3,424 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. change.

      what else did you learn about the causes of the crisis? what factors, other than the 4B movement, are at work here?

      --always heard about low birth rate in south korea --course last semester-- controversy re; feminism in south korea --based on gender issues only? no, econ has a role to play; rapid industrialization after the korean war; having an impact on younger generations --harder for even a 2-worker family to support a family --koreean president doesn't have children!

      --multifaceted problem!

    2. Korea.

      Take aways: --abundant in journalistic sources; deficient in scholarly sources on South Korean population, culture, economic growth, etc. --some citation errors

    3. s


    4. Korean J Women Health Nurs 27.1 (2021): 6-9.

      inaccurate citation

    5. South Korean men also chimed in to state how raising children requires substantial financial stability as private education and housing is an important factor in providing opportunities for their children to succeed.

      so, the birth rate was plummeting before the 4B movement emerged; how does/should that affect your understanding of the movement's responsibility?

    6. an


    7. Louie’s


    8. Data Commons 2024, Data Commons, viewed 21 Feb 2024, https://datacommons.org/place/country/KOR?category=Demographics

      A Page on a Web Site

      For an individual page on a Web site, list the author or alias if known, followed by an indication of the specific page or article being referenced. Usually, the title of the page or article appears in a header at the top of the page. Follow this with the information covered above for entire Web sites. If the publisher is the same as the website name, only list it once.

      Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015.

      “Athlete's Foot - Topic Overview.” WebMD, 25 Sept. 2014, www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/athletes-foot-topic-overview.

    9. 4B Movement

      for how long has this movement been going on? was the population already in decline when it began?

    10. explain

      maybe a better word would be "illustrate"?

    11. Ahn suggests that lack of affordable housing, confining gender norms, and systemic flaws in supporting motherhood are the main culprits behind the crisis.

      doesn't this piece do the very things you say you wish to do when writing WP3? how would your piece differ?

    12. tempting.

      for what audience? if you're aim is to identify and describe the various factors at work, at whom do you wish to aim this information? and why?

    13. less


      less rice, time, rain (use "less" with nouns that stand for many) fewer grains, fewer minutes, fewer clouds (use "fewer" with plural nouns)

    14. motherhood

      what about fatherhood? what evidence suggests the population crisis has been brought on solely by women?

    15. as “Kim Ji-Young: Born in 1982”

      Explain that this is a novel beforehand;l include the author's name; italicize book titles.

    16. I understood that poor financial prospects, and lack of support for motherhood were main contributing factors to the crisis, but I was surprised to see the extent of the underlying issues

      You were aware of these factors before researching the topic?

    17. I was aware that South Korea was facing a population crisis as the young population does not feel inclined to raise children and families, yet alone marry

      What does this have to do with the "patriarchal system" noted above?

      Phrasing: I was aware [past tense] that South Korea was facing [past tense] a population crisis as the young population does not feel inclined [present tense] to raise children and families, yet alone marry.

      Possible revision: I knew that South Korean disinterest in having children had lead to a population crisis.

    1. WWD., pp. 12–13


    2. Digital Health Global


    3. I want to explore more in my further writing, as it appears, following my written annotations, to be a complex topic

      what do you imagine having to say? to whom?

    4. ilm shifted the perception of the stereotypical idea of Barbie in the eyes of people who grew up playing with Barbie, as well as the greater population of moviegoers

      wasn't that its intention? maybe say a few words about Gerwig and her aims in making the film?

    5. a ton of research

      maybe say a bit more? scholarly research?

    6. “Barbie” had negative connotations.

      what were they?

    7. the conversation surrounding Barbie has only gained more traction and spiked more interest in the conversation. Personally, this film release only made me want to learn more.

      this all seems fairly repetitious; it maps closely onto what you wrote in the previous paragraph

    8. Mattel

      it wasn't mattel's film, though obviously they made the rights available

    9. As someone who grew up playing with Barbie dolls

      You just said this.

    10. were raised on

      a tad awkward. maybe "were raised with" or "were familiar with"?

  2. lilygao.substack.com lilygao.substack.com
    1. comprehensive

      comprehensive? really? in 5-6 pages?

    2. balanced view that not only explores the transformative effects of AI but also considers the challenges it presents

      again, it's hard to imagine how one could accomplish this in 5-6 pages.

