be to the first view (i.e. dynamics), but not the second. Given that a key conclusion of the paper is that no feedback is sufficient to explain the data, this suggests that feedback may instead be used for learning/plasticity.

      2. There are some potential limitations of the conclusions drawn due to the model inference methods used. The methods used (fmincon) can easily get stuck in local minima and more importantly they do not provide an overview of the likelihood of parameters given the data. A few studies have now shown that it is important to apply more powerful inference techniques both to infer plasticity (Bykowska et al. Frontiers 2019) and neural dynamics (Gonçalves et al. eLife 2020). As highlighted by Costa et al. Frontiers 2013 using more standard fitting methods can lead to misleading interpretations. Given the large range of experimental data used to constrain the model, this may not be an issue, but it is not explicitly shown.

      3. There is some lack of clarity on how the feedback pathways as currently presented should be interpreted in the brain.

      4. The functional benefits of having (or not) feedback could be better discussed (related to point 1 above).

      5. Some of the key conclusions of the work are not described in the abstract, namely that feedback is weak in the cerebellar system.


      The argument is well-built throughout the paper, but there are some potential caveats with the general interpretation (see weaknesses).


      This work has the potential to bring important messages on how best to interpret and infer the role of feedback in neural systems. For the field of the cerebellum, it also proposes solutions to long-standing problems.

    3. eLife assessment

      Payne et al. present a novel model that predicts the sites and directions of plasticity within the vestibular cerebellum to explain the basis for learned adjustments to reflexive eye movements in monkeys. The work is solid; the model is well constrained by prior biological observations and makes an important prediction about the level of feedback available to the cerebellar cortex post-learning. Overall, a number of exciting and testable experiments will likely be motivated by this study.

    4. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Payne et al. have investigated the neural basis of VOR adaptation with the goal of constraining sites and mechanisms of plasticity supporting cerebellar learning. This has been an area of intense debate for decades; previous competing models have argued extensively about the sites of plasticity and the strength of eye velocity feedback/ efference copy signals to Purkinje cells has been central to the debate. This paper nicely explores the consequences of varying the strength of this feedback and in so doing, provides a potential explanation for why Purkinje cell responses during VOR cancellation could exhibit stronger responses following learning, despite net depression of the strength of their vestibular inputs. In that sense it provides some reconciliation of existing models. The work appears to be well done and the paper is well written. The manuscript could be improved and the significance of the work clarified and enhanced by contextualizing the work more appropriately within the existing literature in this area.

    5. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Payne et al. use a computational approach to predict the sites and directions of plasticity within the vestibular cerebellum that explain an unresolved controversy regarding the basis of VOR learning. Specifically, the conclusion by Miles and Lisberger (1981) that vestibular inputs onto Purkinje cells (PCs) must potentiate, rather than depress (as in the Marr/Albus/Ito model), following gain-increase learning because when the VOR is cancelled, PC firing increases rather than decreases. Payne et al. provide a novel model solution that recapitulates the results of Miles and Lisberger but, paradoxically, uses plasticity in the cerebellar cortex that weakens PC output rather than strengthens it. However, the model only succeeds when efference copy feedback to the cerebellar cortex is relatively weak thereby allowing a second feedback pathway to drive PC activity during VOR cancellation to counteract the learned change in gain. Because the model is biologically constrained, the findings are well supported. This work will likely benefit the field by providing a number of potentially experimentally testable conclusions. The findings will be of interest to a wider audience if the results can be extrapolated to other cerebellar-dependent learning behaviors rather then just VOR gain-increase learning. Overall, the manuscript is very well written with clearly delineated results and conclusions.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Cyclic Nucleotide Binding (CNB) domains are pervasive structural components involved in signaling pathways across eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Despite their similar structures, CNB domains exhibit distinct ligand-sensing capabilities. The manuscript offers a thorough and convincing investigation that clarifies numerous puzzling aspects of nucleotide binding in Trypanosoma.


      One of the strengths of this study is its multifaceted methodology, which includes a range of techniques including crystallography, ITC (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry), fluorimetry, CD (Circular Dichroism) spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and computational analysis. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances the depth of the investigation but also offers a robust cross-validation of the results.


      None noticed.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript clearly shows that Trypanosoma PKA is controlled by nucleoside analogues rather than cyclic nucleotides, which are the primary allosteric effectors of human PKA and PKG. The authors demonstrate that the inosine, guanosine, and adenosine nucleosides bind with high affinity and activate PKA in the tropical pathogens T. brucei, T. cruzi and Leishmania. The underlying determinants of nucleoside binding and selectivity are dissected by solving the crystal structure of T. cruzi PKAR(200-503) and T. brucei PKAR(199-499) bound to inosine at 1.4 Å and 2.1 Å resolution and through comparative mutational analyses. Of particular interest is the identification of a minimal subset of 2-3 residues that controls nucleoside vs. cyclic nucleotide specificity.


      The significance of this study lies not only in the structure-activity relationships revealed for important targets in several parasite pathogens but also in the understanding of CNB's evolutionary role.


      The main missing piece is the model for activation of the kinetoplastid PKA which remains speculative in the absence of a structure for the trypanosomatid PKA holoenzyme complex. However, this appears to be beyond the scope of this manuscript, which is already quite dense.

      We fully agree that insight into the activation mechanism and its possible deviation from the mammalian paradigm requires a holoenzyme structure revealing the details of R-C interaction. We have attempted Cryo-EM from LEXSY-produced holoenzyme, yet upscaling the purification procedures described in this manuscript have repeatedly failed in spite of numerous protocol changes and optimizations. Much more work is required to achieve this.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Some minor points to consider for enhancing the impact of this interesting manuscript:

      1) The nucleoside affinities measured are mainly for the regulatory subunits unbound to the kinase domain. How would nucleoside affinities change when the regulatory subunits are bound to the kinase domain, which is presumably the case under resting conditions? An estimation of this change in affinity is important because it more closely relates to the variations in cellular nucleoside concentrations needed for activation.

      This is an important question and we have given an indirect answer in the manuscript, but not very explicit. The EC50 values for kinase activation of the purified holoenzyme complexes are very similar or almost identical to the kD values measured by ITC with free regulatory subunits. By inference, the binding kD for the holoenzyme and for the free R-subunit cannot be very different. In addition, we have recently determined the EC50 for PKA activation in vivo in trypanosomes using a bioluminescence complementation reporter assay. The values fit perfectly to the values obtained with purified holoenzyme (Wu et al. in preparation). A sentence in Results (lines 201-203) has been added.

      2) The authors should point out that a major implication of nucleoside vs. cyclic nucleotide activation is in terms of signal termination. If phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are responsible for cAMP/cGMP signal termination, what terminates nucleoside-dependent signaling? Although the answer to this question may not be known at this stage, it is important to highlight this critical implication of the authors' study.

      The mechanism of signal termination is indeed unknown so far. We speculate that some enzymes of the purine salvage pathways are differentially localized in subcellular compartments and thereby able to establish microdomains that enable nucleoside signaling. In addition, PKA subunit phosphorylations/dephosphorylations and/or protein turnover may also regulate signal termination. As an example, free PKAC1 is rapidly degraded upon depletion of the PKAR subunit by RNAi. We have now mentioned signal termination in Discussion and have revised the last part of Discussion (lines 567-602). A possible approach to monitor compartmentalized signaling would be using the FluoSTEPs technology (Tenner et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7: eabe4091), but adapting this to the trypanosome system will not be a short-term task.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Assessment note: “Whereas the results and interpretations are generally solid, the mechanistic aspect of the work and conclusions put forth rely heavily on in vitro studies performed in cultured L6 myocytes, which are highly glycolytic and generally not viewed as a good model for studying muscle metabolism and insulin action.”

      While we acknowledge that in vitro models may not fully recapitulate the complexity of in vivo systems, we believe L6 myotubes are appropriate for studying the mechanisms underlying muscle metabolism and insulin action. L6 myotubes possess many important characteristics relevant to our research, including high insulin sensitivity and a similar mitochondrial respiration sensitivity compared to primary muscle fibres. Furthermore, several studies have demonstrated the utility of L6 myotubes as a model for studying insulin sensitivity and metabolism, including our own previous work (PMID: 19805130, 31693893, 19915010) and work of others (PMID:12086937, 29486284, 15193147).

      Importantly, our observations from the L6 myotube model are supported by in vivo data from both mice and humans. Chow (Figure 3J, K) and high-fat fed mice (new data - Supplementary Figure 4 H-I) demonstrated a reduction in mitochondrial Ceramide and an increase in CoQ9. Muscle biopsies from humans showed a strong negative correlation between mitochondrial C18:0 ceramide levels and insulin sensitivity (PMID: 29415895). Further, complex I and IV abundance was strongly correlated with both muscle insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial ceramide (CerC18:0) (Figure 6E, F). This is consistent with our observations in L6 myotubes (Figure 6H, I). These findings support the relevance of our in vitro results to in vivo muscle metabolism.

      Points from reviewer 1

      1. Although the authors' results suggest that higher mitochondrial ceramide levels suppress cellular insulin sensitivity, they rely solely on a partial inhibition (i.e., 30%) of insulin-stimulated GLUT4-HA translocation in L6 myocytes. It would be critical to examine how much the increased mitochondrial ceramide would inhibit insulin-induced glucose uptake in myocytes using radiolabeled deoxy-glucose. Another important question to be addressed is whether glycogen synthesis is affected in myocytes under these experimental conditions. Results demonstrating reductions in insulin-stimulated glucose transport and glycogen synthesis in myocytes with dysfunctional mitochondria due to ceramide accumulation would further support the authors' claim.

      Response: We have now conducted additional experiments focusing on glycogen synthesis as a readout of insulin sensitivity, as it offers an orthogonal method for assessing GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake. L6-myotubes overexpressing the mitochondrial-targeted ASAH1 construct (as described in Fig. 3) were challenged with palmitate and insulin stimulated glycogen synthesis was measured using 14C radiolabeled glucose. As shown below, palmitate suppressed insulin-induced glycogen synthesis, which was effectively prevented by overexpression of ASAH1 (N = 5, * p<0.05) supporting our previous observation using GLUT4 translocation as a readout of insulin sensitivity (Fig. 3). These results provide additional evidence highlighting the role of dysfunctional mitochondria in muscle cell glucose metabolism.

      These data have now been added to Supplementary Figure 4K and the results modified as follows:

      “...For this reason, several in vitro models have been employed involving incubation of insulin sensitive cell types with lipids such as palmitate to mimic lipotoxicity in vivo. In this study we have used cell surface GLUT4-HA abundance as the main readout of insulin response...”

      “Notably, mtASAH1 overexpression protected cells from palmitate-induced insulin resistance without affecting basal insulin sensitivity (Fig. 3E). Similar results were observed using insulin-induced glycogen synthesis as an orthologous technique for Glut4 translocation. These results provide additional evidence highlighting the role of dysfunctional mitochondria in muscle cell glucose metabolism (Sup. Fig. 5K). Importantly, mtASAH1 overexpression did not rescue insulin sensitivity in cells depleted…”

      Author response image 1.

      Additionally, the following text was added to the method section:

      “L6 myotubes overexpressing ASAH were grown and differentiated in 12-well plates, as described in the Cell lines section, and stimulated for 16 h with palmitate-BSA or EtOH-BSA, as detailed in the Induction of insulin resistance section.

      On day seven of differentiation, myotubes were serum starved in DMEM for 3.5 h. After incubation for 1 h at 37 °C with 2 µCi/ml D-[U-14C]-glucose in the presence or absence of 100 nM insulin, glycogen synthesis assay was performed, as previously described (Zarini S. et al., J Lipid Res, 63(10): 100270, 2022).”

      1. In addition, it would be critical to assess whether the increased mitochondrial ceramide and consequent lowering of energy levels affect all exocytic pathways in L6 myoblasts or just the GLUT4 trafficking. Is the secretory pathway also disrupted under these conditions?

      Response: This is an interesting point raised by the reviewer that is aimed at the next phase of this work, to identify how ceramide induced mitochondrial dysfunction drives insulin resistance. Looking at energy deficiency in more detail as well as general trafficking is part of ongoing work, but given the complexity of this question, it is beyond the scope of the current study.

      Points from reviewer 2

      1. The mechanistic aspect of the work and conclusions put forth rely heavily on studies performed in cultured myocytes, which are highly glycolytic and generally viewed as a poor model for studying muscle metabolism and insulin action. Nonetheless, the findings provide a strong rationale for moving this line of investigation into mouse gain/loss of function models.

      Response: We acknowledge that in vitro models may not fully mimic in vivo complexity as described above in the response to the “Assessment note”. We have now added to the Discussion:

      “In this study, we mainly utilised L6-myotubes, which share many important characteristics with primary muscle fibres. Both types of cells exhibit high sensitivity to insulin and respond similarly to maximal doses of insulin, with GLUT4 translocation stimulated between 2 to 4 times over basal levels in response to 100 nM insulin (as shown in Fig. 1-4 and (46,47)). Additionally, mitochondrial respiration in L6-myotubes has a similar sensitivity to mitochondrial poisons, as observed in primary muscle fibres (as shown in Fig. 5 (48)). Finally, inhibiting ceramide production increases CoQ levels in both L6-myotubes and adult muscle tissue (as shown in Fig. 2-3). Therefore, L6-myotubes possess the necessary metabolic features to investigate the role of mitochondria in insulin resistance, and this relationship is likely applicable to primary muscle fibres”.

      1. One caveat of the approach taken is that exposure of cells to palmitate alone is not reflective of in vivo physiology. It would be interesting to know if similar effects on CoQ are observed when cells are exposed to a more physiological mixture of fatty acids that includes a high ratio of palmitate, but better mimics in vivo nutrition.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's comment. Previously, we reported that mitochondrial CoQ depletion occurs in skeletal muscle after 14 and 42 days of HFHSD feeding, coinciding with the onset of insulin resistance (PMID: 29402381, see figure below).

      Author response image 2.

      These data demonstrated that our in vitro model recapitulates the loss of CoQ in insulin resistance observed in muscle tissue in response to a more physiological mixture of fatty acids. Further, it has been reported that different fatty acids can induce insulin resistance via different mechanisms (PMID:20609972), which would complicate interpretation of the data. Saturated fatty acids such as palmitate increase ceramides in cell-lines and humans, but unsaturated FAs generally do not (PMID: 10446195,14592453,34704121). As such we conclude that palmitate is a cleaner model for studying the effects of ceramide on skeletal muscle function.

      We have added to discussion:

      “…These findings align with our earlier observations demonstrating that mice exposed to HFHSD exhibit mitochondrial CoQ depletion in skeletal muscle (Fazakerley et al. 2018).”

      1. While the utility of targeting SMPD5 to the mitochondria is appreciated, the results in Figure 5 suggest that this manoeuvre caused a rather severe form of mitochondrial dysfunction. This could be more representative of toxicity rather than pathophysiology. It would be helpful to know if these same effects are observed with other manipulations that lower CoQ to a similar degree. If not, the discrepancies should be discussed.

      Response: As the reviewer suggests many of these lipids can cause cell death (toxicity) if the dose is too high. We have previously found that low levels (0.15 mM) of palmitate were sufficient to trigger insulin resistance without any signs of toxicity (Hoehn, K, PNAS, 19805130). Using a similar approach, we show that mitochondrial membrane potential is maintained in SMPD5 overexpressing cells (Sup. Fig. 2J - and Author response image 2). Given that toxicity is associated with a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (eg., 50uM Saclac; RH panel), these data suggest SMPD5 overexpression is not causing overt toxicity.

      Author response image 3.

      Furthermore, we conducted an overrepresentation analysis of molecular processes within our proteomic data from SMPD5-overexpressing cells. As depicted below, no signs of cell toxicity were observed in our model at the protein level. This data is now available in supplementary table 1.

      Author response table 1.

      Our results are therefore consistent with a pathological condition induced by elevated levels of ceramides independently of cellular toxicity. The following text has been added to the discussion:“...downregulation of the respirasome induced by ceramides may lead to CoQ depletion.

      Despite the significant impact of ceramide on mitochondrial respiration, we did not observe any indications of cell damage in any of the treatments, suggesting that our models are not explained by toxicity and increased cell death (Sup. Fig. 2H & J).”

      1. The conclusions could be strengthened by more extensive studies in mice to assess the interplay between mitochondrial ceramides, CoQ depletion and ETC/mitochondrial dysfunction in the context of a standard diet versus HF diet-induced insulin resistance. Does P053 affect mitochondrial ceramide, ETC protein abundance, mitochondrial function, and muscle insulin sensitivity in the predicted directions?

      Response: We agree with the referee about the importance of performing in vivo studies to corroborate our in vitro data. We have now conducted extensive new studies in mice skeletal muscle using targeted metabolomic and lipidomic analyses to investigate the impact of ceramide depletion in CoQ levels in HF-fed mice. Mice were exposed to a HF-fed diet with or without the administration of P053 (selective inhibitor of CerS1) for 5 weeks. As illustrated in the figures below, the administration of P053 led to a reduction in ceramide levels (left panel), increase in CoQ levels (middle panel) and a negative correlation between these molecules (right panel), which is consistent with our in vitro findings.

      Author response image 4.

      Additional suggestions:

      1. Figure 1: How does increased mitochondrial ceramide affect fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in L6-myocytes? As the accumulation of mitochondrial ceramide inhibits respirasome and mitochondrial activity in vitro, can reduce FAO in vivo, due to high mitochondrial ceramide, accounts for ectopic lipid deposition in skeletal muscle of obese subjects?

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer for bringing up this intriguing point. We would like to emphasise that Complex II activity is vital for fatty acid oxidation. As shown in Fig. 5H, our results indicate that specifically Complex II mediated respiration was diminished in cells with SMPD5 overexpression, suggesting that ceramides hinder the mitochondria's capability to oxidise lipids. We agree that this mechanism may potentially play a role in the ectopic lipid accumulation seen in individuals with obesity.

      We have added the following text to discussion:

      “...the mitochondria to switch between different energy substrates depending on fuel availability, named “metabolic Inflexibility”...this mechanism may potentially play a role in the ectopic lipid accumulation seen in individuals with obesity, a condition linked with cardio-metabolic disease.”

      1. Figure 2: Although the authors show that mtSMPD5 overexpression does not affect ceramide abundance in whole cell lysate, it would be critical to examine the abundance of this lipid in other cellular membranes and organelles, particularly plasma membrane. What is the effect of mtSMPD5 overexpression on plasma membrane lipids composition? Does that affect GLUT4-containing vesicles fusion into the plasma membrane, possibly due to depletion of v-SNARE or tSNARE?

      Response: While we acknowledge the importance of this point we strongly feel that measuring lipids in purified membranes has its limitations because it is impossible to purify specific membranes without contamination from other kinds of membranes. For example, we have done proteomics on purified plasma membranes from different cell types and we always observe considerable mitochondrial contamination with these membranes (e.g. PMID 21928809). This was the main factor that led us to use the mitochondrial targeting approach.

      Nevertheless we do acknowledge that there is a possibility that ceramides that are produced in the mitochondria in SMPD5 cells could leak out of mitochondria into other membranes and this could influence other aspects of GLUT4 trafficking and insulin action. However, we believe that the studies using mito targeted ASAH mitigate against this problem. Thus, we have now included a statement in the revised manuscript as follows: “It is also possible that ceramides generated within mitochondria in SMPD5 cells leak out from the mitochondria into other membranes (e.g. PM and Glut4 vesicles) affecting other aspects of Glut4 trafficking and insulin action. However, the observation that ASAH1 overexpression reversed IR without affecting whole cell ceramides argues against this possibility.”.

      1. Figure 4: One critical piece of information missing is the effect (if any) of mitochondrial ceramide accumulation on the mRNAs encoding the ETC components affected by this lipid. Although the ETC protein's lower stability may account for the effect of increased ceramide, transcriptional inhibition can't be ruled out without checking the mRNA expression levels for these ETC components.

      Response: To address this point, we have quantified the mRNA abundance of nine complex I subunits that exhibit downregulation in our proteomic dataset subsequent to mtSMPD5 overexpression (as depicted in Figure 4G).

      Induction of mtSMPD5 expression with doxycycline (below - Left hand panel) had no effect on the mRNA levels of the Complex I subunits (below - right hand panel).. This is consistent with our initial hypothesis that the reduction in electron transport chain (ETC) components, caused by heightened ceramide levels, primarily arises from alterations in protein stability rather than gene expression. While we acknowledge the possibility that certain subunits might be regulated at the transcriptional level, the absence of mRNA downregulation across our data strongly suggests that, at the very least, a portion of the observed protein depletion is attributed to diminished protein stability. We have incorporated this dataset into Supplementary Figure 6J and added the following text to the results:

      Author response image 5.

      “Importantly, CI downregulation was not associated with reduction in gene expression as shown in Sup. Fig. 6J.”

      Additionally, we have added the following text to discussion:

      “In addition, the absence of mRNA downregulation in mtSMPD5 overexpressing cells strongly suggests that at least a portion of the observed protein depletion within CI is attributed to diminished protein stability.”

      1. Figure 3: The authors state that neither palmitate nor mtASAH1 overexpression affected insulin-dependent Akt phosphorylation. However, the results in Figure 3F-G do not support this conclusion, as the overexpression of mtASAH1 does enhance the insulin-stimulated AKT (thr-308) phosphorylation. They need to clarify this issue.

      Response: We have now analysed these data in a manner that preserves the control variance, consistent with the other figures in the manuscript and there is no significant change in Akt phosphorylation in ASAH over-expressing cells.

      Author response image 6.

      1. Figure S2: A functional assessment of mitochondrial function in HeLa cells would be helpful to validate the small effect of Saclac treatment on CI NDUFB8.

      Response: Mitochondrial respiration was conducted in cells treated with Saclac (2 µM and 10 µM) for 24 hours. As shown below, in Hela cells, we did not detect any mitochondrial respiratory impairments at low doses, but only at high doses of Saclac. This suggests that the minor effect of Saclac on CI NDUFB8 is insufficient to alter mitochondrial function.

      Author response image 7.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Additional questions and comments for consideration:

      1. The working model links ceramide-induced CoQ depletion to a reduction in ETC proteins and accompanying deficits in OxPhos capacity. The idea that mitochondrial dysfunction necessarily precedes and causes insulin resistance has been heavily debated for years because many animal and human studies have found no overt changes in ETC proteins and/or mitochondrial respiratory capacity during the early phases of insulin resistance. How do the investigators reconcile their work in the context of this controversy?

      Response: We acknowledge this controversy in our revised manuscript more clearly now as follows on page 21: “We present evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction precedes insulin resistance. However, previous studies have failed to observe changes in mitochondrial morphology, respiration or ETC components during early stages of insulin resistance (72). However, in many cases such studies fail to document changes in insulin-dependent glucose metabolism in the same tissue as was used for assessment of mitochondrial function. This is crucial because we and others do not observe impaired insulin action in all muscles from high fat fed mice for example. In addition, surrogate measures such as insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation may not accurately reflect tissue specific insulin action as demonstrated in figure 1C. Thus, further work is required to clarify some of these inconsistencies''.

      1. While the utility of targeting SMPD5 to the mitochondria is appreciated, the results in Figure 5 suggest that this manoeuvre caused a rather severe form of mitochondrial dysfunction. Is this representative of pathophysiology or toxicity?

      Response: We believe we have addressed this in point 3 above (Principal comments, reviewer 1, point 3)

      1. How did this affect other mitochondrial lipids (e.g. cardiolipin)?

      Response: As shown in the supplementary figure 3, SMPD5 overexpression did not affect other lipids species such as cardiolipin (D-J). We have added to results:

      “Importantly, mtSMPD5 overexpression did not affect ceramide abundance in the whole cell lysate nor other lipid species inside mitochondria such as cardiolipin, cholesterol and DAGs (Sup. Fig. 3 A, D-J)”

      1. Are these severe effects rescued by CoQ supplementation?

      Response: We have performed additional experiments to address this point. As shown below, mitochondrial ceramide accumulation induced by palmitate was not reversed by CoQ supplementation, as demonstrated in Figure 1F. We have added to results:

      “Addition of CoQ9 had no effect on control cells but overcame insulin resistance in palmitate treated cells (Fig. 1A). Notably, the protective effect of CoQ9 appears to be downstream of ceramide accumulation, as it had no impact on palmitate-induced ceramide accumulation (Fig. 1E-F). Strikingly, both myriocin and CoQ9…”

      Additionally, we assessed mitochondrial respiration by using SeaHorse in cells with SMPD5 overexpression treated with or without CoQ supplementation. Our results, depicted below, indicate that CoQ supplementation reversed the ceramide-induced decrease in basal and ATP linked mitochondrial respiration. We have modified Fig.5.

      Author response image 8.

      We have added to results:

      “Respiration was assessed in intact mtSMPD5-L6 myotubes treated with CoQ9 by Seahorse extracellular flux analysis. mtSMPD5 overexpression decreased basal and ATP-linked mitochondrial respiration (Fig. 5 A, B &C), as well as maximal, proton-leak and non-mitochondrial respiration (Fig. 5 A, D, E & F) suggesting that mitochondrial ceramides induce a generalised attenuation in mitochondrial function. Interestingly, CoQ9 supplementation partially recovered basal and ATP-linked mitochondrial respiration, suggesting that part of the mitochondrial defects are induced by CoQ9 depletion. The attenuation in mitochondrial respiration is consistent with a depletion of the ETC subunits observed in our proteomic dataset (Fig. 4)...”

      1. Are these same effects observed with other manipulations that lower CoQ to a similar degree?

      Response: As mentioned in point 5 (additional suggestions from Reviewer 1), we conducted mitochondrial respiration measurements on HeLa cells treated with Saclac (2 µM and 10 µM) for 24 hours. Our findings showed no signs of mitochondrial respiratory impairments at low doses of Saclac in HeLa cells, despite observing CoQ depletion at this dose (Fig. Sup. 2C). We believe that this variation could be due to the varying sensitivity of mitochondrial respiration/ETC abundance to ceramide-induced CoQ depletion in different cell lines. Alternatively, it is possible that reduced mitochondrial respiration is a secondary event to other mitochondrial/cellular defects such as mitochondrial fragmentation or deficient nutrient transport inside mitochondria.

      *Author response image 9.

      1. The mitochondrial concentrations of CoQ required to maintain insulin sensitivity in L6 myocytes seem to vary from experiment to experiment. Is it the absolute concentration that matters and/or the change relative to a baseline condition?

      Response: This is an excellent observation. The findings indicate that the absolute concentration of CoQ is the determining factor for insulin sensitivity, rather than the relative depletion of CoQ compared to basal conditions. We have added to discussion: “Finally, mtASAH1 overexpression increased CoQ levels. In both control and mtASAH1 cells, palmitate induced a depletion of CoQ, however the levels in palmitate treated mtASAH1 cells remained similar to control untreated cells (Fig. 3I). This suggests that the absolute concentration of CoQ is crucial for insulin sensitivity, rather than the relative depletion compared to basal conditions, thus supporting the causal role of mitochondrial ceramide accumulation in reducing CoQ levels in insulin resistance”

      1. Considering that CoQ has been shown to have antioxidant properties, does the rescue observed after a 16 h treatment require the prolonged exposure, or alternatively, are similar effects observed during short-term exposures (~1-2 h), which might imply a different or additional mechanism.

      Response: This is an excellent point that we have long considered. The problem is how to address the question in a way that will be definitive and we are concerned that the experiment suggested by the referee will not generate definitive data. A major issue is that CoQ has low solubility and needs to reach the right compartment. As such if short term treatment (as suggested) does not rescue, it would be difficult to make any definite conclusions as this might just be because insufficient CoQ is delivered to mitochondria. Conversely, if short term treatment does rescue this could be either because CoQ does get into mitochondria and regulate ETC or because of its general antioxidant function. So, even if we observe a rescue after 1 hour of incubation with CoQ, it will not clarify whether this is due to the antioxidant effect or simply because 1 hour is adequate to boost mitoCoQ levels. Thus, in our view this experiment might not get us any closer to the answer. Nevertheless, we do feel this is an important point and we have added the following statement to our revised manuscript to acknowledge this: “Because CoQ can accumulate in various intracellular compartments, it's important to consider that its impact on insulin resistance might be due to its overall antioxidant properties rather than being limited to a mitochondrial effect”

      1. In Figure 1, CoQ depletion due to 4NB treatment resulted in increased ceramide levels. Could this be due to impaired palmitate oxidation leading to rerouting of intracellular palmitate to the ceramide pathway? This could be tested using stable isotope tracers.

      Response: We have added the statement below to the manuscript to address this point. We feel that while an interesting experiment to perform it is somewhat outside of the major focus of this study.

      “One possibility is that CoQ directly controls ceramide turnover (35). An alternate possibility is that CoQ inside mitochondria is necessary for fatty acid oxidation (12) and CoQ depletion triggers lipid overload in the cytoplasm promoting ceramide production (36). Future studies are required to determine how CoQ depletion promotes Cer accumulation. Regardless, these data indicate that ceramide and CoQ have a central role in regulating cellular insulin sensitivity.”

      1. To a similar point, it would be helpful to know if the C2 ceramide analog is sufficient to cause elevated mito-ceramide and/or CoQ depletion. If not, the results might imply mitochondrial uptake of palmitate is required.

      Response: We feel this point is analogous to Point 7 above in that this experiment is not definitive enough to make any clear conclusions as it may or may not work for many different reasons. For example, C2 ceramide may not work simply because it has the wrong chain length.

      Moreover, it is clear that C2 ceramide has effects that clearly differ from those observed with palmitate most notably the inhibitory effect on Akt signalling. For these reasons we do not agree with the logic of this experiment.

      We have mentioned in the results section:

      “Based on these data we surmise that C2-ceramide does not faithfully recapitulate physiological insulin resistance, in contrast to that seen with incubation with palmitate”.

      1. Likewise, does inhibition of CPT1 ameliorate or exacerbate palmitate-induced insulin resistance?

      Response: This experiment has been performed by a number of different labs. For instance, muscle specific CPT1 overexpression is protective against high fat diet induced insulin resistance in mice (Bruce C, PMID19073774), CPT1 overexpression protects L6E9 muscle cells from fatty acid-induced insulin resistance (Sebastian D, PMID17062841) and increased beta-oxidation in muscle cells enhances insulin stimulated glucose metabolism and is protective against lipid induced insulin resistance (Perdomo G, PMID15105415). We have now cited all of these studies in our revised manuscript in the discussion: “In fact, increased fatty acid oxidation is protective against insulin resistance in several model organisms (37–39)”

      1. Does the addition of palmitate to the cells treated with mtSMPD5 further reduce CoQ9 (Figure 2I and 2J)?

      Response: This intriguing observation, as highlighted by the referee, has prompted us to conduct additional experiments to investigate the effects of palmitate and SMPD5 overexpression on Coenzyme Q (CoQ) levels in L6 myotubes. As demonstrated in the figures presented below, both palmitate and SMPD5 overexpression independently resulted in the depletion of CoQ9, with no observed additive effects suggesting that they shared a common pathway driving CoQ9 deficiency. One plausible hypothesis is that ceramides may trigger the depletion of a specific CoQ9 pool localised within the inner mitochondrial membrane, likely the pool associated with Complex I (CI) in the Electron Transport Chain (ETC). This hypothesis is supported by previous studies indicating that approximately ~25 - 35 % of CoQ binds to CI (PMID: 33722627) and our data demonstrating that ceramide induces a selective depletion of CI in L6 myotubes (Fig. 4).

      We have added this result to Fig. 2I in the main section.

      Author response image 10.

      We have added to the result section:

      “Mitochondrial CoQ levels were depleted in both palmitate-treated and mtSMPD5-overexpressing cells without any additive effects. This suggests that these strategies to increase ceramides share a common mechanism for inducing CoQ depletion in L6 myotubes (Fig. 2I).”

      We have added to the discussion section:

      “...These are known to form supercomplexes or respirasomes where ~25 - 35 % of CoQ is localised in mammals (58,16).…The observation that both palmitate and SMPD5 overexpression trigger CoQ depletion without additive effects support the notion that ceramides may trigger the depletion of a specific CoQ9 pool localised within the inner mitochondrial membrane.”

      1. Some of the cell-based experiments appear to be underpowered and therefore confidence in the interpretations might benefit from additional repeats. For example, in Figure 3i, it appears that palmitate still causes a substantial reduction of CoQ in the cells treated with mtASAH1, even though mito-ceramide levels are restored to baseline. Please specify if these and other results are representative of multiple cell culture experiments or a single experiment.

      Response: All data were derived from a minimum of 3-4 independent experiments from at least two separate cultures of L6 cells. Separate batches of drug treatments were prepared for each experiment. We have previously compared metabolic parameters between batches of cells differentiated at different times (i.e. at least weeks apart) in a previous study (Krycer PMID 31744882) and found variations of <20% for insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation. With an expected variance of 20% and a type I error rate of 0.05, this is sufficient to detect a 40% difference with a power of 0.8. As the reviewer has indicated this is likely underpowered in situations where variance is unexpectedly high or if a small difference needs to be detected.

      In terms of Fig3, the reviewer raises an interesting point. As discussed in point 6, the fact that palmitate still appears to cause a depletion of CoQ in mtASAH1 cells likely indicates that the absolute concentration of CoQ is the determining factor for insulin sensitivity, rather than the relative depletion of CoQ compared to basal conditions. We have added to the discussion:

      “Finally, mtASAH1 overexpression increased CoQ levels. In both control and mtASAH1 cells, palmitate induced a depletion of CoQ, but this effect was less pronounced in the mtASAH1 cell line (Fig. 3I). Our results suggest that the absolute concentration of CoQ is crucial for insulin sensitivity, rather than the relative depletion compared to basal conditions, thus supporting the causal role of mitochondrial ceramide accumulation in reducing CoQ levels in insulin resistance”

      1. The color scheme of 2E is inconsistent with other panels in the figure.

      Response: Corrected

      1. It would be helpful if the axis labels for CoQ graphs were labeled as "Mito-CoQ" for clarity.

      Response: Corrected

    1. eLife assessment

      This important work combines DNA contact analysis and controlled genome rearrangements to investigate the processes that organize the E. coli chromosome, with a particular focus on how the SMC-related complex MukBEF is regulated. The evidence supporting the conclusions is compelling, with time-resolved experiments and analysis of mutant strains. The work will be of broad interest to chromosome biologists and bacterial cell biologists.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      We appreciate the positive comments from the editors and reviewers. The followings are the point to point responses to the questions and comments of the Reviewers:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Jiamin Lin et al. investigated the potential positive feedback loop between ZEB2 and ACSL4, which regulates lipid metabolism and breast cancer metastasis. They reported a correlation between high expression of ZEB2 and ACSL4 and poor survival of breast cancer patients, and showed that depletion of ZEB2 or ACSL4 significantly reduced lipid droplets abundance and cell migration in vitro. The authors also claimed that ZEB2 activated ACSL4 expression by directly binding to its promoter, while ACSL4 in turn stabilized ZEB2 by blocking its ubiquitination. While the topic is interesting, there are several concerns with the study:

      1. My concern regarding the absence of appropriate thresholds or False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjustments for the RNA-seq analysis has not been addressed, leading to incorrect thresholds and erroneous identification of significant signals.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the concern about the RNA-seq analysis. RNA-seq data was analyzed by the Benjamini and Hochberg’s approach for controlling the false discovery rate. The procedure of RNA-seq bioinformatic analysis is as follows: For data analysis, raw data of fastq format were firstly processed through in-house perl scripts. In this step, clean data were obtained by removing reads containing adapter, reads containing N base and low quality reads from raw data. All the downstream analyses were based on the clean data with high quality. Index of the reference genome was built using Hisat2 v2.0.5 and paired-end clean reads were aligned to the reference genome using Hisat2 v2.0.5. FeatureCounts v1.5.0-p3 was used to count the reads numbers mapped to each gene, and then FPKM of each gene was calculated based on the length of the gene and reads count mapped to this gene. Differential expression analysis of two conditions/groups was performed using the DESeq2 R package (1.20.0). The resulting P-values were adjusted using the Benjamini and Hochberg’s approach for controlling the false discovery rate. Genes with an adjusted P-value (<0.05) found by DESeq2 were assigned as differentially expressed.

      1. In Figure 3B and C, it appears that the knockdown efficiency of ACSL4 is inadequate in these cells, which contradicts the Western blot results presented in Figure 2F.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the concern. In figure 3B and 3C, we use the shRNA for the knockdown experiment and in Figure 2F we use siRNA for the knockdown experiment, so the efficiency of them were different.

      1. Regarding Figure 6, the discovery of consensus binding sequences (CACCT) for ZEB2 alone is insufficient evidence to support the direct binding of ZEB2 to the ACSL4 promoter.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the concern. We performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), which examines the direct interaction between DNA and protein, to test if ZEB2 directly binds to the ACSL4 promoter. The results showed that the primer set 1, which covered -184 to -295 of ACSL4 promoter region exhibited apparent ZEB2 binding (Fig. 6F). Moreover, the mutant sequence (AAAA) of ACSL4 promoter showed significant decreased luciferase activity (Fig. 7H). All these evidences suggest that ZEB2 directly bond to the consensus sequence of ACSL4 promoter.

      1. For Figure 7E, there are multiple bands present, and it appears that ZEB2-HA has been cropped, which should ideally be presented with unaltered raw data. Please provide the uncropped raw data.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the concern. The raw data of the figure 7E ZEB2-HA is shown in Author response image 1:

      Author response image 1.

      1. In Figure 7C, the author claimed to have used 293T cells for the ubiquitin assay, which are not breast cancer cells. Moreover, the efficiency of over-expression differs between ZEB2 and ACSL4 in 293T cell lines. Performing the experiment in an unrelated cell line to justify an important interaction is not acceptable.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the concern. We also performed the ubiquitination assay in MDA-MB-231 cells in Fig 7D (Author response image 2), The results confirm that knockdown of ACSL4 obviously enhanced the ubiqutination of ZEB2. We also have performed the IP experiment in MDA-MB-231 cells in Author response image 3 (Fig 7F). The results confirmed the interaction between ZEB2 and ACSL4:

      Author response image 2.

      Author response image 3.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors validated a positive feedback loop between ZEB2 and ACSL4 in breast cancer, which regulates lipid metabolism to promote metastasis.

      Overall, the study is original, well structured, and easy to read.

      We appreciate the positive comments from the reviewer.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Lin et al. reveals a novel positive regulatory loop between ZEB2 and ACSL4, which promotes lipid droplets storage to meet the energy needs of breast cancer metastasis.

      We appreciate the positive comments from the reviewer.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I still have some points that should be addressed by the Authors:

      The interaction between ACSL4 and ZEB2 is still not convincing, due to the cellular localization of ACSL4 and ZEB2 is different. The authors should consider utilizing the Duolink experiment to more accurately determine the interaction location of these two proteins in cells.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. We performed GST pull-down assay to examine whether ZEB2 and ACSL4 form a complex. GST pull-down assay confirmed the interaction of ZEB2 and ACSL4 (Supplementary Fig. S10). We also performed immunofluorescence assay and found that ZEB2 was co-localized with ACSL4 in some certain regions of the cytoplasm in Author response image 5 (Supplementary Fig. S11):

      Author response image 4.

      Author response image 5.

      In Figure S4, the authors showed both "shACSL4" and "siACSL4", which is a description error.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer to point out the mistake. We have corrected the "siACSL4" into "shACSL4".

      Author response image 6.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The manuscript is improved.

      We appreciate the positive comments from the reviewer.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors attempt to describe alterations in gene expression, protein expression, and protein phosphorylation as a consequence of chronic adenylyl cyclase 8 overexpression in a mouse model. This model is claimed to have resilience to cardiac stress.

      Major strengths of the study include 1) the large dataset generated which will have utility for further scientific inquiry for the authors and others in the field, 2) the innovative approach of using cross-analyses linking transcriptomic data to proteomic and phosphoproteomic data. One weakness is the lack of a focused question and clear relevance to human disease. These are all critical biological pathways that the authors are studying and essentially, they have compiled a database that could be surveyed to generate and test future hypotheses.

      Thank you for your efforts to review our manuscript, we are delighted to learn that you found our approach to link transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteome data in our analysis to be innovative. Your comment that we have not focused on a question with clear relevance to human disease is “right on point!”

      During chronic pathophysiologic states e.g., chronic heart failure (CHF) in humans, AC/cAMP/PKA/Ca2+ signaling increases progressively the degree of heart failure progresses, leading to cardiac inflammation, mediated in part, by cyclic-AMP- induced up- regulation of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) signaling. Standard therapies for CHF include β-adrenoreceptor blockers and RAS inhibitors, which although effective, are suboptimal in amelioration of heart failure progression. One strategy to devise novel and better therapies for heart failure, would be to uncover the full spectrum of concentric cardio- protective adaptations that becomes activated in response to severe, chronic AC/cAMP/PKA/Ca2+ -induced cardiac stress.

      We employed unbiased omics analyses, in our prior study (https://elifesciences.org/articles/80949v1) of the mouse harboring cardiac specific overexpression of adenylyl cyclase type 8 (TGAC8), and identified more than 2,000 transcripts and proteins, comprising a broad array of biological processes across multiple cellular compartments, that differed in TGAC8 left ventricle compared to WT. These bioinformatic analyses revealed that marked overexpression of AC8 engages complex, concentric adaptation "circuity" that has evolved in mammalian cells to confer resilience to stressors that threaten health or life. The main human disease category identified in these analyses was Organismal Injury and Abnormalities, suggesting that defenses against stress were activated as would be expected, in response to cardiac stress. Specific concentric signaling pathways that were enriched and activated within the TGAC8 protection circuitry included cell survival initiation, protection from apoptosis, proliferation, prevention of cardiac-myocyte hypertrophy, increased protein synthesis and quality control, increased inflammatory and immune responses, facilitation of tissue damage repair and regeneration and increased aerobic energetics. These TGAC8 stress response circuits resemble many adaptive mechanisms that occur in response to the stress of disease states and may be of biological significance to allow for proper healing in disease states such as myocardial infarction or failure of the heart. The main human cardiac diseases identified in bioinformatic analyses were multiple types cardiomyopathies, again suggesting that mechanisms that confer resilience to the stress of chronic increased AC-PKA-Ca2+ signaling are activated in the absence of heart failure in the super-performing TGAC8 heart at 3-months of age.

      In the present study, we performed a comprehensive in silico analysis of transcription, translation, and post-translational patterns, seeking to discover whether the coordinated transcriptome and proteome regulation of the adaptive protective circuitry within the AC8 heart that is common to many types of cardiac disease states identified in our previous study (https://elifesciences.org/articles/80949v1) extends to the phosphoproteome.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the investigators describe an unbiased phosphoproteomic analysis of cardiac-specific overexpression of adenylyl cyclase type 8 (TGAC8) mice that was then integrated with transcriptomic and proteomic data. The phosphoproteomic analysis was performed using tandem mass tag-labeling mass spectrometry of left ventricular (LV) tissue in TGAC8 and wild-type mice. The initial principal component analysis showed differences between the TGAC8 and WT groups. The integrated analysis demonstrated that many stress-response, immune, and metabolic signaling pathways were activated at transcriptional, translational, and/or post-translational levels.

      The authors are to be commended for a well-conducted study with quality control steps described for the various analyses. The rationale for following up on prior transcriptomic and proteomic analyses is described. The analysis appears thorough and well-integrated with the group's prior work. Confirmational data using Western blot is provided to support their conclusions. Their findings have the potential of identifying novel pathways involved in cardiac performance and cardioprotection.

      Thank you for your efforts to review our manuscript, we are delighted to learn that you found our approach to link transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteome data in our analysis. We are delighted that you found our work to be well-conducted, to have been well performed, and that our analysis was thorough and well-integrated with our prior work in this arena and that are findings have the potential of identifying novel pathways involved in cardiac performance and cardioprotection.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I humbly suggest that the authors reconsider the title, as it could be more clear as to what they are studying. Are the authors trying to highlight pathways related to cardiac resilience? Resilience might be a clearer word than "performance and protection circuitry".

      Thank you for this important comment. We have revised the title accordingly: Reprogramming of cardiac phosphoproteome, proteome and transcriptome confers resilience to chronic adenylyl cyclase-driven stress.

      Perhaps the text can be reviewed in detail by a copy-editor, as there are many grammatically 'awkward' elements (for example, line 56: "mammalians" instead of mammals), inappropriate colloquialisms (for example, line 73: "port-of-call"), and stylistic unevenness that make it difficult to read.

      We have reviewed the text in detail, with the assistance of a copy editor, in order to identify and correct awkward elements and to search for other colloquialisms. Finally, although “stylistic unevenness” to which you refer may be difficult for us to identify during our re-edits, we have tried our best to identify and revise them.

      The best-written sections are the first few paragraphs of the discussion section, which finally clarify why the TGAC8 mouse is important in understanding cardiac resilience to stress and how the present study leverages this model to disentangle the biological processes underlying the resilience. I wish this had been presented in this manner earlier in the paper, (in the abstract and introduction) so I could have had a clearer context in which to interpret the data. It would also be helpful to point out whether the TGAC8 mouse has any correlates with human disease.

      Thank you for this very important comment. Well put! In addition to recasting the title to include the concept of resilience, we have revised both the abstract and introduction to feature what you consider to be important to the understanding of cardiac resilience to stress, and how the present study leverages this model to disentangle the biological processes underlying the resilience.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. How were the cutoffs determined to distinguish between upregulated/downregulated phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides?

      Thank you for this important question. We used the same criteria to distinguish differences between TGAC8 and WT for unnormalized and normalized phosphoproteins, -log10(p-value) > 1.3, and log2FoldChange <= -0.4 (down) or log2FoldChange >= 0.4 (up), as stated in the methods section, main text and figure legend. The results were consistent across all analyses and selectively verified by experiments.

      1. Were other models assessed for correlation between transcriptome and phosphoproteome other than a linear relationship of log2 fold change?

      Thank you for this comment. In addition to a linear relationship of log2 fold change of molecule expression, we also compared protein activities, e.g., Fig 4F, and pathways enriched from different omics, e.g., Fig 3D, 5J, 6B and 6F.

      1. Figures 1A and 5G seem to show outliers. How many biological and technical replicates would be needed to minimize error?

      Thank you for the question. Figures 1A and 5G were PCA plots which, as expected, manifested some genetic variability among the same genotypes. The PCA plots, however, are useful in determining how the identified items separated, both within and among genotypes. For bioinformatics analysis such as ours, 4-5 samples are sufficient to accomplish this, as demonstrated by separation, by genotype, of samples in PCA. Thus, in addition to discovery of true heterogeneity among the samples, our results are still able to robustly discover the true differences between the genotypes.

      1. Were the up/downregulated genes more likely to be lowly expressed (which would lead to larger log2 changes identified)?

      In response to your query, we calculated the average expression of phosphorylation levels across all samples to observe whether they were expressed in low abundance in all samples. We also generated the MA plots, an application of a Bland–Altman plot, to create a visual representation of omics data. The MA plots in Author response image 1 illustrate that the target molecules with significantly changed phosphorylation levels did not aggregate within the very low abundance. To confirm this conclusion, we adopted two sets of cutoffs: (1) change: -log10(p-value) > 1.3, and log2FoldChange < 0 (down) or log2FoldChange > 0 (up); and (2) change_2: -log10(p-value) > 1.3, and log2FoldChange <= -0.4 (down) or log2FoldChange >= 0.4 (up).

      Author response image 1.

      1. "We verified some results through wet lab experiments" in the abstract is vague.

      Thank you for the good suggestion. What we meant to indicate here was that identified genotypic differences in selected proteins, phosphoproteins and RNAs discovered in omics were verified by western blots, protein synthesis detection, proteosome activity detection, and protein soluble and insoluble fractions detection. However, we have deleted the reference to the wet lab experiments in the revised manuscript.

      1. There are minor syntactical errors throughout the text.

      Thank you very much for the suggestion. As noted in our response, we have edited and revised those errors throughout the text.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript describes an important web resource for kinases connected to cytokines. The compelling information will be used by researchers across a number of fields including analysts, modelers, wet lab experimentalists and clinician-researchers, who are looking to improve our understanding of pathologies and means to correct them through modulating the immune response.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Kinase inhibitors represent a highly valuable class of drugs as evidenced by their continued clinical success. The target landscape of kinase targeting small molecules can be leveraged to alter multiple phenotypes with increasing complexity that broadly aligns with increasing target promiscuity. This 'tools and resources' contribution provides a starting point for researchers interested in aligning kinase inhibitor activity with cytokine/chemokine stimulated signal transduction networks.


      KinCytE is a forward-thinking database that yields hypothesis-generating options for researchers interested in pharmacologically modulating cytokine/chemokine signaling.


      As a 'tools and resources' contribution, the primary (potential) weakness will be the authors' willingness to update and improve the tool. KinCytE will require frequent updating to better inform users in terms of contextual cytokine/chemokine stimulated signaling and the target landscape of those agents that are included as options.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, "KinCytE- a Kinase to Cytokine Explorer to Identify Molecular Regulators and Potential Therapeutic", the authors present a web resource, KinCytE, that lets researchers search for kinase inhibitors that have been shown to affect cytokine and chemokine release and signaling networks. I think it's a valuable resource that has a lot of potential and could be very useful in deciding on statistical analysis that might precede lab experiments.


      With the release of the manuscript and the code base in place, I hope the authors continue to build upon the platform, perhaps by increasing the number of cell types that are probed (beyond macrophages). Additionally, when new drug-response data becomes available, perhaps it can be used to further validate the findings. Overall, I see this as a great project that can evolve.


      The site contains valuable content, and the structure is such that growing that content should be possible.


      Only based on macrophage experiments, would be nice to have other cell types investigated, but I'm sure that will be remedied with some time.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is one of the most severe forms of extrapulmonary TB. TBM is especially prevalent in people who are immunocompromised (e.g. HIV-positive). Delays in diagnosis and treatment could lead to severe disease or mortality. In this study, the authors performed the largest-ever host whole blood transcriptomics analysis on a cohort of 606 Vietnamese participants. The results indicated that TBM mortality is associated with increased neutrophil activation and decreased T and B cell activation pathways. Furthermore, increased angiogenesis was also observed in HIV-positive patients who died from TBM, whereas activated TNF signaling and down-regulated extracellular matrix organisation were seen in the HIV-negative group. Despite similarities in transcriptional profiles between PTB and TBM compared to healthy controls, inflammatory genes were more active in HIV-positive TBM. Finally, 4 hub genes (MCEMP1, NELL2, ZNF354C, and CD4) were identified as strong predictors of death from TBM.

      Strengths:<br /> This is a really impressive piece of work, both in terms of the size of the cohort which took years of effort to recruit, sample, and analyse, and also the meticulous bioinformatics performed. The biggest advantage of obtaining a whole blood signature is that it allows an easier translational development into a test that can be used in the clinical with a minimally invasive sample. Furthermore, the data from this study has also revealed important insights into the mechanisms associated with mortality and the differences in pathogenesis between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients, which would have diagnostic and therapeutic implications.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The data on blood neutrophil count is really intriguing and seems to provide a very powerful yet easy-to-measure method to differentiate survival vs. death in TBM patients. It would be quite useful in this case to perform predictive analysis to see if neutrophil count alone, or in combination with gene signature, can predict (or better predict) mortality, as it would be far easier for clinical implementation than the RNA-based method. Moreover, genes associated with increased neutrophil activation and decreased T cell activation both have significantly higher enrichment scores in TBM (Figure 9) and in morality (Figure 8). While I understand the basis of selecting hub genes in the significant modules, they often do not represent these biological pathways (at least not directly associated in most cases). If genes were selected based on these biologically relevant pathways, would they have better predictive values?

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript describes the analysis of blood transcriptomic data from patients with TB meningitis, with and without HIV infection, with some comparison to those of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and healthy volunteers. The objectives were to describe the comparative biological differences represented by the blood transcriptome in TBM associated with HIV co-infection or survival/mortality outcomes and to identify a blood transcriptional signature to predict these outcomes. The authors report an association between mortality and increased levels of acute inflammation and neutrophil activation, but decreased levels of adaptive immunity and T/B cell activation. They propose a 4-gene prognostic signature to predict mortality.

      Strengths:<br /> -Biological evaluations of blood transcriptomes in TB meningitis and their relationship to outcomes have not been extensively reported previously.<br /> -The size of the data set is a major strength and is likely to be used extensively for secondary analyses in this field of research.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The bioinformatic analysis is limited to a descriptive narrative of gene-level functional annotations curated in GO and KEGG databases. This analysis can not be used to make causal inferences. In addition, the functional annotations are limited to 'high-level' terms that fail to define biology very precisely. At best, they require independent validation for a given context. As a result, the conclusions are not adequately substantiated. The identification of a prognostic blood transcriptomic signature uses an unusual discovery approach that leverages weighted gene network analysis that underpins the bioinformatic analyses. However, the main problem is that authors seem to use all the data for discovery and do not undertake any true external validation of their gene signature. As a result, the proposed gene signature is likely to be overfitted to these data and not generalisable. Even this does not achieve significantly better prognostic discrimination than the existing clinical scoring.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The investigators have performed a state-of-the art systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that may help to answer the research question: if administration of multiple antibiotics simultaneously prevents antibiotic resistance development in individuals. The amount of studies eligible for analysis is very low, and within that low number, there is huge variability in bug-drug combinations studied and most studies had a high risk of bias, further limiting the capability of meta-analysis to answer the research question. In addition, based on I2 values there is also huge statistical heterogeneity between outcomes of studies compared, further limiting the predictive value of meta-analysis. In fact, the only 2 studies meeting all eligibility criteria addressed the treatment of mycobacterium tuberculosis, for which the research question is hardly applicable. The authors, therefore, conclude that "our analysis could not identify any benefit or harm of using a higher or a lower number of antibiotics regarding within-patient resistance development." Apart from articulating this knowledge gap, the findings will not have consequences for patient care, but may stimulate the scientific community to better address this research question in future studies.


      The systematic and rigorous approach for the review and meta-analysis.


      None identified.

      We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful and positive appraisal of our work.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate whether the frequency of emergence of resistance is different if combination antibiotic therapy is used compared to fewer antibiotics. The review shows that there is currently insufficient evidence to reach a conclusion due to the limited sample size. High-quality studies evaluating appropriate antimicrobial resistance endpoints are needed.


      The strengths of the manuscript are that the article addresses a relevant research question that is often debated. The article is well-written and the methodology used is valid. The review shows that there is currently insufficient evidence to reach a conclusion due to the limited sample size. High-quality studies evaluating appropriate antimicrobial resistance endpoints are needed. I have several comments and suggestions for the manuscript.


      Weaknesses of the manuscript are the large clinical and statistical heterogeneity and the lack of clear definitions of acquisition of resistance. Both these weaknesses complicate the interpretation of the study results.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments and pointing out where our work can be improved.

      Major comments:

      My main concern about the manuscript is the extent of both clinical and statistical heterogeneity, which complicates the interpretation of the results. I don't understand some of the antibiotic comparisons that are included in the systematic review. For instance the study by Paul et al (50), where vancomycin (as monotherapy) is compared to co-trimoxazole (as combination therapy). Emergence (or selection) of co-trimoxazole in S. aureus is in itself much more common than vancomycin resistance. It is logical and expected to have more resistance in the co-trimoxazole group compared to the vancomycin group, however, this difference is due to the drug itself and not due to co-trimoxazole being a combination therapy. It is therefore unfair to attribute the difference in resistance to combination therapy. Another example is the study by Walsh (71) where rifampin + novobiocin is compared to rifampin + co-trimoxazole. There is more emergence of resistance in the rifampin + co-trimoxazole group but this could be attributed to novobiocin being a different type of antibiotic than co-trimoxazole instead of the difference being attributed to combination therapy. To improve interpretation and reduce heterogeneity my suggestion would be to limit the primary analyses to regimens where the antibiotics compared are the same but in one group one or more antibiotic(s) are added (i.e. A versus A+B). The other analyses are problematic in their interpretation and should be clearly labeled as secondary and their interpretation discussed.

      We acknowledge the presence of statistical and clinical heterogeneity in our overall analysis. The decision to pursue this comprehensive examination was predefined in our previously published study protocol (PROSPERO CRD42020187257) and driven by our interest whether, despite some differences, we could either identify an overarching effect of combination therapy on resistance or identify factors that explain potential differences of the effect of combination therapy across pathogens/drugs. We indeed, find that heterogeneity is high, however identifying the driving factors of this heterogeneity is difficult as evidence is limited.

      We carried out several subgroup analyses, e.g. explicitly focusing on specific pathogen groups and medical conditions or exploring heterogeneity in treatment arms (figure 3, supplementary materials section 6). However, it is important to highlight that the number of studies available for these subgroup analyses was low. Additionally, recognizing the high heterogeneity within treatment arms, we performed a subgroup analysis focusing solely on resistances of antibiotics common to both arms (supplementary material section 6.1.8; which would avoid comparisons such as the one between vancomycin and co-trimoxazole raised by the reviewer). Unfortunately, this also revealed substantial heterogeneity. While we aimed to address heterogeneity through these subgroup analyses, limitations arose due to the number of studies meeting specific criteria and the nature of data provided by these studies.

      Moreover, regarding the concern on interpretation of co-trimoxazole as combination therapy, we acknowledge the confusion surrounding its classification as one or two antibiotics. Despite the common contemporary view of co-trimoxazole as a single antibiotic, we chose to consider it as two antibiotics due to historical practices, as observed in Black et al. (1982), where trimethoprim was compared to trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. We recognize that this decision may lead to confusion and we consider conducting a further sensitivity analysis in the future version of this manuscript, exploring the possibility of considering co-trimoxazole as a single antibiotic. We agree that the slight trend of less antibiotics performing better overserved for MRSA, should not be over interpreted as this is driven by the two studies Walsh et al 1993 and Paul et al 2015 as pointed out by the reviewer. In lines 183-186 we discuss this issue that for better evaluation of antibiotic combination therapy, more studies which use identical antibiotics (i.e. A versus A+B) are needed. We will try to clarify and highlight this in the future version of the manuscript.

      Another concern is about the definition of acquisition of resistance, which is unclear to me. If for example meropenem is administered and the follow-up cultures show Enterococcus species (which is intrinsically resistant to meropenem), does this constitute acquisition of resistance? If so, it would be misleading to determine this as an acquisition of resistance, as many people are colonized with Enterococci and selection of Enterococci under therapy is very common. If this is not considered as the acquisition of resistance please include how the acquisition of resistance is defined per included study.

      Thank you for pointing out this potential ambiguity. Our definition of “acquisition of resistance” is agnostic to bacterial species and hence intrinsically resistant species can be included if they were only detected during the follow-up culture by the studies. We will clarify this in the definition of “acquisition of the resistance” in the manuscript (see l. 259-260). However, it was not always clear from the studies which pathogens were acquired or whether intrinsically resistant species were not reported. Therefore, we rely on the studies' specifications of resistant and non-resistant without further classifying data into intrinsic and non-intrinsic resistance. The outcome “acquisition of resistance” can be seen more of a risk assessment for having any resistant bacterium during or after treatment. In contrast, the outcome “emergence of resistance” is more rigorous, demanding the same species to be measured as more resistant during or after treatment.

      Table S1 is not sufficiently clear because it often only contains how susceptibility testing was done but not which antibiotics were tested and how a strain was classified as resistant or susceptible.

      In Table S1, we omitted the listing of antibiotics for which susceptibility testing was performed, as this information is already presented in the main text (Table 1). However, we agree that linking this information better in a future version would benefit the understanding. Given the variability in methods used to assess resistance and the variability in drugs, the comparability of breakpoints is limited. Hence, we decided not to provide further details on this aspect so far.

      Line 85: "Even though within-patient antibiotic resistance development is rare, it may contribute to the emergence and spread of resistance."

      Depending on the bug-drug combination, there is great variation in the propensity to develop within-patient antibiotic resistance. For example: within-patient development of ciprofloxacin resistance in Pseudomonas is fairly common while within-patient development of methicillin resistance in S. aureus is rare. Based on these differences, large clinical heterogeneity is expected and it is questionable where these studies should be pooled.

      We agree that our formulation neglects differences in prevalence of within-host resistance emergence depending on bug-drug combinations. We will correct this in our upcoming version. (i.e. we will correct our statement to: “Within-patient antibiotic resistance development, even if rare, can contribute to the emergence and spread of resistance.”)

      Line 114: "The overall pooled OR for acquisition of resistance comparing a lower number of antibiotics versus a higher one was 1.23 (95% CI 0.68 - 2.25), with substantial heterogeneity between studies (I2=77.4%)"

      What consequential measures did the authors take after determining this high heterogeneity? Did they explore the source of this large heterogeneity? Considering this large heterogeneity, do the authors consider it appropriate to pool these studies?

      Thank you for highlighting this lack of clarity. In our upcoming version, we will emphasize the sub-analyses conducted to explore heterogeneity (i.e., figure 3 and supplementary materials section 6). Nevertheless, these analyses faced limitations due to the scarcity of evidence and the data provided by the studies. Given the lack of appropriate evidence, it is hard to identify the source of heterogeneity. The decision to pool all studies was pre-specified in our previously published study protocol (PROSPERO CRD42020187257) and was motivated by the question whether there is a general effect of combination therapy on resistance development or identify factors that explain potential differences of the effect of combination therapy across bug-drug combinations.

    2. eLife assessment

      This is a methodologically state-of-the-art systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that addressed the question of whether the administration of multiple antibiotics simultaneously prevents antibiotic resistance development in individuals. The findings are solid. Rather than providing a precise answer, the synthesis of studies eligible for analysis leads to the conclusion that "our analysis could not identify any benefit or harm of using a higher or a lower number of antibiotics regarding within-patient resistance development." This article is important as it articulates the existing knowledge gap, but also serves as an example to careful future use of the meta-analysis methodology, when existing data just don't allow conclusions.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The investigators have performed a state-of-the art systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that may help to answer the research question: if administration of multiple antibiotics simultaneously prevents antibiotic resistance development in individuals. The amount of studies eligible for analysis is very low, and within that low number, there is huge variability in bug-drug combinations studied and most studies had a high risk of bias, further limiting the capability of meta-analysis to answer the research question. In addition, based on I2 values there is also huge statistical heterogeneity between outcomes of studies compared, further limiting the predictive value of meta-analysis. In fact, the only 2 studies meeting all eligibility criteria addressed the treatment of mycobacterium tuberculosis, for which the research question is hardly applicable. The authors, therefore, conclude that "our analysis could not identify any benefit or harm of using a higher or a lower number of antibiotics regarding within-patient resistance development." Apart from articulating this knowledge gap, the findings will not have consequences for patient care, but may stimulate the scientific community to better address this research question in future studies.

      Strengths:<br /> The systematic and rigorous approach for the review and meta-analysis.

      Weaknesses:<br /> None identified.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate whether the frequency of emergence of resistance is different if combination antibiotic therapy is used compared to fewer antibiotics. The review shows that there is currently insufficient evidence to reach a conclusion due to the limited sample size. High-quality studies evaluating appropriate antimicrobial resistance endpoints are needed.

      Strengths:<br /> The strengths of the manuscript are that the article addresses a relevant research question that is often debated. The article is well-written and the methodology used is valid. The review shows that there is currently insufficient evidence to reach a conclusion due to the limited sample size. High-quality studies evaluating appropriate antimicrobial resistance endpoints are needed. I have several comments and suggestions for the manuscript.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Weaknesses of the manuscript are the large clinical and statistical heterogeneity and the lack of clear definitions of acquisition of resistance. Both these weaknesses complicate the interpretation of the study results.

      Major comments:<br /> My main concern about the manuscript is the extent of both clinical and statistical heterogeneity, which complicates the interpretation of the results. I don't understand some of the antibiotic comparisons that are included in the systematic review. For instance the study by Paul et al (50), where vancomycin (as monotherapy) is compared to co-trimoxazole (as combination therapy). Emergence (or selection) of co-trimoxazole in S. aureus is in itself much more common than vancomycin resistance. It is logical and expected to have more resistance in the co-trimoxazole group compared to the vancomycin group, however, this difference is due to the drug itself and not due to co-trimoxazole being a combination therapy. It is therefore unfair to attribute the difference in resistance to combination therapy. Another example is the study by Walsh (71) where rifampin + novobiocin is compared to rifampin + co-trimoxazole. There is more emergence of resistance in the rifampin + co-trimoxazole group but this could be attributed to novobiocin being a different type of antibiotic than co-trimoxazole instead of the difference being attributed to combination therapy. To improve interpretation and reduce heterogeneity my suggestion would be to limit the primary analyses to regimens where the antibiotics compared are the same but in one group one or more antibiotic(s) are added (i.e. A versus A+B). The other analyses are problematic in their interpretation and should be clearly labeled as secondary and their interpretation discussed.

      Another concern is about the definition of acquisition of resistance, which is unclear to me. If for example meropenem is administered and the follow-up cultures show Enterococcus species (which is intrinsically resistant to meropenem), does this constitute acquisition of resistance? If so, it would be misleading to determine this as an acquisition of resistance, as many people are colonized with Enterococci and selection of Enterococci under therapy is very common. If this is not considered as the acquisition of resistance please include how the acquisition of resistance is defined per included study. Table S1 is not sufficiently clear because it often only contains how susceptibility testing was done but not which antibiotics were tested and how a strain was classified as resistant or susceptible.

      Line 85: "Even though within-patient antibiotic resistance development is rare, it may contribute to the emergence and spread of resistance."<br /> Depending on the bug-drug combination, there is great variation in the propensity to develop within-patient antibiotic resistance. For example: within-patient development of ciprofloxacin resistance in Pseudomonas is fairly common while within-patient development of methicillin resistance in S. aureus is rare. Based on these differences, large clinical heterogeneity is expected and it is questionable where these studies should be pooled.

      Line 114: "The overall pooled OR for acquisition of resistance comparing a lower number of antibiotics versus a higher one was 1.23 (95% CI 0.68 - 2.25), with substantial heterogeneity between studies (I2=77.4%)"<br /> What consequential measures did the authors take after determining this high heterogeneity? Did they explore the source of this large heterogeneity? Considering this large heterogeneity, do the authors consider it appropriate to pool these studies?

    1. eLife assessment

      This very interesting study by Vuond and colleagues reports on the kinetics of viremia in a large set of individuals from Vietnam. In the large cohort, all 4 dengue serotypes are represented and the authors try to correlate viraemia measured at various days from illness onset with thrombocytopaenia and severe dengue, according to the WHO 2009 classification scheme. These are fundamental findings and provide compelling evidence of the importance of measuring viremia early in the phase of the disease. These data will help to inform the design of studies of antiviral drugs against dengue.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript by Vuong and colleagues reports a study that pooled data from 3 separate longitudinal studies that collectively spanned an observation period of over 15 years. The authors examined for correlation between viraemia measured at various days from illness onset with thrombocytopaenia and severe dengue, according to the WHO 2009 classification scheme. The motivation for this study is both to support the use of viraemia measurement as a prognostic indicator of dengue and also when an antiviral drug becomes licensed for use, to guide the selection of patients for antiviral therapy. They found that the four DENVs show differences in peak and duration of viraemia and that viraemia levels before day 5 but not those after from illness onset correlated with platelet count and plasma leakage at day 7 onwards. They concluded that the viraemia kinetics call for early measurement of viraemia levels in the early febrile phase of illness.


      This is a unique study due to the large sample size and longitudinal viraemia measurements in the study subjects. The data addresses a gap in information in the literature, where although it has been widely indicated that viraemia levels are useful when collected early in the course of illness, this is the first time anyone has systematically examined this notion.


      The study only analysed data from dengue patients in Vietnam. Moreover, the majority of these patients had DENV-1 infection; few had DENV-4 infection. The data could thus be skewed by the imbalance in the prevalence of the different types of DENV during the period of observation. The use of patient-reported time of symptom onset as a reference point for viraemia measurement is pragmatic although there is subjectivity and thus noise in the data.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript highlights very important findings in the field, especially in designing clinical trials for the evaluation of antivirals.


      The study shows significant differences between the kinetics of viral loads between serotypes, which is very interesting and should be taken into account when designing trials for antivirals.


      The kinetics of the viral loads based on disease severity throughout the illness are not described, and it would be important if this could be analyzed.

    1. eLife assessment

      This solid study investigates the transdifferentiation of chicken embryonic fibroblasts into muscle and fat cells in 3D to create whole-cut meat mimics. The study is important and provides a method to control muscle, fat, and collagen content within the 3D meat mimics and thus provides a new avenue for customized cultured meat production. Limitations of this study include the use of transgene for transdifferentiation and thus the creation of GMO food.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors presented here a novel 3D fibroblast culture and transdifferentiation approach for potential meat production with GelMA hydrogel.


      1. Reduced serum concentration for 3D chicken fibroblast culture and transdifferentiation is optimized.<br /> 2. Efficient myogenic transdifferentiation and lipogenesis as well as controlled fat deposition are achieved in the 3D GelMA.


      1. While the authors stated the rationale of using fibroblasts instead of myogenic/adipogenic stem cells for meat production, the authors did not comment on the drawbacks/disadvantages of genetic engineering (e.g., forced expression of MyoD) in meat production.<br /> 2. While the authors cited one paper to state the properties and applications of GelMA hydrogel in tissue engineering and food processing, concerns/examples of the food safety with GelMA hydrogel are not discussed thoroughly.<br /> 3. In Fig. 4C, there seems no significant difference in the Vimentin expression between Fibroblast_MyoD and Myofibroblast. The conclusion of "greatly reduced in the myogenic transdifferentiated cells" is overstated.<br /> 4. The presented cell culture platform is only applied to chicken fibroblasts and should be tested in other species such as pigs and fish.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Ma et al. tries to develop a protocol for cell-based meat production using chicken fibroblasts as three-dimensional (3D) muscle tissues with fat accumulation. The authors used genetically modified fibroblasts which can be forced to differentiate into muscle cells and formulated 3D tissues with these cells and a biphasic material (hydrogel). The degrees of muscle differentiation and lipid deposition in culture were determined by immunohistochemical, biochemical, and molecular biological evaluations. Notably, the protocol successfully achieved the process of myogenic and lipogenic stimulation in the 3D tissues.

      Overall, the study is reasonably designed and performed including adequate analysis. The manuscript is clearly written with well-supported figures. While it presents valuable results in the field of cultivated meat science and skeletal muscle biology, some critical concerns were identified. First, it is unclear whether some technical approaches were really the best choice for cell-based meat production. Next, more careful evaluations and justifications would be required to properly explain biological events in the results. These points include additional evaluations and considerations with regard to myocyte alignment and lipid accumulation in the differentiated 3D tissues. The present data are very suggestive in general, but further clarifications and arguments would properly support the findings and conclusions.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      We confirm that that “count-down” parameter, mentioned by reviewer 1, is indeed counted from the first lockdown day and increases continuously, even when we do not have any data – and that this is clearly written in the manuscript.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1:

      (Note, while these authors do reference Derryberry et al., I thought that there could have been much more direct comparison between the results of the two approaches).

      We added some more discussion of the differences between the papers.

      One important drawback of the approach, which potentially calls into question the authors' conclusions, is that the acoustic sampling only occurred during the pandemic: for several lockdown periods and then for a period of 10 days immediately after the end of the final lockdown period in May of 2020. Several relevant things changed from March to May of 2020, most notably the shift from spring to summer, and the accompanying shift into and through the breeding season (differing for each of the three focal species). Although the statistical methods included an attempt to address this, neither the inclusion of the "count down" variable nor the temperature variable could account for any non-linear effects of breeding phenology on vocal activity. I found the reliance on temperature particularly troubling, because despite the authors' claims that it was "a good proxy of seasonality", an examination of the temperature data revealed a considerable non-linear pattern across much of the study duration. In addition, using a period immediately after the lockdowns as a "no-lockdown" control meant that any lingering or delayed effects of human activity changes in the preceding two months could still have been relevant (not to mention the fact that despite the end of an official lockdown, the pandemic still had dramatic effects on human activity during late May 2020).

      In general, the reviewer is correct, and we reformulated some of the text to more carefully address these points. However, we would like to note two things: (1) Changes occurred rapidly with birds rapidly changing their behavior – this is one of the main conclusions of our study, i.e., that urban dwelling animals are highly plastic in behavior. So that lingering effects were unlikely. (2) Changes occurred in both directions, and thus seasonality (which is expected to have a uni-directional effect) cannot explain everything we observed. We are not sure what the reviewer means by ‘considerable non-linear patterns’ when referring to the temperature. Except for ~5 days with temperatures that exceeded the expected average by 3-4 degrees, the temperature increased approximately linearly during the period as expected from seasonality (see Author response image 1). Following the reviewer’s comment, we tested whether exclusion of data from these days changes the results and found no change.

      We would like to note that in terms of breeding, all birds were within the same state during both the lockdown and the non-lockdown periods. Parakeets and crows have a long breeding season Feb-end of June with one cycle. They will stay around the nest throughout this season and especially in the peak of the season March-May. Prinias start slightly later at the beginning of March with 2-3 cycles till end of June.

      Regarding the comment about human activity, as we now also note in the manuscript, reality in Israel was actually the opposite of the reviewer’s suggestion with people returning to normal behavior towards the end of the lockdown (even before its official removal). We believe that this added noise to our results, and that the effect of the lockdown was probably higher than we observed.

      Author response image 1.

      Another weakness of the current version of the manuscript is the use of a supposed "contradiction" in the existing literature to create the context for the present study. Although the various studies cited do have many differences in their results, those other papers lay out many nuanced hypotheses for those differences. Almost none of the studies cited in this manuscript actually reported blanket increases or decreases in urban birds, as suggested here, and each of those papers includes examples of species that showed different responses. To suggest that they are on opposite sides of a supposed dichotomy is a misrepresentation. Many of those other studies also included a larger number of different species, whereas this study focused on three. Finally, this study was completed at a much finer spatial scale than most others and was examining micro-habitat differences rather than patterns apparent across landscapes. I believe that highlighting differences in scale to explain nuanced differences among studies is a much better approach that more accurately adds to the body of literature.

      We thank the reviewer for this good feedback and revised the manuscript, accordingly, placing more emphasis on the micro-scale of this study.

      Finally a note on L244-247: I would recommend against discounting the possibility that lockdowns resulted in changes to the birds' vocal acoustics, as Derryberry et al. 2020 found, especially while suggesting that their results were the effects of signal processing artifacts. Audio analysis is not my area of expertise, but isn't it possible that the birds did increase call intensity, but were simply not willing (or able) to increase it to the same degree as the additional ambient noise?

      This is an important question. The fact is that when ambient noise increases (at the relevant frequency channels), then the measured vocalizations will also increase. There is no way to separate the two effects. Thus, as scientists, when we cannot measure an effect, it is safer not to suggest an effect. Unfortunately, most studies that claim an increase in vocalizations’ intensity in noise, do not account for this potential artifact (and most of them do not estimate noise at a species-specific level as we have done). This has created a lot of “noise” in the field. We do not want to criticize the Derryberry results without analyzing the data, but from reading their methods it does not seem like they took the noise into account in their acoustic measurements. But if you look at their figure 4A you will see a lot of variability in measuring the minimum frequency – which could be strongly affected by ambient noise.

      In light of the above, we thus prefer to be careful and not to state changes that are probably false. We added some of this information to the manuscript. We also added the linear equations to the graph (in the caption of figure 3) where it can be seen that the slope is always <=1.

      Reviewer 2:

      The explanation of methods can be improved. For example, it is not clear if data were low-pass filtered before resampling to avoid aliasing.

      We edited the methods and hopefully they are clearer now. Regarding the specific question – yes, an LPF was applied to prevent aliasing before the resampling. This information was added to the manuscript.

      It is quite possible that birds move into the trees and further from the recorders with human activity. Since sound level decreases by the square of the distance of the source from the recorders, this could significantly affect the data. As indicated in the Discussion, this is a significant parameter that could not be controlled.

      The reviewer is correct, and we addressed this point. Such biases could arise with any type of surveying including manual transects (except for perhaps, placing tags on the animals). We note that we only analyzed high SNR signals and that the species we selected somewhat overcome this bias – both crows and parakeets are not shy and Prinias are anyway shy and prefer to not be out in the open. We would also expect to see a stronger effect for human speech if this was a central phenomenon, and we did not see this, but of course this might have affected our results.

      In interpreting the data, the authors mention the effect of human activity on bird vocalizations in the context of inter-species predator-prey interactions; however, the presence of humans could also modify intraspecies interactions by acting as triggers for communication of warning and alarm, and/or food calls (as may sometimes be the case) to conspecifics. Along the same lines, it is important to have a better understanding of the behavioral significance of the syllables used to monitor animal activity in the present study.

      We agree with this point and added more discussion of both this potential bias and the type of syllables that were analyzed.

      Another potential effect that may influence the results but is difficult to study, relates to the examination of vocalizations near to the ambient noise level. This is the bandwidth of sound levels where most significant changes may occur, for example, due to the Lombard effect demonstrated in bird and bat species. However, as indicated, these are also more difficult to track and quantify. Moreover, human generated noise, other than speech, may be a more relevant factor in influencing acoustic activity of different bird species. Speech, per se, similar to the vocalizations of many other species, may simply enrich the acoustic environment so that the effects observed in the present study may be transient without significant long-term consequences.

      We note that we already included a noise parameter (in addition to human speech) in the original manuscript. Following the reviewer’s comment, we examined another factor, namely we replaced the previous ambient noise parameter with an estimate of ambient noise under 1kHz which should reflect most anthropogenic noise (not restricted to human speech). This model gave very similar results to the previous one (which is not very surprising as noise is usually correlated). We added this information to the revised manuscript, and we now also added examples of anthropogenic noise to the supplementary materials (Fig. S8). In general, we accept the comments made by the reviewer, but would like to emphasize that we only analyze high SNR vocalization (and not vocalizations that were close to the noise level). This strategy should have overcome biases that resulted from slight changes in ambient noise.

      In general, the authors achieved their aim of illustrating the complexity of the effect of human activity on animal behavior. At the same time, their study also made it clear that estimating such effects is not simple given the dynamics of animal behavior. For example, seasonality, temperature changes, animal migration and movement, as well as interspecies interactions, such as related to predator-prey behavior, and inter/intra-species competition in other respects can all play into site-specific changes in the vocal activity of a particular species.

      We completely agree and tried to further emphasize this in the revised manuscript. This is one of the main conclusions of this study – we should be careful when reaching conclusions.

      Although the methods used in the present study are statistically rigorous, a multivariate approach and visualization techniques afforded by principal components analysis and multidimensional scaling methods may be more effective in communicating the overall results.

      Following this comment, we ran a discriminant function analysis with the parameters of the best model (site category, ambient noise, human activity, temperature and lockdown state) with the task of classifying the level of bird activity. The DFA analysis managed to classify activity significantly above chance and the weights of the parameters revealed some insight about their relative importance. We added this information to the revised manuscript

      Suggestions for improvement:

      In Figure 2, the labeling of the Y-axis in the right panel should be moved to the left, similar to A and C. This will provide clear separation between the two side-to-side panels.


      In Figure 3, it will be good to see the regression lines (as dashed lines) separately for the lockdown and no-lockdown conditions in addition to the overall effect.




      Scale: The study's limited spatial and temporal scale was not addressed by the authors, which contrasts with the broader scope of other cited studies. To enhance the significance of the study, acknowledging and clearly highlighting this limitation, along with its potential caveats, modifications in the language used throughout the text would be beneficial. Furthermore, although the authors examined slight variations in habitat, it is important to note that all sites were primarily located within an urban landscape.

      We revised the manuscript accordingly.

      Control period: The control period is significantly shorter than the lockdown treatment period and occurs at a different time of year, potentially impacting the vocalization patterns of birds due to different annual cycle stages. It is crucial to consider that the control period falls within the pandemic timeframe despite being shortly after the lockdowns ended.

      Revised – we included a control comparison to periods of equal length within the lockdown. People gradually stopped obeying the lockdown regulations before its removal so in fact, the official removal date is probably an overestimate for the effect of the lockdown. We now explain this.


      Human-generated noise, beyond speech, might have a greater influence on the acoustic activity of various bird species, but previous studies lacked detailed human activity data. Instead of solely noting the number of human talkers, the authors could quantify other aspects of human activity such as vehicles or overall anthropogenic noise volume. Exploring the relationships between these factors and bird activity at a fine scale, while disentangling them from bird detection, would be compelling. It is important to consider the potential difficulty in resolving other anthropogenic sounds within a specific bandwidth, which could be demonstrated to readers through spectrograms and potential post-pandemic changes. Such information, including daily coefficient of variation/fluctuation rather than absolute frequency spectra, could provide valuable insights.

      We note that we have already included an ambient noise factor (in addition to human speech) in the previous version. Following the reviewers’ comments, we examined another factor, namely we replaced the current ambient noise parameter with the ambient noise under 1kHz which should reflect most of anthropogenic noise (not restricted to human speech). This model gave very similar results to the previous one (which is not surprising as noise is usually correlated). We also added several spectrograms in the Supplementary material that show examples of different types of noise.

      Authors should limit their data interpretation to the impact of lockdown on behavioral responses within small-scale variations in habitat. A key critique is the assumption that activity changes solely resulted from the lockdown, disregarding other environmental factors and phenology.

      Following the editor comment we realized that our conclusion\assertations were not clear. We never claimed that activity changes solely resulted from the lockdown. While revsing the mansucirpt we ensurred that we show a significant effect of temperature, ambient noise and human activity – all of which are not dependent on lockdown. We made an effort to emphasize the complexity of the system. We show that the lockdown seemed to have an additional impact, but we never claimed it was the only factor.

      To address this, the authors could compare acoustic monitoring data within a shorter timeframe before and after the lockdown (20 days), while also controlling for temperature effects, to strengthen the validity of their claims. They would need to explain in their discussion, however, that such a comparison may still be confounded by any carry-over effects from the 10 days of treatment.

      This analysis would be difficult because although the lockdown was officially removed at a specific date, it was gradually less respected by the citizens and thus the last period of the lockdown was somewhere between lockdown and no-lockdown. This is why we chose the approach of taking 10 days randomly from within the lockdown period and comparing them with the 10 post-lockdown days. We now clarify the reason better.

      An option is that authors could frame their analysis as a study of the behavior of wildlife coming out of a lockdown, to draw a distinction from other studies that compared pre-pandemic data to pandemic data.

      Good idea – revised.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank all three Reviewers for their comments and have revised the manuscript accordingly.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The main objective of this paper is to report the development of a new intramuscular probe that the authors have named Myomatrix arrays. The goal of the Myomatrix probe is to significantly advance the current technological ability to record the motor output of the nervous system, namely fine-wire electromyography (EMG). Myomatrix arrays aim to provide large-scale recordings of multiple motor units in awake animals under dynamic conditions without undue movement artifacts and maintain long-term stability of chronically implanted probes. Animal motor behavior occurs through muscle contraction, and the ultimate neural output in vertebrates is at the scale of motor units, which are bundles of muscle fibers (muscle cells) that are innervated by a single motor neuron. The authors have combined multiple advanced manufacturing techniques, including lithography, to fabricate large and dense electrode arrays with mechanical features such as barbs and suture methods that would stabilize the probe's location within the muscle without creating undue wiring burden or tissue trauma. Importantly, the fabrication process they have developed allows for rapid iteration from design conception to a physical device, which allows for design optimization of the probes for specific muscle locations and organisms. The electrical output of these arrays is processed through a variety of means to try to identify single motor unit activity. At the simplest, the approach is to use thresholds to identify motor unit activity. Of intermediate data analysis complexity is the use of principal component analysis (PCA, a linear second-order regression technique) to disambiguate individual motor units from the wide field recordings of the arrays, which benefits from the density and numerous recording electrodes. At the highest complexity, they use spike sorting techniques that were developed for Neuropixels, a large-scale electrophysiology probe for cortical neural recordings. Specifically, they use an estimation code called kilosort, which ultimately relies on clustering techniques to separate the multi-electrode recordings into individual spike waveforms.

      The biggest strength of this work is the design and implementation of the hardware technology. It is undoubtedly a major leap forward in our ability to record the electrical activity of motor units. The myomatrix arrays trounce fine-wire EMGs when it comes to the quality of recordings, the number of simultaneous channels that can be recorded, their long-term stability, and resistance to movement artifacts.

      The primary weakness of this work is its reliance on kilosort in circumstances where most of the channels end up picking up the signal from multiple motor units. As the authors quite convincingly show, this setting is a major weakness for fine-wire EMG. They argue that the myomatrix array succeeds in isolating individual motor unit waveforms even in that challenging setting through the application of kilosort.

      Although the authors call the estimated signals as well-isolated waveforms, there is no independent evidence of the accuracy of the spike sorting algorithm. The additional step (spike sorting algorithms like kilosort) to estimate individual motor unit spikes is the part of the work in question. Although the estimation algorithms may be standard practice, the large number of heuristic parameters associated with the estimation procedure are currently tuned for cortical recordings to estimate neural spikes. Even within the limited context of Neuropixels, for which kilosort has been extensively tested, basic questions like issues of observability, linear or nonlinear, remain open. By observability, I mean in the mathematical sense of well-posedness or conditioning of the inverse problem of estimating single motor unit spikes given multi-channel recordings of the summation of multiple motor units. This disambiguation is not always possible. kilosort's validation relies on a forward simulation of the spike field generation, which is then truth-tested against the sorting algorithm. The empirical evidence is that kilosort does better than other algorithms for the test simulations that were performed in the context of cortical recordings using the Neuropixels probe. But this work has adopted kilosort without comparable truth-tests to build some confidence in the application of kilosort with myomatrix arrays.

      Kilosort was developed to analyze spikes from neurons rather than motor units and, as Reviewer #1 correctly points out, despite a number of prior validation studies the conditions under which Kilosort accurately identifies individual neurons are still incompletely understood. Our application of Kilosort to motor unit data therefore demands that we explain which of Kilosort’s assumptions do and do not hold for motor unit data and explain how our modifications of the Kilosort pipeline to account for important differences between neural and muscle recording, which we summarize below and have included in the revised manuscript.

      Additionally, both here and in the revised paper we emphasize that while the presented spike sorting methods (thresholding, PCA-based clustering, and Kilosort) robustly extract motor unit waveforms, spike sorting of motor units is still an ongoing project. Our future work will further elaborate how differences between cortical and motor unit data should inform approaches to spike sorting as well as develop simulated motor unit datasets that can be used to benchmark spike sorting methods.

      For our current revision, we have added detailed discussion (see “Data analysis: spike sorting”) of the risks and benefits of our use of Kilosort to analyze motor unit data, in each case clarifying how we have modified the Kilosort code with these issues in mind:

      “Modification of spatial masking: Individual motor units contain multiple muscle fibers (each of which is typically larger than a neuron’s soma), and motor unit waveforms can often be recorded across spatially distant electrode contacts as the waveforms propagate along muscle fibers. In contrast, Kilosort - optimized for the much more local signals recorded from neurons - uses spatial masking to penalize templates that are spread widely across the electrode array. Our modifications to Kilosort therefore include ensuring that Kilosort search for motor unit templates across all (and only) the electrode channels inserted into a given muscle. In this Github repository linked above, this is accomplished by setting parameter nops.sigmaMask to infinity, which effectively eliminates spatial masking in the analysis of the 32 unipolar channels recorded from the injectable Myomatrix array schematized in Supplemental Figure 1g. In cases including chronic recording from mice where only a single 8-contact thread is inserted into each muscle, a similar modification can be achieved with a finite value of nops.sigmaMask by setting parameter NchanNear, which represents the number of nearby EMG channels to be included in each cluster, to equal the number of unipolar or bipolar data channels recorded from each thread. Finally, note that in all cases Kilosort parameter NchanNearUp (which defines the maximum number of channels across which spike templates can appear) must be reset to be equal to or less than the total number of Myomatrix data channels.”

      “Allowing more complex spike waveforms: We also modified Kilosort to account for the greater duration and complexity (relative to neural spikes) of many motor unit waveforms. In the code repository linked above, Kilosort 2.5 was modified to allow longer spike templates (151 samples instead of 61), more spatiotemporal PCs for spikes (12 instead of 6), and more left/right eigenvector pairs for spike template construction (6 pairs instead of 3). These modifications were crucial for improving sorting performance in the nonhuman primate dataset shown in Figure 3, and in a subset of the rodent datasets (although they were not used in the analysis of mouse data shown in Fig. 1 and Supplemental Fig. 2a-f).”

      Furthermore, as the paper on the latest version of kilosort, namely v4, discusses, differences in the clustering algorithm is the likely reason for kilosort4 performing more robustly than kilosort2.5 (used in the myomatrix paper). Given such dependence on details of the implementation and the use of an older kilosort version in this paper, the evidence that the myomatrix arrays truly record individual motor units under all the types of data obtained is under question.

      We chose to modify Kilosort 2.5, which has been used by many research groups to sort spike features, rather than the just-released Kilosort 4.0. Although future studies might directly compare the performance of these two versions on sorting motor unit data, we feel that such an analysis is beyond the scope of this paper, which aims primarily to introduce our electrode technology and demonstrate that a wide range of sorting methods (thresholding, PCA-based waveform clustering, and Kilosort) can all be used to extract single motor units. Additionally, note that because we have made several significant modifications to Kilosort 2.5 as described above, it is not clear what a “direct” comparison between different Kilosort versions would mean, since the procedures we provide here are no longer identical to version 2.5.

      There is an older paper with a similar goal to use multi-channel recording to perform sourcelocalization that the authors have failed to discuss. Given the striking similarity of goals and the divergence of approaches (the older paper uses a surface electrode array), it is important to know the relationship of the myomatrix array to the previous work. Like myomatrix arrays, the previous work also derives inspiration from cortical recordings, in that case it uses the approach of source localization in large-scale EEG recordings using skull caps, but applies it to surface EMG arrays. Ref: van den Doel, K., Ascher, U. M., & Pai, D. K. (2008). Computed myography: three-dimensional reconstruction of motor functions from surface EMG data. Inverse Problems, 24(6), 065010.

      We thank the Reviewer for pointing out this important prior work, which we now cite and discuss in the revised manuscript under “Data analysis: spike sorting” [lines 318-333]:

      “Our approach to spike sorting shares the same ultimate goal as prior work using skin-surface electrode arrays to isolate signals from individual motor units but pursues this goal using different hardware and analysis approaches. A number of groups have developed algorithms for reconstructing the spatial location and spike times of active motor units (Negro et al. 2016; van den Doel, Ascher, and Pai 2008) based on skin-surface recordings, in many cases drawing inspiration from earlier efforts to localize cortical activity using EEG recordings from the scalp (Michel et al. 2004). Our approach differs substantially. In Myomatrix arrays, the close electrode spacing and very close proximity of the contacts to muscle fibers ensure that each Myomatrix channel records from a much smaller volume of tissue than skin-surface arrays. This difference in recording volume in turn creates different challenges for motor unit isolation: compared to skin-surface recordings, Myomatrix recordings include a smaller number of motor units represented on each recording channel, with individual motor units appearing on a smaller fraction of the sensors than typical in a skin-surface recording. Because of this sensordependent difference in motor unit source mixing, different analysis approaches are required for each type of dataset. Specifically, skin-surface EMG analysis methods typically use source-separation approaches that assume that each sensor receives input from most or all of the individual sources within the muscle as is presumably the case in the data. In contrast, the much sparser recordings from Myomatrix are better decomposed using methods like Kilosort, which are designed to extract waveforms that appear only on a small, spatially-restricted subset of recording channels.”

      The incompleteness of the evidence that the myomatrix array truly measures individual motor units is limited to the setting where multiple motor units have similar magnitude of signal in most of the channels. In the simpler data setting where one motor dominates in some channel (this seems to occur with some regularity), the myomatrix array is a major advance in our ability to understand the motor output of the nervous system. The paper is a trove of innovations in manufacturing technique, array design, suture and other fixation devices for long-term signal stability, and customization for different muscle sizes, locations, and organisms. The technology presented here is likely to achieve rapid adoption in multiple groups that study motor behavior, and would probably lead to new insights into the spatiotemporal distribution of the motor output under more naturally behaving animals than is the current state of the field.

      We thank the Reviewer for this positive evaluation and for the critical comments above.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Motoneurons constitute the final common pathway linking central impulse traffic to behavior, and neurophysiology faces an urgent need for methods to record their activity at high resolution and scale in intact animals during natural movement. In this consortium manuscript, Chung et al. introduce highdensity electrode arrays on a flexible substrate that can be implanted into muscle, enabling the isolation of multiple motor units during movement. They then demonstrate these arrays can produce high-quality recordings in a wide range of species, muscles, and tasks. The methods are explained clearly, and the claims are justified by the data. While technical details on the arrays have been published previously, the main significance of this manuscript is the application of this new technology to different muscles and animal species during naturalistic behaviors. Overall, we feel the manuscript will be of significant interest to researchers in motor systems and muscle physiology, and we have no major concerns. A few minor suggestions for improving the manuscript follow.

      We thank the Reviewer for this positive overall assessment.

      The authors perhaps understate what has been achieved with classical methods. To further clarify the novelty of this study, they should survey previous approaches for recording from motor units during active movement. For example, Pflüger & Burrows (J. Exp. Biol. 1978) recorded from motor units in the tibial muscles of locusts during jumping, kicking, and swimming. In humans, Grimby (J. Physiol. 1984) recorded from motor units in toe extensors during walking, though these experiments were most successful in reinnervated units following a lesion. In addition, the authors might briefly mention previous approaches for recording directly from motoneurons in awake animals (e.g., Robinson, J. Neurophys. 1970; Hoffer et al., Science 1981).

      We agree and have revised the manuscript to discuss these and other prior use of traditional EMG, including here [lines 164-167]:

      “The diversity of applications presented here demonstrates that Myomatrix arrays can obtain highresolution EMG recordings across muscle groups, species, and experimental conditions including spontaneous behavior, reflexive movements, and stimulation-evoked muscle contractions. Although this resolution has previously been achieved in moving subjects by directly recording from motor neuron cell bodies in vertebrates (Hoffer et al. 1981; Robinson 1970; Hyngstrom et al. 2007) and by using fine-wire electrodes in moving insects (Pfluger 1978; Putney et al. 2023), both methods are extremely challenging and can only target a small subset of species and motor unit populations. Exploring additional muscle groups and model systems with Myomatrix arrays will allow new lines of investigation into how the nervous system executes skilled behaviors and coordinates the populations of motor units both within and across individual muscles…

      For chronic preparations, additional data and discussion of the signal quality over time would be useful. Can units typically be discriminated for a day or two, a week or two, or longer?

      A related issue is whether the same units can be tracked over multiple sessions and days; this will be of particular significance for studies of adaptation and learning.

      Although the yields of single units are greatest in the 1-2 weeks immediately following implantation, in chronic preparations we have obtained well-isolated single units up to 65 days post-implant. Anecdotally, in our chronic mouse implants we occasionally see motor units on the same channel across multiple days with similar waveform shapes and patterns of behavior-locked activity. However, because data collection for this manuscript was not optimized to answer this question, we are unable to verify whether these observations actually reflect cross-session tracking of individual motor units. For example, in all cases animals were disconnected from data collection hardware in between recording sessions (which were often separated by multiple intervening days) preventing us from continuously tracking motor units across long timescales. We agree with the reviewer that long-term motor unit tracking would be extremely useful as a tool for examining learning and plan to address this question in future studies.

      We have added a discussion of these issues to the revised manuscript [lines 52-59]:

      “…These methods allow the user to record simultaneously from ensembles of single motor units (Fig. 1c,d) in freely behaving animals, even from small muscles including the lateral head of the triceps muscle in mice (approximately 9 mm in length with a mass of 0.02 g 23). Myomatrix recordings isolated single motor units for extended periods (greater than two months, Supp. Fig. 3e), although highest unit yield was typically observed in the first 1-2 weeks after chronic implantation. Because recording sessions from individual animals were often separated by several days during which animals were disconnected from data collection equipment, we are unable to assess based on the present data whether the same motor units can be recorded over multiple days.”

      Moreover, we have revised Supplemental Figure 3 to show an example of single motor units recorded >2 months after implantation:

      Author response image 1.

      Longevity of Myomatrix recordings In addition to isolating individual motor units, Myomatrix arrays also provide stable multi-unit recordings of comparable or superior quality to conventional fine wire EMG…. (e) Although individual motor units were most frequently recorded in the first two weeks of chronic recordings (see main text), Myomatrix arrays also isolate individual motor units after much longer periods of chronic implantation, as shown here where spikes from two individual motor units (colored boxes in bottom trace) were isolated during locomotion 65 days after implantation. This bipolar recording was collected from the subject plotted with unfilled black symbols in panel (d).

      It appears both single-ended and differential amplification were used. The authors should clarify in the Methods which mode was used in each figure panel, and should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each in terms of SNR, stability, and yield, along with any other practical considerations.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and have added text to all figure legends clarifying whether each recording was unipolar or bipolar.

      Is there likely to be a motor unit size bias based on muscle depth, pennation angle, etc.?

      Although such biases are certainly possible, the data presented here are not well-suited to answering these questions. For chronic implants in small animals, the target muscles (e.g. triceps in mice) are so small that the surgeon often has little choice about the site and angle of array insertion, preventing a systematic analysis of this question. For acute array injections in larger animals such as rhesus macaques, we did not quantify the precise orientation of the arrays (e.g. with ultrasound imaging) or the muscle fibers themselves, again preventing us from drawing strong conclusions on this topic. This question is likely best addressed in acute experiments performed on larger muscles, in which the relative orientations of array threads and muscle fibers can be precisely imaged and systematically varied to address this important issue.

      Can muscle fiber conduction velocity be estimated with the arrays?

      We sometimes observe fiber conduction delays up to 0.5 msec as the spike from a single motor unit moves from electrode contact to electrode contact, so spike velocity could be easily estimated given the known spatial separation between electrode contacts. However (closely related to the above question) this will only provide an accurate estimate of muscle fiber conduction velocity if the electrode contacts are arranged parallel to fiber direction, which is difficult to assess in our current dataset. If the arrays are not parallel, this computation will produce an overestimate of conduction velocity, as in the extreme case where a line of electrode contacts arranged perpendicular to the fiber direction might have identical spike arrival times, and therefore appear to have an infinite conduction velocity. Therefore, although Myomatrix arrays can certainly be used to estimate conduction velocity, such estimates should be performed in future studies only in settings where the relative orientation of array threads and muscle fibers can be accurately measured.

      The authors suggest their device may have applications in the diagnosis of motor pathologies. Currently, concentric needle EMG to record from multiple motor units is the standard clinical method, and they may wish to elaborate on how surgical implantation of the new array might provide additional information for diagnosis while minimizing risk to patients.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and have modified the manuscript’s final paragraph accordingly [lines 182-188]:

      “Applying Myomatrix technology to human motor unit recordings, particularly by using the minimally invasive injectable designs shown in Figure 3 and Supplemental Figure 1g,i, will create novel opportunities to diagnose motor pathologies and quantify the effects of therapeutic interventions in restoring motor function. Moreover, because Myomatrix arrays are far more flexible than the rigid needles commonly used to record clinical EMG, our technology might significantly reduce the risk and discomfort of such procedures while also greatly increasing the accuracy with which human motor function can be quantified. This expansion of access to high-resolution EMG signals – across muscles, species, and behaviors – is the chief impact of the Myomatrix project.”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This work provides a novel design of implantable and high-density EMG electrodes to study muscle physiology and neuromotor control at the level of individual motor units. Current methods of recording EMG using intramuscular fine-wire electrodes do not allow for isolation of motor units and are limited by the muscle size and the type of behavior used in the study. The authors of Myomatrix arrays had set out to overcome these challenges in EMG recording and provided compelling evidence to support the usefulness of the new technology.


      They presented convincing examples of EMG recordings with high signal quality using this new technology from a wide array of animal species, muscles, and behavior.

      • The design included suture holes and pull-on tabs that facilitate implantation and ensure stable recordings over months.

      • Clear presentation of specifics of the fabrication and implantation, recording methods used, and data analysis.

      We thank the Reviewer for these comments.


      The justification for the need to study the activity of isolated motor units is underdeveloped. The study could be strengthened by providing example recordings from studies that try to answer questions where isolation of motor unit activity is most critical. For example, there is immense value for understanding muscles with smaller innervation ratio which tend to have many motor neurons for fine control of eyes and hand muscles.

      We thank the Reviewer for the suggestion and have modified the manuscript accordingly [lines 170-174]:

      “…how the nervous system executes skilled behaviors and coordinates the populations of motor units both within and across individual muscles. These approaches will be particularly valuable in muscles in which each motor neuron controls a very small number of muscle fibers, allowing fine control of oculomotor muscles in mammals as well as vocal muscles in songbirds (Fig. 2g), in which most individual motor neurons innervate only 1-3 muscle fibers (Adam et al. 2021).”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      I would urge the authors to consider a thorough validation of the spike sorting piece of the workflow. Barring that weakness, this paper has the potential to transform motor neuroscience. The validation efforts of kilosort in the context of Neuropixels might offer a template for how to convince the community of the accuracy of myomatrix arrays in disambiguating individual motor unit waveforms.

      I have a few minor detailed comments, that the authors may find of some use. My overall comment is to commend the authors for the precision of the work as well as the writing. However, exercising caution associated with kilosort could truly elevate the paper by showing where there is room for improvement.

      We thank the Reviewer for these comments - please see our summary of our revisions related to Kilosort in our reply to the public reviews above.

      L6-7: The relationship between motor unit action potential and the force produced is quite complicated in muscle. For example, recent work has shown how decoupled the force and EMG can be during nonsteady locomotion. Therefore, it is not a fully justified claim that recording motor unit potentials will tell us what forces are produced. This point relates to another claim made by the authors (correctly) that EMG provides better quality information about muscle motor output in isometric settings than in more dynamic behaviors. That same problem could also apply to motor unit recordings and their relationship to muscle force. The relationship is undoubtedly strong in an isometric setting. But as has been repeatedly established, the electrical activity of muscle is only loosely related to its force output and lacks in predictive power.

      This is an excellent point, and our revised manuscript now addresses this issue [lines 174-176]:

      “…Of further interest will be combining high-resolution EMG with precise measurement of muscle length and force output to untangle the complex relationship between neural control, body kinematics, and muscle force that characterizes dynamic motor behavior. Similarly, combining Myomatrix recordings with high-density brain recordings….”

      L12: There is older work that uses an array of skin mounted EMG electrodes to solve a source location problem, and thus come quite close to the authors' stated goals. However, the authors have failed to cite or provide an in-depth analysis and discussion of this older work.

      As described above in the response to Reviewer 1’s public review comments, we now cite and discuss these papers.

      L18-19: "These limitations have impeded our understanding of fundamental questions in motor control, ..." There are two independently true statements here. First is that there are limitations to EMG based inference of motor unit activity. Second is that there are gaps in the current understanding of motor unit recruitment patterns and modification of these patterns during motor learning. But the way the first few paragraphs have been worded makes it seem like motor unit recordings is a panacea for these gaps in our knowledge. That is not the case for many reasons, including key gaps in our understanding of how muscle's electrical activity relates to its force, how force relates to movement, and how control goals map to specific movement patterns. This manuscript would in fact be strengthened by acknowledging and discussing the broader scope of gaps in our understanding, and thus more precisely pinpointing the specific scientific knowledge that would be gained from the application of myomatrix arrays.

      We agree and have revised the manuscript to note this complexity (see our reply to this Reviewer’s other comment about muscle force, above).

      L140-143: The estimation algorithms yields potential spikes but lacking the validation of the sorting algorithms, it is not justifiable to conclude that the myomatrix arrays have already provided information about individual motor units.

      Please see our replies to Reviewer #1s public comments (above) regarding motor unit spike sorting.

      L181-182: "These methods allow very fine pitch escape routing (<10 µm spacing), alignment between layers, and uniform via formation." I find this sentence hard to understand. Perhaps there is some grammatical ambiguity?

      We have revised this passage as follows [lines 194-197]:

      "These methods allow very fine pitch escape routing (<10 µm spacing between the thin “escape” traces connecting electrode contacts to the connector), spatial alignment between the multiple layers of polyimide and gold that constitute each device, and precise definition of “via” pathways that connect different layers of the device.”

      L240: What is the rationale for choosing this frequency band for the filter?

      Individual motor unit waveforms have peak energy at roughly 0.5-2.0 kHz, although units recorded at very high SNR often have voltage waveform features at higher frequencies. The high- and lowpass cutoff frequencies should reflect this, although there is nothing unique about the 350 Hz and 7,000 Hz cutoffs we describe, and in all recordings similar results can be obtained with other choices of low/high frequency cutoffs.

      L527-528: There are some key differences between the electrode array design presented here and traditional fine-wire EMG in terms of features used to help with electrode stability within the muscle. A barb-like structure is formed in traditional fine-wire EMG by bending the wire outside the canula of the needle used to place it within the muscle. But when the wire is pulled out, it is common for the barb to break off and be left behind. This is because of the extreme (thin) aspect ratio of the barb in fine wire EMG and low-cycle fatigue fracture of the wire. From the schematic shown here, the barb design seems to be stubbier and thus less prone to breaking off. This raises the question of how much damage is inflicted during the pull-out and the associated level of discomfort to the animal as a result. The authors should present a more careful statement and documentation with regard to this issue.

      We have updated the manuscript to highlight the ease of inserting and removing Myomatrix probes, and to clarify that in over 100 injectable insertions/removal there have been zero cases of barbs (or any other part) of the devices breaking off within the muscle [lines 241-249]:

      “…Once the cannula was fully inserted, the tail was released, and the cannula slowly removed. After recording, the electrode and tail were slowly pulled out of the muscle together. Insertion and removal of injectable Myomatrix devices appeared to be comparable or superior to traditional fine-wire EMG electrodes (in which a “hook” is formed by bending back the uninsulated tip of the recording wire) in terms of both ease of injection, ease of removal of both the cannula and the array itself, and animal comfort. Moreover, in over 100 Myomatrix injections performed in rhesus macaques, there were zero cases in which Myomatrix arrays broke such that electrode material was left behind in the recorded muscle, representing a substantial improvement over traditional fine-wire approaches, in which breakage of the bent wire tip regularly occurs (Loeb and Gans 1986).”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The Abstract states the device records "muscle activity at cellular resolution," which could potentially be read as a claim that single-fiber recording has been achieved. The authors might consider rewording.

      The Reviewer is correct, and we have removed the word “cellular”.

      The supplemental figures could perhaps be moved to the main text to aid readers who prefer to print the combined PDF file.

      After finalizing the paper we will upload all main-text and supplemental figures into a single pdf on biorXiv for readers who prefer a single pdf. However, given that the supplemental figures provide more technical and detailed information than the main-text figures, for the paper on the eLife site we prefer the current eLife format in which supplemental figures are associated with individual main-text figures online.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • The work could be strengthened by showing examples of simultaneous recordings from different muscles.

      Although Myomatrix arrays can indeed be used to record simultaneously from multiple muscles, in this manuscript we have decided to focus on high-resolution recordings that maximize the number of recording channels and motor units obtained from a single muscle. Future work from our group with introduce larger Myomatrix arrays optimized for recording from many muscles simultaneously.

      • The implantation did not include mention of testing the myomatrix array during surgery by using muscle stimulation to verify correct placement and connection.

      As the Reviewer points out electrical stimulation is a valuable tool for confirming successful EMG placement. However we did not use this approach in the current study, relying instead on anatomical confirmation of muscle targeting (e.g. intrasurgical and postmortem inspection in rodents) and by implanting large, easy-totarget arm muscles (in primates) where the risk of mis-targeting is extremely low. Future studies will examine both electrical stimulation and ultrasound methods for confirming the placement of Myomatrix arrays.

      References cited above

      Adam, I., A. Maxwell, H. Rossler, E. B. Hansen, M. Vellema, J. Brewer, and C. P. H. Elemans. 2021. 'One-to-one innervation of vocal muscles allows precise control of birdsong', Curr Biol, 31: 3115-24 e5.

      Hoffer, J. A., M. J. O'Donovan, C. A. Pratt, and G. E. Loeb. 1981. 'Discharge patterns of hindlimb motoneurons during normal cat locomotion', Science, 213: 466-7.

      Hyngstrom, A. S., M. D. Johnson, J. F. Miller, and C. J. Heckman. 2007. 'Intrinsic electrical properties of spinal motoneurons vary with joint angle', Nat Neurosci, 10: 363-9.

      Loeb, G. E., and C. Gans. 1986. Electromyography for Experimentalists, First edi (The University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL).

      Michel, C. M., M. M. Murray, G. Lantz, S. Gonzalez, L. Spinelli, and R. Grave de Peralta. 2004. 'EEG source imaging', Clin Neurophysiol, 115: 2195-222.

      Negro, F., S. Muceli, A. M. Castronovo, A. Holobar, and D. Farina. 2016. 'Multi-channel intramuscular and surface EMG decomposition by convolutive blind source separation', J Neural Eng, 13: 026027.

      Pfluger, H. J.; Burrows, M. 1978. 'Locusts use the same basic motor pattern in swimming as in jumping and kicking', Journal of experimental biology, 75: 81-93.

      Putney, Joy, Tobias Niebur, Leo Wood, Rachel Conn, and Simon Sponberg. 2023. 'An information theoretic method to resolve millisecond-scale spike timing precision in a comprehensive motor program', PLOS Computational Biology, 19: e1011170.

      Robinson, D. A. 1970. 'Oculomotor unit behavior in the monkey', J Neurophysiol, 33: 393-403.

      van den Doel, Kees, Uri M Ascher, and Dinesh K Pai. 2008. 'Computed myography: three-dimensional reconstruction of motor functions from surface EMG data', Inverse Problems, 24: 065010.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Firstly, we must take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to editorial board for allowing this work to be reviewed, and to the peer reviewers for taking the time and effort to review our manuscript. The reviews are thoughtful and reflect the careful work of scientists who undoubtedly have many things on their schedule. We cannot express our gratitude enough. This is not a minor sentiment. We appreciate the engagement.

      Allow us to briefly highlight some of the changes made to the revised manuscript, most on behalf of suggestions made by the reviewers:

      1) A supplementary figure that includes the calculation of drug applicability and variant vulnerability for a different data set–16 alleles of dihydrofolate reductase, and two antifolate compounds used to treat malaria–pyrimethamine and cycloguanil.

      2) New supplementary figures that add depth to the result in Figure 1 (the fitness graphs): we demonstrate how the rank order of alleles changes across drug environments and offer a statistical comparison of the equivalence of these fitness landscapes.

      3) A new subsection that explains our specific method used to measure epistasis.

      4) Improved main text with clarifications, fixed errors, and other addendums.

      5) Improved referencing and citations, in the spirit of better scholarship (now with over 70 references).

      Next, we’ll offer some general comments that we believe apply to several of the reviews, and to the eLife assessment. We have provided the bulk of the responses in some general comments, and in response to the public reviews. We have also included the suggestions and made brief comments to some of the individual recommendations.

      On the completeness of our analysis

      In our response, we’ll address the completeness issue first, as iterations of it appear in several of the reviews, and it seems to be one of the most substantive philosophical critiques of the work (there are virtually no technical corrections, outside of a formatting and grammar fixes, which we are grateful to the reviewers for identifying).

      To begin our response, we will relay that we have now included an analysis of a data set corresponding to mutants of a protein, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), from Plasmodium falciparum (a main cause of malaria), across two antifolate drugs (pyrimethamine and ycloguanil). We have also decided to include this new analysis in the supplementary material (see Figure S4).

      Author response image 1.

      Drug applicability and variant vulnerability for 16 alleles of dihydrofolate reductase.

      Here we compute the variant vulnerability and drug applicability metrics for two drugs, pyrimethamine (PYR) and cycloguanil (CYC), both antifolate drugs used to treat malaria. This is a completely different system than the one that is the focus of the submitted paper, for a different biomedical problem (antimalarial resistance), using different drugs, and targets. Further, the new data provide information on both drugs of different kinds, and drug concentrations (as suggested by Reviewer #1; we’ve also added a note about this in the new supplementary material). Note that these data have already been the subject of detailed analyses of epistatic effects, and so we did not include those here, but we do offer that reference:

      ● Ogbunugafor CB. The mutation effect reaction norm (mu-rn) highlights environmentally dependent mutation effects and epistatic interactions. Evolution. 2022 Feb 1;76(s1):37-48.

      ● Diaz-Colunga J, Sanchez A, Ogbunugafor CB. Environmental modulation of global epistasis is governed by effective genetic interactions. bioRxiv. 2022:202211.

      Computing our proposed metrics across different drugs is relatively simple, and we could have populated our paper with suites of similar analyses across data sets of various kinds. Such a paper would, in our view, be spread too thin–the evolution of antifolate resistance and/or antimalarial resistance are enormous problems, with large literatures that warrant focused studies. More generally, as the reviewers doubtlessly understand, simply analyzing more data sets does not make a study stronger, especially one like ours, that is using empirical data to both make a theoretical point about alleles and drugs and offer a metric that others can apply to their own data sets.

      Our approach focused on a data set that allowed us to discuss the biology of a system: a far stronger paper, a far stronger proof-of-concept for a new metric. We will revisit this discussion about the structure of our study. But before doing so, we will elaborate on why the “more is better” tone of the reviews is misguided.

      We also note that study where the data originate (Mira et al. 2015) is focused on a single data set of a single drug-target system. We should also point out that Mira et al. 2015 made a general point about drug concentrations influencing the topography of fitness landscapes, not unlike our general point about metrics used to understand features of alleles and different drugs in antimicrobial systems.

      This isn’t meant to serve as a feeble appeal to authority – just because something happened in one setting doesn’t make it right for another. But other than a nebulous appeal to the fact that things have changed in the 8 years since that study was published, it is difficult to argue why one study system was permissible for other work but is somehow “incomplete” in ours. Double standards can be appropriate when they are justified, but in this case, it hasn’t been made clear, and there is no technical basis for it.

      Our study does what countless other successful ones do: utilizes a biological system to make a general point about some phenomena in the natural world. In our case, we were focused on the need for more evolution-inspired iterations of widely used concepts like druggability. For example, a recent study of epistasis focused on a single set of alleles, across several drugs, not unlike our study:

      ● Lozovsky ER, Daniels RF, Heffernan GD, Jacobus DP, Hartl DL. Relevance of higher-order epistasis in drug resistance. Molecular biology and evolution. 2021 Jan;38(1):142-51.

      Next, we assert that there is a difference between an eagerness to see a new metric applied to many different data sets (a desire we share, and plan on pursuing in the future), and the notion that an analysis is “incomplete” without it. The latter is a more serious charge and suggests that the researcher-authors neglected to properly construct an argument because of gaps in the data. This charge does not apply to our manuscript, at all. And none of the reviewers effectively argued otherwise.

      Our study contains 7 different combinatorially-complete datasets, each composed of 16 alleles (this not including the new analysis of antifolates that now appear in the revision). One can call these datasets “small” or “low-dimensional,” if they choose (we chose to put this front-and-center, in the title). They are, however, both complete and as large or larger than many datasets in similar studies of fitness landscapes:

      ● Knies JL, Cai F, Weinreich DM. Enzyme efficiency but not thermostability drives cefotaxime resistance evolution in TEM-1 β-lactamase. Molecular biology and evolution. 2017 May 1;34(5):1040-54.

      ● Lozovsky ER, Daniels RF, Heffernan GD, Jacobus DP, Hartl DL. Relevance of higher-order epistasis in drug resistance. Molecular biology and evolution. 2021 Jan;38(1):142-51.

      ● Rodrigues JV, Bershtein S, Li A, Lozovsky ER, Hartl DL, Shakhnovich EI. Biophysical principles predict fitness landscapes of drug resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016 Mar 15;113(11):E1470-8.

      ● Ogbunugafor CB, Eppstein MJ. Competition along trajectories governs adaptation rates towards antimicrobial resistance. Nature ecology & evolution. 2016 Nov 21;1(1):0007.

      ● Lindsey HA, Gallie J, Taylor S, Kerr B. Evolutionary rescue from extinction is contingent on a lower rate of environmental change. Nature. 2013 Feb 28;494(7438):463-7.

      These are only five of very many such studies, some of them very well-regarded.

      Having now gone on about the point about the data being “incomplete,” we’ll next move to the more tangible comment-criticism about the low-dimensionality of the data set, or the fact that we examined a single drug-drug target system (β lactamases, and β-lactam drugs).

      The criticism, as we understand it, is that the authors could have analyzed more data,

      This is a common complaint, that “more is better” in biology. While we appreciate the feedback from the reviewers, we notice that no one specified what constitutes the right amount of data. Some pointed to other single data sets, but would analyzing two different sets qualify as enough? Perhaps to person A, but not to persons B - Z. This is a matter of opinion and is not a rigorous comment on the quality of the science (or completeness of the analysis).

      ● Should we analyze five more drugs of the same target (beta lactamases)? And what bacterial orthologs?

      ● Should we analyze 5 antifolates for 3 different orthologs of dihydrofolate reductase?

      ● And in which species or organism type? Bacteria? Parasitic infections?

      ● And why only infectious disease? Aren’t these concepts also relevant to cancer? (Yes, they are.)

      ● And what about the number of variants in the aforementioned target? Should one aim for small combinatorially complete sets? Or vaster swaths of sequence space, such as the ones generated by deep mutational scanning and other methods?

      I offer these options in part because, for the most part, were not given an objective suggestion for appropriate level of detail. This is because there is no answer to the question of what size of dataset would be most appropriate. Unfortunately, without a technical reason why a data set of unspecified size [X] or [Y] is best, then we are left with a standard “do more work” peer review response, one that the authors are not inclined to engage seriously, because there is no scientific rationale for it.

      The most charitable explanation for why more datasets would be better is tied to the abstract notion that seeing a metric measured in different data sets somehow makes it more believable. This, as the reviewers undoubtedly understand, isn’t necessarily true (in fact, many poor studies mask a lack of clarity with lots of data).

      To double down on this take, we’ll even argue the opposite: that our focus on a single drug system is a strength of the study.

      The focus on a single-drug class allows us to practice the lost art of discussing the peculiar biology of the system that we are examining. Even more, the low dimensionality allows us to discuss–in relative detail–individual mutations and suites of mutations. We do so several times in the manuscript, and even connect our findings to literature that has examined the biophysical consequences of mutations in these very enzymes.

      (For example: Knies JL, Cai F, Weinreich DM. Enzyme efficiency but not thermostability drives cefotaxime resistance evolution in TEM-1 β-lactamase. Molecular biology and evolution. 2017 May 1;34(5):1040-54.)

      Such detail is only legible in a full-length manuscript because we were able to interrogate a system in good detail. That is, the low-dimensionality (of a complete data set) is a strength, rather than a weakness. This was actually part of the design choice for the study: to offer a new metric with broad application but developed using a system where the particulars could be interrogated and discussed.

      Surely the findings that we recover are engineered for broader application. But to suggest that we need to apply them broadly in order to demonstrate their broad impact is somewhat antithetical to both model systems research and to systems biology, both of which have been successful in extracting general principles for singular (often simple) systems and models.

      An alternative approach, where the metric was wielded across an unspecified number of datasets would lend to a manuscript that is unfocused, reading like many modern machine learning papers, where the analysis or discussion have little to do with actual biology. We very specifically avoided this sort of study.

      To close our comments regarding data: Firstly, we have considered the comments and analyzed a different data set, corresponding to a different drug-target system (antifolate drugs, and DHFR). Moreover, we don’t think more data has anything to do with a better answer or support for our conclusions or any central arguments. Our arguments were developed from the data set that we used but achieve what responsible systems biology does: introduces a framework that one can apply more broadly. And we develop it using a complete, and well-vetted dataset. If the reviewers have a philosophical difference of opinion about this, we respect it, but it has nothing to do with our study being “complete” or not. And it doesn’t speak to the validity of our results.

      Related: On the dependence of our metrics on drug-target system

      Several comments were made that suggest the relevance of the metric may depend on the drug being used. We disagree with this, and in fact, have argued the opposite: the metrics are specifically useful because they are not encumbered with unnecessary variables. They are the product of rather simple arithmetic that is completely agnostic to biological particulars.

      We explain, in the section entitled “Metric Calculations:

      “To estimate the two metrics we are interested in, we must first quantify the susceptibility of an allelic variant to a drug. We define susceptibility as $1 - w$, where w is the mean growth of the allelic variant under drug conditions relative to the mean growth of the wild-type/TEM-1 control. If a variant is not significantly affected by a drug (i.e., growth under drug is not statistically lower than growth of wild-type/TEM-1 control, by t-test P-value < 0.01), its susceptibility is zero. Values in these metrics are summaries of susceptibility: the variant vulnerability of an allelic variant is its average susceptibility across drugs in a panel, and the drug applicability of an antibiotic is the average susceptibility of all variants to it.”

      That is, these can be animated to compute the variant vulnerability and drug applicability for data sets of various kinds. To demonstrate this (and we thank the reviewers for suggesting it), we have analyzed the antifolate-DHFR data set as outlined above.

      Finally, we will make the following light, but somewhat cynical point (that relates to the “more data” more point generally): the wrong metric applied to 100 data sets is little more than 100 wrong analyses. Simply applying the metric to a wide number of datasets has nothing to do with the veracity of the study. Our study, alternatively, chose the opposite approach: used a data set for a focused study where metrics were extracted. We believe this to be a much more rigorous way to introduce new metrics.

