26,925 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a valuable finding on the cell composition in mouse spleen depleted for the CD47 receptor and its signaling ligand Thrombospondin in hematopoietic differentiation. The supporting evidence is convincing with analytical improvements on the individual contributions of the signaling components and with functional studies. This work has implications for the role of CD47/Thsp in extramedullary erythropoiesis in mouse spleen and will be of interest to researchers in cell signaling, transfusion medicine, and cell therapy.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study investigated the role of CD47 and TSP1 in extramedullary erythropoiesis by utilization of both global CD47-/- mice and TSP1-/- mice.

      Strengths:<br /> Flow cytometry combined with spleen bulk and single-cell transcriptomics were employed. The authors found that stress-induced erythropoiesis markers were increased in CD47-/- spleen cells, particularly genes that are required for terminal erythroid differentiation. Moreover, CD47 dependent erythroid precursors population was identified by spleen scRNA sequencing. In contrast, the same cells were not detected in TSP1-/- spleen. These findings provide strong evidence to support the conclusion that the differential role of CD47 and TSP1 in extramedullary erythropoiesis in mouse spleen.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Methods and data analysis are appropriate. However, some clarifications are required. The discussion section needs to be expanded.<br /> 1). The sex of mice that were used in the study is unknown.<br /> 2). In the method of Single-cell RNA sequencing (page 10), it mentioned that single cell suspensions from mouse spleens were depleted of all mature hematopoietic cell lineages by passing through CD8a microbeads and CD8a+ T cell isolation Kit. As described, it is confusing what cell types are obtained for performing scRNAseq. More information is required for clarity.<br /> 3). The constitutive CD47 knockout mouse model is utilized in this study. The observed accumulation of erythroid precursors in the spleens of CD47-/- mice suggests a chronic effect of CD47 on spleen function. Can the current findings be extrapolated to acute scenarios involving CD47 knockdown or loss, as this may have more direct relevance to the potential side effects associated with anti-CD47-mediated cancer therapy? Please expand on this topic in the discussion section.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors used existing mouse models to compare the effects of ablating the CD47 receptor and its signaling ligand Thrombospondin. The CD47-KO model used in this study was generated by Kim et al, 2018, where hemolytic anemia and splenomegaly was reported. This study analyzes the cell composition of the spleens from CD47-KO and Thsp-KO, focusing on early hematopoietic and erythroid populations. The data broadly shows that splenomegaly in the CD47-KO is largely due to an increase in committed erythroid progenitors as seen by Flow Cytometry and single-cell sequencing, whereas the Thsp-KO shows a slight depletion of committed erythroid progenitors but is otherwise similar to WT in splenic cell composition.

      Strengths: The techniques used are appropriate for the study and the data support the main conclusions of the study. This study provides novel insights into a putative role of Thsp-CD47 signaling in triggering definitive erythropoiesis in the mouse spleen in response to anemic stress and constitutes a good resource for researchers seeking to understand extramedullary erythropoiesis.

      Weaknesses: The Flow cytometry data alone supports the authors' main conclusion and single-cell sequencing confirms them but does not add further information, other than those already observed in the Flow data. The single-cell sequencing analysis and presentation could be improved by using alternate clustering methods as well as separating the data by genotype and displaying them in order for readers to fully grasp the nuanced differences in marker expression between the genotypes. Further, it is not clear from the authors' description of their results whether the increased splenic erythropoiesis is a direct consequence of CD47-KO or a response to the anemic stress in this mouse model. The enrichment of cKit+ Ter119+ Sca1- cells in CD47-KO indicates that these are likely stress erythroid progenitors. Another CD47-KO mouse model (Lindberg et al 1996) has no reported erythroid defects and was also not examined in this study.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable work deals with mathematical modeling of centrosome maturation, building on the insight that autocatalytic assembly of the centrosome leads to size inequality. To remedy this, the authors propose a catalytic growth model with a shared enzyme pool that is able to reproduce various experimental results such as centrosome size scaling with cell size and centrosome growth curves in C. elegans. While finding the work of interest, the strength of the evidence presented in favor of the model is incomplete.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The work analyzes how centrosomes mature before cell division. A critical aspect is the accumulation of pericentriolar material (PCM) around the centrioles to build competent centrosomes that can organize the mitotic spindle. The present work builds on the idea that the accumulation of PCM is catalyzed either by the centrioles themselves (leading to a constant accumulation rate) or by enzymes activated by the PCM itself (leading to autocatalytic accumulation). These ideas are captured by a previous model derived for PCM accumulation in C. elegans (ref. 8) and are succinctly summarized by Eq. 1. The main addition of the present work is to allow the activated enzymes to diffuse in the cell, so they can also catalyze the accumulation of PCM in other centrosomes (captured by Eqs. 2-4). The authors claim that this helps centrosomes to reach the same size, independent of potential initial mismatches.

      A strength of the paper is the simplicity of the equations, which are reduced to the bare minimum and thus allow a detailed inspection of the physical mechanism. One shortcoming of this approach is that all equations assume that the diffusion of molecules is much faster than any of the reactive time scales, although there is no experimental evidence for this.

      Another shortcoming of the paper is that it is not clear what species the authors are investigating and how general the model is. There are huge differences in centrosome maturation and the involved proteins between species. However, this is not mentioned in the abstract or introduction. Moreover, in the main body of the paper, the authors mention C. elegans on pages 2 and 3, but refer to Drosophila on page 4, switching back to C. elegans on page 5, and discuss Drosophila on page 6. This is confusing and looks as if they are cherry-picking elements from various species. The original model in ref. 8 was constructed for C. elegans and it is not clear whether the autocatalytic model is more general than that. In any case, a more thorough discussion of experimental evidence would be helpful.

      The authors show convincingly that their model compensates for initial size differences in centrosomes and leads to more similar final sizes. These conclusions rely on numerical simulations, but it is not clear how the parameters listed in Table 1 were chosen and whether they are representative of the real situation. Since all presented models have many parameters, a detailed discussion on how the values were picked is indispensable. Without such a discussion, it is not clear how realistic the drawn conclusions are. Some of this could have been alleviated using a linear stability analysis of the ordinary differential equations from which one could have gotten insight into how the physical parameters affect the tendency to produce equal-sized centrosomes.

      The authors use the fact that their model stabilizes centrosome size to argue that their model is superior to the previously published one, but I think that this conclusion is not necessarily justified by the presented data. The authors claim that "[...] none of the existing quantitative models can account for robustness in centrosome size equality in the presence of positive feedback." (page 1; similar sentence on page 2). This is not shown convincingly. In fact, ref 8. already addresses this problem (see Fig. 5 in ref. 8) to some extent. More importantly, the conclusion seems to largely be based on the analysis shown in Fig. 2A, but the parameters going into this figure are not clear (see the previous paragraph). In particular, the initial size discrepancy of 0.1 µm^3 seems quite large, since it translates to a sphere of a radius of 300 nm. A similarly large initial discrepancy is used on page 3 without any justification. Since the original model itself already showed size stability, a careful quantitative comparison would be necessary.

      The analysis of the size discrepancy relies on stochastic simulations (e.g., mentioned on pages 2 and 4), but all presented equations are deterministic. It's unclear what assumptions go into these stochastic equations, and how they are analyzed or simulated. Most importantly, the noise strength (presumably linked to the number of components) needs to be mentioned. How is this noise strength determined? What are the arguments for this choice? This is particularly crucial since the authors quote quantitative results (e.g., "a negligible difference in steady-state size (∼ 2% of mean size)" on page 4).

      Moreover, the two sets of testable predictions that are offered at the end of the paper are not very illuminative: The first set of predictions, namely that the model would anticipate an "increase in centrosome size with increasing enzyme concentration, the ability to modify the shape of the sigmoidal growth curve, and the manipulation of centrosome size scaling patterns by perturbing growth rate constants or enzyme concentrations.", are so general that they apply to all models describing centrosome growth. Consequently, these observations do not set the shared enzyme pool apart and are thus not useful to discriminate between models. The second part of the first set of predictions about shifting "size scaling" is potentially more interesting, although I could not discern whether "size scaling" referred to scaling with cell size, total amount of material, or enzymatic activity at the centrioles. The second prediction is potentially also interesting and could be checked directly by analyzing published data of the original model (see Fig. 5 of ref. 8). It is unclear to me why the authors did not attempt this.

      Taken together, I think the shared enzyme pool is an interesting idea, but the experimental evidence for it is currently lacking. Moreover, the model seems to make little testable predictions that differ from previous models.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this paper, Banerjee & Banerjee argue that a solely autocatalytic assembly model of the centrosome leads to size inequality. The authors instead propose a catalytic growth model with a shared enzyme pool. Using this model, the authors predict that size control is enzyme-mediate and are able to reproduce various experimental results such as centrosome size scaling with cell size and centrosome growth curves in C. elegans.

      The paper contains interesting results and is well-written and easy to follow/understand.


      ● In the Introduction, when the authors mention that their "theory is based on recent experiments uncovering the interactions of the molecular components of centrosome assembly" it would be useful to mention what particular interactions these are.<br /> ● In the Results and Discussion sections, the authors note various similarities and differences between what is known regarding centrosome formation in C. elegan and Drosophila. It would have been helpful to already make such distinctions in the Introduction (where some phenomena that may be C. elegans specific are implied to hold centrosomes universally). It would also be helpful to include more comments for the possible implications for other systems in which centrosomes have been studied, such as human, Zebrafish, and Xenopus.<br /> ● For Fig 1.C, the two axes are very close to being the same but are not. It makes the graph a little bit more difficult to interpret than if they were actually the same or distinctly different. It would be more useful to have them on the same scale and just have a legend.<br /> ● The authors refer to Equation 1 as resulting from an "active liquid-liquid phase separation", but it is unclear what that means in this context because the rheology of the centrosome does not appear to be relevant.<br /> ● The authors reject the non-cooperative limit of Eq 1 because, even though it leads to size control, it does not give sigmoidal dynamics (Figure 2B). While I appreciate that this is just meant to be illustrative, I still find it to be a weak argument because I would guess a number of different minor tweaks to the model might keep size control while inducing sigmoidal dynamics, such as size-dependent addition of loss rates (which could be due to reactions happen on the surface of the centrosome instead of in its bulk, for example). Is my intuition incorrect? Is there an alternative reason to reject such possible modifications?<br /> ● While the inset of Figure 3D is visually convincing, it would be good to include a statistical test for completeness.<br /> ● The authors note that the pulse in active enzyme in their model is reminiscent of the Polo kinase pulse observed in Drosophila. Can the authors use these published experimental results to more tightly constrain what parameter regime in their model would be relevant for Drosophila? Can the authors make predictions of how this pulse might vary in other systems such as C. elegans?<br /> ● The authors mention that the shared enzyme pool is likely not diffusion-limited in C. elegans embryos, but this might change in larger embryos such as Drosophila or Xenopus. It would be interesting for the authors to include a more in-depth discussion of when diffusion will or will not matter, and what the consequence of being in a diffusion-limit regime might be.<br /> ● The authors state "Firstly, our model posits the sharing of the enzyme between both centrosomes. This hypothesis can potentially be experimentally tested through immunofluorescent staining of the kinase or by constructing FRET reporter of PLK1 activity." I don't understand how such experiments would be helpful for determining if enzymes are shared between the two centrosomes. It would be helpful for the authors to elaborate.

    1. eLife assessment

      These important findings will be of interest for the study of dystroglycanopathies and in the general area of axon migration and synapse formation. This work provides convincing conclusions about how a range of dystroglycan mutations alter CCK interneuron axonal targeting and synaptic connectivity in the forebrain, and seizure susceptibility.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This important study from Jahncke et al. demonstrates inhibitory synaptic defects and elevated seizure susceptibility in multiple models of dystroglycanopathy. A strength of the paper is the use of a wide range of genetic models to disrupt different aspects of dystroglycan protein or glycosylation in forebrain neurons. The authors use a combination of immunohistochemistry and electrophysiology to identify cellular migration, lamination, axonal targeting, synapse formation/function, and seizure phenotypes in forebrain neurons. This is an elegant study with extensive data supporting the conclusions. The role of dystroglycan and the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) in cellular migration and synapse formation are of broad interest.<br /> A strength of this paper is the use of several transgenic mouse lines with mutations in genes involved in glycosylation of dystroglycan. Knockout of POMT2 abolishes the majority of dystroglycan glycosylation, while point mutations in B4GAT and FKRP presumably produce more minor changes in glycosylation. This is a powerful approach to investigate the role of glycosylation in dystroglycan function.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Jahncke and colleagues is centered on the CCK+ synaptic defects that are a consequence of Dystroglycanopathy and/or impaired dystroglycan-related protein function. The authors use conditional mouse models for Dag1 and Pomt2 to ablate their function in mouse forebrain neurons and demonstrate significant impairment of CCK+/CB1R+ interneuron (IN) development in addition to being prone to seizures. Mice lacking the intracellular domain of Dystroglycan have milder defects, but impaired CCK+/CB1R+ IN axon targeting. The authors conclude that the milder dystroglycanopathy is due to the partially reduced glycosylation that occurs in the milder mouse models as opposed to the more severe Pomt2 models. Additionally, the authors postulate that inhibitory synaptic defects and elevated seizure susceptibility are hallmarks of severe dystroglycanopathy and are required for the organization of functional inhibitory synapse assembly.

      The manuscript is overall, fairly well-written and the description of the phenotypic impact of disruption of Dystroglycan forebrain neurons (and similar glycosyltransferase pathway proteins) demonstrate impairment in axon targeting and organization. There are some questions with regards to interpretation of some of the results from these conditional mouse models. The study is mostly descriptive, and some validation of subunits of the dystroglycan-glycoprotein complex and laminin interactions would go towards defining the impact of disruption of dystroglycan's function in the brain. The statistics and basic analysis of the manuscript appear to be appropriate and within parameters for a study of this nature. Some clarification between the discrepancies between the Walker Warburg Syndrome (WWS) patient phenotypes and those observed in these conditional mouse models is warranted. This manuscript has the potential to be impactful in the Dystroglycanopathy and general neurobiology fields.

      The authors have made significant improvements to address my concerns in this resubmission and the previous critiques of the other reviewers since the prior submission. The work is comprehensive in scope and the statistics are appropriate where required. I believe the conclusions to be valid for this study and I don't have any additional recommendations. I believe this work to be of importance to the Dystroglycanopathy and neurobiology fields.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The study presents a systematic analysis of how a range of dystroglycan mutations alter CCK/CB1 axonal targeting and inhibition in hippocampal CA1 and impact seizure susceptibility. The study follows up on prior literature identifying a role for dystroglycan in CCK/CB1 synapse formation. The careful assay includes comparison of 5 distinct dystroglycan mutation types known to be associated with varying degrees of muscular dystrophy phenotypes: a forebrain specific Dag1 knockout in excitatory neurons at 10.5, a forebrain specific knockout of the glycosyltransferase enzyme in excitatory neurons, mice with deletion of the intracellular domain of beta-Dag1 and 2 lines with missense mutations with milder phenotypes. They show that forebrain glutamatergic deletion of Dag1 or glycosyltransferase alters cortical lamination while lamination is preserved in mice with deletion of the intracellular domain or missense mutation. The study extends prior works by identifying that forebrain deletion of Dag1 or glycosyltransferase in excitatory neurons impairs CCK/CB1 and not PV axonal targeting and CB1 basket formation around CA1 pyramidal cells. Mice with deletion of the intracellular domain or missense mutation show<br /> limited reductions in CCK/CB1 fibers in CA1. Carbachol enhancement of CA1 IPSCs was reduced both in forebrain knockouts. Interestingly, carbachol enhancement of CA1 IPSCs was reduced when the intracellular domain of beta-Dag1was deleted, but not I the missense mutations, suggesting a role of the intracellular domain in synapse maintenance. All lines except the missense mutations , showed increased susceptibility to chemically induced behavioral seizures. Together, the study, is carefully designed, well controlled and systematic. The results advance prior findings of the role for dystroglycans in CCK/CB1 innervations of PCs by demonstrating effects of more selective cellular deletions and site specific mutations in extracellular and intracellular domains.

      Prior concerns regarding CCK/CB1 cell numbers and potential changes in basal synaptic inhibition are addressed in the revision.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Mature mammalian olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) express only one of the hundreds of possible odor receptors (ORs) encoded in the genome. The process of selecting this OR in each OSN is the consequence of both deterministic developmental processes involving transcription factors, and more stochastic processes. How this balance is implemented is a major problem in molecular neuroscience, one whose solution has significant systems-level implications for odor coding. In Bashkirova et al the authors substantially revise the canonical view of how this process works. By querying single cell transcriptomes and genetic architecture across OSN development, the authors demonstrate that OSN progenitors express ORs for their zone and for more dortsal zones, and that the degree of heterochromatinization of non-expressed ORs varies as a function of which zone a given OSN resides in. Through additional genetic experiments (including knockouts of transcription factors that seem to be associated with zonal identity, and the clever use of OR transgenes) they synthesize these findings into a model in which progenitors co-express many ORs - both ORs that are appropriate for their zone and ORs that are dorsal to their zone - and that this expression both facilitates heterochromatinzation of non-selected and extra-zonal ORs, and enables singular OR selection. The experiments are careful and the data are novel, and definitely revise our simplistic current view of how this process works; as such this work will have significant impact on the field. As presented the model requires additional experiments to fully flesh it out, and to definitively demonstrate that i.e., precocious expression leads to gene silencing, but with some additional clarifications in the discussion this paper both breaks new ground and sets the stage for future work exploring mechanisms of OSN development and OR selection.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Bashkirova et al. analyzed how the gene choice of olfactory receptors (ORs) is regulated in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) during development. In the mouse olfactory system, there are more than 1000 functional OR genes and several hundred pseudogenes. It is well-established that each individual OSN expresses only one functional OR gene in a mono-allelic manner. This is referred to as the one neuron - one receptor rule. It is also known that OR gene choice is not entirely stochastic but restricted to a particular area or zone in the olfactory epithelium (OE) along the dorsoventral axis. It is interesting to study how this stochastic but biased gene-choice is regulated during OSN development, narrowing down the number of OR genes to be chosen to eventually achieve the monogenic OR expression in OSNs.

      In the present study, the authors cell-sorted OSNs into three groups; immediate neuronal precursors (INPs), immature OSNs (iOSNs), and mature OSNs (mOSNs). They found that OR gene choice is differentially regulated positively by transcription factors in INPs and negatively by heterochromatin-mediated OR gene silencing in iOSNs. The authors propose that by the combination of two opposing forces of polygenic transcription (positive) and genomic silencing (negative), each OSN finally expresses only one OR gene out of over 2000 alleles in a stochastic but stereotypic manner.

      The authors' model of OR gene choice is supported by well-designed experiments and by large amounts of data. In general, the paper is clearly written and easy to follow. It will attract a wide variety of readers in the fields of neuroscience, developmental biology, and immunology. The present finding will give new insight into our understanding of gene choice in the multigene family in the mammalian brain and shed light on the long-standing question of monogenic expression of OR genes.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript investigates how a seemingly random choice of odourant receptor (OR) gene expression is organised into sterotypic zones of OR expression along the olfactory epithelium. Using a varietty of functional genomics methods, the authors find that along the differentiation axis (progenitor to mature olfactory sensory neuron, OSN) multiple ORs are initally transcribed and from among these, only one OR is selected for expression. The rest are suppressed through chromatin silencing. In addition to this, the authors report a dorso-ventral gradient in OR expression at the immature stage - dorsally expressed ORs are also expressed ventrally and these then get silenced. The expression of the ventrally expressed ORs, on the other hand, are restricted to the ventral region. They suggest a role for the transcription factor NF1 in this dorsoventral process.

      This is a valuable study. The data are compelling and generally well presented.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides a valuable finding on the mechanistic connections between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and lipid metabolism. The authors identified the ZEB2/ACSL4 axis as a newly discovered metastatic metabolic pathway that promotes both lipogenesis and fatty acid oxidation. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid. The work will be of interest to medical biologists working on cancer.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Jiamin Lin et al. investigated the potential positive feedback loop between ZEB2 and ACSL4, which regulates lipid metabolism and breast cancer metastasis. They reported a correlation between high expression of ZEB2 and ACSL4 and poor survival of breast cancer patients, and showed that depletion of ZEB2 or ACSL4 significantly reduced lipid droplets abundance and cell migration in vitro. The authors also claimed that ZEB2 activated ACSL4 expression by directly binding to its promoter, while ACSL4 in turn stabilized ZEB2 by blocking its ubiquitination.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors validated a positive feedback loop between ZEB2 and ACSL4 in breast cancer, which regulates lipid metabolism to promote metastasis.

      Overall, the study is original, well structured, and easy to read.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Lin et al. reveals a novel positive regulatory loop between ZEB2 and ACSL4, which promotes lipid droplets storage to meet the energy needs of breast cancer metastasis.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper reports important findings on a potent activator of the YAP pathway, demonstrating its mechanism through alternative splicing changes. The authors provide convincing evidence to support their claims. This research is of interest to biologists studying alternative splicing or the Hippo pathway, with significant implications for medical research.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In order to find small molecules capable of enhancing regenerative repair, this study employed a high throughput YAP-activity screen method to query the ReFRAME library, identifying CLK2 inhibitor as one of the hits. Further studies showed that CLK2 inhibition leads to AMOTL2 exon skipping, rendering it unable to suppress YAP.

      The novelty of the study is that it showed that inhibition of a kinase not previously associated with the HIPPO pathway can influence YAP activity through modification of mRNA splicing. The major arguments appear solid.

      In the revised manuscript, additional discussion was provided regarding drug concentration and molecular mechanisms, which helps clear some of the confusing points in the original manuscript.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors have screened the ReFRAME library and identified candidate small molecules that can activate YAP. They found that SM04690, an inhibitor of the WNT signaling pathway, could efficiently activate YAP through CLK2 kinase which has been shown to phosphorylate SR proteins to alter gene alternative splicing. They further demonstrated that SM04690 mediated alternative splicing of AMOTL2 and rendered it unlocalized on the membrane. Alternatively spliced AMOTL2 prevented YAP from anchoring to the cell membrane which results in decreased YAP phosphorylation and activated YAP. Previous findings showed that WNT signaling more or less activates YAP. The authors revealed that an inhibitor of WNT signaling could activate YAP. Thus, these findings are potentially interesting and important. However, the present manuscript provided a lot of indirect data and lacked key experiments.

      Major points:<br /> 1. In Figure S3, since inhibition of CLK2 resulted in extensive changes in alternative splicing, why did the authors choose AMOTL2? How to exclude other factors such as EEF1A1 and HSPA5, do they affect YAP activation? Angiomotin-related AMOTL1 and AMOTL2 were identified as negative regulators of YAP and TAZ by preventing their nuclear translocation. It has been reported that high cell density promoted assembly of the Crumbs complex, which recruited AMOTL2 to tight junctions. Ubiquitination of AMOTL2 K347 and K408 served as a docking site for LATS2, which phosphorylated YAP to promote its cytoplasmic retention and degradation. How to determine that alternative splicing rather than ubiquitination of AMOTL2 affects YAP activity? Does AMOTL2 Δ5 affect the ubiquitination of AMOTL2? Does overexpression of AMOTL2 Δ5Δ9 cause YAP and puncta to co-localize?<br /> 2. The author proposed that AMOTL2 splicing isoform formed biomolecular condensates,.However, there was no relevant experimental data to support this conclusion. AMOTL2 is located not only on the cell membrane but also on the circulating endosome of the cell, and the puncta formed after AMOTL2 dissociation from the membrane is likely to be the localization of the circulating endosome. The author should co-stain AMOTL2 with markers of circulating endosomes, or conduct experiments to prove the liquidity of puncta to verify the phase separation of AMOTL2 splicing isoform.<br /> 3. The localization of YAP in cells is regulated by cell density, and YAP usually translocates to the nucleus at low cell density. In Figure 2E, the cell densities of DMSO and SM04690-treated groups are inconsistent. In Figure 4A, the magnification of t DMSO and SM04690-treated groups is inconsistent, and the SM04690-treated group seems to have a higher magnification.<br /> 4. There have been many reports that the WNT signaling pathway and the Hippo signaling pathway can crosstalk with each other. The authors should exclude the influence of the WNT signaling pathway by using SM04690.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study on drug repurposing presents the identification of potent activators of the Hippo pathway. The authors successfully screen a drug library and identify two CLK kinase inhibitors as YAP activators, with SM04690 targeting specifically CLK2. They further investigate the molecular basis of SM04690-induced YAP activity and identify splicing events in AMOTL2 as strongly affected by CLK2 inhibition. Exon skipping within AMOTL2 decreases the interactions with membrane bound proteins and is sufficient to induce YAP target gene expression. Importantly, inhibitor concentrations that are sufficient to change YAP target gene expression show differential alternative splicing of AMOTL2. Overall the study is well designed, the conclusions are supported by sufficient data and represent an exciting connection between alternative splicing and the HIPPO pathway.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study advances our understanding of the evolution of protein complexes and their functions. Through convincing experimental and computational methodologies, the authors show that the specialization of protein function following gene duplication can be reversible. The work will be of interest to investigators working in biochemical evolution and those working on heat shock proteins.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The work in this paper is in general done carefully. Reconstructions are done appropriately and the effects of statistical uncertainty are quantified properly. I was glad to see that the tree and alignment are now deposited.

      The paper identifies which mutations are crucial for the functional differences between the ancestors tested. This is done quite carefully - the authors even show that the same substitutions also work in extant proteins.<br /> These substitutions very slightly lower the affinity and increase the cooperativity of the C-terminal peptide binding to the alpha crystallin domain - a key oligomeric interaction. These relatively minor changes nevertheless apparently affect the subunit exchange behaviour and oligomerization of the sHSP.

      Lastly, the authors use likelihood methods to test for signatures of selection. This reviewer is not a fan of these methods, as they are easily misled by common biological processes (see PMID 37395787 for a recent critique). The paper is relatively careful in the interpretation of this test though, and I think the importance of the other findings does not depend on the action of selection along this branch.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This was an interesting study, and I enjoyed seeing different experimental approaches used to compare the properties of the different native proteins, the ancestral reconstructions, and the other mutants. In the original manuscript, I felt that the authors had over-simplified their explanations, as the differences between the ancestral proteins, and the changes induced by the two mutations, only partially explain the differences between IbpA proteins from the two different species. However, with their revised version, I think the presentation and discussion of their results are much better. Overall, I think this represents a valuable contribution to the field, providing convincing mechanistic evidence as to how these small heat shock proteins have evolved.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable paper characterizes a murine model for congenital cystic airway abnormalities (CPAM). In contrast to previous assumptions that only epithelial cells are involved in the formation of pulmonary cysts, the authors provide compelling new evidence that defective BMP signaling in lung mesenchymal cells can disrupt airway development. Knowing that proper BMP signaling in mesenchymal cells is required for normal cyst-free lungs could potentially pave the way to understanding and preventing CPAM in infants at risk for this common disorder, which can be fatal if untreated. The relevance of the murine model could be enhanced by providing further histological details in comparison with human cysts, as well as interrogation of datasets such as GWAS whether genetic changes in human cysts are related to abnormal BMP signaling.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The goal of this paper is to characterize the molecular mechanisms that lead to lung cyst formation in a murine model wherein the Bmpr1a receptor gene has been inactivated in the fetal lung mesenchyme. In this context, it is important to note that very little is known regarding how lung cysts form, and generally the presumption has been that these pathological structures result from dysregulated events in the epithelium. Thus, the emphasis in this paper on derangements in a fundamental developmental signaling pathway in the lung mesenchyme that results in cyst formation is both novel and significant.

      In this manuscript, the authors seek to understand how abnormal lung development leads to the formation of cysts in the lung. Cysts are enlarged pathological balloon-like structures that interfere with normal gas exchange and characterize a variety of pediatric and adult lung diseases. To date, the molecular signals underlying cyst formation are poorly understood. Using genetically modified mice, the focus herein is on how inactivation of a specific gene known to transduce key developmental signals (Bmpr1a) leads to the development of cysts. One novelty of this work is that the gene inactivation has been targeted to a set of primitive fetal lung cells that give rise to structural and contractile cells supporting bronchial airways. Alterations in the function of this particular cell type has not previously been examined in the context of lung cyst pathogenesis.

      Notably, the experiments and models are state-of-art and the authors are careful in their interpretations. It should be noted, however, that there are also several concerns that limit enthusiasm at this time. These include a lack of data evaluating relative histological similarities and differences between cysts generated in their murine model and human lung cysts, and whether there is information implicating a role for the gene studied in this paper in human cysts. Secondly, despite an abundance of data, at the end of the day, the key molecular signals are not clearly identified.

      Additional Feedback

      Overall, this is a well-executed paper that addresses how derangements in signals emanating from the fetal lung mesenchyme in embryonic life lead to cyst formation. This work, therefore, seeks to fill in basic deficiencies in knowledge since the pathogenesis of lung cyst formation is poorly understood and the role of altered mesenchymal cell activity in this process has not been carefully addressed. For the most part, the experiments are clearly presented, and the models are relevant and state-of-the art. Although enthusiasm is high, there are several overriding concerns, which the authors should consider.

      While the paper seeks to understand the key molecular events leading to cyst formation and a plethora of data is provided, this goal is largely not clearly met. As a result, the paper ends up being descriptive. Further, without these data, a so-called definitive rescue experiment is not possible at this time. In addition, the experiments, particularly toward the end of the manuscript are not well integrated with the overall body of the Results. This is particularly true for figure 7. While interesting, the results in some of these latter figures are insufficiently linked to the primary observations. This issue further contributes to concerns that the manuscript is largely descriptive.

      Importantly, it would be useful to have provided more detailed information on the structure and histological properties of the murine cysts and how such findings relate to human lung cysts. Also, the authors should examine whether there is any information on Bmpr1a in human cyst formation (i.e GWAS data).

      Throughout the paper, there is a lack of quantification for the histological findings. Littermate controls should also be clearly defined genetically,

      Specific Concerns by figure

      Figure 1 suppl: "Doxycycline" is misspelled.

      Figure1c Suppl: Hard to discern clear-cut expression of Bmpr1a protein in mesenchyme in WT. Comparable images with similar sizes of airways should be used.

      Figure 2a: Expression of several genes studied and altered should be identified on scatter plot.

      Figure 2c: Authors should also consider staining for other smooth muscle markers.

      Figure 3: ELN expression should be defined in a clear quantitative manner.

      Figure 4: Additional information on p38 dependent signaling (? Including in vivo studies) would potentially help to understand key molecular events and perhaps could help to address key mechanistic events, including their location and identity.

      Figure 6: Would be helpful to know whether Bmpr1a receptor is expressed in Myocd KO.

      Figure 7: Not clear how these findings, though interesting, relate to the body of studies and the pathogenesis of cyst formation. Other points: 1) The authors should re-examine/repeat co-staining in the KO mouse lung (right 2 images in the top group of 4) for Foxj1, Sox2, and CDH (right 2 images, Figure 7A). For one thing, the cadherin stain in the 2 KO images seems localized to the lumen. Secondly, the pattern of cadherin staining looks exactly the same in both KO images, suggesting an error and/or duplication 2) authors should place arrows on the heat map showing the location of SPC, Sox2, Sox9, and FoxJ1 bands 3) figure 7D graph needs numbers on y axis.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Congenital cystic airway abnormalities (CPAM) are a common disorder in airway lung development whose etiology is poorly understood and can be fatal if not effectively treated at birth. This study by Luo and colleagues provides compelling new evidence in mice and cultured fetal mesenchymal cells that loss of mesenchymal Bmpr1a signaling disrupts branching morphogenesis, leading to the formation of numerous pulmonary cysts. Their airways were deficient in underlying smooth muscle and subepithelial elastin fibers along with perturbations in Sox2-Sox9 proximal-distal epithelial development. Interestingly, these changes were independent of canonical Smad1/5 signaling and suggestive of non-canonical signaling perhaps through p38 signaling. They were also independent of simply ablating non-vascular mesenchymal cells using Myocd-ko mice. Although the study does not define how loss of Bmpr1a causes cystic formation or whether this pathway is related to human CPAM disease, the findings are considered highly significant because they provide new evidence for BMP signaling in branching morphogenesis. The knowledge may pave the way for future studies designed to understand and prevent or treat newborn infants with CPAM. There are only a few weaknesses.

      Major Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The authors may be aware that a recent paper (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24858-3) reported on transcriptional changes seen in human CPAM. It would seem that some of the molecular changes seen in human CPAM move in the opposite direction of what is reported in mice lacking mesenchymal Bmrp1a. Perhaps the authors could comment on these differences in the discussion and whether they potentially explain the etiology of CPAM or branching morphogenesis in general.<br /> 2. Figure 4 shows that BMP4 increases SMADs, p38, and several muscle genes in mesenchymal cells. Figure 5 extends this finding with a clever strategy to label airway and vascular smooth muscle with different fluorescent molecules used to isolate different types of mesenchymal cells. It shows that non-vascular smooth muscle cells but not perivascular smooth muscles are responsive to BMP4 signaling as defined by increased expression of Myh11. Are there cell-restricted responses to the other genes shown in Figure 4? Given the lack of SMAD signaling and the increase seen in p38 signaling, would blocking p38 signaling influence the BMP responsiveness of these nonvascular smooth muscle cells?<br /> 3. Figure 6 shows that mesenchymal loss of Myocd causes a deficiency of airway smooth muscle cells, but this was not sufficient to create cysts. Did the authors ever check to see if it changed Sox2-Sox9 staining in the airway epithelium?<br /> 4. Figure 7 shows that mesenchymal loss of Bmpr1a proximalizes the distal airway as defined by loss of Sox2 and FoxJ1 (a ciliated marker) and gain in (Sox9 and SP-C) staining. But Club cells expressing Scgb1a1 and Cyp2F2 are the predominant epithelial cells in the distal airway. The transcriptomics data in panel B shows expression of these genes is less in the mutant mice. Does this mean they fail to generate Club cells or there is just less expression per cell? In other words, what are the primary epithelial cells present in the airways of mice with loss of mesenchymal Bmpr1a?

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study identifies an uncharacterized yeast gene regulating chronological lifespan in a mitochondrial-dependent pathway. The approach to identify and characterise this new gene is compelling, but the evidence is incomplete in supporting the major conclusions. With a stronger focus on the relevance of replicative in addition to chronological lifespan, and stronger data linking to mitochondrial function, this paper would be interesting to the yeast biologists working in metabolism and aging.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> This fascinating paper by M. Alfatah et al. describes work to uncover novel genes affecting lifespan in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, eventually identifying and further characterizing a gene, YBR238C, now named AAG1 by the authors.<br /> The authors began by considering published gene sets pulled from the Saccharomyces genome database that described increases or decreases in either chronological lifespan or replicative lifespan in yeast. They also began with gene sets known to be downregulated upon treatment with the lifespan-extending TOR inhibitor rapamycin.

      YBR283C was unique in being largely uncharacterized, downregulated upon rapamycin treatment, and linked to both increased replicative lifespan and increased chronological lifespan upon deletion.

      The authors show that YBR283C may act to negatively regulate mitochondrial function, in ways that are both dependent on and independent of the stress-responsive transcription factor Hap4, largely by looking at relative expression levels of relevant mitochondrial genes.

      In a hard-to-fully interpret but well-documented series of experiments the authors note that the two paralogues YBR283C and RMD9 (which have ~66% similarity) (a) have opposite effects when acting alone, and (b) appear to interact in that some phenotypes of ybr283c are dependent on RMD9.

      A particularly interesting finding in light of the current literature and of the authors' strategy in identifying YBR283C is that changes in electron transport chain genes upon rapamycin treatment appear to be affected via YBR283C.

      Based on a series of experiments the authors move to conclude the existence of "a feedback loop between TORC1 and mitochondria (the TORC1-Mitochondria-TORC1 (TOMITO) signaling process) that regulates cellular aging processes."

      Strengths<br /> Overall, this study describes a great deal of new data from a large number of experiments, that shed light on the potential specific roles of YBR238C and its paralog RMD9 in aging in yeast, and also underscore the potential of an approach looking for "dark matter" such as uncharacterized genes when seining the increasing deluge of published datasets for new hypotheses to test. This work when revised will become a valuable addition to the field.

      Weaknesses<br /> A paralog of YBR283C, RMD9, also exists in the yeast genome. While the authors indicate that part of their interest in YBR283C lies in its uncharacterized nature, its paralogue, RMD9, is not uncharacterized but is named due to its phenotype of Required for Meiotic nuclear Division, which is not mentioned or discussed anywhere in the manuscript currently.

      In the context of the current work, in addition to the cited Hillen, H.S et al. and Nouet C. et al, the authors might be very interested in the 2007 Genetics paper "Translation initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria: functional interactions among mitochondrial ribosomal protein Rsm28p, initiation factor 2, methionyl-tRNA-formyltransferase and novel protein Rmd9p" (PMID: 17194786), which does not appear to be cited or discussed in the current version of the manuscript.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The effectors of cellular aging in yeast have not been fully elucidated. To address this, the authors curated gene expression studies to link genes influenced by rapamycin - a well-known mediator of longevity across model systems - to genes known to affect chronological and replicative lifespan (RLS) in yeast. Through their analyses, they find one gene, ybr238c, whose deletion increases both CLS and RLS upon deletion and that is downregulated by rapamycin. Curiously, despite these selection criteria, the authors only use CLS as a proxy for cellular aging throughout their study and do not explore the effects of ybr238c deletion on RLS. This does not diminish their conclusions, but given the importance of this phenotype in their selection criteria, it is surprising that the authors did not choose to test both types of aging throughout their study.

      Nonetheless, the authors demonstrate that deletion of ybr238c increases CLS across multiple yeast strains and through multiple assays. The authors also test the effects of YBR238C overexpression on lifespan and find the opposite effect, with overexpression yeast showing decreased survival relative to wild-type cells, consistent with "accelerated aging" as the authors propose. The authors also note that ybr238c has a paralog, rmd9, whose deletion decreases CLS and seems to be epistatic to ybr238c, as a double ybr238c/rmd9 mutant has decreased CLS relative to a wild-type strain.

      Collectively, the data presented by the authors convincingly demonstrate that ybr238c influences lifespan in a manner that is distinct from (and likely opposite to) rmd9. However, the authors then link the increased CLS in Δybr238c yeast to mitochondrial function using only a handful of assays that do not directly test mitochondrial function. These include total cellular ATP levels, levels of reactive oxygen species, and the transcript levels of select nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes. Yeast is well established to generate ATP through non-mitochondrial pathways such as glycolysis in fermentive conditions. While it is possible that the ATP levels assayed in the manuscript were tested in stationary phase, which would more likely reflect "mitochondrial function," the methods nor the figure legends contain these details, which are critical for the interpretation of these data. Similarly, ROS can be generated through non-mitochondrial pathways, and the transcription of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes is an indirect measure of mitochondrial function at best. Thus, the authors' proposed connection of ybr238c to mitochondrial function is correlative and should be substantiated with assays that more closely align with organellar function, such as respirometry or assaying the activity of oxidiative phosphorylation complexes. Finally, the authors attempt to tie the phenotypes of mitochondrial dysfunction caused by the deletion of ybr238c to TORC1 signaling, as the gene is influenced by rapamycin. However, the presentation of the data, such as reporting ATP levels as relative percentages or failing to perform appropriate statistical comparisons between conditions in which the authors derive conclusions, renders the data difficult to interpret. As such, this manuscript establishes that ybr238c is rapamycin responsive and influences CLS, but its influence on mitochondrial activity and ties to TORC1 signaling remain speculative.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study by Alfatah et al. presented a role for YBR238C in mediating lifespan through improved mitochondrial function in a TOR1-dependent metabolic pathway. The authors used a dataset comparison approach to identify genes positively modulating yeast chronological (CLS) and Replicative (RLS) lifespan when deleted, and their expression is reduced under Rapamycin treatment condition. This approach revealed an unknown, mitochondria-localized yeast gene YBR238C, and through mechanistic studies, they identified its paralogous gene RMD9 regulating lifespan in an antagonistic effect.

      Strengths:<br /> Findings have valuable implications for understanding the YBR238C-mediated, mitochondrial-dependent yeast lifespan regulation, and the interplay between two paralogous genes in the regulation of mitochondrial function represents an inserting case for gene evolution.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Overall, the implication/findings of this study are restricted only to the yeast model since these two genes do not have any homology in higher eukaryotes. The primary methods must be carefully designed by considering two different metabolic states: respiration-associated with CLS and fermentation-associated with RLS in a single comparative approach. Yeast CLS and RLS are two completely different processes. It is already known that most gene-regulating CLS is not associated with RLS or vice versa. The method section is poorly written and missing important information. The experimental approaches are poorly designed, and variability across the datasets (e.g., media condition "YPD," "SC" etc.) and their experimental conditions are not well described/considered; thus, presented data are not conclusive, which decreases the overall rigor of the study.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a useful contribution to our understanding of how different cell stressors (ethanol or heat-shock) might elicit unique responses at the genomic and topographical level under the regulation of yeast transcription factor Hsf1, and of the temporal coupling (or lack thereof) between Hsf1 aggregation and long-range communication among co-regulated heat-shock loci versus chromatin remodeling and transcriptional activation. A particular strength is the combination of genomic and imaging-based experimental approaches applied to genetically engineered in vivo systems. While much of the data is convincing, the work is incomplete in not providing strong evidence supporting (i) a similar rate and extent of proteotoxic stress under the two chosen stress conditions, (ii) relatively greater bulk chromatin compaction elicited by ethanol, (iii) reproducible levels of interactions between chromosomal loci, and (iv) phase-separated condensates versus other types of Hsf1 clusters.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study compares the transcriptional and epigenetic response of baker's yeast cells to heat shock and ethanol shock. The authors made several interesting observations. In response to heat shock, the transcription factor HSF1 rapidly forms foci, binds upstream elements of heat-shock-response genes, facilitates long-distance genomic contacts between heat-shock-response genes, and the genes are rapidly transcribed. In response to ethanol shock, the transcription factor HSF1 rapidly forms foci, binds upstream elements of heat-shock-response genes, facilitates long-distance genomic contacts between heat-shock-response genes, and yet transcription of the genes is substantially delayed. These insights are potentially important, as current models of eukaryotic gene control predict that physical contact between genes and regulatory elements is necessary, and in some cases sufficient to transcribe a gene. The current study indicates that the two effects are virtually decoupled in response to ethanol shock in yeast cells.

      Overall, the conclusions appear appropriately supported by the data, and the data appear of high quality.

      Strengths:<br /> The particular strengths of the paper include an impressive combination of genomic and imaging-based approaches and insightful genetically engineered cell systems. The manuscript reports interesting and potentially important findings. The text is generally very well written, the ideas are clearly explained, and the reasoning is easy to follow.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness seems to be that the heat and ethanol shock approaches likely elicit pleiotropic effects, and therefore it is a challenge to test the causal relationship between various observations. Nevertheless, even as indirect effects might contribute to some of the authors' observations, the results are definitively worth reporting. Also, the presentation of some of the data could be improved.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Significance<br /> Rubio et al. study the behavior of the transcription factor Hsf1 under ethanol stress, examining its distribution within the nucleus and the coalescence of heat shock response genes in budding yeast. In comparison to the heat shock response, the response to ethanol stress shows similar gene coalescence and Hsf1 binding. However, there is a notable delay in the transcriptional response to ethanol, and a disconnect between it and the appearance of irreversible Hsf1 condensates/puncta, highlighting important differences in how Hsf1 responds to these two related but distinct environmental stresses.

      Overview and general concerns<br /> The authors studied how yeast responds to ethanol stress (8.5%) and compared it to the heat shock response (from 25{degree sign}C to 39{degree sign}C). They observed a more gradual increase in the expression of heat shock response (HSR) genes during ethanol stress compared to heat shock. Additionally, the recruitment of Hsf1 and Pol II to HSR genes, and the inter- and intrachromosomal interactions among these genes, showed slower kinetics under ethanol stress. They attribute the delay in transcriptional response to chromatin compaction induced by ethanol. Despite this delay, these interactions persisted longer. Hsf1 clusters, previously documented during the heat shock response, were also observed during ethanol stress and persisted for an extended period. The conditional degradation of Hsf1 and Rpb1 eliminated most inter- and intrachromosomal interactions for heat shock responsive genes in both ethanol stress and heat shock conditions, indicating the importance of these factors for long-distance interactions between HSR genes. Overall, this manuscript provides novel insights into the differential behavior of HSR genes under different stress conditions. This contributes to the broader understanding of how different stressors might elicit unique responses at the genomic and topographical level under the regulation of transcription factor Hsf1.

      The central finding of the study highlights the different dynamics of Hsf1, Pol II, and gene organization in response to heat shock versus ethanol stress. However, one important limitation to consider is that the two chosen conditions may not be directly comparable. For a balanced assessment, the authors should ideally expose yeast to various ethanol concentrations and different heat shock temperatures, ensuring the observed differences stem from the nature of the stressor rather than suboptimal stress intensity. At the very least, an additional single ethanol concentration point on each side of 8.5% should be investigated to ensure that 8.5% is near the optimum. In fact, comparing the number of Hsp104 foci in the two conditions in Fig. 1E and F suggests that the yeast is likely experiencing different intensities of stress for the chosen heat shock condition and ethanol concentration used in this study.

      A second significant concern is the use of the term "Hsf1 condensate". Chowdhary et al.'s 2022 Molecular Cell study highlighted an inhomogeneous distribution and rapid dynamics of Hsf1 clustering upon heat shock, with sensitivity to 1,6-hexandiol, which is interpreted as evidence for condensation by LLPS. However this interpretation has been criticized severely by McSwiggen et al. Genes Dev 2019 and Mussacchio EMBO J 2022. It is important to mention that 1,6-hexandiol is known to affect chromatin organization (Itoh et al. Life Science Alliance 2021). Describing such clusters as 'condensates' without further experimental evidence is premature. I encourage authors to settle on their neutral term 'puncta' which they use interchangeably with 'condensate' so as not to confuse the reader. The dynamic binding and unbinding of the low-abundance Hsf1 at coalescent chromatin target sites might explain the liquid-like properties of these clusters without the need for invoking the phase-separation hypothesis. While Hsf1 clusters exhibit features consistent with phase-separated condensates, other equally plausible alternative mechanisms, such as dynamic site-specific interactions (Musacchio, EMBO J, 2022), should also be considered. This is best left for the discussion where the underlying mechanism for puncta formation can be addressed.

      Specific comments:

      - Figure 1: Why does ethanol stress at 0 min display a larger number of Hsp104 foci per cell than heat shock at the same time? How are foci defined by the authors? In Fig. 1D, there are many smaller puncta. A comparative assessment of the number and size of foci for heat shock and ethanol stress would be beneficial.

      - Figure 2: Selecting a housekeeping gene with consistent expression levels is crucial for meaningful qPCR analysis. Do SCR1 mRNA levels fluctuate during heat shock or ethanol stress? Additionally, certain genes, such as TMA10 and SSA4, lack visible bars at time 0. Are these levels undetectable? The varying y-axis scales are confusing; presenting data as relative fold changes could offer a clearer perspective.

      - Line 239: The evidence for chromatin compaction is unconvincing. An increase in H3 occupancy by ChIP might indicate a reduction in histone exchange dynamics but may not relate to overall chromatin compaction. The authors use H2A-mCherry to suggest a decrease in chromatin volume, but this data is not persuasive. Did the authors observe any changes in nuclear size? Perhaps quantifying chromatin compaction more directly, using signal intensity per volume, would be informative.

      - Line 340: The claim of a "strong spatiotemporal correlation" isn't evident from the data. Could correlation coefficients be provided? There is potential anti-correlation in Fig. 6 - Figure Supplement 1C.

      - Figure 8: The WT data in Fig 8 seem inconsistent with Fig. 4 (e.g. the interaction frequency for HSP104 and SSA2). Are these fluctuations between experiments, or are they side effects of IAA treatment? The use of ethanol as an IAA solvent vehicle raises concerns. It would be beneficial if the authors could demonstrate that 1.7% ethanol in the control does not induce ethanol stress.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important work shows compelling evidence that Chandelier cells in the visual cortex receive inputs most prominently from local layer 5 pyramidal neurons, only mildly inhibit L2/3 pyramidal neurons, and respond massively to visuomotor mismatch. It also indicates that visual experience in the virtual tunnel activates a plasticity mechanism in Chandelier cells which could be due to the particular visuo-motor coupling experienced in this setting, although a specific control is lacking for this conclusion. This study will be of interest to neuroscientists involved in cortical circuits, visual processing, and predictive coding research.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work successfully identified and validated TRLs in hepatic metastatic uveal melanoma, providing new horizons for enhanced immunotherapy. Uveal melanoma is a highly metastatic cancer that, unlike cutaneous melanoma, has a limited effect on immune checkpoint responses, and thus there is a lack of formal clinical treatment for metastatic UM. In this manuscript, the authors described the immune microenvironmental profile of hepatic metastatic uveal melanoma by sc-RNAseq, TCR-seq, and PDX models. Firstly, they identified and defined the phenotypes of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes (TRLs). Moreover, they validated the activity of TILs by in vivo PDX modeling as well as in vitro co-culture of 3D tumorsphere cultures and autologous TILs. Additionally, the authors found that TRLs are mainly derived from depleted and late-activated T cells, which recognize melanoma antigens and tumor-specific antigens. Most importantly, they identified TRLs-associated phenotypes, which provide new avenues for targeting expanded T cells to improve cellular and immune checkpoint immunotherapy.


      Jonas A. Nilsson, et al. has been working on new therapies for melanoma. The team has also previously performed the most comprehensive genome-wide analysis of uveal melanoma available, presenting the latest insights into metastatic disease. In this work, the authors performed paired sc-RNAseq and TCR-seq on 14 patients with metastatic UM, which is the largest single-cell map of metastatic UM available. This provides huge data support for other studies of metastatic UM.

      We thank the reviewer for these kind words about our work.


      Although the paper does have strengths in principle, the weaknesses of the paper are that these strengths are not directly demonstrated. That is, insufficient analyses are performed to fully support the key claims in the manuscript by the data presented. In particular:

      The author's description of the overall results of the article should be logical, not just a description of the observed phenomena. For example, the presentation related to the results of TRLs lacked logic. In addition, the title of the article emphasizes the three subtypes of hepatic metastatic UM TRLs, but these three subtypes are not specifically discussed in the results as well as the discussion section. The title of the article is not a very comprehensive generalization and should be carefully considered by the authors.

      We thank the reviewer for the critical reading of our work. We agree that there is need of more discussion and will do this in a revised version.

      The authors' claim that they are the first to use autologous TILs and sc-RNAseq to study immunotherapy needs to be supported by the corresponding literature to be more convincing. This can help the reader to understand the innovation and importance of the methodology.

      We will go through the manuscript and literature to see where there might be missing references.

      In addition, the authors argue that TILs from metastatic UM can kill tumor cells. This is the key and bridging point to the main conclusion of the article. Therefore, the credibility of this conclusion should be considered. Metastatic UM1 and UM9 remain responsive to autologous tumors under in vitro conditions with their autologous TILs.

      UM1 responds also in vivo in the subcutaneous model in the paper. We have also finished an experiment where we show that this model also responds in a liver metastasis model. These data will be added in next version of the paper.

      In contrast, UM22, also as a metastatic UM, did not respond to TIL treatment. In particular, the presence of MART1-responsive TILs. The reliability of the results obtained by the authors in the model of only one case of UM22 liver metastasis should be considered. The authors should likewise consider whether such a specific cellular taxon might also exist in other patients with metastatic UM, producing an immune response to tumor cells. The results would be more comprehensive if supported by relevant data.

      The reviewer has interpreted the results absolutely right, the allogenic and autologous MART1-specific TILs cells while reactive in vitro against UM22, cannot kill this tumor either in a subcutaneous or liver metastases model. We hypothesize this has to do with an immune exclusion phenotype and show weak immunohistochemistry that suggest this. We hope the addition of more UM1 data can be viewed as supportive of tumor-reactivity also in vivo.

      In addition, the authors in that study used previously frozen biopsy samples for TCR-seq, which may be associated with low-quality sequencing data, high risk of outcome indicators, and unfriendly access to immune cell information. The existence of these problems and the reliability of the results should be considered. If special processing of TCR-seq data from frozen samples was performed, this should also be accounted for.

      We agree with the reviewers and acknowledge we never anticipated the development of single-cell sequencing techniques when we started biobank 2013. We performed dead cell removal before the 10x Genomics experiment. We have also done extensive quality controls and believe that the data from the biopsies should be viewed as a whole and that quantitative intra-patient comparisons cannot be done.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study's goal is to characterize and validate tumor-reactive T cells in liver metastases of uveal melanoma (UM), which could contribute to enhancing immunotherapy for these patients. The authors used single-cell RNA and TCR sequencing to find potential tumor-reactive T cells and then used patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models and tumor sphere cultures for functional analysis. They discovered that tumor-reactive T cells exist in activated/exhausted T cell subsets and in cytotoxic effector cells. Functional experiments with isolated TILs show that they are capable of killing UM cells in vivo and ex vivo.


      The study highlights the potential of using single-cell sequencing and functional analysis to identify T cells that can be useful for cell therapy and marker selection in UM treatment. This is important and novel as conventional immune checkpoint therapies are not highly effective in treating UM. Additionally, the study's strength lies in its validation of findings through functional assays, which underscores the clinical relevance of the research.

      We thank the reviewer for these kind words about our work.


      The manuscript may pose challenges for individuals with limited knowledge of single-cell analysis and immunology markers, making it less accessible to a broader audience.

      The first draft of the manuscript (excluding methods) was written by a person (J.A.N) who is not a bioinformatician. It has been corrected to include the correct nomenclature where applicable but overall it is written with the aim to be understandable. We will make an additional effort for the next version.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      We would like to thank you again for your thorough review of the manuscript. We have taken all comments into account in the revised version of the manuscript. Please find below our detailed responses to your comments.

      Reviewing Editor

      The manuscript has been improved, but there are some remaining issues that need to be addressed, as outlined in the reviewers' comments. In particular, please pay attention to Figures 1A and 2A as they appear to be the same. Moreover, the original gel images for Western blots should be made available given the concerns raised by Reviewer #1.

      Thank you for your recommendations. We have carefully considered all comments and made the requested revisions to improve the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors aimed to compare, from testis tissues at different ages from mice in vivo and after culture, multiple aspects of Leydig cells. These aspects included mRNA levels, proliferation, apoptosis, steroid levels, protein levels, etc. A lot of work was put into this manuscript in terms of experiments, systems, and approaches. The technical aspects of this work may be of interest to labs working on the specific topics of in vitro spermatogenesis for fertility preservation.

      Second review:

      The authors should be commended for substantial improvement in their manuscript for resubmission.

      Thank you very much for this second review and your help to improve this manuscript.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Going forward, the authors would be well-served to put a similar amount of effort on first drafts as well, which would both increase reviewer enthusiasm and reduce reviewer workload to document all the deficiencies! Abstract is much improved, and clearly articulates the point of the study.

      We are very grateful for all your constructive comments, which have greatly contributed to the improvement of our manuscript.

      1) 54 - replace "could be" with was

      “could be” was replaced by “was”

      2) 75 - delete "being"

      “being” was deleted.

      3) 103 - would say "indirectly promotes" since Rhox5 is a transcription factor that presumably activates genes in Sertoli cells whose products then affect neighboring germ cells, either by direct action or by influencing Sertoli cell behavior changes

      “indirectly” was added in the sentence.

      4) 139, 155, elsewhere - haven't seen dpp italicized before, certainly not the norm

      In dpp (days post-partum), “pp” is italicized as it is a Latin word.

      5) 265 - delete "found"

      “found” was deleted.

      6) 263-273 - Is the CYP19 protein referred to encoded by the Cyp19a1 gene (line 263)? Should standardize nomenclature...

      The CYP19 protein (aromatase) is indeed encoded by the Cyp19a1 gene. The nomenclature was standardized: “CYP19” was replaced by “CYP19A1” in the entire manuscript.

      7) 280 - "homolog" doesn't seem like the right word, as it has a very specific meaning with regards to the evolutionary genetic relatedness of genes. Maybe analog?

      “homolog” was replaced by “analog”.

      8) 306 - would reword to something like "proportions of seminiferous tubules containing round and elongating spermatids" - the because the tubules don't reach spermatid stages

      This sentence was reworded as suggested.

      9) 310 - delete "resulted in", unnecessary

      “resulted in” was deleted.

      10) Why are the images shown in Figures 1A and 2A the same? That seems odd - was that intentional? Curious overall why the data is presented in such a way that it's done twice...

      We mistakenly presented immunofluorescence images twice. Duplicate images have been removed. In the modified version of this manuscript, Figure 1A shows 3-HSD immunofluorescence staining in cultures of fresh testicular tissues and in their in vivo counterparts while Figure 1 – figure supplement 1A (not Figure 2A) shows 3-HSD immunofluorescence staining in cultures of frozen/thawed testicular tissues.

      11) In all the western blots, the cropping is done awfully close to the bands - why is this? Can full gels be shown in a Supplement? And especially in the westerns in Fig. 5C, esp for CYP17A1, the cropping is unacceptable. This reviewer is wondering whether this is an oversight, or whether there is another band below that one that is being masked? Again, should show whole blot for transparency and to ensure Rigor and Reproducibility.

      Full gels are shown in the Supplementary File 2. For CYP17A1, we have shown that only one band of the expected molecular weight is obtained with the antibody (Please see photo below). After this verification, the nitrocellulose membranes were cut at the 55 kDa molecular weight band in order to reveal CYP17A1 expression in the upper part of the membranes and the protein used for normalization in the lower part of the membranes.

      Author response image 1.

      12) For all figures, wondering why the font sizes are so disparate? This will need to be addressed before publication so it looks more professional.

      All figures have been reworked as requested.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Moutard, Laura, et al. investigated the gene expression and functional aspects of Leydig cells in a cryopreservation/long-term culture system. The authors found that critical genetic markers for Leydig cells were diminished when compared to the in-vivo testis. The testis also showed less androgen production and androgen responsiveness. Although they did not produce normal testosterone concentrations in basal media conditions, the cultured testis still remained highly responsive to gonadotrophin exposure, exhibiting a large increase in androgen production. Even after the hCG-dependent increase in testosterone, genetic markers of Leydig cells remained low, which means there is still a missing factor in the culture media that facilitates proper Leydig cell differentiation. Optimizing this testis culture protocol to help maintain proper Leydig cell differentiation could be useful for future human testis biopsy cultures, which will help preserve fertility and child cancer patients.

      Overall, the authors addressed most comments and questions from the previous review. The additional data regarding the necrotic area is helpful for interpreting the quality of the cultures. The authors did not conduct a multiple comparison tests although there are multiple comparisons conducted on for a single dependent variable (Fig 2J, Fig 3F, among many others), however, the addition of this multiple comparison is unlikely to change the conclusions of the paper or the figure and, thus is a minor technical detail in this case.

      Thank you very much for this second review and your help to improve this manuscript.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study reports useful information on the limits of the organotypic culture of neonatal mouse testes, which has been regarded as an experimental strategy that can be extended to humans in the clinical setting for the conservation and subsequent re-use of testicular tissue. The evidence that the culture of testicular fragments of 6.5-day-old mouse testes does not allow optimal differentiation of steroidogenic cells is compelling and should enable further optimizations in the future.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors aimed to compare, from testis tissues at different ages from mice in vivo and after culture, multiple aspects of Leydig cells. These aspects included mRNA levels, proliferation, apoptosis, steroid levels, protein levels, etc. A lot of work was put into this manuscript in terms of experiments, systems, and approaches. The technical aspects of this work may be of interest to labs working on the specific topics of in vitro spermatogenesis for fertility preservation.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Moutard, Laura, et al. investigated the gene expression and functional aspects of Leydig cells in a cryopreservation/long-term culture system. The authors found that critical genetic markers for Leydig cells were diminished when compared to the in-vivo testis. The testis also showed less androgen production and androgen responsiveness. Although they did not produce normal testosterone concentrations in basal media conditions, the cultured testis still remained highly responsive to gonadotrophin exposure, exhibiting a large increase in androgen production. Even after the hCG-dependent increase in testosterone, genetic markers of Leydig cells remained low, which means there is still a missing factor in the culture media that facilitates proper Leydig cell differentiation. Optimizing this testis culture protocol to help maintain proper Leydig cell differentiation could be useful for future human testis biopsy cultures, which will help preserve fertility and child cancer patients.

      Overall, the authors addressed most comments and questions from the previous review. The additional data regarding the necrotic area is helpful for interpreting the quality of the cultures.

      The authors did not conduct multiple comparison tests although there are multiple comparisons conducted for a single dependent variable (Fig 2J, Fig 3F, among many others), however, the addition of this multiple comparison is unlikely to change the conclusions of the paper or the figure and, thus is a minor technical detail in this case.

    1. Author Response

      eLife assessment

      This work describes new validated conditional double KO (cDKO) mice for LRRK1 and LRRK2 that will be useful for the field, given that LRRK2 is widely expressed in the brain and periphery, and many divergent phenotypes have been attributed previously to LRRK2 expression. The manuscript presents solid data demonstrating that it is the loss of LRRK1 and LRRK2 expression within the SNpc DA cells that is not well tolerated, as it was previously unclear from past work whether neurodegeneration in the LRRK double Knock Out (DKO) was cell autonomous or the result of loss of LRRK1/LRRK2 expression in other types of cells. Future studies may pursue the biochemical mechanisms underlying the reason for the apoptotic cells noted in this study, as here, the LRRK1/LRRK2 KO mice did not replicate the dramatic increase in the number of autophagic vacuoles previously noted in germline global LRRK1/LRRK2 KO mice.

      We thank the editors for handling our manuscript and for the succinct summary that recognizes the significance of our findings and points out interesting directions for future studies. We also thank the reviewers for their helpful comments and positive evaluation of our work. Below, we have provided point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This is an important work showing that loss of LRRK function causes late-onset dopaminergic neurodegeneration in a cell-autonomous manner. One of the LRRK members, LRRK2, is of significant translational importance as mutations in LRRK2 cause late-onset autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease (PD). While many in the field assume that LRRK2 mutant causes PD via increased LRRK2 activity (i.e., kinase activity), it is not a settled issue as not all disease-causing mutant LRRK2 exhibit increased activity. Further, while LRRK2 inhibitors are under clinical trials for PD, the consequence of chronic, long-term LRRK2 inhibition is unknown. Thus, studies evaluating the long-term impact of LRRK deficit have important translational implications. Moreover, because LRRK proteins, particularly LRRK2, are known to modulate immune response and intracellular membrane trafficking, the study's results and the reagents will be valuable for others interested in LRRK function.


      This report describes a mouse model where the LRRK1 and LRRK2 gene is conditionally deleted in dopaminergic neurons. Previously, this group showed that while loss of LRRK2 expression does not cause brain phenotype, loss of both LRRK1 and LRRK2 causes a later onset, progressive degeneration of catecholaminergic neurons and dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), and noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC). However, because LRRK genes are widely expressed with some peripheral phenotypes, it was unknown if the neurodegeneration in the LRRK double knockout (DKO) was cell autonomous. To rigorously test this question, the authors have generated a double conditional (cDKO) allele where both LRRK1 and LRRK2 genes were targeted to contain loxP sites. In my view, this was beyond what is usually required, as most investigators might might combine one KO allele with another floxed allele. The authors provide a rigorous validation showing that the Driver (DAT-Cre) is expressed in most DAergic neurons in the SN and that LRRK levers are decreased selectively in the ventral midbrain. Using these mice, the authors show that the number of DAergic neurons is normal at 15 but significantly decreased at 20 months of age. Moreover, the authors show that the number of apoptotic neurons is increased by ~2X in aged SN, demonstrating increased ongoing cell death, as well as an increase in activated microglia. The degeneration is limited to DAergic neurons as LC neurons are not lost as this population does not express DAT. Overall, the mouse genetics and experimental analysis were performed rigorously, and the results were statistically sound and compelling.


