8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. you are trying

      why address the reader directly?

    2. Writing is used all around the world. It is used to express emotions and to tell a story

      not sure whether these sentences add a lot to your draft, to be honest.

    3. Work Cited  Anzaldua, Gloria “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” 1987.  [https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf] 29 Sept. 2019  Collins, Billy “Commencement Address” 2007 [http://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm] 29 Sept. 2019 Livingston, Donovan “Spoken Word Commencement Address” 2016 [ https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift] 29 Spet. 2019

      good, MLA form!

    4. I took my professors advice and I took out parts of the draft that drew aways the focus of the writing and areas were it looked like I was rambling on. I added more evidence to my sources and added in better topic sentences for each paragraph. 

      good--nicely stated

    5. f all the medical procedures that I had to type out for my portfolio at my high school. Each time in shop when we went over a medical procedure, we would have to write about how to perform the

      interesting--say more?

    1. racist clergymen, some were

      would King use this phrase?

    2.   “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote in longhand the letter which follows. It was his   response to a public statement of concern and caution issued by eight white

      instead of justing quoting the introduction to the letter why not go directly to the letter itself and show where King is mindful of his audience?

    3. Anzaldua’s purpose was to educate those who do not know the   struggle of living on a border, of being an outcast

      good and perhaps to encourage those like her who are subject to misunderstanding and oppression--Chicanos?

    4. to educate his readers, he wanted to try and make

      good note comma fault, however, here and elsewhere?

    5. Purpose, what it is that you are trying to accomplish, trying to inspire

      transition needed? Might you define these terms earlier?

    6. she is, she referred to her past in phrases   that the reader could understand, but at the same time educate as well. The

      try to be more precise and focused: her writing is memoir? personal essay? poem? all the above? slow down?

    7. 13 minutes. I think you deserve   to know that this will be a finite experience” (

      yes: what is he saying about the usual commencement speech? Slow down, okay?

    8. a speech. He was speaking at a graduation ceremony of the class of 2008. He

      commencement and poem, no?

    9. letter, a correspondence. He was in jail at the time so he had a little extra time o   his hands to just sit down and write his thoughts. King states “ Never have I   written a letter this long, or should I say a book?”

      okay--good. Can you say more about the features of a letter that were appealing to king?

    10. but something so simple made countless people see the   reality.

      I don't see a post write

    11. Cited Works   Anzaldua Gloria, How to Tame a Wild Tongue, “Borderlands/La Frontera”, https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf   Collins, Billy, Commencement Address Colorado College 2008 https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm     King Jr. Martin Luther, Letter from Birmingham Jail 1963 https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf    

      Works Cited

      close to MLA format--remember to include dates of access

    12. n writing, there are a few aspects which makes a piece of work great.   There are three major terms are genre, audience and purpose. There are many

      spacing off--please accept formatting of the blog

    1. The speech’s purpose is to not think about tomorrow, but to think about toda

      I think you are confusing purpose with message

    2. Lastly Collins speech’s purpose


    3. writings purpose.


    4. “Hwnildes yet proud

      please quote accurately

    5. It’s perfect because graduates are known for constantly thinking about the future and what’s next for them instead of just thinking about where they’re at now.

      please quote for support, as you've done so before

    6. didn’t want people to already understand him.

      I don't understand

    7. This shows she wanted people who understood her to read her work

      please be precise: Chicanos? Anglos?

    8. in spanish


    9. Specifically ones who understand her personally.

      fragment--please name that group

    10. “Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine when a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.” This shows that the only ones who even know the law of God

      okay--good use of source, although the Biblical references could serve useful, too

    11. With King’s writing being a letter, it was targeted for a certain audience.

      Can you say this more directly and clearly: In his letter, King wrote to a particular audience

    12. Now with the information given above and with these three pieces having different genres. They bring in different audiences, who the pieces are written for. 

      I can see that you are trying to provide reader-friendly directions

    13. s a speech.

      a commencement speech, right? what do we expect from that genre?

    14. This quote shows a personal experience Anzaldua has been through showing the narrative part of her piece.

      yes--good use of text

    15. an essay

      and memoir?