      On the Relevance of simulations

      Somewhat relatedly, the eLife summary and one of the reviewers mentioned the potential benefit of simulations. Reviewer 1 correctly highlights that the authors have a lot of experience in this realm, and so generating simulations would be trivial. For example, the authors have been involved in studies such as these:

      ● Ogbunugafor CB, Eppstein MJ. Competition along trajectories governs adaptation rates towards antimicrobial resistance. Nature ecology & evolution. 2016 Nov 21;1(1):0007.

      ● Ogbunugafor CB, Wylie CS, Diakite I, Weinreich DM, Hartl DL. Adaptive landscape by environment interactions dictate evolutionary dynamics in models of drug resistance. PLoS computational biology. 2016 Jan 25;12(1):e1004710.

      ● Ogbunugafor CB, Hartl D. A pivot mutation impedes reverse evolution across an adaptive landscape for drug resistance in Plasmodium vivax. Malaria Journal. 2016 Dec;15:1-0.

      From the above and dozens of other related studies, we’ve learned that simulations are critical for questions about the end results of dynamics across fitness landscapes of varying topography. To simulate across the datasets in the submitted study would be be a small ask. We do not provide this, however, because our study is not about the dynamics of de novo evolution of resistance. In fact, our study focuses on a different problem, no less important for understanding how resistance evolves: determining static properties of alleles and drugs, that provide a picture into their ability to withstand a breadth of drugs in a panel (variant vulnerability), or the ability of a drug in a panel to affect a breadth of drug targets.

      The authors speak on this in the Introduction:

      “While stepwise, de novo evolution (via mutations and subsequent selection) is a key force in the evolution of antimicrobial resistance, evolution in natural settings often involves other processes, including horizontal gene transfer and selection on standing genetic variation. Consequently, perspectives that consider variation in pathogens (and their drug targets) are important for understanding treatment at the bedside. Recent studies have made important strides in this arena. Some have utilized large data sets and population genetics theory to measure cross-resistance and collateral sensitivity. Fewer studies have made use of evolutionary concepts to establish metrics that apply to the general problem of antimicrobial treatment on standing genetic variation in pathogen populations, or for evaluating the utility of certain drugs’ ability to treat the underlying genetic diversity of pathogens”

      That is, the proposed metrics aren’t about the dynamics of stepwise evolution across fitness landscapes, and so, simulating those dynamics don’t offer much for our question. What we have done instead is much more direct and allows the reader to follow a logic: clearly demonstrate the topography differences in Figure 1 (And Supplemental Figure S2 and S3 with rank order changes).

      Author response image 2.

      These results tell the reader what they need to know: that the topography of fitness landscapes changes across drug types. Further, we should note that Mira et al. 2015 already told the basic story that one finds different adaptive solutions across different drug environments. (Notably, without computational simulations).

      In summary, we attempted to provide a rigorous, clean, and readable study that introduced two new metrics. Appeals to adding extra analysis would be considered if they augmented the study’s goals. We do not believe this to be the case.

      Nonetheless, we must reiterate our appreciation for the engagement and suggestions. All were made with great intentions. This is more than one could hope for in a peer review exchange. The authors are truly grateful.

      eLife assessment

      The work introduces two valuable concepts in antimicrobial resistance: "variant vulnerability" and "drug applicability", which can broaden our ways of thinking about microbial infections through evolution-based metrics. The authors present a compelling analysis of a published dataset to illustrate how informative these metrics can be, study is still incomplete, as only a subset of a single dataset on a single class of antibiotics was analyzed. Analyzing more datasets, with other antibiotic classes and resistance mutations, and performing additional theoretical simulations could demonstrate the general applicability of the new concepts.

      The authors disagree strongly with the idea that the study is ‘incomplete,” and encourage the editors and reviewers to reconsider this language. Not only are the data combinatorially complete, but they are also larger in size than many similar studies of fitness landscapes. Insofar as no technical justification was offered for this “incomplete” summary, we think it should be removed. Furthermore, we question the utility of “theoretical simulations.” They are rather easy to execute but distract from the central aims of the study: to introduce new metrics, in the vein of other metrics–like druggability, IC50, MIC–that describe properties of drugs or drug targets.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Geurrero and colleagues introduces two new metrics that extend the concept of "druggability"- loosely speaking, the potential suitability of a particular drug, target, or drug-target interaction for pharmacological intervention-to collections of drugs and genetic variants. The study draws on previously measured growth rates across a combinatoriality complete mutational landscape involving 4 variants of the TEM-50 (beta lactamase) enzyme, which confers resistance to commonly used beta-lactam antibiotics. To quantify how growth rate - in this case, a proxy for evolutionary fitness - is distributed across allelic variants and drugs, they introduce two concepts: "variant vulnerability" and "drug applicability".

      Variant vulnerability is the mean vulnerability (1-normalized growth rate) of a particular variant to a library of drugs, while drug applicability measures the mean across the collection of genetic variants for a given drug. The authors rank the drugs and variants according to these metrics. They show that the variant vulnerability of a particular mutant is uncorrelated with the vulnerability of its one-step neighbors and analyze how higher-order combinations of single variants (SNPs) contribute to changes in growth rate in different drug environments.

      The work addresses an interesting topic and underscores the need for evolutionbased metrics to identify candidate pharmacological interventions for treating infections. The authors are clear about the limitations of their approach - they are not looking for immediate clinical applicability - and provide simple new measures of druggability that incorporate an evolutionary perspective, an important complement to the orthodoxy of aggressive, kill-now design principles. I think the ideas here will interest a wide range of readers, but I think the work could be improved with additional analysis - perhaps from evolutionary simulations on the measured landscapes - that tie the metrics to evolutionary outcomes.

      The authors greatly appreciate these comments, and the proposed suggestions by reviewer 1. We have addressed most of the criticisms and suggestions in our comments above.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors introduce the notions of "variant vulnerability" and "drug applicability" as metrics quantifying the sensitivity of a given target variant across a panel of drugs and the effectiveness of a drug across variants, respectively. Given a data set comprising a measure of drug effect (such as growth rate suppression) for pairs of variants and drugs, the vulnerability of a variant is obtained by averaging this measure across drugs, whereas the applicability of a drug is obtained by averaging the measure across variants.

      The authors apply the methodology to a data set that was published by Mira et al. in 2015. The data consist of growth rate measurements for a combinatorially complete set of 16 genetic variants of the antibiotic resistance enzyme betalactamase across 10 drugs and drug combinations at 3 different drug concentrations, comprising a total of 30 different environmental conditions. For reasons that did not become clear to me, the present authors select only 7 out of 30 environments for their analysis. In particular, for each chosen drug or drug combination, they choose the data set corresponding to the highest drug concentration. As a consequence, they cannot assess to what extent their metrics depend on drug concentration. This is a major concern since Mira et al. concluded in their study that the differences between growth rate landscapes measured at different concentrations were comparable to the differences between drugs. If the new metrics display a significant dependence on drug concentration, this would considerably limit their usefulness.

      The authors appreciate the point about drug concentration, and it is one that the authors have made in several studies.

      The quick answer is that whether the metrics are useful for drug type-concentration A or B will depend on drug type-concentration A or B. If there are notable differences in the topography of the fitness landscape across concentration, then we should expect the metrics to differ. What Reviewer #2 points out as a “major concern,” is in fact a strength of the metrics: it is agnostic with respect to type of drug, type of target, size of dataset, or topography of the fitness landscape. And so, the authors disagree: no, that drug concentration would be a major actor in the value of the metrics does not limit the utility of the metric. It is simply another variable that one can consider when computing the metrics.

      As discussed above, we have analyzed data from a different data set, in a different drug-target problem (DHFR and antifolate drugs; see supplemental information). These demonstrate how the metric can be used to compute metrics across different drug concentrations.

      As a consequence of the small number of variant-drug combinations that are used, the conclusions that the authors draw from their analysis are mostly tentative with weak statistical support. For example, the authors argue that drug combinations tend to have higher drug applicability than single drugs, because a drug combination ranks highest in their panel of 7. However, the effect profile of the single drug cefprozil is almost indistinguishable from that of the top-ranking combination, and the second drug combination in the data set ranks only 5th out of 7.

      We reiterate our appreciation for the engagement. Reviewer #2 generously offers some technical insight on measurements of epistasis, and their opinion on the level of statistical support for our claims. The authors are very happy to engage in a dialogue about these points. We disagree rather strongly, and in addition to the general points raised above (that speak to some of this), will raise several specific rebuttals to the comments from Reviewer #2.

      For one, the Reviewer #2 is free to point to what arguments have “weak statistical support.” Having read the review, we aren’t sure what this is referring to. “Weak statistical support” generally applies to findings built from underpowered studies, or designs constructed in manner that yield effect sizes or p-values that give low confidence that a finding is believable (or is replicable). This sort of problem doesn’t apply to our study for various reasons, the least of which being that our findings are strongly supported, based on a vetted data set, in a system that has long been the object of examination in studies of antimicrobial resistance.

      For example, we did not argue that magnetic fields alter the topography of fitness landscapes, a claim which must stand up to a certain sort of statistical scrutiny. Alternatively, we examined landscapes where the drug environment differed statistically from the non-drug environment and used them to compute new properties of alleles and drugs.

      We can imagine that the reviewer is referring to the low-dimensionality of the fitness landscapes in the study. Again: the features of the dataset are a detail that the authors put into the title of the manuscript. Further, we emphasize that it is not a weakness, but rather, allows the authors to focus, and discuss the specific biology of the system. And we responsibly explain the constraints around our study several times, though none of them have anything to do with “weak statistical support.”

      Even though we aren’t clear what “weak statistical support” means as offered by Reviewer 2, the authors have nonetheless decided to provide additional analyses, now appearing in the new supplemental material.

      We have included a new Figure S2, where we offer an analysis of the topography of the 7 landscapes, based on the Kendall rank order test. This texts the hypothesis that there is no correlation (concordance or discordance) between the topographies of the fitness landscapes.

      Author response image 3.

      Kendall rank test for correlation between the 7 fitness landscapes.

      In Figure S3, we test the hypothesis that the variant vulnerability values differ. To do this, we calculate a paired t-test. These are paired by haplotype/allelic variant, so the comparisons are change in growth between drugs for each haplotype.

      Author response image 4.

      Paired t-tests for variant vulnerability.

      To this point raised by Reviewer #2:

      “For example, the authors argue that drug combinations tend to have higher drug applicability than single drugs, because a drug combination ranks highest in their panel of 7. However, the effect profile of the single drug cefprozil is almost indistinguishable from that of the top-ranking combination, and the second drug combination in the data set ranks only 5th out of 7.”

      Our study does not argue that drug combinations are necessarily correlated with a higher drug applicability. Alternatively, we specifically highlight that one of the combinations does not have a high drug applicability:

      “Though all seven drugs/combinations are β-lactams, they have widely varying effects across the 16 alleles. Some of the results are intuitive: for example, the drug regime with the highest drug applicability of the set—amoxicillin/clavulanic acid—is a mixture of a widely used β-lactam (amoxicillin) and a β-lactamase inhibitor (clavulanic acid) (see Table 3). We might expect such a mixture to have a broader effect across a diversity of variants. This high applicability is hardly a rule, however, as another mixture in the set, piperacillin/tazobactam, has a much lower drug applicability (ranking 5th out of the seven drugs in the set) (Table 3).”

      In general, we believe that the submitted paper is responsible with regards to how it extrapolates generalities from the results. Further, the manuscript contains a specific section that explains limitations, clearly and transparently (not especially common in science). For that reason, we’d encourage reviewer #2 to reconsider their perspective. We do not believe that our arguments are built on “weak” support at all. And we did not argue anything particular about drug combinations writ large. We did the opposite— discussed the particulars of our results in light of the biology of the system.

      Thirdly, to this point:

      “To assess the environment-dependent epistasis among the genetic mutations comprising the variants under study, the authors decompose the data of Mira et al. into epistatic interactions of different orders. This part of the analysis is incomplete in two ways. First, in their study, Mira et al. pointed out that a fairly large fraction of the fitness differences between variants that they measured were not statistically significant, which means that the resulting fitness landscapes have large statistical uncertainties. These uncertainties should be reflected in the results of the interaction analysis in Figure 4 of the present manuscript.”

      The authors are uncertain with regards to the “uncertainties” being referred to, but we’ll do our best to understand: our study utilized the 7 drug environments from Mira et al. 2015 with statistically significant differences between growth rates with and without drug. And so, this point about how the original set contained statistically insignificant treatments is not relevant here. We explain this in the methods section:

      “The data that we examine comes from a past study of a combinatorial set of four mutations associated with TEM-50 resistance to β-lactam drugs [39 ]. This past study measured the growth rates of these four mutations in combination, across 15 different drugs (see Supplemental Information).”

      We go on to say the following:

      “We examined these data, identifying a subset of structurally similar β-lactams that also included β-lactams combined with β-lactamase inhibitors, cephalosporins and penicillins. From the original data set, we focus our analyses on drug treatments that had a significant negative effect on the growth of wild-type/TEM-1 strains (one-tailed ttest of wild-type treatment vs. control, P < 0.01). After identifying the data from the set that fit our criteria, we were left with seven drugs or combinations (concentration in μg/ml): amoxicillin 1024 μg/ ml (β-lactam), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 1024 μg/m l (βlactam and β-lactamase inhibitor) cefotaxime 0.123 μg/ml (third-generation cephalosporin), cefotetan 0.125 μg/ml (second-generation cephalosporins), cefprozil 128 μg/ml (second-generation cephalosporin), ceftazidime 0.125 μg/ml (third-generation cephalosporin), piperacillin and tazobactam 512/8 μg/ml (penicillin and β-lactamase inhibitor). With these drugs/mixtures, we were able to embody chemical diversity in the panel.”

      Again: The goal of our study was to develop metrics that can be used to analyze features of drugs and targets and disentangle these metrics into effects.

      Second, the interpretation of the coefficients obtained from the epistatic decomposition depends strongly on the formalism that is being used (in the jargon of the field, either a Fourier or a Taylor analysis can be applied to fitness landscape data). The authors need to specify which formalism they have employed and phrase their interpretations accordingly.

      The authors appreciate this nuance. Certainly, how to measure epistasis is a large topic of its own. But we recognize that we could have addressed this more directly and have added text to this effect.

      In response to these comments from Reviewer #2, we have added a new section focused on these points (reference syntax removed here for clarity; please see main text for specifics):

      “The study of epistasis, and discussions regarding the means to detect and measure now occupies a large corner of the evolutionary genetics literature. The topic has grown in recent years as methods have been applied to larger genomic data sets, biophysical traits, and the "global" nature of epistatic effects. We urge those interested in more depth treatments of the topic to engage larger summaries of the topic.”

      “Here will briefly summarize some methods used to study epistasis on fitness landscapes. Several studies of combinatorially-complete fitness landscapes use some variation of Fourier Transform or Taylor formulation. One in particular, the Walsh-Hadamard Transform has been used to measure epistasis across a wide number of study systems. Furthermore, studies have reconciled these methods with others, or expanded upon the Walsh-Hadamard Transform in a way that can accommodate incomplete data sets. These methods are effective for certain sorts of analyses, and we strongly urge those interested to examine these studies.”

      “The method that we've utilized, the LASSO regression, determines effect sizes for all interactions (alleles and drug environments). It has been utilized for data sets of similar size and structure, on alleles resistant to trimethoprim. Among many benefits, the method can accommodate gaps in data and responsibly incorporates experimental noise into the calculation.”

      As Reviewer #2 understands, there are many ways to examine epistasis on both high and low-dimensional landscapes. Reviewer #2 correctly offers two sorts of formalisms that allow one to do so. The two offered by Reviewer #2, are not the only means of measuring epistasis in data sets like the one we have offered. But we acknowledge that we could have done a better job outlining this. We thank Reviewer #2 for highlighting this, and believe our revision clarifies this.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors introduce two new concepts for antimicrobial resistance borrowed from pharmacology, "variant vulnerability" (how susceptible a particular resistance gene variant is across a class of drugs) and "drug applicability" (how useful a particular drug is against multiple allelic variants). They group both terms under an umbrella term "drugability". They demonstrate these features for an important class of antibiotics, the beta-lactams, and allelic variants of TEM-1 beta-lactamase.

      The strength of the result is in its conceptual advance and that the concepts seem to work for beta-lactam resistance. However, I do not necessarily see the advance of lumping both terms under "drugability", as this adds an extra layer of complication in my opinion.

      Firstly, the authors greatly appreciate the comments from Reviewer #3. They are insightful, and prescriptive. And allow us to especially thank reviewer 3 for supplying a commented PDF with some grammatical and phrasing suggestions/edits. This is much appreciated. We have examined all these suggestions and made changes.

      In general, we agree with the spirit of many of the comments. In addition to our prior comments on the scope of our data, we’ll communicate a few direct responses to specific points raised.

      I also think that the utility of the terms could be more comprehensively demonstrated by using examples across different antibiotic classes and/or resistance genes. For instance, another good model with published data might have been trimethoprim resistance, which arises through point mutations in the folA gene (although, clinical resistance tends to be instead conferred by a suite of horizontally acquired dihydrofolate reductase genes, which are not so closely related as the TEM variants explored here).

      1. In our new supplemental material, we now feature an analysis of antifolate drugs, pyrimethamine and cycloguanil. We have discussed this in detail above and thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

      2. Secondly, we agree that the study will have a larger impact when the metrics are applied more broadly. This is an active area of investigation, and our hope is that others apply our metrics more broadly. But as we discussed, such a desire is not a technical criticism of our own study. We stand behind the rigor and insight offered by our study.

      The impact of the work on the field depends on a more comprehensive demonstration of the applicability of these new concepts to other drugs.

      The authors don’t disagree with this point, which applies to virtually every potentially influential study. The importance of a single study can generally only be measured by its downstream application. But this hardly qualifies as a technical critique of our study and does not apply to our study alone. Nor does it speak to the validity of our results. The authors share this interest in applying the metric more broadly.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • The main weakness of the work, in my view, is that it does not directly tie these new metrics to a quantitative measure of "performance". The metrics have intuitive appeal, and I think it is likely that they could help guide treatment options-for example, drugs with high applicability could prove more useful under particular conditions. But as the authors note, the landscape is rugged and intuitive notions of evolutionary behavior can sometimes fail. I think the paper would be much improved if the authors could evaluate their new metrics using some type of quantitative evolutionary model. For example, perhaps the authors could simulate evolutionary dynamics on these landscapes in the presence of different drugs. Is the mean fitness achieved in the simulations correlated with, for example, the drug applicability when looking across an ensemble of simulations with the same drug but varied initial conditions that start from each individual variant? Similarly, if you consider an ensemble of simulations where each member starts from the same variant but uses a different drug, is the average fitness gain captured in some way by the variant vulnerability? All simulations will have limitations, of course, but given that the landscape is fully known I think these questions could be answered under some conditions (e.g. strong selection weak mutation limit, where the model could be formulated as a Markov Chain; see 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004493 or doi: 10.1111/evo.14121 for examples). And given the authors' expertise in evolutionary dynamics, I think it could be achieved in a reasonable time. With that said, I want to acknowledge that with any new "metrics", it can be tempting to think that "we need to understand it all" before it is useful, and I don't want to fall into that trap here.

      The authors respect and appreciate these thoughtful comments.

      As Reviewer #1 highlighted, the authors are experienced with building simulations of evolution. For reasons we have outlined above, we don’t believe they would add to the arc of the current story and may encumber the story with unnecessary distractions. Simulations of evolution can be enormously useful for studies focused on particulars of the dynamics of evolution. This submitted study is not one of those. It is charged with identifying features of alleles and drugs that capture an allele’s vulnerability to treatment (variant vulnerability) and a drug’s effectiveness across alleles (drug applicability). Both features integrate aspects of variation (genetic and environmental), and as such, are improvements over both metrics used to describe drug targets and drugs.

      • The new metrics rely on means, which is a natural choice. Have the authors considered how variance (or other higher moments) might also impact evolutionary dynamics? I would imagine, for example, that the ultimate outcome of a treatment might depend heavily on the shape of the distribution, not merely its mean. This is also something one might be able to get a handle on with simulations.

      These are relevant points, and the authors appreciate them. Certainly, moments other than the mean might have utility. This is the reason that we computed the one-step neighborhood variant vulnerability–to see if the variant vulnerability of an allele was related to properties of its mutational neighborhood. We found no such correlation. There are many other sorts of properties that one might examine (e.g., shape of the distribution, properties of mutational network, variance, fano factor, etc). As we don’t have an informed reason to pursue any of this in lieu of others, we are pleased to investigate this in the future.

      Also, while we’ve addressed general points about simulations above, we want to note that our analysis of environmental epistasis does consider the variance. We urge Reviewer #1 to see our new section on “Notes on Methods Used to Measure Epistasis” where we explain some of this and supply references to that effect.

      • As I understand it, the fitness measurements here are measures of per capita growth rate, which is reasonable. However, the authors may wish to briefly comment on the limitations of this choice-i.e. the fact that these are not direct measures of relative fitness values from head-to-head competition between strains.

      Reviewer #1 is correct: the metrics are computed from means. As Reviewer 1 definitely understands, debates over what measurements are proper proxies for fitness go back a long time. We added a slight acknowledgement about the existence of multiple fitness proxies in our revision.

      • The authors consider one-step variant vulnerability. Have the authors considered looking at 2-step, 3-step, etc analogs of the 1-step vulnerability? I wonder if these might suggest potential vulnerability bottlenecks associated with the use of a particular drug/drug combo or trajectories starting from particular variants.

      This is an interesting point. We provided one-step values as a means of interrogating the mutational neighborhood of alleles in the fitness landscape. While there could certainly be other pattern-relationships between the variant vulnerability and features of a fitness landscape (as the reviewer recognizes), we don’t have a rigorous reason to test them, other than an appeal to “I would be curious if [Blank].” As in, attempting to saturate the paper with these sorts of examinations might be fun, could turn up an interesting result, but this is true for most studies.

      To highlight just how serious we are about future questions along these lines, we’ll offer one specific question about the relationship between metrics and other features of alleles or landscapes. Recent studies have examined the existence of “evolvabilityenhancing mutations,” that propel a population to high-fitness sections of a fitness landscape:

      ● Wagner, A. Evolvability-enhancing mutations in the fitness landscapes of an RNA and a protein. Nat Commun 14, 3624 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467023-39321-8

      One present and future area of inquiry involves whether there is any relationship between metrics like variant vulnerability and these sorts of mutations.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for engagement on this issue.

      • Fitness values are measured in the presence of a drug, but it is not immediately clear how the drug concentrations are chosen and, more importantly, how the choice of concentration might impact the landscape. The authors may wish to briefly comment on these effects, particularly in cases where the environment involves combinations of drugs. There will be a "new" fitness landscape for each concentration, but to what extent do the qualitative features changes-or whatever features drive evolutionary dynamics--change?

      This is another interesting suggestion. We have analyzed a new data set for dihydrofolate reductase mutants that contains a range of drug concentrations of two different antifolate drugs. The general question of how drug concentrations change evolutionary dynamics has been addressed in prior work of ours:

      ● Ogbunugafor CB, Wylie CS, Diakite I, Weinreich DM, Hartl DL. Adaptive landscape by environment interactions dictate evolutionary dynamics in models of drug resistance. PLoS computational biology. 2016 Jan 25;12(1):e1004710.

      ● Ogbunugafor CB, Eppstein MJ. Competition along trajectories governs adaptation rates towards antimicrobial resistance. Nature ecology & evolution. 2016 Nov 21;1(1):0007.

      There are a very large number of environment types that might alter the drug availability or variant vulnerability metrics. In our study, we used an established data set composed of different alleles of a Beta lactamase, with growth rates measured across a number of drug environments. These drug environments consisted of individual drugs at certain concentrations, as outlined in Mira et al. 2015. For our study, we examined those drugs that had a significant impact on growth rate.

      For a new analysis of antifolate drugs in 16 alleles of dihydrofolate reductase (Plasmodium falciparum), we have examined a breadth of drug concentrations (Supplementary Figure S4). This represents a different sort of environment that one can use to measure the two metrics (variant vulnerability or drug applicability). As we suggest in the manuscript, part of the strength of the metric is precisely that it can incorporate drug dimensions of various kinds.

      • The metrics introduced depend on the ensemble of drugs chosen. To what extent are the chosen drugs representative? Are there cases where nonrepresentative ensembles might be advantageous?

      The authors thank the reviewer for this. The general point has been addressed in our comments above. Further, the general question of how a study of one set of drugs applies to other drugs applies to every study of every drug, as no single study interrogates every sort of drug ensemble. That said, we’ve explained the anatomy of our metrics, and have outlined how it can be directly applied to others. There is nothing about the metric itself that has anything to do with a particular drug type – the arithmetic is rather vanilla.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Regarding my comment about the different formalisms for epistatic decomposition analysis, a key reference is

      Poelwijk FJ, Krishna V, Ranganathan R (2016). The Context-Dependence of Mutations: A Linkage of Formalisms. PLoS Comput Biol 12(6): e1004771.

      The authors appreciate this, are fans of this work, and have cited it in the revision.

      An example where both Fourier and Taylor analyses were carried out and the different interpretations of these formalisms were discussed is

      Unraveling the causes of adaptive benefits of synonymous mutations in TEM-1 βlactamase. Mark P. Zwart, Martijn F. Schenk, Sungmin Hwang, Bertha Koopmanschap, Niek de Lange, Lion van de Pol, Tran Thi Thuy Nga, Ivan G. Szendro, Joachim Krug & J. Arjan G. M. de Visser Heredity 121:406-421 (2018)

      The authors are grateful for these references. While we don’t think they are necessary for our new section entitled “Notes on methods used to detect epistasis,” we did engage them, and will keep them in mind for other work that more centrally focuses on methods used to detect epistasis. As the author acknowledges, a full treatment of this topic is too large for a single manuscript, let alone a subsection of one study. We have provided a discussion of it, and pointed the readers to longer review articles that explore some of these topics in good detail:

      ● C. Bank, Epistasis and adaptation on fitness landscapes, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 53 (1) (2022) 457–479.

      ● T. B. Sackton, D. L. Hartl, Genotypic context and epistasis in individuals and populations, Cell 166 (2) (2016) 279–287.

      ● J. Diaz-Colunga, A. Skwara, J. C. C. Vila, D. Bajic, Á. Sánchez, Global epistasis and the emergence of ecological function, BioRxviv

      1. Although the authors label Figure 4 with the term "environmental epistasis", as far as I can see it is only a standard epistasis analysis that is carried out separately for each environment. The analysis of environmental epistasis should instead focus on which aspects of these interactions are different or similar in different environments, for example, by looking at the reranking of fitness values under environmental changes [see Ref.[26] as well as more recent related work, e.g. Gorter et al., Genetics 208:307-322 (2018); Das et al., eLife9:e55155 (2020)]. To some extent, such an analysis was already performed by Mira et al., but not on the level of epistatic interaction coefficients.

      The authors have provided a new analysis of how fitness value rankings have changed across drug environments, often a signature of epistatic effects across environments (Supplementary Figure S1).

      We disagree with the idea that our analysis is not a sort of environmental epistasis; we resolve coefficients between loci across different environments. As with every interrogation of G x E effects (G x G x E in our case), what constitutes an “environment” is a messy conversation. We have chosen the route of explaining very clearly what we mean:

      “We further explored the interactions across this fitness landscape and panels of drugs in two additional ways. First, we calculated the variant vulnerability for 1-step neighbors, which is the mean variant vulnerability of all alleles one mutational step away from a focal variant. This metric gives information on how the variant vulnerability values are distributed across a fitness landscape. Second, we estimated statistical interaction effects on bacterial growth through LASSO regression. For each drug, we fit a model of relative growth as a function of M69L x E104K x G238S x N276D (i.e., including all interaction terms between the four amino acid substitutions). The effect sizes of the interaction terms from this regularized regression analysis allow us to infer higher-order dynamics for susceptibility. We label this calculation as an analysis of “environmental epistasis.”

      As the grammar for these sorts of analyses continues to evolve, the best one can do is be clear about what they mean. We believe that we communicated this directly and transparently.

      1. As a general comment, to strengthen the conclusions of the study, it would be good if the authors could include additional data sets in their analysis.

      The authors appreciate this comment and have given this point ample treatment. Further, other main conclusions and discussion points are focused on the biology of the system that we examined. Analyzing other data sets may demonstrate the broader reach of the metrics, but it would not alter the strength of our own conclusions (or if they would, Reviewer #2 has not told us how).

      1. There are some typos in the units of drug concentrations in Section 2.4 that should be corrected.

      The authors truly appreciate this. It is a great catch. We have fixed this in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I would suggest demonstrating the concepts for a second drug class, and suggest folA variants and trimethoprim resistance, for which there is existing published data similar to what the authors have used here (e.g. Palmer et al. 2015, https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8385)

      The authors appreciate this insight. As previously described, we have analyzed a data set of folA mutants for the Plasmodium falciparum ortholog of dihydrofolate reductase, and included these results in new supplemental material. Please see the supplementary material.

      There are some errors in formatting and presentation that I have annotated in a separate PDF file (https://elife-rp.msubmit.net/eliferp_files/2023/04/11/00117789/00/117789_0_attach_8_30399_convrt.pdf), as the absence of line numbers makes indicating specific things exceedingly difficult.

      The authors apologize for the lack of line numbers (an honest oversight), but moreover, are tremendously grateful for this feedback. We have looked at the suggested changes carefully and have addressed many of them. Thank you.

      One thing to note: we have included a version of Figure 4 that has effects on the same axes. It appears in the supplementary material (Figure S4).

      In closing, the authors would like to thank the editors and three anonymous reviewers for engagement and for helpful comments. We are confident that the revised manuscript qualifies as a substantive revision, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to participate.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The regulation of motor autoinhibition and activation is essential for efficient intracellular transport. This manuscript used biochemical approaches to explore two members in the kinesin-3 family. They found that releasing UNC-104 autoinhibition triggered its dimerization whereas unlocking KLP-6 autoinhibition is insufficient to activate its processive movement, which suggests that KLP-6 requires additional factors for activation, highlighting the common and diverse mechanisms underlying motor activation. They also identified a coiled-coil domain crucial for the dimerization and processive movement of UNC-104. Overall, these biochemical and single-molecule assays were well performed, and their data support their statements. The manuscript is also clearly written, and these results will be valuable to the field.

      Thank you very much!

      Ideally, the authors can add some in vivo studies to test the physiological relevance of their in vitro findings, given that the lab is very good at worm genetic manipulations. Otherwise, the authors should speculate the in vivo phenotypes in their Discussion, including E412K mutation in UNC-104, CC2 deletion of UNC-104, D458A in KLP-6.

      1. We have shown the phenotypes unc-104(E412K) mutation in C. elegans (Niwa et al., Cell Rep, 2016) and described about it in discussion (p.14 line 3-4). The mutant worm showed overactivation of the UNC-104-dependent axonal transport, which is consistent with our biochemical data showing that UNC-104(1-653)(E412K) is prone to form a dimer and more active than wild type.

      2. It has been shown that L640F mutation induces a loss of function phenotype in C. elegans (Cong et al., 2021). The amount of axonal transport is reduced in unc-104(L640F) mutant worms. L640 is located within the CC2 domain. To show the importance of CC2-dependent dimerization in the axonal transport in vivo, we biochemically investigated the impact of L640F mutation.

      By introducing L640F into UNC-104(1-653)(E412K), we performed SEC analysis. The result shows that UNC-104(1-653)(E412K,L640F) failed to form stable dimers despite the release of their autoinhibition (new Figure S8). This result strongly suggests the importance of the CC2 domain in the axonal transport in vivo. Based on the result, we discussed it in the revised manuscript (p.13 line 6-8).

      1. Regarding KLP-6(D458A), we need a genetic analysis using genome editing and we would like to reserve it for a future study. We speculate that the D458A mutation could lead to an increase in transport activity in vivo similar to unc-104(E412K). This is because the previous study have shown that wild-type KLP-6 was largely localized in the cell body, while KLP-6(D458A) was enriched at the cell periphery in the N2A cells (Wang et al., 2022). We described it in discussion (p.14 line 13-14).

      While beyond the scope of this study, can the author speculate on the candidate for an additional regulator to activate KLP-6 in C. elegans?

      The heterodimeric mechanoreceptor complex, comprising LOV-1 and PKD-2, stands as potential candidates for regulating KLP-6 dimerization. We speculate the heterodimerization property is suitable for the enhancement of KLP-6 dimerization. On the other hand, it's noteworthy that KLP-6 can undergo activation in Neuro 2a cells upon the release of autoinhibition (Wang et al., 2022). This observation implies the involvement of additional factors which are not present in sf9 cells may be able to induce dimerization. Post-translational modifications would be one of the candidates. We discussed it in p14 line 7-14.

      The authors discussed the differences between their porcine brain MTs and chlamydonomas axonemes in UNC-104 assays. However, the authors did not really retest UNC-104 on axonemes after more than two decades, thereby not excluding other possibilities.

      We thought that comparing different conditions used in different studies is essential for the advancement of the field of molecular motors. Therefore, we newly performed single-molecule assay using Chlamydomonas axonemes and compared the results with brain MTs (Fig. S6). Just as observed in the study by Tomoshige et al., we were also unable to observe the processive runs of UNC-104(1-653) on Chlamydomonas axonemes (Fig. S6A). Furthermore, we found that the landing rate of UNC-104(1-653) on Chlamydomonas axonemes was markedly lower in comparison to that on purified porcine microtubules (Fig. S6B).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      More discussion as suggested above would improve the manuscript.

      We have improved our manuscript as described above.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The Kinesin superfamily motors mediate the transport of a wide variety of cargos which are crucial for cells to develop into unique shapes and polarities. Kinesin-3 subfamily motors are among the most conserved and critical classes of kinesin motors which were shown to be self-inhibited in a monomeric state and dimerized to activate motility along microtubules. Recent studies have shown that different members of this family are uniquely activated to undergo a transition from monomers to dimers.

      Niwa and colleagues study two well-described members of the kinesin-3 superfamily, unc104 and KLP6, to uncover the mechanism of monomer to dimer transition upon activation. Their studies reveal that although both Unc104 and KLP6 are both self-inhibited monomers, their propensities for forming dimers are quite different. The authors relate this difference to a region in the molecules called CC2 which has a higher propensity for forming homodimers. Unc104 readily forms homodimers if its self-inhibited state is disabled while KLP6 does not.

      The work suggests that although mechanisms for self-inhibited monomeric states are similar, variations in the kinesin-3 dimerization may present a unique form of kinesin-3 motor regulation with implications on the forms of motility functions carried out by these unique kinesin-3 motors.

      Thank you very much!

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The work is interesting but the process of making constructs and following the transition from monomers to dimers seems to be less than logical and haphazard. Recent crystallographic studies for kinesin-3 have shown the fold and interactions for all domains of the motor leading to the self-inhibited state. The mutations described in the manuscript leading to disabling of the monomeric self-inhibited state are referenced but not logically explained in relation to the structures. Many of the deletion constructs could also present other defects that are not presented in the mutations. The above issues prevent wide audience access to understanding the studies carried out by the authors.

      We appreciate this comment. We improved it as described bellow.

      Suggestions: Authors should present schematic, or structural models for the self-inhibited and dimerized states. The conclusions of the papers should be related to those models. The mutations should be explained with regard to these models and that would allow the readers easier access. Improving access to the readers in and outside the motor field would truly improve the impact of the manuscript on the field.

      The structural models illustrating the autoinhibited state have been included in new Figure S4, accompanied by an explanation of the correlation between the mutations and these structures in the figure legend. Additionally, schematic models outlining the dimerization process of both UNC-104 and KLP-6 have been provided in Figure S9 to enhance reader comprehension of the process.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this work, Kita et al., aim to understand the activation mechanisms of the kinesin-3 motors KLP-6 and UNC-104 from C. elegans. As with many other motor proteins involved in intracellular transport processes, KLP-6 and UNC-104 motors suppress their ATPase activities in the absence of cargo molecules. Relieving the autoinhibition is thus a crucial step that initiates the directional transport of intracellular cargo. To investigate the activation mechanisms, the authors make use of mass photometry to determine the oligomeric states of the full-length KLP-6 and the truncated UNC-104(1-653) motors at sub-micromolar concentrations. While full-length KLP-6 remains monomeric, the truncated UNC-104(1-653) displays a sub-population of dimeric motors that is much more pronounced at high concentrations, suggesting a monomer-to-dimer conversion. The authors push this equilibrium towards dimeric UNC-104(1-653) motors solely by introducing a point mutation into the coiled-coil domain and ultimately unleashing a robust processivity of the UNC-104 dimer. The authors find that the same mechanistic concept does not apply to the KLP-6 kinesin-3 motor, suggesting an alternative activation mechanism of the KLP-6 that remains to be resolved. The present study encourages further dissection of the kinesin-3 motors with the goal of uncovering the main factors needed to overcome the 'self-inflicted' deactivation.

      Thank you very much!

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      126-128: It is surprising that surface-attachment does not really activate the full-length KLP6 motor (v=48 {plus minus} 42 nm/s). Can the authors provide an example movie of the gliding assay for the FL KLP6 construct? Gliding assays are done by attaching motors via their sfGFP to the surface using anti-GFP antibodies. Did the authors try to attach the full-length KLP-6 motor directly to the surface? If the KLP-6 motor sticks to the surface via its (inhibitory) C-terminus, this attachment would be expected to activate the motor in the gliding assay, ideally approaching the in vivo velocities of the activated motor.

      We have included an example kymograph showing the gliding assay of KLP-6FL (Fig. S1A). When we directly attached KLP-6FL to the surface, the velocity was 0.15 ± 0.02 µm/sec (Fig. S1B), which is similar to the velocity of KLP-6(1-390). While the velocity observed in the direct-attachment condition is much better than those observed in GFP-mediated condition, the observed velocity remains considerably slower than in vivo velocities. Firstly, we think this is because dimerization of KLP-6 is not induced by the surface attachment. Previous studies have shown that monomeric proteins are generally slower than dimeric proteins in the gliding assay (Tomishige et al., 2002). These are consistent with our observation that KLP-6 remains to be monomeric even when autoinhibition is released. Secondly, in vitro velocity of motors is generally slower than in vivo velocity.

      156-157: It seems that the GCN4-mediated dimerization induces aggregation of the KLP6 motor domains as seen in the fractions under the void volume in Figure 3B (not seen with the Sf9 expressed full-length constructs, see Figure 1B). Also, the artificially dimerized motor construct does not fully recapitulate the in vivo velocity of UNC-104. Did the authors analyze the KLP-6(1-390)LZ with mass photometry and is it the only construct that is expressed in E. coli?

      KLP-6::LZ protein is not aggregating. We have noticed that DNA and RNA from E. coli exists in the void fraction and they occasionally trap recombinant kinesin-3 proteins in the void fraction. To effectively remove these nucleic acids from our protein samples, we employed streptomycin sulfate as a purification method (Liang et al., Electrophoresis, 2009). Please see Purification of recombinant proteins in Methods. In the size exclusion chromatography analysis, we observed that KLP-6(1-393)LZ predominantly eluted in the dimer fraction (New Figure 3). Subsequently, we reanalyzed the motor's motility using a total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) assay, as shown in the revised Figure 3. Even after these efforts, the velocity was not changed significantly. The velocity of KLP-6LZ is about 0.3 µm/sec while that of cellular KLP-6::GFP is 0.7 µm/sec (Morsci and Barr, 2011). Similar phenomena, "slower velocity in vitro", has been observed in other motor proteins.

      169: In Wang et al., (2022) the microtubule-activated ATPase activities of the mutants were measured in vitro as well, with the relative activities of the motor domain and the D458A mutant being very similar. The D458A mutation is introduced into the full-length motor in Wang et al., while in the present work, the mutation is introduced into the truncated KLP-6(1-587) construct. Can the authors explain their reasoning for the latter?

      (1) Kinesins are microtubule-stimulated ATPases. i.e. The ATPase activity is induced by the binding with a microtubule.

      (2) Previous studies have shown that the one-dimensional movement of the monomeric motor domain of kinesin-3 depends on the ATPase activity even when the movement does not show clear plus-end directionality (Okada et al., Science, 1998).

      (3) While KLP-6(1-587) does not bind to microtubules, both KLP-6(1-390) (= the monomeric motor domain) and KLP-6(1-587)(D458A) similarly bind to microtubules and show one dimensional diffusion on microtubules (Fig. 4E and S2B).

      Therefore, the similar ATPase activities of the motor domain(= KLP-6(1-390)) and KLP-6(D458A) observed by Wang et al. is because both proteins similarly associate with and hydrolyze ATP on microtubules, which is consistent with our observation. On the other hand, because KLP-6(wild type) cannot efficiently bind to microtubules, the ATPase activity is low.

      Can the authors compare the gliding velocities of the KLP-6(1-390)LZ vs KLP-6(1-587) vs KLP-6(1-587)(D458A) constructs to make sure that the motors are similarly active?

      We conducted a comparative analysis of gliding velocities involving KLP-6(1-390), KLP-6(1-587), and KLP-6(1-587)(D458A) (Fig. S1C). We used KLP-6(1-390) instead of KLP-6(1-390)LZ, aligning with the protein used by Wang et al.. We demonstrated that both KLP-6(1-587) and KLP-6(1-587) (D458A) exhibited activity levels comparable to that of KLP-6(1-390). The data suggests that the motor of all recombinant proteins are similarly active.

      Please note that, unlike full length condition (Fig. 1D and S1A and S1B), the attachment to the surface using the anti-GFP antibody can activates KLP-6(1-587). The data suggests that, due to the absence of coverage by the MBS and MATH domain (Wang et al., Nat. Commun., 2022), the motor domain of KLP-6(1-587) to some extent permits direct binding to microtubules under gliding assay conditions.

      Are the monomeric and dimeric UNC-104(1-653) fractions in Figure 5B in equilibrium? Did the authors do a re-run of the second peak of UNC-104(1-653) (i.e. the monomeric fraction with ~100 kDa) to assess if the monomeric fraction re-equilibrates into a dimer-monomer distribution?

      We conducted a re-run of the second peak of UNC-104(1-653) and verified its re-equilibration into a distribution of dimers and monomers after being incubated for 72 hours at 4°C (Fig. S5).

      UNC-104 appears to have another predicted coiled-coiled region around ~800 aa (e.g. by NCoils) that would correspond to the CC3 in the mammalian homolog KIF1A. This raises the question if the elongated UNC-104(1-800) would dimerize more efficiently than UNC-104(1-653) (authors highlight the sub-population of dimerized UNC-104(1-653) at low concentrations in Figure 5C) and if this dimerization alone would suffice to 'match' the UNC-104(1-653)E412K mutant (Figure 5D). Did the authors explore this possibility? This would mean that dimerization does not necessarily require the release of autoinhibition.

      We have tried to purify UNC-104(1-800) and full-length UNC-104 using the baculovirus system. However, unfortunately, the expression level of UNC-104(1-800) and full length UNC-104 was too low to perform in vitro assays even though codon optimized vectors were used. Instead, we have analyzed full-length human KIF1A. We found that full-length KIF1A is mostly monomeric, not dimeric (Please look at the Author response image 1). The property is similar to UNC-104(1-653) (Figure 5A-C). Therefore, we think CC3 does not strongly affect dimerization of KIF1A, and probably its ortholog UNC-104. Moreover, a recent study has shown that CC2 domain, but not other CC domains, form a stable dimer in the case of KIF1A (Hummel and Hoogenraad, JCB, 2021). Given the similarity in the sequence of KIF1A and UNC-104, we anticipate that the CC2 domain of UNC-104 significantly contributes to dimerization, potentially more than other CC domains. We explicitly describe it in the Discussion in the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      Upper left, A representative result of size exclusion chromatography obtained from the analysis of full-length human KIF1A fused with sfGFP.

      Upper right, A schematic drawing showing the structure of KIF1A fused with sfGFP and a result of SDS-PAGE recovered from SEC analysis. Presumable dimer and monomer peaks are indicated.

      Lower left, Presumable dimer fractions in SEC were collected and analyzed by mass photometry. The result confirms that the fraction contains considerable amount of dimer KIF1A.

      Lower right, Presumable monomer fractions were collected and analyzed by mass photometry. The result confirms that the fraction mainly consists of monomer KIF1A.

      Note that these results obtained from full-length KIF1A protein are similar to those of UNC-104(1-653) protein shown in Figure 5A-C.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      The authors describe a method to decouple the mechanisms supporting pancreatic progenitor self-renewal and expansion from feed-forward mechanisms promoting their differentiation. The findings are important because they have implications beyond a single subfield. The strength of evidence is solid in that the methods, data and analyses broadly support the claims with only minor weaknesses.

      We are grateful for the substantial effort that reviewers put into reading our manuscript and providing such a detailed feedback. We have strived to address, as much as possible, all comments and criticisms. Thanks to the feedback, we believe that we have now a significantly improved manuscript. Below, there is a point-bypoint response.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review)

      In this manuscript, the authors are developing a new protocol that aims at expanding pancreatic progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells under GMP-compliant conditions. The strategy is based on hypothesis-driven experiments that come from knowledge derived from pancreatic developmental biology.

      The topic is of major interest in the view of the importance of amplifying human pancreatic progenitors (both for fundamental purposes and for future clinical applications). There is indeed currently a major lack of information on efficient conditions to reach this objective, despite major recurrent efforts by the scientific community.

      Using their approach that combines stimulation of specific mitogenic pathways and inhibition of retinoic acid and specific branches of the TGF-beta and Wnt pathways, the authors claim to be able, in a highly robust and reproducible manner) to amplify in 10 passages the number of pancreatic progenitors (PP) by 2,000 folds, which is really an impressive breakthrough.

      The work is globally well-performed and quite convincing. I have however some technical comments mainly related to the quantification of pancreatic progenitor amplification and to their differentiation into beta-like cells following amplification.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment. Below we provide a point-by-point response to specific comments and criticisms.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Figure 1:

      Panel A: What is exactly counted in Fig. 1A? Is it the number of PP (as indicated in the title) or the total number of cells? If it is PPs, was it done following PDX1/NKX6.1/SOX9 staining and FACS quantification? This question applies to a number of Figures and the authors should be clear on this point.

      We now define ‘PP cells’ as ‘PP-containing cells’ (PP cells) the first time we use the term in the RESULTS section.

      Panel D: I do not understand the source of TGFb1, GDF11, FGF18, PDGFA. Which cell type(s) express such factors in culture? I was not convinced that the signals are produced by PP and act through an autocrine loop. I have the same type of questions for the receptors: PDGFR on the second page of the results; RARs and RXRs on the third page.

      We refer to these factors/receptors as components of a tentative autocrine loop. We agree we do not prove it and we now comment on this in the discussion section.

      Figure 2:

      FACS plots are very difficult to analyze for two reasons: I do not understand the meaning of the y axes (PDX1/SOX9). Does that mean that 100% of the cells were PDX1+/SOX9+? The authors should show the separated FACS plots. More importantly, the x axes indicate that NKX6.1 FACS staining is very weak. This is by far different from what can be read in publications performing the same types of experiments (publications by Millman, Otonkoski...as examples). How was quantification performed when it is so difficult to properly define positive vs negative populations? It is necessary to present proper "negative controls" for FACS experiments and to clearly indicate how positive versus cells were defined

      We now explain the gating strategy better in the results section, all controls are included in figure S2.

      Figure 3:

      What is the exact "phenotype" of the cells that incorporated EdU: It would be really instructive to add PDX1/NKX6.1/SOX9 staining on top of EdU. I am also surprised that 20% of the cells stain positive for Annexin V. This is a huge fraction. Does that mean that many cells (20%) are dying and if the case, how amplification can take place under such deleterious conditions?

      This is an interesting mechanistic point but performing these experiments would delay the publication of the final manuscript for too long. These assays were done at p3 in order to catch CINI cells that do not expand in most cases. It is important to note that cell death also appears higher in CINI cells. It is likely that the combination of these effects results in reproducible expansion under C5. We comment on the possibilities in the discussion section.

      Figure 4:

      On FACS plots the intensity at the single cell level (see x-axis of the figure) of the NKX6.1 staining is found to increase in Fig. 4G by 50-100 folds when compared to Fig. 4E. Is it expected? This should be discussed in the text. Do the authors observe the same increase by immunocytochemistry?

      The apparent difference is actually 10-fold (from 2x102 to 2x103). We think that the most likely reason for this apparent increase is that at p0 we typically used very few cells for the FC in order to keep as many as possible for the subsequent expansion. If we had used more, we would be able to also detect cells with higher expression. As we mention in the bioinformatics analysis, NKX6 expression does increase with passaging and therefore it is also possible that at least part of this increase is real. However, we don’t have suitable data (same number of cells analyzed at each passage) to address this in a reliable manner.

      Figure 5

      Previous data from the scientific literature indicate that in vitro, by default, PP gives rise to duct-like cells. This is a bit described in the result section and supplementary figures taking into account the expression of transcription factors. However the data are not clearly explained and described in quite a qualitative manner. They should appear in a quantitative fashion (and the main figures), adding additional duct cell markers such as Carbonic anhydrase, SPP1, CFTR, and others. I assume that the authors can easily use their transcriptomic data to produce a Figure to be described and discussed in detail.

      We think it can be misleading to use such markers (other than TFs and the latter only as a collective) because specific markers of terminal differentiation are more often than not expressed during development in multipotent progenitors, the most conspicuous example been CPA1. To illustrate the point, we used the RNA Seq data of and plotted the expression values of a panel of duct genes in isolated human fetal progenitors (Ramond et al., 2017) together with their expression in p0 PP and ePP cells from all three different procedure (please see below). All raw RNA Seq data were processed together to enable direct comparison. According to the analysis of Ramond et al the A population corresponds to MPCs, C to early endocrine progenitors (EP), D to late endocrine progenitors and, by inference and gene expression pattern B to BPs. Expression levels of all these markers were very similar suggesting that these markers cannot be used to distinguish between duct cells and progenitor cells. Importantly, SC-islets derived from either dPP or ePP cells express extremely low and similar levels of KRT19, a marker of duct cells. This latter information is now included in the last part of the results (Figure S7).

      Author response image 1.

      Fig. 7:<br /> The figure is a bit disappointing for 2 reasons. In A and B, the quality of INS, GCG, and SST staining is really poor. In E, GSIS is really difficult to interpret. They should not be presented as stimulatory indexes. The authors should present independently: INS content; INS secretion at low glucose; INS secretion at high glucose; INS secretion with KCL. Finally, the authors should indicate that glucose poorly (around 2 fold) activates insulin/C-Pept secretion in their stem-cell-derived islets.

      We disagree with the quality assessment of the immunofluorescence. Stimulation indexes are also used very widely but we now provide data for actual C-peptide secretion normalized for DNA content of the SC-islets. For technical reasons we do not have normalized C-peptide secretion for human islets. However, we provide a direct comparison to the stimulation index of human islets assayed under the same conditions (2.7 mM glucose / 16.7 mM glucose / 16.7 mM glucose + 30 mM KCl) without presenting SC-islets separately and tweaking the glucose basal (lowering) and stimulation (increasing) levels to inflate the stimulation index. This is unfortunately common. In any case, we do not claim an improvement in the differentiation conditions and our S5-S7 steps may not be optimal but this is not the subject of this work.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)


      The paper presents a novel approach to expand iPSC-derived pdx1+/nkx6.1+ pancreas progenitors, making them potentially suitable for GMP-compatible protocols. This advancement represents a significant breakthrough for diabetes cell replacement therapies, as one of the current bottlenecks is the inability to expand PP without compromising their differentiation potential. The study employs a robust dataset and state-of-the-art methodology, unveiling crucial signaling pathways (eg TGF, Notch...) responsible for sustaining pancreas progenitors while preserving their differentiation potential in vitro.


      This paper has strong data, guided omics technology, clear aims, applicability to current protocols, and beneficial implications for diabetes research. The discussion on challenges adds depth to the study and encourages future research to build upon these important findings.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment. Below we provide a point-by-point response to general comments and criticisms.


      The paper does have some weaknesses that could be addressed to improve its overall clarity and impact. The writing style could benefit from simplification, as certain sections are explained in a convoluted manner and difficult to follow, in some instances, redundancy is evident. Furthermore, the legends accompanying figures should be self-explanatory, ensuring that readers can easily understand the presented data without the need to be checking along the paper for information.

      We have simplified the text in several places and removed redundancies, particularly in the discussion. We revisited the figure legends and made minor corrections to increase clarity. However, regarding the figure legends, we think that adding the interpretation of the results would be redundant to the main text.

      The culture conditions employed in the study might benefit from more systematic organization and documentation, making them easier to follow.<br /> There is a comparative Table (Table S1) where all conditions are summarized. We refer to this Table every time that we introduce a new condition. We also have a Table (Table S4) which presents all different media and components used it the differentiation procedure.

      Another important aspect is the functionality of the expanded cells after differentiation. While the study provides valuable insights into the expansion of pancreas progenitors in vitro and does the basic tests to measure their functionality after differentiation the paper could be strengthened by exploring the behavior and efficacy of these cells deeper, and in an in vivo setting.

      This will be done in a future study where we will also introduce a number of modifications in S5-S7

      Quantifications for immunofluorescence (IF) data should be displayed.

      We have not conducted quantifications of IFs because FC is much more objective and accurate. We have not conducted FC for CDX2 and AFP because all other data strongly favor C6 anyway. It should be noted that CDX2 and AFP expression is generally not addressed at all presumably because it raises uncomfortable questions and, to our knowledge, we are the first to address this so exhaustively.

      Some claims made in the paper may come across as somewhat speculative.

      We have now indicated so where applicable.

      Additionally, while the paper discusses the potential adaptability of the method to GMP-compatible protocols, there is limited elaboration on how this transition would occur practically or any discussion of the challenges it might entail.

      We have now added a paragraph discussing this in the discussion section.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Related to Figure 1:

      • Unclear if CINI or SB431542 + CINI was used (first paragraph of results...)

      The paragraph was unclear and it is now rewritten

      • Was the differentiation to PP similar between the different attempts? A basic QC for each Stem Cell technology differentiation would be good to include.

      We added (Figure 1B) a comparison of expression data of general genes (QC) in PP cells showing very comparable patterns of expression. Some of these PP cells went on to expand and most did not but there is no apparent correlation of this with the gene expression data.

      • qPCR data - relative fold? over what condition? (indicate on axis label)

      We added a label as well as an explanation on p0 values in the figure legend

      • FGF18/ PDGFA - worth including background in pancreas development as in the other factors.

      Background information has been added

      • Bioinformatics is a bit biased with a few genes selected - what are the DEGs / top enriched pathways? Maybe worth showing a volcano plot of the DEGs for example.

      We have done all these standard analyses but we think that they did not contribute anything else useful to the study with the exception of pointing to the finding that the TGFb pathway is negatively correlated with expansion, and this is included in the study. The ‘unbiased’ analysis that the reviewer suggests did not turn out something else useful to exploit for the expansion. This does not mean that our approach is biased – in our view it is hypothesis-driven. As we also write in the manuscript, if in a certain pathway a key gene fails to be expressed, the pathway will not show up in any GO or GSEA analyses. However, the pathway will still be regulated. The RA and FGF18 cases clearly illustrate this. We realize that these analyses have become a standard but we think that it is not the only way to approach genomics data and these approaches did not offer much in the context of this study.

      • The E2F part is very speculative

      The pathway came up as a result of ‘unbiased’ GSEA analyses. However, we do agree and rephrased.

      • The authors claim ' the negative correlation of TGFb signalling with expansion retrospectively justifies the use of A83 '. However, p0 is not treated with A83 - how can they tell that there is a correlation between TGFb signalling and expansion?

      The correlation came from the RNA Seq data analysis during expansion. We have rephrased slightly to convey the message more clearly.

      • Typo with TGFbeta inhibitor name is mispelled (A3801)


      • Page 5 - last paragraph - Table S3? (isnt it refering to S2?)

      Since Table S2 is the list of the regulated genes and S3 is the list of the regulated signaling pathway components both are relevant here, we now refer to both.

      • In the text Figure 2G should read Figure 1G (page 7, end of 1st paragraph).


      • 'Autocrine loop' existence – speculative

      Added the phrase ‘we speculated’. We refer to this only as a tentative interpretation. We also elaborate in the discussion now.

      Related to Figure 2:

      • I am not sure if I would refer to chemical "activation/inhibition" of pathways as 'gain/loss of function'. Maybe this term is more adequate for genetic modifications.

      For genetic manipulations, these terms are (supposed to be) accompanied by the adjective ‘genetic’ but to avoid misinterpretations we changed the terms to activation and inhibition as suggested.

      • It would be good to include a summary of the different conditions as a schematic in one of the figures, to make it very clear to the reader what the conditions are.

      We tried this in an early version of the manuscript but, in our view, it was adding complexity, rather than simplifying things. The problem is that as such the Table cannot be integrated in any figure if eg in Figure 2 it would be too early, if in Figure 4 it would be too late and so on. All conditions show up in detail in Table S1.

      • Nkx6.1 - is the image representative? It looks like Nkx6.1 decreases over the passages.

      We do mention in the text that ‘… even though expansion (in C5) appeared to somewhat reduce the number of NKX6.1+ cells. (Figure 2E-G). As we mentioned, this was one of the reasons to continue with other conditions (C6-C8).

      • Upregulation of AFP/ CDX2 is a bit concerning - the IF for C5 p5 shows a high proportion of CDX2+ cells (Fig S2I). perhaps it would be good to quantify the IF.

      It was concerning – this is why we then tested conditions C6-8. Since it is C6 that we propose at the end, it would be, in our view, extraneous to quantify CDX2 in C5.

      • How do C5/C1/C0 compare to CINI?

      We now remind the reader in the results section that CINI was not reproducible - so any other comparison would be extraneous.

      Related to Figure 3:

      • There is a 'Lore Ipsum' label above B


      Related to Figure 4:

      • It is good that AFP expression is reduced at p10, but there seems to be a high proportion of AFP at p5. IF/FACS should be quantified.

      We think that this would not add significantly since there are several other criteria, particularly the increase of the PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ that clearly show that the C6 condition is preferable. Further elaboration of C6 could use such additional criteria. We comment on CDX2 / AFP in the discussion.

      • CDX2 should be quantified by IF / FACS.

      We think that this would not add significantly since there are several other criteria, particularly the increase of the PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ that clearly show that the C6 condition is preferable. Further elaboration of C6 could use such additional criteria. We comment on CDX2 / AFP in the discussion.

      • Karyotype analysis is good but not very precise when analyzing genetic micro alterations... what does a low-pass sequencing of the expanding lines look like? Are there any micro-deletions in the expanding lines?

      This is an unusual request. Microdeletions may occur at any point – during passaging of hPS cells, differentiation as well as well as expansion but such data are so far not shown in publications – and reasonably so in our opinion. Thus, we have not done this analysis but it certainly would be appropriate in a clinical setting as part of QC.

      • Data supporting that the cells can be cryopreserved and recovered with >85% survival rate is not provided.

      We now provide data for the C6-mediated expansion (Figure 4J). The freezing procedure was developed during the time we were testing C5 and we don’t have sufficient data to show reliably the survival of the cells during C5 expansion. Thus, we have now removed the reference in the C5 part of the manuscript.

      Related to Figure 5:

      -Figure 5C - perhaps worth commenting on the different pathways that are enriched when cells undergo expansion and show some of the genes that are up/down regulated.

      This is indeed of interest but since it will not address any specific question in the context of this work (eg is the endocrine program repressed?) and since it would not be followed by additional experiments we think that it would burden the manuscript unnecessarily. The data are accessible for any type of analysis through the GEO database.

      • Figure S5D shows in vitro clustering away from in vivo PP - it would be good to explain how in vitro generated PP differs from their in vivo counterparts instead of restricting the comparison to the in vitro protocol.

      We have added a possible interpretation of this observation in the results section and discuss, how one could go properly about this comparison.

      • Quantification of Fig5F should be included. Is GP2 expression detectable by IF at p5 too?

      We have quantified GP2 expression by FC at p10 but not at earlier stages. We include now the FC data in Fig5F

      • Validation of Fig5G by qPCR would be good. PDX1 did not seem reduced by IF in Figure 4.

      The purpose of Fig5G is to compare the expression of the same genes across different expansion approaches. Therefore, in our view, qPCRs would not be appropriate since we do not have samples from the other approaches. We did not claim a reduction in PDX1 expression.

      • How can the authors explain the NGN3 expression at PP?

      In our view, differentiation is a dynamic process and not all cells are synchronized at the same cell type, this is true in vivo and in vitro. Sc-RNA Seq data indeed show a small population of cells at PP that are NEUROG3+ (our unpublished data). We have now included this in the discussion.

      Related to Figure 6:

      • How do the different lines differ? Any statistical comparison between lines?

      There is a paragraph dealing with the comparison of PP and ePP cells (p5 and p10) from different lines at the level of gene expression and the data are in Figure S6A-G. Then there is a paragraph addressing this at the level of PDX1/SOX9/NKX6.1 expression by FC. We have now expanded and rewrote the latter to include statistical comparisons across PPs from different lines at p0, p5 an p10

      Related to Figure 7:

      • Mention the use of micropatterned

      Micropatterned wells - not really correct. They use Aggrewells, micropatterned plates are something else.

      We changed ‘micropatterned wells’ into ‘microwells’

      • Figure 7D, those are qPCR data. The label is inconsistent, why did they call it fold induction instead of fold change? Also, not sure if plotting the fold change to hPSC is the best here.

      We use fold change when comparing the expression of the same gene at different passages but fold induction when comparing to its expression in hPS cells. We made sure it is also explained in the figure legends.

      • Absolute values should be shown for the GSIS to determine basal insulin secretion. Also, sequential stimulation to address if the cells are able to respond to multiple glucose stimulations.

      We include now the secreted amounts of human C-peptide under the different conditions (Figure S7) normalized for cell numbers using their DNA content for the normalization. The many parameters we have used suggest that dPP and ePP SC-islets are very similar. If we were claiming a better S5-S7 procedure, such an assay would have been necessary but in this context, we think it is not absolutely necessary.

      • In vivo data would have strengthened the story. It is not clear if, in vivo, the cells will behave as the nonexpanded iPSC-derived beta cells.

      We agree and these studies are under way but we do not expect to complete them soon. We feel that it is important that this work appears sooner rather than later.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review)


      In this work, Jarc et al. describe a method to decouple the mechanisms supporting progenitor self-renewal and expansion from feed-forward mechanisms promoting their differentiation.

      The authors aimed at expanding pancreatic progenitor (PP) cells, strictly characterized as PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ cells, for several rounds. This required finding the best cell culture conditions that allow sustaining PP cell proliferation along cell passages, while avoiding their further differentiation. They achieve this by comparing the transcriptome of PP cells that can be expanded for several passages against the transcriptome of unexpanded (just differentiated) PP cells.

      The optimized culture conditions enabled the selection of PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ PP cells and their consistent, 2000-fold, expansion over ten passages and 40-45 days. Transcriptome analyses confirmed the stabilization of PP identity and the effective suppression of differentiation. These optimized culture conditions consisted of substituting the Vitamin A containing B27 supplement with a B27 formulation devoid of vitamin A (to avoid retinoic acid (RA) signaling from an autocrine feed-forward loop), substituting A38-01 with the ALK5 II inhibitor (ALK5i II) that targets primarily ALK5, supplementation of medium with FGF18 (in addition to FGF2) and the canonical Wnt inhibitor IWR-1, and cell culture on vitronectin-N (VTN-N) as a substrate instead of Matrigel.


      The strength of this work relies on a clever approach to identify cell culture modifications that allow expansion of PP cells (once differentiated) while maintaining, if not reinforcing, PP cell identity. Along the work, it is emphasized that PP cell identity is associated with the co-expression of PDX1, SOX9, and NKX6.1. The optimized protocol is unique (among the other datasets used in the comparison shown here) in inducing a strong upregulation of GP2, a unique marker of human fetal pancreas progenitors. Importantly GP2+ enriched hPS cell-derived PP cells are more efficiently differentiating into pancreatic endocrine cells (Aghazadeh et al., 2022; Ameri et al., 2017).

      The unlimited expansion of PP cells reported here would allow scaling-up the generation of beta cells, for the cell therapy of diabetes, by eliminating a source of variability derived from the number of differentiation procedures to be carried out when starting at the hPS cell stage each time. The approach presented here would allow the selection of the most optimally differentiated PP cell population for subsequent expansion and storage. Among other conditions optimized, the authors report a role for Vitamin A in activating retinoic acid signaling in an autocrine feed-forward loop, and the supplementation with FGF18 to reinforce FGF2 signaling.

      This is a relevant topic in the field of research, and some of the cell culture conditions reported here for PP expansion might have important implications in cell therapy approaches. Thus, the approach and results presented in this study could be of interest to researchers working in the field of in vitro pancreatic beta cell differentiation from hPSCs. Table S1 and Table S4 are clearly detailed and extremely instrumental to this aim.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment. Below we provide a point-by-point response to general comments and criticisms.


      The authors strictly define PP cells as PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ cells, and this phenotype was convincingly characterized by immunofluorescence, RT-qPCR, and FACS analysis along the work. However, broadly defined PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ could include pancreatic multipotent progenitor cells (MPC, defined as PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+/PTF1A+ cells) or pancreatic bipotent progenitors (BP, defined as PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+/PTF1A-) cells. It has been indeed reported that Nkx6.1/Nkx6.2 and Ptf1a function as antagonistic lineage determinants in MPC (Schaffer, A.E. et al. PLoS Genet 9, e1003274, 2013), and that the Nkx6/Ptf1a switch only operates during a critical competence window when progenitors are still multipotent and can be uncoupled from cell differentiation. It would be important to define whether culturing PDX1+/SOX9+/NKX6.1+ PP (as defined in this work) in the best conditions allowing cell expansion is reinforcing either an MPC or BP phenotype. Data from Figure S2A (last paragraph of page 7) suggests that PTF1A expression is decreased in C5 culture conditions, thus more homogeneously keeping BP cells in this media composition. However, on page 15, 2nd paragraph it is stated that "the strong upregulation of NKX6.2 in our procedure suggested that our ePP cells may have retracted to an earlier PP stage". Evaluating the co-expression of the previously selected markers with PTF1A (or CPA2), or the more homogeneous expression of novel BP markers described, such as DCDC2A (Scavuzzo et al. Nat Commun 9, 3356, 2018), in the different culture conditions assayed would more shield light into this relevant aspect.

      This is certainly an interesting point. The RNA Seq data suggest that ePP cells resemble BP cells rather than MPCs and that this occurs during expansion. We have now added a new paragraph in the results section to illustrate this and added graphs of CPA2, PTF1A and DCDC2A expression during expansion in Figure 5, S5 as well as data in Table S5. In summary, we favor the interpretation that expanded cells are close but not identical to the BP identity and refer to that in the discussion. We have also amended the statement on page 15 stating the strong upregulation of NKX6.2 in our procedure suggested that our ePP cells may have retracted to an earlier PP stage.

      In line with the previous comment, it would be extremely insightful if the authors could characterize or at least discuss a potential role for YAP underlying the mechanistic effects observed after culturing PP in different media compositions. It is well known that the nuclear localization of the co-activator YAP broadly promotes cell proliferation, and it is a key regulator of organ growth during development. Importantly in this context, it has been reported that TEAD and YAP regulate the enhancer network of human embryonic pancreatic progenitors and disruption of this interaction arrests the growth of the embryonic pancreas (Cebola, I. et al. Nat Cell Biol 17, 615-26, 2015). More recently, it has also been shown that a cell-extrinsic and intrinsic mechanotransduction pathway mediated by YAP acts as gatekeeper in the fate decisions of BP in the developing pancreas, whereby nuclear YAP in BPs allows proliferation in an uncommitted fate, while YAP silencing induces EP commitment (Mamidi, A. et al. Nature 564, 114-118, 2018; Rosado-Olivieri et al. Nature Communications 10, 1464, 2019). This mechanism was further exploited recently to improve the in vitro pancreatic beta cell differentiation protocol (Hogrebe et al., Nature Protocols 16, 4109-4143, 2021; Hogrebe et al, Nature Biotechnology 38, 460-470, 2020). Thus, YAP in the context of the findings described in this work could be a key player underlying the proliferation vs differentiation decisions in PP.

      We do refer to these publications now and refer to the YAP pathway in the introduction and results sections as well as in the discussion. We have not investigated more because the kinetics of the different components of the pathway are complex and do not give an indication of whether the pathway becomes more or less active – please see below.

      Author response image 2.

      Regarding the improvements made in the PP cell culture medium composition to allow expansion while avoiding differentiation, some of the claims should be better discussed and contextualized with current stateof-the-art differentiation protocols. As an example, the use of ALK5 II inhibitor (ALK5i II) has been reported to induce EP commitment from PP, while RA was used to induce PP commitment from the primitive gut tube cell stage in recently reported in vitro differentiation protocols (Hogrebe et al., Nature Protocols 16, 41094143, 2021; Rosado-Olivieri et al. Nature Communications 10, 1464, 2019). In this context, and to the authors' knowledge, is Vitamin A (triggering autocrine RA signaling) usually included in the basal media formulations used in other recently reported state-of-the-art protocols? If so, at which stages? Would it be advisable to remove it?

      These points and our views are now included in the discussion

      In this line also, the supplementation of cell culture media with the canonical Wnt inhibitor IWR-1 is used in this work to allow the expansion of PP while avoiding differentiation. A role for Wnt pathway inhibition during endocrine differentiation using IWR1 has been previously reported (Sharon et al. Cell Reports 27, 22812291.e5, 2019). In that work, Wnt inhibition in vitro causes an increase in the proportion of differentiated endocrine cells. It would be advisable to discuss these previous findings with the results presented in the current work. Could Wnt inhibition have different effects depending on the differential modulation of the other signaling pathways?

      These points are now included in the discussion together with the points above

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Recommendations for improving the writing and presentation and minor comments on the text and figures:

      • In the Introduction (page 3, line 1) it is stated: "Diabetes is a global epidemic affecting > 9% of the global population and its two main forms result from .....". The authors could rephrase/remove "global" repeated twice.


      • On page 4 of the introduction, in the context of "Unlimited expansion of PP cells in vitro will require disentangling differentiation signals from proliferation/maintenance signals. Several pathways have been implicated in these processes..." the authors are advised to consider mentioning the YAP mediated mechanisms as another key aspect underlying MPC phenotype (Cebola, I. et al. Nat Cell Biol 17, 615-26, 2015) and the BP to endocrine progenitor (EP) commitment (Mamidi, A. et al. Nature 564, 114-118, 2018; Rosado-Olivieri et al. Nature Communications 10, 1464, 2019). This should be better discussed in the context of the Weaknesses mentioned in the Public Review. It would be worth considering adding effectors and other molecules involved in YAP and Hippo pathway signaling to Table S3.

      We have added the role of the Hippo/YAP pathway in the introduction and mentioned in the results the finding that components of the pathway are generally not regulated except two that are now added in Table S3

      • In page 4, paragraph 3, near "and SB431542, another general (ALK4/5/7) TGFβ inhibitor", consider removing "another". SB431542 is the same inhibitor mentioned in the other protocols at the beginning of the paragraph.

      The paragraph is rewritten because it was not clear – we used A83-01 and not SB431542. Other approaches had used SB431542.

      • Page 5, Table S2 is cited after Table S3, please consider reordering.

      In fact, both S2 and S3 are relevant there, therefore we quote both now.

      • Page 8, 2nd paragraph, near "Expression of both AFP and CDX2 increased transiently upon expansion, at p5 (Figure S2H-J)." How do you explain results in FigS2C, D and FigS2E (AFP/CDX2)? RT-qPCR data does not suggest transient downregulation.

      AFP and CDX2 were – wrongly – italicized in the quoted passage. Therefore, in one case we refer to the protein and in the other to the transcript levels. We corrected and added the qualifier ‘appeared’. The difference is most likely due to translational regulation but we did not elaborate since we do not know. In any case, we have used the, less favorable but more robust, gene expression levels as the main criterion.

      • Page 9, end of 2nd paragraph, Figure 5A is cited but it looks like this should be Figure 4A.


      • Page 9, 3rd paragraph, when stating "C5 ePP cells of the same passage no..." please replace "no" with a number or a suitable abbreviation.


      • Page 9, 3rd paragraph. Expressing the values in the Y axis in a consistent manner for FigS2B-D and FigS4A would make a comparison easier.

      We strive to keep sections autonomous so that the reader would not have to flip between figures and sections – this is why we think that figure S4A is preferable as it is; it is a direct comparison of C6 to C5 for the different markers and has the additional advantage that one needs not to include p0 levels.

      • Page 9, 3rd paragraph. Green dots in FigS4A stand for p5 cells? if so, shouldn't these average 1 for all assayed genes?

      No, because the baseline (average 1) is the C5 expression at the corresponding passage no. We changed the y-axis label, hopefully it is clearer now.

      • Page 10 3rd paragraph, please include color labels in Fig. 5G.

      The different colors here correspond to the different expansion procedures that are compared. The samples are labelled on the x axis.

      • Page 10 3rd paragraph, Figure 6G is cited but it looks like this should be Figure 5G.


      • Page 11, 1st paragraph, at "TF genes such as FOXA2 and RBJ remained comparable", please double check if "RBJ" should be "RBPJ".


      • Page 11, end of 1st paragraph, when stating "Of note, expression of PTF1A was also undetectable in all ePP cells (Table S5)", is PTF1A expression level close to 1000 (which units?) in Table S5 considered undetectable?

      This statement regarding ‘undetectable PTF1A expression’ refers to expanded PP cells (ePP), not PP cells at p0. For the latter, expression is indeed close to 1000 in normalized RNA-sequence counts as mentioned in the Table legend.

      -Page 11, 4th paragraph, "In summary, the comparative transcriptome analyses suggested that our C6 expansion procedure is more efficient at strengthening the PP identity". In the context of comments made in the Public Review, more accuracy needs to be put when defining PP identity. Are these MPC or BP?

      The RNA Seq data suggest that expansion promotes a MPC  BP transition. We have added a paragraph in the corresponding results section and comment in the discussion.

      • Page 15, 2nd paragraph, the sentence "expression of PTF1A, recently shown to promote endocrine differentiation of hPS cells (Miguel-Escalada et al., 2022)" is confusing. Please double-check sentence syntax and reference. Does PTF1A expression "promote" or "create epigenetic competence" for endocrine differentiation?

      Its role is in the MPCs and it prepares the epigenetic landscape to allow for duct and endocrine specification later, thus it ‘creates epigenetic competence’. The paper was cited out of context and we have now corrected it.

      Additional recommendations by the Reviewing Editor:

      An insufficient number of experimental repetitions have been used for the following data: (Figure 1A, n = 2; Figures 2B-D, p10, n = 2; Figures 6A and B, VTN-N, n = 1).

      This is true but we do not draw quantitative conclusions from or do comparisons with these data.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful evaluation of our manuscript. We considered all the comments and prepared the revised version. The following are our responses to the reviewers’ comments. All references, including those in the original manuscript are included at the end of this point-by-point response.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      1) The authors should better review what we know of fungal Drosophila microbiota species as well as the ecology of rotting fruit. Are the microbiota species described in this article specific to their location/setting? It would have been interesting to know if similar species can be retrieved in other locations using other decaying fruits. The term 'core' in the title suggests that these species are generally found associated with Drosophila but this is not demonstrated. The paper is written in a way that implies the microbiota members they have found are universal. What is the evidence for this? Have the fungal species described in this paper been found in other studies? Even if this is not the case, the paper is interesting, but there should be a discussion of how generalizable the findings are.

      The reviewer inquires as to whether the microbial species described in this article are ubiquitously associated with Drosophila or not. Indeed, most of the microbes described in this manuscript are generally recognized as species associated with Drosophila spp. For example, yeasts such as Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia kluyveri, and Starmerella bacillaris have been detected in or isolated from Drosophila spp. collected in European countries as well as the United States and Oceania (Chandler et al., 2012; Solomon et al., 2019). As for bacteria, species belonging to the genera Pantoea, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, and Acetobacter have also previously been detected in wild Drosophila spp. (Chandler et al., 2011). These statements have been incorporated into our revised manuscript (lines 391-397). Nevertheless, the term “core” in the manuscript and title may lead to misunderstanding, as the generality does not ensure the ubiquitous presence of these microbial species in every individual fly. Considering this point, we replaced the “core” with “key,” a term that is more appropriate to our context.

      2) Can the authors clearly demonstrate that the microbiota species that develop in the banana trap are derived from flies? Are these species found in flies in the wild? Did the authors check that the flies belong to the D. melanogaster species and not to the sister group D. simulans?

      Can the authors clearly demonstrate that the microbiota species that develop in the banana trap are derived from flies? Are these species found in flies in the wild?

      The reviewer asked whether the microbial species detected from the fermented banana samples were derived from flies. To address this question, additional experiments under more controlled conditions would be needed, such as artificially introducing wild flies onto fresh bananas in the laboratory. Nevertheless, the microbes potentially originate from wild flies, as supported by the literature cited in our response to the Weakness 1).

      Alternative sources of microbes also merit consideration. For example, microbes may have been introduced to unfermented bananas by penetration through peel injuries (lines 1300-1301). In addition, they could be introduced by insects other than flies, given that rove beetles (Staphylinidae) and sap beetles (Nitidulidae) were observed in some of the traps. The explanation of these possibilities have been incorporated into DISCUSSION (lines 414427) of our revised manuscript.

      Did the authors check that the flies belong to the D. melanogaster species and not to the sister group D. simulans?

      Our sampling strategy was designed to target not only D. melanogaster but also other domestic Drosophila species, such as D. simulans, that inhabit human residential areas. For the traps where adult flies were caught, we identified the species of the drosophilids as shown in Table S1, thereby showing the presence of either or both D. melanogaster and D. simulans. We added these descriptions in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 511-512 and 560-562), and DISCUSSION (lines 378-379).

      3) Did the microarrays highlight a change in immune genes (ex. antibacterial peptide genes)? Whatever the answer, this would be worth mentioning. The authors described their microarray data in terms of fed/starved in relation to the Finke article. They should clarify if they observed significant differences between species (differences between species within bacteria or fungi, and more generally differences between bacteria versus fungi).

      Did the microarrays highlight a change in immune genes (ex. antibacterial peptide genes)? Whatever the answer, this would be worth mentioning.

      Regarding the antimicrobial peptide genes, statistical comparisons of our RNA-seq data across different conditions were impracticable because most of the genes showed low expression levels. The RNA-seq data of the yeast-fed larvae is shown in Author response Table 1. While a subset of genes exhibited significantly elevated expression in the nonsupportive conditions relative to the supportive ones, this can be due to intra-sample variability rather than the difference in the nutritional conditions. Similar expression profiles were observed in the bacteria-fed larvae as well (data not shown). Therefore, it is difficult to discuss a change in immune genes in the paper. Additionally, the previous study that conducted larval microarray analysis (Zinke et al., 2002) did not explicitly focus on immune genes.

      Author response table 1.

      Antimicrobial peptide genes are not up-regulated by any of the microbes. Antimicrobial peptides gene expression profiles of whole bodies of first-instar larvae fed on yeasts. TPM values of all samples and comparison results of gene expression levels in the larvae fed on supportive and non-supportive yeasts are shown. Antibacterial peptide genes mentioned in Hanson and Lemaitre, 2020 are listed. NA or na, not available.

      They should clarify if they observed significant differences between species (differences between species within bacteria or fungi, and more generally differences between bacteria versus fungi).

      We did not observe significant differences in the gene expression profiles of the larvae fed on different microbial species within bacteria or fungi, or between those fed on bacteria and those fed on fungi. For example, the gene expression profiles of larvae fed on the various supportive microbes showed striking similarities to each other, as evidenced by the heat map showing the expression of all genes detected in larvae fed either yeast or bacteria (Author response image 1). Similarities were also observed among larvae fed on various nonsupportive microbes.

      Only a handful of genes showed different expression patterns between larvae fed on yeast and those fed on bacteria. Thus, it is challenging to discuss the potential differential impacts of yeast and bacteria on larval growth, if any.

      Author response image 1.

      Gene expression profiles of larvae fed on the various supporting microbes show striking similarities to each other. Heat map showing the gene expression of the first-instar larvae that fed on yeasts or bacteria. Freshly hatched germ-free larvae were placed on banana agar inoculated with each microbe and collected after 15 h feeding to examine gene expression of the whole body. Note that data presented in Figures 3A and 4C in the original manuscript, which are obtained independently, are combined to generate this heat map. The labels under the heat map indicate the microbial species fed to the larvae, with three samples analyzed for each condition. The lactic acid bacteria (“LAB”) include Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, while the lactic acid bacterium (“AAB”) represents Acetobacter orientalis. “LAB + AAB” signifies mixtures of the AAB and either one of the LAB species. The asterisks in the label highlight “LAB + AAB” or “LAB” samples clustered separately from the other samples in those conditions; “” indicates a sample in a “LAB + AAB” condition (Lactiplantibacillus plantarum + Acetobacter orientalis), and “*” indicates a sample in a “LAB” condition (Leuconostoc mesenteroides). Brown abbreviations of scientific names are for the yeast-fed conditions. H. uva, Hanseniaspora uvarum; K. hum, Kazachstania humilis; M. asi, Martiniozyma asiatica; Sa. cra, Saccharomycopsis crataegensis; P. klu, Pichia kluyveri; St. bac, Starmerella bacillaris; BY4741, Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 strain.

      4) The whole paper - and this is one of its merits - points to a role of the Drosophila larval microbiota in processing the fly food. Are these bacterial and fungal species found in the gut of larvae/adults? Are these species capable of establishing a niche in the cardia of adults as shown recently in the Ludington lab (Dodge et al.,)? Previous studies have suggested that microbiota members stimulate the Imd pathway leading to an increase in digestive proteases (Erkosar/Leulier). Are the microbiota species studied here affecting gut signaling pathways beyond providing branched amino acids?

      The whole paper - and this is one of its merits - points to a role of the Drosophila larval microbiota in processing the fly food. Are these bacterial and fungal species found in the gut of larvae/adults? Are these species capable of establishing a niche in the cardia of adults as shown recently in the Ludington lab (Dodge et al.,)?

      Although we did not investigate the microbiota in the gut of either larvae or adults, we did compare the microbiota within surface-sterilized larvae or adults with the microbiota in food samples. We found that adult flies and early-stage foods, as well as larvae and late-stage foods, harbored similar microbial species (Figure 1F). Additionally, previous studies examining the gut microbiota in wild adult flies have detected microbes belonging to the same species or taxa as those isolated from our foods (Chandler et al., 2011; Chandler et al., 2012). We have elaborated on this in our response to Weakness 1).

      While we did not investigate whether these species are capable of establishing a niche in the cardia of adults, we have cited the study by Dodge et al., 2023 in our revised manuscript and discussed the possibility that predominant microbes in adult flies may show a propensity for colonization (lines 410-413).

      Previous studies have suggested that microbiota members stimulate the Imd pathway leading to an increase in digestive proteases (Erkosar/Leulier). Are the microbiota species studied here affecting gut signaling pathways beyond providing branched amino acids?

      The reviewer inquires whether the supportive microbes in our study stimulate gut signaling pathways and induce the expression of digestive protease genes, as demonstrated in a previous study (Erkosar et al., 2015). Based on our RNA-seq data, this is unlikely. The aforementioned study demonstrated that seven protease genes are upregulated through Imd pathway stimulation by a bacterium that promotes the larval growth. In our RNA-seq analysis, these seven genes did not exhibit a consistent upregulation in the presence of the supportive microbes (H. uva or K. hum in Author response table 2A; Le. mes + A. ori in Author response table 2B). Rather, they exhibited a tendency to be upregulated by the presence of non-supportive microbes (St. bac or Pi. klu in Author response table 2A; La. pla in Author Response Table 2B).

      Author response table 2.

      Most of the peptidase genes reported by Erkosar et al., 2015 are more highly expressed under the non-supportive conditions than the supportive conditions. Comparison of the expression levels of seven peptidase genes derived from the RNA-seq analysis of yeast-fed (A) or bacteria-fed (B) first-instar larvae. A previous report demonstrated that the expression of these genes is upregulated upon association with a strain of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, and that the PGRP-LE/Imd/Relish signaling pathway, at least partially, mediates the induction (Erkosar et al., 2015). H. uva, Hanseniaspora uvarum; K. hum, Kazachstania humilis; P. klu, Pichia kluyveri; S. bac, Starmerella bacillaris; La. pla, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum; Le. mes, Leuconostoc mesenteroides; A. ori, Acetobacter orientalis; ns, not significant.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The experimental setting that, the authors think, reflects host-microbe interactions in nature is one of the key points. However, it is not explicitly mentioned whether isolated microbes are indeed colonized in wild larvae of Drosophila melanogaster who eat bananas. Another matter is that this work is rather descriptive and a few mechanical insights are presented. The evidence that the nutritional role of BCAAs is incomplete, and molecular level explanation is missing in "interspecies interactions" between lactic acid bacteria (or yeast) and acetic acid bacteria that assure their inhabitation. Apart from these matters, the future directions or significance of this work could be discussed more in the manuscript.

      The experimental setting that, the authors think, reflects host-microbe interactions in nature is one of the key points. However, it is not explicitly mentioned whether isolated microbes are indeed colonized in wild larvae of Drosophila melanogaster who eat bananas.

      The reviewer asks whether the isolated microbes were colonized in the larval gut. Previous studies on microbial colonization associated with Drosophila have predominantly focused on adults (Pais et al. PLOS Biology, 2018), rather than larval stages. Developing larvae continually consume substrates which are already subjected to microbial fermentation and abundant in live microbes until the end of the feeding larval stage. Therefore, we consider it difficult to discuss microbial colonization in the larval gut. We have mentioned this point in DISCUSSION of the revised manuscript (lines 408-410).

      Another matter is that this work is rather descriptive and a few mechanical insights are presented. The evidence that the nutritional role of BCAAs is incomplete, and molecular level explanation is missing in "interspecies interactions" between lactic acid bacteria (or yeast) and acetic acid bacteria that assure their inhabitation.

      While we recognize the importance of comprehensive mechanistic analysis, elucidation of more detailed molecular mechanisms lies beyond the scope of this study and will be a subject of future research.

      Regarding the nutritional role of BCAAs, the incorporation of BCAAs enabled larvae fed with the non-supportive yeast to grow to the second-instar stage. This observation implies that consumption of BCAAs upregulates diverse genes involved in cellular growth processes in larvae. We mentioned a previously reported interaction between lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and acetic acid bacteria (AAB) in the manuscript (lines 433-436). LAB may facilitate lactate provision to AAB, consequently enhancing the biosynthesis of essential nutrients such as amino acids. To test this hypothesis, future experiments will include the supplementation of lactic acid to AAB culture plates, and the co-inoculation of AAB with LAB mutant strains defective in lactate production to assess both larval growth and continuous larval association with AAB. With respect to AAB-yeast interactions, metabolites released from yeast cells might benefit AAB growth, and this possibility will be investigated through the supplementation of AAB culture plates with candidate metabolites identified in the cell suspension supernatants of the late-stage yeasts.

      Apart from these matters, the future directions or significance of this work could be discussed more in the manuscript.

      We appreciate the reviewer's recommendations. The explanation of the universality of our findings has been included in the revised DISCUSSION (lines 391-397). We have also added descriptions on the implication of compositional shifts occurring in adult microbiota (lines 404413), possible inoculation routes of different microbes (lines 414-427), and hypotheses on the mechanism of larval growth promotion by yeasts (lines 469-476), all of which could be the focus of our future study.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Despite describing important findings, I believe that a more thorough explanation of the experimental setup and the steps expected to occur in the exposed diet over time, starting with natural "inoculation" could help the reader, in particular the non-specialist, grasp the rationale and main findings of the manuscript. When exactly was the decision to collect earlystage samples made? Was it when embryos were detected in some of the samples? What are the implications of bacterial presence in the no-fly traps? These samples also harbored complex microbial communities, as revealed by sequencing. Were these samples colonized by microbes deposited with air currents? Were they the result of flies that touched the material but did not lay eggs? Could the traps have been visited by other insects? Another interesting observation that could be better discussed is the fact that adult flies showed a microbiome that more closely resembles that of the early-stage diet, whereas larvae have a more late-stage-like microbiome. It is easy to understand why the microbiome of the larvae would resemble that of the late-stage foods, but what about the adult microbiome? Authors should discuss or at least acknowledge the fact that there must be a microbiome shift once adults leave their food source. Lastly, the authors should provide more details about the metabolomics experiments. For instance, how were peaks assigned to leucine/isoleucine (as well as other compounds)? Were both retention times and MS2 spectra always used? Were standard curves produced? Were internal, deuterated controls used?

      When exactly was the decision to collect early-stage samples made? Was it when embryos were detected in some of the samples?

      We collected traps and early-stage samples 2.5 days after setting up the traps. This duration was determined from pilot experiments. A shorter collection time resulted in a lower likelihood of obtaining traps visited by adult flies, whereas a longer collection time caused overcrowding of larvae as well as deaths of adults from drowning in the liquid seeping out of the fruits. These procedural details have been included in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section of the revised manuscript (lines 523-526).

      What are the implications of bacterial presence in the no-fly traps? These samples also harbored complex microbial communities, as revealed by sequencing. Were these samples colonized by microbes deposited with air currents? Were they the result of flies that touched the material but did not lay eggs? Could the traps have been visited by other insects?

      We assume that the origins of the microbes detected in the no-fly trap foods vary depending on the species. For instance, Colletotrichum musae, the fungus that causes banana anthracnose, may have been present in fresh bananas before trap placement. The filamentous fungi could have originated from airborne spores, but they could also have been introduced by insects that feed on these fungi. We have included these possibilities in the DISCUSSION section of the revised manuscript (lines 417-421).

      Another interesting observation that could be better discussed is the fact that adult flies showed a microbiome that more closely resembles that of the early-stage diet, whereas larvae have a more late-stage-like microbiome. It is easy to understand why the microbiome of the larvae would resemble that of the late-stage foods, but what about the adult microbiome? Authors should discuss or at least acknowledge the fact that there must be a microbiome shift once adults leave their food source.

      We are grateful for the reviewer's insightful suggestion regarding shifts in the adult microbiome. We have included in the DISCUSSION section of the revised manuscript the possibility that the microbial composition may change substantially during pupal stages or after adult eclosion (lines 404-413).

      Lastly, the authors should provide more details about the metabolomics experiments. For instance, how were peaks assigned to leucine/isoleucine (as well as other compounds)? Were both retention times and MS2 spectra always used?

      In this metabolomic analysis, LC-MS/MS with triple quadrupole MS monitors the formation of fragment ions from precursor ions specific to each target compound. The use of PFPP columns, which provide excellent separation of amino acids and nucleobases, allows chromatographic peaks of many structural isomers to be separated into independent peaks. In addition, all measured compounds are compared with data from a standard library to confirm retention time agreement. Structural isomers were separated either by retention time on the column or by compound-specific MRM signals (in fact, leucine and isoleucine have both unique MRM channels and column separations). Detailed MRM conditions are identical to the previously published study (Oka et al., 2017). These have been included in the revised ‘LC-MS/MS measurement’ section in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 810-824).

      Were standard curves produced?

      Since relative quantification of metabolite amounts was performed in this study, no standard curve was generated to determine absolute concentrations. However, a standard compound of known concentration (single point) was measured to confirm retention time and relative area values.

      Were internal, deuterated controls used?

      Internal standards for deuterium-labeled compounds were not used in this study. This is because it is not realistic to obtain deuterium-labeled compounds for all compounds since a large number of compounds are measured. However, an internal standard (L-methionine sulfone) is added to the extraction solvent to calculate the recovery rate. This has been included in the revised ‘LC-MS/MS measurement’ section in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 824-825).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Additional comments 1. The authors should do a better job of presenting their data. It took me quite a while to understand the protocol of Figure 1. Panel 1A, B, C could be improved. For instance, 1A suggests that flies are transferred to the lab while this is in fact the banana trap. Indicate 'Banana trap colonized by flies' rather 'wild-type flies in the trap'. 1C: should indicate that the food suspension comes from the banana trap. 1B,D,D: do not use pale color as legend. Avoid the use of indices in Figure 2 (Y1 rather than Y1). Grey colors are difficult to distinguish in Figure 2. Etc. It is a pain for reviewers that figure legends are on the verso of each figure and not just below.

      We thank the reviewer for the detailed suggestions to improve the clarity and comprehensibility of our figures. We have improved the figures according to the suggestions. As for the figure legends, we have placed them below each respective figure whenever possible.

      1. Clarify in the text if 'sample' means food substratum or flies/larvae (ex. line 116 and elsewhere).

      We have revised the word “sample” throughout our manuscript and eliminated the confusion.

      1. Line 170 - clarify what you mean by fermented food.

      We have replaced the “fermented larval foods” with “fermented bananas” in our revised manuscript (line 165).

      1. Line 199 - what is the meaning of 'stocks'.

      We have replaced the “stocks” with “strains” (line 195).

      1. Line 320 - explain more clearly what the yeast-conditioned banana-agar plate and cell suspension supernatant are, and what the goals of using these media are. This will help in understanding the subsequent text.

      We have added a supplemental figure illustrating the sample preparation for the metabolomic analysis (Figure S6), with the following legend describing the procedure (lines 1335-1346): “Sample preparation process for the metabolomic analysis. We suspected that the supportive live yeast cells may release critical nutrients for larval growth, whereas the non-supportive yeasts may not. To test this possibility, we made three distinct sample preparations of individual yeast strains (yeast cells, yeast-conditioned banana-agar plates, and cell suspension supernatants). Yeast cells were for the analysis of intracellular metabolites, whereas yeast-conditioned banana-agar plates and cell suspension supernatants were for that of extracellular metabolites. The samples were prepared as the following procedures. Yeasts were grown on banana-agar plates for 2 days at 25°C, and then scraped from the plates to obtain “yeast cells.” Next, the remaining yeasts on the resultant plates were thoroughly removed, and a portion from each plate was cut out (“yeast-conditioned banana agar”). In addition, we suspended yeast cells from the agar plates into sterile PBS, followed by centrifugation and filtration to eliminate the yeast cells, to prepare “cell suspension supernatants.”

      1. Figure 5 is difficult to understand. Provide more explanation. Consider moving the 'all metabolites panel' to Supp. Better explain what this holidic medium is.

      The holidic medium is a medium that has been commonly used in the Drosophila research community, which contains ~40 known nutrients, and supports the larval development to pupariation (Piper et al., 2014; Piper et al., 2017). We have introduced this explanation to the RESULTS section of the manuscript (lines 322-327). However, the scope of our research reaches beyond the analysis of the holidic medium components, because feeding the holidic medium alone causes a significant delay in larval growth, suggesting a lack of nutritional components (Piper et al., 2014). Thus, we believe the "All Metabolites" panels should be placed alongside the corresponding “The holidic medium components” panels.

      1. I could not access Figure 6 when downloading the PDF. The page is white and an error message appears - it is problematic to review a paper lacking a figure.

      We regret any inconvenience caused, perhaps due to a system error. Please refer to the Author response image 2, which is identical to Figure 6 of our original manuscript.

      Author response image 2.

      Supportive yeasts facilitate larval growth by providing nutrients, including branched-chain amino acids, by releasing them from their cells (Figure 6 from the original manuscript). (A and B) Growth of larvae feeding on yeasts on banana agar supplemented with leucine and isoleucine. (A) The mean percentage of the live/dead individuals in each developmental stage. n=4. (B) The percentage of larvae that developed into second instar or later stages. The “Not found” population in Figure 6A was omitted from the calculation. Each data point represents data from a single tube. Unique letters indicate significant differences between groups (Tukey-Kramer test, p < 0.05). (C) The biosynthetic pathways for leucine and isoleucine with S. cerevisiae gene names are shown. The colored dots indicate enzymes that are conserved in the six isolated species, while the white dots indicate those that are not conserved. Abbreviations of genera are given in the key in the upper right corner. LEU2 is deleted in BY4741. (D-G) Representative image of Phloxine B-stained yeasts. The right-side images are expanded images of the boxed areas. The scale bar represents 50 µm. (H) Summary of this study. H. uvarum is predominant in the early-stage food and provides Leu, Ile, and other nutrients that are required for larval growth. In the late-stage food, AAB directly provides nutrients, while LAB and yeasts indirectly contribute to larval growth by enabling the stable larva-AAB association. The host larva responds to the nutritional environment by dramatically altering gene expression profiles, which leads to growth and pupariation. H. uva, Hanseniaspora uvarum; K. hum, Kazachstania humilis; Pi. klu, Pichia kluyveri; St. bac, Starmerella bacillaris; GF, germ-free.

      1. Line 323 - Consider rewriting this sentence (too long, explain what the holidic medium is and why this is interesting). "In the yeast-conditioned banana-agar plates, which were anticipated to contain yeast-derived nutrients, many well-known nutrients included in a chemically defined synthetic (holidic) medium for Drosophila melanogaster (Piper et al., 2014, 2017) were not increased compared to the sterile banana-agar plates; instead, they exhibited drastic decreases irrespective of the yeast species."

      We thank the reviewer's suggestion to improve the readability of our manuscript. We have rewritten the sentence in the revised manuscript (lines 320-328) as follows: “The yeastconditioned banana-agar plates were expected to contain yeast-derived nutrients. On the contrary, the result revealed a depletion of various metabolites originally present in the sterile banana agar (Figure 5A). This result prompted us to focus on the metabolites in the chemically defined (holidic) medium for Drosophila melanogaster Piper et al., 2014; Piper et al., 2017. This medium contains ~40 known nutrients, and supports the larval development to pupariation, albeit at the half rate compared to that on a yeast-containing standard laboratory food Piper et al., 2014; Piper et al., 2017. Therefore, the holidic medium could be considered to contain the minimal essential nutrients required for larval growth. Our analysis indicated a substantial reduction of these known nutrients in the yeast-conditioned plates compared to their original quantities (Figure 5B).”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Suggestions for improved or additional experiments, data or analyses.

      1. It should be clearly shown (or stated) that isolated microbes, such as H. uvarum and Pa. agglomerans, are indigenous microbes in wild Drosophila melanogaster in their outdoor sampling.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestions. Addressing the presence of isolated microbes within wild D. melanogaster adults is important, but cannot be feasible with our data for the following reasons. Our microbiota analysis of adults was conducted using pooled individuals of multiple Drosophila species, rather than using D. melanogaster exclusively. Moreover, the microbial isolation and the analysis of adult microbiota were carried out in two independent samplings (Figures 1A and 1E in the original manuscript, respectively). As a result, the microbial species detected in the adults were slightly different from those isolated from the food samples collected in the previous sampling. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that H. uvarum dominated in 2 out of the 3 adult samples, constituting >80% of the fungal composition. Pantoea agglomerans was not detected in the adults, although Enterobacterales accounted for >59% in 2 out of the 3 samples. Therefore, these isolated microbial species, or at least their phylogenetically related species, are presumed to be indigenous to wild D. melanogaster.

      If the reviewer’s suggestion was to state the dominance of H. uvarum and Pantoea agglomerans in early-stage foods, we have added a supplemental figure showing the species-level microbial compositions corresponding to Figure 1B of the original manuscript (Figure S1), and further revised the manuscript (lines 180-186).

      1. The reviewer supposes that the indigenous microbes of flies may differ from what they usually eat. In this study, the authors use banana-based food, but is it justified in terms of the natural environment of the places where those microbes were isolated? In other words, did sampled wild flies eat bananas outside the laboratory at Kyoto University?

      Drosophila spp. inhabit human residential areas and feed on various fermented fruits and vegetables. In the areas surrounding Kyoto University, they can be found in garbage in residential dwellings as well as supermarkets. In this regard, fruits are natural food sources of wild Drosophila in the area.

      Among various fruits, bananas were selected based on the following two reasons. Firstly, bananas were commonly used in previous Drosophila studies as a trap bait or a component of Drosophila food (Anagnostou et al., 2010; Stamps et al., 2012; Consuegra et al., 2020). Secondly, and rather practically, bananas can be obtained in Japan all year at a relatively low cost. Previous studies have used various fruits such as grapes (Quan and Eisen, 2018), figs (Pais et al., 2018), and raspberries (Cho and Rohlfs, 2023). However, these fruits are only available during limited seasons and are more expensive per volume than bananas. Thus, they were not practical for our study, which required large amounts of fruit-based culture media. We have included a brief explanation regarding this point in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 514-518).

      1. In Fig. 6B, the Leu and Ile experiment, is the added amount of those amino acids appropriate in the context that they mention "...... supportive yeasts had concentrations of both leucine and isoleucine that were at least four-fold higher than those of non-supportive yeasts"?

      We acknowledge that the supplementation should be carried out ideally in a quantity equivalent to the difference between the released amounts of supportive and non-supportive species. However, achieving this has been highly challenging. Previous studies determined the amount of amino acid supplementation by quantifying their concentration in the bacteriaconditioned media (Consuegra et al., 2020; Henriques et al., 2020). However, we found that quantifying the exact concentrations of the amino acids is not feasible with our yeasts. As shown in Figure 5B in the original manuscript, the amino acid contents were markedly reduced in the yeast-conditioned banana agar compared to the agar without yeasts, presumably because of the uptake by the yeasts. Thus, the amino acids released from yeast cells on the banana-agar plate are not expected to accumulate in the medium. As this reviewer pointed out, in the cell suspension supernatants of the supportive yeasts, concentrations of both leucine and isoleucine were at least four-fold higher compared to those of non-supportive yeasts (Figures 5G-H in the original submission), However, this measurement does not give the absolute amount of either amino acid available for larvae. Given these constraints, we opted for the amino acid concentrations in the holidic medium, which support larval growth under axenic conditions (Piper et al., 2014). We also showed that the supplementation of the amino acids at that concentration to the bananaagar plate was not detrimental to larval growth (Figures 6A-B in the original manuscript). These rationales have been included in the revised ‘Developmental progression with BCAA supplementation’ section in MATERIALS AND METHODS of our manuscript (lines 840-847).

      1. In addition to the above, it can be included other amino acids or nutrients as control experiments.

      As mentioned in our manuscript (lines 365-368), we did supplement other amino acids, lysine and asparagine, which failed to rescue the larval growth.

      1. In the experiment of Fig. 2E, how about examining larval development using heat-killed LAB or yeast with live AAB? The reviewer speculates that one possibility is that AAB needs nutrients from LAB.

      We did not feed larvae with heat-killed LAB and live AAB for the following reasons. LAB grows very poorly on banana agar compared to yeasts, and preparation of LAB required many banana-agar plates even when we fed live bacteria to larvae. Adding dead LAB to banana-agar tubes would require far more plates, but this preparation is impractical. Furthermore, heat-killing may not allow the investigation of the contribution of heat-unstable or volatile compounds.

      As for the reviewer's suggestion regarding the addition of heat-killed yeast with AAB, heat-killed yeast itself promotes larval growth, as shown in Figures 4G and 4H in the original manuscript, so the contribution of yeast cannot be examined using this method.

      Recommendations for improving the writing and presentation.

      1. It would be good to mention that during sample collection, other insects (other than Drosophila species) were not found in the food if this is true.

      Insects other than Drosophila spp. were found in several traps in the sampling shown in Figures 1C-F. These insects, rove beetles (Staphylinidae) and sap beetles (Nitidulidae), seemed to share a niche with Drosophila in nature. Therefore, we believe that the contamination of these insects did not interfere with our goal of obtaining larval food samples. We added these descriptions and explanations to MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 527531).

      1. There are many different kinds of bananas. It should be mentioned the detailed information.

      We had included the information on the banana in MATERIALS AND METHODS section (line 622).

      1. Concerning the place of sample collection, detailed longitude, and latitude information can be provided (this is easily obtained from Google Maps). When the collection was performed should also be mentioned. This may suggest the environment of the "wild flies" they collected.

      We added a table listing the dates of our collections, along with the longitude and latitude of each sampling place (Table S1A).

      1. The reviewer could not find how the authors conducted heat killing of yeast.

      We added the following procedure to the ‘Quantification of larval development’ section in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 680-688). “When feeding heat-killed yeasts to larvae, yeasts were added to the banana-agar tubes and subsequently heated as following procedures. The yeasts were revived from frozen stocks on banana-agar plates, incubated at 25°C, and then streaked on fresh agar plates. After 2-day incubation, yeast cells were scraped from the plates and suspended in PBS at the concentration of 400 mg of yeast cells in 500 µL of PBS. 125 µL of the suspensions were added to banana-agar tubes prepared as described, and after centrifugation at 3,000 x g for 5 min, the supernatants were removed. The amount of cells in each tube is ~50x compared to that when feeding live yeasts, which compensates for the reduced amount due to their inability to proliferate. The tubes were subsequently heated at 80°C for 30 min before adding germ-free larvae.”

      1. The reviewer prefers that all necessary information on how to see figures be provided in figure legends. For example, an explanation of some abbreviations is missing.

      We carefully re-examined the figure legends and added necessary information.

      1. Many of the figures are not kind to readers, i.e., one needs to refer to the legends and main text very frequently. Adding subheadings (titles) to each figure may help.

      We added subheadings to our figures to improve the comprehensibility.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have some minor questions/suggestions about the manuscript that, if addressed, may increase the clarity and quality of the work.

      1. Please, when referring to microbial species in the abbreviated form, use only the first letter of the genus. For example, P. agglomerans should be used, not Pa. agglomerans.

      We are concerned about the potential confusion caused by using only the first letter of genera, since several genera mentioned in our work share the first letters, such as P (Pichia and Pantoea), S (Starmerella, Saccharomyces, and Saccharomycopsis), or L (Lactiplantibacillus and Leuconostoc). Therefore, we used only the unabbreviated form of the above seven genera in our revised manuscript. We have also made every effort to avoid abbreviations in our figures and tables, but found it necessary to retain two-letter abbreviations when spaces are particularly limiting.

      1. In lines 294-298, how exactly was the experiment where yeasts were killed by anti-fungal agents performed? If these agents killed the yeast, how was the microbial growth on plates required to have biomass for fly inoculation obtained? Please, clarify this section.

      The yeasts were grown on normal banana-agar plates before the addition onto the anti-fungal agents-containing banana agar. We added the following procedure to MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 689-695). “When feeding yeasts on banana agar supplemented with antifungal agents, the yeasts were individually grown on normal banana agar twice before being suspended in PBS at the concentration of 400 mg of yeast cells in 500 µL of PBS. 125 µL of the suspensions was introduced onto the anti-fungal agents (10 mL/L 10% p-hydroxybenzoic acid in 70% ethanol and 6 mL/L propionic acid, following the concentration described in Kanaoka et al., 2023)-containing banana agar in 1.5 mL tubes. After centrifugation, the supernatants were removed. The amount of cells in each tube is ~50x compared to that when feeding live yeasts.”

      1. In lines 557-558, please clarify how rDNA copy numbers can be calculated in this way.

      Considering the results of the ITS and 16S sequencing analysis, it was highly likely that rDNAs from bananas and Drosophila were amplified along with microbial rDNA in this qPCR. To estimate the microbial rDNA copy number, we assumed that the proportion of microbial rDNA within the total amplification products remains consistent between the qPCR and the corresponding sequencing analysis, because the template DNA samples and amplified regions were shared between the analyses. Based on this, the copy number of microbial rDNA was estimated by multiplying the qPCR results with the microbial rDNA ratio observed in the ITS or 16S sequencing analysis of each sample. This methodology has been detailed in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section (lines 609-615).

      1. In lines 609-611, how did you check for cells left from the previous day? Microscopy? Or do you mean that if there was liquid still in the sample you would not add more bacterial cultures? Please, clarify.

      We observed with the naked eye from outside the tubes to determine if additional AAB should be introduced. Since we placed AAB on the banana agar in a lump, we examined whether the lumps were gone or not. We have added these procedures in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 671-673).

      1. In Figure 2A, it is hard to differentiate between the gray tones. Please, improve this.

      We have distinguished the plots for different conditions by changing the shape of the markers on the graphs.

      1. In the legend of Figure 4, line 1101, I believe the panel letters are incorrect.

      We have corrected the manuscript (lines 1241-1242) from “heat-killed yeasts on banana agar (H and I) or live yeasts on a nutritionally rich medium (J and K)” to “heat-killed yeasts on banana agar (G and H) or live yeasts on a nutritionally rich medium (I and J).”

      1. In Figure S1, authors showed that bananas that were not inoculated still had detectable rDNA signal. Is this really because bacteria can penetrate the peel? Or could this be the “reagent microbiome”? Alternatively, could these microbes have been introduced during sample prep, such as cutting the bananas?

      The detection of rDNA in bananas that were not inoculated with microbes was unlikely to be due to microbial contamination during experimental manipulation. The reviewer pointed out the possibility that the “reagent microbiome”, presumably the microbes in PBS, are detected from the uninoculated bananas. This seems to be unlikely, considering the PBS was sterilized by autoclaving before use. To ensure that no viable microbe was left in the autoclaved PBS, we applied a portion of the PBS onto a banana-agar plate and confirmed no colony was formed after incubation for a few days. DNA derived from dead microbes might be present in the PBS, but the PBS-added bananas were incubated for 4 days, so it is also unlikely that a detectable amount of DNA remained until sample collection. Furthermore, we believe that no contamination occurred during sample preparation. Banana peels were treated with 70% ethanol before removing them extremely carefully to avoid touching the fruit inside. All tools were sterilized before use. Taking all of these into account, we speculate that the microbes were already present in the bananas before peeling. We added the details of the sample preparation processes in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 518-521 and 540).

      Other major revisions

      1. We deposited our yeast genome annotation data in the DDBJ Annotated/Assembled Sequences database, and the accession numbers have been added to the ‘Data availability’ section in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lines 868-873).

      2. The bacterial composition data in Figure 1B was corrected, because in the original version, the data for Place 3 and Place 4 was plotted in reverse. The original and revised plots are shown side by side in Author response image 3. We hope that the reviewers agree that this replacement of the plots does not affect our conclusion (p5, lines 117-120).

      Author response image 3.

      Comparison of the original and revised version of bacterial composition graph in Figure 1B. Comparison of the original (left) and revised (right) version of the graph at the bottom of Figure 1B, which shows the result of bacterial composition analysis. The color key, which is unmodified, is placed below the revised version.

      1. The plot data and labels in the RNA-seq result heatmaps (Figures 3A and 4C) have been corrected. In these figures, row Z-scores of log2(TPM + 1) were to be plotted, as indicated by the key in each figure. However, in the original version, row Z-scores of TPM was erroneously plotted. Thus, Figures 3A and 4C of the original version have been replaced with the correct plots, and the original and revised plots are shown side by side in Author response images 4A and 4B. We hope that the reviewers agree that this replacement of the plots does not affect our conclusion (p7, lines 222-226 and p9, lines 277-281).

      Author response image 4.

      Comparison of the original and revised version of Figures 3A and 4C. (A and B) Comparison of the original (left) and revised (right) version of Figures 3A (A) or 4C (B).

      1. The keys in the original Figures 3D and 4F indicate that log2(fold change) was used to plot all data. However, when plotting the data from the previous study (Zinke et al., 2002), their “fold change value” was used. We have corrected the keys, plots, and legend of Figure 3D to reflect the different nature of the data from our RNA-seq analysis and those from microarray analysis by Zinke et al. The original and revised plots are shown side by side in Author response image 5. We hope that the reviewers agree that this replacement of the plots does not affect our conclusion (p7, lines 228230 and p9, 277-284).

      Author response image 5.

      Comparison of the original and revised version of Figures 3D and 4F. (A and B) Comparison of the original (left) and revised (right) version of Figures 3D (A) or 4F (B).

      1. The labels in Figure S5C and S5D (Figure S4C and S4D in the original version) have been corrected (they are "Pichia kluyveri > Supportive" and "Starmerella bacillaris > Supportive" rather than "Non-support. > H. uva" and "Non-support. > K. hum"). Additionally, we have reintroduced the circle indicating the number of “dme04070: Phosphatidylinositol signaling system” DEGs in Figure S5D, which was missing in Figure S4D of the original version. The original and revised figures are shown in Author response image 6.

      Author response image 6.

      Comparison of the original and revised version of Figures S5C and S5D. (A and B) Comparison of the original (left) and revised (right) versions of Figures S5C (A) or S5D (B). The original figures corresponding to the aforementioned figures were Figures S4C and S4D, respectively.

      1. The "Fermentation stage" column in Table 1, which indicated whether each microbe was considered an early-stage microbe or a late-stage microbe, has been removed to avoid confusion. This is because some of the microbes (Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia kluyveri, and Pantoea agglomerans) were employed in both of the feeding experiments using the microbes detected from the early-stage foods (Figures 2A, 2B, S2A, and S2B) and those from the late-stage foods (Figures 2C, 2D, S2C, and S2D).

      2. The leftmost column in Table S7 has been edited to indicate species names rather than “Sample IDs,” because the IDs were not used in anywhere else in the paper.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and constructive suggestions. Point-by-point responses to comments are given below:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This manuscript provides an important case study for in-depth research on the adaptability of vertebrates in deep-sea environments. Through analysis of the genomic data of the hadal snailfish, the authors found that this species may have entered and fully adapted to extreme environments only in the last few million years. Additionally, the study revealed the adaptive features of hadal snailfish in terms of perceptions, circadian rhythms and metabolisms, and the role of ferritin in high-hydrostatic pressure adaptation. Besides, the reads mapping method used to identify events such as gene loss and duplication avoids false positives caused by genome assembly and annotation. This ensures the reliability of the results presented in this manuscript. Overall, these findings provide important clues for a better understanding of deep-sea ecosystems and vertebrate evolution.

      Reply: Thank you very much for your positive comments and encouragement.

      However, there are some issues that need to be further addressed.

      1. L119: Please indicate the source of any data used.

      Reply: Thank you very much for the suggestion. All data sources used are indicated in Supplementary file 1.

      1. L138: The demographic history of hadal snailfish suggests a significant expansion in population size over the last 60,000 years, but the results only show some species, do the results for all individuals support this conclusion?

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. The estimated demographic history of the hadal snailfish reveals a significant population increase over the past 60,000 years for all individuals. The corresponding results have been incorporated into Figure 1-figure supplements 8B.

      Author response image 1.

      (B) Demographic history for 5 hadal snailfish individuals and 2 Tanaka’s snailfish individuals inferred by PSMC. The generation time of one year for Tanaka snailfish and three years for hadal snailfish.

      1. Figure 1-figure supplements 8: Is there a clear source of evidence for the generation time of 1 year chosen for the PSMC analysis?

      Reply: We apologize for the inclusion of an incorrect generation time in Figure 1-figure supplements 8. It is important to note that different generation times do not change the shape of the PSMC curve, they only shift the curve along the axis. Due to the absence of definitive evidence regarding the generation time of the hadal snailfish, we have referred to Wang et al., 2019, assuming a generation time of one year for Tanaka snailfish and three years for hadal snailfish. The generation time has been incorporated into the main text (lines 516-517): “The generation time of one year for Tanaka snailfish and three years for hadal snailfish.”.

      1. L237: Transcriptomic data suggest that the greatest changes in the brain of hadal snailfish compared to Tanaka's snailfish, what functions these changes are specifically associated with, and how these functions relate to deep-sea adaptation.

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. Through comparative transcriptome analysis, we identified 3,587 up-regulated genes and 3,433 down-regulated genes in the brains of hadal snailfish compared to Tanaka's snailfish. Subsequently, we conducted Gene Ontology (GO) functional enrichment analysis on the differentially expressed genes, revealing that the up-regulated genes were primarily associated with cilium, DNA repair, protein binding, ATP binding, and microtubule-based movement. Conversely, the down-regulated genes were associated with membranes, GTP-binding, proton transmembrane transport, and synaptic vesicles, as shown in following table (Supplementary file 15). Previous studies have shown that high hydrostatic pressure induces DNA strand breaks and damage, and that DNA repair-related genes upregulated in the brain may help hadal snailfish overcome these challenges.

      Author response table 1.

      GO enrichment of expression up-regulated and down-regulated genes in hadal snailfish brain.

      We have added new results (Supplementary file 15) and descriptions to show the changes in the brains of hadal snailfish (lines 250-255): “Specifically, there are 3,587 up-regulated genes and 3,433 down-regulated genes in the brain of hadal snailfish compared to Tanaka snailfish, and Gene Ontology (GO) functional enrichment analyses revealed that up-regulated genes in the hadal snailfish are associated with cilium, DNA repair, and microtubule-based movement, while down-regulated genes are enriched in membranes, GTP-binding, proton transmembrane transport, and synaptic vesicles (Supplementary file 15).”

      1. L276: What is the relationship between low bone mineralization and deep-sea adaptation, and can low mineralization help deep-sea fish better adapt to the deep sea?

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. The hadal snailfish exhibits lower bone mineralization compared to Tanaka's snailfish, which may have facilitated its adaptation to the deep sea. On one hand, this reduced bone mineralization could have contributed to the hadal snailfish's ability to maintain neutral buoyancy without excessive energy expenditure. On the other hand, the lower bone mineralization may have also rendered their skeleton more flexible and malleable, enhancing their resilience to high hydrostatic pressure. Accordingly, we added the following new descriptions (lines 295-300): “Nonetheless, micro-CT scans have revealed shorter bones and reduced bone density in hadal snailfish, from which it has been inferred that this species has reduced bone mineralization (M. E. Gerringer et al., 2021); this may be a result of lowering density by reducing bone mineralization, allowing to maintain neutral buoyancy without expending too much energy, or it may be a result of making its skeleton more flexible and malleable, which is able to better withstand the effects of HHP.”

      1. L293: The abbreviation HHP was mentioned earlier in the article and does not need to be abbreviated here.

      Reply: Thank you for the correction. We have corrected the word. Line 315.

      1. L345: It should be "In addition, the phylogenetic relationships between different individuals clearly indicate that they have successfully spread to different trenches about 1.0 Mya".

      Reply: Thank you for the correction. We have corrected the word. Line 374.

      1. It is curious what functions are associated with the up-regulated and down-regulated genes in all tissues of hadal snailfish compared to Tanaka's snailfish, and what functions have hadal snailfish lost in order to adapt to the deep sea?

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. We added a description of this finding in the results section (lines 337-343): “Next, we identified 34 genes that are significantly more highly expressed in all organs of hadal snailfish in comparison to Tanaka’s snailfish and zebrafish, while only seven genes were found to be significantly more highly expressed in Tanaka’s snailfish using the same criterion (Figure 5-figure supplements 1). The 34 genes are enriched in only one GO category, GO:0000077: DNA damage checkpoint (Adjusted P-value: 0.0177). Moreover, five of the 34 genes are associated with DNA repair.” This suggests that up-regulated genes in all tissues in hadal snailfish are associated with DNA repair in response to DNA damage caused by high hydrostatic pressure, whereas down-regulated genes do not show enrichment for a particular function.

      Overall, the functions lost in hadal snailfish adapted to the deep sea are mainly related to the effects of the dark environment, which can be summarized as follows (lines 375-383): “The comparative genomic analysis revealed that the complete absence of light had a profound effect on the hadal snailfish. In addition to the substantial loss of visual genes and loss of pigmentation, many rhythm-related genes were also absent, although some rhythm genes were still present. The gene loss may not only come from relaxation of natural selection, but also for better adaptation. For example, the grpr gene copies are absent or down-regulated in hadal snailfish, which could in turn increased their activity in the dark, allowing them to survive better in the dark environment (Wada et al., 1997). The loss of gpr27 may also increase the ability of lipid metabolism, which is essential for coping with short-term food deficiencies (Nath et al., 2020).”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have pointed out some of the examples that struck me as worthy of additional thought/writing/comments from the authors. Any changes/comments are relatively minor.

      Reply: Thank you very much for your positive comments on this work.

      For comparative transcriptome analyses, reads were mapped back to reference genomes and TPM values were obtained for gene-level count analyses. 1:1 orthologs were used for differential expression analyses. This is indeed the only way to normalize counts across species, by comparing the same gene set in each species. Differential expression statistics were run in DEseq2. This is a robust way to compare gene expression across species and where fold-change values are reported (e.g. Fig 3, creatively by coloring the gene name) the values are best-practice.

      In other places, TPM values are reported (e.g. Fig 2D, Fig 4C, Fig 5A, Fig 4-Fig supp 4) to illustrate expression differences within a tissue across species. The comparisons look robust, although it is not made clear how the values were obtained in all cases. For example, in Fig 2D the TPM values appear to be from eyes of individual fish, but in Fig 4C and 5A they must be some kind of average? I think that information should be added to the figure legends.

      Of note: TPM values are sensitive to the shape of the RNA abundance distribution from a given sample: A small number of very highly expressed genes might bias TPM values downward for other genes. From one individual to another or from one species to another, it is not obvious to me that we should expect the same TPM distribution from the same tissues, making it a challenging metric for comparison across samples, and especially across species. An alternative measure of RNA abundance is normalized counts that can be output from DEseq2. See:

      Zhao, Y., Li, M.C., Konaté, M.M., Chen, L., Das, B., Karlovich, C., Williams, P.M., Evrard, Y.A., Doroshow, J.H. and McShane, L.M., 2021. TPM, FPKM, or normalized counts? A comparative study of quantification measures for the analysis of RNA-seq data from the NCI patient-derived models repository. Journal of translational medicine, 19(1), pp.1-15.

