8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. Billy Collins is a well known American poet

      Can you begin this paragraph with a topic sentence to help focus your reader on the paragraph's main idea?

    2. Billy Collins used the three elements, genre, audience and purpose, in a simpler, more direct way. He also used humor to help deliver his message to his audience.

      I appreciate your trying to transition to Collins--I just feel that this sentence comes so abruptly in this paragraph

    3. intended audience were the eight white clergymen


    4. King’s purpose is to stop segregation

      but what was the purpose of the writing, per se? to educate his audience? to justify non-violence? try to be more precise

    5. This letter pushed the nonviolent protest against segregation. The genre that King used was a letter. He chose to do a letter instead of an essay because a letter can be mailed directly to someone from prison. By using a letter, he could get his message to the eight white clergymen directly

      okay--good point

    6. Martin Luther King Jr. was an activist in the civil rights movement in 1955. The Civil Rights Movement was a movement that fought for equality between the African Americans and whites. They fought for equal employment, education, housing, the right to vote, the right to use any public facility, and the right to be free from racial discrimination. King was put in jail because he fought for this cause.

      I wonder if you could start this paragraph in a more focused way, with a topic sentence that announces the main point of the paragraph

    7. readers knowledge

      reader's knowledge

    8. Purpose, as defined by Blau and Burak in Writing in the Works, is “the big idea

      try to more accurate and precise, okay? The purpose refers to what the writing is doing; the message to what the writing is saying--the big idea

    9. Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf. King, Martin Luther. Letter From Birmingham Jail. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf.  Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. 

      not quite in MLA format no bullets needed--alphabetize by author's last name include dates of access

    1. He also makes his purpose clear

      can you state that purpose in your own words?

    2. he previously shown light humor in his speech was used to loosen up his audience


    3. Secondly,

      Can you aim for a more meaningful transition?

    4. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is simply just a written letter that he wrote from a jail cell to be read by eight clergymen

      a topic sentence would be helpful here

    5. The purpose was for the clergymen to take action

      more precisely, the purpose of the letter was to prompt action and to justify the non-violent campaign, right/

    6. King’s audience, the clergymen

      Can you show evidence from the letter that King is mindful of his audience?

    7. Making a successful piece of writing requires three major moving parts. These parts include the genre, audience, and purpose. Although these words do not mean the same thing, they all connect to each other to create a point. Successful utilization of the genre, audience and purpose prove theory of writing. The three sources to be analyzed have each successfully proved the theory of writing in their own unique way. These sources include  Billy Collins’ Commencement Address, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter From Birmingham Jail, and Gloria Anzaldua’s How to Tame a Wild Tongue.

      This paragraph seems a useful introduction--nice

    8. successful piece of writing.

      I don't see a list of Works Cited, nor a post write.

    1. One more piece is How to Tame a Wild Tongue by Gloria Anzaldua.

      Can you provide a topic sentence?

    2. ingstons audience is a group of graduates

      yes but can you be more precise? future teachers? How do we know that Livingston has teachers in mind?

    3. Another piece by Donovan Livingston was also a speech to a group of graduates

      I appreciate the effort at transition but I'm not sure it works. And can you provide a topic sentence?

    4. In the big picture he utilizes this strategy to make the audience more comfortable from the use of comedic effects.

      Have you identified Collins' purpose? I'm not sure I see it.

    5. Collins adds that he is addressing the graduates. Collins shows use of audience in a very effective way. He directly tells the audience that he knows they don’t want to hear the speech but he continues, “ It is well-known in the world of public speaking that there is no pleasure you can give an audience that compares to the pleasure they get when it is over, so you can look forward to experiencing that pleasure 13 minutes from now.”

      okay--good observation and use of source

    6. Collins showed genre by telling the readers that he is speaking to them as an address

      Can you identify the genre?

    7. Billy Collins who spoke at a commencement address and presented in a different way

      Could you insert a topic sentence here that helps focus your reader's attention to the Big Idea of the paragraph?

    8. There is many thoughts and personal definitions of what the words genre, audience, and rhetorical situation means to the certain people.

