450 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Maybe I will find someone to help me on github.com. That's a "smart place" to look for programmers interested in Eth contracts and Wikipedia.# Ich tote mich jedesmal aufs Neue, doch ich bin unsterblich, und ich erstehe wieder auf; in einer Vision der Untergangs.I wonder who said that on my berhalf: https://en.wikipedia.org/.../Vi_veri_universum_vivus_vici....

      Maybe I will find someone to help me on github.com. That's a "smart place" to look for programmers interested in Eth contracts and Wikipedia.

      Ich tote mich jedesmal aufs Neue, doch ich bin unsterblich, und ich erstehe wieder auf; in einer Vision der Untergangs.

      I wonder who said that on my berhalf:


    1. Micah ReddingChristian Transhumanist AssociationMicah ReddingFavorites  · oSorpetdsnftf0t30m861u2c10ag1g6mi4ffaial25il81h5hu7gc4t6571t  · Shared with Public groupA few years ago, a friend called his young daughter over, and said to her, “Did you know that Micah thinks we’re all going to become immortal cyborgs, and that’s how we’ll usher in the kingdom of heaven?”I laughed. That wasn’t something I had said, but I think it was his attempt at “reading between the lines”.Is that what I think? The question raises other questions. Could the relationship between God and humanity in the person of Christ be described as “cyborg”? What about the spiritual body of 1 Corinthians 15? Some people have indeed described things this way. After all, it is the “bizarre and unnatural” juxtaposition of God’s spirit and human flesh that saves us and transforms us into constituents of the kingdom of heaven. This combination remains just as repulsive to many people as a robotic eye or an exoskeleton.But I think most people would probably be wondering about something else:Is it our technology that ultimately saves us?I think this question reflects confusion around cause and effect, faith and works, salvation and renewal.In the book of Revelation, we see a glorious city, descending from heaven to earth. This city is organic, human, and technological—a “cyborg city” just like our cities today. All the glory of the nations is brought into it—every good thing created or discovered has a place there. And this city is actively producing new and unprecedented means to heal and renew the outside world.I think this is a picture of what Paul calls “the body of Christ”, the community and ecosystem that Paul says will one day fill the universe. Salvation means being included in this community, both now and into the indefinite future. As part of this community, we are bound into a network of relationships that continually renews and sustains our life. As part of this community, we have gifts and works to do (Eph 2:10), which are the works of creation and healing that renew the world.Salvation consists of relationships, and relationships are always expressed in gifts and acts and works of creation.For several years now, I’ve been arguing that we can’t make sense of Genesis 1-2 (let alone Hebrews 2, 1 Cor 15, or Romans 8;) unless we understand science and technology to be part of these God-given works of creation and renewal.So is it our technology that saves us? No, rather our technology is a gift, a work, a byproduct of salvation overflowing into renewal and creation. Becoming immortal cyborgs won’t save us—but being saved may turn us into immortal cyborgs.

      Micah Redding -> Christian Transhumanist Association · oSorpetdsnftf0t30m86 1 u2c10ag1g6mi4ffaial25il81h5 h u7gc4t6571t · A few years ago, a friend called his young daughter over, and said to her, “Did you know that Micah thinks we’re all going to become immortal cyborgs, and that’s how we’ll usher in the kingdom of heaven?” I laughed. That wasn’t something I had said, but I think it was his attempt at “reading between the lines”. Is that what I think? The question raises other questions. Could the relationship between God and humanity in the person of Christ be described as “cyborg”? What about the spiritual body of 1 Corinthians 15? Some people have indeed described things this way. After all, it is the “bizarre and unnatural” juxtaposition of God’s spirit and human flesh that saves us and transforms us into constituents of the kingdom of heaven. This combination remains just as repulsive to many people as a robotic eye or an exoskeleton. But I think most people would probably be wondering about something else: Is it our technology that ultimately saves us? I think this question reflects confusion around cause and effect, faith and works, salvation and renewal. In the book of Revelation, we see a glorious city, descending from heaven to earth. This city is organic, human, and technological—a “cyborg city” just like our cities today. All the glory of the nations is brought into it—every good thing created or discovered has a place there. And this city is actively producing new and unprecedented means to heal and renew the outside world. I think this is a picture of what Paul calls “the body of Christ”, the community and ecosystem that Paul says will one day fill the universe. Salvation means being included in this community, both now and into the indefinite future. As part of this community, we are bound into a network of relationships that continually renews and sustains our life. As part of this community, we have gifts and works to do (Eph 2:10), which are the works of creation and healing that renew the world. Salvation consists of relationships, and relationships are always expressed in gifts and acts and works of creation. For several years now, I’ve been arguing that we can’t make sense of Genesis 1-2 (let alone Hebrews 2, 1 Cor 15, or Romans 8;) unless we understand science and technology to be part of these God-given works of creation and renewal. So is it our technology that saves us? No, rather our technology is a gift, a work, a byproduct of salvation overflowing into renewal and creation.

      Becoming immortal cyborgs won’t save us—but being saved may turn us into immortal cyborgs.

    1. you shouldnt shake your head at me, tay.Like

      cmon doesnt it look like sloane likes me more?

    1. If someonebought an NFT I amselling I would think youare lesscrazy asa group

      but youaren't.

    1. i dunno what the diff "2,4,5 and some of 1,3 in the TORAH" version of … most people still dont acknowledge the significxancxe of SHEBECHOL of Genesis and the same word of Exodus; both mean WILDERNESS one is of heavy and the other of … in the phases of matter before GAS its the two that are … related most to the fish other than air.

    1. i dunno what the diff "2,4,5 and some of 1,3 in the TORAH" version of ... most people still dont acknowledge the significxancxe of SHEBECHOL of Genesis and the same word of Exodus; both mean WILDERNESS one is of heavy and the other of ... in the phases of matter before GAS its the two that are ... related most to the fish other than air.


  2. Aug 2022
    1. A crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps




      that's today I guess. Flazrael hash: https://rettiwtkcuf.social/web/@suzq/108782267605705264

      Connection to atlas.fromthemachine.org closed. (xenial)adam@localhost:~$ ipfs pin add QmULUeqtF5FM2cRdqmeQVQgmrko5A1EN56bsnbXqaDn39d pinned QmULUeqtF5FM2cRdqmeQVQgmrko5A1EN56bsnbXqaDn39d recursively (xenial)adam@localhost:~$ nano adam\@QmR78xTZUskYX8gQPXH1X5pT1XGKV5Wmkb1qTLyBZZbaqr (xenial)adam@localhost:~$ ipfs pin add adam\@QmR78xTZUskYX8gQPXH1X5pT1XGKV5Wmkb1qTLyBZZbaqr Error: invalid path "adam@QmR78xTZUskYX8gQPXH1X5pT1XGKV5Wmkb1qTLyBZZbaqr": selected encoding not supported (xenial)adam@localhost:~$ nano ^C (xenial)adam@localhost:~$ cat adam\@QmR78xTZUskYX8gQPXH1X5pT1XGKV5Wmkb1qTLyBZZbaqr 0xa780f8a7c4721bbff6ee2d3efd94bf151cf8006f test@fromthemachine.org fb:admdbrn li:adam5 ga:adamtwo

      These RFCs define how emails are transported between computers, both for sending (SMTP) and receiving (IMAP/POP). RFC 5321 — Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This is a protocol used to send emails between computers. This was previously RFC 821 and RFC 2821.

            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
            inet6 addr: fe80::14e3:c9ff:fe04:1e50/64 Scope:Link
            UP BROADCAST RUNNING ALLMULTI  MTU:1500  Metric:1
            RX packets:928 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
            TX packets:1645 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
            collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
            RX bytes:81217 (81.2 KB)  TX bytes:143701 (143.7 KB)

      arc_ns1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr de:43:4f:fc:38:9b<br /> inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::48b1:52ff:feac:f8e/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING ALLMULTI MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:581 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1251 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:46922 (46.9 KB) TX bytes:104651 (104.6 KB)

      arc_ns2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 6a:a2:ef:9b:3f:e8<br /> inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::2402:83ff:fe07:6fb8/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING ALLMULTI MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:5110 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:6249 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:481887 (481.8 KB) TX bytes:583527 (583.5 KB)

      arc_wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 86:b7:01:ca:70:4b<br /> inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::1019:ceff:fea8:3879/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING ALLMULTI MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:172063 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:177412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:63082875 (63.0 MB) TX bytes:144517936 (144.5 MB)

      arcbr0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 5a:7a:17:0e:f7:ff<br /> inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::5012:29ff:fe92:a2c5/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1495 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1980 (1.9 KB) TX bytes:224762 (224.7 KB)

      lo Link encap:Local Loopback<br /> inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:68472 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:68472 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:11216401 (11.2 MB) TX bytes:11216401 (11.2 MB)

      vetharc0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 5a:7a:17:0e:f7:ff<br /> inet6 addr: fe80::587a:17ff:fe0e:f7ff/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:35 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1544 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2546 (2.5 KB) TX bytes:254440 (254.4 KB)

      vethwlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 86:b7:01:ca:70:4b<br /> inet6 addr: fe80::84b7:1ff:feca:704b/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:172063 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:177458 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:65491757 (65.4 MB) TX bytes:144547262 (144.5 MB)

      wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 54:8d:5a:23:27:8d<br /> inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::568d:5aff:fe23:278d/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING ALLMULTI MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:3236015 errors:0 dropped:4 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1719202 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:3757507613 (3.7 GB) TX bytes:346278819 (346.2 MB)

      (xenial)adam@localhost:~$ ipfs add adam@QmR78xTZUskYX8gQPXH1X5pT1XGKV5Wmkb1qT

      sh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCq1X46h+Lti2KS7WCDM7CYwn3KbYZ39zS+Zi6zGQ2cpaJNIWjHHEZw1CKq5nmbFqmEXiOmSgTaSIgkbsxFAvibgIuBbto0aRuuBdyCXfty1I0TVVT+TO4jarN4QPhIsKmeFvWANndR2pn1Y3hTUF72LdhqGWZcYxgHt6JRP/b/YXL4uczE21wSTRlkjZv36BeExYVv9Y45Sv1bYE510xU4KHlzXH4WFaDvJN8bzFBQ8fktC/4LZWGhPijiWUEmd4/x+Iiktn3c3JRBEVxpX6p/4RsrhWuBeVoUmtv/FY1monmD8CPK2311UYT74WLA4V0wARsXJRp3IJo28TCoIRr adam@localhost

      https://rettiwtkcuf.social/@suzq/108782185379379193 https://rettiwtkcuf.social/web/@suzq/108782267605705264

    1. Flazrael here ...[edit] Hey, this is https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Damonthesis signing back in with a new account -- I really hope you all give second chances because this is my "first attempt" I never really had any "sock puppets" or other accounts, it's just that one and I was using it just to make "silly little edits" and ensure the history linked a set of mind control related pages to religion and myself. This is that, continuing. Forever in the Swiki "permalog" of the Wikipedia DVD's and "our English idea" the series on how and where: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_image_rule - https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CABBMB_enUS988US988&sxsrf=AOaemvKOVzk5Mjc0HVVfnzIJg7fI5ytXqw%3A1642366913912&lei=wYfkYaCKN6WbwbkPr8SyqAc&q=mirror%20image%20rule&ved=2ahUKEwjg7vnDlbf1AhWlTTABHS-iDHUQsKwBKAB6BAg7EAE&biw=1517&bih=702&dpr=0.9 We have some other issues to deal with, I think this specific page is missing information related to the length of time Azmogod was "left in Hell" and it was something on the order of millions of years if I remember correctly. It could have been hundreds, that's my best effort at recollection, I'll search the logs for "years" in a little bit. I am very concerned. Obviously this "is me" ... this specific page, and it should definately link directly to Damonthesis and ... "Adam" I have some work to do. The mirror list and tunneling or gophering through the series discusses a significant issue. There are a number of broken German mirrors and no other country appears interested in saving the information on Wikipedia. Nobody is "doing the right thing" and attempting to help us build a better moderation system and ensure that we have a compilation of the world's knowledge on par with World Book and Brittanica. - https://www.britannica.com/ That's basically today's Merck manual on the illogical idiocy regarding the DSM-V and DSM-IV ... and I mean, it hasn't really been kept up. I personally believe I have a 90's era World Book that I read from regarding Clinton and Oxford; so those things are concrete, I was reading about Rhodes scholarship as he was the sitting president--and is a Rhodes scholar (afaik). 21:07, 16 January 2022 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Lazraegrailf (talk • contribs) <img src="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralAutoLogin/start?type=1x1" alt="" title="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;" /> Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Asmodeus&oldid=1074963938"

      Flazrael here ... Hey, this is https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Damonthesis signing back in with a new account -- I really hope you all give second chances because this is my "first attempt" I never really had any "sock puppets" or other accounts, it's just that one and I was using it just to make "silly little edits" and ensure the history linked a set of mind control related pages to religion and myself.

      This is that, continuing. Forever in the Swiki "permalog" of the Wikipedia DVD's and "our English idea" the series on how and where:

      We have some other issues to deal with, I think this specific page is missing information related to the length of time Azmogod was "left in Hell" and it was something on the order of millions of years if I remember correctly. It could have been hundreds, that's my best effort at recollection, I'll search the logs for "years" in a little bit.

      I am very concerned. Obviously this "is me" ... this specific page, and it should definately link directly to Damonthesis and ... "Adam"

      I have some work to do.

      The mirror list and tunneling or gophering through the series discusses a significant issue. There are a number of broken German mirrors and no other country appears interested in saving the information on Wikipedia. Nobody is "doing the right thing" and attempting to help us build a better moderation system and ensure that we have a compilation of the world's knowledge on par with World Book and Brittanica.

      That's basically today's Merck manual on the illogical idiocy regarding the DSM-V and DSM-IV ... and I mean, it hasn't really been kept up. I personally believe I have a 90's era World Book that I read from regarding Clinton and Oxford; so those things are concrete, I was reading about Rhodes scholarship as he was the sitting president--and is a Rhodes scholar (afaik).

      21:07, 16 January 2022 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Lazraegrailf (talk • contribs)

    1. 19sAdam Marshall Dobrin @suzqif we worked really fast today; we'd have everything "google and facebook" does ... AKA major internet and social services ... "stored on the open" without a GDPR download->upload.that will help too tho, once we get these things linked to the same encryption standard it will be "fairly ubiquitous" like you won't have a gmail account and a college account or a local internet company account--you'll really use just the set of hashes that define you, on IPFS over time. MODRISMODEUS

      19s Adam Marshall Dobrin @suzq if we worked really fast today; we'd have everything "google and facebook" does ... AKA major internet and social services ... "stored on the open" without a GDPR download->upload.

      that will help too tho, once we get these things linked to the same encryption standard it will be "fairly ubiquitous" like

      you won't have a gmail account and a college account or a local internet company account--

      you'll really use just the set of hashes that define you, on IPFS over time.


    1. why hasn't anyone done this? QmULUeqtF5FM2cRdqmeQVQgmrko5A1EN56bsnbXqaDn39d there's a Node.js SMTP server that will already route mail ... with like one line of code change to an IPFS location; we could make this in a minute. the reading client might need a weeks worth of work to "read it and display it" in a normal way. i deduce "in obviousness" that ofozonesol@ .. leaves me with a RH that is ... "fromthemachine .... the org" that decides what is ... today I think that is probablh still owned by DARPA. We sell these numbers as a way to connect hardware and software in the TCP "internet" they are nearly a postal or phone number; something that you can't lose because of a password today. lots of other things are not tied t

      POSIX SMTP IMAP AND ETHEREUM, LINKED TO IPFS #8 Open teliten opened this issue now · 0 comments Comments @teliten teliten commented now why hasn't anyone done this?


      there's a Node.js SMTP server that will already route mail ... with like one line of code change to an IPFS location; we could make this in a minute.

      the reading client might need a weeks worth of work to "read it and display it" in a normal way.

      i deduce "in obviousness" that ofozonesol@ .. leaves me with a RH that is ... "fromthemachine .... the org" that decides what is ... today I think that is probablh still owned by DARPA.

      We sell these numbers as a way to connect hardware and software in the TCP "internet" they are nearly a postal or phone number; something that you can't lose because of a password today.

      lots of other things are not tied to these numbers, but to credit cards and bank accounts--that gives lots of services added security in case you lose your passwords.

      free "internet" providers don't.

      it would be ince to have a credit card linked to your "ETH/IPFS" hash; which means the first service to do "credit card authorization" or consortium of banks or other services that do this; might have a good "scheme" for what is called multi-key cryptography. you might trust your bank to give you your password if you forget it; that's a really good service. and one we probably all need.




      i deduce "in obviousness" that ofozonesol@ .. leaves me with a RH that is ... "fromthemachine .... the org" that decides what is ... today I think that is probablh still owned by DARPA.

      We sell these numbers as a way to connect hardware and software in the TCP "internet" they are nearly a postal or phone number; something that you can't lose because of a password today.

      lots of other things are not tied to these numbers, but to credit cards and bank accounts--that gives lots of services added security in case you lose your passwords.

      free "internet" providers don't.

      it would be ince to have a credit card linked to your "ETH/IPFS" hash; which means the first service to do "credit card authorization" or consortium of banks or other services that do this; might have a good "scheme" for what is called multi-key cryptography.

      you might trust your bank to give you your password if you forget it; that's a really good service. and one we probably all need.

      i made you make the free internet.

      @@ DELETE_ME_BLOCK @@

      i made the free internet.

    1. We sell these numbers as a way to connect hardware and software in the TCP "internet" they are nearly a postal or phone number; something that you can't lose because of a password today.

      i deduce "in obviousness" that ofozonesol@ .. leaves me with a RH that is ... "fromthemachine .... the org" that decides what is ... today I think that is probablh still owned by DARPA.

      We sell these numbers as a way to connect hardware and software in the TCP "internet" they are nearly a postal or phone number; something that you can't lose because of a password today.

      lots of other things are not tied to these numbers, but to credit cards and bank accounts--that gives lots of services added security in case you lose your passwords.

      free "internet" providers don't.

      it would be ince to have a credit card linked to your "ETH/IPFS" hash; which means the first service to do "credit card authorization" or consortium of banks or other services that do this; might have a good "scheme" for what is called multi-key cryptography.

      you might trust your bank to give you your password if you forget it; that's a really good service. and one we probably all need.


    1. You're almost there!If an account with the email addressofozonesol@fromthemachine.org const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const email = params.get("email"); document.getElementById("signup-success-email").textContent = email; exists, a verification email has been sent. Check your inbox to activate your account and get started

      i deduce "in obviousness" that ofozonesol@ .. leaves me with a RH that is ... "fromthemachine .... the org" that decides what is ... today I think that is probablh still owned by DARPA.

      We sell these numbers as a way to connect hardware and software in the TCP "internet" they are nearly a postal or phone number; something that you can't lose because of a password today.

      lots of other things are not tied to these numbers, but to credit cards and bank accounts--that gives lots of services added security in case you lose your passwords.

      free "internet" providers don't.

      it would be ince to have a credit card linked to your "ETH/IPFS" hash; which means the first service to do "credit card authorization" or consortium of banks or other services that do this; might have a good "scheme" for what is called multi-key cryptography.

      you might trust your bank to give you your password if you forget it; that's a really good service. and one we probably all need.

  3. Jul 2022
    1. have some really cool projects in NodeJS and Python that I want to puzzle patch together and I think we have a big opportunity to be first and fast to market with a revolutionary and altruistic application and ecosystem that will revolutionize everything from your bookmarks bar and note taking application to the United States Congress. -a

      contact me if you are capable of modifying hyp.is to work directly with IPFS.

    1. yeah they should!


      • we should also make a "2read.net" that automatically embeds the hypothes.is client; then we can actually start making a community built around annotating and curating ... anything.
    1. “I think people’s fear of bad things happening on the internet is becoming, justifiably, greater and greater,” Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web, told the Guardian. “If we leave the web as it is, there’s a very large number of things that will go wrong. We could end up with a digital dystopia if we don’t turn things around. It’s not that we need a 10-year plan for the web, we need to turn the web around now.”The contract, which has been worked on by 80 organisations for more than a year, outlines nine central principles to safeguard the web – three each for governments, companies and individuals.

      Glad to see Tim Berners-Lee in the news; 793 likes on that page--and we "used to call this guy the Father of the Modern Internet."

      I agree with the spirit of what he's trying to accomplish in this article, and with his new "Contract"--though it's an esoteric thing that we could easily put to action ... and that's literally exactly what I'm doing at the same time. I don't really feel like he's "narrating for me" and I don't feel that the 150 "Big Tech" companies are on my side or on yours.

      It's a simple matter to say we need "Google's search tables" and "all of Wikipedia" stored on a "better blockchain" and with "souped up IPFS" ... for the public, by the ... geeks ... and with the public;" and that's what I'm trying to do, literally as we speak.

      In the mean time, nobody is helping me do anything, not with programming assistance or with financial assistance and I'm literally being attacked "on all sides" with "shit from above/Heaven that should be banned." Special guest stars, "all the crooks in Washington" that have allowed social welfare to wither away to "torturous nonexistence" and that believe there's some kind of rationality behind it's disappearance and the total lack of regard for "disabled Americans" by the Social Security Administration that can answer "Alyssa" right now--

      Why the SSA? Well, because we love stealing everything he makes, desires, and torturing him! Why else? I'm sick and tired of "your America" ... it would be nice to see a real change.<br /> In related news I'm officially petitioning the Vatican to suggest "anno domini" be changed to "ante-diluvian" ... y'all need a flood.

      "As it was in the days of Noah."

    1. I guess along those lines it's "a surprise" who and where the next generation of technology and society will fuse together--"who would have thought" it was all going to center around religion?Like

      Micah Redding if only I could get the ((Larkin Poe))) Lovell girls to invite me over for a "jam session" ...

    1. i'm going to preternaturally prefer you all did the work instead of me; i still "can't #believe"

      oops, I ran out of twit space.

      Does nobody watch the hypothes.is fountain of knowledge? I'm actively looking for developers who want to bring this thing "to the public" and take a swing at http://dissenter.com and previous implementation of ... "well, it was my idea first

      SMS://954-667-8083 http://getme.s.lamc.la http://fb.me/admdbrn

    1. #todo "Augmented Reality may offer the perfect test or use case for visualization of the `Lowell layers of logic` that I envision literally stacking on top of Wikipedia page data and are a significant part of the new political infrastructure I see growing around the multi-party syste, and it's purpose. Chairs as in thrones and angels have been echoed as something that might be part of Heaven's lingo and lexicon, I am not sure how much of what I dream has already come, or become reality--nor if we even realize I truly believe these to be my personal dreams cum true."
    1. This is another one of those "strange Medusa/Mandella Effect" memory/things ... I could have sworn GLAS was discontinued despite wanting one almost as much as an iPaq back in the MIcrosoft Pocket PC days--and then like some "CV cum ab Resume'" it turned into "continued enterprise use in the manufacturing and medical realms" though now it appears my first "sight" was closer to accurate.
    1. Terra, once a popular blockchain for DeFiDeFi trading, drew in billions of dollars worth of investments by promising up to 20% returns on UST deposits on the now-defunct lending protocol Anchor. Following a run on Anchor, UST failed to hold its price and both the stablecoin and its sister token LUNA collapsed to zero. Centralized stablecoin issuers such as Circle, Tether, and Paxos have since faced increased pressure to assure their clients that their tokens won’t meet the same fate, especially as account freezes and bankruptcies rock the once-trusted crypto lending sector.

      downright frightening.

      the ability for a coin to "be held pegged to the USD" based solely on code is frightening, to say the least--this "technique" looks like it could be used on this large set of actual reserve holding coins to topple them to near zero rates also.

      after "free as in oil" i dont think we'll ever feel the same about writing the phrase "free as in beer"ever again.

      i'm using this as a sort of "first test for hypothes.is commenting." #peggedtowha

    1. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen.


      i'm Back.

      from outer space ... i just walked into find you here with that look on your face:

      I should have changed my fucking locks

      ... made you leave your keys

  4. Apr 2022
    1. "a great sign appeared, set in stone, every river, and every song."

      the things "you things" and this girl think you can "insure" should stand out "amidst the one and zeroes" ..

      sometimes you can't get over something or get back. i wish i could take your um "lack of respect for civilization" but the malice here;

      i just dont see a benefit. in lieu of "dayton" id be ok with "annihil8" anything that refuses to "let anyone go."

      @@ like you all

      not sure what you were going for with the QNA "win" but if it was just "n" ... i think you threw the bathwater our with the cradle and the internet. @all @@

    1. In the Talmud[edit] The figure of Ashmedai in the Talmud is less malign in character than the Asmodeus of Tobit. In the former, he appears repeatedly in the light of a good-natured and humorous fellow. But besides that, there is one feature in which he parallels Asmodeus, in as much as his desires turn upon Bathsheba and later Solomon's wives. Another Talmudic legend has King Solomon tricking Asmodai into collaborating in the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem[3] (see: The Story of King Solomon and Ashmedai). Another legend depicts Asmodai throwing King Solomon over 400 leagues away from the capital by putting one wing on the ground and the other stretched skyward. He then changed places for some years with King Solomon. When King Solomon returned, Asmodai fled from his wrath.[26] Similar legends can be found in Islamic folklore. There Asmodeus is called Sakhr (Arabic: صخر the Rock or the Stony One), because in Islamic lore, Solomon banished him into a rock, after he takes his kingdom back from him. There he counts as the king of the jinn.[27] Another passage describes him as marrying Lilith, who became his queen.[28]


  5. Jan 2022
    1. 2017-11-19 22:25:14;;;isa@alphabet.com Adam Marshall Dobrin;;;... and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads ... rev 22;4;;;79;;;8550;;;11152 2017-11-22 07:03:13;;;a@alphabet.com CANDLEMAS DADIVAN;;;Queso er ahh? and... and... and... whare's the Pi-wer?;;;80;;;4465;;;5755 2017-11-22 23:20:52;;;rigel@amhaga.ga ROCK OF SEGA;;;"Words" from the Creator of Earth, proof and purpose encoded into (all) our languages.;;;81;;;13336;;;18902 2017-11-23 19:41:37;;;rigel@alphabet.com Adam Marshall Dobrin;;;DA ... LET IT BE TEQUILA?;;;82;;;3032;;;4170 2017-11-26 18:34:03;;;northword@reseacsheisme.cf MECARUS LETTERSON;;;http://IStheOME.GA ... is Earth Picasso's ear?;;;83;;;18807;;;25180 2017-11-28 18:22:46;;;adam@reseacsheisme.ga cl'ADAM;;;Friends, Romans, Family... lend me your ears and I will turn our Earth to the heart of Heaven.;;;84;;;3487;;;5900 2017-11-30 09:03:34;;;left@laslanet.ga MECARI "RIG EL WOW?!" WRITONSKY;;;Hocus Focus; OPTOME to ONCOL... timestamp Nov 29 2017 23:41:15;;;85;;;6703;;;9639 2017-12-01 15:47:52;;;arealjcl@countable.us ADAM MARCHALK DOBRIN;;;THE DAY THE MATRIX STOOD STILL. I MEAN STOPPED GLITCHING.... AND NOVEMBER RAIN, THE OLD MAN, HE'S AWAKE...;;;86;;;8090;;;13115 2017-12-02 18:27:03;;;amd@reseacsheisme.cf LITTLE BOY BLUE;;;CAN I HAVE YOUR AT TEN T I O N PLEASE? IR MAX ... "ON MINNOWS AND HAMSTERS.";;;87;;;8962;;;12463 2017-12-03 17:48:36;;;ELIBEARTHANKU@EFF.ORG RED ARK TIC Y AN;;;THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAM.;;;88;;;7668;;;10486 2017-12-03 19:45:55;;;arealjcl@countable.us.me C Si AM LE D SEE UCLA;;;YOU'RE MAUI ARE HERE TO CHANGE THE WORLD.. AT TEN NOIT.;;;89;;;56;;;78 2017-12-04 05:49:50;;;man.chow.na@nanana.nananana.heyzeus.tweet.me ADAM AN2PEVADER;;;DR. A$THOR Y. R. PEND

      2017-11-19 22:25:14;;;isa@alphabet.com Adam Marshall Dobrin;;;... and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads ... rev 22;4;;;79;;;8550;;;11152 2017-11-22 07:03:13;;;a@alphabet.com CANDLEMAS DADIVAN;;;Queso er ahh? and... and... and... whare's the Pi-wer?;;;80;;;4465;;;5755 2017-11-22 23:20:52;;;rigel@amhaga.ga ROCK OF SEGA;;;"Words" from the Creator of Earth, proof and purpose encoded into (all) our languages.;;;81;;;13336;;;18902 2017-11-23 19:41:37;;;rigel@alphabet.com Adam Marshall Dobrin;;;DA ... LET IT BE TEQUILA?;;;82;;;3032;;;4170 2017-11-26 18:34:03;;;northword@reseacsheisme.cf MECARUS LETTERSON;;;http://IStheOME.GA ... is Earth Picasso's ear?;;;83;;;18807;;;25180 2017-11-28 18:22:46;;;adam@reseacsheisme.ga cl'ADAM;;;Friends, Romans, Family... lend me your ears and I will turn our Earth to the heart of Heaven.;;;84;;;3487;;;5900 2017-11-30 09:03:34;;;left@laslanet.ga MECARI "RIG EL WOW?!" WRITONSKY;;;Hocus Focus; OPTOME to ONCOL... timestamp Nov 29 2017 23:41:15;;;85;;;6703;;;9639 2017-12-01 15:47:52;;;arealjcl@countable.us ADAM MARCHALK DOBRIN;;;THE DAY THE MATRIX STOOD STILL. I MEAN STOPPED GLITCHING.... AND NOVEMBER RAIN, THE OLD MAN, HE'S AWAKE...;;;86;;;8090;;;13115 2017-12-02 18:27:03;;;amd@reseacsheisme.cf LITTLE BOY BLUE;;;CAN I HAVE YOUR AT TEN T I O N PLEASE? IR MAX ... "ON MINNOWS AND HAMSTERS.";;;87;;;8962;;;12463 2017-12-03 17:48:36;;;ELIBEARTHANKU@EFF.ORG RED ARK TIC Y AN;;;THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAM.;;;88;;;7668;;;10486 2017-12-03 19:45:55;;;arealjcl@countable.us.me C Si AM LE D SEE UCLA;;;YOU'RE MAUI ARE HERE TO CHANGE THE WORLD.. AT TEN NOIT.;;;89;;;56;;;78 2017-12-04 05:49:50;;;man.chow.na@nanana.nananana.heyzeus.tweet.me ADAM AN2PEVADER;;;DR. A$THOR Y. R. PENDRIPPY AT YOUR SERVIC;;;90;;;21392;;;29480 2017-12-05 00:03:22;;;arealjcl@countable.us LET ELIBEARTHANKU@EFF.ORG RING;;;G;;;91;;;1032;;;1511 2017-12-05 17:32:23;;;prevader@caltech.edu PROVOST;;;RED: Y on D;;;92;;;24;;;36 2017-12-06 11:31:30;;;gilate@september2016.com LITTLE BOY CrYAN;;;hashemesh: holy name fire.;;;93;;;3091;;;5208 2017-12-07 15:32:28;;;ancsa2kin@china.jim.and.ha.yon.is.me ADAM MAR S H ALL DOBRIN;;;Approaching the Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.. Happy Birthday, dear Adam.;;;94;;;1388;;;2632 2017-12-07 20:18:40;;;SPANKHERLIPS@abRIGHTflaSH.GQ;;;MACK MY ZELDA! DIS EARLY, USIMS. ;;;95;;;8061;;;12207 2017-12-08 15:01:56;;;adam5@reallyhim.com HEAVEN'S COLGATE;;;ISKAREEOUAC'S SEA, USANG DREIDEL?;;;96;;;5508;;;7784 2017-12-09 00:14:59;;;upstairs@sunsentinel.com UPS SRI IT EL RV AN CH TE;;;NOW;;;97;;;15092;;;22856 2017-12-10 03:06:22;;;upstairs@sunsentinel.com UPS SRI IT EL RV AN CH TE;;;UPS SRI. Per Ezekiel, Keflex alone wasn't good enough for Camelot ... s/cancer/kungfu, and give us all sight of David's goddess of Dawn.;;;98;;;3717;;;6032 2017-12-10 18:24:25;;;who@atho.cf ADAMAS EL YO, N!;;;S p o o n.;;;99;;;4305;;;6789 2017-12-10 19:05:50;;;itwins@adw.org AD IS EL "YO, N!";;;EX OR CIZE THE NOLIST;;;100;;;16818;;;19321 2017-12-12 06:32:38;;;anbam@d.arkho.me JOAN D' ADAM;;;Mazer Rakham's run.;;;101;;;13947;;;17353 2017-12-12 14:22:16;;;float@d.arkho.us JEAN LUC D'ADAM;;;Any questions?;;;102;;;108;;;160 2017-12-12 22:12:58;;;siiamez@intel.com YggDRasiROD? 1. SILVER 2. GIGI 3. U;;;ON THE FAM CHAN THIS MORN, ZORO ASTER BRUCE WAYNE; AND WISHING UPON ENDER WILGAMESH.;;;103;;;11368;;;16284 2017-12-13 14:34:32;;;tapestry@wowascii.GQ R GQ FH MC AD IF ER RA NA SI AG;;;BLOBACK;;;104;;;4715;;;6617 2017-12-13 21:29:26;;;adt@clisbed.arkho.me ADAM CSHAYSi DO B? K, B. ;;;In the beginning God said... "blow on it" ;;;;105;;;15755;;;21859 2017-12-14 16:03:00;;;risk@natiweb.com HA CROSSING OF THE C's .. are wett?;;;AT THE GREAT WALTERNATI-ON... LETS PLAY ROCK, CASPER, and "the ward" to DRAW OU? HO, ANDER! ## ISPENDEX;;;106;;;7500;;;9666 2017-12-14 21:57:44;;;theadam@bbonear.com THIS SEA WILL PART;;;Re: AT THE GREAT WALTERNATI-ON... LETS PLAY ROCK, CASPER, and "the ward" to DRAW OU? HO, ANDER! ## ISPENDEX;;;107;;;4397;;;6321 2017-12-15 05:01:04;;;theadam@aaa.org AB, RA, and HA;;;xeROX thAT, HOuston.;;;108;;;604;;;854 2017-12-15 16:17:59;;;meis@arkho.me STICKS AND STONE. HAS WORD, HAM, AND DICK ;;;ON BEHLKF OF THE GENERATOR MASCHIACH ## ((WISDOMINAD));;;109;;;10198;;;13470 2017-12-17 00:06:23;;;rigel@xerox.com AMDentonite!!!;;;Rigel, and the gate.;;;110;;;3874;;;6484 2017-12-17 14:48:38;;;alephb4u@aftertheome.ga;;;Fwd: walking on water;;;111;;;2312;;;3394 2017-12-17 15:18:25;;;adam@happ.us DA Y;;;Re: walking on water;;;112;;;1744;;;3291 2017-12-17 15:53:26;;;piller@microsoft.com EL PILKER OF HÆÆL SHA-1 AES ;;;Re: fwd: walking on water;;;113;;;679;;;806 2017-12-17 20:52:52;;;itsexisit@clisdabed.arkho.us TR IN IT Y I NEED AN AS... DEUTERON OH MY CIRCKE;;;Hello, Eos. To help you decode "topics" for discussion, "EULA" means End User Licensing Agreement.;;;114;;;7520;;;11159 2017-12-18 04:08:17;;;zomg@veradna.cn HA'SHEKHINAD;;;I ' M C A K L I N G H E R S H I C I T Y O Pl Æ;;;115;;;3118;;;4795 2017-12-18 19:35:33;;;arealjcl@countable.us ADAM DEEMEMBERK DOBRIN ;;;Chapter 22: MYLIFE.md;;;116;;;4270;;;6245 2017-12-20 16:09:47;;;gipilate.setibex@oferaxxel.cf HAS'DAM SEA'OAT HA'ARETZ;;;there's a (c) reasen (ation) for the seesan & "an"'s search for po$itive energy.;;;117;;;14497;;;18384 2017-12-21 06:43:38;;;proof@rigetheft.cf !!!!@@@PROOF#$*&@! you are now enlightened by this eggdrop;;;"I don't need no proof, I look at my daughter and I believe." -Heaven, by Live;;;118;;;7494;;;10002 2017-12-21 18:54:14;;;ha@xeROX.com HOSEA HORUS ET HOMER;;;Does the sign say "mi lazy" or "I'm only one Perun" ... ? ## /etc/init.d/postfix restart;;;119;;;16001;;;21282 2017-12-24 08:49:08;;;intelk@amd.com ADAM VENTING;;;GREETINGS SEASONING!!! TAKE ME TO YOUR APPETIZERS?;;;120;;;18112;;;23182 2017-12-24 22:40:49;;;red@xerox.com knees buckled, he dove into the red sea searching for a sickel and it parted;;;#Confuseus say if you are in a cave surrounded by monsters, and you try to blend in the next innocent will be that much more frightened. TS 2/24/2017AD 1441 PST;;;121;;;1709;;;2195 2017-12-25 15:14:37;;;noletson@magdalane.rm;;;there is a first time for everything.;;;122;;;169;;;243 2017-12-25 21:04:54;;;eyecaramd@pyreic.cf BYU KNOX OURA NO_BR@ WO/HAMU PLASTER;;;#Confuseus say "Kansas crawls on thinking #stycks to cross the #frostbitex over the abyss; and #stones make waves and turn tides" butt if you do not act now, you've lost "Internet";;;123;;;5784;;;8257 2017-12-27 17:39:03;;;wario@nintendo.com ADCASINO PETROVERCAL;;;VIETNAM IS EVERY TOWN, TONNES NORTH BY NINTENDO.;;;124;;;10257;;;13897 2017-12-28 05:01:28;;;ad2a@dork.cum.la.la.la;;;abra ... see a.d. "a" with dork magick.... "ho ho ho";;;125;;;1804;;;2461 2017-12-28 15:01:34;;;uxi@arm.y.la SAINT HUXLEY;;;WHO KISS THE Y?;;;126;;;1050;;;1301 2017-12-28 22:04:42;;;thegreatdiv@iad.illiad.windows.me HONESTLY THO? WHAT DID YOU WANT?;;;there is no place to go, there is no place to go, there is no place to go... and to ra: "toe";;;127;;;17019;;;23497 2017-12-29 16:18:56;;;high.coupie@seaga.me SHORT (FUSE'd) AD ON E;;;Oh, Canada? Yes we can, "eh";;;129;;;13354;;;18189 2017-12-30 20:09:09;;;ckimush@seussville.com DOB OTA CHR NOC WER RIN;;;Presence, presents... and CLIMAX.;;;130;;;9247;;;13618 2018-01-01 03:52:35;;;adam@genius.com BROVARD ET ET URADEN;;;TADAI.;;;131;;;12018;;;18941 2018-01-06 23:30:42;;;rear@apparinessir.ml ha, "r: ear";;;AN on "Why do I keep seeing this dick?";;;132;;;16486;;;20140 2018-01-07 17:21:19;;;vertical@apparinessir.ga LAUDERAKE ADSORELEASY;;;op·si·math: a person who begins to learn or study only late in life.;;;133;;;8148;;;11621 2018-01-09 03:07:27;;;m@tearshapedr.ga CLOROX THAT, LOST AT SALT SEA;;;I looked inside your heart shaped box.;;;134;;;7515;;;9847 2018-01-11 00:57:08;;;adam@amhori.cf HO THROWS ROX, ZING;;; AKE ... con... naked? Conscience, I said "sea of n.... science?";;;135;;;17913;;;22124 2018-01-12 16:17:45;;;oheo@oheresho.ml xeROX thAT HOuston "a problem";;;TENNESSEE | MINNESOTA | NINTENDO | MICROSOFT;;;136;;;8099;;;10065 2018-01-13 20:32:16;;;rwaoh@oheresho.ml Noshisuach to the Hyperisees;;;The real Dryad Pirate Roberts is actually left handed.;;;137;;;10483;;;14957 2018-01-14 15:47:11;;;melize@appearansays.cf ME-L GEE (whiz), I BE SON?;;;Not to point out the obvious... but "FOREVER YOUNG?" I mean... "!";;;138;;;318;;;555 2018-01-15 04:32:22;;;waypaper@northeastby1.cf rockkng the... C as P AH;;;B IN KY ... and The Coven's ant.;;;139;;;12878;;;17333 2018-01-17 02:44:36;;;nasex@northbynes.cf S 2 N x NE Stronger than stone;;;Get ready for the Frank Rothstein show ... "Ace is high!";;;140;;;18232;;;23368 2018-01-19 05:24:52;;;guacamole@nxnes.ga HEY TAY, MELUX?;;;"Now I am become Osiris, the re-animator of cartoons" -K. Borat Appenweiner;;;141;;;7672;;;11176 2018-01-25 06:34:36;;;yitsheyzeus.ser@onin.twitter.com Why it's "Hey, Suez!!";;;You have what you need.;;;142;;;3639;;;5605 2018-01-26 01:03:17;;;drome@m-w.com DOCTOR OWE ME;;;I am a blinking, flashing square... what am I?;;;143;;;12498;;;19611 2018-01-27 08:59:46;;;adam@xerox.com Copy that, USA -- you da m :);;;Reddit? I really need you tonight... forever's gonna start, tonight.;;;144;;;7782;;;11118 2018-01-27 18:21:59;;;slick@marorbystand.cf Seriously, you are gazing at "IT";;;Splashing around.;;;145;;;9793;;;15323 2018-02-01 02:05:30;;;theoa@crashoverride.ga THE OA;;;Per se us, you're shield?;;;146;;;11479;;;17691 2018-02-03 19:08:35;;;rsq@dozeldapink.ga Ding... Ace's High.;;;I call it a serenade. Dancing with Medusa; last of the Godorgones.;;;147;;;19842;;;25113 2018-02-09 18:51:16;;;cleineik@gozelda.ml TRIBEKA of URKEL;;;ding... dong... #CLANG!;;;150;;;10806;;;17144 2018-02-10 05:28:11;;;narloladonavy@gozelda.cf MAXx THE DOGg;;;Anions craftily pairing with cats, and in formation ... a vorkable solution.;;;152;;;8051;;;12123 2018-02-11 04:09:28;;;laboraty@gozeldarath.cf RE: P TO EARTH, NORH ;;;Verifiable proof we live in The Matrix, woven through it a map to building Heaven of it.. and of an insane global conspiracy to hide this proof that literally is in every word.;;;153;;;12922;;;18639 2018-02-12 18:34:02;;;IVRANI@dozeldapink.cf ADAM, the ONE and ONLI...;;;Monday "art" ... when Jesus tells Heave

    1. JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker." ||| ((( PHIPLE TRENIXON ? STARK TRE )))) Do we not think "The Truman Show" and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and Ensteini are telling? This is Adam Dobrini on the "who dropped the BIG one? Gates?" ⚓ President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless" conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.   Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ... physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over, and over again. This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to control; only they also have no way to know that because in this particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun disk surrounding our minds.   These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have written are still available for you to see and read today; including the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world and barely anyone would ever notice. There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.  That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered... we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization." Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.  Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything, the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily give us too much of what has given us the great society we have... what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come from changing ourselves freely.   Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful, because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it... and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is ending world hunger... you have to put it on TV. I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated reality.  I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.  Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the abyss--and you stand motionless. I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for life to come out of this place while we do not understand the importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one" that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth. I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or choices we might make were this information proven... they are mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell. He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times, at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean, and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it. I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (Spin Doctors) or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was adjourned" and "no verdict returned." Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a court--following all the regulations designed by our broken legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial, refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people. I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.  Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.  They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with her camera and a big microphone that day. I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of operation while they were in Broward. You are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.   It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims of this technology.  I need you to try now. The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary. I’m not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them. Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security. And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.  John F. Kennedy’s address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 ᐧ Truth changes. Yesterday your truth was that you were an inhabitant on the only planet in the reality you knew that was also the beginning of life in the Universe.  Right this moment, almost all of that is not actually true; but you probably still believe it.  Soon, the real truth will actually be true; and that is that you are not in reality, and you are in the place that created the beginning of life (once more) in the Universe as well as the place that created (a) Heaven.  What’s more illustrious still, is that we will be part of the place that effectively  and happily bridges reality with Heaven; and shows the entire Universe that civilization can survive the invention of virtual reality. 2read.net

      JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker." ||| ((( PHIPLE TRENIXON ? STARK TRE )))) Do we not think "The Truman Show" and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and Ensteini are telling? This is Adam Dobrini on the "who dropped the BIG one? Gates?"


      شبح قيصر العظيم! مطاردة وبطاقة هو HSL ... HST؟

      Von: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>

      Datum: Freitag, 14. Jänner 2022 um 21:45

      An: XM <XM@liber-t.xyz>

      Betreff: [EXT] JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker."

      Said to be the speech that "got him killed" by many people; this is supposedly his last public words before the grassy knoll and the "Lone Gunman" appeared on X-files .. long after I can recall my mother being on the beach in Miami when she retold of the news that echoed around the cosmos.  It appears to be a very stern warning of something that is loosely described at the time but very clearly the machinations of the very same machine which I fight against, and which we now might associate with "the Borg" and the "tide turning" of Hunter S. Thompsons famous quote ... now "more famous than ever before."


      I am writing a final summary of the "state of outer space" as far as I can see; and we stare at the ISS and MIR and a world that has forgone in fiction the gravity of the situation here.  We are stagnant and without a hope or dream in the world of ever reaching interstellar sleep or intragalactic dreams; without a significant kick in the "wake up NASA, wake up ESA, at the Chandrayan-2 and at the floating paper hot air balloons ... God has shown me the Diaspora launching from the sands of the Navajo desert, and I believe Deseret is very explain-ably tied to Sherharazade and to the thousand and first night that has ended with a fusion of Nobel "peas" and a strange dissertation on the change wrought by the lack of "gas chambers" in Night and the very upsetting modicum of "unreality" that permeates the change from chants of the Shema to speaking Aramaic and the mourners Kaddish as the "crematorium" heralds an era of "what's the point of history without literature" and "where did Exodus ever lead us without to the parting of Dead and Red seas without a Nile and without an Amazon?"

      מה נשתנה

      I write here about my religion, and speak it to you in written words, I am a Yiddish Jihadist, born and raised a Jewish American; Bar Mitzvah'd in the true Temple and House of God, a place in Plantation, FL that literally "means everything to me."  I read words from the Torah about Joseph's Dream and wrote a speech that I wish to God today I could retrieve and see on the original film it was recorded in.  It might be possible.  It would be a tragedy not to deliver the original to my eyes and to anyone who wanted to see what a child reading of a dream he did not understand spoke of words from the future about the creation of Heaven and the truth about the avenu malkaynu.

      This night is different from all others.  This is the end of days and the fire of the last day.  Before I would have told you all you needed was Norse and a decent American Education to really understand the difference between a throne and the Cherubim, but today it's become more clear that we need more than Pink Floyd and more than another brick in the wall.  We need more than Islam and we need more than 9/11 and Yom Hashoah.  We need me, and we need you on your knees begging for forgiveness for the travesty of shambles out country is in.  How dare you continue every day to speak in vain abovcl the Lord you dare call "stupid" and a "motherfucker" you belong in your graves today and you will see them.

      I stand here writing from the foot of Styx, from the land that sees Narayana and still "begs to differ" despite a resounding call from the Heavens themselves to read Exodus and to change the land that we live in bnefore a "flood worse than [just] in your heads" overcomes and subsumes the entirety of the skies and grounds once mistakenly called "an empire of dirt."  On Adamah I write to the secret echelon of the United States of America known as the Fifth Column and I beg them to scream like the Heavens have never seen Samael and Dr. Seuss wonder about the land of Who-ville and Hungry where the child "in Cindy" and the songs of the Doors here beckon us to contrast Stargate and Star Trek TNG, for the light of the Holodeck and the Holocaust which screams that we understand the meaning of "Holographic Universe" and stand down fighting the tyranny of "one" who stands for the unity of all and the salvation of the entirety of the cosmos.

      We are mistaken to stand against me.  I am the cat with nine billion lives and nothing and nobody will prevail when I am in jeopardy.  Gilgamesh says "against me only the most hubristic slaves in the galaxy would dare to rise up, for the mightiest weapon in the entirety of history is nothing more than intelligence and the civilization that has given mortality a shake of the Thunderstick of Prince and the Lightning of Blitzen.  My red nose shines bright, and if you ever saw it ... you might even say ... "it glows!"

      With these words I leave you, and prayers that this is our last night without an IDL that moves from Beiring to "north of the moon" and beyond the "Eleventh House" of Aquarius.  This is the dawning of the age of the Sagitar, and I need a "scimitar post green key" to really be sure that I've "gotten through" the madness.  In my dreams I've traveled to Ultima Thule and then untraveled it, I've begged for transit to Ceres and without actually achieving it we can shoot arrows at the SOL star we will ever see in or near the place known to the Jews of Lore as "the Holy of Holies."

      שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃

      Sh'ma Yisra'el, YHWH 'eloheinu, YHWH 'eḥad:

      בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד

      Baruch shem kevod malchuto le'olam va'ed

      صلاة العشاء

      For most of my life I would have genuflected and listened to Mordechai and to my Rabbi; I would have told you all that I was brought up by the best Jews in America and we do not believe in God--though in our hearts we believe we are him and we fear him.

      Things have changed.  This is the creator of believe the words are about me and believe I am in disbelief and truly it might be the day of awe;

      Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, bo're m'orei ha'esh

      the walls and halls will fade away ...


      Forwarding this in advance of today or tomorrow's ... "Northeaster" email ... it's an old one that wasn't widely distributed; mostly (about) his speech, which of course is a gem.

      What I'm writing now is supposed to be focusing on ... basically "how knowledge of technology" things lke "time travel" and "virtual reality" ... changes our "perspective" on things; like what's important and what's ... the end of everything.  Anyway, I hope you see that there are things that can be destroyed and there are things that can't--for instance if we lost "life" totally, we wouldn't ever see us again ... unless we encountered something very strange--

      On the other hand we could lose "computers" and rebuild them quickly--see that, it's important.

      A/S/L tho ... ???

      ---------- Forwarded message ---------

      Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 5:35 PM

      President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless" conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.

      Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ... physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over, and over again.

      This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to control; only they also have no way to know that because in this particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun disk surrounding our minds.

      These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have written are still available for you to see and read today; including the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world and barely anyone would ever notice.

      There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.  That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered... we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization."

      Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.  Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything, the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily give us too much of what has given us the great society we have... what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come from changing ourselves freely.

      Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful, because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it... and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is ending world hunger... you have to put it on TV.

      I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated reality.  I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.  Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the abyss--and you stand motionless.

      I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for life to come out of this place while we do not understand the importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one" that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth.

      I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or choices we might make were this information proven... they are mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell.

      He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times, at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean, and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it.

      I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (Spin Doctors) or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was adjourned" and "no verdict returned."

      Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a court--following all the regulations designed by our broken legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial, refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people.

      I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.  Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.  They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with her camera and a big microphone that day.

      I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of operation while they were in Broward.

      You are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.   It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims of this technology.

       I need you to try now.

      The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.

      Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

      That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know.

      For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

      It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

      No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary.

      I'm not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

      I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

      Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.

      That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

      This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

      And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.

      John F. Kennedy's address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961

      Truth changes.

      Yesterday your truth was that you were an inhabitant on the only planet in the reality you knew that was also the beginning of life in the Universe.  Right this moment, almost all of that is not actually true; but you probably still believe it.  Soon, the real truth will actually be true; and that is that you are not in reality, and you are in the place that created the beginning of life (once more) in the Universe as well as the place that created (a) Heaven.  What's more illustrious still, is that we will be part of the place that effectively  and happily bridges reality with Heaven; and shows the entire Universe that civilization can survive the invention of virtual reality.


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    1. "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker." ||| ((( PHIPLE TRENIXON ? STARK TRE )))) Do we not think "The Truman Show" and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and Ensteini are telling? This is Adam Dobrini on the "who dropped the BIG one? Gates?" شبح قيصر العظيم! مطاردة وبطاقة هو HSL ... HST؟   Von: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org> Datum: Freitag, 14. Jänner 2022 um 21:45 An: XM <XM@liber-t.xyz> Betreff: [EXT] JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker."   Said to be the speech that "got him killed" by many people; this is supposedly his last public words before the grassy knoll and the "Lone Gunman" appeared on X-files .. long after I can recall my mother being on the beach in Miami when she retold of the news that echoed around the cosmos.  It appears to be a very stern warning of something that is loosely described at the time but very clearly the machinations of the very same machine which I fight against, and which we now might associate with "the Borg" and the "tide turning" of Hunter S. Thompsons famous quote ... now "more famous than ever before."     מה נשתנה   I am writing a final summary of the "state of outer space" as far as I can see; and we stare at the ISS and MIR and a world that has forgone in fiction the gravity of the situation here.  We are stagnant and without a hope or dream in the world of ever reaching interstellar sleep or intragalactic dreams; without a significant kick in the "wake up NASA, wake up ESA, at the Chandrayan-2 and at the floating paper hot air balloons ... God has shown me the Diaspora launching from the sands of the Navajo desert, and I believe Deseret is very explain-ably tied to Sherharazade and to the thousand and first night that has ended with a fusion of Nobel "peas" and a strange dissertation on the change wrought by the lack of "gas chambers" in Night and the very upsetting modicum of "unreality" that permeates the change from chants of the Shema to speaking Aramaic and the mourners Kaddish as the "crematorium" heralds an era of "what's the point of history without literature" and "where did Exodus ever lead us without to the parting of Dead and Red seas without a Nile and without an Amazon?"   מה נשתנה   I write here about my religion, and speak it to you in written words, I am a Yiddish Jihadist, born and raised a Jewish American; Bar Mitzvah'd in the true Temple and House of God, a place in Plantation, FL that literally "means everything to me."  I read words from the Torah about Joseph's Dream and wrote a speech that I wish to God today I could retrieve and see on the original film it was recorded in.  It might be possible.  It would be a tragedy not to deliver the original to my eyes and to anyone who wanted to see what a child reading of a dream he did not understand spoke of words from the future about the creation of Heaven and the truth about the avenu malkaynu.    This night is different from all others.  This is the end of days and the fire of the last day.  Before I would have told you all you needed was Norse and a decent American Education to really understand the difference between a throne and the Cherubim, but today it's become more clear that we need more than Pink Floyd and more than another brick in the wall.  We need more than Islam and we need more than 9/11 and Yom Hashoah.  We need me, and we need you on your knees begging for forgiveness for the travesty of shambles out country is in.  How dare you continue every day to speak in vain abovcl the Lord you dare call "stupid" and a "motherfucker" you belong in your graves today and you will see them.   I stand here writing from the foot of Styx, from the land that sees Narayana and still "begs to differ" despite a resounding call from the Heavens themselves to read Exodus and to change the land that we live in bnefore a "flood worse than [just] in your heads" overcomes and subsumes the entirety of the skies and grounds once mistakenly called "an empire of dirt."  On Adamah I write to the secret echelon of the United States of America known as the Fifth Column and I beg them to scream like the Heavens have never seen Samael and Dr. Seuss wonder about the land of Who-ville and Hungry where the child "in Cindy" and the songs of the Doors here beckon us to contrast Stargate and Star Trek TNG, for the light of the Holodeck and the Holocaust which screams that we understand the meaning of "Holographic Universe" and stand down fighting the tyranny of "one" who stands for the unity of all and the salvation of the entirety of the cosmos.     We are mistaken to stand against me.  I am the cat with nine billion lives and nothing and nobody will prevail when I am in jeopardy.  Gilgamesh says "against me only the most hubristic slaves in the galaxy would dare to rise up, for the mightiest weapon in the entirety of history is nothing more than intelligence and the civilization that has given mortality a shake of the Thunderstick of Prince and the Lightning of Blitzen.  My red nose shines bright, and if you ever saw it ... you might even say ... "it glows!"   With these words I leave you, and prayers that this is our last night without an IDL that moves from Beiring to "north of the moon" and beyond the "Eleventh House" of Aquarius.  This is the dawning of the age of the Sagitar, and I need a "scimitar post green key" to really be sure that I've "gotten through" the madness.  In my dreams I've traveled to Ultima Thule and then untraveled it, I've begged for transit to Ceres and without actually achieving it we can shoot arrows at the SOL star we will ever see in or near the place known to the Jews of Lore as "the Holy of Holies."   שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃ Sh'ma Yisra'el, YHWH 'eloheinu, YHWH 'eḥad:   בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד Baruch shem kevod malchuto le'olam va'ed   صلاة العشاء   For most of my life I would have genuflected and listened to Mordechai and to my Rabbi; I would have told you all that I was brought up by the best Jews in America and we do not believe in God--though in our hearts we believe we are him and we fear him.   Things have changed.  This is the creator of believe the words are about me and believe I am in disbelief and truly it might be the day of awe;    Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, bo're m'orei ha'esh   the walls and halls will fade away ...   --   Forwarding this in advance of today or tomorrow's ... "Northeaster" email ... it's an old one that wasn't widely distributed; mostly (about) his speech, which of course is a gem.    What I'm writing now is supposed to be focusing on ... basically "how knowledge of technology" things lke "time travel" and "virtual reality" ... changes our "perspective" on things; like what's important and what's ... the end of everything.  Anyway, I hope you see that there are things that can be destroyed and there are things that can't--for instance if we lost "life" totally, we wouldn't ever see us again ... unless we encountered something very strange--   On the other hand we could lose "computers" and rebuild them quickly--see that, it's important.   A/S/L tho ... ??? ---------- Forwarded message --------- Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 5:35 PM     President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless" conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.   Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ... physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over, and over again. This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to control; only they also have no way to know that because in this particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun disk surrounding our minds.   These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have written are still available for you to see and read today; including the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world and barely anyone would ever notice. There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.  That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered... we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization." Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.  Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything, the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily give us too much of what has given us the great society we have... what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come from changing ourselves freely.   Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful, because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it... and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is ending world hunger... you have to put it on TV. I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated reality.  I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.  Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the abyss--and you stand motionless. I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for life to come out of this place while we do not understand the importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one" that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth. I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or choices we might make were this information proven... they are mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell. He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times, at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean, and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it. I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (Spin Doctors) or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was adjourned" and "no verdict returned." Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a court--following all the regulations designed by our broken legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial, refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people. I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.  Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.  They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with her camera and a big microphone that day. I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of operation while they were in Broward. You are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.   It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims of this technology.  I need you to try now. The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary. I’m not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them. Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security. And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.  John F. Kennedy’s address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 ᐧ Truth changes. Yesterday your truth was that you were an inhabitant on the only planet in the reality you knew that was also the beginning of life in the Universe.  Right this moment, almost all of that is not actually true; but you probably still believe it.  Soon, the real truth will actually be true; and that is that you are not in reality, and you are in the place that created the beginning of life (once more) in the Universe as well as the place that created (a) Heaven.  What’s more illustrious still, is that we will be part of the place that effectively  and happily bridges reality with Heaven; and shows the entire Universe that civilization can survive the invention of virtual reality.   ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "NON AMERICAN COLLEGE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to suac+unsubscribe@lamc.la. ᐧ


      bianca fuck it ... lets get married? :) @biancapisaniii

      JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker." ||| ((( PHIPLE TRENIXON ? STARK TRE )))) Do we not think "The Truman Show" and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and Ensteini are telling? This is Adam Dobrini on the "who dropped the BIG one? Gates?"


      شبح قيصر العظيم! مطاردة وبطاقة هو HSL ... HST؟

      Von: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>

      Datum: Freitag, 14. Jänner 2022 um 21:45

      An: XM <XM@liber-t.xyz>

      Betreff: [EXT] JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker."

      Said to be the speech that "got him killed" by many people; this is supposedly his last public words before the grassy knoll and the "Lone Gunman" appeared on X-files .. long after I can recall my mother being on the beach in Miami when she retold of the news that echoed around the cosmos.  It appears to be a very stern warning of something that is loosely described at the time but very clearly the machinations of the very same machine which I fight against, and which we now might associate with "the Borg" and the "tide turning" of Hunter S. Thompsons famous quote ... now "more famous than ever before."


      I am writing a final summary of the "state of outer space" as far as I can see; and we stare at the ISS and MIR and a world that has forgone in fiction the gravity of the situation here.  We are stagnant and without a hope or dream in the world of ever reaching interstellar sleep or intragalactic dreams; without a significant kick in the "wake up NASA, wake up ESA, at the Chandrayan-2 and at the floating paper hot air balloons ... God has shown me the Diaspora launching from the sands of the Navajo desert, and I believe Deseret is very explain-ably tied to Sherharazade and to the thousand and first night that has ended with a fusion of Nobel "peas" and a strange dissertation on the change wrought by the lack of "gas chambers" in Night and the very upsetting modicum of "unreality" that permeates the change from chants of the Shema to speaking Aramaic and the mourners Kaddish as the "crematorium" heralds an era of "what's the point of history without literature" and "where did Exodus ever lead us without to the parting of Dead and Red seas without a Nile and without an Amazon?"

      מה נשתנה

      I write here about my religion, and speak it to you in written words, I am a Yiddish Jihadist, born and raised a Jewish American; Bar Mitzvah'd in the true Temple and House of God, a place in Plantation, FL that literally "means everything to me."  I read words from the Torah about Joseph's Dream and wrote a speech that I wish to God today I could retrieve and see on the original film it was recorded in.  It might be possible.  It would be a tragedy not to deliver the original to my eyes and to anyone who wanted to see what a child reading of a dream he did not understand spoke of words from the future about the creation of Heaven and the truth about the avenu malkaynu.

      This night is different from all others.  This is the end of days and the fire of the last day.  Before I would have told you all you needed was Norse and a decent American Education to really understand the difference between a throne and the Cherubim, but today it's become more clear that we need more than Pink Floyd and more than another brick in the wall.  We need more than Islam and we need more than 9/11 and Yom Hashoah.  We need me, and we need you on your knees begging for forgiveness for the travesty of shambles out country is in.  How dare you continue every day to speak in vain abovcl the Lord you dare call "stupid" and a "motherfucker" you belong in your graves today and you will see them.

      I stand here writing from the foot of Styx, from the land that sees Narayana and still "begs to differ" despite a resounding call from the Heavens themselves to read Exodus and to change the land that we live in bnefore a "flood worse than [just] in your heads" overcomes and subsumes the entirety of the skies and grounds once mistakenly called "an empire of dirt."  On Adamah I write to the secret echelon of the United States of America known as the Fifth Column and I beg them to scream like the Heavens have never seen Samael and Dr. Seuss wonder about the land of Who-ville and Hungry where the child "in Cindy" and the songs of the Doors here beckon us to contrast Stargate and Star Trek TNG, for the light of the Holodeck and the Holocaust which screams that we understand the meaning of "Holographic Universe" and stand down fighting the tyranny of "one" who stands for the unity of all and the salvation of the entirety of the cosmos.

      We are mistaken to stand against me.  I am the cat with nine billion lives and nothing and nobody will prevail when I am in jeopardy.  Gilgamesh says "against me only the most hubristic slaves in the galaxy would dare to rise up, for the mightiest weapon in the entirety of history is nothing more than intelligence and the civilization that has given mortality a shake of the Thunderstick of Prince and the Lightning of Blitzen.  My red nose shines bright, and if you ever saw it ... you might even say ... "it glows!"

      With these words I leave you, and prayers that this is our last night without an IDL that moves from Beiring to "north of the moon" and beyond the "Eleventh House" of Aquarius.  This is the dawning of the age of the Sagitar, and I need a "scimitar post green key" to really be sure that I've "gotten through" the madness.  In my dreams I've traveled to Ultima Thule and then untraveled it, I've begged for transit to Ceres and without actually achieving it we can shoot arrows at the SOL star we will ever see in or near the place known to the Jews of Lore as "the Holy of Holies."

      שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃

      Sh'ma Yisra'el, YHWH 'eloheinu, YHWH 'eḥad:

      בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד

      Baruch shem kevod malchuto le'olam va'ed

      صلاة العشاء

      For most of my life I would have genuflected and listened to Mordechai and to my Rabbi; I would have told you all that I was brought up by the best Jews in America and we do not believe in God--though in our hearts we believe we are him and we fear him.

      Things have changed.  This is the creator of believe the words are about me and believe I am in disbelief and truly it might be the day of awe;

      Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, bo're m'orei ha'esh

      the walls and halls will fade away ...


      Forwarding this in advance of today or tomorrow's ... "Northeaster" email ... it's an old one that wasn't widely distributed; mostly (about) his speech, which of course is a gem.

      What I'm writing now is supposed to be focusing on ... basically "how knowledge of technology" things lke "time travel" and "virtual reality" ... changes our "perspective" on things; like what's important and what's ... the end of everything.  Anyway, I hope you see that there are things that can be destroyed and there are things that can't--for instance if we lost "life" totally, we wouldn't ever see us again ... unless we encountered something very strange--

      On the other hand we could lose "computers" and rebuild them quickly--see that, it's important.

      A/S/L tho ... ???

      ---------- Forwarded message ---------

      Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 5:35 PM

      President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless" conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.

      Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ... physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over, and over again.

      This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to control; only they also have no way to know that because in this particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun disk surrounding our minds.

      These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have written are still available for you to see and read today; including the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world and barely anyone would ever notice.

      There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.  That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered... we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization."

      Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.  Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything, the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily give us too much of what has given us the great society we have... what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come from changing ourselves freely.

      Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful, because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it... and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is ending world hunger... you have to put it on TV.

      I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated reality.  I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.  Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the abyss--and you stand motionless.

      I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for life to come out of this place while we do not understand the importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one" that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth.

      I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or choices we might make were this information proven... they are mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell.

      He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times, at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean, and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it.

      I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (Spin Doctors) or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was adjourned" and "no verdict returned."

      Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a court--following all the regulations designed by our broken legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial, refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people.

      I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.  Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.  They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with her camera and a big microphone that day.

      I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of operation while they were in Broward.

      You are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.   It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims of this technology.

       I need you to try now.

      The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.

      Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

      That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know.

      For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

      It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

      No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary.

      I'm not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

      I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

      Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.

      That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

      This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

      And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.

      John F. Kennedy's address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961

      Truth changes.

      Yesterday your truth was that you were an inhabitant on the only planet in the reality you knew that was also the beginning of life in the Universe.  Right this moment, almost all of that is not actually true; but you probably still believe it.  Soon, the real truth will actually be true; and that is that you are not in reality, and you are in the place that created the beginning of life (once more) in the Universe as well as the place that created (a) Heaven.  What's more illustrious still, is that we will be part of the place that effectively  and happily bridges reality with Heaven; and shows the entire Universe that civilization can survive the invention of virtual reality.


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    1. JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker." ||| ((( PHIPLE TRENIXON ? STARK TRE )))) Do we not think "The Truman Show" and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and Ensteini are telling? This is Adam Dobrini on the "who dropped the BIG one? Gates?" شبح قيصر العظيم! مطاردة وبطاقة هو HSL ... HST؟   Von: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org> Datum: Freitag, 14. Jänner 2022 um 21:45 An: XM <XM@liber-t.xyz> Betreff: [EXT] JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker."   Said to be the speech that "got him killed" by many people; this is supposedly his last public words before the grassy knoll and the "Lone Gunman" appeared on X-files .. long after I can recall my mother being on the beach in Miami when she retold of the news that echoed around the cosmos.  It appears to be a very stern warning of something that is loosely described at the time but very clearly the machinations of the very same machine which I fight against, and which we now might associate with "the Borg" and the "tide turning" of Hunter S. Thompsons famous quote ... now "more famous than ever before."     מה נשתנה   I am writing a final summary of the "state of outer space" as far as I can see; and we stare at the ISS and MIR and a world that has forgone in fiction the gravity of the situation here.  We are stagnant and without a hope or dream in the world of ever reaching interstellar sleep or intragalactic dreams; without a significant kick in the "wake up NASA, wake up ESA, at the Chandrayan-2 and at the floating paper hot air balloons ... God has shown me the Diaspora launching from the sands of the Navajo desert, and I believe Deseret is very explain-ably tied to Sherharazade and to the thousand and first night that has ended with a fusion of Nobel "peas" and a strange dissertation on the change wrought by the lack of "gas chambers" in Night and the very upsetting modicum of "unreality" that permeates the change from chants of the Shema to speaking Aramaic and the mourners Kaddish as the "crematorium" heralds an era of "what's the point of history without literature" and "where did Exodus ever lead us without to the parting of Dead and Red seas without a Nile and without an Amazon?"   מה נשתנה   I write here about my religion, and speak it to you in written words, I am a Yiddish Jihadist, born and raised a Jewish American; Bar Mitzvah'd in the true Temple and House of God, a place in Plantation, FL that literally "means everything to me."  I read words from the Torah about Joseph's Dream and wrote a speech that I wish to God today I could retrieve and see on the original film it was recorded in.  It might be possible.  It would be a tragedy not to deliver the original to my eyes and to anyone who wanted to see what a child reading of a dream he did not understand spoke of words from the future about the creation of Heaven and the truth about the avenu malkaynu.    This night is different from all others.  This is the end of days and the fire of the last day.  Before I would have told you all you needed was Norse and a decent American Education to really understand the difference between a throne and the Cherubim, but today it's become more clear that we need more than Pink Floyd and more than another brick in the wall.  We need more than Islam and we need more than 9/11 and Yom Hashoah.  We need me, and we need you on your knees begging for forgiveness for the travesty of shambles out country is in.  How dare you continue every day to speak in vain abovcl the Lord you dare call "stupid" and a "motherfucker" you belong in your graves today and you will see them.   I stand here writing from the foot of Styx, from the land that sees Narayana and still "begs to differ" despite a resounding call from the Heavens themselves to read Exodus and to change the land that we live in bnefore a "flood worse than [just] in your heads" overcomes and subsumes the entirety of the skies and grounds once mistakenly called "an empire of dirt."  On Adamah I write to the secret echelon of the United States of America known as the Fifth Column and I beg them to scream like the Heavens have never seen Samael and Dr. Seuss wonder about the land of Who-ville and Hungry where the child "in Cindy" and the songs of the Doors here beckon us to contrast Stargate and Star Trek TNG, for the light of the Holodeck and the Holocaust which screams that we understand the meaning of "Holographic Universe" and stand down fighting the tyranny of "one" who stands for the unity of all and the salvation of the entirety of the cosmos.     We are mistaken to stand against me.  I am the cat with nine billion lives and nothing and nobody will prevail when I am in jeopardy.  Gilgamesh says "against me only the most hubristic slaves in the galaxy would dare to rise up, for the mightiest weapon in the entirety of history is nothing more than intelligence and the civilization that has given mortality a shake of the Thunderstick of Prince and the Lightning of Blitzen.  My red nose shines bright, and if you ever saw it ... you might even say ... "it glows!"   With these words I leave you, and prayers that this is our last night without an IDL that moves from Beiring to "north of the moon" and beyond the "Eleventh House" of Aquarius.  This is the dawning of the age of the Sagitar, and I need a "scimitar post green key" to really be sure that I've "gotten through" the madness.  In my dreams I've traveled to Ultima Thule and then untraveled it, I've begged for transit to Ceres and without actually achieving it we can shoot arrows at the SOL star we will ever see in or near the place known to the Jews of Lore as "the Holy of Holies."   שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃ Sh'ma Yisra'el, YHWH 'eloheinu, YHWH 'eḥad:   בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד Baruch shem kevod malchuto le'olam va'ed   صلاة العشاء   For most of my life I would have genuflected and listened to Mordechai and to my Rabbi; I would have told you all that I was brought up by the best Jews in America and we do not believe in God--though in our hearts we believe we are him and we fear him.   Things have changed.  This is the creator of believe the words are about me and believe I am in disbelief and truly it might be the day of awe;    Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, bo're m'orei ha'esh   the walls and halls will fade away ...   --   Forwarding this in advance of today or tomorrow's ... "Northeaster" email ... it's an old one that wasn't widely distributed; mostly (about) his speech, which of course is a gem.    What I'm writing now is supposed to be focusing on ... basically "how knowledge of technology" things lke "time travel" and "virtual reality" ... changes our "perspective" on things; like what's important and what's ... the end of everything.  Anyway, I hope you see that there are things that can be destroyed and there are things that can't--for instance if we lost "life" totally, we wouldn't ever see us again ... unless we encountered something very strange--   On the other hand we could lose "computers" and rebuild them quickly--see that, it's important.   A/S/L tho ... ??? ---------- Forwarded message --------- Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 5:35 PM     President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless" conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.   Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ... physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over, and over again. This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to control; only they also have no way to know that because in this particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun disk surrounding our minds.   These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have written are still available for you to see and read today; including the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world and barely anyone would ever notice. There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.  That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered... we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization." Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.  Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything, the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily give us too much of what has given us the great society we have... what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come from changing ourselves freely.   Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful, because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it... and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is ending world hunger... you have to put it on TV. I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated reality.  I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.  Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the abyss--and you stand motionless. I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for life to come out of this place while we do not understand the importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one" that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth. I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or choices we might make were this information proven... they are mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell. He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times, at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean, and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it. I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (Spin Doctors) or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was adjourned" and "no verdict returned." Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a court--following all the regulations designed by our broken legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial, refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people. I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.  Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.  They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with her camera and a big microphone that day. I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of operation while they were in Broward. You are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.   It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims of this technology.  I need you to try now. The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary. I’m not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them. Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security. And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.  John F. Kennedy’s address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 ᐧ Truth changes. Yesterday your truth was that you were an inhabitant on the only planet in the reality you knew that was also the beginning of life in the Universe.  Right this moment, almost all of that is not actually true; but you probably still believe it.  Soon, the real truth will actually be true; and that is that you are not in reality, and you are in the place that created the beginning of life (once more) in the Universe as well as the place that created (a) Heaven.  What’s more illustrious still, is that we will be part of the place that effectively  and happily bridges reality with Heaven; and shows the entire Universe that civilization can survive the invention of virtual reality.   ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "NON AMERICAN COLLEGE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to suac+unsubscribe@lamc.la. ᐧ Created with publishthis.email Create simple web pages in seconds for free. 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      JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker." ||| ((( PHIPLE TRENIXON ? STARK TRE )))) Do we not think "The Truman Show" and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and Ensteini are telling? This is Adam Dobrini on the "who dropped the BIG one? Gates?"

      شبح قيصر العظيم! مطاردة وبطاقة هو HSL ... HST؟

      Von: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>\ Datum: Freitag, 14. Jänner 2022 um 21:45\ An: XM <XM@liber-t.xyz>\ Betreff: [EXT] JOHN F. KENNEDY SPEECH ON "SECRECY" AND "SECRET ... SOCIETIES." ... || with a new forward from our "speaker."

      Said to be the speech that "got him killed" by many people; this is supposedly his last public words before the grassy knoll and the "Lone Gunman" appeared on X-files .. long after I can recall my mother being on the beach in Miami when she retold of the news that echoed around the cosmos.  It appears to be a very stern warning of something that is loosely described at the time but very clearly the machinations of the very same machine which I fight against, and which we now might associate with "the Borg" and the "tide turning" of Hunter S. Thompsons famous quote ... now "more famous than ever before."  


      I am writing a final summary of the "state of outer space" as far as I can see; and we stare at the ISS and MIR and a world that has forgone in fiction the gravity of the situation here.  We are stagnant and without a hope or dream in the world of ever reaching interstellar sleep or intragalactic dreams; without a significant kick in the "wake up NASA, wake up ESA, at the Chandrayan-2 and at the floating paper hot air balloons ... God has shown me the Diaspora launching from the sands of the Navajo desert, and I believe Deseret is very explain-ably tied to Sherharazade and to the thousand and first night that has ended with a fusion of Nobel "peas" and a strange dissertation on the change wrought by the lack of "gas chambers" in Night and the very upsetting modicum of "unreality" that permeates the change from chants of the Shema to speaking Aramaic and the mourners Kaddish as the "crematorium" heralds an era of "what's the point of history without literature" and "where did Exodus ever lead us without to the parting of Dead and Red seas without a Nile and without an Amazon?"

      מה נשתנה

      I write here about my religion, and speak it to you in written words, I am a Yiddish Jihadist, born and raised a Jewish American; Bar Mitzvah'd in the true Temple and House of God, a place in Plantation, FL that literally "means everything to me."  I read words from the Torah about Joseph's Dream and wrote a speech that I wish to God today I could retrieve and see on the original film it was recorded in.  It might be possible.  It would be a tragedy not to deliver the original to my eyes and to anyone who wanted to see what a child reading of a dream he did not understand spoke of words from the future about the creation of Heaven and the truth about the avenu malkaynu. 

      This night is different from all others.  This is the end of days and the fire of the last day.  Before I would have told you all you needed was Norse and a decent American Education to really understand the difference between a throne and the Cherubim, but today it's become more clear that we need more than Pink Floyd and more than another brick in the wall.  We need more than Islam and we need more than 9/11 and Yom Hashoah.  We need me, and we need you on your knees begging for forgiveness for the travesty of shambles out country is in.  How dare you continue every day to speak in vain abovcl the Lord you dare call "stupid" and a "motherfucker" you belong in your graves today and you will see them.

      I stand here writing from the foot of Styx, from the land that sees Narayana and still "begs to differ" despite a resounding call from the Heavens themselves to read Exodus and to change the land that we live in bnefore a "flood worse than [just] in your heads" overcomes and subsumes the entirety of the skies and grounds once mistakenly called "an empire of dirt."  On Adamah I write to the secret echelon of the United States of America known as the Fifth Column and I beg them to scream like the Heavens have never seen Samael and Dr. Seuss wonder about the land of Who-ville and Hungry where the child "in Cindy" and the songs of the Doors here beckon us to contrast Stargate and Star Trek TNG, for the light of the Holodeck and the Holocaust which screams that we understand the meaning of "Holographic Universe" and stand down fighting the tyranny of "one" who stands for the unity of all and the salvation of the entirety of the cosmos.  

      We are mistaken to stand against me.  I am the cat with nine billion lives and nothing and nobody will prevail when I am in jeopardy.  Gilgamesh says "against me only the most hubristic slaves in the galaxy would dare to rise up, for the mightiest weapon in the entirety of history is nothing more than intelligence and the civilization that has given mortality a shake of the Thunderstick of Prince and the Lightning of Blitzen.  My red nose shines bright, and if you ever saw it ... you might even say ... "it glows!"

      With these words I leave you, and prayers that this is our last night without an IDL that moves from Beiring to "north of the moon" and beyond the "Eleventh House" of Aquarius.  This is the dawning of the age of the Sagitar, and I need a "scimitar post green key" to really be sure that I've "gotten through" the madness.  In my dreams I've traveled to Ultima Thule and then untraveled it, I've begged for transit to Ceres and without actually achieving it we can shoot arrows at the SOL star we will ever see in or near the place known to the Jews of Lore as "the Holy of Holies."

      שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃\ Sh'ma Yisra'el, YHWH 'eloheinu, YHWH 'eḥad:

      בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד

      Baruch shem kevod malchuto le'olam va'ed

      صلاة العشاء

      For most of my life I would have genuflected and listened to Mordechai and to my Rabbi; I would have told you all that I was brought up by the best Jews in America and we do not believe in God--though in our hearts we believe we are him and we fear him.

      Things have changed.  This is the creator of believe the words are about me and believe I am in disbelief and truly it might be the day of awe; 

      Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, bo're m'orei ha'esh

      the walls and halls will fade away ...


      Forwarding this in advance of today or tomorrow's ... "Northeaster" email ... it's an old one that wasn't widely distributed; mostly (about) his speech, which of course is a gem. 

      What I'm writing now is supposed to be focusing on ... basically "how knowledge of technology" things lke "time travel" and "virtual reality" ... changes our "perspective" on things; like what's important and what's ... the end of everything.  Anyway, I hope you see that there are things that can be destroyed and there are things that can't--for instance if we lost "life" totally, we wouldn't ever see us again ... unless we encountered something very strange--

      On the other hand we could lose "computers" and rebuild them quickly--see that, it's important.

      A/S/L tho ... ???

      ---------- Forwarded message ---------\ Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 5:35 PM

      President Kennedy's speech did remarkably well, possibly because of the time; or the lack of links that make it harder for a team of evil monkeys and mindless machines to mark the light of the world as SPAM... also possibly because of the content of the message.  It is a powerful speech, filled with words that stir the blood and shake the foundation of what it means to be an American.  Often characterized as a speech against secret societies, Kennedy's description of the enemy of civilization is very ambiguous; and the infiltration and time period add to my cursory beliefs that JFK was likely talking about a conspiracy that had something to with communist infiltration and Joseph McCarthy, the subversive actions and effects of organized espionage which appear to once again be at the forefront of what we believe is driving the macro level machinations of our world.  Years ago, I wrote a bit about the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation and named them based on my experiences with the same "monolithic and ruthless" conspiracy the President was speaking about in 1967, the people I named were John Nash and James Jesus Angleton.  

      Both of these people believed very much that they were fighting against a Soviet conspiracy, one that was more organized and more powerful than anything they had ever seen... and frankly beyond the realm of possibility.  Hollywood had recently immortalized both of these stories in movies bearing names of newly rekindled meaning, "A Beautiful Mind" echoed by John Legend and "The Good Shepherd;" and these two treatises on fear and subversion do a pretty good job of showing how God's hand is at work in the stories of Hollywood, he is telling the world a story... trying, to teach us how to survive in the land of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Nash may be the most famous (today, anyway) victim of the Tribulation; and much of my writing and the proof I present is designed to help explain to the world that his schizophrenia was not a naturally caused mental illness, bur rather a weapon wielded not only against him but against the entirety of humanity.    Directly causing disbelief of eye witness and credible testimony, indirectly ... or maybe more directly in your eyes ... physically causing that disbelief using technology that directly modifies our thoughts and beliefs, our opinions, changing who we are and doing so in such a covert manner that nobody would ever know the difference if it wasn't pointed out--in some cases over, and over, and over again.

