747 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
    1. a small demo to get you started.

      In this example, useEffect is used to get data from a remote resource using Axios each time the user updates an input field.

    1. la fragilidad estructural con que convive la población inquilina en Argentina.

      Siento que el artículo habla de las realidades en grandes ciudades del país, como ser Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Rosario (y sus respectivas áreas metropolitanas), como si fuese una realidad nacional. Me pregunto si en vez de una ley única para todo el país no sería mejor leyes (incluso más exigentes) para estas ciudades.

    2. Según vaporosas mediciones de Cucicba (Colegio Único de Corredores Inmobiliarios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) en 2019, una proyección hipotética de la indexación propuesta en la ley de alquileres arrojó aumentos del 40% para 2020. Mientras que, desde sus relevamientos, el promedio de aumentos bajo la ley de la selva actual fue de 32% en 2019.

      No habría que comparar para un mismo período? Es decir, cuál habría sido el aumento para 2019 de seguir la indexación propuesta por la ley de alquileres?

    3. dolarización del valor de las propiedades,

      Este artículo del 2013 en Página 12 da más detalles sobre este proceso. Sin embargo, no encuentro que se tratase de una medida específica, sino más bien una consecuencia de otras medidas económicas. Es así?

    1. elements whose display value was assigned to "none" will not appear in the tree (whereas elements with "hidden" visibility will appear in the tree).

      display:none vs visibility:hidden

    1. The drop in users is caused by the switch to the new system. It appears that, in the case of uBlock Origin, about 1.6 million users of the add-on have Telemetry data disabled in Firefox.

      This drop should also be because, as they say in the same blog post, before they counted by unique IP address, and now they are counting by Firefox profile.

  2. Jun 2020
    1. the "Modern browsers" version assumes native support for features such as e.g. async/await, Promise, and ReadableStream.
    1. FCM might intentionally delay messages to prevent an app from consuming excessive resources and negatively affecting battery life.

      In which situations would this happen?

    2. When the device is in Doze, delivery may be delayed to conserve battery

      Starting from Android 6.0 (API level 23), Android introduces two power-saving features that extend battery life for users by managing how apps behave when a device is not connected to a power source: https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby

    1. download third-party libraries from their official site, not from a CDN or other location.

      is npm accepted?

    1. investigaciones recientes indican que el entre el 40% y el 45% de las personas infectadas son asintomáticas .

      Otra vez...

    2. Un estudio del SARS-CoV-2 estimó que la tasa más alta de transmisión viral tiene lugar uno a dos días antes de que la persona infectada comience a mostrar síntomas.

      Cuándo vamos a empezar a ser un pocos más serios y a citar los estudios cuando decimos "un estudio encontró que..."?

    1. hack

      Acá una adaptación al español de esta simple e ingeniosa idea: https://anotacionweb.com/truco-anotar-hypothesis-celular/

    2. a new filter

      The settings below seem to fail with urls with special characters, such as https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deforestación. Disabling the "Url Encode forwarded url" option seems to solve the problem.

    1. La OMS concluyó que el coronavirus no se transmite por el aire


      Esta nota se basa en información vieja, del 29 de marzo último. La organización internacional no cambió su postura sobre estos 2 temas ni informó sobre nueva evidencia hasta el momento. Ver chequeo completo acá.

    1. developer-content-bullshit machine

      What does the author mean with this?

    1. The creator of a Hypothesis group

      According to this issue in Github, in an LMS environment the creator of the group would be the first instructor-user in a course who creates and launches a Hypothesis-enabled reading. Could someone confirm this? Is this specified somewhere else?

    2. This will allow you and your classmates to follow each other’s work more easily.

      This seems to me less useful since there exist private annotation groups.

    3. video embedding
    4. Firefox

      I published an unofficial Firefox extension here. Just download and install the XPI file. Go here for a discussion about it. So far only thing I found that doesn't work is annotating local PDFs, because Firefox is more restrictive about this than Chrome.

    5. preferred browser.

      I published an unofficial Firefox extension here. Just download and install the XPI file. Go here for a discussion about it. So far only thing I found that doesn't work is annotating local PDFs, because Firefox is more restrictive about this than Chrome.