      I only have a few minor comments. First is that in PD and other degenerative conditions, loss of axons and terminals occurs prior to cell bodies. It might be beneficial to show the status of DAergic markers in the striatum. Second, previous studies indicate that very little, if any, LRRK1 is expressed in SN DAergic neurons. This also the case with the Allen Brain Atlas profile. Thus, authors should discuss the discrepancy as authors seem to imply significant LRRK1 expression in DA neurons.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s recognition of the importance of the study as well as our rigorous experimental approaches and compelling results. Our responses to the reviewer's two minor comments are below.

      1) DAergic markers in the striatum:

      We performed TH immunostaining in the striatum and quantified TH+ DA terminals in the striatum of DA neuron-specific LRRK cDKO and littermate control mice at the ages of 15 and 24 months. We found similar levels of TH immunoreactivity in the striatum of LRRK cDKO and littermate control mice at the age of 15 months (p = 0.6565, unpaired Student’s t-test) and significantly reduced levels of TH immunoreactivity in the striatum of LRRK cDKO, compared to control mice at the age of 24 months (~19%, p = 0.0215), suggesting an age-dependent loss of dopaminergic terminals in the striatum of DA neuron-specific LRRK cDKO mice. These results are now included as Figure 5 of the revised manuscript.

      2) LRRK1 expression in the SNpc:

      It is shown in the Mouse brain RNA-seq dataset and the Allen Mouse brain ISH dataset (https://www.proteinatlas.org/ENSG00000154237-LRRK1/brain) that LRRK1 is broadly expressed in the mouse brain and is expressed at modest levels in the midbrain, comparable to the cerebral cortex. Indeed, our Western analysis also showed that levels of LRRK1 detected in the dissected ventral midbrain and the cerebral cortex of control mice are similar (40µg total protein loaded per lane; Figure 2E). Furthermore, we previously demonstrated that deletion of LRRK2 (or LRRK1) alone does not cause age-dependent loss of DA neurons in the SNpc, but deletions of both LRRK1 and LRRK2 result in age-dependent loss of DA neurons in LRRK DKO mice, indicating the functional importance of LRRK1 in the protection of DA neuron survival in the aging mouse brain (Tong et al., PNAS 2010, 107: 9879-9884, Giaime et al., Neuron 2017, 96: 796-807).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Shen and collaborators described the generation of cDKO mice lacking LRRK1 and LRRK2 selectively in DAT-positive DAergic neurons. The Authors asked whether selective deletion of both LRRK isoforms could lead to a Parkinsonian phenotype, as previously reported by the same group in germline double LRRK1 and LRRK2 knockout mice (PMID: 29056298). Indeed, cDKO mice developed a late reduction of TH+ neurons in SNpc that partially correlated with the reduction of NeuN+ cells. This was associated with increased apoptotic cell and microglial cell numbers in SNpc.

      Unlike the constitutive DKO mice described earlier, however, cDKO mice did not replicate the dramatic increase in the number of autophagic vacuoles. The study supports the authors' hypothesis that loss of function rather than gain of function of LRRK2 leads to PD.


      The study described for the first time a model where both the PD-associated gene LRRK2 and its homolog LRRK1 are deleted selectively in DAergic neurons, offering a new tool to understand the physiopathological role of LRRK2 and the compensating role of LRRK1 in modulating DAergic cell function.


      The model has no construct validity since loss of function mutations of LRRK2 are well-tolerated in humans and do not lead to PD. The evidence of a Parkinsonian phenotype in these cDKO mice is limited and should be considered preliminary.

      We thank the reviewer for commenting on the usefulness of this new PD mouse model.

      The reviewer did not include a reference citation for the statement "loss of function mutations of LRRK2 are well-tolerated in humans and do not lead to PD." It is possible that the reviewer was referring to a human population study (Whiffin et al., Nat Med 2020, 26: 869-877), entitled "The effect of LRRK2 lossof-function variants in humans." In this study, the authors analyzed 141,456 individuals sequenced in the Genome Aggregation Database, 49,960 exome-sequenced individuals from the UK Biobank, and more than 4 million participants in the 23andMe genotyped dataset, and they looked for human genetic variants predicted to cause loss-of-function of protein-coding genes (pLoF variants). The reported findings were interesting, and the authors were careful in stating their conclusions. However, this is not a linkage study of large pedigrees carrying a single, clear-cut loss-of-function mutation (e.g. large deletions of most exons and coding sequences). Therefore, the experimental evidence is not compelling enough to conclude whether loss-of-function mutations in LRRK2 cause PD or do not cause PD.

      The current report is an unbiased genetic study in an effort to reveal the normal physiological role of LRRK in dopaminergic neurons. It was not intended to produce Parkinsonian phenotypes in LRRK cDKO mice, which would be a biased effort. However, the unequivocal discovery of the cell intrinsic role of LRRK in the protection of DA neurons from age-dependent degeneration and apoptotic cell death should be considered seriously, while we contemplate the disease mechanism and how LRRK2 mutations may cause DA neuron loss and PD.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Kang, Huang, and colleagues investigated the impact of LRRK1 and LRRK2 deletion, specifically in dopaminergic neurons, using a novel cDKO mouse model. They observed a significant reduction in DAergic neurons in the substantia nigra in their conditional LRRK1 and LRRK2 KO mice and a corresponding increase in markers of apoptosis and gliosis. This work set out to address a longstanding question within the field around the role and importance of LRRK1 and LRRK2 in DAergic neurons and suggests that the loss of both proteins triggers some neurodegeneration and glial activation.

      The studies included in this work are carefully performed and clearly communicated, but additional studies are needed to strengthen further the authors' claims around the consequences of LRRK2 deletion in DAergic neurons.

      1. In Figures 2E and F, the authors assess the protein levels of LRRK1 and LRRK2 in their cDKO mouse model to confirm the deletion of both proteins. They observe a mild loss of LRRK1 and LRRK2 signals in the ventral midbrain compared to wild-type animals. While this is not surprising given other cell types that still express LRRK1 and LRRK2 would be present in their dissected ventral midbrain samples, it does not sufficiently confirm that LRRK1 and LRRK2 are not expressed in DAergic neurons. Additional data is needed to more directly demonstrate that LRRK1 and LRRK2 protein levels are reduced in DAergic neurons, including analysis of LRRK1 and LRRK2 protein levels via immunohistochemistry or FACS-based analysis of TH+ neurons.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting this incredibly important but often overlooked issue. We agree that the data in Figure 2E, F alone would be inadequate to validate DA neuron-specific LRRK cDKO mice.

      Cell type-specific conditional knockouts are a mosaic with KO cells mixed with other cell types expressing the gene normally. DA neuron-specific cDKO is particularly challenging, as DA neurons are a subset of cells embedded in the ventral midbrain. Rather than using immunostaining, which relies upon specific, good LRRK1 and LRRK2 antibodies for IHC, or FACS sorting of TH+ neurons followed by Western blotting (few cells, mixed cell populations, etc.), we chose a clean genetic approach by generating germline mutant mice carrying the deleted LRRK1 and LRRK2 alleles in all cells from the floxed LRRK1 and LRRK2 alleles. This approach permits characterization of these deletion mutations in germline mutant mice using molecular approaches that yield unambiguous results.

      We crossed CMV-Cre deleter mice with floxed LRRK1 and LRRK2 mice to generate respective germline LRRK1 KO and LRRK2 KO mice, in which all cells carry the LRRK1 or LRRK2 deleted alleles that are identical to those in DA neurons of cDKO mice. We then performed Northern, extensive RTPCR followed by sequencing, and Western analyses to show the absence of the full length LRRK1 and LRRK2 mRNA (Figure 1G, H, Figure 1-figure supplement 8 and 10), and the expected truncation of LRRK1 and LRRK2 mRNA (Figure 1-figure supplement 9 and 11), and the absence of LRRK1 and LRRK2 proteins (Figure 1I). These analyses together demonstrate that in the presence of Cre, either CMV-Cre expressed in all cells or DAT-Cre expressed selectively in DA neurons, the floxed LRRK1 and LRRK2 exons are deleted, resulting in null alleles. We further demonstrated the specificity of DAT-Cremediated recombination (deletion) by crossing DAT-Cre mice with a GFP reporter, showing that 99% TH+ DA neurons in the SNpc are also GFP+ (Figure 2A, B), indicating that DAT-Cre-mediated recombination of the floxed alleles occurs in essentially all TH+ DA neurons in the SNpc.

      1. The authors observed a significant but modest effect of LRRK1 and LRRK2 deletion on the number of TH+ neurons in the substantia nigra (12-15% loss at 20-24 months of age). It is unclear whether this extent of neuron loss is functionally relevant. To strengthen the impact of these data, additional studies are warranted to determine whether this translates into any PD-relevant deficits in the mice, including motor deficits or alterations in alpha-synuclein accumulation/aggregation.

      Yes, the reduction of DA neurons in the SNpc of cDKO mice at the age of 20-24 months is modest. At 15 months of age, the number of TH+ DA neurons in the SNpc is similar between LRRK cDKO mice (10,000 ± 141) and littermate controls (10,077 ± 310, p > 0.9999). At 20 months of age, the number of DA neurons in the SNpc of LRRK cDKO mice (8,948 ± 273) is significantly reduced (-12.7%), compared to control mice (10,244 ± 220, F1,46 = 16.59, p = 0.0002, two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post hoc multiple comparisons, p = 0.0041). By 24 months of age, the number of DA neurons in the SNpc of LRRK cDKO mice (8,188 ± 452) relative to controls (9,675 ± 232, p = 0.0010) is further reduced (15.4%).

      Similar results were obtained by an independent quantification by another investigator, also conducted in a genotype blind manner, using the fractionator and optical dissector method, by which TH+ cells were quantified in 25% areas. These results are included as Figure 3-figure supplement 1 in the revised manuscript. Because of the more limited sampling, the quantification data are more variable, compared to quantification of TH+ cells in all areas of the SNpc, shown in Figure 3. With both methods, we quantified TH+ cells in every 10th sections encompassing the entire SNpc (3D structure), as sampling using every 5th or every 10th sections yielded similar results.

      We also performed behavioral analysis of LRRK cDKO mice and littermate controls at the ages of 10 and 25 months using the beam walk test (10 mm and 20 mm beam) and the pole test, which are sensitive to impairment of motor coordination. We found that LRRK cDKO mice at 10 months of age showed significantly more hindlimb errors (p = 0.0005, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test) and longer traversal time (p = 0.0075) in the 10mm beam walk test, compared to control mice, though their performance is similar in the 20 mm beam walk (hindlimb slips: p = 0.0733, traversal time: p = 0.9796) and in the pole test. At 22 months of age, the performance of LRRK cDKO mice and littermate controls is more variable and worse, compared to the younger mice, and is not significantly different between the genotypic groups. These results are now included as Figure 9 of the revised manuscript.

      1. The authors demonstrate that, unlike in the germline LRRK DKO mice, they do not observe any alterations in electron-dense vacuoles via EM. Given their data showing increased apoptosis and gliosis, it remains unclear how the loss of LRRK proteins leads to DAergic neuronal cell loss. Mechanistic studies would be insightful to understand better potential explanations for how the loss of LRRK1 and LRRK2 may impair cellular survival, and additional text should be added to the discussion to discuss potential hypotheses for how this might occur.

      We agree that this phenotypic difference between germline DKO and DA neuron-specific cDKO mice is intriguing, suggesting a non-cell autonomous contribution of LRRK in age-dependent accumulation of autophagic and lysosomal vacuoles in SNpc neurons of germline LRRK DKO mice. We will discuss the phenotypic difference further in the revised manuscript. We are generating microglial specific LRRK cDKO mice to investigate the role of LRRK in microglia and whether microglia contribute in a cell extrinsic manner to the regulation of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway in DA neurons.

      1. The authors discuss the potential implications of the neuronal cell loss observed in cDKO mice for LRRK1 and LRRK2 for therapeutic approaches targeting LRRK2 and suggest this argues that LRRK2 variants may exert their effects through a loss-of-protein function. However, all of the data generated in this work focus on a mouse in which both LRRK1 and LRRK2 have been deleted, and it is therefore difficult to make any definitive conclusions about the consequences of specifically targeting LRRK2. The authors note potential redundancy between the two LRRK proteins, and they should soften some of their conclusions in the discussion section around implications for the effects of LRRK2 variants. Human subjects that carry LRRK2 loss-of-function alleles do not have an increased risk for developing PD, which argues against the author's conclusions that LRRK2 variants associated with PD are loss-offunction. Additional text should be included in their discussion to better address these nuances and caution should be used in terms of extrapolating their data to effects observed with PD-linked variants in LRRK2.

      We will modify the discussion accordingly in the revised manuscript.

    2. eLife assessment

      This work describes new validated conditional double KO (cDKO) mice for LRRK1 and LRRK2 that will be useful for the field, given that LRRK2 is widely expressed in the brain and periphery, and many divergent phenotypes have been attributed previously to LRRK2 expression. The manuscript presents solid data demonstrating that it is the loss of LRRK1 and LRRK2 expression within the SNpc DA cells that is not well tolerated, as it was previously unclear from past work whether neurodegeneration in the LRRK double Knock Out (DKO) was cell autonomous or the result of loss of LRRK1/LRRK2 expression in other types of cells. Future studies may pursue the biochemical mechanisms underlying the reason for the apoptotic cells noted in this study, as here, the LRRK1/LRRK2 KO mice did not replicate the dramatic increase in the number of autophagic vacuoles previously noted in germline global LRRK1/LRRK2 KO mice.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This is an important work showing that loss of LRRK function causes late-onset dopaminergic neurodegeneration in a cell-autonomous manner. One of the LRRK members, LRRK2, is of significant translational importance as mutations in LRRK2 cause late-onset autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease (PD). While many in the field assume that LRRK2 mutant causes PD via increased LRRK2 activity (i.e., kinase activity), it is not a settled issue as not all disease-causing mutant LRRK2 exhibit increased activity. Further, while LRRK2 inhibitors are under clinical trials for PD, the consequence of chronic, long-term LRRK2 inhibition is unknown. Thus, studies evaluating the long-term impact of LRRK deficit have important translational implications. Moreover, because LRRK proteins, particularly LRRK2, are known to modulate immune response and intracellular membrane trafficking, the study's results and the reagents will be valuable for others interested in LRRK function.


      This report describes a mouse model where the LRRK1 and LRRK2 gene is conditionally deleted in dopaminergic neurons. Previously, this group showed that while loss of LRRK2 expression does not cause brain phenotype, loss of both LRRK1 and LRRK2 causes a later onset, progressive degeneration of catecholaminergic neurons and dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), and noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC). However, because LRRK genes are widely expressed with some peripheral phenotypes, it was unknown if the neurodegeneration in the LRRK double knockout (DKO) was cell autonomous. To rigorously test this question, the authors have generated a double conditional (cDKO) allele where both LRRK1 and LRRK2 genes were targeted to contain loxP sites. In my view, this was beyond what is usually required, as most investigators might might combine one KO allele with another floxed allele. The authors provide a rigorous validation showing that the Driver (DAT-Cre) is expressed in most DAergic neurons in the SN and that LRRK levers are decreased selectively in the ventral midbrain. Using these mice, the authors show that the number of DAergic neurons is normal at 15 but significantly decreased at 20 months of age. Moreover, the authors show that the number of apoptotic neurons is increased by ~2X in aged SN, demonstrating increased ongoing cell death, as well as an increase in activated microglia. The degeneration is limited to DAergic neurons as LC neurons are not lost as this population does not express DAT. Overall, the mouse genetics and experimental analysis were performed rigorously, and the results were statistically sound and compelling.


      I only have a few minor comments. First is that in PD and other degenerative conditions, loss of axons and terminals occurs prior to cell bodies. It might be beneficial to show the status of DAergic markers in the striatum. Second, previous studies indicate that very little, if any, LRRK1 is expressed in SN DAergic neurons. This also the case with the Allen Brain Atlas profile. Thus, authors should discuss the discrepancy as authors seem to imply significant LRRK1 expression in DA neurons.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Shen and collaborators described the generation of cDKO mice lacking LRRK1 and LRRK2 selectively in DAT-positive DAergic neurons. The Authors asked whether selective deletion of both LRRK isoforms could lead to a Parkinsonian phenotype, as previously reported by the same group in germline double LRRK1 and LRRK2 knockout mice (PMID: 29056298). Indeed, cDKO mice developed a late reduction of TH+ neurons in SNpc that partially correlated with the reduction of NeuN+ cells. This was associated with increased apoptotic cell and microglial cell numbers in SNpc. Unlike the constitutive DKO mice described earlier, however, cDKO mice did not replicate the dramatic increase in the number of autophagic vacuoles. The study supports the authors' hypothesis that loss of function rather than gain of function of LRRK2 leads to PD.


      The study described for the first time a model where both the PD-associated gene LRRK2 and its homolog LRRK1 are deleted selectively in DAergic neurons, offering a new tool to understand the physiopathological role of LRRK2 and the compensating role of LRRK1 in modulating DAergic cell function.


      The model has no construct validity since loss of function mutations of LRRK2 are well-tolerated in humans and do not lead to PD. The evidence of a Parkinsonian phenotype in these cDKO mice is limited and should be considered preliminary.

    5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Kang, Huang, and colleagues investigated the impact of LRRK1 and LRRK2 deletion, specifically in dopaminergic neurons, using a novel cDKO mouse model. They observed a significant reduction in DAergic neurons in the substantia nigra in their conditional LRRK1 and LRRK2 KO mice and a corresponding increase in markers of apoptosis and gliosis. This work set out to address a long-standing question within the field around the role and importance of LRRK1 and LRRK2 in DAergic neurons and suggests that the loss of both proteins triggers some neurodegeneration and glial activation.

      The studies included in this work are carefully performed and clearly communicated, but additional studies are needed to strengthen further the authors' claims around the consequences of LRRK2 deletion in DAergic neurons.

      1) In Figures 2E and F, the authors assess the protein levels of LRRK1 and LRRK2 in their cDKO mouse model to confirm the deletion of both proteins. They observe a mild loss of LRRK1 and LRRK2 signals in the ventral midbrain compared to wild-type animals. While this is not surprising given other cell types that still express LRRK1 and LRRK2 would be present in their dissected ventral midbrain samples, it does not sufficiently confirm that LRRK1 and LRRK2 are not expressed in DAergic neurons. Additional data is needed to more directly demonstrate that LRRK1 and LRRK2 protein levels are reduced in DAergic neurons, including analysis of LRRK1 and LRRK2 protein levels via immunohistochemistry or FACS-based analysis of TH+ neurons.

      2) The authors observed a significant but modest effect of LRRK1 and LRRK2 deletion on the number of TH+ neurons in the substantia nigra (12-15% loss at 20-24 months of age). It is unclear whether this extent of neuron loss is functionally relevant. To strengthen the impact of these data, additional studies are warranted to determine whether this translates into any PD-relevant deficits in the mice, including motor deficits or alterations in alpha-synuclein accumulation/aggregation.

      3) The authors demonstrate that, unlike in the germline LRRK DKO mice, they do not observe any alterations in electron-dense vacuoles via EM. Given their data showing increased apoptosis and gliosis, it remains unclear how the loss of LRRK proteins leads to DAergic neuronal cell loss. Mechanistic studies would be insightful to understand better potential explanations for how the loss of LRRK1 and LRRK2 may impair cellular survival, and additional text should be added to the discussion to discuss potential hypotheses for how this might occur.

      4) The authors discuss the potential implications of the neuronal cell loss observed in cDKO mice for LRRK1 and LRRK2 for therapeutic approaches targeting LRRK2 and suggest this argues that LRRK2 variants may exert their effects through a loss-of-protein function. However, all of the data generated in this work focus on a mouse in which both LRRK1 and LRRK2 have been deleted, and it is therefore difficult to make any definitive conclusions about the consequences of specifically targeting LRRK2. The authors note potential redundancy between the two LRRK proteins, and they should soften some of their conclusions in the discussion section around implications for the effects of LRRK2 variants. Human subjects that carry LRRK2 loss-of-function alleles do not have an increased risk for developing PD, which argues against the author's conclusions that LRRK2 variants associated with PD are loss-of-function. Additional text should be included in their discussion to better address these nuances and caution should be used in terms of extrapolating their data to effects observed with PD-linked variants in LRRK2.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Weaknesses: There appears to be a lack of basic knowledge of the process of spermatogenesis. For instance, the statement that "During the first week of postnatal life, a population of SCs continues to proliferate to give rise to undifferentiated Asingle (As), Apaired (Apr) and Aaligned (Aal) cells. The remaining SCs differentiate to form chains of daughter cells that become primary and secondary permatocytes around postnatal day (PND) 10 to 12." is inaccurate. The Aal cells are the spermatogonial chains, the two are not distinct from one another. In addition, the authors fail to mention spermatogonial stem cells which form the basis for steady-state spermatogenesis. The authors also do not acknowledge the well-known fact that, in the mouse, the first wave of spermatogenesis is distinct from subsequent waves. Finally, the authors do not mention the presence of both undifferentiated spermatogonia (aka - type A) and differentiating spermatogonia (aka - type B). The premise for the study they present appears to be the implication that little is known about the dynamics of chromatin during the development of spermatogonia. However, there are published studies on this topic that have already provided much of the information that is presented in the current manuscript.

      We acknowledge the reviewer’s criticism about the inaccuracy and incompleteness of some of the statements about spermatogonial cells and spermatogenesis. We will be improve the text accordingly in the reviewed manuscript. We will also clarify the premise of the study which was to complement existing datasets on spermatogonial cells by providing parallel transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility maps of high resolution from the same cell populations at early postnatal, late postnatal and adult stages collected from single individuals (for adults). These features make our datasets comprehensive and an important additional resource for people in the community. We will also revise the description of published studies to be more inclusive.

      It is not clear which spermatogonial subtype the authors intended to profile with their analyses. On the one hand, they used PLZF to FACS sort cells. This typically enriches for undifferentiated spermatogonia. On the other hand, they report detection in the sorted population of markers such as c-KIT which is a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia, and that is in the same population in which ID4, a well-known marker of spermatogonial stem cells, was detected. The authors cite multiple previously published studies of gene expression during spermatogenesis, including studies of gene expression in spermatogonia. It is not at all clear what the authors' data adds to the previously available data on this subject.

      The authors analyzed cells recovered at PND 8 and 15 and compared those to cells recovered from the adult testis. The PND 8 and 15 cells would be from the initial wave of spermatogenesis whereas those from the adult testis would represent steady-state spermatogenesis. However, as noted above, there appears to be a lack of awareness of the well-established differences between spermatogenesis occurring at each of these stages.

      The reviewer correctly points that our samples contain both undifferentiated spermatogonial stem cells and differentiated spermatogonia, which is expected from the chosen FACS strategy. We clearly mention the fact that our populations are mixed and that our samples are 85-95% PLZF+ enriched. We also acknowledge the possible presence of contaminating cells that may influence the results and data interpretation in the section “Limitations”. We believe that this does not diminish the value of the datasets. But to further increase their usefulness and improve their interpretation, we will conduct new analyses and apply computational methods to deconvolute our bulk RNA-seq datasets in silico (PMID: 37528411) using publicly available single-cell RNA-seq datasets. Such analyses shall correct for cell-type heterogeneity and provide information about the cellular composition of our cell preparations clarifying the representation of undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonial cells and the possible presence of somatic cells.

      In general, the authors present observational data of the sort that is generated by RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analyses, and they speculate on the potential significance of several of these observations. However, they provide no definitive data to support any of their speculations. This further illustrates the fact that this study contributes little if any new information beyond that already available from the numerous previously published RNA-seq and ATAC-seq studies of spermatogenesis. In short, the study described in this manuscript does not advance the field.

      We acknowledge that RNA-seq and ATAC-seq datasets like ours are observational and that their interpretation can be speculative. Nevertheless, our datasets represent an additional useful resource for the community because they are comprehensive and high resolution, and can be exploited for instance, for studies in environmental epigenetics and epigenetic inheritance examining the immediate and long-term effects of postnatal exposure and their dynamics. The depth of our RNA sequencing allowed detect transcripts with a high dynamic range, which has been limited with classical RNA sequencing analyses of spermatogonial cells and with single-cell analyses (which have comparatively low coverage). Further, our experimental pipeline is affordable (more than single cell sequencing approaches) and in the case of adults, provides data per animal informing on the intrinsic variability in transcriptional and chromatin regulation across males. These points will be discussed in the revised manuscript.

      The phenomenon of epigenetic priming is discussed, but then it seems that there is some expression of surprise that the data demonstrate what this reviewer would argue are examples of that phenomenon. The authors discuss the "modest correspondence between transcription and chromatin accessibility in SCs." Chromatin accessibility is an example of an epigenetic parameter associated with the primed state. The primed state is not fully equivalent to the actively expressing state. It appears that certain histone modifications along with transcription factors are critical to the transition between the primed and actively expressing states (in either direction). The cell types that were investigated in this study are closely related spermatogenic, and predominantly spermatogonial cell types. It is very likely that the differentially expressed loci will be primed in both the early (PND 8 or 15) and adult stages, even though those genes are differentially expressed at those stages. Thus, it is not surprising that there is not a strict concordance between +/- chromatin accessibility and +/- active or elevated expression.

      The reviewer is right that a strict concordance between chromatin accessibility and transcription is not necessarily expected. The text of the revised manuscript will be modified accordingly. However, we would like to note that our data strengthen the observations made by others that in cells from the same lineage, the global landscape of chromatin accessibility is more stable than their transcriptional programs over developmental time.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The objective of this study from Lazar-Contes et al. is to examine chromatin accessibility changes in "spermatogonial cells" (SCs) across testis development. Exactly what SCs are, however, remains a mystery. The authors mention in the abstract that SCs are undifferentiated male germ cells and have self-renewal and differentiation activity, which would be true for Spermatogonial STEM Cells (SSCs), a very small subset of total spermatogonia, but then the methods they use to retrieve such cells using antibodies that enrich for undifferentiated spermatogonia encompass both undifferentiated and differentiating spermatogonia. Data in Fig. 1B prove that most (85-95%) are PLZF+, but PLZF is known to be expressed both by undifferentiated and differentiating (KIT+) spermatogonia (Niedenberger et al., 2015; PMID: 25737569). Thus, the bulk RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data arising from these cells constitute the aggregate results comprising the phenotype of a highly heterogeneous mixture of spermatogonia (plus contaminating somatic cells), NOT SSCs. Indeed, Fig. 1C demonstrates this by showing the detection of Kit mRNA (a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia - which the authors claim on line 89 is a marker of SCs!), along with the detection of markers of various somatic cell populations (albeit at lower levels).

      The reviewer is correct that our spermatogonial cell populations are mixed and include undifferentiated and differentiated cells, hence the name of spermatogonia (SCs), and probably also contain some somatic cells. We acknowledge that this is a limitation of our isolation approach. To circumvent this limitation, we will conduct in silico deconvolution analysis using publicly available single cell RNA sequencing datasets to obtain information about markers corresponding to undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonia cells, and somatic cells. These additional analyses will provide information about the cellular composition of the samples and clarify the representation of undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonial cells and other cells.

      This admixture problem influences the results - the authors show ATAC-seq accessibility traces for several genes in Fig. 2E (exhibiting differences between P15 and Adult), including Ihh, which is not expressed by spermatogenic cells, and Col6a1, which is expressed by peritubular myoid cells. Thus, the methods in this paper are fundamentally flawed, which precludes drawing any firm conclusions from the data about changes in chromatin accessibility among spermatogonia (SCs?) across postnatal testis development.

      The reviewer raises concern about the lack of correspondence between chromatin accessibility and expression observed for some genes, arguing that this precludes drawing firm conclusions. However, a dissociation between chromatin accessibility and gene expression is normal and expected since chromatin accessibility is only a readout of protein deposition and occupancy e.g. by transcription factors, chromatin regulators, nucleosomes, at specific genomic loci that does not give functional information of whether there is ongoing transcriptional activity or not. A gene that is repressed or poised for expression can still show clear signal of chromatin accessibility at regulatory elements. The dissociation between chromatin accessibility and transcription has been reported in many different cells and conditions (PMID: 36069349, PMID: 33098772) including in spermatogonial cells (PMID: 28985528) and in gonads in different species (PMID: 36323261). Therefore, the dissociation between accessibility and transcription is not a reason to conclude that our data are flawed.

      In addition, there already are numerous scRNA-seq datasets from mouse spermatogenic cells at the same developmental stages in question.

      This is true but full transcriptomic profiling like ours on cell populations provides different transcriptional information that is deeper and more comprehensive. Our datasets identified >17,000 genes while scRNA-seq typically identifies a few thousands of genes. Our analyses also identified full length transcripts, variants, isoforms and low abundance transcripts. These datasets are therefore a valuable addition to existing scRNA-seq.

      Moreover, several groups have used bulk ATAC-seq to profile enriched populations of spermatogonia, including from synchronized spermatogenesis which reflects a high degree of purity (see Maezawa et al., 2018 PMID: 29126117 and Schlief et al., 2023 PMID: 36983846 and in cultured spermatogonia - Suen et al., 2022 PMID: 36509798) - so this topic has already begun to be examined. None of these papers was cited, so it appears the authors were unaware of this work.

      We apologize for not mentioning these studies in our manuscript, we will do so in the revised version.

      The authors' methodological choice is even more surprising given the wealth of single-cell evidence in the literature since 2018 demonstrating the exceptional heterogeneity among spermatogonia at these developmental stages (the authors DID cite some of these papers, so they are aware). Indeed, it is currently possible to perform concurrent scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq (10x Genomics Multiome), which would have made these data quite useful and robust. As it stands, given the lack of novelty and critical methodological flaws, readers should be cautioned that there is little new information to be learned about spermatogenesis from this study, and in fact, the data in Figures 2-5 may lead readers astray because they do not reflect the biology of any one type of male germ cell. Indeed, not only do these data not add to our understanding of spermatogonial development, but they are damaging to the field if their source and identity are properly understood. Here are some specific examples of the problems with these data:

      1. Fig. 2D - Gata4 and Lhcgr are not expressed by germ cells in the testis.

      2. Fig. 3A - WT1 is expressed by Sertoli cells, so the change in accessibility of regions containing a WT1 motif suggests differential contamination with Sertoli cells. Since Wt1 mRNA was differentially high in P15 (Fig. 3B) - this seems to be the most likely explanation for the results. How was this excluded?

      3. Fig. 3D - Since Dmrt1 is expressed by Sertoli cells, the "downregulation" likely represents a reduction in Sertoli cell contamination in the adult, like the point above. Did the authors consider this?

      We acknowledge that concurrent scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq analyses have been done by others but our datasets add to these analyses by providing concurrent chromatin and expression analyses at high resolution in spermatogonial populations at 2 postnatal stages and in adulthood and from individual males (for adult cells). This provides a set of information that adds to the current literature. Doing such analyses in single cells is not tractable financially so we offer an economical alternative that delivers high resolution datasets for these different time points. Our analyses were not meant to study spermatogenesis but to provide a thorough and comprehensive profiling of chromatin accessibility and transcription in postnatal and adult spermatogonial cells.

      Our data need careful interpretation to avoid any misleading conclusions. Fig. 2D does not show expression but accessibility which does not tell if a particular locus or gene is expressed or not. Thus, candidates like Gata4 and Lhcgr shown in Fig. 2D are simply associated with DARs but this does not mean that they are expressed. Likewise in Fig. 3A, motifs refer to decreased accessibility and not to expression. Fig. 1C indicates that PND15 cells have low to no expression of 3 Sertoli cells markers (Vim, Tspan17 and Rhox), suggesting little contamination by Sertoli cells. The presence of WT1 in PND15 cells will however be examined more carefully and re-analysed by in silico deconvolution methods using single cell datasets for the revised manuscript. In Fig. 3D, differential contamination by Sertoli cells is possible, this will also be examined by deconvolution methods.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Lazar-Contes and colleagues aimed to determine whether chromatin accessibility changes in the spermatogonial population during different phases of postnatal mammalian testis development. Because actions of the spermatogonial population set the foundation for continual and robust spermatogenesis and the gene networks regulating their biology are undefined, the goal of the study has merit. To advance knowledge, the authors used mice as a model and isolated spermatogonia from three different postnatal developmental age points using a cell sorting methodology that was based on cell surface markers reported in previous studies and then performed bulk RNA-sequencing and ATAC-sequencing. Overall, the technical aspects of the sequencing analyses and computational/bioinformatics seem sound but there are several concerns with the cell population isolated from testes and lack of acknowledgment for previous studies that have also performed ATAC-sequencing on spermatogonia of mouse and human testes. The limitations, described below, call into question the validity of the interpretations and reduce the potential merit of the findings.

      I suggest changing the acronym for spermatogonial cells from SC to SPG for two reasons. First, SPG is the commonly used acronym in the field of mammalian spermatogenesis. Second, SC is commonly used for Sertoli Cells.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and will rename SCs into SPGs in the revised manuscript.

      The authors should provide a rationale for why they used postnatal day 8 and 15 mice.

      We will provide a rationale for the use of postnatal 8 and 15 stages in the revised manuscript. Briefly, these stages are interesting to study because early to mid postnatal life is a critical window of development for germ cells during which environmental exposure can have strong and persistent effects. The possibility that changes in germ cells can happen during this period and persist until adulthood is an important area of research linked to disciplines like epigenetic toxicology and epigenetic inheritance.

      The FACS sorting approach used was based on cell surface proteins that are not germline-specific so there were undoubtedly somatic cells in the samples used for both RNA and ATAC sequencing. Thus, it is essential to demonstrate the level of both germ cell and undifferentiated spermatogonial enrichment in the isolated and profiled cell populations. To achieve this, the authors used PLZF as a biomarker of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Although PLZF is indeed expressed by undifferentiated spermatogonia, there have been several studies demonstrating that expression extends into differentiating spermatogonia. In addition, PLZF is not germ-cell specific and single-cell RNA-seq analyses of testicular tissue have revealed that there are somatic cell populations that express Plzf, at least at the mRNA level. For these reasons, I suggest that the authors assess the isolated cell populations using a germ-cell specific biomarker such as DDX4 in combination with PLZF to get a more accurate assessment of the undifferentiated spermatogonial composition. This assessment is essential for the interpretation of the RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data that was generated.

      The reviewer is right that our cell populations likely contain undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonial cells and a small percentage of somatic cells including Sertoli cells. As suggested, we examined the expression of the germ-cell marker Ddx4 in our datasets and observed that Ddx4 is highly expressed. It is indeed more highly expressed than the SSC marker Id4 (average log2CPM of 5 vs 8, respectively). We will include this information in the revised manuscript. Further, the deconvolution analyses that will be conducted are expected to clarify the cellular composition of our cell populations.

      A previous study by the Namekawa lab (PMID: 29126117) performed ATAC-seq on a similar cell population (THY1+ FACS sorted) that was isolated from pre-pubertal mouse testes. It was surprising to not see this study referenced in the current manuscript. In addition, it seems prudent to cross-reference the two ATAC-seq datasets for commonalities and differences. In addition, there are several published studies on scATAC-seq of human spermatogonia that might be of interest to cross-reference with the ATAC-seq data presented in the current study to provide an understanding of translational merit for the findings.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this study as well as other studies in human spermatogonia. We will cross-reference all of them in the revised manuscript.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study provides useful datasets on gene expression and chromatin accessibility profiles in spermatogonial cells at different postnatal ages in mice. Overall, the technical aspects of the sequencing analyses and computational/bioinformatics are solid. However, there are concerns with the identity of the isolated cells and the lack of acknowledgment for previous studies that have also performed ATAC-sequencing on spermatogonia of mouse and human testes. The limitations call into question the validity of the interpretations and reduce the potential merit of the findings.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors appear to be attempting to describe dynamic changes in the chromatin landscape in spermatogonial cells during postnatal development ranging from prepubertal stages at postnatal days 8 or 15 to adult stages. The authors attempt to relate differences they observe in chromatin accessibility at these different stages to changes in gene expression to better understand the molecular mechanisms regulating this differential gene expression.

      Strengths:<br /> The primary strength of the manuscript is that it provides additional datasets describing gene expression and chromatin accessibility patterns in spermatogonial cells at different postnatal ages.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There appears to be a lack of basic knowledge of the process of spermatogenesis. For instance, the statement that "During the first week of postnatal life, a population of SCs continues to proliferate to give rise to undifferentiated Asingle (As), Apaired (Apr) and Aaligned (Aal) cells. The remaining SCs differentiate to form chains of daughter cells that become primary and secondary permatocytes around postnatal day (PND) 10 to 12." is inaccurate. The Aal cells are the spermatogonial chains, the two are not distinct from one another. In addition, the authors fail to mention spermatogonial stem cells which form the basis for steady-state spermatogenesis. The authors also do not acknowledge the well-known fact that, in the mouse, the first wave of spermatogenesis is distinct from subsequent waves. Finally, the authors do not mention the presence of both undifferentiated spermatogonia (aka - type A) and differentiating spermatogonia (aka - type B). The premise for the study they present appears to be the implication that little is known about the dynamics of chromatin during the development of spermatogonia. However, there are published studies on this topic that have already provided much of the information that is presented in the current manuscript.

      It is not clear which spermatogonial subtype the authors intended to profile with their analyses. On the one hand, they used PLZF to FACS sort cells. This typically enriches for undifferentiated spermatogonia. On the other hand, they report detection in the sorted population of markers such as c-KIT which is a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia, and that is in the same population in which ID4, a well-known marker of spermatogonial stem cells, was detected. The authors cite multiple previously published studies of gene expression during spermatogenesis, including studies of gene expression in spermatogonia. It is not at all clear what the authors' data adds to the previously available data on this subject.

      The authors analyzed cells recovered at PND 8 and 15 and compared those to cells recovered from the adult testis. The PND 8 and 15 cells would be from the initial wave of spermatogenesis whereas those from the adult testis would represent steady-state spermatogenesis. However, as noted above, there appears to be a lack of awareness of the well-established differences between spermatogenesis occurring at each of these stages.

      In general, the authors present observational data of the sort that is generated by RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analyses, and they speculate on the potential significance of several of these observations. However, they provide no definitive data to support any of their speculations. This further illustrates the fact that this study contributes little if any new information beyond that already available from the numerous previously published RNA-seq and ATAC-seq studies of spermatogenesis. In short, the study described in this manuscript does not advance the field.

      The phenomenon of epigenetic priming is discussed, but then it seems that there is some expression of surprise that the data demonstrate what this reviewer would argue are examples of that phenomenon. The authors discuss the "modest correspondence between transcription and chromatin accessibility in SCs." Chromatin accessibility is an example of an epigenetic parameter associated with the primed state. The primed state is not fully equivalent to the actively expressing state. It appears that certain histone modifications along with transcription factors are critical to the transition between the primed and actively expressing states (in either direction). The cell types that were investigated in this study are closely related spermatogenic, and predominantly spermatogonial cell types. It is very likely that the differentially expressed loci will be primed in both the early (PND 8 or 15) and adult stages, even though those genes are differentially expressed at those stages. Thus, it is not surprising that there is not a strict concordance between +/- chromatin accessibility and +/- active or elevated expression.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The objective of this study from Lazar-Contes et al. is to examine chromatin accessibility changes in "spermatogonial cells" (SCs) across testis development. Exactly what SCs are, however, remains a mystery. The authors mention in the abstract that SCs are undifferentiated male germ cells and have self-renewal and differentiation activity, which would be true for Spermatogonial STEM Cells (SSCs), a very small subset of total spermatogonia, but then the methods they use to retrieve such cells using antibodies that enrich for undifferentiated spermatogonia encompass both undifferentiated and differentiating spermatogonia. Data in Fig. 1B prove that most (85-95%) are PLZF+, but PLZF is known to be expressed both by undifferentiated and differentiating (KIT+) spermatogonia (Niedenberger et al., 2015; PMID: 25737569). Thus, the bulk RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data arising from these cells constitute the aggregate results comprising the phenotype of a highly heterogeneous mixture of spermatogonia (plus contaminating somatic cells), NOT SSCs. Indeed, Fig. 1C demonstrates this by showing the detection of Kit mRNA (a well-known marker of differentiating spermatogonia - which the authors claim on line 89 is a marker of SCs!), along with the detection of markers of various somatic cell populations (albeit at lower levels). This admixture problem influences the results - the authors show ATAC-seq accessibility traces for several genes in Fig. 2E (exhibiting differences between P15 and Adult), including Ihh, which is not expressed by spermatogenic cells, and Col6a1, which is expressed by peritubular myoid cells. Thus, the methods in this paper are fundamentally flawed, which precludes drawing any firm conclusions from the data about changes in chromatin accessibility among spermatogonia (SCs?) across postnatal testis development. In addition, there already are numerous scRNA-seq datasets from mouse spermatogenic cells at the same developmental stages in question. Moreover, several groups have used bulk ATAC-seq to profile enriched populations of spermatogonia, including from synchronized spermatogenesis which reflects a high degree of purity (see Maezawa et al., 2018 PMID: 29126117 and Schlief et al., 2023 PMID: 36983846 and in cultured spermatogonia - Suen et al., 2022 PMID: 36509798) - so this topic has already begun to be examined. None of these papers was cited, so it appears the authors were unaware of this work. The authors' methodological choice is even more surprising given the wealth of single-cell evidence in the literature since 2018 demonstrating the exceptional heterogeneity among spermatogonia at these developmental stages (the authors DID cite some of these papers, so they are aware). Indeed, it is currently possible to perform concurrent scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq (10x Genomics Multiome), which would have made these data quite useful and robust. As it stands, given the lack of novelty and critical methodological flaws, readers should be cautioned that there is little new information to be learned about spermatogenesis from this study, and in fact, the data in Figures 2-5 may lead readers astray because they do not reflect the biology of any one type of male germ cell. Indeed, not only do these data not add to our understanding of spermatogonial development, but they are damaging to the field if their source and identity are properly understood. Here are some specific examples of the problems with these data:

      1. Fig. 2D - Gata4 and Lhcgr are not expressed by germ cells in the testis.

      2. Fig. 3A - WT1 is expressed by Sertoli cells, so the change in accessibility of regions containing a WT1 motif suggests differential contamination with Sertoli cells. Since Wt1 mRNA was differentially high in P15 (Fig. 3B) - this seems to be the most likely explanation for the results. How was this excluded?

      3. Fig. 3D - Since Dmrt1 is expressed by Sertoli cells, the "downregulation" likely represents a reduction in Sertoli cell contamination in the adult, like the point above. Did the authors consider this?

    5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Lazar-Contes and colleagues aimed to determine whether chromatin accessibility changes in the spermatogonial population during different phases of postnatal mammalian testis development. Because actions of the spermatogonial population set the foundation for continual and robust spermatogenesis and the gene networks regulating their biology are undefined, the goal of the study has merit. To advance knowledge, the authors used mice as a model and isolated spermatogonia from three different postnatal developmental age points using a cell sorting methodology that was based on cell surface markers reported in previous studies and then performed bulk RNA-sequencing and ATAC-sequencing. Overall, the technical aspects of the sequencing analyses and computational/bioinformatics seem sound but there are several concerns with the cell population isolated from testes and lack of acknowledgment for previous studies that have also performed ATAC-sequencing on spermatogonia of mouse and human testes. The limitations, described below, call into question the validity of the interpretations and reduce the potential merit of the findings.

      I suggest changing the acronym for spermatogonial cells from SC to SPG for two reasons. First, SPG is the commonly used acronym in the field of mammalian spermatogenesis. Second, SC is commonly used for Sertoli Cells.

      The authors should provide a rationale for why they used postnatal day 8 and 15 mice.

      The FACS sorting approach used was based on cell surface proteins that are not germline-specific so there were undoubtedly somatic cells in the samples used for both RNA and ATAC sequencing. Thus, it is essential to demonstrate the level of both germ cell and undifferentiated spermatogonial enrichment in the isolated and profiled cell populations. To achieve this, the authors used PLZF as a biomarker of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Although PLZF is indeed expressed by undifferentiated spermatogonia, there have been several studies demonstrating that expression extends into differentiating spermatogonia. In addition, PLZF is not germ-cell specific and single-cell RNA-seq analyses of testicular tissue have revealed that there are somatic cell populations that express Plzf, at least at the mRNA level. For these reasons, I suggest that the authors assess the isolated cell populations using a germ-cell specific biomarker such as DDX4 in combination with PLZF to get a more accurate assessment of the undifferentiated spermatogonial composition. This assessment is essential for the interpretation of the RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data that was generated.

      A previous study by the Namekawa lab (PMID: 29126117) performed ATAC-seq on a similar cell population (THY1+ FACS sorted) that was isolated from pre-pubertal mouse testes. It was surprising to not see this study referenced in the current manuscript. In addition, it seems prudent to cross-reference the two ATAC-seq datasets for commonalities and differences. In addition, there are several published studies on scATAC-seq of human spermatogonia that might be of interest to cross-reference with the ATAC-seq data presented in the current study to provide an understanding of translational merit for the findings.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable observations on a potential role of creatine (Cr) as a novel neurotransmitter. The data provide solid evidence that Cr is present in synaptic vesicles. If, in the future, a receptor can be described, it will support the claim that Cr is synaptically released and binds to a post-synaptic receptor. This would be of wide interest to the field of neuroscience.

    2. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      Point-to-Point Responses to Reviewers’ Comments

      We are a bit surprised by the comments of Reviewer 1, but that our further responses can help communications with Reviewer 1. We have also responded to comments of Reviewers 2 and 3.

      Public Reviews:

      *Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The overall tone of the rebuttal and lack of responses on several questions was surprising. Clearly, the authors took umbrage at the phrase 'no smoking gun' and provided a lengthy repetition of the fair argument about 'ticking boxes' on the classic list of criteria. They also make repeated historical references that descriptions of neurotransmitters include many papers, typically over decades, e.g. in the case of ACh and its discovery by Sir Henry Dale. While I empathize with the authors' apparent frustration (I quote: '...accept the reality that Rome was not built in a single day and that no transmitter was proven by a one single paper') I am a bit surprised at the complete brushing away of the argument, and in fact the discussion. In the original paper, the notion of a receptor was mentioned only in a single sentence and all three reviewers brought up this rather obvious question. The historical comparisons are difficult: Of course many papers contribute to the identification of a neurotransmitter, but there is a much higher burden of proof in 2023 compared to the work by Otto Loewi and Sir Henry Dale: most, if not all, currently accepted neurotransmitter have a clear biological function at the level of the brain and animal behavior or function - and were in fact first proposed to exist based on a functional biological experiment (e.g. Loewi's heart rate change). This, and the isolation of the chemical that does the job, were clear, unquestionable 'smoking guns' a hundred years ago. Fast forward 2023: Creatine has been carefully studied by the authors to tick many of the boxes for neurotransmitters, but there is no clear role for its function in an animal. The authors show convincing effects upon K+ stimulation and electrophysiological recordings that show altered neuronal activity using the slc6a8 and agat mutants as well as Cr application - but, as has been pointed out by other reviewers, these effects are not a clear-cut demonstration of a chemical transmitter function, however many boxes are ticked. The identification of a role of a neurotransmitter for brain function and animal behavior has reasonably more advanced possibilities in 2023 than a hundred years ago - and e.g. a discussion of approaches for possible receptor candidates should be possible.

      Again, I reviewed this positively and agree that a lot of cumulative data are great to be put out there and allow the discovery to be more broadly discussed and tested. But I have to note, that the authors simply respond with the 'Rome was not built in a single day' statement to my suggestions on at least 'have some lead' how to approach the question of a receptor e.g. through agonists or antagonists (while clearly stating 'I do not think the publication of this manuscript should not be made dependent' on this). Similarly, in response to reviewer 2's concerns about a missing receptor, the authors' only (may I say snarky) response is ' We have deleted this sentence, though what could mediate postsynaptic responses other than receptors?' The bullet point by reviewer 3 ' • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically.' is the one point by that reviewer that is simply ignored by the authors completely. Finally, I note that my reivew question on the K stimulation issues (e.g. 35 neurons that simply did not respond at all) was: ' Response: To avoid the disadvantage of K stimulation, we also performed optogenetic experiments recently and obtained encouraging preliminary results.' No details, not data - no response really.

      In sum, I find this all a bit strange and the rebuttal surprising - all three reviewers were supportive and have carefully listed points of discussion that I found all valid and thoughtful. In response, the authors selectively responded scientifically to some experimental questions, but otherwise simply rather non-scientifically dismissed questions with 'Rome was not built in a day'-type answers, or less. I my view, the authors have disregarded the review process and the effort of three supportive reviewers, which should be part of the permanent record of this paper.


      We were very surprised by the tone of Reviewer 1 in the second round of reviewing. The corresponding author has spent some time including a long holiday to cool down and re-read our earlier responses. The following is entirely by the correspond author.

      I have finally checked the term “smoking gun”, and found out that I interpreted it wrongly while I had thought that Reviewer 1 was wrong. This came from a long story in that I was lectured by a native speaker for my English when submitting the first paper from my own paper. In that case, the Reviewer was wrong (in arguing that only adjectives but not nouns can be used to define nouns), I was quite offended and remembered it vividly. In the case of “smoking gun”, I wrongly believed that it meant a hint (while the definite evidence would be “the final nail in the coffin”). By interpreting is as a hint, I was then rebutting Reviewer 1 for negating all our experimental results as “not a single piece of suggestive evidence”.

      For the above, I apologize.

      I have another disagreement about “smoking gun”. For a transmitter, multiple criteria have to be met. For example, finding a receptor for a small molecule would not be definitive for a transmitter because if it is not present in the SVs, it is unlikely to be a typical transmitter. If a molecule has a receptor but they are not even in the nervous system, it is definitely no a transmitter.

      The title of our paper is “Evidence suggesting creatine as a new central neurotransmitter”, not “Evidence proving creatine as a new central neurotransmitter”. In the Abstract, after “Our biochemical, chemical, genetic and electrophysiological results are consistent with the possibility of Cr as a neurotransmitter”, we are adding “though not yet reaching the level of proof for the now classic transmitters”. In the last sentence of the introduction, we have now added “though the discovery of a receptor for Cr would prove it”.

      I do, however, believe that, however strong the wordings are, criticisms and rebuttals in science are normal and should be conducted even when emotions are involved.

      One of my major point of differences with at least two of the reviewers is that the criteria for neurotransmitters should be those listed in major textbooks. While everyone can have one’s own opinions, the textbooks, especially those accepted by readers of the field for more than 40 years, should be the standards. Kandel has listed the 4 criteria not only 40 years ago but also just 2 years ago in their latest 6th edition. The reviewers have asked for more, while discounting Kandel et al. (2021). So, in essence, the Reviewer is not shy in scientific criticisms when stating “The identification of a role of a neurotransmitter for brain function and animal behavior has reasonably more advanced possibilities in 2023 than a hundred years ago”.

      Reviewer 1 raised another new criterion: brain function and behavior, while this is not in any textbook lists. However, lack of Cr caused behavioral problems, as cited by us in the introduction: both humans and mice were defective in brain function with loss of function mutations in the gene for the specific Cr transporter SLC6A8. If the reviewer meant behavioral abnormalities caused by Cr injection, that was unclear. But that criterion may not be met by other transmitters which is the likely reason that it was not a criterion in any textbook.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Bian et al studied creatine (Cr) in the context of central nervous system (CNS) function. They detected Cr in synaptic vesicles purified from mouse brains with anti-Synaptophysin using capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Cr levels in the synaptic vesicle fraction was reduced in mice lacking the Cr synthetase AGAT, or the Cr transporter SLC6A8. They provide evidence for Cr release within several minutes after treating brain slices with KCl. This KCl-induced Cr release was partially calcium dependent and was attenuated in slices obtained from AGAT and SLC6A8 mutant mice. Cr application also decreased the excitability of cortical pyramidal cells in one third of the cells tested. Finally, they provide evidence for SLC6A8-dependent Cr uptake into synaptosomes, and ATP-dependent Cr loading into synaptic vesicles. Based on these data, the authors propose that Cr may act as neurotransmitter in the CNS.

      Strengths: 1. A major strength of the paper is the broad spectrum of tools used to investigate Cr. 2. The study provides evidence that Cr is present in/loaded into synaptic vesicles.

      Weaknesses: 1. There is no significant decrease in Cr content pulled down by anti-Syp in AGAT-/- mice when normalized to IgG controls. Hence, blocking AGAT activity/Cr synthesis does not affect Cr levels in the synaptic vesicle fraction, arguing against a Cr enrichment.

      Response: Evidence for Cr enrichment in the SVS was obtained robustly with wild type mice. When brain Cr is very low in AGAT-/- mutant mice, because there is little Cr, there is also little Cr in the SVs. One does not require that as a criterion: it does not argue against the normal levels of Cr could be transported into the SVs even if when the much reduced levels of AGAT-/- Cr in mutant mice could be enriched in SVs.

      1. There is no difference in KCl-induced Cr release between SLC6A8-/Y and SLC6A8+/Y when normalizing the data to the respective controls. Thus, the data are not consistent with the idea that depolarization-induced Cr release requires SLC6A8.

      Response: This comment of Reviewer 2 was based on Figure 5D. But if one carefully examines Figure 5G, it was clear that the Ca++ dependent component of KCl -induced Cr release was lower in SLC6A8-/Y than that in SLC6A8+/Y.

      1. The rationale of grouping the excitability data into responders and non-responders is not convincing because the threshold of 10% decrease in AP rate is arbitrary. The data do therefore not support the conclusion that Cr reduces neuronal excitability.

      Response: Comparison of the same neuron, before and after Cr did show effects on neuronal excitability though that would have no statistics if one does not group multiple cells into the same categories.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Bian et al. promotes the idea that creatine is a new neurotransmitter. The authors conduct an impressive combination of mass spectrometry (Fig. 1), genetics (Figs. 2, 3, 6), biochemistry (Figs. 2, 3, 8), immunostaining (Fig. 4), electrophysiology (Figs. 5, 6, 7), and EM (Fig. 8) in order to offer support for the hypothesis that creatine is a CNS neurotransmitter.


      There are many strengths to this study. • The combinatorial approach is a strength. There is no shortage of data in this study. • The careful consideration of specific criteria that creatine would need to meet in order to be considered a neurotransmitter is a strength. • The comparison studies that the authors have done in parallel with classical neurotransmitters is helpful. • Demonstration that creatine has inhibitory effects is another strength. • The new genetic mutations for Slc6a8 and AGAT are strengths and potentially incredibly helpful for downstream work.

      WEAKNESSES: • Some data are indirect. Even though Slc6a8 and AGAT are helpful sentinels for the presence of creatine, they are not creatine themselves. Of note, these molecules themselves are not essential for making the case that creatine is a neurotransmitter.

      Response: We agree, but those data are not inconsistent with the possibility.

      • Regarding Slc6a8, it seems to work only as a reuptake transporter - not as a transporter into SVs. Therefore, we do not know what the transporter into the TVs is.

      Response: SLC6A8 is not the transporter on the SVs, but is an excellent candidate for the transporter on the presynaptic cytoplasmic membrane for uptake of Cr into the presynaptic structure.

      • Puzzlingly, Slc6a8 and AGAT are in different cells, setting up the complicated model that creatine is created in one cell type and then processed as a neurotransmitter in another. This matter will likely need to be resolved in future studies.

      Response: We agree.

      • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically. This will likely need to be resolved in future studies.

      Response: We agree.

      • Because no candidate receptor has been identified, it is important to fully consider other possibilities for roles of creatine that would explain these observations other than it being a neurotransmitter? There is some attention to this in the Discussion.

      Response: We agree.

      There are several criteria that define a neurotransmitter. The authors nicely delineated many criteria in their discussion, but it is worth it for readers to do the same with their own understanding of the data.

      By this reviewer's understanding (and combining some textbook definitions together) a neurotransmitter: 1) must be present within the presynaptic neuron and stored in vesicles; 2) must be released by depolarization of the presynaptic terminal; 3) must require Ca2+ influx upon depolarization prior to release; 4) must bind specific receptors present on the postsynaptic cell; 5) exogenous transmitter can mimic presynaptic release; 6) there exists a mechanism of removal of the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft.

      Response: While any of us can come up with a list according to our own understanding, the paper copies lists from textbooks, especially from Kandel et al. (2021), which lists the same 4 criteria as Kandel et al. (1983), providing consistency and consensus.

      For a paper to claim that the published work has identified a new neurotransmitter, several of these criteria would be met - and the paper would acknowledge in the discussion which ones have not been met. For this particular paper, this reviewer finds that condition 1 is clearly met.

      Conditions 2 and 3 seem to be met by electrophysiology, but there are caveats here. High KCl stimulation is a blunt instrument that will depolarize absolutely everything in the prep all at once and could result in any number of non-specific biological reactions as a result of K+ rushing into all neurons in the prep. Moreover, the results in 0 Ca2+ are puzzling. For creatine (and for the other neurotransmitters), why is there such a massive uptick in release, even when the extracellular saline is devoid of calcium?

      Response: Classic transmitters are released in a Ca++ dependent manner when stimulated by KCl, though they also had a Ca++ independent component as also shown in our Figure 5 E and F.

      Condition 4 is not discussed in detail at all. In the discussion, the authors elide the criterion of receptors specified by Purves by inferring that the existence of postsynaptic responses implies the existence of receptors. True, but does it specifically imply the existence of creatinergic receptors? This reviewer does not think that is necessarily the case. The authors should be appropriately circumspect and consider other modes of inhibition that are induced by activation or potentiation of other receptors (e.g., GABAergic or glycinergic).

      Response: Kandel et al. did not list this.

      Condition 5 may be met, because authors applied exogenous creatine and observed inhibition. However, this is tough to know without understanding the effects of endogenous release of creatine. if they were to test if the absence of creatine caused excess excitation (at putative creatinergic synapses), then that would be supportive of the same. Nicely, Ghirardini et al., 2023 study cited by the reviewers does provide support for this exact notion in pyramidal neurons.

      Response: For most commonly accepted transmitters, this criterion has never been met. For example, the simplest case would be ACh at the neuromuscular junction. Howver, we have now found that choline is clearly present in SVs. So, how does anyone be sure that only ACh is released only, or how does anyone rule out effects of choline on postsynaptic cells when cholinergic neurons are stimulated?

      Many synapses are now known to release more than one transmitter, making it difficult to define the effect of one transmitter released endogenously.

      These are perhaps reasons why some textbooks do not emphasize similarities of endogenously released vs exogenously applied molecules.

      For condition 6, the authors made a great effort with Slc6a8. This is a very tough criterion to understand or prove for many synapses and neurotransmitters.

      Response: SLC6A8 is a transporter on the cytoplasmic membrane, thus a good candidate for removal of Cr from the synaptic cleft.

      In terms of fundamental neuroscience, the story should be impactful. There are certainly more neurotransmitters out there than currently identified and by textbook criteria, creatine seems to be one of them taking all of the data in this study and others into account.

      Response: We hope that more will join our lonely efforts in trying to discover more transmitters.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Since the authors largely disregarded questions in the review process, I do not see a point in listing recommendation for the authors again.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The different sections of the manuscript are not separated by headers.

      Response: We do have separate subheadings.

      1. The beginning of the results section either does not reference the underlying literature or refers to unpublished data.

      Response: We have a very long introduction which was criticized for being too long and with too much historical citations. We therefore refrained from citation again in the beginning part of the Results section.

      1. The text contains many opinions and historical information that are not required (e.g., "It has never been easy to discover a new neurotransmitter, especially one in the central nervous system (CNS). We have been searching for new neurotransmitters for 12 years."; l. 17).

      Response: We would like to keep these because most readers are young and do not know the history and difficulties of discovering transmitters.

      1. Almeida et al. (2008; doi: 10.1002/syn.20280) provided evidence for electrical activity-, and Ca2+-dependent Cr release from rat brain slices. This paper should be introduced in the introduction.

      Response: Done.

      1. Fig. 7: A Y-scale for the stimulation protocol is missing.

      Response: Done.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The main suggestion by this reviewer (beyond the details in the public review) was to consider the full spectrum of biology that is consistent with these results. By my reading, creatine could be a neurotransmitter, but other possibilities also exist. The authors have highlighted some of those for their Discussion.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study focuses on the role of the Gr28 family of insect chemoreceptors. Using the Drosophila larva, the authors show that taste neurons expressing different members of this family of bitter taste receptors trigger opposite behavior – attraction and repulsion. They establish the minimal bitter taste receptor subunit composition needed in these neurons to mediate the repulsion of bitter tastants. The evidence presented is convincing, using well-validated and controlled tools and experiments.

    2. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      General comments:

      To reviewer 1 and 3: The following sentences below were added at the beginning of the result section to clarify that the Gr gene expression analysis was performed using bimodal expression systems and to provide a reference that these expression profiles can generally be expected to represent endogenous Gr expression.

      "Note that this and all previous Gr expression studies were performed using bimodal expression systems, mostly GAL4/UAS, whereby Gr promotors driving GAL4 are assumed to faithfully reproduce expression of the respective Gr genes. Importantly, we analyzed two or more Gr28-GAL4 insertion lines for each transgene, and at least two generated the same expression profiles (Mishra et al., 2018; Thorne and Amrein, 2008) providing evidence that the drivers reflect a fairly accurate expression profile of respective endogenous genes."

      Specific comments:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The important chemogenetic behavioral data would benefit from a clearer presentation including a cartoon to explain what the behavior is and how it is scored. Figure 2 is the key figure in this paper and it would be helpful if the figure were reorganized to guide the non-expert reader to the key result. I recommend labeling the positive controls Gr43a as "sweet" and Gr66a as "bitter" and perhaps organize the presentation to have the negative control at the left, then Gr28ba that had no effect, then group Gr28a with Gr43a for positive valence and Gr28bc with Gr66a for negative valence. I'm not sure what the value is of showing both 0.1 mM and 0.5 mM capsaicin, the text does not explain. The experiment in Figure 2B is important but non-experts will not understand what is being done here - can the authors please provide a cartoon like those in Figure 1 showing what cells are being subjected to chemogenetics and how this differs from Figure 2A?

      The reviewer is correct that much can be improved, which we hope to have accomplished with the modifications in Figure 2. We re-organized it to deliver the key result to non-expert readers in an easy way. We added cartoons both explaining how the two-choice preference assays were conducted and indicating which cells express UAS-VR1. The cartoon in Figure 1E and Figure 2A are now directly relatable and should clarify what cells express VR1 (in Figure 2). Positive and negative control experiments using Gr43aGAL4 (a GAL4 knock-in; Miyamoto et al., 2013) and Gr66a-GAL4 are highlighted in the Figure and mentioned upfront in the text to make clear to what the experimental larvae can be compared. We also excluded larvae responses to 0.5 mM capsaicin.

      1. The AlphaFold ligand docking in Figure 8 is conducted with Gr28bc monomers, which are unlikely to be the in vivo relevant structure, given that the related OR/ORCO ancestor structures are tetramers. I recommend that this component of the paper either be removed entirely or that the authors redo the in silico work using the AlphaFold-Multimer package reported by Hassabis and Jumper in 2022 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.04.463034v2. It will be interesting to see what a tetramer structure looks like with the ligand.