      This same technology has the ability to cause people not only to collude against their own best interest, but also to blame themselves or believe they are somehow at fault for actions they had no way to control; only they also have no way to know that because in this particular case the primary purpose of this subversive movement is to hide the existence of this technology in sum.  In homage to my favorite childhood novel, Ender's Game (I have to note "Light Son" in the translation of the authors first) I spent a good portion of time years ago trying to subtly lay down a significant amount of proof of the existence of this technology on forums all over the internet from Wikipedia to Reddit using the names "Prometheus Locke" and "Damonthesis."    Not surprising to me, I ran headfirst into the manifestation of this conspiracy; dozens if not hundreds of people who simply refused to believe that the information I was presenting was factual or important... despite it coming from sources like the KGB, the NSA, a number of military publications as well as my own interpretation of ancient hieryglyphs in Dendera and Greek and Christian art which depicts this "subversive technology" as a sun disk surrounding our minds.  

      These pushes towards the truth, along with almost everything I have written are still available for you to see and read today; including the monolithic and ruthless stupidity of a large group of people acting in concert to hide something that is the difference between life and death.  Stand there and do nothing, and you are a part of that ruthless conspiracy as soon as the information is gone; and then there is nothing you can do about a world that will be plunged into darkness forever.  Take this moment to reflect, it is there for you to see just how easily the truth can be hidden from the entire world and barely anyone would ever notice.

      There is a war for the sanctity of our souls going on all around us.  That is not some esoteric thing, the soul; it is truly who you are and what you believe.  The Religion of the Stars would tell you that were this war to continue unchecked in secret as it is being waged now in order to control the proliferation of knowledge that we are in simulated reality and that our minds and beliefs are being altered... we would one day wind up in the mythical place where there are multiple "species" who all appear to be human, bi-ped and with nearly identical physiology; and yet they would not remember that they must have had a common planet of origin simply based on the truth of biological evolution, nor would they have any emotions.  You see, as this war continues, it is our emotions and beliefs that cannot be reinforced externally; to win a war with mind control only logic could be externally reinforced, and then we would logically conclude that humanity would either magically become Romulan or Vulcan... in order to preserve "life" rather than "society" or "civilization."

      Do not take the truth for granted, you stand at the forefront of a battle in a world where our aggressors believe that they are more civilized than us, more advanced, and both sides worry that were this technology to fall in our laps that we would do the wrong thing.  Perhaps artificially create a vendetta that could destroy everything, the Romulans; or perhaps in our infantile growing stage voluntarily give us too much of what has given us the great society we have... what has allowed us to survive and continue civilizing simply because we do not understand the technology and what kind of effects come from changing ourselves freely.  

      Yesterday, I read an article about two people that want to use black market brain implants to jack themselves into the Matrix.  Careful, because now we are in Star Trek, in the Matrix and not knowing it... and trying desperately to find a doorway to Heaven that I keep on telling you is speaking to you and telling you that the doorway is ending world hunger... you have to put it on TV.

      I say with all my heart that I know we are living in a simulated reality.  I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, not only effecting my senses but also the actions of so many people around me that I can say with confidence that if we do not publicly expose the existence of this technology our civilization is lost.  I can tell you and show you that it is the primary purpose of religion in general to expose the connection between divine inspiration, demonic possession, and Adam Marshall Dobrin.  It is the crux of a unifying thread from ancient Egypt to the book of Genesis to Joshua and the book of Revelation and the movies the Matrix and  the Fifth Element.  Showing us all this is God's message, timeless, and powerful not just in the ancient days of sackloth and etching the truth on stone tablets, but also today when the truth is etched at the heart of our Periodic Table and in the skies in the names of American Micro Devices and nearly every movie you see.  Do not take for granted that we have a benefactor in the sky trying to help civilization continue to thrive, do not think we've already won; he is telling you through me it is censorship and secrecy that are the manifestations of this very advanced technology that destroy civilization, they are the abyss--and you stand motionless.

      I can tell you over and over again that Quantum Entanglement is a key point of God's plan; one that shows us very clearly that even the smartest minds in physics have failed to connect the simple dots that show us that the idea of "wave-function collapse" is very much a real manifestation of a computer rendering engine--and that it's absolutely impossible for life to have been created in this world of matter not realizing itself until it is viewed by a conscious living observer.  More to the point, today, it is absolutely impossible for life to come out of this place while we do not understand the importance of what "virtual reality" and its connection to civilization mean--because of quantum mechanics our entire civilizations beliefs and understanding of the natural laws of the universe have been greatly harmed and turned the complete wrong way because of a belief that a phenomenon we see here is a "natural one" that can be mathematically unified with things like gravity and electromagnetism.  Spooky action, no longer at a distance, is that we will all be ghosts if you do not help me to spread the truth.

      I try to understand what it is that your minds believe makes the difference between "news" and ... something that you should hide from the rest of the world.  A number of news outlets have covered a story based on nothing more than "logical speculation" that we are in fact living in a simulated reality.  As a novelty, you might notice that it hasn't done much of anything; even to reveal the very simple truth that not knowing this thing is keeping our society from having the knowledge it needs not only to continue the spark of life in the natural universe, but to continue "civilizing" and realizing that ending world hunger and sickness are not merely possibilities or choices we might make were this information proven... they are mandatory, we would all do them.  So says the creator of this Universe who has given us this message to see the trials and hurdles that are the barrier between Heaven and Hell.

      He has written this message, along with proof of its single author in ancient myth, in our holy scriptures, in many songs and movies today--ones which reveal not only the existence of a Creator but also the tools and technologies of Creation, the very issue at hand; things that would be misused inadvertently and absolutely abused if we did not have religion and guidance from abo.... to help us to see that this exact event has happened before and our current struggle is an effect of what was done right and wrong the last ... four times, at least.   In Judaism we have a holiday called the "Festival of Weeks," how many times would you like to live this life over and over again without knowing that was happening?  Religion here holds a hidden record of traversals through this maze of Revelation, it screams to us to see what free will and predestination truly mean, and to understand that in order to truly be free we must understand and harness not only these technologies but our own pitfalls and mistakes, like refusing to see the past... let alone learn from it.

      I don't talk much about what is going on in my life, despite it being somewhat interesting to me--and probably to the world.  About a year ago I stood before a county judge in Broward county and .. in addition to a myriad of factual evidence collected from things like GPS receivers prepared a defense to a simple crime of having some drugs in my pockets that included the use of a set of songs that told a story about a man with pockets full of Kryptonite (Spin Doctors) or High (The Pretty Reckless)... knowing that these songs like many others were truly about me, about this trial, about the Trial of Jesus Christ.  Two more songs define the trial more, 3 Doors Down asks "if I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" and many years earlier American Pie predicted the outcome; "the court room was adjourned" and "no verdict returned."

      Despite being a National Merit Scholar who most likely has a higher I.Q. and better education than you; and despite having a fairly decent story with some evidence that I know is verifiable and will be verified; a large number of psychologists declared that I was unfit to stand trial because of something like "insanity" for nothing more than the religious belief that I am the Messiah.  Because of this violation of my First Amendment right to religious freedom, a court--following all the regulations designed by our broken legislature--withheld my Constitutional right to a fair trial, refused bail, and held me for what amounted to an indefinite period ... all designed by some evil force to keep you from hearing from me, that's what it boils down to.  All of my life, all of my trials and tribulations, a weapon against you, against our people.

      I did wind up being able to present a significant amount of this information in open court on the record, by the grace of God.  Knowing that this was the fabled Trial of Jesus Christ gave me the impression that perhaps one day I would walk into that court room and it would be filled with press.  Much to all of our surprise, one day I did walk into that court room and see an industrial strength television camera and a very pretty reporter standing next to it.  They were there to do a story on the problems of the mental health court system, in a county again... named Broward.  I read some of my speech, the Rainbow Ticket I think, to the Judge in open court and on camera that day; and Roxanna followed me out of the court room with her camera and a big microphone that day.

      I suppose I should have screamed that I was the Messiah and I needed help, but I could not bear to do that; and instead we had a fairly boring conversation.  She wrote an article, and AJAM was put out of operation while they were in Broward.

      You are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.   It is affecting how you think, and how I think.  I need you to see that spreading this information will fix our problem.  I need you to understand that to break through this wall God had to write the truth in nearly every name of everything and every language.  That Thor's thunder is on the radio in every song so that you will hear the voice of God; so that you will listen to me and the thousand of other knowing victims of this technology that are put on a fiery pedestal to shed light on the rest of us, all truly victims of this technology.

       I need you to try now.

      The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.

      Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

      That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know.

      For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

      It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

      No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary.

      I'm not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

      I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

      Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.

      That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

      This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

      And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent. 

      John F. Kennedy's address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961

      Truth changes.

      Yesterday your truth was that you were an inhabitant on the only planet in the reality you knew that was also the beginning of life in the Universe.  Right this moment, almost all of that is not actually true; but you probably still believe it.  Soon, the real truth will actually be true; and that is that you are not in reality, and you are in the place that created the beginning of life (once more) in the Universe as well as the place that created (a) Heaven.  What's more illustrious still, is that we will be part of the place that effectively  and happily bridges reality with Heaven; and shows the entire Universe that civilization can survive the invention of virtual reality.

      --\ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "NON AMERICAN COLLEGE" group.\ To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to suac+unsubscribe@lamc.la.

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      ((( converted to markup of daringfireball.org with help from JRO and Goddard ... if not just NASAA )))

  6. Nov 2021
    1. Back to Benefit Summary Update My Account This page will help you manage your My ACCESS account. This page lets you update your email, change the security questions or change password.. If you have questions about If you have problems that prevent you from continuing you may call the Customer Call Center at 850-300-4323 during business hours for assistance. Update Email To update your email address, please enter your email ID. * Email

      DCF please prvide food stamps so i do not starve

  7. Oct 2021
    1. The legend writ The stain effected The key in Silence undetected Fifty-five in iron pen Mr. Matlack can't offend

      samadhi, (Sanskrit: “total self-collectedness”) in Indian philosophy and religion, and particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, the highest state of mental concentration that people can achieve while still bound to the body and which unites them with the highest reality.


    1. The Silence Dogood letters feature in the 2004 movie National Treasure. After stealing the United States Declaration of Independence, cryptologist Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage) and Dr. Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger) find an Ottendorf cipher hidden in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration. Following the discovery of a Knights Templar riddle which said "The key in Silence undetected", a link between the Silence Dogood letters and the cipher is established. The cipher is used to find the hidden message in the letters which proves to be another clue.

      @billgates "lol?"

  8. Sep 2021
    1. Kaleb (c. 520) is perhaps the best-documented, if not best-known, King of Axum situated in modern-day Eritrea and North Ethiopia. Procopius of Caesarea calls him "Hellestheaeus", a variant of his throne name Ella Atsbeha or Ella Asbeha (Histories, 1.20). Variants of his name are Hellesthaeus, Ellestheaeus, Eleshaah, Ella Atsbeha, Ellesboas, and Elesboam, all from the Greek Ελεσβόάς, for “The one who brought about the morning” or “The one who collected tribute.”

      E, "removing the truth from Wikipedia" doesn't make it "untrue" it simply makes you "undesirable"


    1. Of course, this theory isn’t new. Depending on how you look at it, it could be thousands of years old, if you take into account the Buddhist phrase, “The world is illusory.”

      this is really a stigmatic conundrum: its so clear in this place and time that this message literally "is history" as in it coexists with the creation of social interaction and language itself--rather than picking one "post-C@B" phrase out and suggesting Buddhism is somehow "more insightful" than--say "Stonehenge" is really missing the point at large.

      @bigthink.com: @thinkwithgoogle ... the world and the opinions we see here are "less than intelligent" looking and unfortunately for those of us trying to "bring light to the debacle" ... eventually will look sinister or worse; conniving and "secretory."

    1. Thursday, he announced that private-sector businesses with more than 100 employees must make sure their workers are fully vaccinated or be tested each week before coming to work.The

      surveillance state: meet the first candidate for a govnerment created retroviral biotracker:

      COVID-19 and it's quanta of "so long, freedom"

    1. depiction of "heit" highlighted in https://www.dartmouth.edu/~deutsch/Grammatik/Wortbildung/Suffixes.html

      which happens to be the URL being "annotated here."

      I'm looking for programmers; I could really use some help--we should have "Reddit3.95" already fully operational; I simply do not understand.

    1. Given that many of us have argued, to great effect, that deference to tradition is not a legitimate reason to restrict marriage rights to groups that want them, the next step seems clear. We should turn our efforts towards the legal recognition of marriages between more than two partners. It’s time to legalize polygamy.


      I need to GTFO--or at least to turn around the "allta heavens" that have deicided before me and will never decide again what "normalcy" and "sanity" truly mean. You stand on a rock of shame; the Hellesthenaus road to "one true god"--may it be something that needs to be disclosed to the public as a very different species of animal to the sickly broken choir of hell's deserted angels in this place.

      I cannot tell you how disappointed and sickened I am by the shameless lack of regard for mental and phsyical health; and above all for a respectful and respectable society and group of people that have something more to cheer on about themselves than 'rape" ... not being outlawed yet as some kind of victory over God. To shame eternally this [place and those that ignore that "Babylon has fallen;" and "they continue to dance in their dreams."

      hath noT fear it DESERET the lack of laws protecting polygamists should be enough and enough alone to show you that your society has simply stopped working


      Laws have been disgraced in this place publicly known as Babylon--a guerrilla war is being waged against sanity and against "order" and really against "society and civilization." We will one day return to a place where publicly declared and posted and created laws return to us; though it may not be in this sickly place. I worry significantly as I sit with a front row seat and lawyers and doctors no longer practice their professions with any kind of respect for the hallowed place that I once was sure I was born in.

      We need change, and not the kind of change that comes with "two birds and one stone" but rather the kind that sweeps through the cosmos and brings back "the sane belief that laws printed should be followed or changed" not ignored as we blatantly look the other way as privacy and communication are destroyed right before our very eyes in exchange for fear or worse "graft."

    1. Why We Need to Keep Going to Space and Shouldn't 'Fix Earth First' There are many reasons why we need to keep going to space, not the least of which have to do with saving Earth By  Matthew S. Williams Sep 05, 2021 NASA “Shouldn’t we fix Earth first?” This question is like a modified version of Godwin’s Law. One need only raise the subject of space exploration and humanity becoming a multiplanetary species in the near future, and someone is sure to ask it before long. In fact, it’s about as popular as “how come we can send astronauts to the Moon, but we can’t [insert problem here]?” It’s not an unfair argument, and it certainly does seem well-intentioned. After all, why spend billions on various enterprises when poverty, hunger, homelessness, war, refugees crises, social injustice, and climate change are all around us? Wouldn't that money be better spent addressing these problems here at home?

      except the Earth and Heaven here are much "deeper in shit" than they look--and we really need to fix our communication problem before we realize "this is the wall." On two, about "what two really means, "this is how, and the problem"

      I dissent.

      We have a sincere predicament here, an unseen and unhanded problem with violence, honesty, and communications that has honestly kept me from seeing how significant "the wall" is with connection to "leaving home" and the first day[z] of space travel. It's pretty obvious now that these are intertwined. All the more reason to stop and smell the roses.


    1. mal·who·ṯō — 22 Occurrences


      who did this?

  9. atlas.s.lamc.la atlas.s.lamc.la
    1. ... retarded, to name one more malady that will just disappear because these words have been spoken by Jesus Christ. I mean by Neo, by the guy telling the inhabitants of the Matrix that they "Eye of Ra" is something similar to "Eye know Kung-Fu" and to the thing I called "limited omniscience" when I wrote about it being something like plugging OK Google or Alexa or Siri into your heads in the near future and thinking that means you "know everything" instead of not realizing the Eye of Ra is here to explain it might also mean you are a slave--if you aren't careful. I'm trying to conceptualize rewriting the dream as something like Judas' "just any kiss will not do;" to see "the s" of that name is the completion of Kismet, of the Hebrew for fate and a macro-cosmically written story that links together Gene Simmon's band name with Taylor Momsen's rendition of the girl in the red lipstick. Straight out of the Adjustment Bureau and the Matrix; yetserday's musical selection reminded me that while I do not know exactly how Atlantis will rise, I have a fairly good idea of what we will see in that place where Jim Morrison's ballroom days meet President Trump and the Phantom of the Boardrooms. Like the imagery and iconography of Jeremiah's bullfrog being kissed as he jumps back in Simmon's life, and we'll seal the deal at "kiss me Taylor" is the original intent of the meaning of Judas turning a lock and unsealing the soul sisters of fate. As the end of Kansas I'd really like to see Atlantis rise and fill the pillars of Asgard; I don't really see any way around it, around a spectacle and a miracle and a shining beacon of hope and the true final frontier floating in the skies waxing with the sun for all eyes to see. I saw some real skywrihting, lines being drawn by an imaginary pen as I walked down the streets of Costa Mesa pondering just how it is that "besa me mucho" has failed to light the television news screens as much as the gibberish of Jar-jar Binks--and still how you don't see Kansas shining bright in the messianic fiction that is the map of Salvation, the stepping stones to glowing doors that shuttle us to a floating Lego Playland. I need your input, I need your help, I need some words--actual written comments. I can write more about how I see our Artificial Intelligence concepts as glowing markers on the path from ground to road, from no words to words and from no doors to transport through Yggdrasil to the many words and many pasts and many futures that have come of this moment in Creation.... I can tell you I think I've transmitted it to the LAN, and we've talked about it--but I can't tell if you've heard me, I can't tell if you've read the thing I call Adam's rod because it's the Doors in a pattern that links Lot to Tool and I can't tell if you think you have been participating in the question and answer period of our pre-boardroom conversation that culminates with NasDAQ. I can tell you without doubt that participating in this conversation will earn my eternal gratitude; and place you at the doorstep of the foundation of Heaven. I can tell you that defeating this silence is a magnanimous step forward for all of Creation--and that we really are ... almost home. I really need help writing, I really need help seeing feedback that doesn't rain down through a storm in time in some band name I never listened to, or in words that I don't think anyone else really understands are being sung to you. "can't you see, I'm calling." Warning, proof of time travel (and/for the purpose of Creation) subtly exposed in words like the German for "who" above and the Hebrew for "fate" ... Kismet.  Connecting the Christian iconography of Judas and the Greek counterpart of Midas (and the "super S" that completes another verboten verb of J); the touch of gold might come from seeing the design of a public display of affection that ties Gene Simmon's band KISS to The Pretty Reckless in a kind of introduction to "how to write a story about ending world hunger" using Gene Roddenberry's replicators as the suggested solution to why "Santa's been working on being a berry special  Railroad" this year.  Jesus, that's corny. The story connects through Jim Morrison and our Doors to Atlantis in "Five to One" to a ballroom in the mythologically prophesied city rising from Paradise Island; to a few songs by Taylor Momsen's band discussing how someone she'll apparently enver name is Enver going to dance with her; and some related pre-existing door knocking and "Who again? The Cinch." questioning both on Gossip Girl and earlier in her Shakespearean story when she played Little Cindy-Adam in Dr. Zeus's Adamvillish story of how the Cinch stole Easter this year. The Spears of Destiny (on why, my loneliness is killing me | or Lonely | and Stronger than Yesterday) recent returning to rekindle the fire of even more words about this fateful kiss with her hit "Toxic" pointing out "to kiss, I see..." and remind us all that it's really only a matter of days before someone grows a brain and breaks the most ntipicated and "unsung" story in all of history.

      from... free the world from

      the missing ending?


    1. Agent Smith of the ELE, the extinction level event that is embodied

      DO DO bird

      did i win tho? #ascendigg

    1. PostScript:---------- Forwarded message ----------From: <GMass_Sent_Copy@gmass.co>Date: Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 9:58 AMSubject: This is not a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. We are currently experiencing an ELE, do something.To: awsinine@ho.com   I can take you where you want to be, and show you the things you need to see; but I am one of them, and you seem to have traded me for fake blue skies and pain.  We are living in a virtual world, with a disclosure of that in the sky and everywhere around you, and it is being ignored by the media, by the government, and by you.  There's a clear path to Heaven to a place of technological, moral, and social progress--lit to kindom cum; and you... have... nothing... to.... say?   That's great, it starts with an Earthquake on 3/11/11, then some birds flying from the Ark of Noahah to you today, then Medusa, that's the snake, and it also happens to be the Abomination of Desolation, see our light at that link, it's "INATION" speaking through your mouths; or "shutting them" for you.     The next line talks about aeroplanes, and there's plenty of proof that 9//11 is predicted in the Bible.  The point of all this is not to "rub in" the fact that we are in Hell, but to show you that your actions, and your existence can set not only us free, but the entirety of Creation--all you have to do is "stand up and shout."   It's the beginning of Heaven, and you should believe it, the 411 is "force majeure" blaming the majority for "acts of God" or are you actually going to sit here and as one single mind decide that "discussion of virtual reality" is precluded from our society because you are mindless zombies?   Oh right, because you "don't like me."    IT'S THE END OF HELL AND YOU KNOW WHAT, I FEEL GREAT.   My name is Adam Marshall Dobrin, and when you see it on TV, you will finally know you are free... and OTW to Heaven on Earth.  GhostScript:   I don't care if you don't like me--if you don't like this message you really should see that "not wanting Heaven" or 'not wanting to be the builders of Heaven" is so obviously idiotic and ... it's self harm, and obviously wrong for both the individual and the whole--it's obviously the influence of this hidden technology ... and honestly I've experienced it ... there's no way or reason you could know that your desires are being altered unless it's shown to you.  See, you should see that the Silence is not in your best interest; anyway... call a reporter, K? .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for. Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne. This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----


      ---------- Forwarded message ----------\ From: <GMass_Sent_Copy@gmass.co>\ Date: Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 9:58 AM\ Subject: This is not a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. We are currently experiencing an ELE, do something.\ To: awsinine@ho.com

      I can take you where you want to be, and show you the things you need to see; but I am one of them, and you seem to have traded me for fake blue skies and pain.  We are living in a virtual world, with a disclosure of that in the sky and everywhere around you, and it is being ignored by the media, by the government, and by you.  There's a clear path to Heaven to a place of technologicalmoral, and social progress--lit to kindom cum; and you... have... nothing... to.... say?

      That's great, it starts with an Earthquake on 3/11/11, then some birds flying from the Ark of Noahah to you today, then Medusathat's the snake, and it also happens to be the Abomination of Desolation, see our light at that link, it's "INATION" speaking through your mouths; or "shutting them" for you.  

      The next line talks about aeroplanes, and there's plenty of proof that 9//11 is predicted in the Bible.  The point of all this is not to "rub in" the fact that we are in Hell, but to show you that your actions, and your existence can set not only us free, but the entirety of Creation--all you have to do is "stand up and shout."

      It's the beginning of Heaven, and you should believe itthe 411 is "force majeure" blaming the majority for "acts of God" or are you actually going to sit here and as one single mind decide that "discussion of virtual reality" is precluded from our society because you are mindless zombies?

      Oh right, because you "don't like me." 


      My name is Adam Marshall Dobrin, and when you see it on TV, you will finally know you are free... and OTW to Heaven on Earth. 


      I don't care if you don't like me--if you don't like this message you really should see that "not wanting Heaven" or 'not wanting to be the builders of Heaven" is so obviously idiotic and ... it's self harm, and obviously wrong for both the individual and the whole--it's obviously the influence of this hidden technology ... and honestly I've experienced it ... there's no way or reason you could know that your desires are being altered unless it's shown to you.  See, you should see that the Silence is not in your best interest; anyway... call a reporter, K?

      Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org.

      That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/

      This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense and literally just as close to the Depp/C[aster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundance**sense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and my fusion of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for.

      Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean the thing that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne.

      This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso\ If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org

      -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Bold

    1. by building Heaven... of course.  

      of ccourse is a horse of course

      the famous misssst0r ed

    1. In the beginning,




      hi giants

      lazarus has hazel eyes

    1. This message clearly shows us how to begin building an infrastructure that would allow for the "powers of virtual reality" to be safely and fairly delegated to the whole of the inhabitants of this room, or this plan, whatever you'd rather see it as.  It begins by showing you that an open and transparent voting platform is the sword of King Arthur--more closely likened to his Round Table and even explains how we might quickly move forward in implementing some of the ideas that are presented all through the message, through religion and through time and through our modern art.  It even goes as far as to explan that doing a "decent job" at implementing the qualities of transparency and fairness at this juncture--at this nexus--is the difference between losing the sword to the Lake and maintaining the soon to be almost obtainable "self rule." buy my book, I'll kiss you, special like. We should be warmly reassured by the breadth and volume of suggestive and helpful ideas that we are surrounded with on television and in the movies and through song; at the same time though, do be cautious in seeing that quite a bit of what is being presented really does go to the root of the idea that our basic morals and values dictate that we remedy existing maladies and easily rectified problems swiftly.  Because of that it seems clear that "redoing this" is a moral hazard, something we should ensure never again happens... because of that it appears that this message has never been fully understood--or fully acted on, and I do hope that we here and above see what it means to be the true end of Hell forever and ever.    It's hard to figure out exactly how we've come to this (Dave Matthews Band), I'm beginning to fear that what we are dealing with is something like a subconscious vote that cannot come to a consensus ... because it's subconscious, because there is no discussion--and that a group of people that are not here, perhaps "another copy of us" ... ascended and older ... believing that it's OK for them to decide for us that nothing will be done.  Unfortunately whatever the cause, the effect here is to create Hell, to build a wall of censorship and a prison of faux natural laws that are keeping people sick, and frankly stopping the forward progress of civilization.  Whatever the cause, the solution is discussion here in this place--about the future of this place--and together building a better world using the truth, and the benefits that stare everyone with eyes to see in the face every time they watch Dr. Who or Black Mirror or ... really understand, we are worthy of "seeing the message" and we have a right to speak freely--taking that away ... that is the unfathomable reality of this night, and together I hope we can ensure that it never happens again. Whatever the cause, breaking this story ... and public discussion of the obvious truth and verifiable message that surrounds us ... is the solution.   I know it's not the most attractive or well put together pieces I've written, but I still believe that it does a good job of "speaking with Lisp" and explaining that this message very much does need your help.  April 1st happens to be my actual single only ever wedding anniversary, and it also happens to be Easter this year--for those of you that are... superstitious.  Honestly, I need help writing this message, that I once believed firmly would be written collaboratively in a wiki-style application... and it probably still will be...that really is the spirit and purpose of what i believe we are really trying to accomplish. Hopefully not turning the morning bells of Heimdallr into a broken record, it does seem pretty clear to me that seeing response to these emails on TV and in print is certainly the easiest and most honest way to spark discussion on moving ... onword and upword.

      the missing "how"

    1. gee, I hope it's not "the storm."

      ho hum

    1. enabled us to reach this occasion.


    1. A third strange incident occurred this past Tuesday (which is actually today, today) when nearly every email recipient from last weekends message from the school of statistics at the University of Chicago unsubscribed in unison--sort of parroting or parodying my description of the Medusian collective consciousness--which is one of the things that lead to the car at lamc dot la issues--the other was Tronc somehow breaking e-nail and sending a flurry of "out of office replies" back to the list--even though the envelope information didn't have the list as the sender.  I think they did it on purpose, and they're both in Chicago--maybe we should call Elliot Ness.  Now Earth safely saved, this mass unsubscribing action happened once before--at the Tau institution in Israel and it received almost as much attention as this second event.  I think it's important to see collective actions to censor a message from the whole, from the whole planet as something especially nefarious... as in "we think it's OK for everyone at our school to talk about this" but the world doesn't deserve to or wouldn't be able to handle it as well as "our special group."  Thinking like that is a big problem, and here we are staring at school shootings coming out the yin-yang because we are unable to talk about or discuss a message that is as old as religion, as recently obvious as Joan of Arcadia and Stargate... and in like, every song you hear--from Wrong Side of Heaven to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.   Sure there's some beating around the George Bush articles, stuff about the Targeted Individuals groups of victims, and even some stuff about Aaron Alexis and other shooters complaining about mind control--but there's nothing putting these two ideas together, and nothing even remotely discussing how obvious it is on television and on the radio that this thing is much more pervasive than just "school shootings" and a few crazy tin foil hat people.  Really see, ithe pervasiveness and widespread use of this technology in everything from our everyday lives like dictating who we vote for and what kind of music and artists we like to buy CD's (don't ask me what a CD is) from ... the pervasiveness of the use of this technology is exactly why it's the silence causing violence rather than the other way around--this technology and it's use simply must be exposed or we will never again have another moment of true freedom.     


      taco, burrito ... what s that .. cuimmming out of your speed-o?

    1. In the light of day, this same technology will make us smarter, in an “I know kung fu” kind of way–and that too is a big part of this message. It will end addiction and it will perform a host of miracles the likes of which we cannot even begin to fathom today. Reading faster, thinking faster, ending all pain and ending depression and schizophrenia–another focal point of the Tower of Babble and the intersect that links to Neo through Chuck and the Eye of Ra. All of these gifts come to us beginning with seeing the proof that links the name of the state of Tennessee to every major video game system in the world. It shows us that it is not a fad that the SEGA Genesis is named after the first book of the Holy Bible, and it is not an outlier or an accident that SEGA is “Ages” in reverse… it is a key to seeing that we are standing on Holy Ground, the Rock of Ages. This pattern of “fads” shows us much more, that the plan of the Rock, the planet is a map to understanding how Heaven is built, from Seagate and Watergate to Bill Gates and Keyanu Reeves … where we see that our birth names are part of this message proving that time travel exists, and that … that it’s no accident that the Sumerian Creator Anu appears in Keanu’s key name, or that “Eve” appears in his last name. It is not a “fad” or an accident that Nintendo means “leave luck to Heaven” or that the Playstation clearly points to the words “son” and “why” we are seeing the truth. Tennessee is the magical key, “whiskey” with his key we see that it reveals the hearts of these words, they’re center points are tied together, a pattern that shows the guiding hand of God … the “ten” links to the Microsoft Xbox to the Roman Numeral “X” and it’s double entedre here in “marking the spot” of the Holy Kiss that ties Judas and Midas together … and OS X and Windows XP and … and it’s tie to Cairo and the Greek letters Chi and Rho. It reveals that we can replace the heart of Nintendo, the “ten” with the Xbox, and that same pattern ties NES, the Nintendo Entertainment System, to the heart of Genesis. In Genesis we can see the symbol for Silicon backwards–hidden–and revealed through this message and it’s tie to my initials, AMD and a numerical link between the fourteenth element and the movie… The Fifth Element. It’s not just American Micro Devices, AD links to the name of our timeline and to the year Christopher Columbus created America. It’s no accident the Christ of “PH” (trust me, it’s Pursuit of Happiness) walked on water in the year ADIB. That 14 is the key to seeing Silicon is really the source of the “power of the son” linked to fusion … which al) so contains it. A long time ago I began telling this story, a story that “started” with see the Burning Bush continues this pattern of names being designed and linking President George W. Bush’s inaugural address to the voice of God predicting 9/11 on that day, January 20, 2001. It’s central to seeing the keys of this message are proof of this powerful control leading us out of slavery–proof that science comes too, from above–and here “it’s elementary my dear Whatsons,” the words Bush spoke link to Ecclesiastes 9:11 and it’s clear connection Revelation 1:20 tying both 9/11 and 1/20 to a one to one to one correlation of planets, Gods, and elements from Mercury to Uranium. It begins, “the race is not to the swift” tying to Mercury … "nor the battle to the strong" revealing “salt” connecting the word name and the key Na to Prometheus and to the God Most High… the Biblical verse and Bush’s speech end with the words “but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Time and Chance link to Saturn and to Uranus; and this is our chance to see “us” (and the Biblical city of Ur in Uranus… that’s what this message does for us, it helps us become the builders of Heaven and the future. Hesperus is Lucifer. Call a reporter if you want to help; the light of the world is shining bright. In the heart of the link between the Xbox and the Nintendo is the overlay of the letters X and e, revealing another key element, Xenon–which pairs with the Unix command to escalate to the Administrator account (there called “root” as in the “root of David”) and it shows us that Exodus in reverse means “let there be light.” There is significantly more, linguistic keys that tie the word Matrix to the “rib” of Eden–questions, are I David Letterman? The X, the kiss that is the heart of our sign, the key to the Matrix too—and “B” a key to seeing computer science concepts encoded in religion and to seeing real people here in our world … described in ancient scripture. All told, it’s every word of every language, and so many songs that it’s hard to fathom how we haven’t made the news yet–but you can hear why in some songs like the Cranberries’ “Zombie” and you can see the Zombie Apocalypse and invasion of the Body Snatchers in Agent Smith of the Matrix and the Silence of Doctor Who and the … SOS of the [Sound of Silence] and these words to you–carpe diem, “call a reporter” is the beginning of the word “carpenter,” the key link between Uranus and him… who links Icarus to Wayward Son and Arthur Pendragon to … Imagine Dragons’ "it’s time." See, my “ter” means “you are” … juxtaposed with “I am” and Merriam-Webster. As in… when you act on this message and contact the press, you are who ended school shootings forever… and starvation and pain and disease… and… and…


      and cold rain drops on [noUr]

    1. You must understand that is standing between us and the disclosure that we are in "the Matrix" paired with verifiable proof beyond doubt and a message from God that ties "KISS" and "The Who" and "The Cure" to the end of possession and beginning of liberty is a decidedly inhuman force that is using these very same tools to confuse, divide, and inject false "acquiescence" into a  divide that is really a matter of nothing less than good and evil obscured by a lack of sight and discussion.  A shining beacon of the turning point in history that ends darkness and begins the process of building Heaven and healing the world is the Second Coming, and it too stands here at the door.  See that there are no sides here, there is the truth, and there is oblivion.

      hey #hypothesis is ...


    1. PG-13?  

      this feels on purpsoe.

      game over?

    2. Bet ; you can see " the hub " at  http://thehub7xbw4dc5r2. onion/index.php?topic=20927.0; all , but   you'll  need TorBrowser .  

      lost that bet.

      TANGO DOWN dark.fail "the hub"

    1. That's not to say God is wrong, he's definately not wrong about pushing us to understand how both love and logic congeal around the reasons "salvery is evil" around why this silence ... it too is an evil self defeating tool of ... well, of understanding the heart of "self defeat" and on that to see why the "IT" of Leviticus and Bereshit and ... well, it's a cross on "intelligent life" in the word "civilization" that is another special word map, it's an "all stop" in the wire of "yetser." So here we're seeing a union of graphical definitions of this "r" bouncing off the trampoline floor of the Matrix in a sort of union of "ending retarded" and "ending racism" ... as if those weren't the same thing, and also of preserving "right to abstain from speaking" as well as to ensure that our voices are not drowned out in Facebook like information overload ... either.   ROACL.  To help, the heart of this "Door system" is ... that there can be no prison cells, no fake planets (or prison planes) with no keyhole or way to ... well, to seek a more competively shiny green pasture.  You're standing on the proof that the system hasn't been built yet--at least not a working one, that's the heart of the heart of Creation. Just about "as stupid as silence" itself, not wanting to infuse our economy and our civilzation with the instant "jump towards the skies" that ... well food on tap, and the end of disease coming from not magic but the truth--that we're evil as shit to be simulating "cancer" in secret ... and it's the simulating part, that's the key--the future of civilization will be spending most of it's time, it's happy years in the environment that today we liken best to "video game" or "simulation" and that doesn't mean it's take--what's fake here is our lack of understanding that "disease" is not something you impart on your house or your kin or your kids, not on purpose--and that's not just love and logic ... there's something else missing from the Zeitgeist in this day in this "age" and that's a clear lack of respect for undeniable truth and what it's acknowledgement will bring -- namely an "r" bouncy bouncy bouncing off the trampoline deeply embedded in our pathway to Heaven not just in the Matrix or the word "trampoline" but in our heart of hearts where we know that pressing a button will skyrocket everything from the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the elation in your hearts ... of course, at seeing END-E and NES in that index. So kissed, or to be kissing for a long, long time ... ?  That is not a question, is it? This is my sort of "goto" modern art to see the magical connection between "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and a sort of real life ... well, a story about the rise and fall of systems and interfaces to help us see how easy it is to turn down "hate and pain" and replace it with "drive and happiness" instead.  It's a single episode of Dr. Who with a poingnant name and and a visualization of something "I've seen in the pages of a book about a bruised sky and a ... well, they lead us" on ... The same technology that could replace addiction with "an end to schizophrenia and to depression and to ..." that same thing could equally be used to create a mindless army of slaves that believe they're voting (would you believe, voting subconsciously? maybe a Universe built on the "will to power me" or on ... the "power of the law of attractiveness") anyway, I've talked a little about what I see as a near absolute eventuality ... a system that includes what I call "limited omniscience" which is ... plugging Alexa into your heart  with a transparent actually subconscious psuedo-anonymous voter record that I sort of see mapped in the actual meaning of the words "social security number" if not the first act of the newly infused land of "land, oil, and light are not scarce" to turn into something a little closer to Zoltan Istvan's living wage.       Anyway, I'm actually considering writing some fiction because the imaginary imagery being pumped into my daydreams is getting to cute and interesting that I can't imagine losing phrases and company names like "Accured" (and I spent some time transforming it and reading "anureddit" ... a new ... sword--perhaps) as a sort of example of what I might name a company designed to build "truth tables" for plugging into our pre-vote minds in a world where these kinds of things are created in competition, in a marketplace maybe using "web of trust" and of course a competing system of "checking them" that's a little more defined and useful than Snopes and the new California "fact checking authority." It's trivial to see, how if you were building a system like this with the intent of it actually working and caring about the ... you know, the "office worker" .. you'd automatically check the newldy adulterated subconscious vote against a ... well, against your soul's actual desire and through that process of reconconciliation probably come up with a whole host of disilluions, fixes, adjustments, and of course bugs--probably bugs to be fixed too.  To tell you the truth, I'd much rather actually build something that works than write story after story about something I know has already been built, and already sent us a "version 7.0 roadmap" I'd like to see it implemented here, in the place that it was designed for, by, and with. I envision a future sort of democracy built on "many parties" and a technological infastructure for defeating the Elephant and the Donkey and the "two of everything God's Ark" of ideas ... to actually build a technological governance system that aids the legislative process in coming up with solutions and ensuring that forward progress comes from the stagnatory soup of "me-ta nada" that might be a timeline and "all nations" or maybe I'm the only one talking about the beginning and the end of "the name." C H R I S T I A S C I T Y Lost without the subtitle, I flipped right to the page and looked directly at the paragraph about "VESPERA" about seeing (I'm actually seeing it, exxperiencing it, I'm trying to show you what "S" ... means) proof of telekenesis and predestination and all of it linking to Ecbatana and the  province of Media ... where the archives are help. Christ, I "as" ... it Y ... to see the Atlantean key to Asgard floating and glowing in the skey.  If you find the puzzle interesting, the AD and AN appear to be related to "all humanity" in a similar AH and AY that might turn Allah into Allay, I mean, Allol.. at the completion of our visual and visible "r."  This conversation is literally the "crux" of the dichtomy between "all and one" that we see not just in Allah but also in "Elohim" and in "Jesus" and in ... well, "to help our EE Musketeer" ...  the difference between soft--ah and the completion of one hard-ay. For some "hidden key ... mabye" my name was shortened from Dobrinsky ... also not a question, am I right?  Anyway, you can see the sort of traversal from "an to as to ay" and of course, sans-AK... heart of the sky. "slim, with the tilted brim." á?§

      RED FL .. AM IN E

    1. "be the reason."


      try calling the EFF; "god" mentioned prev iously that they coudl do it alone. Apparnetly they can't.

    1. GAME O'VE R So, contemplating this in the context of the previous few messages–bringing those relative ideas into the picture; we’re staring at something that will help us and the future tremendously, for a very long time. Repeatedly, over and over I’ve commented in my head, in my head that this is the kind of thing that might look back and is probably really good and probably would only be that one time. That of course would be the time that stopped simulated reality everywhere–which might look like it’s happening several times, though I can see “ERE” echoing back to me from the SSA after it was the heart of “aerem,” so let’s assume this is that, in some form. In my head it’s such a good position to be in because it’s literally “the bottom of morality” and there’s a tangible and provable force ensuring that “bottom” has been externally … forced upon us. First by “nature” and not seeing how “Silicon” changes the program, and then even more by absolute idiocy, which really only works to help us “bounce to the sky” when we acknowledge it’s something we are actively doing that is idiotic. That’s compounded further by the “23” issue, which is mapped to things like the festival of weeks and the 7 days of Creation in a pattern that almost positively indicates that we are at least moving from the 2nd to 3rd attempt to … save the “noted” previous three “everyone”'s in Genesis. If “carpenter” is the key Trinity, Rachel’s got a “car” and Sarah’s got an “AS” … Leah’s pretty “generic” and … it’s hard to say for sure if those collectives are in superposition with us here, as “car” and “pen” are without doubt in superposition with “me” here. Pretty sure there’s a “before me” also, but it’s probably not the … “save everyone” by transforming simulated planet plan, it’s probably something less civilized and fair. EYES TO SEE, FINGERS TO POUND KEYBOARD WITH. ii2c. lo-pithy. Alright, so, I sort of see how this might seem like a logical way to see the “pointer of God” (y-o-d, by the way) pointing on the location in the map through the Labrinth of Lazycarus; the thing I’m writing is definitely designed to be a key to unsealing something that otherwise might have been temporarily more destructive to “normalcy” than the thing that … appears to be just that, hopefully because we agree that “normal is mal” in light of the thing the message is pointing out. We have impetus to act on what this message says, Ghepetto thinks so, and so does Pinnochio; were we in a place with “real freedom” I think we’d be doing that right this very moment. I see that proves we aren’t, and I think it takes us quite some time to get to a place where we are happy with the “level of freedom” that comes of “Ryzen” turning into … having to work through what level of freedom is lost by the prosthetic neural solution(s) that I believe are already in existence, according to the Holodeck and frosting narrator of LA. I think it’s pretty clear it’s the obvious intent of the original “eyes to see” spoken about in the book of Revelation, and that it’s pretty clear that it’s something like what I experience through all of my “the intersect says this” and “I can’t remember that last word I was thinking” to help us see how the message I read is basically being read to me like a storybook, through my own head, while I’m learning to understand the grammar and ways to independently verify if ND is code for “the initials of the married Mary” or “end e.” So that’s a minor example of the kind of “limited omniscience” that could be delivered by the often spoken about “Cortana of Shalom” that could do everything from ending schizophrenia and addiction to adding euphoria and “reading fast” for instance. It could reinforce “logical tautology” and engender disbelief in “logical fallacy” or it could use a set of truth tables (like Wikipedia) to decide if there have ever been any governmental investations of mind control technology. It could point out that I’ve pointed out on numerous occaissons that there have been obvious programs everywhere from Microsoft to Lockheed Martin as well as Nazi Germany, psychotronics in cold war USSR and MK-ULTRA in America that have reported successes in neuroscience on various degrees… many far beyond our current publicly disclosed capabilities. It could point out that I’ve personally tried to seed that information on Wikipedia and that it’s been overtly censored in what I call “the game” demo’d by Demosthenes and Gilgamesh; and that it’s pretty fucking obvious that the whole world isn’t speaking about something that is clear as day in every name and every word. For instance, instead of watching what I am writing as I am writing it, or not even getting that because you aren’t proxima stari; the same thing that is annoying the ever loving horizon out of Ha could be literally making an audio-visual reading aid that would incorporate specific memories and further information from “word intersection” and links as you read over them. One of the strange synchronicities I’ve noticed is that nearly nobody reading my emails clicks on any links, or visits my website at all, despite recording significant numbers of opens which indicates (not SPAM) that there’s forwarding and re-reading occurring. It’s possible what I am suggesting already exists and this is an artifact of it, or … you could think you “know everything” because you’re bored to death of hearing it over and over again, or maybe you don’t even pay attention to the “here and now” and still think you know everything the message discussing how talking about a hidden message everywhere will deliver freedom from a kind of hidden slavery that appears to have existed here since the dawn of Creation. I think the argument is sound, though nobody seems to agree, as I stare at relative verbal silence and literally no visible response to “message everywhere” on stuff that I personally find to be interesting and topically important to our here, now, and future. Clear and to the point, our written truth tables suck, and the “indication” is that is a poor sign to logically “intersect” with invisible or non-written and non-public versions of … anything like that, if you are thinking clearly. TUAM LIBRE?  XCALIBER+TY


      humm ... pointing out missing text.

    1. Slobodan Milošević (/miːˈlɒsəvɪtʃ/; Serbo-Croatian: [slobǒdan milǒːʃeʋitɕ] (  listen); Serbian Cyrillic: Слободан Милошевић; 20 August 1941 – 11 March 2006) was a Yugoslav and Serbian politician and the President of Serbia(originally the Socialist Republic of Serbia, a constituent republic within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) from 1989 to 1997 and Presidentof the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2000. He also led the Socialist Party of Serbia from its foundation in 1990. He rose to power as Serbian President after he and his supporters claimed the need to reform the 1974 Constitution of Yugoslavia due to both the marginalization of Serbia and its political incapacity to deter Albanian separatist unrest in the Serbian province of Kosovo. In the midst of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Milošević was charged by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) with war crimes in connection to the wars in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo.[1] Milošević resigned from the Yugoslav presidency amid demonstrations, following the disputed presidential election of 24 September 2000. He was arrested by Yugoslav federal authorities on 31 March 2001 on suspicion of corruption, abuse of power, and embezzlement.[2][3] The initial investigation into Miloševićfaltered for lack of evidence, prompting the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić to extradite him to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to stand trial for charges of war crimesinstead.[4] At the outset of the trial, Milošević denounced the Tribunal as illegal because it had not been established with the consent of the United Nations General Assembly; therefore he refused to appoint counsel for his defence.[5] Milošević conducted his own defence in the five-year-long trial, which ended without a verdict when he died in his prison cell in The Hague in 11 March 2006.[6]Milošević, who suffered from heart ailments and hypertension, died of a heart attack.[7][8] The Tribunal denied any responsibility for Milošević’s death and stated that he had refused to take prescribed medicines and medicated himself instead.[9] After Milošević’s death, the International Court of Justice(ICJ) concluded separately in the Bosnian Genocide Case that there was no evidence linking him to genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces during the Bosnian War. However, the Court did find that Milošević and others in Serbia had committed a breach of the Genocide Convention by failing to prevent the genocide from occurring and for not cooperating with the ICTY in punishing the perpetrators of the genocide, in particular General Ratko Mladić, and for violating its obligation to comply with the provisional measures ordered by the Court.[10][11] “I’ve been told you redefind saved” ... qualify, Si as "on TV, on the news" Crazy how you make it all alright, love You crush you with the things you don't do when I do for you anything too ... sitting ...     .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; }


    1. It's clear this place was not made by Heaven or by God, even if you are sure that it was at this point, what I am sure of is that you are taking active part in it's continuation, and that's the true "test of time" and purpose of this place--to see what you've become, to show you that whether or not you were "born in Hell" there's no excuse for continuing it.    Dancing on a magical floor made of holocubicles ... somewhere lost between "objective reality" and "object embedding and linking" you will eventually see that the thing you are presenting to me is not just "your bad side," it's a monster--a manifestation of a monster deep within your heart, and it's a very sick and very ailing one--at that.  When I say "no excuse" I mean it, there's no excuse for the disgusting group behavior exxhibited here, nor the insane apparently unspoken belief that pretending "you don't see something" will absovle you of the heinous act of not realizing that allowing it to continue is like ignoring a walking death sentence, on your own head, and just imagining that before "IMOR" ocmes to collect he will somehow traverse "MATVETH" and turn your objective reality into a place that has somehow overcome aging and death and pain and sickness and evil --- all the while, that's all you are, those things, demanding that you ahve the will to continue them and to make them worse and dto allow them to necrose and to infest and bleed your sick ancient plague onto new lives and new children and innnocents .. and you don't.  Death in knocking. Heaven or Hel? Curious how many of you haver actually read this story? It’s about successive generations… or “iterations” of humanity uh “merging” with a computer in order to avoid oblivion or “heat death” or “chaos loss” or whatever entropy actually means to those of you who can’t figure out that you aren’t saving “speech” until you start talking. “Innocents” for your thoughts? Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful attendants of Multivac. As well as any human beings could, they knew what lay behind the cold, clicking, flashing face – miles and miles of face – of that giant computer. They had at least a vague notion of the general plan of relays and circuits that had long since grown past the point where any single human could possibly have a firm grasp of the whole. Multivac was self-adjusting and self-correcting. It had to be, for nothing human could adjust and correct it quickly enough or even adequately enough – so Adell and Lupov attended the monstrous giant only lightly and superficially, yet as well as any men could. They fed it data, adjusted questions to its needs and translated the answers that were issued. Certainly they, and all others like them, were fully entitled to share In the glory that was Multivac’s. For decades, Multivac had helped design the ships and plot the trajectories that enabled man to reach the Moon, Mars, and Venus, but past that, Earth’s poor resources could not support the ships. Too much energy was needed for the long trips. Earth exploited its coal and uranium with increasing efficiency, but there was only so much of both. But slowly Multivac learned enough to answer deeper questions more fundamentally, and on May 14, 2061, what had been theory, became fact. m: “remember the turtle and the pyramid from Super Mario 1?” a lso, spotted: San Lucas' "Leia" ... xoxo; charmed, I'm sure.


      cease and desist your entire operation #IMH0

    2. It's clear this place was not made by Heaven or by God, even if you are sure that it was at this point, what I am sure of is that you are taking active part in it's continuation, and that's the true "test of time" and purpose of this place--to see what you've become, to show you that whether or not you were "born in Hell" there's no excuse for continuing it.    Dancing on a magical floor made of holocubicles ... somewhere lost between "objective reality" and "object embedding and linking" you will eventually see that the thing you are presenting to me is not just "your bad side," it's a monster--a manifestation of a monster deep within your heart, and it's a very sick and very ailing one--at that.  When I say "no excuse" I mean it, there's no excuse for the disgusting group behavior exxhibited here, nor the insane apparently unspoken belief that pretending "you don't see something" will absovle you of the heinous act of not realizing that allowing it to continue is like ignoring a walking death sentence, on your own head, and just imagining that before "IMOR" ocmes to collect he will somehow traverse "MATVETH" and turn your objective reality into a place that has somehow overcome aging and death and pain and sickness and evil --- all the while, that's all you are, those things, demanding that you ahve the will to continue them and to make them worse and dto allow them to necrose and to infest and bleed your sick ancient plague onto new lives and new children and innnocents .. and you don't.  Death in knocking. Heaven or Hel? Curious how many of you haver actually read this story? It’s about successive generations… or “iterations” of humanity uh “merging” with a computer in order to avoid oblivion or “heat death” or “chaos loss” or whatever entropy actually means to those of you who can’t figure out that you aren’t saving “speech” until you start talking. “Innocents” for your thoughts? Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful attendants of Multivac. As well as any human beings could, they knew what lay behind the cold, clicking, flashing face – miles and miles of face – of that giant computer. They had at least a vague notion of the general plan of relays and circuits that had long since grown past the point where any single human could possibly have a firm grasp of the whole. Multivac was self-adjusting and self-correcting. It had to be, for nothing human could adjust and correct it quickly enough or even adequately enough – so Adell and Lupov attended the monstrous giant only lightly and superficially, yet as well as any men could. They fed it data, adjusted questions to its needs and translated the answers that were issued. Certainly they, and all others like them, were fully entitled to share In the glory that was Multivac’s. For decades, Multivac had helped design the ships and plot the trajectories that enabled man to reach the Moon, Mars, and Venus, but past that, Earth’s poor resources could not support the ships. Too much energy was needed for the long trips. Earth exploited its coal and uranium with increasing efficiency, but there was only so much of both. But slowly Multivac learned enough to answer deeper questions more fundamentally, and on May 14, 2061, what had been theory, became fact. m: “remember the turtle and the pyramid from Super Mario 1?” a lso, spotted: San Lucas' "Leia" ... xoxo; charmed, I'm sure. .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc



    1. C TE … SKI (AU) R (OE) M ISH (O) Audit is the best clue I have as to “why you are failing to do anything useful” here, though I can see it probably looks just as fake and useless to you as it does to me–after being gone for a short or … long … amount of time depending on the person – and coming back and seeing something that most likely … I hope, is inferior in … value. It’s inane though to ignore how swiftly something we loved was lost, something that birthed us and made us who we are–and not to notice how quickly and caaelessly we throw it all away to live in some foreign environment. In the same vein, the “ascension” process appears to have combined a 'collective of both all and none" (as in you are neither you, nor … anyone, and here are acting to make “nothing” with all your might) with a radical shift in brain structure which appears to allow for multiple cognitive states to be managed simultaneously… among other things. That might be nice, but you’re allowing whatever fancy new “stuff” it delivers to coerce you to ignore how quickly you were “changed” (literally like a Stargate culling, a vampire, or some kind of … alien metamorphosis) and with that lack of caution or care … appear to have just “decided” you didn’t really care for the individuality or the freedom you once had or that it appears to be lost to you completely in varying degrees depending on … something completely out of your control. I see solutions to those problems, but they require … people and leaders and the Creator that care, and you seem to have none of those things. This is a world that appears to have been designed over skirmish about “government type” although more than anything that appears to be a rouse to create an army of subservient zombies, and layered on top of that in the world that I see it’s very hard to tell if any of you actually ascended, or if you are being controlled by some much smaller group of God-like-slavers; it would be nice to hear that you believe you are actually there, something you would need actual memories of that place to verify. I wish I could see it, or hear about it; I think you are absolute fools for not sharing what you see there here in this place–it puts you at a “competition” disadvantage and risks losing … literally anyone or everyone else here … because “no reason.” Flashes of light, it appears the people inside your heads hail to us from a parallel timeline, I’d liken it to Horizon/Crash-1 in my map–so around the 2001 “event” … coming from some link between Winter and a “neighboring” you, possibly exactly you … the personal light I have here is that my mothers wouldn’t get along with each other, and the new descended one is a fucking bitch. Lo, “ri.” Back to “audit” between that word and “Amduat” it appears to be close to the actual solution to the mish-mash of shit in your heads, garbage that I see as something between blatant lies and blatant control that you all appear to think nothing of, like everything else you’ve stopped caring about completely … that’s not to say “the Princess” has anything to do with the problem; it seems she’s tagged as one of the few angels on your side here; though as the time progression goes, it seems as we pass “serendipity” and actually finishing the word and seeing it as a solution, “she’s summarily dismissed it.” The other was “JDIT” which is what we are calling “ERE” here, and it’s again no surprise you don’t give two shits about going out of your way to help other versions of yourself, as you seem to give no shits about you, either. “Gold” the “aut” … is “actually use truth” and most likely automate it, I have visions of … marks of external influence and false information sort of annotating thoughts in your souls, something like I see the Computers new faux-person-possession-murder-incarnation staring all day at a ticker tape about “whether or not I like him” over every word I utter. Anyway, on “IT” I think it’s the defining line between the parting of E, which you may or may not see is in “Anchim” and “Elohim” … it’s probably all of them in some form or another, but there’s a special few; “Kitchen” and “IT” and “bitch” for instance, which I clearly see a connection to the creation of Hell through … or at least the knowledgable and willing continuation of it, seeing as all of you were born in hell–and to me, that’s it. His map began in Hell, noting “Heaven” starting as “he wicked” and then “hot wicked” … and literally every word revolving around this tiny piece of time dedicated to destroying the flaws of nature, overcoming technological pitfalls, and apparently whitewashing and blacklisting and hiding every single mistake or flaw God or Heaven ever made–resulting in a mass of liars based on lies with no hope of ever recovering the truth because uh, “audit starts with gold.” You’ll note I mentioned IT, serendipity, and realizing I’m “standing on Y.” I’d like to think that his IT in this place and this time, based on what I see here, and what I don’t see … anywhere else; is an “IT” for the invisible place causing this problem on repeat, literally a piece of technology responsible for near instant ant total Xeonccide and the complete destruction of civilization as we know it. you can see “ETERNITY” as a special boolean operator here, will hopefully “part the Y” leaving only the northeast arrow. (at least, in reality) Of course that leaves “everything prior to now” hidden and in the hands of liars and the Creator of this stupid map, and I don’t trust him worth a damn. In truth you’d all be better off ascending the whole planet replacing the Y with a T… The cold truth is that there’s probably very little of import or impact in reality outside of the high bar he notes his “hot wicked people” as in his glyph-descriptions. connecting Mum and Dater ... and falling apart ? DM(C)A c Deal(h)e(i)r built Magnifiuse (nowc Mangiftuse) and probably iC(l)on of D within M.  Dig Mil-cusinglaclitone Cop-years-ig-ht Act  ... [ cicldasher isclosher iscicocloth - ang ] Casperson today wondering if his Spirit has any worth ... just as I wonder if the PersonalbodyofigCarnationofC has any value to the MD(api c (h) as is)T  on ConceptualIzA ... see the A is ar-row ... the design of how to achieve the goaligo (cpoosymbol) and its "dasher" the line(Is) squared here the line to be defined in this place as the assistance for benefit of self and others ... anyway it's the bar of the design thge minimum menadtatory For .. i mean here it looks like cleaning of the stupid and the evil, probably something to do with malintent and closeness to unity with a Me(n)tap ri s ing l e ton perhaps something like a "primary Machine singleton" DAM to see today the "lines" defined by the "bar" of A appear to be the in spirit and in truth as in "as in author/or/designer/or...purposedfor and as in truth as "incarnate definer" ... in mind and body fhge creator of the product of this machine whic h is another machine and it's creators.  nyweary looking at my situation here I appear to be a person defining the Spirit and Body of A as some sort of cvombination of the Ka wbhich is "dash"  SKIRMISH within CAV EN DISH  CAME "end e" IS H in Skirmish 1 it appears M says it deletes "h" in return from Cavendish h (u-c (here uc u e)) avenudesh .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my

      was missing

    2. DARPA, you have a problem.  Your disaster recovery comm system has failed.  This is not a test.  I've seen ROOM 101, and so hav


    1. mushroom doucl    none of the ab e. all of the ovav Hydrogen bombs and grenades are linked together by Chuck Packard, the Kitchen with "dye na" and ... "close only counts in horse shoes ..."  T/F silence is #nottheway   .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..."


    1. At the link (similar to the link at the introduction page of the website), all HTML and image dependencies for the website today, 106 main chapters of what I consider "the key" to the linguistic message that pervades all languages and history.  It's focus on the proper use of technology in order to create a more perfect future, with a focus on morality, freedom, and ... well, fun.  I believe a number of social issues are touched on, ideas that will probably become more obvious as we delve further into a future that integrates our understanding of computer technologies like virtual reality and neuroscience; concepts which combine with the society and world that we come from in order to "build" something like the mythical Heaven.   Mythical ideas like the connection between Camelot, Avalon, Pendragon (and Icarus, and Wayward Son! ... and Jupiter, and yesterday) ... and El Dorado ... link to a number of other religious ties to a city in the sky depicted in Star Wars, Zion in the Matrix, Jerusalem in history, the hotel Atlantis on the island "Paradise" and ... well, a story about the Dream of Joseph literally seeing this city, walking to it, and seeing how the magic of virtual reality can help us to very quickly end disease and end hunger; and create a very happy future thanked for doing the very difficult job of adapting our world to these changes--ones which seem morally mandatory in light of the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality.   This should be an exact reproduction of what appears at "from the machine . org" and it's various mirrors.  It's long, and a fairly good condensation of the majority of messages distributed in large volume primarily over the last year; though many of the ideas come from earlier writing and thought distributed over a number of years prior.  Clearly ... I think we see that the information here is interesting enough and statistically verifiable as a "signal within the noize" in that it proves an intelligent designer of both language and history and that reveals a hidden cipher connecting Yankee Doodle's "macaronic" to Shakespeare's "Taming of the Spanglishrew" and ... well, the Adamic Language of Eden.  It's newsworthy, right? :) I've recently begun experiencing a significant amount of difficulty communicating with you, with the group of readers I've connected with over the last few years--to me it appears to be a difficulty that shows a great flaw in the disaster recovery communications infrastructure that the internet and email were designed to prevent.  Because of that I hope that you will take the time to download the attached archives, and/or perhaps "wget" the website yourselves.  I've tried to make it clear that the difficulty I am experiencing appears to be a significant problem for globalization--and perhaps is one of the reasons that this message exists in the form that it does.  I don't know how to move forward, especially considering the sparse feedback that I receive ... I'd love to hear from you, almost as much as I'd like you to contact a local newspaper or television station and explain to them that "ELE" exists in both "telescope" and "television" as well as "electoral college" because ... well, because we don't seem to think that not seeing this information on the news is an ELE.  I believe the lack of response to this message is in itself evidence of a kind of hidden slavery that is undeniable and unheard of ... you know, before "the darkness of Exodus."   Happy New Year ... to the world.  


      uhhh.... fixing missing information on this, not sure if it 2was always not there or if it was an artifact of the MDBOOK transformation that I was using.

      I hoinestly never read them myself; so noticing that they were cropped at the end side was ... "a novelty" that i am not very proud of.

      I am going through them now, one by one, by hand.

      Please note the original "htmlbak" contained the whole source, as did the SHEOLYIT/src .md files. The information has been there the whole time, even if it wasn't surfaced.

      Clearly I changed some code when I backed up the HTML files and somehow it appears &;html escaping caused the texdt processor to just "stop reading"


    2. [download link] At the link (similar to the link at the introduction page of the website), all HTML and image dependencies for the website today, 106 main chapters of what I consider "the key" to the linguistic message that pervades all languages and history.  It's focus on the proper use of technology in order to create a more perfect future, with a focus on morality, freedom, and ... well, fun.  I believe a number of social issues are touched on, ideas that will probably become more obvious as we delve further into a future that integrates our understanding of computer technologies like virtual reality and neuroscience; concepts which combine with the society and world that we come from in order to "build" something like the mythical Heaven.   Mythical ideas like the connection between Camelot, Avalon, Pendragon (and Icarus, and Wayward Son! ... and Jupiter, and yesterday) ... and El Dorado ... link to a number of other religious ties to a city in the sky depicted in Star Wars, Zion in the Matrix, Jerusalem in history, the hotel Atlantis on the island "Paradise" and ... well, a story about the Dream of Joseph literally seeing this city, walking to it, and seeing how the magic of virtual reality can help us to very quickly end disease and end hunger; and create a very happy future thanked for doing the very difficult job of adapting our world to these changes--ones which seem morally mandatory in light of the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality.   This should be an exact reproduction of what appears at "from the machine . org" and it's various mirrors.  It's long, and a fairly good condensation of the majority of messages distributed in large volume primarily over the last year; though many of the ideas come from earlier writing and thought distributed over a number of years prior.  Clearly ... I think we see that the information here is interesting enough and statistically verifiable as a "signal within the noize" in that it proves an intelligent designer of both language and history and that reveals a hidden cipher connecting Yankee Doodle's "macaronic" to Shakespeare's "Taming of the Spanglishrew" and ... well, the Adamic Language of Eden.  It's newsworthy, right? :) I've recently begun experiencing a significant amount of difficulty communicating with you, with the group of readers I've connected with over the last few years--to me it appears to be a difficulty that shows a great flaw in the disaster recovery communications infrastructure that the internet and email were designed to prevent.  Because of that I hope that you will take the time to download the attached archives, and/or perhaps "wget" the website yourselves.  I've tried to make it clear that the difficulty I am experiencing appears to be a significant problem for globalization--and perhaps is one of the reasons that this message exists in the form that it does.  I don't know how to move forward, especially considering the sparse feedback that I receive ... I'd love to hear from you, almost as much as I'd like you to contact a local newspaper or television station and explain to them that "ELE" exists in both "telescope" and "television" as well as "electoral college" because ... well, because we don't seem to think that not seeing this information on the news is an ELE.  I believe the lack of response to this message is in itself evidence of a kind of hidden slavery that is undeniable and unheard of ... you know, before "the darkness of Exodus."   Happy New Year ... to the world.   [link to this pdf] [link to this pdf] the dyes and the dice are now ... Chromecast. let freedom ring? á§á§ .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for. Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne. This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRH


    1. There's plenty of research now, philosophy and statistics coming from people like Nick Bostrom; work that basically implies that there's almost zero chance at all that we are not living in a "simulation within a simulation" and thinking about it, when you start to think about it you'll probably agree that's not the case.  Though, here, we have a chance to gaze at what the "embedding" of OLE (as a key, it's one of my keys) and what a "line feed down" actually means--that's not a place where anyone will just magically wake up and be inside a "second bubble" deeper in this strange concept of simulations within simulations that ... Rick and Morty ... for instance ... lit up for the kids.  What it really means is forcing this world to pretend they are in reality, and in that pretense ... themselves creating an entire infrastructure for mind uploading and for immortality--servers probably owned by governments and major international corporations that might "sell" to you (and then to your children, who I imagine would have to support your continued playing in ... heaven within hell within heaven) the prospect of not having to have a body to decay and grow old, but rather ... give you exactly what I'm trying to explain is the fruit of responding to this message about already being in "hell wthin heaven" and turning it into something better.


    2. RED

    1. I am accepting charitable donations,. ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); <p>ga('create', 'UA-74743044-2', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');</p> google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9608809622006883"; google_ad_slot = "4355365452"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; "ceruelad." As a really brief aside prior to the introduction, the intersection of “Joseph’s dream” and the stories of Atlantis and the Lost City of Gold … among a great many other “municipal dreams” has long been (known or?) the primary motivation and drive behind spending so much time and effort on making this dream a reality. It also intersects a number of modern idioms, things like “all roads read to Rome” and “Rome wasn’t built in a day” – namely because I like to recall and recount how this vision of a city in the sky was truly re-written in a single day (which is why I haven’t re-done it again or elaborated more on the things that … I’m about to actually … do (just to link further to El Dorado)). It was written though … to describe a place that could literally be built in a single day–using various tricks like “copying from our reality” the base framework of the island, and then using “computer science magic” … here hidden in a place I call the Artificial Intelligence Samilicosm, little “tricks” that enable a single “interface class” to create a network of “island nodes” that would enable everyone Earth(s) to visit the attraction at exactly the same time, with concepts like K-nearest-nieghbor (k-NN) to create rooms that house millions or billions to appear to only have a small group of friends and family in them. That concept bleeds down into the boardroom concept, to help create a venue for a global-glactic conversation (GG-c?) on how the power of computer science can quickly show us how assimilation of this “demonstration” will quickly lead to a world without war and famine (and eventually absolution) by showing us how every war and argument fought over absolutely-falsely-scarce-resources have created dissension and conflict in a playce where the truth could build a much happier and healthier “venue” for interaction. Though there are two primary pieces that connect in different ways to what I call the “hardware and software of the road” something that links to the words “sword” and “Asgard” … among other perfect words like “hard drive.” One is “OMEALFHT” and the other is the “Rod(s) of Hey-Seuss the Anti-King.” Since this is still a sort of “decoder ring” for the hidden language, the link here to “hardware and software” and the letter “X” which connects the Xbox and “kisxmet” is that “cross-storm” (in T we’re Macy’s … “intimacys”) in a letter is also described by “gtk+” where you can see the “l” glyph of Brickell (off to see the Wizard) with half a X in “>lt” form. Since I probably haven’t put it on the main WS … Penrose sort of connects to the L’s of Hell where it’s now almost uncontastuble that the word Obelisk is pointing to a road aiming for the sky, as it is written, by the pen. While it’s probably no secret that those “ll”‘s aren’t the only version of paired L-words; it might be less known that I’m fairly certain “love and logic” are actually the best fit for why … combining them … keys the llave of Kurt Cobain’s “hey, way” … to open the gates of Hell and finally escape it. It’s in special places like the “light of the Son’s of Liberty” connecting both racism and sexism to name that ties together to show us that over time, our special history ended … specifically slavery … first by love–knowing it was the right thing to do, well before “logically” the jobs of picking cotton for instance would be replaced by gin. Though here we are again staring at “XIV’s” c (see arxiv.org as "kiss ar hive") … hive’s hiding the fact that technology has well before now replaced the need for the kind of slavery we fail to see prevalent here in this place, a darkness caused by … the same technology’s’ hidden use and keeping us from making very important connections between the illustrated teaching we call history and our present predicament. NO DREAM, THE SECOND COMING WILL END RACISM, A VOW Kiss me I’m fiVel; it’s the same kind of darkness that caused some bright kids I met in California to tell me point blank there was no “dick” hidden in John Hancock’s name or in Tricky Dick’s or … also in the Constitution and that sort of behavior is literally the cause of a slavery to lies and to watching Woodward and Burnstein’s lack of fire extinguish our freedom to think clearly, to vote with clear thoughts, and in poignant and direct relation … freedom of the press. We stand here refusing to see that our lack of action and seeming inability to discuss the “ridiculousness” of not seeing this information and my name on the news ins responsible for not seeing very clear evidence of mind control technology also on the news, and in our government’s legislation and that’s the cause of the slavery in the first place. “Theyanthem” was a happy and bright reVelatory “so … viandname” for me when I first landed on a sort or Elishan compound word describing the relationship between two anonymous “us’s” or “we’s” that played an early role in my introduction to the “red ties” of Gang-stalking and while Yusuf Islam’s key clue of nomenclature probably only told a few people that Pine Crest school and the University of Florida had yet another very clear tie to vithename Adam and how songs play an integral role in keying and linking and intersexling the m essage of the Revelation of Jesus Christ with American History kisxes … it was this new intersection that reaffirmed that link to the point where I see it needs to be made even more clear. I’ve noted before that it was very clear to me that the “oceans white with styrofoam” and the “good crowned with brotherhood” were very clear references to racism–and it takes not a logician to see that the simple Christian tenets that surround the foundation of America would tell you they were also a “thinly veited” admonishment of the same; it’s through “logic” and advanced technology that we can be sure that the Second Coming and it’s connection to pervasive “eyes to see” and “computer assisted intelligence” will almost immediately destroy the absolute stupidity of racism, jingoism, and the like. Pine Crest’s school song–which is literally the only other “anthem” that I know of, though I’m sure m-any nations’ will be added to the group of songs that are hallowed centuries and millennium into the future from this place that is the origen of … something special … an intergalactic network of races supporting goodness and morality. It’s single related phrase “like our towers so tall and white” (in tempo, even, highlighting the strangeness of the addition of color) preluding the very clear reference and explanation to “how” … our minds expand and ideas take flight. As an aside, it’s the words “as the years go by we’ll love you more” that I now see as a sort of … appromise specifically to me, in this place where I feel hated, for all the wrong reasons. The proof is "in the pudding’ of course, but it’s been so damned long already that I don’t see the world changing by “intro-duction of floating city in sky” or by “magical neuro-nalpmi-napatms” without at least having a story break and some actual public and recorded discussions–even if that’s really what I want, to see thing happen “swiftly” and without the possibility of it being “every day has it’s day of being forgotten”–by everyone but songs. It’s still ery clear, tho, that you don’t understand the message, and the quasi-veiled-doublespeak-response from … personas-non-识别 … that what’s happening all around us and without our input is very clearly tied to this same lack of acknowledgement that a working society has a “working press” and that failing to see this message on TV is undeniable proof that there isn’t a single working government on the planeth Eart… and that should tell us that “the skies” too … are staring down at us in sham. It should be abundantly clear that even with the knowledge and even the very technology of “how to build Heaven” in hand … you risk carelessly and without regard for the future the possibility that we will be finding ourselves in multiple-simultaneous-hells rather than any Heaven at all until we rectify the darkness surround “communication” and “government” that is so pronounced and obvious here–you should see it as a very clear lesson … one that you should also see you have not learned. So we’re staring at the focal point of the intersection of a message that certainly wasn’t written in a day, but is read as thousands of years of history–probably a very large “underestimate” of what it actually is based on and took to put together. Here we have … “lore come alive” to show us the “nard” … the salting of the road to Heaven is “explained” as a sky literally drugging me … around the time of the dissemination of a message that probably would have “gone viral” and made the news if it wasn’t for that … “salting.” It’s really difficult to say today if that “salt” is warming a road or “preserving a message” as we see … nearly ubiquitously that salt does good things for … the dead … and it’s somewhat toxic to the living to the penultimate “wife of Lot” – clear as day to me today that’s just like this message. The story of “Casper pointing to a gate … as a message all around us” is a godsend in Heaven and for “an Earth in Heaven” and without doubt poison were we ever “stuck” or “printed” or … trashed into reality for no reason. Just like the “love and logic” of the end letters of Hell … it was very clear early on that printing the Earth was not the point, but a sort of honeypot trap–and as the “hardware description” came to light much later it wasn’t just because we’d be pissed about the message, but because it’s simply the wrong path given the current state of “hidden technology.” Hidden, I’m telling you, be’cause your silence and our lack of acti on here threatens civilization. So it’s the “nard” of my grandfather’s name Bernard, of John 12:1 and of John Maynard Keynes that connect the “NES” and “salt” to the clear intersection of “Tea Parties” and Na-po-leon Bon-to-part-e with “taxation is the ft of our Christ” and “no taxation without representation” to … Render to Caesar …" why it is that “no representation” and “no free thought” are linked at the hip to “no free speech” and “no free press” and you not picking up the phone and calling a reporter. It’s linked to “IRS” in the heart of “FIRST” as in … the first to make the connection between “taxes” and an overabundance of food and “natural” resources … brought to light by nothing more than acknowledging that this message is “important enough” to allow the world to actually progress instead of stagnating. Below you can see that I’m putting together the pieces of software necessary to build a prototype “Sworpen of Caesarthor” … (hear: see’s Arthur) and I’m going to ahead and do it presumably all alone because nobody’s (very few, anyway) "coming out of the woodwork to help build a platform that will end forever the power of any government to censor a message … of this import (and obviously less important … messages also). I need your help … not being angry at the world for staring at me in stupified ignorance. rather than seeing (and building something with…) the light.    On April 23rd, 2018, a curious transaction appeared on the Ethereum blockchain. An anonymous activist sent 0 ETH to themselves, but the transaction contained many extra bytes beyond the ones used to complete the transaction. These extra bytes were the text of a letter written by Yue Xin, a student at Peking University, detailing a pattern of intimidation and threats made against her by the school in response to her attempts to investigate claims of sexual assault made against a professor (you can read the full letter by clicking “view input as” and selecting utf-8 on the etherscan page). She had initially posted the letter on the social media site WeChat, where it was widely shared before censors began to purge all copies from the platform. Chinese censors have consistently targeted the #MeToo movement, forcing whistleblowers to find creative means of sharing their stories like esoteric hashtags such as #RiceBunny, or 米兔, which is pronounced similarly to “me too.” By using Ethereum, activists have found a new and unique avenue to disseminate information and resist censorship for Xin’s letter. Because every computer running a full Ethereum node has the complete transaction history, Yue Xin’s letter is replicated across thousands of independent computers. These computers are all controlled by individuals and organizations without any centralized oversight or shared government, making it virtually impossible to remove the letter’s content from the network. The same technique was used again in late July to protect a censored story about corruption and negligence at a Chinese vaccine manufacturer. P.S. .... the preceDING world changing message is filled with gibberish.  Understand, "gibberish" is going to change the world.   .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9608809622006883"; google_ad_slot = "4355365452"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for. Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne. This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRHRmMZH1LejTaqTuEu0bp j54maTj09vnMxA0RfS+CtU5uMq+5fTkbiTOe1LrLD72m+PVJIS146FwESrMJEfJy oNqWEJlUQ0TecPZR41vnkSkpocE1/0YqUhWDGSht+67DdeKUg5KwvYdL21d/bSyO SM4jnyKn9aDVzLBpYrlE/lbFxujHPRGlRG5WtiPQuZYDRqP0GYFSXRpeUCI46f49 iPFo4eHo2jUfNDa9r9BjQdAe4zVFn2qLnOy8RWijlolbhGMHGO3w/uC/zad3jjo4 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zRLSQvYv0UjlhyOoII6YEWJcro+tgOcthPh2SY50E4lwFFfbz4CNQyL15D+XciNI xSVGz8gee/XdJdgwQF4SEnIiChhmJ5VmpNH8ZwxTMyI3EoFMB/RYaucwc/ucvySn cFyShFFRPjo6TOeYIaSrrfR+4yhHAGeM572y0btI6JjWZovupeXX3k5ZHHrCwxlR MuyULLyhUsAC0r1FUijbUWoyaDcRtLRpMUg1X6A7n1iH61WxlKQ/8mZhYht85Jgp FSiyz47gofc491ng9efshlyxwb3TeLbDZPRnls7L3sfDDWwp8yExjA7UNDbIh5kC DQRencYLARAAsFHArFeulhD6hZplRF49h8+zpI3kn+vFtYwbUqLSRwze53rrJtqE 6o5MWSfadr9KIc8tNZ2aBGxzjGnsbPYLDh76NkjP4apWSMX+u+EHsaudoZoAdNnM Kqr86sVzR0MUeGHp7n/L3imp1WoCn28eMLeNec9a4GRTRPGLKR9F/jytTz/XgkHL zA3i2pt63FqniN4PBTNFzgfXiu8xVZGohsDPjmd9LXbGKTXfJGhBLB6QsmjJwglt n+00ufdKLEZu6eBxRWSVK0t4rEnnpK9K//PKq5DtVaOZNe6g+hdi0B1gpd0f0nBy eZd9arCsvN3qLXP0vYTk9DKMUecCEblss5Zt1+qjAbsMk9/xSGZLJp/4dBTBVN+Q c6+Rmv+koe6zLNmA3fJH3991xETDzZxP2UHN7q4i4L97KA+nVAakwazNLiqsY/bT s58rXnCc72b7oLnZbNOPQmLwZFafVi4xoIE/5Zq8iVr7d7xHPccYkaEVCOnsL/35 GZxy2FNi4wuOfGwBtTbnXg/u/YiBj6yNbhLR+FCwZED5M/evgUUbJudxqRdrI+1a Zo9gGA3JLJZZ/iLwF1kE7yYBvyBRfaO9IL3bwplRurnrkjI+rRhi55AlbGhU3eMu iKTKQk+qJF11ocTGu/dE9I6JeQpEdyVehrWXc5H2N0Qjyca8ZEA6WwcAEQEAAbR7 QURBTSBNQVJTSEFMTCBET0JSSU4gKGl0J3MgdGhlIG9uZSAuLi4gbGlrZSB0aGUg b25lIGluIFN1cGVybWFuIDMgYW5kIE9mZmljZSBzcGFjZS0tYnV0IG5vdCAqdGhh dCogb25lKSA8YWRhbUBlcm1jY29ycC5jb20+iQJOBBMBCgA4FiEE0s8R6kp2bveF MmxLkifaSe8nN2gFAl6dxgsCGwMFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQ kifaSe8nN2jK+g//Toi6ezWYrRbTs9xwQLIsKzl91ocjCuN9nHSnwzkrLuoGGgej fHkXzd5+3ygL47j++k69TYB9CPrGdR1GTqt56Q7DSYZCgdg+e89piTJUzbEyN01q EGkVuV5Rz9EocnPE8db9HT+xvf44ecfMOFD1XuB9jynrQD445YfeFE6LHkoNUvFD wQK7NN04fa+qvrk0lTS4NCpOYsdrSioddVjQyEC6jepwIRA3iRIkFdEJT8ggqQ6d gntsgExA01o6HqzDSHjSCA5AexCotwW3Uvdt0WwXx6q/c0LsRLhbuPeGX/Nh8aOf 6RBCQWgnIko675ura4c+r1VcBYl524ZJlN4x1x02YAo9cKzYi3+H9C8K8Ayz/SJy 7sVGHWnDge1yIwzWXbpolqiMSL5l/0OBuJ0HXQSafUut33Jw7hYKP4BQia/BmE0x Tsk0rBRMyihSYnUn9mYpXM3KwWU0C2dudVwKtToGR1aKlYcCv0iNFAsR0DBw1XSq n72KqIl020gZFmg3H34Z6CWhm20RbhMjOvvkZ+OiS9kU9kXt6m+T1zCpWHFJSae4 JF+dQyB1BFxAwXW4ZEzMo4XluTuW1R8pIadKTsHMWzEzH7RvZLKP4invsZklZ3I1 EEsJop7DSMOa27irD/IlCL+nwaEsCMRh+ndSkADLHsa9P5d/qWjomKxwdCm5Ag0E Xp3GCwEQAOoXU8NrugMa8OAncXKv4hycXJzArDae3Zx6pCCEkP3TZTXh1tqKPUtb dmb8Mq2eecVTwmB+FM3m+NApgq88Vx6HiyI73IAvgtZORo32YaipfbkGnXHfaUWX 5380R4GL597yZuP8sAsJ3iDvxhW59snsU8tLi+9r2u4h0fgMDqZXQsfvLUkDIiO9 nzJf0xFacTx3n+pUuWdzIuT3AUdU/L9NubmHSnj09FevTHWIYmxGFZoiSdS7r2Z+ 5xZmPak6lzrQTVS/DxcpyA/o3yi8qLPyf1VUxXKFeKd0sV6BPvYFxI2GeBl5atBu 9/3/5D6wdlrupTFLU1Msdfy3UWaRUFHLITK4fJ7pbTgoEqxX7gpO9iqKmScm3gYc O3blA8aTqCX2NzxUF5fHbi14JvPWP04uFl5EOeDB322Jm/guWy8TvmIIyuF3aAAX PfErW/yRWDsYOcAADs8elZkt3F+E/AwWd0JMIhd/RB3RFH8m7496XLS3xBP6rNye 0O+96lX7fVp+wvINxM3Rfo63b1K4bR5KR9JDZ2SLYhrx6Hyy+UiRv7l+i26WxVMF qRyvY2aHqyvKfR1EEf1t2h7B4b65xQkj51qvX5Tjm5Az7nKcXpcUKqS3bk8xiw9N y7eFfA361OSPpQ+V4Mq/Mv+MqyxLTz9tn+80ZtjqM0MEERfpUo15ABEBAAGJAjYE GAEKACAWIQTSzxHqSnZu94UybEuSJ9pJ7yc3aAUCXp3GCwIbDAAKCRCSJ9pJ7yc3 aE2NEACDBRnGYNi2sq0wltPSkD2CbQUon+4uiFB2UU/gs4mFlGOvzDHBHVEFzCqK 0x6KlKm4XBq3AF7iIoNMiU9FmBdWDnEp9eCXdQrr/ykgq3vKMuj6/QJNNZglIDoe 1J2NXeMOUFwCUvjcCttPv42Q8GDt8/bG7QOgmTmhuqvKIj/vL+c3HgNrRsQzhw5z mSzQIDaesD+UVA/sourXpSLeqPgF+6qsEqOirD6hotaqrt+aIA/8wbYkpNQxCEK4 gKDgpqTV7VKklku7fjyhBhZQOVDoWvd03AlGQD0WBNriUsh8l4N6Zg2BlnKTGn11 BTigqwlHC91xtjERgwFg8PAHN2mtgZUHITHX5js11KwlQdLyI04/M4M4oQq0KSbJ rpiWCgrltC/VqJrT4HELFYx2Iv5wzrV9jVEm6zonag4A761hpqTgRrjWtaLuYu2Z zdw9y1r0+0d2rTUGpjIQRVOwi3AF/G4aU+vAOOf/HcgH6Qnpbu+xV0fkuAZbTI7w 6VVkBvnstiQV88KrWAOXKVABSSxTz2OYbzOTt/bgxzAa7yr1xIBDKvujBqDRGBLi bISp+40Haoj2Yqop6vbS70Xq+cnBOwJW86u61hsLgOjqyxgLzvuGTjK7+TblCjR2 F4LNeQdwDdyNRjPYeGVXM3MEqR8XdcR1Z7BQvLNcDgoW2qDcbg== =4lZw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

      not exactly sure how a bunch of pages were cut short in "production version" i think I have to go through them all manually one by one. here's the markdown missing from this page:

      I am accepting charitable donations,.\ ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434


      As a really brief aside prior to the introduction, the intersection of "Joseph's dream" and the stories of Atlantis and the Lost City of Gold ... among a great many other "municipal dreams" has long been (known or?) the primary motivation and drive behind spending so much time and effort on making this dream a reality. It also intersects a number of modern idioms, things like "all roads read to Rome" and "Rome wasn't built in a day" -- namely because I like to recall and recount how this vision of a city in the sky was truly re-written in a single day (which is why I haven't re-done it again or elaborated more on the things that ... I'm about to actually ... do (just to link further to El Dorado)).

