278 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Eighty-nine percent of BA students reported LMS use for "most" or "all" courses.

      89% use LMS

    2. They constitute a digital learning architecture encompassing a confederation of learning applications, tools, and resources woven together by means of open standards that can be harnessed by higher education institutions for their own digital learning environment needs.8 NGDLEs include personalization; interoperability; collaboration; accessibility and universal design; and analytics, advising, and learning assessment. NGDLEs may or may not include an LMS as a component, and the LMS may be used solely as a supplement to these open-standard digital applications, tools, and resources

      what's after the LMS

    3. So students who prefer face-to-face (based on past experiences) may still find functional aspects of the LMS useful and important to their courses, and they may not identify some of the LMS's limitations in a primarily face-to-face learning environment. Even face-to-face courses still rely on the LMS for distributing resources or as a means for communication, and students may be quite satisfied with the conveniences offered by the LMS in a face-to-face course. For example, in 2017 a majority of students reported higher satisfaction levels with functional aspects of the LMS—such as submitting assignments, accessing course content, or checking on their progress—than with the tasks that require more engagement, such as discussion boards.

      student prefer LMS for Grades, assignment submissions, accessing resources

      F2F - it's more transactional than engagement related

    4. Sixty-nine percent of students who reported being satisfied or very satisfied with their institution's LMS also said they prefer completely or mostly face-to-face classes. This may reflect a desire for using the operational features of the LMS, along with a desire for in-class time with instructors, which students told us they wanted in their 2017 open-ended responses.

      desire for usage in F-2-f courses

    5. BA private students reported the highest use of the LMS across all institutions,

      usage in private institutions

    6. Three-quarters of all students reported being either satisfied or very satisfied with their institution's LMS, and more than three-quarters of students said their LMS was used for most or all of their courses (see figure 4).

      3/4 of students satisfied with LMS more use it in all courses

    7. the LMS is similar to basic utilities on higher education campuses, such as plumbing or electricity—functional, ubiquitous, with high levels of use and satisfaction for its most basic operations.

      LMS Usages - part of normal higher ed infrastructure

    1. You may be thinking that these suggestions seem like they are geared toward online or blended learning, but they are not (although it’s true that the strategies can cross modalities). Students are used to having access to information 24/7 and the lines between online, blended, and in-person learning are blurring a bit. Although you might not be delivering instruction online, students like to have online access to their course materials, assignments, grades, etc.

      llms important to students - used to having 24/7 access to course materials, assignments, grades

    2. Offer peer review opportunities where faculty can share LMS courses with colleagues and receive valuable feedback.

      peer review of courses

    3. Sample course: Provide access to a sample course that faculty can review and adapt to their needs.

      Sample course

    4. Clarity is key: Provide crystal-clear instructions for assignments and grading criteria. Avoid confusing instructions. For example, students expressed frustration with assignment details being posted in the LMS but professors requesting submissions via email. Stay in the loop: Communicate with students by offering due dates, announcements, and calendar reminders. Timely and clear feedback on grades on the LMS empower students to track their progress effectively.

      details for assignments in LMS

    1. Colleges and universitiesCONTACT Quincy Conley quincyconley@gmail.com Organizational Performance & Workplace Learning, College of Engineering, Boise State University, 1910University Dr., Mail Stop: 2070, Boise, ID 85725, USA.Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/hihc.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN–COMPUTER INTERACTIONhttps://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2019.1644841© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC have predominantly implemented LMSs for delivery ofinstruction in their classes, whether the courses are face-to-face, at a distance or a combination of the two approaches.

      prominence of LMS usage

    2. A major implication of the lack of effective training is thatstudents are often left to struggle through disjointed, flawedlearning experiences while using LMSs during a class.

      lack of faculty training - less than stellar student experiences in LMS systems

    3. widely established in the literature that almost all highereducation institutions across the globe have moved to usinga Learning Management System (LMS) for facilitating courses

      Everyone now uses LMS systems regardless of modalities

  2. Mar 2023
  3. Dec 2022
  4. Jul 2022
    1. A auto-avaliação, então, está a serviço da auto-reflexão e também a serviço da regulação da aprendizagem do aluno.

      Caros Colegas. Para que o estudante tenha a possibilidade de fazer a autoavaliação das aprendizagens e para que o docente possa dar feedback que permita que o estudante ultrapasse as dificuldades sentidas, existem várias plataformas LMS no mercado que permitem a elaboração de questionários, sondagens e testes que possibilitam a recolha das respostas dos alunos e a indicação do nível de conhecimento adquirido. Para além disso, o docente pode associar uma explicação a cada resposta certa ou errada e com a obtenção das taxas de respostas, consegue obter um diagnóstico sobre o nível de aprendizagem do grupo/turma. Em suma, o estudante deve estar consciente do contributo importantíssimo da autoavaliação e da avaliação entre pares para a autorregulação. Saudações académicas. Marisol Correia

  5. Jun 2022
    1. Higher education leaders and decision makers use the annual Issues, Technologies, and Trends resources—the Top IT Issues, Trend Watch report, and the Horizon Reports—to know what's important and where to focus in their IT planning and management activities. When viewed together these resources provide more complete and nuanced guidance on institutional IT priorities. EDUCAUSE Horizon Report is a registered trademark of EDUCAUSE.