    16. This type of genre collects and synthesizes information while telling a story of personal events.

      the definition is helpful but seems out of place here and disrupts you flow. Why not define the terms earlier?

    17. In 1987, Gloria Anzaldua published a book named Borderlands/La Frontera

      Please insert a topic sentence to orient your reader? include the word "genre" in it? and provide a transition?

    18. King chose the letter genre which he did for multiple reasons.

      rephrase for clarity: King chose the genre of the letter for multiple reasons.

    19. helps you

      why address the reader directly?

    20. n sources such as “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr., “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua and Billy Collins Commencement Address, they all show

      In sources . . . the authors . . . .

    21. The purpose of the writing which is the reason for the composition, or the audience; who the writer writes for

      not a sentence

    22. In any form of writing, they all share similarities or differences.

      not sure whether this adds something

    23. Whether it’s in genre which is a category the composition is in

      not a sentence

    24. SOURCES

      Works Cited

    25. Anzaldua Gloria. “How to Take a Wild Tongue” 1987. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf 27 September 2019   Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter From Birmingham Jail” 1963. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf 27 September 2019   Billy Collins Commencement Address Colorado College 2008. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm 27 September 2029

      close to MLA but please alphabetize by authors' last names

    26. how they are used.

      I don't see a post write

    1. the eight members of Clergy.

      yes: can yo give evidence from the letter that he keeps this audience in mind? Slow down?

    2. The crowd was there to participate in this important rite of passage and they left that day forever different after hearing it

      can you be more precise? Isn't he talking to future teachers? how do we know?

    3. his writing could not be contained to only these men.

      can you say more about his purpose: you are moving too fast!

    4. When first coming across King Jr., Martin Luther, Letter from Birmingham City Jail, April 1963 it alone stood as a documented piece of American History. After printing Livingston’s speech in 2016 and listening to it, Dr. King has his correspondence recorded in his own voice as well and the genre of internet media is now considered.

      I'm confused: are you still discussing genre? Focus, okay?

    5. This is a perfect example of that sub-genre

      can you slow down to talk about the genre and remember that it is also a spoken word poem: can you give evidence from the talk that this is a poem?

    6. It was delivered in a video format online

      actually originally delivered to a live audience

    7. genre of Livingston, Donovan, Spoken Word Commencement Speech,

      The genre of Livingston's speech is . . .

    8. www.insider.com/harvard-grads-spoken-word-commencement-speech-is-amazing-2016-the subject matter

      please remove and put in Works Cited list

    9. The audience, in these three particular bodies of work, is also completely diverse “target” markets and each author had a different result after delivering these three incredible pieces of writing which will be proven in this assignment.

      This is a helpful opening paragraph

    10. where you

      why address the reader directly?

    11. Cited Works Page Major Assignment #1 Anzaldua, Gloria, How to, Tame a Wild Tongue, “Borderlands: La Frontera”, Aunt Lute books, pp. 75-86, 2006, Sept 25, 2019 King Jr., Martin Luther, Letter from a Birmingham City Jail, “Why Can’t We Wait”, Penguin Random House, 1963

      not in MLA format


      I see no post write.

    1. These last few weeks I have learned that audience, genre and purpose are not just terms I’ve learned in class, but rather crucial components in any successful piece of writing.

      nicely stated

    2. By Livingston stating,“As educators, rather than raising your voices / Over the rustling of our chains, / Take them off. Un-cuff us.”, he is acknowledging that he is speaking with fellow educator

      yes--move to section on audience?

    3. powerful speech

      it is also spoken word poetry--can you comment on that genre and give evidence from the poem?

    4. commencement speech, however like Collins’

      edit for punctuation, here and elsewhere?

    5. King is arguing that the Church should be standing alongside him, a


    6. Throughout the letter King makes many religious references, not only because he, himself is religious, but because he knew that in order to really get the leaders to understand what he was trying to say, he had to. On the fourth page of  King’s six page letter, he states “I gradually gained a bit of satisfaction from being considered an extremist. Was not Jesus an extremist in love? — ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, pray for them that despitefully use you.’ “

      excellent use of source

    7. Martin Luther King Jr.’s piece was addressed to the eight religious white leaders of the sout

      yes: but can you insert right before this a topic sentence to orient your reader and perhaps a transition, too?

