37 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
  2. Mar 2018
  3. Dec 2016
  4. Oct 2016
  5. Jul 2016
  6. Mar 2016
    1. users are not able to flash the current generation of open-source, third-party firmware

      TP-Link's FAQ

    1. should not be abused in order to prevent its use with software provided by independent parties.

      The thing the EU directive contradicts

    1. at software can only be loaded into the radio equipment where the compliance

      EU screw-up, contradicting themselves

  7. Feb 2016
  8. Jan 2016
    1. Since the operators of part 15 devices are required to cease operation should harmful interference occur to authorized users of the radio frequency spectrum,

      Mention of the operator's duty to prevent interference.

      Language is usually "operator", occasionally "owner or operator"

  9. Dec 2015
    1. First mention (of several) of the FCC's desire to prevent the owner of the device from controlling its settings.

    2. The preamble notes the FCC's desire to support the ongoing improvement of the wi-fi devices by the purchasers and the community.

    1. verify that new software can be legally loaded into a device to meet these requirements

      And this is the required means, that the router vendors prevent loading of software that does not meet the desired ends. Previous documents instead specified that DD-WRT not be loaded.

      The FCC document is no longer available: please see http://web.archive.org/web/20150803065407/https://apps.fcc.gov/kdb/GetAttachment.html?id=1UiSJRK869RsyQddPi5hpw%3D%3D&desc=594280%20D02%20U-NII%20Device%20Security%20v01r02&tracking_number=39498

      It is cited in https://via.hypothes.is/http://www.wired.com/2015/09/hey-fcc-dont-lock-wi-fi-routers/

    2. The software must prevent the user

      This, however, changes the discussion to make the user or operator, rather than a third party, unable to operate the router outside of the legal limits.

    3. Device Security

      This is the beginning of the discussion of interest in the FCC's proposal which would ban open source operating systems.

      It should be noted that this is not proposed by the FCC as a ban as such, but rather an effort to keep the devices in question operating within the law and regulations.

      Our concern is it changes the regulations to make it difficult or impossible to use open source or free software operating systems, and that initially it named DD-WRT as an operating system that vendors were to required to prevent from use.

      The document mentioning DD-WRT has subsequently been amended, For the relevant copy, see the Internet Archive at http://web.archive.org/web/20150803065407/https://apps.fcc.gov/kdb/GetAttachment.html?id=1UiSJRK869RsyQddPi5hpw%3D%3D&desc=594280%20D02%20U-NII%20Device%20Security%20v01r02&tracking_number=39498 at the bottom of page 2

    4. The operator of the U-NII device, or if the equipment is professionally installed, the installer, is responsible for ensuring

      A typical example of FCC language assigning responsibility to the operator or their agent.

    5. The instruction manual furnished with the intentional radiator shall contain language in the installation instructions informing the operator and the installer of this responsibility.

      Language re mitigation that should be required of router vendors

    6. DFS functionality

      IMHO, This is arguably a requirement that should be true for any country.

    7. third parties

      The common sense of "third party" is a person other than the vendor and purchaser of some thing.

    8. Operators shall only use equipment with a DFS mechanism that is turned on when operating in these bands

      The DFS (frequency agility) requirement.

    9. The device shall automatically discontinue transmission

      This was a requirement that a particular home router was found to not honour, and which was fixed by Dave Taht. My understanding is that in certain cases it would transmit until a timer ran out... AI DCB to ask Dave

    10. operating frequencies, output power, modulation types or other radio frequency parameters

      Mitigation: IMHO, this section should be split into two, one stating the mission, and one suggesting mitigations in a "not limited to" format.

      In particular, I'd welcome mitigations such as

      • "For devices receiving their geographical location from a network service such as DHCP, the device shall used the specified country as the default location for which to set operating frequencies, output power, modulation types or other radio frequency parameters that are country-specific." and

      • "For all devices using location information to set RF parameters, the purchaser/operator shall be provided with a way of changing the location to the United States.

      • "For all devices where the location is not known, the device shall default to a constructed set of RF parameters that will be legal in at least the United States, and preferably in any country.

    1. DD-WRT

      The citation of DD-WRT The linked document is no longer available at the FCC link address.