      Issues and Technologies and Trends report has been used by many institutions to make technology budget decisions.

  6. Apr 2022
    1. Institutions may supply learning environments that facilitate social interaction and collaboration and assure effective support to students with technological difficulties. Technological difficulties can cause student frustration as well as communication problems, which hamper collaborative processes such as explanations, sharing answers, and negotiation (Ragoonaden & Bordeleau, 2000).

  7. Mar 2022
    1. . While LMS vendors seek to create an environment that provides an all-encompassing PLE, the fact that they are closed networks and that they are platforms built to meet the needs of entire institutions means that they usually are not personalised enough to meet the needs of a connected learner, who is (most often) already used to the flexibility and ownership web 2.0 tools provide.

      This is important. I have been saying for awhile now that without properly planning an LMS space, it is merely a repository (much like an old dusty library but without the interesting discoveries).

  8. Mar 2021
  9. Oct 2020
    1. then

      Yes, I'm selecting this topic seeking perspective. Discussions in an online course is a manner of interacting with peers. Will ponder how I can use this in my paper.

    1. Google Classroom is Google Apps version of a learning management system (LMS).  An LMS can often be daunting, or a foreign language, to teachers.  Many do not have the time to develop their own website, but are interested in working digitally in

      I selected this resources to support different views on what is a LMS.

    1. This is also useful information about LMS and Web 2.0 technology. I feel that it can provide my research additional information about diverse adult learners.

  10. Aug 2020
    1. Moodle has over 50% of market share in Europe, Latin America, and Oceania.[48]

      Importance of Moodle internationally

    1. Course Management Systems (CMS)

      This is a good snapshot of the CMS / LMS in higher-ed in 2003.

    2. Meanwhile some institutions in the USA have created various open source products which are providing an alternative to commercial vendors.

      Was Moodle not a thing at this point? Tracking the rise of open source LMS is important. I wonder what the current market share for open source & home brew is in the US; in Canada; in Europe; in Africa; etc. My understanding is that Moodle has a much bigger market share outside the US than inside.

    3. The most significant vendors by volume and size are WebCT (www.webct.com) and Blackboard (http://www.blackboard.com). There are many other vendors in this market place such as desire2learn (http://www.desire2learn.com/), a system in use at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

      WebCT, Blackboard, and D2L were already the big 3 in 2003.

    1. The following table reflects a summary of the previous research we have conducted in which we generated a conceptual framework of major features in order to evaluate and compare the major K-12 LMSs (Watson, Lee, & Reigeluth, 2007).

      Table of k-12 LMS with core functionalities (PLATO, Pearson Digital Learning, and Achievement Technologies)

    2. LMSs are more typically utilized in corporate settings with many available systems on the market, including NetDimensions EKP, Saba and SumTotal Systems (Carliner, 2005), as well as Lotus, Oracle iLearning and Cornerstone OnDemand, among others (Learning Circuits, 2005). A 2006 survey highlights the features most common-ly found in the corporate LMSs currently being utilized (2006 Survey of Learning Management Systems, 2006).

      Description of the corporate LMS market.

    3. While LMSs can currently perform some of these functions, limitations exist which are hindering the full realization of LMSs’ potential

      OK. They do acknowledge that their describing an ideal rather than an actuality.

    4. In an Information Age model of education, an LMS will assess learners’ current knowledge and skill level, work with teachers and learners to identify appropriate learning goals, identify and sequence instruction appropriate for the individual learner, assess learner performance products, store evidence of attainments, sup-port collaboration and generate reports to pro-vide information to maximize the effectiveness of the entire learning organization.

      This is a vision for the LMS, not a description of. It feels like their definitions are overly optimistic throughout this article.

    5. Or as Connolly (2001) puts it, “LMS provides the rules and the LCMS provides the content” (p. 58).

      Again, this feels like a dated distinction, one that has since been flattened.

    6. A CMS “provides an instructor with a set of tools and a framework that allows the relatively easy creation of online course content and the subsequent teaching and management of that course including various interactions with students taking the course” (EDUCAUSE Evolving Technologies Committee, 2003, p. 1). Examples of a CMS include Blackboard, Angel, Sakai, Oncourse and Moogle. However, Blackboard is a good example of the confusion that exists regarding these terms as it is commonly referred to in the literature as an LMS.