    8. While reading Billy Collins’ Commencement Address, I found myself relating to a lot of what he said, and even re-thinking past ideas that I thought I already had figured out, such as Collins’ concept of Time and the Future.

      do you want to revise your initial sentence so that it conforms to a topic sentence for the paragraph?

    9. The purpose of this piece was to motivate and inspire


    10. t was clear to me that his audience was those graduating that evening from Colorado College in 2008.

      yes but what evidence is there in the speech that he really tries to connect to those students?

    11. After analyzing the reading material that has been provided throughout these last few weeks, I understand the importance of audience, genre and purpose of a piece. I would define these terms by stating that, the audience is the target reader that the author is trying to engage. The genre is the categorization of the work itself, what separates it from the rest? What makes it similar to others? The purpose of a piece is simply what the writing is intended to do to the reader. This could mean that it makes the reader reflect on their previous way of thinking, or it could even be a piece that is intended to make the reader laugh. Using my three sources, Billy Collins’ Commencement Address, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, and Donovan Livingston’s Spoken Word Commencement Address, I am going to explain the importance of each, audience, genre and purpose, and how all three of these are crucial to any piece of writing.

      I like what you do in this opening paragraph.

    12. Work Cited:

      pretty close to MLA and I appraise the links but don't forget the actual web addresses, too

    13. I completely revised my conclusion. I felt it was redundant before instead of wrapping up my main ideas in an informative way.


    14. I chose to take out a few quotes, change others and paraphrase where I felt it was needed instead of using quotes.


    15. t were similar in style to this one


    1. more Precise

      why capitalize?

    2. Kings readers

      King's readers

    3. Dr. King was writing a letter to eight white clergymen in his Birmingham Jail letter. H

      transition? new paragraph?

    4. He’s addressing the future generations of teachers and educators. He calls them out directly in his speech “As educators, rather than raising your voices, over the rustling of our chains, take them off. Un-cuff us.” (


    5. Collin’s commencement address he

      In his commencement address Collins. . .

      note duplicate subject

    6. There are some genre similarities in a few of these sources, like Billy Collins and Donovan Livingston both have Commencement speeches but don’t have the same purpose.

      edit for punctuation? You may be trying to say too much in one sentence? Still, I like that you are trying to make connections and are helping your reader with what I think is a topic sentence/transition

    7. “Within the confines of any genre is room to experiments to take some risks, to surprise and even to delight your reader”

      okay--thanks for using the text--please provide page numbers?

    8. Purposes what I believe to be the most important aspect of any kind of writing

      note fragment and can you be more precise? note that purpose is not message, right?

    9. Purpose, genre, and audience, three of the main things you need to know when writing anything.

      not fragment, also

    10. you need

      why address the reader directly?

    11. Knowing how to use genre, audience and purpose can make your writing better and more understandable.  

      I don't see a list of Works Cited nor a post write.

    1. Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is on open letter

      insert topic sentence and transition?

    2. Gloria Anzaldua thinks it is important that her readers feel a part of her intended audience

      topic sentence? focus on audience? Can you identify her audience exactly?

    3. The purpose of this valvetrain is to get the young crowd to understand what he is trying to say to them. After high school there gets harder. He is telling us to seize our days. In Billy speech the genre he was a poetry. He wrote over 20,000 books.

      are you talking about purpose now? I sense a loss of focus. Try to use your topic sentences to help you focus, okay?

    4. In Collins audience is a group of young strangers that are graduating.

      just to be clear--is this your topic sentence for the paragraph? will you be focusing on audience?

    5. scammed


    6. it just makes good sense to know who you are directing their work.

      good point

      note shift to "you" by the way

    7. Gloria, Martin and Billy

      much too informal--please refer to the authors by last name only

    8. ach other

      each author?