      If the authors would like to keep the TPM values, I think it would be useful for them to visualize the TPM value distribution that the numbers were derived from. One way to do this would be to make a violin plot for species/tissue and plot the TPM values of interest on that. That would give a visualization of the ranked value of the gene within the context of all other TPM values. A more highly expressed gene would presumably have a higher rank in context of the specific tissue/species and be more towards the upper tail of the distribution. An example violin plot can be found in Fig 6 of:

      Burns, J.A., Gruber, D.F., Gaffney, J.P., Sparks, J.S. and Brugler, M.R., 2022. Transcriptomics of a Greenlandic Snailfish Reveals Exceptionally High Expression of Antifreeze Protein Transcripts. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 18, p.11769343221118347.

      Alternatively, a comparison of TPM and normalized count data (heatmaps?) would be of use for at least some of the reported TPM values to show whether the different normalization methods give comparable outputs in terms of differential expression. One reason for these questions is that DEseq2 uses normalized counts for statistical analyses, but values are expressed as TPM in the noted figures (yes, TPM accounts for transcript length, but can still be subject to distribution biases).

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. Following your suggestions, we modified Fig 2D, Fig 4C, Fig 4-Fig supp 4, and Fig 5-Fig supp 1, respectively. In the differential expression analyses, only one-to-one orthologues of hadal snailfish and Tanaka's snailfish can get the normalized counts output by DEseq2, so we showed the normalized counts by DEseq2 output for Fig 2D, Fig 4C, Fig 4-Fig supp 4, Fig 5-Fig supp 1, and for Fig 5A, since the copy number of fthl27 genes undergoes specific expansion in hadal snailfish, we visualized the ranking of all fthl27 genes across tissues by plotting violins in Fig 5-Fig supp 2.

      Author response image 2.

      (D) Log10-transformation normalized counts for DESeq2 (COUNTDESEQ2) of vision-related genes in the eyes of hadal snailfish and Tanka's snailfish. * represents genes significantly downregulated in hadal snailfish (corrected P < 0.05).

      Author response image 3.

      (C) The deletion of one copy of grpr and another copy of down-regulated expression in hadal snailfish. The relative positions of genes on chromosomes are indicated by arrows, with arrows to the right representing the forward strand and arrows to the left representing the reverse strand. The heatmap presented is the average of the normalized counts for DESeq2 (COUNTDESEQ2) in all replicate samples from each tissue. * represents tissue in which the grpr-1 was significantly down-regulated in hadal snailfish (corrected P < 0.05).

      Author response image 4.

      Expression of the vitamin D related genes in various tissues of hadal snailfish and Tanaka's snailfish. The heatmap presented is the average of the normalized counts for DESeq2 (COUNTDESEQ2) in all replicate samples from each tissue.

      Author response image 5.

      (B) Expression of the ROS-related genes in different tissues of hadal snailfish and Tanaka's snailfish. The heatmap presented is the average of the normalized counts for DESeq2 (COUNTDESEQ2) in all replicate samples from each tissue.

      Author response image 6.

      Ranking of the expression of individual copies of fthl27 gene in hadal snailfish and Tanaka's snailfish in various tissues showed that all copies of fthl27 in hadal snailfish have high expression. The gene expression presented is the average of TPM in all replicate samples from each tissue.

      Line 96: Which BUSCOs? In the methods it is noted that the actinopterygii_odb10 BUSCO set was used. I think it should also be noted here so that it is clear which BUSCO set was used for completeness analysis. It could even be informally the ray-finned fish BUSCOs or Actinopterygii BUSCOs.

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. We used Actinopterygii_odb10 database and we added the BUSCO set to the main text as follows (lines 92-95): “The new assembly filled 1.26 Mb of gaps that were present in our previous assembly and have a much higher level of genome continuity and completeness (with complete BUSCOs of 96.0 % [Actinopterygii_odb10 database]) than the two previous assemblies.”

      Lines 102-105: The medaka genome paper proposes the notion that the ancestral chromosome number between medaka, tetraodon, and zebrafish is 24. There may be other evidence of that too. Some of that evidence should be cited here to support the notion that sticklebacks had chromosome fusions to get to 21 chromosomes rather than scorpionfish having chromosome fissions to get to 24. Here's the medaka genome paper:

      Kasahara, M., Naruse, K., Sasaki, S., Nakatani, Y., Qu, W., Ahsan, B., Yamada, T., Nagayasu, Y., Doi, K., Kasai, Y. and Jindo, T., 2007. The medaka draft genome and insights into vertebrate genome evolution. Nature, 447(7145), pp.714-719.

      Reply: Thank you for your great suggestion. Accordingly, we modified the sentence and added the citation as follows (lines 100-105): “We noticed that there is no major chromosomal rearrangement between hadal snailfish and Tanaka’s snailfish, and chromosome numbers are consistent with the previously reported MTZ-ancestor (the last common ancestor of medaka, Tetraodon, and zebrafish) (Kasahara et al., 2007), while the stickleback had undergone several independent chromosomal fusion events (Figure 1-figure supplements 4).”

      Line 161-173: "Along with the expression data, we noticed that these genes exhibit a different level of relaxation of natural selection in hadal snailfish (Figure 2B; Figure 2-figure supplements 1)." With the above statment and evidence, the authors are presumably referring to gene losses and differences in expression levels. I think that since gene expression was not measured in a controlled way it may not be a good measure of selection throughout. The reported genes could be highly expressed under some other condition, selection intact. I find Fig2-Fig supp 1 difficult to interpret. I assume I am looking for regions where Tanaka’s snailfish reads map and Hadal snailfish reads do not, but it is not abundantly clear. Also, other measures of selection might be good to investigate: accumulation of mutations in the region could be evidence of relaxed selection, for example, where essential genes will accumulate fewer mutations than conditional genes or (presumably) genes that are not needed at all. The authors could complete a mutational/SNP analysis using their genome data on the discussed genes if they want to strengthen their case for relaxed selection. Here is a reference (from Arabidopsis) showing these kinds of effects:

      Monroe, J.G., Srikant, T., Carbonell-Bejerano, P., Becker, C., Lensink, M., Exposito-Alonso, M., Klein, M., Hildebrandt, J., Neumann, M., Kliebenstein, D. and Weng, M.L., 2022. Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature, 602(7895), pp.101-105.

      Reply: Thank you for pointing out this important issue. Following your suggestion, we have removed the mention of the down-regulation of some visual genes in the eyes of hadal snailfish and the results of the original Fig2-Fig supp 1 that were based on reads mapping to confirm whether the genes were lost or not. To investigate the potential relaxation of natural selection in the opn1sw2 gene in hadal snailfish, we conducted precise gene structure annotation. Our findings revealed that the opn1sw2 gene is pseudogenized in hadal snailfish, indicating a relaxation of natural selection. We have included this result in Figure 2-figure supplements 1.

      Author response image 7.

      Pseudogenization of opn1sw2 in hadal snailfish. The deletion changed the protein’s sequence, causing its premature termination.

      Accordingly, we have toned down the related conclusions in the main text as follows (lines 164-173): “We noticed that the lws gene (long wavelength) has been completely lost in both hadal snailfish and Tanaka’s snailfish; rh2 (central wavelength) has been specifically lost in hadal snailfish (Figure 2B and 2C); sws2 (short wavelength) has undergone pseudogenization in hadal snailfish (Figure 2-figure supplements 1); while rh1 and gnat1 (perception of very dim light) is both still present and expressed in the eyes of hadal snailfish (Figure 2D). A previous study has also proven the existence of rhodopsin protein in the eyes of hadal snailfish using proteome data (Yan, Lian, Lan, Qian, & He, 2021). The preservation and expression of genes for the perception of very dim light suggests that they are still subject to natural selection, at least in the recent past.”

      Line 161-170: What tissue were the transcripts derived from for looking at expression level of opsins? Eyes?

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. The transcripts used to observe the expression levels of optic proteins were obtained from the eye.

      Line 191: What does tmc1 do specifically?

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. The tmc1 gene encodes transmembrane channel-like protein 1, involved in the mechanotransduction process in sensory hair cells of the inner ear that facilitates the conversion of mechanical stimuli into electrical signals used for hearing and homeostasis. We added functional annotations for the tmc1 in the main text (lines 190-196): “Of these, the most significant upregulated gene is tmc1, which encodes transmembrane channel-like protein 1, involved in the mechanotransduction process in sensory hair cells of the inner ear that facilitates the conversion of mechanical stimuli into electrical signals used for hearing and homeostasis (Maeda et al., 2014), and some mutations in this gene have been found to be associated with hearing loss (Kitajiri, Makishima, Friedman, & Griffith, 2007; Riahi et al., 2014).”

      Line 208: "it is likely" is a bit proscriptive

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. We rephrased the sentence as follows (lines 213-215): “Expansion of cldnj was observed in all resequenced individuals of the hadal snailfish (Supplementary file 10), which provides an explanation for the hadal snailfish breaks the depth limitation on calcium carbonate deposition and becomes one of the few species of teleost in hadal zone.”

      Line 199: maybe give a little more info on exactly what cldnj does? e.g. "cldnj encodes a claudin protein that has a role in tight junctions through calcium independent cell-adhesion activity" or something like that.

      Reply: Thank you for this suggestion. We have added functional annotations for the cldnj to the main text (lines 200-204): “Moreover, the gene involved in lifelong otolith mineralization, cldnj, has three copies in hadal snailfish, but only one copy in other teleost species, encodes a claudin protein that has a role in tight junctions through calcium independent cell-adhesion activity (Figure 3B, Figure 3C) (Hardison, Lichten, Banerjee-Basu, Becker, & Burgess, 2005).”

      Lines 199-210: Paragraph on cldnj: there are extra cldnj genes in the hadal snailfish, but no apparent extra expression. Could the authors mention that in their analysis/discussion of the data?

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. Despite not observing significant changes in cldnj expression in the brain tissue of hadal snailfish compared to Tanaka's snailfish, it is important to consider that the brain may not be the primary site of cldnj expression. Previous studies in zebrafish have consistently shown expression of cldnj in the otocyst during the critical early growth phase of the otolith, with a lower level of expression observed in the zebrafish brain. However, due to the unavailability of otocyst samples from hadal snailfish in our current study, our findings do not provide confirmation of any additional expression changes resulting from cldnj amplification. Consequently, it is crucial to conduct future comprehensive investigations to explore the expression patterns of cldnj specifically in the otocyst of hadal snailfish. Accordingly, we added a discussion of this result in the main text (lines 209-214): “In our investigation, we found that the expression of cldnj was not significantly up-regulated in the brain of the hadal snailfish than in Tanaka’s snailfish, which may be related to the fact that cldnj is mainly expressed in the otocyst, while the expression in the brain is lower. However, due to the immense challenge in obtaining samples of hadal snailfish, the expression of cldnj in the otocyst deserves more in-depth study in the future.”

      Lines 225-231: I wonder whether low expression of a circadian gene might be a time of day effect rather than an evolutionary trait. Could the authors comment?

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. Previous studies have shown that the grpr gene is expressed relatively consistently in mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) throughout the day (Figure 4-figure supplements 1) and we hypothesize that the low expression of grpr-1 gene expression in hadal snailfish is an evolutionary trait. We have modified this result in the main text (lines 232-242): “In addition, in the teleosts closely related to hadal snailfish, there are usually two copies of grpr encoding the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor; we noticed that in hadal snailfish one of them is absent and the other is barely expressed in brain (Figure 4C), whereas a previous study found that the grpr gene in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) did not fluctuate significantly during a 24-hour light/dark cycle and had a relatively stable expression (Pembroke, Babbs, Davies, Ponting, & Oliver, 2015) (Figure 4-figure supplements 1). It has been reported that grpr deficient mice, while exhibiting normal circadian rhythms, show significantly increased locomotor activity in dark conditions (Wada et al., 1997; Zhao et al., 2023). We might therefore speculate that the absence of that gene might in some way benefit the activity of hadal snailfish under complete darkness.”

      Author response image 8.

      (B) Expression of the grpr in a 24-hour light/dark cycle in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Data source with http://www.wgpembroke.com/shiny/SCNseq.

      Line 253: What is gpr27? G protein coupled receptor?

      Reply: We apologize for the ambiguous description. Gpr27 is a G protein-coupled receptor, belonging to the family of cell surface receptors. We introduced gpr27 in the main text as follows (lines 270-273): “Gpr27 is a G protein-coupled receptor, belonging to the family of cell surface receptors, involved in various physiological processes and expressed in multiple tissues including the brain, heart, kidney, and immune system.”

      Line 253: Fig4 Fig supp 3 is a good example of pseudogenization!

      Reply: Thank you very much for your recognition.

      Line 279: What is bglap? It regulates bone mineralization, but what specifically does that gene do?

      Reply: We apologize for the ambiguous description. The bglap gene encodes a highly abundant bone protein secreted by osteoblasts that binds calcium and hydroxyapatite and regulates bone remodeling and energy metabolism. We introduced bglap in the main text as follows (lines 300-304): “The gene bglap, which encodes a highly abundant bone protein secreted by osteoblasts that binds calcium and hydroxyapatite and regulates bone remodeling and energy metabolism, had been found to be a pseudogene in hadal fish (K. Wang et al., 2019), which may contribute to this phenotype.”

      Line 299: Introduction of another gene without providing an exact function: acaa1.

      Reply: We apologize for the ambiguous description. The acaa1 gene encodes acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1, a key regulator of fatty acid β-oxidation in the peroxisome, which plays a controlling role in fatty acid elongation and degradation. We introduced acaa1 in the main text as follows (lines 319-324): “In regard to the effect of cell membrane fluidity, relevant genetic alterations had been identified in previous studies, i.e., the amplification of acaa1 (encoding acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1, a key regulator of fatty acid β-oxidation in the peroxisome, which plays a controlling role in fatty acid elongation and degradation) may increase the ability to synthesize unsaturated fatty acids (Fang et al., 2000; K. Wang et al., 2019).”

      Fig 5 legend: The DCFH-DA experiment is not an immunofluorescence assay. It is better described as a redox-sensitive fluorescent probe. Please take note throughout.

      Reply: Thank you for pointing out our mistakes. We corrected the word. Line 1048 and 1151 as follows: “ROS levels were confirmed by redox-sensitive fluorescent probe using DCFH-DA molecular probe in 293T cell culture medium with or without fthl27-overexpression plasmid added with H2O2 or FAC for 4 hours.”

      Line 326: Manuscript notes that ROS levels in transfected cells are "significantly lower" than the control group, but there is no quantification or statistical analysis of ROS levels. In the methods, I noticed the mention of flow cytometry, but do not see any data from that experiment. Proportion of cells with DCFH-DA fluorescence above a threshold would be a good statistic for the experiment... Another could be average fluorescence per cell. Figure 5B shows some images with green dots and it looks like more green in the "control" (which could better be labeled as "mock-transfection") than in the fthl27 overexpression, but this could certainly be quantified by flow cytometry. I recommend that data be added.

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. We apologize for the error in the main text, we used a fluorescence microscope to observe fluorescence in our experiments, not a flow cytometer. We have corrected it in the methods section as follows (lines 651-653): “ROS levels were measured using a DCFH-DA molecular probe, and fluorescence was observed through a fluorescence microscope with an optional FITC filter, with the background removed to observe changes in fluorescence.” Meanwhile, we processed the images with ImageJ to obtain the respective mean fluorescence intensities (MFI) and found that the MFI of the fthl27-overexpression cells were lower than the control group, which indicated that the ROS levels of the fthl27-overexpression cells were significantly lower than the control group. MFI has been added to Figure 5B.

      Author response image 9.

      ROS levels were confirmed by redox-sensitive fluorescent probe using DCFH-DA molecular probe in 293T cell culture medium with or without fthl27-overexpression plasmid added with H2O2 or FAC for 4 hours. Images are merged from bright field images with fluorescent images using ImageJ, while the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) is also calculated using ImageJ. Green, cellular ROS. Scale bars equal 100 μm.

      Regarding the ROS experiment: Transfection of HEK293T cells should be reasonably straightforward, and the experiment was controlled appropriately with a mock transfection, but some additional parameters are still needed to help interpret the results. Those include: Direct evidence that the transfection worked, like qPCR, western blots (is the fthl27 tagged with an antigen?), coexpression of a fluorescent protein. Then transfection efficiency should be calculated and reported.

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. To assess the success of the transfection, we randomly selected a subset of fthl27-transfected HEK293T cells for transcriptome sequencing. This approach allowed us to examine the gene expression profiles and confirm the efficacy of the transfection process. As control samples, we obtained transcriptome data from two untreated HEK293T cells (SRR24835259 and SRR24835265) from NCBI. Subsequently, we extracted the fthl27 gene sequence of the hadal snailfish, along with 1,000 bp upstream and downstream regions, as a separate scaffold. This scaffold was then merged with the human genome to assess the expression levels of each gene in the three transcriptome datasets. The results demonstrated that the fthl27 gene exhibited the highest expression in fthl27-transfected HEK293T cells, while in the control group, the expression of the fthl27 gene was negligible (TPM = 0). Additionally, the expression patterns of other highly expressed genes were similar to those observed in the control group, confirming the successful fthl27 transfection. These findings have been incorporated into Figure 5-figure supplements 3.

      Author response image 10.

      (B) Reads depth of fthl27 gene in fthl27-transfected HEK293T cells and 2 untreated HEK293T cells (SRR24835259 and SRR24835265) transcriptome data. (C) Expression of each gene in the transcriptome data of fthl27-transfected HEK293T cells and 2 untreated HEK293T cells (SRR24835259 and SRR24835265), where the genes shown are the 4 most highly expressed genes in each sample.

      Lines 383-386: expression of DNA repair genes is mentioned, but not shown anywhere in the results?

      Reply: Thank you for your suggestions. Accordingly, we added a description of this finding in the results section (lines 337-343): “Next, we identified 34 genes that are significantly more highly expressed in all organs of hadal snailfish in comparison to Tanaka’s snailfish and zebrafish, while only seven genes were found to be significantly more highly expressed in Tanaka’s snailfish using the same criterion (Figure 5-figure supplements 1). The 34 genes are enriched in only one GO category, GO:0000077: DNA damage checkpoint (Adjusted P-value: 0.0177). Moreover, five of the 34 genes are associated with DNA repair.”. And we added the information in the Figure 5-figure supplements 1C.

      Author response image 11.

      (C) Genes were significantly more highly expressed in all tissues of the hadal snailfish compared to Tanaka's snailfish, and 5 genes (purple) were associated with DNA repair.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      Reviewer #3 comment

      1) One suggestion for improvement is to consider incorporating the results from Figure S9 into in the main Figure 6, which would enhance readers' comprehension.

      We appreciate your valuable feedback. Based on the reviewer’s suggestion, we have incorporated results from the Figure S9 into the main Figure 6, as shown below. Manuscripts and figure legends have also been modified accordingly.

      Author response image 1.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for truly valuable advice and comments. We have made multiple corrections and revisions to the original pre-print accordingly per the following comments:

      1. Pro1153Leu is extremely common in the general population (allele frequency in gnomAD is 0.5). Further discussion is warranted to justify the possibility that this variant contributes to a phenotype documented in 1.5-3% of the population. Is it possible that this variant is tagging other rare SNPs in the COL11A1 locus, and could any of the existing exome sequencing data be mined for rare nonsynonymous variants?

      One possible avenue for future work is to return to any existing exome sequencing data to query for rare variants at the COL11A1 locus. This should be possible for the USA MO case-control cohort. Any rare nonsynonymous variants identified should then be subjected to mutational burden testing, ideally after functional testing to diminish any noise introduced by rare benign variants in both cases and controls. If there is a significant association of rare variation in AIS cases, then they should consider returning to the other cohorts for targeted COL11A1 gene sequencing or whole exome sequencing (whichever approach is easier/less expensive) to demonstrate replication of the association.

      Response: Regarding the genetic association of the common COL11A1 variant rs3753841 (p.(Pro1335Leu)), we do not propose that it is the sole risk variant contributing to the association signal we detected and have clarified this in the manuscript. We concluded that it was worthy of functional testing for reasons described here. Although there were several common variants in the discovery GWAS within and around COL11A1, none were significantly associated with AIS and none were in linkage disequilibrium (R2>0.6) with the top SNP rs3753841. We next reviewed rare (MAF<=0.01) coding variants within the COL11A1 LD region of the associated SNP (rs3753841) in 625 available exomes representing 46% of the 1,358 cases from the discovery cohort. The LD block was defined using Haploview based on the 1KG_CEU population. Within the ~41 KB LD region (chr1:103365089- 103406616, GRCh37) we found three rare missense mutations in 6 unrelated individuals, Table below. Two of them (NM_080629.2:c.G4093A:p.A1365T; NM_080629.2:c.G3394A:p.G1132S), from two individuals, are predicted to be deleterious based on CADD and GERP scores and are plausible AIS risk candidates. At this rate we could expect to find only 4-5 individuals with linked rare coding variants in the total cohort of 1,358 which collectively are unlikely to explain the overall association signal we detected. Of course, there also could be deep intronic variants contributing to the association that we would not detect by our methods. However, given this scenario, the relatively high predicted deleteriousness of rs3753841 (CADD= 25.7; GERP=5.75), and its occurrence in a GlyX-Y triplet repeat, we hypothesized that this variant itself could be a risk allele worthy of further investigation.

      Author response table 1.

      We also appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to perform a rare variant burden analysis of COL11A1. We did conduct pilot gene-based analysis in 4534 European ancestry exomes including 797 of our own AIS cases and 3737 controls and tested the burden of rare variants in COL11A1. SKATO P value was not significant (COL11A1_P=0.18), but this could due to lack of power and/or background from rare benign variants that could be screened out using the functional testing we have developed.

      1. COL11A1 p.Pro1335Leu is pursued as a direct candidate susceptibility locus, but the functional validation involves both: (a) a complementation assay in mouse GPCs, Figure 5; and (b) cultured rib cartilage cells from Col11a1-Ad5 Cre mice (Figure 4). Please address the following:

      2A. Is Pro1335Leu a loss of function, gain of function, or dominant negative variant? Further rationale for modeling this change in a Col11a1 loss of function cell line would be helpful.

      Response: Regarding functional testing, by knockdown/knockout cell culture experiments, we showed for the first time that Col11a1 negatively regulates Mmp3 expression in cartilage chondrocytes, an AIS-relevant tissue. We then tested the effect of overexpressing the human wt or variant COL11A1 by lentiviral transduction in SV40-transformed chondrocyte cultures. We deleted endogenous mouse Col11a1 by Cre recombination to remove the background of its strong suppressive effects on Mmp3 expression. We acknowledge that Col11a1 missense mutations could confer gain of function or dominant negative effects that would not be revealed in this assay. However as indicated in our original manuscript we have noted that spinal deformity is described in the cho/cho mouse, a Col11a1 loss of function mutant. We also note the recent publication by Rebello et al. showing that missense mutations in Col11a2 associated with congenital scoliosis fail to rescue a vertebral malformation phenotype in a zebrafish col11a2 KO line. Although the connection between AIS and vertebral malformations is not altogether clear, we surmise that loss of the components of collagen type XI disrupt spinal development. in vivo experiments in vertebrate model systems are needed to fully establish the consequences and genetic mechanisms by which COL11A1 variants contribute to an AIS phenotype.

      2B. Expression appears to be augmented compared WT in Fig 5B, but there is no direct comparison of WT with variant.

      Response: Expression of the mutant (from the lentiviral expression vector) is increased compared to mutant. We observed this effect in repeated experiments. Sequencing confirmed that the mutant and wildtype constructs differed only at the position of the rs3753841 SNP. At this time, we cannot explain the difference in expression levels. Nonetheless, even when the variant COL11A1 is relatively overexpressed it fails to suppress MMP3 expression as observed for the wildtype form.

      2C. How do the authors know that their complementation data in Figure 5 are specific? Repetition of this experiment with an alternative common nonsynonymous variant in COL11A1 (such as rs1676486) would be helpful as a comparison with the expectation that it would be similar to WT.

      Response: We agree that testing an allelic series throughout COL11A1 could be informative, but we have shifted our resources toward in vivo experiments that we believe will ultimately be more informative for deciphering the mechanistic role of COL11A1 in MMP3 regulation and spine deformity.

      2D. The y-axes of histograms in panel A need attention and clarification. What is meant by power? Do you mean fold change?

      Response: Power is directly comparable to fold change but allows comparison of absolute expression levels between different genes.

      2E. Figure 5: how many technical and biological replicates? Confirm that these are stated throughout the figures.

      Response: Thank you for pointing out this oversight. This information has been added throughout.

      1. Figure 2: What does the gross anatomy of the IVD look like? Could the authors address this by showing an H&E of an adjacent section of the Fig. 2 A panels?

      Response: Panel 2 shows H&E staining. Perhaps the reviewer is referring to the WT and Pax1 KO images in Figure 3? We have now added H&E staining of WT and Pax1 KO IVD as supplemental Figure 3E to clarify the IVD anatomy.

      1. Page 9: "Cells within the IVD were negative for Pax1 staining ..." There seems to be specific PAX1 expression in many cells within the IVD, which is concerning if this is indeed a supposed null allele of Pax1. This data seems to support that the allele is not null.

      Response: We have now added updated images for the COL11A1 and PAX1 staining to include negative controls in which we omitted primary antibodies. As can be seen, there is faint autofluorescence in the PAX1 negative control that appears to explain the “specific staining” referred to by the reviewer. These images confirm that the allele is truly a null.

      1. There is currently a lack of evidence supporting the claim that "Col11a1 is positively regulated by Pax1 in mouse spine and tail". Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further research to determine the direct regulatory role of Pax1 on Col11a1.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer and have clarified that Pax1 may have either a direct or indirect role in Col11a1 regulation.

      1. There is no data linking loss of COL11A1 function and spine defects in the mouse model. Furthermore, due to the absence of P1335L point mutant mice, it cannot be confirmed whether P1335L can actually cause AIS, and the pathogenicity of this mutation cannot be directly verified. These limitations need to be clearly stated and discussed. A Col11a1 mouse mutant called chondroysplasia (cho), was shown to be perinatal lethal with severe endochondral defects (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4100752/). This information may help contextualize this study.

      Response: We partially agree with the reviewer. Spine defects are reported in the cho mouse (for example, please see reference 36 Hafez et al). We appreciate the suggestion to cite the original Seegmiller et al 1971 reference and have added it to the manuscript.

      1. A recent article (PMID37462524) reported mutations in COL11A2 associated with AIS and functionally tested in zebrafish. That study should be cited and discussed as it is directly relevant for this manuscript.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that this study provides important information supporting loss of function I type XI collagen in spinal deformity. Language to this effect has been added to the manuscript and this study is now cited in the paper.

      1. Please reconcile the following result on page 10 of the results: "Interestingly, the AISassociated gene Adgrg6 was amongst the most significantly dysregulated genes in the RNA-seq analysis (Figure 3c). By qRT-PCR analysis, expression of Col11a1, Adgrg6, and Sox6 were significantly reduced in female and male Pax1-/- mice compared to wild-type mice (Figure 3d-g)." In Figure 3f, the downregulation of Adgrg6 appears to be modest so how can it possibly be highlighted as one of the most significantly downregulated transcripts in the RNAseq data?

      Response: By “significant” we were referring to the P-value significance in RNAseq analysis, not in absolute change in expression. This language was clearly confusing, and we have removed it from the manuscript.

      1. It is incorrect to refer to the primary cell culture work as growth plate chondrocytes (GPCs), instead, these are primary costal chondrocyte cultures. These primary cultures have a mixture of chondrocytes at differing levels of differentiation, which may change differentiation status during the culturing on plastic. In sum, these cells are at best chondrocytes, and not specifically growth plate chondrocytes. This needs to be corrected in the abstract and throughout the manuscript. Moreover, on page 11 these cells are referred to as costal cartilage, which is confusing to the reader.

      Response: Thank you for pointing out these inconsistencies. We have changed the manuscript to say “costal chondrocytes” throughout.

      Minor points

      • On 10 of the Results: "These data support a mechanistic link between Pax1 and Col11a1, and the AIS-associated genes Gpr126 and Sox6, in affected tissue of the developing tail." qRT-PCR validation of Sox6, although significant, appears to be very modestly downregulated in KO. Please soften this statement in the text.

      Response: We have softened this statement.

      • Have you got any information about how the immortalized (SV40) costal cartilage affected chondrogenic differentiation? The expression of SV40 seemed to stimulate Mmp13 expression. Do these cells still make cartilage nodules? Some feedback on this process and how it affects the nature of the culture what be appreciated.

      Response: The “+ or –“ in Figure 5 refers to Ad5-cre. Each experiment was performed in SV40-immortalized costal chondrocytes. We have removed SV40 from the figure and have clarified the legend to say “qRT-PCR of human COL11A1 and endogenous mouse Mmp3 in SV40 immortalized mouse costal chondrocytes transduced with the lentiviral vector only (lanes 1,2), human WT COL11A1 (lane 3), or COL11A1P1335L. Otherwise we absolutely agree that understanding Mmp13 regulation during chondrocyte differentiation is important. We plan to study this using in vivo systems.

      • Figure 1: is the average Odds ratio, can this be stated in the figure legend?

      Response: We are not sure what is being asked here. The “combined odds ratio” is calculated as a weighted average of the log of the odds.

      • A more consistent use of established nomenclature for mouse versus human genes and proteins is needed.


      Mouse: Gene/PROTEIN

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. The nomenclature has been corrected throughtout the manuscript.

      • There is no Figure 5c, but a reference to results in the main text. Please reconcile. -There is no Figure 5-figure supplement 5a, but there is a reference to it in the main text. Please reconcile.

      Response: Figure references have been corrected.

      • Please indicate dilutions of all antibodies used when listed in the methods.

      Response: Antibody dilutions have been added where missing.

      • On page 25, there is a partial sentence missing information in the Histologic methods; "#S36964 Invitrogen, CA, USA)). All images were taken..."

      Response: We apologize for the error. It has been removed.

      • Table 1: please define all acronyms, including cohort names.

      Response: We apologize for the oversight. The legend to the Table has been updated with definitions of all acronyms.

      • Figure 2: Indicate that blue staining is DAPI in panel B. Clarify that "-ab" as an abbreviation is primary antibody negative.

      Response: A color code for DAPI and COL11A! staining has been added and “-ab” is now defined.

      • Page 4: ADGRG6 (also known as GPR126)...the authors set this up for ADGRG6 but then use GPR126 in the manuscript, which is confusing. For clarity, please use the gene name Adgrg6 consistently, rather than alternating with Gpr126.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. GPR126 has now been changed to ADGRG6 thoughout the manuscript.

      • REF 4: Richards, B.S., Sucato, D.J., Johnston C.E. Scoliosis, (Elsevier, 2020). Is this a book, can you provide more clarity in the Reference listing?

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. This reference has been corrected.

      • While isolation was addressed, the methods for culturing Rat cartilage endplate and costal chondrocytes are poorly described and should be given more text.

      Response: Details about the cartilage endplate and costal chondrocyte isolation and culture have been added to the Methods.

      • Page 11: 1st paragraph, last sentence "These results suggest that Mmp3 expression"... this sentence needs attention. As written, I am not clear what the authors are trying to say.

      Response: This sentence has been clarified and now reads “These results suggest that Mmp3 expression is negatively regulated by Col11a1 in mouse costal chondrocytes.”

      • Page 13: line 4 from the bottom, "ECM-clearing"? This is confusing do you mean ECM degrading?

      Response: Yes and thank you. We have changed to “ECM-degrading”.

      • Please use version numbers for RefSeq IDs: e.g. NM_080629.3 instead of NM_080629 Response: This change has been made in the revised manuscript.

      • It would be helpful for readers if the ethnicity of the discovery case cohort was clearly stated as European ancestry in the Results main text.

      Response: “European ancestry” has been added at first description of the discovery cohort in the manuscript.

      • Avoid using the term "mutation" and use "variant" instead.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. “Variant” is now used throughout the manuscript.

      • Define error bars for all bar charts throughout and include individual data points overlaid onto bars.

      Response: Thank you. Error bars are now clarified in the Figure legends.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Positive comments:

      We appreciate the positive comments of the editor and reviewers. The editor noted that the paper presents a “technological advance” that has enabled “important insights about the brain circuits through which the cerebellum could participate in social interactions.” Reviewer 1 thought this was a “timely and important study with solid evidence for correlative conclusions” and that the experiments were “technically challenging” and “well-performed”. Reviewer 2 stated that the finding of correlated activity between the regions is “interesting as non-motor functions of the cerebellum are relatively little explored.” They also thought “that the data are presented clearly, and the manuscript is well-written”. Reviewer 3 mentioned that “this approach can be useful for many neuroscientists”. We thank all the positive comments from the editors and all the reviewers.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review)

      While the novelty of the device is strongly emphasized, I find that its value is somewhat diminished by the wire-free device developed by the same group as it should thus be possible to perform calcium imaging wire-free and electrophysiological recording via a single conventional cable (or also via wireless headstages).

      While it would be potentially possible to use a wire-free Miniscope in parallel with a wired electrophysiology recording system, this would result in a larger footprint on the animal’s head, more than a gram in increased weight due to an added LiPo battery, a larger electrophysiology head-stage, and limited recording length due to a battery capacity of around 20 minutes. Our main goal for the development of the E-scope platform was to develop an expandable electrophysiology recording board that would work with all previously built UCLA Miniscopes while also streamlining the integration of power and data into the coaxial cable connection already familiar to hundreds of labs using Miniscopes. The vast majority of Miniscope experiments are done using wired systems and we aimed to support the expansion of those systems instead of requiring a more substantial switch to using wire-free Miniscopes.

      The role of the identified network activations in social interactions is not touched upon.

      We agree with the reviewer that we have not discovered a causal role for the co-modulated activity patterns we have observed. As these causal experiments will require the development of real-time techniques for blocking socially evoked changes in firing rate in cerebellum and ACC, we are currently planning experiments to address causality. These results will be described in a future publication.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the Authors):

      Please provide the number of recorded mice.

      The number is now provided in the revised manuscript.

      If the recorded areas (cerebellar cortex, DN, and ACC) are part of the same circuit regulating social interactions, it would be nice to get insights into the directionality of the circuit. The authors favor the possibility that during social behavior, cerebellar efferences indirectly influence ACC activities (as in Figure 4A), however, no evidence is presented to support this interpretation. ACC activities might also indirectly influence PC firing. It may be possible to get insights into this by comparing the timing of neuronal activity in the different areas with respect to social onset.

      For this study, we mainly focused on the output of the cerebellar circuit to the cortex as previous work shows that dentate nucleus projects to the thalamus, which in turn projects to ACC and other cortical regions. (Badura et al.,eLife, 2018; Kelly et al., Nat. Neurosci., 2020) The temporal resolution of calcium imaging is limited (with the rise time of calcium events with genetically-encoded indicators taking hundreds of milliseconds) such that the resolution is insufficient to precisely assess the relative onset timing of the two regions. Our work certainly does not rule out cortical influences on PC firing.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)

      However, the causal relationship is far from established with the methods used, leaving it unclear if these two brain regions are similarly engaged by the behavior or if they form a pathway/loop.

      As indicated in our response to Reviewer #1’s similar critique, the goal of the presented study is to demonstrate the feasibility and capabilities of this novel device. This new tool will allow us to conduct a comprehensive and rigorous study to assess the causal role of the interactions between the cerebellum and ACC in social behavior (as well as other behaviors). These experiments are being designed now.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the Authors):

      It is unclear what is entirely unique about the E-scope. It seems that its advance is simply a common cable that allows interfacing with both devices (lighter weight than two cables is stated in the Discussion). Is this really an advance? What are its limitations? E.g., how close can the recording sites be to one another? How can it be configured for any other extracellular recording approach (tetrodes, 64-channel arrays, or Neuropixels)?

      In our experience, multiple lines of wires tethered to different head-mounted devices on an animal significantly impacts their behavior. Therefore, one of the major advantages of the UCLA Miniscope Platform is the use of a single, flexible coaxial cable to minimize the impact on tethering on behavior. The E-Scope platform builds on top of this work by incorporating electrophysiology recording capabilities into this single, flexible coaxial cable. Additionally, the electrophysiology recording hardware is backwards compatible with all previously built UCLA Miniscopes and can run through open-source and commercial commutators already used in Miniscope experiments.

      The available bandwidth within the shared single coaxial cable can handle megapixel Miniscope imaging along with the maximum data output of a 32 channel Intan Ephys IC. The E-Scope platform presented here does run the Intan Ephys IC at 20KSps for all 32 channels instead of the maximum 30KSps due to microcontroller speed limitations, but this could be overcome by using a fast microcontroller or clock, or slightly reducing the total number of electrodes samples. Finally, the E-Scope was designed to support any electrode types supported by the Intan Ephys IC. This includes up to 32 channels of passive probes such as single electrodes, tetrodes, silicon probes, and flexible multi-channel arrays but does not include Neuropixels as Neuropixels use custom active electronics on the probe to multiplex, sample, and serialize electrophysiology data.

      The authors only analyzed simple spikes in PCs for social-related activity. What about complex spikes? Is this correlated with ACC activity?

      Complex spikes were detectable to the extent that we were able to define that the recorded cell was a PC, but because these cells were recorded in freely behaving mice, accurate complex spike detection was not reliable enough to be used for further correlational analyses.

      The data is sampled in the two regions (cerebellum and ACC) at very different rates (imaging is much slower than electrophysiology; ephys data was binned). How does this affect the correlation plots?

      We generated firing rate maps for the cerebellar neural activity using a binning size that matched the sampling frequency of calcium imaging (see Methods). As mentioned in our methods, to study the relationship between the electrophysiology and calcium imaging data we binned the spike trains using 33 ms bins to match the calcium imaging sampling rate (~30 Hz). This limits the temporal resolution to calculate fine-scale correlations, but the correlations that we report are on a behaviorally relevant temporal scale. The fine temporal resolution of the electrophysiology data however can still be used to further examine at a higher temporal resolution the relationship between cerebellar output and specific social behavior epochs.

      For the correlation analysis, over what time frame was the activity relationship examined? How was this duration determined?

      Author response image 1.

      The main criteria for the time frame used to study the correlation analysis was the behavioral timescale of social interaction [see figure above for the number of social (red) and object (blue) interaction bouts (a), their duration (b) and coefficient of variation (CV) (c)]. Overall, the activity relationship time frame was based on the average duration of the social interactions (~3 sec). Periods of 3.8 before and 5.8 sec after interaction onset were used to study. Accordingly, the cross-correlograms were constructed using a maximum lag length of 5 sec. In the article we reported correlation at lag 0.

      The relationship between the cerebellum and ACC seems unconvincing. If two brain regions are similarly engaged by the behavior, wouldn't they have a high correlation? Is the activity in one region driving the other?

      We reference studies showing an anatomical and functional indirect connection between the cerebellum and the ACC or prefrontal cortex (Badura et al., eLife, 2018). Also, as stated in the introduction, the ACC is a recognized brain area for social behavioral studies. In the results, we stated that correlations increase in groups of neurons that are similarly engaged during a specific epoch in the social interaction was an expected finding. What was not expected was that there would be no difference in the distribution's correlation when the social epochs were removed, suggesting that intrinsic connectivity does not drive a difference in correlations.

      Although, since there is a cerebello-cortical loop, further study will be needed to understand which area initiates this type of activity during social behavior,

      • In the figures, the color-coded scale bars should be labeled as z-scores (confusing without them).

      • In Figure 4, the color differences for Soc-ACC, Soc+ACC and SocNS ACC should be more striking as it is hard to tell them apart because they are all similar shades of blue-gray.

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestions for improving the figures. We have incorporated these changes in Figures 2, 3 and along with their figure supplements. Graphs in Figure 4D-G have been edited to make the lines more visible to the reader.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review)

      However, a mouse weighs between 20 and 40 g, so that an implant of 4.5 g is still quite considerable. It can be expected that this has an impact on the behavior and, possibly, the well-being of the animals. Whether this is the case or not, is not really addressed in this study.

      The weight of the E-Scope (4.5 g) is near the maximum that is tolerated by animals in our experience. We therefore acclimated the mouse to the weight with dummy scopes of increasing weights over a 7-10 day period. During this period, we observed the animal to have normal exploratory behavior. Specifically, there is no change in the sociability of the animals (Figure 2A) and animals cover the large arena (48x 48 cm, Figure 2H).

      Overall, the description of animal behavior is rather sparse. The methods state only that stranger age-matched mice were used, but do not state their gender. The nature of the social interactions was not described? Was their aggressive behavior, sexual approach and/or intercourse? Did the stranger mice attack/damage the E-Scope? Were the interactions comparable (using which parameters?) with and without E-Scope attached? It is not even described what the authors define as an "interaction bout" (Figure 2A). The number of interaction bouts is counted per 7 minutes, I presume? This is not specified explicitly.

      As mentioned in the methods section of the original version of our manuscript, all the target mice were age-matched “male” mice. As per the reviewer’s suggestion, we now have added in the manuscript that before any of our social interaction behavioral experiments, aggressive or agitated mice were removed after assessing their behavior in the arena during habituation. For all trials, all mice were introduced for the first time.

      We also mention in the methods section of our manuscript, that social behaviors were evaluated by proximity between the subject mouse and novel target mouse (2 cm from the body, head, or base of tail). From our recordings, we did not observe any aggressive, mounting, nor any other dominance behavior over the E-Scope subject mouse during the 7 minutes of social interaction assessment. Social interaction bouts in Figure 2A show the average number of social interaction bouts during the recording time. This has now been expanded upon in our revised manuscript.

      It would be very insightful if the authors would describe which events they considered to be action potentials, and which not. Similarly, the raw traces of Figure 1E are declared to be single-unit recordings of Purkinje cells. Partially due to the small size of the traces (invisible in print and pixelated in the digital version), I have a hard time recognizing complex spikes and simple spikes in these traces. This is a bit worrisome, as the authors declare the typical duration of the pause in simple spike firing after a complex spike to be 20-100 ms. In my experience, such long pauses are rare in this region, and definitely not typical. In the right panel of Figure 1A, an example of a complex spike-induced pause is shown. This pause is around 15 ms, so not typical according to the text, and starts only around 4 ms after the complex spike, which should not be the case and suggests either a misalignment of the figure or the detection of complex spike spikelets as simple spikes, while the abnormally long pause suggests that the authors fail to detect a lot of simple spikes. The authors could provide more confidence in their data by including more raw data, making explicit how they analyzed the signals, and by reporting basic statistics of firing properties (like rate, cv or cv2, pause duration). In this respect, Figure 2 - figure supplement 3 shows quite a large percentage of cells to have either a very low or a very high firing rate.

      We now provide a better example of simple spikes and complex spikes in Fig 1E and corrected our comment in the body of the manuscript. Previous version of the SS x CS cross-correlation histogram in Figure 1G as the reviewer mentions, was not the best example, because of the detected CS spikelets. However, the detection of CS spikelets has little impact on the interpretation of the results. We have replaced this figure with a better example of the SS x CS cross-correlation histogram.

      The number of Purkinje cells recorded during social interactions is quite low: only 11 cells showed a modulation in their spiking activity (unclear whether in complex spikes, simple spikes or both. During object interaction, only 4 cells showed a significant modulation. Unclear is whether the latter 4 are a subset of the former 11, or whether "social cells" and "object cells" are different categories. Having so few cells, and with these having different types of modulation, the group of cells for each type of modulation is really small, going down to 2 cells/group. It is doubtful whether meaningful interpretation is possible here.

      While the number of neurons is not as high as those reported for other regions, the number presented depicts the full range of responses to social behavior. It is extremely difficult to obtain stable neurons in freely behaving socially interacting animals and only a handful of neurons could be recorded in each animal. Among these recorded neurons only a subset responds to social interactions further reducing the numbers. The results however are consistent among cell types and the direction of modulation fits with the inhibitory connectivity between PCs and DN neurons. To our knowledge, we are the first group to publish neuronal activity of PC and DN neurons from freely behaving mice during social behavior.

      Neural activity patterns observed during social interaction do not necessarily relate specifically to social interaction, but can also occur in a non-social context. The authors control this by comparing social interactions with object interactions, but I miss a direct comparison between the two conditions, both in terms of behavior (now only the number of interactions is counted, not their duration or intensity), and in terms of neural activity. There is some analysis done on the interaction between movement and cerebellar activity (Figure 2 - figure supplement 4), but it is unclear to what extent social interactions and movements are separated here. It would already help to indicate in the plots with trajectories (e.g., Fig. 2H) indicate the social interactions (e.g., social interaction-related movements in red, the rest of the trajectories in black).

      We have updated the social interaction plots in Figure 2H in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the Authors):

      Increase the number of cerebellar neurons that are recorded.

      Due to the difficulty of the experiment and the low yield which we get for cerebellar recordings, substantially increasing the number of neurons will require many more experiments which are not feasible at this time.

      Include more raw data and make the analysis procedure more insightful with illustrations of intermediate steps.

      We have included a more thorough description of the analysis in the methods section of the revised manuscript.

      Provide a better description of the behavior.

      We have increased the level of detail regarding the mouse behavior in the Results and Methods sections. This includes a more detailed description of the parameters we used to analyze the social interaction.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This valuable paper examines gene expression differences between male and female individuals over the course of flower development in the dioecious angiosperm Trichosantes pilosa. The authors show that male-biased genes evolve faster than female-biased and unbiased genes. This is frequently observed in animals, but this is the first report of such a pattern in plants. In spite of the limited sample size, the evidence is mostly solid and the methods appropriate for a non-model organism. The resources produced will be used by researchers working in the Cucurbitaceae, and the results obtained advance our understanding of the mechanisms of plant sexual reproduction and its evolutionary implications: as such they will broadly appeal to evolutionary biologists and plant biologists.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The evolution of dioecy in angiosperms has significant implications for plant reproductive efficiency, adaptation, evolutionary potential, and resilience to environmental changes. Dioecy allows for the specialization and division of labor between male and female plants, where each sex can focus on specific aspects of reproduction and allocate resources accordingly. This division of labor creates an opportunity for sexual selection to act and can drive the evolution of sexual dimorphism.

      In the present study, the authors investigate sex-biased gene expression patterns in juvenile and mature dioecious flowers to gain insights into the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism. They find that a large proportion of the plant transcriptome is differentially regulated between males and females with the number of sex-biased genes in floral buds being approximately 15 times higher than in mature flowers. The functional analysis of sex-biased genes reveals that chemical defense pathways against herbivores are up-regulated in the female buds along with genes involved in the acquisition of resources such as carbon for fruit and seed production, whereas male buds are enriched in genes related to signaling, inflorescence development and senescence of male flowers. Furthermore, the authors implement sophisticated maximum likelihood methods to understand the forces driving the evolution of sex-biased genes. They highlight the influence of positive and relaxed purifying selection on the evolution of male-biased genes, which show significantly higher rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions than female or unbiased genes. This is the first report (to my knowledge) highlighting the occurrence of this pattern in plants. Overall, this study provides important insights into the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism and the evolution of reproductive genes in Cucurbitaceae.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study uses transcriptome sequence from a dioecious plant to compare evolutionary rates between genes with male- and female-biased expression and distinguish between relaxed selection and positive selection as causes for more rapid evolution. These questions have been explored in animals and algae, but few studies have investigated this in dioecious angiosperms, and none have so far identified faster rates of evolution in male-biased genes (though see Hough et al. 2014 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1319227111).


      The methods are appropriate to the questions asked. Both the sample size and the depth of sequencing are sufficient, and the methods used to estimate evolutionary rates and the strength of selection are appropriate. The data presented are consistent with faster evolution of genes with male-biased expression, due to both positive and relaxed selection.

      This is a useful contribution to understanding the effect of sex-biased expression in genetic evolution in plants. It demonstrates the range of variation in evolutionary rates and selective mechanisms, and provides further context to connect these patterns to potential explanatory factors in plant diversity such as the age of sex chromosomes and the developmental trajectories of male and female flowers.


      The presence of sex chromosomes is a potential confounding factor, since there are different evolutionary expectations for X-linked, Y-linked, and autosomal genes. Attempting to distinguish transcripts on the sex chromosomes from autosomal transcripts could provide additional insight into the relative contributions of positive and relaxed selection.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The potential for sexual selection and the extent of sexual dimorphism in gene expression have been studied in great detail in animals, but hardly examined in plants so far. In this context, the study by Zhao, Zhou et al. al represents a welcome addition to the literature.

      Relative to the previous studies in Angiosperms, the dataset is interesting in that it focuses on reproductive rather than somatic tissues (which makes sense to investigate sexual selection), and includes more than a single developmental stage (buds + mature flowers).<br /> Some aspects of the presentation have been improved in this new version of the manuscript.


      • the link between sex-biased and tissue-biased genes is now slightly clearer,

      • the limitation related to the de novo assembled transcriptome is now formally acknowledged,

      • the interpretation of functional categories of the genes identified is more precise,

      • the legends of supplementary figures have been improved - a large number of typos have been fixed.

      in response to this first round of reviews. As I detail below, many of the relevant and constructive suggestions by the previous reviewers were not taken into account in this revision.

      For instance:

      • Reviewer 2 made precise suggestions for trying to take into account the potential confounding factor of sex-chromosomes. This suggestion was not followed.

      For the question of reviewer 2:

      The presence of sex chromosomes is a potential confounding factor, since there are different evolutionary expectations for X-linked, Y-linked, and autosomal genes. Attempting to distinguish transcripts on the sex chromosomes from autosomal transcripts could provide additional insight into the relative contributions of positive and relaxed selection.

      Empirically, the analyses could be expanded by an attempt to distinguish between genes on the autosomes and the sex chromosomes. Genotypic patterns can be used to provisionally assign transcripts to XY or XX-like behavior when all males are heterozygous and all females are homozygous (fixed X-Y SNPs) and when all females are heterozygous and males are homozygous (lost or silenced Y genes). Comparing such genes to autosomal genes with sex-biased expression would sharpen the results because there are different expectations for the efficacy of selection on sex chromosomes. See this paper (Hough et al. 2014; https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1319227111), which should be cited and does in fact identify faster substitution rates in Y-linked genes.

      Authors’ response: We have cited Hough et al. (2014) and Sandler et al. (2018) in the revised manuscript. We agree that the presence of sex chromosomes is potentially a confounding factor. By adopting methods in Hough et al. (2014) and Sandler et al. (2018), we tried to distinguish transcripts on sex chromosomes from autosomal chromosomes. For a total of 2,378 unbiased genes, we found that 36 genes were putatively sex chromosomal genes, 20 of which were exclusively heterozygous and homozygous for males and females, respectively; while the other 16 genes showing an opposite genotyping patterns between males and females. For 343 male-biased genes, only three ones exhibit a pattern of potentially sex-linked. For the 1,145 female-biased genes, we identified 19 genes which might located on the sex chromosomes. Among the 19 genes, five genes were exclusively heterozygous for males and exclusively homozygous for females, while reversed genotyping patterns presented in the other 14 genes. So, sex-linked genes may contribute relatively little to rapid evolution of male-biased genes. An alternative explanation is that the results could be unreliable due to small sample sizes. Thus, we did not describe them in the Results section. We will investigate the issue when whole genome sequences and population datasets become available in the near future.

      • Reviewer 1 & 3 indicated that results were mentioned in the discussion section without having been described before. This was not fixed in this new version.

      For the question of reviewer 1:

      2) Paragraph (407-416) describes the analysis of duplicated genes under relaxed selection but there is no mention of this in the results.

      Authors’ response: Following this suggestion, in the Results section, we have added a sentence, “We also found that most of them were members of different gene families generated by gene duplication (Table S13)” on line 310-311 in the revised manuscript (Rapid_evolution_of_malebiased_genes_Trichosanthes_pilosa_Tracked_change_2023_11_06.docx).

      For the question of reviewer 1:

      38- line 417-424. The discussion should not contain new results.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for pointing out this. In the Results section, we have added a few sentences as following: “Similarly, given that dN/dS values of sex-biased genes were higher due to codon usage bias, lower dS rates would be expected in sex-biased genes relative to unbiased genes (Ellegren & Parsch, 2007; Parvathy et al., 2022). However, in our results, the median of dS values in male-biased genes were much higher than those in female-biased and unbiased genes in the results of ‘free-ratio’ (Fig. S4A, female-biased versus male-biased genes, P = 6.444e-12 and malebiased versus unbiased genes, P = 4.564e-13) and ‘two-ratio’ branch model (Fig. S4B, femalebiased versus male-biased genes, P = 2.2e-16 and male-biased versus unbiased genes, P = 9.421e08, respectively). ” on line 323-331, and consequently, removed the following sentence, “femalebiased vs male-biased genes, P = 6.444e-12 and male-biased vs unbiased genes, P = 4.564e-13” and “female-biased versus male-biased genes, P = 2.2e-16 and male-biased versus unbiased genes, P = 9.421e-08, respectively” in the Discussion section.

      • Reviewer 1 asked for a comparison between the number of de novo assembled unigenes in this transcriptome and the number of genes in other Cucurbitaceae species. I could not see this comparison reported.

      Authors’ response: In the first revision, we described only percentages. We have now added the number of genes. We modify this part as follows: “The majority of unigenes were annotated by homologs in species of Cucurbitaceae (61.6%, 36,375), including Momordica charantia (16.3%, 9,625), Cucumis melo (11.9%, 7,027), Cucurbita pepo (11.9%, 7,027), Cucurbita moschata (11.5%, 6,791), Cucurbita maxima (10.1%, 5,964) and other species (38.4%, 22,676) (Fig. S1C).”.

      • Reviewer 1 pointed out that permutation tests were more appropriate, but no change was made to the manuscript.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestion. In the first revision, we have indirectly responded to the issues. Wilcoxon rank sum test is more commonly used for all comparisons between sex-biased and unbiased genes in many papers. Additionally, we tested datasets using permutation t-tests, which is consistent with the results of Wilcoxon rank sum test. For example, we found that only in floral buds, there are significant differences in ω values in the results of ‘free-ratio’ (female-biased versus male-biased genes, P = 0.04282 and male-biased versus unbiased genes, P = 0.01114) and ‘two-ratio’ model (female-biased versus male-biased genes, P = 0.01992 and male-biased versus unbiased genes, P = 0.02127, respectively). We also described these results in the Results section accordingly (line 278-284).

      • Reviewer 3 pointed out the small sample size (both for the RNA-seq and the phylogenetic analysis), but again this limitation is not acknowledged very clearly.

      Authors’ response: Sorry, we acknowledged that our sample size was relatively small. In the revised version, we have added a sentence as follows, “Additionally, our sample size is relatively small, and may provide low power to detect differential expression.” in the Discussion section.

      • Reviewer 1 & 3 pointed out that Fig 3 was hard to understand and asked for clarifications that I did not see in the text and the figure in unchanged.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised the manuscript to clarify the meaning of the acronym (F1TGs, F2TGs, M1TGs, M2TGs, F1BGs, F2BGs, M1BGs and M2BGs) and presented the number of genes. We have added two labels, indicating that panels A and B correspond to males and C and D to females in Fig. 3.

      • Reviewer 3 suggested to combine all genes with sex-bias expression when evaluating the evolutionary rate, in addition to the analyses already done. This suggestion was not followed.

      For the question of reviewer 3:line 196 and following: In these analyses, I could not understand the rationale for keeping buds vs mature flowers as separate analyses throughout. Why not combine both and use the full set of genes showing sex-bias in any tissue? This would increase the power and make the presentation of the results a lot more straightforward.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. In the first revision, we tried to respond to the issues. First, we observed strong sexual dimorphism in floral buds, such as racemose versus solitary, early-flowering versus late-flowering. Second, as you pointed out earlier, “the dataset is interesting in that it focuses on reproductive rather than somatic tissues (which makes sense to investigate sexual selection), and includes more than a single developmental stage (buds + mature flowers)”, we totally agree with you on this point. Third, according to your suggestions, we combined all genes with sex-bias expression to evaluate the evolutionary rates. We found significant differences (please see a Figure below) in ω values in the results of ‘free-ratio’ (female-biased versus male-biased genes, P =0.005622 and male-biased versus unbiased genes, P = 0.001961) and ‘two-ratio’ model (female-biased versus male-biased genes, P = 0.008546 and male-biased versus unbiased genes, P = 0.009831, respectively) using Wilcoxon rank sum test. However, the significance is lower than previous results in floral buds due to sex-biased genes of mature flower joined, especially compared to the results of “free-ratio model”. Additionally, we also test all combined genes with sex-bias expression using permutation t-test. Unfortunately, there are no significant differences in ω values expect for male-biased versus unbiased genes in the results of ‘free-ratio’ model (P = 0.03034) and ‘two-ratio’ model (P = 0.0376), respectively. To a certain extent, the combination of all genes with sex-bias expression may cover the signals of rapid evolution of sex-biased genes in floral buds. Therefore, these results are not described in our manuscript. In the near future, we would like to make further investigations through more development stages of flowers and new technologies (e.g. Single-Cell method, See Murat et al., 2023) in each sex to consolidate the conclusion, and it is hoped that we could find more meaningful results.

      Author response image 1.

      • Reviewer 3 pointed out that hand-picking specific categories of genes was not statistically valid, and in fact not necessary in the present context. This was not changed.

      For the question of reviewer3: removing genes on a post-hoc basis seems statistically suspicious to me. I don't think your analysis has enough power to hand-pick specific categories of genes, and it is not clear what this brings here. I suggest simply removing these analyses and paragraphs.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have changed them accordingly. We removed a part of the following paragraph, “To confirm the contributions of positive selection and relaxed selection to rapid rates of male-biased genes in floral buds, we generated three datasets of OGs by excluding different sets of genes. Specifically, we excluded 18 relaxed selective male-biased genes (5.23%), 98 positively selected male-biased genes (28.57%), and 112 male-biased genes (32.65%) under positive and relaxed selection from 343 OGs (Fig. S4). We observed that after excluding male-biased genes under relaxed purifying selection, the median (0.264) decreased by 0.34% compared to the median (0.265) of all OGs (Fig. S4A-B). However, after excluding positively selected male-biased genes, the median (0.236) was reduced by 11% (Fig. S4A, C) in the results of ‘free-ratio’ branch model. This pattern was consistent with the results of ‘two-ratio’ branch model as well (Fig. S4E-G).” on line 290 to 300.

      However, we kept the following paragraph, “We also analyzed female-biased and unbiased genes that underwent positive and relaxed selection in floral buds (Tables S6-S10). We identified 216 (18.86%) positively selected, and 69 (6.03%) relaxed selective female-biased genes from 1,145 OGs, respectively. Similarly, we found 436 (18.33%) positively selected, and 43 (1.81%) unbiased genes under relaxed selection from 2,378 OGs, respectively. Notably, male-biased genes have a higher proportion (10%) of positively selected genes compared to female-biased and unbiased genes. However, relaxed selective male-biased genes have a higher proportion (3.24%) than unbiased genes, but about 0.8% lower than that of female-biased genes.”. In this way, we can compare the proportion of sex-biased genes that have undergone positive selection and release selection among female-biased genes, unbiased genes and male-biased genes in floral buds in the Discussion section.

      • Reviewer 1 asked for all data to be public, but I could not find in the manuscript where the link to the data on ResearchGate was provided.

      Authors’ response: We have added a link in the Data Availability section.

      • Reviewers 1 & 3 pointed out that since only two tissues were compared, the claims on pleiotropy should have been toned down, but no change was made to the text.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We revised “due to low pleiotropic constraints” to “due to low evolutionary constraints” and revised “low pleiotropy” to “low constraints”.

      • Reviewer 1 asked for a clarification on which genes are plotted on the heatmap of Fig3C and an explanation of the color scale. No change was made.

      Authors’ response: Sorry for the confusion. Actually, Reviewer 1 asked that “Fig. 2C, which genes are plotted on the heatmap and what is the color scale corresponding to?” In the previous revision, we have revised them (See Fig. 2 Sex-biased gene expression for floral buds and flowers at anthesis in males and females of Trichosanthes pilosa). Sex-biased genes (the union of sex-biased genes in F1, M1, F2 and M2) are plotted on the heatmap. The color gradient represents from high to low (from red to green) gene expression.

      • Reviewer 1 asked for panel B in Fig S5 and S6 to be removed. They are still there. They asked for abbreviations to be explained in the legend of Fig S8. This was not done. They asked for details about columns headers. Such detailed were not added. They asked for more recent references on line 53-56: this was not done.

      Authors’ response: We have removed panel B in Fig. S5 and S6. We explained abbreviations in text and Fig. S8. We added more details about the column headers in Supplementary Table S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 and S10. We also added more recent references on line 53-56.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised/fixed these issues following your concerns and suggestions.

      Line 46-48 would be clearer as « Sexual dimorphism is the condition where sexes of the same species exhibit different morphological, ecological and physiological traits in gonochoristic animals and dioecious plants, despite male and female individuals sharing the same genome except for sex chromosomes or sex-determining loci »

      Authors’ response: Thanks. We have revised it accordingly.

      Line 50: replace «in both » by «between the two »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 51: « genes exclusively » -> « genes expressed exclusively »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 58: « in many animals » -> « in several animal species »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it to “in some animal species”.

      Line 58: « to which » -> « of this bias »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 64: « Most dioecious plants possess homomorphic sex-chromosomes that are roughly similar in size when viewed by light microscopy. » : a reference is missing

      Authors’ response: We have added the reference.

      Line 67: remove « that »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      line 96: change to: « only the five above-mentioned studies »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 97: remove « the »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 111: « Drosophia » -> Drosophila

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 114: exhibiting -> « exhibited »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 115: suggest -> « suggesting »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 117: « studies in plants have rarely reported elevated rates of sex-biased genes » : is it « rarely » or « never » ?

      Authors’ response: We have revised to “never”.

      Line 143: « It’s » -> « Its »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 143-146: say whether the male parts (e.g. anthers) are still present in females flowers, and the female parts (pistil+ ovaries) in the male flowers, or whether these respective organs are fully aborted.

      Authors’ response: We have added the following sentence, “The male parts (e. g., anthers) of female flowers, and the female parts (e. g., pistil and ovaries) of male flowers are fully aborted” in line 148150 of the Introduction section.

      Line 158: this is now clearer, but please specify whether you are talking about 12 floral buds in total, or 12 per individual (i.e. 72 buds in total).

      Authors’ response: We have revised it to “Using whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing, we sequenced floral buds and flowers at anthesis from female and male of dioecious T. pilosa. We set up three biological replicates from three female and three male plants, including 12 samples in total (six floral buds and six flowers at anthesis)”.

      Line 194-198: These sentences are unclear and hard to link to the figure. Consider changing for « In male plants, the number of tissue-biased genes in flowers at anthesis (M2TGs: n = 2795) was higher than that in floral buds (M1TGs: n = 1755, Fig. 3A and 3B). Figure 3 is also very hard to read. Adding a label on the side to indicate that panels A and B correspond to male-biased genes and C and D to female-biased genes could be useful.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised the text to clarify the meaning of the acronym (F1TGs, F2TGs, M1TGs, M2TGs, F1BGs, F2BGs, M1BGs and M2BGs) and presented the number of genes. We have added two labels, indicating that panels A and B correspond to males and C and D to females in Figure 3.

      Line 208: explain the approach: e.g. « We then compared rates of protein evolution among malebiased, female-biased and unbiased genes. To do this, we sequenced floral bud transcriptomes from the closely related T. anguina, as well as two more distant outgroups, T. kirilowii and Luffa cylindrica. T. kirilowii is a dioecious species like T. pilosa, and the other two are monoecious. We identified one-to-one orthologous groups (OGs) for 1,145 female-biased, 343 male-biased, and 2,378 unbiased genes. »

      Authors’ response: We have revised this paragraph to the following, “We compared rates of protein evolution among male-biased, female-biased and unbiased genes in four species with phylogenetic relationships (((T. anguina, T. pilosa), T. kirilowii), Luffa cylindrica), including dioecious T. pilosa, dioecious T. kirilowii, monoecious T. anguina in Trichosanthes, together with monoecious Luffa cylindrica. To do this, we sequenced transcriptomes of T. pilosa. We also collected transcriptomes of T. kirilowii, as well as genomes of T. anguina and Luffa cylindrica.”

      Line 220: « the same ω value was in all branches » -> « all branches are constrained to have the same ω value ».

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 221: « results of the 'two-ratio' branch model ... »

      Authors’ response: We have revised it.

      Line 235: add a few words to explain why the effect size is bigger than for buds, but still is not significant: e.g. «possibly because of limited statistical power due to the low number of sex-biased genes in flowers at anthesis »

      Authors’ response: We have revised this to “However, there is no statistically significant difference in the distribution of ω values using Wilcoxon rank sum tests for female-biased versus male-biased genes (P = 0.0556), female-biased versus unbiased genes (P = 0.0796), and male-biased versus unbiased genes (P = 0.3296) possibly because of limited statistical power due to the low number of sex-biased genes in flowers at anthesis.” in line 260-261.

      Line 255: explain in plain English what the « A model » is. This was already requested in the previous version.

      Authors’ response: We have revised “A model” to “classical branch-site model A”.

      Line 258: explain in plain English what the « foreground 2b ω value » corresponds to

      Authors’ response: We have revised to as follows, “foreground 2b ω value” to “foreground ω >1”. Additionally, we also added the sentence “The classical branch-site model assumes four site classes (0, 1, 2a, 2b), with different ω values for the foreground and background branches. In site classes 2a and 2b, the foreground branch undergoes positive selection when there is ω > 1.” in line 624-627.

      Line 259: explain how these different approaches complement each other rather than being redundant. This was also already requested in the previous version.

      Authors’ response: Sorry. We have now revised it as follows, “As a complementary approach, we utilized the aBSREL and BUSTED methods that are implemented in HyPhy v.2.5 software, which avoids false positive results by classical branch-site models due to the presence of rate variation in background branches, and detected significant evidence of positive selection.” in line 292-295.

      Line 270: remove « dramatically », and also remove « or eliminated at both gene-wide and genomewide levels », as well as « relative to positive selection »

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised it.

      Line 290-309: remove this section - this was already pointed out in the previous reviews as a « ad hoc » procedure, and this point has already been made clear with the RELAX analysis.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We revised this section accordingly. We remove the following paragraph, “To confirm the contributions of positive selection and relaxed selection to rapid rates of male-biased genes in floral buds, we generated three datasets of OGs by excluding different sets of genes. Specifically, we excluded 18 relaxed selective male-biased genes (5.23%), 98 positively selected male-biased genes (28.57%), and 112 male-biased genes (32.65%) under positive and relaxed selection from 343 OGs (Fig. S4). We observed that after excluding malebiased genes under relaxed purifying selection, the median (0.264) decreased by 0.34% compared to the median (0.265) of all OGs (Fig. S4A-B). However, after excluding positively selected malebiased genes, the median (0.236) was reduced by 11% (Fig. S4A, C) in the results of ‘free-ratio’ branch model. This pattern was consistent with the results of ‘two-ratio’ branch model as well (Fig. S4E-G).” on line 334-344.

      However, we kept the other parts “We also analyzed female-biased and unbiased genes that underwent positive and relaxed selection in floral buds (Tables S6-S10). We identified 216 (18.86%) positively selected, and 69 (6.03%) relaxed selective female-biased genes from 1,145 OGs, respectively. Similarly, we found 436 (18.33%) positively selected, and 43 (1.81%) unbiased genes under relaxed selection from 2,378 OGs, respectively. Notably, male-biased genes have a higher proportion (10%) of positively selected genes compared to female-biased and unbiased genes. However, relaxed selective male-biased genes have a higher proportion (3.24%) than unbiased genes, but about 0.8% lower than that of female-biased genes.”. In this way, we can compare the proportion of sex-biased genes that have undergone positive selection and release selection among female-biased genes, unbiased genes and male-biased genes in floral buds in the Discussion sections.

      Line 348: Here you talk about « Numerous studies », but then only report three studies. Please clarify.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised it to “Several studies”.

      Line 352: Cut the sentence: « In contrast, the wind-pollinated dioecious plant Populus balsamifera ... »

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised it.

      Line 357: « In contrast to the above studies... »: If I understand correctly, this is not in contrast to the observation in Populus balsamifera. Please clarify.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised to “Similar to the above study of Populus balsamifera.”.

      Line 420: « our results » -> « we »; « that underwent » -> « undergoing »

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised it.

      Figure 3 is very hard to read and poorly labeled (see my comments on line 194 above). It is also hard to link to the text, since the numbers reported in the text are actually not present in the figure unless the readers makes some calculations themselves. This should be improved. Also, the use of acronyms (e.g. M1BG, F2TG etc.) contributes to making the text very difficult to read. The acronyms should at least be explained very clearly in the text when they are used.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for your suggestions. We have revised the text to clarify the meaning of the acronym (F1TGs, F2TGs, M1TGs, M2TGs, F1BGs, F2BGs, M1BGs and M2BGs) and give the number of genes. We have added two labels, indicating that panels A and B correspond to males and C and D to females in Figure 3.

    1. Author Response

      We are grateful to the reviewers for their positive feedback with their comments and suggestions on the manuscript. Reviewer 1 has indicated two weaknesses and Reviewer 2 has none. With this provisional reply, we address the two concerns of the Reviewer 1:

      1) Data obtained from a single aminoacyl-tRNA (D-Tyr-tRNATyr) have been generalized to imply that what is relevant to this model substrate is true for all other D-aa-tRNAs. This is not a risk-free extrapolation. Why do the authors believe that the length of the amino acid side chain will not matter in the activity of DTD2?

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this important point. We wish to clarify that only a few of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are known to charge D-amino acids and only D-Leu (Yeast), D-Asp (Bacteria, Yeast), D-Tyr (Bacteria, Cyanobacteria, Yeast) and D-Trp (Bacteria) show toxicity in vivo in the absence of known DTD (Soutourina J. et al., JBC, 2000; Soutourina O. et al., JBC, 2004; Wydau S. et al., JBC, 2009). D-Tyr-tRNATyr is used as a model substrate to test the DTD activity in the field because of the conserved toxicity of D-Tyr in various organisms. DTD2 has been shown to recycle D-Asp-tRNAAsp and D-Tyr-tRNATyr with the same efficiency both in vitro and in vivo (Wydau S. et al., NAR, 2007). Moreover, we have previously shown that it recycles acetaldehyde-modified D-Phe-tRNAPhe and D-Tyr-tRNATyr in vitro (Mazeed M. et al., Science Advances, 2021). We have earlier shown that DTD1, another conserved chiral proofreader across bacteria and eukaryotes, acts via a side chain independent mechanism (Ahmad S. et al., eLife, 2013). Considering the action on multiple side chains with different chemistry and size, it can be proposed with reasonable confidence that DTD2 also operates based on a side chain independent manner.

      2) While the use of EFTu supports that the ternary complex formation by the elongation factor can resist modifications of L-Tyr-tRNATyr by the aldehydes or other agents, in the context of the present work on the role of DTD2 in plants, one would want to see the data using eEF1alpha. This is particularly relevant because there are likely to be differences in the way EFTu and eEF1alpha may protect aminoacyl-tRNAs (for example see description in the latter half of the article by Wolfson and Knight 2005, FEBS Letters 579, 3467-3472).

      We thank the reviewer for bringing another important point. We analysed the aa-tRNA bound elongation factor structures from both bacteria (PDB id: 1TTT) and mammal (PDB id: 5LZS) and found that the amino acid binding site is highly conserved where side chain of amino acid is projected outside. Modelling of D-amino acid in the same site shows serious clashes, indicating D-chiral rejection during aa-tRNA binding by elongation factor. In addition, the amino group of amino acid is tightly selected by the main chain atoms of elongation factor thereby lacking a space for aldehydes to enter and then modify the L-aa-tRNAs and Gly-tRNAs. Minor differences near the amino acid side chain binding site (as indicated in Wolfson and Knight, FEBS Letters, 2005) might induce the amino acid specific binding differences. However, those changes will have no influence when the D-chiral amino acid enters the pocket, as the whole side chain would clash with the active site. We will present a sequence and structural conservation analysis to clarify this important point in our revised manuscript. Overall, our structural analysis suggests a conserved mode of aa-tRNA selection by elongation factor across life forms and therefore, our biochemical results with bacterial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) reflect the protective role of elongation factor in general across species.

      In our revised manuscript, we will provide a thorough point-by-point response to the above as well as all the specific reviewer comments. We also intend to include new analysis with updated data that would address the key questions raised by the reviewers.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The biogenesis of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) into the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria is still not fully understood, particularly substrate recognition and insertion by beta-assembly machinery (BAM). In the studies, the authors present their studies that in addition to recognition by the last strand of an OMP, sometimes referred to as the beta-signal, an additional signal upstream of the last strand is also important for OMP biogenesis.


      1. Overall the manuscript is well organized and written, and addresses an important question in the field. The idea that BAM recognizes multiple signals on OMPs has been presented previously, however, it was not fully tested.

      2. The authors here re-address this idea and propose that it is a more general mechanism used by BAM for OMP biogenesis.

      3. The notion that additional signals assist in biogenesis is an important concept that indeed needs fully tested in OMP biogenesis.

      4. A significant study was performed with extensive experiments reported in an attempt to address this important question in the field.

      5. The identification of important crosslinks and regions of substrates and Bam proteins that interact during biogenesis is an important contribution that gives clues to the path substrates take en route to the membrane.


      Major critiques (in no particular order):

      1. The title indicates 'simultaneous recognition', however no experiments were presented that test the order of interactions during OMP biogenesis.

      We have replaced the word “Simultaneous” with “Dual” so as not to reflect on the timing of the recognition events for the distinct C-terminal signal and -5 signal.

      1. Aspects of the study focus on the peptides that appear to inhibit OmpC assembly, but should also include an analysis of the peptides that do not to determine this the motif(s) present still or not.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Our study focuses on the peptides which exhibited an inhibitory effect in order to elucidate further interactions between the BAM complex and substrate proteins, especially in early stage of the assembly process. In the case of peptide 9, which contains all of our proposed elements but did not have an inhibitory effect, there is the presence of an arginine residue at the polar residue next to hydrophobic residue in position 0 (0 Φ). As seen in Fig S5, S6, and S7, there are no positively charged amino acids in the polar residue positions in the -5 or last strands. This might be the reason why peptide 9, as well as peptide 24, the β-signal derived from the mitochondrial OMP Tom40 and contains a lysine at the polar position, did not display an inhibitory effect. Incorporating the reviewer's suggestions might elucidate conditions that should not be added to the elements, but this is not the focus of this paper and was not discussed to avoid complicating the paper.

      1. The β-signal is known to form a β-strand, therefore it is unclear why the authors did not choose to chop OmpC up according to its strands, rather than by a fixed peptide size. What was the rationale for how the peptide lengths were chosen since many of them partially overlap known strands, and only partially (2 residues) overlap each other? It may not be too surprising that most of the inhibitory peptides consist of full strands (#4, 10, 21, 23).

      A simple scan of known β-strands would have been an alternative approach, however this comes with the bias of limiting the experiments to predicted substrate (strand) sequences, and it presupposes that the secondary structure element would be formed by this tightly truncated peptide.

      Instead, we allowed for the possibility that OMPs meet the BAM complex in an unfolded or partially folded state, and that the secondary structure (β-strand) might only form via β-argumentation after the substrate is placed in the context of the lateral gate. We therefore used peptides that mapped right across the entirety of OmpC, with a two amino acid overlap.

      To clarify this important point regarding the unbiased nature of our screen, we have revised the text:

      (Lines 147-151) "We used peptides that mapped the entirety of OmpC, with a two amino acid overlap. This we considered preferable to peptides that were restricted by structural features, such as β-strands, in consideration that β-strand formation may or may not have occurred in early-stage interactions at the BAM complex."

      1. It would be good to have an idea of the propensity of the chosen peptides to form β-stands and participate in β-augmentation. We know from previous studies with darobactin and other peptides that they can inhibit OMP assembly by competing with substrates.

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion. However, we have not conducted biophysical characterizations of the peptides to calculate the propensity of each peptide to form β-stands and participate in β-augmentation. The sort of detailed biophysical analysis done for Darobactin (by the Maier and Hiller groups, The antibiotic darobactin mimics a β-strand to inhibit outer membrane insertase Nature 593:125-129) was a Nature publication based on this single peptide. A further biophysical analysis of all of the peptides presented here goes well beyond the scope of our study.

      1. The recognition motifs that the authors present span up to 9 residues which would suggest a relatively large binding surface, however, the structures of these regions are not large enough to accommodate these large peptides.

      The β-signal motif (ζxGxx[Ω/Φ]x[Ω/Φ]) is an 8-residue consensus, some of the inhibitory peptides include additional residues before and after the defined motif of 8 residues, and the lateral gate of BamA has been shown interact with a 7-residue span (eg. Doyle et al, 2022). Cross-linking presented in our study showed BamD residues R49 and G65 cross-linked to the positions 0 and 6 of the internal signal in OmpC (Fig. 6D).

      We appreciate this point of clarification and have modified the text to acknowledge that in the final registering of the peptide with its binding protein, some parts of the peptide might sit beyond the bounds of the BamD receptor’s binding pocket and the BamA lateral gate:

      (Lines 458-471) "The β-signal motif (ζxGxx[Ω/Φ]x[Ω/Φ]) is an eight-residue consensus, and internal signal motif is composed of a nine-residue consensus. Recent structures have shown the lateral gate of BamA interacts with a 7-residue span of substrate OMPs. Interestingly, inhibitory compounds, such as darobactin, mimic only three resides of the C-terminal side of β-signal motif. Cross-linking presented here in our study showed that BamD residues R49 and G65 cross-linked to the positions 0 and 6 of the internal signal in OmpC (Fig. 6D). Both signals are larger than the assembly machineries signal binding pocket, implying that the signal might sit beyond the bounds of the signal binding pocket in BamD and the lateral gate in BamA. These finding are consistent with similar observations in other signal sequence recognition events, such as the mitochondrial targeting presequence signal that is longer than the receptor groove formed by the Tom20, the subunit of the translocator of outer membrane (TOM) complex (Yamamoto et al., 2011). The presequence has been shown to bind to Tom20 in several different conformations within the receptor groove (Nyirenda et al., 2013)."

      Moreover, the distance between amino acids of BamD which cross-linked to the internal signal, R49 and Y62, is approximately 25 Å (pdbID used 7TT3). The distance of the maximum amino acid length of the internal signal of OmpC, from F280 to Y288, is approximately 22 Å (pdbID used 2J1N). This would allow for the signal to fit within the confines of the TRP motif of BamD.

      Author response image 1.

      1. The authors highlight that the sequence motifs are common among the inhibiting peptides, but do not test if this is a necessary motif to mediate the interactions. It would have been good to see if a library of non-OMP related peptides that match this motif could also inhibit or not.

      With respect, this additional work would not address any biological question relevant to the function of BamD. To randomize sequences and then classify those that do or don’t fit the motif would help in refining the parameters of the β-signal motif, but that was not our intent.

      We have identified the peptides from within the total sequence of an OMP, shown which peptides inhibit in an assembly assay, and then observed that the inhibitory peptides conform to a previously published (β-signal) motif.

      1. In the studies that disrupt the motifs by mutagenesis, an effect was observed and attributed to disruption of the interaction of the 'internal signal'. However, the literature is filled with point mutations in OMPs that disrupt biogenesis, particular those within the membrane region. F280, Y286, V359, and Y365 are all residues that are in the membrane region that point into the membrane. Therefore, more work is needed to confirm that these mutations are in parts of a recognition motif rather than on the residues that are disrupting stability/assembly into the membrane.

      As the reviewer pointed out, the side chains of the amino acids constituting the signal elements we determined were all facing the lipid side, of which Y286 and Y365 were important for folding as well as to be recognized. However, F280A and V359A had no effect on folding, but only on assembly through the BAM complex. The fact that position 0 functions as a signal has been demonstrated by peptidomimetics (Fig. 1) and point mutant analysis (Fig. 2). We appreciate this clarification and have modified the text to acknowledge that the all of the signal element faces the lipid side, which contributes to their stability in the membrane finally, and before that the BAM complex actively recognizes them and determines their orientation:

      (Lines 519-526) After OMP assembly, all elements of the internal signal are positioned such that they face into the lipid-phase of the membrane. This observation may be a coincidence, or may be utilized by the BAM complex to register and orientate the lipid facing amino acids in the assembling OMP away from the formative lumen of the OMP. Amino acids at position 6, such as Y286 in OmpC, are not only component of the internal signal for binding by the BAM complex, but also act in structural capacity to register the aromatic girdle for optimal stability of the OMP in the membrane.

      1. The title of Figure 3 indicates that disrupting the internal signal motif disrupts OMP assembly, however, the point mutations did not seem to have any effect. Only when both 280 and 286 were mutated was an effect observed. And even then, the trimer appeared to form just fine, albeit at reduced levels, indicating assembly is just fine, rather the rate of biogenesis is being affected.

      We appreciate this point and have revised the title of Figure 3 to be:

      (Lines 1070-1071) "Modifications in the putative internal signal slow the rate of OMP assembly in vivo."

      1. In Figure 4, the authors attempt to quantify their blots. However, this seems to be a difficult task given the lack of quality of the blots and the spread of the intended signals, particularly of the 'int' bands. However, the more disturbing trend is the obvious reduction in signal from the post-urea treatment, even for the WT samples. The authors are using urea washes to indicate removal of only stalled substrates. However a reduction of signal is also observed for the WT. The authors should quantify this blot as well, but it is clear visually that both WT and the mutant have obvious reductions in the observable signals. Further, this data seems to conflict with Fig 3D where no noticeable difference in OmpC assembly was observed between WT and Y286A, why is this the case?

      We have addressed this point by adding a statistical analysis on Fig. 4A. As the reviewer points out, BN-PAGE band quantification is a difficult task given the broad spread of the bands on these gels. Statistical analysis showed that the increase in intermediates (int) was statistically significant for Y286A at all times until 80 min, when the intermediate form signals decrease.

      (Lines 1093-1096) "Statistical significance was indicated by the following: N.S. (not significant), p<0.05; , p<0.005; *. Exact p values of intermediate formed by Wt vs Y286A at each timepoint were as follows; 20 minutes: p = 0.03077, 40 minutes: p = 0.02402, 60 minutes: p = 0.00181, 80 minutes: p = 0.0545."

      Further regarding the Int. band, we correct the statement as follows.

      (Lines 253-254) "Consistent with this, the assembly intermediate which was prominently observed at the OmpC(Y286A) can be extracted from the membranes with urea;"

      OMP assembly in vivo has additional periplasmic chaperones and factors present in order to support the assembly process. Therefore, it is likely that some proteins were assembled properly in vivo compared to their in vitro counterparts. Such a decrease has been observed not only in E. coli but also in mitochondrial OMP import (Yamano et al., 2010).

      1. The pull-down assays with BamA and BamD should include a no protein control at the least to confirm there is no non-specific binding to the resin. Also, no detergent was mentioned as part of the pull downs that contained BamA or OmpC, nor was it detailed if OmpC was urea solubilized.

      We have performed pull down experiments with a no-protein (Ni-NTA only) control as noted (Author response image 1). The results showed that the amount of OmpC carrying through on beads only was significantly lower than the amount of OmpC bound in the presence of BamD or BamA. The added OmpC was not treated with urea, but was synthesized by in vitro translation; the in vitro translated OmpC is the standard substrate in the EMM assembly assay (Supp Fig. S1) where it is recognized by the BAM complex. Thus, we used it for pull-down as well and, to make this clearer, we have revised as follows:

      Author response image 2.

      Pull down assay of radio-labelled OmpC with indicated protein or Ni-NTA alone (Ni-NTA) . T; total, FT; Flow throw, W; wash, E; Elute.

      (Lines 252-265) "Three subunits of the BAM complex have been previously shown to interact with the substrates: BamA, BamB, and BamD (Hagan et al., 2013; Harrison, 1996; Ieva et al., 2011). In vitro pull-down assay showed that while BamA and BamD can independently bind to the in vitro translated OmpC polypeptide (Fig .S9A), BamB did not (Fig. S9B)."


      • The neutron reflectometry experiments are not convincing primarily due to the lack controls to confirm a consistent uniform bilayer is being formed and even if so, uniform orientations of the BamA molecules across the surface.

      • Further, no controls were performed with BamD alone, or with OmpC alone, and it is hard to understand how the method can discriminate between an actual BamA/BamD complex versus BamA and BamD individually being located at the membrane surface without forming an actual complex.

      • Previous studies have reported difficulty in preparing a complex with BamA and BamD from purified components.

      • Additionally, little signal differences were observed for the addition of OmpC. However, an elongated unfolded polypeptide that is nearly 400 residues long would be expected to produce a large distinct signal given that only the C-terminal portion is supposedly anchored to BAM, while the rest would be extended out above the surface.

      • The depiction in Figure 5D is quite misleading when viewing the full structures on the same scales with one another.

      We have addressed these five points individually as follows.

      i. The uniform orientation of BamA on the surface is guaranteed by the fixation through a His-tag engineered into extracellular loop 6 of BamA and has been validated in previous studies as cited in the text. Moreover, to explain this, we reconstructed another theoretical model for BamA not oriented well in the system as below. However, we found that the solid lines (after fitting) didn’t align well with the experimental data. We therefore assumed that BamA has oriented well in the membrane bilayer.

      Author response image 3.

      Experimental (symbols) and fitted (curves) NR profiles of BamA not oriented well in the POPC bilayer in D2O (black), GMW (blue) and H2O (red) buffer.

      ii. There would be no means by which to do a control with OmpC alone or BamD alone as neither protein binds to the lipid layer chip. OmpC is diluted from urea and then the unbound OmpC is washed from the chip before NR measurements. BamD does not have an acyl group to anchor it to the lipid layer, without BamA to anchor to, it too is washed from the chip before NR measurements. We have reconstructed another theoretical model for both of BamA + BamD embedding in the membrane bilayer, and the fits were shown below. Apparently, the fits didn’t align well with the experimental data, which discriminate the BamA/BamD individually being located at the membrane surface without forming an actual complex.

      Author response image 4.

      Experimental (symbols) and fitted (curves) NR profiles of BamA+D embedding together in the POPC bilayer in D2O (black), GMW (blue) and H2O (red) buffer.

      iii. The previous studies that reported difficulty in preparing a complex with BamA and BamD from purified components were assays done in aqueous solution including detergent solubilized BamA, or with BamA POTRA domains only. Our assay is superior in that it reports the binding of BamD to a purified BamA that has been reconstituted in a lipid bilayer.

      iv. The relatively small signal differences observed for the addition of OmpC are expected, since OmpC is an elongated, unfolded polypeptide of nearly 400 residues long which, in the context of this assay, can occupy a huge variation in the positions at which it will sit with only the C-terminal portion anchored to BAM, and the rest moving randomly about and extended from the surface.

      v. We appreciate the point raised and have now added a note in the Figure legend that these are depictions of the results and not a scale drawing of the structures.

      1. In the crosslinking studies, the authors show 17 crosslinking sites (43% of all tested) on BamD crosslinked with OmpC. Given that the authors are presenting specific interactions between the two proteins, this is worrisome as the crosslinks were found across the entire surface of BamD. How do the authors explain this? Are all these specific or non-specific?

      The crosslinking experiment using purified BamD was an effective assay for comprehensive analysis of the interaction sites between BamD and the substrate. However, as the reviewer pointed out, cross-linking was observed even at the sites that, in the context of the BAM complex, interact with BamC as a protein-protein interaction and would not be available for substrate protein-protein interactions. To complement this, analysis and to address this issue, we also performed the experiment in Fig. 6C.

      In Fig. 6C, the interaction of BamD with the substrate is examined in vivo, and the results demonstrate that if BPA is introduced into the site, we designated as the substrate recognition site, it is cross-linked to the substrate. On the other hand, position 114 was found to crosslink with the substrate in vitro crosslinking, but not in vivo. It should be noted that position 114 has also been confirmed to form cross-link products with BamC, we believe that BamD-substrate interactions in the native state have been investigated. To explain the above, we have added the following description to the Results section.

      (Lines 319-321) "Structurally, these amino acids locate both the lumen side of funnel-like structure (e.g. 49 or 62) and outside of funnel-like structure such as BamC binding site (e.g. 114) (fig. S12C). (Lines 350-357) Positions 49, 53, 65, and 196 of BamD face the interior of the funnel-like structure of the periplasmic domain of the BAM complex, while position 114 is located outside of the funnel-like structure (Bakelar et al., 2016; Gu et al., 2016; Iadanza et al., 2016). We note that while position 114 was cross-linked with OmpC in vitro using purified BamD, that this was not seen with in vivo cross-linking. Instead, in the context of the BAM complex, position 114 of BamD binds to the BamC subunit and would not be available for substrate binding in vivo (Bakelar et al., 2016; Gu et al., 2016; Iadanza et al., 2016)."

      1. The study in Figure 6 focuses on defined regions within the OmpC sequence, but a more broad range is necessary to demonstrate specificity to these regions vs binding to other regions of the sequence as well. If the authors wish to demonstrate a specific interaction to this motif, they need to show no binding to other regions.

      The region of affinity for the BAM complex was determined by peptidomimetic analysis, and the signal region was further identified by mutational analysis of OmpC. Subsequently, the subunit that recognizes the signal region was identified as BamD. In other words, in the process leading up to Fig. 6, we were able to analyze in detail that other regions were not the target of the study. We have revised the text to make clear that we focus on the signal region including the internal signal, and have not also analyzed other parts of the signal region:

      (Lines 329-332) "As our peptidomimetic screen identified conserved features in the internal signal, and cross-linking highlighted the N-terminal and C-terminal TPR motifs of BamD as regions of interaction with OmpC, we focused on amino acids specifically within the β-signals of OmpC and regions of BamD which interact with β-signal."

      1. The levels of the crosslinks are barely detectable via western blot analysis. If the interactions between the two surfaces are required, why are the levels for most of the blots so low?

      These are western blots of cross-linked products – the efficiency of cross-linking is far less than 100% of the interacting protein species present in a binding assay and this explains why the levels for the blots are ‘so low’. We have added a sentence to the revised manuscript to make this clear for readers who are not molecular biologists:

      (Lines 345-348) "These western blots reveal cross-linked products representing the interacting protein species. Photo cross-linking of unnatural amino acid is not a 100% efficient process, so the level of cross-linked products is only a small proportion of the molecules interacting in the assays."


      • Figure 7 indicates that two regions of BamD promote OMP orientation and assembly, however, none of the experiments appears to measure OMP orientation?

      • Also, one common observation from panel F was that not only was the trimer reduced, but also the monomer. But even then, still a percentage of the trimer is formed, not a complete loss.

      (i) We appreciate this point and have revised the title of Figure 7 to be:

      (Lines 1137-1138) "Key residues in two structurally distinct regions of BamD promote β-strand formation and OMP assembly."

      (ii) In our description of Fig. 7F (Lines 356-360) we do not distinguish between the amount of monomer and trimer forms, since both are reflective of the overall assembly rate i.e. assembly efficiency. Rather, we state that:

      "The EMM assembly assay showed that the internal signal binding site was as important as the β-signal binding site to the overall assembly rates observed for OmpC (Fig. 7F), OmpF (fig. S15D), and LamB (fig. S15E). These results suggest that recognition of both the C-terminal β-signal and the internal signal by BamD is important for efficient protein assembly."


      • The experiment in Fig 7B would be more conclusive if it was repeated with both the Y62A and R197A mutants and a double mutant. These controls would also help resolve any effect from crowding that may also promote the crosslinks.

      • Further, the mutation of R197 is an odd choice given that this residue has been studied previously and was found to mediate a salt bridge with BamA. How was this resolved by the authors in choosing this site since it was not one of the original crosslinking sites?

      As stated in the text, the purpose of the experiment in Figure 7B is to measure the impact of pre-forming a β-strand in the substrate (OmpC) before providing it to the receptor (BamD). We thank the reviewer for the comment on the R197 position of BamD. The C-terminal domain of BamD has been suggested to mediate the BamA-BamD interface, specifically BamD R197 amino acid creates a salt-bridge with BamA E373 (Ricci et al., 2012). It had been postulated that the formation of this salt-bridge is not strictly structural, with R197 highlighted as a key amino acid in BamD activity and this salt-bridge acts as a “check-point” in BAM complex activity (Ricci et al., 2012, Storek et al., 2023). Our results agree with this, showing that the C-terminus of BamD acts in substrate recognition and alignment of the β-signal (Fig. 6, Fig S12). We show that amino acids in the vicinity of R197 (N196, G200, D204) cross-linked well to substrate and mutations to the β-signal prevent this interaction (Fig S12B, D). For mutational analysis of BamD, we looked then at the conservation of the C-terminus of BamD and determined R197 was the most highly conserved amino acid (Fig 6C). In order to account for this, we have adjusted the manuscript:

      (Lines 376-377) "R197 has previously been isolated as a suppressor mutation of a BamA temperature sensitive strain (Ricci et al., 2012)."

      (Lines 495-496) "This adds an additional role of the C-terminus of BamD beyond a complex stability role (Ricci et al., 2012; Storek et al., 2023)."

      1. As demonstrated by the authors in Fig 8, the mutations in BamD lead to reduction in OMP levels for more than just OmpC and issues with the membrane are clearly observable with Y62A, although not with R197A in the presence of VCN. The authors should also test with rifampicin which is smaller and would monitor even more subtle issues with the membrane. Oddly, no growth was observed for the Vec control in the lower concentration of VCN, but was near WT levels for 3 times VCN, how is this explained?

      While it would be interesting to correlate the extent of differences to the molecular size of different antibiotics such as rifampicin, such correlations are not the intended aim of our study. Vancomycin (VCN) is a standard measure of outer membrane integrity in our field, hence its use in our tests for membrane integrity.

      We apologize to the reviewer as Figure 8 D-G may have been misleading. Figure 8D,E are using bamD shut-down cells expressing plasmid-borne BamD mutants. Whereas Figure 8F, G are the same strain as used in Figure 3. We have adjusted the figure as well as the figure legend: (Lines 1165-1169) D, E E coli bamD depletion cells expressing mutations at residues, Y62A and R197A, in the β-signal recognition regions of BamD were grown with of VCN. F, G, E coli cells expressing mutations to OmpC internal signal, as shown in Fig 3, grown in the presence of VCN. Mutations to two key residues of the internal signal were sensitive to the presence of VCN.

      1. While Fig 8I indeed shows diminished levels for FY as stated, little difference was observed for the trimer for the other mutants compared to WT, although differences were observed for the dimer. Interestingly, the VY mutant has nearly WT levels of dimer. What do the authors postulate is going on here with the dimer to trimer transition? How do the levels of monomer compare, which is not shown?

      The BN-PAGE gel system cannot resolve protein species that migrate below ~50kDa and the monomer species of the OMPs is below this size. We can’t comment on effects on the monomer because it is not visualized. The non-cropped gel image is shown here. Recently, Hussain et al., has shown that in vitro proteo-liposome system OmpC assembly progresses from a “short-lived dimeric” form before the final process of trimerization (Hussain et al., 2021). However, their findings suggest that LPS plays the final role in stimulation of dimer-to-trimer, a step well past the recognition step of the β-signals. Mutations to the internal signal of OmpC results in the formation of an intermediate, the substrate stalled on the BAM complex. This stalling, presumably, causes a hinderance to the BAM complex resulting in reduced timer and loss of dimer OmpF signal in the EMM of cells expressing OmpC double mutant strain, FY. cannot resolve protein species that migrate below ~50kDa and the monomer species of the OMPs is below this size. We can’t comment on effects on the monomer because it is not visualized. The non-cropped gel image is shown here. We have noted this in the revised text:

      Author response image 5.

      Non-cropped gel of Fig. 8I. the asterisk indicates a band observed in the sample loading wells at the top of the gel.

      (Lines 417-418) "The dimeric form of endogenous OmpF was prominently observed in both the OmpC(WT) as well as the OmpC(VY) double mutant cells."

      1. In the discussion, the authors indicate they have '...defined an internal signal for OMP assembly', however, their study is limited and only investigates a specific region of OmpC. More is needed to definitively say this for even OmpC, and even more so to indicate this is a general feature for all OMPs.

      We acknowledge the reviewer's comment on this point and have expanded the statement to make sure that the conclusion is justified with the specific evidence that is shown in the paper and the supplementary data. We now state:

      (Lines 444-447) "This internal signal corresponds to the -5 strand in OmpC and is recognized by BamD. Sequence analysis shows that similar sequence signatures are present in other OMPs (Figs. S5, S6 and S7). These sequences were investigated in two further OMPs: OmpF and LamB (Fig. 2C and D)."

      Note, we did not state that this is a general feature for all OMPs. That would not be a reasonable proposition.


      • In the proposed model in Fig 9, it is hard to conceive how 5 strands will form along BamD given the limited surface area and tight space beneath BAM.

      • More concerning is that the two proposal interaction sites on BamD, Y62 and R197, are on opposite sides of the BamD structure, not along the same interface, which makes this model even more unlikely.

      • As evidence against this model, in Figure 9E, the two indicates sites of BamD are not even in close proximity of the modeled substrate strands.

      We can address the reviewer’s three concerns here:

      i. The first point is that the region (formed by BamD engaged with POTRA domains 1-2 and 5 of BamA) is not sufficient to accommodate five β-strands. Structural analysis reveals that the interaction between the N-terminal side of BamD and POTRA1-2 is substantially changed the conformation by substrate binding, and that this surface is greatly extended. This surface does have enough space to accommodate five beta-strands, as now documented in Fig. 9D, 9E using the latest structures (7TT5 and 7TT2) as illustrations of this. The text now reads:

      (Lines 506-515) "Spatially, this indicates the BamD can serve to organize two distinct parts of the nascent OMP substrate at the periplasmic face of the BAM complex, either prior to or in concert with, engagement to the lateral gate of BamA. Assessing this structurally showed the N-terminal region of BamD (interacting with the POTRA1-2 region of BamA) and the C-terminal region of BamD (interacting with POTRA5 proximal to the lateral gate of BamA) (Bakelar et al., 2016; Gu et al., 2016; Tomasek et al., 2020) has the N-terminal region of BamD changing conformation depending on the folding states of the last four β-strands of the substrate OMP, EspP (Doyle et al., 2022). The overall effect of this being a change in the dimensions of this cavity change, a change which is dependent on the folded state of the substrate engaged in it (Fig 9 B-E)."

      ii. The second point raised regards the orientation of the substrate recognition residues of BamD. Both Y62A and R197 were located on the lumen side of the funnel in the EspP-BAM transport intermediate structure (PDBID;7TTC); Y62A is relatively located on the edge of BamD, but given that POTRA1-2 undergoes a conformational change and opens this region, as described above, both are located in locations where they could bind to substrates. This was explained in the following text in the results section of revised manuscript.

      (Lines 377-379) "Each residue was located on the lumen side of the funnel-like structure in the EspP-BAM assembly intermediate structure (PDBID; 7TTC) (Doyle et al., 2022)."

      **Reviewer #2 (Public Review):"

      Previously, using bioinformatics study, authors have identified potential sequence motifs that are common to a large subset of beta-barrel outer membrane proteins in gram negative bacteria. Interestingly, in that study, some of those motifs are located in the internal strands of barrels (not near the termini), in addition to the well-known "beta-signal" motif in the C-terminal region.

      Here, the authors carried out rigorous biochemical, biophysical, and genetic studies to prove that the newly identified internal motifs are critical to the assembly of outer membrane proteins and the interaction with the BAM complex. The author's approaches are rigorous and comprehensive, whose results reasonably well support the conclusions. While overall enthusiastic, I have some scientific concerns with the rationale of the neutron refractory study, and the distinction between "the intrinsic impairment of the barrel" vs "the impairment of interaction with BAM" that the internal signal may play a role in. I hope that the authors will be able to address this.


      1. It is impressive that the authors took multi-faceted approaches using the assays on reconstituted, cell-based, and population-level (growth) systems.

      2. Assessing the role of the internal motifs in the assembly of model OMPs in the absence and presence of BAM machinery was a nice approach for a precise definition of the role.


      1. The result section employing the neutron refractory (NR) needs to be clarified and strengthened in the main text (from line 226). In the current form, the NR result seems not so convincing.

      What is the rationale of the approach using NR?

      We have now modified the text to make clear that:

      (Lines 276-280) "The rationale to these experiments is that NR provides: (i) information on the distance of specified subunits of a protein complex away from the atomically flat gold surface to which the complex is attached, and (ii) allows the addition of samples between measurements, so that multi-step changes can be made to, for example, detect changes in domain conformation in response to the addition of a substrate."

      What is the molecular event (readout) that the method detects?

      We have now modified the text to make clear that:

      (Lines 270-274) "While the biochemical assay demonstrated that the OmpC(Y286A) mutant forms a stalled intermediate with the BAM complex, in a state in which membrane insertion was not completed, biochemical assays such as this cannot elucidate where on BamA-BamD this OmpC(Y286A) substrate is stalled."

      What are "R"-y axis and "Q"-x axis and their physical meanings (Fig. 5b)?

      The neutron reflectivity, R, refers to the ratio of the incoming and exiting neutron beams and it is measured as a function of Momentum transfer Q, which is defined as Q=4π sinθ/λ, where θ is the angle of incident and λ is the neutron wavelength. R(Q)is approximately given byR(Q)=16π2/ Q2 |ρ(Q)|2, where R(Q) is the one-dimensional Fourier transform of ρ(z), the scattering length density (SLD) distribution normal to the surface. SLD is the sum of the coherent neutron scattering lengths of all atoms in the sample layer divided by the volume of the layer. Therefore, the intensity of the reflected beams is highly dependent on the thickness, densities and interface roughness of the samples. This was explained in the following text in the method section of revised manuscript.

      (Lines 669-678) "Neutron reflectivity, denoted as R, is the ratio of the incoming to the exiting neutron beams. It’s calculated based on the Momentum transfer Q, which is defined by the formula Q=4π sinθ/λ, where θ represents the angle of incidence and λ stands for the neutron wavelength. The approximate value of R(Q) can be expressed as R(Q)=16π2/ Q2 |ρ(Q)|2, where R(Q) is the one-dimensional Fourier transform of ρ(z), which is the scattering length density (SLD) distribution perpendicular to the surface. SLD is calculated by dividing the sum of the coherent neutron scattering lengths of all atoms in a sample layer by the volume of that layer. Consequently, factors such as thickness, volume fraction, and interface roughness of the samples significantly influence the intensity of the reflected beams."

      How are the "layers" defined from the plot (Fig. 5b)?

      The “layers” in the plot (Fig. 5b) represent different regions of the sample being studied. In this study, we used a seven-layer model to fit the experimental data (chromium - gold - NTA - HIS8 - β-barrel - P3-5 - P1-2. This was explained in the following text in the figure legend of revised manuscript. (Lines 1115-1116) The experimental data was fitted using a seven-layer model: chromium - gold - NTA - His8 - β-barrel - P3-5 - P1-2.

      What are the meanings of "thickness" and "roughness" (Fig. 5c)?

      We used neutron reflectometry to determine the relative positions of BAM subunits in a membrane environment. The binding of certain subunits induced conformational changes in other parts of the complex. When a substrate membrane protein is added, the periplasmic POTRA domain of BamA extends further away from the membrane surface. This could result in an increase in thickness as observed in neutron reflectometry measurements.

      As for roughness, it is related to the interface properties of the sample. In neutron reflectometry, the intensity of the reflected beams is highly dependent on the thickness, densities, and interface roughness of the samples. An increase in roughness could suggest changes in these properties, possibly due to protein-membrane interactions or structural changes within the membrane.

      (Lines 1116-1120) "Table summarizes of the thickness, roughness and volume fraction data of each layer from the NR analysis. The thickness refers to the depth of layered structures being studied as measured in Å. The roughness refers to the irregularities in the surface of the layered structures being studied as measured in Å."

      What does "SLD" stand for?

      We apologize for not explaining abbreviation when the SLD first came out. We explained it in revised manuscript. (Line 298)

      1. In the result section, "The internal signal is necessary for insertion step of assembly into OM" This section presents an important result that the internal beta-signal is critical to the intrinsic propensity of barrel formation, distinct from the recognition by BAM complex. However, this point is not elaborated in this section. For example, what is the role of these critical residues in the barrel structure formation? That is, are they involved in any special tertiary contacts in the structure or in membrane anchoring of the nascent polypeptide chains?

      We appreciate the reviewer's comment on this point. Both position 0 and position 6 appear to be important amino acids for recognition by the BAM complex, since mutations introduced at these positions in peptide 18 prevent competitive inhibition activity.

      In terms of the tertiary structure of OmpC, position 6 is an amino acid that contributes to the aromatic girdle, and since Y286A and Y365A affected OMP folding as measured in folding experiments, it is perhaps their position in the aromatic girdle that contributes to the efficiency of β-barrel folding in addition to its function as a recognition signal. We have added a sentence in the revised manuscript:

      (Lines 233-236) "Position 6 is an amino acid that contributes to the aromatic girdle. Since Y286A and Y365A affected OMP folding as measured in folding experiments, their positioning into the aromatic girdle may contributes to the efficiency of β-barrel folding, in addition to contributing to the internal signal."

      The mutations made at position 0 had no effect on folding, so this residue may function solely in the signal. Given the register of each β-strand in the final barrel, the position 0 residues have side-chains that face out into the lipid environment. From examination of the OmpC crystal structure, the residue at position 0 makes no special tertiary contacts with other, neighbouring residues.  

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor critiques (in no particular order):

      1. Peptide 18 was identified based on its strong inhibition for EspP assembly but another peptide, peptide 23, also shows inhibition and has no particular consensus.

      We would correct this point. Peptide 23 has a strong consensus to the canonical β-signal. We had explained the sequence consensus of β-signal in the Results section of the text. In the third paragraph, we have added a sentence indicating the relationship between peptide 18 and peptide 23.

      (Lines 152-168) "Six peptides (4, 10, 17, 18, 21, and 23) were found to inhibit EspP assembly (Fig. 1A). Of these, peptide 23 corresponds to the canonical β-signal of OMPs: it is the final β-strand of OmpC and it contains the consensus motif of the β-signal (ζxGxx[Ω/Φ]x[Ω/Φ]). The inhibition seen with peptide 23 indicated that our peptidomimetics screening system using EspP can detect signals recognized by the BAM complex. In addition to inhibiting EspP assembly, five of the most potent peptides (4, 17, 18, 21, and 23) inhibited additional model OMPs; the porins OmpC and OmpF, the peptidoglycan-binding OmpA, and the maltoporin LamB (fig. S3). Comparing the sequences of these inhibitory peptides suggested the presence of a sub-motif from within the β-signal, namely [Ω/Φ]x[Ω/Φ] (Fig. 1B). The sequence codes refer to conserved residues such that: ζ, is any polar residue; G is a glycine residue; Ω is any aromatic residue; Φ is any hydrophobic residue and x is any residue (Hagan et al., 2015; Kutik et al., 2008). The non-inhibitory peptide 9 contained some elements of the β-signal but did not show inhibition of EspP assembly (Fig. 1A).

      Peptide 18 also showed a strong sequence similarity to the consensus motif of the β-signal (Fig. 1B) and, like peptide 23, had a strong inhibitory action on EspP assembly (Fig. 1A). Variant peptides based on the peptide 18 sequence were constructed and tested in the EMM assembly assay (Fig. 1C)."

      1. It is unclear why the authors immediately focused on BamD rather than BamB, given that both were mentioned to mediate interaction with substrate. Was BamB also tested?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have now performed a pull-down experiment on BamB and added it to Fig. S9. We also modified the text of the results as follows.

      (Lines 262-265) "Three subunits of the BAM complex have been previously shown to interact with the substrates: BamA, BamB, and BamD (Hagan et al., 2013; Harrison, 1996; Ieva et al., 2011). In vitro pull-down assay showed that while BamA and BamD can independently bind to the in vitro translated OmpC polypeptide (Fig .S9A), BamB did not (Fig. S9B)."

      1. For the in vitro folding assays of the OmpC substrates, labeled and unlabeled, no mention of adding SurA or any other chaperone which is known to be important for mediating OMP biogenesis in vitro.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s concerns on this point, however chaperones such as SurA are non-essential factors in the OMP assembly reaction mediated by the BAM complex: the surA gene is not essential and the assembly of OMPs can be measured in the absence of exogenously added SurA. It remains possible that addition of SurA to some of these assays could be useful in detailing aspects of chaperone function in the context of the BAM complex, but that was not the intent of this study.

      1. For the supplementary document, it would be much easier for the reader to have the legends groups with the figures.

      Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have placed the legends of Supplemental Figures together with each Figure.

      1. Some of the figures and their captions are not grouped properly and are separated which makes it hard to interpret the figures efficiently.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, we have revised the manuscript and figures to properly group the figures and captions together on a single page.

      1. The authors begin their 'Discussion' with a question (line 454), however, they don't appear to answer or even attempt to address it; suggest removing rhetorical questions.

      As per the reviewers’ suggestion, we removed this question.

      1. Line 464, 'unbiased' should be removed. This would imply that if not stated, experiments are 'negatively' biased.

      We removed this word and revised the sentence as follows:

      (Lines 431-433) "In our experimental approach to assess for inhibitory peptides, specific segments of the major porin substrate OmpC were shown to interact with the BAM complex as peptidomimetic inhibitors."

      1. Lines 466-467; '...go well beyond expected outcomes.' What does this statement mean?

      Our peptidomimetics led to unexpected results in elucidating the additional essential signal elements. The manuscript was revised as follows:

      (Lines 433-435) "Results for this experimental approach went beyond expected outcomes by identifying the essential elements of the signal Φxxxxxx[Ω/Φ]x[Ω/Φ] in β-strands other than the C-terminal strand."

      1. Line 478; '...rich information that must be oversimplified...'?

      We appreciate the reviewer’s pointed out. For more clarity, the manuscript was revised as follows:

      (Lines 450-453) "The abundance of information which arises from modeling approaches and from the multitude of candidate OMPs, is generally oversimplified when written as a primary structure description typical of the β-signal for bacterial OMPs (i.e. ζxGxx[Ω/Φ]x[Ω/Φ]) (Kutik et al., 2008)."

      1. There are typos in the supplementary figures.

      We have revised and corrected the Supplemental Figure legends.  

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. In Supplementary Information, I recommend adding the figure legends directly to the corresponding figures. Currently, it is very inconvenient to go back and forth between legends and figures.

      Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have placed the legends of Supplemental Figures together with each Figure.

      1. Line 94 (p.3): "later"


      Yes. We have corrected this.

      1. Line 113 (p.3): The result section, "Peptidomimetics derived from E. coli OmpC inhibit OMP assembly" Rationale of the peptide inhibition assay is not clear. How can the peptide sequence that effectively inhibit the assembly interpreted as the b-assembly signal? By competitive binding to BAM or by something else? What is the authors' hypothesis in doing this assay?

      In revision, we have added following sentence to explain the aim and design of the peptidomimetics:

      (Lines 140-145) "The addition of peptides with BAM complex affinity, such as the OMP β-signal, are capable of exerting an inhibitory effect by competing for binding of substrate OMPs to the BAM complex (Hagan et al., 2015). Thus, the addition of peptides derived from the entirety of OMPs to the EMM assembly assay, which can evaluate assembly efficiency with high accuracy, expects to identify novel regions that have affinity for the BAM complex."

      1. Line 113- (p.3) and Fig. S1: The result section, "Peptidomimetics derived from E. coli OmpC inhibit OMP assembly"

      Some explanation seems to be needed why b-barrel domain of EspP appears even without ProK?

      We appreciate the reviewer’s pointed out. We added following sentence to explain:

      (Lines 128-137) "EspP, a model OMP substrate, belongs to autotransporter family of proteins. Autotransporters have two domains; (1) a β-barrel domain, assembled into the outer membrane via the BAM complex, and (2) a passenger domain, which traverses the outer membrane via the lumen of the β-barrel domain itself and is subsequently cleaved by the correctly assembled β-barrel domain (Celik et al., 2012). When EspP is correctly assembled into outer membrane, a visible decrease in the molecular mass of the protein is observed due to the self-proteolysis. Once the barrel domain is assembled into the membrane it becomes protease-resistant, with residual unassembled and passenger domains degraded (Leyton et al., 2014; Roman-Hernandez et al., 2014)."

      1. Line 186 (p.6): "Y285"


      We have corrected the error, it was Y285A.

      1. Lines 245- (p. 7)/ Lines 330- (p. 10)

      It needs to be clarified that the results described in these paragraphs were obtained from the assays with EMM.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s concerns on these points. For the first half, the following text was added at the beginning of the applicable paragraph to indicate that all of Fig. 4 is the result of the EMM assembly assay.

      (Line 241) "We further analyzed the role of internal β-signal by the EMM assembly assay. At the second half, we used purified BamD but not EMM. We described clearly with following sentence."

      (Lines 316-318) "We purified 40 different BPA variants of BamD, and then irradiated UV after incubating with 35S-labelled OmpC."

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      The bacterial neurotransmitter:sodium symporter homoglogue LeuT is an well-established model system for understanding the fundamental basis for how human monoamine transporters, such as the dopamine and serotonin, couple ions with neurotransmitter uptake. Here the authors provide convincing data to show that the K+ catalyses the return step of the transport cycle in LeuT by binding to one of the two sodium sites. The paper is an important contribution, but it's still unclear exactly where K+ binds in LeuT, and how to incorporate K+ binding into a transport cycle mechanism.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript tackles an important question, namely how K+ affects substrate transport in the SLC6 family. K+ effects have previously been reported for DAT and SERT, but the prototypical SLC6fold transporter LeuT was not known to be sensitive to the K+ concentration. In this manuscript, the authors demonstrate convincingly that K+ inhibits Na+ binding, and Na+-dependent amino acid binding at high concentrations, and that K+ inside of vesicles containing LeuT increases the transport rate. However, outside K+ apparently had very little effect. Uptake data are supplemented with binding data, using the scintillation proximity assay, and transition metal FRET, allowing the observation of the distribution of distinct conformational states of the transporter.<br /> Overall, the data are of high quality. I was initially concerned about the use of solutions of very high ionic strength (the Km for K+ is in the 200 mM range), however, the authors performed good controls with lower ionic strength solutions, suggesting that the K+ effect is specific and not caused by artifacts from the high salt concentrations.

      The major issue I have with this manuscript is with the interpretation of the experimental data. Granted that the K+ effect seems to be complex. However, it seems counterintuitive that K+ competes with Na+ for the same binding site, while at the same time accelerating the transport rate. Even if K+ prevents rebinding of Na+ on the inside of vesicles, it would be expected that K+ then stabilizes this Na+-free conformation, resulting in a slowing of the transport rate. However, the opposite is found. I feel that it would be useful to perform some kinetic modeling of the transport cycle to identify a mechanism that would allow K+ to act as a competitive inhibitor of Na+ binding and rate-accelerator at the same time.

      This ties into the second point: It is not mentioned in the manuscript what the configuration of the vesicles is after LeuT reconstitution. Are they right-side out? Is LeuT distributed evenly in inside-out and right-side out orientation? Is the distribution known? If yes, how does it affect the interpretation of the uptake data with and without K+ gradient?

      Finally, mutations were only made to the Na1 cation binding site. These mutations have an effect mostly to be expected, if K+ would bind to this site. However, indirect effects of mutations can never be excluded, and the authors acknowledge this in the discussion section. It would be interesting to see the effect of K+ on a couple of mutants that are far away from Na+/substrate binding sites. This could be another piece of evidence to exclude indirect effects, if the K+ affinity is less affected.

      Reviewer #2(Public Review):

      To characterize the relationship between Na+ and K+ binding to LeuT, the effect of K+ on Na+- dependent [3 H] leucine binding was studied using a scintillation proximity assay. In the presence of K+ the apparent affinity for sodium was reduced but the maximal binding capacity for this ion was unchanged, consistent with a competitive mechanism of inhibition between Na+ and K+.

      To obtain a more direct readout of K+ binding to LeuT, tmFRET was used. This method relies on the distance-dependent quenching of a cysteine-conjugated fluorophore (FRET donor) by a transition metal (FRET acceptor). This method is a conformational readout for both ion- and ligand-binding. Along with the effect of K+ on Na+-dependent [3 H] leucine binding, the findings support the existence of a specific K+ binding site in LeuT and that K+ binding to this site induces an outward closed conformation.

      It was previously shown that in liposomes inlaid with LeuT by reconstitution, intra-vesicular K+ increases the concentrative capacity of [ 3 H] alanine. To obtain insights into the mechanistic basis of this phenomenon, purified LeuT was reconstituted into liposomes containing a variety of cations, including Na+ and K+ followed by measurements of [ 3 H] alanine uptake driven by a Na+ gradient.

      The ionic composition of the external medium was manipulated to determine if the stimulation of [3 H] alanine uptake by K+ was due to an outward directed potassium gradient serving as a driving force for sodium-dependent substrate transport by moving in the direction opposite to that of sodium and the substrate. Remarkably it was found that it is the intra-liposomal K+ per se that increases the transport rate of alanine and not a K+ gradient, suggesting that binding of K+ to the intra-cellular face of the transporter could prevent the rebinding of sodium and the substrate thereby reducing their efflux from the cell. These conclusions assume that the measured radioactive transport is via right-side-out liposomes rather than from their inverted counterparts (in case of a random orientation of the transporters in the proteoliposomes). Even though this assumption is likely to be correct, it should be tested.

      Since K+- and Na+-binding are competitive and K+ excludes substrate binding, the Authors chose to focus on the Na1 site where the carboxyl group of the substrate serves as one of the groups which coordinate the sodium ion. This was done by the introduction of conservative mutations of the amino acid residues forming the Na1 site. The potassium interaction in these mutants was monitored by sodium dependent radioactive leucine binding. Moreover, the effect the effect of Na+ with and without substrate as well as that of potassium on the conformational equilibria was measured by tmFRET measurements on the mutants introduced in the construct enabling the measurements. The results suggest that K+-binding to LeuT modulates substrate transport and that the K+ affinity and selectivity for LeuT is sensitive to mutations in the Na1 site, pointing toward the Na1 site as a candidate site for facilitating the interaction between K+ in some NSS members.

      The data presented in this manuscript are of very high quality. They are a detailed extension of results by the same group (Billesbolle et. al, Ref. 16 from the list) providing more detailed information on the importance of the Na1 site for potassium interaction. Clearly this begs for the identification of the binding site in a potassium bound LeuT structure in the future. Presumably LeuT was studied here because it appears that it is relatively easy to determine structures of many conformational states. Furthermore, convincing evidence showed that the stimulatory effect of K+ on transport is not because of energization of substrate accumulation but is rather due to the binding of this cation to a specific site.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Include a transport mechanism that can account for the K+ effects.

      We appreciate the opportunity to elaborate further regarding how we envision this complex mechanism. It is generally known that, within the LeuT-fold transporters, the return step is ratelimiting for the transport process. Our data suggests that K+ binds to the inward-facing apo form.

      Accordingly, we propose that the role of K+ binding is to facilitate LeuT to overcome the rate-limiting step. We propose the following mechanistic model: When Na+ and substrate is released to the intracellular environment the transporter must return to the outward-facing conformation. This can happen in (at least) two ways: 1) The transporter in its apo-form closes the inner gate and opens to the extracellular side, now ready to perform a new transport cycle. 2) The transporter rebinds Na+, which allows for the rebinding of substrate. It can now go in reverse (efflux) or it once again release its content. The transporter can naturally also only rebind Na+ and release it again to the cytosol.

      The purpose of K+ binding is to prevent Na+ rebinding and to promote a conformational state of the transporter, which does not allow Na+ binding. Even though Na+ has a higher affinity for the site, K+ is much more abundant.

      This model is supported by our previous experiment, showing that intravesicular K+ prevents [3H]alanine efflux while LeuT performs Na+-dependent alanine transport. Thus, the increase in Vmax could be due to a decreased efflux (exchange mode), or a facilitation of the rate-limiting step, or a combination of the two.

      Note that the model does not require that K+ is counter-transported. It just has to prevent Na+ rebinding. However, even though we failed to show K+ counter-transport, it does not mean that it does not happen. Further experiments must clarify this issue.

      To be more explicit about our proposed mechanistic model, we have expanded the last paragraph in the Discussion section. It now reads:

      “We propose that K+ binding either facilitates LeuT transition from inward- to outward-facing (the rate limiting step of the transport cycle), or solely prevents the rebinding and possible efflux of Na+ and substrate. It could also be a combination of both. Either way, intracellular K+ will lead to an increase in Vmax and concentrative capacity. Note that our previous experiment showed an increased [3H]alanine efflux when LeuT transports alanine in the absence of intra-vesicular K+16. Specifically, the mechanistic impact of K+ could be to catalyze LeuT away from the state that allows the rebinding of Na+ and substrate. This way, K+ binding would decrease the possible rebinding of intracellularly released Na+ and substrate, thereby rectifying the transport process and increase the concentrative capacity and Vmax (Figure 6). Our results suggest that K+ is not counter-transported but rather promotes LeuT to overcome an internal rate limiting energy barrier. However, further investigations must be performed before any conclusive statement can be made here.”

      • Describe the orientation of the transporter in the vesicles.

      When working with reconstituted NSS, the transport activity is determined by the Na+ gradient. This is also evident in the experiments where we dissipate the Na+ gradient. Here we find transport activity compatible to background. We can also see in the literature, that directionality is rarely determined for transport proteins in reconstituted systems. When that is said, it is difficult to know how the inside-out LeuT contribute to the transport process. Will they work in reverse and contribute to the accumulation of intravesicular [3H]alanine? If so, to what extent? They will likely not be affected by the intravesicular K+. Therefore, their possible contribution will ‘work against’ our results and decrease the apparent K+ effects reported herein. Taken together, unless the vast majority of LeuT molecules are inside-out, knowing the actual proportion will not, in our perspective, affect our interpretations and conclusions of the data.