      This is interesting. What they are calling a CMS comes to be the fairly standard (I think) definition of the LMS. They even identify Blackboard (the model LMS) as a CMS.

    7. The American Society for Training & Development (Learning Circuits, 2005), recommendsthese following functional requirements for a corporate LMS:

      Functional definition of the LMS from 2005. This might be useful in tracking change.

    8. Lessons are provided based on the individual student’s learning progress.

      Individualization / Adaptive Learning as an early functionality (goal?) of the LMS

    9. Bailey, G. D. (1993). Wanted: A road map for understanding Integrated Learning Systems. In G. D. Bailey (Ed.), Computer-based Integrated Learning Systems (pp. 3-9). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

      This seems like one of the earliest sources in this article. I wonder how early this article is in explicitly discussing the LMS qua LMS.

    10. n LMS is the infrastructure that delivers and manages in-structional content, identifies and assesses in-dividual and organizational learning or training goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those goals, and collects and presents data for super-vising the learning process of an organization as a whole (Szabo & Flesher, 2002). An LMS deliv-ers content but also handles course registration and administration, skills gap analysis, tracking and reporting (Gilhooly, 2001).

      Defining the LMS based on its functionalities. Some of these pieces surely have been added or subtracted from LMSs over time. Course registration for example is now part of systems like Elucian's Banner. Surely there could be a heuristic model of the LMS with concentric rings of functionalities.

    11. The term ILS was coined by Jostens Learn-ing, and LMS was originally used to describe the management system component of the PLATO K-12 learning system, content-free and separate from the courseware (R. Foshay, personal com-munication, October 24, 2006).

      Claim that ILS was coined by Jostens Learning. LMS was the management system component of the broader ILS.

    12. LMS has its history in another term, integrated learning system (ILS) which offers functionality beyond instructional content such as management and tracking, personalized instruction and integration across the system (Bailey, 1993; Becker, 1993; Brush, Armstrong, Barbrow, & Ulintz, 1999; Szabo & Flesher, 2002).

      Earlier term for LMS is ILS, "integrated learning system." They also make a claim here about the functionalities that are central to an LMS.

  11. Jun 2020
    1. The creator of a Hypothesis group

      According to this issue in Github, in an LMS environment the creator of the group would be the first instructor-user in a course who creates and launches a Hypothesis-enabled reading. Could someone confirm this? Is this specified somewhere else?

  12. Apr 2020
  13. Jan 2020
  14. Nov 2019
    1. Section 1.5 Online Learner Characteristics, Technology and Skill Requirements

      This website outlines Section 1.5 of Angelo State University's guide to instructional design and online teaching. Section 1.5 describes key characteristics of online learners, as well as the technology and computer skills that research has identified as being important for online learners. Successful online learners are described as self-directed, motivated, well-organized, and dedicated to their education. The article also notes that online learners should understand how to use technology such as multimedia tools, email, internet browsers. and LMS systems. This resource serves as a guide to effective online teaching. Rating 10/10

    1. Tech Literacy Resources

      This website is the "Resources" archive for the IgniteED Labs at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. The IgniteED Labs allow students, staff, and faculty to explore innovative and emerging learning technology such as virtual reality (VR), artifical intelligence (AI), 3-D printing, and robotics. The left side of this site provides several resources on understanding and effectively using various technologies available in the IgniteED labs. Each resources directs you to external websites, such as product tutorials on Youtube, setup guides, and the products' websites. The right column, "Tech Literacy Resources," contains a variety of guides on how students can effectively and strategically use different technologies. Resources include "how-to" user guides, online academic integrity policies, and technology support services. Rating: 9/10

    1. New technologies make it possible for students to tailor their course schedules, online classes, and brick-and- mortar learning venues to attain targeted degrees.

      With society and technology always changing. Learning new technology is key to getting ahead in higher education. Rate: 3/5

  15. Oct 2019
    1. None of that is possible with free but traditionally copyrighted content.

      I disagree again. Fair use in LMSs afford lots of pedagogical innovation, such as Hypothesis discussion of pdfs housed inside the shell and offered under fair use. I think the author is holding to tightly to his own 5-R formula, which is powerful but not omnipotent.

    2. STEM disciplines

      Good point. STEM needs the software tools more than the content, perhaps. But much of that functionality is already available in LMSs, which in most institutions don't figure in the ZTC or OER discussion.

  16. May 2019
    1. At the individual level, this principle supports reflection on and reuse of one’s earlier ideas. At the group level, thisprinciple facilitates collaborative discourse by enabling learners to incorporate peers’ ideas to solve new problems

      Students can watch their ideas evolve and a class can trace changes across a series of readings.