    6. Firefox

      I published an unofficial Firefox extension here. Just download and install the XPI file. Go here for a discussion about it. So far only thing I found that doesn't work is annotating local PDFs, because Firefox is more restrictive about this than Chrome.

    7. other browsers

      I published an unofficial Firefox extension here. Just download and install the XPI file. Go here for a discussion about it. So far only thing I found that doesn't work is annotating local PDFs, because Firefox is more restrictive about this than Chrome.

    8. query parameters:

      I have published this tool here to make the process of building the query string easier.

    1. complete reference target text.

      I wish there was an option to include both number and reference for headings.

    1. A Firefox/Hypothesis extension has been in the works for quite a while,

      I published an unofficial Firefox extension here. Just download and install the XPI file. Go here for a discussion about it. So far only thing I found that doesn't work is annotating local PDFs, because Firefox is more restrictive about this than Chrome.

    1. access the "file://" scheme,

      There seem to be semantic differences between Firefox and Chrome as to what "access" means. See here.

    1. semantic differences in meaning of this flag between browsers - in Firefox it currently means "false -- cannot load file:// urls, but *can* access them" in Chrome, it means "false - cannot access file:// urls".
    1. If an earlier version of your extension is public, this becomes the one seen by visitors to AMO.

      If the earlier version was human reviewed and approved, I suppose?

    2. submit to addons.mozilla.org (AMO)

      Does this mean to include self-distributed add-ons?

    1. All add-ons are subject to these policies, regardless of how they are distributed.

      So these policies apply to self distributed add-ons too, I suppose. Are they manually reviewed too? What happens if review is rejected in these cases?

    1. your add-on may still be subject to further review,

      Are self distributed add-ons manually reviewed? What happens in these cases if review is rejected?

    1. una actualización anual hace perder el valor del alquiler real en perjuicio del propietario",

      Esto no tiene por qué entenderse así. Una actualización anual no implica un desfasaje igual en perjuicio del inquilino al principio de cada año actualizado?

    1. «aprender sobre la extensa experiencia de Corea del Sur en utilización de boleta electrónica».

      De dónde es esta cita textual?

  3. May 2020
    1. # Configure routing for those marked packets ip rule add fwmark 0x1 lookup 100 ip route add local dev lo table 100

      Made persistent in Raspbian by adding these two lines to /etc/rc.local

    2. # DROP martian packets as they would have been if route_localnet was zero # Note: packets not leaving the server aren't affected by this, thus sslh will still work iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING ! -i lo -d -j DROP iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING ! -o lo -s -j DROP # Mark all connections made by ssl for special treatment (here sslh is run as user "sslh") iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner sslh -p tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j CONNMARK --set-xmark 0x01/0x0f # Outgoing packets that should go to sslh instead have to be rerouted, so mark them accordingly (copying over the connection mark) iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT ! -o lo -p tcp -m connmark --mark 0x01/0x0f -j CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask 0x0f

      Made persistent in Raspbian by running

      iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4


    3. # Set route_localnet = 1 on all interfaces so that ssl can use "localhost" as destination sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.route_localnet=1 sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1

      Made persistent in Raspbian by adding these two lines to /etc/sysctl.conf:

      net.ipv4.conf.default.route_localnet=1 net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1

    1. As of today, this provides version 4.3.12 for Windows. This version seems to lack EV3 bricks. See here for older versions.

    1. public data release

      Any news?

    2. Fig. 6.

      I would love to see this very figure with number of puzzles attempted on the y-axis instead.

    3. There are a variety of factors that may lead to this

      One obvious factor may be that students with a teacher may have attempted more puzzles, and we know that the number of puzzles attempted correlates with the probability of reaching proficiency.

    4. larger percentages of older students reach proficiency,

      Given that the probability of "reaching proficiency" depends on the number of puzzles attempted, it would be nice to show how this number of puzzles attempted changes with age too.

    5. **


    6. tagging each of the ~500 puzzles across all of the CS Fundamentals courses to associate each puzzle with one or more concepts, and for each concept, a difficulty rating.

      Available here for CS Fundamentals International (i.e., Courses 1-4 + Accelerated).

      Is it available for the newer CS Fundamentals (Courses A-F + Express) too? I couldn't find it, but given that they are still reporting Proficiency in CS Fundamentals in 2019, I would say it is.