    3. accessible manner

      would your audience consist of the general public? if so, maybe your thinking more of a medium/substack post or magazine article

    4. AI’s role in promoting a solidarity economy, which suggests an economic model that emphasizes community and collaboration over competition and individualism

      from Kurt April's article, correct? doesn't he propose a solidarity economy? here, you make it seem as though AI brings it on automatically.

    5. is regarding


    6. historical trends have shown that technology, while disruptive initially, often leads to the creation of new job categories and a demand for new skills

      according to? how compelling is the evidence? found where?

    7. is centered

      what essay are you talking about? WP3? you know it will be an essay? what kind? why?

      also, why passive voice? why not: "The essay focuses on ..."

    8. I chose to write a focused inquiry

      do you mean to say, you chose to conduct research on this topic?

    9. defined

      defined by? how so?

    10. human capabilities

      where? in what context?

    11. Artificial Intelligence (New York, N.Y. : 1970). American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1970.


    12. Morandini, Sofia, et al. “THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON WORKERS’ SKILLS: UPSKILLING AND RESKILLING IN ORGANISATIONS.” Informing Science, vol. 26, 2023, pp. 39–68, https://doi.org/10.28945/5078.


    1. .

      remaining citations?

      take aways: --abundant in journalistic/popular sources; deficient in scholarly ones --annotations require editing --bibliography doesn't follow the formatting sample

    2. its


    3. society of their

      ... society of its ...

    4. of this article was

      replace with "is"

    5. I was not surprised to read that humans are in fact losing our attention spans by the day, but rather the extent of how much it declined in just a few years

      phrasing (not sure what you're trying to say here): I was not surprised to read that humans are in fact losing our attention spans by the day, but rather the extent of how much it declined in just a few years

    6. Annotated Bibliography

      I don't understand your method of arrangement. how does what follows resemble the contexts of the sample formatting document I provided?

    7. op-ed as it is very informative but the research leans toward one side of social media, rather than the other or even being neutral.

      okay, so you plan to advanced an argument. what will that be? to whom will you direct the argument?

    8. The art in a few of the articles that I read were

      the art ... was

    9. and the focus to find a more aesthetically pleasing area for apps such as Instagram

      not sure what you mean. whose focus? what kind of area?

    10. noticing


    11. her


    12. into.

      Prior to exploring the discourse surrounding social media, I had only the vaguest sense of how it affects our attention spans and the interactions we have with those around us.

      [separate idea] and the direction it is leading us into.

    13. importance to

      effect on

    14. then


    15. the media

      what do you mean by "the media"?

    1. Despite the comprehensive overview of the industry, the article fails to address the challenges of smaller players, such as independent filmmakers and smaller production companies.


      --overall, good blend of journalistic and scholarly sources; useful annotations

    2. Some studies suggested that streaming services don't cannibalize theater exhibitions of films if they are available simultaneously.

      which ones?

    3. original business model

      original? netflix existed before steaming

    4. Subscribers have become accustomed to accessing quality content, meaning movies must either become cultural phenomena or blockbusters to entice subscribers to the theater.

      but doesn't this suggest that streaming has cut into theater exhibition profits?

    5. Christian, Aymar Jean, and Chelsea Peterson-Salahuddin. “Rage against the Streaming Studio System: Worker Resistance to Hollywood’s Networked Era.” Information, Communication & Society, vol. 26, no. 5, 2023, pp. 923–40, https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2023.2166363.

      looks great

    6. Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains

      what does this refer to?

    7. Biskind, Peter. "How Netflix Conquered Holywood." Hollywood Reporter429 (2023): 52-5. ProQuest. 24 Feb. 2024

      inaccurate citation

    8. platforms.

      what do you wish to say (that hasn't already been said in the pieces listed above)? to whom to you wish to write? what purpose do you want your WP3 to serve within the conversation about streaming?

    9. My main argument

      informational essay are purely explanatory; they lack arguments

    10. those practices

      which practices, in particular?

    11. informational essay about the mistakes made during the inception of streaming

      clarify. what do you consider the inception of streaming? netflix? or the emergence years later of disney+, paramount+, hulu, etc.?

    12. Paramount and MGM

      maybe parse more carefully the effects of streaming on movies and tv

    13. the industry's existential crisis

      which industry, specifically? the "linear" tv industry? film? streaming?

    14. is considered a streaming platform

      by whom? how do you know this view is held universally?

    15. it will soon be regarded as the natural progression of the television medium

      how do? do you mean in terms of ad placement within and between programs?

    16. Streaming Evolution or Evolution

      i don't get this title. do you mean devolution?

