747 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. The above describes how to code a script for VE.

      I don't think so

    2. You should look at "load.php....ext.visualEditor...".

      There seem to be two. I found the onAddTemplateButtonClick referred to below in ...ext.visualEditor.articleTarget...

    1. label more pagesbecause more pages should cover more templates

      How can consistent extraction rules be induced from pages covering different templates?


  2. Jul 2021
    1. refine by position

      Can I choose more than one position in case some are not available in one of the new pages?

    1. outputs either an item with the data extracted

      When are "Portia extractors" (i.e., regular expressions, etc) applied?

    1. our lightweight, scriptable browser as a service

      Is this a headless browser for headless scraping?

    1. patented AI-powered automated extraction product.

      What happened to Scrapely? Are they still using it?

    1. Zotero/Citoid's ability to understand JSON-LD and other newer metadata features.

      I wonder how many sites can't Zotero/Citoid understand because they use JSON-LD

    1. aplicable también a aquellas personas nacionales a las que se les hubieran expedido Partidas de Nacimiento en el marco de la Ley Nº 26.743, con anterioridad a la vigencia de esta medida, sin perjuicio de lo consignado en la partida de nacimiento en la categoría “sexo”

      quiere decir que no deben modificar nuevamente su partida de nacimiento, incluso cuando esta no sea considerada como una nueva "rectificación" (como se indica en uno de los Vistos arriba)?

    2. podrán solicitar que en la zona reservada al “sexo” en los Documentos Nacionales de Identidad, y en los Pasaportes Ordinarios para Argentinos, se consigne la letra “X”; utilizándose en este caso el carácter de relleno “<” en la casilla correspondiente al campo “sexo” en la ZLM.

      y qué si no? podrán solicitar que se especifique "M" o "F", si así lo desean, para evitar el ingreso o tránsito en territorios que no reconozcan la "X", como se indica en uno de los Vistos arriba?

    3. identidad de género - real o percibida

      cuál es la diferencia entre identidad de género real y percibida?

    1. ./node_modules/.bin/mocha

      I guess one could run npx mocha here as well.

    2. dependencies we need to run tests

      nock is also installed, which is a "mocking and expectations library" which can be used to "test modules that perform HTTP requests in isolation".

    3. beforeEach

      takes a function that runs before each test in a block

    4. define, it, beforeEach, etc

      The describe()/beforeEach()/it() convention originated with the Ruby testing library RSpec


      "declare tests by calls to it(), nested inside describe()s and with optional beforeEach() calls"

    1. You might end up using other tools, to stub or mock the desired behaviors of other units that a given unit of code might interact with.

      Is Sinon.js one of these?

    1. el género es un efecto, una actuación, un hacer, y no un atributo con el que cuentan los sujetos. Se trata de una práctica social reiterativa.

      el género performático

    2. hete-rónomos

      "un ser que vive según reglas que le son impuestas, y que en el caso del ser humano se soportan contra la propia voluntad o con cierto grado de indiferencia" (Wikipedia)

    3. Más aún, determina que, a solo requerimiento del menor de edad, el nombre de pila elegido deberá ser utilizado para la citación, el registro, el legajo, el llamado y cualquier otra gestión y servicio, tanto en el ámbito público como en el privado.

      Entiendo que esto vale para adultxs también.

    4. Ley 26.743
    5. la ley habilita a toda persona a actualizar su documento de identidad de acuerdo con el género autopercibido,

      Y obiiga a otras personas e instituciones a tratarla de acuerdo con esta autopercepción, independientemente del cambio registral.


  3. www.chaijs.com www.chaijs.com
    1. BDD / TDD

      El Desarrollo guiado por pruebas (TDD: Test Driven Development) y el Desarrollo guiado por comportamiento (BDD: Behavior Driven Development)

    1. redes campesinas, pesca artesanal, huertas urbanas, recolección tradicional, que son quienes proveen alimento al 70 por ciento de la población mundial.