      We tried but were able to use the recommended package. Even if it were, the problem is that we do not know the partner of Gr28b.c. And while it is not clear whether and how extensive changes in the ligand binding pockets occur when using the monomer prediciton vs a multimer package, we followed the reviewer’s suggestion and removed the modeling from the manuscript.

      Minor points:

      1. Line 80: I do not think it is biophysically or biochemically plausible that GRs and IRs would assemble into functional heteromeric channels and suggest that the authors either explain how that would work or remove this speculative comment.

      We have removed this sentence.

      1. Line 246-248: I would tone down the speculation about GR subunit composition - it's still too early days to understand the stoichiometry or the extent that any of the broadly expressed GRs is a co-receptor.

      We did not indulge in the possible stoichiometry of Gr complexes, but merely mention that they are composed in general of two or more Gr subunits, for which clear genetic evidence exists: Up to three different putative bitter Gr genes are necessary to elicit responses to bitter compounds, and at least two putative sugar Gr genes are necessary to restore behavioral responses to any sweet tasting chemicals (sugars). Regardless, we have toned down the language, stating now:

      “Given the multimeric nature of bitter taste receptors (Sung et al., 2017), one possibility is that the absence of a Gr subunit not required for the detection of denatonium (Gr66a) could favor formation of multimeric complexes containing Gr subunits that recognize this compound (Gr28b.a and/or Gr28b.c).”

      1. Line 284: I don't think that co-expression necessarily means that GRs form heteromultimeric channels. It's equally possible that the cell controls subunit assembly to avoid mixing and matching ligand-selective subunits at will. I would tone this down - it's still speculative at this stage. We don't even know yet how this works for OR-Orco, where we do have structures. There is not yet an OR-Orco Cryo-EM structure, so we do not know what the subunit stoichiometry is.

      We are not sure what the reviewer’s concern is. While direct biochemical or biophysical evidence is currently lacking, there is strong genetic evidence for heteromeric composition of Gr complexes, both from studies of bitter and sweet receptors/neurons (see response above). It is likely that intrinsic properties facilitate assembly of certain Grs within a taste receptor complex. We have refrained from any speculation about stoichiometry, though given the relatedness of Grs and Ors, it would not be far-fetched to propose that taste receptor complexes are also tetrameric in nature, which was recently proposed for a homomeric channel of the bombyx mori homolog of Gr43a, BmGr9 (Morinaga et al., 2022).

      1. Line 305: the work of Emily Troemel and Cori Bargmann PMID: 9346234 should be cited in the Discussion. Theirs was the first experiment to show that valence was a feature of the neuron and not the receptor(s) it expresses.

      We have now cited this work in the discussion to acknowledge this important discovery.

      1. Figure 1 - the clarity of the organization of the figure could be improved for non-experts. For instance, can the key for the abbreviations be written out at the right of Figure 1A? Second, it is confusing to talk about DOG/TOG neurons "projecting" to the DO/TO - I think the authors mean dendritic innervation, not axons projecting. Maybe having a diagram that cartoons a closeup of the DOG/TOG neurons and how they innervate the cuticular structures would make this clearer. I struggled to go from the pretty staining at the left of B and C to the schematics at the right that colored in which neurons express which receptors.

      We appreciate these comments regarding clarity and have amended Figure 1 and made necessary changes in the text and the Figure legend.

      1. Figure 3 would benefit from a summary cartoon relating back to the cartoons in Figure 1 to summarize what neurons the authors think are necessary for bitter avoidance.

      We very much appreciate this suggestion and have increased clarity by referring to the carton in Figures 1 and 2.

      1. Figure 4B - the lowercase letters indicating Gr28 subunits that are being expressed under UAS control (bottom row of table "UAS-Gr28") are easily confused for the lowercase letters a, b used throughout to signify significant differences. I recommend that the authors write out the gene names in this figure to clarify the genes in the rescue experiment.

      We changed the text in the Figure accordingly.

      1. For non-experts it would be helpful to have a map of the Gr28 gene locus so that people understand the arrangement of the genes and how the Gal4 driver lines map onto the locus.

      We have now included such a map in Figure 1B.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. In the title and multiple times in the text (e.g. lines 121-122), the authors make the claim that different Gr28 genes mediate opposing behaviors. At first, I was not convinced of this claim, but I now believe it may be warranted if integrating the present results with results from Mishra et al., 2018. In the present study, the authors show that different neurons drive opposing behaviors, but they did not show that the genes themselves mediate opposing behaviors. They show evidence for the role of Gr28bc and Gr28ba in aversion, but not the role of Gr28a in attraction. I was thinking that there could be other receptors in Gr28a-expressing neurons that mediate attraction. However, Mishra et al. showed that mutation of all Gr28 genes abolishes preference for RNA/ribose as well as detection of these compounds by Gr28a+ neurons of the terminal organ, an impairment that could be rescued by expressing Gr28a (although Gr28b genes seem to have similar functions), and the present study shows that the other Gr28 genes are not co-expressed with Gr28a in the terminal organ. Is this the line of reasoning that we must take to come to the conclusion in the title? If so, I don't believe it comes through clearly in the paper.

      We appreciate this observation. We have modified language in the abstract and the introduction to reflect previous reports of Gr28a as an RNA/ribose receptor (Mishra et al., 2018) and its conversation across dipteran insects (Fujii et al., 2023) where we showed that appetitive behavior for RNA can be mediated via the mosquito homologs in transgenic Drosophila larvae. The reviewer is correct in that there are other appetitive neurons, namely those expressing Gr43a, which defines a set distinct from and non-overlapping with Gr28a neurons (Mishra 2018). This additional information is included in the Figure 1, summarizing expression of the Gr28 genes, Gr66a and Gr43a.

      1. The Figure 6 schematic does not show Gr66a+ Gr28- cells as being connected to avoidance behavior. This seems misleading because it seems likely that these cells do promote avoidance (based on known functions of other Gr66a cells). Also, it is not clear what the red dashed line represents.

      The Gr66a neurons are indeed also avoidance mediating, but it is not clear which subgroup of these neurons is necessary. Our analysis in Figure 2 using Gr28b.c driving Kir2.1 suggests that a small subset of Gr66a neurons is sufficient to mediate avoidance. It is, however, possible that other subsets not including Gr28b.c can also mediate avoidance. The figure has been modified accordingly, as has the model in Figure 7.

      1. I would suggest including the description of Figures 7-8 in the Results instead of the Discussion. In Figure 8, it would be helpful to superimpose labels for the transmembrane domains and extracellular/intracellular sides to better interpret the models.

      The modeling was removed from the manuscript (see response above to reviewer 1).

      1. The finding that Gr66a mutants show increased denatonium and quinine avoidance (Figure 4 - figure supplement 1) seems like a non sequitur, as it does not relate to the analysis of Gr28 genes. I support the inclusion of these interesting results, but perhaps it could be stated why this experiment was conducted (e.g. as a positive control).

      We have reworded this section to make clear why Gr66a mutants were tested (possibly being part of a denatonium receptor complex).

      1. An introduction to the nomenclature and gene structure for the Gr28 genes would be helpful. It's not clear how they're all related, e.g. that the Gr28b genes share some exons whereas Gr28a is separate. The Results section alludes to "the high level of similarity between these receptors", and some sort of reference or quantification for this statement would be useful. I also think naming the Gr28b genes with a period (e.g. "Gr28b.c") may be more consistent with the literature.

      We have added the structure of the Gr28 genes in the Figure 1B, which was also a suggestion by reviewer 1, and we have amended the naming of the genes.

      1. Lines 79-80 state "some GRNs express members of both families", but no citation is provided.

      As this sentence was deleted, based on a comment by reviewer 1, this point becomes mute.

      1. There are several typos or grammatical mistakes that the authors may wish to correct (e.g. lines 73, 75, 91, 232, 334, 780, 788).

      We appreciate the reviewer pointing these errors out to us. The mistakes were corrected.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Silencing experiments suggest a role for Gr28bc in the avoidance of quinine (Figure 3), while imaging experiments do not support this role (Figure 5G). An explanation is needed to reconcile these findings.

      The imaging experiments do support a role for Gr28b proteins in quinine detection in the specific TOG GRN used for all live imaging (Figure 5). This GRN in DGr28 larvae has a significantly lower Ca2+ responses to quinine compared to controls. However, the Ca2+ response could not be rescued to wild type levels by supplementing single Gr28b subunits, suggesting multiple Gr28b proteins are present in a quinine specific receptor complex in this GRN. Also note that Ca2+ responses of DGr28 larvae to quinine is not completely abolished, suggesting some redundancy, possible via Gr33a (Apostolopoulou et al., 2014), also supported by DGr28 larvae, which have still a robust avoidance to quinine. We are confident we have been clearer in arguing this point, both the result and especially the discussion section.

      • Silencing experiments specifically targeted neurons expressing Gr28bc and Gr28be (Figure 3). It is important to note why other neurons expressing different members of the Gr28 family were not included in this analysis.

      • Inconsistency is observed in the use of different reagents across the experiments. Specifically, all six Gal4 lines were utilized in the Chemical Activation experiments, while only two lines were employed in the silencing experiments.

      The silencing experiments asked the specific questions as to what neurons are necessary for avoidance of bitter chemicals. Gr28a-GAL4 and Gr28b.a-GAL4 neurons were omitted because the former mediate feeding preference and not avoidance, and the latter is expressed in the same neurons as Gr28b.e (Figure 1). The remaining two Gr28b genes, Gr28b.b-GAL4 and Gr28b.d-GAL4 are not expressed in the larval taste system (Mishra et al., 2018) as we stated in the introduction/result section, and they were therefore not included in the chemogenetic or Kir2.1 inactivation experiments. We included these genes in rescue experiments, simply to test whether or not they can restore function for sensing denatonium.

      As for the chemogenetic activation experiments: two of the GAL4 lines are controls (Gr66a-GAL4 and Gr43GAL4), that were needed to show what can be expected from these experiments.

      • The authors did not acknowledge that neurons expressing members of the GR28 family also express other Gr family members, which could potentially contribute to the detection and behavioral responses to the tested bitter compounds.

      We believe we did, but we have made that much more explicit in the revised manuscript.

      • Gal4 lines from various studies exhibit varying expression patterns, highlighting the necessity for improved reagents. These findings also suggest the importance of employing different Gal4 lines for each receptor to validate the results of the current study.

      See response at the beginning of our rebuttal.

      • Activating or silencing neurons pertains to the function of the neurons rather than the receptors.

      We agree and nothing in the manuscript states otherwise.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study presents findings regarding the role of Juvenile Hormone in development and cell differentiation in the ametabolous insect Thermobia domestica, providing an in-depth analysis of JH's roles in a member of this basally branching group. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is convincing, drawing on a broad range of approaches and variety of experimental techniques. While the interpretation of this work in the wider context regarding its relevance for the evolution of metamorphosis is in some places overly speculative, the work will be of interest to evolutionary developmental biologists studying hormonal control of development and to entomologists studying the evolution of metamorphosis.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper provides strong evidence for the roles of JH in an ametabolous insect species. In particular, it demonstrates that:<br /> • JH shifts embryogenesis from a growth mode to a differentiation mode and is responsible for terminal differentiation during embryogenesis. This, and other JH roles, are first suggested as correlations, based on the timing of JH peaks, but then experimentally demonstrated using JH antagonists and rescue thereof with JH mimic. This is a robust approach and the experimental results are very convincing.<br /> • JH redirects ecdysone-induced molting to direct formation of a more mature cuticle<br /> • Kr-h1 is downstream of JH in Thermobia, as it is in other insects, and is a likely mediator of many JH effects<br /> • The results support the proposed model that an ancestral role of JH in promoting and maintaining differentiation was coopted during insect radiations to drive the evolution of metamorphosis. However, alternate evolutionary scenarios should also be considered.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, this is a beautiful, in-depth student. The paper is well-written and clear. The background places the work in a broad context and shows its importance in understanding fundamental questions about insect biology. The researchers are leaders in the field, and a strength of this manuscript is their use of a variety of different approaches (enzymatic assays, gene expression, agonists & antagonists, analysis of morphology using different types of microscopy and detection, and more) to attack their research questions. The experimental data is clearly presented and carefully executed with appropriate controls and attention to detail. The 'multi-pronged' approach provides support for the conclusions from different angles, strengthening conclusions. In sum, the data presented are convincing and the conclusions about experimental outcomes are well-justified based on the results obtained.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This paper provides more detail than is likely needed for readers outside the field but also provides sufficient depth for those in the field. This is both a strength and a weakness. I would suggest the authors shorten some aspects of their text to make it more accessible to a broader audience. In particular, the discussion is very long and accompanied by two model figures. The discussion could be tightened up and much of the text used for a separate review article (perhaps along with Figure 11) that would bring more attention to the proposed evolution of JH roles.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors have studied in detail the embryogenesis of the ametabolan insect Thermobia domestica. They have also measured the levels of the two most important hormones in insect development: juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids. The work then focuses on JH, whose occurrence concentrates in the final part (between 70 and 100%) of embryo development. Then, the authors used a precocene compound (7-ethoxyprecocene, or 7EP) to destroy the JH producing tissues in the embryo of the firebrat T. domestica, which allowed to unveil that this hormone is critically involved in the last steps of embryogenesis. The 7EP-treated embryos failed to resorb the extraembryonic fluid and did not hatch. More detailed observations showed that processes like the maturational growth of the eye, the lengthening of the foregut and posterior displacement of the midgut, and the detachment of the E2 cuticle, were impaired after the 7EP treatment. Importantly, a treatment with a JH mimic subsequent to the 7EP treatment restored the correct maturation of both the eye and the gut. It is worth noting that the timing of JH mimic application was essential for correcting the defects triggered by the treatment with 7EP.

      This is a relevant result in itself since the role of JH in insect embryogenesis is a controversial topic. It seems to have an important role in hemimetabolan embryogenesis, but not so much in holometabolans. Intriguingly, it appears important for hatching, an observation made in hemimetabolan and in holometabolan embryos. Knowing that this role was already present in ametabolans is relevant from an evolutionary point of view, and knowing exactly why embryos do not hatch in the absence of JH, is relevant from the point of view of developmental biology.

      Then, the authors describe a series of experiments applying the JH mimic in early embryogenesis, before the natural peak of JH occurs, and its effects on embryo development. Observations were made under different doses of JHm, and under different temporal windows of treatment. Higher doses triggered more severe effects, as expected, and different windows of application produced different effects. The most used combination was 1 ng JHm applied 1.5 days AEL, checking the effects 3 days later. Of note, 1.5 days AEL is about 15% embryonic development, whereas the natural peak of JH occurs around 85% embryonic development. In general, the ectopic application of JHm triggered a diversity of effects, generally leading to an arrest of development. Intriguingly, however, a number of embryos treated with 1 ng of JHm at 1.5 days AEL showed a precocious formation of myofibrils in the longitudinal muscles. Also, a number of embryos treated in the same way showed enhanced chitin deposition in the E1 procuticle and showed an advancement of at least a day in the deposition of the E2 cuticle.

      While the experiments and observations are done with great care and are very exhaustive, I am not sure that the results reveal genuine JH functions. The effects triggered by a significant pulse of ectopic JHm when the embryo is 15% of the development will depend on the context: the transcriptome existing at that time, especially the cocktail of transcription factors. This explains why different application times produce different effects. This also explains why the timing of JHm application was essential for correcting the effects of 7EP treatment. In this reasoning, we must consider that the context at 85% development, when the JH peaks in natural conditions and plays its genuine functions, must be very different from the context at 15% development, when the JHm was applied in most of the experiments. In summary, I believe that the observations after the application of JHm reveal effects of the ectopic JHm, but not necessarily functions of the JH. If so, then the subsequent inferences made from the premise that these ectopic treatments with JHm revealed JH functions are uncertain and should be interpreted with caution.

      Those inferences affect not only the "JH and the progressive nature of embryonic molts" section, but also, the "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life histories" section, and the entire "Discussion". In addition to inferences built on uncertain functions, the sections mentioned, especially the Discussion, I think suffer from too many poorly justified speculations. I love speculation in science, it is necessary and fruitful. But it must be practiced within limits of reasonableness, especially when expressed in a formal journal.

      Finally, In the section "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life", it is not clear the bridge that connects the observations on the embryo of Thermobia and the evolution of modified life cycles, hemimetabolan and holometabolan.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors use inhibitors and mimetics of juvenile hormone (JH) to demonstrate that JH has a key role in late embryonic development in Thermobia, specifically in gut and eye development but also resorption of the extraembryonic fluid and hatching. They then exogenously apply JH early in development (when it is not normally present) to examine the biological effects of JH at these stages. This causes a plethora of defects including developmental arrest, deposition of chitin, limb development, and enhanced muscle differentiation. The authors interpret these early effects on development as JH being important for the shift from morphogenetic growth to differentiation - a role that they speculate may have facilitated the evolution of metamorphosis (hemi- and holo-metaboly). This paper will be of interest to insect evo-devo researchers, particularly those with interests in the evolution of metamorphosis.

      Strengths:<br /> The experiments are generally conducted very well with appropriate controls and the authors have included a very detailed analysis of the phenotypes.<br /> The manuscript significantly advances our understanding of Thermobia development and the role of JH in Thermobia development.<br /> The authors interpret this data to present some hypotheses regarding the role of JH in the evolution of metamorphosis, some aspects of which can be addressed by future studies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The results are based on using inhibitors and mimetics of JH and there was no attempt to discern immediate effects of JH from downstream effects. The authors show, for instance, that the transcription of myoglianin is responsive to JH levels, it would have been interesting to see if any of the phenotypic effects are due to myoglianin upregulation/suppression (using RNAi for example). These kinds of experiments will be necessary to fully work out if and how the JH regulatory network has been co-opted into metamorphosis.

      The results generally support the authors' conclusions. However, the discussion contains a lot of speculation and some far-reaching conclusions are made about the role of JH and how it became co-opted into controlling metamorphosis. There are some interesting hypotheses presented and the author's speculations are consistent with the data presented. However, it is difficult to make evolutionary inferences from a single data point as although Thermobia is a basally branching insect, the lineage giving rise to Thermobia diverged from the lineages giving rise to the holo- and hemimetabolous insects approx.. 400 mya and it is possible that the effects of JH seen in Thermobia reflect lineage-specific effects rather than the 'ancestral state'. The authors ignore the possibility that there has been substantial rewiring of the networks that are JH responsive across these 400 my. I would encourage the authors to temper some of the discussion of these hypotheses and include some of the limitations of their inferences regarding the role of JH in the evolution of metamorphosis in their discussion.

    1. eLife assessment

      This potentially important paper compares cross-species cortical folding patterns in human and non-human primates, showing that most gyral peaks shared across species are in lower-order cortical regions. The supporting evidence is currently incomplete, requiring the addition of multiple comparison corrections and further clarification and elaboration upon the statistical procedures used.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Zhang et al. tackle the important topic of primate-specific structural features of the brain and the link with functional specialization. The authors explore and compare gyral peaks of the human and macaque cortex through non-invasive neuroimagery, using convincing techniques that have been previously validated elsewhere. They show that nearly 60% of the macaque peaks are shared with humans, and use a multi-modal parcellation scheme to describe the spatial distribution of shared and unique gyral peaks in both species.

      The claim is made that shared peaks are mainly located in lower-order cortical areas whereas unique peaks are located in higher-order regions, however, no systematic comparison is made. The authors then show that shared peaks are more consistently found across individuals than unique peaks, and show a positive but small and non-significant correlation between cross-individual counts of the shared peaks of the human and the macaque i.e. the authors show a non-significant trend for shared peaks that are more consistently found across humans to be those that are also more found across macaques.

      In order to identify if unique and shared peaks could be identified based on the structural features of the cortical regions containing them, the authors compared them with t-tests. A correction for multiple comparisons should be applied and t-values reported. Graph-theoretical measures were applied to functional connectivity datasets (resting-state fMRI) and compared between unique and shared peak regions for each species separately. Again the absence of multiple comparison correction and t-values make the results hard to interpret. The same comment applies to the analysis reporting that shared peaks are surrounded by a larger number of brain regions than unique peaks. Finally, the potentially extremely interesting results about differential human gene expression of shared and unique peaks regions are not systematically reported e.g. the 28 genes identified are not listed and the selection procedure of 7 genes is not fully reported.

      The paper is well written and the methods used for data processing are very compelling i.e. the peak cluster extraction pipeline and cross-species registration. However, the analysis and especially the reporting of statistics, as they stand now, constitutes the main weakness of the paper. Some aspects of the statistical analysis need to be clarified.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors compared the cortical folding of human brains with folding in macaque monkey brains to reveal shared and unique locations of gyral peaks. The shared gyral peaks were located in cortical regions that are functionally similar and less changed in humans from those in macaques, while the locations of unique peaks in humans are in regions that have changed or expanded functions. These findings are important in that they suggest where human brains have changed more than macaque brains in their subsequent evolution from a common ancestor. The massive analysis of comparative results provides evidence of where humans and macaques are similar or different in cortical markers, as well as noting some of the variations within each of the two primates.


      The study includes massive detail.


      The manuscript is too long and there is not enough focus on the main points. A brief listing of previous views on why fissures form and what factors are important would be helpful.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      We thank the reviewer for their thoughtful comments. We have addressed them below, and we believe that have significantly strengthened the clarity of the manuscript.

      Main Comments:

      In Fig. 2C-D, I am not sure I understand why ≈ 100 mutations fix with β = 0. In the absence of epistasis, and since the coefficients hi are sampled from a symmetric distribution centered at zero, it is to be expected that roughly half of the mutations will have positive fitness effects and thus will eventually fix in the population. With L = 250, I would have expected to see the number of fixed mutations approach ≈ 125 for β = 0. Perhaps I am missing something?

      • In our simulations, we initialize all populations from a state where there are only 100 available beneficial mutations (i.e., the initial rank is always 100). Without epistasis, these initial beneficial mutations are the only beneficial mutations that will be present throughout the entire trajectory. Hence, for β = 0, only 100 beneficial mutations can fix. Previously, this information could be found in the “Materials and methods” section of the SI. To make this aspect of our simulation more clear in the revision, we have added a discussion of the initial rank to the “Landscape structure” subsection of the model definition section. In addition, we have merged “Materials and methods” with “Further simulation details” in the SI into one section, and have listed the values for the simulation parameters in the model definition section.

      Along these lines, the authors show that increasing β leads to a higher number of fixed mutations. I am not sure I understand their explanation for this. In line 209 they write that as β increases, “mutations are needed to cease adaptation”. The way I see it, in the absence of epistasis the fitness peak should correspond to a genotype with ≈ L/2 mutations (the genotype carrying all mutations with hi > 0). Increasing the magnitude of microscopic epistasis (i.e., increasing β ), and assuming that there is no bias towards positive epistasis (which there shouldn’t be based on the model formulation, i.e., section "Disorder statistics" on page 4), can change the “location” of the fitness peak, such that it now corresponds to a different genotype. Statistically speaking, however, there are more genotypes with L/2 mutations than with any other number of mutations, so I would have expected that, on average, the number of mutations fixed in the population would still have been ≈ L/2 (naturally with somewhat large variation across replicates, as seems to be the case).

      • With epistasis, the situation becomes more complex. The structure of our model imposes significant sign epistasis in general (i.e. mutations can be beneficial on one background genotype and deleterious on another). This means that in the presence of epistasis, more than 100 mutations can be required to reach a local optimum even when the initial rank was 100. Intuitively, this occurs because mutations that were deleterious on the ancestral background genotype can become beneficial on future genotypes. We find that this occurs consistently throughout adaptation, leading to the accumulation of more mutations with increasing epistasis.

      • Please note that we use the value L = 1000 in our simulations. We have also made the fact that we use L = 1000 more clear by moving the description of the simulation parameters to the main text.

      I do see how, in the clonal interference regime, there can be multiple genotypes in the population at a given time (each with a different mutational load), thus making the number of fixed mutations larger than L/2 when aggregating over all genotypes in the population. But this observation makes less intuitive sense to me in the SSWM regime. In lines 207-208, the authors state that “as beta increases, a greater number of new available beneficial mutations are generated per each typical fixation event”. While this is true, it is also the case that a greater number of mutations that would have been beneficial in the absence of epistasis are now deleterious due to negative epistasis (if I am understanding what the authors mean correctly).

      • The reviewer is correct to note that in the strong clonal interference regime, there will be more accumulated mutations across the entire population than in any single strain. However, we report the number mutations that have fixed, i.e., become present in the entire population.

      • We find that the typical decrease in rank (per fixation event) of the population decreases with increasing epistasis — i.e., the number of available beneficial mutations that are “consumed” when a mutation fixes is typically lower in systems with stronger epistasis.

      Similarly, I am not sure I understand how one goes from equation (6) to equation (7). In particular, it would seem to me that the term 4αiαj Ji j in equation (6) should be equally likely to be positive or negative (again assuming no bias towards positive Ji j). I thus do not see why ηi j in equation (7) is sampled from a normal distribution with mean µβ instead of just mean zero.

      • The reviewer is correct that, for a uniformly random initial state, αi , αj , and Ji j will be uncorrelated so that the distribution of 4αiαj Ji j can be computed exactly (and has mean zero). However, we initialize from a state with rank 100, so that we need to compute the distribution of the random variable E[αiαj Ji j|αiαj Ji j > 0, R = 100]. This is mathematically very challenging, because there are nontrivial correlations between spins even at initialization. For these reasons, we found the uniformly random approximation insufficient. This is described in the paragraph following Equation (7) in the resubmission.

      Minor Comments:

      The authors use a model including terms up to second-order epistasis. To be clear, I think this choice is entirely justified: as they mention in their manuscript, this structure allows to approximate any fitness model defined on a Boolean hypercube. As I understand it, the reason for not incorporating higher-order terms (as in e.g. Reddy and Desai, eLife 2021) has to do with computational efficiency, i.e., accommodating higher-order terms in equation (10) may lead to a substantial increase in computation time. Is this the case?

      • The author is correct that the incorporation of higher-order terms leads to significantly more expensive computation. It’s an interesting direction of future inquiry to see if our adaptive fast fitness computation method can be extended to higher-order interactions.

      Reviewer 2

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their careful reading and their useful comments connecting our work to spin glass physics. We believe the resulting additions to the paper have made our contributions stronger, and that they reveal some novel connections between the substitution trajectory and correlation functions in spin glasses. A summary of our investigation is provided below, and we have added two paragraphs to the discussion section under the heading “Connections to spin glass physics”.

      Main Comments:

      In spin glasses, slowdown of dynamics could have contributions from stretched exponential relaxation of spin correlations as well as aging, each of which are associated with their own exponents. In the present model, these processes could be quantified by computing two-point correlations associated with genomic overlap, as a function of lag time as well as waiting time (generation number). The population dynamics of competing strains makes the analysis more complicated. But it should be possible to define these correlations by separately averaging over lineages starting from a single parent genome, and over distinct parent genomes. It would be interesting to see how exponents associated with these correlations relate to the exponent c associated with asymptotic fitness growth.

      • To investigate this point, we first considered the two-point correlation function 〈αi (tw)αi (tw+ ∆t)〉 for waiting time tw and lag time ∆t. Because all spins are statistically identical, it is natural to average this over the spin index i, leading to the quantity

      Viewed as a function of ∆t for any fixed tw, it is clear that . If m mutations with respect to α(tw) have fixed at time tw + ∆t, a similar calculation shows that . Surprisingly, this simple derivation reveals that the two-spin correlation function commonly studied in spin glass physics is an affine transformation of the substitution trajectory commonly studied in population genetics. Moreover, it shows that the effect of tw is to change the definition of the ancestral strain, so that we may set tw = 0 without loss of generality and study the correlation function χ2(t) = 1 − 2m(t) where m(t) is the mean substitution trajectory of the population. Much of our analysis proceeds by analyzing the effect of epistasis on the accumulation of mutations. This relation provides a novel connection between this analysis and the analysis of correlation functions in the spin glass literature.

      • It is well known that in the SSWM limit without epistasis, the substitution trajectory follows a power law similar to the fitness trajectory with relaxation exponent 1.0 [1]. Informed by this identity, we performed simulations in the SSWM limit and fit power laws to the correlation function χ2 as a function of time. We have verified that χ2(t) obeys a power- law relaxation with exponent roughly 1.0 for β = 0; moreover, as anticipated by the reviewer, the corresponding exponent decreases with increasing β . Nevertheless, we find that these relaxation exponents are distinct from those found for the fitness trajectory, despite following the same qualitative trend. This point is particularly interesting, as it highlights that the dynamics of fixation induce a distinct functional form at the level of the correlation functions when compared to, for example, the Glauber dynamics in statistical physics.

      The strength of dynamic correlations in spin glasses can be characterized by the four-point susceptibility, which contains information about correlated spin flips. These correlations are maximized over characteristic timescales. In the context of evolution, such analysis may provide insights on the correlated accumulation of mutations on different sets of loci over different timescales. It would be interesting to see how these correlations change as a function of the mutation rate as well as the strength of epistasis.

      • To study this point, we considered the four-point correlation function

      Because spins are statistically identical, we found numerically that the genotype average is roughly equivalent to the angular average over trajectories. Inter-changing the order of the summation and the angular averaging, we then find that

      so that the information contained in the four-point correlation function is the same as the information contained in the two-point correlation function.

      Fig. 2E and Fig. 5 together suggests an intriguing possibility when interpreted in the spin glass context. It is clear that in the absence of epistasis, clonal interference accelerates fitness growth. Fig. 2E additionally suggests that this scenario will continue to hold even in the presence of weak, but finite epistasis, but disappears for sufficiently strong epistasis. I wonder if the two regimes are separated by a phase transition at some non-trivial strength of epistasis. Indeed, the qualitative behavior appears to change from that of a random field Ising spin glass for small β , to that of a zero field Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass for sufficiently large β . While the foregoing comments are somewhat speculative, perhaps a discussion along these lines, and what it means in the context of evolution could be a useful addition to the discussion section of the paper.

      • We thank the reviewer for this interesting suggestion, and we have added a discussion of this point to the text in the future directions section, lines 483–489.

      Minor Comments:

      1. In the abstract (line 17-18), I recommend use of the phrase "a simulated evolving population" to avoid a possible misinterpretation of the work as experimental as opposed to numerical.

      • We have added the word “simulated”.

      1. In line 70, the word "the" before "statistical physics" is redundant.

      • We have removed “the”.

      1. To make the message in lines 294-295 visually clear, I recommend keeping the Y-axis scale bars constant across Fig. 4A and Fig. 4B.

      • We appreciate the suggestion. However, we found that when putting the two figures on the same scale, because the agreement is only qualitative and not quantitative (as emphasized in the text), it becomes difficult to view the trend in both systems. For this reason, we have chosen to keep the figure as-is.

      1. Fig. 6 caption states: "Without epistasis, the rank decreases with increasing µ". It should be "rank increases".

      • We have fixed this.

      1. In the last sentence in the caption to Fig. 8, the labels "(A, β =0)" and "(B, β =0.25)" need to be swapped.

      • We have fixed this.

      Editor Comments

      We thank the editor for pointing our attention towards these three interesting references, in particular the second, which appears most relevant to our work. We have added a discussion of reference 2 in the future directions section (lines 471–482), commenting on how to determine the contribution of within-path clonal interference to the fitness dynamics in our model. We have also added a reference to article 3 in the model description, commenting on the importance of sign epistasis and the prevalence of sign epistasis in our model with β > 0.


      1. Good BH, Desai MM. The impact of macroscopic epistasis on long-term evolutionary dynamics. Genetics. 2015.
    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study has practical and possibly theoretical implications for rhythm perception and production by showing individual differences in frequency preferences, and a deterioration in frequency adaptation with age. As it stands, the evidence for the main claims regarding the entrainment of internal oscillators is incomplete and requires further consideration. Regardless, the findings may inform existing models of rhythm perception and production, and the effects of age may have clinical implications.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study assumes and weakly tests that auditory rhythm processing is produced by internal oscillating systems, and it evaluates the properties of such putative oscillators across individuals. The authors designed an experiment and performed analyses that address individuals' preferred rate and flexibility, with a special focus on how much past rhythms influence subsequent trials. They find evidence for such historical dependence and show that we adapt less well to new rhythms as we age. While I have important doubts about the entrainment-based interpretation of the results, this work offers a useful contribution to our understanding of individual differences in rhythm processing regardless.

      Strengths:<br /> The inclusion of two tasks -- a tapping and a listening task -- complement each other methodologically. By analysing both the production and tracking of rhythms, the authors emphasize the importance of the characteristics of the receiver, the external world, and their interplay. The relationship between the two tasks and components within tasks are explored using a range of analyses. The visual presentation of the results is very clear. The age-related changes in flexibility are useful and compelling.

      Weaknesses:<br /> At times, I found it challenging to evaluate the scientific merit of this study from what was provided in the introduction and methods. It is not clear what the experiment assumes, what it evaluates, and which competing accounts or predictions are at play. While some of these questions are answered, clear ordering and argumentative flow is lacking. With that said, I found the Abstract and General Discussion much clearer, and I would recommend reformulating the early part of the manuscript based on the structure of those segments.

      Second, in my reading, it is not clear to what extent the study assumes versus demonstrates the entrainment of internal oscillators. I find the writing somewhat ambiguous on this count: on the one hand, an entrainment approach is assumed a priori to design the experiment ("an entrainment approach is adopted") yet a primary result of the study is that entrainment is how we perceive and produce rhythms ("Overall, the findings support the hypothesis that an oscillatory system with a stable preferred rate underlies perception and production of rhythm..."). While one could design an experiment assuming X and find evidence for X, this requires testing competing accounts with competing hypotheses -- and this was not done.

      In my view, more evidence is required to bolster the findings as entrainment-based regardless of whether that is an assumption or a result. Indeed, while the effect of previous trials into the behaviour of the current trial is compatible with entrainment hypotheses, it may well be compatible with competing accounts as well. And that would call into question the interpretation of results as uncovering the properties of oscillating systems and age-related differences in such systems. Thus, I believe more evidence is needed to bolster the entrainment hypothesis.

      For example, a key prediction of the entrainment model -- which assumes internal oscillators as the mechanism of action -- is that behaviour in the SMT and PTT tasks follows the principles of Arnold's Tongue. Specifically, tapping and listening performance should worsen systematically as a function of the distance between the presented and preferred rate. On a participant-by-participant, does performance scale monotonically with the distance between the presented and preferred rate? Some of the analyses hint at this question, such as the effect of 𝚫IOI on accuracy, but a recontextualization, further analyses, or additional visualizations would be helpful to demonstrate evidence of a tongue-like pattern in the behavioural data. Presumably, non-oscillating models do not follow a tongue-like pattern, but again, it would be very instructive to explicitly discuss that.

      Fourth, harmonic structure in behaviour across tasks is a creative and useful metric for bolstering the entrainment hypothesis specifically because internal oscillators should display a preference across their own harmonics. However, I have some doubts that the analyses as currently implemented indicate such a relationship. Specifically, the main analysis to this end involves summing the residuals of the data closest to y=x, y=2*x and y=x/2 lines and evaluating whether this sum is significantly lower than for shuffled data. Out of these three dimensions, y=x does not comprise a harmonic, and this is an issue because it could by itself drive the difference of summed residuals with the shuffled data. I am uncertain whether rerunning the same analysis with the x=y dimension excluded constitutes a simple resolution because presumably there are baseline differences in the empirical and shuffled data that do not have to do with harmonics that would leak into the analysis. To address this, a simulation with ground truths could be helpful to justify analyses, or a different analysis that evaluates harmonic structure could be thought of.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In the current work, authors deploy a set of behavioral tasks to explore individual differences in the preferred perceptual and motor rhythms. They found a consistent individual preference for a given perceptual and motor frequency across tasks and, while these were correlated, the latter is slower than the former one. Additionally, they show that the accuracy of adaptation to rate changes is proportional to the amount of rate variation and, crucially, the amount of adaptation decreases with age.

      Strengths:<br /> Authors carefully designed several experiments to measure individual preferred motor and perceptual tempo. Furthermore, before completing the main experiment they validated the experimental design by testing the consistency across tasks and test-retest. Additionally, to the value of the reported findings, the introduced paradigm represents a useful tool for future research.<br /> The obtained data is rigorously analyzed using a diverse set of tools, each adapted to the specificities across the different research questions and tasks.<br /> This study identifies several relevant behavioral features: (i) each individual shows a preferred and reliable motor and perceptual tempo and, while both are related, the motor is consistently slower than the pure perceptual one; (ii) the existence of hysteresis in the adaptation to rate variations; and (iii) the decrement of this adaptation with age. All these observations are valuable for the auditory-motor integration field of research, and they could potentially inform existing biophysical models to increase their descriptive power.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The current study is presented in the framework of the ongoing debate of oscillator vs. timekeeper mechanisms underlying perceptual and motor timing, and authors claim that the observed results support the former mechanism. In this line, every obtained result is related by the authors to a specific ambiguous (i.e., not clearly related to a biophysical parameter) feature of an internal oscillator. As pointed out by an essay on the topic (1), claiming that a pattern of results is compatible with an "oscillator" could be misleading, since some features typically used to validate or refute such mechanisms are not well grounded on real biophysical models. Relatedly, a recent study (2) shows that two quantitatively different computational algorithms (i.e., absolute vs relative timing) can be explained by the same biophysical model. This demonstrates that what could be interpreted as a timekeeper, or an oscillator can represent the same biophysical model working under different conditions. For this reason, if authors would like to argue for a given mechanism underlying their observations, they should include a specific biophysical model, and test its predictions against the observed behavior. For example, it's not clear why authors interpret the observation of the trial's response being modulated by the rate of the previous one, as an oscillator-like mechanism underlying behavior. As shown in (1) a simple oscillator returns to its natural frequency as soon as the stimulus disappears, which will not predict the long-lasting effect of the previous trial. Furthermore, a timekeeper-like mechanism with a long enough integration window is compatible with this observation.<br /> Still, authors can choose to disregard this suggestion, and not testing a specific model, but if so, they should restrict this paper to a descriptive study of the timing phenomena.

      1. Doelling, K. B., & Assaneo, M. F. (2021). Neural oscillations are a start toward understanding brain activity rather than the end. PLoS biology, 19(5), e3001234.<br /> 2. Doelling, K. B., Arnal, L. H., & Assaneo, M. F. (2022). Adaptive oscillators provide a hard-coded Bayesian mechanism for rhythmic inference. bioRxiv, 2022-06.

    1. eLife assessment

      These important findings stand out from other similar studies via solid demonstration of behavioural and neural relationships between two helping tasks - one focusing more on social perception, one more on its influence on social behaviour - that were performed more than 300 days apart. The claims however would be enhanced with a larger sample size and greater consideration of the fact that merit and need are signalled via quite different cues - such that differences between them may have multiple origins.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors conducted two tasks at 300 days of separation. First, a social perception task, where Ps responded whether a pictured person either deserved or needed help. Second, an altruism task, where Ps are offered monetary allocations for themselves and a partner. Ps decide whether to accept, or a default allocation of 20 dollars each. The partners differed in perceived merit, such that they were highly deserving, undeserving, or unknown. This categorisation was decided on the basis of a prisoner's dilemma game the partner played beforehand. "Need" was also manipulated, by altering the probability that the partner must have their hand in cold water at the end of the experiment and this partner can use the money to buy themselves out. These two tasks were conducted to assess the perception of need/merit in the first instance, and how this relates to social behaviour in the second. fMRI data were collected alongside behavioural.

      The authors present many analyses of behaviour (including DDM results) and fMRI. E.g., they demonstrate that they could decode across the mentalising network whether someone was making a need or deserving judgement vs control judgement but couldn't decode need vs deserving. And that brain responses during merit inferences (merit - control) systematically covaried with participants' merit sensitivity scores in the rTPJ. They also found relationships between behaviour and rTPJ in the altruism task. And that merit sensitivity in the perception task predicted the influence of merit on social behaviour in the altruism task.

      Strengths:<br /> This manuscript represents a sensible model to predict social perceptions and behaviours, and a tidy study design with interesting findings. The introduction introduced the field especially brilliantly for a general audience.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The authors do acknowledge right at the end that these are small samples. This is especially the case for the correlational questions. While the limitation is acknowledged at the end, it is not truly acknowledged in the way that the data are interpreted. I.e. much is concluded from absent relationships, where the likelihood of Type II error is high in this scenario. I suggest that throughout the manuscript, authors play down their conclusions about absence of effects.

      2. I found the results section quite a marathon, and due to its length I started to lose the thread concerning the overarching aims - which had been established so neatly in the introduction. I am unsure whether all of these analyses were necessary for addressing the key questions or whether some were more exploratory. E.g. it's unclear to me what one would have predicted upfront about the decoding analyses.

      3. More specifically, the decoding analyses were intriguing to me. If I understand the authors, they are decoding need vs merit, and need+merit vs control, not the content of these inferences. Do they consider that there is a distributed representation of merit that does not relate to its content but is an abstracted version that applies to all merit judgements? I certainly would not have predicted this and think the analyses raise many questions.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      When people help others is an important psychological and neuroscientific question. It has received much attention from the psychological side, but comparatively less from neuroscience. The paper translates some ideas from a social Psychology domain to neuroscience using a neuroeconomically oriented computational approach. In particular, the paper is concerned with the idea that people help others based on perceptions of merit/deservingness, but also because they require/need help. To this end, the authors conduct two experiments with an overlapping participant pool:

      1) A social perception task in which people see images of people that have previously been rated on merit and need scales by other participants. In a blockwise fashion, people decide whether the depicted person a) deserves help, b) needs help, and c) whether the person uses both hands (== control condition).

      2) In an altruism task, people make costly helping decisions by deciding between giving a certain amount of money to themselves or another person. How much the other person needs and deserves the money is manipulated.

      The authors use a sound and robust computational modelling approach for both tasks using evidence accumulation models. They analyse behavioural data for both tasks, showing that the behaviour is indeed influenced, as expected, by the deservingness and the need of the shown people. Neurally, the authors use a block-wise analysis approach to find differences in activity levels across conditions of the social perception task (there is no fMRI data for the other task). The authors do find large activation clusters in areas related to the theory of mind. Interestingly, they also find that activity in TPJ that relates to the deservingness condition correlates with people's deservingness ratings while they do the task, but also with computational parameters related to helping others in the second task, the one that was conducted many months later. Also, some behavioural parameters correlate across the two tasks, suggesting that how deserving of help others are perceived reflects a relatively stable feature that translates into concrete helping decisions later-on.

      The conclusions of the paper are overall well supported by the data.

      1) I found that the modelling was done very thoroughly for both tasks. Overall, I had the impression that the methods are very solid with many supplementary analyses. The computational modelling is done very well.

      2) A slight caveat, however, regarding this aspect, is that, in my view, the tasks are relatively simplistic, so even the complex computational models do not do as much as they can in the case of more complex paradigms. For example, the bias term in the model seems to correspond to the mean response rate in a very direct way (please correct me if I am wrong).

      3) Related to the simple tasks: The fMRI data is analysed in a simple block-fashion. This is in my view not appropriate to discern the more subtle neural substrates of merit/need-based decision-making or person perception. Correspondingly, the neural activation patterns (merit > control, need > control) are relatively broad and unspecific. They do not seem to differ in the classic theory of mind regions, which are the focus of the analyses.

      4) However, the relationship between neural signal and behavioural merit sensitivity in TPJ is noteworthy.

      5) The latter is even more the case, as the neural signal and aspects of the behaviour are correlated across subjects with the second task that is conducted much later. Such a correlation is very impressive and suggests that the tasks are sensitive for important individual differences in helping perception/behaviour.

      6) That being said, the number of participants in the latter analyses are at the lower end of the number of participants that are these days used for across-participant correlations.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The paper aims to provide a neurocomputational account of how social perception translates into prosocial behaviors. Participants first completed a novel social perception task during fMRI scanning, in which they were asked to judge the merit or need of people depicted in different situations. Secondly, a separate altruistic choice task was used to examine how the perception of merit and need influences the weights people place on themselves, others, and fairness when deciding to provide help. Finally, a link between perception and action was drawn in those participants who completed both tasks.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper is overall very well written and presented, leaving the reader at ease when describing complex methods and results. The approach used by the author is very compelling, as it combines computational modeling of behavior and neuroimaging data analyses. Despite not being able to comment on the computational model, I find the approach used (to disentangle sensitivity and biases, for merit and need) very well described and derived from previous theoretical work. Results are also clearly described and interpreted.

      Weaknesses:<br /> My main concern relates to the selection of the social perception task, which to me is the weakest point. Such weakness has been also addressed by the same authors in the limitation section, and related to the fact that merit and need are evaluated by means of very different cues that rely on different cognitive processes (more abstract thinking for merit than need). I wonder whether and how such difference can bias the overall computational model and interpretation of the results (e.g. ideal you vary merit and need to leave all other aspects invariant).

      A second weakness is related to the sample size which is quite small for study 2. I wonder, given that study 2 fRMI data are not analyzed, whether is possible to recover some of the participants' behavioral results, at least the ones excluded because of bad MR image quality.

      Finally, on a theoretical note, I would elaborate more on the distinction of merit and need. These concepts tap into very specific aspects of morality, which I suspect have been widely explored. At the moment I am missing a more elaborate account of this.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides useful information on the function of a ciliary and flagellar-associated protein, CFAP52, in the assembly of sperm head-tail connecting apparatus (HTCA) and tail formation in humans and mice. The significance is to identify CFAP52 as a genetic factor for asthenoteratozoospermia with a mixed acephalic spermatozoa syndrome (ASS) and multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) phenotype. The strength of the study is that the experimental evidence using CFAP52 loss-of-function in mice is solid to support that CFAP52 is essential for sperm motility and male fertility by contributing to HTCA and 9+2 axoneme, corroborating the sperm phenotypes of human patients with compound heterozygous mutations in CFAP52.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors identified compound heterozygous mutations in CFAP52 recessively cosegregating with male infertility status in a non-consanguineous family. The Cfap52-mutant patient exhibits a mixed acephalic spermatozoa syndrome (ASS) and multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) phenotype. The influence of mutations on CFAP52 protein function is well validated by in vitro cell experiments and immunofluorescence staining. Cfap52-KO mice are further constructed and perfectly resemble the Cfap52-mutant patient's infertile phenotype, also showing a mixed ASS and MMAF phenotype. The phenotype and underlying mechanisms of the disruption of sperm head-tail connection and flagella development are carefully analyzed by TEM, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence staining. The data presented revealed a prominent role for CFAP52 in sperm development, suggesting that CFAP52 is a novel diagnostic target for male infertility with defects of sperm head-tail connection and flagella development.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors tried to identify the genetic factors for asthenoteratozoospermia. Using whole-exome sequencing, they analyzed a family with an infertile male and identified CFAP52 variants. They further knockout mouse Cfap52 gene and the homozygous mice phenocopied the patient. CFAP52 interacts with several other sperm proteins to maintain normal sperm morphology. Finally, CFAP52-associated male infertility in humans and mice could be overcome by using intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI).

      Strengths:<br /> The major strength of this study is to identify genetic factors contributing to asthenoteratozoospermia, and to generate a mouse knockout model to validate the factor.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors did not use the OMICS to dissect the potential mechanisms. Instead, they took the advantage of direct co-IP experiment to fish the binding partners. They also did not discuss in detail why other motile cilia have different behavior.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Jin et al. report the first evidence of CFAP52 mutations in human male infertility by identifying deleterious compound heterozygous mutations of CFAP52 in infertile human patients with acephalic and multiple morphological abnormalities in flagella (MMAF) phenotypes but without other abnormalities in motile cilia. They validated the pathogenicity of the mutations by an in vitro minigene assay and the absence of proteins in the patient's spermatozoa. Using a Cfap52 knockout mouse model they generated, the authors showed that the animals are hydrocephalic and the sperm have coupling defects, head decapitation, and axonemal structure disruption, supporting what was observed in human patients.

      Strengths:<br /> The major strengths of the study are the rigorous phenotypic and molecular analysis of normal and patient spermatozoa and the demonstration of infertility treatment by ICSI. The authors demonstrated the interaction between CFAP52 and SPATA6, a head-tail coupling regulator and structural protein, and showed that CFAP52 can interact with components of the microtubule inner protein (MIP), radial spoke, and outer dynein arm proteins.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The weakness of the study is some inconsistency in the localization of the CFAP52 protein in human spermatozoa in the figures and the lack of such localization information completely missing in mouse spermatozoa. Putting their findings in the context of the newly available structural information from the recent series of unambiguous and unequivocal identification of CFAP52 as an MIP in the B tubule will not only greatly benefit the interpretation of the study, but also resolve the inconsistent sperm phenotypes reported by an independent study. Since the mouse model is not designed to exactly recapitulate the human mutations but a complete knockout and the knockout mice show hydrocephaly phenotype as well, some of the claims of causality and ICSI as a treatment need to be tempered. Discussing the frequency of acephaly and MMAF in primary male infertility will be beneficial to justify CFAP52 as a practical diagnostic tool.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study reports an important physiological function of a conserved meiosis factor in spermatogenesis in mice. The genetic and cell biological evidence supporting the conclusion is convincing. This work will be of broad interest to cell biologists, geneticists, and reproductive biologists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> TRIP13/Pch2 is a conserved essential regulator of meiotic recombination from yeast to humans. In this manuscript, the authors generated TRIP13 null mice and Flag-tagged TRIP13 knock-in mice to study its role in meiosis. They demonstrate that TRIP13 regulates MORMA domain proteins and is essential for meiotic completion and fertility. The main impact of this manuscript is its clarification of the in vivo function of TRIP13 during mouse meiosis and its previously unrecognized role as a dose-sensitive regulator of meiosis.

      Strengths:<br /> Two previously reported Trip13 mutations in mice are both hypomorphic alleles with distinct phenotypes, precluding a conclusion on its function. This study for the first time generated the TRIP13 null mice, definitively revealing the function of TRIP13 in meiosis. The authors also show the novel localization of TRIP13 at SC and its independence from the axial element components. The finding of dose-sensitive regulation of meiosis by TRIP13 has implications in understanding human meiosis and disease phenotypes.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This manuscript would be more impactful if more mechanistic advancements could be made. For example, the authors could follow up with one of the new interactors identified by MS to offer new insight into the molecular function of TRIP13.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary and Strengths:<br /> In this manuscript, Chotiner and colleagues demonstrated the localization of TRIP13 and clarified the phenotypes of Trip13-null mice in mouse meiosis. The meiotic phenotypes of Trip13 have been well characterized using the hypomorph alleles in the literature. However, the null phenotypes have not been examined, and the localization of TRIP13 was not clearly demonstrated. The study fills these important knowledge gaps in the field. The demonstration of TRIP13 localization to SC in mice provides an explanation of how HOMRA domain proteins are evicted from SC in diverse organisms. This conclusion was confirmed in both IF and TRIP13-tagged Tg mice. Further, the phenotypes of Trip13-null mice are very clear. The manuscript is well crafted, and the discussion section is well organized and comprehends the topic in the field. All in all, the manuscript will provide important knowledge in the field of meiosis.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The heterozygous phenotypes demonstrate that TRIP13 is a dosage-sensitive regulator of meiosis. In relation to this conclusion, as summarized in the discussion section, other mutants defective in meiotic recombination showed dosage-sensitive phenotypes. However, the authors did not examine meiotic recombination in the Trip13-null mice.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors perform a thorough examination of the phenotypes of a newly generated Trip13 null allele in mice, noting defects in chromosome synapsis and impact on localization of other key proteins (namely HORMADs) on meiotic chromosomes. The vast majority of data confirms observations of several prior studies of Trip13 alleles (moderate and severe hypomorphs). The original or primary aims of the study aren't clear, but it can be assumed that the authors wanted to better study the role of this protein in evicting HORMADs upon synapsis by studying phenotypes of mutants and better characterizing TRIP13 localization data (which they find localizes to the central element of synapsed chromosomes using a new epitope-tagged allele). Their data confirm prior reports and are consistent with localization data of the orthologous Pch2 protein in many other organisms.

      Strengths:<br /> The quality of data is high. Probably the most important data the authors find is that TRIP13 is localized along the CE of synapsed chromosomes. However, this was not unexpected because PCH2 is also similarly localized. Also, the authors use a clear null (deletion allele), whereas prior studies used hypomorphs.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There is limited new data; most are confirmatory or expected (i.e., SC localization), and thus the impact of this report is not high. The claim that TRIP13 "functions as a dosage-sensitive regulator of meiosis" is exaggerated in my opinion. Indeed, the authors make the observation that hets have a phenotype, but numerous genes have haploinsufficient phenotypes. In my opinion, it is a leap to extrapolate this to infer that TRIP13 is a "regulator" of meiosis. What is the definition of a meiosis regulator? Is it at the apex of the meiosis process, or is it a crucial cog of any aspect of meiosis?

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides a valuable survey of SMAD1/5 direct transcriptional events at the time of uterine receptivity to pregnancy in the mouse. The evidence supporting the authors' claims is solid, although functional validation, a more thorough genome-wide bioinformatic analysis, and better provision of methodological details would strengthen the study. The work will be of interest to reproductive biologists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Liao et al leveraged two powerful genomics techniques-CUT&RUN and RNA sequencing-to identify genomic regions bound by and activated or inactivated by SMAD1, SMAD5, and the progesterone receptor during endometrial stromal cell decidualization.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors utilized powerful next generation sequencing and identified important transcriptional mechanisms of SMAD1/5 and PGR during decidualization in vivo.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Overall, the manuscript and study are well structured and provide critical mechanistic updates on the roles of SMAD1/5 in decidualization and preparation of the maternal endometrium for pregnancy. Please consider the following to improve the manuscript:

      • Figure 4: A and C show bar graphs, not histograms. Please alter this phrasing.<br /> • What post hoc test was performed on qPCR analyses? (Figure 6). It is evident that any assumptions of equal variance need to be negated due to the wide dispersion in experimental response invalidating the assumptions of a one-way ANOVA.<br /> • Figure 6: what data points are plotted? Are these technical replicates from individual wells or qPCR technical replicates?<br /> • Figure 6: Consider changing graph colors to increase visibility of error bars and data points.<br /> • Figure 6 legend: no histograms are shown in this figure. Refer to all gene names utilizing proper nomenclature and conventions (gene names should be italicized).<br /> • qPCR analyses: qPCR normalization should be done to at least two internal control genes, preferably three according to the MIQE guidelines (PMID: 19246619).<br /> • Supplement figure 2: graphs are bar graphs, not histograms.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Liao and colleagues generated tagged SMAD1 and SMAD5 mouse models and identified genome occupancy of these two factors in the uterus of these mice using the CUT&RUN assay. The authors used integrative bioinformatic approaches to identify putative SMAD1/5 direct downstream target genes and to catalog the SMAD1/5 and PGR genome co-localization pattern. The role of SMAD1/5 on stromal decidualization was assayed in vitro on primary human endometrial stromal cells. The new mouse models offer opportunities to further dissect SMAD1 and SMAD5 functions without the limitation from SMAD antibodies, which is significant. The CUT&RUN data further support the usefulness of these mouse models for this purpose.

      Strengths:<br /> The strength of this study is the novelty of new mouse models and the valuable cistromic data derived from these mice.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The weakness of the present version of the manuscript includes the self-limited data analysis approaches such as the proximal promoter based bioinformatic filter and a missed opportunity to investigate the role of SMAD1/5 on determining the genome occupancy of major uterine transcription regulators.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> As SMAD1/5 activities have previously been indistinguishable, these studies provide a new mouse model to finally understand unique downstream activation of SMAD1/5 target genes, a model useful for many scientific fields. Using CUT&RUN analyses with gene overlap comparisons and signaling pathway analyses, specific targets for SMAD1 versus SMAD5 were compared, identified, and interpreted. These data validate previous findings showing strong evidence that SMADs directly govern critical genes required for endometrial receptivity and decidualization, including cell adhesion and vascular development. Further, SMAD targets were overlapped with progesterone receptor binding sites to identify regions of potential synergistic regulation of implantation. The authors report strong correlations between progesterone receptor and SMAD1/5 direct targets to cooperatively promote embryo implantation. Finally, the authors validated SMAD1/5 gene regulation in primary human endometrial stromal cells. These studies provide a data-rich survey of SMAD family transcription, defining its role as a governor of early pregnancy.

      Strengths:<br /> This manuscript provides a valuable survey of SMAD1/5 direct transcriptional events at the time of receptivity. As embryo implantation is controlled by extensive epithelial to stromal molecular crosstalk and hormonal regulation in space and time, the authors state a strong, descriptive narrative defining how SMAD1/5 plays a central role at the site of this molecular orchestration. The implementation of cutting-edge techniques and models and simple comparative analyses provide a straightforward, yet elegant manuscript.

      Although the progesterone receptor exists as a major regulator of early pregnancy, the authors have demonstrated clear evidence that progesterone receptor with SMAD1/5 work in concert to molecularly regulate targets such as Sox17, Id2, Tgfbr2, Runx1, Foxo1 and more at embryo implantation. Additionally, the authors pinpoint other critical transcription factor motifs that work with SMADs and the progesterone receptor to promote early pregnancy transcriptional paradigms.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although a wonderful new tool to ascertain SMAD1 versus SMAD5 downstream signaling, the importance of these factors in governing early pregnancy is not novel. Furthermore, functional validation studies are needed to confirm interactions at promoter regions. Addtionally, the authors presume that all overlapped genes are shared between progesterone receptor and SMAD1/5, yet some peak representations do not overlap. Although, transcriptional activation can occur at the same time, they may not occur in the same complex. Thus, further confirmation of these transcriptional events is warranted.

      Since whole murine uterus was used for these studies, the specific functions of SMAD1/5 in the stroma versus the epithelium (versus the myometrium) remain unknown. Specific roles for SMAD1/5 in the uterine stroma and epithelial compartments still need to be examined. Also, further work is needed to delineate binding and transcriptional activation of SMAD1/5 and the progesterone receptor in stromal versus epithelial uterine compartments.

      There are asynchronous gene responses in the SMAD1/5 ablated mouse model compared to the siRNA-treated human endometrial stromal cells. These differences can be confounding, and more clarity is required in understanding the meaning of these differences and as they relate to the entire SMAD transcriptome.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable insights into the evolution of the gasdermin family, making a strong case that a GSDMA-like gasdermin was already present in early land vertebrates and was activated by caspase-1 cleavage. Convincing biochemical evidence is provided that extant avian, reptile, and amphibian GSDMA proteins can still be activated by caspase-1 and upon cleavage induce pyroptosis-like cell death - at least in human cell lines. The caspase-1 cleavage site is only lost in mammals, which use the more recently evolved GSDMD as a caspase-1 cleavable pyroptosis inducer. The presented work will be of considerable interest to scientists working on the evolution of cell death pathways, or on cell death regulation in non-mammalian vertebrates.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors start out by doing a time-calibrated gene/species tree analysis of the animal gasdermin family, resulting in a dendrogram showing the relationship of the individual gasdermin subfamilies and suggesting a series of gene duplication events (and gene losses) that lead to the gasdermin distribution in extant species. They observe that the GSDMA proteins from birds, reptiles, and amphibians do not form a clade with the mammalian GSDMAs and notice that the non-mammalian GSDMA proteins share a conserved caspase-1 cleavage motif at the predicted activation site. The authors provide several series of experiments showing that the non-mammalian GSDMA proteins can indeed be activated by caspase-1 and that this activation leads to cell death (in human cells). They also investigate the role of the caspase-1 recognition tetrapeptide for cleavage by caspase-1 and for the pathogen-derived protease SpeB.

      Strengths:<br /> The evolutionary analysis performed in this manuscript appears to use a broader data basis than what has been used in other published work. An interesting result of this analysis is the suggestion that GSDMA is evolutionarily older than the main mammalian pyroptotic GSDMD, and that birds, reptiles, and amphibians lack GSDMD but use GSDMA for the same purpose. The consequence that bird GSDMA should be activated by an inflammatory caspase (=caspase1) is convincingly supported by the experiments provided in the manuscript.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) As a non-expert in phylogenetic tree reconstruction, I find the tree resulting from the authors' analysis surprising (in particular the polyphyly of GSDMA) and at odds with several other published trees of this family. The differences might be due to differences in the data being used or due to the tree construction method, but no explanation for this discrepancy is provided.

      2) While the cleavability of bird/reptile GSDMA by caspase-1 is well-supported by several experiments, the role of this cleavage for pyroptotic cell killing is addressed more superficially. One cell viability assay upon overexpression of GSDMA-NTD in human HEK293 cells is shown and one micrograph shows pyroptotic morphology upon expression in HeLa cells. It is not clear why these experiments were limited to human cells and why two different cell types were used for the two complementary results.

      3) The introduction mentions as a motivation for this work our lack of knowledge of how human GSDMA is activated. This is indeed an interesting and pressing question, but it is not really addressed in the manuscript. This is particularly true when believing the authors' dendrogram results that the bird and mammalian GSDMA families do not form a clade.

      As a consequence, the significance of this finding is mostly limited to birds and reptiles.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigated the molecular evolution of members of the gasdermin (GSDM) family. By adding the evolutionary time axis of animals, they created a new molecular phylogenetic tree different from previous ones. The analyzed result verified that non-mammalian GSDMAs and mammalian GSDMAs have diverged into completely different and separate clades. Furthermore, by biochemical analyses, the authors demonstrated non-mammalian GSDMA proteins are cleaved by the host-encoded caspase-1. They also showed mammalian GSDMAs have lost the cleavage site recognized by caspase-1. Instead, the authors proposed that the newly appeared GSDMD is now cleaved by caspase-1.

      Through this study, we have been able to understand the changes in the molecular evolution of GSDMs, and by presenting the cleavage of GSDMAs through biochemical experiments, we have become able to grasp the comprehensive picture of this family of molecules. However, there are some parts where explanations are insufficient, so supplementary explanations and experiments seem to be necessary.

      Strengths:<br /> It has a strong impact in advancing ideas into the study of pyroptotic cell death and even inflammatory responses involving caspase-1.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Based on the position of mammalian GSDMA shown in the molecular phylogenetic tree (Figure 1), it may be difficult to completely agree with the authors' explanation of the evolution of GSDMA.

      1) Focusing on mammalian GSDMA, this group, and mammalian GSDMD diverged into two clades, and before that, GSDMA/D groups and mammalian GSDMC separated into two, more before that, GSDMB, and further before that, non-mammalian GSDMA, when we checked Figure 1. In the molecular phylogenetic tree, it is impossible that GSDMA appears during evolution again. Mammalian GSDMAs are clearly paralogous molecules to non-mammalian GSDMAs in the figure. If they are bona fide orthologous, the mammalian GSDMA group should show a sub-clade in the non-mammalian GSDMA clade. It is better to describe the plausibility of the divergence in the molecular evolution of mammalian GSDMA in the Discussion section.

      2) Regarding (1), it is recommended that the authors reconsider the validity of estimates of divergence dates by focusing on mammalian species divergence. Because the validity of this estimation requires a recheck of the molecular phylogenetic tree, including alignment.

      3) If GSDMB and/or GSDMC between non-mammalian GSDMA and mammalian GSDMD as shown in the molecular phylogenetic tree would be cleaved by caspase-1, the story of this study becomes clearer. The authors should try that possibility.