    17. it


  3. Feb 2024
    1. .

      did you encounter any critiques of walk-up music? any fans or players who find it annoying? maybe fans who despise "baby shark"? has there been any controversy re: walk-up music?

    2. .


    3. Some selected “problematic” artists with controversial views

      maybe there's more to say on this?

    4. .

      how useful would other researchers find this article?


      why all caps?

    2. For the multi-media essay,

      first decide: what you want to say

      what aspects of suburbia are you drawn to? what do you have something to say about?

      then figure out: to whom you wish to speak

    3. Based on my research on this topic, two types of suburbs exist in discourse: the Real Suburb and the Fantastical Suburb.

      new paragraph

    1. .

      your annotations would benefit from slightly less summary and slightly more assessment. would other researchers benefit from viewing these texts? to what extent?

    2. I found a common theme between various sources–they all thoroughly delved into the ways in which American colonialism had shaped films in the Philippines

      yes. this kind of discovery is would this assignment hopes to produce!

    3. All of the cinema and media studies courses that I have taken at both USC and my previous institution had never touched upon the topic of Philippine cinema

      None of the cinema and media studies courses I have taken at USC and elsewhere touched on the topic of Philippine cinema

    4. All


    5. rarely


  4. heidiatlas.substack.com heidiatlas.substack.com
    1. super tricky

      why? can you elaborate?

    2. In this novel,

      not a novel!

    3. biased

      how so?


      you'll want to define this term!

    5. Crossing the Double-Cross: The Practice of Feminist Criticism


    6. Ouellette, L., & Hay, J. (2008). Better Living Through Reality TV: Television and Post-Welfare Citizenship. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

      this isn't an MLA citation


      why all caps? did you check this against the samples I provided?

    8. Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto


    9. maybe op-ed?

      what do you wish to say? to whom do you wish to say it?

    10. my ideas about the topic itself

      but what are your ideas? you've said representation is trick and complicated. how so?

    11. ,

      do you edit this document? it reads like a draft

    12. The Bachelor, Dance Moms, Toddler and Tiaras, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians

      reality tv geared primarily toward female audiences. surely contemporary feminist thinkers have written about these shows or others like them.

    13. but the truth is academics don’t really want to engage with television as a medium

      not sure this is strictly true. i imagine feminist theorists would have much to say about tv shows-- from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Yellowjackets

  5. joeynewell.substack.com joeynewell.substack.com
    1. .

      --deep fakes? use examples to advanced analysis?

      --not much upside to deepfake. why do we need it? what is the point?

      --potentially useful, potentially poisonous

      --general public?

    2. The biggest pro to this source is that it covers a side of the story that doesn't get much attention, yet a shortcoming is that it is relatively one-sided.


    3. Similar to the book on ChatGPT,


    4. lacks

      awkward. use "fails" instead.

    5. beginners

      what's missing?

    6. I feel

      no need to include how you feel.

    7. this source discusses deep fakes, specifically with voice mimicking.

      we know this from the article's title.

    8. Similar to the source on world leaders,

      cut. unnecessary.

    1. informative essay.

      to impart what information to which audience?

      political climate? cultural fascination? women in cult: portrayed as follower male cult leaders: leaders

      --audience: viewers, people who consume media --we don't think about why we're watching what we're watching

    2. .

      some of your annotations lack an assessment component, making them uneven, overall

    3. fake religions

      what's a negative stereotype about a fake religion?

    4. 1995

      the title indicates the span is 1958-2008

    5. The article effectively uses relevant examples from pop culture to communicate complex concepts, including analysis of The Simpsons, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, King of the Hill, and South Park. However, the organization of the text is unclear at times and the flow of ideas is somewhat disjointed.


    6. his chapter

      which chapter?

    7. .

      good summary. but what value does the have? to what extent would other researchers benefit from reading it?

    8. I also am interested in writing a comparative piece on several films or television shows on the same cult, potentially exploring the relationship between the differences in portrayal and the differences in audience reception

      this sounds interesting

    9. One study

      why not name it?

    10. schadenfreude

      not sure about this term. it denotes a certain satisfaction in the misfortune of others.

    11. Since my elementary school days, I remember

      awkward. the opening phrase sets up something that happens now but that started earlier.