    2. spatiotemporally distributed on the web.

      So maybe the more reasonable long-term strategy is to build these web-based linkages rather than try to capture all these network-resident learning elements within an LMS.

    1. LTI Grading Caveats and Best Practices

      This will be useful when I start researching for our grading feature

    2. (optional) Using the LTI Outcomes service, the tool can also return a piece of plain text, a basic URL, or even an LTI Launch URL. This will be attached to a student submission object in Canvas, and it’ll be visible on the student submission page and in Speedgrader

      This is key: to deliver the artifact of the annotation to Speedgrader.

  17. Mar 2019
    1. The Wired Classroom: Leveraging Technology to Engage Adult Learners

      This article discusses how even though instructors may be hesitant to include new technologies in their learning environments, doing so can enhance the student experience. It specifically explore the use of twitter for classroom discussions, simulation tools, and the LMS systems universities use currently to support online work. Soliciting feedback from students to ask how tools are working for them is important for evolving the classroom to fit student needs.

    1. Using the Hypothesis LMS App with Assignments in Canvas

      Using Hypothesis with Canvas LMS

  18. Jan 2019
    1. Select Supports deep linking to allow instructors and course builders to launch the LTI tool and add content from the tool provider, rather than adding content through the Blackboard Learn interface. If the tool provider is configured so that the instructor can select multiple pieces of content in a single import, this tool can save time and simplify the workflow.

      I'm guessing that this should not be selected when installing the Hypothesis app. Current workflow moves through the Learn interface.

    2. Non-student tools are available for instructors and course builders. These tools appear in the Course Management section of an Original course and in the Books & Tools menu of an Ultra course.

      Hypothesis is definitely not a student tool as defined by BB.

      It is a "content type" tool that should be available to instructors and course designers.

  19. Dec 2018
    1. A longer-term goal, more in line with the vision of the NGDLE, is to develop a learning experience for students that seamlessly crosses platforms. A student might start by watching lectures on YouTube, then head to a web-based tool for creating a concept map before wrapping up with a shared WordPress site -- all within the confines of one platform.
  20. Nov 2018
    1. Learning-Management-Systeme

      z.B.: Moodle, Its Learning, Edmodo, Schoology etc.

    1. once students have set up their individual accounts

      Soon to be outdated. Congrats to the hypothes.is team for creating auto-provisioning.

    1. An Adult Learner Reflects on Technology in Higher Education

      Elizabeth Cox describes her experience as an adult learner and how technology has positively impacted that experience. She specifically mentions a few learning management systems and online tools and how they were excellent at making the course content available any time and any place. Rating: 5/5

  21. Oct 2018
    1. We, the Architects. I've made this point elsewhere, but what is both exciting and daunting is that the shift to a component-based approach provides an unprecedented opportunity to shape, rethink, plan, and design our digital learning environments.7 An architect is a proactive agent who looks to plan structures and environments to accommodate future usage. By taking the component approach, we can all adopt an architect's perspective and work to design the learning environments we want and need.

      <3 this!

      Still remember I used the word architect in the first draft of the 'unLMS' paper but was refuted by one reviewer.

      The component-based approach is probably urging us to take an architect perspective. My intuition is working as architects requires awareness of many cross-cutting ideas -- components and 'the whole', design and engineering, history and human values, and so forth.

    1. Lastly, professors need to fight for a post-LMS world that allows all faculty to make a living wage. I can’t help but suspect that at least some of the administrative fondness for learning management systems stems from a desire to systematize teaching and deskill professors as part of that process. When everything about teaching online is systematized and deskilled, it becomes easier to train anyone, anywhere to teach our courses.

      This is, I think, the core of the issue. All the worthy things the author calls for are not practical in a world where there aren't faculty positions with enough time and resources to make them work. The LMS is less about delivering online education than it is about delivering education in general in a controlled system with boundaries that helps make it easier to deliver without trained faculty with time on their hands.

  22. Sep 2018
    1. We still see a two-horse race for new implementations (LMS product switches) in higher education, largely shared between Canvas and D2L, but the second horse that is looking better than it used to still needs to make further adjustments and run faster.

      Annotation as a core, multi-use feature could be a difference maker.

    1. So one very rough estimate is that academic LMS market is worth approximately $2 billion per year.

      So this is the number excluding professional education.

    2. as anecdotally there is not a big emphasis on LMS usage outside North American and Northern Europe.


    3. So a better question is what is the size of the global academic LMS markets, combining K-12 and postsecondary?


    1. Part of this change according to D2L exec interviews was that in the past it was easier to talk to CIOs, but now they are learning how to talk to faculty and end users.


    1. Moodle and Sakai both lost market share of just under 1%, not enough to show up in the rounded numbers in the table but enough to show up in our underlying data.