    1. eLife assessment

      Using extensive atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, the authors analyzed the TCR/pMHC interface with different peptide sequences and protein constructs. The results provide important insights into the catch-bond phenomenon in the context of T-cell activation. In particular, the analysis points to convincing evidence that supports the role of force in further discriminating different peptides during the activation process beyond structural considerations.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors present a detailed analysis of a set of molecular dynamics computer simulations of several variants of a T-cell receptor (TCR) in isolation and bound to a Major Histocompatibility Complex with peptide (pMHC), with the aim of improving our understanding of the mechanism T cell activation in immunity. By analyzing simulations of peptide mutants and partially truncated TCRs, the authors find that native peptide agonists lead to a so-called catch-bond response, whereby tensile force applied in the direction of separation between TCR/pMHC appears to strengthen the TCR/pMHC interface, whereas mutated peptides exhibit the more common slip-bond response, in which applied force destabilizes the binding interface.

      Using various computational metrics and simulation statistics, the authors propose a model in which tensile force preferentially suppresses thermal fluctuations in the variable α domain of the TCR (vs the β domain) in a peptide-dependent manner, which orders and strengthens the binding interface by bringing together the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) in the TCR variable chains, but only if the peptide is correctly matched to the TCR.

      The study is detailed and written clearly, and conclusions appear convincing and are supported by the simulation data. However, the actual motions at the molecular or amino-acid level of how the catch-bond vs slip bond response originates remain somewhat unclear, and will probably warrant further investigations. Specific hypotheses that could be testable in experiments, such as predictions of which peptide (or TCR) mutations or which peptides could generate a catch-vs-slip response or activation, would have especially strengthened this study.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, Chang-Gonzalez and co-workers investigate the role of force in peptide recognition by T-cells using a model T-cell/peptide recognition complex. By applying forces through a harmonic restraint on distances, the authors probe the role of mechanical pulling on peptide binding specificity. They point to a role for force in distinguishing the different roles played by agonist and antagonist peptides for which the bound configuration is not clearly distinguishable. Overall, I would consider this work to be extensive and carefully done, and noteworthy for the number of mutant peptides and conditions probed. From the text, I'm not sure how specific these conclusions are to this particular complex, but I do not think this diminishes the specific studies.

      I have a couple of specific comments on the methodology and analysis that the authors could consider:<br /> 1) It is not explained what is the origin of force on the peptide-MHC complex. Although I do know a bit about this, it's not clear to me how the force ends up applied across the complex (e.g. is it directional in any way, on what subdomains/residues do we expect it to be applied), and is it constant or stochastic. I think it would be important to add some discussion of this and how it translates into the way the force is applied here (on terminal residues of the complex).

      2) In terms of application of the force, I find the use of a harmonic restraint and then determining a distance at which the force has a certain value to be indirect and a bit unphysical. As just mentioned, since the origin of the force is not a harmonic trap, it would be more straightforward to apply a pulling force which has the form -F*d, which would correspond to a constant force (see for example comment articles 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c10715, 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06330). While application of a constant force will result in a new average distance, for small forces it does so in a way that does not change the variance of the distance whereas a harmonic force pollutes the variance (see e.g. 10.1021/ct300112v in a different context). A constant force could also shift the system into a different state not commensurate with the original distance, so by applying a harmonic trap, one could be keeping ones' self from exploring this, which could be important, as in the case of certain catch bond mechanisms. While I certainly wouldn't expect the authors to redo these extensive simulations, I think they could at least acknowledge this caveat, and they may be interested in considering a comparison of the two ways of applying a force in the future.

      3) For the PCA analysis, I believe the authors learn separate PC vectors from different simulations and then take the dot product of those two vectors. Although this might be justified based on the simplified coordinate upon which the PCA is applied, in general, I am not a big fan of running PCA on separate data sets and then comparing the outputs, as the meaning seems opaque to me. To compare the biggest differences between many simulations, it would make more sense to me to perform PCA on all of the data combined, and see if there are certain combinations of quantities that distinguish the different simulations. Alternatively and probably better, one could perform linear discriminant analysis, which is appropriate in this case because one already knows that different simulations are in different states, and hence the LDA will directly give the linear coordinate that best distinguishes classes.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This simulation study presents a valuable finding on the load-dependence (i.e., dependence on a pulling force) of the recognition of a peptide-bound major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) antigen by a T cell receptor (TCR). The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although inclusion of a larger number of simulations would have strengthened the study. The work will be of interest to computational structural biologists and immunologists.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a valuable inventory of immune responses to the BTN162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in 20 hemodialyses (HD) patients and controls at different time courses. The transcriptomic sequencing data were collected and analyzed using a solid and validated methodology. The data analysis and clinical predictors to predict anti-Spike IgG titers in HD can be a starting point for further studies characterizing the immune dysregulation seen in ESRD.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Chang et al. demonstrate through their findings that COVID-19 mRNA vaccination of hemodialysis patients produces no significant difference in antibody levels achieved across the vaccination series. They correlate the antibody responses through RNA sequencing data of dialysis patients versus healthy controls throughout the vaccination series. They also compare those with prior infection versus those who are infection naive. The antibody findings are interesting because they disagree with previous publications showing that dialysis patients have a significantly lower antibody titer level achieved from vaccination than controls. The authors posit that this may be age-related, but subject numbers in the current study are not adequately powered to make that definitive determination.

      However, they find that T-cell responses may be muted in hemodialysis patients as they have lower activation of T-cell genes than healthy controls. The RNA sequencing evidence is solid. However, they lack data on a clinical correlation to T-cell responses.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In HD patients, immune pathways alteration leads to higher susceptibility to infection and lower response to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Therefore, it is important to understand the immune response to vaccines in ESRD patients against the COVID-19 pandemic. In this MS, the authors recruited 20 HD patients and cohort-matched controls to perform multiple experimental studies (including transcriptomic analysis, RNAseq, and Anti-Spike (trimer) IgG Titer Quantification) to investigate how immune pathways alteration in HD patients after COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injection. They demonstrate differing expression of BTMs and differing time courses of immune responses to the BTN162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in maintenance hemodialysis subjects (HD) compared to controls, which warrants further characterization of the immune dysregulation of ESRD and immune biomarkers. Overall, the study is well designed, and the result has potential clinical value and will interest nephrologists. The major concern of this study is the cohort set up. The sample sizes of recruited candidates are relatively small, and no validation cohort was designed. More importantly, between the two groups, the race distribution is uneven. For example, 10 black and 2 white HD patients were included, but accordingly, 3 black and 8 white people were recruited as controls. In such a small size of the clinical study, this kind of unevenness might cause potential issues in concluding. In addition, the control cohort also included 1 diabetes and 4 hypertension, patients. Will these existing primary diseases in controls cause noise in the data analysis because these metabolic diseases also can directly cause immune system dysfunction? In addition, there were 8 HD patients and 5 HC with a positive test of SARS-CoV-2 from 8 months to four weeks preceding vaccination. How long does the immune response last after being infected with COVID-19? Several studies have found that people infected with COVID-19 continue to produce antibodies to the virus for seven or eight months after recovery. Therefore, people with a COVID-19 history might not be suitable for this trial.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work is a valuable presentation of sharp-wave-ripple reactivation of hippocampal neural ensemble activity recorded as animals explored two different environments. It attempts to use the fact that the ensemble code remaps between the two mazes to identify the best replay-detection procedures for analyzing this type of data. The reviewers found the evidence for a prescriptive conclusion inadequate, while still appreciating the concept of comparing maze-identity discrimination with replay.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work introduces a novel framework for evaluating the performance of statistical methods that identify replay events. This is challenging because hippocampal replay is a latent cognitive process, where the ground truth is inaccessible, so methods cannot be evaluated against a known answer. The framework consists of two elements:<br /> 1. A replay sequence p-value, evaluated against shuffled permutations of the data, such as radon line fitting, rank-order correlation, or weighted correlation. This element determines how trajectory-like the spiking representation is. The p-value threshold for all accepted replay events is adjusted based on an empirical shuffled distribution to control for the false discovery rate.<br /> 2. A trajectory discriminability score, also evaluated against shuffled permutations of the data. In this case, there are two different possible spatial environments that can be replayed, so the method compares the log odds of track 1 vs. track 2.

      The authors then use this framework (accepted number of replay events and trajectory discriminability) to study the performance of replay identification methods. They conclude that sharp wave ripple power is not a necessary criterion for identifying replay event candidates during awake run behavior if you have high multiunit activity, a higher number of permutations is better for identifying replay events, linear Bayesian decoding methods outperform rank-order correlation, and there is no evidence for pre-play.

      The authors tackle a difficult and important problem for those studying hippocampal replay (and indeed all latent cognitive processes in the brain) with spiking data: how do we understand how well our methods are doing when the ground truth is inaccessible? Additionally, systematically studying how the variety of methods for identifying replay perform, is important for understanding the sometimes contradictory conclusions from replay papers. It helps consolidate the field around particular methods, leading to better reproducibility in the future. The authors' framework is also simple to implement and understand and the code has been provided, making it accessible to other neuroscientists. Testing for track discriminability, as well as the sequentiality of the replay event, is a sensible additional data point to eliminate "spurious" replay events.

      However, there are some concerns with the framework as well. The novelty of the framework is questionable as it consists of a log odds measure previously used in two prior papers (Carey et al. 2019 and the authors' own Tirole & Huelin Gorriz, et al., 2022) and a multiple comparisons correction, albeit a unique empirical multiple comparisons correction based on shuffled data.

      With respect to the log odds measure itself, as presented, it is reliant on having only two options to test between, limiting its general applicability. Even in the data used for the paper, there are sometimes three tracks, which could influence the conclusions of the paper about the validity of replay methods. This also highlights a weakness of the method in that it assumes that the true model (spatial track environment) is present in the set of options being tested. Furthermore, the log odds measure itself is sensitive to the defined ripple or multiunit start and end times, because it marginalizes over both position and time, so any inclusion of place cells that fire for the animal's stationary position could influence the discriminability of the track. Multiple track representations during a candidate replay event would also limit track discriminability. Finally, the authors call this measure "trajectory discriminability", which seems a misnomer as the time and position information are integrated out, so there is no notion of trajectory.

      The authors also fail to make the connection with the control of the false discovery rate via false positives on empirical shuffles with existing multiple comparison corrections that control for false discovery rates (such as the Benjamini and Hochberg procedure or Storey's q-value). Additionally, the particular type of shuffle used will influence the empirically determined p-value, making the procedure dependent on the defined null distribution. Shuffling the data is also considerably more computationally intensive than the existing multiple comparison corrections.

      Overall, the authors make interesting conclusions with respect to hippocampal replay methods, but the utility of the method is limited in scope because of its reliance on having exactly two comparisons and having to specify the null distribution to control for the false discovery rate. This work will be of interest to electrophysiologists studying hippocampal replay in spiking data.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study proposes to evaluate and compare different replay methods in the absence of "ground truth" using data from hippocampal recordings of rodents that were exposed to two different tracks on the same day. The study proposes to leverage the potential of Bayesian methods to decode replay and reactivation in the same events. They find that events that pass a higher threshold for replay typically yield a higher measure of reactivation. On the other hand, events from the shuffled data that pass thresholds for replay typically don't show any reactivation. While well-intentioned, I think the result is highly problematic and poorly conceived.

      The work presents a lot of confusion about the nature of null hypothesis testing and the meaning of p-values. The prescription arrived at, to correct p-values by putting animals on two separate tracks and calculating a "sequence-less" measure of reactivation are impractical from an experimental point of view, and unsupportable from a statistical point of view. Much of the observations are presented as solutions for the field, but are in fact highly dependent on distinct features of the dataset at hand. The most interesting observation is that despite the existence of apparent sequences in the PRE-RUN data, no reactivation is detectable in those events, suggesting that in fact they represent spurious events. I would recommend the authors focus on this important observation and abandon the rest of the work, as it has the potential to further befuddle and promote poor statistical practices in the field.

      The major issue is that the manuscript conveys much confusion about the nature of hypothesis testing and the meaning of p-values. It's worth stating here the definition of a p-value: the conditional probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is true. Unfortunately, in places, this study appears to confound the meaning of the p-value with the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is NOT true-i.e. in their recordings from awake replay on different mazes. Most of their analysis is based on the observation that events that have higher reactivation scores, as reflected in the mean log odds differences, have lower p-values resulting from their replay analyses. Shuffled data, in contrast, does not show any reactivation but can still show spurious replays depending on the shuffle procedure used to create the surrogate dataset. The authors suggest using this to test different practices in replay detection. However, another important point that seems lost in this study is that the surrogate dataset that is contrasted with the actual data depends very specifically on the null hypothesis that is being tested. That is to say, each different shuffle procedure is in fact testing a different null hypothesis. Unfortunately, most studies, including this one, are not very explicit about which null hypothesis is being tested with a given resampling method, but the p-value obtained is only meaningful insofar as the null that is being tested and related assumptions are clearly understood. From a statistical point of view, it makes no sense to adjust the p-value obtained by one shuffle procedure according to the p-value obtained by a different shuffle procedure, which is what this study inappropriately proposes. Other prescriptions offered by the study are highly dataset and method dependent and discuss minutiae of event detection, such as whether or not to require power in the ripple frequency band.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study tackles a major problem with replay detection, which is that different methods can produce vastly different results. It provides compelling evidence that the source of this inconsistency is that biological data often violates assumptions of independent samples. This results in false positive rates that can vary greatly with the precise statistical assumptions of the chosen replay measure, the detection parameters, and the dataset itself. To address this issue, the authors propose to empirically estimate the false positive rate and control for it by adjusting the significance threshold. Remarkably, this reconciles the differences in replay detection methods, as the results of all the replay methods tested converge quite well (see Figure 6B). This suggests that by controlling for the false positive rate, one can get an accurate estimate of replay with any of the standard methods.

      When comparing different replay detection methods, the authors use a sequence-independent log-odds difference score as a validation tool and an indirect measure of replay quality. This takes advantage of the two-track design of the experimental data, and its use here relies on the assumption that a true replay event would be associated with good (discriminable) reactivation of the environment that is being replayed. The other way replay "quality" is estimated is by the number of replay events detected once the false positive rate is taken into account. In this scheme, "better" replay is in the top right corner of Figure 6B: many detected events associated with congruent reactivation.

      There are two possible ways the results from this study can be integrated into future replay research. The first, simpler, way is to take note of the empirically estimated false positive rates reported here and simply avoid the methods that result in high false positive rates (weighted correlation with a place bin shuffle or all-spike Spearman correlation with a spike-id shuffle). The second, perhaps more desirable, way is to integrate the practice of estimating the false positive rate when scoring replay and to take it into account. This is very powerful as it can be applied to any replay method with any choice of parameters and get an accurate estimate of replay.

      How does one estimate the false positive rate in their dataset? The authors propose to use a cell-ID shuffle, which preserves all the firing statistics of replay events (bursts of spikes by the same cell, multi-unit fluctuations, etc.) but randomly swaps the cells' place fields, and to repeat the replay detection on this surrogate randomized dataset. Of course, there is no perfect shuffle, and it is possible that a surrogate dataset based on this particular shuffle may result in one underestimating the true false positive rate if different cell types are present (e.g. place field statistics may differ between CA1 and CA3 cells, or deep vs. superficial CA1 cells, or place cells vs. non-place cells if inclusion criteria are not strict). Moreover, it is crucial that this validation shuffle be independent of any shuffling procedure used to determine replay itself (which may not always be the case, particularly for the pre-decoding place field circular shuffle used by some of the methods here) lest the true false-positive rate be underestimated. Once the false positive rate is estimated, there are different ways one may choose to control for it: adjusting the significance threshold as the current study proposes, or directly comparing the number of events detected in the original vs surrogate data. Either way, with these caveats in mind, controlling for the false positive rate to the best of our ability is a powerful approach that the field should integrate.

      Which replay detection method performed the best? If one does not control for varying false positive rates, there are two methods that resulted in strikingly high (>15%) false positive rates: these were weighted correlation with a place bin shuffle and Spearman correlation (using all spikes) with a spike-id shuffle. However, after controlling for the false positive rate (Figure 6B) all methods largely agree, including those with initially high false positive rates. There is no clear "winner" method, because there is a lot of overlap in the confidence intervals, and there also are some additional reasons for not overly interpreting small differences in the observed results between methods. The confidence intervals are likely to underestimate the true variance in the data because the resampling procedure does not involve hierarchical statistics and thus fails to account for statistical dependencies on the session and animal level. Moreover, it is possible that methods that involve shuffles similar to the cross-validation shuffle ("wcorr 2 shuffles", "wcorr 3 shuffles" both use a pre-decoding place field circular shuffle, which is very similar to the pre-decoding place field swap used in the cross-validation procedure to estimate the false positive rate) may underestimate the false positive rate and therefore inflate adjusted p-value and the proportion of significant events. We should therefore not interpret small differences in the measured values between methods, and the only clear winner and the best way to score replay is using any method after taking the empirically estimated false positive rate into account.

      The authors recommend excluding low-ripple power events in sleep, because no replay was observed in events with low (0-3 z-units) ripple power specifically in sleep, but that no ripple restriction is necessary for awake events. There are problems with this conclusion. First, ripple power is not the only way to detect sharp-wave ripples (the sharp wave is very informative in detecting awake events). Second, when talking about sequence quality in awake non-ripple data, it is imperative for one to exclude theta sequences. The authors' speed threshold of 5 cm/s is not sufficient to guarantee that no theta cycles contaminate the awake replay events. Third, a direct comparison of the results with and without exclusion is lacking (selecting for the lower ripple power events is not the same as not having a threshold), so it is unclear how crucial it is to exclude the minority of the sleep events outside of ripples. The decision of whether or not to select for ripples should depend on the particular study and experimental conditions that can affect this measure (electrode placement, brain state prevalence, noise levels, etc.).

      Finally, the authors address a controversial topic of de-novo preplay. With replay detection corrected for the false positive rate, none of the detection methods produce evidence of preplay sequences nor sequenceless reactivation in the tested dataset. This presents compelling evidence in favour of the view that the sequence of place fields formed on a novel track cannot be predicted by the sequential structure found in pre-task sleep.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work is a valuable presentation of sharp-wave-ripple reactivation of hippocampal neural ensemble activity recorded as animals explored two different environments. It attempts to use the fact that the ensemble code remaps between the two mazes to identify the best replay-detection procedures for analyzing this type of data. The reviewers found the evidence for a prescriptive conclusion inadequate, while still appreciating the concept of comparing maze-identity discrimination with replay.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work introduces a novel framework for evaluating the performance of statistical methods that identify replay events. This is challenging because hippocampal replay is a latent cognitive process, where the ground truth is inaccessible, so methods cannot be evaluated against a known answer. The framework consists of two elements:<br /> 1. A replay sequence p-value, evaluated against shuffled permutations of the data, such as radon line fitting, rank-order correlation, or weighted correlation. This element determines how trajectory-like the spiking representation is. The p-value threshold for all accepted replay events is adjusted based on an empirical shuffled distribution to control for the false discovery rate.<br /> 2. A trajectory discriminability score, also evaluated against shuffled permutations of the data. In this case, there are two different possible spatial environments that can be replayed, so the method compares the log odds of track 1 vs. track 2.

      The authors then use this framework (accepted number of replay events and trajectory discriminability) to study the performance of replay identification methods. They conclude that sharp wave ripple power is not a necessary criterion for identifying replay event candidates during awake run behavior if you have high multiunit activity, a higher number of permutations is better for identifying replay events, linear Bayesian decoding methods outperform rank-order correlation, and there is no evidence for pre-play.

      The authors tackle a difficult and important problem for those studying hippocampal replay (and indeed all latent cognitive processes in the brain) with spiking data: how do we understand how well our methods are doing when the ground truth is inaccessible? Additionally, systematically studying how the variety of methods for identifying replay perform, is important for understanding the sometimes contradictory conclusions from replay papers. It helps consolidate the field around particular methods, leading to better reproducibility in the future. The authors' framework is also simple to implement and understand and the code has been provided, making it accessible to other neuroscientists. Testing for track discriminability, as well as the sequentiality of the replay event, is a sensible additional data point to eliminate "spurious" replay events.

      However, there are some concerns with the framework as well. The novelty of the framework is questionable as it consists of a log odds measure previously used in two prior papers (Carey et al. 2019 and the authors' own Tirole & Huelin Gorriz, et al., 2022) and a multiple comparisons correction, albeit a unique empirical multiple comparisons correction based on shuffled data.

      With respect to the log odds measure itself, as presented, it is reliant on having only two options to test between, limiting its general applicability. Even in the data used for the paper, there are sometimes three tracks, which could influence the conclusions of the paper about the validity of replay methods. This also highlights a weakness of the method in that it assumes that the true model (spatial track environment) is present in the set of options being tested. Furthermore, the log odds measure itself is sensitive to the defined ripple or multiunit start and end times, because it marginalizes over both position and time, so any inclusion of place cells that fire for the animal's stationary position could influence the discriminability of the track. Multiple track representations during a candidate replay event would also limit track discriminability. Finally, the authors call this measure "trajectory discriminability", which seems a misnomer as the time and position information are integrated out, so there is no notion of trajectory.

      The authors also fail to make the connection with the control of the false discovery rate via false positives on empirical shuffles with existing multiple comparison corrections that control for false discovery rates (such as the Benjamini and Hochberg procedure or Storey's q-value). Additionally, the particular type of shuffle used will influence the empirically determined p-value, making the procedure dependent on the defined null distribution. Shuffling the data is also considerably more computationally intensive than the existing multiple comparison corrections.

      Overall, the authors make interesting conclusions with respect to hippocampal replay methods, but the utility of the method is limited in scope because of its reliance on having exactly two comparisons and having to specify the null distribution to control for the false discovery rate. This work will be of interest to electrophysiologists studying hippocampal replay in spiking data.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study proposes to evaluate and compare different replay methods in the absence of "ground truth" using data from hippocampal recordings of rodents that were exposed to two different tracks on the same day. The study proposes to leverage the potential of Bayesian methods to decode replay and reactivation in the same events. They find that events that pass a higher threshold for replay typically yield a higher measure of reactivation. On the other hand, events from the shuffled data that pass thresholds for replay typically don't show any reactivation. While well-intentioned, I think the result is highly problematic and poorly conceived.

      The work presents a lot of confusion about the nature of null hypothesis testing and the meaning of p-values. The prescription arrived at, to correct p-values by putting animals on two separate tracks and calculating a "sequence-less" measure of reactivation are impractical from an experimental point of view, and unsupportable from a statistical point of view. Much of the observations are presented as solutions for the field, but are in fact highly dependent on distinct features of the dataset at hand. The most interesting observation is that despite the existence of apparent sequences in the PRE-RUN data, no reactivation is detectable in those events, suggesting that in fact they represent spurious events. I would recommend the authors focus on this important observation and abandon the rest of the work, as it has the potential to further befuddle and promote poor statistical practices in the field.

      The major issue is that the manuscript conveys much confusion about the nature of hypothesis testing and the meaning of p-values. It's worth stating here the definition of a p-value: the conditional probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is true. Unfortunately, in places, this study appears to confound the meaning of the p-value with the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is NOT true-i.e. in their recordings from awake replay on different mazes. Most of their analysis is based on the observation that events that have higher reactivation scores, as reflected in the mean log odds differences, have lower p-values resulting from their replay analyses. Shuffled data, in contrast, does not show any reactivation but can still show spurious replays depending on the shuffle procedure used to create the surrogate dataset. The authors suggest using this to test different practices in replay detection. However, another important point that seems lost in this study is that the surrogate dataset that is contrasted with the actual data depends very specifically on the null hypothesis that is being tested. That is to say, each different shuffle procedure is in fact testing a different null hypothesis. Unfortunately, most studies, including this one, are not very explicit about which null hypothesis is being tested with a given resampling method, but the p-value obtained is only meaningful insofar as the null that is being tested and related assumptions are clearly understood. From a statistical point of view, it makes no sense to adjust the p-value obtained by one shuffle procedure according to the p-value obtained by a different shuffle procedure, which is what this study inappropriately proposes. Other prescriptions offered by the study are highly dataset and method dependent and discuss minutiae of event detection, such as whether or not to require power in the ripple frequency band.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study tackles a major problem with replay detection, which is that different methods can produce vastly different results. It provides compelling evidence that the source of this inconsistency is that biological data often violates assumptions of independent samples. This results in false positive rates that can vary greatly with the precise statistical assumptions of the chosen replay measure, the detection parameters, and the dataset itself. To address this issue, the authors propose to empirically estimate the false positive rate and control for it by adjusting the significance threshold. Remarkably, this reconciles the differences in replay detection methods, as the results of all the replay methods tested converge quite well (see Figure 6B). This suggests that by controlling for the false positive rate, one can get an accurate estimate of replay with any of the standard methods.

      When comparing different replay detection methods, the authors use a sequence-independent log-odds difference score as a validation tool and an indirect measure of replay quality. This takes advantage of the two-track design of the experimental data, and its use here relies on the assumption that a true replay event would be associated with good (discriminable) reactivation of the environment that is being replayed. The other way replay "quality" is estimated is by the number of replay events detected once the false positive rate is taken into account. In this scheme, "better" replay is in the top right corner of Figure 6B: many detected events associated with congruent reactivation.

      There are two possible ways the results from this study can be integrated into future replay research. The first, simpler, way is to take note of the empirically estimated false positive rates reported here and simply avoid the methods that result in high false positive rates (weighted correlation with a place bin shuffle or all-spike Spearman correlation with a spike-id shuffle). The second, perhaps more desirable, way is to integrate the practice of estimating the false positive rate when scoring replay and to take it into account. This is very powerful as it can be applied to any replay method with any choice of parameters and get an accurate estimate of replay.

      How does one estimate the false positive rate in their dataset? The authors propose to use a cell-ID shuffle, which preserves all the firing statistics of replay events (bursts of spikes by the same cell, multi-unit fluctuations, etc.) but randomly swaps the cells' place fields, and to repeat the replay detection on this surrogate randomized dataset. Of course, there is no perfect shuffle, and it is possible that a surrogate dataset based on this particular shuffle may result in one underestimating the true false positive rate if different cell types are present (e.g. place field statistics may differ between CA1 and CA3 cells, or deep vs. superficial CA1 cells, or place cells vs. non-place cells if inclusion criteria are not strict). Moreover, it is crucial that this validation shuffle be independent of any shuffling procedure used to determine replay itself (which may not always be the case, particularly for the pre-decoding place field circular shuffle used by some of the methods here) lest the true false-positive rate be underestimated. Once the false positive rate is estimated, there are different ways one may choose to control for it: adjusting the significance threshold as the current study proposes, or directly comparing the number of events detected in the original vs surrogate data. Either way, with these caveats in mind, controlling for the false positive rate to the best of our ability is a powerful approach that the field should integrate.

      Which replay detection method performed the best? If one does not control for varying false positive rates, there are two methods that resulted in strikingly high (>15%) false positive rates: these were weighted correlation with a place bin shuffle and Spearman correlation (using all spikes) with a spike-id shuffle. However, after controlling for the false positive rate (Figure 6B) all methods largely agree, including those with initially high false positive rates. There is no clear "winner" method, because there is a lot of overlap in the confidence intervals, and there also are some additional reasons for not overly interpreting small differences in the observed results between methods. The confidence intervals are likely to underestimate the true variance in the data because the resampling procedure does not involve hierarchical statistics and thus fails to account for statistical dependencies on the session and animal level. Moreover, it is possible that methods that involve shuffles similar to the cross-validation shuffle ("wcorr 2 shuffles", "wcorr 3 shuffles" both use a pre-decoding place field circular shuffle, which is very similar to the pre-decoding place field swap used in the cross-validation procedure to estimate the false positive rate) may underestimate the false positive rate and therefore inflate adjusted p-value and the proportion of significant events. We should therefore not interpret small differences in the measured values between methods, and the only clear winner and the best way to score replay is using any method after taking the empirically estimated false positive rate into account.

      The authors recommend excluding low-ripple power events in sleep, because no replay was observed in events with low (0-3 z-units) ripple power specifically in sleep, but that no ripple restriction is necessary for awake events. There are problems with this conclusion. First, ripple power is not the only way to detect sharp-wave ripples (the sharp wave is very informative in detecting awake events). Second, when talking about sequence quality in awake non-ripple data, it is imperative for one to exclude theta sequences. The authors' speed threshold of 5 cm/s is not sufficient to guarantee that no theta cycles contaminate the awake replay events. Third, a direct comparison of the results with and without exclusion is lacking (selecting for the lower ripple power events is not the same as not having a threshold), so it is unclear how crucial it is to exclude the minority of the sleep events outside of ripples. The decision of whether or not to select for ripples should depend on the particular study and experimental conditions that can affect this measure (electrode placement, brain state prevalence, noise levels, etc.).

      Finally, the authors address a controversial topic of de-novo preplay. With replay detection corrected for the false positive rate, none of the detection methods produce evidence of preplay sequences nor sequenceless reactivation in the tested dataset. This presents compelling evidence in favour of the view that the sequence of place fields formed on a novel track cannot be predicted by the sequential structure found in pre-task sleep.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study aims to further resolve the history of speciation and introgression in Heliconius butterflies. The authors break the data into various partitions and test evolutionary hypotheses using the Bayesian software BPP, which is based on the multispecies coalescent model with introgression. By synthesizing these various analyses, the study pieces together an updated history of Heliconius, including a multitude of introgression events and the sharing of chromosomal inversions.


      Full-likelihood methods for estimating introgression can be very computationally expensive, making them challenging to apply to datasets containing many species. This study provides a great example of how to apply these approaches by breaking the data down into a series of smaller inference problems and then piecing the results together. On the empirical side, it further resolves the history of a genus with a famously complex history of speciation and introgression, continuing its role as a great model system for studying the evolutionary consequences of introgression. This is highlighted by a nice Discussion section on the implications of the paper's findings for the evolution of pollen feeding.


      The analyses in this study make use of a single method, BPP. The analyses are quite thorough so this is okay in my view from a methodological standpoint, but given this singularity, more attention should be paid to the weaknesses of this particular approach.

      In the Discussion, we have now added a discussion of the limitations of our approach in the section 'Approaches for estimating species phylogeny with introgression from whole-genome sequence data: advantages and limitations.'

      Additionally, little attention is paid to comparable methods such as PhyloNet and their strengths and weaknesses in the Introduction or Discussion.

      We have also mentioned other methods (PhyloNet and starBEAST) in our Discussion. Our attempts to obtain usable estimates from PhyloNet were unsuccessful. In another study, the full likelihood version of PhyloNet (comparable in intent to the BPP methodology used here) could run with only small datasets of ~100 loci; see Edelman et al. (2019).

      BPP reduces computational burden by fixing certain aspects of the parameter space, such as the species tree topology or set of proposed introgression events. While this approach is statistically powerful, it requires users to make informed choices about which models to test, and these choices can have downstream consequences for subsequent analyses. It also might not be as applicable to systems outside of Heliconius where less previous information is available about the history of speciation and introgression. In general, it is likely that most modelling decisions made in the study are justified, but more attention should be paid to how these decisions are made and what the consequences of them could be, including alternative models.

      We agree with the reviewer that inferring the species tree topology and placing introgression events on the species tree, although well justified here, may be challenging in many groups of organisms and may affect downstream analyses. We now discuss this as a limitation of our approach in the Discussion. In general, the initial MSC analysis without gene flow should provide information about possible species trees and introgression events. We can construct multiple introgression models and perform parameter estimation and model comparison to decide which best fits the data. This is summarized in the last paragraph of the section 'Approaches for estimating species phylogeny with introgression from whole-genome sequence data: advantages and limitations.' It would, of course, be nice to have a completely unsupervised method that could work with large phylogenies, but this is currently computationally impossible.

      • Co-estimating histories of speciation and introgression remains computationally challenging. To circumvent this in the study, the authors first estimate the history of speciation assuming no gene flow in BPP. While this approach should be robust to incomplete lineage sorting and gene tree estimation, it is still vulnerable to gene flow. This could result in a circular problem where gene flow causes the wrong species tree to be estimated, causing the true species tree to be estimated as a gene flow event.

      The goal of this initial analysis is to obtain a list of possible species trees with introgression events. We assume that gene flow results in a topology that is informative about the lineages involved. We also focus on common MAP trees with high posterior probabilities as less frequent trees or trees with low posterior probabilities reflect high uncertainty and are more likely to be erroneous. A difficulty is to decide which tree topology is most likely to be the true species tree. We summarize our approach in the Discussion.

      This is a flaw that this approach shares with summary-statistic approaches like the D-statistic, which also require an a-priori species tree.

      In a sense, this is true, but BPP is more flexible because it can be used to explore an arbitrary introgression model on any type of tree, while summary methods like D-statistic assume a specific species phylogeny with a particular introgression between nonsister lineages as well as fixed sampling configurations. Furthermore, as shown in the paper, we can compare different assumed trees, and test between them; we do this repeatedly in the paper for difficult branch placement issues. In contrast, summary methods such as the D-statistic works with species quartets only and do not work with either smaller or larger species trees.

      Enrichment of particular topologies on the Z chromosome helps resolve the true history in this particular case, but not all datasets will have sex chromosomes or chromosome-level assemblies to test against.

      Yes, we have the privilege of having chromosome-level assemblies available for Heliconius. In general, a spatial pattern of species tree estimates across genomic blocks can be informative about possible topologies that could represent the true species relationship. Then these candidate species trees can be tested by fitting different introgression models (as in Figure 1D,E) or by using the recombination rate argument (Figure 1F), which prefers trees common in low recombination rate regions of the genome, although this requires knowing a recombination rate map. In our case, we used a chromosome-level recombination rate per base pair, which is negatively correlated with the chromosome size. We have clarified this in the text. Ultimately, multiple lines of evidence should be examined before deciding on the most likely species tree. We now mention these potential difficulties with applying our methods to other datasets as limitations of our approach in the Discussion.

      • The a-priori specification of network models necessarily means that potentially better-fitting models to the data don't get explored. Models containing introgression events are proposed here based on parsimony to explain patterns in gene tree frequencies. This is a reasonable and common assumption, but parsimony is not always the best explanation for a dataset, as we often see with phylogenetic inference. In general, there are no rigorous approaches to estimating the best-fitting number of introgression events in a dataset.

      Joint inference of species topologies and possible introgression events remains computationally challenging. PhyloNet implements this joint inference but is limited to small datasets (<100 loci) and we found it to be unreliable.

      Likewise, the study estimates both pulse and continuous introgression models for certain partitions, though there is no rigorous way to assess which of these describes the data better.

      The Bayes factor can be used to compare different models fitted to the same data, for example, different MSC-I models with different introgression events, or MSC-I models with gene flow in pulses versus MSC-M models with continuous gene flow. We did not attempt this as it was clear to us that a better model would include both modes of gene flow, but such an option is not currently implemented in any software. Rather, we relied on our exploratory analysis (BPP MSC and 3s) and previous knowledge to inform a likely introgression model. In the case of groups that we fitted the MSC-M models, we chose to provide an intuitive justification as to why they might be more realistic than the MSC-I model without formally performing model selection.

      • Some aspects of the analyses involving inversions warrant additional consideration. Fewer loci were able to be identified in inverted regions, and such regions also often have reduced rates of recombination. I wonder if this might make inferences of the history of inverted regions vulnerable to the effects of incomplete lineage sorting, even when fitting the MSC model, due to a small # of truly genealogically independent loci.

      We agree with the reviewer that it is challenging to infer the history of a small region of the genome, such as the inversions studied here. Indeed, the presence of only a few loci in the 15b inversion means there is only limited information in the data for the species tree, as reflected in the low posterior probabilities for the MAP tree (Figure 3A). The effect of using tightly linked loci in the inversion should be increased uncertainty in the estimates, but not a systematic bias towards any particular species tree topology. Since major patterns of species relationships in each of the 15a, 15b and 15c regions are clear, we do not expect these effects to strongly influence our conclusions.

      Additionally, there are several models where introgression events are proposed to explain the loss of segregating inversions in certain species. It is not clear why these scenarios should be proposed over those in which the inversion is lost simply due to drift or selection.

      We know that the 15b inversion is absent in most species except for H. numata and H. pardalinus, at least, and that introgression of the inversion occurred between these two species, based on previous studies such as Jay et al (2018) and our own analysis. Polymorphism at this inversion forms a well-known “supergene” that affects mimicry, and is maintained by documented balancing selection in H. numata. Given this information, we propose a few possible scenarios of how the inversion might have originated, and when and where the introgression might have occurred, shown in Figure 3. In particular, the direction of introgression is something we test specifically. One way to test among these scenarios is to date the origin and introgression event of the inversion, but doing so properly is beyond the scope of this work. Nonetheless, we argue that it is at least likely that one difference between H. pardalinus and its sister species H. elevatus is the presence of the 15b inversion. Since other evidence shows that colour patterning loci in H. elevatus originated from an unrelated species, H. melpomene (i.e. the 15b and other non-inverted colour patterning loci), it is indeed likely that the inversion was “swapped out” by an uninverted sequence from H. melpomene during the formation of H. elevatus.

      We are aware that hypotheses such as these might appear highly elaborate and unparsimonious. But these are the conclusions where the data lead us. In the melpomene-silvanform clade, many speciation and introgression events occurred in short succession, and wild-caught hybrids prove that occasional hybridizations can occur across all 15 or so species in the group. We now detail how we have looked only for the major introgression patterns using a limited number of key speces. We leave fuller analyses for future work.

      In the main text, we have revised our discussion of the four proposed scenarios for 15b to improve clarity. We have also updated the introgression model from the melpomene-cydno clade to H. elevatus to be unidirectional based on the BPP results in Figure S18.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Thawornwattana et al. reconstruct a species tree of the genus Heliconius using the full-likelihood multispecies coalescent, an exciting approach for genera with a history of extensive gene flow and introgression. With this, they obtain a species tree with H. aoede as the earliest diverging lineage, in sync with ecological and morphological characters. They also add resolution to the species relationships of the melpomene-silvaniform clade and quantify introgression events. Finally, they trace the origins of an inversion on chromosome 15 that exists as a polymorphism in H. numata, but is fixed in other species. Overall, obtaining better species tree resolutions and estimates of gene flow in groups with extensive histories of hybridization and introgression is an exciting avenue. Being able to control for ILS and get estimates between sister species are excellent perks. One overall quibble is that the paper seems to be best suited to a Heliconius audience, where past trees are easily recalled, or members of the different clades are well known.

      We thank the reviewer for the accurate summary and positive comments. Although our data and some of the discussion are specific to Heliconius, we believe our analysis framework will be useful to study species phylogeny and introgression in other taxa as well.

      Overall, applying approaches such as these to gain greater insight into species relationships with extensive gene flow could be of interest to many researchers. However, the conclusions could be strengthened with a bit more clarity on a few points.

      1) The biggest point of concern was the choice of species to use for each analysis. In particular the omission of H. ismenius in the resolution of the BNM clade species tree. The analysis of the chromosome 15 inversion seems to rely on the knowledge that H. ismenius is sister to H. numata, so without that demonstrated in the BNM section the resulting conclusions of the origin of that inversion are less interruptible.

      The choice of species to be included was mainly based on available high-quality genome resequence data from Edelman et al (2019), which were chosen to cover most of the major lineages within the genus. We agree that inclusion of H. ismenius would strengthen the analysis of the melpomene-silvaniform clade. In particular, it would be interesting to know which of only H. numata or H. numata+H. ismenius are responsible for the main source of genealogical variation across the genome in this group in Figure 2. The reviewer is correct in saying that we do assume that H. ismenius and H. numata are sister species. This relationship is supported by our analysis (Figure 3A) and previous analyses of genomic data, e.g. Zhang et al (2016), Cicconardi et al. (2023) and Rougemont et al. (2023). We made this clearer in the text:

      "Although this conclusion assumes that H. numata and H. ismenius are sister species while H. ismenius was not included in our species tree analysis of the melpomene-silvaniform clade (Figure 2), this sister relationship agrees with previous genomic studies of the autosomes and the sex chromosome (Zhang et al. 2016; Cicconardi et al. 2023; Rougemont et al. 2023)."

      2) An argument they make in support of the branching scenario where H. aoede is the earliest diverging branch is based on which chromosomes support that scenario and the key observation that less introgression is detected in regions of low recombination. Yet, they go no further to understand the relationship between recombination rate and species trees produced.

      We believe Figure 1F does examine this relationship, showing that trees under scenario 2 are more common in regions of the genome with lower recombination rates (i.e. in longer chromosomes). We added more clarification in the text where Figure 1F is mentioned. The relationship between recombination and introgression in Heliconius was earlier discovered and shown using windowed estimated gene trees in Martin et al. (2019) and in Edelman et al. (2019), so we did not re-test this here.

      3) How the loci were defined could use more clarity. From the methods, it seems like each loci could vary quite a bit in total bp length and number of informative sites. Understanding the data processing would make this paper a better resource for others looking to apply similar approaches.

      We added a new supplemental figure, Figure S20, to illustrate how coding and noncoding loci were extracted from the genome.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors use a full-likelihood multispecies coalescent (MSC) approach to identify major introgression events throughout the radiation of Heliconius butterflies, thereby improving estimates of the phylogeny. First, the authors conclude that H. aoede is the likely outgroup relative to other Heliconius species; miocene introgression into the ancestor of H. aoede makes it appear to branch later. Topologies at most loci were not concordant with this scenario, though 'aoede-early' topologies were enriched in regions of the genome where interspecific introgression is expected to be reduced: the Z chromosome and larger autosomes. The revised phylogeny is interesting because it would mean that no extant Heliconius species has reverted to a non-pollen-feeding ancestral state. Second, the authors focus on a particularly challenging clade in which ancient and ongoing gene flow is extensive, concluding that silvaniform species are not monophyletic. Building on these results, a third set of analyses investigates the origin of the P1 inversion, which harbours multiple wing patterning loci, and which is maintained as a balanced polymorphism in H. numata. The authors present data supporting a new scenario in which P1 arises in H. numata or its ancestor and is introduced to the ancestor of H. pardilinus and H. elevatus - introgression in the opposite direction to what has previously been proposed using a smaller set of taxa and different methods.

      The analyses were extensive and methodologically sound. Care was taken to control for potential sources of error arising from incorrect genotype calls and the choice of a reference genome. The argument for H. aoede as the earliest-diverging Heliconius lineage was compelling, and analyses of the melpomene-silvaniform clade were thorough.

      The discussion is quite short in its current form. In my view, this is a missed opportunity to summarise the level of support and biological significance of key results. This applies to the revised Melpomenesilvaniform phylogeny and, in particular, the proposed H. numata origin of P1. It would be useful to have a brief overview of the relationships that remain unclear, and which data (if any) might improve estimates.

      We added a paragraph in the Discussion to summarize our key findings in 'An updated phylogeny of Heliconius', and discuss issues that remain uncertain.

      It was good to see the authors reflect on the utility of full-likelihood approaches more generally, though the discussion of their feasibility and superiority was at times somewhat overstated and reductive. Alternative MSC-based methods that use gene tree frequencies or coalescence times can be used to infer the direction and extent of introgression with accuracy that is satisfactory for a wide variety of research questions. In practice, a combination of both approaches has often been successful. Although full-likelihood approaches can certainly provide richer information if specific parameter estimates are of interest, they quickly become intractable in large species complexes where there is extensive gene flow or significant shifts in population size. In such cases, there may be hundreds of potentially important parameters to estimate, and alternate introgression scenarios may be impossible to disentangle. This is particularly challenging in systems, unlike Heliconius where there is little a priori knowledge of reproductive isolation, genome evolution, and the unique life history traits of each species. It would be useful for the authors to expand on their discussion of strategies that can simplify inference problems in such systems, acknowledging the difficulties therein.

      We agree that approximate methods based on summary statistics (e.g. gene tree topologies) are computationally much cheaper and are sometimes useful. We now discuss limitations of our approach regarding strategies for constructing possible introgression models, computational cost and analysis of large phylogenies, and modeling assumptions in the MSC framework in the first section of the Discussion.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In addition to the comments raised in the public review, I have some minor suggestions:

      • In the Introduction, "Those methods have limited statistical power" implies summary-statistic methods have a high false negative rate for inferring the presence of introgression, which I don't think is true.

      We removed 'statistical' as we used the term power loosely to mean ability to estimate more parameters in the model by making a better use of information in the sequence data and not in the sense of a true positive rate.

      • When discussing full-likelihood approaches in a general sense, please cite additional methods than just BPP, such as PhyloNet.

      We added references for PhyloNet (Wen & Nakhleh, 2018) and starBEAST (Zhang et al., 2018) in the Introduction and Discussion.

      • Consider explicitly labelling chromosomal region 21 as the Z chromosome in relevant Figures, for ease of interpretation.

      In the main figures, we changed the chromosome label from 21 to Z.

      • From reading the main text it's not clear what a "3s analysis" is

      The 3s analysis estimates pairwise migration rates between two species by fitting an MSC-withmigration (MSC-M) model, also known as isolation-with-migration (IM), for three species, where gene flow is allowed between the two sister species while the outgroup is used to improve the power but does not involved in gene flow. We changed the text from

      "We use estimates of migration rates between each pair of species with a 3s analysis under the IM model of species triplets ..."


      "We use estimates of migration rates between each pair of species under the the MSC-withmigration (MSC-M or IM) model of species triplets (3s analysis) ..."

      • "This agrees with the scenario in which H. elevatus is a result of hybrid speciation between H. pardalinus and the common ancestor of the cydno-melpomene clade [42, 43]." I don't think this model provides any support for hybrid speciation in particular, over a standard post-speciation introgression scenario.

      We took the finding that the introgression from the melpomene-cydno clade into H. elevatus occurs almost right after H. elevatus split off from H. pardalinus as evidence for hybrid speciation. We revised the text to make this clearer:

      "Our finding that divergence of H. elevatus and introgression from the cydno-melpomene clade occurred almost simultaneously provides evidence for a hybrid speciation origin of H. elevatus resulting from introgression between H. pardalinus and the common ancestor of the cydno-melpomene clade (Rosser et al. 2019; Rosser et al. 2023)."

      In particular, the Rosser et al. (2023) paper has now been submitted, and is the main paper to cite for the hybrid speciation hypothesis for H. elevatus.

      • "while clustering with H. elevatus would suggest the opposite direction of introgression" careful with terminology here; is this about direction (donor vs. recipient species) or taxa involved (which is not direction)?

      This is about the direction of introgression, not the taxa involved. We modified the text to make this clearer:

      "By including H. ismenius and H. elevatus, sister species of H. numata and H. pardalinus respectively, different directions of introgression should lead to different gene tree topologies. Clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. numata without the inversion would suggest the introgression is H. numata → H. pardalinus while clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. elevatus would suggest H. pardalinus → H. numata introgression."

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The work is methodologically sound and rigorous but could have been reported and discussed with greater clarity.

      It was difficult to assess the level of support for the proposed P1 introgression scenario without digging through the extensive supplementary materials. The discussion would ideally be used to clarify and summarise this.

      We have substantially revised the section on the P1 inversion. We also mention in the Results (in the final paragraph of the inversion section) and Discussion that our data provided robust evidence that the introgression of the inversion is from H. numata into H. pardalinus while its precise origin (in which lineage and when it originated) remains uncertain.

      The authors may also wish to compare their results to the recent work by Rougemont et al. on introgression between H. hecale and H. ismenius in the discussion.

      We now mention Rougemont et al. (2023) in the Discussion as an example of introgression of small regions of the genome involved in wing patterning. We also acknowledge that our updated phylogeny does not include this kind of local introgression.

      It was not initially obvious which number corresponded to the Z chromosome in any of the figures, even though this is critical to their interpretation.

      We changed the label for chromosome 21 to Z in the main figures.

      The supplementary tables should be described in more detail. For example, what is 'log_bf_check' and 'prefer_pred' in supplementary table S11?

      We added more details explaning necessary quantities in the table heading in both SI file and in the spreadsheet.

      Minor comments:

      First paragraph of 'Complex introgression in the 15b inversion region (P locus):' Rephrase "This suggests another introgression between the common...".

      We modified the text as follows:

      "Another feature of this 15b region is that among the species without the inversion, the cydnomelpomene clade clusters with H. elevatus and is nested within the pardalinus-hecale clade (without H. pardalinus). This is contrary to the expectation based on the topologies in the rest of the genome (Figure 2A, scenarios a–c) that the cydno-melpomene clade would be sister to the pardalinus-hecale clade (without H. pardalinus). One explanation for this pattern is that introgression occurred between the common ancestor of the cydno-melpomene clade and either H. elevatus or the common ancestor of H. elevatus and H. pardalinus together with a total replacement of the non-inverted 15b in H. pardalinus by the P1 inversion from H. numata (Jay et al. 2018). We confirm and quantify this introgression below."

      Second paragraph of 'Major Introgression Patterns in the melpomene-silvaniform clade:' "cconclusion" should be "conclusion."


      Paragraph preceding discussion: sentences toward the end of the paragraph should be rephrased for clarity. E.g. "different tree topologies are expected under different direction of introgression."

      We revised this paragraph. The sentence now says:

      "By including H. ismenius and H. elevatus, sister species of H. numata and H. pardalinus respectively, different directions of introgression should lead to different gene tree topologies.<br /> Clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. numata without the inversion would suggest the introgression is H. numata → H. pardalinus while clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. elevatus would suggest H. pardalinus → H. numata introgression."

      I enjoyed reading this paper and I am certain it will generate discussion and future research.

    2. eLife assessment

      This important study revises the evolutionary history of Heliconius butterflies, a well-established model system for understanding speciation in the presence of gene flow between species. Using a convincing statistical phylogenetic approach that relies on the multispecies coalescent, the authors reconstruct the evolution of the lineage, including the timing of speciation events and the history of gene flow. The new phylogeny will be of interest to all researchers working on Heliconius butterflies, and the phylogenetic approach to investigators aiming to understand the history of lineages that have experienced extensive gene flow.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study aims to further resolve the history of speciation and introgression in Heliconius butterflies. The authors break the data into various partitions and test evolutionary hypotheses using the Bayesian software BPP, which is based on the multispecies coalescent model with introgression. By synthesizing these various analyses, the study pieces together an updated history of Heliconius, including a multitude of introgression events and the sharing of chromosomal inversions.


      Full-likelihood methods for estimating introgression can be very computationally expensive, making them challenging to apply to datasets containing many species. This study provides a great example of how to apply these approaches by breaking the data down into a series of smaller inference problems and then piecing the results together. On the empirical side, it further resolves the history of a genus with a famously complex history of speciation and introgression, continuing its role as a great model system for studying the evolutionary consequences of introgression. This is highlighted by a nice Discussion section on the implications of the paper's findings for the evolution of pollen feeding.


      The analyses in this study make use of a single method, BPP. The analyses are quite thorough so this is okay in my view from a methodological standpoint, but given this singularity, more attention should be paid to the weaknesses of this particular approach. Additionally, little attention is paid to comparable methods such as PhyloNet and their strengths and weaknesses in the Introduction or Discussion. BPP reduces computational burden by fixing certain aspects of the parameter space, such as the species tree topology or set of proposed introgression events. While this approach is statistically powerful, it requires users to make informed choices about which models to test, and these choices can have downstream consequences for subsequent analyses. It also might not be as applicable to systems outside of Heliconius where less previous information is available about the history of speciation and introgression. In general, it is likely that most modelling decisions made in the study are justified, but more attention should be paid to how these decisions are made and what the consequences of them could be, including alternative models.

      • Co-estimating histories of speciation and introgression remains computationally challenging. To circumvent this in the study, the authors first estimate the history of speciation assuming no gene flow in BPP. While this approach should be robust to incomplete lineage sorting and gene tree estimation, it is still vulnerable to gene flow. This could result in a circular problem where gene flow causes the wrong species tree to be estimated, causing the true species tree to be estimated as a gene flow event. This is a flaw that this approach shares with summary-statistic approaches like the D-statistic, which also require an a-priori species tree. Enrichment of particular topologies on the Z chromosome helps resolve the true history in this particular case, but not all datasets will have sex chromosomes or chromosome-level assemblies to test against.

      • The a-priori specification of network models necessarily means that potentially better-fitting models to the data don't get explored. Models containing introgression events are proposed here based on parsimony to explain patterns in gene tree frequencies. This is a reasonable and common assumption, but parsimony is not always the best explanation for a dataset, as we often see with phylogenetic inference. In general, there are no rigorous approaches to estimating the best-fitting number of introgression events in a dataset. Likewise, the study estimates both pulse and continuous introgression models for certain partitions, though there is no rigorous way to assess which of these describes the data better.

      • Some aspects of the analyses involving inversions warrant additional consideration. Fewer loci were able to be identified in inverted regions, and such regions also often have reduced rates of recombination. I wonder if this might make inferences of the history of inverted regions vulnerable to the effects of incomplete lineage sorting, even when fitting the MSC model, due to a small # of truly genealogically independent loci. Additionally, there are several models where introgression events are proposed to explain the loss of segregating inversions in certain species. It is not clear why these scenarios should be proposed over those in which the inversion is lost simply due to drift or selection.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Thawornwattana et al. reconstruct a species tree of the genus Heliconius using the full-likelihood multispecies coalescent, an exciting approach for genera with a history of extensive gene flow and introgression. With this, they obtain a species tree with H. aoede as the earliest diverging lineage, in sync with ecological and morphological characters. They also add resolution to the species relationships of the melpomene-silvaniform clade and quantify introgression events. Finally, they trace the origins of an inversion on chromosome 15 that exists as a polymorphism in H. numata, but is fixed in other species. Overall, obtaining better species tree resolutions and estimates of gene flow in groups with extensive histories of hybridization and introgression is an exciting avenue. Being able to control for ILS and get estimates between sister species are excellent perks. One overall quibble is that the paper seems to be best suited to a Heliconius audience, where past trees are easily recalled, or members of the different clades are well known.

      Overall, applying approaches such as these to gain greater insight into species relationships with extensive gene flow could be of interest to many researchers.

    5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors use a full-likelihood multispecies coalescent (MSC) approach to identify major introgression events throughout the radiation of Heliconius butterflies, thereby improving estimates of the phylogeny. First, the authors conclude that H. aoede is the likely outgroup relative to other Heliconius species; miocene introgression into the ancestor of H. aoede makes it appear to branch later. Topologies at most loci were not concordant with this scenario, though 'aoede-early' topologies were enriched in regions of the genome where interspecific introgression is expected to be reduced: the Z chromosome and larger autosomes. The revised phylogeny is interesting because it would mean that no extant Heliconius species has reverted to a non-pollen-feeding ancestral state. Second, the authors focus on a particularly challenging clade in which ancient and ongoing gene flow is extensive, concluding that silvaniform species are not monophyletic. Building on these results, a third set of analyses investigates the origin of the P1 inversion, which harbours multiple wing patterning loci, and which is maintained as a balanced polymorphism in H. numata. The authors present data supporting a new scenario in which P1 arises in H. numata or its ancestor and is introduced to the ancestor of H. pardilinus and H. elevatus - introgression in the opposite direction to what has previously been proposed using a smaller set of taxa and different methods.

      The analyses were extensive and methodologically sound. Care was taken to control for potential sources of error arising from incorrect genotype calls and the choice of a reference genome. The argument for H. aoede as the earliest-diverging Heliconius lineage was compelling, and analyses of the melpomene-silvaniform clade were thorough.

      The authors have demonstrated the strengths of a full-likelihood MSC approach when reconstructing the evolutionary history of "difficult" clade. This approach, however, can quickly become intractable in large species complexes where there is extensive gene flow or significant shifts in population size. In such cases, there may be hundreds of potentially important parameters to estimate, and alternate introgression scenarios may be impossible to disentangle. This is particularly challenging in systems unlike Heliconius, where fewer data are available and there is little a priori knowledge of reproductive isolation, genome evolution, and the unique life history traits of each species.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      While the manuscript was reasonably clearly written and the methodology and results sound, it is not clear what the real contribution of the work is. The authors' findings - that ultrasonic stimulation is capable of altering intracellular Ca2+ to effect an increase in EV secretion from cells as long as the irradiation does not affect cell viability-is well established (see, for example, Ambattu et al., Commun Biol 3, 553, 2020; Deng et al., Theranostics, 11, 9 2021; Li et al., Cell Mol Biol Lett 28, 9, 2023). Moreover, the authors' own work (Maeshige et al., Ultrasonics 110, 106243, 2021) using the exact same stimulation (including the same parameters, i.e., intensity and frequency) and cells (C2C12 skeletal myotubes) reported this. Similarly, the authors themselves reported that EV secretion from C2C12 myotubes has the ability to regulate macrophage inflammatory response (Yamaguchi et al., Front Immunol 14, 1099799, 2023). It would then stand to reason that a reasonable and logical deduction from both studies is that the ultrasonic stimulation would lead to the same attenuation of inflammatory response in macrophages through enhanced secretion of EVs from the myotubes.

      We appreciate your comments and suggestions. Ambattu et al. in their report stated that the high frequency acoustic stimulation they used has a less effect on cell membranes than the 1 MHz ultrasound that we used in this study. Deng et al. and Li et al. applied low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) (about 300 mW/cm2) in their studies. In this study, we assumed that ultrasound induced increase in EV secretion via increased Ca2+ influx into the cell by enhancing cell membrane permeability, and since it has been reported that the effect of ultrasound-induced enhancement in cell membrane permeability increases in an intensity-dependent manner (Zeghimi et al., 2015), we applied intensities of 1-3 W/cm2. While previous studies using LIPUS have used 15 minutes of irradiation, the high intensity employed in this study was capable to promote EV release after 5 minutes of stimulation. We have added the above explanation to the introduction in the revised version of the manuscript. Furthermore, while the previous studies used other types of cells, the main purpose of this study was to determine the optimal ultrasound intensity to promote EV release from skeletal muscle and to determine whether ultrasound-induced EVs are qualitatively altered compared to those released under normal conditions, thereby validating the anti-inflammatory effects of ultrasound-induced muscle EVs. Our previous study (Maeshige et al. 2021) used the same muscle cells but did not investigate an intensity dependence, so this is the first study to show that ultrasound irradiation promotes EV release in an intensity-dependent manner in muscle. In addition, we would like to emphasize that this study also goes beyond our previous study in the method of stimulation. Specifically, the present study a more efficient 5-minute irradiation protocol was used, whereas the previous study have adopted a 9-minute intervention.

      We understand that the results of this study are predictable from two of our previous studies, but since stimulus-induced EVs may be qualitatively different compared to EVs released under normal conditions (Kawanishi et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023), it is worthwhile to examine the effects of stimulus-induced EVs. This explanation has been added in the introduction of revised version of the manuscript.

      The authors' claim that 'the role of Ca2+ in ultrasound-induced EV release and its intensity-dependency are still unclear', and that the aim of the present work is to clarify the mechanism, is somewhat overstated. That ultrasonic stimulation alters intracellular Ca2+ to lead to EV release, therefore establishing their interdependency and hence demonstrating the mechanism by which EV secretion is enhanced by the ultrasonic stimulation, was detailed in Ambattu et al., Commun Biol 3, 553, 2020. While this was carried out at a slightly higher frequency (10 MHz) and slightly different form of ultrasonic stimulation, the same authors have appeared to since establish that a universal mechanism of transduction across an entire range of frequencies and stimuli (Ambattu, Biophysics Rev 4, 021301, 2023).

      In this study, we showed that Ca2+ is involved in ultrasound-induced EV release using Ca2+-depleted culture medium, but since we did not examine the mechanism in more detail than that, we modified the introduction to avoid overstating.

      Similarly, the anti-inflammatory effects of EVs on macrophages have also been extensively reported (Li et al., J Nanobiotechnol 20, 38, 2022; Lo Sicco et al., Stem Cells Transl Med 6, 3, 2017; Hu et al., Acta Pharma Sin B 11, 6, 2021), including that by the authors themselves in a recent study on the same C2C12 myotubes (Yamaguchi et al., Front Immunol 14, 1099799, 2023). Moreover, the authors' stated aim for the present work - clarifying the mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effects of ultrasound-induced skeletal muscle-derived EVs on macrophages - appears to be somewhat redundant given that they simply repeated the microRNA profiling study they carried out in Yamaguchi et al., Front Immunol 14, 1099799, 2023. The only difference was that a fraction of the EVs (from identical cells) that they tested were now a consequence of the ultrasound stimulation they imposed.

      That the authors have found that their specific type of ultrasonic stimulation maintains this EV content (i.e., microRNA profile) is novel, although this, in itself, appears to be of little consequence to the overall objective of the work which was to show the suppression of macrophage pro-inflammatory response due to enhanced EV secretion under the ultrasonic irradiation since it was the anti-inflammatory effects were attributed to the increase in EV concentration and not their content.

      In comparison with the current study, our previous study observed EVs secreted only from muscle in normal condition. However, the purpose of the current study is to answer the question whether ultrasound treatment could enhance the effect of EVs and change the encapsuled miRNAs. Although we identified several miRNAs which are specifically induced by ultrasound, further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of those miRNAs derived from ultrasound-treated muscles on macrophages. We have mentioned this limitation in the discussion of the revised manuscript.  

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This reviewer felt that there was a lack of novelty in the manuscript and that the results of the work confirm conclusions that could have been logically deduced from a combination of the authors' preceding work (Maeshige et al., Ultrasonics 110, 106243, 2021 and Yamaguchi et al., Front Immunol 14, 1099799, 2023). The contribution of the work could perhaps be elevated if the authors were to focus more on whether the 0.01% of altered miRNA has any impact on cellular activity.

      As mentioned above, the present study is novel compared to our previous studies for examining the effects of ultrasound-induced EVs. In addition, the fact that EV content is maintained after ultrasound stimulation rather indicates that ultrasound can be used as a highly stable and effective method of promoting EV release.

      A further, albeit more minor, recommendation is to omit lines 73-80 in the manuscript. The discussion on physical exercise for promoting EV secretion together with the non-invasive nature of ultrasound therapy is very misleading as it creates the impression that the authors' work can be applied as a direct intervention on a patient. This was not shown in the work, which was limited to irradiating cells ex vivo.

      We agree and have edited the introduction.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      1. The exploration of output parameters for US induction appears limited, with only three different output powers (intensities) tested, thus narrowing the scope of their findings.

      We appreciate your comments and suggestions. The intensity of LIPUS is basically in the ~0.3 W/cm2 range, and in clinical practice, ~2.5 W/cm2 is considered to be a safe intensity to irradiate the human body (Draper, 2014). Therefore, 3.0 W/cm2 is also a fairly high intensity for the human body, so 3.0 W/cm2 was set as the maximum intensity in this study.

      1. Their claim of elucidating mechanisms seems to be only partially met, with a predominant focus on the correlation between calcium responses and EV release.

      The focus of this study was to examine the effects of ultrasound-induced EVs on the inflammatory responses of macrophages and not on the detailed mechanism of calcium involvement. We revised the introduction to make the purpose of this study clearer.

      1. While the intracellular calcium response is a dynamic activity, the method used to measure it could risk a loss of kinetic information.

      Although we did not examine the kinetic action of calcium, we believe that Ca2+ is at least proven to be involved to the EV-promoting effect of ultrasound on muscle, since the enhancement of EV release by ultrasound was canceled by elimination of calcium from the culture medium. Furthermore, real-time measurement of Ca2+ after ultrasound irradiation has shown that ultrasound irradiation promotes Ca2+ influx into cells immediately after the irradiation. (Fan et al., 2010).  

      1. The inclusion of miRNA sequencing is commendable; however, the interpretation of this data fails to draw clear conclusions, diminishing the impact of this segment.

      Although we identified several miRNAs which are specifically induced by ultrasound, further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of those miRNAs derived from US-treated muscles on macrophages. We have mentioned this limitation in the discussion of the revised version of manuscript.

      While the authors have shown the anti-inflammatory effects of US-induced EVs on macrophages, there are gaps in the comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying US-induced EV release. Certain aspects, like the calcium response and the utility of miRNA sequencing, were not fully explored to their potential. Therefore, while the study establishes some findings, it leaves other aspects only partially substantiated.