      When that is said, we have also been curious about this issue and with the question raised by the reviewer, we performed the suggested experiment. We have inserted the results in Figure 3 – Figure supplement 1D. The figure shows that a fraction of the reconstituted LeuT are susceptible to thrombin cleavage of the accessible C-terminal. We have quantified the cleaved fraction to around 40% of the total (see Author response image 1 below). It is, however, a crude estimate since it is difficult to perform reliable dosimetry with fractions that close together. Thus, we are reluctant to add a quantitative measure in the article text.

      Author response image 1.

      We have inserted the following in the main text:

      “It is difficult to control the directionality of proteins when they are reconstituted into lipid vesicles. They will be inserted in both orientations. Outside-out and inside-out. In the case of LeuT it is the imposed Na+-gradient which is determines the directionality of transport. Uptake through the insideout transporters will probably also happen. Note that the inside-out LeuT will not have the K+ binding site exposed to the intra-vesicular environment. Accordingly, a propensity of transporters will likely not be influenced by the added K+ and will tend to mask the contribution of K+ to the transport mode from the right-side out LeuT. To investigate LeuT directionality in our reconstituted samples, we performed thrombin cleavage of accessible C-terminals on intact and perforated vesicles, respectively. The result suggests that the proportion of LeuT inserted as outside-out is larger than the proportion with an inside-out directionality (Figure 3 – Figure supplement 1D).”

      For the inserted Figure 3 – Figure supplement 1D, we have added the following legend:<br /> “(D) SDS-PAGE analysis of LeuT proteoliposomes following time-dependent thrombin digestion of accessible C-terminals (reducing the mass of LeuT by ~1.3 kDa). The reaction was terminated by the addition of PMSF at the specified time points. The lanes corresponding to the time-dependent proteolysis are flanked by lanes containing proteoliposomes without thrombin (left, 0 min) or digested in the presence of DDM (right, 180 min+DDM). Arrows indicate bands of full-length (top) and cleaved (bottom) LeuT.”

      • Check the effects of mutations away from the Na1 cation binding site.

      We have included the LeuT K398C in the study as a negative control for unspecific effects on Na+ and K+ binding. The mutant exhibit Na+ dependent [3H]leucine binding and K+-dependency similar to LeuT WT – see Table 2 and Table 2 - Figure Supplement 1G.

      As a minor point, the authors use the term "affinity" liberally. However, unless these are direct binding experiments, the term "apparent affinity" may be more appropriate, since Km values are affected by the transport cycle (in uptake), as well as binding of cations/substrate.

      We thank the reviewer for emphasizing this important point. We have revised the manuscript accordingly. We use ‘affinity’ when it has been determined under equilibrium conditions, either as a SPA binding experiment or based on tmFRET. We use the term ‘Km’ when the apparent affinity has been determined during non-equilibrium conditions such as during substrate transport.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As mentioned in part 2, it is important to show the effect of internal potassium on transport in-sided liposomes. This could be done using the methodology developed by Tsai et. al. Biochemistry 51 (2012) 1557-1585.

      We appreciate this important point and have performed the suggested experiment. See reviewer 1 comment #2

      In the Abstract and throughout it is mentioned that K+ is not counter transported, yet on the bottom of p. 16 it is mentioned that this is possible.

      We have tried to be very cautious with any interpretation about whether K+ is only binding or whether it is also counter-transported. Either way, it must facilitate a transition towards a non-Na+ binding state. We tried to differentiate between the two possibilities by investigating if an outwarddirected K+ gradient alone could drive transport (Figure 3E). We do not observe any significant difference from background (no gradient). However, the gained information is rather weak: It is still possible that K+ is counter-transported, but the K+ gradient does not impose any driving force. Instead, it ensures a rectification of the Na+-dependent substrate transport. If so, this experiment would come up negative even if K+ is counter-transported.

      To be more explicit, we have changed the wording on page 16.

      Our results suggests that K+ is not counter-transported, but rather promote LeuT to overcome an internal rate limiting energy barrier. However, further investigations must be performed before any conclusive statement can be made here.

      Fig.2-Fig. Supplement 1: it is important to show that the effect of leucine is sodium-dependent by adding the control K+ and leucine.

      We thank the reviewer for suggesting this important control. We have added the experiment to Figure 2 – Figure supplement 1 as suggested. The effect is not different from K+ alone supporting the SPA-binding data that K+-binding does not promote substrate binding.

      Point for discussion: Whereas potassium is counter transported in SERT, there are conflicting interpretations on this in DAT (Ref. 15 from the list and Bhat et. al eLife (2021) 10:e67996). The situation in LeuT seems like the scenario described by Bhat et. al.

      We appreciate the suggestion for a proposed link between LeuT and hDAT. Although, as mentioned above, we find it early days to be too certain on this option. We have now mentioned the mechanistic similarity in the Discussion following our description of the proposed mechanistic model (see first request from reviewer #1):

      “If K+ is not counter-transported, LeuT might comply with the mechanism previously suggested for the human DAT31.”

      Fig. 5-Fig. Supplement 1: Why are no data on N27Q and N286Q given? If these mutants have no transport activity this should be stated. Moreover, alanine uptake by A22V is almost sodium independent and is also very fast, suggesting binding, not transport. Are the counts sensitive to ionophores like nigericin?

      We appreciate this important point. Indeed, the LeuT N27Q and N286Q are transport inactive. This information is now inserted in the main text when describing the conformational dynamics of N27QtmFRET and N286QtmFRET.

      We agree with the reviewer that the [3H]alanine uptake for A22V is not very conclusive. The vesicles with Na+ on both sides (open diamonds) do allow [3H]alanine binding. Vesicles with added gramicidin are similar in activity. The fast rate could indeed suggest a binding event. This we also do not rule out in the main text. However, the contribution in activity from LeuT A22V in vesicles with a Na+ gradient cannot be explained by a binding event alone. Then it should bind more [3H]alanine in the presence of a Na+ gradient, which is possible, but hard to imagine. Also, the alanine affinity for LeuT A22V is ~1 µM (Table 1). At this affinity it should be literally impossible to detect any binding because the off-rate is so fast that it would all dissociate during the washing procedure.

      We have described the data and left out any interpretation (e.g. changed ‘[3H]alanine transport’ to ‘[3H]alanine activity’). In addition, we have replaced: “This correlates with the lack of changes in conformational equilibrium observed in the tmFRET data between the NMDG+, Na+ and K+ states.” with: “Further investigations must clarify whether the changes in observed [3H]alanine activity constitutes a transport- or a binding event.”

      Lower part of p. 16. The Authors speculate "that the mechanistic impact of K+ binding could be to accelerate a transition away from the conformation where Na+ and substrate are released, to a state where they can no longer rebind and thus revert the transport process (efflux)". This could be easily tested by measuring exchange, which should not be influenced by potassium.

      We performed this experiment in Billesbolle et al. 2016. Nat Commun (Fig. 1f). We show that the exchange is decreased in the presence of K+. We hypothesize that this is because K+ binding forces LeuT away from the exchange mode.

    1. Author Response

      Response to the Reviews

      We are grateful for these balanced, nuanced evaluations of our work concerning the observed epistatic trends and our interpretations of their mechanistic origins. Overall, we think the reviewers have done an excellent job at recognizing the novel aspects of our findings while also discussing the caveats associated with our interpretations of the biophysical effects of these mutations. We believe it is important to consider both of these aspects of our work in order to appreciate these advances and what sorts of pertinent questions remain.

      Notably, both reviewers suggest that a lack of experimental approaches to compare the conformational properties of GnRHR variants weakens our claims. We would first humbly suggest that this constitutes a more general caveat that applies to nearly all investigations of the cellular misfolding of α-helical membrane proteins. Whether or not any current in vitro folding measurements report on conformational transitions that are relevant to cellular protein misfolding reactions remains an active area of debate (discussed further below). Nevertheless, while we concede that our structural and/ or computational evaluations of various mutagenic effects remain speculative, prevailing knowledge on the mechanisms of membrane protein folding suggest our mutations of interest (V276T and W107A) are highly unlikely to promote misfolding in precisely the same way. Thus, regardless of whether or not we were able experimentally compare the relevant folding energetics of GnRHR variants, we are confident that the distinct epistatic interactions formed by these mutations reflect variations in the misfolding mechanism and that they are distinct from the interactions that are observed in the context of stable proteins. In the following, we provide detailed considerations concerning these caveats in relation to the reviewers’ specific comments.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper carries out an impressive and exhaustive non-sense mutagenesis using deep mutational scanning (DMS) of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor for the WT protein and two single point mutations that I) influence TM insertion (V267T) and ii) influence protein stability (W107A), and then measures the effect of these mutants on correct plasma membrane expression (PME).

      Overall, most mutations decreased mGnRHR PME levels in all three backgrounds, indicating poor mutational tolerance under these conditions. The W107A variant wasn't really recoverable with low levels of plasma membrane localisation. For the V267T variant, most additional mutations were more deleterious than WT based on correct trafficking, indicating a synergistic effect. As one might expect, there was a higher degree of positive correlation between V267T/W107A mutants and other mutants located in TM regions, confirming that improper trafficking was a likely consequence of membrane protein co-translational folding. Nevertheless, context is important, as positive synergistic mutants in the V27T could be negative in the W107A background and vice versa. Taken together, this important study highlights the complexity of membrane protein folding in dissecting the mechanism-dependent impact of disease-causing mutations related to improper trafficking.


      This is a novel and exhaustive approach to dissecting how receptor mutations under different mutational backgrounds related to co-translational folding, could influence membrane protein trafficking.


      The premise for the study requires an in-depth understanding of how the single-point mutations analysed affect membrane protein folding, but the single-point mutants used seem to lack proper validation.

      Given our limited understanding of the structural properties of misfolded membrane proteins, it is unclear whether the relevant conformational effects of these mutations can be unambiguously validated using current biochemical and/ or biophysical folding assays. X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, and NMR spectroscopy measurements have demonstrated that many purified GPCRs retain native-like structural ensembles within certain detergent micelles, bicelles, and/ or nanodiscs. However, helical membrane protein folding measurements typically require titration with denaturing detergents to promote the formation of a denatured state ensemble (DSE), which will invariably retain considerable secondary structure. Given that the solvation provided by mixed micelles is clearly distinct from that of native membranes, it remains unclear whether these DSEs represent a reasonable proxy for the misfolded conformations recognized by cellular quality control (QC, see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.8b00532). Thus, the use and interpretation of these systems for such purposes remains contentious in the membrane protein folding community. In addition to this theoretical issue, we are unaware of any instances in which GPCRs have been found to undergo reversible denaturation in vitro- a practical requirement for equilibrium folding measurements (https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-biophys-051013-022926). We note that, while the resistance of GPCRs to aggregation, proteolysis, and/ or mechanical unfolding have also been probed in micelles, it is again unclear whether the associated thermal, kinetic, and/ or mechanical stability should necessarily correspond to their resistance to cotranslational and/ or posttranslational misfolding. Thus, even if we had attempted to validate the computational folding predictions employed herein, we suspect that any resulting correlations with cellular expression may have justifiably been viewed by many as circumstantial. Simply put, we know very little about the non-native conformations are generally involved in the cellular misfolding of α-helical membrane proteins, much less how to measure their relative abundance. From a philosophical standpoint, we prefer to let cells tell us what sorts of broken protein variants are degraded by their QC systems, then do our best to surmise what this tells us about the relevant properties of cellular DSEs.

      Despite this fundamental caveat, we believe that the chosen mutations and our interpretation of their relevant conformational effects are reasonably well-informed by current modeling tools and by prevailing knowledge on the physicochemical drivers of membrane protein folding and misfolding. Specifically, the mechanistic constraints of translocon-mediated membrane integration provide an understanding of the types of mutations that are likely to disrupt cotranslational folding. Though we are still learning about the protein complexes that mediate membrane translocation (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05336-2), it is known that this underlying process is fundamentally driven by the membrane depth-dependent amino acid transfer free energies (https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.biophys.37.032807.125904). This energetic consideration suggests introducing polar side chains near the center of a nascent TMDs should almost invariably reduce the efficiency of topogenesis. To confirm this in the context of TMD6 specifically, we utilized a well-established biochemical reporter system to confirm that V276T attenuates its translocon-mediated membrane integration (Fig. S1)- at least in the context of a chimeric protein. We also constructed a glycosylation-based topology reporter for full-length GnRHR, but ultimately found its’ in vitro expression to be insufficient to detect changes in the nascent topological ensemble. In contrast to V276T, the W107A mutation is predicted to preserve the native topological energetics of GnRHR due to its position within a soluble loop region. W107A is also unlike V276T in that it clearly disrupts tertiary interactions that stabilize the native structure. This mutation should preclude the formation of a structurally conserved hydrogen bonding network that has been observed in the context of at least 25 native GPCR structures (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.5489). However, without a relevant folding assay, the extent to which this network stabilizes the native GnRHR fold in cellular membranes remains unclear. Overall, we admit that these limitations have prevented us from measuring how much V276T alters the efficiency of GnRHR topogenesis, how much the W107A destabilizes the native fold, or vice versa. Nevertheless, given these design principles and the fact that both reduce the plasma membrane expression of GnRHR, as expected, we are highly confident that the structural defects generated by these mutations do, in fact, promote misfolding in their own ways. We also concede that the degree to which these mutagenic perturbations are indeed selective for specific folding processes is somewhat uncertain. However, it seems exceedingly unlikely that these mutations should disrupt topogenesis and/ or the folding of the native topomer to the exact same extent. From our perspective, this is the most important consideration with respect to the validity of the conclusions we have made in this manuscript.

      Furthermore, plasma membrane expression has been used as a proxy for incorrect membrane protein folding, but this not necessarily be the case, as even correctly folded membrane proteins may not be trafficked correctly, at least, under heterologous expression conditions. In addition, mutations can affect trafficking and potential post-translational modifications, like glycosylation.

      While the reviewer is correct that the sorting of folded proteins within the secretory pathway is generally inefficient, it is also true that the maturation of nascent proteins within the ER generally bottlenecks the plasma membrane expression of most α-helical membrane proteins. Our group and several others have demonstrated that the efficiency of ER export generally appears to scale with the propensity of membrane proteins to achieve their correct topology and/ or to achieve their native fold (see https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.5b03743 and https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.8b08243). Notably, these investigations all involved proteins that contain native glycosylation and various other post-translational modification sites. While we cannot rule out that certain specific combinations of mutations may alter expression through their perturbation of post-translational GnRHR modifications, we feel confident that the general trends we have observed across hundreds of variants predominantly reflect changes in folding and cellular QC. This interpretation is supported by the relationship between observed trends in variant expression and Rosetta-based stability calculations, which we identified using unbiased unsupervised machine learning approaches (compare Figs. 6B & 6D).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this paper, Chamness and colleagues make a pioneering effort to map epistatic interactions among mutations in a membrane protein. They introduce thousands of mutations to the mouse GnRH Receptor (GnRHR), either under wild-type background or two mutant backgrounds, representing mutations that destabilize GnRHR by distinct mechanisms. The first mutant background is W107A, destabilizing the tertiary fold, and the second, V276T, perturbing the efficiency of cotranslational insertion of TM6 to the membrane, which is essential for proper folding. They then measure the surface expression of these three mutant libraries, using it as a proxy for protein stability, since misfolded proteins do not typically make it to the plasma membrane. The resulting dataset is then used to shed light on how diverse mutations interact epistatically with the two genetic background mutations. Their main conclusion is that epistatic interactions vary depending on the degree of destabilization and the mechanism through which they perturb the protein. The mutation V276T forms primarily negative (aggravating) epistatic interactions with many mutations, as is common to destabilizing mutations in soluble proteins. Surprisingly, W107A forms many positive (alleviating) epistatic interactions with other mutations. They further show that the locations of secondary mutations correlate with the types of epistatic interactions they form with the above two mutants.


      Such a high throughput study for epistasis in membrane proteins is pioneering, and the results are indeed illuminating. Examples of interesting findings are that: (1) No single mutation can dramatically rescue the destabilization introduced by W107A. (2) Epistasis with a secondary mutation is strongly influenced by the degree of destabilization introduced by the primary mutation. (3) Misfolding caused by mis-insertion tends to be aggravated by further mutations. The discussion of how protein folding energetics affects epistasis (Fig. 7) makes a lot of sense and lays out an interesting biophysical framework for the findings.


      The major weakness comes from the potential limitations in the measurements of surface expression of severely misfolded mutants. This point is discussed quite fairly in the paper, in statements like "the W107A variant already exhibits marginal surface immunostaining" and many others. It seems that only about 5% of the W107A makes it to the plasma membrane compared to wild-type (Figures 2 and 3). This might be a low starting point from which to accurately measure the effects of secondary mutations.

      The reviewer raises an excellent point that we considered at length during the analysis of these data and the preparation of the manuscript. Though we remain confident in the integrity of these measurements and the corresponding analyses, we now realize this aspect of the data merits further discussion and documentation in our forthcoming revision, in which we will outline the following specific lines of reasoning.

      Still, the authors claim that measurements of W107A double mutants "still contain cellular subpopulations with surface immunostaining intensities that are well above or below that of the W107A single mutant, which suggests that this fluorescence signal is sensitive enough to detect subtle differences in the PME of these variants". I was not entirely convinced that this was true.

      We made this statement based on the simple observation that the surface immunostaining intensities across the population of recombinant cells expressing the library of W107A double mutants was consistently broader than that of recombinant cells expressing W107A GnRHR alone (see Author response image 1 for reference). Given that the recombinant cellular library represents a mix of cells expressing ~1600 individual variants that are each present at low abundance, the pronounced tails within this distribution presumably represent the composite staining of many small cellular subpopulations that express collections of variants that deviate from the expression of W107A to an extent that is significant enough to be visible on a log intensity plot.

      Author response image 1.

      Firstly, I think it would be important to test how much noise these measurements have and how much surface immunostaining the W107A mutant displays above the background of cells that do not express the protein at all.

      For reference, the average surface immunostaining intensity of HEK293T cells transiently expressing W107A GnRHR was 2.2-fold higher than that of the IRES-eGFP negative, untransfected cells within the same sample- the WT immunostaining intensity was 9.5-fold over background by comparison. Similarly, recombinant HEK293T cells expressing the W107A double mutant library had an average surface immunostaining intensity that was 2.6-fold over background across the two DMS trials. Thus, while the surface immunostaining of this variant is certainly diminished, we were still able to reliably detect W107A at the plasma membrane even under distinct expression regimes. We will include these and other signal-to-noise metrics for each experiment in a new table in the revised version of this manuscript.

      Beyond considerations related to intensity, we also previously noticed the relative intensity values for W107A double mutants exhibited considerable precision across our two biological replicates. If signal were too poor to detect changes in variant expression, we would have expected a plot of the intensity values across these two replicates to form a scatter. Instead, we found DMS intensity values for individual variants to be highly correlated from one replicate to the next (Pearson’s R= 0.97, see Author response image 2 for reference). This observation empirically demonstrates that this assay consistently differentiated between variants that exhibit slightly enhanced immunostaining from those that have even lower immunostaining than W107A GnRHR.

      Author response image 2.

      But more importantly, it is not clear if under this regimen surface expression still reports on stability/protein fitness. It is unknown if the W107A retains any function or folding at all. For example, it is possible that the low amount of surface protein represents misfolded receptors that escaped the ER quality control.

      While we believe that such questions are outside the scope of this work, we certainly agree that it is entirely possible that some of these variants bypass QC without achieving their native fold. This topic is quite interesting to us but is quite challenging to assess in the context of GPCRs, which have complex fitness landscapes that involve their propensity to distinguish between different ligands, engage specific components associated with divergent downstream signaling pathways, and navigate between endocytic recycling/ degradation pathways following activation. In light of the inherent complexity of GPCR function, we humbly suggest our choice of a relatively simple property of an otherwise complex protein may be viewed as a virtue rather than a shortcoming. Protein fitness is typically cast as the product of abundance and activity. Rather than measuring an oversimplified, composite fitness metric, we focused on one variable (plasma membrane expression) and its dominant effector (folding). We believe restraining the scope in this manner was key for the elucidation of clear mechanistic insights.

      The differential clustering of epistatic mutations (Fig. 6) provides some interesting insights as to the rules that dictate epistasis, but these too are dominated by the magnitude of destabilization caused by one of the mutations. In this case, the secondary mutations that had the most interesting epistasis were exceedingly destabilizing. With this in mind, it is hard to interpret the results that emerge regarding the epistatic interactions of W107A. Furthermore, the most significant positive epistasis is observed when W107A is combined with additional mutations that almost completely abolish surface expression. It is likely that either mutation destabilizes the protein beyond repair. Therefore, what we can learn from the fact that such mutations have positive epistasis is not clear to me. Based on this, I am not sure that another mutation that disrupts the tertiary folding more mildly would not yield different results. With that said, I believe that the results regarding the epistasis of V276T with other mutations are strong and very interesting on their own.

      We agree with the reviewer. In light of our results we believe it is virtually certain that the secondary mutations characterized herein would be likely to form distinct epistatic interactions with mutations that are only mildly destabilizing. Indeed, this insight reflects one of the key takeaway messages from this work- stability-mediated epistasis is difficult to generalize because it should depend on the extent to which each mutation changes the stability (ΔΔG) as well as initial stability of the WT/ reference sequence (ΔG, see Figure 7). Frankly, we are not so sure we would have pieced this together as clearly had we not had the fortune (or misfortune?) of including such a destructive mutation like W107A as a point of reference.

      Additionally, the study draws general conclusions from the characterization of only two mutations, W107A and V276T. At this point, it is hard to know if other mutations that perturb insertion or tertiary folding would behave similarly. This should be emphasized in the text.

      We agree and will be sure to emphasize this point in the revised manuscript.

      Some statistical aspects of the study could be improved:

      1. It would be nice to see the level of reproducibility of the biological replicates in a plot, such as scatter or similar, with correlation values that give a sense of the noise level of the measurements. This should be done before filtering out the inconsistent data.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and will include scatters for each genetic background like the one shown above in the supplement of the revised version of the manuscript.

      1. The statements "Variants bearing mutations within the C- terminal region (ICL3-TMD6-ECL3-TMD7) fare consistently worse in the V276T background relative to WT (Fig. 4 B & E)." and "In contrast, mutations that are 210 better tolerated in the context of W107A mGnRHR are located 211 throughout the structure but are particularly abundant among residues 212 in the middle of the primary structure that form TMD4, ICL2, and ECL2 213 (Fig. 4 C & F)." are both hard to judge. Inspecting Figures 4B and C does not immediately show these trends, and importantly, a solid statistical test is missing here. In Figures 4E and F the locations of the different loops and TMs are not indicated on the structure, making these statements hard to judge.

      We apologize for this oversight and thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We will include additional statistical tests to reinforce these conclusions in the revised version of the manuscript.

      1. The following statement lacks a statistical test: "Notably, these 98 variants are enriched with TMD variants (65% TMD) relative to the overall set of 251 variants (45% TMD)." Is this enrichment significant? Further in the same paragraph, the claim that "In contrast to the sparse epistasis that is generally observed between mutations within soluble proteins, these findings suggest a relatively large proportion of random mutations form epistatic interactions in the context of unstable mGnRHR variants". Needs to be backed by relevant data and statistics, or at least a reference.

      We will include additional statistical tests for this in the revised manuscript and will ensure the language we use is consistent with the strength of the indicated statistical enrichment.

    1. eLife assessment

      The study provides useful data supporting prior findings that mitochondria in cultured cells maintain a temperature that is up to 15°C above the external temperature at which cultured cells are maintained. The evidence supporting the hypothesis is solid, although direct measures of temperature in isolated mitochondria or comparison with other cellular compartments would have strengthened the ability to interpret the relevance of the findings. Nevertheless, the bioenergetic implications of the work will be of interest to cell biologists, biochemists, and physiologists.

    1. eLife assessment

      The study provides valuable data supporting prior findings that mitochondria in cultured cells maintain a temperature that is up to 15°C above the external temperature at which cells are cultured. The evidence supporting the hypothesis is incomplete at this stage, and additional benchmarking of temperature probes and inclusion of outcome measures beyond mitochondrial temperature will strengthen the ability to interpret the relevance of the findings. Nevertheless, the bioenergetic implications of the work will be of interest to cell biologists, biochemists, and physiologists.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you for organizing the reviews for our manuscript: Behavioral entrainment to rhythmic auditory stimulation can be modulated by tACS depending on the electrical stimulation field properties,” and for the positive eLife assessment. We also thank the reviewers for their constructive comments. We have addressed every comment, which has helped to improve the transparency and readability of the manuscript. The main changes to the manuscript are summarized as follows:

      1. Surrogate distributions were created for each participant and session to estimate the effect of tACS-phase lag on behavioral entrainment to the sound that could have occurred by chance or because of our analysis method (R1). The actual tACS-amplitude effects were normalized relative to the surrogate distribution, and statistical analysis was performed on the normalized (z-score) values. This analysis did not change our main outcome: that tACS modulates behavioral entrainment to the sound depending on the phase lag between the auditory and the electrical signals. This analysis has now been incorporated into the Results section and in Fig. 3c-d.

      2. Two additional supplemental figures were created to include the single-participant data related to Fig. 3b and 3e (R2).

      3. Additional editing of the manuscript has been performed to improve the readability.

      Below, you will find a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      We are grateful for the reviewer’s positive assessment of the potential impact of our study. The reviewer’s primary concerns were 1) the tACS lag effects reported in the manuscript might be noise because of the realignment procedure, and 2) no multiple comparisons correction was conducted in the model comparison procedure.

      In response to point 1), we have reanalyzed the data in exactly the manner prescribed by the reviewer. Our effects remain, and the new control analysis strengthens the manuscript. 2) In the context of model comparison, the model selection procedure was not based on evaluating the statistical significance of any model or predictor. Instead, the single model that best fit the data was selected as the model with the lowest Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), and its superiority relative to the second-best model was corroborated using the likelihood ratio test. Only the best model was evaluated for significance and analyzed in terms of its predictors and interactions. This model is an omnibus test and does not require multiple comparison correction unless there are posthoc decompositions. For similar approaches, see (Kasten et al., 2019).

      Below, we have responded to each comment specifically or referred to this general comment.

      Summary of what the authors were trying to achieve.

      This paper studies the possible effects of tACS on the detection of silence gaps in an FM-modulated noise stimulus. Both FM modulation of the sound and the tACS are at 2Hz, and the phase of the two is varied to determine possible interactions between the auditory and electric stimulation. Additionally, two different electrode montages are used to determine if variation in electric field distribution across the brain may be related to the effects of tACS on behavioral performance in individual subjects.

      Major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results.

      The study appears to be well-powered to detect modulation of behavioral performance with N=42 subjects. There is a clear and reproducible modulation of behavioral effects with the phase of the FM sound modulation. The study was also well designed, combining fMRI, current flow modeling, montage optimization targeting, and behavioral analysis. A particular merit of this study is to have repeated the sessions for most subjects in order to test repeat-reliability, which is so often missing in human experiments. The results and methods are generally well-described and well-conceived. The portion of the analysis related to behavior alone is excellent. The analysis of the tACS results is also generally well described, candidly highlighting how variable results are across subjects and sessions. The figures are all of high quality and clear. One weakness of the experimental design is that no effort was made to control for sensation effects. tACS at 2Hz causes prominent skin sensations which could have interacted with auditory perception and thus, detection performance.

      The reviewer is right that we did not control for the sensation effects in our paradigm. We asked the participants to rate the strength of the perceived stimulation after each run. However, this information was used only to assess the safety and tolerability of the stimulation protocol. Nevertheless, we did not consider controlling for skin sensations necessary given the within-participant nature of our design (all participants experienced all six tACS–audio phase lag conditions, which were identical in their potential to cause physical sensations; the only difference between conditions was related to the timing of the auditory stimulus). That is, while the reviewer is right that 2-Hz tACS can indeed induce skin sensation under the electrodes, in this study, we report the effects that depend on the tACS-phase lag relative to the FM-stimulus. Note that the starting phase of the FM-stimulus was randomized across trials within each block (all six tACS audio lags were presented in each block of stimulation). We have no reason to expect the skin sensation to change with the tACS-audio lag from trial to trial, and therefore do not consider this to be a confound in our design. We have added some sentences with this information to the Discussion section:

      Pages 16-17, lines 497-504: “Note that we did not control for the skin sensation induced by 2-Hz tACS in this experiment. Participants rated the strength of the perceived stimulation after each run. However, this information was used only to assess the safety and tolerability of the stimulation protocol. It is in principle possible that skin sensation would depend on tACS phase itself. However, in this study, we report effects that depend on the relationship between tACS-phase and FM-stimulus phase, which changed from trial to trial as the starting phase of the FM-stimulus was randomized across trials. We have no reason to expect the skin sensation to change with the tACS-audio lag and therefore do not consider this to be a confound in our data.”

      Appraisal of whether the authors achieved their aims, and whether the results support their conclusions.

      Unfortunately, the main effects described for tACS are encumbered by a lack of clarity in the analysis. It does appear that the tACS effects reported here could be an artifact of the analysis approach. Without further clarification, the main findings on the tACS effects may not be supported by the data.

      Likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community.

      The central claim is that tACS modulates behavioral detection performance across the 0.5s cycle of stimulation. However, neither the phase nor the strength of this effect reproduces across subjects or sessions. Some of these individual variations may be explainable by individual current distribution. If these results hold, they could be of interest to investigators in the tACS field.

      The additional context you think would help readers interpret or understand the significance of the work.

      The following are more detailed comments on specific sections of the paper, including details on the concerns with the statistical analysis of the tACS effects.

      The introduction is well-balanced, discussing the promise and limitations of previous results with tACS. The objectives are well-defined.

      The analysis surrounding behavioral performance and its dependence on the phase of the FM modulation (Figure 3) is masterfully executed and explained. It appears that it reproduces previous studies and points to a very robust behavioral task that may be of use in other studies.

      Again, we would like to thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of the potential impact of our work and for the thoughtful comments regarding the methodology. For readability in our responses, we have numbered the comments below.

      1. There is a definition of tACS(+) vs tACS(-) based on the relative phase of tACS that may be problematic for the subsequent analysis of Figures 4 and 5. It seems that phase 0 is adjusted to each subject/session. For argument's sake, let's assume the curves in Fig. 3E are random fluctuations. Then aligning them to best-fitting cosine will trivially generate a FM-amplitude fluctuation with cosine shape as shown in Fig. 4a. Selecting the positive and negative phase of that will trivially be larger and smaller than a sham, respectively, as shown in Fig 4b. If this is correct, and the authors would like to keep this way of showing results, then one would need to demonstrate that this difference is larger than expected by chance. Perhaps one could randomize the 6 phase bins in each subject/session and execute the same process (fit a cosine to curves 3e, realign as in 4a, and summarize as in 4b). That will give a distribution under the Null, which may be used to determine if the contrast currently shown in 4b is indeed statistically significant.

      We agree with the reviewer’s concerns regarding the possible bias induced by the realignment procedure used to estimate tACS effects. Certainly, when adjusting phase 0 to each participant/session’s best tACS phase (peak in the fitting cosine), selecting the positive phase of the realigned data will be trivially larger than sham (Fig. 4a). This is why the realigned zero-phase and opposite phase (trough) bins were excluded from the analysis in Fig. 4b. Therefore, tACS(+) vs. tACS(-) do not represent behavioral entrainment at the peak positive and negative tACS lags, as both bins were already removed from the analysis. tACS(+) and tACS(-) are the averages of two adjacent bins from the positive and negative tACS lags, respectively (Zoefel et al., 2019). Such an analysis relies on the idea that if the effect of tACS is sinusoidal, presenting the auditory stimulus at the positive half cycle should be different than when the auditory stimulus lags the electrical signal by the other half. If the effect of tACS was just random noise fluctuations, there is no reason to assume that such fluctuations would be sinusoidal; therefore, any bias in estimating the effect of tACS should be removed when excluding the peak to which the individual data were realigned. Similar analytical procedures have been used previously in the literature (Riecke et al., 2015; Riecke et al., 2018). We have modified the colors in Fig. 4a and 4c (former 4b) and added a new panel to the figure (new 4b) to make the realignment procedure, including the exclusion of the realigned peak and trough data, more visually obvious.

      Moreover, we very much like the reviewer’s suggestion to normalize the magnitude of the tACS effect using a permutation strategy. We performed additional analyses to normalize our tACS effect in Fig. 4c by the probability of obtaining the effect by chance. For each subject and session, tACS-phase lags were randomized across trials for a total of 1000 iterations. For each iteration, the gaps were binned by the FM-stimulus phase and tACS-lag. For each tACS-lag, the amplitude of behavioral entrainment to the FM-stimulus was estimated (FM-amplitude), as shown in Fig. 3. Similar to the original data, a second cosine fit was estimated for the FM-amplitude by tACS-lag. Optimal tACS-phase was estimated from the cosine fit and FM-amplitude values were realigned. Again, the realigned phase 0 and trough were removed from the analysis, and their adjacent bins were averaged to obtain the FM-amplitude at tACS(+) and tACS(−), as shown in Fig. 4c. We then computed the difference between 1) tACS(+) and sham, 2) tACS(-) and sham, and 3) tACS(+) and tACS (-), for the original data and the permuted datasets. This procedure was performed for each participant and session to estimate the size of the tACS effect for the original and surrogate data. The original tACS effects were transformed to z-scores using surrogate distributions, providing us with an estimate of the size of the real effect relative to chance. We then computed one-sample t-tests to compare whether the effects of tACS were statistically significant. In fact, this analysis showed that the tACS effects were still statistically significant. This analysis has been added to the Results and Methods sections and is included in Figure 4d.

      Page 10, lines 282-297: “In order to further investigate whether the observed tACS effect was significantly larger than chance and not an artifact of our analysis procedure (33), we created 1000 surrogate datasets per participant and session by permuting the tACS lag designation across trials. The same binning procedure, realignment, and cosine fits were applied to each surrogate dataset as for the original data. This yielded a surrogate distribution of tACS(+) and tACS(-) values for each participant and session. These values were averaged across sessions since the original analysis did not show a main effect of session. We then computed the difference between tACS(+) and sham, tACS(-) and sham, and tACS(+) and tACS(-), separately for the original and surrogate datasets. The obtained difference for the original data where then z-scored using the mean and standard deviation of the surrogate distribution. Note that in this case we used data of all 42 participants who had at least one valid session (37 participants with both sessions). Three one-sample t-tests were conducted to investigate whether the size of the tACS effect obtained in the original data was significantly larger than that obtained by chance (Fig. 4d). This analysis showed that all z-scores were significantly higher than zero (all t(41) > 2.36, p < 0.05, all p-values corrected for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Bonferroni method).”

      Page 31, lines 962-972: “To further control that the observed tACS effects were not an artifact of the analysis procedure, the difference between the tACS conditions (sham, tACS(+), and tACS(-)) were normalized using a permutation approach. For each participant and session, 1000 surrogate datasets were created by permuting the tACS lag designation across trials. The same binning procedure, realignment, and cosine fits were applied to each surrogate dataset as for the original data (see above). FM-amplitude at sham, tACS(+) and tACS(-) were averaged across sessions since the original analysis did not show a main effect of session. Difference between tACS conditions were estimated for the original and surrogate datasets and the resulting values from the original data were z-scored using the mean and standard deviation from the surrogate distributions. One-sample t-tests were conducted to test the statistical significance of the z-scores. P-values were corrected for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Bonferroni method.”

      1. Results of Fig 5a and 5b seem consistent with the concern raised above about the results of Fig. 4. It appears we are looking at an artifact of the realignment procedure, on otherwise random noise. In fact, the drop in "tACS-amplitude" in Fig. 5c is entirely consistent with a random noise effect.

      Please see our response to the comment above.

      1. To better understand what factors might be influencing inter-session variability in tACS effects, we estimated multiple linear models ..." this post hoc analysis does not seem to have been corrected for multiple comparisons of these "multiple linear models". It is not clear how many different things were tried. The fact that one of them has a p-value of 0.007 for some factors with amplitude-difference, but these factors did not play a role in the amplitude-phase, suggests again that we are not looking at a lawful behavior in these data.

      We suspect that the reviewer did not have access to the supplemental materials where all tables (relevant here is Table S3) are provided. This post hoc analysis was performed as an exploratory analysis to better understand the factors that could influence the inter-session variability of tACS effects. In Table S3, we provide the formula for each of the seven models tested, including their Akaike information criteria corrected for small samples (AICc), R2, F, and p-values. As described in the methods section, the winning model was selected as the model with the smallest AICc. A similar procedure has been previously used in the literature (Kasten et al., 2019). Moreover, to ensure that our winning model was better at explaining the data than the second-best unrestricted model, we used the likelihood ratio test. After choosing the winning model and before reporting the significance of the predictors, we examined the significance of the model in and of itself, taking into account its R2 as well as F- and p-values relative to a constant model. Thus, only one model is being evaluated in terms of statistical significance. Therefore, to our understanding, there are no multiple comparisons to correct for. We added the information regarding the selection procedure, hoping this will make the analysis clearer.

      See page 12, lines 354-360: “This model was selected because it had the smallest Akaike’s information criterion (corrected for small samples), AICc. Moreover, the likelihood ratio test showed no evidence for choosing the more complex unrestricted model (stat = 2.411, p = 0.121). Following the same selection criteria, the winning model predicting inter-session variability in tACS-phase, included only the factor gender (Table S4). However, this model was not significant in and of itself when compared to a constant model (F-statistic vs. constant model: 3.05, p = 0.09, R2 = 0.082).”

      1. "So far, our results demonstrate that FM-stimulus driven behavioral modulation of gap detection (FM-amplitude) was significantly affected by the phase lag between the FM-stimulus and the tACS signal (Audio-tACS lag) ..." There appears to be nothing in the preceding section (Figures 4 and 5) to show that the modulation seen in 3e is not just noise. Maybe something can be said about 3b on an individual subject/session basis that makes these results statistically significant on their own. Maybe these modulations are strong and statistically significant, but just not reproducible across subjects and sessions?

      Please see our response to the first comment regarding the validity of our analysis for proving the significant effect of tACS lag on modulating behavioral entrainment to the FM-stimulus (FM-amplitude), and the new control analysis. After performing the permutation tests, to make sure the reported effects are not noise, our statistical analysis still shows that tACS-lag does significantly modulate behavioral entrainment to the sound (FM-amplitude). Thus, the reviewer is right to say “these modulations are strong and statistically significant, just not reproducible across subjects and sessions”. In this regard, we consider our evaluation of session-to-session reliability of tACS effects is of high relevance for the field, as this is often overlooked in the literature.

      1. "Inter-individual variability in the simulated E-field predicts tACS effects" Authors here are attempting to predict a property of the subjects that was just shown to not be a reliable property of the subject. Authors are picking 9 possible features for this, testing 33 possible models with N=34 data points. With these circumstances, it is not hard to find something that correlates by chance. And some of the models tested had interaction terms, possibly further increasing the number of comparisons. The results reported in this section do not seem to be robust, unless all this was corrected for multiple comparisons, and it was not made clear?

      We thank the reviewer very much for this comment. While the reviewer is right that in these models, we are trying to predict an individual property (tACS-amplitude) that was not test–retest reliable across sessions, we still consider this to be a valid analysis. Here, we take the tACS-amplitude averaged across sessions, trying to predict the probability of a participant to be significantly modulated by tACS, in general, regardless of day-to-day variability. Regarding the number of multiple regression models, how we chose the winning model and the appropriateness/need of multiple-comparisons correction in this case, please see our explanation under “Reviewer 1 (Public review)” and our response to comment 3.

      1. "Can we reduce inter-individual variability in tACS effects ..." This section seems even more speculative and with mixed results.

      We agree with the reviewer that this section is a bit speculative. We are trying to plant some seeds for future research can help move the field forward in the quest for better stimulation protocols. We have added a sentence at the end of the section to explicitly say that more evidence is needed in this regard.

      Page 14, lines 428-429: “At this stage, more evidence is needed to prove the superiority of individually optimized tACS montages for reducing inter-individual variability in tACS effects.”

      Given the concerns with the statistical analysis above, there are concerns about the following statements in the summary of the Discussion:

      1. "2) does modulate the amplitude of the FM-stimulus induced behavioral modulation (FM-amplitude)"

      This seems to be based on Figure 4, which leaves one with significant concerns.

      Please see response to comment 1. We hope the reviewer is satisfied with our additional analysis to make sure the effect of tACS here reported is not noise.

      1. "4) individual variability in tACS effect size was partially explained by two interactions: between the normal component of the E-field and the field focality, and between the normal component of the E-field and the distance between the peak of the electric field and the functional target ROIs."

      The complexity of this statement alone may be a good indication that this could be the result of false discovery due to multiple comparisons.

      We respectfully disagree with the reviewer’s opinion that this is a complex statement. We think that these interaction effects are very intuitive as we explain in the results and discussion sections. These significant interactions show that for tACS to be effective, it matters that current gets to the right place and not to irrelevant brain regions. We believe this finding is of great importance for the field, since most studies on the topic still focus mostly on predicting tACS effects from the absolute field strength and neglect other properties of the electric field.

      For the same reasons as stated above, the following statements in the Abstract do not appear to have adequate support in the data:

      "We observed that tACS modulated the strength of behavioral entrainment to the FM sound in a phase-lag specific manner. ... Inter-individual variability of tACS effects was best explained by the strength of the inward electric field, depending on the field focality and proximity to the target brain region. Spatially optimizing the electrode montage reduced inter-individual variability compared to a standard montage group."

      Please see response to all previous comments

      In particular, the evidence in support of the last sentence is unclear. The only finding that seems related is that "the variance test was significant only for tACS(-) in session 2". This is a very narrow result to be able to make such a general statement in the Abstract. But perhaps this can be made clearer.

      We changed this sentence in the abstract to:

      Page 2, lines 41-43: “Although additional evidence is necessary, our results also provided suggestive insights that spatially optimizing the electrode montage could be a promising tool to reduce inter-individual variability of tACS effects.”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In "Behavioral entrainment to rhythmic auditory stimulation can be modulated by tACS depending on the electrical stimulation field properties" Cabral-Calderin and collaborators aimed to document 1) the possible advantages of personalized tACS montage over standard montage on modulating behavior; 2) the inter-individual and inter-session reliability of tACS effects on behavioral entrainment and, 3) the importance of the induced electric field properties on the inter-individual variability of tACS.

      To do so, in two different sessions, they investigated how the detection of silent gaps occurring at random phases of a 2Hz- amplitude modulated sound could be enhanced with 2Hz tACS, delivered at different phase lags. In addition, they evaluated the advantage of using spatially optimized tACS montages (information-based procedure - using anatomy and functional MRI to define the target ROI and simulation to compare to a standard montage applied to all participants) on behavioral entrainment. They first show that the optimized and the standard montages have similar spatial overlap to the target ROI. While the optimized montage induced a more focal field compared to the standard montage, the latter induced the strongest electric field. Second, they show that tACS does not modify the optimal phase for gap detection (phase of the frequency-modulated sound) but modulates the strength of behavioral entrainment to the frequency-modulated sound in a phase-lag specific manner. However, and surprisingly, they report that the optimal tACS lag, and the magnitude of the phasic tACS effect were highly variable across sessions. Finally, they report that the inter-individual variability of tACS effects can be explained by the strength of the inward electric field as a function of the field focality and on how well it reached the target ROI.

      The article is interesting and well-written, and the methods and approaches are state-of-the-art.


      • The information-based approach used by the authors is very strong, notably with the definition of subject-specific targets using a fMRI localizer and the simulation of electric field strength using 3 different tACS montages (only 2 montages used for the behavioral experiment).

      • The inter-session and inter-individual variability are well documented and discussed. This article will probably guide future studies in the field.


      • The addition of simultaneous EEG recording would have been beneficial to understand the relationship between tACS entrainment and the entrainment to rhythmic auditory stimulation.

      We are grateful for the Reviewer’s positive assessment of our work and for the reviewer’s recommendations. We agree with the reviewer that adding simultaneous EEG or MEG to our design would have been beneficial to understand tACS effects. However, as the reviewer might be familiar with, such combination also possesses additional challenges due to the strong artifacts induced by tACS in the EEG signals, which is at the frequency of interest and several orders of magnitude higher than the signal of interest. Unfortunately, the adequate setup for simultaneous tACS-EEG was not available at the moment of the study. Nevertheless, since we are using a paradigm that we have repeatedly studied in the past and have shown it entrains neural activity and modulates behavior rhythmically, we are confident our results are of interest on their own. For readability of our answers, we numbered to comments below.

      1. It would have been interesting to develop the fact that tACS did not "overwrite" neural entrainment to the auditory stimulus. The authors try to explain this effect by mentioning that "tACS is most effective at modulating oscillatory activity at the intended frequency when its power is not too high" or "tACS imposes its own rhythm on spiking activity when tACS strength is stronger than the endogenous oscillations but it decreases rhythmic spiking when tACS strength is weaker than the endogenous oscillations". However, it is relevant to note that the oscillations in their study are by definition "not endogenous" and one can interpret their results as a clear superiority of sensory entrainment over tACS entrainment. This potential superiority should be discussed, documented, and developed.

      We thank the reviewer very much for this remark. We completely agree that our results could be interpreted as a clear superiority of sensory entrainment over tACS entrainment. We have now incorporated this possibility in the discussion.

      Page 16, line 472-478: “Alternatively, our results could simply be interpreted as a clear superiority of the auditory stimulus for entrainment. In other words, sensory entrainment might just be stronger than tACS entrainment in this case where the stimulus rhythm was strong and salient. It would be interesting to further test whether this superiority of sensory entrainment applies to all sensory modalities or if there is a particular advantage for auditory stimuli when they compete with electrical stimulation. However, answering this question was beyond the scope of our study and needs further investigations with more appropriate paradigms.”

      1. The authors propose that "by applying tACS at the right lag relative to auditory rhythms, we can aid how the brain synchronizes to the sounds and in turn modulate behavior." This should be developed as the authors showed that the tACS lags are highly variable across sessions. According to their results, the optimal lag will vary for each tACS session and subtle changes in the montage could affect the effects.

      We thank the reviewer for this remark. We believe that the right procedure in this case would be using close-loop protocols where the optimal tACS-lag is estimated online as we discuss in the summary and future directions sub-section. We tried to make this clearer in the same sentence that the reviewer mentioned.

      Page 17, line 506-508: “Since optimal tACS phase was variable across participants and sessions, this approach would require closed-loop protocols where the optimal tACS lag is estimated online (see next section).”

      1. In a related vein, it would be very useful to show the data presented in Figure 3 (panels b,d,e) for all participants to allow the reader to evaluate the quality of the data (this can be added as a supplementary figure).

      Thank you very much for the suggestion. We have added two new supplemental figures (Fig S1 and S2) to show individual data for Fig. 3b and 3e. Note that Fig. 3d already shows the individual data as each circle represents optimal FM-phase for a single participant.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments:

      "was optimized in SimNIBS to focus the electric field as precisely as possible at the target ROI" It appears that some form of constrained optimization was used. It would be good to clarify which method was used, including a reference.

      Indeed, SimNIBS implements a constrained optimization approach based on pre-calculated lead fields. We have added the corresponding reference. All parameters used for the optimization are reported in the methods (see sub-section Electric field simulations and montage optimization). Regarding further specifics, the readers are invited to check the MATLAB code that was used for the optimization which is made available at: https://osf.io/3yutb

      "Thus, each montage has its pros and cons, and the choice of montage will depend on which of these dependent measures is prioritized." Well put. It would be interesting to know if authors considered optimizing for intensity on target. That would give the strongest predicted intensity on target, which seems like an important desideratum. Individualizing for something focal, as expected, did not give the strongest intensity. In fact, the method struggled to achieve the desired intensity of 0.1V/m in some subjects. It would be interesting to have a discussion about why this particular optimization method was selected.

      The specific optimization method used in this study was somewhat arbitrary, as there is no standard in the field. It was validated in prior studies, where it was also demonstrated that it performs favorably compared to alternative methods (Saturnino et al., 2019; Saturnino et al., 2021). The underlying physics of the head volume conductor generally limits the maximally achievable focality, and requires a tradeoff between focality and the desired intensity in the target. This tradeoff depends on the maximal amount of current that can be injected into the electrodes due to safety limits (4 mA in total in our case). Further constraints of the optimization in our application were the simultaneous targeting of two areas, and achieving field directions in the targets roughly parallel to those of auditory dipoles. Given the combination of these constraints, as the reviewer noticed, we could not even achieve the desired intensity of .1V/m in some subjects. As we wanted to stimulate both auditory cortices equally, our priority was to have the E-fields as similar as possible between hemispheres. Future studies optimizing for only one target would be easier to optimize for target intensity (assuming the same maximal total current injection). Alternatively, relaxing the constraint on direction and optimizing only for field intensity would help to increase the field intensities in the targets, but would lead to differing field directions in the two targets. As an example, see Rev. Fig.1 below. We extensively discuss some of these points in the discussion section: “Are individually optimized tACS montage better?” (Pages 21-22).

      Additionally, we added a few sentences in the Results and Methods giving more details about the optimization approach.

      Page 5, lines 115-116: “Using individual finite element method (FEM) head models (see Methods) and the lead field-based constrained optimization approach implemented in SimNIBS (31)”

      Page 27, lines 819-822: “The optimization pipeline employed the approach described in (31) and was performed in two steps. First, a lead field matrix was created per individual using the 10-10 EEG virtual cap provided in SimNIBS and performing electric field simulations based on the default tissue conductivities listed below.”

      Author response image 1.

      E-field distributions for one example participant. Brain maps show the results from the same optimization procedure described in the main manuscript but with no constraint for the current direction (top) or constraining the current direction (bottom). Note that the desired intensity of .1 V/m can be achieved when the current direction is not constrained.

      The terminology of "high-definition HD" used here is unconventional and may confuse some readers. The paper cited for ring electrodes (18) does not refer to it as HD. A quick search for high-definition HD yields mostly papers using many small electrodes, not ring electrodes. They look more like what was called "individualized". More conventional would be to call the first configuration a "ring-electrode", and the "individualized" configuration might be called "individualized HD".

      We thank the reviewer for this remark. We changed the label of the high-definition montage to ring-electrode. Regarding the individualized configuration, we prefer not to use individualized HD as it has the same number of electrodes as the standard montage.

      "So far, we have evaluated whether tACS at different phase lags interferes with stimulus-brain synchrony and modulates behavioral signatures of entrainment" The paper does not present any data on stimulus-brain synchrony. There is only an analysis of behavior and stimulus/tACS phase.

      We agree with the reviewer. To be more careful with such statement we now modified the sentence to say:

      Page 10, lines 303-304: “So far, we have evaluated whether tACS at different phase lags modulates behavioral signatures of entrainment: FM-amplitude and FM-phase.”

      "However, the strength of the tACS effect was variable across participants." and across sessions, and the phase also was variable across subjects and sessions.

      "tACS-amplitude estimates were averaged across sessions since the session did not significantly affect FM-amplitude (Fig. 5a)." More importantly, the authors show that "tACS-amplitude" was not reproducible across sessions.

      Unfortunately, we did not understand what the reviewer is suggesting here, and would have to ask the reviewer in this case to provide us with more information.


      Kasten FH, Duecker K, Maack MC, Meiser A, Herrmann CS (2019) Integrating electric field modeling and neuroimaging to explain inter-individual variability of tACS effects. Nat Commun 10:5427. Riecke L, Sack AT, Schroeder CE (2015) Endogenous Delta/Theta Sound-Brain Phase Entrainment Accelerates the Buildup of Auditory Streaming. Curr Biol 25:3196-3201.

      Riecke L, Formisano E, Sorger B, Baskent D, Gaudrain E (2018) Neural Entrainment to Speech Modulates Speech Intelligibility. Curr Biol 28:161-169 e165.

      Saturnino GB, Madsen KH, Thielscher A (2021) Optimizing the electric field strength in multiple targets for multichannel transcranial electric stimulation. J Neural Eng 18.

      Saturnino GB, Siebner HR, Thielscher A, Madsen KH (2019) Accessibility of cortical regions to focal TES: Dependence on spatial position, safety, and practical constraints. Neuroimage 203:116183.

      Zoefel B, Davis MH, Valente G, Riecke L (2019) How to test for phasic modulation of neural and behavioural responses. Neuroimage 202:116175.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1 (Public review):

      Weaknesses: The interpretation is somewhat model-dependent, and it is unclear if the interpretation is unique. For example, it is unclear if the heterogeneous release probability among sites, silent sites, can explain the results. N estimates out of variance-mean analysis for example may be limited by the availability of postsynaptic receptors.

      To address this criticism, we have added a paragraph in the Discussion outlining the main assumptions underlying our work and how possible deviations from these assumptions may have affected our conclusions. This new paragraph is titled ' Assumptions behind our analysis, and possible limitations of our conclusions'.

      Reviewer 1, Recommendations to Authors:

      Without molecular evidence or anatomical evidence, the model and conclusions may remain as a postulate at this stage. This can be discussed carefully. Also, the study looks a bit narrow regarding the scope, only dealing with RS-DS model vs TS-LS model. Maybe, the authors pick up a bit more qualitative findings that directly support RS-DS model.

      To address these issues, another paragraph has been added to the Discussion titled 'Functional evidence in favor of the RS/DS model at PF-MLI synapses, and remaining uncertainties on the molecular composition and morphological arrangement of docking sites'.

      Minor: Fukaya et al. studied not cerebellar mossy fiber synapses.

      We apologize for this error, which has now been rectified.

      Reviewer 2 (Public review):

      It remains unclear how generalizable the findings are to other types of synapses.

      We agree with the Reviewer: this is a limitation of our study. In the Discussion we have a paragraph titled 'Maximum RRP size for other synaptic types' where we discuss this point. As we say in this paragraph, central synapses are clearly diverse, and the level of applicability of our results across preparations will depend on our ability to extend SV counting to various types of brain synapses. For the moment SV counting has been applied to only two types of synapses: PF-MLI synapses and hMF-IN synapses. We are encouraged by the fact that the simple synapse study by Tanaka et al. (2021), carried out at hMF-IN synapses, offers another example where the ratio between RRP size and N is larger than 1.

      Recommendations to Authors,

      Minor comments:

      The manuscript is at times difficult to read or reads like a review. The introduction could be shortened to concisely outline the motivation and premises for the study. The results and methods sections should not contain excessive interpretation and discussion. Although very informative, it distracts from the simple principal message.

      To address these criticisms, we have shortened the Introduction and parts of the Results section. These changes have resulted in a presentation of Results that is shorter and more focused on data and simulations than in the previous version. Nevertheless, readers need to be informed of ongoing research on docking sites and the principles of sequential models to understand the usefulness of our work. For this reason, we have maintained a theoretical section at the beginning of Results.

      The rationale for the choice of synapse and experimental conditions remains unclear until the discussion. This needs to be clearly addressed at the beginning, in the introduction, or in the results. In particular, the extracellular calcium concentration and the addition of 4-AP to the recording solution should be addressed in the results.

      The reason to choose the PF-MLI synapse is now indicated at the end of the Introduction. The rationale underlying our choice of experimental conditions including the extracellular calcium concentration and the addition of 4-AP is now briefly explained in the beginning the second section of Results (titled 'Maximizing RRP size and its release during AP trains'), and more extensively in the Methods section (as in the previous version of the manuscript).

      Potential confounds of the approach should be discussed (e.g. could a broadened AP in 4-AP alter synchronicity of release, i.e. desynchronization of release, especially during trains. That could be complemented with information on the EPSC kinetics (rise, decay) under different experimental conditions, as well as during train stimulation. How could presynaptic calcium concentration and time course in 4-AP impact the conclusions?

      To study the effects of 4-AP on AP broadening we have performed a new analysis of EPSC latencies in control and in 4-AP. In both cases the first latencies were independent of i. In 4-AP, first latencies displayed a small right shift of 0.2 ms (see additional figure below). This indicates that 4-AP does broaden the AP waveform, but that the extent of this broadening is limited. This new information has been added in the Methods of the revised manuscript.

      As suspected by the Reviewer, the latency distribution changes as a function of i and in the presence of 4-AP. Consistent with earlier findings (Miki et al., 2018), the proportion of 2-step release (with longer latencies) augments as a function of i both in control and in 4-AP. We also find that the value of the fast time constant of the latency distribution,τf, is larger in 4-AP than in control. This last result probably indicates a longer presynaptic calcium entry in 4-AP.

      In the revised version, we describe these results in the Methods section, in a new paragraph titled 'Changes in latency distributions as a function of i and of experimental conditions'.

      While the latency distributions change as a function of i and as a function of experimental conditions, this does not affect our conclusions, because these conclusions are based on the summed number of release events after each AP (or in other words, on the integral of the latency distributions).

      The kinetics of mEPSCs (risetime and decay time) are unchanged by 4-AP or by PTP. Consequently, in a given experiment, we used the same template to perform our deconvolution analysis for all conditions that were examined (starting with 3 mM Cao up to 200 Hz). This information has now been added in Methods.

      Following an AP stimulation, the amount of calcium entry in the presence of 4-AP is presumably much larger than in control. TEA, a weaker K channel blocker than 4-AP at PF-MLI synapses, elicits a marked increase in calcium entry (Malagon et al., 2020). This suggests an even larger increase with 4-AP, even though this has not been directly confirmed in the present work. The enhanced calcium entry translates in an increase in the parameters pr, r and s of our model. The important thing for our study is to increase pr and r as much as possible to promote the emptying of the RRP during trains. Knowing the exact amount of calcium entry and its relation to pr /r increase is not essential for this purpose. Likewise, whether r (and/or s) increase as a function of i is of little practical importance since much of the RRP is emptied already after the second stimulation, at least in the most extreme case (200 Hz stimulation).

      The applicability of this model to other synapses needs to be addressed more thoroughly. This synapse, under physiological conditions, has a very low Pr, and the experimental conditions have to be adjusted dramatically to achieve a high-Pr. How applicable are the conclusions to high-Pr synapses and/or synapses that operate in a multivesicular release regime? Although that might be difficult to test experimentally it should be addressed in the discussion.

      The applicability issue to other synapses has been addressed above, in response to the public comments of the same Reviewer.

      As the Reviewer points out, the PF-MLI synapse has a small P value under physiological conditions. One can speculate that synapses that exhibit a higher P value may have a higher docking site occupancy than PF-MLI synapses. This feature would increase their chance of having a ratio of RRP size over N larger than 1, as it occurs in PF-MLI synapses in high docking occupancy conditions. A sentence making this point has been added to the paragraph titled 'Maximum RRP size for other synaptic types' in the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      Latency histograms for s1 in control and in the presence of 4-AP. After normalization, the averaged latency histogram in 4-AP displays an additional delay of 0.2 ms, and a slowing of the time constant τf from 0.47 ms to 0.70 ms.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      “The exact levels of inhibition, excitation, and neuromodulatory inputs to neural networks are unknown. Therefore, the work is based on fine-tuned measures that are indirectly based on experimental results. However, obtaining such physiological information is challenging and currently impossible. From a computational perspective it is a challenge that in theory can be solved. Thus, although we have no ground-truth evidence, this framework can provide compelling evidence for all hypothesis testing research and potentially solve this physiological problem with the use of computers.”

      Response: We agree with the reviewer. This work was intended to determine the feasibility of reverse engineering motor unit firing patterns, using neuron models with a high degree realism. Given the results support this feasibility, our model and technique will therefore serve to construct new hypotheses as well as testing them.

      • Common input structure lines 115

      I agree with the following concepts, but I would specify that there is not only one dominant common input. It has been shown that there are multiple common inputs to the same motor nuclei (e.g., the two inputs are orthogonal and are shared with a subset of the active motoneurons) particularly for agonist motoneuron pools of synergistic muscles. On the hand muscles the authors are correct that there is only one dominant common input. Moreover, there is also some animal work suggesting that common inputs is just an epiphenomenon. This is completely in contradiction to what we observe in-vivo in the firing patterns of motor units, but perhaps worth mentioning and discussing.

      Response: Thanks for emphasizing this point. We have cited a recent reference discussing the important issue of common drive and the possibility of more than one source. Our simulations assume the net form of the excitatory input to all motoneurons in the pool is the same, except for noise. This net form (which produces the linear CST output in each case) essentially represents the sum of all inputs, both descending and sensory. Our results show the same over pattern as human data, i.e. that all motor unit firing patterns have similar trajectories (again allowing for the impact of noise). Future studies will consider separating excitatory inputs into different sources.

      It is interesting that the authors mention suprathreshold rate modulation. Could the authors just discuss more on how the model would respond to a simulated suprathreshold current for all simulated motoneurons (i.e., like the ones generated during a suprathreshold-injected current or voluntary maximal feedforward movement?)

      Response: Thank you for this point. Our use of the term “suprathreshold” was not applied correctly. We meant “suprathreshold” to refer to amount of input above the recruitment threshold. We have decided to remove this term so now the sentence “…so less is available for rate modulation…”.

      194 a full point is missing.

      Response: We addressed the error.

      204-231 and 232-259, these two paragraphs have been copied twice.

      Response: We addressed the error.

      Line 475 typo

      Response: We addressed the error.

      591 It would be interesting to add the me it takes a standard computer with known specs and a super computer to run over one batch of simulation (i.e., how long one of the 6,300,000 simulation takes).

      Response: Each simulation took about 20 minutes of real me. Assuming a standard computer with 16 processor cores using a similar microarchitecture as Bebop (Intel Broadwell architecture), the standard computer could run 16 simulations at a me (one simulation assigned per core). This would take the standard computer about 15 years to complete all 6.3M simulations.

      594 I don't understand why there are 6M simulations, could the authors provide more info on the combinations and why there are 6M simulations.

      Response: The 6M simulations are the total number of simulations that were performed for this work. A detailed explanation can be found in section: “Machine learning inference of motor pool characteristics” at line 591. Briefly, there were 315,000 simulations of a pool of 20 motoneurons (20 x 315,000 = 6.3 million). The 315,000 simulations was required to run all possible combinations of 15 patens of inhibition, 5 of neuromodulation, 7 of distribution of excitatory inputs and 30 different repeats of synaptic noise with different seeds. In addition, there were 20 iterations for each of these combinations to generate a linear CST output (as illustrated in Fig. 3). 15 x5 x 7 x 30 x 20=315,000.

      In several simulations it seems that there was a lot of fine-tuning of inputs to match the measured motor unit firing pattern. Have the authors ever considered a fully black-box AI approach? If they think is interesting maybe it could spice up the discussion.

      Response: We agree that AI has potential for reverse engineering the whole system and we are looking into adding it to future version of this algorithm as an alternative. We started with a simple but powerful grid search to enhance our understanding of the interaction between inputs, neuron properties and outputs.

      Reviewer 2

      Comment 1:

      “First, I believe that the relation between individual motor neuron behavioral characteristics (delta F, brace height etc.) and the motor neuron input properties can be illustrated more clearly. Although this is explained in the text, I believe that this is not optimally supported by figures. Figure 6 to some extent shows this, but figures 8 and 9 as well as Table 1 shows primarily the goodness of fit rather than the actual fit.”

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that showing the relationship between the motor neuron behavioral characteristics (delta F, brace height etc.) and the motor neuron input properties would be a great addition to the manuscript. Because the regression models have multiple dimensions (7 inputs and 3 outputs) it is difficult to show the relationship in a static image. We thought it best to show the goodness of fit even though it is more abstract and less intuitive. We added a supplemental diagram to Figure 8 to show the structure of the reverse engineered model that was fit (see Figure 8D).

      Author response image 1.

      Figure 8. Residual plots showing the goodness of fit of the different predicted values: (A) Inhibition, (B) Neuromodulation and (C) excitatory Weight Rao. The summary plots are for the models showing highest 𝑅𝑅2 results in Table 1. The predicted values are calculated using the features extracted from the firing rates (see Figure 7, section Machine learning inference of motor pool characteristics and Regression using motoneuron outputs to predict input organization). Diagram (D) shows the multidimensionality of the RE models (see Model fits) which have 7 feature inputs (see Feature Extraction) predicting 3 outputs (Inhibition, Neuromodulation and Weight Rao).

      Comment 2:

      “Second, I would have expected the discussion to have addressed specifically the question of which of the two primary schemes (pushpull, balanced) is the most prevalent. This is the main research question of the study, but it is to some degree le unanswered. Now that the authors have identified the relation between the characteristics of motor neuron behaviors (which has been reported in many previous studies), why not exploit this finding by summarizing the results of previous studies (at least a few representative ones) and discuss the most likely underlying input scheme? Is there a consistent trend towards one of the schemes, or are both strategies commonly used?”

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that our discussion should have addressed which of the two primary schemes – push-pull or balanced – is the most prevalent. At first glance, the upper right of Figure 6 looks the most realistic when compared to real data. We thus would expect that the push-pull scheme to dominate for the given task.

      We added a brief section (Push-Pull vs Balance Motor Command) in the discussion to address the reviewer’s comments. This section is not exhaustive but frames the debate using relevant literature. We are also now preparing to deploy these techniques on real data.

      Comment 3:

      In addition, it seems striking to me that highly non-linear excitation profiles are necessary to obtain a linear CST ramp in many model configurations. Although somewhat speculative, one may expect that an approximately linear relation is desired for robust and intuitive motor control. It seems to me that humans generally have a good ability to accurately grade the magnitude of the motor output, which implies that either a non-linear relation has been learnt (complex task), or that the central nervous system can generally rely on a somewhat linear relation between the neural drive to the muscle and the output (simpler task).

      Response: We agree with the reviewer, and we were surprised by these results. Our motoneuron pool is equipped with persistent inward currents (PICs) which are nonlinear. Therefore, for the motoneuron to produce a linear output the central nervous system would have to incorporate these nonlinearities into its commands.

      Following this reasoning, it could be interesting to report also for which input scheme, the excitation profile is most linear. I understand that this is not the primary aim of the study, but it may be an interesting way to elaborate on the finding that in many cases non-linear excitation profiles were needed to produce the linear ramp.

      This is a very interesting point. The most realistic firing patterns – with respect to human data – are found in the parameter regions in the upper right in Figure 6, which in fact produce the most nonlinear input (see push-pull pattern in Figure 4C). However, in future studies we hope to separate the total motor command illustrated here into descending and feedback commands. This may result in a more linear descending drive.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This paper investigates host and viral factors influencing transmission of alpha and delta SARS-CoV-2 variants in the Syrian hamster model and fundamentally increases knowledge regarding transmission of the virus via the aerosol route. The strength of evidence is solid and could be improved with a clearer presentation of the data.

      We thank the editors for their assessment. We are excited to present a revised version of the manuscript with improved data presentation and an improved discussion addressing the reviewer’s concerns.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the submitted manuscript, Port et al. investigated the host and viral factors influencing the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Delta variants of concern (VOC) using a Syrian hamster model. The authors analyzed the viral load profiles of the animal respiratory tracts and air samples from cages by quantifying gRNA, sgRNA, and infectious virus titers. They also assessed the breathing patterns, exhaled aerosol aerodynamic profile, and size distribution of airborne particles after SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Delta infections. The data showed that male sex was associated with increased viral replication and virus shedding in the air. The relationship between co-infection with VOCs and the exposure pattern/timeframe was also tested. This study appears to be an expansion of a previous report (Port et al., 2022, Nature Microbiology). The experimental designs were rigorous, and the data were solid. These results will contribute to the understanding of the roles of host and virus factors in the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 VOCs.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Port and colleagues describes rigorous experiments that provide a wealth of virologic, respiratory physiology, and particle aerodynamic data pertaining to aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between infected Syrian hamsters. The data is particularly significant because infection is compared between alpha and delta variants, and because viral load is assessed via numerous assays (gRNA, sgRNA, TCID) and in tissues as well as the ambient environment of the cage. The paper will be of interest to a broad range of scientists including infectious diseases physicians, virologists, immunologists and potentially epidemiologists. The strength of evidence is relatively high but limited by unclear presentation in certain parts of the paper.

      Important conclusions are that infectious virus is only detectable in air samples during a narrow window of time relative to tissue samples, that airway constriction increases dynamically over time during infection limiting production of fine aerosol droplets, that variants do not appear to exclude one another during simultaneous exposures and that exposures to virus via the aerosol route lead to lower viral loads relative to direct inoculation suggesting an exposure dose response relationship.

      While the paper is valuable, I found certain elements of the data presentation to be unclear and overly complex.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      We thank the reviewer for their comments and their attention to detail. We have taken the following steps to address their suggestions and concerns.

      However, the following concerns need to be issued.

      1. Summary seems to be too simple, and some results are not clearly described in the summary.

      We have edited the summary and hope to have addressed the concerns raised by providing more information. We think that the summary includes all relevant findings.

      “It remains poorly understood how SARS-CoV-2 infection influences the physiological host factors important for aerosol transmission. We assessed breathing pattern, exhaled droplets, and infectious virus after infection with Alpha and Delta variants of concern (VOC) in the Syrian hamster. Both VOCs displayed a confined window of detectable airborne virus (24-48 h), shorter than compared to oropharyngeal swabs. The loss of airborne shedding was linked to airway constriction resulting in a decrease of fine aerosols (1-10µm) produced, which are suspected to be the major driver of airborne transmission. Male sex was associated with increased viral replication and virus shedding in the air. Next, we compared the transmission efficiency of both variants and found no significant differences. Transmission efficiency varied mostly among donors, 0-100% (including a superspreading event), and aerosol transmission over multiple chain links was representative of natural heterogeneity of exposure dose and downstream viral kinetics. Co-infection with VOCs only occurred when both viruses were shed by the same donor during an increased exposure timeframe (24-48 h). This highlights that assessment of host and virus factors resulting in a differential exhaled particle profile is critical for understanding airborne transmission.”

      1. Aerosol transmission experiment should be described in Materials and Methods although it is cited as Reference 21#;

      We have modified Line 433:

      “Aerosol caging

      Aerosol cages as described by Port et al. [2] were used for transmission experiments and air sampling as indicated. The aerosol transmission system consisted of plastic hamster boxes (Lab Products) connected by a plastic tube. The boxes were modified to accept a 7.62 cm (3') plastic sanitary fitting (McMaster-Carr), which enabled the length between the boxes to be changed. Airflow was generated with a vacuum pump (Vacuubrand) attached to the box housing the naïve animals and was controlled with a float-type meter/valve (McMaster-Carr).”

      And Line 458: “During the first 5 days, hamsters were housed in modified aerosol cages (only one hamster box) hooked up to an air pump.”.

      Especially, one superspreading event of Alpha VOC (donor animal) was observed in iteration A (Figure 4). What causes that event, experiment system?

      Based on the observed variation in airborne shedding (of the cages from which this was directly measured), we believe that one plausible explanation for the super-spreading event was that the Alpha-infected donor shed considerably more virus during the exposure than other donors, and thus more readily infected the sentinels. That said, it is also conceivable that other factors such as hamster behavior (e.g., closeness to the cage outlet, sleeping) or variable sentinel susceptibility could affect the distribution of transmissions.

      1. Same reference is repeatedly listed as Refs 2 and 21#.

      Addressed. We thank the reviewer for their attention to detail. We have also removed reference 53, which was the same as 54.

      1. Two forms of described time (hour and h) are used in the manuscript. Single form should be chosen.

      This has been addressed.

      5) Virus designation located in line 371 and line 583 is inconsistent, and it needs to be revised.

      For consistency we have chosen this nomenclature for the viruses used: SARS-CoV-2 variant Alpha (B.1.1.7) (hCoV320 19/England/204820464/2020, EPI_ISL_683466) and variant Delta (B.1.617.2/) (hCoV-19/USA/KY-CDC-2-4242084/2021, EPI_ISL_1823618).

      1. In Figure 5F, what time were lung and nasal turbinate tissues collected after virus infection?

      This has been added to the legend. Day 5. Line 904.

      1. Line 562-563, what is the coating antigen (spike protein, generated in-house)? purified or recombinant protein?

      It is in-house purified recombinant protein. This has been added to the methods.

      1. Line 575 and line 578: 10,000x is not standard description, and it should be revised.


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      We thank the reviewer for their comments and suggestions to improve the manuscript, and hope we have addressed all concerns adequately.

      • Direct interpretation of the linear regression slope in Figure 3 is challenging. Is the most relevant parameter for transmission known? Intuitively, it would be the absolute number of small droplets at a given timepoint rather than the slope and it would be easier to interpret if the data were reported in this fashion.

      We decided to show a percentage of counts to normalize the data among animals, as we observed large inter-individual variation in counts. The reviewer is correct that it is most likely the number of particles that would be most relevant to transmission, though much (including the role of particle size) remains to be determined. We have added a sentence to the results which explains this in L157.

      Therefore, we decided in this first analysis to utilize the slope measurement and not raw counts. The focus was on the slopes and how particle profiles were changing post inoculation. Because we have focused on percentages, it seems not appropriate to present particle counts within each diameter range because the analysis, model, and results are based on these percentages of particles.

      Use of regression to compute slope is a useful measure because it uses data from all timepoints to estimate the regression line and, therefore, the % of particles on each day. We decided on these methods because efficiency is especially important in a study with a relatively small number of animals and slopes are also a good surrogate for how animal particle profiles are changing post-inoculation.

      To assist with the interpretation: 1) We removed Figure 3C and D and replaced Figure 3B with individual line plots for all conditions to visualize the slopes. The figure legend was corrected to reflect these changes.

      2) We replaced L169 onwards to read: (Figure 3B). Females had a steeper decline at an average rate of 2.2 per day after inoculation in the percent of 1-10 μm particles (and a steeper incline for <0.53 μm) when compared to males, while holding variant group constant. When we compared variant group while holding sex constant, we found that the Delta group had a steeper decline at an average rate of 5.6 per day in the percent of 1-10 μm particles (and a steeper incline for <0.53 μm); a similar trend, but not as steep, was observed for the Alpha group.

      The estimated difference in slopes for Delta vs. controls and Alpha vs. controls in the percent of <0.53 μm particles was 5.4 (two-sided adjusted p= 0.0001) and 2.4 (two-sided adjusted p = 0.0874), respectively. The estimated difference in slopes for percent of 1-10 μm particles was not as pronounced, but similar trends were observed for Delta and Alpha. Additionally, a linear mixed model was considered and produced virtually the same results as the simpler analysis described above; the corresponding linear mixed model estimates were the same and standard errors were similar.

      • Fig 4: what is "limit of quality" mentioned in the legend? Are these samples undetectable?

      We have clarified this in the legend: “3.3 = limit of detection for RNA (<10 copies/rxn)”. If samples have below 10 copy numbers per reaction, they are determined to be below the limit of detection. The limit of detection is 10 copy number/rxn. All samples below 10 copies/rxn are taken to be negative and set = 10 copies/rxn, which equals 3.3. Log10 copies/mL oral swab.

      • Fig 4C would be easier to process in graphical rather than tabular form. The meaning of the colors is unclear.

      We agree with the reviewer that this is difficult to interpret, but we are uncertain if the same data in a tabular format would be easier to digest. We realized that the legend was misplaced and have added this back into the figure, which we hope clarifies the colors and the limit of detection.

      • Figure 4D & E are uninterpretable. What do the pie charts represent?

      We have remodeled this part of the figure to a schematic representation of the majority variant which transmitted for each individual sentinel, and have added a table (Table S1) which summarizes the exact sequencing results for the oral swabs. The reviewer is correct that it was difficult to interpret the pie charts, considering most values are either 0 or close to 100%. We hope this addresses the question. The legend states:

      Author response image 1.

      Airborne attack rate of Alpha and Delta SARS-CoV-2 variants. Donor animals (N = 7) were inoculated with either the Alpha or Delta variant with 103 TCID50 via the intranasal route and paired together randomly (1:1 ratio) in 7 attack rate scenarios (A-G). To each pair of donors, one day after inoculation, 4-5 sentinels were exposed for a duration of 4 h (i.e., h 24-28 post inoculation) in an aerosol transmission set-up at 200 cm distance. A. Schematic figure of the transmission set-up. B. Day 1 sgRNA detected in oral swabs taken from each donor after exposure ended. Individuals are depicted. Wilcoxon test, N = 7. Grey = Alpha, teal = Delta inoculated donors. C. Respiratory shedding measured by viral load in oropharyngeal swabs; measured by sgRNA on day 2, 3, and 5 for each sentinel. Animals are grouped by scenario. Colors refer to legend below. 3.3 = limit of detection of RNA (<10 copies/rxn). D. Schematic representation of majority variant for each sentinel as assessed by percentage of Alpha and Delta detected in oropharyngeal swabs taken at day 2 and day 5 post exposure by deep sequencing. Grey = Alpha, teal = Delta, white = no transmission.

      • Fig S2G is uninterpretable. Please label and explain.

      We have now included an explanations of the figure S2F. The figure is a graphic representation of the neutralization data depicted in Figure S2F. The spacing between grid lines is 1 unit of antigenic distance, corresponding to a twofold dilution of serum in the neutralization assay. The resulting antigenic distance depicted between Alpha and Delta is roughly a 4-fold difference in neutralization between homologous (e.g., Alpha sera with the Alpha virus vs. heterologous, Alpha sera with the Delta virus).

      • I would consider emphasizing lines 220-225 in the summary and abstract. The important implication is that aerosol transmission is more representative of natural heterogeneity of exposure dose and downstream viral kinetics. This is an often-overlooked point.

      We agree with the reviewer and have added this in Line 43.

      • Fig 5: A cartoon similar to Fig 4A showing timing of sentinel exposure with number of animals would be helpful.

      We have added this as a new panel A for Figure 5. See the redrafted Figure 5 below.

      • For Fig 5E & F It would be helpful to use a statistical test to more formally assess whether proportion at exposure predicts proportion of variants in downstream sentinel infection.

      This has been added as a new Figure 5 panel H and I, which we hope addresses the reviewer’s comment.

      Author response image 2.

      Airborne competitiveness of Alpha and Delta SARS-CoV-2 variants. A. Schematic. Donor animals (N = 8) were inoculated with Alpha and Delta variant with 5 x 102 TCID50, respectively, via the intranasal route (1:1 ratio), and three groups of sentinels (Sentinels 1, 2, and 3) were exposed subsequently at a 16.5 cm distance. Animals were exposed at a 1:1 ratio; exposure occurred on day 1 (Donors  Sentinels 1) and day 2 (Sentinels  Sentinels). B. Respiratory shedding measured by viral load in oropharyngeal swabs; measured by gRNA, sgRNA, and infectious titers on days 2 and day 5 post exposure. Bar-chart depicting median, 96% CI and individuals, N = 8, ordinary two-way ANOVA followed by Šídák's multiple comparisons test. C/D/E. Corresponding gRNA, sgRNA, and infectious virus in lungs and nasal turbinates sampled five days post exposure. Bar-chart depicting median, 96% CI and individuals, N = 8, ordinary two-way ANOVA, followed by Šídák's multiple comparisons test. Dark orange = Donors, light orange = Sentinels 1, grey = Sentinels 2, dark grey = Sentinels 3, p-values indicated where significant. Dotted line = limit of quality. F. Percentage of Alpha and Delta detected in oropharyngeal swabs taken at days 2 and day 5 post exposure for each individual donor and sentinel, determined by deep sequencing. Pie-charts depict individual animals. Grey = Alpha, teal = Delta. G. Lung and nasal turbinate samples collected on day 5 post inoculation/exposure. H. Summary of data of variant composition, violin plots depicting median and quantiles for each chain link (left) and for each set of samples collected (right). Shading indicates majority of variant (grey = Alpha, teal = Delta). I. Correlation plot depicting Spearman r for each chain link (right, day 2 swab) and for each set of samples collected across all animals (left). Colors refer to legend on right. Abbreviations: TCID, Tissue Culture Infectious Dose.”

      We have additionally added to the results section: L284: “Combined a trend, while not significant, was observed for increased replication of Delta after the first transmission event, but not after the second, and in the oropharyngeal cavity (swabs) as opposed to lungs (Figure 5H) (Donors compared to Sentinels 1: p = 0.0559; Donors compared to Sentinels 2: p = >0.9999; Kruskal Wallis test, followed by Dunn’s test). Swabs taken at 2 DPI/DPE did significantly predict variant patterns in swabs on 5 DPI/DPE (Spearman’s r = 0.623, p = 0.00436) and virus competition in the lower respiratory tract (Spearman’s r = 0.60, p = 0.00848). Oral swab samples taken on day 5 strongly correlate with both upper (Spearman’s r = 0.816, p = 0.00001) and lower respiratory tract tissue samples (Spearman’s r = 0.832, p = 0.00002) taken on the same day (Figure 5I).”

      • Fig 1A: how are pfu/hour inferred? This is somewhat explained in the supplement, but I found the inclusion of model output as the first panel confusing and am still not 100% clear how this was done. Consider, explaining this in the body of the paper.

      We have added a more detailed explanation of the PFU/h inference to the main text: The motivation for the model was to link more readily measurable quantities such as RNA measured in oral swabs to the quantity of greatest interest for transmission (infectious virus per unit time in the air). To do this, we jointly infer the kinetics of shed airborne virus and parameters relating observable quantities (infected sentinels, plaques from purified air sample filters) to the actual longitudinal shedding. The inferential model uses mechanistic descriptions of deposition of infectious virus into the air, uptake from the air, and loss of infectious virus in the environment to extract estimates of the key kinetic parameters, as well as the resultant airborne shedding, for each animal.

      We have added this information to L106 in the results and hope this clarifies the rationale and execution of the model.

      More minor points:

      • Line 292: "poor proxy" seems too strong as peak levels of viral RNA correlate with positive airway cultures. It might be more accurate to say that high levels of viral RNA during early infection only somewhat correlate with positive airway cultures.

      We have rephrased this to clarify that while peak RNA viral loads are predictive of positive cultures, measuring RNA, especially early during infection and only once, may not be sufficient to infer the magnitude or time-dependence of infectious virus shedding into the air. See Line 308: “We found that swab viral load measurements are a valuable but imperfect proxy for the magnitude and timing of airborne shedding. Crucially, there is a period early in infection (around 24 h post-infection in inoculated hamsters) when oral swabs show high infectious virus titers, but air samples show low or undetectable levels of virus. Viral shedding should not be treated as a single quantity that rises and falls synchronously throughout the host; spatial models of infection may be required to identify the best correlates of airborne infectiousness [32]. Attempts to quantify an individual’s airborne infectiousness from swab measurements should thus be interpreted with caution, and these spatiotemporal factors should be considered carefully.”

      • Line 352: Re is dependent on time of an outbreak (population immunity) and cannot be specified for a given variant as it depends on multiple other variables

      We agree that the current phrasing here could be interpreted to suggest, incorrectly, that Re is an intrinsic property of a variant. We have deleted that language and reworded the section to emphasize that the critical question is heterogeneity in transmission, not mean reproduction number. Line 348: “Moreover, at the time of emergence of Delta, a large part of the human population was either previously exposed to and/or vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2; that underlying host immune landscape also affects the relative fitness of variants. Our naïve animal model does not capture the high prevalence of pre-existing immunity present in the human population and may therefore be less relevant for studying overall variant fitness in the current epidemiological context. Analyses of the cross-neutralization between Alpha and Delta suggest subtly different antigenic profiles [35], and Delta’s faster kinetics in humans may have also helped it cause more reinfections and “breakthrough” infections [36].

      Our two transmission experiments yielded different outcomes. When sentinel hamsters were sequentially exposed, first to Alpha and then to Delta, generally no dual infections—both variants detectable—were observed. In contrast, when we exposed hamsters simultaneously to one donor infected with Alpha and another infected with Delta, we were able to detect mixed-variant virus populations in sentinels in one of the cages (Cage F, see Appendix figures S1, S2). The fact that we saw both single-lineage and multi-lineage transmission events suggests that virus population bottlenecks at the point of transmission do indeed depend on exposure mode and duration, as well as donor host shedding. Notably, our analysis suggests that the Alpha-Delta co-infections observed in the Cage F sentinels could be due to that being the one cage in which both the Alpha and the Delta donor shed substantially over the course of the exposure (Appendix figures S2, S3). Mixed variant infections were not retained equally, and the relative variant frequencies differed between investigated compartments of the respiratory tract, suggesting roles for randomness or host-and-tissue specific differences in virus fitness.

      A combination of host, environmental and virus parameters, many of which vary through time, play a role in virus transmission. These include virus phenotype, shedding in air, individual variability and sex differences, changes in breathing patterns, and droplet size distributions. Alongside recognized social and environmental factors, these host and viral parameters might help explain why the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 exhibits classic features of over-dispersed transmission [37]. Namely, SARS-CoV-2 circulates continuously in the human population, but many transmission chains are self-limiting, while rarer superspreading events account for a substantial fraction of the virus’s total transmission. Heterogeneity in the respiratory viral loads is high and some infected humans release tens to thousands of SARS-CoV-2 virions/min [38, 39]. Our findings recapitulate this in an animal model and provide further insights into mechanisms underlying successful transmission events. Quantitative assessment of virus and host parameters responsible for the size, duration and infectivity of exhaled aerosols may be critical to advance our understanding of factors governing the efficiency and heterogeneity of transmission for SARS-CoV-2, and potentially other respiratory viruses. In turn, these insights may lay the foundation for interventions targeting individuals and settings with high risk of superspreading, to achieve efficient control of virus transmission [40].”

      • The limitation section should mention that this animal model does not capture the large prevalence of pre-existing immunity at present in the population and may therefore be less relevant in the current epidemiologic context.

      We agree and have added this more clearly, see response above.

      • Limitation: it is unclear if airway and droplet dynamics in the hamster model are representative of humans.

      We have added the following sentence: Line 331: “It remains to be determined how well airway and particle size distribution dynamics in Syrian hamsters model those in humans.”

      • The mathematical model is termed semi-mechanistic but I think this is not accurate as the model appears to have no mechanistic assumptions.

      We describe the model as semi-mechanistic because it uses mechanistic descriptions of the shedding and uptake process (as described above), incorporating factors including respiration rate and environmental loss, and makes the mechanistic assumption that measurable swab and airborne shedding all stem from a shared within-host infection process that produces exponential growth of virus up to a peak, followed by exponential decay. The model is only semi-mechanistic, however, as we do not attempt a full model of within-host viral replication and shedding (e.g. a target-cell limited virus kinetics model).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      Comment 1: It is worth mentioning that the authors show that there are Arid1a transcripts that escape the Cre system. This might mask the phenotype of the Arid1a knockout, given that many sequencing techniques used here are done on a heterogeneous population of knockout and wild-type spermatocytes.

      Response: The proportions of undifferentiated spermatogonia (PLZF+) with detectable (ARID1A+) and non-detectable (ARID1A=) levels of ARID1A protein by immunostaining on testes cryosections obtained from 1-month old Arid1afl/fl (control) and Arid1acKO (CKO) males were 74% ARID1A negative (CKO) and 26% ARID1A positive (CKO) as compared to 95% ARID1A positive and 5% ARID1A negative in WT controls. The manuscript includes these data (page 5, lines 114-116). Furthermore, Western blot analysis of STA-Put purified pachytene WT and mutant spermatocytes showed significantly reduced levels of ARID1A protein in mutant cells (95% reduction). The manuscript has added these data (page 5, line 116 and Fig. S2).

      Comment 2: In relation to this, I think that the use of the term "pachytene arrest" might be overstated, since this is not the phenotype truly observed (these mice produce sperm).

      Response: Based on the profiling of prophase-I spermatocytes by co-staining for SYCP3 and ARID1A, we observed a marked reduction in mid-late pachytene spermatocytes that lacked ARID1A, indicating a failure to progress beyond pachynema in the absence of ARID1A (Table 1 in manuscript). Furthermore, we were unable to detect diplotene spermatocytes lacking ARID1A protein. Haploid spermatid populations isolated from Arid1acKO males appeared normal, expressing the wild-type allele, suggesting that they originated from spermatocytes that failed to undergo efficient Cre recombination (Fig. S3). Arid1acKO also produces viable sperm at a level equal to their wild-type controls (see page 5, lines 123-126). It is reasonable to conclude that the absence of ARID1A results in a pachynema arrest and that the viable sperm are from escapers. We cannot make any conclusions regarding the requirement of ARID1A for progression beyond pachynema.

      Comment 3: ARID1A is present throughout prophase I, and it might have pre-MSCI roles that impact earlier stages of Meiosis I, and cell death might be happening in these earlier stages too.

      Response: We did not observe an effect on the frequency of leptotene and zygotene spermatocytes lacking ARID1A. There appeared to be an accumulation of these prophase-I populations in response to the loss of ARID1A, consistent with a failure in progression beyond pachynema in the mutants (Table 1 in the manuscript).

      Additionally, we did not detect any significant difference in the numbers of undifferentiated spermatogonia expressing PLZF (also known as ZBTB16) in 1-month-old Arid1acKO relative to Arid1afl/fl males (see Table below, now included in the manuscript as supplemental Table 1). Therefore, the Arid1a conditional knockouts generated with a Stra8-Cre did not appear to impact earlier stages of spermatogenesis. However, potential roles of ARID1A early in spermatogenesis might be revealed using a more efficient and earlier-acting germline Cre transgene. In this case, an inducible Cre transgene would be needed, given the haploinsufficiency associated with Arid1a. Such haploinsufficiency was why we used the Stra8-Cre. The lack of Cre expression in the female germline allowed the transmission of the floxed allele maternally.

      Author response table 1.

      Comment 4: Overall, the research presented here is solid, adds new knowledge on how sex chromatin is silenced during meiosis, and has generated relevant databases for the field.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment.

      Reviewer 2

      Comment 1: The conditional deletion mouse model of ARIDA using Stra8-cre showed inefficient deletion; spermatogenesis did not appear to be severely compromised in the mutants. Using this data, the authors claimed that meiotic arrest occurs in the mutants. This is obviously a misinterpretation.

      Response: As stated in response to Reviewer 1, testes cryosections obtained from 1-month-old control and mutant males showed that 74% are ARID1A negative (CKO) and 26% ARID1A positive (CKO) as compared to 95% ARID1A positive and 5% ARID1A negative in WT controls (page 5, lines 114-116). This difference is dramatic. Western blot analysis of STA-Put purified pachytene WT and mutant spermatocytes also showed a significant reduction of ARID1A protein in mutant cells (Fig. S2). We observed a marked decrease in mid-late pachytene spermatocytes that lacked ARID1A, indicating a failure to progress beyond pachynema without ARID1A (Table 1 from the manuscript). Furthermore, we were unable to detect any diplotene spermatocytes lacking ARID1A protein. These data suggest that the haploid spermatids originated from spermatocytes that failed to undergo efficient Cre recombination (Fig. S3). Comparison of cKO and wild-type littermate yielded nearly identical results (Avg total conc WT = 32.65 M/m; Avg total conc cKO = 32.06 M/ml), indicating that the cKO’s produce viable sperm at a level equal to their wild-type controls. Taken together, the conclusion that the absence of ARID1A results in a pachynema arrest and that the escapers produce the haploid spermatids is firm. By IF, we see that ~70% of the spermatocytes have deleted ARID1A. Therefore, we disagree with the reviewer’s comments that “spermatogenesis did not appear to be severely compromised in the mutants”.

      Comment 2: In the later parts, the authors performed next-gen analyses, including ATAC-seq and H3.3 CUT&RUN, using the isolated cells from the mutant mice. However, with this inefficient deletion, most cells isolated from the mutant mice appeared not to undergo Cre-mediated recombination. Therefore, these experiments do not tell any conclusion pertinent to the Arid1a mutation.

      Response: We agree that the ATAC-seq and CUT&RUN data were derived from a mixed population of pachytene spermatocytes consisting of mutants and, to a much lesser extent, escapers. As stated, based on our previous study (Menon et al., 2021, Nat. Commun., PMID: 34772938) and additional analyses in this current work, the undifferentiated spermatogonia lacking ARID1A indicates that Stra8-Cre is ~ 70% efficient. With this efficiency, we can detect striking changes in H3.3 occupancy and chromatin accessibility in the mutants relative to wild-type spermatocytes.

      Comment 3: Furthermore, many of the later parts of this study focus on the analysis of H3.3 CUT&RUN. However, Fig. S7 clearly suggests that the H3.3 CUT&RUN experiment in the wild-type simply failed. Thus, none of the analyses using the H3.3 CUT&RUN data can be interpreted.

      Response: We would like to draw the attention of the reviewer to a recent study (Fointane et al., 2022, NAR, PMID: 35766398) where the authors observed an identical X chromosome-wide spreading of H3.3 in mouse meiotic cells by ChIP-seq. The genomic distribution matches the microscopic observation of H3.3 coating of the sex chromosomes. Therefore, in normal spermatocytes, H3.3 distribution is pervasive across the X chromosome, with very few peaks observed in intergenic regions. Additionally, we detected H3.3 enrichment at TSSs of ARID1A-regulated autosomal genes in wild-type pachytene spermatocytes, albeit reduced relative to the mutants, indicating that the H3.3 CUT&RUN worked. For these reasons, we do not agree with the reviewer’s assessment that the H3.3 CUT&RUN experiment failed in the wild type.

      Comment 4: If the author wishes to study the function of ARID2 in spermatogenesis, they may need to try other cre-lines to have more robust phenotypes, and all analyses must be redone using a mouse model with efficient deletion of ARID2.

      Response: As noted, we chose Stra8-Cre to conditionally knockout Arid1a because ARID1A is haploinsufficient during embryonic development. The lack of Cre expression in the maternal germline allows for transmission of the floxed allele, allowing for the experiments to progress.

      Reviewer 3

      Comment 1: A challenge with the author's CKO model is the incomplete efficiency of ARID1A loss, due to incomplete CRE-mediated deletion. The authors effectively work around this issue, but they don't state specifically what percentage of CKO cells lack ARID1A staining. This information should be added.

      Response: Our data indicate that Stra8-Cre is ~ 70% efficient. This information has been added.

      Comment 2: They refer to cells that retain ARID1A staining in CKO testes as 'internal controls' but this reviewer finds that label inappropriate.

      Response: We have dropped ‘internal controls’ and used ‘escapers’ instead.

      Comment 3: Although some cells that retain ARID1A won't have undergone CRE-mediated excision, others may have excised but possibly have delayed kinetics of deletion or ARID1A RNA/protein turnover and loss. Such cells likely have partial ARID1A depletion to different extents and, therefore, in some cases, are no longer wild-type. In subsequent figures in which co-staining for ARID1A is done, it would be appropriate for the authors to specify if they are quantifying all cells from CKO testes, or only those that lack ARID1A staining.

      Response: We were unable to detect any diplotene spermatocytes lacking ARID1A protein. The data suggest that the haploid spermatids originated from spermatocytes that failed to undergo efficient Cre recombination (Fig. S3). Thus, we conclude that the absence of ARID1A results in a pachynema arrest and that the escapers produce haploid spermatids. In figures displaying quantification data, we indicate whether the quantification was performed on spermatocytes lacking or containing ARID1A from cKO testes. By IF, we see that ~70% of the spermatocytes have deleted ARID1A.

      Comment 4: The authors don't see defects in a few DDR markers in ARID1A CKO cells and conclude that the role of ARID1A in silencing is 'mutually exclusive to DDR pathways' (p 12) and 'occurs independently of DDR signaling' (p30). The data suggest that ARID1A may not be required for DDR signaling, but do not rule out the possibility that ARID1A is downstream of DDR signaling (and the authors even hypothesize this on p30). The data provided do not justify the conclusion that ARID1A acts independently of DDR signaling.

      associated DDR factors such as: H2Ax; ATR; and MDC1. We observed an abnormal persistence of elongating RNA polymerase II on the mutant XY body in response to the loss of ARID1A, emphasizing its role in the transcriptional repression of the XY during pachynema. The loss of ARID1A results in a failure to silence sex-linked genes and does so in the presence of DDR signaling factors in the XY body. As the reviewer notes, we highlighted the possibility that DDR pathways might influence ARID1A recruitment to the XY, evidenced by the hyperaccumulation of ARID1A on the sex body late in diplonema. Therefore, whether ARID1A is dependent on DDR signaling remains an open question.

      Comment 5: After observing no changes in levels or localization of H3.3 chaperones, the authors conclude that 'ARID1A impacts H3.3 accumulation on the sex chromosomes without affecting its expression or incorporation during pachynema.' It's not clear to this reviewer what the authors mean by this. Aside from the issue of not having tested DAXX or HIRA activity, are they suggesting that some other process besides altered incorporation leads to H3.3 accumulation, and if so, what process would that be?

      Response: The loss of ARID1A might result in an abnormal redistribution of DAXX or HIRA on the XY, potentially contributing to the defects in H3.3 accumulation and canonical H3.1/3.2 eviction on the XY. While speculative at this point, it is also possible that the persistence of elongating RNAPII in response to the loss of ARID1A might prevent the sex chromosome-wide coating of H3.3. Addressing the mechanism underlying ARID1A-governed H3.3 accumulation on the XY body remains a topic for future investigation.

      Comment 6: The authors find an interesting connection between certain regions that gained chromatin accessibility after ARID1A loss (clusters G1 and G3) and the presence of the PRDM9 sequence motif. The G1 and G3 clusters also show DMC1 occupancy and H3K4me3 enrichment. However, an additional cluster with gained accessibility (G4) also shows DMC1 occupancy and H3K4me3 enrichment but has modest H3.3 accumulation. The paper would benefit for additional discussion about the G4 cluster (which encompasses 960 peak calls). Is there any enrichment of PRDM9 sites in G4? If H3.3 exclusion governs meiotic DSBs, how does cluster G4 fit into the model?

      Response: We agree that, compared to G1+G3, cluster G4 shows an insignificant increase in H3.3 occupancy in the absence of ARID1A (Figure 6B). The plot profile associated with the heatmap confirms this result (Figure 6B). Therefore, cluster G4 is very distinct in its chromatin composition from G1+G3 upon the loss of ARID1A and, as such, is not inconsistent with our model of H3.3 antagonism with DSB sites. Additionally, we did not observe an enrichment of PRDM9 sites in G4. Since G4 does not display similar dynamics in H3.3 occupancy to G1+G3, DMC1 association might not be perturbed at G4 in response to the loss of ARID1A. Future studies will be required to determine the genomic associations of DMC1 and H3K4me3 in response to the loss of ARID1A.

      Comment 7: The impacts of ARID1A loss on DMC1 focus formation (reduced sex chromosome association) are very interesting and also raise additional questions. Are DMC1 foci on autosomes also affected during pachynema? The corresponding lack of apparent effect on RAD51 implies that breaks are still made and resected, enabling RAD51 filament formation. A more thorough quantitative assessment of RAD51 focus formation will be interesting in the long run, enabling determination of the number of break sites and the kinetics of repair, which the authors suggest is perturbed by ARID1A loss but doesn't directly test. It isn't clear how a nucleosomal factor (H3.3) would influence loading of recombinases onto ssDNA, especially if the alteration is not at the level of resection and ssDNA formation. Additional discussion of this point is warranted. Lastly, there currently are various notions for the interplay between RAD51 and DMC1 in filament formation and break repair, and brief discussion of this area and the implications of the new findings from the ARID1A CKO would strengthen the paper further.

      Response: The impact of H3.3 on the loading of recombinases might be an indirect consequence of ARID1A-governed sex-linked transcriptional repression. In a recent study, Alexander et al. (Nat. Commun, 2023, PMID: 36990976) showed that transcriptional activity and meiotic recombination are spatially compartmentalized during meiosis. Therefore, the persistence of elongating RNA polymerase II on a sex body depleted for H3.3 in the absence of ARID1A might contribute to the defect in DMC1 association. RAD51 and DMC1 are known to bind ssDNA at PRDM9/SPO11 designated DSB hotspots. However, these recombinases occupy unique domains. DMC1 localizes nearest the DSB breakpoint, promoting strand exchange, whereas RAD51 is further away (Hinch et al., PMID32610038). We show that loss of Arid1a decreases DMC1 foci on the XY chromosomes without affecting RAD51. These findings indicate that BAF-A plays a role in the loading and/or retention of DMC1 to the XY chromosomes. This information has been added to the discussion.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We are very grateful to both reviewers for taking the time to review our manuscript and data in great detail. We thank you for the fair assessment of our work, the helpful feedback, and for recognizing the value of our work. We have done our best to address your concerns below:

      eLife assessment This work reports a valuable finding on glucocorticoid signaling in male and female germ cells in mice, pointing out sexual dimorphism in transcriptomic responsiveness. While the evidence supporting the claims is generally solid, additional assessments would be required to fully confirm an inert GR signaling despite the presence of GR in the female germline and GR-mediated alternative splicing in response to dexamethasone treatment in the male germline. The work may interest basic researchers and physician-scientists working on reproduction and

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Cincotta et al set out to investigate the presence of glucocorticoid receptors in the male and female embryonic germline. They further investigate the impact of tissue-specific genetically induced receptor absence and/or systemic receptor activation on fertility and RNA regulation. They are motivated by several lines of research that report inter and transgenerational effects of stress and or glucocorticoid receptor activation and suggest that their findings provide an explanatory mechanism to mechanistically back parental stress hormone exposure-induced phenotypes in the offspring.


      A chronological immunofluorescent assessment of GR in fetal and early life oocyte and sperm development.

      RNA seq data that reveal novel cell type specific isoforms validated by q-RT PCR E15.5 in the oocyte.

      2 alternative approaches to knock out GR to study transcriptional outcomes. Oocytes: systemic GR KO (E17.5) with low input 3-tag seq and germline-specific GR KO (E15.5) on fetal oocyte expression via 10X single cell seq and 3-cap sequencing on sorted KO versus WT oocytes both indicating little impact on polyadenylated RNAs

      2 alternative approaches to assess the effect of GR activation in vivo (systemic) and ex vivo (ovary culture): here the RNA seq did show again some changes in germ cells and many in the soma.

      They exclude oocyte-specific GR signaling inhibition via beta isoforms.

      Perinatal male germline shows differential splicing regulation in response to systemic Dex administration, results were backed up with q-PCR analysis of splicing factors. Weaknesses:

      COMMENT #1: The presence of a protein cannot be entirely excluded based on IF data

      We agree that very low levels of GR could escape the detection by IF and confocal imaging. We feel that our IF data do match transcript data in our validation studies of the GR KO using (1) qRT-PCR on fetal ovary in Fig 2E and (2) scRNA-seq in germ cells and ovarian soma in Fig S2B.

      COMMENT #2: (staining of spermatids is referred to but not shown).

      You are correct that this statement was based on a morphological identification of spermatids using DAPI morphology. We have performed a co-stain for GR with the spermatocyte marker SYCP3, and the spermatid/spermatozoa marker PNA (Peanut Agglutinin; from Arachis hypogaea) in adult testis tissue. We have updated Figure 4D to reflect this change, as well as the corresponding text in the Results section.

      COMMENT #3: The authors do not consider post-transcriptional level a) modifications also triggered by GR activation b) non-coding RNAs (not assessed by seq).

      We thank the reviewer for raising this very important point about potential post-transcriptional (non-genomic) effects of GR in the fetal oocyte. We agree that while our RNA-seq results show only a minimal transcriptional response, we cannot rule out a non-canonical signaling function of GR, such as the regulation of cellular kinases (as reviewed elsewhere1), or the regulation of non coding RNAs at the post-transcriptional level, and we have amended the discussion to include a sentence on this point. However, while we fully acknowledge the possibility of GR regulating non-genomic level cellular signaling, we chose not to explore this option further based on the lack of any overall functional effect on meiotic progression when GR signaling was perturbed- either by KO (Figure 2D) or dex-mediated activation (Figure S3C).

      COMMENT #4: Sequencing techniques used are not total RNA but either are focused on all polyA transcripts (10x) or only assess the 3' prime end and hence are not ideal to study splicing

      We thank the reviewer for raising this concern, however this statement is not correct and we have clarified this point in the Results section to explain how the sequencing libraries of the male germ cell RNA-seq were prepared. We agree that certain sequencing techniques (such as 3’ Tag-Seq) that generate sequencing libraries from a limited portion of an entire transcript molecule are not appropriate for analysis of differential splicing. This was not the case, however, for the RNA-seq libraries prepared on our male germ cells treated with dexamethasone. These libraries were constructed using full length transcripts that were reverse transcribed using random hexamer priming, thus accounting for sequencing coverage across the full transcript length. As a result, this type of library prep technique should be sufficient for capturing differential splicing events along the length of the transcript. We do, however, point out that these libraries were constructed on polyA-enriched transcripts. Thus while we obtained full length transcript coverage for these polyA transcripts, any differential splicing taking place in non poly-adenylated RNA moieties were not captured. While we are excited about the possibility of exploring GR-mediated splicing regulation of other RNA species in the future, we chose to focus the scope of our current study on polyA mRNA molecules specifically.

      COMMENT #5: The number of replicates in the low input seq is very low and hence this might be underpowered

      While the number of replicates (n=3-4 per condition) is sufficient for performing statistical analysis of a standard RNA-seq experiment, we do acknowledge and agree with the reviewer that low numbers of FACS-sorted germ cells from individual embryos combined with the low input 3’ Tag-Seq technique could have led to higher sample variability than desired. Given that we validated our bulk RNA-seq analysis of GR knockout ovaries using an orthogonal single-cell RNA-seq approach, we feel that our conclusions regarding a lack of transcriptional changes upon GR deletion remain valid.

      COMMENT #6: Since Dex treatment showed some (modest) changes in oocyte RNA - effects of GR depletion might only become apparent upon Dex treatment as an interaction.

      We may be missing the nuance of this point, but our interpretation of an effect that is seen only when the KO is treated with Dex would be that the mechanism would not be autonomous in germ cells but indirect or off-target.

      COMMENT #7: Effects in oocytes following systemic Dex might be indirect due to GR activation in the soma.

      As both the oocytes and ovarian soma express GR during the window of dex administration, we agree that it is possible that the few modest changes seen in the oocyte transcriptome are the result of indirect effects following robust GR signaling in the somatic compartment. However, given that these modest oocyte transcript changes in response to dex treatment did not significantly alter the ability of oocytes to progress through meiosis, we chose not to explore this mechanism further.

      COMMENT #8: Even though ex vivo culture of ovaries shows GR translocation to the nucleus it is not sure whether the in vivo systemic administration does the same.


      The conclusion that fetal oocytes are resistant to GR manipulation is very strong, given that "only" poly A sequencing and few replicates of 3-prime sequencing have been analyzed and information is lacking on whether GR is activated in germ cells in the systemically dex-injected animals.

      If we understand correctly, the first part refers to a technical limitation and the second part takes issue with our interpretation of the data. For the former, we appreciate this astute insight on the conundrum of detecting a response to systemic dex in fetal oocytes, which is generally monitored by nuclear translocation of GR. As shown in Figure 1A and 1B, GR localization is overwhelmingly nuclear in fetal oocytes of WT animals at E13.5 without addition of any dex. We could not, therefore, use GR translocation as a proxy for activation in response to dex treatment. We instead used ex vivo organ culture to monitor localization changes, as we were able to maintain fetal ovaries ex vivo in hormone-depleted and ligand negative conditions. As shown in Fig. 3, these defined culture conditions elicited a shift of GR to the cytoplasm of fetal oocytes. This led us to conclude that GR is capable of translocating between nucleus and cytoplasm in fetal oocytes, and we were able to counteract this loss in nuclear localization by providing dex ligand in the media.

      We feel that our conclusion that oocytes are resistant to manipulation of glucocorticoid signaling despite their possession of the receptor and capacity for nuclear translocation is substantiated by multiple results: meiotic phenotyping, bulk RNA-seq and scRNA-seq analysis of both GR KO and dex dosed mice. Our basis for testing the timing and fidelity of meiotic prophase I was the coincident onset of GR expression in female germ cells at E13, and the disappearance of GR in neonatal oocytes as they enter meiotic arrest. The lack of transcriptional changes observed in oocytes in response to dex has made it even more challenging to demonstrate a bona fide “activation” of GR. Observation of a dose-dependent induction of the canonical GR response gene Fkbp5 in the somatic cells of the fetal ovary (Figure S3A and 3A) affirmed that dex traverses the placenta. We agree with the reviewer that it remains possible that dex or GR KO could lead to changes in epigenetic marks or small RNAs in oocytes, and have mentioned these possibilities in the discussion, but we note that even epigenetic perturbations during oocyte development such as the loss of Tet1 or Dnmt1 result in measurable changes in the transcriptome and the timing of meiotic prophase 2–4.

      COMMENT #9: This work is a good reference point for researchers interested in glucocorticoid hormone signaling fertility and RNA splicing. It might spark further studies on germline-specific GR functions and the impact of GR activation on alternative splicing. While the study provides a characterization of GR and some aspects of GR perturbation, and the negative findings in this study do help to rule out a range of specific roles of GR in the germline, there is still a range of other potential unexplored options. The introduction of the study eludes to implications for intergenerational effects via epigenetic modifications in the germline, however, it does not mention that the indirect effects of reproductive tissue GR signaling on the germline have indeed already been described in the context of intergenerational effects of stress.

      The reviewer raises an excellent point that we have not made sufficient distinction in our manuscript between prior studies of gestational stress and preconception stress and the light that our work may shed on those findings. We have revised the introduction to clarify this difference, and added reference to an outstanding study that identifies glucocorticoid-induced changes to microRNA cargo of extracellular vesicles shed by epididymal epithelial cells that when transferred to mature sperm can induce changes in the HPA axis and brain of offspring 5. Interestingly, this GR-mediated effect in the epididymal epithelial cells concurs with our observation in the adult testis that GR can be detected only cKit+ spermatogonia but not in subsequent stages of spermatids.

      COMMENT #10: Also, the study does not assess epigenetic modifications.

      We agree with the reviewer that exploring the role of GR in regulating epigenetic modifications within the germline is an area of extreme interest given the potential links between stress and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. As this is a broader topic that requires a more thorough and comprehensive set of experiments, we have intentionally chosen to keep this work separate from the current study, and hope to expand upon this topic in the future.

      COMMENT #11: The conclusion that the persistence of a phenotype for up to three generations suggests that stress can induce lasting epigenetic changes in the germline is misleading. For the reader who is unfamiliar with the field, it is important to define much more precisely what is referred to as "a phenotype". Furthermore, this statement evokes the impression that the very same epigenetic changes in the germline have been observed across multiple generations.

      We see how this may be misleading, and we have amended the text of the introduction and discussion accordingly to avoid the use of the term “phenotype”.

      COMMENT #12: The evidence of the presence of GR in the germline is also somewhat limited - since other studies using sequencing have detected GR in the mature oocyte and sperm.

      As described above in response to Comment #2, we have included immunostaining of adult testis in a revised Figure 4D and shown that we detect GR in PLZF+ and cKIT+ spermatogonia. We also show low/minimal expression in some (SYCP3+) early meiotic spermatocytes, but not in (Lectin+) spermatids. We are not aware of any studies that have shown expression of GR protein in the mature oocyte.

      COMMENT #13: The discussion ends again on the implications of sex-specific differences of GR signaling in the context of stress-induced epigenetic inheritance. It states that the observed differences might relate to the fact that there is more evidence for paternal lineage findings, without considering that maternal lineage studies in epigenetic inheritance are generally less prevalent due to some practical factors - such as more laborious study design making use of cross-fostering or embryo transfer.

      We thank the reviewer for this valid point, and we have amended the discussion section.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      There is increasing evidence in the literature that rodent models of stress can produce phenotypes that persist through multiple generations. Nevertheless, the mechanism(s) by which stress exposure produces phenotypes are unknown in the directly affected individual as well as in subsequent offspring that did not directly experience stress. Moreover, it has also been shown that glucocorticoid stress hormones can recapitulate the effects of programmed stress. In this manuscript, the authors test the compelling hypothesis that glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-signaling is responsible for the transmission of phenotypes across generations. As a first step, the investigators test for a role of GR in the male and female germline. Using knockouts and GR agonists, they show that although germ cells in male and female mice have GR that appears to localize to the nucleus when stimulated, oocytes are resistant to changes in GR levels. In contrast, the male germline exhibits changes in splicing but no overt changes in fertility.


      Although many of the results in this manuscript are negative, this is a careful and timely study that informs additional work to address mechanisms of transmission of stress phenotypes across generations and suggests a sexually dimorphic response to glucocorticoids in the germline. The work presented here is well-done and rigorous and the discussion of the data is thoughtful. Overall, this is an important contribution to the literature.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      RECOMMENDATION #1: To assess whether in females the systemic Dex administration directly activates GR in oocytes it would be great to assess GR activation following Dex administration, and ideally to see the effects abolished when Dex is administered to germline-specific KO animals.

      In regard to the recommendation to assess GR activation in response to systemic dex administration, we refer the reviewer back to our response in Comment #8 highlighting the difficulties defining and measuring GR activation in the germline.

      This therefore has made it difficult to assess whether any of the modest effects seen in response to dex are abolished in our germline-specific KO animals. While repeating our RNA-seq experiment in dex-dosed germline KO animals would address whether the ~60 genes induced in oocytes are the result of oocyte-intrinsic GR activity, we have decided not to explore this mechanism further due to the overall lack of a functional effect on meiotic progression in response to dex (Figure S3C).

      RECOMMENDATION #2: To further strengthen the link between GR and alternative splicing it would be great to see the dex administration experiment repeated in germline specific GR KO's.

      While we understand the reviewer’s suggestion to explore whether deletion of GR in the spermatogonia is sufficient to abrogate the dex-mediated decreases in splice factor expression, we chose not to explore the details of this mechanism given that deletion of GR in the male germline does not impair fertility (Figure 6).

      RECOMMENDATION #3: I am wondering how much a given reduction in one of the splicing factors indeed affects splicing events. Can the authors relate this to literature, or maybe an in vitro experiment can be done to see whether the level of differential splicing events detected is in a range that can be expected in the case of the magnitude of splicing factor reduction?

      It has been shown in many instances in the literature that a full genetic deletion of a single splice factor leads to impairments in spermatogenesis, and ultimately infertility 6–16. We suspect that dex treatment leads to fewer differential splicing events than a full splice factor deletion, given that dex treatment causes a broader decrease in splice factor expression without entirely abolishing any single splice factor. We have amended the discussion section to include this point. While we share the reviewer’s curiosity to compare the effects of dex vs genetic deletion of splicing machinery on the overall magnitude of differential splicing events, we unfortunately do not have access to mice with a floxed splice factor at this time. While we have considered knocking out one or more splice factors in an ex vivo cultured testis to compare alongside dex treatment, our efforts to date have proven unsuccessful due to high cell death upon culture of the postnatal testis for more than 24 hours.

      RECOMMENDATION #4: It is unclear from the methods whether in germline-specific KO's also the controls received tamoxifen.

      We thank the reviewer for catching this missing piece of information. All control embryos that were assessed received an equivalent dose of tamoxifen to the germline-specific KO embryos. The only difference between cKOs and controls was the presence of the Cre transgene. We have updated the Materials and Methods 3’ Tag-Seq sample preparation section to include the sentence: “Both GRcKO/cKO and control GRflox/flox embryos were collected from tamoxifen-injected dams, and thus were equally exposed to tamoxifen in utero”.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I just have only a few comments/questions.

      RECOMMENDATION #5: It is somewhat surprising that GR is expressed in female germ cells, yet there doesn't seem to be a requirement. Is there any indication of what it does? Is the long-term stability of the germline compromised?

      We thank the reviewer for these questions, and we agree that it was quite surprising to find a lack of GR function in the female germline despite its robust expression. The question of whether loss of GR affects the long-term stability of the female germline is interesting, given that similar work in GR KO zebrafish has shown impairments to female reproductive capacity, yet only upon aging 17–19.

      While we have shared interest in this question, technical limitations thus far have prevented us from properly assessing the effect of GR loss in aged females. Homozygous deletion of GR results in embryonic lethality at approximately E17.5. Conditional deletion of GR using Oct4-CreERT2 with a single dose of tamoxifen (2.5 mg / 20g mouse) at E9.5 results in complete deletion of GR by E10.5, although dams consistently suffer from dystocia and are no longer able to deliver viable pups. While using the more active tamoxifen metabolite (4OHT) at 0.1 mg / 20g has allowed for successful delivery, the resulting deletion rate is very poor (see qPCR results in panel below, left). While using half the dose of standard tamoxifen (1.25 mg / 20g mouse) at E9.5 has on rare occasions led to a successful delivery, the resulting recombination efficiency is insufficient (Author response image 1 right panel).

      Author response image 1.

      While a Blimp1-Cre conditional KO model was used to assess male fertility on GR deletion, we believe this model may not be ideal for studying fertility in the context of aging. While Blimp1-Cre is highly specific to the germ cells within the gonad, there are many cell types outside of the gonad that express Blimp1, including the skin and certain cells of the immune system. It is unclear, particularly over the course of aging, whether any effects on fertility seen would be due to an oocyte-intrinsic effect, or the result of GR loss elsewhere in the body. While we hope to explore the role of GR in the aging oocyte further using alternative Cre models in the future, this is currently outside the scope of this work.

      RECOMMENDATION #6: Figure 5b: what is the left part of that panel? Is it the same volcano plot for germ cells as shown in part a but with splicing factors?

      We apologize if this panel was unclear. Yes, the left panel of Figure 5B is in fact the same volcano plot in 5A, labeled with splicing factors instead of top genes. We have edited Figure 5B and corresponding figure legend to clarify this.

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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors develop a method to fluorescently tag peptides loaded onto dendritic cells using a two-step method with a tetracystein motif modified peptide and labelling step done on the surface of live DC using a dye with high affinity for the added motif. The results are convincing in demonstrating in vitro and in vivo T cell activation and efficient label transfer to specific T cells in vivo. The label transfer technique will be useful to identify T cells that have recognised a DC presenting a specific peptide antigen to allow the isolation of the T cell and cloning of its TCR subunits, for example. It may also be useful as a general assay for in vitro or in vivo T-DC communication that can allow the detection of genetic or chemical modulators.


      The study includes both in vitro and in vivo analysis including flow cytometry and two-photon laser scanning microscopy. The results are convincing and the level of T cell labelling with the fluorescent pMHC is surprisingly robust and suggests that the approach is potentially revealing something about fundamental mechanisms beyond the state of the art.


      The method is demonstrated only at high pMHC density and it is not clear if it can operate at at lower peptide doses where T cells normally operate. However, this doesn't limit the utility of the method for applications where the peptide of interest is known. It's not clear to me how it could be used to de-orphan known TCR and this should be explained if they want to claim this as an application. Previous methods based on biotin-streptavidin and phycoerythrin had single pMHC sensitivity, but there were limitations to the PE-based probe so the use of organic dyes could offer advantages.

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable comments and suggestions. Indeed, we have shown and optimized this labeling technique for a commonly used peptide at rather high doses to provide a proof of principle for the possible use of tetracysteine tagged peptides for in vitro and in vivo studies. However, we completely agree that the studies that require different peptides and/or lower pMHC concentrations may require preliminary experiments if the use of biarsenical probes is attempted. We think it can help investigate the functional and biological properties of the peptides for TCRs deorphaned by techniques. Tetracysteine tagging of such peptides would provide a readily available antigen-specific reagent for the downstream assays and validation. Other possible uses for modified immunogenic peptides could be visualizing the dynamics of neoantigen vaccines or peptide delivery methods in vivo. For these additional uses, we recommend further optimization based on the needs of the prospective assay.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors here develop a novel Ovalbumin model peptide that can be labeled with a site-specific FlAsH dye to track agonist peptides both in vitro and in vivo. The utility of this tool could allow better tracking of activated polyclonal T cells particularly in novel systems. The authors have provided solid evidence that peptides are functional, capable of activating OTII T cells, and that these peptides can undergo trogocytosis by cognate T cells only.


      -An array of in vitro and in vivo studies are used to assess peptide functionality.

      -Nice use of cutting-edge intravital imaging.

      -Internal controls such as non-cogate T cells to improve the robustness of the results (such as Fig 5A-D).

      -One of the strengths is the direct labeling of the peptide and the potential utility in other systems.


      1. What is the background signal from FlAsH? The baselines for Figure 1 flow plots are all quite different. Hard to follow. What does the background signal look like without FLASH (how much fluorescence shift is unlabeled cells to No antigen+FLASH?). How much of the FlAsH in cells is actually conjugated to the peptide? In Figure 2E, it doesn't look like it's very specific to pMHC complexes. Maybe you could double-stain with Ab for MHCII. Figure 4e suggests there is no background without MHCII but I'm not fully convinced. Potentially some MassSpec for FLASH-containing peptides.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out a possible area of confusion. In fact, we have done extensive characterization of the background and found that it has varied with the batch of FlAsH, TCEP, cytometer and also due to the oxidation prone nature of the reagents. Because Figure 1 subfigures have been derived from different experiments, a combination of the factors above have likely contributed to the inconsistent background. To display the background more objectively, we have now added the No antigen+Flash background to the revised Fig 1.

      It is also worthwhile noting that nonspecific Flash incorporation can be toxic at increasing doses, and live cells that display high backgrounds may undergo early apoptotic changes in vitro. However, when these cells are adoptively transferred and tracked in vivo, the compromised cells with high background possibly undergo apoptosis and get cleared by macrophages in the lymph node. The lack of clearance in vitro further contributes to different backgrounds between in vitro and in vivo, which we think is also a possible cause for the inconsistent backgrounds throughout the manuscript. Altogether, comparison of absolute signal intensities from different experiments would be misleading and the relative differences within each experiment should be relied upon. We have added further discussion about this issue.

      1. On the flip side, how much of the variant peptides are getting conjugated in cells? I'd like to see some quantification (HPLC or MassSpec). If it's ~10% of peptides that get labeled, this could explain the low shifts in fluorescence and the similar T cell activation to native peptides if FlasH has any deleterious effects on TCR recognition. But if it's a high rate of labeling, then it adds confidence to this system.

