22 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
  2. Mar 2024
    1. Examples may include points, levels, missions, leaderboards, badges and progress

      Game mechanics

    2. receive immediate feedback on performance and guided next steps towards new achievements

      This is something I need to ensure my app does - i want people to feel that they have instant gratification.

  3. Mar 2023
    1. Empathy Mapping is a way to get closer to what these people really think

      This is an important aspect of empathy mapping - a benefit if you will.

    1. Alldridge lacked a 3D printer to test out his idea. So he posted his design online and offered to share his files with anyone who wanted to improve upon it, print it and test it out. The response was overwhelming.

      People freely share knowledge and improve together when collaborating

  4. Apr 2022
    1. If a creative artefact is the basis of the contribution to knowledge, the research ispractice-based.2. If the research leads primarily to new understandings about practice, it is practice-led.

      Difference between practice-based and practice-led research (Specific to design research).

      Practice- based: based on practice and improving knowledge of practice Practice- Led - leads to new understandings about the practice we are engaged in

    1. like constructivism before it, paragogics has the capacity to become one of the transformative educational developments of the twenty-first century

      Constructivism and paragogy compared - influential and important for education.

    2. new tool for understanding peer learning

      What is paragogy (x3)

    3. paragogy’s principles—ba/sho

      Paragogy principle

    4. forms a crucial suture between D-I-T art schooling and para-academia

      What is paragogy?

    5. paragogy forms an adaptive set of learning principles that might be adopted more widely in art education

      What does paragogy do?

  5. Mar 2022
    1. The Open Network Learning Mooc has a focus on using open platforms and Open Education Resources; except for the Adobe Connect Pro software being used for webinars. This model of openness signifies a significant move forward in making education accessible and flexible for all participants.

      I strongly believe in this method of teaching by presenting opportunities to access information, knowledge and education as freely as possible (my main reason is due to the severity of the socio-economic disparities in my learning environment in South Africa). It is important to provide opportunities for all to be able to move out of their circumstances and the best way to do this is through education (if education is accessible).

    2. . While LMS vendors seek to create an environment that provides an all-encompassing PLE, the fact that they are closed networks and that they are platforms built to meet the needs of entire institutions means that they usually are not personalised enough to meet the needs of a connected learner, who is (most often) already used to the flexibility and ownership web 2.0 tools provide.

      This is important. I have been saying for awhile now that without properly planning an LMS space, it is merely a repository (much like an old dusty library but without the interesting discoveries).

    3. Learning happens when a connection is made between these nodes;

      I think that this is a powerful statement - it shows that true learning occurs when we share, experience and learn from each other and through networking.

    4. I haven’t so far been able to decide whether it is personal or professional, as in so many cases it appears to be both; professional in nature, personalised to the learner. I may need to begin referring to it as the PPLN (!).

      This hints at what I had mentioned above - that while it leads to professional development, the fact that is feeds into our own personal learning to enhance us as individuals shows that there is no wrong or right way to share.

    5. Many of these tools move around the axis as I use them in different ways

      I think that this is an important aspect to realise as well - there is no right or wrong way, there is merely, a way - a way that is yours, a way that is mine and through networking and sharing we create new knowledge and develop our individual ways.

    6. PLE is the educational manifestation of the web’s “small pieces loosely joined,” a “world of pure connection, free of the arbitrary constraints of matter, distance, and time.”

      The quotation here is a strong one because I have always felt that many curriculums are constrained by the rules and laws that govern certain institutes - it leaves little to be explored and imagined sometimes ... so the aspect of small pieces coming together to create a larger whole feeds into that aspects of 'ecology'. It is what we might refer to in the design/ art space as gestalt.

    7. It is an ecology because it is not just an empty space, like an empty classroom.

      I like the aspect of ecology - meaning that everything fits together for the betterment of the aspects within

    8. ‘connected educator’

      An interesting term ... what makes a digitally literate educator a connected one?

    9. PLNs (professional learning networks) and their role in supporting the development of  ‘connected educators’.

      Professional learning networks support professional development of educators (who are digitally literate). Is this a more modern connected version or an extension of communities of practice?

    10. PLE = Personal Learning Environment PLN = Personal / Professional Learning Network LMS = Learning Management System OLN= Open Learning Network

      Important acronyms to take note of - mentioned often in online learning and can be overwhelming to students and 'newbie' academics