      As stated above, the main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of ultrasound-induced EVs on the inflammatory responses of macrophages. We set detailed investigation on the mechanism of ultrasound-induced EV release as our next step and have revised the introduction and discussion of the revised manuscript to make the purpose and limitation of this study clearer.  

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The author's exploration into the role of Ca2+ in the context of US-induced EV release is a timely endeavor, especially given the growing interest in understanding the cellular dynamics associated with external stimulants like ultrasound. Nevertheless, the manuscript does not unambiguously define the mechanism of action and its broader implications.

      Ca2+ has long been established as a versatile intracellular messenger, governing a myriad of cellular processes. There is a wealth of methodologies, from specific inhibitors to specialized assays, tailored to dissect the role of Ca2+ in diverse contexts. In the specific case of US-induced Ca2+ activity, the expectation would be for a clear, mechanistic delineation of how this ionic surge drives EV release. Yet, this study stops short of providing those details. It is imperative for the authors to dig deeper, employing a diverse set of tools at their disposal, to fill this knowledge gap.

      Recently, it was reported that increased Ca2+ influx causes an increase in EV secretion via the plasma membrane repair protein annexin A6 (Williams et al. 2023). However, the full mechanism of how an increase in intracellular Ca2+, let alone ultrasound-induced Ca2+, promotes EV release has not yet been understood yet, and it is beyond the scope of this study to elucidate this part of the mechanism.

      Furthermore, the paper raises another important question: Which specific proteins are pivotal in orchestrating the US-induced Ca2+ entry in myotubes? Addressing this would not only enhance the manuscript's novelty but would also contribute a vital piece to the puzzle of understanding US-cellular interactions.

      Ultrasound increases Ca2+ uptake by increasing cell membrane permeability by sonoporation, rather than via protein reactions (Fan et al., 2010). We added this explanation to the introduction in the revised version of manuscript.  

      Lastly, while the report touches upon the influence of varying US output power on EV concentrations, it piques curiosity about potential effects beyond the 3W/cm2 threshold. It's observed that cell viability isn't compromised at this intensity, suggesting room for further exploration. Would a higher intensity yield a proportionally increased EV release, or is there a saturation point? Conversely, could intensities beyond 3W/cm2 begin to have deleterious effects on the cells? These are crucial considerations that merit investigation to realize the full potential of US as a modulatory tool, both for research and therapeutic applications.

      As mentioned above, 3.0 W/cm2 was adopted as the maximum intensity in this study with reference to the intensity used in clinical practice. In addition, since the cytotoxicity and therapeutic effects of ultrasound depend not only on intensity but also on other parameters such as duty cycle, acoustic frequency, pulse repetition frequency and duration, so a comprehensive analysis of the effects of ultrasound on cells at various parameter settings would be valuable as an independent study.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The work demonstrates that high-intensity ultrasound produces a release of extracellular vesicles from murine myotubes that is dependent on ultrasound intensity. It shows that this increase in extracellular vesicles is abolished in a nominally zero Ca2+ solution. It then shows that these vesicles reduce the mRNA levels of IL-1b and IL-6 in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages and uses a dilution technique to demonstrate that the number, but not the type of vesicles is responsible for this change in mRNA expression. It also compares the miRNA levels in constitutively-released vesicles with those released by high-intensity ultrasound.


      The experiments are logically sequenced. It is very helpful to see assessment of the viability of the preparations.<br /> The results are presented fairly clearly and the statistical approach is described. The findings are reasonably clear and the writing is succinct.


      The work is quite limited in scope and of limited novelty, largely recapitulating work from the first-named author's own recent publications.<br /> Thus, perhaps the most significant weakness of this study is that it makes claims of mechanisms, or of clinical or therapeutic relevance, that are not supported or even addressed by the study.

      The aspects of the current work which are novel are hard to identify because the statement of aims is too broad and therefore encapsulates previous work. In addition, the introduction and discussion are vague and fail, for example, to mention the cell types used in the previous studies that are quoted. This means that it is not obvious from the Introduction whether the present study is at all novel.

      The size of the study is quite small, with most experiments employing n = 4. This inevitably means that, for example, there is no significant effect of the lower power levels of ultrasound despite shifts in the mean values that might be of interest. Thus, the study appears underpowered. This problem is compounded by a failure to use appropriate analysis methods in the studies looking at dose-responses, where a regression analysis might be more appropriate than multiple individual t-tests / ANOVA.

      The assessment of the role of Ca2+ is important but incomplete. Measurement of whole-cell Ca2+ levels is not really a substitute for measuring cytosolic Ca2+ as cell volume changes and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ changes would greatly influence the possible meaning of the findings. Furthermore, a statement that Ca2+ increase causes the vesicle release could only be supported by experiments that increase intracellular Ca2+, such as the use of a Ca2+ ionophore.

      mRNA expression levels of IL-1b and IL-6 are reported. There should also be a report of a non-inflammatory mRNA to act as a control.

    3. eLife assessment

      This study illuminates the effects of ultrasound-induced extracellular vesicle interactions with macrophages. It provides solid data offering insights that will be potentially useful in exploring therapeutic approaches to inflammation modulation, by suggesting that ultrasound-treated myotube vesicles can suppress macrophage inflammatory responses.

    4. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors embarked on a journey to understand the mechanisms and intensity-dependency of ultrasound (US)-induced extracellular vesicle (EV) release from myotubes and the potential anti-inflammatory effects of these EVs on macrophages. This study builds on their prior work from 2021 that initially reported US-induced EV secretion.


      1. The finding that US-treated myotube EVs can suppress macrophage inflammatory responses is particularly intriguing, hinting at potential therapeutic avenues in inflammation modulation.


      1. The exploration of output parameters for US induction appears limited, with only three different output powers (intensities) tested, thus narrowing the scope of their findings.<br /> 2. Their claim of elucidating mechanisms seems to be only partially met, with a predominant focus on the correlation between calcium responses and EV release.<br /> 3. While the intracellular calcium response is a dynamic activity, the method used to measure it could risk a loss of kinetic information.<br /> 4. The inclusion of miRNA sequencing is commendable; however, the interpretation of this data fails to draw clear conclusions, diminishing the impact of this segment.

      While the authors have shown the anti-inflammatory effects of US-induced EVs on macrophages, there are gaps in the comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying US-induced EV release. Certain aspects, like the calcium response and the utility of miRNA sequencing, were not fully explored to their potential. Therefore, while the study establishes some findings, it leaves other aspects only partially substantiated.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We greatly appreciate your positive assessment and the comments by the two reviewers on the previous version of our manuscript, all of which are very helpful and greatly improved our manuscript. We have incorporated all changes and corrections requested by these reviewers and we believe their suggestions have enhanced the overall quality of our manuscript.

      As for Reviewer #1.

      We thank Reviewer 1 very much for her/his very positive and detailed remarks, all of which have been introduced into the revised version of our manuscript.

      We have added the information about the biological control on the development of phosphatic-shelled brachiopod columns in the introduction, so that our late narrative can be more understandable. The Cambrian Explosion is the innovation of metazoan body plans and radiation of animals during a relatively short geological time. The expansion of new body plans in different groups of brachiopods in the early Cambrian was likely driven by the Cambrian Explosion. The columnar architectures are not developed in living lingulate brachiopods, and thus it is important to get a better understanding of this extinct shell architecture from the fossil records on a global scale in order to study the evolutionary trend of shell architectures and compositions in brachiopods. We hope the current comparison study of columnar shell architectures from some of the oldest known brachiopods will help to pursue this goal. Furthermore, the adaptive innovation of biomineralized columnar architecture in early brachiopods is discussed in the revised manuscript.

      As for Reviewer #2.

      We thank Reviewer 2 very much for her/his very constructive and detailed remarks. All the comments have been thoroughly considered, and introduced into the revised version of the manuscript.

      The current information on the shell structures of early linguliform brachiopods is unclear, which has been introduced in the revised manuscript and the supplementary Appendix 1. We also state that more detailed studies of the complexity and diversity of linguliform brachiopod architectures (especially their early fossil representatives) require further investigations. As the shell structure and biomineralization process are crucial to unravel the poorly resolved phylogeny and early evolution of Brachiopoda, in this paper, we undertake a primary study of exquisitely well-preserved brachiopods from the Cambrian Series 2. The shapes and sizes of microscopic cylindrical columns are described in detail in this research, and this work will be useful for further comparative studies on brachiopod shell architecture. The important reference paper on brachiopod shells by Butler et al. (2015) has been added to the revised manuscript. The structure and language of the manuscript are revised based on the very helpful suggestions.

      Concerning the families Eoobolidae and Lingulellotretidae, we are aware of the current problematic situation of these families, and we have added more discussion about the detailed characters of Eoobolidae in the Systematic Palaeontology part of the manuscript. However, the revision of the families Eoobolidae and Lingulellotretidae falls outside the scope of this paper. We prefer to leave it now as it will be part of an upcoming publication based on more global materials from China, Australia, Sweden and Estonia that we are currently working on.

      On behalf of my co-authors, I thank you for taking the time to consider our manuscript for publication in eLife and I hope that with the changes we have made to our paper, it is now suitable for publication. If you have any further questions about our revised manuscript, please do not hesitate to get in contact. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

    2. eLife assessment

      This valuable study examines the evolution of the pillars in the shell architecture of organo-phosphatic brachiopods. The phylogenetic implications of this shell structure in relation to other early Cambrian brachiopod families are interpreted based on solid evidence. As such, this paper with interesting ideas regarding the evolution of brachiopod shell structure contributes to our understanding of the ecology and evolution of brachiopods as a whole.

    3. Joint Public Review:

      Summary: Two early Cambrian taxa of linguliform brachiopods are assigned to the family Eoobolidae. The taxa exhibit a columnar shell structure and the phylogenetic implications of this shell structure in relation to other early Cambrian families is discussed.

      Strengths: Interesting idea regarding the evolution of shell structure.

      Weaknesses: The early record of shell structures of linguliform brachiopods is incomplete and partly contradictory. The authors maintain silence regarding contradictory information throughout the article to an extent that information is cited wrongly. The article is written under the assumption that all eoobolids have a columnar shell structure. Thus, the previously claimed columnar structure of Eoobolus incipiens which has been re-illustrated in the paper is not convincing and could be interpreted in other ways.

      The article needs a proper results section. The Discussion is mainly a review of published data. Other potential results are hidden in this "discussion". In addition, a more elaborate Methods section is needed in which it is explained how the data for shell thicknesses and numbers of laminae was obtained.

      A critical revision of the family Eoobolidae and Lingulellotretidae including a revision of the type species of Eoobolus and Lingulellotreta is needed.

      The potential evolutionary patterns that are discussed towards the end (summarized in Fig 6) are interesting but rather unconvincing as the way the data has been obtained has never been clarified. Shell thicknesses and numbers of laminae that built up the shell of several taxa are compared, but at no point it is stated where these measurements were taken. Shell thicknesses vary within a shell and also the presence of the never mentioned tertiary layer is modifying shell thicknesses. Hence, the presented data appears random and is not comparable. The obtained evolutionary patterns must be considered as dubious.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      The authors deeply appreciate the reviewer’s constructive criticism.

      Answers to the public review from Reviewer 1

      1. The pathogenesis of truncating LRRC23 in asthenozoospermia needs to be further considered. The molecular mechanism of LRRC23 demonstrated in mice should be tested in patients with the LRRC23 variant. As it may be difficult to determine the structures of RS3 in the infertile male sperm, the LRRC23 localization should be observed in the sperm from patients with the LRRC23 variant.

      We understand the reviewer’s point. Unfortunately, the patients declined to continue in the project after the initial clinical evaluation and blood draw, so we were unable to follow up.

      1. The absence of the RS3 head in LRRC23Δ/Δ mouse sperm is not sufficient to support the specific localization of LRRC23 in RS3 head. Although LRRC23 might bind to RS head protein RSPH9, the authors state that "RSPH9 is a head component of RS1 and RS2 like in C. reinhardtii (Gui et al, 2021), but not of RS3" as the protein level and the localization of RSPH9 is not altered in LRRC23Δ/Δ sperm. Thus, the specific localization of LRRC23 in RS3 head should be further confirmed.

      Thank you for your comment. We agree with the reviewer that the specific localization of LRRC23 within the RS3 head needs to be further confirmed, but this requires an atomic resolution structure of the RS3 head, which is beyond the scope of the current study. We will pursue this direction in our future study.

      3) The interaction between LRRC23 and RSPH9 needs to be defined. AlphaFold models could help determine the likelihood of a direct interaction. In addition, the structure of the 96-nm modular repeats of axonemes from the flagella of human respiratory cilia has been determined (PMID: 37258679), and the localization of LRRC23 in RS could be further predicted.

      We appreciate the comment. We are pursuing an atomic resolution structure of the RS3 head, and thus leave the prediction and detailed localization to future studies.

      4) The ortholog of the RSP15 may also be predicted or confirmed by using the reported structure in human respiratory cilia (PMID: 37258679). Whether the LRCC34 in RS2 is LRRC34?

      Based on the amino acid sequence and AlphaFold predicted structure comparison, we proposed LRRC34 as the RSP15 orthologue. We agree that further clarification of whether the reported RSP15 structure in human respiratory cilia is LRRC34 is valuable, but we would like to focus the current study on re-annotating LRRC23 function to RS3 and male infertility.

      Answers to the public review from Reviewer 2

      1. While the author generated mutant mice expressing truncated LRRC23 proteins, the expression of these truncated proteins was not detected in sperm. This implies that, in terms of sperm structure, the mutant LRRC23 protein behaves similarly to the complete knockout of the LRRC23 protein, which has been previously reported and characterized (Zhang et al., 2021).

      We partially agree with the reviewer’s comments. Indeed, the spermatozoa from truncated mutant LRRC23 mice may be similar to those from the complete knockout. However, the truncated LRRC23 in the testis could in part contribute to the assembly and structural organization of the RS3 head and/or bridge during spermatogenesis, and thus it is possible that complete absence of the LRRC23 could result in more severe structural defects in the RS3 and bridge structure. Therefore, to simply infer the same defects requires a direct comparison.

      1. This reviewer questions the proposal that LRRC23 is an integral component of RS3, as the results indicate not only the loss of the RS3 head structure but also an incomplete RS2-RS3 junction structure. In addition, the interaction of LRRC23 with RSPH9 alone does not fully explain its involvement solely in RS3 assembly. Additional evidence is required to examine the influence of LRRC23 on the RS2-RS3 junction.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s point. In a previous study, LRRC23 was detected in tracheal cilia that lack the bridge structure. Thus, we concluded that LRRC23 is a component in the RS3 head, but not necessarily in the RS2-RS3 bridge structure, although the bridge structure is also affected. Broad structural defects due to single protein loss of function are often observed in sperm flagella. For example, deficiency of RSPH6A, an RS head component, affects not only the RS structure but the entire flagellar structure in a non-uniform manner, resulting in multiple morphological flagellar abnormalities. We anticipate that our future study to determine the molecular architecture in the RS3 head and bridge structure will provide further insights into this question.

      1. The article does not explore how these mutations affect the flagella structure in human sperm, which needs further study. Expanding the study to include human sperm structure would undoubtedly enhance the quality of the article.

      We agree with the importance of further pursuing the effect of these mutations in human samples, but faced practical difficulties. As responded to reviewer 1, the patients not only dropped out of the project, but also are distantly located in remote region of Pakistan, making the application of cryo-ET not feasible.

      Answers to the recommendations of Reviewer 1

      1. The statistics analysis should be performed in Figures 2E and 2F.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s recommendation. For 2E, since the standard deviations for two groups are equal to 0, it is not possible to perform appropriate statical analyses. For 2F, since the knockout males do not sire, it is not possible to know the number of litters in this case. Therefore, litter size information is not available for knockout males, and statistical analyses are not applicable.

      1. In Figure 3A, the human sperm RS structures (PMID: 36593309) should be provided.

      Thanks for the suggestion. We have included human sperm RS structures as suggested.

      1. The molecular weight markers should also be added in Figure 3F (left), EV4B, and EV5B (AKAP3, RSPH9, AcTub).

      In the original Figure 3F, the markers were shown as the white lines in the blot images due to the space limitations. Since the previous markers are not clearly visible, we have changed the color to yellow. The marker information in EV4B and 5B has also been updated.

      Answers to the recommendations of Reviewer 2

      1. Line 119, Table S1 is incorrectly shown.

      We have corrected the Table nomenclature to Table EV1.

      1. Line 132, the author suggests that LRRC23 mutations do not affect female reproduction based on the fertility of the mother. However, this conclusion may lack rigor since it overlooks the sterility of IV-4. To address this, the author needs to examine the fertility of female mice more comprehensively. Additionally, considering the higher expression level of LRRC23 in the oviduct, the author should investigate any potential changes in the oviduct cilia.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. As described in line 134, the mother of IV-4, who also carries the homozygous mutant allele like IV-4, was fertile. In addition, Lrrc23Δ/Δ female mice are fertile (now added in lines 173-174). In fact, we maintain the mouse line by crossing Lrrc23Δ/Δ females with heterozygous males. Thus, our initial conclusion that the LRRC23 mutation does not cause female fertility is still valid. However, LRRC23 has a function in the regulation of oviductal cilia requires further study, so we have softened down the corresponding sentence.

      1. In the article, the author mentions that there are some morphological differences observed in the sperm, which are not clearly depicted in Fig.1B. It is essential to specify the specific changes in sperm morphology that the author identified.

      Thank you for your comment. The morphological variations (e.g., the sperm in the lower left corner of Fig.1B has more a rounded sperm head) meant overall normal morphology with the normal range of occurrence in abnormal sperm morphology in normal fertile men, not necessarily caused by the LRRC23 mutation. To avoid confusion, we have rephrased the sentence (see lines 122-124).

      1. In Fig.3F, the previous study confirmed an interaction between LRRC23 and RSPH3 (Zhang et al., 2021), but the current manuscript does not demonstrate such an interaction; the author should explain the text.

      We appreciate your point. This could be due to the different interaction condition in vitro, and we described the possibility in main text (See Lines 200-201).

      1. In the case of the interaction between LRRC23 and RSPH9, the author utilizes human protein to detect but conducts phenotype verification in mice. Thus, discussing the relevance and potential limitations of extrapolating these findings from human protein interactions to the phenotypic effects

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We added discussion for that part (lines 336-341).

      1. The authors needed to detect changes in LRRC23 protein and mRNA levels at different stages of spermatogenesis.

      We agree that expression profiling of LRRC23 protein levels in developing male germ cells will be helpful to further understand LRRC23 function in spermatogenesis, but we do not perceive that it is not critical in this study as LRRC23 mRNA expression profiling from scRNA database (Fig. EV4) hints at the protein profiles.

      1. In Figure 4C of the article, the author should provide a clear and detailed explanation in the text of how they distinguish RS1, RS2, and RS3.

      We added the information in figure legends (lines 1034-1037).

      1. Zoom in on the RS structure in Fig.EV5D for precise observation.

      In TEM images with limited resolution, we could not tell which RS (RS1, 2, or 3) we have in the cross-section, and simple zoom-in does not provide a better and/or more accurate observation (the main reason, we moved forward with cryo-ET).

      1. By utilizing computational modeling and bioinformatics tools, the authors gain insights into the potential interactions, binding sites, and structural features of LRRC23 within the RS3 complex. This approach provides a deeper understanding of LRRC23's function and role in the assembly and stability of the RS3 complex. To enhance the clarity and visualization of the findings, the authors should generate a schematic diagram that illustrates the proposed interactions and structural organization of LRRC23 within the RS3 complex.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to speculate the molecular position and interaction of LRRC23 within the RS3 complex. For the level of computational modeling and bioinformatics, we believe that purification of RS3 complex and LRRC23 interactome study is required, which is one of our future directions. Given the limitation of our current data, we choose to stay conservative and not to suggest detailed structural information of LRRC23 in RS3 complex.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study provides valuable findings on a causative relationship between LRRC23 mutations and male infertility due to asthenozoospermia. The evidence supporting the conclusions is solid. This work will be of interest to biomedical researchers who work on sperm biology and non-hormonal male contraceptive development.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study identified the truncating LRRC23 is associated with the asthenozoospermia in human and demonstrated that the truncated Lrrc23 specifically disorganizes RS3 and the junctional structure between RS2 and RS3 in the sperm axoneme, which might cause sperm motility defects and male infertility. Although LRRC23 has been reported as a component of the radial spoke and is necessary for sperm motility in mice, this study provided a precise pathogenic mechanism of truncating LRRC23 in asthenozoospermia. This work is of interest to researchers working on reproduction biology. The manuscript has been revised to address prior reviewers' comments.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The present study explores the molecular function of LRRC23 in male fertility, specifically in the context of the regulation of spermiogenesis. The author initiates the investigation by identifying LRRC23 mutations as a potential cause of male sterility based on observations made in closely related individuals affected by asthenozoospermia (ASZ). To further investigate the function of LRRC23 in spermatogenesis, mutant mice expressing truncated LRRC23 proteins are created, aligning with the identified mutation site. Consequently, the findings confirm the deleterious effects of LRRC23 mutations on sperm motility in these mice while concurrently observing no significant abnormalities in the overall flagella structure. Furthermore, the study reveals LRRC23's interaction with the RS head protein RSPH9 and its active involvement in the assembly of the axonemal RS. Notably, LRRC23 mutations result in the loss of the RS3 head structure and disruption of the RS2-RS3 junction structure. Therefore, the author claimed that LRRC23 is an indispensable component of the RS3 head structure and suggests that mutations in LRRC23 underlie sterility in mice.


      The key contribution of this article lies in confirming LRRC23's involvement in assembling the RS3 head structure in sperm flagella. This finding represents a significant advancement in understanding the complex architecture of the RS3 structural complex, building upon previous studies. Moreover, the article's topic is interesting and originates from clinical research, which holds significant implications for potential clinical applications.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Re: Revised author response for eLife-RP-RA-2023-90135 (“The white-footed deermouse, an infection-tolerant reservoir for several zoonotic agents, tempers interferon responses to endotoxin in comparison to the mouse and rat” by Milovic, Duong, and Barbour”)

      The revised manuscript has taken into account all the comments and questions of the two reviewers. Our responses to each of the comments are detailed below. In brief, the modifications or additional materials for the revision each specifically address a reviewer comment. These modifcations or materials include the following….

      • a more in-depth consideration of sample sizes

      • a better explanation of what p values signify for a GO term analysis

      • a more detailed account of the selection of the normalization procedure for cross-species targeted RNA-seq (including a new supplemental figure)

      • several more box plots in supplementary materials to complement the scatterplots and linear regressions of the figures of the primary text

      • provision in a public access repository of the complete data for the RNA-seq analyses as well as primary data for figures and tables as new supplementary tables

      • the expansion of description of the analysis done for the revision of Borrelia hermsii infection of P. leucopus. This included a new table (Table 10 of the revision) • development of the possible relevance of finding for longevity studies by citing similarities of the findings in P. leucopus with those in the naked mole-rat

      • what we think is a better assessment of differences between female and male P. leucopus for this particular study, while still keeping focus on DEGs in common for females and males. This included a new figure (Figure 4 of the revision).

      • removal of reference to a “inverse” relationship between Nos2 and Arg1 while still retaining ratios of informative value

      We note that in the interval between uploading the original bioRxiv preprint and now we learned of the paper of Gozashti, Feschotte, and Hoekstra (reference 32), which supports our conception of the important place of endogenous retroviruses in the biology and ecology of deermice. This is the only addition or modification that was not a direct response to a reviewer comment or question, but it was germane to one of Reviewer #1’s comments (“Regarding..”).

      Reviewer #1:

      Supplemental Table 1 only lists genes that passed the authors statistical thresholds. The full list of genes detected in their analysis should be included with read counts, statistics, etc. as supplemental information.

      We agree that provision of the entire lists of reference transcripts and the RNA-seq results for each of the 40 animals is merited. These datasets are too large for what the journal’s supplementary materials resource was intended for, so we have deposited them at the Dryad public access repository.

      While P. leucopus is a critical reservoir for B. burgdorferi, caution should be taken in directly connecting the data presented here and the Lyme disease spirochete. While it's possible that P. leucopus have a universal mechanism for limiting inflammation in response to PAMPs, B. burgdorferi lack LPS and so it is also possible the mechanisms that enable LPS tolerance and B. burgdorferi tolerance may be highly divergent.

      The impetus for the study was the phenomenon of tolerance of infection of P. leucopus by a number of different kinds of pathogens, not just B. burgdorferi. We take the reviewer’s point, though. Certainly, the white-footed deermouse is probably most notable at-large for its role as a reservoir for the Lyme disease agent. We doubt that the species responses to LPS and to the principal agonists of B. burgdorferi are “highly divergent”, though. Other than the TLR itself-TLR4 for LPS vs the heterodimer TLR2/TLR1 for the lipoproteins of these spirochetes--the downstream signaling is generally similar for amounts comparable in their agonist potency.

      We had thought that we had addressed this distinction for B. burgdorferi and other Borreliaceae members by referring to the earlier study. But we agree with the reviewer that what was provided on this point was insufficient in the context of the present work. Accordingly, for the revision we have added a new analysis of the data on experimental infection of P. leucopus with Borrelia hermsii, which lacks LPS and for which the TLR agonists eliciting inflammation are lipoproteins. We do this in a format (new Table 6) that aids comparison with the LPS experimental data elsewhere in the article. As the manuscript references, B. burgdorferi infection of P. leucopus elicits comparatively little inflammation in blood even at the height of infection. While this phenomenon with the Lyme disease agent was part of the rationale driving these studies, the better comparison with LPS was 5 days into B. hermsii infection when the animals are spirochetemic.

      Statistical significance is binary and p-values should not be used as the primary comparator of groups (e.g. once a p-value crosses the deigned threshold for significance, the magnitude of that p-value no longer provides biological information). For instance, in comparing GO-terms, the reason for using of high p-value cutoffs ("None of these were up-regulated gene GO terms with p values < 1011 for M. musculus.") to compare species is unclear. If the authors wish to compare effect sizes, comparing enrichment between terms that pass a cutoff would likely be the better choice. Similarly, comparing DEG expression by p-value cutoff and effect size is more meaningful than analyses based on exclusively on p-value: "Of the top 100 DEGs for each species by ascending FDR p value." Description in later figures (e.g. Figure 4) is favored.

      Effect sizes--in this case, fold-changes--were taken into account for GO term analysis and were specified in the settings that are described. So, any gene that was “counted” for consideration for a particular GO term would have passed that threshold and with a falsediscovery corrected p value of a specified minimum. There is no further scoring of the “hit” based upon the magnitude of the p value beyond that point. It is, as the reviewer writes, binary at that point. We are in agreement on those principles.

      As we understand the comment above, though, the p-values referred to are in regard to the GO term analysis itself. The objective was discovery followed by inference. The situation was more like a genome-wide association study (GWAS) study. This is not strictly speaking a hypothesis test, because there was no stated hypothesis ahead of time or one driving the design. The “p value” for something like GO term analysis or GWAS provides an estimate of the strength of the association. It is not binary in that sense. The lower the p value, the greater confidence about the association. In a GWAS of a human population an association of a trait with a particular SNP or indel is usually not taken seriously unless the p value is less than 10^-7 or 10^-8. In the case of GO terms, the p value approximates (but is not equivalent to) the number of genes that are differentially expressed that belong to a GO cluster out of the total number of genes that define that cluster. The higher the proportion of the genes in the cluster that are associated with a treatment (LPS vs. saline), the lower the p value. Thus, it provides information beyond the point at which it would be rightly deemed of little additional value in many hypothesis testing circumstances.

      That said, we agree that the original manuscript could have been clearer on this point and have for the revision expanded the description of the GO term analysis in the Methods, including some explanation for a reader on what the p value signifies here. We also refrain from specifying a certain p value for special attention and merely list 20 by ascending p value.

      The ability to use of CD45 to normalize data is unclear. Authors should elaborate both on the use of the method and provide some data how the data change when they are normalized. For instance, do correlations between untreated Mus and Peromyscus gene expression improve? The authors seem to imply this should be a standard for interspecies comparison and so it would be helpful to either provide data to support that or, if applicable, use of the technique in literature should be referenced.

      The reviewer brings up an important point that we considered addressing in more depth for the original manuscript but in the end deferred to considerations about length and left it out.

      But we are glad to address this here, as well as in the revised manuscript.

      We did not intend to imply either that this particular normalization approach had been done before by others or that it “should” be a standard. We are not aware of another report on this, and it would be up to others whether it would be useful or not for them. We made no claim about its utility in another model or circumstance. The challenge before us was to do a comparative analysis of transcription in the blood not just for animals of one species under different conditions but animals of two different genera under different conditions. A notable difference between the animals was in their white blood cell counts, as this study documents. White cells would be the source of a majority of transcripts of potential relevance here, but there would also be mRNA for globins, from reticulocytes, from megakaryocytes, and likely cell-free RNA with origins in various tissues. If the white cell numbers differed, but the non-white cell sources of RNA did not, then there could be unacknowledged biases.

      It would be like comparing two different kinds of tissues and assuming them to be the same in the types and numbers of cells they contained. Four hours after a dose of LPS the liver cells (or brain cells) would differ in their transcriptional profiles from untreated the livers (or brains) of untreated animals for sure, but there would not be much if any change in the numbers of different kinds of cells in the liver (or brain) within 4 hours. The blood can change a lot in composition within that time frame under these same conditions. Some sort of accounting for differing white cell numbers in the blood in different outbred animals of two species seemed to be called for.

      The normalization that was done for the genome-wide analysis was not based on a particular transcript, but instead was based on the total number of reads, the lengths of the reference transcripts, and the distributions of reads matching to the tens of thousands of references for each sample. This was done according to what are standard procedures by now for bulk RNAseq analyses. Because the reference transcript sets for P. leucopus and M. musculus differed in their numbers and completeness of annotation, we did not attempt any cross-species comparison for the same set of genes at that point. That would not be possible because they were not entirely commensurate.

      The GO term analysis of those results provided the leads for the more targeted approach, which was roughly analogous to RT-qPCR. For a targeted assay of this sort, it is common to have a “housekeeping gene” or some other presumably stably transcribed gene for normalization. A commonly used one is Gapdh, but we had previously found that Gapdh was a DEG itself in the blood in P. leucopus and M. musculus at the four hour mark after LPS. The aim was to provide for some adjustment so datasets for blood samples differing in white blood cell counts could be compared. Two options were the 12S ribosomal RNA of the mitochondria, which would be in white cells but not mature erythrocytes, and CD45, which has served an approximately similar function for flow cytometry of the blood. As described in what has been added for the revision and the supplementary materials, we compared these different approaches to normalization. Ptprc and 12S rRNA were effectively interchangeable as the denominator with identifying DEGs of P. leucopus and M. musculus and cross-species comparisons.

      Regarding the ISG data-is a possible conclusion not that Peromyscus don't upregulate the antiviral response because it's already so high in untreated rodents? It seems untreated Peromyscus have ISG expression roughly equivalent to the LPS mice for some of the genes. This could be compared more clearly if genes were displayed as bar plots/box and whisker plots rather than in scatter plots. It is unclear why the linear regression is the key point here rather than normalized differences in expression.

      In answer to the question: yes, that is possible. In the interval between uploading of the manuscript and this revision, we became aware of a study by Gozashti and Hoekstra published this year in Molecular Biology and Evolution (reference 32) and reporting on the “massive invasion” of endogenous retroviruses in P. maniculatus and the defenses deployed in response to achieve silencing. We cite this work and discuss it, including related findings for P. leucopus, in the revision.

      We had originally intended to include box plots as well as scatterplots with regressions for the data, but thought it would be too much and possibly considered redundant. But with this encouragement from the reviewer we provide additional box plots in supplementary materials for the revision.

      Some sections of the discussion are under supported:

      The claim that low inflammation contributes to increased lifespan is stated both in the introduction and discussion. Is there justification to support this? Do aged pathogen-free mice show more inflammation than aged Peromyscus?

      We respectively point out that there was not a claim of this sort. We stated a fact about P. leucopus’ longevity. We made no statement connecting longevity and inflammation beyond the suggestion in the introduction that the explanation(s) for infection tolerance might have some bearing for studies on determinants of life span.

      But the reviewer’s comment prompted further consideration of this aspect of Peromyscus biology. This led eventually to the literature on the naked mole-rat, which seems to be the rodent with the longest known life span and the subject of considerable study. The discussion section of the revision has an added paragraph on some of the similarities of P. leucopus and the naked mole-rat in terms of neutrophils, expression of nitric oxide synthase 2 in response to LPS, and type 1 interferon responses. While this is far from decisive, it does serve to connect some of the dots and, hopefully, is considered at least partially responsive to the reviewer’s question.

      The claim that reduced Peromyscus responsiveness could lead to increased susceptibility to infection is prominently proposed but not supported by any of the literature cited.

      There was not this claim. In fact, it was framed as a question, not a statement. Nevertheless, we think we understand what the comment is getting at and acknowledge in the revision that there may be unexamined circumstances in which P. leucopus may be more vulnerable.

      References to B. burgdorferi, which do not have LPS, in the discussion need to ensure that the reader understands this and the potential that responses could be very different.

      We think we addressed this comment in a response above.

      Reviewer #2:

      1. How were the number of animals for each experiment selected? Was a power analysis conducted?

      A power analysis of any meaning for bulk RNA-seq with tens of thousands of reference transcripts, each with their own variance, and a comparison of animals of two different genera is not straight forward. Furthermore, a specific hypothesis was not being tested. This was a broad, forward screen. But the question about sample sizes is one that deserves more attention than the original manuscript provided. This now provided in added text in two places in Methods ( “RNA-seq” and “Genome-wide different gene expression”) in the revision.

      1. The authors conducted a cursory evaluation of sex differences of P. leucopus and reported no difference in response except for Il6 and Il10 expression being higher in the males than the females in the exposed group. The data was not presented in the manuscript. Nor was sex considered for the other two species. A further discussion of the role that sex could play and future studies would be appreciated.

      We agree that the limited analysis of sex differences and the undocumented remark about Il6 and Il10 expression in females and males warranted correction. For the revision we removed that analysis of targeted RNA-seq of P. leucopus from the two different studies. For this study we were looking for differences that applied to both species. This was the reason that there were equal numbers of females and males in the samples. We agree that further investigation of differences between sexes in their responses is of interest but is probably best left for “future studies”.

      But in revision we do not entirely ignore the question of sex of the animal and provide an additional analysis of the bulk RNA-seq for P. leucopus with regard to differences between females and males. This basically demonstarted an overall commensurability between sexes, at least for the purposes of the GO term analysis and subsequent targeted RNA-seq, but did reveal some exceptions that are candidate genes for those future studies.

      In the revision, we also add for the discussion and its “study limitations” section a disclaimer about possibly missing sex associated differences because the groups were mixed sexes.

      1. The ratio of Nos2 and Arg1 copies for LPS treated and control P. leucopus and M.musculus in Table 3 show that in P. leucopus there is not a significant difference but in M.musculus there is an increase in Nos2 copies with LPS treatment. The authors then used a targeted RNA-seq analysis to show that in P. leucopus the number of Arg1 reads after LPS treatment is significantly higher than the controls. These results are over oversimplified in the text as an inverse relationship for Nos2/Arg1 in the two species.

      We agree. In addition to providing box plots for Arg1 and Nos2, as suggested by Reviewer #1, we also replaced “ratio” in commenting on Arg1 and Nos2, with “differences in Nos2 and Arg1 expresssion” replacing “ratio of Nos2 to Arg1 expression” at one place. At another place we have removed “inverse” with regard to Nos2 and Arg1. But we respectfully decline to remove Nos2/Arg1 from Figure 5 (now Figure 6) or inclusion of Nos2/Arg1 ratios elsewhere. According to our understanding there need not be an inverse relationship for a ratio to have informative value.

      Recommendations For the Authors

      We thank the two reviewers for their constructive recommendations and suggestions, in some case pointing out errors we totally missed. For the great majority, the recommendations were followed. Where we decline or disagree we explain this in the response.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • How was the FDR < 0.003 cutoff chosen for DEG? All cutoffs are arbitrary but there should be some justification.

      We agree and have provided the rationale at that point in the paper (before Figure 3) in R2: "For GO term analysis the absolute fold-change criterion was ≥ 2. Because of the ~3-fold greater number of transcripts for the M. musculus reference set than the P. leucopus reference set, application of the same false-discovery rate (FDR) threshold for both datasets would favor the labeling of transcripts as DEGs in P. leucopus. Accordingly, the FDR p values were arbitrarily set at <5 x 10-5 for P. leucopus and <3 x 10-3 for M. musculus to provide approximately the same number of DEGs for P. leucopus (1154 DEGs) and M. musculus (1266 DEGs) for the GO term comparison."

      • It would be helpful to include a figure demonstrating the correlation between CD45 and WBC ("Pearson's continuous and Spearman's ranked correlations between log-transformed total white blood cell counts and normalized reads for Ptprc across 40 animals representing both species, sexes, and treatments were 0.40 (p = 0.01) and 0.34 (p = 0.03), respectively.")

      In both the first version of the revision (R1) and in R2 we provide a fuller explanation of the choice of CD45 (Ptprc) for normalization as detailed in the response to Reviewer #1's public comment. In the revision only Pearson's correlation and p value is given. We did not think another figure was justified after there was additional space devoted to this in both R1 and R2.

      • Unclear what the following paragraph is referring to-is this from the previous paper? Was this experiment introduced somewhere? "Low transcription of Nos2 and high transcription of Arg1 both in controls and LPS-treated P. leucopus was also observed in the experiment where the dose of LPS was 1 µg/g body mass instead of 10 µg/g and the interval between injection and assessment was 12 h instead of 4 h (Table 4)."

      This experiment is described in the Methods in the original and subsequent versions, but we agree that it is not clear whether it was from present study or previous one. Here is the revised text for R2: "Low transcription of Nos2 in both in controls and LPS-treated P. leucopus and an increase in Arg1 with LPS was also observed in another experiment for the present study where the dose of LPS was 1 µg/g body mass instead of 10 µg/g and the interval between injection and assessment was 12 h instead of 4 h (Table 4)."

      • Regarding the differences in IFNy between outbred and BALB/c mice-are there any other RNA-seq datasets you can mine where other inbred mice (B/6, C3H, etc) have been injected with LPS and probed roughly the same amount of time later? Do they look like BALB/c or the outbreds?

      In both the original and R1 and R2 we cite two papers on the difference of BALB/c mice. While this is of interest for follow-up in the future, we did not think additional content on a subject that mainly pertains to M. musculus was warranted here, where the main focus is Peromyscus.

      • Figure 8 and its legend are difficult to follow. The top half of the figure is not well explained and it's unclear what species this is. Decreased use of abbreviations would help. Consider marking each R2 value as Mus or Peromyscus (As done in Fig 9). There are some typographical errors in the legend ("gree," incomplete sentence missing the words LPS or treatment AND Mus: "Co-variation between transcripts for selected PRRs (yellow) and ISGs (gree) in the blood of P. leucopus (P) or (M) with (L") or without (C)."

      This is now Figure 9 in both R1 and R2. We revised it for R1 to include references to the box plots in supplementary materials, but agree with Reviewer #1's recommendation to correct the typos and make the legend less confusing. We did not think that further labeling of the R2 values in the scatterplots with the species names was necessary. The data points are not just colors but also different symbols, so it should be fairly easy for readers to distinguish the regression lines by species. For R2 this is the revised legend with additions in response to the recommendation underlined:

      "Figure 9. Co-variation between transcripts for selected PRRs and ISGs in the blood of P. leucopus (P) or M. musculus (M) with (L) or without (C) LPS treatment. Top panel: matrix of coefficients of determination (R2) for combined P. leucopus and M. musculus data. PRRs are indicated by yellow fill and ISGs by blue fill on horizontal and vertical axes. Shades of green of the matrix cells correspond to R2 values, where cells with values less than 0.30 have white fill and those of 0.90-1.00 have deepest green fill. Bottom panels: scatter plots of log-transformed normalized Mx2 transcripts on Rigi (left), Ifih1 (center), and Gbp4 (right). The linear regression curves are for each species. For the right-lower graph the result from the General Linear Model (GLM) estimate is also given. Values for analysis are in Table S4; box plots for Gbp4, Irf7, Isg15, Mx2, and Oas1 are provided in Figure S6."

      • Discussion section could benefit from editing for clarity. Examples listed: o Unclear what effect is described here "The bacterial infection experiment indicated that the observed effect in P. leucopus was not limited to a TLR4 agonist; the lipoproteins of B. hermsii are agonists for TLR2 (Salazar et al. 2009)."

      Both R1 and R2 include the new section on the B. hermsii infection model. This was added in response to Reviewer #1 public comment. So the expanded consideration of this aspect should address the reviewer's recommendation for more clarity and context here. For R2 we modified the text in the discussion of R1:

      "The analysis here of the B. hermsii infection experiment also indicated that the phenomenon observed in P. leucopus was not limited to a TLR4 agonist."

      o Unclear what the takeaway from this paragraph is: "Reducing the differences between P. leucopus and the murids M. musculus and R. norvegicus to a single all-embracing attribute may be fruitless. But from a perspective that also takes in the 2-3x longer life span of the whitefooted deer mouse compared to the house mouse and the capacity of P. leucopus to serve as disease agent reservoir while maintaining if not increasing its distribution (Moscarella et al. 2019), the feature that seems to best distinguish the deer mouse from either the mouse or rat is its predominantly anti-inflammatory quality. The presentation of this trait likely has a complex, polygenic basis, with environmental (including microbiota) and epigenetic influences. An individual's placement is on a spectrum or, more likely, a landscape rather than in one or another binary or Mendelian category."

      We agree that modification, simplication, and clarification was called for. In response to a public comment of Reviewer #1 we had changed that section, leaving out reference to longevity here. Here is the revised text in both R1 and R2:

      "Reducing differences between P. leucopus and murids M. musculus and R. norvegicus to a single attribute, such as the documented inactivation of the Fcgr1 gene in P. leucopus (7), may be fruitless. But the feature that may best distinguish the deermouse from the mouse and rat is its predominantly anti-inflammatory quality. This characteristic likely has a complex, polygenic basis, with environmental (including microbiota) and epigenetic influences. An individual’s placement is on a spectrum or, more likely, a landscape rather than in one or another binary or Mendelian category."

      Minor comments:

      • Use of blue and red in figures as the -only- way to easily distinguish between groups is a poor choice-both in terms of how inclusivity of color-blind researchers and enabling grayscale printing. Most detrimental in Figure 2, but also slightly problematic in Figure 1. Use of color and shape (as done in other figures) is a much better alternative.

      We agree. Both figures have been modified to include an additional characteristic for denoting the data point. For Figure 1 it is a black filling, and for Figure 2 it is the size of symbol in additon to the color. This should enable accurate visualization by color blind individuals and printing in gray scale. We have added definitions for the symbols within the graph itself, so there is no need to refer to the legend to interpret what they mean.

      • Note the typo where it should read P leucopus: "The differences between P. musculus and M. musculus in the ratios of Nos2/Arg1 and IL12/IL10 were reported before (BalderramaGutierrez et al. 2021),"

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this typo out, which also carried over to R1. It has been corrected for R2.

      • Optional: Can the relationship between the ratios in figure 5 and macrophage "types" be displayed graphically alongside the graphs? It's a little challenging to go back and forth between the text and the figure to try to understand the biological implication.

      We considered something like this but in the end decided that we were not yet comfortable assigning “types” in this fashion for Peromyscus.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Be consistent with nomenclature for your species/treatment groups in the text, figures, and tables. For example, you go back and forth between "P. leucopus" and "deermouse" in the text. And in figures you use "P," "Peromyscus", or "Pero".

      In the Methods section of the original and revisions R1 and R2 we indicate that "deermouse" is synonymous with "Peromyscus leucopus" and "mouse" is synonymous with "Mus musculus" in the context of this paper. We think that some alternation in the terms relieves the text of some of its repetitiveness and that readers should not have a problem with equating one with the other. The use of "deermouse" also reinforces for readers that Peromyscus is not a mouse. With regard to the abbreviations for P. leucopus, those were used to accommodate design and space issues of the figures or tables. In all cases, the abbreviations referred to are defined in the legends of the figures. So, we respectfully decline to follow this recommendation.

      • Often the sentence structure and/or word choice is irregular and makes quick/easy comprehension difficult. Several examples are:

      o The third paragraph of the introduction

      We agree that the first and second sentences are unclear. Here is the revision for R2:

      “As a species native to North America, P. leucopus is an advantageous alternative to the Eurasian-origin house mouse for study of natural variation in populations that are readily accessible (9, 53). A disadvantage for the study of any Peromyscus species is the limited reagents and genetic tools of the sorts that are applied for mouse studies.”

      o The first line after Figure 5 on page 9.

      We agree. The long sentence which we think the reviewer is referring to has been in split into two sentences for R2.

      “An ortholog of Ly6C (13), a protein used for typing mouse monocytes and other white cells, has not been identified in Peromyscus or other Cricetidae family members. Therefore, for this study the comparison with Cd14 is with Cd16 or Fcgr3, which deermice and other cricetines do have.”

      o The sentence that starts "Our attention was drawn to..." on page 14.

      We agree that the sentence was awkward and split into two sentences.

      “Our attention was drawn to ERVs by finding in the genome-wide RNA-seq of LPS-treated and control rats. Two of the three highest scoring DEGs by FDR p value and fold-change were a gagpol polyprotein of a leukemia virus with 131x fold-change from controls and a mouse leukmia virus (MLV) envelope (Env) protein with 62x fold-change (Dryad Table D5).”

      • For figures with multiple panels, use A), B) etc then indicate which panel you are discussing in your text. This is a very data heavy study and your readers can easily get lost.

      We agree and have added pointers in the text to the panels we are referring to. But we prefer to use easily understood descriptors like “left” and “upper” over assigned letters.

      • For all the figures, where are the stats from the t-tests? Why didn't you do a two-way ANOVA? Instead of multiple t-tests?

      Where we are not hypothesis testing and we are able to show all the data points in box-whisker plots with distributions fully revealed, our default position is not to apply significance tests in a post hoc fashion. If a reader or other investigator wants to do this for other purposes, e.g. a meta-analysis, the data is provided in public repository for them to do this. We are not sure what the reviewer means by "multiple t-tests" for "all figures". Where we do 2-tailed t-tests for presentation of data for many genes in a table for the targeted RNA (where individual values cannot shown in the table), there is always correction for multiple testing, as indicated in Methods. The p values shown as "FDR" are after correction.

      • Results paragraph "LPS experiment and hematology studies"

      o List the two species for the first description to orient the reader since you eventually include rat data.

      We agree that this is warranted and followed this recommendation for R2.

      o Not all the mice experienced tachypnea, but the text makes it seem like 100% did.

      We are not sure what the reviewer is referring to here. This is what is in the text on tachypnea: "By the experiment’s termination at 4 h, 8 of 10 M. musculus treated with LPS had tachypnea, while only one of ten LPS-treated P. leucopus displayed this sign of the sepsis state (p = 0.005)." The only other mention of "tachypnea" was in Methods.

      • Figure 1: Why was the M. musculus outlier excluded? Where any other outliers excluded?

      That data point for the mouse was not "excluded" from the graph. It is identified (MM17) for reference with Table 1, and there is the graph for all to see where it is. It was only excluded from the regression curve for control mice. There was no significance testing. There were no other outliers excluded.

      • Figure 3: explain the colors and make the scales the same for all the panels or at least for the upregulated DEGs and the downregulated DEGs.

      We have modified the legend for Figure 3 to include fuller definitions of the x-axes and a description of the color spectrum. We decline to make the x-axis scale the same for all the panels because the horizontal bars in “transcription down” panels would take up only a small fraction of the space. The x-axes are clearly defined and the colors of the bars also indicate the differences in p-values. We doubt that readers will be misled. Here is the revised legend: “Figure 3. Gene Ontology (GO) term clusters associated with up-regulated genes (upper panels) and down-regulated genes (lower panels) of P. leucopus (left panels) and M. musculus (right panels) treated with LPS in comparison with untreated controls of each species. The scale for the x-axes for the panels was determined by the highest -log10 p values in each of the 4 sets. The horizontal bar color, which ranges from white to dark brown through shades of yellow through orange in between, is a schematic representation of the -log10 p values.”

      • Results paragraph "Targeted RNA seq analysis"

      o In the third paragraph, an R2 of 0.75 is not close enough to 1 to call it "~1"

      What the reviewer is referring to is no longer in either R1 and R2, as detailed in the authors' response to public comments.

      o In the 4th paragraph, where are your stats?

      We have replaced terms like "substantially" and "marginally" with simple descriptions of relationships in the graphs.

      "For the LPS-treated animals there was, as expected for this selected set, higher expression of the majority genes and greater heterogeneity among P. leucopus and M. musculus animals in their responses for represented genes. In contrast to the findings with controls, Ifng and Nos2 had higher transcription in treated mice. In deermice the magnitude of difference in the transcription between controls and LPS-treated was less."

      • Figure 4: The colors are hard to see, I suggest making all the up regulated reads one color, the down regulated reads a different color, and the reads that aren't different black or gray.

      This is now Figure 5 in R1 and R2. The selected genes that are highlighted in the panels are denoted not only by color but also by type of symbol. We do not think that readers will have a problem telling one from another even if color blind. The purpose of this figure was to provide an overview and a visual representation with calling out of selected genes, some of which will be evaluated in more detail later. We thought that this was necessary before diving deeper into the data of Table 2. We do not think further discriminating between transcripts in the categorical way that the reviewer suggests is warranted at this point. So, we respectfully decline to follow this suggestion.

      • Results paragraph " Alternatively- activated macrophages...."

      o Include a brief description of Nos2 and Arg1

      We have defined what enzymes these are genes for in R2.

      o How do you explain the lack of a difference in P. leucopus Arg1? Your text says the RT-qPCR confirms the RNA-seq findings.

      There was a difference in P. leucopus Arg1 by RT-qPCR between control and LPS treated by about 3-fold. By both RNA-seq and RT-qPCR Arg1 transcription is higher in P. leucopus than in M. musculus under both conditions. But we have modified the sentence so that does not imply more than what the data and analysis of the table reveal.

      "While we could not type single cells using protein markers, we could assess relative transcription of established indicators of different white cell subpopulations in whole blood. The present study, which incorporated outbred M. musculus instead of an inbred strain, confirmed the previous finding of differences in Nos2 and Arg1 expression between M. musculus and P. leucopus (Figure 5; Table 2). Results similar to the RNA-seq findings were obtained with specific RT-qPCR assays for Nos2 and Arg1 transcripts for P. musculus and M. musculus (Table 3)."

      • Figure 5: reorganize the panels to make the text description and label with letters, where are the stats?

      We thought the figure (now Figure 6) was self-explanatory, but agree that further explanation in the legend was indicated. We prefer to use descriptions of locations (“upper left”) over labels, like “panel C”, which do not obviously indicate the location of the panel. Of course, if the journal’s style mandates the other format we will do so. Our response about “stats” for boxplot figures is the same as what we provided above.

      • Results paragraph "Interferon-gamma and interleukin-1 beta..."

      o Either add the numbers or direct the viewer to where Ifng is in Table 2. The table is very big and Ifng is all the way at the bottom!

      We agree that this table is large, but we thought it better to err on the side of inclusiveness by having a single table, rather than have some genes in the main article and other results in a supplementary table. We thought that it would make it easier for reviewers and readers to find a gene of interest, but we also acknowledge the challenge to locate the genes we highlight. We follow for R2 that reviewer's recommendation to provide some guidance for readers trying to locate a featured gene by pointing relative locations. While adding a column of numbers to already complex table seems more than what is called for, we are depositing an Excel spreadsheet of the table at the Dryad repository to facilitate searching by an interested reader for a particular gene.

      • Figure 6: stats? The pink and red are hard to easily distinguish from each other. I also suggest not using red and green together for color blind readers.

      With regard to the box-plots and significance testing, please see response above to an earlier recommendation. We have removed an interpretative adjective (i.e. "marked") from the description of the graph. Different symbols as well as colors are used, so we do not think that this will pose a problem for readers, even those with complete red-green color blindness. For what it’s worth, with regard to the "red" and "pink" issue, according to the figure on our displays the colors of the two symbols appear to be red and purple. They are also applied to different species and different conditions for those species.

      • Figure 8: In the legend it says "... PRRs (yellow) and ISGs (gree)" which is a typo, but don't you mean blue not green anyways?

      See response above to Reviewer #1's recommendation. This has been corrected.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: The authors investigated the function of Microrchidia (MORC) proteins in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Recognizing MORC's implication in DNA compaction and gene silencing across diverse species, the study aimed to explore the influence of PfMORC on transcriptional regulation, life cycle progression and survival of the malaria parasite. Depletion of PfMORC leads to the collapse of heterochromatin and thus to the killing of the parasite. The potential regulatory role of PfMORC in the survival of the parasite suggests that it may be central to the development of new antimalarial strategies.

      Strengths: The application of the cutting-edge CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool, combined with other molecular and genomic approaches, provides a robust methodology. Comprehensive ChIP-seq experiments indicate PfMORC's interaction with sub-telomeric areas and genes tied to antigenic variation, suggesting its pivotal role in stage transition. The incorporation of Hi-C studies is noteworthy, enabling the visualization of changes in chromatin conformation in response to PfMORC knockdown.

      We greatly appreciate the overall positive feedback . Our application of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tools coupled with complementary cellular and functional approaches shed light on the importance ofPfMORC in maintaining chromatin structural integrity in the parasite and highlight this protein as a promising target for novel therapeutic intervention.

      Weaknesses: Although disruption of PfMORC affects chromatin architecture and stage-specific gene expression, determining a direct cause-effect relationship requires further investigation.

      Our conclusions were made on the basis of multiple, unbiased molecular and functional assays that point to the relevance of the PfMORC protein in maintaining the parasite’s chromatin landscape. Although we do not claim to have precise evidence on the step-by-step pathway to which PfMORC is involved, we bring forth first-hand evidence of its overall function in heterochromatin binding and gene-regulation, its association with major TF regulatory players, and essentiality for parasite survival. We however agree with the comment regarding the lack of direct effects of PfMORC KD and will provide additional evidence by performing ChIP-seq experiments against additional histone marks in WT and PfMORC KD lines.

      Furthermore, while numerous interacting partners have been identified, their validation is critical and understanding their role in directing MORC to its targets or in influencing the chromatin compaction activities of MORC is essential for further clarification. In addition, the authors should adjust their conclusions in the manuscript to more accurately represent the multifaceted functions of MORC in the parasite.

      We do agree with the reviewer's comment. Validation of the identified interacting partners is critical and most likely essential to understanding their role in directing MORC to its targets. However, our protein pull down experiments have been done using biological replicates. Several of the interacting partners have also been identified and published by other labs. A direct comparison of our work together with previous published work will be incorporated in a revised version of the manuscript to further validate the identified interacting partners and the accuracy of the data we obtained in this manuscript. Molecular validation of all proteins identified in our protein may take a few more years and will be submitted for publication in futur manuscripts.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: This paper, titled "Regulation of Chromatin Accessibility and Transcriptional Repression by PfMORC Protein in Plasmodium falciparum," delves into the PfMORC protein's role during the intra-erythrocytic cycle of the malaria parasite, P. falciparum. Le Roch et al. examined PfMORC's interactions with proteins, its genomic distribution in different parasite life stages (rings, trophozoites, schizonts), and the transcriptome's response to PfMORC depletion. They conducted a chromatin conformation capture on PfMORC-depleted parasites and observed significant alterations. Furthermore, they demonstrated that PfMORC depletion is lethal to the parasite.

      Strengths: This study significantly advances our understanding of PfMORC's role in establishing heterochromatin. The direct consequences of the PfMORC depletion are addressed using chromatin conformation capture.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s comments and reflection on the importance of our work.

      Weaknesses: The study only partially addressed the direct effects of PfMORC depletion on other heterochromatin markers.

      Here again, we agree with the reviewer’s comment and intend to perform additional experiments to delve deeper into the multifaceted roles of PfMORC. We have begun to explore the effects of PfMORC depletion on heterochromatin marks using ChIP-seq experiments at distinct stages of parasite development. We hope our new results will shed light on the direct implications of PfMORC in heterochromatin regulation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The flowering plant Capsella bursa-pastoris is an allotetraploid formed from the genomes of Capsella orientalis and Capsella grandiflora. An outstanding question in the evolution of allotetraploids is the relative contribution of immediate consequences of allopolyploidization vs. long-term evolution after the event. The authors address this question by re-synthesizing the allotetraploid in the lab using the two progenitor species, and comparing its phenotypic and gene expression variation to naturally occurring C. bursa-pastoris. They find evidence primarily for long-term phenotypic evolution towards a selfing syndrome in C. bursa-pastoris, and a combination of short and long-term changes to gene expression.

      The manuscript is thorough and provides lots of new insights into the mechanisms driving evolution in allopolyploids. I especially appreciated the detailed examination of different mechanisms driving gene expression variation. There are some important limitations of the experimental design related to independent evolution of the progenitor species and effects of the colchicine treatment used to induce polyploidy, but these are well-addressed in the Discussion.

    2. eLife assessment

      This important study offers new insight into how floral and reproductive phenotypes and gene expression evolve in allopolyploids. The authors marshal compelling evidence, using well-constructed genetic lines, RNA sequencing, and phenotypic analyses to distinguish the roles of hybridization, whole genome duplication, and subsequent evolution in phenotypes associated with the selfing syndrome and in gene expression. The work will be of interest to researchers working in plant speciation and genomics, as well as those more broadly interested in the effects of genome copy number on phenotypic and expression evolution.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study aims to determine the relative importance of the immediate effects of allopolyploidization from subsequent evolution in phenotypic traits associated with the selfing syndrome and in gene expression traits in the selfing allopolyploid Capsella bursa-pastoris and its diploid progenitors Capsella grandiflora, which is outcrossing, and Capsella orientalis, which is selfing. To do this, they compared five categories of plant: the two progenitors of the allopolyploid, hybrids resynthesized from the progenitors with a whole-genome duplication either before or after the hybridization event, and the naturally occurring allopolyploid.

      Two lines of evidence were used: phenotypic data from the plants grown in a common environment, and RNAseq data from a subset of the plants.

      The phenotypic data indicate that the selfing syndrome of C. bursa-pastoris likely evolved after the initial allopolyploidization event, and that pollen and seed viability recovered following the allopolyploidization event. The results are compelling but would benefit from small clarifications to the methods and statistics to account for possible positional effects in the growth chamber. Using a linear mixed model rather than a simple ANOVA would solve this problem.

      The RNAseq data are used to explore overall expression patterns (using multi-dimensional scaling), patterns of differential expression (additive, dominant, or transgressive), and homeolog expression bias, and to determine the relative contributions of the original allopolyploidization event and subsequent evolution. Statistical cutoffs were used to categorize gene expression patterns, but the description and categorization of these patterns appears to have been largely qualitative, and might be strengthened by including more statistical detail in questions like whether homeologous expression bias did indeed show more variation in resynthesized and evolved allopolyploids.

      The study includes evidence that homeolog expression bias (overrepresentation of an allele from one species) results in part from homeologous synapsis (uneven inheritance of chromosome segments). These deviations from patterns consistent with 2:2 inheritance of genomic regions are highly variable between individuals in resynthesized allopolyploids but appeared to be mostly consistent within (but not between) populations in natural C. bursa-pastoris. This is intriguing evidence that segregation can be an important source of variation in allopolyploids. However, it was limited by the difficulty of inferring homeologous recombination breakpoints with RNAseq data because of the scale of recombination in wild populations (rather than resynthesized allopolyploids). In future identifying such breakpoints will be an interesting direction for this and other allopolyploid systems.

      This research suggests many follow-up questions. In particular, it may be possible to identify evidence about the mechanism of the original hybridization event. How frequently do unreduced gametes occur in these species, and is it likely that C. bursa-pastoris evolved via a triploid bridge? Exploring the viability, fertility, and phenotypes of triploids produced in both directions could be a valuable future direction.

      Future research, or the current study, could also valuably explore what kinds of genes experienced what forms of expression evolution. A brief description of GO terms frequently represented in genes which showed strong patterns of expression evolution might be suggestive of which selective pressures led to the changes in expression in the C. bursa-pastoris lineage, and to what extent they related to adaptation to polyploidization (e.g. cell-cycle regulators), compensating for the initial pollen and seed inviability or adapting to selfing (endosperm- or pollen-specific genes), or adaptation to abiotic conditions.

      Overall, this is an interesting and valuable contribution to the field's understanding of how expression evolves in interaction with hybridization and polyploidy. Particularly in combination with the team's previous study on these lines, this experimental design is effective for separating the contributions of hybridization, WGD, and evolution over time.

      Update: the authors have thoughtfully and thoroughly updated the manuscript to address all the questions I raised. I appreciate the chance to review this valuable contribution to the scientific literature.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study in budding yeast (S. cerevisiae) presents important findings demonstrating that the exonuclease Xrn1 regulates autophagy in response to methionine deprivation through effects on TORC1. There is solid evidence that the impact of Xrn1 on TORC1 is contingent on its catalytic activity rather than the degradation of any specific category of mRNAs. A major strength is the novel mechanism, in which Xrn1 modulates the nucleotide-binding state of the Gtr1/2 complex.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: The paper by McGinnis et al. uses a combination of genetic and biochemical approaches to understand how the conserved 5'-3' RNA exonuclease Xrn1 affects autophagy in response to methionine starvation in S. cerevisiae. The authors present evidence Xrn1 affects autophagy primarily via its effect on regulating TORC1 signaling. They present some evidence that Xrn1's effect on TORC1 singnaling is via its physical interaction with the SEACIT complex.

      Strengths: The experiments in general for this paper are clear and have proper controls.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors seem to try and fit the data to a simplistic model rather than embrace the complexity of the data. I will give some examples below.

      1) Figure 1 clearly shows that xrn1d results in loss of tight repression of autophagy. Specifically, the 0 timepoint has increased autophagy in both the idh-GFP and ALP assays. However, it is incorrect to say that it is related in any way to methionine deprivation. The same basic pattern of regulation occurs in WT and xrn1d strains. The only difference is the "leakiness" of repression at t=0.

      2) Figure 2 shows that catalytically inactive Xrn1 has the same autophagy phenotype as a deletion, indicating that Xrn1 enzymatic activity is important for function. However, it is also clear that xrn1-deletion cells expressing wt Xm1-flag do not repress autophagy as well as XRN+ cells, even though the amount of expressed protein seems similar. Does this imply the flag-tag may be a less active version of the protein? This should be discussed.

      3) Figure 3 shows Xrn1-loss effects TORC signaling and that npr2-deletion inhibits autophagy. The surprising result is that a xrn1d/npr2d behaves like WT with regards to autophagy. This needs to be discussed. To me, this seems to strongly suggest that methionine repression of autophagy is occurring downstream of both xrn1 and npr2. Measuring p-S6 in the double mutant may be informative.

      4) Figure 4 appears to show that even in the absence of GTR1, autophagy is repressed in rich media, active in YPL-SL, but still responds to methionine repression. This does not seem consistent with the model presented in Figure 5. Shouldn't loss of GTR1 result in repressed Torc1? The GTP and GDP-lock mutants are either all on, or all off. Why is deletion different? This needs to be explained and discussed. Also, the Figure legend does not match figures (problem after Fig4b).