      We agree that mass spectrometry or, more specifically tandem MS/MS, would be an excellent addition to support our claim about peptide labeling by FlAsH being reliable and non-disruptive. Therefore, we have recently undertaken a tandem MS/MS quantitation project with our collaborators. However, this would require significant time to determine the internal standard based calibration curves and to run both analytical and biological replicates. Hence, we have decided pursuing this as a follow up study and added further discussion on quantification of the FlAsH-peptide conjugates by tandem MS/MS.

      1. Conceptually, what is the value of labeling peptides after loading with DCs? Why not preconjugate peptides with dye, before loading, so you have a cleaner, potentially higher fluorescence signal? If there is a potential utility, I do not see it being well exploited in this paper. There are some hints in the discussion of additional use cases, but it was not clear exactly how they would work. One mention was that the dye could be added in real-time in vivo to label complexes, but I believe this was not done here. Is that feasible to show?

      We have already addressed preconjugation as a possible avenue for labeling peptides. In our hands, preconjugation resulted in low FlAsH intensity overall in both the control and tetracysteine labeled peptides (Author response image 1). While we don’t have a satisfactory answer as to why the signal was blunted due to preconjugation, it could be that the tetracysteine tagged peptides attract biarsenical compounds better intracellularly. It may be due to the redox potential of the intracellular environment that limits disulfide bond formation. (PMID: 18159092)

      Author response image 1.

      Preconjugation yields poor FlAsH signal. Splenic DCs were pulsed with peptide then treated with FlAsH or incubated with peptide-FlAsH preconjugates. Overlaid histograms show the FlAsH intensities on DCs following the two-step labeling (left) and preconjugation (right). Data are representative of two independent experiments, each performed with three biological replicates.

      1. Figure 5D-F the imaging data isn't fully convincing. For example, in 5F and 2G, the speeds for T cells with no Ag should be much higher (10-15micron/min or 0.16-0.25micron/sec). The fact that yours are much lower speeds suggests technical or biological issues, that might need to be acknowledged or use other readouts like the flow cytometry.

      We thank the reviewer for drawing attention to this technical point. We would like to point out that the imaging data in fig 5 d-f was obtained from agarose embedded live lymph node sections. Briefly, the lymph nodes were removed, suspended in 2% low melting temp agarose in DMEM and cut into 200 µm sections with a vibrating microtome. Prior to imaging, tissue sections were incubated in complete RPMI medium at 37 °C for 2 h to resume cell mobility. Thus, we think the cells resuming their typical speeds ex vivo may account for slightly reduced T cell speeds overall, for both control and antigen-specific T cells (PMID: 32427565, PMID: 25083865). We have added text to prevent the ambiguity about the technique for dynamic imaging. The speeds in Figure 2g come from live imaging of DC-T cell cocultures, in which the basal cell movement could be hampered by the cell density. Additionally, glass bottom dishes have been coated with Fibronectin to facilitate DC adhesion, which may be responsible for the lower average speeds of the T cells in vitro.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Does the reaction of ReAsH with reactive sites on the surface of DC alter them functionally? Functions have been attributed to redox chemistry at the cell surface- could this alter this chemistry?

      We thank the reviewer for the insight. It is possible that the nonspecific binding of biarsenical compounds to cysteine residues, which we refer to as background throughout the manuscript, contribute to some alterations. One possible way biarsenicals affect the redox events in DCs can be via reducing glutathione levels (PMID: 32802886). Glutathione depletion is known to impair DC maturation and antigen presentation (PMID: 20733204). To avoid toxicity, we have carried out a stringent titration to optimize ReAsH and FlAsH concentrations for labeling and conducted experiments using doses that did not cause overt toxicity or altered DC function.

      Have the authors compared this to a straightforward approach where the peptide is just labelled with a similar dye and incubated with the cell to load pMHC using the MHC knockout to assess specificity? Why is this that involves exposing the DC to a high concentration of TCEP, better than just labelling the peptide? The Davis lab also arrived at a two-step method with biotinylated peptide and streptavidin-PE, but I still wonder if this was really necessary as the sensitivity will always come down to the ability to wash out the reagents that are not associated with the MHC.

      We agree with the reviewer that small undisruptive fluorochrome labeled peptide alternatives would greatly improve the workflow and signal to noise ratio. In fact, we have been actively searching for such alternatives since we have started working on the tetracysteine containing peptides. So far, we have tried commercially available FITC and TAMRA conjugated OVA323-339 for loading the DCs, however failed to elicit any discernible signal. We also have an ongoing study where we have been producing and testing various in-house modified OVA323-339 that contain fluorogenic properties. Unfortunately, at this moment, the ones that provided us with a crisp, bright signal for loading revealed that they have also incorporated to DC membrane in a nonspecific fashion and have been taken up by non-cognate T cells from double antigen-loaded DCs. We are actively pursuing this area of investigation and developing better optimized peptides with low/non-significant membrane incorporation.

      Lastly, we would like to point out that tetracysteine tags are visible by transmission electron microscopy without FlAsH treatment. Thus, this application could add a new dimension for addressing questions about the antigen/pMHCII loading compartments in future studies. We have now added more in-depth discussion about the setbacks and advantages of using tetracysteine labeled peptides in immune system studies.

      The peptide dosing at 5 µM is high compared to the likely sensitivity of the T cells. It would be helpful to titrate the system down to the EC50 for the peptide, which may be nM, and determine if the specific fluorescence signal can still be detected in the optimal conditions. This will not likely be useful in vivo, but it will be helpful to see if the labelling procedure would impact T cell responses when antigen is limited, which will be more of a test. At 5 µM it's likely the system is at a plateau and even a 10-fold reduction in potency might not impact the T cell response, but it would shift the EC50.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment and suggestion. We agree that it is possible to miss minimally disruptive effects at 5 µM and titrating the native peptide vs. modified peptide down to the nM doses would provide us a clearer view. This can certainly be addressed in future studies and also with other peptides with different affinity profiles. A reason why we have chosen a relatively high dose for this study was that lowering the peptide dose had costed us the specific FlAsH signal, thus we have proceeded with the lowest possible peptide concentration.

      In Fig 3b the level of background in the dsRed channel is very high after DC transfer. What cells is this associated with and does this appear be to debris? Also, I wonder where the ReAsH signal is in the experiments in general. I believe this is a red dye and it would likely be quite bright given the reduction of the FlAsH signal. Will this signal overlap with signals like dsRed and PHK-26 if the DC is also treated with this to reduce the FlAsH background?

      We have already shown that ReAsH signal with DsRed can be used for cell-tracking purposes as they don’t get transferred to other cells during antigen specific interactions (Author response image 2). In fact, combining their exceptionally bright fluorescence provided us a robust signal to track the adoptively transferred DCs in the recipient mice. On the other hand, the lipophilic membrane dye PKH-26 gets transferred by trogocytosis while the remaining signal contributes to the red fluorescence for tracking DCs. Therefore, the signal that we show to be transferred from DCs to T cells only come from the lipophilic dye. To address this, we have added a sentence to elaborate on this in the results section. Regarding the reviewer’s comment on DsRed background in Figure 3b., we agree that the cells outside the gate in recipient mice seems slightly higher that of the control mice. It may suggest that the macrophages clearing up debris from apoptotic/dying DCs might contribute to the background elicited from the recipient lymph node. Nevertheless, it does not contribute to any DsRed/ReAsH signal in the antigen-specific T cells.

      Author response image 2.

      ReAsH and DsRed are not picked up by T cells during immune synapse. DsRed+ DCs were labeled with ReAsH, pulsed with 5 μM OVACACA, labeled with FlAsH and adoptively transferred into CD45.1 congenic mice mice (1-2 × 106 cells) via footpad. Naïve e450-labeled OTII and e670-labeled polyclonal CD4+ T cells were mixed 1:1 (0.25-0.5 × 106/ T cell type) and injected i.v. Popliteal lymph nodes were removed at 42 h post-transfer and analyzed by flow cytometry. Overlaid histograms show the ReAsh/DsRed, MHCII and FlAsH intensities of the T cells. Data are representative of two independent experiments with n=2 mice per group.

      In Fig 5b there is a missing condition. If they look at Ea-specific T cells for DC with without the Ova peptide do they see no transfer of PKH-26 to the OTII T cells? Also, the FMI of the FlAsH signal transferred to the T cells seems very high compared to other experiments. Can the author estimate the number of peptides transferred (this should be possible) and would each T cell need to be collecting antigens from multiple DC? Could the debris from dead DC also contribute to this if picked up by other DC or even directly by the T cells? Maybe this could be tested by transferring DC that are killed (perhaps by sonication) prior to inoculation?

      To address the reviewer’s question on the PKH-26 acquisition by T cells, Ea-T cells pick up PKH-26 from Ea+OVA double pulsed DCs, but not from the unpulsed or single OVA pulsed DCs. OTII T cells acquire PKH-26 from OVA-pulsed DCs, whereas Ea T cells don’t (as expected) and serve as an internal negative control for that condition. Regarding the reviewer’s comment on the high FlAsH signal intensity of T cells in Figure 5b, a plausible explanation can be that the T cells accumulate pMHCII through serial engagements with APCs. In fact, a comparison of the T cell FlAsH intensities 18 h and 36-48 h post-transfer demonstrate an increase (Author response image 3) and thus hints at a cumulative signal. As DCs are known to be short-lived after adoptive transfer, the debris of dying DCs along with its peptide content may indeed be passed onto macrophages, neighboring DCs and eventually back to T cells again (or for the first time, depending on the T:DC ratio that may not allow all T cells to contact with the transferred DCs within the limited time frame). We agree that the number and the quality of such contacts can be gauged using fluorescent peptides. However, we think peptides chemically conjugated to fluorochromes with optimized signal to noise profiles and with less oxidation prone nature would be more suitable for quantification purposes.

      Author response image 3.

      FlAsH signal acquisition by antigen specific T cells becomes more prominent at 36-48 h post-transfer. DsRed+ splenic DCs were double-pulsed with 5 μM OVACACA and 5 μM OVA-biotin and adoptively transferred into CD45.1 recipients (2 × 106 cells) via footpad. Naïve e450-labeled OTII (1 × 106 cells) and e670-labeled polyclonal T cells (1 × 106 cells) were injected i.v. Popliteal lymph nodes were analyzed by flow cytometry at 18 h or 48 h post-transfer. Overlaid histograms show the T cell levels of OVACACA (FlAsH). Data are representative of three independent experiments with n=3 mice per time point

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As mentioned in weaknesses 1 & 2, more validation of how much of the FlAsH fluorescence is on agonist peptides and how much is non-specific would improve the interpretation of the data. Another option would be to preconjugate peptides but that might be a significant effort to repeat the work.

      We agree that mass spectrometry would be the gold standard technique to measure the percentage of tetracysteine tagged peptide is conjugated to FlAsH in DCs. However, due to the scope of such endevour this can only be addressed as a separate follow up study. As for the preconjugation, we have tried and unfortunately failed to get it to work (Reviewer Figure 1). Therefore, we have shifted our focus to generating in-house peptide probes that are chemically conjugated to stable and bright fluorophore derivates. With that, we aim to circumvent the problems that the two-step FlAsH labeling poses.

      Along those lines, do you have any way to quantify how many peptides you are detecting based on fluorescence? Being able to quantify the actual number of peptides would push the significance up.

      We think two step procedure and background would pose challenges to such quantification in this study. although it would provide tremendous insight on the antigen-specific T cell- APC interactions in vivo, we think it should be performed using peptides chemically conjugated to fluorochromes with optimized signal to noise profiles.

      In Figure 3D or 4 does the SA signal correlate with Flash signal on OT2 cells? Can you correlate Flash uptake with T cell activation, downstream of TCR, to validate peptide transfers?

      To answer the reviewer’s question about FlAsH and SA correlation, we have revised the Figure 3d to show the correlation between OTII uptake of FlAsH, Streptavidin and MHCII. We also thank the reviewer for the suggestion on correlating FlAsH uptake with T cell activation and/or downstream of TCR activation. We have used proliferation and CD44 expressions as proxies of activation (Fig 2, 6). Nevertheless, we agree that the early events that correspond to the initiation of T-DC synapse and FlAsH uptake would be valuable to demonstrate the temporal relationship between peptide transfer and activation. Therefore, we have addressed this in the revised discussion.

      Author response image 4.

      FlAsH signal acquisition by antigen specific T cells is correlates with the OVA-biotin (SA) and MHCII uptake. DsRed+ splenic DCs were double-pulsed with 5 μM OVACACA and 5 μM OVA-biotin and adoptively transferred into CD45.1 recipients (2 × 106 cells) via footpad. Naïve e450-labeled OTII (1 × 106 cells) and e670-labeled polyclonal T cells (1 × 106 cells) were injected i.v. Popliteal lymph nodes were analyzed by flow cytometry. Overlaid histograms show the T cell levels of OVACACA (FlAsH) at 48 h post-transfer. Data are representative of three independent experiments with n=3 mice.


      Figure 3F, 5D, and videos: Can you color-code polyclonal T cells a different color than magenta (possibly white or yellow), as they have the same look as the overlay regions of OT2-DC interactions (Blue+red = magenta).

      We apologize for the inconvenience about the color selection. We have had difficulty in assigning colors that are bright and distinct. Unfortunately, yellow and white have also been easily mixed up with the FlAsH signal inside red and blue cells respectively. We have now added yellow and white arrows to better point out the polyclonal vs. antigen specific cells in 3f and 5d.

    1. eLife assessment

      This convincing manuscript represents a valuable advance in understanding the role of MCT1 – a transporter for lactate and other organic anions – in hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells in the liver. The authors also generate exciting new tools to investigate hepatic stellate cell biology, and these may have much broader applications, but future studies are required to validate these new tools.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This nice study by Miyano combines slice electrophysiology and superresolution microscopy to address the role of RBP2 in Ca2+ channel clustering and neurotransmitter release at hippocampal mossy fiber terminals. While a number of studies demonstrated a critical role for RBPs in clustering Ca2+ channels at other synapses and some provided evidence for a role of the protein in molecular coupling of Ca2+ channels and release sites, the present study targets another key synapse that is an important model for presynaptic studies and offers access to a microdomain controlled synaptic vesicle (SV) release mechanism with low initial release probability.

      Summarizing a large body of high-quality work, the authors demonstrate reduced Ca2+ currents and a reduced release probability. They attribute the latter to the reduced Ca2+ influx and can restore release by increasing Ca2+ influx. Moreover, they propose an altered fusion competence of the SVs, which is not so strongly supported by the data in my view.

      The effects are relatively small, but I think the careful analysis of the RBP role at the mossy fiber synapse is an important contribution.

      We thank the reviewer for careful assessment of the paper. We agree that while reduced Ca influx in KO is relatively straightforward, impaired priming is somewhat indirect, remaining as suggestion. We also noted that Moser and colleagues have analyzed the function of RIM-BP2 at hair cell synapses and also showed reduced Ca influx. In cortical synapses, there have been no study using direct presynaptic recording. In the revision, we carefully cited previous studies and tried to be fair. We hope that the current revision is much improved.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The proper expression and organization of CaV channels at the presynaptic release sites are subject to coordinative and redundant control of many active zone-specific molecules including RIM-BPs. Previous studies have demonstrated that ablation of RIM-BPs in various mammalian synapses causes significant impairment of synaptic transmission, either by reducing CaV expression or decoupling CaV from synaptic vesicles. The mechanisms remain unknown.

      In the manuscript, Sakaba and colleagues aimed to examine the specific role of RIM-BP2 at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapse, which is well-characterized by low initial release probability and strong facilitation during repetitive stimulation. By directly recording Ca2+ currents and capacitance jumps from the MF boutons, which is very challenging but feasible, they showed that depolarization-evoked Ca2+ influx was reduced significantly (~39%) by KO of RIM-BP2, but no impacts on Ca-induced exocytosis and RRP (measured by capacitance change). They used STED microscopy to image the spatial distribution of the CaV2.1 cluster but found no change in the cluster number with a slight decrease in cluster intensity (~20%). They concluded that RIM-BP2 functions in tonic synapses by reducing CaV expression and thus differentially from phasic synapses by decoupling CaV-SV.

      In general, they provide solid data showing that RIM-BP2 KO reduces Ca influx at MF-CA3 synapse, but the phenotype is not new as Moser and colleagues have also used presynaptic recording and capacitance measurement and shown that RIM-BP2 KO reduces Ca2+ influx at hair cell active zone (Krinner et al., 2017), although at different synapse model expressing CaV1.3 instead of CaV2.1. Further, the concept that RIM-BP2 plays diverse functions in transmitter release at different central synapses has also been proposed with solid evidence (Brockmann et al., 2019).

      We thank the reviewer for careful reading of the ms. We agree that previous studies have sown reduced Ca influx at hair cells, and diverse function of RIM-BP2 in different central synapses have been proposed by Brockman et al. The new point of this study is we firmly and quantitatively show the reduced Ca currents using direct presynaptic recording, which has not been done in mossy fiber synapses or cortical synapses in general. Quantitative and time-resolved measurements of the presynaptic currents cannot be done by other methods, so far. In this revision, we point this out carefully.  

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The MS is overall carefully prepared and I have only a few minor comments to help with further improving the manuscript.


      I think the notion of different RBP function at tonic and phasic synapses is not so well founded. The reduced number of Ca2+ channels and their altered topography have been shown in multiple synapses that also include those with phasic release. Quantitative structural and functional analysis of presynaptic Ca2+ channels of RBP-2 and RBP1-2 DKO deficient AZs closely related to the present study has e.g. been provided for auditory synapses (e.g. hair cells, endbulb/calyx of end synapses that provide both phasic and sustained release.

      In abstract, we have omitted description of phasic vs tonic synapses, because it is not well founded as the reviewer pointed out. Specifically, in abstract (Line 13~):

      “Synaptic vesicles dock and fuse at the presynaptic active zone (AZ), the specialized site for transmitter release. AZ proteins play multiple roles such as recruitment of Ca2+ channels as well as synaptic vesicle docking, priming and fusion. However, the precise role of each AZ protein type remains unknown. In order to dissect the role of RIM-BP2 at mammalian cortical synapses having low release probability, we applied direct electrophysiological recording and super-resolution imaging to hippocampal mossy fiber terminals of RIM-BP2 KO mice. By using direct presynaptic recording, we found the reduced Ca2+ currents. The measurements of EPSCs and presynaptic capacitance suggested that the initial release probability was lowered because of the reduced Ca2+ influx and impaired fusion competence in RIM-BP2 KO. Nevertheless, larger Ca2+ influx restored release partially. Consistent with presynaptic recording, STED microscopy suggested less abundance of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels at AZs deficient in RIM-BP2. Our results suggest that the RIM-BP2 regulates both Ca2+ channel abundance and transmitter release at mossy fiber synapses.”


      Line 48: consider adding Butola et al., 2021 /endbuld of Held to reference which concurs on the notion made for Calyx. However, a contrasting finding was made for another synapse with tight coupling: RBP2 deletion did not alter tight coupling in hair cells (Krinner et al., 2017). Line 51: RBP-DKO/lack of additional effect of RBP1 deletion: suggest adding Krinner et al., 2021 to reference, which concurs with the notion made for hair cells.

      We cited Butola et al., 2021 (Line 49) and Krinner et al., 2021 (Line 52), as the reviewer suggested.


      STED microscopy: I am concerned with two aspects of the analysis/presentation. I) I recommend replacing density with abundance as the authors do not resolve single channels. II) I appreciate the note of caution about the fact that STED nanoscopy due to the non-linear nature of the depletion process should/could not be easily used to quantify copy numbers based on immunofluorescence. I would recommend the authors perform 2D Gaussian fitting to at least the Cav2.1 immunofluorescent spots neighboring Munc13-1 spots and report the short and long axis estimates as well as potentially the area. Should the authors have confocal Cav2.1 and Cav2.2 immunofluorescent data co-acquired with STED of Munc13-1, this would be very valuable additional information, but I do not think the experiment is essential for the sake of publication if it was not done already, given the large body of high-quality physiology data.

      I) We have changed the term from density to abundance as the reviewer suggested throughout the manuscript.

      II) As the reviewer suggested, we have carried out 2D Gaussian fitting of Cav2.1 spots. The length, width, and area of Cav2.1 clusters in the AZ were not different between WT and RIM-BP2 KO terminals (Line 431-433, Figure 7-figure supplement 4). The spatial resolution of STED, especially at mossy fiber synapses in the tissue, and a small difference between WT and KO (~30 % expected from electrophysiology) could prevent detection of the difference, unlike ribbon synapses and fly NMJ where release sites and Ca channel clusters are well defined. We should also note that the intensity was calculated similar to previous studies (integral of signal intensity, Krinner et al., 2017), and not absolute peak intensity.  

      As the reviewer suggested, we have added confocal data ((Line 434-436, Figure 7-figure supplement 5). We have determined the AZ area from the Munc13-1 STED data, and Munc13-1, Cav2.1 and Cav2.2 intensities were quantified. As shown in the figure, only Ca2.1 intensity was reduced in KO, consistent with the STED data.

      Nevertheless, we should be cautious about interpretation of the intensity as the reviewer suggested, and are aware that the data are just consistent with electrophysiology. From imaging, we only see a qualitative rather than quantitative difference between WT and KO.


      I think the focus on alterations of presynaptic Ca channels could be further strengthened along with the discussion of the relevant previous studies.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have added a paragraph as shown below in the discussion (Line 531~).

      “By using direct presynaptic patch clamp recordings, we here observed a decrease of Ca2+ current amplitudes (~30%) in RIM-BP2 KO mice (Fig. 1). Consistently, STED microscopy supported reduced abundance of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels (Cav2.1) in the mutant mossy fiber terminal (Fig. 7). Interestingly, this observation is similar to that at Drosophila NMJ and hair cell synapses (Liu et al., 2011; Krinner et al., 2017), but not that at other synapses (Acuna et al., 2015; Grauel et al., 2016; Butola et al., 2021), suggesting that the functional role of RIM-BP2 in recruiting Ca2+ channels differs among synapse types. “

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor questions:

      1) The title is misleading as it only shows RIM-BP2 regulates CaV expression but not clustering.

      This has been pointed out by the 1st reviewer, too. We have adopted the term “abundance” as suggested by the 1st reviewer and changed to “RIM-BP2 regulates Ca2+ channel abundance and neurotransmitter release at hippocampal mossy fiber terminals.”

      2) Figure 7 legend. Again, RIM-BP2 only changes the intensity of CaV2.1 clusters but not the density.

      Changed Figure 7 title from “RIM-BP2 deletion alters the density …” to “RIM-BP2 deletion alters the signal intensity …”.

      3) Line 31: "Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels triggers neurotransmitter release from synaptic vesicles within a millisecond" is not correct. Ca-evoked transmitter release can only occur with such fast speed at very specialized synapses such as the calyx of Held but not at general chemical synapses.

      We changed “within a millisecond” to “within milliseconds” (Line 30).

      4) Line 44-46: In Drosophila NMJs and at Drosophila NMJs are redundant.

      We eliminated “at Drosophila NMJs”.

      5) The authors should use the verb tense consistently throughout the manuscript such as"In RIM-BP1,2 DKO mice, the coupling between Ca2+ channels and synaptic vesicles became loose, and action potential-evoked neurotransmitter release was reduced at the calyx of Held synapse (Acuna et al., 2015). At hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses, RIM-BP2 deletion alters Ca2+ channel localization at the AZs without altering total Ca2+ influx. Besides, RIM-BP1,2 DKO has no additional effect...".

      We changed verb tenses in Line 46-49, Line 55-58, and Line 62-67. We also checked the ms once more. Thank you for pointing this out.

      6) Line 59: technically difficulty should be technical difficulty.


      7) Figure 4A-B are representative traces of 0.5 mM EGTA (black) or 5 mM EGTA (red) recorded from the same terminals or from different terminals but simply superimposed?

      Representative traces are recorded from different terminals. We describe this point in the figure legend (Fig 4A). We are very sorry for confusion.

    2. eLife assessment

      Miyano et al. study the impact of RIM-BP2 deletion at mossy fiber synapses, using direct electrophysiological recordings from mossy terminals and STED super-resolution microscopy. The paper addresses an important question in the field of synaptic transmission and provides compelling evidence demonstrating reduced calcium channel abundance in mossy terminals upon RIM-BP2 removal.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This interesting study by Miyano combines slice electrophysiology and superresolution microscopy to address the role of RBP2 in Ca2+ channel clustering and neurotransmitter release at hippocampal mossy fiber terminals. While a number of studies demonstrated a critical role for RBPs in clustering Ca2+ channels at other synapses and some provided evidence for a role of the protein in molecular coupling of Ca2+ channels and release sites, the present study targets another key synapse that is an important model for presynaptic studies and offers access to a microdomain controlled synaptic vesicle (SV) release mechanism with low initial release probability.

      Summarizing a large body of high quality work, the authors demonstrate reduced Ca2+ currents and a reduced release probability. They attribute the latter to the reduced Ca2+ influx and can restore release by increasing Ca2+ influx. Moreover they propose an altered fusion competence of the SVs, which is not so strongly supported by the data in my view.

      The effects are relatively small, but I think the careful analysis of the RBP role at the mossy fiber synapse is an important contribution.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: The proper expression and organization of CaV channels at the presynaptic release sites are subject to coordinative and redundant control of many active zone specific molecules including RIM-BPs. Previous studies have demonstrated that ablation of RIM-BPs in various mammalian synapses causes significant impairment of synaptic transmission, either by reducing CaV expression or decoupling CaV from synaptic vesicles. The mechanisms remain unknown.

      In the manuscript, Sakaba and colleagues aimed to examine the specific role of RIM-BP2 at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapse, which is well-characterized by low initial release probability and strong facilitation during repetitive stimulation. By directly recording Ca2+ currents and capacitance jumps from the MF boutons, which is very challenging but feasible, they showed that depolarization-evoked Ca2+ influx was reduced significantly (~39%) by KO of RIM-BP2, but no impacts on Ca-induced exocytosis and RRP (measured by capacitance change). They used STED microscopy to image the spatial distribution of CaV2.1 cluster but found no change in the cluster number with slight decrease in cluster intensity (~20%). They concluded that RIM-BP2 function in tonic synapses by reducing CaV expression and thus differentially from phasic synpases by decoupling CaV-SV.

      In general, they provide solid data showing that RIM-BP2 KO reduces Ca influx at MF-CA3 synapse, but the phenotype is not new as Moser and colleagues have also used presynaptic recording and capacitance measurement and shown that RIM-BP2 KO reduces Ca2+ influx at hair cell active zone (Krinner et al., 2017), although at different synapse model expressing CaV1.3 instead of CaV2.1. Further, the concept that RIM-BP2 plays diverse functions in transmitter release at different central synapses has also been proposed with solid evidence (Brockmann et al., 2019).

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study extends insights on NAFLD and NASH regarding the role of plasma lactate levels using mice haplo-insufficient for the gene encoding lactate transporter MCT-1. While the evidence is largely convincing and the work significantly advances our understanding of the roles of distinct hepatic cell types in steatosis, a number of issues require attention and would best be solved by further experimentation.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1 (public):

      1) “It is unclear whether new in vivo experiments were conducted for this study”.

      All in vivo experiments were conducted for this study by using previously published fly stocks to directly compare N- and C-terminal shedding side-by-side in two Hh-dependent developmental systems. This is now clearly stated in the revised supplement (Fig. S8). We also conducted these experiments because previous in vivo studies in flies often relied on Hh overexpression in the fat body, raising questions about their physiological relevance. Our in vivo analyses of Hh function in wing and eye discs are more physiologically relevant and can explain the previously reported presence of non-lipidated bioactive Hh in disc tissue (PMID: 23554573).

      2) “A critical shortcoming of the study is that experiments showing Shh secretion/export do not include a Shh(-) control condition. Without demonstration that the bands analyzed are specific for Shh(+) conditions, these experiments cannot be appropriately evaluated”.

      The Cell Signaling Technology C9C5 anti-Shh antibody used in our study is highly specific against Shh, and it has been used in over 60 publications. C9C5 even lacks cross-reactivity with highly similar Ihh or Dhh (https://www.cellsignal.com/products/primary-antibodies/shh-c9c5-rabbit-mab/2207?_requestid=1528451). We confirmed C9C5 specificity repeatedly (one example is shown below; another quality control that includes media of mock-transfected cells is now shown in Fig. S1) and never observed unspecific bands under any experimental condition. As shown below, C9C5 and R&D AF464 anti-Shh antibodies (the latter were previously used in our lab) detect the same bands.

      Author response image 1.

      Shh immunoblot. R&D 8908-SH served as a size control for full-length dual-lipidated Shh, and C25S;26-35Shh served as a size control for N-terminally truncated monolipidated Shh. Both C25SShh bands are specific: One represents the full-length protein and the bottom band represents N-truncated processed proteins. The blot was first incubated with antibody AF464 and reincubated (after stripping) with the much more sensitive antibody C9C5.

      3) “A stably expressing Shh/Hhat cell line would reduce condition to condition and experiment to experiment variability”.

      We agree and therefore have previously aimed to establish stable Hhat-expressing cell lines. However, we found that long-term Hhat overexpression eliminated transfected cells after several passages, or cells gradually ceased to express Hhat. This prevented us from establishing stable cell lines co-expressing Shh/Hhat despite several attempts and different strategies. Instead, we established transient co-expression of Shh/Hhat from the same mRNA as the next-best strategy for reliable near-quantitative Shh palmitoylation in our assays.

      4) “Unusual normalization strategies are used for many experiments, and quantification/statistical analyses are missing for several experiments”.

      We repeated all qPCR assays to eliminate this shortcoming. Biological activities and transcriptional responses of palmitoylated Shh and non-palmitoylated C25AShh are now directly compared and quantified (revised Fig. 4A,B, newly included Fig. 6, revised Fig. S5B). The original comparison of both proteins with dual-lipidated R&D 8908-SH is still important in order to show that both Shh and C25AShh in serum-containing media have equally high, and not equally low, activities because R&D 8908-SH is generally seen as the Shh form with the highest biological activity. These comparisons are therefore still discussed in the main manuscript text and are now shown in Fig. S5E.

      5) “The study provides a modest advance in the understanding of the complex issue of Shh membrane extraction”

      We believe that the revised manuscript advances our understanding of Shh membrane extraction beyond the modest in three important ways. First, although Disp was indeed known as a furin-activated Hh exporter, our findings show for the first time that furin activation of Disp is strictly linked to proteolytic Shh processing as the underlying release mode, fully consistent with data obtained from the Disp-/- cells.

      Second, Scube2 was known as a Shh release enhancer and several lipoproteins were previously shown to play a role in the process, but our findings are the first to show that synergistic Disp/Scube2 function depends on the presence of lipoprotein and that HDL (but no other lipoprotein) accepts free cholesterol or a novel monolipidated Shh variant from Disp. This challenges the dominant model of Scube2 chaperone function in Hh release and transport (PMID 22902404, PMID 22677548, PMID 36932157).

      Third, we show that this Shh variant is fully bioactive, despite the lack of the palmitate. Therefore, N-palmitate is dispensable for Shh signaling to Ptch1 receptors, but only if the morphogen is released by, and physically linked to, HDL. In contrast, previously published studies analyzed monolipidated Shh variants in the absence of HDL, resulting in variably reduced bioactivity of these physiologically irrelevant forms. Therefore, our findings challenge the current dominating model of N-palmitate-dependent Shh signaling to Ptch1 (this model also does not postulate any role for lipoproteins, PMID 36932157) and essential roles of N-palmitate (stating that the N-palmitate is sufficient for signaling, PMID 27647915).

      Reviewer 2 (public):

      1) “However, the results concerning the roles of lipoproteins and Shh lipid modifications are largely confirmatory of previous results, and molecular identity/physiological relevance of the newly identified Shh variant remain unclear”.

      We disagree with this assessment on several points. First, our findings do not confirm, but strongly challenge, the current dogma of Disp-mediated handover of dual-lipidated Shh to Scube2 as a soluble acceptor (instead of to HDL, PMID 36932157). Second, we report three new findings: Disp, Scube2, and lipoproteins all interact to specifically increase N-terminal Shh shedding, whereas C-terminal shedding is optional; Disp function depends on the presence of HDL; and HDL modulates Shh shedding (dual Shh shedding in the absence of HDL versus N-shedding and HDL association in its presence). Our work also directly determines the molecular identity of a previously unknown Shh variant as monolipidated (by RP-HPLC), HDL associated (by SEC and density gradient centrifugation), and fully bioactive (in two cell-based reporter assays).

      Third, regarding the physiological relevance of our findings: Fig. S8 demonstrates that deletion of the N-terminal sheddase target site of Hh abolishes all Hh biofunction in Drosophila eye discs and wing discs, which strongly supports physiological relevance of N-terminal Hh shedding during release. N-terminal shedding is further consistent with in vivo findings of others. These studies showed that artificial monolipidated Shh variants (C25SShh and ShhN) generate highly variable loss-of-function phenotypes in vivo, but can also generate gain-of-function phenotypes if compared with the dual-lipidated cellular protein 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. These observations are difficult to align with the dominating model of essential N-palmitate function at the level of Ptch1 (PMID 36932157), because the lack of N-palmitate is expected to always diminish signaling in all tissue contexts and developmental stages. Our finding that dual-lipidated Shh is strictly released in a Disp/Scube2-controlled manner from producing cells, while artificial monolipidated Shh variants leak uncontrolled from the cellular surface, explains these seemingly paradoxical in vivo findings much better. This is because uncontrolled Shh release can increase Shh signaling locally (when physiological release would normally be prevented at this site 6 or time), while it can also decrease it (for example, in situations requiring timed pulses of Shh release and signaling 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). This is discussed in our manuscript (Discussion, first paragraph).

      2) The molecular properties of the processed Shh variants are unclear – incorporation of cholesterol/palmitate and removal of peptides were not directly demonstrated…

      We also disagree on this point. Our study is the only one that uses RP-HPLC and defined controls (dual-lipidated commercial R&D 9808-SH, dual-lipidated cellular proteins eluting at the same positions, non-lipidated or monolipidated controls, Fig. S1F-K) to compare the lipidation status of cellular and corresponding solubilized Shh and to determine their exact lipidation status (Figs. 1, 3, 5, Figs. S4, S6, S7). Co-expressed Hhat assures full Shh palmitoylation during biosynthesis (as shown in original Figs. 1A and S2F-K & S4A and as confirmed by R&D 9808-SH) as an essential prerequisite to reliably conduct and interpret these analyses. The removal of peptides is demonstrated by the increase in electrophoretic mobility of soluble forms, if compared with their dual-lipidated cellular precursor, because chemical delipidation results in a decrease in electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE (as discussed in detail in 12 that we now cite in our work).

      3) This (N-terminal palmitoylation status) is particularly relevant …, as the signaling activity of non-palmitoylated Hedgehog proteins is controversial.

      We agree with this comment and are aware of the published data. However, in our work, we have demonstrated strong signaling activities by using C25AShh mutants that are fully impaired in their ability to undergo N-palmitoylation (Fig. 4, Fig. S5). These are highly bioactive if associated with HDL. Therefore, we do not see any ambiguity in our findings and suggest that the reports of others resulted from different experimental conditions.

      4) A decrease in hydrophobicity is no proof for cleavage of palmitate, this could also be due to addition of a shorter acyl group.

      As shown in the original manuscript, we have controlled for this possibility: RP-HPLC was established by using defined controls (dual-lipidated, non-lipidated, or monolipidated, Fig. S1F-K and corresponding color coding). Because the cellular Shh precursor prior to release was always dual-lipidated, whereas the soluble form was not, lipids were clearly lost during release (because a decrease in the hydrophobicity of soluble proteins is always shown relative to that in their dual-lipidated cellular precursors). The increase in electrophoretic mobility detected for the very same proteins in SDS-PAGE demonstrates delipidation during their release (please see my reply to point 2 above). Finally, the suggested possibility of palmitate exchange for shorter acyls during Shh release at the cell surface is extremely unlikely, as there is no known machinery to catalyze this exchange at the plasma membrane. Hh acylation only occurs in the ER membrane via Hhat 13.

      5) “It would be important to demonstrate key findings in cells that secrete Shh endogenously”.

      We now show that Panc1 cells release endogenous Shh in truncated form, as our transfected cells do (Fig. S1). Moreover, the experimental data shown in Fig. S8B demonstrate that engrailed-controlled expression of sheddase-resistant Hh variants in wing disc cells completely blocks endogenous Hh produced in the same cells by stalling Disp-mediated morphogen export. Both findings strongly support our key finding that N-processing is not optional but absolutely required to finalize Hh release.

      6) Co-fractionation of Shh and ApoA1 is not convincing, as the two proteins peak at different molecular weights…. The authors could use an orthogonal approach, optimally a demonstration of physical interaction, or at least fractionation by a different parameter

      Shifted Shh peaks upon physiologically relevant Shh transfer via Disp to HDL must be expected in SEC, because Shh association with HDL subfractions increases their size. Comparing relative peaks of Shh-loaded HDL with Shh-free reference HDL suggests 10-15 Shh molecules per HDL (adding 200kDa - 300kDa to its molecular mass). This is now stated in the revised manuscript (page 10, line 2).

      Still, to further support direct Shh/HDL association, we analyzed high molecular weight Shh SEC fractions by subsequent RP-HPLC. This approach confirms direct physical interactions between cholesteroylated Shh and HDL (now shown in Fig. S6G).

      We support this possibility further by density gradient centrifugation, again demonstrating that Shh and HDL interact physically (now shown in Fig. S6 E,F).

      Recommendations from the reviewing editor:

      1) “The authors should certainly tone down statements of novelty because much of the work is confirmatory in nature”

      We followed this request in our revised manuscript and now clearly point out what was known and what we add to the concept of Disp and lipoprotein-mediated Hh export. Still, as outlined in our response to reviewer 2, our findings align with only one previously published model of lipoprotein-mediated Hh transport, while they do not support the most current models of Disp-mediated handover of dual-lipidated Shh to Scube2 (PMID 36932157) and essential signaling roles of N-palmitate at the level of the receptor Ptch1. Thus, our work should not be viewed solely as confirmatory of one of the many previous models, because at the same time it also contradicts the other models of Hh solubilization and transport.

      2) “Inclusion of the Shh(-) control”

      Please see our reply to reviewer 1 above. The Cell Signaling Technology C9C5 anti-Shh antibody used in our study is highly specific against Shh. We also carefully characterized the C9C5 antibody before any of the experiments shown in our work had been initiated. We never observed any unspecific C9C5 reactivity that otherwise would – of course – have prevented us from switching to this antibody from the AF464 antibodies that we had previously used. Consistent C9C5 antibody specificity is evident from the representative example shown below that was recently produced in our lab: no cellular proteins or TCA-precipitated serum-depleted media components from mock-transfected cells (left two lanes) react with C9C5.

      Author response image 2.

      Top left: C9C5 detects the cellular 45kDa Shh precursor and the 19 kDa signaling-active protein. No unspecific signals are detected in untransfected cells and supernatants of such cells (left two lanes). Right: Loading control on the stripped blot.

      3) “Clean up how the data are normalized for quantification”

      Please see our reply to reviewer 1 above. Normalization has been changed for the indicated figures. We also repeated qPCR analyses and added new ones to the manuscript that include required controls. We also changed figure outlines in accordance with the request.

      4) “The issue of a non-specific band of this Shh antibody is critical”

      Please see our replies above. In our hands, unspecific C9C5 antibody binding was never observed.

      5) “Regarding experimental rigor, I would add that the HPLC … should just show the real data points”

      We agree and added individual data points to our revised manuscript.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      1) I would like to see the controls in the same figure with the experimental results.

      We show antibody specificity controls together with released Shh in Fig. S1.

      2) Figure 2 confirms previously published results. It was shown in PMC5811216 that Disp processing by furin is required for Shh release from producing cells.

      Indeed, it was shown that furin processing of Disp increases Shh release (supposedly together with lipids), but we show here that furin-activated Disp specifically mediates proteolytic Shh shedding and loss of lipids – which is not the same. Indeed, we show this finding because we interpret it the other way around: Because it is known that furin activation of Disp increases Shh release by some means (PMC5811216), our observation that furin-mediated Disp activation specifically increases Shh shedding independently supports our model.

      3) Figure 3: it is stated that there is no increase in Shh release into the media…

      We removed this statement.

      4) Figure S5: Scale bars are missing.

      We added scale bars to the figures.

      5) Figure 4: A direct comparison between wt Shh and C25A conditioned media for qPCR is needed.

      We agree and repeated all experiments. Results confirm our previous findings and are shown in revised Fig. 4 and in Fig. S5.

      6) What other components can be examined in addition to ApoA1 as a marker for HDL? Why is the Shh peak shifted to the left? What about exovesicles?

      We also detected ApoE4, a mobile lipoprotein present on expanding (large) HDL (Figs. 5, 6, Figs S6, 7) 14. We also used density gradient centrifugation to support the Shh/HDL association. Regarding the leftwards Shh size shift relative to the major HDL peak in SEC, please refer to our explanation above – if loaded with Shh, a size increase of the respective HDL subfraction is expected. Finally, we did not test the role of exovesicles in our assays. However, due to their large size (60-120nm, HDL 7-12 nm), Shh associated with exovesicles should have eluted in the void volume of our gel filtration column. This we never observed.

      7) Why is osteoblast differentiation used?

      C3H10T1/2 osteoblast differentiation is strongly driven by Ihh and Shh activity and is established as a sensitive and robust assay. Still, following this reviewer’s advice, we conducted qPCR assays on these cells and in addition on NIH3T3 cells to support our findings.

      Finally, we corrected all minor mistakes regarding spelling and figure labeling. We also improved the readability of the revised manuscript, as suggested by reviewer 2.


      1. Gallet A, Ruel L, Staccini-Lavenant L, Therond PP. Cholesterol modification is necessary for controlled planar long-range activity of Hedgehog in Drosophila epithelia. Development 133, 407-418 (2006).

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      9. Garcia-Morales D, Navarro T, Iannini A, Pereira PS, Miguez DG, Casares F. Dynamic Hh signalling can generate temporal information during tissue patterning. Development 146, (2019).

      10. Harfe BD, Scherz PJ, Nissim S, Tian H, McMahon AP, Tabin CJ. Evidence for an expansion-based temporal Shh gradient in specifying vertebrate digit identities. Cell 118, 517-528 (2004).

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      12. Ehring K, et al. Conserved cholesterol-related activities of Dispatched 1 drive Sonic hedgehog shedding from the cell membrane. J Cell Sci 135, (2022).

      13. Coupland CE, et al. Structure, mechanism, and inhibition of Hedgehog acyltransferase. Mol Cell 81, 5025-5038 e5010 (2021).

      14. Sacks FM, Jensen MK. From High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol to Measurements of Function: Prospects for the Development of Tests for High-Density Lipoprotein Functionality in Cardiovascular Disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 38, 487-499 (2018).

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a useful characterization of the biochemical consequences of a disease-associated point mutation in a nonmuscle actin. The study uses solid and well-characterized in vitro assays to explore function. In some cases the statistical analyses are inadequate and several key in vitro assays are not employed.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents an advance in efforts to use histone post-translational modification (PTM) data to model gene expression and predict epigenetic editing activity. Such models are broadly useful to the research community, especially ones that can model epigenetic editing activity, which is novel. However, whereas the authors have nicely integrated datasets across cell types into their model, the work is incomplete in two key areas: (1) a lack of comparisons to existing models that predict gene expression from PTM data makes it unclear what advantages the current model offers, and (2) more rigorous experimental evidence for dCas9-based perturbations is needed to rigorously assess how well the model predicts epigenetic editing outcomes.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study uses population and functional genomics to examine long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the context of human evolution. Computational prediction of human-specific lncRNAs and their DNA binding sites and analyses of these loci lead to the development of hypotheses regarding the potential roles of these genetic elements in human biology. The evidence supporting the conclusions is, however, still incomplete, as key details regarding the methodology and analyses are lacking.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study addresses two questions: (i) how danger signaling is altered for people with childhood adversities, and (ii) how this differs across different operationalizations of adversity. The latter is of particularly broad interest to multiple fields, given that childhood adversity is operationalized very differently across the literature, but the strength of evidence is incomplete because the statistical techniques used do not sufficiently account for between-subjects covariates. These data will be of interest to scientists and clinicians interested in early life adversity, statistical approaches for quantifying stress exposure, or aversive learning.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study poses a provocative mechanism of channel activation of the mechanically activated ion channel TREK-1. The data provide solid evidence that the application of shear to cells causes a redistribution of both TREK-1 and an associated enzyme, PhospholipaseD2 in the membrane that increases the enzyme activity. The work offers a new mechanism, but note that this is only one possible method of channel activation, and mechanisms independent of PLD2 are also probable.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      The revised manuscript is much improved - many unclear points are now better explained. However, in our opinion, some issues could still be significantly improved.

      1. Statistics: none of us are experts in statistics but several things remain questionable in our opinion and if it were our study, we would consult with an expert:

      a) while we understand the authors note about N-chasing and p-hacking, we wonder how the number of N's was premeditated before obtaining the results. Why in 4M an N of 3 is sufficient while in 3E the N is >20 (and not mentioned). At the very least, we think it would be wise to be cautious when stating something as not-significant when it is clear (as in 4M) that the likelihood of it actually being statistically significant is quite large.

      b) In most analyses, the data is not only normalized by actin or some other measure but also to the first (i.e left side on the graph) condition, resulting in identical data points that equal '1' (in Figure 4 alone - C; I; K; M; and O) - while this might be scientifically sound, it should be mentioned (the specific normalization) and also note that this technique shadows any real variance that exists in the original data in this condition. consider exploring techniques to overcome this issue.

      c) In 3C, - if we understand the experiment, you want to convince us that the DIFFERENCE between eB2-FC compared to FC is larger in the control compared to the experiment. We are not absolutely sure that the statistical tools employed here are sufficient - which is why we would consult an expert.

      A) We are aware that many studies do not consistently quantify such experiments. For example, there are essentially no published examples of the signalling timelines of EphB2 receptors as in Fig. 5. By striving to quantifying such biochemical effects, an unquantified experiment stands out, and so perhaps we were too strict by trying to quantify as many experiments as possible, resulting in low n’s for some of them. We acknowledge that additional experiments on EPHB1 protein stability may reach significance. We have adjusted our text on line 332-335 to point to this interesting trend, and slightly changed the conclusion to this section. Similarly, we commented on similar trends when describing Figs. 1E and 4G on lines 901 and 952.

      B) For the Western blot band intensity normalisation, we believe that our method is scientifically sound. Normally, when the replicate samples are loaded on one gel and blotted on the same membrane, the experimenter only needs to normalise the target band intensity to its cognate loading control band intensity for quantitation. However, we usually have a large number of samples from multiple experiments, carried out on different dates. For example, in Fig. 4B,C there are 7 biological replicates collected from 7 experiments and in Fig. 4D there are 10 protein samples. It is not possible for us to run all samples on the same gel. In addition, due to the combined effects of variance in transfer efficiency, the potency of antibodies, detection efficiency and the developing time for each blot, it is practically impossible to generate similar band intensity for each batch. Thus, we use normalisation of test bands to the loading control for individual experiments, and this analysis method is widely accepted by reputable journals with a focus on biochemical experiments (for example: PMID 37695914: Fig. 3 A,B,C; PMID 36282215: Fig. 3 B,C,D,E; PMID 33843588: Fig. 3 C,D,E,F,G,H). Since the value of the first sample on the plot is 1, which is a hypothetical value and does not meet the parametric test requirement, we performed one-sample t-test for statistics when other samples are compared with the first sample (PMID 35243233 Fig. 6 A,B,C,D; https://www.graphpad.com/quickcalcs/oneSampleT1/, “A one sample t-test compares the mean with a hypothetical value. In most cases, the hypothetical value comes from theory. For example, if you express your data as 'percent of control', you can test whether the average differs significantly from 100.”). Thus, we believe that our normalisation and statistical methods are both correct with a large number of precedents.

      C) This comment refers to the cell collapse experiment shown in Fig. 3C for which the data are plotted in Fig. 3D. We stand by the statistical method used. There are two groups of cells (CTRLCRISPR and MYCBP2 CRISPR) and two treatments for each cell group (Fc control and eB2), thus we should use two-way ANOVA. Since we compared the cell retraction effects of Fc and eB2 on the two groups of cells, Sidak post hoc comparison is the right method to avoid errors introduced by multiple comparisons. Here is an example of an eLife article that used the same statistical method for similar comparisons: PMID 37830910, Fig. 1 H,I. To make the comparison easier, we grouped the experiments by cell type (CTRLCRISPR and MYCBP2 CRISPR) as opposed to by treatment. Below, the old version is on the right, and the new version is on the left. The conclusion is that eB2 induces less cell collapse in cells depleted of MYCBP2, when compared to the control cells. However, eB2 is still able to collapse cells lacking MYCBP2.

      Author response image 1.

      Revisiting these data, we noticed an error introduced when CC compiled the data used to generate Fig. 3D. The data were acquired from nine biological replicates per condition. CC used a mix of two methods for cell collapse rate calculation: the first method involved the sum of collapsed cells and all cells from multiple regions of one coverslip (biological replicate). The second method involved computing a collapse rate in each region which then was used to calculate the average collapse rate for the entire coverslip (technical replicate). Given the small cell numbers due to sparse culture conditions, we believe that the first method is a more conservative approach. We hence re-plotted all replicate data using the first method. This resulted in slightly different % collapse and p values. These were changed accordingly in the text and plot and do not affect the conclusion of this experiment.

      2) thanks for the clarification that the interaction between the extracellular domain of EPHB2 and MYCBP2 might not occur directly - however, unless we missed this it was not clearly stated in the text. It is an important point and also a cool direction for the future - to find the elusive co-receptor that actually helps EPHB2 and MYCBP2 form a complex.

      We now also refer to this in the results section on line 215.

      “Since EPHB2 is a transmembrane protein and MYCBP2 is localised in the cytosol, these experiments suggest that the interaction between the extracellular domain of EPHB2 and MYCBP2 might be indirect and mediated by other unknown transmembrane proteins.”

      3) The Hela CRISPR cell line is better explained in the response letter but still not sufficiently explained in the text for a non-expert reader. If the authors want any reader to comprehend this, we would strongly recommend adding a scheme.

      We now include a schematic outlining the CRISPR cell generation as Fig. 3A and its description on line 926.

      Author response image 2.

      4) To clarify some of our previous (and persisting) concerns about Figure 3D/E - it is true that a reduction in 25% of cell size is dramatic. But (if we understand correctly) your claim is that a reduction in 22% (this is a guess, as the actual numbers are not supplies) is significantly less than 25%. Even if it is, statistically speaking, significant, what is the physiological relevance of this very slight effect? In this experiment, the N was quite large, and we wonder if the images in D are representative - it would be nice to label the data points in E to highlight which images you used.

      We now mention the average cell area contraction measurements in the legend to Fig. 3F on line 935. We also tracked down the individual cells shown in Fig. 3E and they are now labelled as data points in blue in Fig. 3F. HeLa cell collapse is a simplified model of EPHB2 function and we do not know whether the difference between the behaviour of CTRLCRISPR and MYCBP2 CRISPR cells is physiologically significant and thus we prefer not to speculate on this.

      5) Figure 3F and other stripe assays - In the end, it is your choice how to quantify. We believe that quantifying area of overlap is a more informative and objective measurement that might actually benefit your analyses. That said, if you do keep the quantification as it is now, you have to define the threshold of what you mean by "cell/s (or an axon in 7A, where it is even more complicated as are you eluding to primary, secondary, or even smaller branches) are RESIDING within the stripe". Is 1% overlap sufficient or do you need 10 or 50% overlap?

      We now added this statement to the methods on line 745: “A cell was considered to be on an ephrin-B2 stripe when more than 50% of its nucleus was located on that stripe”. For chick explant stripe assay, when measuring the length of an axon on a stripe, we only measured the main axons originated from the explants.

      For explant/stripe experiments in Fig. 7 AB, we now use the term “GFP-expressing neurite” rather than “branch”. This was already present in the results of the previous version, but the methods and legend needed to be brought up to date (lines 786 and 1008. We think that “branch” was a confusing term that was supposed to mean the same thing as “neurite” but came across as some indication of branching. We do not know whether the GFP+ neurites were primary or secondary extensions of explants, or in fact, whether some of them contained more than one axon. We also adjusted the method to reflect the fact that some stripes were used in conjunction with a single explant and added a reference to a previous study extensively using this method (Poliak et al., 2015) on line 778.

      6) We still don't get the link to the lysosomal degradation. Your data suggests that in your cells EPHB2 is primarily degraded by the lysosomal pathway and not proteasome. Any statement about MYCBP2 is not strongly supported by the data, in our opinion - Unless you develop some statistical measurement that shows that the effect of BafA1 is statistically different in MYCBP2 cells than in control cells. Currently, this is not the case and the link is therefore not warranted in our opinion.

      We generated a new version of Fig. 4K with average increase in EPHB2 levels in the presence of BafA1 and CoQ, compared to DMSO treated controls (see below). BafA1 and CoQ restored EPHB2 protein levels by 19% and 14% respectively in CtrlCRISPR cells, while the inhibitors restored EPHB2 protein levels by 40% and 35% respectively in MYCBP2 CRISPR cells.

      Author response image 3.

      For each of the 4 replicates, the increase in EPHB2 levels by BafA1 compared to DMSO is as follows:

      Author response table 1.

      These values are not significantly different between CtrlCRISPR cells versus MYCBP2 CRISPR cells (p= 0.08, student’s t test). Similarly for the CoQ experiment. We now temper our conclusion for this experiment: Although the difference in percentage increase between CTRLCRISPR cells and MYCBP2CRISPR cells is not significant, this trend raises the possibility that the loss of MYCBP2 promotes EPHB2 receptor degradation through the lysosomal pathway (line 319). We also adjusted the section title (line 306).

      7) While the C. elegans part is now MUCH better explained - we are not sure we understand the additional insight. The fact that vab-1 and glo4 double mutants are additive as are vab1 and fsn1, suggest they act in parallel (if the mutants are NULL, and not if they are hypomorphs, if one wants to be accurate) - how this relates to your story is unclear. The vab1/rpm1 double mutant is still uninformative and incomplete. rpm1 phenotype is so severe that nothing would make it more severe. We read the Jin paper that the authors directed to - nothing makes the rpm1 phenotype more severe. Yes, some DOWNSTREAM elements make the rpm1 phenotype LESS severe - this is not something you were testing, to the best of our knowledge. Rather, you wanted to see if rpm1 mutant resulted in stabilization of vab1 and thus suppression of vab1 phenotype - we are just not sure the system is amenable to test (actually reject) your hypothesis that Vab1 is degraded by rpm1. Also, assuming we are talking about NULLs, the fact that the rpm1 phenotype is WAY stronger than the vab1 mutant, suggests that rpm1 functions via multiple routes, adding even more complexity to the system. Given these results, despite the much improved clarity, we are still not sure that the worm data adds new insight, rather than potentially confusing the reader.

      We realise that the genetic interactions between vab-1 and the RPM-1/MYCBP2 signalling network are complicated. However, we insist on keeping the data for the sake of its availability for future studies and completeness. We also think it is important for readers and the community to see these data, even if the authors and reviewers are not entirely in agreement about the importance/interpretation of experimental outcomes. It is our hope that the community will examine the results and draw their own conclusions.

      A few points of clarification:

      The C. elegans experiments were designed to test genetically if the vertebrate interactions between EPHB2 and MYCBP2 and its signalling network are conserved. We studied two kinds of interactions: (1) between vab-1 and RPM-1/MYCBP2 downstream proteins (GLO-4 and FSN-1) and (2) between vab-1 and rpm-1. For these studies, we used null alleles for vab-1, glo-4 and fsn-1 which is now noted on lines 440, 453, 475 and 859. Our findings are consistent with the VAB-1 Ephrin receptor functioning in parallel to known RPM-1 binding proteins. This is further supported by new data: vab-1; fsn-1 double mutants showed enhanced incidence of axon overextension defects using a second transgenic background, zdIs5 (Pmec-4::GFP), to visualize axon termination (Fig. 8F).

      This second transgenic background also allowed us to generate new data to address your concerns about phenotypic saturation in rpm-1 mutants. To do this, we used the zdIs5 (Pmec4::GFP) genetic background, in which axon termination defects are not saturated in rpm-1 mutants (Fig. 8F) because they can be enhanced by other mutants such as cdc-42 and unc-33 (Fig. 7C, D, in Borgen et al. Development 144, 4658–4672 (2017), PMID 29084805). In this new background, we found that vab-1 loss of function fails to enhance the incidence of severe “hook” defects in rpm-1 mutants which is an indication that the two genes function in the same pathway. Importantly, prior studies in this background, also showed that mutants in the RPM-1 signalling network (e.g. fsn-1, glo-4 and ppm-2) do not enhance the incidence of severe “hook” defects as double mutants with rpm-1 compared to rpm-1 single mutants (Fig. 7B, ibid.).

      To reflect these ideas more clearly, we revised the Results section pertaining to C. elegans genetics (starting on line 418) and tempered our discussion (lines 517). Basically, this section now says that we studied genetic interactions between vab-1 and the RPM-1/MYCBP2 signalling network. From these experiments we conclude that: (1) The enhancement of overextension defects in vab-1; glo-4 and vab-1; fsn-1 double mutants compared to single mutants indicates that VAB-1/EPHR functions in parallel to known RPM-1 binding proteins to facilitate axon termination, and (2) Since the vab-1; rpm-1 double mutants do not display an increased frequency or severity of overextension defects compared to rpm-1 single mutants, VAB-1 /EPHR functions in the same genetic pathway as RPM-1/MYCBP2.

      The new genetic data included in this version were generated by Karla J. Opperman who is now included as a co-author.

      Further corrections:

      Author response image 4.

      Because of the errors associated with quantifications in Fig. 3D (see above), we reviewed other quantification methodologies and noticed another discrepancy that required a correction. In the hippocampal neuron growth cone collapse assay shown in the previous version of Fig. 7 D (left), the growth cones were classified into three groups: 1, fully collapsed; 2, hard to tell, but not fully collapsed; 3, fan-shape cones. Two different quantifications were performed as follows: (1), number of fully collapsed cones divided by the numbers of all growth cones; (2), number of fully collapsed cones divided by [number of fully collapsed cones + fan-shape cones]. CC erroneously used the second method to generate Fig. 7D.

      We think that the first method is more appropriate. Furthermore, since n=5 for the Fc and eB1-Fc conditions, but n=3 for the eB2-Fc condition, we decided to omit it. The final plot for figure 7D is the following:

      Author response image 5.

      Our conclusion still stands that exogenous FBD1 WT overexpression impaired the growth cone collapse mediated by EphB.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The association of vitamin D supplementation in reducing Asthma risk is well studied, although the mechanistic basis for this remains unanswered. In the presented study, Kilic and co-authors aim to dissect the pathway of Vitamin D mediated amelioration of allergic airway inflammation. They use initial leads from bioinformatic approaches, which they then associate with results from a clinical trial (VDAART) and then validate them using experimental approaches in murine models. The authors identify a role of VDR in inducing the expression of the key regulator Ikzf3, which possibly suppresses the IL-2/STAT5 axis, consequently blunting the Th2 response and mitigating allergic airway inflammation.


      The major strength of the paper lies in its interdisciplinary approach, right from hypothesis generation, and linkage with clinical data, as well as in the use of extensive ex vivo experiments and in vivo approaches using knock-out mice.

      The study presents some interesting findings including an inducible baseline absence/minimal expression of VDR in lymphocytes, which could have physiological implications and needs to be explored in future studies.


      The core message of the study relies on the role of vitamin D and its receptor in suppressing the Th2 response. However, there is scope for further dissection of relevant pathophysiological parameters in the in vivo experiments, which would enable stronger translation to allergic airway diseases like Asthma.

      To a large extent, the authors have been successful in validating their results, although a few inferences could be reinforced with additional techniques, or emphasised in the discussion section (possibly utilising the ideas and speculative section offered by the journal).

      The study inferences also need to be read in the context of the different sub-phenotypes and endotypes of Asthma, where the Th2 response may not be predominant. Moreover, the authors have referenced vitamin D doses for the murine models from the VDAART trials and performed the experiments in the second generation of animals. While this is appreciated, the risk of hypervitaminosis-D cannot be ignored, in view of its lipid solubility. Possibly comparison and justification of the doses used in murine experiments from previous literature, as well as the incorporation of an emphasised discussion about the side effects and toxicity of Vitamin D, is an important aspect to consider.

      In no way do the above considerations undermine the importance of this elegant study which justifies trials for vitamin D supplementation and its effects on Asthma. The work possesses tremendous potential.

      We thank the reviewer for their careful assessment of our paper and helpful suggestions. Please find the point-by-point responses to the reviewer recommendations below.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study seeks to advance our knowledge of how vitamin D may be protective in allergic airway disease in both adult and neonatal mouse models. The rationale and starting point are important human clinical, genetic/bioinformatic data, with a proposed role for vitamin D regulation of 2 human chromosomal loci (Chr17q12-21.1 and Chr17q21.2) linked to the risk of immune-mediated/inflammatory disease. The authors have made significant contributions to this work specifically in airway disease/asthma. They link these data to propose a role for vitamin D in regulating IL-2 in Th2 cells implicating genes associated with these loci in this process.


      Here the authors draw together evidence from multiple lines of investigation to propose that amongst murine CD4+ T cell populations, Th2 cells express high levels of VDR, and that vitamin D regulates many of the genes on the chromosomal loci identified to be of interest, in these cells. The bottom line is the proposal that vitamin D, via Ikfz3/Aiolos, suppresses IL-2 signalling and reduces IL-2 signalling in Th2 cells. This is a novel concept and whilst the availability of IL-2 and the control of IL-2 signalling is generally thought to play a role in the capacity of vitamin D to modulate both effector and especially regulatory T cell populations, this study provides new data.


      Overall, this is a highly complicated paper with numerous strands of investigation, methodologies etc. It is not "easy" reading to follow the logic between each series of experiments and also frequently fine detail of many of the experimental systems used (too numerous to list), which will likely frustrate immunologists interested in this. There is already extensive scientific literature on many aspects of the work presented, much of which is not acknowledged and largely ignored. For example, reports on the effects of vitamin D on Th2 cells are highly contradictory, especially in vitro, even though most studies agree that in vivo effects are largely protective. Similarly, other reports on adult and neonatal models of vitamin D and modulation of allergic airway disease are not referenced. In summary, the data presentation is unwieldy, with numerous supplementary additions, which makes the data difficult to evaluate and the central message lost. Whilst there are novel data of interest to the vitamin D and wider community, this manuscript would benefit from editing to make it much more readily accessible to the reader.

      Wider impact: Strategies to target the IL-2 pathway have long been considered and there is a wealth of knowledge here in autoimmune disease, transplantation, GvHD etc - with some great messages pertinent to the current study. This includes the use of IL-2, including low dose IL-2 to boost Treg but not effector T cell populations, to engineered molecules to target IL-2/IL-2R.

      We thank the reviewer for their careful assessment of our paper and helpful suggestions. Please find the point-by-point responses to the reviewer recommendations below. In addition, we have revisited the Introduction and Discussion, added additional subsection headings, and provided additional schematics to make the general flow of the paper more accessible to a wider audience.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      There are certain aspects of the manuscript which could be revisited in order to provide more clarity to the reader. Some of these are:

      1. In vivo experiments : The major inference and its impact is derived from the effect of VDR on Ikzf3 expression, and consequently on the Th2 response. While the study employs both in vivo and ex vivo approaches to validate this claim, pathophysiological aspects could have been explored in more detail, by using cytokine panels, possibly techniques to measure airway resistance, as well as by reducing the variations in the sample sizes used in different groups. Similarly, certain inferences from ex vivo studies may be important to demonstrate in the in vivo setting as well. A justification for the incorporation of both Balb/c and C57 Bl6 mice for the experiments could also be incorporated in the manuscript.

      2. Certain sections, especially those connecting VDR, Ikzf1/3 and IL2/STAT axis seem associative. This is indicated by Figure 5 H as well, where the effects of calcitriol administration in KO cells indicate additional pathways at play, possibly through indirect effects. The use of additional techniques like ChIP, co-IP and establishing STAT induction/activation would probably strengthen the findings, alternatively, a clear distinction between the speculative and the definitive results could be made in the discussion section, as the journal encourages. Similar considerations could be made for VDR and Ikzf3.

      3. Role of other cells :

      a. While the investigators have explored the phenotype on other cell types like Th1 and Treg, at places there remains a lacuna. For instance, the absence of neutrophil fractions from the DLC-BAL, as well inconsistencies in the groups selected for comparison. For eg. in Figure 3 Supplementary Figure 2, the figure suggests IL13 expression in CD4+ cells, yet the text reads incubated Th2 cells. This could be made more lucid.

      b. In Figure 3 Supplementary Figure 1 there is a trend towards an increase in IL-10 levels, whereas in Supplementary Figure 2 there is a drop in the IL13 level in the VDR KO group, which has not been explained.

      c. While 17q loci form the predominant loci associated with Asthma, other loci important in Asthma on chromosomes 2,6,9, 22 could be discussed in the manuscript as well, even if they can't be explored in depth.

      1. Quantification of histology and confocal images could provide an objective assessment to the readers. Possibly incorporation of co-localisation panels for the IF images showing membrane/cytoplasmic/ nuclear localisation of the VDR under various conditions.

      2. Structure of the manuscript: At places the manuscript has a disrupted flow, as well as mislabelled figures (Figure 2SF1B is 1C, Fig 2c is 2b in the results, ). Flow gates can be arranged sequentially and consistent labelling of the gates and axis would ease interpretation. In some places sample sizes mentioned do not match the dot graphs in the figures (figure 3K-L). In the same figure and others (Figure 5 Supplementary Figure 2), a comparison of all groups would be beneficial. A restructuring of the results and corrections, could assist the reader. Also, a visualization of the VDAART analysis in the main figures, corroborating with the results sections would do justice to the interesting approach and findings. The clearances and approvals for the study also need to be incorporated into the manuscript. If possible, the incorporation of a schematic showing the proposed pathway for VDR-induced Ikzf3 and subsequent suppression of the genes present on Chr 17 loci to mitigate allergic airway inflammation would help.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      A few specific points: A number of immune concepts are studied without reference to the broader literature and the data presented data on occasion counter these earlier findings. Examples of this include:

      • Vitamin D can both enhance and inhibit IL-13 synthesis, demonstrated both in vitro and ex vivo, and these effects are clearly context-specific. I am not questioning the validity of the present experimental findings in this specific experimental model), but the experimental context - the problem is that this is not discussed.

      • Short-term bulk Th2 cultures are used with no indication of their enrichment for lineage-specific markers or cytokine - their conclusions might be enhanced by this. Data on genes/markers of interest could be further enhanced by showing FACS plots of co-expression e.g. Th2 genes e.g. IL-13/GATA3 with these other markers.

      • Are human Th2 enriched for VDR, since the backdrop to this study is human clinical and genetic data? For a study that has based its rationale on human clinical/genetic studies it would be great to confirm these findings in human Th2 cells.

      • The Discussion might comment on some of these wider issues.

      • Minor typos throughout, including in figure legends

      Reviewer #1

      1. The study inferences also need to be read in the context of the different sub-phenotypes and endotypes of Asthma, where the Th2 response may not be predominant.

      We agree that asthma has many sub-phenotypes and endotypes and that the Th2 response may not be predominant in all of them, but we focus here on the origins of the disease in the first few years of life and the genetic and molecular mechanisms associate with disease onset where the Th2 response is important.

      1. Moreover, the authors have referenced vitamin D doses for the murine models from the VDAART trials and performed the experiments in the second generation of animals. While this is appreciated, the risk of hypervitaminosis-D cannot be ignored, in view of its lipid solubility. Possibly comparison and justification of the doses used in murine experiments from previous literature, as well as the incorporation of an emphasized discussion about the side effects and toxicity of Vitamin D, is an important aspect to consider.

      We appreciate this comment from the reviewers allowing us to review vitamin D toxicity in more detail. Given the length of this review we did not include this in the manuscript discussion but provide it here.

      Vitamin D supplementation in humans is debated due to possibility of intoxication from overdose. Vitamin D intoxication is a rare medical condition associated with hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and suppressed parathyroid hormone level and is typically seen in patients who are receiving very high doses of vitamin D, ranging from 50,000 to 1 million IU/d for several months to years 1,2. Intoxication observed at lower doses might be attributable to rare genetic disorders 1. By far the bigger problem in humans is vitamin D deficiency; this is especially true in pregnant women where dosage requirements are high due to the needs of the fetus. It is estimated that virtually all pregnant women are vitamin D insufficient or deficient 3. VDAART has shown that vitamin D in a dose of 4400 IC given to pregnant women can prevent asthma in their offspring. There were no adverse side effects in the mother or the infant from this dose 4.

      In rodents, a few studies have reported vitamin D intoxication with very high vitamin D doses 5(PMID: 23405058: 50.000 IU/kg 120d -> toxicity in females). In contrast there are several studies using 2-2.5 times higher doses of vitamin D than we use here, that do not report adverse events in mouse models of disease 6,7. Our doses of vitamin D are identical to those used in VDAART and are lower than those used in any of these other rodent studies. In addition, while we did not specifically assess specific signs of vitamin D intoxication, we can exclude any impact on animal well-being, health, reproduction, and behavior throughout the study.

      1. The major inference and its impact are derived from the effect of VDR on Ikzf3 expression, and consequently on the Th2 response. While the study employs both in vivo and ex vivo approaches to validate this claim, pathophysiological aspects could have been explored in more detail, by using cytokine panels, possibly techniques to measure airway resistance, as well as by reducing the variations in the sample sizes used in different groups.

      We have added the following sentence to the discussion: “Additional cytokine measurements in the mice as well as measurement of airway resistance would have added to the pathophysiological data linking IKFZ3 expression to TH2 response.”

      1. Similarly, certain inferences from ex vivo studies may be important to demonstrate in the in vivo setting as well. A justification for the incorporation of both Balb/c and C57 Bl6 mice for the experiments could also be incorporated in the manuscript.

      We agree with the reviewers that ex vivo results may require in vivo confirmation. We have added a sentence explaining the rationale for use of both Balb/c and C57BL/6 mice in the results section “Vitamin D suppresses the activation of the IL-2/Stat5 pathway and cytokine production in Th2 cells”: “To ensure that the above findings were not restricted to the C57BL/6 mouse strain, the inverse experiment was performed in Balb/c mice. This mouse strain is commonly used for type 2 driven inflammation.”

      1. Certain sections, especially those connecting VDR, Ikzf1/3 and IL2/STAT axis seem associative. This is indicated by Figure 5 H as well, where the effects of calcitriol administration in KO cells indicate additional pathways at play, possibly through indirect effects.

      We appreciate this comment. The RNA-Seq results showed an over representation of the IL-2/STAT5 pathway in Vit-D deficient Th2 cells compared to those under Vitamin D supplementation. We further show the induction of IKZF3 expression with calcitriol stimulation. High IKZF3 expression is known to suppress IL-2 expression. Lack of IKZF3 diminishes the suppressive activity of calcitriol on IL-2 expression. However, as pointed out by the reviewer, Figure 5 H implicates additional pathways regulated by calcitriol for the suppression of IL-2 and we note that in the text.

      1. The use of additional techniques like ChIP, co-IP and establishing STAT induction/activation would probably strengthen the findings, alternatively, a clear distinction between the speculative and the definitive results could be made in the discussion section, as the journal encourages. Similar considerations could be made for VDR and Ikzf3.

      We have added the following sentence to the discussion. We have focused here on establishing the relationship between VDR binding and IKFZ3 activation or repression and subsequent ORMDL3 and Il2 activation. Additional use of ChIP or co-IP to establish STAT induction and activation would have been of potential value.

      1. Role of other cells: a. While the investigators have explored the phenotype on other cell types like Th1 and Treg, at places there remains a lacuna. For instance, the absence of neutrophil fractions from the DLC BAL, as well inconsistencies in the groups selected for comparison. For e.g., in Figure 3 Supplementary Figure 2, the figure suggests IL13 expression in CD4+ cells, yet the text reads incubated Th2 cells. This could be made more lucid.

      We appreciate this comment and would like to clarify. Neutrophil numbers were assessed in the presented in vivo models and showed no differences in neutrophil number due to genotype or vitamin D diet. We added the graphs to the supplement in Figure 3 - figure supplement 1A and Figure 5 - figure supplement 1B and refer to the figures in the main text. All in vivo data were analyzed by Mixed-effect ANOVA analysis or Two-way ANOVA test with Holm-Šidák’s post-hoc analysis (factors: genotype & exposure). To keep the plots clear, we incorporated only the statistic for the groups of interest.

      1. b) In Figure 3 Supplementary Figure 1 there is a trend towards an increase in IL-10 levels, whereas in Supplementary Figure 2 there is a drop in the IL13 level in the VDR KO group, which has not been explained.

      We apologize for any confusion. Figure 3 supplementary Figure 1 shows cytokine positive CD4+ T cells isolated from saline and HDM exposed mouse lungs. These data were analyzed with a Mixed-effect ANOVA analysis or Two-way ANOVA test with Holm-Šidák’s post-hoc analysis (factors: genotype & exposure) and were not found significant. Figure 3 supplementary Figure 2 shows IL-13 levels in the system of in vitro polarization of naïve CD4+ T cells into Th2 cells. The difference between this result and the findings in Figure 3H is the in vivo setting in which additional factors such as IL-4 can aggravate the immune response.

      1. c) While 17q loci form the predominant loci associated with Asthma, other loci important in Asthma on chromosomes 2,6,9, 22 could be discussed in the manuscript as well, even if they can't be explored in depth.

      This is an excellent comment. Our preliminary results confirm that three asthma susceptibility loci: 2q12.1 (IL1RL1), 6p21.32 (HLA-DQA1/B1/A2/B2) and 22q12.3 (IL2RB) each have VDR and IKZF3 binding sites either in enhancers predicted by GeneHancer to target these genes or within these genes themselves. In particular, we found (i) VDR binding sites within IL18RAP and in the enhancer region GH02J102301 targeting IL1RL1, and IKZF3 binding sites within IL1RL1; (ii) VDR binding sites in the enhancer regions GH06J032940 and GH06J031813 targeting HLA-DQA2, and IKZF3 binding sites within HLA-DQA1; (iii) VDR and IKZF3 binding sites within IL2RB. In contrast, the region 9p24.1 (IL33) has no documented VDR or IKZF3 binding sites within IL33 or in the promoter regions targeting IL33. Investigating these additional genetic loci further, using the integrative approach taken here with 17q12-21, is beyond the scope of this current manuscript but based on these preliminary results, would be a worthwhile scientific endeavor.

      1. Quantification of histology and confocal images could provide an objective assessment to the readers. Possibly incorporation of co-localisation panels for the IF images showing membrane/cytoplasmic/nuclear localisation of the VDR under various conditions.

      We agree that quantification of histology and confocal images could provide an overview of VDR expression in the lungs. Given the knowledge on VDR expression in a variety of cell types, including structural cells in the lungs and the focus of this manuscript on CD4+ T cells, we focused on determining VDR expression in CD4+ T cells isolated from saline and HDM exposed lungs in the mouse models studied (Figure 2 C; Fig. 2- figure supplement 1 B & C, Figure 3 C; Figure 5 - figure supplement 1) as well as in vitro (Figure 2 - figure supplement 2; Figure 5 - figure supplement 2).

      1. Structure of the manuscript: At places the manuscript has a disrupted flow, as well as mislabeled figures (Figure 2SF1B is 1C, Fig 2c is 2b in the results, ). Flow gates can be arranged sequentially and consistent labelling of the gates and axis would ease interpretation.

      We appreciate this comment and have corrected the mislabeled figures and tried to improve the flow.

      1. In some places sample sizes mentioned do not match the dot graphs in the figures (figure 3K-L). In the same figure and others (Figure 5 Supplementary Figure 2), a comparison of all groups would be beneficial.

      We appreciate this comment and have checked the sample sizes. Each of these experiments compared two groups and these two groups were compared statistically. We corrected the sample size for Figure 5 Supplementary Figure 2 C in the manuscript.

      1. A restructuring of the results and corrections, could assist the reader.

      We have restructured both the results and the discussion, incorporating the changes noted here in the response to the reviewers, to make the flow of the manuscript easier to read.

      1. Also, a visualization of the VDAART analysis in the main figures, corroborating with the results sections would do justice to the interesting approach and findings.

      We have now added the below schematic to Figure 1-figure supplement 1C to summarize the analyses conducted on the VDAART data.

      Author response image 1.

      1. The clearances and approvals for the study also need to be incorporated into the manuscript.

      These were in the checklist and have been moved to the main text of the manuscript.

      1. If possible, the incorporation of a schematic showing the proposed pathway for VDR induced Ikzf3 and subsequent suppression of the genes present on Chr 17 loci to mitigate allergic airway inflammation would help.

      We have a figure for this (below) that we have incorporated into the manuscript as Figure 5 - figure supplement 3:

      Author response image 2.

      Cartoon Summarizing Vitamin D molecular genetics at 17q12-21

      Reviewer #2

      1. A few specific points: A number of immune concepts are studied without reference to the broader literature and the data presented data on occasion counter these earlier findings. Examples of this include:

      a. Vitamin D can both enhance and inhibit IL-13 synthesis, demonstrated both in vitro and ex vivo, and these effects are clearly context-specific. I am not questioning the validity of the present experimental findings in this specific experimental model), but the experimental context - the problem is that this is not discussed.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have now included a sentence in the discussion section mentioning the contradictory results. It reads as follows:

      “We acknowledge that the impact of vitamin D on Th2 biology is conflicting in the literature. While several groups report Th2 promoting activity, we, and others, show inhibition of type 2 cytokine production 8–11. These discrepancies could be due to the model system studied, e.g., PBMC and purified CD4+ T cells, or the dose of vitamin D or the mouse strain.”

      b. Short-term bulk Th2 cultures are used with no indication of their enrichment for lineage specific markers or cytokine – their conclusions might be enhanced by this. Data on genes/markers of interest could be further enhanced by showing FACS plots of co-expression e.g., Th2 genes e.g., IL-13/GATA3 with these other markers.

      We appreciate this comment. The in vitro culture system used for Th2 cell differentiation has been well described in the literature. As shown in Figure 3 - figure supplement 2; Figure 4 E and Figure 5 - figure supplement 2 D & E the lineage specific IL-13 cytokine levels are detectable at high levels.

      c. Are human Th2 cells enriched for VDR, since the backdrop to this study is human clinical and genetic data? For a study that has based its rationale on human clinical/genetic studies it would be great to confirm these findings in human Th2 cells.

      We appreciate this comment and are curious to explore this in future research. The VDAART trial is a double-blinded multicenter trial in which an immediate processing of the blood samples and an enrichment of different immune cell populations was not feasible. Other publicly available data sets report gene expression derived from mixed and peripheral (blood) cells and not local (lung) tissues. Published in vitro studies on human Th2 cells do not report VDR expression in comparison to other Th subsets, which would allow the assessment of enrichment.

      1. The Discussion might comment on some of these wider issues.

      We have rewritten the discussion to incorporate many of the issues raised in this review.

      1. Minor typos throughout, including in figure legends.

      We have edited all of the figure legends.


      1. Holick, M. F. Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective. Mayo Clinic proceedings 90, 561–564; 10.1016/j.mayocp.2015.03.015 (2015).

      2. Hossein-nezhad, A. & Holick, M. F. Vitamin D for health: a global perspective. Mayo Clinic proceedings 88, 720–755; 10.1016/j.mayocp.2013.05.011 (2013).

      3. Hollis, B. W. & Wagner, C. L. New insights into the vitamin D requirements during pregnancy. Bone research 5, 17030; 10.1038/boneres.2017.30 (2017).

      4. Litonjua, A. A. et al. Effect of Prenatal Supplementation With Vitamin D on Asthma or Recurrent Wheezing in Offspring by Age 3 Years: The VDAART Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 315, 362–370; 10.1001/jama.2015.18589 (2016).

      5. Gianforcaro, A., Solomon, J. A. & Hamadeh, M. J. Vitamin D(3) at 50x AI attenuates the decline in paw grip endurance, but not disease outcomes, in the G93A mouse model of ALS, and is toxic in females. PloS one 8, e30243; 10.1371/journal.pone.0030243 (2013).

      6. Landel, V., Millet, P., Baranger, K., Loriod, B. & Féron, F. Vitamin D interacts with Esr1 and Igf1 to regulate molecular pathways relevant to Alzheimer's disease. Molecular neurodegeneration 11, 22; 10.1186/s13024-016-0087-2 (2016).

      7. Agrawal, T., Gupta, G. K. & Agrawal, D. K. Vitamin D supplementation reduces airway hyperresponsiveness and allergic airway inflammation in a murine model. Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology 43, 672–683; 10.1111/cea.12102 (2013).

    1. Author Response

      Response to Reviewer 1:

      Summary of what the author was trying to achieve: In this study, the author aimed to develop a method for estimating neuronal-type connectivity from transcriptomic gene expression data, specifically from mouse retinal neurons. They sought to develop an interpretable model that could be used to characterize the underlying genetic mechanisms of circuit assembly and connectivity.

      Strengths: The proposed bilinear model draws inspiration from commonly implemented recommendation systems in the field of machine learning. The author presents the model clearly and addresses critical statistical limitations that may weaken the validity of the model such as multicollinearity and outliers. The author presents two formulations of the model for separate scenarios in which varying levels of data resolution are available. The author effectively references key work in the field when establishing assumptions that affect the underlying model and subsequent results. For example, correspondence between gene expression cell types and connectivity cell types from different references are clearly outlined in Tables 1-3. The model training and validation are sufficient and yield a relatively high correlation with the ground truth connectivity matrix. Seemingly valid biological assumptions are made throughout, however, some assumptions may reduce resolution (such as averaging over cell types), thus missing potentially important single-cell gene expression interactions.

      Thank you for acknowledging the strengths of this work. The assumption to average gene expression data across individual cells within a given cell type was made in response to the inherent limitations of, for example, the mouse retina dataset, where individual cell-level connectivity and gene expression data are not profiled jointly (the second scenario in our paper). This approach was a necessary compromise to facilitate the analysis at the cell type level. However, in datasets where individual cell-level connectivity and gene expression data are matched, such as the C.elegans dataset referenced below, our model can be applied to achieve single-cell resolution (the first scenario in our paper), offering a more detailed understanding of genetic underpinnings in neuronal connectivity.

      Weaknesses: The main results of the study could benefit from replication in another dataset beyond mouse retinal neurons, to validate the proposed method. Dimensionality reduction significantly reduces the resolution of the model and the PCA methodology employed is largely non-deterministic. This may reduce the resolution and reproducibility of the model. It may be worth exploring how the PCA methodology of the model may affect results when replicating. Figure 5, ’Gene signatures associated with the two latent dimensions’, lacks some readability and related results could be outlined more clearly in the results section. There should be more discussion on weaknesses of the results e.g. quantification of what connectivity motifs were not captured and what gene signatures might have been missed.

      I value the suggestion of validating the propose method in another dataset. In response, I found the C.elegans dataset in the references the reviewer suggested below a good candidate for this purpose, and I plan to explore this dataset and incorporate findings in the revised manuscript. I understand the concerns regarding the PCA methodology and its potential impact on the model’s resolution and reproducibility. In response, alternative methods, such as regularization techniques, will be explored to address these issues. Additionally, I agree that enhancing the clarity and readability of Figure 5, as well as including a more comprehensive discussion of the model’s limitations, would significantly strengthen the manuscript.

      The main weakness is the lack of comparison against other similar methods, e.g. methods presented in Barabási, Dániel L., and Albert-László Barabási. "A genetic model of the connectome." Neuron 105.3 (2020): 435-445. Kovács, István A., Dániel L. Barabási, and Albert-László Barabási. "Uncovering the genetic blueprint of the C. elegans nervous system." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.52 (2020): 33570-33577. Taylor, Seth R., et al. "Molecular topography of an entire nervous system." Cell 184.16 (2021): 4329-4347.

      Thank you for highlighting the importance of comparing our model with others, particularly those mentioned in your comments. After reviewing these papers, I find that our bilinear model aligns closely with the methods described, especially in [1, 2]. To see this, let’s start with Equation 1 in Kovács et al. [2]:

      In this equation, B represents the connectivity matrix, while X denotes the gene expression patterns of individual neurons in C.elegans. The operator O is the genetic rule operator governing synapse formation, linking connectivity with individual neuronal expression patterns. It’s noteworthy that the work of Barabási and Barabási [1] explores a specific application of this framework, focusing on O for B that represents biclique motifs in the C.elegans neural network.

      To identify the the operator O, the authors sought to minimize the squared residual error:

      with regularization on O.

      Adopting the notation from our bilinear model paper and using Z to represent the connectivity matrix, the above becomes

      Coming back to the bilinear model formulation, the optimization problem, as formulated for the C.elegans dataset where individual neuron connectivity and gene expression are accessible, takes the form:

      where we consider each neuron as a distinct neuronal type. In addition, we extend the dimensions of X and Y to encompass the entire set of neurons in C.elegans, with X = Y ∈ Rn×p, where n signifies the total number of neurons and p the number of genes. Accordingly, our optimization challenge evolves into:

      Upon comparison with the earlier stated equation, it becomes clear that our approach aligns consistently with the notion of O = ABT. This effectively results in a decomposition of the genetic rule operator O. This decomposition extends beyond mere mathematical convenience, offering several substantial benefits reminiscent of those seen in the collaborative filtering of recommendation systems:

      • Computational Efficiency: The primary advantage of this approach is its improvement in computational efficiency. For instance, solving for O ∈ Rp×p necessitates determining p2 entries. In contrast, solving for A ∈ Rp×d and B ∈ Rp×d involves determining only 2pd entries, where p is the number of genes, and d is the number of latent dimensions. Assuming the existence of a lower-dimensional latent space (d << p) that captures the essential variability in connectivity, resolving A and B becomes markedly more efficient than resolving O. Additionally, from a computational system design perspective, inferring the connectivity of a neuron allows for caching the latent embeddings of presynaptic neurons XA or postsynaptic neurons XB with a space complexity of O(nd). This is significantly more space-efficient than caching XO or OXT, which has a space complexity of O(np). This difference is particularly notable when dealing with large numbers of neurons, such as those in the entire mouse brain. The bilinear modeling approach thus enables effective handling of large datasets, simplifying the optimization problem and reducing computational load, thereby making the model more scalable and faster to execute.

      • Interpretability: The separation into A for presynaptic features and B for postsynaptic features provides a clearer understanding of the distinct roles of pre- and post- synaptic neurons in forming the connection. By projecting the pre- and post- synaptic neurons into a shared latent space through XA and YB, one can identify meaningful representations within each axis, as exemplified in different motifs from the mouse retina dataset. The linear characteristics of A and B facilitate direct evaluation of each gene’s contribution to a latent dimension. This interpretability, offering insights into the genetic factors influencing synaptic connections, is beyond what O could provide itself.

      • Flexibility and Adaptability: The bilinear model’s adaptability is another strength. Much like collaborative filtering, which can manage very different user and item features, our bilinear model can be tailored to synaptic partners with genetic data from varied sources. A potential application of this model is in deciphering the genetic correlates of long-range projectomic rules, where pre- and post-synaptic neurons are processed and sequenced separately, or even involving post-synaptic targets being brain regions with genetic information acquired through bulk sequencing. This level of flexibility also allows for model adjustments or extensions to incorporate other biological factors, such as proteomics, thereby broadening its utility across various research inquiries into the determinants of neuronal connectivity.

      In the study by Taylor et al. [3], the authors introduced a generalization of differential gene expressions (DGE) analysis called network DGE (nDGE) to identify genetic determinants of synaptic connections. It focuses on genes co-expressed across pairs of neurons connected, compared with pairs without connection.

      As the authors acknowledged in the method part of the paper, nDGE can only examine single genes co-expressed at synaptic terminals: "While the nDGE technique introduced here is a generalization of standard DGE, interrogating the contribution of pairs of genes in the formation and maintenance of synapses between pairs of neurons, nDGE can only account for a single co-expressed gene in either of the two synaptic terminals (pre/post)."

      In contrast, the bilinear model offers a more comprehensive analysis by seeking a linear combination of gene expressions in both pre- and post-synaptic neurons. This model goes beyond the scope of examining individual co-expressed genes, as it incorporates different weights for the gene expressions of pre- and post-synaptic neurons. This feature of the bilinear model enables it to capture not only homogeneous but also complex and heterogeneous genetic interactions that are pivotal in synaptic connectivity. This highlights the bilinear model’s capability to delve into the intricate interactions of synaptic gene expression.

      Appraisal of whether the author achieved their aims, and whether results support their conclusions: The author achieved their aims by recapitulating key connectivity motifs from single-cell gene expression data in the mouse retina. Furthermore, the model setup allowed for insight into gene signatures and interactions, however could have benefited from a deeper evaluation of the accuracy of these signatures. The author claims the method sets a new benchmark for single-cell transcriptomic analysis of synaptic connections. This should be more rigorously proven. (I’m not sure I can speak on the novelty of the method)

      I value your appraisal. In response, additional validation of the bilinear model on a second dataset will be undertaken.

      Discussion of the likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of methods and data to the community : This study provides an understandable bilinear model for decoding the genetic programming of neuronal type connectivity. The proposed model leaves the door open for further testing and comparison with alternative linear and/or non-linear models, such as neural networkbased models. In addition to more complex models, this model can be built on to include higher resolution data such as more gene expression dimensions, different types of connectivity measures, and additional omics data.

      Thank you for your positive assessment of the potential impact of the study.

      Response to Reviewer 2:

      Summary: In this study, Mu Qiao employs a bilinear modeling approach, commonly utilized in recommendation systems, to explore the intricate neural connections between different pre- and post-synaptic neuronal types. This approach involves projecting single-cell transcriptomic datasets of pre- and post-synaptic neuronal types into a latent space through transformation matrices. Subsequently, the cross-correlation between these projected latent spaces is employed to estimate neuronal connectivity. To facilitate the model training, connectomic data is used to estimate the ground-truth connectivity map. This work introduces a promising model for the exploration of neuronal connectivity and its associated molecular determinants. However, it is important to note that the current model has only been tested with Bipolar Cell and Retinal Ganglion Cell data, and its applicability in more general neuronal connectivity scenarios remains to be demonstrated.

      Strengths: This study introduces a succinct yet promising computational model for investigating connections between neuronal types. The model, while straightforward, effectively integrates singlecell transcriptomic and connectomic data to produce a reasonably accurate connectivity map, particularly within the context of retinal connectivity. Furthermore, it successfully recapitulates connectivity patterns and helps uncover the genetic factors that underlie these connections.

      Thank you for your positive assessment of the paper.


      1. The study lacks experimental validation of the model’s prediction results.

      Thank you for pointing out the importance of experimental validation. I acknowledge that the current version of the study is focused on the development and validation of the computational model, using the datasets presently available to us. Moving forward, I plan to collaborate with experimental neurobiologists. These collaborations are aimed at validating our model’s predictions, including the delta-protocadherins mentioned in the paper. However, considering the extensive time and resources required for conducting and interpreting experimental results, I believe it is more pragmatic to present a comprehensive experimental study, including the design and execution of experiments informed by the model’s predictions, in a separate follow-up paper. I intend to include a paragraph in the discussion of this paper outlining the future direction for experimental validation.

      1. The model’s applicability in other neuronal connectivity settings has not been thoroughly explored.

      I recognize the importance of assessing the model across different neuronal systems. In response to similar feedback from Reviewer 1, I am keen to extend the study to include the C.elegans dataset mentioned earlier. The results from applying our bilinear model to the second dataset will be incorporated into the revised manuscript.

      1. The proposed method relies on the availability of neuronal connectomic data for model training, which may be limited or absent in certain brain connectivity settings.

      The concern regarding the dependency of our model on the availability of connectomic data is valid. While complete connectomes are available for organisms like C.elegans and Drosophila, and efforts are underway to map the connectome of the entire mouse brain, such data may not always be accessible for all research contexts. Recognizing this limitation, part of the ongoing research is to explore ways to adapt our model to the available data, such as projectomic data. Furthermore, our bilinear model is compatible with trans-synaptic virus-based sequencing techniques [4, 5], allowing us to leverage data from these experimental approaches to uncover the genetic underpinnings of neuronal connectivity. These initiatives are crucial steps towards broadening the applicability of our model, ensuring its relevance and usefulness in diverse brain connectivity studies where detailed connectomic data may not be readily available.


      [1] Dániel L. Barabási and Albert-László Barabási. A genetic model of the connectome. Neuron, 105(3):435–445, 2020.

      [2] István A. Kovács, Dániel L. Barabási, and Albert-László Barabási. Uncovering the genetic blueprint of the c. elegans nervous system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(52):33570–33577, 2020.

      [3] Seth R. Taylor, Gabriel Santpere, Alexis Weinreb, Alec Barrett, Molly B. Reilly, Chuan Xu, Erdem Varol, Panos Oikonomou, Lori Glenwinkel, Rebecca McWhirter, Abigail Poff, Manasa Basavaraju, Ibnul Rafi, Eviatar Yemini, Steven J. Cook, Alexander Abrams, Berta Vidal, Cyril Cros, Saeed Tavazoie, Nenad Sestan, Marc Hammarlund, Oliver Hobert, and David M. 3rd Miller. Molecular topography of an entire nervous system. Cell, 184(16):4329–4347, 2021.

      [4] Nicole Y. Tsai, Fei Wang, Kenichi Toma, Chen Yin, Jun Takatoh, Emily L. Pai, Kongyan Wu, Angela C. Matcham, Luping Yin, Eric J. Dang, Denise K. Marciano, John L. Rubenstein, Fan Wang, Erik M. Ullian, and Xin Duan. Trans-seq maps a selective mammalian retinotectal synapse instructed by nephronectin. Nat Neurosci, 25(5):659–674, May 2022.

      [5] Aixin Zhang, Lei Jin, Shenqin Yao, Makoto Matsuyama, Cindy van Velthoven, Heather Sullivan, Na Sun, Manolis Kellis, Bosiljka Tasic, Ian R. Wickersham, and Xiaoyin Chen. Rabies virusbased barcoded neuroanatomy resolved by single-cell rna and in situ sequencing. bioRxiv, 2023.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study presents a potentially valuable discovery which indicates that activation of the P2RX7 pathway can reduce the lung fibrosis after its establishment by inflammatory damage. If confirmed, the study could clarify the role of specific immune networks in the establishment and progression of lung fibrosis. However, the presented data and analyses are incomplete as they primarily rely on limited pharmacological treatments with modest effect sizes. I hope you will be convinced by the validity of our approaches with the following explanation/information and I remain at your disposal to discuss

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this revised preprint the authors investigate whether a presumably allosteric P2RX7 activating compound that they previously discovered reduces fibrosis in a bleomycin mouse model. They chose this particular model as publicly available mRNA data indicate that the P2RX7 pathway is downregulated in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients compared to control individuals. In their revised manuscript, the authors use three proxies of lung damage, Ashcroft score, collagen fibers, and CD140a+ cells, to assess lung damage following the administration of bleomycin. These metrics are significantly reduced on HEI3090 treatment. Additional data implicate specific immune cell infiltrates and cytokines, namely inflammatory macrophages and damped release of IL-17A, as potential mechanistic links between their compound and reduced fibrosis. Finally, the researchers transplant splenocytes from WT, NLRP3-KO, and IL-18-KO mice into animals lacking the P2RX7 receptor to specifically ascertain how the transplanted splenocytes, which are WT for P2RX7 receptor, respond to HEI3090 (a P2RX7 agonist). Based on these results, the authors conclude that HEI3090 enhanced IL-18 production through the P2RX7-NLRP3 inflammasome axis to dampen fibrosis.

      These findings could be interesting to the field, as there are conflicting results as to whether NLRP3 activation contributes to fibrosis and if so, at what stage(s) (e.g., acute damage phase versus progression). The revised manuscript is more convincing in that three orthogonal metrics for lung damage were quantified. However, major weaknesses of the study still include inconsistent and small effect sizes of HEI3090 treatment versus either batch effects from transplanted splenocytes or the effects of different genetic backgrounds. Moreover, the fundamental assumption that HEI3090 acts specifically and functionally through the P2RX7 pathway in this model cannot be directly tested, as the authors now provide results indicating that P2RX7 knockout mice do not establish lung fibrosis on bleomycin treatment.

      I’m particularly concerned by the assumption made by reviewer 1 concerning the fact that P2RX7 knockout mice do not establish lung fibrosis on bleomycin treatment.

      Indeed, what we showed in the point-to-point response is that BLM induces fibrosis in both WT and P2RX7 KO mice, but the intensity of the fibrosis is reduced in P2RX7KO mice, panel A. Therefore, as discussed in our first response, our results confirmed the previous publication of Riteau et al, that P2RX7 participates in BLM-induced lung fibrosis (see panel B).

      Author response image 1.

      Bleomycin induced lung fibrosis in WT versus p2rx7 KO mice. A: lung from BLM-treated mice were stained with HE and fibrosis was quantified using the Ashcroft protocol. Result showed that fibrosis induced by BLM in KO mice is reduced as compared to WT mice. B: Representative images of lung sections at day 14 after BLM treatment stained with H&E as published in Riteau et al. and illustrating that fibrosis induced by BLM in KO mice is reduced as compared to WT mice. WT mice vehicle (n=4) or p2rx7 KO (n=6) mice. Two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, p values: **p < 0.01.

      Importantly, this lower intensity of lung fibrosis in P2RX7 KO mice, does not interfere with the capacity of our molecule to attenuate lung fibrosis, as demonstrated in the adoptive transfer of IL1B KO splenocytes in P2RX7 KO mice, in which HEI3090 decreases the Ashcroft score, the % of fibrosis and the collagen fibers (see below).

      Author response image 2.

      HEI3090 activity requires P2RX7’s expressing immune cells: Experimental design. p2rx7-/- mice were given 3.106 il1β-/- splenocytes i.v. one day prior to BLM delivery (i.n. 2.5 U/kg). Mice were treated daily i.p. with 1.5 mg/kg HEI3090 or vehicle for 14 days. (C) Representative images of lung sections at day 14 after treatment stained with H&E and Sirius Red with il1β-/- splenocytes, bar= 100 µm (left) and fibrosis score assessed by the Ashcroft method, the % of fibrosis and the content of collagen fibers (right). Each point represents one mouse (n=2 in WT and NLRP3 experiment, n =1 in IL18 and IL1B experiment), data represented as violin plot or mean±SEM, two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, *p < 0.05. WT: Wildtype, KO: P2RX7 knock-out

      Importantly, in the same experimental setting, e.g adoptive transfer of splenocytes from different genetic backgrounds, HEI3090 decreases the fibrosis intensity only with WT and IL1B KO splenocytes and not with NLRP3 KO and IL18KO splenocytes.

      Author response image 3.

      HEI3090 activity requires P2RX7’s expressing immune cells: Experimental design. p2rx7-/- mice were given 3.106 WT, NLRP3-/-, IL18-/- or IL1β-/- splenocytes i.v. one day prior to BLM delivery (i.n. 2.5 U/kg). Mice were treated daily i.p. with 1.5 mg/kg HEI3090 or vehicle for 14 days. Fibrosis in whole lung was assessed by the % of fibrosis (upper panel) and the content of collagen fibers (lower panel). Each point represents one mouse (n=2 in WT and NLRP3 experiments, n =1 in IL18 and IL1B experiment). Data represented as violin plot or mean±SEM, two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, *p < 0.05. WT: Wildtype, KO: P2RX7 knock-out

      In order to provide clear evidence that HEI3090 functions through P2RX7, a different lung fibrosis model that does not require P2RX7 would be necessary. For example, in such a system the authors could demonstrate a lack of HEI3090-mediated therapeutic effect on P2RX7 knockout.

      Since BLM induces lung fibrosis in P2RX7 KO mice as we showed in this manuscript and as already published by Riteau in 2010, shown earlier in our response (first figure) and because HEI3090 is able to decrease the intensity of fibrosis in WT and IL1B-/- → P2RX7 KO mice but not in KO, NLRP3-/- → P2RX7 KO and IL18-/- → P2RX7 KO mice we believe that our data sustain the conclusion that

      1. HEI3090 required the expression of P2RX7 in immune cells to mediate the antifibrotic activity,

      2. IL1B is not a crucial effector mediating the antifibrotic effect of HEI3090.

      Molecularly, additional evidence on specificity, such as thermal proteome profiling and direct biophysical binding experiments, would also enhance the authors' argument that the compound indeed binds P2RX7 directly and specifically. Since all small molecules have some degree of promiscuity, the absence of an additional P2RX7 modulator, or direct recombinant IL-18 administration (as suggested by another reviewer), is needed to orthogonally validate the functional importance of this pathway. Another way the authors could probe pathway specificity would involve co-administering α-IL-18 with HEI3090 in several key experiments (similar to Figure 4L).

      At the moment we have no funds to do these experiments and given the high competition, we have decided to publish our story without these new data.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the study by Hreich et al, the potency of P2RX7-specific positive modulator HEI3090, developed by the authors, for the treatment of Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) was investigated. Recently, the authors have shown that HEI3090 can protect against lung cancer by stimulating dendritic cell P2RX7, resulting in IL-18 production that stimulates IFN-γ production by T and NK cells (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-20912-2). Interestingly, HEI3090 increases IL-18 levels only in the presence of high eATP. Since the treatment options for IPF are limited, new therapeutic strategies and targets are needed. The authors first show that P2RX7/IL-18/IFNG axis is downregulated in patients with IPF. Next, they used a bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis mouse model to show that the use of a positive modulator of P2RX7 leads to the activation of the P2RX7/IL-18 axis in immune cells that limits lung fibrosis onset or progression. Mechanistically, treatment with HEI3090 enhanced IL-18-dependent IFN-γ production by lung T cells leading to a decreased production of IL-17 and TGFβ, major drivers of IPF. The major novelty is the use of the small molecule HEI3090 to stimulate the immune system to limit lung fibrosis progression by targeting the P2RX7, which could be potentially combined with current therapies available. Overall, the study was well performed, and the manuscript is clear.

      We thank the reviewer for this very positive comments.

      However, there is need for more details on the description and interpretation of the adoptive transfer experiments, as well as the statistical analyses and number of replicate independent experiments.

      I’m concerned by the reviewer’s comments, and I would like to bring additional information/explanation, which I hope will convince you on the validity of our approaches.

      Author response image 4.

      Adoptive transfer experiment. Adoptive transfer experiments are classically used to document which immune cells participate in immune cell responses (with more than 150 publications in pubmed with the key words adoptive transfer and onco immunology) and intravenous administration is a common route to trigger lungs (PMID: 23336716). To characterize the molecular effector (P2RX7, NLRP3, IL18 and IL1B) accounting for the antifibrotic effect of HEI3090 we purified splenocytes from donor mice and administrated them intra venously in P2RX7 KO mice. As shown in Author response image 4, HEI3090 has no antifibrotic activity when splenocyte isolated from mice invalidated for p2rx7 are iv into P2RX7 KO mice (KO in KO). By contrast, HEI3090 has antifibrotic activity when WT splenocytes expressing P2RX7 (isolated from WT mice) are transferred into P2RX7 KO mice (WT in KO).

      This experiment brings strong evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of adoptive transfer approach to identify molecular effector required to mediate the antifibrotic effect of HEI3090.

      Statistical analyses and number of replicate independent experiments

      We thank the reviewer for his comment, and we apologize to not have been sufficiently clear in our previous response with this miss phrased statement “the experiment was stopped when significantly statistical results were observed” when we should have written “the experiment was stopped when each experimental group contained at least 5 mice”.

      To define the size of experimental groups we did a pilot experiment, with 4 WT mice (e.g. 4 biological replicates) in each group (as shown aside), and a statistical forecasting based on the result of the pilot experiment (40% difference, standard error: 0.9, α risk: 0.05, power: 0.8). Since we focused on the effect of HEI3090 we based our statistical analysis on a one-way ANOVA analysis comparing in each experiment the vehicle and the treated group.

      The pilot experiment and statistical forecasting indicated 4 mice per group to characterize the effect of HEI3090 on BLM-induced lung fibrosis. Each experiment was started with 6 to 8 mice per group. Being aware that 30% of mice can unexpectedly dye due to BLM treatment, we duplicated the experiment, when necessary, to include at least 5 mice in each group of each experiment meaning 5 biological replicates, knowing that 4 mice are sufficient to statistically analyze the results. In each experiment we have checked for the presence of outlier, using the ROULT method, and removed the outliers when necessary.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper tests the idea that schooling can provide an energetic advantage over solitary swimming. The present study measures oxygen consumption over a wide range of speeds, to determine the differences in aerobic and anaerobic cost of swimming, providing a potentially valuable addition to the literature related to the advantages of group living.

      Response: Thank you for the positive comments.


      The strength of this paper is related to providing direct measurements of the energetics (oxygen consumption) of fish while swimming in a group vs solitary. The energetic advantages of schooling has been claimed to be one of the major advantages of schooling and therefore a direct energetic assessment is a useful result.

      Response: Thank you for the positive comments.


      1) Regarding the fish to water volume ratio, the arguments raised by the authors are valid. However, the ratio used is still quite high (as high as >2000 in solitary fish), much higher than that recommended by Svendsen et al (2006). Hence this point needs to be discussed in the ms (summarising the points raised in the authors' response)

      Response: Thank you for the comments. We have addressed this point in the previous comments. In short, our ratio is within the range of the published literature. We conducted the additional signal-to-noise analysis for quality assurance.

      2) Wall effects: Fish in a school may have been swimming closer to the wall. The fact that the convex hull volume of the fish school did not change as speed increased is not a demonstration that fish were not closer to the wall, nor is it a demonstration that wall effect were not present. Therefore the issue of potential wall effects is a weakness of this paper.

      Response: Thank you for the comments. We have addressed this point in the previous comments. We provided many other considerations in addition to the convex hull volume. In particular, our boundary layer is < 2.5mm, which was narrower than the width of the giant danio of ~10 mm.

      3) The authors stated "Because we took high-speed videos simultaneously with the respirometry measurements, we can state unequivocally that individual fish within the school did not swim closer to the walls than solitary fish over the testing period". This is however not quantified.

      Response: Thank you for the comments. We have addressed this point in the previous comments. We want to note that the statement in the response letter is to elaborate the discussion points, but not stated as data in the manuscript. The bottom line is very few studies used PIV to quantify the thickness of the boundary layer like what we did in our experiment.

      4) Statistical analysis. The authors have dealt satisfactorily with most of the comments.

      However :

      (a) the following comment has not been dealt with directly in the ms "One can see from the graphs that schooling MO2 tends to have a smaller SD than solitary data. This may well be due to the fact that schooling data are based on 5 points (five schools) and each point is the result of the MO2 of five fish, thereby reducing the variability compared to solitary fish."

      (b) Different sizes were used for solitary and schooling fishes. The authors justify using larger fish as solitary to provide a better ratio of respirometer volume to fish volume in the tests on individual fish. However, mass scaling for tail beat frequency was not provided. Although (1) this is because of lack of data for this species and (2) using scaling exponent of distant species would introduce errors of unknown magnitude, this is still a weakness of the paper that needs to be acknowledged here and in the ms.

      Response: Thank you for the comments. We have addressed both points in the previous comments and provided comprehensive discussions. We also stated the caveats in the method section of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Zhang and Lauder characterized both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic energy contributions in schools and solitary fishes in the Giant danio (Devario aequipinnatus) over a wide range of water velocities. By using a highly sophisticated respirometer system, the authors measure the aerobic metabolisms by oxygen uptake rate and the non-aerobic oxygen cost as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). With these data, the authors model the bioenergetic cost of schools and solitary fishes. The authors found that fish schools have a J-shaped metabolism-speed curve, with reduced total energy expenditure per tail beat compared to solitary fish. Fish in schools also recovered from exercise faster than solitary fish. Finally, the authors conclude that these energetic savings may underlie the prevalence of coordinated group locomotion in fish.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data.

      Response: Thank you for the positive comments.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have read carefully the revised version of the manuscript and would like to thank the authors for addressing all my comments/suggestions.

      I have no additional comments/suggestions. Now, I strongly believe that this manuscript deserves to be published in eLife.

      Response: Thank you for the positive comments.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      General responses

      Many thanks to the reviewers and editors for their very helpful comments on our manuscript. Below we respond (in blue text) to each of the reviewer comments, both the public ones and the more detailed individual comments in the second part of each review. In some cases, we consider these together where the same point is made in both sets of comments. We have made several changes to the manuscript in response to reviewer suggestions, and we respond in detail to the comments of reviewer #2 who feels that we have overstated the significance of our manuscript and suggests several relevant literature references. We prepared a table summarizing these references and why they differ substantially from the approach taken in our paper here.

      Overall, we would like to emphasize to both reviewers and readers of this response document that previous studies of fish schooling dynamics (or collective movement of vertebrates in general, see Commentary Zhang & Lauder 2023 J. Exp. Biol., doi:10.1242/jeb.245617) have not considered a wide speed range and thus the importance of measuring EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) as a key component of energy use. Quantifying both aerobic and non-aerobic energy use allows us to calculate the total energy expenditure (TEE) which we show differs substantially and, importantly, non-linearly with speed between schools and measurements on solitary individuals. Comparison between school total energy use and individual total energy use are critical to understanding the dynamics of schooling behaviour in fishes.

      The scope of this study is the energetics of fish schools. By quantifying the TEE over a wide range of swimming speeds, we also show that the energetic performance curve is concave upward, and not linear, and how schooling behaviour modifies this non-linear relationship.

      In addition, one key implication of our results is that kinematic measurements of fish in schools (such as tail beat frequency) are not a reliable metric by which to estimate energy use. Since we recorded high-speed video simultaneously with energetic measurements, we are able to show that substantial energy savings occur by fish in schools with little to no change in tail beat frequency, and we discuss in the manuscript the various fluid dynamic mechanisms that allow this. Indeed, studies of bird flight show that when flying in a (presumed) energy-saving V-formation, wing beat frequency can actually increase compared to flying alone. We believe that this is a particularly important part of our findings: understanding energy use by fish schools must involve actual measurements of energy use and not indirect and sometimes unreliable kinematic measurements such as tail beat frequency or amplitude.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In the presented manuscript the authors aim at quantifying the costs of locomotion in schooling versus solitary fish across a considerable range of speeds. Specifically, they quantify the possible reduction in the cost of locomotion in fish due to schooling behavior. The main novelty appears to be the direct measurement of absolute swimming costs and total energy expenditure, including the anaerobic costs at higher swimming speeds.

      In addition to metabolic parameters, the authors also recorded some basic kinematic parameters such as average distances or school elongation. They find both for solitary and schooling fish, similar optimal swimming speeds of around 1BL/s, and a significant reduction in costs of locomotion due to schooling at high speeds, in particular at ~5-8 BL/s.

      Given the lack of experimental data and the direct measurements across a wide range of speeds comparing solitary and schooling fish, this appears indeed like a potentially important contribution of interest to a broader audience beyond the specific field of fish physiology, in particular for researchers working broadly on collective (fish) behavior.

      Response: Thank you for seeing the potential implications of this study. We also believe that this paper has broader implications for collective behaviour in general, and outline some of our thinking on this topic in a recent Commentary article in the Journal of Experimental Biology: (Zhang & Lauder 2023 doi:10.1242/jeb.245617). Understanding the energetics of collective behaviours in the water, land, and air is a topic that has not received much attention despite the widespread view that moving as a collective saves energy.


      The manuscript is for the most part well written, and the figures are of good quality. The experimental method and protocols are very thorough and of high quality. The results are quite compelling and interesting. What is particularly interesting, in light of previous literature on the topic, is that the authors conclude that based on their results, specific fixed relative positions or kinematic features (tail beat phase locking) do not seem to be required for energetic savings. They also provide a review of potential different mechanisms that could play a role in the energetic savings.

      Response: Thank you for seeing the nuances we bring to the existing literature and comment on the quality of the experimental method and protocols. Despite a relatively large literature on fish schooling based on previous biomechanical research, our studies suggest that direct measurement of energetic cost clearly demonstrates the energy savings that result from the sum of different fluid dynamic mechanisms depending on where fish are, and also emphasizes that simple metrics like fish tail beat frequency do not adequately reflect energy savings during collective motion.


      A weakness is the actual lack of critical discussion of the different mechanisms as well as the discussion on the conjecture that relative positions and kinematic features do not matter. I found the overall discussion on this rather unsatisfactory, lacking some critical reflections as well as different relevant statements or explanations being scattered across the discussion section. Here I would suggest a revision of the discussion section.

      Response: The critical discussion of the different possible energy-saving mechanisms is indeed an important topic. We provided a discussion about the overall mechanism of ‘local interactions’ in the first paragraph of “Schooling Dynamics and energy conservation”. To clarify, our aim with Figure 1 is to introduce the current mechanisms proposed in the existing engineering/hydrodynamic literature that have studied a number of possible configurations both experimentally and computationally. Thank you for the suggestion of better organizing the discussion to critically highlight different mechanisms that would enable a dynamic schooling structure to still save energy and why the appendage movement frequency does not necessarily couple with the metabolic energy expenditure. Much of this literature uses computational fluid dynamic models or experiments on flapping foils as representative of fish. This exact issue is of great interest to us, and we are currently engaged in a number of other experiments that we hope will shed light on how fish moving in specific formations do or don’t save energy.

      Our aim in presenting Figure 1 at the start of the paper was to show that there are several ways that fish could save energy when moving in a group as shown by engineering analyses, but before investigating these various mechanisms in detail we first have to show that fish moving in groups actually do save energy with direct metabolic measurements. Hence, our paper treats the various mechanisms as inspiration to determine experimentally if, in fact, fish in schools save energy, and if so how much over a wide speed range. Our focus is to experimentally determine the performance curve that shows energy use as speed increases, for schools compared to individuals. Therefore, we have elected not to go into detail about these different hydrodynamic mechanisms in this paper, but rather to present them as a summary of current engineering literature views and then proceed to document energy savings (as stated in the second last paragraph of Introduction). We have an Commentary paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology that addresses this issue generally, and we are reluctant to duplicate much of that discussion here (Zhang & Lauder 2023 doi:10.1242/jeb.245617). We are working hard on this general issue as we agree that it is very interesting. We have revised the Introduction (second last paragraph of Introduction) and Discussion (first paragraph of Discussion) to better indicate our approach, but we have not added any significant discussion of the different hydrodynamic energy saving proposals as we believe that it outside the scope of this first paper and more suitable as part of follow-up studies.

      Also, there is a statement that Danio regularly move within the school and do not maintain inter-individual positions. However, there is no quantitative data shown supporting this statement, quantifying the time scales of neighbor switches. This should be addressed as core conclusions appear to rest on this statement and the authors have 3d tracks of the fish.

      Response: Thank you for pointing out this very important future research direction. Based on our observations and the hypothesized mechanisms for fish within the school to save energy (Fig. 1), we have been conducting follow-up experiments to decipher the multiple dynamic mechanisms that enable the fish within the school to save energy. Tracking the 3D position of each individual fish body in 3D within the fish school has proven difficult. We currently have 3D data on the nose position obtained simultaneously with the energetic measurements, but we do not have full 3D fish body positional data. Working with our collaborators, we are developing a 3-D tracking algorithm that will allow us to quantify how long fish spend in specific formations, and we currently have a new capability to record high-speed video of fish schooling moving in a flow tank for many hours (see our recent perspective by Ko et al., 2023 doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2023.0357). The new algorithms and the results will be published as separate studies and we think that these ongoing experiments are outside the scope of the current study with its focus on energetics. Nevertheless, the main point of Fig. 1 is to provide possible mechanisms to inspire future studies to dissect the detailed hydrodynamic mechanisms for energy saving, and the points raised by this comment are indeed extremely interesting to us and our ongoing experiments in this area. We provide a statement to clarify this point in the 1st paragraph of “Schooling dynamics and energy conservation” section.

      Further, there is a fundamental question on the comparison of schooling in a flow (like a stream or here flow channel) versus schooling in still water. While it is clear that from a pure physics point of view that the situation for individual fish is equivalent. As it is about maintaining a certain relative velocity to the fluid, I do think that it makes a huge qualitative difference from a biological point of view in the context of collective swimming. In a flow, individual fish have to align with the external flow to ensure that they remain stationary and do not fall back, which then leads to highly polarized schools. However, this high polarization is induced also for completely non-interacting fish. At high speeds, also the capability of individuals to control their relative position in the school is likely very restricted, simply by being forced to put most of their afford into maintaining a stationary position in the flow. This appears to me fundamentally different from schooling in still water, where the alignment (high polarization) has to come purely from social interactions. Here, relative positioning with respect to others is much more controlled by the movement decisions of individuals. Thus, I see clearly how this work is relevant for natural behavior in flows and that it provides some insights on the fundamental physiology, but I at least have some doubts about how far it extends actually to “voluntary” highly ordered schooling under still water conditions. Here, I would wish at least some more critical reflection and or explanation.

      Response: We agree completely with this comment that animal group orientations in still fluid can have different causes from their locomotion in a moving fluid. We very much agree with the reviewer that social interactions in still water, which typically involve low-speed locomotion and other behaviours such as searching for food by the group, can be important and could dictate fish movement patterns. In undertaking this project, we wanted to challenge fish to move at speed, and reasoned that if energy savings are important in schooling behaviour due to hydrodynamic mechanisms, we should see this when fish are moving forward against drag forces induced by fluid impacting the school. Drag forces scale as velocity squared, so we should see energy savings by the school, if any, as speed increases.

      We also quantified fish school swimming speeds in the field from the literature and presented a figure showing that in nature fish schools can and do move at considerable speeds. This figure is part of our overview on collective behaviour recently in J. Exp. Biol. (Zhang & Lauder 2023 doi:10.1242/jeb.245617). It is only by studying fish schools moving over a speed range that we can understand the performance curve relating energy use to swimming speed. Indeed, we wonder if fish moving in still water as a collective versus as solitary individuals would show energy savings at all. We now provided the justification for studying fish schooling in moving fluids in the second and third paragraph of the Introduction. When animals are challenged hydrodynamically (e.g. at higher speed), it introduces the need to save energy. Movement in still water lacks the need for fish to save energy. When fish do not need to save locomotor energy in still water, it is hard to justify why we would expect to observe energy saving and related physiological mechanisms in the first place. As the reviewer said, the ‘high polarization in still water has to come purely from social interactions’. Our study does not dispute this consideration, and indeed we agree with it! In our supplementary materials, we acknowledged the definitions for different scenarios of fish schooling can have different behavioural and ecological drivers. Using these definitions, we explicitly stated, in the introduction, that our study focuses on active and directional schooling behaviour to understand the possible hydrodynamic benefits of energy expenditure for collective movements of fish schools. By stating the scope of our study at the outset, we hope that this will keep the discussion focused on the energetics and kinematics of fish schools, without unnecessarily addressing other many possible reasons for fish schooling behaviours in the discussion such as anti-predator grouping, food searching, or reproduction as three examples.

      As this being said, we acknowledge (in the 2nd paragraph of the introduction) that fish schooling behaviour can have other drivers when the flow is not challenging. Also, there are robotic-&-animal interaction studies and computational fluid dynamic simulation studies (that we cited) that show individuals in fish schools interact hydrodynamically. Hydrodynamic interactions are not the same as behaviour interactions, but it does not mean individuals within the fish schooling in moving flow are not interacting and coordinating.

      Related to this, the reported increase in the elongation of the school at a higher speed could have also different explanations. The authors speculate briefly it could be related to the optimal structure of the school, but it could be simply inter-individual performance differences, with slower individuals simply falling back with respect to faster ones. Did the authors test for certain fish being predominantly at the front or back? Did they test for individual swimming performance before testing them in groups together? Again this should be at least critically reflected somewhere.

      Response: Thank you for raising this point. If the more streamlined schooling structure above 2 BL/s is due to the weaker individuals not catching up with the rest of the school, we would expect the weaker individuals to quit swimming tests well before 8 BL/s. However, we did not observe this phenomenon. Although we did not specifically test for the two questions the reviewer raises here, our results suggest that inter-individual variation in the swimming performance of giant Danio is not at the range of 2 to 8 BL/s (a 400% difference). While inter-individual differences certainly exist, we believe that they are small relative to the speeds tested as we did not see any particular individuals consistently unable to keep up with the school or certain individuals maintaining a position near the back of the school. As this being said, we provide additional interpretations for the elongated schooling structure at the end of the 2nd paragraph of the “schooling dynamics and energy conservation” section.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 58: The authors write "How the fluid dynamics (...) enable energetic savings (...)". However, the paper focuses rather on the question of whether energetic savings exist and does not enlighten us on the dominant mechanisms. Although it gives a brief overview of all possible mechanisms, it remains speculative on the actual fluid dynamical and biomechanical processes. Thus, I suggest changing "How" to "Whether".

      Response: Great point! We changed “How” to “Whether”.

      Lines 129-140: In the discussion of the U-shaped aerobic rate, there is no direct comparison of the minimum cost values between the schooling and solitary conditions. Only the minimum costs during schooling are named/discussed. In addition to the data in the figure, I suggest explicitly comparing them as well for full transparency.

      Response: Thanks for raising this point. We did not belabor this point because there was no statistical significance. As requested, we added a statement to address this with statistics in the 1st paragraph of the Results section.