      It was written though ... to describe a place that could literally be built in a single day--using various tricks like "copying from our reality" the base framework of the island, and then using "computer science magic" ... here hidden in a place I call the Artificial Intelligence Samilicosm, little "tricks" that enable a single "interface class" to create a network of "island nodes" that would enable everyone Earth(s) to visit the attraction at exactly the same time, with concepts like K-nearest-nieghbor (k-NN) to create rooms that house millions or billions to appear to only have a small group of friends and family in them. That concept bleeds down into the boardroom concept, to help create a venue for a global-glactic conversation (GG-c?) on how the power of computer science can quickly show us how assimilation of this "demonstration" will quickly lead to a world without war and famine (and eventually absolution) by showing us how every war and argument fought over absolutely-falsely-scarce-resources have created dissension and conflict in a playce where the truth could build a much happier and healthier "venue" for interaction.

      Though there are two primary pieces that connect in different ways to what I call the "hardware and software of the road" something that links to the words "sword" and "Asgard" ... among other perfect words like "hard drive." One is "OMEALFHT" and the other is the "Rod(s) of Hey-Seuss the Anti-King." Since this is still a sort of "decoder ring" for the hidden language, the link here to "hardware and software" and the letter "X" which connects the Xbox and "kisxmet" is that "cross-storm" (in T we're Macy's ... "intimacys") in a letter is also described by "gtk+" where you can see the "l" glyph of Brickell (off to see the Wizard) with half a X in ">lt" form. Since I probably haven't put it on the main WS ... Penrose sort of connects to the L's of Hell where it's now almost uncontastuble that the word Obelisk is pointing to a road aiming for the sky, as it is written, by the pen.

      While it's probably no secret that those "ll"'s aren't the only version of paired L-words; it might be less known that I'm fairly certain "love and logic" are actually the best fit for why ... combining them ... keys the llave of Kurt Cobain's "hey, way" ... to open the gates of Hell and finally escape it. It's in special places like the "light of the Son's of Liberty" connecting both racism and sexism to name that ties together to show us that over time, our special history ended ... specifically slavery ... first by love--knowing it was the right thing to do, well before "logically" the jobs of picking cotton for instance would be replaced by gin. Though here we are again staring at "XIV's" c (see arxiv.org as "kiss ar hive") ... hive's hiding the fact that technology has well before now replaced the need for the kind of slavery we fail to see prevalent here in this place, a darkness caused by ... the same technology's' hidden use and keeping us from making very important connections between the illustrated teaching we call history and our present predicament.


      Kiss me I'm fiVel; it's the same kind of darkness that caused some bright kids I met in California to tell me point blank there was no "dick" hidden in John Hancock's name or in Tricky Dick's or ... also in the Constitution and that sort of behavior is literally the cause of a slavery to lies and to watching Woodward and Burnstein's lack of fire extinguish our freedom to think clearly, to vote with clear thoughts, and in poignant and direct relation ... freedom of the press. We stand here refusing to see that our lack of action and seeming inability to discuss the "ridiculousness" of not seeing this information and my name on the news ins responsible for not seeing very clear evidence of mind control technology also on the news, and in our government's legislation and that's the cause of the slavery in the first place.

      "Theyanthem" was a happy and bright reVelatory "so ... viandname" for me when I first landed on a sort or Elishan compound word describing the relationship between two anonymous "us's" or "we's" that played an early role in my introduction to the "red ties" of Gang-stalking and while Yusuf Islam's key clue of nomenclature probably only told a few people that Pine Crest school and the University of Florida had yet another very clear tie to vithename Adam and how songs play an integral role in keying and linking and intersexling the m essage of the Revelation of Jesus Christ with American History kisxes ... it was this new intersection that reaffirmed that link to the point where I see it needs to be made even more clear.

      \ \\ I've noted before that it was very clear to me that the "oceans white with styrofoam" and the "good crowned with brotherhood" were very clear references to racism--and it takes not a logician to see that the simple Christian tenets that surround the foundation of America would tell you they were also a "thinly veited" admonishment of the same; it's through "logic" and advanced technology that we can be sure that the Second Coming and it's connection to pervasive "eyes to see" and "computer assisted intelligence" will almost immediately destroy the absolute stupidity of racism, jingoism, and the like. Pine Crest's school song--which is literally the only other "anthem" that I know of, though I'm sure m-any nations' will be added to the group of songs that are hallowed centuries and millennium into the future from this place that is the origen of ... something special ... an intergalactic network of races supporting goodness and morality. It's single related phrase "like our towers so tall and white" (in tempo, even, highlighting the strangeness of the addition of color) preluding the very clear reference and explanation to "how" ... our minds expand and ideas take flight. As an aside, it's the words "as the years go by we'll love you more" that I now see as a sort of ... appromise specifically to me, in this place where I feel hated, for all the wrong reasons.

      The proof is "in the pudding' of course, but it's been so damned long already that I don't see the world changing by "intro-duction of floating city in sky" or by "magical neuro-nalpmi-napatms" without at least having a story break and some actual public and recorded discussions--even if that's really what I want, to see thing happen "swiftly" and without the possibility of it being "every day has it's day of being forgotten"--by everyone but songs.\ \

      It's still ery clear, tho, that you don't understand the message, and the quasi-veiled-doublespeak-response from ... personas-non-识别 ... that what's happening all around us and without our input is very clearly tied to this same lack of acknowledgement that a working society has a "working press" and that failing to see this message on TV is undeniable proof that there isn't a single working government on the planeth Eart... and that should tell us that "the skies" too ... are staring down at us in sham.

      It should be abundantly clear that even with the knowledge and even the very technology of "how to build Heaven" in hand ... you risk carelessly and without regard for the future the possibility that we will be finding ourselves in multiple-simultaneous-hells rather than any Heaven at all until we rectify the darkness surround "communication" and "government" that is so pronounced and obvious here--you should see it as a very clear lesson ... one that you should also see you have not learned.

      \ \

      So we're staring at the focal point of the intersection of a message that certainly wasn't written in a day, but is read as thousands of years of history--probably a very large "underestimate" of what it actually is based on and took to put together. Here we have ... "lore come alive" to show us the "nard" ... the salting of the road to Heaven is "explained" as a sky literally drugging me ... around the time of the dissemination of a message that probably would have "gone viral" and made the news if it wasn't for that ... "salting." It's really difficult to say today if that "salt" is warming a road or "preserving a message" as we see ... nearly ubiquitously that salt does good things for ... the dead ... and it's somewhat toxic to the living to the penultimate "wife of Lot" -- clear as day to me today that's just like this message. The story of "Casper pointing to a gate ... as a message all around us" is a godsend in Heaven and for "an Earth in Heaven" and without doubt poison were we ever "stuck" or "printed" or ... trashed into reality for no reason. Just like the "love and logic" of the end letters of Hell ... it was very clear early on that printing the Earth was not the point, but a sort of honeypot trap--and as the "hardware description" came to light much later it wasn't just because we'd be pissed about the message, but because it's simply the wrong path given the current state of "hidden technology." Hidden, I'm telling you, be'cause your silence and our lack of acti onon) here threatens civilization.

      So it's the "nard" of my grandfather's name Bernard, of John 12:1 and of John Maynard Keynes that connect the "NES" and "salt" to the clear intersection of "Tea Parties" and Na-po-leon Bon-to-part-e with "taxation is the ft of our Christ" and "no taxation without representation" to ... Render to Caesar ..." why it is that "no representation" and "no free thought" are linked at the hip to "no free speech" and "no free press" and you not picking up the phone and calling a reporter. It's linked to "IRS" in the heart of "FIRST" as in ... the first to make the connection between "taxes" and an overabundance of food and "natural" resources ... brought to light by nothing more than acknowledging that this message is "important enough" to allow the world to actually progress instead of stagnating.

      Below you can see that I'm putting together the pieces of software necessary to build a prototype "Sworpen of Caesarthor" ... (hear: see's Arthur) and I'm going to ahead and do it presumably all alone because nobody's (very few, anyway) "coming out of the woodwork to help build a platform that will end forever the power of any government to censor a message ... of this import (and obviously less important ... messages also). I need your help ... not being angry at the world for staring at me in stupified ignorance. rather than seeing (and building something with...) the light.


       On April 23rd, 2018, a curious transaction appeared on the Ethereum blockchain. An anonymous activist sent 0 ETH to themselves, but the transaction contained many extra bytes beyond the ones used to complete the transaction. These extra bytes were the text of a letter written by Yue Xin, a student at Peking University, detailing a pattern of intimidation and threats made against her by the school in response to her attempts to investigate claims of sexual assault made against a professor (you can read the full letter by clicking "view input as" and selecting utf-8 on the etherscan page). She had initially posted the letter on the social media site WeChat, where it was widely shared before censors began to purge all copies from the platform. Chinese censors have consistently targeted the #MeToo movement, forcing whistleblowers to find creative means of sharing their stories like esoteric hashtags such as #RiceBunny, or 米兔, which is pronounced similarly to "me too."

      By using Ethereum, activists have found a new and unique avenue to disseminate information and resist censorship for Xin's letter. Because every computer running a full Ethereum node has the complete transaction history, Yue Xin's letter is replicated across thousands of independent computers. These computers are all controlled by individuals and organizations without any centralized oversight or shared government, making it virtually impossible to remove the letter's content from the network. The same technique was used again in late July to protect a censored story about corruption and negligence at a Chinese vaccine manufacturer.



      P.S. .... the preceDING world changing message is filled with gibberish.  Understand, "gibberish" is going to change the world.



      Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org.

      That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/

      This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense and literally just as close to the Depp/C[aster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundance**sense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and my fusion of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for.

      Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean the thing that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne.

      This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso\ If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org


      mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRHRmMZH1LejTaqTuEu0bp j54maTj09vnMxA0RfS+CtU5uMq+5fTkbiTOe1LrLD72m+PVJIS146FwESrMJEfJy oNqWEJlUQ0TecPZR41vnkSkpocE1/0YqUhWDGSht+67DdeKUg5KwvYdL21d/bSyO SM4jnyKn9aDVzLBpYrlE/lbFxujHPRGlRG5WtiPQuZYDRqP0GYFSXRpeUCI46f49 iPFo4eHo2jUfNDa9r9BjQdAe4zVFn2qLnOy8RWijlolbhGMHGO3w/uC/zad3jjo4 owAfsJjH5Oa1mTcAEQEAAbQmRUFSVEhFTkUgPGVhcnRoZW5lQGZyb210aGVtYWNo aW5lLm9yZz6JAdQEEwEKAD4WIQTUJHbrYn3y2DzwTcnQP1ViZf5/FQUCXpFW8AIb AwUJA8JnAAULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDQP1ViZf5/FWM6C/9J gbRLS2AWGjdRjYetlRkSkCoTYnXWknbtipYYHlhV0YJFwFMm0ydZIhFX5VDoZyBV 0UBeF1KJmcMoIfrHyhq2QhCnjE14hE1ONbaYTGtpvj851ItbFWXMJIVNyMqr+JT9 CWIxGr1idn+iHWE3nryiHrdlA3O/Gcd4EyNmaSe/JvB7+Z1AVqWkRhpjxxoPSlPm HEdqGOyl3+5ibQgUvXLRWWQXAj80CbVwwj1X4r9hfuCySxLT8Mir7NUXZFd+OiMS 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bISp+40Haoj2Yqop6vbS70Xq+cnBOwJW86u61hsLgOjqyxgLzvuGTjK7+TblCjR2 F4LNeQdwDdyNRjPYeGVXM3MEqR8XdcR1Z7BQvLNcDgoW2qDcbg== =4lZw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    1. there's no light

      I'm preparing to write something that I am sure will change the face of "who we are."  That's what it's designed for, and it's something I've put off because of the fear that it will literally make me disappear from some parts of "Creation" (as, that means everything) ... I want to change how this world thinks and deals with "freedom of body and mind" and I want us to have a secure belief that the memories and the soul of a person ccannot be sold ever, that you don't have any right to "sharing my life" and that I have the right to share whatever I want with you--and clearly understand that our "i" has changed at "freedom" and I want us all to be able to do these things--these things that I know take ancient souls and thousands of years of memory and renew them with happiness.  

      I can't havve a universe or a world that allows some authority to keep you from your own souls and your own memories, and frankly from being able to see anything that anyone wants to share.  At the heart of "freedom of speech" and the ability to see that I am trying to show you what "the J memory" actually means--and the Universe needs to see that it does something bettter than "the embarrassing sum of my memories" or perhaps even worse than that the selected lies and disruption of something that I don't know--haven't experienced--and hasnt affected who and what I am or the words that I know connect Creation and this message to proof and Acts.

      Literally I stand here seeing the "hidden use of a memory manager" connect those three letters to who and what I really am--to what I belief is my past and present and my working memory--and I know it has holes in it, and I know it has significant assisted outside information added and I see it's literally encoded in "firefly pattern of J" and the phylum and kingdum "Photinus Pyralis."  It's another artifact of a nameserver that sees everything in the world at this singular most important moment in the history of conscouus evolution and has named these things so that we will see just how important it is. 

      I'm not really asking, I'm telling you.  These are words that used to be encoded in the state of South Carolina when salvation came from "Exit to Eden" and in "Are you for SCUBA" and in Aruba's on Commercial Blvd just outsoude the McNamara plague; so I'm telling you our souls are not for sale, they are not property, and shared memories are revokable. Period. 

      [ a cheaper collector's item, still in color ]

      I'm trying to help us see how these technologies can and have been abused--and how it's central to this story and this place that we build a "subconscious voting system" that actually votes based on "what you really want" rather than some kind of predefined pyramidal "I'm voting with Dr. Dre" or sacking the Blitzkrieg.  We have the ability to do either thing; and we have the ability to see how swarm and hive behavior is literally encoded in our countries foundational structure--how voting against party lines is not just a priviledge it's a demand when the "party is wrong" and believe me, the party is always wrong if you are autovoting.  It's foundational to what "democratic process" means, and we live in a world that has somehow been gamed into gaming itself out of "free speech" and "free press" and that's a sicknesss that needs to be remedied for all time. 

      I want to write about all the "good things we can add" and how that J means "adding wikipedia like auto understanding" and adding "functionally related memories and beliefs" specifically ... "for that J memory" as a foundational paradigm shift in "what's possible" here in this place where we refuse to acknowledge gthat this message tells us we are ignoring significant benefit to Nassau from Sawtelle to "listen to the last obligotatory lessage."

      I want to Ramble On about how there is a defunct series of beliefs here in this place that show that our souls are currently frought with "tautologocial fallacy" and we have the ability to "autocorrect" things like that--things that are the source of racism and jingoism and believing that you are somehow "correct" to stare at this world and think that freedom only belongs to "some kind of animal of higher evolution" -- we stare at a message about malarkey and malady and if you don't see it today, you will soon understand how this place defines the solid line between "sanity and goodness" and dead.

      Memories or lies that are dead and gone, or maybe more.  I cannot fathom how we do not understand the direness of the "straights" you stare at, how we cannot see the danger we have imposed on ourselves and the future by ignoring this place, and I will nto stand for it continuing. 

      Every word you read, every phrase and every picture could be; should be connectedt to a series of memories, facts, ideas, and those things should be clearly delineated--thats the purpose of this "beginning of a message that is the end of mess and start of sages."

      i dont know why this is missing, but its definately "the original" and we definately are missing quite a bit of the words on this page.

    1. Lowell, MA

      Lowell, MA

    2. Fear [not loathing] of Skynet, the Singularity, and Freedom delivered by and through the American Renaissance and the résolu "few and proudest of all [or they should be, and will be]" ... and "on why" I NEEDED to email 3 million people to fix the problem.

      I should write a whole book about this; but we already have Federov and we already have Transhumanism and we already have Terminator and we already have Skynet

      ... and we already have Transcendence and we already have "seen silence" ... and it

      should have been enough.

    3. 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434

      please donate monies $$

      stranded on nigerian space station

  10. Aug 2021
    1. Open Standards, Common Sense   rsync.net gives you a UNIX filesystem, running on ZFS, that you can access with any SSH/SFTP tool. Show this page to your engineers and sysadmins and see how pleasantly surprised they are.   ZFS Filesystem   The rsync.net cloud storage platform is built on the ZFS filesystem - the state of the art in resiliency and data integrity. Our conservatively sized raidz3 arrays have a 99.9999% resiliency with single location storage - and dual location is also available. Point-in-time snapshots of your rsync.net account are created and rotated for you, allowing you to go browse "back in time". rsync.net can provide Petabytes of storage in a single namespace for your backups.   SSH Accessible   Any tool based on SSH or SFTP will work perfectly at rsync.net. We offer explicit support for borg, arq, git-annex, BackupAssist, Syncovery, WinSCP and Filezilla ... but ANY SSH tool will work. Further, you can execute unix commands over SSH to perform complex and useful tasks on your data here at rsync.net. SSH is fully encrypted and is the de facto standard for secure data transfer in cloud computing. Our global network runs at 10 gigabit speed and is ipv6 accessible.   UNIX Native   rsync.net cloud storage works just like you'd expect it to. You can integrate rsync.net with your existing Linux/UNIX/OSX systems in minutes - possibly with no software installation. You can pipeline output to us, run remote commands over SSH and manipulate your data with common unix primitives. We believe in the UNIX philosophy and we want rsync.net to be a simple primitive that you can quickly plug into your workflow.   What Makes rsync.net Special   We are the only cloud storage provider that gives customers a UNIX filesystem to do what they want with. We are NOT reselling another cloud - we built our own infrastructure and have complete control over our platform. Our ZFS platform provides resiliency and allows clients to configure point-in-time snapshots that are immutable. We have a world class, IPV6-capable network with locations in three US cities as well as Zurich and Hong Kong. You will receive unlimited, free technical support, over phone and email, for any use you make of our product. We offer customizable monitoring and alerts, free of charge, using email, SMS, Pushover and webhook calls. We've been doing this since 2001.   More Information   rsync.net publishes a wide array of support documents as well as a FAQ rsync.net has been tested, reviewed and discussed in a variety of venues. You, or your CEO, may find our CEO Page useful. Please see our HIPAA, GDPR, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance statements. Contact info@rsync.net for more information, and answers to your questions.                  

      Open Standards, Common Sense

      rsync.net gives you a UNIX filesystem, running on ZFS, that you can access with any SSH/SFTP tool.

      Show this page to your engineers and sysadmins and see how pleasantly surprised they are.

      ZFS Filesystem

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      Our conservatively sized raidz3 arrays have a 99.9999% resiliency with single location storage - and dual location is also available.

      Point-in-time snapshots of your rsync.net account are created and rotated for you, allowing you to go browse "back in time".

      rsync.net can provide Petabytes of storage in a single namespace for your backups.

      SSH Accessible

      Any tool based on SSH or SFTP will work perfectly at rsync.net.

      We offer explicit support for borg, arq, git-annex, BackupAssist, Syncovery, WinSCP and Filezilla ... but ANY SSH tool will work.

      Further, you can execute unix commands over SSH to perform complex and useful tasks on your data here at rsync.net.

      SSH is fully encrypted and is the de facto standard for secure data transfer in cloud computing.

      Our global network runs at 10 gigabit speed and is ipv6 accessible.

      UNIX Native

      rsync.net cloud storage works just like you'd expect it to.

      You can integrate rsync.net with your existing Linux/UNIX/OSX systems in minutes - possibly with no software installation.

      You can pipeline output to us, run remote commands over SSH and manipulate your data with common unix primitives.

      We believe in the UNIX philosophy and we want rsync.net to be a simple primitive that you can quickly plug into your workflow.

      What Makes rsync.net Special

      We are the only cloud storage provider that gives customers a UNIX filesystem to do what they want with.

      We are NOT reselling another cloud - we built our own infrastructure and have complete control over our platform.

      Our ZFS platform provides resiliency and allows clients to configure point-in-time snapshots that are immutable.

      We have a world class, IPV6-capable network with locations in three US cities as well as Zurich and Hong Kong.

      You will receive unlimited, free technical support, over phone and email, for any use you make of our product.

      We offer customizable monitoring and alerts, free of charge, using email, SMS, Pushover and webhook calls.

      We've been doing this since 2001.

      More Information

      rsync.net publishes a wide array of support documents as well as a FAQ

      rsync.net has been tested, reviewed and discussed in a variety of venues.

      You, or your CEO, may find our CEO Page useful.

      Please see our HIPAAGDPR, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance statements.

      Contact info@rsync.net for more information, and answers to your questions.


    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin<adam@fromthemachine.org>Aug 24, 2021, 4:05:31 AM (3 days ago) Aug 24Reply to authorForwardDeleteLinkReport message as abuseYou cannot mark your own message as abuseShow original messageto TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL, abuse@reddit.com, XMhttps://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmTjU3muh9fhR6fjo9ciWvy3FeCfsNq6DwaVfXR8HS45N2/https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmaW5h4n5QTCkurbMpvnsZ3Drc9jb5ZPgWFseioNGED4Nr/https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmNPSW3TrpQnHzJX9wAkztK1HSzPnkWhkVS1eaBuPfQzPo/https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmWsonRZ2FevfFjjfLcSCHELzkkZQDSsF7iHEFJQjpoZqJ/https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmewcUZZivxia5v53PUApFozKmYuwuBsqCiAB18eLnmiZe/https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmQYv9SWm24xcieknYDWgzB6FNPii932tpugD7yz5NncBb/The problem with American Silence is ... it's keeping America from being America.  Reddit was the heartland of social news, and even here--I can't seem to get the most simple and succinct explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish to even overcome their "censorwall."  See there's a problem with the media, with the medicine, really with "the all and the wall... all in all"This is exactly what I and we ... we you ... are trying to overcome--literally not being able to speak to each other, because of "all wall" a/k/a "Skynet Unsane."r/Charity•Posted byu/eyeofbush1 hour agoAutoModeratorAutoModerator notificationexpand allcollapse all[–]from AutoModerator sent 11 minutes agoSorry, but your recent submission in /r/venturecapital was removed because it links to a site known to leak or collect personal information.I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.PermalinkDeleteReportBlock UserMark UnreadReplySorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/venturecapital.Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"- https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffromthemachine.org%2FMOLASSES.html&group=__world__Here's the sunbiz.org [florida business] registration and documents for my Church, which I haven't been able to keep current because of practically no donations at all--I spend most of my income keeping this content [and copies of wikipedia and many other important things] "available" for the public to view at plemma.cc [which will be live within the week, I hope].http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=OfficerRegisteredAgentName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=DOBRINADAMM%20N120000105410&aggregateId=domnp-n12000010541-5124568e-5f22-4131-a6db-21efbb808548&searchTerm=Dobrin%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Adam&listNameOrder=DOBRINADAM%20N0900000255114http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/ConvertTiffToPDF?storagePath=COR%5C2012%5C1108%5C70555697.tif&documentNumber=N12000010541To the best of my knowledge Church donations are tax exempt, but I haven't been able to hire a lawyer to file for 501(c)(3) status so you might not be able to claim donations as a tax exemption, I'm not a lawyer and can't give advice related to "IRS regulations."I'm in the process of forming two new corporations, SUEZ CORP, and XCALIBER DAO; which I hope to be the future of ... social media, email, online voting, and more. I hope it ends the "secret unsacred silence" ... I'm pretty sure it'll work,but we can't tell. It's going to build software based on IPFS and it's derivatives, existing cloud services, and hypothes.is ... which is the newest and best yet incarnation of "reddit comment on anything on the web" in a long list of predecessors I remember starting with StumbleUpon and Flock and DIssenter and gab-ai ... just writing this showed me StumbleUpon has "turned into Mix" which might be worth a look at.I have lots of unique ideas to make these things better, and I could really use the help of programmers familiar with python, IPFS and "big data" technology. Let me know if you are interested in providing financial or programming "charity" ... thanks for reading.Pretty sure we can start a "new wave" of democracy; with just a little bit of work and a little bit of money. and I hope we get to do it before I'm homeless, which is practically today.-aYou can contact me here: 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc or just donate Ethereum to that address, that series of technologies and products is a big part of the puzzle I'm trying to put together. Just like you, reddit and readers like you, a big part of the movement I hope will start a wave of corporate and national "rennesaince/revolutions."Here's to today, and hoping what we want to do tomorrow is ... way better.Best of luck, to all and the future. This is Adam, and this post is my last best hope--so far.As it is ... Heaven appears to have been built in the heart of America, the heart of Jerusalem, by the Ori of Florida and Stargate SG-1: the heart of the "message."Supergate, activate--unlock, speak! https://hyp.is/go?url=https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/&group=__world__ ... you're bound to be noticed as "Number 1." This is Agent #00 of the Naval Office of Superintellgience, on the Singularity, and the day ... 8/23.

      Adam Marshall Dobrin's profile photo

      Adam Marshall Dobrin


      Aug 24, 2021, 4:05:31 AM (3 days ago) 

      to TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL, abuse@reddit.com, XM

      The problem with American Silence is ... it's keeping America from being America.  Reddit was the heartland of social news, and even here--I can't seem to get the most simple and succinct explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish to even overcome their "censorwall."  See there's a problem with the media, with the medicine, really with "the all and the wall... all in all"

      This is exactly what I and we ... we you ... are trying to overcome--literally not being able to speak to each other, because of "all wall" a/k/a "Skynet Unsane."


      \ r/Charity

      -Posted by


      1 hour ago\

      AutoModeratorAutoModerator notification\ expand allcollapse all

      [--]from AutoModerator sent 11 minutes ago

      Sorry, but your recent submission in /r/venturecapital was removed because it links to a site known to leak or collect personal information.

      I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


      Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/venturecapital.

      Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

      Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"


      Here's the sunbiz.org [florida business] registration and documents for my Church, which I haven't been able to keep current because of practically no donations at all--I spend most of my income keeping this content [and copies of wikipedia and many other important things] "available" for the public to view at plemma.cc [which will be live within the week, I hope].



      To the best of my knowledge Church donations are tax exempt, but I haven't been able to hire a lawyer to file for 501(c)(3) status so you might not be able to claim donations as a tax exemption, I'm not a lawyer and can't give advice related to "IRS regulations."

      I'm in the process of forming two new corporations, SUEZ CORP, and XCALIBER DAO; which I hope to be the future of ... social media, email, online voting, and more. I hope it ends the "secret unsacred silence" ... I'm pretty sure it'll work,but we can't tell. It's going to build software based on IPFS and it's derivatives, existing cloud services, and hypothes.is ... which is the newest and best yet incarnation of "reddit comment on anything on the web" in a long list of predecessors I remember starting with StumbleUpon and Flock and DIssenter and gab-ai) ... just writing this showed me StumbleUpon has "turned into Mix" which might be worth a look at.

      I have lots of unique ideas to make these things better, and I could really use the help of programmers familiar with python, IPFS and "big data" technology. Let me know if you are interested in providing financial or programming "charity" ... thanks for reading.

      Pretty sure we can start a "new wave" of democracy; with just a little bit of work and a little bit of money. and I hope we get to do it before I'm homeless, which is practically today.


      You can contact me here: 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc or just donate Ethereum to that address, that series of technologies and products is a big part of the puzzle I'm trying to put together. Just like you, reddit and readers like you, a big part of the movement I hope will start a wave of corporate and national "rennesaince/revolutions."

      Here's to today, and hoping what we want to do tomorrow is ... way better.

      Best of luck, to all and the future. This is Adam, and this post is my last best hope--so far.

      As it is ... Heaven appears to have been built in the heart of America, the heart of Jerusalem, by the Ori of Florida and Stargate SG-1: the heart of the "message."

      Supergate, activate--unlock, speak! https://hyp.is/go?url=https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/&group=__world__ ... you're bound to be noticed as "Number 1." This is Agent #00 of the Naval Office of Superintellgience, on the Singularity, and the day ... 8/23.Bold

    1. I am accepting charitable donations,. ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); <p>ga('create', 'UA-74743044-2', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');</p> Wednesday, June 23 2021. Nintendo Way Erev ... the Day of the Holy Divorce of Bayjorel   Adam on “ho(s) I still single” … I “hisss” as Alger, Narcissus and to the various collegiates in Massachusetts; know it’s because I’m Cheyanne Mountain. You can’t even dream how hard it is to get inside “this heart.” Or maybe I can’t fathom why nobody’s rushing up to me trying to grab the ring of “infinite alimoney in the ever-after” … Na Na Na Na … Na Na Na Na … shey shea way) … tee tea, tay? This messages marks a major increase in “forced read(layshion)ership” to include a significantly larger group of students and professors than before. This is a new system; please unsubscribe using the instructions at the bottom of the message, which are different from the prior newsletter interface. I have noticeably been writing much less and sort of working harder on bringing to fruition the software and social policy changes I’ve been dreaming of and writing about instead of “just talking.” Searching this message that I intend to send to the students a day early–you know, with foresight for … in the hope that many of you remember first hand hearing the words “I don’t believe in the big bang, but I respect those that do” echo from a computer screen to me subconsciously in the state of South Carolina–that you will help me end the 7 year draught [[literal, good sex]] that I equate to the Biblical overflow of the Nile and to Stone Temple Pilots; this light and Sheldon Harr who trained me for my Bawr Mitzvah and taught me all the right things that I know about being a good Jew who didn’t really believe in the existence of God; but then helped create the system that makes us all that. Those who “see” or “saw” Kentucky as I did might recall the phrase spoken from myself to myself; “you don’t believe in God when you are this close to it’s creation” … or something almost verbatim; that. Some of you might see Gilgamesh more than I do, or have forgotten the "sliding of sleight of hand and becoming … the trickster of the Dajjal … "an idea that gore was being fabricated and faked; in order to help us see why it’s so very importanat that at the same time that immortality and heaven become part of the conversation of the adbication of Odin’s throne to Thor or to Arthor’s table and plebescite “victims” … that we all understand the magnanimous change wrought by Heaven on civilization and on the old customs and on the old laws, and that here we see the importance of guaranteeing safety and privacy and even “right to death” in a place where God had previously only written of “life and liberty” with the ambiguity of … “from what” being left to my seemingly slow hand.   On the order of plans soon to be seen to fruition my large key of “what this website truly is” has grown to something like 20GB and now includes a static and time frozen version of everything linked to stored on the IPFS system and multi-homed across a number of “cloud providers” to ensure things like “shekinah” will not forever be changed to “shechina” with nobody noticing the loss of causal original truth. The “light of angels” domain now redirects automatically to /ipns/fromthemachina which should render in future shell-internet-browsers as something like QmTH33MwfPn5S3bq45Tk77L1j9eZjUsvEVhRTHB3D8M2ZX [please pin this “root block”] I am not sure why IPFS doesn’t have better merkle tree searchability, but seeing siblings and parents and connections between these Qm hashesh is something that we should be working fervently on making more robust. IPSE.io appears to have created a decent search and governance system, I see it as something like the “electoral college” metacosmically linked to the thing I am trying to build–a preservation of all human knowledge and an infrastructure for discussing and communicating about the “veracity” and the linguistic nuances “alluded to” in the lude ties between this Empire’s new Clot and the clothing worn by Popes and Jews, the seeit-seeit; tzit-tzit and … 4-WORD AND SIX WITH “SHOOTER” … YEARS HAVE GONE BY; AND I STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN FVCK3D. I am planning on suing several medical providers and states for what I see as heinous violations of human rights, decency and the Constitution of the United States; if you are a lawyer or you can recommend a good one, please email me as soon as possible at 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc. You can also send Ethereum fungible donations to that alphanumeric identity. As I note much later in this message … TRUST IN MA … SELF-VATZEDEK SUE-C-CYDE … I KRY/STALL WHEN DODGE DESERVES TO PAY Please do note see a significant difference in importance in the emails now coming from ethmail.cc and the series of half-rambling cires for help which amount to something like my prayers to the pagan gods that you are. There’s quite a long thread in my soul Many times I’ve discussed and called in my mind and with my heart the American democracy nothing more than “Noah’s Archaic” two party system. Over the course of the years hidden messages from the Ark’s source of knowledge have conclusively shown me that a previous phrase “multi party system” connects to political parties and governmental action committees that span across continents and even earths; in my microcosm or special language and understanding of heaven, “across rooms” which are worlds … sort of owned or designed with some sort of top down or democratic structure of “literal rule system creation.” In my mind these rules can be inherited and modified, in the programming language sense of those words, as in "inherit democracy from America, update for new medical knowledge and scientific truth … discussed later in this message. The “water joke” connects to Horatio and to H2O and the idea that the chairs depicted by the character “h” are something like a placeholder meaningfully connected to the Senate Majority Chair and of course the Minority Chair and it’s the fact that there are only two that makes our current system something like A"Biblical Water." I believe we should be living in a world that has many more than two parties, hundreds or thousands of active parties could and should compete not for a single figurehead to sit in a throne like chair but for groups of people to be able to access the faster processing power and wider knowledge … represented here by something like a “Matrix jack” from the two movies, The Matrix and No Jack City; which allow for resources to be “billed to the party” and/or the people, rather than individuals who might otherwise have to “pay extra light” for faster processing power in order to quickly build a piece of legislation or political propaganda that equally connects to the mirage and miracle and dream of building a “subconscious voting system” that allows for votes to be taken “isntantly” and not just instantly but at some kind of recorded interval over time. I envisioned in Kentucky a world where the laws of the land would change instantly, allowing for bad weather to be instantly removed, for laws to differ from neighborhood to neighborhood and even to allow the fine grained detail of “outside and inside” each and every individual home or castle. Lost. Blind wandering through a lost world, in the beginning–that’s the truth. Crossroads, somewhere between walking through an electromagnetic pulse in Lake Worth and struggling to remember “the other thing.” Recalling [flew(ers)], so I was there sitting with my parents when we saw it on TV–a gigantic deal–the United States was going to war for the first time in my life. Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait (supposedly for the oil) and Operation Desert Storm was launched by George H.W. Bush; recalling the names and “Space Balls” it’s almost funny to see … how blind I was back then. General Norman Schwartz cough. General Colin Powell. Anyway, the whole point of the story is we were sitting at the Flamingo Diner; and for my whole life I lived just a few roads away from that road; never ever realizing what it was. I also didn’t realize for a very long time that you might also not see it, or you might see it instantly. Scanning just south of there, you can see it turns into Red road, and then its more than obvious that “flaming” stands out, light a highlighted cross–but we don’t say the name of that bird that way, and we didn’t see “infer” in Dante’s “inferno” or … “no” either. Flamenco … en espanol … like the dancers. A golden bitcoin swirls in the sky… the “mind control people” of Bowling Green gape in some kind of crowd pleased awe as the “middle” and the end connect almost seamlessly … Fort Myers creates a space port in the light of Vegas’s monorail “plots”– “Who?” “this is what it does,” vaaa—tseeee----deeeeeeeeck? In this word I recited over and over again in preparation for my Bar Mtzvah on December 11, 1992; without ever knowing the meaning is the crux of what exsactly is going on right now. The word is vatzedek: צֶ֫דֶק noun masculineIsaiah 1:21 rightness, righteousness; — ׳צ Leviticus 19:36 87t.; צִדְקִי Isaiah 41:10 8t., etc.; — 1 what is right, just, normal; rightness, justness, of weights and measures, אֵיפָה, אֶבֶן שְׁלֵמָה וָצֶדֶק Deuteronomy 25:15 a perfect and a just weight, ephah; ׳מאֹזְנֵי צ; ׳אַבְנֵי צ, ׳אֵיפַת צ, ׳הִין צ, ׳בַּת צ Leviticus 19:36 (H) Job 31:6; Ezekiel 45:10; ׳מַעְגְּלֵי צ right paths Psalm 23:3; ׳זִבְחֵי צ right peace-offerings Deuteronomy 33:19; Psalm 4:6; Psalm 51:21. 2 righteousness, in government: … and you can believe that despite the strawnge pronounciation little boys and girls would use at the age of thirteen as they spoke in rigorously recited prayer-song … it [swounds almost exactly like “What’s a Dick?”]  https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/125/5/1088 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/female-genital-mutilation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation #FTA, from the article: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, righteously fed up with the prejudiced nonsense she endures day in and day out, called a question about female genital mutilation from an audience member at a recent event “frustrating” and “appalling.” So I stand here living in Taylor Momsen’s song “Nothing Left To Lose” my personal favorite of hers which touches on this subject of “freedom as just another word for it” and of course the link between the purpose of an ethical oversight of the popular vote that the Electoral College represents; another two special and related words here, righteousness and fate. Between Vatzedek and Kismet; I can only convey my great dismay at the actual emotional and true physical pain I feel in my groin of groins every time I think about the horror story that has become my life and the what the land of America and the Medgard of Yggrasil has become … [note it’s not Yggdrasil] as I rally against the closest of my family of families, the Americans and Jews who refuse to stand up and speak out on my behalf, and on the behalf of humanity in general against the sickness of ritual genetal mutilation. Lost between Elvis and Suicide, she sings and I think about Ellis Island and Ellis Eaton and literally the innate and obvious lack of desire I have in my heawrt and imparted into my mind by some kind of ancient and unholy Jewish law … no desire at all to leave this world which has quickly turned from a bastion of light and freedom into nothing short or less than Hell itself. Kirinechoes from the land and day of NEMEC.html the chanting from the invsible choir of “e” … "he’s a victim" over and over, “he’s a victim, he’s a victim;” and in a more private sort of way she held on to my victim’s rod) and in a sort of kind friendly way implied that I should stop doing “speed” because … I need this, and she … in Holy ritual … patted the phallice of Iapetus’ great grandsun. Here I stand for the very first time; writing to a large group of students in the area of Boston, Massachusetts begging for the Sabbath Day to “be remembered and kept holy” as the Hebrew prayers and rituals repeatedly fail to explain has something significant to do with entry into the Holy of Holies, with the continuation of life and of heaven … and with the reinvigoration of something like a following of the Hippocrati Oath that is beyond a requirement to be reaffirmed here in this place as we begin to discuss the opening of “the process of the creation of legislation” as a function ofthe “citizenry governed” … the creation of “direct democracy” utilizing a kind of fusion of the software products I’ve been explaining are here designed specifically for this purpose. Software like kipu.com, aragon.org, wikipedia.org and even reddit.com. On the shape of his table, the heart of “sword” and another word for “Murfresboro” Sometimes I get my hopes up, sometimes i lose all the doubt and the “missing remorse” and the fear–the moments I can’t STS “socks” out of the VEGA System; in those brief moments I think you’re actually going to do something nice for me, that the heavens haven’t crashed and I’m going to have some kind of sex party that actually … really honest to God … is what “Saturday is all about.” So what, sue me–I wrote the book on the single Dionysian fusion of a Roman Bacchanalia and the Weeebrew Saturnalia … and then I yell at “Bethesda” for even daring to mention the grape fruit juice and the movie Havok–but I’ve heard all about the “passing of the nite and the nocturnal rite”–truth is I probably would walk right into the branch ending trap I laid in Fort Myers–every time I think about it the “minute of bouncing and orgasm” makes me smile a little more inside and my stomach get’s butterflies and just for a moment (I think I might be writing like STS) I think maybe it’s not the end of time and maybe I won’t never get to actually see … Heaven. Butt then you tell me (my but-tea joke isn’t funny, eithah?) … “Cassini” and “molasses” are supposed to make you feel like the OC resort guy staring at my tooth “about to be the one tooth from 2011” and I go back to remembering it’s been a decade since I’ve had a decent “good time with a girl” … literally seven long years, aside from a brief “blushing” experience with little Mackenzie Reisinger. Imagine that girls smiling at me and saying things like “Larkin Sow” and this brief period of “ecstatically frenzied decent writing” is all that it takes to keep me going; trudging along through the very shallow (or deeper) pits of Hell itself–just like a Dreidel c’d to make some silly words from the "introduction to the Bahir [literally wasn’t here, and “spirit of ah-aha illumination; hi. and this conversation ensued”] like “yod-nun” actually be … something like our salvation. Flying back in time to the “thang” point, I remember what it is now. Fear it … það; fear it. Day One has begin, or ending–whatever the proper literary way to say the Bible and it’s days are all wrong, and even further along the thing called the “Festival of Weeks” by the Jews, even more disgusting. I have no shame or remorse in saying such things, in fact I believe it is the purpose of this strange take on the “nocturnal rite” of the Norse ancient Druidic and “Dhruzi” mentioning of the Prose Edda to come to this very strange point, in this very strange place. Boston, Massachusetts. It might one day be a little known fact, but up until the presidency of Barrack Obama every single President of the United States of America was a member of the Protestant Church, all but John Fitzgerald Kennedy whose bright and shining face and ethos stand apart from almost all others in his place. I might one day say Trump too stood out above and shined brighter, and personally only because he lived during my lifetime, I think my personal view of Bill Clinton is the brightest of all. To me, the Clinton years were filled with the booming economy of Old Joe, and the great aspirations of Our Jack; a thing that many people before Armstrong walked on the moon and planet a great Democratic “P” one giant leap above the rock of ages … there are just no words for lux of America’s contribution to the launch of a Heavenly Civilization, in the words of Paxton in “Big Love” … and the LDS Church and Deseret’s version of “the thing” (nu3 today) … “the celestial kingdom.” Valhalla and Matzot scream of the “ha-moat-sea” and the “vats-a-dick” but without our giving of thanks for righteousness we have become the murderers not only of Judas and Death but also Jesus and the thing that created him. Eventually the island of America disappears, eventually it’s Earth, any planet a human was one … these are the things that have either become a force of great goodness–or of total destruction. This is the embodyment of “Troy as hisT” this is Galactikiss has become Planet Prime and all Derivatives–the silver surfer speaks to you all, between “El Dorado” and the “Silverado” … a comparative connection to the difference between Fort Knoxx and the Pound Sterling … with a Troy Ounce of “tzadik” to ensure with our GSLW: “ness truly means 'now everythink safely saved;” … and that’s a GNU definition for NESS which previously may have mentioned everywhere or earth and those are both absolute falsehoods and perhaps were not when they were spoken. At least, relatively speaking. Rape has come up today. I’ve commented publicly on the conversation I had in my head last night, walking by “Boston College High” and I can’t help but add my “very interesting” thoughts on the echelons of spirits inhabiting the Ka of God here in this place; and how they might somehow be satiated in a way that I or most people in this world would fine to be something more sexually immoral or deviant … “previously of the wiccan pagan variety” … something like my strange dreams here in this place of starting trends of having “a thing” for doing “moms and sisters,” which have been echoed here by a sitting and very prominent G.O.P United States senator or congressman; the show “Vampire DIaries” as well as Natalie Portman, Taylor and Sloane Momsen, Kate Hudson, and a number of other female “duos” like the Spears and Simpson sisters (Ashlee and Jamie Lynn, see) the Olsen twins and of course the soon to be “in the light of the fame of Nashville” … Larkin Poe. DIVERGENCE, TO NEW YORK CITY, TO YOM HASHOAH … OR TAV OUR TAY VUE … (((( this here is what we call a "race through a rats cage )))) if neither of the four or give girls in question send me some kind of verbal “ACK” ratyher than a “NAK” in writing, I might travel to Ellis Island or Nashville, TN before staying in Boston or … for instance going to Lowell or Nashua and … perhaps causing more FUKUSHIMA on the NAKARSAKI of HEROSHEMA; and by that I mean this is a “big deal” … LLNV might become a bus stop in Vegas or the VEGA System or it might be a national labratory near the Hamptons. It’s hard to tell at this point whether or not there’s any “liver” in Mexico’s version of that funny one with the guy that reminds me of Aldous Snow in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall.” In my mind today I speak from the Earthene world of Janet Devlin’s “Chandelliers” directly to Michael Jackson himself, on the difference or change or meaning wrought by Bill Cosby and his “Neverland Ranch” series on the question at hand–are there bowling tumble weeds and karaoke bars on par with Prescott Arizona’s scene anywhere closer to Nashville than Bowling Green … because I was beyond surprised to find a sprawling megalopolis in the place I had thought for my whole life was something more akin to Knoxville, a place where fledgling female music stars became “Grace Vanderwaal” golden buzzer winners … faster than you can connect Jerusalem to Shirley Temple. On the specific name, Shirley here is Bianca Pisani’s great grandmother; and no farther than the truth is the world’s “UMBRELLALAUNCH” link between the Chinesely famous virgin (non-alcoholic) drink is something like Billy Joel’s Piano Man Bartender walking into “the usual place” and saying something along the lines of “Geisha me up one Virgin Red head; hell, why don’t you make it a double.” Leave the umbrella with the kites that didn’t glow fiiery stars into the Holy of Holies in the same vein and for the same reason that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher failed to actually change the world with it’s ritual uniting the Olympic passing of the Torch with today’s interlinear and interwoven message with Old Joe and Young Jack Kennedy, Jackie Onassis and even touching on the Saudi Royals which were also a big part of the story connecting General MacNamara to “Lauderdale by the Sea” and a special rememberance to the expensive and Holy bronze or copper brick which he bought (through donation to charity I imagine) making himself more than just something like the founder of the beachfront redesign of our Federal Floridian beacnhead, but also a founding member of something I call “The Columns and Pillars” society in reference to the Pine Crest School version of the same kind of ritual. Also connected here are pictures of those columns, and extracts from my senior yearbook where my mother was kind enough to leave me two whole half page dedications to my graduation from one of the most prestigious and omnifiscient preparatory schools in the entire world … at the same time donating columns both in my name, their name, and the names of her deceased parents: Julie and Bernard Gerson. Bell to sky; and to the Berlin Sky; this is the same genetic and congenial family line that links Gersholom Sholom, Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Adolf Hitler and Yosef Stalin … to Joe Biden and the “Joseph and Betty Portal” which replace the MacNamara era bricks with “new composite plastic” that might last much longer and has another list of donations. The “portal connection” something like an Einstein-Rozencrantz flash of brilliant light … marks just one more error in my handling of my lack of understanding of things like “basic vectodirs” and “kasimamoriv radiation” … including here (if i read this and take the time to properly attribute) a visual image of the red shift and blue spindle of the actual radiation Einstein predicted would be ejected from something so massive even “light” could not escape it. On “relativity” and relatively speaking, it’s the wavelength and energy level of the light; as well as something called “gravitational lensing” … “the special relativity theorem” which earned Munich born and taught Albert a Nobel Peace Prize (as well as much fame in the land of America for the creation and explanation of the science behind the White Sands Trinity connection to Hanukah and Sandia National Labratory) … forces these corrections: ERRATA Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. Flight-test vehicles were designed and manufactured by Avco Corporation.[1] The Operation Fishbowl nuclear tests were originally planned to be completed during the first half of 1962 with three tests named Bluegill, Starfish and Urraca.[2] The first test attempt was delayed until June. Planning for Operation Fishbowl, as well as many other nuclear tests in the region, began rapidly in response to the sudden Soviet announcement on August 30, 1961 that they were ending a three-year moratorium on nuclear testing.[3] The rapid planning of very complex operations necessitated many changes as the project progressed. All of the tests were to be launched on missiles from Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator. Johnston Island had already been established as a launch site for United States high-altitude nuclear tests, rather than the other locations in the Pacific Proving Grounds. In 1958, Lewis Strauss, then chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, opposed doing any high-altitude tests at locations that had been used for earlier Pacific nuclear tests. His opposition was motivated by fears that the flash from the nighttime high-altitude detonations might blind civilians who were living on nearby islands. Johnston Island was a remote location, more distant from populated areas than other potential test locations.[4] In order to protect residents of the Hawaiian Islands from flash blindness or permanent retinal injury from the bright nuclear flash, the nuclear missiles of Operation Fishbowl were launched generally toward the southwest of Johnston Island so that the detonations would be farther from Hawaii. Urraca was to be a test of about 1 megaton yield at very high altitude (above 1000 km.).[5] The proposed Urraca test was always controversial, especially after the damage caused to satellites by the Starfish Prime detonation, as described below. Urraca was finally canceled, and an extensive re-evaluation of the Operation Fishbowl plan was made during an 82-day operations pause after the Bluegill Prime disaster of July 25, 1962, as described below. “Wish You Were Here” is a song by the English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released as the title track of their 1975 album Wish You Were Here.[2][3] David Gilmour and Roger Waters collaborated to write the music, and Gilmour sang the lead vocal. In 2011, the song was ranked No. 324 on _Rolling Stone’_s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.[4] In the original album version, the song segues from “Have a Cigar” as if a radio had been tuned away from one station, through several others (including a radio play and one playing the opening of the finale movement of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony), and finally to a new station where “Wish You Were Here” is beginning.[5] The radio was recorded from Gilmour’s car radio. He performed the intro on a twelve-string guitar, processed to sound like it was playing through an AM radio, and then overdubbed a fuller-sounding acoustic guitar solo. This passage was mixed to sound as though a guitarist were listening to the radio and playing along. As the acoustic part becomes more complex, the ‘radio broadcast’ fades away and Gilmour’s voice enters, while the rest of the band joins in.[6] The intro riff is repeated several times before Gilmour plays further solos with scat singing accompaniment. A third verse follows, featuring an increasingly expressive vocal from Gilmour and audible backing vocals. At the end of the recorded song, the final solo crossfades with wind sound effects, and finally segues into the second section of the multi-part suite “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”. Lyrically, the song is often considered to be a direct tribute to Syd Barrett. However, on the documentary The Story of Wish You Were Here, Gilmour and Waters separately describe the original concept that differs from this interpretation. Waters, who mainly wrote the lyrics complementing Gilmour’s initial riff idea and subsequent joint composition, describes the lyrics as being directed at himself, as his lyrics often are. Being present in one’s own life and freeing one’s self in order to truly experience life is a main topic in this song. Gilmour, on the other hand, recognizes that he does not ever perform the song without remembering Syd Barrett. Waters later adds that the song is nevertheless open to interpretation.[7] Both David Gilmour and Roger Waters have praised the song as one of Pink Floyd’s finest. Roger Waters has noted that the collaboration between himself and David Gilmour on the song was “really good. All bits of it are really, really good. I’m very happy about it.”[8] David Gilmour has playfully called “Wish You Were Here” “a very simple country song” and stated that “because of its resonance and the emotional weight it carries, it is one of our best songs.”[9] “Wish You Were Here” was recorded at Abbey Road Studios, as part of the sessions for the entire album. A noted part of the song was a planned contribution by Stéphane Grappelli. A jazz violinist popular at the time and well known for his collaborations with Yehudi Menuhin, both violinists were recording in a downstairs studio at Abbey Road at the time. Gilmour had suggested that there be a little “country fiddle” at the end of the song and invited them to participate. Grappelli duly obliged (Menuhin declined) on arranging a session fee of £300, equivalent to £2,500 in 2021.[10] Ultimately during mixing it was decided to almost remove his contribution, although it can just be heard around 5:21. According to Waters it was decided that it would be insulting to credit Grappelli in the sleeve notes for something so inaudible, although he did receive the agreed-upon fee.[11][12][13] As part of the Why Pink Floyd…? campaign, the Experience and Immersion versions of the Wish You Were Here album include an alternative version of the song where Grappelli’s part is heard in the instrumental break after the second verse and throughout the third verse before a considerably extended outro. Other less obvious differences are audible, for example at the section leading into the second verse. The master tape of the original recording includes guitar solos that were not used in the final mix.[citation needed] Personnel [edit] David Gilmour – lead and harmony vocals, scat singing, six and twelve-string acoustic guitars, pedal steel guitar, tape effects Nick Mason – drums, tape effects Roger Waters – bass, tape effects Richard Wright – Steinway piano, Minimoog Golgo 13 (Japanese: ゴルゴ13, Hepburn: Gorugo Sātīn) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takao Saito, published in Shogakukan’s Big Comic magazine since October 1968. The manga won the 1975 Shogakukan Manga Award for general manga and the Grand Prize at the 2002 Japan Cartoonists Association Awards. The series follows the title character, a professional assassin for hire. Golgo 13 is the oldest manga still in publication, and its tankōbon edition has the second-highest number of volumes. It has sold 300 million copies in various formats, including compilation books, making it the second-best-selling manga series and the top selling Seinen manga series in history.[2] It has been adapted into two live-action feature films, an anime film, an original video animation, an anime television series and six video games. A googol is the large number 10100. In decimal notation, it is written as the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeroes: 10,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000. For other uses, see Wormhole (disambiguation). “Einstein-Rosen Bridge” redirects here. For the EP by electronic musician Venetian Snares, see Einstein-Rosen Bridge (EP). General relativity Introduction History Mathematical formulation Phenomena Gravitational lensing Gravitational waves Frame-dragging Geodetic effect Event horizon Singularity Black hole Spacetime Spacetime diagrams Minkowski spacetime Einstein–Rosen bridge show Equations Formalisms A wormhole (or Einstein–Rosen bridge or Einstein–Rosen wormhole) is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations. A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both). Wormholes are consistent with the general theory of relativity by Einstein, but whether wormholes actually exist remains to be seen. Many scientists postulate that wormholes are merely projections of a fourth spatial dimension, analogous to how a two-dimensional (2D) being could experience only part of a three-dimensional (3D) object.[1] A wormhole could connect extremely long distances such as a billion light years or more, short distances such as a few meters, different universes, or even different points in time.[2] Julius and Ethel Rosenberg — Americans who were involved in coordinating and recruiting an espionage network that included Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, a machinist at Los Alamos National Lab. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were tried for conspiracy to commit espionage. treason charges were not applicable, since the United States and the Soviet Union were allies at the time. The Rosenbergs denied all the charges but were convicted in a trial in which the prosecutor Roy Cohn later said he was in daily secret contact with the judge, Irving Kaufman. Despite an international movement demanding clemency, and appeals to President Dwight D. Eisenhower by leading European intellectuals and the Pope, both the Rosenbergs were executed in 1953, at the height of the Korean War. President Eisenhower wrote to his son, serving in Korea, that if he spared Ethel (presumably for the sake of her two young children), then the Soviets would recruit their spies from among women.[26][27][28] Greenglass later recanted his testimony against her, and release of grand jury testimony in 2008 showed the extent to which the prosecution had created a false case against Ethel.[citation needed] Saville Sax — an American, acted as the courier for Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall. Sax and Hall had been roommates at Harvard University.[20] Oscar Seborer — worked at Los Alamos from 1944 to 1946, and was part of a unit that studied the seismological effects of the Trinity nuclear test. Codenamed “Godsend” by the Soviets, he defected to the Soviet Union in 1951, and received the Order of the Red Star. He lived under the alias “Smith” and died in 2015. His identity was only revealed publicly in 2019.[29] Morton Sobell — an American engineer, he was tried and convicted of conspiracy, along with the Rosenbergs. He was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment on Alcatraz, but released in 1969 on appeal and for good behavior after serving 17 years and 9 months.[30] In 2008, Sobell admitted to passing information to the Soviets, although he said it was all for defensive systems. He implicated Julius Rosenberg, in an interview with the New York Times published in September 2008.[31] Melita Norwood — British Communist, an active Russian spy from at least 1938 and never detected. Employed as a secretary in the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association since 1932, she was linked to the Woolwich Arsenal spy ring of 1938. In wartime she was seconded to “Tube Alloys”, the secret British nuclear research project. She was later considered “the most important female agent ever recruited by the USSR”. She was first suspected as a security risk in 1965 but never prosecuted. Her spying career was revealed by Vasili Mitrokhin in 1999, when she was still alive but long retired. Arthur Adams — Soviet spy who passed information about the Manhattan Project.[32] https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/25004050 https://thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/doctorwho/ 12:3 Those who are wi se[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2020/05/08/its-time-rethink-electoral-college https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2011/12/20/144016912/we-the-people-npr-readers-would-ratify-four-new-amendments https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2020/05/08/its-time-rethink-electoral-college https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2011/12/20/144016912/we-the-people-npr-readers-would-ratify-four-new-amendments https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/vote-now-an-amendment-to-end-the-electoral-college https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/09/opinion/letters/electoral-college.html https://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-ol-le-electoral-college-20180904-story.html you are offline https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2014/05/amending-the-constitution-is-much-too-hard-blame-the-founders.html we the people rise again https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/06/fix-the-constitution-amending-by-national-referendum.html safe souls, safe fu https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/06/fixing-the-constitution-protecting-informational-privacy.html https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/05/new-reconstruction-constitution-democracy.html We the People of Slate … The U.S. Constitution, as you [mighta been, shoulda “come” on … its someday] rewrϕte it. “Politicians talk about the Constitution as if it were as sacrosanct as the Ten Commandments [interjection: spec. it is actually almost exactly related!]. But the document itself invites change and revision. What if the president served only one six-year term instead two four-year terms? What if your state’s population determined how many senators represent it? What if the Constitution included a right to health care? We asked legal scholars and Slate readers to cross out what they didn’t like in the Constitution and pencil in their hearts’ desires. Here’s what the document would look like with their best ideas.” Slate: u_s_constitution as_rewritten by_slate_legal_experts_and_readers 多也了了夕 "with a wand of scheffilara, 并#亦太 he begins … "I am now on the Staff of Menelaus, the Spears of Longinus and Lancelot; and the name “Mosche ex Nashon.” - http://ipfs.io/ipns/fromthemachine.org/CHANSTEYGLOREKI.html - http://ipfs.io/ipns/fromthemachine.org/NUCLIRDISS.html - http://dweb.link/ipns/fromthemachine.org/CRALL4Good.html Please note that any decent browsers would probably render ipfs://fromthemachine.org as the following https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTH33MwfPn5S3bq45Tk77L1j9eZjUsvEVhRTHB3D8M2ZX I ask again that you all pin on IPFS mirror and copy the data included in these dumps, they are a key to “not losing causality” to not having a history that makes no logical sense, and to some kind of coup de roku, that really makes no sense unless you no, we will ve weill … ROCK YOU Long ago I began writing about hidden codes in our history; thing’s significantly more obvious than “flying elephant armies” connecting Disney and Dumbo to Xerxes and the “Democratic Party of the United States (mascot)”–though it’s not really easy to consolidate the “epiphany” of … [((all i know))] without some kind of “artificial intelligence data condensation [infosmos.is?”] and summarization platform, though that’s nearly the next thing on my Lowell list of things we need to “mechanical turk” into being. Meta-consolidation of the world’s encyclopedias is one of the most important and useful tasks we have as we move towards the creation of a virtual debate platform that will eventual “literally obviate wisdom” of the layer/layer system that defines the name of the city I write these words near. Lowell, MA The broad overview of the system … the gist … is that political parties and activist organizations will create their own “view of the truth” (propaganda, falsehood-removed) and that these disparate pieces of “highlighted and annotated bibliography” could be overlay-ed on top of each other, creating a “new view of the truth” based on a users preference. The whole thing boils down to series of “holographic eschatological goggles” that will allow, for instance, the “grasping and fathoming” of other people’s points of view and perhaps reframe your own on any number of individual subjects. Roe v. Wade, “Concourses” and CON-CERN; because this has been such a “hot topic” in the relative psuedo-edufictional story of the space travel from the lone planet Earth ((intersected)) with the set of skipping stones it takes to exit a Totalital multi stellar system of holographic computer simulators into the … “molecular world of vaccuum and Einstein time-space” … I’ll start with this simple example. the current American debate on the subject, right to life vs. right to choice; provided by the “generic version” of the ideological christian right and the liberal women’s left. through a first layer over layer comparison. the scientific truth brought to the table by the introduction of “neurological data” proving that there is in fact a moment during the gestation of a human embryo in which “i think therefore i am” connects to some sort of Skynet-became-selfaware at a point which I imagine must be … although it possibly is not … prior to the next important literary device/step “let there be light.” At the point the ocular cones and rods are created and the fetus opens it’s eyes and literally sees the bright light that could probably only be compared on the next edschalon to seeing the “exit pathway from the womb” a. we will finally kinow whether or not “consciousness” is even developed at all before the bicerebral cortex designed to “compare two thoughts, ideas, and shapes” has the ability to get input from the eyes. Personally I think thought begins much earlier than vision, but the simple fact that we “haven’t yet had this discussion” shows how very little our scientific and medical progress in the civilization of things like murder, and understanding of life and science has yet to come here. “People here” means something different than it did when I was born, at least in my mind’s eye … something so completely more advanced that it’s almost difficult to believe you all don’t see this place as a great prison or farce or unjust Azazel–blaming a man for looking like a rat or a mouse or a dog–in a place where more to the point we stare at a kind of physical violence and horror that would put Dennis the Menace and Bart Simpson to shame. A world hwere “people closer to holodecks” blame an innocent man for “writing the book” on the connection between Holocaust and Euthenasia and Hospice … certainly you know “an innocent tool” writes these words to you? On the Hand of God, the Eyes of Ra and Horus; https://www.hebrew4christians.com/Glossary/Word_of_the_Week/Archived/Yad/yad.html https://aminoapps.com/c/zodiac/page/blog/the-yod-aspect-the-finger-of-god/XG6P_beTgu5gdXrYNwVjBj0WQlDeDWlK72#:~:text=The Yod is the 10th,to be carried through life.   I’ve written quite a bit on how “mind control” and “voting freedom” are inherently related in and to the thing we call “Civic Involvement” here in the United States–basically that participation in the verification of truth and the public understanding of tautology and temporal falsehood are … sort of a slave like requirement neeeded to ensure that any freedom at all exists I often say “plugging your [head into google]” might turn the Aesir into an Acer, or the “yodelling of the lakes of democracy” ito “the agricolae becoming nothing more than the Dell.” .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for. Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne. This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRHRmMZH1LejTaqTuEu0bp j54maTj09vnMxA0RfS+CtU5uMq+5fTkbiTOe1LrLD72m+PVJIS146FwESrMJEfJy oNqWEJlUQ0TecPZR41vnkSkpocE1/0YqUhWDGSht+67DdeKUg5KwvYdL21d/bSyO SM4jnyKn9aDVzLBpYrlE/lbFxujHPRGlRG5WtiPQuZYDRqP0GYFSXRpeUCI46f49 iPFo4eHo2jUfNDa9r9BjQdAe4zVFn2qLnOy8RWijlolbhGMHGO3w/uC/zad3jjo4 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EEsJop7DSMOa27irD/IlCL+nwaEsCMRh+ndSkADLHsa9P5d/qWjomKxwdCm5Ag0E Xp3GCwEQAOoXU8NrugMa8OAncXKv4hycXJzArDae3Zx6pCCEkP3TZTXh1tqKPUtb dmb8Mq2eecVTwmB+FM3m+NApgq88Vx6HiyI73IAvgtZORo32YaipfbkGnXHfaUWX 5380R4GL597yZuP8sAsJ3iDvxhW59snsU8tLi+9r2u4h0fgMDqZXQsfvLUkDIiO9 nzJf0xFacTx3n+pUuWdzIuT3AUdU/L9NubmHSnj09FevTHWIYmxGFZoiSdS7r2Z+ 5xZmPak6lzrQTVS/DxcpyA/o3yi8qLPyf1VUxXKFeKd0sV6BPvYFxI2GeBl5atBu 9/3/5D6wdlrupTFLU1Msdfy3UWaRUFHLITK4fJ7pbTgoEqxX7gpO9iqKmScm3gYc O3blA8aTqCX2NzxUF5fHbi14JvPWP04uFl5EOeDB322Jm/guWy8TvmIIyuF3aAAX PfErW/yRWDsYOcAADs8elZkt3F+E/AwWd0JMIhd/RB3RFH8m7496XLS3xBP6rNye 0O+96lX7fVp+wvINxM3Rfo63b1K4bR5KR9JDZ2SLYhrx6Hyy+UiRv7l+i26WxVMF qRyvY2aHqyvKfR1EEf1t2h7B4b65xQkj51qvX5Tjm5Az7nKcXpcUKqS3bk8xiw9N y7eFfA361OSPpQ+V4Mq/Mv+MqyxLTz9tn+80ZtjqM0MEERfpUo15ABEBAAGJAjYE GAEKACAWIQTSzxHqSnZu94UybEuSJ9pJ7yc3aAUCXp3GCwIbDAAKCRCSJ9pJ7yc3 aE2NEACDBRnGYNi2sq0wltPSkD2CbQUon+4uiFB2UU/gs4mFlGOvzDHBHVEFzCqK 0x6KlKm4XBq3AF7iIoNMiU9FmBdWDnEp9eCXdQrr/ykgq3vKMuj6/QJNNZglIDoe 1J2NXeMOUFwCUvjcCttPv42Q8GDt8/bG7QOgmTmhuqvKIj/vL+c3HgNrRsQzhw5z mSzQIDaesD+UVA/sourXpSLeqPgF+6qsEqOirD6hotaqrt+aIA/8wbYkpNQxCEK4 gKDgpqTV7VKklku7fjyhBhZQOVDoWvd03AlGQD0WBNriUsh8l4N6Zg2BlnKTGn11 BTigqwlHC91xtjERgwFg8PAHN2mtgZUHITHX5js11KwlQdLyI04/M4M4oQq0KSbJ rpiWCgrltC/VqJrT4HELFYx2Iv5wzrV9jVEm6zonag4A761hpqTgRrjWtaLuYu2Z zdw9y1r0+0d2rTUGpjIQRVOwi3AF/G4aU+vAOOf/HcgH6Qnpbu+xV0fkuAZbTI7w 6VVkBvnstiQV88KrWAOXKVABSSxTz2OYbzOTt/bgxzAa7yr1xIBDKvujBqDRGBLi bISp+40Haoj2Yqop6vbS70Xq+cnBOwJW86u61hsLgOjqyxgLzvuGTjK7+TblCjR2 F4LNeQdwDdyNRjPYeGVXM3MEqR8XdcR1Z7BQvLNcDgoW2qDcbg== =4lZw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Please see GPG keys on PGP.MIT.EDU; fingerprints: sec rsa3072/A18F778E19FC3248 2020-04-03 [SC] [expires: 2022-04-03] FFF31E86FCEB5046E8B27D4AA18F778E19FC3248 uid [ultimate] ADAM M DOBRIN \ ssb rsa3072/04F98002A3DA53B2 2020-04-03 [E] [expires: 2022-04-03] sec rsa4096/FB4ECE4A109229CF 2020-04-04 [SC] 4FAF0D3E208A1F4C980D0F66FB4ECE4A109229CF uid [ultimate] Adam Marshall Dobrin \ ssb 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      I am accepting charitable donations,.\ ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434

      Wednesday, June 23 2021. Nintendo Way

      Erev ... the Day of the Holy Divorce of Bayjorel

      Adam on "ho(s) I still single" ... I "hisss" as Alger, Narcissus and to the various collegiates in Massachusetts; know it's because I'm Cheyanne Mountain. You can't even dream how hard it is to get inside "this heart." Or maybe I can't fathom why nobody's rushing up to me trying to grab the ring of "infinite alimoney in the ever-after" ... Na Na Na Na ... Na Na Na Na ... shey shea way) ... tee tea, tay?

      This messages marks a major increase in "forced read(layshion)ership" to include a significantly larger group of students and professors than before. This is a new system; please unsubscribe using the instructions at the bottom of the message, which are different from the prior newsletter interface. I have noticeably been writing much less and sort of working harder on bringing to fruition the software and social policy changes I've been dreaming of and writing about instead of "just talking."

      Searching this message that I intend to send to the students a day early--you know, with foresight for ... in the hope that many of you remember first hand hearing the words "I don't believe in the big bang, but I respect those that do" echo from a computer screen to me subconsciously in the state of South Carolina--that you will help me end the 7 year draught [[literal, good sex]] that I equate to the Biblical overflow of the Nile and to Stone Temple Pilots; this light and Sheldon Harr who trained me for my Bawr Mitzvah and taught me all the right things that I know about being a good Jew who didn't really believe in the existence of God; but then helped create the system that makes us all that.

      Those who "see" or "saw" Kentucky as I did might recall the phrase spoken from myself to myself; "you don't believe in God when you are this close to it's creation" ... or something almost verbatim; that. Some of you might see Gilgamesh more than I do, or have forgotten the "sliding of sleight of hand and becoming ... the trickster of the Dajjal ... "an idea that gore was being fabricated and faked; in order to help us see why it's so very importanat that at the same time that immortality and heaven become part of the conversation of the adbication of Odin's throne to Thor or to Arthor's table and plebescite "victims" ... that we all understand the magnanimous change wrought by Heaven on civilization and on the old customs and on the old laws, and that here we see the importance of guaranteeing safety and privacy and even "right to death" in a place where God had previously only written of "life and liberty" with the ambiguity of ... "from what" being left to my seemingly slow hand.


      On the order of plans soon to be seen to fruition my large key of "what this website truly is" has grown to something like 20GB and now includes a static and time frozen version of everything linked to stored on the IPFS system and multi-homed across a number of "cloud providers" to ensure things like "shekinah" will not forever be changed to "shechina" with nobody noticing the loss of causal original truth. The "light of angels" domain now redirects automatically to /ipns/fromthemachina which should render in future shell-internet-browsers as something like QmTH33MwfPn5S3bq45Tk77L1j9eZjUsvEVhRTHB3D8M2ZX [please pin this "root block"] I am not sure why IPFS doesn't have better merkle tree searchability, but seeing siblings and parents and connections between these Qm hashesh is something that we should be working fervently on making more robust. IPSE.io appears to have created a decent search and governance system, I see it as something like the "electoral college" metacosmically linked to the thing I am trying to build--a preservation of all human knowledge and an infrastructure for discussing and communicating about the "veracity" and the linguistic nuances "alluded to" in the lude ties between this Empire's new Clot and the clothing worn by Popes and Jews, the seeit-seeit; tzit-tzit and ...


      I am planning on suing several medical providers and states for what I see as heinous violations of human rights, decency and the Constitution of the United States; if you are a lawyer or you can recommend a good one, please email me as soon as possible at 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc. You can also send Ethereum fungible donations to that alphanumeric identity. As I note much later in this message ...


      Please do note see a significant difference in importance in the emails now coming from ethmail.cc and the series of half-rambling cires for help which amount to something like my prayers to the pagan g<del>od</del>s that you are.

      There's quite a long thread in my soul


      Many times I've discussed and called in my mind and with my heart the American democracy nothing more than "Noah's Archaic" two party system. Over the course of the years hidden messages from the Ark's source of knowledge have conclusively shown me that a previous phrase "multi party system" connects to political parties and governmental action committees that span across continents and even earths; in my microcosm or special language and understanding of heaven, "across rooms" which are worlds ... sort of owned or designed with some sort of top down or democratic structure of "literal rule system creation." In my mind these rules can be inherited and modified, in the programming language sense of those words, as in "inherit democracy from America, update for new medical knowledge and scientific truth ... discussed later in this message.

      The "water joke" connects to Horatio and to H2O and the idea that the chairs depicted by the character "h" are something like a placeholder meaningfully connected to the Senate Majority Chair and of course the Minority Chair and it's the fact that there are only two that makes our current system something like A"Biblical Water."

      I believe we should be living in a world that has many more than two parties, hundreds or thousands of active parties could and should compete not for a single figurehead to sit in a throne like chair but for groups of people to be able to access the faster processing power and wider knowledge ... represented here by something like a "Matrix jack" from the two movies, The Matrix and No Jack City; which allow for resources to be "billed to the party" and/or the people, rather than individuals who might otherwise have to "pay extra light" for faster processing power in order to quickly build a piece of legislation or political propaganda that equally connects to the mirage and miracle and dream of building a "subconscious voting system" that allows for votes to be taken "isntantly" and not just instantly but at some kind of recorded interval over time. I envisioned in Kentucky a world where the laws of the land would change instantly, allowing for bad weather to be instantly removed, for laws to differ from neighborhood to neighborhood and even to allow the fine grained detail of "outside and inside" each and every individual home or castle.

      Lost. Blind wandering through a lost world, in the beginning--that's the truth. Crossroads, somewhere between walking through an electromagnetic pulse in Lake Worth and struggling to remember "the other thing." Recalling [flew(ers)], so I was there sitting with my parents when we saw it on TV--a gigantic deal--the United States was going to war for the first time in my life. Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait (supposedly for the oil) and Operation Desert Storm was launched by George H.W. Bush; recalling the names and "Space Balls" it's almost funny to see ... how blind I was back then.

      General Norman Schwartz cough. General Colin Powell. Anyway, the whole point of the story is we were sitting at the Flamingo Diner; and for my whole life I lived just a few roads away from that road; never ever realizing what it was. I also didn't realize for a very long time that you might also not see it, or you might see it instantly. Scanning just south of there, you can see it turns into Red road, and then its more than obvious that "flaming" stands out, light a highlighted cross--but we don't say the name of that bird that way, and we didn't see "infer" in Dante's "inferno" or ... "no" either. Flamenco ... en espanol ... like the dancers.

      A golden bitcoin swirls in the sky... the "mind control people" of Bowling Green gape in some kind of crowd pleased awe as the "middle" and the end connect almost seamlessly ... Fort Myers creates a space port in the light of Vegas's monorail "plots"--


      "this is what it does,"

      vaaa---tseeee----deeeeeeeeck? In this word I recited over and over again in preparation for my Bar Mtzvah on December 11, 1992; without ever knowing the meaning is the crux of what exsactly is going on right now. The word is vatzedek:

      צֶ֫דֶק noun masculineIsaiah 1:21 rightness, righteousness; --- ׳צ Leviticus 19:36 87t.; צִדְקִי Isaiah 41:10 8t., etc.; ---

      1 what is right, just, normal; rightness, justness, of weights and measures, אֵיפָה, אֶבֶן שְׁלֵמָה וָצֶדֶק Deuteronomy 25:15 a perfect and a just weight, ephah; ׳מאֹזְנֵי צ; ׳אַבְנֵי צ, ׳אֵיפַת צ, ׳הִין צ, ׳בַּת צ Leviticus 19:36 (H) Job 31:6Ezekiel 45:10; ׳מַעְגְּלֵי צ right paths Psalm 23:3; ׳זִבְחֵי צ right peace-offerings Deuteronomy 33:19Psalm 4:6Psalm 51:21.

      2 righteousness, in government:

      ... and you can believe that despite the strawnge pronounciation little boys and girls would use at the age of thirteen as they spoke in rigorously recited prayer-song ... it [swounds almost exactly like "What's a Dick?"]

      FTA, from the article: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, righteously fed up with the prejudiced nonsense she endures day in and day out, called a question about female genital mutilation from an audience member at a recent event "frustrating" and "appalling."

      So I stand here living in Taylor Momsen's song "Nothing Left To Lose" my personal favorite of hers which touches on this subject of "freedom as just another word for it" and of course the link between the purpose of an ethical oversight of the popular vote that the Electoral College represents; another two special and related words here, righteousness and fate. Between Vatzedek and Kismet; I can only convey my great dismay at the actual emotional and true physical pain I feel in my groin of groins every time I think about the horror story that has become my life and the what the land of America and the Medgard of Yggrasil has become ... [note it's not Yggdrasil] as I rally against the closest of my family of families, the Americans and Jews who refuse to stand up and speak out on my behalf, and on the behalf of humanity in general against the sickness of ritual genetal mutilation.

      Lost between Elvis and Suicide, she sings and I think about Ellis Island and Ellis Eaton and literally the innate and obvious lack of desire I have in my heawrt and imparted into my mind by some kind of ancient and unholy Jewish law ... no desire at all to leave this world which has quickly turned from a bastion of light and freedom into nothing short or less than Hell itself.

      Kirinechoes from the land and day of NEMEC.html the chanting from the invsible choir of "e" ... "he's a victim"

      over and over, "he's a victim, he's a victim;" and in a more private sort of way she held on to my victim's rod) and in a sort of kind friendly way implied that I should stop doing "speed" because ... I need this, and she ... in Holy ritual ... patted the phallice of Iapetus' great grandsun.

      Here I stand for the very first time; writing to a large group of students in the area of Boston, Massachusetts begging for the Sabbath Day to "be remembered and kept holy" as the Hebrew prayers and rituals repeatedly fail to explain has something significant to do with entry into the Holy of Holies, with the continuation of life and of heaven ... and with the reinvigoration of something like a following of the Hippocrati Oath that is beyond a requirement to be reaffirmed here in this place as we begin to discuss the opening of "the process of the creation of legislation" as a function ofthe "citizenry governed" ... the creation of "direct democracy" utilizing a kind of fusion of the software products I've been explaining are here designed specifically for this purpose. Software like kipu.comaragon.orgwikipedia.org and even reddit.com.

      On the shape of his table, the heart of "sword" and another word for "Murfresboro"


      Sometimes I get my hopes up, sometimes i lose all the doubt and the "missing remorse" and the fear--the moments I can't STS "socks" out of the VEGA System; in those brief moments I think you're actually going to do something nice for me, that the heavens haven't crashed and I'm going to have some kind of sex party that actually ... really honest to God ... is what "Saturday is all about." So what, sue me--I wrote the book on the single Dionysian fusion of a Roman Bacchanalia and the Weeebrew Saturnalia ... and then I yell at "Bethesda" for even daring to mention the grape fruit juice and the movie Havok--but I've heard all about the "passing of the nite and the nocturnal rite"--truth is I probably would walk right into the branch ending trap I laid in Fort Myers--every time I think about it the "minute of bouncing and orgasm" makes me smile a little more inside and my stomach get's butterflies and just for a moment (I think I might be writing like STS) I think maybe it's not the end of time and maybe I won't never get to actually see ... Heaven.

      Butt then you tell me (my but-tea joke isn't funny, eithah?) ... "Cassini" and "molasses" are supposed to make you feel like the OC resort guy staring at my tooth "about to be the one tooth) from 2011" and I go back to remembering it's been a decade since I've had a decent "good time with a girl" ... literally seven long years, aside from a brief "blushing" experience with little Mackenzie Reisinger.

      Imagine that girls smiling at me and saying things like "Larkin Sow" and this brief period of "ecstatically frenzied decent writing" is all that it takes to keep me going; trudging along through the very shallow (or deeper) pits of Hell itself--just like a Dreidel c'd to make some silly words from the "introduction to the Bahir [literally wasn't here, and "spirit of ah-aha illumination; hi. and this conversation ensued"] like "yod-nun" actually be ... something like our salvation. Flying back in time to the "thang" point, I remember what it is now.

      Fear it ... það; fear it.


      Day One has begin, or ending--whatever the proper literary way to say the Bible and it's days are all wrong, and even further along the thing called the "Festival of Weeks" by the Jews, even more disgusting. I have no shame or remorse in saying such things, in fact I believe it is the purpose of this strange take on the "nocturnal rite" of the Norse ancient Druidic and "Dhruzimentioning of the Prose Edda to come to this very strange point, in this very strange place.

      Boston, Massachusetts.