      There are many

      These opening sentences seem like a slow start to me. What do you think? Would it be possible to begin more efficiently?

    9. Collins, Billy “Colorado College Commencement Speech”. May 19 2008. Graduation wisdom https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm     Livingston, Donovan. “Harvard Commencement”. The Singju Post. May 25, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HarvardEducation/videos/10153893399331387   Anzaldua Gloria. “How to Tame Wild Tongue”, 1987. Borderlands/ La Frontera https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf

      not quite in MLA format Please alphabetize by author's last name--no bullets needed--and includes dates of access

    10. her language was her.

      I don't see a post write

    1. She is speaking to people who have experienced the same thing as her.

      Can you be more precise? Chicanos?

    2. his ties in with Collins’ purpose, which is to inspire.


    3. His purpose for writing this lette

      do you think transitions might be helpful as you move from term to term?

    4. These references help his message get across to the intended reader.

      good analysis and good use of source

    5. biblical messages


    6. The genre of this piece is a letter. King chose to write a letter because they are usually informal, personal, and are meant to go to someone specific.


    7. This can be seen in Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Billy Collins’ commencement address, and Gloria Anzaldúa’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.”

      This is a very helpful and clear introductory paragraph--a good sign of things to come

    8. Blau and Burak describe the rhetorical situation as “what you want to communicate and to whom.” (Blau and Burak, 3)

      good use of text

    9. Anzaldúa, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. 1987. Web. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. “Writing in the Works.” Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Print. Collins, Billy. “Billy Collins Commencement Address.” Colorado College. May 19, 2008. Web. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” August 1963. Web. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf  

      pretty good MLA form--needing only dates of access?

    10. Do I need to work on my paragraph transitions? Did I quote enough evidence? Is my theory of writing clear? Did I cite my essay correctly?

      all good questions

    1. artin Luther King Jr has his audience smaller than Anzaldua and Livingstons. Kings audience is towards eight white religious leaders in the South. In the passage, it states “we went through postponement after postponement to aid in this community need” (page 2). King wants to help the community by changing it. He believes that there should not be any segregation. He wants everyone to be together and not separated. Kings tone is very traditional. He is serious about the situation. King wanted a nonviolent action. If there was violence, nothing would have changed, and everything would be worse. Doing a nonviolent action would make a change and it would be a better solution. Kings message is to end segregation. He wants black people to have a better life.

      you seem to be insert King only at the very end. Can you put his section in the body and more patiently analyze the Letter in terms of genre, audience, and purpose? You will need a separate conclusion, right?

    2. The audience is towards to the graduating class

      okay-can you be more precise? future teachers? And how do we know that he is thinking of those teachers?

    3. Every time she spoke either of the languages, she would get corrected or yelled at for speaking Spanglish. In the passage, it states “I will no longer be made feel ashamed of existing. I will have my voice: Indian, Spanish, white” (page 40). This means that Anzaldua is embracing who she is and not feeling embarrassed that she speaks two different languages. Anzaldua is also realizing that she has a voice and can speak whatever language she wants without getting corrected or yelled at. She is trying to get her audience and readers to not be ashamed of who they are and just to be themselves. Her audience is intended to the people who can relate to her and her struggles. Her tone is harsh because while she was growing up people was very rude to her. Anzaldua’s message is that no one should feel ashamed of who they are. She wants them to not be afraid of doing something that is not normal to do in their culture.

      this seems more a summary than analysis of the source

    4. In “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”, Anzaldua spoke both improper English and improper Spanish.

      might it be helpful to use a topic sentence that helps focus the Big Idea of this paragraph?

    5. Blau and Burak definition

      Blau and Burak's definition

    6. “genre: what type of text you are writing” (page 3)

      not quite a sentence: please integrate quotations to match the grammar of your sentence

    7. In Writing in the Works, it states

      In "Writing in the Works," Blau and Burak state

    8. you will

      why address your reader directly?