      5) Figure 5B shows GTR1 IP with Xrn1-FLAG. However, there are no negative controls in this experiment, so the result could be background. RNAaseA and RNA addition experiments are convincing.

      6) Line 254-255. The lead sentence is simply not supported by the data. There is no evidence that Xrn1 actually affects the regulation of Gtr1/2 binding states.

      7) Line 259-260. This is again overstated. Just because a mutant can be rescued by Gtr1-GTP-locked, does not say anything about RNA decay. In fact, the double mutant has extra high levels of some ATG RNA's, so I have no idea how the Gtr1 rescues.

      8) Line 268-281. Your model here ignores the fact that methionine regulation takes place in the absence of both xrn1 and npr2. Therefore the model, as proposed, can't be correct.

      9) Line 290-300. The slow growth rate of Xrn1 mutants may be affecting the metabolite levels. I felt that this entire paragraph was overly speculative.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> McGinnis and colleagues conducted a study to elucidate the precise mechanism through which SEACIT detects amino acids and regulates TORC1 signaling in yeast. In their research, the authors made a noteworthy discovery by identifying the conserved 5'-3' RNA exonuclease Xrn1 as a novel regulator of TORC1 activity, particularly in response to stress-induced autophagy. The study revealed that the impact of Xrn1 on TORC1 is contingent on its catalytic activity rather than the degradation of any specific category of mRNAs. Instead, Xrn1 plays a pivotal role in modulating the nucleotide-binding state of the Gtr1/2 complex. This modulation is crucial for the complex's interaction with and subsequent activation of TORC1.

      Strengths:<br /> This study holds considerable potential as it illuminates an intriguing function of Xrn1 in nutrient sensing and growth control, expanding beyond its conventional role in RNA degradation. Furthermore, the research suggests a novel pathway through which RNA metabolism can influence methionine signaling to activate TORC1.

      Weaknesses/General comments:<br /> 1) Previous work has shown that SAMTOR, upstream of mTORC1 in mammalian cells, senses methionine abundance through SAM levels (PMID: 29123071). However, this study suggests that Xrn1 senses and signals methionine to regulate mTORC1 signaling independently of SAM abundance. This finding appears to contradict the mentioned previous work. The authors should address this discrepancy. Moreover, the title of this manuscript does not seem to fit with actual findings. In the title, the authors mention that Xrn1 regulates TORC1 in response to SAM availability, but SAM levels do not seem to matter for Xrn1-dependent regulation of autophagy and TORC1.<br /> 2) This group has previously shown that the addition of methionine stimulates the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which inhibits autophagy and promotes growth through the action of the methyltransferase Ppm1p, which modifies the catalytic subunit of PP2A in tune with SAM levels (PMID: 23870128). Since Xrn1 controls autophagy in a methionine-dependent manner, the authors should assess the effects of Xrn1 on SAM-dependent methylation of PP2A?<br /> 3) The authors should measure the effects of Xrn1 and TORC1 regulation on the methionine-SAM cycle activity through an isotope tracing approach, possibly by using U-13C-methionine.<br /> 4) The authors use mainly the GFP cleavage assay from Idh1-GFP to assess mitochondria degradation (or mitophagy) and generalize that autophagy is induced. Other assays should be employed more notably to assess globally non-mitochondrial specific degradation. For example, the authors could employ the Pho8∆60 assay.<br /> 5) In several blots (Panel 3D, 4D, 4B, 4F), the authors assess autophagy through GFP cleavage from Idh1-GFP but do not assess TORC1 activity in the same conditions. Showing autophagy induction and TORC1 activity on the same panels would be preferable.

      Specific comments:<br /> 1) Panel 5E: As a control, the authors should use DNA instead of NMPs.<br /> 2) Panel S3B: Contrary to what is indicated in the text, this panel does not display ATG mRNA levels.<br /> 3) Panel S5K is not cited in the text. The rationale behind measuring the steady-state levels of GTP and GDP is not explained.<br /> Several panels are not subjected to statistical analysis. It is important for the authors to ensure that appropriate statistical methods are applied.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> This study investigated the role of the exonuclease Xrn1 in regulating autophagy in response to methionine deprivation in the budding yeast (S. cerevisiae). As a model system, wild-type and xrn1-deletion cells are switched from a nutrient-rich, lactate-based media (YPL) to a synthetic, minimal, lactate media with or without re-addition of methionine. Autophagy is measured by a previously reported Idh-GFP cleavage assay, and in some cases by quantification of alkaline phosphatase activity. The authors conclude that Xrn1 suppresses autophagy in response to methionine depletion based on the results of the Idh-GFP assay. However, the alkaline phosphatase assay could potentially suggest the opposite conclusion, with xnr1 deletion blocking the induction of autophagy relative to baseline in those cells, an interpretation which is complicated by higher basal autophagy induction upon xnr1 deletion. To address the mechanism of Xrn1 regulation of autophagy, a model is presented in which Xrn1 activates Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1), which suppresses autophagy. This regulation is proposed to occur through physical association of Xrn1 with known upstream regulators of TORC1 activity, the SEACIT/GATOR1 and Gtr/Rag complexes. However, TORC1 activity is not measured under many key experimental conditions, making it difficult to determine the accuracy of this model. If the model ultimately proves correct, this would be an important finding that establishes a new player in the critical TORC1 pathway that controls cell growth and metabolism in response to changes in nutrient availability.

      Strengths<br /> Clear and highly reproducible results using the Idh-GFP cleavage assay to measure apoptosis.

      Detailed characterization of the metabolic and transcriptomic effects of Xrn1 deletion through metabolomics and RNA-seq.

      Use of a catalytically inactive Xrn1 mutant to demonstrate that its effects on autophagy require its catalytic activity.

      Weaknesses<br /> Predominant use of a single autophagy assay (Idh-GFP cleavage), with potentially conflicting results in another assay (alkaline phosphatase activity).

      TORC1 activity is not measured under many key experimental conditions.

      Protein-protein interactions are studied by overexpression of tagged proteins. While this may be essential for detection, the level of overexpression relative to endogenous protein is unclear, as well as whether this recapitulates the endogenous interactions and regulation.

      Results from some experiments have several possible interpretations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Li et al., report that FBXO24 contributes to sperm development by modulating alternative mRNA splicing and MIWI degradation during spermiogenesis. The authors demonstrated that FBXO24 deficiency impairs sperm head formation, midpiece compartmentalization, and axonemal/peri-axonemal organization in mature sperm, which causes sperm motility defects and male infertility. In addition, FBXO24 interacts with various mRNA splicing factors, which causes altered splicing events in Fbxo24-null round spermatids. Interestingly, FBXO24 also modulates MIWI levels via its polyubiquitination in round spermatids. Thus, the authors address that FBXO24 modulates global mRNA levels by regulating piRNA-mediated MIWI function and splicing events in testicular haploid germ cells.

      This study is performed with various experimental approaches to explore and elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms for the FBXO24-mediated sperm defects during germ cell development. Overall, the experiments were designed properly and performed well to support the authors' observation in each part. In addition, the finding in this study is useful for understanding the physiological and developmental significance of the FBXO24 in the male germ line, which can provide insight into impaired sperm development and male infertility. However, there are several concerns to be explained more in this study. In addition, some results should be revised and updated.

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This work is carried out by the research group led by Shuiqiao Yuan, who has a long interest in and significant contribution to the field of male germ cell development. The authors study a protein for which limited information existed prior to this work, a component of the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, FBXO24. The authors generated the first FBXO24 KO mouse model reported in the literature using CRISPR, which they complement with HA-tagged FBXO24 transgenic model in the KO background. The authors begin their study with a very careful examination of the expression pattern of the FBXO24 gene at the level of mRNA and the HA-tagged transgene, and they provide conclusive evidence that the protein is expressed exclusively in the mouse testis and specifically in post-meiotic spermatids of stages VI to IX, which include early stages of spermatid elongation and nuclear condensation. The authors report a fully sterile phenotype for male mice, while female mice are normal. Interestingly, the testis size and the populations of spermatogenic cells in the KO mutant mice show a small (but significant) reduction compared to the WT testis. Importantly, the mature sperm from KO animals show a series of defects that were very thoroughly documented in this work by scanning and transmission electron microscopy; this data constitutes a very strong point in this paper. FBXO24 KO sperm have severe defects in the mitochondrial sheath with missing mitochondria near the annulus, and missing outer dense fibers. Collectively these defects cause abnormal bending of the flagellum and severely reduced sperm motility. Moreover, defects in nuclear condensation are observed with faint nuclear staining of elongating and elongated spermatids, and reduction of protein levels of protamine 2 combined with increased levels of histones and transition protein 1. All of the above are in line with the observed male sterility phenotype.

      The authors also performed RNAseq in the KO animal, and found profound changes in the abundance of thousands of mRNAs; and changes in mRNA splicing patterns as well. The data reveal deeply affected gene expression patterns in the FBXO24 KO testis, which further supports the essential role that this factor serves in spermiogenesis. Unfortunately, a molecular explanation of what causes these changes is missing; it is still possible that they are an indirect consequence of the KO and not directly caused by the KO.

      A well-reasoned narrative on if and how the absence of FBXO24 as an E3 ubiquitin ligase is responsible for the observed mRNA and protein differential expression is missing. If FBXO24-mediated ubiquitination is required for normal protein degradation during spermiogenesis, protein level increase should be the direct consequence of genuine FBXO24 targets in the KO testis. Importantly, besides the Miwi ubiquitination experiment which is performed in a heterologous and therefore may not be ideal for extracting conclusions, the possible involvement of ubiquitination was not shown for any other proteins that the authors found that interact with FBXO24. For example splicing factors SRSF2, SRSF3, SRSF9, or any of the other proteins whose levels were found to be changed (reduced, thus the change in the KO is less likely due to the absence of ubiquitination) such as ODF2, AKAP3, TSSK4, PHF7, TSSK6, and RNF8. Interestingly, the authors do observe increased amounts of histones and transition proteins, but reduced amounts of protamines, which directly shows that histone to protamine transition is indeed affected in the FBXO24 KO testis, and is in agreement with the observed less condensed nuclei of spermatozoa. Could histones and transition proteins be targets of the proposed ubiquitin ligase activity of FBXO24, and in its absence, histone replacement is abrogated? Providing experimental evidence to address this possibility would greatly expand our understanding of why FBXO24 is essential during spermiogenesis.

      Regarding the results on Miwi protein and piRNAs, the following remarks can be made:

      The finding that the Miwi protein is upregulated is an important point in this work, and it is in agreement with the observed increased size of the chromatoid body, where most of the Miwi protein is accumulated in round spermatids. This finding needs to be further supported and verified with experiments done in WT and KO mice. Miwi should be immunoprecipitated and Miwi ubiquitination should be detected (with WB or mass spec) in WT testis. It should be expected that Miwi ubiquitination is reduced in KO testis. The experiments that the authors performed in HEK293T cells are informative but experiments with tissue/cells normally expressing Miwi and FBXO24 are missing. With regard to piRNA expression, it is an exaggeration to call the observed increase in piRNA expression remarkable, especially since one replicate small RNA library per condition was sequenced. Although the library is constructed from total small RNA (which includes Mili-bound piRNAs as well), it does seem that the upregulated piRNAs are Miwi-bound piRNAs because the size of the upregulated piRNAs is mostly 29-32 bases. However, the direct comparison of the number of upregulated piRNAs with upregulated miRNAs is not in support of the claim that the increase in piRNA expression is higher compared to miRNAs: there are approximately a few hundred miRNAs expressed in mice, but hundreds of thousands of different piRNA sequences, so upregulation of ~10 times more piRNA species than miRNAs is a smaller proportional increase. Moreover, the observed increase in the overall piRNA levels could be just an epiphenomenon of the increased abundance of the Miwi protein; it has been documented that Piwi proteins stabilize their piRNA cargo, so most likely the increase in iRNA levels in 29-32 nt sizes is probably not a result of altered biogenesis, but increased half-life of the piRNAs as a result of Miwi upregulation. Therefore, the claim that FBXO24 is essential for piRNA biogenesis/production (lines 308, 314) is not appropriately supported.

    3. eLife assessment

      This study provides valuable insight into the role of FBXO24, a member of the less characterized F-Box protein subfamily (F-box only protein) in controlling mRNA expression during spermiogenesis using loss-of-function and HA-tagged knock-in mouse models. The major strengths of the study are the rigorous phenotypic and molecular analysis by using two complementary animal models (knock-out mouse model but also HA-tagged transgenic mouse model) to determine protein levels and localization in time and space during normal spermatogenesis and in the absence of the protein. Overall, this solid study highlights the relevance and importance of FBXO24 in male fertility and provides a better understanding of the MIWI/piRNA pathway, mitochondrial organization, and chromatin condensation in mouse spermatozoa during spermiogenesis.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Spermatogenesis is a process of cell differentiation necessary to produce fertile spermatozoa. It consists of three parts, the last of which is called spermiogenesis, in which the size, shape, and organelle composition of the spermatids undergo significant changes that result in the formation of fully elongated spermatozoa. Defects in spermatogenesis or spermiogenesis can lead to male infertility. In this study, Li et al. identified FBXO24 as a highly expressed protein in human and mouse testis that is required for modulating alternative gene splicing in round spermatids through interaction with various splicing factors. They also found that deletion of FBXO24 in mice results in disorganized mitochondrial packing along the midpiece of the tail and chromatoid body architecture, which may account for the observed male sterility. The authors discovered that FBXO24 interacts with the subunits of MIWI and SCF and is required for normal piRNA biogenesis.

      The major strengths of the study are the rigorous phenotypic and molecular analysis by using two complementary animal models (knock-out mouse model but also HA-tagged transgenic mouse model) to pinpoint the protein levels and localization in time and space during normal spermatogenesis and when the protein is absent.

      The minor weakness of the study is inconsistent use of terminology throughout the manuscript, occasional logic-jump in their flow, and missing detailed description in methodologies used either in the text or Materials and Methods section, which can be easily rectified.

      Overall, this study highlights the relevance and importance of FBXO24 in male fertility and provides a better understanding of the MIWI/piRNA pathway, mitochondrial organization, and chromatin condensation in mouse spermatozoa during spermiogenesis.

    1. eLife assessment

      This potentially important study examines patterns of diversity and divergence in two closely related sub-species of Zea mays, patterns that have bearings on local adaptation in maize and teosinte at intermediate geographic scales. The authors suggest that convergent evolution has been facilitated by both standing variation and gene flow, with independent selective sweeps in the two species. Limitations concerning population sampling, false positive rates in sweep detection and integration of phenotypic data at this stage only inadequately support the major conclusions. The work should in principle be of broad interest to colleagues studying the relationship between domesticated species and their progenitors, as well as those studying instances of parallel evolution.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper examines patterns of diversity and divergence in two closely related sub-species of Zea mays. While the patterns are interesting, the strength of evidence in support of the conclusions drawn from these patterns is weak overall. Most of the main conclusions are not supported by convincing analyses.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper presents interesting data from sets of sympatric populations of the two sub-species, maize and teosinte. This sampling offers unique insights into the diversity and divergence between the two, as well as the geographic structure of each.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There were issues with many parts of the paper, especially with the strength of conclusions that can be drawn from the analyses. I list the major issues in the order in which they appear in the paper.

      1. Gene flow and demography.<br /> The f4 tests of introgression (Figure 1E) are not independent of one another. So how should we interpret these: as gene flow everywhere, or just one event in an ancestral population? More importantly, almost all the significant points involve one population (Crucero Lagunitas), which suggests that the results do not simply represent gene flow between the sub-species. There was also no signal of increased migration between sympatric pairs of populations. Overall, the evidence for gene flow presented here is not convincing. Can some kind of supporting evidence be presented?

      The paper also estimates demographic histories (changes in effective population sizes) for each population, and each sub-species together. The text (lines 191-194) says that "all histories estimated a bottleneck that started approximately 10 thousand generations ago" but I do not see this. Figure 2C (not 2E, as cited in the text) shows that teosinte had declines in all populations 10,000 generations ago, but some of these declines were very minimal. Maize has a similar pattern that started more recently, but the overall species history shows no change in effective size at all. There's not a lot of signal in these figures overall.

      I am also curious: how does the demographic model inferred by mushi address inbreeding and homozygosity by descent (lines 197-202)? In other words, why does a change in Ne necessarily affect inbreeding, especially when all effective population sizes are above 10,000?

      2. Proportion of adaptive mutations.<br /> The paper estimates alpha, the proportion of nonsynonymous substitutions fixed by positive selection, using two different sampling schemes for polymorphism. One uses range-wide polymorphism data and one uses each of the single populations. Because the estimates using these two approaches are similar, the authors conclude that there is little local adaptation. However, this conclusion is not justified.

      There is little information as to how the McDonald-Kreitman test is carried out, but it appears that polymorphism within either teosinte or maize (using either sampling scheme) is compared to fixed differences with an outgroup. These species might be Z. luxurians or Z. diploperennis, as both are mentioned as outgroups. Regardless of which is used, this sampling means that almost all the fixed differences in the MK test will be along the ancestral branch leading to the ancestor of maize or teosinte, and on the branch leading to the outgroup. Therefore, it should not be surprising that alpha does not change based on the sampling scheme, as this should barely change the number of fixed differences (no numbers are reported).

      The lack of differences in results has little to do with range-wide vs restricted adaptation, and much more to do with how MK tests are constructed. Should we expect an excess of fixed amino acid differences on very short internal branches of each sub-species tree? It makes sense that there is more variation in alpha in teosinte than maize, as these branches are longer, but they all seem quite short (it is hard to know precisely, as no Fst values or similar are reported).

      3. Shared and private sweeps.<br /> In order to make biological inferences from the number of shared and private sweeps, there are a number of issues that must be addressed.

      One issue is false negatives and false positives. If sweeps occur but are missed, then they will appear to be less shared than they really are. Table S3 reports very high false negative rates across much of the parameter space considered, but is not mentioned in the main text. How can we make strong conclusions about the scale of local adaptation given this? Conversely, while there is information about the false positive rate provided, this information doesn't tell us whether it's higher for population-specific events. It certainly seems likely that it would be. In either case, we should be cautious saying that some sweeps are "locally restricted" if they can be missed more than 85% of the time in a second population or falsely identified more than 25% of the time in a single population.

      A second, opposite, issue is shared ancestral events. Maize populations are much more closely related than teosinte (Figure 2B). Because of this, a single, completed sweep in the ancestor of all populations could much more readily show a signal in multiple descendant populations. This is consistent with the data showing more shared events (and possibly more events overall). There also appear to be some very closely (phylogenetically) related teosinte populations. What if there's selection in their shared ancestor? For instance, Los Guajes and Palmar Chico are the two most closely related populations of teosinte and have the fewest unique sweeps (Figure 4B). How do these kinds of ancestrally shared selective events fit into the framework here?

      These analyses of shared sweeps are followed by an analysis of sweeps shared by sympatric pairs of teosinte and maize. Because there are not more events shared by these pairs than expected, the paper concludes that geography and local environment are not important. But wouldn't it be better to test for shared sweeps according to the geographic proximity of populations of the same sub-species? A comparison of the two sub-species does not directly address the scale of adaptation of one organism to its environment, and therefore it is hard to know what to conclude from this analysis.

      4. Convergent adaptation<br /> My biggest concern involves the apparent main conclusion of the paper about the sources of "convergent adaptations". I believe the authors are misapplying the method of Lee and Coop (2017), and have not seriously considered the confounding factors of this method as applied. I am unconvinced by the conclusions that are made from these analyses.

      The method of Lee and Coop (referred to as rdmc) is intended to be applied to a single locus (or very tightly linked loci) that shows adaptation to the same environmental factor in different populations. From their paper: "Geographically separated populations can convergently adapt to the same selection pressure. Convergent evolution at the level of a gene may arise via three distinct modes." However, in the current paper, we are not considering such a restricted case. Instead, genome-wide scans for sweep regions have been made, without regard to similar selection pressures or to whether events are occurring in the same gene. Instead, the method is applied to large genomic regions not associated with known phenotypes or selective pressures.

      I think the larger worry here is whether we are truly considering the "same gene" in these analyses. The methods applied here attempt to find shared sweep regions, not shared genes (or mutations). Even then, there are no details that I could find as to what constitutes a shared sweep. The only relevant text (lines 802-803) describes how a single region is called: "We merged outlier regions within 50,000 Kb of one another and treated as a single sweep region." (It probably doesn't mean "50,000 kb", which would be 50 million bases.) However, no information is given about how to identify overlap between populations or sub-species, nor how likely it is that the shared target of selection would be included in anything identified as a shared sweep. Is there a way to gauge whether we are truly identifying the same target of selection in two populations?

      The question then is, what does rdmc conclude if we are simply looking at a region that happened to be a sweep in two populations, but was not due to shared selection or similar genes? There is little testing of this application here, especially its accuracy. Testing in Lee and Coop (2017) is all carried out assuming the location of the selected site is known, and even then there is quite a lot of difficulty distinguishing among several of the non-neutral models. This was especially true when standing variation was only polymorphic for a short time, as is estimated here for many cases, and would be confused for migration (see Lee and Coop 2017). Furthermore, the model of Lee and Coop (2017) does not seem to consider a completed ancestral sweep that has signals that persist into current populations (see point 3 above). How would rdmc interpret such a scenario?

      Overall, there simply doesn't seem to be enough testing of this method, nor are many caveats raised in relation to the strange distributions of standing variation times (bimodal) or migration rates (opposite between maize and teosinte). It is not clear what inferences can be made with confidence, and certainly the Discussion (and Abstract) makes conclusions about the spread of beneficial alleles via introgression that seem to outstrip the results.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors sampled multiple populations of maize and teosinte across Mexico, aiming to characterise the geographic scale of local adaptation, patterns of selective sweeps, and modes of convergent evolution between populations and subspecies.

      Strengths & Weaknesses:<br /> The population genomic methods are standard and appropriate, including Fst, Tajima's D, α, and selective sweep scans. The whole genome sequencing data seems high quality. However, limitations exist regarding limited sampling, potential high false-positive sweep detection rates, and weak evidence for some conclusions, like the role of migration in teosinte adaptation.

      Aims & Conclusions:<br /> The results are interesting in supporting local adaptation at intermediate geographic scales, widespread convergence between populations, and standing variation/gene flow facilitating adaptation. However, more rigorous assessments of method performance would strengthen confidence. Connecting genetic patterns to phenotypic differences would also help validate associations with local adaptation.

      Impact & Utility:<br /> This work provides some of the first genomic insights into local adaptation and convergence in maize and teosinte. However, the limited sampling and need for better method validation currently temper the utility and impact. Broader sampling and connecting results to phenotypes would make this a more impactful study and valuable resource. The population genomic data itself provides a helpful resource for the community.

      Additional Context:<br /> Previous work has found population structure and phenotypic differences consistent with local adaptation in maize and teosinte. However, genomic insights have been lacking. This paper takes initial steps to characterise genomic patterns but is limited by sampling and validation. Additional work building on this foundation could contribute to understanding local adaptation in these agriculturally vital species.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work provides a valuable contribution and assessment of what it means to replicate a null study finding, and what are the appropriate methods for doing so (apart from a rote p-value assessment). Through a convincing re-analysis of results from the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology using frequentist equivalence testing and Bayes factors, the authors demonstrate that even when reducing 'replicability success' to a single criterion, how precisely replication is measured may yield differing results. Less focus is directed to appropriate replication of non-null findings.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study demonstrates how inconclusive replications of studies initially with p > 0.05 can be and employs equivalence tests and Bayesian factor approaches to illustrate this concept. Interestingly, the study reveals that achieving a success rate of 11 out of 15, or 73%, as was accomplished with the non-significance criterion from the RPCB (Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology), requires unrealistic margins of Δ > 2 for equivalence testing.


      The study uses reliable and sharable/open data to demonstrate its findings, sharing as well the code for statistical analysis. The study provides sensitivity analysis for different scenarios of equivalence margin and alfa level, as well as for different scenarios of standard deviations for the prior of Bayes factors and different thresholds to consider. All analysis and code of the work is open and can be replicated. As well, the study demonstrates on a case-by-case basis how the different criteria can diverge, regarding one sample of a field of science: preclinical cancer biology. It also explains clearly what Bayes factors and equivalence tests are.


      It would be interesting to investigate whether using Bayes factors and equivalence tests in addition to p-values results in a clearer scenario when applied to replication data from other fields. As mentioned by the authors, the Reproducibility Project: Experimental Philosophy (RPEP) and the Reproducibility Project: Psychology (RPP) have data attempting to replicate some original studies with null results. While the RPCB analysis yielded a similar picture when using both criteria, it is worth exploring whether this holds true for RPP and RPEP. Considerations for further research in this direction are suggested. Even if the original null results were excluded in the calculation of an overall replicability rate based on significance, sensitivity analyses considering them could have been conducted. The present authors can demonstrate replication success using the significance criteria in these two projects with initially p < 0.05 studies, both positive and non-positive.

      Other comments:

      - Introduction: The study demonstrates how inconclusive replications of studies initially with p > 0.05 can be and employs equivalence tests and Bayesian factor approaches to illustrate this concept. Interestingly, the study reveals that achieving a success rate of 11 out of 15, or 73%, as was accomplished with the non-significance criterion from the RPCB (Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology), requires unrealistic margins of Δ > 2 for equivalence testing.

      - Overall picture vs. case-by-case scenario: An interesting finding is that the authors observe that in most cases, there is no substantial evidence for either the absence or the presence of an effect, as evidenced by the equivalence tests. Thus, using both suggested criteria results in a picture similar to the one initially raised by the paper itself. The work done by the authors highlights additional criteria that can be used to further analyze replication success on a case-by-case basis, and I believe that this is where the paper's main contributions lie. Despite not changing the overall picture much, I agree that the p-value criterion by itself does not distinguish between (1) a situation where the original study had low statistical power, resulting in a highly inconclusive non-significant result that does not provide evidence for the absence of an effect and (2) a scenario where the original study was adequately powered, and a non-significant result may indeed provide some evidence for the absence of an effect when analyzed with appropriate methods. Equivalence testing and Bayesian factor approaches are valuable tools in both cases.

      Regarding the 0.05 threshold, the choice of the prior distribution for the SMD under the alternative 𝐻1 is debatable, and this also applies to the equivalence margin. Sensitivity analyses, as highlighted by the authors, are helpful in these scenarios.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The paper points out that non-significance in both the original study and a replication does not ensure that the studies provide evidence for the absence of an effect. Also, it can not be considered a "replication success". The main point of the paper is rather obvious. It may be that both studies are underpowered, in which case their non-significance does not prove anything. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence! On the other hand, statistical significance is a confusing concept for many, so some extra clarification is always welcome.

      One might wonder if the problem that the paper addresses is really a big issue. The authors point to the "Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology" (RPCB, Errington et al., 2021). They criticize Errington et al. because they "explicitly defined null results in both the original and the replication study as a criterion for replication success." This is true in a literal sense, but it is also a little bit uncharitable. Errington et al. assessed replication success of "null results" with respect to 5 criteria, just one of which was statistical (non-)significance.

      It is very hard to decide if a replication was "successful" or not. After all, the original significant result could have been a false positive, and the original null-result a false negative. In light of these difficulties, I found the paper of Errington et al. quite balanced and thoughtful. Replication has been called "the cornerstone of science" but it turns out that it's actually very difficult to define "replication success". I find the paper of Pawel, Heyard, Micheloud, and Held to be a useful addition to the discussion.


      This is a clearly written paper that is a useful addition to the important discussion of what constitutes a successful replication.


      To me, it seems rather obvious that non-significance in both the original study and a replication does not ensure that the studies provide evidence for the absence of an effect. I'm not sure how often this mistake is made.

    1. eLife assessment

      In their fundamental study, the authors employ a combination of cryo-electron microscopy, molecular dynamics, and mass spectrometry to elucidate the impact of α-tubulin acetylation at the lumenal lysine 40 residue (αK40) on the structure and stability of doublet microtubules in cilia. While the work provides compelling evidence for the role of αK40 acetylation in the cilium, the current version could benefit from additional statistical analyses and clarification of its conclusions regarding the effects of acetylation on microtubule inner proteins (MIPs).

    2. Joint Public Review:

      Summary:<br /> The study "Effect of alpha-tubulin acetylation on the doublet microtubule structure" by S. Yang et al employs a multi-disciplinary approach, including cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), molecular dynamics, and mass spectrometry, to investigate the impact of α-tubulin acetylation at the lysine 40 residue (αK40) on the structure and stability of doublet microtubules in cilia. The work reveals that αK40 acetylation exerts a small-scale, but significant, effect by influencing the lateral rotational angle of the microtubules, thereby affecting their stability. Additionally, the study provided an explanation of the relationship between αK40 acetylation and phosphorylation within cilia, despite that the details still remain elusive. Overall, these findings contribute to our understanding of how post-translational modifications can influence the structure, composition, stability, and functional properties of important cellular components like cilia.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. Multi-Disciplinary Approach: The study employs a robust combination of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), molecular dynamics, and mass spectrometry, providing a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter.<br /> 2. Significant Findings: The paper successfully demonstrates the impact of αK40 acetylation on the lateral rotational angles between protofilaments (inter-PF angles) of doublet microtubules in cilia, thereby affecting their stability. This adds valuable insights into the role of post-translational modifications in cellular components.<br /> 3. Exploration of Acetylation-Phosphorylation Relationship: The study also delves into the relationship between αK40 acetylation and phosphorylation within cilia, contributing to a broader understanding of post-translational modifications.<br /> 4. High-quality data: The authors are cryo-EM experts in the field and the data quality presented in the manuscript is excellent.<br /> 5. Depth of analysis: The authors analyzed the effects of αK40 acetylation in excellent depth which significantly improved our understanding of this system.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I have no major concerns about this paper, but would recommend that a few minor issues be addressed.

      1. Lack of Statistical Details: The review points out that the paper could benefit from providing more statistical details, such as the number of particles and maps used for analysis, randomization methods, and dataset splitting for statistical analyses.<br /> 2. Questionable Conclusion Regarding MIPs: The reviewer suggests caution in the paper's conclusion that "Acetylation of αK40 does not affect tubulin and MIPs." The reviewer recommends that this conclusion be more specific or supported by additional evidence to exclude all other possibilities.<br /> 3. Need for Additional Visual Data: The reviewer recommends that an enlarged local density map along with fitted PDB models be provided in a supplementary figure, such as Figure 4.

      Overall, the paper is strong in its scientific approach and findings but could benefit from additional statistical rigor and clarification of certain conclusions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This landmark study sheds light on a long-standing puzzle of Protein kinase A activation in Trypanosoma. Extensive experimental work provides compelling evidence for the conclusions of the manuscript. It represents a significant advancement in our understanding of the molecular mechanism of Cyclic Nucleotide Binding domains and will be of interest to researchers with interest in kinases and mechanistic studies.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Cyclic Nucleotide Binding (CNB) domains are pervasive structural components involved in signaling pathways across eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Despite their similar structures, CNB domains exhibit distinct ligand-sensing capabilities. The manuscript offers a thorough and convincing investigation that clarifies numerous puzzling aspects of nucleotide binding in Trypanosoma.

      Strengths:<br /> One of the strengths of this study is its multifaceted methodology, which includes a range of techniques including crystallography, ITC (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry), fluorimetry, CD (Circular Dichroism) spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and computational analysis. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances the depth of the investigation but also offers a robust cross-validation of the results.

      Weaknesses:<br /> None noticed.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript clearly shows that Trypanosoma PKA is controlled by nucleoside analogues rather than cyclic nucleotides, which are the primary allosteric effectors of human PKA and PKG. The authors demonstrate that the inosine, guanosine, and adenosine nucleosides bind with high affinity and activate PKA in the tropical pathogens T. brucei, T. cruzi and Leishmania. The underlying determinants of nucleoside binding and selectivity are dissected by solving the crystal structure of T. cruzi PKAR(200-503) and T. brucei PKAR(199-499) bound to inosine at 1.4 Å and 2.1 Å resolution and through comparative mutational analyses. Of particular interest is the identification of a minimal subset of 2-3 residues that controls nucleoside vs. cyclic nucleotide specificity.

      Strengths:<br /> The significance of this study lies not only in the structure-activity relationships revealed for important targets in several parasite pathogens but also in the understanding of CNB's evolutionary role.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main missing piece is the model for activation of the kinetoplastid PKA which remains speculative in the absence of a structure for the trypanosomatid PKA holoenzyme complex. However, this appears to be beyond the scope of this manuscript, which is already quite dense.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study highlights a potential connection between fatty acid intrusion into myocytes and increases in mitochondrial ceramide that cause deficits in coenzyme Q and consequent insulin resistance. The authors primarily use the L6 myocyte model, which may not fully recapitulate in vivo conditions, however, the manuscript shows compelling data in mice that substantially supports the L6 cell results. Overall, this study provides a strong framework for a compelling pathway of myocyte dysfunction and for continued efforts to test the important hypotheses that are presented.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Previous reports suggested an association between ceramide accumulation in skeletal muscle and disruption of insulin signaling and metabolic dysregulation. Mechanistically, however, how intracellular ceramide attenuates insulin action and reduces metabolism is not fully understood. It was suggested that insulin receptor (IR) signaling to PI3-K/AKT is inhibited by elevated intracellular ceramide. However, other studies failed to demonstrate an inhibitory effect of ceramide on PI3K/AKT. More recently, a study was published describing that intracellular localization of diacylglycerols and sphingolipids influences insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle (PMID: 29415895). In the present study, Diaz-Vegas and colleagues used an in vitro system to investigate this topic further and better understand how intracellular ceramide accumulation causes cellular insulin resistance and metabolic dysregulations in cultured myocytes.

      The authors applied multiple methods to achieve this goal. Among these procedures are:

      1. The overexpression of enzymes involved in mitochondrial ceramide synthesis and degradation;<br /> 2. Treatments of myocytes with different pharmacological tools to validate their findings;<br /> 3. Mitochondrial proteomics and lipidomics analyses.

      The effects of these experimental conditions and treatment on intracellular lipids contents, mitochondrial functions, and insulin signaling in myocytes were then evaluated.


      The author's findings indicate that incubation of myocytes with palmitate increases mitochondrial ceramide and reduces the insulin-stimulated GLUT4-HA translocation to the myocyte surface without affecting AKT activation. The elevation in mitochondrial ceramide lowers the coenzyme Q levels e depletes the electron transport chain (ETC) components, impairing mitochondrial respiration. Such mitochondrial dysfunction appears to attenuate the translocation of GLUT4-HA to the plasma membrane of the L6-myotubule. Also, mitochondrial proteomic analysis revealed an association of insulin sensitivity with mitochondrial ceramide and ETC expression levels in human muscle.

      Based on these findings, the authors propose a mechanism whereby the building up of ceramide inside mitochondria depletes CoQ and compromises mitochondrial respiratory complexes, raising ROS. The resulting mitochondrial dysfunction causes insulin resistance in cultured myocytes. They postulate that CoQ depletion links ceramides with insulin resistance and define the respirasome as a critical connection between ceramides and mitochondrial dysfunction.

      Relevance and critiques:

      This original study provides direct evidence that mitochondrial ceramide accumulation depletes CoQ and downregulates multiple ETC components in myocytes. Consequently, elevation in the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondrial dysfunctions occur. The authors proposed that such mitochondrial dysregulation attenuates insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane of L6-myotubules. Moreover, mitochondrial ceramide accumulation does not affect insulin action on AKT activation.

      Overall, this is a well-done study, showing that in obesity, elevated mitochondrial ceramide suppresses mitochondrial function and attenuates insulin action on glucose transporter GLUT4 translocation into the myocyte surface. The main conclusion is supported by the results presented. The study also applied multiple methods and described several experiments designed to test the author's central hypothesis.

      Importantly, these new findings shed light on possible cellular mechanisms whereby ectopic fat deposition in skeletal muscle drives insulin resistance and metabolism dysregulation. The results demonstrating that alterations in mitochondrial ceramide are sufficient to attenuate insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking in cultured myocytes are very interesting. Well-done.

      Comments for further discussion and suggestions:

      Although the author's results suggest that higher mitochondrial ceramide levels suppress cellular insulin sensitivity, they rely solely on a partial inhibition (i.e., 30%) of insulin-stimulated GLUT4-HA translocation in L6 myocytes. It would be critical to examine how much the increased mitochondrial ceramide would inhibit insulin-induced glucose uptake in myocytes using radiolabel deoxy-glucose.

      Another important question to be addressed is whether glycogen synthesis is affected in myocytes under these experimental conditions. Results demonstrating reductions in insulin-stimulated glucose transport and glycogen synthesis in myocytes with dysfunctional mitochondria due to ceramide accumulation would further support the author's claim.

      In addition, it would be critical to assess whether the increased mitochondrial ceramide and consequent lowering of energy levels affect all exocytic pathways in L6 myoblasts or just the GLUT4 trafficking. Is the secretory pathway also disrupted under these conditions?

      Additional suggestions:

      • Figure 1: How does increased mitochondrial ceramide affect fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in L6-myocytes? As the accumulation of mitochondrial ceramide inhibits respirasome and mitochondrial activity in vitro, can reduced FAO in vivo, due to high mitochondrial ceramide, accounts for ectopic lipid deposition in skeletal muscle of obese subjects?

      • Figure 2: Although the authors show that mtSMPD5 overexpression does not affect ceramide abundance in whole cell lysate, it would be critical to examine the abundance of this lipid in other cellular membranes and organelles, particularly plasma membrane. What is the effect of mtSMPD5 overexpression on plasma membrane lipids composition? Does that affect GLUT4-containing vesicles fusion into the plasma membrane, possibly due to depletion of v-SNARE or tSNARE?

      • Figure 4: One critical piece of information missing is the effect (if any) of mitochondrial ceramide accumulation on the mRNAs encoding the ETC components affected by this lipid. Although the ETC protein's lower stability may account for the effect of increased ceramide, transcriptional inhibition can't be ruled out without checking the mRNA expression levels for these ETC components.

      In the revised version of their study, the authors nicely addressed all concerns previously raised. The amount of work that went into the revisions is appreciated. All weak points have been properly addressed, and the manuscript has improved substantially.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The findings reported by Diaz-Vegas et al. extend those described in a previous paper from the same group establishing a role for mitochondrial CoQ depletion in the development of insulin resistance in muscle and adipose tissue (Fazakerley, 2018). In this new report, investigators sought to determine whether CoQ depletion contributes to insulin resistance caused by palmitate exposure and/or intracellular ceramide accumulation. To this end, researchers employed a widely used in vitro model of insulin resistance wherein L6 myocytes develop impaired Glut4 translocation upon exposure to palmitate (in this case, 150 uM for 16 hours). This model was combined with a variety of pharmacologic and genetic manipulations aimed at augmenting or inhibiting CoQ biosynthesis and/or ceramide biosynthesis, specifically in mitochondria. This series of experiments produced a valuable and provocative body of evidence positioning CoQ depletion downstream of mitochondrial ceramide accumulation and necessary for both palmitate- and ceramide-induced insulin resistance in L6 myocytes. Investigators concluded that mitochondrial ceramides, CoQ depletion and respiratory dysfunction are part of a core pathway leading to insulin resistance.


      The study provides exciting, first-time evidence linking palmitate-induced insulin resistance to ceramide accumulation within the mitochondria and subsequent depletion of CoQ. Ceramide accumulation specifically in mitochondria was found to be necessary and sufficient to cause insulin resistance in cultured L6 myocytes.

      The in vitro experiments featured a set of mitochondrial-targeted genetic manipulations that permitted up/down-regulation of ceramide levels specifically in the mitochondrial compartment. Genetically induced mitochondrial ceramide accumulation led to CoQ depletion, which was accompanied by increased ROS production and diminution of ETC proteins and OXPHOS capacity and impaired insulin action, thereby establishing cause/effect.

      Analysis of mitochondria isolated from human muscle biopsies obtained from individuals with disparate metabolic phenotypes revealed a positive correlation between complex I proteins and insulin sensitivity and a negative correlation with mitochondrial ceramide content. While it is likely that many factors contribute to these correlations, the results support the possibility that the ceramide/CoQ mechanism might be relevant to glucose control in humans.

      Investigators were responsive to the reviewers' queries and critiques and performed additional experiments to bolster the interpretations and conclusions put forth in the manuscript. These included experiments to confirm that mito-targeted SMPD5 does not cause toxicity in L6 myocytes, and further studies using targeted metabolomic and lipidomic analyses to investigate the impact of ceramide depletion on CoQ levels in mice fed a high-fat diet and treated with P053 (a selective inhibitor of CerS1). The results were consistent with the in vitro findings.

      Overall, these important findings offer valuable new insights into mechanisms that connect ceramides to insulin resistance and mitochondrial dysfunction, and could inform new therapeutic approaches towards improved glucose control.


      The mechanistic aspect of the work and conclusions put forth rely heavily on studies performed in cultured myocytes, which are highly glycolytic and generally viewed as an imperfect model for studying muscle metabolism and insulin action. Nonetheless, results from the cell culture model are generally convincing and align with the descriptive data from studies in animal models. Overall, the findings provide a strong rationale for moving this line of investigation into mouse gain/loss of function models.

      One caveat of the approach taken is that exposure of cells to palmitate alone is not reflective of in vivo physiology. It would be interesting to know if similar effects on CoQ are observed when cells are exposed to a more physiological mixture of fatty acids that includes a high ratio of palmitate, but better mimics in vivo nutrition.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study has uncovered some interesting findings about the fungal composition and its interaction with bacteria in Caesarean section scar diverticulum (CSD). While the study's findings are valuable and with translation possibilities, the strength of the conclusions obtained is incomplete due to the small sample size and methodological issues indicated by the reviewers such as the lack of controls and the location of samples analyzed.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Chen et al. describe the bacterial and fungal composition of cervical samples from women with/without Cesarean-section scar diverticulum (CSD) using whole metagenomic sequencing. Also, they report the metabolomic profile associated with CSD and built correlation networks at the taxonomical and taxonomic-metabolic levels to establish potential bacteria-fungi interactions. These interactions could be used, long-term, as therapeutic options to treat or prevent CSD.

      After reviewing the manuscript, the authors have not integrated any of my previous recommendations into the new version of the work. Therefore, in my opinion, the limitations or weaknesses of the study remain the same.

      I find it especially worrying that they do not consider the use of white controls necessary, arguing that "we considered that this study described a biomass-rich site, and the abundance of dominant species was much higher than that of the possible 'kitome', so we did not set a blank control" while describing among the most predominant species in the reproductive tract bacteria that do not colonize humans and that have been previously described as contaminants.

      Lack of experimental controls can lead to artifactual results and compromise the evidence presented and the significance of the results.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Shotgun data have been analysed to obtain fungal and bacterial organisms abundance. Through their metabolic functions and through co-occurrence networks, a functional relationship between the two types of organisms can be inferred. By means of metabolomics, function-related metabolites are studied in order to deepen the fungus-bacteria synergy.


      Data obtained in bacteria correlate with data from other authors.<br /> The study of metabolic "interactions" between fungi and bacteria is quite new.<br /> The inclusion of metabolomics data to support the results is a great contribution.


      Most of them have been solved in the revision, but for the future it will be nice to integrate this data with others from 16s.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript reports an important series of results showing the relationship between oscillatory zinc and calcium fluctuations during egg activation and fertilization. Compelling evidence using several complimentary approaches provides further insight into the signals for proper egg activation that underpin successful fertilization and embryo development. The findings are significant because they may lead to improvements in assisted reproduction methods.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study utilizes a variety of methods, chemical and expressed probes, caged release of IP3, as well as oocytes with mutations that alter zinc availability, that provide an elegant examination of how zinc deficiency and zinc excess modulate the transient and cyclic release of calcium during egg activation. In this manuscript, the authors sought to determine if there is any interplay between zinc and calcium, two divalent cations that have been demonstrated to have important roles during fertilization. They employ agents that disrupt normal zinc homeostasis and then monitor the resulting calcium oscillations during egg activation. If zinc was made unavailable via chelation with TPEN, then the calcium oscillations halted. This occurred regardless of the activation method, which included ICSI, PLC𝛇, Acetylcholine, strontium chloride, and thimerosal. This phenotype could be rescued by introducing zinc back into the egg via an ionophore, such as zinc pyrithione; however, too much zinc pyrithione also halted calcium oscillations. Taken together, these two results demonstrate that there is a threshold level of zinc that is required for proper calcium oscillations to occur.

      Furthermore, the authors sought to understand how zinc affects the IP3 receptor, IP3R1. IP3R1 is the receptor that modulates the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum. The authors cited a previous study that identified zinc binding sites on IP3R1. The authors highlight that there exist no studies regarding the regulation of IP3R1 by zinc; however, such studies were cited for a similar calcium channel, the RyRs. The authors use thapsigargin to inhibit the SERCA pump, leading to calcium leak from the IP3R1. TPEN blunted the amount of calcium leaked from the ER following treatment, suggesting that zinc occupancy is necessary for IP3R1 function.

      The results of these experiments support the authors conclusions that zinc is essential for the IP3R1-mediated release of calcium in an oscillatory manner during egg activation. These results provide further insight into signals necessary for proper egg activation and the ultimate success of the resulting embryo.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes more fully the relationship between zinc fluxes and calcium oscillations during egg activation by directly manipulating the level of zinc ions inside and outside the cell with chelators and ionophores and then measuring resulting changes in Ca++ oscillations. The authors have provided solid evidence consistent with their hypothesis that zinc ions regulate Ca++ oscillations by directly modulating the gating of the IP3-R which is the main calcium channel responsible for calcium release into the cytoplasm. The authors employ well established methods of calcium measurement along with various chelators, ionophores and a wide variety of methods that cause egg activation to demonstrate that an optimal level of zinc ions are required for Ca++ oscillations to occur.

      Helpfully, the authors provide a model to explain their observations in Figure 7. In the model, the increase in zinc during maturation is permissive for later IP3-R gating in response to activation. The experiments with TPEN solidly demonstrate that Zn is required because lowering free zinc, (as indicated by Fluozin staining), abrogates Ca++ oscillations. This is true regardless of the method of activation. What is not clearly described in the model or in the manuscript is whether the levels of zinc at MII are simply permissive for IP3-R gating or whether there is a more acute relationship between zinc fluxes and Ca++ oscillations. In the original paper describing the zinc spark (Kim et al., ACS Chem Biol 6:716-723), the authors show that zinc efflux very closely mirrors Ca++ oscillations suggesting a more active relationship.

      The role of TRPv3 and Trpm7 in Zn homeostasis during egg activation seems to be minor. Labile zinc accumulation, as measured by fluozin-3 staining, is reduced in the dKO eggs, but is this modest decrease in labile Zn responsible for the changes in Ca release after Tg treatment? There is an increase in the amplitude of Tg-induced Ca release in dKO eggs. This argues that there is not an inhibitory effect in the dKO mice. That it takes a little longer to reach Ca peak could be due to the greater amount of Ca being released.

      The effect of PyT on the apparent rise in cytoplasmic Ca++ in Figure 6 is interpreted as caused by an artifact of high Zn concentrations. However, it is not clear that 0.05 uM PyT would necessarily increase cytoplasmic Zn to the point where FURA-2 fluorescence would increase. A simpler interpretation is that PyT allows sufficient Zn to enter the cell and keeps the IP3-R channels open causing a sustained rise in cytoplasmic Ca and preventing oscillations in Ca++. This interpretation would also preclude inhibitory effects of high Zn concentrations as shown in Figure 7 which may or may not be present but are simply speculation.

      Overall, this study significantly advances our understanding of egg activation and could lead to better ways of in vitro egg activation in women undergoing assisted reproduction.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study investigated the role of Zn2+ on the maintenance of Ca2+ oscillation upon fertilization. TPEN was used to reduce the level of available Zn2+ in fertilized oocytes and different inhibitors were used to pinpoint the mechanistic involvement of intracellular Zn2+ on the maintenance of Ca2+ oscillation. As also stated in the manuscript, previous studies have demonstrated the role of Zn2+ for the successful completion of meiosis/fertilization. The manuscript expands our understanding of fertilization process by describing how the level of Zn2+ regulates Ca2+ channels and stores. The manuscript is well-organized and the topic is important in early embryo development fields.

      The authors added more information to the manuscript based on reviewers' comments. The quality of the manuscript has been improved and the study addresses important questions in mammalian fertilization.

    1. eLife assessment

      The study presents valuable findings demonstrating that physiologically relevant concentrations delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is found in cannabis, have metabolic effects on early mouse embryonic cell types. The evidence supporting the claims is convincing. The work will be of interest to researchers in stem cell and epigenetics fields.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study is valuable because it shows that physiologically relevant ∆9-THC concentrations have metabolic effects on early mouse embryonic cell types, which could cause developmental effects. Overall, the authors have convincing evidence showing that ∆9-THC has metabolic effects on mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), and that these effects persist in mESC-derived primordial germ cell-like cells even after ∆9-THC treatment has stopped. In this revised version, the authors included additional data to characterize the dose-dependence of the effects of ∆9-THC. Furthermore, they supported their finding of metabolic memory in PGCLCs by ruling out the potential alternative explanation that ∆9-THC persists in the cultured cells over the course of their experiment. This study has two significant implications: first, that ∆9-THC may alter the metabolism of early mouse embryos, and second, that mouse primordial germ cell-like cells can have a memory of previous metabolic perturbations.

      The authors investigated the metabolic effects of ∆9-THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, on early mouse embryonic cell types. They found that ∆9-THC increases proliferation in male and female mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and upregulates glycolysis. Additionally, primordial germ cell-like cells (PGCLCs) differentiated from ∆9-THC-exposed cells also show alterations to their metabolism. The study is valuable because it shows that physiologically relevant ∆9-THC concentrations have metabolic effects on cell types from the early embryo, which may cause developmental effects. Intriguingly, these effects persist in PGCLCs even after withdrawal of ∆9-THC.

      The study shows that ∆9-THC increases the proliferation rate of mESCs but not mEpiLCs, without substantially affecting cell viability, except at the highest dose of 100 µM which shows toxicity (Figure 1). The dose required to cause increased proliferation was approximately 1 nM (Supplementary Figure 1), which is remarkably low. Treatment of mESCs with rimonabant (a CB1 receptor antagonist) blocks the effect of 100 nM ∆9-THC on cell proliferation, showing that the proliferative effect is mediated by CB1 receptor signaling. Similarly, treatment with 2-deoxyglucose, a glycolysis inhibitor, also blocks this proliferative effect (Figure 4G-H). Therefore, the effect of ∆9-THC depends on both CB1 signaling and glycolysis. This set of experiments strengthens the conclusions of the study by helping to elucidate the mechanism of the effects of ∆9-THC.

      The study also profiles the transcriptome and metabolome of cells exposed to 100 nM ∆9-THC (Figure 4). Although the transcriptomic changes are modest overall, there is upregulation of anabolic genes, consistent with the increased proliferation rate in mESCs. Metabolomic profiling revealed a broad upregulation of metabolites in mESCs treated with 100 nM ∆9-THC. Some metabolic effects were also observed at a lower dose of 10 nM (Figure 3B).

      Additionally, the study shows that ∆9-THC can influence germ cell specification. mESCs were differentiated to mEpiLCs in the presence or absence of ∆9-THC, and the mEpiLCs were subsequently differentiated to mPGCLCs. mPGCLC induction efficiency was tracked using a BV:SC dual fluorescent reporter. ∆9-THC treated cells had a moderate increase in the double positive mPGCLC population, and decrease in the double negative population. A cell tracking dye showed that mPGCLCs differentiated from ∆9-THC treated cells had undergone more divisions on average. As with the mESCs, these mPGCLCs also had altered gene expression and metabolism, consistent with an increased proliferation rate. Importantly, in the revised version, the authors supported their finding of metabolic memory in mPGCLCs by ruling out the potential alternative explanation that ∆9-THC persists in the cultured cells over the course of their experiment (Supplementary Figure 13).

      Finally, the authors also observed that ∆9-THC decreases the proliferation of human ESCs (Supplementary Figure 4). These cells were in the primed pluripotent state, making them more similar to mEpiLCs than mESCs. Although this result may form the basis of follow-up experiments in a separate paper, it would be premature to conclude that the same effects will be observed in human cells as were observed in mouse cells.

      Overall, this study provides good evidence for ∆9-THC having metabolic effects on mouse ESCs, and additionally shows that these effects can persist during germ cell specification. Potential effects of ∆9-THC exposure during early embryonic development are important for society to understand, and the results of this study are significant for public health.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Verdikt et al. focused on the influence of Δ9-THC, the most abundant phytocannabinoid, on early embryonic processes. The authors chose an in vitro differentiation system as model, and compared the proliferation rate, metabolic status and transcriptional level in ESCs, exposure to Δ9-THC. They also evaluated the change of metabolism and transcriptome in PGCLCs derived from Δ9-THC-exposed cells. All the methods in this paper do not involve the differentiation of ESCs to lineage specific cells. So the results cannot demonstrate the impact of Δ9-THC on postimplantation developmental stages. In brief, the authors want to explore the impact of Δ9-THC on preimplantation developmental stages, but they only detected the change in ESCs and PGCLCs derived from ESCs, exposure to Δ9-THC, which showed the molecular characterization of the impact of Δ9-THC exposure on ESCs and PGCLCs.

    1. eLife assessment

      This fundamental work quantifies the stochastic dynamics of neural population activity in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of the macaque monkey brain during single perceptual decisions. These single-trial dynamics have been subject to intense debate in neuroscience, and they have important implications for modelling decision-making in various fields including neuroscience and psychology. Through a combination of state-of-the-art recordings from many LIP neurons and theory-driven data analyses, the authors provide solid evidence for the notion that single-trial neural population dynamics in LIP encode the decision variable postulated by the drift-diffusion model of decision-making.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this paper, Steinemann et al. characterized the nature of stochastic signals underlying the trial-averaged responses observed in the lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP) of non-human primates (NHPs), while these performed the widely used random dot direction discrimination task. Ramp-up dynamics in the trial averaged LIP responses were reported in numerous papers before. However, the temporal dynamics of these signals at the single-trial level have been subject to debate. Using large-scale neuronal recordings with Neuropixels in NHPs, allows the authors to settle this debate rather compellingly. They show that drift-diffusion-like computations account well for the observed dynamics in LIP.


      This work uses innovative technical approaches (Neuropixel recordings in behaving macaque monkeys). The authors tackle a vexing question that requires measurements of simultaneous neuronal population activity and hence leverage this advanced recording technique in a convincing way.

      They use different population decoding strategies to help interpret the results.

      They also compare how decoders relying on the data-driven approach using dimensionality reduction of the full neural population space compare to decoders relying on more traditional ways to categorize neurons that are based on hypotheses about their function. Intriguingly, although the functionally identified neurons are a modest fraction of the population, decoders that only rely on this fraction achieve comparable decoding performance to those relying on the full population. Moreover, decoding weights for the full population did not allow the authors to reliably identify the functionally identified subpopulation.


      No major weaknesses.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Steinemann, Stine, and their co-authors studied the noisy accumulation of sensory evidence during perceptual decision-making using Neuropixels recordings in awake, behaving monkeys. Previous work has largely focused on describing the neural underpinnings through which sensory evidence accumulates to inform decisions, a process which on average resembles the systematic drift of a scalar decision variable toward an evidence threshold. The additional order of magnitude in recording throughput permitted by the methodology adopted in this work offers two opportunities to extend this understanding. First, larger-scale recordings allow for the study of relationships between the population activity state and behavior without averaging across trials. The authors' observation here of covariation between the trial-to-trial fluctuations of activity and behavior (choice, reaction time) constitutes interesting new evidence for the claim that neural populations in LIP encode the behaviorally-relevant internal decision variable. Second, using Neuropixels allows the authors to sample LIP neurons with more diverse response properties (e.g. spatial RF location, motion direction selectivity), making the important question of how decision-related computations are structured in LIP amenable to study. For these reasons, the dataset collected in this study is unique and potentially quite valuable.

      However, the analyses at present do not convincingly support two of the manuscript's key claims: (1) that "sophisticated analyses of the full neuronal state space" and "a simple average of Tconin neurons' yield roughly equivalent representations of the decision variable; and (2) that direction-selective units in LIP provide the samples of instantaneous evidence that these Tconin neurons integrate. Supporting claim (1) would require results from sophisticated population analyses leveraging the full neuronal state space; however, the current analyses instead focus almost exclusively on 1D projections of the data. Supporting claim (2) convincingly would require larger samples of units overlapping the motion stimulus, as well as additional control analyses.

      Specific shortcomings are addressed in further detail below:

      1) The key analysis-correlation between trial-by-trial activity fluctuations and behavior, presented in Figure 5-is opaque, and would be more convincing with negative controls:

      To strengthen the claim that the relationship between fluctuations in (a projection of) activity and fluctuations in behavior is significant/meaningful, some evidence should be brought that this relationship is specific - e.g. do all projections of activity give rise to this relationship (or not), or what level of leverage is achieved with respect to choice/RT when the trial-by-trial correspondence with activity is broken by shuffling.

      2) The choice to perform most analysis on 1D projections of population activity is not wholly appropriate for this unique type of dataset, limiting the novelty of the findings, and the interpretation of similarity between results across choices of projection appears circular:

      The bulk of the analyses (Figure 2, Figure 3, part of Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6) operate on one of several 1D projections of simultaneously-recorded activity. Unless the embedding dimension of these datasets really does not exceed 1 (dimensionality using e.g. participation ratio in each session is not quantified), it is likely that these projections elide meaningful features of LIP population activity. Further, additional evidence/analysis would help to strengthen the authors' interpretation of the observed similarity of results across these 1D projections. For one, the rationale behind deriving Sramp was based on the ramping historically observed in Tin neurons during this task, so should be expected to resemble Tin. Second, although Tin does not comprise the majority of neurons recorded in each session, it does comprise the largest fraction of the neuron groups (e.g. Tin, Min, etc) sampled during most sessions, so SPC1 should be expected to resemble Tin more than it does the other neuron groups. Additional/control analyses will be important for strongly supporting the claim that the approximate equality between the population DV and the average of Tin units is meaningful. The analysis presented in Figure S7 is an important step toward this, demonstrating that SPC1 isn't just reflecting the activity of Tin, but would make the point more strongly with some additional analysis. Are the magnitudes of weights assigned to units in Tin larger than in the other groups of units with pre-selected response properties? What is their mean weighting magnitude, in comparison with the mean weight magnitude assigned to other groups? What is the null level of correspondence observed between weight magnitude and assignment to Tin (e.g. a negative control, where the identities of units are scrambled)?

      A secondary approach could also get at this point (the small Tin group furnishes a DV very similar to the overall population DV) from a different direction: computing SPC1 using only neurons *not* in Tin, and repeating the analysis performed with the other 3 1D projections of the data currently in Figure 5. Observing similar results for this 4th projection would strengthen the evidence supporting the interpretation the authors adopt.

      3) The principal components analysis normalization procedure is unclear, and potentially incorrect and misleading:

      Why use the chosen normalization window (+/- 25ms around 100ms after motion stimulus onset) for standardizing activity for PCA, rather than the typical choice of mean/standard deviation of activity in the full data window? This choice would specifically squash responses for units with a strong visual response, which distorts the covariance matrix, and thus the principal components that result. This kind of departure from the standard procedure should be clearly justified: what do the principal components look like when a standard procedure is used, and why was this insufficient/incorrect/unsuitable for this setting?

      4) Analysis conclusions would generally be stronger with estimates of variability and control analyses: This applies broadly to Figures 2-6.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The paper investigates which aspects of neural activity in LIP of the macaque give rise to individual decisions (specificity of choice and reaction times) in single trials, by recording simultaneously from hundreds of neurons. Using a variety of dimensionality reduction and decoding techniques, they demonstrate that a population-based drift-diffusion signal, which relies on a small subset of neurons that overlap choice targets, is responsible for the choice and reaction time variability. Analysis of direction-selective neurons in LIP and their correlation with decision-related neurons (T con in neurons ) suggests that evidence integration occurs within area LIP.


      This is an important and interesting paper, which resolves conflicting hypotheses regarding the mechanisms that underlie decision-making in single trials. This is made possible by exploiting novel technology (Primatepixels recordings), in conjunction with state-of-the-art analyses and well-established dynamic random dot motion discrimination tasks.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study by Vengayil et al. presented a role for Ubp3 for mediating inorganic phosphate (Pi) compartmentalization in cytosol and mitochondria, which regulates metabolic flux between cytosolic glycolysis and mitochondrial processes. Although the exact function of increased Pi in mitochondria is not investigated, findings have valuable implications for understanding the metabolic interplay between glycolysis and respiration under glucose-rich conditions. They showed that UBP3 KO cells regulated decreased glycolytic flux by reducing the key Pi-dependent-glycolytic enzyme abundances, consequently increasing Pi compartmentalization to mitochondria. Increased mitochondria Pi increases oxygen consumption and mitochondrial membrane potential, indicative of increased oxidative phosphorylation. In conclusion, the authors reported that the Pi utilization by cytosolic glycolytic enzymes is a key process for mitochondrial repression under glucose conditions.

      However, the main claims are only partially supported by the low number of repeats and utilizing only one strain background, which decreased the overall rigor of the study. The full-power yeast model could be utilized with testing findings in different backgrounds with increased biological repeats in many assays described in this study. In the yeast model, it has been well established that many phenotypes are genotype/strain dependent (Liti 2019, Gallone 2016, Boekout 2021, etc...). with some strains utilizing mitochondrial respiration even under high glucose conditions (Kaya 2021). It would be conclusive to test whether wild strains with increased respiration under high glucose conditions would also be characterized by increased mitochondrial Pi.

      It is not described whether the drop in glycolytic flux also affects TCA cycle flux. Are there any changes in the pyruvate level? If the TCA cycle is also impaired, what drives increased mitochondrial respiration?

      In addition, some of the important literature was also missed in citation and discussion. For example, in a recent study (Ouyang et al., 2022), it was reported that phosphate starvation increases mitochondrial membrane potential independent of respiration in yeast and mammalian cells, and some of the conflicting results were presented in this study.

      An additional experiment with strains lacking mitochondrial DNA under phosphate-rich and restricted conditions would further strengthen the result.

      Western blot control panels should include entire membrane exposure, and non-cut western blots should be submitted as supplementary.

      In Figure 4, it is shown that Pi addition decreases basal OCR to the WT level. However, the Cox2 level remains significantly higher. This data is confusing as to whether mitochondrial Pi directly regulates respiration or not.

      Representative images of Ubx3 KO and wild-type strains stained with CMXRos are missing.

      Overall, mitochondrial copy number and mtDNA copy number should be analyzed in WT and Ubo3 KO cells as well as Pi-treated and non-treated cells, and basal OCR data should be normalized accordingly. The reported normalization against OD is not appropriate.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Cells cultured in high glucose tend to repress mitochondrial biogenesis and activity, a prevailing phenotype type called Crabree effect that is observed in different cell types and cancer. Many signaling pathways have been put forward to explain this effect. Vengayil et al proposed a new mechanism involved in Ubp3/Ubp10 and phosphate that controls the glucose repression of mitochondria. The central hypothesis is that ∆ubp3 shifts the glycolysis to trehalose synthesis, therefore leading to the increase of Pi availability in the cytosol, then mitochondria receive more Pi, and therefore the glucose repression is reduced.

      Strengths:<br /> The strength is that the authors used an array of different assays to test their hypothesis. Most assays were well-designed and controlled.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I think the main conclusions are not strongly supported by the current dataset.