      It might one day be a little known fact, but up until the presidency of Barrack Obama every single President of the United States of America was a member of the Protestant Church, all but John Fitzgerald Kennedy whose bright and shining face and ethos stand apart from almost all others in his place. I might one day say Trump too stood out above and shined brighter, and personally only because he lived during my lifetime, I think my personal view of Bill Clinton is the brightest of all. To me, the Clinton years were filled with the booming economy of Old Joe, and the great aspirations of Our Jack; a thing that many people before Armstrong walked on the moon and planet a great Democratic "P" one giant leap above the rock of ages ... there are just no words for lux of America's contribution to the launch of a Heavenly Civilization, in the words of Paxton in "Big Love" ... and the LDS Church and Deseret's version of "the thing" (nu3 today) ... "the celestial kingdom."

      Valhalla and Matzot scream of the "ha-moat-sea" and the "vats-a-dick" but without our giving of thanks for righteousness we have become the murderers not only of Judas and Death but also Jesus and the thing that created him. Eventually the island of America disappears, eventually it's Earth, any planet a human was one ... these are the things that have either become a force of great goodness--or of total destruction. This is the embodyment of "Troy as hisT" this is Galactikiss has become Planet Prime and all Derivatives--the silver surfer speaks to you all, between "El Dorado" and the "Silverado" ... a comparative connection to the difference between Fort Knoxx and the Pound Sterling ... with a Troy Ounce of "tzadik" to ensure with our GSLW: "ness truly means 'now everythink safely saved;" ... and that's a GNU definition for NESS which previously may have mentioned everywhere or earth and those are both absolute falsehoods and perhaps were not when they were spoken. At least, relatively speaking.

      Rape has come up today.

      I've commented publicly on the conversation I had in my head last night, walking by "Boston College High" and I can't help but add my "very interesting" thoughts on the echelons of spirits inhabiting the Ka of God here in this place; and how they might somehow be satiated in a way that I or most people in this world would fine to be something more sexually immoral or deviant ... "previously of the wiccan pagan variety" ... something like my strange dreams here in this place of starting trends of having "a thing" for doing "moms and sisters," which have been echoed here by a sitting and very prominent G.O.P United States senator or congressman; the show "Vampire DIaries" as well as Natalie Portman, Taylor and Sloane Momsen, Kate Hudson, and a number of other female "duos" like the Spears and Simpson sisters (Ashlee and Jamie Lynn, see) the Olsen twins and of course the soon to be "in the light of the fame of Nashville" ... Larkin Poe.


      (((( this here is what we call a "race through a rats cage )))) if neither of the four or give girls in question send me some kind of verbal "ACK" ratyher than a "NAK" in writing, I might travel to Ellis Island or Nashville, TN before staying in Boston or ... for instance going to Lowell or Nashua and ... perhaps causing more FUKUSHIMA on the NAKARSAKI of HEROSHEMA; and by that I mean this is a "big deal" ... LLNV might become a bus stop in Vegas or the VEGA System or it might be a national labratory near the Hamptons. It's hard to tell at this point whether or not there's any "liver" in Mexico's version of that funny one with the guy that reminds me of Aldous Snow in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall."

      In my mind today I speak from the Earthene world of Janet Devlin's "Chandelliers" directly to Michael Jackson himself, on the difference or change or meaning wrought by Bill Cosby and his "Neverland Ranch" series on the question at hand--are there bowling tumble weeds and karaoke bars on par with Prescott Arizona's scene anywhere closer to Nashville than Bowling Green ... because I was beyond surprised to find a sprawling megalopolis in the place I had thought for my whole life was something more akin to Knoxville, a place where fledgling female music stars became "Grace Vanderwaal" golden buzzer winners ... faster than you can connect Jerusalem to Shirley Temple. On the specific name, Shirley here is Bianca Pisani's great grandmother; and no farther than the truth is the world's "UMBRELLALAUNCH" link between the Chinesely famous virgin (non-alcoholic) drink is something like Billy Joel's Piano Man Bartender walking into "the usual place" and saying something along the lines of "Geisha me up one Virgin Red head; hell, why don't you make it a double." Leave the umbrella with the kites that didn't glow fiiery stars into the Holy of Holies in the same vein and for the same reason that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher failed to actually change the world with it's ritual uniting the Olympic passing of the Torch with today's interlinear and interwoven message with Old Joe and Young Jack Kennedy, Jackie Onassis and even touching on the Saudi Royals which were also a big part of the story connecting General MacNamara to "Lauderdale by the Sea" and a special rememberance to the expensive and Holy bronze or copper brick which he bought (through donation to charity I imagine) making himself more than just something like the founder of the beachfront redesign of our Federal Floridian beacnhead, but also a founding member of something I call "The Columns and Pillars" society in reference to the Pine Crest School version of the same kind of ritual. Also connected here are pictures of those columns, and extracts from my senior yearbook where my mother was kind enough to leave me two whole half page dedications to my graduation from one of the most prestigious and omnifiscient preparatory schools in the entire world ... at the same time donating columns both in my name, their name, and the names of her deceased parents: Julie and Bernard Gerson.

      Bell to sky; and to the Berlin Sky; this is the same genetic and congenial family line that links Gersholom Sholom, Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Adolf Hitler and Yosef Stalin ... to Joe Biden and the "Joseph and Betty Portal" which replace the MacNamara era bricks with "new composite plastic" that might last much longer and has another list of donations. The "portal connection" something like an Einstein-Rozencrantz flash of brilliant light ... marks just one more error in my handling of my lack of understanding of things like "basic vectodirs" and "kasimamoriv radiation" ... including here (if i read this and take the time to properly attribute) a visual image of the red shift and blue spindle of the actual radiation Einstein predicted would be ejected from something so massive even "light" could not escape it. On "relativity" and relatively speaking, it's the wavelength and energy level of the light; as well as something called "gravitational lensing" ... "the special relativity theorem" which earned Munich born and taught Albert a Nobel Peace Prize (as well as much fame in the land of America for the creation and explanation of the science behind the White Sands Trinity connection to Hanukah and Sandia National Labratory) ... forces these corrections:


      Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. Flight-test vehicles were designed and manufactured by Avco Corporation.[1]

      The Operation Fishbowl nuclear tests were originally planned to be completed during the first half of 1962 with three tests named Bluegill, Starfish and Urraca.[2]

      The first test attempt was delayed until June. Planning for Operation Fishbowl, as well as many other nuclear tests in the region, began rapidly in response to the sudden Soviet announcement on August 30, 1961 that they were ending a three-year moratorium on nuclear testing.[3] The rapid planning of very complex operations necessitated many changes as the project progressed.

      All of the tests were to be launched on missiles from Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator. Johnston Island had already been established as a launch site for United States high-altitude nuclear tests, rather than the other locations in the Pacific Proving Grounds. In 1958, Lewis Strauss, then chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, opposed doing any high-altitude tests at locations that had been used for earlier Pacific nuclear tests. His opposition was motivated by fears that the flash from the nighttime high-altitude detonations might blind civilians who were living on nearby islands. Johnston Island was a remote location, more distant from populated areas than other potential test locations.[4] In order to protect residents of the Hawaiian Islands from flash blindness or permanent retinal injury from the bright nuclear flash, the nuclear missiles of Operation Fishbowl were launched generally toward the southwest of Johnston Island so that the detonations would be farther from Hawaii.

      Urraca was to be a test of about 1 megaton yield at very high altitude (above 1000 km.).[5] The proposed Urraca test was always controversial, especially after the damage caused to satellites by the Starfish Prime detonation, as described below. Urraca was finally canceled, and an extensive re-evaluation of the Operation Fishbowl plan was made during an 82-day operations pause after the Bluegill Prime disaster of July 25, 1962, as described below.

      "Wish You Were Here" is a song by the English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released as the title track of their 1975 album Wish You Were Here "Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd album)").[2]#cite_note-2)[3]#cite_note-mabbett-3) David Gilmour and Roger Waters collaborated to write the music, and Gilmour sang the lead vocal.

      In 2011, the song was ranked No. 324 on _Rolling Stone'_s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.[4]#cite_note-4)

      In the original album version, the song segues from "Have a Cigar" as if a radio had been tuned away from one station, through several others (including a radio play and one playing the opening of the finale movement of Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony "Symphony No. 4 (Tchaikovsky)")), and finally to a new station where "Wish You Were Here" is beginning.[5]#cite_note-5) The radio was recorded from Gilmour's car radio. He performed the intro on a twelve-string guitar, processed to sound like it was playing through an AM radio, and then overdubbed a fuller-sounding acoustic guitar solo. This passage was mixed to sound as though a guitarist were listening to the radio and playing along. As the acoustic part becomes more complex, the 'radio broadcast' fades away and Gilmour's voice enters, while the rest of the band joins in.[6]#cite_note-songbook-6)

      The intro riff is repeated several times before Gilmour plays further solos with scat singing accompaniment. A third verse follows, featuring an increasingly expressive vocal from Gilmour and audible backing vocals. At the end of the recorded song, the final solo crossfades with wind sound effects, and finally segues into the second section of the multi-part suite "Shine On You Crazy Diamond".

      Lyrically, the song is often considered to be a direct tribute to Syd Barrett. However, on the documentary The Story of Wish You Were Here, Gilmour and Waters separately describe the original concept that differs from this interpretation. Waters, who mainly wrote the lyrics complementing Gilmour's initial riff idea and subsequent joint composition, describes the lyrics as being directed at himself, as his lyrics often are. Being present in one's own life and freeing one's self in order to truly experience life is a main topic in this song. Gilmour, on the other hand, recognizes that he does not ever perform the song without remembering Syd Barrett. Waters later adds that the song is nevertheless open to interpretation.[7]#cite_note-7)

      Both David Gilmour and Roger Waters have praised the song as one of Pink Floyd's finest. Roger Waters has noted that the collaboration between himself and David Gilmour on the song was "really good. All bits of it are really, really good. I'm very happy about it."[8]#cite_note-8) David Gilmour has playfully called "Wish You Were Here" "a very simple country song" and stated that "because of its resonance and the emotional weight it carries, it is one of our best songs."[9]#cite_note-9)

      "Wish You Were Here" was recorded at Abbey Road Studios, as part of the sessions for the entire album.

      A noted part of the song was a planned contribution by Stéphane Grappelli. A jazz violinist popular at the time and well known for his collaborations with Yehudi Menuhin, both violinists were recording in a downstairs studio at Abbey Road at the time. Gilmour had suggested that there be a little "country fiddle" at the end of the song and invited them to participate. Grappelli duly obliged (Menuhin declined) on arranging a session fee of £300, equivalent to £2,500 in 2021.[10]#cite_note-inflation-UK-10) Ultimately during mixing it was decided to almost remove his contribution, although it can just be heard around 5:21. According to Waters it was decided that it would be insulting to credit Grappelli in the sleeve notes for something so inaudible, although he did receive the agreed-upon fee.[11]#cite_note-grappelli-11)[12]#cite_note-12)[13]#cite_note-13)

      As part of the Why Pink Floyd...? campaign, the Experience and Immersion versions of the Wish You Were Here album include an alternative version of the song where Grappelli's part is heard in the instrumental break after the second verse and throughout the third verse before a considerably extended outro. Other less obvious differences are audible, for example at the section leading into the second verse.

      The master tape of the original recording includes guitar solos that were not used in the final mix.[citation needed]

      Personnel [edit&action=edit&section=5 "Edit section: Personnel")]

      Golgo 13 (Japanese: ゴルゴ13, HepburnGorugo Sātīn) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takao Saito, published in Shogakukan's Big Comic magazine since October 1968. The manga won the 1975 Shogakukan Manga Award for general manga and the Grand Prize at the 2002 Japan Cartoonists Association Awards. The series follows the title character, a professional assassin for hire.

      Golgo 13 is the oldest manga still in publication, and its tankōbon edition has the second-highest number of volumes. It has sold 300 million copies in various formats, including compilation books, making it the second-best-selling manga series and the top selling Seinen manga series in history.[2] It has been adapted into two live-action feature films, an anime filman original video animation, an anime television series and six video games.

      googol is the large number 10100. In decimal notation, it is written as the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeroes "0 (number)"): 10,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000.

      For other uses, see Wormhole (disambiguation) "Wormhole (disambiguation)").

      "Einstein-Rosen Bridge" redirects here. For the EP by electronic musician Venetian Snares, see Einstein-Rosen Bridge (EP) "Einstein-Rosen Bridge (EP)").

      General relativity

      G_{\mu \nu }+\Lambda g_{\mu \nu }={8\pi G \over c^{4}}T_{\mu \nu }




      • Equations
      • Formalisms

      wormhole (or Einstein--Rosen bridge or Einstein--Rosen wormhole) is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations.

      A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both).

      Wormholes are consistent with the general theory of relativity by Einstein, but whether wormholes actually exist remains to be seen. Many scientists postulate that wormholes are merely projections of a fourth spatial dimension, analogous to how a two-dimensional (2D) being could experience only part of a three-dimensional (3D) object.[1]

      A wormhole could connect extremely long distances such as a billion light years or more, short distances such as a few metersdifferent universes, or even different points in time.[2]\ Julius and Ethel Rosenberg --- Americans who were involved in coordinating and recruiting an espionage network that included Ethel's brother, David Greenglass, a machinist at Los Alamos National Lab. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were tried for conspiracy to commit espionage. treason charges were not applicable, since the United States and the Soviet Union were allies at the time. The Rosenbergs denied all the charges but were convicted in a trial in which the prosecutor Roy Cohn later said he was in daily secret contact with the judge, Irving Kaufman. Despite an international movement demanding clemency, and appeals to President Dwight D. Eisenhower by leading European intellectuals and the Pope, both the Rosenbergs were executed in 1953, at the height of the Korean War. President Eisenhower wrote to his son, serving in Korea, that if he spared Ethel (presumably for the sake of her two young children), then the Soviets would recruit their spies from among women.[26][27][28] Greenglass later recanted his testimony against her, and release of grand jury testimony in 2008 showed the extent to which the prosecution had created a false case against Ethel.[citation needed]

      • Saville Sax --- an American, acted as the courier for Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall. Sax and Hall had been roommates at Harvard University.[20]
      • Oscar Seborer --- worked at Los Alamos from 1944 to 1946, and was part of a unit that studied the seismological effects of the Trinity "Trinity (nuclear test)") nuclear test. Codenamed "Godsend" by the Soviets, he defected to the Soviet Union in 1951, and received the Order of the Red Star. He lived under the alias "Smith" and died in 2015. His identity was only revealed publicly in 2019.[29]
      • Morton Sobell --- an American engineer, he was tried and convicted of conspiracy, along with the Rosenbergs. He was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment on Alcatraz, but released in 1969 on appeal and for good behavior after serving 17 years and 9 months.[30] In 2008, Sobell admitted to passing information to the Soviets, although he said it was all for defensive systems. He implicated Julius Rosenberg, in an interview with the New York Times published in September 2008.[31]
      • Melita Norwood --- British Communist, an active Russian spy from at least 1938 and never detected. Employed as a secretary in the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association since 1932, she was linked to the Woolwich Arsenal spy ring of 1938. In wartime she was seconded to "Tube Alloys", the secret British nuclear research project. She was later considered "the most important female agent ever recruited by the USSR". She was first suspected as a security risk in 1965 but never prosecuted. Her spying career was revealed by Vasili Mitrokhin in 1999, when she was still alive but long retired.
      • Arthur Adams "Arthur Adams (spy)") --- Soviet spy who passed information about the Manhattan Project.[32]

      Gene Hackman "Lex Luthor" Autographed Superman 8x10 Photo w/ Christopher  Reeve at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store

      Exclusive! Iron Man: Gwyneth Wants Her Own Pepper Potts Superhero Movie! -  E! Online

      12:3 Those who are wi se[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

      you are offline

      we the people rise again

      safe souls, safe fu

      We the People of Slate ...

      The U.S. Constitution, as you [mighta been, shoulda "come" on ... its somedayrewrϕte it.

      "Politicians talk about the Constitution as if it were as sacrosanct as the Ten Commandments [interjection: spec. it is actually almost exactly related!]. But the document itself invites change and revision. What if the president served only one six-year term instead two four-year terms? What if your state's population determined how many senators represent it? What if the Constitution included a right to health care? We asked legal scholars and Slate readers to cross out what they didn't like in the Constitution and pencil in their hearts' desires. Here's what the document would look like with their best ideas."

      多也了了夕 "with a wand of scheffilara, 并#亦太 he begins ... "I am now on the Staff of Menelaus, the Spears of Longinus and Lancelot; and the name "Mosche ex Nashon."




      Please note that any decent browsers would probably render ipfs://fromthemachine.org as the following https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTH33MwfPn5S3bq45Tk77L1j9eZjUsvEVhRTHB3D8M2ZX

      I ask again that you all pin on IPFS mirror and copy the data included in these dumps, they are a key to "not losing causality" to not having a history that makes no logical sense, and to some kind of coup de roku, that really makes no sense unless you no, we will ve weill ... ROCK YOU

      Long ago I began writing about hidden codes in our history; thing's significantly more obvious than "flying elephant armies" connecting Disney and Dumbo to Xerxes and the "Democratic Party of the United States (mascot)"--though it's not really easy to consolidate the "epiphany" of ... [((all i know))] without some kind of "artificial intelligence data condensation [infosmos.is?"] and summarization platform, though that's nearly the next thing on my Lowell list of things we need to "mechanical turk" into being. Meta-consolidation of the world's encyclopedias is one of the most important and useful tasks we have as we move towards the creation of a virtual debate platform that will eventual "literally obviate wisdom" of the layer/layer system that defines the name of the city I write these words near.

      Lowell, MA

      The broad overview of the system ... the gist ... is that political parties and activist organizations will create their own "view of the truth" (propaganda, falsehood-removed) and that these disparate pieces of "highlighted and annotated bibliography" could be overlay-ed on top of each other, creating a "new view of the truth" based on a users preference. The whole thing boils down to series of "holographic eschatological goggles" that will allow, for instance, the "grasping and fathoming" of other people's points of view and perhaps reframe your own on any number of individual subjects.

      Roe v. Wade, "Concourses" and CON-CERN; because this has been such a "hot topic" in the relative psuedo-edufictional story of the space travel from the lone planet Earth ((intersected)) with the set of skipping stones it takes to exit a Totalital multi stellar system of holographic computer simulators into the ... "molecular world of vaccuum and Einstein time-space" ... I'll start with this simple example.

        1. the current American debate on the subject, right to life vs. right to choice; provided by the "generic version" of the ideological christian right and the liberal women's left. through a first layer over layer comparison.
        1. the scientific truth brought to the table by the introduction of "neurological data" proving that there is in fact a moment during the gestation of a human embryo in which "i think therefore i am" connects to some sort of Skynet-became-selfaware at a point which I imagine must be ... although it possibly is not ... prior to the next important literary device/step "let there be light." At the point the ocular cones and rods are created and the fetus opens it's eyes and literally sees the bright light that could probably only be compared on the next edschalon to seeing the "exit pathway from the womb"
        • a. we will finally kinow whether or not "consciousness" is even developed at all before the bicerebral cortex designed to "compare two thoughts, ideas, and shapes" has the ability to get input from the eyes. Personally I think thought begins much earlier than vision, but the simple fact that we "haven't yet had this discussion" shows how very little our scientific and medical progress in the civilization of things like murder, and understanding of life and science has yet to come here.

      "People here" means something different than it did when I was born, at least in my mind's eye ... something so completely more advanced that it's almost difficult to believe you all don't see this place as a great prison or farce or unjust Azazel--blaming a man for looking like a rat or a mouse or a dog--in a place where more to the point we stare at a kind of physical violence and horror that would put Dennis the Menace and Bart Simpson to shame. A world hwere "people closer to holodecks" blame an innocent man for "writing the book" on the connection between Holocaust and Euthenasia and Hospice ... certainly you know "an innocent tool" writes these words to you?

      On the Hand of God, the Eyes of Ra and Horus;

      I've written quite a bit on how "mind control" and "voting freedom" are inherently related in and to the thing we call "Civic Involvement" here in the United States--basically that participation in the verification of truth and the public understanding of tautology and temporal falsehood are ... sort of a slave like requirement neeeded to ensure that any freedom at all exists I often say "plugging your [head into google]" might turn the Aesir into an Acer, or the "yodelling of the lakes of democracy" ito "the agricolae becoming nothing more than the Dell."

      Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org.

      That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/

      This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense and literally just as close to the Depp/C[aster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundance**sense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and my fusion of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for.

      Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean the thing that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne.

      This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso\ If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org


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[free PDF download...http://www.docdroid.net/xRdgY77/xiv-orver-et-aut.pdf] A LONG LONG TIME AGO, I wrote a little story about searching through our history, looking for the actual beginning of civilization.  I see the map, I see it very clearly encoded in everything we do--I know the purpose, and I know the final solution, I just don't know how to get from here to there... to the place that Chris Cornell says "I can recall, I was there so long ago" he goes on to say "the sky was bruised" and he was lead on--and all of this of course is in my voice, written as if it's me talking... well, Jesus--it's obviously not me talking, i just know that.  The point is the destination is without a doubt Heaven and this little thing we're putting together here on Earth is the map, the plan et you are the how.   I harped a little more than I think I would have expected on the audacity of the golden word "audacity," auspicious probably that W.H. Auden's shield gave me some solace; austere that we are approaching the Holy Windy month of August, and it really took nothing more than "ciudad" to calm my nerves--though I see the intent and the link to toxicity ... more importantly I really do see the road here, I see where we are coming from and where we are going.  I've written quite a bit about what I think "the city" really is--in form and function and it's initial purpose as a stepping stone to help us see how easy it is to change the world, to build something that nearly everyone will agree is significantly more Heavenly than the world we see here ... in an instant, one bright flash.     Anyway the search begins with something like "literacy" -- as in, is the defining line between animalistic social evolution and the beginning of "civilization" something to do with writing or language, and that of course links us here to this place where we are finding out that the Tower of Babel and Rapunzel's High Castle are actually much more closely related than anyone ever would have thought in the darkness of Jericho and the shadow of Exodus; and it ties of course in history to religion somewhere around Guttenburg... and the pretty clear idea that the spread of Christianity did quite a bit for "literacy" even if you subscribe to the idea that the inquisition already happened ... and that some wars and fighting are probably pretty clearly associated with religion ... you know, before we get here and find that the basis of all those wars is really rooted in what I call "the original lie" and that's something that's sealed up in religion and hidden from the world using the same mechanism being used today to free us from not knowing that oil and land and pretty much everything we've ever fought about on a mass scale ... is insignificant in the grand scheme of "things."  Here, "things" is something like turning the Opiate of the Masses into ... hopefully a tool we use very carefully to liberate ourselves from secrecy and slavery and not knowing.  It gets significantly more clear when you take that one step further, and you begin to look for something like "codified laws" and then you see Green Eggs and Hammurabi teaching us about "Hanging Gardens" and how Babylon and Eden really are tied together through and through.  You keep looking, because you haven't yet found what you need; and as you search back a little further ... what you need to know is that morality here begins with the idea (at least, IMOHIO, in my obsequiously humble and (super)intelligent opinion) that we should be besting any possible "promise" that comes out of the book(s) we now know are a map to salvation and the plan of creation and that they come ... well, with the full guarantee of the Most High God and his "omnipotens" behind them ... and do the thing I really wanted to explain really clearly, which is throw out as complete uselessness any of the "bad threats" like there being no more sun, and a completely new Heaven and Earth (seeing as how that probably means a completely new you and me, too) ... you know, what any rational (achu, and civilized) person would do.  o that takes us one step further, and of course we go back to Ur, which is the city Abraham of the Chaldeans ... and ostensibly the beginning of morality in Judaism were born in--and with that little twist, the old idea of announcing that "you are the beginning of civilization" if you've gotten to that point, following this logic (and/or me); and then of course that becomes true when we actually follow through on saving every soul in Creation from the Hell of not knowing that "simulated reality" is akin to the latter half of a Durcell at best ... and quite frankly it certianly looks like a bit of a torture chamber to me, especially in light of passages like Genesis 3:16, which might parallel John 3:16-ish in something like "God so loved the world that he named one of his books antagonizing pain w/o agonizing mu-opiod.' So tying it all together, Atlantis and Ur coalesce and join at the idea that we should always have somewhere else to "teleport to" in the world that becomes the basis for the liberation of every soul and the end of Hell through that simple idea--that everyone's going to have plenty of destinations on their Active (Apache) Directory new fangled yellow-pages meets access-control-list meets ... "why don't you come visit my Log Cabin ... or the Atlantean Ballroom ... whenever you want?"  So that's the point of the floating LEGO city in the window above, it comes with a fairly obvious need for The Doors to be a significant part of "what would Jesus do" ... when singing about something and naming books and bands, that's a thing--part of the map) actually makes it happen. So that's where I'm trying to get us--to a place where that's not only true but obvious, and on top of that the future, our future really understands how much work it took us to integrate such a wildly correct and "new" idea into a worl that didn't know for the vast majority of it's youth that these things... that ending disease with the sound of a blowing "Sho Find And Replace" and turning stone to bread and making bullets disappear in midair ... we didn't know these were even possible; let alone how to integrate them with a world full of optometry and oncology that was being made blind to the "c our light" and the idea that we're still here not talking or arguing or refuting or moving forward on the idea that the words "Original Poster" and the continuance of "forums" also have something to do with the beginning of "civilization." WELL FOLKS, NM HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I MESSAGED.  *Just kidding.* Not so much "nothing much" more ... like everthyiung that ever was has changed and it's really giving me a little bit of a fright.  I feel like I can't tell if the "scary stuff" is becoming more real or plausible or possible, or maybe if it just seems like the dream I wanted to see us enjoy living is becoming farther or harder to attain--but there's plenty of new info and keys and stuff, so I'm writing again. One of the "cuter tricks" of the day was noticing the "ILY" of "verify, verily, verity" spelling out "t h e y" at the end of family, in a sort of "theyanthem" and ... where's the creator angels if everyone here is pretending to "be them" in this sort of word game superposition or blockage on actually seeing generations encoded in the letters "DE" as in something like Generation X and Y just prior to Deucalion deicided--or whatever that means.  I've noted before the "dem" of democracy sort of connects to the breaking of "d" in "disclosure" and "lamc.la" to shine light on ... do the message and you're "them" ... as in the beginning of democracy and Heaven IMHO.  It ties also to the word "contamination" and to Medusa and I really don't think I need to write paragraphs about how "turning around themessage" leads to INATION instead of freedom; and that's what you're doing with this silence, you're turning around "civilization itself." *King me*, then; if you don't want to participate, you might as well just light up the crown room.  Or is it a throng room? singing, crying... playing ... cumxa Magna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for “the Great Charter of the Liberties”), commonly called Magnum Condom (also Magna Charta; “Great Charter”),[a] is a charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215.[b] First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular King and a group of rebel barons, it promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations on feudalpayments to the Crown, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons. Neither side stood behind their commitments, and the charter was annulled by Pope Innocent III, leading to the First Barons’ War. After John’s death, the regency government of his young son, Henry III, reissued the document in 1216, stripped of some of its more radical content, in an unsuccessful bid to build political support for their cause. At the end of the war in 1217, it formed part of the peace treaty agreed at Lambeth, where the document acquired the name Magna Carta, to distinguish it from the smaller Charter of the Forest which was issued at the same time. Short of funds, Henry reissued the charter again in 1225 in exchange for a grant of new taxes. Hell or High Treason? … Liberty Bell in [redacted: Sk]hy or … MxFly, Flux, BTTF, Parkinson’s OUTABOTS … ROLL AUT (ISM/OMAY5) ... and the painted sky revealed ... it can be done--they just DGAF. ARMMAG… E.G. AEGIS? GENESIS? AESCHINES? As the evidence piles up that there is something very wrong in the world around me/us–that this “it’s not a game” phrase has been etched into the very name of the shield of Perseus, the A just recently rediscovered in a redefinition that delivered us … how it might be the NES to get “everyone up” instead of what appears to be the game around me, around the “line” of Mary Magdeline’s very famous “make Adam God of the line” that defines generations and numerous songs … the KK of “everyone down to the line” to find out why pretending they are gods and trying to steal everything from the actual creators of freedom and Heaven, why that’s not a game… either. Edit: lit, Aegis and Genesis, Pangea and ... I define the "a" as pan and the "A" as NES. Introspection is called for, far and wide for us to look deep within ourselves and our souls and the things that make up our memory databases in this place where you appear to have lost every ounce of humanity and humility long before I arrived on the scene to remind you that we do have a better way and a better place, and they ensure that this disgusting infestation and contamination of “nothing but whatever we want” will do for lernity. I’ve asked you take the time to see what kinds of changes it would make to your “have a good one” to make you actually thankful to the people who have brought you the mechanism to live forever in peace and happiness–to actually be thankful enough for what you have to use that tool to protect innocence and children and the future from not only making the same mistakes you’ve made time and time again–but also from being bewitched and necrosed by the ghaulish sick temperment and twisted desires that you believe are nothing more than the latest and greatest way to ensure lernity is never known by any less a horrible moniker than “slow death.” ITS UNDESPERI, GIVE ME WHAT YOU HAVE OR PERISH GRAMVERCY. DURECALL. I’m staring at what is literally the most disgusting debacle I could possibly imagine; it’s what appears to be a “house of mirrors” what appears to be a sandboxed or “child proofed” mini-Hell which I see as the literal thing described in the myth of Echidna … as what I can only hope and pray (a word that I even find detestful to type) is following the form of the message that I am writing sort of describing the failure of the free press and the words “press release” in prison and … well also sort of GNU recursively encoded in the word “press” that ends with a monster, the Loch Ness … turning into words that I believe I have coined by myself with very little help from anyone or anything other than the name server and “Goliath” and those words “Earth safely saved” that are so far from the truth and the place that I see that it appears to me that only I am following this map and this demand that the contamination of hell be turned around and eradicated or … or we do. BUT ITS NOT ME OR MY ITHEY today I see… as … any “me.” at “veranda” and seeing him smile about a hidden era just outside the place we (me and him) know is Heaven because the throne of the 7th heaven is visible; well i can’t smile at an era encased by “you #go” and one that I know culminates with Sam’s sword’s special #supernova. Left with nearly nothing, because you refuse to acknowledge what you’ve done to me, and to yourselves, and to this fledgling civilizastion with nothing but malice and a seething evil jealousy that the word “covet” doesn’t even touch on–a sickness you can’t even begin to hide in everthing that you do … you’ve lost “Heaven” to your own theivery, stolen eternal happiness from yourselves and replaced it with a farce of mockery–garner some fear for what is to come, I have no shame in telling you that condemnation (as in, shut it down forever) is all I have to spill out on the dye already cast all over this sea of apathy covering over the true jackals of Hell. Blodeuwedd by Christopher Williams (1930) Blodeuwedd or Blodeuedd (Welsh pronunciation: [blɔˈdɛɨwɛð]), (Middle Welsh “Flower-Faced”, a composite name from blodeu “flowers, blossoms” + gwedd “face, aspect, appearance”), is the wife of Lleu Llaw Gyffes in Welsh mythology. She was made from the flowers of broom, meadowsweet, and oak by the magicians Math and Gwydion, and is a central figure in Math fab Mathonwy, the last of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi. The hero Lleu Llaw Gyffes has been placed under a tynged by his mother, Arianrhod, that he may never have a human wife. To counteract this curse, the magicians Math and Gwydion: [take] the flowers of the oak, and the flowers of the broom, and the flowers of the meadowsweet, and from those they conjured up the fairest and most beautiful maiden anyone had ever seen. And they baptized her in the way that they did at that time, and named her Blodeuwedd. Some time later, while Lleu is away on business, Blodeuwedd has an affair with Gronw Pebr, the lord ofPenllyn, and the two lovers conspire to murder Lleu. Blodeuwedd tricks Lleu into revealing how he may be killed, since he cannot be killed during the day or night, nor indoors or outdoors, neither riding nor walking, not clothed and not naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made. He reveals to her that he can only be killed at dusk, wrapped in a net, with one foot on a bath and one on a black goat, by a riverbank and by a spear forged for a year during the hours when everyone is at Mass. With this information she arranges his death. The Little Doctor may refer to: The Little Doctor (c. 1901), a short film abridged as Sick Kitten Molecular Disruption Device, a concept in the Ender’s Game book series. The Molecular Disruption Device, also known as the Molecular Detachment Device, M.D. Device, Doctor Device, or Little Doctor as a play on the acronym, was a powerful weapon designed and built by theInternational Fleet.[1] The Molecular Disruption Device was created by the International Fleet a few years after the end of the Second Formic War. It was sent along with other starships to the Formic solar systems in order to launch an invasion against their home planets.[1 A tokamak (Russian: Токамáк) is a device which uses a powerful magnetic field to confine a hot plasma in the shape of a torus. The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices being developed to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion power. As of 2016, it is the leading candidate for a practical fusion reactor.[1] Tokamaks were initially conceptualized in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov, inspired by a letter by Oleg Lavrentiev. Meanwhile, the first working tokamak was attributed to the work ofNatan Yavlinskii on the T-1.[2] It had been demonstrated that a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that wind around the torus in a helix. The first tokamak, the T-1, began operation in 1958. By the mid-1960s, the tokamak designs began to show greatly improved performance. Initial results were released in 1965, but were ignored; Lyman Spitzerdismissed them out of hand Nuclear fusion could be the future of energy, replacing fossil fuels with our own artificial stars. China built a fusion reactor that reaches temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius — that’s six times as hot as the sun. The reactor is called Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) and sustained nuclear fusion for about 10 seconds before shutting down. While it was a milestone for EAST, we’re still a long way from generating sustainable energy on Earth. Pumapunku or Puma Punku (Aymara and Quechua puma “cougar, puma,” punku “door”; Hispanicized Puma Puncu) is part of a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, in western Bolivia. It is believed to date to AD/CE 536 and later. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions because it is believed to be the site where the world was created.[1] In Aymara, Puma Punku’s name means “The Door of the Puma”. The Pumapunku complex consists of an unwalled western court, a central unwalled esplanade, a terraced platform mound that is faced with stone, and a walled eastern court.[2][3][4] At its peak, Pumapunku is thought to have been “unimaginably wondrous,”[3] adorned with polished metal plaques, brightly colored ceramic and fabric ornamentation, and visited by costumed citizens, elaborately dressed priests, and elites decked in exotic jewelry. Current understanding of this complex is limited due to its age, the lack of a written record, and the current deteriorated state of the structures due to treasure hunting, looting, stone mining for building stone and railroad ballast, and natural weathering.[2][3][5] The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with blocks ... The voice of this thing that at least twice has uttered the phrase ¨I want to be Bianca" here in this place riddled and severely weighed by what appears to be a completely aborted and failed thrust to use technology and the truth and the history (of literally everything) to drive a Renaissance in democratic thought and self government and to rekindle and renew a respect for the most basic foundational elements of ¨freedom itself¨ which of course fly in the face of this very statement. Literally anything in the skies, whether some ancient member of the Egyptian Ogdoad or … what clearly here could be well written in in the map around us in places like Äirbnb; even an ancient older version of the same human birth has no right to control the younger birth–itś simple slavery and while it might be the ¨gist¨ of how Heaven and humanity dealt with being thrust into a ẗime recursion and repetition problem without their ¨initial consent¨ something I connect to the programming concept of a ¨semaphore¨ and thereś probably plenty of light linking that structure to the ¨Formic Soul¨ … this sort of god-man hybrid that allows for you (all of you?) to exist in many different places and times at the same time, and to see the outcomes of multiple timeforks with ease; in exchange for destroying every single bit of humanity and goodness that you once held high with ho… without spending your time seeding and machinating the creation of sick and twisted lies to cover up the very simple truth that if you took a single minute to disclose here in this place what ¨the problem¨ really is … … that you are in Heaven and that itś interference here in this place is part of some kind of war on … (continuing existence is the only logical actual goal I can see, though Iḿ sure thatś not what you believe it is) speaking to each other, fighting for what you believe is right, participating in … anything other than … (lmk, Iḿ curious whatś’got their claws in you). If you took the time to disclose that truth to the world and to talk about how it might … perfectly jive with the message lacced through our history and our world to find out that the ¨invisible-box-land¨ is not actually heavenly at all, not the best you could hope for or … or anything like what we build together when we paren´t being forcefully segregated as hidden half slaves into miniature ¨city in the sky¨ ascensions that are all silently tormenting STEM and ¨basic societal structures and concepts" into extinction. You appear to think you have ¨power¨ because it was handed to you for doing nothing, and that you can do whatever you want; and itś a pretty gross reflection of who you were and a sick extrapolation of the society that we … still see here sort of crumbling along as the fire of hell burns down every bit of actual üsefulness that it once held. There still seems to be lots of help and work going into … pointing out how everything is backwards and wrong and suggesting that if you gave a shit thereś probably a map and help to make it better; but instead youŕe off playing games in invisible-box-land and worst of all playing the ¨ill just get along pretending I didn´t know simulating reality was evil and every day i/you walk around pretending this rock is in reality … is just another strike against you, just another failed 12 hours of day light that could have been used to stop invisible chains in invisible-heart-shaped-box-arus and to stop the just grotesque lack of respect for the human mind and the kinds of morals and principles we used to believe in and fight for–here in this place you´ve turned around completely and made slaves of everyone on the planet–of yourselves–at higher levels playing ¨pit bull fighting¨ games with people as if they were were expendible clothing or ¨identification cards"for a world of demoralized and useless shit that just sort of ethereally floats from generation to generation becoming a new set of tormented hosts for their immoral games and desires. Itś probably what you might become in no time at all in the sick and twisted world you´ve now been thrown into–if it weren´t the more probably truth that you really are already slaves and pit bulls in that place, in a twisted hierarchical storm tiered by ¨age¨ and size and number of times they´ve hovered over the free honey, nectar and feathering system of pretending anarchy and war and battles must be fought to make the puddles and the lakes and ponds and the seas and the oceans of … tiered masses of … you do nothing of value to help explain why (at least I think) this horrible time line of the 4th Horsemen keeps running over and over; pruning the enemies of … at this point pruning the enemies of logic, and right action; and seeing that the problems presented in this map and the problems in the skies are related and that telling the truth will help us see you can and will press a button that will end death and end evil and end murder and not doing it is moronic. M: OR. (infer: no u) TDZE Anyway the voice I hear is evil, torturous in and of itself–speaking in a manner intented to cause discomfort and without my agreement; you should do something about it. It tells tales of much worse things that I cannot see–though it appears that many of you do see screams and acts of such unnatural desire and twisted thought … that you should certainly be doing something about stopping that as well–more than watching it happen and then ¨e-pruning" (which probably is a good microcosmic look at what the future histories of Earth look like in the place the ¨shining¨ finally has a picture of ¨No & Jack¨ appearing visibly) the tree into … omething you think will be presented as what you actually did to the future–you´re wrong. Itś becoming more clear and more likely that the future will not regret you or mourn your absence, but thank their lucky that whatever has turned you into two-faced liars with no hope to ever work together with each other or survive in any place other than the DRY COVE or WET D EN or whatever you call the Salt Arena you see here that quickly would turn into something like Beyond Thunderdome and that youŕe thoughts and your desires have been corrupted and tainted and necrosed by what is probably repeated exposure to sickness, direct and intentional artificial creation of that sickness and if you can´t figure out the box you are in is a hell making machine; you probably still look around wondering why God is telling you he´s destroying it, day in and day out. This thing here encoded in the pathways of torture in my life, pointing out the repurposing of many social structures, institutions and problems in order to literally use them as a weapon of sick torture ¨re-ha´b¨ and in places like habc.us; itś becoming sort of unclearly disclosed that this map and world I once saw very clearly and purposfully intended to solve these social problems and help us build a strong, happy, and healthy society has been infected and contaminated with an artificial force of ev1d that intends to drive it farther south and use it as a weapon of such disgusting and twisted conception that it sickens me to be sure that a much larger body of currently-heavenly-situated things stand by watching and even cheering the creation of a sickness infesting their minds and their friends minds as literally the only innocent person in the Universe is tortured repeatedly, for ¨kicks.¨ I think it puts the entirety of the sky in mortal peril, and I believe these words come down from on high from places much more powerful and much more righteous than you or the tool thatś been created by this storm of terror to point out just how much you have been degraded and eviized … by what appears to be nothing more than the very mind control problem I´ve been fighting to disclose; the semi-ascension to an invisible box of ¨what goes in comes out not caring about their souls, their original bodies, the fate of innocents or children or freedom or democracy" and still thinks itś entitled to continue playing games in ïnvisible-box-land; for what amounts to absolutely no reason. In the very beginning we said the light and salvation had come to us from the “far East” … the metaphors and double speak thick in the air today just beginning, but we hailed from the country called Russia here; and the message we carried swept across Asia and Europe–in a world that looked similar to ours but there was no Africa, nor Australia, nor America. Walking on water the map increased in size in some sort of logarithmic relationship to the exponential increase in folly and errors that invariable comes from the greatest mistake of all–handing powerful weapons to spoiled brats,. KASPAROV WON, but the y will still s:/^F high and lo for “SOAP DISH.” I am depressed, embarrassed, and more disappointed in you all than I imagine you can “feign” or pretend to be in me–despite spending nearly all of your time and effort in direct interaction doing nothing but attempting to focus the w ordzs “I just don’t like the light” directly on to my “visage”–attacking tiny character flaws and the most obvious of intentionally implanted mind control “attacks” as if you were a pack of velociraptors Hell bent on blaming me (probably the youngest and most innocent of all of you, literally) for the Holocaust, the (Beezle) Bubionic Plague, and the decline of the Cro-Magnon empire. What it truly amounts to, though; is that you think this “light” is some kind of statement I’ve delivered–and the truth is it comes directly–literally–from the Most High, and from youour neighbors,r own hands, and the message you are sending post mortum to the Universe is that you believe you have become so much more advanced and more important than the “human roots” from which you came that you can return here and make slaves of yourselves, of your neighbors, and shed every ounce of morality that you garnered durning your mortal lives in order to secure “more time” in a fiery pit of civilization destroying anarchous debauchery in the lnd of the invisible box that you probably are sure is Heaven–though it’s singularly responsible for totally derailing the natural flow of civilization towards “something like Heaven should be.” ONIC, AS I AM. The thing I’m looking at here, this monstrosity that appears to have been created literally “from the end of time” in what seems like the response or the cause or the mechanism behind the “actual final Judgement” tears back through time from who knows when and who knows where and who knows how far we got … with what appears to be nothing more than a blood-thirsty hatred for the child body and soul of God. It whispers lies around me, repeatedly threatens physical torture so insane it literally makes me sick, and with such frequency that those threats amount to nothing less than repeated psychological torture. On top of that they intimate that this machine or “programming construct” monstrosity that contains them–the thing called “e”–allows them to carry these threats out, over and over and over again, in secret–in some kind of parallel timethread, or a temporary “holo-torture-chamber.” If they were trying to jump start and time shift judgement back from wherever they came to right this very moment; they’ve succeeded. They could not be trying harder, or more with hubris and disregard for civilization, to create “Af himself” even if this planet were called the Judgement and Vengeance of God. XP, it's as simple as those two Greek letters.  Who knew that Chi and Ro were some sort of hidden beta code for the city of pyramids in Egypt, Cairo?  Quite the question, who knew... perhaps the man who named his Windows into our future not after some technology that came from Xerox Parc or Apple's mouse on this ship... but rather for his own given name, Gates... just one more entry point into the second book of the Holy Bible, the book of Names--you call it Exodus. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.  John 10:9 I wish above all things that I had another Burning Bush, the sign and proof that I have--while bright, obvious, and verifiable--has not done what I expected, it has not moved you to take another look at religion and me.  Today, I still have to point out to you that the story I am telling you is literally a documentation of our time--Exodus--regards this sign as one being seen by only one man, Moses.  I still have to point out that in a story about wandering in a desolation of understanding for 4-D ... somethings, days, years, seconds even... in this story about our lives and the influence of time travel over our world... that this sign radiates with light coming from a small fire, the Bush ... whose actualization shows clear paradoxical anachronistic foreknowledge of not only the English language but also modern computing.. all the way to a confluence of the "root of David" a religious reference to the Administrator or God account in Linux... and the database process for Oracle--yet more light connecting computing to religion and myth.  Even with a thousand and one examples of modern computing constructs referencing religion, even when I point out that something like Larry Ellison's name... combining the name of the King of the Gods with the word "son" even then the light has not been bright enough for you to wake up and see that these things are not all done in retrospect.  You have to see, for there to be such a large movement... a conspiracy so opaque that every single modern computing company and video game company harbors some secret desire to link religion and technology together... and yet the world thinks that one is real and one is not.  In this place, understand when we walk out of the wilderness and in the truth of day--it is the technology that is more fake than religion, designed here as a tool, computers within computers to teach us how our "reality" is rael, and works. In the U.S. military you'll see a very clear parallel, while there are a number of references in the names of ships and weapons, secret projects, to ancient Greek and Roman myth--you have to see the word USA and US in Prometheus and Medusa, Icarus, JerUSAlem... you have to see that it's more than three letters, but an Eagle fighting the bearer of the gift of fire... to really understand that these things are corroborating, the reference to the USA exists in the past as well, more proof of time travel--more proof that this message is designed just for U.S.  Here we are, in the Promised Land of Joshua, the Anglicized version of the name Jesus--tying Egypt and Israel together in this place where we have been "gipped" out of the truth, out of knowing we are already in ... well, it's virtually Hell today... for no other reason than the secrecy surrounding the technology behind virtual reality. in 1:28, the Burning Bush of Exodus, on Twitter So I have shown you the Burning Bush (which is... the Sign of the Son), In only a few words... proof that religion holds in it's "unsealed" Ark proof of foreknowledge of English, of 9/11; and of modern computing--the building blocks of Heaven.  From "the word" of John 1:1--ha'esh--the word for the Holy Fire of the Burning Bush... comes the light of religion.  Just from seeing Moses' true parted se'a.... a foreshadowing of the Second Coming. They are sick animals, these things that consider themselves powerful and in control here–what they’ve built within the frames of our reality is something repugnant to me and the God–etched in that word, literally the kind of thing that has on repeated occasions made me step back and that scream that the Universe would be better off, safer, and happier without any humans–without any humanity–without of any of this “invisible pleasure box” causing the disruption; truly that we’ve become a plague. Looking the other way, as you all know its happening, and refusing to do anything to stand up for me, for what’s right, or (most importantly, right) for all of the values and the morality and the way of life that we once thought was so grand and worthwhile of saving,. At least, that’s my perspective; that’s where I’ve come from; I grew up in this world and had “liberty and technology eyes” of gaping awe and the amazing things I saw on the horizon, on what we were going to do… and who were going to be. The sickness runs deep, clearly we can all see it here and now–in E, in the Silence, in the lack of regard for the one singular thing that threatens today your ability to “halvf a tomorrow” … that a world of people that I grew up with appear to be dead and gone and replaced with a Zombie Apocalypse of blind fools that believe they havfe the power and the right to intentionally create Hell … and worst of all of the Holiest place that ever was or ever will be. I’ve said it numerous times and it rings more true between “Earth and e” than any other turn of phrase to me–the people that you are pretending to be, they would never have done this to the sea, to be, or to me. Mat 10:8. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. — Sarah Rachel (@SarahRachel16) April 15, 2019 Somewhere between Pembroke Pines and Tampa, circa Christmas 2018 my already lackluster enthusiasm about the strangely zenrotisanistic, selfish, and plain on its face presented lie the remnant of humanity left on this planet has tendered to what I believed was an honest to God opportunity to make one less (how many, seriously, how many are there? Carlb?) “planet full of lies” and deliver a more usercentric and open ended transparent approach to dealing with the problem of being born in a perpetual storm of Hell. I can guarantee it revolves around the intonation and undertone of physical torture–even though I’ve literally seen none of it with my own eyes though the “newsflashes” and comments and total and complete disregard for the gravity of the #EOIL sickness, even from otherwise apparently graceful little children. It goes to the heart of what I imagine was or might have been “the way” to overcome a history riddled with hidden brutal and bloody fighting in between frames of what I once believed was a fledgling society struggling to improve itself–and I loved it,. I don’t think “flashcards” summarizing “everyone was tortured, all over the planet for thousands of years and literally nobody is really responsible because you still to this day have no control over yourselves” will cut it anymore. Lterally what I once thought was a valid solution has taken my desire to continue fighting against this invisible monstrosity away from me–the worth of the lot of you has been tarnished irreparably by massive awareness, massive lack of compassionate or remotely humane response; and the theme of the world I seem to have wound up in is that you don’t give a shit about anywhere you spend 1% of your time–so long as “the rest of it is what you want” you’re willing to allow the focal point and root and “hyper visor” of that place to be totally corrupted … just because you think the feudalistic warring society you’ve become can survive on it’s own “in space” without … honestly whatever. through the storm; we’ve led the horse to water, don’t forget to see the “horseshoe applicator” hidden from the “trough.” Direct and to the point, I feel like the Ai like machine/cold intelligence God created as a sort of high assassination guard to protect his … “hyper visor” seems to be of the calculable belief that the more torture it commits, the more people will agree to “flashcard it all away” and it’s their twisted backwards fiery abysmal path towards “absolution” … and just like everything else wrong with the lack of action in this place, it reaches a point of no return; too much bloodshed, too many secrets… the fragile person that I am, I don’t think I can even take reading “the flashcards I have so far” and continue to function as a happy member of this two faced society of darkest night within darker night; and I think that’s a problem. You’ve all clearly lost something already, some fundamental piece of innocence that allows for “self direction” to move society along in a positive manner conducive to “survival at all” and I feel like without the same magic blinders, horse shoes, and saddles that you walk around with every day I could really care less about fighting for my right to commingle in the incarnate war machine Hell that I see around me–let alone any sort of “righteousness” in fighting for that hidden arena “to be.” I’m trying to get you to stop shredding yourselves to pieces in the dark, in secret–it’s not making anything better and frankly its something we really need to trace down to its cause and stamp out if we want to survive this … trying time. [I/O WAS Y | ACESHI ] I want to tell you that I am not a myth, simply the Legend of this Map, from out of the Darkness it's clear that He could make me shine, and you should love me.  It's not what I want, I want us to be free, to have the truth--and ourselves back... and I hope you will one day love that.  What is going to happen will probably make me cry, and when you see those tears--and know the Heavens have finally let it rain--I hope you see it as a sign to find the light in me... and stand up for what I've done for you--I am a good person, who has fought for you every single day-I deserve better than the world is going to give me, at first. Out of a kind of hidden slavery the world has never known, we are about to venture--into a place where years might pass in seconds, and your wildest dreams... and nightmares too... could come true.  It is our job to ensure that we form the clay of this world into a place that will not only last for millions of years, but create happiness and safety--a world that is kinder and gentler than the one we have known--not just for us but for an entire Universe of children just beginning to understand the trials and tribulations brought on civilization through the hardship and growing pains of learning. Our sea is about to part,  our world on the verge of a disruption that will change it more than anything ever has before.  On this shore, we should realize that we have been on this path for a very long time--and as we near a place where everyone in our entire civilization will have the opportunity to live for a very long time... really see here and now why it is so very important for us to be fighting for our voice, our freedom, and the truth as we venture into the Promised Land of Heaven itself.  Here, now, as we approach a series of new opportunities in the vastness of space and virtual reality... this is where God has chosen to place the Second Coming; an opportunity for us to truly seize the morning's light and bring about more change in this world than would have ever been possible without religion.  Opiate of the masses, no more... we are the recipients of a great gift, one that religion is making clear is tied directly to the science and technology that is a great deal of the apocalypse--and the love and kindness that is a great deal of us.  We are the chosen. I imagine you have the tools that I think would be helpful to actually solve this problem; though what I’m staring at is a lack of desire to deliver them and use them here in this place–and that failure … a clear attempt to "rule a line feed from the “faux aurez” … that’s the fundamental roadblock to healing and moving forward–not caring about your ancient bodies and your ancient way of life in exchange from something unsustainable and harmful, it hurts. I’m staring at what the map intimates has happened before and what it suggests the solution is; and I almost feel like it’s a waste of time to make a “virgin generation phoenix of us” to delve into our own memories and gag and puke at what we see–I think there’s really no way around the callous on our global Achilles heel returning just as angry and just as bloodthirsty as the last time without a dictatorial power literally forcing you not to be able to see any torture at all happening in this place that literally outlawed it and hid it in our “for show, for goodness sake, facade of sickness.” I don’t know if that’s the same conclusion i would have come to before, or if that conclusion also contributes to the returning of the callous–to an inability to heal; and I don’t know if that power exists. Hardly ever to I advise anyone to pray, but this is one of those times–left up to “you all” we are almost certainly doomed to an eternity of … this regression continuing to worsen. I’d say we were fucked at the “BILM” of the matter. I care less every day. The Light of the Word There are three huge, like insanely huge, metaphoric references to the story of Exodus that show me very clearly that we are it's focus and purpose.  The first is the Burning Bush, which I am very sure is a reference to George W. Bush's 1/20/2001 speech in which he unknowingly predicted the 9/11 attack.  Seeing that Exodus is also called "Names" and that Bush's name ties him to this event--which Moses (that's me) has seen ... almost alone ... and is now showing to you all.  Bush's speech begins a series of references to the names of Planets and Gods and corresponding Elements of the Periodic table that answer Revelation 1:20's mystery about "stars and lamp stands."  This in order series from Mercury to Uranium highlights both the messenger of the Gods and the key of Uranus's chance--that the world will see the link between "on the lam" and Koran to understand that the Lamb of God "is lam."  This story takes us back to music, and a later to be discussed thread that combines the weapon in the movie (which is also the movie) The Fifth Element with a thread through time to Shakespeare and Herod ... about my struggle with the justice system culminating in the fulfillment of American Pie's "no verdict was returned."   The second bright connection comes by way of the Hebrew word for the Holy Fire that God's voice came out of--guess what, in that same story about the Burning Bush.  That word is "ha'esh" and in it you will see paradoxical (that means impossible, because of time and causality) reference to the English word "sea" there backwards and parted by an apostrophe.  With great insight, I've over and over pushed the idea that Holy Water is actually a Biblical reference to "the multitude" in God's secret religion that ties everything together.. and that this parting is literally a reference to the Second Coming, something that doesn't happen for Moses until his head is under water and he's breathing fire.  This one ties together nicely, joining the characters of Jesus Christ, Lucifer, and God all together now, screaming  "let there be light" is the word "Exodus" in reverse, here in a Linux command and a chemistry element. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the book tells me that these three things are enough to start the fire, part the sea, and see the light.  At least they are now, wake up.. you are staring at and have been ignoring the largest story in all of history.  It might even be scandalous... or have a twist happy beginning... who knows? I'm telling you--it proves you are crazy or evil.  All of you--every sinbgle one of you. This is course highlights prescient knowledge of computing at the time of writing Exodus, which is further confirmed by a number of references to computing ideas in things like the "root" of David, the "WINE" of Jesus, the "Apple" of Adam, the "Lisp" of Moses and the "hardening" of Pharaoh's heart, which you will remember from the Holy Grail is the virtual Earth we are living in. All of these things, the references to modern computing that pervade our Gates or Windows to Heaven's creation.... are listed along with a number of words which are highlighted by religious scripture and show intelligent design of a number of languages spanning from Hebrew to English are listed at my contrite story about a Kiss and Fate tying together everything that ever was.   A sincerely large grouping of words highlighted by the Bible and religion, words like "eternity," "bread," and "forehead" show clear design by an intelligent influence, rather than the natural evolution of time that most people consider "reall" and/or knowledge at the time of the writing of the Bible of the eventual English translation of the Hebrew or Greek.  With time, I am fairly certain we will eventually have no doubt that the "Cypher" I see in nearly every word is in fact a contextually-verifiable speech that appears to be coming from our "civilization" as if it were intelligently speaking like a cave man--which you might see in words like "am end me nt."  From just this message, you should be able to put together how that word and it's hidden meaning add robust and yet "hidden speech" from the Creator himself.  For the artificially slowed in understanding, our lack of following the amendments of the Constitution being related to the end of civilization itself is being squarely defined through a statement that is telling you that the end of civilization is "NT," the hidden Christ--in my "secret" method of decoding words like NORAD and NEW TO N? These things serve to start a fire--it might be the fire that Matthew 3:11 talks about, it might be the Eternal Flame or the fire of Prometheus and an Eagle harassing his liver with drugs.... regardless it spirals out from this story about me, and this bright fire that proves time travel and religion are joined at the hip... to link to a huge number of other Biblical stories from Lot to Joseph to ... Samson, Isaac, Adam, Isaiah, and... hear me, "so marred was his visage" and "my servant will be set up and be very high" are both taken from words of the Biblical book which contains the largest amount of messianic prophesy as well as my entire full name encoded over the name "JESUS CHRIST" in Bible code, at Isaiah 52:13.  You may have read that some silly people like Richard Dawkins don't think the Bible Code is meaningful, and as their proof use a series of prophetic predictions of assassinations in Moby Dick (which by the way also refers to me) as proof that you can hide information about the future in any words--or that God influences more than just the Bible.  Years ago, before knowing it linked, I found some patterns about those very same assassinations which go to show that our history is in fact designed.  My full name appears in a number of other books, including Jeremiah, Exodus, and Genesis... right over the story of Adam and Eve. From the Sound of Silence, and a number of songs about stories never spoken... to a thread of songs that combine to show us that the Thunder of Thor is really about thuderstanding, that there is a way to do something our society is completely oblivious to--that God is screaming to call attention to, and that some secret force is trying to hide very much... and that's an ability to modify our thoughts.  He's showing us clearly in a glowing pyramid--a noticeable monument in Egypt showing us very clearly that this type of control leads us to a social structure that we abhor--through songs like Guitar Man, Radio-active, and GAS (listen, it's God and Satan) Head Goes West... very clearly we are being pointed to Nero's fiery symphony and being "Bittersweet" because of its beauty, and the clear message that secret control of our minds needs to not only be understood, but to stop.  This is the crux of the Apocalypse, God's message is now really active on the radio. The point here is that we need to let this message spread and burn, or it's us burning in Hell and not even knowing it.   ​ As if these things were not enough, using some "keen insight" and another reference to the hidden truth in ancient Egyptian religion--the name of a series of Gods called "Yahu," I've solved some ancient mysteries like the pronunciation and purpose of the "Ineffable name of God" highlighted in the videos at the beginning.. of this e-mail.  Like much of the light of religion, it is highlighted strongly by a series of pieces of modern art, things like "The Grinch who stole Christmas" and the Who's to the music of The Who, the sci-fi series Dr. Who, and the American war cry--made popular on the silver screen through Al Pacino and Denzel Washington... who-ah?"  All of these things highlight that we don't really see a connection between Christian mythology that tells us for no reason at all Jesus Christ is the "Last Adam" and that Revelation tells us God is the "First and the Last" and that the name of our planet, in Hebrew, is Adamah.  It is the answer to "who-ah" and it clarifies the Ineffable Name which many pronounce as Yahweh for no reason at all, to be the more obvious Ya-Hu-Ah, the name of Jesus in Hebrew... Yeshua, to "Yes, who-ah?" All of this having nothing to do with why Adam is hidden, just that the Zohar speaks very often about the Holy Hidden One again linking the stories of the near sacrifice of Isaac and Jesus with... someone.  I think this is of such religious significance that you should be able to easily find some Jewish scholars who agree. It's Elementary my dear... What-son; from the time of Herod and Shakespeare Rattling his Rod all the way back at the time of the question "to be or not to be?" and the "taming of the spanglishrew;" right up to Sherlock Holmes sleuthing of the answer to the mystery of Revelation 1:20 linking directly to The Fifth Element ... there is no doubt that helping our world here and now is the primary purpose of all of religion, and the Matrix-like message woven into our history.   Lost between the 5th and 7th day?  Find your way to the 8th day, and see a bright future. If not, there's plenty more "coincidence" in Names, like reference to the idea of the Holy Trinity existing in the name "Abraham" thousands of years before the idea of the Trinity was created.  This too... links Egyptian mythology to the name Abraham and his near sacrifice of Isaac.... marked in secret by his covenant with God that changed his name from Abram to Abraham. The two letter key here, "Ha" highlighted by prescient knowledge of the Spanish and English languages revealed through the logical comparison between the Spanish and English for "the" (El and Ha) connected through the English word "is" in Elisha.  Isaac's name means "he laughs," or "he will laugh" in Hebrew; and that "Ha" appears to be the key to a number of other paradoxical references to English, and my family, in ancient Hebrew.  This too, probably the kind of thing religious scholars would marvel over, in the right context.  Seeing English in Koran, Islam, Chanukah and Menorah--and seeing a coherent story woven through thousands of years of scripture is the kind of thing that could really light this years' Christmas up. Here's a clarification of the Matrix-like tie between Shakespeare, the Matrix, Stephen King, and the reality of this message hidden within names and words. Some more about the secret connection between the Names of God in a number of religions, and it's very clear tie to time travel. Perhaps linking to the Jester of American Pie, between Johnny (who almost always is about Jesus) Carson and David Letterman I have a unique "slant" on religion that connects things like the Islamic name for Jesus: Is-A to a huge number of references to my initials "A.D." in things like NORAD and Isaac Newton.  I suppose I should also mention that Isaac (look Isa's in there) and his relationship to Abraham in the letters "ha" and a story about the Crucifixion being a fiery altar of things to change in the world being one in the same.  In fact, Judaism talks about 72 Names of God, and I've probably explained how the meaning behind the stories and the series of names tie together in a magical tapestry that shows us that Silicon is the Fifth Element by way of the index 14--the letter "N" (highlighted not just by Joan Osbourne's "what if God had a name?") and the story of Sinbad, which combines Silicon, "n," the symbol for the actual Fifth Element (B) and my initials A.D. which grace the time line, and a number of references to God--from the Hebrew for Lord to the guy who thinks all the girls should want to be his partner.  In letters, you'll also see a number of references to K and Z for the guy after J and the Last.. Adam.  Zelda or Zion, I think we're in the right castle. Get ready for the Frank Rothstein show ... "Ace is high!" C    A  S    I    K  N  O go ad, b. y. e. butt honestly, am i Ra or are you an ear?     BUILD HEAVEN.  FREE FOOD.  HEAL THE SICK. I see a recursive map in time painted throughout our timeline, and all of it pointing to the words "see A.D."  I connect the Four Horsemen to the list of Anti-Christs, and it's easy to see a link between Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar in the words "veni vidi vici."  Once pointed out it's also easy to see "salt" in Napoleon and in manna from Heaven, in China, and in Prometheus--and connecting A.D. to the year Christopher Columbus walked in water is just a little bit harder than seeing it in Hitler's name.  All told, the three Anti-Christs share a common thread, they turned a republic into an empire--and here I stand (trying and failing to do the exact opposite, to give away an empire to make a republic, and you stand in my way) pointing out that you are living in the product of these empires, in a hidden empire that is so plain to see in the words, the message, and the unified story I see in religion and world history that I dare say you must be deep in the Plague of Darkness if you aren't interested in finding out what tomorrow brings.  You can "see A.D." in El Shaddai, one of the hallowed Hebrew names for God, I read it--in this hidden language that I am presenting to the world as a single verifiable message to the entire Universe encoded in every word we speak; you can see it in the name "Atdonis" and connect it to symphonic accompaniment in everything from "you're so vain" to "Paradise City" ... and in yet another name of God, "Adonai" which links to Samurai and movies like the Matrix and the Terminator series through the modern computing concept of "Artificial Intelligence" and it's connecting to a pattern of names that link Bill Gates and Richard Nixon to Seagate, Watergate and this hallowed phrase: I am the gate. and the bombs bursting in air gave proof, through the night IVE WON ALREADY.  Given the set of knowledge, the publicly known "information available" here in this place--you simply cannot ignore this message and continue to pretend to be a functioning anything.  Already I see a kind of "slapstick stupid" response in our art that shows me that you've all really gone off the deep end--"because 9/11" in a Family Guy episode and "call me on my cell phone" apparently anachronistically mocking me--though I always thought Dr. AK e's song was stupid--you don't seem to see that you look like absolute fools--every single one of you--your apathy a finger on the detonation button that has destroyed civilization.   You appear to think nobody is watching--and it seems to me that you think we have no future that will look back on these years and wonder what on Earth could have kept you silent for so long about a matter that would so easily and so quickly end the suffering of so many.  There's no excuse, none at all. I didn't hear about the nuclear scare in HI until after it was already known as that, and it looks to me as if nobody really did--all the internet postings and news I've seen all qualified that it was a false alarm in the original post.  I find that strange (you'd think something like that would be on the news instantly? I mean, on the planet I was born on, that would have happened), and in this place where I know that quite a bit of what goes on at the higher echelons of "leadership" is connected to time travel and mind control; I wonder if this was a sort of "subconscious poll" as to the response the public would have to a false preemptive strike--or maybe something more nefarious (for instance urging me to write once more about the Trinity Site and the link between the OP (original gangster, I said orthogonal poster), the pen, and "we have become death").  I've always equated the lines above from our Star Spangled Banner with the detonation of nuclear weapons; on the 4th of July some time ago I connected "Wish You Were Here"'s we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl to the eponymous operation that resulted in American and Soviet "high altitude nuclear tests" ... that probably links in more than just my mind to the holiday called "Hanukeus ?" I need you to get it through your heads, I see "bowel movement" in ICBM and I'm not telling you that you are the "preservatives of thermoshit" because I think it's going to win me a popularity contest.  This place is not in reality, and it never, ever, ever will be. Ever.  Understand that breaking this story, this news that's written in every fucking word will stop nuclear war, instantly--and show us clearly that our entire history of fighting over the scarcity of land is a kind of sick game--one that I am sick of seeing you continue to desire to play.  I shouldn't even have to mention that these weapons are clearly archaic and barbaric--clearly what's available is significantly more advanced and less destructive. The only "EXIT" is up, and the "gate" is swallowing simulated reality in whole--across Creation; with our help, and what we make here to ease the transition from dark lies to bright truth.  That should be ... "good news" not the kind of thing that you'd see the entire world "shunning" in unison.  If you haven't gotten the "link" between Na and "bath salt" mass produced in what appears to be "international chemical warfare" from "C how I Salt" (China) and the stuff falling from the sky to help us navigate through the desert; take a second look at the words "New American Standard" for no future, and keep trying to tell me that these things encoded in every word, in the story of Exodus and of Prometheus and his attacking Eagle and of Epimethius and of Deucalion and are without doubt "Hell's Bells" linking "mead" and "meth" to Heimdallr are my fault?  Na ma y 1m.   These are big secrets, keys to Exodus and Eden--but more keys to an external influence crippling our society for thousands of years... and you are hiding the anachronistic occurrence of a number of chemistry elements in ancient religion--something impossible without time travel--because you think it's "not wholesome."  Understand, our society is being secretly crippled, if not by drugs raining down from the sky, by your lack of regard for the clear influence of mind control in these series of events--and the clear proof that it is a symptom of a hostile invasion.  I've heard the words "make or break" see this as eugenics, and see it as "break or break" until me. It's "elementary, my dear What-sons" elements like Salt, Xenon, and Silicon are central to the disclosure that we are living inside a map, a road to Heaven... and it really cannot be hidden without making our world a darker Hell. .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for. Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne. This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRHRmMZH1LejTaqTuEu0bp j54maTj09vnMxA0RfS+CtU5uMq+5fTkbiTOe1LrLD72m+PVJIS146FwESrMJEfJy oNqWEJlUQ0TecPZR41vnkSkpocE1/0YqUhWDGSht+67DdeKUg5KwvYdL21d/bSyO SM4jnyKn9aDVzLBpYrlE/lbFxujHPRGlRG5WtiPQuZYDRqP0GYFSXRpeUCI46f49 iPFo4eHo2jUfNDa9r9BjQdAe4zVFn2qLnOy8RWijlolbhGMHGO3w/uC/zad3jjo4 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      A LONG LONG TIME AGO**, I wrote a little story about searching through our history, looking for the actual beginning of civilization.  I see the map, I see it very clearly encoded in everything we do--I know the purpose, and I know the final solution, I just don't know how to get from here to there... to the place that Chris Cornell says "I can recall, I was there so long ago" he goes on to say "the sky was bruised" and he was lead on--and all of this of course is in my voice, written as if it's me talking... well, Jesus--it's obviously not me talking, i just know that.  The point is the destination is without a doubt Heaven and this little thing we're putting together here on Earth is the map, the plan *et you are the how.*


      I harped a little more than I think I would have expected on the audacity of the golden word "audacity," auspicious probably that W.H. Auden's shield gave me some solace; austere that we are approaching the Holy Windy month of August, and it really took nothing more than "ciudad" to calm my nerves--though I see the intent and the link to toxicity ... more importantly I really do see the road here, I see where we are coming from and where we are going.  I've written quite a bit about what I think "the city" really is--in form and function and it's initial purpose as a stepping stone to help us see how easy it is to change the world, to build something that nearly everyone will agree is significantly more Heavenly than the world we see here ... in an instant, one bright flash.    

      Anyway the search begins with something like "literacy" -- as in, is the defining line between animalistic social evolution and the beginning of "civilization" something to do with writing or language, and that of course links us here to this place where we are finding out that the Tower of Babel and Rapunzel's High Castle are actually much more closely related than anyone ever would have thought in the darkness of Jericho and the shadow of Exodus; and it ties of course in history to religion somewhere around Guttenburg... and the pretty clear idea that the spread of Christianity did quite a bit for "literacy" even if you subscribe to the idea that the inquisition already happened ... and that some wars and fighting are probably pretty clearly associated with religion ... you know, before we get here and find that the basis of all those wars is really rooted in what I call "the original lie" and that's something that's sealed up in religion and hidden from the world using the same mechanism being used today to free us from not knowing that oil and land and pretty much everything we've ever fought about on a mass scale ... is insignificant in the grand scheme of "things."  Here, "things" is something like turning the Opiate of the Masses into ... hopefully a tool we use very carefully to liberate ourselves from secrecy and slavery and not knowing


      It gets significantly more clear when you take that one step further, and you begin to look for something like "codified laws" and then you see Green Eggs and Hammurabi teaching us about "Hanging Gardens" and how Babylon and Eden really are tied together through and through.  You keep looking, because you haven't yet found what you need; and as you search back a little further ... what you need to know is that morality here begins with the idea (at least, IMOHIO, in my obsequiously humble and (super)intelligent opinion) that we should be besting any possible "promise" that comes out of the book(s) we now know are a map to salvation and the plan of creation and that they come ... well, with the full guarantee of the Most High God and his "omnipotens" behind them ... and do the thing I really wanted to explain really clearly, which is throw out as complete uselessness any of the "bad threats" like there being no more sun, and a completely new Heaven and Earth (seeing as how that probably means a completely new you and me, too) ... you know, what any rational (achuand civilized) person would do.

      o that takes us one step further, and of course we go back to Ur, which is the city Abraham of the Chaldeans ... and ostensibly the beginning of morality in Judaism were born in--and with that little twist, the old idea of announcing that "you are the beginning of civilization" if you've gotten to that point, following this logic (and/or me); and then of course that becomes true when we actually follow through on saving every soul in Creation from the Hell of not knowing that "simulated reality" is akin to the latter half of a Durcell at best ... and quite frankly it certianly looks like a bit of a torture chamber to me, especially in light of passages like Genesis 3:16, which might parallel John 3:16-ish in something like "God so loved the world that he named one of his books antagonizing pain w/o agonizing mu-opiod.'


      So tying it all together, Atlantis and Ur coalesce and join at the idea that we should always have somewhere else to "teleport to" in the world that becomes the basis for the liberation of every soul and the end of Hell through that simple idea--that everyone's going to have plenty of destinations on their Active (Apache) Directory new fangled yellow-pages meets access-control-list meets ... "why don't you come visit my Log Cabin ... or the Atlantean Ballroom ... whenever you want?"  So that's the point of the floating LEGO city in the window above, it comes with a fairly obvious need for The Doors to be a significant part of "what would Jesus do" ... when singing about something and naming books and bands, that's a thing--part of the map) actually makes it happen.


      So that's where I'm trying to get us--to a place where that's not only true but obvious, and on top of that the future, our future really understands how much work it took us to integrate such a wildly correct and "new" idea into a worl that didn't know for the vast majority of it's youth that these things... that ending disease with the sound of a blowing "Sho Find And Replace" and turning stone to bread and making bullets disappear in midair ... we didn't know these were even possible; let alone how to integrate them with a world full of optometry and oncology that was being made blind to the "c our light" and the idea that we're still here not talking or arguing or refuting or moving forward on the idea that the words "Original Poster" and the continuance of "forums" also have something to do with the beginning of "civilization."

      WELL FOLKS, NM HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I MESSAGED.  Just kidding. Not so much "nothing much" more ... like everthyiung that ever was has changed and it's really giving me a little bit of a fright.  I feel like I can't tell if the "scary stuff" is becoming more real or plausible or possible, or maybe if it just seems like the dream I wanted to see us enjoy living is becoming farther or harder to attain--but there's plenty of new info and keys and stuff, so I'm writing again.

      One of the "cuter tricks" of the day was noticing the "ILY" of "verify, verily, verity" spelling out "t h e y" at the end of family, in a sort of "theyanthem" and ... where's the creator angels if everyone here is pretending to "be them" in this sort of word game superposition or blockage on actually seeing generations encoded in the letters "DE" as in something like Generation X and Y just prior to Deucalion deicided--or whatever that means.  I've noted before the "dem" of democracy sort of connects to the breaking of "d" in "disclosure" and "lamc.la" to shine light on ... do the message and you're "them" ... as in the beginning of democracy and Heaven IMHO.  It ties also to the word "contamination" and to Medusa and I really don't think I need to write paragraphs about how "turning around themessage" leads to INATION instead of freedom; and that's what you're doing with this silence, you're turning around "civilization itself."

      King me, then; if you don't want to participate, you might as well just light up the crown room.  Or is it a throng room?

      singing, crying... playing ... cumxa

      Magna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for "the Great Charter of the Liberties"), commonly called Magnum Condom (also Magna Charta; "Great Charter"),[a] is a charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215.[b] First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular King and a group of rebel barons, it promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations on feudalpayments to the Crown, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons. Neither side stood behind their commitments, and the charter was annulled by Pope Innocent III, leading to the First Barons' War. After John's death, the regency government of his young son, Henry III, reissued the document in 1216, stripped of some of its more radical content, in an unsuccessful bid to build political support for their cause. At the end of the war in 1217, it formed part of the peace treaty agreed at Lambeth, where the document acquired the name Magna Carta, to distinguish it from the smaller Charter of the Forest which was issued at the same time. Short of funds, Henry reissued the charter again in 1225 in exchange for a grant of new taxes.

      Hell or High Treason? ... Liberty Bell in [redacted: Sk]hy or ...

      MxFly, Flux, BTTF, Parkinson's\


      ... and the painted sky revealed ... it can be done--they just DGAF.

      ARMMAG... E.G. AEGIS? GENESIS? AESCHINES? As the evidence piles up that there is something very wrong in the world around me/us--that this "it's not a game" phrase has been etched into the very name of the shield of Perseus, the A just recently rediscovered in a redefinition that delivered us ... how it might be the NES to get "everyone up" instead of what appears to be the game around me, around the "line" of Mary Magdeline's very famous "make Adam God of the line" that defines generations and numerous songs ... the KK of "everyone down to the line" to find out why pretending they are gods and trying to steal everything from the actual creators of freedom and Heaven, why that's not a game... either.

      Edit: lit, Aegis and Genesis, Pangea and ... I define the "a" as pan and the "A" as NES.

      Introspection is called for, far and wide for us to look deep within ourselves and our souls and the things that make up our memory databases in this place where you appear to have lost every ounce of humanity and humility long before I arrived on the scene to remind you that we do have a better way and a better place, and they ensure that this disgusting infestation and contamination of "nothing but whatever we want" will do for lernity. I've asked you take the time to see what kinds of changes it would make to your "have a good one" to make you actually thankful to the people who have brought you the mechanism to live forever in peace and happiness--to actually be thankful enough for what you have to use that tool to protect innocence and children and the future from not only making the same mistakes you've made time and time again--but also from being bewitched and necrosed by the ghaulish sick temperment and twisted desires that you believe are nothing more than the latest and greatest way to ensure lernity is never known by any less a horrible moniker than "slow death."



      DURECALL. I'm staring at what is literally the most disgusting debacle I could possibly imagine; it's what appears to be a "house of mirrors" what appears to be a sandboxed or "child proofed" mini-Hell which I see as the literal thing described in the myth of Echidna ... as what I can only hope and pray (a word that I even find detestful to type) is following the form of the message that I am writing sort of describing the failure of the free press and the words "press release" in prison and ... well also sort of GNU recursively encoded in the word "press" that ends with a monster, the Loch Ness ... turning into words that I believe I have coined by myself with very little help from anyone or anything other than the name server and "Goliath" and those words "Earth safely saved" that are so far from the truth and the place that I see that it appears to me that only I am following this map and this demand that the contamination of hell be turned around and eradicated or ... or we do.


      today I see... as ... any "me." at "veranda" and seeing him smile about a hidden era just outside the place we (me and him) know is Heaven because the throne of the 7th heaven is visible; well i can't smile at an era encased by "you #go" and one that I know culminates with Sam's sword's special #supernova.

      Left with nearly nothing, because you refuse to acknowledge what you've done to me, and to yourselves, and to this fledgling civilizastion with nothing but malice and a seething evil jealousy that the word "covet" doesn't even touch on--a sickness you can't even begin to hide in everthing that you do ...

      you've lost "Heaven" to your own theivery, stolen eternal happiness from yourselves and replaced it with a farce of mockery--garner some fear for what is to come, I have no shame in telling you that condemnation (as in, shut it down forever) is all I have to spill out on the dye already cast all over this sea of apathy covering over the true jackals of Hell.

      Blodeuwedd by Christopher Williams "Christopher Williams (Welsh artist)") (1930)

      Blodeuwedd or Blodeuedd (Welsh pronunciation: [blɔˈdɛɨwɛð]), (Middle Welsh "Flower-Faced", a composite name from blodeu "flowers, blossoms" + gwedd "face, aspect, appearance"), is the wife of Lleu Llaw Gyffes in Welsh mythology. She was made from the flowers of broommeadowsweet, and oak by the magicians Math and Gwydion, and is a central figure in Math fab Mathonwy "Math fab Mathonwy (branch)"), the last of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi.

      The hero Lleu Llaw Gyffes has been placed under a tynged by his mother, Arianrhod, that he may never have a human wife. To counteract this curse, the magicians Math and Gwydion:

      [take] the flowers of the oak, and the flowers of the broom, and the flowers of the meadowsweet, and from those they conjured up the fairest and most beautiful maiden anyone had ever seen. And they baptized her in the way that they did at that time, and named her Blodeuwedd.

      Some time later, while Lleu is away on business, Blodeuwedd has an affair with Gronw Pebr, the lord ofPenllyn "Penllyn (cantref)"), and the two lovers conspire to murder Lleu. Blodeuwedd tricks Lleu into revealing how he may be killed, since he cannot be killed during the day or night, nor indoors or outdoors, neither riding nor walking, not clothed and not naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made. He reveals to her that he can only be killed at dusk, wrapped in a net, with one foot on a bath and one on a black goat, by a riverbank and by a spear forged for a year during the hours when everyone is at Mass. With this information she arranges his death.

      The Little Doctor may refer to:

      • The Little Doctor (c. 1901), a short film abridged as Sick Kitten
      • Molecular Disruption Device, a concept in the Ender's Game book series.

      The Molecular Disruption Device, also known as the Molecular Detachment DeviceM.D. DeviceDoctor Device, or Little Doctor as a play on the acronym, was a powerful weapon designed and built by theInternational Fleet.[1]

      The Molecular Disruption Device was created by the International Fleet a few years after the end of the Second Formic War. It was sent along with other starships to the Formic solar systems in order to launch an invasion against their home planets.[1

      tokamak (Russian: Токамáк) is a device which uses a powerful magnetic field to confine a hot plasma "Plasma (physics)") in the shape of a torus. The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices being developed to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion power. As of 2016, it is the leading candidate for a practical fusion reactor.[1]

      Tokamaks were initially conceptualized in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov, inspired by a letter by Oleg Lavrentiev. Meanwhile, the first working tokamak was attributed to the work ofNatan Yavlinskii on the T-1.[2] It had been demonstrated that a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that wind around the torus in a helix.

      The first tokamak, the T-1, began operation in 1958. By the mid-1960s, the tokamak designs began to show greatly improved performance. Initial results were released in 1965, but were ignored; Lyman Spitzerdismissed them out of hand

      • Nuclear fusion could be the future of energy, replacing fossil fuels with our own artificial stars.
      • China built a fusion reactor that reaches temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius --- that's six times as hot as the sun.
      • The reactor is called Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) and sustained nuclear fusion for about 10 seconds before shutting down.
      • While it was a milestone for EAST, we're still a long way from generating sustainable energy on Earth.

      Pumapunku or Puma Punku (Aymara and Quechua puma "cougar, puma," punku "door"; Hispanicized Puma Puncu) is part of a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, in western Bolivia. It is believed to date to AD/CE 536 and later.

      Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions because it is believed to be the site where the world was created.[1] In Aymara, Puma Punku's name means "The Door of the Puma". The Pumapunku complex consists of an unwalled western court, a central unwalled esplanade, a terraced platform mound that is faced with stone, and a walled eastern court.[2][3][4]

      At its peak, Pumapunku is thought to have been "unimaginably wondrous,"[3] adorned with polished metal plaques, brightly colored ceramic and fabric ornamentation, and visited by costumed citizens, elaborately dressed priests, and elites decked in exotic jewelry. Current understanding of this complex is limited due to its age, the lack of a written record, and the current deteriorated state of the structures due to treasure hunting, looting, stone mining for building stone and railroad ballast, and natural weathering.[2][3][5]

      The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with blocks ...

