- Nov 2018
online.rutgers.edu online.rutgers.edu
How Technology can Shape Adult Education
The author provides a brief overview of methods that technology can be used in adult education. Specifically, gamification and virtual reality are described to be ways to make adult education fun and interactive. Rating: 4/5
www.naspa.org www.naspa.org
An Adult Learner Reflects on Technology in Higher Education
Elizabeth Cox describes her experience as an adult learner and how technology has positively impacted that experience. She specifically mentions a few learning management systems and online tools and how they were excellent at making the course content available any time and any place. Rating: 5/5
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Adult Learning Principles and Presentation Pearls
This article presents options for applying a variety of adult learning principles to make a course more effective. The author focuses on instrumental learning theories, humanistic learning theories, motivational models and more. Rating: 5/5
digitalcommons.macalester.edu digitalcommons.macalester.edu
Engaging Adults Learners with Technology
This presentation features a broad overview of adult learning and defines an adult learner. Additionally, the presentation provides multiple technology resources that can be used in an adult learning environment. Rating: 4/5
blog.mimio.com blog.mimio.com
10 Training Tips for a Successful Technology Integration
This blog provides ten tips to successfully integrate technology in the classroom. The tips include conducting a needs assessment, plan ahead, and to not let the technology become the focus. Rating: 5/5
Why Managers Should Understand Adult Learning Theory
The article explains why managers should understand adult learning theory and how thinking of their employees as adult learners and providing the correct framework in the work environment will encourage employees to improve. Rating: 4/5
www.naesp.org www.naesp.org| NAESP1
Technology Integration for the New 21st Century Learner
Although focusing on younger learners, this article details many things to consider when integrating technology into the classroom. Additionally, Blair shares ideas for developing a plan to continue technology planning into the future. Rating: 4/5
www.armyupress.army.mil www.armyupress.army.mil
Reengineering Army Education for Adult Learners
David Pierson offers a quick overview of how the US Army would train their members. He then goes into an explanation of how the Army is modifying their education curriculum to offer more than just "training" and truly educate the student. Rating: 5/5
www.armyupress.army.mil www.armyupress.army.mil
An Engine for Army Learning
This article details the difficulties in combining military training and education into one philosophy. It explains the core functions of military learning and how the new Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence is modeled after civilian learning centers. Rating: 5/5
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Why More Law Schools Are Prioritizing Technology Integration
The article explores how law schools are beginning to focus more on integrating technology into the learning environment in order to help students understand that the new technology makes it easier for lawyers to work with clients. Rating: 5/5
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Technology Integration and Higher Education
Dr. Jones explains that instructors are reluctant to use technology and choose to use a traditional lecture as a teaching method. He continues to explore how to eliminate the barriers to technology integration. Rating: 5/5
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Anticipating and Addressing Challenges With Technology in Developmental Education
The authors describe how to anticipate and handle challenges with technology integration in developmental education. They insist that vendors and end users must work together to develop technology that will benefit everyone. Rating: 4/5
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Educational Technology Leadership and Practice in Higher Education: The Emergence of Threshold Concepts
This article explores how technology has become the new standard for higher education and this new standard has created a need to develop new concepts on how to view a subject. Additionally, methods to use educational technology resources are described. Rating: 5/5
evolllution.com evolllution.com
Bringing IT to the Forefront of Innovation: How to Leverage Technology to Drive Innovation on Campus
Dr. Burrell explores how technology can be used to more tightly integrate students and faculty and provide an efficient form of communication and discovery. He also details what is needed from a technical standpoint to make technology easily adoptable by universities. Rating: 4/5
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
What K–12 Administrators Should Think About When Integrating Classroom Tech
This article describes how school districts who wish to integrate more technology into their classrooms should approach the integration. Rating: 4/5
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
What is the future of technology in education?
The article explores how technology will grow beyond individual devices and how it will move into the cloud. Cloud computing would allow students and teachers to access course content any time and any place. Rating: 5/5
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The role of educational technology in medical education
This article describes how educational technology is improving medical education by being easily accessible and is developing fast. Rating: 4/5
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
What Is Successful Technology Integration?
This article offers a few ideas on how to measure the success of technology integration. Rating: 4/5
www.businessinsider.com www.businessinsider.com
Here's how technology is shaping the future of education
This article explains how technology is changing education and offers a few examples of how it has already done so. Rating: 5/5
edtechreview.in edtechreview.in
5 Teaching Strategies to Engage Students Using Technology
This article offers strategies on how to integrate technology into the classroom and get students involved. Rating: 4/5