      1. Although the authors discovered ∆ubp3 cells have higher Pi and mitochondrial activity than WT in high glucose, it is not known if WT cultured in different glucose concentration also change Pi that correlate with the mitochondrial activity. The focus of the research on ∆ubp3 is somewhat artificial because ∆ubp3 not only affects glycolysis and mitochondria, but many other cellular pathways are also changed. There is no idea whether culturing cells in low glucose, which de-repress the mitochondrial activity, involves Ubp3 or not. Similarly, the shift of glycolysis to trehalose synthesis is also not relevant to the WT cells cultured in a low-glucose situation.

      2. The central hypothesis that Pi is the key constraint behind the glucose repression of mitochondrial biogenesis/activity is supported by the data that limiting Pi will suppress mitochondrial activity increase in these conditions (e.g., ∆ubp3). However, increasing the Pi supply failed to increase mitochondrial activity. The explanation put forward by the authors is that increased Pi supply will increase glycolysis activity, and somehow even reduce the mitochondrial Pi. I cannot understand why only the increased Pi supply in ∆ubp3, but not the increased Pi by medium supplement, can increase mitochondrial activity. The authors said "...that ubp3Δ do not increase mitochondrial Pi by merely increasing the Pi transporters, but rather by increasing available Pi pools". They showed that ∆ubp3 mitochondria had higher Pi but WT cells with medium Pi supplement showed lower Pi, it is hard to understand why the same Pi increase in the cytosol had a different outcome in mitochondrial Pi. Later on, they showed that the isolated mito exposed to higher Pi showed increased activity, so why can't increased Pi in intact cells increase mito activity? Moreover, they first showed that ∆ubp3 had a Mir1 increase in Fig3A, then showed no changes in FigS4G. It is very confusing.

      3. Given that there is no degradation difference for these glycolytic enzymes in ∆ubp3, and the authors found transcriptional level changes, suggests an alternative possibility where ∆ubp3 may signal through unknown mechanisms to parallelly regulate both mitochondrial biogenesis and glycolytic enzyme expression. The increase of trehalose synthesis usually happens in cells under proteostasis stress, so it is important to rule out whether ∆ubp3 signals these metabolic changes via proteostasis dysregulation. This echoes my first point that it is unknown whether wild-type cells use a similar mechanism as ∆ubp3 cells to regulate the glucose repression of mitochondria.

      4. Other major concerns:<br /> a. The authors selectively showed a few proteins in their manuscript to support their conclusion. For example, only Cox2 and Tom70 were used to illustrate mitochondrial biogenesis difference in line 97. Later on, they re-analyzed the previous MS dataset from Isasa et al 2015 and showed a few proteins in Fig3A to support their conclusion that ∆ubp3 increases mitochondrial OXPHOS proteins. However, I checked that MS dataset myself and saw that many key OXPHOS proteins do not change, for example, both ATP1 and ATP2 do not change, which encode the alpha and beta subunits of F1 ATPase. They selectively reported the proteins' change in the direction along with their hypothesis.<br /> b. The authors said they deleted ETC component Cox2 in line 111. I checked their method and table S1, I cannot figure out how they selectively deleted COX2 from mtDNA. This must be a mistake.<br /> c. They used sodium azide in a lot of assays to inhibit complex IV. However, this chemical is nonspecific and broadly affects many ATPases as well. Not sure why they do not use more specific inhibitors that are commonly used to assay OCR in seahorse.<br /> d. The authors measured cellular Pi level by grinding the entire cells to release Pi. However, this will lead to a mix of cytosolic and vacuolar Pi. Related to this caveat, the cytosol has ~50mM Pi, while only 1-2mM of these glycolysis metabolites, I am not sure why the reduction of several glycolysis enzymes will cause significant changes in cytosolic Pi levels and make Pi the limiting factor for mitochondrial respiration. One possibility is that the observed cytosolic Pi level changes were caused by the measurement issue mentioned above.<br /> e. The authors used ∆mir1 and MIR1 OE to show that Pi viability in the mitochondrial matrix is important for mitochondrial activity and biogenesis. This is not surprising as Pi is a key substrate required for OXPHOS activity. I doubt the approach of adding a control to determine whether Pi has a specific regulatory function, while other OXPHOS substrates, like ADP, O2 etc do not have the same effect.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study assesses anatomical, behavioral, physiological, and neurochemical effects of early-life seizures in rats, describing a striking astrogliosis and deficits in cognition and electrophysiological parameters. The convincing aspects of the paper are the wide range of convergent techniques used to understand the effects of early-life seizures on behavior as well as hippocampal prefrontal cortical dynamics. While reviewers thought that the scope was impressive, there was criticism of the statistical robustness and number of animals used per study arm, as well as the lack of causal manipulations to determine cause-and-effect relationships. This paper will be of interest to neurobiologists, epileptologists, and behavioral scientists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, Ruggiero, Leite, and colleagues assess the effects of early-life seizures on a large number of anatomical, physiological, behavioral, and neurochemical measures. They find that prolonged early-life seizures do not lead to obvious cell loss, but lead to astrogliosis, working memory deficits on the radial arm maze, increased startle response, decreased paired pulse inhibition, and increased hippocampal-PFC LTP. There was a U-shape relationship between LTP and cognitive deficits. There is increased theta power during the awake state in ELS animals but reduced PFC theta-gamma coupling and reduced theta HPC-PFC coherence. Theta coherence seems to be similar in ACT and REM states in ELS animals while in decreases in active relative REM in controls.

      Strengths:<br /> The main strength of the paper is the number of convergent techniques used to understand how hippocampal PFC neural dynamics and behavior change after early-life seizures. The sheer scale, breadth, and reach of the experiments are praiseworthy. It is clear that the paper is a major contribution to the field as far as understanding the impact of early-life seizures. The LTP findings are robust and provide an important avenue for future study. The experiments are performed carefully and the analysis is appropriate. The paper is well-written and the figures are clear.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness of the paper is the lack of causal manipulations to determine whether prevention or augmentation of any of the findings has any impact on behavior or cognition. Alternatively, if other manipulations would enhance working memory in ELS animals, it would be interesting to see the effects on any of these parameters measured in the paper. Also, I find the sections where correlations and dimensionality reduction techniques are used to compare all possible variables to each other less compelling than the rest of the paper (with the exception of the findings of U U-shaped relationship of cognition to LTP). In fact, I think these sections take away from the impact of the actual findings. Finally, the apomorphine section seemed to hang separately from the rest of the paper and did not seem to fit well.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors employ a multilevel approach to investigate the relationship between the hippocampal-prefrontal (HPC-PFC) network and long-term phenotypes resulting from early-life seizures (ELS). Their research begins by establishing an ELS rat model and conducting behavioral and neuropathological studies in adulthood. Subsequently, the manuscript delves into testing hypotheses concerning HPC-PFC network dysfunction. While the results are intriguing, my enthusiasm is tempered by concerns related to the logical flow, sample size, and the potential over-interpretation of results. Detailed comments are provided below:

      Focus on Correlations: The manuscript primarily highlights correlations as the most significant findings. For instance, it demonstrates that ELS induces cognitive and sensorimotor impairments. However, it falls short of elucidating why these deficits are specifically linked to HPC-PFC synaptic plasticity/network. Furthermore, the manuscript mentions the involvement of other brain regions like the thalamus in the long-term outcomes of ELS based on immunohistochemistry data. This raises questions about the subjective nature and persuasiveness of the statistical studies presented.

      Sample Size Concerns: The manuscript raises concerns about the adequacy of sample sizes in the study. The initial cohort for acute electrophysiology during ELS induction comprised only 5 rats, without a control group. Moreover, the behavioral tests involved 11 control and 14 ELS rats, but these same cohorts were used for over four different experiments. Subsequent electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry experiments used varying numbers of rats (7 to 11). Clarification is needed regarding whether these experiments utilized the same cohort and why the sample sizes differed. A power analysis should have been performed to justify sample sizes, especially given the complexity of the statistical analyses conducted.

      Overinterpretation of HPC-PFC Network Dysfunction: The manuscript potentially overinterprets the role of HPC-PFC network dysfunction based on the results. Notably, cognitive deficits are described as subtle, with no evidence of learning deficits and only faint working memory impairments. However, sensorimotor deficits show promise. Consequently, it's essential to justify the emphasis on the HPC-PFC network as the primary mechanism underlying ELS-associated outcomes, especially when enhanced LTP is observed. Additionally, the manuscript seems to sideline neuropathological changes in the thalamus and the thalamus-to-PFC connection. The analysis lacks a direct assessment of the causal relationship between HPC-PFC dysfunction and ELS-associated outcomes, leaving a multitude of multilevel analyses yielding potential correlations without easily interpretable results.

      Overall, while the manuscript presents intriguing findings related to the HPC-PFC network and ELS outcomes, it requires a more rigorous experimental design, a more coherent narrative linking results to hypotheses, and careful consideration of alternative interpretations based on the observed data. Addressing these concerns will enhance the manuscript's overall quality and impact.

    1. eLife assessment

      The current manuscript offers important updates to qFit , the state-of-the art tool for modeling alternative conformations of protein molecules based on high resolution X-ray diffraction or Cryo-EM data. While the authors provide convincing examples of qFit's performance, these are restricted to selected test cases. This manuscript will be of interest to structural biologists and protein biochemists more generally.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Protein conformational changes are often critical to protein function, but obtaining structural information about conformational ensembles is a challenge. Over a number of years, the authors of the current manuscript have developed and improved an algorithm, qFit protein, that models multiple conformations into high resolution electron density maps in an automated way. The current manuscript describes the latest improvements to the program, and analyzes the performance of qFit protein in a number of test cases, including classical statistical metrics of data fit like Rfree and the gap between Rwork and Rfree, model geometry, and global and case-by-case assessment of qFit performance at different data resolution cutoffs. The authors have also updated qFit to handle cryo-EM datasets, although the analysis of its performance is more limited due to a limited number of high-resolution test cases and less standardization of deposited/processed data.


      The strengths of the manuscript are the careful and extensive analysis of qFit's performance over a variety of metrics and a diversity of test cases, as well as the careful discussion of the limitations of qFit. This manuscript also serves as a very useful guide for users in evaluating if and when qFit should be applied during structural refinement.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Wankowicz et al. describes updates to qFit, an algorithm for the characterization of conformational heterogeneity of protein molecules based on X-ray diffraction of Cryo-EM data. The work provides a clear description of the algorithm used by qFit. The authors then proceed to validate the performance of qFit by comparing it to deposited X-ray entries in the PDB in the 1.2-1.5 Å resolution range as quantified by Rfree, Rwork-Rfree, detailed examination of the conformations introduced by qFit, and performance on stereochemical measures (MolProbity scores). To examine the effect of experimental resolution of X-ray diffraction data, they start from an ultra high-resolution structure (SARS-CoV2 Nsp3 macrodomain) to determine how the loss of resolution (introduced artificially) degrades the ability of qFit to correctly infer the nature and presence of alternate conformations. The authors observe a gradual loss of ability to correctly infer alternate conformations as resolution degrades past 2 Å. The authors repeat this analysis for a larger set of entries in a more automated fashion and again observe that qFit works well for structures with resolutions better than 2 Å, with a rapid loss of accuracy at lower resolution. Finally, the authors examine the performance of qFit on cryo-EM data. Despite a few prominent examples, the authors find only a handful (8) of datasets for which they can confirm a resolution better than 2.0 Å. The performance of qFit on these maps is encouraging and will be of much interest because cryo-EM maps will, presumably, continue to improve and because of the rapid increase in the availability of such data for many supramolecular biological assemblies. As the authors note, practices in cryo-EM analysis are far from uniform, hampering the development and assessment of tools like qFit.


      qFit improves the quality of refined structures at resolutions better than 2.0 A, in terms of reflecting true conformational heterogeneity and geometry. The algorithm is well designed and does not introduce spurious or unnecessary conformational heterogeneity. I was able to install and run the program without a problem within a computing cluster environment. The paper is well written and the validation thorough.<br /> I found the section on cryo-EM particularly enlightening, both because it demonstrates the potential for discovery of conformational heterogeneity from such data by qFit, and because it clearly explains the hurdles towards this becoming common practice, including lack of uniformity in reporting resolution, and differences in map and solvent treatment.


      The authors begin the results section by claiming that they made "substantial improvement" relative to the previous iteration of qFit, "both algorithmically (e.g., scoring is improved by BIC, sampling of B factors is now included) and computationally (improving the efficiency and reliability of the code)" (bottom of page 3). However, the paper does not provide a comparison to previous iterations of the software or quantitation of the effects of these specific improvements, such as whether scoring is improved by the BIC, how the application of BIC has changed since the previous paper, whether sampling of B factors helps, and whether the code faster. It would help the reader to understand what, if any, the significance of each of these improvements was.

      The exclusion of structures containing ligands and multichain protein models in the validation of qFit was puzzling since both are very common in the PDB. This may convey the impression that qFit cannot handle such use cases. (Although it seems that qFit has an algorithm dedicated to modeling ligand heterogeneity and seems to be able to handle multiple chains). The paper would be more effective if it explained how a user of the software would handle scenarios with ligands and multiple chains, and why these would be excluded from analysis here.

      It would be helpful to add some guidance on how/whether qFit models can be further refined afterwards in Coot, Phenix, ..., or whether these models are strictly intended as the terminal step in refinement.

      Appraisal & Discussion:

      Overall, the authors convincingly demonstrate that qFit provides a reliable means to detect and model conformational heterogeneity within high-resolution X-ray diffraction datasets and (based on a smaller sample) in cryo-EM density maps. This represents the state of the art in the field and will be of interest to any structural biologist or biochemist seeking to attain an understanding of the structural basis of the function of their system of interest, including potential allosteric mechanisms-an area where there are still few good solutions. That is, I expect qFit to find widespread use.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors address a very important issue of going beyond a single-copy model obtained by the two principal experimental methods of structural biology, macromolecular crystallography and cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Such multiconformer model is based on the fact that experimental data from both these methods represent a space- and time-average of a huge number of the molecules in a sample, or even in several samples, and that the respective distributions can be multimodal. Different from structure prediction methods, this approach is strongly based on high-resolution experimental information and requires validated single-copy high-quality models as input. Overall, the results support the authors' conclusions.

      In fact, the method addresses two problems which could be considered separately:

      - An automation of construction of multiple conformations when they can be identified visually;<br /> - A determination of multiple conformations when their visual identification is difficult or impossible.

      The first one is a known problem, when missing alternative conformations may cost a few percent in R-factors. While these conformations are relatively easy to detect and build manually, the current procedure may save significant time being quite efficient, as the test results show.

      The second problem is important from the physical point of view and has been addressed first by Burling & Brunger (1994; https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.199400022). The new procedure deals with a second-order variation in the R-factors, of about 1% or less, like placing riding hydrogen atoms, modeling density deformation or variation of the bulk solvent. In such situations, it is hard to justify model improvement. Keeping Rfree values or their marginal decreasing can be considered as a sign that the model is not overfitted data but hardly as a strong argument in favor of the model.

      In general, overall targets are less appropriate for this kind of problem and local characteristics may be better indicators. Improvement of the model geometry is a good choice. Indeed, yet Cruickshank (1956; https://doi.org/10.1107/S0365110X56002059) showed that averaged density images may lead to a shortening of covalent bonds when interpreting such maps by a single model. However, a total absence of geometric outliers is not necessarily required for the structures solved at a high resolution where diffraction data should have more freedom to place the atoms where the experiments "see" them.

      The key local characteristic for multi conformer models is a closeness of the model map to the experimental one. Actually, the procedure uses a kind of such measure, the Bayesian information criteria (BIC). Unfortunately, there is no information about how sharply it identifies the best model, how much it changes between the initial and final models; in overall there is not any feeling about its values. The Q-score (page 17) can be a tool for the first problem where the multiple conformations are clearly separated and not for the second problem where the contributions from neighboring conformations are merged. In addition to BIC or to even more conventional target functions such as LS or local map correlation, the extreme and mean values of the local difference maps may help to validate the models.

      This method with its results is a strong argument for a need in experimental data and information they contain, differently from a pure structure prediction. At the same time, absence of strong density-based proofs may limit its impact.


      Addressing an important problem and automatization of model construction for alternative conformations using high-resolution experimental data.


      An insufficient validation of the models when no discrete alternative conformations are visible and essentially missing local real-space validation indicators.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript describes a potentially important theoretical framework to link predictive coding, error-based learning, and neuronal dynamics. The provided evidence is solid but would be made more robust if the different lines of argument were more directly connected. Improving the exposition of the manuscript would make it more accessible to a broader audience.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript considers a hierarchical network of neurons, of the type that can be found in the sensory cortex, and assumes that they aim to constantly predict sensory inputs that may change in time. The paper describes the dynamics of neurons and rules of synaptic plasticity that minimize the integral of prediction errors over time.

      The manuscript describes and analyses the model in great detail, and presents multiple and diverse simulations illustrating the model's functioning. However, the manuscript could be made more accessible and easier to read. The paper may help to understand the organization of cortical neurons, their properties, as well as the function of their particular components (such as apical dendrites).

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Neuroscientists often state that we have no theory of the brain. The example of theoretical physics is often cited, where numerous and quite complex phenomena are explained by a compact mathematical description. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian pictures provide such powerful 'single equation'. These frameworks are referred to as 'energy', an elegant way to turn numerous differential equations into a single compact relationship between observable quantities (state variables like position and speed) and scaling constants (like the gravity constant or the Planck constant). Such energy-pictures have been used in theoretical neuroscience since the 1980s.

      The manuscript "neuronal least-action principle for real-time learning in cortical circuits" by Walter Senn and collaborators describes a theoretical framework to link predictive coding, error-based learning, and neuronal dynamics. The central concept is that an energy function combining self-supervised and supervised objectives is optimized by realistic neuronal dynamics and learning rules when considering the state of a neuron as a mixture of the current membrane potential and its rate of change. As compared with previous energy functions in theoretical neuroscience, this theory captures a more extensive range of observations while satisfying normative constraints. Particularly, no theory had to my knowledge related to adaptive dynamics widely observed in the brain (referred to as prospective coding in the text, but is sometimes referred to as adaptive coding or redundancy reduction) with the dynamics of learning rules.

      The manuscript first exposes the theory of two previously published papers by the same group on somato-dendritic error with apical and basal dendrites. These dynamics are then related to an energy function, whose optimum recovers the dynamics. The rest of the manuscript illustrates how features of this model fit either normative or observational constraints. Learning follows a combination of self-supervised learning (learning to predict the next step) and supervised learning (learning to predict an external signal). The credit assignment problem is solved by an apical-compartment projecting a set of interneurons with learning rules whose role is to align many weight matrices to avoid having to do multiplexing. An extensive method section and supplementary material expand on mathematical proofs and makes more explicit the mathematical relationship between different frameworks.

      Experts would say that much of the article agglomerates previous theoretical papers by the same authors that have been published recently either in archival servers or in conference proceedings. A number of adaptations to previous theoretical results were necessary, so the present article is not easily reduced to a compendium of previous pre-prints. However, the manuscript is by no means easy to read as there are several inconsistencies and it lacks a single thread. Also, there remains a few thorny assumptions (unobserved details of the learning rules or soma-dendrites interactions), but the theory is likely going to be regarded as an important step towards a comprehensive theory of the brain.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study reports important evidence that infants' internal factors guide children's attention and that caregivers respond to infants' attentional shifts during caregiver-infant interactions. The authors analyzed EEG data and multiple types of behaviors using solid methodologies that can guide future studies of neural responses during social interaction in infants. However, the analysis is incomplete, as several methodological choices need more adequate justification.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors bring together multiple study methods (brain recordings with EEG and behavioral coding of infant and caregiver looking, and caregiver vocal changes) to understand social processes involved in infant attention. They test different hypotheses on whether caregivers scaffold attention by structuring a child's behavior, versus whether the child's attention is guided by internal factors and caregivers then respond to infants' attentional shifts. They conclude that internal processes (as measured by brain activation preceding looking) control infants' attention, and that caregivers rapidly modify their behaviors in response to changes in infant attention.

      The study is meticulously documented, with cutting-edge analytic approaches to testing alternative models; this type of work provides a careful and well-documented guide for how to conduct studies and process and analyze data for researchers in the relatively new area of neural response in infants in social contexts.

      Some concerns arise around the use of terms (for example, an infant may "look" at an object, but that does not mean the infant is actually "attending); collapsing of different types of looks (to people and objects), and the averaging of data across infants that may mask some of the individual patterns.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper acknowledges that most development occurs in social contexts, with other social partners. The authors put forth two main frameworks of how development occurs within a social interaction with a caregiver. The first is that although social interaction with mature partners is somewhat bi-directional, mature social partners exogenously influence infant behaviors and attention through "attentional scaffolding", and that in this case infant attention is reactive to caregiver behavior. The second framework posits that caregivers support and guide infant attention by contingently responding to reorientations in infant behavior, thus caregiver behaviors are reactive to infant behavior. The aim of this paper is to use moment-to-moment analysis techniques to understand the directionality of dyadic interaction. It is difficult to determine whether the authors prove their point as the results are not clearly explained as is the motivation for the chosen methods.

      Strengths<br /> The question driving this study is interesting and a genuine gap in the literature. Almost all development occurs in the presence of a mature social partner. While it is known that these interactions are critical for development, the directionality of how these interactions unfold in real-time is less known.

      The analyses largely seem to be appropriate for the question at hand, capturing small moment-to-moment dynamics in both infant and child behavior, and their relationships with themselves and each other. Autocorrelations and cross-correlations are powerful tools that can uncover small but meaningful patterns in data that may not be uncovered with other more discretized analyses (i.e. regression).

      Weaknesses<br /> The major weakness of this paper is that the reader is assumed to understand why these results lead to their claimed findings. The authors need to describe more carefully their reasoning and justification for their analyses and what they hope to show. While a handful of experts would understand why autocorrelations and cross-correlations should be used, they are by no means basic analyses. It would also be helpful to use simulated data or even a simple figure to help the reader more easily understand what a significant result looks like versus an insignificant result.

      While the overall question is interesting the introduction does not properly set up the rest of the paper. The authors spend a lot of time talking about oscillatory patterns in general but leave very little discussion to the fact they are using EEG to measure these patterns. The justification for using EEG is also not very well developed. Why did the authors single out fronto-temporal channels instead of using whole brain techniques, which are more standard in the field? This is idiosyncratic and not common.

      A worrisome weakness is that the figures are not consistently formatted. The y-axes are not consistent within figures making the data difficult to compare and interpret. Labels are also not consistent and very often the text size is way too small making reading the axes difficult. This is a noticeable lack of attention to detail.

      No data is provided to reproduce the figures. This does not need to include the original videos but rather the processed and de-identified data used to generate the figures. Providing the data to support reproducibility is increasingly common in the field of developmental science and the authors are greatly encouraged to do so.

    1. Author Response:

      We would like to thank you very much for handling and reviewing our manuscript so carefully and to be so positive about our work. We are indeed grateful about these very concise and constructive reviews as well as about the Editorial Assessment. We basically agree with all reviewers' comments. Besides addressing all formal suggestions, we also decided to do some more experiments.

      The main concern, the role of the transcription factor NF-YA1 during rhizobial infections, is indeed an absolut valid one. While the CDEL system has its beauties it certainly has its limitations as well. Thus, we will try to assess the role of NF-YA1 during symbiotic infections in Medicago more specifically. We will place NF-YA1 expression under the control of infection-specific promoters to limit pleiotropic effects of ectopic over-expression and assess rhizobial infections as well as cell cycle patterns in tranformed hairy roots producing the H3.1/H3.3 marker. Infection-inducible promoters will also be used to drive the ectopic expression of CYCD3;1 on the cortical infection thread trajectory to locally increase mitotic cycles, in order to test the functional importance of cell cycle exit on cortical infections.

      We hope that we will be able to conclude more firmly on NF-YA1 function prior to locking the version of record and to deliver these experiments in a time frame of about 4-6 months, which is the minimum time we need for cloning the respective constructs, doing all hairy root transformations in sufficient numbers and quantitative microscopy.

    2. eLife assessment

      This is a fundamental cell biological study of host responses during symbiotic microbial infection of plants. Compelling imaging-based approaches using genetically-encoded cell cycle markers show that in Medicago truncatula root cortex cells, early rhizobial infection events are associated with cell-cycle re-entry, but once the infection is established, host cells exit the cell cycle. The work will be of interest to a wide range of colleagues, from development and cell biology to plant-microbe interactions.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Many studies reported findings implying that rhizobial infection is associated with cell cycle re-entry and progression, however, our understanding has been fragmented. This study provides exciting new insights as it represents a comprehensive description of the cell cycle progression during early stages of nodulation using fluorescence markers.

      To briefly summarize, the authors first monitor H3.1 / H3.3 replacement to distinguish between replicating (S phase) and non-replicating cells to show that M. truncatula cortex cells along the bacterial infection thread are non-replicating (while neighbors enter the S phase). Nuclear size measurements revealed that these non-replicative cells are in the post-replicative stage (G2) rather than in the pre-replicative G1 phase, which the authors confirm with the Plant Cell Cycle Indicator (PlaCCI) fluorescent marker to track cell cycle progression in more detail. Cortex cells in the trajectory of the infection thread did not accumulate the late G2 marker of the PlaCCI nor the G2/M marker KNOLLE, indicating that these cells indeed remain in G2. Because nuclear size measurements indicated that infected cells are polyploid, the authors used the centromere histone marker CENH3 to determine chromosome number. They find that cortex cells giving rise to the nodule primordium are endomitotic and tetraploid, probably because their cell cycle is halted at centromere separation. Although not a focus of this manuscript, the authors also use their fluorescent tools to track cell cycle progression during arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis. They confirm that infected cells transition from a replicating to a non-replicating state (H3.1 to H3.3) with progressing development of the arbuscules. In addition, the CENH3 marker confirms previous findings that cortex cells infected by fungi are endocycling (i.e., DNA synthesis without segregation of replicated parts). This represents an important confirmation of previous findings and contrasts with the situation during nodulation symbiosis, where chromosomes separate after replication.

      In my view, the part about NF-YA1 is less strong - although I realize this is a compelling candidate to be a regulator of cell cycle progression, the experimental approaches used to address this question falls a bit short, in particular, compared to the very detailed approaches shown in the rest of the manuscript. The authors show that the transcription factor NF-YA1 regulates cell division in tobacco leaves; however, there is no experimental validation in the experimental system (nodules). All conclusions are based on a heterologous cell division system in tobacco leaves. The authors state that NF-YA1 has a nodule-specific role as a regulator of cell differentiation. I am concerned the tobacco system may not allow for adequate testing of this hypothesis. With the fluorescent tools the authors have at hand (in particular tools to detect G2/M transition, which the authors suggest is regulated by NF-YA1), it would be interesting to test what happens to cell division if NF-YA1 is over-expressed in Medicago roots?

      Based on NF-YA1 expression data published previously and their results in tobacco epidermal cells, the authors hypothesize that NF-YA regulates the mitotic entry of nodule primordial cells. Given that much of the manuscript deals with earlier stages of the infection, I wonder if NF-YA1 could also have a role in regulating mitotic entry in cells adjacent to the infection thread?

      In general, all microscopy images are of very high quality and support the authors' conclusions. While individually each set of fluorescent markers has its limitations, combined they constitute a powerful tool to track various stages of cell cycle progression in individual root cells during symbiosis. Overall, this is a very strong manuscript that comprehensively elucidates root cell cycle changes during microbial infection.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Cell cycle control during nitrogen-fixing symbiosis is an important topic, but our understanding of the process is poor and lacks resolution, as the nodule is a complex organ with many cell types that undergo profound changes. The authors aim to define the cell cycle state of individual plant cells in the emerging nodule primordium, as a transcellular infection thread passes through the meristem to reach cells deep in the incipient nodule and releases bacteria to form symbiosomes. The authors used a number of cell cycle reporters, such as different Histone 3 variants and cyclins, to follow cell cycle progress in exquisite detail. They showed that the host cells in the path of an infection thread exhibit a cell fate distinct from their immediate neighbors: after entering the S phase similar to their neighbors, these cells exit the cell cycle and enter a special differentiated state. This is likely an important shift that allows the proper passage of the infection thread. Although definitive proof needs more investigation, they showed that a pioneering transcription factor, NF-YA1, likely represses these endoreduplicated cells from completing the cell cycle.

    1. Author Response:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      [...] Overall the manuscript is well written, and the successful generation of the new endogenous Cac tags (Td-Tomato, Halo) and CaBeta, stj, and stolid genes with V5 tags will be powerful reagents for the field to enable new studies on calcium channels in synaptic structure, function, and plasticity. There are also some interesting, though not entirely unexpected, findings regarding how Brp and homeostatic plasticity modulate calcium channel abundance. However, a major concern is that the conclusions about how "molecular and organization diversity generate functional synaptic heterogeneity" are not really supported by the data presented in this study. In particular, the key fact that frames this study is that Cac levels are similar at Ib and Is active zones, but that Pr is higher at Is over Ib (which was previously known). While Pr can be influenced by myriad processes, the authors should have first assessed presynaptic calcium influx - if they had, they would have better framed the key questions in this study. As the authors reference from previous studies, calcium influx is at least two-fold higher per active zone at Is over Ib, and the authors likely know that this difference is more than sufficient to explain the difference in Pr at Is over Ib. Hence, there is no reason to invoke differences in "molecular and organization diversity" to explain the difference in Pr, and the authors offer no data to support that the differences in active zone structure at Is vs Ib are necessary for the differences in Pr. Indeed, the real question the authors should have investigated is why there are such differences in presynaptic calcium influx at Is over Ib despite having similar levels/abundance of Cac. This seems the real question, and is all that is needed to explain the Pr differences shown in Fig. 1. The other changes in active zone structure and organization at Is vs Ib may very well contribute to additional differences in Pr, but the authors have not shown this in the present study, and rely on other studies (such as calcium-SV coupling at Is vs Ib) to support an argument that is not necessitated by their data. At the end of this manuscript, the authors have found an interesting possibility that Stj levels are reduced at Is vs Ib, that might perhaps contribute to the difference in calcium influx. However, at present this remains speculative.

      Overall, the authors have generated powerful reagents for the field to study calcium channels and how they are regulated, but draw conclusions about active zone structure and organization contributing to functional heterogeneity that are not strongly supported by the data presented.

      Reviewer 1 raises an interesting question that we agree will form the basis of important studies. Here, we set out to address a different question, which we will work to better frame. While we and others had previously found a strong correlation between calcium channel abundance and synaptic release probability (Pr (Akbergenova et al., 2018; Gratz et al., 2019; Holderith et al., 2012; Nakamura et al., 2015; Sheng et al., 2012)), more recent studies found that calcium channel abundance does not necessarily predict synaptic strength (Aldahabi et al., 2022; Rebola et al., 2019). Our study explores this paradox and presents findings that provide an explanation: calcium channel abundance predicts Pr among individual synapses of either low-Pr type-Ib or high-Pr type-Is inputs where modulating channel number tunes synaptic strength, but does not predict Pr between the two inputs, indicating an inputspecific role for calcium channel abundance in promoting synaptic strength. Thus, we propose that calcium channel abundance predictably modulates synaptic strength among individual synapses of a single input or synapse subtype, which share similar molecular and spatial organization, but not between distinct inputs where the underlying organization of active zones differs. Consistently, in the mouse, calcium channel abundance correlates strongly with release probability specifically when assessed among homogeneous populations of connections (Aldahabi et al., 2022; Holderith et al., 2012; Nakamura et al., 2015; Rebola et al., 2019; Sheng et al., 2012).

      As Reviewer 1 notes, the two-fold difference in calcium influx at type-Is synapses is certainly an important difference underlying three-fold higher Pr. However, growing evidence indicates that calcium influx alone, like calcium channel abundance, does not reliably predict synaptic strength between inputs. For example, Rebola et al. (2019) compared cerebellar synapses formed by granule and stellate cells and found that lower Pr granule synapses exhibit both higher calcium channel abundance and calcium influx. In another example, Aldahabi et al. (2023) demonstrate that even when calcium influx is greater at high-Pr synapses, it does not necessarily explain differences in synaptic strength between inputs. Studying excitatory hippocampal CA1 synapses onto distinct interneuronal targets, they found that raising calcium entry at low-Pr inputs to high-Pr synapse levels is not sufficient to increase synaptic strength to high-Pr synapse levels. Similarly, at the Drosophila NMJ, the finding that type-Ib synapses exhibit loose calcium channel-synaptic vesicle coupling whereas type-Is synapses exhibit tight coupling suggests factors beyond calcium influx also contribute to differences in Pr between the two inputs (He et al., 2023). Consistently, a two-fold increase in external calcium does not induce a three-fold increase in release at low-Pr type-Ib synapses (He et al., 2023). Thus, upon finding that calcium channel abundance is similar at type-Ib and -Is synapses, we focused on identifying differences beyond calcium channel abundance and calcium influx that might contribute their distinct synaptic strengths. We agree that these studies, ours included, cannot definitively determine the contribution of identified organizational differences to distinct release probabilities because it is not currently possible to specifically alter subsynaptic organization, and will ensure that our language is tempered accordingly. However, in addition to the studies cited above and our findings, recent work demonstrating that homeostatic potentiation of neurotransmitter release is accompanied by greater spatial compaction of multiple active zone proteins (Dannhauser et al., 2022; Mrestani et al., 2021) and decreased calcium channel mobility (Ghelani et al., 2023) provide support for the interpretation that subsynaptic organization is a key parameter for modulating Pr.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors aim to investigate how voltage-gated calcium channel number, organization, and subunit composition lead to changes in synaptic activity at tonic and phasic motor neuron terminals, or type Is and Ib motor neurons in Drosophila. These neuron subtypes generate widely different physiological outputs, and many investigations have sought to understand the molecular underpinnings responsible for these differences. Additionally, these authors explore not only static differences that exist during the third-instar larval stage of development but also use a pharmacological approach to induce homeostatic plasticity to explore how these neuronal subtypes dynamically change the structural composition and organization of key synaptic proteins contributing to physiological plasticity. The Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is glutamatergic, the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the human brain, so these findings not only expand our understanding of the molecular and physiological mechanisms responsible for differences in motor neuron subtype activity but also contribute to our understanding of how the human brain and nervous system functions.

      The authors employ state-of-the-art tools and techniques such as single-molecule localization microscopy 3D STORM and create several novel transgenic animals using CRISPR to expand the molecular tools available for exploration of synaptic biology that will be of wide interest to the field. Additionally, the authors use a robust set of experimental approaches from active zone level resolution functional imaging from live preparations to electrophysiology and immunohistochemical analyses to explore and test their hypotheses. All data appear to be robustly acquired and analyzed using appropriate methodology. The authors make important advancements to our understanding of how the different motor neuron subtypes, phasic and tonic-like, exhibit widely varying electrical output despite the neuromuscular junctions having similar ultrastructural composition in the proteins of interest, voltage gated calcium channel cacophony (cac) and the scaffold protein Bruchpilot (brp). The authors reveal the ratio of brp:cac appears to be a critical determinant of release probability (Pr), and in particular, the packing density of VGCCs and availability of brp. Importantly, the authors demonstrate a brp-dependent increase in VGCC density following acute philanthotoxin perfusion (glutamate receptor inhibitor). This VGCC increase appears to be largely responsible for the presynaptic homeostatic plasticity (PHP) observable at the Drosophila NMJ. Lastly, the authors created several novel CRISPRtagged transgenic lines to visualize the spatial localization of VGCC subunits in Drosophila. Two of these lines, CaBV5-C and stjV5-N, express in motor neurons and in the nervous system, localize at the NMJ, and most strikingly, strongly correlate with Pr at tonic and phasic-like terminals.

      1) The few limitations in this study could be addressed with some commentary, a few minor follow-up analyses, or experiments. The authors use a postsynaptically expressed calcium indicator (mhcGal4>UAS -GCaMP) to calculate Pr, yet do not explore the contribution that glutamate receptors, or other postsynaptic contributors (e.g. components of the postsynaptic density, PSD) may contribute. A previous publication exploring tonic vs phasic-like activity at the drosophila NMJ revealed a dynamic role for GluRII (Aponte-Santiago et al, 2020). Could the speed of GluR accumulation account for differences between neuron subtypes?

      We did observe that GCaMP signals are higher at type Is synapses, where synapses tend to form later but GluRs accumulate more rapidly upon innervation (Aponte-Santiago et al., 2020). However, because we are using our GCaMP indicator as a plus/minus readout of synaptic vesicle release at mature synapses, we do not expect differences in GluR accumulation to have a significant effect on our measures. Consistently, the difference in Pr we observe between type-Ib and -Is inputs (Fig. 1C) is similar to that previously reported (He et al., 2023; Lu et al., 2016; Newman et al., 2022).

      2) The observation that calcium channel density and brp:cac ratio as a critical determinant of Pr is an important one. However, it is surprising that this was not observed in previous investigations of cac intensity (of which there are many). Is this purely a technical limitation of other investigations, or are other possibilities feasible? Additionally, regarding VGCC-SV coupling, the authors conclude that this packing density increases their proximity to SVs and contributes to the steeper relationship between VGCCs and Pr at phasic type Is. Is it possible that brp or other AZ components could account for these differences. The authors possess the tools to address this directly by labeling vesicles with JanellaFluor646; a stronger signal should be present at Is boutons. Additionally, many different studies have used transmission electron microscopy to explore SVs location to AZs (t-bars) at the Drosophila NMJ.

      To date, the molecular underpinnings of heterogeneity in synaptic strength have primarily been investigated among individual type-Ib synapses. However, a recent study investigating differences between type-Ib and -Is synapses also found that the Cac:Brp ratio is higher at type-Is synapses (He et al., 2023).

      At this point, we do not know which active zone components are responsible for the organizational (Figs. 1, 2) and coupling (now demonstrated by He et al., 2023) differences between type-Ib and -Is synapses or what establishes the differences in active zone protein levels we observe (Figs. 3,6), although Brp likely plays a local role. We find that Brp is required for dynamically regulating calcium channel levels during homeostatic plasticity and plays distinct roles at type-Ib and -Is synapses (Figs. 3, 4). Brp regulates a number of proteins critical for the distribution of docked synaptic vesicles near T bars of type Ib active zones, including Unc13 (Bohme et al., 2016). Extending these studies to type-Is synapses will be of great interest.

      3) In reference to the contradictory observations that VGCC intensity does not always correlate with, or determine Pr. Previous investigations have also observed other AZ proteins or interactors (e.g. synaptotagmin mutants) critically control release, even when the correlation between cac and release remains constant while Pr dramatically precipitates.

      This is an important point as a number of molecular and organizational differences between high- and low-Pr synapses certainly contribute to baseline functional differences. The other proteins we (Figs. 3,6) and others (Dannhauser et al., 2022; Ehmann et al., 2014; He et al., 2023; Jetti et al., 2023; Mrestani et al., 2021; Newman et al., 2022) have investigated are less abundant and/or more densely organized at type-Is synapses. Investigating additional active zone proteins, including synaptic proteins, and determining how these factors combine to yield increased synaptic strength are important next steps.

      4) To confirm the observations that lower brp levels results in a significantly higher cac:brp ratio at phasic-like synapses by organizing VGCCs; this argument could be made stronger by analyzing their existing data. By selecting a population of AZs in Ib boutons that endogenously express normal cac and lower brp levels, the Pr from these should be higher than those from within that population, but comparable to Is Pr. I believe the authors should also be able to correlate the cac:brp ratio with Pr from their data set generally; to determine if a strong correlation exists beyond their observation for cac correlation.

      We do not have simultaneous measures of Pr and Cac and Brp abundance. However, our findings suggest that distinct Cac:Brp ratios at type Ib and Is inputs reflect underlying organizational differences that contribute to distinct release probabilities between the two synaptic subtypes. In contrast, within either synaptic subtype, release probability is positively correlated with both Cac and Brp levels. Thus, the mechanisms driving functional differences between synaptic subtypes are distinct from those driving functional heterogeneity within a subtype, so we do not expect Cac:Brp ratio to correlate with Pr among individual type-Ib synapses. We will work to clarify this point in the revised text.

      5) For the philanthotoxin induced changes in cac and brp localization underlying PHP, why do the authors not show cac accumulation after PhTx on live dissected preparations (i.e. in real time)? This also be an excellent opportunity to validate their brp:cac theory. Do the authors observe a dynamic change in brp:cac after 1, or 5 minutes; do Is boutons potentiate stronger due to proportional increases in cac and brp? Also regarding PhTx-induced PHP, their observations that stj and α2δ-3 are more abundant at Is synapses, suggests that they may also play a role in PhTx induced changes in cac. If either/both are overexpressed during PhTx, brp should increase while cac remains constant. These accessory proteins may determine cac incorporation at AZs.

      As we have previously followed Cac accumulation in live dissected preparations and found that levels increase proportionally across individual synapses (Gratz et al., 2019), we did not attempt to repeat these challenging experiments at smaller type-Is synapses. We will reanalyze our data to investigate Cac:Brp ratio at individual active zones post PhTx. However, as noted above, we do not expect changes in the Cac:Brp ratio to correlate with Pr among individual synapses of single inputs as this measure reflects organization differences between inputs and PhTx induces an increase in the abundance of both proteins at both inputs.

      Determining the effect of PhTx on Stj levels at type-Ib and -Is active zones is an excellent idea and might provide insight into how lower Stj levels correlate with higher Pr at type-Is synapses. While prior studies have demonstrated critical roles for Stj in regulating Cac accumulation during development and in promoting presynaptic homeostatic potentiation (Cunningham et al., 2022; Dickman et al., 2008; Kurshan et al., 2009; Ly et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2016), its regulation during PHP has not been investigated.

      Taken together this study generates important data-driven, conceptional, and theoretical advancements in our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of different motor neurons, and our understanding of synaptic biology generally. The data are robust, thoroughly analyzed, appropriately depicted. This study not only generates novel findings but also generated novel molecular tools which will aid future investigations and investigators progress in this field.


      Akbergenova, Y., K.L. Cunningham, Y.V. Zhang, S. Weiss, and J.T. Littleton. 2018. Characterization of developmental and molecular factors underlying release heterogeneity at Drosophila synapses. eLife. 7.

      Aldahabi, M., F. Balint, N. Holderith, A. Lorincz, M. Reva, and Z. Nusser. 2022. Different priming states of synaptic vesicles underlie distinct release probabilities at hippocampal excitatory synapses. Neuron. 110:4144-4161 e4147.

      Aponte-Santiago, N.A., K.G. Ormerod, Y. Akbergenova, and J.T. Littleton. 2020. Synaptic Plasticity Induced by Differential Manipulation of Tonic and Phasic Motoneurons in Drosophila. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 40:6270-6288.

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      Dannhauser, S., A. Mrestani, F. Gundelach, M. Pauli, F. Komma, P. Kollmannsberger, M. Sauer, M. Heckmann, and M.M. Paul. 2022. Endogenous tagging of Unc-13 reveals nanoscale reorganization at active zones during presynaptic homeostatic potentiation. Front Cell Neurosci. 16:1074304.

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      Ghelani, T., M. Escher, U. Thomas, K. Esch, J. Lützkendorf, H. Depner, M. Maglione, P. Parutto, S. Gratz, T. Matkovic-Rachid, S. Ryglewski, A.M. Walter, D. Holcman, K. O‘Connor Giles, M. Heine, and S.J. Sigrist. 2023. Interactive nanocluster compaction of the ELKS scaffold and Cacophony Ca<sup>2+</sup> channels drives sustained active zone potentiation. Science Advances. 9:eade7804.

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    2. eLife assessment

      Your study is based on exciting new tools that you have developed and is an important contribution to our understanding of the role of Calcium channels and their accessory subunits in synaptic biology The data are robust and provide compelling evidence for some of the proposed molecular mechanisms.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Calcium channels are key regulators of synaptic strength and plasticity, yet how these channels are differentially utilized to enable synaptic diversity is not clear. In this manuscript, the authors use new endogenous tagging of the Drosophila CaV2 channel Cac and three auxiliary subunits to investigate distinct calcium channel functions at two motor neuron subtypes at the fly NMJ, Is and Ib. Although it is clear from previous studies that Pr is higher at Is over Ib, it is not clear why. The authors confirm these differences using postsynaptic calcium imaging combined with post-hoc Cac-TdTomato imaging. Then, through a series of confocal and super resolution imaging studies, the authors describe differences in calcium channel and active zone structure between Is and Ib motor neuron terminals, and the role of Brp and homeostatic plasticity in regulating channel abundance. Finally, the authors show that while the CaBeta subunit is present at similar levels at Is and Ib active zones, there is an interesting reduction in Stj at Is active zones. The authors conclude that these differences in active zone structure and architecture contribute to the generation of the observed heterogeneity in synaptic strength.

      Overall the manuscript is well written, and the successful generation of the new endogenous Cac tags (Td-Tomato, Halo) and CaBeta, stj, and stolid genes with V5 tags will be powerful reagents for the field to enable new studies on calcium channels in synaptic structure, function, and plasticity. There are also some interesting, though not entirely unexpected, findings regarding how Brp and homeostatic plasticity modulate calcium channel abundance. However, a major concern is that the conclusions about how "molecular and organization diversity generate functional synaptic heterogeneity" are not really supported by the data presented in this study. In particular, the key fact that frames this study is that Cac levels are similar at Ib and Is active zones, but that Pr is higher at Is over Ib (which was previously known). While Pr can be influenced by myriad processes, the authors should have first assessed presynaptic calcium influx - if they had, they would have better framed the key questions in this study. As the authors reference from previous studies, calcium influx is at least two-fold higher per active zone at Is over Ib, and the authors likely know that this difference is more than sufficient to explain the difference in Pr at Is over Ib. Hence, there is no reason to invoke differences in "molecular and organization diversity" to explain the difference in Pr, and the authors offer no data to support that the differences in active zone structure at Is vs Ib are necessary for the differences in Pr. Indeed, the real question the authors should have investigated is why there are such differences in presynaptic calcium influx at Is over Ib despite having similar levels/abundance of Cac. This seems the real question, and is all that is needed to explain the Pr differences shown in Fig. 1. The other changes in active zone structure and organization at Is vs Ib may very well contribute to additional differences in Pr, but the authors have not shown this in the present study, and rely on other studies (such as calcium-SV coupling at Is vs Ib) to support an argument that is not necessitated by their data. At the end of this manuscript, the authors have found an interesting possibility that Stj levels are reduced at Is vs Ib, that might perhaps contribute to the difference in calcium influx. However, at present this remains speculative.

      Overall, the authors have generated powerful reagents for the field to study calcium channels and how they are regulated, but draw conclusions about active zone structure and organization contributing to functional heterogeneity that are not strongly supported by the data presented.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors aim to investigate how voltage-gated calcium channel number, organization, and subunit composition lead to changes in synaptic activity at tonic and phasic motor neuron terminals, or type Is and Ib motor neurons in Drosophila. These neuron subtypes generate widely different physiological outputs, and many investigations have sought to understand the molecular underpinnings responsible for these differences. Additionally, these authors explore not only static differences that exist during the third-instar larval stage of development but also use a pharmacological approach to induce homeostatic plasticity to explore how these neuronal subtypes dynamically change the structural composition and organization of key synaptic proteins contributing to physiological plasticity. The Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is glutamatergic, the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the human brain, so these findings not only expand our understanding of the molecular and physiological mechanisms responsible for differences in motor neuron subtype activity but also contribute to our understanding of how the human brain and nervous system functions.

      The authors employ state-of-the-art tools and techniques such as single-molecule localization microscopy 3D STORM and create several novel transgenic animals using CRISPR to expand the molecular tools available for exploration of synaptic biology that will be of wide interest to the field. Additionally, the authors use a robust set of experimental approaches from active zone level resolution functional imaging from live preparations to electrophysiology and immunohistochemical analyses to explore and test their hypotheses. All data appear to be robustly acquired and analyzed using appropriate methodology. The authors make important advancements to our understanding of how the different motor neuron subtypes, phasic and tonic-like, exhibit widely varying electrical output despite the neuromuscular junctions having similar ultrastructural composition in the proteins of interest, voltage gated calcium channel cacophony (cac) and the scaffold protein Bruchpilot (brp). The authors reveal the ratio of brp:cac appears to be a critical determinant of release probability (Pr), and in particular, the packing density of VGCCs and availability of brp. Importantly, the authors demonstrate a brp-dependent increase in VGCC density following acute philanthotoxin perfusion (glutamate receptor inhibitor). This VGCC increase appears to be largely responsible for the presynaptic homeostatic plasticity (PHP) observable at the Drosophila NMJ. Lastly, the authors created several novel CRISPR-tagged transgenic lines to visualize the spatial localization of VGCC subunits in Drosophila. Two of these lines, CaBV5-C and stjV5-N, express in motor neurons and in the nervous system, localize at the NMJ, and most strikingly, strongly correlate with Pr at tonic and phasic-like terminals.

      The few limitations in this study could be addressed with some commentary, a few minor follow-up analyses, or experiments. The authors use a postsynaptically expressed calcium indicator (mhc-Gal4>UAS -GCaMP) to calculate Pr, yet do not explore the contribution that glutamate receptors, or other postsynaptic contributors (e.g. components of the postsynaptic density, PSD) may contribute. A previous publication exploring tonic vs phasic-like activity at the drosophila NMJ revealed a dynamic role for GluRII (Aponte-Santiago et al, 2020). Could the speed of GluR accumulation account for differences between neuron subtypes?

      The observation that calcium channel density and brp:cac ratio as a critical determinant of Pr is an important one. However, it is surprising that this was not observed in previous investigations of cac intensity (of which there are many). Is this purely a technical limitation of other investigations, or are other possibilities feasible? Additionally, regarding VGCC-SV coupling, the authors conclude that this packing density increases their proximity to SVs and contributes to the steeper relationship between VGCCs and Pr at phasic type Is. Is it possible that brp or other AZ components could account for these differences. The authors possess the tools to address this directly by labeling vesicles with JanellaFluor646; a stronger signal should be present at Is boutons. Additionally, many different studies have used transmission electron microscopy to explore SVs location to AZs (t-bars) at the Drosophila NMJ.

      In reference to the contradictory observations that VGCC intensity does not always correlate with, or determine Pr. Previous investigations have also observed other AZ proteins or interactors (e.g. synaptotagmin mutants) critically control release, even when the correlation between cac and release remains constant while Pr dramatically precipitates.

      To confirm the observations that lower brp levels results in a significantly higher cac:brp ratio at phasic-like synapses by organizing VGCCs; this argument could be made stronger by analyzing their existing data. By selecting a population of AZs in Ib boutons that endogenously express normal cac and lower brp levels, the Pr from these should be higher than those from within that population, but comparable to Is Pr. I believe the authors should also be able to correlate the cac:brp ratio with Pr from their data set generally; to determine if a strong correlation exists beyond their observation for cac correlation.

      For the philanthotoxin induced changes in cac and brp localization underlying PHP, why do the authors not show cac accumulation after PhTx on live dissected preparations (i.e. in real time)? This also be an excellent opportunity to validate their brp:cac theory. Do the authors observe a dynamic change in brp:cac after 1, or 5 minutes; do Is boutons potentiate stronger due to proportional increases in cac and brp? Also regarding PhTx-induced PHP, their observations that stj and α2δ-3are more abundant at Is synapses, suggests that they may also play a role in PhTx induced changes in cac. If either/both are overexpressed during PhTx, brp should increase while cac remains constant. These accessory proteins may determine cac incorporation at AZs.<br /> Taken together this study generates important data-driven, conceptional, and theoretical advancements in our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of different motor neurons, and our understanding of synaptic biology generally. The data are robust, thoroughly analyzed, appropriately depicted. This study not only generates novel findings but also generated novel molecular tools which will aid future investigations and investigators progress in this field.

    1. Author Response:

      We sincerely appreciate the recognition from both reviewers regarding the innovative gradual activity-blocking design employing NBQX, as well as the robustness of our approach that integrates experimental and computational approaches to investigate the interplay between homeostatic functional and structural plasticity in response to activity deprivation.

      Acknowledging the raised concerns and insightful advice shared by the reviewers, we provide the the following provisional response:

      Why did we focus on activity silencing? Our decision to focus on chronic activity deprivation stems from a robust body of evidence—summarised in the recent review by Moulin and colleagues (2022)—that highlights the consistent occurrence of homeostatic spine loss alongside synaptic downscaling in response to prolonged excitation. In contrast, chronic silencing studies, as outlined in the same review, exhibit inconsistencies and contradictions, with spine loss often manifesting as non-homeostatic. After carefully reviewing the available data, we formulated two hypotheses to account for this heterogeneity: (i) the non-linear nature of activity-dependent structural plasticity, and (ii) the intricate interplay between homeostatic synaptic scaling and structural plasticity influenced by factors such as the extend of activity deprivation, specific dendritic segments, cell phenotypes, brain regions, and even across species. The intricate exploration of these hypotheses necessitated a systematic approach through computational simulations (and suitable experiments). The present manuscript intentionally confines the discussion of heightened activity to a proof-of-concept computer simulation, underscoring our deliberate emphasis on the central theme of activity silencing. Nevertheless, we do concur with the reviewers that an intriguing avenue for future exploration lies in extending the model to encompass homeostatic synaptic downscaling triggered by augmented activity.

      Why did we choose NBQX and why didn't we extensively characterise it? We utilised NBQX, a competitive antagonist targeting AMPA receptors, enabling us to finely modulate network activity via dosages (as elucidated by Wrathall et al., 2007), surpassing the control attainable with TTX. Despite its atypical role in studying homeostatic synaptic plasticity, NBQX boasts commendable efficacy in regulating network activity, substantiated by our electrophysiological recordings as well as in vivo and in vitro studies (Follett et al., 2000; Wrathall et al., 2007). However, it's worth noting that NBQX selectively binds to GluA2-containing AMPA receptors, pivotal for TTX-triggered synaptic scaling (Gainey et al., 2009) and glutamate-induced spine protrusion in the presence of TTX (Richards et al., 2005). Importantly, there's no conclusive evidence suggesting that NBQX, when applied in isolation (without TTX), hinders the synthesis or insertion of AMPA receptors. While we acknowledge the interest and value in characterising NBQX separately, such an endeavour extends beyond the immediate scope of our current study.

      It's pertinent to also note that the models we employed—activity (calcium) dependent homeostatic synaptic scaling and structural plasticity—are inherently phenomenological in nature. In essence, these models refrain from delving into intricate molecular mechanisms beyond the regulation of calcium concentration by firing rates. Given the highly phenomenological nature of our models, introducing a detailed molecular characterization of NBQX, or expanding into a chronic increase in network activity scenarios targeting different molecular pathways, could potentially create misleading expectations among our readers, implying a level of molecular pathway implementation that is not our immediate focus.

      Did the model successfully replicate the experimental findings? Achieving a strong agreement between computer simulations and empirical data is often a sought-after outcome, particularly when both aspects are integrated within a single study. However, this congruence is not always the primary intent. In our present investigation, we introduced three distinct ways in which experimental data merged with computational studies: to provide informative input, to validate hypotheses, and to stimulate novel ideas.

      Our experiments primarily aimed to inform the computational model through an analysis of spine density. The computational framework was envisioned to yield insights that could be broadly applicable, extending beyond the mere replication of conducted experiments. In this context, our modelling outcomes effectively mirrored the heterogeneous alterations in synapse numbers observed in various in vivo and in vitro studies following activity deprivation—ranging from homeostatic increases to non-homeostatic synapse loss.

      Our model also proposed a plausible mechanism illustrating how synaptic scaling might propel the transition from non-homeostatic synapse loss to the restoration of synapse levels, achieved by maximising inputs from active spines. This supposition found partial confirmation when considering both our experimentally obtained spine sizes and those detailed in the existing literature—pointing to a reduction in spine numbers but a conservation of larger spine sizes during complete activity blockade.

      Moreover, our experimental observations unveiled certain aspects that, while not entirely encompassed by our model, have the potential to inspire future modelling studies. For instance, we observed size-dependent changes in spine sizes under complete activity blockade; we also observed inconsistent combinations of spine density and size changes across dendritic segments upon activity deprivation. The prospect of reconfiguring the interplay between structural plasticity and synaptic scaling rules to elucidate the observed heterogeneity in outcomes stands as an intriguing avenue worth revisiting, particularly as the modelling of structural plasticity within a network of intricately detailed neurons becomes feasible.

      In summary, while the aspiration to faithfully replicate experimental outcomes exists, achieving an exact correspondence between a purposefully simplified system, like the point neural network we employed in our study, and real-world data should be approached with caution. Striving for such a match carries the risk of overfitting and prematurely advancing conclusions that might not stand the test of broader applications.

      Why did we establish strict definitions for functional and structural plasticity? The rationale behind this strategic decision lies in the historical breadth of the term "structural plasticity," encompassing a wide array of high-dimensional alterations in neural morphology throughout development and adulthood. This expansive interpretation contributed to the delayed development of computational models specifically targeting structural plasticity. Moreover, certain elements, like spine sizes, blur the boundaries with the functional facet of synapses as also mentioned by the reviewers. We hope the reviewers and readers concur with our perspective that implementing structural plasticity through the manipulation of synapse numbers—effectively enabling dynamic (re)wiring—provides a high degree of freedom and robustness. Synaptic size seamlessly translates into synaptic weights within the modelling framework. While the distinction between synaptic weight and synapse number may seem stringent, it meticulously prepares the groundwork for addressing a fundamental question: How does the gradual modification of synapse numbers, juxtaposed with the swift modulation of synaptic weights, interact within a perpetually evolving dynamic system? In this respect our study serves as a panoramic vista, unveiling possibilities wherein distinct combinations of these two governing principles can engender divergent outcomes. This contribution not only stands as a benchmark but also extends a welcoming embrace to forthcoming structural plasticity models that embrace the concept of continuous size and number alterations.

    2. eLife assessment

      This manuscript makes a valuable contribution to understanding the entanglement of homeostatic structural plasticity and synaptic scaling, yet only homeostasis after activity deprivation is studied in depth. The experimental and computational methods are solid but overall incomplete as the link between them remains qualitative. The conclusions drawn from the results are rather vague and their generality or relevance for other research fields is not made clear.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript investigates how homeostatic structural plasticity and synaptic scaling act under different levels of activity suppression and how this influences the network dynamics during growth and temporary or persistent silencing. To this end, the authors first use electrophysiology and chronic imaging to investigate the influence of different levels of AMPA-receptor blockade. A smaller level leads to reduced activity and up-regulation of synapse size and number, whereas a complete block abolished activity and decreases spine numbers. Along this line, the choice to block AMPAR is unconventional and needs to be better justified as both investigated homeostatic mechanisms are known to be AMPAR dependent.

      Second, this finding is transferred into a mathematical rewiring rule, where spine number shrinks, grows, and shrinks again with increasing activity. It is shown that this rule, in contrast to other, simpler rules (grow, shrink), can grow healthy networks from scratch only if additional stimulation is provided. Continuing with these stable networks, the activity of a sub-network is increased, decreased, or silenced by modulating an external stimulation to the neurons. Whereas both activity and connectivity return to a stable state for small alteration, complete silencing leads to disconnection of the silenced network parts. Recovery from this can be achieved by restoring stimulation before the connectivity has completely decayed or by adding sufficiently fast synaptic scaling, although both cases can lead to unhealthy activity. A more systematic assessment of this interaction between scaling and homeostatic rewiring revealed a minimal timescale ratio that is needed for recovery. This is an important step towards disentangling the necessity of multiple, seemingly redundant mechanisms. Yet, in the simulations, the role of recurrent connectivity versus external inputs should be investigated in more detail in order to ensure the generality of the finding that a recovery of the activity is impossible for the presented rewiring rule without synaptic scaling.

      Overall, the combination of experiments and simulations is a promising approach to investigating network self-organization. The gradual blocking of activity is especially valuable to inform mathematical models and distinguish them from alternatives. Here, the simulation results clearly demonstrate that the experimentally informed rule exhibits qualitatively different dynamics including the need for another homeostatic mechanism. However, a better connection between the simulations and experiment two would be desirable. In particular, it is unclear whether the model would actually reproduce the experiment, to which other experiments the model results relate, and which experimentally testable predictions the model makes.

      In summary, this manuscript makes a valuable contribution to discerning the mathematical shape of a homeostatic structural plasticity model and understanding the necessity of synaptic scaling in the same network. Both experimental and computational methods are solid and well-described. Yet, both parts could be linked better in order to obtain conclusions with more impact and generality.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Lu et al addresses the understudied interplay between structural and functional changes underlying homeostatic plasticity. Using hippocampal organotypic slice cultures allowing chronic imaging of dendritic spines, the authors showed that partial or complete inhibition of AMPA-type glutamate receptors differentially affects spine density, respectively leading to an increase or decrease of spines. Based on that dataset, they built a model where activity-dependent synapse formation is regulated by a biphasic rule and tested it in stimulation- or deprivation-induced homeostatic plasticity. The model matches experimental data (from the authors and the literature) quite well, and provides a framework within which functional and structural changes coexist to regulate firing rate homeostasis.

      While the correlation between changes in AMPAR numbers and in spine number/size has been well characterized during Hebbian plasticity, the situation is much less clear in homeostatic plasticity due to multiple studies yielding diverging results. This manuscript adds new experimental results to the existing data and presents a valuable effort to generate a model that can explain these divergences in a unifying and satisfactory framework.

      The model and its successive implantation steps are well presented along a clear thread. However, it would have benefited from having an actual timeline of structural changes throughout the three days of AMPAR inhibition, especially as their experimental model allows it. This would have provided additional information on spine dynamics (especially transient spines) and on the respective timescale of the structural and functional changes, and thus led to a better-informed model.

      Additionally, the model would have been strengthened by an experimental dataset with homeostatic plasticity induced by higher activity (e.g. with bicuculline). To the best of my knowledge, there is currently no data on structural plasticity following scaling down, and it is also known that scaling up and down are mediated by different molecular pathways. The extension of the model from scaling up (in response to silencing) to scaling down (in response to increased activity) offers an interesting perspective but may be a bit of a stretch.

      Finally, the authors are very specific in their definition and distinction of structural and functional homeostatic plasticity for their model. Structural plasticity is limited to spine density and functional plasticity to synaptic scaling, which allows the authors to discuss the interplay between very distinct "synapse number-based structural plasticity" and "synaptic weight-based synaptic scaling", and appears to bypass the fact that spine size regulates the space available for AMPARs at the synapse and thus synaptic weight. The authors are of course aware of the importance of changes in spine size, as they present some intriguing data showing that spine size is differentially affected by partial or complete inhibition of AMPARs and include the putative role of spine size changes in the discussion. However, spine size does not seem to be taken into account in their network simulations, which present synaptic scaling and structural plasticity as completely distinct processes. While the model still offers interesting insights into the interaction of these processes, it would have benefited from a less stringent distinction; this choice and the reasons behind it should be made more explicit in the manuscript.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript addresses infections of the parasite Taenia solium, which causes neurocysticercosis (NCC). NCC is a common parasitic infection that leads to severe neurological problems. It is a major cause of epilepsy, but little is known about how the infection causes epilepsy. The authors used neuronal recordings, imaging of calcium transients in neurons, and glutamate-sensing fluorescent reporters. A strength of the paper is the use of both rodent and human preparations. The results provide convincing evidence that the larvae secrete glutamate and this depolarizes neurons. Although it is still uncertain exactly how epilepsy is triggered, the results suggest that glutamate release contributes. Therefore, the paper is an important initial step towards understanding how Taenia solium infection leads to epilepsy.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript, the authors explore the mechanism by which Taenia solium larvae may contribute to human epilepsy. This is extremely important question to address because T. solium is a significant cause of epilepsy and is extremely understudied. Advances in determining how T. solium may contribute to epilepsy could have significant impact on this form of epilepsy. Excitingly, the authors convincingly show that Taenia larvae contain and release glutamate sufficient to depolarize neurons and induce recurrent excitation reminiscent of seizures. They use a combination of cutting-edge tools including electrophysiology, calcium and glutamate imaging, and biochemical approaches to demonstrate this important advance. They also show that this occurs in neurons from both mice and humans. This is relevant for pathophysiology of chronic epilepsy development. This study does not rule out other aspects of T. solium that may also contribute to epilepsy, including immunological aspects, but demonstrates a clear potential role for glutamate.