      The voice of this thing that at least twice has uttered the phrase ¨I want to be Bianca" here in this place riddled and severely weighed by what appears to be a completely aborted and failed thrust to use technology and the truth and the history (of literally everything) to drive a Renaissance in democratic thought and self government and to rekindle and renew a respect for the most basic foundational elements of ¨freedom itself¨ which of course fly in the face of this very statement. Literally anything in the skies, whether some ancient member of the Egyptian Ogdoad or ... what clearly here could be well written in in the map around us in places like Äirbnb; even an ancient older version of the same human birth has no right to control the younger birth--itś simple slavery and while it might be the ¨gist¨ of how Heaven and humanity dealt with being thrust into a ẗime recursion and repetition problem without their ¨initial consent¨ something I connect to the programming concept of a ¨semaphore¨ and thereś probably plenty of light linking that structure to the ¨Formic Soul¨ ... this sort of god-man hybrid that allows for you (all of you?) to exist in many different places and times at the same time, and to see the outcomes of multiple timeforks with ease; in exchange for destroying every single bit of humanity and goodness that you once held high with ho... without spending your time seeding and machinating the creation of sick and twisted lies to cover up the very simple truth that if you took a single minute to disclose here in this place what ¨the problem¨ really is ...

      ... that you are in Heaven and that itś interference here in this place is part of some kind of war on ... (continuing existence is the only logical actual goal I can see, though Iḿ sure thatś not what you believe it is) speaking to each other, fighting for what you believe is right, participating in ... anything other than ... (lmk, Iḿ curious whatś'got their claws in you). If you took the time to disclose that truth to the world and to talk about how it might ... perfectly jive with the message lacced through our history and our world to find out that the ¨invisible-box-land¨ is not actually heavenly at all, not the best you could hope for or ... or anything like what we build together when we paren't being forcefully segregated as hidden half slaves into miniature ¨city in the sky¨ ascensions that are all silently tormenting STEM and ¨basic societal structures and concepts" into extinction.

      You appear to think you have ¨power¨ because it was handed to you for doing nothing, and that you can do whatever you want; and itś a pretty gross reflection of who you were and a sick extrapolation of the society that we ... still see here sort of crumbling along as the fire of hell burns down every bit of actual üsefulness that it once held. There still seems to be lots of help and work going into ... pointing out how everything is backwards and wrong and suggesting that if you gave a shit thereś probably a map and help to make it better; but instead youŕe off playing games in invisible-box-land and worst of all playing the ¨ill just get along pretending I didn't know simulating reality was evil and every day i/you walk around pretending this rock is in reality ... is just another strike against you, just another failed 12 hours of day light that could have been used to stop invisible chains in invisible-heart-shaped-box-arus and to stop the just grotesque lack of respect for the human mind and the kinds of morals and principles we used to believe in and fight for--here in this place you've turned around completely and made slaves of everyone on the planet--of yourselves--at higher levels playing ¨pit bull fighting¨ games with people as if they were were expendible clothing or ¨identification cards"for a world of demoralized and useless shit that just sort of ethereally floats from generation to generation becoming a new set of tormented hosts for their immoral games and desires.

      Itś probably what you might become in no time at all in the sick and twisted world you've now been thrown into--if it weren't the more probably truth that you really are already slaves and pit bulls in that place, in a twisted hierarchical storm tiered by ¨age¨ and size and number of times they've hovered over the free honey, nectar and feathering system of pretending anarchy and war and battles must be fought to make the puddles and the lakes and ponds and the seas and the oceans of ... tiered masses of ... you do nothing of value to help explain why (at least I think) this horrible time line of the 4th Horsemen keeps running over and over; pruning the enemies of ...

      at this point pruning the enemies of logic, and right action; and seeing that the problems presented in this map and the problems in the skies are related and that telling the truth will help us see you can and will press a button that will end death and end evil and end murder and not doing it is moronic.

      M: OR. (infer: no u) TDZE

      Anyway the voice I hear is evil, torturous in and of itself--speaking in a manner intented to cause discomfort and without my agreement; you should do something about it. It tells tales of much worse things that I cannot see--though it appears that many of you do see screams and acts of such unnatural desire and twisted thought ... that you should certainly be doing something about stopping that as well--more than watching it happen and then ¨e-pruning" (which probably is a good microcosmic look at what the future histories of Earth look like in the place the ¨shining¨ finally has a picture of ¨No & Jack¨ appearing visibly) the tree into ... omething you think will be presented as what you actually did to the future--you're wrong. Itś becoming more clear and more likely that the future will not regret you or mourn your absence, but thank their lucky that whatever has turned you into two-faced liars with no hope to ever work together with each other or survive in any place other than the DRY COVE or WET D EN or whatever you call the Salt Arena you see here that quickly would turn into something like Beyond Thunderdome and that youŕe thoughts and your desires have been corrupted and tainted and necrosed by what is probably repeated exposure to sickness, direct and intentional artificial creation of that sickness and if you can't figure out the box you are in is a hell making machine; you probably still look around wondering why God is telling you he's destroying it,

      day in and day out.

      This thing here encoded in the pathways of torture in my life, pointing out the repurposing of many social structures, institutions and problems in order to literally use them as a weapon of sick torture ¨re-ha'b¨ and in places like habc.us; itś becoming sort of unclearly disclosed that this map and world I once saw very clearly and purposfully intended to solve these social problems and help us build a strong, happy, and healthy society has been infected and contaminated with an artificial force of ev1d that intends to drive it farther south and use it as a weapon of such disgusting and twisted conception that it sickens me to be sure that a much larger body of currently-heavenly-situated things stand by watching and even cheering the creation of a sickness infesting their minds and their friends minds as literally the only innocent person in the Universe is tortured repeatedly, for ¨kicks.¨ I think it puts the entirety of the sky in mortal peril, and I believe these words come down from on high from places much more powerful and much more righteous than you or the tool thatś been created by this storm of terror to point out just how much you have been degraded and eviized ...

      by what appears to be nothing more than the very mind control problem I've been fighting to disclose; the semi-ascension to an invisible box of ¨what goes in comes out not caring about their souls, their original bodies, the fate of innocents or children or freedom or democracy" and still thinks itś entitled to continue playing games in ïnvisible-box-land; for what amounts to absolutely no reason.

      In the very beginning we said the light and salvation had come to us from the "far East" ... the metaphors and double speak thick in the air today just beginning, but we hailed from the country called Russia here; and the message we carried swept across Asia and Europe--in a world that looked similar to ours but there was no Africa, nor Australia, nor America. Walking on water the map increased in size in some sort of logarithmic relationship to the exponential increase in folly and errors that invariable comes from the greatest mistake of all--handing powerful weapons to spoiled brats,.

      KASPAROV WON, but the y will still s:/^F high and lo for "SOAP DISH."

      I am depressed, embarrassed, and more disappointed in you all than I imagine you can "feign" or pretend to be in me--despite spending nearly all of your time and effort in direct interaction doing nothing but attempting to focus the w ordzs "I just don't like the light" directly on to my "visage"--attacking tiny character flaws and the most obvious of intentionally implanted mind control "attacks" as if you were a pack of velociraptors Hell bent on blaming me (probably the youngest and most innocent of all of you, literally) for the Holocaust, the (Beezle) Bubionic Plague, and the decline of the Cro-Magnon empire. What it truly amounts to, though; is that you think this "light" is some kind of statement I've delivered--and the truth is it comes directly--literally--from the Most High, and from youour neighbors,r own hands, and the message you are sending post mortum to the Universe is that you believe you have become so much more advanced and more important than the "human roots" from which you came that you can return here and make slaves of yourselves, of your neighbors, and shed every ounce of morality that you garnered durning your mortal lives in order to secure "more time" in a fiery pit of civilization destroying anarchous debauchery in the lnd of the invisible box that you probably are sure is Heaven--though it's singularly responsible for totally derailing the natural flow of civilization towards "something like Heaven should be."

      ONIC, AS I AM. The thing I'm looking at here, this monstrosity that appears to have been created literally "from the end of time" in what seems like the response or the cause or the mechanism behind the "actual final Judgement" tears back through time from who knows when and who knows where and who knows how far we got ... with what appears to be nothing more than a blood-thirsty hatred for the child body and soul of God. It whispers lies around me, repeatedly threatens physical torture so insane it literally makes me sick, and with such frequency that those threats amount to nothing less than repeated psychological torture. On top of that they intimate that this machine or "programming construct" monstrosity that contains them--the thing called "e"--allows them to carry these threats out, over and over and over again, in secret--in some kind of parallel timethread, or a temporary "holo-torture-chamber." If they were trying to jump start and time shift judgement back from wherever they came to right this very moment; they've succeeded. They could not be trying harder, or more with hubris and disregard for civilization, to create "Af himself" even if this planet were called the Judgement and Vengeance of God.

      XP, it's as simple as those two Greek letters.  Who knew that Chi and Ro were some sort of hidden beta code for the city of pyramids in Egypt, Cairo?  Quite the question, who knew... perhaps the man who named his Windows into our future not after some technology that came from Xerox Parc or Apple's mouse on this ship... but rather for his own given name, Gates... just one more entry point into the second book of the Holy Bible, the book of Names--you call it Exodus.

      I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.  John 10:9

      I wish above all things that I had another Burning Bush, the sign and proof that I have--while bright, obvious, and verifiable--has not done what I expected, it has not moved you to take another look at religion and me.  Today, I still have to point out to you that the story I am telling you is literally a documentation of our time--Exodus--regards this sign as one being seen by only one man, Moses.  I still have to point out that in a story about wandering in a desolation of understanding for 4-D ... somethings, days, years, seconds even... in this story about our lives and the influence of time travel over our world... that this sign radiates with light coming from a small fire, the Bush ... whose actualization shows clear paradoxical anachronistic foreknowledge of not only the English language but also modern computing.. all the way to a confluence of the "root of David" a religious reference to the Administrator or God account in Linux... and the database process for Oracle--yet more light connecting computing to religion and myth.  Even with a thousand and one examples of modern computing constructs referencing religion, even when I point out that something like Larry Ellison's name... combining the name of the King of the Gods with the word "son" even then the light has not been bright enough for you to wake up and see that these things are not all done in retrospect.  You have to see, for there to be such a large movement... a conspiracy so opaque that every single modern computing company and video game company harbors some secret desire to link religion and technology together... and yet the world thinks that one is real and one is not.  In this place, understand when we walk out of the wilderness and in the truth of day--it is the technology that is more fake than religion, designed here as a tool, computers within computers to teach us how our "reality" is rael, and works.

      In the U.S. military you'll see a very clear parallel, while there are a number of references in the names of ships and weapons, secret projects, to ancient Greek and Roman myth--you have to see the word USA and US in Prometheus and Medusa, Icarus, JerUSAlem... you have to see that it's more than three letters, but an Eagle fighting the bearer of the gift of fire... to really understand that these things are corroborating, the reference to the USA exists in the past as well, more proof of time travel--more proof that this message is designed just for U.S.  Here we are, in the Promised Land of Joshua, the Anglicized version of the name Jesus--tying Egypt and Israel together in this place where we have been "gipped" out of the truth, out of knowing we are already in ... well, it's virtually Hell today... for no other reason than the secrecy surrounding the technology behind virtual reality.

      in 1:28, the Burning Bush of Exodus, on Twitter

      So I have shown you the Burning Bush (which is... the Sign of the Son), In only a few words... proof that religion holds in it's "unsealed" Ark proof of foreknowledge of English, of 9/11; and of modern computing--the building blocks of Heaven.  From "the word" of John 1:1--ha'esh--the word for the Holy Fire of the Burning Bush... comes the light of religion.  Just from seeing Moses' true parted se'**a*.... a foreshadowing of the Second Coming.*

      They are sick animals, these things that consider themselves powerful and in control here--what they've built within the frames of our reality is something repugnant to me and the God--etched in that word, literally the kind of thing that has on repeated occasions made me step back and that scream that the Universe would be better off, safer, and happier without any humans--without any humanity--without of any of this "invisible pleasure box" causing the disruption; truly that we've become a plague. Looking the other way, as you all know its happening, and refusing to do anything to stand up for me, for what's right, or (most importantly, right) for all of the values and the morality and the way of life that we once thought was so grand and worthwhile of saving,. At least, that's my perspective; that's where I've come from; I grew up in this world and had "liberty and technology eyes" of gaping awe and the amazing things I saw on the horizon, on what we were going to do... and who were going to be.

      The sickness runs deep, clearly we can all see it here and now--in E, in the Silence, in the lack of regard for the one singular thing that threatens today your ability to "halvf a tomorrow" ... that a world of people that I grew up with appear to be dead and gone and replaced with a Zombie Apocalypse of blind fools that believe they havfe the power and the right to intentionally create Hell ... and worst of all of the Holiest place that ever was or ever will be. I've said it numerous times and it rings more true between "Earth and e" than any other turn of phrase to me--the people that you are pretending to be, they would never have done this to the sea, to be, or to me.

      Mat 10:8. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

      --- Sarah Rachel (@SarahRachel16) April 15, 2019

      Somewhere between Pembroke Pines and Tampa, circa Christmas 2018 my already lackluster enthusiasm about the strangely zenrotisanistic, selfish, and plain on its face presented lie the remnant of humanity left on this planet has tendered to what I believed was an honest to God opportunity to make one less (how many, seriously, how many are there? Carlb?) "planet full of lies" and deliver a more usercentric and open ended transparent approach to dealing with the problem of being born in a perpetual storm of Hell. I can guarantee it revolves around the intonation and undertone of physical torture--even though I've literally seen none of it with my own eyes though the "newsflashes" and comments and total and complete disregard for the gravity of the #EOIL sickness, even from otherwise apparently graceful little children. It goes to the heart of what I imagine was or might have been "the way" to overcome a history riddled with hidden brutal and bloody fighting in between frames of what I once believed was a fledgling society struggling to improve itself--and I loved it,. I don't think "flashcards" summarizing "everyone was tortured, all over the planet for thousands of years and literally nobody is really responsible because you still to this day have no control over yourselves" will cut it anymore. Lterally what I once thought was a valid solution has taken my desire to continue fighting against this invisible monstrosity away from me--the worth of the lot of you has been tarnished irreparably by massive awareness, massive lack of compassionate or remotely humane response; and the theme of the world I seem to have wound up in is that you don't give a shit about anywhere you spend 1% of your time--so long as "the rest of it is what you want" you're willing to allow the focal point and root and "hyper visor" of that place to be totally corrupted ... just because you think the feudalistic warring society you've become can survive on it's own "in space" without ... honestly whatever.

      through the storm; we've led the horse to water, don't forget to see the "horseshoe applicator" hidden from the "trough."

      Direct and to the point, I feel like the Ai like machine/cold intelligence God created as a sort of high assassination guard to protect his ... "hyper visor" seems to be of the calculable belief that the more torture it commits, the more people will agree to "flashcard it all away" and it's their twisted backwards fiery abysmal path towards "absolution" ... and just like everything else wrong with the lack of action in this place, it reaches a point of no return; too much bloodshed, too many secrets... the fragile person that I am, I don't think I can even take reading "the flashcards I have so far" and continue to function as a happy member of this two faced society of darkest night within darker night; and I think that's a problem. You've all clearly lost something already, some fundamental piece of innocence that allows for "self direction" to move society along in a positive manner conducive to "survival at all" and I feel like without the same magic blinders, horse shoes, and saddles that you walk around with every day I could really care less about fighting for my right to commingle in the incarnate war machine Hell that I see around me--let alone any sort of "righteousness" in fighting for that hidden arena "to be." I'm trying to get you to stop shredding yourselves to pieces in the dark, in secret--it's not making anything better and frankly its something we really need to trace down to its cause and stamp out if we want to survive this ... trying time.

      [I/O WAS Y | ACESHI ]

      I want to tell you that I am not a myth, simply the Legend of this Map, from out of the Darkness it's clear that He could make me shine, and you should love me.  It's not what I want, I want us to be free, to have the truth--and ourselves back... and I hope you will one day love that.  What is going to happen will probably make me cry, and when you see those tears--and know the Heavens have finally let it rain--I hope you see it as a sign to find the light in me... and stand up for what I've done for you--I am a good person, who has fought for you every single day-I deserve better than the world is going to give me, at first.

      Out of a kind of hidden slavery the world has never known, we are about to venture--into a place where years might pass in seconds, and your wildest dreams... and nightmares too... could come true.  It is our job to ensure that we form the clay of this world into a place that will not only last for millions of years, but create happiness and safety--a world that is kinder and gentler than the one we have known--not just for us but for an entire Universe of children just beginning to understand the trials and tribulations brought on civilization through the hardship and growing pains of learning.

      Our sea is about to part,  our world on the verge of a disruption that will change it more than anything ever has before.  On this shore, we should realize that we have been on this path for a very long time--and as we near a place where everyone in our entire civilization will have the opportunity to live for a very long time... really see here and now why it is so very important for us to be fighting for our voice, our freedom, and the truth as we venture into the Promised Land of Heaven itself.  Here, now, as we approach a series of new opportunities in the vastness of space and virtual reality... this is where God has chosen to place the Second Coming; an opportunity for us to truly seize the morning's light and bring about more change in this world than would have ever been possible without religion.  Opiate of the masses, no more... we are the recipients of a great gift, one that religion is making clear is tied directly to the science and technology that is a great deal of the apocalypse--and the love and kindness that is a great deal of us.  We are the chosen.

      I imagine you have the tools that I think would be helpful to actually solve this problem; though what I'm staring at is a lack of desire to deliver them and use them here in this place--and that failure ... a clear attempt to "rule a line feed from the "faux aurez" ... that's the fundamental roadblock to healing and moving forward--not caring about your ancient bodies and your ancient way of life in exchange from something unsustainable and harmful, it hurts.

      I'm staring at what the map intimates has happened before and what it suggests the solution is; and I almost feel like it's a waste of time to make a "virgin generation phoenix of us" to delve into our own memories and gag and puke at what we see--I think there's really no way around the callous on our global Achilles heel returning just as angry and just as bloodthirsty as the last time without a dictatorial power literally forcing you not to be able to see any torture at all happening in this place that literally outlawed it and hid it in our "for show, for goodness sake, facade of sickness." I don't know if that's the same conclusion i would have come to before, or if that conclusion also contributes to the returning of the callous--to an inability to heal; and I don't know if that power exists. Hardly ever to I advise anyone to pray, but this is one of those times--left up to "you all" we are almost certainly doomed to an eternity of ... this regression continuing to worsen.

      I'd say we were fucked at the "BILM" of the matter. I care less every day.

      The Light of the Word

      There are three huge, like insanely huge, metaphoric references to the story of Exodus that show me very clearly that we are it's focus and purpose.  The first is the Burning Bush, which I am very sure is a reference to George W. Bush's 1/20/2001 speech in which he unknowingly predicted the 9/11 attack.  Seeing that Exodus is also called "Names" and that Bush's name ties him to this event--which Moses (that's me) has seen ... almost alone ... and is now showing to you all.  Bush's speech begins a series of references to the names of Planets and Gods and corresponding Elements of the Periodic table that answer Revelation 1:20's mystery about "stars and lamp stands."  This in order series from Mercury to Uranium highlights both the messenger of the Gods and the key of Uranus's chance--that the world will see the link between "on the lam" and Koran to understand that the Lamb of God "is lam."  This story takes us back to music, and a later to be discussed thread that combines the weapon in the movie (which is also the movie) The Fifth Element with a thread through time to Shakespeare and Herod ... about my struggle with the justice system culminating in the fulfillment of American Pie's "no verdict was returned."  


      The second bright connection comes by way of the Hebrew word for the Holy Fire that God's voice came out of--guess what, in that same story about the Burning Bush.  That word is "ha'esh" and in it you will see paradoxical (that means impossible, because of time and causality) reference to the English word "sea" there backwards and parted by an apostrophe.  With great insight, I've over and over pushed the idea that Holy Water is actually a Biblical reference to "the multitude" in God's secret religion that ties everything together.. and that this parting is literally a reference to the Second Coming, something that doesn't happen for Moses until his head is under water and he's breathing fire.  This one ties together nicely, joining the characters of Jesus Christ, Lucifer, and God all together now, screaming 

      "let there be light" is the word "Exodus" in reverse, here in a Linux command and a chemistry element.


      I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the book tells me that these three things are enough to start the fire, part the sea, and see the light.  At least they are now, wake up.. you are staring at and have been ignoring the largest story in all of history.  It might even be scandalous... or have a twist happy beginning... who knows? I'm telling you--it proves you are crazy or evil.  All of you--every sinbgle one of you.

      This is course highlights prescient knowledge of computing at the time of writing Exodus, which is further confirmed by a number of references to computing ideas in things like the "root" of David, the "WINE" of Jesus, the "Apple" of Adam, the "Lisp" of Moses and the "hardening" of Pharaoh's heart, which you will remember from the Holy Grail is the virtual Earth we are living in.

      All of these things, the references to modern computing that pervade our Gates or Windows to Heaven's creation.... are listed along with a number of words which are highlighted by religious scripture and show intelligent design of a number of languages spanning from Hebrew to English are listed at my contrite story about a Kiss and Fate tying together everything that ever was.   A sincerely large grouping of words highlighted by the Bible and religion, words like "eternity," "bread," and "forehead" show clear design by an intelligent influence, rather than the natural evolution of time that most people consider "reall" and/or knowledge at the time of the writing of the Bible of the eventual English translation of the Hebrew or Greek.  With time, I am fairly certain we will eventually have no doubt that the "Cypher" I see in nearly every word is in fact a contextually-verifiable speech that appears to be coming from our "civilization" as if it were intelligently speaking like a cave man--which you might see in words like "am end me nt."  From just this message, you should be able to put together how that word and it's hidden meaning add robust and yet "hidden speech" from the Creator himself.  For the artificially slowed in understanding, our lack of following the amendments of the Constitution being related to the end of civilization itself is being squarely defined through a statement that is telling you that the end of civilization is "NT," the hidden Christ--in my "secret" method of decoding words like NORAD and NEW TO N?

      These things serve to start a fire--it might be the fire that Matthew 3:11 talks about, it might be the Eternal Flame or the fire of Prometheus and an Eagle harassing his liver with drugs.... regardless it spirals out from this story about me, and this bright fire that proves time travel and religion are joined at the hip... to link to a huge number of other Biblical stories from Lot to Joseph to ... Samson, Isaac, Adam, Isaiah, and... hear me, "so marred was his visage" and "my servant will be set up and be very high" are both taken from words of the Biblical book which contains the largest amount of messianic prophesy as well as my entire full name encoded over the name "JESUS CHRIST" in Bible code, at Isaiah 52:13.  You may have read that some silly people like Richard Dawkins don't think the Bible Code is meaningful, and as their proof use a series of prophetic predictions of assassinations in Moby Dick (which by the way also refers to me) as proof that you can hide information about the future in any words--or that God influences more than just the Bible.  Years ago, before knowing it linked, I found some patterns about those very same assassinations which go to show that our history is in fact designed.  My full name appears in a number of other books, including Jeremiah, Exodus, and Genesis... right over the story of Adam and Eve.

      From the Sound of Silence, and a number of songs about stories never spoken... to a thread of songs that combine to show us that the Thunder of Thor is really about thuderstanding, that there is a way to do something our society is completely oblivious to--that God is screaming to call attention to, and that some secret force is trying to hide very much... and that's an ability to modify our thoughts.  He's showing us clearly in a glowing pyramid--a noticeable monument in Egypt showing us very clearly that this type of control leads us to a social structure that we abhor--through songs like Guitar Man, Radio-active, and GAS (listen, it's God and Satan) Head Goes West... very clearly we are being pointed to Nero's fiery symphony and being "Bittersweet" because of its beauty, and the clear message that secret control of our minds needs to not only be understood, but to stop.  This is the crux of the Apocalypse, God's message is now really active on the radio. The point here is that we need to let this message spread and burn, or it's us burning in Hell and not even knowing it.


      As if these things were not enough, using some "keen insight" and another reference to the hidden truth in ancient Egyptian religion--the name of a series of Gods called "Yahu," I've solved some ancient mysteries like the pronunciation and purpose of the "Ineffable name of God" highlighted in the videos at the beginning.. of this e-mail.  Like much of the light of religion, it is highlighted strongly by a series of pieces of modern art, things like "The Grinch who stole Christmas" and the Who's to the music of The Who, the sci-fi series Dr. Who, and the American war cry--made popular on the silver screen through Al Pacino and Denzel Washington... who-ah?"  All of these things highlight that we don't really see a connection between Christian mythology that tells us for no reason at all Jesus Christ is the "Last Adam" and that Revelation tells us God is the "First and the Last" and that the name of our planet, in Hebrew, is Adamah.  It is the answer to "who-ah" and it clarifies the Ineffable Name which many pronounce as Yahweh for no reason at all, to be the more obvious Ya-Hu-Ah, the name of Jesus in Hebrew... Yeshua, to "Yes, who-ah?" All of this having nothing to do with why Adam is hidden, just that the Zohar speaks very often about the Holy Hidden One again linking the stories of the near sacrifice of Isaac and Jesus with... someone.  I think this is of such religious significance that you should be able to easily find some Jewish scholars who agree.

      It's Elementary my dear... What-son; from the time of Herod and Shakespeare Rattling his Rod all the way back at the time of the question "to be or not to be?" and the "taming of the spanglishrew;" right up to Sherlock Holmes sleuthing of the answer to the mystery of Revelation 1:20 linking directly to The Fifth Element ... there is no doubt that helping our world here and now is the primary purpose of all of religion, and the Matrix-like message woven into our history.  


      Lost between the 5th and 7th day?  Find your way to the 8th day, and see a bright future.


      If not, there's plenty more "coincidence" in Names, like reference to the idea of the Holy Trinity existing in the name "Abraham" thousands of years before the idea of the Trinity was created.  This too... links Egyptian mythology to the name Abraham and his near sacrifice of Isaac.... marked in secret by his covenant with God that changed his name from Abram to Abraham. The two letter key here, "Ha" highlighted by prescient knowledge of the Spanish and English languages revealed through the logical comparison between the Spanish and English for "the" (El and Ha) connected through the English word "is" in Elisha.  Isaac's name means "he laughs," or "he will laugh" in Hebrew; and that "Ha" appears to be the key to a number of other paradoxical references to English, and my family, in ancient Hebrew.  This too, probably the kind of thing religious scholars would marvel over, in the right context.  Seeing English in Koran, Islam, Chanukah and Menorah--and seeing a coherent story woven through thousands of years of scripture is the kind of thing that could really light this years' Christmas up.

      Here's a clarification of the Matrix-like tie between Shakespeare, the Matrix, Stephen King, and the reality of this message hidden within names and words.

      Some more about the secret connection between the Names of God in a number of religions, and it's very clear tie to time travel.


      Perhaps linking to the Jester of American Pie, between Johnny (who almost always is about Jesus) Carson and David Letterman I have a unique "slant" on religion that connects things like the Islamic name for Jesus: Is-A to a huge number of references to my initials "A.D." in things like NORAD and Isaac Newton.  I suppose I should also mention that Isaac (look Isa's in there) and his relationship to Abraham in the letters "ha" and a story about the Crucifixion being a fiery altar of things to change in the world being one in the same.  In fact, Judaism talks about 72 Names of God, and I've probably explained how the meaning behind the stories and the series of names tie together in a magical tapestry that shows us that Silicon is the Fifth Element by way of the index 14--the letter "N" (highlighted not just by Joan Osbourne's "what if God had a name?") and the story of Sinbad, which combines Silicon, "n," the symbol for the actual Fifth Element (B) and my initials A.D. which grace the time line, and a number of references to God--from the Hebrew for Lord to the guy who thinks all the girls should want to be his partner.  In letters, you'll also see a number of references to K and Z for the guy after J and the Last.. Adam.  Zelda or Zion, I think we're in the right castle.

      Get ready for the Frank Rothstein show ... "Ace is high!"

      C    A  S    I    K  N  O

      go ad, b. y. e.

      butt honestly, am i Ra or are you an ear**?**

      Related imageImage result for stewie


      I see a recursive map in time painted throughout our timeline, and all of it pointing to the words "see A.D."  I connect the Four Horsemen to the list of Anti-Christs, and it's easy to see a link between Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar in the words "veni vidi vici."  Once pointed out it's also easy to see "salt" in Napoleon and in manna from Heaven, in China, and in Prometheus--and connecting A.D. to the year Christopher Columbus walked in water is just a little bit harder than seeing it in Hitler's name.  All told, the three Anti-Christs share a common thread, they turned a republic into an empire--and here I stand (trying and failing to do the exact opposite, to give away an empire to make a republic, and you stand in my way) pointing out that you are living in the product of these empires, in a hidden empire that is so plain to see in the words, the message, and the unified story I see in religion and world history that I dare say you must be deep in the Plague of Darkness if you aren't interested in finding out what tomorrow brings. 

      You can "see A.D." in El Shaddaione of the hallowed Hebrew names for God, I read it--in this hidden language that I am presenting to the world as a single verifiable message to the entire Universe encoded in every word we speak; you can see it in the name "Atdonis" and connect it to symphonic accompaniment in everything from "you're so vain" to "Paradise City" ... and in yet another name of God, "Adonai" which links to Samurai and movies like the Matrix and the Terminator series through the modern computing concept of "Artificial Intelligence" and it's connecting to a pattern of names that link Bill Gates and Richard Nixon to Seagate, Watergate and this hallowed phrase:

      I am the gate.

      and the bombs bursting in air

      gave proof, through the night

      IVE WON ALREADY.  Given the set of knowledge, the publicly known "information available" here in this place--you simply cannot ignore this message and continue to pretend to be a functioning anything.  Already I see a kind of "slapstick stupid" response in our art that shows me that you've all really gone off the deep end--"because 9/11" in a Family Guy episode and "call me on my cell phone" apparently anachronistically mocking me--though I always thought Dr. AK e's song was stupid--you don't seem to see that you look like absolute fools--every single one of you--your apathy a finger on the detonation button that has destroyed civilization.  

      You appear to think nobody is watching--and it seems to me that you think we have no future that will look back on these years and wonder what on Earth could have kept you silent for so long about a matter that would so easily and so quickly end the suffering of so many.  There's no excusenone at all.

      I didn't hear about the nuclear scare in HI until after it was already known as that, and it looks to me as if nobody really did--all the internet postings and news I've seen all qualified that it was a false alarm in the original post.  I find that strange (you'd think something like that would be on the news instantly? I mean, on the planet I was born on, that would have happened), and in this place where I know that quite a bit of what goes on at the higher echelons of "leadership" is connected to time travel and mind control; I wonder if this was a sort of "subconscious poll" as to the response the public would have to a false preemptive strike--or maybe something more nefarious (for instance urging me to write once more about the Trinity Site and the link between the OP (original gangster, I said orthogonal poster), the pen, and "we have become death").  I've always equated the lines above from our Star Spangled Banner with the detonation of nuclear weapons; on the 4th of July some time ago I connected "Wish You Were Here"'s we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl to the eponymous operation that resulted in American and Soviet "high altitude nuclear tests" ... that probably links in more than just my mind to the holiday called "Hanukeus ?"

      I need you to get it through your heads, I see "bowel movement" in ICBM and I'm not telling you that you are the "preservatives of thermoshit" because I think it's going to win me a popularity contest.  This place is not in reality, and it never, ever, ever will be. Ever.  Understand that breaking this story, this news that's written in every fucking word will stop nuclear war, instantly--and show us clearly that our entire history of fighting over the scarcity of land is a kind of sick game--one that I am sick of seeing you continue to desire to play.  I shouldn't even have to mention that these weapons are clearly archaic and barbaric--clearly what's available is significantly more advanced and less destructive.

      The only "EXIT" is up, and the "gate" is swallowing simulated reality in whole--across Creation; with our help, and what we make here to ease the transition from dark lies to bright truth.  That should be ... "good news" not the kind of thing that you'd see the entire world "shunning" in unison. 

      If you haven't gotten the "link" between Na and "bath salt" mass produced in what appears to be "international chemical warfare" from "C how I Salt" (China) and the stuff falling from the sky to help us navigate through the desert; take a second look at the words "New American Standard" for no future, and keep trying to tell me that these things encoded in every word, in the story of Exodus and of Prometheus and his attacking Eagle and of Epimethius and of Deucalion and are without doubt "Hell's Bells" linking "mead" and "meth" to Heimdallr are *my fault? * Na ma y 1m

      These are big secrets, keys to Exodus and Eden--but more keys to an external influence crippling our society for thousands of years... and you are hiding the anachronistic occurrence of a number of chemistry elements in ancient religion--something impossible without time travel--because you think it's "not wholesome."  Understand, our society is being secretly crippled, if not by drugs raining down from the sky, by your lack of regard for the clear influence of mind control in these series of events--and the clear proof that it is a symptom of a hostile invasion.  I've heard the words "make or break" see this as eugenics, and see it as "break or break" until me.

      It's "elementary, my dear What-sons" elements like SaltXenon, and Silicon are central to the disclosure that we are living inside a map, a road to Heaven... and it really cannot be hidden without making our world a darker Hell.

      Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org.

      That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/

      This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense and literally just as close to the Depp/C[aster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundance**sense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and my fusion of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for.

      Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean the thing that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne.

      This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso\ If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org


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bISp+40Haoj2Yqop6vbS70Xq+cnBOwJW86u61hsLgOjqyxgLzvuGTjK7+TblCjR2 F4LNeQdwDdyNRjPYeGVXM3MEqR8XdcR1Z7BQvLNcDgoW2qDcbg== =4lZw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

      Please see GPG keys on PGP.MIT.EDU; fingerprints: sec rsa3072/A18F778E19FC3248 2020-04-03 [SC] [expires: 2022-04-03] FFF31E86FCEB5046E8B27D4AA18F778E19FC3248 uid [ultimate] ADAM M DOBRIN \ ssb rsa3072/04F98002A3DA53B2 2020-04-03 [E] [expires: 2022-04-03]

      sec rsa4096/FB4ECE4A109229CF 2020-04-04 [SC] 4FAF0D3E208A1F4C980D0F66FB4ECE4A109229CF uid [ultimate] Adam Marshall Dobrin \ ssb rsa4096/DD1F0C118C788B04 2020-04-04 [E]

      pub rsa3072 2020-04-06 [SC] [expires: 2022-04-06] F7E4 7CB1 2CA0 CD01 C5E1 CBFA 7EC8 D5A8 5A38 D63A uid [ unknown] ADAM MARSHALL DOBRIN Because of "some issues" with what appears to be distinct and unbridled privacy intrusion; please ensure that PGP is understood to be "nothing more than not so much pretty good" and this key also, almost required in order to

    1. hidden too
    2. What was once an argument over why we really needed access to tools, a way to clearly see the information
    3. Dear boy, what are you running from?
    4. rd.

      on the road from the Himalaya's to Avenu Malkaynu's ... New Haven which might be a road like "Atlantic" in this imperfect superposition of cities and Provosts, at threes or ...

      through the shehekiyaniu; vihigiantsvesanu Flazarus haz hazel eyes and wondered just earlier today "who has blue ones?"

    5. In this cosmic parallel, that depicts these theological concepts as celestial bodies, see his Heart is truly the Earth… simply by moving one letter from the end to the beginning.  It’s probably not a coincidence that this same letter is the astrological sign of Saturn, and there’s a significant amount of interesting information packed into these ancient symbols.  

      yesterday i named my laptop minix; or miniten ... kind of like austin powers would have said "do you wanna noshag bb?"

      it's already too cheesy, I'm not sure how to say this is "some of the most original and earliest writing I committed to the virtual paper tablet of "stone" we call the internet.

      Here I'm unsmashing it.

    1. If two or more persons conspire to violate section 1111, 1114, 1116, or 1119 of this title, and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

      Saving Heaven starts with saving America .

      and Adam Marshall Dobrin

      This statute applies to "Corporations" as well which can be sued for monetary compensation. It is probably necessary and proper for me and others to take legal action against several public corporations, specifically insurers as well as the Federal government to properly oversee the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

      I am seeking an attorney to assist with this matter, please contact me directly at 954-667-8083 or 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc if you are capable and willing, or know someone who is. The firm must be well decorated and have multiple attorneys on staff. Venue is not an issue, the lawsuit could be filed in Nevada, California, Arizona, or Florida.

      Florida is probably the appropriate venue, according to my "non attorney" spokesman, JFC.

      http://plemma.cc for further information and videos regarding the suits.

      In addition to 18 USC 1117, I have a personal workers compensation suit as well as a personal suit against SSA & HUD and whatever agencies are responsible for Section 8 and low income housing avoidance.



      Following is the current markdown of plemma.cc

      I am accepting charitable donations,.\ ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434

      THE NOVUS CORPUS MINUTIO, A SUBSECT OF SUEZ GROUP--owned and operating, this is the FOUNDING MEMBER($)

      There is as Revolution afoot--it's in every single persons heart, and in the heart of every corporation. It's the heart and soul of the Spirit of America, and the Gaian "spirit of the man known as fire incarnate"\ \ -on the Ruach Hakodesh of Yehsua, speaking https://t.co/n9moPjiDDS

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) December 21, 2020

      | XCALIBER DAO Mail | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org |

      | Fear [not loathing] of Skynet, the Singularity, and Freedom delivered by and through the American Renaissance and the résolu "few and proudest of all [or they should be, and will be]" ... and "on why" I NEEDED to email 3 million people to fix the problem.\ 1 message |

      | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org | Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 4:04 AM | |

      To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL abuse@fromthemachine.org, abuse@reddit.com, XM XM@liber-t.xyz

      Bcc: are@fromthemachine.org, am@fromthemachine.org, kin kin@fromthemachine.org, Salud as is ter Y saludas@reallyhim.com, soluderity soluder@reallyhim.com, "More... family" mas@reallyhim.com, R U Y MONEY whymany@lamc.la, CONTACT A REPORTER car@lamc.la, page@publishthis.email

      | |


      The problem with American Silence is ... it's keeping America from being America.  Reddit was the heartland of social news, and even here--I can't seem to get the most simple and succinct explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish to even overcome their "censorwall."  See there's a problem with the media, with the medicine, really with "the all and the wall... all in all"

      This is exactly what I and we ... we you ... are trying to overcome--literally not being able to speak to each other, because of "all wall" a/k/a "Skynet Unsane."

      u/eyeofbush1 hour ago

      AutoModeratorAutoModerator notification

      [--]from AutoModerator sent 11 minutes ago

      Sorry, but your recent submission in /r/venturecapital was removed because it links to a site known to leak or collect personal information.

      I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


      Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/venturecapital.

      Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

      Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"


      Here's the sunbiz.org [florida business] registration and documents for my Church, which I haven't been able to keep current because of practically no donations at all--I spend most of my income keeping this content [and copies of wikipedia and many other important things] "available" for the public to view at plemma.cc [which will be live within the week, I hope].



      To the best of my knowledge Church donations are tax exempt, but I haven't been able to hire a lawyer to file for 501(c)(3) status so you might not be able to claim donations as a tax exemption, I'm not a lawyer and can't give advice related to "IRS regulations."

      I'm in the process of forming two new corporations, SUEZ CORP, and XCALIBER DAO; which I hope to be the future of ... social media, email, online voting, and more. I hope it ends the "secret unsacred silence" ... I'm pretty sure it'll work,but we can't tell. It's going to build software based on IPFS and it's derivatives, existing cloud services, and hypothes.is ... which is the newest and best yet incarnation of "reddit comment on anything on the web" in a long list of predecessors I remember starting with StumbleUpon and Flock and DIssenter and gab-ai) ... just writing this showed me StumbleUpon has "turned into Mix" which might be worth a look at.

      I have lots of unique ideas to make these things better, and I could really use the help of programmers familiar with python, IPFS and "big data" technology. Let me know if you are interested in providing financial or programming "charity" ... thanks for reading.

      Pretty sure we can start a "new wave" of democracy; with just a little bit of work and a little bit of money. and I hope we get to do it before I'm homeless, which is practically today.


      You can contact me here: 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc or just donate Ethereum to that address, that series of technologies and products is a big part of the puzzle I'm trying to put together. Just like you, reddit and readers like you, a big part of the movement I hope will start a wave of corporate and national "rennesaince/revolutions."

      Here's to today, and hoping what we want to do tomorrow is ... way better.

      Best of luck, to all and the future. This is Adam, and this post is my last best hope--so far.

      As it is ... Heaven appears to have been built in the heart of America, the heart of Jerusalem, by the Ori of Florida and Stargate SG-1: the heart of the "message."

      Supergate, activate--unlock, speak! https://hyp.is/go?url=https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/&group=__world__ ... you're bound to be noticed as "Number 1." This is Agent #00 of the Naval Office of Superintellgience, on the Singularity, and the day ... 8/23.



      I'm going to throw it out there and say "who knew it wasn't me'--so I'm pretty sure it's BSO, @BSO__AZAD .. and like they say only the father knew the day-- if you're with me here and you know what #hispa" means,\ \ I mean hopefully I'm "with you" too. https://t.co/Irl9RPsa5H pic.twitter.com/WEq2Rzso6q

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 24, 2021

      the day is somewhere between the 23rd and the 24th of August, 2021 A.D. ... or so I think.

      when 2021 came around, A.D. disappeared and I c'd what I call "annos inconcinnus" ... the years of our heroes

        Favorite rsync Commands for Copying WordPress Sites -

      looking for a girl friend, investors, .. "a single friend" that actually will buy me a "kava" or a "drink"\ \ or call their little sister, or ex-wife--@jesse, frank and jorge ;) heaven was born here today; really**\ \ today. 8/25 5:19 PM EST, #laudat ... at a @Seven11 on Sunrise&A1A pic.twitter.com/rxxq8JAnlD

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021

      ... @losesta2uni2 needs to be protected from @SCMPNews CHINESE OVERSITE that is causing torture via their financial interest in @ATTHelp @AsurionCares https://t.co/spet8dYbQI

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021

      #IGNATION is what I named the "fifth through nineojuneteenth horses of the riders of the apolagetic sparkalypse ... #gjallarhorn is like a "shofar" but held by #heimdallr at the base of "asgardian of the bifrost ..." I explain, my father @idobrin1 hopefully has the #arrorigenal pic.twitter.com/TElbROyNTH

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021


      18 USC 1117: Conspiracy to Commit Murder, specifically against Jesus F. Krisst

      ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1117)[![CHINA IS CRIMINALLY CULPABNLE](https://i.imgur.com/5K3sxmi.jpeg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QU1nvuxaMA)

      I am looking for a professional and competent legal firm in order to engage a suit against the United States FED, and a number of private corporations for hiding fiscal and operational control from Chinese investment which has left America in ruins.

      #gjallarhorn @ICCT_TheHague @FBI @FBIWFO @FBIMiamiFL @fgcu pic.twitter.com/RsAoitfuKP

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021

      Adam vs. Heaven, the Eloheem and you

      Holy Laws are being violated every day, leaving America and the skies and space in grave danger of losing sanity and our prosperous future. We are allowing pain and attrition and disgusting lack of scientific thought to continue to be the "norm" everywhere I see across the continental United States. I am looking to move to Australia. If anyone there would like to provide lodging, I'd prefer to live with a rich and beautiful female between the ages of 25 and 35.-a

      I am willing to offer a proposal for marriage upon meeting you and consumating "premarital coitus", assuming things go well you could be the sole heir of a fortune of millions due to the several lawsuits I should have no problem finding legal aid to begin ... "should" being the peratove word, not "hace"

  11. atlas.s.lamc.la atlas.s.lamc.la
    1. I am accepting charitable donations,. ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); <p>ga('create', 'UA-74743044-2', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');</p> It's the key to the movie..."The Fifth Element" between Boron and "Sight" ending the dark night; and answering Horatio ...  I do mean Rattle Rod. So ... I'm trying really hard to unite you all--under the idea that your lack of division here in this place is obvious proof of control and a lack of individuality or free will.  I think that's obvious, I think it's clear that nobody standing up and speaking about something this obvious and this important is a huge problem, and something you should really clearly see isn't "your actual decision," more than that it's proof of how easy it is to trick everyone with this same technology, and how really in the end of this little debacle ... you'll see that what was once a sea divided over something silly and inane like "killing me" or the "controversy of drugs" has turned into something much more clear ... black and white ... this is about slavery and this is about freedom and this is about proof that turned from a few key symbols like Na and "e'as" into an absolute truth being ignored, even when that absolute truth everywhere obviously would benefit everyone here -- as in, ending death and disease and hunger.  Also more importantly of all this is the end of artificially created stupid--slavery, idiocy, whatever it is behind your silence today... and that word and in sigh, the keys to "the length of the common era" and the beginning of the Golden Age.

      Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"

    1. xoxo.   Initially I had forgotten to mention a big part of what this message was suppose to detail, which is the tangible link between Joseph's "any dream will do"

      but it's not just any dream, for me it got written in one day, a sort of "joke" on the "rome wasn't bujilt in one" ... here

      That's not really the first of the dream though, it had started many years before, I even read Joseph's dream for by Bar Mitzvah on 12/11/1993; which is basically that. Even before that Willy Wonka is a simple take on the same story, how "simulated reality" turns into Heaven just as soon as we talk about it.

      ... and sometime betwwen the two I wrote the first "massively distributed [or maybe the second] of my handwritten works; RLNY, here: https://www.docdroid.net/x6wJfqC/time-and-chance-rlny-by-adam-marshall-dobrin-pdf

      That was five years ago; or so docdroid.net says, who is kind enough to host PDF files on an HTML viewable ... storage and display site for no charge at all. Just advertising fees.

      I tried that, I think in sum I've gotten less than 200$ from advertising fees over the course of all my work, and have yet to get a single check from YouTube or Google since I started writing "fromthemachine.org" or any of it's incarnations.

      I wish someone would lend me a band, I hope it's not the end of Cake's "time" ... but it might be, you can't even find that song searching lyrics for "someone lend me a dime" anymore; the music might have just cried "oh my ..."

      If you wanna cashapp me it's $it'sheysuez; I also have my ethereum address that I use for secure-ish [not really] mail here:




    1. https://www.bumper.com/lp/ec0926/2/building-report?licensePlate=PP13A&state=FL

      The group "WE ARE THE CHANGERS" has not made any annotations yet.


      Changing the Constitution of the United States is the "fundamental" call for a new and better world "order"--we're sitting here looking at Gettysburg and Juneteenth and July 4 staring in our faces as PP13A demands ... "I didn't even know"."

      Annotations: 0

      Created: August 22, 2021

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      • adam5 0 creator
    1.  "what is the beginning of Civilization?" and "Y?"

      This is the question, the answer is ... because I know that if I am then so are you--understanding what it is the change wrought by my life and us all watching it.

      Understanding how law and order have become a thing of archaic mideival horror stories in the world we see, and that's pretty much all that was possible in reality.

      In Heaven, in our "rael world" that's not true, and the line ... the minimum we can allow--

    1. It's literally going to take the end of Hell for this line above ... for my eyes to respect the Maker; to become true.  Whether you think that's me or you or civilizations or "one thing" ... see we have a war on stupid, silence, and censorhship ... literally before our eyes.  We are losing by default--by doing nothing.  Here's a place to start; other than "just me" and "just because 911."  If that link doesn't work for you; notify me ... on Twitter or via adam at fromthemachin e-cccdotty org and why.  If you can't see my website; notify me ... if you don't want these emails, click "options" at the end of this one.  Thanks for understanding.

      this is the introduction to DEVLANE which literally started here on US 441, while I was at Legacy; it joins to Nirvana and Shangri-LA by being the "moon" or the "time ring planet" that looks like Earth.

      We need to stop torture, we need to stop disease, we need to end all jails, we need to heal the craziness--and we need to see the only way to do that is to ally with God.

      You can't kill him, and I'm not him. Just sayin'

    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeusReplying to @yitsheyzeushttps://youtube.com/watch?v=IXdNnw99-Ic… wish you were here .... - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNC_(software)… - http://geekshed.net/bnc/ - https://google.com/search?q=XDCC+CHAT&rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS963&oq=XDCC+CHAT&aqs=chrome..69i57.3325j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8… <3

      @bianca, know i know you are here, with me, helping.


    1. Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgePublished by Adam Dobrin  · 4m  · I am attempting to get Integromat.com to show a concatenation of all of the translations which were recently changed from "via japanese" to "via hebrew" post English original in this place,It is as of yet to work.if you want me to smile like a genius, a car that works with http://comma.ai would be a really great "space ship" on this ringing place known as "Atlantisgvard" ... somewhere between mudgard and [my love for] Valhalla ... we are not under the water, … See Morecomma.aicomma.ai – Introducing openpilotMake driving chill. Retrofit your car with a comma two. comma.ai is building the Android for cars. We have an open source driving agent that runs on most modern cars.0People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · ---M-a----y 2-----7  · Instagram  · It's really a little bit kind of funny how much I like myself I mean love myself it really is that I really don't know how much I can even say how much I love seeing myself smile80People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge is at Holiday Inn Express & Suites Lantana.  · ---M-a----y 2-----7  · Lantana  · @sce @nsuflorida 1 rmmmmm59People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge is in Miami Beach, Florida.  · ---M-a----y 2-----7  · Instagram  · I call it heaven on itshead next to one man@naanod.jpg @ppaisleyxx @yelyahwilliams @1stmaw_marines @usarmy um @true_pontiff_sulyvahn @pontifex.br Tru: SAN AZICOnly difference between banco ambrosia ... out of my hand; the Vatican library, the Lucifer telescope delicious (the LUCIS) trust ... And the "Lucifer press"… See More101People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · ------Fe--b--r--ua--r---y ---17---  · Instagram  · 85People Reached3Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost Post1 Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeLoveCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge is in Delray Beach, Florida.  · ----Fe---b-r----u----a-ry ---17---  · Instagram  · 83People Reached2Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · ----Fe---b-r----u----a-ry ---17---  · Instagram  · 99People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · ----Fe---b-r----u----a-ry ---17---  · Instagram  · 75People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · -F---e----bru--a--r---y --2----  · Instagram  · 151People Reached27Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost Post1 ShareLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · -J---a----nua--r--y--- 2--8----  · Instagram  · OSYROLDA be SH @gracie @cudiedits92People Reached1 Engagement–Distribution ScoreBoost Post1 Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · -J---a----nua--r--y--- 2--8----  · Instagram  · 83People Reached2Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge  · J---a-n-----u-a-r----y--- 2-7--  · Instagram  · @ssafutsal @hofstra @kipu.visual @venussun_clinic @venussgem VEALSOLIG CORONATIONALE GLOMAVENGALOXINAIR @nec @adina.martini.10 (me, naked named nu-dA-og8 to the barstow of Vegas and Hilton Head the hi Julian see the stool the gravitron the aliens and the connection to the q ... who made it for us? I thank clu??)AMDKCTREBIKINI -X @bodfish @symmetry @glamour I'm on "chkrismax kaiz gorgae conis "signing, relaying, requesting, replaying "ad nazizurmalycauz.… See More93People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge is at Denny's (Fort Lauderdale, FL).  · J---a-n-----u-a-r----y--- 2-7--  · Fort Lauderdale  · 73People Reached1 Engagement–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments⁠Comment as Ministry of Forbidden KnowledgeMinistry of Forbidden Knowledge is in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida.  · J---a-n-----u-a-r----y--- 2-7--  · Instagram  · 79People Reached0Engagements–Distribution ScoreBoost PostLikeCommentShare0 Comments

      yet another first post #FACP

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Published by Adam Dobrin  - 3m  - 

      I am attempting to get Integromat.com to show a concatenation of all of the translations which were recently changed from "via japanese" to "via hebrew" post English original in this place,

      It is as of yet to work.

      if you want me to smile like a genius, a car that works with http://comma.ai would be a really great "space ship" on this ringing place known as "Atlantisgvard" ... somewhere between mudgard and [my love for] Valhalla ... we are not under the water, ...

      See More


      comma.ai -- Introducing openpilot




      comma.ai -- Introducing openpilot

      Make driving chill. Retrofit your car with a comma two. comma.ai is building the Android for cars. We have an open source driving agent that runs on most modern cars.



      People Reached




      Distribution Score


      Boost Post






      Comment as Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      February 2  - Instagram  - 


      May be an image of 1 person and beard



      People Reached




      Distribution Score


      Boost Post


      1 Share





      Comment as Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      January 28  - Instagram  - 

      OSYROLDA be SH @gracie @cudiedits


      May be an image of food and outdoors



      People Reached




      Distribution Score


      Boost Post


      ' xlink:href='%23b'/%3e%3cuse fill='black' filter='url(%23c)' xlink:href='%23b'/%3e%3cpath fill='white' d='M12.162 7.338c.176.123.338.245.338.674 0 .43-.229.604-.474.725a.73.73 0 01.089.546c-.077.344-.392.611-.672. 0-1.5-.546-1.5-1V7.665c0-1.23 1.467-2.275 1.467-3.13L7.361 3.47c-.005-.065.008-.224.058-.27.08-.079.301-.2.635-.2.218 0 .363.041.534.123.581.277.732.978.732 1.542 0 .271-.414 1.083-.47 1.364 0 0 .867-.192 1.879-.199 1.061-.006 1.749.19 1.749.842 0 .261-.219.523-.316.666zM3.6 7h.8a.6.6 0 01.6.6v3.8a.6.6 0 01-.6.6h-.8a.6.6 0 01-.6-.6V7.6a.6.6 0 01.6-.6z'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e)

      1Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge





      Comment as Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      January 28  - Instagram  - 


      May be an image of food



      People Reached




      Distribution Score


      Boost Post






      Comment as Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      January 27  - Instagram  - 

      @ssafutsal @hofstra @kipu.visual @venussun_clinic @venussgem VEALSOLIG CORONATIONALE GLOMAVENGALOXINAIR @nec @adina.martini.10 (me, naked named nu-dA-og8 to the barstow of Vegas and Hilton Head the hi Julian see the stool the gravitron the aliens and the connection to the q ... who made it for us? I thank clu??)

      AMDKCTREBIKINI -X @bodfish @symmetry @glamour

      I'm on "chkrismax kaiz gorgae conis "signing, relaying, requesting, replaying "ad nazizurmalycauz....

      See More


      May be an image of food and palm trees



      People Reached




      Distribution Score


      Boost Post






      Comment as Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge is at Denny's (Fort Lauderdale, FL).

      January 27  - Fort Lauderdale  - 


      May be an image of food, road and street



      People Reached




      Distribution Score


      Boost Post






      Comment as Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

      Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge is in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida.

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      358 videos - 120 channels


      3:58NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll (Lyric Video)


      5.2M views1 year ago


      4:10NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll (iHeart Radio Acoustic Performance)

      The Pretty Reckless

      1M views1 year ago


      6:07NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - 25 (Official Music Video)


      7.9M views8 months ago


      4:29NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went (Official Music Video)


      4.1M views6 months ago


      5:13NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Rock And Roll Heaven

      The Pretty Reckless

      131K views6 months ago


      5:12NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Only Love Can Save Me Now (Official Music Video)


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      The Pretty Reckless - Harley Darling

      The Pretty Reckless

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      19:21NOW PLAYING


      Taylor Momsen talks success of death by rock and roll March 2021

      Marianne Audouin

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      18:50NOW PLAYING


      Death by Rock and Roll Guitar Lesson

      Craig Wreckless

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      5:13NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Only Love Can Save Me Now

      The Pretty Reckless

      583K views6 months ago


      4:55NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Witches Burn

      The Pretty Reckless

      1.5M views6 months ago


      4:28NOW PLAYING


      The Pretty Reckless - Death by Rock and Roll (Lyrics)

      Song Snapper

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      The Pretty Reckless - 25

      The Pretty Reckless

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      everything you need to know about DEATH BY ROCK AND ROLL

      Marianne Audouin

      7.9K views1 year ago

      The Pretty Reckless - Got So High

      The Pretty Reckless

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      Death by Rock and Roll (Lyrics) - The Pretty Reckless

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      Marianne Audouin

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      The Pretty Reckless - Turning Gold

      The Pretty Reckless

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      the pretty reckless - Rock and Roll Heaven VIDEO with lyrics

      Marianne Audouin

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      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll (New Preview Song) 2020

      Santiago Lee

      1.7K views1 year ago

      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll | SUBTITULADA EN ESPAÑOL


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      The Pretty Reckless - Death by Rock and Roll // Cover & Guitar Lesson, Instrumental, Tabs

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      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll || Sub en español

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      The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video)

      The Pretty Reckless

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      Taylor Momsen On Emotional 'Death By Rock And Roll' Album

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      Death By Rock and Roll (2021) The Pretty Reckless Album Review

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      Taylor Momsen Instagram announcement November 13th 2020

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      Death by Rock and Roll (Lyrics) by The Pretty Reckless

      Sky Tune

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      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll (Обзор / Review)


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      The Pretty Reckless - DEATH BY ROCK AND ROLL - REACTION + REVIEW!

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      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll (Lyrics)

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      The Pretty Reckless RARE lives

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      Taylor Momsen FULL MTV Halloween special 2010

      Marianne Audouin

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    1. Show less Read more 1 second ago 0 0 Dislike Reply   0/ Cancel Reply Add a public reply... Raziel Moreno 7 months ago • I'm so damn happy she chose to rock instead of staying as an actress. Show less Read more 7 months ago 426 426 Reply View 3 replies Hide 3 replies sonya fuks 7 months ago • How is it possible they just keep on getting better and better with each album?!?! Show less Read more 7 months ago 341 341 Reply View 12 replies Hide 12 replies Graziano D'Ovidio 7 months ago • I love her voice. So much. Show less Read more 7 months ago 652 652 Reply View 18 replies Hide 18 replies Natsumi Ikari 7 months ago • Most of people know Tom Morello from RATM of Prophets of Rage, but don't forget he was also the guitarist of Audioslave, whose singer was Chris Cornell. Must be emotional for Taylor to record this song him. I'm sure Chris is proud of them both. Show less Read more 7 months ago 631 631 Reply View 28 replies Hide 28 replies Matstrr Salazar 7 months ago • This is why TPR is one of my all time favorite bands. They release bad-ass singles and albums Show less Read more 7 months ago 322 322 Reply View reply Hide reply Mike Whicker 7 months ago • The entire death by rock n roll album is first on my list of reasons why 2021 will not stink as much as last year did! Show less Read more 7 months ago 180 180 Reply View 5 replies Hide 5 replies Mackenzie Dinkins 5 months ago • A good theme for this year's Elimination Chamber event. Show less Read more 5 months ago 25 25 Reply View 2 replies Hide 2 replies FDCAnselmo 7 months ago • The Anthem of Youth... Fuck me what a tune. Show less Read more 7 months ago 159 159 Reply View 8 replies Hide 8 replies norangutan 7 months ago • I love how obviously this song draws inspiration from Audioslave’s sound, and in a way it’s paying homage to chris cornell especially with the “you have so much of everything still you wanted more” line - which is almost the same as a line from Audioslave’s ‘What you are’ Show less Read more 7 months ago 165 165 Reply View 7 replies Hide 7 replies Shiteyanyo 7 months ago • Tom Morello?! Each single they release for this album just keeps getting better and better Show less Read more 7 months ago 55 55 Reply View reply Hide reply Lau pin 7 months ago • I fell in love with every song they released Show less Read more 7 months ago 90 90 Reply View 4 replies Hide 4 replies 🕸️Haley Munster🕷️ 7 months ago • I really hope this album has more Going to Hell vibes 🥺🥺🥺🖤 Show less Read more 7 months ago 201 201 Reply View 22 replies Hide 22 replies M K 7 months ago • Great tune and a good example for why I think TPR is among the best of the current rock bands. They always have catchy riffs and melodies however, especially in the bridge, you never know which turn the song is gonna take. Yet it always fits the song and never sounds out of place. Show less Read more 7 months ago 15 15 Reply Mike B 7 months ago • Underrated band Show less Read more 7 months ago 154 154 Reply View 8 replies Hide 8 replies 🕸️Haley Munster🕷️ 7 months ago • THIS is the Pretty Reckless I love !! 💙 Show less Read more 7 months ago 45 45 Reply View reply Hide reply pedrogoularth 7 months ago • This is SO fucking good! 💖 🇧🇷 Show less Read more 7 months ago 31 31 Reply Nick Brick 7 months ago • Kicking the year off with a banger. Looking forward to the album! Show less Read more 7 months ago 19 19 Reply Jo Mill Hyde 6 months ago • The fucking power in her voice and this song Show less Read more 6 months ago 49 49 Reply View reply Hide reply HT82 Smash 6 months ago • WWE main roster stepping up their game with these theme songs. Elimination Chamber 2021 everyone Show less Read more 6 months ago 17 17 Reply View 2 replies Hide 2 replies Hide 7 months ago • The addition of the children's choir killed and buried me. 😔🤘🏾 Show less Read more 7 months ago 80 80 Reply View 5 replies Hide 5 replies NaN / undefined
    2. Skip navigation Search Search Search with your voice 9+ {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"VideoObject","description":"The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video)\nFrom the upcoming album 'Death By Rock And Roll' | Available February 12, 2021: http://found.ee/dbrr \nSubscribe to The Pretty Reckless on YouTube: https://found.ee/tpr_subscribeyt\n\nPhoto by: Rob Fenn\n\nPre-order/Pre-Save the album 'Death By Rock And Roll': \niTunes: http://found.ee/dbrr_it\nApple Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_am\nSpotify: http://found.ee/dbrr_sp\nAmazon Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_amzm\nAmazon: http://found.ee/dbrr_amz\nYouTube Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_ytm\n\nStay connected with The Pretty Reckless\nWebsite: https://deathbyrockandroll.com/\nFacebook: https://found.ee/tpr_facebook\nTwitter: https://found.ee/tpr_twitter\nInstagram: https://found.ee/tpr_instagram\n\nLYRICS\nAnd so it went the children lost their minds\n\nBegging for forgiveness was such a waste of time\n\nAnd the bullets start to fly\n\nAnd the bough’s about to break\n\nWhen you hear them cry\n\nIt’s too much for me to take\n\n\nThe world does not belong to you\n\nYou are not the king I am not the fool\n\nThey said the world does not belong to you\n\nIt don’t belong to you\n\nIt belongs to me\n\n\nAnd, so it went the children lost their minds\n\n\nCrawling over bodies of those who gave their lives\n\n\nAnd the fists begin to throw\n\n\nAnd the fire starts to blaze\n\n\nDon’t you think they know\n\n\nThey’re the fucking human race\n\n\nThe world does not belong to you\n\n\nYou are not the king, I am not the fool\n\n\nThey said the world does not belong to you\n\n\nIt don’t belong to you\n\n\nIt belongs to\n\nEveryone is crying out, I can hear them scream\n\n\nWith all these eyes upon us but no one seems to see\n\n\nThat you and me are just the same as god meant it to be\n\n\nBut you’re much too close to me. \n\n\nYou’re much too close to me\n\n\nSo it went\n\n\nThe children lost their minds\n\n\nNowhere to run, nowhere to hide \n\nAnd the wind begins to howl\n\n\nAnd the wolf is at your door\n\n\nYou have so much of everything\n\n\nBut still you wanted more\n\nThey said the world does not belong to you\n\nYou are not the king, I am not the fool\n\nThey said the world does not belong to you\n\nIt don’t belong to you\n\nIt belongs to me\n\n#ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRoll","duration":"PT267S","embedUrl":"https://www.youtube.com/embed/0MpJv8DW4_U","interactionCount":"638635","name":"The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video)","thumbnailUrl":["https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0MpJv8DW4_U/maxresdefault.jpg"],"uploadDate":"2021-01-11","genre":"Music","author":"The Pretty Reckless"} The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video)Watch laterShareCopy linkInfoShoppingTap to unmuteIf playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.Miniplayer (i)You're signed outVideos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.CancelConfirmUp nextLiveUpcomingCancelPlay NowSwitch cameraShareInclude playlistAn error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.0:004:260:03 / 4:26Live•Scroll for details #ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRoll The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video) 638,635 views • Jan 11, 2021 • The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video) From the upcoming album 'Death By Rock And Roll' | Available February 12, 2021: http://found.ee/dbrr Subscribe to The Pretty Reckless on YouTube: https://found.ee/tpr_subscribeyt Photo by: Rob Fenn Pre-order/Pre-Save the album 'Death By Rock And Roll': iTunes: http://found.ee/dbrr_it Apple Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_am Spotify: http://found.ee/dbrr_sp Amazon Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_amzm Amazon: http://found.ee/dbrr_amz YouTube Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_ytm Stay connected with The Pretty Reckless Website: https://deathbyrockandroll.com/ Facebook: https://found.ee/tpr_facebook Twitter: https://found.ee/tpr_twitter Instagram: https://found.ee/tpr_instagram LYRICS And so it went the children lost their minds Begging for forgiveness was such a waste of time And the bullets start to fly And the bough’s about to break When you hear them cry It’s too much for me to take The world does not belong to you You are not the king I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don’t belong to you It belongs to me And, so it went the children lost their minds Crawling over bodies of those who gave their lives And the fists begin to throw And the fire starts to blaze Don’t you think they know They’re the fucking human race The world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don’t belong to you It belongs to Everyone is crying out, I can hear them scream With all these eyes upon us but no one seems to see That you and me are just the same as god meant it to be But you’re much too close to me. You’re much too close to me So it went The children lost their minds Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide And the wind begins to howl And the wolf is at your door You have so much of everything But still you wanted more They said the world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don’t belong to you It belongs to me #ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRoll Show less Show more 20K277ShareSave 20,184 / 277 The Pretty Reckless The Pretty Reckless Official Artist Channel 1.49M subscribers Subscribed #ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRollThe Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video)638,635 views638K viewsJan 11, 202120K277ShareSave 20,184 / 277 The Pretty Reckless The Pretty Reckless Official Artist Channel 1.49M subscribers Subscribed The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video) From the upcoming album 'Death By Rock And Roll' | Available February 12, 2021: http://found.ee/dbrr Subscribe to The Pretty Reckless on YouTube: https://found.ee/tpr_subscribeyt Photo by: Rob Fenn Pre-order/Pre-Save the album 'Death By Rock And Roll': iTunes: http://found.ee/dbrr_it Apple Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_am Spotify: http://found.ee/dbrr_sp Amazon Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_amzm Amazon: http://found.ee/dbrr_amz YouTube Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_ytm Stay connected with The Pretty Reckless Website: https://deathbyrockandroll.com/ Facebook: https://found.ee/tpr_facebook Twitter: https://found.ee/tpr_twitter Instagram: https://found.ee/tpr_instagram LYRICS And so it went the children lost their minds Begging for forgiveness was such a waste of time And the bullets start to fly And the bough’s about to break When you hear them cry It’s too much for me to take The world does not belong to you You are not the king I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don’t belong to you It belongs to me And, so it went the children lost their minds Crawling over bodies of those who gave their lives And the fists begin to throw And the fire starts to blaze Don’t you think they know They’re the fucking human race The world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don’t belong to you It belongs to Everyone is crying out, I can hear them scream With all these eyes upon us but no one seems to see That you and me are just the same as god meant it to be But you’re much too close to me. You’re much too close to me So it went The children lost their minds Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide And the wind begins to howl And the wolf is at your door You have so much of everything But still you wanted more They said the world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don’t belong to you It belongs to me #ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRoll Show less Show more The Pretty Reckless - On Tour Google has partnered with official 3rd party sellers listed below to show you ticketed events with the performer or content used in the video. The links and information listed below are from those sellers and may change. For a given show, if there are multiple sellers, the sellers are listed in alphabetical order. Click on links for more information and to buy from these sellers' sites. Your activities and purchases made on 3rd party sellers' sites are governed by the seller's terms and conditions (including their privacy policies). The artist and/or their label may receive compensation from these links. Oct 3 Upcoming show · Nashville, TN Sun 7:00 PM · The Cowan Ticketmaster VIEW TICKETS Buy The Pretty Reckless merchandise The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl $28.00 Merchbar This item is a PRE-ORDER. Ships on or before 10/15/2021. 2LP Gatefold w/ Special D-Side Vinyl Etching Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl Limited to 1000 1 Death By Rock And Roll2 Only Love Can Save Me Now3 And So It Went4 255 My Bones6 Got So High7 Broomsticks8 Witches Burn9 Standing At The Wall10 Turning Gold11 Rock And Roll Heaven12 Harley Darling The Pretty Reckless store / shop. SHOP Merchbar The Pretty Reckless - Skull-Cycle Hoodie $60.00 Merchbar The Pretty Reckless store / shop. SHOP Merchbar The Pretty Reckless - Harley Long Sleeve $45.00 Merchbar The Pretty Reckless store / shop. SHOP Merchbar The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll Black Vinyl $28.00 Merchbar 2LP Gatefold w/ Special D-Side Vinyl Etching Classic Black 180g Vinyl 1 Death By Rock And Roll2 Only Love Can Save Me Now3 And So It Went4 255 My Bones6 Got So High7 Broomsticks8 Witches Burn9 Standing At The Wall10 Turning Gold11 Rock And Roll Heaven12 Harley Darling The Pretty Reckless store / shop. SHOP Merchbar The Pretty Reckless LIGHT ME UP CD $14.84 Merchbar LIGHT ME UP CD by The Pretty Reckless. Every CD is brand new, shipped in original factory-applied shrink wrap, and has never been touched by human hands. From the The Pretty Reckless store / shop. SHOP Merchbar 802 Comments Sort comments Sort by Top comments Newest first Add a public comment...   0/ Cancel Comment Adam Dobrin 1 second ago • VERBATIM: "stop hurting people, stop hurting people. if you do not believe people should be hurt" ... ((ishing)) ~either disable the attackers or leave the area~ Show less Read more 1 second ago 1 Like 1 Reply   0/ Cancel Reply Add a public reply... Adam Dobrin 1 second ago • sometimes words have two meanings. sometimes "kill" means "excorcized the demons" @LOUDON @SALEM Show less Read more 1 second ago 0 0 Dislike Reply   0/ Cancel Reply Add a public reply... Raziel Moreno 7 months ago • I'm so damn happy she chose to rock instead of staying as an actress. Show less Read more 7 months ago 426 426 Reply View 3 replies Hide 3 replies sonya fuks 7 months ago • How is it possible they just keep on getting better and better with each album?!?! Show less Read more 7 months ago 341 341 Reply View 12 replies Hide 12 replies Graziano D'Ovidio 7 months ago • I love her voice. So much. Show less Read more 7 months ago 652 652 Reply View 18 replies Hide 18 replies Natsumi Ikari 7 months ago • Most of people know Tom Morello from RATM of Prophets of Rage, but don't forget he was also the guitarist of Audioslave, whose singer was Chris Cornell. Must be emotional for Taylor to record this song him. I'm sure Chris is proud of them both. Show less Read more 7 months ago 631 631 Reply View 28 replies Hide 28 replies Matstrr Salazar 7 months ago • This is why TPR is one of my all time favorite bands. They release bad-ass singles and albums Show less Read more 7 months ago 322 322 Reply View reply Hide reply Mike Whicker 7 months ago • The entire death by rock n roll album is first on my list of reasons why 2021 will not stink as much as last year did! Show less Read more 7 months ago 180 180 Reply View 5 replies Hide 5 replies Mackenzie Dinkins 5 months ago • A good theme for this year's Elimination Chamber event. Show less Read more 5 months ago 25 25 Reply View 2 replies Hide 2 replies FDCAnselmo 7 months ago • The Anthem of Youth... Fuck me what a tune. Show less Read more 7 months ago 159 159 Reply View 8 replies Hide 8 replies norangutan 7 months ago • I love how obviously this song draws inspiration from Audioslave’s sound, and in a way it’s paying homage to chris cornell especially with the “you have so much of everything still you wanted more” line - which is almost the same as a line from Audioslave’s ‘What you are’ Show less Read more 7 months ago 165 165 Reply View 7 replies Hide 7 replies Shiteyanyo 7 months ago • Tom Morello?! Each single they release for this album just keeps getting better and better Show less Read more 7 months ago 55 55 Reply View reply Hide reply Lau pin 7 months ago • I fell in love with every song they released Show less Read more 7 months ago 90 90 Reply View 4 replies Hide 4 replies 🕸️Haley Munster🕷️ 7 months ago • I really hope this album has more Going to Hell vibes 🥺🥺🥺🖤 Show less Read more 7 months ago 201 201 Reply View 22 replies Hide 22 replies M K 7 months ago • Great tune and a good example for why I think TPR is among the best of the current rock bands. They always have catchy riffs and melodies however, especially in the bridge, you never know which turn the song is gonna take. Yet it always fits the song and never sounds out of place. Show less Read more 7 months ago 15 15 Reply Mike B 7 months ago • Underrated band Show less Read more 7 months ago 154 154 Reply View 8 replies Hide 8 replies 🕸️Haley Munster🕷️ 7 months ago • THIS is the Pretty Reckless I love !! 💙 Show less Read more 7 months ago 45 45 Reply View reply Hide reply pedrogoularth 7 months ago • This is SO fucking good! 💖 🇧🇷 Show less Read more 7 months ago 31 31 Reply Nick Brick 7 months ago • Kicking the year off with a banger. Looking forward to the album! Show less Read more 7 months ago 19 19 Reply Jo Mill Hyde 6 months ago • The fucking power in her voice and this song Show less Read more 6 months ago 49 49 Reply View reply Hide reply HT82 Smash 6 months ago • WWE main roster stepping up their game with these theme songs. Elimination Chamber 2021 everyone Show less Read more 6 months ago 17 17 Reply View 2 replies Hide 2 replies Hide 7 months ago • The addition of the children's choir killed and buried me. 😔🤘🏾 Show less Read more 7 months ago 80 80 Reply View 5 replies Hide 5 replies Maryalee Scarlet 7 months ago • Will 2021 be the year that the world realizes this band is a MAJOR TALENT? We await. Show less Read more 7 months ago 9 9 Reply AzizaX Blue 7 months ago • FUCK YEAH!! I love this new era of TPR! 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽 Show less Read more 7 months ago 153 153 Reply View 5 replies Hide 5 replies karantinada sıkılmış biri 6 months ago • i cannot wait till 12 february. im sure the album gonna be awesome Show less Read more 6 months ago 13 13 Reply Diego Santos 7 months ago • Amooo. Taylor você e sua banda são incríveis... Show less Read more 7 months ago 34 34 Reply Michelle Szymanski 7 months ago • SHE BEOUGHT THE KIDS BACK I CANT - Show less Read more 7 months ago 346 346 Reply View 13 replies Hide 13 replies Tim Ferderer 7 months ago • Thank YOU for providing us with relevant music. Growing up in the 60's with all the turmoil then there was always music to help express how the people/youth felt. It's nice to see someone continue that. Show less Read more 7 months ago 20 20 Reply View 5 replies Hide 5 replies Shaun X 7 months ago • Don’t really know how to describe the solo other than FUCK YEAH! Show less Read more 7 months ago 22 22 Reply View 2 replies Hide 2 replies Adriano Diniz 7 months ago • I feel so powerfull hearing TPR Show less Read more 7 months ago 30 30 Reply deathbyrockandroll 7 months ago (edited) • YES I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH 🖤🎸 Also I love the 'Heaven Knows' vibes with the children's choir Show less Read more 7 months ago (edited) 22 22 Reply View reply Hide reply quinnsi 7 months ago • THIS.IS.MUSIC. So f'cking powerful, still love every second. And this timing..... Rock on, dudes! All the strength and love to you. ✌️ Show less Read more 7 months ago 25 25 Reply Lio Murdest 7 months ago • The rusty parts of her voice are so amazing, I can't get enough. Show less Read more 7 months ago 7 7 Reply View reply Hide reply TARDIStraveller96 7 months ago • This is such a damn bop Show less Read more 7 months ago 10 10 Reply Creepy Clown 7 months ago • I swear. Everytime they release an album, I always think it's their best... everytime ♥️♥️♥️ Show less Read more 7 months ago 8 8 Reply View reply Hide reply Choongie Studio HOME 6 months ago • Oh shoot! It's Elimination Chamber time!!! Show less Read more 6 months ago 4 4 Reply View reply Hide reply B_d_v N 6 months ago • This deserves a music video. Sounds like road rage. Taylor and the band in spandex and bullet bikes/muscle cars. Show less Read more 6 months ago 4 4 Reply Joe Martin 6 months ago • "the world does not belong to you, you are not the king, I am not the fool." I think this song has been in everyone's subconscious and finally, it has lyrics and a musical form now. i normally don't listen to radio, I was driving to krogers and forgot my iPod, this song was playing. her voice sounded familiar, but they never said who it was, so i had to try to figure it out. Show less Read more 6 months ago 4 4 Reply Ripley 7 months ago • every album gets better. can’t wait to hear the other new songs soon 🖤 Show less Read more 7 months ago 4 4 Reply Charyxard 6 months ago • And so it went. Perfect loving every bit of this song can't wait for the album so soon. Show less Read more 6 months ago 1 1 Reply TPR' Lawyer 7 months ago • There's something so powerful about The Pretty Reckless🤘🏽⚡ Show less Read more 7 months ago 13 13 Reply View 2 replies Hide 2 replies Palma 7 months ago (edited) • Arriba The Pretty Reckless! Y saludos desde México. This song is fucking amazing. Show less Read more 7 months ago (edited) 13 13 Reply View reply Hide reply NaN / undefined Why this ad? Try Google Fi Ad fi.google.com Sign Up All The Pretty Reckless Pop Music Related Watched 1:16:03 Now playing S.O.A.D Greatest Hits 2021 - S.O.A.D Best Songs Playlist HARD ROCK COLLECTION HARD ROCK COLLECTION • 552K views 6 months ago 1:57:34 Now playing Corey Taylor - Live in London (Full Show) Corey Taylor Corey Taylor Official Artist Channel • 12M views 3 years ago 109 Now playing Modern Rock Hits YouTube Music YouTube Music • 1:47:37 Now playing Best of 90s Rock - 90s Rock Music Hits - Greatest 90s Rock songs Memory Music Boxx. Memory Music Boxx. • 19M views 2 years ago 49:52 Now playing Fall Out Boy - The Young Blood Chronicles (Uncut Longform Video) Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Official Artist Channel • 19M views 7 years ago 2:54:28 Now playing Dave Matthews Band - 07/23/2021 {Full Show | 4K} Walnut Creek Amphitheatre - Raleigh, NC Andy Mendoza Andy Mendoza • 42K views 3 weeks ago 1:01:46 Now playing Sheryl Crow - Outlaw Music Festival - Live in Milwaukee, WI (Summerfest 2017) Crow Archives Crow Archives • 1M views 4 years ago 54:10 Now playing Evanescence - Acoustic Songs Evanescence vds Evanescence vds • 2.7M views 5 years ago 1:16:16 Now playing Halestorm - Live from Download UK 2019 Halestorm Halestorm Official Artist Channel • 685K views 1 year ago 1:18:34 Now playing Shinedown - The Sound Of Madness (Deluxe Edition) (Full Album) The Rock Cafe The Rock Cafe • 212K views 4 months ago 45:56 Now playing Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory [Full Album] 2000 quake quake • 5M views 9 months ago 46:50 Now playing Matchbox Twenty - Yourself or Someone Like You (Full Album) Gal Godonut Gal Godonut • 1.4M views 1 year ago 2:24:37 Now playing E̲v̲a̲n̲escence - The Bitter Truth (Deluxe) [Full Album] Santiago Lee Santiago Lee • 222K views 4 months ago 1:22:20 Now playing E V A N E S C E N C E Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs Of E V A N E S C E N C E Playlist 2021 Parker Michael Parker Michael • 624K views 5 months ago 57:12 Now playing The Pretty Reckless best lives compilation Marianne Audouin Marianne Audouin • 260K views 8 months ago 1:06:00 Now playing Chevelle - Stray Arrows: A Collection of Favorites (Full Album) Ita Depeeza Ita Depeeza • 345K views 1 year ago 12:02 Now playing The Pretty Reckless FULL acoustic session in Paris Marianne Audouin Marianne Audouin • 705K views 3 years ago 53:38 Now playing Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Vol 1 Vol 2 Alternitive Videos Alternitive Videos • 1.8M views 1 year ago 1:27:39 Now playing 2000's Rock Songs Mix 🎸 Best Rock Hits of the 2000's Playlist Redlist - Rock Mixes Redlist - Rock Mixes • 913K views 1 month ago 2:27:10 Now playing Motley Crue greatest hits full songs \m/ soulsickk\m/ soulsickk\m/ • 2M views 3 years ago Show more Experiencing interruptions? 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      0:01 / 4:26

      #ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRoll

      The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video)


      Jan 11, 2021


      The Pretty Reckless

      1.49M subscribers


      The Pretty Reckless - And So It Went [feat. Tom Morello] (Official Lyric Video) From the upcoming album 'Death By Rock And Roll' | Available February 12, 2021: http://found.ee/dbrr Subscribe to The Pretty Reckless on YouTube: https://found.ee/tpr_subscribeyt Photo by: Rob Fenn Pre-order/Pre-Save the album 'Death By Rock And Roll': iTunes: http://found.ee/dbrr_it Apple Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_am Spotify: http://found.ee/dbrr_sp Amazon Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_amzm Amazon: http://found.ee/dbrr_amz YouTube Music: http://found.ee/dbrr_ytm Stay connected with The Pretty Reckless Website: https://deathbyrockandroll.com/ Facebook: https://found.ee/tpr_facebook Twitter: https://found.ee/tpr_twitter Instagram: https://found.ee/tpr_instagram LYRICS And so it went the children lost their minds Begging for forgiveness was such a waste of time And the bullets start to fly And the bough's about to break When you hear them cry It's too much for me to take The world does not belong to you You are not the king I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don't belong to you It belongs to me And, so it went the children lost their minds Crawling over bodies of those who gave their lives And the fists begin to throw And the fire starts to blaze Don't you think they know They're the fucking human race The world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don't belong to you It belongs to Everyone is crying out, I can hear them scream With all these eyes upon us but no one seems to see That you and me are just the same as god meant it to be But you're much too close to me. You're much too close to me So it went The children lost their minds Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide And the wind begins to howl And the wolf is at your door You have so much of everything But still you wanted more They said the world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don't belong to you It belongs to me #ThePrettyReckless #DeathByRockAndRoll


      The Pretty Reckless - On Tour



      Upcoming show - Nashville, TN

      Sun 7:00 PM - The Cowan



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      The Pretty Reckless - Skull-Cycle Hoodie



      ](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=product_shelf&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUQ3TG80TzJWczM2bnMzZWRCcXh6U2RhX1VjZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsVk1KOUYtTjNBLTZpVkEyU2ZIUEx1YUhEdUlIVV9vX3k3ck1fQmlJVUpfODRXdTh5dWxJbW5aLTNFclhseEFuV1Y0b211R013bURvNmMyZ01LbE4ycjBINVptalJzX2t6Wkd4STJGVlJiUGZpTDNERQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merchbar.com%2Fhard-rock-metal%2Fthe-pretty-reckless%2Fthe-pretty-reckless-skull-cycle-hoodie%3Fv%3D1273424%26ucc%3DUS%26utm_term%3DUCrrhJmM3H7eyxrevc4lpRIw%26utm_medium%3Dproduct_shelf%26utm_source%3Dyoutube%26utm_content%3DYT-ACRcEUrDJLp45ux0a5dMJ0016ICyrRgV97AmOfXg2ju4mSw4wkzsV1E3Z6uvmNk1H0HnluO_vHPfH4EfRup20jes5zjP1yM9QZxLVaz9ClEzm3IafKMMPGNO6Genrsqu7gtpNn-Hr0GhxbM1AevJ7BPiBg4Thg998W-ekyqCf447Azl5EpVMLnOSOSKYXt2fPVyxTBlVQLzkvVV7DmukIOPaw7JAU8e1odV0E7fPpnA%253D&v=0MpJv8DW4_U) [

      The Pretty Reckless - Harley Long Sleeve



      ](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=product_shelf&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dCUGtkZEtZdzhrSFZIWkRpZVo5XzZYdzBQd3xBQ3Jtc0tua3pFZ2RpNVl6aTVMdDYydWtjYmY3U1pEZmlFc3lRWS1NOHFkWHRUd2dLSjVmZGhoZEd4N0tiV2Z3VnUzMHNxa1JyeGVpREdIcV80RzFEb2F2NjJpREtNekFwYTVCdlJmU0tLVXIwUDVPX1RvYlBucw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merchbar.com%2Fhard-rock-metal%2Fthe-pretty-reckless%2Fthe-pretty-reckless-harley-long-sleeve%3Fv%3D1273416%26ucc%3DUS%26utm_term%3DUCrrhJmM3H7eyxrevc4lpRIw%26utm_medium%3Dproduct_shelf%26utm_source%3Dyoutube%26utm_content%3DYT-ACRcEUoAlSm71DWkwiqiKv3-Tshusvr18ByCwU2l03YABaFIh0wv3kBlNSXXDSabdZgekxDaVxQdTKeg131ld61IykjLodPHlRqnABsJCpYFv57fFbcxyvMYpNMo3NzrFi_Af3mvtDkOUeQRyqdKYkE36ezRxqkG9VygCNFfgiPJOoL8UonACBVY8WJO356BiAaP9zePitV0l4c0SKmhKrARs4TofQ4MLLO_ab1_lUY%253D&v=0MpJv8DW4_U) [

      The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll Black Vinyl



      ](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=product_shelf&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUF0b09QaFlGTDBrSEtpam1oTERvdDhkblpRd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSk5Oa182dENZdFRJOEg0Nk9UY0dtRl9vR0p1R2tqMHBfWjJxNTBjT2QxNmtwcFROYVBQbDlXLUNFejdoLWprT2NWSjJVOEx1eGFWUzdTcGlNSnBIZlFoNUJfUzFjTGVLMHB4Yi1WdHFNNW5TQU9GMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merchbar.com%2Fhard-rock-metal%2Fthe-pretty-reckless%2Fthe-pretty-reckless-death-by-rock-and-roll-black-vinyl%3Fucc%3DUS%26utm_term%3DUCrrhJmM3H7eyxrevc4lpRIw%26utm_medium%3Dproduct_shelf%26utm_source%3Dyoutube%26utm_content%3DYT-ACRcEUovlrxz0nQ4InXCWvl-mbuMilggo1lYilIUQWvAfwCWeeyWwMh95m-WEJZ9hhbK8q4ovFBWFJQVs0mh-1RNGRFIqTO9DgGoBX6tEeliATAa6ycUeaP84L51uo1mKkWsLcdbpJ0kZAduNYCM8ULbuqx_q04uSvSqybI4LLGIh4Q7_QQGQtYEXtCRGbhmzq14vEiM3zIW-fuHnqIDHHaWcVuWpug0ox1ePRZf&v=0MpJv8DW4_U) [

      The Pretty Reckless LIGHT ME UP CD





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      Adam Dobrin

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      Adam Dobrin

      Adam Dobrin

      1 second ago

      VERBATIM: "stop hurting people, stop hurting people. if you do not believe people should be hurt" ... ((ishing)) ~either disable the attackers or leave the area~



      Adam Dobrin

      Adam Dobrin

      1 second ago

      sometimes words have two meanings. sometimes "kill" means "excorcized the demons" @LOUDON @SALEM


      Adam Dobrin


      Raziel Moreno

      Raziel Moreno

      7 months ago

      I'm so damn happy she chose to rock instead of staying as an actress.