    7. heat map below

      It seems impossible to demonstrate proficiency in level 5 of difficulty for both "Repeat Until/While Loop" and "Events" concepts, because there are less than 3 puzzles for each of them.

    8. CS Fundamentals Course

      As described here, CS Fundamentals Course 1-4 + Accelerated (now CS Fundamentals International) was expanded for the 2017-18 school year as CS Fundamentals A-F + Express.

      Although Minecraft Hour of Code was released in 2015, no Minecraft activities seem to be available in the original 1-4+Accelerated course, whereas there are some in the newer A-F+Express course.

    9. courses designed for K-8

      K8: from kindergarten/pre-K (age 5–6) to 8th grade (up to age 14).

    1. You can get an RSS or Atom feed for annotations made at a specific url, a specific Hypothesis tag or group, or for a specific Hypothesis user.

      Domain-level query is also available with RSS and Atom feeds. This tool here makes the process of getting these feed urls a bit easier.

    1. AP Computer Science

      Offered by the College Board to high school students

    1. Atom feed format.

      In both the RSS and the Atom feeds, the link points to the annotation, instead of to the annotation in context. I think it would be more useful if it pointed to the annotation in context. Specially because there is no easy way to go from the annotation to the annotation in context (one has to copy the "share" url and paste it on the address bar).

    2. the Bluebook,

      A style guide, which prescribes the most widely used legal citation system in the United States.

    3. open source
    4. The Madison Project,

      This was shut on Feb 2019, and a static site is now available at https://mymadison.io/.

    1. query Parameters

      Isn't there a way to search in the title field?

    2. contain

      Isn't there a way for an exact tag match? I mean, a way in which "web" would only match a "web" tag, and not a "web annotation" tag too, for example.

    1. estudio

      Quevedo, Luis Alberto y Roberto Bacman (2006): Sistema Nacional de Consumos Culturales – Tercer Libro. Buenos Aires: Secretaría de Medios de Comunicación, Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros, Presidencia de la Nación.

    1. Argentina es el único país latinoamericano calificado como país de «alta aptitud» en el inglés, ubicándose en el puesto 15 a nivel mundial en el año 2015, según un informe del Índice de Aptitud en Inglés (EF EPI).[5]​[6]​ En el 2017, Argentina descendió diez puestos con respecto a su mejor posición y se ubicó en el puesto 25, aunque aún continúa siendo el país con mejor dominio del inglés en Iberoamérica.[7]​

      Es importante destacar que esta evaluación es probable que esté sesgada porque los participantes se autoseleccionan. Según el propio sitio de la institución evaluadora: "la población examinada representada en este índice eligió hacer la prueba por sí misma y no se garantiza que sea representativa."

    1. Algunos especialistas cuestionan la representatividad de la muestra, pero lo cierto es que el índice gana terreno como la única medición en la materia.

      El propio sitio de la institución indica que "la muestra de examinados para el EF EPI está sesgada hacia participantes que están interesados en seguir el estudio del idioma y adultos jóvenes". Y "La población examinada representada en este índice eligió hacer la prueba por sí misma y no se garantiza que sea representativa".

    1. Enter "SI Appendix" into the file title field and select "Supporting Information (SI)" from the File Type menu.

      This confirms that SI should be uploaded separately.

    2. Upload a single SI PDF

      This does not match what it says above of submitting just one PDF file including main text and SI. This leads to think that SI should be uploaded as a separate file.

    1. alivio planetario ante la retirada humana;

      Hablar de "alivio planetario" no supone un poco esa lógica de ecología como competencia entre especies? "Reconfiguración planetaria", quizá?

    2. no hay manera de que podamos abarcarlo en todo lo que es.

      Pero, ¿qué es un objeto? ¿Y cómo diferenciarlo de un concepto (como podría ser el concepto de polietileno), o de un fenómeno (como el calentamiento global)?

    3. esta lógica,

      La lógica kantiana, no la OOO

    4. el virus no existe para atacarte, el virus simplemente existe. Las formas de vida no compiten entre sí, aunque nos cueste creerlo desde nuestro paradigma capitalista. Las formas de vida colaboran entre sí.


