- Sep 2019
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
it doesn't matter whether or not a tool can do something; it matters whether or not students can make sense of what the tool is doing
Yes! This is why digital literacies programs that focus on training for specific tools miss the point: students really need metaskills and literacies that they can then apply to specific tools.
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
digital literacies
Kudos for using the plural — "literacies" — right off the bat, not only given the many literacies listed later (eg, data literacy, information literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, metaliteracy, etc), but also that there are multiple literacies even in a single category.
Within the study of digital literacies per se, one potential pitfall is focusing too closely on narrow dimensions, such as gaining new digital skills, at the expense of ensuring that learners develop the lifelong capac-ity needed to distinguish digital literacy from simple digital proficiency.
Amen! For example: proficiency in a specific software program (eg, MS Word) rather than broader literacies about how such software can be used generally (eg, word processing).
Digital literacies include data literacy, information literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, and metaliter-acy, as well as related capacities for assessing social and ethical issues in our digital world.
Some of the different kinds of digital literacies.
- Jul 2019
Local file Local file
Rather than teaching students how todoubt a source as a first step, we are affirming their ownbackground knowledge about a topic, and helping thembuild on and explore their own intuition, in order to helpthem reach a conclusion
Thinking about how this step might be before Mike Caulfield's first "Stop" step in the SIFT framework he developed out of his "four moves".
One way to empower these students to have voice isto encourage them to build on local knowledge andpersonal experience as valid and important sources oflearning.
Thinking about this in the context of recent experiences where Western white men use Western rational frameworks to validate their own personal experiences where their privilege is challenged. Maybe there's such a comfortable fit between dominant identity and dominant knowing frameworks that, for such folks, the Western rational tradition is a sort of local knowledge.
Love this formulation of the "constructive knower".
Knowing how to assess the credibility of a sourceis useless unless the person develops a sensitivity and dis-position to question what reasonably warrants question-ing.
Filing this quote away for later ;)
careful ascommunitiesand not just asindividuals
Love this, as so much of what needs amplification are understandings of people as actors within communities, not just as individual consumers or producers of digital artifacts.
I argue that digital literacies should notbe taught as a technical skill, but should be seen as a partof cultivating critical citizenship
This is an incredibly important point: too often explorations of digital practices focus on skills (often even then too narrowly defined, as when specific software programs are taught, rather than higher level skills about using an entire software category, like word processing, or spreadsheets), when they should be focusing on how digital practices fit in to wider human life, as in citizenship.
digital literacies
Love the move to the plural here.
- May 2019
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Jenae Cohn
You can also follow Jenae on Twitter.
help students become expert learners
Yes! The overall goal is to empower students to have agency over their digital fluency, not just enable them to use this or that software or technique.
different applications and platforms
Yes! For example: practice in using spreadsheets in general, rather than just what to click on in a single product like MS Excel.
instructional designers are key players
And maybe librarians, who along with IDs are well-placed to work across curricula and embed digital literacies practices strategically?
Yay! I love the plural form in all cases. There is always more than one "literacy".
it is not always clear where students go to access training for these skills
Like with writing, digital literacies/skills/fluency should be incorporated across the curriculum.
The norms, applications, and protocols required to engage in digital research, reading, and writing require explicit instruction.
Yes! If we expect students to do something, we should devote learning time to helping them learn how/advance their knowledge.
ability to leverage technology to create new knowledge, new challenges, and new problems and to complement these with critical thinking, complex problem solving, and social intelligence to solve the new challenges
Another definition of digital literacy, recast as digital fluency.
shorthand for the myriad social practices and conceptions of engaging in meaning making mediated by texts that are produced, received, distributed, exchanged etc., via digital codification
A definition of digital literacy.
Device ownership alone doesn't make people digitally literate
A key point: a lot of people might have technology, but that doesn't mean they have built up knowledge and skills about how it works or how to do things with it.
- Feb 2019
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
Improving Digital Fluency
Not to beat a dead horse, but just like we should maybe always think of digital literacies in the plural, we should also think about digital fluencies as there is certainly more than one type or kind of fluency.
- Sep 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Between publishers' higher costs of textbooks and students' struggle with large amounts of reading materials, getting students to both access and engage more deeply with texts is a challenge.
Two challenges that #OER and #annotation together can provide infrastructure to help solve: the high cost of learning materials and engaging teachers and learners in social reading, discussion and analysis.
Issues to solve: both OER and annotation don't require digital reading, but are both made more powerful through it. Yet technology access and reading preferences don't always support to digital reading.
Solution: Explore online and offline, digital and print experiments in OER and annotation/social reading.
- Jul 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
What has changed, what remains the same, and what general patterns can be discerned from the past twenty years in the fast-changing field of edtech?
Join me in annotating @mweller's thoughtful exercise at thinking through the last 20 years of edtech. Given Martin's acknowledgements of the caveats of such an exercise, how can we augment this list to tell an even richer story?