      Small number but loyal users?

    2. The difference in Moodle's market share by institutions at 25% and by enrollments at 12% really shows how concentrated their usage is for smaller schools.

      Interesting. Because of smaller budgets?

    3. the market continues to be a two-horse race recently with Canvas by Instructure and Brightspace by D2L as the only two solutions with material gains in market share.

      So Blackboard is not growing. Only Canvas and D2L are and the former more substantially.

    1. While each tool has differing ways in which it can be used in the classroom and with various Learning Management Systems (LMSs),

      What's the relationship between the LMS and OER or perhaps more specifically "open educational practices"?

  23. Jul 2018
  24. Apr 2018
  25. Feb 2018
    1. The IT and the T&L visions are thus fairly congruent: integrating disparate applications so that they offer our communities a consolidated environment and more customizable functionality. These are invigorating and also daunting challenges.

      Drawing connections between decentralizing services in the ERP > enterprise architecture and LMS > NGDLE.

    1. I have been arguing for some time that Caliper should be used as a data interoperability exchange standard between apps that operates through the LTI window

      How does the whole Caliper thing relate to data H might generate?

    2. LTI Advantage can also enable the tool provider to give the LMS links that support single sign-on to specific places within the tool,
    1. your student roster in Perusall will automatically populate as students each launch into Perusall from the LMS for the first time.

      This is I believe what has been proposed by Atomic Jolt.

    2. create Perusall courses through the LMS

      Equivalent of groups?

    3. without having to log into Perusall separately

      the key!

    4. If they log in to Perusall directly (i.e., at perusall.com), then they will be seen as a second user.)

      I wonder why?

  26. Jan 2018
    1. learning pioneers would be able to experiment and innovate by hooking apps and other functions onto the LMS.

      Why not hook apps into multiple other systems via annotation infrastructure?

    1. (a) learning management systems (LMS) or massively open online courses (MOOCs) that primarily organize, coordinate, and deliver resources (e.g., syllabi, video clips, quizzes);

      See EDUCAUSE/Bodong for lack of teaching and learning in LMS.

    1. threading structure of discussion forums leads to branching and increasingly fragmented conversations, with repetition and duplication appearing in different threads

      Of course Hypothesis uses threading as well.

      But is threading really the issue? Isn't is more a matter of the correct "parenting" of forums and replies? It's part of the skill of discussion/discussion forums that student-users read other's posts and not repeat what has been said before...

    2. self-organization of discourse participants around ideas

      This authentic discourse is definitely better achieved via annotation in which students self-select passages to annotate and annotations to reply to.

  27. Nov 2017
    1. Our vision around the phrase reclaim is at least in part inspired by the documented work that Boone Gorges and D'Arcy Norman have been doing to take back their online presence from third-party services since 2011. While their approach is far more drastic than what we are advocating, Project Reclaim represents an ethos that is diametrically opposed to the innovation outsourcing that is prevalent in higher education IT shops at the moment.
    2. more than just a student's schoolwork; they should also include personal photos, videos, transcripts, X-rays, dental records, police records, and a million other digital life-bits.
    3. In the accompanying article "Innovation Reclaimed," we share some projects that are working toward the vision of educational institutions reclaiming innovative learning on the web.

      Speaking of “counting them”.

    4. Do everything possible to minimize reliance on an enterprise LMS. Explore ways to support activity and content development in environments that foster collaboration and also interoperability with a wide range of tools. Before directing activity to a complex, locked-down system, ask: "Do we really need to do it this way? Is there a simpler, cheaper, open alternative that will do the job?"
    5. an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school

      Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.

    6. support alternative systems, such as blogs and wikis
    7. equip them with practical web skills
    8. Courses are severely limited in the ability to access other courses even within the institution (so much for "connecting silos"), and when courses end, students are typically cast out, unable to refer to past activity in their ongoing studies or in their lives (so much for "promoting lifelong learning").

      Which is where a different type of unbundling can happen. “Courses” may limit our thinking.

    9. mandate the use of "learning management systems."

      Therein lies the rub. Mandated systems are a radically different thing from “systems which are available for use”. This quote from the aforelinked IHE piece is quite telling:

      “I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it!”

      In the end, it’s about “procurement”, which is quite different from “adoption” which is itself quite different from “appropriation”.

    10. institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical

      In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).

    11. Five Arguments against the Learning Management System
    1. “I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it! [Instructure] just didn’t.”
    2. two quarters of pilot courses on Instructure’s Canvas platform
    3. To the surprise of those behind the initiative, about two-thirds of faculty members said they were satisfied with the Blackboard system, deployed on campus in 1999.
    1. the terrible, horrible, no-good university administrators are trying to build a panopticon in which they can oppress the faculty
    2. If you recall your LMS patent infringement history, then you'll remember that roles and permissions were exactly the thing that Blackboard sued D2L over.
    3. (At the time, Stephen Downes mocked me for thinking that this was an important aspect of LMS design to consider.)