    9. Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2017. “Donovan Livingston’s Student Speech.” Facebook Watch, www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10153893399331387. King, Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Letter from Birmingham Jail, Penguin, 2018.

      not quite in MLA format

    10. I made some changes to my draft when someone gives me feedback.

      what changes? please explain in detail

    1. Lastly, He states, “ injustice is telling them theyr’e stars, without ackowledging the night that surrounds them. Injustice is telling them that education is the key. While you continue to change the locks, education is no equalizer…Wake up every child of their celestial potential. “

      please begin with a topic sentence

    2. with the audience

      please identify precisely

    3. The pupose of his speech is to be positive, inpspire

      to inspire, yes

    4. he’s writing a letter

      okay--good. Now you might want to slow down to discuss why King chose to write in the letter genre

    5. In addition to that

      please work on transitions?

    6. Represents how her essay wasn’t written just for her nationality, but many of them.


    7. empthize

      another typo (I will stop commenting on typos from here on but you will need to edit all of them, right?)

    8. memior)


    9. Her writing isnt for any particular audience, it can attract anybody who values he

      are you sure? try to be precise when identifying audience edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    10. In regards to that,

      can you be more precise in this topic sentence/transition? Will you be focusing on genre in this paragraph?

    11. How to tame a wild tongue,” by …” letter from birmingham jail.” by …. And the spoken commencemnet by ….. To indentify , and understand how they contrasted those three key terms: genre, audience and purpose, to make a succeful piece of writing. 

      okay--this is a useful inttroduction Please capitalize titles (and omit eclipses?)

    12. you want to do

      why the shift to "you"?

    13. Work Cited: Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue.   https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf King, Martin Luther. Letter from Birminham jail. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf Donovan Livingstons. Spoken word commencement. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf  

      not MLA form no bullets alphabetize by author's last name includes dates of publication and access

    1. your genre,

      why shift to "you"?

    2. The three of which, are a cycle that endlessly intersects and remain perpendicular to one another.

      not quite a sentence

    3. What writing is, is

      rephrase less as a question and more as a statement?

    4. show everyone

      to inspire?

    5. was to teach

      to teach, yes--good

    6. purpose for writing the piece How to Tame a Wild Tongue, being that language identity is, as stated, an identity. Language should be something to take pride in, not shame. Anzaldúa makes this quite clear.

      try not to confuse purpose with message, okay? Her purpose might be to encourage, critique?

    7. He connects with his audience

      please identify more precisely: future teachers? What evidence is there in the talk that he reaches. out them?

    8. he uses this visit to the dentist’s office to convey a metaphorical experience that she references throughout the piece.

      but can you be more precise as to which audience she is targeting later in the memoir? Chicanos? Anglos? Spanish-speakers?

    9. categorized as inspirational poetry.

      good, clear topic sentence: might you give an example of poetic expression from his poem?

    10. Collins’ addresses his audience and reader with self-deprecating humor. “Is there anyone who knows more about these issues than I… I’m the one who wasn’t smart enough to wear sunglasses this morning.”

      good use of source

    11. writes a memoir and personal essay to express the difficulties of borders and glass ceilings. She also employs the use of story elements,

      good observation--want to reference a particular story from the text?

    12. To whom am I writing for and what am I trying to accomplish through my writing? In what category can my writing be placed in, and how do I want to establish my voice? Is there a certain way my writing should be organized to better establish my purpose to my audience?

      all good questions--nice

    13. Anzaldúa, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 2012. Everettsd. Web. 22nd of Sept. 2019. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Print. Collins, Billy. “Graduation Wisdom: The Best Commencement Speeches and Quotes.” Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliant and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, 19th of May 2008. 22nd of Sept. 2019. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. Livingston, Donovan. “Lift Off.” Harvard Graduate School of Education, 25 May 2016. 22nd of Sept. 2019. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift.

      good MLA form (URL may need to be put earlier?)

    14. , as it’s not often one might be called upon to look at the bigger picture.

      indeed--nicely observed

    1. Martin Luther King Jr, his audience was way much smaller than Anzaldua and Livingston. King audience was only meant for the eight white religious leaders in the South. In the passage it states, “we went through postponement after postponement to aid in this community need.” King is saying he wants to change how the community is. He believes the segregation is not what the community needs. He wants to change the world to become a better place than it was before. King tone is very formal, he is serious about the situation, but he also isn’t being rude about it. King wanted to have a nonviolent action, because if they had a violent action, nothing will be solved, and it will become worse. He believed a nonviolent action was the better solution. King message was to end segregation and give black people a better life.