    9. n Gloria Anzaldua’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” Martin Luther King Jr “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” and Billy Collins “Commencement Address at

      format off--difficult to read

    10. Source: Anzaldua Gloria, How to Tame a Wild Tongue, “Borderlands/La Frontera”, https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain /965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf Collins, Billy, Commencement Address Colorado College 2008 https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College 2008.htm King Jr. Martin Luther, Letter from Birmingham Jail 1963 https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf

      Works Cited Close to MLA form--you just need dates of access (last visited)

    1. But Collins’s purpose is to teach, to inform, to encourage and to guide g

      yes: good, clear and precise

    2. Anzaldua audience

      Punctuation: Anzaldua's audience

    3. Otherwise

      you need to spend more time with these transitions,no?

    4. where


    5. Dr King, Collins and Anzaldua have a good understanding of the audience.

      good, clear, informative topic sentence

    6. Whereas Billy Collins, his genre is a “Commencement address.”


    7. She wants readers who grew up to the border with Mexico to feel themselves comfortable while reading her memoir because with them, she can speak “a secret language.”

      focus on the genre, okay: you seem to lose focus. Quote/paraphrase sections where Anzaldua writes in the memoir mode?

    8. On the other side, Anzaldua’s genre is a memoir. What is a memoir?

      okay: I see a transition, if brief: why not start a new paragraph?

    9. Because he had to explain the reason why he was in jail. He was considered as “Jesus”. He travelled with many other people from town to town to denounce segregation and humiliation that black people received everyday. The home town was close to the colored children. And you could read the sign “white and colored”everywhere. Also, he said he is to the Birmingham because of injustice. In the same letter, he said he was arrested that Friday because he was parading without permit. If he needed a permit to parade, in other words if the Birmingham’s law required to have a permit before making a parade, why didn’t he take his permit to parade? Every country and city has his rules and i hear sometime that none is on the top of the law. He should wait to have his permit to parade or think of another way to talk to his “people.”

      I'm not sure this section is advancing your analysis, which should focus on the genre, right? It seems more summary than analysis to me

    10. his letter

      can you talk about the qualities of a letter that made writing in this genre appealing to King?

    11. why you

      why the shift to "you"?

    12. While the audience can be defined as a specific people to whom somebody writes

      yes but note the fragment

    13. doesn’t has

      doesn't have

    14. Have you

      why address the reader directly?

    15. That is why authors always use these three key terms to make people understand them.

      I don't see a post write

    16. Anzaldua, Gloria “How To Tame a Wild Tongue” publish in 1987 . https://w w w. oogle.com Collins, Billy “commencement speech” to graduated students of Colorado College in May 19, 2008. https:// w w w. Google .com King Luther Martin “Letter From Birmingham Jail” wrote on August 1963 and publish in June 12, 1963. https:// w w w.Google.com

      not quite MLA form: I'd be glad to help

    1. The audience of the speech is the students from the 2016 graduating class of the Harvard School of Education.

      please be more precise: future teachers? what evidence is there that he is thinking of teachers?

    2. His speech

      to be more precise, his speech is both a commencement address and spoken word poetry? Please give evidence of the poetry?

    3. A letter that was a response to a word of caution issued by eight white religious leaders of the South

      yes but note the fragment here As to a letter: what are the features of a typical letter? As this audience, what evidence is there that King is mindful of his audience throughout? Slow down to produce evidence, okay?

    4. As the name suggest,

      As the title suggests

    5. to motivate them for the future

      can you be more precise? after all, his point is that the future does not exist? He want to inspire, teach them, right?

    6. Billy Collins delivers a fantastic speech at the Colorado College

      I'm glad that you think Collins does a good job but I'd like you to focus your topic sentences to reflect the main point of your paragraph, okay?

    7. Three pieces of writing and speech that I have chosen represent a variety of different genres, audiences and purposes.

      good opening to a useful intro paragraph

    8. compositions genre, audience and there overall purpose

      compostions' . . . their purpose Edit for punctuation, spelling, okay?

    9. n conclusion, what I believe makes a successful writing from what I learned from these sources is a few things. One thing I can concur with from all of the sources is that a successful piece of writing should be moving or motivation. If you want a piece of writing to resonate with someone, it’s message or purpose should be powerful enough to create ideas and inspire people.

      I don't see a list of Works Cited nor do I see a post write.

    1. In the Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, Billy Collins, Commencement Address at Colorado College and “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua, they

      In these three sources, the authors . . . .