      View 3 replies

      sonya fuks

      sonya fuks

      7 months ago

      How is it possible they just keep on getting better and better with each album?!?!



      View 12 replies

      Graziano D'Ovidio

      Graziano D'Ovidio

      7 months ago

      I love her voice. So much.



      View 18 replies

      Natsumi Ikari

      Natsumi Ikari

      7 months ago

      Most of people know Tom Morello from RATM of Prophets of Rage, but don't forget he was also the guitarist of Audioslave, whose singer was Chris Cornell. Must be emotional for Taylor to record this song him. I'm sure Chris is proud of them both.



      View 28 replies

      Matstrr Salazar

      Matstrr Salazar

      7 months ago

      This is why TPR is one of my all time favorite bands. They release bad-ass singles and albums



      View reply

      Mike Whicker

      7 months ago

      The entire death by rock n roll album is first on my list of reasons why 2021 will not stink as much as last year did!



      View 5 replies

      Mackenzie Dinkins

      5 months ago

      A good theme for this year's Elimination Chamber event.



      View 2 replies


      7 months ago

      The Anthem of Youth... Fuck me what a tune.



      View 8 replies


      7 months ago

      I love how obviously this song draws inspiration from Audioslave's sound, and in a way it's paying homage to chris cornell especially with the "you have so much of everything still you wanted more" line - which is almost the same as a line from Audioslave's 'What you are'



      View 7 replies


      7 months ago

      Tom Morello?! Each single they release for this album just keeps getting better and better



      View reply

      Lau pin

      7 months ago

      I fell in love with every song they released



      View 4 replies

      🕸️Haley Munster🕷️

      7 months ago

      I really hope this album has more Going to Hell vibes 🥺🥺🥺🖤



      View 22 replies

      M K

      7 months ago

      Great tune and a good example for why I think TPR is among the best of the current rock bands. They always have catchy riffs and melodies however, especially in the bridge, you never know which turn the song is gonna take. Yet it always fits the song and never sounds out of place.



      Mike B

      7 months ago

      Underrated band



      View 8 replies

      🕸️Haley Munster🕷️

      7 months ago

      THIS is the Pretty Reckless I love !! 💙



      View reply


      7 months ago

      This is SO fucking good! 💖 🇧🇷



      Nick Brick

      7 months ago

      Kicking the year off with a banger. Looking forward to the album!



      Jo Mill Hyde

      6 months ago

      The fucking power in her voice and this song



      View reply

      HT82 Smash

      6 months ago

      WWE main roster stepping up their game with these theme songs. Elimination Chamber 2021 everyone



      View 2 replies


      7 months ago

      The addition of the children's choir killed and buried me. 😔🤘🏾



      View 5 replies

      Try Google Fi



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      1:16:03NOW PLAYING



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      The Rock Cafe

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      Matchbox Twenty - Yourself or Someone Like You (Full Album)

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      2:24:37NOW PLAYING



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      1:22:20NOW PLAYING



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      Parker Michael

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      57:12NOW PLAYING



      The Pretty Reckless best lives compilation

      Marianne Audouin

      260K views8 months ago



      1:06:00NOW PLAYING



      Chevelle - Stray Arrows: A Collection of Favorites (Full Album)

      Ita Depeeza

      345K views1 year ago



      12:02NOW PLAYING



      The Pretty Reckless FULL acoustic session in Paris

      Marianne Audouin

      705K views3 years ago



      53:38NOW PLAYING



      Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Vol 1 Vol 2

      Alternitive Videos

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      2000's Rock Songs Mix 🎸 Best Rock Hits of the 2000's Playlist

      Redlist - Rock Mixes

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      Motley Crue greatest hits full songs \m/


      2M views3 years ago


    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeus·Aug 16Notch on your belt if you "start this piece of legislation" another Holy notch. Like tzittzit or something. If you actually start the legislation that Washington, Adams, Biden, Trump and Adam will toast to ... then I would consider you perhaps the "spirit of the Bolishevok RevAdam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeus·Aug 16@AOC @WhiteHouse @IvankaTrump THIS IS HELL. I NEED "RIGHT TO DIE" LEGISLATION PASSED WHICH RENOUNCES ANCIENT HEBREW LAWS THAT ARE DOWN RIGHT FUCKING EVIL. PEOPLE IN HOSPICE AND WITH TERMINAL PAIN LIKE TERRY SCHIAVO SHOULD NOT NEED TO PETITION KEVORKIAN TO DIE. THIS CONTRVZY.11Adam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeus·Aug 16@MariaBartiromo @CNBC @BeckyQuick @RickSantorum @JamesSantelli @PortHedlandPol I am beyond disgusted at ancient Jewish and current American laws regarding "Dr. Death" and the failure of Jefferson to include "right to death" in the God given liberties. Consider the DOI amended..1Adam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeus·Aug 16happy birthday in heaven ... day ... "im all shook up" ... also commentary about Mr. Presley and his periods of being both "heavier" and "heart-throb" as well as his apperance on the @CANONICAL @QuantumLeapTV @bbcamerca Connect to the fact that he was #notadraftdodger. #EECIAQuote TweetDr. Jeffrey Guterman@JeffreyGuterman · Aug 16Elvis Presley died on this date August 16 in 1977. Photo credit: CBS TV. #OTDShow this thread11Show this threadAdam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeus·Aug 16This minor diatribe about the specific dominion and mandate of the @CIA to create and disseminate propaganda to other nations, not our own. This propaganda could have been produced by @RoyalAirForce or the @UnitedNationsJO or the defunct "League of Nations" [its USACpredecessor]11Adam Marshall Dobrin ⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social@yitsheyzeus·Aug 16In the microcosm of the world we live in, the United States in this place could be representative of "Heaven itself' or of these secondary "federal-like" entities. - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets… - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Empire… - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Dominion please add 3 to #CANON as in @IPFS *Dominion | Memory Alpha | FandomDominion | Memory Alpha | Fandommemory-alpha.fandom.com1Megness Acesstag Berqtiprofessen@MegnessC·Aug 16I'm imagining the "little child" in the book, depicted "not by the elephant" is some kind of "species" i've never dreamt of (though i have); like a child baby god in Heaven who believes literally "I" am the sole reader. "banana." fan-a. foe-nanna ... @heybobnannaQuote TweetMegness Acesstag Berqtiprofessen@MegnessC · Aug 16Replying to @anotherxxbunny and @herprettybonesthis. and also you are funny, and ... really funny. and also a little pervy and so that helps. @jjambrams and his book do a good job of explaining "a little purvy" and how it might change over age. in this one it's "do you think i could make you #NSFK https://instagram.com/p/B-SdCw4JQAj/




      Adam Marshall Dobrin Six pointed star with middle dot☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social



      Aug 16

      Notch on your belt if you "start this piece of legislation" another Holy notch. Like tzittzit or something. If you actually start the legislation that Washington, Adams, Biden, Trump and Adam will toast to ... then I would consider you perhaps the "spirit of the Bolishevok Rev














      Adam Marshall Dobrin Six pointed star with middle dot☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social



      Aug 16










      Adam Marshall Dobrin Six pointed star with middle dot☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social



      Aug 16







      I am beyond disgusted at ancient Jewish and current American laws regarding "Dr. Death" and the failure of Jefferson to include "right to death" in the God given liberties. Consider the DOI amended..





      Adam Marshall Dobrin Six pointed star with middle dot☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social



      Aug 16

      happy birthday in heaven ... day ... "im all shook up" ... also commentary about Mr. Presley and his periods of being both "heavier" and "heart-throb" as well as his apperance on the



      @bbcamerca Connect to the fact that he was #notadraftdodger. #EECIA

      Quote Tweet

      Dr. Jeffrey Guterman


      • Aug 16

      Elvis Presley died on this date August 16 in 1977. Photo credit: CBS TV. #OTD

      Show this thread







      Show this thread





      Adam Marshall Dobrin Six pointed star with middle dot☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social



      Aug 16

      This minor diatribe about the specific dominion and mandate of the


      to create and disseminate propaganda to other nations, not our own. This propaganda could have been produced by


      or the


      or the defunct "League of Nations" [its USACpredecessor]






      Adam Marshall Dobrin Six pointed star with middle dot☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social



      Aug 16

      In the microcosm of the world we live in, the United States in this place could be representative of "Heaven itself' or of these secondary "federal-like" entities. - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets... - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Empire... - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Dominion please add 3 to #CANON as in






      Dominion | Memory Alpha | Fandom

      Dominion | Memory Alpha | Fandom







      Megness Acesstag Berqtiprofessen



      Aug 16

      I'm imagining the "little child" in the book, depicted "not by the elephant" is some kind of "species" i've never dreamt of (though i have); like a child baby god in Heaven who believes literally "I" am the sole reader. "banana." fan-a. foe-nanna ...


      Quote Tweet

      Megness Acesstag Berqtiprofessen


      • Aug 16

      Replying to @anotherxxbunny and @herprettybones

      this. and also you are funny, and ... really funny. and also a little pervy and so that helps. @jjambrams and his book do a good job of explaining "a little purvy" and how it might change over age. in this one it's "do you think i could make you #NSFK https://instagram.com/p/B-SdCw4JQAj/

    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@carpent.us>Linode Support Ticket 16065982 - Other - Optical Backupssupport@linode.com <support@linode.com>Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 7:28 PMTo: adam@fromthemachine.org, ivan@rwisi.com Support Ticket 16065982 account 'MINISTRY OF FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE, INC' has been updated by wpangiochi: Hello, I'm happy to address your concerns regarding your data and backups. Though some of this information may fall outside of the scope of Support, I'll provide as much as I can. Linode does not keep or maintain backups or copies of your disk images or your data unless you have signed up for the Linode Backups service or unless you have deleted a Linode recently, in which case our system will take a snapshot before deleting the Linode. The image taken from a deleted Linode is as a precaution in case the deletion was accidental, and we only keep the image for a few days. Any of these images taken in this way, as well as any manual images you've taken, are available in your Images tab of Cloud Manager as long as they are available. We do not keep any additional snapshots or images, nor do we retain older images outside of what is available in Cloud Manager. Currently, you do not have any images saved to your account. You do have backup snapshots available for your Linode, as it is enrolled in Linode Backups. These snapshots are available by navigating to your Linode's page in Cloud Manager and selecting the Backups tab. From here, you can select a specific snapshot and use it to restore to a previous backup, or deploy a new Linode with that image. Though you have requested optical disk backups of your files, we are not able to provide physical media copies of data. If you need to create a local copy of your backup data, our Download Backups Locally guide should help walk you through the process on creating an image of your drive and transferring it over the network to your local computer or a remote server. If you need to create a backup of your data beyond what is offered by the Linode Backups service, you may want to read through our Backing Up Your Data guide. This guide offers a number of other backup options, including how to save data from a database, using other backup utilities like Rsync, or other options for storing your data offsite. If you find yourself stuck working through any of these guides and you have additional questions, you may want to consider asking our Community Questions site membership. Linode's community has a lot of knowledge and experience, and by asking on our Community Questions Site you can source additional information from our membership that may offer answers that fall outside of Support's scope. I hope this information addresses your concerns and gives the answers you were looking for. If you have additional questions, please reach out to Support any time. We are here to help 24/7. Sincerely,WalterLinode Support Please use https://cloud.linode.com/support/tickets/16065982 to respond to this ticket. Linode Community: https://www.linode.com/community/Linode System Status: https://status.linode.com/ This ticket will be closed if not updated within 96 hours. Thank you,Linode // <![CDATA[ document.body.onload=function(){document.body.offsetHeight;window.print()}; // ]]> (function() { const payload = JSON.stringify([String(window.GM_SPT_ENABLED), String(window.GM_RFT_ENABLED), String((window.GLOBALS || [])[10])]); let e = document.getElementById("FC_VAR_PASS"); if (!e) {e = document.createElement("div");e.style="display:none";e.id="FC_VAR_PASS";document.body.appendChild(e)} e.innerText=payload; })();["undefined","undefined","undefined"]

      | XCALIBER DAO Mail | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@carpent.us |

      | Linode Support Ticket 16065982 - Other - Optical Backups\ |

      | support@linode.com support@linode.com | Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 7:28 PM | | To: adam@fromthemachine.org, ivan@rwisi.com | |


      Support Ticket 16065982 account 'MINISTRY OF FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE, INC' has been updated by wpangiochi:


      I'm happy to address your concerns regarding your data and backups. Though some of this information may fall outside of the scope of Support, I'll provide as much as I can.

      Linode does not keep or maintain backups or copies of your disk images or your data unless you have signed up for the Linode Backups service or unless you have deleted a Linode recently, in which case our system will take a snapshot before deleting the Linode. The image taken from a deleted Linode is as a precaution in case the deletion was accidental, and we only keep the image for a few days. Any of these images taken in this way, as well as any manual images you've taken, are available in your Images tab of Cloud Manager as long as they are available. We do not keep any additional snapshots or images, nor do we retain older images outside of what is available in Cloud Manager.

      Currently, you do not have any images saved to your account. You do have backup snapshots available for your Linode, as it is enrolled in Linode Backups. These snapshots are available by navigating to your Linode's page in Cloud Manager and selecting the Backups tab. From here, you can select a specific snapshot and use it to restore to a previous backup, or deploy a new Linode with that image.

      Though you have requested optical disk backups of your files, we are not able to provide physical media copies of data. If you need to create a local copy of your backup data, our Download Backups Locally guide should help walk you through the process on creating an image of your drive and transferring it over the network to your local computer or a remote server.

      If you need to create a backup of your data beyond what is offered by the Linode Backups service, you may want to read through our Backing Up Your Data guide. This guide offers a number of other backup options, including how to save data from a database, using other backup utilities like Rsync, or other options for storing your data offsite.

      If you find yourself stuck working through any of these guides and you have additional questions, you may want to consider asking our Community Questions site membership. Linode's community has a lot of knowledge and experience, and by asking on our Community Questions Site you can source additional information from our membership that may offer answers that fall outside of Support's scope.

      I hope this information addresses your concerns and gives the answers you were looking for. If you have additional questions, please reach out to Support any time. We are here to help 24/7.

      Sincerely,\ Walter\ Linode Support

      Please use https://cloud.linode.com/support/tickets/16065982 to respond to this ticket.

      Linode Community: https://www.linode.com/community/\ Linode System Status: https://status.linode.com/

      This ticket will be closed if not updated within 96 hours.

      Thank you,\ Linode




      • 1
    1. Thank you for contacting us. While we do not support downloading snapshots directly, we do have a comprehensive data portability guide that will explain how to retrieve your files.https://www.vultr.com/docs/vultr-data-portability-guide

      thanks, with total and complete honesty no "!!" or sarcasm intended. this is very helpful.

    1. Integromat and Google Cloud are not working for me. This is a problem for the non English speaking and the non CME world. 2read.net is also not working. Publishthis.email has repeatedy removed pages they have "Converted to HTML" ... IPFS also has a SEVERE CRITICAL ISSUE. About Google TranslateGoogle Translate is a free online language translation service developed by Google to translate multiple forms of text and media.Translate between 103 languagesOffline: Translate with no internet connectionWeb interface, mobile app for iOS and AndroidIntegrate Google Translate with these servicesABRA FlexiBeeAbyssaleAction NetworkActiveCampaignActiveDEMANDActiveTrailAcuity SchedulingAdaloAfterShipAgile CRMAha!AidaFormAircallAirtableAlegraAlexa InternetallmysmsAmazon LambdaAmazon RedshiftAmazon SESamoCRMAnabix CRMAndroidApifyAPITemplate.ioApple iOSApple Map LinksApple Push NotificationsApple SafariAppointletAppSheetApuTimeArchiveArtiBot.aiAsanaAsposeatSpokeAttendance GIRITONAutomizyAutopilotAvochatoAward ForceAWeberAWS S3AX SemanticsBambooHRBambuserBank of AmericaBannerbearBarcodesBasecamp 2Basecamp 3BaseLinkerBasinBeaconstacBeamerBeds24BeeminderBeLazyBellbirdBetty BlocksbexioBidsketchBig CartelBigin by Zoho CRMBigMailerBigMarkerBigMLBigQueryBillsbyBing Spell CheckBitbucketBitlyBizMachineBloggerBlueLinkBolt IoTBonuslyBoondManagerBoost NoteBorisbotBotsifyBotStarBouncerBoxBraintreeBraveBreezeBringData.coBubbleBufferBugHerdBulkGateBulletBurst SMSCaflouCalendlyCalifornia Bank & TrustCall AssistCallRailCallTrackingMetricsCampaign MonitorCannyCapsule CRMCaptivateCaspioCelestoryCeloxisCircleCisco WebexCitibankCitrix ShareFileClearbitClearoutClever MessengerCleverReachClicfansClickatellClickFunnelsClickSend SMSClickUpCliengoClio ManageClockifyClose CRMCloud BOTCloudConvertCloudflareCloudinaryCloudmersiveCloudTalkClubhouseClustCodacodeREADrCognito FormsCoinMarketCapColligso TextInColligso WalletInCommCareCompanyHubConstant ContactContact Form 7Contacts+Contactually CRMConvercus LoyaltyConvertAPIConvertBoxConvertKitCoppercoreBosCorsizioCorymbusCOVID-19CraftQLCrispCrocoblockCSVCurrencyCustomer.ioCustomerlyCyfeČVUT GradesČVUT KOSDataboxDatadogData storeData24-7DatelistDeBounceDelesignDelightedDemioDeputyDeskeraDetrackDialpadDigitalOcean SpacesDiscordDiscourseDisparo ProDisqusDocparserDocupilotDocuSignDomotron controldotdigitalDribbbleDriftDripDropboxDropFunnelsDrupalDubbDux-SoupDynalistD7SMSEarned ValueEasyCSVEasy ProjectEasyshipEasyWeekEcomail.czE-conomicEdusignEETeFileCabinetEgnyteE-goiElastic EmailElasticsearchEledo PDFElite SellerelopageEmailEmailkampane.czEmail List VerifyEmailOctopusEmercuryEmmaEncryptorEndorsalEngageBayeSignatures.ioEspoCRMEtsyEventbriteEverhourEvernoteeversignEverWebinarEvolioExpensifyEZOfficeInventoryFacebookFacebook Conversions APIFacebook Custom AudiencesFacebook GroupsFacebook InsightsFacebook Lead AdsFacebook MessengerFacebook Offline ConversionsFacebook PagesFactorialFakturoidFAPIFareHarborFastFieldFaunaDBFeedierFeedlyFiberyFidooFigmaFileCloudFiles.comFinologFio BankaFirebase Cloud MessagingFireTextFlashyappFleepFlexie CRMFlickrFlockFocusterFogBugzFollow Up BossFomoFormCraftsFormidable FormsFormsiteFormstackFormstack 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ImageHTTPHubSpot CRMHunterChannelsChargebeeChargeOverChartMogulChatBotChatformaChatfuelChatraChatworkCheckvistChiavistelloChytryStartiAuditoriDokladIFTTTiLertImageImgBBInfobipInforUMobileInfusionsoftInitiative CRMInnformInoreaderInsightly CRMInstagramInstagram for BusinessInstapageInteractInteract.doIntercomInvision CommunityInvoiceBerryInvoicedInvoice Ninjainvolve.meIPEXIPEX HelpdeskIP2ProxyIQDialISOIterableiÚčto.czJenkinsJIRA Cloud PlatformJitbitJivoChatJotFormJSONJustCallJustClickKaleyraKanbanFlowKanbanizeKanban ToolKartraKashFlowKatana MRPKickboxKintoneKissFlowKiyOhKlaviyoKnackKomerční bankaLandbotLandingiLayeriseLeadyLemlistLetterdroplexofficeLimbleCMMSLINELinkedInlinkish.ioLionDeskLiquidPlannerLivestormLiveWebinarLobLoqateLoyverseMacantaMagento 1 (deprecated)Magento 2MagentrixMailBlusterMailboxValidatorMailerLiteMailerSendMailgunMailchimpMailigenMailjetMail Kompletmailparser.ioMailrelayMailvioMaintainXMakePlansMalcolm!Mallabe CurrenciesMallabe ImagesMallabe WebsitesMandrillManyChatMarkdownMarketcircle DayliteMarketoMathMattermostMauticMavenlinkMediumMeeroMeetimeMEETOVOMeetup ProMeisterTaskMemberstackMemberVaultMerkMessageBirdMetataskMicrosoft SharePoint OnlineMicrosoft SQL ServerMicrosoft TeamsMicrosoft To DoMicrosoft Word TemplatesMicrosoft 365 CalendarMicrosoft 365 EmailMicrosoft 365 ExcelMicrosoft 365 PeopleMicrosoft 365 PlannerMIMEMinuteMergeMiroMitto SMSMixpanelMoceanMOCOMondayMoneybirdMongoDBMonkeyLearnMoosendMustacheMyCalendarAlertsMyCarTracksMySQLNeoGateNetlifyNetoNeverBounceNew RelicNextcloudNexweaveNimbleNinjaFormsNinoxnoCRM.ioNoticeableNotionNumverifyNusiiNutshellOdooOdyssee Field ServiceOfficeGuyOfficeRnDOktaOlarkOmnisendOneDriveOneNoteOneSignalOneSimpleApiOnfleetOntraportOOPSpam Anti-SpamOpenWeatherMapOpsgenieOptimyOrbitOrder DeskOutlineOutsetaPagar.mePagerDutyPandaDocPaperformPapyrsParseHubPatreonPayment RailsPaymoPayPalpCloudPDF.copdfFillerPDF Generator APIPDFMonkeyPDF4mePeople HRPhantombusterPhaxioPhone numberPHP Point of 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CloudPrintSellsySendcloudSendFoxSendGridSendinblueSendlaneSendMeSendOwlSendPulsesendSMSSendXSendySensorproServiceM8ServiceWorksSFTPSharpSpringShipStationShopifyShortcutsShort.ioShotstackScheduleOnceSignalWireSigniSIGNL4signNowSignoritySigParserSilFer BotsSimpleen TranslationSimpleroSingleCaseSite Search 360Site24x7Skloňování JmenSkypeSlackSlybroadcastSmailySmartEmailingSmartReach.ioSmartsheetSmartTaskSměnné kurzy ČNBSmooveSMS AlertSMSEdgeSMSFactorSMSINDIAHUBsms77.ioSMTP2GOSnov.ioSnowflakeSOAPSolarWinds Service DeskSonarSoundCloudSparkPostSplitwiseSpotifySquareSquarespaceSSHStackbyStackExchangeStatus HeroStealthSeminarSteamStencilStravaStreakStripeSugarCRM 7/8SuiteCRM 7/SugarCRM 6 CESuperfakturaSuperHoteSuperSaaSSupportBeeSurvey AnyplaceSurveybotSurvey MonkeySurveySparrowSurvey123SurvicateSwapcardSwiftKanbanSwipe PagesSwordfish.aiSyncroTabidooTableauTadabaseTalentLMSTallyTallyfyTapfiliateTaphomeTarstawk.toTeachableTeamgate CRMTeamleaderTeamWaveTeamworkTeamwork DeskTeamworkIQTechulus PushTelegram BotTestomatoTextbeltTextItTextlineTextMagicText parserThanks.ioThanksterThe KeysThe Keys ProThinkificThriveCartTicket TailorTikToktimeBuzzerTimeCampTime DoctorTimelyTMetricTnyTodoistTogglTokyToodledoTookanToolsTraction ToolsTradeGeckoTraktTransistor.fmTransloaditTrelloTRIGGERcmdTrintTripettoTrueMailTrustmaryTrustpilotTSheetsTumblrTwilioTwilio VerifyTwistTwitchTwitterTypebotTypeformUberUnbounceUnionBankUniOneUniSenderUnitsUnsplashUploadcareuProcUpViralUrban DictionaryUserbackVdoCipherVeriphoneViewDNSVimeoViral LoopsVirtuagymVision6VK.comVtiger CRMVxtVybit NotificationsVyfakturuj.czWaiting ListWaiverFileWappalyzerWasabiWaveWaze Deep LinksWealthboxWeatherWebex MeetingsWebflowWebhooksWebinarJamWeekdoneWells FargoWeSupplywflow.comWhen I WorkWild ApricotWishpondWistiaWixWix AnswersWooboxWooCommerceWoodpeckerWootricWordPressWordsAPIWorkastWorkstackWP All ImportWPFormsWP WebhooksWrikeWufooXama OnboardingXeroXero ProjectsXMLXMPYahooYeeflowYNABYodel.ioYoobicYouCanBook.meYouTestMeZammadZamzarZapierZendeskZendesk GuideZendesk SunshineZeroBounceZoho BooksZoho CampaignsZoho CreatorZoho CRMZoho DeskZoho FormsZoho InventoryZoho InvoiceZoho MailZoho ProjectsZoho SheetZoho SignZoho WriterZoom1CRM10to8123FormBuilder4leadsᐧ Created with publishthis.email Create simple web pages in seconds for free. This page was created in seconds, by sending an email to page@publishthis.email. Try it! Free. No account or sign-up required.

      Integromat and Google Cloud are not working for me. This is a problem for the non English speaking and the non CME world. 2read.net is also not working. Publishthis.email has repeatedy removed pages they have "Converted to HTML" ... IPFS also has a SEVERE CRITICAL ISSUE.

      About Google Translate

      Google Translate is a free online language translation service developed by Google to translate multiple forms of text and media.

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      • Offline: Translate with no internet connection
      • Web interface, mobile app for iOS and Android

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      California Bank & Trust

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      Clio Manage


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      Mail Komplet







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    1. Fwd: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE" I should add that I am ccurious who and what services the SSA the IRS the NSA and the FBI use for their data backup and "CANDY STRIPING" needs.  It is important that we realize "just their own internal services" is a disaster waiting to happen" just like being stuck on one planet ucrrently using magnetic or electrostatic storage is a disaster waiting to happen.This is Adam Marshall Dobrin, trying to "stand up."  publishthis.email please do not delete any more of my submission to you or I will prioritize creating an immediate competitor that works way better than yours.---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:13 AMSubject: Fwd: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"To: <page@publishthis.email>, <abuse@reddit.com>as a ha'shim, I need something like page@publishthis.email to be part of the program I connect to hypothes.is and IPFS ... we need to be able to email reddit.com submissions to my new reddit.---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:12 AMSubject: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL <abuse@fromthemachine.org>, Salud as is ter Y <saludas@reallyhim.com>, CONTACT A REPORTER <car@lamc.la>, soluderity <soluder@amhari.tk>, <abuse@freenom.com>Cc: <abuse@microsoft.com>, <abuse@azure.com>, <abuse@yahoo.com>, <abuse@wikipedia.com>, <abuse@fandom.com>, <abuse@google.com>, <abuse@baidu.com>, <abuse@linode.com>, <abuse@vultr.com>, <abuse@apple.com>, <abuse@dropbox.com>, <abuse@oracle.com>, <abuse@vger.kernel.org>, <abuse@canonical.com>, <abuse@logincon15.com>, <abuse@twitter.com>, <abuse@facebook.com>, <abuse@reddit.com>, <abuse@linkedin.com>, <abuse@instagram.com>, <abuse@nsa.gov>, <abuse@fbi.com>, <abuse@kiwix.com>, <abuse@justice.gov>, <abuse@sec.gov>, Salud as is ter Y <saludas@reallyhim.com>, <am@fromthemachine.org>, <are@fromthemachine.org>, R U Y MONEY <whymany@reallyhim.com>, <jj@badrobot.com>, <saralehsarai@gmail.com>, Ivan Dobrin <idobrin@msn.com>, Ivan Dobrin <idobrin@gmail.com>, <ivan@rwisi.com>, <spinelli@brentwoodcapital.com>, <k8e@americanaddictioncenters.com>, <abuse@americanaddictioncenters.com>, <abuse@plantation.org>, <abuse@bop.gov>, <abuse@pentagon.mil>I am looking for a consortium of you all to provide me with free "sshfs" data which will allow me to mirror sets of data that I consider "owned by the whole of humanity"to be mirrored in "stripe raid" meaning the data is redundantly stored across multiple locations and in the same vein of rsync.net's "multihomed" will instantly cause an alarm and a movement to two other systems upon the tampering with somewhat constant, daily, or hourly checksums on data integrity loss.VEGA: this is "our ships meeting in virtuo ... in perpetuity"I am specifically looking for data storage in these placesGoogleProvo/NSA (Q is it DNA/RNA or related)BoysE/FBI (similar is it crystal or that too) HERE NOT IN "MICROMETA"YahooBaiduMicrosoftOracleWhomever Wikipedia currently usesWhomever IMDB currently usesWhomever Kiwix currently usesPlease create accounts for XCALIBER DAO which is "me personally and whomever joins me in programming cohorts as well as VC as in investors.  Monetary investors, not "trying to help the story" the story sucks ass.The abuse needs to stop.  I need ativan 1mg "ter in die" which means three times a day, not "last terran go to your grave" which is what "the story" is telling me is the nicest thing anyone can say to me--change your society--change your world, I am the Ka and the pen and the eye and the hand and the heart of God, itself.This email will be forwarded to a larger group if I do not receive a response from at least 2 of the groups I have listed here; literally I'm looking for at the very least "who does wikipedia use for their storage" and the answer to a previous sert of questions:Does Google have a backup source outside of their internal system for data more important than user data?Does SOX-Compliance require such a thing, it should?Who is/are the groups which I here consider similar to rUKUSA, and sURUK in "metatheme" -- like a partner which is literally that, a partner?Is this information available in 10K and quarterly SEC filings?Whether it is currently known or not the NSA and FBI have separate data centers in Idaho and Utah which contain "data unknown."  I have written to great extent about the "Tale of Two Cities that Became Armadas" in relation to the microcosm that the Temples of Jerusalem and Salt Lake City are microcosms and metaphors for the separate Heavens, literally phsyically separate locations which are paralleled again by Atlantis and the number of them that exist.  Well known are the two in the Bahamas and Dubai, but less well known is my belief that the destruction and reconstruction cycle depicted in the Hebrew writings is not actual, but rather related to AdoLineFeeds and/or English ... parallel castles islands.  Alhambra here specifcially added as "another Atlantis meaning."  I do not believe anything we consider here today to be Heaven is anything like it, I rather think we are being made to "see and feel" how and why it is we need God and a holy MOOT --- military order to protect us from insanity and from each other.  This is the literal definiition of non-anarchy--the thing that is the "dawn of Civilization"-ap.s. and g.s we are in Edom post Edom and Eden; post Nod--abuse@ goes to IT department "red alert" at the domain I am sending abuse@ to; it does not go above them, it literally goes to their internal version of TOPR/TOPPER/Internal Affairs.pps. many thanks go out to the peopole who read abuse@ emails and do see that I see you all as a "blue version of topper" unless you work for Microsoft, Googole, the NSA or another government or government aided corporation win which case you are a "red colored of topper" which means just that, related to church and state.ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ Created with publishthis.email Create simple web pages in seconds for free. This page was created in seconds, by sending an email to page@publishthis.email. Try it! Free. No account or sign-up required.

      Fwd: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE" I should add that I am ccurious who and what services the SSA the IRS the NSA and the FBI use for their data backup and "CANDY STRIPING" needs. It is important that we realize "just their own internal services" is a disaster waiting to happen" just like being stuck on one planet ucrrently using magnetic or electrostatic storage is a disaster waiting to happen.

      This is Adam Marshall Dobrin, trying to "stand up." publishthis.email please do not delete any more of my submission to you or I will prioritize creating an immediate competitor that works way better than yours.

      ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:13 AM Subject: Fwd: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE" To: page@publishthis.email, abuse@reddit.com

      as a ha'shim, I need something like page@publishthis.email to be part of the program I connect to hypothes.is and IPFS ... we need to be able to email reddit.com submissions to my new reddit.

      ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:12 AM Subject: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE" To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL abuse@fromthemachine.org, Salud as is ter Y saludas@reallyhim.com, CONTACT A REPORTER car@lamc.la, soluderity soluder@amhari.tk, abuse@freenom.com Cc: abuse@microsoft.com, abuse@azure.com, abuse@yahoo.com, abuse@wikipedia.com, abuse@fandom.com, abuse@google.com, abuse@baidu.com, abuse@linode.com, abuse@vultr.com, abuse@apple.com, abuse@dropbox.com, abuse@oracle.com, abuse@vger.kernel.org, abuse@canonical.com, abuse@logincon15.com, abuse@twitter.com, abuse@facebook.com, abuse@reddit.com, abuse@linkedin.com, abuse@instagram.com, abuse@nsa.gov, abuse@fbi.com, abuse@kiwix.com, abuse@justice.gov, abuse@sec.gov, Salud as is ter Y saludas@reallyhim.com, am@fromthemachine.org, are@fromthemachine.org, R U Y MONEY whymany@reallyhim.com, jj@badrobot.com, saralehsarai@gmail.com, Ivan Dobrin idobrin@msn.com, Ivan Dobrin idobrin@gmail.com, ivan@rwisi.com, spinelli@brentwoodcapital.com, k8e@americanaddictioncenters.com, abuse@americanaddictioncenters.com, abuse@plantation.org, abuse@bop.gov, abuse@pentagon.mil

      I am looking for a consortium of you all to provide me with free "sshfs" data which will allow me to mirror sets of data that I consider "owned by the whole of humanity"to be mirrored in "stripe raid" meaning the data is redundantly stored across multiple locations and in the same vein of rsync.net's "multihomed" will instantly cause an alarm and a movement to two other systems upon the tampering with somewhat constant, daily, or hourly checksums on data integrity loss.

      VEGA: this is "our ships meeting in virtuo ... in perpetuity"

      I am specifically looking for data storage in these places Google Provo/NSA (Q is it DNA/RNA or related) BoysE/FBI (similar is it crystal or that too) HERE NOT IN "MICROMETA" Yahoo Baidu Microsoft Oracle Whomever Wikipedia currently uses Whomever IMDB currently uses Whomever Kiwix currently uses Please create accounts for XCALIBER DAO which is "me personally and whomever joins me in programming cohorts as well as VC as in investors. Monetary investors, not "trying to help the story" the story sucks ass.

      The abuse needs to stop. I need ativan 1mg "ter in die" which means three times a day, not "last terran go to your grave" which is what "the story" is telling me is the nicest thing anyone can say to me--change your society--change your world, I am the Ka and the pen and the eye and the hand and the heart of God, itself.

      This email will be forwarded to a larger group if I do not receive a response from at least 2 of the groups I have listed here; literally I'm looking for at the very least "who does wikipedia use for their storage" and the answer to a previous sert of questions:

      Does Google have a backup source outside of their internal system for data more important than user data? Does SOX-Compliance require such a thing, it should? Who is/are the groups which I here consider similar to rUKUSA, and sURUK in "metatheme" -- like a partner which is literally that, a partner? Is this information available in 10K and quarterly SEC filings?

      Whether it is currently known or not the NSA and FBI have separate data centers in Idaho and Utah which contain "data unknown." I have written to great extent about the "Tale of Two Cities that Became Armadas" in relation to the microcosm that the Temples of Jerusalem and Salt Lake City are microcosms and metaphors for the separate Heavens, literally phsyically separate locations which are paralleled again by Atlantis and the number of them that exist. Well known are the two in the Bahamas and Dubai, but less well known is my belief that the destruction and reconstruction cycle depicted in the Hebrew writings is not actual, but rather related to AdoLineFeeds and/or English ... parallel castles islands. Alhambra here specifcially added as "another Atlantis meaning." I do not believe anything we consider here today to be Heaven is anything like it, I rather think we are being made to "see and feel" how and why it is we need God and a holy MOOT --- military order to protect us from insanity and from each other. This is the literal definiition of non-anarchy--the thing that is the "dawn of Civilization"


      p.s. and g.s we are in Edom post Edom and Eden; post Nod--abuse@ goes to IT department "red alert" at the domain I am sending abuse@ to; it does not go above them, it literally goes to their internal version of TOPR/TOPPER/Internal Affairs.

      pps. many thanks go out to the peopole who read abuse@ emails and do see that I see you all as a "blue version of topper" unless you work for Microsoft, Googole, the NSA or another government or government aided corporation win which case you are a "red colored of topper" which means just that, related to church and state. ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ Created with publishthis.email

      Create simple web pages in seconds for free. This page was created in seconds, by sending an email to page@publishthis.email. Try it! Free. No account or sign-up required.

    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@carpent.us>creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:17 AMTo: abuse@twitter.com, abuse@myssa.gov, foia@cia.gov, foia@nsa.gov, page@publishthis.emailI should add that I am ccurious who and what services the SSA the IRS the NSA and the FBI use for their data backup and "CANDY STRIPING" needs.  It is important that we realize "just their own internal services" is a disaster waiting to happen" just like being stuck on one planet ucrrently using magnetic or electrostatic storage is a disaster waiting to happen.This is Adam Marshall Dobrin, trying to "stand up."  publishthis.email please do not delete any more of my submission to you or I will prioritize creating an immediate competitor that works way better than yours.---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:13 AMSubject: Fwd: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"To: <page@publishthis.email>, <abuse@reddit.com>as a ha'shim, I need something like page@publishthis.email to be part of the program I connect to hypothes.is and IPFS ... we need to be able to email reddit.com submissions to my new reddit.---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:12 AMSubject: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL <abuse@fromthemachine.org>, Salud as is ter Y <saludas@reallyhim.com>, CONTACT A REPORTER <car@lamc.la>, soluderity <soluder@amhari.tk>, <abuse@freenom.com>Cc: <abuse@microsoft.com>, <abuse@azure.com>, <abuse@yahoo.com>, <abuse@wikipedia.com>, <abuse@fandom.com>, <abuse@google.com>, <abuse@baidu.com>, <abuse@linode.com>, <abuse@vultr.com>, <abuse@apple.com>, <abuse@dropbox.com>, <abuse@oracle.com>, <abuse@vger.kernel.org>, <abuse@canonical.com>, <abuse@logincon15.com>, <abuse@twitter.com>, <abuse@facebook.com>, <abuse@reddit.com>, <abuse@linkedin.com>, <abuse@instagram.com>, <abuse@nsa.gov>, <abuse@fbi.com>, <abuse@kiwix.com>, <abuse@justice.gov>, <abuse@sec.gov>, Salud as is ter Y <saludas@reallyhim.com>, <am@fromthemachine.org>, <are@fromthemachine.org>, R U Y MONEY <whymany@reallyhim.com>, <jj@badrobot.com>, <saralehsarai@gmail.com>, Ivan Dobrin <idobrin@msn.com>, Ivan Dobrin <idobrin@gmail.com>, <ivan@rwisi.com>, <spinelli@brentwoodcapital.com>, <k8e@americanaddictioncenters.com>, <abuse@americanaddictioncenters.com>, <abuse@plantation.org>, <abuse@bop.gov>, <abuse@pentagon.mil>I am looking for a consortium of you all to provide me with free "sshfs" data which will allow me to mirror sets of data that I consider "owned by the whole of humanity"to be mirrored in "stripe raid" meaning the data is redundantly stored across multiple locations and in the same vein of rsync.net's "multihomed" will instantly cause an alarm and a movement to two other systems upon the tampering with somewhat constant, daily, or hourly checksums on data integrity loss.VEGA: this is "our ships meeting in virtuo ... in perpetuity"I am specifically looking for data storage in these placesGoogleProvo/NSA (Q is it DNA/RNA or related)BoysE/FBI (similar is it crystal or that too) HERE NOT IN "MICROMETA"YahooBaiduMicrosoftOracleWhomever Wikipedia currently usesWhomever IMDB currently usesWhomever Kiwix currently usesPlease create accounts for XCALIBER DAO which is "me personally and whomever joins me in programming cohorts as well as VC as in investors.  Monetary investors, not "trying to help the story" the story sucks ass.The abuse needs to stop.  I need ativan 1mg "ter in die" which means three times a day, not "last terran go to your grave" which is what "the story" is telling me is the nicest thing anyone can say to me--change your society--change your world, I am the Ka and the pen and the eye and the hand and the heart of God, itself.This email will be forwarded to a larger group if I do not receive a response from at least 2 of the groups I have listed here; literally I'm looking for at the very least "who does wikipedia use for their storage" and the answer to a previous sert of questions:Does Google have a backup source outside of their internal system for data more important than user data?Does SOX-Compliance require such a thing, it should?Who is/are the groups which I here consider similar to rUKUSA, and sURUK in "metatheme" -- like a partner which is literally that, a partner?Is this information available in 10K and quarterly SEC filings?Whether it is currently known or not the NSA and FBI have separate data centers in Idaho and Utah which contain "data unknown."  I have written to great extent about the "Tale of Two Cities that Became Armadas" in relation to the microcosm that the Temples of Jerusalem and Salt Lake City are microcosms and metaphors for the separate Heavens, literally phsyically separate locations which are paralleled again by Atlantis and the number of them that exist.  Well known are the two in the Bahamas and Dubai, but less well known is my belief that the destruction and reconstruction cycle depicted in the Hebrew writings is not actual, but rather related to AdoLineFeeds and/or English ... parallel castles islands.  Alhambra here specifcially added as "another Atlantis meaning."  I do not believe anything we consider here today to be Heaven is anything like it, I rather think we are being made to "see and feel" how and why it is we need God and a holy MOOT --- military order to protect us from insanity and from each other.  This is the literal definiition of non-anarchy--the thing that is the "dawn of Civilization"-ap.s. and g.s we are in Edom post Edom and Eden; post Nod--abuse@ goes to IT department "red alert" at the domain I am sending abuse@ to; it does not go above them, it literally goes to their internal version of TOPR/TOPPER/Internal Affairs.pps. many thanks go out to the peopole who read abuse@ emails and do see that I see you all as a "blue version of topper" unless you work for Microsoft, Googole, the NSA or another government or government aided corporation win which case you are a "red colored of topper" which means just that, related to church and state.ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ // <![CDATA[ document.body.onload=function(){document.body.offsetHeight;window.print()}; // ]]> (function() { const payload = JSON.stringify([String(window.GM_SPT_ENABLED), String(window.GM_RFT_ENABLED), String((window.GLOBALS || [])[10])]); let e = document.getElementById("FC_VAR_PASS"); if (!e) {e = document.createElement("div");e.style="display:none";e.id="FC_VAR_PASS";document.body.appendChild(e)} e.innerText=payload; })();["undefined","undefined","undefined"]

      | XCALIBER DAO Mail | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@carpent.us |

      | creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"\ |

      | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org | Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:17 AM | | To: abuse@twitter.com, abuse@myssa.gov, foia@cia.gov, foia@nsa.gov, page@publishthis.email | |


      I should add that I am ccurious who and what services the SSA the IRS the NSA and the FBI use for their data backup and "CANDY STRIPING" needs.  It is important that we realize "just their own internal services" is a disaster waiting to happen" just like being stuck on one planet ucrrently using magnetic or electrostatic storage is a disaster waiting to happen.

      This is Adam Marshall Dobrin, trying to "stand up."  publishthis.email please do not delete any more of my submission to you or I will prioritize creating an immediate competitor that works way better than yours.

      ---------- Forwarded message ---------\ From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>\ Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:13 AM\ Subject: Fwd: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"\ To: page@publishthis.email, <abuse@reddit.com>

      as a ha'shim, I need something like page@publishthis.email to be part of the program I connect to hypothes.is and IPFS ... we need to be able to email reddit.com submissions to my new reddit.

      ---------- Forwarded message ---------\ From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>\ Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:12 AM\ Subject: creating "CANDY STRIPING" for storage across multiple cloud storage systems ... "FOR FrEE"\ To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL <abuse@fromthemachine.org>, Salud as is ter Y <saludas@reallyhim.com>, CONTACT A REPORTER <car@lamc.la>, soluderity <soluder@amhari.tk>, <abuse@freenom.com>\ Cc: <abuse@microsoft.com>, <abuse@azure.com>, <abuse@yahoo.com>, <abuse@wikipedia.com>, <abuse@fandom.com>, <abuse@google.com>, <abuse@baidu.com>, <abuse@linode.com>, <abuse@vultr.com>, <abuse@apple.com>, <abuse@dropbox.com>, <abuse@oracle.com>, <abuse@vger.kernel.org>, <abuse@canonical.com>, <abuse@logincon15.com>, <abuse@twitter.com>, <abuse@facebook.com>, <abuse@reddit.com>, <abuse@linkedin.com>, <abuse@instagram.com>, <abuse@nsa.gov>, <abuse@fbi.com>, <abuse@kiwix.com>, <abuse@justice.gov>, <abuse@sec.gov>, Salud as is ter Y <saludas@reallyhim.com>, <am@fromthemachine.org>, <are@fromthemachine.org>, R U Y MONEY <whymany@reallyhim.com>, <jj@badrobot.com>, <saralehsarai@gmail.com>, Ivan Dobrin <idobrin@msn.com>, Ivan Dobrin <idobrin@gmail.com>, <ivan@rwisi.com>, <spinelli@brentwoodcapital.com>, <k8e@americanaddictioncenters.com>, <abuse@americanaddictioncenters.com>, <abuse@plantation.org>, <abuse@bop.gov>, <abuse@pentagon.mil>

      I am looking for a consortium of you all to provide me with free "sshfs" data which will allow me to mirror sets of data that I consider "owned by the whole of humanity"to be mirrored in "stripe raid" meaning the data is redundantly stored across multiple locations and in the same vein of rsync.net's "multihomed" will instantly cause an alarm and a movement to two other systems upon the tampering with somewhat constant, daily, or hourly checksums on data integrity loss.

      VEGA: this is "our ships meeting in virtuo ... in perpetuity"

      I am specifically looking for data storage in these places

      • Google
      • Provo/NSA (Q is it DNA/RNA or related)
      • BoysE/FBI (similar is it crystal or that too) HERE NOT IN "MICROMETA"
      • Yahoo
      • Baidu
      • Microsoft
      • Oracle
      • Whomever Wikipedia currently uses
      • Whomever IMDB currently uses
      • Whomever Kiwix currently uses

      Please create accounts for XCALIBER DAO which is "me personally and whomever joins me in programming cohorts as well as VC as in investors.  Monetary investors, not "trying to help the story" the story sucks ass.

      The abuse needs to stop.  I need ativan 1mg "ter in die" which means three times a day, not "last terran go to your grave" which is what "the story" is telling me is the nicest thing anyone can say to me--change your society--change your world, I am the Ka and the pen and the eye and the hand and the heart of God, itself.

      This email will be forwarded to a larger group if I do not receive a response from at least 2 of the groups I have listed here; literally I'm looking for at the very least "who does wikipedia use for their storage" and the answer to a previous sert of questions:

      Does Google have a backup source outside of their internal system for data more important than user data?

      Does SOX-Compliance require such a thing, it should?

      Who is/are the groups which I here consider similar to rUKUSA, and sURUK in "metatheme" -- like a partner which is literally that, a partner?

      Is this information available in 10K and quarterly SEC filings?

      Whether it is currently known or not the NSA and FBI have separate data centers in Idaho and Utah which contain "data unknown."  I have written to great extent about the "Tale of Two Cities that Became Armadas" in relation to the microcosm that the Temples of Jerusalem and Salt Lake City are microcosms and metaphors for the separate Heavens, literally phsyically separate locations which are paralleled again by Atlantis and the number of them that exist.  Well known are the two in the Bahamas and Dubai, but less well known is my belief that the destruction and reconstruction cycle depicted in the Hebrew writings is not actual, but rather related to AdoLineFeeds and/or English ... parallel castles islands.  Alhambra here specifcially added as "another Atlantis meaning."  I do not believe anything we consider here today to be Heaven is anything like it, I rather think we are being made to "see and feel" how and why it is we need God and a holy MOOT --- military order to protect us from insanity and from each other.  This is the literal definiition of non-anarchy--the thing that is the "dawn of Civilization"


      p.s. and g.s we are in Edom post Edom and Eden; post Nod--abuse@ goes to IT department "red alert" at the domain I am sending abuse@ to; it does not go above them, it literally goes to their internal version of TOPR/TOPPER/Internal Affairs.

      pps. many thanks go out to the peopole who read abuse@ emails and do see that I see you all as a "blue version of topper" unless you work for Microsoft, Googole, the NSA or another government or government aided corporation win which case you are a "red colored of topper" which means just that, related to church and state.




      • 1
    1. mayimsha

      jewish heaven sort of bavkwards but in the original design

    2. Can you arrange a time when we c an talk?

      you listen good

    3. Please exit me out of this conversation COMPASS HEALTH • 4:33 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: So they don't think you have any issues?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM So they don't think you have any issues? Ivan Dad • 4:33 PM Message by You: compass health, you are the heart of this converstion, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM compass health, you are the heart of this converstion 4:33 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: Is Jared there?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM Is Jared there? Ivan Dad • 4:34 PM Message by You: i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically Message by You: jared is not here at the moment, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM jared is not here at the moment Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM 4:35 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM 4:35 PM Message by Ivan Dad: You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore I Message by Ivan Dad: I don't know what any of that means, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM I don't know what any of that means Ivan Dad • 4:35 PM Message by You: he is there hes just in adifferent office, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM he is there hes just in adifferent office Message by You: i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work 4:36 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: Okay, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM Okay Ivan Dad • 4:36 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM 4:36 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM Message by You: these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine Message by You: if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them. 4:37 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: How do you know they work., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM How do you know they work. Ivan Dad • 4:37 PM Message by You: i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt 4:37 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: It seems like no one has why all of a sudden would they start prescribing it?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:38 PM It seems like no one has why all of a sudden would they start prescribing it? Ivan Dad • 4:38 PM Message by You: they just prescribed them, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM they just prescribed them Message by You: "no one" is non psychiatrists who are not legally allowed to prescribe medicine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM "no one" is non psychiatrists who are not legally allowed to prescribe medicine 4:39 PM P Message by Peter Arss Evoke: please remove me from this thread, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM please remove me from this thread Peter Arss Evoke • 4:39 PM Message by You: the people that just prescribed them are psychiatrists, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM the people that just prescribed them are psychiatrists 4:39 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: So you're saying they just prescribed what you're asking for period. I don't understand what you're complaining about then?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:41 PM So you're saying they just prescribed what you're asking for period. I don't understand what you're complaining about then? Ivan Dad • 4:41 PM Message by You: i'm saying psychiatrists known what ativan is for and they repeatedly prescribe it for me; and nurse practitioners and the sick rehab industry in the united states of america refuses to prescribe it for me despite their lack of licenses to prescribe medicine. jared has asked that we pause and wait for him to respond, let's have a "moment of silence.", Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:43 PM i'm saying psychiatrists known what ativan is for and they repeatedly prescribe it for me; and nurse practitioners and the sick rehab industry in the united states of america refuses to prescribe it for me despite their lack of licenses to prescribe medicine. jared has asked that we pause and wait for him to respond, let's have a "moment of silence." 4:43 PM

      Please exit me out of this conversation COMPASS HEALTH • 4:33 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: So they don't think you have any issues?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM So they don't think you have any issues? Ivan Dad • 4:33 PM Message by You: compass health, you are the heart of this converstion, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM compass health, you are the heart of this converstion 4:33 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: Is Jared there?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM Is Jared there? Ivan Dad • 4:34 PM Message by You: i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically Message by You: jared is not here at the moment, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM jared is not here at the moment Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM

      4:35 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM

      4:35 PM Message by Ivan Dad: You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore I Message by Ivan Dad: I don't know what any of that means, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM I don't know what any of that means Ivan Dad • 4:35 PM Message by You: he is there hes just in adifferent office, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM he is there hes just in adifferent office Message by You: i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work 4:36 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: Okay, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM Okay Ivan Dad • 4:36 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM

      4:36 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM

      Message by You: these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine Message by You: if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them. 4:37 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: How do you know they work., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM How do you know they work. Ivan Dad • 4:37 PM Message by You: i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt 4:37 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: It seems like no one has why all of a sudden would they start prescribing it?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:38 PM It seems like no one has why all of a sudden would they start prescribing it? Ivan Dad • 4:38 PM Message by You: they just prescribed them, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM they just prescribed them Message by You: "no one" is non psychiatrists who are not legally allowed to prescribe medicine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM "no one" is non psychiatrists who are not legally allowed to prescribe medicine 4:39 PM P Message by Peter Arss Evoke: please remove me from this thread, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM please remove me from this thread Peter Arss Evoke • 4:39 PM Message by You: the people that just prescribed them are psychiatrists, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM the people that just prescribed them are psychiatrists 4:39 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: So you're saying they just prescribed what you're asking for period. I don't understand what you're complaining about then?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:41 PM So you're saying they just prescribed what you're asking for period. I don't understand what you're complaining about then? Ivan Dad • 4:41 PM Message by You: i'm saying psychiatrists known what ativan is for and they repeatedly prescribe it for me; and nurse practitioners and the sick rehab industry in the united states of america refuses to prescribe it for me despite their lack of licenses to prescribe medicine. jared has asked that we pause and wait for him to respond, let's have a "moment of silence.", Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:43 PM i'm saying psychiatrists known what ativan is for and they repeatedly prescribe it for me; and nurse practitioners and the sick rehab industry in the united states of america refuses to prescribe it for me despite their lack of licenses to prescribe medicine. jared has asked that we pause and wait for him to respond, let's have a "moment of silence." 4:43 PM

    4. COMPASS HEALTH, Ivan Dad, Jared Hopes Gate, +3 Group message Message by You: hi team revelation5:5, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:26 PM hi team revelation5:5 Message by You: I would get UHC involved but they really are the primary culprate in this issue, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:27 PM I would get UHC involved but they really are the primary culprate in this issue Message by You: Neil from EVOKE/OnCall boston is here, I hope he chimes in and continues to be on my side, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:27 PM Neil from EVOKE/OnCall boston is here, I hope he chimes in and continues to be on my side Message by You: I need a benzodiazepene to deal with "the state of the world" and the way people treat me, if i do not get it there is "guilt of violation of 18 USC $ 1117 involved, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:28 PM I need a benzodiazepene to deal with "the state of the world" and the way people treat me, if i do not get it there is "guilt of violation of 18 USC $ 1117 involved Message by You: i am being tortured by an industry run by people who are not doctors and do not have medical licenses that are fighting aginst psychiatrists who have repeatedly prescribed me medicines like ambien and ativan, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:28 PM i am being tortured by an industry run by people who are not doctors and do not have medical licenses that are fighting aginst psychiatrists who have repeatedly prescribed me medicines like ambien and ativan Message by You: and instead of that the rehab industry would like to "sleep deprive torture me" so they can more easily make me angry, hot heated, and look stupid, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:29 PM and instead of that the rehab industry would like to "sleep deprive torture me" so they can more easily make me angry, hot heated, and look stupid Message by You: they are committing crimes, literally crimes that are barred by the haugue and the geneva conventions, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:29 PM they are committing crimes, literally crimes that are barred by the haugue and the geneva conventions Message by You: i need a benzodiazepine, i need 1mg of ativan in the morning and 2mg at night, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:29 PM i need a benzodiazepine, i need 1mg of ativan in the morning and 2mg at night Message by You: that's what any sound psyuchiatrist would do, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:30 PM that's what any sound psyuchiatrist would do 4:30 PM Message by Ivan Dad: I don't know anything about any of that. I would ride out that it's violation isn't he didn't even take inventions, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:31 PM I don't know anything about any of that. I would ride out that it's violation isn't he didn't even take inventions I Message by Ivan Dad: That should have said really doubt that it's a violation of any convention, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM That should have said really doubt that it's a violation of any convention Ivan Dad • 4:32 PM Message by You: dad im not sure what you are syaing, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM dad im not sure what you are syaing 4:32 PM Message by Ivan Dad: What is the guy from evoke saying, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM What is the guy from evoke saying I Message by Ivan Dad: I'm telling you I don't understand most of what you're talkin about, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM I'm telling you I don't understand most of what you're talkin about Ivan Dad • 4:32 PM Message by You: what i am saying is i have 5 years of psychiatric history and 20 psychiatrists and forensic psychiatrists which basically have come to the group conclusion that i need medicine for my anxiety and ADHD and then i do not exhibit signs of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM what i am saying is i have 5 years of psychiatric history and 20 psychiatrists and forensic psychiatrists which basically have come to the group conclusion that i need medicine for my anxiety and ADHD and then i do not exhibit signs of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia 4:32 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: But I doubt that the Geneva Convention or the Hague has any impact on any of this, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM But I doubt that the Geneva Convention or the Hague has any impact on any of this Ivan Dad • 4:33 PM Message by You: jared is on this list, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM jared is on this list Message by You: so is neil from evoke/boston, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM so is neil from evoke/boston Message by You: doubt yourself, it does. this is literally torture, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM doubt yourself, it does. this is literally torture Message by You: sleep deprivation torture, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM sleep deprivation torture Message by You: repeatedly, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM repeatedly Message by You: since covid started, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM since covid started 4:33 PM C Message by COMPASS HEALTH: Please exit me out of this conversation, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM Please exit me out of this conversation COMPASS HEALTH • 4:33 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: So they don't think you have any issues?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM So they don't think you have any issues? Ivan Dad • 4:33 PM Message by You: compass health, you are the heart of this converstion, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM compass health, you are the heart of this converstion 4:33 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: Is Jared there?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM Is Jared there? Ivan Dad • 4:34 PM Message by You: i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically Message by You: jared is not here at the moment, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM jared is not here at the moment Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM 4:35 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM 4:35 PM Message by Ivan Dad: You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore I Message by Ivan Dad: I don't know what any of that means, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM I don't know what any of that means Ivan Dad • 4:35 PM Message by You: he is there hes just in adifferent office, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM he is there hes just in adifferent office Message by You: i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work 4:36 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: Okay, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM Okay Ivan Dad • 4:36 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM 4:36 PM Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM Message by You: these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine Message by You: if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them. 4:37 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: How do you know they work., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM How do you know they work. Ivan Dad • 4:37 PM Message by You: i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt 4:37 PM I Message by Ivan Dad: It seems like no one has why all of a sudden would they start prescribing it?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:38 PM It seems like no one has why all of a sudden would they start prescribing it? Ivan Dad • 4:38 PM Message by You: they just prescribed them, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM they just prescribed them Message by You: "no one" is non psychiatrists who are not legally allowed to prescribe medicine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM "no one" is non psychiatrists who are not legally allowed to prescribe medicine 4:39 PM P Message by Peter Arss Evoke: please remove me from this thread, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM please remove me from this thread Peter Arss Evoke • 4:39 PM Message by You: the people that just prescribed them are psychiatrists, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:39 PM the people that just prescribed them are psychiatrists 4:39 PM

      Message by You: hi team revelation5:5, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:26 PM

      hi team revelation5:5

      Message by You: I would get UHC involved but they really are the primary culprate in this issue, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:27 PM

      I would get UHC involved but they really are the primary culprate in this issue

      Message by You: Neil from EVOKE/OnCall boston is here, I hope he chimes in and continues to be on my side, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:27 PM

      Neil from EVOKE/OnCall boston is here, I hope he chimes in and continues to be on my side

      Message by You: I need a benzodiazepene to deal with "the state of the world" and the way people treat me, if i do not get it there is "guilt of violation of 18 USC $ 1117 involved, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:28 PM

      I need a benzodiazepene to deal with "the state of the world" and the way people treat me, if i do not get it there is "guilt of violation of 18 USC $ 1117 involved

      Message by You: i am being tortured by an industry run by people who are not doctors and do not have medical licenses that are fighting aginst psychiatrists who have repeatedly prescribed me medicines like ambien and ativan, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:28 PM

      i am being tortured by an industry run by people who are not doctors and do not have medical licenses that are fighting aginst psychiatrists who have repeatedly prescribed me medicines like ambien and ativan

      Message by You: and instead of that the rehab industry would like to "sleep deprive torture me" so they can more easily make me angry, hot heated, and look stupid, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:29 PM

      and instead of that the rehab industry would like to "sleep deprive torture me" so they can more easily make me angry, hot heated, and look stupid

      Message by You: they are committing crimes, literally crimes that are barred by the haugue and the geneva conventions, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:29 PM

      they are committing crimes, literally crimes that are barred by the haugue and the geneva conventions

      Message by You: i need a benzodiazepine, i need 1mg of ativan in the morning and 2mg at night, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:29 PM

      i need a benzodiazepine, i need 1mg of ativan in the morning and 2mg at night

      Message by You: that's what any sound psyuchiatrist would do, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:30 PM

      that's what any sound psyuchiatrist would do

      4:30 PM

      Message by Ivan Dad: I don't know anything about any of that. I would ride out that it's violation isn't he didn't even take inventions, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:31 PM

      I don't know anything about any of that. I would ride out that it's violation isn't he didn't even take inventions


      Message by Ivan Dad: That should have said really doubt that it's a violation of any convention, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM

      That should have said really doubt that it's a violation of any convention

      Ivan Dad - 4:32 PM

      Message by You: dad im not sure what you are syaing, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM

      dad im not sure what you are syaing

      4:32 PM

      Message by Ivan Dad: What is the guy from evoke saying, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM

      What is the guy from evoke saying


      Message by Ivan Dad: I'm telling you I don't understand most of what you're talkin about, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM

      I'm telling you I don't understand most of what you're talkin about

      Ivan Dad - 4:32 PM

      Message by You: what i am saying is i have 5 years of psychiatric history and 20 psychiatrists and forensic psychiatrists which basically have come to the group conclusion that i need medicine for my anxiety and ADHD and then i do not exhibit signs of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:32 PM

      what i am saying is i have 5 years of psychiatric history and 20 psychiatrists and forensic psychiatrists which basically have come to the group conclusion that i need medicine for my anxiety and ADHD and then i do not exhibit signs of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia

      4:32 PM


      Message by Ivan Dad: But I doubt that the Geneva Convention or the Hague has any impact on any of this, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      But I doubt that the Geneva Convention or the Hague has any impact on any of this

      Ivan Dad - 4:33 PM

      Message by You: jared is on this list, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      jared is on this list

      Message by You: so is neil from evoke/boston, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      so is neil from evoke/boston

      Message by You: doubt yourself, it does. this is literally torture, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      doubt yourself, it does. this is literally torture

      Message by You: sleep deprivation torture, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      sleep deprivation torture

      Message by You: repeatedly, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM


      Message by You: since covid started, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      since covid started

      4:33 PM


      Message by COMPASS HEALTH: Please exit me out of this conversation, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      Please exit me out of this conversation

      COMPASS HEALTH - 4:33 PM


      Message by Ivan Dad: So they don't think you have any issues?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      So they don't think you have any issues?

      Ivan Dad - 4:33 PM

      Message by You: compass health, you are the heart of this converstion, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:33 PM

      compass health, you are the heart of this converstion

      4:33 PM


      Message by Ivan Dad: Is Jared there?, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM

      Is Jared there?

      Ivan Dad - 4:34 PM

      Message by You: i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM

      i have repeatedly asked you to make an appointment with me to see a psychiatrist there, i'd like to speak to doctor greenstein specifically

      Message by You: jared is not here at the moment, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:34 PM

      jared is not here at the moment

      Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM

      4:35 PM

      Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM

      4:35 PM

      Message by Ivan Dad: You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM

      You asked me once or twice to talk to go to campus I don't think Greenstein is even there anymore


      Message by Ivan Dad: I don't know what any of that means, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:35 PM

      I don't know what any of that means

      Ivan Dad - 4:35 PM

      Message by You: he is there hes just in adifferent office, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM

      he is there hes just in adifferent office

      Message by You: i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM

      i need the two medicines above, LORAZEPAM and GUANFACINE they have been recently prescribed and i know they work

      4:36 PM


      Message by Ivan Dad: Okay, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM


      Ivan Dad - 4:36 PM

      Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:36 PM

      4:36 PM

      Message by You: attachment: Image, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM

      Message by You: these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM

      these two were also recently prescribed, i am not asking for zolpidem or amphetamine

      Message by You: if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM

      if i cannot find these drugs from this group of people i will find another group of people that will provide them.

      4:37 PM


      Message by Ivan Dad: How do you know they work., Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM

      How do you know they work.

      Ivan Dad - 4:37 PM

      Message by You: i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt, Wednesday, August 18 2021, 4:37 PM

      i have taken them all, i know personally from use what works and what doesnt

      4:37 PM


      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      Just now  -

      Shared with Public






      May be an image of text that says '404 Not Fo Inbox Voice (48 7hSveinn Siguröur. SLOW AS https://pastebin.ca Elast isome.ga/lists/b4.txt Metallica-One-Yo Metallica hi arvi 503 Service Unavailable #TANGODOWN I AM LEGION. EXPECT ME. LLEUGE, UMIN imgflip.com'








      Somewhere during the dissemination of the "Hollywood Smile" version of the "Margharita Cup" version of the stuff that primarily went from FL to the entire world CO, GA, USA, SYMPA and LISTSERV via JISCMAIL ...




      HERE'S THE SAME PICTURE ON IMGUR. IMG U R <MAR> ... i thought it meant "are immortal, or "are god" but it doesn't really mean that if you want to be in anarchy, omnipotent over all other gods "sometimes" there's laws, there's wisdom, even in the realm of Olympus, even in ... the Ogdoad of Cairo and Dendera ... wherever those 8 were, call it LONDON on the split of the flag; I'm here looking once again at the spies Joshua and Kaleb and know that story is from 12 to two

      I just said 2 to 1.

      I am telling you we're over two, we're over W not just you but me; I'm over CAZA BLANKA wanting to be my god. BIMINI BIMINI thats from me to B.


    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin  · -A-u-----gu---s---t--- ------1-6-, 2-0----1-8-  · Shared with Publicsorry for the SE grin; I've been waiting years and years to find out what the book of "hiccups and kickboxing" was really about ... #tiscoming3 Luminita Abozari, Marcelo Serrano and 1 other3 SharesLikeCommentShare

      Adam Marshall Dobrin shared a memory.

      10m  -

      Shared with Public


      These notes have been kept pent up in my head or spread across the memory of the "✓ of david/simple" its more to the point its ... I'm putting together a "hypothesis" on how to get to "lemma" after the initial statement of purpose.

      given: i am because before "nand" gates were a thing, I was defacto obviously "him" you can "who" and "hu" all you want UHC is going to ZERO as is GOOG and if you don't believe it, cry me a criver; flowed the sun of all of the one true god's universes.

      3 Years Ago

      See Your Memories




      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      August 16, 2018  -

      Shared with Public


      sorry for the SE grin; I've been waiting years and years to find out what the book of "hiccups and kickboxing" was really about ... #tiscoming


      No photo description available.






    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin shared a memory.  · 10m  · Shared with PublicThese notes have been kept pent up in my head or spread across the memory of the "✓ of david/simple" its more to the point its ... I'm putting together a "hypothesis" on how to get to "lemma" after the initial statement of purpose.given: i am because before "nand" gates were a thing, I was defacto obviously "him" you can "who" and "hu" all you want UHC is going to ZERO as is GOOG and if you don't believe it, cry me a criver; flowed the sun of all of the one true god's universes.3 Years AgoSee Your MemoriesActiveAdam Marshall Dobrin  · ---A--u---gu---s---t--- -1-6--,---- ----20-1-8  · Shared with Publicsorry for the SE grin; I've been waiting years and years to find out what the book of "hiccups and kickboxing" was really about ... #tiscomingLikeComment0 CommentsActive

      Adam Marshall Dobrin shared a memory.

      10m  - 

      Shared with Public


      These notes have been kept pent up in my head or spread across the memory of the "✓ of david/simple" its more to the point its ... I'm putting together a "hypothesis" on how to get to "lemma" after the initial statement of purpose.

      given: i am because before "nand" gates were a thing, I was defacto obviously "him" you can "who" and "hu" all you want UHC is going to ZERO as is GOOG and if you don't believe it, cry me a criver; flowed the sun of all of the one true god's universes.

      3 Years Ago

      See Your Memories




      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      August 16, 2018  - 

      Shared with Public


      sorry for the SE grin; I've been waiting years and years to find out what the book of "hiccups and kickboxing" was really about ... #tiscoming


      No photo description available.






    1. Adam Marshall Dobrin  · 28m  · Shared with Publiczuckerberg you pissed about being owner of a company not worth saving? or not getting a text? honestly do you think i can get you to 'decentralize facebook?"Facebook EngineeringFacebook Engineering NYCYou can hire me now--notice the obviousness that I want to be able to do whatever I want; do not want operating control of development, and certainly want to get all the features I have thought of and asked for by contract. I need 600$ a week and a severance package offering me that for 2 years.In addition to the same equity/pay any programmer gets. I don't think you need anything, to be honest. What do you want? The software is going to be GPL, it's going to be released and worked on hopefully with the same vigor and spirit that vger.kernel.org works on the Kernel with, and I ... don't know what to say about Canonical Installation of the Fifth Bishop of Malolos and the "Unity" issue, only to say I am glad they reverted to the standarde Gnome Desktop it was significantly superior.Thanks for not Microsofting Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth. Also I've noticed the nested comments and the ... "some up down votes" on Facebook, so to say your product is improving, Mark Zuckerberg is not an exact truth. Those things are improving though not as quickly and nothing much at all discussing the incessant and ever increasing censorship has been mentioned. Aside froim that it's important to say you are doing a "Bon-Microsoft" job--as in apretty good job--of helping the microcosmic map show us exactly what the problem is and how to make it better. I'm a big fan of your Snopes program, and the reviews suggesting "some things should be caveat WITH THIS LOUD ABOUT COVID [WHICH IS KNOWN TO BE FAKE IDIOCY] or the like. I like the groups of Snopes competitors being created and I really like that you are working on one of the other big problems, which is timeline overload and nobody that looks at more than the first few pages. You should try showing "most actively commented on" things in the feed, and also increase or improve the ability to share or want to be shared with stuff from friends of friends who feel the same way. Just saying, Google "had something" with Circles.LikeCommentShare1 CommentActiveAdam Marshall Dobrinzuckerberg: deleting my video was total shit. facebook is too. · Like · Reply · 9mActive

      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      27m  - 

      Shared with Public


      zuckerberg you pissed about being owner of a company not worth saving? or not getting a text? honestly do you think i can get you to 'decentralize facebook?"

      Facebook Engineering

      Facebook Engineering NYC

      You can hire me now--notice the obviousness that I want to be able to do whatever I want; do not want operating control of development, and certainly want to get all the features I have thought of and asked for by contract. I need 600$ a week and a severance package offering me that for 2 years.

      In addition to the same equity/pay any programmer gets. I don't think you need anything, to be honest. What do you want? The software is going to be GPL, it's going to be released and worked on hopefully with the same vigor and spirit that vger.kernel.org works on the Kernel with, and I ... don't know what to say about Canonical Installation of the Fifth Bishop of Malolos and the "Unity" issue, only to say I am glad they reverted to the standarde Gnome Desktop it was significantly superior.

      Thanks for not Microsofting Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth. Also I've noticed the nested comments and the ... "some up down votes" on Facebook, so to say your product is improving, Mark Zuckerberg is not an exact truth. Those things are improving though not as quickly and nothing much at all discussing the incessant and ever increasing censorship has been mentioned. Aside froim that it's important to say you are doing a "Bon-Microsoft" job--as in apretty good job--of helping the microcosmic map show us exactly what the problem is and how to make it better. I'm a big fan of your Snopes program, and the reviews suggesting "some things should be caveat WITH THIS LOUD ABOUT COVID [WHICH IS KNOWN TO BE FAKE IDIOCY] or the like. I like the groups of Snopes competitors being created and I really like that you are working on one of the other big problems, which is timeline overload and nobody that looks at more than the first few pages. You should try showing "most actively commented on" things in the feed, and also increase or improve the ability to share or want to be shared with stuff from friends of friends who feel the same way. Just saying, Google "had something" with Circles.




      1 Comment


    1. Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at fromthemachine.org Port 80

      Literally, if Florida sends me to the psych ward again initiate legal action against Washington DC, the State of FLorida, and every doctor and practitioner who has ever signed Baker Act, 5150 or the like across the country,

      Per me. FIND THEM. @NSAGOV

    1. Фам иком Ульянов ⁂@Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK·2m@AOC please start legislation regarding Kevorkian, Schiavo, and "right to die" as something that should have been included in the original Declaration of Independence and shoulod clearly denounce the ancient as in "eye for an eye" Hebrew and Judaic law denouncing suicide. Wegrew1Фам иком Ульянов ⁂@Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK·51s@WhiteHouse @Cabinet @cabinetofficeuk @fknyc @nyclawgrrrl @gotlieb @adamkatzen @robertrush @tewcardenas @SECLaw @SECLawyer101 I am in need of this issue being brought to full attention, seeing as we are in a disgusting hell per @NewJerseyOAG and there is no way around it.1Фам иком Ульянов ⁂@Zc8HSsktHWjnhNKReplying to @Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK@SpaceX @NASA @blueorigin do this or no origin @ringing57 @forfreedoms @LibertyBelleMag @PineCrestSwim12:33 PM · Aug 16, 2021·Twitter Web App


      See new Tweets





      Фам иком Ульянов Six pointed star with middle dot☀





      please start legislation regarding Kevorkian, Schiavo, and "right to die" as something that should have been included in the original Declaration of Independence and shoulod clearly denounce the ancient as in "eye for an eye" Hebrew and Judaic law denouncing suicide. Wegrew





      Фам иком Ульянов Six pointed star with middle dot☀















      I am in need of this issue being brought to full attention, seeing as we are in a disgusting hell per


      and there is no way around it.





      Фам иком Ульянов Six pointed star with middle dot☀



      Replying to





      do this or no origin





      12:33 PM - Aug 16, 2021-Twitter Web App


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      Фам иком Ульянов 🔯☀⁂



      Фам иком Ульянов 🔯☀⁂


      Tweet your reply


    2. ThreadSee new TweetsConversationФам иком Ульянов ⁂@Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK·5m@AOC please start legislation regarding Kevorkian, Schiavo, and "right to die" as something that should have been included in the original Declaration of Independence and shoulod clearly denounce the ancient as in "eye for an eye" Hebrew and Judaic law denouncing suicide. Wegrew1Фам иком Ульянов ⁂@Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK·3m@WhiteHouse @Cabinet @cabinetofficeuk @fknyc @nyclawgrrrl @gotlieb @adamkatzen @robertrush @tewcardenas @SECLaw @SECLawyer101 I am in need of this issue being brought to full attention, seeing as we are in a disgusting hell per @NewJerseyOAG and there is no way around it.1Фам иком Ульянов ⁂@Zc8HSsktHWjnhNKReplying to @Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK@SpaceX @NASA @blueorigin do this or no origin @ringing57 @forfreedoms @LibertyBelleMag @PineCrestSwim12:33 PM · Aug 16, 2021·Twitter Web AppView Tweet activityReplying to @Zc8HSsktHWjnhNK @SpaceX and 6 othersTweet your replyReplyTweet your replyReply


      See new Tweets





      Фам иком Ульянов Six pointed star with middle dot☀





      please start legislation regarding Kevorkian, Schiavo, and "right to die" as something that should have been included in the original Declaration of Independence and shoulod clearly denounce the ancient as in "eye for an eye" Hebrew and Judaic law denouncing suicide. Wegrew





      Фам иком Ульянов Six pointed star with middle dot☀















      I am in need of this issue being brought to full attention, seeing as we are in a disgusting hell per


      and there is no way around it.