      I see that you've included King in your analysis but you will need to give him his own section and you will need to focus the analysis more patiently and clearly in the body of your draft rather than insert him at the end. And you will need a conclusion, right?

    2. have encourage

      have encouraged

    3. to tell them

      to inspire or to motivate?

    4. eplace


    5. In commencement addresses, they talk about what they experience or what they are experiencing right now

      topic sentence might be helpful here

    6. they talk


    7. Anzaldua message is nobody should feel shamed or afraid to do something because it isn’t considered to be a normal thing by a culture.

      But what is her purpose (as opposed to her message)?

    8. o her audience, her readers

      please identify her audience specifically

    9. they speak differently


    10. n How to Tame a Wild Tongue, Anzaldua grew up speaking improper English and improper Spanish.

      try to begin with a topic sentence that helps announce the paragraphs Big Idea, okay? In that topic sentence you should mention our key terms or at least one of them

    11. if you know

      why the shift to "you"?

    12. The genre, audience, and the purpose connects t


    13. definition to genre is more focus

      edit for phrasing and tense?

    14. genre: what type of text you are writing”.

      try to integrate the quotation more grammatically in your sentence, okay?

    15. In the Writing in the Works, it states

      In "Writing in the Works," Blau and Burak write,

    16. The three pieces I chose to use are, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua, Donovan Livingston Commencement Address, and Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”.

      this is a useful introduction, if needing some editing

    17. we asked ourselves

      why shift to past tense?

    18. This is how rhetorical situations comes in, we as a writer, ask sets of questions

      edit for punctuation

    19. communication, for some people,

      note comma splice, here and elsewhere

    20. and also rhetorical situation, the circumstance of an event that consists an issue, audience, and a set of constraints.

      you may need to say this in a separate sentence

    21. what is our reason to write

      which is our reason

    22. Anzaldúa, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works.

      I'm seeing only two of the required readings. And note that these are not in MLA format. I'd be glad to help.

    1. After describing the difference between the ‘pragmatic’ and ‘poetic’ thinker, Collin’s explains how the poetic thinker has the ability to slow time down: to view the present as endless rather than fleeting, to understand the potential of what you can accomplish in a moment. C

      note a confusion between purpose and message?

    2. To give such an address is also to walk through a minefield of clichés. Most of which I don’t believe anyway.”

      insert topic sentence

    3. An explicit address of their concerns.


    4. e. He does what so many commencement addresses fail to do, fully acknowledge the fact that very few are eager to engage.

      I'm a bit confused as to the focus of this paragraph: please provide a more useful topic sentence?

    5. is much lighter, it flourishes

      edit for comma splices, here and elsewhere

    6. choice is poetry. I

      yes: spoken word poetry. Please provide evidence of poetic expression?

    7. Are we truly in our instructors best interest? 

      I'm not certain of what this paragraph's big idea is

    8. “Injustice is telling them they are stars, without acknowledging the night around them.”

      please provide a topic sentence that frames the quotation

    9. mirrors King’s, however it’s

      edit for punctuation

    10. His purpose

      try to avoid beginning paragraphs with pronoun instead of proper noun, okay? It makes it easier for readers to follow you

    11. This is an attempt to encompass the vast dispersion of readers, assure them that his upcoming sentiments are universal to all.

      want to reference, paraphrase or quote passages that speak directly to teachers?

    12. Harvard graduates

      future teachers?

    13. more progressed


    14. In choosing this King reaches his audience directly, void of distraction. 

      good--are there any other features to the letter genre worth remarking on?

    15. He chooses the letter genre

      I sense the need for transition (and remember to use the proper noun to begin the paragraph--King)

    16. “and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people; when you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son asking in agonizing pathos, “Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?”

      note the appeal to pathos (King even uses the term)

    17. It’s what drives the piece, similar to How to Tame a Wild Tongue however in a much more direct address.

      edit for punctuation

    18. “I would like to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.”

      good use of text You may also want to point out his use of Biblical references as a way to appeal to this particular audience?