    2. “I guess it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say “wait.” But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she cannot go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people; when you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son asking in agonizing pathos, “Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?” 

      normally we would indent as a block a long quotation. I have to ask: why do you quote at length? How does this quotation serve your analysis of genre, audience, and purpose?

    3. purpose is to justify

      revise: justify what exactly?

    4. that is the Chicanos, Spainish or Mexican people which shows us that she is speaking to them through this essay.


    5. states “I came to Birmingham with the hope that the white religious leadership would see the justice of our cause…”  A

      good but perhaps you can slow down a bit to show further evidence of King's being mindful of the clergymen (his use of religious references, for example?)

    6. Lastly in “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua is a personal narrative essay. This is shown because she is writing from an experience she has encountered, Anzaldua states “I remember being caught speaking Spanish at recess – that was good for three licks on the knuckles with a sharp rule”.

      good use of source

    7. The first part of a rhetorical situation is genre.

      okay: I see that you will be focusing on genre in this paragraph

    8. also the quality of the writing.

      not sure what you mean

    9. purpose is the messag

      not really: try not to confuse message and purpose: Purpose refers to what the writing is doing/ message to what the writing is saying? See the difference?

    10. Genre refers to the category of a composition

      insert a topic sentence so that this paragraph begins less abruptly? For example, It might be useful to define the three terms first before using them in analysis of texts. Genre refers too . . . .

    11. tion is the first source “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. which is about King answering back to the eight clergymen that he isn’t going to stop the nonviolent riot because his people can’t wait anymore. The second source is “Commencement Address” by Billy Collins at Colorado College where he  talks about how you need to focus on now and not the future. Lastly the third source is “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua, a chapter out of her book “Borderlands/La Frontera”, it’s about how hard it is to survive in a world where you aren’t able to be yourself. 

      a helpful introduction

    12. rhetorical situation contains three parts, genre, audience and purpose

      actually, more than three: perhaps you can rephrase: The rhetorical situation is comprised partly of genre, audience, and purpose

    13. Works Cited Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” 1987. https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf. 22 September 2019. Collins, Billy. “Commencement Address.” 2008. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. 22 September 2019. Jr. King Luther, Martin. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. 1963. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf. 22 September 2019.

      good, MLA form

      Minor change: list King first then "Jr."

    14. i read the odyssey

      to care to capitalize properly, okay?

    1. he is inspiring

      gppd==other Chicanos? Who is her audience, exactly?

    2. Gloria

      too informal--please refer to author by last name only

    3. I am going to be talking about, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”by Gloria Anzaldua, the genre of this passage is a lecture.

      note comma fault Is the entire paragraph about genre? Your topic sentence suggests so

    4. eservoir of errors and miscalculations that we can learn from and apply to the Future. For the Poetic, the past is simply a source of nostalgia and regret. Susan Sontag, a confirmed subscriber to the Poetic view, once wrote: “Just wait until now becomes then and you will see how happy we were.” Collins is saying that we can learn from our past and we can change our ways to prepare ourselves for the future.  The past is a time where we can’t change any of our actions and to just move forward to bigger and better things. 

      you seem to be focusing on the message instead of genre audience and purpose: focus?

    5. Billy Collins is trying to explain priorities

      okay--to teach these young people? to advise them? Remember not to confuse purpose with message

    6. Next, I am going to be talking about the Commencement Address by Billy Collins the genre of this piece of writing would be poetry and this is also a speech that he read at Colorado College

      note lapses of punctuation I wonder if you might revise or tweak this topic sentence so that it more clearly predicts what the paragraph will say?

    7. involves poetry.

      have you given evidence that this is poetry? I'm a little unclear as to the whether this paragraph focuses on audience alone or the two other terms as well. For example, do you talk about Livingsotn's purpose?

    8. As educators, rather than raising your voices over the rustling of our chains, take them off, uncuff us unencumbered by the lumbering weight of poverty and privilege policy and ignorance” He

      good use of evidence/text

    9. trying to write for would be upcoming/ future students, adults and educators


    10. Donovan Livingston, the second one is a Commencement Address at Colorado College by Billy Collins and last would be ‘How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua.

      Your introduction is helpful--thanks

    11. Commencement, Address

      edit for punctuation

    12. you read

      why the shift to "you"?