  4. Jun 2021
    1. Annotation Tips for Students

      Este texto ha sido adaptado al español aquí: https://anotacionweb.com/consejos-para-estudiantes/

    2. You’ll be taken to a new view of your webpage, now with annotation enabled.

      Unfortunately, this will no longer work for most domains: https://web.hypothes.is/blog/why-we-no-longer-run-an-open-proxy/

    1. cryptography

      I read "crystallography" first. Maybe it could be a good metaphor for the reverse process: getting the concepts from the text (as one would get molecular structure from X-ray crystallography patterns).

    1. anotar con Hypothesis en el celular

      Lamentablemente, el método descripto acá ya no funciona para la mayoría de los sitios web, ya Hypothesis decidió restringir su proxy web Via.

      Hay un método alternativo acá (traducido automáticamente al español acá).

    1. your usual audio and video players will be broken while JACK is running

      This can be avoided using a JACK bridge for PulseAudio.

    1. Este paso es adicional y no es necesario si seguiste los pasos en las secciones 1 a 3 de este instructivo.

      Como se indica en la nota del 14 jun 21 más arriba, ahora este paso sí es necesario en la mayoría de los casos.

    1. Se enviaron versiones anotables de los documentos seleccionados para evitar que lxs estudiantes tuvieran que instalar software adicional en sus dispositivos.

      Lamentablemente, ya no es posible obtener versiones anotables para la mayoría de las páginas web y PDFs online, porque el equipo Hypothesis se vio obligado a restringir su proxy web.

      La alternativa de instalar Hypothesis "para poder anotar cualquier documento web sin tener que generar una versión anotable previamente" sigue estando disponible, por supuesto.

    1. the associatedAPCs for some Springer Nature journals are so high,I can fund a researcher for two months forthe price (not cost) of one article.

      Imagine how many researcher-months that is for developing countries.

    2. Dutch scholars, like me,are paying money via the overhead modelfor a deal where I only get something in return ifI do not publish in a full Open Access journal.

      It is not clear to me what "paying money via the overhead model" means here.

      The "deal" here refers to the deal that Springer Nature made with the Dutch universities?

      When he says "I only get something in return if I do not publish in...", I guess he is referring to himself as a "Dutch scholar" and not as an Editor-in-Chief, correct?

    3. The deal financially urges me topublish in a semi-paywalled journal, withlower open science standards, at a cost higher thanin the BMC journal.

      He is a researcher at an University in the Netherlands.

      The deal entails publishing in a series of journals at no cost for the author.


  5. May 2021
  6. Apr 2021
    1. In the military context,

      The authors come from industrial engineering and maths departments. Why do they frame their research in the military context as soon as in the first paragraph?


  7. Mar 2021
    1. both search APIs provided the Wikibase instance (the auto-complete API and the search API).
    2. looking for items with the supplied identifiers (via SPARQL)

      What happens if two unique identifiers are provided and one matches and the other one doesn't?

      In this case, one score 100 result is returned, with match boolean set to true.

      Or what happens if they point to different items?

      In this case, two score 100 results are returned, but with match boolean set to false.

    3. When a unique identifier is supplied as a property, candidates are first fetched by looking for items with the supplied identifiers (via SPARQL), and text search on the query is only used as a fallback.

      Still, the label score is returned. I guess that's because the label of the item (whose unique identifier matched) is returned via SPARQL and compared against the query value.

    1. By exposing individual features in their responses, services make it possible for clients to compute matching scores which fit their use cases better.

      that is, instead of using the "global" score provided by the service

    1. supply a fake column of names (for instance using a random value that yields no match when searching for it in Wikidata.

      Why not just use an empty string?

    2. If a unique identifier is supplied in an additional property, then reconciliation candidates will first be searched for using the unique identifier values. If no item matches the unique identifier supplied, then the reconciliation service falls back on regular search.
    3. a unique identifier

      I understand it knows it is a unique identifier, because the Wikidata property says so.

    1. the Visual Editor now uses Zotero to create cites automatically from a pasted in URL.


    2. archives of all websites are on web.archive.org.

      But you have the canonical url field which you can use here

  8. www.mediawiki.org www.mediawiki.org
    1. Zotero translators need to be written for each site.

      Some sites may expose metadata the right way and generic translators could be used for them.

  9. Feb 2021
    1. not all users have the permission to do it

      Which users don't have the permission to do it?