      Line 149: The authors note that the schooling fish have a higher turning frequency than solitary fish. Here, a brief discussion of potential explanations would be good, e.g. need for coordination with neighbors -> cost of schooling.

      Response: Thank you for the suggestion. In the original version of the manuscript, we discussed that the higher turning frequency could be related to higher postural costs for active stability adjustment at low speeds. As requested, we now added that high turn frequency can relate to the need for coordination with neighbours in the last paragraph of the “Aerobic metabolic rate–speed curve of fish schools” section. As indicated above, the suspected costs of coordination did not result in higher costs of schooling at the lower speed (< 2 BL s-1, where the turn frequency is higher).

      Line 151: The authors discuss the higher maximum metabolic rate of schooling fish as a higher aerobic performance and lower use of aerobic capacity. This may be confusing for non-experts in animal physiology and energetics of locomotion. I recommend providing somewhere in a paper an additional explanation to clarify it to non-experts. While lines 234-240 and further below potentially address this, I found this not very focused or accessible to non-experts. Here, I suggest the authors consider revisions to make it more comprehensible to a wider, interdisciplinary audience.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the difference between maximum oxygen uptake and maximum metabolic rate can be confusing. In fact, among animal physiologists, these two concepts are often muddled. One of the authors is working on an invited commentary from J. Exp. Biol. to clearly define these two concepts. We have made the language in the section “Schooling dynamics enhances aerobic performance and reduces non-aerobic energy use” more accessible to a general audience. In addition, the original version presented the relevant framework in the first and the second paragraphs of the Introduction when discussing aerobic and non-aerobic energy contribution. In brief, when vertebrates exhibit maximum oxygen uptake, they use aerobic and non-aerobic energy contributions that both contribute to their metabolic rate. Therefore, the maximum total metabolic rate is higher than the one estimated from only maximum oxygen uptake. We used the method presented in Fig. 3a to estimate the maximum metabolic rate for metabolic energy use (combining aerobic and non-aerobic energy use). In kinesiology, maximum oxygen uptake is used to evaluate the aerobic performance and energy use of human athletes is estimated by power meters or doubly labelled water.

      Line 211: The authors write that Danio regularly move within the school and do not maintain inter-individual positions. Given that this is an important observation, and the relative position and its changes are crucial to understanding the possible mechanisms for energetic savings in schools, I would expect some more quantitative support for this statement, in particular as the authors have access to 3d tracking data. For example introducing some simple metrics like average time intervals between swaps of nearest neighbors, possibly also resolved in directions (front+back versus right+left), should provide at least some rough quantification of the involved timescales, whether it is seconds, tens of seconds, or minutes.

      Response: As responded in the comment above, 3-D tracking of both body position and body deformation of multiple individuals in a school is not a trivial research challenge and we have ongoing research on this issue. We hope to have results on the 3D positions of fish in schools soon! For this manuscript, we believe that the data in Figure 4E which shows the turning frequency of fish in schools and solitary controls shows the general phenomenon of fish moving around (as fish turn to change positions within the school), but we agree that more could be done to address this point and we are indeed working on it now.

      Lines 212-217: There is a very strong statement that energetic savings by collective motion do not require fixed positional arrangements or specific kinematic features. While possibly one of the most interesting findings of the paper, I found that in its current state, it was not sufficiently/satisfactorily discussed. For example for the different mechanisms summarized, there will be clearly differences in their relevance based on relative distance and position. For example mechanisms 3 and 4 likely have significant contributions only at short distances. Here, the question is how relevant can they be if the average distance is 1 BL? Also, 1BL side by side is very much different from 1BL front to back, given the elongated body shape. For mechanisms 1 and 2, it appears relative positioning is quite important. Here, having maybe at least some information from the literature (if available) on the range of wall or push effects or the required precision in relative positioning for having a significant benefit would be very much desired. Also, do the authors suggest that a) these different effects overlap giving any position in the school a benefit, or b) that there are specific positions giving benefits due to different mechanisms and that fish "on purpose" switch only between these energetic "sweet" spots, I guess this what is towards the end referred to as Lighthill conjecture? Given the small group size I find a) rather unlikely, while b) actually also leads to a coordination problem if every fish is looking for a sweet spot. Overall, a related question is whether the authors observed a systematic change in leading individuals, which likely have no, or very small, hydrodynamic benefits.

      Response: Thank you for the excellent discussion on this point. As we responded above, we have softened the tone of the statement. In the original version, we were clear that the known mechanisms as summarized in Fig. 1 lead us to ‘expect’ that fish do not need to be in a fixed position to save energy.

      In general, current engineering/hydrodynamic studies suggest that any fish positioned within one body length (both upstream and downstream and side by side) will benefit from one or more of the hydrodynamic mechanisms that we expect will reduce energy costs, relative to a solitary individual. Our own studies using robotic systems suggest that a leading fish will experience an added mass “push” from a follower when the follower is located within roughly ½ body length behind the leader. We cited a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) study about the relative distance among individuals for energy saving to be in effect. Please keep in mind that CFD simulation is a simplified model of the actual locomotion of fish and involves many assumptions and currently only resolves the time scale of seconds (see commentary of Zhang & Lauder 2023 doi:10.1242/jeb.245617 in J. Exp. Biol. for the current challenges of CFD simulation). To really understand the dynamic positions of fish within the school, we will need 3-D tracking of fish schools with tools that are currently being developed. Ideally, we would also have simultaneous energetic measurements, but of course, this is enormously challenging and it is not clear at this time how to accomplish this.

      We certainly agree that the relative positions of fish (vertically staggered or in-line swimming) do affect the specific hydrodynamic mechanisms being used. We cited the study that discussed this, but the relative positions of fish remain an active area of research. More studies will be out next few years to provide more insight into the effects of the relative positions of fish in energy saving. The Lighthill conjecture is observed in flapping foils and whether fish schools use the Lighthill conjecture for energy saving is an active area of research but still unclear. We also provided a citation about the implication of the Lighthill conjecture on fish schools. Hence, our original version stated ‘The exact energetic mechanisms….would benefit from more in-depth studies’. We agree with the reviewer that not all fish can benefit Lighthill conjecture (if fish schools use it) at any given time point, hence the fish might need to rotate in using the Lighthill conjecture. This is one more explanation for the dynamic positioning of fish in a school.

      Overall, in response to the question raised, we do not believe that fish are actively searching for “sweet spots” within the school, although this is only speculation on our part. We believe instead that fish, located in a diversity of positions within the school, get the hydrodynamic advantage of being in the group at that configuration.

      We believe that fish, once they group and maintain a grouping where individuals are all within around one body length distance from each other, will necessarily get hydrodynamic benefits. As a collective group, we believe that at any one time, several different hydrodynamic mechanisms are all acting simultaneously and result in reduced energetic costs (Fig. 1).

      Figure 4E: The y-axis is given in the units of 10-sec^-1 which is confusing is it 10 1/s or 1/(10s)? Why not use simply the unit of 1/s which is unambiguous?

      Response: Thank you for the suggestions. We counted the turning frequency over the course of 10 seconds. To reflect more accurately on what we did, we used the suggested unit of 1/(10s) to more correctly correspond to how we made the measurements and the duration of the measurement. We recognize that this is a bit non-standard but would like to keep these units if possible.

      Figure 4F: The unit in the school length is given in [mm], which suggests that the maximal measured school length is 4mm, this can't be true.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. The unit should be [cm], which we corrected.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper tests the idea that schooling can provide an energetic advantage over solitary swimming. The present study measures oxygen consumption over a wide range of speeds, to determine the differences in aerobic and anaerobic cost of swimming, providing a potentially valuable addition to the literature related to the advantages of group living.

      Response: Thank you for acknowledging our contribution is a valuable addition to the literature on collective movement by animals.


      The strength of this paper is related to providing direct measurements of the energetics (oxygen consumption) of fish while swimming in a group vs solitary. The energetic advantages of schooling have been claimed to be one of the major advantages of schooling and therefore a direct energetic assessment is a useful result.

      Response: Thank you for acknowledging our results are useful and provide direct measurements of energetics to prove a major advantage of schooling relative to solitary motion over a range of speeds.


      The manuscript suffers from a number of weaknesses which are summarised below:

      1) The possibility that fish in a school show lower oxygen consumption may also be due to a calming effect. While the authors show that there is no difference at low speed, one cannot rule out that calming effects play a more important role at higher speed, i.e. in a more stressful situation.

      Response: Thank you for raising this creative point on “calming”. When vertebrates are moving at high speeds, their stress hormones (adrenaline, catecholamines & cortisol) increase. This phenomenon has been widely studied, and therefore, we do not believe that animals are ‘calm’ when moving at high speed and that somehow a “calming effect” explains our non-linear concave-upward energetic curves. “Calming” would have to have a rather strange non-linear effect over speed to explain our data, and act in contrast to known physiological responses involved in intense exercise (whether in fish or humans). It is certainly not true for humans that running at high speeds in a group causes a “calming effect” that explains changes in metabolic energy expenditure. We have added an explanation in the third paragraph in the section “Schooling dynamics enhances aerobic performance and reduces non-aerobic energy use”. Moreover, when animal locomotion has a high frequency of appendage movement (for both solitary individual and group movement), they are also not ‘calm’ from a behavioural point of view. Therefore, we respectfully disagree with the reviewer that the ‘calming effect’ is a major contributor to the energy saving of group movement at high speed. It is difficult to believe that giant danio swimming at 8 BL/s which is near or at their maximal sustainable locomotor limits are somehow “calm”. In addition, we demonstrated by direct energetic measurement that solitary individuals do not have a higher metabolic rate at the lower speed and thus directly show that there is very likely no cost of “uncalm” stress that would elevate the metabolic rate of solitary individuals. Furthermore, the current version of this manuscript compared the condition factor of the fish in the school and solitary individuals and found no difference (see Experimental Animal Section in the Methods). This also suggests that the measurement on the solitary fish is likely not confounded by any stress effects.

      Finally, and as discussed further below, since we have simultaneous high-speed videos of fish swimming as we measure oxygen consumption at all speeds, we are able to directly measure fish behaviour. Since we observed no alteration in tail beat kinematics between schools and individuals (a key result that we elaborate on below), it’s very hard to justify that a “calming” effect explains our results. Fish in schools swimming at speed (not in still water) appear to be just as “calm” as solitary individuals.

      2) The ratio of fish volume to water volume in the respirometer is much higher than that recommended by the methodological paper by Svendsen et al. (J Fish Biol 2016) Response: The ratio of respirometer volume to fish volume is an important issue that we thought about in detail before conducting these experiments. While Svendsen et al., (J. Fish Biol. 2016) recommend a respirometer volume-to-fish volume ratio of 500, we are not aware of any experimental study comparing volumes with oxygen measuring accuracy that gives this number as optimal. In addition, the Svendsen et al. paper does not consider that their recommendation might result in fish swimming near the walls of the flume (as a result of having relatively larger fish volume to flume volume) and hence able to alter their energetic expenditure by being near the wall. In our case, we needed to be able to study both a school (with higher animal volumes) and an individual (relatively lower volume) in the same exact experimental apparatus. Thus, we had to develop a system to accurately record oxygen consumption under both conditions.

      The ratio of our respirometer to individual volume for schools is 693, while the value for individual fish is 2200. Previous studies (Parker 1973, Abrahams & Colgan, 1985, Burgerhout et al., 2013) that used a swimming-tunnel respirometer (i.e., a sealed treadmill) to measure the energy cost of group locomotion used values that range between 1116 and 8894 which are large and could produce low-resolution measurements of oxygen consumption. Thus, we believe that we have an excellent ratio for our experiments on both schools and solitary individuals, while maintaining a large enough value that fish don’t experience wall effects (see more discussion on this below, as we experimentally quantified the flow pattern within our respirometer).

      The goal of the recommendation by Svendsen et al. is to achieve a satisfactory R2 (coefficient of determination) value for oxygen consumption data. However, Chabot et al., 2020 (DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14650) pointed out that only relying on R2 values is not always successful at excluding non-linear slopes. Much worse, only pursuing high R2 values has a risk of removing linear slopes with low R2 only because of a low signal-to-noise ratio and resulting in an overestimation of the low metabolic rate. Although we acknowledge the excellent efforts and recommendations provided by Svendsen et al., 2016, we perhaps should not treat the ratio of respirometer to organism volume of 500 as the gold standard for swim-tunnel respirometry. Svendsen et al., 2020 did not indicate how they reached the recommendation of using the ratio of respirometer to organism volume of 500. Moreover, Svendsen et al., 2020 stated that using an extended measuring period can help to resolve the low signal-to-noise ratio. Hence, the key consideration is to obtain a reliable signal-to-noise ratio which we will discuss below.

      To ensure we obtain reliable data quality, we installed a water mixing loop (Steffensen et al., 1984) and used the currently best available technology of oxygen probe (see method section of Integrated Biomechanics & Bioenergetic Assessment System) to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The water mixing loop is not commonly used in swim-tunnel respirometer. Hence, if a previously published study used a respirometer-to-organism ratio up to 8894, our updated oxygen measuring system is completely adequate to produce reliable signal-to-noise ratios in our system with a respirometer-to-organism ratio of 2200 (individuals) and 693 (schools). In fact, our original version of the manuscript used a published method (Zhang et al., 2019, J. Exp. Biol. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.196568) to analyze the signal-to-noise ratio and provided the quantitative approach to determine the sampling window to reliably capture the signal (Fig. S5).

      3) Because the same swimming tunnel was used for schools and solitary fish, schooling fish may end up swimming closer to the wall (because of less volume per fish) than solitary fish. Distances to the wall of schooling fish are not given, and they could provide an advantage to schooling fish.

      Response: This is an issue that we considered carefully in designing these experiments. After considering the volume of the respirometer and the size of the fish (see the response above), we decided to use the same respirometer to avoid any other confounding factors when using different sizes of respirometers with potentially different internal flow patterns. In particular, different sizes of Brett-type swim-tunnel respirometers differ in the turning radius of water flow, which can produce different flow patterns in the swimming section. Please note that we quantified the flow pattern within the flow tank using particle image velocimetry (PIV) (so we have quantitative velocity profiles across the working section at all tested speeds), and modified the provided baffle system to improve the flow in the working section.

      Because we took high-speed videos simultaneously with the respirometry measurements, we can state unequivocally that individual fish within the school did not swim closer to the walls than solitary fish over the testing period (see below for the quantitative measurements of the boundary layer). Indeed, many previous respirometry studies do not obtain simultaneous video data and hence are unable to document fish locations when energetics is measured.

      In studying schooling energetics, we believe that it is important to control as many factors as possible when making comparisons between school energetics and solitary locomotion. We took great care as indicated in the Methods section to keep all experimental parameters the same (same light conditions, same flow tank, same O2 measuring locations with the internal flow loop, etc.) so that we could detect differences if present. Changing the flow tank respirometer apparatus between individual fish and the schools studied would have introduced an unacceptable alteration of experimental conditions and would be a clear violation of the best experimental practices.

      We have made every effort to be clear and transparent about the choice of experimental apparatus and explained at great length the experimental parameters and setup used, including the considerations about the wall effect in the extended Methods section and supplemental material provided.

      Our manuscript provides the measurement of the boundary layer (<2.5 mm at speeds > 2 BL s-1) in the methods section of the Integrated Biomechanics & Bioenergetic Assessment System. We also state that the boundary layer is much thinner than the body width of the giant danio (~10 mm) so that the fish cannot effectively hide near the wall. Due to our PIV calibration, we are able to quantify flow near the wall.

      In the manuscript, we also provide details about the wall effects and fish schools as follows from the manuscript: ”…the convex hull volume of the fish school did not change as speed increased, suggesting that the fish school was not flattening against the wall of the swim tunnel, a typical feature when fish schools are benefiting from wall effects. In nature, fish in the centre of the school effectively swim against a ‘wall’ of surrounding fish where they can benefit from hydrodynamic interactions with neighbours.”’ The notion that the lateral motion of surrounding slender bodies can be represented by a streamlined wall was also proposed by Newman et al., 1970 J. Fluid Mech. These considerations provide ample justification for the comparison of locomotor energetics by schools and solitary individuals.

      4) The statistical analysis has a number of problems. The values of MO2 of each school are the result of the oxygen consumption of each fish, and therefore the test is comparing 5 individuals (i.e. an individual is the statistical unit) vs 5 schools (a school made out of 8 fish is the statistical unit). Therefore the test is comparing two different statistical units. One can see from the graphs that schooling MO2 tends to have a smaller SD than solitary data. This may well be due to the fact that schooling data are based on 5 points (five schools) and each point is the result of the MO2 of five fish, thereby reducing the variability compared to solitary fish. Other issues are related to data (for example Tail beat frequency) not being independent in schooling fish.

      Response: We cannot agree with the reviewer that fish schools and solitary individuals are different statistical units. Indeed, these are the two treatments in the statistical sense: a school versus the individual. This is why we invested extra effort to replicate all our experiments on multiple schools of different individuals and compare the data to multiple different solitary individuals. This is a standard statistical approach, whether one is comparing a tissue with multiple cells to an individual cell, or multiple locations to one specific location in an ecological study. Our analysis treats the collective movement of the fish school as a functional unit, just like the solitary individual is a functional unit. At the most fundamental level of oxygen uptake measurements, our analysis results from calculating the declining dissolved oxygen as a function of time (i.e. the slope of oxygen removal). Comparisons are made between the slope of oxygen removal by fish schools and the slope of oxygen removal by solitary individuals. This is the correct statistical comparison.

      The larger SD in individuals can be due to multiple biological reasons other than the technical reasons suggested here. Fundamentally, the different SD between fish schools and individuals can be the result of differences between solitary and collective movement and the different fluid dynamic interactions within the school could certainly cause differences in the amount of variation seen. Our interpretation of the ‘numerically’ smaller SD in fish schools than that of solitary individuals suggests that interesting hydrodynamic phenomena within fish schools remain to be discovered.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have reviewed a previous version of this paper. This new draft is somewhat improved but still presents a number of issues which I have outlined below.

      Response: Thanks for your efforts to improve our paper with reviews, but a number of your comments apply to the previous version of the paper, and we have made a number of revisions before submitting it to eLife. We explain below how this version of the manuscript addresses many of your comments from both the previous and current reviews. As readers can see from our responses below, this version of the manuscript version no longer uses only ‘two-way ANOVA’ as we have implemented an additional statistical model. (Please see the comments below for more detailed responses related to the statistical models).

      1) One of the main problems, and one of the reasons (see below) why many previous papers have measured TBF and not the oxygen consumption of a whole school, is that schooling also provides a calming effect (Nadler et al 2018) which is not easily differentiated from the hydrodynamic advantages (Abraham and Colgan 1985). This effect can reduce the MO2 while swimming and the EPOC when recovering. The present study does not fully take this potential issue into account and therefore its results are confounded by such effects. The authors state (line 401) that " the aerobic locomotion cost of solitary individuals showed no statistical difference from (in fact, being numerically lower) that of fish schools at a very low testing speed. The flow speed is similar to some areas of the aerated home aquarium for each individual fish. This suggests that the stress of solitary fish likely does not meaningfully contribute to the higher locomotor costs". While this is useful, the possibility that at higher speeds (i.e. a more stressful situation) solitary fish may experience more stress than fish in a school, cannot be ruled out.

      Response: Thank you for finding our results and data useful. We have addressed the comments on calming or stress effects in our response above. The key point is that either solitary or school fish are challenged (i.e. stressed) at a high speed where the sizable increases in stress hormones are well documented in the exercise physiology literature. We honestly just do not understand how a “calming” effect could possibly explain the upward concave energetic curves that we obtained, and how “calming” could explain the difference between schools and solitary individuals. Since we have simultaneous high-speed videos of fish swimming as we measure oxygen consumption at all speeds, we are able to directly observe fish behaviour. It is not exactly clear what a “calming effect” would look like kinematically or how one would measure this experimentally, but since we observed no alteration in tail beat kinematics between schools and individuals (a key result that we elaborate on below), it’s very hard to justify that a “calming” effect explains our results. Fish in schools appear to be just as “calm” as solitary individuals.

      If the reviewer's “calming effect” is a general issue, then birds flying in a V-formation should also experience a “calming effect”, but at least one study shows that birds in a V-formation experience higher wing beat frequencies.

      In addition, Nalder et al., 2018 (https://doi.org/10.1242/bio.031997) did not study any such “calming effect”. We assume the reviewer is referring to Nalder et al., 2016, which showed that shoaling reduced fish metabolic rates in a resting respirometer that has little-to-no water current that would motivate fish to swim (which is very different from the swim-tunnel respirometer we used). Moreover, the inter-loop system used by Nalder et al., 2016 has the risk of mixing the oxygen uptake of the fish shoal and solitary individuals. Hence, we believe that it is not appropriate to extend the results of Nalder et al., 2016 to infer and insist on a calming effect for fish schools that we studied which are actively and directionally swimming over a wide speed range up to and including high speeds. Especially since our data clearly show that ‘the aerobic locomotion cost of solitary individuals showed no statistical difference from (in fact, being numerically lower) that of fish schools at very low testing speeds’. More broadly, shoaling and schooling are very different in terms of polarization as well as the physiological and behavioural mechanisms used in locomotion. Shoaling behaviour by fish in still water is not the same as active directional schooling over a speed range. Our supplementary Table 1 provides a clear definition for a variety of grouping behaviours and makes the distinction between shoaling and schooling.

      Our detailed discussion about other literature mentioned by this reviewer can be seen in the comments below.

      2) The authors overstate the novelty of their work. Line 29: "Direct energetic measurements demonstrating the 30 energy-saving benefits of fluid-mediated group movements remain elusive" The idea that schooling may provide a reduction in the energetic costs of swimming dates back to the 70s, with pioneering experimental work showing a reduction in tail beat frequency in schooling fish vs solitary (by Zuyev, G. V. & Belyayev, V. V. (1970) and theoretical work by Weihs (1973). Work carried out in the past 20 years (Herskin and Steffensen 1998; Marras et al 2015; Bergerhout et al 2013; Hemelrijk et al 2014; Li et al 2021, Wiwchar et al 2017; Verma et al 2018; Ashraf et al 2019) based on a variety of approaches has supported the idea of a reduction in swimming costs in schooling vs solitary fish. In addition, group respirometry has actually been done in early and more recent studies testing the reduction in oxygen consumption as a result of schooling (Parker, 1973; Itazawa et al., 1978; Abrahams and Colgan 1985; Davis & Olla, 1992; Ross & Backman, 1992, Bergerhout et al 2013; Currier et al 2020). Specifically, Abrahams and Colgan (1985) and Bergerhout et al (2013) found that the oxygen consumption of fish swimming in a school was higher than when solitary, and Abrahams and Colgan (1985) made an attempt to deal with the confounding calming effect by pairing solitary fish up with a neighbor visible behind a barrier. These issues and how they were dealt with in the past (and in the present manuscript) are not addressed by the present manuscript. Currier et al (2020) found that the reduction of oxygen consumption was species-specific.

      Response: We cannot agree with this reviewer that we have overstated the novelty of our work, and, in fact, we make very specific comments on the new contributions of our paper relative to the large previous literature on schooling. We are well aware of the literature cited above and many of these papers have little or nothing to do with quantifying the energetics of schooling. In addition, many of these papers rely on simple kinematic measurements which are unrelated to direct energetic measurements of energy use. To elaborate on this, we present the ‘Table R’ below which evaluates and compares each of the papers this reviewer cites above. The key message (as we wrote in the manuscript) is that none of the previous studies measured non-aerobic cost (and thus do not calculate the total energy expenditure (TEE), which we show to be substantial. In addition, many of these studies do not compare schools to individuals, do not quantify both energetics and kinematics, and do not study a wide speed range. Only 33% of previous studies used direct measurements of aerobic metabolic rate to compare the locomotion costs of fish schools and solitary individuals (an experimental control). We want to highlight that most of the citations in the reviewer’s comments are not about the kinematics or hydrodynamics of fish schooling energetics, although they provide peripheral information on fish schooling in general. We also provide an overview of the literature on this topic in our paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology (Zhang & Lauder 2023 doi:10.1242/jeb.245617) and do not wish to duplicate that discussion here. We summarized and cited the relevant papers about the energetics of fish schooling in Table 1.

      Author response table 1.

      Papers cited by Reviewer #2, and a summary of their contributions and approach.

      References cited above:

      Zuyev, G., & Belyayev, V. V. (1970). An experimental study of the swimming of fish in groups as exemplified by the horsemackerel [Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus Aleev]. J Ichthyol, 10, 545-549.

      Weihs, D. (1973). Hydromechanics of fish schooling. Nature, 241(5387), 290-291.

      Herskin, J., & Steffensen, J. F. (1998). Energy savings in sea bass swimming in a school: measurements of tail beat frequency and oxygen consumption at different swimming speeds. Journal of Fish Biology, 53(2), 366-376.

      Marras, S., Killen, S. S., Lindström, J., McKenzie, D. J., Steffensen, J. F., & Domenici, P. (2015). Fish swimming in schools save energy regardless of their spatial position. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 69, 219-226.

      Burgerhout, E., Tudorache, C., Brittijn, S. A., Palstra, A. P., Dirks, R. P., & van den Thillart, G. E. (2013). Schooling reduces energy consumption in swimming male European eels, Anguilla anguilla L. Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 448, 66-71.

      Hemelrijk, C. K., Reid, D. A. P., Hildenbrandt, H., & Padding, J. T. (2015). The increased efficiency of fish swimming in a school. Fish and Fisheries, 16(3), 511-521.

      Li, L., Nagy, M., Graving, J. M., Bak-Coleman, J., Xie, G., & Couzin, I. D. (2020). Vortex phase matching as a strategy for schooling in robots and in fish. Nature communications, 11(1), 5408.

      Wiwchar, L. D., Gilbert, M. J., Kasurak, A. V., & Tierney, K. B. (2018). Schooling improves critical swimming performance in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(4), 653-661.

      Verma, S., Novati, G., & Koumoutsakos, P. (2018). Efficient collective swimming by harnessing vortices through deep reinforcement learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(23), 5849-5854.

      Ashraf, I., Bradshaw, H., Ha, T. T., Halloy, J., Godoy-Diana, R., & Thiria, B. (2017). Simple phalanx pattern leads to energy saving in cohesive fish schooling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(36), 9599-9604.

      Parker Jr, F. R. (1973). Reduced metabolic rates in fishes as a result of induced schooling. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 102(1), 125-131.

      Itazawa, Y., & Takeda, T. (1978). Gas exchange in the carp gills in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Respiration physiology, 35(3), 263-269.

      Abrahams, M. V., & Colgan, P. W. (1985). Risk of predation, hydrodynamic efficiency and their influence on school structure. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 13, 195-202.

      Davis, M. W., & Olla, B. L. (1992). The role of visual cues in the facilitation of growth in a schooling fish. Environmental biology of fishes, 34, 421-424.

      Ross, R. M., Backman, T. W., & Limburg, K. E. (1992). Group-size-mediated metabolic rate reduction in American shad. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 121(3), 385-390.

      Currier, M., Rouse, J., & Coughlin, D. J. (2021). Group swimming behaviour and energetics in bluegill Lepomis macrochirus and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Fish Biology, 98(4), 1105-1111.

      Halsey, L. G., Wright, S., Racz, A., Metcalfe, J. D., & Killen, S. S. (2018). How does school size affect tail beat frequency in turbulent water?. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 218, 63-69.

      Johansen, J. L., Vaknin, R., Steffensen, J. F., & Domenici, P. (2010). Kinematics and energetic benefits of schooling in the labriform fish, striped surfperch Embiotoca lateralis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 420, 221-229.

      3) In addition to the calming effect, measuring group oxygen consumption suffers from a number of problems as discussed in Herskin and Steffensen (1998) such as the fish volume to water volume ratio, which varies considerably when testing a school vs single individuals in the same tunnel and the problem of wall effect when using a small volume of water for accurate O2 measurements. Herskin and Steffensen (1998) circumvented these problems by measuring tailbeat frequencies of fish in a school and then calculating the MO2 of the corresponding tailbeat frequency in solitary fish in a swim tunnel. A similar approach was used by Johansen et al (2010), Marras et al (2015), Halsey et al (2018). However, It is not clear how these potential issues were dealt with here. Here, larger solitary D. aequipinnatus were used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. However, using individuals of different sizes makes other variables not so directly comparable, including stress, energetics, and kinematics. (see comment 7 below).

      Response: We acknowledge the great efforts made by previous studies to understand the energetics of fish schooling. These studies, as detailed in the table and elaborated in the response above (see comment 2) are very different from our current study. Our study achieved a direct comparison of energetics (including both aerobic and non-aerobic cost) and kinematics between solitary individuals and fish schools that has never been done before. Our detailed response to the supposed “calming effect” is given above.

      As highlighted in the previous comments and opening statement, our current version has addressed the wall effect, tail beat frequency, and experimental and analytical efforts invested to directly compare the energetics between fish schools and solitary individuals. As readers can see in our comprehensive method section, achieving the direct comparison between solitary individuals and fish schools is not a trivial task. Now we want to elaborate on the role of kinematics as an indirect estimate of energetics. Our results here show that kinematic measurements of tail beat frequency are not reliable estimates of energetic cost, and the previous studies cited did not measure EPOC and those costs are substantial, especially as swimming speed increases. Fish in schools can save energy even when the tail beat frequency does not change (although school volume can change as we show). We elaborated (in great detail) on why kinematics does not always reflect on the energetics in the submitted version (see last paragraph of “Schooling dynamics and energy conservation” section). Somehow modeling what energy expenditure should be based only on tail kinematics is, in our view, a highly unreliable approach that has never been validated (e.g., fish use more than just tails for locomotion). Indeed, we believe that this is an inadequate substitute for direct energy measurements. We disagree that using slightly differently sized individuals is an issue since we recorded fish kinematics across all experiments and included the measurements of behaviour in our manuscript. Slightly altering the size of individual fish was done on purpose to provide a better ratio of respirometer volume to fish volume in the tests on individual fish, thus we regard this as a benefit of our approach and not a concern.

      Finally, in another study of the collective behaviour of flying birds (Usherwood, J. R., Stavrou, M., Lowe, J. C., Roskilly, K. and Wilson, A. M. (2011). Flying in a flock comes at a cost in pigeons. Nature 474, 494-497), the authors observed that wing beat frequency can increase during flight with other birds. Hence, again, we cannot regard movement frequency of appendages as an adequate substitute for direct energetic measurements.

      4) Svendsen et al (2016) provide guidelines for the ratio of fish volume to water volume in the respirometer. The ratio used here (2200) is much higher than that recommended. RFR values higher than 500 should be avoided in swim tunnel respirometry, according to Svendsen et al (2016).

      Response: Thank you for raising this point. Please see the detailed responses above to the same comment above. We believe that our experimental setup and ratios are very much in line with those recommended, and represent a significant improvement on previous studies which use large ratios.

      5) Lines 421-436: The same goes for wall effects. Presumably, using the same size swim tunnel, schooling fish were swimming much closer to the walls than solitary fish but this is not specifically quantified here in this paper. Lines 421-436 provide some information on the boundary layer (though wall effects are not just related by the boundary layer) and some qualitative assessment of school volume. However, no measurement of the distance between the fish and the wall is given.

      Response: Please see the detailed responses above to the same comment. Specifically, we used the particle image velocimetry (PIV) system to measure the boundary layer (<2.5 mm at speeds > 2 BL s-1) and stated the parameters in the methods section of the Integrated Biomechanics & Bioenergetic Assessment System. We also state that the boundary layer is much thinner than the body width of the giant danio (~10 mm) so that the fish cannot effectively hide near the wall. Due to our PIV calibration, we are able to quantify flow near the wall.

      Due to our video data obtained simultaneously with energetic measurements, we do not agree that fish were swimming closer to the wall in schools and also note that we took care to modify the typical respirometer to both ensure that flow across the cross-section did not provide any refuges and to quantify flow velocities in the chamber using particle image velocimetry. We do not believe that any previous experiments on schooling behaviour in fish have taken the same precautions.

      6) The statistical tests used have a number of problems. Two-way ANOVA was based on school vs solitary and swimming speed. However, there are repeated measures at each speed and this needs to be dealt with. The degrees of freedom of one-way ANOVA and T-tests are not provided. These tests took into account five groups of fish vs. five solitary fish. The values of MO2 of each school are the result of the oxygen consumption of each fish, and therefore the test is comparing 5 individuals (i.e. an individual is the statistical unit) vs 5 schools (a school made out of 8 fish is the statistical unit). Therefore the test is comparing two different statistical units. One can see from the graphs that schooling MO2 tend to have a smaller SD than solitary data. This may well be due to the fact that schooling data are based on 5 points (five schools) and each point is the result of the MO2 of five fish, thereby reducing the variability compared to solitary fish. TBF, on the other hand, can be assigned to each fish even in a school, and therefore TBF of each fish could be compared by using a nested approach of schooling fish (nested within each school) vs solitary fish, but this is not the statistical procedure used in the present manuscript. The comparison between TBFs presumably is comparing 5 individuals vs all the fish in the schools (6x5=30 fish). However, the fish in the school are not independent measures.

      Response: We cannot agree with this criticism, which may be based on this reviewer having seen a previous version of the manuscript. We did not use two-way ANOVA in this version. This version of the manuscript reported the statistical value based on a General Linear Model (see statistical section of the method). We are concerned that this reviewer did not in fact read either the Methods section or the Results section. In addition, it is hard to accept that, from examination of the data shown in Figure 3, there is not a clear and large difference between schooling and solitary locomotion, regardless of the statistical test used.

      Meanwhile, the comments about the ‘repeated’ measures from one speed to the next are interesting, but we cannot agree. The ‘repeated’ measures are proper when one testing subject is assessed before and after treatment. Going from one speed to the next is not a treatment. Instead, the speed is a dependent and continuous variable. In our experimental design, the treatment is fish school, and the control is a solitary individual. Second, we never compared any of our dependent variables across different speeds within a school or within an individual. Instead, we compared schools and individuals at each speed. In this comparison, there are no ‘repeated’ measures. We agree with the reviewer that fish in the school are interacting (not independent). This is one more reason to support our approach of treating fish schools as a functional and statistical unit in our experiment design (more detailed responses are stated in the response to the comment above).

      7) The size of solitary and schooling individuals appears to be quite different (solitary fish range 74-88 cm, schooling fish range 47-65 cm). While scaling laws can correct for this in the MO2, was this corrected for TBF and for speed in BL/s? Using BL/s for speed does not completely compensate for the differences in size.

      Response: Our current version has provided justifications for not conducting scaling in the values of tail beat frequency. Our justification is “The mass scaling for tail beat frequency was not conducted because of the lack of data for D. aequipinnatus and its related species. Using the scaling exponent of distant species for mass scaling of tail beat frequency will introduce errors of unknown magnitude.”. Our current version also acknowledges the consideration about scaling as follows: “Fish of different size swimming at 1 BL s-1 will necessarily move at different Reynolds numbers, and hence the scaling of body size to swimming speed needs to be considered in future analyses of other species that differ in size”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Zhang and Lauder characterized both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic energy contributions in schools and solitary fishes in the Giant danio (Devario aequipinnatus) over a wide range of water velocities. By using a highly sophisticated respirometer system, the authors measure the aerobic metabolisms by oxygen uptake rate and the non-aerobic oxygen cost as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). With these data, the authors model the bioenergetic cost of schools and solitary fishes. The authors found that fish schools have a J-shaped metabolism-speed curve, with reduced total energy expenditure per tail beat compared to solitary fish. Fish in schools also recovered from exercise faster than solitary fish. Finally, the authors conclude that these energetic savings may underlie the prevalence of coordinated group locomotion in fish.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of methods and data acquisition need to be clarified and extended.

      Response: Thank you for seeing the value of our study. We provided clarification of the data acquisition system with a new panel of pictures included in the supplemental material to show our experimental system. We understand that our methods have more details and justifications than the typical method sections. First, the details are to promote the reproducibility of the experiments. The justifications are the responses to reviewer 2, who reviewed our previous manuscript version and also posted the same critiques after we provided the justifications for the construction of the system and the data acquisition.


      This work aims to understand whether animals moving through fluids (water in this case) exhibit highly coordinated group movement to reduce the cost of locomotion. By calculating the aerobic and anaerobic metabolic rates of school and solitary fishes, the authors provide direct energetic measurements that demonstrate the energy-saving benefits of coordinated group locomotion in fishes. The results of this paper show that fish schools save anaerobic energy and reduce the recovery time after peak swimming performance, suggesting that fishes can apport more energy to other fitness-related activities whether they move collectively through water.

      Response: Thank you. We are excited to share our discoveries with the world.


      Although the paper does have strengths in principle, the weakness of the paper is the method section. There is too much irrelevant information in the methods that sometimes is hard to follow for a researcher unfamiliar with the research topic. In addition, it was hard to imagine the experimental (respirometer) system used by the authors in the experiments; therefore, it would be beneficial for the article to include a diagram/scheme of that respiratory system.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer and hence added the pictures of the experimental system in the supplementary materials (Fig. S4). We think pictures are more realistic to present the system than schematics. We also provide a picture of the system during the process of making the energetic measurements. It is to show the care went to ensure fish are not affected by any external stimulation other than the water velocity. The careful experimental protocol is very critical to reveal the concave upward shaped curve of bony fish schools that was never reported before. Many details in the methods have been included in response to Reviewer 2.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, this is a very interesting, well-written, and nice article. However, many times the method section looks like a discussion. Furthermore, the authors need to check the use of the word "which" throughout the text. I got the feeling that it is overused/misused sometimes.

      Response: Thank you for the positive comments. The method is written in that way to address the concerns of Reviewer 2 who reviewed our previous versions. We corrected the overuse of ‘which’ throughout the manuscript.

    2. eLife assessment

      The authors provide an important series of metabolic measurements characterizing group dynamics in fish, rationalizing that schooling behavior presents several benefits. The strength of evidence supporting this conclusion is solid, but the specific methodological and analytical approaches taken should be considered for further interpretation.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper tests the idea that schooling can provide an energetic advantage over solitary swimming. The present study measures oxygen consumption over a wide range of speeds, to determine the differences in aerobic and anaerobic cost of swimming, providing a potentially valuable addition to the literature related to the advantages of group living.

      Strengths:<br /> The strength of this paper is related to providing direct measurements of the energetics (oxygen consumption) of fish while swimming in a group vs solitary. The energetic advantages of schooling has been claimed to be one of the major advantages of schooling and therefore a direct energetic assessment is a useful result.


      1) Regarding the fish to water volume ratio, the arguments raised by the authors are valid. However, the ratio used is still quite high (as high as >2000 in solitary fish), much higher than that recommended by Svendsen et al (2006). Hence this point needs to be discussed in the ms (summarising the points raised in the authors' response)

      2) Wall effects: Fish in a school may have been swimming closer to the wall. The fact that the convex hull volume of the fish school did not change as speed increased is not a demonstration that fish were not closer to the wall, nor is it a demonstration that wall effect were not present. Therefore the issue of potential wall effects is a weakness of this paper.

      3) The authors stated "Because we took high-speed videos simultaneously with the respirometry measurements, we can state unequivocally that individual fish within the school did not swim closer to the walls than solitary fish over the testing period". This is however not quantified.

      4) Statistical analysis. The authors have dealt satisfactorily with most of the comments.<br /> However :<br /> (a) the following comment has not been dealt with directly in the ms "One can see from the graphs that schooling MO2 tends to have a smaller SD than solitary data. This may well be due to the fact that schooling data are based on 5 points (five schools) and each point is the result of the MO2 of five fish, thereby reducing the variability compared to solitary fish."<br /> (b) Different sizes were used for solitary and schooling fishes. The authors justify using larger fish as solitary to provide a better ratio of respirometer volume to fish volume in the tests on individual fish. However, mass scaling for tail beat frequency was not provided. Although (1) this is because of lack of data for this species and (2) using scaling exponent of distant species would introduce errors of unknown magnitude, this is still a weakness of the paper that needs to be acknowledged here and in the ms.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Zhang and Lauder characterized both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic energy contributions in schools and solitary fishes in the Giant danio (Devario aequipinnatus) over a wide range of water velocities. By using a highly sophisticated respirometer system, the authors measure the aerobic metabolisms by oxygen uptake rate and the non-aerobic oxygen cost as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). With these data, the authors model the bioenergetic cost of schools and solitary fishes. The authors found that fish schools have a J-shaped metabolism-speed curve, with reduced total energy expenditure per tail beat compared to solitary fish. Fish in schools also recovered from exercise faster than solitary fish. Finally, the authors conclude that these energetic savings may underlie the prevalence of coordinated group locomotion in fish.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Transcriptional readthrough, intron retention, and transposon expression have been previously shown to be elevated in mammalian aging and senescence by multiple studies. The current manuscript claims that the increased intron retention and readthrough could completely explain the findings of elevated transposon expression seen in these conditions. To that end, they analyze multiple RNA-seq expression datasets of human aging, human senescence, and mouse aging, and establish a series of correlations between the overall expression of these three entities in all datasets.

      While the findings are useful, the strength of the evidence is incomplete, as the individual analyses unfortunately do not support the claims. Specifically, to establish this claim there is a burden of proof on the authors to analyze both intron-by-intron and gene-by-gene, using internal matched regions, and, in addition, thoroughly quantify the extent of transcription of completely intergenic transposons and show that they do not contribute to the increase in aging/senescence. Furthermore, the authors chose to analyze the datasets as unstranded, even though strand information is crucial to their claim, as both introns and readthrough are stranded, and if there is causality, than opposite strand transposons should show no preferential increase in aging/senescence. Finally, there are some unclear figures that do not seem to show what the authors claim. Overall, the study is not convincing.

      Major concerns: 1) Why were all datasets treated as unstanded? Strand information seems critical, and should not be discarded. Specifically, stranded information is crucial to increase the confidence in the causality claimed by the authors, since readthrough and intron retention are both strand specific, and therefore should influence only the same strand transposons and not the opposite-strand ones.

      This is an excellent suggestion. Since only one of our datasets was stranded, we did not run stranded analyses for the sake of consistency. We would like to provide two analyses here that consider strandedness:

      First, we find that within the set of all expressed transposons (passing minimal read filtering), 86% of intronic transposons match the strand of the intron (3147 out of 3613). In contrast, the number is 51% after permutation of the strands. Similarly, when we randomly select 1000 intronic transposons 45% match the strandedness of the intron (here we select from the set of all transposons). This is consistent with the idea that most transposons are only detectable because they are co-expressed on the sense strand of other features that are highly expressed.

      As for the readthrough data, 287 out of 360 transposons (79%) within readthrough regions matched the strand of the gene and its readthrough.

      Second, in the model we postulate, the majority of transposon transcription occurs as a co-transcriptional artifact. This applies equally to genic transposons (gene expression), intronic (intron retention) and gene proximal (readthrough or readin) transposons. Therefore, we performed the following analysis for the set of all transposons in the Fleischer et al. fibroblast dataset.

      When we invert the strand annotation for transposons, before counting and differential expression, we would expect the counts and log fold changes to be lower compared to using the “correct” annotation file.

      Indeed, we show that out of 6623 significantly changed transposons with age only 226 show any expression in the “inverted run” (-96%). (Any expression is defined as passing basic read filtering.)

      Out of the 226 transposons that can be detected in both runs most show lower counts (A) and age-related differential expression converging towards zero (B) in the inverted run (Fig. L1).

      Author response image 1.

      Transposons with inverted strandedness (“reverse”) show lower expression levels (log counts; A) and no differential expression with age (B) when compared to matched differentially expressed transposons (“actual”). For this analysis we selected all transposons showing significant differential expression with age in the actual dataset that also showed at least minimal expression in the strand-inverted analysis (n=226). Data from Fleischer et al. (2018). (A) The log (counts) are clipped because we only used transposons that passed minimal read filtering in this analysis. (B) The distribution of expression values in the actual dataset is bimodal and positive since some transposons are significantly up- or downregulated. This bimodal distribution is lost in the strand-inverted analysis.

      2) "Altogether this data suggests that intron retention contributes to the age-related increase in the expression of transposons" - this analysis doesn't demonstrate the claim. In order to prove this they need to show that transposons that are independent of introns are either negligible, or non-changing with age.

      We would like to emphasize that we never claimed that intron retention and readthrough can explain all of the age-related increases in transposon expression. In fact, our data is compatible with a multifactorial origin of transposons expression. Age- and senescence-related transposon expression can occur due to: 1/ intron retention, 2/ readthrough, 3/ loss of intergenic heterochromatin. Specifically, we do not try to refute 3.

      However, since most transposons are found in introns or downstream of genes, this suggests that intron retention and readthrough will be major, albeit non-exclusive, drivers of age-related changes in transposons expression. Even if the fold-change for intergenic transposons with aging or senescence were higher this would not account for the broadscale expression patterns seen in RNAseq data.

      To further illustrate this, we analyzed transposons located in introns, genes, downstream (ds) or upstream (us) of genes (distance to gene < 25 kb) or in intergenic regions (distance to gene > 25 kb). Indeed, we find that although intergenic transposons show similar log-fold changes to other transposon classes (Fig. L2A), their total contribution to read counts is negligible (Fig. L2B, Fig. Fig. S15). We have also now added a more nuanced explanation of this issue to the discussion.

      Author response image 2.

      We analyzed transposons located in introns, genes, downstream (ds) or upstream (us) of genes (distance to gene < 25 kb) or in intergenic regions (distance to gene > 25 kb). Independent of their location, transposons show similar differential expression with aging or cellular senescence (A). In contrast, the expression of transposons (log counts) is highly dependent on their location and the median log(count) value decreases in the order: genic > intronic > ds > us > intergenic.

      Author response image 3.

      Total counts are the sum of all counts from transposons located in introns, genes, downstream (ds) or upstream (us) of genes (distance to gene < 25 kb) or in intergenic regions (distance to gene > 25 kb). Counts were defined as cumulative counts across all samples.

      3) Additionally, the correct control regions should be intronic regions other than the transposon, which overall contributed to the read counts of the intron.

      4) Furthermore, analysis of read spanning intron and partly transposons should more directly show this contribution.

      Thank you for this comment. To rephrase this, if we understand correctly, the concern is that an increase in transposon expression could bias the analysis of intron retention since transposons often make up a substantial portion of an intron. We would like to address this concern with the following three points:

      First, if the concern is the correlation between log fold-change of transposons vs log fold-change of their containing introns, we do not think that this kind of data is biased. While transposons make up much of the intron, a single transposon on average only accounts for less than 10% of an intron.

      Second, to address this more directly, we show here that even introns that do not contain expressed transposons are increased in aging fibroblasts and after induction of cellular senescence (Fig. S8). This shows that intron retention is universal and most likely not heavily biased by the presence or absence of expressed transposons.

      Author response image 4.

      We split the set of introns that significantly change with cellular aging (A) or cell senescence (B) into introns that contain at least one transposon (has_t) and those that do not contain any transposons (has_no_t). Intron retention is increased in both groups. In this analysis we included all transposons that passed minimal read filtering (n=63782 in A and n=124173 in B). Median log-fold change indicated with a dashed red line for the group of introns without transposons.

      Third, we provide an argument based on the distribution of transposons within introns (Fig. L3).

      Author response image 5.

      The 5’ and 3’ splice sites show the highest sequence conservation between introns, whereas the majority of the intronic sequence does not. This is because these sites contain binding sites for splicing factors such as U1, U2 and SF1 (A). Transposons could affect splicing and we present a biologically plausible mechanism and two ancillary hypotheses here (B). If transposons affect the splicing (retention) of introns the most likely mechanism would be via impairment of splice site recognition because a transposon close to the site forms a secondary structure, binds an effector protein or provides inadequate sequences for pairing. Hypothesis 1: Transposons impair splicing because they are close to the splice site. Hypothesis 2: Transposons do not impair splicing because they are located away from the splice junction. Retained introns should show a similar depletion of transposons around the junction.

      Image adapted from: Ren, Pingping, et al. "Alternative splicing: a new cause and potential therapeutic target in autoimmune disease." Frontiers in Immunology 12 (2021): 713540.

      Consistent with hypothesis 2 (“transposons do not impair splicing”), we show that the distribution of transposons within introns is similar for the set of all transposons and all significant transposons within significantly overexpressed introns (Fig. S7. A and B is similar in the case of aged fibroblasts; D and E is similar in the case of cellular senescence). If transposon expression was causally linked to changes in intron retention, the most likely mechanism would be via an impairment of splicing. We would expect transposons to be located close to the splice junction, which is not what we observed. Instead, the data is more consistent with intron retention as a driver of transposon expression.

      Author response image 6.

      Transposons are evenly distributed within introns except for the region close to splice junctions (A-E). Transposons appear to be excluded from the splice junction-adjacent region both in all introns (A, D) and in significantly retained introns (B, E). In addition, transposon density of all introns and significantly retained introns is comparable (C, F). We included only introns containing at least one transposon in this analysis. A) Distribution of 2292769 transposons within 163498 introns among all annotated transposons. B) Distribution of 195190 transposons within 14100 introns significantly retained with age. C) Density (transposon/1kb of intron) of transposons in all introns (n=163498) compared to significantly retained introns (n=14100). D) as in (A) E) Distribution of 428130 transposons within 13205 introns significantly retained with induced senescence. F) Density (transposon/1kb of intron) of transposons in all introns (n=163498) compared to significantly retained introns (n=13205).

      5) "This contrasts with the almost completely even distribution of randomly permuted transposons." How was random permutation of transposons performed? Why is this contract not trivial, and why is this a good control?

      Permutation was performed using the bedtools shuffle function (Quinlan et al. 2010). We use the set of all annotated transposons and all reshuffled transposons as a control. It is interesting to observe that these two show a very similar distribution with transposons evenly spread out relative to genes. In contrast, expressed transposons are found to cluster downstream of genes. This gave rise to our initial working hypothesis that readthrough should affect transposon expression.

      6) Fig 4: the choice to analyze only the 10kb-20kb region downstream to TSE for readthrough regions has probably reduced the number of regions substantially (there are only 200 left) and to what extent this faithfully represent the overall trend is unclear at this point.

      This is addressed in Suppl. Fig. 7, we repeated the analysis for every 10kb region between 0 and 100kb, showing similar results.

      Furthermore, we show below in a new figure that the results are comparable when we measure readthrough in the 0 to 10kb region, while the sample size of readthrough regions is increased.

      Finally, it is commonly accepted to remove readthrough regions overlapping genes, which while reducing sample size, increases accuracy for readthrough determination (Rosa-Mercado et al. 2021). Without filtering readthrough regions can overlap neighboring genes which is reflected in an elevated ratio of Readthrough_counts/Genic_counts (Fig. S9).

      Author response image 7.

      A) Readthrough was determined in a region 0 to 10 kb downstream of genes for a subset of genes that were at least 10 kb away from the nearest neighboring gene (n=684 regions). The log2 ratio of readthrough to gene expression is plotted across five age groups (adolescent n=32, young n=31, middle-aged n=22, old n=37 and very old n=21). B) As in (A) but data is plotted on a per sample basis. C) Readthrough was determined in a region 0 to 10 kb downstream of genes for a subset of genes that were at least 10 kb away from the nearest neighboring gene (n=1045 regions). The log2 ratio of readthrough to gene expression is plotted for the groups comprising senescence (n=12) and the non-senescent group (n=6). D) As in (D) but data is plotted on a per sample basis and for additional control datasets (serum-starved, immortalized, intermediate passage and early passage). N=3 per group.

      7) Fig. 5B shows the opposite of the authors claims: in the control samples there are more transposon reads than in the KCl samples.

      Thank you for pointing this out. During preparation of the manuscript the labels of Fig. 5B were switched (however, the color matching between Fig. 5A-C is correct). We apologize for this mistake, which we have now corrected.

      8) "induced readthrough led to preferential expression of gene proximal transposons (i.e. those within 25 kb of genes), when compared with senescence or aging". A convincing analysis would show if there is indeed preferential proximity of induced transposons to TSEs. Since readthrough transcription decays as a function of distance from TSEs, the expression of transposons should show the same trends if indeed simply caused by readthrough. Also, these should be compared to the extent of transposon expression (not induction) in intergenic regions without any readthrough, in these conditions.

      This is a very good suggestion. We now provide two new supplementary figures analyzing the distance-dependence of transposon expression.

      In the first figure (Fig. S13) we show that readthrough decreases with distance (A, B) and we show that transposon counts are higher for transposons close to genes, following a similar pattern to readthrough. This is true in fibroblasts isolated from aged donors (A) and with cellular senescence (B).

      Author response image 8.

      Readthrough counts (rt_counts) decrease exponentially downstream of genes, both in the aging dataset (A) and in the cellular senescence dataset (B). Although noisier, the pattern for transposon counts (transp_cum_counts) is similar with higher counts closer to gene terminals, both in the aging dataset (C) and in the cellular senescence dataset (D). Readthrough counts are the cumulative counts across all genes and samples. Readthrough was determined in 10 kb bins and the values are assigned to the midpoint of the bin for easier plotting. Transposon counts are the cumulative counts across all samples for each transposon that did not overlap a neighboring gene. n=801 in (C) and n=3479 in (D).

      In the second figure (Fig. S14) we show that transposons found downstream of genes with high readthrough show a more pronounced log-fold change (differential expression) than transposons downstream of genes with low readthrough (defined based on log-fold change). This is true in fibroblasts isolated from aged donors (A) and with cellular senescence (B). Furthermore, the difference between high and low readthrough region transposons is diminished for transposons that are more than 10 kb downstream of genes, as would be expected given that readthrough decreases with distance.

      Author response image 9.

      Transposons found downstream of genes with high readthrough (hi_RT) show a more pronounced log-fold change (transp_logfc) than transposons downstream of genes with low readthrough (low_RT). This is true in fibroblasts isolated from aged donors (A) and with cellular senescence (B). Furthermore, the difference between high and low readthrough region transposons is diminished for transposons that are more than 10 kb downstream of genes (“Transp > 10 kb”). Transposons in high readthrough regions were defined as those in the top 20% of readthrough log-fold change. Readthrough was measured between 0 and 10 kb downstream from genes. n=2124 transposons in (A) and n=6061 transposons in (B) included in the analysis.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors examined the role of transcription readout and intron retention in increasing transcription of transposable elements during aging in mammals. It is assumed that most transposable elements have lost the regulatory elements necessary for transcription activation. Using available RNA-seq datasets, the authors showed that an increase in intron retention and readthrough transcription during aging contributes to an increase in the number of transcripts containing transposable elements.

      Previously, it was assumed that the activation of transposable elements during aging is a consequence of a gradual imbalance of transcriptional repression and a decrease in the functionality of heterochromatin (de repression of transcription in heterochromatin). Therefore, this is an interesting study with important novel conclusion. However, there are many questions about bioinformatics analysis and the results obtained.

      Major comments:

      1) In Introduction the authors indicated that only small fraction of LINE-1 and SINE elements are expressed from functional promoters and most of LINE-1 are co-expressed with neighboring transcriptional units. What about other classes of mobile elements (LTR mobile element and transposons)?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Historically, most repetitive elements, e.g. DNA elements and retrotransposon-like elements, have been considered inactive, having accrued mutations which prevent them from transposition. On the other hand, based on recent data it is indeed very possible that certain LTR elements become active with aging as suggested in several manuscripts (Liu et al. 2023, Autio et al. 2020). However, these elements are not well annotated and our final analysis (Fig. 6) relies on a well-defined distinction between active and inactive elements. (See also question 2 for further discussion.)

      Finally, we would like to point out some of the difficulties with defining expression and re-activation of LTR/ERV elements based on RNAseq data that have been highlighted for the Liu manuscript and are concordant with several of our results: https://pubpeer.com/publications/364E785636ADF94732A977604E0256

      Liu, Xiaoqian, et al. "Resurrection of endogenous retroviruses during aging reinforces senescence." Cell 186.2 (2023): 287-304.

      Autio A, Nevalainen T, Mishra BH, Jylhä M, Flinck H, Hurme M. Effect of ageing on the transcriptomic changes associated with expression at the HERV-K (HML-2) provirus at 1q22. Immun Ageing. 2020;17(1):11.

      2) Results: Why authors considered all classes of mobile elements together? It is likely that most of the LTR containing mobile elements and transposons contain active promoters that are repressed in heterochromatin or by KRAB-C2H2 proteins.

      We do not consider LTR containing elements because there is uncertainty regarding their overall expression levels and their expression with aging (Nevalainen et al. 2018). Furthermore, we believe that substantial activity of LTR elements in human genomes should have been detectable through patterns of insertional mutagenesis. Yet studies generally show low to negligible levels of LTR (ERV) mutagenesis. Here, for example, at a 200-fold lower rate than for LINEs (Lee et al. 2012).

      Importantly, our analysis in Fig. 6 relies on well-annotated elements like LINEs, which is why we do not include LTR or SINE elements that could be potentially expressed. However, for other analyses we did consider element families independently as can be seen in Table S1, for example.

      Nevalainen, Tapio, et al. "Aging-associated patterns in the expression of human endogenous retroviruses." PLoS One 13.12 (2018): e0207407.

      Lee, Eunjung, et al. "Landscape of somatic retrotransposition in human cancers." Science 337.6097 (2012): 967-971.

      3) Fig. 2. A schematic model of transposon expression is not presented clearly. What is the purpose of showing three identical spliced transcripts?

      This is indeed confusing. There are three spliced transcripts to schematically indicate that the majority of transcripts will be correctly spliced and that intron retention is rare (estimated at 4% of all reads in our dataset). We have clarified the figure now, please see below:

      Author response image 10.

      A schematic model of transposon expression. In our model, represented in this schematic, transcription (A) can give rise to mRNAs and pre-mRNAs that contain retained introns when co-transcriptional splicing is impaired. This is often seen during aging and senescence, and these can contain transposon sequences (B). In addition, transcription can give rise to mRNAs and pre-mRNAs that contain transposon sequences towards the 3’-end of the mRNA when co-transcriptional termination at the polyadenylation signal (PAS) is impaired (C, D) as seen with aging and senescence. Some of these RNAs may be successfully polyadenylated (as depicted here) whereas others will be subject to nonsense mediated decay. Image created with Biorender.

      4) The study analyzed the levels of RNA from cell cultures of human fibroblasts of different ages. The annotation to the dataset indicated that the cells were cultured and maintained. (The cells were cultured in high-glucose (4.5mg/ml) DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with 15% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum (Gibco), 1X glutamax (Gibco), 1X non-essential amino acids (Gibco) and 1% (vol/vol) penicillin-streptomycin (Gibco). How correct that gene expression levels in cell cultures are the same as in body cells? In cell cultures, transcription is optimized for efficient division and is very different from that of cells in the body. In order to correlate a result on cells with an organism, there must be rigorous evidence that the transcriptomes match.

      We agree and have updated the discussion to reflect this shortcoming. While we do not have human tissue data, we would like to draw the reviewer’s attention to Fig. S3 where we presented some liver data for mice. We now provide an additional supplementary figure (in a style similar to Fig. S2) showing how readthrough, transposon expression and intron retention changes in 26 vs 5-month-old mice (Fig. S4). Indeed, intron, readthrough and transposons increase with age in mice, although this is more pronounced for transposons and readthrough.

      Author response image 11.

      Intron, readthrough and transposon elements are elevated in the liver of aging mice (26 vs 5-month-old, n=6 per group). Readthrough and transposon expression is especially elevated even when compered to genic transcripts. The percentage of upregulated transcripts is indicated above each violin plot and the median log10-fold change for genic transcripts is indicated with a dashed red line.

      Finally, just to elaborate, we used the aging fibroblast dataset by Fleischer et al. for three reasons:

      1) Yes, aging fibroblasts could be a model of human aging, with important caveats as you correctly point out,

      2) it is one of the largest such datasets allowing us to draw conclusions with higher statistical confidence and do things such as partial correlations

      3) it has been analyzed using similar techniques before (LaRocca, Cavalier and Wahl 2020) and this dataset is often used to make strong statements about transposons and aging such as transposon expression in this dataset being “consistent with growing evidence that [repetitive element] transcripts contribute directly to aging and disease”. Our goal was to put these statements into perspective and to provide a more nuanced interpretation.

      LaRocca, Thomas J., Alyssa N. Cavalier, and Devin Wahl. "Repetitive elements as a transcriptomic marker of aging: evidence in multiple datasets and models." Aging Cell 19.7 (2020): e13167.

      5) The results obtained for isolated cultures of fibroblasts are transferred to the whole organism, which has not been verified. The conclusions should be more accurate.

      We agree and have updated the discussion accordingly.

      6) The full pipeline with all the configuration files IS NOT available on github (pabisk/aging_transposons).

      Thank you for pointing this out, we have now uploaded the full pipeline and configuration files.

      7) Analysis of transcripts passing through repeating regions is a complex matter. There is always a high probability of incorrect mapping of multi-reads to the genome. Things worsen if unpaired short reads are used, as in the study (L=51). Therefore, the authors used the Expectation maximization algorithm to quantify transposon reads. Such an option is possible. But it is necessary to indicate how statistically reliable the calculated levels are. It would be nice to make a similar comparison of TE levels using only unique reads. The density of reads would drop, but in this case it would be possible to avoid the artifacts of the EM algorithm.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We show here that mapping only unique alignments (outFilterMultimapNmax=1 in STAR) leads to similar results.

      For the aging fibroblast dataset:

      Author response image 12.

      For the induced senescence dataset:

      Author response image 13.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study presents fundamental findings on the role of transcription readout and intron retention in transposon expression during aging in mammals. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is compelling, strongly supporting the authors' claims. The work will be of interest to scientists studying aging, transcription regulation, and epigenetics.

    3. Joint Public Review:

      In this manuscript, the authors examined the role of transcription readout and intron retention in increasing transcription of transposable elements during aging in mammals. It is assumed that most transposable elements have lost the regulatory elements necessary for transcription activation. Using available RNA-seq datasets, the authors showed that an increase in intron retention and readthrough transcription during aging contributes to an increase in the number of transcripts containing transposable elements.

      Previously, it was assumed that the activation of transposable elements during aging is a consequence of a gradual imbalance of transcriptional repression and a decrease in the functionality of heterochromatin (de repression of transcription in heterochromatin). Therefore, this is an interesting study with important novel conclusion.

      The authors revised the manuscript in accordance with the comments. Overall, the manuscript is useful because it shows that there is no direct connection between increased levels of transposon RNA and aging, and further demonstrates the disorganization of the transcriptional apparatus during aging.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      Receptor tyrosine kinases such as ALK play critical roles during appropriate development and behaviour and are nodal in many disease conditions, through molecular mechanisms that weren't completely understood. This manuscript identifies a previously unknown neuropeptide precursor as a downstream transcriptional target of Alk signalling in Clock neurons in the Drosophila brain. The experiments are well designed with attention to detail, the data are solid and the findings will be useful to those interested in events downstream of signalling by receptor tyrosine kinases.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewers for this assessment of our Manuscript. We are happy to accept the current eLife assessment of our manuscript. In our revised manuscript we have addressed all of the major reviewer comments, including additional experiments suggested by the reviewers, which have significantly strengthened the revised version.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Sukumar et al build on a body of work from the Palmer lab that seeks to unravel the transcriptional targets of Alk signaling (a receptor tyrosine kinase). Having uncovered its targets in the mesoderm in an earlier study, they seek to determine its targets in the central nervous system. To do this, they use Targeted DamID (TaDa) in the wild-type and Alk dominant negative background and identify about 1700 genes that might be under the control of Alk signalling. Using their earlier data and applying a set of criteria - upregulated in gain-of-Alk, downregulated in loss-of-Alk, and co-expressed with Alk positive cells in single cell datasets - they arrive upon a single gene, Sparkly, which is predicted to be a neuropeptide precursor.

      They generate antibodies and mutants for Sparkly and determine that it is responsive to Alk signalling and is expressed in many neuroendocrine cells, as well as in clock neurons. Though the mutants survive, they have reduced lifespans and are hyperactive. In summary, the authors identify a previously unidentified transcriptional target of Alk signalling, which is likely cleaved into a neuropeptide and is involved in regulating circadian activity.

      The data support claims made, are generally well presented and the manuscript clearly written. The link between circadian control of Alk signalling in Clock neurons > Spar expression > ultimately controlling circadian activity, however, was not clear.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for this through reading of our manuscript and for kindly highlighting the important takeaways from the study. The role of Alk signalling in activity, circadian rhythm and sleep has previously been reported by other groups in the following studies – (Bai and Sehgal, 2015; Weiss et al, 2017; Gouzi, Bouraimi et al 2018), which we have discussed in our manuscript. We also have identified a hyperactivity phenotype in our Alk CNS specific loss-of-function allele, AlkRA, which is similar to the Spar loss-of-function mutant phenotype. We hypothesize that one of ways in which Alk signalling regulates fly activity is through regulating Spar gene expression in neuroendocrine cells. This is supported by our data which shows Alk expression in Clock neurons, as well by the new experimental data showing an activity phenotype in flies expressing Spar RNAi driven by the Clk678-Gal4 driver.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript illustrates the power of "combined" research, incorporating a range of tools, both old and new to answer a question. This thorough approach identifies a novel target in a well-established signalling pathway and characterises a new player in Drosophila CNS development.

      Largely, the experiments are carried out with precision, meeting the aims of the project, and setting new targets for future research in the field. It was particularly refreshing to see the use of multi-omics data integration and Targeted DamID (TaDa) findings to triage scRNA-seq data. Some of the TaDa methodology was unorthodox (and should be justifed/caveats mentioned in the main text), however, this does not affect the main finding of the study.

      Their discovery of Spar as a neuropeptide precursor downstream of Alk is novel, as well as its ability to regulate activity and circadian clock function in the fly. Spar was just one of the downstream factors identified from this study, therefore, the potential impact goes beyond this one Alk downstream effector.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for the positive comments highlighting the strengths of our study. TaDa was used as a semi-quantitative readout of the transcriptional activity in a Alk loss-of-function background with an emphasis on relative differences in peaks close to GATC sites, providing an important dataset for integration with bulk and single cell RNAseq. As the reviewer points out there are important considerations when interpreting this data and we have now added sentences in the discussion to inform readers of possible caveats of our TaDa dataset.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The receptor tyrosine kinase Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) in humans is nervous system expressed and plays an important role as an oncogene. A number of groups have been signalling ALK signalling in flies to gain mechanistic insight into its various role. In flies, ALK plays a critical role in development, particularly embryonic development and axon targeting. In addition, ALK also was also shown to regulate adult functions including sleep and memory. In this manuscript, Sukumar et al., used a suite of molecular techniques to identify downstream targets of ALK signalling. They first used targeted DamID, a technique that involves a DNA methylase to RNA polymerase II, so that GATC sites in close proximity to PolII binding sites are marked. They performed these experiments in wild-type and ALK loss of function mutants (using an Alk dominant negative ALkDN), to identify Alk responsive loci. Comparing these loci with a larval single-cell RNAseq dataset identified neuroendocrine cells as an important site of Alk action. They further combined these TaDa hits with data from RNA seq in Alk Loss and Gain of Function manipulations to identify a single novel target of Alk signalling - a neuropeptide precursor they named Sparkly (Spar) for its expression pattern. They generated a mutant allele of Spar, raised an antibody against Spar, and characterised its expression pattern and mutant behavioural phenotypes including defects in sleep and circadian function.


      The molecular biology experiments using TaDa and RNAseq were elegant and very convincing. The authors identified a novel gene they named Spar. They also generated a mutant allele of Spar (using CrisprCas technology) and raised an antibody against Spar. These experiments are lovely, and the reagents will be useful to the community. The paper is also well written, and the figures are very nicely laid out making the manuscript a pleasure to read.


      My main concerns were around the genetics and behavioural characterisation which is incomplete. The authors generated a novel allele of Spar - Spar ΔExon1 and examined sleep and circadian phenotypes of this allele. However, they have only one mutant allele of Spar, and it doesn't appear as if this mutant was outcrossed, making it very difficult to rule out off-target effects. To make this data convincing, it would be better if the authors had a second allele, perhaps they could try RNAi?

      Further, the sleep and circadian characterisation could be substantially improved. In Fig 8 E-F it appears as if sleep was averaged over 30 days! This is a little bizarre. They then bin the data as day 1 - 12 and 12-30. This is not terribly helpful either. Sleep in flies, as in humans, undergoes ontogenetic changes - sleep is high in young flies, stabilises between day 3-12, and shows defects by around 3 weeks of age (cf Shaw et al., 2000 PMID 10710313). The standard in the sleep field is to average over 3 days or show one representative day. The authors should reanalyse their data as per this standard, and perhaps show data from 310 day old flies, and if they like from 20-30 day old flies. Further, sleep data is usually analysed and presented from lights on to lights on. This allows one to quantify important metrics of sleep consolidation including bout lengths in day and night, and sleep latency. These metrics are of great interest to the community and should be included.

      The authors also claim there are defects in circadian anticipatory activity. However, these data, as presented are not solid to me. The standard in the field is to perform eduction analyses and quantify anticipatory activity e.g. using the method of Harrisingh et al. (PMID: 18003827). Further, circadian period could also be evaluated. There are several free software packages to perform these analyses so it should not be hard to do.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for the thorough reading of our manuscript and for generously praising the positives as well as pointing out the weakness of our study. We have now addressed the highlighted weaknesses in behavioural experiments. In particular, we have reanalysed our data according to the reviewer’s suggestions. In addition, we provide experimental data, driving Spar RNAi in Clock neurons, that support our Spar mutant analysis.

      Point-by-point response to the reviewers’ concerns:

      Point 1. “My main concerns were around the genetics and behavioural characterisation which is incomplete. The authors generated a novel allele of Spar - Spar ΔExon1 and examined sleep and circadian phenotypes of this allele. However, they have only one mutant allele of Spar, and it doesn't appear as if this mutant was outcrossed, making it very difficult to rule out off-target effects. To make this data convincing, it would be better if the authors had a second allele, perhaps they could try RNAi?”

      Authors response: As per the reviewer's suggestion, we conducted a targeted knockdown of Sparkly specifically in clock neurons (Clk-Gal4 > Spar-RNAi) and assessed the circadian phenotypes. Flies were monitored for 5 days in LD followed by a shift to DD, similar to our previous LD-DD experiments. The results revealed a significant disruption in both activity and sleep during the DD transition period upon knockdown of Spar in circadian clock neurons. These findings strongly align with the expression pattern of Spar in clock neurons (Figure 7i-l’’). We have now included a new main figure (Figure 9) together with several supplementary figure (Figure 9 – figure supplements 1 and 2) and discussed these experiments on pages 17-18 of the results section of the revised manuscript.

      Point 2. “Further, the sleep and circadian characterisation could be substantially improved. In Fig 8 E-F it appears as if sleep was averaged over 30 days! This is a little bizarre. They then bin the data as day 1 - 12 and 12-30. This is not terribly helpful either. Sleep in flies, as in humans, undergoes ontogenetic changes - sleep is high in young flies, stabilises between day 3-12, and shows defects by around 3 weeks of age (cf Shaw et al., 2000 PMID 10710313). The standard in the sleep field is to average over 3 days or show one representative day. The authors should reanalyse their data as per this standard, and perhaps show data from 3–10-day old flies, and if they like from 20–30-day old flies.”

      Authors response: We have reanalysed these data according to the reviewer's suggestions and revised the sleep data presented. Specifically, we have focused on two 3-day periods, days 5-7 as well as days 20-22. By averaging the sleep mean during these time points, we observed a significant decrease in average sleep duration in the SparΔExon1 and Alk ΔRA mutant flies at a younger age (Figure 8h-h’, Figure 8 – figure supplement 2). However, no significant effect was observed in older flies (Figure 8h-h’, Figure 8 – figure supplement 2). We have incorporated this new data into Figure 8 and provided a detailed description in the results section (page 16) of the revised manuscript.

      Point 3. “Further, sleep data is usually analysed and presented from lights on to lights on. This allows one to quantify important metrics of sleep consolidation including bout lengths in day and night, and sleep latency. These metrics are of great interest to the community and should be included.”

      Authors response: We have now reanalysed these data as per the reviewer's suggestion. From the raw data collected over a span of 3 days, we specifically selected the lights on-lights on data and examined the average sleep duration. Notably, we observed a significant downregulation of average sleep in SparΔExon1 and AlkΔRA flies, but only at a younger age (Figure 8h-h’, Figure 8 – figure supplement 2). Furthermore, we assessed the number of sleep bouts using this data and found a significant increase in the number of bouts in younger SparΔExon1 and AlkΔRA flies, with no changes observed at an older age (Figure 8 – figure supplement 2). Additionally, we evaluated the number of bouts in flies that were initially monitored in LD and then shifted to DD, observing a significant decrease in the number of sleep bouts in SparΔExon1 flies following the transition to DD (Figure 9d). This new data is described in detail in the results section (pages 16-18) of the revised manuscript.

      Point 4. “The authors also claim there are defects in circadian anticipatory activity. However, these data, as presented are not solid to me. The standard in the field is to perform eduction analyses and quantify anticipatory activity e.g. using the method of Harrisingh et al. (PMID: 18003827).”

      Authors response: We appreciate the valuable suggestion provided by the reviewer. In accordance with the referenced paper by Harrisingh et al. (2007), we calculated the "anticipation score" defined as the percentage of activity in the 6hour period preceding the lights-on or lights-off transition that occurs in the 3-hour window just before the transition. To analyse the mean activity of the flies, we selected the data corresponding to the 6 hours before lights-on and the 6 hours before lights-off, averaged over a 14-day period under normal LD conditions. Interestingly, we observed a significant increase in the mean activity of SparΔExon1 flies during both morning anticipation (a.m. anticipation) and evening anticipation (p.m. anticipation) (Figures 8f). Furthermore, we analysed this parameter for flies entrained in DD and found that SparΔExon1 flies exhibited lower mean activity during both morning and evening anticipation (Figures 8g). We have incorporated this new data into Figure 8 and provided a detailed description in the results section (pages 16-18) of the revised manuscript.

      Point 5. Further, circadian period could also be evaluated. There are several free software packages to perform these analyses so it should not be hard to do.

      Authors response: We have now evaluated the circadian period as suggested by the reviewer; generating a chi-square periodogram for each fly to calculate the free-running period for the flies that were under normal LD conditions additionally to the ones that were entrained in DD. We calculated the percentage of flies that had a shorter or longer period than 1440 min (24 h) and observed that w1118 and SparΔExon1 flies have a longer circadian period (Figure 8 – figure supplement 4) but following the shift to DD, they tend to have a shorter circadian period (Figure 9 – figure supplement 3). This new data is described in the results (pages 16-18).

      Recommendations for the authors:

      There are two major concerns that we recommend the authors address:

      1) The behaviour: There are a number of unconventional representations of the behavioural data in this manuscript. We recommend that the authors revisit their data representation to adhere to conventions in the field - specific suggestions are in the reviews. We also suggest an additional experiment - an RNAi/different allele/rescue experiment to ensure that the phenotypes the authors observe are not due to off-target effects of the mutant they have generated.

      Authors response: In the revised manuscript, we have reanalysed the behavioural data according to the reviewers’ recommendations (included in Figures 8 and 9 of the revised version). In addition, we have performed a targeted Spar RNAi experiment in clock neurons (included in Figure 9 of the revised version), identifying a hyperactive behavioural phenotype similar to that of Spar mutants. The inclusion of these new analyses and data strengthens the manuscript and support the conclusion that Spar plays a role in regulation of behaviour.

      2) TaDa analyses: We were concerned that the authors might be picking up false positives with the way they have analysed their data. While this may not matter for this study, it will be useful to reason out their approach and keep this in mind for any other targets they choose from these data for further studies.

      Authors response: In line with the reviewers concerns we have now highlighted the potential caveats and drawbacks of our TaDa dataset in the discussion section of the revised manuscript (detailed in response to Reviewer #2 below).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Though generally well written, I felt that some sections could be written in more detail. For example, the text around Figure 5 was not very informative. Many of the other approaches to the analyses and details of datasets used were glossed over. Since the manuscript uses a lot of previously published data, it would be nice to give more details about them in the context of the results.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for this recommendation. We have now added additional information about peptidomics analysis in the results and in the legend of Figure 5. We have also included a table in the Methods that summarised the datasets used in this study, including the Dataset name, brief description and reference.

      In the panels where co-localisations have been represented, it would be nice to include enlarged insets depicting the co-labelling. It is not always obvious in the way the figures have currently been represented. For example, in Fig 2G, Alk stain appears to be everywhere, but the authors make the point that it is enriched in neuroendocrine cells (as labelled by dimmed), but the co-localisation isn't evident. Similar issues come up with the sparkly colocalisations.

      Authors response: As suggested by the reviewer, we have now added additional panels to complement the stainings in Figure 2G. These new data are included as Figure 2 – figure supplement 1 (Alk/Dimm-Gal4>UAS-GFPcaax staining) and as Figure 4 – figure supplement 1 (Alk/Spar staining), which indicate colocalization in the central brain and ventral nerve cord prosecretory cells with enlarged panels.

      Supplementary figures S3C and 3F appear garbled to me? Maybe it didn't upload properly?

      Authors response: Unfortunately, this issue is not apparent to us. However, we have now re-uploaded these Figures.

      Sparkly's responsiveness to Alk signalling: Visually, there does not seem to be an increase or decrease in spar levels in the images in Fig 4F-H. How was the quantification done? I would suggest a more detailed interpretation of their results related to spar's responsiveness to Alk signalling - at the mRNA vs protein levels and the GOF vs LOF conditions.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for this constructive recommendation. In the revised manuscript, we have now repeated this experiment with increased numbers of larval CNS followed by blinded image analysis. These results also show an increased fluorescence intensity as measured by corrected total cell fluorescence (CTCF), confirming our previous observation of increased Spar protein expression in in Alk gain-of-function conditions compared to controls. In this analysis, changed in Spar levels in Alk loss-of-function remained non-significant compared to control, in agreement with our previous data. As suggested by the reviewer, we have now included several additional sentences discussing the possible reasons for these observations. This following text is now included on Page 11 of the results section:

      “While our bulk RNA-seq and TaDa datasets show a reduction in Spar transcript levels in Alk loss-of-function conditions, this reduction is not reflected at the protein level. This observation may reflect additional uncharacterised pathways that regulate Spar mRNA levels as well as translation and protein stability. Taken together, these observations confirm that Spar expression is responsive to Alk signaling in CNS, although Alk is not critically required to maintain Spar protein levels.” We have also added an additional Image analysis method section explaining the methodology of the CTCF fluorescent intensity quantification on Page 28.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      It was surprising to see that the authors did not use Dam-only controls. This is to control for background methylation by Dam (i.e. accessible chromatin). This does not invalidate the main results of the manuscript, however, there could be false positives in the dataset for genes that are seen to be up-regulated in the mutant condition (e.g. if accessibility is increased in the mutant but not transcription, then it would look like increased Pol II binding, when it isn't). As the study was focusing on genes down-regulated in the mutant, this is less of an issue, as it is very unlikely to see an increase in transcription with a decrease in accessibility (that could provide a false positive). The authors should explain their rationale for not using Dam-only controls, and the associated caveats, in the manuscript.

      Authors response: We agree with the reviewer’s comment on possibility of identifying false positive candidates from our TaDa dataset. Especially, if one is seeking to find a gene with increased Pol II occupancy in a Alk dominant negative condition. However, our analysis only focuses on genes which are responsive to Alk-manipulation, namely, genes which are downregulated in the Alk dominant negative condition. One of the rationales for not using a Dam-only control was that in our previous Mendoza-Garcia et al, 2021 study, we employed a similar method and were able to successfully identify already known and novel targets of Alk signalling in embryonic mesoderm comparing the Dam-Pol II versus Dam-Pol II; Alk Dominant negative conditions. In the current version of the manuscript, we have expanded our discussion of these caveats as follows (Discussion, Page 19-20):

      “A potential drawback of our TaDa dataset is the identification of false positives, due to non-specific methylation of GATC sites at accessible regions in the genome by Dam protein. Hence, our experimental approach likely more reliably identifies candidates which are downregulated upon Alk inhibition. In our analysis, we have limited this drawback by focusing on genes downregulated upon Alk inhibition and integrating our analysis with additional datasets, followed by experimental validation. This approach is supported by the identification of numerous previously iden- tied Alk targets in our TaDa candidate list.”

      Related to this, could the authors make it clear/justify why they chose to use peakbased analysis of the Dam-Pol II data rather than looking at signals across whole transcripts? For example, this could result in false positives if a gene switches from having no Pol II to having paused Pol II.

      Authors response: In our opinion, a peak based analysis is dependable in this context. We chose to prioritize peaks close (+/- 1kb) to transcription start sites (TSS) to increase the chances of finding true Pol II occupancy peaks. Also, during bioinformatics analysis using Damid-seq pipeline (Maksimov et al, 2016) fragments not aligning to GATC borders are excluded. Therefore, a whole transcript Pol II occupancy peak analysis may not be always feasible. We agree with the reviewer that a paused Pol II will result in false positives, however, it will only result in an increase of a specific peak and in our case, we are seeking to identify peaks with lower pol II occupancy as a result of Alk knockdown. Furthermore, we depend on additional integration with additional relevant datasets to minimise false positive candidates for detailed analysis. In the current version of the manuscript these caveats have been mentioned and discussed (see point above).

      Do the authors have any theories about the mode of action of Spar? Or ideas about how this might be followed up? If so, that could be included in the Discussion.

      Authors response: Other than identifying modified Spar derived peptides, which suggest a target receptor, possibly a GPCR, were have no other data currently that allows us to speculate more on the mode of action of Spar. We are currently working hard to try to identify a receptor, but this is a challenging and ongoing process. In the discussion we speculate regarding the identity of the Spar receptor, as well as its location, which is likely in the CNS, and body muscle, however, these are open questions that we can hopefully answer in a future study.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Spar protein expression was unchanged in Alk loss of function. This is a curious result as the authors used RNA seq data from Alk loss of function to identify Spar. This could be commented on in the discussion.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for this comment, and they are correct in noticing this. We have also thought about this, and reviewer #1 also commented. To confirm this result, we repeated this experiment with increased numbers of larval CNS followed by blinded image analysis for the revised version. These results also show an increased fluorescence intensity as measured by corrected total cell fluorescence (CTCF), confirming our previous observation of increased Spar protein expression in in Alk gain-of-function conditions compared to controls. In this analysis, changed in Spar levels in Alk loss-of-function remained non-significant compared to control, in agreement with our previous data. As suggested by reviewer #1, we have now included several additional sentences discussing the possible reasons for these observations. This following text is now included on Page 11 of the results section:

      “While our bulk RNA-seq and TaDa datasets show a reduction in Spar transcript levels in Alk loss-of-function conditions, this reduction is not reflected at the protein level. This observation may reflect additional uncharacterised pathways that regulate Spar mRNA levels as well as translation and protein stability. Taken together, these observations confirm that Spar expression is responsive to Alk signaling in CNS, although Alk is not critically required to maintain Spar protein levels.”

      Pg 19: Spar is expressed in the Mushroom Bodies (MBs). Do they mean in Kenyon Cells (KCs)? I don't see this expression in the figures. Maybe this could be highlighted in the figure. It would definitely be of interest if this were true.

      Authors response: We agree with the reviewer that this would be interesting. We have not performed detailed staining of the mushroom bodies at this point, however, Spar mRNA expression in a transcriptomics analysis performed by Crocker et al, 2016, identifies Spar in all cell types, including Kenyon cells. We have now included this and cited this reference in the discussion.

      Spar is also expressed in multiple potential sleep regulatory sites including clock neurons, the PI, AstA cells and so on. Some of these might be arousal-promoting and some sleep-promoting. Taking out Spar in both sleep and arousal-promoting subsets might have complex effects. The authors might want to knock down Alk in different subsets of neurons to make more targeted manipulations.

      Authors response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion regarding interesting experiments to further investigate Spar function. We are planning to follow up and study the role of Alk signalling in different neuronal subsets, with a specific interest in neuroendocrine/prosecretory cells.

    2. eLife assessment

      Receptor tyrosine kinases such as ALK play critical roles during appropriate development and behaviour and are nodal in many disease conditions, through molecular mechanisms that weren't completely understood. This manuscript identifies a previously unknown neuropeptide precursor as a downstream transcriptional target of Alk signalling in Clock neurons in the Drosophila brain. The experiments are well designed with attention to detail, the data are solid, and the findings will be useful to those interested in events downstream of signalling by receptor tyrosine kinases.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript illustrates the power of "combined" research, incorporating a range of tools, both old and new to answer a question. This thorough approach identifies a novel target in a well-established signalling pathway and characterises a new player in Drosophila CNS development.

      Largely, the experiments are carried out with precision, meeting the aims of the project, and setting new targets for future research in the field. It was particularly refreshing to see the use of multi-omics data integration and Targeted DamID (TaDa) findings to triage scRNA-seq data. Some of the TaDa methodology was unorthodox, however, this does not affect the main finding of the study. The authors (in the revised manuscript) have appropriately justified their TaDa approaches and mentioned the caveats in the main text.

      Their discovery of Spar as a neuropeptide precursor downstream of Alk is novel, as well as its ability to regulate activity and circadian clock function in the fly. Spar was just one of the downstream factors identified from this study, therefore, the potential impact goes beyond this one Alk downstream effector.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The receptor tyrosine kinase Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) in humans is nervous system expressed and plays an important role as an oncogene. A number of groups have been studying ALK signalling in flies to gain mechanistic insight into its various roles. In flies, ALK plays a critical role in development, particularly embryonic development and axon targeting. In addition, ALK also was also shown to regulate adult functions including sleep and memory. In this manuscript, Sukumar et al., used a suite of molecular techniques to identify downstream targets of ALK signalling. They first used targeted DamID, a technique that involves a DNA methylase to RNA polymerase II, so that GATC sites in close proximity to PolII binding sites are marked. They performed these experiments in wild type and ALK loss of function mutants (using an Alk dominant negative ALkDN), to identify Alk responsive loci. Comparing these loci with a larval single cell RNAseq dataset identified neuroendocrine cells as an important site of Alk action. They further combined these TaDa hits with data from RNA seq in Alk Loss and Gain of Function manipulations to identify a single novel target of Alk signalling - a neuropeptide precursor they named Sparkly (Spar) for its expression pattern. They generated a mutant allele of Spar, raised an antibody against Spar, and characterised its expression pattern and mutant behavioural phenotypes including defects in sleep and circadian function.


      The molecular biology experiments using TaDa and RNAseq were elegant and very convincing. The authors identified a novel gene they named Spar. They also generated a mutant allele of Spar (using CrisprCas technology) and raised an antibody against Spar. These experiments are lovely, and the reagents will be useful to the community. The paper is also well written, and the figures are very nicely laid out making the manuscript a pleasure to read.


      The manuscript has improved substantially in the revision. Yet, some concerns remain around the genetics and behavioural analysis which is incomplete and confusing. The authors generated a novel allele of Spar - Spar ΔExon1 and examined sleep and circadian phenotypes of this allele and of RNAi knockdown of Spar. The RNAi knockdown is a welcome addition. However, the authors only show one parental control the GAL4 / +, but leave out the other parental control i.e. the UAS RNAi / + e.g. in Fig. 9. It is important to show both parental controls.

      Further, the sleep and circadian characterisation could be substantially improved. It is unclear how sleep was calculated - what program was used or what the criteria to define a sleep bout was. In the legend for Fig 8c, it says sleep was shown as "percentage of time flies spend sleeping measured every 5min across a 24h time span". Sleep in flies is (usually) defined as at least 5 min of inactivity. With this definition, I'm not sure how one can calculate the % time asleep in a 5 min bin! Typically people use 30min or 60min bins. The sleep numbers for controls also seem off to me e.g. in Fig. 8H and H' average sleep / day is ~100. Is this minutes of sleep? 100 min / day is far too low, is it a typo? The same applies to Figure 8, figure supplement 2. Other places e.g. Fig 8 figure supplement 1, avg sleep is around 1000 min / day. The numbers for sleep bouts are also too low to me e.g. in Fig 9 number of sleep bouts avg around 4, and in Fig. 8 figure supplement 2 they average 1 sleep bout. There are several free software packages to analyse sleep data (e.g. Sleep Mat, PMID 35998317, or SCAMP). I would recommend that the authors reanalyse their data using one of these standard packages that are used routinely in the field. That should help resolve many issues.

      The circadian anticipatory activity analyses could also be improved. The standard in the field is to perform eduction analyses and quantify anticipatory activity e.g. using the method of Harrisingh et al. (PMID: 18003827). This typically computed as the ratio of activity in the 3hrs preceding light transition to activity in the 6hrs preceding light transition. The programs referenced above should help with this.

      Finally, in many cases I'm not sure that the appropriate statistical tests have been used e.g. in Fig 8c, 8e, 8h t-tests have been used when are three groups in the figure. The appropriate test here would an ANOVA, followed by post-hoc comparisons.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer No.1 (public)

      The authors present a study focused on addressing the key challenge in drug discovery, which is the optimization of absorption and affinity properties of small molecules through in silico methods. They propose active learning as a strategy for optimizing these properties and describe the development of two novel active learning batch selection methods. The methods are tested on various public datasets with different optimization goals and sizes, and new affinity datasets are curated to provide up-todate experimental information. The authors claim that their active learning methods outperform existing batch selection methods, potentially reducing the number of experiments required to achieve the same model performance. They also emphasize the general applicability of their methods, including compatibility with popular packages like DeepChem.


      Relevance and Importance: The study addresses a significant challenge in the field of drug discovery, highlighting the importance of optimizing the absorption and affinity properties of small molecules through in silico methods. This topic is of great interest to researchers and pharmaceutical industries.

      Novelty: The development of two novel active learning batch selection methods is a commendable contribution. The study also adds value by curating new affinity datasets that provide chronological information on state-of-the-art experimental strategies.

      Comprehensive Evaluation: Testing the proposed methods on multiple public datasets with varying optimization goals and sizes enhances the credibility and generalizability of the findings. The focus on comparing the performance of the new methods against existing batch selection methods further strengthens the evaluation.


      Lack of Technical Details: The feedback lacks specific technical details regarding the developed active learning batch selection methods. Information such as the underlying algorithms, implementation specifics, and key design choices should be provided to enable readers to understand and evaluate the methods thoroughly.

      Evaluation Metrics: The feedback does not mention the specific evaluation metrics used to assess the performance of the proposed methods. The authors should clarify the criteria employed to compare their methods against existing batch selection methods and demonstrate the statistical significance of the observed improvements.

      Reproducibility: While the authors claim that their methods can be used with any package, including DeepChem, no mention is made of providing the necessary code or resources to reproduce the experiments. Including code repositories or detailed instructions would enhance the reproducibility and practical utility of the study.

      Suggestion 1:

      Elaborate on the Methodology: Provide an in-depth explanation of the two active learning batch selection methods, including algorithmic details, implementation considerations, and any specific assumptions made. This will enable readers to better comprehend and evaluate the proposed techniques.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Following this comments we have extended the text in Methods (in Section: Batch selection via determinant maximization and Section: Approximation of the posterior distribution) and in Supporting Methods (Section: Toy example). We have also included the pseudo code for the Batch optimization method.

      Suggestion 2:

      Clarify Evaluation Metrics: Clearly specify the evaluation metrics employed in the study to measure the performance of the active learning methods. Additionally, conduct statistical tests to establish the significance of the improvements observed over existing batch selection methods.

      Answer: Following this comment we added to Table 1 details about the way we computed the cutoff times for the different methods. We also provide more details on the statistics we performed to determine the significance of these differences.

      Suggestion 3:

      Enhance Reproducibility: To facilitate the reproducibility of the study, consider sharing the code, data, and resources necessary for readers to replicate the experiments. This will allow researchers in the field to validate and build upon your work more effectively.

      Answer: This is something we already included with the original submission. The code is publicly available. In fact, we provide a phyton library, ALIEN (Active Learning in data Exploration) which is published on the Sanofi Github(https://github.com/ Sanofi-Public/Alien). We also provide details on the public data used and expect to provide the internal data as well. We included a small paragraph on code and data availability.

      Reviewer No.2 (public)

      Suggestion 1:

      The authors presented a well-written manuscript describing the comparison of activelearning methods with state-of-art methods for several datasets of pharmaceutical interest. This is a very important topic since active learning is similar to a cyclic drug design campaign such as testing compounds followed by designing new ones which could be used to further tests and a new design cycle and so on. The experimental design is comprehensive and adequate for proposed comparisons. However, I would expect to see a comparison regarding other regression metrics and considering the applicability domain of models which are two essential topics for the drug design modelers community.

      Answer: We want to thank the reviewer for these comments. We provide a detailed response to the specific comments below. 

      Reviewer No.1 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Recommendation 1:

      The description provided regarding the data collection process and the benchmark datasets used in the study raises some concerns. The comment specifically addresses the use of both private (Sanofi-owned) and public datasets to benchmark the various batch selection methods. Lack of Transparency: The comment lacks transparency regarding the specific sources and origins of the private datasets. It would be crucial to disclose whether these datasets were obtained from external sources or if they were generated internally within Sanofi. Without this information, it becomes difficult to assess the potential biases or conflicts of interest associated with the data.

      Answer: We would like to thank the reviewer for this comment. As mentioned in the paper, the public github page contains links to all the public data and we expect also to the internal Sanofi data. We also now provide more information on the specific experiments that were internally done by Sanofi to collect that data.

      Potential Data Accessibility Issues: The utilization of private datasets, particularly those owned by Sanofi, may raise concerns about data accessibility. The lack of availability of these datasets to the wider scientific community may limit the ability of other researchers to replicate and validate the study’s findings. It is essential to ensure that the data used in research is openly accessible to foster transparency and encourage collaboration.

      Answer: Again, as stated above we expect to release the data collected internally on the github page.

      Limited Information on Dataset Properties: The comment briefly mentions that the benchmark datasets cover properties related to absorption, distribution, pharmacokinetic processes, and affinity of small drug molecules to target proteins. However, it does not provide any specific details about the properties included in the datasets or how they were curated. Providing more comprehensive information about the properties covered and the methods used for curation would enhance the transparency and reliability of the study.

      To address these concerns, it is crucial for the authors to provide more detailed information about the data sources, dataset composition, representativeness, and curation methods employed. Transparency and accessibility of data are fundamental principles in scientific research, and addressing these issues will strengthen the credibility and impact of the study.

      Answer: We agree with this comment and believe that it is important to be explicit about each of the datasets and to provide information on the new data. We note that we already discuss the details of each of the experiments in Methods and, of course, provide links to the original papers for the public data. We have now added text to Supporting Methods that describes the experiments in more details as well as providing literature references for the experimental protocols used. As noted above, we expect to provide our new internal data on the public git page. 

      Recommendation 2:

      Some comments on the modeling example Approximation of the posterior distribution. Lack of Methodological Transparency: The comment fails to provide any information regarding the specific method or approach used for approximating the posterior distribution. Without understanding the methodology employed, it is impossible to evaluate the quality or rigor of the approximation. This lack of transparency undermines the credibility of the study.

      Answer: We want to thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Based on this comment we added more information to Section: Approximation of the posterior distribution. Moreover, we now provide details on the posterior approximation in Section: Two approximations for computing the epistemic covariance.

      Questionable Assumptions: The comment does not mention any of the assumptions made during the approximation process. The validity of any approximation heavily depends on the underlying assumptions, and their omission suggests a lack of thorough analysis. Failing to acknowledge these assumptions leaves room for doubt regarding the accuracy and relevance of the approximation.

      Answer: We are not entirely sure which assumptions the reviewer is referring to here. The main assumption we can think of that we have used is the fact that getting within X% of the optimal model is a good enough approximation. We have specifically discussed this assumption and tested multiple values of X. While it would have been great to have X = 0 this is unrealistic for retrospective studies. For Active Learning the main question is how many experiments can be saved to obtain similar results and the assumptions we used are basically ’what is the definition of similar’. We now added this to Discussion.

      Inadequate Validation: There is no mention of any validation measures or techniques used to assess the accuracy and reliability of the approximated posterior distribution. Without proper validation, it is impossible to determine whether the approximation provides a reasonable representation of the true posterior. The absence of validation raises concerns about the potential biases or errors introduced by the approximation process.

      Answer: We sincerely appreciate your concern regarding the validation of the approximated posterior distribution. We acknowledge that our initial submission might not have clearly highlighted our validation strategy. It is, of course, very hard to determine the accuracy of the distribution our model learns since such distribution cannot be directly inferred using experiments (no ’ground truth’). Instead, we use an indirect method to determine the accuracy. Specifically, we conducted retrospective experiment using the learned distribution. In these experiments, we indirectly validated our approximation by measuring the error with the respective method. The results from these retrospective experiments provided evidence for the accuracy and reliability of our approximation in representing the true posterior distribution. We now emphasize this in Methods.

      Uncertainty Quantification: The comment does not discuss the quantification of uncertainty associated with the approximated posterior distribution. Properly characterizing the uncertainty is crucial in statistical inference and decision-making. Neglecting this aspect undermines the usefulness and applicability of the approximation results.

      Answer: Thank you for pointing out the importance of characterizing uncertainty in statistical inference and decision-making, a sentiment with which we wholeheartedly agree. In our work, we have indeed addressed the quantification of uncertainty associated with the approximated posterior distribution. Specifically, we utilized Monte Carlo Dropout (MC Dropout) as our method of choice. MC Dropout is a widely recognized and employed technique in the neural networks domain to approximate the posterior distribution, and it offers an efficient way to estimate model uncertainty without requiring any changes to the existing network architecture [1, 2]. In the revised version, we provide a more detailed discussion on the use of Monte Carlo Dropout in our methodology and its implications for characterizing uncertainty.

      Comparison with Gold Standard: There is no mention of comparing the approximated posterior distribution with a gold standard or benchmark. Failing to provide such a comparison leaves doubts about the performance and accuracy of the approximation method. A lack of benchmarking makes it difficult to ascertain the superiority or inferiority of the approximation technique employed.

      Answer: As noted above, it is impossible to find gold standard information for the uncertainly distribution. It is not even clear to us how such gold standard can be experimentally determined since its a function of a specific model and data. If the reviewer is aware of such gold standard we would be happy to test it. Instead, in our study, we opted to benchmark our results against state-of-the-art batch active learning methods, which also rely on uncertainty prediction (such uncertainty prediction is the heart of any active learning method as we discuss). Results clearly indicate that our method outperforms prior methods though we agree that this is only an indirect way to validate the uncertainty approximation.

      Reviewer No.2 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Recommendation 1:

      The text is kind of messy: there are two results sections, for example. It seems that part of the text was duplicated. Please correct it.

      Answer: We want to thank the reviewer pointing this out. These were typos and we fixed them accordingly.

      Recommendation 2:

      Text in figures is very small and difficult to read. Please redraw the figures, increasing the font size: 10-12pt is ideal in comparison with the main text.

      Answer: We want to thank the reviewer for this comment and we have made the graphics larger.

      Recommendation 3: Please, include specific links to data availability instead of just stating it is available at the Sanofi-Public repository.

      Answer: We want to thank the reviewer for this comment and added the links and data to the Sanofi Github page listed in the paper.

      Recommendation 4:

      What are the descriptors used to train the models?

      Answer: We represented the molecules as molecular graphs using the MolGraphConvFeaturizer from the DeepChem library. We now explicitly mention this in Methods.

      Recommendation 5:

      Regarding the quality of the models, I strongly suggest two approaches instead of using only RMSE as metrics of models’ performance. I recommend using the most metrics as possible as reported by Gramatica (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00088). I also recommend somehow comparing the increment on the dataset diversity according to the employed descriptors (applicability domain) as a measurement to further applications on the unseen molecules.

      Answer: We want to thank the reviewer for this great suggestions. As suggested we added new comparison metrics to the Supplement.

      • Distribution plot for the range of the Y values Figure 8 • Clustering of the data sets represented as fingerprints Supplementary material Figure 5,6

      • Retrospective experiments with Spearman correlation coefficient. Supplementary material Figure: 2,3,4

      I suggest also a better characterization of datasets including the nature and range of the Y variable, the source of data in terms of experimentation, and chemical (structural and physicochemical) comparison of samples within each dataset.

      Answer: As noted above in response to a similar comment by Reviewer 1, we have added more detailed information about the different experiments we tested to Supporting Methods.


      [1] Yarin Gal and Zoubin Ghahramani. Dropout as a bayesian approximation: Representing model uncertainty in deep learning. In Maria Florina Balcan and Kilian Q. Weinberger, editors, Proceedings of The 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, volume 48 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 1050–1059, New York, New York, USA, 20–22 Jun 2016. PMLR.

      [2] N.D. Lawrence. Variational Inference in Probabilistic Models. University of Cambridge, 2001.

    2. eLife assessment

      This valuable study reports novel active learning batch selection methods that have been applied to optimization tasks related to ADMET and affinity properties relevant within the drug discovery field. While the evidence is solid, the paper could have benefited from a clearer and deeper description of methods as well as interpretation of the obtained models, and a wider comparison to existing methods. The article will be of general interest to scientist working in the field of drug discovery and, in general, to researchers within the fields of machine learning and data analysis.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors present a study focused on addressing the key challenge in drug discovery, which is the optimization of absorption and affinity properties of small molecules through in silico methods. They propose active learning as a strategy for optimizing these properties and describe the development of two novel active learning batch selection methods. The methods are tested on various public datasets with different optimization goals and sizes, and new affinity datasets are curated to provide up-to-date experimental information. The authors claim that their active learning methods outperform existing batch selection methods, potentially reducing the number of experiments required to achieve the same model performance. They also emphasize the general applicability of their methods, including compatibility with popular packages like DeepChem.


      Relevance and Importance: The study addresses a significant challenge in the field of drug discovery, highlighting the importance of optimizing absorption and affinity properties of small molecules through in silico methods. This topic is of great interest to researchers and pharmaceutical industries.

      Novelty: The development of two novel active learning batch selection methods is a commendable contribution. The study also adds value by curating new affinity datasets that provide chronological information on state-of-the-art experimental strategies.<br /> Comprehensive Evaluation: Testing the proposed methods on multiple public datasets with varying optimization goals and sizes enhances the credibility and generalizability of the findings. The focus on comparing the performance of the new methods against existing batch selection methods further strengthens the evaluation.


      Lack of Technical Details: The feedback lacks specific technical details regarding the developed active learning batch selection methods. Information such as the underlying algorithms, implementation specifics, and key design choices should be provided to enable readers to understand and evaluate the methods thoroughly.

      Evaluation Metrics: The feedback does not mention the specific evaluation metrics used to assess the performance of the proposed methods. The authors should clarify the criteria employed to compare their methods against existing batch selection methods and demonstrate the statistical significance of the observed improvements.

      Reproducibility: While the authors claim that their methods can be used with any package, including DeepChem, no mention is made of providing the necessary code or resources to reproduce the experiments. Including code repositories or detailed instructions would enhance the reproducibility and practical utility of the study.

      Suggestions for Improvement:

      Elaborate on the Methodology: Provide an in-depth explanation of the two active learning batch selection methods, including algorithmic details, implementation considerations, and any specific assumptions made. This will enable readers to better comprehend and evaluate the proposed techniques.

      Clarify Evaluation Metrics: Clearly specify the evaluation metrics employed in the study to measure the performance of the active learning methods. Additionally, conduct statistical tests to establish the significance of the improvements observed over existing batch selection methods.

      Enhance Reproducibility: To facilitate the reproducibility of the study, consider sharing the code, data, and resources necessary for readers to replicate the experiments. This will allow researchers in the field to validate and build upon your work more effectively.

      Conclusion:<br /> The authors' study on active learning methods for optimizing drug discovery presents an important and relevant contribution to the field. The proposed batch selection methods and curated affinity datasets hold promise for improving the efficiency of drug discovery processes. However, to strengthen the study, it is crucial to provide more technical details, clarify evaluation metrics, and enhance reproducibility by sharing code and resources. Addressing these limitations will further enhance the value and impact of the research.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors presented a well-written manuscript describing the comparison of active-learning methods with state-of-art methods for several datasets of pharmaceutical interest. This is a very important topic since active learning is similar to a cyclic drug design campaign such as testing compounds followed by designing new ones which could be used to further tests and a new design cycle and so on. The experimental design is comprehensive and adequate for proposed comparisons.

      1) Text in figures still very small and difficult to read. Please redraw the figures increasing the font size: 10-12pt is ideal in comparison with the main text. In my opinion, it seems like the authors drew the Figure properly but there is an automatic resizing by inserting it in the document. Please consider ensuring that the font size will remain legible in the final document.

      2) I think this work will benefit from a comparison of obtained models to other models reported in the literature and the interpretability of models (e.g. contribution of molecule groups to the modeled activity) as it is required by OECD guide for QSAR purposes.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This is a very well written and performed study describing a TOPBP1 separation of function mutation, resulting in defective MSCI maintenance but normal sex body formation. The phenotype differs from that of a previous TOPBP1 null allele, in which both MSCI and sex body formation were defective. Additional defects in CHK phosphorylation and SETX localization are also described.


      The study is very rigorous, with a remarkably large number of MSCI marks assayed, phosphoproteomics (leading to the interesting SETX discovery) and 10X RNAseq, allowing the MSCI phenotype to be further deconvolved. The approaches in most cases are robust.


      There aren't many; please find list below:

      1) The authors are committed to the idea that maintenance of MSCI is the major defect here. However, based on the data, an alternative would be that some cells achieve sex body formation and MSCI normally, while others do not. It would only take a small percentage of cells exhibiting MSCI failure to kill all the cells in the same germinal epithelium, so this could still explain the complete pachytene block. This isn't a major point...this phenotype is clearly different to the TOPBP1 KO, but a broader discussion of possibilities in the discussion would help. I raise this in the context of both the cytology and 10X analysis:

      a) The assessment that sex body formation is normal is based on cytology in Supp 8 and 9, but a more rigorous approach would be to assess condensation of the XY pair in stage-matched spread cells (maybe they have that data already) by measuring distances between the X and Y centromere, or looking at stage IV of the seminiferous cycle, where all cells should have oval sex bodies but sex body mutants have persistent elongated XY pairs (see work of Namekawa and Turner). The authors do actually mention that gH2AX spreading is defective in many cells....and if this is true, condensation to form a sex body would almost certainly not have taken place in those cells.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment and have performed the experiment suggested, counting the number of elongated sex bodies in all sex body-positive cells in seminiferous tubules stained with γH2AX and DAPI (as done by Turner in Hirota et al., 2018). The experiment did not show significant differences between Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5 as shown in Author response image 1.

      Author response image 1.

      Topbp1B5/B5 displays normal condensation of the XY-pair. A) Immunostaining of XY condensation in Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5 testes sections (γH2AX: green and DAPI: gray). B) Quantification of all sex body-positive cells per tubule (Topbp1+/+ number of cells counted = 781, number of tubules counted = 28, number of mice = 3; Topbp1B5/B5 number of cells counted = 967, number of tubules counted = 28, number of mice = 3). C) Quantification of elongated-sex body cells per tubule (Topbp1+/+ number of cells counted = 19 and 762 normal round/oval-sex bodies cells, number of tubules counted = 28, number of mice = 3; Topbp1B5/B5 number of cells counted = 45 and 922 normal round/oval-sex bodies cells, number of tubules counted = 28, number of mice = 3).

      b) Regarding the 10X data, the finding that expression of some XY genes is elevated and others are not is also consistent with a "partial" phenotype (some cells have normal XY bodies and MSCI, others fail in both). In Fig 6E, X expression looks to be elevated in B5 vs wt at all stages...if this were a maintenance issue, shouldn't it be equal to that in wt and then elevate later?

      We understand the point raised by the reviewer, however we do not favor the “partial” phenotype model because of the absence of any post-pachytene spermatocytes in the B5 mutant. If some cells had escaped the MSCI defect, we would expect to detect cells progressing further in meiosis. Because we cannot rule out completely the possibility of a subtle disruption in XY silencing initiation, we decided to better emphasize this point in the discussion (lines 391-394).

      In Figure 6E, the X-linked genes were normalized against chromosome 9-linked genes. The normalization against pre-leptotene was done for the results displayed on Figure 7, in which we demonstrate the maintenance issue. Furthermore, for the 10X analysis, while the same number of cells were loaded for wild-type and mutant, the composition of cells varied between these two samples. Despite the fact that very few “spermatocyte 3” cells were detected in the mutant, those cells displayed much higher X-linked gene expression than the wild-type spermatocyte 3 cells.

      2) How is the quantitation showing impaired localization of select markers (e.g. SETX) normalized? How do we know that the antibody staining simply didn't work as well on the mutant slides?

      The quantification showing impaired localization of the selected markers such as SETX was done as described by Sims, et al. 2022 and Adams, et al. 2018. In brief, the green signal was measured along (XY cores) or across (XY DNA loops) the X and Y chromosomes and normalized against the analogous signal on the autosomal chromosomes. The possibility that the antibody simply did not work as well on the mutant is unlikely since multiple biological replicates were performed and we reproducibly followed standard practices in the field for meiotic spreads staining, imaging, and quantification. We also note that our findings published in Sims et al, 2022 show that ATR inhibition strongly impairs SETX localization to the sex body, further substantiating our claim that signaling via ATR-TOPBP1 controls SETX.

      3) Is testis TOPBP1 protein expression reduced in the B5 mutant?

      TOPBP1 protein abundance in the B5 mutant is reduced in lysates from whole testis, measured via western blot. We did not detect a significant reduction in TOPBP1 signal intensity measured by immunofluorescence in pachytene spreads of the B5 mutant.

      4) 10X analysis: how were the genes on the y-axis in Supp 24 arranged? Is this by location on the X chromosome?

      These genes were sorted by location across the chromosome X.

      5) The final analyses in Fig 7: X-genes are subdivided based on their behavior (up, down, unchanged). What isn't clear to me is whether the authors have considered the fact that there are global changes in gene expression during meiosis (very low in lep , zyg and early pach, then ramps up hugely from mid pach). In other words, is this normalized to autosomal gene expression?

      For the final analysis in Fig7, the normalization was done by their expression at the pre-leptotene stage. Moreover, the analysis was made comparing X-linked gene behavior in Wild-type vs B5 mutant.

      6) Again regarding the 10X analysis, my prediction would be that not ALL X and Y gene would increase in pach if MSCI were ablated...we should remember that XY genes have been subject to MSCI for some 160 million years of evolution, and this will mean that many enhancers that originally drove their expression prior to the evolution of MSCI will now be lost. This has been our experience: many XY genes aren't elevated at pach even in mutants in which MSCI is totally defective. I'd urge the authors to consider this possibility when they use XY gene expression patterns to diagnose the severity or timing of the MSCI phenotype. This could be a discussion point.

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion and have added discussion about this point to lines 392400).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper described the role of BRCT repeat 5 in TOPBP1, a DNA damage response protein, in the maintenance of meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI). By analyzing a Topbp1 mutant mouse with amino acid substitutions in BRCT repeat 5, the authors found reduced phosphorylation of a DNA/RNA helicase, Sentaxin, and decreased localization of the protein to the X-Y sex body in pachynema. Moreover, the authors also found decreased repression of several genes on the sex chromosomes in the male mice.


      The works including phospho-proteomics and single-cell RNA sequencing with lots of data have been done with great care and most of the results are convincing.


      One concern is that, although the Topbp1 mutant spermatocytes show very severe defects after the stage of late pachynema, the defect in the gene silencing in the sex body is relatively weak. It is a bit difficult to explain how such a weak mis regulation of the gene silencing in mice causes the complete loss of cells in the late stage of spermatogenesis.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment. We note that even subtle mis-regulation of XY gene silencing has been reported to lead to significant loss of cells in late stage of prophase I (Ichijima et al., 2011; Modzelewski et al., 2012). Moreover, it is possible that some cells with drastic changes in X-gene expression were excluded from the downstream analysis due to high levels of mitochondrial gene expression (cells that were likely dying due to apoptosis). The exclusion of cells with high levels of mitochondrial gene expression is a common practice in downstream analysis of sc-RNA sequencing data.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The work presented by Ascencao and coworkers aims to deepen into the process of sex chromosome inactivation during meiosis (MSCI) as a critical factor in the regulation of meiosis progression in male mammals. For this purpose, they have generated a transgenic mouse model in which a specific domain of TOPBP1 protein has been mutated, hampering the binding of a number of protein partners and interfering with the regulatory cascade initiated by ATR. Through the use of immunolocalization of an impressive number of markers of MSCI, phosphoproteomics and single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq), the authors are able to show that despite a proper morphological formation of the sex body and the incorporation of most canonical MSCI makers, sex chromosome-liked genes are reactivated at some point during pachytene and this triggers meiosis progression breakdown, likely due to a defective phosphorylation of the helicase SETX.

      The manuscript presents a clear advance in the understanding of MSCI and meiosis progression with two main strengths. First, the generation of a mouse model with a very uncommon phenotype. Second, the use of a vast methodological approach. The results are well presented and illustrated. Nevertheless, the discussion could be still a bit tuned by the inclusion of some ideas, and perhaps speculations, that have not been considered.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment and have improved the discussion section addressing the points raised in the “recommendation For the Authors”.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I don't have any additional points here

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The paper by Ascencao et al. describes a separation-in-function allele of TOPBP1 critical for DNA damage response (DDR) that confers a specific defect in XY sex chromosome inactivation during male mouse meiosis. The authors constructed a Topbp1 separation-of-function mouse by introducing amino acid substitutions in BRCT repeat 5 and found the mice with normal DDR response in mitosis and meiosis show male infertility. Topbp1(B5/B5) mice do not contain spermatocytes after diplonema, as a result, little spermatids/sperms. In the mice, most of the meiotic events in prophase I including chromosome synapsis and meiotic recombination as well as the formation of the sex body are normal. The detailed proteomic analysis revealed the reduced ATR-dependent phosphorylation of a DNA/RNA helicase, Sentaxin. And also single-cell RNA sequencing found that the expression of some of genes from sex chromosomes are not silenced well compared to the control. The works with lots of data have been done with great care and most of the results are convincing. One clear concern is that, although the authors nicely showed a defect in gene silencing in sex chromosomes in the Topbp1(B5/B5) mice, how a small defect in the gene silencing leads to the complete loss of diplotene spermatocytes remains unaddressed.

      Major points:

      Although the authors showed a change in the transcriptome in spermatocytes of Topbp1(B5/B5) male mice, the authors cannot explain the complete lack of spermatids in this mouse. Even the transcriptome seems not to provide a clue.

      1) Given that the TOPBP1-B5 protein cannot bind to both 53BP1 and BLM, it is interesting to check the localization of both proteins on meiotic chromosome spreads (in the case of 53BP1, the localization in MEFs with DNA damage).

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment. We have tried to stain BLM in meiotic spreads using several different antibodies, however we were not successful getting specific signals for BLM. In the case of 53BP1, we monitored its localization, and it was not significantly different from Topbp1-/- meiotic spreads, please refer to Supplemental Figure 11. While we appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion of looking at the localization of 53BP1 in MEFs with DNA damage, we opted not to perform the experiment because we have shown that 53BP1 can still bind the BRCT 1 and 2 domains of TOPBP1 as previously described (Bigot et al., 2019; Cescutti et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2017). Additionally, both male and female 53BP1 KO mice are fertile (Ward et al., 2003), thus the partial disruption in binding to 53BP1 that we observed in TOPBP1 B5 mutant is likely not causing the infertility phenotype.

      2) A recent preprint by Fujiwara et al. (doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.12.536672) showed the accumulation of R-loops in spermatocyte spreads in Senataxin knockout mice. The authors may check the R-loop on the sex body in Topbp1-B5 mice.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have tried several protocols to stain R-loops (including the protocol used in the paper mentioned above) but were not successful.

      3) The authors need to check the protein level (and band shift) of Senataxin in the testis by western blotting analysis.

      We have tried several SETX antibodies, and none worked for western blot analysis.

      4) If possible, the authors can see any protein interaction between TOPBP1 and Senataxin.

      We appreciate the suggestion, and we will investigate this interaction in future work.

      5) The authors need to check the statistics in the paper.

      (1) It is better to show actual P-values in the case of "ns".

      P-values were added to the respective figure legends.

      (2) In focus counting such as Figures 3D, G, H, 4B, D, F, H, 5E, and F (and in Supplemental Figures), please indicate how many spreads were counted in each mouse. Moreover, the distribution of focus numbers and intensity of fluorescence are not parametric (not normal distribution). It is better to use a non-parametric method such as Mann-Whitney's U test.

      We appreciate the reviewer's comment and upon consulting with a Statistician at Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit (CSCU), we were advised to use a linear mixed effect model to take into account the variability in cells within each mouse when comparing mice between groups (Topbp1+/+ vs Topbp1B5/B5). We then reanalyzed all quantified meiotic spreads using this mixed effect model, and the p-value, number of mice, and number of cells counted for each group are displayed in the respective figure legends. Upon going through all the quantified meiotic spreads, we realized a minor error in one of the previous data points related to SETX staining in Topbp1+/+ and have fixed it. Using the previous quantification data and the new stats analysis the p-value for cores was 0.5598 and p-value for loops was 0.0273. Now using the correct values and the new stats analysis the p-value for cores is 0.5987 and p-value for loops is 0.0452. The correction did not change the conclusion of this data and is now displayed in the new Figure 5. We also realized a mistake in the ATR quantification when the spreadsheet was moved from excel to Graphpad. Using the previous quantification and the new stats analysis the p-value for cores was 0.2451 and p-value for loops was 0.8933. Now using the correct values and the new stats analysis the p-value for cores is 0.4068 and p-value for loops is 0.9396. The correction did not change the conclusion of this data and is now displayed in the new Figure 4. Moreover, we realized that we used n = 8 (n = number of mice) for MDC1 quantification and n = 2 for pCHK1_S345, instead of n =3 as shown in the preprint version of the manuscript. Corrected values were added to their respective figures and figure legends.

      (3) From Figures 6E, 7B, and 7C, the authors conclude the difference in the expression profile between wild type and Topbp1(B5) spermatocytes. It is better to show P-values for the comparison. Particularly, in Figure 7C, Xiap expression kinetics look similar between wild type and the mutant.

      We have added p-values to figures 6E and 7B and their respective figures or figure legends.<br /> In figure 7C, we now recognize that the Δ could have been misleading as we meant to compare Wild-type SP2 to Wild-type SP3 and Mutant SP2 to SP3; and not comparing Wild-type SP3 to Mutant SP3. Therefore, the Δ was excluded from Figure 7C. For the comparisons between expression levels of SP2 and SP3, it is challenging to calculate p-values for a single gene since these cells have started X-gene silencing and expression values are very low. Meaningful p-values for the comparisons between Wildtype SP3 to Mutant SP3 can be visualized in Figure 7B, where the comparison is based on number of genes instead of expression levels of each gene.

      Minor comments:

      1) Line 34: SPO11 is NOT a nuclease. Just delete it.

      It has been deleted (see line 34).

      2) Line 71, a protein: Is this protein ATR? Is so, please write it. If not, please give the name of the protein.

      In line 71 (now lines 79-80), we refer to TOPBP1-interacting proteins in general since many of these interactions happen through a phosphorylation in the TOPBP1’s interactor. This is the case for BLM, 53BP1, FANCJ, and RAD9. ATR interacts with TOPBP1 through TOPBP1’s AAD domain and this is not a phospho-mediated interaction. We restructured the sentence for clarity.

      3) In the Introduction, the authors often refer to a review by Cimprich and Cortez (2008) in various places. It is better to cite an original paper or the other an appropriate review.

      We have accepted the reviewer’s suggestion and added original papers when appropriate.

      4) Line 143-145: The authors generated eight charge reversal point mutations in the BRCT domain 5 of TOPBP1. If possible, it is helpful to mention the logic to generate these substitutions and also why BRCT domain 5, is not other domains.

      We generated eight charge reversal point mutations to abrogate all possible phospho-dependent interactions and avoid potential residual interactions. We have mutated other BRCT domains as well, which will be published separately.

      5) Line 174 (and Figure 2E): RPA should be either RPA2 or RPA32.

      Corrected (it is RPA2).

      6) Figure 5C-F: Please explain in more detail how the authors quantified the SETX signals. Why the two results are different?

      The quantification was done as described by Sims, et al. 2022, yielding separate data for XY cores and DNA loops. In brief, the green signal was measured along (XY cores) or across (XY DNA loops) the X and Y chromosomes. Signals were normalized by the signal in the autosomal chromosomes.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have no major criticisms, but I include a list of comments and suggestions (some of them conceptual, and disputable) that could help the authors to improve some parts of the manuscript.

      1) Line 52: I realize that the term protein "sequestration" (used in many instances along the manuscript) has been widespread in the literature related to MSCI in the last years. While this might be a cool way to describe the dynamics of proteins accumulating in the sex body, this reviewer considers this term is totally inappropriate. It is confusing and introduces at least to mistakes to the fact of protein accumulation in the sex body. First, it seems to indicate that once trapped in the sex body, proteins are incapable of leaving it, which might be completely wrong (histone replacement refutes this idea). Second, it is suggested that DDR proteins are attracted by the sex body and cannot remain associated to autosomes even if DNA repair has not been completed. This has also been demonstrated to be incorrect (see for example PDMI 19714216). Moreover, DDR proteins can associate de novo to chromosomes if needed, for instance upon DNA damage caused by chemicals or irradiation. Thus, I suggest that the use of "sequestration" should be evaluated more critically, evaluating the misleading ideas that are subjacent to this term. The use of protein "accumulation" is much more objective and descriptive of the real facts.

