- Oct 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Leveraging Technology to Create Social Readers
Read annotations on "Leveraging Technology to Create Social Readers" in EDUCAUSE Review. Sign up or log in above to add your own annotations and replies.
- Sep 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Between publishers' higher costs of textbooks and students' struggle with large amounts of reading materials, getting students to both access and engage more deeply with texts is a challenge.
Two challenges that #OER and #annotation together can provide infrastructure to help solve: the high cost of learning materials and engaging teachers and learners in social reading, discussion and analysis.
Issues to solve: both OER and annotation don't require digital reading, but are both made more powerful through it. Yet technology access and reading preferences don't always support to digital reading.
Solution: Explore online and offline, digital and print experiments in OER and annotation/social reading.
- Jan 2017
life-is-learning.britnibrownodonnell.com life-is-learning.britnibrownodonnell.com
Finally, the sophisticated contextual approach circles back around to unite the two previous categories, in a way. From this approach knowledge is seen as created by individuals to serve a purpose. What is true depends on evidence and a given context. There are authorities, but they are not absolute. Knowledge is always changing and you come to know by creating knowledge, collecting the most up-to-date and appropriate evidence.
contextual personal epistemology defined
In the subjective approach, the individual recognizes that not all knowledge is absolute but takes it to a position that there is no authority, knowledge depends entirely on what works for each individual. In the subjective approach the stance is often “If I believe something, it is true for me. You can believe something different, and that’s true for you.” Knowing comes from personal experience.
subjective personal epistemology defined
The simplistic and absolute approach is an outlook where knowledge is simple: there is a right and wrong. There is a Truth. Knowledge comes from some official authority, and you come to know when that authority transmits the information to you.
absolute personal epistemology defined
In talking back to something through annotation are we not inherently questioning some authority, immediately pushing ourselves out of an absolute stance?
conversing with an author
annotation as "conversing with an author" even when the author is not actively responding to annotations, but when one's annotations are a conversation with the author through their work
you come to know by creating knowledge
maybe more than anything, annotation is an invitation to actively create knowledge for oneself