      An interesting case where Stephen’s tone might have drowned a useful discussion. FWIW, flexible roles and permissions are among the key things in my own personal “spec list” for a tool to use with learners, but it’s rarely possible to have that flexibility without also getting a very messy administration. This is actually one of the reasons people like WordPress.

    4. Do you know what the feature set was that had faculty from Albany to Anaheim falling to their knees, tears of joy streaming down their faces, and proclaiming with cracking, emotion-laden voices, "Finally, an LMS company that understands me!"?

      While this whole bit is over-the-top, à la @mfeldstein67, must admit that my initial reaction was close to that. For a very similar reason. Still haven’t had an opportunity to use Canvas with learners, but the overall workflow for this type of feature really does make a big difference. The openness aspect is very close to gravy. After all, there are ways to do a lot of work in the open without relying on any LMS. But the LMS does make a huge difference in terms of such features as quickly grading learners’ work.

    5. Why, they would build an LMS. They did build an LMS. Blackboard started as a system designed by a professor and a TA at Cornell University. Desire2Learn (a.k.a. Brightspace) was designed by a student at the University of Waterloo. Moodle was the project of a graduate student at Curtin University in Australia. Sakai was built by a consortium of universities. WebCT was started at the University of British Columbia. ANGEL at Indiana University.
    6. Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
    7. In an ideal world, every class would have its own unique mix of these capabilities based on what's appropriate for the students, teacher, and subject.

      How about systems with a different granularity from the class/course/cohort models?

    8. the backbone of for a distributed network of personal learning environments
    9. the tools shouldn’t dictate the choice
  28. courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
    1. Currently, Canvas and Sakai are the only LMSs reviewed which has somesupport for xAPI (emphasis on some). Blackboard, D2L, Sakai and Canvas all have support for IMS Caliper, a more edu specific format.
    1. An institution has implemented a learning management system (LMS). The LMS contains a learning object repository (LOR) that in some aspects is populated by all users across the world  who use the same LMS.  Each user is able to align his/her learning objects to the academic standards appropriate to that jurisdiction. Using CASE 1.0, the LMS is able to present the same learning objects to users in other jurisdictions while displaying the academic standards alignment for the other jurisdictions (associations).

      Sounds like part of the problem Vitrine technologie-éducation has been tackling with Ceres, a Learning Object Repository with a Semantic core.

    1. OLI courses provide an entire experience based on our unique development process.
    1. Enhanced learning experience Graduate students now receive upgraded iPads, and all students access course materials with Canvas, a new learning management software. The School of Aeronautics is now the College of Aeronautics; and the College of Business and Management is hosting a business symposium Nov. 15.

      This from a university which had dropped Blackboard for iTunes U.

    1. Download Dr. Brad Wheeler leads university-wide IT services for IU's eight campuses. He has co-founded and led many multi-institutional collaborations with his current work focused on the Unizin Consortium, Kuali, and IU’s mass Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative.
    1. Information from this will be used to develop learning analytics software features, which will have these functions: Description of learning engagement and progress, Diagnosis of learning engagement and progress, Prediction of learning progress, and Prescription (recommendations) for improvement of learning progress.

      As good a summary of Learning Analytics as any.

    1. Better yet, tangerines and oranges.

      Is that about the colours favoured by both platforms? Does sound like it weakens the point (going from comparing fruits to comparing one citrus with another). The point, eventually, is that Canvas and Moodle occupy a similar space: course-based “learning” management systems.

    1. Moodle is a modular authoring tool for courses but at this time does not create SCORM packages.

      Is there something about SCORM authoring in the Moodle roadmap? That could be very interesting.

  29. Oct 2017
    1. It’s precisely to meet these demands that Cegid recently launched a Learning Management System (LMS) specifically dedicated to Healthcare, a sector that is converting more and more to cloud-based systems.

      Norman's Law of eLearning Tool Convergence

      Any eLearning tool, no matter how openly designed, will eventually become indistinguishable from a Learning Management System once a threshold of supported use-cases has been reached.

  30. Sep 2017
    1. A commercial/proprietary vendor borrows funding, setting that borrowed funding against potential future revenue; an open-source community pools present capacity to create a sustainable future.

      The roadmap differences between proprietary and open/community source.

    2. the fact that open-source software is the best guarantor of open standards

      while I agree, can we substantiate this claim?

    3. Conway's Law

      Any organization that designs a system … will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.