      We thank the reviewer’s suggestion and have addressed it in lines 52, 97 and 324.

      2) Line 88: Just as a deference to the original ideas, it would be nice to acknowledge that the inactivation of sex chromosomes and the formation of a sex body in mouse meiosis was described more than 50 years ago (PDMI 5833946; 4854664). Likewise, the ideas about the sequential achievement and reinforcement of MSCI during pachytene have been developed during the last 20 years, far before the recent reports cited in the manuscript. Citations to these "old fashion" works would be great.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion and have addressed it in line 86.

      3) Line 90. Please, take into consideration that such a strong effect on meiosis progression occurs mainly in some knockout mice models and that in many other models (including hybrid mice models from natural populations) autosomal regions can remain unsynapsed and accumulate DDR proteins without impairing meiosis. In other mammalian species, meiosis is even more permissive to these MSUC phenomena.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion and have addressed it at line 88.

      4) Line 211: The differences in the abundance of MLH1 and MLH3 are remarkable. If these two proteins are supposed to form a heterodimer leading to crossover formation, then the increase of only MLH1 might be related to a different process, not leading to crossover (even not class II ones).

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment and have included this point in the discussion (lines 491- 497).

      5) Line 217: I have some doubts about the results presented in Supplementary Figure 9. First, it is not clear to me how the represented cells counts were performed. Each spot is supposed to represent cell counts in a single individual, but how many cells were counted per individual? The proportion of cells could be a better indicator. Second, some B5/B5 individuals' counts were close to the ones displayed in the wild type. Did mutant animals show a high divergence compared to each other? It could be great to have each individual data displayed in a pie chart, and not only the aggregated data.

      We have now addressed this in the new Supplemental figure 9 legend. Each dot in the graph represents the sum of cells counted for each individual. We counted cells from 8 mice for each, Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5.

      Here we summarize the total cells counted per individual:

      Author response table 1.

      6) Line 222: The data on 53BP1 deserve further attention. On the one side, from the analysis presented in Supplementary Figure 11, it seems that 53BP1 tends to show a lower intensity in Topbp1B5/B5 mice. Since only 2 mice were analyzed, while for most of the other proteins 3-8 animals were studied, I suggest increasing the number of animals analyzed for 53BP1 localization, to test if this slight difference turns significant. This is relevant since: 1) the association of 53BP1 protein in somatic cells was clearly affected, and 2) 53BP1 is one of the last MSCI markers incorporated to the sex body at mid-late pachytene. These results should be moved to the main text and not appear as supplementary data. On the other hand, if no differences were to be found in meiosis, compared to somatic cells, how do authors explain these differences? Would 53BP1 have another partner at the sex body apart from TOPBP1? Could TOPBP1 have other BRCT domains (apart from domain 5) able to bind 53BP1?

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion; however, we had an issue with 53BP1 antibody. We analyzed 2 mice and needed to re-order the antibody. This antibody was backordered for almost one year, and when we finally received the order, the company had changed the clone for this antibody, and it no longer worked for meiotic spreads. In somatic cells, we see in HEK-293T a partial disruption in the binding to TOPBP1 B5 through IP-MS and IP-Western blot. The disruption is only partial due to the binding of 53BP1 to other domains in TOPBP1 such as BRCT 1 and 2 (Bigot et al., 2019; Cescutti et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2017). However, in assays in which we would expect a phenotypic response caused by impaired 53BP1, we did not see any effect, such as survival after IR (using the mice) and survival after phleomycin challenge (using Mefs). Moreover, 53BP1 KO mice, males and females, are fertile (Ward et al., 2003) so, the partial disruption in binding to 53BP1 that we observed in TOPBP1 B5 mutant is likely not causing the infertility phenotype.

      7) Line 250: I do not understand what is represented in Figure 5A. Why did the author mix two different experiments (differences in phosphoprotein abundance in B5/B5 compared to wild type and the interference of ATR with AZ20)?

      To account for the differences in cell population observed in the whole testis between Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5, and to know exactly which phosphorylation changes were due to disruption in the ATR signaling and not pleiotropic effects, we combined two different phosphoproteomes: One phosphoproteome from the comparison between Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5 and another one from the comparison between Vehicle or ATR inhibitor-treated mice. By utilizing this approach, we only consider hits that were disrupted in both analyses. A similar method was used by Sims et.al, 2022 (Sims et al., 2022).

      8) It is not clearly explained what is represented in Figure 6B. There is no explanation in the text or the figure legend. Do this represent the difference between scRNAseq in control and Topbp1B5/B5? If so, please, clarify.

      We thank the reviewer’s comment and have addressed it in the legend of Figure 6B.

      9) Line 342 and following. The authors describe a decrease of gene silencing. The use of two negative concepts is always confusing and results in the conversion to a positive one. I suggest considering the possibility of just talking about increase of gene expression, in order to make the message clearer.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s point here, but it is important to note that the phenomenon disrupted in our mutants is MSCI, which is by definition a gene silencing mechanism. This phenotype is not as simple as “increased gene expression”, it is the removal of a mechanism that is a key feature of prophase I. Thus, because we are focusing on the mechanism of MSCI, it is crucial to maintain this (albeit unusual) terminology.

      10) As for the classification of spermatocytes into 9 categories, I am curious about which spermatocytes are included in each of these categories. For instance, from cytology it seems that in Topbp1B5/B5 mice, spermatocytes are able to reach mid-late pachytene. However, in the spermatocyte categories established by scRNAseq they only reach class 3. Therefore, which are the populations included in the remaining 6 classes of spermatocytes? Do authors have any morphological correlation to these scRNAseq categories? Is it possible that in this mutant morphological advance of meiosis and gene expression profiles are uncoupled?

      The clustering of cells to a specific group is based on RNA expression, which does not always match cytological features. Moreover, during the analysis, cells with high expression of mitochondrial genes are excluded (these are dying cells that do not pass the quality control). Thus, while Topbp1B5/B5 reaches a mid-late-pachytene stage according to cytological analyses, in the single-cell RNA seq analysis we could only detect one pachytene stage. The other 6 remaining categories of spermatocytes can be classified according to their best-fit profile of gene expression. For that, we use the classification described by Chen et al., 2018 and Lau et al.,2020. Spermatocytes 3-5 = Pachytene, Spermatocytes 6-7 = Diplotene, Spermatocytes 8-9 = secondary spermatocytes (metaphase I/II). The gene markers used for this classification are displayed in Author response image 2.

      Author response image 2.

      Genes used as markers of spermatocytes captured in the scRNAseq analysis. Violin plots display the distribution of cells expressing Gm960 (Leptotene marker), Meiob (Leptotene/Zygotene marker), Psma8 (Pachytene marker), Pwill1 (Pachytene marker), Pou5f2 (Diplotene marker), and Ccna1 (Secondary Spermatocytes marker).

      11) Figure 6E shows that overexpression of X-linked genes is not a feature of spermatocytes but it is initiated in spermatogonia. This fact has not been properly stated in the text and perhaps not sufficiently highlighted.

      We noticed subtle changes during the spermatogonia stage and have addressed the reviewer’s comment in lines 317-322, however the downstream analyses related to a defect in X-gene silencing maintenance displayed in Figure 7 were done based on normalization of gene expression to its respective pre-leptotene stage.

      12) Supplementary Figure 24 shows that some X-linked genes are more expressed in Topbp1B5/B5 compared to control mice. In the figure it can be observed that many genes accumulate at the bottom of the graph. Does this have any correlation to the location of these genes along the X chromosome, for instance near or within the PAR? This could correlate with the defects in γH2AX accumulation at this region.

      These are the locations along the chromosome. Only the bottom 5 rows are within the PAR region, so this accumulation is not within the PAR region specifically. The bottom tenth of the genes in the heatmap correspond to roughly a 17 Mb region.

      13) The authors only analyzed the overexpression of genes located on the X chromosome. It would be interesting to show the behavior of Y-linked genes as well.

      The coverage of Y-linked genes was not very high and that is why we have not shown the results in the paper. However, the results for Y-linked genes were similar to the X-linked genes and can be visualized in Author response image 3.

      Author response image 3.

      Single cell RNAseq reveals that Topbp1B5/B5 spermatocytes initiate MSCI but fail to promote full silencing of Y chromosome-linked genes. Violin plot displaying the ratio of the average expression of Y chromosome genes by the average expression of chromosome 9 genes at different stages of spermatogenesis for Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5 cells.

      14) Line 425: Authors indicate that it is not known if association of TOPBP1 and BLM, 53BP1 or other proteins is disrupted in Topbp1B5/B5 spermatocytes. Could these experiments be performed in the testis, as they were in somatic cells?

      The cellular composition in Topbp1+/+ and Topbp1B5/B5 testes is very different so it would not be a fair comparison. While we have tried to isolate pachytene cells to perform these experiments, we were successful only when using Topbp1+/+ but not Topbp1B5/B5, likely due to the extremely small size of the mutant testis.

      15) Line 455 and following. I find that the discussion about the role of SETX is not completely clear. It seems that a failure of SETX function could result in defective or no transcription, as a consequence of the impossibility to resolve RNA-DNA hybrid molecules. Therefore, should impairment of SETX lead to reduced or enhanced transcription? Please clarify. On the other hand, this defect in SETX function should affect the whole genome, and not only sex chromosomes. Do authors have any clues about this broad effect?

      We thank the reviewer’s comment and have expanded on discussion in lines 470-474. While we agree with the reviewer’s point that an impairment on SETX should affect the whole genome, however, during pachytene stage, SETX is mostly localized to the sex body. The Topbp1B5/B5 shows a specific defect in X and Y silencing maintenance during pachytene stage, thus we hypothesized that an impairment in SETX localization during pachytene should especially impair the X and Y chromosomes.

      16) As a general comment to the discussion section, I think authors could extend into some specific ideas or speculations. It is shocking that sex chromosome-linked genes are able to escape silencing without dismantling the complex (almost complete) MSCI response in the Topbp1 mutant (although perhaps this is not so surprising considering the high number of escapees reported in the inactivated X chromosome in female somatic cells).

      How to explain this paradox? One possibility (which would make a real breakthrough) is that the expression of sex chromosome-linked genes represents a regulated response to meiotic defects, and not just an unfortunate consequence of a defective MSCI. Thus, MSCI might be somehow irrelevant to prevent the execution of this sex chromosome-based program to stop meiosis progression when needed. The fact that this regulated activation was never proposed is perhaps due to the fact that most of the meiosis mutants characterized so far are unable to reach the stage at which MSCI is properly established, which is the most remarkable difference with the Topbp1 mutant studied here.

      Although naïve, the critical point for the activation of this sex chromosome-based program seems to depend simply on the transcription of Zfy1 and Zfy2 (encoding for transcription factors). The signaling cascades up and downstream these genes are the real mystery, awaiting further studies.

      We thank the very interesting point raised by the reviewer. Our interpretation of the data is that X and Y silencing being a dynamic process requires an initiation step and a maintenance step driven/controlled by the DDR machinery, and that Topbp1B5/B5 shows a grossly normal initiation of X and Y silencing but fails on maintain MSCI. Moreover, the expression of Zfy1 and Zfy2 have been previously demonstrated as enough to trigger cell death (Royo et al., 2010; Vernet et al., 2016), and Topbp1B5/B5 cells show increased expression of these genes. However, we do not exclude the very interesting possibility, raised by the reviewer, that the expression of XY-linked genes represents a regulated response to meiotic defects to stop meiosis progression, leading to the cell death observed in Topbp1B5/B5, which makes the Topbp1B5/B5 an unique model for these studies as most of the previous meiosis mutants are unable to reach the stage at which MSCI is properly established. We add discussion about this exciting point in lines 513-522.

      17) Scale bars are impossible to read in Figures 1I and J, and are missing in all the other image figures. Please, correct.

      We have addressed this in the new Figure 1. For figures displaying meiotic spreads, adding a scale bar is not a common practice in the field as these cells are swollen while being prepared.

      18) Line 828. Since Paula Cohen is an author of the manuscript, it seems weird to acknowledge herself in this section.



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    2. eLife assessment

      This important study reports a new mutant mouse line with compromised function of a DNA damage response protein. The evidence supporting the conclusion that the mutants display defective maintenance of meiotic sex chromosome inactivation is solid. This work is of interest to biomedical researchers working on meiosis and meiotic sex chromosome inactivation.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a very well-written and performed study describing a TOPBP1 separation of function mutation, resulting in defective MSCI maintenance but normal sex body formation. The phenotype differs from that of a previous TOPBP1 null allele, in which both MSCI and sex body formation were defective. Additional defects in CHK phosphorylation and SETX localization are also described.


      The study is very rigorous, with a remarkably large number spectrum of techniques deployed to support the conclusions


      The study claims that MSCI is initiated but not maintained in the mutant. I think alternative hypotheses are possible.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper described the role of BRCT repeat 5 in TOPBP1, a DNA damage response protein, in the maintenance of meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI). By analyzing a Topbp1 mutant mouse with amino acid substitutions in BRCT repeat 5, the authors found reduced phosphorylation of a DNA/RNA helicase, Sentaxin, and decreased localization of the protein to the X-Y sex body in pachynema. Moreover, the authors also found decreased repression of several genes on the sex chromosomes in the male mice.

      Strengths:<br /> The works including phospho-proteomics and single-cell RNA sequencing with lots of data have been done with great care and most of the results are convincing.

      Weaknesses:<br /> No weakness.

    5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The work presented by Ascencao and coworkers aims to deepen into the process of sex chromosome inactivation during meiosis (MSCI) as a critical factor in the regulation of meiosis progression in male mammals. For this purpose, they have generated a transgenic mouse model in which a specific domain of TOPBP1 protein has been mutated, hampering the binding of a number of protein partners and interfering with the regulatory cascade initiated by ATR. Through the use of immunolocalization of an impressive number of markers of MSCI, phosphoproteomics and single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq), the authors are able to show that despite a proper morphological formation of the sex body and the incorporation of most canonical MSCI makers, sex chromosome-liked genes are reactivated at some point during pachytene and this triggers meiosis progression breakdown, likely due to a defective phosphorylation of the helicase SETX.<br /> The manuscript presents a clear advance in the understanding of MSCI and meiosis progression with two main strengths. First, the generation of a mouse model with a very uncommon phenotype. Second, the use of a vast methodological approach. The results are well presented and illustrated. Nevertheless, the discussion could be still a bit tuned by the inclusion of some ideas, and perhaps speculations, that have not been considered.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study represents a useful description of a third interaction site between melanophilin and myosin-5a which has a role in regulating the distribution of pigment granules in melanocytes. While much of the data forms a solid case for this interaction, the inclusion of key controls for the cellular studies and measurement of interaction affinities would have been helpful.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their work, and the very useful comments.

      Public reviews:

      Reviewer #2

      1) The authors discussed possible reasons for the different results of the RRP sizes between this study and Alten et al., 2021. One of them is how the hypertonic solution is applied. The authors thought that the long application of hypertonic solution in Alten et al., 2021 caused an overlapping release of RRP and upstream vesicle pools because Alten et al., 2021 measured 10-fold larger RRP size than what was measured in this study. However, Alten et al., 2021 measured RRP from IPSCs and a single inhibitory vesicle fusion causes larger charge transfer than an excitatory vesicle. The authors need to take this into consideration and 10-fold is likely an overestimate.

      Answer: Thank you for pointing out this important difference. We have modified the text in the Discussion accordingly and we no longer refer to the 10-fold difference.

      2) Statistical tests should be performed for protein expression levels (Fig 2A and Fig 10A) and in vitro fusion assays (Fig 8D,E and Fig 9 B,C).

      Answer: We inserted new panels B and C in Fig. 2 and Fig. 10 showing all the Western Blot data and performed statistical tests (none were significant). For the in vitro fusion assays, we have inserted statistical tests in panels 8E and 9C. The quantities in those panels (subdivided into “Pre Ca2+”, “post Ca2+” and “end fusion”) are based on the data in Figure 8D and 9B. We have therefore not inserted separate statistical tests in Figures 8D and 9B.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      It would be quite interesting for future studies to address how these three mutations in SNAP-25 behave in the Syt1 null background in their electrophysiological experiments. Does the I167N allele block the enhanced spontaneous release in the Syt1 null? Do the V48F and D1667 alleles synergize with Syt1 to enhance spontaneous release to even higher levels? By examining how different components interact to shape the energy landscape for priming and fusion, these types of approaches should be quite revealing.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer that these future studies would be interesting. Unfortunately, they are beyond our current capacities.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) In the introduction, when discussing haploinsufficiency of Munc18-1 causes a decrease in release, additional references should be included, for example, the studies in flies (Wu et al., 1998, EMBO), human neurons (Patzke et al., 2015 JCI), and mouse neurons (Toonen et al., 2006 PNAS; Chen et al., 2020 eLife).

      Answer: Thank you for the suggestion. We have rewritten the text and added additional references.

      2) The authors may consider introducing additional motivations and significance of this study. For example, the evoked EPSCs cannot be properly measured in the cultures of Alten et al., 2021, but was properly studied here.

      Answer: We agree and have added additional motivations in the Introduction.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study documents important findings on three variants in SNAP25 that are associated with developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. The thorough characterization of synaptic release and in vitro vesicle fusion phenotypes provides interesting information about the nature of the SNAP25 variants. The evidence supporting the claims is compelling, and this work will be of interest to neuroscientists working on SNAP25, SNAP25-associated encephalopathy, and synaptic vesicle exocytosis.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Kadkova et al. describes an electrophysiological analysis of 3 neurodevelopmental disease-causing SNAP-25 mutations in hippocampal neuron autaptic cultures. The work expands on a prior study of these 3 mutations, along with several others in SNAP-25, that was performed in acutely dissociated hippocampal cultures by another group (Alten et al, 2021). Most of the physiology defects found are pretty similar for the 3 mutations the two research groups characterized, with differences largely found in the effects on the size of the readily releasable pool (RRP) of SVs. These differences could be due to technical differences in the approach but are also likely to reflect in part differences in autapses as a model that have been previously described. In addition to the physiological analysis in cultured neurons, the current work extends the analysis beyond the prior study by analyzing the effects of these SNAP-25 mutations in in vitro liposome fusion assays with purified proteins, and some modeling of the effects on energy landscapes during priming and fusion.

      The authors use lentiviral expression of wildtype or one of the 3 mutants in SNAP-25 autaptic neurons and assay neuronal survival and synaptic output. The authors also combine wildtype with each of the 3 mutants as well, given these diseases manifest as spontaneous mutations in only 1 of the SNAP-25 alleles, suggesting a dominant effect. The authors observe that the V48F and D166Y alleles (that are suggested to disrupt the Syt1-SNAP-25/SNARE interface) result in a very large increase in spontaneous release that exceeds the Syt1 null mutant alone, suggesting an effect on spontaneous SV release beyond a lack of Syt1 regulation of SNARE-mediated fusion. In contrast, Syt1 nulls have a much more severe loss of evoked release, through both V48F and D166Y also have modest decreases in release. They find both mutants also cause a decrease in the RRP. Applying some modeling for these results, the authors suggest V48F and D166Y lowers the energy barrier for fusion, creating the enhanced spontaneous release rates and causing a decrease of the RRP. They also find evidence for reduced SV priming. In contrast, a SNAP-25 I167N disease mutation in the SNARE assembly interaction layer causes dramatic decreases in both evoked and spontaneous release, consistent with a disruption to SNARE assembly/stability. In vitro fusion assays with these mutant SNAP-25 alleles was also done and provided supportive evidence for these interpretations for all 3 alleles. The ability to control calcium, Syt1, PIP2 and Complexin levels in the in vitro assays provided additional information on defining the precise steps of the fusion process these mutations disrupt. Together, the study indicates the I167N mutation acts as a dominant-negative allele to block fusion, while the other two alleles have both loss- and gain-of function properties that cause more complex disruptions that decrease evoked release while dramatically enhancing spontaneous fusion.

      Overall, these results build on prior work and shed light on how disruptions to the SNAP-25 t-SNARE alter the process of SV priming and fusion.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Kádková, Murach, Pedersen, and colleagues studied how three disease-causing missense mutations in SNAP25 affect synaptic vesicle exocytosis. These mutations have previously been studied by Alten et al., 2021. The authors observed similar impairments in spontaneous and evoked release as Alten et al., 2021, but the measurement of readily releasable pool (RRP) size differed between the two studies. The authors found that the V48F and D166Y mutations affect the interaction with the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin-1 (Syt1), but do not entirely phenocopy Syt1 loss-of-function because they also exhibit a gain-of-function. Thus, these mutations affect multiple aspects of the energy landscape for vesicle priming and fusion. The I67N mutation specifically increases the fusion energy barrier without affecting upstream vesicle priming.

      The strength of the study includes careful and technically excellent dissection of the synaptic release process and a combination of electrophysiology, biophysics, and modeling approaches. This study gained a deeper mechanistic understanding of these mutations in vesicle exocytosis than the previous study but did not result in a paradigm shift in our understanding of SNAP25-associated encephalopathy because the same spontaneous and evoked release phenotypes were previously identified.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors fully addressed the two previous technical concerns and improved the introduction of the paper.

    1. Author Response

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Given knowledge of the amino acid sequence and of some version of the 3D structure of two monomers that are expected to form a complex, the authors investigate whether it is possible to accurately predict which residues will be in contact in the 3D structure of the expected complex. To this effect, they train a deep learning model that takes as inputs the geometric structures of the individual monomers, per-residue features (PSSMs) extracted from MSAs for each monomer, and rich representations of the amino acid sequences computed with the pre-trained protein language models ESM-1b, MSA Transformer, and ESM-IF. Predicting inter-protein contacts in complexes is an important problem. Multimer variants of AlphaFold, such as AlphaFold-Multimer, are the current state of the art for full protein complex structure prediction, and if the three-dimensional structure of a complex can be accurately predicted then the inter-protein contacts can also be accurately determined. By contrast, the method presented here seeks state-of-the-art performance among models that have been trained end-to-end for inter-protein contact prediction.


      The paper is carefully written and the method is very well detailed. The model works both for homodimers and heterodimers. The ablation studies convincingly demonstrate that the chosen model architecture is appropriate for the task. Various comparisons suggest that PLMGraph-Inter performs substantially better, given the same input than DeepHomo, GLINTER, CDPred, DeepHomo2, and DRN-1D2D_Inter. As a byproduct of the analysis, a potentially useful heuristic criterion for acceptable contact prediction quality is found by the authors: namely, to have at least 50% precision in the prediction of the top 50 contacts.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the strengths of our work!


      My biggest issue with this work is the evaluations made using bound monomer structures as inputs, coming from the very complexes to be predicted. Conformational changes in protein-protein association are the key element of the binding mechanism and are challenging to predict. While the GLINTER paper (Xie & Xu, 2022) is guilty of the same sin, the authors of CDPred (Guo et al., 2022) correctly only report test results obtained using predicted unbound tertiary structures as inputs to their model. Test results using experimental monomer structures in bound states can hide important limitations in the model, and thus say very little about the realistic use cases in which only the unbound structures (experimental or predicted) are available. I therefore strongly suggest reducing the importance given to the results obtained using bound structures and emphasizing instead those obtained using predicted monomer structures as inputs.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We evaluated PLMGraph-Inter with the predicted monomers and analyzed the result in details (see the “Impact of the monomeric structure quality on contact prediction” section and Figure 3). To mimic the real cases, we even deliberately reduced the performance of AF2 by using reduced MSAs (see the 2nd paragraph in the ““Impact of the monomeric structure quality on contact prediction” section). We leave some of the results in the supplementary of the current manuscript (Table S2). We will move these results to the main text to emphasize the performance of PLMGraph-Inter with the predicted monomers in the revision.

      In particular, the most relevant comparison with AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) is given in Figure S2, not Figure 6. Unfortunately, it substantially shrinks the proportion of structures for which AFM fails while PLMGraph-Inter performs decently. Still, it would be interesting to investigate why this occurs. One possibility would be that the predicted monomer structures are of bad quality there, and PLMGraph-Inter may be able to rely on a signal from its language model features instead. Finally, AFM multimer confidence values ("iptm + ptm") should be provided, especially in the cases in which AFM struggles.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! Yes! The performance of PLMGraph-Inter drops when the predicted monomers are used in the prediction. However, it is difficult to say which is a fairer comparison, Figure 6 or Figure S2, since AFM also searched monomer templates (see the third paragraph in 7. Supplementary Information : 7.1 Data in the AlphaFold-Multimer preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.04.463034v2.full) in the prediction. When we checked our AFM runs, we found that 99% of the targets in our study (including all the targets in the four datasets: HomoPDB, HeteroPDB, DHTest and DB5.5) employed at least 20 templates in their predictions, and 87.8% of the targets employed the native templates. We will provide the AFM confidence values of the AFM predictions in the revision.

      Besides, in cases where any experimental structures - bound or unbound - are available and given to PLMGraph-Inter as inputs, they should also be provided to AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) as templates. Withholding these from AFM only makes the comparison artificially unfair. Hence, a new test should be run using AFM templates, and a new version of Figure 6 should be produced. Additionally, AFM's mean precision, at least for top-50 contact prediction, should be reported so it can be compared with PLMGraph-Inter's.

      We thank the reviewers for the suggestion! We would like to notify that AFM also searched monomer templates (see the third paragraph in 7. Supplementary Information : 7.1 Data in the AlphaFold-Multimer preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.04.463034v2.full) in the prediction. When we checked our AFM runs, we found that 99% of the targets in our study (including all the targets in the four datasets: HomoPDB, HeteroPDB, DHTest and DB5.5) employed at least 20 templates in their predictions, and 87.8% of the targets employed the native template.

      It's a shame that many of the structures used in the comparison with AFM are actually in the AFM v2 training set. If there are any outside the AFM v2 training set and, ideally, not sequence- or structure-homologous to anything in the AFM v2 training set, they should be discussed and reported on separately. In addition, why not test on structures from the "Benchmark 2" or "Recent-PDB-Multimers" datasets used in the AFM paper?

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! The biggest challenge to objectively evaluate AFM is that as far as we known, AFM does not release the PDB ids of its training set and the “Recent-PDB-Multimers” dataset. “Benchmark 2” only includes 17 heterodimer proteins, and the number can be further decreased after removing targets redundant to our training set. We think it is difficult to draw conclusions from such a small number of targets. In the revision, we will analyze the performance of AFM on targets released after the date cutoff of the AFM training set, but with which we cannot totally remove the redundancy between the training and the test sets of AFM.

      It is also worth noting that the AFM v2 weights have now been outdated for a while, and better v3 weights now exist, with a training cutoff of 2021-09-30.

      We thank the reviewer for reminding the new version of AFM. The only difference between AFM V3 and V2 is the cutoff date of the training set. Our test set would have more overlaps with the training set of AFM V3, which is one reason that we think AFM V2 is more appropriate to be used in the comparison.

      Another weakness in the evaluation framework: because PLMGraph-Inter uses structural inputs, it is not sufficient to make its test set non-redundant in sequence to its training set. It must also be non-redundant in structure. The Benchmark 2 dataset mentioned above is an example of a test set constructed by removing structures with homologous templates in the AF2 training set. Something similar should be done here.

      We agree with the reviewer that testing whether the model can keep its performance on targets with no templates (i.e. non-redundant in structure) is important. We will perform the analysis in the revision.

      Finally, the performance of DRN-1D2D for top-50 precision reported in Table 1 suggests to me that, in an ablation study, language model features alone would yield better performance than geometric features alone. So, I am puzzled why model "a" in the ablation is a "geometry-only" model and not a "LM-only" one.

      Using the protein geometric graph to integrate multiple protein language models is the main idea of PLMGraph-Inter. Comparing with our previous work (DRN-1D2D_Inter), we consider the building of the geometric graph as one major contribution of this work. To emphasize the efficacy of this geometric graph, we chose to use the “geometry-only” model as the base model. We will further clarity this in the revision.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work introduces PLMGraph-Inter, a new deep-learning approach for predicting inter-protein contacts, which is crucial for understanding protein-protein interactions. Despite advancements in this field, especially driven by AlphaFold, prediction accuracy and efficiency in terms of computational cost) still remains an area for improvement. PLMGraph-Inter utilizes invariant geometric graphs to integrate the features from multiple protein language models into the structural information of each subunit. When compared against other inter-protein contact prediction methods, PLMGraph-Inter shows better performance which indicates that utilizing both sequence embeddings and structural embeddings is important to achieve high-accuracy predictions with relatively smaller computational costs for the model training.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but test examples should be revisited with a more strict sequence identity cutoff to avoid any potential information leakage from the training data. The main figures should be improved to make them easier to understand.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the significance of our work! We will revise the manuscript carefully to address the reviewer’s concerns.

      1. The sequence identity cutoff to remove redundancies between training and test set was set to 40%, which is a bit high to remove test examples having homology to training examples. For example, CDPred uses a sequence identity cutoff of 30% to strictly remove redundancies between training and test set examples. To make their results more solid, the authors should have curated test examples with lower sequence identity cutoffs, or have provided the performance changes against sequence identities to the closest training examples.

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestion! Using different thresholds to reduce the redundancy between the test set and the training set is a very good suggestion, and we will perform the analysis in the revision. In the current version of the manuscript, the 40% sequence identity is used as the cutoff for many previous studies used this cutoff (e.g. the Recent-PDB-Multimers used in AlphaFold-Multimer (see: 7.8 Datasets in the AlphaFold-Multimer paper); the work of DSCRIPT: https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2405-4712%2821%2900333-1 (see: the PPI dataset paragraph in the METHODS DETAILS section of the STAR METHODS)). One reason for using the relatively higher threshold for PPI studies is that PPIs are generally not as conserved as protein monomers.

      We performed a preliminary analysis using different thresholds to remove redundancy when preparing this provisional response letter:

      Author response table 1.

      Table1. The performance of PLMGraph-Inter on the HomoPDB and HeteroPDB test sets using native structures(AlphaFold2 predicted structures).


      To remove redundancy, we clustered 11096 sequences from the training set and test sets (HomoPDB, HeteroPDB) using MMSeq2 with different sequence identity threshold (40%, 30%, 20%, 10%) (the lowest cutoff for CD-HIT is 40%, so we switched to MMSeq2). Each sequence is then uniquely labeled by the cluster (e.g. cluster 0, cluster 1, …) to which it belongs, from which each PPI can be marked with a pair of clusters (e.g. cluster 0-cluster 1). The PPIs belonging to the same cluster pair (note: cluster n - cluster m and cluster n-cluster m were considered as the same pair) were considered as redundant. For each PPI in the test set, if the pair cluster it belongs to contains the PPI belonging to the training set, we remove that PPI from the test set.

      We will perform more detailed analyses in the revised manuscript.

      1. Figures with head-to-head comparison scatter plots are hard to understand as scatter plots because too many different methods are abstracted into a single plot with multiple colors. It would be better to provide individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures, not in the main figure.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will include the individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures in the revision.

      3) The authors claim that PLMGraph-Inter is complementary to AlphaFold-multimer as it shows better precision for the cases where AlphaFold-multimer fails. To strengthen the point, the qualities of predicted complex structures via protein-protein docking with predicted contacts as restraints should have been compared to those of AlphaFold-multimer structures.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will add this comparison in the revision.

      4) It would be interesting to further analyze whether there is a difference in prediction performance depending on the depth of multiple sequence alignment or the type of complex (antigen-antibody, enzyme-substrates, single species PPI, multiple species PPI, etc).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will perform such analysis in the revision.

    1. Author Response

      We are grateful for the constructive comments of the reviewers. Here is a provisional response to major questions.

      To Question 1, we appreciate that you point out that the phenotypes of pan-neuronal knockout of PDFR by unmodified Cas9 (Fig 2H-2I, in previous manuscript) whose morning anticipation still exist at some level (Fig a) though the decreases of morning anticipation index (Fig b) and advanced evening activity were not as pronounced as observed in han5304 (Fig 3C Hyun et al., 2005), our response is that the difference between pan-neuronal knockout of PDFR by unmodified Cas9 might be caused by the limited efficiency of unmodified Cas9 in our conditional system. We will adjust the relevant conclusions in the revised version, and these findings underscore the necessity to enhance the efficiency of the original Cas9

      Author response image 1.

      To Question 2, that some expression profiles of clock neurons are not consistent with previous reports, such as Dh31 and ChAT in s-LNvs, our response is that the differences can be attributed to the variation in expression patterns between 3’ terminal KI-LexA (used in this gene expression dissection) and KO-GAL4, KI-GAL4, or transgenic GAL4. We have indeed observed differences when identical sites were inserted in frame with Gal4 or LexA.

      To Question 3, that our description of advanced morning anticipation versus no morning anticipation with the term "opposite" is not accurate enough, our response is that we will modify that. Mutants of CNMa or CNMaR exhibit advanced morning activity, suggesting an inhibitory role of CNMa/CNMaR. Mutants of Pdf/Pdfr, on the other hand, showed no morning anticipation, indicating a promoting role in morning anticipation.

      To Question 4, whether we have generated transgenic UAS-sgRNA flies for all CCT genes or only a subset, our response is that we have indeed generated UAS-sgRNA flies for all CCT genes.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Like the "preceding" co-submitted paper, this is again a very strong and interesting paper in which the authors address a question that is raised by the finding in their co-submitted paper - how does one factor induce two different fates. The authors provide an extremely satisfying answer - only one subset of the cells neighbors a source of signaling cells that trigger that subset to adopt a specific fate. The signal here is Delta and the read-out is Notch, whose intracellular domain, in conjunction with, presumably, SuH cooperates with Bsh to distinguish L4 from L5 fate (L5 is not neighbored by signalproviding cells). Like the back-to-back paper, the data is rigorous, well-presented and presents important conclusions. There's a wealth of data on the different functions of Notch (with and without Bsh). All very satisfying.


      I have again one suggestion that the authors may want to consider discussing. I'm wondering whether the open chromatin that the author convincingly measure is the CAUSE or the CONSEQUENCE of Bsh being able to activate L4 target genes. What I mean by this is that currently the authors seem to be focused on a somewhat sequential model where Notch signaling opens chromatin and this then enables Bsh to activate a specific set of target genes. But isn't it equally possible that the combined activity of Bsh/Notch(intra)/SuH opens chromatin? That's not a semantic/minor difference, it's a fundamentally different mechanism, I would think. This mechanism also solves the conundrum of specificity - how does Notch know which genes to "open" up? It would seem more intuitive to me to think that it's working together with Bsh to open up chromatin, with chromatin accessibility than being a "mere" secondary consequence. If I'm not overlooking something fundamental here, there is actually also a way to distinguish between these models - test chromatin accessibility in a Bsh mutant. If the author's model is true, chromatin accessibility should be unchanged.

      I again finish by commending the authors for this terrific piece of work.

      Thanks! It is a crucial question whether Notch signaling regulates chromatin landscape independently of a primary HDTF. We will include this discussion in the text and pursue it in our next project.

      We think Notch signaling may regulate chromatin accessibility independently of a primary HDTF based on our observation: in larval ventral nerve cord, all premotor neurons are NotchON neurons while all postsensory neurons are NotchOFF neurons; NotchON neurons share similar functional properties, despite expressing distinct HDTFs, possibly due to the common chromatin landscape regulated by Notch signaling.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this work, the authors explore how Notch activity acts together with Bsh homeodomain transcription factors to establish L4 and L5 fates in the lamina of the visual system of Drosophila. They propose a model in which differential Notch activity generates different chromatin landscapes in presumptive L4 and L5, allowing the differential binding of the primary homeodomain TF Bsh (as described in the cosubmitted paper), which in turn activates downstream genes specific to either neuronal type. The requirement of Notch for L4 vs. L5 fate is well supported, and complete transformation from one cell type into the other is observed when altering Notch activity. However, the role of Notch in creating differential chromatin landscapes is not directly demonstrated. It is only based on correlation, but it remains a plausible and intriguing hypothesis.

      Thanks for the positive feedback!


      The authors are successful in characterizing the role of Notch to distinguish between L4 and L5 cell fates. They show that the Notch pathway is active in L4 but not in L5. They identify L1, the neuron adjacent to L4 as expressing the Delta ligand, therefore being the potential source for Notch activation in L4. Moreover, the manuscript shows molecular and morphological/connectivity transformations from one cell type into the other when Notch activity is manipulated.


      Using DamID, the authors characterize the chromatin landscape of L4 and L5 neurons. They show that Bsh occupies distinct loci in each cell type. This supports their model that Bsh acts as a primary selector gene in L4/L5 that activates different target genes in L4 vs L5 based on the differential availability of open chromatin loci.


      Overall, the manuscript presents an interesting example of how Notch activity cooperates with TF expression to generate diverging cell fates. Together with the accompanying paper, it helps thoroughly describe how lamina cell types L4 and L5 are specified and provides an interesting hypothesis for the role of Notch and Bsh in increasing neuronal diversity in the lamina during evolution.

      Thanks for the positive feedback on both manuscripts.


      Differential Notch activity in L4 and L5:

      ● The manuscript focuses its attention on describing Notch activity in L4 vs L5 neurons. However, from the data presented, it is very likely that the pool of progenitors (LPCs) is already subdivided into at least two types of progenitors that will rise to L4 and L5, respectively. Evidence to support this is the activity of E(spl)-mɣ-GFP and the Dl puncta observed in the LPC region. Discussion should naturally follow that Notch-induced differences in L4/L5 might preexist L1-expressed Dl that affect newborn L4/L5. Therefore, the differences between L4 and L5 fates might be established earlier than discussed in the paper. The authors should acknowledge this possibility and discuss it in their model.

      We agree. Historically, LPCs are thought to be homogenous; our data suggests otherwise. We now emphasize this in the Discussion as requested. We are also investigating this question using single-cell RNAseq on LPCs to look for molecular heterogeneities. Nevertheless, whether L4 is generated by E(spl)mɣ-GFP+ (NotchON) LPCs does not affect our conclusion that Notch signaling and the primary HDTF Bsh are integrated to specify L4 fate over L5.

      ● The authors claim that Notch activation is caused by L1-expressed Delta. However, they use an LPC driver to knock down Dl. Dl-KD should be performed exclusively in L1, and the fate of L4 should be assessed.

      Dl is transiently expressed in newborn L1 neurons. To knock down Dl in newborn L1, we need to express Dl-RNAi before the onset of Dl expression in newborn L1; the only known Gal4 line expressed that early is the LPC-Gal4, which is the one that we used.

      ● To test whether L4 neurons are derived from NotchON LPCs, I suggest performing MARCM clones in early pupa with an E(spl)-mɣ-GFP reporter.

      We agree! Whether L4 neurons are derived from NotchON LPCs is a great question. However, MARCM clones in early pupa with an E(spl)-mɣ-GFP reporter will not work because E(spl)-mɣ-GFP reporter is only expressed in LPCs but not lamina neurons. We now mention this in the Discussion.

      ● The expression of different Notch targets in LPCs and L4 neurons may be further explored. I suggest using different Notch-activity reporters (i.e., E(spl)-GFP reporters) to further characterize these. differences. What cause the switch in Notch target expression from LPCs to L4 neurons should be a topic of discussion.

      Thanks! It is a great question why Notch induces Espl-mɣ in LPCs but Hey in newborn neurons. However, it is not the question we are tackling in this paper and it will be a great direction to pursue in future. We will add this to our Discussion.

      Notch role in establishing L4 vs L5 fates:

      ● The authors describe that 27G05-Gal4 causes a partial Notch Gain of Function caused by its genomic location between Notch target genes. However, this is not further elaborated. The use of this driver is especially problematic when performing Notch KD, as many of the resulting neurons express Ap, and therefore have some features of L4 neurons. Therefore, Pdm3+/Ap+ cells should always be counted as intermediate L4/L5 fate (i.e., Fig3 E-J, Fig3-Sup2), irrespective of what the mechanistic explanation for Ap activation might be. It's not accurate to assume their L5 identity. In Fig4 intermediate-fate cells are correctly counted as such.

      We disagree that the use of 27G05-Gal4 is problematic when performing Notch-KD because our conclusion from Notch-KD is that Bsh without Notch signaling activates Pdm3 and specifies L5 fate. However, 27G05-Gal4 does not have any effect on Pdm3 expression. To make this clearer, we will quantify the percentage of Pdm3+ L5 neurons in Bsh+ lamina neurons for Notch-KD experiment. We are sorry this wasn't clearer.

      ● Lines 170-173: The temporal requirement for Notch activity in L5-to-L4 transformation is not clearly delineated. In Fig4-figure supplement 1D-E, it is not stated if the shift to 29{degree sign}C is performed as in Fig4-figure supplement 1A-C.

      Thank you for catching this. We will correct it in the text.

      ● Additionally, using the same approach, it would be interesting to explore the window of competence for Notch-induced L5-to-L4 transformation: at which point in L5 maturation can fate no longer be changed by Notch GoF?

      Our data show that Bsh with transient Notch signaling in newborn neurons specifies L4 fate while Bsh without Notch signaling in newborn neurons specifies L5 fate. Therefore, we think the window of fate competence is during newborn neurons.

      However, as suggested by the reviewer, we did the experiment (see figure below). We used Gal80 (Gal80 inhibits Gal4 activity at 18C) to temporarily control Bsh-Gal4 activity for expressing N-ICD (the active form of Notch) in L5 neurons. We found that tub-Gal80ts, Bsh-Gal4>UAS-N-ICD is unable to induce ectopic L4 neurons when we shift the temperature from 18C to 30C to inactivate Gal80 at 15 hours after pupal formation, which is close to the end of lamina neurogenesis. However, it is unknown how many hours it takes to inactivate Gal80 and activate Bsh-Gal4 and thus we decided not to include this data in our manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      L4-to-L3 conversion in the absence of Bsh

      ● Although interesting, the L4-to-L3 conversion in the absence of Bsh is never shown to be dependent on Notch activity. Importantly, L3 NotchON status is assumed based on their position next to Dlexpressing L1, but it is not empirically tested. Perhaps screening Notch target reporter expression in the lamina, as suggested above, could inform this issue.

      Our data show the L4-to-L3 conversion in the absence of Bsh and in the presence of Notch activity while the L5-to-L1 conversion in the absence of Bsh and in the absence of Notch activity. Therefore, Notch activity is necessary for the L4-to-L3 conversion. Unfortunately, currently, we only have Hey as an available Notch target reporter in newborn neurons. To tackle this challenge in the future, we will profile the genome-binding targets of endogenous Notch in newborn neurons. This will identify novel genes as Notch signaling reporters in neurons for the field.

      ● Otherwise, the analysis of Bsh Loss of Function in L4 might be better suited to be included in the accompanying manuscript that specifically deals with the role of Bsh as a selector gene for L4 and L5.

      That is an interesting suggestion, but without knowing that Bsh + Notch = L4 identity the experiment would be hard to interpret. Note that we took advantage of Notch signaling to trace the cell fate in the absence of Bsh and found the L4-to-L3 conversion (see Figure 5G-K).

      Different chromatin landscape in L4 and L5 neurons

      ● A major concern is that, although L4 and L5 neurons are shown to present different chromatin landscapes (as expected for different neuronal types), it is not demonstrated that this is caused by Notch activity. The paper proves unambiguously that Notch activity, in concert with Bsh, causes the fate choice between L4 and L5. However, that this is caused by Notch creating a differential chromatin landscape is based only in correlation. (NotchON cells having a different profile than NotchOFF). Although the authors are careful not to claim that differential chromatin opening is caused directly by Notch, this is heavily suggested throughout the text and must be toned down.e.g.: Line 294: "With Notch signaling, L4 neurons generate distinct open chromatin landscape" and Line 298: "Our findings propose a model that the unique combination of HDTF and open chromatin landscape (e.g. by Notch signaling)" . These claims are not supported well enough, and alternative hypotheses should be provided in the discussion. An alternative hypothesis could be that LPCs are already specified towards L4 and L5 fates. In this context, different early Bsh targets in each cell type could play a pioneer role generating a differential chromatin landscape.

      We agree and appreciate the comment, it is well justified. We have toned down our comments and clearly state that this is a correlation that needs to be tested for a causal relationship. The reviewer posits: “An alternative hypothesis: different early Bsh targets in each cell type could play a pioneer role generating a differential chromatin landscape.” Yes, it is a crucial question whether Notch signaling regulates chromatin landscape independently of a primary HDTF (e.g., Bsh). We will include this discussion in the text and pursue it in our next project. We think Notch signaling may regulate chromatin accessibility independently of a primary HDTF based on our observation: in larval ventral nerve cord, all premotor neurons are NotchON neurons while all post-sensory neurons are NotchOFF neurons; NotchON neurons share similar functional properties, despite expressing distinct HDTFs, possibly due to the common chromatin landscape regulated by Notch signaling.

      ● The correlation between open chromatin and Bsh loci with Differentially Expressed genes is much higher for L4 than L5. It is not clear why this is the case, and should be discussed further by the authors.

      We agree and think in L5 neurons, the secondary HDTF Pdm3 also contributes to L5-specific gene transcription during the synaptogenesis window, in addition to Bsh. We will include this in the text.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the latest reviews.

      A revised version of the manuscript models "slope-based" excitability changes in addition to "threshold-based" changes. This serves to address the above concern that as constructed here changes in excitability threshold are not distinguishable from changes in input. However, it remains unclear what the model would do should only a subset of neurons receive a given, fixed input. In that case, are excitability changes sufficient to induce drift? This remains an important question that is not addressed by the paper in its current form.

      Thank you for this important point. In the simulation of two memories (Fig. S6), we stimulated half of the neural population for each of the two memories. We therefore also showed that drift happens when only a subset of neuron was simulated.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Current experimental work reveals that brain areas implicated in episodic and spatial memory have a dynamic code, in which activity r imulated networks for epresenting familiar events/locations changes over time. This paper shows that such reconfiguration is consistent with underlying changes in the excitability of cells in the population, which ties these observations to a physiological mechanism.

      Delamare et al. use a recurrent network model to consider the hypothesis that slow fluctuations in intrinsic excitability, together with spontaneous reactivations of ensembles, may cause the structure of the ensemble to change, consistent with the phenomenon of representational drift. The paper focuses on three main findings from their model: (1) fluctuations in intrinsic excitability lead to drift, (2) this drift has a temporal structure, and (3) a readout neuron can track the drift and continue to decode the memory. This paper is relevant and timely, and the work addresses questions of both a potential mechanism (fluctuations in intrinsic excitability) and purpose (time-stamping memories) of drift.

      The model used in this study consists of a pool of 50 all-to-all recurrently connected excitatory neurons with weights changing according to a Hebbian rule. All neurons receive the same input during stimulation, as well as global inhibition. The population has heterogeneous excitability, and each neuron's excitability is constant over time apart from a transient increase on a single day. The neurons are divided into ensembles of 10 neurons each, and on each day, a different ensemble receives a transient increase in the excitability of each of its neurons, with each neuron experiencing the same amplitude of increase. Each day for four days, repetitions of a binary stimulus pulse are applied to every neuron.

      The modeling choices focus in on the parameter of interest-the excitability-and other details are generally kept as straightforward as possible. That said, I wonder if certain aspects may be overly simple. The extent of the work already performed, however, does serve the intended purpose, and so I think it would be sufficient for the authors to comment on these choices rather than to take more space in this paper to actually implement these choices. What might happen were more complex modeling choices made? What is the justification for the choices that are made in the present work?

      The two specific modeling choices I question are (1) the excitability dynamics and (2) the input stimulus. The ensemble-wide synchronous and constant-amplitude excitability increase, followed by a return to baseline, seems to be a very simplified picture of the dynamics of intrinsic excitability. At the very least, justification for this simplified picture would benefit the reader, and I would be interested in the authors' speculation about how a more complex and biologically realistic dynamics model might impact the drift in their network model. Similarly, the input stimulus being binary means that, on the singleneuron level, the only type of drift that can occur is a sort of drop-in/drop-out drift; this choice excludes the possibility of a neuron maintaining significant tuning to a stimulus but changing its preferred value. How would the use of a continuous input variable influence the results.

      (1) In our model, neurons tend to compete for allocation to the memory ensemble: neurons with higher excitability tend to be preferentially allocated and neurons with lower excitability do not respond to the stimulus. Because relative, but not absolute excitability biases this competition, we suggest that the exact distribution of excitability would not impact the results qualitatively. On the other hand, the results might vary if excitability was considered dependent on the activity of the neurons as previously reported experimentally (Cai 2016, Rachid 2016, Pignatelli 2019). An increase in excitability following neural activity might induce higher correlation among ensembles on consecutive days, decreasing the drift.

      (2) We thank the reviewer for this very good point. Indeed, two recent studies (Geva 2023 , Khatib 2023) have highlighted distinct mechanisms for a drift of the mean firing rate and the tuning curve. We extended the last part of the discussion to include this point: “Finally, we intended to model drift in the firing rates, as opposed to a drift in the turning curve of the neurons. Recent studies suggest that drifts in the mean firing rate and tuning curve arise from two different mechanisms [33, 34]. Experience drives a drift in neurons turning curve while the passage of time drives a drift in neurons firing rate. In this sense, our study is consistent with these findings by providing a possible mechanism for a drift in the mean firing rates of the neurons driven a dynamical excitability. Our work suggests that drift can depend on any experience having an impact on excitability dynamics such as exercise as previously shown experimentally [9, 35] but also neurogenesis [9, 31, 36], sleep [37] or increase in dopamine level [38]”

      Result (1): Fluctuations in intrinsic excitability induce drift

      The two choices highlighted above appear to lead to representations that never recruit the neurons in the population with the lowest baseline excitability (Figure 1b: it appears that only 10 neurons ever show high firing rates) and produce networks with very strong bidirectional coupling between this subset of neurons and weak coupling elsewhere (Figure 1d). This low recruitment rate need may not necessarily be problematic, but it stands out as a point that should at least be commented on. The fact that only 10 neurons (20% of the population) are ever recruited in a representation also raises the question of what would happen if the model were scaled up to include more neurons.

      This is a very good point. To test how the model depends on the network size, we plotted the drift index against the size of the ensemble. With this current implementation, we did not observe a significant correlation between the drift rate and size of the initial ensemble (Figure S2).

      Author response image 1.

      The rate of the drift does not depend on the size of the engram. Drift rate against the size of the original engram. Each dot shows one simulation (Methods). n = 100 simulations.

      Result (2): The observed drift has a temporal structure

      The authors then demonstrate that the drift has a temporal structure (i.e., that activity is informative about the day on which it occurs), with methods inspired by Rubin et al. (2015). Rubin et al. (2015) compare single-trial activity patterns on a given session with full-session activity patterns from each session. In contrast, Delamare et al. here compare full-session patterns with baseline excitability (E = 0) patterns. This point of difference should be motivated. What does a comparison to this baseline excitability activity pattern tell us? The ordinal decoder, which decodes the session order, gives very interesting results: that an intermediate amplitude E of excitability increase maximizes this decoder's performance. This point is also discussed well by the authors. As a potential point of further exploration, the use of baseline excitability patterns in the day decoder had me wondering how the ordinal decoder would perform with these baseline patterns.

      This is a good point. Here, we aimed at dissociating the role of excitability from the one of the recurrent currents. We introduced a time decoder that compares the pattern with baseline excitability (E = 0), in order to test whether the temporal information was encoded in the ensemble i.e. in the recurrent weights. By contrast, because the neural activity is by construction biased towards excitability, a time decoder performed on the full session would work in a trivial way.

      Result (3): A readout neuron can track drift

      The authors conclude their work by connecting a readout neuron to the population with plastic weights evolving via a Hebbian rule. They show that this neuron can track the drifting ensemble by adjusting its weights. These results are shown very neatly and effectively and corroborate existing work that they cite very clearly.

      Overall, this paper is well-organized, offers a straightforward model of dynamic intrinsic excitability, and provides relevant results with appropriate interpretations. The methods could benefit from more justification of certain modeling choices, and/or an exploration (either speculative or via implementation) of what would happen with more complex choices. This modeling work paves the way for further explorations of how intrinsic excitability fluctuations influence drifting representations.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this computational study, Delamare et al identify slow neuronal excitability as one mechanism underlying representational drift in recurrent neuronal networks and that the drift is informative about the temporal structure of the memory and when it has been formed. The manuscript is very well written and addresses a timely as well as important topic in current neuroscience namely the mechanisms that may underlie representational drift.

      The study is based on an all-to-all recurrent neuronal network with synapses following Hebbian plasticity rules. On the first day, a cue-related representation is formed in that network and on the next 3 days it is recalled spontaneously or due to a memory-related cue. One major observation is that representational drift emerges day-by-day based on intrinsic excitability with the most excitable cells showing highest probability to replace previously active members of the assembly. By using a daydecoder, the authors state that they can infer the order at which the reactivation of cell assemblies happened but only if the excitability state was not too high. By applying a read-out neuron, the authors observed that this cell can track the drifting ensemble which is based on changes of the synaptic weights across time. The only few questions which emerged and could be addressed either theoretically or in the discussion are as follows:

      1. Would the similar results be obtained if not all-to-all recurrent connections would have been molded but more realistic connectivity profiles such as estimated for CA1 and CA3?

      This is a very interesting point. We performed further simulations to show that the results are not dependent on the exact structure of the network. In particular, we show that all-to-all connectivity is not required to observe a drift of the ensemble. We found similar results when the recurrent weights matrix was made sparse (Fig. S4a-c, Methods). Similarly to all-to-all connectivity, we found that the ensemble is informative about its temporal history (Fig. S4d) and that an output neuron can decode the ensemble continuously (Fig. S4e).

      Author response image 2.

      Sparse recurrent connectivity shows similar drifting behavior as all-to-all connectivity. The same simulation protocol as Fig. 1 was used while the recurrent weights matrix was made 50% sparse (Methods). a) Firing rates of the neurons across time. The red traces correspond to neurons belonging to the first assembly, namely that have a firing rate higher than the active threshold after the first stimulation. The black bars show the stimulation and the dashed line shows the active threshold. b) Recurrent weights matrices after each of the four stimuli show the drifting assembly. c) Correlation of the patterns of activity between the first day and every other days. d) Student's test t-value of the ordinal time decoder, for the real (blue) and shuffled (orange) data and for different amplitudes of excitability E. e) Center of mass of the distribution of the output weights (Methods) across days. c-e) Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. for n = 10 simulations.

      1. How does the number of excited cells that could potentially contribute to an engram influence the representational drift and the decoding quality?

      This is indeed a very good question. We did not observe a significant correlation between the drift rate and size of the initial ensemble (Fig. S2).

      Author response image 3.

      The rate of the drift does not depend on the size of the engram. Drift rate against the size of the original engram. Each dot shows one simulation (Methods). n = 100 simulations.

      1. How does the rate of the drift influence the quality of readout from the readout-out neuron?

      We thank the reviewer for this interesting question. We introduced a measure of the “read-out quality” and plotted this value against the rate of the drift. We found a small correlation between the two quantities. Indeed, the read-out quality decreases with the rate of the drift.

      Author response image 4.

      The quality of the read-out decreases with the rate of the drift. Read-out quality computed on the firing rate of the output neuron against the rate of the drift (Methods). Each dot shows one simulation. n = 100 simulations.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors explore an important question concerning the underlying mechanism of representational drift, which despite intense recent interest remains obscure. The paper explores the intriguing hypothesis that drift may reflect changes in the intrinsic excitability of neurons. The authors set out to provide theoretical insight into this potential mechanism.

      They construct a rate model with all-to-all recurrent connectivity, in which recurrent synapses are governed by a standard Hebbian plasticity rule. This network receives a global input, constant across all neurons, which can be varied with time. Each neuron also is driven by an "intrinsic excitability" bias term, which does vary across cells. The authors study how activity in the network evolves as this intrinsic excitability term is changed.

      They find that after initial stimulation of the network, those neurons where the excitability term is set high become more strongly connected and are in turn more responsive to the input. Each day the subset of neurons with high intrinsic excitability is changed, and the network's recurrent synaptic connectivity and responsiveness gradually shift, such that the new high intrinsic excitability subset becomes both more strongly activated by the global input and also more strongly recurrently connected. These changes result in drift, reflected by a gradual decrease across time in the correlation of the neuronal population vector response to the stimulus.

      The authors are able to build a classifier that decodes the "day" (i.e. which subset of neurons had high intrinsic excitability) with perfect accuracy. This is despite the fact that the excitability bias during decoding is set to 0 for all neurons, and so the decoder is really detecting those neurons with strong recurrent connectivity, and in turn strong responses to the input. The authors show that it is also possible to decode the order in which different subsets of neurons were given high intrinsic excitability on previous "days". This second result depends on the extent by which intrinsic excitability was increased: if the increase in intrinsic excitability was either too high or too low, it was not possible to read out any information about past ordering of excitability changes.

      Finally, using another Hebbian learning rule, the authors show that an output neuron, whose activity is a weighted sum of the activity of all neurons in the network, is able to read out the activity of the network. What this means specifically, is that although the set of neurons most active in the network changes, the output neuron always maintains a higher firing rate than a neuron with randomly shuffled synaptic weights, because the output neuron continuously updates its weights to sample from the highly active population at any given moment. Thus, the output neuron can readout a stable memory despite drift.


      The authors are clear in their description of the network they construct and in their results. They convincingly show that when they change their "intrinsic excitability term", upon stimulation, the Hebbian synapses in their network gradually evolve, and the combined synaptic connectivity and altered excitability result in drifting patterns of activity in response to an unchanging input (Fig. 1, Fig. 2a). Furthermore, their classification analyses (Fig. 2) show that information is preserved in the network, and their readout neuron successfully tracks the active cells (Fig. 3). Finally, the observation that only a specific range of excitability bias values permits decoding of the temporal structure of the history of intrinsic excitability (Fig. 2f and Figure S1) is interesting, and as the authors point out, not trivial.


      1. The way the network is constructed, there is no formal difference between what the authors call "input", Δ(t), and what they call "intrinsic excitability" Ɛ_i(t) (see Equation 3). These are two separate terms that are summed (Eq. 3) to define the rate dynamics of the network. The authors could have switched the names of these terms: Δ(t) could have been considered a global "intrinsic excitability term" that varied with time and Ɛ_i(t) could have been the external input received by each neuron i in the network. In that case, the paper would have considered the consequence of "slow fluctuations of external input" rather than "slow fluctuations of intrinsic excitability", but the results would have been the same. The difference is therefore semantic. The consequence is that this paper is not necessarily about "intrinsic excitability", rather it considers how a Hebbian network responds to changes in excitatory drive, regardless of whether those drives are labeled "input" or "intrinsic excitability".

      This is a very good point. We performed further simulations to model “slope-based”, instead of “threshold-based”, changes in excitability (Fig. S5a, Methods). In this new definition of excitability, we changed the slope of the activation function, which is initially sampled from a random distribution. By introducing a varying excitability, we found very similar results than when excitability was varied as the threshold of the activation function (Fig. S5b-d). We also found similarly that the ensemble is informative about its temporal history (Fig. S5e) and that an output neuron can decode the ensemble continuously (Fig. S5f).

      Author response image 5.

      Change of excitability as a variable slope of the input-output function shows similar drifting behavior as considering a change in the threshold. The same simulation protocol as Fig. 1 was used while the excitability changes were modeled as a change in the activation function slope (Methods). a) Schema showing two different ways of defining excitability, as a threshold (top) or slope (bottom) of the activation function. Each line shows one neuron and darker lines correspond to neurons with increased excitability. b) Firing rates of the neurons across time. The red traces correspond to neurons belonging to the first assembly, namely that have a firing rate higher than the active threshold after the first stimulation. The black bars show the stimulation and the dashed line shows the active threshold. c) Recurrent weights matrices after each of the four stimuli show the drifting assembly. d) Correlation of the patterns of activity between the first day and every other days. e) Student's test t-value of the ordinal time decoder, for the real (blue) and shuffled (orange) data and for different amplitudes of excitability E. f) Center of mass of the distribution of the output weights (Methods) across days. d-f) Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. for n = 10 simulations.

      1. Given how the learning rule that defines input to the readout neuron is constructed, it is trivial that this unit responds to the most active neurons in the network, more so than a neuron assigned random weights. What would happen if the network included more than one "memory"? Would it be possible to construct a readout neuron that could classify two distinct patterns? Along these lines, what if there were multiple, distinct stimuli used to drive this network, rather than the global input the authors employ here? Does the system, as constructed, have the capacity to provide two distinct patterns of activity in response to two distinct inputs?

      This is an interesting point. In order to model multiple memories, we introduced non-uniform feedforward inputs, defining different “contexts” (Methods). We adapted our model so that two contexts target two random sub-populations in the network. We also introduced a second output neuron to decode the second memory. The simulation protocol was adapted so that each of the two contexts are stimulated every day (Fig. S6a). We found that the network is able to store two ensembles that drift independently (Fig. S6 and S7a). We were also able to decode temporal information from the patterns of activity of both ensembles (Fig. S7b). Finally, both memories could be decoded independently using two output neurons (Fig. S7c and d).

      Author response image 6.

      Two distinct ensembles can be encoded and drift independently. a) and b) Firing rates of the neurons across time. The red traces in panel b) correspond to neurons belonging to the first assembly and the green traces to the second assembly on the first day. They correspond to neurons having a firing rate higher than the active threshold after the first stimulation of each assembly. The black bars show the stimulation and the dashed line shows the active threshold. c) Recurrent weights matrices after each of the eight stimuli showing the drifting of the first (top) and second (bottom) assembly.

      Author response image 7.

      The two ensembles are informative about their temporal history and can be decoded using two output neurons. a) Correlation of the patterns of activity between the first day and every other days, for the first assembly (red) and the second assembly (green). b) Student's test t-value of the ordinal time decoder, for the first (red, left) and second ensemble (green, right) for different amplitudes of excitability E. Shuffled data are shown in orange. c) Center of mass of the distribution of the output weights (Methods) across days for the first (w?ut , red) and second (W20L't , green) ensemble. a-c) Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. for n = 10 simulations. d) Output neurons firing rate across time for the first ensemble (Yl, top) and the second ensemble (h, bottom). The red and green traces correspond to the real output. The dark blue, light blue and yellow traces correspond to the cases where the output weights were randomly shuffled for every time points after presentation of the first, second and third stimulus, respectively.


      Defining the potential role of changes in intrinsic excitability in drift is fundamental. Thus, this paper represents a potentially important contribution. Unfortunately, given the way the network employed here is constructed, it is difficult to tease apart the specific contribution of changing excitability from changing input. This limits the interpretability and applicability of the results.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Weinberger et al. use different fate-mapping models, the FIRE model and PLX-diet to follow and target different macrophage populations and combine them with single-cell data to understand their contribution to heart regeneration after I/R injury. This question has already been addressed by other groups in the field using different models. However, the major strength of this manuscript is the usage of the FIRE mouse model that, for the first time, allows specific targeting of only fetal-derived macrophages. The data show that the absence of resident macrophages is not influencing infarct size but instead is altering the immune cell crosstalk in response to injury, which is in line with the current idea in the field that macrophages of different origins have distinct functions in tissues, especially after an injury. To fully support the claims of the study, specific targeting of monocyte-derived macrophages or the inhibition of their influx at different stages after injury would be of high interest. In summary, the study is well done and important for the field of cardiac injury. But it also provides a novel model (FIRE mice + RANK-Cre fate-mapping) for other tissues to study the function of fetal-derived macrophages while monocyte-derived macrophages remain intact.

      Response from the authors: We thank the reviewer for the thorough review and the positive feedback, and we agree that the Csf1r-FIRE mice represent an interesting model for studying the role of resident embryo-derived macrophages in different tissues and pathologies.

      Recent work of the Cochain lab demonstrated by combined CITE-seq analysis and CCR2 antibody treatment that monocyte depletion does not affect levels of resident tissue macrophages after myocardial infarction (REF Rizzo et al PMID: 35950218), supporting the concept to specifically investigate the role of resident and recruited macrophages. While previous work has addressed the effects of broad CCR2-mediated monocyte depletion, information on differential macrophage subsets derived from blood monocytes has been lacking. We agree with the reviewer that targeting subsets of monocyte-derived macrophages, such as for example Ly6Chi monocytes, MHCII+Il1b+ macrophages, and Isg15hi populations (REF Rizzo et al PMID: 35950218), or interference with their recruitment at different time-points after myocardial infarction would be of interest and could help to decipher their functions in the different stages of cardiac healing. However, these studies would go beyond the scope of the current analysis and will be addressed in a separate project.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study Weinberger et al. investigated cardiac macrophage subsets after ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in mice. The authors studied a ∆FIRE mouse model (deletion of a regulatory element in the Csf1r locus), in which only tissue resident macrophages might be ablated. The authors showed a reduction of resident macrophages in ∆FIRE mice and characterized its macrophages populations via scRNAseq at baseline conditions and after I/R injury. 2 days after I/R protocol ∆FIRE mice showed an enhanced pro inflammatory phenotype in the RNAseq data and differential effects on echocardiographic function 6 and 30 days after I/R injury. Via flow cytometry and histology the authors confirmed existing evidence of increased bone marrow-derived macrophage infiltration to the heart, specifically to the ischemic myocardium. Macrophage population in ∆FIRE mice after I/R injury were only changed in the remote zone. Further RNAseq data on resident or recruited macrophages showed transcriptional differences between both cell types in terms of homeostasis-related genes and inflammation. Depleting all macrophage using a Csf1r inhibitor resulted in a reduced cardiac function and increased fibrosis.


      1) The authors utilized robust methodology encompassing state of the art immunological methods, different genetic mouse models and transcriptomics.

      2) The topic of this work is important given the emerging role of tissue resident macrophages in cardiac homeostasis and disease.

      Response from the authors: We thank the reviewer for pointing out the strengths of our study, and putting the findings in context of the current view of the role of resident macrophages.


      1) Specificity of ∆FIRE mouse model for ablating resident macrophages.

      The study builds on the assumption that only resident macrophages are ablated in ∆FIRE mice, while bone marrow-derived macrophages are unaffected. While the effects of the ∆FIRE model is nicely shown for resident macrophages, the authors did not directly assess bone marrow-derived macrophages. Moreover, in the immunohistological images in Fig. 1D nearly all macrophages appear to be absent. It would be helpful to further address the question of whether recruited macrophages are influenced in ∆FIRE mice. Evaluation of YFP positive heart and blood cells in ∆FIRE mice crossed with Flt3CreRosa26eYFP mice could clarify whether bone marrow-derived cardiac macrophages are influenced in ∆FIRE mice. This would be even more relevant in the I/R model where recruitment of bone marrow-derived macrophages is increased. A more direct assessment of recruited macrophages in ∆FIRE mice could also help to discuss potential similarities or discrepancies to the study of Bajpai et al, Circ Res 2018, which showed distinct effects of resident versus recruited macrophages after myocardial infarction. Providing the quantification of flow cytometry data (fig. 1E-F) would be supportive.

      Response from the authors: We thank the reviewer for these comments. The reviewer addresses the specificity of the ∆FIRE mouse model for ablating resident macrophages and its potential effects on bone marrow-derived macrophages. Our single-cell sequencing data support the specificity of the ∆FIRE model regarding embryo-derived resident macrophages in two ways. First, the ∆FIRE mice are characterized by the specific reduction of embryo-derived macrophage clusters (e.g. homeostatic macrophages as well as antigen-presenting macrophages) in baseline conditions, while the abundance of recruited macrophages (e.g. Ccr2hiLy6chi macrophages, Cx3Cr1hi macrophages) is not altered (Fig. 2B-D). Second, transcriptomic analysis of bone marrow-derived macrophage clusters (e.g. Ccr2hiLy6chi macrophages, Cx3Cr1hi macrophages) and of monocytes revealed no differences in ∆FIRE compared to control mice. On the other hand, we found substantial transcriptome differences in clusters that were mainly of embryonic origins (e.g. homeostatic macrophages as well as antigenpresenting macrophages) (Fig.2 and Fig S.4). These findings indicate that the ∆FIRE model mainly induces changes in embryo-derived macrophages.

      We agree with this reviewer that crossbreeding of ∆FIRE mice with Flt3CreRosa26eYFP mice would be of interest, and we have been working hard to establish this line. However, our breeding efforts have thus far been in vain, which is probably due to the necessity to keep a CBA/Ca background for the FIRE model (as reported by JAX: https://www.jax.org/strain/032783) and requires further backcrossing of Flt3CreRosa26eYFP mice with the respective CBA strain. In future work, we plan to carry out this experiment and also to specifically target monocyte-derived macrophages.

      The reviewer further asks about the modality to quantify cardiac macrophages, and suggests flow cytometry to quantify their number and not only use immunohistology. The quantification of cardiac immune cells shown in Fig. 1D (formerly 1C) was in fact performed by flow cytometry. We apologize for the lack of clarity. We rearranged the figure and added this information to the figure legend. We also added quantification by immunohistology, which is now shown in Fig. 1G.

      2) Limited adverse cardiac remodeling in ∆FIRE mice after I/R.

      The authors suggested an adverse cardiac remodeling in ∆FIRE mice. However, the relevance of a <5% reduction in ejection fraction/stroke volume within an overall normal range in ∆FIRE mice is questionable. Moreover, 6 days after I/R injury ∆FIRE mice were protected from the impairment in ejection fraction and had a smaller viability defect. Based on the data few questions may arise: Why was ablation of resident macrophages beneficial at earlier time points? Are recruited macrophages affected in ∆FIRE mice (see above)? Overall, the manuscript could benefit if the claim of an adverse remodeling in ∆FIRE mice would be discussed more carefully.

      Underlying mechanisms:

      The study did not functionally evaluated targets from transcriptomics to provide further mechanistic insights. It would be helpful if the authors discuss potential mechanisms of the differential effects of macrophages after ischemia in more detail.

      Response from the authors: The reviewer raises the question why the ablation of resident macrophages trends towards a beneficial effect at earlier time points after I/R injury. Further, the reviewer questions the relevance of a <5% reduction in ejection fraction/stroke volume over time in the light of an otherwise modestly reduced ejection fraction.

      In this study we used the experimental mouse model of ischemia-reperfusion injury with transient (1h) coronary artery occlusion. The potential disadvantage of this model is the smaller infarct size and smaller effects on cardiac function. However, it better represents the clinical picture and pathology of myocardial infarction in human patients with timely reperfusion by percutaneous coronary intervention. Infarct size after I/R was approx. 25% in control animals indicating relevant cardiac injury. Further, infarct size was reduced to approx. 16% in ∆FIRE mice 6 days after infarction, however, the difference did reach statistical significance. In line with this, the ejection fraction was numerically reduced on d6 after infarction in the control group, however with no statistical significance. In the chronic phase after infarction, the ejection fraction improved over time in the control group by approx. 5% and decreased in ∆FIRE mice by 4%, which resulted in a difference (delta) of 9% change of ejection fraction. This indicated adverse remodeling in ∆FIRE mice.

      We agree that the different impact of the absence of resident cardiac macrophages during the course of myocardial healing after injury is of great interest to the field. We discuss potential mechanisms of the differential effects of resident macrophage ablation in lines 290-314 in the revised manuscript. However, to decipher the influence of embryo-derived macrophages at different time points after infarction, an inducible model for specific depletion of this macrophage population would be necessary, which to our knowledge does not exist.

      In the revised manuscript, we now discuss the effects on cardiac healing in ∆FIRE and also the limitations more thoroughly.


      • It is unclear why the authors performed RNAseq experiments 2 days after I/R (fig. 5/6), while the proposed functional phenotype occurred later. - A sample size of 2 animals per group appears very limited for RNAseq in ∆FIRE mice (fig.6).

      Response from the authors: We chose a time point in the “late early phase” of myocardial infarction (= day 2 post I/R) as we were also interested in the effect of resident macrophage depletion on other immune cell subsets (e.g. neutrophils) which could only be captured in this time period.

      We aimed to analyse 10000 cells per condition. The applied sample size allowed us to analyse 13452 CD45+cells from ∆FIRE mice and 9152 cells from control mice in infarct condition.

      Lines 299-324 "Ablation of resident macrophages altered macrophage crosstalk to non-macrophage immune cells, especially lymphocytes and neutrophils. This was characterized by a proinflammatory gene signature, such as neutrophil expression of inflammasome-related genes and a reduction in anti-inflammatory genes like Chil3 and Lcn2. Interestingly, inflammatory polarization of neutrophils have also been associated with poor outcome after ischemic brain injury (Cuartero et al, 2013). Clinical trials in myocardial infarction patients showed a correlation of inflammatory markers with the extent of myocardial damage {Sanchez, 2006 #2763} and with short- and long-term mortality {Mueller, 2002 #2780}.

      Our study provides evidence that the absence of resident macrophages negatively influences cardiac remodeling in the late postinfarction phase in ∆FIRE mice indicating their biological role in myocardial healing. In the early phase after I/R injury, absence of resident macrophages had no significant effect on infarct size or LV function. These observations potentially indicate a protective role in the chronic phase after myocardial infarction by modulating the inflammatory response, including adjacent immune cells like neutrophils or lymphocytes.

      Deciphering in detail the specific functions of resident macrophages is of considerable interest but requires both cell-specific and temporally-controlled depletion of respective immune cells in injury, which to our knowledge is not available at present. These experiments could be important to tailor immune-targeted treatments of myocardial inflammation and postinfarct remodelling."

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) Fetal-derived macrophages are often involved in organ development and function during steady-state. The authors should show heart morphology/function before I/R injury to make sure that the cause for a worsened outcome in FIRE mice is not due to a developmental/functional defect.

      Response from the author: We conducted a gross analysis of cardiac morphology by histology, and did not determine differences to littermate controls. However, we have not conducted a detailed investigation of cardiac development since this was not the scope of this study. Further, our study mainly shows differences in cardiac healing between d6 and d30, which is unlikely influenced by developmental defects.

      2) Line 164: The authors state that they have analysed macrophages via flow cytometry, but Figure 4a only shows IF. Quantification of different macrophage subsets via flow cytometry should be included in this model.

      Response from the author: The sentence “To gain a deeper understanding of the inflammatory processes taking place in the infarcted heart, we quantified macrophage distribution by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry analysis of ischemic and remote areas after I/R.” beginning line 164 describes the entire figure 4 and not only 4a. Here we show IF as well as flow cytometry to describe numbers but also different subpopulations of macrophages (BM-derived vs. resident).

      3) Lines 254-255 (now starting 267): it is not entirely true that the heart does not harbor BM-derived macrophages under steady state. Of course, there are many more after I/R injury, but the authors should take also their own data into account (Figure 1c, e showing a clear reduction but not complete absence of macrophages) and not claim a "scarce" population. See also Dick et al (PMID: 30538339), where both, the Ccr2-Tim4- and Ccr2+ populations are (slowly) replaced by BM monocytes.

      Response from the author: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We changed “scarce population” to “small population”.

      4) Lines 269-273 (now starting line 283): The point that DT-mediated depletion of cells causes inflammation that may have an impact on macrophages is compelling. However, the approach of combining and correlating data from PLX diet and FIRE mice is not proof that the significant increase in infarct size and deterioration of left ventricular function after I/R injury is driven by monocyte-derived macrophages. The authors could use Ccr2KO mice or injection of Ly6C antibody to show the specific functions of recruited macrophages.

      Response from the author: In this study we combine a specific genetic depletion of resident macrophages (FIRE) with an pharmaceutical depletion of all macrophage populations (Csf1r-inhibiton with PLX5622). We did not aim to specifically deplete monocyte-derived macrophages, which has been addressed previously by Bajpai et al. (PMID: 30582448) using the CCR2-DTR mouse line. To address the functions of recruited macrophages would go beyond the scope of the manuscript.

      Along these lines: the authors discuss that neutrophils may have been targeted in the Ccr2-DTR model. However, the egress of neutrophils in the CCR2 KO model is not affected and should be a good model to look at the impact of monocyte-derived macrophages after I/R injury in the heart.

      Response from the author: We agree with the reviewer that CCR2 under steady state conditions might not be important for the egress of neutrophils. However, after ischemic injury CCR2-inhibition has been shown to impair neutrophil egress as well as neutrophil recruitment to ischemic tissue in an ischemia-reperfusion injury model (PMID: 28670376).

      5) Line 299 (now line 332): Reference is missing for Ccr2-DTR mice study

      Response from the author: We added the respective reference.

      6) Can the authors take also the timing of treatment/cell depletion into account in their discussion incoming monocytes may be required in the first days after injury to promote the regeneration process so that targeting them before the onset of the injury may be detrimental while targeting them during the chronic phase may be beneficial.

      Response from the author: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We added the following sentence to the manuscript (Lines 343-346):

      “An explanation of this controversy might be the timing and duration of macrophage depletion. Bajpai et al. depleted recruited macrophages only in the initial phase of myocardial infarction which improved cardiac healing (Bajpai et al., 2019), while depletion of macrophages over a longer period of time, as shown in our study, is detrimental for cardiac repair.”

      7) Figure 6E, F: Why are the outgoing signals pooled? The data has the strength of distinguishing between distinct populations. This data should be used and exploited to work out distinct pathways of distinct macrophage populations in more detail. From the representation, it remains unclear which pathways are active and distinct between Ctrl and FIRE mice besides the few chosen once (inflammasome). Also, legends are missing (what is red/blue?)

      Response from the author: We thank the reviewer for this comment. The aim of this analysis was to evaluate the effect of the FIRE ko on communication of immune cells in infarct conditions. To address changes in all populations which are affected by the FIRE ko we pooled the respective clusters (e.g. homeostatic, antigen-presenting and Ccr2loLy6clo Mø clusters). We provided the detailed analysis of the individual clusters in the new Supplemental Figure 9. Further, we added the respective legend to the Figure.

      8) The methods part mentioned CD169-DTR mice, however, there are no experiments shown in the manuscript. Further, how did the authors breed the FIRE mice? It is known in the field that they have big developmental issues and behavioural deficits if kept on a B6 background, which was likely the case in the study, at least for the fate-mapping approach.

      Response from the author: We removed the CD169-DTR reference from the methods part.<br /> FIRE mice were kept on a CBA/Ca background. As mentioned by the reviewer this was not the case for the experiment where reporter mice were bred with FIRE mice (Csf1rΔFIRE/+RankCreRosa26eYFP) as these mice are on a C57Bl6 background. All experiments evaluating cardiac function and outcome after infarction in FIRE mice were performed on mice kept with a CBA/Ca background.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Please provide the sample size for Fig. 5.

      We described the sample size in the methods part (lines 448-450: “Cell sorting was performed on a MoFlo Astrios (Beckman Coulter) to obtain cardiac macrophages from CD45.2; Mx1CreMybflox/flox after BM-transplantation of CD45.1 BM (n=3 for 2 days after I/R injury) for bulk sequencing,..“). We added the sample size also to the figure legend.

      • Please state in the methods how the normality of data was tested.

      We added the respective normality test to the methods part. “The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test normality. “

      • How did the authors ensure a standardized infarct size?

      The authors ensured a standardized infarct size in mice following myocardial infarction through a carefully controlled experimental protocol. We employed the well-established I/R procedure for inducing myocardial infarction in mice by ligation of the LAD for 1h to mimic the transient blockage of blood flow to the anterior wall of the heart. Success of the ligation of the LAD and the induction of ischemia was confirmed by the pale color of the myocardium after ligation and the success of reperfusion by the return of color after removing the suture. The surgical technique was consistently performed by the same highly trained veterinarian in a blinded fashion to minimize variability.

    2. eLife assessment

      Using state-of-the-art fate-mapping models and genetic and pharmacological targeting approaches, this study provides valuable findings on the distinct functions exerted by resident and recruited macrophages during cardiac healing after myocardial ischemia. The evidence supporting the conclusions is solid with the use of the FIRE mouse model in combination with fate-mapping to target fetal-derived macrophages. This study will be of interest for the macrophage biologists working in the heart but also in other tissues in the context of inflammation.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Weinberger et al. use different fate-mapping models, the FIRE model and PLX-diet to follow and target different macrophage populations and combine them with single-cell data to understand their contribution to heart regeneration after I/R injury. This question has already been addressed by other groups in the field using different models. However, the major strength of this manuscript is the usage of the FIRE mouse model that, for the first time, allows specific targeting of only fetal-derived macrophages.

      The data show that the absence of resident macrophages is not influencing infarct size but instead is altering the immune cell crosstalk in response to injury, which is in line with the current idea in the field that macrophages of different origins have distinct functions in tissues, especially after an injury.

      To fully support the claims of the study, specific targeting of monocyte-derived macrophages or the inhibition of their influx at different stages after injury would be of high interest.

      In summary, the study is well done and important for the field of cardiac injury. But it also provides a novel model (FIRE mice + RANK-Cre fate-mapping) for other tissues to study the function of fetal-derived macrophages while monocyte-derived macrophages remain intact.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study Weinberger et al. investigated cardiac macrophage subsets after ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in mice. The authors studied a ∆FIRE mouse model (deletion of a regulatory element in the Csf1r locus), in which only tissue resident macrophages might be ablated. The authors showed a reduction of resident macrophages in ∆FIRE mice and characterized its macrophages populations via scRNAseq at baseline conditions and after I/R injury. 2 days after I/R protocol ∆FIRE mice showed an enhanced pro inflammatory phenotype in the RNAseq data and differential effects on echocardiographic function 6 and 30 days after I/R injury. Via flow cytometry and histology the authors confirmed existing evidence of increased bone marrow-derived macrophage infiltration to the heart, specifically to the ischemic myocardium. Macrophage population in ∆FIRE mice after I/R injury were only changed in the remote zone. Further RNAseq data on resident or recruited macrophages showed transcriptional differences between both cell types in terms of homeostasis-related genes and inflammation. Depleting all macrophage using a Csf1r inhibitor resulted in a reduced cardiac function and increased fibrosis.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      To the reviewers.

      We appreciate a detailed and deep review of our manuscript. Below are our comments and responses. Many requested data are present in the Supplementary figures of the manuscript. There seem to be two main concerns: one regarding the evidence of TLT2 expression in HFSCs; and second, regarding CEP/TLR2. As detailed below, we utilized 3 different methods to document TLR2 expression: TLR2-reporter mouse, staining for TLR2 and qPCR of isolated cells for TLR2. The source (the data are in Supplementary Fig. 5A, B and in references below) and nature of CEP (it is not a protein, but metabolic product of Polyunsaturated acid DHA oxidation by MPO amongst other ROS sources) are also explained below.

      1) “The expression analysis of TLR2 is questionable. Many of the conclusions about the level of target genes are based on quantifying fluorescence intensity in microscopy images (e.g., TLR2 level in young or aged mice, BMP7 levels in mice with/without TLR2 KO). This could be strengthened by using qPCR to measure gene expression levels in FACS-sorted HFSCs, which would provide more accurate quantification. Additionally, the authors should test if the TLR2 antibody used is valid.”

      In most instances we have used TLR2 reporter mouse, which presents an advantage over immunostaining. Fig.2 (A-H) shows expression of TLR2 reporter, not the staining with TLR2 abs. For selected experiments we utilized immunostaining with anti- TLR2 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-21759) antibody, which has been validated in our previous publication (see Michael G. McCoy and all. Endothelial TLR2 promotes proangiogenic immune cell recruitment and tumor angiogenesis. // Sci Signal. 2021 Jan 19; 14(666): eabc5371/doi: 10.1126/ scisignal.abc5371). In Fig.S2E of that manuscript we validated these abs using a knockout of TLR2. In the current paper, we further validate anti-TLR2 abs by showing its co-localization with the TLR2-GFP reporter (Fig. S1A).

      We then confirmed reporter and immunostaining data by qPCR showing Tlr2 expression in FACS-purified mouse HFSCs in anagen, telogen, and catagen (Fig.2J), in mouse epidermal cells and FACS-purified HFSCs (Fig.2K), and FACS-purified HFSCs isolated from Control and TLR2HFSC-KO mice (Fig.4E).

      As for the mechanistic link between TLR2 and BMP signaling was identified using RNAseq on FACS-purified HFSCs (supplementary Fig.4), then verified using qPCR (Fig.4E shows Bmp7,Bmp2, Bmpr1a ) and only then immunohistochemistry staining for BMP7 and phosphoSMAD1/5/9 was used (Fig.4A-D, F-H). Note that the large body of requested evidence is presented in Supplementary data. Other mechanistic links shown using qPCR include Nfkb2, Il1b, Il6, and Bmp7 in FACS-purified mouse HFSCs treated with BSA control or CEP (Fig.6Q,6R).

      “As the reviewers note, it is not clear whether the TLR2+ signal is located at the basal side of bulge stem cells, basement membrane underlying bulge stem cells, or dermal sheath cells encapsulating bulge structure. Co-staining with basement membrane markers such as collagen and laminin or HFSC basal side membrane markers such as Itga6, Itgb1, and Itgb4 will clarify this. In addition, showing the expression pattern of TLR2 in full skin including epidermis and dermis would be helpful. As TLR2 is highly expressed in immune cells or blood endothelial cells, if the antibody staining is valid, strong positive signals should present in the cells. Moreover, testing the TLR2 antibody in Tlr2 knock-out mouse tissues would be an appropriate control experiment.”

      Once again, in most instances we have used not the staining for TLR2 but TLP2 reporter mouse (Fig.2 legend). Anti-TLR2 abs have been verified in TLR2 KO as described above. Fig.2K shows comparison of Tlr2 mRNA expression in mouse epidermal cells to FACS-purified HFSCs by qPCR.

      TLR2 signal is detected in several cell types within the hair follicle as well as in dermal cells surrounding the hair follicles, such as lymphocytes, resident tissue macrophages, fibroblast, and fibroblast precursors, etc. (https://www.proteinatlas.org/ENSG00000137462-TLR2/single+cell+type). In Author response image 1 below, white arrows point to the TLR2-positive cells around the hair follicle. In our paper, we focus on HFSC TLR2 and use the respective inducible tissue specific TLR2 KO. The contribution of TLR2 on other cell types can be assessed by the comparison of the phenotypes of global TLR2 KO, TLR2 KO-WT bone marrow chimeras and HFSC-specific TLR2 KO. The results are presented in both, main and supplementary figures (Fig.5D-I and SFig.5I-K shows global TLR2 KO, Fig.6H-I, SFig.5G-h shows bone marrow chimeras and Figs.3,4, 5 (J-M), Fig.5 (J-N) shows the main focus, HFSC-TLR2 KO. Overall, the phenotype (delay of hair regeneration after wounding) seems to be the strongest in TLR2 KO, whereas bone marrow chimeras and HFSCs phenotypes are comparable. Thus, TLR2 on bone marrow derived cells complements the main role for TLR2 on HFSCs.

      Author response image 1.

      Staining for TRLR2 (white), DAPI (blue) and Keratin 17 (purple) is shown

      “The increase in expression of TLR2 during the hair follicle stem cell activation should be documented by FACS and/or qPCR. This is important because as noted by one of the reviewers.”

      While original observation was done using both, a TLR2 reporter mouse and immunostaining, the data were confirmed by qPCR showing Tlr2 mRNA expression in FACS-purified mouse HFSCs in anagen, telogen, and catagen (Fig.2J).

      “In Fig 1D, the authors mentioned that they re-analyzed published RNA-seq data (Greco et al., 2009) to show the increase of Tlr2 and Tlr6 expression in late telogen compared to early telogen. However, there is no RNA-seq data in that paper, but only microarray data of bulge vs HG comparison and dermal papillae cells (DP) in early, mid, late Telo. If the authors used DP data to show the increase of Tlr2 transcripts in late Telo, the analysis is completely wrong and has to be corrected. The problem is compounded by the fact that in other published HFSC RNA-seq datasets (Yang et al., Cell, 2017, Adam et al., Nature Cell Biology, 2020), the expression levels of Tlr2 and Tlr6 are very low (below 5 TPM). In Fig 1G, the authors also re-analyzed Morinaga et al., 2021 data to show the reduction of Tlr2 expression in HFSCs in high-fat diet mice. However, in the raw data of Morinaga et al., 2021 (GSE169173), Tlr2 expression FPKM values are below 1 in both normal diet and high-fat diet samples, which are too low to perform comparative analysis and are not statistically meaningful. Like Tlr2, the expressions of Tlr1 and Tlr6, which form heterodimer with TLR2, are almost 0. Thus, the authors should revisit the dataset and revise their analysis and conclusion.”

      To document the existence of Tlr2 and Tlr6 expression in HFSCs, the authors should perform RNR-seq-based gene expression analysis by themselves. Otherwise, the authors' TLR2 expression analyses in Fig 1 are not convincing. These are serious issues that the authors will want to rectify so that eLIFE readers will not discount their findings and importance.”

      It is correct, we analyzed a published array, not RNAseq data (Greco et al., 2009) using GEO2R tool which allowed us to compare the mRNA expression levels between early, middle, and late telogen in bulge CD34 positive cells. We changed the “RNA-seq” (the term was used incorrectly) to “RNA microarray” in the main text.

      In our manuscript, TLR2 expression is documented not only in Fig.1, but also in Fig.2 and S.Fig.1. We utilized 3 different methods to document TLR2 expression: TLR2-reporter mouse, staining for TLR2 and qPCR of isolated cells for TLR2. Fig.2K shows comparison of Tlr2 mRNA expression in mouse epidermal cells to FACS-purified HFSCs by qPCR to document increased TLR2 expression on HFSCs. Likewise, Fig.2J shows qPCR for TLR2 on HFSC during various phases of hair growth.

      “In Fig 2, to support the expression of Tlr2 in HFSCs, the authors utilized TLR2-GFP mice and showed the strong GFP expression in HFSCs, hair bulb, and ORS. However, as the expression data in Fig 1 are questionable, the GFP reporter data should be carefully analyzed with proper control experiments. For example, although TLRs are highly expressed in immune cells and endothelial cells, which are abundantly present in skin, Fig 2 data did show the GFP expression in these cells. Instead, the GFP signals looked very specific to epithelial compartments, which is odd. Again, to convince readers, the authors should provide more comprehensive analyses of expression patterns of TLR2-GFP mice in skin. Also, if the TLR2-GFP signals faithfully reflect the actual expression of Tlr2 mRNA, the GFP signals should increase in late telogen compared to early telogen. The authors should check whether TLR2-GFP expression follows this pattern.”

      The specificity of TLR reporter was characterized in Price et al. , 2018. A Map of Toll-like Receptor Expression in the Intestinal Epithelium Reveals Distinct Spatial, Cell Type-Specific, and Temporal Patterns. Immunity, 49. Thus, TLR2 reporter mouse is well characterized (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6152941/) and represents one of the best available tools to show TLR2 expression.

      Expression of TLR2 on endothelial cells and validation of anti-TLR2 abs was performed in McCoy et al, Science Signaling as mentioned above. Also as discussed above we show a strong correlation between TLR2-GFP reporter expression and TLR2 expression using coimmunostaining with GFP and TLR2 antibodies with appropriate isotype-match non-immune antibodies as negative controls.

      There is no doubt that TLR2 is expressed on immune, endothelial and epithelial cells. According to the Human Protein Atlas, TLR2 expression is identified in skin fibroblasts, keratinocytes, melanocytes, etc., so our findings are well supported by the literature (https://www.proteinatlas.org/ENSG00000137462-TLR2/single+cell+type). Indeed, we detected TLR2 in cells surrounding the hair follicle (see the pictures above). TLR2 signal was detected in nearly all niches of hair follicles including the CD34-positive cells.

      In Fig.S1 we demonstrated an increased level of TLR2 in the late (competent) telogen compared to the early (refractory) telogen using immunostaining for TLR2-GFP. The results mirrored published RNA-array data in Fig.1D. Again, reporter and immunostaining results have been validated by qPCR for TLR2.

      The levels of TLR2 might be heavily influences by the environment, i.e. pathogens availability. In this regard, note that mice for this study were kept in normal, not pathogen-free conditions.

      “Overall, the existence of Tlr2 expression in HFSCs is still questionable. Without resolving these, genetic deletion of Tlr2 in HFSCs cannot be rationalized.”

      In our manuscript, TLR2 expression is documented not only in Fig.1, but also in Fig.2 and S.Fig.1. We utilized 3 different methods to document TLR2 expression: TLR2-reporter mouse, staining for TLR2 and qPCR of isolated cells for TLR2. Besides these data, we show the functional responses to canonical TLR2 ligand, PAM3CSK4, and previously characterized endogenous ligand, CEP, using proliferation, western blotting and many other approaches. In numerous immunostainings we show co-localization of TLR2 and CD34 (Fig.2) using IMARIS surface rendering and colocalization tools. Our conclusions are further supported by published results as discussed above.

      2) “The central conclusion of this study is that the activation of TLR2 can suppress BMP signaling; however, the molecular link between TLR2 and BMP signaling is still missing. Given the importance of this finding, it would be intriguing to further investigate how TLR2 activation suppresses BMP signaling. A better characterization of the molecular-level interaction between TLR2 and BMP signaling can further enhance the impact of this study.

      -The published dataset should be re-analyzed, as some images and their quantification do not appear to be matched. Representative images should be used.”“In Fig 4, the authors propose that the activation of TLR2 pathway inhibits the BMP signaling pathway, which makes HFSCs quiescent. In TLR2-HFSC-KO, the authors showed that BMP7 is increased and pSMAD1/5/9 is sustained. The increase in BMP7 expression and SMAD activation should be demonstrated by additional assays. Are SMAD target genes activated in the cKO mice?”

      This mechanistic link between TLR2 and BMP was originally identified by RNAseq, confirmed by qPCR and then by immunostaining for both, BMP7 and BMP pathway activation based on phosphoSMAD1/5/9 levels. The connection to BMP pathway was also shown by western blotting (S.Fig.4B,C). The rescue experiments have been performed using Noggin injections. According to our data, numerous SMAD target genes are upregulated in TLR2-HFSC-KO, such as Kank2, Ptk2b, Scarf2, Camk1, Dpysl2, as well as BMP2 and BMP7, and these changes were confirmed by qPCR analysis in Fig.4E. Additional evidence is shown in Fig.6, which demonstrates that endogenous TLR2 ligand, CEP-carboxyethylpyrrole, acts by a similar, BMP-dependent pathway. Also, Supplemental Fig.4 adds more details to this link. SFig.4B,C shows that TLR2 activation by canonical ligand PAM3CSK4 inhibits pSMAD levels induced by BMP (western blot is shown). At the same time, as anticipated PAM3CSK4 upregulated NFkB, however, little of no effect of BMP stimulation on NFkB is observed. To summarize: TLR2 affects both, BMP7 production and BMP induced downstream signaling judged by PhosphoSMADs. The later connection appears to go in one direction: TLR2 signaling affects BMP-induced pSMADs, however, BMP signaling does not seem to substantially change TLR2-dependent NFkB. We plan to delve into the intersection of these important pathways in future.

      “Functionally, downregulation of BMP signaling by injecting Noggin, a BMP antagonist, in TLR2HFSC-KO mice induces HFSC proliferation. These functional data are solid. However, it is still curious how TLR2 signaling interact with BMP pathway molecularly. Is it transcriptional regulation or translational regulation? Perhaps, RNA-seq analysis of TLR2HFSC-KO could give some hints to answer this question. Furthermore, checking out other signaling pathways such as WNT/LEF1 and pCREB, which are important for hair cycle activation and NFkB, a downstream effector of TLR signaling would be helpful to interrogate mechanistic insights.”

      As discussed above, TLR2 affects both, BMP7 production and BMP-induced downstream signaling judged by PhosphoSMADs. The later connection appears to go in one direction: TLR2 signaling affects BMP-induced pSMADs, however, BMP signaling does not seem to substantially change TLR2-dependent NFkB.

      Indeed, in addition to BMP signaling, the Wnt signaling and β-catenin stabilization within HFSCs, known to trigger their activation (Deschene et al., 2014). However, this axis remained unchanged upon TLR2HFSC-KO (as shown in Supplementary Fig. 4J). There were several published reports on the crosstalk between TLR and BMP signaling such as (doi: 10.1089/scd.2013.0345. Epub 2013 Nov 7) showing that activation of TLR4 inhibits BMP-induced pSMAD1/5/8 and this connection requires NFkB. We probed NfkB activation, please, see the responses above.

      However, we were not able to detect substantial effect of NFkB inhibition on BMP signaling in hair follicles (not shown).

      3) “The function of CEP, a proposed endogenous ligand of TLR2, is still not clear. The authors imply that the decreased CEP level in aged mice could lead to deficient TLR2 signaling, which could further cause aging-associated hair regeneration defects. But this has not been demonstrated. What are the BMPs and pSmad1/5 levels in aged skin? Another important experiment to confirm the importance of this link during aging would be to inject CEP into the aged skin and examine whether this could restore hair regeneration in aged mice. Does CEP activate hair cycling during the endogenous pathway? What might be the source of CEP? Does CEP treatment activate BMP7 signaling? The authors should clarify these issues. The authors suggested that CEP is an endogenous ligand of TLR2, and administration of CEP induces hair cycle entry in a TLR2dependent manner. How potent is CEP in terms of HFSC activation? In Fig 6Q, CEP increases the expression of Nfkb2, Il1b, and Il6, but the fold changes are marginal. Also, if CEP is a critical ligand, the loss of CEP by a genetic deletion or a pharmacological inhibition should result in the delay of hair cycle entry. Furthermore, the source of CEP expression is curious. Is it expressed by HFSCs or dermal fibroblast or immune cells? Finally, comparing the effect of CEP to the effect of other bacterial origin Tlr2 ligands such as heat killed bacteria, purified microbial cell-wall components, and synthetic agonists (Pam3CSK4) would be helpful. It is curious if HFSC directly senses the bacterial materials and triggers hair follicle regeneration or are indirectly directed by immune cells and endothelial cells, which could be primary sensor.”

      CEP is not a protein, it is an oxidative stress-generated metabolite of polyunsaturated fatty acid, DHA (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5360178/), thus, it is impossible to generate a knockout of this molecule. As demonstrated in previous publications (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2990914/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34871763/) CEP serves as a critical endogenous ligand supporting TLR2 signaling in the absence of pathogens. While other TLR2 endogenous ligands, such as HMGBs or HSPs exist (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4373479/), CEP binds to TLR2 directly, and its generation is aided by MPO (myeloperoxidase) amongst other peroxidases and sources of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. MPO (produced by immune cells amongst others) serves as an innate immunity response against pathogens, but it also generates CEP adducts (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6034644/) adducts in both protein and lipid form. The knockout of MPO diminishes CEP generation in skin (PMC6034644), thereby demonstrating the causative relationship between CEP and MPO.

      Author response image 2.

      Additional immunostaining of mouse skin for Keratin 17 (purple), CEP (green) and MPO (red). Similar staining is in S.Fig.5A and quantification is in S.Fig.5B.

      Also, the above-mentioned manuscripts show that CEP effects are milder but overall comparable with canonical TLR2 agonists, PAM3SCK4. As we mention in the present manuscript, normal young mice’s tissues are devoid of CEP (which is generated in response to inflammation) with an exception of hair follicles. This is likely attributed to the secretion of MPO by hair follicles (PMID: 36402231) especially in conditions of inflammation (PMID: 32893875). Supplementary Fig.5A,B show that MPO is present at the high level in sebaceous gland (as a part of anti-microbial mechanism). Again, MPO is a secreted enzyme and it is likely to be a source of continuous DHA oxidation into CEP in hair follicles. We also document that both, TLR2 and CEP levels in hair follicles (but not in other tissues-an important point for CEP) are reduced in aging. Likewise, SFig.5A,B shows that MPO secretion in hair follicle is reduced by more than 60% in aging mice. Thus, it is likely that reduced MPO levels in aging hair follicle produce less CEP. Together with reduced TLR2 levels, the lack of CEP might contribute to hair loss in aging.

      We show that similar to TLR2, CEP in hair follicles operates via a BMP-7 dependent pathway (see Fig.6). We also provide results using canonical bacterial ligand for TLR2, PAM3CSK4 whose effect on HFSCs proliferation is similar to CEP in a TLR2-dependent manner. TLR2 blocking approaches were used (Supp. Fig.4B, C, D, E, Supp. Fig.5D-5F). It remains to be seen whether CEP is required for the normal hair cycling and whether its administration might improve hair loss in aging subjects.

      “The impacts of CEP/TLR2 on proliferation of keratinocytes is still weak. How much of this effect is a result of NFkB activation, and how much is simply due to inhibiting BMP signaling?

      Impact of TLR2 on proliferation was demonstrated using a variety of mouse models, from global TLR2 KO to bone marrow chimeras to HFSCs-specific TLR2 KO, again using multiple approaches. The same applies to the effects of CEP as well as to canonical TLR2 ligand, PAM3CSK4, which were demonstrated both in vivo and in culture to be TLR2-dependent (Fig.6MO) and Supplementary Fig.4E-D). As for NFkB connection, see our responses above. It seems that the connection between TLR2 and BMP pathway occurs independently of NFkB activation.

      4) The links between TLR2 pathway and aging and obesity are only correlative. Although the authors suggest that the reduction of TLR2 expression in aging and obesity may diminish hair growth (Fig 1), there is no direct functional evidence that supports this possibility. If the authors wish to make this claim, they should test the roles of TLR2 and CEP in aging and obesity conditions.”

      We show that both, TLR2 and CEP are reduced in aging, and that this pathway contributes to hair cycling and regeneration upon wounding, we do not wish to claim more.

      5) More minor points:

      “Fig.4: The Noggin treatment in TLR2 KO mice is an important experiment. However, it is unclear why Noggin only enhances proliferation (Ki67 level) in HG but not in the bulge. This discrepancy should be addressed.”

      As we showed in Fig. 3B-3F, TLR2 HFSC-KO mice have prolonged first telogen. Noggin treatment at the first postnatal telogen promotes telogen to anagen transition in TLR2HFSC-KO characterized by the activation of HG cells prior to the bulge cells. According to the literature, the bulge cells remained silent during the late telogen, however, HGs became Ki67- positive and the proliferation of HG cells contributed to the telogen-to-anagen transition.




      “Fig.5: Does TLR2 cKO slow down wound healing, in addition to affecting pigmentation and the number of hair follicles?”

      In our previous publication, we demonstrated that deletion of TLR2 in HFSC does not affect wound healing process. Instead, endothelial TLR2 promotes wound vascularization and healing.

      (see Xiong and all. Timely Wound Healing Is Dependent on Endothelial but Not on Hair Follicle Stem Cell Toll-Like Receptor 2 Signaling.// Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Volume 142, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 3082-3092.e1).

      “There is no panel B in Fig.4. There is no image in Fig 4D. Please correct this properly.”

      We corrected Fig.4

      “Discussion: The constant production of CEP in homeostatic skin and in the absence of inflammation should be further discussed. Additionally, the possible causes of reducing CEP levels during aging should also be further discussed.”

      We explained the sources of CEP generation, such as MPO as a one of the key enzyme, above.<br /> The data on MPO levels in hair follicles of young and old mice are presented in Supplementary Fig.5A,B. Since we previously shown that MPO produces CEP from DHA (PMC6034644), the reduction in MPO in aging is likely to contribute to reduced CEP levels.

    2. eLife assessment

      Toll like receptor 2 (TLR2) signaling has traditionally been viewed a surface protein that induces innate immune responses and improves acquired immunity. Here, the authors suggest a different role for TLR2 in the hair cycle. By using a Cre reporter that is largely, but not solely active in hair follicle stem cells, the authors conditionally delete Tlr2 in mice and report that BMP signaling is sustained and hair cycle entry is delayed. Delving further, the authors identify CEP (2-ω-carboxyethyl pyrrole) as an endogenous ligand of TLR2 in hair follicle stem cell regulation. Although a role for TLR2 signaling in hair follicle stem cells is potentially novel and important, the reviewers remain in consensus that evidence presented in two significant areas continues to be incomplete: 1) where TLR2 and CEP are expressed and how specific is their expression to the hair follicle stem cells; 2) whether as the authors suggest, TLR2 functions by regulating BMP signaling in the stem cell niche of the hair follicle.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript by Xiong L et al., the authors have uncovered an important link between innate immune signaling and hair regeneration. The authors provide convincing evidence supporting the critical roles of TLR2 in sensing CEP levels in hair follicles, counteracting the action of BMP signaling, and facilitating the activation of HFSCs during the hair cycle and wound repair. Importantly, the authors also propose that decreased CEP production and TLR2 expression might be factors contributing to the decreased hair regeneration associated with aging.


      The experiments in this manuscript are well-designed and presented. The authors provided extensive evidence supporting the roles of TLR2 signaling in regulating hair follicle stem cell functions. Importantly, the findings from this paper could have sustained impacts on our understanding of the roles of innate immunity in regulating tissue regeneration in the absence of inflammation.


      1. The central conclusion of this study is that the activation of TLR2 can suppress BMP signaling. However, the molecular link between TLR2 and BMP signaling is still missing. Given the importance of this finding, it would be intriguing to further investigate how TLR2 activation suppresses BMP signaling. A better characterization of the molecular-level interaction between TLR2 and BMP signaling can further enhance the impact of this study.

      2. The authors imply that the decreased CEP level in aged mice could lead to deficient TLR2 signaling, which could further cause aging-associated hair regeneration defects. But this has not been demonstrated. What are the BMPs and pSmad1/5 levels in aged skin? Another important experiment to confirm the importance of this link during aging would be to inject CEP into the aged skin and examine whether this could restore hair regeneration in aged mice.

      3. The impacts of CEP/TLR2 on proliferation of keratinocytes is still weak. How much of this effect is a result of NFkB activation, and how much is simply due to inhibiting BMP signaling?

      Updated comments on the revised manuscript:<br /> The authors have addressed my previous questions.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript by Xiong and colleagues, the roles of TLR2 in hair follicle cycle regulation were investigated. By analyzing published dataset and using immunostaining and transgenic TLR2-GFP reporter mice, the authors showed that TLR2 expression is increased in the late telogen compared to the early telogen, implying that it is important for the transition between telogen to anagen hair cycle. They found that the genetic deletion of Tlr2 in hair follicle stem cells delays hair cycle entry in both homeostatic and wound-induced hair follicle regeneration. In addition, they found that CEP is an endogenous TLR2 activating ligand and triggers the progression of hair cycle in a TLR2-dependent manner. Mechanistically, the activation of TLR2 signaling antagonizes BMP signaling which is critical for the maintenance of hair follicle stem cell quiescence. Clinically, they showed that TLR2 expression is decreased in aging and high-fat diet condition, suggesting that the dysfunctional regulation of TLR2 pathway is responsible for age-related and obesity-related hair thinning and hair loss phenotypes.


      Overall, this study presents the role and mechanism of TLR2 in regulating hair follicle regeneration. The functional interrogation parts using HFSC-specific TLR2 genetic deletion is solid, and an endogenous regulator, CEP, is identified.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1)<br /> - In SFig1A, the IF staining of TLR2 and Tlr2-GFP expression seem almost 100% co-localized, which is not usual experimentally.<br /> - In Fig 2J, the relative expression levels of Tlr2 in anagen, telogen, catagen HFSCs were tested. But it is just relative comparison and does not mean whether the expression level is meaningful or not. To make this convincing, adding other cell types such as dermal fibroblasts and immunes to the comparison as negative and positive controls would be a good idea.<br /> - In Fig 2K, the expression of Tlr2 is comparable or a bit lesser in epidermal cells and HFSCs, but the expressions of TLR2 (IF) and Tlr2-GFP in epidermal cells have not been presented at all in the manuscript. As the authors used K15-CrePR1 mice to delete Tlr2 in HFSCs specifically, showing TLR2 IF staining in TLR2-HFSC-KO mice would be nice evidence of significant expression of TLR2 in HFSCs. (still TLR2 expression in epidermis, but no TLR2 expression in HFSCs).<br /> - In Fig 1B, it is still unclear whether TLR2 staining is in epithelial cell or in dermal cells. TLR2 staining patterns in Fig 1B, SFig 1A, and rebuttal seem different. In Fig S1B and rebuttal, TLR2 expression in HFSCs, HG, DP cells, but in Fig 1B, most of HG and DP cells are not TLR2+.<br /> - Together, this reviewer still does not think that there is a clear and solid evidence of Tlr2 expression in HFSCs. Searching the Tlr2 expression in published bulk and single cell RNA-seq dataset would be helpful.

      2)<br /> - In SFig 4B, C, the activation of BMP signaling was hindered by TLR2 signaling activation by PAM3CSK4. But it is in vitro data, and cultured HFSCs are different from in vivo HFSCs, and particularly the changes of HFSCs from quiescence to activation can hardly be recapitulated in vitro.<br /> - In Fig 4H, it is curious that in TLR2-HFSC-KO mice, P21 HFSCs showed no pSMAD1/5/9, but it is increased in P24.<br /> - Also, it is wondered that if ID1 and ID2, key target genes, are increased in TLR2-HFCS-KO.<br /> - The author suggested that BMP7 is a key connection between TLR2 signaling and BMP signaling. It is curious whether BMP7 is a direct target of TLR2 pathway? Are there Nfkb (putative) binding sites in cis-regulatory regions of BMP7?

      3)<br /> - In Fig 6C, CEP expression is close to hair follicle in both anagen and telogen. Also, in Telogen, CEP expression is strong and very close to HFSCs. But In rebuttal Fig 2, CEP is localized to sebaceous gland, where MPO, a CEP producing enzyme, is expressed. Which one is correct? Also, if CEP is strongly expressed in Telogen (Fig 6C), how can HFSCs stay in quiescence with decreased BMP signaling?

    1. Author Response

      We are grateful to the three reviewers and the editors who have provided comments about our manuscript, "Formation of malignant, metastatic small cell lung cancers through overproduction of cMYC protein in TP53 and RB1 depleted pulmonary neuroendocrine cells derived from human embryonic stem cells.”

      We are pleased that the reviewers recognized the importance of the problem we have addressed – namely, the need for better models of small cell lung cancer, a relatively common and refractory cancer. We also appreciate their acknowledgement of the significance of our major finding: that addition of an efficiently expressed CMYC transgene to neuroendocrine cells derived from human embryonic stem cells in which the RB1 and TP53 genes have been suppressed serves to drive aggressive growth and metastatic spread, rendering this system an appealing one for future studies of this recalcitrant cancer. Further, we acknowledge that more work needs to be done to more fully characterize and better understand the mechanistic features of this model system and to exploit it for therapeutic purposes.

      More specifically, we agree with the reviewers that this manuscript would be stronger if it included: (i) tests of other oncogenes, especially other members of the MYC gene family, to serve as drivers of tumor growth and metastasis and tests of orthotropic implantation of cells into the lung; (ii) descriptions of how such tumors with various genotypes respond to therapeutic approaches, both established and novel; and (iii) a more complete assessment of the contribution of abundant MYC proteins to physiological changes in tumor cells, such as growth, apoptosis, and invasion.

      While we wish we could provide such information, it is unrealistic to believe that it will be generated by the current constellation of authors in the foreseeable future. Data in the present manuscript has been generated over nearly five years, mostly in the early phases of that interval. Since then, some of us have moved from one institution to another, and some have shifted the focus of our studies. Further delays in publishing the main messages in this paper will only delay the pursuit of further studies, most likely by others. Indeed, one of the strongest justifications for the novel publication policies at eLife is to return control of the time for dissemination of results to the hands of the authors. Our situation illustrates the wisdom of that approach.

      We also note that the reviewers have raised a few issues that we aim to clarify by revisions of the current manuscript, thereby creating an improved Version of Record, within the next few weeks. We acknowledge here the significance of those issues and the ambiguities noted by the reviewers.

      The issues include the following point noted by more than one reviewer: our claim that expression of the CMYC oncogene increases the neuroendocrine character of the tumors. We recognize that this observation may be influenced by the nature of the analysis (single cell or bulk RNA sequencing), the choice of lineage markers (eg, NEUROD1 or ASCL1 or others), and the statistical evaluation of the data. We will review these aspects of the problem and make appropriate changes in the text to be submitted as the Version of Record.

      Reviewer 1 also makes a good point about the possible effects of CMYC on the differentiation of hESC-derived lung progenitors (LPs). In this paper, we examine this issue only in LPs in which the tumor suppressor genes, RB1 and TP53, have been suppressed. Further studies of the effect of CMYC on differentiation of LPs with various combinations of functional tumor suppressor genes might well prove valuable in exploring the origins of SCLC.

      Finally, we wish to note that a topic discussed by Reviewer 1 (and by us) about the still poorly understood relationship between cancer genotypes and cell lineages has been partially addressed in a paper from our group that has been accepted for publication in Science.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      1) A single biomarker seems very unlikely to be of much help in the detection of glaucoma due to the etiological heterogeneity of the disease, the existence of different subtypes, and the genetic variability among patients. Rather, a panel of biomarkers may provide more useful information for clinical prediction, including better sensitivity and specificity. The inclusion of additional metabolites already identifying in the study, in combination, may provide more reliable and correct assignment results.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We recognize the constraints of using single biomarkers for diagnosis. In upcoming research, we aim to incorporate multiple biomarkers to improve diagnostic accuracy and will consider adding more metabolites as suggested.

      2) The number of samples in the supplementary phase is low, larger sample sizes are mandatory to confirm the diagnostic accuracy.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. Collecting aqueous humor is invasive, making samples scarce. We acknowledge the small sample size limitation. In future studies, we plan to use larger samples to verify the biomarker's diagnostic accuracy. Your feedback emphasizes the need for thorough validation in our next research

      3) Cohorts from different populations are needed to verify the applicability of this candidate biomarker.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for the suggestion. We agree on the need to test the biomarker's relevance across varied populations. Reports from other groups will help confirm and broaden our results.

      4) Sex hormones seem to be associated also with other types of glaucoma, such as primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), although the molecular mechanisms are unclear (see doi:10.1167/iovs.17-22708). The inclusion of patients diagnosed with other subtypes of glaucoma, like POAG, may contribute to determining the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed biomarker. Androstenedione levels should be determined in POAG, NTG, or PEXG patients.

      The authors’ answer: I agree with your comment and thank you for your suggestion. PACG is a major cause of irreversible blindness in Asians. While this study centers on PACG, the link between sex hormones and other glaucoma subtypes, like POAG, merits investigation. Future studies will include POAG and other subtypes to further assess androstenedione's diagnostic relevance.

      5) In addition, the levels of androstenedione were found significantly altered during other diseases as described by the authors or by conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, limiting the utility of the proposed biomarker.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. Androstenedione levels also change in conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, which could affect the biomarker's specificity. We plan to further study androstenedione's unique changes in glaucoma versus other conditions to clarify its diagnostic value.

      6) Uncertainty of the androstenedione levels compromises its usefulness in clinical practice.

      The authors’ answer: The uncertainty surrounding androstenedione levels and its impact on clinical applicability is a valid concern. We plan to delve deeper into understanding the variability and determinants of androstenedione levels to better assess its clinical relevance.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The "predict" part is on much less solid ground. The visual field progression and association with serum androstenedione within the current experimental design eludes to a correlation. It truly cannot be stated as predictive. To predict one needs to put the substance when nothing is there and demonstrate that the desired endpoint is reached. Conversely, the substance (androstenedione) can be removed, and show that the condition regresses. None of these are possible without model system experiments, which have not been done. The authors could put some additional details in the methods, such as: 1) how much sample was collected, 2) whether equal serum volume for analysis had equal serum proteins (or cells). They have used a LC-MS/MS and a Chemiluminescence method, but another independent method such as GC-MS/MS or NMR to detect androstenedione for a subset of patients with different stages of visual field defect would be desirable.

      The authors’ answer: We acknowledge your constructive critique concerning our use of the term "predict". In the present study, we elucidated a discernible correlation between visual field progression and serum androstenedione concentrations. We are cognizant of the critical distinction between correlation and causation, and we concur that our application of the term “predict” may have been overly assertive in this context.

      Your emphasis on the imperative of employing model system experiments to unequivocally ascertain causative relationships is well-received. The experimental approach of modulating the substance, androstenedione in this case, to empirically observe its consequential impact on the condition, is a pivotal direction that warrants exploration in subsequent research endeavors. With regard to the variability of serum protein concentrations across participants, we adopted a methodological standardization by ensuring that the analyzed serum volume remained consistent across samples. This was implemented to enhance the reliability and generalizability of our findings.

      Your recommendation to consider alternative detection methodologies, specifically GC-MS/MS or NMR, is duly noted. Although our choice of LC-MS/MS and Chemiluminescence was predicated on available resources, we recognize the scientific merit in leveraging multiple analytical techniques. In future investigations, we endeavor to incorporate a broader spectrum of detection methodologies for androstenedione, particularly when assessing patients with varied visual field defect stages, thereby bolstering the robustness and validity of our conclusions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      1) POAG is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide (see reference #4). The prevalence of PACG is highest in Asia, but the major form of glaucoma is still POAG. The authors should modify the abstract and background sections accordingly (see line 30 and lines 61-62).

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your suggestion, and we apologize for this mistake. The sentence” Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide” has been changed to” Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in Asia”. (Page 2, lines 33; Page 3, lines 62-64)

      2) Line 69, please change the sentence "the He et al. taught us..." to the following "the He et al. study taught us.".

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. The sentence "the He et al. taught us..." has been changed to "the He et al. study taught us.". (Page 3, lines 72)

      3) I suggest including the name of the identified candidate biomarker in the title of the manuscript. The title must be straightforward.

      The authors’ answer: We agree with your comment and thank you for your suggestion. The sentence “Metabolomics Identifies and Validates Serum Novel Biomarker for Diagnosing Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma and Predicting the Visual Field Progression” has been changed to “Metabolomics Identifies and Validates Serum Androstenedione as Novel Biomarker for Diagnosing Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma and Predicting the Visual Field Progression”. (Page 1, lines 1)

      4) Line 88, please change "normal subjects" to "control individuals".

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We have changed "normal subjects" to "control individuals”. (Page 4, lines 91)

      5) Line 95 and so on along the manuscript, avoid the term "normal controls" or "normal" and use only the term "controls".

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. "normal subjects" has been changed to "controls". (Page 4, lines 113; Page5, lines 118,120,124,128,133)

      6) In the participants section, indicate the ocular treatments of PACG patients. For example, on line 141, which "treatment" are you referring to?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We apologize to this vague statement. Treatment included medical treatment and surgical treatment. We have revised it in the manuscript. (Page 5, lines 142)

      7) The entire section 2.4 is confusing. According to Figure S2, untargeted metabolomics was conducted with a mixed sample containing "all" serum extracts in order to obtain an in-house database with molecular features present in serum by LCHRMS. Then, this database was used for targeted metabolomics in individual serum samples using LCQQQ. However, as it is described in the manuscripts, it seems that first, an untargeted metabolomics analysis was carried out to identify altered metabolites, then targeted metabolomics was carried out to validate the untargeted analysis and finally, a profiling analysis was carried out to construct the database. The workflow must be clearly discussed and amended to be understable.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We have revised the description of the experimental method section 2.4. (Page 7, lines 195-198)

      8) Please, briefly explain what widely-targeted metabolomics is and how it works in this study (see section 2.4).

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. For extensively targeted metabolome detection, a local database was first established by using the standard database, and ion pair information was obtained by scanning ion pairs of mixed samples (QC) with QTOF. A wide range of metabolites were qualitatively obtained by comparing with the local self-built database, and then the metabolites of each sample were qualitatively and quantitatively measured by MRM scanning mode of triple four-bar QQQ. This project combines the non-target public database scanning construction database and the wide target local database to build a new database, and then scans the database of the samples of this project with Q-TOF, and then carries out the qualitative and quantitative detection of metabolites of each sample in MRM mode. (Figure S2)

      9) On Table 1, indicate the number of patients and controls with cataracts.

      The authors’ answer: For the glaucoma group and the control group, we have excluded people with cataracts. This section is described in the inclusion and exclusion criteria for supplementary materials. (Inclusion and exclusion criteria)

      10) On "Sample processing" section, lines 152 and 153: Have you used cold methanol to ensure metabolic quenching? If not, how metabolite quenching was carried out?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We use cold methanol to extract metabolites, and the early blood samples have been stored in a -80°C refrigerator to ensure a low temperature process and ensure metabolic quenching. (Page 6, lines 196)

      11) On the same "Sample processing" section, have you used internal standards during metabolite extraction? If yes, ones? If not, why?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. In the metabolite extraction process of each sample, the same internal standard was added, and the same volume of 50 μL serum samples were extracted. The specific internal label name has been added in "Sample processing" section. (Page 6, lines 153-155)

      12) Lines 161-163, I suggest including in the supplementary material the worklist of the entire experiment run by LC-MS, including analytical replicates and QCs.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. Worklist for mass spectrometry can be found in supplementary sheet1. (Page 6, lines 165)

      13) The title of the section "Detection method" does not seem appropriate, please change it to "Analytical methods "or something similar.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. "Detection method" has been changed to “Analytical methods “. (Page 6, lines 168)

      14) Section 2.4.1, I suggest changing "Untargeted detection conditions" to "Untargeted metabolomics analysis".

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. "Untargeted detection conditions" has been changed to "Untargeted metabolomics analysis". (Page 6, lines 169)

      15) Lines 170-172, the column used is compatible with 100% water, why start with 5% acetonitrile?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. If the acetonitrile starting gradient is 0, it will cause a lot of water-soluble substances to elute and easily clog the column, so we want to use 5% organic phase.

      16) Section 2.4.1, the chromatographic conditions (mobiles phases) were the same in both positive and negative ion mode? It is desirable to change or adjust a basic pH when working in negative, so please amend and clarify it.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. In the negative ion mode, the peak shape of the chromatogram under the acidic system is better than that under the alkaline system, so we choose the acidic system.