    19. His audience, although white moderates were still a difficult sell

      edit for punctuation

    20. Letter from Birmingham jail

      punctuate title properly?

    21. acute comprehension of his audience drives the price adequately.

      I appreciate your effort to set up a topic sentence but I'm not clear as to its meaning.

    22. Genre, being a specific classification;  audience, being those who listen; and purpose, which is where the writer pulls from: the passion they choose to convey.

      note the fragments

    23. an unwilling to listen audience

      a resistant audience?

    24. Collin’s


    25. each of their favors.

      rephrase? to match each of their circumstances?

    26. 4 magnificent

      four magnificent

    27. You decide

      do you mean to address your reader directly?

    28. In the second draft, I tried sharpen my analysis of audience. I added a few topic sentences to each structural paragraph, as Dr. Tinberg suggested.  I also deleted How to Tame a Wild Tongue’s analysis, I was only supposed to do 3 and I felt it was the weakest.

      a ver thin postwrite?

    29. Collins, Billy. “Colorado College Commencement Speech” . May 19 , 2008. Graduation wisdom. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm September 21 , 2019      King, Martin Luther Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” . June 12, 1963. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf September 22 , 2019      Livingston, Donovan . “Harvard Commencement” .  May 25, 2016. https://singjupost.com/full-transcript-donovan-livingstons-harvard-graduate-school-of-education-student-speech/ September 21, 2019 .      

      good form--no bullets needed. Italicize titles only?

    1. Another, very unique example would be the “Spoken Word Commencement Address” given at Harvard in 2016 by Donovan Livingston. It takes place in an entirely different medium than that of Doctor King’s Letter or Anzaldua’s personal story. Though reading through a transcript of the poem can still convey the message, the power and importance of the rhythm can only be conveyed through hearing Livingston speak it. Among everything in his speech, the purpose is most important to Livingston’s writing. The idea that he wishes to convey is that all the graduating students, that anyone educated has the responsibility to pass their knowledge on and support the next generation, “Wake up every child so they know of their celestial potential. I’ve been a Black hole in the classroom for far too long; Absorbing everything, without allowing my light escape. But those days are done. I belong among the stars. And so do you. And so do they.”. Given the shorter nature of poetry, his message is made even more clear.

      You seem to be rusihing through your analysis of the Livingston poem--at least in comparison with your treatment of King and Anzaldua--and you seem less focused

    2. Anzuldua’s entire work is almost auto-biographical, constantly threading in anecdotes about her childhood and life experience while getting across her message. This hybrid sort of genre


    3. what the writing is meant to be doing

      I sense the need for a topic sentence--to help focus this paragraph quickly

    4. entire purpose of it.

      please state King's purpose explicitly, okay?

    5. follows the structure of a very formal and thorough letter.

      please elaborate

    6. This sense of respect that Doctor King leads with directly influenced the genre of his piece

      I like the way you transition here and make it easier for your reader to follow your thinking

    7. In this tone of respect he takes on, he not only effectively addresses the men the letter is directly intended for but also for any that may read it and think the same way as them.

      good point

    8. Igniting the entire process and leading to every other part of the rhetorical situation of writing.

      not a sentence

    9. who you

      why the shift to "you"?

    10. The three most important terms in this process, Audience, Genre, and Purpose, are all intertwined with each other, and regardless of medium the writing might take must always be considered. 

      a useful introduction

    11. same way any work of writing.


    12. Livingston, Donovan. “Lift Off.” Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2016, www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift. Anzaldúa Gloria, et al. Borderlands: the New Mestiza = La Frontera. Aunt Lute Books, 2012. King, Martin Luther. “Letter From Birmingham Jail.” Web.cn.edu, 1964, web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf.

      pretty close to MLA form--you just need to alphabetize by author's last name and include dates of access and web addresses for all three sources

    13. how great writing is made.

      I don't see a post write

    1. you are writing

      why address the reader directly?