    1. estadísticas

      Es absurdo que un organismo público sólo publique estos datos "abiertos" en formato de imagen (sí, "imagen" de una tabla) o PDF. Ignorancia o mala intención? Acá publico la data cruda extraída con el excelente software libre Tabula, el 05/may/20.

    1. wait = ms => new Promise

      It creates a function named 'wait' with one argument 'ms' which returns a promise

    1. Callbacks

      Won't the getMoneyBack function below fail because no callback function is passed as second argument?

  4. Apr 2020
    1. Adobe AcrobatPro.

      gImageReader is an excellent open source alternative. It runs both on Windows and Linux, and it provides a simple (yet powerful) frontend GUI to Google's robust open source OCR engine, Tesseract.

      I think an open source tool as this is a better fit to the open annotation ecosystem, based on libre software and standards, that Hypothesis promotes, instead of a proprietary (and expensive) tool such as Adobe AcrobatPro.

    1. “It is pretty cool, right? You cut the crap, for lack of a better word, and you get to be part of a global enterprise.”
    1. scoped to a particular domain.

      Climate Feedback group (see here and here) seems to be one of these Restricted Publisher Groups. However, it doesn't seem to be "scoped to a particular domain" (see for example here, here, or here).

      Is this a third configuration of Publisher Groups? Or a different kind of groups altogether? Or have these domains been enabled one by one to the Publisher Group scope? Is this behaviour explained somewhere?

    2. publisher groups,
    3. HTML <> PDF cross-format anchoring, DOI support,
    4. bring annotation to ebooks.
    5. people encountering public Hypothesis annotations anywhere don’t have to worry about their privacy.

      In the Privacy Policy document there is an annotation that says:

      I decided against using hypothes.is as the commenting system for my blog, since I don't want my readers to be traceable by a third party I choose on their behalf

      Alhtough this annotation is a bit old -from 2016- I understand that Hypothes.is server would in fact get information from these readers through HTTP requests, correct? Such as IP address, browser's agent, etc. I wonder whether this is the traceability the annotator was referring to.

      Anyway, I think this wouldn't be much different to how an embedded image hosted elsewhere would be displayed on one such site. And Hypothes.is' Privacy Policy states that

      This information is collected in a log file and retained for a limited time

    6. at any time,

      It would be nice that it said here that Hypothes.is will notify its users if the Privacy Policy is changed.

    7. you may encounter annotations made by visitors that include media or links to other websites that set cookies that collect personal information. You can adjust your browser to block such cookies before viewing annotations on our website.

      As this is written now, it leads me to understand that these cookies can be set by just viewing these annotations on your website; that is without having to go to those other websites. Is that possible? Is that what was meant?

    8. keep annotations and other data publicly available and preserved for as long as possible.

      What happened with the original intention of having annotations saved by the Internet Archive? See for example here.

    9. If you have contributed to public conversations that others have replied to we will not delete your individual annotations. If you want to delete your annotations,

      Does this mean that annotations that others have replied to will not be deleted automatically if I choose to delete my account, but that I can delete these replied-to annotations myself, one by one?

      What about other annotations (i.e., those which have not been replied to)? Are they deleted automatically when my account is deleted?

    10. Hypothesis will display a red icon at the top of the Sidebar.

      Given that it is often the case that one is reading with the sidebar closed, it would be useful if the "<" button used to show the sidebar would be painted in red, for example, if new annotations become available.

    11. Format your annotation

      More on markdown formatting with Hypothes.is here.

    1. without losing sales

      Assuming that a book not lent is a book sold, which of course it's a falacy

    2. code embedded that makes it impossible for them to go to more than one patron at a time

      DRM-impossible. Hence legally -not technically- impossible

    1. Meta-moderators are chosen by their reputation in the associated area. By domain proximity.

      Meta-moderation: second level of comment moderation. A user is invited to rate a moderator's decision.

    1. The gene behind the fusion function in Sars-CoV-2 was not found in other coronaviruses in human or animals.But some deadly human viruses such as Aids and Ebola have similar sequences,

      What is the source for this? Protein S, which binds ACE2, has been described in other coronaviruses.

    2. this protein has an extremely low presence in T cells.