    1. we’re just adding data and notreorganizing anything

      This reminds me so much of conceptual change processes, where one may have simple accretion, without changing underlying presuppositions and specific theories, vs more difficult theory revision to accommodate otherwise conflicting data.

    1. The textual data consist of a total of 11,332 texts (rather than the expected 12,966 texts) since not every participant produced all the required types of text.

      2161 participants * 6 texts (narration, recommendation, joke, noun definition, verb definition, adjective definition) = 12966

    2. 42 children attending kindergarten were excluded from the text writing tasks

      But the table below says kindergarten children were 33


  10. Jan 2021
    1. social network.

      I like how in the story about how Flancians managed to get rid of walled gardens and in the corresponding [[flanbook]] Agora's node, you refer to the Agora as an entity for central coordination.

    1. syphons. The simplest came in the form of browser extensions. Whenever a Flancian used a targeted service X, the syphon redirected relevant data in the background to the replica X’.

      Don't close-source social networks in our world today provide such data export tools (either willingly or legally obliged)? How would these differ to these Flancia's syphons?

      Do we have examples of these syphons in our world? I haven't found a [[syphon]] node in the Flancia's Agora :(

    2. I(X’)

      So this would be F(X'), right?

    3. Agora

      Un término por el que se designaba en la Antigua Grecia a la plaza de las ciudades-estado griegas (polis), donde se solían congregar los ciudadanos


    4. buy most promising contenders and offer them as relatively empty alternatives to their main network

      what examples from our world are there?

    1. ¿Por qué crear un sitio web?

      "Un dominio propio": https://indieweb.org/A_Domain_of_One%27s_Own

      A la Virginia Wolf, en "Una habitación propia": "«Una mujer tiene que tener dinero y una habitación propia para poder escribir novela»

    1. upload the citation information

      Sync items' citations with Wikidata. No citations would be downloaded because the entities will have been created just recently.

    2. automatically extract

      Alternatively, import citations from Crossref or OpenCitations, if these functions are implemented.

    3. create a new entry on WikiData

      That is:

      1. fetch QIDs for items selected,
      2. create new entity for items not found: https://github.com/diegodlh/zotero-wikicite/issues/33

      A PID (DOI or ISBN) may be required to make sure no duplicates are created.

    4. Identify items in their collections without QID

      The QID column would be useful for this: https://github.com/diegodlh/zotero-wikicite/issues/23

    5. log in to it with the plugin.

      To be included in the preferences window: https://github.com/diegodlh/zotero-wikicite/issues/35

    6. fetch citation data for their collections.

      That is, first fetch QID and then fetch citations. Alternatively, the fetch citations method may offer to fetch QIDs for items which don't have them first: https://github.com/diegodlh/zotero-wikicite/issues/36

    1. Also logseq. Seems to run online, linked to Github repository. Front end open source. Backend not.

    1. Wikidata is expected to not use automatically scraped data.

      But this has changed, hasn't it?

    1. The joint entropy is at a maximum when there is no rela-tionship between the S and R variables.

      Is this when the signal sent by the signaler is completely uncoupled from the signal received by the receiver?

    2. it is possible to have individuality without replication

      But take humans for example. Although most of each individual's cells share the same genetic material (even though expression does change between cells), we wouldn't say that humans can't replicate, although only a few germ line cells do have the power of generating new individuals.


    1. alloethism, which is where different sized bees perform different tasks

      What is the difference between alloethism and caste polyethism?

    1. inter-individual interactions vs. environmental stimuli

      I guess it depends on what approach you take, but what would be the difference beween other individuals and the environment?

    1. CanSino Biologics, the University of Oxford, and Johnson & Johnson.
    2. As with all vaccines, the idea is to trick our body into thinking it’s been infected.

      But vaccines that use genetic material and use the host cells' machinery to build the antigens are rather new, aren't they?

    1. pre-existing Ad5 immunity might dampen desired vaccine-induced responses

      On the one hand, having previous exposure to Ad5 dampens the vaccine anti-HIV effect

    1. dilemma for vaccinologists, who have to thread a compromise between the desire to induce strong vaccine responses and, at the same time, avoid the immune activation that may enhanced HIV acquisition.

      Is this dilemma commented on in other vaccines, not based on adenoviruses and more specifically on Ad5 adenovirus? Sources?