    2. engages an audience that consists of foreigners who have dealt with a similar issue that she has, which is involving the development of borders surrounding their culture.

      please be precise--Chicanos, Anglos show evidence--dive deeper into the reading, okay?

    3. writing was also a speech

      see earlier comment

    4. ngaged his audience

      Please identify Livingston's audience (future teachers) and give evidence for how he targets that audience in his poem

    5. Billy Collins intended to reach out to the graduates with a commencement speech

      yes--good. Please give evidence for how he does this?

    6. artin Luther King Jr ‘s writing was also a speech

      Again, try to be more accurate: King wrote a letter, right?

    7. he uses a letter format for the speech he is given.  

      I don't understand. Collins uses the commencement genre and poetry genre, no?

    8. There are

      notice how you begin this and the next sentence without a subject or modifier--try to begin with a subject? Try beginning with a topic sentence as well, to help focus your paragraph

    9. Collins Commencement


    10. there form


    11. what type of text you are writing”

      good use of source--remember to give page reference in text, okay?

    12. you need

      why the shift to "you"?

    13. you will be in very good shape.

      I don't see a list of Works Cited or a Postwrite

    1. Gloria’s intended audience are people just like her

      okay: please identify that group by name? Chicanos?

    2. Gloria

      please use author's last name rather than merely her first name

    3. audience

      please identify the audience, genre, and purpose

    4. Donovan Livingston’s commencement address is about fighting for inequality and inspiring his fellow students.

      transition? Can you insert the key terms into this topic sentence?

    5. Mr. King’s audience for the letter is aimed towards the white man.

      can be you be more precise? eight white clergymen?

    6. Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, is about not being able to have a non violent protest regarding the inequality of the negro communit

      please provide a topic sentence to help focus the paragraph

    7. Mr. Kings genre would be the inequality of the negro community, as all he wanted was to peacefully protest.

      you seem to be misunderstanding the term. Genre is a category of composition. In King's case, the genre is a letter, right?

    8. Purpose is defined as the reason for which something is done. Every story has a main idea. The intent of the main idea is to showcase its purpose

      Try to be more precise? Purpose refers to what the writing is doing , not what it is saying

    9. One of these reasons is rhetorical situation. This is when authors try to describe certain choices and judgements through noting them in a passage when they are writing.

      not sure these sentences are furthering this intro along

    10. Work Cited  Martin Luther King  https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf   Donovan Livingston  https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift    Gloria Anzaldua https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf

      not in MLA format. Please include titles, date of publication and date of access

    1. As revered as all three of these pieces are, I feel like Dr, King’s was the best, and felt that I need to be critical of Livingston’s.  King’s letter is revered for a reason. Written almost 60 years ago, it still inspires some who read it to act or at least advocate for social, racial, or sexual acceptance. Billy Collins’ speech ID rate as a B, (not this isn’t on academic scale, just mine, so take it with a grain of salt) It was a well written and I’m sure well delivered speech but it didn’t seem so stand out as the other two sources did.  

      Is your conclusion supposed to grade these sources or state a Theory of Writing?

    2. Who was this poem meant for? Was it written in preparation for Livingston’s commencement, Why was it written?    

      you should be answering these questions, right?

    3. People tones


    4. e graduating class at Harvard,

      try to be more precise: future teachers

    5. illy Collins commencement speech is like many others in its message, most graduation speeches all have the same clichés about moving forward in life

      note the comma splice (comma used like period). Also, think about inserting a topic sentence to help focus the paragraph and prepare your reader?

    6. King also believes that his movement can be swayed by the support of the population of white moderates. In paragraph 19 he states, “I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate.” (King pp19) He goes on to talk about his frustration that most whites are more devoted to order rather than justice. The people he is referring to are in support of his cause, but not his methods. Although this letter was just meant to other members of the churc

      this seems more summary than analysis to me: focus?

    7. king achieves with this letter is bringing the severe

      try to be more precise: what is the writing doing? teaching, advising, admonishing?

    8. clergymen

      okay: good. Can you quote or paraphrase a passage that shows King thinking of this audience?