      17) I am not able to clearly understand what is "widely targeted conditions" (see section 2.4.2). What is the difference with the conventional targeted metabolomics analysis? In my view, widely-targeted metabolomics refers to the combination of untargeted metabolomics and targeted metabolomics. This must be clarified and simplified.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your syggestion. The characterization of metabolites in this study was conducted using a non-targeted database and a self-built database. Non-targeted metabolites were characterized with mixed samples, and then combined with the laboratory self-established database to form a new metabolome database for this study. 2.4.2 The broad targeting here refers to the use of the MWDB standard self-built database to characterize metabolites, and then the QQQ MRM model to quantify metabolites. In order to clearly describe the detection process, this part of the method has been modified. (Figure S2)

      18) Line 199, please, indicate the normalization carried out.

      The authors’ answer: We agree with your comment and thank you for your suggestion. The normalization description is missing from its data processing steps and has been corrected in the manuscript. (Page 7, lines 203)

      19) How many instrumental replicates have you carried out both in untargeted and targeted metabolomics? Please, indicate it.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. In this project, all sample mixtures were used as QC samples, which were repeated several times in the testing process (one QC sample was inserted between every 10 samples), and the repeated correlation between repeated QC was more than 99% to ensure the stability of sample testing. (Sheet1)

      20) Line 267, why did you select a fold changes threshold greater than 1.15 (or lower 0.85)? In metabolomics, it would be desirable to have a minimum of 1.5-fold change considering the variability of data.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. FC reduction is selected to expand potential candidate metabolites and can be repeated in three batches and refer to the literature "Blood metabolomics uncovers inflammation-associated mitochondrial dysfunction as a potential mechanism. underlying ACLF "method screening threshold.

      21) To include anywhere the molecular formula of androstenedione.

      The authors’ answer: I agree with your comment and thank you for your suggestion. We have added the molecular formula of androstenedione to the supplementary material. (Page 17, lines 475)

      22) Line 290 is not Figure 4B and 4C, you may refer to Figure 3B and 3C.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. We apologize to this mistake. Figure 4B and 4C have been changed to Figure 3B and 3C.

      23) Figure S3 was lost from Supplementary material, please include it.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We apologize to this mistake. There is an error in the ordering of the supplementary graph. Figure 3 is redundant, and we have modified it in the supplementary materials.

      24) Figure 4 B, indicate in the text the average and uncertainty of androstenedione levels in both control and PACG groups.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. In the manuscript, We have added descriptions of mean ± standard deviation of androstendione levels in the control group and the disease group. (Page 11, lines 311-312)

      25) Section 3.6. please include the average and uncertainty of androstenedione levels in males and females in both control and PACG groups.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. For 3.6 section, we supplemented the mean ± standard deviation of androstenedione levels in the control and disease groups. (Page 13, lines 350-356)

      26) Figure S9 seems missing.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We apologize to this mistake. Figures S9 has been added in the Supplementary material.

      27) Lines 345-346, indicate the levels obtained for the metabolite in the compared groups.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your suggestion. The levels of androstenedione in each group are seen in “The results from both discovery set 1 (Figure S9A, Mild:32600±17011, Moderate:33215±17855, Severe:46060±21789) and discovery set 2 (Figure S9B, Mild:27866±19873, Moderate:27057±13166, Severe:43972±19234) indicated that the mean serum androstenedione levels were significantly higher in the severe PACG group compared to the moderate and mild PACG groups (P<0.001). These findings were further validated in both validation phase 1 (Figure S9C, Mild:75726±45719, Moderate:65798±30610, Severe:94348±30858) and validation phase 2 (Figure S9D, Mild:1.121±0.3143 ng/ml, Moderate:1.461±0.4391 ng/ml, Severe:2.147±0.6476 ng/ml).” and “Notably, the level of androstenedione was found to be significantly higher in PACG patients than in normal subjects in both discovery set 1 (Figure 4B, P=0.0081, Normal:33987±11113, PACG:42852±20767) and discovery set 2 (Figure 4C, P=0.0078, Normal:31559±10975, PACG:37934±18529).”

      28) Line 368, you don't need to indicate the PACG abbreviation again.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We apologize to this mistake. I have changed " patients with PACG " to "patients". (Page 13, lines 377)

      29) Figure 6, panels A and B are not labeled (i.e., commented) in the body text of the manuscript.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your suggestion. We’re very sorry for this mistake. Figure 6, panels A and B have been labeled in the manuscript. (Page 13, lines 377-379)

      30) Section 3.7., when you indicate "after therapy" are you referring to surgical treatment? Please, clarify.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We apologize to this vague statement. Blood samples were taken before and three months after surgery. “therapy” has been changed to “surgical treatment” in the manuscript. (Page 13, lines 377)

      31) Line 370, "97th patient" should be replaced by "nine patients"?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. We apologize to this mistake. "97th patient" has been changed to “nine patients". (Page 13, lines 378-379)

      32) Lines 370-372, it difficult to understand, please clarify why these findings indicate that severity is related to increased PACG according to Figure 6B.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. We’re very sorry for this vague statement. The sentence of “These findings showed that the levels of androstenedione that were tightly connected with PACG severity rose dramatically as PACG progressed.” Has been removed.

      33) Line 447, the word "corrected" should be changed to "correlated"?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. "corrected" has been changed to "correlated". (Page 16, lines 453,456)

      34) According to the literature, the levels found in control subjects are within the range of the "normal" values, i.e., are they comparable?

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your advice. Androstenedione ranges from 0.4 to 2 in the normal population. The mean standard deviation of androstenedione in the normal population was 1.552 ± 0.4859.

      35) Lines 471-474, why "steroid hormone biosynthesis appears to be the critical node to high-match PACG pathophysiological concepts" while the high enrichment was observed in the "metabolic pathways"?

      The authors’ answer: Metabolic pathways encompass a series of chemical reactions within a cell that enable the synthesis or breakdown of molecules to maintain the cell's energy balance. Steroid hormone biosynthesis is one of these metabolic pathways, and its products, steroid hormones, participate in a wide range of physiological processes, including metabolism, immune response, and the regulation of inflammation. In a different context, a study related to fatigue during Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) showed a significant difference in metabolite levels within the steroid hormone biosynthesis pathways, emphasizing the role these pathways play in metabolic alterations. The mentioned findings suggest that steroid hormone biosynthesis and metabolic pathways are intertwined. (Page 17, lines 481-488)

      36) Figure S13 and Figure S14A are the same.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your comment. Figure S14A has been removed.

      37) On lines 476-485, it would be interesting to discuss whether alterations of this metabolite could be a cause or consequence of PACG.

      The authors’ answer: Based on the literature found, androstenedione is a naturally occurring steroid hormone produced by the gonads and adrenal glands, and serves as an intermediate in testosterone biosynthesis (Androstenedione (a Natural Steroid and a Drug Supplement): A Comprehensive Review of Its Consumption, Metabolism, Health Effects, and Toxicity with Sex Differences). Early events in the pathobiology of glaucoma involve oxidative, metabolic, or mechanical stress acting on retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), leading to their rapid release of danger signals such as extracellular ATP, thus triggering microglial and macroglial activation as well as neuroinflammation (Immune Responses in the Glaucomatous Retina: Regulation and Dynamics). However, one might speculate that since androstenedione is a steroid hormone, it could potentially impact the inflammatory and metabolic stress observed in the pathophysiological processes of glaucoma (Adaptive responses to neurodegenerative stress in glaucoma). Metabolic and anti-inflammatory avenues might be crucial in understanding the relationship between alterations in androstenedione levels and the severity of glaucoma. Nevertheless, more research and literature analysis would be necessary to better understand the precise relationship and its underlying mechanisms between these two entities.

      38) I suggest sending the MS and MS/MS into a publicly available repository.

      The authors’ answer: Thank you for your suggestion. Further research will necessitate the utilization of the raw mass spectrometry data. We anticipate making this raw data available in a public repository upon the conclusion of subsequent experiments.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      The authors should aim to describe methods in greater detail.

      The authors could improve the writing to accurately describe their results and their interpretation and state what else could be done to make the result truly "predictive".

      The authors’ answer: (1) Detail Enhancement in the Methods section: We expand the description of methods such as sample pre-processing, mass spectrometry detection, and result analysis in the study to provide more detailed information about the procedures, equipment, and materials used. (2) Improvement in Writing Quality: We have engaged a scientific editor to review our manuscript for clarity, coherence, and consistency to ensure that the results and interpretations are accurately and clearly conveyed. Terminologies and phrases have been revised to better reflect the findings and interpretations. (3) Limitation supplement: We have included a discussion on the limitations of our study and suggested additional studies and analyses that could be conducted to enhance the predictive value of our findings. We sincerely appreciate the constructive feedback from the reviewer, which has greatly contributed to improving the quality and rigor of our manuscript.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study presents a valuable finding that serum androstenedione levels may provide a new biomarker for early detection and progression of glaucoma, although a single biomarker is unlikely to be singularly predictive due to the etiological heterogeneity of the disease. The strength of the evidence presented is solid, supported by multiple lines of evidence.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, affecting more than 80 million people. Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is the prevalent form of glaucoma, while prevalence of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) is highest in Asia compared to over the world. Early detection of glaucoma and severity prediction is mandatory, and therefore the main aim of this study focused on characterizing the metabolite profile associated with PACG, identify potential blood diagnostic markers, assess their specificity for PACG and verify their applicability to predict progression of visual field loss. To this end, Li et al. implemented a 5-phases multicenter prospective study to identify novel candidate biomarkers of PACG. A total of 616 individuals were recruited, identifying 1464 distinct metabolites in the serum by metabolomics and chemiluminescence immunoassays. By applying different machine learning algorithms the metabolite androstenedione showed good discrimination between PACG and control subjects, both the discovery and validation phases. This metabolite also showed alterations in the aqueous humor and higher levels of androstenedione seemed to be associated with faster loss of visual field. Overall, the authors claimed that serum androstenedione levels may provide a new biomarker for early detection and monitoring/predicting PACG severity/progression.


      • Omics research on glaucoma is constrained by inadequate sample sizes, a dearth of validation sets to corroborate findings and absence of specificity analyses. The 5-phases study designed try overcoming these limitations. The proposed study design is very robust, with well described discovery set (1 and 2), validation phase (1 and 2), supplemental phase and cohort phase. Large and well-characterized patients with adequate control subjects contributed to the robustness of the results.<br /> • Combining untargeted and targeted metabolomics using mass spectrometry instruments (high resolution and low resolution) with an additional chemiluminiscence immunoassay determining androstenedione levels<br /> • Androstenedione achieved better diagnostic accuracy across the discovery and validation sets, with AUC varying between 0.85 and 1.0. Interestingly, baseline androstenedione levels can predict glaucoma progression via visual field loss results.<br /> • Positive correlation was observed between levels of androstenedione in serum and aqueous humor of PACG patients.<br /> • A level higher of 1.66 ng/mL of the metabolite androstenedione seems to imply high risk of visual field loss. Androstenedione may serve as predictor of glaucomatous visual field progression.


      • A single biomarker seems very unlikely to be of much help in the detection of glaucoma due to the etiological heterogeneity of the disease, the existence of different subtypes, and the genetic variability among patients. Rather, a panel of biomarkers may provide more useful information for clinical prediction, including better sensitivity and specificity. The inclusion of additional metabolites already identifying in the study, in combination, may provide more reliable and correct assignment results.<br /> • The number of samples in the supplementary phase is low, larger samples sizes are mandatory to confirm the diagnostic accuracy.<br /> • Cohorts from different populations are needed to verify the applicability of this candidate biomarker.<br /> • Sex hormones seem to be associated also with other types of glaucoma, such as primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), although the molecular mechanisms are unclear (see doi:10.1167/iovs.17-22708). The inclusion of patients diagnosed with other subtypes of glaucoma, like POAG, may contribute to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed biomarker. Androstenedione levels should be determined in POAG, NTG or PEXG patients.<br /> • In addition, the levels of androstenedione were found significantly altered during other diseases as described by the authors or by conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, limiting the utility of the proposed biomarker.<br /> • Uncertainty of the androstenedione levels compromises its usefulness in clinical practice.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The objective of authors using metabolomics analysis of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) is to demonstrate that serum androstenedione is a novel biomarker that can be used to diagnose PACG and predict visual field progression.


      Use of widely targeted and untargeted metabolite detection conditions. Use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and a chemiluminescence method for confirmation of androstenedione.

      The authors have incorporated the relevant changes in their manuscript and improved the presentation.

    1. eLife assessment

      This solid manuscript describes a preclinical model to assess different methods of infusion of organoids for clinical applications. This is an important and timely study with practical implications beyond a single subfield. The methods described, including the analysis, broadly support the claims although there are some areas for improvement.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors describe their work on finding optimal ways of infusing organoids into mice. They describe five delivery methods and compare organoid survival two weeks after delivery. This work is concluded with the use of a vascularized chamber being the most optimal for organoid viability.

      Strengths:<br /> The aim is to have a preclinical, translational model to test methods of organoid infusion. This is important and timely to the field.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - A clear aim seems to be missing, although I can extract this from the manuscript. The approach is described a bit cryptically. The manuscript could use a bit more explanation here and there.<br /> - Although the authors themselves argue in the introduction that the use of mice is not optimal, they show a mouse study in which human-derived iPSC organoids are infused in mice.<br /> - As far as I can extract from the Methods section, only one iPSC line was used. Given the huge donor variance, it is essential to repeat the work with multiple iPSC lines.<br /> - I am missing the right control groups, especially for the surgical groups. And the group size is very variable (3 to 7 mice per group). Three per group is then somewhat small in size.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived liver progenitor cell organoids were transplanted into four different transplantation sites in a mouse model of liver disease, using five organoid delivery methods. Organoids were transplanted into the vascularised chamber device established in the groin, or into the liver, spleen, and subcutaneous fat. Results show that the vascularised chamber had the highest organoid survival, 5.1x higher than the site with the second highest survival (p=0.0002), being the intra-hepatic scaffold approach. Animals with the vascularised chamber also had the highest human albumin levels (0.33 {plus minus} 0.09 ng/mL). No organoid survival was observed when delivered into the liver without a scaffold, or when injected into the spleen. Meager survival occurred in transplantations into subcutaneous fat.

      Strengths:<br /> A systematic study with a clear line of experiments and well-presented results. The manuscript is well-written and easy to follow. The results and conclusions drawn are convincing.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the number of organoids and albumin secretion is visibly higher in the vascularised chamber device, the organoids possess relatively higher Sox9+ cells compared to HNFa4a+ cells suggesting higher biliary differentiation than hepatic differentiation. On the other hand, although the intrahepatic scaffold approach, with a relatively smaller number of organoids and less albumin secretion, showed higher hepatic differentiation (although non-significant) suggesting that better scaffolds could be researched further to assess the clinical application of intrahepatic scaffold-based organoid transplantation.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this important study, a mathematical model to predict biological age by leveraging physiological traits across multiple organ systems is developed. The results presented are convincing, utilizing comprehensive data-driven approaches, although additional external validation would further strengthen its generalizability. The model provides a way to identify environmental and genetic factors impacting aging and lifespan, revealing new factors potentially affecting aging and it also shows promise for evaluating therapeutics aimed at prolonging a healthy lifespan.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors developed a mathematical model to predict human biological ages using physiological traits. This model provides a way to identify environmental and genetic factors that impact aging and lifespan.


      1. The topic addressed by the authors - human age predication using physiological traits - is an extremely interesting, important, and challenging question in the aging field. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of well-controlled data from a large number of humans. However, the authors took this challenge and tried their best to extract useful information from available data.

      2. Some of the findings can provide valuable guidelines for future experimental design for human and animal studies. For example, it was found that this mathematical model can best predict age when all different organ and physiological systems are sampled. This finding makes sense in general but can be, and has been, neglected when people use molecular markers to predict age. Most of those studies have used only one molecular trait or different traits from one tissue.


      1. As I mentioned above, the Biobank data used here are not designed for this current study, so there are many limitations for model development using these data, e.g., missing data points and irrelevant measurements for aging. This is a common caveat for human studies and has been discussed by the authors.

      2. There is no validation dataset to verify the proposed model. The authors suggested that human biological age can be predicted with high accuracy using 12 simple physiological measurements. It will be super useful and convincing if another biobank dataset containing those 12 traits can be applied to the current model.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Libert et al. develop a model to predict an individual's age using physiological traits from multiple organ systems. The difference between the predicted biological age and the chronological age -- ∆Age, has an effect equivalent to that of a chronological year on Gompertz mortality risk. By conducting GWAS on ∆Age, the authors identify genetic factors that affect aging and distinguish those associated with age-related diseases. The study also uncovers environmental factors and employs dropout analysis to identify potential biomarkers and drivers for ∆Age. This research not only reveals new factors potentially affecting aging but also shows promise for evaluating therapeutics aimed at prolonging a healthy lifespan. This work represents a significant advancement in data-driven understanding of aging and provides new insights into human aging. Addressing the points raised would enhance its scientific validity and broaden its implications.

      Major points:

      1. Enhance the description and clarity of model evaluation.

      The manuscript requires additional details regarding the model's evaluation. The authors have stated "To develop a model that predicts age, we experimented with several algorithms, including simple linear regression, Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) and Partial Least Squares regression (PLS). The outcomes of these approaches were almost identical". It is currently unclear whether the 'almost identical outcomes' mentioned refer to the similarity in top contribution phenotypes, the accuracy of age prediction, or both. To resolve this ambiguity, it would be beneficial to include specific results and comparisons from each of these models.

      Furthermore, the authors mention "to test for overfitting, a PLS model had been generated on randomly selected 90% of individuals and tested on the remaining 10% with similar results". To comprehensively assess the model's performance, it is crucial to provide detailed results for both the test and validation datasets. This should at least include metrics such as correlation coefficients and mean squared error for both training and test datasets.

      2. External validation and generalization of results

      To enhance the robustness and generalizability of the study's findings, it is crucial to perform external validation using an independent population. Specifically, conducting validation with the participants of the 'All of Us' research program offers a unique opportunity. This diverse and extensive cohort, distinct from the initial study group, will serve as an independent validation set, providing insights into the applicability of the study's conclusions across varied demographics.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors use human intracranial recordings to investigate the relationship between the power of brain oscillations and the latency and strength of cortico-cortical couplings. In the current version, the authors provide a valuable finding that the delay between nearby electrodes in ECoG data is correlated with the amplitude of power, differently so for high and low frequencies. The findings of this study will interest investigators in the wider field of systems neurophysiology; however, editors and reviewers perceived headroom for improving clarity in the presentation of analyses and results, and the strength of evidence for some of the claims as currently presented was viewed as incomplete.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Moon et al analyse ECoG data obtained during speech listening and focus on the relationship of two aspects: 1) delays between voltage signals at individual electrodes to other electrodes in the vicinity and 2) the power of those signals in a range of spectral bands. They find that high power in frequencies below 30 Hz is correlated with longer delays. They further look for this pattern of results in an oscillator model.

      Strengths:<br /> The manuscript examines whether a finding made in cats in the late 90s generalises to intracranial recordings from humans. Specifically, the amplitude of low-frequency oscillations should be related to the delay of cross-correlation between areas. The authors find evidence for such a relationship and show this in individual participants. After inspecting this phenomenon from many different angles, they also added an oscillator model and claimed that they found a similar pattern there. As such, the manuscript reports an extensive body of work carried out on high-quality data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript's readability and flow could be optimised: terms are used that aren't explained, and the structure seems somewhat convoluted. Showing single-subject results is laudable, however, the authors could consider adding group results that integrate across participants, and perhaps relaying single-participant plots to the supplemental material. The manuscript would benefit if analyses were motivated more clearly. Sometimes, I am unsure why a given analysis was carried out, why it was carried out in a specific way, and what question it was intended to answer.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In the paper "Inter-regional Delays Fluctuate in the Human Cerebral Cortex," the authors aim to investigate how global changes in the power of brain oscillations affect the latency and strength of cortico-cortical couplings. They measured changes in brain oscillations and inter-regional couplings using human intracranial recordings. Additionally, the authors employed oscillator models to elucidate their empirical findings.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors tested their hypotheses using human intracranial data, which provides a direct measurement of brain activity with high spatial and temporal resolution. This offers a unique insight into the interplay between oscillatory power and inter-regional coupling in the human brain.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors had access to only a subset of brain regions. Although this limitation is common in many intracranial studies, their discussion of global changes in brain oscillations is impacted by the lack of whole-brain coverage, and thus the global nature of these oscillations should be interpreted with caution.

      The description of the analysis procedure is not always clear.

      Summary of main concerns:<br /> My primary concerns relate to possible circularity in the analysis and the incomplete reporting of statistical results. For instance, correlation values are often provided without associated p-values, making it difficult to assess their significance. Furthermore, in some sections of the text, it is unclear whether specific results are supported by any statistical tests.

      Crucial information is buried in the supplemental materials (e.g., the figure showing results for broad-band high-frequency power). Some details about the specific paradigm are missing in the methods section, making it challenging to determine if additional controls are necessary in the analyses. I encourage the authors to clarify certain aspects of the analysis and results to ensure their conclusions are substantiated by the data. Should the results be robust, I believe the study will be significant for researchers interested in brain oscillations and beyond.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This is my assessment of the manuscript entitled "Inter-regional delays fluctuate in the human cerebral cortex" submitted by Moon et al. to eleventh article deals with an interesting question, namely: how do different areas in the brain synchronize with each other. As the title indicates, the article shows that interregional activity can be more or less out of sync, and that the degree of synchronicity depends on the global power of low and high-frequency oscillations.

      Overall, I found the paper interesting, although, as written, it is sometimes not clear why studying these inter-regional delays is important. For a broader audience, it is necessary to better emphasize the relevance of inter-regional delays, and what we learn from studies like this beyond the mechanistic aspect of how waves spread in the human brain. Also, it is important to explain why the task (listening to audio) was chosen, and what this task offers in comparison to, for example, studying spontaneous activity. I understand that intra-cranial data from humans is precious and difficult to obtain, so I am not asking for more data, just for a clear honest explanation of why this task was chosen.

      Beyond these minor formatting issues, I have two main concerns on the data analysis and interpretation. In a nutshell, they deal with:

      - Cross-correlating alpha power with inter-electrode lags computed from raw signals where alpha itself is included. IMO this could lead to obvious high correlation values simply because low-frequency signals spread passively (with some delays) across electrodes. High-frequency signals spread less and are thus less correlated in neighboring electrodes.

      - Possible influence of the referencing scheme on the data. I could not find any information about where reference and ground electrodes were located but I fear that epochs of zero-lag coherence could be simply due to common referencing. Non-zero lag synchrony could be explained by generators becoming more or less active close to the recording electrodes. This is probably the most parsimonious explanation of the activity observed and explaining it does not require any coupled oscillators.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper relies on a strong dataset from intracranial recordings in humans. Conceptually the paper has strong value as it seeks to explore global and local activity dynamics within the human brain.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are a number of methodological issues that need to be clarified, which could potentially influence the results obtained and their interpretation (i.e. corr-correlating alpha with itself, the influence of the referencing scheme on inter-electrode lags).

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study examines the relationship between expiratory airflow and vocal pitch in adult mice during the production of ultrasonic vocalizations and also identifies a molecularly defined population of brainstem neurons that regulates mouse vocal production across development. The evidence supporting the study's conclusions that expiratory airflow shapes vocal pitch and that these brainstem neurons preferentially regulate expiratory airflow is incomplete and would benefit from the inclusion of additional analyses and discussion. This work will be of interest to neuroscientists working on mechanisms and brainstem circuits that regulate vocal production and vocal-respiratory coordination.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this important work, the authors propose and test a model for the control of murine ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) in which two independent mechanisms, involving changes in laryngeal opening or airflow, control vocal tone. They present compelling experimental evidence for this dual control model by demonstrating the ability of freely behaving adult mice to generate vocalizations with various intonations by modulating both the breathing pattern and the laryngeal muscles. They also present novel evidence that these mechanisms are encoded in the brainstem vocalization central neural pattern generator, particularly in the component in the medulla called the intermediate reticular oscillator (iRO). The results presented clearly advance understanding of the developmental nature of the iRO, its ability to intrinsically generate and control many of the dynamic features of USV including those related to intonation, and its coordination with/control of expiratory airflow patterns. This work will interest neuroscientists investigating the neural generation and control of vocalization, breathing, and more generally, neuromotor control mechanisms.

      Strengths:<br /> Important features and novelty of this work include:

      1) The study employs an effective combination of anatomical, molecular, and functional/ behavioral approaches to examine the hypothesis and provide novel data indicating that variations in expiratory airflow can change the pitch patterns of adult murine USV.

      2) The results significantly extend the authors' previous work that identified the iRO in neonatal mice by now presenting data that functionally demonstrates the existence of the critical Penk+Vglut2+ iRO neurons in adult mice, indicating that the iRO neurons maintain their function in generating vocalization throughout development.

      3) The results convincingly demonstrate that the iRO neurons encode and can generate vocalizations by modulating both breathing and the laryngeal muscles.

      4) The anatomical mapping and tracing results establish an important set of input and output circuit connections to the iRO, including input from the vocalization-promoting subregions of the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG), as well as output axonal projections to laryngeal motoneurons, and to the respiratory rhythm generator in the preBötzinger complex.

      5) These studies advance the important concept that the brainstem vocalization pattern generator integrates with the medullary respiratory pattern generator to control expiratory airflow as a key mechanism to produce various USV types characterized by different pitch patterns.

      Weaknesses:<br /> A limitation is that the cellular and circuit mechanisms by which the vocalization pattern generator integrates with the respiratory pattern generator to control expiratory airflow have not been fully worked out, requiring future studies.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Both human and non-human animals modulate the frequency of their vocalizations to communicate important information about context and internal state. While regulation of the size of the laryngeal opening is a well-established mechanism to regulate vocal pitch, the contribution of expiratory airflow to vocal pitch is less clear. To consider this question, this study first characterizes the relationship between the dominant frequency contours of adult mouse ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and expiratory airflow using whole-body plethysmography. Next, the authors build off of their previous work characterizing intermediate reticular oscillator (iRO) neurons in mouse pups to establish the existence of a genetically similar population of neurons in adults and show that artificial activation of iRO neurons elicits USV production in adults. Third, the authors examine the acoustic features of USV elicited by optogenetic activation of iRO and find that a majority of natural USV types (as defined by pitch contour) are elicited by iRO activation.

      Strengths:<br /> Strengths of the study include the novel consideration of expiratory airflow as a mechanism to regulate vocal pitch and the use of intersectional methods to identify and activate the iRO in adult mice. The establishment of iRO neurons as a brainstem population that regulates vocal production across development is an important finding.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The study does not include statistical analyses to compare the observed relationships between expiratory airflow and USV pitch to a null model in which expiratory airflow and USV pitch are unrelated. The findings of the study also do not provide clear evidence to support the authors' model in which distinct brainstem populations (iRO and RAm) independently regulate expiratory airflow and laryngeal adduction. Although this study establishes iRO as an important population that regulates USV production in adult mice, the question of whether and how different brainstem populations contribute differentially to vocal production remains an important open question. Lastly, the addition of statistical analyses would help to strengthen the study's conclusion that iRO activation positively biases the relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch across multiple USV types.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a valuable exploration of the complex relationship between structure and function in the developing human brain using a large-scale imaging dataset from the Human Connectome Project in Development and gene expression profiles from the Allen Brain Atlas. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is convincing, although the inclusion of more systematic analyses of structural and functional connectivity with respect to myelin measures and oligodendrocyte-related genes, and also more details regarding the imaging analyses, cognitive scores, and design and validation strategies, would have strengthened the paper. The work will be of interest to developmental biologists and neuroscientists seeking to elucidate structure-function relationships in the human brain.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This work studies spatiotemporal patterns of structure-function coupling in developing brains, using a large set of imaging data acquired from children and young adults aged 5-22. Magnetic resonance imaging data of brain structure and function were obtained from a publicly available database, from which structural and functional features and measures were derived. The authors examined the spatial patterns of structure-function coupling and how they evolve with brain development. This work further examined correlations between brain structure-function coupling and behaviour, and explored evolutionary, microarchitectural and genetic bases that could potentially account for the observed patterns.

      Strengths:<br /> The strength of this work is the use of currently available state-of-the-art analysis methods, along with a large set of high-quality imaging data, and comprehensive examination of structure-function coupling in developing brains. The results are comprehensive and illuminative.

      Weakness:<br /> As in most other studies, transcriptomic and cellular architectures of structure-function coupling were characterized only on the basis of a common atlas in this work.

      The authors have achieved their aims in this study, and the findings provide mechanistic insights into brain development, which could inspire further basic and clinical studies along this line.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Feng et al. investigated dynamic changes in functional and structural connectivity relationships across a broad age range from childhood to early adulthood (6-22 years) using the large open-source HCP-Development database of multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Employing a multilinear model, the study integrates three white-matter structural descriptors derived from diffusion tractography with 'microstructure profile covariance' (MPC) descriptors of relationships between cortical regions in terms of regional T1w/T2w ratio, and evaluates the coupling between these structural connectome (SC) descriptors and functional connectivity (FC) as adjusted coefficients of determination, i.e. how well the structural descriptors correspond to the functional connectivity derived from resting-state functional MRI.

      The findings reveal a global increase in SC-FC coupling over development. At a regional level, coupling exhibited distinct profiles of age-related increases and decreases within and between functional networks. Individual variability captured by the presented measures of SC-FC coupling was implicated as a potential marker for the prediction of general intelligence scores. Additionally, the investigation extended to associating changes in SC-FC coupling with age to regional gene expression profiles (derived from Allen Human Brain Atlas that analysed six neurotypical adult brains), suggesting positive associations with oligodendrocyte-related pathways and negative associations with astrocyte-related genes.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, the paper offers an interesting and valuable contribution to our understanding of structure-function relationships in the context of brain development. The commendable efforts to assess robustness across various methodologies, including brain parcellation and tractography, and reproducibility analyses on different data subsets enhance the paper's credibility. Combining cortical MPC with more usual white-matter descriptors of structural connectivity is interesting and provides (potentially) complementary information for the study of structure-function relationships with age. Analysing the changes in SC-FC coupling in relation to profiles of evolutionary expansion and functional principal gradients shows a good effort to position the present observations on SC-FC coupling within the previously described work.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the paper has many strengths, some aspects of the analysis need to be clarified to further support the proposed conclusions. In particular:

      * The authors propose that combining cortical and white-matter connectivity measures yields a more comprehensive descriptor of SC-FC coupling. While this is likely true, the claim is not directly tested by assessing different descriptors separately and then in combination to compare the benefits of incorporating additional information for the description of SC-FC coupling.

      * The authors report changes in SC-FC coupling with myelin content (reporting a positive association of coupling with regional myelin) and report positive associations between SC-FC correlation with age and expression of oligodendrocyte-related genes. Given that the computation of SC-FC coupling involves the T1w/T2w ratios within cortical regions (recognised as a myelin marker), it's plausible that these findings may be influenced by potential bias introduced by myelin-related measures in the coupling computation process.

      * The authors investigate the predictive power of SC-FC coupling, suggesting non-random (but weak) prediction of individual variability in general intelligence (after age correction). However, again the benefit of using SC-FC coupling measures over using each modality alone is not evaluated. Such comparison might indicate whether the coupling is an informative measure in itself or whether it might be informative only to the extent to which it is a proxy measure of SC and FC (in case the predictive power of each separate modality is much higher).

      * Generally, more information on quality assessment of tractography and parcellations (including potential age effects on processing given the wide age range of the participants), additional details on the distribution of cognitive scores used in the predictive section, and further clarifications regarding the design choices and validation strategy would provide the reader with a more detailed understanding of the cohort and proposed analytical pipeline (these minor comments are included in the private recommendations to authors).

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors investigated the requirement and function of Blimp1/Prdm1 in murine natural killer (NK) cells and the ILC1 lineage of innate lymphoid cells, using a conditional knockout model. The single-cell mRNA-seq data provided here represent a valuable resource for the community, but the lack of mechanistic investigations leaves the study incomplete. The work will be of interest to the fields of innate lymphoid cell biology and tissue immunology.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      He et al. investigate the requirement and function of Blimp1 (encoded by Prdm1) in murine NK cells and ILC1. Employing a conditional knockout mouse model (Prdm1flox x Ncr1cre), the authors describe impaired abundance and maturation of Prdm1-deficient NK cells and ILC1 in different tissues. Blimp1-deficient NK cells have reduced expression of cytotoxic molecules (Gzmb, Prf1) and, in some instances, Ifng production, and Prdm1flox x Ncr1cre mice show impaired tumor control in experimental metastasis models. Using single-cell RNA sequencing analysis, the authors propose that Prdm1 regulates JunB expression and NK cell maturation. Based on in silico analyses, the authors suggest manifold intercellular communication between NK/ILC1 and macrophages. Without following up on any of these potentially interesting suggestions, the authors conclude their study reiterating that Prdm1 regulates IFNg-production of tumor-infiltrating NK cells and ILC1.

      Many of the reported functions of Blimp1 in NK cells have previously been identified using a mixed-chimera strategy comparing Prdm1 WT and KO NK cells (Kallies et al., Blood 2011). Here, the authors expand on these findings using a conditional model to delete Prdm1 in NK/ILC1 and single-cell sequencing and provide a more refined analysis of the functions of Blimp1 in these cells. Cell-chat analysis suggests close interactions of Blimp-dependent NK/ILC1 subsets with hepatic macrophages, but these suggestions are not followed up by experiments. Potentially interesting differences in the macrophage compartment of Ncr1-Cre x Prdm1-fl/fl mice are suggested by the scc-RNA-Seq data but are not validated e.g. by FACS. The study falls short in providing new mechanistic insights. Nevertheless, it is an interesting confirmation of "old" suggestions in a more refined setting, and the provided single-cell mRNA-Seq data represents a potentially valuable resource for the community. There are some control analyses that are required to support the conclusions of the authors, and I have a few suggestions that would help to improve the manuscript.

      Major comments:

      - The authors do not control for the potential effects of Cre expression. Expression of Cre from within the Ncr1 locus (using the mouse model established by Narni-Mancinelli et al.) has significant effects on NK cells and especially ILC1s (reducing their frequency and absolute numbers and altering their functionality. The authors should characterize the Ncr1cre mice used here (developed by Shanghai Model Organism Center) in this regard and should use proper controls (Ncr1Cre+ Prdm1wt/wt as control for Ncr1Cre+ Prdm1fl/fl, instead of WT littermates) for all of their key data, e.g. those depicted in Fig 1FG, 2ADFH, 7D, S2,3,4.

      - Several of the phenotypic findings on NK cells have been described before by Kallies et al. in 2011 (Ref 29), although using a different genetic Prdm1-ablation model (Prdm1-GFP/GFP knockin/knockout model). This study reported impaired NK cell maturation, reduced Gzmb expression, impaired in vivo cytotoxicity against subcutaneous RMA-S cells, impaired in vitro proliferation, comparable in vitro killing, increase in BM NK cell numbers. The authors should discuss/mention this more prominently in their manuscript, and highlight where they confirm or refine these previous findings, and where they actually provide new information.

      - What is the reason to refer to the enriched cluster in Blimp1-deficient NK cells as "Junbhi"? There is no follow-up for a function of Junb, and there are many other genes upregulated in these cells. Most critically, these cells seem to represent exactly the c-Kithi cells that Kallies et al. already showed and discussed in their paper. The authors should stain for Kit, and also refer to this. Also, MacKay et al. performed Blimp1-Chip-Seq (in T cells), maybe it would be interesting to check to which of the identified DEGs Blimp1 can bind.

      - cNK cells are considered circulating cells, that transiently pass through the liver. Previous studies have suggested almost identical gene expression patterns in hepatic and splenic NK cells. In functional tests, they often "perform" identically. I am therefore a bit surprised that the authors find a differential dependency of Blimp1 for the IFNg production of splenic (no role of Blimp1) versus hepatic (Blimp1 regulating IFNg production) NK cells (Fig S3). Do the authors have any suggestions on that? The analyses are performed by 12+4h stimulations with IL12/18, which could involve the effects of altered bystander cells (as suggested by Figure 6). Therefore, these analyses should be provided upon standard 4h stimulations with IL12/18 and also with PMA/I under BFA. Note: liver and splenic cNK cells look quite different in the chosen histograms in Figures 7 A, B, C, yet there is massive variability in these analyses - is there any systematic/technical problem?

      - Figure 4 H/I - In contrast to NK cells in Fig 4E, F, the KO and WT ILC1s seem to co-cluster largely. Authors should validate differentially expressed genes. How strong is the effect of Blimp1 in ILC1s? Or is Blimp1 a critical TF driving effector differentiation in NK cells, while it has only subtle effects in ILC1 (these may be regulated by Hobit?)? This seems an interesting finding that should at least be discussed. For these types of small differences in ILC1, FACS confirmation analyses should be performed and findings be reevaluated using Cre-expressing controls (see above).

      The authors describe and discuss some of Figure 1 and 2 data as if Blimp1 would be involved in alternative NK versus ILC1 fates, but there is no evidence for this.

      - There are several recent studies suggesting a role for Hobit, homologue of Blimp1, in NK cells and in ILC1, and in the control of liver metastases. The authors should discuss similar and unique functions of Hobit and Blimp1, also in the regulation of gene expression patterns, and should refer to these studies.

      - Figure 4: The authors should discuss (and cross-validate) their liver gene expression analyses in the context of published datasets of NK and ILC1, such as the ones by Lopez et al, Friedrich et al, Ducimetiere et al and Yomogida et al.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study offers a significant advancement in understanding liver innate lymphoid cell (ILC) biology by elucidating the role of the transcription factor Prdm1. It shows that Prdm1 is crucial in maintaining the balance between conventional natural killer (cNK) cells and ILC1s in the liver, with knockout models revealing a vital role in cancer defense mechanisms. Despite not affecting direct cytotoxicity, Prdm1 deficiency leads to increased cancer metastasis and reduced secretion of key molecules like IFN-γ, pointing to its importance in immune regulation. The use of single-cell RNA sequencing further underscores Prdm1's role in cellular communication within the liver's immune milieu. This study is a robust contribution to the field, providing insights that could inform new immunotherapy approaches for liver cancer.

      Strengths:<br /> The study's strength lies in its comprehensive approach, combining the specificity of Prdm1 conditional deletion in Ncr1-cre mice with integrative omics analyses and cutting-edge cytometry to delineate Prdm1's role in liver Type 1 ILC biology and its functional implications in tumor immunity. This multifaceted strategy not only clarifies Prdm1's influence on ILC composition and maturation but also conveys potential therapeutic insights for liver cancer immunotherapy.

      Weaknesses:<br /> A notable weakness of the study is the limited scope of in vivo disease models, primarily relying on the B16F10 melanoma model, which may not fully capture the complex behavior of Type 1 ILCs across diverse cancer types. Furthermore, the absence of direct human data, such as the effects of PRDM1 deletion in human NK cells or stem cells during their differentiation into NK and ILC1, leaves a gap in translating these findings to clinical settings.

    1. eLife assessment

      This fundamental study evaluates the evolutionary significance of variations in the accuracy of the intron-splicing process across vertebrates and insects. Using a powerful combination of comparative and population genomics approaches, the authors present convincing evidence that species with lower effective population size tend to exhibit higher rates of alternative splicing, a key prediction of the drift-barrier hypothesis. The analysis is carefully conducted and all observations fit with this hypothesis, but focusing on a greater diversity of metazoan lineages would make these results even more broadly relevant. This study will strongly appeal to anyone interested in the evolution of genome architecture and the optimisation of genetic systems.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Functionally important alternative isoforms are gold nuggets found in a swamp of errors produced by the splicing machinery.

      The architecture of eukaryotic genomes, when compared with prokaryotes, is characterised by a preponderance of introns. These elements, which are still present within transcripts, are rapidly removed during the splicing of messenger RNA (mRNA), thus not contributing to the final protein. The extreme rarity of introns in prokaryotes, and the elimination of these introns from mRNAs before translation into protein, raises questions about the function of introns in genomes. One explanation comes from functional biology: introns are thought to be involved in post-transcriptional regulation and in the production of translational variants. The latter function is possible when the positions of the edges of the spliced intron vary. While some light has been shed on specific examples of the functional role of alternative splicing, to what extent are they representative of all introns in metazoans?

      In this study, the hypothesis of a functional role for alternative splicing, and therefore to a certain extent for introns, is evaluated against another explanation coming from evolutionary biology: isoforms are above all errors of imprecision by the molecular machinery at work during splicing. This hypothesis is based on a principle established by Motoo Mikura, which has become central to population genetics, explaining that the evolutionary trajectory of a mutation with a given effect is intimately linked to the effective population size (Ne) where this mutation emerges. Thus, the probability of fixation of a weakly deleterious mutation increases when Ne decreases, and the probability of fixation of a weakly advantageous mutation increases when Ne increases. The genomes of populations with low Ne are therefore expected to accumulate more weakly deleterious mutations and fewer weakly advantageous mutations than populations with high Ne. In this framework, if splicing errors have only small effects on the fitness of individuals, then natural selection cannot increase the precision of the splicing machinery, allowing tolerance for the production of alternative isoforms.

      In the past, the debate opposed one-off observations of effectively functional isoforms on the one hand, to global genomic quantities describing patterns without the possibility of interpreting them in detail. The authors here propose an elegant quantitative approach in line with the expected continuous variation in the effectiveness of selection, both between species and within genomes. The result describing the inter-specific pattern on a large scale confirms what was already known (there is a negative relationship between effective size and average alternative splicing rate). The essential novelty of this study lies in 1) the quantification, for each intron studied, of the relative abundance of each isoform, and 2) the analysis of a relationship between this abundance and the evolutionary constraints acting on these isoforms.

      What is striking is the light shed on the general very low abundance of alternative isoforms. Depending on the species, 60% to 96% of cases of alternatively spliced introns lead to an isoform whose abundance is less than 5% of the total variants for a given intron.

      In addition to the fact that 60%-96% of the total isoforms are more than 20 times less abundant than their majority form, this large proportion of alternative isoforms exhibit coding-phase shift at rates similar to what would be expected by chance, i.e. for a third of them, which reinforces the idea that there is no particular constraint on these isoforms.

      The remaining 4%-40% of isoforms see their coding-phase shift rate decrease as their relative abundance increases. This result represents a major step forward in our understanding of alternative splicing and makes it possible to establish a quantitative model directly linking the relative abundance of an isoform with a putative functional role concerning only those isoforms produced in abundance. Only the (rare) isoforms which are abundantly produced are thought to be involved in a biological function.

      Within the same genome, the authors show that only highly expressed genes, i.e. those that tend to be more constrained on average, are also the genes with the lowest alternative splicing rates on average.

      The comparison between species in this study reveals that the smaller the effective size of a species, the more its genome produces isoforms that are low in abundance and low in constraint. Conversely, species with a large effective size relatively reduce rare isoforms, and increase stress on abundant isoforms.

      To sum up:<br /> • the higher the effective size of a species, the fewer introns are spliced.<br /> • highly expressed genes are spliced less.<br /> • when splicing occurs, it is mainly to produce low-abundance isoforms.<br /> • low-abundance isoforms are also less constrained.

      Taken together, these results reinforce a quantitative view of the evolution of alternative splicing as being mainly the product of imprecision in the splicing machinery, generating a great deal of molecular noise. Then, out of all this noise, a few functional gold nuggets can sometimes emerge. From the point of view of the reviewer, the evolutionary dynamics of genomes are depressing. The small effective population sizes are responsible for the accumulation of multiple slightly deleterious introns. Admittedly, metazoan genomes try to get rid of these introns during RNA maturation, but this mechanism is itself rendered imprecise by population sizes.

      Strengths:<br /> • The authors simultaneously study the effects of effective population size, isoform abundance, and gene expression levels on the evolutionary constraints acting on isoforms. Within this framework, they clearly show that an isoform becomes functionally important only under certain rare conditions.<br /> • The authors rule out an effect putatively linked to variations in expression between different organs which could have biased comparisons between different species.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • While the longevity of organisms as a measure of effective size seems to work overall, it may not be relevant for discriminating within a clade. For example, within Hymenoptera, we might expect them to have the same overall longevity, but that effective size would be influenced more by the degree of sociality: solitary bees/ants/wasps versus eusocial. I am therefore certain that the relationship shown in Figure 4D is currently not significant because the measure of effective size is not relevant for Hymenoptera. The article would have been even more convincing by contrasting the rates of alternative splicing between solitary versus social hymenopterans.<br /> • When functionalist biologists emphasise the role of the complexity of living things, I'm not sure they're thinking of the comparison between "drosophila" and "homo sapiens", but rather of a broader evolutionary scale. Which gives the impression of an exaggeration of the debate in the introduction.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Two hypotheses could explain the observation that genes of more complex organisms tend to undergo more alternative splicing. On one hand, alternative splicing could be adaptive since it provides the functional diversity required for complexity. On the other hand, increased rates of alternative splicing could result through nonadaptive processes since more complex organisms tend to have smaller effective population sizes and are thus more prone to deleterious mutations resulting in more spurious splicing events (drift-barrier hypothesis). To evaluate the latter, B́enitiere et al. analyzed transcriptome sequencing data across 53 metazoan species. They show that proxies for effective population size and alternative splicing rates are negatively correlated. Furthermore, the authors find that rare, nonfunctional (and likely erroneous) isoforms occur more frequently in more complex species. Additionally, they show evidence that the strength of selection on splice sites increases with increasing effective population size and that the abundance of rare splice variants decreases with increased gene expression. All of these findings are consistent with the drift-barrier hypothesis.

      This study conducts a comprehensive set of separate analyses that all converge on the same overall result and the manuscript is well organized. Furthermore, this study is useful in that it provides a modified null hypothesis that can be used for future tests of adaptive explanations for variation in alternative splicing.

      Strengths:<br /> The major strength of this study lies in its complementary approach combining comparative and population genomics. Comparing evolutionary trends across phylogenetic diversity is a powerful way to test hypotheses about the origins of genome complexity. This approach alone reveals several convincing lines of evidence in support of the drift-barrier hypothesis. However, the authors also provide evidence from a population genetics perspective (using resequencing data for humans and fruit flies), making results even more convincing.

      The authors are forward about the study's limitations and explain them in detail. They elaborate on possible confounding factors as well as the issues with data quality (e.g. proxies for Ne, inadequacies of short reads, heterogeneity in RNA-sequencing data).

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors primarily consider insects and mammals in their study. This only represents a small fraction of metazoan diversity. Sampling from a greater diversity of metazoan lineages would make these results and their relevance to broader metazoans substantially more convincing. Although the authors are careful about their tone, it is challenging to reconcile these results with trends across greater metazoans when the underlying dataset exhibits ascertainment bias and represents samples from only a few phylogenetic groups. Relatedly, some trends (such as Figure 1B-C) seem to be driven primarily by non-insect species, raising the question of whether some results may be primarily explained by specific phylogenetic groups (although the authors do correct for phylogeny in their statistics). How might results look if insects and mammals (or vertebrates) are considered independently?

      Throughout the manuscript, the authors refer to infrequently spliced (mode <5%) introns as "minor introns" and frequently spliced (mode >95%) as "major introns". This is extremely confusing since "minor introns" typically represent introns spliced by the U12 spliceosome, whereas "major introns" are those spliced by the U2 spliceosome. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether the study only considers major introns or both major and minor introns. Minor introns typically have AT-AC splice sites whereas major introns usually have GT/GC-AG splice sites, although in rare cases the U2 can recognize AT-AC (see Wu and Krainer 1997 for example). The authors also note that some introns show noncanonical AT-AC splice sites while these are actually canonical splice sites for minor introns.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study advances our understanding of sperm motility regulation during fertilization by uncovering the midpiece/mitochondria contraction associated with motility cessation and structural changes in the midpiece actin network as its mode of action by using various advanced microscopic techniques. The evidence supporting the association is solid, but the evidence to support the causality of contraction and motility cessation is incomplete and would benefit from time-resolved imaging monitoring contraction, motility, and cell viability simultaneously. With the causality part strengthened, the work will be significant and of broad interest to cell biologists working on the cytoskeleton, mitochondria, cell fusion, and fertilization.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This important work advances our understanding of sperm motility regulation during fertilization by uncovering the midpiece/mitochondria contraction associated with motility cessation and structural changes in the midpiece actin network as its mode of action. The evidence supporting the conclusion is solid, with rigorous live cell imaging using state-of-the-art microscopy, although more functional analysis of the midpiece/mitochondria contraction would have further strengthened the study. The work will be of broad interest to cell biologists working on the cytoskeleton, mitochondria, cell fusion, and fertilization.


      The authors demonstrate that structural changes in the flagellar midpiece F-actin network are concomitant to midpiece/mitochondrial contraction and motility arrest during sperm-egg fusion by rigorous live cell imaging using state-of-art microscopy.


      Many interesting observations are listed as correlated or in time series but do not necessarily demonstrate the causality and it remains to be further tested whether the sperm undergoing midpiece contraction are those that fertilize or those that are not selected. Further elaboration of the function of the midpiece contraction associated with motility cessation (a major key discovery of the manuscript) would benefit from a more mechanistic study.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors used various microscopy techniques, including super-resolution microscopy, to observe the changes that occur in the midpiece of mouse sperm flagella. Previously, it was shown that actin filaments form a double helix in the midpiece. This study reveals that the structure of these actin filaments changes after the acrosome reaction and before sperm-egg fusion, resulting in a thinner midpiece. Furthermore, by combining midpiece structure observation with calcium imaging, the authors show that changes in intracellular calcium concentrations precede structural changes in the midpiece. The cessation of sperm motility by these changes may be important for fusion with the egg. Elucidation of the structural changes in the midpiece could lead to a better understanding of fertilization and the etiology of male infertility. The conclusions of this manuscript are largely supported by the data, but there are several areas for improvement in data analysis and interpretation. Please see the major points below.

      1. It is unclear whether an increased FM4-64 signal in the midpiece precedes the arrest of sperm motility. This needs to be clarified in order to argue that structural changes in the midpiece cause sperm motility arrest. The authors should analyze changes in both motility and FM4-64 signal over time for individual sperm.

      2. It is possible that sperm stop moving because they die. Figure 1G shows that the FM4-64 signal is increased in the midpiece of immotile sperm, but it is necessary to show that the FM4-64 signal is increased in sperm that are not dead and retain plasma membrane integrity by checking sperm viability with propidium iodide or other means.

      3. It is unclear how the structural change in the midpiece causes the entire sperm flagellum, including the principal piece, to stop moving. It will be easier for readers to understand if the authors discuss possible mechanisms.

      4. The mitochondrial sheath and cell membrane are very close together when observed by transmission electron microscopy. The image in Figure 9A with the large space between the plasma membrane and mitochondria is misleading and should be corrected. The authors state that the distance between the plasma membrane and mitochondria approaches about 100 nm after the acrosome reaction (Line 330 - Line 333), but this is a very long distance and large structural changes may occur in the midpiece. Was there any change in the mitochondria themselves when they were observed with the DsRed2 signal?

      5. In the TG sperm used, the green fluorescence of the acrosome disappears when sperm die. Figure 1C should be analyzed only with live sperm by checking viability with propidium iodide or other means.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      While progressive and also hyperactivated motility are required for sperm to reach the site of fertilization and to penetrate the oocyte's outer vestments, during fusion with the oocyte's plasma membrane it has been observed that sperm motility ceases. Identifying the underlying molecular mechanisms would provide novel insights into a crucial but mostly overlooked physiological change during the sperm's life cycle. In this publication, the authors aim to provide evidence that the helical actin structure surrounding the sperm mitochondria in the midpiece plays a role in regulating sperm motility, specifically the motility arrest during sperm fusion but also during earlier cessation of motility in a subpopulation of sperm post acrosomal exocytosis.

      The main observation the authors make is that in a subpopulation of sperm undergoing acrosomal exocytosis and sperm that fuse with the plasma membrane of the oocyte display a decrease in midpiece parameter due to a 200 nm shift of the plasma membrane towards the actin helix. The authors show the decrease in midpiece diameter via various microscopy techniques all based on membrane dyes, bright-field images and other orthogonal approaches like electron microscopy would confirm those observations if true but are missing. The lack of additional experimental evidence and the fact that the authors simultaneously observe an increase in membrane dye fluorescence suggests that the membrane dyes instead might be internalized and are now staining intracellular membranes, creating a false-positive result. The authors also propose that the midpiece diameter decrease is driven by changes in sperm intracellular Ca2+ and structural changes of the actin helix network. Important controls and additional experiments are needed to prove that the events observed by the authors are causally dependent and not simply a result of sperm cells dying.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study provides solid evidence for a non-genomic action of progesterone in Xenopus oocyte activation. The findings demonstrate that two non-genomic progesterone receptors, ABHD2 and mPRb, function as a novel progesterone-stimulated phospholipase A2. However, the findings are reliant on high concentrations of inhibitor drugs, and mechanistic details about the molecular interaction and respective functions of ABHD2 and mPRb are incomplete. The findings will be of broad interest to reproductive endocrinologists and physiologists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Numerous pathways have been proposed to elucidate the nongenomic actions of progesterone within both male and female reproductive tissues. The authors employed the Xenopus oocyte system to investigate the PLA2 activity of ABHD2 and the downstream lipid mediators in conjunction with mPRb and P4, on their significance in meiosis. The research has been conducted extensively and is presented clearly.


      While the interaction between membranous PR and ABHD2 is not a novel concept, this present study exhibits several strengths:

      1. mPRbeta, a member of the PAQR family, has been elusive in terms of detailed signal transduction. Through mutation studies involving the Zn binding domain, the authors discovered that the hydrolase activity of mPRbeta is not essential for meiosis and oocyte maturation. Instead, they suggest that ABHD2, acting as a coreceptor of mPRbeta, demonstrates phospholipase activity, indicating that downstream lipid mediators may play a dominant role when stimulated by progesterone.

      2. Extensive exploration of downstream signaling pathways and the identification of several potential meiotic activity-related lipid mediators make this aspect of the study novel and potentially significant.


      However, there are some weaknesses and areas that need further clarification:

      1. The mechanism governing the molecular assembly of mPRbeta and ABHD2 remains unclear. Are they constitutively associated or is their association ligand-dependent? Does P4 bind not only to mPRbeta but also to ABHD2, as indicated in Figure 6J? In the latter case, the reviewer suggests that the authors conduct a binding experiment using labeled P4 with ABHD2 to confirm this interaction and assess any potential positive or negative cooperativity with a partner receptor.

      2. The authors have diligently determined the metabolite profile using numerous egg cells. However, the interpretation of the results appears incomplete, and inconsistencies were noted between Figure 2B and Supplementary Figure 2C. Furthermore, PGE2 and D2 serve distinct roles and have different elution patterns by LC-MS/MS, thus requiring separate measurements. In addition, the extremely short half-life of PGI2 necessitates the measurement of its stable metabolite, 6-keto-PGF1a, instead. The authors also need to clarify why they measured PGF1a but not PGF2a.

      3. Although they propose PGs, LPA, and S1P are important downstream mediators, the exact roles of the identified lipid mediators have not been clearly demonstrated, as receptor expression and activation were not demonstrated. While the authors showed S1PR3 expression and its importance by genetic manipulation, there was no observed change in S1P levels following P4 treatment (Supplementary Figure 2D). It is essential to identify which receptors (subtypes) are expressed and how downstream signaling pathways (PKA, Ca, MAPK, etc.) relate to oocyte phenotypes.

      These clarifications and further experiments would enhance the overall impact and comprehensiveness of the study.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This interesting paper examines the earliest steps in progesterone-induced frog oocyte maturation, an example of non-genomic steroid hormone signaling that has been studied for decades but is still very incompletely understood. In fish and frog oocytes it seems clear that mPR proteins are involved, but exactly how they relay signals is less clear. In human sperm, the lipid hydrolase ABHD2 has been identified as a receptor for progesterone, and so the authors here examine whether ABHD2 might contribute to progesterone-induced oocyte maturation as well. The main results are:

      1. Knocking down ABHD2 makes oocytes less responsive to progesterone, and ectopically expressing ABHD2.S (but not the shorter ABHD2.L gene product) partially rescues responsiveness. The rescue depends upon the presence of critical residues in the protein's conserved lipid hydrolase domain, but not upon the presence of critical residues in its acyltransferase domain.

      2. Treatment of oocytes with progesterone causes a decrease in sphingolipid and glycerophospholipid content within 5 min. This is accompanied by an increase in LPA content and arachidonic acid metabolites. These species may contribute to signaling through GPCRs. Perhaps surprisingly, there was no detectable increase in sphingosine-1-phosphate, which might have been expected given the apparent substantial hydrolysis of sphingolipids. The authors speculate that S1P is formed and contributes to signaling but diffuses away.

      3. Pharmacological inhibitors of lipid-metabolizing enzymes support, for the most part, the inferences from the lipidomics studies, although there are some puzzling findings. The puzzling findings may be due to uncertainty about whether the inhibitors are working as advertised.

      4. Pharmacological inhibitors of G-protein signaling support a role for G-proteins and GPCRs in this signaling, although again there are some puzzling findings.

      5. Reticulocyte expression supports the idea that mPR and ABHD2 function together to generate a progesterone-regulated PLA2 activity.

      6. Knocking down or inhibiting ABHD2 inhibited progesterone-induced mPRinternalization, and knocking down ABHD2 inhibited SNAP2520-induced maturation.


      All in all, this could be a very interesting paper and a nice contribution. The data add a lot to our understanding of the process, and, given how ubiquitous mPR and AdipoQ receptor signaling appear to be, something like this may be happening in many other physiological contexts.


      I have several suggestions for how to make the main points more convincing.

      Main criticisms:

      1. The ABHD2 knockdown and rescue, presented in Fig 1, is one of the most important findings. It can and should be presented in more detail to allow the reader to understand the experiments better. E.g.: the antisense oligos hybridize to both ABHD2.S and ABHD2.L, and they knock down both (ectopically expressed) proteins. Do they hybridize to either or both of the rescue constructs? If so, wouldn't you expect that both rescue constructs would rescue the phenotype since they both should sequester the AS oligo? Maybe I'm missing something here.

      In addition, it is critical to know whether the partial rescue (Fig 1E, I, and K) is accomplished by expressing reasonable levels of the ABHD2 protein, or only by greatly overexpressing the protein. The author's antibodies do not appear to be sensitive enough to detect the endogenous levels of ABHD2.S or .L, but they do detect the overexpressed proteins (Fig 1D). The authors could thus start by microinjecting enough of the rescue mRNAs to get detectable protein levels, and then titer down, assessing how low one can go and still get rescue. And/or compare the mRNA levels achieved with the rescue construct to the endogenous mRNAs.

      Finally, please make it clear what is meant by n = 7 or n = 3 for these experiments. Does n = 7 mean 7 independently lysed oocytes from the same frog? Or 7 groups of, say, 10 oocytes from the same frog? Or different frogs on different days? I could not tell from the figure legends, the methods, or the supplementary methods. Ideally one wants to be sure that the knockdown and rescue can be demonstrated in different batches of oocytes, and that the experimental variability is substantially smaller than the effect size.

      2. The lipidomics results should be presented more clearly. First, please drop the heat map presentations (Fig 2A-C) and instead show individual time course results, like those shown in Fig 2E, which make it easy to see the magnitude of the change and the experiment-to-experiment variability. As it stands, the lipidomics data really cannot be critically assessed.

      [Even as heat map data go, panels A-C are hard to understand. The labels are too small, especially on the heat map on the right side of panel B. The 25 rows in panel C are not defined (the legend makes me think the panel is data from 10 individual oocytes, so are the 25 rows 25 metabolites? If so, are the individual oocyte data being collapsed into an average? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of assessing individual oocytes?) And those readers with red-green colorblindness (8% of men) will not be able to tell an increase from a decrease. But please don't bother improving the heat maps; they should just be replaced with more informative bar graphs or scatter plots.]

      3. The reticulocyte lysate co-expression data are quite important and are both intriguing and puzzling. My impression had been that to express functional membrane proteins, one needed to add some membrane source, like microsomes, to the standard kits. Yet it seems like co-expression of mPR and ABHD2 proteins in a standard kit is sufficient to yield progesterone-regulated PLA2 activity. I could be wrong here - I'm not a protein expression expert - but I was surprised by this result, and I think it is critical that the authors make absolutely certain that it is correct. Do you get much greater activities if microsomes are added? Are the specific activities of the putative mPR-ABHD2 complexes reasonable?

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors report two P4 receptors, ABHD2 and mPRβ that function as co-receptors to induce PLA2 activity and thus drive meiosis. In their experimental studies, the authors knock down ABHD2 and demonstrated inhibition of oocyte maturation and inactivation of Plk1, MAPK, and MPF, which indicated that ABHD2 is required for P4-induced oocyte maturation. Next, they showed three residues (S207, D345, H376) in the lipase domain that are crucial for ABHD2 P4-mediated oocyte maturation in functional assays. They performed global lipidomics analysis on mPRβ or ABHD2 knockdown oocytes, among which the downregulation of GPL and sphingolipid species were observed, and enrichment in LPA was also detected using their metabolomics method. Furthermore, they investigated pharmacological profiles of enzymes predicted to be important for maturation based on their metabolomic analyses and ascertained the central role of PLA2 in inducing oocyte maturation downstream of P4. They showed the modulation of S1P/S1PR3 pathway on oocyte maturation and the potential role for Gαs signaling and potentially Gβγ downstream of P4.


      The authors make a very interesting finding that ABHD2 has PLA2 catalytic activity but only in the presence of mPRβ and P4. Finally, they provided supporting data for a relationship between ABHD2/PLA2 activity and mPRβ endocytosis and further downstream signaling. Collectively, this research report defines early steps in nongenomic P4 signaling, which has broad physiological implications.


      There were concerns with the pharmacological studies presented. Many of these inhibitors are used at high (double-digit micromolar) concentrations that could result in non-specific pharmacological effects and the authors have provided very little data in support of target engagement and selectivity under the multiple experimental paradigms. In addition, the use of an available ABHD2 small molecule inhibitor was lacking in these studies.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors present a valuable observation that challenges existing knowledge about DNA methylation dynamics in pre-implantation mammalian development. Their findings suggest a novel role for a well-studied epigenetic mark, with potential implications for gene expression regulation in early embryonic stages. However, the evidence provided is incomplete and only partially supports the main claims.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, Yue et al. re-processed publicly available DNA methylation data (published in 2012 and 2017 from the Meissner lab) from pre- and post-implantation mouse embryos. Against the global wave of genome-wide reduction of DNA methylation occurring during pre-implantation development, they detected a slight increase (~1% on average) of DNA methylation at gene promoter regions during the transition from 8-cell to blastocyst stage. They claim that many such promoters are located in the X chromosome. Subsequently, they knocked down Dnmt3b (presumably because of its upregulation during the transition from the 8-cell to blastocyst stage) and detected the aberrant patterning of H3K27me3 in the mutant female embryos. Based on this observation, they claim that imprinted X-chromosome inactivation is impaired in the Dnmt3b-Kd pre-implantation embryos. Finally, they propose a model where such an increase of DNA methylation together with H3K27me3 regulates imprinted X-chromosome inactivation in the pre-implantation embryos. While their observation is of potential interest, the current version of the work fails to provide enough evidence to support their conclusions. Below are suggestions and comments on the manuscript.

      Major issues:

      1. Sex of the embryos of the genome-wide bisulfite-sequencing data<br /> The authors re-analyzed publicly available genome-wide DNA methylation data from the Meissner lab published in 2012 and 2017. The former used reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) and the latter used whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS). Based mainly on the RRBS data, Yue et al. detected de novo DNA methylated promoters during the transition from 8-cell to blastocyst against the global wave of genome-wide DNA demethylation. They claim that such promoter regions are enriched at the "inactive" X chromosome. However, it would be difficult to discuss DNA methylation at inactive X-chromosomes as the RRBS data were derived from a mixture of male and female embryos. It would also be notable that the increase of DNA methylation at these promoter regions is ~1% on average. Such a slight increase in DNA methylation during pre-implantation development could also be due to the developmental variations between the embryos or between the sexes of embryos.

      2. Imprinted X-chromosome inactivation and evaluation of H3K27me3 (related to Figures 2C, D; 3F; Figure2-supplement 2 F, G; Figure3-supplement 3G)<br /> Based on the slight change in the H3K27me3 signals in the Dnmt3b-Kd blastocysts, the authors claim that imprinted X-chromosome inactivation is impaired in the mutant embryo. It would be not easy to reach this conclusion from such a rough analysis of H3K27me3 presented in Figure 2C, D. Rigorous quantification/evaluation of the H3K27me3 signals in the Dnmt3b-Kd embryos should be considered. Additional evidence for the impairment of H3K27me3 in the mutant embryos should also be provided (expression of a subset of X-linked genes by RNA-FISH or RT-PCR etc.). Though technically challenging, high-resolution genome-wide approach such as ChIP-seq of H3K27me3 in the Dnmt3b-kd female embryos (with traceable SNPs between maternal and paternal X chromosome to distinguish inactive and active X-chromosome) could more precisely evaluate regions that lose H3K27me3 in the X-chromosome (de novo DNA methylated promoters from 8-cell to blastocyst, for example).

      3. Analysis of the developmental potential of Dnmt3b-kd embryos<br /> While the authors claim that Dnmt3b-mediated de novo DNA methylation plays an important role in imprinted X-chromosome inactivation, it remains unclear whether the analysis presented in Figure 4 is derived from "female" embryos. This analysis seemed confusing as the authors claim that de novo DNA methylation in the promoter regions during the transition from 8-cell to blastocyst regulates imprinted X-chromosome inactivation, but this should not happen in the male embryos. Was the impairment of embryonic proliferation and differentiation observed in both male and female embryos? Or is this specific to the female embryos? We think that the sex of the embryos would be critical for the analysis presented in Figure 4.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Here, Yue et al. set out to determine if the low DNMT3B expression that is observed prior to de novo DNA methylation (before the blastocyst stage) has a function. Re-analyzing existing DNA methylation data from Smith et al. (2012) they find a small DNA methylation gain over a subset of promoters and gene bodies, occurring between the 8-cell and blastocyst stages, and refer to this as "minor de novo DNA methylation". They attempt to assess the relevance/functionality of this minor DNA methylation gain, and report reduced H3K27me3 in Dnmt3b knockdown (KD) trophoblast cells that normally undergo imprinted X-chromosome inactivation (iXCI) before the blastocyst stage. In addition, they assess the proliferation, differentiation, metabolic function, implantation rate, and live birth rate of Dnmt3b KD blastocysts.


      Working with early embryos is technically demanding, making the well-designed experiments from this manuscript useful to the epigenetics community. Particularly, the DNMT3B expression and 5-mC staining at different embryonic stages.


      - Throughout the manuscript, please represent DNA methylation changes as delta DNA methylation instead of fold change.

      - Detailed methods on the re-analysis of the DNA methylation data from Smith et al. 2012 are missing from the materials and methods section. Was a minimum coverage threshold used?

      - Detailed methods on the establishment and validation of Dnmt3b KO blastocysts and 5-aza-dC treated blastocysts are missing (related to Figure 2).

      - Detailed methods on the re-analysis of the ChIPseq data from Liu et al. 2016 are missing from the materials and methods section.

      - Some of the data represented in bar graphs does not look convincing/significant. Maybe this data can be better represented differently, such as in box plots or violin plots, which would better represent the data.

      - The relevance and rationale for experiments using 5-aza-dC treatment is unclear.

    1. eLife assessment

      The manuscript describes important findings regarding the significance of CHD2 in ovarian folliculogenesis. Overall, the results lead to convincing conclusions, with minimal concerns raised by the reviewers. Both the results and conclusions are well discussed. This work will be of interest to ovarian biologists and physicians working on female fertility.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript reports experiments designed to dissect the function of N-cadherin during mammalian folliculogenesis, using the mouse as a model system. Prior studies have shown that this is the principal cadherin expressed by the follicular granulosa cells. Two main strategies are used - small-molecule inhibitors that target N-cadherin and a conditional knockout where the gene encoding N-cad is deleted in granulosa cells. The authors also take advantage of the ability to reproduce key events of folliculogenesis, such as oocyte meiotic maturation, in vitro. Four main conclusions are drawn from the studies: (i) cadherin-based cell contact is required to maintain cadherin (N-cad in the granulosa cells; E-cad in the oocyte) at the plasma membrane; (ii) N-cad is required for cumulus layer expansion; (iii) N-cad is required for meiotic maturation of the oocyte; (iv) N-cad is required for ovulation.


      The experiments are logically conceived, clearly described and presented, and carefully interpreted. A key strength of the paper is that multiple approaches have been used (drugs, knockouts, immunofluorescence, PLA, in vitro and in vivo studies). Taken together, they clearly establish essential roles for N-cadherin during folliculogenesis.

      It is intriguing that, when cadherin activity is impaired, the cadherins are lost from the plasma membrane. This suggests that, in a multicellular context, interactions with other cadherins, either in cis within the same cell or in trans with a neighboring cell, are required to maintain cadherins at the membrane. Hence, beyond their significance for understanding female reproductive biology, these experiments have broader implications for cell biology.


      A few points could be considered or clarified by the authors:

      The YAP experiments were confusing to the reviewer. CRS-066 increased YAP activity, as indicated by increased expression of target genes. Since CRS-066 prevents expansion, this result suggests that YAP antagonizes expansion. Therefore, blocking YAP should favor expansion. Yet, the YAP inhibitor impaired expansion. In the reviewer's eyes, these results seem to be contradictory.

      It is intriguing that the inhibitors were able to efficiently block oocyte maturation. Oocytes from which the cumulus granulosa cells have been removed (denuded) will mature in vitro in the absence of LH or EGF. Since the effect of the inhibitors is to break the contact between the cumulus cells and oocyte, one might have predicted that this would not impair the ability of the oocytes to mature. Perhaps the authors could comment on this.

      Regarding the experiments where the inhibitors were administered intra-peritoneally, the authors might comment on the rationale for choosing the doses that were used. An additional point to consider is that, since N-cadherin is expressed in a variety of tissues, an effect of interfering with N-cadherin at these non-ovarian sites could indirectly influence ovarian function.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript entitled "N-cadherin mechanosensing in ovarian follicles controls oocyte maturation and ovulation" aimed to investigate the role of N-cadherin in different ovarian physiological processes, including cumulus oocyte expansion, oocyte maturation, and ovulation. The authors performed several in vitro and in vivo mice experiments, using diverse techniques to reinforce their results.

      First, they identified two compounds (N-cadherin antagonists) that block the adhesion of periovulatory COCs to fibronectin through screening a small molecule library, using the xCELLigenceTM system, performing proper and complementary controls. Second, the authors showed the presence of N-cadherin adherens junctions between granulosa cells and cumulus cells and at the interface of cumulus cell transzonal projections and the oocyte throughout folliculogenesis. And that these adherens complexes between cumulus cells and oocytes were disrupted when inhibited N-cadherin, as observed by nice representative confocal images. Then, the authors assessed COC expansion and oocyte meiotic maturation to determine whether the loss of oocyte membrane β-catenin and E-cadherin upon N-cadherin inhibitor treatment disrupts the bi-directional communication between cumulus cells and the oocyte. Indeed, N-cadherin antagonists disrupted both processes (cumulus expansion and oocyte meiotic). However, the expression of known mediators of COC expansion (E.g., Areg and Ptgs2) were either increased or unaffected. Nevertheless, RNA-Seq showed consistent effects on cell signaling mRNA genes by the antagonist CRS-066.

      In vivo studies using mice were also achieved using stimulated protocols (together with one of the antagonists or vehicle) or granulosa-specific Cdh2 Knockouts to further analyze the role of N-cadherin. N-cadherin antagonist CRS-066 (but not LCRF-0006) significantly reduced mouse ovulation compared to controls. RNA-sequencing data analysis identified distinct gene expression profiles in CRS-066 treated compared to control ovaries. Ovulation in CdhFl/FL; Amhr2Cre mice after stimulation were also significantly reduced; multiple large unruptured follicles were observed in these granulosa-specific Cdh2 mutant ovaries, and the mRNA expression of Areg and Ptgs2 were reduced.

      The authors conclude that their study identified N-cadherin as a mechanosensory regulator important in ovarian granulosa cell differentiation able to respond to hormone stimuli both in vivo and in vitro, demonstrating a critical role for N-cadherin in ovarian follicular development and ovulation. They highlighted the potential to inhibit ovulation by targeting this signaling mechanism.

      Strengths:<br /> This remarkable manuscript is very well designed, performed, and discussed. The authors analyzed different aspects, and their data supports their conclusions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This study was performed using the mouse as a research model; further studies in larger animals and humans would be interesting and warranted.

      Minor comments:

      Some results are intriguing. While the AREG y PTGS2 mRNA increased within the COC in vitro by the N-cadherin antagonists, in vivo, the treatment induced a significant increase in both genes when analyzing the whole ovary. What are the authors' ideas that could explain these discrepancies in outcomes?

      The authors stated that the ovaries from mice treated in the same manner and collected either before hCG treatment (eCG 44 h) or 11 h after hCG showed equivalent numbers of follicles at each stage of development from primary to antral. However, in Panel l from Figure 5, there is a significant increase in the number of antral follicles in the CRS-066 group (hCG 11 h) compared to the vehicle. Could the author discuss it in the manuscript?

    1. eLife assessment:

      The authors report a novel hepatic lncRNA FincoR regulating FXR with therapeutic implications in the treatment of MASH. The findings are important and use an appropriate methodology in line with the current state-of-the-art, with convincing support for the claims.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In the article titled "Hammerhead-type FXR agonists induce an eRNA FincoR that ameliorates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice," the authors explore the role of the Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) in treating metabolic disorders like NASH. They identify a new liver-specific long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), FincoR, regulated by FXR, notably induced by agonists such as tropifexor. The study shows that FincoR plays a significant role in enhancing the efficacy of tropifexor in mitigating liver fibrosis and inflammation associated with NASH, suggesting its potential as a novel therapeutic target. The study makes a promising contribution to understanding the role of FincoR in alleviating liver fibrosis in NASH, providing initial insights into the mechanisms involved. While it offers a valuable starting point, there is potential for further exploration into the functional roles of FincoR and their specific actions in human NASH cases. Building upon the current findings to elucidate more detailed mechanistic pathways through which FincoR exerts its therapeutic effects in liver disease would elevate the research's significance and potential impact in the field.


      This study stands out for its comprehensive and unbiased approach to investigating the role of FincoR, a liver-specific lncRNA, in the treatment of NASH. Key strengths include: 1) The application of advanced sequencing methods like GRO-seq and RNA-seq offered a comprehensive and unbiased view of the transcriptional changes induced by tropifexor, particularly highlighting the role of FincoR. 2) Utilizing a genetic mouse model of FXR KO and a FincoR liver-specific knockdown (FincoR-LKD) mouse model provided a controlled and relevant environment for studying NASH, allowing for precise assessment of tropifexor's therapeutic effects. 3) The inclusion of tropifexor, an FDA-approved FXR agonist, adds significant clinical relevance to the study. It bridges the gap between experimental research and potential therapeutic application, providing a direct pathway for translating these findings into real-world clinical benefits for NASH patients. 4) The study's rigorous experimental design, incorporating both negative and positive controls, ensured that the results were specifically attributable to the action of FincoR and tropifexor.


      The study presents several notable weaknesses that could be addressed to strengthen its findings and conclusions: 1) The authors focus on FincoR, but do not extensively test other lncRNAs identified in Figure 1A. A more comprehensive approach, such as rescue experiments with these lncRNAs, would provide a better understanding of whether similar roles are played by other lncRNAs in mitigating NASH. 2) FincoR was chosen for further study primarily because it is the most upregulated lncRNA induced by GW4064. Including another GW4064-induced lncRNA as a control in functional studies would strengthen the argument for FincoR's unique role in NASH. 3) The study does not conclusively demonstrate whether FincoR is specifically expressed in hepatocytes or other liver cell types. Conducting FincoR RNA-FISH with immunofluorescent experiments or RT-PCR, using markers for different liver cell types, would clarify its expression profile. 4) Understanding the absolute copy number of FincoR is crucial. Determining whether there are sufficient copies of FincoR to function as proposed would lend more credibility to its suggested role. 5) The manuscript, although technically proficient, does not thoroughly address the relevance of these findings to human NASH. Questions like the conservation of FincoR in humans and its potential role in human NASH should be discussed.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH), recently renamed as metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) is a leading cause of liver-related death. Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a promising drug target for treating NASH and several drugs targeting FXR are under clinical investigation for their efficacy in treating NASH. The authors intended to address whether FXR mediates its hepatic protective effects through the regulation of lncRNAs, which would provide novel insights into the pharmacological targeting of FXR for NASH treatment. The authors went from an unbiased transcriptomics profiling to identify a novel enhancer-derived lncRNA FincoR enriched in the liver and showed that the knockdown of FincoR in a murine NASH model attenuated part of the effect of tropifexor, an FXR agonist, namely inflammation and fibrosis, but not steatosis. This study provides a framework for how one can investigate the role of noncoding genes in pharmacological intervention targeting known protein-coding genes. Given that many disease-associated genetic variants are located in the non-coding regions, this study, together with others, may provide useful information for improved and individualized treatment for metabolic disorders.


      The study leverages both transcriptional profile and epigenetic signatures to identify the top candidate eRNA for further study. The subsequent biochemical characterization of FincoR using FXR-KO mice combined with Gro-seq and Luciferase reporter assays convincingly demonstrates this eRNA as a FXR transcriptional target sensitive to FXR agonists. The use of in vitro culture cells and the in vivo mouse model of NASH provide multi-level evaluation of the context-dependent importance of the FincoR downstream of FXR in the regulation of functions related to liver dysfunction.


      As discussed, future work to dissect the mechanisms by which FincoR facilitates the action of FXR and its agonists is warranted. It would be helpful if the authors could base this on the current understanding of eRNA modes of action and the observed biochemical features of FincoR to speculate potential molecular mechanisms explaining the observed functional phenotype. It is unclear if this eRNA is conserved in humans in any way, which will provide relevance to human disease. Additionally, the eRNA knockdown was achieved by deletion of an upstream region of the eRNA transcription. A more direct approach to alter eRNA levels, e.g., overexpression of FincoR in the liver would provide important data to interpret its functional regulation.

    1. eLife assessment

      This fundamental study examines the effects of herbivory-induced maize volatiles on neighbouring plants and their responses over time. Measurements of volatile compound classes and gene expression in receiver plants exposed to these volatiles led to the conclusion that the delayed emission of certain terpenes in receiver plants after the onset of light may be a result of stress memory, highlighting the role of priming and induction in plant defences triggered by herbivore-induced plant volatiles. The evidence supporting the conclusions is compelling, with rigorous chemical assays of and state-of-the-art high throughput real time mass spectrometry. The work will be of broad interest to plant biologists and chemical ecologists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors of the manuscript "High-resolution kinetics of herbivore-induced plant volatile transfer reveal tightly clocked responses in neighboring plants" assessed the effects of herbivory induced maize volatiles on receiver plants over a period of time in order to assess the dynamics of the responses of receiver plants. Different volatile compound classes were measured over a period of time using PTR-ToF-MS and GC-MS, under both natural light:dark conditions, and continuous light. They also measured gene expression of related genes as well as defense related phytohormones. The effects of a secondary exposure to GLVs on primed receiver plants was also measured.

      The paper addresses some interesting points, however some questions arise regarding some of the methods employed. Firstly, I am wondering why VOCs (as measured by GC-MS) were not quantified. While I understand that quantification is time consuming and requires more work, it allows for comparisons to be made between lines of the same species, as well as across other literature on the subject. Simply relying on the area under the curve and presenting results using arbitrary units is not enough for analyses like these. AU values do not allow for conclusions regarding total quantities, and while I understand that this is not the main focus of this paper, it raises a lot of uncertainty for readers (for example, the references cited show that TMTT has been found to accumulate at similar levels of caryophyllene, however the AU values reported are an order of magnitude higher for TMTT. Again, without actual quantification this is meaningless, but for readers it is confusing).

      With regards to the correlation analyses shown in figure 6, the results presented in many of the correlation plots are not actually informative. While there is a trend, I do not think that this is an appropriate way to show the data, as there are clearly other relationships at play. The comparison between plants under continuous light and normal light:dark conditions is interesting.

      This paper addresses a very interesting idea and I look forward to seeing further work that builds on these ideas.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The exact dynamics of responses to volatiles from herbivore-attacked neighbouring plants have been little studied so far. Also, we still lack evidence whether herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) induce or prime plant defences of neighbours. The authors investigated the volatile emission patterns of receiver plants that respond to the volatile emission of neighbouring sender plants which are fed upon by herbivorous caterpillars. They applied a very elegant approach (more rigorous than the current state-of-the-art) to monitor temporal response patterns of neighbouring plants to HIPVs by measuring volatile emissions of senders and receivers, senders only and receivers only. Different terpenoids were produced within 2 h of such exposure in receiver plants, but not during the dark phase. Once the light turned on again, large amounts of terpenoids were released from the receiver plants. This may indicate a delayed terpene burst, but terpenoids may also be induced by the sudden change in light. As one contrasting control, the authors also studied the time-delay in volatile emission when plants were just kept under continuous light. Here they also found a delayed terpenoid production, but this seemed to be lower compared to the plants exposed to the day-night-cycle. Another helpful control was now performed for the revision in which the herbivory treatment was started in the evening hours and lights were left on. This experiment revealed that the burst of terpenoid emission indeed shifted somewhat. Circadiane and diurnal processes must thus interact.

      Interestingly, internal terpene pools of one of the leaves tested here remained more comparable between night and day, indicating that their pools stay higher in plants exposed to HIPVs. In contrast, terpene synthases were only induced during the light-phase, not in the dark-phase. Moreover, jasmonates were only significantly induced 22 h after onset of the volatile exposure and thus parallel with the burst of terpene release.

      An additional experiment exposing plants to the green leaf volatile (glv) (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate revealed that plants can be primed by this glv, leading to a stronger terpene burst. The results are discussed with nice logic and considering potential ecological consequences. All data are now well discussed.

      Overall, this study provides intriguing insights in the potential interplay between priming and induction, which may co-occur, enhancing (indirect and direct) plant defence. Follow-up studies are suggested that may provide additional evidence.

    1. eLife assessment

      This useful study asks how the architecture of gene expression differences relates to the development of two alternative morphs in a marine annelid species. The dataset will be of value to the field and the work has the potential to substantially advance our understanding of life history evolution. However, in its current form, the lack of details for some methods and analyses makes the strength of the evidence incomplete. If suitably improved, the work would be of interest to anyone studying the evolution of development and life histories.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Overall, this study provides a meticulous comparison of developmental transcriptomes between two sub-species of the annelid Streblospio benedicti. Different lineages of S. benedicti maintain one of two genetically programmed alternative life histories, the ancestral planktotrophic or derived lecithotrophic forms of development. This contrast is also seen at the inter-species level in many marine invertebrate taxa, such as echinoderms and molluscs. The authors report relatively (surprisingly?) modest differences in transcriptomes overall but also find some genes whose expression is essentially morph-specific (which they term "exclusive").

      Strengths:<br /> The study is based on a dense and appropriately replicated sampling of early development. The tight clustering of each stage/morph combination in PCA space suggests the specimens were accurately categorized. The similar overall trajectories of the two morphs were surprising to me for two stages: 1) the earliest stage (16-cell), at which we might expect maternal differences due to the several-fold difference in zygote size, and 2) the latest stage (1-week), where there appears to be the most obvious morphological difference. This is why we need to do experiments!

      The examination of F1 hybrids was another major strength of the study. It also produced one of the most surprising results: though intermediate in phenotype, F1 embryos have the most distinct transcriptomes, and reveal a range of fixed, compensatory differences in the parental lines.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Overall I really enjoyed this paper, but I see a few places where it can be tightened and made more insightful. These relate to better defining the basis for "exclusive" expression (regulation or gene presence/absence?), providing more examples of how specific genes related to trophic mode behave, and placing the study in the context of similar work in other phyla.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Harry and Zakas determined the extent to which gene expression differences contribute to developmental divergence by using a model that has two distinct developmental morphs within a single species. Although the authors did collect a valuable dataset and trends in differential expression between the two morphs of S. benedicti were presented, we found limitations about the methods, system, and resources that the authors should address.

      We have two major points:

      1. Background information about the biological system needs to be clarified in the introduction of this manuscript. The authors stated that F1 offspring can have intermediate larval traits compared to the parents (Line 81). However, the authors collected F1 offspring at the same time as the mother in the cross. If offspring have intermediate larval traits, their developmental timeline might be different than both parents and necessitate the collection of offspring at different times to obtain the same stages as the parents. Could the authors (1) explain why they collected offspring at the same time as parents given that other literature and Line 81 state these F1 offspring develop at intermediate rates, and (2) add the F1 offspring to Figure 1 to show morphological and timeline differences in development?

      Additionally, the authors state (Lines 83-85) that they detail the full-time course of embryogenesis for both the parents and the F1 crosses. However, we do not see where the authors have reported the full-time course for embryogenesis of the F1 offspring. Providing this information would shape the remaining results of the manuscript.

      2. We have several concerns about the S. benedicti genome and steps regarding the read mapping for RNA-seq:

      The S. benedicti genome used (Zakas et al. 2022) was generated using the PP morph. The largest scaffolds of this assembly correspond to linkage groups, showing the quality of this genome. The authors should point out in the Methods and/or Results sections that the quality of this genome means that PP-specific gene expression can be quantified well. However, the challenges and limitations of mapping LL-specific expression data to the PP genome should be discussed.

      It is possible that the authors did not find exclusive gene expression in the LL morph because they require at least one gene to be turned on in one morph as part of the data-cleaning criteria. Because the authors are comparing all genes to the PP morph, they could be missing true exclusive genes responsible for the biological differences between the two morphs. Did they make the decision to only count genes expressed in one stage of the other morph because the gene models and mapping quality led to too much noise?

      The authors state that the mapping rates between the two morphs are comparable (Supplementary Figure 1). However, there is a lot of variation in mapping the LL individuals (~20% to 43%) compared to the PP individuals. What is the level of differentiation within the two morphs in the species (pi and theta)? The statistical tests for this comparison should be added and the associated p-value should be reported. The statistical test used to compare mapping rates between the two morphs may be inappropriate. The authors used Salmon for their RNA alignment and differential expression analysis, but it is possible that a different method would be more appropriate. For example, Salmon has some limitations as compared to Kallisto as others have noted. The chosen statistical test should be explained, as well as how RNA-seq data are processed and interpreted.

      What about the read mapping rate and details for the F1 LP and PL individuals? How did the offspring map to the P genome? These details should be included in Supplementary Figure 1. Could the authors also provide information about the number of genes expressed at each stage in the F1 LP and PL samples in S Figure 2? How many genes went into the PCA? Many of these details are necessary to evaluate the F1 RNA-seq analyses.

      Generally, the authors need to report the statistics used in data processing more thoroughly. The authors need to report the statistics used to (1) process and evaluate the RNA-seq data and (2) determine the significance between the two morphs (Supplementary Figures 1 and 2).

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important paper as it is the first to use a reconstituted translation system to study competition among mRNAs for the initiation machinery. Understanding the principles of the biochemistry of mRNA competition for initiation factors cannot be achieved without such a system. The authors provide compelling evidence that Ded1 is required for efficient initiation in highly structured RNAs. A highly significant finding that validates the in vitro reconstituted system indeed recapitulates the effects of in-vivo perturbations of translation initiation.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Zhou et al report development of a new method, Rec-Seq, that allows rigorous quantitation of the efficiency of 48S ribosomal pre-initiation complex (PIC) formation on messenger RNAs at transcriptome scale in vitro. With a next-generation deep-sequencing approach, Rec-Seq allows precisely targeted dissection of the roles of translation initiation factors in PIC assembly. This level of molecular precision is important to understanding mechanisms of translational control, making Rec-Seq a significant methodological advance. The authors leverage Rec-Seq to investigate the relative roles of two key helicase enzymes, Ded1p and eIF4A. While past work has pointed to differing roles for Ded1p and eIF4A helicase activity in PIC assembly, unambiguous interpretation of prior in-vivo data has been hindered by technical requirements for performing the experiments in cells. Rec-Seq circumvents these challenges, providing robust mechanistic insights. The authors find that Ded1p stimulates PIC formation selectively on mRNAs with long, structured leaders in the Rec-Seq system, while eIF4A provides much more general stimulation across mRNAs. The findings substantiate the past in-vivo results, along with adding new insights. They contrast with evidence that Ded1p promotes translation by suppressing inhibitory upstream initiation through structural remodeling, or through formation of intracellular, phase-separated granules. The conclusions of the study are generally well-supported by the data.


      The quantitative nature of Rec-Seq, which uses an internal standard to measure absolute recruitment efficiencies, is an important strength.

      The methodology decisively overcomes past experimental limitations, allowing the authors to make clear conclusions with regard to the relative roles of Ded1p and eIF4A in PIC formation. An important and useful addition to the toolbox for studying translation and translational control mechanisms, Rec-Seq substantially expands the throughput and scope of mechanistic analyses for translation initiation.

      One significant finding to emerge is that the in-vitro reconstituted system used here recapitulates effects of in-vivo perturbations of translation initiation. Despite the lack of a cellular environment and its components, PIC formation appears to operate much as it does in the cell. Importantly, this highlights an inherent "modularity" to the system that is especially of interest in the context of how regulatory machinery beyond the PIC may control translation.


      Several findings in this report are quite surprising and may require additional work to fully interpret. Primary among these is the finding that Ded1p stimulates accumulation of PICs at internal site in mRNA coding sequences at an incidence of up to ~50%. The physiological relevance of this is unclear.

      A limitation of the methodology is that, as an endpoint assay, Rec-Seq does not readily decouple effects of Ded1p on PIC-mRNA loading from those on the subsequent scanning step where the PIC locates the start codon. Considering that Ded1p activity may influence each of these initiation steps through distinct mechanisms - i.e., binding to the mRNA cap-recognition factor eIF4F, or direct mRNA interaction outside eIF4F - additional studies may be needed to gain deeper mechanistic insights.

      As the authors note, the achievable Ded1p concentrations in Rec-Seq may mask potential effects of Ded1p-based granule formation on translation initiation. Additional factors present in the cell could potentially also promote this mechanism. Consequently, the results do not fully rule out granule formation as a potential parallel Ded1p-mediated translation-inhibitory mechanism in cells.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript of Zhou et al. reports a genome wide study of in vitro translation initiation using a novel version of ribosome profiling. Here they probe the role of the key RNA helicase, Ded1 in yeast translation initiation using a reconstituted biochemical system and all polyA+ mRNAs in the cell. The authors use ribosome profiling to identify mRNAs that assemble a preinitiation complex at the AUG start codon (48S PIC). They confirm that Ded1 is required for efficient initiation in highly structured RNAs, leading to an increase in PIC formation at the start codon, and nicely correlate their results with prior in vivo investigations using mutant Ded1s.


      Rigorous in vitro biochemistry, careful correlation with in vivo results, genome wide analysis. Novel sequencing-based assay.


      The slow nature of the biochemical experiments could bias results.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Issue 1: The relevance is somewhat unclear. High cysteine levels can be achieved in the laboratory, but, is this relevant in the life of C. elegans? Or is there physiological relevance in humans, e.g. a disease? The authors state "cells and animals fed excess cysteine and methionine", but is this more than a laboratory excess condition? SUOX nonfunctional conditions in humans don't appear to tie into this, since, in that context, the goal is to inactivate CDO or CTH to prevent sulfite production. The authors also mention cancer, but the link to cysteine levels is unclear. In that sense, then, the conditions studied here may not carry much physiological relevance.

      Response 1: We set out to answer a fundamental question: what pathways regulate the function of cysteine dioxygenase, a highly conserved enzyme in sulfur amino acid metabolism? In an unbiased genetic screen that sampled millions of EMS generated mutations across all ~20,000 C. elegans genes, we discovered loss of function/null mutations in egl-9 and rhy-1, two negative regulators of the hypoxia inducible transcription factor (hif-1). Genetic ablation of the egl-9 or rhy-1 loci are likely not relevant to the life of a C. elegans animal, i.e. this is not representative of a natural state. Yet, this extreme genetic intervention has taught us a new fundamental truth about the interaction between EGL-9/RHY-1, HIF-1, and the transcriptional activation of cdo1. Similarly, the high cysteine levels used in our assays may or may not be representative of a state in nature, we do not know (nor do we make any claims about the environmental relevance of our choice of cysteine concentrations). It seems very plausible that pathological states exist where cysteine concentrations may rise to comparable levels in our experimental system. More importantly, we have started with excess to physiology to elicit a clear response that we can study in the lab. Similar strategies established the cysteine-induction phenotype of CDO1 in mammalian systems. For instance, in Kwon and Stipanuk 2001, hepatocytes are cultured in media supplemented with 2mmol/L cysteine to promote a ~4-fold increase in CDO1 mRNA.

      Issue 2: The pathway is described as important for cysteine detoxification, which is described to act via H2S (Figure 6). Much of that pathway has already been previously established by the Roth, Miller, and Horvitz labs as critical for the H2S response. While the present manuscript adds some additional insight such as the additional role of RHY-1 downstream on HIF-1 in promoting toxicity, this study therefore mainly confirms the importance of a previously described signalling pathway, essentially adding a new downstream target rhy-1 -> cysl-1 -> egl-9 -> hif-1 -> sqrd-1/cdo-1. The impact of this finding is reduced by the fact that cdo-1 itself isn't actually required for survival in high cysteine, suggesting it is merely a maker of the activity of this previously described pathway.

      Response 2: We agree that the primary impact of our manuscript is the establishment of a novel intersection between the H2S-sensing pathway (largely worked out by Roth, Miller, and Horvitz) and our gene of interest, cysteine dioxygenase. We believe that the connection between these two pathways is exciting as it suggests a logical homeostatic circuit. High cysteine yields enzymatically produced H2S. This H2S may then act as a signal promoting HIF-1 activity (via RHY-1/CYSL-1/EGL-9). High HIF-1 activity increases cdo-1 transcription and activity promoting the degradation of the high-cysteine trigger. As pointed out by the reviewer, cdo-1(-) loss of function alone does not cause cysteine sensitivity at the concentrations tested. Given that cysl-1(-) and hif-1(-) mutants are exquisitely sensitive to high levels of cysteine, we propose that HIF-1 activates the transcription of additional genes that are required for high cysteine tolerance. However, our genetic data show that cdo-1 is more than simply a marker of HIF-1 transcription. Our genetic data in Table 1 demonstrate that HIF-1 activation (caused by egl-9(-)) is sufficient to cause severe sickness in a suox-1 hypomorphic mutant which cannot detoxify sulfites, a critical product of cysteine catabolism. This severe sickness can be reversed by inactivating hif-1, cth-2, or cdo-1. These data demonstrate a functional intersection between the established H2S-sensing pathway and cysteine catabolism governed by cdo-1.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Issue 3: First, the authors show that the supplementation of exogenous cysteine activates cdo-1p::GFP. Rather than showing data for one dose, the author may consider presenting dose-dependency results and whether cysteine activation of cdo-1 also requires HIF-1 or CYSL-1, which would be important data given the focus and major novelty of the paper in cysteine homeostasis, not the cdo-1 regulatory gene pathway.

      Response 3: We agree with the reviewer and have performed the suggested dose-response curve for expression of Pcdo-1::GFP in wild-type C. elegans. We observe substantial activation of the Pcdo-1::GFP transcriptional reporter beginning at 100µM supplemental cysteine (Figure 3C). Higher doses of cysteine do not elicit a substantially stronger induction of the Pcdo-1::GFP reporter. Thus, we find that 100µM supplemental cysteine strikes the right balance between strongly inducing the Pcdo-1::GFP reporter while not inducing any toxicity or lethality in wild-type animals (Figure 3E).

      We further agree that testing for induction of the Pcdo-1::GFP reporter in a hif-1(-) or cysl-1(-) mutant background is a critical experiment. However, we have not been able to identify a cysteine concentration that induces Pcdo-1::GFP and is not 100% lethal for hif-1(-) or cysl-1(-) mutant C. elegans. The remarkable sensitivity of hif-1(-) or cysl-1(-) mutant C. elegans to supplemental cysteine demonstrates the critical role of these genes in promoting cysteine homeostasis. But because of this lethality, we could not assay the Pcdo1::GFP reporter in the hif-1(-) or cysl-1(-) mutant animals. But the lethality to excess cysteine demonstrates that this cysteine response is salient. To get at how cysteine might be interacting with the HIF-1-signaling pathway, we performed new additivity experiments by supplementing 100µM cysteine to wild type, egl-9(-), and rhy-1(-) mutant C. elegans expressing the Pcdo-1::GFP reporter. Surprisingly, we found that cysteine had no significant impact on Pcdo-1::GFP expression in an egl-9(-) mutant background but significantly increased the Pcdo-1::GFP expression in a rhy-1(-) background (Figure 3A,B). These data suggest that cysteine acts in a pathway with egl-9 and in parallel to rhy-1. These data have been incorporated into Figure 3A,B and are included in the Results section of the manuscript.

      Issue 4: While the genetic manipulation of cdo-1 regulators yields much more striking results, the effect size of exogenous cysteine is rather small. Does this reflect a lack of extensive condition optimization or robust buffering of exogenous/dietary cysteine? Would genetic manipulation to alter intracellular cysteine or its precursors yield similar or stronger effect sizes?

      Response 4: We agree that the induction of the Pcdo-1::GFP reporter by supplemental cysteine is not as dramatic as the induction caused by the egl-9 or rhy-1 null alleles. We believe our Response 3 and new Figure 3C demonstrate that this phenomenon is not due to lack of condition optimization, but likely reflects some biology. As pointed out by the reviewer, C. elegans likely buffers exogenous cysteine and this (perhaps) prevents the impressive Pcdo-1::GFP induction observed in the egl-9(-) and rhy-1(-) mutant animals. We have now mentioned this possible interpretation in the Results section. Furthermore, we like the idea of using genetic tricks to promote cysteine accumulation within C. elegans cells and tissues and will consider these approaches in future studies.

      Issue 5: Second, there remain several major questions regarding the interpretation of the cysteine homeostasis pathway. How much specificity is involved for the RHY-1/CYSL-1/EGL-9/HIF-1 pathway to control cysteine homeostasis? Is the pathway able to sense cysteine directly or indirectly through its metabolites or redox status in general? Given the very low and high physiological concentrations of intracellular cysteine and glutathione (GSH, a major reserve for cysteine), respectively, there is a surprising lack of mention and testing of GSH metabolism.

      Response 5: Future studies are required to determine the specificity of the RHY-1/CYSL-1/EGL-9/HIF-1 pathway for the control of cysteine homeostasis. Our proposed mechanism, that H2S activates the HIF-1 pathway is based largely on the work of the Horvitz lab (Ma et al. 2012). They demonstrate that H2S promotes a direct inhibitory interaction between CYSL-1 and EGL-9, leading to activation of HIF-1. These findings align nicely with our genetic and pharmacological data. However, our work does not provide direct evidence as to the cysteine-derived metabolite that activates HIF-1. We propose H2S as a likely candidate.

      We have added a note to the introduction regarding the role of GSH as a reservoir of excess cysteine and agree that future studies might find interesting links between CDO-1, GSH metabolism, and HIF-1.

      Issue 6: In addition, what are the major similarities and differences of cysteine homeostasis pathways between C. elegans and other systems (HIF dependency, transcription vs post-transcriptional control)? These questions could be better discussed and noted with novel findings of the current study that are likely C. elegans specific or broadly conserved.

      Response 6: We have included a new section in the Discussion highlighting the nature of mammalian CDO1 regulation. We propose the hypothesis that a homologous pathway to the C. elegans RHY-1/CYSL-1/EGL9/HIF-1 pathway might operate in mammalian cells to sense high cysteine and induce CDO1 transcription. Importantly, all proteins in the C. elegans pathway have homologous counterparts in mammals. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in mammalian systems.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Major weaknesses of the paper include:

      Issue 7: the over-reliance on genetic approaches.

      Response 7: This is a fair critique. Our expertise is genetics. Our philosophy, which the reviewers may not share, is that there is no such thing as too much genetics!

      Issue 8: the lack of novelty regarding prolyl hydroxylase-independent activities of EGL-9.

      Response 8: We believe the primary novelty of our work is establishing the intersection between the H2Ssensing HIF-1 pathway and cysteine catabolism governed by cysteine dioxygenase. Our demonstration that cdo-1 regulation operates largely independent of VHL-1 and EGL-9 prolyl hydroxylation is a mechanistic detail of this regulation and not the critical new finding. Although, we believe it does suggest where pathway analyses should be directed in the future. We also believe that our homeostatic feedback model for the regulation of HIF-1 (and cdo-1) by cysteine-derived H2S is new and exciting and provides insight into the logic of why HIF-1 might respond to H2S and promote the activity of cdo-1. Our work suggests that one reason for this intersection of hif-1 and cdo-1 is to sense and maintain cysteine homeostasis when cysteine is in excess.

      Issue 9: the lack of biochemical approaches to probe the underlying mechanism of the prolyl hydroxylaseindependent activity of EGL-9.

      Response 9: While not the primary focus of our current manuscript, we agree that this is an exciting area of future research. To uncover the prolyl hydroxylase-independent activity of EGL-9, we agree that a combination of approaches will be required including, biochemical, structure-function, and genetic.

      Major Issues We Feel the Authors Should Address:

      Issue 10: One particularly glaring concern is that the authors really do not know the extent to which the prolyl hydroxylase activity is (or is not) impacted by the H487A mutation in egl-9(rae276). If there is a fair amount of enzymatic activity left in this mutant, then it complicates interpretation. The paper would be strengthened if the authors could show that the egl-9(rae276) eliminates most if not all prolyl hydroxylase activity. In addition, the authors may want to consider doing RNAi for egl-9 in the egl-9(rae276) mutant as a control, as this would support the claim that whatever non-hydroxylase activity EGL-9 may have is indeed the causative agent for the elevation of CDO-1::GFP. Without such experiments, readers are left with the nagging concern that this allele is simply a hypomorph for the single biochemical activity of EGL-9 (i.e., the prolyl hydroxylase activity) rather than the more interesting, hypothesized scenario that EGL-9 has multiple biochemical activities, only one of which is the prolyl hydroxylase activity.

      Response 10: We have two lines of evidence that suggest the egl-9(rae276)-encoded H487A variant eliminates prolyl hydroxylase activity. First, Pan et al. 2007 (reference 57) demonstrate that when the equivalent histidine (H313) is mutated in human protein, that protein lacks detectible prolyl hydroxylase activity. Second, the phenotypic similarities caused by egl-9(rae276) and the vhl-1 null allele, ok161. Both alleles cause nearly identical activation of the Pcdo-1::GFP reporter transgene (Fig. 5C,D), and similarly impact the growth of the suox-1(gk738847) hypomorphic mutant (Table 1). This phenotypic overlap is highly relevant as the established role of VHL-1 is to recognize the hydroxyl mark conferred by the EGL-9 prolyl hydroxylase domain and promote the degradation of HIF-1. If EGL-9[H487A] had residual prolyl hydroxylase activity, we would expect the vhl-1(-) null mutant C. elegans to display more dramatic phenotypes than their egl-9(rae276) counterparts. This is not the case.

      Issue 11: The authors observed that EGL-9 can inhibit HIF-1 and the expression of the HIF-1 target cdo-1 through a combination of activities that are (1) dependent on its prolyl hydroxylase activity (and subsequent VHL-1 activity that acts on the resulting hydroxylated prolines on HIF-1), and (2) independent of that activity. This is not a novel finding, as the authors themselves carefully note in their Discussion section, as this odd phenomenon has been observed for many HIF-1 target genes in multiple publications. While this manuscript adds to the description of this phenomenon, it does not really probe the underlying mechanism or shed light on how EGL-9 has these dual activities. This limits the overall impact and novelty of the paper.

      Response 11: See response to Issues #8.

      Issue 12: Cysteine dioxygenases like CDO-1 operate in an oxygen-dependent manner to generate sulfites from cysteine. CDO-1 activity is dependent upon availability of molecular oxygen; this is an unexpected characteristic of a HIF-1 target, as its very activation is dependent on low molecular oxygen. Authors neither address this in the text nor experimentally, and it seems a glaring omission.

      Response 12: We agree this is an important point to raise within our manuscript. Although, despite its induction by HIF-1, there is no evidence that cdo-1 transcription is induced by hypoxia. In fact, in a genome wide transcriptomic study, cdo-1 was not found to be induced by hypoxia in C. elegans (Shen et al. 2005, reference 71).

      We have newly commented on the use of molecular oxygen as a substrate by both EGL-9 and CDO-1 in our Discussion section. The mammalian oxygen-sensing prolyl hydroxylase (EGLN1) has been demonstrated to have high a Km value for O2 (high µM range). This likely allows EGLN1 to be poised to respond to small decreases in cellular oxygen from normal oxygen tensions. Clearly, CDO-1 also requires oxygen as a substrate, however the Km of CDO-1 for O2 is likely to be much lower, preventing sensitivity of the cysteine catabolism to physiological decreases in O2 availability. Although, to our knowledge, the CDO1 Km value for O2 has not been experimentally determined. We have added a new Discussion section where we address the conundrum about low oxygen inducing HIF-1 but oxygen being needed by CDO-1/CDO1.

      Issue 13: The authors determined that the hypodermis is the site of the most prominent CDO-1::GFP expression, relevant to Figure 4. This claim would be strengthened if a negative control tissue, in the animal with the knockin allele, were shown. The hypodermal specific expression is a highlight of this paper, so it would make this article even stronger if they could further substantiate this claim.

      Response 13: Our claim that the hypodermis is the critical site of cdo-1 function is based on; i) our hands on experience looking at Pcdo-1::GFP, Pcdo-1::CDO-1::GFP, CDO-1::GFP (encoded by cdo-1(rae273)) and our reporting of these expression patterns in multiple figures throughout the manuscript and ii) the functional rescue of cdo-1(-) phenotypes by a cdo-1 rescue construct expressed by a hypodermal-specific promoter (col10). We agree that providing negative control tissues would modestly improve the manuscript. However, we do not think that adding these controls will substantially alter the conclusions of the paper. Importantly, we acknowledge this limitation of our work with the sentence, “However, we cannot exclude the possibility that CDO-1 also acts in other cells and tissues as well.”

      Minor issues to note:

      Issue 14: Mutants for hif-1 and cysl-1 are sensitive to exogenous cysteine levels, yet loss of CDO-1 expression is not sufficient to explain this phenomenon, suggesting other targets of HIF-1 are involved. Given the findings the authors (and others) have had showing a role for RHY-1 in sulfur amino acid metabolism, shouldn't the authors consider testing rhy-1 mutants for sensitivity to exogenous cysteine?

      Response 14: To test the hypothesis that rhy-1(-) C. elegans might be sensitive to supplemental cysteine, we cultured wild type and rhy-1(-) animals on 0, 100, and 1000µM supplemental cysteine. At 0 and 100µM supplemental cysteine, neither wild-type nor rhy-1(-) animals display any lethality suggesting rhy-1 is not required for survival in the face of excess cysteine (Fig. 3D,E). We also cultured these same strains on 1000µM supplemental cysteine, a concentration that is highly toxic to wild-type animals (100% lethality). rhy1(-) animals were resistant to 1000µM supplemental cysteine with a substantial fraction of the population surviving overnight exposure to this lethal dose of cysteine. Similarly, egl-9(-) mutant C. elegans were also resistant to 1000µM supplemental cysteine. We propose that loss of egl-9 or rhy-1 activates HIF-1-mediated transcription which is priming these mutants to cope with the lethal dose of cysteine. These data are now presented in Figure 3D-F and presented in the Results section.

      Issue 15: The cysteine exposure assay was performed by incubating nematodes overnight in liquid M9 media containing OP50 culture. The liquid culture approach adds two complications: (1) the worms are arguably starving or at least undernourished compared to animals grown on NGM plates, and (2) the worms are probably mildly hypoxic in the liquid cultures, which complicates the interpretation.

      Response 15: We agree that it is possible that animals growing overnight in liquid culture are undernourished and mildly hypoxic. However, we are confident in our data interpretation as all our experiments are appropriately controlled. Meaning, control and experimental groups were all grown under the same liquid culture conditions. Thus, these animals would all experience the same stressors that come with liquid culture. Importantly, we never make comparisons between groups that were grown under different culture conditions (i.e. solid media vs. liquid culture).

      Issue 16: An easily addressable concern is the wording of one of the main conclusions: that cdo-1 transcription is independent of the canonical prolyl hydroxylase function of EGL-9 and is instead dependent on one of EGL-9's non-canonical, non-characterized functions. There are several points in which the wording suggests that CDO-1 toxicity is independent of EGL-9. In their defense, the authors try to avoid this by saying, "EGL-9 PHD," to indicate that it is the prolyl hydroxylase function of EGL-9 that is not required for CDO-1 toxicity. However, this becomes confusing because much of the field uses PHD and EGL-9/EGLN as interchangeable protein names. The authors need to be clear about when they are describing the prolyl hydroxylase activity of EGL-9 rather than other (hypothesized) activities of EGL-9 that are independent of the prolyl hydroxylase activity.

      Response 16: We appreciate the reviewer alerting us to this practice within the field. To avoid confusion, we have removed the “PHD” abbreviation from our manuscript and explicitly referred to the “prolyl hydroxylase domain” where relevant.

      Issue 17: The authors state in the text, "the egl-9; suox-1 double mutants are extremely sick and slow growing." We appreciate that their "health" assay, based on the exhaustion of food from the plate, is qualitative. We also appreciate that it is a functional measure of many factors that contribute to how fast a population of worms can grow, reproduce, and consume that lawn of food. However, unless they do a lifespan assay and/or measure developmental timing and specifically determine that the double mutant animals themselves are developing and/or growing more slowly, we do not think it is appropriate to use the words "slow growing" to describe the population. As they point out, the rate of consumption of food on the plate in their health assay is determined by a multitude and indeed a confluence of factors; the growth rate is one specific one that is commonly measured and has an established meaning.

      Response 17: We see how the phrase ‘slow growing’ might imply a phenotype that we have not actually assessed with this assay. Therefore, we have removed all claims about “slow growth” of the strains presented in Table 1 and have highlighted the assay more overtly in the results section. For example; “While egl-9(-) and suox-1(gk738847) single mutant animals are healthy under standard culture conditions, the egl-9(-); suox1(gk738847) double mutant animals are extremely sick and require significantly more days to exhaust their E. coli food source under standard culture conditions (Table 1).”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Issue 18: Relevance could be addressed further in the text.

      Response 18: We have added additional context for our work in the Discussion section. Please see our response to Issues #5, 6, 12, and 24.

      Issue 19: Better appreciation and integration of the manuscript's findings with published studies would be appropriate.

      Response 19: We have added additional context for our work in the Discussion section. Please see our response to Issues #5, 6, 12, and 24.

      Issue 20: It might be perhaps relevant to test whether cdo-1 is relevant for hypoxia resistance since it appears to be a key target for hif-1.

      Response 20: We agree that this is an interesting future direction, however given that cdo-1 mRNA is not induced by hypoxia (Shen et al. 2005) we have not prioritized these experiments for the current manuscript.

      Issue 21: "egl-9 inhibits cdo-1 transcription in a prolyl-hydroxylase and VHL-1-independent manner" should be tempered. vhl-1 mutants and egl-9 hydroxylase point mutant still have significant induction of the reporter.

      Response 21: Thank you for identifying this oversight. We have modified the Figure 5 legend title to read, “egl9 inhibits cdo-1 transcription in a largely prolyl-hydroxylase and VHL-1-independent manner.”

      Issue 22: Please use line numbers in the future for easier tracking of comments.

      Response 22: We shall.

      Issue 23: Abstract and elsewhere, "high cysteine activates...", should be rephrased to "high levels of cysteine".

      Response 23: We have made this change throughout the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Issue 24: The authors discuss CDO1 in the context of tumorigenesis, as well as the potential regulation between cysteine and the hypoxia response pathway. Thus, I was surprised that there was no mention of the foundational Bill Kaelin paper (Briggs et al 2016) showing how the accumulation of cysteine is related to tumorigenesis, and that cysteine is a direct activator of EglN1. Puzzling that CDO1 is a tumor suppressor: you lose it, cysteine can accumulate and activate EglN1, causing HIF1 turnover. How do the authors reconcile their results with this paper? I was also surprised that there was no mention in the Discussion of the role of hydrogen sulfide, cysteine metabolism, and CTH and CBS in oxygen sensation in the carotid body given the role they play there. Seems important to discuss this issue.

      Response 24: We have added new sections to our Discussion that consider the relationship between our work and Briggs et al. 2016 as well as mentioned the role of CTH and H2S in the mammalian carotid body.

      Issue 25: The abstract has a variety of contradictory statements. For example, the authors state that "HIF-1mediated induction of cdo-1 functions largely independent of EGL-9," but then go on to conclude in the final sentence that cysteine stimulates H2S production, which then activates EGL-9 signaling, which then increases HIF-1-mediated transcription of cdo-1. A quick reading of the abstract leaves the reader uncertain whether EGL-9 is or is not involved in this regulation of cdo-1 expression. In addition, the conclusion sentence implies that activation of the EGL-9 pathway increases HIF-1-mediated transcription, yet it is well established that EGL-9 is an inhibitor of HIF-1. The abstract fails to deliver a clear summary of the paper's conclusions. Perhaps consider this alternative (changes in capital letters):

      The amino acid cysteine is critical for many aspects of life, yet excess cysteine is toxic. Therefore, animals require pathways to maintain cysteine homeostasis. In mammals, high cysteine activates cysteine dioxygenase, a key enzyme in cysteine catabolism. The mechanism by which cysteine dioxygenase is regulated remains largely unknown. We discovered that C. elegans cysteine dioxygenase (cdo-1) is transcriptionally activated by high cysteine and the hypoxia inducible transcription factor (hif-1). hif-1- dependent activation of cdo-1 occurs downstream of an H2S-sensing pathway that includes rhy-1, cysl-1, and egl-9. cdo-1 transcription is primarily activated in the hypodermis where it is sufficient to drive sulfur amino acid metabolism. EGL-9 and HIF-1 are core members of the cellular hypoxia response. However, we demonstrate that the mechanism of HIF-1-mediated induction of cdo-1 IS largely independent of EGL-9 prolyl hydroxylASE ACTIVITY and the von Hippel-Lindau E3 ubiquitin ligase. We propose that the REGULATION OF cdo-1 BY HIF-1 reveals a negative feedback loop for maintaining cysteine homeostasis. High cysteine stimulates the production of an H2S signal. H2S then ACTS THROUGH the rhy-1/cysl-1/egl-9 signaling pathway DISTINCTLY FROM THEIR ROLE IN HYPOXIA RESPONSE TO INCREASE HIF-1-mediated transcription of cdo-1, promoting degradation of cysteine via CDO-1.

      Response 25: We agree that the abstract could be clearer. We believe this concern stems from the fact that we did not discuss our initial screen in the abstract. Thus, we failed to establish a role for egl-9 in the regulation of cdo-1. To remedy this, we have modified the abstract as suggested by the reviewer and added additional context. We believe that these changes improve the clarity of the Abstract substantially.

      Issue 26: An easily addressable concern involves the "dark" microscopy controls showing lack of fluorescence from a nematode. In these dark negative control micrographs, the authors should draw dotted outlines around where the worms are or include a brightfield image next to the fluorescence image. On a computer screen, it is in fact possible to make out the worms. Yet, when printed out, the reader must assume there are worms in the dark images. Additionally, we realize that adjusting fluorescence so that wild-type CDO-1 expression can be seen will result in oversaturation of the egl-9 and rhy-1; cdo-1 doubles; however, this would be a useful figure to add into the supplement to both provide a normal reference of CDO-1 low-level expression and a demonstration of just how bright it is in the mutant backgrounds. It would also be useful for you to please report your exposure settings for purposes of reproducibility.

      Response 26: As suggested, we have added dotted lines around the location of the C. elegans animals in all images where GFP expression is low or basal. We have also reported the exposure times for each image in the appropriate figure legends.

      Issue 27: This title is quite generic and doesn't even mention the main players (CDO-1 and sulfite metabolism).

      Response 27: We have updated our title to call attention to cysteine dioxygenase. The improved title is: “Hypoxia-inducible factor induces cysteine dioxygenase and promotes cysteine homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans”

      Issue 28: The authors mention two disorders in which CDO-1 plays a pathogenic role: MoCD and ISOD. We recommend switching the order in which the authors mention these, as the remainder of the paragraph is about MoCD. Also, they should write out the number "2" in the first sentence of that paragraph.

      Response 28: We have made the suggested changes.

      Issue 29: The authors state in the main text, "...to ubiquitinate HIF-1, targeting it for degradation by the proteosome." Here, they should refer to the pathway in Figure 5a.

      Response 29: We have made the suggested change.

      Issue 30: The authors state in the main text, "Elements of the HIF-1 pathway have emerged..." which is vague and confusingly worded. Change to, "Members of the HIF-1 pathway and its targets have emerged from C. elegans genetic studies."

      Response 30: We have made the suggested change.

      Issue 31: Clarify in the figure legends that supplemental cysteine did not affect the mortality of worms that were imaged.

      Response 31: We have added this note to Figure 3A and Figure S3A.

      Issue 32: Figure 1b. "the cdo-1 promoter is shown..." Add: "as a straight line" to the end of this phrase.

      Response 32: We have made the suggested change.

      Issue 33: The authors should consider changing the red text in Figure 1 to magenta, which tends to be more readable for people who have limited color vision.

      Response 33: We have adjusted the colors in Figure 1 as suggested.

      Issue 34: Figure 2, legend title. Consider changing "hif-1" to "HIF-1," as well as rhy-1, cysl-1, and egl-9. In this case, they are talking about proteins, not mutants or genes. This will make the paper easier to follow for readers who lack a C. elegans background.

      Response 34: We have made the suggested change.

      Issue 35: Figure 5, caption text. "...indicates weak similarity." Add, "amongst species compared."

      Response 35: We have made the suggested change.

      Issue 36: It is starting to become a standard for showing the datapoints in bar graphs. Although this is done in many graphs in the paper, it should also be done for Figure S1 and Figure 4C.

      Response 36: We have made the suggested change.

      Issue 37: An extensive ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analysis of C. elegans HIF-1 was recently published (Vora et al, 2022), which the authors should reference in support of the regulation of CDO-1 transcription by HIF-1 in their description of published expression studies of the pathway (Results section, page 4). Indeed, Vora et al were key generators of the ChIP-seq data cited in Warnhoff et al but not included as authors in the ModERN/ModENCODE publication: their contributions were published separately in Vora et al and should be acknowledged equivalently.

      Response 37: We appreciate the reviewer pointing this detail out and we have added the correct citation as indicated.

    2. eLife assessment

      The study presents valuable findings on how the hypoxia response pathway senses and responds to changes in the homeostasis of the amino acid cysteine and other sulfur-containing molecules. By providing a compelling, rigorous genetic analysis of the pathway, the study adds to a growing body of literature showing that prolyl hydroxylation is not the only mechanism by which the hypoxia response pathway can act. Although the paper does not reveal new biochemical insight into the mechanism, it opens up new areas of investigation that will be of interest to cell biologists and biomedical researchers studying the many pathologies involving hypoxia and/or cysteine metabolism.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors investigate the transcriptional regulation of cysteine dioxygenase (CDO-1) in C. elegans and its role in maintaining cysteine homeostasis. They show that high cysteine levels activate cdo-1 transcription through the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF-1. Using transcriptional and translational reporters for CDO-1, the authors propose that a negative feedback pathway involving RHY-1, CYSL-1, EGL-9 and HIF-1 in regulating cysteine homeostasis.

      Genetics is a notable strength of this study. The forward genetic screen, gene interaction and epistasis analyses are beautifully designed and rigorously conducted, yielding solid and unambiguous conclusions on the genetic pathway regulating CDO-1. The writing is clear and accessible, contributing to the overall high quality of the manuscript.<br /> Addressing the specifics of cysteine supplementation and interpretation regarding the cysteine homeostasis pathway would further clarify the paper and strengthen the study's conclusions.

      First, the authors show that the supplementation of exogenous cysteine activates cdo-1p::GFP. Rather than showing data for one dose, the author may consider presenting dose-dependency results and whether cysteine activation of cdo-1 also requires HIF-1 or CYSL-1, which would be important data given the focus and major novelty of the paper in cysteine homeostasis, not the cdo-1 regulatory gene pathway. While the genetic manipulation of cdo-1 regulators yields much more striking results, the effect size of exogenous cysteine is rather small. Does this reflect a lack of extensive condition optimization or robust buffering of exogenous/dietary cysteine? Would genetic manipulation to alter intracellular cysteine or its precursors yield similar or stronger effect sizes?

      Second, there remain several major questions regarding the interpretation of the cysteine homeostasis pathway. How much specificity is involved for the RHY-1/CYSL-1/EGL-9/HIF-1 pathway to control cysteine homeostasis? Is the pathway able to sense cysteine directly or indirectly through its metabolites or redox status in general? Given the very low and high physiological concentrations of intracellular cysteine and glutathione (GSH, a major reserve for cysteine), respectively, there is a surprising lack of mention and testing of GSH metabolism. In addition, what are the major similarities and differences of cysteine homeostasis pathways between C. elegans and other systems (HIF dependency, transcription vs post-transcriptional control)? These questions could be better discussed and noted with novel findings of the current study that are likely C. elegans specific or broadly conserved.

      All of my comments and questions above have been satisfactorily addressed in the revised manuscript.