    1. unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests.

      Why were they testing hiv anyway?

    1. a similar relationship was notobserved in the Phambili trial, where the same Ad5 HIV vac-cine was tested in Africa

      But a later follow-up confirmed increased susceptibility in the Phambili trial as well: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0137666

    1. Very few people around the world have been exposed to these viruses,

      Sounds as if she is referring to Ad26 and ChAdOx1, not Ad5.

    2. Currently, several leading COVID vaccine candidates use an adenovirus platform (including those from CanSino, Oxford/AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen), though only CanSino is using Ad5. [4, 5, 6, 7] 

      Gamaleya's Sputnik-V also use adenovirus, and it uses Ad5 in its second dosis: https://sputnikvaccine.com/about-vaccine/

  11. Dec 2020
    1. "Email me when a page or file on my watchlist is changed" at Special:Preferences.

      I wonder why this is in the main, "User profile", section of the preferences, and not in the "Notifications" tab, like the other notification settings.

    1. it would require the addition of a "reason" qualifier to the "cites work" P2860 property.

      Scholia is already using P3712 "objective of project or action" for this: https://scholia.toolforge.org/cito/

    1. Compared to their freely playing peers, the play-deprived rats took much longer to try new ways of getting at the food and solving this problem.

      Did they control for confound variables such as depression due to isolation?

    2. The physicist’s introspection provokes the question: How do creative minds overcome valleys to get to the next higher peak?

      Play is like Montecarlo random sampling algorithm?

    1. The use of citation templates is neither encouraged nor discouraged: an article should not be switched between templated and non-templated citations without good reason and consensus

      Will the implementation of Cite Q be one such good reason?

    1. return ref.current;

      Effects run after render. Hence, this returns ref.current before the effect above runs and updates ref.current to the new value.

    1. differences from mozIJSSubScriptLoader:

      Whereas variables that cannot be resolved in the subscript scope are searched for in the target scope when using loadSubScript, that doesn't seem to be the case when using Components.utils.import instead.

  12. Nov 2020
    1. we only match between editors with similar characteristics

      What do they mean "with similar characteristics"? Is there something going on with these editors that their edits made them earn a "thank"? Is this "something" somehow impacting their future edits as well?

      Could one have matched the same editor in different moments, that is in a moment they were thanked vs a moment they were not thanked, instead of comparing across editors?

    2. In Table 4, unthankededitors have a higher average value for every feature.

      Are these differences statistically significant? If yes, don't they say that thanked and unthanked editors with similar characteristics were matched? If thanked and unthanked editors are different in tenure, edits, thanks, etc, what are the characteristics for which they are similar?

    3. tenure

      They don't seem to define what they mean by "tenure"

    1. greeting() and farewell() are class methods.

      How to define static properties/methods this way? Adding the static key.

    1. The second ref argument only exists when you define a component with React.forwardRef call. Regular function or class components don’t receive the ref argument, and ref is not available in props either.

      Why can't I just pass the ref as a prop?

    1. Download the Firefox runtime

      Zotero right now needs Mozilla's discontinued XULRunner. I understand this will no longer be the case when they migrate to React.

    1. Mozilla is discontinuing the powerful extension framework on which Zotero for Firefox is based in favor of WebExtensions, a new framework based on the Chrome extension model.

      I understand they are talking about XUL overlays (or their restartless replacement, bootstrapped extensions).

    1. executeTransaction

      Would this work outside an executeTransaction function, using item.saveTx() instead of item.save()? What would be the difference?

    2. mappedFieldID ? mappedFieldID : fieldID

      Why can't I use the fieldname directly?

    3. mappedFieldID

      so the mappedFieldID may change depending on the item type?

    4. getAsync

      What is the difference with Zotero.Items.get()?

    5. .getNote()

      Can only be called on notes and attachments

    6. styleID
    7. format
    8. itemID

      The item ID is not the key

    9. item.saveTx();

      In this case, where the item already exists in the database, the method seems to return "true", instead of the item's ID

  13. Oct 2020
    1. already depositing the ref-erence lists of their publications at Crossref,

      This was for them to be able to use CrossRef's CitedBy service

    2. recently released NIH Open Citation Collection,

      It may be worth it programming a bot that brings this information to wikidata

    1. university rankings

      It would be nice to study this to compare journals instead of universities. Some institutions evaluate their members according to the ranking or impact of the journals they publish in. How much does this change depending on the data source?