    9. Kings fellow


    10. A revered piece from the late southern reverend who fought the severe racial oppression. 

      fragment here, too Remember to insert a topic sentence in this crucial, initial sentence in a paragraph?

    11. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham jail.

      not a sentence

    12. The purpose of your paper is up to you, but your intention should be clear, and your thesis should reflect deep thinking on the subject.

      try to be more precise about purpose, okay?

    13. you pick

      why the shift to "you"?

    14. I find Genre

      any particular reason why you use the first person "I" here?

    15. As humans have grown and writing and education has spread.

      not a sentence

    16. Works cited:  “The Letter from the Birmingham Jail.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/biography/Martin-Luther-King-Jr/The-letter-from-the-Birmingham-jail.  Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm.  “Lift Off.” Harvard Graduate School of Education, www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift. 

      Works Cited Please alphabetize by authors' last names

    1. Martin Luther King endure an audience like no other.

      You will need a transition and topic sentence, I believe.

    2. He wants teachers to help students set their voices free, to discover what their minds are capable of and to achieve their dreams.  Livingston asks what good is all our obtained knowledge without putting it to use? He further elaborates on his feelings about how our education today is operated. He discusses how, as students, our minds are supposed to be trying to escape the common and to attain their abstract potential.   The purpose of his speech was by his design meant to encourage his and motivate his fellow classmates.  He makes this clear when he asks them “to join him in the deliverance of the spoken word poem by snapping clapping, or throwing up their hands, as way to participate with him for the next several minutes.” 

      I sense that you have begun to summarize rather than analyze

    3. “the locks change.”

      please quote accurately

    4. reach students

      and future teachers, no? please be precise

    5. At the core, none of us were meant to be common, we were born to be comets darting across space and time.”

      Can you comment on the poetry here?

    6. Donovan Livingston gave a phenomenal speech, which included, as he described ‘spoken word poetry.

      yes: indeed. That is his genre here. Again, do you mind beginning with a topic sentence that will predict this paragraph's message?

    7. His focus audience was the graduating class and they could easily relate with Collins, expanding their interest in what he had to say. Collins also chose a very direct route to establish his genre of writing,

      I sense a need for focus in this paragraph, to be honest. A topic sentence will help, I believe.

    8. Reading Billy Collins’ commencement speech he gave at the 2008 Colorado college had an impact on me that was different from anything I had experienced;

      Glad to hear it but for your reader's sake, could you begin this first body paragraph with a topic sentence?

      I also note the need for an introduction--again, for your reader's sake?

    9. was his sole purpose of the speech.

      I don't understand

    10.  Collins audience


    11. Citations: Collins, billy. “Billy Collins.” Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, 19 May 2008, www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. King, Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963, web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf. Livingston’s, Donovan. “Donovan Livingston’s Student Speech.” Facebook Watch, 25 May 2016, www.facebook.com/HarvardEducation/videos/10153893399331387.

      Works Cited close to MLA: just include dates of access and double check URL for accuracy

    1. Collin’s purpose. He wanted his classmates to go out

      stay focused on purpose rather than on message, okay?

    2. his fellow graduates

      you mean the graduating students? he is not graduating, of course

    3. Billy Collins writing work is one of the most well known types of writing done in our moment in history

      transition? topic sentence?

    4. is a consider to an autobiography

      okay--good, but note typo here

    5. Gloria Anazuldua is famously known for her writing, How to Tame a Wild Tongue

      insert topic sentence instead?

    6. these future educators to be a beacon of light for these students and help them succeed in their lives

      yes: good

    7. The purpose of the speech falls shortly after this

      want to start a new paragraph here?

    8. Livingston speech, unlike most commencement addresses, is a poem


    9. went through in trying to get a good education along with sharing his own struggles  being a man of color trying to get a good education. From this he sheds light onto his hopes for the future of the education system. He goes further

      you lose focus here: you are summarizing rather than analyzing, aren't you?

    10. this speech

      delivered a commencement speech and spoken word poem? Can you provide a topic sentence that will reveal what your paragraph will say?

    11. uses these three words

      he draws upon these three concepts?

    12. Purpose, the reason why you write your story

      not quite a sentence