- Oct 2020
e-space.mmu.ac.uk e-space.mmu.ac.uk
Integrating academic and everyday learning through technology: Issues and challenges for researchers, policy makers and practitioners
This article examines the potential to connect academic with knowledge learned through life and career experience using technology and other traditional methods. Challenges and best practices are presented and all levels of individual and institution are included in the discussion. Rating 8/10. Very interesting idea and cool how many levels of organization are included.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Preservice Teacher Experience with Technology Integration: How the Preservice Teacher’s Effica-cy in Technology Integration is Impactedby the Context of the Preservice Teacher Education Pro-gram
This article discusses the need for teacher education to focus just as much on technology knowledge (regardless of grade level taught) as on educational theory and methods. It argues that teachers cannot be effective if they are not trained in not only current technologies, but also taught to be familiar with navigating new technologies as the emerge. 5/10 Very specific to K-12 teacher education.
- Feb 2019
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
The cost of not having a comprehensive base of content knowledge can be prohibitive; for example, students can receive incorrect information and develop misconceptions about the content area (National Research Council, 2000; Pfundt, & Duit, 2000)
The importance of understanding the full extent of the content we are teaching is to give our students correct information. Learning incorrect information and having "misconceptions about the content area" is detrimental to our students' learning.
- Nov 2018
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Instructional Design Strategies for Intensive Online Courses: An Objectivist-Constructivist Blended Approach
This was an excellent article Chen (2007) in defining and laying out how a blended learning approach of objectivist and constructivist instructional strategies work well in online instruction and the use of an actual online course as a study example.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- instructiveness effectiveness
- online education growth
- instructional technology
- Performance Factors, Influences, Technology Integration, Teaching Methods, Instructional Innovation, Case Studies, Barriers, Grounded Theory, Interviews, Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Characteristics, Technological Literacy, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Usability, Institutional Characteristics, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Qualitative Research
- constructivism
- distance education
- etc556
- instructional methods
- etcnau
- instructional design systems
- Instructional systems design; Distance education; Online courses; Adult education; Learning ability; Social integration
- Jun 2018
miru.cloudaccess.host miru.cloudaccess.host
Mauris vel magna diam. Morbi eu congue urna. Duis mattis sollicitudin ma
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
opensource.com opensource.com
The H5P format is open and the tools for creating H5P content are open source. This guarantees that creatives own their own content and are not locked into the fate and licensing regime of a specific tool. Read more about how H5P ensures that the content remains yours in our blog.
www.tryxapi.com www.tryxapi.com
JavaScript widgets create simple graphs to quickly and concisely display activity by exhibit and by student
Wonder if these were custom-made or if they relate to other initiatives.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
Any questionable or surprise patterns might deserve an extra look or perhaps a redesign in how that material is presented.
www.ht2labs.com www.ht2labs.com
Articulate Storyline for rapid, bite-size content development
www.edcast.com www.edcast.com
Interesting list of clients.
www.bnedloudcloud.com www.bnedloudcloud.com
Next Generation Learning Materials
- Oct 2017
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
“The notion that adaptive technology is the reason why one school should choose one company’s content over OER (open educational resources) or other options” has become a staple of many publisher’s marketing claims, says Trace Urdan, an education market analyst.
- Sep 2017
edutechnica.com edutechnica.com
LMSs limit the visibility of copyrighted course content to only course participants for the duration that they need it. (Of course, this would become a moot point if using openly licensed OERs.)
- Aug 2016
www.elearnspace.org www.elearnspace.org
Content is the least stable and least valuable part of education.