      While true, this does not explain why T cells are more sensitive to SARS-CoV-2 than to SARS-CoV. It only explains why they are not infected by SARS-CoV.

      In the paper they speculate that "the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 might mediate potent infectivity, even on cells expressing low hACE2" or that "other receptors [may] mediate the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into T cells".

    3. clinical report
    4. The surprise discovery, made by a team of researchers from Shanghai and New York,
    5. The virus’s genes then entered the T cell and took it hostage, disabling its function of protecting humans.

      Nowhere does the paper say that this is the case. Although the researchers found that SARS-CoV2 does infect T cells, they did not find a link between this and T-cell death and lymphocytopenia: "whether the infection induces apoptosis in T cells still need further research".

    6. “More and more people compare it to HIV,” said the doctor who requested not to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue.

      This is, at least, irresponsible. If the issue is so sensitive (which in fact is), casting rumours anonymously, without sources, does not help at all.

    7. severe acute respiratory syndrome, or Sars, another coronavirus,

      A syndrome is not a virus. It's a syndrome. SARS is the syndrome caused by SARS-COV. Researchers did the same experiment with SARS-COV

    1. T cell counts are reduced significantly in COVID-19 patients, and the surviving T cells appear functionally exhausted.

      Cause or consequence? Figure 2C shows that T-cell levels rise with infection decline.

    1. students responded to messages more actively and engaged in more in-depth discussions when discussions were moderated by a peer.

      This could be a good argument to push Hypothes.is to introduce some sort of moderation, in combination with the finding that annotation threads would be rare, and not very deep (Wolfe & Neuwirth, 2001)

    1. along an axis in a linear style.

      A → B → C → D

    2. other text

      George Landow refers to these texts linked by hyperlinks as "lexia". This is also the term used by Catherine Marshall in "Toward an ecology of hypertext annotation".

    1. No single definition exists for Consciousness—we here discuss phenomeno-logical awareness.

      Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


    1. prototypical examples for the gift economy's prominence in the technology sector, and its active role in instating the use of permissive free software and copyleft licenses, which allow free reuse of software and knowledge.

      Knowledge (that intangible good) seems like a perfect fit for Weiner's "inalienable possessions": the paradox of keeping while giving.

    1. a retarded

      Literally, that's what the original lyrics say.

    2. Devoto Jailhouse

      The only prison still working inside the city of Buenos Aires. Also in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of the city, "Devoto": It is currently in the process of being moved out. Picture by Mario Quinteros.

    3. armored truck

      Prosegur, maybe the most typical of these in Buenos Aires. Source: Flickr.

    4. Belgrano

      One of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in the City of Buenos Aires. Source: Wikipedia).

    5. General Paz Av.

      Highway that surrounds most of the City of Buenos Aires, and separates it from the parts of the metropolis which belong to the surrounding Province of Buenos Aires (aka. "Conurbano"). Source: Wikipedia.

    1. ThirdVoice is now a “defunct” system

      It was taken down because they couldn't find a way to make it sustainable. In addition, it suffered pressure from a group of independent web hosts which likened the service to "web graffiti". See Wikipedia's article on Web Annotation.


    1. drain more of our mental resources while we are reading

      In the abstract, the study cited points to "dual-task effects of fulfilling the assignment and working with the computer resulting in a higher cognitive workload".

      Although this load may decrease with people getting more and more familiar with computers (and computers getting more and more intuitive), it is also the case that more distractors are available too.

      This reminds me of a webinar hosted by Hypothesis in which Amanda Licastro mentioned Cathy Davidson's book "Now you see it" to talk about "Productive Multitasking". In the view that Amanda presented (at least what I understood of what she said), multitasking and distractions are unavoidable, but we can canalize them productively through web annotation, for example -instead of switching to Facebook and disconnect from what we were reading.

    1. HASTAC

      HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) is an interdisciplinary community of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and technologists changing the way we teach and learn.

    1. an evaluation of social reading platforms; an analysis of social reading applications;

      This book includes a few sections about defunct Readmill.

    1. anotar, subrayar, compartir y comentar lo que otros comparten.

      Intenté dejar este comentario, pero no aparece, y no sé si quizá el autor tenga que autorizarlo, o tal vez el formulario no funcione correctamente.