    13. the future. 

      I don't see a list of Works Cited

    14. Used my experiences in my public speaking class to understand how the audience would feel and respond to the speeches by Livingston and Collins.

      interesting: please elaborate

    1. is Harvard class of 2016

      can you be more precise: future educators? how do we know that educators are on his mind in this poem? evidence?

    2. Donovan Livingston’s 2016 Harvard speech falls under the genre of commencement speeches

      yes and spoken word poetry Can you insert a topic sentence at the start to help orient your read to the entire paragraph's message?

    3. e wrote to was eight clergymen

      good: what evidence is there that he is mindful of this audience throughout the letter?

    4. as a letter since he wrote it as a response to some negative connotations about the Civil Rights Movement

      good but can you say more about the implications of the genre choice: what does a letter allow King to do that other forms may not?

    5. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is another writing success written by Martin Luther King Jr

      perhaps you can work on the transition and topic sentence?

    6. out towards people who understand the struggle of having an oppressed native language and the oppressors themselves

      Yes: can you be more precise--Chicanos--and give evidence?

    7. personal essay

      can you give an example in support?

    8. Anzaldúa’s personal life and views are discussed

      note the passive voice here: why not use Anzaldua as your subject?

    9. In “Borderlands/La Frontera”, written by Gloria Anzaldúa, there is a chapter titled “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”.

      I wonder if you could begin with a more pointed, informative and helpful topic sentence

    10. A sample of their writing will be analyzed and identified in the following paragraphs based off these criteria to exemplify that all memorable writing is centered around these three points.

      This opening paragraph is quite helpful

    11. for the writer to determine the purpose of their piece they

      for writers . . . they

    12. When an author begins

      When authors begin . . . they

    13. Citations: Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, pp. 33–45. King Jr., Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”

      Works Cited Please include web addresses (all our sources are on the web) with date of publication and date of access

    14. I chose to not explain what each piece was about at the beginning of each paragraph and instead only put in information that was needed.

      You mean less summary and more analysis?

    1. argets white racists in Texas

      be more accurate, okay? chicanos? monolingual English speakers?

    2. Livingston’s approach to connect with them is very different from collins’. Instead of using humor to keep the audience interested, Livingston invites them to participate in his presentation as he says “Spoken word poetry, it insists on participation, so if you feel so compelled snap, clap, throw up your hands, celebrate.” The speech is used to both give advice to the class, and uplift the group through the speech’s enthusiastic nature.

      can you spend more time with this analysis? this seems cut short to me

    3. Donovan Livingston’s spoken word commencement address is also classified under the genre of a speech, but is very different from Collins’ piece

      helpful transition

    4. He also attempts to connect with his audience when he refers to the bible, a very important piece in the clergymen’s lives, in “Was not Paul an extremist for the gospel of Jesus Christ?” T

      very nicely done

    5. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is a respectful yet powerful letter, w


    6. Billy Collins’ Commencement Address, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, Donnovan Livingston’s Spoken Word Commencement Address, and Gloria Anzaldua’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” are all very powerful works that have their own genre, audience and purpose. 

      Your opening paragraph is quite useful

    7. successful composition.

      I see no Works Cited list or postwrite

    1. Her a persons language

      typo? person's

    2. nonfiction

      more precise? memoir?

    3. her purpose is a story with a few incidents

      can you be more precise as to purpose?

    4. Collins believes that people spend far too much time thinking about the past and the future but don’t spend enough time living in the present, “So much attention to time, very odd, especially for people freshly graduated from college”. “Sometimes we need an event to shock us into the present”, he says, “An event so disruptive that it does not allow us to continue wallowing in the past or putting off things until an indefinite manana. Manana by the way does not mean tomorrow, it means not today”. C

      try to do more analysis and less summary, okay?

    5. Billy Collins had a different approach when it came to grabbing the attention of his audience.

      I appreciate the effort at transition--can you be a bit more precise, though?

    6. “Our stories are the ladders that make it easier for us to climb up and touch the stars, so climb up and grab them”, he says, “Light up the world with your luminous allure”, and finally, “None of us were meant to be common we were born to be comets, darting across space and time, leaving our mark as we crash into everything”.

      move to the genre section?