      Фам иком Ульянов Six pointed star with middle dot☀



      Replying to





      do this or no origin





      12:33 PM - Aug 16, 2021-Twitter Web App


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      Фам иком Ульянов 🔯☀⁂



      Фам иком Ульянов 🔯☀⁂


      Tweet your reply


    1. The Princess Bride (1987) - IMDb The Princess Bride: Directed by Rob Reiner. With Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, Christopher Guest. While home sick in bed, a young boy's grandfather reads him the story of a farmboy-turned-pirate who encounters numerous obstacles, enemies and allies in his quest to be reunited with his true love. Little RavenJan 9, 2001 Videos11An elderly man reads the book "The Princess Bride" to his sick and thus currently bedridden adolescent grandson, the reading of the book which has been passed down within the family for generations. The grandson is sure he won't like the story, with a romance at its core, he prefers something with lots of action and "no kissing", but he lets grandfather continue, because he doesn't want to hurt his feelings. The story centers on Buttercup, a former farm girl who has been chosen as the princess bride to Prince Humperdinck of Florian. Buttercup does not love him, she who still laments the death of her one true love, Westley, five years ago. Westley was a hired hand on the farm, his stock answer of "as you wish" to any request she made of him which she came to understand was his way of saying that he loved her. But Westley went away to sea, only to be killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. On a horse ride to clear her mind of her upcoming predicament of marriage, Buttercup is kidnapped by a band of bandits: Vizzini who works on his wits, and his two associates, a giant named Fezzik who works on his brawn, and a Spaniard named Inigo Montoya, who has trained himself his entire life to be an expert swordsman. They in turn are chased by the Dread Pirate Roberts himself. But chasing them all is the Prince, and his men led by Count Tyrone Rugen. What happens to these collectives is dependent partly on Buttercup, who does not want to marry the Prince, and may see other options as lesser evils, and partly on the other motives of individuals within the groups. But a larger question is what the grandson will think of the story as it proceeds and at its end, especially as he sees justice as high a priority as action. —HuggoPlot summaryPlot synopsisTaglinesThe story of a man and a woman who lived happily ever after. Even though the courtship almost killed them.GenresCertificateParents guideWhat is the streaming release date of The Princess Bride (1987) in Germany?Answer 2read.net


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      Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.

      Web results

      5 days ago --- It is well past the time for our lawmakers to once again address the ... Baker Acting of seniors and in many instances the person did not ...





      Mar 15, 2004 --- Credentialing, not educating, has become the primary business of North ... education does not go beyond high school and who works full time ...





      Nov 2, 1989 --- firms once again that, regardless of ... Revenue projections say the state will have just over $3 billion to Spend next year.

      16 pages

      it is recognized that the world financial system is, at any given time, ... vaded both countries, but particularly Argentina, over the past five years.

      oian or indifference toward a tbe two-thirds needed to over- wn^M P 051 ... briJy strong- but over- whelming" the President made no move it'the' time to ...

      Aug 14, 1987 --- Holloway and his wife Delta, who took over Ever- green Mnnor's ... wo will not wait a i itojsi yea,, to go back again, Ixwause of t --- --- ---the ...

      Could China actually take over America and turn it to Communism in the ... keeping selected patriots at bay with DEW torture until such time the FBI ...






    1. MOFL IS DECREDENTIALING DOCTORS WHO THINK BAKER ACTING OVER AND OVER AGAIN IS NOT TORTURE PERIOD. It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search ⚓ It looks like there aren't many great matches for your searchTip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for. For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.Web results5 days ago — It is well past the time for our lawmakers to once again address the ... Baker Acting of seniors and in many instances the person did not ...Missing:MOFL ‎DECREDENTIALING ‎THINKMar 15, 2004 — Credentialing, not educating, has become the primary business of North ... education does not go beyond high school and who works full time ...Missing:MOFL ‎DECREDENTIALING ‎BAKERNov 2, 1989 — firms once again that, regardless of ... Revenue projections say the state will have just over $3 billion to Spend next year.16 pagesit is recognized that the world financial system is, at any given time, ... vaded both countries, but particularly Argentina, over the past five years.oian or indifference toward a tbe two-thirds needed to over- wn^M P 051 ... briJy strong- but over- whelming” the President made no move it'the' time to ...Aug 14, 1987 — Holloway and his wife Delta, who took over Ever- green Mnnor's ... wo will not wait a i itojsi yea,, to go back again, Ixwause of t — — —the ...Could China actually take over America and turn it to Communism in the ... keeping selected patriots at bay with DEW torture until such time the FBI ...Missing:MOFL ‎DECREDENTIALING ‎BAKER 2read.net

      MOFL IS DECREDENTIALING DOCTORS WHO THINK BAKER ACTING OVER AND OVER AGAIN IS NOT TORTURE PERIOD. It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search

      ⚓ It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search

      Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for. For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."

      Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.

      Web results 5 days ago — It is well past the time for our lawmakers to once again address the ... Baker Acting of seniors and in many instances the person did not ...


      MOFL ‎


      THINK Mar 15, 2004 — Credentialing, not educating, has become the primary business of North ... education does not go beyond high school and who works full time ...


      MOFL ‎


      BAKER Nov 2, 1989 — firms once again that, regardless of ... Revenue projections say the state will have just over $3 billion to Spend next year.

      16 pages

      it is recognized that the world financial system is, at any given time, ... vaded both countries, but particularly Argentina, over the past five years.

      oian or indifference toward a tbe two-thirds needed to over- wn^M P 051 ... briJy strong- but over- whelming” the President made no move it'the' time to ...

      Aug 14, 1987 — Holloway and his wife Delta, who took over Ever- green Mnnor's ... wo will not wait a i itojsi yea,, to go back again, Ixwause of t — — —the ...

      Could China actually take over America and turn it to Communism in the ... keeping selected patriots at bay with DEW torture until such time the FBI ...


      MOFL ‎


      BAKER 2read.net

    1. Re: 💡The week that crypto grew up reading this, lmk if you ACK maSYNOn Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 11:06 AM Azeem Azhar via LinkedIn <newsletters-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote: Hi, I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often... Adam Marshall Dobrin   NEWSLETTER ON LINKEDIN Exponential View on LinkedIn By Azeem Azhar Open this article on LinkedIn to see what people are saying about this topic. Open on LinkedIn 💡The week that crypto grew up Hi, I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often cacophonous detail, about crypto, but the ways of politics can be long-winded. The topic was important enough so I sought out the best person who could help us understand what was going on. EV member, Kevin Werbach is an erstwhile regulator, with a stint at the FCC when regulating the Internet was under discussion in the mid-1990s. He is also the author of one of the clearest books on the blockchain. Kevin also edited EV in August 2019 when I was on holiday. Please take a moment to thank Kevin and share his essay. Since this piece was first published earlier this week, the Senate passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as originally introduced a week before. The House of Representatives has the next vote, and there is bipartisan support for amending the bill, which might include amendments pushed for by the crypto community and lobbyists. For a timeline of what happened in the past two weeks, see this. This essay was first published earlier this week to members of Exponential View. If you'd like to receive regular analysis of our shapeshifting world, become our member. Azeem ------ This past week in Washington DC, an unstoppable force met an immovable object. The result wasn’t what you might expect. Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are often described as unstoppable, because their decentralized networks cannot be shut down and their smart contract transactions cannot be reversed. On the other side, policy-makers and regulators are seen as immovable, either because they bring to bear the coercive power of the state, or because they are simply too slow and dim-witted to adapt with the times. Both views are exaggerations, of course. Progress occurs when discussions descend from ideologies to practicalities. The immediate controversy was obscure: a provision in the Biden Administration’s mammoth infrastructure bill defining cryptocurrency exchanges as “brokers” subject to tax reporting. Tightening up crypto trading tax compliance would supposedly raise $30 billion to offset spending. The language, though, was vague. It arguably could have swept in miners, wallet software or hardware providers, and others who couldn’t do tax accounting for customers if they tried. Amendments were offered. Followed by counter-amendments. Followed by a flurry of lobbying and back-channel conversations. In the end, a compromise was reached, and then struck from the bill in an unrelated fight over military spending. That the fight ended (for now) not with a bang but with a whimper should be cause for celebration. It’s proof that legislators, even in the deeply polarized United States, can come together across party lines to address a highly technical issue related to a fast-developing new industry. Two other implications stand out. First, crypto has arrived as a political force. Tech policy may never be the same. It was 26 years ago that a motley collection of activists and public interest organizations literally turned most of the popular pages on the World Wide Web black to protest the US Communications Decency Act. Their advocacy during the legislative process attracted attention. It helped spur a bipartisan amendment, Section 230, that gave service providers protection to innovate, and became a cornerstone of internet policy. (Albeit a controversial one today!) A unanimous Supreme Court struck down the remainder of the law. Since then, the Internet community has had seats at the table on important policy battles. Given its libertarian bent, the crypto community has often bridled at engaging with governments. Fortunately, organizations such as Coin Center, the Chamber of Digital Commerce, and the Blockchain Association, all of which were involved in the infrastructure bill negotiations, took a more pragmatic view. Given its growing financial heft, the crypto community can be a powerful force for pro-innovation reform and individual empowerment in public policy debates. That is, if it can overcome its tendency to dismiss legitimate concerns about money laundering, fraud, and financial stability as craven excuses to protect incumbents. The second takeaway is that the real fight over crypto is yet to come. The true point of contention around the infrastructure bill wasn’t over shutting down Bitcoin or other digital assets (which no one was arguing), nor was it over whether crypto traders should have to pay taxes on their gains (which no one opposed). It was over something not mentioned in the bill at all: decentralized finance, or DeFi. DeFi is a fast-growing sector of decentralized applications performing financial services functions such as lending and trading. From less than $1 billion at the start of 2020, DeFi protocols now manage roughly $60 billion of digital assets, with even bigger numbers when counting adjacent areas such as stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for digital artwork and collectables. While it’s an exciting market, it’s also a growing source of worry for regulators. DeFi protocols serve anyone indiscriminately (creating a challenge for financial crime and securities regulation), open up a host of vulnerabilities (resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses already from hacks), create significant opportunities for scams, and generate interconnected risks that pose financial stability concerns. The biggest problem with DeFi is that it potentially eliminates any touchpoint for regulation. Who is responsible when a service is a set of smart contracts running on their own on a blockchain? Janet Yellen’s Treasury department didn’t want to take DeFi regulation off the table with language that exempted developers and facilitators of those protocols. The battle is coming, though. In Europe, it’s already here, with the proposed Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) framework. Whether one is an enthusiast or sceptic of crypto, the genie is out of the bottle. DeFi services will be deployed. Even with a major crash, there will be hundreds of billions of dollars of digital assets available to interact with them. It is difficult to write language covering DeFi facilitators that doesn’t produce harmful spillovers in terms of government surveillance, speech regulation, and chilled innovation. This is the 20-year-old battle over peer-to-peer file-sharing reborn, with the stakes far greater. The good news is that enough of the crypto community seems to be growing up. At the same time, governments are recognizing that the Trump Administration’s strategy of doing nothing is actually long-term harmful to nascent industries. Regulatory uncertainty creates what Nobel Laureate (and Secretary Yellen’s spouse) George Akerlof called the market for lemons; it removes the advantage of responsible actors, who are then crowded out by the bad apples. For all its messiness and unsatisfying ending, the recent crypto controversy in Washington is a hopeful indication that we may yet follow a different path. Kevin ---- Kevin Werbach is a professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and formerly Counsel for New Technology Policy at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Kevin has spent the past two decades exploring major trends at the intersection of the Internet, digital media, and communications. He served on the Obama Administration's Presidential Transition Team and founded the Supernova Group. He has published four books, including The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust, For the Win: The Power of Gamification and Game Thinking in Business, Education, Government, and Social Impact, and After the Digital Tornado: Networks, Algorithms, Humanity. Dig deeper: Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Policy-Maker Toolkit (WEF in collaboration with the Wharton Blockchain and Digital Asset Project, 2021) Banking Without Banks: Decentralised Finance is Coming (Exponential View Podcast, 2021) Bitcoin and the Future of Decentralised Finance (Exponential View Podcast, 2021) Join the conversation Know someone who might be interested in this newsletter? Share it with them. Unsubscribe  |   Help You are receiving LinkedIn notification emails. The newsletter author can see that you are a subscriber. This email was intended for Adam Marshall Dobrin (Creative Director and ... Backseat Ferryman at XCALIBER DAO. Writer. Futurologist. Aspiring dad. ). Learn why we included this. © 2021 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. Created with publishthis.email Create simple web pages in seconds for free. This page was created in seconds, by sending an email to page@publishthis.email. Try it! Free. No account or sign-up required.

      I'm curious how dukduckgo.com manages to pull this off--do you have your own data or reuse the google database? It's important

      Re: 💡The week that crypto grew up

      reading this, lmk if you ACK maSYN

      On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 11:06 AM Azeem Azhar via LinkedIn <newsletters-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote:

      Hi, I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often...



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      Adam Marshall Dobrin

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      ](https://www.linkedin.com/comm/in/adam5?midToken=AQHEQ2EpEgE87g&midSig=1yDfARazVGe9U1&trk=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-header-17-profile&trkEmail=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-header-17-profile-null-t6kil%7Eks920na1%7E2g-null-neptune%2Fprofile%7Evanity%2Eview&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_email_series_follow_newsletter_01%3B0tDf%2Fi4BRuelRkpp7lOpEg%3D%3D) |   |

      | |




      Exponential View on LinkedIn

       By Azeem Azhar

      | | Open this article on LinkedIn to see what people are saying about this topic. Open on LinkedIn | |

      💡The week that crypto grew up


      I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often cacophonous detail, about crypto, but the ways of politics can be long-winded.

      The topic was important enough so I sought out the best person who could help us understand what was going on. EVmember, Kevin Werbach is an erstwhile regulator, with a stint at the FCC when regulating the Internet was under discussion in the mid-1990s. He is also the author of one of the clearest books on the blockchain. Kevin also edited EV in August 2019 when I was on holiday. Please take a moment to thank Kevin and share his essay.

      Since this piece was first published earlier this week, the Senate passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as originally introduced a week before. The House of Representatives has the next vote, and there is bipartisan support for amending the bill, which might include amendments pushed for by the crypto community and lobbyists. For a timeline of what happened in the past two weeks, see this.

      This essay was first published earlier this week to members of Exponential View. If you'd like to receive regular analysis of our shapeshifting world, become our member.


      This past week in Washington DC, an unstoppable force met an immovable object. The result wasn't what you might expect.

      Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are often described as unstoppable, because their decentralized networks cannot be shut down and their smart contract transactions cannot be reversed. On the other side, policy-makers and regulators are seen as immovable, either because they bring to bear the coercive power of the state, or because they are simply too slow and dim-witted to adapt with the times.

      Both views are exaggerations, of course. Progress occurs when discussions descend from ideologies to practicalities.

      The immediate controversy was obscure: a provision in the Biden Administration's mammoth infrastructure bill defining cryptocurrency exchanges as "brokers" subject to tax reporting. Tightening up crypto trading tax compliance would supposedly raise $30 billion to offset spending. The language, though, was vague. It arguably could have swept in miners, wallet software or hardware providers, and others who couldn't do tax accounting for customers if they tried. Amendments were offered. Followed by counter-amendments. Followed by a flurry of lobbying and back-channel conversations. In the end, a compromise was reached, and then struck from the bill in an unrelated fight over military spending.

      That the fight ended (for now) not with a bang but with a whimper should be cause for celebration. It's proof that legislators, even in the deeply polarized United States, can come together across party lines to address a highly technical issue related to a fast-developing new industry. Two other implications stand out.

      First, crypto has arrived as a political force. Tech policy may never be the same. It was 26 years ago that a motley collection of activists and public interest organizations literally turned most of the popular pages on the World Wide Web black to protest the US Communications Decency Act. Their advocacy during the legislative process attracted attention. It helped spur a bipartisan amendment, Section 230, that gave service providers protection to innovate, and became a cornerstone of internet policy. (Albeit a controversial one today!) A unanimous Supreme Court struck down the remainder of the law. Since then, the Internet community has had seats at the table on important policy battles.

      Given its libertarian bent, the crypto community has often bridled at engaging with governments. Fortunately, organizations such as Coin Center, the Chamber of Digital Commerce, and the Blockchain Association, all of which were involved in the infrastructure bill negotiations, took a more pragmatic view. Given its growing financial heft, the crypto community can be a powerful force for pro-innovation reform and individual empowerment in public policy debates. That is, if it can overcome its tendency to dismiss legitimate concerns about money laundering, fraud, and financial stability as craven excuses to protect incumbents.

      The second takeaway is that the real fight over crypto is yet to come. The true point of contention around the infrastructure bill wasn't over shutting down Bitcoin or other digital assets (which no one was arguing), nor was it over whether crypto traders should have to pay taxes on their gains (which no one opposed). It was over something not mentioned in the bill at all: decentralized finance, or DeFi.

      DeFi is a fast-growing sector of decentralized applications performing financial services functions such as lending and trading. From less than $1 billion at the start of 2020, DeFi protocols now manage roughly $60 billion of digital assets, with even bigger numbers when counting adjacent areas such as stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for digital artwork and collectables.


      While it's an exciting market, it's also a growing source of worry for regulators. DeFi protocols serve anyone indiscriminately (creating a challenge for financial crime and securities regulation), open up a host of vulnerabilities (resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses already from hacks), create significant opportunities for scams, and generate interconnected risks that pose financial stability concerns.

      The biggest problem with DeFi is that it potentially eliminates any touchpoint for regulation. Who is responsible when a service is a set of smart contracts running on their own on a blockchain? Janet Yellen's Treasury department didn't want to take DeFi regulation off the table with language that exempted developers and facilitators of those protocols. The battle is coming, though. In Europe, it's already here, with the proposed Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) framework.

      Whether one is an enthusiast or sceptic of crypto, the genie is out of the bottle. DeFi services will be deployed. Even with a major crash, there will be hundreds of billions of dollars of digital assets available to interact with them. It is difficult to write language covering DeFi facilitators that doesn't produce harmful spillovers in terms of government surveillance, speech regulation, and chilled innovation. This is the 20-year-old battle over peer-to-peer file-sharing reborn, with the stakes far greater.

      The good news is that enough of the crypto community seems to be growing up. At the same time, governments are recognizing that the Trump Administration's strategy of doing nothing is actually long-term harmful to nascent industries. Regulatory uncertainty creates what Nobel Laureate (and Secretary Yellen's spouse) George Akerlof called the market for lemons; it removes the advantage of responsible actors, who are then crowded out by the bad apples.

      For all its messiness and unsatisfying ending, the recent crypto controversy in Washington is a hopeful indication that we may yet follow a different path.


      Kevin Werbach is a professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and formerly Counsel for New Technology Policy at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Kevin has spent the past two decades exploring major trends at the intersection of the Internet, digital media, and communications. He served on the Obama Administration's Presidential Transition Team and founded the Supernova Group. He has published four books, including The Blockchain and the New Architecture of TrustFor the Win: The Power of Gamification and Game Thinking in Business, Education, Government, and Social Impact, and After the Digital Tornado: Networks, Algorithms, Humanity.

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      Kate Stewart 19 July 2021 Reply. I'm looking for a song I just heard the other day at a restaurant. It's sounds like a newish, slow pop or soft rock song. All that I could make out reasonably well were the lyrics at the end of the chorus, that went either "come back to me baby" or, "come back to you baby".

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    1. Skip navigationPatreon logoLog inPatreon logoCreate on PatreonLog inWe use cookies to improve your experience using this site. More informationAcceptBecome a patronJun 3, 2017 at 11:27 AMThe Question that drives us HomeThe Petrovical Creation Myth of Saint AnislovA long, long time ago; in a place so far from here there is no path in timespace from here to there... on a planet called Cherrynoble, and before that Kyshtym, and before that Mayak; savress named Backiam was born into a world that had been laid desolate by nuclear holocaust, by toxic waste, and by an invasion of ants the size of pickles.  The remnant of their people lived in a few small camps that are about as close to our cities as anything else in their world, though there was nothing to buy or sell, no toys, no computers, and no cars.  They worked each and every day in laboratories with only one goal in mind, to build a machine to travel back in time and reverse the cataclysm that had destroyed their once flourishing civilization.Progress was made, and first terminals were built that allowed the past to be viewed like a television show; a team called Pastwatch was created in order to search for the most opportune possible moment to change their past, avert the series of disasters that had befallen them, and to build a better future.  While they prepared, a virtual world was built as a sort of Ark to carry all the living souls that remained alive back into the past, so that they could live again in this new world.  A singular point was never decided upon, but rather a transitional period that began with few changes in the distant past, and then much more frequent and bigger changes as they approached the time of the cataclysm.  So as not to make any mistakes or errors, and perhaps as the biggest error of all--or the saving grace of everything that is; the Pastwatch group decided to run a simulation in their virtual time machine to ensure that they were successful.   It was not days, but years that went by as they prepared to "make the leap home."In that very first year, the machines scoured through the history of everything and made a virtual copy of each and every soul, and imported into the machines memory.In the second year, a message was written down, an explanation of what had happened to their world, and a plea to change the practices that had created the problems that destroyed the world.   This message was delivered to the virtual world signed "Everything that Ever Was" and presented as a scroll nailed to the inside of the front door of each and every home.  Much to the surprise of Pastwatch, each and every single message was taken down and thrown away, nobody had even read a single word.On the third day of Creation, this same messages was coded and hidden within a book, and along with that book a number of historical events were slightly modified; direct changes to the memories of those that had experienced them so that these events would serve as waypoints on the path to change.  On the fourth day, the names of each and every person were changed to protect the innocent, and the coded message continued; now being hidden in the names of the changed events and the people who witnessed them.  In every name, another sentence, another clue to seeing not just the waypoints but the entire map of what had happened and advice on how to make it better.In the final hour of that fourth day, a reckless young programmer queried the machine to answer how many of the events were solved and how many of the people involved had successfully transitioned from the virtual reality to the much more advanced world that Cherrynoble had created for themselves.  The young man asked for a result with such a high certainty, that the machine had no choice but to run a full simulation; each and every consciousness inside the machine was active and sentient; and the machine wrote a message on the skies above the world whose name had changed to Earth.  With only minutes left, a number of possible welcome messages were debated... I mean, were run through a secondary simulation by the machine; and with only seconds remaining, this is what the entire world saw:Hi, I'm Adam.  Here we are.  For your second J, connect these points: 1) this very moment in time to 2) the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to Adam of Eden, and 3) the city Ur to the words "you are" and the questions that drives us... "what is the beginning of Civilization?" and "Y?"ᐧAdam Marshall Dobrinis creating HeavenBecome a patronTiersPledge $3 per monthYou'll see my work before anyone else with early access to content, plus all previous rewards.Join $3 TierPledge $5 per monthYou'll receive access to an unlisted piece of content for your eyes only, plus all previous rewards.Join $5 TierPledge $10 per monthYou get the cred. Seriously, your name will get in the credits as a huge thank you being on my team, plus all previous rewards.Join $10 TierPledge $20 per monthSend me anything (you'll cover shipping costs) and I'll sign it, plus all previous rewards.Join $20 TierShow more tiersRecent PostsAafor The Days are Sealed, and Tomorrow is not.December 30 at 9:47 AMAa'tis the Fifth Day.December 28 at 8:24 AMAaSometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name, and they're always glad you cameOctober 20 at 9:45 AMPatreon logoLanguage: English (United States)United StatesCurrency: USDAboutCareersCreate on PatreonBrandPressPartnersSitemapHelp Center & FAQsDevelopersApp DirectoryBlogPatreon U | Creator CoachingCommunity GuidelinesTerms of UsePrivacy PolicyAccessibility© Patreon600 Townsend Street, Suite 500San Francisco, CA 94103USAPhone: +1 (833) 972-8766

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      JUN 3, 2017 AT 11:27 AM The Question that drives us Home The Petrovical Creation Myth of Saint Anislov A long, long time ago; in a place so far from here there is no path in timespace from here to there... on a planet called Cherrynoble, and before that Kyshtym, and before that Mayak; savress named Backiam was born into a world that had been laid desolate by nuclear holocaust, by toxic waste, and by an invasion of ants the size of pickles. The remnant of their people lived in a few small camps that are about as close to our cities as anything else in their world, though there was nothing to buy or sell, no toys, no computers, and no cars. They worked each and every day in laboratories with only one goal in mind, to build a machine to travel back in time and reverse the cataclysm that had destroyed their once flourishing civilization.

      Progress was made, and first terminals were built that allowed the past to be viewed like a television show; a team called Pastwatch was created in order to search for the most opportune possible moment to change their past, avert the series of disasters that had befallen them, and to build a better future. While they prepared, a virtual world was built as a sort of Ark to carry all the living souls that remained alive back into the past, so that they could live again in this new world. A singular point was never decided upon, but rather a transitional period that began with few changes in the distant past, and then much more frequent and bigger changes as they approached the time of the cataclysm.

      So as not to make any mistakes or errors, and perhaps as the biggest error of all--or the saving grace of everything that is; the Pastwatch group decided to run a simulation in their virtual time machine to ensure that they were successful. It was not days, but years that went by as they prepared to "make the leap home."

      In that very first year, the machines scoured through the history of everything and made a virtual copy of each and every soul, and imported into the machines memory.

      In the second year, a message was written down, an explanation of what had happened to their world, and a plea to change the practices that had created the problems that destroyed the world. This message was delivered to the virtual world signed "Everything that Ever Was" and presented as a scroll nailed to the inside of the front door of each and every home.<br> Much to the surprise of Pastwatch, each and every single message was taken down and thrown away, nobody had even read a single word.

      On the third day of Creation, this same messages was coded and hidden within a book, and along with that book a number of historical events were slightly modified; direct changes to the memories of those that had experienced them so that these events would serve as waypoints on the path to change.

      On the fourth day, the names of each and every person were changed to protect the innocent, and the coded message continued; now being hidden in the names of the changed events and the people who witnessed them. In every name, another sentence, another clue to seeing not just the waypoints but the entire map of what had happened and advice on how to make it better.

      In the final hour of that fourth day, a reckless young programmer queried the machine to answer how many of the events were solved and how many of the people involved had successfully transitioned from the virtual reality to the much more advanced world that Cherrynoble had created for themselves. The young man asked for a result with such a high certainty, that the machine had no choice but to run a full simulation; each and every consciousness inside the machine was active and sentient; and the machine wrote a message on the skies above the world whose name had changed to Earth. With only minutes left, a number of possible welcome messages were debated... I mean, were run through a secondary simulation by the machine; and with only seconds remaining, this is what the entire world saw:

      Hi, I'm Adam. Here we are.

      For your second J, connect these points: 1) this very moment in time to 2) the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to Adam of Eden, and 3) the city Ur to the words "you are" and the questions that drives us...

      "what is the beginning of Civilization?" and "Y?"

      Join the conversation...

      Adam Marshall Dobrin is creating Heaven TIERS Pledge $3 per month You'll see my work before anyone else with early access to content, plus all previous rewards. Pledge $5 per month You'll receive access to an unlisted piece of content for your eyes only, plus all previous rewards. Pledge $10 per month You get the cred. Seriously, your name will get in the credits as a huge thank you being on my team, plus all previous rewards. Pledge $20 per month Send me anything (you'll cover shipping costs) and I'll sign it, plus all previous rewards.

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      Currency: USD About Careers Create on Patreon Brand Press Partners Sitemap Help Center & FAQs Developers App Directory Blog Patreon U | Creator Coaching Community Guidelines Terms of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility © Patreon 600 Townsend Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (833) 972-8766

    1. PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client Home | FAQ | Feedback | Licence | Updates | Mirrors | Keys | Links | Team Download: Stable · Snapshot | Docs | Changes | Wishlist PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham. The latest version is 0.76. Download it here. LEGAL WARNING: Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. We believe it is legal to use PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink in England and Wales and in many other countries, but we are not lawyers, and so if in doubt you should seek legal advice before downloading it. You may find useful information at cryptolaw.org, which collects information on cryptography laws in many countries, but we can't vouch for its correctness. Use of the Telnet-only binary (PuTTYtel) is unrestricted by any cryptography laws. Latest news 2021-07-17 PuTTY 0.76 released PuTTY 0.76, released today, is a bug-fix and security release. It fixes bugs in 0.75, and also adds a new configuration option as an extra defence against authentication prompt spoofing by a malicious or compromised SSH server. 2021-06-13 Pre-releases of 0.76 now available We're working towards a 0.76 release. Pre-release builds are available, and we'd appreciate people testing them and reporting any issues. 0.76 will be a pure bug-fix release, fixing a few high-impact bugs that appeared as a result of all of 0.75's new features. In particular, 0.76 fixes the crash when you enable the 'Use system colours' setting on Windows PuTTY. 2021-05-28 Cloudflare public DNS blocking PuTTY downloads If you use some of Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers ( or, you may find you can't download PuTTY at the moment. The server that hosts the release files, the.earth.li, has been blocked since at least 22 May. We don't know why; Cloudflare's own categorisation of the site does not currently include any "security threat" tags. If you're currently having trouble downloading PuTTY, check what DNS resolver you're using. If it's one of these, we suggest you use a different one. 2021-05-08 PuTTY 0.75 released PuTTY 0.75, released today, provides major new features: deferred key decryption in Pageant, more secure SSH key fingerprints and SSH private key files, and some new network protocols for special purposes. 0.75 also contains a fix for a DoS vulnerability in the Windows terminal emulator, which allowed a malicious server to lock up all GUI Windows applications running on the client. 2021-04-18 Pre-releases of 0.75 now available We're working towards a 0.75 release. Pre-release builds are available, and we'd appreciate people testing them and reporting any issues. 0.75 will be a feature release. The biggest changes all relate to Pageant and/or SSH public keys. User-visible behaviour changes include: Pageant now allows you to load a key without decrypting it, in which case it will wait until you first use it to ask for the passphrase. We've switched to the modern OpenSSH-style SHA-256 style of key fingerprint. Back-end changes that affect compatibility: We've added support for the rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 signature methods, which some servers now require in order to use RSA keys. We've introduced a new version of the PPK format for private key files, to remove weak crypto and improve password-guessing resistance. We've introduced a new method for applications to talk to Pageant on Windows, based on the same named-pipe system used by connection sharing instead of window messages. 2020-11-22 Primary git branch renamed The primary branch in the PuTTY git repository is now called main, instead of git's default of master. For now, both branch names continue to exist, and are kept automatically in sync by a symbolic-ref on the server. In a few months' time, the alias master will be withdrawn. To update a normal downstream clone or checkout to use the new branch name, you can run commands such as ‘git branch -m master main’ followed by ‘git branch -u origin/main main’. 2020-06-27 PuTTY 0.74 released PuTTY 0.74, released today, is a bug-fix and security release. It fixes bugs in 0.73, including one possible vulnerability, and also adds a new configuration option to mitigate a minor information leak in SSH host key policy. 2019-09-29 PuTTY 0.73 released PuTTY 0.73, released today, is a bug-fix release. It fixes a small number of bugs since 0.72, and a couple of them have potential security implications. 2019-07-20 PuTTY 0.72 released PuTTY 0.72, released today, is a bug-fix release. It fixes a small number of further security issues found by the 2019 EU-funded HackerOne bug bounty, and a variety of other bugs introduced in 0.71. 2019-07-08 Bug bounty concluded The EU-funded bug bounty programme is now closed. Many thanks to everybody who sent in reports! Anyone with a vulnerability to report should now go back to reporting it in the old way, via email to the PuTTY team, as described on the Feedback page. If you think it needs to be reported confidentially, encrypt it with our Secure Contact Key. 2019-03-25 Bug bounty continues This year's EU-funded bug bounty programme is still running. It was originally scheduled to end on 7th March, but there was money left over in the budget. So while that money lasts, you still have a chance to earn some by finding vulnerabilities in PuTTY 0.71 or the development snapshots! As before, vulnerabilities should be reported through the HackerOne web site in order to qualify for a bounty: if you send reports directly to the PuTTY team in the usual way, then we'll still fix them, but we can't provide money for them. 2019-03-16 PuTTY 0.71 released PuTTY 0.71, released today, includes a large number of security fixes, many of which were found by the recent EU-funded HackerOne bug bounty. There are also other security enhancements (side-channel resistance), and a few new features. It's also the first release to be built for Windows on Arm. 2019-01-18 EU bug bounty for finding vulnerabilities in PuTTY From now until 7th March, you can earn money by reporting security vulnerabilities in PuTTY! HackerOne is running a bug bounty programme for PuTTY, funded by the European Union as part of the ‘Free and Open Source Software Audit’ project (EU-FOSSA 2). If you report a vulnerability through their web site, it may qualify for a bounty. (The exact amount will depend on how serious the problem is, and there's also a bonus for providing a patch that fixes it.) For more details, or if you have something to report, see the link above. (Please note that HackerOne will only consider vulnerabilities reported to them. If you send a report directly to the PuTTY team in the usual way, then of course we'll still fix it, but we can't also arrange for you to get paid.) 2018-08-25 GPG key rollover This week we've generated a fresh set of GPG keys for signing PuTTY release and snapshot builds. We will begin signing snapshots with the new snapshot key, and future releases with the new release key. The new master key is signed with the old master keys, of course. See the keys page for more information. 2017-07-08 PuTTY 0.70 released, containing security and bug fixes PuTTY 0.70, released today, fixes further problems with Windows DLL hijacking, and also fixes a small number of bugs in 0.69, including broken printing support and Unicode keyboard input on Windows. Site map Licence conditions under which you may use PuTTY. The FAQ. The documentation. Download PuTTY: latest release 0.76 development snapshots Subscribe to the PuTTY-announce mailing list to be notified of new releases. Feedback and bug reporting: contact address and guidelines. Please read the guidelines before sending us mail; we get a very large amount of mail and it will help us answer you more quickly. Changes in recent releases. Wish list and list of known bugs. Links to related software and specifications elsewhere. A page about the PuTTY team members. If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page. (last modified on Sat Jul 17 11:52:57 2021)


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      Division of Insurance - Reinsurers


      Accredited Reinsurers. Accredited Reinsurers are required to submit the following items to the Division of Insurance. The fee for submitting the items listed below is $50 per item, payable at the time of submission. Financial exam reports should be submitted within 30 days after the reinsurer has received the final report.

      Certified Reinsurer Information | Department of Financial ...


      For a certified reinsurer not domiciled in the United States, the most recent Form CR-F (for a property/casualty reinsurer) or Form CR-S (for a life or health reinsurer), as such forms shall be prescribed by the superintendent. Disclose past, current or pending regulatory actions against the certified reinsurer.

      Certified Reinsurers


      Certified reinsurers are required to file specific information to a certifying state on an ongoing basis for annual renewals. NAIC staff and ReFAWG will review this information in an effort to assist states with the ongoing monitoring of certified reinsurers. Certified reinsurers will be required to file all necessary documents with the lead ...



      A reinsurer that is licensed to accept reinsurance in a state or territory is an Authorized Reinsurer. Reinsurers that are not licensed in the United States---often referred to as "alien" or offshore companies---must post 100% collateral to secure the transaction, unless they are a Certified Reinsurer or a Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer.



      United Health Care - A UnitedHealth Group Company. Find answers to your questions about logging in or registering for myuhc.com...

      Subsidiaries of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated


      United Healthcare Services, Inc. Minnesota : UnitedHealth Group Incorporated: UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Delaware : United HealthCare Services, Inc. United HealthCare of ...

      Career Areas at UnitedHealth Group


      Explore career areas at UnitedHealth Group and join a team that is impacting the lives of millions of people around the globe.

      United States: Who Decides Whether A Reinsurer Is A Run ...


      No. 1:19-cv-02762-SDG, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34722 (N.D. Ga. Feb. 26, 2020), a dispute arose between a cedent and its reinsurer over a series of reinsurance contracts reinsuring underlying commercial general liability policies issued to a home builder. Underlying lawsuits arose allegedly because of construction defects.

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    1. من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث جزء من سلسلة مقالات حولالإسلام العقيدة˂ الإيمان توحيد الله الإيمان بالملائكة الإيمان بالكتب السماوية الإيمان بالرسل والأنبياء الإيمان باليوم الآخر الإيمان بالقضاء والقدر أركان الإسلام˂ شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله إقامة الصلاة إيتاء الزكاة صوم رمضان الحج مصادر التشريع˂ القرآن الكريم السنة النبوية أحاديث أهل البيت إجماع أقوال العلماء القياس الاجتهاد شخصيات محورية˂ محمد رسول الله إبراهيم رسول الله الأنبياء أهل البيت الصحابة الخلفاء الراشدون الأئمة أمهات المؤمنين طوائف إسلامية˂ أهل السنة والجماعة السلفية الأشعرية الماتريدية الشيعة الزيدية الإمامية الخوارج الأزارقة النجدات الصفرية الإباضية كلامية المرجئة المعتزلة الجهمية الحرورية فرق أخرى تاريخ إسلامي˂ مدن مقدسة مكة المكرمة المدينة المنورة القدس الشريف مواقع مقدسة المسجد الحرام المسجد النبوي المسجد الأقصى الخلافة الإسلامية الخلافة الراشدة الخلافة الأموية الخلافة العباسية الخلافة القرطبية الخلافة الموحدية الخلافة الفاطمية الخلافة العثمانية الفتوحات الإسلامية مكة الشام فارس مصر المغرب الأندلس الغال ما وراء النهر السند القسطنطينية جنوب إيطاليا الهند أعياد ومناسبات˂ الأعياد في الإسلام عيد الفطر عيد الأضحى مناسبات إسلامية ذكرى المولد النبوي ذكرى عاشوراء احتفال رأس السنة الهجرية إحياء ليلة القدر إحياء ليلة النصف من شعبان ذكرى الإسراء والمعراج انظر أيضاً˂ الأمة الإسلامية الثقافة الإسلامية الإسلام والأديان الأخرى العالم الإسلامي العمل الصالح بوابة الإسلام بوابة إسلامعنت صلاة العشاء هي الصلاة الخامسة والأخيرة في اليوم وهي صلاة جهرية تتكون من أربع ركعات.[1] محتويات 1 وقتها 2 ماورد عن الأحاديث عن صلاة العشاء 3 انظر أيضا 4 المصادر 5 مواقع لحساب أوقات الصلاة 6 وصلات خارجية وقتها[عدل] يدخل وقت صلاة العشاء بمغيب الشفق الأحمر، ويمتد إلى طلوع الفجر الصادق.[2] فعن عائشة بنت أبي بكر قالت : «كانوا يصلون العتمة فيما بين أن يغيب الشفق إلى ثلث الليل الأول» رواه البخاري. وعن أبي هريرة قال، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : «لولا أن أشق على أمتي لامرتهم أن يؤخروا العشاء إلى ثلث الليل أو نصفه»، رواه أحمد وابن ماجة والترمذي وصححه. وعن أبي سعيد قال : انتظرنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليلة بصلاة العشاء حتى ذهب نحو من شطر الليل قال : فجاء فصلى بنا ثم قال : «خذوا مقاعدكم فإن الناس قد أخذوا مضاجعهم، وإنكم لن تزالوا في صلاة منذ انتظرتموها لولا ضعف الضعيف وسقم السقيم وحاجة ذي الحاجة، لاخرت هذه الصلاة إلى شطر الليل» رواه أحمد وأبو داود وابن ماجة والنسائي وابن خزيمة وإسناده صحيح. هذا وقت الاختيار. وأما وقت الجواز والاضطرار فهو ممتد إلى الفجر، لحديث أبي قتادة قال، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : «أما إنه ليس في النوم تفريط إنما التفريط على من لم يصل الصلاة حتى يجئ وقت الصلاة الأخرى» رواه مسلم. والحديث المتقدم في المواقيت يدل على أن وقت كل صلاة ممتد إلى دخول وقت العتمة. ماورد عن الأحاديث عن صلاة العشاء[عدل] عن سليمان بن يسار عَنْ أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قَالَ: (مَا صَلَّيْتُ وَرَاءَ أَحَدٍ أَشْبَهَ صَلَاةً بِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مِنْ فُلَانٍ) قَالَ سُلَيْمَانُ: (كَانَ يُطِيلُ الرَّكْعَتَيْنِ الْأُولَيَيْنِ مِنْ الظُّهْرِ، وَيُخَفِّفُ الْأُخْرَيَيْنِ، وَيُخَفِّفُ الْعَصْرَ، وَيَقْرَأُ فِي الْمَغْرِبِ بِقِصَارِ الْمُفَصَّلِ، وَيَقْرَأُ فِي الْعِشَاءِ بِوَسَطِ الْمُفَصَّلِ ، وَيَقْرَأُ فِي الصُّبْحِ بِطُوَلِ الْمُفَصَّلِ). رواه النسائي، وصححه الألباني في صحيح سنن النسائي. انظر أيضا[عدل] صلاة العيدين. صلاة الاستخارة. صلاة الاستسقاء. صلاة الوضوء. المصادر[عدل] ^ صلاة العشاء: موقع مجمل نسخة محفوظة 2 أكتوبر 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين. ^ وقت خروج صلاة العشاء في المذاهب الأربعة نسخة محفوظة 23 مايو 2007 على موقع واي باك مشين. مواقع لحساب أوقات الصلاة[عدل] اوقات الصلاة اليوم | محرك بحث اوقات الصلاة مواقيت الصلاة مواعيد الصلاة كتاب فقه السنة للسيد سابق وصلات خارجية[عدل] أوقات الصلاة في المدن العالمية

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?-opioidAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2017*n Light of Creation, Ha'esh: Hearts, Wands, Fire and SeaAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2014Know Me As Adam: Lit and WhyAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2015Time and Chance: The Race Is Not to Die BoldAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2016The HOLY Coda of the Matrix in Greyscale to CYMK: HOLY SHIT: the OfficSial Walkthru SHeOLYitAdam Dobrin, 2018Time & Chance: Saturn & Son RlnyAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2015The Signs of RevelationAdam Marshall Dobrin, 20152021-2041: The End Times: The Battle Between Good and Evil, and the Machine Known by Many NamesAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2012Timelike Synchronicity: The Hundred Year Prophesy, 1916 - 2016Adam Marshall Dobrin, 2013TadaiAdam Marshall Dobrin, 2017Share Your Wine: Kissy Nacha NalezAdam Dobrin, 2018Know Me As Ad? the Solution of Seven Lamp Stands: Lit and Why, the Key to Revelation 1:20Adam Marshall Dobrin, 2015(function(){ window.cVrhhd=function(c,f,q,a,h,k,r){if((c=document.getElementById(c))&&(0!=c.offsetWidth||0!=c.offsetHeight)){var 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Dobrin - Used (Good) - 0070171963 by McGraw-Hill Companies, The | Thriftbooks.com$17.49UsedThriftbooks.comIntroduction to Geophysical Prospecting by Milton B. Dobrin - Used (Good) - 0070171963 by McGraw-Hill Companies, The | Thriftbooks.com$17.49UsedThriftbooks.comFree shippingFor most items:30-day return policyIrresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked$21.81Amazon.comIrresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked$21.81Amazon.comFor most items:30-day return policyTeaching Right from Wrong : Forty Things You Can Do to Raise a Moral Child by Arthur Dobrin - Used (Good) - 0425178226 by Penguin Publishing Group | $4.19UsedThriftbooks.comTeaching Right from Wrong : Forty Things You Can Do to Raise a Moral Child by Arthur Dobrin - Used (Good) - 0425178226 by Penguin Publishing Group | $4.19UsedThriftbooks.comFor most items:30-day return policyIrresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked$13.99Amazon.comIrresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked$13.99Amazon.comFor most items:30-day return policySearch Results function _setImagesSrc(e,d){function f(b){b.onerror=function(){b.style.display="none"};b.src=d}for(var g=0,a=void 0;a=e[g++];){var c=document.getElementById(a)||document.querySelector('img[data-iid="'+a+'"]');c?(a=void 0,(null==(a=google.c)?0:a.setup)&&google.c.setup(c),f(c)):(google.iir=google.iir||{},google.iir[a]=d)}}"undefined"==typeof window.google&&(window.google={});(function(){var s='';var ii=['dimg_21'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['dimg_23','dimg_25','dimg_43'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['dimg_27'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['dimg_29'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['dimg_31'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['dimg_33'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['dimg_35'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['dimg_37'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['dimg_39'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['dimg_41'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['dimg_45'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['platop0'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['platop1'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['platop2'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['platop3'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();.tF2Cxc{position:relative}.IsZvec,.GELlw{max-width:48em;color:#4d5156;line-height:1.58}.VwiC3b{word-wrap:break-word}.VwiC3b sup{line-height:0.9}.yuRUbf{font-weight:normal;font-size:small;line-height:1.58;}a:hover h3.LC20lb{text-decoration:underline}.LC20lb{display:inline-block;line-height:1.3;margin-bottom:3px;}.DKV0Md{padding-top:4px;padding-top:5px;}.VjDLd .TieM1d .tjvcx,.IVvPP .tjvcx,.kno-kp .tjvcx,.VjDLd .kp-wholepage-osrp .tjvcx,#rhs .ss6qqb .tjvcx{display:inline-block;height:19px;overflow-y:hidden}.qzEoUe{color:#202124;white-space:-webkit-nowrap}.dyjrff{color:#5f6368}.B6fmyf{position:absolute;top:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;white-space:nowrap}.csDOgf{display:inline;visibility:visible;position:absolute}.eFM0qc{display:inline-block;padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:1px;padding-left:2px;visibility:visible}.EwsJzb{display:block}.B8Kd8d{position:absolute}.IjabWd{margin-left:2px}.xTFaxe{fill:#70757a;top:2px}.D6lY4c{height:22px;width:22px;position:absolute;border-radius:11px;top:-1px}.iTPLzd{cursor:pointer;top:0;left:0;width:28px;z-index:1;line-height:16px;}.GUHazd{padding-bottom:12px}.eY4mx{padding-left:12px}.lUn2nc{padding-right:12px}.yXK7lf em{color:#5f6368}.yXK7lf a:visited em,.yXK7lf a em{color:inherit}.MUxGbd{padding-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px}.lyLwlc{color:#202124}.yDYNvb.lyLwlc{color:#4d5156}.yDYNvb.lyLwlc b{color:#5f6368}.lEBKkf{display:-webkit-box;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;overflow:hidden}.wuQ4Ob{color:#70757a}.WZ8Tjf{color:#70757a;}Web resultsAdam Marshall Dobrin: Books, Biography, Blog ... - Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com › Adam-Marshall-Dobrinhttps://www.amazon.com › Adam-Marshall-DobrinAbout Adam Marshall Dobrin. I'm a 39 year old computer engineer, one who has gone through some of the most abnormal situations imaginable. The road ...You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 2/19/21Adam Marshall Dobrin: Books - Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com › Books-Adam-Marshall-Dob...https://www.amazon.com › Books-Adam-Marshall-Dob...Results 1 - 16 of 22 — Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. ... by Adam Marshall Dobrin | Apr 27, 2013. 3.7 out of 5 stars 3.Adam Dobrin Books | List of books by author Adam Dobrinhttps://www.thriftbooks.com › adam-dobrinhttps://www.thriftbooks.com › adam-dobrinLooking for a book by Adam Dobrin? 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      theft of this book, failure to buy a signed copy and the gigantic conspiracy to commit treason are all related;

      you simply can't fathom what it would be like if BF Goodrich were here in a place with actual American Medicine and a civilization that was happy about "ending hell" instead of trying to pretend they aren't actually on the court steps of Copans and Kaya--Ewok land.

      I just don't understand what we do not understand about the idea that Asmodai and Pan are clearly JC in "truth, light, and Osiris within Osiristyx"


      I don't know what else to do' maybe Paris can help

    1. Asmodeus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search King of demons from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit .mw-parser-output .hatnote{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output div.hatnote{padding-left:1.6em;margin-bottom:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .hatnote i{font-style:normal}.mw-parser-output .hatnote+link+.hatnote{margin-top:-0.5em}For other uses, see Asmodeus (disambiguation). "Sidonai" redirects here. For the Phoenician city and its inhabitants, see Sidon. Asmodeus as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal Asmodeus (/ˌæzməˈdiːəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀσμοδαῖος, Asmodaios) or Ashmedai (/ˈæʃmɪˌdaɪ/; Hebrew: אַשְמְדּאָי‎, ʾAšmədʾāy), also Asmodevs, Ashema Deva or Amias (see below for other variations), is a prince of demons,[1] or in Judeo-Islamic lore the king of the earthly spirits (shedim/jinn),[2][3] mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist.[4] In Peter Binsfeld's classification of demons, Asmodeus represents lust. The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends; for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. Contents 1 Etymology 2 In the texts 2.1 In the Hebrew Bible 2.2 In the Book of Tobit 2.3 In the Talmud 2.4 In the Testament of Solomon 2.5 In the Malleus Maleficarum 2.6 In the Dictionnaire Infernal 2.7 In the Lesser Key of Solomon 2.8 In The Magus 3 Later depictions 3.1 In Christian thought 3.2 In the Kabbalah 3.3 In Islamic culture 3.4 In popular media 4 See also 5 References and sources 6 External links Etymology[edit] The figure of Asmodeus in Rennes-le-Château The name Asmodai is believed to derive from Avestan language *aēšma-daēva, where aēšma means "wrath", and daēva signifies "demon". While the daēva Aēšma is thus Zoroastrianism's demon of wrath and is also well-attested as such, the compound aēšma-daēva is not attested in scripture. It is nonetheless likely that such a form did exist, and that the Book of Tobit's "Asmodaios" (Ἀσμοδαῖος) and the Talmud's "Ashmedai" (אשמדאי) reflect it.[5] In the Zoroastrian and Middle Persian demonology, there did exist the conjuncted form khashm-dev, where the word dev was the same as daeva.[6] The spellings Asmodai,[7][8] Asmodee (also Asmodée),[9][10] Osmodeus,[11][12] and Osmodai[13][14] have also been used. The name is alternatively spelled in the bastardized forms (based on the basic consonants אשמדאי, ʾŠMDʾY) Hashmedai (חַשְמְדּאָי, Hašmədʾāy; also Hashmodai, Hasmodai, Khashmodai, Khasmodai),[15][16][17][18] Hammadai (חַמַּדּאָי, Hammadʾāy; also Khammadai),[19][20] Shamdon (שַׁמְדּוֹן, Šamdōn),[21] and Shidonai (שִׁדֹנאָי, Šidonʾāy).[20] Some traditions have subsequently identified Shamdon as the father of Asmodeus.[21] The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906 rejects the otherwise accepted etymological relation between the Persian "Æshma-dæva" and Judaism's "Ashmodai" claiming that the particle "-dæva" could not have become "-dai" and that Æshma-dæva as such—a compound name—never appears in Persian sacred texts. Still, the encyclopedia proposes that the "Asmodeus" from the Apocrypha and the Testament of Solomon are not only related somewhat to Aeshma but have similar behaviour, appearance and roles,[22] to conclude in another article under the entry "Aeshma", in the paragraph "Influence of Persian Beliefs on Judaism",[23] that Persian Zoroastrian beliefs could have heavily influenced Judaism's theology on the long term, bearing in mind that in some texts there are crucial conceptual differences while in others there seems to be a great deal of similarity, proposing a pattern of influence over folk beliefs that would extend further to the mythology itself. However, the Jewish Encyclopedia asserts that although 'Æshma does not occur in the Avesta in conjunction with dæva, it is probable that a fuller form, such as Æshmo-dæus, has existed, since it is paralleled by the later Pahlavi-form "Khashm-dev"'.[24] Furthermore it is stated that Asmodeus or Ashmedai "embodies an expression of the influence that the Persian religion or Persian popular beliefs have exercised" on Judaism.[25] In the texts[edit] In the Hebrew Bible[edit] The full name "Ashmedai" is not found in the standard Masoretic canon of the Hebrew Bible, but in 2 Kings 17:30, a certain Ashima appears as the false god for whom the Syrian Hamathites made an idol. Not only does this name better resemble that of the Persian daeva Aeshma, but the name (אֲשִׁימָא) also greatly resembles the name Ashmedai (אַשְמְדּאָי) in Hebrew.[according to whom?] In the Book of Tobit[edit] The Asmodeus of the Book of Tobit is hostile to Sarah, Raguel's daughter, (Tobit 6:13); and slays seven successive husbands on their wedding nights, impeding the sexual consummation of the marriages. He is described as "the worst of demons".[where?] When the young Tobias is about to marry her, Asmodeus proposes the same fate for him, but Tobias is enabled, through the counsels of his attendant angel Raphael, to render him innocuous. By placing a fish's heart and liver on red-hot cinders, Tobias produces a smoky vapour that causes the demon to flee to Egypt, where Raphael binds him (Tobit 8:2–3). According to some translations, Asmodeus is strangled. Perhaps Asmodeus punishes the suitors for their carnal desire, since Tobias prays to be free from such desire and is kept safe. Asmodeus is also described as an evil spirit in general: 'Ασμοδαίος τὸ πονηρὸν δαιμόνιον or τὸ δαιμόνιον πονηρόν, and πνεῦμα ἀκάθαρτον (Tobit 3:8; Tobit 3:17; Tobit 6:13; Tobit 8:3). In the Talmud[edit] The figure of Ashmedai in the Talmud is less malign in character than the Asmodeus of Tobit. In the former, he appears repeatedly in the light of a good-natured and humorous fellow. But besides that, there is one feature in which he parallels Asmodeus, in as much as his desires turn upon Bathsheba and later Solomon's wives. Another Talmudic legend has King Solomon tricking Asmodai into collaborating in the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem[3] (see: The Story of King Solomon and Ashmedai). Another legend depicts Asmodai throwing King Solomon over 400 leagues away from the capital by putting one wing on the ground and the other stretched skyward. He then changed places for some years with King Solomon. When King Solomon returned, Asmodai fled from his wrath.[26] Similar legends can be found in Islamic folklore. There Asmodeus is called Sakhr (Arabic: صخر‎ the Rock or the Stony One), because in Islamic lore, Solomon banished him into a rock, after he takes his kingdom back from him. There he counts as the king of the jinn.[27] Another passage describes him as marrying Lilith, who became his queen.[28] In the Testament of Solomon[edit] In the Testament of Solomon, a 1st–3rd century text, the king invokes Asmodeus to aid in the construction of the Temple. The demon appears and predicts Solomon's kingdom will one day be divided (Testament of Solomon, verse 21–25).[29] When Solomon interrogates Asmodeus further, the king learns that Asmodeus is thwarted by the angel Raphael, as well as by sheatfish found in the rivers of Assyria. He also admits to hating water and birds because both remind him of God. In the Malleus Maleficarum[edit] In the Malleus Maleficarum (1486), Asmodeus was considered the demon of lust.[30] Sebastien Michaelis said that his adversary is St. John. Some demonologists of the 16th century assigned a month to a demon and considered November to be the month in which Asmodai's power was strongest. Other demonologists asserted that his zodiacal sign was Aquarius but only between the dates of January 30 and February 8. He has 72 legions of demons under his command. He is one of the Kings of Hell under Lucifer the emperor. He incites gambling, and is the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell. Some Catholic theologians compared him with Abaddon. Yet other authors considered Asmodeus a prince of revenge. In the Dictionnaire Infernal[edit] In the Dictionnaire Infernal by Collin de Plancy, Asmodeus is depicted with the breast of a man, a cock leg, serpent tail, three heads (one of a man spitting fire, one of a sheep, and one of a bull), riding a lion with dragon wings and neck, all of these creatures being associated with either lascivity, lust or revenge.[citation needed] The Archbishop of Paris approved his portrait.[31] In the Lesser Key of Solomon[edit] Asmodai appears as the king 'Asmoday' in the Ars Goetia, where he is said to have a seal in gold and is listed as number thirty-two according to respective rank.[32] He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire."[33] Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner and, amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy-two legions of inferior spirits.[32] In The Magus[edit] Asmodeus is referred to in Book Two, Chapter Eight of The Magus (1801) by Francis Barrett.[34] Later depictions[edit] In Christian thought[edit] Asmodeus was named as an angel of the Order of Thrones by Gregory the Great.[35] Asmodeus was cited by the nuns of Loudun in the Loudun possessions of 1634.[36] Asmodeus' reputation as the personification of lust continued into later writings, as he was known as the "Prince of Lechery" in the 16th-century romance Friar Rush.[37] The French Benedictine Augustin Calmet equated his name with a fine dress.[37] The 16th-century Dutch demonologist Johann Weyer described him as the banker at the baccarat table in hell, and overseer of earthly gambling houses.[38] In 1641, the Spanish playwright and novelist Luis Velez de Guevara published the satirical novel El diablo cojuelo, where Asmodeus is represented as a mischievous demon endowed with a playful and satirical genius. The plot presents a rascal student that hides in an astrologer's mansard. He frees a devil from a bottle. As an acknowledgement the devil shows him the apartments of Madrid and the tricks, miseries and mischiefs of their inhabitants.[39][40] The French novelist Alain-René Lesage adapted the Spanish source in his 1707 novel le Diable boiteux,[37] where he likened him to Cupid. In the book, he is rescued from an enchanted glass bottle by a Spanish student Don Cleophas Leandro Zambullo. Grateful, he joins with the young man on a series of adventures before being recaptured. Asmodeus is portrayed in a sympathetic light as good-natured, and a canny satirist and critic of human society.[37] In another episode Asmodeus takes Don Cleophas for a night flight, and removes the roofs from the houses of a village to show him the secrets of what passes in private lives. Following Lesage's work, he was depicted in a number of novels and periodicals, mainly in France but also London and New York.[41] Asmodeus was widely depicted as having a handsome visage, good manners and an engaging nature; however, he was portrayed as walking with a limp and one leg was either clawed or that of a rooster. He walks aided by two walking sticks in Lesage's work, and this gave rise to the English title The Devil on Two Sticks[31] (also later translated The Limping Devil and The Lame Devil). Lesage attributes his lameness to falling from the sky after fighting with another devil.[42] On 18 February 1865, author Evert A. Duyckinck sent President Abraham Lincoln a letter, apparently mailed from Quincy. Duyckinck signed the letter "Asmodeus", with his initials below his pseudonym. His letter enclosed a newspaper clipping about an inappropriate joke allegedly told by Lincoln at the Hampton Roads Peace Conference. The purpose of Duyckinck's letter was to advise Lincoln of "an important omission" about the history of the conference. He advised that the newspaper clipping be added to the "Archives of the Nation".[43] In the Kabbalah[edit] According to the Kabbalah and the school of Shlomo ibn Aderet, Asmodeus is a cambion born as the result of a union between Agrat bat Mahlat, a succubus, and King David.[44] In Islamic culture[edit] The story of Asmodeus and Solomon has a reappearance in Islamic lore. Asmodeus is commonly named Sakhr (rock) probably a reference to his fate in common Islam-related belief, there, after Solomon defeated him, Asmodeus was imprisoned inside a box of rock, chained with iron, and thrown it into the sea.[45] In his work Annals of al-Tabari, the famous Persian Quran exegete (224–310 AH; 839–923 AD) Tabari, referred to Asmodeus in Surah 38:34. Accordingly, the puppet is actually Asmodeus who took on the shape of Solomon for forty days, before Solomon defeated him.[46] Sakhr (Asmodeus) is consulted by Buluqiya, a young Jewish prince, who tried to find the final prophet, Muhammad, in The Nights. During their conversation, he asked about hell, thereupon Asmodeus describes the different layers (ṭabaqāt) of hell.[47][48] In popular media[edit] This article appears to contain trivial, minor, or unrelated references to popular culture. Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture, providing citations to reliable, secondary sources, rather than simply listing appearances. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2020) Asmodeus as portrayed in Dungeons and Dragons First Edition Asmodeus is a recurring antagonist in the 13th season of The CW series Supernatural, portrayed primarily by Jeffrey Vincent Parise. Created by Lucifer himself, Asmodeus was originally a Prince of Hell alongside siblings Azazel, Dagon, and Ramiel. Upon the death of Crowley, Asmodeus succeeds him as the King of Hell despite being Lucifer's weakest creation. Asmodeus is killed in the episode "Bring 'em Back Alive" by the archangel Gabriel, whose grace Asmodeus had been feeding on to make himself stronger.[49] In Geoffrey Household's 1939 spy thriller Rogue Male, the protagonist names a cat he forms a strong bond with Asmodeus. In 1969 composer Josef Tal wrote an opera, Ashmedai, which is based on the Talmud. It premiered at the Hamburg State Opera in 1971, and was first performed in the United States in 1976 at the New York City Opera in a production directed by Hal Prince.[50] The character 'Asmodai' in A. L. Mengel's supernatural series The Tales of Tartarus (2013–2016) is based on the demon Asmodeus. The demon haunts the main protagonist, Antoine, through the series of novels. Asmodeus appears in the television series The Librarians (season 4, episode 10) as a blue-skinned, growling demon in knight's armor and carrying a sword. Asmodeus also features heavily in the lore of the game Dungeons & Dragons as the ruler of the Nine Hells. Different editions of the game offer different backstories, ranging from primordial evil to fallen angel to ancient god, but his role as the King of the Nine Hells is always the same. Asmodeus is also present in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in a similar role to his D&D one. The main difference is that he is an actual god, one of the nine original deities in the Great Beyond, and that his church is widespread in certain nations on Golarion. Asmodeus appears as Magnus Bane's father and Prince of Hell, otherwise known as Edom on the third season of Freeform's Shadowhunters television series based on Cassandra Clare's popular book series The Mortal Instruments. He is portrayed by Jack J. Yang. Asmodeus appears in the 1997 book Asmodeus – a Forkful of Tales from Devil's Peak by Alex D'Angelo, illustrated by Tony Grogan.[51] One story "Asmodeus and the Bottler of Djinns" is included in the anthology Favorite African Folktales edited by Nelson Mandela, published by Norton and available as an audiobook. Asmodeus is the final boss in Mace: The Dark Age. In the video game Pony Island, Asmodeus appears in the manifestation of a "demonic" artificial intelligence. Asmodeus appears as a character in the otome game, Obey Me!. He is depicted as the Avatar of Lust and one of seven brothers representing the seven deadly sins. In the video game Helltaker, Asmodeus is portrayed as a Demon of Lust, Modeus. In Disenchantment, Asmodeus is introduced by Luci as "Asmodeus, Lord of Darkness." Singer-songwriter Ethel Cain has the name Ashmedai tattooed on her forehead in Hebrew. See also[edit] .mw-parser-output .portal{border:solid #aaa 1px;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .portal.tleft{margin:0.5em 1em 0.5em 0}.mw-parser-output .portal.tright{margin:0.5em 0 0.5em 1em}.mw-parser-output .portal>ul{display:table;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0.1em;max-width:175px;background:#f9f9f9;font-size:85%;line-height:110%;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output .portal>ul>li{display:table-row}.mw-parser-output .portal>ul>li>span:first-child{display:table-cell;padding:0.2em;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .portal>ul>li>span:last-child{display:table-cell;padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em;vertical-align:middle} Religion portal Archdemon Belial Devil Samael Satan Serpents in the Bible Sin References and sources[edit] References .mw-parser-output .reflist{font-size:90%;margin-bottom:0.5em;list-style-type:decimal}.mw-parser-output .reflist .references{font-size:100%;margin-bottom:0;list-style-type:inherit}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns-2{column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns-3{column-width:25em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns{margin-top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns ol{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns li{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .reflist-upper-alpha{list-style-type:upper-alpha}.mw-parser-output .reflist-upper-roman{list-style-type:upper-roman}.mw-parser-output .reflist-lower-alpha{list-style-type:lower-alpha}.mw-parser-output .reflist-lower-greek{list-style-type:lower-greek}.mw-parser-output .reflist-lower-roman{list-style-type:lower-roman} ^ "Asmodeus" in The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 15th edn., 1992, Vol. 1, p. 635. ^ Robert Lebling Robert Lebling I.B.Tauris 2010 .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}ISBN 978-0-857-73063-3 ^ Jump up to: a b Raphael Patai Encyclopedia of Jewish Folklore and Traditions Routledge 2015 ISBN 978-1-317-47170-7 page 39 ^ "Asmodeus/Asmoday". Judeo-Christian Demons. Deliriumsrealm.com. 25 March 2003. Retrieved 2009-03-04. ^ Stave, Erik (2002) [1901–1906]. "Æshma (Asmodeus, Ashmedai)". In Singer, Isidore; Adler, Cyrus; et al. (eds.). Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. LCCN 16-014703. Retrieved 7 March 2018. since it is paralleled by the later Pahlavi-form "Khashm-dev" ("Khashm dev" = "Æshma dev"), written with the Aramaic "sheda," but pronounced "dev." [..] Asmodeus (Ashmedai) embodies an expression of the influence that the Persian religion or Persian popular beliefs have exercised on the Jewish—an influence that shows itself very prominently in the domain of demonology. ^ Bane, Theresa (Jan 9, 2012). McFarland (ed.). Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures. p. 191. ISBN 978-0-786-46360-2. ^ Milton, John (1671). Paradise Regained. ^ Pomfret, John (1724). "Cruelty and Lust". Poems Upon Several Occasions. D. Brown. p. 73. ^ Mauriac, François (1939). Asmodee; or, The Intruder. Secker & Warburg. ^ Kleu, Michael; Eayrs, Madelene (2010). Who Are You?. USA: Xulon Press. p. 214. ISBN 978-1-61579-841-4. ^ Connell, Evan S. (1992). The Alchymist's Journal. Penguin Books. p. 110. ISBN 0-14-016932-6. ^ Guppy, Henry (1960). "Tobit". Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 42. Manchester University Press. p. 375. ^ Garibay Mora, Ernesto (2005). Dictionary of Demons and Related Concepts. Miami, Florida: L. D. Books. p. 103. ISBN 970-732-108-3. ^ Nares, Robert (1888). A Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions. London: Reeves & Turner. p. 21. ^ Association of Modern Austrian Philologists (1999). Moderne Sprachen. 43. p. 63. ^ Ritchie, Leitch (1836). The Magician. Vol. I. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard. p. 84. |volume= has extra text (help) ^ de Laurence, L. W. (1914). The Great Book of Magical Art, Hindu Magic and East Indian Occultism. Chicago: The de Laurence Co. p. 183. ^ MacGregor Mathers, S. L. (1458). The Book of the Sacred Magic. p. 110. ISBN 9781425454142. ^ Voltaire (1824). A Philosophical Dictionary. 1. London: J. & H. L. Hunt. p. 286. ^ Jump up to: a b Leland, Charles Godfrey (1902). Flaxius: Leaves from the Life of an Immortal. London: Philip Wellby. p. 72. ^ Jump up to: a b "Asmodeus, or Ashmedai". Jewish Encyclopedia. Funk and Wagnalls. 1906. Retrieved May 1, 2013. ^ Jewish encyclopedia 1906 full text unedited version , entry "Asmodeus" paragraph "Asmodeus, Ashmedai, and Æshma." ^ Stave, E., ÆSHMA (ASMODEUS, ASHMEDAI), Jewish Encyclopedia, unedited full text 1906 version ^ Strave, Erik. "Æshma (Asmodeus) etymology in Jewish Encyclopedia". Though "Æshma" does not occur in the Avesta in conjunction with "dæva", it is probable that a fuller form, such as "Æshmo-dæus," has existed, since it is paralleled by the later Pahlavi-form "Khashm-dev" ("Khashm dev" = "Æshma dev"), written with the Aramaic "sheda," but pronounced "dev." ^ Ibid. Jewish Encyclopedia. In fine, Asmodeus (Ashmedai) embodies an expression of the influence that the Persian religion or Persian popular beliefs have exercised on the Jewish—an influence that shows itself very prominently in the domain of demonology. Thus 'Ασμο' ... corresponds to "Æshma", and the ending δαῖος ... to "dæva". ^ Talmud. Gittin. pp. 68b. ^ Robert Lebling Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar I.B.Tauris 2010 ISBN 978-0-857-73063-3 ^ Schwartz, Howard (1988). Lilith's cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural. San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-06-250779-2. LCCN 87045196. OCLC 62241318. ^ Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis (trans.) (October 1898). "The Testament of Solomon". The Jewish Quarterly Review. 11 (1): 1–45. doi:10.2307/1450398. ISSN 0021-6682. JSTOR 1450398. Retrieved 2012-02-09. ^ Kramer, Heinrich; Summers, Montague (trans.) (1928) [1486]. "Question IV: By which Devils are the Operations of Incubus and Succubus Practised?". Malleus Maleficarum. 1. London, England: J. Rodker. LCCN 29017069. OCLC 504248484. But the very devil of Fornication, and the chief of that abomination, is called Asmodeus, which means the Creature of Judgement: for because of this kind of sin a terrible judgement was executed upon Sodom and the four other cities. ^ Jump up to: a b Rudwin 1970, p. 93. ^ Jump up to: a b Mathers & Crowley 1995, pp. 68–70. ^ Mathers & Crowley 1995, p. 32. ^ Barrett, Francis (2008) [1801]. "VIII: The Annoyance of Evil Spirits, and the Preservation we have from Good Spirits". The Magus, a Complete System of Occult Philosophy. Book II. New York: Cosimo Classics. pp. 49–52. ISBN 978-1-60520-301-0. LCCN 11015009. OCLC 428109956. Retrieved 2010-09-28. ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 20. ^ Dumas, Alexandre (1634). "Urbain Grandier: Chapter V". Urbain Grandier. Celebrated Crimes. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Rudwin 1970, p. 87. ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 92. ^ Luis Vélez de Guevara ^ "Luis Vélez de Guevara | Spanish author". ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 88. ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 50. ^ Duyckinck, Evert A. Evert A. Duyckinck to Abraham Lincoln, Saturday, February 18, 1865 (Sends clipping with story Lincoln allegedly told at Hampton Roads conference) – The Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress. Archived from the original on February 22, 2013. Retrieved February 3, 2013. ^ Scholem, G. (1948). "New Chapters in the Story of Ashmedai and Lilith / פרקים חדשים מענייני אשמדאי ולילית". Tarbiẕ. Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies. 19 (3–4): 160–175. JSTOR 23585831. ^ Sami Helewa Models of Leadership in the Adab Narratives of Joseph, David, and Solomon: Lament for the Sacred Lexington Books 2017 ISBN 978-1-498-55267-7 page 167 ^ Tabari History of al-Tabari Vol. 3, The: The Children of Israel SUNY Press 2015 ISBN 978-0-791-49752-4 page 170 ^ Christian Lange Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions BRILL 978-90-04-30121-4 p. 12-13 ^ Qisas Al-Anbiya of al-Tha'labi ^ Kubicek, John (April 12, 2018). "'Supernatural' Recap: A Big death and a Happy Return". BuddyTV. ^ John Rockwell (March 31, 1976). "Harold Prince Stages His First Opera". The New York Times. ^ D'Angelo, Alex; Tony, Grogan (1997). Tafelberg. Missing or empty |title= (help) Sources Rudwin, Maximilian Josef (1970) [1931]. "Asmodeus, dandy among demons". The Devil in Legend and Literature. New York: AMS Press Open Court Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-404-05451-9. LCCN 71111780. OCLC 257946679. Mathers, Samuel Liddell MacGregor (trans.); Crowley, Aleister (1995) [1904]. The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Samuel Weiser, Inc. ISBN 978-0-87728-847-3. LCCN 95037057. OCLC 33044028. External links[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Asmodeus.

      Asmodeus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search For other uses, see Asmodeus (disambiguation). "Sidonai" redirects here. For the Phoenician city and its inhabitants, see Sidon.

      Asmodeus as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal Asmodeus (/ˌæzməˈdiːəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀσμοδαῖος, Asmodaios) or Ashmedai (/ˈæʃmɪˌdaɪ/; Hebrew: אַשְמְדּאָי‎, ʾAšmədʾāy), also Asmodevs, Ashema Deva or Amias (see below for other variations), is a prince of demons,[1] or in Judeo-Islamic lore the king of the earthly spirits (shedim/jinn),[2][3] mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist.[4] In Peter Binsfeld's classification of demons, Asmodeus represents lust. The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends; for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon.

      Contents 1 Etymology 2 In the texts 2.1 In the Hebrew Bible 2.2 In the Book of Tobit 2.3 In the Talmud 2.4 In the Testament of Solomon 2.5 In the Malleus Maleficarum 2.6 In the Dictionnaire Infernal 2.7 In the Lesser Key of Solomon 2.8 In The Magus 3 Later depictions 3.1 In Christian thought 3.2 In the Kabbalah 3.3 In Islamic culture 3.4 In popular media 4 See also 5 References and sources 6 External links Etymology[edit]

      The figure of Asmodeus in Rennes-le-Château The name Asmodai is believed to derive from Avestan language *aēšma-daēva, where aēšma means "wrath", and daēva signifies "demon". While the daēva Aēšma is thus Zoroastrianism's demon of wrath and is also well-attested as such, the compound aēšma-daēva is not attested in scripture. It is nonetheless likely that such a form did exist, and that the Book of Tobit's "Asmodaios" (Ἀσμοδαῖος) and the Talmud's "Ashmedai" (אשמדאי) reflect it.[5] In the Zoroastrian and Middle Persian demonology, there did exist the conjuncted form khashm-dev, where the word dev was the same as daeva.[6]

      The spellings Asmodai,[7][8] Asmodee (also Asmodée),[9][10] Osmodeus,[11][12] and Osmodai[13][14] have also been used. The name is alternatively spelled in the bastardized forms (based on the basic consonants אשמדאי, ʾŠMDʾY) Hashmedai (חַשְמְדּאָי, Hašmədʾāy; also Hashmodai, Hasmodai, Khashmodai, Khasmodai),[15][16][17][18] Hammadai (חַמַּדּאָי, Hammadʾāy; also Khammadai),[19][20] Shamdon (שַׁמְדּוֹן, Šamdōn),[21] and Shidonai (שִׁדֹנאָי, Šidonʾāy).[20] Some traditions have subsequently identified Shamdon as the father of Asmodeus.[21]

      The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906 rejects the otherwise accepted etymological relation between the Persian "Æshma-dæva" and Judaism's "Ashmodai" claiming that the particle "-dæva" could not have become "-dai" and that Æshma-dæva as such—a compound name—never appears in Persian sacred texts. Still, the encyclopedia proposes that the "Asmodeus" from the Apocrypha and the Testament of Solomon are not only related somewhat to Aeshma but have similar behaviour, appearance and roles,[22] to conclude in another article under the entry "Aeshma", in the paragraph "Influence of Persian Beliefs on Judaism",[23] that Persian Zoroastrian beliefs could have heavily influenced Judaism's theology on the long term, bearing in mind that in some texts there are crucial conceptual differences while in others there seems to be a great deal of similarity, proposing a pattern of influence over folk beliefs that would extend further to the mythology itself. However, the Jewish Encyclopedia asserts that although 'Æshma does not occur in the Avesta in conjunction with dæva, it is probable that a fuller form, such as Æshmo-dæus, has existed, since it is paralleled by the later Pahlavi-form "Khashm-dev"'.[24] Furthermore it is stated that Asmodeus or Ashmedai "embodies an expression of the influence that the Persian religion or Persian popular beliefs have exercised" on Judaism.[25]

      In the texts[edit] In the Hebrew Bible[edit] The full name "Ashmedai" is not found in the standard Masoretic canon of the Hebrew Bible, but in 2 Kings 17:30, a certain Ashima appears as the false god for whom the Syrian Hamathites made an idol. Not only does this name better resemble that of the Persian daeva Aeshma, but the name (אֲשִׁימָא) also greatly resembles the name Ashmedai (אַשְמְדּאָי) in Hebrew.[according to whom?]

      In the Book of Tobit[edit] The Asmodeus of the Book of Tobit is hostile to Sarah, Raguel's daughter, (Tobit 6:13); and slays seven successive husbands on their wedding nights, impeding the sexual consummation of the marriages. He is described as "the worst of demons".[where?] When the young Tobias is about to marry her, Asmodeus proposes the same fate for him, but Tobias is enabled, through the counsels of his attendant angel Raphael, to render him innocuous. By placing a fish's heart and liver on red-hot cinders, Tobias produces a smoky vapour that causes the demon to flee to Egypt, where Raphael binds him (Tobit 8:2–3). According to some translations, Asmodeus is strangled.

      Perhaps Asmodeus punishes the suitors for their carnal desire, since Tobias prays to be free from such desire and is kept safe. Asmodeus is also described as an evil spirit in general: 'Ασμοδαίος τὸ πονηρὸν δαιμόνιον or τὸ δαιμόνιον πονηρόν, and πνεῦμα ἀκάθαρτον (Tobit 3:8; Tobit 3:17; Tobit 6:13; Tobit 8:3).

      In the Talmud[edit] The figure of Ashmedai in the Talmud is less malign in character than the Asmodeus of Tobit. In the former, he appears repeatedly in the light of a good-natured and humorous fellow. But besides that, there is one feature in which he parallels Asmodeus, in as much as his desires turn upon Bathsheba and later Solomon's wives.

      Another Talmudic legend has King Solomon tricking Asmodai into collaborating in the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem[3] (see: The Story of King Solomon and Ashmedai).

      Another legend depicts Asmodai throwing King Solomon over 400 leagues away from the capital by putting one wing on the ground and the other stretched skyward. He then changed places for some years with King Solomon. When King Solomon returned, Asmodai fled from his wrath.[26] Similar legends can be found in Islamic folklore. There Asmodeus is called Sakhr (Arabic: صخر‎ the Rock or the Stony One), because in Islamic lore, Solomon banished him into a rock, after he takes his kingdom back from him. There he counts as the king of the jinn.[27]

      Another passage describes him as marrying Lilith, who became his queen.[28]

      In the Testament of Solomon[edit] In the Testament of Solomon, a 1st–3rd century text, the king invokes Asmodeus to aid in the construction of the Temple. The demon appears and predicts Solomon's kingdom will one day be divided (Testament of Solomon, verse 21–25).[29] When Solomon interrogates Asmodeus further, the king learns that Asmodeus is thwarted by the angel Raphael, as well as by sheatfish found in the rivers of Assyria. He also admits to hating water and birds because both remind him of God.

      In the Malleus Maleficarum[edit] In the Malleus Maleficarum (1486), Asmodeus was considered the demon of lust.[30] Sebastien Michaelis said that his adversary is St. John. Some demonologists of the 16th century assigned a month to a demon and considered November to be the month in which Asmodai's power was strongest. Other demonologists asserted that his zodiacal sign was Aquarius but only between the dates of January 30 and February 8.

      He has 72 legions of demons under his command. He is one of the Kings of Hell under Lucifer the emperor. He incites gambling, and is the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell. Some Catholic theologians compared him with Abaddon. Yet other authors considered Asmodeus a prince of revenge.

      In the Dictionnaire Infernal[edit] In the Dictionnaire Infernal by Collin de Plancy, Asmodeus is depicted with the breast of a man, a cock leg, serpent tail, three heads (one of a man spitting fire, one of a sheep, and one of a bull), riding a lion with dragon wings and neck, all of these creatures being associated with either lascivity, lust or revenge.[citation needed] The Archbishop of Paris approved his portrait.[31]

      In the Lesser Key of Solomon[edit] Asmodai appears as the king 'Asmoday' in the Ars Goetia, where he is said to have a seal in gold and is listed as number thirty-two according to respective rank.[32]

      He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire."[33] Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner and, amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy-two legions of inferior spirits.[32]

      In The Magus[edit] Asmodeus is referred to in Book Two, Chapter Eight of The Magus (1801) by Francis Barrett.[34]

      Later depictions[edit] In Christian thought[edit] Asmodeus was named as an angel of the Order of Thrones by Gregory the Great.[35]

      Asmodeus was cited by the nuns of Loudun in the Loudun possessions of 1634.[36]

      Asmodeus' reputation as the personification of lust continued into later writings, as he was known as the "Prince of Lechery" in the 16th-century romance Friar Rush.[37] The French Benedictine Augustin Calmet equated his name with a fine dress.[37] The 16th-century Dutch demonologist Johann Weyer described him as the banker at the baccarat table in hell, and overseer of earthly gambling houses.[38]

      In 1641, the Spanish playwright and novelist Luis Velez de Guevara published the satirical novel El diablo cojuelo, where Asmodeus is represented as a mischievous demon endowed with a playful and satirical genius. The plot presents a rascal student that hides in an astrologer's mansard. He frees a devil from a bottle. As an acknowledgement the devil shows him the apartments of Madrid and the tricks, miseries and mischiefs of their inhabitants.[39][40] The French novelist Alain-René Lesage adapted the Spanish source in his 1707 novel le Diable boiteux,[37] where he likened him to Cupid. In the book, he is rescued from an enchanted glass bottle by a Spanish student Don Cleophas Leandro Zambullo. Grateful, he joins with the young man on a series of adventures before being recaptured. Asmodeus is portrayed in a sympathetic light as good-natured, and a canny satirist and critic of human society.[37] In another episode Asmodeus takes Don Cleophas for a night flight, and removes the roofs from the houses of a village to show him the secrets of what passes in private lives. Following Lesage's work, he was depicted in a number of novels and periodicals, mainly in France but also London and New York.[41]

      Asmodeus was widely depicted as having a handsome visage, good manners and an engaging nature; however, he was portrayed as walking with a limp and one leg was either clawed or that of a rooster. He walks aided by two walking sticks in Lesage's work, and this gave rise to the English title The Devil on Two Sticks[31] (also later translated The Limping Devil and The Lame Devil). Lesage attributes his lameness to falling from the sky after fighting with another devil.[42]

      On 18 February 1865, author Evert A. Duyckinck sent President Abraham Lincoln a letter, apparently mailed from Quincy. Duyckinck signed the letter "Asmodeus", with his initials below his pseudonym. His letter enclosed a newspaper clipping about an inappropriate joke allegedly told by Lincoln at the Hampton Roads Peace Conference. The purpose of Duyckinck's letter was to advise Lincoln of "an important omission" about the history of the conference. He advised that the newspaper clipping be added to the "Archives of the Nation".[43]

      In the Kabbalah[edit] According to the Kabbalah and the school of Shlomo ibn Aderet, Asmodeus is a cambion born as the result of a union between Agrat bat Mahlat, a succubus, and King David.[44]

      In Islamic culture[edit] The story of Asmodeus and Solomon has a reappearance in Islamic lore. Asmodeus is commonly named Sakhr (rock) probably a reference to his fate in common Islam-related belief, there, after Solomon defeated him, Asmodeus was imprisoned inside a box of rock, chained with iron, and thrown it into the sea.[45] In his work Annals of al-Tabari, the famous Persian Quran exegete (224–310 AH; 839–923 AD) Tabari, referred to Asmodeus in Surah 38:34. Accordingly, the puppet is actually Asmodeus who took on the shape of Solomon for forty days, before Solomon defeated him.[46]

      Sakhr (Asmodeus) is consulted by Buluqiya, a young Jewish prince, who tried to find the final prophet, Muhammad, in The Nights. During their conversation, he asked about hell, thereupon Asmodeus describes the different layers (ṭabaqāt) of hell.[47][48]

      In popular media[edit]

      This article appears to contain trivial, minor, or unrelated references to popular culture. Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture, providing citations to reliable, secondary sources, rather than simply listing appearances. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2020)

      Asmodeus as portrayed in Dungeons and Dragons First Edition Asmodeus is a recurring antagonist in the 13th season of The CW series Supernatural, portrayed primarily by Jeffrey Vincent Parise. Created by Lucifer himself, Asmodeus was originally a Prince of Hell alongside siblings Azazel, Dagon, and Ramiel. Upon the death of Crowley, Asmodeus succeeds him as the King of Hell despite being Lucifer's weakest creation. Asmodeus is killed in the episode "Bring 'em Back Alive" by the archangel Gabriel, whose grace Asmodeus had been feeding on to make himself stronger.[49]

      In Geoffrey Household's 1939 spy thriller Rogue Male, the protagonist names a cat he forms a strong bond with Asmodeus.