      Es interesante, pero una pena que no tenga opción para exportar las anotaciones contribuidas. Estos modelos de software dependen en parte del hecho que sus usuarios son cautivos. Es decir, si un producto mejor surgiera, muchos usuarios dudarían en migrar, porque ya han invertido mucho en la plataforma cerrada, y no pueden recuperar lo que les pertenece y llevarlo a la nueva plataforma. Lo único que se menciona en los términos y condiciones de Glose es que si uno tiene una cuenta en Glose Education y quiere transferir sus contribuciones a una cuenta estándar, ellos harán "su mejor esfuerzo" para hacerlo (?).

      Este tipo de trampas son viejas y como usuarios creo que debemos evitarlas y hacerlas caer (o, idealmente, cambiar). Qué pasaría si un día Glose decidiera (o se viera obligada a) cerrar? Es inadmisible perder tanto trabajo de tantos lectores.

    1. in-line revisions or notes as well as marginal annotations.

      How easier would it be if the same thing happened with science journals.

    1. Their review of 16 experimental studies

      Only 8 of the 16 studies which met the inclusion criteria were experimental or quasi experimental.


    1. moderating entities.

      But do this entities have to be central, monolithic? Can't they be distributed, collaborative?

      I usually like to think of the reddit model as a proposal for moderation of web annotation. Reddit is quite flexible as of what it is allowed and what it is not (this has, of course, brought heated debates in the past). But reddit has multiple reddits (as web annotation may have multiple groups or sublayers), each with a set of rules, administered and moderated by one or more people.

      Do you like the moderation rules of one subreddit? You can join and even help with moderation. You don't like them? Then don't join and find another one you feel more comfortable with.

    2. a script

      This script can be easily circumvented with uBlock or similar. Just add a rule that forbids this script from loading. One simple rule is as follows (I guess there must be neater ways to doing it):


    3. Audrey Watters

      It's fun (?) that a few months before Nate Angell published in the Hypothesis' blog that Hypothesis was doing pretty well with the Audrey Watters' Test for Educational Technology.

    1. Genius blocker

      This can be very easily circumvented with uBlock or similar. Just add a rule that forbids this script from loading. One simple rule is as follows (I guess there must be neater ways to do it):


    2. If the troll tries

      And what if it isn't a "troll"?

    3. never even implemented a way for webmasters to opt out of it,

      There were discussions about opt-out mechanisms in the Web Annotation Working group (see here), but in the end it was decided that further work would be deferred to to a future version of the specifications.

    1. CC BY licenses.

      CC0 Public Domain Dedications?

    2. digital redlining,

      The practice of creating and perpetuating inequities between already marginalized groups specifically through the use of digital technologies, digital content, and the internet (Wikipedia).

    3. retains credit for their intellectual property.

      As far as I know, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication under which public annotations in Hypothesis are released, does not enforce attribution. Although Hypothesis supports Creative Commons' Public Domain Guidelines, which suggest that credit should be given when the author is known, these guidelines are voluntary and non binding. Do you know why Hypothesis has decided to have annotations released under CC0 Public Domain Declaration, instead of CC-BY license?

    4. give credit and attribution,

      Hi, Remi! Do you know of any agreements as of how to cite web annotations? Thanks!

    1. right now,

      It'd be nice if the blog post said when it was published.

    1. only 16 experimental studies

      This is wrong: not all of them where experimental/quasi-experimental.

    2. social annotation strategy effect, students experienced extraneouscognitive load that negatively affected their initial performance becauseof instructional activities.

      Cognitive load of social annotation

    1. share bibliographic updates to a local digital library. However, we should note that many DRM implementations preclude sharing eBooks at all; this vision of a shared local library will be difficult to realize under current restrictive policies.

      A Microsoft's researcher talking about DRM as "restrictive policies".

    2. both the body of the annotations and their anchors need to be revised before the annotations are suitable for use in a public discussion.

      Is a good practice for hypothesis to make personal annotations first, when reading, without carefully thinking of them too much, and then, once reading is over, go back to the annotations and see which are relevant to make public and polish them a bit?

    3. share personal annotations

      But one thing is to share personal annotations, and another thing is to start annotations as a shared thing.

    4. the sociality of reading: how we read in a group and how we share what we read.
    1. Third Voice notes are graffiti and vandalism.