      - The authors examine not only T. solium homogenate, but also excretory/secretory products which suggests glutamate may play a role in multiple aspects of disease progression.<br /> - The authors confirm that the human relevant pathogen also causes neuronal depolarization in human brain tissue<br /> - There is very high clinical relevance. Preventing epileptogenesis/seizures possibly with Glu-R antagonists or by more actively removing glutamate as a second possible treatment approach in addition to/replacing post-infection immune response.<br /> - Effects are consistent across multiple species (rat, mouse, human) and methodological assays (GluSnFR AND current clamp recordings AND Ca imaging)<br /> - High K content (comparable levels to high-K seizure models) of larvae could have also caused depolarization. Adequate experiments to exclude K and other suspected larvae contents (i.e. Substance P).


      - Acute study is limited to studying depolarization in slices and it is unclear what is necessary/sufficient for in vivo seizure generation or epileptogenesis for chronic epilepsy.<br /> - There is likely a significant role of the immune system that is not explored here. This issue is adequately addressed in the discussion, however, and the glutamate data is considered in this context.

      Discuss impact:

      - Interfering with peri-larval glutamate signaling may hold promise to prevent ictogenesis and chronic epileptogenesis as this is a very understudied cause of epilepsy with unknown mechanistic etiology.<br /> Additional context for interpreting significance:<br /> - High medical need as most common adult onset epilepsy in many parts of the world.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Since neurocysticercosis is associated with epilepsy, the authors wish to establish how cestode larvae affect neurons. The underlying hypothesis is that the larvae may directly excite neurons and thus favor seizure genesis.

      To test this hypothesis, the authors collected biological materials from larvae (from either homogenates or excretory/secretory products), and applied them to hippocampal neurons (rats and mice) and human cortical neurons.

      This constitutes a major strength of the paper, providing a direct reading of larvae's biological effects. Another strength is the combination of methods, including patch clamp, Ca, and glutamate imaging.

      There are some weaknesses:

      1) The main one relates to the statement: "Together, these results indicate that T. crassiceps larvae homogenate results not just in a transient depolarization of cells in the immediate vicinity of application, but can also trigger a wave of excitation that propagates through the brain slice in both space and time. This demonstrates that T. crassiceps homogenate can initiate seizure-like activity under suitable conditions."<br /> The only "evidence" of propagation is an image at two time points. It is one experiment, and there is no quantification. Either increase n's and perform a quantification, or remove such a statement.<br /> Likewise, there is no evidence of seizure genesis. A single cell recording is shown. The presence of a seizure-like event should be evaluated with field recordings.

      2) Control puff experiments are lacking for Fig 1. Would puffing ACSF also produce a depolarization, and even firing, as suggested in Fig. 2D? This is needed for at least one species.

      3) What is the rationale to use a Cs-based solution? Even in the presence of TTX and with blocking K channels, the depolarization may be sufficient to activate Ca channels (LVGs), which would further contribute to the depolarization. Why not perform voltage clamp recordings to directly the current?

      4) Why did you use organotypic slices? Since you wish to model adult epilepsy, it would have been more relevant to use fresh slices from adult rats/mice. At least, discuss the caveat of using a network still in development in vitro.

      5) Please include both the number of slices and number of cells recorded in each condition. This is the standard (the number of cells is not enough).

      6) Please provide a table with the basic properties of cells (Rin, Rs, etc.). This is standard to assess the quality of the recordings.

      7) Please provide a table on patient's profile. This is standard when using human material. Were these TLE cases (and "control" cortex) or epileptogenic cortex?

      Globally, the authors achieved their aims. They show convincingly that larvae material can depolarize neurons, with glutamate (and aspartate) as the most likely candidates.<br /> This is important not only because it provides mechanistic insight but also potential therapeutic targets. The result is impactful, as the authors use quasi-naturalistic conditions, to assess what might happen in the human brain. The experimental design is appropriate to address the question. It can be replicated by any interested person.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper has high significance because it addresses a prevalent parasitic infection of the nervous system, Neurocysticercosis (NCC). The infection is caused by larvae of the parasitic cestode Taenia solium It is a leading cause of epilepsy in adults worldwide

      To address the effects of cestode larvae, homogenates and excretory/secretory products of larvae were added to organotypic brain slice cultures of rodents or layer 2/3 of human cortical brain slices from patients with refractory epilepsy.

      A self-made pressure ejection system was used to puff larvae homogenate (20 ms puff) onto the soma of patched neurons. The mechanical force could have caused depolarizaton so a vehicle control is critical. On line 150 they appear to have used saline in this regard, and clarification would be good. Were the controls here (and aCSF elsewhere) done with the low Mg2+o aCSF like the larvae homogenates?

      They found that neurons depolarized after larvae homogenate exposure and the effect was mediated by glutamate but not nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine (nAChRs), acid-sensing channels or substance P. To address nAChRs, they used 10uM mecamyline, and for ASICs 2mM amiloride which seems like a high concentration. Could the concentrations be confirmed for their selectivity? Glutamate receptor antagonists, used in combination, were 10uM CNQX, 50uM DAP5, and 2mM kynurenic acid. These concentrations are twice what most use. Please discuss. Also, it would be very interesting to know if the glutamate receptor is AMPA, Kainic acid, or NMDA. Were metabotropic antagonists ever tested? That would be logical because CNQX/DAPR/Kynurenic acid did not block all of the depolarization.

      They also showed the elevated K+ in the homogenate (~11 mM) could not account for the depolarization. However, the experiment with K+ was not done in a low Mg2+o buffer (Or was it -please clarify). They also confirmed that only small molecules led to the depolarization after filtering out very large molecules. That supports the conclusion that glutamate - which is quite small - could be responsible.

      It is logical to test substance P because the Intro points out prior work links the larvae and seizures by inflammation and implicates substance P. However, why focus on nAChRs and ASIC?

      The depolarizations caused seizure-like events in slices. The slices were exposed to a proconvulant buffer though- low Mg2+o. This buffer can cause spontaneous seizure-like events so it is important to know what the buffer did alone.

      They suggest the effects could underlie seizure generation in NCC. However, there is only one event that is seizure-like in the paper and it is just an inset. Were others similar? How frequency were they? How long?

      Using Glutamate-sensing fluorescent reporters they found the larvae contain glutamate and can release it, a strength of the paper.

      Fig. 4. Could an inset be added to show the effects are very fast? That would support an effect of glutamate.

      Why is aspartate relatively weak and glutamate relatively effective as an agonist?

      Could some of the variability in Fig 4G be due to choice of different cell types? That would be consistent with Fig 5B where only a fraction of cells in the culture showed a response to the larvae nearby.

      On what basis was the ROI drawn in Fig. 5B.

      Also in 5B, I don't see anything in the transmitted image. What should be seen exactly?

      Human brain slices were from temporal cortex of patients with refractory epilepsy. Was the temporal cortex devoid of pathology and EEG abnormalities? This area may be quite involved in the epilepsy because refractory epilepsy that goes to surgery is often temporal lobe epilepsy. Please discuss the liitations of studying the temporal cortex of humans with epilepsy since it may be more susceptible to depolarizations of many kinds, not just larvae.

      Please discuss the limitations of the cultures - they are from very young animals and cultured for 6-14 days.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes an interesting experiment in which an animal had to judge a duration of an interval and press one of two levers depending on the duration. The Authors recorded activity of neurons in key areas of the basal ganglia (SNr and striatum), and noticed that they can be divided into 4 types.

      The data presented in the manuscript is very rich and interesting, however, I am not convinced by the interpretation of these data proposed in the paper. The Authors focus on neurons of types 1 & 2 and propose that their difference encodes the choice the animal makes. However, I would like to offer an alternative interpretation of the data. Looking at the description of task and animal movements seen in Figure 1, it seems to me that there are 4 main "actions" the animals may do in the task: press right lever, press left lever, move left, and move right. It seems to me that the 4 neurons authors observed may correspond to these actions, i.e. Figure 1 shows that Type 1 neurons decrease when right level becomes more likely to be correct, so their decrease may correspond to preparation of pressing right lever - they may be releasing this action from inhibition (analogously Type 2 neurons may be related to pressing left lever). Furthermore, comparing animal movements and timing of activity of neurons of type 3 and 4, it seems to me that type 3 neurons decrease when the animal moves left, while type 4 when the animal moves right.

      I suggest Authors analyse if this interpretation is valid, and if so, revise the interpretation in the paper and the model accordingly.

      We thank the reviewer for the general appreciation of the study. Regarding to the interpretation of each SNr subtypes, we have compared firing activities of the same SNr neurons in both standard 2-8 s task and reversed 2-8 s task (Figure 2G-R, Figure S4). Type 1 and Type 2 neurons are related to right and left choices respectively in the standard task (Figure 2G, M, N), and this is even more evident in the reversed 2-8 s task (Figure 2J), because when the movement trajectories of the same mice in 8-s trials were reversed from left-then-right in the control task (Figure 2I) to right-then-left in the reversed task (Figure 2L), the Type 1 SNr neurons which showed monotonic decreasing dynamics in the control 2-8 s task (Figure 2M) reversed their neuronal dynamics to a monotonic increase in the reversed 2-8 s task (Figure 2P). The same reversal of neuronal dynamics was also observed in Type 2 SNr neurons in the reversed version of standard task (Figure 2N vs Figure 2Q). Therefore, Type 1 and Type 2 neurons are related to the action selection. Furthermore, Type 3 and Type 4 SNr neurons exhibiting transient change when mice switching either from left to right, or from left to right maintained the same neuronal dynamics in both standard 2-8 s task and reversed 2-8 s task (Figure S4C-F), indicating that Type 3 and Type 4 neurons are related to the switch between choices but not the specific upcoming choice to be made.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Suggest to clarify if SNr neurons recorded just from a single hemisphere or bilaterally.

      We have described the recording hemisphere in our Methods (page 46, lines 974-976) as follows “For striatum recording, we implanted 11 mice in the left hemisphere and 8 mice in the right hemisphere. For the SNr recording, we implanted 5 mice in the left hemisphere and 4 mice in the right hemisphere.”

      Suggest to analyse if type 1/2/3/4 neurons are preferrably located in hemispheres contra/ipsi lateral to a particular lever or movement.

      We have addressed this issue in Figure S3 and Figure S6. In fact, we have implanted electrodes in both left and right hemispheres with mirror M-L coordinates. For striatum recording, we implanted 11 mice in the left hemisphere and 8 mice in the right hemisphere. For the SNr recording, we implanted 5 mice in the left hemisphere and 4 mice in the right hemisphere. We have analyzed the striatal and SNr neuronal activity in left vs. right hemisphere respectively, in relation to action selection. We found that SNr neurons recorded in either left or right hemisphere exhibited the same four types of neural dynamics with similar proportions (Fig. S3). Specially, the Type 1 neurons are dominant in both hemispheres. Similar in striatum, SPNs from left and right hemispheres showed the same four types of neural dynamics with similar proportions (Fig. S6). Therefore, there is no significant difference between hemispheres regarding to the proportion of neuron subtypes.

      Suggest to investigate if type 1/2 neurons are involved in preparation for lever press, please investigate if these neurons are also changing their activity during the lever press.

      In Figure S1L, we have showed the neuronal activities of example Type 1 and Type 2 SNr neurons to rewarded and non-rewarded lever presses. Type 1 SNr neuron shows higher firing activities when pressing the left lever than pressing the right lever, whereas Type 2 SNr neuron shows higher firing activities when pressing the right lever than pressing the left lever, indicating that Type 1 and Type 2 neurons firing activities are action choice dependent.

      Suggest investigating if Type 3/4 neurons are controlling movement from one location to another, please analyse if their activity is correlated with the movement on trial by trial bases.

      In Figure S2C-D, we showed firing activities of example Type 3 and Type 4 neurons on trial-by-trial bases. Type 3 neuron showed increased firing activities between 3-4 s during the 8s lever retraction period when the animal switched from left side to right side, whereas Type 4 neuron showed decreased firing activities between 3-4 s during as the animal switching from left to right. We further showed in Figure S4C-F, Type 3 and Type 4 neurons Type 3 and Type 4 neurons are related to the switch between choices but not the specific upcoming choice to be made.

      Suggest also performing analogous analyses for striatal neurons.

      We showed 4 types of SPNs on the on trial-by-trial bases as follows. Due to the limitation of the number of figures, these data were not included in the manuscript. We have now included these results in Fig. S2(E-H).

      Typo: l. 68: "can bidirectionally regulates" -> "can bidirectionally regulate"

      Thanks, we have now corrected the typos.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this valuable manuscript Li & Jin record from the substantial nigra and dorsal striatum to identify subpopulations of neurons with activity that reflects different dynamics during action selection, and then use optogenetics in transgenic mice to selectively inhibit or excite D1- and D2- expressing spiny projection neurons in the striatum, demonstrating a causal role for each in action selection in an opposing manner. They argue that their findings cannot be explained by current models and propose a new 'triple control' model instead, with one direct and two indirect pathways. These findings will be of broad interest to neuroscientists, but lacks some direct evidence for the proposal of the new model.

      Overall there are many strengths to this manuscript including the fact that the empirical data in this manuscript is thorough and the experiments are well-designed. The model is well thought through, but I do have some remaining questions and issues with it.


      1) The nature of 'action selection' as described in this manuscript is a bit ambiguous and implies a level of cognition or choice which I'm not sure is there. It's not integral to the understanding of the paper really, but I would have liked to know whether the actions are under goal-directed/habitual or even Pavlovian control. This is not really possible to differentiate with this task as there are a number of Pavlovian cues (e.g. lever retraction interval, house light offset) that could be used to guide behavior.

      Sorry for the confusion of task description in the manuscript. We appreciate reviewer’s deep understanding about the complexity of the 2-8 s task we designed. Indeed, the 2-8 s task can’t be simply categorized as goal-directed/habitual or Pavlovian task. There are several behavioral aspects in this task. Lever retraction is served as a Pavlovian cue for mice to start performing the left-then-right sequential movement, but once levers are retracted, there is no cue available to mice during the lever retraction period, and mice have to make a decision to switch choice solely based on its internal estimation of the passage of time, which is considered as a cognitive process. The house light stays on for the entire training session (2 – 3 hours), and will be turned off when the task is done, so house light will not be used as a guidance for choice behavior. The behavior and neural activities during the lever retraction period is our main focus in this manuscript. The main advantage of such task design is that the animal is engaged in a self-determined, dynamic switch of action selection process, which offers a unique opportunity for investigating the role of various neuronal populations in the basal ganglia pathways during action selection.

      2) In a similar manner, the part of the striatum that is being targeted (e.g. Figures 4E,I, and N) is dorsal, but is central with regards to the mediolateral extent. We know that the function of different striatal compartments is highly heterogeneous with regards to action selection (e.g. PMID: 16045504, 16153716, 11312310) so it would have been nice to have some data showing how specific these findings are to this particular part of dorsal striatum.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this point. We are targeting dorsal-central part of striatum. In Figure S5G-L, we showed the specific location we targeted in striatum. Also as specified in Methods (lines 965-970), the craniotomies for electrode implantation were made at the following coordinates: 0.5 mm rostral to bregma and 1.5 mm laterally, and ~ 2.2 mm from the surface of the brain for dorsal striatum. For the virus injection and optic fiber implantation (lines 997-998), the craniotomies was made bilaterally at 0.5 mm rostral to bregma, 2 mm laterally and ~ 2.2 mm from the surface of the brain.

      3) I'm not sure how I feel about the diagrams in Figure 4S. In particular, the co-activation model is shown with D2-SPNs represented as a + sign (which is described as "having a facilitatory effect to selection" in the caption), but the co-activation model still suggests that D2-SPNs are largely inhibitory - just of competing actions rather than directly inhibiting actions. Moreover, I am not sure about these diagrams because they appear to show that D2-SPNs far outnumbers D1-SPNs and we know that this isn't the case. I realize the diagrams are not proportionate, but it still looks a bit misrepresented to me.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comments about the diagram. We borrowed and extended the “center-surround” layout from the receptive field of neurons in the early visual system, as an intuitive analogy in describing the functional interaction among striatal pathways (also see Mink 2003 Archives of Neurology). In the co-activation model, if D2-SPNs inhibit the competing action, then the target action will be more likely to be selected due to the reduced competition, which means D2-SPNs actually facilitate the target action in an indirect way. And this is why we define the effect of D2-SPNs in the co-activation model as facilitatory. The area of each region does not represent the amount of cells but mainly qualitative functional role. To make it clearer, we have now added more explanation in the manuscript (page 17, lines 338-341).

      4). There are a number of grammatical and syntax errors that made the manuscript difficult to understand in places.

      We have now gone through the text carefully and corrected the typos.

      5) I wondered if the authors had read PMID: 32001651 and 33215609 which propose a quite different interpretation of direct/indirect pathway neurons in striatum in action selection. I wonder if the authors considered how their findings might fit within this framework.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comments and suggestion. Miriam Matamales et al. (2020, PMID: 32001651) found that dynamic D2- to D1-SPNs transmodulation across the striatum that is necessary for updating previously learned behavior, which highlights the importance of collateral modulations between D1- and D2-SPNs as an additional layer of behavior control besides the classic direct and indirect pathways. This finding is compatible with our “Triple control” model emphasizing the influence of collateral modulations within striatum on behavior choice. James Peak et al. (2020, PMID: 33215609) demonstrated that D2-SPNs are critical to maintain the flexibility of behavior, which is reflected in our “Triple-control” model that activation of D2-SPNs could trigger the behavioral switch from the current action to another action. Although the two studies mentioned above mainly investigate the roles of striatal D1- and D2-SPNs in action learning and behavioral strategies, their functions in general fit within our new ‘Triple-control’ model of basal ganglia pathways for action selection.

      6) There is no direct evidence of two indirect pathways, although perhaps this is beyond the scope of the current manuscript and is a prediction for future studies to test.

      As accumulating RNA-seq and physiological data implying the heterogeneity of D2-SPNs, the further investigation of the subtypes of D1- and D2-SPNs and their functionality are likely a direction the field will continue to explore. On the other hand, we have discussed other possible anatomical circuits within basal ganglia circuitry that could fulfill the functional role of a third pathway in our new ‘Triple-control’ model, together with or independent of the second indirect pathway (page 32-33, lines 689-700). We certainly hope that our new model will inspire future work to identify and dissect the additional functional pathways in the basal ganglia circuits for action control.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Suggestions for authors:

      1) Consider how specific to the dorso-central striatum these findings are, possibly in the discussion.

      We have specified in the Discussion that the study is targeting dorsal-central part of striatum (page 29, lines 609-612).

      2) Modify the diagrams in 4S to make them more representative of the model's features.

      We have responded this comment above.

      3) Consider whether the findings here might fit within the role for direct pathway in excitatory action-outcome learning and the indirect pathway in response flexibility more generally.

      The current study is mainly focus on selection and execution of actions. It will definitely be important to continue exploring the functionality of direct vs. indirect pathways in the action learning process.

      4) Correct typos and grammatical errors including (but not limited to):

      a) Line 62-64 - explain why this is controversial? Is it because we don't know which one applies?

      In the “Go/No-go” model, indirect pathway inhibits the desired action and function as gain modulation, while in the “Co-activation” model, indirect pathway inhibits the competing action and in turn facilitates the desired action in an indirect manner, therefore these two existing models disagree with each other on the explanation the function of indirect pathway in its targeting action and the net outcome of behavior.

      b) Line 68 - Regulates should be regulate.

      This has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      c) Line 86 - should read "there are neuronal populations in either the direct or indirect pathway that are activated..."

      This has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      d) Line 146-147 - "these types of neuronal dynamics in Snr only appeared in the correct but not incorrect trials" - It seems the authors are suggesting this only for Types 1 and 2 neurons, but this confused me the first time I read it and I suggest it is made clearer.

      Line 146-147 now reads “These four types of neuronal dynamics in SNr only appeared…”

      e) Line 346 - significant should be significantly.

      This has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      f) Line 360 "contrast" should be "contrasting".

      This has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

    2. eLife assessment

      In this valuable manuscript Li & Jin record from the substantial nigra and dorsal striatum to identify subpopulations of neurons with activity that reflects different dynamics during action selection, and then use optogenetics in transgenic mice to selectively inhibit or excite D1- and D2- expressing spiny projection neurons in the striatum, demonstrating a causal role for each in action selection in an opposing manner. They provide solid evidence for the argument that their findings cannot be explained by current models and propose a new 'triple control' model instead, with one direct and two indirect pathways, although direct evidence for a second indirect pathway is still lacking. These findings will be of broad interest to neuroscientists across multiple subfields.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes an interesting experiment in which an animal had to judge a duration of an interval and press one of two levers depending on the duration. The Authors recorded activity of neurons in key areas of the basal ganglia (SNr and striatum), and noticed that they can be divided into 4 types.

      I would like to thank the Authors for performing the analyses I suggested in my previous review - I found their results very interesting and surprising. This is a very interesting and impressive paper.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this valuable manuscript Li & Jin record from the substantial nigra and dorsal striatum to identify subpopulations of neurons with activity that reflects different dynamics during action selection, and then use optogenetics in transgenic mice to selectively inhibit or excite D1- and D2- expressing spiny projection neurons in the striatum, demonstrating a causal role for each in action selection in an opposing manner. They argue that their findings cannot be explained by current models and propose a new 'triple control' model instead, with one direct and two indirect pathways. These findings will be of broad interest to neuroscientists, but lacks some direct evidence for the proposal of the new model.

      Overall there are many strengths to this manuscript including the fact that the empirical data in this manuscript is thorough and the experiments are well-designed.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their positive remarks. We have addressed the reviewers’ recommendations in the point-by-point response below to improve our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The authors carry out their HDX-MS work on Prestin (and SLC26A9) solubilized in glycol-diosgenin. The authors should carefully rationalize their choice of detergent and discuss how their key findings are also pertinent to the native state of Prestin when residing in an actual phospholipid bilayer. More native membrane mimetic models are available, for instance, nano-discs etc. While I am not insisting that the authors have to repeat their measurements in a more native membrane system, it would be a very nice control experiment, and in any case, a detailed discussion of the limitations of the approach taken and possible caveats should be included - possibly with additional references to other studies.

      Response: We have added a paragraph rationalizing the choice of detergent in lines 174-176. We have also added requested HDX data comparing prestin reconstituted in nanodisc to prestin solubilized in micelle (Fig 5). The HDX for prestin under these two membrane mimetics were indistinguishable, including the anion-binding site, suggesting that our major findings are likely pertinent to prestin residing in a lipid bilayer. The only major HDX difference we observed was that a lipid-facing helix TM6 is more dynamic for prestin in nanodisc compared to in micelles. In our previous structural studies, we identified TM6 as the “eletromotile elbow” that is important for prestin’s mechanical expansion (Bavi et al., Nature, 2021). We are currently conducting a more thorough investigation to understand the role of TM6 in prestin’s electromotility.

      1. As far as I understand, the HEPES state represents the apo-state and thus assumes that HEPES does not bind to Prestin - the authors should support this assumption or include a discussion of the possible effect of HEPES on Prestin. Also, the HEPES state has fewer time-points - this should also be discussed.

      Response: We have included a discussion of the possible effects of HEPES in lines 331-345. In fact, in an attempt to support our assumption that HEPES does not bind to prestin, we set out to determine the structure of prestin in the HEPES-based buffer using single particle cryo-EM. However, we did not find evidence that HEPES binds to prestin. Details are discussed in lines 331-345 and Supporting Information Text 3.

      We employed a denser sampling of HDX labeling times for prestin in Cl- because it is critical for fitting and ∆G calculation. The earlier time points are used mainly to evaluate the dynamics of the less stable cytosolic domain. Since the cytosolic domain does not directly participate in prestin’s voltage-sensing mechanism and electromotility, we only measured the HEPES states with longer time points which mainly probe the dynamics of the transmembrane domain.

      1. Overall, the HDX-MS data provided and the statistical analysis done is in my view sufficiently detailed and well done - the authors are advised to make reference to and include a HDX Summary table and HDX Data Table according to the HDX-MS community-guidelines (Masson et al. Nature Methods 2019).

      Response: An HDX summary table was provided in Table S1 and referred in lines 81 and 388. We have included a reference to Masson et al., Nature Methods, 2019, in line 389.

      1. Figure 5 - I like the detailed analysis of the helix folding - but in my experience, one can provide a great fit of many HDX curves to a 4 -term exponential function - I think the authors would need more time-points to provide a more convincing case. But it does provide a compelling theory - even if the data strictly does not prove it. The authors should discuss this in more detail - including limitations etc.

      Response: We presented a statistical analysis describing the accuracy of the fitting in Fig 6A. We acknowledge that the values of the exponentials may not be precisely determined, but the fundamental result is robust – TM3 exchanges through fraying from the N-terminal end of the helix while TM6 exchanges much more cooperatively. Collecting additional time points may reduce the error on the rates but would not contribute to additional mechanistic insights.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. I suggest toning down more speculative/ hypothetical aspects. Specifically, I believe that the following sentence should not be in the abstract in its present form: "This event shortens the TM3-TM10 electrostatic gap, thereby connecting the two helices such that TM3-anion-TM10 is pushed upwards by forces from the electric field, resulting in reduced cross-sectional area."

      Response: The sentence has been rephrased.

      1. The "nuance" between helix fraying and helix unfolding is an important aspect of the author's hypothesis but this should be explained better. In that regard, have the authors performed HDX-MS analysis of the mutant P136T? That would nicely support their claim regarding the importance of helix fraying as being foundational to allow electromotility.

      Response: More explanation for helix fraying and unfolding has been provided in the main text. We have not performed HDX-MS analysis of the mutant P136T. However, we performed molecular dynamics simulations using Upside, and consistently, showed that a P136T mutation in prestin results in a highly stabilized TM3 (Fig. S4B).

      1. Why do measurements at two pDs? Did the authors observe any differences?

      Response: The purpose of two pDs is to increase the effective dynamic range of the HDX measurement by two orders of magnitude because the intrinsic exchange rate scales with pD & Temp. This allows us to determine the stability of both the highly and minimally stable regions within the protein. We have rephrased lines 83-87 to better rationalize this choice of pDs. With the time points performed in this study, we did not observe noticeable differences for HDX performed under the two pDs when corrected for the changes in the intrinsic rates (Fig. S7A).

      1. I can't help but wonder what is the interest in doing HDX-MS measurements after 27h of incubation. Membrane proteins are known for their instability once purified and a few odd HDX profiles at that specific timepoint (especially in the 80-100 residues area) make one question whether local unfolding preceding aggregation could happen. This actually weakens the author's claims about cooperative unfolding and localized and directional helix fraying. Could they provide some evidence (CD, thermostability measurements such as trp fluorescence quenching, or SEC analysis) that the prestin is still folded after 27h in GDN.

      Response: We appreciate reviewer’s comments on membrane proteins can be unstable once purified. In our system, we did not observe evidence of unfolding or aggregation caused by long-term incubation after purification. This is mostly supported by the fact that our HDX reactions were initiated and injected to MS in random order, yet are still highly reproducible among biological and technical replicates. A specific example included HDX on freshly purified SLC26A9 gave the same deuteration levels as SLC26A9 purified in GDN after 4 days. For prestin, although we don’t have direct comparison between fresh samples and old samples (24-27h post-purification) due to the lack of samples, 30s HDX in SO42- performed 24h post-purification gave a %D that fell between 10s and 90s of labeling done on fresh sample. Additionally, HDX on prestin in Cl- performed on freshly purified sample gave the sample %D as prestin in the presence of 1M urea labeled after 24~48h of purification, suggesting that prestin is relatively resistant to aggregation at least within 48h after purification even in the presence of 1 M urea (data not shown).

      Furthermore, the HDX for prestin in nanodisc are essentially identical to prestin in micelles except for a functionally important helix (TM6), suggesting minimal aggregation or misfolding.

      We think the “a few odd HDX profiles” at 27h time points for residues 80-100 are caused by two reasons. Firstly, TM1 unfolds cooperatively and its stability in HEPES falls within the detection range when long labeling time points were employed (within one log unit of 27h). Secondly, we observed two non-interconverting and structurally distinct populations for TM1 (Supporting Information Text 1 & Fig. S8), and in long labeling times, the two isotope distributions merge and sometimes can skew the %D calculations. Nevertheless, the HDX differences we observed comparing across conditions are clear and such %D calculation skewing, if present, should be minimal and does not change our main conclusions.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work describes the mechanism of protein disaggregation by the ClpL AAA+ protein of Listeria monocytogenes. Using several model substrate proteins the authors first show that ClpL possesses a robust disaggregase activity that does not further require the endogenous DnaK chaperone in vitro. In addition, they found that ClpL is more thermostable than the endogenous L. monocytogenes DnaK and has the capacity to unfold tightly folded protein domains. The mechanistic basis for the robust disaggregase activity of ClpL was also dissected in vitro and in some cases, supported by in vivo data performed in chaperone-deficient E. coli strains. The data presented show that the two AAA domains, the pore-2 site and the N-terminal domain (NTD) of ClpL are critical for its disaggregase activity. Remarkably, grafting the NTD of ClpL to ClpB converted ClpB into an autonomous disaggregase, highlighting the importance of such a domain in the DnaK-independent disaggregation of proteins. The role of the ClpL NTD domain was further dissected, identifying key residues and positions necessary for aggregate recognition and disaggregation. Finally, using sets of SEC and negative staining EM experiments combined with conditional covalent linkages and disaggregation assays the authors found that ClpL shows significant structural plasticity, forming dynamic hexameric and heptameric active single rings that can further form higher assembly states via their middle domains.


      The manuscript is well-written and the experimental work is well executed. It contains a robust and complete set of in vitro data that push further our knowledge of such important disaggregases. It shows the importance of the atypical ClpL N-terminal domain in the disaggregation process as well as the structural malleability of such AAA+ proteins. More generally, this work expands our knowledge of heat resistance in bacterial pathogens.


      There is no specific weakness in this work, although it would have helped to have a drawing model showing how ClpL performs protein disaggregation based on their new findings. The function of the higher assembly states of ClpL remains unresolved and will need further extensive research. Similarly, it will be interesting in the future to see whether the sole function of the plasmid-encoded ClpL is to cope with general protein aggregates under heat stress.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation. We agree with the reviewer that it will be important to test whether ClpL can bind to and process non-aggregated protein substrates. Our preliminary analysis suggests that the disaggregation activity of ClpL is most relevant in vivo, pointing to protein aggregates as main target.

      We also agree that the role of dimers or tetramers of ClpL rings needs to be further explored. Our initial analysis suggests a function of ring dimers as a resting state. It will now be important to study the dynamics of ClpL assembly formation and test whether substrate presence shifts ClpL assemblies towards an active, single ring state.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Bohl et al. is an interesting and carefully done study on the biochemical properties and mode of action of potent autonomous AAA+ disaggregase ClpL from Listeria monocytogenes. ClpL is encoded on plasmids. It shows high thermal stability and provides Listeria monocytogenes food-pathogen substantial increase in resistance to heat. The authors show that ClpL interacts with aggregated proteins through the aromatic residues present in its N-terminal domain and subsequently unfolds proteins from aggregates translocating polypeptide chains through the central pore in its oligomeric ring structure. The structure of ClpL oligomers was also investigated in the manuscript. The results suggest that mono-ring structure and not dimer or trimer of rings, observed in addition to mono-ring structures under EM, is an active species of disaggregase.

      Presented experiments are conclusive and well-controlled. Several mutants were created to analyze the importance of a particular ClpL domain.

      The study's strength lies in the direct comparison of ClpL biochemical properties with autonomous ClpG disaggregase present in selected Gram-negative bacteria and well-studied E. coli system consisting of ClpB disaggregase and DnaK and its cochaperones. This puts the obtained results in a broader context.

      We thank the reviewer for the detailed comments. There are no specific weaknesses indicated in the public review.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript details the characterization of ClpL from L. monocytogenes as a potent and autonomous AAA+ disaggregase. The authors demonstrate that ClpL has potent and DnaK-independent disaggregase activity towards a variety of aggregated model substrates and that this disaggregase activity appears to be greater than that observed with the canonical DnaK/ClpB co-chaperone. Furthermore, Lm ClpL appears to have greater thermostability as compared to Lm DnaK, suggesting that ClpL-expressing cells may be able to withstand more severe heat stress conditions. Interestingly, Lm ClpP can provide thermotolerance to E. coli that have been genetically depleted of either ClpB or in cells expressing a mutant DnaK103. The authors further characterized the mechanisms by which ClpL interacts with protein aggregates, identifying that the N-terminal domain of ClpL is essential for disaggregase function. Lastly, by EM and mutagenesis analysis, the authors report that ClpL can exist in a variety of larger macromolecular complexes, including dimer or trimers of hexamers/heptamers, and they provide evidence that the N-terminal domains of ClpL prevent dimer ring formation, thus promoting an active and substrate-binding ClpL complex. Throughout this manuscript the authors compare Lm ClpL to ClpG, another potent and autonomous disaggregase found in gram-negative bacteria that have been reported on previously, demonstrating that these two enzymes share homologous activity and qualities. Taken together this report clearly establishes ClpL as a novel and autonomous disaggregase.


      The work presented in this report amounts to a significant body of novel and significant work that will be of interest to the protein chaperone community. Furthermore, by providing examples of how ClpL can provide in vivo thermotolerance to both E. coli and L. gasseri the authors have expanded the significance of this work and provided novel insight into potential mechanisms responsible for thermotolerance in food-borne pathogens.


      The figures are clearly depicted and easy to understand, though some of the axis labeling is a bit misleading or confusing and may warrant revision. While I do feel that the results and discussion as presented support the authors' hypothesis and overall goal of demonstrating ClpL as a novel disaggregase, interpretation of the data is hindered as no statistical tests are provided throughout the manuscript. Because of this only qualitative analysis can be made, and as such many of the concluding statements involving pairwise comparisons need to be revisited or quantitative data with stats needs to be provided. The addition of statistical analysis is critical and should not be difficult, nor do I anticipate that it will change the conclusions of this report.

      We thank the reviewer for the valid criticism. We addressed the major concern of the reviewer and added the requested statistical analysis to all relevant figures. The analysis confirms our conclusions. We also followed the advice of the reviewer and revised axis labeling to increase clarity.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Bohl et al. is an interesting and carefully done study on the biochemical properties and mode of action of potent autonomous AAA+ disaggregase ClpL from Listeria monocytogenes. ClpL is encoded on plasmids. It shows high thermal stability and provides Listeria monocytogenes food-pathogen substantial increase in resistance to heat. The authors show that ClpL interacts with aggregated proteins through the aromatic residues present in its N-terminal domain and subsequently unfolds proteins from aggregates translocating polypeptide chains through the central pore in its oligomeric ring structure. The structure of ClpL oligomers was also investigated in the manuscript. The results suggest that mono-ring structure and not dimer or trimer of rings, observed in addition to mono-ring structures under EM, is an active species of disaggregase.

      Presented experiments are conclusive and well-controlled. Several mutants were created to analyze the importance of a particular ClpL domain.

      The study's strength lies in the direct comparison of ClpL biochemical properties with autonomous ClpG disaggregase present in selected Gram-negative bacteria and well-studied E. coli system consisting of ClpB disaggregase and DnaK and its cochaperones. This puts the obtained results in a broader context.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Anderson, Henikoff, Ahmad et al. performed a series of genomics assays to study Drosophila spermatogenesis. Their main approaches include (1) Using two different genetic mutants that arrest male germ cell differentiation at distinct stages, bam and aly mutant, they performed CUT&TAG using H3K4me2, a histone modification for active promoters and enhancers; (2) Using FACS sorted pure spermatocytes, they performed CUT&TAG using antibodies against RNA PolII phosphorylated Ser 2, H4K16ac, H3K9me2, H3K27me3, and ubH2AK118. They also compare these chromatin profiling results with the published single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq data. Their analyses are across the genome but the major conclusions are about the chromatin features of the sex chromosomes. For example, the X chromosome is lack of dosage compensation as well as inactivation in spermatocytes, while Y chromosome is activated but enriched with ubH2A in spermatocytes. Overall, this work provides high-quality epigenome data in testes and in purified germ cells. The analyses are very informative to understand and appreciate the dramatic chromatin structure change during spermatogenesis in Drosophila. Some new analyses and a few new experiments are suggested here, which hopefully further take advantage of these data sets and make some results more conclusive.

      Major comments: 1. The step-wise accumulation of H3K4me2 in bam, aly and wt testes are interesting. Is it possible to analyse the cis-acting sequences of different groups of genes with distinct H3K4me2 features, in order to examine whether there is any shared motif(s), suggesting common trans-factors that potentially set up the chromatin state for activating gene expression in a sequential manner?

      While the histone H3K4me2 mark is low and more widespread at genes active in late spermatocytes and in spermatids (shown in Figure 2C and some examples in Figure 1C-D), we suggest that this may be due to a general decrease in the importance of this modification in late spermatogenesis rather than a specific feature of those genes. We point this out in lines 146-152. This idea is supported by the widespread change in RNAPII distribution in all genes in the germline, shown in Figure 3F and supplementary Figure 2.

      1. Pg. 4, line 141-142: "we cannot measure H3K4me2 modification at the bam promoter in bam mutant testes or at the aly promoter in aly mutant testes", what are the allelic features of the bam mutant and aly mutant? Are the molecular features of these mutations preventing the detection of H3K4me2 at the endogenous genes' promoters? Also, the references cited (Chen et al., 2011) and (Laktionov et al., 2018) are not the original research papers where these two mutants were characterized.

      We have corrected these citations to the original papers. We clarified in the text that the bamΔ86 allele is a deletion of almost all of the coding sequence (reported in Bopp, D., Horabin, J.I., Lersch, R.A., Cline, T.W., Schedl, P. (1993). Expression of the Sex-lethal gene is controlled at multiple levels during Drosophila oogenesis. Development 118(3): 797--812.). The aly1 allele is also a P element-induced mutation; it is not molecularly characterized (it was first described here: Lin, T.Y., Viswanathan, S., Wood, C., Wilson, P.G., Wolf, N., Fuller, M.T. (1996). Coordinate developmental control of the meiotic cell cycle and spermatid differentiation in Drosophila males. Development 122(4): 1331--1341.) We noticed a lack of reads for various histone modifications in aly mutants in part of the gene, suggesting that the deletion is limited to the promoter and the first exon. Signal for the H3K4me2 modification is at background levels for the distal portion of aly, suggesting that the deletion inactivates the gene.

      1. The original paper that reported the Pc-GFP line and its localization is: Chromosoma 108, 83 (1999).

      We are citing the first published description of this marker in the male germline (lines 291-293).

      The Pc-GFP is ubiquitously expressed and almost present in all cell types. In Figure 6B, there is no Pc-GFP signals in bam and aly mutant cells.

      We apologize, our labeling of the figure was easily overlooked - the bam and aly genotypes do not carry the PcGFP marker, since we didn’t need it for staging the germline nuclei. We have clarified this in the figure.

      According to the Method "one testis was dissected", does it mean that only one testis was prepared for immunostaining and imaging? If so, definitely more samples should be used for a more confident conclusion.

      We corrected the text to make it clear that all cytological examinations were repeated at least times (lines 438-439).

      Also, why use 3rd instar larval testes instead of adult testes?

      Generally, we find that immunostaining of the larval testes is cleaner, and we now mention this in the Methods (lines 439-440). We have immunostained both larval and adult testes for these markers with consistent results.

      Finally, it is better to compare fixed tissue and live tissue, as the Pc-GFP signal could be lost during fixation and washing steps. Please refer to the above paper [Chromosoma 108, 83 (1999)] for Pc-GFP in spermatogonial cells and Development 138, 2441-2450 (2011) for Pc-GFP localization in aly mutant.

      We are using PcGFP staining for staging with antibody detection of other chromatin features, which requires fixed material, although we have compared PcGFP signal in both live and fixed tissue. We have added the 1999 reference for nuclear staging in the male germline.

      1. Ubiquitinylation of histone H2A is typically associated with gene silencing, here it has been hypothesized that ubH2A contributes to the activation of Y chromosome. This conclusion is strenuous, as it entirely depends on correlative results.

      We agree that this is a correlation. We cite in the text examples where uH2A is associated with gene activation. We have added a comment to clarify that this is a correlation (lines 318-320), and now present an alternative that uH2A on the Y chromosome may be moderating expression from these highly active genes (lines 405-407).

      For example, the lack of co-localization of ubH2A immunostaining and Pc-GFP are not convincing evidence that ubH2A is not resulting from PRC1 dRing activity. It would be a lot stronger conclusion by using genetic tools to show this. For example, if dRing is knocked down (using RNAi driven by a late-stage germline driver such as bam-Gal4) or mutated in spermatocytes (using mitotic clonal analysis), would they detect changes of ubH2A levels?

      We have tested multiple constructs to knockdown dRING using the bam-GAL4 driver although we have not reported it in the manuscript. These knockdowns have no effect on uH2A staining in the testis, on motile sperm production, or on male fertility, although these RNAi constructs do produce Polycomb phenotypes when expressed in somatic cells from an en-GAL4 driver. This is the reason why we point out in the text that there are multiple alternative candidates for an H2A ubiquitin ligase in the Drosophila genome and that in other species RING1 is not responsible for sex body uH2A in the male germline (lines 394-396).

      1. Regarding "X chromosome of males is thought to be upregulated in early germline cells", it has been shown that male-biased genes are deprived on the X chromosome [Science 299:697-700 (2003); Genome Biol 5:R40 (2004); Nature 450:238-241 (2007)], so are the differentiation genes of spermatogenesis [Cell Research 20:763-783 (2010)]. It would be informative to discuss the X chromatin features identified in this work with these previous findings.

      We now mention that the Drosophila X chromosome is moderately depleted of male germline-expressed genes (lines 362-363).

      For example, the lack of RNAPII on X chromosome in spermatocytes could be due to a few differentiation genes expressed in spermatocytes located on the X chromosome.

      We show in Figure 3B that there is a minor non-significant reduction in RNAPII on the X chromosome in spermatocytes. This small reduction might be due to the moderate paucity of male germline-expressed genes on this chromosome, but since it is non-significant we have not discussed it.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Anderson et al profiled chromatin features, including active chromatin marks, RNA polymerase II distribution, and histone modifications in the sex chromosomes of spermatogenic cells in Drosophila. The results are new and the experiments and analyses look well done, including with appropriate numbers of replicates. Results were parsed by comparing them among two arrest mutants and wildtype, as well as in FACS-sorted spermatocytes. The authors also profiled larval wing discs to serve as reference-somatic cells, which allowed them to focus only on features in their testis data that were associated with germ cells. Their results were further refined by categorizing the genes of interest based on available single nucleus RNA seq expression profiles. The authors document interesting phenomena, such as differences in the distribution of RNAPIIS2p on some genes in germ cells vs somatic cells, the presence of a uH2A body beginning in early spermatocytes, and high levels of uH2A on the Y chromosome and little or none on the X. The former is intriguing because this modification is usually associated with silencing, yet the Y chromosome is active in spermatogenic cells. The authors interpret some of their data as implying a lack of dosage compensation of the X chromosome in spermatocytes.

      The data are believable and new, but it is not fully clear how to interpret them. The paper's interpretations rely on subtractive logic to parse results from mixtures of cells down to cell type, extracting spermatogonia, spermatocyte, etc. features by comparing bam mutants (only spermatogonia) to aly mutants (spermatogonia and early spermatocytes but no later stages) to wildtype (all spermatogenic stages), and extracting testis germline data by comparison to wing disc soma; their FACS sorted spermatocytes also have heterogeneity. I recognize that the present paper was a lot of work and am not suggesting that the authors redo their study using methods that give more purity and precision of stage (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aal3096, https://doi.org/10.1101/gad.335331.119), but they should be aware of them and of their results.

      The pulse-release system that the reviewer points to is an interesting system, but more limited in material and in useable markers than the systems we used here. We have added to our discussion of the the limitations of subtractive comparisons between arrest genotypes, both in regards to using mutants that may alter gene expression programs, and to how subtractive comparisons may limit our detection of differences between cell types (lines 143-147).

      The conclusions about dosage compensation are indirect, but are consistent with the current model documented in the studies cited by the authors, as well as earlier studies (doi: 10.1186/jbiol30).

      We disagree; our data directly speaks to the molecular mechanisms at play. Our profiling of the H4K16acetylation mark and RNAPII in isolated spermatocytes (Figure 4) demonstrates that current models are correct, and so are useful for settling this point in the literature.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Throughout the manuscript, it is better to cite the original research papers.

      We have added citations for the original characterizations of bam and aly alleles used, for the descriptions of PCGFP in spermatocytes, and for issues raised by reviewer comments.

      Minor comments:

      Pg.2, line 70-71: "Germline stem cells at the apical tip of the testis asymmetrically divide to birth spermatogonia", should be gonialblast.

      Fixed (line 71).

      Pg.2, line 71: "four rapid mitotic divisions", the spermatogonial cell cycle lasts several hours-- "rapid" is subjective and relative, better to leave this word out.

      Fixed (line 71).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Other than the major issue raised in the public review this paper only needs a few minor modifications, listed by line number below. The first one would be considered essential by this reviewer.

      27: In the sentence that ends on this line, please add the word testis after Drosophila.

      Fixed (line 27).

      119: It must be known from the Fly Cell Atlas data whether these genes do begin to express in spermatogonia.

      Collated expression values from the FCA are provided in Supplementary Table 2. In many cases there is detectable expression of these genes in spermatogonia, although transcript abundance peaks in early spermatocytes.

      198: remove "distribution of".

      Fixed (line 200).

      311: enrichment relative to what?

      Fixed (line 313). It is relative to signal in wing discs.

      344: other aspects could be regulated such as elongation, termination.

      We have added caveats to our speculations in this sentence (lines 340-356). The increased signal we see in gene bodies could be due to slower RNAPII elongation, but we don’t see a way that changes in termination would produce this pattern.

      369: This part of the paper seems overly speculative, given the many molecular differences between dosage compensation mechanisms of Drosophila vs mammals, and studies that indicate that MSCI does occur in Drosophila (DOI: 10.3390/genes12111796).

      We disagree, and this is a central point in our manuscript. The paper referred to here does not directly assess MSCI in Drosophila, instead they argue that MSCI could be the force driving the evolutionary depletion of male-germline-expressed genes they describe. These and many studies in the literature have conflated the effects of a lack of X dosage compensation and of MSCI in the male germline. Our direct measurements of RNAPII in spermatocytes demonstrates that there is no dosage compensation nor is there MSCI. Further, profiling of histone modifications associated with Drosophila somatic dosage compensation (H4K16ac) or with mammalian MSCI (uH2A, H3K9me2) show that the molecular mechanisms found in these other settings are not in play in the Drosophila male germline. As we have established these biological differences between mammals and Drosophila, it is appropriate to now speculate on why these differences may be, which we do on lines 374-384.

      (several lines): Can the authors justify their assumption that chromatin features of larval wing disc cells will match those of somatic cells of adult testes?

      We don’t only compare germline features to somatic cells of the wing disc, but also to genes with somatic expression in the testes annotated by FCA expression data (H3K4me2 in Figure 2C, RNAPII in Figure 3F). Note in Supplementary Figure 2 the distribution of RNAPII in whole testes (which includes somatic cells) is similar to that of larval wing discs, confirming that the differences we describe are specific to germline cells.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      eLife assessment

      The manuscript offers important findings on the potential influence of maternally derived extracellular vesicles on embryo metabolism. However, while the content is convincing, the title appears to overstate the study's conclusions due to its speculative nature on the DNA transmission and embryo bioenergetics connection. A more measured title would better represent the evidence presented.

      We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the editors and reviewers for their invaluable comments on our research. Their feedback has played a crucial role in improving the quality of our manuscript.

      We acknowledge the concern regarding the manuscript's title and are fully open to making modifications. Following the recommendation of Reviewer 2, the proposed new title of the manuscript will be “Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles associates with altered embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period.”

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Q1. Bolumar et al. isolated and characterized EV subpopulations, apoptotic bodies (AB), Microvesicles (MV), and Exosomes (EXO), from endometrial fluid through the female menstrual cycle. By performing DNA sequencing, they found the MVs contain more specific DNA sequences than other EVs, and specifically, more mtDNA were encapsulated in MVs. They also found a reduction of mtDNA content in the human endometrium at the receptive and post-receptive period that is associated with an increase in mitophagy activity in the cells, and a higher mtDNA content in the secreted MVs was found at the same time. Last, they demonstrated that the endometrial Ishikawa cell-derived EVs could be taken by the mouse embryos and resulted in altered embryo metabolism.

      This is a very interesting study and is the first one demonstrating the direct transmission of maternal mtDNA to embryos through EVs.

      A1. Thank you for your kind comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Q2. In Bolumar, Moncayo-Arlandi et al. the authors explore whether endometrium-derived extracellular vesicles contribute DNA to embryos and therefore influence embryo metabolism and respiration. The manuscript combines techniques for isolating different populations of extracellular vesicles, DNA sequencing, embryo culture, and respiration assays performed on human endometrial samples and mouse embryos.

      Vesicle isolation is technically difficult and therefore collection from human samples is commendable. Also, the influence of maternally derived DNA on the bioenergetics of embryos is unknown and therefore novel. However, several experiments presented in the manuscript fail to reach statistical significance, likely due to the small sample sizes. This manuscript is a good but incomplete start as to the potential function of maternal DNA transfer via vesicles.

      In my opinion the manuscript supports the following of the authors' claims:

      1. Different amounts of nDNA and mtDNA are shed in human endometrial extracellular vesicles during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
      2. Endometrial microvesicles are more enriched for mitochondrial DNA sequences compared to other types of vesicles present in the human samples.
      3. Fluorescently labelled DNA from extracellular vesicles derived from an endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line can be incorporated into hatched mouse embryos.
      4. Culture of mouse embryos with endometrial extracellular vesicles can influence embryo respiration and the effect is greater when cultured with isolated exosomes compared to other isolated microvesicles.

      My main concerns with the manuscript:

      1. Several experiments presented fail to reach statistical significance or are qualitative.
      2. The definitive experiments presented in the manuscript are limited to the transfer of DNA in general not mtDNA. Therefore a strong connection with metabolism is missing, diminishing the significance of the findings.

      A2. We thank you for your detailed feedback. While we acknowledge the reviewer's concerns regarding sample sizes, we emphasize that this study was intentionally designed as a pilot study and was approved by the IRB with a specific sample size to serve as proof of concept. We fully agree that further research is essential for a more comprehensive understanding of the novel biological process described in this manuscript. When this manuscript is finally accepted, we can submit a new IRB application to obtain a larger sample size, allowing us to delve deeper into demonstrating the connection with metabolism

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Q3. The authors have made significant improvements, and the manuscript now is appropriate for eLife.

      A3. Thank you for your consideration.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors have made several changes that have improved the manuscript. However, I still have some concerns.

      Q4. The title is still too definitive. Something like "Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles is associated with changes in embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period" would be more appropriate.

      A4. As mentioned earlier in the response to the editors, we acknowledge the concerns regarding the manuscript's title.

      Following your recommendation, the proposed new title of the manuscript is “Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles associates with altered embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period.”

      Q5. I am confused by the incorporation of the new experiment (supplementary figure 7) where embryos are cultured in free-floating synthesized mtDNA. If these sequences were not encapsulated in vesicles I don't think the experiment is relevant. If they were similarly prepared as in the section "Tagged-DNA production and EV internalization by murine embryos" I stand corrected but please clarify or omit. Otherwise, the new data/figure in response to Q11 showing co-localization of mitochondria and EdU-tagged DNA from MVs from Ishikawa cells is more compelling. However, this doesn't separate the uptake of mtDNA alone from the potential uptake of mitochondria, which this manuscript is not focused on.

      A5. We apologize for any confusion that may have arisen for the reviewer. We conducted this experiment in response to question Q4 posed by the same reviewer, which specifically inquired about the detection of internalized mtDNA by the embryos.

      As previously stated in the revised manuscript, the EdU system does not selectively label mtDNA; instead, it labels any newly synthesized DNA, both nuclear and mitochondrial. We have not found a system that specifically labels mtDNA for subsequent tracing inside EVs or for encapsulation within artificial EVs (which falls outside our expertise). Therefore, we employed labeled mtDNA that we could trace after the embryos' internalization.

      While we acknowledge that this approach is not perfect, it does demonstrate the internalization of mtDNA sequences within the embryo. We have revised the manuscript to eliminate any potential sources of confusion. If the reviewer or editors still have concerns about the experiment's suitability, we are open to removing it from the final version of the manuscript. Please refer to page 9 and lines 234-238 for more details."

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.


      For instance, The DynaMut2 and thermal shift assays point towards less stable variants than wild type, with Tm values slightly lower. On the other hand, the Kd value of variants reported stronger binding of NSP10 with NSP16. How do authors explain this, as the change due to point mutation may not fall within error range?

      Concerning the lower Tm values for the mutants compared to wild type NSP10, the errors of the measurements conducted in triplicate are very low (0.1 degrees) indicating that they do not fall into the error range, in particular as the changes in Tm are significant with changes of up to 4 degrees. This is consistent with the DynaMut23 calculations. Furthermore, the differences in Kd values between wild type and mutants are partially significant. Whereas one of the mutants did not display any changes in Kd value. Compared to wild-type NSP10 for both NSP14 and NSP16, the other show a 2 to 3 fold better Kd, with reasonable errors and we consider those as small but significant, and not within error range.

      For instance, the conformational ensemble could be utilized for docking with NSP16 and NSP14. There could be a potential alternative pathway for explaining the above changes in Kd. This should be attempted for understanding the role in its functional activity.

      We agree with the reviewer. We are working on a follow up manuscript exclusively looking into the NSP10-NSP14/16 interfacial interactions. Our preliminary results from biophysical and biochemical analysis suggests a range of Kd values observed between the mutants and the NSP14/NSP16. We are also investigating changes in the interfacial interactions via crystallography.

      Therefore, more quantitative analysis is required to explain structural changes. The free energy landscape reported in the paper may not capture rare transition events or slight rearrangements in side chain dynamics, both these could offer better understanding of mutations.

      We agree with the point raised by the reviewer. As mentioned above, we are exclusively looking into these interfacial interactions and binding between different partners, which will be reported in a follow up manuscript.

      Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which, if any, revisions, to undertake

      1. Line 206, V104 need to be corrected to A104.


      1. Line333, does it mean the Kd value of NSP10 binding to NSP16 similar to the Kd value of binding to NSP14?

      Yes. Overall, they are in about the same range with a Kd value of around 1 µM for the NSP10-NSP16 complex and 4 µM for the NSP10-NSP14 complex.

      1. Figure 3, the colors corresponding to different variants or native NSP10 could be consistent for easier reading and understanding.

      The colors have been edited.

      1. The data presented in Figure 3d are not clear enough to draw conclusions about the Kd Value in the main text.(Values of variants are smaller than that of wild-type NSP10, indicating a slightly stronger binding to NSP16)

      The measured differences are small with 2 to 3 fold differences, but significant and are not within the error range as can be derived from the data and calculated Kd values and their errors.

      1. Are there other mutations in the sequence with the top 3 mutations? If yes, is it possible to do the same experiments with that protein? Why not choose the NSP10 of the popular strain for the determination of the binding ability to NSP14 and NSP16.

      No, the top three were single point mutations.

      1. Enzyme activity assays like ExoN activity detection of NSP14 and vitro activity detection of NSP16 2′-O-MTase could be performed to characterize the effect of these three mutations on biological function.

      Yes, it would be good to consider these. We are considering these assays in the follow up manuscript as mentioned above.

      1. More details on image acquisition and writing errors need to be clarified and corrected.


      1. Typo in Results section T12, T102, V104 should be A104


      1. DynaMut analysis is extrapolated to explain that "Mutation to a hydrophobic side chain such as Ile, results in a loss of this interaction." There is no data to support this as complexes have not been studied. Perhaps this is speculative at best.

      We have changed this sentence to “Mutation to a hydrophobic side chain such as Ile, is predicted to result in the loss of this interaction”, since this was a prediction

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: The manuscript offers a commendable exploration into the relationship between plasma omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratios and mortality outcomes.

      Strengths: The chosen study design and analytical techniques align well with the research objectives, and the results resonate with existing literature.

      Weaknesses: Lack of information on the selection criteria for participants; 5. The analysis of individual PUFAs is not appropriate; The definition of comorbidities is vague; The rationale of conducting the mediation analysis of blood biomarkers is not given.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Zanzibar archipelago is close to achieving malaria elimination, but despite the implementation of effective control measures, there is still a low-level seasonal malaria transmission. This could be due to the frequent importation of malaria from mainland Tanzania and Kenya, reservoirs of asymptomatic infections, and competent vectors. To investigate population structure and gene flow of P. falciparum in Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania, they used 178 samples from mainland Tanzania and 213 from Zanzibar that were previously sequenced using molecular inversion probes (MIPs) panels targeting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). They performed Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and identity by descent (IBD) analysis to assess genetic relatedness between isolates. Parasites from coastal mainland Tanzania contribute to the genetic diversity in the parasite population in Zanzibar. Despite this, there is a pattern of isolation by distance and microstructure within the archipelago, and evidence of local sharing of highly related strains sustaining malaria transmission in Zanzibar that are important targets for interventions such as mass drug administration and vector control, in addition to measures against imported malaria.


      This study presents important samples to understand population structure and gene flow between mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, especially from the rural Bagamoyo District, where malaria transmission persists and there is a major port of entry to Zanzibar. In addition, this study includes a larger set of SNPs, providing more robustness for analyses such as PCA and IBD. Therefore, the conclusions of this paper are well supported by data.


      Some points need to be clarified:<br /> 1) SNPs in linkage disequilibrium (LD) can introduce bias in PCA and IBD analysis. Were SNPs in LD filtered out prior to these analyses?<br /> 2) Many IBD algorithms do not handle polyclonal infections well, despite an increasing number of algorithms that are able to handle polyclonal infections and multiallelic SNPs. How polyclonal samples were handled for IBD analysis?

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes P. falciparum population structure in Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania. 282 samples were typed using molecular inversion probes. The manuscript is overall well-written and shows a clear population structure. It follows a similar manuscript published earlier this year, which typed a similar number of samples collected mostly in the same sites around the same time. The current manuscript extends this work by including a large number of samples from coastal Tanzania, and by including clinical samples, allowing for a comparison with asymptomatic samples.

      The two studies made overall very similar findings, including strong small-scale population structure, related infections on Zanzibar and the mainland, near-clonal expansion on Pemba, and frequency of markers of drug resistance. Despite these similarities, the previous study is mentioned a single time in the discussion (in contrast, the previous research from the authors of the current study is more thoroughly discussed). The authors missed an opportunity here to highlight the similar findings of the two studies.


      The overall results show a clear pattern of population structure. The finding of highly related infections detected in close proximity shows local transmission and can possibly be leveraged for targeted control.


      A number of points need clarification:

      It is overall quite challenging to keep track of the number of samples analyzed. I believe the number of samples used to study population structure was 282 (line 141), thus this number should be included in the abstract rather than 391. It is unclear where the number 232 on line 205 comes from, I failed to deduct this number from supplementary table 1.

      Also, Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1 should be swapped. It is more important for the reader to know the number of samples included in the analysis (as given in Supplementary Table 1) than the number collected. Possibly, the two tables could be combined in a clever way.

      Methods<br /> The authors took the somewhat unusual decision to apply K-means clustering to GPS coordinates to determine how to combine their data into a cluster. There is an obvious cluster on Pemba islands and three clusters on Unguja. Based on the map, I assume that one of these three clusters is mostly urban, while the other two are more rural. It would be helpful to have a bit more information about that in the methods. See also comments on maps in Figures 1 and 2 below.

      Following this point, in Supplemental Figure 5 I fail to see an inflection point at K=4. If there is one, it will be so weak that it is hardly informative. I think selecting 4 clusters in Zanzibar is fine, but the justification based on this figure is unclear.

      For the drug resistance loci, it is stated that "we further removed SNPs with less than 0.005 population frequency." Was the denominator for this analysis the entire population, or were Zanzibar and mainland samples assessed separately? If the latter, as for all markers <200 samples were typed per site, there could not be a meaningful way of applying this threshold. Given data were available for 200-300 samples for each marker, does this simply mean that each SNP needed to be present twice?

      Discussion:<br /> I was a bit surprised to read the following statement, given Zanzibar is one of the few places that has an effective reactive case detection program in place: "Thus, directly targeting local malaria transmission, including the asymptomatic reservoir which contributes to sustained transmission (Barry et al., 2021; Sumner et al., 2021), may be an important focus for ultimately achieving malaria control in the archipelago (Björkman & Morris, 2020)." I think the current RACD program should be mentioned and referenced. A number of studies have investigated this program.

      The discussion states that "In Zanzibar, we see this both within and between shehias, suggesting that parasite gene flow occurs over both short and long distances." I think the term 'long distances' should be better defined. Figure 4 shows that highly related infections rarely span beyond 20-30 km. In many epidemiological studies, this would still be considered short distances.

      Lines 330-331: "Polymorphisms associated with artemisinin resistance did not appear in this population." Do you refer to background mutations here? Otherwise, the sentence seems to repeat lines 324. Please clarify.

      Line 344: The opinion paper by Bousema et al. in 2012 was followed by a field trial in Kenya (Bousema et al, 2016) that found that targeting hotspots did NOT have an impact beyond the actual hotspot. This (and other) more recent finding needs to be considered when arguing for hotspot-targeted interventions in Zanzibar.

      Figures and Tables:<br /> Table 2: Why not enter '0' if a mutation was not detected? 'ND' is somewhat confusing, as the prevalence is indeed 0%.

      Figure 1: Panel A is very hard to read. I don't think there is a meaningful way to display a 3D-panel in 2D. Two panels showing PC1 vs. PC2 and PC1 vs. PC3 would be better. I also believe the legend 'PC2' is placed in the wrong position (along the Y-axis of panel 2).

      Supplementary Figure 2B suffers from the same issue.

      The maps for Figures 1 and 2 don't correspond. Assuming Kati represents cluster 4 in Figure 2, the name is put in the wrong position. If the grouping of shehias is different between the Figures, please add an explanation of why this is.

      Figure 2: In the main panel, please clarify what the lines indicate (median and quartiles?). It is very difficult to see anything except the outliers. I wonder whether another way of displaying these data would be clearer. Maybe a table with medians and confidence intervals would be better (or that data could be added to the plots). The current plots might be misleading as they are dominated by outliers.

      In the insert, the cluster number should not only be given as a color code but also added to the map. The current version will be impossible to read for people with color vision impairment, and it is confusing for any reader as the numbers don't appear to follow any logic (e.g. north to south).

      The legend for Figure 3 is difficult to follow. I do not understand what the difference in binning was in panels A and B compared to C.

      Font sizes for panel C differ, and it is not aligned with the other panels.

      Why is Kusini included in Supplemental Figure 4, but not in Figure 1?

      Supplemental Figures 6 and 7: What does the width of the line indicate?

      What was the motivation not to put these lines on the map, as in Figure 4A? This might make it easier to interpret the data.