    12. always

      carefully with this term

    1. traces the history of a particular object (most likely the Venus of Cyrene), attempts to recontextualize its cultural displacement through modern legal framework, and also dissects the political message its movement implies.

      what would examining the history of the Venus of Cyrene through the lens of, say, Article 26, show? to whom would you direct such a piece?

      rationale: the meaning of art objects is contingent (changes depending on circumstance and placement)

      --how colonization complicates who "owns" or who can "claim" art objects as their own

      --is it important to understand why nation states can claim art objects art is colonized, which lessens the original country

    2. .

      unique collection of texts. it will be crucial for you to define your use of the term "looting" and to explain, exactly, how it relates to the issue of human rights.

    3. looted

      clarify how your various sources understand and define "looting"

    4. In context with the

      Regarding looting, ...

    5. the Greenland boo

      what's the greenland book?

    6. could be made.

      by whom? does the book make it?

    7. This could serve as context for the overall issue of looting,

      how could article 21 serve as a context for looting?

    8. .

      what value does the book have, if any, to researchers interested in the seizure or displacement of art?

    9. human right violation when enacted

      does Article 56 explain why looting is a human rights violation?

    10. the seizure of art is prohibited

      seized by whom? what if it had been seized in the first place?

    11. could be written

      why passive?

    12. Verres’

      roman magistrate

    13. isna


    14. the


    15. I wanted to explore this concept of a “human rights violation” if the same laws today were applied to another period in history where a mass looting of art and displacement occurred

      for what purpose? what do you suppose that would show?

    16. seizure of historical monuments or works of art are

      seizure ... is prohibited

    1. intelligence brief

      for whose benefit are you writing the brief? who's your audience? what will they expect to see? any thoughts about WP4? how will the work your doing now prepare you to write a PMESII policy brief and ... some other type of document?

      decision-maker re: china sub-committee (Gallagher on China); paranoia re: china; fear mongering descriptive brief for sub-committee straight forward info; no editorializing; to inform and to educate! e.g. misconceptions re: econ of china

    2. Before my research,

      before conducting any research for this assignment ...

    3. which affected what sources I engaged with.

      this makes sense

    4. .

      it's hard to get a sense of the issue/s your selection of texts orbits: politics? economics? civil rights?

    5. the Discussion

      the discussion related to?

    6. all the data one needs to understand China

      maybe be a bit more specific. understand China in what sense?

    7. is


    8. Although citations are not provided

      really? how is this possible?

    9. overviews

      awkward. overview is a noun. use a verb like examines or surveys

    10. While it arguably exaggerates the Party’s ability to foment stability, The Party and the People imparts a nuanced analysis of the CCP.


    11. .

      hard to tell that this is an annotation of a written work. what's the purpose of the article? what value does it have for those interested in researching this topic?

  6. joeynewell.substack.com joeynewell.substack.com
    1. I understand why my opinion does not carry much weight, but I hope my opinion can serve on behalf of the general public, concerned for our future.

      can you think of an angel that could make your perspective more valuable to readers?

    2. I’ve discovered that AI is a powerful tool, and how its access needs to be controlled.

      seems out of place

    3. op-ed

      why and op-ed? what do you feel compelled to say or respond to? for what purpose? to what audience?

    4. Yet as I learned, AI can mean many things


    5. grappling

      odd word choice. "to grapple" means to engage in a struggle; that wasn't the case for half the texts you encountered.

      while conducting research on AI, i encountered two kinds of texts: those geared toward the public, and those written for experts.

    6. The sources I felt were geared more towards people

      this construction could easily be misconstrued. avoid this by dropping "I felt." you might also reconsider your use of passive voice.

      The sources geared towards people in the field were difficult to fully understand.

    7. paper

      why envision a "paper"? you could end of writing something else?

    1. editorial

      what makes it an editorial? doesn't it appear in an academic journal? why isn't it an article?

    2. .

      to what extent would other researchers find Bedingfield's piece useful?

    3. The author proposes that human rights protections that are given to people in the real world should be extended to our digital lives. Games use deceptive techniques to manipulate players into spending money and the author of the paper calls out the government for having a lack of regulation in the area.

      flip order and edit:

      Games use deceptive techniques to manipulate players into spending money, and the author calls out the lack of government regulation. Bank proposes that human rights protections should extent to the digital realm.

    4. The paper views the topic through the lens of human rights and whether those rights are violated by predatory monetization. Data obtained from the study led the researcher to conclude that players of mobile games are being financially exploited.

      could be cut

    5. of this paper conducted a study to research

      replace with "shows"

    6. eport my research and share my opinion with other individuals who might be concerned about monetization in gaming

      probably not the best genres to report one's research. what do you wish to say, specifically? to whom? what audience to you wish to write to? what types of writing will those readers most likely come into contact with?