      I definitely do not understand the logic used to get from the premises to the conclusion here

    2. The information Third Voice can gather about its users' surfing and purchasing habits is far greater than any one Web site could ever gather.".

      And then it came Facebook...

  5. jeb.biologists.org jeb.biologists.org
    1. Towers of Hanoi [adapted from Romik (Romik, 2006)].

      no disc lies on top of a smaller disc

    1. there’s nothing exceptional about human brains.

      But is there something exceptional about the societies we have built? And the culture (including everything: chairs, tables, houses, streets, etc, etc) that surrounds us? I mean: is consciousness something that we have as individuals? Or is is something collective that we feel individually? Like a node in a vast network that gets a feeling of the local consciousness that the whole network has, and feels as if it is his/her own consciousness...

    1. ants can add and subtractsmall numbers.

      Where it says "ants" I guess it should say "colonies" or "groups of ants". Is a neuron the same as a brain?


    1. descriptive study of a large develop-ment team—roughly 450 people producing about 9,000 annotationson about 1,250 documents over 10 months—using a Web-based anno-tation system.
    1. their real hidden value: the readers.”

      Readers, he says, are the real -hidden- value of books.

    2. The only reason the same thing doesn’t happen to books is that they’re locked into ink on paper.

      But there are (and I think there were when this article was written) ebooks out there and, still, most people (true?) prefer printed books.

    1. Isthere any way of using these annotations (cryptic jottings,emphasis symbols, underlining and highlighting) in theDocuverse?

      For example, I think one could sum the highlight in each specific section. If many people highlighted a passage, then the highlight color is higher. That way one would be able to discover passages that many people found important/interesting. Although, it may also bias others to do the same. As usual.

    2. do not require the reader to assume the overhead ofspecifying exactly where an anchor starts or ends

      Interesting that she defined the task of specifying exactly where the annotation starts and where it ends as an overhead

    3. pushing the grain-size of the hypertext to the morphemic level

      This ability is clearly reflected in 2017's W3C Web Annotation standard

    4. awkwardness of marking using a mouse).

      This is of course obsolete now, with the pupularity and widespread availability of touch screens.

    5. Although certainly it would be folly to becomeenmired in imitating paper systems and paper-basedpractices, it is important to look beyond the existing on-linefacilities for readers

      This is in clear opposition to the ideas of Brust and Rothkugel in their 2007's "On Anomalies in Annotation Systems", where they claim that "a new annotation system is doomed to fail if it is based on the pen-and-paper annotation paradigm only".

    1. Adding a certificate
    2. turtle

      Turtle, the Terse RDF Triple Language, is a concrete syntax for RDF. So you can't just add this to the RDF FOAF file you got above. You have to add this following the RDF way. See sample here: https://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/wiki/WebID_by_examples#RDF.2FXML

    3. modulus

      To get the modulus, do openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in selfsigned.crt

    4. Make the certificate

      I used openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout selfsigned.key -out selfsigned.crt

    5. Use FOAF-a-Matic

      This service outputs an RDF FOAF

    1. Wherever your article is published, readers can leave annotations and replies if they have their own personal datastore to save them to.

      "if they have their own personal datastore to save them to". Can readers see each other's annotations?

    1. canonical URI:http://csarven.ca/dokieli-rww.

      It would be nice that the annotations that I left here were shown there too.


    1. Web science

      As it is, it looks like it refers to science of the web. Not to scientific practices in a web-like way (which seems to be the goal of the Linked Resarch project).

    1. choose a song and either sing along to it as a solo, duet, or group performance.

      So it necessarily starts with one of the song options provided by the platform. Users don't seem to be able to provide their own "seeds".

    1. artefact linking those two documents

      I don't see how this is not possible with the annotation systems that already existed at that time.

    2. the context tracks data aboutrunning applications and their open documents.

      This sounds to me like too much in terms of privacy.

    3. doomed to fail if it isbased on the pen-and-paper annotation paradigm only.

      But an online annotation system based on pen and paper practices brings at least two vantage points:

      1) the ability to annotate documents which usually wouldn't be printed (maybe because they are not so long or relevant to do so, or because the reader prefers not to do so), and

      2) the ability to share annotations and collaboratively work with them.