    1. use of Scopus and Web of Science as bibliometric sources dominates University rankings

      Es un problema que instituciones latinoamericanas como el CONICET en Argentina usen los cuartiles de Scimago (basado en Scopus), teniendo el sesgo STEM y anglófono de este dataset. Ver por ejemplo este documento del Conicet donde se hace referencia a los cuartiles Scimago.

    2. get publishers to deposit and make references open in Crossref

      Publisher incentive to deposit references in Crossref was already there because of Crossref's Cited-by service. I4OC encouraged publishers to make them open (because they are deposited in closed format by default).

    3. open licenses

      CC BY-NC 2.0

    4. makes the dataset dubbed Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) available with open licenses.
    1. una revista inglesa editada por la Royal Society of Chemistry, ubicada en el primer cuartil de revistas con mayor impacto internacional.

      Según qué indices?

    1. Most publishers are sympathetic to the idea of putting article reference lists outside the journal-subscription paywall, as they do copyrighted abstracts. We already have agreements with several major journal publishers for the future routine harvesting of reference data.


    2. CiteSeerX

      They have CC BY-NC-SA license

    3. a mere 4% of the esti-mated 50 million articles that have been published (see ‘Freedom of information’).

      Of course this changed after I4OC

    4. licence restrictions

      How are these restrictions enforced? In other words, how do these companies ensure their data is not distributed (if it's just data after all)? Do they purposedly introduce errors to track them?

    5. The exact values of these subscriptions are closely guarded industrial secrets, and the university librarians who pay these fees are bound by confidentiality agree-ments from disclosing them.


    1. Private property (not to be confused with personal property)

      On the difference between personal and private property, an important distinction in socialist, Marxist, and most anarchist philosophies, Wikipedia says:

      Personal property or possessions includes "items intended for personal use" (...) Private property is a social relationship between the owner and persons deprived

    2. punishment doesnt work as symptom suppression,

      Can't it function as a deterrent?

    1. using the same PushNotification Capacitor plugin name.

      But it may be worth noting that this PushNotification object is not the same in Android than it is in web. For example, PushNotification.config exists in web, while it does not exist in Android.

    1. It is produced by Clarivate Analytics

      Clarivate Analytics owns Web of Science, a citation index. Mendeley, another popular proprietary reference management software, is produced by Elsevier, which owns Scopus, another citation index.

    1. Elsevier argues that it is reasonable to charge for high-quality citation analysis, that curating citation data entails costs,

      What would be citation curation?

    1. SC will worry about generating a unique class name on your behalf so your CSS is scoped to your component, and it won't affect other styles in your app.

      So the result would be rather cryptic?

  14. Sep 2020
    1. forward and backward citation searching in Web of Science

      "Web of science related articles search"

    1. Crossref generally provides metadata without restriction; however, some abstracts contained in the metadata may be subject to copyright by publishers or authors.

      Is it CC0?

    1. Many organizations assert copyright for any media which they touch, without any consideration of whether the media is eligible for copyright or whether they own the copyright.

      Shouldn't cases like these be taken to trial? Imagine someone forbidding access to a public square under allegation that it belongs to them. Afraid of being prosecuted, people start paying this person to enter the public square. One day someone decides to take the case to court. The court can't simply rule that the person can't continue asking for money to use the square. The person should be punished for having deterred people from freely using the square for so long.

    1. Wikidata could be seen as a tertiary (or quartary) reference, but one can't add it to Wikidata itself.

      This should block the possibility of creating a loop where wikidata points to a source which points back to wikidata:

      Any reference pointing to wikidata would be at least a quartary reference (since wikidata is a tertiary reference). This would make it automatically ineligible as source for wikidata, because it only allows up to tertiary sources.

    1. Including global citations has the advantage that you can also identify papers newer than all of your seed papers, making it bidirectional in time.

      Was there a reason to not include them in Local Citation Network?

    1. “Information” (a valid value for <stated in>).