    7. egregious

      what do you mean?

    8. play-to-play

      pay to play?

    9. However, the YouTube video I watched on the topic surprised me. It

      who made the video? from what perspective? why is it credible?

    10. I had a basic knowledge of the subject of gaming monetization before my research due to my background in playing games. Many

      I had basic knowledge of game monetization before researching the topic due to my background playing video games.

    11. still actively play to this da

      such as?

    12. Accessed 21 February 2024.

      why all caps? did you check this against the samples I provided?

    1. .

      what about the article's utility? what, if anything, does it have to offer other researchers?

    2. dive into


    3. .

      what most piqued your interest? which aspect of the topic produced a reaction, an idea, a point of view? to whom do you wish to write?

    4. he Bukele model and analyze how they could be improved

      ... how it could be improved ...

    5. This is where I found his twitter where

      awkward phrasing

    6. As a result of me getting him on my TikTok,

      As a result of seeing him on TikTok ...

    7. which


    8. youtube videos and documentaries

      produced by whom? what point of view do they espouse?

    9. as they believe they could help

      ... which they believe could help ...

    1. pastoral care


    2. .

      what exactly do you want to SAY as a result of the work you've done? why do you want to say it? to whom do you wish to say it?

    3. literature review of mixed medi

      why not just write a literature review covering the current state of religious integration into psychological practice?

    4. especially for certain populations

      can you say more about this? it seems important and will likely have an impact on WP3/4

    5. Upon delving deeper into the discourse regarding psychology and religion I can now understand how the two are related to one another.

      Upon delving deeper into the discourse regarding psychology and religion, I have a better understanding of how the two relate to one another.

    6. I would like to further explore the philosophy of the soul and its influence on religion

      this would be a separate topic, though

    7. the origins of abnormal psychology relate to being possessed by the devil

      how do you know this? where does this info come from?

    8. can be.

      in what?

    9. These texts provided me with the history of Freudian and Jungian psychology that created the foundation for how the two topics are connected

      freud and jung created the foundation linking religion and psychology? can you elaborate? how do you know that? is that something you gleaned from sources you engaged with recently?

    10. the degree that I am seeking.

      and that is?

    11. , rather

      use a semicolon when showing contrast between two independent clauses

      ... topic; rather, I could ...

    12. -

      use a colon rather than a hyphen

    13. “Psychoanalysis and Religion in the 21st Century.”


    14. ’.

      the assignment requires annotations that describe the source's topic, aim, and value to other researchers. i'm not see all three requirements represented in these annotations.

    15. descartes


    16. .

      please write complete sentences

    17. “ C.G. Jung’s Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity”.

      a book? if so, did you check this citation against the samples i provided?

    1. essay

      you've got a lot going on here. what do you wish to say, specifically? to whom? answer these questions and THEN choose your genre

    2. Western individualism and traditional ideas

      whose traditional ideas?

    3. easier to achieve for those who have access to ample resources and opportunities.

      yes. do you find this surprising?

    1. discussing personal responsibility, this personal essay would be a good time to dive into how I have transformed my relationship with climate change and climate action

      what do you wish to say? to whom do you wish to say it? let genre emerge in relation to your audience rather than your own proclivities

    2. .

      how does this play into "forced responsibility" and psychology? if media/celebrity influence goes furthest in terms of making an impression on the public, what does this influence yield re: perceived forced responsibility?

    3. which is ironic considering a large portion of my focus was on how the psychological impacts of climate change impact personal perceptions, actions, policy, etc

      why ironic? presumably you wouldn't have know this prior to beginning research

    4. asting effects of CO2 emissions on the environment

      what's the connection to forced responsibility and psychology?

    5. .

      nice mix of journalistic and academic sources; well-crafted annotations

    1. To that end, I'd like to write an opinion article targeted at my fellow game designers.

      Good. Where would such a piece appear? Where do game designers go to read about theories of game design?

      Opinion articles tend to have a single point they wish to make about a topic of interest at a certain moment. Does that seem like a good fit? Or does some other genre avail itself?

    1. .

      Los Angeles, Neutra, Mexico City-- these appear most often among your sources. How do they relate to sustainability and synthetic and natural symbiosis?

    2. annotations

      what annotations?

    3. Banham, R. (2022). The architecture of the well-tempered environment. University of Chicago Press.

      did you check this citation against the examples I provided?