      Wouldn't these two characteristics be enough to make readers move from pen and paper to online annotation?

    4. the common annotation systems donot support annotations that capture movements,pointing, gestures, and alike.

      Although this may be an interesting proposal for future annotation systems, I don't think this can explain why although most learning material is available in digital form, people still prefer pen and paper; or why they use bookmarks, email messages, etc, instead of one of the existing annotation services. The ability to capture movements, etc is not available either in pen and paper or bookmarking, etc practices.

    5. Cognitive efforts spent for relating two or moredocuments, probably even of different types, cannot becaptured

      I don't understand why this is an anomaly of annotation systems.

    6. a significant cognitive activitythat is not taken into account in the design of existingannotation systems.

      I don't understand how this is derived from the fact that learners have to use several annotation services.

    7. a comment

      The comment was (translated to English):

      It is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a fourth power into two fourth powers, or in general, any power higher than the second, into two like powers. I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain.

    8. “Arithmetica”

      An Ancient Greek text on mathematics written by the mathematician Diophantus in the 3rd century AD (source: Wikipedia)

    9. Studies have demonstrated benefits inlearning more because of the ability ofaccessingproper annotations than because of the activity ofwriting them down.

      What studies?

    1. earliest web annotation system.

      Although the paper cited at the end of the following sentence has a section "Related work" listing several previous web annotation tools.

    1. emulate the way the brain links data by association rather than by indexes and traditional, hierarchical storage paradigms,

      The traditional, hierarchical storage paradigms remind me of the old web directories, such as Yahoo Directory.

    1. a user can download his or her own data

      In a platform where one of the main values is collaboration, how important is it that these platforms guarantee that the user will be able to backup his/her data in case he/she wants (or is forced to) move out? Shouldn't this platforms also guarantee that one would be able to download ALL public data (or data the specific user has access to) to make sure he/she will be able to recreate the whole thing if he/she wants (or is forced) to?

    1. We can hope that the industry, in moving to a web model, will also give up DRM, but it isn’t clear.

      This is absurd. Precisely, having approved a recommendation for EME is exactly the opposite thing to do to persuade the industry to give up DRM on the web!

    2. we have seen industry move consciously from a DRM-based model to an unencrypted model, where often the buyer’s email address may be put in a watermark, but there is no DRM.

      But this assumes that the main interest is copyright and not, as the EFF has pointed out, crashing competition and prosecuting security researchers. In fact, now Spotify's web player only runs with DRM enabled.

    3. And if the closed platforms prohibited DRM in apps, then the large content providers would simply distribute their own set-top boxes and game consoles as the only way to watch their stuff.

      This sounds a bit naive to me. Who would buy those set-top boxes and game consoles? And do not only consider the United States' and European markets. Wouldn't the large content providers have to adapt to how the web works if they want to reach a broader audience?

    4. embed Netflix content in their own web pages,

      Now that the w3c has recommended eme, Is this possible?

    1. any technology invented in your adolescence is amazing and world-changing; anything invented after you turn 30 is immoral and needs to be destroyed.

      Hey! The source says 35, not 30 ;)

    1. now, a key W3C standard requires a proprietary component to be functional, and that component is under Google's control,

      I understand this component is the Content Decryption Manager and I understand they have to be propietary, but Google's is not the only one available.

  6. Mar 2020
    1. except some parts:

      -D, --ignore-details show/ignore details not covered by other options.

    1. Instead of seeing everyone rip their gear levers out of their cars, we see them staring at their phones on the subway, or procrastinating on a deadline by bingeing TV, or getting dragged into dumb fights on social media.

      Or reading this article, but anyway ;)


      What are these?

    1. make dev

      I was getting a

      pg_config executable not found

      error which I solved by installing libpq-dev.

      I was also getting a

      cannot import name 'Feature'

      error when make dev was trying to install zope.interface. Apparently, the "Feature" API is deprecated from setuptools. I solved this by unpinning the version of zope.interface in requirements.txt, which is currently pinned to 4.3.2.

    2. make services

      I was getting a

      Couldn't connect to Docker daemon

      error which I fixed by adding my user to the docker group:

      sudo usermod -aG docker USERNAME