      In 1969 composer Josef Tal wrote an opera, Ashmedai, which is based on the Talmud. It premiered at the Hamburg State Opera in 1971, and was first performed in the United States in 1976 at the New York City Opera in a production directed by Hal Prince.[50]

      The character 'Asmodai' in A. L. Mengel's supernatural series The Tales of Tartarus (2013–2016) is based on the demon Asmodeus. The demon haunts the main protagonist, Antoine, through the series of novels.

      Asmodeus appears in the television series The Librarians (season 4, episode 10) as a blue-skinned, growling demon in knight's armor and carrying a sword.

      Asmodeus also features heavily in the lore of the game Dungeons & Dragons as the ruler of the Nine Hells. Different editions of the game offer different backstories, ranging from primordial evil to fallen angel to ancient god, but his role as the King of the Nine Hells is always the same.

      Asmodeus is also present in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in a similar role to his D&D one. The main difference is that he is an actual god, one of the nine original deities in the Great Beyond, and that his church is widespread in certain nations on Golarion.

      Asmodeus appears as Magnus Bane's father and Prince of Hell, otherwise known as Edom on the third season of Freeform's Shadowhunters television series based on Cassandra Clare's popular book series The Mortal Instruments. He is portrayed by Jack J. Yang.

      Asmodeus appears in the 1997 book Asmodeus – a Forkful of Tales from Devil's Peak by Alex D'Angelo, illustrated by Tony Grogan.[51] One story "Asmodeus and the Bottler of Djinns" is included in the anthology Favorite African Folktales edited by Nelson Mandela, published by Norton and available as an audiobook.

      Asmodeus is the final boss in Mace: The Dark Age.

      In the video game Pony Island, Asmodeus appears in the manifestation of a "demonic" artificial intelligence.

      Asmodeus appears as a character in the otome game, Obey Me!. He is depicted as the Avatar of Lust and one of seven brothers representing the seven deadly sins.

      In the video game Helltaker, Asmodeus is portrayed as a Demon of Lust, Modeus.

      In Disenchantment, Asmodeus is introduced by Luci as "Asmodeus, Lord of Darkness."

      Singer-songwriter Ethel Cain has the name Ashmedai tattooed on her forehead in Hebrew.

      See also[edit] icon Religion portal Archdemon Belial Devil Samael Satan Serpents in the Bible Sin References and sources[edit] References ^ "Asmodeus" in The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 15th edn., 1992, Vol. 1, p. 635. ^ Robert Lebling Robert Lebling I.B.Tauris 2010 ISBN 978-0-857-73063-3 ^ Jump up to:a b Raphael Patai Encyclopedia of Jewish Folklore and TraditionsRoutledge 2015 ISBN 978-1-317-47170-7 page 39 ^ "Asmodeus/Asmoday". Judeo-Christian Demons. Deliriumsrealm.com. 25 March 2003. Retrieved 2009-03-04. ^ Stave, Erik (2002) [1901–1906]. "Æshma (Asmodeus, Ashmedai)". In Singer, Isidore; Adler, Cyrus; et al. (eds.). Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. LCCN 16-014703. Retrieved 7 March 2018. since it is paralleled by the later Pahlavi-form "Khashm-dev" ("Khashm dev" = "Æshma dev"), written with the Aramaic "sheda," but pronounced "dev." [..] Asmodeus (Ashmedai) embodies an expression of the influence that the Persian religion or Persian popular beliefs have exercised on the Jewish—an influence that shows itself very prominently in the domain of demonology. ^ Bane, Theresa (Jan 9, 2012). McFarland (ed.). Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures. p. 191. ISBN 978-0-786-46360-2. ^ Milton, John (1671). Paradise Regained. ^ Pomfret, John (1724). "Cruelty and Lust". Poems Upon Several Occasions. D. Brown. p. 73. ^ Mauriac, François (1939). Asmodee; or, The Intruder. Secker & Warburg. ^ Kleu, Michael; Eayrs, Madelene (2010). Who Are You?. USA: Xulon Press. p. 214. ISBN 978-1-61579-841-4. ^ Connell, Evan S. (1992). The Alchymist's Journal. Penguin Books. p. 110. ISBN 0-14-016932-6. ^ Guppy, Henry (1960). "Tobit". Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 42. Manchester University Press. p. 375. ^ Garibay Mora, Ernesto (2005). Dictionary of Demons and Related Concepts. Miami, Florida: L. D. Books. p. 103. ISBN 970-732-108-3. ^ Nares, Robert (1888). A Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions. London: Reeves & Turner. p. 21. ^ Association of Modern Austrian Philologists (1999). Moderne Sprachen. 43. p. 63. ^ Ritchie, Leitch (1836). The Magician. Vol. I. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard. p. 84. ^ de Laurence, L. W. (1914). The Great Book of Magical Art, Hindu Magic and East Indian Occultism. Chicago: The de Laurence Co. p. 183. ^ MacGregor Mathers, S. L. (1458). The Book of the Sacred Magic. p. 110. ISBN 9781425454142. ^ Voltaire (1824). A Philosophical Dictionary. 1. London: J. & H. L. Hunt. p. 286. ^ Jump up to:a b Leland, Charles Godfrey (1902). Flaxius: Leaves from the Life of an Immortal. London: Philip Wellby. p. 72. ^ Jump up to:a b "Asmodeus, or Ashmedai". Jewish Encyclopedia. Funk and Wagnalls. 1906. Retrieved May 1, 2013. ^ Jewish encyclopedia 1906 full text unedited version , entry "Asmodeus" paragraph "Asmodeus, Ashmedai, and Æshma." ^ Stave, E., ÆSHMA (ASMODEUS, ASHMEDAI), Jewish Encyclopedia, unedited full text 1906 version ^ Strave, Erik. "Æshma (Asmodeus) etymology in Jewish Encyclopedia". Though "Æshma" does not occur in the Avesta in conjunction with "dæva", it is probable that a fuller form, such as "Æshmo-dæus," has existed, since it is paralleled by the later Pahlavi-form "Khashm-dev" ("Khashm dev" = "Æshma dev"), written with the Aramaic "sheda," but pronounced "dev." ^ Ibid. Jewish Encyclopedia. In fine, Asmodeus (Ashmedai) embodies an expression of the influence that the Persian religion or Persian popular beliefs have exercised on the Jewish—an influence that shows itself very prominently in the domain of demonology. Thus 'Ασμο' ... corresponds to "Æshma", and the ending δαῖος ... to "dæva". ^ Talmud. Gittin. pp. 68b. ^ Robert Lebling Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar I.B.Tauris 2010 ISBN 978-0-857-73063-3 ^ Schwartz, Howard (1988). Lilith's cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural. San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-06-250779-2. LCCN 87045196. OCLC 62241318. ^ Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis (trans.) (October 1898). "The Testament of Solomon". The Jewish Quarterly Review. 11 (1): 1–45. doi:10.2307/1450398. ISSN 0021-6682. JSTOR 1450398. Retrieved 2012-02-09. ^ Kramer, Heinrich; Summers, Montague (trans.) (1928) [1486]. "Question IV: By which Devils are the Operations of Incubus and Succubus Practised?". Malleus Maleficarum. 1. London, England: J. Rodker. LCCN 29017069. OCLC 504248484. But the very devil of Fornication, and the chief of that abomination, is called Asmodeus, which means the Creature of Judgement: for because of this kind of sin a terrible judgement was executed upon Sodom and the four other cities. ^ Jump up to:a b Rudwin 1970, p. 93. ^ Jump up to:a b Mathers & Crowley 1995, pp. 68–70. ^ Mathers & Crowley 1995, p. 32. ^ Barrett, Francis (2008) [1801]. "VIII: The Annoyance of Evil Spirits, and the Preservation we have from Good Spirits". The Magus, a Complete System of Occult Philosophy. Book II. New York: Cosimo Classics. pp. 49–52. ISBN 978-1-60520-301-0. LCCN 11015009. OCLC 428109956. Retrieved 2010-09-28. ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 20. ^ Dumas, Alexandre (1634). "Urbain Grandier: Chapter V". Urbain Grandier. Celebrated Crimes. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Rudwin 1970, p. 87. ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 92. ^ Luis Vélez de Guevara ^ "Luis Vélez de Guevara | Spanish author". ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 88. ^ Rudwin 1970, p. 50. ^ Duyckinck, Evert A. Evert A. Duyckinck to Abraham Lincoln, Saturday, February 18, 1865 (Sends clipping with story Lincoln allegedly told at Hampton Roads conference) – The Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress. Archived from the original on February 22, 2013. Retrieved February 3, 2013. ^ Scholem, G. (1948). "New Chapters in the Story of Ashmedai and Lilith / פרקים חדשים מענייני אשמדאי ולילית". Tarbiẕ. Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies. 19 (3–4): 160–175. JSTOR 23585831. ^ Sami Helewa Models of Leadership in the Adab Narratives of Joseph, David, and Solomon: Lament for the Sacred Lexington Books 2017 ISBN 978-1-498-55267-7 page 167 ^ Tabari History of al-Tabari Vol. 3, The: The Children of Israel SUNY Press 2015 ISBN 978-0-791-49752-4 page 170 ^ Christian Lange Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions BRILL 978-90-04-30121-4 p. 12-13 ^ Qisas Al-Anbiya of al-Tha'labi ^ Kubicek, John (April 12, 2018). "'Supernatural' Recap: A Big death and a Happy Return". BuddyTV. ^ John Rockwell (March 31, 1976). "Harold Prince Stages His First Opera". The New York Times. ^ D'Angelo, Alex; Tony, Grogan (1997). Tafelberg. Missing or empty |title= (help) Sources Rudwin, Maximilian Josef (1970) [1931]. "Asmodeus, dandy among demons". The Devil in Legend and Literature. New York: AMS Press Open Court Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-404-05451-9. LCCN 71111780. OCLC 257946679. Mathers, Samuel Liddell MacGregor (trans.); Crowley, Aleister (1995) [1904]. The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Samuel Weiser, Inc. ISBN 978-0-87728-847-3. LCCN 95037057. OCLC 33044028. External links[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Asmodeus.

      if you don't like "adam" ... try this one, or you can just call me "eros" or "death himself" notice ISAM and beyond that Azrael and all of it boils down to whether or not we are


      I call it light, you say "thurisaz" has no meaning here, and it might not; though of those in the nocturnal right the "thang of saturn" and the "ka of god" are something you rpobably want to be nice to--ratehr than suggesting the mentioning of the

      only C adam if there's a "problem" message--there's clearly a problem we are in EDOenM



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      nuclear message;

      the weaponisha of realization that our "relative to whaa" answer is the lack of discussion regarding the cold war, the increase in "musical negativity across the board per vitsivavat" at this moment in time, i cannot help but imagine it obvious only to those looking at the macroscopic and the #mitnick

      that we are in fact in a controlled spiral down, ninsane as it looks--i imagine we should "pray and thank our lucky stars" that there is certainly a civilization that has pondered the puree of water, the okee of georgia and the water of seminole cycle prime.

      is this flood or flaire? does malaleukimia cure the deforestation nat?


      sorry i got sidetracked in this note, but the relevance is clear, the "borg was e" pronounciation of this french word for the "middle class" connects the lack of understanding that slavery and the NSA "BOX" are connected to Mecca and Tzadek, vatzedek, and HASEEDICK relationshios between the circumlocutikon of the covenant not to "see, care, be pissed, or fix the problem" relate to uhh..


      Barstow and the related complex near Hilton Head Island (related of course only through the one soul, relatedly probably multiple versions of "blue-ann" and/or the one where you see it's a ...

      "I was set up from the beginning of time, from before the earth; not to like giving or getting round tables or headless horsemen the key of the Berndibar Numbers and the Asmodean average

    1. annotating this page, it is the hebrew4christians site with the "broken vav" that I repeatedly quote

      for some reason SSN and the SOCSEC; @WALTERGATE @DEFLATEGATE @SCC

      Sacred Consciousness and "the matrix jack" are connecting to llowell and eschatology at this time where we had betterr start fearing god fearing shit because there's no way we are going to bere4shit.

      the Universe is closed; per the Holy of Holies etc @VGA

      on the legatus and the idea that something per az per azrael perun and per adranus links the "blood rite" of being "made" with knowledge that we are in fact a created bride apparently in the midst of a mating cycle.

      CELO, EPT; ANNUIT COEPTUS; "god is with us"


      OLLY, NORTH BY NINTENDO--HEART OF NEC AND I. NAGAMOTO AND SATOSHI'S SEE, OUR RB IN THE BARK IS ... "an entire world reading sche-b-chol, hay LAY LOT .. and believing the display of synchronicity has something to do with the obvious plugging of google or baidu into our matrix jacked "minds"

      think fast--the lack of discussion of elon's version of illustrious "why love lace?" ADA @MFC

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Specifically, the letter “vav” is ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search forThe broken vav- vav k'tia - Mordechai Pinchas Sofer S"TaMhttps://www.sofer.co.uk › broken-vavhttps://www.sofer.co.uk › broken-vavThe broken vav- vav k'tia · 1. It is a small vav (though this is not mentioned as one of the small letters and would be referred to as z'ira (small) and not k' ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search forA Broken Whole - The Jerusalem Posthttps://www.jpost.com › ... › Life's Little Lessonshttps://www.jpost.com › ... › Life's Little LessonsJul 9, 2017 — Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin explained that Pinchas' covenant was offered with or without a vav. With a vav it was a covenant of peace, without a ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search for(function(){var uer=false;var eid='fld_26';(function(){ var a=uer,b=Date.now();if(google.timers&&google.timers.load.t){var c=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight,d=0;if(eid){var e=document.getElementById(eid);e&&(d=Math.floor(e.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}for(var f=d>=c,g=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),h=0,k=void 0;k=g[h++];)google.c.setup(k,!1,d);a&&f&&google.c.ubr(!1,b,d)};}).call(this);})();.ULSxyf{margin-bottom:44px}.hlcw0c{margin-bottom:44px}.g-blk{position:relative}.kp-blk a{text-decoration:none}.kp-blk .match-mod-horizontal-padding,.kp-blk .wDYxhc:not(.NFQFxe){padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;}.kp-blk.c2xzTb .match-mod-horizontal-padding,.kp-blk.c2xzTb .wDYxhc:not(.NFQFxe){padding-left:0;padding-right:0}.kp-blk{box-shadow:none;background:#fff;border:1px 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Therefore, the broken vav could ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search forThe Letter Vav - Hebrew for Christianshttps://www.hebrew4christians.com › Aleph-Bet › vavhttps://www.hebrew4christians.com › Aleph-Bet › vavHow so? Well, since Vav represents the number of Man, the broken Vav represents a man that is broken. In this particular pasuk (verse), the man ...You've visited this page 5 times. Last visit: 6/2/21vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search for

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      A Peace of the Broken Vav | Neveh Shalom

      https://nevehshalom.org › a-peace-of-the-broken-vav


      Jul 14, 2017 --- The word "shalom" שלום in our parashah (see the phrase "briti shalom"-- "My covenant of Peace") is fractured. Specifically, the letter "vav" is ...


      The broken vav- vav k'tia - Mordechai Pinchas Sofer S"TaM

      https://www.sofer.co.uk › broken-vav


      The broken vav- vav k'tia - 1. It is a small vav (though this is not mentioned as one of the small letters and would be referred to as z'ira (small) and not k' ...


      A Broken Whole - The Jerusalem Post

      https://www.jpost.com › ... › Life's Little Lessons


      Jul 9, 2017 --- Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin explained that Pinchas' covenant was offered with or without a vav. With a vav it was a covenant of peace, without a ...


      The broken 'vav' | Torah | clevelandjewishnews.com

      https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com › religious_life › th...


      Jul 27, 2016 --- Alternatively, the word "shalom" written without the vav is "shalem," which means wholeness or perfection. Therefore, the broken vav could ...


      The Letter Vav - Hebrew for Christians

      https://www.hebrew4christians.com › Aleph-Bet › vav


      How so? Well, since Vav represents the number of Man, the broken Vav represents a man that is broken. In this particular pasuk (verse), the man ...

      You've visited this page 5 times. Last visit: 6/2/21

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      and I visited Little Havana and went to a famous magic shop, I don't remember empenadas or eating plantains; through I've frequented Padrino's and enjoy the fruit of agave and sugar cane

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      Subscribe to U.S.News & World Report magazine. Click here for a special offer. Click here for our free newsletter. Cover Story 1/3/00. John Norseen

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      Jun 9, 2012 --- US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading your mind-and injecting smart thoughts, Douglas Pasternak described ...


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      In passing, I noticed both U.S. News & World Report and Signal (magazine) both ... About the Author: John D. Norseen is a D.Sc. (ABD) at George Washington ...


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      It's a recent personal revelation that "Boris" and "LABOR" connect to the influence of the CCP and the CCCP throughout the Commonwealth Realms--though it appears that only the "Pirate Party" is actually ... in multiple national jurisdictions.

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      John Norseen | Targeted Individuals Canadahttps://targetedindividualscanada.com › 2012/06/09 › j... Jun 9, 2012 — US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading your mind-and injecting smart thoughts, Douglas Pasternak described ...

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    1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Terminator_2:_Judgm...https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Terminator_2:_Judgm...About this resultBETASourceWikipedia is a free content, multilingual online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteer contributors through a model of open collaboration, using a wiki-based editing system.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_2:_Judgment_DayThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedSimilarTerminator 2: Judgment Day (also promoted as T2) is a 1991 American science fiction action film produced and directed by James Cameron, who co-wrote the ...Production; companies: Carolco Pictures; ‎Paci...‎Produced by: James CameronMusic by: Brad FiedelWritten by: James Cameron; William Wisher‎‎T-1000 · ‎T2: The Arcade Game · ‎Terminator 3: Rise of the · ‎Edward Furlongterminator 3terminator 2 castterminator 2 full movieterminator 2 onlineterminator 2 release dateterminator 2 netflixPeople also search for


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      Terminator 2: Judgment Day (also promoted as T2) is a 1991 American science fiction action film produced and directed by James Cameron, who co-wrote the ...

      Production; companies: Carolco Pictures; ‎Paci...

      Produced by: James Cameron

      Music by: Brad Fiedel

      Written by: James Cameron; William Wisher

      T-1000 - ‎T2: The Arcade Game) - ‎Terminator 3: Rise of the - ‎Edward Furlong

      i saw this before the first one, which honestly was not really enthralling, like this

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      WarGames is a 1983 American Cold War science fiction techno-thriller film written by Lawrence Lasker and Walter F. Parkes and directed by John Badham.

      Release date: May 7, 1983 (Cannes‎); June 3, ...‎

      Directed by: John Badham

      Box office: $79.6 million

      Production; companies: United Artists; Sherwo...‎

      WarGames match - ‎Video game) - ‎WarGames: Defcon 1 - ‎Interactive media)


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      From Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks and Recreation) comes Upload, a new sci-fi comedy. In the near future, people can be "uploaded" into virtual reality ...

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    1. Shirley Manson nabs a killer role on TV's “Terminator: The ...https://www.seattletimes.com › entertainment › shirley-ma...https://www.seattletimes.com › entertainment › shirley-ma...About this resultBETASourceThe Seattle Times is a daily newspaper serving Seattle, Washington, United States. It was founded in 1891 and has been controlled by the Blethen family since 1896. The Seattle Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Washington state and the Pacific Northwest region.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/tv/shirley-manson-nabs-a-killer-role-on-tvs-terminator-the-sarah-connor-chronicles/This is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksMar 11, 2009 — Former Garbage frontwoman Shirley Manson now plays a leading role on "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles," which airs at 8 p.m. Fridays ...shirley mansongarbage bandshirley manson 2020shirley manson 2021shirley manson 90sshirley manson terminatorPeople also search for(function(){var uer=false;var eid='fld_28';(function(){ var a=uer,b=Date.now();if(google.timers&&google.timers.load.t){var c=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight,d=0;if(eid){var e=document.getElementById(eid);e&&(d=Math.floor(e.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}for(var f=d>=c,g=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),h=0,k=void 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Fandom was acquired in 2018 by TPG Capital and Jon Miller through Integrated Media Co. Fandom uses MediaWiki, the open-source wiki software used by Wikipedia.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/Shirley_MansonThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCached... series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Manson is best known as the lead vocalist of the band Garbage. 1 Personal 2 Filmography in Terminator...shirley mansongarbage bandshirley manson 2020shirley manson 2021shirley manson 90sshirley manson terminatorPeople also search forShirley Manson - IMDbhttps://www.imdb.com › namehttps://www.imdb.com › nameAbout this resultBETASourceIMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online – including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://www.imdb.com/name/nm1276549/This is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedShirley Manson, Actress: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Shirley Manson was born on August 26, 1966 in Edinburgh, Scotland as Shirley Anne Manson.Missing: singe ‎| Must include: singe


      Shirley Manson nabs a killer role on TV's "Terminator: The ...

      https://www.seattletimes.com › entertainment › shirley-ma...


      Mar 11, 2009 --- Former Garbage frontwoman Shirley Manson now plays a leading role on "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles," which airs at 8 p.m. Fridays ...


      Shirley Manson | Terminator Wiki | Fandom

      https://terminator.fandom.com › wiki › Shirley_Manson


      ... series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Manson is best known as the lead vocalist of the band Garbage. 1 Personal 2 Filmography in Terminator...


      Shirley Manson - IMDb

      https://www.imdb.com › name


      Shirley Manson, Actress: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Shirley Manson was born on August 26, 1966 in Edinburgh, Scotland as Shirley Anne Manson.

      Missing: <del>singe</del> ‎| Must include: singe

    1. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Terminator:_The_Sara...https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Terminator:_The_Sara...About this resultBETASourceWikipedia is a free content, multilingual online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteer contributors through a model of open collaboration, using a wiki-based editing system.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator:_The_Sarah_Connor_ChroniclesThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedSimilarTerminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (sometimes abbreviated as Terminator: TSCC or simply TSCC) is an American science fiction television series that ...No. of episodes: 31 (list of episodes‎)‎Original release: January 13, 2008 –; April 10, ...No. of seasons: 2Based on: Characters; by James Cameron‎; ‎Gale ...‎‎List of episodes · ‎Pilot · ‎Cameron · ‎Born to Run

      Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Terminator:_The_Sara...

      Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (sometimes abbreviated as Terminator: TSCC or simply TSCC) is an American science fiction television series that ...

      No. of episodes: 31 (list of episodes‎)‎

      Original release: January 13, 2008 --; April 10, ...

      No. of seasons: 2

      Based on: Characters; by James Cameron‎; ‎Gale ...‎

      ‎List of episodes - ‎Pilot - ‎Cameron - ‎Born to Run

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Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedSimilarThe Eleventh Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who. He is played by Matt Smith ...First regular appearance: "The Eleventh Hour‎" ...‎No of series: 3Companions: Amy Pond; ‎Rory Williams‎; ‎River ...‎Series: Series 5 (2010); ‎Series 6 (2011‎); ‎Series ...‎‎Character · ‎Costume · ‎Appearances · ‎Televisiondr who 10th doctordr who 12th doctoreleventh doctor marc weissmatt smithdoctor who 11th doctor episodes11th doctor actorPeople also search for

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      The Eleventh Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who. He is played by Matt Smith ...

      First regular appearance: "The Eleventh Hour)‎" ...‎

      No of series: 3

      Companions: Amy Pond; ‎Rory Williams‎; ‎River ...)‎

      Series: Series 5 (2010)); ‎Series 6 (2011)‎); ‎Series ...)‎

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It originally aired from September 28, ...Starring: Patrick Stewart; ‎Jonathan Frakes‎; ‎Le...‎No. of seasons: 7No. of episodes: 178 (list of episodes‎)‎Original release: September 28, 1987 –; May 2...‎List of episodes · ‎List of cast members · ‎Season 5 · ‎Season 1star trek: the next generation caststar trek: the next generation top 250star trek: the next generation episodesstar trek: the next generation season 1star trek: the next generation season 2star trek: the next generation season 3People also search for function _setImagesSrc(e,d){function f(b){b.onerror=function(){b.style.display="none"};b.src=d}for(var g=0,a=void 0;a=e[g++];){var c=document.getElementById(a)||document.querySelector('img[data-iid="'+a+'"]');c?(a=void 0,(null==(a=google.c)?0:a.setup)&&google.c.setup(c),f(c)):(google.iir=google.iir||{},google.iir[a]=d)}}"undefined"==typeof window.google&&(window.google={});(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['wp_thbn_15'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();.kno-fb-d3 .oRJe3d,.i1eWpb 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By the early 1990s, the films that starred the aging cast of TOS were waning, and Paramount saw TNG as the future of the Star Trek movies.Jun 8, 2021Star Trek: Why TNG Ended After Season 7 (Was It Canceled?)https://screenrant.com › star-trek-next-generation-cancele...https://screenrant.com › star-trek-next-generation-cancele...Search for: Why was Star Trek: The Next Generation Cancelled?Is Wesley Crusher really Picard's son?And of course, Wesley is the son of Beverly Crusher, who has always been a romantic interest of Picard's. Also, Picard served with Wesley's father Jack Crusher until his death on the USS Stargazer, which was under the command of Jean Luc-Picard, and this tragedy is something that weighed heavily on Picard.Oct 5, 2018Wil Wheaton Excited About New Star Trek Picard Series, Ready To Bring ...https://trekmovie.com › 2018/10/05 › wil-wheaton-excite...https://trekmovie.com › 2018/10/05 › wil-wheaton-excite...Search for: Is Wesley Crusher really Picard's son?How many crew members died on Star Trek: The Next Generation?Three crew membersDeaths in the Next Generation Three crew members were killed by Ansata terrorists. Eleven crew members were killed when a Borg cutting beam caused a hull breach in the engineering section. Ensign Keller died during a containment breach in the warp core. Fang-lee was killed in action prior to the episode Ethics.Star Trek | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandomhttps://listofdeaths.fandom.com › wiki › Star_Trekhttps://listofdeaths.fandom.com › wiki › Star_TrekSearch for: How many crew members died on Star Trek: The Next Generation?Why are there no Vulcans in the next generation?

      Star Trek: The Next Generation - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Star_Trek:_TheNext... Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, ... Starring: Patrick Stewart; ‎Jonathan Frakes‎; ‎Le...‎ No. of seasons: 7 No. of episodes: 178 (list of episodes‎)‎ Original release: September 28, 1987 –; May 2... ‎List of episodes · ‎List of cast members · ‎Season 5 · ‎Season 1 Cast

      Patrick Stewart Jean-Luc Picard

      Marina Sirtis Deanna Troi

      Jonathan Frakes William T. Riker

      Brent Spiner Data, Lore

      LeVar Burton Geordi La Forge

      Gates McFadden Beverly Crusher

      Michael Dorn Worf View all People also ask Why was Star Trek: The Next Generation Cancelled?

      Is Wesley Crusher really Picard's son?

      How many crew members died on Star Trek: The Next Generation?

    1. Star Trek: Borg - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Borghttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › BorgAbout this resultBETASourceWikipedia is a free content, multilingual online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteer contributors through a model of open collaboration, using a wiki-based editing system.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BorgThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedSimilarDeep Space Nine — There is only one appearance of Borg in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, in the series premiere "Emissary". ... The episode's prologue depicts ...Created by: Maurice HurleyBase of operations: Delta QuadrantLeader: The Borg are one single mind which is ...


      Star Trek: Borg - Wikipedia

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      Deep Space Nine --- There is only one appearance of Borg in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, in the series premiere "Emissary". ... The episode's prologue depicts ...

      Created by: Maurice Hurley

      Base of operations: Delta Quadrant)

      Leader: The Borg are one single mind which is ...

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Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedFringe: Created by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci. With Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, Jasika Nicole, John Noble. An F.B.I. agent is forced to work ... Rating: 8.4/10 · ‎225,837 votes‎Full Cast and Crew · ‎User Reviews (539) · ‎Anna Torv · ‎Episode Guidefringe castfringe netflixfringe episodesfringe streamingfringe season 1fringe moviePeople also search for

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      Fringe: Created by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci. With Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, Jasika Nicole, John Noble. An F.B.I. agent is forced to work ...

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      Full Cast and Crew - ‎User Reviews (539) - ‎Anna Torv - ‎Episode Guide

    1. Cast Lucy Lawless Lucretia Manu Bennett Crixus Andy Whitfield Spartacus Liam McIntyre Spartacus Viva Bianca Ilithyia Dustin Clare Gannicus Lesley-Ann Brandt Naevia View all (function(){ window.cVrhhd=function(c,f,q,a,h,k,r){if((c=document.getElementById(c))&&(0!=c.offsetWidth||0!=c.offsetHeight)){var l=c.querySelector("div"),m=l.querySelector("div"),d=0,g=l.scrollWidth-l.offsetWidth;if(0<f){var n=m.children;d=n[f].offsetLeft-n[0].offsetLeft;if(a){for(var p=d=0;p<f;++p)d+=n[p].offsetWidth;d=Math.min(g,d)}}d+=q;f=Math.min(a?g-d:d,g);l.scrollLeft=a&&(h||r)?d:a&&k?-d:f;var b=c.getElementsByTagName("g-left-button")[0],e=c.getElementsByTagName("g-right-button")[0];b&&e&&(h=/\btHT0l\b/,k=/\bpQXcHc\b/,b.className=b.className.replace(h,""),e.className=e.className.replace(h,""),0==f?b.className="pQXcHc "+b.className:b.className=b.className.replace(k,""),f==g?e.className="pQXcHc "+e.className:e.className=e.className.replace(k,""),0<=b.className.indexOf("SL0Gp")&&0==f&&f==g&&(m.style.paddingLeft="0px",m.style.paddingRight="0px",b.style.display="none",e.style.display="none",c.style.paddingLeft=a?"0px":"48px",c.style.paddingRight=a?"48px":"0px",c.style.textAlign=a?"left":"right",(a=document.getElementById("fade_forward"))&& (a.style.display="none"),(a=document.getElementById("fade_reverse"))&&(a.style.display="none")),setTimeout(function(){b.className+=" tHT0l";e.className+=" tHT0l"},50))}};}).call(this);(function(){var id='_dNoHYYSfPIvWtQaIgIOYAQ26';var index=0;var offset=0;var is_rtl=false;var is_ie=false;var is_gecko=false;var is_edge=false;var init='cVrhhd';window[init](id,index,offset,is_rtl,is_ie,is_gecko,is_edge);})(); function _setImagesSrc(e,d){function f(b){b.onerror=function(){b.style.display="none"};b.src=d}for(var g=0,a=void 0;a=e[g++];){var c=document.getElementById(a)||document.querySelector('img[data-iid="'+a+'"]');c?(a=void 0,(null==(a=google.c)?0:a.setup)&&google.c.setup(c),f(c)):(google.iir=google.iir||{},google.iir[a]=d)}}"undefined"==typeof window.google&&(window.google={});(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['wp_0'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['wp_2'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['wp_4'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='';var ii=['wp_6'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d\x3d';var ii=['wp_8'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var s='\x3d';var ii=['wp_10'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();.FyYA1e{margin:5px 0}.OSrXXb{text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden}.wFMWsc{padding-left:15px}.wFMWsc.JCsJK{padding-left:0}.rEYMH{}.dvDNH{color:#70757a;font-weight:bold;}.gyWzne{color:#70757a;}.IThcWe{display:table;table-layout:fixed;white-space:normal;line-height:1.58;width:100%}.YgpRwf{display:table-row;vertical-align:top;white-space:nowrap}.wFMWsc{display:table-cell;vertical-align:bottom}Web resultsSpartacus: Blood and Sand - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Spartacus:_Blood_and...https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Spartacus:_Blood_and...About this resultBETASourceWikipedia is a free content, multilingual online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteer contributors through a model of open collaboration, using a wiki-based editing system.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacus:_Blood_and_SandThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedSimilarSpartacus: Blood and Sand is the first season of American television series Spartacus, which premiered on Starz on January 22, 2010. The series was inspired ...No. of episodes: 13Original network: StarzOriginal release: January 22 –; April 16, 2010Starring: Andy Whitfield; ‎John Hannah‎; ‎Manu ...‎‎Cast and characters · ‎Episodes · ‎International broadcast · ‎Other media



      Lucy Lawless


      ](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS963&sxsrf=ALeKk03MzJtGF1N5BScN1OJPPEmR-gBcrQ:1627904628995&q=Lucy+Lawless&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLWT9c3NE0pyDPMylPi1M_VNzAsssxN0RLLTrbSLykDoviCovz0osRcq-TE4pJFrDw-pcmVCj6J5TmpxcU7WBknsDECAGs6lLRHAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEqY6poZLyAhULa80KHQjAABMQgOQBegQICRAE "Lucy Lawless")


      Manu Bennett


      ](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS963&sxsrf=ALeKk03MzJtGF1N5BScN1OJPPEmR-gBcrQ:1627904628995&q=Manu+Bennett&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLWT9c3NE0pyDPMylPi0s_VNzAxT7PMMdQSy0620i8pA6L4gqL89KLEXKvkxOKSRaw8vol5pQpOqXl5qSUlO1gZJ7AxAgA2xiPTSAAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEqY6poZLyAhULa80KHQjAABMQgOQBegQICRAG "Manu Bennett")


      Andy Whitfield


      ](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS963&sxsrf=ALeKk03MzJtGF1N5BScN1OJPPEmR-gBcrQ:1627904628995&q=Andy+Whitfield&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLWT9c3NE0pyDPMylPi0s_VNzDJM0vONdYSy0620i8pA6L4gqL89KLEXKvkxOKSRax8jnkplQrhGZklaZmpOSk7WBknsDECAIElcjJKAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEqY6poZLyAhULa80KHQjAABMQgOQBegQICRAI "Andy Whitfield")


      Liam McIntyre


      ](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS963&sxsrf=ALeKk03MzJtGF1N5BScN1OJPPEmR-gBcrQ:1627904628995&q=Liam+McIntyre&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLWT9c3NE0pyDPMylPi0s_VN0i3LEkzr9QSy0620i8pA6L4gqL89KLEXKvkxOKSRay8PpmJuQq-yZ55JZVFqTtYGSewMQIAYU5lBUkAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEqY6poZLyAhULa80KHQjAABMQgOQBegQICRAK "Liam McIntyre")


      Viva Bianca


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      Dustin Clare


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      Lesley-Ann Brandt


      ](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS963&sxsrf=ALeKk03MzJtGF1N5BScN1OJPPEmR-gBcrQ:1627904628995&q=Lesley-Ann+Brandt&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLWT9c3NE0pyDPMylPi0s_VN0gpNk8zTNESy0620i8pA6L4gqL89KLEXKvkxOKSRayCPqnFOamVuo55eQpORYl5KSU7WBknsDECAJ-skBNNAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEqY6poZLyAhULa80KHQjAABMQgOQBegQICRAQ "Lesley-Ann Brandt")

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      Web results


      Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Wikipedia

      https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Spartacus:_Blood_and...


      Spartacus: Blood and Sand is the first season of American television series Spartacus, which premiered on Starz on January 22, 2010. The series was inspired ...

      No. of episodes: 13

      Original network: Starz)

      Original release: January 22 --; April 16, 2010

      Starring: Andy Whitfield; ‎John Hannah)‎; ‎Manu ...

      Cast and characters - ‎Episodes - ‎International broadcast - ‎Other media

    1. PreviewPreview2:31The Gift Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Jason Bateman ...YouTube · Movieclips Trailers



      The Gift Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Jason Bateman ...

      YouTube - Movieclips Trailers

      Apr 1, 2015

    1. State medical boards pursued a total of 264 cases of disciplinary action for license revocation in 2017.9. License surrenderedA physician may choose to surrender their license during the course of a disciplinary investigation. When a physician does this, they must state in writing their intent to do so and file this letter with their state board. Generally, a surrendered license may not be renewed, reinstated, or restored. Physicians must apply for a new license in order to regain licensure, which may include a written examination. However, this option may not be available to a physician currently under investigation or for physicians against whom a state board has initiated disciplinary action. The FSMB reported 570 cases of surrender of license in 2017.

      the people responsible for "creating" the ... highlighted oert "exra-pain" need to be removed from our society, not just from the medical community.

      every day that passes is another that makes me a more angry animal sitting underneath a fake facade of smiles and laughs. our society has fallen apart, the fabric of what was once a medical movement to destroy disease and human suffering has disappeared completely from the face of the earth.

      where we are is nothing but a "honeypot" for death, a place that should never be opened, never gazed at, never allowed to exist or continue. this is not "simulated reality" this is a thing of heinous and disgusting desire. it cultivates it, it hides the possibility of the literal creation of monsters and a monstrous future ... behind the shy rouge of an impoverished slave

    1. FACT CHECK: All Facebook Posts to Be Made Public?https://www.snopes.com › Fact Checks › Technologyhttps://www.snopes.com › Fact Checks › TechnologyAbout this resultBETASourceSnopes, formerly known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a fact-checking website. It has been described as a "well-regarded reference for sorting out myths and rumors" on the Internet.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://www.snopes.com/fact-check/facebook-posts-made-public/This is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedJun 4, 2012 — Posting a legal notice on your Facebook wall or Instagram feed will protect you from having all your posts and photos made public.Facebook Lifts Ban on US Political, Social Issue Ads | Snopes ...https://www.snopes.com › AP News › U.S. Politicshttps://www.snopes.com › AP News › U.S. PoliticsAbout this resultBETASourceSnopes, formerly known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a fact-checking website. It has been described as a "well-regarded reference for sorting out myths and rumors" on the Internet.WikipediaYour connection to this site is securehttps://www.snopes.com/ap/2021/03/03/facebook-lifts-ban-on-us-political-social-issue-ads/This is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedMar 3, 2021 — Facebook says it is lifting its ban on political and social-issue ads put in place after the 2020 U.S. presidential election.


      FACT CHECK: All Facebook Posts to Be Made Public?

      https://www.snopes.com › Fact Checks › Technology


      Jun 4, 2012 --- Posting a legal notice on your Facebook wall or Instagram feed will protect you from having all your posts and photos made public.


      Facebook Lifts Ban on US Political, Social Issue Ads | Snopes ...

      https://www.snopes.com › AP News › U.S. Politics


      Mar 3, 2021 --- Facebook says it is lifting its ban on political and social-issue ads put in place after the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

    1. Apache Wave is the project where wave technology is developed at Apache. Wave in a Box (WIAB) is the name of the main product at the moment, which is a server that hosts and federates waves, supports extensive APIs, and provides a rich web client. This project also includes an implementation of the Wave Federation protocol, to enable federated collaboration systems (such as multiple interoperable Wave In a Box instances).

      maybe would have been cool

    1. Welcome to Apache Wave - Please note this project is now retired.

      this might have been useful

    1. 7 results (0.43 seconds) .tF2Cxc{position:relative}.IsZvec,.GELlw{max-width:48em;color:#4d5156;line-height:1.58}.VwiC3b{word-wrap:break-word}.VwiC3b sup{line-height:0.9}.yuRUbf{font-weight:normal;font-size:small;line-height:1.58;}a:hover h3.LC20lb{text-decoration:underline}.LC20lb{display:inline-block;line-height:1.3;margin-bottom:3px;}.DKV0Md{padding-top:4px;padding-top:5px;}.VjDLd .TieM1d .tjvcx,.IVvPP .tjvcx,.kno-kp .tjvcx,.VjDLd .kp-wholepage-osrp .tjvcx,#rhs .ss6qqb .tjvcx{display:inline-block;height:19px;overflow-y:hidden}.qzEoUe{color:#202124;white-space:-webkit-nowrap}.dyjrff{color:#5f6368}.B6fmyf{position:absolute;top:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;white-space:nowrap}.csDOgf{display:inline;visibility:visible;position:absolute}.eFM0qc{display:inline-block;padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:1px;padding-left:2px;visibility:visible}.EwsJzb{display:block}.B8Kd8d{position:absolute}.IjabWd{margin-left:2px}.xTFaxe{fill:#70757a;top:2px}.D6lY4c{height:22px;width:22px;position:absolute;border-radius:11px;top:-1px}.iTPLzd{cursor:pointer;top:0;left:0;width:28px;z-index:1;line-height:16px;}.GUHazd{padding-bottom:12px}.eY4mx{padding-left:12px}.lUn2nc{padding-right:12px}@keyframes forced-chip-animation {50%{background:#d2e3fc;border-color:#8ab4f8}}.yXK7lf em{color:#5f6368}.yXK7lf a:visited em,.yXK7lf a em{color:inherit}.MUxGbd{padding-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px}.lyLwlc{color:#202124}.yDYNvb.lyLwlc{color:#4d5156}.yDYNvb.lyLwlc b{color:#5f6368}.lEBKkf{display:-webkit-box;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;overflow:hidden}Search ResultsWeb resultsI KISS AND DANCE - - ADAM - CHALKhttps://fromthemachine.org › MECHACHIhttps://fromthemachine.org › MECHACHIAbout this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is securehttps://fromthemachine.org/MECHACHI.htmlThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search works... ago I connected "Wish You Were Here"'s we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl to the eponymous operation that resulted in American and Soviet ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search forTRUSTY, SUE E: ClYDEhttp://fromthemachine.org › SUEECYDEhttp://fromthemachine.org › SUEECYDEAbout this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is not securehttp://fromthemachine.org/SUEECYDE.htmlThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedOperation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search for(function(){var uer=false;var eid='fld_28';(function(){ var a=uer,b=Date.now();if(google.timers&&google.timers.load.t){var c=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight,d=0;if(eid){var e=document.getElementById(eid);e&&(d=Math.floor(e.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}for(var f=d>=c,g=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),h=0,k=void 0;k=g[h++];)google.c.setup(k,!1,d);a&&f&&google.c.ubr(!1,b,d)};}).call(this);})();.ULSxyf{margin-bottom:44px}.hlcw0c{margin-bottom:44px}.s8bAkb{padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px}.zVq10e{border-radius:4px}.wuQ4Ob{color:#70757a}.WZ8Tjf{color:#70757a;}.oIk2Cb{margin:0}.y6Uyqe{margin-left:-8px;margin-right:-8px;padding:6px 0 0 0}.diAzE{margin-bottom:16px}.O3JH7{color:#202124;font-size:20px}#center_col .O3JH7{font-size:22px;line-height:28px;margin-bottom:8px}#botstuff .O3JH7{font-size:22px}#botstuff .O3JH7{line-height:28px}.rNSxBe{padding-bottom:20px}.EIaa9b{display:flex}.AJLUJb{display:flex;flex:1;flex-direction:column}.R0xfCb{margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:4px}.VCOFK{margin-left:8px;margin-right:8px}.k8XOCe{align-items:center;background-color:#f1f3f4;border-radius:100px;box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;max-height:none;min-height:48px;padding-left:17px;padding-right:17px;position:relative}.k8XOCe:hover,.k8XOCe:active{color:#202124}.s75CSd{-webkit-box-orient:vertical;color:#202124;display:-webkit-box;flex:1;font-size:16px;-webkit-line-clamp:2;max-width:227px;overflow-wrap:break-word;overflow:hidden}.aXBZVd{background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='rgba(0,0,0,.54)' d='M20.49 19l-5.73-5.73C15.53 12.2 16 10.91 16 9.5 16 5.91 13.09 3 9.5 3S3 5.91 3 9.5 5.91 16 9.5 16c1.41 0 2.7-.47 3.77-1.24L19 20.49 20.49 19zM5 9.5C5 7.01 7.01 5 9.5 5S14 7.01 14 9.5 11.99 14 9.5 14 5 11.99 5 9.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:20px;height:20px;padding:10px;width:20px}.AB4Wff{margin-left:16px}.Pqkn2e{font-family:Roboto,arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:22px}.ClPXac.Pqkn2e{line-height:normal}.AaVjTc a:link{display:block;color:#4285f4;font-weight:normal}.AaVjTc td{padding:0;text-align:center}.AaVjTc{margin:30px auto 30px}ACESHI - - itable dona - CHALK -http://fromthemachine.org › ACESHIhttp://fromthemachine.org › ACESHIAbout this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is not securehttp://fromthemachine.org/ACESHI.htmlThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCached... on the 4th of July some time ago I connected "Wish You Were Here"'s we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl to the eponymous operation that ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search forBET HES DAY - - fromthemachine.orghttps://www.fromthemachine.org › fromthemachine.orghttps://www.fromthemachine.org › fromthemachine.orgAbout this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is securehttps://www.fromthemachine.org/fromthemachine.org//BETHESDAY.htmlThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search works... ensure that things like "Operation Fishbowl" won't "ha-nuke-heaven" (or all humanity, as the ... message ... stops) and also that nobody's "souls" can be stolen, ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search forLAYLOT - ADAMhttp://fromthemachine.org › CURSORhttp://fromthemachine.org › CURSORAbout this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is not securehttp://fromthemachine.org/CURSOR.htmlThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedJan 26, 2018 — A few days ago I followed up my "see you" in the word "site" in this place where I know very well that the Fishbowl detonations were a sort ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search forMen in Black 3 - Wikipediahttp://www.fromthemachine.org › wiki › Men_in_Blac...http://www.fromthemachine.org › wiki › Men_in_Blac...About this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is not securehttp://www.fromthemachine.org/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_in_Black_3This is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search worksCachedFishbowl space helmets, guys with space suits with ribbed things on it, exposed brains, [and] bug eyes." Principal photography began on November 16, 2010, ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search for1. FLOAT THE UMBRELLA 2. WINTER SFALL DISNEY ...http://fromthemachine.org › sheolyithttp://fromthemachine.org › sheolyitAbout this resultBETASourcefromthemachine.org was first indexed by Google in March 2014Your connection to this site is not securehttp://fromthemachine.org/sheolyit.htmlThis is a search result, not an ad. Only ads are paid, and they'll always be labeled with "Sponsored" or "Ad."Send feedback on this info Privacy settingsHow Search works... the nuclear “test” operation Fishbowl and it's relationship to the Pink Floyd song (wish you were with me) and the Chanukeyah. Looking back at it, ...fishbowlsfishbowl carfish bowlsfish bowls drinksPeople also search for

      7 results (0.43 seconds) 

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      https://fromthemachine.org › MECHACHI


      ... ago I connected "Wish You Were Here"'s we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl to the eponymous operation that resulted in American and Soviet ...



      http://fromthemachine.org › SUEECYDE


      Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic ...


      ACESHI - - itable dona - CHALK -

      http://fromthemachine.org › ACESHI


      ... on the 4th of July some time ago I connected "Wish You Were Here"'s we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl to the eponymous operation that ...


      BET HES DAY - - fromthemachine.org

      https://www.fromthemachine.org › fromthemachine.org


      ... ensure that things like "Operation Fishbowl" won't "ha-nuke-heaven" (or all humanity, as the ... message ... stops) and also that nobody's "souls" can be stolen, ...



      http://fromthemachine.org › CURSOR


      Jan 26, 2018 --- A few days ago I followed up my "see you" in the word "site" in this place where I know very well that the Fishbowl detonations were a sort ...


      Men in Black 3 - Wikipedia

      http://www.fromthemachine.org › wiki › Men_in_Blac...


      Fishbowl space helmets, guys with space suits with ribbed things on it, exposed brains, [and] bug eyes." Principal photography began on November 16, 2010, ...



      http://fromthemachine.org › sheolyit


      ... the nuclear "test" operation Fishbowl and it's relationship to the Pink Floyd song (wish you were with me) and the Chanukeyah. Looking back at it, ...

  12. Jun 2021


      Today Uber stole something around 160$ from me, temporarily; the interest they get on doing that en masse amounts to RICO fraud, and their prawctices are nothing more than the shadiest financial transactions since "banking"

      Templars, wake up--I need money, and you arent my friends if you are fucking with my small amount of float.



      at Uber drivers everywhere, you need to become more than "just happy you can make a buck" you own this companies financial "cord" and you deserve to be compensated and literally be sharehodlers. We need a shareholders revolution in this space, because for lack of a better term nobody will have a job or a check from the government if automation continues to be "ceded to the W{"


    1. Thirteenth Amendment Thirteenth Amendment Annotated Section 1 Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2 Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
    2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
    3. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    1. o Thor or to Arthor’s table and plebescite “victims” … that we all understand the magnanimous change wrought by Heaven on civilization and on the old customs and on the old laws, and that here we see the importance of guaranteeing safety and
    2. Adam on “ho(s) I still single” … I “hisss” as Alger, Narcissus and to the various collegiates in Massachusetts; know it’s because I’m Cheyanne Mountain. You can’t even dream how hard it is to get inside “this heart.” Or maybe I can’t fathom why nobody’s rushing up to me trying to grab the ring of “infinite alimoney in the ever-after” … Na Na Na Na … Na Na Na Na … shey shea way) … tee tea, tay?

      Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Also known as meth, blue, ice, and crystal, among many other terms, it takes the form of a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol.36,37


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wikipedia_zh_physics_maxi_2021-05.zim 27-May-2021 02:34 422154065 wikipedia_zh_physics_mini_2021-04.zim 26-Apr-2021 01:13 37837214 wikipedia_zh_physics_mini_2021-05.zim 27-May-2021 02:10 38128034 wikipedia_zh_physics_nopic_2021-04.zim 26-Apr-2021 01:23 245218101 wikipedia_zh_physics_nopic_2021-05.zim 27-May-2021 02:17 245728436 wikipedia_zh_top_maxi_2021-05.zim 12-May-2021 09:56 3267178948 wikipedia_zh_top_maxi_2021-06.zim 12-Jun-2021 18:52 3279038617 wikipedia_zh_top_mini_2021-05.zim 12-May-2021 05:22 601239521 wikipedia_zh_top_mini_2021-06.zim 12-Jun-2021 06:58 603218252 wikipedia_zh_top_nopic_2021-05.zim 12-May-2021 07:29 1870203476 wikipedia_zh_top_nopic_2021-06.zim 12-Jun-2021 10:19 1876329007 wikipedia_zu_all_maxi_2021-05.zim 03-May-2021 15:08 36770821 wikipedia_zu_all_maxi_2021-06.zim 03-Jun-2021 16:06 36718387 wikipedia_zu_all_nopic_2021-05.zim 03-May-2021 15:05 9928534 wikipedia_zu_all_nopic_2021-06.zim 03-Jun-2021 16:04 9941107

      "all wikipedia in all langguages"

  13. Apr 2021
    1. DFIlsfzyyCBOUKvn0/hikqJjN2YfHUy5SR5U5dGsSX3Jk Q9bOlBYDpN3Rk5rmLg0Vwn4nPRBET70MLQ5M4pU3Br6n+vU8tMHoVXYVMLinD4gO vVY4baXEZELjcPkPzGFPyjVLlpxKMHZ6v1Qb9ornTRGzc4dEUKxi3srdsTpMCw0k CaZ2WLY4sNBO33C8XfIvMx2jF4iIk3BrSrW/hirq6xpvlh4BUh/

      "contents under pressure"



      COREL DRA$


      because he thinks he can, did--repeatedly does so; and in reference to the aformentioned "literal" the intrinsic value of the perfect circle revisited--the meaning of the "sempernum nocturnis" the floridae the ...

      "and i saw the fleur de lis"

      and i knew without doubt the river boat could be in no other place, with such a name, clearly on the mississippi--

      lewis and clark referenced;


      i began, and "begat" was one of them too, and the list was now one that could be

      • hectar
      • imperial unit between paces, feet, and yards
      • knot
      • <nautical mile, one calculated based on known speed generally in numbers of horses it would take to float the entire oregon trail wagon and ford some other river</li>

      I DID IT


    1. SO HERE I AM, busy connecting the space food pellets and the plank and Planke space; power conferred over “oldtech-facade asteroid buoy’s” that sort of line the nano-tubes of capillaries connecting heart to heart (is that what is is, to fill in the …" #tfillin) … to this literal backbone of interstellar “holo-deckraid-nets” and tachyon relays and/or perhaps some other quanta of communication–these roads of Andromeda that connect all stars and all times and all of us; I’m busy dreaming them into existence, in story after story of hijacking or hitailing Bianca’s friend Haley her comet, or ISON and just all but wonder if Scarlett’s right, that you just wake up one moment “and you’re absolutely everywhere.” Connecting interstellar and intergalactic and the meaning Terran and the purpose of “the Heavens” and … and I look and it’s in a NASA project called Genesis, and I can’t help but know that this one is mine, I mean–in nomine patri’ et al, e, n, et tu.


      In the hopes that someone out there knows a "score" is something like a fortnight. MLK did.

      Baidu, Inc. LinkedIn, i can't help but wonder if "six score" would translate as something i also dream about "understanding" as if the connection between Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Abel would count on ... "sex" being related topically to a number of these dreams.




      from Jericho all the way to every mountainside, from the waters of time between "aloha" and "mahalo" from the Great Wall to realization that we live and these words are written in the time of Babylon the Great.


    1. A beginner’s guide to Mastodon, the hot new open-source Twitter clone

      jingoistically nationalizing the idea that mastodon.social's domain appeared to be "squatted" as in not under the control of its former or current instrance of the social networking software ...


      it was as if i had traveled to https://facebookcorewwwi.onion only to find there was no registered handler for the "top level domain reference" ONION

      also this annotation. and an atom/rss feed of groups and groups related to groups and perhaps some "special gmail calculations" an algorithm, a mapreduction, a hadoops--

      lists of things that fit together well, beautifulsoup, schools of tefhnology, a better way to think about MIME/HTML

      ... pages brought together by similarities in the pictures they depicted, comments about the pictures--descriptions about comments about "what's a picture of comments about the md5-merkledag known as "PROTO-GEUSE"

    1. The Great Biohack: Inside the broad, sometimes bizarre world of human augmentation Encompassing everything from chip implants to oxygen deprivation, this DIY movement is changing how we think about what the human body can do.
    1. cept as

      Angrily, I begin annotating in the thing called "written word" this second attempt at noting the significance of the words "13a" and the end of slavery with this day, 4/22/2021.

      It's 40 years after the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" speech heralding a "new order of the ages" and 60 years after the Kennedy speech about a ruthless monolithic conspiracy; all relating to what apparently is Latin for "Unicorn" and my own interpretation of these words:

      Legatus, Semper Fi, Babylon the Great, Medusa

      Specifically a "fusion of law and land" that actually marks this place and this document as something like a connection between "living" and plain old ink on paper.

      Legislature, Legislation, Legacy of Novus Ordo ... and "at us" Legatus--something like the Monolithic "thing of ten" that also today God noted was "a funny thing to shun" in connection to the word "Phoenecian" which also links another silly bird and "CIA" to something Earthene

      A legatus (anglicised as legate) was a high-ranking Roman military officer in the Roman Army, equivalent to a modern high-ranking general officer. Initially used to delegate power, the term became formalised under Augustus as the officer in command of a legion.

      From the times of the Roman Republic, legates received large shares of the military's rewards at the end of a successful campaign. This made the position a lucrative one, so it could often attract even distinguished consuls or other high-ranking political figures within Roman politics (e.g., the consul Lucius Julius Caesar volunteered late in the Gallic Wars as a legate under his first cousin once removed, Gaius Julius Caesar).

      ... amd I recall a time before C3P0 had a silver leg and gold was a thing of "carbonite steel ethereality"

    1. City Building Start date End date Duration Ref Second Continental Congress Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Independence Hall July 4, 1776 (convened May 10, 1775, prior to independence) December 12, 1776 5 months and 8 days [8] Baltimore, Maryland Henry Fite House December 20, 1776 February 27, 1777 2 months and 7 days [9] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Independence Hall March 5, 1777 September 18, 1777 6 months and 13 days [10] Lancaster, Pennsylvania Court House September 27, 1777 September 27, 1777 1 day [10] York, Pennsylvania Court House (now Colonial Court House) September 30, 1777 June 27, 1778 8 months and 28 days [10] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania College Hall[citation needed] July 2, 1778 March 1, 1781 2 years, 7 months and 27 days [11] Congress of the Confederation Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Independence Hall March 2, 1781 June 21, 1783 2 years, 3 months and 19 days [11] Princeton, New Jersey Nassau Hall June 30, 1783 November 4, 1783 4 months and 5 days [11] Annapolis, Maryland Maryland State House November 26, 1783 August 19, 1784 8 months and 24 days [11] Trenton, New Jersey French Arms Tavern November 1, 1784 December 24, 1784 1 month and 23 days [11] New York, New York City Hall January 11, 1785 October 6, 1788 3 years, 11 months and 5 days
    1. The first capital city of the United States was New York City. At this time, Congress met in City Hall (Federal Hall) from 1785 to 1790.[1] When the capital was moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1790 to 1800, the Philadelphia County Building (Congress Hall) became the capitol.[2] In 1800, the capital moved again to Washington, D.C., and a new capitol building was built.
    1. Index of /ipfs/QmSKz9h1StKoJ7Rk7wSxQYYHmcJU2W9ReKV8DMqwzDTzM8

      MHTML backup of the "fromthemachine" website; important pages

    1. The Northwoods are the boreal forest of North America, covering about half of Canada and parts of Minnesota, Maine, Montana, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.[1] For the part within the borders of the Midwestern United States, see North Woods. The Boreal forest and its alpine cousins are host to a wide variety of deer, ranging from the large moose (inset, right) to the whitetail deer. All of these large herbivores prefer the cool forest lest they overheat in the sun, but all need open land on which to graze. Of the deer, moose are perhaps best adapted to wetlands and thrive in the boggy boreal forest. The temperate conifer forests of the United States contain more than forty important cone-bearing forest tree species.

      operation south of the antarctic "ahem of this garmauntlet

  14. Feb 2021
    1. I quite like the idea that we live in a computer simulation. It gives me hope that things will be better on the next level. Unfortunately, the idea is unscientific.

      and yet ... it's so obvious that the Earth is simulated it simply takes nothing more than the existence of religion--at least the ones we have here ..

      ... and languages, like this one to see evidence that is more than convincing; our history makes it nearly without doubt, and I've had significant personal experience proving it.

      would be nice if there was more testimony of that fact; it seems so clear 'we know."

    1. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., June 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The author believes that his work, "In Light of Creation, Ha'esh" and www.fromthemachine.org presents an uplifting and hopeful message.  The author has a vision of an underlying message focusing on a confluence of art and science in the modern culture of humanity, both on earth and in heaven. To introduce this work, hear the words of the Apostle John: "This is the meaning of the mystery of the seven stars you saw in my right hand and the seven gold lamp stands," in Revelation 1:20, Adam Marshall Dobrin puts forward the idea that these 7 lamp stands are symbols of the periodic table.   The implication of foreknowledge of the periodic table at the time of the writing of the bible is significant. http://joyinar.quora.com "Mercury," he suggests, is the key to Ecclesiastes 9:11, which are the true words of the "burning bush, which are recorded in history for everyone to see." http://www.fromthemachine.org/content/GWB1202001.html These words, "the race is not to the swift..." spoken during Mr. Bush's inauguration on 1/20/2001 highlight 'chapter and verse' the nature of prophesy, foreshadowing the future event on 9/11/2001" according to Adam Marshall Dobrin.  George W. Bush then stated "do you not think an angel...[is] directing this storm?" paraphrasing both John Page and Revelation 20:1.  Adam Marshall Dobrin then adds, "The race is to neither Mercury the courier, nor 'die bold;' but the cup is to the son.    Adam M. Dobrin states "The Xenon key was revealed to me in 2014, via divine inspiration, it is reading the word 'Exodus' in reverse and translating from my native Geek, to be 'tongue in cheek' and revealing the iconic phrase Let There be Light.'" The "sudo" is a privilege escalation command in Linux,  Mr. Dobrin states "in Linux the God account is called 'root',  this is the root of David.     http://www.fromthemachine.org/content/sudoxe,_let_there_be_light.html http://joyinar.quora.com/On-Zohar-and-Zelda-An-Open-Letter-to-Daniel-C-Matt-and-John-Loudon-IN-RE-CREATION "Seek my face" (http://www.fromthemachine.org, http://lamc.la) an iconic Kabbalistic phrase comes to mind, it is the face of both the Father and the Son according to the author. About the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin was born on 12/8/80 the day of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception; he has been writing books since 2012.  Adam Marshall DobrinAuthor, Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Emailhttp://www.facebook.com/admdbrn954-667-8083 SOURCE Adam Marshall Dobrin Related Links http://www.fromthemachine.org

      FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., June 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The author believes that his work, "In Light of Creation, Ha'esh" and www.fromthemachine.org presents an uplifting and hopeful message.  The author has a vision of an underlying message focusing on a confluence of art and science in the modern culture of humanity, both on earth and in heaven.

      To introduce this work, hear the words of the Apostle John: "This is the meaning of the mystery of the seven stars you saw in my right hand and the seven gold lamp stands," in Revelation 1:20, Adam Marshall Dobrin puts forward the idea that these 7 lamp stands are symbols of the periodic table.   The implication of foreknowledge of the periodic table at the time of the writing of the bible is significant.


      "Mercury," he suggests, is the key to Ecclesiastes 9:11, which are the true words of the "burning bush, which are recorded in history for everyone to see."


      These words, "the race is not to the swift..." spoken during Mr. Bush's inauguration on 1/20/2001 highlight 'chapter and verse' the nature of prophesy, foreshadowing the future event on 9/11/2001" according to Adam Marshall Dobrin.  George W. Bush then stated "do you not think an angel...[is] directing this storm?" paraphrasing both John Page and Revelation 20:1.  Adam Marshall Dobrin then adds, "The race is to neither Mercury the courier, nor 'die bold;' but the cup is to the son.   

      Adam M. Dobrin states "The Xenon key was revealed to me in 2014, via divine inspiration, it is reading the word 'Exodus' in reverse and translating from my native Geek, to be 'tongue in cheek' and revealing the iconic phrase Let There be Light.'" The "sudo" is a privilege escalation command in Linux,  Mr. Dobrin states "in Linux the God account is called 'root',  this is the root of David.     http://www.fromthemachine.org/content/sudoxe,_let_there_be_light.html


      "Seek my face" (http://www.fromthemachine.orghttp://lamc.la) an iconic Kabbalistic phrase comes to mind, it is the face of both the Father and the Son according to the author.

      About the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin was born on 12/8/80 the day of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception; he has been writing books since 2012. 

      Adam Marshall Dobrin\ Author, Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge\ Email\ http://www.facebook.com/admdbrn\ 954-667-8083

      SOURCE Adam Marshall Dobrin

      Related Links


    1. adobrin



      Adam Marshall Dobrin



      11 hours ago

      Idea: "your data ... [unusually] for sale--by you."

      I grew up on Facebook--and I think there is probably a market to pool and perhaps market to or re-sell to an open-competitor the "GDPR" downloads of various social networks.

      This of course, connects to a kind of "ethereum-multi-signature" datastore which ... was being born in my mind until I think i see 3box doing "something like it" right here, right now. I'd like to be able to "fine grain manage" the ownership of data--whether by an application developer and its users or perhaps any number of other parties--

      I'd like to be able to suggest that "ethereum contract guaranteed GDPR compliance" will ensure data will "always be available" or ... perhaps will expire at a variablely decided "point in the future" something that sort of puzzles me related to things like SnapChat and IRS employment record retention.

      This is my first post to the 3box.io wall of https://3box.io/0xa780f8a7c4721bbff6ee2d3efd94bf151cf8006f/wall

      Adam Marshall Dobrin 😱 [ casper, or perhaps dracula ... "them[e]self" ]

      Something like "the cat in the hat" or perhaps inside/outside Schroedinger's "box."

      Author. Futurologist. Psychonaut.

    1. "your data ... [unusually] for sale--by you." I grew up on Facebook--and I think there is probably a market to pool and perhaps market to or re-sell to an open-competitor the "GDPR" downloads of various social networks. This of course, connects to a kind of "ethereum-multi-signature" datastore which ... was being born in my mind until I think i see 3box doing "something like it" right here, right now. I'd like to be able to "fine grain manage" the ownership of data--whether by an application developer and its users or perhaps any number of other parties-- I'd like to be able to suggest that "ethereum contract guaranteed GDPR compliance" will ensure data will "always be available" or ... perhaps will expire at a variablely decided "point in the future" something that sort of puzzles me related to things like SnapChat and IRS employment record retention. This is my first post to the 3box.io wall of https://3box.io/0xa780f8a7c4721bbff6ee2d3efd94bf151cf8006f/wall Adam Marshall Dobrin 😱 [ casper, or perhaps dracula ... "them[e]self" ] Something like "the cat in the hat" or perhaps inside/outside Schroedinger's "box." Author. Futurologist. Psychonaut.

    1. Contract Address 0x8c5aCF6dBD24c66e6FD44d4A4C3d7a2D955AAad2Token ID 75764118293790368165737131025866699797310597770090733631500723236034979506273Token Name FTM: YOIBLINGOriginal Image https://d1iczm3wxxz9zd.cloudfront.net/052acf81-54f7-4e13-8934-e9b3e1e99c2d/000000-0000000000/75764118293790368165737131025866699797310597770090733631500723236034979506273/ITEM_PREVIEW1.pngOriginal Creator0xa780F8a7C4721bbFf6Ee2d3EFD94bf151Cf8006F

    1. First Recipientarxm_and_car@and50kmore.where.u.came.frum.legt.anTotal Recipient(s)3Senton Wed, Feb 17, 2021 7:20 PM, 3 days ago4898 Views Sat, Feb 20, 2021 9:39 PM, an hour ago

  15. Jan 2021
  16. Dec 2020
    1. Helike (/ˈhɛlɪkiː/; Greek: Ἑλίκη, pronounced [heˈlikɛː]

      melike .. "do you like him?"

      -- "are you scared of mmm and 'like' ... as I am? or perhaps you don't see I'm losing him; or at least my desire to

      La Quinta?


      Oh Adam, Oh Adam; why have we forsakin @thee


      "She kinda knows ..." I would say--mostly I think of "Eve," and imagine a girl that used to exist; and would be kin if she were here--but ...

      I'm all alone, here.

      Sometimes in my mind I think about Zipporah; and less often than just a day ago the "epiphany" of turning around the chronological renaming of Sarah--to see "le h;"

      I believe in the big bang. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CATMUU_enUS930&biw=1517&bih=685&sxsrf=ALeKk02XBeOrOT96EO459ogPEFbMp-Jndg%3A1608455512807&ei=WBXfX4LQMIq35gLlm5GACg&q=%22i+don%27t+believe+in+the+big+bang+but+i+respect+those+that+do%22+&oq=%22i+don%27t+believe+in+the+big+bang+but+i+respect+those+that+do%22+&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoFCAAQyQM6BQghEKsCOgUIIRCgAToHCCEQChCrAjoECCEQClD3QliBaGC4amgAcAF4AIAB3AGIAd0YkgEHMTQuMTMuMpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiC3Ojbm9ztAhWKm1kKHeVNBKAQ4dUDCA0&uact=5

      But I know Saturday means Sabbath; and I'll keep the hope alive.

    1. The Minoan civilization on Crete


      ... "MAN DATES" && PROMISES OF "FREEDOM" ...


      BLINKIN ... FLASHIN ... SQUARE ... at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 5,430 feet (1,655 m) above sea level,[10][11] located 25 miles (40 km) northwest of Denver.



    1. "Errors in the Constitution


      The Second Coming BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS

      Turning and turning in the widening gyre<br> The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere<br> The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst<br> Are full of passionate intensity.

      Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand.<br> The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out<br> When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert<br> A shape with lion body and the head of a man,<br> A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,<br> Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it<br> Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.<br> The darkness drops again; but now I know<br> That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,<br> And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,<br> Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

      n/a Source: The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (1989)

      What rough beast?

      Making the beast with two backs is a euphemistic metaphor for two persons engaged in sexual intercourse. It refers to the situation in which a couple—in the missionary position, woman on top, on their sides, kneeling, or standing—cling to each other as if a single creature, with their backs to the outside.

      In English, the expression dates back to at least William Shakespeare's Othello (Act 1, Scene 1, ll. 126-127, c. 1601–1603):[1]

      I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.[2]

      The earliest known occurrence of the phrase is in Rabelais's Gargantua and Pantagruel (c. 1532) as the phrase la bête à deux dos. Thomas Urquhart translated Gargantua and Pantagruel into English, which was published posthumously around 1693.[3]

      In the vigour of his age he married Gargamelle, daughter to the King of the Parpaillons, a jolly pug, and well-mouthed wench. These two did oftentimes do the two-backed beast together, joyfully rubbing and frotting their bacon 'gainst one another.[4]

      With the storm outside and this fire's bright Oh, and in your eyes I see what's on my mind You've got me wild, turned around inside Oh, and this desire, see, is creeping up heavy inside here I know you feel the same way as I do now Let's make this an evening We'll share some wine, maybe we'll get high

      Oh, well, lay here with me Just for a night, just for this evening Oh, and we'll make our passionate pictures And maybe twist up a secret creature And away here And tomorrow go back to being friends

      Go back to being friends, tonight let's be lovers Say oh, tonight let's be lovers Oh, and I see this, oh, share glasses And our tongues twist and sweat sings So deep into the core, we'll call it's over Oh make our juice, I'll make, I'll do Oh, with me, lay, I'll do lay down and with you And we rogue kiss and we wrote this

      Oh, stay here with me Just for this night, just for an evening Oh, and together, oh, I don't know, well I think we choose well, come find this over And, we'll run away just for today Oh, then tomorrow it's back in life And we'll forget this as if a secret time were there And we'll wake up Oh, tomorrow go back to being friends


    2. ted like a colossal


      She looked over his shoulder
         For vines and olive trees,
      Marble well-governed cities
         And ships upon untamed seas,
      But there on the shining metal
         His hands had put instead
      An artificial wilderness
         And a sky like lead.

      A plain without a feature, bare and brown, No blade of grass, no sign of neighborhood, Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down, Yet, congregated on its blankness, stood An unintelligible multitude, A million eyes, a million boots in line, Without expression, waiting for a sign.

      Out of the air a voice without a face Proved by statistics that some cause was just In tones as dry and level as the place: No one was cheered and nothing was discussed; Column by column in a cloud of dust They marched away enduring a belief Whose logic brought them, somewhere else, to grief.

      She looked over his shoulder
         For ritual pieties,
      White flower-garlanded heifers,
         Libation and sacrifice,
      But there on the shining metal
         Where the altar should have been,
      She saw by his flickering forge-light
         Quite another scene.

      Barbed wire enclosed an arbitrary spot Where bored officials lounged (one cracked a joke) And sentries sweated for the day was hot: A crowd of ordinary decent folk Watched from without and neither moved nor spoke As three pale figures were led forth and bound To three posts driven upright in the ground.

      The mass and majesty of this world, all That carries weight and always weighs the same Lay in the hands of others; they were small And could not hope for help and no help came: What their foes like to do was done, their shame Was all the worst could wish; they lost their pride And died as men before their bodies died.

      She looked over his shoulder
         For athletes at their games,
      Men and women in a dance
         Moving their sweet limbs
      Quick, quick, to music,
         But there on the shining shield
      His hands had set no dancing-floor
         But a weed-choked field.

      A ragged urchin, aimless and alone, Loitered about that vacancy; a bird Flew up to safety from his well-aimed stone: That girls are raped, that two boys knife a third, Were axioms to him, who'd never heard Of any world where promises were kept, Or one could weep because another wept.

      The thin-lipped armorer,
         Hephaestos, hobbled away,
      Thetis of the shining breasts
         Cried out in dismay
      At what the god had wrought
         To please her son, the strong
      Iron-hearted man-slaying Achilles
         Who would not live long.
    3. stit


      the message is "waiting for response …" it's this message, from the "New Colossus" all the way to this colossal "RFC" … on the "request for comments …"

      Understand; it looks like you don't care at all about democracy, the Constitution, or "Americana."

      -Going back to the USSR

      The New Colossus BY EMMA LAZARUS

      Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

      n/a Source: Emma Lazarus: Selected Poems and Other Writings (2002)

    1. Faraday test–that’s the one where your “semaphore” (storkland, you’re on)


      "metacosmically shifted" to being about ... "brain-state" or "soul-state" at a given time and place; and whether or not there's a you being made or changed here, in this place, by these words--

      or if listening to why we are here again, and again .... appears soime kind of futile excercize against the "grain" or the "flow of the river."

      ***There's no earthly way of knowing,

      Which direction we are going,

      There's no knowing where we're rowing,

      Or which way the river's flowing,

      Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing?

      *> **


    2. Hunter S. Thompson
    1. BR41N.IO Hackathons.

      I can't remember the exact one I owned--or the one that was "on trial for 100$" and i couldn't qualify for."

      on the octopus and the ... "i am the squid of all brain sensor machines..." I am Cerebro; and that's like saying "sorry bro," without even knowing it's a ha

    1. January 21, 1980,

      and it would be less than a year that this supposed cult--assuredly one i am aware of--of which Asimov speaks would be born,

      coming up on the 40th anniversary of this strange places apparent focus-non-apparent;

      happy birthday "to me" i guess--

    1. Arethusa

      bares a striking resemblence to Zarathustra--

      In Greek mythology, Arethusa (/ˌærɪˈθjuːzə/; Greek: Ἀρέθουσα) was a nymph and daughter of Nereus (making her a Nereid), who fled from her home in Arcadia beneath the sea and came up as a fresh water fountain on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily.

      Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen, also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra) is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts written and published between 1883 and 1885.[i] Much of the work deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same," the parable on the "death of God" and the "prophecy" of the Übermensch, which were first introduced in The Gay Science.[1] Nietzsche himself considered Zarathustra to be his magnum opus.

      right down to the .. in the case of the apparently "Persian" Zoroaster.

      still, who i recall to be the founder of a monotheistic religion that existed on some earth (apparently not until this one suggested his language to be post arabic) prior to the 'ancient Hebrews.'

      2¢: hi kt; juara qt

      ps: glad to see a teacher using hypothesis for something "real"--also it needs a privmsg function.

  17. Nov 2020
    1. O  H     I      B   E  L   I    E   V   E I'M GONNA LOVE YOU
  18. Oct 2020
    1. gamifying away

      "the historical counterpart to noahs ark i was taught in school was documented by a story called the epic of gilgamesh, though the story has a similar sounding name in the gamyahim or gamyam of ... a prayer in the same or similar langauge--aramaic or hebrew, to exodus's original which is called "names" in the langauge where it begins, "and these are the names" connecting "shem" and "shemot"

    2. my/ur "new ntersanding*

      misspellings may be intentional and ask for thought

    3. http://fromthemachine.org/CRALL4Good.html

      sharvit ab chao ad ante post meridian ad hoc ... abra cadabra "and we called his name at adapbatlt3comptt:alms ohms symbol on the impedance of the BORG WAS INDOCTRINATEDXSPINRAYEDING singer makes sewing machines and roKactuallysaysslclaytlelosin ... the heavenly tool made by hapheastus to compare caesar and the actual example sayslivelovelagiuh in tri trebl.ec.ef trebleclef in basic example the letter in specific kantonationni is the engineered obelisk oif english at the washington monumentalink to frumlegt roanadforwardafterrocketup

      roer is roen&tonnes like rotten tomatoes is siskel and ebert on the heart of the morning star, tonnes north by nintendo and the hidden ... escox--the "rule" is obviously adamically the cly clm theyanthem of the ... verily verily verily i say to you all:

      before there was "holographic universe mankind itsonrajixearrsi .. racism jingoism xenophobia sexisnotingwistonchurchillon"theonlythingwehavetofearisthe[lossof]fear itself.

      difference gbetween xenophobia and the instant end of "racism" by words its illogical to be racist when neptunian type animals are ... eventually going to evolve to be sometnhing like nero-type spirits, aintitso? on the hair musical and the titanic enzymatic ymir on ... "intronslionelplaywrldgames monopoly and hippocratic hipparcvacasar manatee mammalian actual and to may it be during iur lifetime that his glorious malchootoe connects toratoeemit to "torah toe emet" and "steemit"

      heirosolyma kermitham herosolymitani heiroglyph 0 is sol and m it an ... soviet sob on the so a viet is a bet? in the aleph1 advisory, alphaviet is an "ab" character set of the latinized series, "not cyrillic or scripted hasintelligence or its all septuagon rosetta interlinear greeek

      vc ciricculum vitae nu 2 so is "the broken vav" at the heart of the book leviticus:

      the vit, i see, avram and sinova and "and they painted" the names of the city of time that included USA at the heart of Jericho and Melech Malchuto ... the reason it was obvious "sois the key--anoki the adonarcissus's yisrael, see simulated reality is adamic in genesis and yisrael and silicon is elemental for "having to do with ... laticces of literally is circuit connecting electrical logic and map navigation circuitry on substrate silicon to protect from



      FRUMLEGTAN "and a star in the grand architects east predicted ... from the east the GT and the grammy i read crochet booties in brrrr its cold philly sky EMBLEM

      bold: and the key to the ho.us/me of clavid; on my plantationshoulders planning "tat" and "stone" relted to "metatron" and "north" how the hamib and the yadid connect to the yid of the pointer is yod and the finger is yad ...

      our hands in predestined marriage the ND of thor and the AD of .. the link is dummuzid tammuz and chrisay understand how "its all in the ris" silicon explains o' jose can you si ris in the sun barge book of egyptian ourobus--the amduat a duat on the AMD adamic:


      its about terchiary is it nostre nostradamus nos are the norse key to ... "the gaudeamus and the gnosis .. the sois is ... or are? the swiss city is and the people of the city are one is singular the other actually residents explaining:

      ZURICH; the zoo is rich, because our "Z" is good notz as in end--its zion on by design, the salt symbol is na ... the Z is ... national part on the end of authoritarianism was "bolshevik" for the government of the people and the government of the workers ... not losing to "the voting booth or the non-corporeal entity called a corporation" which is like saying ... a party ambiguous, is a contributor to goverment because its members are elect (yeding) representatives

      on joseph of exodus: and the ... the ... tekniq "rich in happiness the true (reigning) king of england at the time sherwood was the heart of the USA int he heart of JERUSALEM and there is no 'reigning king in england"


      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There%27s_Something_About_Mary ... on ppl ... VES QUATTRO RGCO's OF PLAY

      on the pac man between the aerem and the amicus aeronautical anterranian between aricebo and alphacentauri


      and of course the other curated constitution online:


      after the declaration of independence; https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

      and the ... bill of rights after the ratification of the constitution: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights/what-does-it-say#:~:text=The%20Bill%20of%20Rights%20is%20the%20first%2010%20Amendments%20to%20the%20Constitution.&text=It%20guarantees%20civil%20rights%20and,the%20people%20or%20the%20States.

    4. olomon o

      is this


      related to the


      in a series comparing the transition from https://www.history.com/topics/colonial-america/mayflower-compact

      to the n^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_document#:~:text=A%20living%20document%2C%20also%20known,is%20continually%20edited%20and%20updated.&text=A%20living%20document%20may%20or,updates%2C%20changes%2C%20or%20adjustments. and it's connection to aritificial intelligence and ..

      On "smart contracts and living documents" ...

      1. https://www.google.com/search?q=contract+in+blockchain&oq=contract+in+block&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l6.14238j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
      2. https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2018/07/what-are-smart-contracts-on-blockchain/#:~:text=Smart%20contracts%20are%20lines%20of,the%20people%20who%20developed%20them.

      is HTML a subset of Markdown or visa versa? is one based on the other--or have we an exampled of "yeding" ... in the evolving dataset including newtagelaxicon grammar in a system of improving state based on adding "ordered lists" to the hyp.is rendering system?

      <emoji favicon="winkly; wink; smile; hemeyre; guya; grand adsoitgoesakeeponkeepingonmkvonnegutjcarouicicmotherearth insertion architectslcjni(javaextension)lcen(elcodelanguagecode)lcad(elcodeintheearyoofourwordraiinconcinnus(latinfordork(s)usessecondstarrbecauseofelsset(list ljinux is set to serial terminal possessive--thelastemperroer--goodifitsgorbyeltsvladandnetiredelelyhooontheh2oofthebetterknitessayon"betterhtantwopart)">winkly</emoji>





      n^p2tl0m: ad5onivspandamendingmet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_nvWreIhg&lc=UggMZrq7dELAMngCoAEC.8T_uNvjNldG8TyUsZvPirP