    7. written down but performed through means of rhythm, improvisation, rhyme, and word play

      please provide examples of the poetry

    8. audience

      they are future educators--how does he reach out to them exactly?

    9. Donovan Livingston’s Harvard Graduate School of Education Student Speech. YouTube, YouTube, 25 May 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XGUpKITeJM

      in Works Cited

    10. The Rhetorical Situation.” Writing in the Works, 4th ed., Cenegage Learning, 2015

      this should go into your Works Cited list

    11. our point

      why the shift to "you"?

    12. audience.

      no Works Cited or postwrite?

    1. like to be on the outside as she had been for so long. 

      very nice insight

    2. Gloria Anzaldua’s powerful memoir How to Tame a Wild Tongue was conveyed towards her fellow Chicanos.

      transition and topic sentence?

    3. King specifically referenced well known figures from the Bible to appeal to the clergymen and allow them to understand his main point of writing the speech.

      okay: want to move this earlier and closer to the audience section? seems out of place

    4. King’s letter was specifically written to the eight white clergy in the South

      yes: do you want to show how he is mindful of. these clergymen?

    5. , but also to inspire them


    6. Billy Collins’ commencement address is unlike other pieces of writing I have analyzed before

      transition and topic sentence?

    7. To make a piece of writing meaningful, an author must decide upon three important ideas: the genre they will be writing in, the audience they want to appeal to, as well as other rhetorical components. The three works I will be analyzing are Billy Collins’ commencement speech, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, as well as Gloria Anzaldua’s How to Tame a Wild Tongue.

      You could end the intro here: it does what you want it to do

    8. as well as other rhetorical components

      and purpose?

    9. Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 1987. Blau, Susan, and Burak, Kathryn. Writing in the Works. Cengage Learning, 2017. Print. King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” 16, Apr. 1963. Web. 21. Sept. 2019. Collins, B. (2008). Billy Collins’ Commencement Address [Transcript]. Retrieved from https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm

      pretty good form: Just need dates of access for all web sources--and web addresses

    1. Together, we can inspire galaxies of greatness For generations to come. No, sky is not the limit. It is only the beginning. Lift

      do you want to identify the genre s poetry as well?

    2. audience, fellow educators

      okay: good

    3. His audience was the students, teachers, and everyone

      try to be more precise: future teachers

    4. His audience is directed to people of all color,

      try to be more precise: eight white clergymen?

    5. Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr, was written by a black male pastor and his fight for equal rights…

      I sense the need for transition and topic sentence

    6. n Billy Collins Commencement Address at Colorado College, his audience are graduating college students.

      okay--clear but can you insert a more inclusive topic sentence to help your rende?

    7. The definition of genre is, genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. The distinctions between genre and categories are flexible and loosely defined, often with subgroups. The definition of a “theory” is a system of explanation,a particular way of thinking that helps to explain phenomena in the world. 

      this seems like a slow start to me

    8. need to pay attention to their students and to be better educators for their student

      no postwrite?

    9. Work Cited Collins, Billy. “Graduation Wisdom.” Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives brilliant and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, 2 Oct. 2013, www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. King Jr., Martin Luther. “Letter From Birmingham Jail.”  www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. Livingston, Donovan, director. Donovan Livingston’s Harvard Graduate School of Education StudentSpeech. YouTube, YouTube, 25 May 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XGUpKITeJM.  

      formatting a bit off. Close to MLA but needing dates of access

    1. At the core, none of us were meant to be common. We were born to be comets, darting across space and time, leaving our mark as we crash into everything.”

      can you use this passage to show Livingston's use of poetry?

      Can you quote from the passage or paraphrase to show his awareness of his audience?

    2. students are the main focus of his audience.

      can you be more precise? future teachers?

    3. Donovan Livingston’s Spoken Word Commencement was by far my favorite of these three sources.

      good to know but might you insert a more purposeful topic sentence?

    4. This quote makes it clear that she is reaching out to her fellow Chicanos.

      good use of source

    5. Gloria Anzaldua wrote How to Tame a Wild Tongue in the form of an autobiography. Sh

      transition? topic sentence?