    4. The problem with this variant is that the tendency to aggregate functionality will at some point drive the Pike to eat an LTI-enabled Minnow

      pikes eat the minnows

    5. Pike and Minnows

      the Pike and Minnows modle of LMS unbundling

    6. Socio-economic factors are therefore potentially of particular significance to the NGDLE conversation, but are all too often not adequately represented or are reduced to a simplistic (and unsustainable, unless an infinitely expandable market is assumed) model of counting new LMS adoptions.

      socio-economic factors in LMS adoption

    1. The proportions of LMS and SIS are not necessarily representative of market share. We simply took a subset of institutions that had both a SIS and a LMS system listed in our database.
    1. the LMS is the minivan of education. Everyone has them and needs them, but there’s a certain shame having one in the driveway.
    1. Learning-management systems, like any product, evolve because of a kind of natural selection — or unnatural selection, in this case.
    1. Tsugi is a multi-tenant scalable LTI library and tool hosting environment. It is intended to make it more tractable to implement the Application Store that we will need for the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment.
    1. A Flexible, Interoperable Digital Learning Platform: Are We There Yet? Posted on May 28, 2017 Categories:Ed Tech, Interoperability, Learning Apps, LMS & Learning Platforms Tags:IMS, IMS Caliper, Learning Platform, LMOS, LTI, NGDLE By Michael FeldsteinIn 2005, some colleagues and I had been tasked with identifying a single LMS that could serve the needs of all 64 campuses of the State University of New York—from Adirondack Community College to SUNY Stony Brook to the two medical schools. We came to the conclusion that no single LMS at the time could meet such diverse needs. We proposed instead that SUNY should build a modular system from which each campus, and indeed each educator, could create their own fit-for-purpose digital learning environment. We called this idea the Learning Management Operating System, or LMOS.
    1. Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE) As mentioned in the Medium blog, the setup for the commons was described as going in the direction described by the EDUCAUSE NGDLE report. One thing North Carolina is doing is turning the typical LMS-driven procurement approach on its head. When I asked Rascoff how the apps would be pulled together, he said that the primary plan was to set up all accepted apps with Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities. Rascoff described that since the LMS is not where learning occurs for the most part, his team is leaving that decision up to the campuses and focusing their efforts on the learning apps.
    1. Just about every school in the US and Canada, and many across the world, has an LMS, and every LMS has a grade book. While the degree to which faculty utilize it varies greatly, it is typically one of the most utilized tools, at least for the basic purposes of communicating grades to students and the registrar. In fact, many schools require faculty to enter grades in the LMS grade book.
    1. In the mid-1990s, largely unaware of Bloom's challenge, innovative faculty members and students at universities throughout the world began thinking about ways to leverage the Internet and the World Wide Web to improve teaching and learning. The result was the creation of a new category of web-based software: the "course management system" or CMS. Alternatively labeled learning management systems (LMSs), learning content management systems (LCMSs), and virtual learning environments (VLEs), such software has generally been focused primarily on helping teachers increase the efficiency of the administrative tasks of instruction (e.g., distribute documents, make assignments, give quizzes, initiate discussion boards, assign students to working groups, etc.). This instructor-centrism comes despite the best intentions and efforts of system designers, early adopters, and instructional support staff who sought to use these systems to transform the dominant learning modality of higher education from traditional, classroom-based instruction to online and hybrid courses. In practice, the vast majority of instructors who adopted the CMS largely ignored Bloom's challenge to make an "educational contribution of the greatest magnitude," instead focusing on increasing the administrative efficiency of their jobs.
    1. I think a lot of faculty are still at the point where they need a stack of papers and red pen.

      Emphasis on “still”. Direction of change?

    1. Could different co-teaching and collaborative course approaches or more modern pedagogical practices move the needle more than the latest LMS features? 
    2. LMSs limit the visibility of copyrighted course content to only course participants for the duration that they need it. (Of course, this would become a moot point if using openly licensed OERs.)
    3. Over the course of many years, every school has refined and perfected the connections LMSs have into a wide variety of other campus systems including authentication systems, identity management systems, student information systems, assessment-related learning tools, library systems, digital textbook systems, and other content repositories. APIs and standards have decreased the complexity of supporting these connections, and over time it has become easier and more common to connect LMSs to – in some cases – several dozen or more other systems. This level of integration gives LMSs much more utility than they have out of the box – and also more “stickiness” that causes them to become harder to move away from. For LMS alternatives, achieving this same level of connectedness, particularly considering how brittle these connections can sometimes become over time, is a very difficult thing to achieve.
  31. Aug 2017
    1. This has much in common with a customer relationship management system and facilitates the workflow around interventions as well as various visualisations.  It’s unclear how the at risk metric is calculated but a more sophisticated predictive analytics engine might help in this regard.

      Have yet to notice much discussion of the relationships between SIS (Student Information Systems), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and LMS (Learning Management Systems).