      What are other values for it?

    1. RDF is an abstract model with several serialization formats (i.e. file formats),

      So, for example, one way to serialize RDF is through XML. See RDF/XML.

    1. because of the nature of this approach, suggested articles are always older than the source article.

      But the number of global citations (i.e., number of articles which cite an article in the collection provided) is retrieved from MAG. If it retrieved the list as well, it could also suggest articles that cite many articles in the collection.

    1. additional for central server only

      This means server1, server2, etc info are "certain hosts one always wants to list"

    1. retrieving metadata information about all the citing/cited articles described in it by querying the Crossref API and the ORCID API.

      I wonder how this is done when "their own related identifiers" are not available. Crossref API would return several results for one single query. ORCID API may do the same. How do they merge the results? How many results do they keep?

    1. fit a brand, while still following the standards of the different platforms.
    1. versión anotable del documento que elegiste

      Esta "versión anotable" no es necesaria si vos y tus alumnos instalan Hypothesis en sus dispositivos. Ver sección "4. Yapa" más adelante.

    2. basada en estándares abiertos y software libre

      El estándar de anotación web fue publicado por el consorcio W3C en 2017.

    1. basada en estándares abiertos y software libre.

      El estándar de anotación web fue publicado por el consorcio W3C en 2017.

    1. Use the title attribute to describe the pattern to help the user.

      This is displayed as a tooltip by most browsers.

    1. latency-heavy web apps

      This sounds related to what the Wikipedia article about QUIC says: "connection-oriented web applications". But, what exactly is this?

  15. Aug 2020
    1. Query container-title aka. publication name

      "Full titles of the containing work (usually a book or journal)", as indicated in https://github.com/Crossref/rest-api-doc/blob/master/api_format.md#work

    1. a variety of content types, including journals, books, conference proceedings, working papers, technical reports, and data sets.
    1. ran on Blink

      Edge was rebuilt as a Chromium-based browser in 2019, using the Blink and V8 engines (Wikipedia).

    1. He built a simple mechanism that allowed users to telnet in to the NeXT server and browse the web using its built-in Line Mode Browser.

      A telnet proxy to the web

    1. This log file should be written in a location outside of your web-server

      But the user running the script (www-data) must be able to create and write to this file!

    1. so others could be as lazy as I would have liked to have been.


    1. frequent languages: Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Chinese.12 The resulting dataset – labeled WGND_langcountry – contains 6,247,039 unique name-country pairs.

      I think this isn't very clear. Looking at the database I understand what they mean is that if a name is reported for one country, then the database was expanded to include all countries that speak that same language

    1. If you use reserved Hosting URLs, your Firebase config is automatically pulled from your Firebase project,

      Automatically pulled by what? By the initializeApp method? How does this automatic pulling work? How is it related to the way how configuration is retrieved from google-services.json file in Android apps?

    1. plugins.PWAFirebaseMsg in capacitor.config.json

      So this would provide the function that the google-services.json file provides in the android directory instead?

    2. In an Angular PWA,

      In a React PWA, I understand this would imply changing the service worker imported and registered in index.tsx.

    3. firebase.config.json, firebase-messaging.js, firebase-app.js

      Should these be provided?

    4. integrate the generated service-worker capacitor-pwa-firebase-msg-sw.js that is written to the www folder on your own.

      That means that until the pull request is not merged in Capacitor the serviceWorker.combineWorkers key in capacitor.config.json below will be ignored?

    5. ngsw-worker.js

      I understand in Ionic React this would be service-worker.js.

    6. npx cap copy web

      So this should provide us with a separate folder for PWA, just like we have one for Android, iOS and Electron. I understand this is not yet supported by Capacitor, which is what the the package creator mentions at the top. Apparently, it will be considered in Capacitor 3.

    1. Sci-Hub is a PHP script that downloads articles for free to make them open access. Thereby communication in science is restored.

      As simple and powerful as that.

  16. www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
    1. las condiciones microclimáticas se mantienen relativamente estables

      Cómo logran mantenerlas?

    2. un desarrollo sobre el nivel del suelo llamado túmulo,

      Tengo una colonia en cautiverio y este desarrollo no parece formarse. Por qué podría ser?