  32. Jul 2017
    1. uCertify provides courses, simulator, labs, test prep kits for IT certifications including Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, CompTIA, CIW, Adobe, PMI, ISC2, EC-Council, Linux, Zend, Google, IC3 , Adobe and many more.
    1. waiting for Godot

      and out of nowhere, Beckett appears.

    2. The edtech ecosystem brings forth its own set of privacy, ownership, and security concerns.

      Recognition of data privacy, security & ownership issues.

    3. Our job is to manage the differences between these two cultures and bring collaborative, not overly competitive, learning solutions to our institutions.

      On bridging the vendor and academic cultures.

    4. rigorous, peer-reviewed science

      See critiques of rigorous, peer-reviewed science.

    5. In many ways, the health care community is ahead of the education community.

      Extended analogy between healthcare and education, predicated on brain-based view of learning.

    6. Instructors are learners too.

      A point not made often enough.

    7. The word ecosystem, borrowed from its ecological and biological roots, here refers to the educational technology (edtech) market.

      Doesn't seem to include opensource and/or homegrown in the edtech ecosystem.

    1. Everything must be open.

      Or if one read's the whole article, just standards.

    2. The overarching theme? Everything must be open.

      McGraw-Hill leader supports full openness.

    3. open standards

      so full openness is just open standards?

    4. Great edtech should fade into the background

      Fall into the background, or start out in the background? Why not try to solve human problems first as human problems, using tech when appropriate?

    5. The 2 Sigma Problem

      Everyone's favorite problem to solve: make machines into tutors and vice-versa.

    1. What Is the Next Generation?

      Michael Feldstein's brief history of the LMS and what NGDLE looks like from there.

    1. The privacy dashboard discloses to students the learning data being captured about them and how it is being used (such as for research and/or early warning tools).

      Kudos to UCB for starting with user transparency and control!

    1. An additional analogy can better describe the NGDLE: the LMS needs to be a central nervous system that connects the components (the bricks) in a unified learning ecosystem.

      Learning environment as a "central nervous system" (compare to N\(^2\)GDLE's metaphor of an "exoskeleton for the mind".

    2. It's hard to imagine instructors both constructing a new mash-up environment and crafting improved learning activities.

      Yes, and it's hard to imagine colleges and universities dedicating teams of people to help make this vision possible either in an era of dwindling resources.

    1. Now is the time to start our journey.

      It would be interesting to reconceive this entire project without the N\(2\)GDLE machine at the center. As it's mostly NOT a technology project, perhaps it would be better fostered NOT as a technology project. If technology is needed somewhere to make it successful, then bring it in, but don't have it be the frame.

    2. As Herbert Simon observed: "Improvement in post-secondary education will require converting teaching from a 'solo sport' to a community-based research activity."

      Teaching is encouraged to be collaborative while the vision of the learner is still solitary.

    3. Understand that as difficult as the technology might be to envision, articulate, and implement, the culture changes required between where you are now and where you need to be to implement it will be much, much harder.

      If culture change is harder, why is it step 3?

    4. nontraditional platform partners, particularly those who have a learner- and learning-centric approach and architecture

      Such as?

    5. Representation of Learner Identity

      This is the big missing part about who/where a learner would have agency over and be able to represent/augment their learning over time.

    6. our systems need to be smart enough to direct learners back to review and relearning activities when the learners are struggling to remember or effectively apply previously demonstrated competencies at later stages in a program

      Crossing course and term boundaries.

    7. More advanced versions of CMA functionality would allow learners to specify their own learning goals, map them to learning activities and experiences, and discover ways to self-validate achievement of those goals.

      Enabling learner-directed mappings of goals, activities, validations is a secondary goal.

    8. stored in the LRS

      Again, what institution will house the LRS over a life-long learning career?

    9. the repository of all learner goals, achievements, activities, and interactions

      What institution would house the PPLR over a life-long learning career?

    10. it is built from the ground up around individual learners


    11. two major categories of required components: software architecture and learning architecture

      Software & learning architectures.

    12. A modern DLE of any generation is virtually unthinkable without standards support built in, readily available to connect and share data with a myriad of other tools and services.

      Standards, interoperability.

    13. By adaptively and dynamically updating learners' paths across programs, the N2GDLE increases the probability that students will achieve completion and earn credentials.

      N\(^2\)GLDE's goals and strategy in a nutshell.

    14. a slow, natural-selection process that brings us to the possibility of the N2GDLE vision

      Evolutionary metaphor.

    15. the once universally rejected ITS model

      Was ITS universally rejected?

    16. a willingness to work through or ignore the fundamental challenge to traditional instructor and student roles

      Is N\(^2\)GDLE a technology project aimed at making a social intervention?