    1. ready to deploy as a PWA.

      Will ionic serve render a PWA as well; i.e., without building beforehand?

    2. a base project from Create React App (CRA) and the Ionic CLI provides this already.

      The manifest.json file is located in the ./public directory of the Iionic project.

    1. upload your www directory to whichever hosting service you prefer.

      What about serving locally for development? Will ionic serve provide a PWA as well, even if no building step is run before?

    2. web manifest

      More info about manifest.json files for PWA in MDN.

    3. standard web manifest that comes with the app

      In Ionic React, this manifest.json file is defined in the ./public directory.

    4. The web manifest and Service Worker are what officially make our app a PWA.

      As stated here for Capacitor as well.

    1. opt-in to the offline-first behavior,

      Is this only for offline behavior? Won't it enable other features for which a service worker is needed, such as the Push API?

    1. your web code is built

      If using Ionic, this is achieved using "ionic build". In fact, Ionic does have a command that performs these three steps: building web assets, copying and opening platform-specific tooling: ionic capacitor build.

  17. Jul 2020
    1. on Mobile Devices

      Acá una alternativa sencilla, en español :) https://anotacionweb.com/truco-anotar-hypothesis-celular/

    2. only available on computers and laptops.

      This article here explains an alternative way to use Hypothesis on mobile with Firefox, without having to go through steps 1-3 of this tutorial.

    3. and bookmarklets for other browsers

      Unofficial Firefox extension is available here.

    4. not supported on mobile browsers.

      Actually it is, using chromium-based Yandex browser.

    1. mobile Firefox,

      This article here explains how to automate injecting the annotation client using Greasemonkey in Firefox mobile.

    1. getDeliveredNotifications

      In Android this uses getActiveNotifications):

      Recover a list of active notifications: ones that have been posted by the calling app that have not yet been dismissed by the user or cancel(java.lang.String, int)ed by the app.

    1. Ionic React manages the lifetime of a page,

      How does it manage it? There is some information about Angular here. Where is this information for React?

      Documentation about IonRouterOutlet is relevant here.

    1. several options available when routing to different views
      • Ionic Components' routerLink prop (IonItem, IonButton, IonCard, IonRouterLink, IonFabButton, and IonItemOption), with routerDirection prop to specify the type of transition (back, forward, or none).
      • React Routers Link component.
    2. React Routers Link component


      Apparently, it is like a browser's anchor tag

    1. using localStorage is bad for anything that needs to live for a long time as the browser/OS may clean it up.

      Should we use Ionic React Hook useStorage, then?

    1. npm link

      Since we're using yarn in the client repo, maybe it's better to use yarn link instead?

    1. suspender los cortes de servicios por 180 días de internet, cable y telefonía fija o móvil para algunos clientes puntuales, el zero rating para navegar las páginas de universidades nacionales y la baja de calidad de los contenidos de Netflix para no saturar las redes.

      El gobierno tomó estas decisiones? Algún enlace a las medidas puntuales?

    1. known as "the kill zone" in investment circles.

      giants like Google and Facebook. Both companies, along with Amazon and Apple, effectively have a “Kill Zone” around them—areas not worth operating or investing in, since defeat is guaranteed.

    1. watch out for big platforms that try to drive out competition, by discouraging their users from multi-homing.

      So this wouldn't be adversarial interoperability, in the terms defined here.

    2. MFN clause

      Most favoured nation. According to Wikipedia: "a status or level of treatment accorded by one state to another in international trade (...) the country which is the recipient of this treatment must nominally receive equal trade advantages as the most favoured nation by the country granting such treatment"

    1. In the absence of adversarial interoperability, we're left trying to solve the impossible collective action problem of getting everyone to switch at once,

      Still people do move from one service to another. Look at Facebook's (the product, not the company), Instagram, TikTok, etc.

    1. keep the relevant NAT port(s) open on the router/firewall. This technique allows traffic from clients to pass through from the Internet in a direction that would otherwise be blocked by the way network address translation works.

      But can the public server behind the NAT receive incoming connections from the clients directly? Or are they proxied through the central server?

    1. not necessary to port-forward or otherwise configure your router

      But then traffic goes through central servers? Isn't this a bottleneck?